HomeMy WebLinkAboutEx25_Admitted_Public_Applicant Response to Conditions of Approval, Landscape Plan and Arborist PlanJ. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Emerald Highlands Unit Lot Subdivision Preliminary Plat, Unit Lot Subdivision, Administrative Site Plan, Administrative Conditional Use, and Street Modification, File No. LUA20-000077, PP, SA-A, CU-A, ECF, MOD, as depicted in the Preliminary Plat Plan (Exhibit 2), subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall submit a draft affordable housing covenant to the Current Planning Project Manager for review and approval by the Planning Project Manager and the City Attorney at the time of Building Permit review. Such agreement shall be recorded prior to Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. The Affordable Housing Covenant has already been prepared and will be submitted for approval. 2. The applicant shall create a Homeowners’ Association (“HOA”) that maintains all improvements and landscaping in the common space tracts and any and all other common improvements. A draft of the HOA documents shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager and the City Attorney prior to recording of the Unit Lot Subdivision. Such documents shall be recorded concurrently with the Unit Lot Subdivision. The Homeowner’s Association documents including the Articles of incorporation and Bylaws and the Declaration of Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions (CC&Rs) have already been prepared and will be submitted for approval. 3. The applicant shall submit revised plans with the Building Permit application identifying the location of code compliant bicycle parking meeting the standards of RMC 4-4-080.F.11. The revised plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to Building Permit approval. Bicycle Parking will be in each garage, as allowed by Renton City Code, and this will be shown on the Building Permit Application Plans. 4. The applicant shall revise the proposed pedestrian connections to limit the interruption within the common open space tract. The applicant shall include and show required picnic areas, space for recreational activities, and other activities as appropriate within the common open space for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager at the time of Civil Construction Permit. In addition, the applicant shall demonstrate compliance with minimum common open space dimensional requirement of 30 feet at the time of Civil Construction Permit application or apply for and receive approval for a fee in-lieu pursuant to RMC 4-1-240. A picnic area has been shown with a table and attached benches on a concrete pad in the area near the 4 planting boxes. In addition, an additional bench with a back will be provided alongside the sidewalk running between the two buildings. Colored pictures of the table and benches and the additional bench, as well as their locations, are shown on the updated Landscape Plan. Four planting boxes, as shown on the updated Landscape Plans (and as also shown on the submitted Site Plan), will be provided for residents to plant gardens. Provisions are included in the CC&Rs for residents to reserve and use the planting boxes. A water line and faucet will also be provided at the planting box/picnic table location. The sidewalks for access to the buildings and units from Kirkland Avenue NE will be located as follows: One will be at the end of each Building and one will be located in the area between the 2 buildings. In addition, a sidewalk will be provided along the east side of the buildings (running north and south). This will create large areas for recreation between the sidewalk along Kirkland Avenue NE and the sidewalk along the front of the buildings. Also, see the attached document prepared by the Project Architect. We stridently object to the part of this Condition #4 regarding a minimum open space dimension of 30’. The reasons for this objection are as follows: 1) In Paragraph 17 “Design Standards” on page 12 of the Staff Report, the statement is made “Residential Design and Open Space Standards (RMC 4-2-115 are applicable in the R-14 zone.” The Standards implement the policies established in the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan….. Furthermore, the 20’ minimum dimension is stated as being required in the R-14 Zone in this RMC (as quoted in number 2 herein after). 