HomeMy WebLinkAboutD_Admin_Report_Decision_LUA-06-014REPORT & DECISION REPORT DA TE: Project Name: Owner: Applicant/Contact: File Number: Project Manager: Project Description: Project Location: Exist. Bldg. Area SF: Site Area: Project Location Map City of Renton Deparlment of Planning I Building I Public Works ADMINISTRATIVE LAND USE ACTION April 27, 2006 Le Development K & F Investments 10802 Cornell Avenue S Seattle, WA 98178 Paul Wu, AIA, CSI Wu Architecture 8817 NE 116th Place Kirkland, WA 98034 LUA-06-014, SA-A & ECF Valerie Kinast The applicant requests administrative site plan approval for a proposal to construct a 16,384 sq. ft., two-story, commercial building, 44 parking spaces and associated improvements on a 0. 76-acre site. The zoning designation is Commercial Arterial and the site is in the NE 41 " Street Business District. (Please see additional project description on the next page). 3700 NE 41 " Street NA 0.76-acres (33,128 square feet) Proposed New Bldg. Area SF: Total Building Area SF: 16,384 square feet Same as above Site Report 06-014.doc City of Renton P/B/PW Department LE DEVELOPMENT 1inistrative Site Plan Approval Staff Report REPORT AND DECISION OF APRIL 27, 2006 II PART ONE: PROJECT DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND LUA-06-014, SA-A, ECF Page 2of 11 The applicant is requesting administrative site plan review and environmental review of a proposal to construct a two- story, 16,384-square foot office and retail building, 44 parking spaces and associated improvements. The ground floor would contain 8,028 gross square feet of retail space and the second floor would contain 8,028 gross square feet of office use. The building would be located at the front of the lot, along NE 4th St., and the parking would be at the rear. Access would be from Queen Ave. NE. The applicant is required to dedicate 25 feet of public right-of-way along the west lot line and construct street improvements to Queen Ave. NE. There are no existing structures on the site. The northern half of the site is relatively level, but slopes up to a small ridge, which runs east-west through the center of the southern half of the site. A panhandle-shaped portion of the lot extends east at the northern end of the lot, rising up several feet to a lawn-covered area under transmission lines, where an easement for the Olympic Pipeline transects the property. The main portion of the lot is forested with evergreen trees and under-story vegetation, of which almost all will be removed. Four of the 61 trees on the site would be retained. Five street trees would be planted along the frontage, as part of a 6-foot wide landscape strip. Nineteen new trees are proposed along the rear property line in a 10-foot wide landscape strip. Excavation of approximately 1,000 cubic yards is proposed to accommodate the building and a surface-water detention vault. The project requires environmental SEPA review and administrative site plan review. Upon completion, the project would generate total building lot coverage of approximately 80% of the proposed site. Project construction is planned to commence in June of 2006 and be substantially completed by December of 2006 with an estimated construction cost of $850,000.00. II PART TWO: ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW A SEPA Determination of Non-significance -Mitigated was issued on April 4, 2006 imposing the following mitigation measures: 1. The site work and construction of the proposed building shall comply with the recommendations contained within the "Subsurface Exploration, Geologic Hazard, and Geotechnical Engineering Report" prepared by Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. dated December 14, 2005, regarding site preparation, structural fill and erosion hazards and mitigation. 2. The applicant shall provide a Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (TESCP) designed pursuant to the State Department of Ecology's Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements, outlined in Volume II of the 2001 Stormwater Management Manual and provide staff with a Construction Mitigation Plan prior to issuance of construction permits for the site improvements. 3. The project will be required to comply with the 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual for surface water management. 4. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Traffic Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per new average daily trip attributed to the project prior to the issuance of building permits. 5. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee based on a rate of $0.52 per square foot of the gross floor area of the new building. II PART THREE: ADMINISTRATIVE LAND USE ACTION . REPORT & DECISION Type of Land Use Action XX Site Plan Review A. Shoreline Substantial Develo ment Permit Conditional Use Bindin Site Plan Special Permit for Grade & Fill Administrative Code Determination B. Exhibits The fqllowing exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit No. 1: Project (yellow) file containing: application, proof of posting and publication, environmental Exhibit No. 2: Exhibit No. 3: Exhibit No. 4: Site Report 06-014.doc review and other documentation pertinent to this request. Site Plan (Received February 14, 2006) Landscape Planting Plan (Received February 14, 2006) Grading & Drainage Plan (Received February 14, 2006) City of Renton P/8/PW Department - LE DEVELOPMENT inistrative Site Plan Approval Staff Report LUA-06-014, SA-A, ECF REPORT AND DECISION OF APRIL 27, 2006 Page3of11 Exhibit No. 5: Utility Plan (February 14, 2006) Exhibit No. 6 Exhibit No. 7: Building Elevation & Section (Received February 14, 2006) Upper Level Floor Plan (February 14, 2006) Exhibit No. 10 Page E5 E of the City of Renton Zoning Map Book (December 28, 2004) C. Consistency with Site Plan Criteria In reviewing the proposal with respect to the Site Plan Approval Criteria set forth in Section 4-9-200 of the Renton Municipal Code, the following issues have been identified by City Departmental Reviewers and Divisional Reviewers: 