HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract CAG-16-202 INTERL.�CAL C04PERATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITIES OF AUBURN, FEDERAL WAY, KENT, RENTON, SEATTLE, TUKWILA, AND THE PORT OF SEATTLE F4R THE VALLEY NARC4TICS ENFORCEMENT TEAM I. PARTIES The parties to this Agreement are the cities of Auburn, Federal Way, Kent, Renton, Seattle, anc! Tukwila, and the Port of Seattle. The Valley Narcotics Enforcement Team is assigned to the Drug Enfarcement Administration ("DEA") Task Force. YI. AUTHORITY This Agreement is entered into pursuant to Chapters 10.93, 39.34, and 53.08 of the Revised Code of Washington. III. PURPOSE The par�Ies desire to establish and maintain a multi-jurisdictional team to efFectiveiy investigate and enforce the crimina) laws relating to controlied substances. IV, FORMATIDN There is hereby estabiished a multi-jurisdictional team to be hereaf�er known as the Valley Narcotfcs Enforcement Team (LjVNET"), the members of which shall be the cities of Auburn, Federal Way, Kent, Renton, Seattfe, and Tukwila, and the Port of Seattle. The future admission or efimination of a jurisdiction as a member of VNET may he accomplished by an addendum to this Agreement. V. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Municipaflties within the Puget Saund region have experienced an increase in urbanization and population densities. The abi[ity to address crimes associated with controlled substances may stretch the resources of individual police depar�tment specialty units. Prior fio the formation of VNET, law enforcement efForts directed at dealing witi� controlled substances crimes were, for the most part, conducted hy law enforcement agencies working independently. A multi�jurisdictional effort to handle specific and complicated narcotic investigations has resul�ed in more effective pooling of personnel, the improved u�ilizatian of scarce funds, a reductian fn the duplication of eqiaipment, improved training, and a development of specialized expertise. �'he formatian of VNET has resulted in improved services for all of the participating entities, increased safety for officers and the community, and improved cost effectiveness, VI. TEAM OBJECTIVES Personnef from each participating ,�urisdiction who are assigned to VNET will form a combined investigation team (`�Team"). Each police officer is assigned Valley Narcotics Enforcement Team Interiocal Agreement-1 to the Team via this Agreement, and to the DEA through individual jurisdiction agreements with �EA. The objective of the VNET shall be to provide enhanced and more efficient use of personnel, equipment, budgeted funds, and training. The combined Team or individual detectives shall respond as able and as approved by the DEA Supervisor when requested by any of the participating agencies. VNET may he available to outside law enforcement agencies as permitted by laws relating to mutual aid and as approved by the DEA. VII. DURATION/TERMxNATION The minimum term of thls Agreement shall be one year, effective upan its adoption. This Agreement shall automatically renew, and VNET shall automatically continue in existence, for consecutive one year terms without action of the legislative bodies aF fihe participating jurisdictions, and unless and until terminated pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. A jurisdiction may withdraw its participation in VNET by providing written notice of its withdrawal, and serving such notice upon each Executive Board member of the remaining ,jurisdictions, A notice of wi�hdrawal shali become effective 90 days after service of the notice on all participating members. The withdrawal of an individual jurisdiction from VN�T shall not result in the termination of VNET. Tn the event that VNET withdraws its partic9pation in the DEA Task Force, this Agreement, and thus VNET, shall remain in e�€ect unless terminatec! as provided herein. VNET may be terminated by a majorifiy vote of the Executive Board or by actian of the legislative bodies of the participating jurisdictions. Any vote for termination by the Executive Board shall occur only when the police chief of each participating jurisdiction is present at the meeting in which such vote is taken. VIII. TASK FORCE AGREEMENT Unless VNET is terminated, on an annual basls, each Board member shall affirm its jurisdiction's cantinued participafion in VNET for the follawing