HomeMy WebLinkAboutSR_HEX_Report_LUA05-162k :,k PUBLIC HEARING City of Renton Department of Planning /Building /Public Works PREUMgNARY REPORT TG THE HEARSNG EXA.MO•ER A.SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST: •Public Hearing Date:March 7,2006 ProjectName:Renton Bible Church Addition Owner/Applicant Address Contact Address Renton Bible Church PO Box 2580 Renton,WA 98056 Patrick Paul J.Patrick Mitchell &Associates 12620 120thAvenue NE Ste 208 Kiddand,WA 98034 = File Number:LUA05-162,CU-H,SA-H,V-H,Project Manager:Jill K.Ding ECF Associate Planner Project Description:The applicant is requesting Hearing Examiner Conditional use Permit apprevaI,Site Plan approval,and Vadance approval in order to construct an addition to the existing Renton Bib!e Church.The proposed addition would be constructed in two phases. The first phase would involve the expansion of the existing parking lot to 102 spaces and a 6,083 square foot single story addition.The second phase would involve a two-story addition with 4,752 square feet on the first floor and 3,962 square feeLon the second floor.The subject site is located within the Residential-8 dwelling unit pe[ acre (R-8)zoning designation.The applicant has indicated that the proposed uses in addition to worship services would include Sunday school,youth group,office, Hispanic services,and bible studies. Project Location:973 Union Avenue NE City •Renton P/BEF'W Depar•nent RENTON BIBLE CHURCH ADDITION @ ary Report to the Hear•g Examiner LUAO,.•t62,CU-H,SA-H,V-H,ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE March 7,2006 Page 2of13 •.EXHIB#TS: Exhibit 1: Exhibit 2: Exhibit 3: Exhibit 4: Exhibit 5: Exhibit 6: Exhibit 7: Exhibit 8: Exhibit 9: Exhibit 10: C, Project file (=yellow file")containing the applicatior•reports,staff comments,and other material pertinent to the review of the proiect. Existing site Plan (dated December 131 2005) Master Site Plan/Floor Plans (dated December 13,2005) Architectural Elevations (dated November 23,2005) Conceptual Landscape Plan (dated September 28,20(•) PreliminarY Civil Plan (dated November 15,2005) Phase I First Floor Plan (dated November 23,2005) Phase I &II First Floor Plan (dated November 23,2005): Phase II First &Second Floor Plans (datedNovember 23,2005) Zoning Map/Neighborhood Detail Map (dated November 22,2005) GENERAL IP•FORMA TlON: 1.Owner of Record: 2. 3. , "5. Zoning Designation: Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation;• Existing Site Use: Neighborhood' Characteristics: 6.Access: 7.Site Area: 8.Project Data: RentonB•lehexrpt North: East: South: West: Existing Building Area: New Building Area: Total Building Area: Renton Bible Church PO BOX 2580 Renton,WA 98056 Residential -8 dwelling units per acre (R-8) Residential Single Family (RSF) Renton Bible Church (religious institution) Residential -8 dwelling unit per acre (R-8)zoning Residential -8 dwelling unit per acre (R-8)zoning Residential -8 dwelling unitper acre (R-8)zoning Residential -8 dwelling unit per acre (R-8)zoning Union Avenue NE 81,099 square feet-(1.9 acres) Area comments 7,329 sf 14,797 sf Addition area to existing church building 21,206 sf N/A City of Renton P/B/PW Deparb'nent RENTON BIBLE CHURCH ADDITION •nary Report to the Hearing Exarr#ner LUA05-t62,CUP/,SA-H,V-H,ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE March 7,2006 D.HISTORSCAUBACNGROUND: Page 3 of 13 • Action Land Use File No.Ordinance No. Annexation N/A 1609 Comprehensive Plan N/A -5099 Zoning N/A 5100 Conditional Use Permit CU88-080 N/A D"ato 4/23/1957 1110112004 11101/2004 11114/88 E.APPLICABLE SECT8ONS OF THE RENTON MUNICBPALCGDE: 4° = = 6. 6. Chapter 2 Land Use Dis•ricts Section 4.2-020:Purpose and Intent of Zoning Districts .Section 4-2-070:Zoning Use Table Section 4-2-110:Residential Development Standards Chapter 4 Property Development Standards Section 4-4-030:Development Guidelines and Regulations Section 4-4-060:Grading,Excavation and Mining RegulaUons Section 4-4-080:Parking,Loading and Driveway Regulations Chapter 6 Sb'eeta and Utility Standards :•Chapter9 Procedures and Review Criteria •Chapter 14 Definitions F.APPLHCABLE SECTSONS OF THE CGMPREHENS#VE PLAN: t,Land Use Ele•nt:Public Facilities policies and objectives G.DEPARTMENT ANAL YSSS : 1.PROJECT DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND : £........2_ RentonBiblehexrpt The applicant is requesting Headng Examiner Conditional UsePermit approval,Site Plan approval,and Variance approval in order to construct an addition to the existing Renton Bible Church.The applicant is requested extended approval for the construction of the addition in two phases,which is estimated to take 9 years.The proposed additions would be constructed in two phases.The first phase is.proposed to be constructed approximately from 2006-2009and would included the Site development work and the construction of a portion of the first floor addition.The proposed •site development work would include expanding the existing parking area to provide a total of 102 parking spaces,reducing the number Of existing access points to the site from two to one,paving the existing parking lot, installing landscaping;and constructing the stormwater detention system.The building addition would invotve the construction of.a multipurpose worship center that will provide 200-240 seats and additional classroom space.The total area of the addition would,be 6,083 square feet. The