HomeMy WebLinkAbout10% Petition - 6/20/2001 rur ,� NOTICE OF INTENT'ION TO COMMENCE ANNEXA.TION PROCEEDINGS UNDER RCW 35A.14.120 (Direct Petition Method) TO: THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON � City Hall 1055 S. Grady Way Rentoil, WA 98055 The undersigned are the owners of not less than ten percent (10%) in value, according to the � assessed valuation for general ta�ation, of property which they desire to annex to the City of Ztenton. We hereby advise the City Council of the City of Renton that it is our desire to cominence anne�ation proceediilgs under the provisions of RCW 35A.14.120 of all or any part of tl�e area desci-ibed belo���. The temtory proposed to be annexed is within King County, Washington, and is contiguous to the City of Renton. A map (Exhibit 1) and legal description (Exhibit 2) are included as part of this petition. The City Council is requested to set a date not later than sixty days after the fiiing of this request for a public meeting with the undersigned. 1. At such meeting, the City Council will decide whether the City will accept, reject or geographically modify the proposed annexation; �. The City Council will �iecide whether to require simultaneous adoption of zon�ng regulations; zoning to be deternuned after two public hearings and guided by the . City's Comprehensive Land Use Plan; and, 3. T'he City Cuuiic�l ivill d�cide s�hzt,'�er t� re�uire ±he assum�.+t?o?1 of ex�st?�?g city indebtedness by the area to be annexed. This page is the first of a group of pages containing identical text material. It is intended by the signers that such multiple pages of the Notice of Intention be presented and considered as one Notice of Intention. .It may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures which cumulatively may be considered as a single Notice of Intention. WARNING: Every person wlio signs this petitian witli any otl:er tlian liis or I:er true name, or who knowi�:gly sig�:s more tlia�i one of tl:ese petitions, or signs a petition seeki�:g an election w{zen /ie or slie is �zot a legal voter, or signs a petition whe�: he or s1:e is otlterwise not qualified to sign, or who makes I:erein a►ry false stateme�:t,slial[be guilty of a misdemeanor. Page 1 of 2 � - • a � � The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners sl:ould be in identical form as the same tliat appear on record in the chain of title to tl:e real estate.) a s e. . e � � .,,,. � /� ��2 ��� ��q/� — ��,� 1. �/ � � c�� 0� ,�� ..�.� �=� ��.�= � �� 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. �, �. .� �, 7. I 8. 9. 10. Page 2 of 2 � . rrrr' ,�„ NOTICE OF INTENT'ION TO COMMENCE ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS UNDER RCW 35A.14.120 (Direct Petition Method) TO: THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON City Hall 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 The undersigned are the owners of not less than ten percent (10%) in value, according to the � assessed val�_iation for �eneral taxation, of property which they desire to annex to the City �f Renton. We hereby advise the City Council of the City of Renton that it is our desire to commence annexation proceedings under the provisions of RCW 35A.14.120 of all or any part of the area dcscrib�d belo��'. The territory proposed to be annexed is within King County, Washington, and is contiguous to the City of Renton. A map (E�ibit 1) and legal description (Exhibit 2) are included as part of this petition. The City Council is requested to set a date not later than sixty days after the fiiing of this request for a public meeting with the undersigned. 