year. Upon affirmation of the participation af each jurisdiction, VNET shall execute a task force agreement afFirming the continuation of agency participation in VNET, and such task force agreement shal(, an an annua! basis, be farwarded to fihe US Department of]ustice, Asset Forfeifiure Money Laundering Section. IX. GaVERNANCE The affairs of the VNET shall be governed by an Executive Board ("Board,") whose members are composed of the police chief, or his/her designee, from each participating jurisdiction. One member of the Board shall be e[ected by the Board to serve as Chair. Each member of the Board shall have an equal vote on all Board decisions. All Baard decisions shall be made by a majority vofie of the Board members, or their designees, appearing at the meeting in Valley Narcotics Enforcement Team Interlocal Agreement-2 which the decision is made. A majority of Board members, or their designees, must be present at each meeting for any action taken to be valid. The Baard shall meet monthly, unless otherwise determined by the Board. The Chair, or any Board member, may cal! extra meetings as deemed appropriate. The Chair shall provide no less than 48 hours' notice of all meetings to all members of the Board; PROVIDED, that in emergency situations, the Chair may conduct a telephanic meeting or a pol� of individual Board members to resofve any issues refated to such emergency. X. PERSONNEL The following personnel shall serve at the pleasure af the Board. Personnei may be removed far any reason by majarity vote of the Board. Team Sunervisor: A Team Sup�rvisor with the rank of sergeant or equivalent from his/her respective jurisdictian shall be appointed by the Board. The Team Supervisar shall act as fihe frst level supervlsor far the team and shall repart directly to the VNET Chair. �ffice Manaaer: The VNET Office Manager shafl be provided by the City of Kent on a reimbursable basis and shall work under the direction af the Baard. The Office Manager reports directly to the Team Supervisor and is responsible far unit accounting, reports, o�ce support, and other duties as appropriate. VIVET Detectives: Each jurisdiction shall contribute one full-time commissioned officer to perform investiga�lon work for the Team. Attornev: Whlle King County is not a participating jurisdiction, King County will provide an attorney who shal( be a de-facto member of the Team. The King County Prosecutor's O�ce shall select and intervtew candidates and make a recommendation �o the Executive Board. The Executive Board will make the selection after considering the recommendation. The attorney will be responsible far reviewing and filing cases, wire orders, search warrants, the prosecutian of forfeiture cases, and other prosecutoriai services as needed. Emolovees of Contributina Jurisdicfiions: The personnel assigned to the Team shafl be considered an employee of the contributing jurisdiction. That jurisdiction shall be solefy and exclusively responsible for the compensation and benefits for that employee. All rights, duties, and obligations of the employer and the emplayee shall remain with that individual jurisdiction and ` none of the rights, d�ties, and o6ligation of the employ€ng jurisdiction shall shift to VNET or any other participating jurisdiction. Each jurisdiction shall be responsibfe for ensuring compliance with all applicable laws with regard to employees, and with provfsions of any applicable callective barga�ning agreements and civil servfce rules and regufations of the employing jurisdictian. Valley Narcotics Enforcement Team Interlocal Agreement-3 XI. EQUIPMENT, TRAINING, AND BUDGET Each participat9ng jurisdiction shall provide the equipment of its participating VNET personnel. Each jurisdiction shail provide sufficient funds to update, replace, repair, and maintain the equlpment and supplies utilized by its participating VNET personnel. Each �urisdiction shall provlde sufficient funds to provide for the training of its participating VNET personnel. The equipment, supplies, and tralning provided by each jurisdiction to its personnel participating in VNET shall be equal to those provided by the other participating jurisdictions. The Board shall be responsible for purc�asing VNET-owned equipment. Equipment purchased using VNET funds or forfeited property deemed owned by VNET shall remain the property af VNET unless the Baard transfers it to a