second phase of the project is to be constructed approximately from 2009-2015 and would involve an 8,714 square-foot two-story addition (4,752 square feet on the ground floor and 3,962 square feet on the second floor).This addition would provide additional area.for classrooms,a kitchen,and offices.The classrooms that were added dudng the first phase would be removed from the interior of the multipurpose worship center to allow the seating to be expanded to provide 325-340seats. The site fronts on Union Avenue NE,which abuts the eastern property line of the subject site. The subject site is surrounded by single family residential properties. A variance has been requested from the i:•ermitted height requirements to allow for a 38-foot tall clearstory steeple and a 44-foot tall cross.In addition a modification has been requested to reduce the required 50-foot setback from a residential property for the outdoor refuse and recyclable area to 28 feet_ @CI•y of Renton P/BIF•Depar'•nent RENTON BIBLE CHURCH ADDITION •naty Report to the Hear•g Examiner LUA05-'t62,CU-H,SAJH,V•-I,ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE March 7.2006 Page 4 of 13 .ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW 3• Pursuant to the City-of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and SEPA (RCVV 43.21C,1971.as amended),on January 31,2006 the Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non'Significance,Mitigated for the project.The DNS-M included four (4)miligation measures.A 14-day appeal period commenced on February 6,2006 and ended on February 20,2006.No appeals of the threshold determination were filed. COMPLIANCE WITH ERC MITIGATION MEASURES . -Based on an analysis of probable impacts from the proposed project,the following mitigation measures were issued for the Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated: 1.The project will be required to comply with the Department of Ecology Stormwater Management Manual for erosion and sedimentation control. 2.The project will be required to comply with the 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual for surface water management.• 3.The applicant-shall pay the appropriate Traffic Mitigation Fee basedon $75.00 per new average daily trip attributed to the project prior to the issuance of building permits. 4.The applicant,shall pay the appropriate Fire Mit!gation Fee based on a rate of $0.52 per •square foot of new for each dwelling unit pdo[to the issuance of building permits. STAFF REVIEW COMMENTS o .Representatives from various city departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address site plan issues from the proposed development.These comments are contained in the official file,and the essence of the comments has been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report and the Departmental Recommendation at the end of the report. CONSISTENCY WITH CONDITIONAL USE CRITERIA: section 4-9-030.G lists 11 criteria that the Hearing Examiner is asked to consider,along with all other relevant information,in making a decision on a Conditional Use application.These include the following: (1)CONSISTENCY WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN,ZONING CODE &OTHER ORDINANCES: The proposed use shall be compatible with the general purpose,goals,objectives and standard of the Comprehensive Plan,the Zoning Ordinance and any other plan,program, map or ordinance of the City of Renton." (a)Comprehensive Plan.Land Use Element The subject site is designated Residential Single Family (RSF)on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map.Lands in the Residential Single Family Designation are intended to be used for quality residential detached development organized into neighborhoods at urban densities,It is intended that larger subdivision,infill development,and rehabilitation of existing housiilg be carefully designed to enhance and improve the quality of single-family living environments.The following Comprehensive Plan Land Use policies are applicable to the proposal: Objective LUoX:Site religious and ancillary facilities in a manner that provides convenient transportation access and minimizes their adverse impacts on adjacent land uses. RentonBiblehexrpt City of Renton P/B/PW Department RENTON BIBLE CHURCH ADDITION to the Hearb•g Examiner LUA05-t62,CU-H,SA-H,V:J-I,ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE March 7,2006 Page 5 of 13 The existing church is accessed directly off of Union Avenue NE.An existing.driveway access point located ai0ng the northern property line is proposed to be removed and the sole access tothe site wouid be provided via an existing driveway located along the southern prope•line.The proposal is not anticipated to adversely impact the surrounding properties,as the subject site is currently used as a church. Policy LU-10S.Parking shou/d be provided on-site and buffered from adjac,ent uses. (2) The church would utilizethe existing on-site parking,additional parking is proposed to accommodate the proposed addition. Policy LU-326.Encourage shared parking to use urban land efficiently.