HomeMy WebLinkAboutFinal Agenda Packet CITY OF RENTON AGENDA - City Council Regular Meeting 7:00 PM - Monday, January 25, 2021 Council Chambers, 7th Floor, City Hall – 1055 S. Grady Way Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Councilmembers are attending this meeting remotely through Zoom. Audience comments will be accommodated through Zoom, but the public is requested to sign up for such testimony by calling 425-430-6501 or emailing cityclerk@rentonwa.gov or jmedzegian@rentonwa.gov by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting. The public may also submit comments in writing to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5 p.m. on the day of the meeting. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83533009277?pwd=ZjN4em5wakpnRi8xY3JGWTNYWVpJZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser) or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253- 215-8782 and entering 835 3300 9277 Passcode 347602, or (3) call 425-430-6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. Those providing audience comments will be limited to 5 minutes each speaker unless an exception is granted by the Council. Attendees will be muted and not audible to the Council except during times they are designated to speak. Advance instructions for how to address the Council will be provided to those who sign up in advance to speak and again during the meeting. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 4. AUDIENCE COMMENTS • All remarks must be addressed to the Council as a whole, if a response is requested please provide your name and address, including email address, to the City Clerk to allow for follow‐up. • Speakers must sign-up prior to the Council meeting. • Each speaker is allowed five minutes. • When recognized, please state your name & city of residence for the record. NOTICE to all participants: Pursuant to state law, RCW 42.17A.555, campaigning for any ballot measure or candidate in City Hall and/or during any portion of the council meeting, including the audience comment portion of the meeting, is PROHIBITED. 5. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Councilmembers in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Councilmember. a) Approval of Council Meeting minutes of January 11, 2021. Council Concur b) AB - 2785 City Clerk reports bid opening on December 17, 2020 for CAG-21-001, Downtown Utility Improvement Project, and submits the staff recommendation to award the contract to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, SCI Infrastructure, in the amount of $10,555,986.64. Council Concur c) AB - 2790 City Clerk submits the quarterly list of fully executed contracts & leases between 10/1/2020 - 12/31/2020, and a report of agreements expiring between 1/1/2021 – 6/30/2021. None; Information Only d) AB - 2793 City Clerk reports receipt of the King County Boundary Review Board Closing Letter for the Graves Annexation, A-19-001, and submits the staff recommendation to adopt the ordinance effectuating the Graves Annexation. Council Concur e) AB - 2792 Community & Economic Development Department recommends approval of a franchise agreement with ExteNet System, Inc. as a purveyor of telecommunication transmission and distribution systems within City limits. Refer to Utilities Committee f) AB - 2794 Community & Economic Development Department recommends granting a private storm drainage easement to the Quadrant Corporation within unimproved NE 43rd St right-of-way for the purpose of conveying storm water from the Rhododendron Ridge plat to the City's existing storm drainage system within Lincoln Ave NE. Refer to Utilities Committee g) AB - 2788 Public Works Administration requests authorization to the change the 2021- 2022 adopted budget to reflect a reduction of 2.0 Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Solid Waste Maintenance Workers positions and the addition of 2.0 FTE Maintenance Services Worker I (Street/Solid Waste) positions. Refer to Finance Committee h) AB - 2791 Public Works Airport Division recommends approval of Addendum No. 11-21 to LAG-001-87, with Boeing Employees Flying Association, Inc., increasing its land rental rate to $131,296.96 plus leasehold excise tax, annually through December 31, 2022. