HomeMy WebLinkAboutRS_DUIP_AMP_FINAL_20200422_v1Revised 9-26-2018 CULTURAL RESOURCES REPORT COVER SHEET DAHP Project Number: (Please contact the lead agency for the project number. If associated to SEPA, please contact SEPA@dahp.wa.gov to obtain the project number before creating a new project.) Author: Bundy, Barbara E Title of Report: Archaeological Montioring Plan, Renton Downtown Utilities Project Date of Report: April 2020 County(ies): King Section: 17, 18 Township: 23N Range: 5E Quad: Renton, WA Acres: Approx. 70 PDF of report submitted (REQUIRED) Yes Historic Property Inventory Forms to be Approved Online? Yes No Archaeological Site(s)/Isolate(s) Found or Amended? Yes No TCP(s) found? Yes No Replace a draft? Yes No Satisfy a DAHP Archaeological Excavation Permit requirement? Yes # No Were Human Remains Found? Yes DAHP Case # No DAHP Archaeological Site #: •Submission of PDFs is required. •Please be sure that any PDF submitted to DAHP has its cover sheet, figures, graphics, appendices, attachments, correspondence, etc., compiled into one single PDF file. •Please check that the PDF displays correctly when opened. April 2020 Renton Downtown Utility Improvements Project Archaeological Monitoring Plan Prepared for Murraysmith Project Number: 191591-01.01 I:\Projects\City of Renton\Murry, Smith, and Assoc.,Inc\Renton Downtown Utilities Improvements\2019 IDP\AMP\Renton Utilities AMP 4-17-20 clean.docx April 2020 Renton Downtown Utility Improvements Project Archaeological Monitoring Plan Prepared for Murraysmith 600 University Street, Suite 300 Seattle, Washington 98101 Prepared by Barbara E. Bundy, PhD, RPA Anchor QEA, LLC 1201 3rd Avenue, Suite 2600 Seattle, Washington 98101 Archaeological Monitoring Plan i April 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 1 2 Archaeological Potential .......................................................................................................... 1 2.1 Environmental and Cultural Context ............................................................................................................ 1 2.2 Recorded Archaeological Sites ...................................................................................................................... 4 3 Archaeological Monitoring ..................................................................................................... 5 3.1 Project Description ............................................................................................................................................. 5 3.2 Monitored Areas .................................................................................................................................................. 6 3.3 Tribal Consultation and Coordination ......................................................................................................... 8 3.4 Communication .................................................................................................................................................... 8 3.5 Procedures for the Discovery of Cultural Materials ............................................................................... 8 3.5.1 Modern Items........................................................................................................................................ 8 3.5.2 Historic Artifacts and Features ....................................................................................................... 8 3.5.3 Precontact Artifacts and Features ................................................................................................. 9 3.5.4 Human Remains ................................................................................................................................... 9 3.6 Work Stoppage .................................................................................................................................................... 9 4 Reporting ................................................................................................................................... 10 4.1 Field Notes .......................................................................................................................................................... 10 4.2 Reporting ............................................................................................................................................................. 10 References .......................................................................................................................................... 11 FIGURES Figure 1 Project Vicinity................................................................................................................................................ 2 Figure 2 Project Segments .......................................................................................................................................... 7 ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1 Inadvertent Discovery Plan Attachment 2 Detailed Project Plan Archaeological Monitoring Plan ii April 2020 ABBREVIATIONS AMP Archaeological Monitoring Plan City City of RentonDAHPDepartment of Archaeology and Historic PreservationIDP Inadvertent Discovery Plan NRHP National Register of Historic PlacesProject Renton Downtown Utility Improvements Project SEPA State Environmental Policy Act WHR Washington Heritage Register Archaeological Monitoring Plan 1 April 2020 1 Introduction The City of Renton (City) is planning to upgrade existing water, sewer, and stormwater utility systems in downtown Renton, King County, Washington. The Renton Downtown Utility Improvements Project (Project) consists of replacing, rehabilitating, and upsizing existing water, sewer, and stormwater infrastructure as well as associated surface improvements (paving). The Project area is approximately 50 acres in size and located in downtown Renton (Figure 1). The Project is locally funded and has been reviewed under the Washington State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), led by the City. SEPA includes consideration of cultural and historic resources, defined as archaeological sites and structures eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) or the Washington Heritage Register (WHR). For the purposes of this document, a significant resource is one that is eligible for listing in the NRHP or WHR. The Project includes work in areas with elevated potential for encountering archaeological resources, including within or near the boundaries to two identified archaeological sites. However, the Project area is paved and includes existing utilities (and occurs partially within active roadways), so archaeological testing could not occur prior to construction. SEPA analysis is expected to require archaeological monitoring during construction to ensure appropriate treatment of intact significant artifacts or deposits, if any exist. This Archaeological Monitoring Plan (AMP) describes how monitoring will be conducted. 2 Archaeological Potential 2.1 Environmental and Cultural Context The environmental and cultural context of downtown Renton has been thoroughly documented in recent reports. Relevant reports include the following: •Renton Downtown Utility Improvements Project Cultural Resources Assessment (Bundy 2018) •Archaeological Survey for the Proposed Renton Commons Project, King County, Washington (Kramer et al. 2016) •Renton High School Indian Site (45KI501) Archaeological Data Recovery, King County, Washington (Lewarch 2006) •Cultural Resources Assessment for the Parkside at 95 Burnett Development, Renton, King County, Washington (Hodges and Piston 2004) •Renton High School Archaeological Resources and Traditional Cultural Places Assessment, King County, Washington (Kramer et al. 2001) The interested reader is referred to these reports for detailed information on environmental and cultural context. Summarized relevant results for archaeological monitoring purposes are described below. Service Layer Credits: Esri, HERE, DeLorme, MapmyIndia, © OpenStreetMapcontributors, and the GIS user communitySource: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS,USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community §¨¦405 South 3rd Street Airport Way South 2nd Street Rai ni e r AvenueSout hMillAvenueS.Renton Av e n u e S o uthH ouserW aySouthShattuckAvenue[0 1,000 Feet Publish Date: 2020/01/16, 2:21 PM | User: bbundyFilepath: I:\Projects\City of Renton\Murry, Smith, and Assoc.,Inc\Renton Downtown Utilities Improvements\2019 IDP\AMP\Figure Native Files\RentonUtilities_AMP_Fig1_Vicinity.mxd Figure 1Project VicinityArchaeological Monitoring PlanRenton Downtown Utilities Improvements Project ^ Renton High School Project Area Archaeological Monitoring Plan 3 April 2020 Prior to historic land modifications, the Cedar River joined the Black River just north of what is now downtown Renton. At that time, the Black River was Lake Washington’s outflow to Puget Sound (since the construction of the Montlake Cut in 1916, Lake Washington outflows to the northwest via Lake Union). Native sediments in the Project area are part of a “broad alluvial fan” deposited primarily by the braided, meandering Cedar River (Hodges and Piston 2004). This alluvial fan was used and occupied by Duwamish Native American communities, as demonstrated in ethnographic sources, historical maps, and archaeological research. At least two and possibly three village sites have been described or depicted in the vicinity, including the following: •skah-TELBSH (SkEte’lubc) or TuxE’b-qo just south of the confluence of the Cedar and Black rivers on what is now the Renton High School campus, the southern part of the Renton Airport, and surrounding area (Buerge 1985; Hilbert et al. 2001) •Tuxudidû3, an important village near what is the Renton Shopping Center at 365 Renton Center Way Southwest, approximately 0.25 miles west of the southern extent of the Project area (Hilbert et al. 2001) •A historic Duwamish settlement occupied between the 1860s and early twentieth century, located near Tuxudidû3 (or possibly these are the same village described at different time periods; Hodges and Piston 2004) A number of other place-names are recorded, including the home of the Duwamish Moses family in the vicinity of southwest corner of the Renton High School ball field. The density of important ethnographic locations demonstrates the intensive