HomeMy WebLinkAboutEx04_J_Renton Noise Variance Request Justification1 OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY LLC 600 SW 39TH ST SUITE 275 RENTON, WASHINGTON 98057 (425) 235-7736 June 16, 2020 City of Renton Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way 6th Floor Renton, Washington 98057 Attention: Angelea Weihs Re: Noise Variance Request Justification Olympic 12RS UTWM Dig Site 2019-01 12” Products Pipeline, Renton Station to Seattle Terminal Renton, Washington INTRODUCTION Olympic Pipe Line Company LLC (Olympic) operates a 12-inch-diameter pipeline that transports petroleum products through Western Washington, including through the City of Renton (Renton). The 12-inch diameter pipeline was recently internally inspected utilizing an in -line inspection (ILI) tool. Olympic is required by the U.S. DOT Office of Pipeline Safety to excavate and visually inspect sections of the pipeline where the internal inspection data indicates an anomaly so that any established repair criteria can be met. The internal pipeline inspection identified one anomaly on the 12-inch pipeline within the pipeline casing below the southbound/eastbound travel lane of Renton Avenue South, east of South 132nd Street. The anomaly must be inspected and repaired (if necessary). Olympic also will install a new vent and test wires to the existing steel casing at this site to allow for cathodic protection monitoring of the pipeline within the casing, also an activity required by the U.S. DOT Office of Pipeline Safety. This latter work was started in 2018 at the casing’s north end but was not able to be completed because of buried utilities and other factors. Work at the casing south end was postponed previously because of the complexity of accessing the south casing end, which is relatively deep and located beneath a travel lane of Renton Avenue S. This letter summarizes the Noise Variance Request Justification for the proposed work activities. The purpose of this Noise Variance Request Justification is to re quest night and weekend work hours not allowed per Renton Municipal Code (RMC) 4-4-030 to complete Olympic’s pipeline inspection project. Work activities that are proposed to be completed during daytime hours of 7:00 am to 8:00 pm Monday through Sunday and during nighttime hours from 8:00 pm to 7:00 am Monday through Sunday for the project include the following: 2 • Set up traffic control • Excavate the pipeline trench using a vacuum truck and dispose of excavated material off site. • Remove a section of the existing steel casing on the pipeline at the anomaly location. • Inspect and repair, in necessary, the existing pipeline. • Install a new vent and test wires from the existing pipeline casing to the south side of the sidewalk on the south side of Renton Avenue South. • Backfill the pipeline trench using imported backfill material. • Grind and overlay asphalt and repair curb, gutter and sidewalk in the excavation area. • Restripe Renton Avenue South. • Remove traffic control Standard work hours provided in RMC 4-4-030 include: • RMC 4-4-030.2: Haul Hours shall be restricted to the hours of between 8:30 and to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday, unless otherwise approved in advance by the Developmental Services Division. • RMC 4-4-030.3b: Commercial and other nonresidential construction activities shall be restricted to the hours between 7:00 am to 8:00 pm, Monday through Friday; and Saturdays, 9:00 am to 8:00 pm. No work shall be permitted on Sundays. Olympic requests that the work described above, including hauling, be allowed during extended nighttime work from Monday through Saturday between 8:00 pm and 7:00 am, Saturday daytime hours (from 7:00 am to 9:00 am), Saturday nighttime hours (from 8:00 pm to 12:00 am) and up to a 24-hour work day on Sunday to meet the project schedule. The project schedule as currently planned is 7 days. Olympic is requesting a variance from RMC 4-4-030 allowable work hours for up to 7 days and 6 nights. Olympic addresses each of the following conditions for a variance request approval in the following section. Additional information about the proposed Olympic pipeline relocation projects is provided in the attached Project Narrative. CONDITIONS FOR VARIANCE REQUEST APPROVAL 1. The applicant suffers practical difficulties and unnecessary hardship and the variance is necessary because of special circumstances applicable to subject property or project, and that the strict application of this Chapter is found to deprive subject property owner of rights and privileges enjoyed by other property owners. Olympic is required to inspect the pipeline at an anomaly location identified during their recent internal inspection tool run. The U.S. DOT Office of Pipeline Safety requires the anomaly to be inspected and repaired, if necessary, by October 6, 2020. A steel casing was placed around the 12-inch pipeline during its installation to provide protection to