2) On page 13 of the Staff Report, under “Standards for Common Open Space: Developments of four (4) or more units: Required to provide common open space as outlined below”…… in the “Staff Comments”, sentence number 3 states “In Addition, per RMC 4-2- 115E.2, all common open space areas shall”….. Then, in RMC 4-2-115E.2 in “Standards for Open Space” Paragraph number 4 under heading 2. Open Space” for Zones R-10 and R-14, it states: “Open Space(s) shall be contiguous to the majority of the dwellings in the Development and accessible to all dwellings and shall be at least twenty (20’) wide”. 3) This RMC 4-2-115, as quoted, has not been modified in any way in the City of Renton Code Section. 4) Since this is the Code stated to be complied with in the “Staff Report” plus since it is still in the City Code Section, the project of Emerald Highlands does comply and , consequently, this Twenty feet (20’) dimension should be used for approving the project. The “Staff Report” states that the dimension shown on the submitted Plans is 19.86’. However, it was intended to be, and it easily can be 20’. 5) I just found out, from Angelea Weihs, at the end of the day last Thursday, May 23rd , two business days before the Public Hearing, that the City of Renton has taken action to change the twenty feet (20’) dimension to thirty feet (30’). However, the Code that controls this dimension has not been changed and so, the twenty feet (20’) dimension should be applied to Emerald Highlands just as stated in the Code. 6) Angelea also told me that there is a provision for a “Fee in Lieu of Common Open Space”. I appreciate that she also sent me a copy of this document. In part this document states “The fee shall be the equivalent of the monetary value of the required improvements for common open space plus the monetary value of the land area required to be placed in common open space.” The fact is that the project contains 4,305 square feet of common open space which exceeds the required 3,500 square feet of common open space by 23%. 7) I have had the experience more than once in the past, in other jurisdictions, when a disparity in two regulations have had a dissimilar effect on a project, the regulation benefiting the applicant has taken president. I do request that Renton City Code RMC 4-2-115E.2 be used in this case to set the Common Open Space minimum dimension at 20’. 5. The yard space and pedestrian connection between the two proposed structures (between units 5 and 6) shall be placed in a common open space tract. This will be done. 6. The applicant shall submit a revised landscape plan that demonstrates compliance with the fence and retaining wall regulations and minimum tree spacing standards for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager at the time of Civil Construction Permit application. The Landscape Plans have already been updated and attached hereto. As shown on Sheet L-2 of the plans, the approximately 2’ high by 2.5’ wide by approximately 30” long individual solid concrete blocks comprising the retaining wall is an encroachment. The plan is to dedicate the wall and area to the adjacent south property on the Final Plat prior to recording. We have already agreed with the subject property owner to complete this process. The existing fence, located along the north side of the existing retaining wall as now shown on both the Landscape Plan and the Site Plan, is a 6’ tall cedar fence which meets the City of Renton fence requirements. The updated Landscape Plans also show the tree spacing to be 40’ as required. 