use of the area by the Duwamish, which is also reflected in the archaeological record. Significant historic and modern disturbance has occurred in the Project area. Major disturbances include the following: •Channelization of the Cedar River in 1912 to flow into Lake Washington, resulting in the deposition of spoils onto the uplands •U.S. Army Corps of Engineers construction of embankments along the Cedar River •Deposition of Renton Coal Mine slag onto the wetlands once located around the outlet of Lake Washington •Construction of the Montlake Cut and subsequent disappearance of the upper Black River in 1916, followed by filling at the river’s former location •Grading and filling in the downtown area for construction of streets and buildings •Installation of various utilities These activities have disturbed or buried archaeological materials in parts of the downtown Renton area. Archaeological Monitoring Plan 4 April 2020 2.2 Recorded Archaeological Sites Two archaeological sites are partially within the current Project area, and two others are in close proximity. Site 45KI1010, the Renton High School Ball Field Site, extends into the Project area where it crosses South 2nd Street between Shattuck Avenue South and Rainier Avenue South. The site, identified in shovel probes, consists of Loci A and B (Shong 2011). Locus A consists of stratified alluvially derived deposits with lithic artifacts, present in the upper 20 to 60 centimeters (0.75 to 2 feet) below the ground surface. Locus A is the portion of the site that appears to cross into the current Project area. Locus B consists of stratified shell midden deposits between 140 and 220 centimeters (4.5 to 7.25 feet) below the ground surface (Shong 2011). Site 45KI587, named Dexudidew, or the Little Cedar River Fishing Site, is in the Project area, in the parking lot of the Safeway store at 200 South 3rd Street. The site consists of two occupation surfaces separated by alluvial deposits, occurring between 46 and 60 centimeters below the ground surface (Lewarch 2004). Site 45KI501, the Renton High School Indian Site, is immediately north of the Project area in front of the high school at 400 South 2nd Street. It is a precontact site “composed of multiple [precontact] occupations and flood event strata that are not continuous throughout the whole of the [high school] property” (Kramer et al. 2001:24). Archaeological strata are present between about 50 and 400 centimeters (1.5 to 13 feet) below the ground surface (Lewarch 2006). All three of the above sites are in the vicinity of skah-TELBSH (SkEte’lubc)/TuxE’b-qo village and the near the Moses home site. All three sites were observed during construction or shovel testing for specific projects. Therefore, the site boundaries have not been determined and the potential relationship between the three sites has not been investigated. A fourth site in the vicinity also offers some information about stratigraphy. 45KI051, the Sbabadid site, is located at the Plum Tree Park apartment complex at 200 Southwest 5th Place. This is immediately west of the Renton Shopping Center, and about 0.3 miles west of the southern extent of the Project. Archaeological materials were observed at six loci between about 100 and 500 centimeters (3 to 16.5 feet) below the ground surface (Chatters 1981). The remains of a child were also found at this site. This site is near Tuxudidû3 and the Duwamish settlement occupied in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Recorded archaeological sites mostly correspond with the location of studies. For example, the portion of the Project area east of Burnett Street has no recorded sites, but also no surveys. Archaeological Monitoring Plan 5 April 2020 The stratigraphy of these sites, together with historical and ethnographic information, indicates the following: 1.Archaeological materials are likely to be present beneath an upper 1 to 1.5 feet of fill where previous excavation has not disturbed them. 2.Due to the history of intense occupation and river flood deposition, archaeological materials may also be present anywhere in the Cedar River alluvial fan, as deep as 16 feet below the ground surface or more where previous excavation has not disturbed them. 3.Fill is likely to be deeper closer to the current Cedar River channel, where channelization fill was deposited. Archaeological monitoring, therefore, should occur where undisturbed sediments deeper than about 1 foot below the ground surface may be excavated. 3 Archaeological Monitoring Archaeological monitoring will be conducted by an experienced field archaeologist (the archaeological monitor). Monitoring and reporting will be supervised by a principal investigator meeting the Secretary of Interior’s Professional Qualifications Standards (the Project archaeologist). Monitoring will occur during ground disturbance that is: •Deeper than 1 foot below surface, and •Potentially within native sediments The monitor has the authority to stop ground-disturbing work if cultural materials are observed (see Section 3.5 for detailed description of cultural materials). For areas not monitored, the archaeological monitor and Project archaeologist will be on-call to evaluate inadvertent discoveries. An Inadvertent Discovery Plan (IDP) is provided as Attachment 1. The IDP will be maintained on site at all times. 3.1 Project Description The Project consists of replacing, rehabilitating, and upsizing existing water, sewer, and stormwater infrastructure as well as associated surface restoration (paving). The Project area includes work within the right of way of the following streets: •East-west streets ‒ South 2nd Street between Rainier Avenue South and the Renton Library on the Cedar River ‒ South 3rd Street between Rainier Avenue South and Burnett Street ‒ Sunset Avenue Southwest, from 300 feet west of Rainier Avenue South to the intersection with Rainier Avenue South Archaeological Monitoring Plan 6 April 2020 •North-south streets ‒ Shattuck Avenue South between Houser Way South and South 2nd Street ‒ Whitworth Avenue South, Morris Avenue South, and Burnett Avenue South between South 3rd Street and South 2nd Street ‒ Mill Avenue South between Houser Way South and Bronson Way South Work will also occur in Safeway parking lot at 200 South 3rd Street (in the block bounded by Rainier Avenue South, South 3rd Street, Shattuck Street South, and South 2nd Street). Utilities will be placed in open trenches, many of them in the same location as existing utilities. In some areas, work will consist of excavation to expose the existing utility line, removal of the existing line, and installation of new pipe in the footprint. Where this will occur, no new ground disturbance is expected. There may also be new trench excavation (not in the footprint of existing utilities) that is expected to occur within the demonstrated limits of fill or disturbed sediments. In other areas, work will occur in the footprint of existing utilities, but excavation is expected to extend deeper than the limits of previous disturbance (fill or disturbed sediments). This would occur where new pipes are larger than existing lines, and where direction has changed. Finally, there will be some work in locations where there are not existing utilities and native sediments may be encountered in new trenches. Attachment 2 is a comprehensive map of existing and planned utilities that demonstrates where native sediments may be encountered in existing or new alignments. 3.2 Monitored Areas For the purposes of archaeological monitoring, the Project area has been divided into segments based on the potential to encounter native sediments as described in the section above (Figure 2). The sections are numbered 1 through 22 generally from west to east. No monitoring is planned for sections 1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 18, 20, 21, and 22. In those sections, the Project includes only work in the footprint of existing utilities, with no excavation horizontally or vertically outside the existing trench. If any archaeological materials are encountered during construction in these areas (due to artifacts in disturbed sediments, or accidental over-excavation), provisions of the IDP will apply. Monitoring will occur in the remaining 13 sections where native sediments may be encountered in excavation. If multiple utilities are planned in a section, and only one is expected to encounter native sediments, only that excavation requires monitoring. For excavations requiring monitoring, the archaeological monitor will be present at each area of excavation. If excavation is occurring at more Service Layer Credits: Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, EarthstarGeographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS UserCommunity §¨¦405 South 2nd Street Rai ni e r Av enueSout hH ouserW aySouthSouth 3rd Street13 52 4 6 7 9 10 8 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 45KI50145KI501 45KI1010 45KI587 [0 500 Feet Publish Date: 2020/01/17, 12:29 PM | User: bbundyFilepath: \\fuji\anchor\Projects\City of Renton\Murry, Smith, and Assoc.,Inc\Renton Downtown Utilities Improvements\2019 IDP\AMP\Figure Native Files\RentonUtilities_AMP_Fig2_Segments.mxd Figure 2Project SegmentsArchaeological Monitoring PlanRenton Downtown Utilities Improvements Project Archaeological Site Recommendation IDP Monitoring Archaeological Monitoring Plan 8 April 2020 than one location at the same time, the locations must either be close enough to be visible to one monitor, or a monitor must be present at each location. All excavation will be monitored in these sections, unless and until the monitor, in coordination with the Project archaeologist and the Project team, determines that further monitoring in the section is unnecessary. This situation may occur where initial work determines that the excavation is completely within fill or disturbance, and the landform indicates that this is likely the case throughout the section. This may occur, for example, close to the Cedar River where fill is likely to be thick due to disposal of excavated sediments from channelization, but detailed subsurface information is not currently available. 3.3 Tribal Consultation and Coordination Tribal consultation under SEPA has been conducted by the City. The Project archaeologist for the archaeological monitoring will notify tribal cultural resources staff as far in advance as possible of dates and times of archaeological monitoring. Section 3.5 below includes a description of consultation regarding any cultural resources that are located. 