HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdden 1Supplemental Agreement Number Organization and Address Phone: Original Agreement Number Project Number Execution Date Completion Date Project Title New Maximum Amount Payable Description of Work The Local Agency of desires to supplement the agreement entered in to with and executed on The changes to the agreement are described as follows: I Section 1, SCOPE OF WORK, is hereby changed to read: II for completion of the work to read: III If you concur with this supplement and agree to the changes as stated above, please sign in the Appropriate By: By: Consultant Signature Mayor Armondo Pavone Date Jason A. Seth, City Clerk DOT Form 140-063 Revised 09/2005 Ross enerWi CAG-20-032, Adden #1-20 ATTEST: City of Renton 9-14-2020 Direct Salary Cost Basic Agreement Supplement #1TotalDirect Salary Cost 8,750.00$ 23,240.00$ 31,990.00$ Overhead (including Payroll Additives)9,625.00$ 25,564.00$ 35,189.00$ Direct Non-Salary Costs13,970.00$ 918.72$ 14,888.72$ Fixed Fee2,625.00$ 6,972.00$ 9,597.00$ Management ReserveTotal34,970.00$ 56,694.72$ 91,664.72$ Exhibit "A"Summary of Payment Exhibit A-1 SCOPE OF WORK Park Avenue N Extension Environmental Services Widener and Associates (Widener), under an agreement with the City of Renton (the City), will assist the construction management team in the preparation of environmental documentation required by The Boeing Company in reference to the Permanent Easement and the Temporary Construction Easement . Widener will complete the following documentation outlined in the Park Avenue North Extension: Terms and Process re Environmental Project Management Plans related to The Boeing Company/City of Renton Easements: 1.1 Soil Management Plan Widener shall prepare a Soil Management Plan which addresses methods for the following: How soil excavated during construction will be stockpiled and segregated. Methods of backfill for excavated locations. Transportation protocols for any soil or rock transported from the site. Procedures for handling and disposing of contaminated soils found on the site. Deliverable Draft Soil Management Plan Final Soil Management Plan 1.2 Wastewater Management Plan Widener shall prepare a Wastewater Management Plan which addresses methods for the following: Management and disposition of all wastewater streams generated by the onsite construction work. Including excavation dewatering any wastewater discharge to sanitary or storm sewer and wastewater removed off-site for disposal. Deliverables Draft Wastewater Management Plan Final Wastewater Management Plan 1.3 NPDES Permit and Stormwater Management and/or Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Widener shall prepare the notice of intent (NOI) application for the NPDES permit and per the requirements of the NPDES permit a Stormwater management and/or SWPPP will also be prepared which addresses methods for all legally required and otherwise appropriate storm water management practices. Development of the SWPPP will take place during the final design and completing onsite inspections and assisting in SWPPP implementation during the construction phase of the project. This work will include developing the SWPPP documentation and performing weekly site visits. The Consultant will also comply with the the NPDES permits monthly DMR reporting requirements. Deliverables NOI for the NPDES Permit Draft Stormwater Management and/or Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. Final Stormwater Management and/or Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. 1.4 Spill Response Plan Widener shall prepare a Spill Response Plan which will address the following spill plan requirements: List of all project responsible personnel by name, titles and contact information. Spill reporting information which lists the names and phone numbers of the federal, state, and local agencies the contractor shall notify in the event of a spill. Project site information including maps and descriptions of the project location, boundaries, and drainage pathways from the site. Potential spill sources describing all potentially hazardous materials brought or generated on-site. Spill prevention and response training which describes how all project personnel, including subcontractors shall be trained in spill prevention, containment, and what spill prevention materials will be located on the site. Finally spill response information which outlines the response procedures the contractor shall follow if hazardous materials are encountered or spilled during construction. Deliverables Draft Spill Response Plan Final Spill Response Plan Project Name Park Ave Ext. Env. Services Client City of Renton Location Renton, WA Date 8/12/2020 Tasks Project Manager Project Biologist Senior Biologist Hours Hours Hours Soil Management Plan Draft Soil Management Plan 20 10 50 Final Soil Management Plan 10 10 10 Wastewater Management Plan Draft Wastewater Management Plan 20 10 50 Final Wastewater Management Plan 10 10 10 NPDES Permit & SWPPP NOI for NPDES Permit 10 10 40 Draft SWPPP 10 10 40 Final SWPPP 10 10 10 Spill Response Plan Draft Spill Response Plan 10 10 40 Final Spill Response Plan 10 10 10 Total hours 110 90 260 Summary Hours Direct Overhead Profit Cost Project Manager 110 $71.00 $78.10 $21.30 $18,744.00 Project Biologist 90 $27.00 $29.70 $8.10 $5,832.00 Senior Biologist 260 $50.00 $55.00 $15.00 $31,200.00 Mileage 1,584 $0.58 $918.72 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $56,694.72