HomeMy WebLinkAboutSR_ERC_Report_LUA-05-133STAFF City of Renton REPORT Department of Planning / Building / Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE A. BACKGROUND ERC MEETING DATE February 21,2006 Project Name: Rainier Ave. Mixed Use South Parking Lot (Chang's Parking Lot) -Site Plan Review (LUA04-093, ECF, SA-A) Rainier Ave. Mixed Use South Parking Lot (Chang's Parking Lot) -Tree Cutting Variance (LUA05-133, V-H) Owners/Applicants: JDA Group, LLC and I.D. Kline Corp. 95 South Tobin St. Renton, WA 98055 Contact: Richard Wagner, Baylis Architects, 10801 Main St., Ste. 110, Bellevue, WA 98004 File Number: LUA04-093, ECF, SA-A Project Manager: Keri Weaver, Senior Planner LUA05-133, V-H Project Description: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Administrative Site Plan review for the construction of 27 parking spaces within a surface lot associated with the adjacent Chang's Mongolian Grill restaurant. The proposal includes portions of two large parcels containing Category 2 and 3 wetlands. The Category 3 wetland would be filled to accommodate the parking lot, with wetland compensation proposed off-site that would include wetland creation, enhancement and buffer averaging. Continued on next page Project Location: West of 505 Rainier Ave. N. and southeast of NW 6th Street Site Area: South Parcel-13,200 sq. ft. of a 67,486 sq. ft. parcel (1.55 acres total) North Parcel-9,200 sq. ft. of a 246,731 sq. ft. parcel (5.66 acres total) RECOMMENDA T/ON Staff recommends that the Environmental Review Committee issue a Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated (DNS-M) SITE Project Location Map ERC_ ChangPkgLOT.Feb2006.doc , . , . City of Renton PIB/PW Department Environm I Review Committee Staff Report RAINIER AVE. MIXED-USE S. PARKING LOT (SITE PLAN & VARIANCE) LUA-04-093 AND LUA05-133 ERG REPORT of February 21, 2006 Page 20f8 PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONTINUED: The subject project includes portions of two parcels (to be referred to as the South Parcel and the North Parcel). The applicant is proposing to construct a 27 stall surface parking lot with access drive, pedestrian connection and storm water management facilities. The proposal also involves the removal of noxious weeds; piping of an existing drainage ditch; installing a retaining wall; utility improvements; and a parking modification. Proposed development on the South Parcel includes: filling of a Category 3 wetland on-site; off-site wetland compensation to a Category 2 wetland; piping of an existing watercourse; and installation of a retaining wall. Development on the North Parcel, which is not contiguous to the South Parcel, would include: wetland enhancement and creation; removal of uncontrolled fill; construction of an ecology block wall; and wetland buffer averaging. The site is located west of Rainier Ave. South, and north of an existing restaurant (Chang's Mongolian Grill). The applicant has requested a parking modification to increase the maximum allowable number of parking spaces for the restaurant. The applicant contends that the new parking lot and additional parking spaces are needed to support the restaurant during peak hours, specifically the lunch hours and Friday/Saturday evenings. Adjacent development includes: East: Auto repair shop and espresso stand West: Single-family residential (R-8 zoning) North: Steep slopes on undeveloped land under the same ownership (CA zoning). South: Chang's Mongolian Grill restaurant. The site is zoned Commercial Arterial (CA) as designated on the City's zoning map, and Employment Area - Commercial (EA-C) on the City's Comprehensive Plan. A utility easement exists on a portion of the existing south parcel and the adjacent restaurant parcel; however, reciprocal cross-access easements between the subject site and Chang's restaurant will be required. The South Wetland and North Wetland are at the bottom of small ravines. The edges of both sites are bound by steep slopes that surface drain to a small watercourse. Existing vegetation includes maple, alder, cottonwood, fir and hemlock and an understory of blackberries and shrubs. One tree from the south parcel and four from the north wetland area are proposed to be removed. In addition to the parking modification request, the applicant is also requesting