3.4 Communication The Project team will provide the Project archaeologist with a minimum of 1-week schedule look- aheads for advanced coordination with the archaeological monitor and tribal cultural resources staff. Additionally, the archaeological monitor will communicate daily with the on-site management team to determine what ground disturbance activities need to be monitored. The monitor will coordinate with the Project archaeologist to ensure that times and locations of monitoring are consistent with the contractor’s schedule. 3.5 Procedures for the Discovery of Cultural Materials Cultural materials are items produced or modified by humans. The monitor will note any cultural materials encountered, including a brief description and a photograph. 3.5.1 Modern Items If clearly modern materials (less than 50 years old) are encountered, work will continue with no delay. Examples of materials that can be considered de facto modern are plastics, cans and bottles (with modern labels or markings), polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe, and garbage such as candy wrappers. 3.5.2 Historic Artifacts and Features If historic items are encountered, the monitor will determine whether the items may be significant. Significance is determined based on whether items are found together in a historic feature. An isolated historic (or possibly historic) item will not be considered significant unless it is of obvious Archaeological Monitoring Plan 9 April 2020 exceptional interest (e.g., a Roman coin). Faunal remains that are clearly historic, such as bones from domesticated species, will not be considered significant unless they are in association with artifacts. If a historic artifact is encountered that the monitor determines is not significant based on the above criteria, the monitor will photograph the item and describe it in field notes. The artifact will not be collected, nor will any member of the construction team be permitted to take the item. It will be disposed of with the sediment in which it was found, or as determined by the Project team. If a significant historic item is encountered or a collection of items are encountered that are clearly in association and may be part of a historic feature (such as a spatially and temporally bounded refuse deposit), the monitor will stop construction, document the find, and notify the Project archaeologist and the City Project manager. The find will be photographed, measured, described, and mapped within safe work parameters. The City will consult with the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP) and Native American tribes to determine the significance of the find and what mitigation measures will be implemented. Mitigation could include the development of an archaeological treatment plan and subsequent data recovery excavation. 3.5.3 Precontact Artifacts and Features If any artifacts or features are encountered that may be associated with precontact Native American use, the monitor will stop construction, document the find, and notify the Project archaeologist and the City Project manager. The find will be photographed, measured, described, and mapped within safe work parameters. The City will consult with DAHP and Native American tribes to determine the significance of the find and what mitigation measures will be implemented. Mitigation could include the development of an archaeological treatment plan and subsequent data recovery excavation. 3.5.4 Human Remains Procedures that must be followed in the event of discovery of potential human remains are described in the attached IDP. 3.6 Work Stoppage If the monitor stops work because of a potentially significant find, no further ground-disturbing work will occur in that segment until coordination with the Project archaeologist, Project team, and (if necessary) DAHP and Native American tribes has occurred and the City has authorized work in that segment to resume. Work in other segments may proceed. Archaeological Monitoring Plan 10 April 2020 4 Reporting 4.1 Field Notes The archaeological monitor will maintain field notes containing the following information: •Date(s) and time(s) monitoring was performed •Preconstruction photographs (existing conditions) if possible, as well as sufficient photographs to document the construction process •A description of general on-site conditions •A log of photographs taken, including location and aspect •Descriptions of any cultural materials encountered, whether modern or archaeological, including a description of their location horizontally and vertically. Field notes will be available to be provided to the Project team, DAHP, or Native American tribes upon request. 4.2 Reporting A written report documenting the results of the archaeological monitoring work described in this plan will be prepared and submitted to the Project team within 30 days of the completion of construction. The report will document the following: •A description of where and when monitoring occurred •Discussion of any areas where monitoring was planned but could not occur •Maps and photographs •A summary of all archaeological resources encountered, by resource type and significance If required, a draft and final data recovery report will be developed at the completion of construction and will contain the following: •A description of the circumstances of discovery, including results of any consultation •The research questions and methods developed for the data recovery, and any changes made as a result of field work findings •A detailed description of the resource, including vertical and horizontal boundaries (as far as can be determined), contents, preservation, known or estimated dates, and taphonomy •Maps and photographs •Recommendations regarding final determinations of significance after the completion of data recovery Archaeological Monitoring Plan 11 April 2020 References Buerge, D.M., 1985. Requiem For A River. The Weekly, October 22, pp. 33–49. Bundy, B.E., 2018. Cultural Resources Assessment, Renton Downtown Utilities Project. Report on file at the City of Renton, Washington. Chatters, J.C., 1981 Archaeology of the Sbabadid Site, 45KI51, King County, Washington. Report on file at the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, Olympia, Washington. Hilbert, V., J. Miller, and Z. Zahir, 2001. Puget Sound Geography. Original manuscript by T.T. Waterman, edited with additional material from V. Hilbert, J. Miller, and Z. Zahir. Federal Way: Lushootseed Press. Hodges, C.M., and V. Piston, 2004. Cultural Resources Assessment for the Merrill Gardens at Renton Centre, Renton, King County, Washington. Report on file at the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, Olympia, Washington. Lewarch, D.E., 2004. Archaeological Site Form, 45KI587. Form on file at the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, Olympia, Washington. Lewarch, D.E., 2006. Renton High School Indian Site (45KI501) Archaeological data recovery, King County, Washington. Report on file at the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, Olympia, Washington. Kramer, S., R. Kopperl, and M. Daniels, 2016. Archaeological Resources Survey for the Proposed Renton Commons Project, King County, Washington. Report on file at the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, Olympia, Washington. Kramer, S., L.A. Forsman, D.E. Lewarch, and L.L. Larson, 2001. Renton High School Archaeological Resources and Traditional Cultural Places Assessment, King County, Washington. Report on file at the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, Olympia, Washington. Shong, M.V., 2011. Archaeological Site Form, 45KI1010. Form on file at the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, Olympia, Washington. Attachment 1 Inadvertent Discovery Plan January 2020 Renton Downtown Utility Improvements Project Inadvertent Discovery Plan Prepared for Murraysmith Project Number: 191591-01.01 I:\Projects\City of Renton\Murry, Smith, and Assoc.,Inc\Renton Downtown Utilities Improvements\2019 IDP\IDP\Renton Utilities IDP 1-17-20.docx January 2020 Renton Downtown Utility Improvements Project Inadvertent Discovery Plan Prepared for Murraysmith 600 University Street, Suite 300 Seattle, Washington 98101 Prepared by Barbara E. Bundy, PhD, RPA Anchor QEA, LLC 720 Olive Way, Suite 1900 Seattle, Washington 98101 Inadvertent Discovery Plan i January 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 1 2 Procedures for the Discovery of Archaeological Resources ........................................... 4 3 Procedures for the Discovery of Human Remains ............................................................ 5 4 Contact Information .................................................................................................................. 6 FIGURES Figure 1 Project Area ..................................................................................................................................................... 2 Figure 2 Project Segments .......................................................................................................................................... 3 Inadvertent Discovery Plan ii January 2020 ABBREVIATIONS City City of Renton DAHP Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation IDP Inadvertent Discovery Plan NRHP National Register of Historic Places Project Renton Downtown Utility Improvements Project RCW Revised Code of Washington RPD Renton Police Department WHR Washington Heritage Register Inadvertent Discovery Plan 1 January 2020 1 Introduction The City of Renton (City) is planning to upgrade existing water, sewer, and stormwater utility systems in downtown Renton, King County, Washington. The Renton Downtown Utility Improvements Project (Project) consists of replacing, rehabilitating, and upsizing existing water, sewer, and stormwater infrastructure as well as associated surface improvements (paving). The Project area is approximately 50 acres in size and generally includes work at the following locations (Figure 1): •East-West Streets ‒South 2nd Street between Rainier Avenue South and the Renton Library on the Cedar River ‒South 3rd Street between Rainier Avenue South and Burnett Street ‒Sunset Ave SW, from 300 feet west of Rainier Avenue South to the intersection with Rainier Avenue South •North-South Streets ‒Shattuck Avenue South between Houser Way South and South 2nd Street ‒Whitworth Avenue South, Morris Avenue South, and Burnett Avenue South between South 3rd Street and South 2nd Street ‒Mill Avenue South between Houser Way South and Bronson Way South ‒Safeway parking lot at 200 South 3rd Street The Project is locally funded and has been reviewed under the Washington State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). SEPA includes consideration of cultural and historic resources, defined as archaeological sites and structures eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) or the Washington Heritage Register (WHR). The Project includes work in areas with elevated potential for encountering archaeological resources. However, the Project area is paved and includes existing utilities (and occurs partially within active roadways), so archaeological testing could not occur prior to construction. Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 27.53 prohibits unpermitted disturbance of an archaeological site and RCW 68.60.055 describes requirements in the event that human remains are encountered. This Inadvertent Discovery Plan (IDP) describes procedures in the event that archaeological materials or human remains are encountered, to guide compliance with applicable laws and regulations. For the purposes of protecting inadvertent discoveries, the Project area has been divided into segments (Figure 2). If an inadvertent discovery occurs in a segment, work will not resume in the segment until treatment of the discovery has been completed following the provisions of this section. Work may continue in other segments, provided the work does not have the potential to impact the discovery. Service Layer Credits: Esri, HERE, DeLorme, MapmyIndia, © OpenStreetMapcontributors, and the GIS user communitySource: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS,USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community §¨¦405 South 3rd Street Airport Way South 2nd Street Rai ni e r AvenueSout hMillAvenueS.Renton Av e n u e S o uthH ouserW aySouthShattuckAvenue[0 1,000 Feet Publish Date: 2020/01/16, 2:14 PM | User: bbundyFilepath: I:\Projects\City of Renton\Murry, Smith, and Assoc.,Inc\Renton Downtown Utilities Improvements\2019 IDP\IDP\Figure Native Files\RentonUtilities_IDP_Fig1_Vicinity.mxd Figure 1Project VicinityInadvertent Discovery PlanRenton Downtown Utilities Improvements Project ^ Renton High School Project Area Service Layer Credits: Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, EarthstarGeographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS UserCommunity §¨¦405 South 2nd Street Rai ni e r Av enueSout hH ouserW aySouthSouth 3rd Street13 52 4 6 7 9 10 8 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 45KI50145KI501 45KI1010 45KI587 [0 500 Feet Publish Date: 2019/11/20, 11:50 AM | User: bbundyFilepath: C:\Users\bbundy\Documents\GIS\Projects\Renton Utilities\RentonUtilities_CulturalSequencing.mxd Figure 1Project SegmentsInadvertent Discovery PlanRenton Downtown Utilities Improvements Project Archaeological Site Recommendation IDP Monitoring Inadvertent Discovery Plan 4 January 2020 2 Procedures for the Discovery of Archaeological Resources If a construction team member believes that he or she has inadvertently uncovered an archaeological resource or possible resource, all work at or adjacent to the discovery shall immediately stop. The area of work stoppage will be adequate to provide for the security, protection, and integrity of the archaeological discovery. Vehicles, equipment, and unauthorized personnel will not be permitted to traverse the discovery site. A resource discovery could be prehistoric or historic in age and consist of any of the following: •Areas of charcoal or charcoal-stained soil and stones •Stone tools or waste flakes (i.e., an arrowhead or stone chips) •Animal bones, burned rocks, or mollusk shells, whether or not seen in association with stone tools or chips •Tin cans, ceramics, flat glass or bottles, concentrations of brick, or logging or agricultural equipment The construction team member will immediately notify the archaeological monitor, if a monitor is on-site at the time, and the City’s Project Manager (see Section 4, Contact Information). The Project Manager (or designee) is responsible for all other contacts and coordination. Under no circumstances should the construction team contact federal or state agencies, tribes, or the media. The Project Manager will arrange for a qualified professional archaeologist to visit the work site to determine if the find is potentially significant (eligible for listing in the NRHP or WHR). If the archaeologist determines that the find is NOT archaeological or is clearly not significant, work may resume immediately with no further delay. If the archaeologist determines that the find is potentially significant, the City will contact the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP) and affected Native American tribes (See Section 4, Contact Information). The City will consult with DAHP and the tribes to determine significance and appropriate treatment. The City, in consultation with DAHP and the tribes, will decide when construction may resume at the discovery location. No artifact shall be removed or taken by any construction crew member, regardless of archaeological significance or the disposition of the artifact. If a significant resource is encountered and the mitigation includes excavation or removal of the archaeological materials, the plan will specify collection and curation requirements. If potential artifacts are removed from the site for analysis and later determined ineligible, the Project Archaeologist will dispose of the material. Inadvertent Discovery Plan 5 January 2020 3 Procedures for the Discovery of Human Remains The procedures described here are mandated by Washington State Law (RCW 68.60.055). If materials are discovered that may be human remains, all work shall stop at the location where the discovery was made. Potential human remains should be covered and not handled. The work stoppage area will be sufficient to protect the discovery from further damage, expected to be the segment where the discovery was made unless circumstances indicate otherwise. Activity at that location shall not resume until treatment of the discovery has been completed as follows: The Project Manager shall contact the Renton Police Department (RPD). RPD will assume jurisdiction upon arrival, and the King County Medical Examiner will determine if the remains are forensic (a crime scene). If the remains are forensic, the Medical Examiner will control the discovery and no work may resume at the location until RPD transfers control back to the City. If the remains are not forensic (i.e., the remains are archaeological), the Medical Examiner will notify the State Physical Anthropologist at DAHP. DAHP will take jurisdiction over the remains and will notify appropriate cemeteries and affected tribes of the discovery. The Project Manager may choose to coordinate independently with the tribes at any time, even prior to the Medical Examiner’s determination. The State Physical Anthropologist will determine if the remains are Native American or not, and will notify any appropriate cemeteries and affected tribes of the determination. DAHP will lead all consultation with the affected parties regarding the future preservation, excavation, and disposition of the remains. Construction may resume in the work stoppage area as determined during consultation. Inadvertent Discovery Plan 6 January 2020 4 Contact Information City of Renton Mike Benoit, Project Manager Office: (425) 430-7206 Cell: mbenoit@rentonwa.gov Project Archaeologist Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation Stephanie Jolivette, Local Government Archaeologist Office: (360) 586-3088 stephanie.jolivette@dahp.wa.gov Renton Police Department (425)430-7500 Muckleshoot Tribe Laura Murphy, Cultural Resources (253)876-3272 laura.murphy@muckleshoot.nsn.us Duwamish Tribe Cecile Hansen, Chair (206)431-1582 Attachment 2 Detailed Project Plan RIM 45.32IE 43.6 NW, 8" PVCIE 42.9 NE, 12" CPPIE 42.9 SE, 12" CPP TRASHCAN DT3" NO.PRKG DO.NOT.ENTER CB 3241IE 43.1 NE, 8" PVCIE 43.0 SW, 8" IRON TRASHCAN CB 3318IE 43.1 W, 8" IRONIE 43.0 N, 12" CPP CB 3319IE 43.1 SW, 8" IRONIE 43.1 E, 8" IRON CB 3320RIM 44.60IE 43.1 NE, 8" IRON CB 3321IE 42.4 NE, 12" CPPIE 42.3 SW, 12" CPP CB 3322IE 43.1 E, 8" IRONIE 42.3 SW, 12" CPP CB 3323RIM 44.89IE 43.1 NE, 8" CONCIE 43.1 SE, 8" CONCIE 43.1 SW, 6" IRONIE 43.1 W, 8" IRON W CB 3352RIM 45.26IE 44.0 NE, 6" PVCIE 43.7 SE, 6" CONCIE 43.7 NE, 6" CONCIE 43.5 SW, 8" CONCONE.WAY CB 3534IE 42.4 E, 6" IRONIE 41.4 W, 12" CPP CB 3620RIM 45.21IE 42.2 NE, 8" IRONIE 42.1 S, 12" IRONIE 42.1 W, 8" IRONIE 42.0 N, 12" PVC CB 3625RIM 44.60IE 42.3 E, 8" IRON SSMH 3635RIM 45.23IE 39.6 N @ CL WW SSMH 3712RIM 45.19IE 39.8 N-S @ CL 8" PVC TV NO.PRKG NO.PRKG SDMH 4003RIM 44.90IE 41.6 NE, 12" CPPIE 40.4 S, 12" PVC SDMH 4004RIM 44.93IE 40.4 E, 12" IRONIE 40.3 N, 12" PVCIE 40.4 S, 18" PVC SSMH 4005RIM 45.06IE 39.5 N-S @ CL 8" PVC CB 11580RIM 44.75IE 42.4 NE, 6" CONC MAP4" RRXING 2HR.PRKGU MAP10" YD 12011IE 44.2 W, 4" PVCIE 44.2 E, 4" PVC DWY DWY DWY PLAQUE BIKE RACK WOOD BENCH IRON "U" BAR (TYP) 3' PLAQUE P TV PBNSF PT2.5' PLASTIC & CONC,"ALLIANCE" & MULTIPLE BUSINESSES 3' METAL HANDRAIL DWY GROUND ROD GROUND ROD SDMH 4339RIM 45.72IE 42.5 S, 12" CPPIE 42.3 N, 12" CPPIE 42.1 W, 12" CPP 60" 51" SPD25 MAP3" MAP3" DT4"CB 5877RIM 44.52IE 44.2 W, 2" PVC CB 5878IE 44.7 W, 2" PVCIE 44.1 E, 3" PVC MAP6" ONE.WAY TRASHCAN TRASHCAN ABANDONED? ABANDONED ABANDONED OAK28"" OAK22"" ONE.WAY FO FO DT6" SDMH 1154RIM 42.14IE 39.3 E, 6" CONCIE 38.7 W, 8" CONCBRICK STCR CB 1155RIM 41.54IE 40.8 W, 6" CONC CB 1156RIM 41.82IE 41.0 NE, 4" PVCIE 40.9 NE, 4" PVCIE 40.4 W, 6" CONC CB 1157RIM 41.93IE 40.6 SW, 6" CONCSDMH 1158RIM 42.49IE 40.0 E, 6" CONCIE 39.8 NE, 6" CONCIE 39.5 W, 6" CONCIE 39.2 N, 4" CONCIE 39.2 N, 6" CONCIE 38.9 SW, 8" CONC IE 35.5 S-N @ CL 8" PVC SSMH 1159RIM 42.05 2.HR.PRKG U 2.HR.PRKG STOP/DO.NOT.ENTER GP GP HCP.PRKG STOP ONE.WAY GP SS 2.HR.PRKG W CB 1911RIM 41.70IE 40.0 E, 6" CONC U DT18" ONE.WAY DT16" NO.PRKG YD 2411RIM 43.24IE 42.9 W, 3" PVCIE 42.6 E, 3" PVC SS DT4" DT4" 2.HR.PRKG HCP.PRKG 2HR.PRKG