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee i) AB - 2795 Public Works Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of the 2021-2022 ORCA Business Cards and Business Passports Agreement in order to purchase 298 ORCA passes, totaling $69,362.48, in order to help reduce congestion and improve air quality as part of the State's Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) program. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee j) AB - 2787 Public Works Transportation Systems Division requests authorization to conduct a series of temporary road closures to facilitate the construction of the Williams Ave S and Wells Ave Conversion Project. Each of the closures is scheduled to last seven (7) days, however Council approval for a closure of 14 days is requested in the event of a weather delay, or other unforeseen issues. These closures will occur between February 15 and April 16, 2021. The order in which the closure will occur has not yet been determined, but the closures will occur one at a time with no overlap. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee k) AB - 2789 Public Works Utility Systems Division submits the Benson Road South Culvert Improvement Project 2020, CAG-20-121, contract with Nordvind Sewer Service, LLC, and requests acceptance of the project and release of the retainage bond once all of the required releases from the State have been obtained. Council Concur 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the Chair if further review is necessary. a) Finance Committee: Vouchers 7. LEGISLATION Ordinance for first reading: a) Ordinance No. 6011: Graves Annexation - A-19-001 (See Item 5.d) Ordinance for second and final reading: b) Ordinance No. 6010: Building Code Amendments (First Reading 1/11/2021) 8. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; visit rentonwa.gov/cityclerk for more information.) 9. EXECUTIVE SESSION a) To discuss labor negotiations pursuant to RCW 42.30.140(4)(b) for approximately 15 minutes. 10. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) Cancelled Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 To view Council Meetings online, please visit rentonwa.gov/councilmeetings January 11, 2021 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES CITY OF RENTON MINUTES - City Council Regular Meeting 7:00 PM - Monday, January 11, 2021 Council Chambers, 7th Floor, City Hall – 1055 S. Grady Way CALL TO ORDER Mayor Pavone called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order at 7:00 PM. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Randy Corman, Council President Angelina Benedetti, Council Position No. 2 Valerie O'Halloran, Council Position No. 3 Ryan McIrvin, Council Position No. 4 Ed Prince, Council Position No. 5 Ruth Pérez, Council Position No. 6 Kim-Khánh Vǎn, Council Position No. 7 (All councilmembers attended remotely) Councilmembers Absent: ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF PRESENT Armondo Pavone, Mayor Ed VanValey, Interim Chief Administrative Officer Leslie Clark, Senior Assistant City Attorney Jason Seth, City Clerk Julia Medzegian, Council Liaison Judith Subia, Incoming Council Liaison Kelly Beymer, Community Services Administrator Jan Hawn, Administrative Services Administrator Martin Pastucha, Public Works Administrator Ron Straka, Public Works Utility Systems Director Vanessa Dolbee, Planning Director Kim Gilman, HR Labor Manager Kristi Rowland, Organizational Development Manager Jon Schuldt, Interim Police Chief Commander Jeff Hardin, Police Department AGENDA ITEM #5. a) January 11, 2021 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES (All City staff attended remotely except City Clerk Seth) PROCLAMATION National Mentoring Month: A proclamation by Mayor Pavone was read declaring January 2021 to be National Mentoring Month in the City of Renton, in tribute to the many dedicated individuals who volunteer their time, compassion, and talents to mentor young people, and encouraging all citizens to join in this special observance and to consider giving back to our community as mentors. Mayor Pavone accepted the proclamation, noted he has been a mentor with Community In Schools of Renton for over six years, and encouraged everyone to become a mentor. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY MCIRVIN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Interim CAO Ed VanValey reviewed a written administrative report summarizing the City’s recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2021 and beyond. Items noted were: • Parks Planning & Natural Resources Forestry Division and IT/GIS are pleased to announce that the new City of Renton Tree Inventory database has been updated. The new data is live and current in COR Maps. You will notice additional trees have been catalogued in places like Heritage Park, Riverview Park, the North end of Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park, Renton Municipal Airport, the Public Works Yard, and the Maplewood Golf Course, to name a few. This is the culmination of a year-long effort to update tree counts, tree measurements, condition ratings, maintenance needs, and available planting spots. Please contact the City Forester at igray@rentonwa.gov or mapsupport@rentonwa.gov with any questions. • Due to high water levels, the Cedar River Trail Lower Walk is closed between Bronson Way North and Wells Avenue North. For your safety, please follow directions on all posted signage. Contact Community Services at 425-430-6600 for more information. • Preventative street maintenance will continue to impact traffic and result in occasional street closures. CONSENT AGENDA Items listed on the consent agenda were adopted with one motion, following the listing. a) Approval of Council Meeting minutes of January 4, 2021. Council Concur. b) AB - 2786 Mayor Pavone reappointed Ms. Kiley Thornton, Ms. Susan Jessick, and Mr. Neil Sheesley to the Renton Municipal Arts Commission for terms expiring on December 31, 2023. Council Concur. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY MCIRVIN, COUNCIL CONCUR TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. AGENDA ITEM #5. a) January 11, 2021 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES UNFINISHED BUSINESS a) Finance Committee Chair O'Halloran presented a report concurring in the staff recommendation to approve the following payments: 1. Accounts Payable – total payment of $18,894,668.58 for vouchers, 10217-10218, 10223-10239, 388878, 388889-388934, 388936-389220, 389222-389223, 389234- 389513, 102221-102222; payroll benefit withholding vouchers 6447-6449, 6451- 6469, 10239, 388880-388888, 389224-389233 and four wire transfers. 2. Payroll – total payment of $2,956,081.51 for payroll vouchers that include 1,120 direct deposits and 3 checks. (11/16/20-11/30/20 & 12/01/20-12/15/20 pay periods). 3. Kidder Mathews vouchers 6241-6259 totaling $29,743.63 4. Municipal Court vouchers 017755 - 017770 totaling $3,600.86. MOVED BY O'HALLORAN, SECONDED BY PRINCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. b) Finance Committee Chair O'Halloran presented a report concurring in the staff recommendation to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the agreement with Murraysmith, Inc. in the amount of $1,597,678 for construction management services related to the Downtown Utility Improvement Project. MOVED BY O'HALLORAN, SECONDED BY PRINCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. c) Finance Committee Chair O'Halloran presented a report concurring in the staff recommendation to approve the Finance Division’s request to hire Kristin Trivelas for the vacant position of Budget and Accounting Manager at grade m33, Step E, effective January 19, 2021. MOVED BY O'HALLORAN, SECONDED BY PRINCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. d) Finance Committee Chair O'Halloran presented a report concurring in the staff recommendation to authorize a