HomeMy WebLinkAboutSR_HEX_Report_LUA-05-155PUBLIC HEARING City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER A. SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST: Public Hearing March 28, 2006 Date Project Name: Rainier Station File Number: LUA05-155, SA-H, V-H, ECF Contact: Meredith Everist, Baylis Architects, 10801 Main St., Ste. Project Manager: Keri Weaver 110, Bellevue, WA 98004 Project The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Site Development Plan review for 52,000 sq ft of commercial space in 3 buildings, with a 209-stall parking garage, Description: on 3.3 acres zoned Commercial Arterial (CA). The site is located at 601 Rainier Ave. NE. Existing buildings on the site will be removed. Continued on next page Project Location: Southeast of NW 6th Street, west of Renton Municipal Airport Exist. Bldg. Area: To be demolished Proposed New Bldg. Area: 52,000 sf and a 209-stall parking garage Site Area: 3.3 acres (144,975 sq ft) Project Location Map Rainier Station SitePLNJpt.doc.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department e RAINIER STA nON SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN prenary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA05-155, SA-H, V-H, ECF PUBLIC HEARING DA TE: MARCH 28, 2006 Page 20'10 B. EXHIBITS The following exhibits are entered into the record: Exhibit No.1: Yellow file containing: application, proof of posting and publication, environmental review and other documentation pertinent to this request. Exhibit No.2: Neighborhood Map (dated Nov. 10,2004). Exhibit No.3: Site Plan (dated Nov. 21, 2005) Exhibit No.4: Land Clearing Plan (dated Nov. 17,2005) Exhibit No.5: Utility Plan (dated Nov. 17,2005) Exhibit No.6: Grading and Drainage Plan (dated Nov. 17,2005) Exhibit No.7: Landscaping/Planting Plan (dated Nov. 18,2005) Exhibit No.8: Letter from Gregg Zimmerman to Richard L. Wagner (dated April 12, 2004) Exhibit No.9: Zoning Map, Sheet E 3 West (dated Dec. 28, 2004) Exhibit No.1 0: ERC Mitigation Measures c. GENERAL INFORMA TION: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. Owners/Applicants: Zoning Designation: Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation: Existing/Previous Site Use: Neighborhood Characteristics North: East: South: West: Access: Site Area: Project Data: Existing Building Area: New Building Area: Total Building Area: Rainier Station SitePLN_rpt.doc.doc JDA Group, LLC, 95 S. Tobin Street, Renton, WA 98055 Commercial Arterial (CA) Employment Area -Commercial (EA-C) Auto service and sales North: Single-family residential and undeveloped property (CA, R-8 and R-1 zoning). Rainier Ave. NE and Renton Municipal Airport Chang's Mongolian Grill restaurant -zoned CA Single-family residential and undeveloped property (R-8 and R-1 zoning) From Rainier Ave. N 3.3 acres (144,975 sq ft) Area To be demolished 52,000 sq ft 52,000 sq ft City of Renton PIBIPW Department e RAINIER STA T/ON SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN pr.ary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA05-155, SA-H, V-H, ECF PUBLIC HEARING DA TE: MARCH 28, 2006 C. HISTORICAUBACKGROUND ACTION Zoning Comprehensive Plan Annexation Related Project- Rainier Ave. Mixed-Use South Parking Lot Variance and Site Plan Land Use File No. N/A N/A N/A LUA04-093 and LUA 05-133 Page 3 of 10 Ordinance No. Date 5044 12/10/2003 5045 12/10/2003 4498 02/20/1995 1461 09/15/1963 N/A pending D. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE DEVELOPMENT REGULA TIONS (RMC TITLE IV): 1. Chapter 2 Land Use Districts Section 4-2-020: Purpose and Intent of Zoning Districts Section 4-2-070: Zoning Use Table Section 4-2-120.B: Commercial Development Standards 2. Chapter 3 Environmental Regulations and Special Districts Section 4-3-050: Critical Areas Regulations 3. Chapter 4 Property Development Standards Section 4-4-030: Development Guidelines and Regulations -General Section 4-4-070: Landscaping Regulations Section 4-4-080: Parking, Loading, and Driveway Regulations Section 4-4-090: Refuse and Recyclables Standards Section 4-4-095: Screening and Storage Height/Location Limitations 4. Chapter 6 Streets and Utility Standards 5. Chapter 9 Procedures and Review Criteria Section 4-9-200: Site Plan Review 6. Chapter 11 Definitions E. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1. Land Use Element 2. Environmental Element 3. Transportation Element F. DEPARTMENT ANAL YSIS: 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND (CONTO.) The project site is located within the Rainier Commercial Corridor, and currently contains three auto repair and sales centers which will be removed prior to development of the proposed project. The project will consist of 3 buildings with heights from 1 to 3 stories, and building footprints ranging from 7,600 sq ft to 12,000 sq ft. Proposed building heights are approximately 38 ft for Buildings One and Two, and 45 ft for Rainier Station SitePLN_rpt.doc.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department e, RAINIER STA TlON SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN PUBLIC HEARING DA TE: MARCH 28, 2006 pnenary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA05-155, SA-H, V-H, ECF Page 4 of 10 Building Three, which is consistent with the height restriction of 45 ft required for the neighboring Renton Municipal Airport. Vehicular access will be provided by two main driveways on the south side of the site along Rainier Ave. N, as well as a third loading-only driveway that will serve Building Three. A 2-level parking garage will be located in the northwest corner of the site. The proposal also includes the construction of shoring walls and retaining walls and rockeries as recommended in the Geotechnical Report. Grading and excavation work includes the stripping of topsoils and unsuitable materials and cutslfills, particularly along the western property line, resulting in a net export of approximately 4,400 cu yd of material. Off-site improvements will include a new frontage sidewalk and landscaping along Rainier Ave. N, landscaping of the interior and parking lots, and sewer/water improvements that will serve the site and adjacent properties. An offsite Class II wetland is located within 25 ft of the subject project. The applicant is requesting a 25 ft buffer reduction from this wetland, from 50 ft to 25 ft, with mitigation in the form of increased buffers on the north and south sides of the wetland at a 1:1 ratio. Construction of a permanent fence and signage on the east edge of the buffer adjacent to the proposed development will also be required. These requirements are addressed in proposed Condition 10. The applicant proposes to adjust the existing lot lines so that each building will be located on an individual lot, which can be sold individually in future. The parking garage will be permanently available for use by all buildings, regardless of ownership. The applicant is required to submit an application for the necessary lot line adjustments prior to applying for construction permits, as noted in proposed Condition 4, so that accurate information about the proposed building siting, setbacks and boundary lines will be available to staff when reviewing permit applications. Proposed Condition 5 indicates that the applicant must also submit draft CC&Rs for review and approval by the Development Services Division, regarding maintenance of common areas and facilities, including parking. This requirement will ensure that common areas and facilities will continue to be maintained and available to the site occupants regardless of future ownership transfers. 2. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and SEPA (RCW 43.21C, 1971 as amended), on February 20, 2006, the Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non-Significance, Mitigated for the project. The DNS-M included five (5) mitigation measures. A 14-day appeal period commenced on February 24, 2006 and ended on March 10, 2006. No appeals of the DNS-M were filed. 3. ERG MITIGATION MEASURES Based on an analysis of probable impacts from the proposed project, the following mitigation measures were issued for the Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated: l. The project shall be required to be designed and comply with the Department of Ecology's (DOE) Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements, outlined in Volume II of the 2001 Stormwater Management Manual. 2. The applicant shall comply with the requirements of the Geotechnical Engineering Report prepared by The Riley Group, Inc., dated June 2, 2003, to maintain soil stability, prevent landslides, and protect the subject property and adjacent properties from adverse impacts that may result from alteration of onsite steep slopes or nearby areas. 3. Approval of the Rainier Station development proposal is subject to approval of a reduction of the required 50 ft buffer from an offsite Class II wetland to 25 ft, as part of the site development and variance application for the Rainier Mixed Use South Parking Lot (Chang's Parking Lot) -LUA04- 093 and LUA05-133. If the buffer reduction is not approved as part of that development proposal, the applicant shall be required to submit a request for the buffer reduction as part of the site development plan for the Rainier Station application. Rainier Station SitePLN_rpt.doc.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department e RAINIER STA TlON SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN pnenary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA05-155, SA-H, V-H, ECF PUBLIC HEARING DA TE: MARCH 28, 2006 Page 5 of 10 4. The applicant shall pay a Transportation Mitigation Fee of $86,550 to mitigate for the proposed 1 ,154 new average daily trips that will be generated by the proposed development. 5. The applicant shall pay a Fire Mitigation Fee of $7,852 for Building One, $8,320 for Building Two, and $10,920 for Building Three. 4. STAFF REVIEW COMMENTS Representatives from various City departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address site plan issues from the proposed development. These comments are contained in the official file, and the essence of the comments has been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report and the Departmental Recommendation at the end of the report. 5. CONSISTENCY WITH SITE PLAN APPROVAL CRITERIA As per RMC 4-9-200.E, "The Reviewing Official shall review and act upon site plans based upon comprehensive planning considerations and the following criteria. These criteria are objectives of good site plans to be aimed for in development within the City of Renton. However, strict compliance with anyone or more particular criterion may not be necessary or reasonable. These criteria also provide a frame of reference for the applicant in developing a site, but are not intended to be inflexible standards or to discourage creativity and innovation. The site plan review criteria include, but are not limited to, the following": A. CONFORMANCE WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, ITS ELEMENTS AND POLICIES: The subject site is designated Employment Area -Commercial (EA-C) on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The purpose of EA-C is to provide for commercial uses requiring large amounts of land and/or high visibility and access to large volumes of automobile traffic in areas outside of Centers and the Center Downtown designations. The proposal is consistent with the following policies intended to guide development in the EA-C land use designation: Policy LU-170. Individual development projects should be encouraged to: a. minimize curb cuts and share access points Policy LU-174. Parking areas should be landscaped (including street trees, buffers, berms), especially along the roadways, to reduce the visual impacts. The proposal includes landscaped parking areas and street frontage. Policy EN-B. -Achieve no overall net loss of the City's remaining wetlands base. Policy EN-9. -In no case should development activities decrease net acreage of existing wetlands. Policy EN -10.-Establish and protect buffers along wetlands to facilitate infiltration and maintain stable water temperatures, provide for the biological regime, reduce amount and velocity of run-off, and provide for wildlife habitat. Conformance with Land Use Regulations The subject site is located in the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone as depicted on the City's Zoning Map. A variety of retail sales and services along high-volume traffic corridors, including medical offices and clinics, are permitted in the zone. The proposed commercial development would be a permitted use in the CA zone. The proposal's satisfaction of the applicable development standards of the CA zone are discussed below: Lot Coverage -The CA zone allows maximum lot coverage of 65% or 75% if parking is provided within the building or within an onsite parking garage. The proposed development will result in approximately 65% lot coverage. Setbacks -The CA zone requires a minimum front building setback of 10ft and no maximum setback from the street property line. The minimum rear yard and side yard setback is 15 ft when a CA-zoned Rainier Station SitePLN_rpt.doc.