HomeMy WebLinkAboutD_Admin_Report_LUA-06-020REPORT City of Renton & Oeparlment of Planning / Building / Public Works DECISION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW AND ADMINISTRA TlVE LAND USE ACTION DATE: April 18, 2006 Project Name: Kennydale Cafe Mixed-Use Development Applicant/Owner Matt Pool, Pool Brothers Construction LLC, PO Box 3023 Renton, WA 98056 File Number: LUA-06-020, SA-A, ECF Project Manager: Keri Weaver, Senior Planner Project Description: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Administrative Site Plan approval for a 4-story mixed-use building with 4 townhouse units over a 3,528 sq ft commercial area and 4 private garages, surface parking for 22 vehicles, and a detached 4-stall garage. The proposal includes grading on steep (>40%) slopes that have previously been determined to be man- made. The site is zoned CN (Commercial Neighborhood). Project Location: 1322 Lake Washington Blvd. Exist. Bldg. Area SF: N/A Proposed New Bldg. Area SF: 16,200 sq ft Site Area: 33,709 sq ft Total Building Area SF on site:: 16,200 sq ft Project Location Map ERe & SITE PLN rpl 06·020.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department KENNYDALE CAFE MIXED-USE DEVE Administrative Site Plan Approval & E nmental Review Committee Staff Report lENT LUA-06-010, SA-A, ECF REPORT OF APRIL 18. 2006 Page 2 of 10 II PART ONE: PROJECT DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND The project site consists of a vacant parcel and vacated right-of-way (portion of N. 14th St.) totaling 33,709 sq ft, located on the east side of Lake Washington Blvd. across from Coulon Park. The applicant proposes to locate a cafe within the ground-floor commercial area, with 1,951 sq ft of net dining area. The residential portion of the structure encompasses the upper 3 floors, which will include 4 3-story townhouse units, totaling 11,800 sq ft. Each unit has a private ground-level entrance and a single-stall private attached garage on the entry level. The detached garage will provide an additional parking stall for each of the units. The project will require approximately 7,800 cu yd of grading cuts. No fill will be required. The applicant received a letter from the Planning/Building/Public Works Department, dated December 10, 2004, approving an Exception Through Modification for proposed grading on steep slopes that were determined to be man-made. The project will provide 30 parking stalls in a combination of garage and surface parking. RMC 4-4- 080F.l0e requires a minimum of 32 parking stalls to serve the proposed development. The applicant received a Parking Modification from the Development Services Division, dated October 13, 2005, to allow the reduced number of parking spaces. The applicant has provided an estimated construction time frame of 60 to 90 days. The estimated construction cost is approximately $1 .03 million. il PART TWO: ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW A. Environmental Impacts The proposal was circulated and reviewed by various City Departments and Divisions to determine whether the applicant has adequately identified and addressed environmental impacts anticipated to occur in conjunction with the proposed development. The ERC review identified the following probable impacts from the proposed project: 1. Earth Impacts: --The applicant provided a Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report prepared by Associated Earth Sciences, Inc., dated February 27, 2006. According to the report, five exploration pits and two exploration borings were investigated. Fill soils were encountered to a depth of 1-5 ft., and generally consisted of a mixture of loose silt and sand considered unsuitable for support of the proposed structure. Lenses of very moist to wet soils were encountered below a depth of approximately 5 ft, and groundwater was encountered at approximately 18 ft below the surface. Perched and interflow groundwater seepage may occur during the winter and spring months following periods of heavy or sustained precipitation. Soils to a depth of approximately 2 to 8 ft are considered to possess a moderate potential for shallow slumps. Remedial subgrade preparation will be required for parking lot and driveway construction. The potential for shallow, surficial slope instability will be reduced by proper site drainage, retaining wall construction, impact wall construction and placement of a debris fence along the top of the impact wall. The geotechnical report indicates that the uppermost wall of the parking area should be designed with an additional 4 ft of height above the retained slope. Downspouts from roofs and driveways should be tightlined into suitable stormwater drainage systems. All footing walls, basement walls and retaining walls should have footing drains tightlined into a separate system from roof and ERC & SITE PLN rpl 06-020.doc City of Rent all PIBIPW Department Admillistrative Site Plan Approval & E KENNYDALE CAFE MIXED-USE DEVE • lENT REPORT OF APRIL 18. 2006 'lmental Review Committee Staff Report LUA-06-020, SA-A, ECF Page 3 of 10 driveway runoff. The risk of shallow earth movement on the site or surrounding properties is not considered to be increased by the development proposal. The report recommends that silt fencing be placed around the lower perimeter of all cleared areas. Earthwork-related construction should occur during the drier months of the year, and disturbed areas should be revegetated as soon as possible. Temporary erosion control measures should be maintained until permanent erosion control measures are established. The applicant received a lelter from the City's Planning/Building/Public Works Department, dated December 10, 2004, approving an Exception Through Modification for proposed grading on steep slopes that were determined to be man-made. Staff concurred with the applicant's assertion that the steep slopes in question appeared to have been artificially created through road construction on the subject site. Staff recommends that the applicant comply with all recommendations provided by the applicant's consultant regarding site preparation, slope construction, foundation and wall construction, landslide and erosion prevention, and drainage measures, in order to mitigate potential impacts to the site including areas of steep slopes. Additionally, the applicant shall comply with the conditions of the City's lelter dated December 10, 2004, regarding grading and construction within areas of man- made steep slopes. Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Measures #1 and #2 below. Policy Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations. 2. Water Impacts: It is anticipated that temporary onsite erosion and offsite sedimentation from stormwater flows leaving the site can be expected during the construction period, which will involve site grading and placement of fill material. This work will potentially occur during the rainy season (October- MarCh). Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Measure #3 below. Policy Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations; Vol. II 2001 DOE Stormwater Management Manual and Critical Areas Regulations 3. Fire Protection Impacts: The proposed development will result in an overall increase of square footage of commercial development within the site. This increase is anticipated to create a need for additional fire protection services. Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Measure #4 below. Policy Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations; Fire Mitigation Fee Resolution No. 2913, Ordinance 4527. 3. Transportation Impacts: The proposed development is anticipated to wenerate additional traffic on the City's street system. Based on the ITE Trip Generation Manual, 7' Edition, it is estimated that approximately 359.8 average daily trips will result from the proposed development (calculated as town homes and sit-down restaurant. ERC & SITE PLN rpl 06-020.doc City oj Renton PIBIPW Department KENNYDALE CAFE MIXED-USE DEVE Administralive Site Plan Approval & E lmental Review Committee Staff Report LUA-06-020, SA-A, ECF lENT REPORT OF APRIL J 8. 2006 Page 4 of 10 Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Measure #5 below. Policy Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations; Transportation Mitigation Fee Resolution No. 3100, Ordinance 4527. B. ERC Mitigation Measures Based on an analysis of probable impacts from the proposed project, the following mitigation measures are recommended for the Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated: 1. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations contained in the geotechnical report prepared dated February 27,2006, prepared by Associated Earth Sciences, Inc., regarding site preparation, foundation and wall construction, slope construction, landslide and erosion prevention, and drainage measures, in order to mitigate potential impacts to the site including areas of steep slopes. 2. The applicant shall comply with the conditions of the letter from Gregg Zimmerman dated December 10, 2004, regarding grading and construction within areas of man-made steep slopes. 3. Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control Measures shall be installed and maintained consistent with Vol. II of the 2001 DOE Stormwater Management Manual, and to the satisfaction of the representative of the Development Services Division, for the duration of the project. 4. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee at a rate of $.52 per sq. ft. of new construction for the restaurant portion of the development ($1,834.66 total) and $388 for each townhouse unit ($1552.00 total), prior to the issuance of building or construction permits. 5. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Traffic Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip associated with the project (estimated total $26,990.92), prior to the issuance of building permits. II PART THREE: ADMINISTRATIVE LAND USE ACTION -REPORT & DECISION This decision on the administrative land use action is made concurrently with the environmental determination. A. Type of Land Use Action xx Site Plan Review Shoreline Substantial Development Permit Conditional Use Binding Site Plan Special Permit for Grade & Fill Administrative Code Determination B. Exhibits The following exhibits were entered into the record: ERC & SITE PLN rpI06-020.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department KENNYDALE CAFE MIXED-USE DEVE lENT Administrative Site Plan Approval & E 'lmental Review Committee Staff Report LUA-06-010, SA-A, ECF REPORT OF APRIL 18. 2006 Page 5 of 10 Exhibit NO.1: Yellow file containing: application, proof of posting and publication, environmental review and other documentation pertinent to this request. Exhibit No.2: Exhibit NO.3: Exhibit NO.4: Exhibit NO.5: Exhibit NO.6: Exhibit NO.7: Exhibit NO.8: Exhibit NO.9: Exhibit No. 10: Exhibit No. 11 Site Plan (dated 2/28/2006) Erosion Control and Detention Plan (dated 2/28/2006) Landscape Plan (dated 2/28/2006). Conceptual Utilities and Grading Plan (dated 2/28/2006) Leiter from Gregg Zimmerman re Exception Through Modification for man-made steep slopes (dated 12/10/2004) Letter from Neil Watts re Parking Modification (dated 10/13/2005) Memorandum from James Gray re Fire Department requirements (dated 3/2112006) Memorandum from Arneta Henninger re Plan Review (dated 4/10/2006) Vicinity Map Zoning Map C. Staff Review Comments Representatives from various City departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address site plan issues regarding the proposed development. All of these comments are contained in the official file, and the essence of the comments has been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report and the Decision at the end of the report. D. Consistency with Site Plan Approval Criteria In reviewing the proposal with respect to the Site Plan Approval Criteria set forth in Section 4-31- 33(D) of the Site Plan Ordinance, the following issues have been identified by City Departmental Reviewers and Divisional Reviewers: (1) Conformance with the comprehensive plan, its elements and policies The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designation for the site is Commercial Neighborhood (CN). The following Comprehensive Plan policies are applicable to the proposal: Policy LU-423. Commercial Neighborhood designated areas should be located: 1) Within one- quarter mile of existing and planned residential areas; 2) To the extent possible, outside of the trade areas of other small-scale commercial uses offering comparable goods and services; and 3) Contiguous to a street no smaller than those classified at the collector level. Policy LU-425. The small-scale uses of Commercial Neighborhood designated areas should not increase in intensity so that the character of the commercial area or that of the nearby residential area is changed. Policy LU-426. A mix of uses (e.g. convenience retail, consumer services, offices, residential) should be encouraged in small-scale commercial developments within Commercial Neighborhood designated areas. Policy LU-427. Commercial Neighborhood designated areas should consist primarily of retail andlor service uses. Policy LU-429. Residential uses should be located above the ground floor, limited to no more than four units per structure and should be secondary to retail and services uses. (2) Conformance with existing land use regulations Zoning: The subject site is zoned Commercial Arterial (CN). The purpose of the CN designation is to is to provide suitable pedestrian oriented environments for neighborhood scale retail and commercial development, and to serve the needs of the neighborhood abutting or adjacent to the commercial development. Uses should be those that provide goods and services. Development Standards: The development of the site would require compliance with the applicable standards of the CN zone as discussed below. ERC & SITE PLN rpt 06-020.