new hire salary of Step D, grade m25, for Erika E., Sr. Benefits Analyst in the HRRM Department, effective January 11, 2021. MOVED BY O'HALLORAN, SECONDED BY PRINCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. e) Planning & Development Committee Chair Prince presented a report concurring in the staff recommendation to amend the Renton Municipal Code that adopts the 2018 Construction Codes. This will allow the City to utilize the same Code as adopted by the State of Washington. These codes include the building code, residential code, mechanical code, property maintenance code, accessibility code and others. The Committee further recommended that an ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY PRINCE, SECONDED BY PÉREZ, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. AGENDA ITEM #5. a) January 11, 2021 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES LEGISLATION Ordinance for first reading: a) Ordinance No. 6010: An ordinance was read amending Subsection 4-5-030.B.2; Section 4-5- 040; Subsections 4-5-050.A and 4-5-050.C; and Sections 4-5-051, 4-5-055, 4-5-090, 4-5-100, 4- 5-110, and 4-5-130 of the Renton Municipal Code; adopting by reference and amending the most recent versions of the Renton Electrical Code, the International Building Code, the Washington State Energy Code, the International Residential Code, the International Mechanical Code, the National Fuel Gas Code, the Uniform Plumbing Code, and the International Property Maintenance Code; providing for severability; and establishing an effective date. MOVED BY PRINCE, SECONDED BY PÉREZ, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING AT THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETING. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Please see the attached Council Committee Meeting Calendar. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PRINCE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. TIME: 7:17 P.M. Jason A. Seth, MMC, City Clerk Jason Seth, Recorder 11 Jan 2021 AGENDA ITEM #5. a) 1 1/11/2021 1:46 PMCouncil  January 18, 2021  Monday NO MEETINGS Martin Luther King Jr Holiday  January 25, 2021  Monday 4:00 PM Finance Committee, Chair O'Halloran ‐‐ Videoconference 1. Vouchers 2. Emerging Issues in Finance 5:00 PM Planning & Development, Chair Prince ‐‐ Videoconference 1. 2021 Long Range Planning Work Program 2. Growth Targets Briefing 3. Emerging Issues in CED CANCELED Committee of the Whole, Chair Corman 7:00 PM Council Meeting -Videoconference AGENDA ITEM #5. a) AB - 2785 City Council Regular Meeting - 25 Jan 2021 SUBJECT/TITLE: CONTRACT AWARD: Downtown Utility Improvement Project; CAG -21- 001 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Council Concur DEPARTMENT: City Clerk STAFF CONTACT: Jason Seth, City Clerk EXT.: 6502 FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARY: $10,555,986.64 Total Project Budget: $19,860,270 Engineer's Estimate: $14,903,723.17 SUMMARY OF ACTION: Sealed bids were received and opened on December 17, 2020 for CAG -21-001, Downtown Utility Improvement Project. There were a few minor mathematical errors that did not change the bid rankings. The bids submitted met the following Council criteria: 1) There was more than one bid; 2) The lowest responsive and responsible bid was within the project budget; and 3) There were no irregularities with the lowest responsive and responsible bid Therefore, the Public Works Department recommends that CAG-21-001, Downtown Utility Improvement Project, be awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, SCI Infrastructure, in the amount of $10,555,986.64. EXHIBITS: A. Staff Recommendation with Staff Bid Tab B. Bid Tab STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Award CAG-21-001, Downtown Utility Improvement Project, to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, SCI Infrastructure, in the amount of $10,555,986.64. AGENDA ITEM #5. b) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE:December 31, 2020 TO:Jason Seth, City Clerk FROM Ron Straka, Utility Systems Director STAFF