•- All of the parking is proposed to beprovided on site.The Church is located in a single family residential zone,so there is no opportunity to share parking with the surrounding residences.. (b)Zoning Code The proposed church use is located within the Residential -8 dwelling units per acre (R- 8)zoning designation.The purpose of the R-8 zone is to create opportunities for new single family residential neighborhoods and to facilitate high-quality infill development that promotes-reinvestment in existing single family neighborhoods.It is intended-to accommodate uses that are compatible with and support a hfgh,quality residential environment and add to a sense of community.The proposed church use would be permitted in the R-8 zone subject to approval of a Headng Examiner Conditional Use Permit. (c)Development Standards The R-8 development standards require a minimum front yard setback-(Union Avenue NE)of 15 feet for theprimary structure,a 5-foot side yard setback,and a 20-foot rear yard setback.The proposed additions would comply with all of the setback requirements. A 20-foot front yard setback is proposed.An 11-foot side yard setback is proposed along the northern property line and an 88-foot side yard setback is proposed along the southern property line.A 163-foot rear yard setback is proposed. The R-8 zone permits a maximum lot coverage for buildings of 35%of the total lot area. The proposed building footprint of the existing church withithe proposed additions is approximately 17,244 square feet,which equates to a building lot coverage of 21.3% (building footprint of 171244 square feet /lot size of 81,010 square feet =21.3%),which complies with the building lot coverage requirements! Buildings in the R-8 zone are permitted uptoa maximum building height of 2 stories ()f 30 feet.The submitted building elevations indicate that the maximum:height of the proposed church additions will be approximately 25 feet.A clearstory steeple and cross are proposed,which would exceed the maximum height permitted.The cross is proposed at a maximum height of 44 feet,however as the cross is a religious symbol,it is not subject to the maximum height requirements.The clearstory steeple is proposed at a height Of 38 feet.A variance has been requested from the height requirements to permit the proposed steeple and is discussed later in this report. COMMUNITY NEED: There .shall be a community need for the proposed use at the proposed location.In the determination of community need,the Hearing Examiner shall consider the following factors,among all other relevant information: (a)The proposed location shaft not result in either the detrimental over concentration of a particular use within the City or within the immediate area of the proposed use. RentonB•lehexrpt City of Renton P/B/PW Department RENTON BIBLE CHURCH ADDITION @ •ary Report to lhe Hearing Examiner LUA05-t62,CU-H,SA-H,V-H,ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE March 7,2006 Page 6 of 13 The proposed addition would expand the existing church facilities on the subject site. The Renton Bible Church has been located on the subject site for the past 50 years. Over time the church has expanded its congregation and is in need of additional space for church services and Sunday-.school.The immediate vicinity of the subject site is primarily surrounded by residential uses.Other large public facilities,specifically Honey Dew Elementary School,Renton Nazarene Church,and Rainier Christian School are also located along Union Avenue NE within the project vicinity.Therefore,as the proposal is an addition to an existing church with a growing congregation and as other large public facilities are located in the project vicinity the proposed addition is not expected to dramatically increase noise,odor,traffic,or produce other adverse impacts to surrounding properties. (b)That the proposed location is suited for the proposed use. The subject site is currently being used by the Renton Bi•e Church,the proposed additions would expand the church building to accommodate a growing congregation. The improvements included in the proposed addition would be to expand the existing parking lot .to provide for the additional cars visiting the subject site.In addition landscaping would be provided,which would screen the church from the surrounding residential properties.As previously stated Honey Dew Elementary,Renton Nazarene Church,and Rainier Christian School are located within the project vicinity.The project's location within the vicinity of other similarly sized uses would indicate that the proposed location is suitable for the proposed use.•: EFFECT ON ADJACENT PROPERTIES:': The proposed use at the proposed location shall not result in substantial or undue adverse effects on adjacent property,:The following site requirements shall be required: (a)Lot Coverage:Lot coverage shall conform to the requirements of zone in which the proposed use is to be located. The R-8 zone permits a maximum lot coverage for buildings of 35%of the total lot area. The proposed building footprint of the existing church with the proposed additions is approximately 17,244 square feet,which equates toa building lot coverage of 21.3% (building footprint of 17,244 square feet /lot size of 81,010 square feet =21.3%),which complies with the building lot coverage requirements; (b)Yards:Yards shall conform to the requirements of the zone in which the proposed use is to be located.Additions to the structure shall not be allowed in any required yard. The R-8 development standards require a minimum front yardsetback (Union Avenue NE)of 15 feet for the primary structure.5-fcot side yard setback is required and a 20- foot rear yard setback is required.The proposed additions would comply with all