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1. The purpose of this Section shall be to ensure that proposed development is implemented in a manner
consistent with the plans, policies and regulations of the City of Renton and to advance the following
• a. To promote orderly community growth and minimize undesirable development impacts;
• b. To promote high quality design;
c. To protect and enhance the natural landscape, environmental features and property values of
the City;
• d. To ensure convenient and safe pedestrian and vehicle access and circulation; and
e. To promote coordination of public or quasi-public elements within and between
2. Review shall be divided into two (2) types, Master Plan Review and Site Plan Review:
a. Master Plan Review: The purpose of the master plan process is to evaluate projects at a broad
level and provide guidance for development projects with multiple buildings on a single large site.
The master plan process allows for analysis of overall project concepts and phasing as well as
review of how the major project elements work together to implement City goals and policies.
Master plan review allows for consideration and mitigation of cumulative impacts from large-scale
development and allows for coordination with City capital improvement planning. Master plan
review should occur at an early stage in the development of a project, when the scale, intensity and
layout of a project are known.
b. Site Plan Review: The purpose of the site plan review process is to analyze the detailed
arrangement of project elements to mitigate negative impacts where necessary to ensure project
compatibility with the physical characteristics of a site and with the surrounding area. Site plan
review ensures quality development consistent with City goals and policies. Site plan review
analyzes elements including, but not limited to, site layout, building orientation and design,
pedestrian and vehicular environment, landscaping, natural features of the site, screening and
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buffering, parking and loading facilities, and illumination to ensure compatibility with potential future
1. Master Plan Review: Master plan review is required for CA zoned sites two and one-half (2.5) acres or
greater in area upon which residential mixed-use development is proposed, and master plan review is
required for all phased development projects regardless of zone. When existing parcels are twenty five
(25) acres or smaller, a master plan incorporating all abutting lots in common ownership as of December
1, 2003, is required.
2. Site Plan Review:
a. When Required: Site plan review is required for all development in the IL, CO, CN, CD, CA, CV,
COR, UC, R-10, RMH, RM, and R-14 Zones, all development within the Employment Area (EA)
designation, and for the following types of development, regardless of zone:
i. K-12 educational institutions.
ii. Parks.
iii. Outdoor recreation facilities.
iv. Rental services with outdoor storage.
v. Hazardous Waste Facilities: All hazardous waste treatment and storage facilities.
vi. Medical institutions, assisted living, and convalescent care facilities. (Ord. 5917, 12-10-
b. Optional: When specifically authorized by the development standards, site plan review may be
used as a means to propose modifications to development standards for developments otherwise
exempt from site plan review.
3. Authority: The Community and Economic Development Administrator shall have the authority to
approve, approve with conditions, or deny proposals based on this Section when no other permit or
approval requires Hearing Examiner review. (Ord. 5676, 12-3-2012; Ord. 5759, 6-22-2015; Ord. 5899, 11-
19-2018; Ord. 5953, 11-18-2019)
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1. Development Exempt from Master Plan Review: The following are exempt from the master plan
a. Airplane Manufacturing and Airplane Manufacturing Accessory Functions: New structures,
the rehabilitation of existing structures, or lot line adjustments for airplane manufacturing and
airplane manufacturing accessory functions;
b. Large Lot Subdivisions: Subdivision, lot line adjustment or other method of adjusting lot
configurations that result in lots larger than twenty five (25) acres in size;
c. SEPA Exempt Development: All development categorically exempt from review under RMC 4-
9-070G, Environmental Review Procedures; or
d. Utilities: Underground utility projects.
2. Development Exempt from Site Plan Review: The following are exempt from the site plan review:
a. Planned urban developments;
b. SEPA Exempt Development: All development categorically exempt from review under RMC 4-
9-070G, Categorical Exemptions, except in cases where:
i. New dwelling units are proposed within the Residential Ten (R-10) and Residential Fourteen
(R-14) zones, where existing dwelling units are included in the proposal; or
ii. Proposed development exceeds the threshold of large project scale per subsection D2b of
this Section; (Ord. 5917, 12-10-2018)
c. Utilities: Underground utility projects;
d. Airplane Manufacturing and Airplane Manufacturing Accessory Functions: The
rehabilitation of existing structures and new structures, except when the new structure abuts a
public right-of-way or public park; and
e. Interior tenant improvements. (Ord. 5675, 12-3-2012; Ord. 5841, 6-12-2017)
A public hearing before the Hearing Examiner shall be required in the following cases:
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1. All master plans except those covered by a planned action ordinance that included a public hearing
that was determined by the Community and Economic Development Administrator to have provided the
public and decision-makers with sufficient detail regarding the project’s scale, design, bulk and uses.
