HomeMy WebLinkAboutD 3727523 . �t . _ ".� , �t=- ��_ ` .'�—'- ' ..- r q � t , '( ��
-a�.�y`ts.�- t � � �:a.�f I r�� �� " ,r., • , i ., .
�r�f;�° �� .�� , .; ' 3i ���`�F.rC� ' ,
��L����t, ��p�uE��� QUITCI,AAZNI DF;.�D • `
• �° T�
�.C�-TT� I�t?:)I';NTU_�E' made this �e7 � day oi S�pteniber, 1q1�7,
° p bet�aeen th.e iNIT�U STATES �T' �;'�ERICA and the .h.ECQ�TSTPUC^lI�.��.T �INkNCE CC3Rk�RATT�N,
� a corpora.tion crea�ed under the laws of the. United Sta.tes, �vhich corperation has
� �
� succeec'�e� pursuant to the provisions o# I'�tblic Law 10�, 79th Congress, ap�rov�d
� June 30, 19/�.5' to all of the rights and assets of Deiense �J_ant Corporation' acting
b� and th�^ough ?PTar Assets Adm.inistrator, und�r and pu�°sua.;�i, ta E.xecutive Orcler� 96�;
d.a��d Januax� 31, 1g1�6, and the po�ers �.nd authority contained in the proznsions.,of
the Surplus Froperty .�ct a�' 191,.�., as amended, and applica.ble rules, repu.l�tiors and
orders, party of th.e firs-t part and the City o� ienton, a municipal coipora,tion
uncJer the 1_avls cf the State of l�'�'ashington, acting by and through i.ts P1layor, pa.rty
of ti�e second par�:,�.
That the said party o:� the first part, for and in consideration of the
assurnption by the pa'rty of �he seco�d part oF all the obliga�ions and its ta,king
subjec� to cex°tain reservations, restrictions, and conditions anc� its ccvenant to
abide by and agreement to certain other reservations� restrictions and condi�tions,
a11 as set out hereinafter, conveys and quitclaiMs to the sai.d- party o� the second
part, its sv.ecessors and assigns' under and subject to the reservations, .restrict�
ions, conditions and exceptions hereina�ter set out, all its right, title and in-
terest in �t;he fo7_1a�wing-ciescribed proper�y, situat�:ed in -�he Cou�ty of Kin�g St�te
of M�ashington, ta-»it:
Portions o� aections seven (7) and ei��.teen �l&�)
township tti�aent�r-three (23� north, range �ve ��) "
east, '�s.��., and certas_n shorelands, more particul�:cly
clescribed as fo�].o�rs:-
Beginning at a point on the inner harbor line of
�,ake ��:ashinbton as shov�-n upon sheet ado. 26 0�' the
plat of Lake w�ashington Shore Lands Survey 1�21'
�s said plat was filed with the auditor of King
County, �'rashington, Sept. 19, 1g21, under auditor's
�i.le 1io. 1552504, v�rhich poin� bears north 35° 00'
�rest 92.62 feet from the angle poin� in said inner
harbor line designatec� "�62" on said plat, and run-
ring thence south 35° 00' 00" east9 alon; s�id
inner harbor l�.ne, 92.62 feet to sa.id angle point;
� thence e�.st, along said inner harber line, 4.03«70
� feet; thence south 13° �3' 2�" east g24.67 feet;
thence south 76° Ob' 3?" v�rest 5U.00 :feet; thence .
- s�utiz 13° 53' 2�" east 318.15 feet3 thence sou�;h
�4° Ob� 28'� east 3K 39 oQ0 �eet; -thence south 150
12, �0�' eas�c �9a52 feet; �hence south 13° lb' 25't �
east 100.01 f�et; thence south ?l° 3g t L,.K11 east
100.45 feet; thence sout�n 2L�� 31° 35�� east 101�.6�
ieet; thence south 280 13' 20'� eas�t 100a7y feet;.
v�lence south 3�° 11' L,.O" cast 100.27 fee�; then�e �
. ' '' / � . � , I ' ��•`lr�� "��� � a fl �
r.� � m' � ` ` , ' • . •V 67L..�rf'�,:X�� �t%��L.f���
. " ; ; so�.�h '3�.° 15 e 349i �ast �00.02 iee�t; -�hence south
3'7° II�� 05" east 100.0� feet9 thence south L�.OQ ' ' �
031 10'� e�st 100d33 �'ee�t; trence south 42� 53' 30rr
east 100.�7 ��e�; thence south 45° 39' 20�' east
101,62 fee� to a point on a l�.ne �l�ich is a pro�
duction no�therly of the east line o�' lot twenty--
thre� (23}, �lock four (4)9 Renton Real Estate Co's
1st addition to I�enton9 thence south 0� 31' 47" "
v��st, a1on,�; sai.d produced line and �he �ast line
of lots tti�enty-three °23) and eigh�een 'l�), block
four �1,.) o�' said plaf,, 25t,.�62 fee-t to the inter- �
section of �he r..orth l:i.ne of Di�sie .�venue as no�r
loca-ted. ard established �rith the east line of 1ot
ei�h-�een �l�s), block �our (L,.} of. the said addi-tion;
thence along -th� north line of sai� l}ixie �<�enue,
nar°�h £��� 34° 4-3�� �est 11�.�6m&L� �eet �o tlze �res�
line of L�ke S�reet; thence north 0� 31' L�"/" east,
along sa.id west line, 10.00 �'eet; thence nortn
�s�� 34' �3" v��est, alonb �he north line of said
Dixie 1�v�nuE, 225.1�� f�et to an a.ngle point in said.
line; then.ce nortii '71Q 29 � 12�� west, along said nor:•�h.
1ine, 152s5£3 feet, more or ?ess9 to th.e eas-�er7_y r°ight-
of Bv-ay line �� �'x��ar�r Si;ate Hiway �to. 5 as now fixed
and established; �thence nor=the�!^lY9 along sa.�d x��h�t�-
o�v�a.,y line, �c�17_oivin� the tzng�nt �.nd curving cousses
thereaf9 to an' in-Eersection with a line v���iich is 5
fee� south of and para.11e1 •to �he line between lo�Ls
seven ('�) and eigh� (�), block eighteen (1&), of the
�lat o.i �3c��n �'Ia��r, iain� County, i�Iashw, produced eas�-
er7.�r, �.ccording to �7_a-t thereof reco��ed in volum� 5
of plats, puge 5�, recora.s of sa.id county; -th�nce
south �&� 27' 2O1 east, along said �aralle]. line,
8��23 feet to a point ��nich is 5L�0a00 feet tivest, mea-
surea alonQ said par�Ile1 line, irom the yuest line of
Bl�.c� '�a.ver. �ijat��rvva;y as shown upora sheet !3c. � pre�
pared by Uc?z� ��sse, Ccu.r� Commissioner� and �i.led. in
I�ing Coun�t� ;�p�rior Cour� Cause No�, 150371; thence
north �° 1�' S1'� e�st L�3�.g0 feet to an intersection
��rith a :Lin� y�rhich is 2 feet sou��h of anc� �,.�ra11�1 to
tn� linc betv,reen lats .one (l� �nd t�d:c (2;, block se�ren�
+�e�n �17), o�` sai.� pl��� af �3ryn iUia�vr°, produced easLerl�,
said point af° inte.rsection bein� 520��J0 �ee� tivest, �nea-
sar�a alon� sa�.d parallel line, of the Vvest line cf said
��ravezv'�ay; th�nce ror�h �,.0� Q�' L,7" eas�, 1��.55 fe�t; ,
�hence nor�t� hOa00 ieetg tihence no��h ��� QO' 4.0�° �rrest
l�'7a07 ieet �o a ��aint on a line ���r��ich is 30U :�ee�L nor�h,
measured at r?�h-t angles thereta, oF anc� paray121 �o the
nar�i� 1in� of Bo�v�lina Str�;e� �Lorm�rl�; i�n�rson '�venue)
�rroduced eas�erly-, thence south ��° 27' 2�" east, alon�
sa�d parallel 1.a.ne, 355e00 fee� to the place o� be�in-
�zin�, canta3_nin� 161.83 acres, more or less;
toge�?�i�r v�rith bu�.l.c�ings, struc�t,ures, improve�nen�;s, and pers�nal_ pro�ertv de-
scrib��d as follows:
1 '�.l_ign� �es�vsce �uilding; �
1 Guara riouse " 9
6 `Pool �hed Builc;ings9
2 �-torage Shacxs;
1 Stora�;e �uilding;
l t�ifice and Tnspectiail rrailding;
� a�mmur�ition S�Lora.ge �'�evetments�
1 Gun i�.r�at �.ev�-Lment� Structure; (a17. permanei�tly
zns�tal.led �ixtures Gna equipment loca�c„d in �he
abov� buildin�s)�
� Gzso�.ine un�?erground, stora�e tanks ancl purnp house
and �1.1 attachments;
`! i�:;inci tc�p
�2_ �
. °_ � � �,
�� � ��.���t�' .���x��� : � � � " � � . � :'. � � � .