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department KENNYDALE CAFE MIXED-USE DEVE REPORT OF APRIL 18, 2006 1ENT Admillistralive Site Plan Approval & E lmental Review Committee Slaf!Report LUA-06-010, SA-A, ECF Pilge 60/10 Lot Size -The minimum lot size is 5,000 sq ft, The site is 33,709 sq ft, Lot Dimensions -There are no minimum requirements for lot width or depth within the CN zone, Lot Coverage -The maximum area permitted for building lot coverage is 65% of the lot area, The proposed building footprint (restaurant with residential units above, detached garage building) is approximately 5,000 sq ft on a 33,709 sq ft site, resulting in a lot coverage of approximately 15%, Building Setbacks -The CN zone requires a minimum front yard setback of 10 feet and a maximum front yard setback of 15 feet. The minimum side yard along a street setback is 10ft. A side or rear yard setback is not required, The proposal appears to meet all setback requirements of the CN zone, Building Height - A maximum building height of 35 feet is permitted in the CN zone, The proposed multi-use building is approximately 33 feet high, Landscaping - A 10-ft irrigated landscaped strip is required along Lake Washington Blvd, The development proposal also provides parking lot and courtyard landscaping, The landscape plan submitted with the application appears to be consistent with the requirements for the CN zone, Pedestrian Access -The CN zone requires a pedestrian connection from the street to the entrances of onsite buildings, The proposal includes pedestrian connections from the public sidewalk to the restaurant, parking lot, and residential units consistent with this requirement. Parking -Per RMC 4-4-080F,1 O,e (Number of Required Parking Spaces), the development proposal would require 32 parking stalls, The applicant received a parking modification from the City on October 13, 2005 (Exhibit 7), which allows the number of parking stalls to be reduced by 2, for a total of 30 parking stalls, The applicant proposes to provide 22 surface stalls (including 2 handicap accessible stalls), 4 attached garage stalls, and 4 detached garage stalls, This proposal is consistent with the terms of the approved parking modification, Mitigation of impacts to surrounding properties and uses -Construction activities would result in short-term noise, dust and traffic impacts on surrounding properties, limited to the period of the project's construction, The applicant is required to submit a construction mitigation plan for approval prior to issuance of any building or construction permit. The proposed project is anticipated to be compatible with existing and future surrounding uses on adjacent properties, (3) Mitigation of impacts of the proposed site plan to the site The scale, height and bulk of the proposed mixed-use development is appropriate for the site and is consistent with the purpose and appearance of adjacent existing development. The site will be landscaped to complement existing landscaping on the rest of the shopping center property, As noted, the project proposes development on steep slopes that have been determined to be man- made, To prevent adverse impacts to the site and neighboring properties, SEPA Mitigation Measures #1 and 2 require the applicant to comply with the recommendations of the Geotechnical Report submitted with the project application, and to comply with the requirements of the City's Modification through Exception dated December 10, 2004 (Exhibit 6), regarding development on man-made steep slopes, The site is located in Aquifer Protection Zone 2, The environmental checklist submitted with the project application indicates that fill will not be used on the site, To protect groundwater and soil resources, and to prevent any erosion impacts that could occur during project construction, the ERC & SITE PLN rpl 06-020,doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department KENNYDALE CAFE MIXED-USE DEVE REPORT OF APRIL 18, 2006 lENT Admillistrative Site Plan Approval & E lmental Review Committee Staff Report LUA-06-010, SA-A, ECF Page 7 of 10 applicant is required to follow the recommendations in the Geotechnical Engineering Study prepared for the project, with regard to the disturbance, preparation and construction of the site. The applicant must also meet City Code requirements for approval of a Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan pursuant to the King County Surface Water Design Manual and a Construction Mitigation Plan prior to issuance of construction permits. The applicant must also comply with all other code requirements for Zone 2 aquifer protection. (4) Conservation of area-wide property values The proposal is expected to increase property values in the vicinity of the site, The new development would provide improvements to enhance the existing site and would attract additional customers with increased services, and would provide a restaurant amenity for the public visiting Coulon Park on the west side of Lake Washington Blvd, (5) Safety and efficiency of vehicle and pedestrian circulation The applicant is required to pay a Traffic Mitigation Fee based on $75,00 per each new average daily trip associated with the project (estimated at $26,990,92), prior to the issuance of building permits. Based upon a proposed effective operation year of 2006, it is anticipated that approximately 359,8 vehicte trips per day would be generated by the proposed project. The CN zone requires pedestrian connections from the street to the buildings. The development proposal inctudes a public Sidewalk on Lake Washington Blvd., with walkway connections from the sidewalk to the restaurant, parking lot, and residential units. The final site plan must be revised to show Fire Department-approved access and turnaround for the rear garage building, consistent with the Fire Department's memorandum dated March 21. 2006. as provided in Condition #2 below. Satisfaction of this requirement may involve relocation and/or revision of the rear garage building design. Construction truck hauling hours are limited to between 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. under the Development Guidelines Ordinance in order to avoid conflicts with peak hour traffic. The Transportation Planning Section will review construction-related impacts prior to issuing final construction permits. (6) Provision of adequate light and air The development is not anticipated to have any impact on surroundings properties regarding shadows or air movement. Exterior onsite lighting. including security and parking lot lighting, would be regulated by City Code. Compliance with this Code (RMC 4-4-075) will ensure that all building lights are directed onto the building or the ground. and cannot extend beyond the property lines, According to code requirements. parking lot lighting fixtures are to be non-glare and mounted no more than 25 feet above the ground. Staff does not anticipate that exterior lighting will create a negative impact to surrounding properties provided that code requirements are met. (7) Mitigation of noise, odors and other harmful or unhealthy conditions It is antiCipated that the most significant noise, odor and other potentially harmful impacts would occur during the construction phase of the project. Although fuel odors may occur in the immediate proximity of the fueling facility as part of its normal operation, it is not anticipated that such odors will be significant or will impact adjacent areas, Noise impacts of increased traffic and activity on the site that are normally associated with a fuel facility can be anticipated. The applicant is required to submit a Construction Mitigation Plan for approval prior to obtaining construction permits, ERC & SITE PLN rpt 06-020.