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department __ RAINIER STA T/ON SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN PUBLIC HEARING DA TE: MARCH 28, 2006 prehary Report to the Hearing Examiner . LUA05-155, SA-H, V-H, ECF Page 60(10 property abuts a residential zone. The proposed development will meet the front yard setback requirements. The applicant has requested a variance to reduce the rear yard building setback from 15 ft to 1-3 ft for Buildings One and Two, and to reduce the side yard setback from 15 ft to 0-5 ft for the parking structure. (See analysis of variance request in Section 6.) Landscaping/Screening -The CA zone requires a minimum 10-ft landscaped setback from all street frontages. The perimeter of the surface parking lot is required to have a minimum width of five feet of landscaping. When a CA-zoned property abuts a residential-zoned property, a 15 ft landscaped visual barrier is required. The buffer may be reduced to 10ft through the site development plan review process. The applicant has requested a variance to reduce the required 15-ft landscaping barrier to 1-3 ft at the rear of Buildings One and Two, and to 0-5 ft for the north and south sides of the parking structure. (See analysis of variance request in Section 6) The application submitted a conceptual landscape plan with the site development plan. As a condition of the site plan, the applicant will be required to submit a final landscape plan for review and approval prior to issuance of building permits. Building Height -The maximum allowable building height in the CA zone is 50 ft. However, the property is located within the Renton Airport Influence Area, which limits building heights to 45 ft. Buildings One and Two are proposed to be 38 ft high, and Building Three is proposed to be 45 ft high. Parking -The CA zone requires that shopping centers provide a minimum of 4 parking stalls and a maximum of 5 parking stalls per 1,000 square feet of net floor area. The applicant has calculated that the net floor area of Buildings One-Three will be 49,226 sq ft. Therefore, the development would be required to provide a minimum of 197 parking stalls and a maximum of 246 parking stalls. The applicant proposes to provide 201 total parking stalls. 122 spaces will be provided in the parking garage, and 79 will be provided in surface lots. The applicant will be required to develop CC&Rs which indicate the distribution of parking between each building, to ensure that each building is served by an adequate number of spaces, and which stipulates that all buildings will share use and maintenance of common driveways and other infrastructure. Pedestrian Connections-The CA zone requires a pedestrian connection to be provided from a public entrance to the street. The applicant is proposing to provide internal sidewalks that will connect with existing sidewalks on Rainier Ave N on the north and south sides of the project. C. MITIGA TlON OF IMPACTS TO SURROUNDING PROPERTIES AND USES The proposed development of the site as a commercial development (shopping center) is not antiCipated to impact adjacent properties and uses. The properties to the west and north are zoned residential and are single family developments. These properties are isolated from the proposed development by steep topography and an existing wetland. According to code, parking lot lighting fixtures are to be non-glare and mounted no more than 25 feet above the ground. Staff recommends that as a condition of approval, the applicant comply with the Renton Municipal Airport's request for an avigation easement regarding noise and flyovers from airport traffic, which has been addressed in the plat conditions. Potential short-term noise and traffic impacts would result from the initial construction of the project to adjacent properties. The applicant would be required to comply with existing code provisions that establish the allowed hours of construction activities for projects within 300 feet of residential uses to weekdays between the hours of 7:00 am and 8:00 pm. Construction activities are not permitted prior to 9:00 am on Saturdays and no work is permitted on Sundays. There is a Class II wetland located approximately 25 ft from the west property line. Condition #3 of the DNS-M indicated that approval of the Rainier Station development proposal is subject to approval of a reduction of the required 50 ft buffer from this wetland to 25 ft, as part of the site development and variance application for the Rainier Mixed Use South Parking Lot (Chang's Parking Lot) -LUA04-093 and LUA05-133. However, as of the date of the scheduled hearing for Rainier Station (March 28, 2006), the Rainier Mixed Use South Parking Lot proposal had not yet received approval. As noted in Rainier Station SitePLN_rpt.doc.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department e, RAINIER STA TlON SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN prehary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA05-155, SA-H, V-H, ECF PUBLIC HEARING DA TE: MARCH 28, 2006 Page 7 of 10 Condition #3 of the DNS-M, if the buffer reduction is not approved as part of the parking lot application, the applicant shall be required to submit a request for the buffer reduction as part of the site development plan for the Rainier Station application. The applicant submitted a buffer reduction request for Rainier Station on March 16, 2006. Mitigation for the reduced buffer will include increased buffers on the north and south sides of the wetland at a 1:1 ratio, as well as permanent fencing and signage on the east edge of the wetland adjacent to the proposed development. D. MITIGA TlON OF IMPACTS OF THE PROPOSED SITE PLAN TO THE SITE Construction activities related to the initial development of the project would be required to utilize best management practices through code requirements for an approved Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (TESCP). As indicated in Section D of the ERC Report dated February 14, 2006, the City of Renton issued a modification dated April 12, 2004, that allowed filling and grading to occur on identified steep slopes in the northeastern portion of the site which were identified as man- made, per RMC 4-3-050J5.bii. The modification did not approve development or construction on the identified slopes, and other remaining onsite slopes were not included in the exception. Staff recommends that as a condition of plat approval, the applicant be required to comply with the terms of this letter of modification for any proposed filling or grading on steep slopes. Conditions #1 of the DNS-M requires that the project be required to be designed and comply with the Department of Ecology's (DOE) Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements, outlined in Volume II of the 2001 Stormwater Management Manual. Condition #2 of the DNS-M requires the applicant to comply with the requirements of the Geotechnical Engineering Report prepared by The Riley Group, Inc., dated June 2, 2003, to maintain soil stability, prevent landslides, and protect the subject property and adjacent properties from adverse impacts that may result from alteration of onsite steep slopes or nearby areas. The project is required to be screened from adjacent residential-zoned properties. The applicant has requested a variance that would allow required 15-ft landscaping and screening areas to be reduced to 0-5 ft (see Section 6). E. CONSER VA TlON OF AREA-WIDE PROPERTY VALUES The proposed development is not expected to decrease property values in the vicinity of the site. The redevelopment of the site into a modern commercial development will enhance the