HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommittee of the Whole - 31 Aug 2020 - Agenda - Pdf CITY OF RENTON AGENDA Committee of the Whole Meeting 5:30 PM - Monday, August 31, 2020 Video-conference 1. 200 Mill Ave Update a) Presentation 2. Capital Budget Presentation -Including revenue and cost containment update a) Presentation Currently, due to the spread of COVID-19, all regularly-scheduled council and committee meetings will be held as necessary via video-conference. City hall is closed to the public and, therefore, no in-person comments will be accepted. Residents are encouraged to participate in a variety of ways. 1) Residents may submit comments in advance to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. 2) Residents may view the meeting live on Renton Channel 21. 3) Residents may view the proceedings streaming live at http://rentonwa.gov/streaming. 4) If you would like to attend this week's meeting remotely, you can do so by going to https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86818758889 Zoom Meeting ID 868 1875 8889 5) You can call through Zoom at 253.215.8782 and use the Meeting ID (Note: to raise your hand in this format, you will need to press *9) 245910111317SITE DATASITE PLAN - CONTEXTPARKING STUDY PLANMASSING MODELYIELD INFORMATIONPRELIMINARY UNIT TYPESINSPIRATIONAL IMAGESCONCEPTUAL SHORELINE PLANA19-457200 MILL AVE | RENTON, WASHINGTON | 2020.05.151PRELIMINARY YIELD STUDY - OPTION 7AGENDA ITEM #1. a) 12345678910Liberty ParkKC LibraryThe LoftsCedar River / ParkVeterans Memorial ParkJones ParkExisting River TrailParkRenton Area Youth & Family ServicesHistoric Renton Hilll1098105579336728211644SITEA19-457200 MILL AVE | RENTON, WASHINGTON | 2020.05.154SITE PLAN - CONTEXTAGENDA ITEM #1. a) 1:60 SCALEAPPROX. 191 STALLS PER FLOORA19-457200 MILL AVE | RENTON, WASHINGTON | 2020.05.155PARKING STUDY - B2AGENDA ITEM #1. a) 1:60 SCALEAPPROX. 187 STALLS PER FLOORA19-457200 MILL AVE | RENTON, WASHINGTON | 2020.05.156PARKING STUDY - B1AGENDA ITEM #1. a) 1:60 SCALEA19-457200 MILL AVE | RENTON, WASHINGTON | 2020.05.157PARKING STUDY - L1 - ON GRADEAGENDA ITEM #1. a) 1:60 SCALEAPPROX. 130 STALLS PER FLOORA19-457200 MILL AVE | RENTON, WASHINGTON | 2020.05.158PARKING STUDY - L2 & L3AGENDA ITEM #1. a) A19-457200 MILL AVE | RENTON, WASHINGTON | 2020.05.159MASSING - OPTION 7AGENDA ITEM #1. a) !"#$%&’()*+*",- !!!""#"!"!!!!! !!!!#!!!#!!! !"! $%& ’ ( ) *( +,-%-%-!"!"%. /()0( *() +1+2314-4$ ,*1 2& ’ (3+3533 $, ’ (31+(, ’ (3)673)0&8.%5&*-9-).9 :;<%-* -+29&;-<9&.&().&()::--90:890:8A19-457200 MILL AVE | RENTON, WASHINGTON | 2020.05.1510YIELD STUDYAGENDA ITEM #1. a) 1:30 SCALECA/BAA19-457200 MILL AVE | RENTON, WASHINGTON | 2020.05.1511PLANS AGENDA ITEM #1. a) 1Studio (16’-0” wide)Studio Alt (15’-0” wide)1-Bedroom (22’-6” wide)2-Bedroom (2nd & Main - Unit 2.01)23442116’ WIDE UNIT3A19-457200 MILL AVE | RENTON, WASHINGTON | 2020.05.1512PRELIMINARY UNIT TYPESAGENDA ITEM #1. a) AbstractThe area (shown in yellow above), proposes to u lize exs ng matured growth, while replacing the exis ng parking lot with landscaped / hardscaped area for a mul fuc onal space as a temporary plaza, un l the proposed Phase II is ready for development. This area will be privately owned and operated, yet publcally acceessible. Notes:• Publically accessible landscaped area (as outlined in yellow above);• Create mul -use plaza for leasure, recrea on, entertainment, and public event space;• Integra on of ‘green space’ with low-maintannance pervious hardscape;• Possible temporary buildings / structures / facili es to ac vate space;• Retain exis ng sidewalk along both Mill Avenue and Houser Way (within extents shown above);• Retain exis ng mature trees (to greatest extent possible);• Area to be retained un l Phase II of project is ready for development.A19-457200 MILL AVE | RENTON, WASHINGTON | 2020.05.1513INSPRIATIONAL IMAGERY - PHASE I ‘TEMPORARY’ PLAZAAGENDA ITEM #1. a) AbstractGiven the loca on of this project and the importance of the site frontage constraints (Right-of-way frontage along both Mill Avenue and Houser Way; boarder of the City library site; Cedar River frontage), this project does not have an ideal frontage for back-of-house func ons. Therefore we propose u lizing the same frontage (Houser Way) that the exist-ing former City Hall building, in order to deal with the proposed project back-of-house. The images shown, right, give example to how aesthe c treatments can be applied to parking structures and back-of-house facili es.Highlights:• Propose to integrate facade treatment(s) to create aesthe cally pleasing condi ons along project frontages;• Treatments can help conceal non-desireable buiding func ons from public view;• Treatments can help break up building massing.A19-457200 MILL AVE | RENTON, WASHINGTON | 2020.05.1514INSPRIATIONAL IMAGERY - PARKING GARAGE FACADE TREATMENTAGENDA ITEM #1. a) AbstractAs part of the Phase II development, the project proposes to break the buiding mass by crea ng an internal pedestrian alley between Phase I (building A/B) and Phase II (building C). The proposed alley would be programed to draw ac vity into the project, while crea ng a unique space.Notes:• Publically accessible during business hours, and controlled during non-business hours;• Ac vate the space with uses such as: retail / eatery / other like businesses;• Integra on of landscape and ligh ng to help so en the space;• Provide areas of cover to help keep the space ac ve during majority of year;• Integra on of art to engage the public.A19-457200 MILL AVE | RENTON, WASHINGTON | 2020.05.1515INSPRIATIONAL IMAGERY - PHASE II PEDESTRIAN ALLEYAGENDA ITEM #1. a) AbstractThe area as highlighted above is a unique transi on zone of the project, where the mass of the buildings meets the edge of the Cedar River. The project proposes to ac vate this area with urban landscape features lending itself to a pedestrian focused Riverfront Plaza. Examples of access to the river’s edge are shown on the images to the right.Notes:• Publically accessible during business hours, privately controlled and maintainted;• Ac vate the ground level building area facing river with uses such as: retail / eatery / other like businesses;• Create pedestrian oriented sea ng areas to ac vate the space;• Integra on of art to engage the public.N.R.F.P.A19-457200 MILL AVE | RENTON, WASHINGTON | 2020.05.1516INSPRIATIONAL IMAGERY - PHASE I RIVERFRONT PLAZA (N.R.F.P.)AGENDA ITEM #1. a) 0 20 40 80 [[A19-4575 CONCEPTUAL PLAN - PHASE I SHORELINE 200 MILL AVE | RENTON, WASHINGTON | 2020.05.15 Abstract As part of Phase I development, the project proposes a drastic reshape of the Cedar River shoreline, including creation of a side channel and public access connection to Phase I and Phase II buildings. Enhancements will result in a significant increase in floodplain storage, an improvement in habitat functions for sensitive fish species, and an expansion of shoreline public access opportunities. Highlights: •Enhanced public interaction with the Cedar River and its important riverine ecosystem; •Increased floodplain storage while protecting new development; •Enhanced hydrology and habitat functions vital to those sensitive fish species within the river. Design Elements 1 Setback shoreline edge for water access 6 2 Water feature tied to upper landscape 7 3 Setback shoreline promenade 8 4 Flood resilient terraced seating 9 Side channel for habitat, channel width and flood storage Former shoreline edge to be enhanced and left in place Existing alder stand to be enhanced Armored side channel outlet to protect library footings 5 Shoreline vegetation 10 Existing pedestrian bridge 1 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 AGENDA ITEM #1. a) INSPIRATIONAL IMAGERY - PHASE