of the setback requirements.A 20-foot front yard setback is proposed.An 11-foot side yard setback is proposed along the northem property line and an 88-foot side yard setback is proposed along the southem,property line.A 163-foot rear yard setback is proposed. (c)Height Building and structure heights shall conform to the requirements of the zone in which the proposed use is to be located Spires,befl towers,public utility antennas or similar structure may exceed the height requirement upon approval of a variance.Building heights should be related to surrounding used in order to allow optimal sunlight and ventilation,and minimal obstruction of views from adjacent structures. Buildings in the R-8 zone are permitted up to a maximum building height of 2 stories of 30 feet.The submitted building elevations indicate .that the maximum height of the proposed church additions will be approximately 25 feet.A clearstory steep!e and cross are proposed,which would exceed the maximum height permitted.The cross is proposed at a maximum height of 44 feet,however as the cross is a religioussymbol,_it is not subject to the maximum height requirements.The clearston/steeple is proposed at a height of 38 feet.A variance has been requested from the height requirements to permit the proposed steeple and is discussed later in this report. RentonBib!ehexrpt C•y of Renton P/B/PW Deparawent RENTON BIBLE CHURCH ADDITION •nary Report to the Hear•g Examiner LUA05-t62,CU-H,SA-H,V-H,ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE March 7,2006 Page 7 of13• (4) (5) (6) (7) (B) COMPA TIBIUTY" The proposed addition would expand and existing church building used at the subject site by the Renton Bible Church.In the immediate vicinity of the project,the site is surrounded by single family residential uses,however larger venues including the Honey Dew Elementary School,Renton Nazarene,and Rainier Christian School are also located along Union Avenue NE.In addition,the proposed additions have been designed to blend in with the existing residential homes.Gable and shed roof forms with asphalt shingles have been proposed,and the.exterior finish is proposed to be stucco and hedzontal lap siding. PARKING: Parking under the building structure should be encouraged.Lot coverage may be increased to as much as seventy-five percent (75%)of the lot coverage requirement of the zone,in which the proposed use is located,if all parking is provided underground or within the structure.: The applicanthas indicated that alter both phases of the proposed addition have been constructed,the church would provide seating for a maximum of 340 people.•The site •plan submitted by the applicant indicates that the existing parking area will be increased to provide 102 parking spaces during Phase =1 of the proposed addition.The parking requirements for a religious institution are 1 apace per 5 seats,therefore based on the maximum 340 seats proposed 68 parking spaces are required.The 102 proposed parking spaces would exceed the number of parking spaces required on the subject site. Based on the-102 parking spaces proposed a total of 5 of those spaces shall be ADA accessible.The submitted site plan proposes 5 ADA parking spaces,which complies withthe ADA requirements, TRAFFIC: Traffic and circulation patterns of vehicles and pedestrians relating to the proposed use and surrounding area shall be reviewed for potential effects on,-and to ensure safe movement in the surrounding area.• The proposed additions would result in the removal of an existing driveway located on the northeast corner of the subject site and the expansion and paving Of the existing parking lot.The proposed site plan would change the existing vehicular circulation on the subject site as all vehicular access to and from the site would be provided via one driveway access directly onto Union Avenue NE.Staff has reviewed the proposed vehicular circulation pattern that would result from.the proposed additions and has determined that it would provide safe movement in the surrounding area.Pedestrian access would be provided to the church building via a sidewalk to the existing sidewalk within Union Avenue NE. NOISE,GLARE:• Potential noise,light and glare impacts shall be evaluated basecl on the location of the proposed use on the lot and the location of on-site parking areas,outdoor recreational • areas and refuse storage areas. Staff anticipates short-term construction noise during the construction of the addition as well as the site improvements associated with the proposed addition.The long-term noise impacts anticipated with the proposed addition,would be those associated with an increased church congregation meeting at the subject site on weekends and even!ngs. The light and glare impacts are not proposed to adversely impact neighboring properties as the applicant has indicated that cutoff type luminaries are proposed for the parking area to prevent light from spilling onto adjacent property. LANDSCAPING: RentonBiblehexrpt City •Renton P/B/PV•Depar•nent RENTON BIBLE CHURCH ADDITION ®•nary Report to the Hearing Exan#ner LUA05-t62,CU-H,SA-H,V-H,ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE March 7.2006 (9) (to) (.11) Page 8 of 13 Landscaping shall be provided in all areas not occupied by building or paving.The Hearing Examiner may require additional landscaping to buffer adjacent properties from potentially adverse effects of the proposed use. A conceptual landscape plan was submitted with the project application°The City's landscape regulations require that street frontages be landscaped and that all pervious areas within a site be landscaped appropriately.The submitted landscape plan proposes a 20-foot wide strip of landscaping along the eastern (front)property line,a 9-14 foot wide strip of landscaping along the southern (side)property line,a 9-foot wide strip of landscaping along the western (rear)property line,and a 9-fcot wide strip of landscaping along the northern (side)property line.