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(project). The City has received funding from the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) through a Stormwater Financial Assistance Program (SFAP) grant for this project, specifically for the retrofit design of water quality treatment devices. The City of Renton, in conjunction with the Ecology grant, plans to complete the design for retrofitting water quality treatment facilities to the urbanized Burnett Ave South and Williams Ave South drainage area and upgrade the existing storm water conveyance infrastructure. The project is located in downtown Renton, along Burnett Ave S and Williams Ave S, north of S 2nd Street, and south of the Cedar River. The project area is zoned for residential and light commercial properties. The project area has experienced flooding of an apartment building along Burnett Ave S. Hydrologic and hydraulic analysis of the project system, conducted in 2018 as part of the City’s Downtown Utility Improvements Project, indicated insufficient stormwater conveyance capacity and surface flooding within the project area. This analysis also indicated that the existing stormwater outfall to the Cedar River is undersized. There are currently no water quality treatment facilities along the project corridor. Due to undersized stormwater pipes and capacity limitations, the existing stormwater system is inadequate and does not meet the City’s current surface water design standards. The scope identifies the engineering services to be performed by BHC Consultants, LLC (BHC) and the following subconsultants: ƒKleinfelder, geotechnical engineering and hydrogeologic analysis. ƒTransportation Engineering NorthWest (TENW), traffic control plans and right-of-way improvements. ƒDHA Surveyors (DHA), topographic survey. ƒThe Watershed Company (Watershed), environmental assessment and environmental permit support. ƒCascadia Archaeology (Cascadia), cultural resources services. ƒAPS Utility Locate (APS), utility potholing. Scope of Services BHC proposes the following task elements for this Scope of Services: Task 100 – Project Management This task includes coordination and management of engineering work from project initiation through completion of design. Subtasks include the following: 100.1Data Review and Project Development ƒRequest and review relevant project information. ƒPrepare for and attend one (1) virtual meeting with the City to kick-off the project and review project goals and objectives, communication protocols, and project schedule. City of Renton 2 Burnett Ave S & Williams Ave S Water Quality Retrofit Scope of Services 100.2Correspondence and Coordination with City ƒMaintain regular telephone, email, and other communications with the City Project Manager and operations staff, as necessary to execute the work. Maintain an electronic record of project decisions rendered through these communications. ƒPrepare monthly invoicing and project status summaries, including schedule status. ƒBi-weekly or monthly progress calls, as necessary with the City Project Manager 100.3Staff, Subconsultant, and Budget Management ƒDevelop a consultant team project management work plan, including schedule, milestones, level of effort, and deliverable expectations. ƒManage project staff and subconsultants to verify compliance with project schedule and budget as well as scheduled deliverables. 100.4QA/QC Program A senior level engineer will review all documents before they are submitted to the City as part of BHC’s QA/QC Program. The review will be both a constructability review and quality assurance review to verify the documents meet industry standards of care. This will occur at the 30%, 60%, 90%, and 100% complete stages of design. Task 100 Assumptions: ƒProject duration is assumed to be 20 active months, non-continuous during the federal permit review period (September 2020 to January 2023). ƒVirtual kick-off meeting will be attended by 3 staff members from BHC. Task 100 Deliverables: ƒMonthly invoices with project status summaries (PDF format). ƒBHC Project Management Plan (PDF format). Task 200 – Site Investigations Work under this task includes field investigations to support the development of design documents. 