1. Conformance with the Comprehensive Plan, its elements and policies; Comprehensive Plan, Its Elements and Policies Site Report 06-014.doc The proposed site is designated Commercial Corridor (CC) on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The CC areas are characterized by concentrated, pre-existing commercial activity, primarily in a linear urban form, that provide necessary goods and services for daily living, accessible to near-by neighborhoods, serving a sub-regional market and accommodating large volumes of traffic. The proposed use of the site for retail and offices is consistent with the following CC policies: • Policy CD-30. If transit service is available, parking requirements may be reduced or shared parking serving multiple developments may be allowed. There is a Metro bus stop along NE 4th St. directly in front of the site, located partially on the lot itself. The applicant has applied for a parking modification to reduce the number of parking stalls required for the project from 48 to 44 stalls because of the proximity to transit. The modification was also to increase the percentage of allowable compact stalls from 30% to 40%, and reduce the required standard parking stall length from 20 feet to 18 feet. All items, except the reduction in parking stall length, were granted. The number of parking stalls will be further reduced, in order for the applicant to comply with a requirement of the NE 4th Street Business District development regulations to provide a pedestrian walkway as a connection across the site. Further discussion of this can be found under Parking/Circulation below. • Objective CD-G. Architecture should be distinctive and contribute to the community aesthetic. The proposed building is architecturally designed to appear to be one-story in the front. Increased massing at the southwestern corner of the site, at the intersection of Queen Ave. NE and NE 4th St., creates an accent at this node in the NE 4th Street Business District. The use of cornices and clear horizontal lines creates a pleasing but unassuming aesthetic that would contribute well to its surroundings. • Policy LU-349. Support development plans incorporating the following features: 1. Shared access points and fewer curb cuts; 2. Internal circulation among adjacent parcels; 3. Shared parking facilities; 4. Allowance for future transition to structured parking facilities; 5. Centralized signage; 6. Unified development concepts; and 7. Landscaping and streetscape that softens visual impacts. Access to the site would be via a driveway to Queen Ave. NE, which would avoid the need for a curb cut to 4th Ave. NE, which is a busy arterial. Internal circulation between adjacent lots would be aided by a pedestrian connection between the properties, as required by the business district standards, but not provided in the initial submittal by the applicant. The project design will be required to be amended to include this prior to construction. Landscaping is proposed along the frontage of the site along NE 4th St., which will soften visual impacts. City of Renton PIBIPW Department · LE DEVELOPMENT 1inistrative Site Plan Approval Staff Report LUA-06-014, SA-A, ECF REPORT ANO DECISION OF APRIL 27, 2006 Page 4 of 11 • Policy LU-391. To the extent possible, undeveloped parcels and pads and/or redevelopment in the Northeast Fourth Corridor Business District should feature street- facing building facades located a maximum of fifteen (15) feet set back from the non- curb edge of sidewalks abutting the principal arterial. The proposed building faces NE 4th Street and is ten feet from the front property line. As proposed, the site layout and the proposed use comply with the policies and the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. Conformance with existing land use regulations; The site is located within the Commercial Arterial (CA) zoning designation, in the NE 4th Street Business District. The purpose of the CA zone is to provide opportunities for a wide range of commercial uses and to set site development standards that transition the commercial area from "strip commercial" linear business districts to business areas characterized by enhanced site planning, incorporating efficient parking lot design, coordinated access, amenities and boulevard treatment. The development regulations for the NE 4th Street Business District are designed to encourage concentrated commercial activity, a focal point of pedestrian activity and visual interest. The applicant, Paul Wu, has proposed a two-story, 16,384-square foot commercial building with one floor of retail and one floor of office usage above the retail. The proposed uses are permitted in the CA zoning designation. The office use must not exceed 50% of the gross square footage of the site. Lot Coverage -The CA zone allows a maximum lot coverage of 65%. If the parking is provided underground, the lot coverage may be up to 75%. The Le Development proposal would have a lot coverage of 24.2%. Setbacks The CA zone requires a minimum front yard setback of 10 feet, which may be reduced through the site plan review process. The maximum front yard setback in the NE 4th Street Business District is 15 feet. The applicant proposed, with a pre-application design, a front yard setback of only five feet. In response to staff comments, the site plan he submitted for formal review allowed a ten-foot setback area with more landscaping. The ten-foot setback appears to allow for circulation around the building and adequate landscaping, and would thus meet the setback requirement. Therefore, staff supports the approval of the proposed ten-foot landscaped setback. Height -The CA zone has a building height limit of 50 feet. The applicant has proposed to construct a two- story building that would be approximately 28 feet in height above finished grade, which would meet the regulations. Landscaping -The development standards of the CA zone require a ten-foot landscape strip along the street frontages of the site, which would include the frontages to NE 4th St. and Queen