surrounding commercial area, and will include landscaping, infrastructure improvements and pedestrian connections. F. SAFETY AND EFFICIENCY OF VEHICLE AND PEDESTRIAN CIRCULA TION Vehicular access to the site is via two general driveways located at the south and middle of the site, and one load-only driveway at the east end of the site. The driveways and internal aisles have been designed in compliance with Fire Department regulations. Construction truck hauling hours are limited to between 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. under the Development Guidelines Ordinance in order to avoid conflicts with peak hour traffic. The Traffic Planning Section will review construction-related impacts prior to issuing final construction permits. G. PROVISION OF ADEQUA TE LIGHT AND AIR Exterior onsite lighting, including security and parking lot lighting, would be regulated by code. Compliance with this code (RMC 4-4-075) ensures that all building lights are directed onto the building or the ground and can not trespass beyond the property lines. The site is located within the Airport Influence Area, and is required to comply with requirements that lighting not create glare that could interfere with aviation traffic, as indicated in proposed Condition 3. H. MITIGA T/ON OF NOISE, ODORS AND OTHER HARMFUL OR UNHEAL THY CONDITIONS It is anticipated that the most significant noise, odor and other potentially harmful impacts would occur during the construction phase of the project. The applicant is required to submit a Construction Mitigation Plan that provides measures to reduce construction impacts such as noise, control of dust, traffic controls, etc. prior to any construction/building permits being issued. It does not appear that the proposed development (shopping center) would not generate any harmful or unhealthy conditions. Rainier Station SitePLN_rpt.doc.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department ~ RAINIER STA TlON SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN pr_nary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA05-155, SA-H, V-H, ECF PUBLIC HEARING DA TE: MARCH 28, 2006 Page 8 of 10 The applicant has requested an administrative modification for the location of refuse and recycling pickup locations at the rear of the property. Per city code, these locations must be at least 50 ft from residential-zoned property. However, there is a significant grade change (more than 50 feet in height) between the subject property and adjacent residential-zoned properties, and the slope area is primarily wooded. Staff believes that adequate buffering and screening from residential properties will be provided at the proposed pickup locations, and support the modification. I. AVAILABILITY OF PUBLIC SERVICES AND FACILITIES TO ACCOMMODATE THE PROPOSED USE Fire Department and Police staff have indicated that the City's existing facilities and resources are adequate to accommodate the subject proposal. Water -There is a 12" water main located in Rainier Ave N, and a 12" water main located in NW 6th Street. The static water pressure at the street level is approximately 65 psi, and approximately 60 psi at a finish floor elevation of 50 ft. The site is within the 196 Water Pressure Zone. The site is outside an Aquifer Protection Zone. Water would be needed for the irrigation system and include the installation of a new water meter. Based on the fire flow analysis using the City's water system hydraulic model, the existing water line in Rainier Ave. N can deliver 3,500 gpm, with a minimum of 20 psi residual pressure during a fire. Per City Code, a looped water line must be installed around the proposed buildings or complex of buildings if the fireflow demand exceeds 2,500 gpm. It appears that the development will have a fire flow demand of approximately 2,750 gpm to 3,500 gpm. Additional hydrants will also be required. The applicant will be required to coordinate with the City's Utility Systems Division for any necessary rerouting, replacement or other work required on the water or sewer mains, as indicated in proposed Condition 9. Sanitary Sewer and Storm Drainage -There is an existing 8" sewer main in Rainier Ave. N. There is also an 8" sewer main that runs from the cul-de-sac in NW 6th St through the site, which connects to the main located in Rainier Ave. N. The applicant will be required to coordinate with the City's Utility Systems Division for any necessary rerouting, replacement or other work required on the sewer mains. The applicant proposes to use an area of right-of-way on Rainier Ave. N that is currently occupied by a power vault belonging to Puget Sound Energy as part of the front parking lot. A Right of Way Use Permit from the City will be required, subject to Puget Sound Energy's agreement to relocate the vault. A pedestrian right-of-way across the southern portion of the site, extending to Rainier Ave N was previously approved for vacation by the City Council, but has not yet been finalized by the applicant. Proposed Condition 6 addresses these issues. Please refer to Advisory Notes for all code required improvements, fees and charges. J. PREVENTION OF NEIGHBORHOOD DETERIORA TlON AND BLIGHT. The proposal would result in the development of a modern shopping center and associated parking facilities. No deterioration or blight is expected to occur as a result of this proposal. 6. STAFF ANAL YSIS OF VARIANCE REQUEST The applicant is requesting a variance from the landscaping/screening and setback requirements in the City's Development Regulations. The applicant has indicated that the variance requests are based upon the topographical features and constraints of the site. The development regulations require that when a CA-zoned property abuts a residential-zoned property, a 15-ft landscaped visual barrier between the CA-zoned property and the residential-zoned property is required. This visual barrier may be reduced to 10ft through the site development plan review process. Additionally, when a CA-zoned property abuts a residential zone, the minimum rear yard and side yard setback is 15 ft. The applicant has requested a variance to reduce the rear yard building setbacks and associated landscaped areas from 15 ft to 1-3 ft Rainier Station SitePLN_rpt.doc.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department • RAINIER STA TlON SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN PUBLIC HEARING DA TE: MARCH 28, 2006 p.nary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA05-155, SA-H, V-H, ECF Page 9 of 10 for Buildings One and Two, and to reduce the side yard setbacks and associated landscaped areas from 15 ft to 0-5 ft for the parking structure. 