. �
�11 0� �i,he �lectrical 17istribu�;ion Syst�m ana �_ir-
port ���h-�inp• S�Ts�tem9 all of th.e �eti��a�e �..spos�l
Sys���m; a11 or �.he r4ater �ervice and Disi�ributa_on
aJs�em; and al� of the Compressed �ir �istr�.bu�ion .
S�s�em 1oc��ted on th� �roperty conve�red abot�e;
�11 0�" the boundary f�r�ce c�nsistin� os approxi��ate1�
Zz,966 iinear feet locat�d on the property con�rey�d
:i:unv;a-� and a.11 Taxsways' ��rki�� Areas'. �?oacitivays p T<��alits,
F:ield P��ar�i�p and Draa.nage locat�d on the l�rop�rty
conv�y�ed above; .
7_ Ceiling S'ro jec��or �,igrt; r '��j�<�
---- 1 Crash Truck, serial No� 5�-�37, and a11 a�,tached equ:i�p- e'i c: �rr ��`���-l:'�-j
ment; 3�'f c c'�, �~ j� �.��.. i 3 '7
1 �nterna-�ioxial �'ickup H�1�'-aon Truck, serial. No, I��-13532;
I Intex�naiional I)iesul 'I`ractor' 1�-g, and attacrments in- �
cludin; a Garco �rinch, it�Zodel i1,T.`,�IP' ;��ria.l No� T:�CT��Ui
337�i.T"Ir�.H� .�`iotor ��To� TZ7CI3��'� �2'709
, 1 Tri-Ton Tandem Ro11er;
1 ��.aclio Transini�i;tex�,, l��odel 3��-�;
�x�. �?,�clio kt�:c�ivers, Node1. S�25;
j- ? I�adio �,eceiversa iJTodel S-2?;
1 Tn-L-erference Filter ��iiller `l�,pe 7b4.5;
2 Console Ta�les;
1 Transmitter �a'pine� �tand;
3Q Ground �ods;
30 Groun� �?od Clar��s;
1�00 .�E`t. Ido. 10 Cop�er i'rzr�;
1 .�ir ir�ffic Ligh��
J',.-1 :P�rtable �'l�ctri.c Pl�,nt; '----^"
� -- � CC�� Fir°e 3�tinguishers; --
;,=.-3� So�a ��.ca.d :��tin�.shers; G—�
� °- 1 N.eceivery
v . 1 lransmitter; , -
1 �ntenna;
1 14�i.crophone;,
,' - 1 C�ntr�l rtJnit; .
1 Speaker;
1. Tu-rntable - TfVelded steel; �—�'�"�
b�in.�; a part of th� same property acquired by the iJnited �ta•ces af s�.merica' the
'Defense Pl.ant Corporation �nd the �econs�ruc�ion Finance Corpo_ration, unde�° �ur-�
chas� and �:ondernnation9 a11 of rec�rd in the i'�il�s of the �.uditor of �'.i.ng Counv�r,
�t�ash.in�on, and the Unxted States i�-istrict Cour� �'or •the '°4estern J]is�rict o�
��ashin�ton, Nor�t��ern :Division,�
Th� aUove-d�scribed preinises are trans�°e:�re�i, subjec�� to exis�t-
i�� easements :�or roads� highwa�s, publzc u-��.lities, railv��s and pipe lines.
EX�"isNTTNG, I.-IC�?"dEV.I�R, from this conve�rance, a11 r:i.ght, tit�e a.nd
i�teres�L in anc� to all pr.op�r�� in �rhe nat�zre oi equipm�nt9 iurnishin�s and oiher
p�rsanal proparty �c�rhich can be remo�r�d from the land zryrlthout material a.nju� to
the lanc? or structures locatecl thereon other than pro�er�ty of such nature located
on the preinises conveyed 'nereby which is rea1uir�d for °�h� e��icier�t opera.tion �'oi
airport purposes a�f the st-ructur.es and improvemer�f;s speci.iicallv' listecl herein.-
above as bein� t:�ansferred her�by; and fur�her e�ceL�t�.ng from this conveyance ��
all strizctu�^es on the abo;�e�escribed pr�mises othvr th�n structures speci�icall.�r
dQscrz.bed or �nume'ra�ea a�ave as being conve�Ted herew�dex°, and :c��s�rvzng to •the
� � 1 , ,`� .
�ar�cy o.� �h� .�irst _�ar� the ri�ht o� rem�val f`rom ��he prer!n.s�s of' the property
-� . c� , _ • � �� • • . �?���,� �r..��� ,� -
�" an�.l strufctu.r`es ex�ept�d hereby, vri.thin a reasonable p�r:�.od of �ime�a�te�° the
date hereof� vvrich shall not be car_strued to m�an an;� p`riod less than one
(1) �ear aft�r the da�e of this instrumen�ti
Saic� propert� �trans�erred h�r�b�r ti�ras duly declarec� surplus and
��as assigned -co the `�sar .�ssets A.aministrator for disp�sal, actin� pursuan� to
the pro�ri�ions o�' the above-�neniioned A.ct, as amez7d,ed9 �:e��.tive t�rder g6&�9,
- ,. � ,..
and applicable r�les, regul�tions an� order°s� ,
.�s used here�n' �the terms hereina.f�t�r se•k� forth are de�'x.ned as
fallowa: a'Landing .�rea18 means any l.anda or combination of �srater
and lan,d' to�ether �th im�rovements thereon and necessary operation�l equip�
�er�t used in connection there�v'i.t?�, avhich is used .for landing, take-a�fs, a�ia
parka.n� of aircraft. 7.'he -term includss, but it is not l�nited to, run�iays,
strips, ta�.ti�ays and parking anrons� �
"Buildin�: l;r�a.�� means a.ny land� other �han a landino area9 us�d
or nec�ssary .�or or ir� conriection with the ope��.tion or main�er�ance of a,n a�.r•-
��?�ton-aviation facilities" mean,s ar�y buildings, structures, im�
�.rovements,� and equipment locate� in a building area �.nd used an conr�.ection
ti�-i-ti� but not required for the eff�.cient opera-tion and m�.intenance of' the l�nd-
ing area or the airport facili-�ies�
'sAirport f'acilities" means ai�y bu�.l.c�in�s, st�uc�tures, improve-
�nen�s, and operational equi�men-�, other than non-a�v-i.a-tioil }�cilzties, va-hich
are used and necessax;y for or in connection Uv�i�h the operation and inain�enance
os an airport� �
°P��ir navigation facili�t�" means any yacility used in� available
�'or use in, or rlesign�d for use in, aid of air navi�ation, includin� Ianding
areas' ligh�s, ar�y- apparatus or equa.pment for disseminatin; weath�r in.�o�mation,
;or si�.na�in��, fo� radio�tiirectional �'incling, or foa radio or otkler electrical
communication, and an�r other structure or mechanism ha�rin.g a similar �urpose
� far �d�n� or controllin� f1i�h�t in the air or the lan�'iing and �take-ofi of
By the acceptance of this deed �r �ny rights hereunder, the said
��a���r o� the s�cond part� :�or i-tself, its successors anr� assigns agrees that
transier o� •the proper-�y trans�'err�d by thi5 instrumen�, is acee�oted subject
�o �he �ollati�ving restrictions set fort� in subpar�gr•�pns (1_} a.na �2) of this
parag�aph, vrhich s?�a11 run �aitti the land; imposed pursuant to the �uthor.ity of
^�_ ..
- r
�i�������z;=���? � � - . . �- . .. -
. � . . � .� :
,,^ � �� . , - .
