HomeMy WebLinkAboutEx09_Preliminary_TIR Logan Place Preliminary Technical Information Report (Full Drainage Review) Site Location: 129 Logan Ave S Renton 98057 Parcel#: 569600-0150 Prepared for: June Lu 5050 240th Pl. SE Sammamish, WA 98029 (206)-650-0684 Junelu801@gmail.com Schwin Chaosilapakul, P.E. Nick Millman, E.I.T. PATRICK HARRON & ASSOCIATES, LLC 14900 Interurban Avenue South, Suite 279 Seattle, WA 98168 PHA Project #: 20101 Date: April 28th, 2020 Revised: July 1st, 2020 14900 Interurban Ave. S, Suite 279 Seattle, WA 98168-4635 Ph: 206.674.4659 www.patrickharron.com Engineering & Planning Logan Place Preliminary Technical Information Report (Full Drainage Review) PHA Project#: 20101 P:\2020\20101_129 Logan Place - Renton\Text\Storm Reports\20101_Logan Place_TIR.docx Logan Place Preliminary Technical Information Report (Full Drainage Review) PHA Project#: 20101 P:\2020\20101_129 Logan Place - Renton\Text\Storm Reports\20101_Logan Place_TIR.docx TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. PROJECT OVERVIEW .................................................................................... 1 2. CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY ................................ 10 3. OFF-SITE ANALYSIS ..................................................................................... 11 Task 1: Study Area Definition ................................................................................................11 Task 2: Resource Review .......................................................................................................11 Task 3: Site Description .........................................................................................................11 Task 4: Upstream Drainage System Description ...................................................................14 Task 5: Downstream Drainage System Description and Existing and Potential Problems ...14 4. FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY FACILITY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ......................................................................................................... 15 Drainage Concept ...................................................................................................................15 5. CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ............................... 18 6. SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES ........................................................... 20 7. OTHER PERMITS ........................................................................................... 20 8. CSWPPP ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ............................................................. 20 9. BOND QUANTITIES, FACILITY SUMMARIES AND DECLARATION OF COVENANT .................................................................................................... 20 10. OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL ..................................... 20 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A – Stormwater Site Plans Appendix B – Storm Calculations Appendix C – Operations & Maintenance Manual Appendix D – Geotechnical Report Appendix E – CSWPPP LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 TIR Worksheet .................................................................................................................. 3 Figure 2 Vicinity Map ..................................................................................................................... 8 Figure 3 Proposed Conditions Exhibit ............................................................................................ 9 Figure 4 Aerial Photograph ........................................................................................................... 11 Figure 5 Existing Site Condition ................................................................................................... 12 Figure 6 NRCS Soil Description ................................................................................................... 13 Figure 7 Pipe Capacity .................................................................................................................. 18 Figure 8 Flow Frequency .............................................................................................................. 19 Logan Place Preliminary Technical Information Report (Full Drainage Review) PHA Project#: 20101 P:\2020\20101_129 Logan Place - Renton\Text\Storm Reports\20101_Logan Place_TIR.docx Logan Place Preliminary Technical Information Report (Full Drainage Review) PHA Project#: 20101 Page 1 of 20 P:\2020\20101_129 Logan Place - Renton\Text\Storm Reports\20101_Logan Place_TIR.docx 1. PROJECT OVERVIEW This Preliminary Technical Information Report (TIR) is submitted in support of the Building Permit for the construction of a new, 9-unit apartment building with a parking garage on the first floor. Project Data: Address: 129 Logan Ave S Renton 98057 Parcel Number: 569600-0150 Lot Area Total: 5,000 SF (0.115 Acres) Zoning: Center Downtown (CD) Drainage Basin: Lower Cedar River This analysis was completed using the format set forth in the 2017 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual (CRSWDM). The project requires a Full Drainage Review as specified in Fig. 1.1.2.A of the CRSWDM (See following page). Project Description: Please refer to Figure 2 – Vicinity Map and Figure 3 – Proposed Conditions Exhibit on the following pages to aid in the project description. The project proposes to demolish the existing single-family residence and all other existing structures on site to construct a new apartment complex with a first-floor parking garage and associated infrastructure. The project site is located within the Peak Rate Flow Control Standard Area, but is exempt from Flow Control based on a Peak Flow Rate increase of less than 0.15 cfs between the existing and developed site conditions. Additionally, the project qualifies for Basic Exemption from flow control, since less than 5,000 square feet of new plus replaced impervious area is proposed. See Section 4 and Appendix B for details. Direct connection to the existing storm main in Logan Ave S is proposed via underground pipes and catch basins. Logan Place Preliminary Technical Information Report (Full Drainage Review) PHA Project#: 20101 Page 2 of 20 P:\2020\20101_129 Logan Place - Renton\Text\Storm Reports\20101_Logan Place_TIR.docx Logan Place Preliminary Technical Information Report (Full Drainage Review) PHA Project#: 20101 Page 3 of 20 P:\2020\20101_129 Logan Place - Renton\Text\Storm Reports\20101_Logan Place_TIR.docx Figure 1 – TIR Worksheet Logan Place Preliminary Technical Information Report (Full Drainage Review) PHA Project#: 20101 Page 4 of 20 P:\2020\20101_129 Logan Place - Renton\Text\Storm Reports\20101_Logan Place_TIR.docx Logan Place Preliminary Technical Information Report (Full Drainage Review) PHA Project#: 20101 Page 5 of 20 P:\2020\20101_129 Logan Place - Renton\Text\Storm Reports\20101_Logan Place_TIR.docx Logan Place Preliminary Technical Information Report (Full Drainage Review) PHA Project#: 20101 Page 6 of 20 P:\2020\20101_129 Logan Place - Renton\Text\Storm Reports\20101_Logan Place_TIR.docx Logan Place Preliminary Technical Information Report (Full Drainage Review) PHA Project#: 20101 Page 7 of 20 P:\2020\20101_129 Logan Place - Renton\Text\Storm Reports\20101_Logan Place_TIR.docx Logan Place Preliminary Technical Information Report (Full Drainage Review) PHA Project#: 20101 Page 8 of 20 P:\2020\20101_129 Logan Place - Renton\Text\Storm Reports\20101_Logan Place_TIR.docx Figure 2 – Vicinity Map More generally the site is located within Section 18, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian. Logan Place Preliminary Technical Information Report (Full Drainage Review) PHA Project#: 20101 Page 9 of 20 P:\2020\20101_129 Logan Place - Renton\Text\Storm Reports\20101_Logan Place_TIR.docx Figure 3 – Proposed Conditions Exhibit Logan Place Preliminary Technical Information Report (Full Drainage Review) PHA Project#: 20101 Page 10 of 20 P:\2020\20101_129 Logan Place - Renton\Text\Storm Reports\20101_Logan Place_TIR.docx 2. CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY CORE REQUIREMENT #1: Discharge at the Natural Location Stormwater runoff from the existing home (to be demolished) is dispersed over vegetation via splash blocks on the northern and southern sides of the building. Post redevelopment, stormwater will be collected and directed to the Logan Ave S. storm system. CORE REQUIREMENT #2: Offsite Analysis Minor upstream tributary runoff from adjacent properties. Downstream analysis is provided, see Section 3. CORE REQUIREMENT #3: Flow Control Facilities The project site is located within the Peak Rate Flow Control Standard Area but is exempt from Flow Control, due to Basic Exemption and a Peak Flow Rate increase of less than 0.15 cfs from the developed condition vs existing site conditions. See Appendix B. CORE REQUIREMENT #4: Conveyance System Conveyance capacity will be provided to handle peak flows from the 100-year storm event. See Section 5. CORE REQUIREMENT #5: Erosion and Sediment Control See Section 8. CORE REQUIREMENT #6: Operations and Maintenance An Operations and Maintenance Manual is provided in Appendix C of this report. CORE REQUIREMENT #7: Financial Guarantees and Liability Bond and liability assurances will be provided by the Owner or the Contractor. CORE REQUIREMENT #8: Water Quality Facilities The proposed area of Pollution Generating Impervious Surfaces (PGIS) is less than 5,000 sf. No water quality treatment is required. CORE REQUIREMENT #9: On-Site BMPs The project proposes more than 2,000 sf of new plus replaced impervious surfaces, and so requires flow control BMPs taken from the Small Lot BMP Requirements. See Section 4. SPECIAL REQUIREMENT #1: Other Adopted Area-Specific Requirements Not applicable. SPECIAL REQUIREMENT #2: Flood Hazard Area Delineation This property is not identified as a flood zone per FEMA flood analysis and King County iMap. SPECIAL REQUIREMENT #3: Flood Protection Facilities Not applicable. SPECIAL REQUIREMENT #4: Source Controls Not applicable. SPECIAL REQUIREMENT #5: Oil Control Not applicable. Logan Place Preliminary Technical Information Report (Full Drainage Review) PHA Project#: 20101 Page 11 of 20 P:\2020\20101_129 Logan Place - Renton\Text\Storm Reports\20101_Logan Place_TIR.docx SPECIAL REQUIREMENT #5: Aquifer Protection Area The site is located within Aquifer Protection Zone 1. Therefore a soils report is not required, and infiltration BMPs are not allowed. 