the pipeline passing beneath the roadway (Renton Avenue S.). The pipeline anomaly is inside the cased section of pipeline. Olympic will use the opportunity of having the south casing end exposed during the inspection tool dig to install replacement test wires onto the casing, and to bring the test wires to the 3 ground surface in a test station (vent) located on the south side of the sidewalk along Renton Avenue S. The test wires will be routinely monitored as part of Olympic's cathodic protection program. Olympic is required by the U.S. DOT to excavate, inspect and repair, if necessary, the pipeline at the anomaly location identified during their recent internal inspection tool run. Because of the depth and extent of the required excavation area, the contractor will need to close three lanes of traffic, including the turn lane to S. 132nd Street, and the center median on Renton Avenue S., condensing five travel lanes down to two travel lanes for the duration of the project. To minimize the duration of the project and to protect workers from high traffic volume and speed during construction for a shorter period of time, Olympic proposes to work night hours and the weekend. The second part of this condition, i.e., “strict application of this Chapter…” does not apply because the applicant is not the owner. By having an easement and franchise for the pipeline to be placed on residential property and the City right-of-way already has different expectations of land use relative to “rights and privileges” afforded residential property owners. That is, Olympic’s expectation is that they will be allowed to operate and maintain their pipeline under the property agreements and franchise agreement with the City of Renton. 2. The granting of the variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity of the location in which variance is sought. The work area is between about 150 feet and 200 feet away from the closest residences and likely will have minimal noise impacts to the residents along Renton Avenue S. However, if the nearest residences have offensive noise impacts, Olympic may need to address with m itigation measures as described below. We have summarized the typical construction equipment that may be used for the project work activities and the average maximum noise level of each piece of equipment individually at distances of 50 feet, 150 feet and 200 feet from the work area below. All of the noise sources will be point sources. We also have included some typical traffic noise levels and other types of background noise in a residential or commercial area and Renton Avenue S. ambient noise levels. Table 1. Average noise levels at 50 feet from proposed construction equipment and common noise sources and anticipated noise levels at 150 and 200 feet from the noise source Proposed Equipment Description Impact Device Representative Noise Lavga,b at 50 feet (dB) Anticipated Noise Level at 150 feet (dB Anticipated Noise Level at 200 feet (dB) Backhoe No 78 69 66 Compactor (ground) No 83 73 71 Dump Truck No 76 65 64 Excavator No 81 71 69 Vacuum Truck No 85 75 73 Generator No 81 71 69 Generator (<25kva, VMS signs) No 73 63 61 1-ton Pickup Truck No 68 58 62 4 Portable Light Plants and Generators No 64 54 52 Roller No 80 70 68 Stripe Grinder No 76 66 64 Welder/Torch No 74 64 62 Common Noise Sources Typical Automobile Noise at 35 mph (Speed limit on Renton Avenue South) No 64 54 52 Air Conditioning Unit No 60 50 48 Refrigerator Unit No 73 72 61 Garbage Trucks No 100 90 88 Noisy Restaurant No 70 60 58 Lawn Mower No 90 80 78 Business Office No 70 (in office) 60 58 a U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration’s Roadway Construction Noise Model Database (2005). b Lavg is the average value of a noise level in decibels (dB) that occurs across a monitored event. MITIGATION Olympic will implement the following noise reduction strategies to mitigate the equipment noise levels and/or public notification to help prevent complaints: • Provide 24- to 48- hour notice to residents via a door hanger, or equivalent, before starting the work. • Trucks and equipment will use a reverse signal alarms or broad band alarms instead of standard pure-tone backup-warning devices (OSHA 29 CFR 1926.601(b)(4)). o If needed, all backup alarms can be turned off since Olympic will employ a backup observer to back trucks into work areas per BP safety protocols. • Care will be taken not to bang tail gates while unloading material from truck beds. • Contractor will avoid parking and idling trucks next to residences to the extent possible. • Warning horns will not be used except in emergency situations. • Traffic control drivers on Renton Avenue S. or South 132nd Street will park at least 150 feet away from residences, when feasible. • Residents will notice the operation of trucks and other equipment while the equipment is moving along the work area completing their task; however, the sound will dissipate as the trucks move