200.1Outfall Condition Assessment BHC will review existing City Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) footage of the stormwater system within the project area. Information observed will be incorporated into the project topographic base map developed for design. If CCTV footage is missing from sections of pipe within the project area, City crews and equipment will perform additional inspections and provide the video footage to BHC. 200.2Project Site Surveying and Potholing Complete topographic survey services within the right-of-way on Burnett Ave S, Williams Ave S, and S Tobin Street, and surrounding the stormwater outfall to the Cedar River, between S 2nd Street and the Cedar River, located within the City of Renton in King County, Washington. A map detailing the topographic survey information to be collected is included in Exhibit C. Collected survey data will be incorporated into a topographic survey base map for the project. The survey base map will include geotechnical borings, pothole locations, surface features, and the Ordinary High-Water Mark (OHWM) delineation points completed under Task 200.3. The surveyor will provide the survey base map to BHC in AutoCAD format in accordance with the City of Renton Survey and Drafting Standards. The subconsultant scope and fee to complete the survey are included in Exhibit C. City of Renton 3 Burnett Ave S & Williams Ave S Water Quality Retrofit Scope of Services BHC efforts anticipated to coordinate topographic survey services include the following: ƒReview the base map and conduct one field visit to perform a visual check of the information received. ƒCoordinate with the surveyor to incorporate the survey base map into the design drawings. Up to 10 pothole subsurface investigations will be needed to confirm utility locations at areas with potential utility conflicts. The potholing will likely be completed after 30% design and will be reflected in the 60% design. BHC will coordinate the pothole locations with the subconsultant and the City. It is assumed that basic restoration at each pothole location will be allowed by the City (no grind and overlay). The subconsultant scope and fee to complete the potholing are included in Exhibit D. 200.3Geotechnical Engineering Geotechnical engineering services are needed to support the water quality facility design, conveyance system improvements, and the outfall replacement design. Based on recent geotechnical investigations for other nearby projects, this scope of services also includes field screening and limited environmental sampling of soils for petroleum hydrocarbons and chlorinated volatile organic compounds (solvents) during the investigation phase. Remediation design is not included in this scope of services. Geotechnical investigations and report elements include: ƒCoordinating with the City regarding boring locations, allowable work hours, street closures, and sidewalk access near the outfall at the Cedar River. ƒConducting a geotechnical site assessment of three 20-foot deep borings, and one 30-foot deep boring. as part of the site investigation task. The borings will be spread throughout the project area, with the deeper boring located near the outfall at the Cedar River. ƒConducting field screening with a photoionization detector (PID), limited environmental sampling, and laboratory analysis (if impacted soils are encountered) during site investigation to evaluate soils for potential contamination related petroleum hydrocarbons and/or solvents. ƒPreparing the geotechnical report, which will include recommendations for installation of catch basins, manholes, stormwater pipes, water quality structures, outfall replacement, and pavement restoration. Recommendations will include considerations related to dewatering, shoring, and settlement. Environmental sampling results and recommendations will be included in the report. ƒPreparing the draft and final geotechnical report (electronic format), including responding to comments from the City. The scope and fee for geotechnical engineering services are included in Exhibit E. BHC efforts anticipated to coordinate geotechnical engineering services for design use include the following: ƒCoordinate with the City and geotechnical engineer during siting of borings and collection of monitoring data. ƒReview the draft and final geotechnical reports for consistency with overall project goals. ƒCoordinate and facilitate the incorporation of City review comments related to draft and final geotechnical reports. 200.4Environmental Assessment Environmental services are proposed to delineate the Ordinary High-Water Mark (OHWM) along the Cedar River and screen for jurisdictional wetlands within the project area. Due to the urbanized project area, jurisdictional wetlands are not anticipated to be encountered outside of the Cedar River and its buffer. Prior to the 30% design, Watershed will prepare a delineation report outlining the methods and findings of the OHWM delineation and providing a City of Renton 4 Burnett Ave S & Williams Ave S Water Quality Retrofit Scope of Services description and wetland determination data sheets documenting the lack of jurisdictional wetlands within the project area. The scope and fee for environmental services are included in Exhibit F. BHC efforts anticipated to coordinate environmental services for design use include the following: ƒReview the draft and final delineation report for consistency with overall project goals. ƒCoordinate and facilitate the incorporation of City review comments related to draft and final delineation report. ƒCoordinate with the surveyor so that the OHWM flags are recorded into the