HomeMy WebLinkAboutD_Sunset_Area_Community_Renton Athletes Mural_Public_Art_Exemption_201118_v1PLANNING DIVISION CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM SIGN CODE REGULATIONS FOR AN OBJECT OF ART DATE: December 17, 2020 PROJECT NUMBER: LUA20-000303, AE PROJECT NAME: Renton Athletes Mural Public Art Exemption PROJECT MANAGER: Angelea Weihs, Associate Planner OWNER: Noh Ki W / 2801 NE 10th St, Renton, WA 98056 APPLICANT/CONTACT: Jessie Kotarski / City of Renton, Economic Development Specialist / 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 PROJECT LOCATION: 2801 NE Sunset Blvd, Renton, WA 98056 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The City of Renton is formally requesting a Public Art Exemption for a new mural located at 2801 NE Sunset Blvd (Parcel number 7227900090) in the Sunset neighborhood. The proposed mural will be located on the northeast façade of the existing one-story retail building located at the southeast corner of NE 10th St and NE Sunset Blvd. The mural would occupy the majority of the northeast building elevation facing the Grocery Outlet parking lot and would be approximately 49 feet wide and 15 feet tall. On November 13, 2018, the project received a grant award from the Renton Municipal Arts Commission (Attachment B). The artist, Alexander Codd, is proposing a new mural that will feature iconic athletic figures and the faces of Renton. Alexander plans to capture the likenesses of local Renton citizens and celebrate the diversity and character of the community (Attachment C). City staff observed a verbage error in the provided proposal (Attachment C). In order to ensure that this error is not translated into the final design, staff recommends as a condition of approval that a final proposal be submitted for review and approval prior to mural installation. CODE AUTHORITY: RMC 4-9-160F gives the Department of Community and Economic Development authority to grant exemptions from the sign code for 'objects of art' provided an Exemption Certificate for Public Art is issued. The code defines 'objects of art' as sculptures, wall paintings, murals, collages or banners by artists recognized by the Renton Municipal Arts commission. EVALUATION CRITERIA: Per RMC 4-9-160C, the Department of Community and Economic Development may determine that objects of art are exempt from the requirements of the City's Sign code when: 1. Sited in a manner as to be readily accessible to pedestrians for passive viewing; DocuSign Envelope ID: A802D840-A6BC-4B79-A42B-357FB4767CD8 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Certificate of Exemption from Sign Code for an Object of Art Renton Athletes Mural Public Art Exemption LUA20-000303, AE DATE OF PERMIT: December 17, 2020 Page 2 of 2 2. Sited in a manner so as not to unduly divert the attention of motorists from the roadway; 3. Stationary and do not revolve or otherwise move; 4. Not illuminated; 5. In good taste and reasonably reflect acceptable community values; 6. Of sufficient durability so as to have a life expectancy of at least ten (10) years; 7. Not used or referred to in the media or by the owners of the premises or operators of businesses contained thereon for business advertising purposes. DECISION: An exemption from the sign code regulations for an object of art is hereby approved and is subject to the following conditions: 1. A final mural proposal shall be submitted for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager, prior to mural installation. DATE OF DECISION ON LAND USE ACTION: SIGNATURE: ________________________________________________________ ________________ Vanessa Dolbee, Planning Director Date The administrative land use decision will become final if the decision is not appealed within 14 days of the decision date. APPEALS: This exemption will become final if not appealed in writing to the Hearing Examiner on or before 5:00 PM on December 31, 2020. An appeal of the decision must be filed within the 14-day appeal period (RCW 43.21.C.075(3); WAC 197-11-680). Due to Governor Jay Inslee’s Proclamation 20-25 (“Stay Home, Stay Healthy”), the City Clerk’s Office is working remotely. For that reason, appeals must be submitted electronically to the City Clerk at cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. The appeal fee, normally due at the time an appeal is submitted, will be collected at a future date. Appeals to the Hearing Examiner are governed by RMC 4 -8- 110 and additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk’s Office, cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. If the situation changes such that the City Clerk’s Office is open when you file your appeal, you have the option of filing the appeal in person. Attachments: A) Renton Athletes Mural Proposal (email request from Jessie Kotarski), B) Art Commission Grant Approval (Renton Municipal Arts Commission Minutes dated November 13, 2018) and C) Renton Athletes Mural Project Design DocuSign Envelope ID: A802D840-A6BC-4B79-A42B-357FB4767CD8 12/17/2020 | 1:58 PM PST From: Jessie Kotarski <JKotarski@Rentonwa.gov> Sent: Thursday, December 3, 2020 10:01 AM To: Vanessa Dolbee <VDolbee@Rentonwa.gov> Cc: Clark Close <CClose@Rentonwa.gov>; Jordan Hoover <JHoover@Rentonwa.gov> Subject: Sunset Neighborhood: Mural proposal for "art exemption" Hello Vanessa (or maybe these should go to Clark now *congratulations Clark!