•Additional landscaping iS proposed within the project site.The landscape plan proposes a variety of trees,Shrubs,and ground cover that maybe usecl as plantings within thesubject site.A lO-inch Watermain is proposed to be installed along the northern property line within the 9-foot landscaped area.No trees or vegetation may be proposed where the roots may impact the proposed watermain. Therefore:staff recommends as a condition of approval that the landscape plan be revised to remove any trees Or shrubs that may have roots,which could damage the proposed Watermain.The revised i landscape plan shall be submitted at the time of building permit application. The City's parking regulations have additional landscape requirements.Surface parking lots with more than 100 parking stalls arerequired to provide a minimum of 35 square feet of landscaping per parking space.Inaddition,parking lots shall be required to be screened from abutting residential land uses.Based on the proposed 102 parking Spaces 3,570 square feet of landscaping is required within the parldng area.The landscape plan indicates that,a total of 7,593 square feet of landscaping is proposed within the parking area,which exceeds the minimum amount of landscaping required. The perimeter of the subject site is proposed to be landscaped with trees,shrubs,and ground cover to screen the adjacent residential properties from the surface parking lot. ACCESSORY USES: Accessory uses to conditional uses such as day schools,auditoriums used for social and sport activities,health centers,convents,preschool facilities,convalescent homes and others of a similar nature shall be considered to be separate uses and shall be subject to the provisions of the use district in which they are located. The proposed primary use of the site,as a church requires approval of a Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit.The applicant has indicated that the proposed uses in addition to church services would include bible studies,Sunday school classes,•Hispanic services and an office.Church services would be held on weekends and evenings,The proposed addition would permit thechurch congregation to expand to includejmany as 340 people. CON VERSION:" No existing building or structure shall be converted to a conditional use unless such building or structure complies,or is brought into compliance,with the provisions •of this Chapter. The proposed additions would be reviewed,by the building and fire departments to ensure compliance with the applicable building and fire codes. PUBLIC IMPRO VEMENTS: The proposed use and location shall be adequately served by and not impose an undue burden on any public improvements,facilities,utilities,and services.Approval of a conditional use permit may be conditional upon the provision and/or guarantee by the applicant of necessary public improvements,facilities,utilities,and/or services. Staff from the City's Plan Review Section has reviewed the proposed church addition and determined that adequate facilities,utilities,and services are present to accommodate RentonBiblehexrpt City of Renton P/B/PW Department RENTON BIBLE CHURCH ADOITION @ PUBLIC HEARING DATE March 7,2006 the proposed addition subject to the applicant improvements and the payment of appropriate fees. ary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUAOS-Ir62,CIJ.H,SA-H,V-H,ECF Page 9of13 complying with all code required 6.CONSISTENCY WITH SITE PLAN APPROVAL CRITERIA: As per RMC 4-9-200.E,.'The Reviewing Official shall review and act upon site plans based upon comprehensive planning considerations and the following criteria.These criteria are objectives of good site plans to be aimed for:in development within the City of Renton.However,strict compliance with any one or more particular criterion may not be necessary or reasonable.These criteria also provide a frame of reference for the aPplicant in developing a site,but are not intended to be inflexible standards or to discourage creativity and innovation.The site plan review criteria include,but are not limited to,the following: (A)CONFORMANCE WITH THECOMPREHENSIVE PLAN,ITS ELEMENTS &POLICIES See discussion above, (B)CONFORMANCE WITH LAND USE REGULATIONS The proposed church use is located within the R-8 zoning designation.