I SHORELINE 200 MILL AVE | RENTON, WASHINGTON | 2020.05.15A19-4576 AGENDA ITEM #1. a) 12345678910Liberty ParkKC LibraryThe LoftsCedar River / ParkVeterans Memorial ParkJones ParkExisting River TrailParkRenton Area Youth & Family ServicesHistoric Renton Hilll1098105579336728211644A19-457200 MILL AVE | RENTON, WASHINGTON | 2020.08.201SITE PLAN - CONTEXT WITH PROJECT (PHASE I & II)AGENDA ITEM #1. a) 12345678910Liberty ParkKC LibraryThe LoftsCedar River / ParkVeterans Memorial ParkJones ParkExisting River TrailParkRenton Area Youth & Family ServicesHistoric Renton Hilll1098105579336728211644A19-457200 MILL AVE | RENTON, WASHINGTON | 2020.08.202SITE PLAN - CONTEXT WITH FULL PROJECT BUILD-OUT (PHASE III)AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Renton City Council August 24, 2020 AGENDA ITEM #2. a) Agenda •Budget Calendar •Revenue & Cost Containment Update •Capital Improvement Program Discussion –General Government CIP (Parks & Facilities) –Transportation CIP •Next Steps AGENDA ITEM #2. a) 2019-2020 Budget Schedule Council Engagement Committee of the Whole o Council CIP / Budget Status Update Committee of the Whole o Mayor's Budget Message and Proposed Budget o Budget Overview Regular Council Meeting o Public Hearing #2 Committee of the Whole o Department Presentations o Council deliberation o Department Presentations o Council deliberation o Department Presentations o Council deliberation o Consider draft committee report o Public Hearing #3 o Adopt committee report o 1st reading of budget-related legislation Regular Council Meeting o 2nd reading and enactment of all budget-related legislation August 31, 2020 October 5, 2020 November 9, 2020 October 19, 2020 Committee of the Whole October 26, 2020 Committee of the Whole November 2, 2020 Regular Council Meeting October 12, 2020 AGENDA ITEM #2. a) Budget Development Next Steps •Mayor presents budget message and preliminary budget to Committee of the Whole (October 5) •Budget overview, department presentations & Council deliberation (October) •Budget-related legislation (November)AGENDA ITEM #2. a) Upcoming Public Outreach •Public Hearing on October 5 •Public Hearing on November 2 •Public comments at each Council meeting •Email Finance at finance@rentonwa.gov AGENDA ITEM #2. a) Revenue & Cost Containment Update Original Projected 2020 Loss Updated Projected 2020 Loss $21.3M*$16.9M *Exclusive of REET Cost Savings / Use of Reserves Cost containment by departments $5.2M Annexation sales tax reserve $3.6M Internal service fund reserves $1.6M LEOFF1 reduced contribution $1.0M Fleet savings $1.2 Shared Work Program $0.6 CIP reserves $3.9M AGENDA ITEM #2. a) Capital Improvement Program •General Government CIP (Kelly Beymer, Community Services Administrator) •Transportation CIP (Martin Pastucha, Public Works Administrator)AGENDA ITEM #2. a) Parks •19 prioritized projects for 2021 –2022 •$1.265 million requested for 2021 –includes REET, Mitigation funds, KC levy and grants •$1.260 million requested for 2022 -includes REET and Impact fees •All project prioritization based on Safety, ADA Upgrades, and Bond projects –Following are a sample of projects - General Government CIP AGENDA ITEM #2. a) Kiwanis Park –Bond Project AGENDA ITEM #2. a) Kiwanis Park –ADA upgrades AGENDA ITEM #2. a) Philip Arnold Park Bond Project AGENDA ITEM #2. a) Coulon North Waterwalk –Phase 1 Bond Project AGENDA ITEM #2. a) Coulon –Trestle Bridge Bond Project AGENDA ITEM #2. a) Playground Replacements AGENDA ITEM #2. a) Sport Court Improvements AGENDA ITEM #2. a) Parks, Trails and Natural Areas Signage AGENDA ITEM #2. a) Facilities •Six projects for 2021 –2022 •Approximately $1 million requested for each 2021 & 2022 – REET and carry forward funds from 2020 projects on hold •Project prioritization based on system or component life expectancy from Facility Condition Assessment and safety •Following