survey base map. 200.5Cultural Resources To comply with the Governor’s Executive Order 05-05 and/or National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) Section 106 requirements, archaeological services are proposed to determine the presence of cultural resources at the project area. Prior to the 30% design task, Cascadia will perform a Class 1 desktop archeological assessment and technical memorandum. The memorandum will summarize the results of the background research including an assessment of significance of the findings, estimates the archaeological sensitivity of the project location, and provide recommendations for further investigation, such as field survey. Based upon preliminary research of previous investigations within and adjacent to the site, this scope of work assumes preparation of a Cultural Resources Report and a Monitoring and Inadvertent Discovery Plan will be required by Ecology. Archaeological services also include observation of the geotechnical drilling and screening a sample of the excavated soils from each boring. The scope and fee for cultural resources services are included in Exhibit G. BHC efforts anticipated to coordinate environmental services for design use include the following: ƒCoordinate the geotechnical field exploration with the archaeological observation. ƒReview the draft and final Cultural Resources Technical Memorandum. ƒCoordinate with the City and Ecology regarding the need to conduct field investigations and prepare a Cultural Resources Report. ƒReview the Monitoring and Inadvertent Discovery Plan. ƒReview the draft and final Cultural Resources report, if required by Ecology. Task 200 Assumptions: ƒThe topographic survey will be provided in accordance with the City of Renton Survey and Drafting Standards. ƒThe City will obtain right of entry for private properties as needed within the project area for the, topographic survey, cultural resources investigation, environmental assessment, and geotechnical investigation. ƒThe City will provide CCTV video inspection of the existing storm drainage system and outfall within the project area. BHC will review the videos recorded during the City’s CCTV inspection. ƒThe City will provide as-built or record drawings for the available buildings, stormwater, waste water, and potable water utilities within the project area. Recent permit documents, including stormwater and geotechnical reports for nearby development projects will be useful for project site background understanding. ƒThe City will provide GIS data for public utilities and known private utilities including stormwater, wastewater, and potable water. ƒThe City will lead coordination with franchised utilities with respect to potential conflicts and provide data to BHC as available. City of Renton 5 Burnett Ave S & Williams Ave S Water Quality Retrofit Scope of Services ƒUtility locates will be completed by the surveyor (Task 200.2). ƒBHC will conduct one (1) site visit to compare the topographic survey base map with actual field conditions. ƒLocations for geotechnical boring locations, based on field measurements, will be included on the base map. ƒTemporary construction easements, if necessary, will be coordinated with the property owner by the City. ƒSurveying horizontal datum will be based on NAD 83/2011 Washington State Plane Coordinate System, South Zone using Washington State Reference Network (WSRN). Vertical datum will be based on NAVD 88 unless otherwise directed. ƒIt is assumed that suitable information on utilities can be obtained from respective utility owners in the project area and be relied upon for purposes of design. Ground penetrating radar subsurface utility detection is excluded from this scope. ƒUp to 10 potholes will be conducted after 30% design to verify utility locations. ƒSurface restoration for geotechnical borings and potholes will be minimal and will not need to comply with the City’s typical patch restoration requirements. ƒGiven the urbanized condition of the project area, it is assumed that no jurisdictional wetlands are present within the project area. Therefore, wetland delineation, flagging, rating, and reporting is not included in this scope of work. ƒNo direct impacts to wetlands or wetland buffers will be realized by the project. Restoration or mitigation plans/bank use plans associated with wetlands or wetland buffers are not included in this scope of work. ƒThe Cultural Resources Report will be prepared in accordance with Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP) standards. ƒIf archaeological artifacts encountered during investigations and curation is required by Ecology and Tribes, curation and associated fees will be coordinated and paid by the City, independent from this contract. ƒConstruction surveying and staking is excluded from this scope. ƒCity records and staff will be relied on to locate subsurface non-metallic water and sewer utilities that were installed without