buffer averaging, and a modification to the required wetland compensation timing, from a 12 month timeframe to be concurrent with filling of the south wetland. A variance is also requested from the Tree Cutting and Land Clearing Regulations for proposed vegetation removal and work within the required 25-ft buffer of the onsite watercourse/stream. The project is dependent upon approval of this variance, as the parking lot is proposed to be placed within the filled area of the South Wetland. The project is vested to its application acceptance date of August 12, 2004, and is not subject to the current Critical Areas regulations. B. RECOMMENDA TION Based on analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, staff recommends that the Responsible Officials make the following Environmental Determination: DETERMINA TION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE Issue DNS with 14 day Appeal Period. ERG _ GhangPkgLOT, Feb2006,doc DETERMINA TION OF NON -SIGNIFICANCE -MITIGA TED. xx Issue DNS-M with 14 day Appeal Period. Issue DNS-M with 15 day Comment Period followed by a 14 day Appeal Period. , ' , . City of Renton PIB/PW Department RAINIER AVE. MIXED-USE S. PARKING LOT (SITE PLAN & VARIANCE) Environm .... 1 Review Committee Staff Report LUA-04-093 AND LUA05-133 ERe REPORT of February 21, 2006 Page 30f8 C. MITIGA TlON MEASURES 1. The project shall be required to be designed and comply with the Department of Ecology's (DOE) Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements, outlined in Volume II of the 2001 Stormwater Management Manual. 2. During site preparation and construction, the applicant shall install silt fencing with brightly colored construction flags to indicate the boundaries of the North and South wetlands and buffer areas adjacent to the proposed construction areas. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division and be completed prior to the issuance of construction/utility permits. 3. After the development of parking lot and associated site improvements, the applicant shall install permanent fencing (Le. split-rail fence or other approved barrier) and signage along the entire eastern edge of the North and South wetland buffers. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. 4. The applicant shall provide the total buffer fill square footage and an update landscape plan illustrating the exact locations of where interplanting was installed on the South Parcel as part of the Wetland Mitigation Plan. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. 5. In the event that archaeological depOSits are found during construction, work shall stop and the contractor(s) shall contact the State Archaeologist at the State of Washington Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, phone (360) 586-3065. Advisory Notes to Applicant: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the environmental determination. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for environmental determinations. Planning 1. Commercial, multi-family, new single family and other nonresidential construction activities shall be restricted to the hours between seven o'clock (7:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m., Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays shall be restricted to the hours between nine o'clock (9:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m. No work shall be permitted on Sundays. Building 1. Parking stalls must meet ADA requirements. 2. Building permit required for retaining walls greater or equal to four feet (4 ft.) in height. Fire Department 1. Maintain turning radius for fire equipment. A 45 ft. outside and a 25 ft. inside radii. Plan Review -General 1. All plans shall conform to the Renton Drafting Standards. 2. A construction permit is required. The permit requires three copies of the drawings, two copies of the drainage report, a construction estimate, application and appropriate fee (this may be submitted at the sixth floor customer service counter). Plan Review -Surface Water 1. A drainage analysis and design for this project is required to meet the standard of the 1990 King County Surface Water design manual. A cursory review of the report submitted with this application determined that it met the criteria except for the following: The report submitted with the application utilized a method for design of the bio- swale contained in the Department of Ecology 2002 manual. Approval of the construction plan will be conditioned on showing that this method is equal or better than the King County 1990 design criteria for water quality facilities. 