Where a master plan is approved, subsequent site plans submitted for future phases may be submitted
and approved administratively without a public hearing. (Ord. 5676, 12-3-2012; Ord. 5749, 1-12-2015)
2. Site Plan Review:
a. Significant Environmental Concerns Remain: The Environmental Review Committee
determines, based on departmental comments or public input, that there are significant unresolved
concerns raised by the proposal; or
b. Large Project Scale: The proposed project is more than:
i. One hundred (100) attached residential units;
ii. One hundred thousand (100,000) square feet of gross floor area (nonresidential) in the IL or
CO Zones or other zones in the Employment Area (EA) land use designation;
iii. Twenty five thousand (25,000) square feet of gross floor area (nonresidential) in the CN,
CD, CA, CV, or CO Zones outside the Employment Area (EA) land use designation;
iv. Four (4) stories or sixty feet (60') in height;
v. Three hundred (300) parking stalls; or
vi. Ten (10) acres in size of project area.
c. All commercial or industrial projects adjacent to or abutting residentially zoned property, unless
the Administrator determines that the presence of critical areas or other limiting factors on the
residential property make development unlikely or unfeasible. (Ord. 5676, 12-3-2012; Ord. 5759, 6-
1. Purpose: These criteria provide general guidance for an applicant in developing a site, but are not
intended to discourage creativity and innovation.
2. Level of Detail:
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a. Master Plans: For master plan applications, the Administrator will evaluate compliance with the
review criteria at a level of detail appropriate for master plans. Master plans will be evaluated for
general compliance with the criteria and to ensure that nothing in the master plan will preclude
development of a site plan in full compliance with the criteria.
b. Site Plans: For site plan applications, the Administrator will analyze the plan in detail and
evaluate compliance with the specific requirements discussed below. (Ord. 5676, 12-3-2012)
3. Criteria: The Administrator must find a proposed project to be in compliance with the following: (Ord.
5676, 12-3-2012)
a. Compliance and Consistency: Conformance with plans, policies, regulations and approvals,
i. Comprehensive Plan: The Comprehensive Plan, its elements, goals, objectives, and
policies, especially those of the applicable land use designation, and any applicable adopted
Community Plan;
ii. Applicable land use regulations;
iii. Relevant Planned Action Ordinance and Development Agreements; and
iv. Design Regulations: Intent and guidelines of the design regulations located in RMC 4-3-
100. (Ord. 5759, 6-22-2015)
b. Off-Site Impacts: Mitigation of impacts to surrounding properties and uses, including:
i. Structures: Restricting overscale structures and overconcentration of development on a
particular portion of the site;
ii. Circulation: Providing desirable transitions and linkages between uses, streets, walkways
and adjacent properties;
iii. Utilities, Loading and Storage Areas: Locating, designing and screening storage areas,
utilities, rooftop equipment, loading areas, and refuse and recyclables to minimize views from
surrounding properties. Locate utilities underground consistent with RMC 4-6-090;
iv. Views: Recognizing the public benefit and desirability of maintaining visual accessibility to
attractive natural features;
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v. Landscaping: Using landscaping to provide transitions between development and
surrounding properties to reduce noise and glare, maintain privacy, and generally enhance
the appearance of the project; and
vi. Lighting: Designing and/or placing exterior lighting and glazing in order to avoid excessive
brightness or glare to adjacent properties and streets.