tracer wire. Task 200 Deliverables: ƒProject area base map in AutoCAD and PDF format. ƒDraft and final Geotechnical Report in electronic PDF format. ƒDraft and final Delineation Report in electronic PDF format. ƒDraft and final Cultural Resources Technical Memorandum in electronic PDF format. ƒDraft and final Cultural Resources Report in electronic PDF format, if required. Task 300 – Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analyses 300.1Hydrology This task will include revisiting the Downtown Utility Improvement Project (DUIP) hydrology modeling previously completed by BHC. BHC will extend the previous modeling work conducted within the “Williams subbasin,” which includes the project area. We will delineate the tributary area to each water quality facility, define facility subbasin characteristics, and compute peak storm flows for the 2-, 10-, 25-, and 100-year storms. Based on the project summary prepared by the City, there are approximately 15 locations for potential water quality treatment facilities that will be considered during the alternatives analysis phase of this project. Water quality design flow rates and volumes will be calculated for each potential water quality treatment facility. The hydrologic modeling platform for water quality design will be Western Washington Hydrology Model (WWHM) or MGS Flood. The Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph (SBUH) will be used to determine peak flows for conveyance system evaluation and design. City of Renton 6 Burnett Ave S & Williams Ave S Water Quality Retrofit Scope of Services The Williams subbasin is presently developed; therefore, existing conditions based on current zoning, land use, and cover will be evaluated to create one hydrologic model scenario to represent existing conditions. BHC will identify potential areas that might be contributing stormwater runoff to the project area. This will be done using GIS and updated survey data from Task 200.2, through field observation, and by reviewing as-builts and other available information. 300.2Hydraulics This task will include revisiting the DUIP hydraulic modeling previously completed by BHC. BHC will extend the previous work within the Williams subbasin by: ƒEvaluating additional as-built information, condition assessment information from Task 200.1, and survey data from Task 200.2 and updating the existing XPSWMM model. ƒReviewing backwater calculations to establish downstream boundary conditions and evaluate potential backwater effects within the existing storm system based on design storms computed in Task 300.1. ƒHydraulic modeling will be conducted using XPSWMM. ƒCoordinating with City O&M staff to confirm model results and areas of flood concern. ƒDeveloping conveyance system alternatives, including: oAn upstream detention alternative to replacing the outfall based on the stormwater outfall condition assessment (Task 200.1). oA new conveyance system alignment along Burnett and Williams to provide a high-flow bypass for the new water quality treatment units. oComplete retrofit of the storm system to allow for the new water quality treatment units and an upsized trunk conveyance system along the existing stormwater alignment. ƒWorking with the City to make recommendations on the preferred conveyance system layout. ƒPreparing hydraulic calculations to support the Design Report, Task 300.5. 300.3River Modeling The typical water surface elevation of the Cedar River at the stormwater outfall was determined during the DUIP as a boundary condition of the XPSWMM model. This boundary condition will be adopted for conveyance system modeling needed for this design. For the outfall design, the 100-year return period water surface elevation, flow, and velocity at the outfall will be determined from existing HEC-RAS models and reports provided by the City. BHC will complete a brief scour analysis and riprap sizing determination based on this existing 100-year flow and velocity information. 300.4Water Quality Approximately three water quality treatment technologies, discussed below, will be evaluated to determine the most feasible configuration for use in the public right-of-way. Options will need to be evaluated for retrofit based on existing infrastructure, landscaping, structures, utilities, right-of-way boundaries, soil and groundwater characteristics, and spatial constraints, as well as cost and maintenance requirements. The City has preliminarily identified approximately 15 locations for potential water quality facilities within the project area. Water quality facilities will address the Cedar River TMDLs downstream (Category 5 for pH, temperature, and dissolved oxygen (DO, and Category 2 for mercury). Enhanced Runoff Treatment Best Management Practices (BMPs) will need to be chosen and designed to reduce impacts from Total Suspended Solids (TSS), oil hydrocarbons, dissolved copper, dissolved zinc, and total phosphorus. Water quality treatment BMPs could