2. The preliminary design submitted with the application shows a 24" pipe connection to the downstream system. It will be necessary to further verify that the pipe systems being installed, and the downstream 24" system, have enough capacity for the entire basin (future conditions) build-out. This analysis and verification will be required prior to approval of the utility construction plans. 3. It appears that the area being filled previously provided some natural detention. And it is understood that the disturbed wetlands will be mitigated off-site (within an adjacent drainage basin). However, it must also be shown that the removal of the natural detention will not contribute to future downstream problems or flooding. 4. The System Development Charge shall be at the rate of $0.265/square foot of new impervious (the TIR reports ERC _ ChangPkgLOT. Feb2006.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Deparlment Environm I Review Committee Staff Reporl RAINIER AVE. MIXED-USE S. PARKING LOT (SITE PLAN & VARIANCE) LUA-04-093 AND LUA05-133 ERG REPORT of February 21, 2006 Page 4 0(8 that a total of 8787 square feet of new impervious will be added. This would result in a fee of $2328.55.) This fee is payable upon recording of the final site plan and is subject to change. D. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS In compliance with RCW 43.21 C. 240, the following project environmental review addresses only those project impacts that are not adequately addressed under existing development standards and environmental regulations. 1. Earth Impacts: The City's Critical Areas maps depict the presence of steep slopes and erosion hazards on site. Slopes equal to or greater than 40% are to the immediate north of the proposed parking lot. The applicant requested an exception through modification for these slopes of which a portion are on the subject site. The portion of the slopes which are approved for a modification are located at the northeastern corner of the site. The remaining onsite slopes are not included in the exception. As part of the previous review of the slopes, a geotechnical report was submitted and has been re-submitted as part of this project as described below. The applicant submitted a Geotechnical Report prepared by The Riley Group, Inc., dated June 2, 2003 with the land use application. The report addressed soils, groundwater, landslide hazards including historical slide activity, foundation systems and site preparation. The report discussed conditions for multiple parcels under the same owner. The report is assumed to address similar conditions for the subject site. The geotechnical report discussed the proposed commercial development along Rainier Ave. N. and stated that potential impacts to the slopes would be at the toe. Likewise, the proposed parking lot would abut the toe of slopes located to the north and south of the lot. The lot appears to be as close as 2 ft from the toe of the slope. The geotechnical report stated that no cutting into the toe of the slope should be done due to the steepness of the slope, which is prone to surficial creep and ravelling over time. The applicant indicates that no excavation will occur at the toe of the slope. In order to reduce the potential for erosion and control sedimentation to the site and to adjacent properties, staff recommends additional mitigation, including a requirement that the project be designed and comply with the Department of Ecology's (DOE) Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements, outlined in Volume II of the 2001 Storm water Management Manual. Mitigation Measures: The project shall be required to be designed and comply with the Department of Ecology's (DOE) Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements, outlined in Volume II of the 2001 Stormwater Management Manual. Policy Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations. 