participating jurisdiction. The Bvard will ensure a record of the transaction is maintained. The Board must approve any joint capital expenditure for VNET equipment of $1,500.00 or more. Approval far capital expenditures af less than $1,500.00 may be authorized by the VNET Chair. XII, FINANCYAL REQUIREMENTS VNEl" utilizes a Fiscal Agent for ail account transactEons and accounting. One of the participating jurisd€ctions wi11 provide the services of the Fiscal Agent as approved by the Board. The VNET operating budget relies primarily on �hree funding sources: State and Federal Grants, VNET assets forfeited at the state and federal levels, and funds provided by the participating jurisdictions. Federal Grant funds are administered by the state and foliow the state budget cycle of July 1 through June 30 of the following year. VNET shall request monthly reimbursements of expenses until the awarded amount is exhausted. Once the Federal Grant has been exhausted, forfeited assets will be used to pay expenses for the remainder of the budget cycle. VNET shall prepare a budget each year �hat estimates the grant funds available, and each participating jurisdiction shafl provide VNET with the annual cost to assign an ofFicer and other approved personnel to the unit. A jurisdiction's annual contribution is then divided by 12 and credited towards the monthly salary and benefits of the jurisdictian's participating personnel. All other expenses are paid for by VNET utilizing eifiher Grant funds or forfeited assets. The Board shall agree upon a date each year by which time it will notify the participating jurisdictions of each jurisdictions' expected contribution. , � The DEA contribution to VNEf' includes providing office space, storage space, parking, and phone servlce at no cost to VNET jurisdictior�s. XIII. DISTRIBUTION UF SEIZURE FUNDS The VNET Board provides oversight of seized and forfeited assets via the Fiscal Agent. Forfeited assets may be distributed to participating agencies Valley Narcotics Enforcement Team Interlocal Agreement-4 when deemed appropriate by the Baard. The Board will endeavor to maintain adequate financial resources to fund ongoing operations of the VN�T. XIV. DISTRTBUTION OF ASSETS UPON TERMINATIUN Upon termination of VNET, each participating jc�risdiction shall retain sole ownership of the equipment purchased and provided far its participating VNET personnel. Any VNET assets shal! be equally divided among the parr(cipating jurisdictions at the asset's fair market vafue upon termination. The value of the assets of VNET shall be determined by using commonly accepted methads of valuation. If two or more participating jurisdictions desire an asset, the frnal decision sha11 be made by arbitration (described below). Any property not claimed shall be declared surplus by the Board and disposed of pursuant to state law for the disposition of surplus property. Proceeds from the sale or disposition of any VNET property, shall, after payment of any and all costs of sale or debts of the jurisdiction, be equally distrtbuted to those jurisdictions participating in VNET at the time of termination. In the event that one or more jurisdictlons terminate their participation in VNET, but VNET continues to exist, the jurisdiction terminating participation shall be deemed to have waived any right or title to any property owned by VIVET or to share in the � proceeds at the time of termination. Arbitration pursuant to this sectian shall occur as follows: a. The jurisdictions interested in an asset shall select an Arbitrator to determine which jurisdiction will receive the property. If the jurisdictions cannot agree to an Arbitrator, the chiefs of the jurisdictions participating ln VNET upon termination shall meet �o determine who the Arbitrator will be. The Arbitrator may be any person not emplayed by the jurisdictions �haC desire the property. b. During a meeting with the Arbitratar, each jurisdiction interested in the property shall be permitted to make an oral and/or written presentatian to the Arbitrator in support of its position. c. At the conclusion of the presentation, the Arbitrator shall determine which jurisdiction is to receive the property. The decision of the Arbitrator shall be �nal and shall not be the subject of appeal or review. XV. LTABILITY, HOLD HARMLESS, AMD INDEMNIFICATION It Is the intent of the participating jurisdictions to provide