HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdden 2Adffhk Washington State Department of Transportation CAG-20-018, Adden 2-20 Supplemental Agreement Organization and Address Number 2 1109 1st Ave, Suite 212 Seattle, WA 98101 Original Agreement Number CAG-20-018 Phone: 206.682.0567 Project Number Execution Date Completion Date CAG-20-018 January 15, 2020 December 31, 2023 Project Title New Maximum Amount Payable Renton Elementary and Middle School Crossings $198,465.84 (No Change) Description of Work Upgrades crosswalk markings, upgrade to ADA accessible curb ramps, install a pedestrian refuge island and rectangular rapid flashing beacon systems with accessible push buttons, and widen sidewalks as well as install bulbouts. The Local Agency of City of Renton desires to supplement the agreement entered in to with Concord Engineering, Inc. and executed on January 15, 2020 and identified as Agreement No. CAG-20-018 All provisions in the basic agreement remain in effect except as expressly modified by this supplement. The changes to the agreement are described as follows: Section 1, SCOPE OF WORK, is hereby changed to read: The scope of work described in Exhibit A-1 of Supplement 1 agreement is modified to add the scope of services described in the attached Exhibit A-3. II Section IV, TIME FOR BEGINNING AND COMPLETION, is amended to change the number of calendar days for completion of the work to read: no change III Section V, PAYMENT, shall be amended as follows: The maximum payable amount remains the same. See attached Exhibit A thru A-4.4 for details. as set forth in the attached Exhibit A, and by this reference made a part of this supplement. If you concur with this supplement and agree to the changes as stated above, please sign in the Appropriate spaces below and return to this office for final action. �! M Consultant Signature By: Martin Pastucha, Public Works Administrator J Approving Authority Signature I�50J Z3 , 2 024-') Date DOT Forth 140-063 Revised 09/2005 Exhibit "A" Summary of Payments Basic Agreement Supplement #1 Total Direct Salary Cost $178,115.84 +$13,503.00 $191,618.84 Overhead (Including Payroll Additives) Direct Non -Salary Costs $20,350.00 -$13,503.00 $6,847.00 Fixed Fee Total $198,465.84 $0.00 $198,465.84 DOT Form 140-063 Revised 09/2005 Exhibit A-3 Renton Elementary and Middle School Crossings Supplement 2 Scope of Services Introduction (No Change) Task 1: (No Change) Task 2: RRFB Preliminary Design (Revision) The following services are removed from the scope of work: The potholing services including labor and direct expenses shall be removed from this scope of work. Task 3: RRFB Final Design (No Change) Task 4: Construction Support Services (No Change) Task 5: Bid Support Services (New, Supplement 2) The Consultant shall provide bid support services by providing answers to questions from the potential bidders and preparing addenda if needed and conformed set for construction. Page 1 of 1 Exhibit A-4.1 Supplement 2 Fee Adjustment Concord Toole L&A Summary All Team Loaded Salary Reimb. Loaded I Salary Reimb. Loaded Salary Reimb Total Loaded Salary Total Reimb Task 1. Project Mana ement and Coordination Project Administration (Project Setup, Invoices) $ 831.50 $ - $ 2,460.24 $ $ $ $ 3,291.74 $ - Project Kickoff, Field Visit, and Workshop $ 3,002.08 $ 20,00 $ 1,636.16 $ $ $ $ 4,638.24 $ 20.00 Check-in/Coordination Meetings (up to 5) $ $ 80.00 $ 3,071.55 $ $ $ $ 3,071.55 $ 80.00 $ $ $ - $ $ $ $ - $ Subtotal $ 3,833.58 $ 100.00 $ 7,167.95 $ $ $ $ 11,001.53 $ 100.00 Task 2. RRFB Prelimi ary Design Revision 2.1.1 Survey and Basemapping $ $ $ 1,330.22 $ $ 