away from the sensitive receiver. • Olympic will make every effort within their control to schedule activities with the highest noise-generating potential to occur during normal, non-variance workday hours. • Olympic will make every effort within their control to use equipment with the highest noise- generating potential individually and not concurrently during variance workday and night hours. • Fixed noise generating equipment will be positioned on-site to maximize the distance to the nearest residences. • The traffic control to channelize traffic to two lanes of travel will reduce noise generated by vehicles moving past the work area. 5 ALTERNATIVE MITIGATION Additional mitigation measures associated with improving resident relations will be implemented by Olympic, as necessary, if complaints are reported with the mitigation measures above used. Those measures may include: • Noise reducing technologies around pumps/generators, such as noise shields, and other methods • Coordination with complainants to create mutually agreeable compensation. 3. The variance sought is the minimum variance which will accomplish the desired purpose. Olympic will work to minimize the duration of the project duration; however, Olympic anticipates that the requested duration of the project, 7 days and 6 nights, will be required for the project. Olympic will make every effort within their control to schedule activities with the highest noise- generating potential, such as use of a vacuum truck, an excavator, a roller or a compactor, to occur during normal, non-variance workday hours. 4. That the variance contains such conditions deemed to be necessary to limit the impact of the variance on the residence or property owners impacted by the variance. The variance approval may be subject to conditions including, but not limited to, the following: • Implementation of a noise monitoring program; • Maximum noise levels; • Limitation on types of equipment and use of particular equipment; • Limitation on back-up beepers for equipment; • Required use of noise shields or barriers; • Restrictions to specific times and days; • Specific requirements for documentation of compliance with the noise variance conditions; • Specific requirements for notification to nearby residents; • Required cash security to pay for inspection services to verify compliance; • Required access to the project by the City to verify compliance with the noise variance conditions; • Specific program to allow for temporary hotel vouchers to effected residents; • Requirements for written verification that all workers understand the noise variance conditions for the project; and • Provision allowing the City to immediately revoke the variance approval if the variance conditions are violated. Olympic has noted the above possible conditions of the variance and will meet the conditions of the variance, as needed, to limit the impact of the variance on the residents by the variance. 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PROJECTION: NAD83 WASHINGTON STATE PLANES, NORTH ZONE, US FOOT. W E N S LEGEND SEWER LINE WATER LINE STORM DRAIN LINE INACTIVE PIPE PARCEL BOUNDARY OLYMPIC PIPELINE (12") 10-FOOT CONTOUR 50-FOOT CONTOUR NEIGHBORHOOD NOTIFICATION LINE (WITHIN 300 FEET OF PROJECT SITE) OPL12 SCALE: NEIGHBORHOOD DETAIL MAP 1" = 100'0 SCALE IN FEET 100 200 OPL12OPL12OPL12OPL12OPL12OPL12OPL12OPL12OPL12OPL12OPL12OPL12O P L 1 2OP L 1 2OP L 1 2OP L 1 2 3003 5 0 25 0 3 0 0 35035020020 0 2 5 0 25 0 250 2502 0 0 200 250 250 R E N T O N A V E N U E S O U T H S. 132ND STREET 84TH AVENUE S.PARCEL #2144800776 PARCEL #2144800776 PARCEL #2144800777 PARCEL #2144800775 PARCEL #1823059055 PARCEL #1823059199 PARCEL #2144800485 PARCEL #2144800720 PARCEL #2144800520 PARCEL #2144800487 PARCEL #2144800500 PARCEL#2144800488PARCEL#2144800523PARCEL #2144800522 S 134T H S T R E E TPARCEL#2144800745PARCEL #214480TR-XPARCEL#2144800525PARCEL#2144800530PARCEL #2144800765 PARCEL #2144800778 PARCEL #1823059226 PARCEL #1823059224PARCEL #1823059054 PARCEL #2144800486 PARCEL#2144800526PARCEL #2144800270 300' 300' PARCEL #1823059050 PARCEL #1823059050 S. 132ND STREET SENECA AVENUE NW84TH AVENUE S.PARCEL #2144800774 12RS UTWM DIG SITE 2019-01 POST NOTICE OF APPLICATION SIGN LOCATION POST NOTICE OF APPLICATION SIGN LOCATION POST NOTICE OF APPLICATION SIGN LOCATION OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY LLC A A P:\0\0894126\CAD general\44\12RS UTWM Dig Sites 2019-01\12RS UTWM Dig Sites 2019-01-A_1-1_Sign Location Map.dwg TAB:S01 Date Exported: 05/28/20 - 16:37 by syiDATA SOURCE: DATA FROM CITY OF RENTON GIS DATA AND AERIAL PHOTO FROM BING AERIAL. PROJECTION: NAD83 WASHINGTON STATE PLANES, NORTH ZONE, US FOOT. W E N S LEGEND SEWER LINE WATER LINE STORM DRAIN LINE INACTIVE PIPE PARCEL BOUNDARY OLYMPIC PIPELINE (12") 10-FOOT CONTOUR 50-FOOT CONTOUR NEIGHBORHOOD NOTIFICATION LINE (WITHIN 300 FEET OF PROJECT SITE) OPL12 SCALE: NEIGHBORHOOD DETAIL MAP 1" = 100'0 SCALE IN FEET 100 200