3. OFF-SITE ANALYSIS Task 1: Study Area Definition The study area covered consisted of the project site and upstream and downstream drainage areas near the development property. Task 2: Resource Review The project site is located within the Lower Cedar River Drainage Basin, and the site is not located in a critical drainage area. No erosion hazard or landslide hazard areas, or seismic hazard located on site. The soils on the site have been classified as Urban Land by the NRCS (See Figure 5). Also included is a Geotech Report in Appendix D. Task 3: Site Description Please refer to Figure 3 - Aerial Photograph, Figure 4 - Existing Site Conditions, and Figure 5 – NRCS Soil Description below to aid in the following description. Figure 4 – Aerial Photograph Logan Place Preliminary Technical Information Report (Full Drainage Review) PHA Project#: 20101 Page 12 of 20 P:\2020\20101_129 Logan Place - Renton\Text\Storm Reports\20101_Logan Place_TIR.docx Figure 5 – Existing Site Conditions Logan Place Preliminary Technical Information Report (Full Drainage Review) PHA Project#: 20101 Page 13 of 20 P:\2020\20101_129 Logan Place - Renton\Text\Storm Reports\20101_Logan Place_TIR.docx Existing Conditions The 5,000 sf (0.115 ac) is currently developed with a single-family residence in the center of the property. On the north side of the existing residence is a shared gravel driveway. The site topography slopes gently to the north, at an average slope of approximately 4%. The site is fronted by Logan Ave S to the east, and is bordered by another single-family residence to the north, a small parking lot to the south, and the Renton High School parking lot to the west. The site soil description per the National Resources Conservation Service is included below. Figure 6 – NRCS Soil Description Logan Place Preliminary Technical Information Report (Full Drainage Review) PHA Project#: 20101 Page 14 of 20 P:\2020\20101_129 Logan Place - Renton\Text\Storm Reports\20101_Logan Place_TIR.docx Task 4: Upstream Drainage System Description Generally, the neighboring parking lot to the south slopes away from the project site. Therefore, sheet flow entering the project site is expected to be minimal, and no significant impact to the proposed development is anticipated. Task 5: Downstream Drainage System Description and Existing and Potential Problems The vast majority of onsite runoff from the site will be collected and directed to the Logan Ave S storm system. The Logan Ave S storm main consists of a 24-inch concrete pipe and flows to the north. It empties into the Lower Cedar River just over a quarter-mile from the project site. No drainage issues are known to exist within the area, and no drainage issues are anticipated from this proposed development. Logan Place Preliminary Technical Information Report (Full Drainage Review) PHA Project#: 20101 Page 15 of 20 P:\2020\20101_129 Logan Place - Renton\Text\Storm Reports\20101_Logan Place_TIR.docx 4. FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY FACILITY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Flow Control & BMP Requirements The project site is located within the Peak Rate Flow Control Standard Area but is exempt from Flow Control, due to Basic Exemption and a Peak Flow Rate increase of less than 0.15 cfs from the developed condition vs existing site conditions. See Appendix B. Per the CRSWDM (pg. 1-74 thru 1-77, Section, since the project proposes more than 2,000 sf of new plus replaced impervious surfaces, adds less than ¾ acres of new pervious surface, and is located on a lot smaller than 22,000 sf, Small Lot BMPs must be utilized to manage on-site runoff. Drainage Concept The storm drainage system proposed involves collection of stormwater runoff and direct connection to the Logan Ave S storm system via underground pipes and catch basins. The project site/lot is smaller than 22,000 sf (total property = 5,000 sf), and therefore, requires stormwater management in accordance with the Small Lot BMP Requirements menu as provided in the table below. Please refer to Appendix A – Storm Plan and Developed Area Summary Table to aid in the following description. Small Lot BMP Requirements (Section C. of the 2017 CRSWDM) BMP Rank BMP Infeasibility Description 1 Full Infiltration Site is within Aquifer Protection Zone 1. Infiltration BMPs not permitted. 2 Limited Infiltration Site is within Aquifer Protection Zone 1. Infiltration BMPs not permitted. 3 Rain Garden Site is within Aquifer Protection Zone 1. Rain Garden BMP not permitted. 4 Bioretention Site is within Aquifer Protection Zone 1. Bioretention BMP not permitted. 5 Permeable Pavement Site is within Aquifer Protection Zone 1. Permeable Pavement BMPs not permitted. 6 Basic Dispersion Not enough room for flow path * BMPs for Impervious Area equal to minimum of 10% for site/lot up to 11,000 sf 10% Impervious Area management not feasible for project. * BMPS for Impervious Area equal to minimum of 20% for site/lot between 11,000 sf and 22,000 sf N/A 7 Reduced Impervious Credit Not viable, not enough pervious vegetation, and perf. pipe not permitted. 8 Native Growth Retention Credit Not viable, not enough space for required pervious vegetation. 9 Tree Retention Credit Not viable, trees not retainable for proposed development. * Soil Amendment for New Pervious Surfaces Applied to all new pervious surfaces * Perforated Pipe Connection Not utilized. Site is within Aquifer Protection Zone 1. Infiltration BMPs not permitted. Logan Place Preliminary Technical Information Report (Full Drainage Review) PHA Project#: 20101 Page 16 of 20 P:\2020\20101_129 Logan Place - Renton\Text\Storm Reports\20101_Logan Place_TIR.docx Existing Areas Summary Table: EXISTING AREA SUMMARY DESCRIPTION AREA (SF) (AC) Total Site Area 5,000 0.115 Total Project Site Area 5,450 0.125 On-Site Areas House Roof 1,145 0.026 Walkway 523 0.012 Shed Roofs 437 0.010 Shared Driveway* 1,483 0.034 On-Site Impervious Total 3,588 0.082 On-Site Pervious Total 1,412 0.032 Off-Site Areas Sidewalk, Curb, & Gutter 261 0.006 Driveway* 158 0.004 Off-Site Impervious Total 419 0.010 Off-Site Pervious Total 31 0.001 Total Impervious Surface 4,007 0.092 Total Pervious Surface 1,443 0.033 *Pollution Generating Impervious Surface (PGIS) = 1,641 sf Logan Place Preliminary Technical Information Report (Full Drainage Review) PHA Project#: 20101 Page 17 of 20 P:\2020\20101_129 Logan Place - Renton\Text\Storm Reports\20101_Logan Place_TIR.docx Proposed Areas Summary Table: PROPOSED AREA SUMMARY DESCRIPTION AREA (SF) (AC) Site Area After Dedication 4,776 0.110 Total Project Site Area 5,450 0.125 On-Site Areas Roof 3,070 0.070 Walkway (Courtyard) 189 0.004 Walkway (Paving Area) 516 0.012 Driveway* 161 0.004 On-Site Impervious Total 3,936 0.090 On-Site Pervious Total 840 0.019 Off-Site Areas Sidewalk, Curb, & Gutter 328 0.008 Driveway* 270 0.006 Off-Site Impervious Total 598 0.014 Off-Site Pervious Total 76 0.002 Total Impervious Surface 4,534 0.104 Total Pervious Surface 916 0.021 *Total Pollution Generating Impervious Surface (PGIS) = 431 sf Logan Place Preliminary Technical Information Report (Full Drainage Review) PHA Project#: 20101 Page 18 of 20 P:\2020\20101_129 Logan Place - Renton\Text\Storm Reports\20101_Logan Place_TIR.docx 5. CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Minimum conveyance capacity of proposed storm systems provided is 0.151 cfs for a 4” diameter pipe at 0.5% minimum allowable slope. Flows estimated for the 100-year peak developed flows for project site areas is 0.097 cfs (See Figures 8 & 9 below). Adequate capacity is provided with the proposed conveyance systems. Figure 7 – Pipe Capacity Using Hydraflow Express: *Maximum pipe capacity = 0.151 cfs Logan Place Preliminary Technical Information Report (Full Drainage Review) PHA Project#: 20101 Page 19 of 20 P:\2020\20101_129 Logan Place - Renton\Text\Storm Reports\20101_Logan Place_TIR.docx Figure 8 – Flow Frequency Refer to Appendix B for Storm Calculation details. Using Western Washington Hydrology Model 2012 (WWHM12): * Peak flow rates are presented for 1 acre of Predeveloped 100% Forested condition and 1 acre of Developed (Mitigated) 100% Impervious condition to establish a flow rate per acre (cfs/ac). Peak flow rates are calculated by pro-rating actual tributary areas multiplied by cfs/ac. 100-year, 1 Acre Impervious Runoff = 0.775 cfs/ac Total Project Site Area* = 5,450 sf (0.125 ac) *Conservative assumption of fully impervious area 100-yr Outflow for Project Site Area = 0.775*0.125 = 0.097 cfs Pipe Capacity > 100-year Outflow 0.151 cfs > 0.097 cfs → OK Logan Place Preliminary Technical Information Report (Full Drainage Review) PHA Project#: 20101 Page 20 of 20 P:\2020\20101_129 Logan Place - Renton\Text\Storm Reports\20101_Logan Place_TIR.docx 6. SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES Geotechnical Report (See Appendix D). 7. OTHER PERMITS Demolition Permit. Building Permit. 8. CSWPPP ANALYSIS AND DESIGN See Appendix E. 9. BOND QUANTITIES, FACILITY SUMMARIES AND DECLARATION OF COVENANT Bond and liability assurances will be provided by the Owner or the Contractor. Declaration of Covenant not required. 10. OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL An Operations and Maintenance Manual is included in Appendix C of this report. Appendix A Stormwater Site Plans SITE ABBREVIATIONS:PROJECT INFORMATIONPROJECT TEAM LEGAL DESCRIPTION BASIS OF BEARINGS VERTICAL DATUM & CONTOUR INTERVAL VICINITY MAP LOGAN AVE S SECTION (LOOKING NORTH) SITE CALLOUTS: STORM CALLOUTS: WATER & SEWER CALLOUTS: DEDICATION AND EASEMENTS: AREA INVENTORY: Appendix B Storm Calculations WWHM12 Output Hydrologic analysis was performed using continuous modeling with the Western Washington Hydrologic Modeling Version 12 (WWHM12) program. WWHM12 output is provided within the following sections. Onsite: According to Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS,) the soil of the site is classified as: Urban land, with a slope of approximately 4%. Conservatively, the site was modeled using C Soils. Existing vs Proposed Basin Model Existing Basin: Proposed Basin: Flow Frequency: Existing 100-yr Peak Flow = 0.081 cfs Proposed 100-yr Peak Flow = 0.087 cfs Peak Flow Increase = 0.006 cfs Flow Control Facility Requirement exemption for Peak Flow Increase of < 0.15 cfs 0.006 cfs << 0.15 cfs → Flow Control Exemption 1-Acre Model for Pipe Capacity Historic Basin: Developed Basin: Flow Frequency: Appendix C Operations & Maintenance Appendix D Geotechnical Report Geotechnical Investigation Proposed Apartment Building 129 Logan Avenue South Renton, Washington February 27, 2020 GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION RENTON, WASHINGTON i Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 1 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION .............................................................................................. 1 3.0 SITE DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................................... 1 4.0 FIELD INVESTIGATION ............................................................................................... 