1. Consistency with Variance Criteria Section 4-9-250B.5.a. lists four criteria that are required to be considered, along with all other relevant information, in making a decision on a variance application. A determination must be made that the conditions specified below have been found to exist: a. That the applicant suffers undue hardship and the variance is necessary because of special circumstances applicable to subject property, including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings of the subject property, and the strict application of the Zoning Code is found to deprive subject property owner of rights and privileges enjoyed by other property owners in the vicinity and under identical zone classification: The applicant alleges that special circumstances apply to the subject site, which impose undue limitations on its development under applicable development regulations. Specifically, the applicant indicates that the offsite proximity of a Class II wetland, and a large area of steep slopes on the west side of the property and offsite have unduly constrained the buildable area of the site if the requested variances are not provided. b. That the granting of the variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity and zone in which subject property is situated: The applicant contends that because of the significant grade change (more than 50 feet in height) between the subject property and adjacent residential-zoned properties, effective screening of commercial uses through landscaping cannot be achieved, since residential properties are located above the rear of the proposed development. Additionally, a Class II wetland within a forested area, and dense areas of native vegetation, are located between this property and neighboring residential properties and provides a natural barrier. Therefore, it is immaterial whether 5 ft or 15 ft of screening landscaping or setback is proposed with respect to effective screening and buffer functions, and no material detriment will result to neighboring properties as a result of the proposed variance. c. That approval shall not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitation upon uses of other properties in the vicinity and zone in which the subject property is situated: For other properties in similar circumstances where topographical features and building locations have reduced or eliminated the screening and buffer functions of landscaping and setbacks between commercial and residential uses. it is likely that the City would also recommend approval of a variance to reduce landscaping and setback requirements. d. That the approval is a minimum variance that will accomplish the desired purpose: The applicant contends that the request is a minimum variance needed in order to develop the proposal, due to the steep topography and limited buildable area. Impacts to steep slopes will be limited to those identified as man-made, and the development will comply with the wetland buffering and mitigation requirements established in the recommended plat conditions. The proposed variance will not result in any effective reduction of buffering or screening for neighboring properties since the 50 ft difference in height between adjacent uses minimizes any benefit of landscaping and setbacks. The development proposal will comply with front setbacks and landscaping requirements along Rainier Ave N, and granting of the variance will not impact public views or amenities along the street frontage. Rainier Station SitePLN_rpLdoc.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department • RAINIER STA T/ON SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN PUBLIC HEARING DA TE: MARCH 28. 2006 G.. RECOMMENDA TION: p~nal}' Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA05-155, SA-H, V-H, ECF Page 10 of 10 Staff recommends approval of the Rainier Station Site Development Plan and associated variance requests, Project File No. LUA05-155, SA-H, V-H, ECF, subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall comply with all requirements of the Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated that was issued by the Environmental Review Committee on February 24, 2006, except Condition #3 of the DNS-M as modified by recommended site plan condition #10 below. 2. The applicant shall comply with the terms of the letter of modification from Gregg Zimmerman to Richard L. Wagner, dated December 12, 2004, regarding proposed impacts to man-made steep slopes on the subject site. 3. The applicant shall provide detailed landscape and lighting plans that show proposed parking lot landscaping and lighting prior to the recording of the final site development plan, subject to review and approval by the Development Services Division. Lighting shall comply with RMC 4-4-075 and shall not create offsite glare that may interfere with aviation traffic. 4. Prior to application for construction permits, the applicant shall apply for the necessary lot line adjustments to create 3 individual parcels as depicted on the site plan dated December 21, 2005. 5. Prior to issuance of construction permits, the applicant shall provide draft CC&Rs for the review and approval of the Development Services Division regarding the assignment of parking spaces to each building, and maintenance of common landscaping, storage, refuse and recycling facilities, and parking and driveway areas. 6. Prior to issuance of construction permits, the applicant shall obtain any right-of-way use permits, right- of-way vacations, or release of easements that are necessary for the proposed development as depicted on the site plan dated December 21,2005. 7. Prior to issuance of construction permits, the applicant shall submit a final detailed landscape plan for review and approval by the Development Services Division. 8. Prior to receiving certificates of occupancy, the applicant shall provide an avigation easement to the City of Renton Municipal Airport for noise and flyovers resulting from airport traffic, in a format to be determined by the Development Services Division and the Renton Municipal Airport. 9. The applicant shall coordinate with the City's Utility Systems Division for required onsite and offsite water/sewer improvements, including development of the Sixth Street Short Plat (LUA04-093). 10. The buffer for the Class II wetland located to the west of the subject property shall be reduced to 25 ft in those areas where the required 50-ft buffer areas intersect the Rainier Station property line. Mitigation shall be required in the form of increased buffers on the north and south sides of the wetland at a 1:1 ratio. A permanent fence and signage shall also be constructed on the east side of the wetland adjacent to the proposed development. Prior to application for construction permits, the applicant shall be required to submit a detailed wetland buffer mitigation plan for review and approval by the Development Services Division, which shall include plans for fencing and signage. EXPIRATION PERIODS: Site Plan Approvals (SA): Two (2) years from the final approval (signature) date. Rainier Station SitePLN_rpt.doc.doc c i 25 i:Oj z ~ « o ~ 00 ST S 123RD ST ~ ~1- -f~ S' RAINIER STATION THE 8OUTHWE8T OUARTER OF 8EC'T1ON 7, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANClE 5 EAST, W1U.AMETTE MERIDIAN CITY OF RENToN. KINQ COUNTY, WASHJNaTON V) ~I ,-« ....... \ ~ 00 S 121ST ST NW 7TH ST ~ z ~ « ~ ~ z ~ z ~ « ~ ~ ~ ;9, ~ cg r<" ~ SITE ~ RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT 1 e , GRAPIfiC SCALE % ~ ;9, ~ ~--LJ--1 I T -- --_ ... Br ___ _ Br ___ _ " ( Dr,aJ) 1""'_1001\. cHlcm 'OR COMPUAICE TO cm SlAlOMDS ""'--""'-- N 6TH ST ~ !I I ill i ~!! I ~ ~ I ~ ~ I ~ NEIGHBORHOOD DETAIL MAP I I I I I I I I I 11 ~-;-I .._____ J ~ I --.