1. At such meeting, the City Council will decide whether the City will accept, reject or geographically modify the proposed annexation; 2. �' The City Council will dec#de whether to require simuttaneous adoption of zoning'^ regulations; zoning to be determined after two public hearings and guided by the _ City's Comprehensive Land Use Plan; and, 3. The City Council will decide whether to require the assumption of existing city indebtedness by the area to be annexed. This page is the first of a group of pages containing identical text material. It is intended by the signers that such multiple pages of the Notice of Intention be presented and considered as one Notice of Intention. .It may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures which cumulatively may be cc�nsidered as a single Notice of Intention. WARNING: Every person wlio signs tliis petition witli any otl:er tl:an /tis or l:er true �tame, or who knowii:gly signs more t/ian one of tliese petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election wlien /:e or she is not a [ega[ voter, or signs a petition when he or s/ze is otlierwise not qualified to sign, or wlto makes/ierein any false statement,s/:all be guilty of a misdemeanor. Page 1 of 2 - � . a � � The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners sltould be in identical form as the same tltat appear oi: record in the chain of title to t/ie real estate.) �� ii'��'�!� � �i � � �� � � r /'M �1 /7 Y�� -� ,�CJ/3,/���'O !�' - l. _ , m � � � 1 f�,� � o �o �� ' ' �� l�.� f l o 0 i� ;�,.. , . �� ,� ��,�j ���si �-�-- ---�.-�.-- � � t c , � �,.- i .� ;'y,3�� i 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. � �. .�, �. 7. 8. 9. 10. Page 2 of 2 r.r' 'v.A' NOTICE OF INTENT'ION TO COMMENCE ANNEXA.TION PROCEEDINGS UNDER RCW 35A.14.120 (Direct Petition Method) TO: THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON City Hall 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 The undersigned are the owners of not less than ten percent (10%) in value, according to the ' assessed valuation for general taxation, of property which they desire to annex to the City of IZeI1tOI1. We hereby advise the City Council of the City of Renton that it is our desire to commence annexation proceedings under the provisions of RCW 35A.14.120 of all or any part of the area described belo�v. The territory proposed to be annexed is within King County, Washington, and is contiguous to the City of Renton. A map (Exhibit 1) and legal description (Exhibit 2) are included as part of this petition. The City Council is requested to set a date not later than sixty days after the fiiing of this request for a public meeting with the undersigned. 1. At such meeting, the City Council will decide whether the City will accept, reject or geographically modify the proposed annexation; 2. Th� City Council will decide �vvhether to require simultanebus adoption of zoning �*� regulations; zoning to be determined after two public hearings and guided by the , City's Comprehensive Land Use Plan; and, 3. The Ciry Counc�l wiil decide wr,ether t� re�uire the a�sumptiQn of existir_g c�ty indebtedness by the area to be annexed. This page is the first of a group of pages containing identical text material. It is intended by the signers that such multiple pages of the Notice of Intention be presented and considered as one Notice of Intention. It may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures which cumulatively may be cc�nsidered as a single Notice of Intention. WARNING: Every perso�: wleo signs this petition wit/t any otlier tl:an lsis or Iter true �:an�e, or who k�sowingly sigi:s more tlia�: one of tl:ese petitions, or signs a petition seekii:g an election wlzen Ite or she is not a [egal voter, or signs a petition whe�: he or s/ie is otl:erwise not qualifred to sign, or who makes lierein any false statement, slia[l be guilty of a misdemeanor. Page 1 of 2 - � � . . � The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners sl:ould be in identical form as the same that appear o�: record in the chain of title to the real estate.) a :;�n e ,�.