1 4.1.1 Site Investigation Program ................................................................................... 1 5.0 SOIL AND GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS .............................................................. 2 5.1.1 Area Geology ........................................................................................................ 2 5.1.2 Groundwater ........................................................................................................ 3 6.0 GEOLOGIC HAZARDS ................................................................................................... 3 6.1 Erosion Hazard .................................................................................................... 3 6.2 Seismic Hazard .................................................................................................... 3 7.0 DISCUSSION ................................................................................................................... 4 7.1.1 General................................................................................................................. 4 8.0 RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................................................................. 5 8.1.1 Site Preparation ................................................................................................... 5 8.1.2 Temporary Excavations ........................................................................................ 5 8.1.3 Erosion and Sediment Control.............................................................................. 6 8.1.4 Foundation Design ............................................................................................... 6 8.1.5 Stormwater Management ..................................................................................... 8 8.1.6 Groundwater Influence on Construction .............................................................. 8 8.1.7 Utilities ................................................................................................................ 8 9.0 CONSTRUCTION FIELD REVIEWS ............................................................................ 9 10.0 CLOSURE .................................................................................................................... 9 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A — Statement of General Conditions Appendix B — Figures Appendix C — Boring Log Appendix D — Liquefaction Analyses GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION RENTON, WASHINGTON February 27, 2020 1 PO Box 82243 Kenmore, WA 98028 cobaltgeo@gmail.com 206-331-1097 1.0 Introduction In accordance with your authorization, Cobalt Geosciences, LLC (Cobalt) has completed a geotechnical investigation for the proposed apartment building located at 129 Logan Avenue South in Renton, Washington (Figure 1). The purpose of the geotechnical investigation was to identify subsurface conditions and to provide geotechnical recommendations for foundation design, stormwater management, earthwork, soil compaction, and suitability of the on-site soils for use as fill. The scope of work for the geotechnical evaluation consisted of a site investigation followed by engineering analyses to prepare this report. Recommendations presented herein pertain to various geotechnical aspects of the proposed development, including foundation support of the building along with liquefaction analyses. 2.0 Project Description The project includes construction of a five-story apartment building. We anticipate that the structure will be wood framed and supported on a shallow foundation system. We have not received site plans or any details regarding the proposed construction. We anticipate that building loads will be light to moderate and that site grading will include cuts of 3 feet or less. We should be notified if the planned construction changes and we should be provided with the final plans when they become available so that we may update our recommendations, if necessary. 3.0 Site Description The site is located at 129 Logan Avenue South in Renton, Washington (Figure 1). The property consists of one rectangular shaped parcel (No. 5696000150) with a total area of 5,000 square feet. The property is developed with a single-family residence and gravel driveway. The site and nearby areas are nearly level and vegetated with ivy, grasses, blackberry vines, along with sparse areas of evergreen and deciduous trees. The site is bordered to the north by a residence, to the south by a commercial building, to the east by Logan Avenue South, and to the west by a large commercial development. 4.0 Field Investigation 4.1.1 Site Investigation Program The geotechnical field investigation program was completed on February 14, 2020 and included drilling and sampling one hollow stem auger boring with a trailer mounted drill rig. GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION RENTON, WASHINGTON February 27, 2020 2 PO Box 82243 Kenmore, WA 98028 cobaltgeo@gmail.com 206-331-1097 Disturbed soil samples were obtained during drilling by using the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) as described in ASTM D-1586. The Standard Penetration Test and sampling method consists of driving a standard 2-inch outside-diameter, split barrel sampler into the subsoil with a 140-pound hammer free falling a vertical distance of 30 inches. The summation of hammer-blows required to drive the sampler the final 12-inches of an 18-inch sample interval is defined as the Standard Penetration Resistance, or N- value. The blow count is presented graphically on the boring logs in this appendix. The resistance, or “N” value, provides a measure of the relative density of granular soils or of the relative consistency of cohesive soils. The soils encountered were logged in the field and are described in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). A Cobalt Geosciences field representative conducted the explorations, collected disturbed soil samples, classified the encountered soils, kept a detailed log of the explorations, and observed and recorded pertinent site features. The results of the boring sampling are presented in Appendix C. 5.0 Soil and Groundwater Conditions 5.1.1 Area Geology The site lies within the Puget Lowland. The lowland is part of a regional north-south trending trough that extends from southwestern British Columbia to near Eugene, Oregon. North of Olympia, Washington, this lowland is glacially carved, with a depositional and erosional history including at least four separate glacial advances/retreats. The Puget Lowland is bounded to the west by the Olympic Mountains and to the east by the Cascade Range. The lowland is filled with glacial and non-glacial sediments consisting of interbedded gravel, sand, silt, till, and peat lenses. The Geologic Map of King County indicates that the site is underlain by Quaternary Alluvium In this area, alluvium usually includes variable thicknesses of fine-grained materials overlying a relatively thick sequence of poorly graded sands with gravel. These materials vary in density and composition with depth and can include areas of organic debris, peat, and silt/clay. Explorations Boring B-1 encountered approximately 3 feet of loose to medium dense, silty-fine to medium grained sand (Fill). This layer was underlain by approximately 10 feet of medium dense, fine to medium grained sand with gravel to gravel with sands (Alluvium). This layer was underlain by approximately 3 feet of medium dense, fine to medium grained sand trace gravel (Alluvium). This layer was underlain by approximately 5 feet of fine to medium grained sand with gravel to gravel with sand (Alluvium). This layer was underlain by medium dense to dense, fine to medium grained sand trace to some gravel (Alluvium), which continued to the termination depth of the boring. GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION RENTON, WASHINGTON February 27, 2020 3 PO Box 82243 Kenmore, WA 98028 cobaltgeo@gmail.com 206-331-1097 5.1.2 Groundwater Groundwater was encountered approximately 14 feet below existing site elevations during our investigation. We anticipate that this represents the regional groundwater table in this area. Groundwater likely fluctuates between about 8 and 18 feet below site elevations during a typical year. Water table elevations often fluctuate over time. The groundwater level will depend on a variety of factors that may include seasonal precipitation, irrigation, land use, climatic conditions and soil permeability. Water levels at the time of the field investigation may be different from those encountered during the construction phase of the project. 6.0 Geologic Hazards 6.2 Erosion Hazard The Natural Resources Conservation Services (NRCS) maps for King County indicate that the site is underlain by Urban Land. These soils generally have a slight to moderate erosion potential in a disturbed state. It is our opinion that soil erosion potential at this project site can be reduced through landscaping and surface water runoff control. Typically erosion of exposed soils will be most noticeable during periods of rainfall and may be controlled by the use of normal temporary erosion control measures, such as silt fences, hay bales, mulching, control ditches and diversion trenches. The typical wet weather season, with regard to site grading, is from October 31st to April 1st. Erosion control measures should be in place before the onset of wet weather. 6.3 Seismic Hazard The overall subsurface profile corresponds to a Site Class E as defined by Table 1613.5.2 of the 2015 International Building Code (2015 IBC). A Site Class E applies to a dense soil profile within the upper 100 feet. We referenced the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Earthquake Hazards Program Website to obtain values for SS, S1, Fa, and Fv. The USGS website includes the most updated published data on seismic conditions. The site specific seismic design parameters and adjusted maximum spectral response acceleration parameters are as follows: PGA (Peak Ground Acceleration, in percent of g) SS 143.90% of g S1 53.8% of g FA 1.0 FV 1.5 GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION RENTON, WASHINGTON February 27, 2020 4 PO Box 82243 Kenmore, WA 98028 cobaltgeo@gmail.com 206-331-1097 Additional seismic considerations include liquefaction potential and amplification of ground motions by soft/loose soil deposits. The liquefaction potential is highest for loose sand with a high groundwater table. Soil liquefaction is a state where soil particles lose contact with each other and become suspended in a viscous fluid. This suspension of the soil grains results in a complete loss of strength as the effective stress drops to zero as a result of increased pore pressures. Liquefaction normally occurs under saturated conditions in soils such as sand in which the strength is purely frictional. However, liquefaction has occurred in soils other than clean sand, such as low plasticity silt. Liquefaction usually occurs under vibratory conditions such as those induced by seismic events. To evaluate the liquefaction potential of the site, we analyzed the following factors: 1) Soil type and plasticity 2) Groundwater depth 3) Relative soil density 4) Initial confining pressure 5) Maximum anticipated intensity and duration of ground shaking The commercially available liquefaction analysis software, LiqSVS was used to evaluate the liquefaction potential and the possible liquefaction induced settlement for the existing site soil conditions. Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCE) was selected in accordance with the 2012 ASCE, 2015 International Building Code (2015 IBC) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Earthquake Hazards Program website. For this site, we used a peak ground acceleration of 0.59g and a 7.0M earthquake in the liquefaction analyses. The analyses yielded total settlement on the order of 20.85 inches with corresponding differential settlement of about 10.5 inches. From the analyses, the depth of the liquefiable zone was identified as about 9 to 30 feet below grade in the boring. 7.0 DISCUSSION 7.1.1 General The site is underlain by fill and at depth by variable composition alluvium which is locally loose. The subsurface soils are locally liquefiable during/after certain seismic events between about 9 and 30 feet below grade. The structure may be supported on a shallow foundation system bearing on auger-cast piles (with grade beams), compacted rock columns (ground improvement); or on a shallow mat/raft foundation system. There are additional foundation support options that could be utilized and can be discussed upon request during the design phases of the project. GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION RENTON, WASHINGTON February 27, 2020 5 PO Box 82243 Kenmore, WA 98028 cobaltgeo@gmail.com 206-331-1097 8.0 Recommendations 8.1.1 Site Preparation Based on our understating of the project, clearing and removal of near-surface soils will be necessary. We recommend removal of all organic laden materials and any fill. Based on observations from the site investigation program, it is anticipated that the stripping depth will be 6 to 12 inches. Deeper excavations will be necessary below large trees, existing foundation elements, and in any areas underlain by undocumented fill materials. The near-surface soils consist of silty-sand with gravel and poorly graded sands with silt. Soils with less than 35 percent fines (passing the No. 200 sieve) may be used as structural fill provided they achieve compaction requirements and are within 3 percent of the optimum moisture. These soils may only be suitable for use as fill during the summer months, as they will be above the optimum moisture levels in their natural state. These soils are variably moisture sensitive and may degrade during periods of wet weather and under equipment traffic. Imported structural fill should consist of a sand and gravel mixture with a maximum grain size of 3 inches and less than 5 percent fines (material passing the U.S. Standard No. 200 Sieve). Structural fill should be placed in maximum lift thicknesses of 12 inches and should be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the modified proctor maximum dry density, as determined by the ASTM D 1557 test method. 8.1.2 Temporary Excavations Based on our understanding of the project, we anticipate that the grading could include local cuts on the order of approximately 4 feet or less for shallow foundation placement. Excavations up to 6 feet in height, if required, should be sloped no steeper than 1.5H:1V (Horizontal:Vertical) in loose fill and/or native soils. If an excavation is subject to heavy vibration or surcharge loads, we recommend that the excavations be sloped no steeper than 2H:1V, where room permits. Any deeper excavations will require shoring. Temporary cuts should be in accordance with the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) Part N, Excavation, Trenching, and Shoring. Temporary slopes should be visually inspected daily by a qualified person during construction activities and the inspections should be documented in daily reports. The contractor is responsible for maintaining the stability of the temporary cut slopes and reducing slope erosion during construction. Temporary cut slopes should be covered with visqueen to help reduce erosion during wet weather, and the slopes should be closely monitored until the permanent retaining systems or slope configurations are complete. Materials should not be stored or equipment operated within 10 feet of the top of any temporary cut slope. Soil conditions may not be completely known from the geotechnical investigation. In the case of temporary cuts, the existing soil conditions may not be completely revealed until the excavation work exposes the soil. Typically, as excavation work progresses the maximum inclination of temporary slopes will need to be re-evaluated by the geotechnical engineer so that supplemental recommendations can be GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION RENTON, WASHINGTON February 27, 2020 6 PO Box 82243 Kenmore, WA 98028 cobaltgeo@gmail.com 206-331-1097 made. Soil and groundwater conditions can be highly variable. Scheduling for soil work will need to be adjustable, to deal with unanticipated conditions, so that the project can proceed and required deadlines can be met. If any variations or undesirable conditions are encountered during construction, we should be notified so that supplemental recommendations can be made. If room constraints or groundwater conditions do not permit temporary slopes to be cut to the maximum angles allowed by the WAC, temporary shoring systems may be required. The contractor should be responsible for developing temporary shoring systems, if needed. We recommend that Cobalt Geosciences and the project structural engineer review temporary shoring designs prior to installation, to verify the suitability of the proposed systems. 8.1.3 Erosion and Sediment Control Erosion and sediment control (ESC) is used to reduce the transportation of eroded sediment to wetlands, streams, lakes, drainage systems, and adjacent properties. Erosion and sediment control measures should be implemented and these measures should be in general accordance with local regulations. At a minimum, the following basic recommendations should be incorporated into the design of the erosion and sediment control features for the site: Schedule the soil, foundation, utility, and other work requiring excavation or the disturbance of the site soils, to take place during the dry season (generally May through September). However, provided precautions are taken using Best Management Practices (BMP’s), grading activities can be completed during the wet season (generally October through April). All site work should be completed and stabilized as quickly as possible. Additional perimeter erosion and sediment control features may be required to reduce the possibility of sediment entering the surface water. This may include additional silt fences, silt fences with a higher Apparent Opening Size (AOS), construction of a berm, or other filtration systems. Any runoff generated by dewatering discharge should be treated through construction of a sediment trap if there is sufficient space. If space is limited other filtration methods will need to be incorporated. 8.1.4 Foundation Design Due to the presence of liquefiable soils to variable depths below the property, it will be necessary to support the building on a deep foundation system, rock columns, or on a mat/raft grade beam system. Foundation options include auger-cast piles with grade beams, compacted rock columns, or a grade beam raft/mat system. The following sections include recommendations for several of the foundation support options. Mat Foundations It is our opinion that a rigid or flexible mat foundation system with interconnecting grade beams or structural slab may be used to support the proposed building. GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION RENTON, WASHINGTON February 27, 2020 7 PO Box 82243 Kenmore, WA 98028 cobaltgeo@gmail.com 206-331-1097 A net allowable bearing pressure of 3,000 pounds per square foot (psf) may be used for design of the mat/raft foundation at a depth of at least 3 feet below grade and on native soils. Local overexcavation may be required. Any fill should be replaced with angular crushed rock. Resistance to lateral footing displacement can be determined using an allowable friction factor of 0.40 acting between the base of foundations and the supporting subgrades. Lateral resistance for footings can also be developed using an allowable equivalent fluid passive pressure of 250 pounds per cubic foot (pcf) acting against the appropriate vertical footing faces (neglect the upper 12 inches below grade in exterior areas). The allowable friction factor and allowable equivalent fluid passive pressure values include a factor of safety of 1.5. The frictional and passive resistance of the soil may be combined without reduction in determining the total lateral resistance. Foundation excavations should be inspected to verify that the elements will bear on suitable material. It should be noted that tipping may occur during/after certain seismic events, which could result in some structural distress. Exterior footings should have a minimum depth of 18 inches below pad subgrade (soil grade) or adjacent exterior grade, whichever is lower. Once the final design plans have been determined, we should be allowed to review the plans for conformance with our recommendations. Rock Columns Shallow perimeter and column footings supported on compacted rock columns or geopiers. We anticipate that compacted rock columns/aggregate piers will need to extend between 25 and 35 feet below current site elevations. Even with ground improvement, some structural damage and distress may occur following certain seismic events (liquefaction). If structural damage is of primary concern, we recommend supporting the building on auger-cast piles. We can provide auger-cast pile recommendations and parameters upon request. Provided that the concrete grade beam footings are supported on a system of compacted rock columns, a net allowable bearing pressure of 4,000 pounds per square foot (psf) may be used for design. Final structural design should be prepared by a structural engineer experienced with aggregate piers. We recommend that at least one load test be performed to verify adequate bearing capacity. Resistance to lateral footing displacement can be determined using an allowable friction factor of 0.40 acting between the base of foundations and the supporting subgrades. Lateral resistance for footings can also be developed using an allowable equivalent fluid passive pressure of 250 pounds per cubic foot (pcf) acting against the appropriate vertical footing faces (neglect the upper 12 inches below grade in exterior areas). The allowable friction factor and allowable equivalent fluid passive pressure values include a factor of safety of 1.5. The frictional and passive resistance of the soil may be combined without reduction in determining the total lateral resistance. A representative of Cobalt should be present at the site during the installation to verify general conformance with our recommendations. GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION RENTON, WASHINGTON February 27, 2020 8 PO Box 82243 Kenmore, WA 98028 cobaltgeo@gmail.com 206-331-1097 8.1.5 Stormwater Management The site is underlain by local fill and at depth by saturated alluvium. While infiltration could be considered, we anticipate that the site development will fully encompass the property limits, thereby making infiltration infeasible. We recommend detention (if required) with direct connection to City stormwater infrastructure. We can provide additional recommendations upon request. 