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department KENNYDALE CAFE MIXED-USE DEVE tENT Administrative Site Plan Approval & E nmental Review Committee Staff Report LUA-06-020, SA-A, ECF REPORT OF APRIL J 8. 2006 Page 8 0110 (8) Availability of public services and facilities to accommodate the proposed use The site is within the City's water service area. There is an existing 12" main located in Lake Washington Blvd, which can supply a fire flow of 3500 GPM. There is an existing 8" sanitary sewer main in Lake Washington Blvd. There are no records of existing storm drainage facilities in Lake Washington Blvd in the vicinity of the site. The applicant proposes to discharge storm water to an existing catch basin located in the unimproved Morgan St right-of-way which has been incorporated into the north side of the project site. Additional water main improvements will be required (see Exhibit 9). The applicant will also be required to pay system development charges for sanitary sewer and storm drainage. The applicant provided a preliminary technical information report prepared by LPD Engineering, Inc, dated January 19, 2006. No adverse impacts are anticipated to the downstream system, which appears to be functioning properly. The proposal will require a storm water quality treatment facility, but storm water detention is not required as the estimated increase in surface runoff is below the threshold for detention requirements. Fire Department staff have indicated that existing facilities are adequate to accommodate the proposal, subject to the applicant's payment of the necessary Fire Mitigation Fee. The applicant shall pay the Fire Mitigation Fee prior to the issuance of building or construction permits. Additional fire hydrants may be necessary to accommodate the proposed development, and existing fire hydrants may need to be fitted with Stortz fittings. The building must be equipped with a fire sprinkler system. The site is also subject to fees for Water System Development, Sanitary Sewer System Development, and Surface Water System Development. These fees must be paid prior to or concurrent with application for a construction permit. (9) Prevention of neighborhood deterioration and blight The proposal would result in development of a restaurant facility to serve the local neighborhood and City park, as well as four new residential units, with associated landscaping, lighting, and parking. It is antiCipated that this project would make a positive contribution to the area. No deterioration or blight is expected to occur as a result of the proposal. xx Copies of all Review Comments are contained in the Official File. Copies of all Review Comments are attached to this report. D. Findings, Conclusions & Decision Having reviewed the written record in the matter, the City now enters the following: 1) Request: The Applicant has requested Environmental Review and Administrative Site Plan approval for development of a mixed-use project with a 3,528 sq ft restaurant, 4 townhouse units, and associated parking facilities, located at 1322 Lake Washington Blvd in Renton. 2) Environmental Review: The applicant's file containing the application, State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) documentation, the comments from various City departments, the public notices requesting citizen comment, and other pertinent documents was entered as Exhibit ERC & SITE PLN rpt 06-020.doc City oj Renton PlBIPW Department KENNYDALE CAFE MIXED-USE DEVE REPORT OF APRIL /8. 2006 lENT Administrative Site Plan Approval & E Imental Review Committee Staff Report LUA-06-020, SA-A, ECF Page 90/10 No.1. A Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated was issued by the City on April 17, 2006, with a 14-day appeal period ending May 1, 2006. 3) Site Plan Review: The applicant's site plan application complies with the requirements for information for site plan review. The applicant's site plan and other project drawings and relevant materials are entered as Exhibits No.2 -11. 4) Comprehensive Plan: The subject proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan designation of Commercial Neighborhood (CN). 5) Zoning: The subject proposal complies with the zoning requirements and development standards of the Commercial Neighborhood (CN) Zoning designation. 6) Existing Land Use: Land uses surrounding the subject site include: North: RM-F; East: I- 405; South: CN; and West: Lake Washington Blvd and R-1 (Coulon Park). The site is currently vacant. E. Conclusions 1) The subject proposal complies with the policies and codes of the City of Renton provided that the applicant complies with the conditions of this Report and Decision. 2) The proposal complies with the Comprehensive Plan designation of Commercial Neighborhood (CN), and the Zoning designation of Commercial Neighborhood (CN). F. Decision The Site Plan for the Kennydale Cafe Mixed-Use Development, File No. LUA-06-020, is approved subject to the following conditions. CONDITIONS: 1. The applicant shall comply with all mitigation measures as provided in the Determination of Non- Significance -Mitigated dated April 24, 2006. 2. The applicant shall submit a revised site plan for review and approval by the Development Services Division and the Fire Department that shows adequate emergency access and turnaround for the rear garage building consistent with the requirements of the Fire Department memorandum and attached diagram dated March 21, 2006 (Exhibit 10), prior to or concurrent with application for any building or construction permits. 3. The applicant shall design and install a 10" water main connecting to the existing 12" main, and extend the new main to the east property boundary. Any required new fire hydrants may be connected to the new main. 4. The applicant is required to provide half-street improvements for Lake Washington Blvd., including a minimum pavement width of 20', and installation of curb, gutter and sidewalk on the project side of the street. 