Ave. NE. This can be reduced with the site plan review process. Trees are required at at least 30-foot intervals along both of these frontages. The regulations also require a 15-foot sight obscuring landscape strip where properties abut residentially zoned lots, in this case the north lot line. This may be reduced to 10 feet through the site plan review process. The submitted landscape plan shows a five-foot landscape strip along NE 4th St. between the sidewalk and walkway of the building, containing gingko trees and a well-suited selection of shrubs and groundcover. Along Queen Ave. NE the landscape strip has been reduced to two feet in width and spans only limited segments of the frontage. The landscape strip along the north property line is reduced to ten feet and contains red maples, Leyland cypress, and a selection of shrubs and ground covers. The landscaping along NE 4th St. and the north property line is sufficient. Staff recommends requiring more landscaping and the required street trees along Queen Ave. NE. The applicant should explore the idea of adding landscaping either at the edge of the sidewalk, or along the building, especially to add visual relief from the blank segment of the west fa9ade at the base of the building. Landscaping of parking lots is required by the parking regulations (RMC 4-4-080F7). Surface parking lots with between 15 and 50 parking spaces are required to install a minimum of 15 square feet of landscaping per parking space. For a 44-stall parking lot, that would be 660 sq. ft. of required parking lot landscaping. One additional tree for every six stalls must be planted in the parking lot interior. Five shrubs must be planted for every 100 sq. ft. of required parking lot landscaping and groundcover must be planted to sufficiently cover at least 90% of the ground within three years. The regulations for the NE 4th Business District also require that no more than six stalls be consecutively clustered without an intervening landscaped area a minimum five feet in width and the length of the stall. The applicant provided 360 sq. ft. of landscaping for the interior of the Site Report 06-014.doc City of Renton P!BIPW Department - LE DEVELOPMENT ,inistrative Site Plan Approval Staff Report REPORT AND DECISION OF APRIL 27, 2006 LUA-06-014, SA-A, ECF Page 5 of 11 parking lot at two locations within the parking lot. To meet the regulations, the applicant shall increase the level of parking lot landscaping by at least 300 sq. ft. and provide vegetation as described above. Staff recommends as a condition of site plan approval, that the applicant be required to submit a revised landscape plan, which provides for more landscaping and street trees along Queen Ave. NE and sufficient parking lot landscaping as required by the parking regulations and the NE 4th Street Business District regulations. The revised landscape plan shall be submitted at the time the applicant applies for site improvement construction permits. Parking/Circulation -The parking ratios required of the project are: Retail 0.4 per 100 square feet, office 0.3 per 100 square feet and storage 1 per 1500 square feet. A total of 48 parking stalls would be required to serve the proposed new building. Two of these would need to meet ADA requirements. The applicant requested a parking modification to reduce the number of required stalls, reduce the required length of the stalls and increase the percentage of compact stalls. The modification to reduce the length of the standard stalls from 20 feet to 18 feet was denied on March 20, 2006 by the Development Services Director. The requests to reduce the number of stalls from 48 to 44 and increase the percentage of compact stalls from 30% to 40% were granted. Staff recommends as a condition of approval, that the applicant be required to submit a revised site plan, with all standard parking stalls at a length of 20 feet, as required by the parking regulations. In order to meet the requirement of providing adequate parking lot landscaping, as discussed above under landscaping, and a pedestrian connection across the lot, as discussed below, the applicant will likely have to further reduce the number of parking stalls. The ratio for retail as it is stated in the code is a maximum number, with the minimum being left to the discretion of the decision-maker. Staff received comments from the Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department pointing out that given the NE 4th Business District development regulations require parking stall numbers to be oriented on the minimum allowable stalls for retail, allowing for a reduction in this case in order to meet landscaping and pedestrian connection requirements is acceptable by code and encouraged by policy. For this reason, staff recommends that the applicant be allowed to further reduce the number of parking stalls in order to provide additional parking lot landscaping and a pedestrian walkway across the site from north to south. The required drive aisle width for two-way travel and 90 degree parking stalls is 24 feet and curb cuts are limited to 30 feet in width. The proposal provides a 24-foot drive aisle width and 24-foot curb cut and thus meets these requirements. Loading space -The city's development regulations require all new projects to supply adequate loading area if the activity carried on in the building will require deliveries to or shipment from it of people or merchandise (RMC 4-4-080J). Because the Le Development includes over 8,000 sq. ft. of retail space, deliveries will be likely, and will need to be accomodated. For this reason, the applicant shall designate a parking stall near an entrance to the building as a loading stall. This shall be shown on the revised site plan submitted at the time of construction permit application. 