BURIED.FO.BELOW TEMP CONST FENCE DWY DWY SPEED HUMP DWY DWY 3' IRON 3' IRON AC AC AC AC AC AC DWY RENTON.ARTS.COMMISSION MEDALLION DECORATIVE GRAVEL 3' METAL, "STOP" 3' USPS MB 10' DWY AC MAP12" MAP4" DT6" TRASHCAN T 2HR.PRKG YD 3814RIM 41.72IE N/A, NO PIPES VISIBLE BIKE.RACK 2HR.PRKG YD 3834RIM 42.90IE 42.3 S, 2" PVCIE 42.2 N, 3" PVC DT12" TRASHCAN MAP16" TRASHCAN CB 4092RIM 40.31IE 39.4 N, 3" PVCIE 39.1 W, 6" CONC YD 4093RIM 41.06IE 40.6 N, 3" PVC CB 4240RIM 42.22IE 41.6 E, 3" PVCIE 40.6 SE, 6" CONC 2HR.PRKG YD 4247RIM 42.15IE 41.4 N, 2" PLASTICIE 41.6 S, 2" PLASTIC YD 4256RIM 41.83IE 41.3 N, 2" PLASTICIE 41.2 S, 2" PLASTIC 2HR.PRKG YD 4262RIM 41.64IE 40.9 N, 3" PLASTICIE 40.9 S, 3" PLASTIC YD 4263RIM 41.40IE 41.0 N, 2" PLASTICIE 40.7 S, 3" PLASTIC BIKE.RACK YD 4271RIM 41.42IE 40.9 N, 3" PLASTICIE 40.6 N, 4" IRONIE 40.5 S, 3" PLASTIC 2HR.PRKG DT6" 2HR.PRKG 2HR.PRKG IE 36.8 S @ CL 8" PVC SSMH 4362RIM 43.10 SDMH 4363RIM 43.14IE N/A, BRICK STCR FULL OF WATER CB 4369RIM 43.75IE 43.3 S, 4" CONCIE 43.0 N, 3" PVC YD 4370RIM 43.39IE 42.7 N, 3" PVCIE 42.7 S, 3" PVC BIKE.RACK 2HR.PRKG CB 4414RIM 42.32IE 41.7 S, 3" PVCIE 41.0 W, 6" CONC CB 4445RIM 42.34IE 41.4 E, 6" PVCIE 41.3 W, 6" CONC CB 4453RIM 42.37IE 41.7 NW, 3" PVCIE 40.4 S, 6" CONC SD SDMH 4456RIM 42.57IE 40.3 N, 6" CONCIE 40.1 E, 6" CONCIE 39.9 NE, 6" CLAYIE 39.1 W, 8" CONC SDMH 4457RIM 43.17IE 37.9 W, 12" CONCIE 37.9 E, 12" CONCIE 37.9 NE, 8" CONCIE 37.9 SE, 8" CONCCHANNELIZED STCR SD DT6" SD W CB 4924RIM 42.43IE 40.7 E, 8" CONC SDMH 4984RIM 41.74IE 37.2 E, 8" CONCIE 37.2 W, 8" CONC CB 5009RIM 42.86IE 40.9 NE, 4" PVCIE 40.4 E, 8" IRONIE 40.4 W, 8" IRON CB 5010RIM 42.66IE 40.3 E, 8" IRONIE 40.2 W, 12" IRONDT8" CB 5137RIM 42.03IE 40.6 NE, 8" CONC IE 36.8 S-N @ CL 8" PVC SSMH 5138RIM 43.03 SDMH 5139RIM 42.99IE 39.7 SE, 8" CONCIE 39.2 SW, 8" CONCIE 39.2 S, 12" CONCIE 39.1 N, 12" CONC CB 5140RIM 42.06IE 40.4 W, 8" CONC SS SS IE 37.7 N @ CL 8" PVC SSMH 5143RIM 42.99 DT2" SDMH 5264RIM 42.79IE 39.0 E, 8" IRONIE 38.7 S, 12" CONCIE 38.6 N, 12" CONC GPGPGP SS 2HR.PRKG YD 5333RIM 42.98IE 42.3 E, 2" PVCIE 42.2 W, 3" PVC CB 5334RIM 42.98IE 42.3 W, 3" PVCIE 42.3 E, 2" PVC TRASHCAN GPGP GP GP DT8" SS DT4" 2HR.PRKG SS SS GP DT8" TRASHCAN ONE.WAY SD DT2"CB 5726RIM 41.83IE 40.2 W, 8" IRON SD DT8" SD SD BANK.PRKG EMPTY WOOD PLTR 4' 4' 4' 3' 3' BIKE RACK BIKE RACK3' 6' METAL 6' METAL 6' CHLK GATE PLAQUE-"GRAND THEATRE" AC AC EMPTYMETAL HANDRAIL DWY RAMP DWY DWY AC PLAQUE-RENTON CITY HALL TILE 4' METAL & WOOD BARRIER 4' METAL & WOOD BARRIER DWY 3' 3' 3' 3' 3' CB 6235RIM 39.34IE 37.3 W, 8" IRON CB 6236RIM 40.34IE 38.7 E, 8" IRON SDMH 6237RIM 39.67IE 36.6 E, 8" IRONIE 36.0 W, 8" IRONIE 35.7 N, 12" CPP CB 6243RIM 39.46IE 37.8 E, 8" IRON T T T IE 33.5 N,E,S-W @ CL8" PVC N,S; 12" CONC E,W SSMH 6247RIM 40.63 T SDMH 6254RIM 40.37IE 36.8 S, 12" CPPIE 36.5 E, 15" CONCIE 36.4 W, 18" CONC CB 6255RIM 39.92IE 37.3 W, 6" PVC SDMH 6256RIM 40.06IE 37.2 E, 6" PVCIE 36.8 W, 8" IRONIE 36.8 N, 12" CPPIE 36.2 S, 12" CPP SDMH 6260RIM 40.35IE 37.2 E, 6" PVCIE 37.0 S, 12" CPPIE 36.8 N, 12" CPP SDMH 6261RIM 40.50IE 37.3 W, 8" IRONIE 37.3 E, 8" IRONIE 37.3 S, 12" CPPIE 37.3 N, 12" CPP CB 6262RIM 40.25IE 38.0 E, 8" CONCIE 37.8 W, 8" IRON SD CB 6271RIM 40.34IE 39.1 E, 4" CONCIE 38.1 W, 8" IRON CB 6272RIM 40.65IE 39.7 W, 4" CONC IE 35.0 N-S @ CL 8" PVC SSMH 6276RIM 41.07 CB 6277RIM 40.76IE 39.3 E, 8" IRON SS SD CB 6281RIM 40.48IE 39.1 E, 8" IRON YD 6282RIM 40.71IE N/A, FULL OF WATER & MUD CB 6283RIM 39.85IE 37.9 E, 8" IRON DT12" BUS.PRKG 2HR.PRKG DT12" ONE.WAY SS BLACK.YELLOW.HATCH BLACK.YELLOW.HATCH DT8"DT8" 2HR.PRKG DT8"DT6" DT6" LEFT.LANE.MUST.TURN U ONE.WAY DT4"DT2" LEFT.LANE.MUST.TURN YD 7269RIM 41.28IE 40.9 S, 2" PVC DT6"BANK.PRKG DT8"DT8"DT4" 8" DT4" DT4" DT8" SD DT12" DT10" DT10"YD 7762RIM 41.23IE 40.7 E, 3" PVC DT8" SD CB 7894RIM 40.14IE 38.8 E, 8" IRON DT10" TRASHCAN 2HR.PRKG SDMH 8064RIM 40.57IE 38.5 E, 3" IRONIE 38.0 N, 12" IRONIE 37.8 S, 12" IRON YD 8065RIM 40.87IE 40.3 W, 3" PVCIE 40.2 E, 4" PVCCB 8066RIM 40.37IE 39.5 W, 3" IRON 2HR.PRKGDT2" DT10"CO CB 8171RIM 40.20IE 38.8 W, 8" IRONIE 38.7 N, 12" IRON 2HR.PRKGU DT12" IE 36.1 N @ CL 8" PVC SSMH 8339RIM 41.08 SDMH 8424RIM 40.76IE N/A, FULL OF WATERBRICK CONE COVERS PIPES SDMH 8425RIM 41.12IE 36.9 SE, 6" CONCIE 36.9 NE, 6" CONCIE 36.8 E, 8" CONCIE 36.6 W, 8" CONC SD TRASHCAN 2HR.PRKG T TRASHCAN YD 8978RIM 40.94IE 40.3 N, 3" PVCIE 40.2 S, 3" PVC YD 8979RIM 40.63IE 40.0 S, 3" PVCIE 40.0 N, 3" PVC U DT6" CB 9163RIM 40.74IE N/A, NO PIPES FOUNDSTCR FULL OF DEBRIS IE 36.2 S @ CL 8" PVC SSMH 9211RIM 41.20 SDMH 9212RIM 41.06IE 39.0 E, 4" CONCBRICK STCR FULL OF WATER & SILT 4' METAL, "US BANK" 4'4'AC DWY DWY 5' SHRUB AC 2.5' DWY 5' CHLK GATE CONC RET WALL4' WOOD ATOP WALL 4' WOOD FO 4' WOODCONC RET WALL 6' CHLK STEP BRICK RET WALL AC DWY BARK AC DWY ABANDONED SIGN BASE12" METAL 3' EMPTY 3' GM ASSEMBLY TILE 3' 3' NO SIGNAL T P DWY DWY AC DWY 4' WOOD 4' WOOD DWY STAIR STAIR STAIR 3' METAL HANDRAIL (TYP) CONC RET WALL 3' DUCT DUCT DUCT-LOST SIG WEST OF THIS POINT DUCT DUCT DUCT DUCT DUCT DUCT DUCT DUCT DUCT T DUCTDUCT DUCT DUCT DUCT DUCT DUCT DUCT U CB 9278RIM 40.40IE 38.6 W, 6" CONC 3"CONDUIT3"CONDUIT3"CONDUIT DT10" ONE.WAY/XWALK TRASHCAN DT12" W MOTORCYCLE.PRKG YD 9900RIM 40.40IE 40.0 E, 3" PVC SD 4"CONDUIT4"CONDUIT ONE.WAY EXIT.ONLY/STOP DT2" YD 10053RIM 39.76IE 39.1 E, 3" PVCIE 38.9 W, 4" PVC 2"CONDUIT1"CONDUIT TRASHCAN XWALK SD CB 10080RIM 39.64IE 39.1 W, 3" PVCIE 39.0 E, 3" PVC DT2" 3"CONDUIT3"CONDUIT CB 10095RIM 39.85IE 39.2 W, 2" PVCIE 39.2 E, 3" PVC SS PRIVATE.UTILITY.MARKER CB 10178RIM 39.19IE 38.6 NE, 3" PLASTICIE 37.5 S, 6" CONC CURB.MAILING.ONLY SDMH 10205RIM 39.91IE 35.7 W, 8" CONCIE 35.7 S, 8" CONCBRICK STCR IE 34.9 S-N @ CL 8" PVC SSMH 10206RIM 40.03 CB 10268RIM 39.53IE 38.5± S, 4" IRON (CAPPED)STCR FILLED W/DEBRIS YD 10287RIM 39.73IE 39.0 S, 3" PLASTIC CULV 10316IE 39.7, 3" CONCCULV 10317IE 39.7, 3" CONC CB 10388RIM 38.96IE 37.6 W, 6" CONC NO.PRKG.ZONE CB 10551RIM 38.99IE 37.1 E, 6" CONC DO.NOT.ENTER STOP 2HR.PRKG STOP SDMH 10661RIM 39.71IE 37.5 E, 6" CONCIE 37.3 NE, 8" IRONIE 37.1 W, 6" CONCIE 37.0 SW, 8" CONC SDMH 10673RIM 39.57IE 37.2 E, 6" CONCIE 36.7 W, 6" CONC IE 36.0 N-S @ CL 8" CLAY SSMH 10677RIM 39.25 STOP PINE8" PINE8" HC.PRKG NO.PRKG CHERRY14" CHERRY6" 2HR.PRKG CHERRY12" STOP/DO.NOT.ENTER STREET 2HR.PRKG 2HR.PRKG CB 11079RIM 38.92IE 38.0 W, 6" CONC 2HR.PRKG 3"CONDUIT3"CONDUIT 4"CONDUIT4"CONDUIT 4"CONDUIT 4"CONDUIT 3' WOOD GATE 3' STUCCO 3' STUCCO DWY IVY U UEMPTY P U UU PCAB DWY AC AC IVY 3' STUCCO AC DWY 12' METAL, "BANK OF AMERICA" PIPE ONLY-FLUSH TO GND 4' WOOD WALL BENCH 3' WOOD, "TONKIN PARK" BARK 10' METAL GATE 3' BRICK WALL W/7' METAL FENCE ATOP DWY DWY AC AC 8' CHLK GATE 8' CHLK DWY USPS MB S 3RD ST S 3RD ST S 3RD ST S 2ND ST S 2ND STWILLIAMS AVE SWILLIAMS AVE SWILLIAMS AVE SWILLIAMS AVE SWILLIAMS AVE SWELLS AVE SWELLS AVE SWELLS AVE SWELLS AVE SHOUSE R W A Y S HOUSE R W A Y S HOUSE R W A Y S DWY BENCH 4' DWY AC 3' WOOD, "USPS PARKING" 3' HANDRAIL BIKE RACK 3'PCAB 3' PCAB WILLIAMS AVE SWELLS AVE SWELLS AVE SS 4TH STS 4TH STS 4TH STS 4TH STDWY DWY DWY DWY DWY DWY DWY DWY DWY DWY DWY DWY DWY DWY DWY DWY DWY DWY DWY DWY DWY DWY DWY DWYDWY USPS MB DWY DWY EMPTY DWY DUCT W/FO W/FO W/FO DUCT W/FO CB 56266RIM 41.40IE 39.8 W, 8" CPPSDMH 56287RIM 42.02IE 38.1 E, 8" CPPIE 38.0 W, 8" CPPIE 37.9 N, 12" CONCIE 37.9 S, 12" PVC CB 56289RIM 41.54IE 39.7 S, 8" CPPIE 39.1 W, 6" CONCIE 39.1 E, 6" (PLUGGED) CB 56290RIM 41.50IE 39.6 N, 8" CPPIE 39.6 E, 8" CPP TRASHCAN DT4" U NO.TRUCKS FO IE NOT ACCESSED; HEAVY TRAFFIC SSMH 56592RIM 42.05 CB 56813RIM 41.47IE 38.8 N, 8" CONC TUUWELLS AVE SS 2ND ST DWY DWY DWY MIC 15 MIC 16 MIC 19 MIC 20 MIC 21 MIC 23 MIC 24 MIC 25 MIC 26 MIC 28 MIC 29 MIC 32 MIC 33 SPIKE 100 SPIKE 102 SPIKE 107 SPIKE 108 SPIKE 109 SPIKE 110 SPIKE 111 SPIKE 113 PK 114 PK 115 SPIKE 116 PK-FL 117 POOR SIGNAL NO SIGNAL EMPTYP EMPTY CB 11225RIM 42.56IE 41.7 W, 6" PVC SDMH 11235RIM 43.08IE 39.7 W, 8" CONCIE 39.7 E, 12" IRONIE 39.4 N, 12" CONC T T DT6"ONE.WAY 8' METAL GATE 3' 6' IRON (TYP) 6' IRON (TYP)7' BRICK PILLAR (TYP) 2' METAL & PLASTIC, "FIRST FINANCIAL"ON BRICK FOUNDATION 2' CONC WALL 3' AC CONC BLOCK RET WALL4'PUPPUTSDMH 11584RIM 40.67IE 37.6 E, 8" IRONIE 37.6 W, 8" IRONIE 37.6 S, 12" IRONIE 37.6 N, 12" CPP CASE 11585 BORE UTP20' METAL & PLASTIC W/POWER,"SHERWIN WILLIAMS" TRASHCANSTREET/ONE.WAY CB 11711RIM 37.88IE 36.5 W, 6" CONCIE 36.5 E, 6" CONC IE 32.1 S,E-W @ CL 12" CONC SSMH 11722RIM 38.40 SSMH 11723RIM 38.39IE 32.2 E, 12" CONCIE <12.4 N-S, METRO SEWERSTCR TOO DEEP TO MEASURE ONE.WAY T TT T T U T STOP/RT.ONLY ONE.WAY SSMH 11881RIM 38.02IE 29.7 SE-W @ CL 18" CONCIE 30.0 E, 8" ABANDONED IE 30.6 E,W-NW: 12" CONC E/W; 18" CONC NW SSMH 11882RIM 38.28 T CB 11950RIM 38.37IE 35.6 NE, 12" CONC ONE.WAY.(W)/STREET U DT10"DT14" ONE.WAY DT12" SDMH 12087RIM 38.52IE N/A, E, CAN'T SEE PIPEIE N/A, N, CAN'T SEE PIPE CB 12088RIM 38.11IE 35.7 E, 6" CONCIE 35.1 W, 12" CONC ONE.WAY.(W) 15MIN.PRKG 15MIN.PRKG SDMH 12317RIM 38.56IE 34.0 E, 18" CONCIE 33.4 W, 18" CONC SDMH 12318RIM 38.48IE 33.2 E, 18" CONCIE 32.8 S, 12" CONCIE 32.5 W, 18" CONC SDMH 12319RIM 38.34IE 32.1 E, 18" CONCIE N/A, W, INACCESSIBLE24" IRON PIPE NE-SWRUNNING THROUGH STCR IE 32.0 S,E-N @ CL 12" CONC SSMH 12322RIM 38.73 DWY DWY PAVERS PAVERS PAVERS DWY PAVERS 9' METAL, "PARKING GARAGE" PAVERS 3' METAL HANDRAIL DWY PDWY DUCT DUCT DUCT DUCT DUCT DUCT DUCT DUCT DUCT DUCTDUCT DUCTDUCTDUCT DUCT DUCT DUCT DUCT DT10"DT8"DT8"DT8" ONE.WAY.(E) ONE.WAY W IE N/A, UNABLE TO OPEN SSMH 13061RIM 38.11 DT8" YD 13130RIM 37.01IE 36.3 S, 2" PVCIE 36.4 N, 3" PVC RGT.ONLY DT6" TRASHCAN 2HR.PRKG YD 13253RIM 39.72IE 38.9 N, 3" PVC P ONE.WAY.