- ��..� �, 1. � js� � 7 �' � E ��� �� � � �/�,� �t�o 9 .������F S� ��.�.� 2" ,b�ELf F�`L�f � 9.10�7 d6S/9S'o--O�70 —�7�r�-S �t'L�/Q .� /� D/ cti� a��� /�.�3�'d/�� � ��.�d-�/,� 3. / ,B�'�c ¢teG�f��i,� y�'�7 ���5 dt���,t� 4. � 5. 6. �, �, �, �, �. � I � g. 9. 10. Page 2 of 2 � � NOTICE OF INTENT'ION TO COMMENCE ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS UNDER RCW 35A.14.120 (Direct Petition Method) _ TO: THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON City Hall 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 The undersigned are the owners of not less than ten percent (10%) in value, according to the ' assessed valuation for general taxation, of property which they desire to annex to the City of Renton. We hereby advise the City Council of the City of Renton that it is our desire to commence annexation proceedings under tlie provisions of RCW 35A.14.120 of all or am� part of the area described bclo���. The territory proposed to be annexed is within King County, Washington, and is contiguous to the City of Renton. A map (Exhibit 1) and legal description (Exhibit 2) are included as part of this petition. The City Council is requested to set a date not later than sixty days after the fiiing of this request for a public meeting with the undersigned. 1. At such meeting, the City Council will decide whether the City will accept, reject or geographically modify the proposed annexation; �' 2. The C�iy Council will decide wh�her to require simultaneous��adoption of zoning � regulations; zoning to be determined after two public hearings and guided by the . City's Comprehensive Land Use Plan; and, 3. The City Council will decide whether to require the assumption of existing city indebtedness by the area to be annexed. This page is the first of a group of pages containing identical text material. It is intended by the signers that such multiple pages of the Notice of Intention be presented and considered as one Notice of Intention. It may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures which cumulatively may be ccsnsidered as a single Notice of Intention. WARNING: Every person who signs this petition witli any other than his or I:er true name, or who knowiitgly sig�:s more t1ia�: one of tliese petitions, or signs a petition seeki�:g an election wlzen /:e or slie is not a lega[ voter, or signs a petitio�: whe�: he or sl:e is otlierwise not qualified to sign, or who makes herein any fa[se statement,sliall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Page 1 of 2 - - � � 'The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners sltould be in identical form as tlse same that appear on record in the chain of title to t1:e real estate.) & :;t� e 'v, �`' .L�.=. 't;3 . . .._��. �r��"�R M T�'�-{�1Sa�r/ l 2 oD� 1�f Z ;/�u� 5,�, 1 S��' 1. Z" .S'Z�i j�. ��anY�v /s� -�����ti�s�� �-s1- �--' ��z`o �� 2 S? -�. 3 s `� � ���:��-- ��� .��,�.�,�- o1�y 2. �-� _-o� ( �a�� v. ,��Ga�� CL-ZL,i � ��JEy�?� rG�G�1��> :��o� ,:..' t-. M o-o�'�--� �,��,,� �,��-'.;� �22�� ��a'����s� 3. � ,`�,,-b� 3 �� ��c�� ���-�"� o'-� ��i �w5��'i (��Y � T Z" �� .$�� 4. � ��1, w�4 yS'a� � �� Z--�o-O f Ca,' �....�'._< y`��--,�.+� �� �C:., � f � +� v S- i S� � ''_�r9 t�E s� i $ n ; /'C�s� 5. /?�..��.�.�� w ,�'. ;t',�-•-�...� �...�..�� �� ;��� s� % a �r , �2��?�v � �., � ,�-�..� '�DS �Z 2 6. ��r��s rn, vUc�e�S 1z22o 1��,,a �, s:�. , ���]�(�I � ��r-- �, w � ��^-to�, , w�1, °18d5� �—1 pl ���f ��,�I tA� ��' I���� S�" I� 7 �. �-l�-Dl G� ,1 ��� s.� ��� , .- -���r/�u-� 1� � -[ r 1 r���--�� �ti��, U � ,�-l�-v� U��fS�i Q,:nak�,,+v�ran 4 �,ro„�sa (?