2. Surface Water Impacts: The site drains to Lake Washington via the West Hill drainage sub-basin. The applicant submitted a Storm Drainage Technical Information Report prepared by AHBL, dated June, 2004. The report states that current runoff from the site and upstream is discharged through an existing culvert that connects to the storm system in Rainier Avenue. The culvert is proposed to be extended by this project, in order to continue to collect runoff from the existing ditch and convey it downstream. The upstream analysis addresses the storm system located in Taylor Place NW, which discharges to a ditch west of the site. This ditch conveys the flow through the project site to the existing culvert. The report indicates that the upstream drainage pattern would be maintained in the existing system. The drainage analysis and design for this project is required to meet the 1990 King County Surface Water design manual (KCSWDM). Staff review indicates that this criteria is met, except for the use of a bio-swale designed to the Department of Ecology 2002 manual. During construction plan review, the applicant will be required to justify how this method is equal to or better than the 1990 KCSWDM design criteria for water quality facilities. ERG _ GhangPkgLOT. Feb2006.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department RAINIER AVE. MIXED-USE S. PARKING LOT (SITE PLAN & VARIANCE) ERG REPORT of February 21, 2006 Environm Review Committee Staff Report LUA-04-093 AND LUA05-133 Page 50f8 Additionally, staff review indicates that the 24-inch pipe connection to the downstream system will require further analysis and verification that the system would have enough capacity for the entire basin (future conditions) upon build-out. This will be required prior to the approval of the utility construction plans. Furthermore, the wetland area to be filled provides some natural detention. Offsite mitigation for this wetland fill is proposed within an adjacent drainage basin. The applicant must also demonstrate that the removal of the natural detention will not contribute to future downstream problems or flooding. No further mitigation is recommended; however, the applicant is required to address these issues as stated above prior to utility construction plan approval. (Also see following discussion on Wetlands.) Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation is recommended. Policy Nexus: N/A 3. Wetlands/Streams Impacts: The applicant submitted a Wetland Delineation & Mitigation Report prepared by The Riley Group, Inc., dated July 22, 2004. The purpose of the study was to delineate wetlands, evaluate the functions and values of wetlands and any streams, determine classification and buffers, determine impacts and present a conceptual mitigation plan. The study delineated an approximately 16,600 sq. ft. Category 3 wetland within the ravine on the parking lot site (the South Wetland) and an approximately 21,700 sq. ft. Category 2 wetland on the north parcel (the North Wetland). A portion of the South Wetland is proposed to be filled (3,591 sq. ft. of impact includes 2,017 of wetland and 1,574 of buffer). Mitigation of these impacts is proposed to be off-site, to the North Wetland, at a 1.5: 1 ratio resulting in 3,591 sq. ft. of creation and 1,800 sq. ft. of enhancement. The applicant is requesting buffer averaging to the North Wetland to accommodate future development of the parcel to its east. According to the wetland report, the South Wetland meets the criteria as a palustrine emergent Category 3 wetland. The wetland is classified due to the size (greater than 5,000 sq. ft.); severe disturbance, including the dominance of invasive species within the wetland, specifically Japanese knotweed and Himalayan blackberry; fill material within the wetland at the east end as well as woody debris dumping; severe under- cutting of the watercourse; and outlet modification (watercourse entering a culvert). The applicant has previously undertaken noxious weed abatement of the Japanese Knotweed. The North Wetland is classified as a Category 2 wetland in that it lies within the headwaters of a watercourse. This watercourse is piped to Lake Washington and has minimal stream function. Although the eastern end of the wetland was historically filled, the wetland area shows little evidence of human related physical alteration such as diking, ditching or channelization. On December 13, 2005, the City's wetland