3. Mitigation of impacts to surrounding properties and uses; The uses surrounding the site include multi-family to the north, a manufactured home park zoned CA to the west, a veterinary office to the east and commercial uses to the south, across NE 4th St.. Short term impacts during construction of the project would be noise and dust. These impacts are mitigated by state and local laws regarding vehicle emissions and work hours. The applicant has submitted a construction mitigation plan, as to how these laws will be complied with. The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee reviewed the impacts of the project in their meeting on January 10, 2006 and imposed a mitigation measure requiring the applicant to provide temporary erosion and sedimentation control during construction of the site improvements and building. Long-term impacts of the project will include increased traffic. The Environmental Review Committee imposed a Traffic Mitigation Fee, as a mitigation measure for the project. The owner will also be required to construct street improvements, including sidewalks along the street frontage of Queen Ave. NE, which will provide some compensation for the additional auto traffic. Mitigating factors of the site plan also include the aesthetically pleasing quality of the project and provision of a small plaza at the corner of Queen Ave. NE and NE 4th St. as open space in what is becoming an increasingly lively business corridor. Site Report 06-014.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department LE DEVELOPMENT 1inistrative Site Plan Approval Staff Report REPORT AND DECISION OF APRIL 27, 2006 4. Mitigation of impacts of the proposed site plan to the site; LUA-06-014, SA-A, ECF Page 6 of 11 Impacts to the site include a loss of natural vegetation. This is an impact that is to be expected when undeveloped property in one of the city's major commercial corridors is developed. This impact is mitigated by quality landscaping along the perimeter of the site as well as within the parking lot area. Other impacts to the site, such as erosion, may arise during construction. All construction activities would be required to follow the construction mitigation description submitted with the site plan. and adhere to the mitigation measures contained in the Environmental Review Report for the project, which would reduce potential construction impacts to the site. Impacts relevant to future use of the site are not to be expected. The project is cohesive in its design. Parking is provided behind the building. Entrances are available at both the rear of the building near the parking, and at both sides of the building that front streets. Circulation throughout the site is made possible by pathways running completely around the building and into the parking lot. The portion of the lot that is encumbered by an easement for the Olympic Gas pipeline will be used for parking. The building is placed partially underground, to give the appearance of being only one story as seen from NE 4th St. while offering two floors of commercial space. 5. Conservation of area-wide property values; The proposal would result in the addition of a quality, well-designed commercial building in the NE 41 h Street Business District. It would offer attractive small spaces for businesses and on site services. The applicant indicated that it would increase the value of the property to $1,250,000, which will likely have a positive impact on property values in the vicinity. 6. Safety and efficiency of vehicle and pedestrian circulation; The building would be located along the frontage of the site with parking in the rear of the building. Pedestrians could enter the site from the sidewalk along NE 4th St. and from the newly constructed sidewalk along Queen Ave. NE. Entrances to the building would be provided on three sides of the structure, including both sides with street frontage. Vehicular access to the site would be via Queen Ave. NE. No new curb cuts would be made along NE 4th so no new traffic would be entering from or exiting onto NE 4th St. directly. Cars would enter the site and park in the parking stalls at 90-degree angles. People arriving to the building by car and parking would enter the building from the walkway that encircles the building. Delivery vehicles would enter the site through the entrance on Queen Ave. NE and park in a designated loading stall near one of the entrances. The loading stall is required by code and is necessary, especially in this case, because otherwise delivery vehicles would likely stop and unload in the drive aisle, causing congestion and hazard. The site plan submitted for approval does not show such a designated loading stall, but it should be included in the revised site plan that must be submitted at the time of application for site construction permits as a condition of site plan approval. The NE 4th Street Business District standards require that all parking fields in a parking lot be connected to the building by a pedestrian walkway. The submitted site plan did not illustrate a connection from the parking field in the northeastern corner of the lot to the building. The applicant shall include in the revised site plan, which must be submitted as a condition of site plan approval, the required pedestrian connections between the parking fields and the building. The regulations for new site design in the NE 4'h Street Business District also require the applicant to provide connections from abutting properties across the site for pedestrians. The submitted site plan does not include such a pedestrian connection. The applicant must provide a pedestrian connection from the north side of the lot to the south side to meet this requirement. This connection could be located in the eastern portion of the lot, in the easement area. It shall be included on the revised site plan that must be submitted as a condition of site plan approval. 7. Provision of adequate light and air; There is no anticipated blockage of light or air to the proposed site or to the surrounding properties resulting from the development, except to the veterinary building to the east. The east end of the proposed building would have a height of approximately 20 feet above grade, with the lower floor being located partially below grade. The applicant is providing a 7-foot to 8-foot setback from the east property line, although a zero-foot setback is allowed by the zoning regulations in this zone. This would result in 13 feet of distance between the two buildings. Although this would block light to the neighboring building, it provides more space between the Site Report 06-014.