HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdden 25/18/2020 CAG-20-009, Adden #2-20 (Approved via email from Cheryl Beyer) PROJECT OVERVIEW Wetland Field Delineation Assumptions Wetland Delineation Report Assumptions Deliverables SCHEDULE FEE CLOSING ACCEPTED BY CITY OF RENTON, PARKS PLANNING & NATURAL RESOURCES ATTACHMENT A - FEE PROPOSAL FOR ASSESSMENT SERVICES Location: Renton, Washington Facility: City of Renton Gene Coulon Beach Park - Timber Trestle Replacement Fee Estimate - WSP Labor, Subconsultants, and Expenses - 15 April 2020 Senior QA/QC Manager/ Design Senior Landscape Senior Env. Jr. Env. Env. Senior Project Comm. Project Manager Project Engineer Landscape Designer Env. Scientist Scientist Planner CAD Coordinator Specialist Manager Engineer Architect Scientist Operator Item 2020 Rate $280 $226 $143 $123 $153 $153 $170 $114 $97 $113 $133 $105 $114 Costs Task 8 - Wetland Delineation and Report 8.1 - Wetland Field Delineation 10 10 2,110$ 8.2 - Draft Wetland Report 1 6 10 30 8 8 7,189$ 8.3 - Wetland Rating Form (2 max)2 2 6 8 2,214$ 8.4 - City of Renton Comment Review/Response 2 2 568$ 8.5 - Meetings with City to discuss comments (as required)2 2 568$ 8.6 - Final Wetland Report 1 5 8 12 4 1 4 4,162$ 8.7 - Agency Coordination 2 4 796$ 8.8 - QA/QC 1 143$ Total WSP Hours:3 19 38 58 20 1 12 151 Subtotal WSP Labor (with Overhead & Profit):$429 $3,230 $4,332 $5,626 $2,660 $105 $1,368 $17,750 Subtotal Subconsultants: Expenses (WSP only) Mileage = 0.575$ per mile x 40 miles x 2 (trips) day(s) = $46 Subtotal Expenses: $46 TOTAL COST $17,796 TOTAL COST, ROUNDED: $17,800 1 of 1