consultant, The Watershed Company, provided an analysis of the wetland delineations, classifications, and proposed mitigation measures. This analysis indicated that the South Wetland should be considered a Category 2 wetland as it is located at the headwaters of a watercourse. The classification has not yet been resolved. If the South Wetland is determined to meet the criteria for a Category 2 wetland, the required buffers and proposed mitigation measures will be increased according to code requirements (RMC 4-3-050). The flowing water features on the site are unlikely to support salmon ids. The primary source of hydrology is discharge from on-site wetland and upland environments. An underground culvert system connects the watercourses to the city's storm drainage system. The applicant is requesting buffer averaging of the North Wetland's code required 50 foot buffer. The wetland report indicates that the North Wetland's existing buffer area on the east side is nearly non- functional since the area lying within 50 feet of the wetland edge contains fill, debris and blackberries and would not not support desirable native vegetation. The proposed increase to the buffer area on the south edge of the North Wetland 100 ft wide at its widest point, with a total area of 5,028 sq. ft. ERC _ ChangPkgLOT. Feb2006.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department RAINIER AVE. MIXED-USE S. PARKING LOT (SITE PLAN & VARIANCE) ERG REPORT of February 21. 2006 Environm Review Committee Staff Report LUA-04-093 AND LUA05-133 Page 60f8 To ensure that disturbance to the wetland and buffer does not occur during and after construction, staff recommends that silt fencing be installed around the wetland and buffer during construction and permanent fencing be installed after construction. The applicant is proposing to install a 6-ft high chain link fence along the west edge of the reduced 25 ft. wetland buffer along with signage. From review of the required wetland compensation of the wetland fill and buffer fill, it appears that the square footage of the fill area is less than required by code. The wetland area is noted as 2,017 sq. ft. with a buffer fill of 1,574 sq. ft.; however the filled buffer compensation square footage is provided only for the west part of the buffer. The 25-ft buffer surrounds the entire wetland, to its north and south. It appears that the loss of the buffer would be partially mitigated outside of the parking lot, but the square footage has not been provided. Additionally the water quality facility is proposed to be located within the proposed buffer enhancement area which would reduce the amount of interplanting area. Staff recommends that as part of the final mitigation plan the applicant provide the square footage of buffer fill, and provide a landscape plan showing where and how many plants were interplanted on the South Parcel, or else obtain approval of a variance. Additionally, as previously noted, the classification of the South Wetland must be resolved in order to correctly determine the required buffers and mitigation associated with the development proposal. Staff also informed the applicant that a variance from the Tree Cutting and Land Clearing regulations would be required, for the proposal to culvert the onsite watercourse/stream and remove vegetation from its required 25-ft buffer area. A variance application was submitted on September 20, 2005 (LUA05-133). The impacts of the proposed variance have been addressed in the wetland impact analysiS and the proposed mitigation for the parking lot development. Mitigation Measures: 1. During site preparation and construction, the applicant shall install silt fencing with brightly colored construction flags to indicate the boundaries of the North and South wetland areas and buffers. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division and be completed prior to the issuance of construction/utility permits. 2. After the development of parking lot and associated site improvements, the applicant shall install permanent fencing (Le. split-rail fence or other approved barrier) and signage along the entire eastern edge of the North and South wetland buffers. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. 