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department - LE DEVELOPMENT REPORT AND DECISION OF APRIL 27, 2006 inistrative Site Plan Approval Staff Report LUA-06-014, SA-A, ECF Page 8 of 12 buildings than the code requires in that zone. The fa<,ade at that end of the building would not have windows, so there would be no visual connection between people in the buildings. Landscaping is proposed, which will offer visual interest in the space between the buildings. The building has been designed to include large windows on all sides of the structure, which will allow adequate light to enter the proposed building. Adequate parking lot lighting should be installed, to ensure safety and security of the users of the building. The lighting shall only illuminate the parking area and shall be designed and located so as to avoid undue glare or reflection of light onto neighboring lots (RMC 4-4-080F5). The applicant did not address lighting with the application for site plan approval. All lighting that is proposed with the application for site construction is required to meet these requirements of the development regulations. 8. Mitigation of noise, odors and other harmful or unhealthy conditions; The mitigation of short and long-term impacts resulting from the project was discussed under criteria 3. and 4. above. There will be some additional noise and emissions generated by cars entering and leaving the site, once the building is complete. If certain types of businesses, such as restaurants, locate in the building, odors or smoke may be emitted. These types of emissions are limited by county health regulations. 9. Availability of public services and facilities to accommodate the proposed use; and Water -The proposed development is within the City of Renton' s water service area. There is an existing 12- inch water main in NE 4th St., fronting the parcel that can deliver 5,500 gpm (refer to City project plan no. W- 0238). The static pressure at street level is about 80 psi. There is also a 10-inch water main along the west property line. This water main runs north-south. These water mains are in the 565-water pressure zone. The site is within Aquifer Protection Zone 2. Fire flow has been determined to be 2,500 gpm. A pressure-reducing valve will be required. Preliminary fire flow is 2,750 gpm. City Code requires the installation of a looped water main around the buildings or complex of buildings when the fire flow demand exceeds 2,500 gpm. A minimum of three fire hydrants is required. Existing hydrants will be required to be retrofitted with Storz "quick disconnect" fittings. A separate utility permit and separate plans will be required for the installation of the double detector check valve assembly for fire sprinkler systems. Devices installed shall be per the latest Department of Health "Approved List" of Backflow Prevention Devices. Civil plans shall note: "Separate plans and utility permit for DDCVA installation for Fire Sprinkler System will be required". If back/low device is to be installed inside the building, applicant shall submit a copy of the mechanical plan showing location and installation of the device as part of the utility plan submittal. Buildings that exceed 30 feet in height will require a back/low device to be installed on domestic water meters. A Water System Development Charge in the amount of $0.273/sq. ft. of property must be paid by the applicant at the time of utility construction permitting. Sewer -The site is currently connected to the City of Renton sewer system. There is an 8-inch sewer main in NE 4th Street. There is an existing 8-inch sewer main along the west property line. If commercial food preparation facilities are proposed, then a grease trap or grease interceptor will be required. A separate plumbing permit will also be required. Side sewer shall be a minimum 6-inch and maximum 2% slope. A Sewer System Development Charge in the amount of $0.142/sq. ft. of the property must be paid by the applicant at the time of utility construction permitting. The applicant will also be required to pay the East Renton Interceptor Special Assessment District (SAD) fee for the site. Fees are $0.069 per square-foot of the property plus interest. Surface Water -This project drains to the Cedar River Basin (Mount Olivet sub-basin). A drainage report in accordance with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual has been submitted. The applicant is proposing a vault for flow control and basic water quality to meet surface water requirements. The applicant will be required to submit separate structural plans for review and approval under a building permit for the proposed detention vault. Special inspection from the building department is required. A Surface Water System Development Charge in the amount of $0.265/sq. ft. of new impervious area must be paid by the applicant at the time of submittal for utility construction permits. Transportation: There are street improvements along NE 41 h St.. There is pavement along Queen Ave NE. Off-site improvements, including sidewalk. curb and gutter, street paving, stormwater conveyance system, landscaping and street lighting will be required along the frontage of the development on Queen Ave NE. This Site Report 06-014.doc City of Renton P!B/PW Department - LE DEVELOPMENT REPORT AND DECISION OF APRIL 27, 2006 inistrative Site Plan Approval Staff Report LUA-06-014, SA-A, ECF Page 8 of 11 project will be required to dedicate 25 feet of right-of-way to the City along the frontage of the parcel with Queen Ave NE. This project is also required to dedicate a minimum of 25-foot radius at the corner of NE 4th Street and Queen Ave NE. A Traffic Mitigation Fee of $75 per additional generated trip is required of the project and was imposed