HomeMy WebLinkAboutJ_Modification Request for Talbot Frontage Improvements_9-2-2020_v1 Western Washington Division Eastern Washington Division 165 NE Juniper St., Ste 201, Issaquah, WA 98027 407 Swiftwater Blvd, Cle Elum, WA 98922 Phone: (425) 392-0250 Fax: (425) 391-3055 Phone: (509) 674-7433 Fax: (509) 674-7419 www.EncompassES.net April 3, 2020 (Revised September 2, 2020) City of Renton RE: Street Modification Request Cherie Lane Short Plat 34XX Talbot Road South (TPN 302305-9108) City of Renton Permit Number LUA16-000964 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Please consider this letter a street modification request for an 11.5-foot right-of-way (ROW) dedication and fee paid in lieu of frontage improvements for Talbot Road South per the Preliminary Short Plat Final Decision, preliminary approval condition # 5, dated April 27, 2018. The proposed development abuts approximately 30-feet of Talbot Road South along the western property line. Talbot Road South is classified as a Collector Arterial Road. Existing ROW width is approximately 60 feet. To meet the City’s complete street standards for Collector Arterial streets, the minimum ROW is 83 feet. Dedication of 11.5-feet of ROW fronting the site will be required. Per City code 4-6-060, half street improvements shall include a pavement width of 46 feet (23 feet from centerline), a 0.5-foot curb, an 8-foot planting strip, an 8-foot sidewalk, street trees and storm drainage improvements. The project site abuts approximately 30-feet of the Talbot Road South ROW. As part of the project’s preliminary approval, the Fire Department requires a 16’ wide driveway with a maximum slope of 15% to be constructed for access to Lot 2 from Talbot Road South. In order to achieve this design, substantial grading and retaining walls within the north and south property lines surrounding the proposed driveway will be required. The required retaining walls will necessarily abut the existing edge of ROW. After construction of the proposed 16-foot wide driveway and driveway apron as well as the necessary retaining walls to support the required driveway cut, only 5 feet of frontage remain on either side of the driveway to be developed with frontage improvements. We request to supply the required 11.5-foot ROW dedication for the 30-feet of frontage along Talbot Road South and provide a fee in lieu of the required street improvements per RMC 4-9-060(C)(9). In addition, the proposed asphalt driveway off of Talbot Road South will be graded to accommodate the future construction of half-street improvements. Per conversations with Mike Sippo from the City of Renton, these future improvements are anticipated to include (from ex. ROW centerline) an 11’ travel lane, 5’ bike lane, 0.5’ curb, 8’ planter strip, and 8’ sidewalk. It is anticipated that the future Talbot Road South cross section will be sloped as follows from the ROW centerline: -2% for 16-feet, 6” vertical curb, and +2% slope for 16-feet to the edge of ROW dedication. The proposal will match the existing street section for Talbot Road South, provide the required 11.5-foot ROW dedication, and grade the proposed driveway to provide a seamless connection to future ROW improvements for Talbot Road South. Cherie Lane Short Plat Street Modification Request September 2, 2020 Page 2 of 4 Page 2 The following shows this request to be consistent with RMC 4-9-250.D outlining criteria for approving modification requests: 1. Substantially implements the policy direction of the policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element and the Community Design Element and the project modification is the minimum adjustment necessary to implement these policies and objectives. Response: The proposal implements the policy direction of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element and the Community Design Element and is the minimum adjustment necessary to implement these policies and objectives. Specifically, the proposal is consistent with the following policies and objectives: L-3: Encourage infill development of single-family units as a means to meet growth targets and provide new housing. L-28: Minimize erosion and sedimentation in and near sensitive areas by requiring appropriate construction techniques and resource practices, such as low impact development. L-30: Maintain or increase the quantity and quality of wetlands. Development activities shall not decrease the net acreage of existing wetlands L-31: Protect buffers along wetlands and surface waters to facilitate infiltration and maintain stable water temperatures, provide for biological diversity, reduce amount and velocity of run- off, and provide for wildlife habitat. L-34: Ensure buildings, roads and other built features are located on less sensitive portions of a site when sensitive areas are present. L-36: Land uses in areas subject to flooding, seismic, geologic, and coal mine hazards should be designed to prevent property damage and environmental degradation before, during, and after construction. In summary, the proposal implements the aforementioned policies by being located in an undeveloped and under-utilized parcel that is surrounded by several single-family residential developments (L-3). No work is proposed within the sensitive wetland areas or buffers on the property. Along with appropriate construction techniques and BMPs, erosion and sedimentation will be minimized (L-28). Development activities will not