CONTACTS:Joe Stowell, Wastewater Engineering Manager Michael Benoit, Project Manager SUBJECT:Bid Award for CAG-21-001 The Public Works Department has reviewed the bids that were submitted for the Downtown Utility Improvement Project. The bids were opened on December 17, 2020. There were a total of 7 bids received. There were various insignificant mathematical errors in bids that did not change any of the rankings. The low bidder is SCI Infrastructure, LLC with a bid of $10,555,986.64. The engineers estimate is $14,903,723.17. The Public Works Department recommends that the bid be awarded to SCI Infrastructure. We request that an agenda bill be prepared for the Council Meeting on January 11, 2021 for Council Concur. The Downtown Utilities Improvement project is a joint utility project between the city’s Water, Wastewater, and Surface Water Utilities. The project will install and replace approximately 3,500 linear feet of water mains, 6,800 linear feet of sanitary sewer mains, 6,300 linear feet of storm drainage mains, and line approximately 2,000 linear feet of sanitary sewer mains. Contract Share Construction Budget Total Project Budget Account Water $1,872,635.85 $2,500,000 $3,500,000 425.455290 Wastewater $5,641,292.79 $8,000,000 $10,330,000 426.465517 Surface Water $3,042,058.00 $4,712,465 $6,030,270 427.475510 Total $10,555,986.64 $15,212,465 $19,860,270 Attachment cc: Martin Pastucha, Public Works Administrator Joe Stowell, Wastewater Engineering Manager Abdoul Gafour, Water Engineering Manager Joe Farah, Surface Water Engineering Manager AGENDA ITEM #5. b) Project Downtown Utility Improvement Project City of Renton SCI Infrastructure, LLC Pivetta Brothers Construction, Inc Rodarte Construction, Inc R.L. Alia Company James W Fowler Co Johansen Construction Co MidMountain Construction BID DATE:17-Dec-20 Engineers Estimate Item No. Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Bid Amount Unit Price Bid Amount Unit Price Bid Amount Unit Price Bid Amount Unit Price Bid Amount Unit Price Bid Amount Unit Price Bid Amount Unit Price Bid Amount Schedule A A01 Mobilization & Demobilization Lump Sum 1 1,223,000.00 1,223,000.00 $400,000.00 400,000.00 $856,100.00 856,100.00 $950,000.00 950,000.00 $1,187,000.00 1,187,000.00 $1,340,000.00 1,340,000.00 $1,487,930.00 1,487,930.00 $1,910,000.00 1,910,000.00 A02 Construction Surveying, Staking, and As-Built Drawings Lump Sum 1 115,000.00 115,000.00 $50,000.00 50,000.00 $94,750.00 94,750.00 $120,000.00 120,000.00 $82,000.00 82,000.00 $80,824.00 80,824.00 $37,500.00 37,500.00 $85,000.00 85,000.00 A03 Temporary Traffic Control Lump Sum 1 343,000.00 343,000.00 $165,000.00 165,000.00 $1,093,490.00 1,093,490.00 $420,000.00 420,000.00 $250,000.00 250,000.00 $550,000.00 550,000.00 $285,000.00 285,000.00 $1,214,000.00 1,214,000.00 A04 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan & Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Plan & ImplementationLump Sum 1 250,000.00 250,000.00 $60,000.00 60,000.00 $185,500.00 185,500.00 $205,000.00 205,000.00 $250,000.00 250,000.00 $1,000.00 1,000.00 $300,000.00 300,000.00 $500,000.00 500,000.00 A05 Landscape Restoration Lump Sum 1 20,000.00 20,000.00 $20,000.00 20,000.00 $36,800.00 36,800.00 $85,000.00 85,000.00 $50,000.00 50,000.00 $33,900.00 33,900.00 $60,000.00 60,000.00 $6,000.00 6,000.00 A06 Remove and Replace Pavement Markings Lump Sum 1 40,000.00 40,000.00 $85,000.00 85,000.00 $72,800.00 72,800.00 $45,000.00 45,000.00 $60,000.00 60,000.00 $59,682.00 59,682.00 $100,000.00 100,000.00 $90,000.00 90,000.00 A07 Construction Dewatering Plan Lump Sum 1 25,000.00 25,000.00 $5,000.00 5,000.00 $550.00 550.00 $10,000.00 10,000.00 $20,000.00 20,000.00 $28,250.00 28,250.00 $6,000.00 6,000.00 $1,200.00 1,200.00 A08 Contaminated Soil and Water Management Plan Lump Sum 1 25,000.00 25,000.00 $3,000.00 3,000.00 $550.00 550.00 $6,000.00 6,000.00 $2,000.00 2,000.00 $5,651.00 5,651.00 $8,000.00 8,000.00 $1,200.00 1,200.00 A09 Hot Mix Asphalt Overlay Ton 3600 125.00 450,000.00 $145.00 522,000.00 $135.65 488,340.00 $160.00 576,000.00 $100.00 360,000.00 $119.00 428,400.00 $160.00 576,000.00 $130.00 468,000.00 Subtotal A 2,491,000.00 Subtotal A 1,310,000.00 Subtotal A 2,828,880.00 Subtotal A 2,417,000.00 Subtotal A 2,261,000.00 Subtotal A 2,527,707.00 Subtotal A 2,860,430.00 Subtotal A 4,275,400.00 Tax 10.1%251,591.00 Tax 10.1%132,310.00 Tax 10.1%285,716.88 Tax 10.1%244,117.00 Tax 10.1%228,361.00 Tax 10.1%255,298.41 Tax 10.1%288,903.43 Tax 10.1%431,815.40 Total A 2,742,591.00 Total A 1,442,310.00 Total A 3,114,596.88 Total A 2,661,117.00 Total A 2,489,361.00 Total A 2,783,005.41 Total A 3,149,333.43 Total A 4,707,215.40 Schedule B - Storm Water B01 Non-Structural Shoring or Extra Excavation, Class B Square Foot 25000 1.50 37,500.00 $3.00 75,000.00 $1.20 30,000.00 $1.00 25,000.00 $10.00 250,000.00 $2.00 50,000.00 $1.25 31,250.00 $1.00 25,000.00 B02 Structural Shoring Square Foot 11000 22.00 242,000.00 $0.10 1,100.00 $0.55 6,050.00 $1.00 11,000.00 $10.00 110,000.00 $5.00 55,000.00 $1.25 13,750.00 $1.00 11,000.00 B03 Flaggers Hour 1000 60.00 60,000.00 $120.00 120,000.00 $57.55 57,550.00 $60.00 60,000.00 $60.00 60,000.00 $74.00 74,000.00 $63.00 63,000.00 $85.00 85,000.00 B04 Uniformed Police Officer Hour 80 60.00 4,800.00 $100.00 8,000.00 $106.50 8,520.00 $85.00 6,800.00 $80.00 6,400.00 $130.00 10,400.00 $165.00 13,200.00 $95.00 7,600.00 B05 Select Imported Trench Backfill Ton 6100 15.00 91,500.00 $30.00 183,000.00 $17.85 108,885.00 $36.00 219,600.00 $10.00 61,000.00 $30.00 183,000.00 $33.50 204,350.00 $40.00 244,000.00 B06 Crushed Surfacing Top Course Ton 1400 37.00 51,800.00 $30.00 42,000.00 $36.50 51,100.00 $38.00 53,200.00 $42.00 58,800.00 $30.00 42,000.00 $68.00 95,200.00 $65.00 91,000.00 B07 Hot Mix Asphalt Patch Ton 2200 125.00 275,000.00 $100.00 220,000.00 $230.00 506,000.00 $175.00 385,000.00 $120.00 264,000.00 $125.00 275,000.00 $205.00 451,000.00 $135.00 297,000.00 B08 Remove and Replace Concrete Sidewalk and Driveway Square Yard 460 180.00 82,800.00 $60.00 27,600.00 $135.45 62,307.00 $80.00 36,800.00 $75.00 34,500.00 $144.00 66,240.00 $375.00 172,500.00 $120.00 55,200.00 B09 Remove and Replace Concrete Curb and Gutter Linear Foot 1010 65.00 65,650.00 $45.00 45,450.00 $53.00 53,530.00 $50.00 50,500.00 $50.00 50,500.00 $64.00 64,640.00 $46.00 46,460.00 $85.00 85,850.00 B10 Removal and Replacement of Unsuitable Foundation Material Ton 70 80.00 5,600.00 $100.00 7,000.00 $70.50 4,935.00 $60.00 4,200.00 $90.00 6,300.00 $77.00 5,390.00 $136.00 9,520.00 $100.00 7,000.00 B11 Site Specific Utility Potholing Each 15 2,500.00 37,500.00 $350.00 5,250.00 $375.00 5,625.00 $525.00 7,875.00 $800.00 12,000.00 $1,066.00 15,990.00 $800.00 12,000.00 $1,800.00 27,000.00 B12 Replace Survey Monument Each 1 1,400.00 1,400.00 $3,200.00 3,200.00 $960.00 960.00 $600.00 600.00 $1,500.00 1,500.00 $2,825.00 2,825.00 $1,875.00 1,875.00 $3,800.00 3,800.00 B13 Sawcutting Asphalt Pavement Linear Foot 12400 4.00 49,600.00 $5.00 62,000.00 $6.70 83,080.00 $4.50 55,800.00 $4.00 49,600.00 $4.00 49,600.00 $7.00 86,800.00 $16.00 198,400.00 B14 Dewatering Systems Lump Sum 1 220,000.00 220,000.00 $177,000.00 177,000.00 $287,190.00 287,190.00 $150,000.00 150,000.00 $200,000.00 200,000.00 $120,000.00 120,000.00 $365,000.00 365,000.00 $2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 B15 Construction Geotextile Square Yard 30 3.00 90.00 $10.00 300.00 $6.00 180.00 $6.00 180.00 $10.00 300.00 $2.00 60.00 $19.25 577.50 $4.00 120.00 B16 Controlled Density Fill Cubic Yard 30 165.00 4,950.00 $120.00 3,600.00 $305.00 9,150.00 $170.00 5,100.00 $125.00 3,750.00 $124.00 3,720.00 $200.00 6,000.00 $125.00 3,750.00 B17 Removal of Unforeseen Obstructions and Debris Force Acount 1 20,000.00 20,000.00 $20,000.00 20,000.00 $20,000.00 20,000.00 $20,000.00 20,000.00 $20,000.00 20,000.00 $20,000.00 20,000.00 $20,000.00 20,000.00 $20,000.00 20,000.00 B18 Soil Sampling and Testing Each 4 1,500.00 6,000.00 $1,500.00 6,000.00 $280.00 1,120.00 $170.00 680.00 $300.00 1,200.00 $1,700.00 6,800.00 $1,750.00 7,000.00 $275.00 1,100.00 B19 Contaminated Soil Excavation, Haul and Disposal Ton 85 90.00 