8.1.6 Groundwater Influence on Construction Groundwater was encountered at 14 feet below grade in Boring B-1. Light amounts of perched groundwater could be encountered in the near surface soils; however, we expect typical sump excavations and pumps to be suitable to remove shallow groundwater, if necessary. Regional groundwater may be encountered below 8 feet during certain years/seasons. If excavations extend into the groundwater, water-tight shoring and de-watering wells may be required. We can provide additional recommendations upon request. 8.1.7 Utilities Utility trenches should be excavated according to accepted engineering practices following OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) standards, by a contractor experienced in such work. The contractor is responsible for the safety of open trenches. Traffic and vibration adjacent to trench walls should be reduced; cyclic wetting and drying of excavation side slopes should be avoided. Depending upon the location and depth of some utility trenches, groundwater flow into open excavations could be experienced, especially during or shortly following periods of precipitation. In general, sandy and gravelly soils were encountered at shallow depths in the explorations at this site. These soils have variable cohesion and low density and will have a tendency to cave or slough in excavations. Shoring or sloping back trench sidewalls is required within these soils in excavations greater than 4 feet deep. All utility trench backfill should consist of imported structural fill or suitable on site soils. Utility trench backfill placed in or adjacent to buildings and exterior slabs should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density based on ASTM Test Method D1557. The upper 5 feet of utility trench backfill placed in pavement areas should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density based on ASTM Test Method D1557. Below 5 feet, utility trench backfill in pavement areas should be compacted to at least 90 percent of the maximum dry density based on ASTM Test Method D1557. Pipe bedding should be in accordance with the pipe manufacturer's recommendations. The contractor is responsible for removing all water-sensitive soils from the trenches regardless of the backfill location and compaction requirements. Depending on the depth and location of the proposed utilities, we anticipate the need to re-compact existing fill soils below the utility structures and pipes. The contractor should use appropriate equipment and methods to avoid damage to the utilities and/or structures during fill placement and compaction procedures. GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION RENTON, WASHINGTON February 27, 2020 9 PO Box 82243 Kenmore, WA 98028 cobaltgeo@gmail.com 206-331-1097 9.0 Construction Field Reviews Cobalt Geosciences should be retained to provide part time field review during construction in order to verify that the soil conditions encountered are consistent with our design assumptions and that the intent of our recommendations is being met. This will require field and engineering review to: Monitor and test structural fill placement and soil compaction Observe deep foundation installation and testing Observe slab-on-grade preparation Geotechnical design services should also be anticipated during the subsequent final design phase to support the structural design and address specific issues arising during this phase. Field and engineering review services will also be required during the construction phase in order to provide a Final Letter for the project. 10.0 Closure This report was prepared for the exclusive use of June Lu and their appointed consultants. Any use of this report or the material contained herein by third parties, or for other than the intended purpose, should first be approved in writing by Cobalt Geosciences, LLC. The recommendations contained in this report are based on assumed continuity of soils with those of our test holes, and assumed structural loads. Cobalt Geosciences should be provided with final architectural and civil drawings when they become available in order that we may review our design recommendations and advise of any revisions, if necessary. Use of this report is subject to the Statement of General Conditions provided in Appendix A. It is the responsibility of June Lu who is identified as “the Client” within the Statement of General Conditions, and its agents to review the conditions and to notify Cobalt Geosciences should any of these not be satisfied. GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION RENTON, WASHINGTON February 27, 2020 10 PO Box 82243 Kenmore, WA 98028 cobaltgeo@gmail.com 206-331-1097 Respectfully submitted, Cobalt Geosciences, LLC Original signed by: Exp. 6/26/2020 Phil Haberman, PE, LG, LEG Principal PH/sc APPENDIX A Statement of General Conditions Statement of General Conditions USE OF THIS REPORT: This report has been prepared for the sole benefit of the Client or its agent and may not be used by any third party without the express written consent of Cobalt Geosciences and the Client. Any use which a third party makes of this report is the responsibility of such third party. BASIS OF THE REPORT: The information, opinions, and/or recommendations made in this report are in accordance with Cobalt Geosciences present understanding of the site specific project as described by the Client. The applicability of these is restricted to the site conditions encountered at the time of the investigation or study. If the proposed site specific project differs or is modified from what is described in this report or if the site conditions are altered, this report is no longer valid unless Cobalt Geosciences is requested by the Client to review and revise the report to reflect the differing or modified project specifics and/or the altered site conditions. STANDARD OF CARE: Preparation of this report, and all associated work, was carried out in accordance with the normally accepted standard of care in the state of execution for the specific professional service provided to the Client. No other warranty is made. INTERPRETATION OF SITE CONDITIONS: Soil, rock, or other material descriptions, and statements regarding their condition, made in this report are based on site conditions encountered by Cobalt Geosciences at the time of the work and at the specific testing and/or sampling locations. Classifications and statements of condition have been made in accordance with normally accepted practices which are judgmental in nature; no specific description should be considered exact, but rather reflective of the anticipated material behavior. Extrapolation of in situ conditions can only be made to some limited extent beyond the sampling or test points. The extent depends on variability of the soil, rock and groundwater conditions as influenced by geological processes, construction activity, and site use. VARYING OR UNEXPECTED CONDITIONS: Should any site or subsurface conditions be encountered that are different from those described in this report or encountered at the test locations, Cobalt Geosciences must be notified immediately to assess if the varying or unexpected conditions are substantial and if reassessments of the report conclusions or recommendations are required. Cobalt Geosciences will not be responsible to any party for damages incurred as a result of failing to notify Cobalt Geosciences that differing site or sub-surface conditions are present upon becoming aware of such conditions. PLANNING, DESIGN, OR CONSTRUCTION: Development or design plans and specifications should be reviewed by Cobalt Geosciences, sufficiently ahead of initiating the next project stage (property acquisition, tender, construction, etc), to confirm that this report completely addresses the elaborated project specifics and that the contents of this report have been properly interpreted. Specialty quality assurance services (field observations and testing) during construction are a necessary part of the evaluation of sub-subsurface conditions and site preparation works. Site work relating to the recommendations included in this report should only be carried out in the presence of a qualified geotechnical engineer; Cobalt Geosciences cannot be responsible for site work carried out without being present. 