include bioretention, cartridge filter units, or Filterra-type units, or other TAPE approved General Use Level Designation City of Renton 7 Burnett Ave S & Williams Ave S Water Quality Retrofit Scope of Services (GULD) devices. Sizing will be conducted using WWHM or MGS Flood and follow the 2017 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual. Up to three alternative water quality treatment scenarios are anticipated. One alternative would include approximately 15 small-footprint water quality facilities at approximately the locations identified by the City in their Project Summary. These BMPs could include Filterra units or similar. A second alternative may include approximately 4 larger facilities and take a more regional approach. A third alternative mayinclude a quantity in the middle of the range. BHC will work with the City to identify alternatives and make recommendations on water quality facility types and configurations to be carried forward into the 30% design. 300.5Stormwater Alternatives Review Meeting Prior to the 30% design phase, brief alternative handouts will be prepared to provide an overview of the conceptual design and aid in making design decisions. This alternative summary will include a map figure and a table showing locations and tabulating sizes of water quality facility recommendations. It will also consider a potential underground detention system alternative in lieu of replacing the outfall, and potential conveyance alignments. BHC will attend a review meeting with the City to review the alternatives and select a preferred alternative. After the review meeting, BHC will prepare a brief summary memorandum, figure, and/or table presenting water quality BMP sizes, conveyance routes, and outfall replacement/detention facility locations to document the selected alternative. This preferred alternative will form the basis of the 30% design. 300.6Design Report The Design Report will document the project needs, background information, proposed water quality facility design criteria, and proposed outfall design criteria, to meet the requirements of the Ecology funding agreement and City of Renton 2017 Surface Water Design Manual. The report will accompany the 30% design drawings showing the preliminary location of water quality facilities, conveyance improvements, outfall replacement and/or detention, and the proposed streambank restoration/protection. The Design Report will be submitted in draft and final format. The final version of the Design Report will address the City’s comments and be submitted to Ecology for review. Task 300 Assumptions: ƒBased on the summary, figure, and table developed prior to the 30% design phase, BHC will attend one 2- hour review meeting with the City to select the preferred alternatives. Three BHC staff members will attend the review meeting. ƒBHC will prepare a brief summary to document the selected alternative after the Drainage Alternatives Review Meeting. ƒHydrologic modeling platform will be Western Washington Hydrology Model (WWHM) or MGS Flood. ƒSanta Barbara Urban Hydrograph (SBUH) will be used to determine peak flows for conveyance system evaluation and design. ƒOne existing condition hydraulic model scenario will be developed. Hydraulic calculations will be performed using the updated XPSWMM model. ƒBHC will review 2 conveyance alternatives and 3 water quality treatment facility alternatives. ƒThe City will provide current HEC-RAS models and/or reports for the Cedar River at the outfall location for BHC to use in determining the 100-year water surface elevation, flow, and velocity. ƒBHC will perform one (1) site visit to field verify the drainage basin boundary delineations. City of Renton 8 Burnett Ave S & Williams Ave S Water Quality Retrofit Scope of Services Task 300 Deliverables: ƒA brief summary memorandum, figure, and/or table presenting water quality BMP sizes, conveyance routes, and outfall replacement/detention facility locations will be prepared prior to the 30% design submittal to document the selected alternative from the Drainage Alternatives Review Meeting. ƒThe draft Design Report will be submitted (PDF format) along with the 30% design submittal. The revised version will address the City’s comments and be submitted to Ecology for review. The final version will address Ecology’s comments and be submitted (PDF format) along with the 60% design submittal. The following portion of the Scope of Work assumes that a stormwater outfall replacement will be designed and permitted. If the outfall is not replaced in the selected alternative, the scope of services will be revised to reflect the preferred alternative. At this time, we anticipate the outfall design to be somewhat more complex and take longer to design and permit than an option to install an upstream detention system; however, this assumes that there is adequate room for a detention system in the existing right-of-way. Task 400 – Design Work