HomeMy WebLinkAbout2410-Memo of Modification.200625Date 06-08-2020 WCE W.O. No. 19-2410 City of Renton Community & Public Works 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 Renton, Washington Attn: Nathan Janders, Civil Engineer II Re: Malik Residence – 33rd and Lake Washington Blvd. Vicinity Project Narrative: The proposed project consists of constructing a 2,071sf. single-family residence off 33rd street on parcel # 334210-0165. The Parcel is and existing parcel which previously held a single- family residence, the lot is approximately 50’ wide by 100’ deep running north & south totaling 5,049 sf. The proposed house will have garages access off of the existing alley to the west. this will require a small 500sf improvement to the alley to allow for this access, as this improvement will be for the alley it will be available to the westerly property owner. Per the City code the owner is required to provide local street improvements to all three public access routes or submit an exception request to the City of Renton per City Code Sections RMC 4-6-060 and RMC 4-7-150 The site is adjacent to three routes of public access: 1. 33rd avenue. 2. Alley west of the parcel. 3. Alley south of the parcel. Reasoning for Exemption: As allowed in RMC 4-7-150 we are requesting an exemption from the requirement to construct two (2) alleys that lie both south of and west of and adjacent to the subject property. As allowed in the noted code, an exemption may be considered for the following factors, an excerpt from City code follows on the last page of this letter. Size: The development is not a short plat, rather it is the re-development of an existing lot that was developed in the early 1900’s. The existing home was constructed in 1903. The lot is part of Hillman Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Lot 7 Block 5. No other land disturbing activities are proposed, other than reconstruction of the existing home. Topography: As can be seen from the attached photos, the site rises 15 to 20 feet from N. 33rd Street to an intersection with an east/west Alley with its terminus with this Alley. The property adjacent to and directly west of the Alley has constructed an existing garage or other structure that appears be on the Alley line, in order to construct the Alley, the building would have to be removed and reconstructed at an appropriate distance from the alley to allow for alley wall construction, the impact to the westerly property owner would be substantial. The Alley as it rises the 15 to 20 feet then would intersect with the noted east/west Alley. This alley has not been constructed adjacent to Lots 6 and 7 nor lots 12 and 13 of Block 5 of Hillman, throughout construction operations after construction of the existing home in 1903. Additionally, when the condominium / apartment projects were constructed on Lots 12 &13 and on Lots 10 and 11 of the Hillman project, they did not allow for the grade in the alley between N 32nd and N 33rd streets which would make the intersection of the two Alleys un-constructible as is and would require extensive construction withing the Alley between these two structures which may render their access moot. Environmental Impacts: We believe that construction of the Alley between N 33rd and N 32 streets would change the drainage patterns in this area and not be tenable as impact to Lake Washington, in our opinion could not be mitigated within a reasonable cost, given the request of the project, which is to reconstruct an existing home on and existing lot platted in either the late 1800’s or early 1900’s. Adjacent to the alley are (3) three existing 27-inch diameter fir trees. As the east/west Alley would require construction of a wall and 6 feet of fill, it is unlikely that these mature fir trees could survive and therefore need to be removed. In order to verify this, we checked with the site Landscape Architect Susan Moss, ASLA who has indicated that this additional fill and wall construction would be harmful to the trees and an arborist would need to be consulted to see if the trees would be able to survive having 6’ of fill , wall and an impervious layer built over half of the existing root structure. It is our opinion that the trees would fail and for public safety reasons would need to be taken down, should the Alley be constructed. Site Characteristics: As this is the reconstruction of an existing structure which was most likely the first structure in the area as it was constructed in the early 1900’s, all other development has followed, and all along following developments have not built what would have been their complementary Alley’s to support the request for this Alley construction, we believe it would be undue burden and significantly change the site characteristics for all adjacent lots of Hillman on Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 10, 11, 12 and 13. It is our opinion that over time other development and construction has occurred which did not contemplate the construction of the Alley between N 33rd and N 32nd Streets north of the intersection with the east/west alley, which was not extended either. In order to construct this portion of the Alley in our opinion would be detrimental to the adjacent lots in the area, result in the reconstruction of the building to the east and result in either an Alley intersection that could not be built or reconstruction of the Alley between the two apartment buildings that would make their access moot. We hope that you agree that construction of this portion of this alley is not practical. Additionally, per the Planning Modification document from the City of Renton, we offer the following, which in many regards either repeats or supplements the code justifications above. Justification of the Modification requires per Submittal Requirement from Planning 1. Substantially implements the policy direction of the policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element and the Community Design Element and the proposed modification is the minimum adjustment necessary to implement these policies and objectives; WCE_ The request to omit the Alley Construction in this instance, as noted is impractical as adjoining alley constructed elements were omitted at the time because this lot, Lot 7, Block 5 of Hillman Lake Washington Garden of Eden No 1, was an existing home. We believe that the earlier decisions to omit would demonstrate that the City’s Comprehensive Plan remained intact by these previous decisions. 2. Will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment; WCE_ We believe that more environmental and adjacent property harm would occur if this modification is not approved due to the difficulty of remedying previous land use decisions to omit Alley construction or Alley construction that was not consistent with the overall topography between N 33rd and N 32nd Streets. 3. Will not be injurious to other property(ies) in the vicinity. WCE_ Alley construction would be injurious to adjacent properties. 4. Conforms to the intent and purpose of the Code; WCE_ We believe that allowing the change to not require the adjacent Alley construction is consistent with the intent of the Renton Municipal Code 4-6-060 and 4-7-150. 5. Can be shown to be justified and required for the use and situation intended; and WCE_ We feel that the above reasoning for the modification is justification for use in this specific situation. 6. Will not create adverse impacts to other property(ies) in the vicinity. WCE_ Construction of the home and omission of Alley construction would have NO adverse impact to the other properties in the area as they would be able to enjoy their properties as is. Summary: 33rd street will be improved as required, and the existing alley right of way will remain as is. Should the City of Renton approve our request, therefore, we ask that in this instance you allow for home construction to start without the requirement to construct the alleys surrounding Lot 7, Block 5 of Hillman. Should you have any questions related to this request do not hesitate to call or email at either ewhipple@whipplece.com or toddw@whipplece.com or 509-893-2617. Sincerely, Todd R. Whipple, PE President Enclosure’s as noted Cc: Owner, File RMC 4-7-150 An excerpt from RMC 4-7-150 5. Alley Access: Alley access is the preferred street pattern for all new residential development except in the Residential Low Density land use designation (RC, R-1, and R-4 zones) and the R-6 zone. All new residential development in an area that has existing alleys shall utilize alley access. New residential development in areas without existing alleys shall utilize alley access for interior lots. If the developer or property owner demonstrates that alley access is not practical, the use of alleys may not be required. The City will consider the following factors in determining whether the use of alleys is not practical: a. Size: The new development is a short plat. b. Topography: The topography of the site proposed for development is not conducive for an alley configuration. c. Environmental Impacts: The use of alleys would have more of a negative impact on the environment than a street pattern without alleys. d. If site characteristics allow for the effective use of alleys. “Alleys” shall mean singular or plural in this subsection. (Ord. 5515, 12-14-2009; Ord. 5676, 12-3-2012; Ord. 5702, 12-9-2013; Ord. 5841, 6-12-2017) SITE PHOTO’S Looking north from 32nd Towards the proposed site along existing alley ROW Looking South from 33rd at existing condo’s along existing alley ROW Looking east from Lake Washington Boulevard at parcel #334210-0170. the parcel adjacent the west alley. Looking west form the south alley toward Lake Washington Bouvard. Looking east form the south alley on the applicant lot. SITE MAP