5. During permit review, the applicant shall coordinate with staff for the final design of the storm water quality treatment system, to be reviewed and approved by staff. ERC & SITE PLN rpt 06-020.doc City oj Renton PIBIPW Department KENNYDALE CAFE MIXED-USE DEVE REPORT OF APRIL 18, 2006 Admillistrative Site Plan Approval & E lENT EFFECTIVE DATE OF DECISION ON LAND USE ACTION: SIGNATURES: Neil Watts, Development SelVices Director TRANSMITTED this llih day of April, 2006 to the applicant: Matt Pool Pool Brothers Construction LLC P,O, Box 3023 Renton, W A 98056 TRANSMITTED this llih day of April, 2006 to the Parties of Record: G,M, Erickson Puget Western, Inc, 19515 N Creek Parkway ste: #310 Bothell, WA 98011 Karen Walter Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Dept 39015 172nd Avenue SE Auburn, W A 98092 TRANSMITTED this Iii' day of April, 2006 to the following: Larry Meckling, Building Official Stan Engler, Fire Prevention Neil Watts, Development Services Director Jennifer Henning, Principal Planner Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney South County Journal lmentai Review Committee Staff Report LUA-06-020, SA-A, EeF Page 10 of 10 date Environmental Determination Appeal Process: Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM on May 8, 2006 (14 days from the date of issuance), Land Use Decision Appeal Process Appeals of the land use decision must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM on May 8,2006 (14 days from the date of issuance). If no appeals are filed by this date, both actions will become final. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)-430-6510. ERG & SITE PLN rpt 06-020.doc Kennydale Cafe Site Plan REVISIONS ---Pool Brolhers Construction - - - ----.. - - ----- ~-.. ------- "'" ''''.) (;-::-~? ·;J5 ill~ 'j] -. "~21!' -- ',:',1 ~.o;:r_ !m CITY OF Kennydote Cafe oT-U-llO! ~ ~~_" __ R_E_NT_ON_-,--__ "_2_2 _"_. _.,"o,~",,-og_,o_o _"'_"_' __ 1::-.0..=...-1 PIO""",,,;tI",,,,nvPob'C w"'"" ~, T.E.. Id Demolition C 1.0 Plan ...•. .... '" , ! I .. , '. c· f< .•. ~\ .. ' r ..... - s~ > ~:i: 0 ODD 0*'" " c 0 i': c • /i , I • • ;. • , • l~~~!l~~ a; ! Q ~ ¥j 1m II Q ~ i ; . , z ~ , Q i ~ ! i ! ! ~ § • ; I! gf ! r ~ , ~ £ ' , ! ~ of _ 1 ~ § ! , I J iH ! I 0 ~ ! [ ~ i 1 ~ ~ I ~ !r i '. '" , , , ! ' ~l .; , 4 ii. I , 0 • , f ! • ~H I i • , ' ! -11 • c ; f" ~ ! , '. '> ~~ 00 2~ ~ 'I q, !' !! ,,' ~ t ~ !, '! -j 20 ~I d ~ . m < ~ , ' ! ' ~ 'i Pool Bros. Construction Kennydale Cafe Renton, Washington ~ r!'liH;:;~ i ~h· ~:f U :j \ iJ1i W ;, "'1 ' , ~ a-=-B.ii fll -l • W· 1,}.1 ~ u H ; l; i [i l .! t~ ~6 , i' . i C, ~ a Z" j ... ~ ~ j Iii it l! • ~ Ii @0@0 0@®@~ ! ' . ~ i . If 1 0 , ~ ~ .. ~ i : ! ! ' ! ' ! I ~ 1 , • -1 ·1 {' !Iii f {i t i , • t , ! 1 · r -. , , , I ~ . , • I , 1 ' ~ n ' If U ~ 1 1 ; ! { \J ~ • E' f , i !, ! . ! j ~! [ I , . ~ S <i'" 'f i i'[ . ~ ! , , i 1 , -Ii • , , .1 ! ~ ! -~, i~ ! , ~ 1 o~ ! ~~ ! ! 1 f 1] , m f OJ 1 0 1: i f f ~~ • i , ~ m ! ~ • , j ~ ! \ , , I 1-, ':::6" .-r~ ,< l - ~ , , :1 :r , I J -. ---- } / J I ; i ; , p !.In CITY OF ~ RENTON \ ennydo e c e 1322 lak osh,n9ton Blvd N , C~ 01 Utilities anu ~_ding Plan .tJ .... ~- '.,,-. ,"/' /' / / ". / ; ; ! /' / / ! / , / , 12/14/2004 11: 47 . 2538258135 SADLER BARNARD '~r-or . PAGE 01 .' '. .. CITY OF . RENTON . PhmnihgtBUlldinglPublicWmks])epartment . GreggZiMmermab.P..E~AdmlliistraIGr · Michael LUria Sadl~rli:lam.m! &: As.Soc:. Inc: · .12114 Va\leyAvenUe'E, Suite B . SuiIiner.WA98390~152:i . · Subject: Protected Slopes Eueplioj) through MO!fiflcation . Dear Mr. Luna: . The City of Renton has reviewed your request for an Exception through MOdi.tTcation received' · ~overobeJ" ~6, ?O<J4-1ot theconstniction ora' proposed coirtmercial dffice cui/ding on.a vacant : parce llocaled at 1322 Lake WashingtOJi BI vd (pat~J. no. 3'34450(005) .. Per' youdetter dated November 4, iOO4 and identified on the attached <:OIiceptual site plan iIDdtopograptiic map three . , . · slopes.(Sl, S2, and;S3) having an inclination of 4O%·or·greater lite l"""ted onsile. Two of these ' . . slopes (52 and S3) meet the City's definition of a protected 1IIwe'per:aMC Seetion .4-11-190 as • . tl!CY also have a.vertical ri..,'of a:fleast 15. feet: According to.RMc Se!;tJon 4~3-05OJ:5' . · development is prohil?lted on protected si<>pestJnless the. aPl'ii<:at\t ~an nieet the provisions <:)f &cep~ons throUgh Modifi¢'ation,Excepclons through Variance; or Exceptions through Waiver .... !\1)'onr letter yoU request an E~diPtio~tlIi'oUghM~iflC8iiol\pe;. ~C Section 4~3-050I.5.b to . ~.l~ slope S2 and a portiOll. <:)f 83, SeetiiJil,A·3:.QSOl s'b·provld.es an eKc¢ption. tQ the prohibition · of deveJopmeni on slopes ovei.40% ''to aliowrecoll.figuration of.proi~cied ;slopes created through public oi'Priyateroad Insi3Jlatiooor \Y.idl'"ing'anifrelatw tts,nsportlltioTi improvements"'-To· . sUWOrtyoui request you !iUB.Cbed 6' enclosures, Accortling to yoUt.letter these enclosures ... flldiciite theroUowiog: . . . . . .. .. · Enclosure 1 is an aeriill of the subject sitl; in 1946 tlriorto:the Constt:1lclion of 1-405,<.Tbis photo shows iJte·site in the lower left band Comcr. a sjngJe-filrnily residenc,! has been constructe(! onsite..· .' . '. . . . .' Enclosure 2 is a i9S0 survey byR.I, Storey of the SLibjec~ site, and shows thesingle-f~mi1y 1."CSldcnce seen in Enclosure !'in relation to property lines and Lake Washington Blvd. A road is also labeled on the survey. which accord.ing to your letter when scaJedon the Cl,rrent site plan would end jllSt below the top of slo~ S2 at approximately the 102 fQ9t elm tour. The current site plan and topog(ap1llc map dO. riot showevideiJceof this·road. . . .' . . · EncioslW 3 is a 1961 WSiJOTaerialplioto sbowing the single-familyresjdence.with adjoining . · gan;leit areas·and.~ large Cleared area on the adjoining property: . Enclosure 4 is a p~r.don of the 1965 State Route 405 {CI,I~ntl y 14(5) plans showing the bUildings in EnClosure 3 with respect to their property lines .. · .' Enclosure 5 is's 1967 aerial photo ~h(jwing rhe site after theconstrudion of 1405. Your letter higlllights abare:area'loCated betwecri the rear orihe sileatid theI-40S paved area and concludes tbattheplaeement of thl$;tilJ cO\lld accourit for some re-cqntouiing' thai may have occurred: ~ ---':""'-'---~. ""'10"","'"$ ""'So":'utIi""'''O:-rad'y"''w:'':a-y--.":-Rc-o""'trin"",'""Wi"'"as";'b""'in'-:gton;--'-9"'SO""S="S"'· -"-'-------'-REN T 0. N * 11B~rcorkVne..so% reqClecr 'rnatenaI. 30"4 pool~ II.l'fEAD OP THE .CURVE .' 12/14/2e04 11:47 25382"~136 SADlER BARNAR" • ssor. PAGE 02 '" " .:. ERcJc$ure 6 is a 1970 aerial photo showiClg two cleared areas, Which appear to be toads. Yciur .Ieite~ mdicates that 'the rowe~ road borders theioo <if slope si and tlllir thi, higher road appears to ,,', :border'~·top.(;I's1Ope S2:and theme ofs/ope S3. ~lr your'lettcr'youS\ilte.that the shape 'of both ' . J:08rls is tflstipgllisb;ible 0tI the 8T9und and you have.la:beled them 0/1 tbe,sj,le pian and to~oiitaJihic . . . '. .' .. . . '. map. ". '. ' . '.' . " . B&.\1ed on',u.e infom:JaUon proVid,ed in your ietter, SIl~YS, ~ aerial pbOt~phs it Is my 'dete!'lIlillAtion.1hat .the··slopes identified On the attac~ slle plan'qualify for an Exception,ihrough ModifiCation; peiRMC SCcrlon 4-3-0S0J.5.b; Tlirefore jlra(liilg activ.