under this task includes the development and preparation of 100% contract documents. Bid documents to be used for public advertisement and construction by a general contractor are not included in this scope. Permits for the 100% contract documents will be obtained prior to bidding (see Task 500). It is estimated that the drawing set will be comprised of the following sheets by BHC: ƒCover Sheet – 1 sheet ƒGeneral Notes – 1 sheet ƒLegend and Abbreviations – 1 sheet ƒSite Map with plan/profile key, survey control and notes – 1 sheet ƒTemporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control (TESC) Notes – 1 sheet ƒStormwater Plan and Profile sheets, showing TESC and limited Demo at 1” = 20’ – 10 sheets ƒStormwater Lateral Sheets – 2 sheets ƒProject Specific Details – 2 sheets ƒWater Quality Treatment BMP Details – 2 sheets ƒOutfall Plan, Sections, and Details – 3 sheets ƒSurface Restoration Plans (near the outfall) – 2 sheets ƒSurface Restoration Detail sheets – 2 sheets BHC proposed sheet count: 28 sheets The following sheets will be prepared by Watershed: ƒMitigation Plan (site impacts, fish exclusion procedures, planting plan, monitoring and maintenance notes, and construction sequencing) – approximately 6 sheets The following sheets will be prepared by TENW: ƒRight-of-Way Demolition and Restoration Plans – 4 sheets ƒRight-of-Way Detail Sheets including ADA curb ramps – 2 sheets ƒTraffic Control Plans – 2 sheets Total proposed sheet count: 33 sheets City of Renton 9 Burnett Ave S & Williams Ave S Water Quality Retrofit Scope of Services 400.130% Design Plans, Specifications, and Opinion of Probable Construction Costs Anticipated subtask deliverables include: ƒPlan Set – draft based on drawing list. The focus of this submittal will be to develop the conceptual design. ƒOpinion of Probable Construction Cost (OPCC) – opinion will be based on quantity takeoffs from developed plans and unit costs for each bid item. Industry standard contingency for the 30% design completion level will be included in the opinion. ƒBHC will attend a 30% comment review meeting with the City. BHC will provide agenda and meeting minutes for the meeting. 400.260% Design Plans, Specifications, and Opinion of Probable Construction Costs City review comments from the 30% design submittal documents will be addressed during the development of the 60% documents. Anticipated subtask deliverables include: ƒPlan Set – draft based on drawing list. ƒFinal Geotechnical Report, Environmental Assessment, and other environmental permit documents incorporated within the contract documents as an appendix. ƒOPCC – opinion will be based on quantity takeoffs from developed plans and specifications and unit costs for each bid item. Industry standard contingency for the 60% design completion level will be included in the opinion. ƒBHC will attend a 60% comment review meeting with the City. BHC will provide agenda and meeting minutes for the meeting. ƒA final 60% Permit-Ready design submittal will address 60% City review comments. 400.390% Design Plans, Specifications, and Opinion of Probable Construction Costs Permit review comments from the 60% Permit-Ready design submittal documents will be addressed during the development of the 90% documents. Anticipated subtask deliverables include: ƒPlan Set – revised from 60% submittal. ƒSpecifications – draft front-end bidding and contract documents (City-lead), proposed revisions to Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) standard specifications/City supplemental conditions, and City’s special provisions will be provided in MS Word format and evaluated for this project. Project bid items will follow the WSDOT format. Preapproved plans (City and/or WSDOT) will be included on the drawings. ƒOPCC – opinion will be based on quantity takeoffs from developed plans and specifications and unit costs for each bid item. Industry standard contingency for the 90% design completion level will be included in the opinion. ƒBHC will attend a 90% comment review meeting with the City. BHC will provide agenda and meeting minutes for the meeting. 400.4100% Design Plans, Specifications, and Opinion of Probable Construction Costs City review comments from the 90% design submittal documents will be addressed during the development of the 100% documents. Draft plans, specifications, and OPCC using the line items of the draft bid form, will be prepared for the 100% design completion level review. Subtask deliverables will include the following additions from the 90% design completion submittal documents: ƒPlan Set – revised from 90% submittal. ƒSpecifications – bidding documents and measurement and payment bid item descriptions; revised from 90% submittal. City of Renton 10 Burnett Ave S & Williams Ave S Water Quality Retrofit Scope of Services ƒOPCC – opinion will be based on quantity takeoffs from developed plans and specifications and unit costs for each item within the draft bid