HomeMy WebLinkAboutC_Acceptance_Ltr'-, ' '. ,'. . ,'" .... ,. ' .. ::' ; ,:., . ': ',.' .' c" • · .. CITTFR:ENT<?N< . Planning/BilildiIlg!Public Works Department . , Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator . Kathy Keolker, Mayor August 16, 2007. '. . .BinhNgilyen . . .. . 'ValleY: View Professlonal'DevelopmentLLC .607 SW Grady Way #210' .. ' , Renton, W A 98057 -"', ' . ;.' Subject: Valley VieW Professional Office ,'.' LUA07-086,SAcH; ECF ... ' , •. ,. r -.' '. '. ,': , DearMLNguy~n: ' ,", . .. ~. '. The DevelbpmentPlanriing'SectionoftI-iechY9tRenio~h~s'deie~ined,ihat the'subject application is complete;according tosubmittalr~quirtmleiitsand; 'therefqre; ,is accepted ., ,', forreview, , " ;,," , ,,', ,,', . " ,> ',itis tentativ~ly~cheduledforcoiu;id~radonby,th~EnYiton~entai R~vie~,c~riunitte~,on;' -" , , Septemb6r' 10; • 2007 ,P~i~r, to' .. ' that' revi~w;:;you ,'~ill',1:Je,nodfied' ifanyadditiq~al' , . ",' . '," infoI11lation isrequirediq~ontinuepi-ocessing,youhlpPlidltion:" ",' ";,' ","" , .-. ,~ In addition,' t~ismatte~ istellt~tiveiysclle,d~ledfo~,;apublic' He~ril1g on October9" '2~07 ,',; .. ,at 9:00 AM; Council Chambers; Seventh Floor; Rentpii, CitY Hall, 1055~Oilth Grady'.," . Way ,Rentori, • The' . appl,iCiintor • represerttative(s) ~of '. theapplicanf are required to be - ,present at the public ,hearing. A copy of tho;: staffrepoJ:t ,wiUbe mailed to'yo\l prior t6 the, . scheduled hearing, , ' ,. "'., ",.,., '" . ' ...•. Plea~~ contact rneat (425)430-7219 if you ha~ea~y questioilt . . -.' .' ' ... -'. '-. " ; ," .SincerelY;· .. ' "', , '." .~.-.. ' :, ~/rJ7 ........•... . '. -. '. . . .11, J/-<'U··· . ". . . Jill K.oing ....... '.'< ... .. , " Senior Plannec . . ". ' ,," .. . -,,', ...... '.: . ':', ,', . . ) . , " ; :, .~ ". "