• :��ticle �.,, �'Section 3, .G�a.use 2 of the Constitution of the United States'�.o� Amerzca,
the- Surplus Property Act of 1Q1,,1,,, as amended, �';,cecutive Ordez� g6&7 and �.pp�icable
rules, regulations and oxders:,
(lj That all of -the property transferred hereby, hereafter in this in-
strumen-� called the t�airport", shall be used for public �irport purposes, and only
for such purposes, on reasonable terms and vaithout unjust discrimination and w�,th-
out grant or exercise of any exclusive rignt �or use of the aiiport within the
meaning of Section 303 of the Civil .A.eronautics �;,c� of lg3go �.s used herein, 1tPub-
lic airport purposes" shall be deemed to exclude use of the structu.res conveyed
hereb�, or �r�y portion �hereof, for manufacturing or industri��_ purposes. However,
until, in the opinion of Civil .F�eronau�ics lidm�.nistration or its successor Gov-
ernment agencn, it is needed for public airport purposes, any particular structure.
transferr�d h.ereby may be utilized fbr non-m.anufa,ctuxin� or nonindustrial purposes
in such manner• as the part� of the second part deer�s advisable, providec� that such
use does not interfere with operation o� the remainder of the airport as a public
airporte �
(2) That the entire landing area of the airport and a11 struc�ures, im-
provements, facilities and equipment of the airpo:rt shall be maintained at all time
in good and serv:i.ceable condition to assure its efficient operation� providec� ho�r-
ever' that such maintenance shall be required as to structures, improvements, '
faci].ities and equipment only during the remainder of th�ir estirr�ated life, as ae-
termined b�r the Civil �,eronautics Administration or its successor Government agency.
2n -the event materials are required to rehabilita.te or repair certain of the afore-
mentioned structures� improvements, facilities or equipment they may be procured
b�r demolition of other structures' im.provements, facilities or equipment transferred
hereby and loca.ted on the above-described premi.ses, which have outlived their use
as airport property in the opinion of the Civi.l �.eronautics Administration or its
successor Government agenc�.
By the acceptance of this deed or ar�y ri.ghts hereunder, the said party
of the second part for itself, its successors and assigns� also assumes the obli-
' gations of, covenants. to abid� by and agrees to, �.nd thi.s transfer is made� sub- '
ject to, the following reservations and restrictions set forth in subparagraphs
(1) to (6) o� this paragraph, v�kiich. shall run with the land, imposed pursuant to `
the authority of Article l�, Section 3, Clause 2 of the Constitution of the United
States of America, the Surplus Property �ct of lgl,l,.a as amended, F�xecutive t�rcler
;'b�9 and applicable rules, regulations and ordex�sa .
(� ��
. `"e.. . . ' . � • �1J9 (, ��.FM
.� , L. � ������
y"<, ; . J ' • .
. (1.) That irisofar as it is within its povrer and reasan�'�l�.T passible�, the
party' oi the secona part anc� a�1. subseq.uent tran,sferees shall prevent an�y us� of
land ei�L•her �i.-�hi.n or ou�side the boundar-ies oi the a.irpor�, includ:ing the con-
struction, erection, Glteration, or growth of any structur� or other object tlzere-
ons �hicn use would be a h�.zar� to the l�nding, taking-offb or maneuvering of a-�r-�
cra�t at �he airport,� ar othes�raise l3.mit its use�'vinesg as an airport�
(2) That the building areas and non-a�.ation facilities of or on the
a a.;_rport sha11 be useda alt�red, modified' or improved only in a manner w'nich. does
not in�erfere �vith the e��'icien� opera,tion of the lancting area and of the air�or.t
. facili-cies. �
(3) Z'Y�.at itinerant aircra��; owned by the United. States o� �nez°i.ca.
(hereinafter sometimes referred -l;o as the "Government�i} or oper�ted b�r �n� o.� its
� emplo�ees ar agen-�s on G-ove:rnrnent bla.siness s:r.a�ll at a11 ti.r�es ha.ve the right to
use the airport in CdIIlIl10T1 tiV7.'��1 O'tY2ET'Sy �'rovid.ed, ha�rev�r, that such use may be
lima.ted a.s m�y be determined at �ny time b;y the Civil ��erorza.u'ta.cs Adrainis-�z°�:tion
or the successor Government agencg to be necessar�r to pre�uent interference �ri-th
use by other authoriz�d airc.ra_ft9 so lon� as such limitation does not res�rict
�overn.ment use to less than t�r�-enty-�.ve �25) per centum o:f C3p�Ci��r of �he i��a-
ing area of the �irport� Government use of the aiiport by virtue of the provisions
of this subpa.ra�r�ph shall be without charge o�' any nature o�her than pa�rment for
da�nage ,caL?sed b�T such itinerant a.ircr�.f-tg ,
(�.) That during the e:cis�tence oi any �smerg�rzcy �ecl�rec? by -�he T'rres-
ident o-�' -�he Uni•ted �ta-t�s oi .f�merica or tne Congress thereoi, tn� Government shall '�'"
have th� right �rri�hou� charge, except as indicated below, to the full� unres-�rictecl
possession� control and use of the lanc?ing area, bu3_ldino Greas, �.nd azrpor�L fa-
cilities� or ariy part t�erEo�, including any additions or improvements tYiereto
made subsequent to the declaration of an� par� of the �izport as surrlus;' Provir�ec�,
hot�Tever� that the Goti�ernment sha�I.:L be responsible during the period o#' such use-
�or the ent�r� cost of maintaining a11. such areas, �'acilities and im�ravements,
or 'c��e p�s�Lions used, an� shall pay a fair rental for the use of any insta"1lations
a-r struetures i�ich have been added thereto without Feder�l aid�
(�) �"h.at no ehclusire ri�Y?t �or -the use of any l�.nding area or air nav-
3.�auion fac,lities' includec�. in or on th� airport sha:L1 be granted er exercised.
��A(I .. A '�. iAyrI��. ���a� I�".�gJ A � , • .. ' . � � � •� ' - . ' -
' '�lf�'������•� ,!iY'�����5,�*y� �. S � � �
(�6�� �.'hat the �raperty -�ransferred hercby may be successively �;rans�
�'erred onl� �r�.th the approval, of the Civll Aeronautics �ldministra.tion or the
successor Governmen� a�enc� and v�ith the proviso that ar�y such subsequeni� tr�ans-�
f�ree assunies a�l the olaligations i�nposed upon the �rty o� the s�cond part b�r
the provisians of this instr-amenta .
B� ace�ptance o� this zns�rument �r any righ�s hereund�r, the �r-L-y of � �
the secand part fizrther anreea ti�ith the party oi •tlze firs-� part as folloz�s:
{1} 2'h�.t upon a breach of any oi the a�oresaid reservaticns or res�
trictions by� the part�' oF �Lhe secoizcl part or an� subsequen� trans�eree, ti�rhethe�
caused by the legal inabili�y oi said part�' of th� second part or subsea1uent
tran.sf�ree to p�r°�orm any o� �the obligations hereira set out, or other�=is�, the
title' righ�t o� possession and all oth�r rights trans�erred ta �the part� o�° -�he
� second �aart;, er a,n� portion thereaf' shall at the op-�ion af the party oi' the
�irst pa.rt rev�rt to the part� oi the iirst par� upon �.em�nd tnade i.n ��riting by
�t�ie �rYar ��lssets �?d7niizi:s�tration or i�s successar Goverrimexit agency a� leas-t six-t�
(60) days pr.�or -�o the date �'ixed for the revesting of such �itle, ri�ht o� pos-
session and other ri�.hts trans#erred, or any portion thereof; Prov-laed, th�:t , as
to inst�llations ar struc�ures ��rhich have been addec� to the premises z�-ithout ,
�.�der�l aid, the Government shall have the option to acc�uire title to or use of
�1ie same at the then :�air mari�et value o�' �Lhe rights tltier�in to be acquir�� 'oy
the G�vernment�.
�2) That if the cons-�ruction as eovenan•ts of an�r of the �o�^egoiz�g
reserva�t�ons a.nd r�strictions recited h�rein as covenants or the applic�tion
of �he same as covenan-ts ir� any particular ins-tance is held inva7.ict,, -the par�
ticular reservations or restrictions in q�estion shall l�e construed ins•Eead merely
as can�i�i�ns upon the bzeach of tivhich the Government may exerc�.se i�s opt�.on
to cavsc th.e �it1.e,� right of poss�ssion �nd a11 other rights t�°ans:ierred �o the
par�y' o� �he second part by this inst-rument or �n�r partion thereo.f, �o revart to
it, �,nci the applicata.on o�' such reservations or rest�°ietions �s ecvena!�ts in an�
other in�tance and th� construction �f th� r�ma.inc�er a� su.ch reserva.tions and r°e-
str�_ctaons as coverxants s1za�1 r_ot be a�_F'�'ected thereb,ys
i.'� dAi��� i�� T a HQ� the said pr�mises, �,rith a.ppurtenances and und.er
�nd subject to the axar�said reserva.tion;�9 res�E�rictions, anc? candi�ions,, unto
�he said pnr�t� oi the secand par�, its successors and a�s��1s ioreverQ
-�7- ,� .