�r�,�l�orts�ivunk • g' /C/u 2�,� 5-�- IZZ�rG� 5 � � �� lL��'f0'1 (n� �/�d �� 9. 2 �I2 �� ►2C �r� ��a �-- � �ooG s� � �s�s�- 0�5 � . r� L � �� (�� r�r�r� . w� , ' ����d�i� ../�-18 .�r�,.(Z��r�o�. � 10. �:��d>a C`- �"c�Ff"-� C'�G i��'�� Gc.�i� �'�'e��`� ��� Page 2 of 2 ''�rr� ,,�, NOTICE OF INTENT'ION TO COMMENCE ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS UNDER RCW 35A.14.120 (Direct Petition Method) TO: THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON City Hall 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Tlie undersigned are the owners of not less than ten percent (10%) in value, according to the � assessed valuation for generai taxation, oi property which they desire to annex io the Ci±y of Renton. V��e liereby advis� tlle City Council of the City of Rentoei tliat it is our desire to commence annexation proceedings under the provisions of RCW 3�A.14.120 of all or anv part of the area (ji;SCI�lv�Cj ����0\�'. The territory proposed to be annexed is within King County, Washington, and is contiguous to the City of Renton. A map (Exhibit 1) and legal description (Exhibit 2) are included as part of this petition. The City Council is requested to set a date not later than sixty days after the fiiing of this request for a public meeting with the undersigned. l. At such meeting, the City Council will decide whether the City will accept,reject or geographically modify the proposed annexation; 2. The City Council will decide�whether to require simultan�ous adoption of zoning �* regulations; zoning to be determined after two public hearings and guided by the _ City's Comprehensive Land Use Plan; and, 3. The City Council will decide whether to require the assumption of existing city indebtedness by the area to be annexed. This page is the first of a group of pages containing identical text material. It is intended by the signers that such multiple pages of the Notice of Intention be presented and considered as one Notice of Intention. It may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures which cumulatively may be cc�nsidered as a single Notice of Intention. WARNING: Every perso�: wl:o signs t1:is petition wit1: any otl:er tlian l:is or Iter true name, or who k�:owingly signs more t/ian one of tltese petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election wl:en Ite or sJ:e is not a [egal voter, or signs a petition when he or s1:e is otl:erwise not qualifred to sign, or who makes lierein any false statement,s{:al[be guilty of a misdemeanor. Page 1 of 2 � � . , . � � The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners sl:ould be in identical form as tl:e same that appear on record in the chain of title to tJie real estate.) � 3 ne ��. {" ^�a�, :a� ?iotv i i 1. 2 - �3 ��'�"�,""` �C, ��v'`�.�C''�'�'��,� ,_ - a. ��,: i�'�;�,►-, F q � ,, t��.Pi� ✓����� j in�a, �� �D �;d ��a. �i� � �' i i ' n: 2. � `�Z�b � � �C�C�z �� lZc s� --, � � �� -f�;� �- ��� D�� � ���� ��� � r�s' c�v�� ��C3 / �j�/v�IS � ` 3. ' �C�'�' � . � �t'."1'���( � 030 ,�,—�N ���� G� �-'��;� 1��' ��o��� � �.�S'�-�USG 13 8�a � �o`���� S� � �c.7 4. � _� � �rt��,� . �—�y"� ���—..-- `���c�, � �d5� ( 3c� D� 5 . ..���'�- r���la�o�v��,�. ��� 3 t r,, ��'" �� / �J�,� �- d '� ��n1`ut� y � �D �� �� ���,t � 1` 1 �Z �, 6. ��� �p �► �� ��� r �� Ot}� G��t�"T���� �� ��.��� a r I I � j 1 �- � ._ y, r�,'`.---• }'3��S �L i 2� S� � � '--•\, 7. �.1-1�—O� ����D� .,,�, �c�U 7� +�� 'Z c nl E �f A-/1� �J G'c2� � g. 9. 