c. On-Site Impacts: Mitigation of impacts to the site, including:
i. Structure Placement: Provisions for privacy and noise reduction by building placement,
spacing and orientation;
ii. Structure Scale: Consideration of the scale of proposed structures in relation to natural
characteristics, views and vistas, site amenities, sunlight, prevailing winds, and pedestrian
and vehicle needs;
iii. Natural Features: Protection of the natural landscape by retaining existing vegetation and
soils, using topography to reduce undue cutting and filling, and limiting and disconnecting
impervious surfaces;
iv. Reducing Parking Impervious Areas: Design parking areas to minimize impervious
surfaces, including but not limited to: (a) breaking up parking areas and directing stormwater
flows to multiple low impact development features such as bioretention areas; (b) locating
parking near trees to provide storm water uptake; (c) retaining or adding vegetation to parking
areas; (d) placing existing parking that exceeds maximum parking ratios in permeable
pavement designed consistent with the Surface Water Design Manual in RMC 4-6-030; and
(e) using other low impact development techniques consistent with RMC 4-6-030; and
v. Landscaping: Use of landscaping to soften the appearance of parking areas, to provide
shade and privacy where needed, to define and enhance open spaces, and generally to
enhance the appearance of the project. Landscaping also includes the design and protection
of planting areas so that they are less susceptible to damage from vehicles or pedestrian
movements. Landscaping shall be consistent with RMC 4-4-070.
d. Access and Circulation: Safe and efficient access and circulation for all users, including:
i. Location and Consolidation: Providing access points on side streets or frontage streets
rather than directly onto arterial streets and consolidation of ingress and egress points on the
site and, when feasible, with adjacent properties;
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ii. Internal Circulation: Promoting safety and efficiency of the internal circulation system,
including the location, design and dimensions of vehicular and pedestrian access points,
drives, parking, turnarounds, walkways, bikeways, and emergency access ways;
iii. Loading and Delivery: Separating loading and delivery areas from parking and pedestrian
iv. Transit and Bicycles: Providing transit, carpools and bicycle facilities and access; and
v. Pedestrians: Providing safe and attractive pedestrian connections between parking areas,
buildings, public sidewalks and adjacent properties.
e. Open Space: Incorporating open spaces to serve as distinctive project focal points and to
provide adequate areas for passive and active recreation by the occupants/users of the site.
f. Views and Public Access: When possible, providing view corridors to shorelines and Mt.
Rainier, and incorporating public access to shorelines.
g. Natural Systems: Arranging project elements to protect existing natural systems where
h. Services and Infrastructure: Making available public services and facilities to accommodate
the proposed use.
i. Phasing: Including a detailed sequencing plan with development phases and estimated time
frames, for phased projects. Each phase must be able to stand on its own without reliance upon
development of subsequent phases in order to meet all development standards of this Title.
j. Stormwater: Providing optimal locations of stormwater infiltrating low impact development
facilities. Avoiding placement of buildings or impervious areas on soils with infiltration capability to
the maximum extent practicable. (Ord. 5828, 12-12-2016; Ord. 5953, 11-18-2019)
1. General: All applications shall be reviewed in the manner described below and in accordance with
chapter 4-8 RMC, Permits – General and Appeals.
2. Preapplication Conference: Applicants are encouraged to consult early and informally with
representatives of the Planning Division and other affected departments to discuss proposed master plan
and site plan applications.
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3. Combined Application Authorized: An applicant may submit a master plan, site plan, combined
master plan and site plan for the entire site, or a master plan addressing the entire site with site plan(s)
for one or more phases of the planned site development.
4. Submittal Requirements and Application Fees: Submittal requirements shall be as listed in RMC 4-
8-120C; application fees shall be as set forth in the fee schedule for the City.
5. Public Notice and Comment Period Required: Whenever a completed master plan or site plan
review application is received, the Planning Division shall be responsible for providing public notice of the
pending site plan application, pursuant to RMC 4-8-090, Public Notice Requirements.
6. Circulation and Review of Application: Upon receipt of a completed application, the Planning
Division shall route the application for review and comment to various City departments and other
jurisdictions or agencies with an interest in the application.
7. Environmental Review Committee to Determine Necessity for Public Hearing: Upon receipt of
final departmental comments and after the close of the public comment period, the Environmental Review
Committee shall determine the necessity for a public hearing pursuant to subsection D2a of this Section.
This determination may be appealed to the Hearing Examiner pursuant to RMC 4-8-110E.