•The purpose of the R-8 zone is to create opportunities for new single family residential neighbod"v3ods and to facilitate higl•quality infill development that promotes reinvestment in existing single family neighborhoods...It is intended to accommodate uses that are compatible with and support a high-quality residential environment and add to asense of community. The proposed church use would be permitted in the R-8 zone subject to approval of.a Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit. RentonBiblehexrpt Development Standards Lot Dimensions -The minimum lot size permitted is 4,500 square feet.The minimum lot width permitted is 50 feet and a minimum lot depth of 65 feet is required.The subject site is 1.9 acres in area with a lot width of 200 feet and a lot depth of 405 feet,and therefore complies with this requirement. Building Lot Coverage -See discussion above. Setbacks/Landsbaping -See discussion above. Building Height-See discussion above.." Screening -The submitted site plan indicates that rooftop equipment will be-screened appropriately,,The site plan,submitted indicates that a refuse and recyclable area will be located on the northwest portion of the site.A minimumof 2 square feet per 1,000 gross 'square feet of building area is required for a recyclable area and a minimum.of 4 square feet per t,000 gross square feet of building area is required for a refuse area with a minimum of 100 square feet required for each of the refuse and recyclable areas.Based on a total gross building square footage of 21,206 gross square feet a minimum of 100 square feet of recyclable area and 100 square feet of refuse area is required.The proposed refuse and recyclable area would be 132 square feet in area,which does not comply with the minimum i'equirements.Therefore,staff recommends as a condition of approval that a revised site plan be submitted with the building permit application providing a minimum of 100 square feet for a recyclable area and 100 square feet for the refuse area. A 6-foot high wall or fence shall enclose any outdoor refuse and recyclable deposit area. The architectural design of such an enclosure shall be consistent with the design of the primary structure as determined by the Development Services Director.A refuse and City of Renton P/B/fM/Department RENTON BIBLE CHURCH ADDITION @ •na•'y Report to the Hearing Examiner LUAO5-f62,CU-H,SA-H,V-H,ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE March 7,2006 (c) (D) Page 10of13 recyclable area.-screening detail was not submitted with the project application. Therefore,staff recommends as a condition of approval that .a screening detail for the refuse and recyclable area be submitted with the building permit application; Refuse and recyclable-areas are required to maintain a 50-foot setback from residentially zoned properties.This requirement may be modified through the Site Plan Review process.The applicant has requested a modification from the 50-foot setback requirement to located the refuse and recyclable area within 28 feet of a residential zone. Staff has.reviewed the modification and has determined that adequate area exists on the subject site within the proposed parking area to site the refuse and recyclable area such that it would comply with the 50-foot setback requirement.Therefore,staff recommends that the requested modification to reduce the 5C-foot setback for the refuse and recyclable area be denied.Staff recommends as a condition of approval that a revised site plan showing the refuse and recyclable area a minimum of 50 feet from surrounding residentially zoned properties be submitted at the timeof building permit application. Parking,Loading,and DrivewayRegulations -See discussion above. Driveways -The proposed site plan shows one driveway accessing the subject site off of Union Avenue NE.The internal vehicular circulation pattern shows two-way drive aisles. MITIGATION OF IMPACTS TO SURROUNDING PROPERTIES AND USE The subject site is located within the Residential -8 dwelling unit per acre (R-8)zoning designation and is bordered on all sides by single family development The Renton Bible Church is currently conducting services on the subject site,the proposal isto construct an addition to the church in two phases to accommodate the growing church congregation.To mitigate the impacts of the proposed church addition to the surrounding properties;landscaping consisting of a variety of trees and shrubs has been proposed around the perimeter of the subject site to buffer the church from the surrounding single family residences. Construction activities would result in some noise,dust and traffic impacts on surrounding properties.The applicant has submitted a Construction.Mitigation Plan outlining mitigation measures to be employed for minimizing dust,noise and traffic impacts during construction. Potential short-term noise and traffic impacts would result from the initial construction of the project.Existing code provisions that .limit construction work hours,and the applicant's construction mitigation plan,which indicates proposed work hours from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm,Monday through Friday and 8:00 am to 12:00 pm on Saturday,would mitigate these impacts. MITIGATION OF IMPACTS OF THE PROPOSED SITE PLAN TO THE SITE The proposed addition would expand the church building to the northeast and southwest. The addition would comply with all of the required front,side,and rear yard setback .requirements.In addition,adequate,parking will be provided on-site for the church congregation. The landscape plan indicates that sufficient street trees will be located along the site's Union Avenue NE frontage to buffer the proposed structure from the noise and visual impacts of traffic on Union Avenue NE.The street trees are proposed to be a mixture of existing trees to be retained and new trees to be planted. Potential erosion impacts that could occur during project construction would be adequately mitigated by the City code requirements