10. Page 2 of 2 � — ' � w � z � ��� 0 Q �., � ' , �� S��s > > _ Q � � � w z ; a� > � Q z � � � � � Q, o 0 � � � � NE 1 T S �- � �-' 11 0 � � � S � /X � ;' � E 6th St EXHIBIT 1 Proposed annexation boundary Proposed Johnson Annexation - - - Existing Renton corporate boundary 0 600 1,200 vti�Y o,{, EDNSP ♦O+ Sue Carlson,Administraror �7 f, ,� O.Dennison 1. /�200 �NTO 11 May2001 . , . �rir�" ,�,, EXHIBIT 2 JOHNSON ANNEXATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION T'hat portion of Section 10,Township 23 North,Range 5 East,W.M.,King County,Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of said Section 10; Thence southerly along the east line of said subdivision,to the southeast corner thereof, said southeast corner also being the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of said Section 10; T'hence southerly along the east line of said subdivision,to the southeast corner thereof; T'hence westerly along the south line of said subdivision,to the southwest corner thereof, said southwest corner also being a point on the east line of the southwest quarter of said Section 10; '�hence northerly along said east�}ine and the existing City limits�ine of the City of Renton as anx�exed under Ordinance No. 3553,to the southeast corner of the plat of Park Terrace No. 1, as recorded in Volume 65 of Plats,Pages 18 and 19,records of King County,Washington; T'hence westerly along the south line of said plat and said existing City limits line, to the southwest corner of said plat; Thence continuing westerly along the westerly extension of said plat and said existing City limits line, to an intersection with the easterly right-of-way margin of Duvall Ave.NE; Thence northerly along said easterly right-of-way margin and said existing City limits line,to an intersection with the north line of said southwest quarter, said north line also being the south line of the northwest quarter of said Section 10; Thence westerly along said south line and said existing City limits line,to an intersection with the southerly extension of the westerly right-of-way margin of 138`�'Ave. SE(Duvall Ave.NE); T'hence northerly along said extension and the westerly right-of-way margin of 138`�'Ave. SE(Duvall Ave.NE), said westerly right-of-way margin also being the existing City limits line of the City of Renton as annexed under Ordinance No. 3058,to an intersection with the south line of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of said Section 10; Thence westerly along said south line and said existing City limits line,to the southwest corner of said subdivision, said southwest corner also being a point on the west line of the east half(1/2)of the northwest quarter of said Sectionl0; Thence northerly along said west line and the existing City limits line of the City of Renton as annexed under Ordinance No. 2210 and Ordinance No. 2000,to an intersection with the northerly right-of-way margin of SE 116�'Street(NE 10`i'Street); \\CENTRAL\S YS2\DEPTS�FINANC E\ECON_DEV�EconomicDevelopment\STRATPLMPLANNINGWNNEXV ohnsonUgl_desc.doc � . _ � T'hence easterly along said northerly right-of-way margin,to an intersection with the east line of the south half(1/2)of the west half(1/2)of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of said Section 10; T'hence northerly along said east line of said subdivision, to the northeast corner thereof; Thence westerly along the north line of said subdivision,to the northwest comer thereof, said northwest corner also being a point on the west line of the east half(1/2)of the northwest quarter of said Section 10; Thence northerly along said west line and the existing City limits of the City of Renton as annexed under Ordinance No. 2000,to an intersection with the north line of the northwest quarter of said Section 10; Thence easterly along said north line and the existing City limits of the City of Renton as annexed under Ordinance No. 2945, crossing 138'�'Ave. SE(Duvall Ave.NE),to an intersection with the easterly right- of-way margin of 138`h Ave. SE(Duvall Ave.NE); Thence southerly along said easterly right-of-way margin and said existing City limits line, to an intersection with the northerly right-of-way margin of NE 10'�' Street(SE 116`�' Street); .