as a mitigation measure by the Environmental Review Committee. Fire Service: The proposed development lies in an area served by the City of Renton Fire Department. The preliminary fire flow is 2,750 GPM, one hydrant is required within 150 feet of the structure and two additional hydrants are required within 300 feet of the structure. Separate plans and permits are required for the installation of sprinkler and fire alarm systems. The wet retention vault must be designed and certified by a structural engineer to withstand the load of a fire apparatus. The owner of the structure, will be required to provide a list of flammable, combustible liquids or hazardous chemicals that may be used or stored on site. New development is assessed a Fire Mitigation Fee at a rate of $0.52 per square foot of the gross floor area of the new building. The estimated fee for the Le Development is $8,519.68. The Fire Mitigation Fee was imposed by the Environmental Review Committee with their approval of the project. 8. Prevention of neighborhood deterioration and blight. As noted above, the proposed site is currently undeveloped and is located in an area along one of the city's major commercial corridors. Staff expects the development of the site, including a new building, ample on-site parking and cohesive landscaping to be a benefit to the community and the existing neighborhood. Therefore, no deterioration or blight is expected to occur as a result of this proposal. XX Co ies of all Review Comments are contained in the Official File. Copies of all Review Comments are attached to this report. D. Findings, Conclusions & Decision Having reviewed the written record in the matter, the City now enters the following: 1) Request: The Applicant has requested Environmental (SEPA) Review and Administrative Site Plan Approval for the Le Development project, LUA-06-014, SA-A & ECF. 2) Environmental Review: On April 4, 2006, the City of Renton Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated for the Le Development project. The applicant's file containing the report and decision, as well as the application, State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) documentation, comments from various City departments, public notices requesting citizen comment, and other pertinent documents is entered as Exhibit No. 1 of this report. 3) Site Plan Review: The applicant's site plan application complies with the requirements for information necessary for site plan review. The applicant's site plan and other project drawings are entered as exhibits of this report. 4) Comprehensive Plan: The subject proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan designation of Commercial Corridor (CC), provided all advisory notes and conditions of approval are complied with. 5) Zoning: The Site Plan as presented, complies with the zonini requirements and development standards of the Commercial Arterial (CA) Zoning designation, and the NE 4 Street Business District provided all advisory notes and conditions of approval are complied with. 6) Existing Land Use: Land uses surrounding the entire site include: North: Apartment building in the Residential Multi-Family (RMF) zone; East: Veterinary office in the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone, South: Commercial in the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone; West: Manufactured Home Park in the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone. E. Conclusions 1) The subject proposal complies with the policies and codes of the City of Renton, provided all advisory notes and conditions of approval are complied with. Site Report 06-014.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department - LE DEVELOPMENT REPORT AND DECISION OF APRIL 27, 2006 inistrative Site Plan Approval Staff Report LUA-06-014, SA-A, ECF Page 9 of 11 2) The proposal complies with the Comprehensive Plan designation of Commercial Corridor (CC), the zoning designation of Commercial Arterial (CA) and the NE 4'" Street Business District overlay provided all advisory notes and conditions of approval are complied with. 3) Environmental (SEPA) review has been conducted on the site and a Determination of Non- Significance -Mitigated was issued on April 4, 2006. F. Decision The Site Plan Review for the Le Development, File No. LUA-06-014, SA-A & ECF, is approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall comply with all mitigation measures imposed with the Environmental Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated issued on April 4, 2006. 2. The applicant shall submit a revised landscape plan and PMT at the time of application for utility construction permits. It shall include the additional parking lot landscaping, street trees and trees in the interior of the parking lot as required by the parking regulations and NE 4'" Street Business District regulations. It shall also include increased landscaping along Queen Ave. NE. 3. The applicant shall submit a revised site plan, and PMT, at the time of utility construction permits. It shall include standard parking stalls with a length of 20 feet, in response to the denied portion of the requested parking modification. It shall also illustrate the required pedestrian connection across the site from north to south and the pedestrian connection required from the parking field in the northeast of the site to the building. EFFECTIVE DATE OF DECISION ON LAND USE ACTION: SIGNATURE: \ / I -1i7· I' t' er 1, L~tll; Neil Watts, Development Services Director TRANSMITTED this 27th day of April, 2006 to the owner applicant and contact: Paul Wu, AIA, CSI Wu Architecture 8817 NE 116th Place Kirkland, WA 98034 TRANSMITTED this 27th day of April, 2006 to the owner: K & F Investments 10802 Cornell Avenue S Seattle, WA 98178 TRANSMITTED this 27th day of April, 2006 to the Party of Record: Tom Huxtable Windermere Real Estate 3800 NE 4th Street Renton, WA 98056 TRANSMITTED this 27th day of April, 2006 to the following: Jennifer Henning, OevelopmenVPlanning Larry Meckling, Building Official Stan Engler, Fire Prevention Kayren Kittrick, Public Works Division Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney King County Journal Site Report 06-014.doc 1+)"7·' ,·r: ---IV C Date City of Renton P/8/PW Department LE DEVELOPMENT iinistrative Site Plan Approval Staff Report REPORT AND DECISION OF APRIL 27, 2006 LUA-06-014, SA-A, ECF Page 10 of 11 Land Use Decision Appeal Process Appeals of the land use decision must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM May 11, 2006. If no appeals are filed by this date, both actions will become final. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. Advisory Notes to Applicant: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the environmental determination. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for environmental determinations. Planning 1. RMC 4-3-040F1 e requires that a pedestrian connection be provided from each parking field of a parking lot to the building. The applicant shall provide a designated walkway from the parking area in the northeast of the lot to the building. 2. RMC 4-3-040F1 c requires that a pedestrian connection be provided across the site from abutting properties. The applicant shall provide a designated walkway, meeting the requirements therein. 3. RMC 4-4-080F7 requires parking lot landscaping and RMC 4-3-040F1 d presents additional parking lot landscaping requirements. 4. RMC section 4-4-030.C.2 limits haul hours between 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved by the Development Services Division. The Development Services Division reserves the right to rescind the approved extended haul hours at any time if complaints are received. 5. Within thirty (30) days of completion of grading work, the applicant shall hydroseed or plant an appropriate ground cover over any portion of the site that is graded or cleared of vegetation and where no further construction work will occur within ninety (90) days. Alternative measures such as mulch, sodding, or plastic covering as specified in the current King County Surface Water Management Design Manual as adopted by the City of Renton may be proposed between the dates of November 1st and March 31st of each year. The Development Services Division's approval of this work is required prior to final inspection and approval of the permit. 6. Commercial, multi-family, new single-family and other nonresidential construction activities shall be restricted to the hours between seven o'clock (7:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m., Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays shall be restricted to the hours between nine o'clock (9:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m. No work shall be permitted on Sundays. 7. All landscaping shall be irrigated by an approved irrigation system prior to final occupancy permits. Fire Prevention 1. The preliminary fire flow is 2,750 gpm for the building. One hydrant is required within 150 feet of the structure and two additional hydrants are required within 300 feet of the structure. 2. Separate plans and permit are required for the installation of fire alarm and fire sprinkler systems. 3. The wet retention vault must be designed and certified by a structural engineer to withstand the load of the fire apparatus. 4. Provide a list of flammable, combustible liquids and any hazardous chemical to be used or stored on site. Building 1. Building, Electrical, Plumbing and Mechanical permits will be required. Plan Review -WATER 1. A pressure reduce valve will be required. 2. Preliminary fire flow is 2,750 gpm. City Code requires the installation of a looped water main around the buildings or complex of buildings when the fire flow demand exceeds 2,500 gpm. 3. Minimum of three fire hydrants are required. Existing hydrants will be required to be retrofitted with Storz "quick disconnect" fittings. 4. Water System Development Charge in the amount of $0.273/sq.ft. of property apply. This fee is payable with the utility construction permit. 5. A separate utility permit and separate plans will be required for the installation of the double detector check valve assembly for fire sprinkler systems. 6. Devices installed shall be per the latest Department of Health "Approved List" of Backflow Prevention Devices. Civil plans shall note: "Separate plans and utility permit for DDCVA installation for Fire Sprinkler System will be required". If backflow device is to be installed inside the building, applicant shall submit a copy of the mechanical plan showing location and installation of the device as part of the utility plan submittal. 7. Buildings that exceed 30 feet in height will require a backflow device to be installed on domestic water meters. Plan Review· SANITARY SEWER Site Report 06-014.doc City of Renton P/8/PW Department - LE DEVELOPMENT REPORT AND DECISION OF APRIL 27, 2006 inistrative Sile Plan Approval Staff Report LUA-06-014, SA-A, ECF Page 11 of 11 1. If commercial food preparation facilities are proposed, then a grease trap or grease interceptor will be required. A separate plumbing permit will also be required. 2. Side sewer shall be a minimum 6-inch at 2% slope. 3. Sewer System Development Charge in the amount of $0.142/sq.ft. of the property apply. This fee is payable with the construction permit. 4. East Renton Interceptor Special Assessment District (SAD) fees will be required. Fees are $0.069 per square- foot of the property+ interest. Plan Review -SURFACE WATER 1. Surface Water System Development Charge in the amount of $0.265/sq.ft. of new impervious area apply. This fee is payable with the utility construction permit. 2. Applicant will be required to submit separate structural plans for review and approval under a building permit for proposed detention vault. Special inspection from the building department is required. 3. Temporary erosion control is required to meet the Department of Ecology Standards. Plan Review -TRANSPORTATION 1. N/A Plan Review -GENERAL 1. All plans shall conform to the Renton Drafting Standards. Site Report 06-014.doc PROJECT DATA STREET ADDRESS NC 41H STREET t (MIN A\{Ml{ t( ROll(II, WA~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION SJR 092:ict!i TA.ILOT 2J1 S 180 fl. [f W 1/2 Cf Sir t/4 Ci" SE 1/4 Cf SC 1/4 1.