18,465.68 $ 3,247.00 $ 19,795.90 $ 3,247.00 2 1 2 Pothole Survey and Coordination (Removal) $ $ $ _ $ $ $ $ - $ 2.1.3 ROW Certification $ 2,894.12 $ 3,000 00 $ - $ $ 3,608.04 $ $ 6,502.161 $ 3.00000 2.2 30% Design $ 13,579.52 $ 50.00 $ 18,961.36 $ 50.00 $ - $ $ 32,540.88 $ 100.00 2.3 PSE Coordination $ 2,278.56 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $ 2,278.56 $ - Subtotal $ 18,752.20 $ 3,050.00 $ 20,291.58 $ 50.00 $ 22,073.72 $ 3,247.00 $ 61,117.50 $ 6,347.00 Task 3. RRFB Final Design Project Coordination $ 8,981.94 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 8,981.94 $ - Public Outreach Support $ 4,168.36 $ 50.00 $ 2,869.28 $ 50.00 $ - $ $ 7,037.64 $ 100.00 Additional Survey and Basemapping $ _ $ - $ _ $ _ $ 5,105.85 $ $ 5,105.85 $ - 90% Design $ 15,998.46 $ $ 20,900.58 $ $ - $ $ 36,899.04 $ 90% Review and Comment Resolution $ 3,002.08 $ $ 3,322.88 $ $ $ $ 6,324.96 $ TIR Documentation $ - $ $ 2,869.28 $ $ $ $ 2,869.28 $ - 100%/Bid Document $ 9,783.72 $ $ 12,163.84 $ 300.00 $ $ $ 21,947.56 $ 300.00 Subtotal $ 41,934.56 $ 50.00 $ 42,125.86 $ 350.00 $ 5,105.85 $ $ 89,166.27 $ 400.00 Task 4. Construction Support RFI (up to 2), Material Submittals (up to 2), and Field Observations (up to 2) $ 4,168.36 $ $ 5,019.08 $ $ $ $ 9,187.44 $ Subtotal $ 4,168.36 $ $ 5,019.08 $ $ $ $ 9.187,44 $ Task 5. Bid Support Services Bid Support Services $ 13,279 90 $ 7 866 20 $ 21.146 10 Subtotal $ 13,279.90 $ $ 7,866.20 $ $ $ - $ 21.146.10 $ Total $ 81,968.60 $ 3,200.00 $ 82,470.67 $ 400.00 1 $ 27,179.57 $ 3,247.00 $ 191,618.84 $ 6,847.00 $ 198,465.84 $ 191,618.84 1 $ 6,847.00 Total Loaded Salary Cost $ 191.618 84 Total Reimbursable Expenses $ 6.84700 Total Cost of Services $ 198,465.84 Exhibit A-4.2 Supplement 2 Fee Adjustment Concord Engineering PM QC Senior Engineer Assoaate Eng neer Assistant Engineer Project Coordinator Xiaoping Zhang Monsur Ahmed Syed Rahman Yilin Wang Christian Carlos Jody Guilliatt Supplement 2 Change to Reimb Supplement 2 Change to Labor $ 205 18 1 $ 180 88 1 $ 170 08 $ 105 29 1 $ 97 19 $ 70.19 Reimb. Loaded Salary Cost Task 1. Project Mana ement and Coordination Project Administration (Project Setup, Invoices) 2 6 S - 5 831 50 Project Kickoff, Field Visit, and Workshop 8 8 $ 2000 $ 3 002 08 Check-i n/Coordination Meetings (up to 5) $ 8000 5 01 1 S - S Subtotal 10 1 0 8 0 6 $ 100.00 $ 3,833.58 Task 2. RRFB Preliminary Design 2.1.1 Survey and Basemapping 2.1 2 Pothole Survey and Coordination $ S 2.1 3 ROW Certification 10 8 S 5.60000 $ 289412 2.2 30 % Design 8 12 30 48 $ 5000 $ 13.579 52 2.3 PSE Coordination 4 4 8 $ - $ 2.27856 Subtotal 22 12 34 8 56 0 $ 5,650.00 $ 18,752.20 S (2,60000) Task 3. RRFB Final Desi n $ - $ Project Coordination 28 5 8 :2 $ - $ 8 981 94 Public Outreach Support 8 8 12 $ 5000 $ 4 16836 Additional Survey and S 90% Design 4 12 30 12 64 6 $ - $ 15 998 46 90% Review and Comment 8 8 $ - S 3 002 08 TIR Documentation $ 5 100%/Bid Document 4 12 20 32 4 $ - S 9 783 72 Subtotal 52 24 71 20 16 12 50 $ 41,934.56 Task 4. Construction Support RFI (up to 2), Material Submittals (up to 2), and Field Observations (up to 2) 8 8 12 $ $ 4 16836 Subtotal 8 0 8 0 12 0 $ - $ 4,168.36 Task 5. Bid Support Services Bid Support Services 155 $ 13 279 90 Subtotal 32 0 12 30 16 0 $ $ - $ 13.279.90 92 24 91 50 43 32 S 50,392 74 $ 5,800.00 $ 68,688.70 S (2,600.00) $ 13,279.90 Total Loaded Salary Cost $ 68 688 70 $ 13 279 90 Total Reimbursable Expenses $ 5 800 00 S (2 600 00) Total Cost of Services $ 74,488.70 S (2,600.00) $ 13,279.90 Supplement 2 Total Loaded Salary Cost 5 81 968 60 Total Reimbursable Expenses 5 320000 Total Cost of Services $ 85,168.60 ExhibitA-4.3 