10.2 PO Box 82243 Kenmore, WA 98028 cobaltgeo@gmail.com 206-331-1097 APPENDIX B Figures: Vicinity Map, Site Plan N Project Location Renton WASHINGTON VICINITY MAP FIGURE 1 Cobalt Geosciences, LLC P.O. Box 82243 Kenmore, WA 98028 (206) 331-1097 www.cobaltgeo.com cobaltgeo@gmail.com SITE Proposed Apartment Building 129 Logan Avenue South Renton, Washington Cobalt Geosciences, LLC P.O. Box 82243 Kenmore, WA 98028 (206) 331-1097 www.cobaltgeo.com cobaltgeo@gmail.com SITE PLAN FIGURE 2 N Proposed Apartment Building 129 Logan Avenue South Renton, Washington B-1 Subject Property APPENDIX C Boring Log PT Well-graded gravels, gravels, gravel-sand mixtures, little or no fines Poorly graded gravels, gravel-sand mixtures, little or no fines Silty gravels, gravel-sand-silt mixtures Clayey gravels, gravel-sand-clay mixtures Well-graded sands, gravelly sands, little or no fines COARSE GRAINED SOILS (more than 50% retained on No. 200 sieve) Primarily organic matter, dark in color, and organic odor Peat, humus, swamp soils with high organic content (ASTM D4427)HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS FINE GRAINED SOILS (50% or more passes the No. 200 sieve) MAJOR DIVISIONS SYMBOL TYPICAL DESCRIPTION Gravels (more than 50% of coarse fraction retained on No. 4 sieve) Sands (50% or more of coarse fraction passes the No. 4 sieve) Silts and Clays (liquid limit less than 50) Silts and Clays (liquid limit 50 or more) Organic Inorganic Organic Inorganic Sands with Fines (more than 12% fines) Clean Sands (less than 5% fines) Gravels with Fines (more than 12% fines) Clean Gravels (less than 5% fines) Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) Poorly graded sand, gravelly sands, little or no fines Silty sands, sand-silt mixtures Clayey sands, sand-clay mixtures Inorganic silts of low to medium plasticity, sandy silts, gravelly silts, or clayey silts with slight plasticity Inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity, gravelly clays, sandy clays, silty clays, lean clays Organic silts and organic silty clays of low plasticity Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous fine sands or silty soils, elastic silt Inorganic clays of medium to high plasticity, sandy fat clay, or gravelly fat clay Organic clays of medium to high plasticity, organic silts Moisture Content Definitions Grain Size Definitions Dry Absence of moisture, dusty, dry to the touch Moist Damp but no visible water Wet Visible free water, from below water table Grain Size Definitions Description Sieve Number and/or Size Fines <#200 (0.08 mm) Sand -Fine -Medium -Coarse Gravel -Fine -Coarse Cobbles Boulders #200 to #40 (0.08 to 0.4 mm) #40 to #10 (0.4 to 2 mm) #10 to #4 (2 to 5 mm) #4 to 3/4 inch (5 to 19 mm) 3/4 to 3 inches (19 to 76 mm) 3 to 12 inches (75 to 305 mm) >12 inches (305 mm) Classification of Soil Constituents MAJOR constituents compose more than 50 percent, by weight, of the soil. Major constituents are capitalized (i.e., SAND). Minor constituents compose 12 to 50 percent of the soil and precede the major constituents (i.e., silty SAND). Minor constituents preceded by “slightly” compose 5 to 12 percent of the soil (i.e., slightly silty SAND). Trace constituents compose 0 to 5 percent of the soil (i.e., slightly silty SAND, trace gravel). Relative Density Consistency (Coarse Grained Soils) (Fine Grained Soils) N, SPT, Relative Blows/FT Density 0 - 4 Very loose 4 - 10 Loose 10 - 30 Medium dense 30 - 50 Dense Over 50 Very dense N, SPT, Relative Blows/FT Consistency Under 2 Very soft 2 - 4 Soft 4 - 8 Medium stiff 8 - 15 Stiff 15 - 30 Very stiff Over 30 Hard Cobalt Geosciences, LLC P.O. Box 82243 Kenmore, WA 98028 (206) 331-1097 www.cobaltgeo.com cobaltgeo@gmail.com Soil Classification Chart Figure C1 Log of Boring B-1 Date: February 14, 2020 Contractor: Geologic Method: Hollow Stem Auger Depth: 36.5’ Elevation: N/A Logged By: PH Checked By: SC Initial Groundwater: 14’ Sample Type: Split Spoon Final Groundwater: 13’ Material Description SPT N-Value Moisture Content (%)Plastic Limit Liquid Limit 10 20 30 400 50 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 End of Boring 36.5’ SP/ SM Medium dense, fine to medium grained sand with gravel to fine gravel with sand, yellowish brown to grayish brown, moist to wet. (Alluvium) Cobalt Geosciences, LLC P.O. Box 82243 Kenmore, WA 98028 (206) 331-1097 www.cobaltgeo.com cobaltgeo@gmail.com Proposed Apartment Building 129 Logan Avenue South Renton, Washington Boring Log 44 5 5 6 6 12 17 4 7 10 11 7 13 10 14 14 16 22 18 SP SP SP/ GP Medium dense to dense, fine to medium grained sand, grayish brown, wet. (Alluvium) Medium dense, fine to medium grained sand to fine to medium grained gravel with sand, grayish brown to olive gray, wet. (Alluvium) 48 52 7 8 11 SP/ GP Loose, silty-fine to medium grained sand with layers of silty-sand, dark yellowish brown to grayish brown, moist. (Fill) Medium dense, fine to medium grained sand trace to some gravel, grayish brown, wet. (Alluvium) APPENDIX D Liquefaction Analyses SPT BASED LIQUEFACTION ANALYSIS REPORT :: Input parameters and analysis properties :: Analysis method: Fines correction method: Sampling method: Borehole diameter: Rod length: Hammer energy ratio: NCEER 1998 NCEER 1998 Standard Sampler 65mm to 115mm 3.30 ft 1.00 Project title : Apartment Building Location : 129 Logan Ave S. SPT Name: SPT #1 14.00 ft 8.00 ft 7.50 ft 0.59 g 0.00 tsf F.S. color scheme Almost certain it will liquefy Very likely to liquefy Liquefaction and no liq. are equally likely Unlike to liquefy Almost certain it will not liquefy LPI color scheme Very high risk High risk Low risk Project File: Page: 1LiqSVs - SPT & Vs Liquefaction Assessment Software This software is registered to: Cobalt Geosciences :: Overall Liquefaction Assessment Analysis Plots :: Project File: Page: 2LiqSVs - SPT & Vs Liquefaction Assessment Software This software is registered to: Cobalt Geosciences Test Depth (ft) :: Field input data :: SPT Field Value (blows) Fines Content (%) Unit Weight (pcf) Infl. Thickness (ft) Can Liquefy 5.00 11 12.00 110.00 5.00 Yes 10.00 19 12.00 110.00 5.00 Yes 15.00 29 12.00 110.00 5.00 Yes 20.00 17 12.00 115.00 5.00 Yes 25.00 20 12.00 115.00 5.00 Yes 30.00 28 12.00 115.00 5.00 Yes 35.00 40 12.00 115.00 5.00 Yes Abbreviations Depth: SPT Field Value: Fines Content: Unit Weight: Infl. Thickness: Can Liquefy: Depth at which test was performed (ft) Number of blows per foot Fines content at test depth (%) Unit weight at test depth (pcf) Thickness of the soil layer to be considered in settlements analysis (ft) User defined switch for excluding/including test depth from the analysis procedure :: Cyclic Resistance Ratio (CRR) calculation data :: Depth (ft) SPT Field Value α βFines Content (%) Unit Weight (pcf) 5.00 11 1.51 1.00 1.00 0.75 1.00 12 1.55 1.03 14 4.00012.00110.00 0.28 0.00 0.28 10.00 19 1.28 1.00 1.00 0.85 1.00 21 1.55 1.03 23 0.25512.00110.00 0.55 0.00 0.55 15.00 29 1.13 1.00 1.00 0.85 1.00 28 1.55 1.03 30 0.48812.00110.00 0.83 0.03 0.79 20.00 17 1.06 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 17 1.55 1.03 19 0.20612.00115.00 1.11 0.19 0.93 25.00 20 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 19 1.55 1.03 21 0.22912.00115.00 1.40 0.34 1.06 30.00 28 0.95 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 27 1.55 1.03 29 0.38412.00115.00 1.69 0.50 1.19 35.00 40 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 36 1.55 1.03 39 4.00012.00115.00 1.98 0.66 1.32 Abbreviations CSR MSF :: Cyclic Stress Ratio calculation (CSR fully adjusted and normalized) :: Depth (ft) Unit Weight (pcf) FSα 5.00 110.00 0.28 0.00 0.28 0.99 0.380 1.00 0.380 1.00 0.380 2.0001.00 10.00 110.00 0.55 0.06 0.49 0.98 0.424 1.00 0.424 1.00 0.424 0.6021.00 15.00 110.00 0.83 0.22 0.61 0.97 0.505 1.00 0.505 1.00 0.505 0.9661.00 20.00 115.00 1.11 0.37 0.74 0.96 0.553 1.00 0.553 1.00 0.553 0.3731.00 25.00 115.00 1.40 0.53 0.87 0.94 0.581 1.00 0.582 1.00 0.582 0.3941.00 30.00 115.00 1.69 0.69 1.00 0.92 0.595 1.00 0.595 1.00 0.595 0.6441.00 35.00 115.00 1.98 0.84 1.13 0.89 0.596 1.00 0.596 0.99 0.604 2.0001.00 Project File: Page: 3LiqSVs - SPT & Vs Liquefaction Assessment Software This software is registered to: Cobalt Geosciences CSR MSF :: Cyclic Stress Ratio calculation (CSR fully adjusted and normalized) :: Depth (ft) Unit Weight (pcf) FSα Total overburden pressure at test point, during earthquake (tsf) Water pressure at test point, during earthquake (tsf) Effective overburden pressure, during earthquake (tsf) Nonlinear shear mass factor Improvement factor due to stone columns Cyclic Stress Ratio (adjusted for improvement) Magnitude Scaling Factor CSR adjusted for M=7.5 Effective overburden stress factor CSR fully adjusted Calculated factor of safety against soil liquefaction Abbreviations :: Liquefaction potential according to Iwasaki :: Depth (ft) FS F Thickness (ft) wz 5.00 2.000 0.00 9.24 0.005.00 10.00 0.602 0.40 8.48 5.145.00 15.00 0.966 0.03 7.71 0.405.00 20.00 0.373 0.63 6.95 6.645.00 25.00 0.394 0.61 6.19 5.715.00 30.00 0.644 0.36 5.43 2.945.00 35.00 2.000 0.00 4.67 0.005.00 20.85 :: Vertical settlements estimation for dry sands :: Depth (ft) p α b γ ΔS (in) Δh (ft) 5.00 12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0005.00 Abbreviations 0.000Cumulative settlemetns: :: Vertical settlements estimation for saturated sands :: Depth (ft) Δh (ft) s (in) 10.00 0.30 5.58 1.91 5.00 1.143 Project File: Page: 4LiqSVs - SPT & Vs Liquefaction Assessment Software This software is registered to: Cobalt Geosciences :: Vertical settlements estimation for saturated sands :: Depth (ft) Δh (ft) s (in) 15.00 0.10 4.04 0.74 5.00 0.444 20.00 0.30 5.58 2.23 5.00 1.337 25.00 0.10 4.04 2.68 5.00 1.605 30.00 0.10 4.04 2.05 5.00 1.232 35.00 0.10 4.04 0.00 5.00 0.000 Abbreviations 5.762Cumulative settlements: Median grain size (in) Ratio of cone resistance to SPT Post liquefaction volumetric strain (%) Thickness of soil layer to be considered (ft) Estimated settlement (in) :: Lateral displacements estimation for saturated sands :: Depth (ft) LDI LD (ft) 5.00 12 48.50 0.00 5.00 0.000 0.00 10.00 21 64.16 22.70 5.00 0.000 0.00 15.00 28 74.08 3.54 5.00 0.000 0.00 20.00 17 57.72 22.70 5.00 0.000 0.00 25.00 19 61.02 22.70 5.00 0.000 0.00 30.00 27 72.75 11.40 5.00 0.000 0.00 35.00 36 84.00 0.00 5.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 Abbreviations Cumulative lateral displacements: Relative density (%) Maximum amplitude of cyclic shear strain (%) Soil layer thickness (ft) Lateral displacement index (ft) Actual estimated displacement (ft) Project File: Page: 5LiqSVs - SPT & Vs Liquefaction Assessment Software References LiqSVs - SPT & Vs Liquefaction Assessment Software Appendix E Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (CSWPPP) CESCL REQUIREMENT A Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Specialist shall be identified in the Construction SWPPP and shall be onsite or oncall at all times. Certification may be obtained by an approved training program that meets the erosion and sediment control training criteria established by Ecology. If a preconstruction meeting is held, this person shall attend. See attached BMPC160 Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead (CESCL) CESCL___________________________________ 24hr Contact number:______________________ Fax number:______________________________ Address:_________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ ELEMENT 1: MARK CLEARING LIMITS • Prior to beginning land disturbing activities, including clearing and grading, all clearing limits, sensitive areas and their buffers, and trees that are to be preserved within the construction area should be clearly marked, both in the field and on the plans, to prevent damage and offsite impacts. • Plastic, metal, or stake wire fence may be used to mark the clearing limits. • The duff layer, native topsoil, and natural vegetation shall be retained in an undisturbed state to the maximum extent practicable. If it is not practicable to retain the duff layer in place, it should be stockpiled onsite, covered to prevent erosion, and replaced immediately upon completion of the ground disturbing activities. Element #1 BMP Description X C101 Preserving