7. The balcony railings for the proposed structures shall be mostly transparent and two different color pallets shall be used for the two structures. A materials board showing the two-color palettes, coded to the exterior building elevations, shall be provided to the Current Planning Project Manager for review and approval at the time of Building Permit review. The Project Architect will specify metal railings with 1-1/2” diameter posts at a maximum 6- ‘-0” on center spacing with 1’1/4” diameter railings and a 1-1/2” diameter top rail. Rails will be spaced so a 4” diameter sphere cannot pass through. Two (2) colors will be used as required. 8. The applicant shall submit revised elevations for the northern building on the project site, utilizing a different dormer roof form, or other modified roof form alternative for the proposed structure, for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager, at the time of Building Permit application. In addition, each building shall utilize a different roof color. A gabled dormer roof shaped will be provided.. In addition, a different color will be provided for each of the two building roofs. 9. The applicant shall submit revised elevations at the time of Building Permit application providing the required three and one-half inches (3 1/2”) minimum trim surrounding all windows and doors and one of the following architectural details: shutters, knee braces, flower boxes, or columns. Alternatively, the applicant may submit a modification request to vary from any of these standards for review and approval, prior to Building Permit application. Revised elevations will be submitted with the Building permit Application. The elevations will include 3-1/2” trim around all windows and doors and columns will be utilized as an additional architectural detail. 10. The applicant shall submit a revised tree retention and replacement plan that demonstrates compliance with minimum tree replacement planting requirements, at the time of Civil Construction permit application. Sheet L-1 of the updated Landscape Plans is a revised Tree Retention Plan. Sheet L-1 identifies and locates all trees on the property. It includes a Tree Retention Worksheet which shows that all trees on the site will be removed. Sheet L-2 under “Plant Schedule” lists all replacement trees which includes 11 evergreen trees plus 8 deciduous trees for a total of 21 replacement tress. 12” DBH of replacement trees is required (As shown in the Tree Retention Worksheet) and 16” DBH of trees is being provided. The construction contract for the Public Alley along the west property line will include specific instructions to protect the three offsite trees (Trees number 2, 3 and 5 on Sheet L-1). 11. The applicant shall submit a detailed landscape plan with utility box locations and any utility boxes that are visible to the public be screened with berms and/or landscaping. The final detailed landscape plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to Building Permit approval. This will be done. 12. The applicant shall submit revised plans with the Building Permit application identifying the location of trash and recycling containers. The revised plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to Building Permit approval. Individual trash and recycling containers will be located in each garage, as allowed by Renton City Code, and they will be shown on the Architectural Plans at the time the plans are submitted with the first Building Permit Application. 13. The applicant shall submit a separate detailed plan set identifying the location and screening provided for all surface and roof top utility/mechanical equipment with the Building Permit application. The plan set shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to Building Permit approval. This will be done. 14. A lighting plan shall be provided at the time of Building Permit review for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager. To ensure safety and avoid excessive brightness pedestrian scale lighting should be provided on the primary entries of each unit as well as along the pedestrian walkways as necessary to provide sufficient lighting for pedestrian safety but shall also be designed to minimize light spill and glare onto adjoining properties. The lighting Plan will be submitted prior to or with the first Building Permit Application. 