(E) ONE.WAY TRASHCAN 2HR.PRKG TRASHCAN SDMH 13573RIM 39.66IE 35.8 E,W, @ CL 8" CLAY SDMH 13574RIM 38.61IE 35.1 E, 6" CONCIE 35.0 W, 6" CONC6" WATER & TWO COMM LINES RUN N-STHROUGH CENTER OF STCR -3.5'± DOWN SDMH 13575RIM 38.28IE 36.1 NW, 8" CONCIE 36.1 SW, 8" UNKNOWNOIL/WATER SEPARATORSHROUD OVER ENDS OF PIPES PREVENTEDACCURATE MEASUREMENTS CB 13577RIM 38.12IE 36.3 S, 6" CONC SDMH 13578RIM 38.61IE 34.9 E, 8" CONCIE 34.8 NW, 12" IRON W W CB 13652RIM 38.17IE 37.0 W, 6" CONCSDMH 13653RIM 38.44IE 36.2 SW, 4" PVCIE 34.0 E, 6" CONCFILLED W/SEDIMENT, 5'± DEEP METAL BIKE RACK DWY AC EMPTY BIKE RACK TRASHCAN EMPTY BIKE RACK ABANDONEDBURNETT AVE SBURNETT AVE SBURNETT AVE SBURNETT AVE SCRPL #3 66" STL DUCT DT2" DT2" W/TELE&TV SS 2HR.PRKG CRPL #3 66" STL CRPL #3 66" STL 66" 66" CRPL #3 66" STL SDMH 13786RIM 42.21IE 37.6 S-W, @ CL 12" CONCIE 38.7 E±, SIZE/TYPE UNKNOWNONLY EVIDENCE OF E-BOUND PIPEIS A DRIZZLE OF WATER INTOTHE STCR FROM THE EAST LOCATION OF ALL SPU/CEDARRIVER PIPES APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF ALL SPU/CEDARRIVER PIPES APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF ALL SPU/CEDARRIVER PIPES APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF ALL SPU/CEDARRIVER PIPES APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF ALL SPU/CEDARRIVER PIPES APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF ALL SPU/CEDARRIVER PIPES APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF ALL SPU/CEDARRIVER PIPES APPROXIMATE CTL MH, 4'x8'x6' CTL MH, 3.5'x8'x5.5' DEACTIVATED GAS LINE CTL MH, 6.5'x12'x8.5'CTL MH, 5'x10.5'x6' CTL MH, 6.5'x12'x8.5' CTL HH 463 TA DEACTIVATED GAS SVC CTL MH, 4'x10'x6.5' CTL MH, 8'x18'x7' CTL MH, 3'x8'x6.5' CTL HH 264 TA CTL HH 264 TA CTL HH 264 TA CTL HH 463 TA CTL HH264 TA U T T T P P P P P U U U P P U WPPWUUPPPP PPTVUUPU U SPIKE 118 SPIKE 119 MIC 120 TRASHCAN 2HR.PRKG TRASHCAN 2HR.PRKG TRASHCAN PK 214 T DT42" DT42" DT30" DT30"DT30"DT30"DT30" DT36" DO.NOT.ENTER DT20" DT22" DT18" T ENTER.ONLY DT18" DT30"DT30"DT30"DT30" RESERVED.PRKG RESERVED.PRKG RESERVED.PRKG RESERVED.PRKG DT30" RESERVED.PRKG ONE.WAY DT14"DT14"DT14"DT14"DT14" STOP DT4" DT14" DT14" DT14" END.SCHOOL.ZONE(E)/DO.NOT.ENTER(W) T TU T ONE.WAY T DT16"DT18" BUS U DT20" DT18" DO.NOT.ENTER STOP ONE.WAYGPGP T STOP PED.XING TRASHCAN TRASHCAN ONE.WAY GP GP STREETDT18"DT14" STOP REBAR DT12"PED.XINGONE.WAY DT20"ONE.WAYDT18" WSDOT.TO.900.WEST HCP.PRKGHCP.PRKG DO.NOT.ENTER DO.NOT.ENTER CO COCODT4" DT4" DT36"DT36"DT36"WRONG.WAY DT36"DT36" DO.NOT.ENTER DT1" TRASHCANDO.NOT.ENTER T DT18" DT18" DT24" DT24"ONE.WAY DT10"(2)DT10"(2) DT4"DT36" T T GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP XING.AHEAD GP GP STUDENT.PRKG 30'.PRKGDT18" DT24" GP.GAS UCO UCO WW SPD25 DT1"DT1" DT6"DT6" INTERCOM DT16"DT16" CONC TILE BRICK RET WALL/PLTR CONC TILE BIKE RACK P PP W AC DWY DWY P DWY AC AC AC DWY P P DWY AC 4' CHLK P P BENCH T BUS WITH LED 8' CHLK DWY AC8' CHLK 4' CHLK AC AC AC AC T W/TWO MOUNTED SIGNAL HEADS DWY 4' CHLK AC AC AC DWYP U W U T T DWY AC 3' WAC RAMP AC W/A MOUNTED SIGNAL HEADBARK DWY AC 6' BRICK ON CONC FOUNDATION,"RENTON HIGH SCHOOL" 2' 2'AC DWY 6' CHLK P LOGAN AVE SLOGAN AVE SMETAL "USAGAIN" BOX T AC T CONC RET WALL DWY P T 7' METAL, "CITYCENTER PARKING" AC DIRT WHEEL STOPS DWYUPACDWY AC AC 5' CHLKDWY P P DT4" 3' WOOD PLTR3' WOOD PLTR MORRIS AVE SMETAL PLTRT U U U P P 5' CHLK AC AC AC AC WHITWORTH AVE SSHATTUCK AVE SDWY 2' 3' CONC RET WALLDWYP 2' AC AC 2'2' CONC RET WALL P 3' PAC U U U 1HR.PRKG DT1" DT6" DT6" DT1" 1HR.PRKG DT2" DT1" TOWING DT2" DT2" 1HR.PRKG DT2" DT2" DT2" 14" CO CO 1HR.PRKG DT1" DT1" T T STOP DT24" SS T DT4" DT4" T XING.AHEAD DT12" DT12" DT12" DT12" DT10" DT8" NO.PRKG STOP XING TRASHCAN DT20" DT30" DT30" DT30" DT28" NO.PRKG GP GPGP GP NO.PRKG NO.PRKG XING TRASHCAN STOP STOP XING6" XING.AHEAD P T DT18" DT18" W TRAFFIC.ISLAND U DT18" DT18" DT14" SS SS XING GP GP DO.NOT.ENTER GP GP GP GP GP GP XING XING.AHEAD DT18" DT18" DT18" DT18" DT18"SS DT18" DT18" DO.NOT.ENTER(S)/STOP(N) SS W WXING.AHEAD DT10"DT12" GP DT4"2HR.PRKG DT4" DT10"DT10" SP SP DT4"(5) DT6" DT6" DT8" W W W GP GP GP GP AC.PATCH.ONLY T AC.PATCH.ONLY S 2ND ST S 2ND ST S 2ND ST S 2ND STS 2ND ST S 2ND ST S 2ND ST S 2ND ST TRASHCAN DWY DWYAC 6' WOOD, "MAGNUSON APTS" 5' CHLK 4' WOOD DT2" 4' WOOD 3' 3' P 4' WOOD PPDT2" CONC RET WALL DWYAC CONC BLOCK RET WALL TDWY 6' CHLK 6' CHLK GATE AC 7'TAC DWY W/POWER AND FLASHER DWY 8' AC DWY PW/STOP SIGN 3' 3' 3' 3' 5' 7' CHLK GATE 7' CHLK 7' CHLK GATE DWYAC LAVA ROCK 1.5' TALL CONC BASE-NO LIGHT 10' DWY TPS 4TH ST 4' 6' CHLK GATE 6' CHLK GATE GATE GATE 6' CHLK 6' CHLKPAC 6' CHLK AC AC DWYTDWYP PDWY DWY DWY MON 226 CASE 227 RC.22016 U GP GPGP PARK GP DT8"NO.PRKG TRASHCAN DT1" NO.PRKG DT4" DT6" SS W 2HR.PRKG DT4" DT6" DT4" U DT4" DT6" DT6" 2HR.PRKG UTIL.WITH.MIC.LID U 4HR.PRKG W DT6"2HR.PRKG DT4" DT6"NO.PRKGTRASHCANU DT4"U 1.5' CONC WALL AC 6' IRON GATE UCAB 6' IRON GATEAC 6' IRON 6' IRON 6' 6' 6'P5' CHLK 5' CHLK 4' CHLK GATE 4' CHLK 6' 8' 6' CHLK 6' CHLK GATEAC MORRIS AVE SMORRIS AVE SLOGAN AVE SSMITHERS AVE SPTWASTE BINS PPCAB DWY 3'TPMIC 250 MIC 251 MIC 252 MON 253 MIC 254 MIC 255 MIC 256 MIC 257 MIC 258 MIC 259 MIC 260 MIC 261 MIC 262 MIC 263 MIC 264 PK 238 PK 242 PK 244 DT6" DT4" 2HR.PRKG DT6"(4) LFT.ONLY.AHEAD DT4" DT4" DT4" U BIKE RACK DT6" DT6" DT6" DT1" DT2"T TT DT4" 1HR.PRKG STOP SS SS U SS DT24" DT14" DT14"DT16" DT14" TRASHCAN DT2" DT2" 1HR.PRKG DT2" STOP SS DT6" DT1" SS DT8" 1HR.PRKG DT6" DT8" DT4" DT4" DT4" NO.PRKG W DT10" DT8" DT12" XING.AHEAD DT12" DT10" DT8" DT20" DT14" TRASHCAN DT16" DT12" SS DT12" DT14" SS DT12" DT10" DT6" TRASHCAN DT10" SS DT12" DT4"DT10" DT14" DT10" DT8" DT12" DT6" DT6" SS SS SS DT10" TRASHCAN DT10" P GP GP XING.AHEAD XING.AHEAD DT8" DT12" SS GP XING GP DO.NOT.ENTER DO.NOT.ENTER DT12" DT8" DT10" DT10" DT6" PRKG/NO.PEDS DT10" DT6" XING.AHEAD DT10" BENCH U W/MOUNTED TRAFFIC CAB 4' STONE, "PIAZZA" P DWYUBENCH STORM DRAIN GRATE STORM DRAIN GRATE 6' CHLK DWY PROPERTY INACCESSIBLE AUTHORIZATION REQUIRED FOR ACCESS AUTHORIZATION REQUIRED FOR ACCESS DT18" DT18" DT18" CONC FENCE FOOTING (TYP) EXPOSED 0.5" CONDUIT AC DWY DT3" DT4" DT4" DT4" AC AREA UNDER CONSTRUCTION AC AC AC AC DWY PU 6' CHLK GATE 6' CHLK DWY DWY DWY4' CHLK GATE 5' CHLK TPDWY DWY DWY CONC WALL (VARYING HEIGHT) ACPPP 3' WOOD, "CHURCH" 6' CHLK DWY GATE BRICK WALL/PLTR, 2.5' TALL BENCH BENCH BENCH BENCH BENCH BENCH BENCH BENCH PPPDWYTGARAGE GATE 7' 1' CONC WALL W/WOOD & CONC FENC ATOP PPDWYAC AC AC AC DT4" DWYP TDWY W/MOUNTED TRAFFIC CONTROL CABTPDWY 6' WOOD GATE 5' DWY AC 3'T6' METAL GATEPAC DWY HAS MIC LID PPTTACK-FL.22338TACK-FL.22338DT20"TRASHCANDT14" DT14" SSSTOPONE.WAY ONE.WAY ONE.WAY GP DT56"DT36" RC.SMASHED DT6"DT4" ONE.WAY DT6" ONE.WAY TRASHCANNO.PRKG 6"4" 6" 6" 1'.METAL.POST 18"DT12" W DT10" W DT6" 4HR.PRKG DT4"DT6"TRASHCAN SD DT6" DT4"4HR.PRKGDT6" BUSDT8"TRASHCAN MIC 246 W W TRASHCAN SP DT40" PROTECT.AQUIFERS TO.405TRASHCAN YIELD NOT.OVER.26000LB DO.NOT.ENTERKEEP.RIGHT DT20" DT30"DT40" FO.MARKERFO.MARKER DT14" DEAD.END STOP RR.XING RT.LANE.MUST.TURN STOP DT12" DT14" DT12" DT16" DT12" DT14" DT12" DT12" DT14" 2HR.PRKGDT6"8"DT10" SPCO DT12" DT8"(3) DT30" DT10" DT14" DT10"(2) DT12" DT16" BUS NO.PRKG DT30" DT14" DT18"PWW3' METAL HANDRAIL TRASH BIN TRASH BIN TRASH BIN BENCH PPPPTBENCH TRASH BIN STRIP DRAIN TRASH BIN BENCH BENCH BENCH BENCH BENCH PBENCH BENCH WP7' METAL & GLASS 7' METAL & GLASS 10' PUBLIC ART 10' PUBLIC ART 3' METAL HANDRAIL 3' METAL HANDRAIL CASE 81815 3' IRON 3' IRON DWY STORM DRAIN GRATE AC DWY AC DWY 1O' METAL & PLASTIC P CONC BLOCK RET WALLCONC BLOCK RET WALL 3' BRICK PILLAR 3' BRICK PILLAR AC DWY 6' CHLK AC DWY 3' METAL & PLASTIC, W/POWER,"SAFEWAY" DWY DWY 4' CHLK P U DWY 4' CHLK AC AC DWY U U U EMPTYDWY P P P P P DWY WHITWORTH AVE SSHATTUCK AVE SSHATTUCK AVE SDWY P AC DWY DWY AC USPS.BOX P P P STORM DRAIN GRATE DWY AC P AC 4' IRON P AC AC 10' METAL & PLASTIC, W/POWER,"BURGER TOWN" PDWY DWY AC AC AC RR-TIE PLTR DWY MILL AVE SW W CONC BENCH 3' BARK GRINDING LINE 3' 3' 3' 3' 3' DWY AC BARK 3' BARK 3' IVY PAC RAMP AC IVY RAMPPP 7' BRICK, "HISTORIC RENTON HILL" DWY IVY IVY IVY IVY 2' IVY 3' WOOD, "CEDAR RIVER TRAIL" IVYMILL AVE SMILL AVE SS 3RD S T CEDA R RI VE R T R AIL HOUS E R W A Y S U P P AC DWY RAMP 1.5' TALL BRICK PLTR5' WOOD, "RENTON HISTORY MUSEUM" BIKERACK ORNAMENTAL FOUNTAIN 6' CHLK AC 4' DWY 3' DWY W/RR-XING AND "NO RIGHT" SIGNAGE T12' METAL/LED, "RENTON HIGH SCHOOL" T BENCHPUUWW T UU UUDUCT DUCT DUCT DUCT U PLAQUE STREET/ONE.WAY T SPSP GP GP GP AC 3' WOOD HANDRAIL RAISED WOOD PLTR RAISED WOOD PLTR AC DWY AC 13' METAL & PLASTIC, W/POWER,"3RD STREET PROFESSIONAL BLDG" AC DO.NOT.ENTER RAMP CB 84094RIM 42.03IE 40.2 E, 8" METALIE 40.1 NW, 8" METAL TRASHCANSTOP.FOR.PED T T DT1" VEHICULAR.BOLLARD TRASHCAN DT1"DT1" TRASHCAN CB 84402RIM 42.81IE 41.3 N, 6" METAL CB 84403RIM 42.59IE 40.5 S, 6" IRONIE 40.5 N, 8" IRONCB 84404RIM 42.65IE 40.6 S, 8" IRONIE 40.6 W, 8" IRON T SDMH 84570RIM 44.59IE 40.9 S, 12" CONCIE 40.9 E, 12" CONC IE 37.3 S,E-W @ CL SSMH 84571RIM 44.68 SSSS TRASHCAN STOP VEHICULAR.BOLLARD DT1" WIE 37.8 N,S @ CL 6" SSMH 84843RIM 43.59 CB 84844RIM 43.60IE 40.0 NE, 12" IRON SDMH 84886RIM 43.71IE 40.6 S, 12" IRONIE 40.6 NE, 12" IRONIE 39.0 SW, 12" IRONIE 38.8 N, 8" IRON CB 84935RIM 43.38IE 40.8 SW, 12" IRON TV SS VEHICULAR.BOLLARD CB 85039RIM 43.69' T TRASHCAN SS CB 85136RIM 44.12IE 41.6 SW, 8" IRONIE 41.6 N, 8" IRONIE 40.8 S, 8" IRON CB 85139RIM 44.04' SS SS DWY AC DWY 4' METAL HANDRAIL 20' METAL & PLASTIC, W/POWER,"STATE FARM" DWY P U 2' METAL DWY DT1"TRASHCAN CO VEHICULAR.BOLLARD CB 85335RIM 43.69IE 41.6 W, 12" IRON CB 85484RIM 43.73IE 41.7 N, 8" IRON CB 85534RIM 44.72IE 42.0 S, 8" CONCIE 42.0 N, 8" CONC GPGPGPT T PED.XING SDMH 85622RIM 45.46IE 42.0 S, 8" CONCIE 39.0 W, 12" CONCIE 38.8 E, 12" CONC SDMH 85661RIM 45.37IE 41.7 S, 8" CONCIE 40.0 SE, 8" CONCIE 38.9 W, 12" CONCIE 38.8 E, 12" CONC CB 85662RIM 44.97IE 42.9 NW, 8" CONCIE 42.9 N, 8" CONC IE 38.2 NE,E,S-W @ CL SSMH 85682RIM 46.04 STOP PED.XING DT4" SDMH 85901RIM 45.38IE 42.0 W, 8" PVCIE 41.8 N, 12" PVCIE 41.8 S, 12" PVC SDMH #85920RIM 44.32' CB 85922RIM 44.00IE 42.6 W, 8" PVC SDMH 85946RIM 44.19IE 41.2 W, 12" IRONIE 41.2 E, 12" IRONIE 41.0 N, 12" IRONIE 41.0 S, 12" IRON CB 85977RIM 43.77IE 42.2 W, 6" IRONIE 41.7 E, 12" IRON SDMH 86010RIM 45.05IE 41.4 N, 12" CONCIE 41.4 S, 12" CONCIE 41.4 W, 12" IRON SDMH 86011RIM 44.98IE 41.3 N, 12" CONCIE 41.3 S, 12" CONCIE 41.3 W, 12" IRON CB 86015RIM 44.97IE 41.6 W, 8" PVCIE 41.3 E, 8" PVCIE 41.3 SE, 12" PVCIE 41.2 N, 12" CONCIE 41.2 S, 12" CONCIE 38.4 S,W-N @ CL SSMH 86016RIM 44.87 DT2" SS DT2" DT2" DT2" SS SS DT2" TRASHCAN YD 86250RIM 44.93' NO.PRKG YD 86256RIM 45.26IE 44.5 W, 3" PVCIE 44.5 E, 3" PVC CB 86261RIM 44.31IE 42.4 E, 8" CONC CB 86262RIM 43.94IE 42.8 NW, 6" CONCIE 42.7 E, 8" PVC CB 86275RIM 44.05IE 42.2 W, 6" IRONIE 41.8 E, 12" IRON CB 86276RIM 44.23IE 42.2 W, 6" IRONIE 41.7 E, 12" IRON PED XING SIGNAL DWY PED XING SIGNAL BARK BARK TV P PDWY2' METAL 4' METAL HANDRAIL P U 2' METAL, "DOWNTOWN" 2' METAL BIKE RACK T FO PDWY AC AC DWY SDMH 25292RIM 31.01IE 25.9 E, W, 12" CMPIE 27.2 S, 12" METAL CB 25293RIM 30.65IE 26.2 E, 12" CMP IE 24.0 E,W,N @ CLW LINE ABANDONED SSMH 25294RIM 31.24 CB 25295RIM 31.19IE 29.8 N, 4" PVCIE 29.5 S, 6" CONC SDMH 25296RIM 31.28IE 26.4 N, 6" CONCIE 26.5 E, 6" CONCIE 26.2 