Natural Vegetation X C102 Buffer Zones X C103 High Visibility Plastic or Metal Fence X C104 Stake and Wire Fence Construction and silt fencing will be used to delineate the limits of clearing for the project. ELEMENT 2: ESTABLISH CONSTRUCTION ACCESS • Construction vehicle access and exit shall be limited to one route if possible. • Access points shall be stabilized with quarry spalls or crushed rock to minimize the tracking of sediment onto public roads. • Wheel wash or tire baths should be located onsite, if applicable. • Public roads shall be cleaned thoroughly as needed to protect stormwater infrastructure and downstream water resources. Sediment shall be removed from roads by shoveling or pickup sweeping and shall be transported to a controlled sediment disposal area. Street washing will be allowed only after sediment is removed in this manner. • Street wash wastewater shall be controlled by pumping back onsite, or otherwise be prevented from discharging untreated into systems tributary to state surface waters. Element #2 BMP Description X C105 Stabilized Construction Entrance C106 Wheel Wash C107 Construction Road/Parking Area Stabilization The proposed construction accesses will be on Logan Ave S, on the eastern side of the property. ELEMENT 3: CONTROL FLOW RATES • Properties and waterways downstream from development sites shall be protected from erosion due to increases in the volume, velocity, and peak flow rate of stormwater runoff from the project site, as required by local plan approval authority. • Downstream analysis is necessary if changes in flows could impair or alter conveyance systems, stream banks, bed sediment or aquatic habitat. See Chapter 3 for offsite analysis guidance. • Where necessary to comply with Minimum Requirement #7, stormwater retention/detention facilities shall be constructed as one of the first steps in grading. Detention facilities shall be functional prior to construction of site improvements (e.g. impervious surfaces). • The local permitting agency may require pond designs that provide additional or different stormwater flow control if necessary to address local conditions or to protect properties and waterways downstream from erosion due to increases in the volume, velocity, and peak flow rate of stormwater runoff from the project site. • If permanent infiltration ponds are used for flow control during construction, these facilities shall be protected from siltation during the construction phase and plans made for restoration after construction. Element #3 BMP Description C240 Sediment Trap C241 Temporary Sediment Pond The project area is less than 1 acre, and silt fencing will be utilized. ELEMENT 4: INSTALL SEDIMENT CONTROLS • Prior to leaving a construction site, or prior to discharge to an infiltration facility, stormwater runoff from disturbed areas shall pass through a sediment pond or other appropriate sediment removal BMP. Runoff from fully stabilized areas may be discharged without a sediment removal BMP, but must meet the flow control performance standard of Element #3, bullet #1. Full stabilization means concrete or asphalt paving; quarry spalls used as ditch lining; or the use of rolled erosion products, a bonded fiber matrix product, or vegetative cover in a manner that will fully prevent soil erosion. The local permitting authority should inspect and approve areas stabilized by means other than pavement or quarry spalls. • Sediment ponds, vegetated buffer strips, sediment barriers or filters, dikes, and other BMP’s intended to trap sediment onsite shall be constructed as one of the first steps in grading. These BMP’s shall be functional before other land disturbing activities take place. • Earthen structures such as dams, dikes, and diversions shall be seeded and mulched according to the timing indicated in Element #5. • BMPs intended to trap sediment on site must be located in a manner to avoid interference with the movement of juvenile salmonids attempting to enter off-channel areas or drainages, often during nonstorm events, in response to rain event changes in stream elevation or wetted area. Element #4 BMP Description C230 Straw Bale Barrier C231 Brush Barrier C232 Gravel Filter Berm X C233 Silt Fence C234 Vegetated Strip C235 Straw Wattles C240 Sediment Trap C241 Temporary Sediment Pond C250 Construction Stormwater Chemical Treatment C251 Construction Stormwater Filtration The proposed sediment control measures are provided on Sheet C2.0 – Erosion Control Plan. At minimum, the project will be required to have downstream protection (compost socks, silt fencing, or equivalent), inlet protection, and appropriate cover measures. The proposed plan is intended as guidance and the Contractor shall be responsible for implementing and maintaining appropriate sediment controls based on changing site conditions. ELEMENT 5: STABILIZE SOILS • All exposed and unworked soils shall be stabilized by application of effective BMPs that protect the soil from the erosive forces of raindrop impact, flowing water, and wind. • Soils shall be stabilized as outlined below, where downstream water resources or stormwater infrastructure may be negatively affected by sediments (i.e., runoff discharges off the development site). • From October 1 through April 30, no soils shall remain exposed and unworked for more than 2 days. From May 1 to September 30, no soils shall remain exposed and unworked for more than 7 days. This condition applies to all onsite soils, whether at final grade or not. The local permitting authority may adjust these time limits if it can be shown that a development site's erosion or runoff potential justifies a different standard. • Applicable practices include, but are not limited to, compost addition, temporary and permanent seeding, sodding, mulching, plastic covering, soil application of polyacrylamide (PAM), early application of gravel base on areas to be paved, and dust control. • Soil stabilization measures selected should be appropriate for the time of year, site conditions, estimated duration of use, and potential water quality impacts that stabilization agents may have on downstream waters or ground water. • Soil stockpiles must be stabilized from erosion, protected with sediment-trapping measures, and located away from storm drains, waterways, or drainage channels. • Work on linear construction sites and activities, including right-of-way and easement clearing, roadway development, pipelines, and trenching for utilities, shall not exceed the capability of the individual contractor for his portion of the project to install the bedding materials, roadbeds, structures, pipelines, and/or utilities, and to re-stabilize the disturbed soils, in compliance with the applicable 2-day or 7-day criterion listed above. Element #5 BMP Description C120 Temporary and Permanent Seeding C121 Mulching C122 Nets and Blankets X C123 Plastic Covering C124 Sodding C125 Topsoiling C126 Polyacrylamide for Soil Erosion Protection C130 Surface Roughening C131 Gradient Terraces X C140 Dust Control X C180 Small Project Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Temporary and permanent cover measures shall be provided based upon plans and Contractor’s discretion per site conditions during construction. ELEMENT 6: PROTECT SLOPES • Cut and fill slopes shall be designed and constructed in a manner that will minimize erosion. • Consider soil type and its potential for erosion. • Reduce slope runoff velocities by reducing the continuous length of slope with terracing and diversions, reduce slope steepness, and roughen slope surface. • Offsite stormwater (run-on) shall be diverted away from slopes and disturbed areas with interceptor dikes and swales. Offsite stormwater should be managed separately from stormwater generated on the site. • To prevent erosion, at the top of slopes collect drainage in pipe slope drains or protected channels. Temporary pipe slope drains shall handle the peak flow from a 10-year, 24- hour event; permanent slope drains shall be sized for a 25-year, 24-hour event. Check dams shall be used within channels that are cut down a slope. • Provide drainage to remove ground water intersecting the slope surface of exposed soil areas. • Stabilize soils on slopes, as specified in Element #5. Element #6 BMP Description C120 Temporary and Permanent Seeding C130 Surface Roughening C131 Gradient Terraces C200 Interceptor Dike and Swale C201 Grass-Lined Channels C204 Pipe Slope Drains C205 Subsurface Drains C206 Level Spreader C207 Check Dams C208 Triangular Silt Dike The Contractor shall be responsible for protecting and stabilizing site slopes as required. ELEMENT 7: PROTECT DRAIN INLETS • As needed to protect stormwater infrastructure and downstream water resources, all storm drain inlets made operable during construction shall be protected so that stormwater runoff shall not enter the conveyance system without first being filtered or treated to remove sediment. • All approach roads shall be kept clean, and all sediment and street wash water shall not be allowed to enter storm drains without prior and adequate treatment, unless treatment is provided before the storm drain discharges to waters of the State. Element #7 BMP Description X C220 Storm Drain Inlet Protection Both existing and proposed drain inlets shall be protected as required. ELEMENT 8: STABILIZE CHANNELS AND OUTLETS • All temporary onsite conveyance channels shall be designed, constructed and stabilized to prevent erosion from the peak 10-minute flow velocity from a Type 1A 10-year 24- hour frequency storm for the developed condition. Alternatively, the 10-year, 1-hour flow rate indicated by an approved continuous runoff model, increased by a factor of 1.6, may be used. • Stabilization, including armoring material, adequate to prevent erosion of outlets, adjacent stream banks, slopes and downstream reaches shall be provided at the outlets of all conveyance systems. Element #8 BMP Description C202 Channel Lining C209 Outlet Protection None required. ELEMENT 9: CONTROL POLLUTANTS • All pollutants, including waste materials and demolition debris that occur onsite shall be handled and disposed of in a manner that does not cause contamination of stormwater. • Cover, containment, and protection from vandalism shall be provided for all chemicals, liquid products, petroleum products, and non-inert wastes present on the site (see Chapter 173-304 WAC for the definition of inert waste). Onsite fueling tanks shall include secondary containment. • Maintenance and repair of heavy equipment and vehicles involving oil changes, hydraulic system drain down, solvent and de-greasing cleaning operations, fuel tank drain down and removal, and other activities which may result in discharge or spillage of pollutants to the ground or into stormwater runoff must be conducted using spill prevention measures, such as drip pans. Contaminated