forapproval of a Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (TESCP)and a Construction Mitigation Plan prior to issuance of Construction Permits. (E)CONSERVATION OF AREA-WIDE PROPERTY VALUES RentonBiblehexrpt City of Renton P/B/PW Departm#nt @ RENTON BIBLE CHURCH ADDITION •nary Report to the Hear•g Examiner LUA05-t62,CU-H,SA-H,V-H,ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE March 7,2006 Page 11 of 13 The proposed church addition would upgrade the existing church facility and is .not expected to diminish property values in the vicinity of the site.The development of the site provides improvements to infrastructure,landscaping and lighting. (F) (G) (H) (I) SAFETY AND EFFICIENCY OF VEHICLE AND PEDESTRIAN CIRCULATION A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA)was required as part of the project and submitted with the land use application.The TIA was prepared by Gibson TraffÉc Consultants,dated November 4,2005.One ddveway on the south side of the subject site would provide access to Union Avenue NE.The site development proposes a total of 102 parking stalls,which is an increase of 33 stalls to the existing parking loll An internal 24-foot wide two-way ddveway is shown on the site plan encircles the parking lot.Half street improvements if not already existing will be required along the frontage of the site. The ERC placed a mitigation measure on the project requiring a Transportation Mitigation Fee.The Transportation Mitigation Fee is based on a rate of $75.00 per new average daily trip generated by the project.The applicant's TIA recommended payment of a $675 Transportation Mitigation Fee based on the 9 weekday PM peak trips anticipated to be generated by the proposed project.Staff from the City's Plan Review Section have reviewed the TIA.The assessment of the Transportation Mitigation Fee is based on the additional daily trips anticipated from the proposed addition,not the weekday PM peak trips as specified in the applicant's TIA.Staff estimates the traffic mitigation fee at $9,000 (43.33 average daily trips from Phase I x $75 =$3,699.75 and 70.67 average daily tdps from Phase II x $75 =$5,300.25 for a total of $9,000) Construction truck hauling hours are limited to between 8:30 a.m.to :3:30 p.m.under the Development Guidelines Ordinance in order tO avoid conflicts with peak hour traffic.The Traffic Planning Section will review construction-related impacts prior to issuing final construction permits. PROVISION OF ADEQUATE LIGHT ANDAIR The proposed addition is designed appropriately to allow adequate light and air circulation to the buildings and the site.The design of the building will not result in excessive shading of the property.In addition,there is ample area surrounding the building to provide for normal airflow. The City of Renton Development Standards regulates exterior onsite lighting,including security lighting.Compliance with these regulations (RMC 4-4-075)ensures that all building lights are directed onto the building •or the ground and cannot trespass beyond the property lines.Staff does not anticipate that exterior lighting would impact:the surroundingbuildings and the adjacent uses provided code requirements are met..• MITIGATION OF NOISE,ODORS AND OTHER HARMFUL OR'UNHEALTHY CONDITIONS It is anticipated that the most significant noise,odor and other potentially harmful impacts would occur during the construction phase of the project.Theapplicant has submitted a Construction Mitigation Plan that provides measures to reduce construction impacts such as noise,control of dust,traffic controls,etc. The proposed development would not generate any harmful or unhealthy conditions. There would be noise impacts of increased traffic and activity that are normally associated with a church development. AVAILABILITY OF PUBLIC SERVICES AND FACILITIES TO ACCOMMODATE THE PROPOSED USE RentonBiblehexrpt City of Renton P/B/F•Deparbnent RENTON BIBLE CHURCH ADDITION @ •ary Report to the Hearing Exarrdner LUA05-t62,CU-H,SA-H,V-H,ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE March 7,2006 Page 12of13 (J) Fire Department,Police and Parks staff have indicated existing facilities are adequate to accommodate the subject proposal,subject to the applicant's payment of the necessary impact fees. The City's Environmental-Review Committee (ERC)required the applicant to pay a Fire Mitigation Fee in the amount of $0.52 per square foot of new commercial building area prior to the issuance of building permits.In addition,ERC also required the applicant to pay a Traffic Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip associated with the project was requited by the City's.ERC prior t°the issuance of building permits. Water service and other utilities are available and would be extended and or relocated as necessary to the structures as required by City code.Staff has reviewed the conceptual civil plans.A 10-inch watermain is proposed to loop around the church building-as required byCity code.A 15-foot utility easement is required for a watermain,however a 10-foot utility easement is proposed along the northern property line due to the location of a portion of the proposed addition within tl feet of thenorth properb/line.A 1,5-foot utility easement for the watermaln will be required where feasible,however a lO-foot utility easement may be permitted at the location where the building is located fewer than 15 feet from the north property line. PREVENTION OF NEIGHBORHOOD DETERIORATIONAND BLIGHT • The proposal would update and expand an existing church building andwould not result in neighborhood deterioration and blight. 