W, 8" CONCIE 28.3 S, 6" CONC SDMH 25297RIM 31.27IE 29.3 SW, 6" CONCIE 29.4 S, 4" CONC CB 25298RIM 30.76IE 28.7 E, 12" METAL CB 25299RIM 31.36IE 27.8 N, 12" METALIE 27.8 W, 12" METAL CB 25973RIM 31.18IE 29.2 W, 10" PVC CB 25986RIM 31.26IE 29.3 N, 6" CONC YD 26193RIM 43.89' YD 26211RIM 44.17' YD 26457RIM 31.74IE 30.0 SW, 3" PVCIE 30.0 E, 3" PVC SDMH 26696RIM 30.74IE 22.1 N,S, NWIE 26.4 , 12" CONCIE 26.5 S, 6" CONCIE 27.3 E, 12" CONC CB 26751RIM 30.84IE 26.9 W, 12" CONCIE 26.8 S, 6" CONC IE 22.6 N,E,S @ CL SSMH 26850RIM 31.17 IE 23.6 E,W @ CL SSMH 26851RIM 31.22 CB 26852RIM 30.83IE 26.4 E, 12" CPPIE 26.5 N, 12" CONCIE 26.2 W, 12" CONC CB 26961RIM 30.96IE 27.4 W, 12" CMPIE 27.4 S, 12" METAL CB 27053RIM 30.89IE 28.5 N, 12" METAL YD 27374RIM 32.27' YD 27375RIM 32.17' CB 27447RIM 32.44IE 30.1 E, 6" PVCIE 30.1 NW, 6" CONCIE 30.1 SW, 6" CONC CB 27448RIM 35.30IE 33.0 W, 12' CPPIE 33.0 S, 12" CPPIE 33.0 E, 12" CPPIE 33.0 N, 12" CPP IE 27.4 E,NW @ CL SSMH 62128RIM 32.66 SSMH 62129RIM 32.27IE 20.6 S,W @ CLIE 25.6 EIE 25.3 SE SSMH 62130RIM 32.22IE 20.5 E,W @ CL,SSMH 62147RIM 32.38IE 20.8 EIE 20.8 SIE 21.7 NW SDMH 62148RIM 31.80IE 27.5 SE,NW @ CL,CB 62149RIM 31.46IE 29.3 SE, 6" CONC CB 62448RIM 32.12IE 30.3 N, 6" CONC SDMH 62637RIM 31.96IE 23.0 N, 12" CONCIE 23.0 S, 12" CONCIE 25.9 E, 12" CONC CB 62661RIM 31.33IE 28.8 N, 6" CONC IE 26.4 E, W @ CL SSMH 62818RIM 32.55 CB 62819RIM 32.29IE 31.1 S, 6" CONC SSMH 62820RIM 33.38IE 28.6 E,W @ CLIE 29.4 SW IE 28.3 E,W @ CL SSMH 62821RIM 33.53 SSMH 62822RIM 33.79IE 28.7 E,W @ CLIE 29.1 NIE 29.2 SE CB 62912RIM 33.15IE 30.6 N, 12" CPPIE 30.6 W, 12" CPP CB 63332RIM 32.66IE 29.2 W, 12" CONCIE 29.2 E, 12" CONCIE 30.3 N, 6" METAL(THROUGH)IE 30.3 S, 6" METAL(THROUHG) SDMH 63337RIM 32.47IE 28.4 S, 6" CONCIE 28.3 E, 12" CONCIE 28.3 W, 12" CONCIE 28.4 NE, 4' CONC CB 63513RIM 32.22IE 29.9 W, 6" CONCCB 63515RIM 32.22IE 30.2 E, 6" CONC IE 25.2 E,W @ CL SSMH 65030RIM 30.29 IE 24.9 E,W @ CL SSMH 65057RIM 30.83 CB 65162RIM 28.86IE 25.3 W, 8" CPP SDMH 65164RIM 29.54IE 24.7 E, 8" CPPIE 20.7 S, 24" CPPIE 20.9 N, 24" CPPIE 25.1 W, 8" CONC SDMH 65165RIM 29.41IE 21.1 S, 24" CPPIE 21.2 N, 24" CPPIE 25.6 W, 8" METAL CB 65166RIM 29.10IE 27.4 NE, 8" CONC CB 65442RIM 30.12IE 28.4 NE, 8" METAL CB 65844RIM 29.96IE 28.7 S, 6" CONC SDMH 65895RIM 30.86IE 21.2 N, 24" CPPIE 21.2 S, 24" CPPIE 21.5 W, 18" CPP IE 27.7 E,W,N @ CL SSMH 65930RIM 33.77 IE 25.6 E,W @ CL SSMH 65941RIM 31.55 IE 29.9 NW,S @ CL SSMH 66398RIM 33.27 SDMH 66399RIM 32.82IE 29.9 S, 6" CONCIE 29.7 W, 12" CONCIE 30.0 N, 6" CONC CB 66459RIM 32.72IE 30.2 E, 6" CONCIE 30.1 N, 6" CONC CB 66460RIM 32.75IE 31.0 W, 6" CONC IE 29.4 E,W @ CL SSMH 66949RIM 34.36 CB 66950RIM 32.98IE 31.6 S, 6" CONC IE 27.2 E,W @ CL SSMH 66951RIM 33.70 CB 67576RIM 36.43IE 33.5 E, 12" CPP CB 67579RIM 36.48IE 34.9 W, 6" CONC SDMH 67580RIM 36.83IE E, 6" CONCIE 30.8 N, 24" CMPIE 30.6 S, 24" CMPIE 32.8 W, 12" CPP IE 30.4 N @ CL SSMH 67581RIM 36.99 SDMH 67608RIM 36.81IE 32.2 S, 18" CMPIE 31.4 E, 24" CMPIE 31.4 N, 24" CMPIE 33.9 SW, 8" METAL SSMH 67610RIM 37.20IE 29.9 E, W @ CLIE 30.2 NIE 30.2 S SSMH 67611RIM 37.06IE 27.9 E, W @ CLIE 30.4 SIE 30.3 NIE 29.2 SW CB 67741RIM 37.70IE 33.9 NE, 6" CONC CB 67818RIM 36.39IE 33.4 S, 18" CPPIE 33.8 N, 6" PVCIE 30.3 N,S @ CL SSMH 67820RIM 36.63 CB 67838RIM 36.52IE 34.1 NE, 6" CONC SDMH 68468RIM 31.85IE 22.6 N, 12" CONCIE 22.6 S, 12" CONCIE 23.2 W, 8" CONCCB 68976RIM 30.71IE 28.2 S, 12" CONCCULV 69111IE 31.6 2" PVCCB 69591RIM 30.76IE 28.5 N, 6" CONCIE 28.8 E, 4" CONCIE 28.7 SE, 4" CONC IE 22.2 N,S @ CL SSMH 69592RIM 31.05 SSMH 69595RIM 31.00IE 22.6 N,S @ CLIE 22.8 E CB 69599RIM 30.12IE 29.3 N, 6" CONC SDMH 69907RIM 30.69IE 21.8 N,S, 12" CONCIE 23.5 E, 12" CONC CB 70005RIM 29.69IE 28.4 SE, 4" PVCIE 28.4 NW, 4" PVC CB 70275RIM 29.73IE 27.3 NE, 6" CONC CB 70375RIM 30.62IE 29.5 W, 4" CONC CB 70389RIM 30.52IE 29.4 NW, 4" CONC CB 70807RIM 29.73IE 28.0 W, 4" PVCIE 28.8 E, 6" PVC CB 70815RIM 29.01IE 27.8 SW, 6" CONCIE 28.1 NW, 4" CONC CB 70830RIM 29.28IE 27.3 E, 6" CONC SDMH 70831RIM 29.71IE 21.7 N,S,NE, 12" CONCIE 22.0 N, 18" CONCIE 27.2 W, 6" CONCIE 25.0 E, 10" PVCSDMH 70832RIM 29.71IE 21.8 N,S, 12" CONCIE 22.4 W, 6" CONCIE 22.5 E, 8" PVCIE 25.4 SE, 4" CONC SSMH 70833RIM 30.19IE 21.4 NIE 21.4 SIE 22.2 E SDMH 70868RIM 29.25IE 21.8 N, 18" CONCIE 21.8 S, 18" CONC CB 70971RIM 28.99IE 27.9 N, 4" CONC SDMH 71201RIM 38.52IE 34.4 NE, 8" IRONIE 34.3 S, 8" CONCIE 33.8 SW, 6" CONCIE 33.5 N, 12" CONC SDMH 71263RIM 35.81IE 32.9 S, 12" METALIE 32.7 N, 18" CPPIE 32.7 W, 8" CONCIE 33.0 E, 12" METAL SDMH 71296RIM 36.51IE 33.1 W, 8" CONCIE 32.4 E, 8" CONCIE 31.5 N, 18" CMP SDMH 71361RIM 36.41IE 32.7 S, 18" CPPIE 33.0 N, 18" CPPIE 32.6 W, 8" CONC CB 71483RIM 35.58IE 33.6 S, 12" METALIE 33.6 E, 12" METAL IE 31.7 E,N @ CL SSMH 71492RIM 35.59 CB 71544RIM 35.19IE 33.5 W, 6" CONCIE 34.5 E, 8" METALIE 33.5 N, 12" METAL CB 71706RIM 35.32IE 32.9 S, 12" CONCIE 32.9 N, 12" CONCIE 33.6 W, 8" CPP CB 71710RIM 35.15IE 33.6 E, 6" CONC IE 31.2 N,S @ CL SSMH 71713RIM 35.74 CB 71719RIM 35.84IE 34.8 W, 6" PVCIE 33.0 E, 8" CONC CB 71733RIM 36.20IE 34.7 W, 3" PVCIE 33.9 E, 8" CONC CB 71760RIM 36.63IE 36.0 E, 3" PVC CB 72196RIM 35.47IE 33.2 S, 12" CMPIE 33.2 NW, 12" CMP SDMH 72349RIM 35.99IE 33.6 E, 6" CONCIE 32.2 W, 12" METALIE 32.2 N, 12" METALCB 72350RIM 36.04IE 33.2 W, 6" CPPIE 33.2 E, 12" METALIE 33.2 N, 12" METAL CB 72494RIM 35.85IE 34.0 E, 6" CPP CB 72731RIM 36.09IE 34.3 W, 6" CONC CB 72904RIM 35.75IE 32.6 S, 12" CONCIE 32.6 W, 12" CONC CB 73420RIM 35.15IE INACCESSIBLE, CLOGGED CB 73854RIM 35.51IE 32.7 NE, 6" CONCIE 32.8 S, 6" CONC YD 73999RIM 34.30IE 33.7 N, 3" PVCYD 74008RIM 34.45IE 33.6 S, 3" METALIE 33.8 N, 3" METAL YD 74027RIM 34.81IE 34.0 S, 3" PVCIE 34.1 N, 3" PVC YD 74030RIM 35.19IE 34.5 N, 3" PVCIE 34.4 S, 3" PVC SSMH 74359RIM 33.65IE 30.2 S, 6" CONCIE 30.2 N, 6" CONCIE 30.2 E, 6" METAL SDMH 74363RIM 33.32IE 30.7 S, 8" METALIE 30.7 NE, 6" METALIE 30.9 W, 6" METAL SDMH 74364RIM 33.29IE 30.0 S, 10" CONCIE 30.2 N, 8" METALIE 30.4 E, 12" METAL SDMH 74366RIM 33.34IE 30.0 S, 6" CPPIE 30.0 N, 10" CONCIE 30.0 E, 10" PVCIE 30.0 W, 10" PVC SDMH 74368RIM 33.35IE 31.0 W, 4" CONCIE 30.2 N, 6" CPP SDMH 74370RIM 33.49IE 31.0 S, 6" CONCIE 30.9 N, 6" CONCIE 31.0 SE, 6" CLAYIE 31.2 W, 6" CLAY YD 74632RIM 33.03IE 32.4 W, 4" METAL CB 74659RIM 33.09IE 22.6 E, 4" METALIE 31.9 NW, 6" CONC SDMH 74660RIM 33.50IE 31.5 SE, 6" CONCIE 31.5 W, 6" CONCIE 31.5 N, 6" CONC CB 74841RIM 32.76IE 31.2 S, 6" CONC YD 74868RIM 34.09IE 33.7 S, 3" PVC YD 75250RIM 33.32IE 32.9 N, 3" PVCYD 75254RIM 33.34IE 32.7 N, 3" PVCIE 32.6 S, 3" PVC CULV 75358IE 32.8, 2" PVCCULV 75359IE 32.6, 2" PVC CULV 75360IE 32.8, 2" PVC CULV 75361IE 32.8, 2" PVC IE 27.7 E, W @ CL SSMH 75612RIM 33.78 CB 75629RIM 33.11IE 31.9 E, 4" CONCIE 31.9 W, 4" CONC CB 75739RIM 33.59IE 31.1 SW, 6" METALIE 31.3 NE, 6" PVCIE 31.3 W, 6" PVC CB 76401RIM 32.31IE 31.1 NW, 4" METAL IE 25.6 W,N @ CL SSMH 76590RIM 32.74 SDMH 76592RIM 32.61IE 31.0 W, 6" CONCIE 30.5 SE, 4" METALIE 30.8 N, 6" CONC CB 76593RIM 32.07IE 30.9 E, 6" CONC CB 76773RIM 32.15IE 30.6 W, 6" CONC SDMH 76973RIM 32.77IE 29.8 NE, 6" CONCIE 29.5 S, 6" CONCIE 28.7 W, 12" CONCIE 28.8 E, 12" CONC IE 26.4 N,S,E @ CL SSMH 77134RIM 32.98 CB 77837RIM 37.55IE 34.8 E, 12" METALIE 35.6 W, 8" METAL CB 77838RIM 37.29IE 35.0 E, 12" METALIE 35.3 W, 4" PVC CB 77845RIM 37.92IE 34.8 E, 12" PVC IE < 13.2 N-SW, METRO SEWERSTCR TOO DEEP TO MEASURE SSMH 77849RIM 38.20 CB 77884RIM 37.84IE 35.6 E, 6" PVCIE 35.5 W, 12" METAL IE 34.9 N,E @ CL SSMH 77887RIM 38.14 SDMH 77888RIM 38.21IE 34.3 S, 12" METALIE 34.2 N, 12" METALIE 34.4 E, 4" METALIE 34.5 W, 4" METAL SDMH 77889RIM 38.11IE 34.2 S, 12" METALIE 35.4 E, 12" METALIE 34.5 W, 12" PVCIE 34.1 N, 12" METAL CB 77890RIM 37.85IE 35.6 W, 12" METAL SDMH 77987RIM 38.26IE 34.7 E, 12" METALIE 34.6 W, 12" METALIE 33.9 S, 12" METALIE 33.9 N, 12" CONC SDMH 78690RIM 38.40IE 34.2 SE, 12" CONCIE 34.2 W, 12" CONCIE 32.9 S, 12" CONCIE 32.9 N, 12" CONC SDMH 78705RIM 38.05IE 34.2 SE, 12" CONCIE 34.0 W, 12" METALIE 33.3 S, 12" CONCIE 33.3 N, 12' CONC IE 32.6 N,S @ CL SSMH 78795RIM 38.25 CB 78796RIM 38.04IE 35.2 E, 6" PVCIE 34.9 NW, 12" CONC CB 78800RIM 37.69IE 35.5 E, 6" PVCIE 35.3 W, 12" CONC CB 78889RIM 38.23IE 36.1 E, 8" METALIE 36.9 NW, 4" PVC IE < 13.4 N-S METRO SEWERSTCR TOO DEEP TO MEASURE SSMH 79036RIM 38.42 CB 79054RIM 37.89IE 34.8 E, 12" CONC SDMH 79859RIM 46.89IE 43.7 SW, 8" CONCIE 42.4 N, 6" CONCIE 42.4 NW, 6" CONCIE 40.4 E, 12" CONC IE 41.0 SW,N @ CL SSMH 79860RIM 46.71 IE 41.2 S,NE @ CL SSMH 79861RIM 46.40 CB 79950RIM 45.82IE 43.3 SW, 10" CONC CB 80056RIM 46.23IE 43.0 S, 8" CONC CB 80141RIM 46.15IE 43.0 SE, 8" CONCIE 43.0 NW, 8" CONC IE 40.1 N,S @ CL SSMH 80203RIM 46.20 CB 80209RIM 45.45IE 42.8 N, 8" CMPIE 42.8 W, 8" CMP CB 80213RIM 45.04IE 42.2 N, 8" CONCIE 42.0 S, 8" CMPIE 42.2 W, 6" CONC IE 41.4 N,S @ CL SSMH 80291RIM 46.94 SSMH 80448RIM 47.18IE 41.7 NIE 41.7 SIE 42.3 W SSMH 80449RIM 47.02IE 41.5 N,S @ CLIE 41.5 E IE 41.8 SW,NE @ CL SSMH 80463RIM 47.41 CB 80482RIM 47.12IE 45.3 E, 12" CONC IE 42.9 E,SW @ CL SSMH 80818RIM 45.76 CB 81248RIM 53.02IE 49.0 NE, 12" CONCIE 49.0 SW, 12" CONC CB 81463RIM 45.44IE 44.6 W, 6" PVC CB 81508RIM 46.21IE 44.5 E, 8" CONC CB 81509RIM 46.32IE 44.2 NE, 8" CONCIE 44.4 W, 8" CONC ONE.WAY YD 86477RIM 43.17IE INACCESSIBLE, FULL OF DIRT T AC AC FLOWER POT P U P DWY AC T PDWY 2' METAL P2' METAL BENCH BIKE RACK BIKE RACK P2' METAL 2' METAL 3' METAL HANDRAIL 3' METAL HANDRAIL BENCH TRASHCAN TRASHCAN DEACTIVATED12" HP12" HPDWY U CONC-FILLED MON 500 MIC 267 MIC 268 MIC 269 MIC 270 MIC 271 PED SIGNAL TRASHCAN U IE 23.4 W-E @ CL 12" IRON SSMH 27757RIM 31.68 SSMH 27758RIM 31.56IE 24.8 W, 6" IRONIE 24.4 SE, 6" CONCIE 23.7 SW @ CL 12" IRON SSMH 27759RIM 31.77IE 25.7 W, 8" PVCIE 24.0 S-N @ 12" IRON IE 23.9 SE-N @ CL 12" IRONS PIPE SIZE/TYPE INDETERMINATE SSMH 27760RIM 31.23 IE 27.9 E, 8" PVC SSMH 27761RIM 33.29 NO.PRKG DT40" LIBRARY.USE.ONLY DT24" DT36" SDMH 28120RIM 45.61IE 38.9 N, 12" CONCIE 38.8 SE, 12" CONCIE 37.8 NE, 12" CONCIE 37.8 W, 12" CONC IE 39.9 W-SE @ CL 6" CONC SSMH 28121RIM 45.81 BLANK HC.PRKG SP DT4" W DT4" DT6" DT4" SDMH 28666RIM 27.98IE 23.0 W, 12" CPPIE 20.4 S, 12" CONCIE 20.4 N, 12" CONC CB 28667RIM 27.62IE 24.0 W, 12" CPP SDMH 28668RIM 28.33IE 20.8 E, 12" CONCIE 20.8 S, 12" CONCIE 20.7 N, 12" CONC IE 19.4 N-S @ CL 12" PVC SSMH 28669RIM 28.74 T CB 28673RIM 28.37IE 26.6 W, 6" CONC ISLAND.HATCH GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GPGP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP DT6" T DT8" DT6" DT4" CB 28929RIM 28.30IE 24.9 E, 12" CPP DT2" DT2"SD CB 28961RIM 27.69IE 25.5 W, 12" IRON DT2" STOP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP U4' CHLK GATE 4' CHLK 4' CHLK DWY ACDWY SPEEDBUMP 7' IRON SLIDING GATE 7' IRON ACU7' IRON 8' WOOD, "OLD MILWAUKIE SUBSTATION" 3' 3' 3' ABANDONED LUM FOOTING 8' CHLK AC 3' 3' 7' CHLK 3' 3' GATE AC AC DWY AC AC AC AC AC3' 3.5' WOOD, "RENTON LIBRARY" IVY IVY SHRUBSHRUB SHRUB SHRUB SHRUB 3' METAL HANDRAIL CONC.TRASHCAN 4' BENCH BENCH 5' 4' EXPOSED 4" CONDUIT (TYP (5) IN THIS AREA) MAILBOXMAILBOX 3' VALVE BOX; NO LID, UNKNOWN CONNECTION SDMH 29396RIM 28.61IE INACCESSIBLE, BOLTEDPPPT DUCT DUCT DUCT DUCT DUCT DUCT SHATTUCK AVE S51.5" 51.5" 51.5" 66" 66" 51.5" 66" 51.5" CRPL # 3 6 6 " S T L CRPL # 3 5 1 . 