15. The proposed temporary access driveway shall be privately owned and maintained by a Homeowners Association. The applicant shall record a note on the face of the plat that executes a shared maintenance agreement for equal ownership and maintenance responsibilities for improvements in the shared driveway easement. A draft version of a shared maintenance agreement shall be submitted for review and approval by the current planning project manager prior to plat recording. This document has already been prepared and it will be submitted for review and approval prior to Final Plat Recording. 16. The applicant shall dedicate eight (8) feet of public right-of-way (ROW) from the west property line for the public alley and any additional dedication needed to ensure the transition of the public alley to the north of the site re-aligns to the center of the properties. The public alley shall extend from the north property line and stub at the south property line. The applicant shall include a minimum of 10 feet of pavement width, starting from the west property line, for the full length of the property from north to south. The additional two (2) feet of paving, beyond the edge of the alley ROW, shall be placed within a temporary public access easement. In addition, the proposed Biopod system, which is located within the vicinity of the new public alley, shall be flush the finished alley grade. The dedication of the 8’ wide portion of the Public right-of-way will be submitted for review and approval along with the submittal of the Final Plat and the dedication will be placed on the Final Plat prior to recording. The additional 2’ of paved area will be placed in a temporary public access easement as required. The Biopod will be installed flush with the finished alley grade as required. Attachment 1: Updated Landscape Plans. Attachment 2: Comments from the Project Architect related to the various proposed Conditions of Approval. KNIT Designing Communities Freeman Fong, AIA, NCARB Associate Principal P: 425.595.3456 | C: 206.399.3071 | knitstudios.com BICYCLE PARKING: There is space set aside and, on the Building Permit Plans, we will show bicycle parking in the garage for each unit. FENCES AND RETAINING WALLS: The City Planner asked for civil to show the fences, but we will show them on the architectural site plan as well. REFUSE AND RECYCLABLES: There is space set aside for refuse and recyclable containers as well as for a furnace and hot water tank in the garage. We will indicate locations on the Building Permit Plans. DEVELOPMENTS OF FOUR (4) OR MORE UNITS: We will revise the building access walkways so one will be at the end of each building and one will be in the middle in between the two buildings. The three walkways will be connected by a walkway running north-south near the front of each building. SIDEWALKS, PATHWAYS, AND PEDESTRIAN EASEMENTS: See DEVELOPMENTS OF FOUR (4) OR MORE UNITS above. PRIMARY ENTRY: The entry porch is a minimum of 5’-0” wide. We will raise the porch 12” above grade. FAÇADE MODULATION: The units facing the street have modulations of 2’-0” or more. On the north side elevation, we will add a minimum one side articulation that is least one foot (1’) in depth. WINDOWS AND DOORS: We will provide 3-1/2” wide trims, minimum on all doors and windows. SCALE, BULK, and CHARACTER: We are planning to use metal railings with 1-1/2” diameter posts at a maximum 6’-0” on center spacing, with 1-1/4” diameter railings and a 1-1/2” diameter top rail. Rails will be spaced so a 4” diameter sphere cannot pass through. We will provide two different color palettes for each building. ROOFS: We are looking at using a gable dormer. We will also provide two colors for the roofs as required. EAVES: Eaves are a minimum 12”. We will include gutters that are a minimum 5” deep. ARCHITECTURAL DETAILING: We will be providing a minimum 3-1/2” wide trims at windows and doors. We will be using columns as an additional architectural feature. The columns will be a minimum 6” x 6” that are banded. We will be using either corner boards or metal corner clips. MATERIALS AND COLORS: We will submit fully detail material and color boards at the time of permitting. MAIL AND NEWSPAPER: We will locate mailboxes on the Site Plan and have this approved prior to submittal of Building Permit Plans. DUMPSTER/TRASH/RECYCLING COLLECTION AREA: All units will have individual trash and recycling containers in the garage. They will be shown on the permit drawings. 