7.CONSISTENCY WITH VARIANCE CRITERIA: The Administrator shall have authority to grant an administrative variance upon making a determination,in writing,that the conditions specified below have been found to exist• Section 4-9-250B.5.&lists 4 cdteria that the Administrator is asked to consider,along with all other relevant information,in making a decision on an Administrative Variance.application. These include the following: 1.That the applicant suffers undue hardship and the variance is necessary because of special circumstances applicable to subject property,including size,shape, topography,location or surroundings of the subjec•property,and the strict application of•the ZoningCode is found to deprive subject property owner of rights and privileges enjoyed by other property owners In the vicinity and under identical zone classification: The applicant is requesting a variance from the 30-fcot height limit for the proposed clearstory steeple.The applicant contends that the proposed steeple is important for the church's religious expression and that the church would suffer if the steeple-were required to comply with tl•e height requirements of the,R-8 zone.The applicant also contends that typically height requirements do not apply to religious symbols and steeples. Staff concurs with.the applicant that if the variance were denied,the church's religious expression would be impacted negatively and that the church would incur a hardship. 2.That the granting of the variance will not be materially detrimeflta!to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity and zone in which subject property is situatE=d: The granting of the variance would not be materially detrimental to the public welfare.The applicant contends that the proposed clearstory steeple would be located towards Union Avenue NE as opposed to near abutting residential properties,In addition the proposed steeple would be screened by existing and proposed landscaping along Union Avenue NE. Staff does not anticipate any adverse impacts on adjacent properties as the steeple would be oriented towards Union Avenue NE and screened appropriately. RentonB•lehexrpt •7¸ c••Re.to.e,emw o•pa,•.t .RENTON BIBLE CHURCH ADDITION .=:...."CU PUBLIC HEARING DA'TE March 7,2OD6='-.-:•,'•:',=:,."=.:=•,--'•.i••-:°•......•,="Page13of13 ii •,:"' :"•3,:That approval shaU not constitutea grant of special privilege inconsistent witiithe-".... ..limi•on-uponusesofoth•prop•tUe.s in the vicinRy and Zone in which the subject: "propeff3rissituated:....,.-::.....................•.... .ApproVal of ;the variance would not beconsidered a gra•of speoial iprivilege because ;the ; church:is'are!igious institution located within a-residential zone.It.is not uncommon for-a church to have a steeple and the granting of a height variance to permit:a steeple'is therefore not oonsidered a grant of special privilege.The remainder of-the church building and its : •pr•additions would comply w!th the30-foot height limit permjtted in the R,8 zone.•="'•,,* _:-..::;•--.:/•4;::Th•i,Ste,approval as de•ermined;by i•e Zoning ,Administrator is,a•min!mum.i:i;:'/ .....•,-:"••:,.tvariancethatwillaccomplish•thedesiredpurpose:-:,•-'•-:-:--•:•::••,••';•i::•:-.•,,'. ]i ';']:].:::[•-.•:i •-Theap•;cant c6ntendSthat the p•'•[38-foot clearsto•/•steeple is theminimumii"-:•'•]:i i.:I ;:,•i •: •i::•':-•:"::•.7 ....,i:ii i•"necessary for the church s religious expression.•i :•!•::•1:77•,::•,•::•:::"7-•?:,:•:••:/••:_::--:•:.:-•",/;/-• /i::!i:':t•i Staff recornme6dsapprc•alofthe Conditiona!use.Permit,Site pl•,and vari•for the Rer•0h_',:.i •;: '•"i::•:...::i,-i.:-Bible Church I•ed •973Union Avenue NE;Pr0jec{-File N¢.LCIA•!62,.CU-H•SA-H,.,v-H,i .::.:,.:•: ••-•::::::.i•ECFsubjecttothefotlowing oonditions:.-•"':•..•.::tl..:•;•.::•.:•-•:.:•ii•t;::.•;i..•::,:"7::.--•:.-;:•:.-•:i•-•!:" ••'::•::::•1 i•-:The landscape plan shallbe revi•:to remove:any,trees ofShrubs that W•ld haw ro0ts thati::.•:-•i:': r ',-.",;/:•,•.•Can damage the proposed waterrnain ]ocatedonthenorth prope•:line:÷A•reyi•]ar•dsCape-••;ii;.• '2.:A:r•i•:site plan shall be submitted with the•builaing-:•!t applioationproviding a " .....minimum:of 100 square feet for a reoyolable area and400 square feet fortherefuse area,-- "...."and proyidinga the required minimum 50 foot setbaol•.for t heYefuseand reoyolable areafrom :•"....s0rrounding residentially zoned properties.•.....:-::••:•=:'-,•":::=-.•.-•: i •- ::•-.--3.-:A screening detail for the refuse .•:',permitapplicati0n. •7 :. L7 -,. RentonB•lehexrpt , and recyclablear•shal i be•submittedwithtile:building:..•, ,\ 7 ,. ®IO311HO•V i ]]3HOIIIN >lOl•llVd 'C l- z r_ :4 Exhibit 2 iO311HO•,v,• TI3HOIIIAI )l:31•llVd '£ .,•o'-d.t Exhibit 3 IO=IlIHOLIV II3HC%IJIAI )lOl•.llVd "£ 3 F-< _1d.I F- Exhibit 4 II •136-"1/I-• •"I•P •-1•11•1."•-•I .10:111HOI:IV •• 77=1H0111•!HOlkllVci "P l \o\° Exhibit 5 4 o I i I rTq 7 ,Exhibit 6 ®IO311HO•Vll3H•IIF••Ol•JlVd "f" IJ•0< n ! z< n 0 0 _I ' IZ Exhibit 7 II •'I •-'Yl-ld ®I0311HO•VII3HOJJV•>tC)I•IVd "r m •o d.! <T" Z< _Jo_ 0 0- _1 ,IL H Exhibit 8 10311HO•JVll3HOJJV1>tOl•lVd ,r <1- I •Z _J 00.d ' •o E• / c,ji •/ i / ..........t................{4............¢ '"Exhibit 9 i "-•4 i I I! :i !! 10311HO•V 113HO]J•N •Ol•lVd T --I :v•n N! •s -Exhibit 10 -