*) I am requesting an exemption for an Arts Commission funded project, this one in the Sunset neighborhood. Here is the information for the proposed mural: - Artist Information: o Alexander Codd. The project received a grant award from the Arts Commission and has been looking for a “home” for a couple of years now. We at last have a willing building owner to supply a wall! - The selected and approved design is attached. - Photos of the proposed location (below): 2801 NE 10th St (north wall facing the parking lot of Grocery Outlet) - (We are waiting for the signed Master application, and will forward when it has been received). Let me know if you need anything else! ~Jessie Jessie Kotarski Economic Development Specialist City of Renton | 1055 S. Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton WA 98057 jkotarski@rentonwa.gov| Phone: 425.430.7271 ATTACHMENT A DocuSign Envelope ID: A802D840-A6BC-4B79-A42B-357FB4767CD8 1 | Page RENTON MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES Tuesday, November 13, 2018 Members Present: Dave Samek, Neil Sheesley, Evelyn Reingold, Bill Huls, Susan Jessick Staff Present: Chip Vincent, Administrator, Community and Economic Development Jessie Kotarski, RMAC Administrative Assistant Guests: Alan Wyatt, Parks Planning & Natural Resources, City of Renton Brianna Burroughs, prospective Commissioner Adam Rosencrantz, Theater Manager, IKEA Performing Arts Center Call to Order: Meeting was called to order by RMAC Chair, Neil Sheesley at 6:05 pm. Introduction of Guests: Alan Wyatt presented an update on the plans for Kennydale Beach Park and the search for a new home for Tommy the Turtle. City Council has approved the use of $14.5 million for deferred maintenance and the Parks Department plans to use some of those funds to update the design and play equipment at Kennydale Beach Park. The Department will incorporate the turtle into the new Park design, making sure the Turtle is an integral part of the overall look and feel of the Park. The estimated timeframe for the project is summer 2019. The Commissioners have requested that the Department consider the addition of an interpretative sign to provide the public with the history of the Turtle. Alan continued his presentation with an update on the plans at Sunset Park. The project is currently in Phase 2 and at 75% design completion. The request for the Arts Commission is to assist the Parks Department in identifying an artist that can work with the park design team to create a piece (or pieces) of art to be installed in the completed park. Alan’s presentation provided an overview of the park look and feel including materials, selected play and fitness equipment, benches, gazebo design, rain garden and water “mist” feature. Alan also noted that extra conduit is being added to the central location identified for art and that the park will feature free Wifi (should these items be necessary for selected art featured in the park). The Commissioners have requested additional information from Alan to help in the selection of the artist, including: •Space limitations (dimensions of the allotted area for art) •Timeline for installation •Budget for art Approval of Minutes: The October 2018 minutes were read and approved. MSC (Susan/Dave) Correspondence and Announcements: •4Culture Listening Session: The event is scheduled for November 27 from 10am to 12pm at the Renton Civic Theatre. •Building for Culture: Carco Theatre will be applying for the 4Culture Building for Culture grant (closing November 14). The theatre will be applying for a new marquee. ATTACHMENT B DocuSign Envelope ID: A802D840-A6BC-4B79-A42B-357FB4767CD8 2 | Page • Seattle Symphony in Renton: The Seattle Symphony met with the IKEA Performing Arts Center and is looking at two potential dates to offer a free concert; Oct. 24, 2019 or February 25, 2020. The Symphony has requested recommendations for potential local partners to collaborate with in an effort to create a community-driven event that caters to the unique identity of Renton. The Symphony is currently working with Quintin Morris, A Key to Change, and will look into partnering with the Renton schools as well. Budget: • City Council will meet on November 19 for the second final reading of the proposed budget; including the request for $102,900 from the General Fund to support the Arts in addition to the 1% for Art fund. • A recap of the current 2018 remaining funds indicates that there is approximately $26,000 remaining in the Arts & Culture budget. • Items