8. Administrative Approvals: For projects not requiring a public hearing, the Administrator shall take
action on the proposed plan. Approval of a master plan or site plan shall be subject to any mitigation
measures that are part of the City’s SEPA determination. The Administrator shall have the authority to
place reasonable conditions on or modify a plan in order to satisfy the general purposes of this Section,
achieve consistency with the review criteria and compensate for impacts attributable to the proposed
development. (Ord. 5676, 12-3-2012)
9. Hearing Process and Examiner Authority: For projects requiring a public hearing, the Hearing
Examiner shall take action in accordance with the procedures in RMC 4-8-100, Application and Decision
– General, and the following:
a. Date of Hearing: The Planning Division shall coordinate with the Hearing Examiner in setting a
hearing date for the site development review application.
b. Examiner’s Decision: After conducting a public hearing on the master plan or site plan
application, the Hearing Examiner shall render a written decision.
c. Authority for Conditions and Plan Modifications: The Hearing Examiner shall have the
authority to place reasonable conditions on or modify a plan in order to satisfy the general purposes
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of this Section, achieve consistency with the review criteria and compensate for impacts attributable
to the proposed development.
d. Hearing Examiner Ability to Leave Public Hearing Open: The Hearing Examiner may leave a
public hearing open in order to solicit additional information that demonstrates that an application
can be made consistent with the review criteria and general purposes with minor modifications to a
master plan or site plan.
e. Denial: If the Hearing Examiner finds that a master plan or site plan application cannot be made
consistent with the general purposes and review criteria of this Section by requiring reasonable
conditions, then the plan shall be denied.
The applicant may request that the site plan submitted for site plan review under this Section constitutes
a binding site plan pursuant to chapter 58.17 RCW; provided, that the site plan complies with all the
requirements, procedures and review criteria of this Section as well as the requirements, standards and
recording procedure of RMC 4-7-230.
1. Major Modifications: Major modifications to an approved master plan or site plan require a new
2. Minor Modifications: Minor modifications may be permitted by administrative determination. To be
considered a minor modification, the amendment must not:
a. Involve more than a ten percent (10%) increase or decrease in any measureable aspect of the
approved plan such as, but not limited to, area, or scale, building height, density, commercial area,
amenities, public or private open space, landscaping, parking spaces, building materials (e.g.,
glazing) etc. of the development in the approved plan; or
b. Have a significantly substantially greater impact on the environment and/or public facilities than
the approved plan; or
c. Change the boundaries of the originally approved plan; or
d. Substantially alter a key feature of the approved plan.
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No building permit shall be issued for any use until the Administrator has approved, or approved with
conditions, required master plan and site plan review application(s). All building permits issued shall be in
compliance with the approved site plan. Building permits shall not be issued until the appeal period for an
approved site plan has expired. (Ord. 5676, 12-3-2012)
1. Non-Phased Plans:
a. Master Plans: The Hearing Examiner shall determine, and document in writing, an appropriate
expiration date for the master plan, granting up to five (5) years. An applicant shall submit a
complete site plan application for the development within the specified time frame if a site plan was
not combined with the master plan application. The Administrator may grant a one year extension
for good cause.
b. Site Plans: The final approval of a Site Plan shall expire within two (2) years of the date of
approval. A single two (2) year extension may be granted for good cause by the Administrator. The
Administrator may determine at his or her discretion that a public hearing before the Hearing
Examiner is required for such extension.
2. Phased Plans:
a. Master Plans: The Administrator may grant master plan approval for large projects planned to
be developed or redeveloped in phases over a period of years exceeding the five (5) year time limit
for non-phased plans. Such approval shall include clearly defined phases and specific time limits
for each phase and a determination of eligibility for any extensions of the time limits.
b. Site Plans: An applicant may submit a site plan application for either the entire site or a portion
of the site covered by a master plan, provided the application complies with phasing and timing
requirements of the master plan approval. In every case, the site plan application and review shall
cover at least that portion of the site which is directly related to the proposed development as well
as any areas that may be impacted by the development. (Ord. 5675, 12-3-2012)
Any decision on a master plan or site plan application shall be subject to appeal, pursuant to RMC 4-8-
110, Appeals. (Ord. 5641, 12-12-2011)
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FEATURE, KEY: A distinctive element of a site, development, or building that provides a defining
characteristic, style, or functionality of a development, such as prominent architectural elements,
environmental amenities (e.g., creek crossing, retained tree stands), or prominent design features (e.g.,
promenades or site entries).