> , - , �'! .r � . < � � s
„ , �'' _ ;, . ' q •.
: . � � �ti'0.�.�,����� ����e���
T�id ��I��VESS ��I�I;�:��F, •the party of the first part has caused these pre-
sents to be e�ecvted as o� the day and year first above wri�ten,
UNIT�1�.STATi:S �F ,��liEI�ICk1 AND �
_ . , I�:Ct71fSTRi:lCTI�iV FINP.�,TC� CC�RP��.TIQN
_ .�cting by and through
%1ar ,Assets ��ministrator
T�+Z Ti�SS.Ia.S:
�°-�- �,�.�-c��-C.� - - By' � - f�a�.) ._ -
� C. Ii� �'.t�Ei'�r1:NG
Deputy :Re�i.onal Direc-�
P�eal Propert� Dispos
ti'�'ar Assets ��dnv.nistr..tor _
ST,�.1'E CIF ?`r1a.SHIIdG1'�iV )
) SS
CUU�STY €�T' i�T:�TG • ) �
On this 2�}�day of S�pteMber, lp/�7, be�ore me � l.�v
�G'��__�,, f
__, a Notas�r �ublic in and for �he �t, e of �+�rashin�,ton,
personal.l,y ap�eared C. Rvl7.eming, Ileputy :ftegional Director, Real �'ropert� �.s-
pc�sal, u'Tar t�ssets �.dministration, to me known to �e the indivi.�.ua1 described in s
a.nd yaho ex�cutec� the �ore�oing instrament and �vho under oath s-�at�d t�1a.t he tiv�as
duly authorized, empowered and delegated by the ti��.ar Assets �?dministrator pursuan�L
to 1�elegation oi �.uthority dated June 6, l�;l�'7, to execute �he said instrument, and
ackno��ledg�d the forevoing instrutnent to be his �ree ancl voluntazy act and deed,
actin�; for and on b�n.al�' o� the t��ar 1lssets 1ldminis-trator, acting ior znd oz� behalf
o� the Reccnstr�zction l�inance Corporation, and actin;r .ior and on l�ehaly of the
Uni�ted. Stat�s of ,America ior the uses and purposes therein �nention�d,
T?� �-?ITAIJ�.,SS T���IiE��,.��F, I 11ave hereunto set my h3nd and a�.fi�ed my official
seal the day� and year �irst above writ�en,
� �/ l�'"/' C.-�C� �
,°.. j.�;.; �otar�T a''ui�lic in and. for
�,.���'��'y.d°�nNabu��- � � �, ,._I�,
,��� �A�. �������� ; , the State ol �.ashin�ton,
� �LtR F��a,�,k ��°;;a.+�� � . R��siding a-c ,�eattl�
� ��fl��k6J�e ♦r h'�I'�� • �� .
. � 6'".�.� e•. � �;t'a✓� �a , .
�' "t.��..,'`- ,��'. � �C°�'y � - .
__^,'4;;,�'o jt�°�'�� a , yY S,,1 .. ^
.�"�,0� ���y�..E C��;� ;� " '
�' �u
f�I .
� �',�,.���- �{'�`y',�,,' Ca`,�" �
"'� � 4 -az.e;:.. . ,�\ +r �
� ?6�,Y�ti�l��`iJi� 5t}�'��;b;: , `
'*�}�€,Yd'4��~�`�Y' ,
.. -a-
�+- ' �, ' i, ' `�• , r . . •. ♦ __�F� �I. ` . � - • ` `
' � � t ` � ` .VOI./����''?f�,����� �
' , �(NOTICE) ,
� �° TIOIJ OF �UTHORITY NO$ 17 ' .
The Deputy �dministrator, Office of Real I'roperty �isposal, and each
�ssociate Deputy Administrator, Office of Real Property Disposal, �lar l�ssef,s 1�'wnini-
stra�ha.on; the Zone Administrator, the Aeputy Zone Adm�.nistr�tor for R�al Froperty
Disposal, the Associate iJeputy Zone �dminis-trator for Re�l Propert� �isposal, and
_the �ssistant Deputy Zone �.dministrator for Rea1 Pro�ert,y llisposal, ir. each and
� -� ---`�eve��-War gsse�s�dmi-�is-tTra�ion=�one C}�f-ice.,•-t,he _Re�;ional_virect,or and the I�eputy
Regional Director for Real�Property T}isposal, in each and everv Z�far �ssets��dm�:ni=--- --
stra�.ion Reg:i.onal Office; t.�.e District Director and �he Deput� District Director
for Real Property Disposal� r�lar �ssets 3dministration District Office, Columbia, . .
South Carolina; and a,ny person or persons desio ated to act, and acting, in any of
the foregoing capacities, are hereby au�horized9 individually (1) to execu�e, aclmovd-
ledge and deliver any deed� lease, permit, eontract, recei�t, bill of sa1e, or other
instruments in writs.ng in connection with the care� haradling �.nd disposal of sur-
plus real property, or personal property assigned fox disposition with rea,l property,
,lqcated vvithin the United States� its territories and possessions9 (2) .to accept
any notes� i�onds� mortgages' deeds of trust or othe�° security instruments ta.ken
a,s considerata.ori in whole or• in part for the dispositLton of such surplus real or
' personal property� and to do a11 acts necessary or proper to rel.ease and discharge
a,ny such instrument or any lien created by such instrunent or otherwise created,
and (3) to do or perform a.ny other act necessarR,� to effect the transfer of' title -
to any such �urplus real or person�l proper�Ly,_located as above provided; all
pursuant to the provisions of the �urplus Prapexty Act of 19l�L�., 58 Stat, 765, as
amended (50 L',S.C. Appe Supp� 1611}; Public Law 1.81, 79th Con�ress, 59 Stat. 533;
Executive Orcler 9659 (11 F.R. 1265); 1'Par Assets �dministration Re;;ulation P1o, 1
(12 FoR, 221�9); and Surplus Property Administration General &nendment of January 5'
i91�6 (li �.xd 403)o
. _ _ _. -
-----�___:_�_ . �_- - ---
`'` -� ' `Tiie+Zone�Adm,ini-strator" in`each and"�e"very�"1�'��r Assets"A4riiini`,stration-Zone
Office is hereby authorized to redelegate to such person or persons �.s he may �
�designate the authoi•ity delegated to him by this instrument.
L. So Wright, the• Secretary of the Iteal Property Peview Bozrd, i�,. Vtm
1�anley, Associate Deput�r Administrator, Office of Real Froper�f Disposal9 and
J, T� Daly, Assoc-iate Deputy Administrator, �ffice of Real Property 1}isposal, lfiar
, Assets Administration9 are hereby authorized, individually, to certify true copies
o£ this 1�elegation and provide such �urther certification as may be necessary to �
effectua�e the intent of �his pelegation in form for recording in any jurisdiction,
as may be re�,uired. ' .
This Delegation sh�l1 be effective as of the opening of business on
June 9 � 1947a � ,
� This authority is in addition to, but shall not in any manner supersede
delegations of authority previously grant�d under dates of May 17, 191�6; b�ay 29�
19l�6; Ju1.y 30a 19�6; September 16, 19l�6; Oct,ober 31, 19J�6; November 22, 19I�6; and
January� 13� 19l�73 as .do not conflict �rith the provisions of t�2is Delegztion.
_ . _ - -- - _ .._ .. . __ �_ __ . - -- - -
, - -� - - -- - -- _ __- ,_ __ - , -
- 0 �. :�ITTI�EJOHN � -
F9fea 4or�Recrord''����'��J S94���v3, � ` , _
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Raaue�04(�/ � �'L�v "/ _
qOHE4�T A. �ORRI�. Counri AudttnP •
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M�; R =y�' r•
' ♦ ������� �1^���''""�. , ' � �. . .. " . . i i"
. r . C E R T I F I C A T E . .