-/ /~ __ -7~ I ..r-I I C I I l-/ I / j..------ .._____ -I / ( --------I \ _____ .-1 CALL 48 HOURS III III IIBEFORE YOU DIG 1·800·424-6666 --- I '; / f f RAINIER STATION THE SOUTHWEST OUARTER OF 8ECllON 7, TOWN8H!P 23 NOIm1, RANClE 5 EAST, WIlLAMETTE MERIOtAN CITY OF RENTON. KINO COUNTY, WASHJNQTON ( ':', \ , : I .. 1 , I I I I :-) 0 (''J,.,',,) ..,..,.~ ....... ¢I1f' fOI4 -' ' / '( I /1 / .- :/ ,I (; / '.J ( ">lp \ ~---------\ , ~\ ('}-.. " " "'.", o o =-(D~ GRAPIUC SCALE () 00° () f) 0 () ~ (.') °f!Jif" 1, ko-• .u-r i i I8COIM!ICa> --"-"'- (II nII') 1 ...... 10 ft. CHECKED FOR COMPUANCE TIl cm ITAROARDS ~ ~ t; ~ I II : I I I Ilr~-IS~---I::~::.. 1~:;?:1 ~..An'''''''' u",.., 01r'IG.1CI'1 --'~ .... ........-....... ~ CALL 48 HOURS ~ I I I I I IIBEFORE YOU DIG 1-800-424-5555 RAINIER STATION THE SOlITl-tWEST OUARTER OF SECTlON 7, TOWNSHIP 23 NOfI'Tl-t, RANGE 5 EAST, WllAMeTTE MERIDIAN CITY OF RENTON, KINO COUNTY, WASHINOTON ~,.~M!MItN'/ 1.OoI"IG.II'S. ~N.ltfruM/Cll' 1.511"" IlIl5'(10.14', \.~,,~«OM~' \' ttl! /1 / G.01"lo.lI'1 "!~I'''II / ...... .,...., .a"M ~~. W; / --1 cu.~ ... 0/ ./,;.r. .. -:!T'","" / ........ 4 .' 1I)1[-"~tIlIbO " l1"li, .t-, ,.~" .Q"~ ......., . ',\»'1:01 '.,... l"A! • ~ .... , WI~ ··"';TOR \ ~~... '. -.............~II~ .. /tAI' . .... __ ~~ ",pO-RDIIMD(1lI>~~ \~. " " .... ,. • ..... 11. , ",.;;',';;/ ~, ... ,;r.~~: .. ~ ... ~~.~·~~ " ... , \l<:...~:".."t ~"":~_ .... 10'\1 11 "'A((-.,,\ lt11· U".luTl "" " ~U"ll 21'. 'I I oJ. I~. •.. ':. C J ".' --________ _ 1'\ JR[[STOII:PROtErtUI e.. ,. ~.~ )~ '\ ---(1lI>.) ,',.., ru'II ~ m. ;; ~.~~ ... '" '".. ,,.. ~.,... • '. " U.CSmtl(t1ItS1Ut1lll) .... " rtOlltllcUO{M_I) .... " .. trW·· .... ',I'll ,",11'11 :,4"11 : , ... " ,~, . ~~, ,.. 9 (J.ct1"«l(ctllSl.lCUQ ~C:~41.tJ(lIIf-tl i e =-(O~ GRAPHIC SCALE ~.~ ... .----n.ClI'rI'r:IItIISM~ _r-"SUI '·UllCI~fO,II-t)· . ~ ~ 5-.. I fI!CCMBIB) Pal......, ... ,,----,,----,,---- (01,.) llllldt._" n. CHEcm FOR COMPUAICE TO cm STAIIDARDS ".. ~ ~I I ~)i I~h I I~ '" .... " ~ ~ I Iii I ~ ~ 5 5 I I , I I I I I I I / I __ j/--~ v~~ /I / ______ ~ 7 / ~ I / r I / t_" / / ,/ j--~ ----~ / / ( --I \ _____ -.1 / ~ RAINIER STATION THE 8Ol1THWEST OUARTER OF SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANOE 5 EAST, WlLLAMETTE MERIDIAN CITY OF RENTON, KINO COUNTY, WA8HlNaroN J.;, \ J \i' , 'I " "~I I -( (10.24'1 \." ----l __ \ \ \ \ ---~, I I I \ , It /~ / D.Cl1'II'I'(t1ISUUQ~~ ~a!:41.'J(Mo() i / / / / I '----.. ,.lll;-I ~ .. Wl I 16MCUI'CIIT ~' ... ' . ne.l/tllllM,/tM' \ ~J:':om' 1 ---------- \ "..(O~ GRAPHIC SCALE • ~ J T 15i •• -~ ~ ~ ~ Ii) I . .!!!':'... $2 CHECKED FOR COMPUAIICE I TO cm STAIIOARDS ~"'f' orr __ or I · II I II r 1~~--t:":::.I~::;i ~ ~ t ~ .., ~ ~ c ~ I I I I I , , , , ~- /-' ___ J-- I v--j -7 I ~I I I I / I ./ 1------/------- I ( -----I \ / (~ RAINIER STATION "THE SOUTHWEST OUARTER OF SEC110N 7, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANClE 5 EAST, WIU.At.1ETTE MERIDIAN CITY OF RENTON, KINO COUNTY, WASHINQTON ./ .' ,k· .:--. v / /' i' /~. I / ! .,( , I , ,.. I, I ()' " .,. P"7"':/'''' .J" 0.'; /1 / //1 ',' CJ ' I ';' " {'., . .\ \ ;' .'.1 f '4.f'1 ,I II ~-~~~4· \-1.',\., 'I, '. \ ' '.) , "~ t \ , \ \ \/' ~) '. ,I. \" . ;-, , . : I'~ ,;. f~ ~~ t. ...• ....... ,.. ~ .. ..• ~ ... DRAINAGE NOTES . .,' I.STtllllUGTfRCIIltIJllUtllRNttlUfSHCXIII[JtQIlPItGICTm !UN TO H PRtI'OSID'l[TVAll.TlUlI:!IMJ)'QI H MlMaJf1' toT PlAT PItOt£f POt H HIlT PUIt IDDN PlNIl lS1a1MIMm'Rl<NHI«ItltI:RHHAlIClHCQIIIIIDIQIlPfIGICT1II.L IE 1REAlDI BY A PfKI'CID 1lT VAtU AS!ItOIk 1 AlLROCrI1WtS mlE<XItNEttm 10111 SltlIII COI'It'I'MCf: smtIiIl! A.YlHAT-.&.8lPASSH'll[fVAIlll EARTHWORK 111_ ---_an: -"" IV_ SCl.DI5JIO:SM.S1t: 143,071. ,....,." ..... CTEj' ... 1OI1S) ~:g =DPatt ....... .-. _J / / / 'iY. '" / / ';{<~»? 11'\:1. X-:"""1-:;o-,.:a;- \ L~/\"\"~ (I, ,~~~' ,~~I. (" \ \ ~ ~~1OMJt.I' \ \ \ \' ',24"11 ur I. .," \ '. \', \ \ \ \.' '.\~ \'. '-"'\-------... \ \.. '" '. \' \\"" '" \ \. \ ~>""" t)·'· \ " ,\\,\ " 0..'," '. o \. • ,\ --'. '.," '. .~.J ~ --.;;-0" , ' _, ' ».0 -. :"s;t~~~~!i; ". 'e ~~\:,l(t1U1lnll)~ • .... c.-I".UIM~ '\ =-0).- GRAPHIC SCALE kow.,...LJ-j i T ~ "'--- (II rat I l ..... ft. CRECUD FOR COMPUANCI TO cm STAIIDARDS ~ I ~ I ~)~ f!!J I ~ g I : LE U L I~~--i;:':~~i~~~~ PLMDNC NOlES: • Planting I0Il for IhNb./groundco'M"l IhaII b. deemed oa new taplOl/compoet cultlvotlCl Into existing prepared IUbgtade. T,.... shall be pit planted with prepared ptontlng hoi .. being 0 minimum twice oa wide QI the football and ot leaat nine Inch .. (9·) deeper. • SoB Preparation: Cultfvote Ihrvb bed IUbgroda to a minimum depth of ten Inch .. (10·) and deon/r.tnoYe 011 rodta, root.. debtII over two Incha In diameter. loy a two Inch (2·) depth of camPOIt OWl" enth bed and tm ogofn to a mlnmum d4rpth of ten Inc:hcla (10-) to ~ Compoat thClr'OlJghly Into grode. Then toy a two Inch Jlft of Compott and tID avcm. . • FertRIH on Inltonld plCl'tb ~g bClckftJI aperotlone wfth 4-2-2 A9rO Tronaplant .. aa recommended by Manufacturer. • Subltltutlon. or dlan911 In material. and plac."ent shaD be mode anly on the written "'-onion .. _ bet_ Canlnlc"', Lon_ Arddtec:t and awn ... • Muldl 011 bedt with a minimum 2 Inch (r) depth of approved 'mulch', FJnlllh ~ of mufell _ be I" b4fow odJac:-!t _ ",rfoca ond flu'" wftll f .... (.). Stake trea aa directed by Londlcopt Architect • An new plantln91 will be MIWCI by an automatic lrriIj,otJon ."tern. • The londacq)e Architect retalne the fight to Inepeet treet. ahruDt O"Id 9f'OlIfIdco¥'Ir for compllonce with reqyr.nentt for plant lin and quality at ony time. Thll Includll but It not Umltld to lite and condition of rooW .. root ."tem .. Ineect .. latent In)mea and defects. Remove rejected material Immediately from projlct alte. • Upon completion of Ute Intpectlon, the landlOClpe Architect thalt amend the Contractor'. llat of Iteml to be com.,ttlld or corrected (P\mdl Uat) and indicate the time pertod for th_ completion or correction, Thlt tholl conltltute . Sutmontkd Completion and PnMllonal Accaptcmct IIhaII b'l granted at thl. tim .. n.. LondIcGpo ArdIlteet w. mok, an ~ lot FInci Accept .... 01 the _ ."... _at by til, Canlnlc .... If 011 01 til. ltome 01 the """ell Uot how ;rtapec":,~ .J,°':~~~~U:f~~I~ ~~ct than not be granted unto all of the Iltml of the Punch LIlt hove b .... =-: ~u:-w:~~:-~:-=-=~~!