disturb the existing wetlands or their associated buffers (L-30, L-31). A Critical Area Tract will be established around the onsite wetland and its associated buffer to protect it from future disturbance and promote wildlife habitat (L-31). All buildings, roads and other improvements of the proposal are located as far from the high coal mine hazard and wetland areas as possible (L-34). As directed in the on-site coal mine hazard assessment by Icicle Creek Engineers, Structural development is not proposed within the high coal mine hazard areas, driveways have been Cherie Lane Short Plat Street Modification Request September 2, 2020 Page 3 of 4 Page 3 limited to construction within the moderate and low coal mine hazard areas, and the future building pad is restricted to the low coal mine hazard areas for Lot 2 (L-36). 2. Will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment. Response: The project proposes to provide the required 11.5-foot ROW dedication for the 30- feet of frontage along Talbot Road South and provide a fee in lieu of the required street improvements per RMC 4-9-060(C)(9). In addition, the proposed asphalt driveway off of Talbot Road South will be graded to accommodate the future half-street improvements, which are anticipated to include (from ex. ROW centerline) an 11’ travel lane, 5’ bike lane, 0.5’ curb, 8’ planter strip, and 8’ sidewalk. The proposal will match the existing street section for Talbot Road South, provide the required 11.5-foot ROW dedication, and grade the proposed driveway to provide a seamless connection to future ROW improvements for Talbot Road South. Until that time, the 30-feet of frontage along the Talbot Road South ROW will maintain the existing safety, function, appearance, environmental protection, and maintainability as the surrounding properties located adjacent to the project site on Talbot Road South. 3. Will not be injurious to other property(ies) in the vicinity. Response: The proposal will match the existing street section for Talbot Road South, provide the required 11.5-foot ROW dedication, and grade the proposed driveway to provide a seamless connection to future ROW improvements for Talbot Road South. As such the proposal will be consistent with the existing street standards in the vicinity. The public interest will be served by the proposed development because it will facilitate residential development at a density consistent with and mandated by the Washington State Growth Management Act, as well as implementation of the City of Renton Comprehensive Plan and compliance with the Renton Municipal Code. 4. Conforms to the intent and purpose of the Code. Response: It is the purpose of this Section to establish design standards and development requirements for street improvements to ensure reasonable and safe access to public and private properties. The proposal will match the existing street section for Talbot Road South, provide the required 11.5-foot ROW dedication, and grade the proposed driveway to provide a seamless connection to future ROW improvements for Talbot Road South. As such the proposal will be consistent with the intent of RCM 4-6-060. 5. Can be shown to be justified and required for the use and situation intended. Response: Due to the critical areas encumbering the central portion of the site, access to Lot 2 must be obtained via the proposed driveway connection to Talbot Road South through the 30-foot wide access easement. Due to the narrow 30-foot width of the access easement, the required minimum 16-foot pavement width, and the maximum allowable 15% driveway grade, Cherie Lane Short Plat Street Modification Request September 2, 2020 Page 4 of 4 Page 4 significant retaining walls and grading will be required to achieve the design. As a result, only approximately 5-feet of frontage remain on either side of the driveway to be developed. The proposal will match the existing street section for Talbot Road South, provide the required 11.5-foot ROW dedication, and grade the proposed driveway to provide a seamless connection to future ROW improvements for Talbot Road South. Thus, the proposal is justified and required for the use and situation intended as well as consistent with the Washington State Growth Management Act, City of Renton Comprehensive Plan and Renton Municipal Code. 6. Will not create adverse impacts to other property(ies) in the vicinity. Response: The proposal will match the existing street section for Talbot Road South, provide the required 11.5-foot ROW dedication, and grade the proposed driveway to provide a seamless connection to future ROW improvements for Talbot Road South. As such the proposal will be consistent with the existing street standards in the vicinity. The surrounding properties in the vicinity are already developed as single-family residential, as such, the half-street standards of RMC 4-6-060(E) would be inconsistent with existing conditions and would be inconsistent with the City’s planning goals and policies. The amount of traffic estimated to be generated by the proposal is a net increase of 2 trips during the weekday AM peak hour and 3 trips during the weekday PM peak hour, and is thus unlikely to significantly impact the level of service currently experienced by surrounding property residents. If you have questions or need additional information, please call me at 425-392-0250 or email me at emecum@encompasses.net Sincerely, Encompass Engineering Edward Mecum, PE