surfaces shall be cleaned immediately following any discharge or spill incident. Report all spills to 911. Emergency repairs may be performed onsite using temporary plastic placed beneath and, if raining, over the vehicle. • Wheel wash, or tire bath wastewater, shall be discharged to a separate onsite treatment system or to the sanitary sewer if allowed by the local wastewater authority. • Application of agricultural chemicals, including fertilizers and pesticides, shall be conducted in a manner and at application rates that will not result in loss of chemical to stormwater runoff. Manufacturers' label recommendations shall be followed for application rates and procedures. • Management of pH-modifying sources shall prevent contamination of runoff and stormwater collected on the site. These sources include, but are not limited to, bulk cement, cement kiln dust, fly ash, new concrete washing and curing waters, waste streams generated from concrete grinding and sawing, exposed aggregate processes, and concrete pumping and mixer washout waters. • Construction sites with significant concrete work shall adjust the pH of stormwater if necessary to prevent violations of water quality standards. Element #9 BMP Description X C151 Concrete Handling X C152 Sawcutting and Surfacing Pollution Prevention The Contractor shall be responsible for controlling pollutants from construction activities off the project site. ELEMENT 10: CONTROL DE-WATERING • All foundation, vault, and trench de-watering water, which has similar characteristics to stormwater runoff at the site, shall be discharged into a controlled conveyance system, prior to discharge to a sediment trap or sediment pond. Channels must be stabilized, as specified in Element #8. • Clean, non-turbid de-watering water, such as well-point ground water, can be discharged to systems tributary to state surface waters, as specified in Element #8, provided the de- watering flow does not cause erosion or flooding of the receiving waters. These clean waters should not be routed through sediment ponds with stormwater. • Highly turbid or otherwise contaminated dewatering water, such as from construction equipment operation, clamshell digging, concrete tremie pour, or work inside a cofferdam, shall be handled separately from stormwater at the site. • Other disposal options, depending on site constraints, may include: 1) infiltration, 2) transport offsite in vehicle, such as a vacuum flush truck, for legal disposal in a manner that does not pollute state waters, 3) onsite treatment using chemical treatment or other suitable treatment technologies, or 4) sanitary sewer discharge with local sewer district approval. The Contractor shall be responsible for discharging de-watering water in an appropriate manner. ELEMENT 11: MAINTAIN BMP’S • All temporary and permanent erosion and sediment control BMP’s shall be maintained and repaired as needed to assure continued performance of their intended function. All maintenance and repair shall be conducted in accordance with BMP’s. • Sediment control BMP’s shall be inspected weekly or after a runoff-producing storm event during the dry season and daily during the wet season. • All temporary erosion and sediment control BMP’s shall be removed within 30 days after final site stabilization is achieved or after the temporary BMP’s are no longer needed. Trapped sediment shall be removed or stabilized on site. Disturbed soil areas resulting from removal of BMP’s or vegetation shall be permanently stabilized. The Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining BMP’s to assure performance of their intended function. ELEMENT 12: MANAGE THE PROJECT • Phasing of Construction - Development projects shall be phased where feasible in order to prevent soil erosion and, to the maximum extent practicable, the transport of sediment from the project site during construction. Revegetation of exposed areas and maintenance of that vegetation shall be an integral part of the clearing activities for any phase. Clearing and grading activities for developments shall be permitted only if conducted pursuant to an approved site development plan (e.g., subdivision approval) that establishes permitted areas of clearing, grading, cutting, and filling. When establishing these permitted clearing and grading areas, consideration should be given to minimizing removal of existing trees and minimizing disturbance/compaction of native soils except as needed for building purposes. These permitted clearing and grading areas and any other areas required to preserve critical or sensitive areas, buffers, native growth protection easements, or tree retention areas as may be required by local jurisdictions, shall be delineated on the site plans and the development site. All plats shall include lot-specific grading plans, including information specified by the local permitting authority such as finished grades, finished floor elevations, buildable areas, and identified drainage outlets. This information would normally be submitted with the construction drawings, but may be required prior to preliminary plat approval. • Seasonal Work Limitations From October 1 through April 30, clearing, grading, and other soil disturbing activities shall only be permitted if shown to the satisfaction of the local permitting authority that silt-laden runoff will be prevented from leaving the construction site through a combination of the following: 1. Site conditions including existing vegetative coverage, slope, soil type and proximity to receiving waters; and 2. Limitations on activities and the extent of disturbed areas; and 3. Proposed erosion and sediment control measures. Based on the information provided, and/or local weather conditions, the local permitting authority may expand or restrict the seasonal limitation on site disturbance. If, during the course of any construction activity or soil disturbance during the seasonal limitation period, silt-laden runoff leaving the construction site causes a violation of the surface water quality standard or if clearing and grading limits or erosion and sediment control measures shown in the approved plan are not maintained, the local permitting authority may take enforcement action, including but not limited to a notice of violation, administrative order, fine/penalty, stop-work order, or correction notice. The following activities are exempt from the seasonal clearing and grading limitations: 1. Routine maintenance and necessary repair of erosion and sediment control BMP’s; 2. Routine maintenance of public facilities or existing utility structures that do not (a) expose the soil or (b) result in the removal of the soil's vegetative cover; and Self- contained project sites, where there is complete infiltration of the water quality design event runoff within the site. 3. Local governments may restrict clearing and grading activities where site conditions may present a significant risk of impact to property or critical areas. Contact the local permitting authority for information on specific site restrictions. In Olympia, except where approved chemical treatment, full dispersion or infiltration is practiced, clearing, grading, and other soil disturbing activities are prohibited in all watersheds November through February, and in Green Cove, Percival, Woodard, and Ellis Creek watersheds between October through April. • Coordination with Utilities and Other Contractors The primary project proponent shall evaluate, with input from utilities and other contractors, the stormwater management requirements for the entire project, including the utilities, when preparing the Construction SWPPP. • Inspection and Monitoring All BMP’s shall be inspected, maintained, and repaired as needed to assure continued performance of their intended function. Site inspections shall be conducted by a person who is knowledgeable in the principles and practices of erosion and sediment control. The person shall have the skills to (1) assess site conditions and construction activities that could impact stormwater runoff quality, and (2) assess erosion and sediment control measure effectiveness. A Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Specialist shall be identified in the construction SWPPP and shall be onsite or on-call at all times. Certification may be obtained an approved training program that meets the erosion and sediment control training criteria established by Ecology. If a pre-construction meeting is held, this person shall attend. Sampling and analysis of the stormwater discharges from a construction site may be necessary on a case-by-case basis to ensure compliance with standards. Monitoring and reporting requirements may be established by the local permitting authority when necessary. The following discharge standard applies: Runoff leaving the construction site shall be free of settle able solids, as measured with an Imhoff Cone and in accordance with Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, most recent edition, American Water Works Association. "Free of settle able solids" shall be defined as measuring less than 2.5 mL/L/hr, for storms up to the water quality design event.1 The following surface water standard applies: 1. For storms up to the water quality design event, turbidity downstream of a construction site may not increase more than 5 NTU, if upstream turbidity is 50 NTU or less, and may not increase more than 10 percent, if upstream turbidity is over 50 NTU. To the extent practicable, samples should be taken far enough downstream so that the construction site discharge has been well-mixed with the surface water. 2. Whenever inspection and/or monitoring reveals that the BMP’s identified in the Construction SWPPP are inadequate, due to the actual discharge of or potential to discharge a significant amount of any pollutant, appropriate BMP’s or design changes shall be implemented as soon as possible. • Maintaining an Updated Construction SWPPP - The SWPPP shall be retained onsite or within reasonable access to the site. The SWPPP shall be updated within 7 days to reflect any significant changes in the design, construction, operation, or maintenance at the construction site that have, or could have, a significant effect on the discharge of pollutants to waters of the state. The SWPPP shall be updated within 7 days if during inspections or investigations by site staff or local or state officials, it is determined that the SWPPP is ineffective in controlling pollutants such that applicable discharge or surface water standards violations are apparent. The objective is to control erosion and prevent sediment and other pollutants from leaving the site during the construction phase of a project. The Contractor shall be responsible for managing the construction phase of the project within reasonable applications of the guidelines of this section and the SWPPP.