¥tKis mayb<i penmttedoo , tJie '$IOJies:, ideo,tified i.1l yoUr letter and littached site plan. 'wi$ the bene'(i.t bf the. applicable . :peiiiiits arid 1~·~esWrovaJs.Alihough tfle slopes qualify for an 'Exception fhroui>h ' .' , , Modificatloi!. a<fd\tionaJ:'appnrira1s from the City may be tcquired ".' P;Ie<lse:snbmit'the required . ,materials til the DeVelopment sefflces Division for the approprilllc ¢imil. p/pcesses jlrior'to bt8inlling any worlc.on ·slte. Furtllennore. this detenninati~ihal th.e slopes Q'ualify foran' . exception through nlo<Ilficition does not mean that d'evelopment or construction will be allowed 'on'lhe.sl~, ~urtber geotechniClli review will be required as ~rt of any proposed land Use &ttionon the it\bjeet site. .... . , . ' . -. .... . '. -'," ',. .' .~.... ',.,' " 1 .. - .. Tl!is de~liation will be fina! upleSi.a wn'tttn e,ppeal 9.f the ~tive determi~ation is,' filed wlth·~ qiy's Hearing &.a1niner wjthiu14 days'Of the dale Qf'thi~letter .. SeeSeeliQli 4-8- 11 of tbe Renton MuniciPal C-Qd~for-furtliet irtfo~tiOn on the apPeal Rrocess. :." ".1 'r :" .... :J :ec:Neii'Waits' , , , Jennifer-Hen)ling , . Ji)lliatl . " . , .'; " . " ... ;~' . , .: -,' l J', " " • • !. ': . ~ ..... . ", .-. . ~re K.athy Keolkcr-Wheeler. Mayor CITY uF RENTON PlanningIBuildinglPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator October 13, 2005 Rick Anderson, AlA 935 Daley Street Edmonds, W A 98020 SUBJECT: PARKING MODIFICA TION REQUEST FOR KENNYDALE CAFE- 1322 LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD Dear Mr. Anderson, The City of Renton is in receipt of your request of September 20th for a parking modification regarding the proposed mixed use development on property located at 1322 Lake Washington Boulevard. The following summarizes your request, project background, analysis, and decision. Summary of Request Rick Anderson,has requested a modification from RMC 4-4-080F:IOe, Number of Required Parking Spaces, on behalf of the owner of the proposed Kennydale Cafe project. The modification has been requested in order to provide less than the minimum number of on-site parking spaces required by code. The subject site is zoned Commercial Neighborhood (CN) and would be developed with a four-story mixed-use structure. A cafe would occupy the first floor of the structure. The 3,528 square foot cafe would have 1,951 square feetOfnet dining floor area. In addition, four townhouse style residential units are proposed. A total of thirty (30) parking • stalls are proposed, including 20 surface stalls, 4 garage stalls inside the residential structures, 4 stalls in a detached garage, and 2 accossible stalls. City Code requires that the development provide 32 parking stalls, or two (2) fewer than proposed. Section 4-4·080Fd allows the Development Services Division to grant modifications from the parking standards for individual cases provided that the modification meets the following criteria (pursuant to RMC 4·9-25002): a. Will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment; and b. Will not be injurious to other property(s) in the vicinity; and c. Conform to the intent and purpose of the Code; and d. Can be shown to be justified and required for the use and situation intended; and, e. Will not create adverse impacts to other property(ies) in the vicinity. E'-I..h;b;t-7 1055 South Grady Way· Renton, Washington-=-98:C:O..o:SccS -------~ October 13, 2005 Page 2 Background The subject proposal would result in the development of a vacant site into a mixed use project, . the Kennydale Cafe and Townhomes. The property is located at 1322 Lake Washington Boulevard, near Gene Coulon Park. Zoning for the site is COmmercial Neighborhood (CN). According to Section 4-4·080F of the Renton Municipal Code, eating and drinking establishments and taverns are required to provide one parking stall per 100 square feet of net floor (RMC4-4-080F: lO.e.}.Netfloor area is defined as: "The total of all floor area of a building, excluding stairwells, elevator shafts, mechanical equipment rooms, interior vehicular parking or loading, and all floors below the ground floor, except when used for human habitation or service to the public." The I ,951 square foot dining area within tJie cafe requires 20 parking stalls. For the remaining 1,577 square feet, 437 square feet is .included in the kitchen and service area, and 201 square feet is storage. The kitchen and service area requires another four (4) parking stalls, and the storage area requires,one (1) pl!fl\ing stall. Approximately 939 square feet is cOnSidered to be unoccupied sp~Cl;'andis notinclud~~net floor area. Thcresidential units require 1.75 off-streetparl<jiillstalll;per unit. For theJouT.~posed townhomes, seven (7) parking stalls are required. 1:!Ie fol~owing table sUmmari~s t~, i~ired parking for the project: , '. " . ~,. /.\ Use/Area farking Ratio . ,~., •. " Pll1;/<lng Required ·· .. k .' " . . . ,} '1, "'-. Eating and Drinking 1 stall/lOOsq. ft. net 20 sliIlIs 1,951 sq. ft. , , Kitchen and Service I stallllOO sq. ft. net. 4 stalls 437 sq. ft. Indoor Storage . I stall! 1,500 sq. ft. net I stall 20 I sq. ft. . ... 4 Attached Dwellings I. 7 5 stalls/unit 7 stalls TOTAL .32 stalls required Analysis 1) wm meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment. Parking for the site is designed on three levels. The lower parking area would be located adjacent to the restaurant and would provide the two handicapped accessible spaces. The middle parking areas would have 7 parking stalls and access to 4 partitioned parking spaces in a detached garage structure. The upper parking area would have 17 parking stalls including four inside detached garage structure. In addition, 10 bicycle parking spaces are proposed on site. The applicant contends that the 30 proposed parking stalls in three parking areas is justified. Seven would be needed for the residents, and the demand for the cafe is 25 stalls. Eight stalls October 13, 2005 Page 3 would be covered, and two would be designated for accessibility. Since the location of the cafe is next to the bicycle route on Lake Washington Boulevard, the applicant contends that some of the restaurant's patrons would be arriving by means other than car. Similar cafe and residential developments elsewhere on Lake Washington Boulevard in other cities draw business from bicyclists using the bike lane. The applicant would provide 10 bicycle parking stalls to serve the ~~. . The code's on-site parking requirements are intended to eliminate parking impacts to surrounding properties. As noted above, the cafe use conforms to the interest and purpose of the parking regulations by providing sufficient parking for cars and bicycles for the use of the site. The proposal would also meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment. 2) Will no! be injurious to other property(s) hI the,,:,M:inity. , -","'f~ .. " .