7,650.00 $70.00 5,950.00 $95.00 8,075.00 $140.00 11,900.00 $150.00 12,750.00 $129.00 10,965.00 $200.00 17,000.00 $90.00 7,650.00 B20 Contaminated Water Treatment Force Acount 1 25,000.00 25,000.00 $25,000.00 25,000.00 $25,000.00 25,000.00 $25,000.00 25,000.00 $25,000.00 25,000.00 $25,000.00 25,000.00 $25,000.00 25,000.00 $25,000.00 25,000.00 B21 Decommission Existing Monitoring Well Each 5 1,000.00 5,000.00 $1,000.00 5,000.00 $615.00 3,075.00 $2,700.00 13,500.00 $1,500.00 7,500.00 $1,130.00 5,650.00 $600.00 3,000.00 $2,100.00 10,500.00 B22 Minor Changes Estimate 1 200,000.00 200,000.00 $200,000.00 200,000.00 $200,000.00 200,000.00 $200,000.00 200,000.00 $200,000.00 200,000.00 $200,000.00 200,000.00 $200,000.00 200,000.00 $200,000.00 200,000.00 B23 Archeological Work Standby Estimate 1 12,000.00 12,000.00 $12,000.00 12,000.00 $12,000.00 12,000.00 $12,000.00 12,000.00 $12,000.00 12,000.00 $12,000.00 12,000.00 $12,000.00 12,000.00 $12,000.00 12,000.00 B24 CCTV Inspection Linear Foot 6300 4.00 25,200.00 $4.00 25,200.00 $4.50 28,350.00 $3.00 18,900.00 $2.00 12,600.00 $3.00 18,900.00 $3.50 22,050.00 $1.75 11,025.00 B25 Remove and Replace Concrete Curb Ramp Lump Sum 1 54,000.00 54,000.00 $76,000.00 76,000.00 $47,300.00 47,300.00 $75,000.00 75,000.00 $108,000.00 108,000.00 $67,264.00 67,264.00 $75,000.00 75,000.00 $29,000.00 29,000.00 B26 Remove and Replace Concrete Pedestrian Curb Linear Foot 140 66.00 9,240.00 $43.00 6,020.00 $98.45 13,783.00 $50.00 7,000.00 $20.00 2,800.00 $59.00 8,260.00 $45.00 6,300.00 $90.00 12,600.00 B27 Abandon Existing Storm Drain Pipe Linear Foot 1970 8.40 16,548.00 $15.00 29,550.00 $9.50 18,715.00 $12.00 23,640.00 $10.00 19,700.00 $24.00 47,280.00 $10.00 19,700.00 $20.00 39,400.00 B28 Remove Existing Storm Drain Structure Each 45 1,740.00 78,300.00 $350.00 15,750.00 $1,235.00 55,575.00 $220.00 9,900.00 $750.00 33,750.00 $1,846.00 83,070.00 $1,600.00 72,000.00 $525.00 23,625.00 B29 Abandon Existing Storm Drain Structure Each 2 840.00 1,680.00 $1,500.00 3,000.00 $3,510.00 7,020.00 $220.00 440.00 $500.00 1,000.00 $1,378.00 2,756.00 $1,275.00 2,550.00 $850.00 1,700.00 B30 Polypropylene Storm Drain Pipe 8-In. Diam Linear Foot 70 156.00 10,920.00 $100.00 7,000.00 $120.00 8,400.00 $85.00 5,950.00 $180.00 12,600.00 $90.00 6,300.00 $97.50 6,825.00 $95.00 6,650.00 B31 Polypropylene Storm Drain Pipe 12-In. Diam Linear Foot 1730 174.00 301,020.00 $60.00 103,800.00 $73.25 126,722.50 $70.00 121,100.00 $165.00 285,450.00 $120.00 207,600.00 $134.50 232,685.00 $115.00 198,950.00 B32 Polypropylene Storm Drain Pipe 15-In. Diam Linear Foot 180 210.00 37,800.00 $80.00 14,400.00 $87.75 15,795.00 $70.00 12,600.00 $180.00 32,400.00 $123.00 22,140.00 $156.00 28,080.00 $120.00 21,600.00 B33 Polypropylene Storm Drain Pipe 18-In. Diam Linear Foot 1170 228.00 266,760.00 $77.00 90,090.00 $87.35 102,199.50 $115.00 134,550.00 $255.00 298,350.00 $220.00 257,400.00 $151.00 176,670.00 $175.00 204,750.00 B34 Polypropylene Storm Drain Pipe 24-In. Diam Linear Foot 560 354.00 198,240.00 $110.00 61,600.00 $115.25 64,540.00 $125.00 70,000.00 $275.00 154,000.00 $292.00 163,520.00 $180.00 100,800.00 $205.00 114,800.00 B35 Polypropylene Storm Drain Pipe 36-In. Diam Linear Foot 450 408.00 183,600.00 $195.00 87,750.00 $198.00 89,100.00 $250.00 112,500.00 $390.00 175,500.00 $447.00 201,150.00 $240.00 108,000.00 $280.00 126,000.00 B36 Ductile Iron Storm Drain Pipe 8-In. Diam Linear Foot 310 180.00 55,800.00 $90.00 27,900.00 $129.00 39,990.00 $100.00 31,000.00 $200.00 62,000.00 $113.00 35,030.00 $135.00 41,850.00 $110.00 34,100.00 B37 Ductile Iron Storm Drain Pipe 12-In. Diam Linear Foot 660 198.00 130,680.00 $115.00 75,900.00 $162.00 106,920.00 $120.00 79,200.00 $220.00 145,200.00 $135.00 89,100.00 $166.50 109,890.00 $155.00 102,300.00 B38 C900 Storm Drain Pipe 8-In. Diam Linear Foot 130 222.00 28,860.00 $65.00 8,450.00 $131.50 17,095.00 $100.00 13,000.00 $220.00 28,600.00 $101.00 13,130.00 $146.00 18,980.00 $105.00 13,650.00 B39 C900 Storm Drain Pipe 12-In. Diam Linear Foot 910 318.00 289,380.00 $85.00 77,350.00 $95.00 86,450.00 $100.00 