~f~·~. ~~o::".!::an~C:t~O; ::rth:te~ ~ ~~~:. :'::-;::~b~ ~:npl::" 01 ::.Ionttop:":,,:~thln relnttated QUarantll pwlod. aa tpedW tdtn~ th .. replocemonta O"Id take what ... necenory .tepa to prnwIt Ifmlar dem'lt of pont mottrtoIL • Warranty: Thll Wommty thalS Indude ,"""acing and planting acme .tte and -'" of ~ant mot_ ....... on ~Q1I tIIot ~ cfai9natod to be ""' .... by the Lon_ ArdIltoct. Ucopt lot I ....... to _y _. ~::~btc=~20un~ tM"!'~~fc:n~J;!:.~~::':: ond utI_tcry _til, .....,t lot .... of noglec:t/_ by _1_ All plantJ ""loCOd IhGII b. reinltatocf under plant QUaranty condItIonL plANT SCHEDULE 1fu.. S'fm... Batmlcd/Cornman. Hama ---.StulRernarb TREES: ~_vmolo/AMURIIAPlE m".rcol. , . _."..../P_1IAPlE m".rcol. ,. ~ .. '_·/HlHOfCIC'IPRESS mln.tf~hgt. "'"" c. 'Caplta' 1 FLOWERING PEAR mOl. r col • • StrtetT,... ... OI~byaty Thujo .. 'P,...,IddIo' 1 _TAE m ... tf~ flgl S H..R U B. S /.C R O .. U N D. C a _YE R....5.....:. CD Bu_ .. ·Sufh&o.a / OWARF' 9OXWOOO mh. 15· apt. -compoct Ii) Daphne b. 'Cord _. 1 OAl'liNt min. Ie" opt. -",,"poet Ii) won,.. .. oIotuo '~td 1 EUOHlWS min. 2'" opt .. _, Ii) ""!peN. c. ·T ... _' 1 H(1UWOOO.lJlllPER mOl. !'~ hgt. Ii) KoIm~ I. 'Ootbo Rodl _'1 .OUNTAIH LAURamIn. 2'" opt. Ii) P!Irl. _leo 1 ULY-Of'-THE-VALUY SHRUB min. 2'" .... Ii) Rtt __ lip. 1 NOO mOl. 2'" opr. III Com m. 'Vortogoto' 1 JAPANESE SEDGE H .......... 'li,..,ton'/O.UY __ 1 CR[EPINC 1WtOHI. Sarcococco humll. /lOW SARCOCOCCA P..,lMtum o. 'Ham .... 1 FOUHTAIH CRASS T .... b. 'iIopo!don.' 1 SPR£AD\HC EHC. 'I[W III Notu_Bu.,." c:o.-_foro 1 RmTIIIQ OOCWOOD OaultlMrlo _on 1 SA1AL ._~ _ 1 OREGON CRAPE ."COO coIIfamleol P.aFlC WAX YYIm£ 1 gat. 02'" D.C. IMI. 5 conti at 2.· ecc:h 1 gat. 024" o.c. f CJOI. 024-o.c. mIn.»"hgt. • Plant _ are _fIod par tho Amortcan _ lot Nuroory Stodo, PubtIcotIon-.o1 2. 1188 __ b, tho Amertcan _ 01 -,m ... Inc. _. ----,---- OIomT_ ---' ............... 111. -"" ...... W".'D CIDI,I4U,oo ,AX:C2DI} ..... ,. c:: ca a: -"'" DrIwn: ~ et.dcect ~ --11 .. '* 8ft!"'" Rm!w - Sheet L 1.1 03-Z8-Z00S 14:3S March 28, 2006 City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton. W A 98055 Attention: Mr. Neil WattS 4Z5-453-8013 RE: JOB NO. Rainier Avenue Mixed-Use So:uth Parking Lot M2-0589 T-8S1 P.OOZ F-S84 PRINCIPALS Brien Brand, AlA Richard L. Wagner. AlA Thomas Frye, Jr., AlA Subject: South Wedand Classification / LUA04-093, SA-A, ECFILUA05-133. V-H Dear Mr. Watts: In recent convenations, both verbal and via e-mail, with City of Renton staff we resolved mat the City would accept the Conceptual Wedand Delineation & Mitigation RepOrt prepared by The Riley Group, Inc. dated July 22, 2004, and classification of me South Wetland as a Category 3-It was agreed that the report would be accepted without amendment. Please accept this letter as Our formal request to reconfirm this decision in writing. According to the City of Renton Critical Areas Ordinance in place at the time of application for the referenced projec~ wedand classificauon is derermined when the wetland meets one or more of the criteria listed. in a respective category. Classification of the South Wedand is outlined below and further explained in the attached letter by Celeste Boma, Wetland Biologist. Ct~tegory 2 wetlands (lre greater than 2200 square feer and meelone or mO're of the following criteria: a) Wetlands greater than two thousand ~wo hundred square feer thar are not Category 1 or 3 wetlands; The South Wetland is classified as Category 3 -so it does not meet criteria (a). 10801 Mer." SlrC'CI Bellevue. VIlA QaOOA T 425 454 05(,6 F 425 453 8013 www.boylosorch,leas com 03-28-2008 14:38 FROM-BAYLIS ~ITECTS 4Z5-453-801~ T-881 P. 003 . F-684 City of Renton/ Neil Watts March 28, 2006 Page 2 b) Wetlands that have heron rookeries or raptor nesting trees~ but are not Category 1 wetlands; .M noted in me Wetland Delinearion Report. a heron nesr has been identified adjacent to rhe wetland. however, according (0 the Cio/ of Renton, a single nest does nor meer the City's crireria for a rookery -so the wedand does not meet criteria (b). c) Wetlands of any size located lit the headwarers of II watercourse, bur ate not Category 1 wetlands; The water in the South Wetland enters the drainage basin from an existing storm sewer culvert fed by the right of way improvements along Taylor Ave to the west of the site. The water passes though the wetland and drains directly and immediately into a constricted culvert at the east edge of the wetland. This culvert is a pan of an extensive underp-ound culven system which connects to the 0o/'s storm drainage system.and ultimately discharges intO Lake Washington. Since this watercourse does not function as a headwater, and has no £ish bearing capacity, it not a headwater wetland. -so the weIland does not meet criteria (c). d) Wetlands assigned the Significant #2 Tllring in rhe CHtrent King County Wetlands in'llentory 1991 or as thereafter amended; The South Wedand is not so rated and does not meet criteria (d). e) Wetlands having minimum exisring evidence of human related physical alterlltion such as diking, ditching or-channelizanon. There is substantial evidence of significant human related disturbance of the South Wetland, including cUlvemng and outlet modification and uncontrolled dumping- so me wetland does nor meet criteria (e). Caregory 3 wetlands are greater than 5000 SF and meet the following crireria: a) Wetlands thar 4're severely disturbed; The South Wetland meets criteria (a) -The wetland has been severely disturbed by the dominance of invasive species, the presence of fill material and seveTe under- cutting and modification of the watercourse. b) Wetlands that are newly emerging; I, , .... ". ·J 03-Z8-Z006 14:36 City of Rentonl Neil Watts March 28, 2006 Page 3 4Z5-453-BOI3 T-861 P,004 The South Wetland meets [he criteria for a palustrine emergent Category 3 wetland. F-684 c) All other werlands not classified as CaTegOry 1 or 2> such as smaller, high quality wetlands. The south wedand meets criteria (c). it is not classified as a Caregory 1 or 2. Based on the delineation and Classification work of Celeste Botha, the Report filed by the city dated March 14, 2006, and this recap and renatement of that information, we requen that the . Ci~ of Renton 1l;lake the determination, or accept the .determination of this qualified licensed professional. that the South Wetland is a Class 3 weIland subjecl: 'to the Critical Areas Ordinance in place at the time of application. SincerelYt Attachment: Letter from Celene Botha. Wetland Biologist: ME:amp · Ol-28-2006 14:37 FROM-BAYLIS ARCHITECTS 425-453-8013 T-861 P.005 F-684 e o DdiDcarion to ~~~Iua£i.0n9 E) PenrHL assisDmoc and agencY coanlinadon o Professional ~ ~tian. E) Imp"'" """lysis and ~ March 21, 2006 Richard Wagner Baylis Architects RE: Rainier Station Wetland Classification Dear Mr. Wagner: . At your request I am preparing this further explanation of the wetland categorization on the Rainier Station/South Parking Lot wetland. Section 4.3.0S0M i and ii of the City of Renton's Municipal Code provides the classification criteria, quoted below. I have highlighted the relevant