£S:S 11$5 FT CF S 1!£1 rT Tl£fl(Cf l.l'SS CO ROl,D L!SS Cfll llGTS EASOIEHT PSPlll ~ ()( TAX ACCOUNT NUMBERS 092m..iZ31 SITE & LOT COVERAGE Pflmlll"Y AAD:. :U,1211 S.F. (0.7& ACR() a.LOING CO>£ll: 8,ot6 Sf. LOT CO'>{AAG(: !I02l!/;\3l2S • n.2ll (Cl() IMPER~OUS SURFACE AREAS "'""' ... """" J0.191S-F. -""" ll.121$!. ...... """" 4.fflSF. ~ """"· ll.121$.f PARKING CALCULATIONS l,ffD I.I'IE~ l,02I s.r. u:,,o 1.£\U: l,02I s.r. ~ F\.OOR NV. 11,W SF R!:TNL 1SllllL/~s.f. 0010: ,wu/ms.r. ~ StlJIAG: lSTlil/lms.r. '' JJMi/1!!,J -,1.1 t'hu.t •OJOO:IHC REOURCO, i~~ J@/,"1 • 9.0 Sli ~f:«•llST P""1(NC RCIJJll'ID Hl • 0 AU; PIJ!f:i~{; Pl/(Ml:ID 4a1 Slll.l.S ,(o,:) Ull(;(STJ.U.S: l!ISTAIJ.! ~-4Xll!"-(I 81.0IIUHIIH 51,US: J STAU.5 ):-0" X Iii'-~ COl,J>.lCJ Sl.11.J.S: I) ST.oil$ -6" I 16' / --, --. ---$ ~ ~=:-+r-;t---+- ' ZONINGc& CODES ZONING INFORMATION ~TI<li: Ofr(lltCNTl'.JI ZC*e C1.ASSflC.l.llON: CA{~ MMAI. ZO£ ti 1£ 4TH ~ ~) MI.W:EMT ~TY Zl:NliO; l~i:!~ ltln-fAlll.'0 iOOni) CA (CD,llf]IQAL ARJtla,1,1.) -• """"' ~--fl!CIIT: 10'-0" SIU ZfRO tOl Ullt: flEAR (.16.ltltfG 111H) 1d-f/ 8UUitlG Jm!T POIIITlED: 3$'4 PIIIJ'OSED EW»1G IOJfl: w-r 100 CODE INFORMATION It.UNG CCtt: IIITDINA'll(»j,lj, WlDIIG COOE (:a'.lOJ Etlllnl) ~ STAl[ ENCllGY cat" WA. STAI£ FIULU t Rm.lJ..ll(tlS R:JI 8AJIAO-fltEE l)[3Qj CTY Cf IIOITQI' lAlll IJSE CW: OCOJ>NIC'I' Q.AS!JFIC,\lk)t 8 ((MHSS) / II (M£JICM1U) / S-2 {TIR.la) CQNSlR\.ICTQf t'll'E: Y..B (FIUY ~) M!lllG IEQIT ,UOl{D; ~·-o" PIICf'OSED Ul*G 1(11)11'., 2f-&" (a<) NUIIIIER <»" STtRES: 2 SQ11£S B.ISC N.UlW.16..[ f'l.OOR Nl£J.: t.000 S,.f, t-AU.OIWU fLOOt ll'iD I~ ~ F\.OIJt APO:. IO,OOII s.r. LANDSCAPE AREA SUMMARY PERME1DI BED NII.It PA1t311(: LOl: PROJECT TEAM OWNER K I r lrMSTIIENfS AID LE. GENEFIIIL IIAIUCER 10802 C(ftr(U. AIEH.{ saJIH SEAT1LE. WA Min :zotH14-5m ru 100-120-IMl!MI ARCHITECT WJ AROf'l[CJUR[ 81117 llE. 116-111 PU£:[ ~ IWHll(jJON ll!Kll4•8113 {475) ~2182 fl,X (~~) ffl-13911 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER ElOIERS lll'.lllHWEST, IMC &Mt 'MX.O.,\c .. ,\\OU: NE S(J,T11!. '1M 91115 ~52S--~ Tl,X 205-m-MIS Cl~L ENGINEER / LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT TIJl:R..\ f'OIIO OESIGII GROIJ> m2 -l71ff A\Ot.lE SW ~Tll.E,-9812& ~82J--OSID m 2e»-t23-.m1 -,_-' ,,,-.-<===-i,, ~-A 'i l'~ / '! ~~ru=• " I ... 'I 1.1 J:Ji:,j:ll---,a,-J>----i/,.,_ nm,.,l~ ~-~.sr.rsSJ!M '-'"rs C•"C...-..r I ">:C. ""' J»1o,J J ~--...,,.,, .. ~, ~ . I . I . I . I , I , /_1~ INDEX TO DRAY A-1 co,rn SHEU; PROJECT OATA TOPOGRAPHIC SUR'ol:Y C 1.1 PA"1NG PLAN C 1.2 ERO~ON CONTRCt PLAN C U GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN C 1.4 UTILITY PLAN C 1.5 Q"1L DETAILS C 1.6 Q"1L DETAILS C 1.7 0"1L NOTES L 1.1 LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN S 1.1 LANOSCAPE PLANTING DETAILS , S 0.1 GENERAL NO TES S 1.1 FOUNDATION PLAN S 1.1 UPPER lfl'El FRAMING PLAN S U ROOf FRAMING PLAN S 2.1 FOUNDATION SECTIONS S 2.2 SECTIONS S 3.1 ROOf SECTIONS A-2 LOVIER L£'ol:L PLAN & DETAILS A-J UPPER L£\U PLAN & SCHEDULES A-4 ROOF PLAN & DETAILS A-5 BUILDING ElIVATIONS & SECTION A-6 REFL£CTED CEILING PLANS A-7 SECTIONS & DETAILS ! I 'i N ..... 15 .c X w $-VICINITY MAP.= j:ji].___Jr:::::......_~~ , , .1 ·-=-~~,-~,-~YERMIT NOTES: r \~ r,~, ~ __c:::•~4~STRE~----•----,--1. N0 ELECTRIC RESISTANCE HEAT ALLOWED. 2. FIRE SPRINKLER SYSlEM UNDER SEPARAlE PERMIT. • SITEPLAN~ 5(0!.1· I'• '111..JJ' - 3. lENANT IMPROVEMENT.S UNDER SEPARAlE PERMIT. 4. PLUMBING, MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL WORK UNDER SEPARATE PERMITS. ~I( ~ el ,. ii ';~ J ,- ' I ~ ' .. \~ c,: !c CZ ti :'.S w 0.. -, "' ~ t:: 0.. Cl) .. 2."' w: :!ii"'. c.~ o~ ..JC w w~ > « w~ C 'l! ., will ...Ja --·; A-1 ~ Olll1"'/fflll • • • •i • • 1 I I 111pm p 11 11 ,,:,1111,ili I l I !Ii! iPI ! ! DI' '~ I I ~ • • • !--:> r )> z 0 (J) 0 )> u rTl u r )> z =i z C) u r )> z ~- _@ ® 9o1; If!! i ll!lil I I II I I 11 1111 • • I • 1i ll I I . I~ ~II I! ~ l' i111 II II I 11 i' I I LE DEVEI.OPIIENT for ALEX LE 2 gJ C r "' ffll .... _. -·- ----·--- II I r 'I 11 t ---------------- Exhibit 3 .-1• TERRAFORMA ' , DESIGN GROUP, INC --·--~z--•-•---------- . : 3 . . j r' '~"' , ' ' ':'fP/'l •d ' h .. {Ir---- ! !,----- ·.•·.·.11 ; .. ,.; ,:, •'1L-~ I : : QDQXSq;·;-s';', I I I I i ' I ' 'Ii. , I 11 !, I! 11 1- l I \ f ' ' i ' ' ., '• ~ ~I j I E, ( I' i ' ! i r ' ' I '!: 11 ,, I = i ' ,J ! V ' ' lj~: s!• I Ii _ _, (: .,,~ : ,. ' s~ i l J ; : " J::=;-i I i i ri 1 flllil"' 11, 1,,-r-- ' I I • I !i I r---il I ' ' ' I ' ' II l! ii ·1 • I. ii l'=='J+' "' -"l! ij , !I ~ ;,• ~ ' ~ !< • sl ! Exhibit 4 . : ' . I I I ' P I ' ' I ~ [,ij ~ ';' 0 " 0 ,; • 0: :..; :: : ,' I'. ,;i I I I I f ,; , ' I I .~!!!. .... .,:kk: I I I I t' i : I I • I I I ' ! £ . > ~ ?i ~ . 0 ~ '-• .• jl ~ I! :11 ~; Exhibit 5 14' -3' ~--------1~~ I/ IJ j • ~ '"'-I -w 1,1,1...111-J'-'-·1---'@ --!..-b,, l ,__ __ 2_~ -_.:cc_' __ I I j ~z ,.Q !. ;;ti "-I :::i: m r m ~ 0 z ; ~ i LE DEVELOPMEt' .... } (11 ! QUEEN & NE 4TH AJREET, RENTOO, WA 98 KO.ECT NIAIE£R. -----l'l!CftllTYlN I -r I ! BUILDING ELEVATIONS &SECTION ~Vl iO ::c ~-I :::i: m r m ; 0 z -----PRCmTl'I.JliE ' ' t ,, --B Exhibit 6 ARCHITECTURE~ ~~PUC{ ~~25~~~ • 9 r-o· i; KV.">I 7-o· ~ " 0 • !! . ~~ ~l ' -~ Q. < < 0 ' f-~-i ...• : -j 0 ~ I r i " : ~ !Ii ~ • ll 0 0 3: :!! z en ::c en 0 ::c m 0 C I"' m !~g r ~ ~ i LE DEVELOPMEt•-r i W i QUEEN & NE ~TH AlREET. RENTON, WA 98 ,-c,,._ ;:1:1 m Vl -; ;:1:1 0 0 s:: Vl ' ~ \I ;"e' -, I ' I •. I \ I • ~ \ I ----______ JL------ 1 I I I ,, I / I 0 \ I ; I 0 ' I ' I ,- ' --l -.,,.. 0 0 0 " '"'==-''=···ccfJ=···=···=· ==··=··=.!·· ·=···=····=··--=· ==~=~=p·· i' 0l-_"_···-~lee: _..,,::"'·._:.=-· ~i .. ' __ ,,_··_· -t·"1 c;::::i: UPPER LEVEL PLAN SCHEDULES I I I Exhibit 7 • I I • > L,_ I :,: "' -- -""1 z ) th St. CA e CV "' NE, BthLSt. -~ R-B -; • l -R-~ ! NE ?th St. CY ! Q) 0 .... ~ 0 :::8 f--------J CA CA ZONING = TP.cHNJCAL SERVICES -·--Renton c!J.t:, Umtt,1 CA SI Exhibit 8 o 200 "oo E5 1 ... 800 9 T23N R5E E 1/2 5309