3. The applicant shall provide the total buffer fill square footage and an update landscape plan illustrating the exact locations of where interplanting was installed on the South Parcel as part of the Wetland Mitigation Plan, or obtain a variance. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. Policy Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations 4. Habitat/Wildlife Impacts: A wildlife reconnaissance report was conducted and submitted with the land use application as prepared by Raedeke Associates, Inc., dated September 4, 2003. The reconnaissance was required as part of the approval for the "JDA Group Townhome 2003 CPA & Rezone". The reconnaissance report stated that no bald eagles were observed on-site or on the surrounding lands as conducted on September 3, 2003. No bald eagle habitat was mapped for this area by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife in the Priority Habitats and Species program inventory. The closes bald eagle habitat is the nest and territory on the south end of Mercer Island. The report continues to state that the lack of conifers of sufficient size or configuration for nesting or roosting, the urbanization and lack of foraging in the area does not provide any habitat for bald eagles. An occasional transient bald eagle may be seen in the area, such as is common for most of the region, but this site does not provide any of the life requisites for eagles. ERG _ GhangPkgLOT. Feb2006.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department Environm I Review Committee Staff Report RAINIER AVE. MIXED-USE S. PARKING LOT (SITE PLAN & VARIANCE) LUA-04-093 AND LUA05-133 ERG REPORT of February 21, 2006 Page 70'8 The second wildlife type reviewed was the Great Blue Heron. The report states that no great blue herons or nesting sites were observed on-site. No great blue heron nesting habitat was mapped for this site by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife in the Priority Habitats and Species program inventory. The report continues to state that the wetlands on site do not provide substantial foraging areas for great blue herons as the hydrologic conditions conducive to supporting amphibians and other prey for herons is not present. Four great blue herons were observed to the west of the subject site at the east end of NW 5th St. One of the herons was an adult and were observed to have been sitting and flying into a western hemlock tree located about halfway up the slope. This tree would be out of the development site. No nests were observed, however, it is likely that one or two nests are present in the tree as local residents reported seeing nesting herons. If nesting occurs at this location, this is likely a temporary satellite nesting area for herons that are periodically forced to abandon the Black River colony when the bald eagles attack. Similar temporary colonies have been found in other areas to the south which are eventually abandoned and the heron return to the main colony at the Black River site. Staff received correspondence from adjacent neighbors concerning the heron in the area. The applicant has provided their consultants review of the issue to address a condition of the previous rezoning of the site. The subject site does not appear to contain any heron nests or a colony and would not interfere with any existing nests within the surrounding area; therefore, no further mitigation is recommended. Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation is recommended. Policy Nexus: N/A 5. Archaeological and Cultural Resources Impacts: The proposed construction of the parking lot will occur on a portion of a wetland to be filled. A letter was received from the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation concerning the proposed project. Staff also contacted the Office concerning the contents of the letter for further information. The letter was forwarded to the applicant. The applicant has responded that the owner has not identified any ethnological history on the subject parcels and the fill over existing soils, they contend, would preserve any ethnographic and geologic history of the site. The State's letter indicated that there are six ethnographic place names adjacent to or surrounding the project area. The distances from the subject site to these place names are as close as 300 feet and as far as 2,600 feet. Four of these