� , . T, the -undersigned L. S. Fdri�ht. • -
� Secretar�,Real Pro�rty l�evie�,t Baard , War �ssets Adninistrat�.on, iri my
� - �° ` �:�f.i.cial-capacity as such Secret,�rv- .- -- - -- - -. - -- - - - - -, �.
and duJ:� authorized in the DE'�EGAT�O�T OF AU`i'HORI'.�X I�av"?:T�ENi 'i'0 `i'HE "CA�E,, ,
H..�.'���'�-i�?u-. A�i� COl'�V;I'ANCING dated June 6, 1947� to make. t�e f ollo�,r.ing certi- . "
ficatiQn:.�.�o hereby.�cer�ify:�. _ - -- - - - - _ _, _ .. . : - -
,- : . ° � - 1. That - �. . C.. R. Fleming ` �. is the �
< . - - . - - - .
- � ' . - - _ Deput�r Regional Director
. � t Real Property I3isposal ` ,
� ��r?a� Asset� �c�inistrat�.on, c�ul� �.ppointed, authorized and actin�.iri sia.ch ,
. capaca.ty at the time •of �lie execution o�' the .attached� ir_s�rument. _
__. 2. , ihat- t�.e .attached D��EGATIGTJ°qF AU�HORT`s.'Y 1?�CIDEI`31' `L'0 ,i'F� � . , '
' '- � Cz�", ° Fi�,i��.zIITG �I1� COT?'V'�+'Y_;i�;Cl'i�G is. a �rue and correct copy, of the original
� . . .
of said D��G�,?'I01� OF`�TJ`.i'HO�I'.�'Y, •dated June 6, 19�7,
,. � .
. ` G'ivF�ri'under my han�' this 2'5�h day of ��p��ber ;' 194 7, .
� . . _ , - �..
-� - .. �� - . _ , . - - - "
; , �.. , . � . - , . � _
. . �
. �- � � . � � � ' ' � ��'itle � � �- . - � .
. ` � � . 8ea1 Prnne�.=R9�� o3r�. . _ ,
, �
, ,
` . - l0.ifzee) � �
� - � Vdar As'sets �.d�iinistration
_ . . . . . ._. .
. , � .
� ..,... ,,.�.. , , , • ' � . ` � . ;� . , •
. - . � F'Ilv� �
No. B�3o3��7 �
g03 Seco�d A�enue �
Sesttle, t��sY�in�ton "
Docket No�
P�,rcel No@
� - -
T0 THE U1�TI�'ED STA'i'ES 0�' 9�RTC�:
, . .
The �'ashi.ng�on Title Iras�ax�xc� Companys �. Corp�r�tioa� vz°g�,n3�ed �d
�i�tilag �de� th� 1�,�as of th� St�'�e of' �`�a�l�isa�°ton' �vith it� priacipal .
o�fice iri the Cit� of Seattl�s St�,te o£ Washuag�on� ��reby cer�if�.�� that
i� ha� ttt�d� � $1�orou�M seaa�c3�__of the ti�Ie to the prop�rty deacribed �ixi
SCHE�t� "A" h�r�o�'� begir�ning e�ith the incepti�a of �itle �d th�t the
. titl� to �a3.d. propert� ��� �ade�e�s�.bly �estecl in f.ee sia�pl� of reeo�d ia�
�s follo�ss That port�io� of the pr�mise� describ�d ira Schedul� A
e�rad��ed in Caus� No.. 704 in the United St�te� Divtric°t Co�t for �ie�terra
D3strict of W��hiri�ton� Noi°thei�a. �ivisio�ny iri UNTTED ST�TES OF' AidlfT�'.�tICAs �d
�he ��ma�cler of s�,id pr°c�mises �.nn RECOI�STH�JGTION F�'II�ddANCE CORPORt�TION, �,
' �s of th�; 5�h d�y of Augtzst' 1947y �'t g otcloek .�. 1�0' free� arad c].e�°
of alI ene�br�nc�s' de�'�cts, u�tere�t� and �11 oth�s° anatter� wh�tso�ver�
ei.t�ea° of r�eord ox° othe�i�e �oavn �A the C�rpoa°atio�' 3ffipairing or
acl�r�rsel� �fecting the title. to s�3d prope�°ty� except �;s aho�aa in SCHEDiJLE
�aB�t her�af.
TY�� m�x3mta� li�bi].it� o�' th� undersig��d u�d�r this certif ie�,te is �
li�ited to th� �u�► o£ _ _ o � m � _ v - � - - m m � 0. _ v �. _ � _ � _ m e
�(�3�8,1�9.�2) , .
� Tn cons3d�rt�tio� of the prerait�. paid� thi� cea°�if3cate i��ued for
�h� use �ad b�nef�.t of the United .St�tes of l�meri��o
IN �IITI�k;SS �P�EO�'9 said Corpomation has cav.�ed th�s� px°ese�ts to be
signed in its n�a►e and behalf� sealed- with its ca�rg�or��� se�.l., ancl
dv�.ivered l�y its proper officer� �th�reunto duly �uthorized e�� of the
date l.as� �bo�re r��mtioaaed.o
(��,, B�s �s� G�or�e Ba Garber
Viee Pz^��ident
� Atteste
/s/ Robert Do �17.en
�'�ssistaa�t Secreta�* �
. Tla�s c�rtif'icat� co�sists of 7 pages �vhich are numbex°ed �t �nd of e�ch p�ge� ,
P�ge 1 of Certific�te No. B-303957 ,
� � '� ' �, � , . _ ' � . . ' � , ,-
� , �VASHING�1� TITLE I1VSU�TCE CO�i�'!#�TY ' -
: SCHEDU�E n�n
TY�� praperty ca��red � th3s cer�tificat� is ac�vrately and fu7.1.�
des�r3.bed a� fo7.1��: _
Po�°�ions o� sect3.ons se��r� (7) and �ighteen (1�), tQ�ship t�n�nty°m
tlu°e� (23) nor�b� r��e f i�e (5) east, V?a M.e amd �ext��i �hoz°�
l�rads9 n�ox°� partic�,x�Iy desc��t�cl as fol���o�
Be�inn�ag �.t � gouzt oai the �ri.n�x� harbor ].,ixie of Y,alce ��ash3n��ton
as shor�a ug�oaa Sh�e� No. 2b of th� pl�t r�f Y�al�� Yd�sY�i.n.�ton uhor�
I,and� 5�'�y 19�Is a� s�id pl�t �;as f°il� �ri�th the Auditor �f
Kin� Co�at�' Waahan�ton� Sep�omb�r ].g� 192�9 vxtder. �uditors s fi].e
No. 155�504� �hich poix�t bear�a �o�tk� 35°00/ �sest 92.b2 f�e� frora
�h,� an�l� pmixit in said irnner harbo� l�ne d���.gr��ted °'862n o� said
, p7���� and rtanning tT��rsce south 35°009 �$�ts s��� said ir.�es h�rbor .