services of VNET without the threat rf being subject to liability to one another, and �o fully cooperate in the defense of any ciaims or lawsuits arising out of or cannected with VNET actians that are brought againsfi fihe jurlsdictions. To thls end, the participating jurisdictions agree ta equally share responsibility and liability for �he acts omissions of their participating personnel when acting in furtherance of this Agreement. Tn the event that an action is brought against any of the parttcipating jurisdictions, each jurisdictlon shalE be responsible for an equal share of any award for or settlement of claims of damages, fines, fees, or Val[ey Narcotics Enforcement Team Interlocal Agreement-5 costs, regardless of which juriscliction or employee the action is taken against or which jurisdiction or employee is ultimately responsible for the conduct. The jurisdictions shail share equally regardless of the number of jurisdictions named in the lawsuit or claim or the number of o�cers from each jurisdiction named in the lawsuit or claim. This sectian shall be subject to the canditions and [imitations set forth in subsections A through G below. A. )urisdictian Not Invalved in VNET Response. In the event a jurisdiction or Its personnel were not invoived in VNET response to the incident that gives rise to a claim or lawsuit, and judgment on the claim or lawsuit does not, in any man�er, implicate the acts of a particular jurisdicfiion or its personnel, such jurisdiction shall not be required to share responslbi[ity for the payment of the judgment or award. B. Intentionallv Wronaful Conduct Bevond the Scone of Emolovment. Nothing herein shall require, or be interpreted to require indemnification or sharing in the payment of any judgment against any VNET personnel for intentionally wrongful conduc�that is outside of the scope of employment af any individual or for any judgment af punitive damages against any individual or jurisdiction, Payment of any award for punitive damages shall be the sole responsibili�y of the jurisdiction that employs the persan against whom such award is rendered. C. Collective Renresentation and Defense. The jurisdictions may retain jaint legal counsel to collectively represent and defend the jurisdictions in any iegal action. Those jurisdictions retaining joint counse{ shall share equally the costs of such representation or defense. In the event a jurisdiction daes not agree to joint representation, the jurisdiction shall be solely responsible for all attorney fees accrued by its individual representation or defense. Each jurisdiction and its respective defense counsel shall make a good faith attempt to cooperate with ather participating jurisdictions by, including but not limited to, providing aEl dacumentation requested, and making VNET members available far depositions, discovery, settlement conferences, strategy meetings, and trial. D. Removal From Lawsuit. In the event a jurisdiction or employee is successful in withdrawing or removing the jurisdiction or employee from a lawsuit by summary judgment, qualified immunifiy, or otherwise, the jurisdiction shall nonetheless be required to pay its � equal share of any awar� for or settlement of the lawsuit; PROVIDED, howeve�-, that in the event a jurisdiction or employee is removed from the lawsuit and Subsection A of this section is satisfied, the jurisdiction shall not be required to pay any share of the award or settlement. E. Settlement Process. It is the intent of this Agreemenfi that the jurisdictions act in good faith on behalf of each other in conducting settlement negotiations on liability claims or lawsuits so that, Valley Narcotics Enforcement Team Interlocal Agreement-6 whenever possible, all parties agree with the settlement or, in the alternative, agree to proceed to trial. In the event a claim ar lawsuit requires the sharing of liability, no individual jurisdictian shall be authorized to enter into a settiement agreement with a claimant or plaintifF unless ali jurisdictions agree with the terms of the settlement. Any settlement made by an individual jurisdiction without the agreement of the remaining jurisdictions, when required, shall no� relieve the settling jurisdiction from paying an equal share of any fina{ settlement or award. F. No Waiver of Title 51 RCW . This section shall not be interpreted to waive any defense arlsing out of Title 51 RCW. G. Insurance. The