are project samples - General Government CIP AGENDA ITEM #2. a) City Hall Projects •Replace: –Fire Pump –Boilers –Generators –Information Technology’s -HVAC system AGENDA ITEM #2. a) Upgrading Citywide camera system AGENDA ITEM #2. a) 2021 -Renton Community Center Chiller Replacement AGENDA ITEM #2. a) Questions?AGENDA ITEM #2. a) 22 Draft Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) ANNUAL TIP UPDATE PROCESS City Council adopts the next year’s TIP City Council reviews DRAFT TIP/Public Hearing Mayor reviews DRAFT TIP and provides feedback Transportation Committee reviews Initial Prioritized List and provides feedback Initial Prioritized List created Business Case Assessment Projects are generally scoped with identified project aspects TIP on City Council Agenda, Council refers to Transportation Committee Public Hearing/ Council adopts resolution AGENDA ITEM #2. a) 23 Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP)AGENDA ITEM #2. a) 24 City-wide projects or programs not mapped. 2021-2026 TIP PROJECTS AGENDA ITEM #2. a) 25 Transportation Capital Improvement Program (CIP) 29 Projects with funding in 2021 and 2022 Prioritization follows same ranked order in TIP Number of projects per category: •7 -Roadway Corridor •10 -Maintenance and Preservation •4 -Operations and Safety •5 -Non-motorized •3 -Other Programs / Planning For FY 2021 and 2022 AGENDA ITEM #2. a) 26 Transportation Capital Improvement Program (CIP) 2021 2022 PROGRAMMED EXPENDITURES $11,435,250 $10,387,450 Revenues include business license fees, business and occupation tax, grants, mitigation (impact) fees and other funding sources. Due to the uncertainty of revenue forecast, 2021 and 2022 reflect no fuel tax allocation. Actual tax revenue receipts will be reviewed throughout 2021 and budget will be adjusted if possible.AGENDA ITEM #2. a) 27 2021 -2022 What work is anticipated? Construction to continue or begin on the following: •Williams/Wells 2-Way Conversion (TIP #20-28) •Duvall Ave NE Roadway Improvements (TIP #20-15) •Lake Washington Loop Trail Phase 3 (TIP #20-19) •Park Ave North Extension (TIP #20-21) •Bronson Way Bridge –Seismic Retrofit and Painting (TIP # 20-14) •Rainier Ave S Corridor Improvements Phase 4A (TIP #20-22)AGENDA ITEM #2. a) 28 Duvall Ave NE Roadway Improvements NE 7th Street to Sunset Blvd NE AGENDA ITEM #2. a) 29 Lake Washington Loop Trail –Phase 3 Phase 3 Rainier Ave S to Logan Ave/Cedar River AGENDA ITEM #2. a) 30 Park Ave North Extension Logan Avenue North to Southport AGENDA ITEM #2. a) 31 EXISTING Rainier Avenue South (SR 167) Corridor Improvements PHASE 4A: South 3rd Street (SR 900) to S Tobin St BETWEEN S 3RD ST AND S 2ND ST BETWEEN S 2ND ST AND S TOBIN ST AGENDA ITEM #2. a) 32 2021 -2022 What is anticipated? Design to continue or begin on the following: •SW 43rd St Resurfacing (TIP #20-02.1) •South 7th Street Corridor Improvements (TIP #20-26) •NE Sunset Boulevard (SR 900) Corridor Improvements (TIP #20-20) •South 2nd Street Conversion Project (TIP #20-25) •Renton Connector (TIP #20-23) •Houser Way Bridge –Seismic Retrofit and Painting (TIP #20-17) •Williams Ave Bridge –Seismic Retrofit and Painting (TIP #20-27) •Rainier Ave S Corridor Improvements Phase 4B (TIP #20-22) DESIGN AGENDA ITEM #2. a) 33 S 7th St Corridor Improvements Oakesdale Ave SW to Burnett Ave South Design of a key missing link and intersection improvements on an important east-west route connecting transit, regional trails within Renton’s City Center. 167 405 Crossing/Intersection improvements Signal/Bicycle Facility improvements Multi-use Path AGENDA ITEM #2. a) 34 Rainier Avenue South to Main Avenue South South 2nd Street Conversion Project S 2ND St, West of Logan S 2ND St, East of Burnett AGENDA ITEM #2. a) 35 Renton Connector Burnett Ave South, South 2nd Street to South 5th Street AGENDA ITEM #2. a) Questions?AGENDA ITEM #2. a)