5 " S T L CRPL# 2 5 1 . 5 " S T L CRPL#1 6 6 " S T L CRPL#3 66" STL CRPL#2 51.5" STL CRPL#3 66" STL CRPL#3 66" STL CRPL #3 66" STL CRPL #3 66" STL CRPL #3 66" STL CRPL #3 66" STL CRPL #3 66" STL S 3RD ST S 3RD ST SHATTUCK AVE SS 2ND ST S 3RD ST S 3RD ST S 3RD ST AC TRASHCAN STOP.AHEAD DO.NOT.ENTER CB 30025RIM 43.27IE 41.7 NE, 6" IRON CB 30166RIM 43.10IE 42.0 NE, 6" CONC FF=45.44 NO.XING.USE.XWALK BARK 1.5' CONC WALL BENCH 8' BUS SIGN DWY AC AC AC AC DWY DWY DWY ACP AC AC AC 6' CHLK GATE DWY BUS SHELTERT MILL AVE SOAK28"" BARK CB 10610RIM 38.43IE 36.2 SE, 6" CONC CB 63514RIM 32.48IE 29.8 W, 6" CONCIE 29.8 E, 6" CONCIE 29.7 N, 6" CONC SDMH 68466RIM 31.46IE 22.9 N, 12" CONCIE 22.9 S, 12" CONCELEV 24.0 E-W, TOP OF12" ID CONC SS PIPE SDMH 68720RIM 30.90IE 28.1 NE, 6" CONCIE 28.2 E, 6" CONC SSMH 68465RIM 31.73IE 21.6 SIE 21.6 SEIE 22.7 NW SDMH 68463RIM 31.70IE 27.2 NW-SE, @CL 12" CONC CHANNELSSMH 68464RIM 31.87IE 21.4 NWIE 21.4 NCB 68620RIM 30.98IE 29.6 W, 6" CONCCB 69162RIM 30.77IE 27.9 S, 12" METAL SDMH 26849RIM 31.45IE 27.4 NW, 12" METALIE 22.1 N, S, 12" CONCIE 25.2 SW, 12" CONCIE 28.1 SE, 4" PVCSDMH 25290RIM 30.96IE 22.2 N, S, E, 12" CONCIE 27.6 SE, 8" CONCIE 22.8 E, W/THROUGH PIPE, 12" CONCIE 27.0 NW, 6" METAL SDMH 25291RIM 30.88IE 25.4 NE, 12" METALIE 25.8 W, 12" CMP CB 30169 (162506)IE 37.0 S, 6" PVCIE 36.8 N, 8" PVC IE 36.5 E, 8" PVC SDMH 30535 (133310) RIM 40.11IE 35.4 N, 12" CONCIE 35.3 S, 12" CONCIE 33.4 N, 18" CMPELEV 37.3 @ TOP OF WATER PIPE, 8" IRON SDMH 30540 (133311) RIM 40.99IE 36.4 N, 12" CONCIE 36.4 S, 12" CONCIE 33.9 S, 18" CMPELEV 38.3 @ TOP OF WATER PIPE, 8" IRON SSMH 30541 (MH2145) RIM 41.17IE 33.6 N-E @ CL 8" CONC GP GP GP GP GPGP GP CB 30648 (500077) RIM 41.76IE 40.4 W, 4" CONCIE 40.2 E, 8" CONC SDMH 30875 (133309) RIM 39.45IE 36.2 W, 6" CONCIE 36.2 N, 6" CONCIE 34.8 E, 18" CONC W W GP CB 30968 (500078) RIM 39.69IE 38.9 N, 4" CONC EMPTY DWY AC AC AC DWY DWY 25' METAL & PLASTIC, W/POWER,"TOWING, METRO PCS, SUBWAY" RAISED PATIO RAISED PATIO 3' WOOD HANDRAIL (TYP) DWY DWY 12' METAL (POST ONLY)UUUDWY AC CB 31049 (500079) RIM 35.56IE INACCESSIBLE,RIM TARRED IN PLACE CB 31050 (500080)IE 31.9± N, INACCESSIBLEIE 31.9± E, INACCESSIBLESTCR FILLED W/SLUDGE W BUS.RT.LN BUS.RT.LN CB 31171 (NO ID) RIM 35.39IE INACCESSIBLE, FULL OF DIRT CB 31172 (133312) RIM 35.03IE 33.2 S, 4" CONC CB 31208 (300039) RIM 35.54IE INACCESSIBLE N,SE, FULL OF MUDELEV 33.5 @ TOP OF TEE, 12" CMP SDMH 31227 (134529) RIM 40.56IE 34.2 W, 18" CONCIE 34.2 E, 18" CONC DT16" DT16" DT16" SSMH 31431 (MH6345) IE 32.9 W-E @ CL 8" CONCRIM 41.87 DO.NOT.ENTER T RIM 34.27IE N/A, ABANDONED CB 31548 (500053) DT16" CB 10077 (500066)IE 27.9 NW, 12" IRONIE 27.8 SE, 12" IRON CB 10078 (500065)IE 28.1 W, 12" IRONIE 28.0 SE, 12" IRON RT.TURN.ONLY DT12" DT12" CB 10229 (133313)IE 31.2 W, 8" CPPIE 30.8 S, 12" CPP CB 10230 (142243)IE 30.5 W, 8" PVCIE 30.5 SW, 8" PVC CB 10231 (133535) RIM 32.23IE 29.7 E, 6" PVCIE 29.6 N, 12" CPPIE 29.3 S, 12" CPP CB 10232 (500071) RIM 32.36IE 28.3 N, 12" CPPIE 28.3 W, 12" PVC CB 10233 (500070) RIM 31.50IE 29.7 W, 8" IRONIE 29.7 E, 8" IRON DT2" DT2" DT4" 900.WEST DT4" CB 10259 (141290) RIM 34.15IE 28.0 E, 12" PVCIE 27.8 S, 8" PVCIE 27.8 SW, 12" PVCIE 27.7 N, 8" PVC DT4" DT10" CULV 10273IE 29.9, 8" PVC CB 10402 (500067) RIM 30.84IE 27.7 SE, 12" IRONIE 27.7 NW, 12" IRON CB 10403 (500068) RIM 30.84IE 27.4 E, 12" IRONIE 27.2 NW, 12" IRON MAP6" MAP6" SP SDMH 10530 (136581) RIM 30.40IE 26.9 NW, 6" CONCIE 26.8 SW, 6" CONCIE 18.5 W, 48" CPPIE 18.5 E, 48" CPP SSMH 10531 (MH6344) IE 24.9 W-E @ CL 12" IRONRIM 31.22TRASHCAN CULV 10734IE 31.1, 8" PVC RIM 31.96IE 29.6 E, 12" IRON CB 10815 (500064) SSMH 10826 (MH2184) RIM 32.71IE 26.5 N-S @ CL 8" CLAY GP MAP10" GP GP GP GP PINE20" 5' 4' SP GP GP GP GP NO.RT.TURN MAP6" TRASHCAN DT4" DT4" DT4" W W SDMH 20252 (134507) RIM 36.52IE 31.9 W, 18" CONCIE 31.8 E, 18" CONC DT4" LAVA ROCK RR-TIE RET WALL RR-TIE RET WALL LAVAROCK AC DWY 30' METAL & PLASTIC,W/POWER, "PIZZA HUT" 5' METAL & PLASTIC, W/POWER,"CASCADE CREST" 25' METAL & PLASTIC,W/POWER, "MIDAS"PDWY 3' JUNIPER AC 3' 3'UMETAL BENCH PLAQUE - RUTHERFORD'SXXX BARREL 1930 DECORATIVE METAL COLUMN (TYP) 25' METAL & PLASTIC, W/POWER,"WALGREENS" METAL BENCH GATEWAY FEATURE10' METAL COLUMN 3' CABLE DWY AC IRON GATE ARM IRON GATE ARM 5' CHLK 3' CABLE DWY 20' METAL & PLASTIC, W/POWER,"SAFEWAY" W/ GAS PRICES 1.5' DWY AC AC 2' 7'7' 6' WOOD 3'3'3'3' DWY DWY AC AC AC AC 2' METAL & PLASTIC, W/POWER,"DRIVE-THRU" SPEED BUMP SPEED BUMP 2'1'DWY AC WOOD RET WALL UP8' STEEL (POST ONLY)RAINIER AVE SRAINIER AVE SGAS DT6" CULV 20442IE 37.8, 6" IRON RR-TIE RET WALL DECORATIVE METAL COLUMN (TYP) DECORATIVE METAL COLUMN (TYP)TPP40' METAL & PLASTICON IRON SUPPORTS,W/POWER, "WENDY'S" W CB 13614 (141051) RIM 33.73IE 26.8 N, 12" PVCIE 26.7 SW, 12" PVC SSMH 13637 (MH2183) RIM 32.18IE 25.5 N,W-E @ CL 12" CLAY CB 13672 (178163)IE 28.9 E, 6" CONCIE 28.5 S, 6" CONC RIM 30.64IE 26.6 E, 12" METAL CB 13673 (178157) SDMH 13674 (178158) RIM 30.57IE 26.4 NW, 12" METALIE 18.3 SW, 48" HDPEIE 18.2 NE, 48" HDPE CO CB 13694 (178167)IE 26.5 NE, 12" HDPEIE 26.5 S, 12" METAL SDMH 13695 (178159) RIM 30.93IE 25.9 SW, 12" HDPEIE 21.6 SE, 12" METALIE 17.8 NE, 48" METALIE 17.8 NW, 48" METAL GP GP GP DT4" TRASHCAN YIELD SDMH #13892 (500181)RIM 30.14' RT.TURN SDMH #13897 (500041)RIM 29.78' SDMH #14041 (500177)RIM 30.05' SDMH #14042 (500178)RIM 30.27' BUS.ONLY.RIGHT.LANE DT4"SDMH #14062 (500182)RIM 30.76' YIELD.TO.U.TURN TRASHCAN CB 14080 (500183) RIM 30.60IE 25.5 S, 12" CPPRIM 29.32IE 26.9 SW, 6" PVC CB 14084 (133538) TRASHCAN CB 14138 (136074) RIM 33.07IE 30.4 W, 12" CONCIE 30.4 E, 8" IRON CB 14139 (136075)IE 30.9 W, 12" CONCIE 30.8 E, 12" CONC SDMH 14140 (136076) RIM 34.33IE 32.4 NW, 12" CONCIE 31.5 N, 12" PVCIE 31.3 W, 12" CONCIE 31.2 E, 12" CONCCB 14141 (136077) RIM 34.37IE 32.6 N, 12" CONCIE 32.6 SE, 12" CONC SSMH 14142 (MH2182) IE 28.8 E,W @ CL 12" (CONC W, CLAY E)RIM 34.52 SPD.25 RIM 30.97IE 29.4 S, 8" CONC CB 18465 (113735) MAP4" CB 18474 (500069)IE 26.7 W, 12" METALIE 26.6 N, 12" METAL MAP4" TRASHCAN RIM 31.12IE 29.8 S, 8" CONC CB 18485 (113734) MAP4" ONE.WAY MAP2" DWY NO.PRKG MAP6" DWY TPPDT2" DT2" DT4" ONE.WAY DT4" TRASHCAN TRASHCANBUS SDMH 18144 (135877) RIM 31.36IE 26.2 N, 8" CONCIE 24.9 E, 8" CONCIE 24.6 W, 8" CONC SDMH 18172 (135878) RIM 31.06IE 24.8 N, 8" CONCIE 23.3 E, 8" CONCIE 23.1 NW, 12" METAL STOP/ONEWAY 1' GP GP GP RIM 30.76IE 29.1 W, 8" PVC CB 18707 (141563) CB 18708 (NO ID) RIM 31.17IE 29.4 W, 6" PVC CB 18709 (NO ID)IE 28.8 E, 6" PVCIE 28.7 N, 6" PVC CB 18710 (141564)IE 28.7 E, 8" PVCIE 28.3 NW, 8" PVC W ONE.WAY POST.ONLY DT14" DT12" CO DT12" SAFEWAY.PRKGPINE14" SAFEWAY.PRKG PINE14" PINE18" DT12" SAFEWAY.PRKG DT10" RC.HAI.LS33125 19029 DT20"U DWY 10' METAL SCULPTURE (TYP) METAL BENCH PDWY DWY METAL BENCH 3' METAL HANDRAIL DWY WOOD PLTR U P3' 3'3'3' 3' 3'3' 3'3' 2'2'3' DWY 10' METAL & PLASTIC, W/POWER,"CAR CLUB INC" 3' CABLE IRON GATE ARM IRON GATE ARM STOPDWY 3' CABLE3' CABLE AC AC AC AC 21' METAL & PLASTIC,W/POWER, "UBER" AC DWY METAL BENCH RAINIER AVE SS 3RD ST SW SUNSET BLVD GROUND.ROD SIGNAL ENDS 20' METAL & PLASTIC,W/POWER & LED, "SAFEWAY" GROUND.ROD 22' BILLBOARD,W/POWER I-BEAM POST I-BEAM POST GAS SIG ENDS 20' METAL &PLASTIC, W/POWER,"TACO TIME" LOCATION OF ALL SPU/CEDARRIVER PIPES APPROXIMATEPPPPPTUUT TPUPUUUUPCB 920 (133250) RIM 33.45IE 31.2 W, 10" PVCIE 31.2 N, 10" PVC BUS SDMH 48000 (500082) RIM 30.23IE 27.7 SE, 6" CONCIE 24.7 NE, 6" PVCIE 24.7 NW, 6" PVCIE 22.1 SW, 12" CONCIE 17.4 W, 24" CPPIE 17.4 E, 24" CPP CB 48001 (133537) RIM 30.63IE 29.1 SE, 6" PVC RC.SMASHED SS SS CB 13615 (NO ID)IE 32.5 E, 8" CPPIE 31.5 NW, SIZE/TYPE UNKNOWN 4"CI W12"DI W CRPL#1 66" STL8"CI W8"CI W8"CI W 8"CI W CRPL#3 66" STL CRPL#1 66" STL CRPL#2 51.5" STL 12"DI W 12"DI W12"DI W8"CI W 12"DI W 12"DI W16"DI W 16"CI W16"CI WWATERWATERCRPL#3 66" STL12"DI W CRPL#3 66" STL16"DI W 24"DI W 4"W 6"CI WCRPL#3 66" STLCRPL#3 66" STLCRPL#1 66" STL CRPL#2 51.5" STL CRPL#3 66" STL 12"DI W12"DI W12"DI W12"DI W12"DI W 12"DI W12"DI W12"DI W12"DI W12"DI W 12"DI W 12"D I W 12"DI W12"DI W12"DI W 12"DI W12"DI W6"DI W 12"DI W 12"DI W12"DI W8"DI W 8" C90 0 S S 12" CIPP SS8" SDR 35 SS 8 " S D R 3 5 S S 8" SDR 35 SS 8" C900 SS 8" SDR 35 SS 8" SDR 35 SS 8" SDR 35 SS 18" C905 SS 2 4 " C 9 0 5 S S 8" C900 SS8" SDR 35 SS24"C905 SS8" SDR 35 SS 8" C900 SS 12" CIPP SS 284 LF 12" CIPP SS8" SDR 35 SS 8" SDR 35 SS8" SDR 35 SS8" SDR 35 SS12" C900 SS12" C900 SS12" CIPP SS8" SIDE SEWER24" C905 SS 21" SDR 35 SS 21" SDR 35 SS 21" SDR 35 SS 21" SDR 35 SS 24" C905 SS 24" C905 SS 24" C905 SS 24" C905 SS8" SDR 35 SS8" SDR 35 SS8" SDR 35 SS8" SDR 35 SS24" C905 SS 8" SDR 35 SS8" SDR 35 SS 24" C905 SS 24" C905 SS8" C900 SS24" C905 SS24" C905 SS 8" SDR 35 SS12" CIPP SS8" SDR 35 SS B0+00B1+00B2+00B3+00B3+2018" PP SD18" PP SD18" PP SD 18" PP SD 18" PP SD 12" PP SD 12" PP SD 12" PP SD12" PP SD 12" PP SD 12" PP SD 24" PP SD36" PP SD12" PP SD 15" PP SD 12" PP SD 30" PP SD 12" PP SD 18" PP SD 18" PP SD12" PP SD18" PP SD18" PP SD24" PP SD24" PP SD24" PP SD12" C900 SD18" PP SD 12" PP SD24" PP SD36" PP SD36" PP SD12" P P S D 12" PP SD 12" PP SD 36" PP SD36" PP SD12" PP SD18" PP SD12" PP SD12" PP SD12" PP SD12" PP SD12" PP SD24" PP SD12" PP SD12" PP SD 12 " P P S D 12" PP SD0 SCALE IN FEET 502550 100 LEGEND EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EXISTING STORM DRAIN EXISTING WATER EXISTING HIGH PRESSURE GAS PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER PROPOSED STORM DRAIN PROPOSED WATER PROPOSED MANHOLE PERMANENT HMA PATCH PER CITY STD DETAIL 110 CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK PER CITY STD DETAIL 102 SAWCUT FULL DEPTH PAVEMENT REPLACEMENT 12"HPG 12"W 8"SS 12"SD 12"SD W 8"SS