HomeMy WebLinkAbout10% Notice - 9/22/1989AGENDA ITEM For.Use By City Clerk's Office Only A.I. # RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING ===================================-===============-========================================= ,:\ / "I / ,/ '" S MITTING Corron. Dev./Plil.nning Div. pt .IDi v .IBd .IComm. _________ _ Mark Isaacson Staff Contact._~~~---------­ (Name) SUBJECT: __ F_e_rn_w_o_o_d_A_n_ll_e_X_8 t_i_o_n ____ __ Exhibits: (Legal Descr., Maps, Etc.)Attach· Letter A. ____________ _ Maps B. ____________ _ C. ______________ _ COUNC I L ACT I ON RECOMMENDED : __ Sc_h_e_d_u_l e_a __ public meeting to consider acceptance of a 10% Notice of Intent Petition FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required $ Amount Budgeted $ October 2, 1989 For Agenda Of_T:7"-:--:-~C-:---'-___ _ (Meeting Date) Agenda Status: Consent ___ X _____ _ Publ ic Hearing ______ _ Correspondence ______ _ Ordi nance/Reso I ut ion ___ _ Old Business _______ _ New Bus i ness _______ _ Study Session ______ _ Other __________ _ Approva I: Lega I Dept. Yes Finance Dept. Yes No No. N/A N/A_ Other Clearance. ________ _ Appropriation- Transfer Required $ SUMMARY (Background Information, prior action and effect of implementation) (Attach additional pages if necessary.) The Planning Division is in receipt of a 10% Notice of Intent Petition requesting the commencement of annexation proceedings on approxirr~tely 69 acres of property located in the vicinity of SE 128th Street (HE 4th) and 138th Ave SE (Duvall Ave NE). The Planning Division recommends that the Council schedule II publ1c meeting on October 16, 1989 to consider acceptqnce of the 10% Application. PARTI ES OF RECORD/ INTERESTED CIT I ZENS TO BE CONTACTED: THIS COpy TO BE SUBMITTED ON TUESDAY AT DEPARTMENT HEAD MEETING. • Earl Clymer, Mayor September 22, 1989 The Honorable Earl Clymer Members of the Renton City Council Renton, Washington 98055 Subject: Fernwood Annexation Dear Mayor and Council Members: CITY OF RENTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Planning DI.lsion The Planning Division .is in receipt of a 10% Notice of Intent Petition requesting the commencement of annexation proceedings on approximately 69 acres of property located in the vicinity of SE 128th Street (NE 4th Street) and 138th Avenue SE (Duvall Avenue NE). The Planning Division recommends that the Council schedule a public meeting on October 16, 1989, to consider the acceptance of the 10% application. Sincerely, ~6 Community Development Director attachments 200 Mill Avenue South -Renton, Washington 98055 -(206)235-2550 Facsimile (206) 235-2513 EXHIBIT ONE FERNWOOD ANNEXATION VICINITY MAP ". . I .. ~: .. j I • w z .; ,. < : '. .' .::. :': ~':: ~ : ~ .: ~ : : .: ~ .: .: .' .' . .,:. :.::. :" . . . . . . .' .... .. ., .. : : : . ;': : :: :.::::: : ': .': .::' : : ,: : : : .: : : ,: : .: ....... · ... ·.·.·.i.< .. ·.·.·.·.···.·.··· .. ·r .. · ... ·.··.··· ....•.... ':':':':';':':';';'.: . . ~ .: .: : . .: :'::'::' ~ : : : :. :: ::::.: ..' . . . . '. .. "::.' . .:. ::::.: :'.. : .. . . . . . . .'. '.'...::, ,: : . . .' . : :: ::::::: :: , .... : : .'. :::':: . . . . . : : : . : : . .: :. : '. .... ." . .:::.:: . : .'. .: : .: : . . . . : . .' ::. . : ~ : ~ ~ :' . ~ . '. ., ;0;';':';';';";'; :.;-: :.':' " . . , .' .... . ' ., .. . ::: :::::::::::II:}:::::::::::: . ..:. .... . . . : : . : : .. : : ~ ., . . . . : '. ........ . . . . . . . : : .':' .: : :.' ~ : ~ : .< : : .\ :: ~: . : : < : : . . . . .... , .. : : : : :.: : . : : : : . : : : : " .;;:;;:;;:.;;:;;::;;;:;:;.:;:;:.:;:.:;.:. :.::: . ~ . ~ ::. ~ :' . : .: : •. ;.;.;.;.;'.; .. ;;.;. ::.' :: i.; .' .... : .' : i : .. ~:::::~:':':::'.':~:: ~ ~ ~ i : . . . . . :: .:-:-': . :: I I I KING COUNTY FERNWOOD ANNEXATION SITE MAP EXHIBIT TWO .. NORTH Scale: 1" :: 400'