].ine;s g2,62 £�et to .s�id. �gle poia��, thenc� easta al.azag sa3d �er
h�rbo� lin�' 403 m'70 fe��; th�nce so�.th 1,3°53'2g" �as� 924Q67 f eet;
thenc� south 76°06�32� west 50od� f��t; thenc�s south 5.��53�2g°� e$$°�
37.�.15 ,fee�; tlxenc� so�xth 11�°0��281° eas�t 32��C�0 fe�t; the�.ee so�ath
15°12'5�" e�.st 99.52 feet; thence sot�th '18�1.6'25s' �a.st 1O0o01. fe��;
thene� south 21°39',45" �ast 16+�.�.5 feete thenc� sou�h 21�°37.Y�5se
e�,st 7.O�.m68 f�e�; thex�ce sout� 2f3�.3Y20'i ���t 100.79 feet; tlaenc�
sou�th 31.°�.1e4.�" �ast 1.OA�2°7 �°eeta thence sou�h 3��3S13o� ea.�� a00�02
�e�t; then�� south 37°14'05" ��.st 100.05 fe�t; �h�n�� �ou�h L�Oo03'10"
��s� ].00.33 feet; thenc� sa�ath !*2�53'30'" east 1.00.g7 fe��; the�ac�
so�a�h 45°39�20" e�s� 101.b2 feet to an 3��e���etion w3th th� ��,��
' , � la.n� c�f lot tveen�ty�tl�x°ee (23) , b].ock fb�° (4) of the p�.�°G of
Renton Re�,l �state Co9�. lst �lddition to Renton� accordi�� t� gil�`t
thereof r�cor�d�d in vo��e 21 of pl�tss pa�e 5�,� �ecords of se.id. ,
'cot�n�tge Proauc�d nor�h�rl�r; thence sou�h 0 31447�� ��at, a�o�ag th�
��s� Zi.rae of said lat �sad the same prodticedg arid �thc �ast lir��e o£
].o� eight�en (1�), i.ri sairl bl�eks 2�l�.62 fee� to th� nort� lir�e
o� D3.xie ��enu� s.� h�r�tofore acqu�.red and �stabl.ished by the Stat�
of ��a�hington for highw�y pizx°po�es; thenc� a�.ora� said nor�h linaf
north g�°34�43"' �est 1L�6.S4 £�e°� to �he west ].ix�e o�° �ake Stx���`�� '
th�aace north 0°31t�7°t east a].on� s�ic� a�est line 10�00 f�et; ther�c�
nor�h ���34�43'� ��st along th� nor�th 1.a.ne o�' said D3x�� Q.�renu��
2�5.49 feet t� t�n �g1.e point �xa said lin�; thence nor� 71°�9'12�
west a].o�g said r�os°th 13.ne 1.52,55 fee�' more or less9 to the e�.�tex�].�'
rig�Zt o� way li�ne of Prim�x�r Sta�te Highv��.y No� � �� a�o�r f�ed. �nd
e��t�blis�ied; them�e r�orther� �oreg saad right o� way line, follo�3x�.�
the tangent �nd etarv3.ng emtaaases t�hereof 9 to an i.n�ter�eatior� wi�h �
lir�e �uh3:ch is 5 feet south of and par��le1 to the lin.e betceeex� got�
se�en (7) �nd eight ($)� block eighteen (1�), of the p7.�t of Bryn �f$�r' -
�ecording to plat thereof recorded in v°olwne 5 of plats9 pag� 5�'
a°ecords of said countya Produced east�r].y; the�ace south ggo�7'2�"
� east �long �aid p�r�llel 13ne� 89.23 fee� to � point whic�a i� 540�00
£�et wes°t �e�.�ured al�g said parallel l�e, from the ��st liffi� of
Black �.i�es �at�revay as sho�°m upon She�t Noo 5 prepared by tTdo Hess��
C�t�x°t Commi��io�er' and f3.l.ed iri �i.�g County Sup�rior Court Cause I�n.
15637�.3 �th�nce n�rth 5�6�51" east 43$•90 fee�t to � 3.�t�r�ec�ion
� w3th a laa�e wh3�h i� 2 fee� so��h o�' and paral.�e1 to the ].ine bet�ee�a
1.ots on� (1.) �nd t�ro (2)9 block se��nte�ra (].7) , o£ �aid p].�t c�f
Ba°yn �i�.�' produced ea�ter�ye aaid poin� of irntersec�ion bein� 520 000
- �'��t ��st� measute�d a].or�g said parallel line �f the wes� 1.i.n� o�
s�.id ��terway�; thence nor°th. /�0°09'�7°! eas't 1.�8e55 �ee�; thence nor�►
F�ge 2 of Gertif�cat� Noa �-30395'7 (Contintted on the sheet follo�ing) '
. ` _ v , ` ..��; , ,. • � ' , • ' ,. '
. � . � ��
, ��F�DULE .�, �-�v�.Q.� Se�c��a� S�e��
- 60�4fl fe��; thenco no�°t1� 29aD0��0t1 �est 197.07 g�et -to s�
point oa� �,� 13a1� �hich is 3�J0 fee�t nc�irth� m����°�d �t �ight
an�2e� �h+���t�y c�f �n� p�re:I.1eZ. �o t�e nox°�h lin� �f Bo�r2in:�
5�r�e� (foa��xlar Emers�� kv���ae} produced easte�Iy� �henc�
sou*� ��°�7�28" east �1s��ag ��id ��.x°��1�1 �.in� 355 p�0 �'ee� �� �
�he pla�a af beg�ranir�g�
P�g� 3 og ��rt�i�ate I�o. 8-3�3957 ,
. . �C �. � x� ` � • ^ � ,� f � �.
:. . ' _
t .
� � .. . � .� . �� � �. �
; . ^ - y
�ASH3�TGTON �°ITI�E I�iSUR�li1�� Ct�Jt1�ANY
SGHE�}U.i� "$�'
The proper�* �es��ib�d in SC�3E�ULE �s�Aco hex°�aof is fr�s� and �lear £r�
�II �t�r�st� enc►�br�ces �ad d��e�ts o� °ti�tl� a,�d �11 �thea° m�tte�°�
�nhat�c���rer� �sf rec��ci� ar �h�.�h� thou�� aa��t �f r�efl�°�I� are l�own to �th��
C�rpoa:°�tiar� to exi��t imp�,i�i�a� o�° �d�ex���I� a�fe�°�iz�g �he �itle tm s�3r1
prc�p��°�jr' e��s�p�t tl�� �'c�I1��ri�a�z �
I., All ��e� ����ssed ag�,3n�� th� f'�rc�oing l�dS �a� �t�a �� iri�l�d,ix3�
th� �rear �.9l�7� �a°�� be�n paid� e�cept �� fa1l��se I��L,
2a Levi�s b�r C�ne�c�,�1. �i,i��er�r�y D3�st�i�t N�a 2 a� follo�as:
F�r t�e ���rs �,9�.19 19� �ad �.943, d�13a�qtaerat j.a� �t�ae �xi�3.r�a1
�tn��t �f �39,�62 ea�h �e�r ���
��ts 2l�= to �7l, bl���s !�� Rentc�n ���3. Est�,�e �c�a� 2�� .�ddi�io�
to R�a�tc��a9
�'az� �he ye�rs 19�'�� 191�, 1919, 1920, �.921, 19�?, 19�3� 5e93�1,
�.93�., �.932, �.�33, 1934, 19�5, �.93�� x9379 z93�, Z9�o, i9�.s
I9�a �nd �,91�3' d�Iirgq�aent i�x the �re�p��°�,f�� Qr�,gi.n�l �no�xxat� of
�2e16� �9.�a9 ��I��3� ��7C)9 �9.�7.�, �7.33' �.1I.s �5.bl�s ��+4�3'
�Ia�l� �1.m41� �20808 �2.�2� �2�g28 �"',�3�8 �2.�3� ��.$3� �2.83�
�2�83 and �2m�3 c�n: .
� Iasa� 3�� Sloc�t �., R�ntoa� I�ea7. Es�at� Co@ s. ls� .Add�ti�r� t�
�ex�tgr�� '
' Fca� th� �rear� 19/.� �nd 19�S3y deli�c�uent in the oari�irnal �n�tan�
of �36��2 e�.eka y�a�° orn�
P�rician of �aid pr�mi�es described as ��Z'�aav�:
�h€�t ps��tior� c�f �Ie�try FiQ To��n I7on��ian Cl�im No� 3?, �.n
s��tiara ��, °�c��rns�ip 23 no�°�a, r��� 5 ea��� �. �I.� des��°�b�sl
as f o�.1c��vs s
Be��.nnri�tag �� .intex�e��io� erf ���°thsrl� lir�e caf U�is �.�re�tz�
�a con�reysd `�o ,�t�t� af �Ya�hing�on }a� d���� x�cord�d un���
�,ud3.taaro� file Nos. 3262�� and 3�6253�� rec�rcl� af �a3d� .
co�t�,� `�a�th �uest ]:ir�e of Lak� Avenue �s pl�tt�dl 3.n N.en°ton
. Real Es�ate C�4 s. �.�� l�c�dition t� Ren�an� accc�rdin� to
p1.at thexeof r�cordea� in �s�lt�ne 21 oP glat�9 page 50, x°e��rds
of s�id �o�n�ty; ther�ce nor�th 0°31'�.7" east �.e�n� �aid �es�
1i�e� �9��59 f�e� ta sau��v�e�t�rl3� 3.i�e o� S�u�laea�� �.29#�I�
Sts°�st ��o�mer�.� Mitc�tell Read�; �henc� nc���h 61°OQ"43" 4re�t
a�.ong sa�d ss�ta�th���te�1y Z�,ne �2� feet� more or l�ss, to th� �
sY�ore line o� B1.a�� �.i�vE�; th�n�e ��ut� 34�o8e47� �est
�lc�xag sai� shore 3in� 21�b fe��t; thenc� south 0o31f4"7" v���t
aloxag �aid shor+� lin�,b'T p'7l� �eet; �then�e so�zth �.$�'30 i 1���
�est. along sa�.ci �ho�re liaae' �`Oa6b �e�t ta s�id na�thezl3� �.ine .