failure of any insurance carrier or seif-insured pooling organization to agree to or follow the terms of this section shall not relieve any individual jurisdiction from its obligations under this Agreement. , XVI. N�TICE OF CLAIMS, LAWSUITS, AND S�TTLEMENTS In the event a claim is �led or iawsuit is brought against a participating jurisdiction or its employees for actions arising out of their conduct in support af VNET operations, the jurlsdiction shall promptly notify the ot�er jurisdictions that the claim or [awsuit has been initiated. Any documentation, ' including the claim ar legal camplaints, shall promptly be provided fio each participating jurisdiction. '� Any jurisdiction or member who believes or knows that another jur�sdiction , wou[d be liable for a claim, settlement, or judgment that arises from a VNET ! action or operation, shall have the burden of natifying each participating ' jurisdiction of all claims, lawsuits, settlements, or demands made to that jurisdiction. In the event a participating jurisdiction has a right, pursuant to Section XV of this Agreement, to be defended and held harmless by another participating jurisdiction, the jurisdiction having the right to be defended and �� hefd harmless shall promptly tender the defense of such claim or lawsuit to '� the jurisdiction that must defend and hold the other harmless. � XVII. PROCESSING OF CLAIMS A. Designation of Lead Jurisdiction ' There shall be a lead jurisdiction for processing a claim that is filed with and against cities for alleged damages and injuries that occur as a result of VNET activities. The lead jurisdiction shall be the jurisdiction within which the action subject to the claim occurred; PROVIDED, that � � in the event the jurisdiction withln which the actian� subject to the � claim occurred did not participate in the action subject to the claim, the lead jurisdiction shall be the jurisdictian within which the VNET , investigation or response orlginated. In the event that a jurisdiction ',, that was not involved in the actian subject to the claim receives the ' claim, that jurisdictian shafl notify fihe other jurisdictions in accordance � with Section XVI of thfs Agreement, and shall use its best efForts to determine who the appropriate lead jurisdiction is. Valiey Narcotics Enforcement Team Interiacai Agreement-7 ', B. Assistance of VNET Supervisor The Team Supervisor shall assist the lead ,}urisdiction in responding to a claim. The Team Supervisor shall be responsible for gathering a!I recards relating to claim. These records shall include, but are not limlted to, incident reports, notes, transcripts, photos, evidence logs, recorded statements, documents from emergency dispatch cenfiers, and warrants Prom all jurisdictions that particlpated in the action subject to the claim. The Team Supervisor shall also provide a list of personnel who participated in the action subject to the claim and their contact information. The Team Supervisor shall deliver a!I copies of the records to the lead jurlsdiction promptly ugon request. C. Claims of $5,000 or Less i. Lead Jurisdiction Responsibilities The fead jurisdiction shall be responslble for working wlth the Team Supervisor to gather records relating to the action subject to the claim. The lead jurisdiction shall provide records to its insurance provider and shall assist its insurance provider in assessing liability for acts associated with the claim. The lead jurisdiction shall notify the other jurisdictions of any de�erminations as to liability. In determining whefiher a claim should be paid, the lead jurisdiction and its insurance provider sha[I, at a minimum, consider the patential legal defenses to the claim and the costs of defencfing the claim. ii. Liability Determination — Apportionment of Damages The lead jurisdictiort, with the assistance af its insurance provider, shall determine whether VNET is liable for damages set forth in a claim, and whether the payment of the claim would be in the best interest of the jurisdictions and/ar VNET. In the event the lead jurisdiction determines that payment of a claim of $5,000 or less is appropriate, such determination shal! be �nal and binding upon other jurisdictions and payment shall be apportioned equal{y among all jurisdictions that participated in the action subject to the claim, The insurance provider far the lead jurisdiction shall provide full