�Thence continuing southerly a�ng the southerly extension of s�id easterly right-of-way margi�and the existing City limits of the City of Renton as annexed under Ordinance No.4215, crossing NE 10`�'Street (SE 116�'Street),to a point of cusp of a curve to the right having a radius of 25 feet, said point also being on the southerly right-of-way margin of NE 10`�'Street(SE 116"' Street); 1'hence easterly along the various courses of said southerly right-of-way margin and the existing City limits line, to an intersection with the westerly right-of-way margin of Field Ave.NE(140`}'Ave. SE); Thence southerly along said westerly right-of-way margin and the existing City limits line, to an intersection with the westerly extension of the north line of the plat of Lesh's Church Park as recorded in Volume 77 of Plats,Page 37,records of King County,Washington; Thence easterly along said westerly extension and said north line of said plat and the existing City limits line,to the northeast corner of said plat; Thence southerly along the east line of said plat and the existing City limits line, crossing NE 9"'Street (SE 118`�'Street),to a point of cusp of a curve to the right have a radius of 20 feet, said point also being on the southerly right-of-way margin of NE 9"'Street(SE 118't' Street); Thence easterly along said southerly right-of-way margin and the easterly extension of said southerly right-of-way margin and the existing City limits line,crossing Hoquiam Ave.NE (SE 118"'Street), to an intersection with the easterly right-of-way margin of Hoquiam Ave.NE(SE 118�'' Street); Thence northerly along said easterly right-of-way margin and the existing City limits line,to an intersection with the north line of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of said Section 10; Thence easterly along said north line, to the northeast corner of said subdivision and the point of beginning. \\CENTRAL\SYS2\DEPTSIFINANCE\ECON_DEV�EconomicDevelopment\STRATPLN\PLANNING WNNEXVohnson\Igl_desc.doc r �� '1�� '�'� KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENT PROPERTY DATA Proposed Johnson Annexation PID TAXPAYERNAME Land Value Improved Value Total AV 1023059014 CHRISTIANSEN DON D 100 0 100 1023059335 JOHNSON WALTER M 100 0 100 1023059126 WILLIAMS CECIL 200 0 200 1023059405 KONRAD WALT 200 0 200 1437650270 KING COUNTY 1000 0 1000 1023059409 KING COUNTY 3000 0 3000 4279200130 DIFFERDING PETE L 14400 0 14400 1023059181 RAMER VERA 20000 0 20000 1437650240 KING COUNTY 20000 0 20000 4279200120 FEIGHNER GEORGE&JOYCE 20000 0 20000 6649500090 ROHRER JIM J 20000 0 20000 6649500100 ROHRER JAMES 20000 0 20000 6649500110 ROHRER JAMES 20000 0 20000 6649500130kSAMSON GEORGE T+KAREN L 20000 � 0 20000 � 6649500150 WOLTER THOMAS 20000 0 20000 6649500170 WOLTER THOMAS R 20000 0 20000 1023059180 KONRAD WALT 60000 0 60000 1023059229 KONRAD WALT 60000 0 60000 4279200050 JAMES JACQUES 60000 0 60000 4279200060 JACQUES JAMES H 60000 0 60000 6649500020 MENAGER PHILIP G 60000 0 60000 6649500060 SYJUD JOHN R+IRIS A 60000 0 60000 1023059183 CHRISTIANSEN DONALD D 63000 0 63000 1023059210 ANDERSON KEVIN ERIK 65000 0 65000 1023059149 FURBER PHYLLIS L 60000 10000 70000 1437650230 SIA RAYMOND 88000 0 88000 1023059135 W H HUGHES JR.CO INC 94000 0 94000 1023059005 PUBLIC HOSPITAL DIST 1 95000 0 95000 1023059076 JORGENSEN MARY O 95000 0 95000 1023059112 REDDEKOPP AARON J 60000 35000 95000 1023059138 JORGENSEN HAROLD A& MARY O 80000 15000 95000 1023059139 BOUN PHANNY 95000 0 95000 1023059158 JOHNSON WALTER M+KATHRYN M 95000 0 95000 1023059151 GUSTIN