� ; �f Di�ie A�en��; then�� s�u�h 71��9 g I�°t �a�t a�ox�� s�id
no�°�her3.� I3.�e� �t? �eet; t��n�e �oeath �8°34r43" e�,s� �,�Ls�ng s�3.d
nor�he��y 1ir�e 225�1�9 �s�� to b��3�ri���; ,�I,S9
That p���io�: c�f H�nry Ho Tobiaa Dax�tion C3.��.ra No, 37 �
�e��ioa 1�9 taa�a�h3p 23 nor��� r�g� � e��t� �,. NI.y des�x�ib�d
a� f o1.7.���:
Be�i�ain� �t a.nt���a�t3o�` of �rrcadue�d �est 3fne o� �.lte
���r�u� as p��t�er� in R�sa�tc�n Re�J. Est��� Co a s s ls� Addi�iata
to Ren�o�g �.�c��e�ing �cr p�� tla�r��f r��card�d � �vol.�e
��. of p].�t�, }�a�� 5Q� xe�c�x^d� o�' s�.id c��anty, �ith aaa�r°�h��.��e�°�
l�� of S���t�e�,��t �.29th �treet (£or��r1.Y Dfl�.tch�l7. Rc�ad)� th�ra��
i14�%°�:}1. Q��I.gL��B� ee.st �.].s�ng saic� pz°od�ac�d west lir�.e' /�3.94 feet
Fa�e �. of Ce�°t�.£i�at� Ido� Bp3d3957 (Con�i�u�d on the sh��t Fc�llawi�g}
•w . ,y. � c' t , . .
. � •, '� • . , `M� ' . . .t � � � ...�a' � c � +' `
,. e , �
S�HE�ULE B --m�.w-.� S�coa�d Slaeet
�o old shore 13ne �►f Cedar River; �hence �o�th ��°53' ,
36" west along said old shor� line 77.0% fe�t to said
r�ortheasterl.y lirie of Southe�.at �.29th St�°�et; thenc� �
� south 6�.°001�.3°" e�st aYong said northeaste,rly lixre �7a59
� � �'eet to begi�ari3�ag.
�'or �the ye�r� 193�, �.933a 1934, 1935' 19,��, �937, 1938� 194�,
194�., 19� and 1943, d€�I3.nc�uent iaa �lae respectiv�; ori�irna,�.
�noua�t�of �2.g1.3 �2��3., �546�t, �5.63, �5�63, �5�63, �5.6��
���6l�a ��•�4a �5a6l. ��1 �5.6/i.' ont
Po�ction o�' said pr��nises descr3b�d as follo�sa
Tl�at porfi,ion a� block 52, N. H. Latimert� Y,ake 'Nashiiagtor� -
Pla�, ac�ordiaag to plat �th�xec�f x°eeorded 3n volwne b of plats'
p�ge 70, records a�' sa3.d county� lying eas�erly of Primas°�r
State Highwsy i�o� 5,
TOGETHER �i�th sotxtherly half o� vae��ed Sc���� �.30th S��°eet
� (�£�rm�rly J�.dsan St�est� ad�a��3ng; alsa
T9GETHER �rith that portio�. of �racated 1Qlst gverau� Sou�h
(�orm��3.� Ne�r �'o�k Av�nu�) lyin� east of �aid b�.ock 52; �ncl
That pax°tioan, i� aa�a�, of �wnbered tract east af bl�ck 5��
��.ia� No Ho I�timex°s LaY�e Wa�hiagtoza Pl�t' which lies so�th,p .
�es�te�ly of Sout�ieas� I29�th 5t�reet {farmearly Mitche�.1. Road�9
- TOGE�,�IER �3.th �ha.t por�ion �f th� sou�herlg hal.f o�' vacute�.
Sauth 13{}`�h 5����t (farine�Iy Judstan S��ee�t�� if a�y� sd�a�.nit�g
and lgj.rag sa�zthwr���G�r1.y of said Sou�h�as�t 129th S��ee�;
F't�r the �*eaars �931a 1932� 1934p 1935s 194�a �94�..� l9�l+2 and �L943}-
d�3inqueret in tb,e �espeeti�re o�igi.a�al amounts of �2.92, �.77a
�2.0,�� �1.95, �P�.17, �5o17s �5•�.7 aaad �5�179 an�
�'oa°�3.on of' said p�°�r�i�es d�seribed as �o3�aw�s � �
Beg3nn3.ng at south�e�� corner �f C� �i. .�dsit$s I�ake �iashi�gtamm
��.at$ �cet�rdi�:g �o plat ��a�re�f x�e�cr�de�l atri no2�m� 8 of plats�
gage 79, reeo�ds �f said cavn�y, th�nce s�u� 89°L�t west
217843 feet to true point of beginnirig; thenee r�ori�h 26°42' wea�
509 s�9 £eet ta Gevernnaemt meander 1ing; th�z�ce south 43°l��54"
�est 27.20 feet along said meander 13.ne; thence �outh 24�a.4,/36�
east l�77.51 feet to south 13ne of Govertur�en°� lot 3y thenca�
no�'th �q°l�� east 51p37 fee� alomg said aouth 13ne of Govex�a�nt
�.�t ,� to firtt� point �f be�innin�.
NC}TEs A�.1 c�f' °�he proper�y agaizist �hich said Camtn��°cia�
�.'ate�ra� le�rie� appear a� a �isn a� �he t� rol3s iai the
mffice of T,�easuxoe�r of King Cc,unty� �nas acquired b�
� condemnr�tion � s�id D3st�ic� Coux°t C�r�s� No, 70k and.
said Cc�mmercial ��°ter�ay Distri�� No. 2 recei�ed suc�
amounts as we�� �waY�ded as oompensation in £u�.7. for 3.ts
elaims o�° its �►as stipulated that �maurats stil.3 an �
deposit in th� registry af th� ca� caa�s�itutad fv��
� camp�nsatio�y th�refare. Neverthe�.�s�a said 1ev�ss do
no� show paid r�n �he tax rol�.�S _
3. Easemera� �ms ov�rhead tel.ephone line and under��ou�d cond�i°� `
V a]nd c�ble line over ].eats 5y 6� °7 arid �, b�ock 23, I�atiraer�
L�ke P�rk Addi�3on' �1�ck Riv�r W�.terwa�r ��°acts 7.3 and 14'
I,alse Washit�gton Sho�°�lands and �o�rera�t�a�t �,ot 3, all 3.n se�-�io�
7' to�anship �3 nas°�3i� ra�ge 5 eas°�� P�. �I.� �� g�axited by
, g�ge � o�' Cez°t�'ieate No. B�3E�395`7 .
• J ., y� , :+�� '" y . . � ."' � ,, i. • � . r �� ..
� . • . ,:iJ� .
SCHEDULE B -��-_.�,.�.: �h3.x•d She��
�ef�nse Pa.aar�t Corparatiany�corporat3.one to t�ie
I'aaif ic Te�ephane axid Teleggaph Gompa�3rs a Cz�Iifarnia
aorpos�atiaz�� by� instrt�ent dat�d August ,19� �.943'
recaxds� Sept�ber 28g 1943i � volwne 2Ib6 af de+�ds'
pag� 20�p �ander �udito��s f°i.2e N�. 333799�}e re�ords a�"
said couat�*� -
4. Easement to con�truc°t and m�ult�in. a drainage pipe 1,�1.ne� �,
o�er �nd aeross lo�a 2? and 2�y, block 2�, N. H. LatSmerps
Iake Washa.n�ton Addi�ions as gr�nted by Fra�c B. Bonn�1].
and Dpra�thy I�a�gax°e� Bonnel29 h�.� �vife' to State a�f
Wa�hin�o�� by �n.st�uat�n�t dat�d d�uua�y 259 a91wln .
reca�°d�d Febaruary 1'7, �.94�., a.n vol�xie 194? o� d�ed�„
P��� 3�� tuider �.udz��r'$ �i1e No. 31l�.63979 records o�'
said couz�t�r�
5. �as��nez�t ta const�uc�t �nd maint�in a d:rain�g� pipe far�
P�r,inma�y Str�te High�aay AToo 5' Seat�le, to A�ntor� Sectic�ra� ,
ovex and across �ot I,� bloek 28, Bryn t�avqry as gra��ted � .
� by F. ��p Re�bex°�s and Edith, S. Rabert�, his wife' to
State o�" U�a�hiaxgton� by �.nnstz�tm�ent�d�ted April 25, 194��
�ecorded �liag 9� 191{OS �.r� vol�ne 1.899 a�' deec�s, page /.,.7-�
' uxlder auditor's fzle I�o. 310C?1�79� re�ards of sa�d co���.