7. We are planning to use metal railings with 1-1/2” diameter posts at a maximum 6’-0” on center spacing, with 1-1/4” diameter railings and a 1-1/2” diameter top rail. Rails will be spaced so a 4” diameter sphere cannot pass through. We will provide two colors as required. 8. We will be providing a gabled dormer roof shape. We will provide a different colored roof for each building. 9. We will provide 3-1/2” trims around all the windows and doors and utilize columns as an extra required detail. 916510TR. BOPENSPACETR. APUBLICALLEY82347NE 15TH PLACEKIRKLAND AVENUE NE TREE #1TREE #2TREE #3TREE #5TREE #4 (DEAD)TREE #6TREE #7JEFFERSON HIGHLANDSLUA 19-000163TREE LISTTREE NO. SPECIESDBH*RETAIN/REMOVE1CEDAR2x18"REMOVE2CEDAR10"OFFSITE3DOUGLAS FIR30"OFFSITE4UNKNOWN18"DEAD5CEDAR16"OFFSITE6ELM10",15",22"REMOVE7SPRUCE16"REMOVE*DBH:DIAMETER AT BREAST HEIGHTCEDAR: Thuja plicata / Western Red CedarDOUGLAS FIR: Pseudotsuga menziesiiELM: Ulmus sp.SPRUCE: Picea sp.Know what'sCallbelow.before you dig.RIN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDSJEFF VARLEY landscape architect19819 30th Dr SE Bothell Washington 98012email varley_jeff@hotmail.com phone 425-466-9430www.varleylandscape.comVARLEY VARLEY VARLEYL-1NorthEXISTING OFFISTE TREE TO BERETAINED4Existing zoning: Residential-14 (R-14)1000031061122"SEE SHEET L-2 FOR REPLACEMENT TREE SPECIES AND LOCATIONS 916510TR. BOPENSPACETR. APUBLICALLEY82347NE 15TH PLACEKIRKLAND AVENUE NE BRAAAAAAAAAAAAEgSbEgEgEgEgEgSbSbSbSbSbsfOGOGOGEHEHsfsfEHEHEHOGOGsfsfsfOGOGOGEHsfsfEHEHEHOGOGOGOGsfsfOGOGNZHYDHYDNZNZHYDNZEgEgEgSbSbSbEgEgEgSbSbSbHYDHinACHinACACHinHinHinACACHinEgEgEgBRRHSbSbHYDAZDayDayDayDayGFGFGFFGFGFGAZFGFGGsGsGsFGLaLaNZNNNDayDayGsGsGsCavFGDayDayDayDayDayDayDayDayDayDayDayDayDayDayDayDayGsGsGsGsGsGsCavCavFGFGLaLaLaLaLaLaMONNNLaLaHYDCavCavFGFGBRGFGFGFLLLLLLSbSbAZHYDAZFGFGMOCavNNNLaLaEgEgEgBRSbLLLLLLCavHYDSbEgEgEgFGMOLaLaLaFGRHFGFGEgEgEgTREE #2TREE #3TREE #5NZNZHYDSbSbSbEgEgEgEgEgSbSbJEFFERSON HIGHLANDSLUA 19-000163OGEHEgFull and Matching, min. 8'-10' htFull and MatchingFull and Matching, min. 8'-10' htFull and MatchingFull and Matching, min. 8'-10' htTilia americana*Chamaecyparis nootkatensis 'Pendula'*Styrax japonica'*Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Gracilis'**Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood'*Linden (Street tree)Weeping Alaska CedarJapanese SnowbellSlender Hinoki CypressJapanese Maple1-1/2" cal8'-10' ht.2" cal**6'-7' ht.2" cal.**All street trees to be specimen grade with a single leader. Tree height listed is from top of rootball to top of tree at time ofplanting. Damaged trees shall be replaced with same species and minimum 2" caliper.Street trees are 40' on-center except where utility conflicts occur.Note: caliper is measured 4.5' above top of rootball.TREES65464Full and MatchingFull and MatchingFull and MatchingFull and MatchingFull and MatchingFull and MatchingFull and MatchingFull and MatchingFull and MatchingFull and MatchingFull and MatchingFull and MatchingFull and MatchingFull and MatchingFull and MatchingFull and MatchingFull and MatchingFull and MatchingFull and MatchingFull and MatchingFull and Matching/Plant 24" o.c.Full and Matching/Plant 24" o.c.Full and Matching/Plant 24" o.c.Pieris japonica 'Cavatine'*Rhododendron 'Cunningham White'*Rhododendron 'Nova Zembla'Azalea sp. 'Sherwood Orchid'*Hydrangea 'Endless Summer'*Pennisetum alop. 'Hameln'*Euonymus fortunei 'Emerald n Gold'*Spiraea bumalda 'Goldmound'*Berberis thunbergii 'Royal Burgundy'*Nandina domestica 'Obssession'*Polystichum munitum*Thuja occidentalis 'Emerald Green'*Sarcoccocca hook. humilis*Mahonia aquifolium*Vaccinium ovatum*Hemerocallis sp. 'Stella d'Oro'*Lavandula sp. 'Hidcote Blue'*Euonymus fortunei 'Gold Splash'*Nandina 'Lemon Lime'*Choisya ternata 'Sundance'*Arctostaphyllos uva-ursi*Vinca minor*Erica sp. 