ralionale that I used in detennining the wetland classification. In briet the wetland meets the criteria for the Category 3 rating, and thus does not meet the criteria for being a Category 2. ii. Category 2: Category 2 weUands are wetlands which meet one or more of the following criteria: ta) Wetlands that are not CategorY 1 or 3 wetlands; and/or (b) Wetlands that have heron rookeries or osprey nests, but are not Category' wetlands; and/or (c) Wetlands of any size located at the headwaters of a watercourse, i.e., a wetland with a perennial or seasonal outflow channel, but with no defined influent channel, but are not Category 1 weuands; and/or (d) Wetlands having minimum existing evidence of human-related physical alteration such as diking, ditching or channelization; and/or iii. Category 3: Category 3 wetlands are wetlands which meet one or more of the following criteria: (a) Wetlands that are severely disturbed. Severely disturbed wetlands are wetlands whieh meet the following criteria: (1) Ate characterized by hydrologic isolation. human-related hydrologic alterations such as diking, ditching. channelization and/or outlet modification; and (2)· Have soils alterations such as the presence of fill. soil removal andlor compaction of soils; and (3) May have altered vegetation. (b) Wetlands that are newly emerging. Newly emerging wetlands are: 0~-Z8-Z006 14:37 FROM-BAYLIS ARCHITECTS 4Z5-453-8013 T-861 P.006 F-684 ) Maten ~. LUUt:I e (1) Wetlands occurring on top of fin materials; and (2) Characterized by emergent vegetation, low plant species richness and used minimally by wildlife. These wetlands are generally found in the areas such as the Green River Valley and Black River Drainage Basin. (e) All other wetlands not classified as Category 1 or 2 such assmaDer, high quality wetlands. I hope this adequately meets your project needs at this time. Thank you for the opponunity to provide you with wetland services. Please call with any questions or comments. Sincerely, Celeste Botha \ . , d\ , , \ \.\ ~\. l ~ , .,\, r ~ .~ ,t, e . t I \\ " \\ I , , ' • \ \ :t)\ . '-\ ,p. , -\ Z,\ -, rt\\ ")J' V l!Q!4X3 U' o c -I I • () -1 »-z Q U\ o C -1 ,3: ':2-m -1 • Q tl I. '. ~ z. o ~ r :: II :tv o $ I :'< ~ ~ I ~ o tJ JI~ .~ ~i~~i~~~~,J~t~I~J~ I'Q !lIliS~J!~fj~i~*~~~~ ~~ . 1-1 ~J=J:~~ua;t6 g\J. !:l r-ri 6 , ~ J ~ ~I~i~ - -~ UJ\it.) ~~!l ~!C!I: ~ i -fil'l:"'-.A8 -.,. ililii§~~!C ~l ~ !l: II: It iI I ! -I .~ ~ I SOUTH LOT ; AND SOUTH WETLAND FILL • I!JJ ,Ii ~ -,~ .-.. - -.. --_ .. --.'---- -:~/----------fJ --_# :~~-~:;~~j!i~i:~ RAJNIERAVENUE MIXED USE , wASHINGTON p 1 --- ,~ " • I J... e." III zl _. I , , . oJ ., (fJ I Z , ~f , ill "I am HI ~J !€fj «A / . o...t I· . W6 8 /' I. :'J r---~ ~~I / . I ,. I , °1 / " I W ~ /: , I X&ff " I. ; , ffif r' ;. " . II I> ... / I-c· . / -". ~I r I f /. , /.. I , , ! , I ~ I • \ , I \ ,~ ;l !\ ! e;: ~\ .. \ , .. \ ) • ~, I • • I 'f! I f / ~J / / ., " Exhibit 9 \qw\.~ c.~ U\\\A\\~ CVT Jo ~..> ~!IIII !H ~~" I ·1 " I J • I I Reference: Boundary & Topographic Survey "Rainier Avenue Mixed Use", by Triad Associates, Qated 26 September 2002 ,. -, ,q~.~ G.VT, J "j. ~)~ '-: , Ilri~:!!~!~ , I ~\~.~pe:,. '\ r---"'\ \ ___ J ~p-r. ~.,?I9.s+ PA\~~ M'~'''t;E" Y i Ii Gnophlcll Scala: '". f1J +N *19 .?!~ /!!1%F:J,.o.;':Ii' Inc. I Topographic Site Plan "'" Figure J • Sl!AmE, WASIUNOTON '1m Site Address: 5'9.625 R.t.inier Avenuo N., RenIDn, Washington Rainier Avenue Mixed Use Project Exh,b,~A" . " IM(P) IM(P) - - - -Renton ~ Uml .... o 200 pO E3 1:4800 ~ ZONING ~ =:. TBCBNICAL SBIlVICBS 7 T23N R5E W 1/2 zeNING MAPBO~ RESIDENTIAL ~ Resource Conservation ~ Residential dulac ~ Residential '" dulac §] Residential 8 dulac ~ Residential Manufactured Homes I R-10 I Residential 10 dulac I R-141 Residential 14 dulac I RH-rl Residential Multi-Family IRM-T I Residential Multi-Family Traditional IRM-ul Residential Multi-Family Urban Center- MIXED USE CENTER ~ Center Village IUC-Ntl Urban Center -North IUC-N21 Urban Center -North 2 [§J Center Downtown- I COR I Commercial/Office/Residential COMMERCIAl. ~ Commercial Arterial- ~ Commercial Office- ~ Commercial Neighborhood INDUSTRIAL ~ indUstrial -Heavy o Industrial -Medium o Industrial -Ligbt (P) Publicly owned ---Renton Cily Limits ---Adjacent City Limits _ Book Pages Boundary KROLL PAGE • May include Overlay Districts. See Appendi:J: maps. ,For additional regulations in Overlay Districts. please see RllC 4-3. PAGE# INDEX SECTTTOWNJRANGE Printed by Print & Mail SVC5. City of Renton • CITY OF RENTON • DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED MITIGATION MEASURES APPLICATION NO(S): LUA05-155, SA-H, V-H, LLA, ECF APPLICANT: JDA Group, LLC PROJECT NAME: Rainier Station DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Site Development Plan review for 52,000 sq ft of commercial space in 3 buildings, with a 209-stall parking garage, on 3.3 acres zoned Commercial Arterial (CA). The site is located at 601 Rainier Ave. NE. Existing buildings on the site will be removed. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEAD AGENCY: MITIGATION MEASURES: Southeast of NW 6th Street, west of Renton Municipal Airport The City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works Development Planning Section 1. The project shall be required to be designed and comply with the Department of Ecology's (DOE) Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements, outlined in Volume II of the 2001 Stormwater Management Manual. 2. The applicant shall comply with the requirements of the Geotechnical Engineering Report prepared by The Riley Group, Inc., dated June 2, 2003, to maintain soil stability, prevent landslides, and protect the subject property and adjacent properties from adverse impacts that may result from alteration of onsite steep slopes or nearby areas. 3. Approval of the Rainier Station development proposal is subject to approval of a reduction of the required 50 ft buffer from an offsite Class II wetland to 25 ft' as part of the site development and variance application for the Rainier Mixed Use South Parking Lot (Chang's Parking Lot) -LUA04-093 and LUA05-133. If the buffer reduction is not approved as part of that development proposal, the applicant shall be required to submit a request for the buffer reduction as part of the site development plan for the Rainier Station application. 4. The applicant shall pay a Transportation Mitigation Fee of $75.00 for each new average daily trip, to mitigate for the proposed 1,154 new average daily trips that will be generated by the proposed development. Credit will be given for the existing business operations. Fees are payable prior to the issuance of a building permit. 5. The applicant shall pay a Fire Mitigation Fee of $0.52 per square foot, for a current estimated total of $7,852 for Building One, $8,320 for Building Two, and $10,920 for Building Three. Fees are payable prior to the issuance of building permits for each building. ERC Mitigation Measures Page 1 of 1