payment ta the claimant, and each jurisdiction that participated in the VNET action that is the subject of the claim shall reimburse the insurance provider far its equal share of such payment. Prior to the payment of any claim, and as a condition of such payment, the insurance provider providing payment shall obtain from the claimant a complete and total release of liabil[ty on behalf of ali jurisdictions participating in VNET and each and every ofFicer, agent, or volunteer of those participating jurisdictlons. In the event the lead jurisdiction determines that VNET is not liable for damages set forth in a claim or that the payment of the clalm wou�d not be in the best interest of the �urlsdictions andJor the VNEI", the [ead jurisdiction shall notify the other jurisdictions of the determination, and such determination shall be binding on the other Vafley Narcotics Enforcement Team Interlocal Agreement-8 jurisdictions; PROVIDED, another jurisdiction that determines that payment is appropriate may pay such claim in full, and shall not seek ; reimbursement from the.other participating jurisdictians, , iii. Letter From Insurance Adjusters In the event the lead jurisdiction, in conjunction with (ts insurance provider, determines that payment of a claim of $5,aoa or less is appropriate, the tnsurance provider shail provide each of the ' participating jurisdictions with a Ietter stating the determination and the bases for such determination. D. Claims over $5,000 i. Lead �urisd'ection Responsibilities The lead jurisdiction shall schedule a meeting with afl jurisdictions particEpating in VNET to discuss a claim over $5,OOQ and to determine the appropriate manner in which to responcf and/or defend the claim. The Board and persons listed in Section XIX of this Agreement shall be notifled of the meeting. XVIII. PROCESSING OF LAWSUITS ' A. Notification to O#her Jurisdictions In the event a jurisdiction is served with a lawsuit, that jurisdiction shall provide notice and documentation of the [awsuit to each of the other jurisdictions listed in Section XIX of this Agreement. B. Coordination of Initial Meeting , The �urisdiction that initially receives a lawsuit shal! schedule a meeting or otherwise communicate wifih all of the jurisdictions participating in VNET to discuss the lawsuit and to determine the appropriate manner ; in which to respond to and/or defend the lawsuit. The Board and ! persons listed in Section XX of this Agreement sl�all be natified of the meeting or other communicatian. , XIX. NOTIFICATION OF CLAIMS AND LAWSUITS Section XVI of this Agreement requires that the jurisdiction receiving a claim or lawsuit notify the other jurisdictians of the claim or lawsuit and pravide documentation of that claim or lawsuit to the other jurisdictions. Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed a waiver by any participa�Ing jurisdictions of ' the requirements set forth in Chapter 4.96 RCW, and the fact that a participating jurisdiction provides notice or coples of a claim to another jurisdictian shall not constitute a waiver of the requirement that a party who ; files suit against a jurisdiction first file a claim with the jurisdiction in '� accocdance with Chapter 4.96 RCW. Moreover, nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed acceptance of service of a lawsuit, and the fact that a participating jurisdiction provides notice or copies of a Iawsuit to another jurisdiction shall not be deemed adequate service of such lawsuit. For the purposes of implementing Section XVI of this Agreement, the �, following persons from each jurisdiction shal! receive any required notification or clocumentation: Valley Narcotics Enforcement Team Interlocal Agreement-9 City of Auburn City of Kent Auburn City Attorney Kent City Attorney 25 West Main Street 220 Fourth Avenue South Auburn, WA 98001 Kenfi, WA 98032 253-931-3030 253-856-5770 Auburn Police Chief Kent Police Chief 101 N. Division 220 Fourth Avenue South Auburn, WA 9$001 Kent, WA 98032 253-931-3080 253-856-5$88 Auburn Human Resources Kent Risk Manager Director/Risk Manager 220 Fourth Avenue Sou�h 25 West Main Street Kent, WA 98032 Auburn, WA 98001 2�3-856-5285 253-931�3040 Auburn City Clerk Kent Cifiy Clerk 25 West Main Street 220 Fourth Avenue South Auburn, WA 98001 Kent, WA 98032 253-931-3039 253-856-5728 City of Federal Way City of Renton Federal Way City Clerk Rentan Risk Manager P.O. Box 