WILLIAM+TIFFANY 63000 35000 98000 1023059184 SUDDUTH JONET M 60000 45000 105000 1023059249 KEITZMAN CHARLES N SR 90000 15000 105000 1023059208 LEFLER SYLVIA 98000 10000 108000 1023059124 GREGGS JANICE K 75000 40000 115000 1023059215 MARTIN EVELYN V 65000 54000 119000 1023059141 MATTHEWSON TROY JON 63000 57000 120000 1023059055 PRATHER PATRICIA 60000 66000 126000 1023059166 LINDEMUTH BRIAN E 60000 70000 130000 1023059168 MARTIN LUTHER KING JR 60000 71000 131000 1023059091 SMITH DOREEN M 60000 72000 132000 1023059209 WILLIAMS CECIL 65000 67000 132000 Page 1 t � � � • 1023059234 BROOKER ANGELA M+DONALD L J 60000 72000 132000 1023059250 VONGSA BOUNHOMSAVANH+MING T 60000 72000 132000 5274700035 MAYES ROY R 60000 72000 132000 6649500160 SMITH DUNCAN B 60000 72000 132000 1023059221 MARX ROBERT P & LYNN J 60000 74000 134000 5274700005 FROEMKE KERRY A 60000 74000 134000 6649500010 CALLEN FRED C 60000 74000 134000 1023059003 RAWSON RICHARD L 65000 72000 137000 1023059222 MOORE MONTE D+KAREN L 60000 79000 139000 6649500050 LAKTASICH MICHAEL 60000 79000 139000 1023059242 PRICE LEOLA F 60000 80000 140000 5274700040 RAMER VERA 60000 80000 140000 1023059096 STEGER ROBERT C 70000 71000 141000 1023059182 CHRISTIANSEN DONALD D 60000 81000 141000 1023059194 BELL PAMELA M 60000 81000 141000 1023059216 BOETCHER DANIEL JOHN 60000 81000 141000 6649500030 MENAGER PHILIP G 60000 81000 141000 4279200020 NOBUYAMA STEVEN J 60000 82000 142000 5274700015 �ABELLON ALBERTO D+CRY�TAL 60000 � 82000 142000 '� 5274700020 CRAIG EDWARD J & PHYLLIS P 60000 82000 142000 5274700010 HOUSEPIAN ALLEN & BARBARA 60000 83000 143000 6649500220 RANDALL ALVIN E 600Q0 83000 143000 5274700050 HYDE DONALD J 60000 85000 145000 6649500040 KEODOUANGDY TA 60000 86000 146000 1023059338 LEFLER GERALD S &SYLVIA L 60000 87000 147000 5274700025 MCCULLOUGH TRAVIS L 60000 87000 147000 6649500200 EILER KELLEN 60000 87000 147000 1023059173 FLEMING MICHAEL E 60000 89000 14900a 4279200090 CARLSON MARTIN E 60000 89000 149000 1023059202 LONG G A 75000 75000 150000 1023059339 SCHRODER MELVIN D+KATHLEEN 60000 90000 150000 6649500080 IRBY PAUL F+ANNETTE M MONRO 60000 90000 150000 4279200140 GRIFFIN JESSE R+MARISA N 60000 91000 151000 4279200150 RAINIER JACKIE H 60000 92000 152000 1023059211 ANCTIL ANDREW L 60000 93000 153000 1023059328 HARMON H 75000 78000 153000 4279200160 KLINE IRENE A 60000 93000 153000 1023059164 SCOTT MARVIN D 65000 89000 154000 1023059223 KOSHAK JAMES W 60000 94000 154000 1023059321 SHEAR VERNON W 60000 94000 154000 6649500180 ELLISON RANDY L 60000 94000 154000 1437650160 JORGENSEN WANDA+JAMES D 65000 90000 155000 4279200070 KUEHNY DALE L 60000 95000 155000 1437650190 LANGKAIT WALTER D+LINDA M 65000 91000 156000 4279200010 MENNET S W 60000 96000 156000 1023059108 NEW CONCEPT HOMES INC 75000 82000 157000 1023059371 ZERBY JAMES L+DINA L 60000 97000 157000 1437650020 BODEN CLIFFORD S+DOROTHY 1 65000 92000 157000 1437650040 HANAWALT GARY N &JOANNE M 65000 92000 157000 Page 2 , ,.�. "�„' � 1437650070 GASH ERIC 65000 92000 157000 1437650210 JOHNSON FLOYD & PENNY 65000 92000 157000 1023059337 HELSBY WYNDI L 65000 93000 158000 1023059377 SMITH MARK A+STACEY L 60000 98000 158000 1437650140 ZABLE JOHN L 65000 93000 158000 4279200030 ALLEN CAROLINE B+DANIEL K V 60000 98000 158000 4279200040 SIMMONS WALTER S+ELIZABETH 60000 98000 158000 4279200080 HAYDEN TERRANCE L+MYRRIAH D 60000 98000 158000 6649500140 BUREN ROBERT G+KRISTEN A 60000 98000 158000 1437650060 SMITH GREGORY ALLEN+JOYCE M 65000 94000 159000 1437650100 SMITH EVELYN M 65000 94000 159000 1437650180 HEWITT MICHAEL J 65000 94000 159000 6649500120 SAMSON GEORGE T+KAREN L 60000 99000 159000 1023059058 SPIRY DENNIS G+JUDITH E 65000 95000 160000 1023059145 BIGELOW CAROLYN 100000 60000 160000 1023059266 