places are within the 1 ,000's of feet from the site. These places are clustered in the vicinity. There is also a small seasonal watercourse and a wetland. These factors combine to increase the probability for archaeological resources to be present. Staff recommends as a mitigation measure that in the event that archaeological deposits are found during construction, work must stop and the contractor(s) must contact the Washington State Archaeologist. Mitigation Measures: In the event that archaeological deposits are found during construction, work shall stop and the contractor(s) shall contact the State Archaeologist at the State of Washington Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, phone (360) 586-3065. Policy Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations E. COMMENTS OF REVIEWING DEPARTMENTS The proposal has been circulated to City Departmental I Divisional Reviewers for their review. Where applicable, these comments have been incorporated into the text of this report as Mitigation Measures and/or Notes to Applicant. X-Copies of all Review Comments are contained in the Official File. __ Copies of all Review Comments are attached to this report. Environmental Determination Appeal Process: Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM, March 10, 2006. If no appeals are filed by this date, the action will ERG _ GhangPkgLOT. Feb2006.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department Environm I Review Committee Staff Report RAINIER AVE. MIXED-USE S. PARKING LOT (SITE PLAN & VARIANCE) LUA-04-093 AND LUA05-133 ERG REPORT of February 21, 2006 Page 80(8 become final. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110.E. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. ERG _ GhangPkgLOT. Feb2006.doc • \ "AJ\ »\ -\ Z\ -, t't\' "Xl' I" NO.J.~NfHSVM NOiN3lI I . 3Sn03XIW I' . 3nN3AV ~3INI';t1J M D z « ~ ~ I l- ll': () z IH II., -i Jih II -I 0 NVldA3)1 1'1: z ~ Ikl 0 ! ~~~ Q.~::J t"~ "'~ ~ § ~ ~ G ~ ~ /~ ~ / i ~ IJIJj/ ~~~~~N~~~~1I@i~t DAT SOUTH PARCEL. TOTAl. P ARc.EL >'lORK AREA IMFERVI~ AREA. EXISTING PROPOSEO % OF TOTAl. SITE LANDSGAPEDAREA % OF TOTAl. SITE ---- EXISTIN6 AND PROPOSED STJWc.i1JRES TOTAL EXISTIN6 Y'EiLAND Y'IETl.AND FILL, ACTUAl. FILL PAPER FILL TOTAl. FILL TREE~, EXISTIN6 TO BE REMOVED 61,4!IQ SF 19,:200 00 SF q.ll5O SF 15% 51,600 SF 85% NONE 16.600 SF 2Pl1 SF 1~14 SF 9~ISF >25 I .... . In. \ :Ji> ( i'I'I"'r:VLI6H1'I"I)('Tt,M I2'H U6HTfI'OL! ". HX 2<1. DIA """"'""' ..... I""""'""' "'tetQI,Ir(J1Y !Y5.T!M "'OML Q , .... 1 1 , .... Ib· 0\ \(.) .. \ \ "'" ~Q '/110, ,Q 1 1 \ \ I 10 ; I II .... I I I :Q \ ~\'" IYJJ.'IIIII""" '\ ',\'\ , \"'.' "" I ;, \ '. .~ ; ,", ,'(vI" " .. " ,"l'1li\:"\\ I I;!! 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" ~ ~ il .. .. il inl Ii ~Uf /III~ ~ I .. .. .. .. " " " " ~ I .. STORM PROFILE '1 'DIC#If,:f"-S tIIlIIIZDrfJt: (-20' ~ i i I ~ I ~ ~ ~ I JII :1'1 ~~I: I I I ~ wu.cora MOO ..aD 2+00 r--...,: .... ~=====,,--r--L~~==~:l:::::::::::--. I ~ , {"{"H"'."~ STORM PROFILE .2 ~ CIllllUHOft COMPUAIICl --.e-~~, -= ';:z. .. ---__ "'_ TOClTTnAIDAftDl -----------:===::::== GRADING" DRAINAGE PLAN C2.0 . I CALL 48 HOURS ""--~~.,,,,,, ... _ .... , ..... o ~~-IEilf==U B1~:g~~2~~~5~~G --, .• ~ _. 4 .. 7 I _ ..... 3,': 0 ' .... 1= ~111~~j~~ t-.~ U J, • I V1 , o..§ ~~ ~ I~~ ~z" ~~ ~ " ffi z ~ 3 a. ~~ ;r;~ ~.:o ~~ ~ (!) .l~ ll~ ~. I ~j.;:! :.. I ~ '!J ~ 11 GRAPHIC SCALE RAINIER MIXED USE PARKING EXPANSION BENCHMARK kos-LJ--l' (11'",,) Im'rlMlfllllIIIW:YCl:llrlQ.IC1'II:III 'G1IC#l1lA ...... MIIEJICMI'1IJrICM.DAlWl .. wm(IIA"'.c:ctf'OtEDlOUSR£T I 1zIQ .. 10 I\. THE SOtJri.twesr OUARTER OF SECT10N 7. TOWNSHP 23 NORlH, RANGE 5 EAST. W1LLAAETie MERIDIAN CITY OF RENTON, KfoIQ COlMY, WASHtIaTON otYtllI8ffa.lIhlYa.-.,..,.. ~ \ " " .".~.------, // -- ....... _--./// ro&OecoeLOCK 4' HEI6HT ----1 1--" - i\ ' \ \ AIle t _IIICSf_ 'llC-H" o.TDSTCf BlDClflCXlffCllll[l[.-...x ON H mr_fl ........ 1IIIWL \,OCA1D.FIDIT" ......... IDl ... arnutAr48.1RMC11 ...... -1.lW.1CII_au:tt , r:a. ItaI.W "1DIIIm OllIla ~ nan" .... 'AIDIEII ... Sl5111 DlW.IDM· ... tt . '.\\"VMUlOeAlEDIISIIIR9IX. ~~.-." ~ ~.\ 1 e ~ il It ~df Ig hii ~I ~2d ! I ENW<c.eo...en.ANDB.FPeR ~~ \ \ .\ \ \ \4' \\ ./ .. -''-\1' \~\ ~ ~ rAR.G.EL . Q5646OOOa11 ,_ •• " --~---. I .... -...... + ,/ ,!--, ~OP INGRI!