9718 1055 S. Grady Way Federal Way, WA 98063 Renton, WA 98Q57 Federal Way City Attorney P.O. Box 9718 Federal Way, WA 98063 Port of Seattle CIAW Port af Seattle Claims Manager Director of Claims P.O. Box 1209 Canfield & Associates, Inc. Seattle, VUA 98111 4S1 Diamond Drive Ephrata, WA 98823 Valley Narcotics Enforcement 7eam Interlocal Agreement- 10 City of Tukwila WCIA City Clerk Claims Manager City of Tukwila WCIA 620� Southcenter Blvd P.O. Box 1155 Tukwila, WA 98043 Renton, WA 98057 City of Seatt[e City of Seattle City Clerk Seattle Po[ice Chief Seattle City Council 610�5t�' Avenue 600 4t" Avenue #3 Seattle, WA 98124-4986 Seattie, WA 98104 City of Seattle XX. COMPLIANCE WTTH THE LAW VNET and all its members shall comply with a11 federal, state, and local laws that apply to VNET. XXY. ALTERATIONS This Agreement may be madified, amended, ar altered by agreement of all par�icipating agencies and such alteration, amendment or modification shall be effective when reduced to writing and executed in a manner provided for by this Agreement. It is recognized that during the course of operations, it may become necessary to alter the terms of this Agreement to provide for efficient operation of VNET and to meet �he goals af VNET. It is further recognized that the Board has the expertlse necessary ta provide for the efFicient operation of VNET. To that end, the jurisd[ctions agree that changes may be made to this Agreement, or addendums added to this Agreement, without priar approva! of the legfslative bodies of the jurisdictions on the condition . thar such changes or addendums shall be effective only by a unanimous vote of all members of the Board. XXII. RECORDS Each jurisdiction shall maintain records relating to work per�ormed by its employees assigned to VNET when working on non-DEA operations. The VNEf Office Manager sha(I maintain records relating to the operation of VNEf Valley Narcotics�nforcement Team Interlocal Agreement-11 to the extenr required by law. All records shal! b� available for full inspection and copying by each participating jurisdiction. XXIII. FILING Upon execution of this Agreement, this Agreement shall be filed with the County auditor or, alternatively, listed by subject on the jurisdiction's web site or other electronically retrievable public saurce. XXIV. SEVERABILITY If any part, paragraph, section, or provision of �his Agreement is held to be invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such adjudication shall not affect the validity of any remaining section, part, or provision of this Agreement. XVV. MUNICIPAL AUTHORIZATIONS This Agreement shall be executed on behalf of each participating jurisdiction by its duly authorized represen�a�ive and pursuant to an appropriate resolution or ordinance of the governing body of each participating jurisdiction. This Agreement shall be deemed efFective as to each jurisdiction upon execution by the authorized representative of that jurisdictian. This Agreement may be executed by counterparts and be valid as if each authorized representative had signed one original document. By signing below, �he signor certifies thafi he or she has the authority to sign this Agreement on behalf of the jurisdiction, and the jurisdlction agrees to the terms of this Agreement. City of Auburn City of Auburn o� ����� � Print Na � Print Name:�a�.r�/'/G � 7�4.��w� Its: Mavo Its: Citv Clerk Date: + • � Date: �'/L�/i� � - City b �/� /��� .. . Pri�Name: ` .�2to.� Its: Citv A tornev. Date: i r-- City of Kent City of Kent Print Name: Prin� Name: Its: Mavor Its: Citv Clerk Date: Date: Valley Narcotics Enforcement Team Interlocal Agreement-12 ta the extent required by law. AII records shall be available far �'ul! inspection and copying by each participating jurisdiction. XXI�Y, FII.ING Upon execution of this Agreement, this Agreement shal! be fi{ed with the County auditor ar, alternatively, listed by subject on t�e jurisdiction's web slte ar other electronlcally retrievable public source. XX�V. SEVERABILITY If any part, paragraph, section, or provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such adjudication shall not affect the valldity of any remaining section, part, or provision vf this Agreement. XVV. MUNYCIPi4L AUTH�RIZATTONS This Agreement shall be executed on behalf of each participating jurisdiction by its d�ly au�hor'tzed representative and pursuant to an appropriate resolutian or