form. Industry standard contingency for the 100% design completion level will be included in the opinion. ƒBHC will attend a 100% comment review meeting with the City. BHC will provide agenda and meeting minutes for the meeting. Task 400 Assumptions: ƒDesign Plans will be in accordance with the City of Renton Survey and Drafting Standards and 2017 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual. ƒAmerican Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance assumed to be required where sidewalks and/or crosswalks are disturbed. ƒDesign will incorporate City Pre-Approved Plans (standard details) to the greatest extent possible. Pre-approved plans will be provided by the City in CADD format or inserted into the plan set/contract documents as pdfs. When appropriate, pre-approved plans will be referenced on the drawings. ƒWSDOT 2020 Standard Specifications will be used. City standard front-end bidding and contract forms will be used. The City uses Special Provisions to change the requirements of the WSDOT Standard Specifications following the WSDOT PS&E program. APWA/WSDOT General Special Provisions (GSPs) will be considered for appropriate Division 1 General Requirements if directed to do so by the City. ƒOPCC will include contingencies and levels of accuracy consistent with the level of design development and standards published by the American Association of Cost Engineers (AACE). ƒExisting utilities (e.g., sewer, communications, etc.) will not require replacement unless specifically indicated in the drawings. ƒStructures needed for water quality facilities are anticipated to be pre-cast/pre-fabricated units. Structural engineering for these facilities is assumed to be provided by the Contractor or Vendor. BHC will prepare a performance specification outlining the applicable design codes and requirements for the facilities. BHC will review the Contractor’s submittal prior to installation of the facilities. ƒThe methods of in-water work for the outfall replacement, and the methods of in-water work area exclusion zones, will be the responsibility of the Contractor. BHC will prepare a performance specification outlining the applicable environmental permit conditions for in-water work and in-water exclusion. The performance specifications will require the Contractor to prepare an In-Water Work Plan and a Groundwater and Surface Water Control Plan, for review by BHC. ƒEstimated budget is based, in part, on the estimated sheet count and as such, may require revision should the total number of sheets required for the bidding documents increase. ƒCity will pay fees for permits and advertisements in publications, as needed. Task 400 Deliverables: ƒ30%, 60%, 90%, and 100% plans (11”x17”) and OPCC in PDF format. ƒ100% plans (full size) in PDF format. ƒ90%, and 100% specifications in MS Word document and PDF format. Task 500 – Permit Support Permits for the design will be obtained prior to 100% Design Submittal. Permit support is described in the following subtasks. City of Renton 11 Burnett Ave S & Williams Ave S Water Quality Retrofit Scope of Services 500.1SEPA SEPA is anticipated to be required for installation of underground utilities greater than 12-inches in diameter. BHC will prepare a SEPA checklist for the City. The City will act as Lead Agency. BHC and Watershed will also attend an environmental pre-application meeting with the City Planning Department to review the SEPA and determine applicable local permits (Task 500.4). 500.2JARPA A Nationwide 404 Permit from the US Army Corps of Engineers is anticipated to be required for replacement of the stormwater outfall to the Cedar River. For this permit, a Joint Aquatic Resource Permit Application (JARPA) will be prepared. This task assumes that the US Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) will initiate formal consultation with National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), and that a Biological Assessment (BA) will be required. Watershed will prepare the BA. The scope includes up to 60 hours of BHC mitigation negotiations with the Corps, NMFS, USFWS, and the Tribes. The JARPA form also covers the 401 Water Quality Certification with Ecology and the Aquatics Land Lease with the Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR). BHC will coordinate with Ecology for the 401 Certification, and with DNR for a minor revision to the existing Lease. The scope includes up to 12 hours of BHC coordination with Ecology and DNR. If the outfall is not replaced, this task will not be required. 500.3HPA A Hydraulic Permit Application (HPA) from Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) is anticipated to be required for replacement of the stormwater outfall to the Cedar River. The scope includes up to 6 hours of BHC mitigation negotiations with WDFW. If the outfall is not replaced, this task will not be required. 