Supplement 2 Fee Adjustment Toole PM QC Senior Engineer Project Engineer Landscape Architect Project Coordinator Ken eth Loran Amalia Leighton Craig Schoenberg Jakob Ward Teresa Damaske Supplement 2 Change to Labor $ 2 i5 27 $ 20377 $ 15339 $ 9690 $ 13302 Reimb Loaded Salary COS( Task 1. Project Mana ement and Coordination Project Administration (Project Setup, Invoices) 10 2 $ $ 2.46024 Project Kickoff, Field Vsit, and Workshop 4 4 $ 163616 Check-in/Coordination Meetings (up to 5) 10 5 S 3 071 55 01 1 S Subtotal 7e 11 0 0 $ - $ 7,167.96 Task 2. RRFB Prelimina Desi n 2.1.1 Survey and Basemapping 4 4 $ S 1 33022 2.1.2 Pothole Survey and Coordination I $ S 2.1.3 ROW Certification $ S 2.2 30% Design 1 ` 10 58 33 $ 5000 S 18 961 36 2 3 PSE Coordination $ $ Subtotal 10 6? 37 0 $ 50.00 $ 20,291.68 Task 3. RRFB Final Desi n $ Project Coordination $ _ $ Public Outreach Support 50 00 S 2.869.28 Additional Survey and Basemapping $ 90% Design 22 B S - S 20 900 58 90% Review and Comment Resolution i 3 S - S 3.32288 TIR Documentation 8 8 S $ 2.86928 100%/Bid Document 6 S 30000 $ 12,163 84 Subtotal 4 65 0 350 $ 42,126.86 Task 4. Construction Sup 3ort RFI (up to 2), Material Submittals (up to 2), and Field Observations (up to 2) 16 4 $ - S 5 019 08 Subtotal 16 •• 4 0 0 $ 5,019.08 Task 5. Bid Support Services Bid Support Services Subtotal 14 0 0 $ - $ 7,866.20 11 : ' r 9 0 S 82 470 67 $ 400.00 $ 74,604.47 S 7,86620 Total Loaded Salary Cost S 74.60447 Total Reimbursable Expenses $ 40000 Total Cost of Services $ 75,004.47 S 7,86620 Supplement 2 Total Loaded Salary Cost 4` Total Reimbursable Expenses 4.r Total Cost of Services 1 82,870.67 Exhibit A-4.4 Supplement 2 Fee Adjustment LInBAssoclates Principal -In- Charge Survey Manager Sr. Survey Tech Chief of Parties Survey Tech Field Surveyor Sr. Project Admin Reis, Richard Bone, Earl MacDougall, Darryn Manalo, Alfonso Sweeny, Colin Goode, Peter Goklsherry, Jessica Supplement 2 Change to Reimb Supplement 2 Change to Labor $ 2659.0 $ 17679 S 113 15 $ 10749 S 86.28 S 76.37 $ 12588 Reimb. Loaded Salary Cost Task 1. Project Mana ement and Coordination Project Administration (Project Setup, Invoices) $ $ Project Kickoff, Field Visit, and Workshop S $ k-in/Coordination Meetings (up to 5) $ S 0 $ S Subtotal o 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ $ Task 2. RRFB Prelimina Desi n 2.1.1Survey and Basemapping 4 26 34 38 38 38 4 $ 4.35000 S 20,276.08 $ (1,103.00) S (181040) 2.1.2 Pothole Survey and Coordination 4 2 $ 9 800 00 $ 5.832.70 S 9 800 00) $ (5,832 70) 2 1.3 ROW Certification 0 10 6 0 12 0 1 $ $ 3.60804 2.2 30% Design S $ 2.3 PSE Coordination S $ Subtotal 4 40 46 58 56 58 7 $ 14,150.00 $ 29,716.82 S (10,903 00) $ (7,643.10) Task 3. RRFB Final Design $ s Project Coordination $ $ Public Outreach Support $ S Add'Rional Survey and Basemapping 4 4 20 8 5 S S 5,105.85 7% Design $ $ 90% Review and Comment Resolution S $ TIR Documentation $ $ 100%/Bid Document $ $ Subtotal 4 4 20 0 8 5 0 0 S 61106,116 Task 4. Construction Support RFI (up to 2), Material Submittals (up to 2), and Field Observations (up to 2) $ $ Subtotal 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ $ Task 5. Bid Sup ort Services Bid Support Sees rvic $ $ Subtotal 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 S S 8 44 66 58 d4 63 7 S 34 822 67 $ 14,150.00 S 34,822.67 $ (10,903 00) $ (7,643.10) Total Loaded Salary Cost $ 34,822 67 $ (7,643 101 Total Reimbursable Expenses $ 14,150 00 S (10 903 00) Total Cost of Services $ 48,972.67 f (18.646 10) Supplement 2 Total Loaded Salary Cost $ 27,179.57 Total Reimbursable Expenses $ 3,24700 Total Cost of Services $ 30,426 57