~~ The proposed parking satisfies code requirements for stalll/liidtl\"depth, drive aisles, and emergency access. B~ed ontl!e ~ppl.icant's narrati\'~t~~his!inl;~n.ccsslite parking along with the proposed bIcycle parkmg would proVIde adequate parklng~fOPlh~Jntepded use ofthe property. Residential uses lind parkprQperty surrQUnd the site on the horth'~l1d west. All have dedicated off-street parking; It would nOt beanticipatedthat~i!l8 fot the re'sidtnces or cafe would occur . off-site. Therefore, in this regard the proposal would no![be injurious to' other properties in the vicinity. 3) Conform to the Jntent and purpose of the Code. See discussion under criteria number one. 4) Can be shown to be justified and required for tbe use and situation intended. As indicated above, staff expects that the proposed 30 parking spaces and 10 bicycle spaces will be adequate for the proposed use. Residents from the surrounding apartments and visitors to Coulon Park. would likely walk to the cafe, and bicyclists would ride their bicycles. Parking for the residential units would be provided in garages and partitioned stalls dedi.:ated to the use. Therefore, staff anticipates the parking situation to be justified and adequate for the use intended. 5) Will not create adverse impacts to otber property(ies) in tbe vicinity. As stated under criteria number 2, the proposed parking would not create adverse impacts to otber properties in the vicinity of this site. Decision According to parking code requirements for eating and drinking establishments and office uses, the Kennydale Cafe would result in a parking shortage of two (2) on-site parking spaces. However, based on the information provided by the applicant, staff recognizes that the proposed parking situation for the site is adequate. Specifically, the two (2) on·site stalls would be sufficient in combination with the proposed bicycle parking on-site. Therefore, the parking modification for the Kennydale Cafe use, located at 1322 Lake Washington Boulevard North, is approved for up to a two (2) parking stall shortage. DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: MITIGATION ITEMS: FIRE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM March 21, 2006 Keri Weaver, Senior Planner James Gray, Assistant Fire Marshal Kennydale Cafe Mixed -Use, 1322 Lake Wash. Blvd. N 1. A fire mitigation fee of$I,552.00 for the townhouses and $1,834.56 is required based on $388.00 per unit for the townhouses and $.52 a square foot of the cafe square footage. FIRE CODE REQUIREMENTS: 1. The preliminary fire flow is 1500 GPM, one hydrant is required with 150 feet ofthe structure and one additional hydrant is required within 300 feet of the structure. 2. Separate plans and permits are required for the installation of fire alarm and sprinkler systems. 3. Fire department access roads are required to within 150 feet of all building exteriors. Dead end access roads over 150 in length are required to have an approved turnaround. Access to the rear garage building. See attached diagram. 4. A site plan for pre-fire planning is required to be submitted for your project. This shall be submitted prior to occupancy, in one of the attached formats. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. c :\docume--l \user\locaIs-l \temp\gwviewcr\kennydalecafeerc. doc . FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS ROADS RENTON FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU x '12.I{-i/gO-"7""" in "l- t- ~ ~ = II) 0 -~ ~ . ~ ": . , I PRE-FIRE PLANNING I RENTON FIRE DEPARTMENT In an effort to streamline our pre-fire process, we are requesting that you submit a site plan of your construction project in one of the following formats which we can then convert to VISIO.Ysd. This is required to be submitted prior to occupancy. ABC FlowcharteLaB ABC FlowcharteLaf2 Adobe Illustrator File.ai AutoCad Drawing.dwg AutoCad Drawing.dgn Computer Graphics Metafile.cgm Corel Clipart Format.cmx Corel DRAWl Drawing File Format.edr Corel Flow.cfl Encapsulated Postscript File.eps Enhanced Metafile.emf IGES Drawing File Format.igs Graphics Interchange Format.gif Macintosh PICT Format.pct Micrografx Designer Ver 3.I.drw MicrografX Designer Ver 6.0.dsf Microstation Drawing.dgn Portable Network Graphics Format.pnf Postscript Filc.ps Tag Image File Format.tif TexUxt Text.csy VISIO.ysd Windows Bitmap.bmp Windows Bitmap.dib Windows Metafile.wmf Zsoft PC Paintbrush Bitmap.pcx DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM April 10,2006 Keri Weaver Arneta Henninger X7298 KENNYDALE CAFE MIXED USE APPLICATION LUA 06-020 1322 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD I have completed my review on this application for a site development plan approval for a 4 story mixed- use building with 4 townhouse units over a 3,528 sq ft commercial area and parking garage and a detached 4 car garage located in Section 5, Township 23N, Range 5E and have the following comments. Existing Water --The subject property is within the City of Renton's water service area. There is an existing 12" watermain located in Lake Washington Blvd N (see City of Renton drawing W2131 for engineering plans), which can supply a fireflow of 3500 GPM. This project site is located in the 320 Water Pressure Zone and the static pressure is approximately 1210 psi at street level. A pressure-reducing device is required to be installed on domestic meters when the static ,exceeds 75 psi. Sanitary --There is an existing 8" sanitary sewer main in Lake Washington Blvd N. See City of Renton drawing S3220 for engineering plans. Storm --There are no records of existing storm drainage facilities in Lake Washington Blvd N in this vicinity. Aquifer: • The site is located in Aquifer Protection Zone 2 and may be subject to additional requirements per City code. Constructed secondary containment may be required if more than 20 gallons of regulated hazardous materials will be present at the new facility (RMC 4-3-050H2d(i)). A fill source statement (RMC 44-060L4) is required if more than 100 cubic yards of fill material will be imported to the project site. Construction Activity Standards (RMC 44-030C7) shall be followed if during construction, more than 20 gallons of hazardous materials will be stored on site or vehicles will be fueled on site. Surface Water Management Standards (RMC 4-6-030E2 and 3)--Biofilters, stormwater conveyance, and water quality ponds may require a groundwater protection liner. Impervious surfaces shall be provided for areas subject to vehicular use or storage of chemicals. This is not intended to be a complete list of the AP A requirements nor does this information substitute for the full ordinance, it is only intended to guide the applicant to the City of Renton code book. Reguirements: Water: • Per the City of Renton Fire Marshall the preliminary fire flow for this project is 1,500 GPM and the building must be equipped with a fire sprinkler system. Kennydale CaM Mixed-Use Applic • Additional water main improvements will be required in accordance with City's development regulations, and