6. Easement fo� e�ect�ric tar�nsmissior� 13..ne over �.ot� 2 to �9
inclusive, blocic �7a and lots 1 to �, in�lusive� bl.ock 28'
Vacc�ted Hawthorne �.ve�ua ad�oi.ning, Bryn M�,wr' as gr�`t�c1
�.� by F. �, �abes°ts �nd Edit�Z So Rober°ts, �is v�ife� to Pu�e�
So�nd Pa�ver & I,igh� C.'�Pa�ra a �assa�huse�tts coxpo�a�ia�a�,
�iy 3.a�strvmer�t dated Jul� 3�a �.9�1.i re�o�cd�d Augus� 28�
194�.., 3�a �ro�txme 1.99� o�° deeds, page 193� �rtder audi�or"s
fi].e No: 318748�� z°ecoxd� of said couttty:
`7« Easement fox electri� t�a�asmi�sion line o�r�r the follov�irag
describ�d p�°c►p�r°��s
Beg�.nniasg a� a point on the east ri�h� of �vay of the
� Se�t�tle Rain3.er �'all�y R�.il�oad 13.ne 9 �eet no�°�h of th�
�outh �.ine af Gaxa� Stree� {fo�er).y Johnson Avenu�)
`�,� c�� the Br� �l�v�r P1,a�' as ehcseQn af record in th� audits��'s
f' saffie� o� K�g Cc�un��� Wa�hfi�i�ton� �a�.d �tre�t be.i�ig no�v
vacated b� order o�' the Kia�� Cc�unt�r Cmu�t; then�e dus east
�o �1ack Ri�er� �abaut 6�0 feet�, more ar ].es�;
as granted by Geoxg� �`. Saulsberry' � si.z��1.e man, tg Pug��
� Souxid Power & Light Company' a �Sas��.chu�et�ts corpara'tian'
'b9 �ast�°ument dat�d Augu�t 19� �.927' x�ec�rded Septe��er aS
. 1927', � no�x�ne 2,358 �f dec�d�' psg� 59�., �der audito�°��
�ile Nos 2J�IO2a �ecards of s�,�.d co�an�y.
8� E�,s�en�t �'oz� the �°igkt� °to go u}aon the fc�1.l.o�ving des�ribesl
partiora �f said pxer�3ses far the �urpas� of m�3n.t,ea�a�e� c��'
�vaterw�g� without the right to ob�tru�� suckx land' or ira any
�aay deposi� aaa� m�at�rial thereon' grantet� to Cammerci�. �later�
��y District No. 2 by order antered �Isy 19, �947, 3n said
Urtited State� Di�tx�i��t Cou�a°� C�us� No, 7C}4p
B�gir�nit�g st th� intexsec��ic�z� of the z�ox�h 33ne of D�ie • -
Av�s�ue as s�ot� located and �stabl�.shed �aith the east l�a� o�
1ot l.gr b�.oek �.a Renton Real E�tat� Co��, 1et 9dc�i°t3.on �o Re�toa�
which point is marlsed b�r �, con�rets mc�nuane�t a�ad runningMtheuce+
Page 6 �f Ge�tff'ie�.�e P�oa 8�3�3957 (Ccrnt�nu�dl t�a �Ghe s�ae�t fo3.lowirag)
'. �� ` ` � 1; . _ " , �, `, 4 n. �.
� 1� , 1., n/ � _ Y ,c .
.. � '/ , . •� , . '� .�. % r _ ��.� � ti' f. �
- :. , � .. ,
a , � . , _ _ �-
._,, ,- ,
, . ' ,SCHEDULE B -�--�---�� FOURTH SHF�T
� north 0°31'47" e��t along the east l�.ne of said lot 1$ and the
east line of lot 23� said block /� and the same produced �
riortherly 3a2•93 feet to an in'tersection with a curve to the
� r-ight having a�,radi�s of 19g0.00 feet the center of which
curve bears north 44°09'36" east fram this point of inter- -
section; thence north�uesterly along said curve to the right
' through a central angle of 31°56'56� � dist�nce of 110%.07
. feet; thence along a line tangent to said ctarsre north 13°53'2$"
' � west, 34��•4g feet to the true point of beg3nning of this -
descriptiont thence cont�nnuing north 13°53'2g" west 92/�.67
feet to the inner hsrbor line of Iake C9ashiagton; thenee �
west a].ong said �;nner harbor 13ne 51.51 feet; thenoe so�xth
].3°53'2�" eas� 937.03 f eet to. a point from. which the true point
of begiuning bears north 76°06'32" east a dista.nce of 50.00
" feet; thence north 76°06�32" east 50.00 �eet to the true
point o� beginning �
9. Exceptions and reser�rations corita3ned in various deeds
from the State of ��ashjngton' under whieh tit�e to po�3.ons °
of ehore lamds is cla�3med, whereby the grantor savesS
� excepts and r�serves all oils' gases, co�1' ores, m�neralss
, foasils' etc.9 together wi.th the right to enter upor� said
landa for the purpo�e af operairag' devQloping ,and worlsing �
mines' etc.y prov3ded that no rights shall be exercised
�der th3s reaerv�tion un�i1 pravision ha� been made by the
state, its suceeasars or aasigns' for fu7.1 payment o� all
damages sustained by o�raer by ree.son of auch erit ering, -
10�, Right of State of Y�aahington to remove and/or place eax�th
materia].s from'and/or upon portiona of said. premises '
, adjo�.ning Primary State High�vay No. 5� gr'anted by instximment� � . ,
� recos�ded timder aud.itor�s file Nos. 3100467� 31004�Q' 31��35'
31039z5, 3101,477, 3250231, 3250232, 3250234, 3250�35, 3250236, ,
3250�37, 325023�, 3�56693, �d 3256694, records of said county.
. � ,
11. �lny unpaid charges for installation of water service and for
. water' eleetric 13ght, po�ner or sec�er service furnished to
said premiaes by a city' to�n or districto , ,
� 12. Questions of sUrvey, boundary ljnes and encroaahments.
�13. Liens for labor and �naterial of Which no notice is of record.
1,L,.. Rights of persons i.n possession, '
(End of Schedule B)
, . ;
Pa�e 7 of Certificate No. Bp3�3957 �
I ' ;,.,,� °,� -`� � �f' • � ' ---
`, , . - � :�� ��' . •�. .� _ � `''k •�r
..�ir �t i :
/ 1 .. ,� `� ' 'f^ '
. _ -� �- CIT :Y OF RENTOIO( . :�, -
13rthur L. Haugan, Attorney Covncilmen
Dr. C. L. Dixon, Health Officer � Steve Tamborini, Pres.
� Vincent Stewart, Chief of Police � KING COUNTY, WASH. Joe R. Baxter
. J. �. McFa,rland, Police Judge perry�H. Mitchell, l2ayor Ben Richardson
J. E. Morrison, Mgr. Utilities Dorothea S. Gossett, Treasurer yl'alter Reid
E. M. McEiugh, �ngineer Wiley Crock, Clerk George D. Swift
P'. E. La��vrence, Fire Chief � - Charles Delaurenti
, Andre�v Gigli
- October 10, 19�+7
` ° � . i�1r o Wiley Crook :
� City Clerk -
Renton' Washington
Dear Wiley:
I hand you herewith, for your records� the original
de�d from U.S. Government and R: F. C. to City of Renton
conveying to the city the Renton Airport and certain prom
- perties therewith. This deed was accepted b,y City Council
� ����v`� ' Resolution No. 688. As you will note it was duly recorded
f�o �� ' in County Auditor' s office ori September 25th' 1947, under
_ - Auditor' s Receiving No. 3'72'7523. Also, at our request, the
War Assets Administration have by letter dated September
?6th� 1947 notified the King County Assessor and the King "
County Treasurer that the title of this property has passed
of record to the City of Renton. This was. done so that the.
_ property would not be included on the tax roll for 1948 - ;
: taxes. . -
� Very truly ours, �
� �� , .
�1LH:lf � THUR L:�?�' ' GflN�'.,:� ;,
Encl. City� Attorney ._
P.S. I also hand you herewith Certificate of Title No.
B-3o3g57, issued by Washington Title Insurance
Company dated August 5th� 194'7. This is in� lieu
of the usual form Titls Insurance Policy.
. .
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