'Mediterranean Pink'*PierisRhodieRhodieAzaleaHydrangeaDwarf Ft GrassEuonymusSpiraeaBarberryNandinaSword FernArborvitaeSweetboxTall Oregon GrapeEvergreen HuckleberryDaylilyLavenderEuonymusNandinaMexican OrangeKinnikinnikDwarf PeriwinkleHeather5 gallon21"-24" ht.21"-24" ht.2 gallon2 gallon2 gallon2 gallon2 gallon2 gallon2 gallon2 gallon5'-6' ht.2 gallon2 gallon2 gallon1 gallon2 gallon1 gallon2 gallon2 gallon1 gallon1 gallon1 gallon727491730649101223151022151293As req'dAs req'dAs req'dLa*Considered drought tolerant in Pacific Northwest once establishedLawn, shovel cut transition between lawn and landscape bedsRHNFGAZ*Considered drought tolerant in Pacific Northwest once established**Proposed replacement tree, 12" total inches required, 16 inches providedBOTANICAL NAMEPLANT SCHEDULECOMMON NAMEQTYSIZEREMARKSSHRUBS and GROUND COVEREgBRGFHYDASbOGEHsfACNZKing County Design Manual Biofiltration Swale Hydroseed MixSeed Mix:75-80% Festuca arundinacea / Tall Fescue10-15% Agrostis palustris / Creeping Bentgrass5-10% Agrostis alba / Redtop BentgrassRate:80 lbs. per acreWood Fiber Mulch:1500 lbs per acre3-1-3 Fertilizer:90 lbs per acre (slow-release)Tackifier:40 lbs per acreHinDayCavGsLLMO4" depth 58" minus crushed rock over weed barrier fabricKnow what'sCallbelow.before you dig.RIN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDSJEFF VARLEY landscape architect19819 30th Dr SE Bothell Washington 98012email varley_jeff@hotmail.com phone 425-466-9430www.varleylandscape.comVARLEY VARLEY VARLEYL-2NorthEXISTING OFFISTE TREE TO BERETAINED10' LANDSCAPE BUFFER REQUIRED. MINIMUM 50%OF THE TOTAL LINEAL FEET OF THE LANDSCAPEBUFFER LOCATED ADJACENT TO PROPERTY LINE.REMAINDER LOCATED ADJACENT TO BUILDING224 LINEAL FEET OF 10' LANDSCAPE BUFFER REQ'D.MINIMUM 114 LINEAL FEET ADJACENT TO PROPERTYLINE. 146 LINEAL FEET PROVIDEDEXISTING OFFISTE TREE TO BERETAINEDPROPOSED 10' WIDTH PLANTER STRIP WITHBIOFILTRATION SWALE. SEE PLANT SCHEDULETHIS SHEET FOR SEED MIX. SEE CIVIL SETFOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION8" BARK MULCH MOWSTRIPWHEN LAWN IS ADJACENTTO PROPOSED BUILDINGEXISTING ONISTE TREE TO BERETAINEDFOUR 4'x6' RAISED VEGETABLE BEDSCRUSHED ROCKHOSE BIDEXISTING CONCRETE RETAININGWALL TO BE RETAINED. FUTUREPROPERTY DEDICATIONFUTURE DEDICATION AREA. BARKMULCH ONLYSTREET TREES 40' ON-CENTER 6' WIDTH BENCH, MODEL SE-5130, BY PACIFICOUTDOOR PRODUCTS, OR APPROVED EQUAL. BLACKOR GREEN POWDER COAT COLOR AND RECYCLEDPLASTIC LUMBER SEAT AND BACK. IN-GROUNDMOUNT PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS6' WIDTH PICNIC TABLE, MODEL SE-5330, BY PACIFICOUTDOOR PRODUCTS, OR APPROVED EQUAL. BLACKOR GREEN POWDER COAT COLOR. IN-GROUNDMOUNT PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS Know what'sCallbelow.before you dig.RIN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDSJEFF VARLEY landscape architect19819 30th Dr SE Bothell Washington 98012email varley_jeff@hotmail.com phone 425-466-9430www.varleylandscape.comVARLEY VARLEY VARLEYL-3LANDSCAPE NOTES 916510TR. BOPENSPACETR. APUBLICALLEY82347NE 15TH PLACEKIRKLAND AVENUE NE BRAAAAAAAAAAAAEgSbEgEgEgEgEgSbSbSbSbSbsfOGOGOGEHEHsfsfEHEHEHOGOGsfsfsfOGOGOGEHsfsfEHEHEHOGOGOGOGsfsfOGOGNZHYDHYDNZNZHYDNZEgEgEgSbSbSbEgEgEgSbSbSbHYDHinACHinACACHinHinHinACACHinEgEgEgBRRHSbSbHYDAZDayDayDayDayGFGFGFFGFGFGAZFGFGGsGsGsFGLaLaNZNNNDayDayGsGsGsCavFGDayDayDayDayDayDayDayDayDayDayDayDayDayDayDayDayGsGsGsGsGsGsCavCavFGFGLaLaLaLaLaLaMONNNLaLaHYDCavCavFGFGBRGFGFGFLLLLLLSbSbAZHYDAZFGFGMOCavNNNLaLaEgEgEgBRSbLLLLLLCavHYDSbEgEgEgFGMOLaLaLaFGRHFGFGEgEgEgTREE #2TREE #3TREE #5NZNZHYDSbSbSbEgEgEgEgEgSbSbJEFFERSON HIGHLANDSLUA 19-000163OGEHEgKnow what'sCallbelow.before you dig.RIN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDSJEFF VARLEY landscape architect19819 30th Dr SE Bothell Washington 98012email varley_jeff@hotmail.com phone 425-466-9430www.varleylandscape.comVARLEY VARLEY VARLEYL-4NorthEXISTING OFFISTE TREE TO BERETAINED8" BARK MULCH MOWSTRIPWHEN LAWN IS ADJACENTTO PROPOSED BUILDING Know what'sCallbelow.before you dig.RIN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDSJEFF VARLEY landscape architect19819 30th Dr SE Bothell Washington 98012email varley_jeff@hotmail.com phone 425-466-9430www.varleylandscape.comVARLEY VARLEY VARLEYL-5 Know what'sCallbelow.before you dig.RIN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDSJEFF VARLEY landscape architect19819 30th Dr SE Bothell Washington 98012email varley_jeff@hotmail.com phone 425-466-9430www.varleylandscape.comVARLEY VARLEY VARLEYL-6 January 26, 2020 Revised May 23, 2020 Jim Howton Phone 425 985-2024 Via email: Jimhjim1111@comcast.net SUBJECT: PROPERTY AT 1501 KIRKLAND AVE NE - RENTON, WA EXISTING TREE EVALUATION Dear Jim, I conducted a site visit at the above-referenced site on January 25 to evaluate the overall health of each tree per the City of Renton's Municipal Code Section 4-4-130. Following are the existing significant trees found on the site along with their species, dbh, drip line (radius), overall health. See also Landscape Plan Sheet L-1. 4 significant trees were identified and assessed on the property. The species list is below. According to City of Renton code, a significant tree is a “tree with a caliper of at least six inches (6”), or an Alder or Cottonwood tree with a caliper of at least eight inches (8”). Trees planted within the most recent ten (10) years shall qualify as significant trees, regardless of the actual caliper.” Each tree in this report was visited. Tree diameters were measured by the surveyor and are shown in the table below and on the tree retention plan. Each tree was visually examined for defects and vigor. The tree assessment procedure involves the examination of many factors: - The crown of the tree is examined for current vigor. This is comprised of inspecting the crown (foliage, buds and branches) for color, density, form, and annual shoot growth, limb dieback and disease. The percentage of live crown is estimated for coniferous species only and scored appropriately. - The bole or main stem of the tree is inspected for decay, which includes cavities, wounds, fruiting bodies of decay (conks or mushrooms), seams, insects, bleeding, callus development, broken or dead tops, structural defects and unnatural leans. Structural defects includes crooks, forks with V-shaped crotches, multiple attachments, and excessive sweep. - The root collar and roots are inspected for the presence of decay, insects, and/or damage, as well as if they have been injured, undermined or exposed, or original grade has been altered. A ‘viable’ tree is “a significant tree that a qualified professional has determined to be in good health, with a low risk of failure due to structural defects, is wind firm if isolated or remains as part of a grove, and is a species suitable for its location.” Tree considered ‘non-viable’ are trees that are in poor condition due to disease, age-related decline, have significant decay issues and/or cumulative structural defects, which exacerbate failure potential. TREE RETENTION CALCULATION A total of 4 significant trees were identified on the subject property, one of them is dead. As shown in the City of Renton tree calculation worksheet, the dead tree is part of the calculations. No Landmark trees were on the site. The property is within the ‘Residential-14’ (R-14) zoning code classification. 20% of existing viable significant trees are required to be retained. 4 existing trees – 1 dead tree = 3 significant trees, 3 X 20% = 0.6 significant trees required to be retained. 0 existing significant trees are proposed to be retained. 1 replacement tree required. Equivalent of 12” caliper inches. See Sheet L-2 for replacement tree species and locations SIGNIFICANT TREES ON SITE TREE # SPECIES DBH DRIP LINE HEALTH REMOVED / RETAIN 001 Cedar 2x18" 12' dia. Good Remove 002 Cedar 10" 9' dia. Good Offsite 003 Douglas Fir 30" 20' dia. Good Offsite 004 Unknown 18" 0' Dead Remove 005 Cedar 16" 10' Good Offsite 006 Elm 10",15”,22” 15' Good Remove 007 Spruce 16” Varies Good Remove There is no warranty suggested for any of the trees subject to this report. Respectfully, Jeff Varley Landscape Architect Varley Varley Varley 19819 30th Drive SE Bothell, WA 98012