may include but not be limited to the following. • hlstallation of additional fire hydrants. Per City Fire Code, two hydrants are required for this project based on the fire flow demand of 1,500 gpm. The first hydrant shall be located within 150 feet of the structure and the second hydrant within 300 feet. • The applicant shall design and install a 10" watermain connected to the existing 12" and extend the new main to the east. The new fire hydrant may be connected to this new 10" main. • The plans need to show the fire department fire line connection including the pumper port location and backflow prevention device for the fire sprinkler system that is required by the Fire Marshall for this project. This frre line shall be connected to the new 10" main. • The project will also be required to install a separate domestic water meter and a separate landscape irrigation meter (including backflow prevention device). • Buildings that exceed 30 feet in height shall install a backflow prevention device. • A commercial building permit will trigger a separate review. • Any new construction must have one fire hydrant capable of delivering a minimum of 1,000 GPM and shall be located within 150 feet of the structure and one additional hydrant (also capable of delivering a minimum of 1,000 GPM) within 300 feet of the structure. This distance is measured along the travel route. • Per the City of Renton Fire Marshall the plans need to be designed to show a fire department access road to within 150 feet of all building exteriors. Dead end access roads over 150 feet in length are required to have an approved turn around to access the rear garage building. The proposed site plan needs to be modified to provide the above turn around. • The project may be subject to Water System Development Charges if not previously paid. The Development Charges are collected as part of the construction permit. Please note that any parcel that currently has water and or sewer service is eligible for a prorated system development charge. Your project will be reviewed to determine how much redevelopment credit applies. Mixed use buildings with over 50% floor space used for residential shall be assessed at the rate of$I,174.00 per dwelling unit. Sauitarv Sewer: • A commercial building permit will trigger a separate review. • If the parking garage will have floor drains, then they need to be connected into the sauitary sewer main. • Any use in the building subject to oils or grease shall require the installation of a grease removal system as determined at the time of plan review. • Commercial building sewers shall be a minimum of 6 inches in diameter at a 2% slope. H:\Division.s\Develop.ser\Dev&plan.ing\PROJECfS\06-020.Kcri\KENNYDALECAFEGFPR.doc\smt Kennydale Cafe Mixed-Use Applica' ' • The project may be subject to Sanitary Sewer System Development Charges if not previously paid. The Development Charges are collected as part of the construction permit. Please note that any parcel that currently has water and or sewer service is eligible for a prorated system development charge. Your project will be reviewed to determine how much redevelopment credit applies. Mixed use buildings with over 50% floor space used for residential shall be assessed at the rate of$610.00 per dwelling unit. Street Improvements: • A commercial building permit will trigger a separate review. • Per City of Renton code commercial projects that are 0 to 5,000 square feet in size are required to provide half pavement width per standard plus a minimum of 10 feet with curb, gutter and sidewalk on the project side. In addition the project shall install a minimum 20' pavement width to the arterial. • Street lighting is not required to be installed by this proposed project. • The Transportation Mitigation fees are $26,990.92 This is a SEPA condition. Storm Drainage: • A commercial building permit will trigger a separate review_ • The storm report shall address detention and water quality requirements as outlined in the 1990 King County Surface Water Manual. Ifpreliminary calculations indicate detention will be required under the 1990 manual, stafTwill recommend a condition that the project comply with the 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual to meet both detention (Conservation Flow control-a.k.a., Level 2) and water quality improvements. • The storm filter system is not approved for use in the City of Renton at this time. • The Surface Water SDC fees are $0.265 (but not less than $759) per square foot of new impervious area. These fees are collected at the time a construction permit is issued. General: • All required utility, drainage and street improvements will require separate plan submittals prepared according to City of Renton drafting standards by a licensed Civil Engineer. • All civil engineering plans shall be tied into a minimum of two of the City of Renton current Horizontal and Vertical Control network. • Permit application must include an itemized cost estimate for these improvements. The fee for review and inspection of these improvements is 5% of the first $100,000 of the estimated construction costs; 4% of anything over $100,000 but less than $200,000, and 3% of anything over $200,000. Halfof the fee must be paid upon application for building and construction permits, and the remainder when the permits are issued. There may be additional fees for water service related expenses. See Drafting Standards. cc: Kayren K I:\Projects\KENNYDALECAFEGF.doc\COf S#._LP.=:.....::;B..!..7 __ _ Project Name: 1<!iliN~'t)/.Is!.I2; (A8; I M!¥eJ Us...<- Project Address: I?~ 4'4' 'y...lo/>I51U1.G? IY l?\I!J Contact Person: ffip,Tf &1..- Permit Number: LI)P\ Olo-O~D Project Description: _.:.JY~-;"':~:::U:::':::~~..1lV\!!..I.!.:\\{:I:!:u\.I.:l..l\J,i.1M':.!I...' ---.:w+1 '-I~:ro.I.!CW:::.U~\kc~\.-\E~-~S.:.......;eyc.v~~-=:3l;o, QP>~-~_<t;_ eow-..OOlAc.R Mfa, ... Mid ff'r..~' Land Use Type: car Residential e:r-Retail o Non-retail ;:Oll'lculatfol1: ,:r.~.~ ':-'"". - 1.\; ,. '1UtU~~~GS' -., '.YC": iQ\ro\p~ ~"'?~ ~_ Transportation ,MIHgatlonFee: , Calculated by: , , '-. : ':--. Method of Calculation: .0""'ITE Trip Generation Manual, 7th Edition o Traffic Study o Other ('l~o-ll-\o~S , S. Blo T\£Af'> IO~I'\ " (q~~ SrI' \:)DVoJtJ (WSl1WII.AlU' 17.0, 15/1000'" ' , , 1S'7D utJj 'F-pqs.<,;\-'y /J~~ Da~ of Payment: _-..,. __ ---, ____________ _ ., w. o. - ~ ••• - 4 _. - 4 :;.- Neighborhood Detail Map 0 "::s:"',':'al::e::':I'~' =::!~200:'::' :..:::::..:::.:::::.;:..:::....:::...:::.::=:.::....:::::::11::....______ /,,' • - <1_. - 4 - #/ • • , -- • , , , , \ , C4 . 3l T24N RSE W 112 H ,23th PI R-+8 \ ._._.------\ -------\-- ---------\ - ---------------------\ -- \ -----------\- \ r -----------\ ---------------\- \ \ I \ I R-8 \ \N211th St. R-8 , " ----------\-- INGTON , , I sit€. CDR' WNING PIBIPW TBaINICAL 8BIlVlCII UJ28/04 E4 • 8 T23N RSE W 112 -.-._---Renton alt;,-Umlt. o 200 ~OQ ...... R-8 t3 ..... NE2 Z ~::::::=l~ til RC S 'f' i E4;t ",,' R 90 D4 5 T23N R5E W 112 530S