500.4Local Environmental Permits An environmental assessment is needed to identify local critical areas and project constraints. BHC and Watershed will complete this assessment to determine if environmental permits will be needed for the proposed stormwater facilities. If critical areas are encountered, BHC will work with the City to adjust the facility location(s) to avoid critical areas and their buffers, if possible. Watershed will complete a Critical Areas Report (CAR) to outline how the project meets Renton critical areas and Shoreline Master Plan (SMP) regulatory requirements, if required. In addition, the City will lead and coordinate Environmental Review documents and prepare local Land Use and Shoreline permit applications for the City Planning Department. BHC will support the City with technical input and review of the Environmental Review documents. BHC will prepare a design report (Task 300.6) that will also function and follow the template and requirements of a Technical Information Report (TIR). The scope and fee for Watershed’s environmental services are included in Exhibit F. Task 500 Assumptions: ƒReview by Ecology will occur at the 30% and 90% levels of design, per the Grant funding agreement. ƒThe City will act as SEPA Lead Agency. ƒThe Design Report will be sufficient for the City of Renton permitting requirement for a TIR. ƒCity will pay fees for advertisement in publications and all permit applications. ƒCity will coordinate with newspapers for public advertisements. ƒBHC will coordinate Environmental Review documents and attend a pre-application meeting for permitting and SEPA with City Planning Department. ƒThe following Environmental Review documents are not anticipated to be required, and not included in this scope: Architectural Elevations, Landscape Plan, Tree Retention/Land Clearing (Tree Inventory) Plan, Tree City of Renton 12 Burnett Ave S & Williams Ave S Water Quality Retrofit Scope of Services Retention Worksheet, Arborist Report, separate Drainage Report (Design Report Task 300.6 will be sufficient), and Traffic Study. ƒCity will coordinate the SEPA public posting. ƒCity will coordinate hearings associated with local Shoreline permit applications. ƒA new Aquatics Land Lease agreement, with new Record of Survey, will not be required by DNR. Task 500 Deliverables: ƒEnvironmental Review Package, SEPA checklist (PDF format) and Land Use Application (City can coordinate on many of the package and land use application items). ƒJARPA documents including 8.5”x11” drawings, Design Report (Task 300.6), and Biological Assessment. ƒHPA documents including 11”x17” drawings. ƒDraft and final Critical Areas Report. ƒShoreline Permit Application. Task 600 – Grant Application Support BHC will support the City, as requested, on the City’s application to the Water Quality Combined Funding Program (WQCFP), requesting financial assistance from Ecology for the construction of the Burnett Ave S & Williams Ave S Water Quality Retrofit project. BHC will provide technical support and review comments on the scope of work, cost estimate, and cost effectiveness analysis parts of the application. Task 600 Assumptions: ƒCity will lead the WQCFP application. Task 600 Deliverables: ƒTechnical input to the scope of work, cost estimate, and cost effectiveness analysis portions of the WQCFS application. ƒReview comments on the WQCFP application package. Task 700 – Management Reserve It is difficult to accurately predict issues that may arise during the design. Task 700 is included to provide a contingency fund for unanticipated and unidentified work. It is specifically included so that the City may quickly authorize BHC to perform additional work under this contract for scope changes that the City determines to be necessary. Funds under this task shall not be used without prior written approval from the City. Schedule We understand the importance and need for working closely with City staff to perform our work efficiently and complete our efforts in a timely manner. We are able to begin work upon receipt of a signed contract and Notice to Proceed. With the City’s authorization, we will begin our work and proceed in a timely manner with a target submitting Federal permits in April of 2021, to meet a 100% Contract Documents completion of December 2022. This schedule is based on timely input and information from City staff and others including the collection of requisite information and documentation, staff input, and feedback regarding draft documents or other project matters. The project schedule attached as Exhibit H represents our understanding of the City’s preferred timeline for this project. Once under contract, BHC will work with the City to establish milestone dates for the various deliverables to meet this schedule. City of Renton 13 Burnett Ave S & Williams Ave S Water Quality Retrofit Scope of Services Fee Estimate The budget for this Scope of Services is attached as Exhibit B and stated to be $493,533. 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