~I I • 1'19" SP2&S/' I I t. I I " ',,-'" , , "-, \, \, \ \ \ I \ / _.", .. -. \ .... .-..-. l~c:'I.~·lelll'lVC ..-.• \{ ,'P'oCIII4111(11o_S) .---. 12" CW I( ~l.tl (IIo/OUT It) ~. '4" aile: I[ 24.U(OIIt WI "tQrt''''PClJ'"NOtntO i ~ I ; ~ ! I ~ ~ ~ I " " " " " "-------------ro ~_::::_= _ _::::;-~~ ;L______ .37.... I / / \ \ --" " t fIJI SIT! PLAN ~ I I J ~ ~ !llII'lIIIIlI'r-'-111 ~I ="'...=,.<>: CHICKED pal COMPUAIICI CITY OF RENTON ~ ,,___ TO ern ITANDAROI DapAlt'I'NIIHT or PUaldO WOJUtll " ::: GRADING It DRAINAGE PLAN C4.0 2 , ___ lOTTO_II CALL 48 HOUR~'" 91 _I'0Il __ BEFORE YOU DIG t-_ "~"",... ... -.... , .. , .. 'oS -.J!1!!I_1_ 1.800.424-5555 .. _ Mn _ .. __ ..... _,.... :'':'"7 ",:,"; ~ c;]~ ~i14th st.ID ~ C=;]J15th stJD 00 ~ " CJl15th pI.ID ~ h::===~ClJ116th stJD Of] ~ CJ 117th st.1D c=J :>- ; CJh7th PIJD 0 ~ ~~ r..:::::==~ClJA1Bth st. 10 O..---r c=;] h19th StJD ~~~t r==;J k20th stlD ~~ c=;] li21st sLD I-'>'-~~!:.!..Id [s-122n~ st. s 123rd St [s 123r~ S S 123rd PI Is 123rdl PI. S 124th St ~ St. e ZONING + ~ + ~ TBCHNICAL SBllVICBS IMCP) IMCP) 7 T23N R5E W 1/~ DATA NORTH PARCEL TOTAL PARCE~ ~KAAEA IMPERVI0.J5 AREA, EXISTIN6 PROPOSED ~ OF TOTAL SITE ~AND5CAPED AREA ~ OF TOTA~ SITE EXISTIN<So AND PROPOSED STRUC~ TOTAL EXISTING> i'lETLAND i'£T~ND FI~~, ~TUAL FI~ PAPER FI~~ TOTAL FI~~ TREE COUNT, EXISTIN6 TO BE REMOVED LIMIT f'V11!RE eu:>G. c.oNSTRlJC.TlON II'INIS+-! , FiNAl 2 FT. TOF'SOIL EXCAVAft, EXISTI ~NTROLLED FIW. :2!!'-o' 246,151 SF ~,2oo SF 00 SF 00 SF 15% 51,600 SF ~ NONE 21,100 SF 5,5<!ISF Sp2e SF Sp2e SF >SO 4 ~!!l.!'FeR " " I: " , " " t======: Q BUEEE& D~TAIL ,T, . , ...... ----, // '- " / -~/ NORTH ~ETLAND ENLARGHENT AND ENHANGHENT '>~.\'.~. ~:---:,:-:-'" /, -\. ',,::,' ,,*, -' ~[»~_.~.,c: --- tN I" 20 1 $ \ \ ~;,~~AIIIW' ,~1.' _e_ ==--==--~ w ,~ :J ~ Z W -~~~ o::W W?5 -1: Z Z _ 0 ~ i~ ..... ,f= I- /,,\Z Z I..IW W 1: Z:r: :r: ~ =:iw0tj o tii~~Z Z~~ ~ Z Z w w "" ow ~'" ,---,.::.--.... -... -- Sm;PLAN APPROVAL APPUCATION PIfELi/1/NARY·NOTfORCONSTf{UCTION I A003 --" " ---------/' \.. ,.............. \ F!Ii_. . ""'iC '-, ',,~ '-\ '. ~ -. -'" '" ", --->--:---. ""' -:---..:. ""' .::::--.,.----" -~---"'-'-7!--" -. " ....... ' ........................ / ........ '''-.., -..... , " NORTH ViETl.AND PLANTIN~ PLAN SOUTH ViETl.AND PLANTIN~ PLAN @ 1Co«IIA1"-"" @ -- HAlIVE 1ms, HUllS AltO IfRBS BASED OH wASTER PU/IT SCHEJM£. SPEOES AHD QUAHlIIES SIIALL BE IIE_ BY IJHOSCN'E AROiltCI II! _ BIOLOGIST POST NOH-NAnVE VEGETATION REWOVAL IIITUIID _"'1M _!IX _NOn t IT ~ PR£ftRAaE IItAT lItE ~ or TItS PlANTIIG PlAN SEEk 10 IIO'UCAlt NA1URAL PU/IT COMHlD IN SPEQES COIFOSITION ANI) AllRAHGOOI<T. EI€N SPAQIG AHa S1MIGIiT-fWW PlANTI<G ARE NOT IIESIO!D. l;,t~=~~ALLBEINSTAU£OIIIIItIN ~.~. ~ ~~:""~I~(=(:1 ~ E~lir: ," ~AM[ltR) AltO 8-12' LOHG. 4, BAREROOT PlANI SfOCI( WAY BE VSEO MAE SEASONALLY AVAIlA1!LE AltO GENERALLY WUSI BE INSTAU£O DURING lItE OOfIIIANI SEASOH (_AlD.Y OCTOBER JIST IItROUQI fEll 1ST), BAREROOT PlANT STOCK SHALL BE EQUAL 10 II! Gll£AltR IItAN IItAT or lItE SPECIFIED CQoTAIIIER 9Z[. I, IAlLOt SHALL BE INSTALLED NIO.R<D ALL lREES AHD SHOms 10 ASgSI !'UHT SUR.vAL lItE WULOI SHALL BE MEIIIW GRAOE WOOD OIPS GR BET1l:R. ALL HOH-NAnVE VEGETATION SHALL BE REMOVED ,,1IttI1ItE BEn.AHD 1IUff[R, lItE LANDSCAPE AROIII!:CT II! BEn.AHD BIOLOGIST SHALL fLAG AREAS PftKIR 10 REWOVAL AREAS MIlE PlAN~ HAVE BEEN _ SHALL BE REPlAIII!:D "lit lItE NA lIVE PLAH~ USI!:D IN lItE WASltR PU/IT lEGE!«). lItE LAHDSC»E AROIII!:CI II! BEn.AHD BIOLOGiST SHALL FIEllI LOCAl!: PlAN~ WITHtI THESE AREAS. tiP .!r.: \fPf8!Mm .. _ m p!S'NRfQ D, ,MIt lHf fttWQl> IlffiB H'mROS£m WI AAIUCA. tKJl [ -] AEGREEN S1tRl£ SEE!) lOX _ .. SEE!) IIXTURE lWi/ACRE ..... 1.lIEFIIItoSI'USnJI --"" (1) CO!!.~ I'UIITIIQ DITAL RAmptR pro 2000 LB EI!O-FIIEII IIOOOfIBER "'CN LB SEm MIX AS NOTED 200 LB 25+10 <0 LB IACl<FER 10 PREI€NI RII'PUIG """ ~~~~ QM_", ....... " ......... lM: --Ni •• ·tt .... ' .... ClM1ID-ClA!t2A(LIGQ ....... - U11'OS1'_.ua:POS1StLD..M, ... _flW.POSfS21/'tUl M e- .. I (i) !!'!'!.~ fI!!CI AlTAI. WETLANDli Btma 'I. ~~ART ~~w::4to~~~I-=:=~'=:.::':.CII -o IlmllIOIIIIDMI IICI!WI IOIm_ PR£UI,(INARY -N01 fOR CONS1RUC170N w' ~ Zw W tn >::> <to w Ct:~ W:::E Z « Ct: == --=---';".'Ji..~, m,aJwll TACOM'" .•• ",TTL.. V&"' .............. ... "'0IIIfIIII ..................... . _ .... . __ ~."..40 ow - JULV 23. 1004 CONCEPTUAL PLANTING PLAN W1