BARDON ROBERT L 60000 100000 160000 6649500230 SAHAGUN SALVADOR+MARIA 60000 100000 160000 102305916,�5 KONRAD WALT 65000 98000 163000 1023059196 MARQUART ANNABELL � 60000 t 104000 164000 � 4279200110 WALL WAYNE KEITH+CONNIE 60000 104000 164000 5274700030 DUNN GUY WESLEY 60000 104000 164000 5274700045 CARIVEAU MORRIS & MARGARET 60000 104000 164000 1023059372 FISHER R S 65000 100000 165000 1023059220 GARDNER EDDIE& MARIE 60000 107000 167000 1437650120 BUZA SHARON L+PETER M 65000 103000 168000 1437650030 THORBECK DENTON A+NORA L 65000 104000 169000 1437650080 FAYETTE PETER D 65000 104000 169000 1437650150 WHITTAKER STUART D+SUSAN D 65000 104000 169000 1437650200 KURTHY TORD M 65000 104000 169000 1023059332 RONGHOLT LLOYD A+KATHRYN C 75000 95000 170000 1023059113 PRUMMER FRANCIS J 100000 71000 171000 1023059293 FEGEL JAMES L JR+JULIE K 60000 111000 171000 6649500210 ARNESON LLOYD A 60000 111000 171000 1023059317 ANDERSON WESLEY V&VERDA W 63000 112000 175000 1437650050 CROSSEN DAVID J 65000 110000 175000 1437650130 WHITE WARREN J+CONNIE V 65000 114000 179000 1437650220 DEMERS MICHEL C+NANETTE H 65000 114000 179000 1023059133 THAMI ABDERRAHMANE+MAURA E 80000 100000 180000 1023059397 BURK ALAN E+DANA P 65000 115000 180000 1437650170 WACHTER BARRY W+TERESA L SE 65000 115000 180000 1023059107 HAZEN MILDRED M 95000 87000 182000 1023059288 CHEVAOSOT VECHAYANT 58000 124000 182000 1437650010 RASMUSSEN LISA E 65000 117000 182000 1023059213 OHLEMEIER LAURI R 60000 123000 183000 6649500190 VAN DOORN RENE'+RENEE 60000 124000 184000 1023059246 BAGLEY EVERETT OR ELEANOR 75000 110000 185000 6649500070 SYJUD JOHN R 60000 125000 185000 1023059106 PILLO BEN &VIOLET D 110000 76000 186000 1023059305 KIHLMAN ROVERT C+SHERI L 55000 133000 188000 Page 3 *. � y � � 1437650090 STORMS JAMES V+LATINA M 85000 105000 190000 1023059257 JOHNSON WALTER M/KATHRYN M 95000 96000 191000 1023059275 MAULDING DAVID M+JIMMI L 75000 119000 194000 1023059378 RUSSO PAUL 59400 138107 197507 1023059380 MCDANIEL CHRIS 80000 120000 200000 4279200100 DUNHAM WILLIAM A+DUNHAM LYN 60000 141000 201000 1437650280 EMERSON GARY M+RENEE L 70000 137000 207000 1437650110 UELAND CARL BERTHOLD+LORA H 65000 144000 209000 1023059119 PILLO LINDA 120000 105000 225000 1437650250 BOSANCU IOSIF 80000 146000 226000 1023059394 JOHNSON KENNETH E+NANCY L 125000 106000 231000 1023059197 PRUMMER FRANCIS J 65000 167000 232000 2385200030 VALADEZ CONNIE M 60000 177000 237000 2385200040 LAM HUOR& CHING 60000 185000 245000 2385200050 MANNARI SUZUKO 60000 185000 245000 1023059179 WATERS THOMAS M 110000 145000 255000 1023059344 KIGER KENNETH E &TINA M 200000 193000 393000 1023059049 MOORE MONTE D+KAREN L 137000 285000 422000 1023059075�M L KING JR BAPTISH CHUR`�H 65700 `� 392304 458004 '� 1023059253 BISHOP OF CH JESUS CHRIST 231300 723800 955100 Total 24072611 Page 4 �TY OF RENTON '`� 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Printed: 06-20-2001 Misc. Fees-Build/Plan RECEIPT Permit#: MISC01424 Payment Made: 06/20/2001 03:48 PM Receipt Number: R0103659 Total Payment: 51.68 Payee: WALTER JOHNSON Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description Amount ------ ------�,----------- ----------�------------------ ---t------------ �, 5955 000.05.519.90.42.1 Postage 51.68 Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Amount ---------- -------- --------------------------- --------------- Payment Check 2000 51.68 Account Balances Trans Account Code Description Balance Due ------ ------------------ ------------------------------ --------------- 5909 000.341.60.00.0024 Booklets/EIS/Copies .00 5941 000.341.50.00.0000 Maps (Taxable) .00 5955 000.05.519.90.42.1 Postage .00 5997 0 .00 5998 Tax .00 5999 999.999.99.99.9999 Unknown Fee Item .00 Remaining Balance Due: $0.00