ordinance of the governing body of each participating jurisdiction. This Agreement shal! be deemed effective as �o each jurisdictian upon execution by the authorized representative of that jurisdiction. This Agreement may be executed by counterparts and be valid as if each authorized representative had signed one arlginaf document. By signing below, the signor certifies that he or she has tl�e authority to sign this Agreement on bei�aff of the jurisdiction, and the jurlsdiction agrees to the terms of thls Agreement. City of Auburn City of Auburn � Print Name: Prtnt Name: Its: Mavor Its: Citv Cferk Date; Date: City of Auburn Print Name: Its; Citv Attornev Date: � � City of Kent Cit of Kent SrL-��o ,� _ , �1 �L,� . �rin �a�e: Sk x���,_,��o �� Print Na e:� Klmbr�lc�r �4• Ka�uo� <Nfavor Its: Ci� C�erk � t �ate: � a/f�//d Date: 10//7//i� � / � � Va(ley Natoofics�nforcement Team Interlooal Agreement-�$' i� City of Ke � �'Print`I f�ame;' 77�?/!Z ''ni�rr" T��i���'i Its: Citv Attornev Date: �o/iy/i�, . , . City of Federa! Way City of �ederal Way Print Name: Prinfi fVame: . Its: Citv Manaaer Its: Citv Clerk Date: Date: City of Federal Way Print Name: Its: Citv Attornev Date: City of Rentan City of Renfion Print Name: Print Name: Its: Mavor Its: Citv Clerl< Date: Date: City af Rento» Arint Name: Its: Citv Attornev Date: City of Tukwila : City of Tukwila Print lVame: Print Name: Its: Mavor Its: Citv Clerl< Da�e; Date: City of Tukw�la I . � � � Print Name: Its: Citv Attornev Dafie: Valley Narcotics Enforcement Team Interiocal Agreement-� �� �ity of. ederal Way City of Federal Way � ���f�s:"� . ,� jL�- ��� ������ • � ( Pri r�t'"�mYe:--�'�:.�, .-�. ..��.�-�-�� i a me:_ � �l� ,�'�t�t�u1 �t''� Mavor Its: Citv Cleric� —�� ate: ���t�1`-�.-�%/�c'�,.. Date: U � ¢ �r r Ci#y of Federal Way {�C�,��..�.._. Print Name: c�. '�ravt �. !( Its: CitvAttornev.Ar:�n� � Date:. t , �.���(� � 4 , City of Renton City of Renton - Print Narne: Print Name: Its: Mavor Ifis: Citv Clerk Date: Date: City o� Renton Prinfi Name: Its: Ci�v Attornev Date: City of Tukwiia City of Tukwila �rint Name: Print Name: Its: Mavor Its: Citv Cierk Date: Date: City of Tukwita Print Name: Its: Citv Attornev Date: _ ___ _ . _-- . - -- Port of Seattte � Port of Seattle Print Name; Print Name: Its; Chief Executive Its: Attornev for Port of 5eattle Date. _- _ ___ Date: P:ICivillFiles\Open I''ilesit}770-VNE"ftntedoc.Eh20tG VI�FT 1Lr1.duc Valley Narco#1cs Enforcement Team InterEoca!Agreement-''fj� �� Gity of Kent Print Name: Its: CitY Attornev Date: City af �edera111Vay City of Federat Way Prfnt Name: Print �iame: Its. Citv Mariaaer Its. CfCv Clerk Date: Date: City af Federal Way Print Name; Its: Citv Attornev Date; City of R rifion Ci#y o� enton � �� ��'� � Print Nat�e; �e�x� Law Print Na e: ' �a�on��. Seth ItS: Mavor � �. . I�S: Y CIEC,������•� ►i±�y��,. ,, Date: �?�Il.3IIG Dat�• : �� � '�, � r�� ��;. � �--;_ ; City af Renton � � ,��A„L �_'� � * w � w= � �� � ,+ � � rr yi a•+ '�+ ��i��C� �R�����e�ua��t�`���`,<<o,�� I�tlt NCIt�AttOC1�eV �f�y����a��A`�a S�4```��~ Date: City of Tukw�la City of Tukwila Print Narnet Print Name: Its: Mavar Its: C(tv Clerk . 1Jate: Dat�: City of Tukwifa Print Name: Its� Citv Attornev Date�. Valley Narcotics Enftircement Team Inteclocal Agreement-�$,,, �� City af Kent Print Name; Its: C1tv Attornev Date: Clty of 1=ederaf Way City of Federai Way Prinfi Name: Print Name: its: Cltv Manaaer its: Citv Clerk Date: Da�e: __ C�ty+nf Federat Way Pr1nt Nam�: Its: Citv A�tarnev Date: _ _ __ City af Rentan City of Renton Pri�t Name: Pr�t�C Name: f Its: Mauor Its: Citv Clerk Date: Date: City af Rentan _ Print Name: . 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Its: Its: Date: � Date: P:1C'tvil�F'iles\Open Files10770-VNETInterlocal�20lb VI�ET II.A Clean September 20 20lb.dac Valley Narcotics Enforcement Team Interlocal Agreement-� I� i Port of Seattle Port of Seattle • Print Name: Print Name: Its: Chief Executive Its: Attornev for Port of Seattle ' Date; Date; . City of Seattle City���Seattle � , .'.� (J��/ 'G%��-� i .. ._- . � _�- � Print e= �R�'i��-��`YYL��.�_ Print�Vame•: �:cl�S��rT/��� �'r�/ril��/C� � Its: ��'� �11�,i'tl:ft.11f.��� Its: �S�r]� .,�c��re' ��/t"�'` j Date:�ll 1! 1l fa ' � Date: �—b�_��,�'C) /� � P:\Civillfiies\Open Files10770-VNE'Tlnterloca112Q16 VN�T ll.A Clean September 20 2p16.doc ' i i I i � , ; . " I Va�1ey Narcotics Enforcement Team Interlocal Agreement-�, �� �