remain on the project list that was established at the Annual Retreat in February. This list will be re-sent to the Commissioners to identify projects that can still be completed by the end of the year. • Any funds not used in the calendar year will be rolled over to 2019. General Business: • Art Maintenance – The City is entering into contracts with local art restoration business, Artech. These repairs will be funded by the Facilities Department. Artech will repair and clean three identified City- owned art pieces: o Summer Breeze o Going Global o Terrazzo benches outside of City Hall Galvanizing Art Projects: New Business: • Small Business Saturday – The Annual Tree Lighting and Small Business Saturday are scheduled for November 24, 2018. The day-long celebration will include kid’s activities (arts and crafts), support for Downtown businesses, live music performances and the arrival of Santa at the Pavilion. Additionally, the Santa House will be open three Saturdays in December for kids to get their pictures made with Santa at no cost. The Arts Commission has been asked to support the event with a sponsorship of $1000 which will help with the cost of decorations (for Small Business Saturday and Santa House), art activity kits and costs related to the musicians. A motion was made and approved to fund Small Business Saturday (hosted by the Renton Downtown Partnership) and the Santa House in the amount of $1,000. MSC (Evelyn/Bill) Old Business: • Vigor Mural – In response to comments from the Commission about the original design for the mural at Vigor Fitness, the artist Alexander Codd is proposing a new concept for the public art piece that will feature iconic athletic figures and the faces of Renton. Alexander plans to capture the likenesses of local Renton citizens and celebrate the diversity and character of the community in this mural to be installed at the Vigor building in Spring 2019. Alexander has proposed a budget of $7,500 for the project. Funding has been provided in part by the Port of Seattle (through a grant to the Economic Development Department) and by the building owner, Luka Hocevar. The request to the Arts Commission is to help fund the project in the amount of $3,000. A motion was made and approved to fund the project in the amount of $3,000 pending approval of the final mural design to incorporate local historical figures of Renton. MSC (Bill/Evelyn) DocuSign Envelope ID: A802D840-A6BC-4B79-A42B-357FB4767CD8 3 | Page • Boone Kirkman mural (complete!) – The mural is complete and a celebration of the project is scheduled for Wednesday, November 21 at La Hacienda between 5 and 7pm. A motion was made and approved to sponsor the event in an amount not to exceed $500. MSC (Bill/Dave) • Olde Fashioned Halloween Party (Oct 27) – The event was attended by an estimated 750 kids and their families. More 30 downtown businesses participated in the Trick or Treating and there were 21 entries in the scarecrow competition. The event was a huge success. Thank you to Neil and Evelyn for judging the scarecrows. Merrill Gardens took first place and The Pencil Test received the People’s Choice award. • Renton’s Own Rock Show (Nov 3) – The event was attended by 130 people. One takeaway from the event is that the free admission may have encourage attendance from a disrespectful crowd. The Theatre staff observed rude behavior from some of the patrons and a lack of respect for the space (lots of mess was left behind). The recommendation was made to consider charging a nominal fee and perhaps a recommended donation that will then be used to support a selected non-profit. • Utility Box wraps in Sunset (update) – The designs are complete and will be installed by the end of the month. • Utility Box wraps in Downtown – Artist, Yvonne Chan has submitted three designs for the Arts Commission to select from for the utility box downtown. The Arts Commission has made the request that an additional 2 utility boxes be identified Downtown so that all three designs can be used. • Utility Box wraps in Benson Hill – The artist, Camp., has submitted her final design and is working with the installers to wrap the box in Benson Hill before the end of the year. • Dragon Update – Marsha will be meeting with Western Neon on Tuesday, November 20 to finalize and approve the design of the dragon’s head. The fabricators indicate that the project is still on target for completion by the end of the year. Committee Reports: • Vacancies – The Committee to fill vacant commission positions has made the recommendation to approve the appointment of Brianna Burroughs and Kaie Wise following two very successful candidate interviews. A motion was made and approved to appoint Brianna and Kaie to the Arts Commission effective immediately. MSC (Bill/Susan) The meeting was adjourned at 7:52 p.m. DocuSign Envelope ID: A802D840-A6BC-4B79-A42B-357FB4767CD8 ATTACHMENT C DocuSign Envelope ID: A802D840-A6BC-4B79-A42B-357FB4767CD8