91,000.00 $220.00 200,200.00 $133.00 121,030.00 $140.00 127,400.00 $130.00 118,300.00 B40 C900 Storm Drain Pipe 24-In. Diam Linear Foot 50 426.00 21,300.00 $300.00 15,000.00 $258.00 12,900.00 $210.00 10,500.00 $330.00 16,500.00 $496.00 24,800.00 $315.00 15,750.00 $300.00 15,000.00 B41 Connect Existing Storm Pipe to New Catch Basin Each 28 2,280.00 63,840.00 $500.00 14,000.00 $1,812.00 50,736.00 $1,800.00 50,400.00 $2,500.00 70,000.00 $554.00 15,512.00 $1,600.00 44,800.00 $2,000.00 56,000.00 B42 Connect New Storm Pipe to Existing Catch Basin Each 4 2,280.00 9,120.00 $500.00 2,000.00 $1,336.00 5,344.00 $4,200.00 16,800.00 $2,500.00 10,000.00 $1,538.00 6,152.00 $1,075.00 4,300.00 $2,600.00 10,400.00 B43 Connect Existing Lateral to New Storm Pipe Each 18 1,800.00 32,400.00 $700.00 12,600.00 $4,980.00 89,640.00 $1,300.00 23,400.00 $1,000.00 18,000.00 $1,130.00 20,340.00 $3,300.00 59,400.00 $3,500.00 63,000.00 B44 Catch Basin Type 1 Each 63 2,400.00 151,200.00 $1,285.00 80,955.00 $1,762.00 111,006.00 $1,400.00 88,200.00 $1,700.00 107,100.00 $1,954.00 123,102.00 $1,280.00 80,640.00 $3,000.00 189,000.00 B45 Catch Basin Type 2, 48-In. Diameter Each 46 5,760.00 264,960.00 $3,850.00 177,100.00 $5,460.00 251,160.00 $4,800.00 220,800.00 $5,030.00 231,380.00 $4,438.00 204,148.00 $5,200.00 239,200.00 $7,000.00 322,000.00 B46 Catch Basin Type 2, 60-In. Diameter Each 7 9,000.00 63,000.00 $5,500.00 38,500.00 $7,620.00 53,340.00 $9,500.00 66,500.00 $6,330.00 44,310.00 $6,094.00 42,658.00 $13,450.00 94,150.00 $10,100.00 70,700.00 B47 Box Culvert Access Structure Lump Sum 1 60,000.00 60,000.00 $275,000.00 275,000.00 $94,935.00 94,935.00 $480,000.00 480,000.00 $500,000.00 500,000.00 $153,000.00 153,000.00 $175,000.00 175,000.00 $650,000.00 650,000.00 B48 Resolution of Unforeseen Utility Conflicts with Proposed SD Estimate 1 30,000.00 30,000.00 $30,000.00 30,000.00 $30,000.00 30,000.00 $30,000.00 30,000.00 $30,000.00 30,000.00 $30,000.00 30,000.00 $30,000.00 30,000.00 $30,000.00 30,000.00 Total B 3,889,688.00 Total B 2,609,365.00 Total B 3,071,348.00 Total B 3,147,115.00 Total B 4,046,540.00 Total B 3,261,922.00 Total B 3,748,502.50 Total B 5,882,520.00 Schedule C - Sanitary Sewer C01 Non-Structural Shoring or Extra Excavation, Class B Square Foot 46,000 1.50 69,000.00 $3.00 138,000.00 $0.80 36,800.00 $1.00 46,000.00 $10.00 460,000.00 $3.00 138,000.00 $1.25 57,500.00 $1.00 46,000.00 C02 Structural Shoring Square Foot 54,000 22.00 1,188,000.00 $0.50 27,000.00 $1.00 54,000.00 $1.00 54,000.00 $10.00 540,000.00 $3.00 162,000.00 $1.25 67,500.00 $1.00 54,000.00 C03 Flaggers Hour 1,800 60.00 108,000.00 $120.00 216,000.00 $57.55 103,590.00 $60.00 108,000.00 $60.00 108,000.00 $74.00 133,200.00 $63.00 113,400.00 $85.00 153,000.00 C04 Uniformed Police Officer Hour 200 60.00 12,000.00 $100.00 20,000.00 $106.50 21,300.00 $85.00 17,000.00 $80.00 16,000.00 $130.00 26,000.00 $165.00 33,000.00 $95.00 19,000.00 AGENDA ITEM #5. b) Project Downtown Utility Improvement Project City of Renton SCI Infrastructure, LLC Pivetta Brothers Construction, Inc Rodarte Construction, Inc R.L. Alia Company James W Fowler Co Johansen Construction Co MidMountain Construction BID DATE:17-Dec-20 Engineers Estimate Item No. Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Bid Amount Unit Price Bid Amount Unit Price Bid Amount Unit Price Bid Amount Unit Price Bid Amount Unit Price Bid Amount Unit Price Bid Amount Unit Price Bid Amount C05 Select Imported Trench Backfill Ton 24,000 15.00 360,000.00 $30.00 720,000.00 $17.85 428,400.00 $36.00 864,000.00 $10.00 240,000.00 $22.50 540,000.00 $32.50 780,000.00 $40.00 960,000.00 C06 Crushed Surfacing Top Course Ton 2,000 37.00 74,000.00 $30.00 60,000.00 $36.50 73,000.00 $38.00 76,000.00 $42.00 84,000.00 $22.50 45,000.00 $64.50 129,000.00 $65.00 130,000.00 C07 Hot Mix Asphalt Patch Ton 3,200 125.00 400,000.00 $100.00 320,000.00 $201.85 645,920.00 $175.00 560,000.00 $120.00 384,000.00 $125.00 400,000.00 $200.00 640,000.00 $135.00 432,000.00 C08 Remove and Replace Concrete Sidewalk and Driveway Square Yard 110 180.00 19,800.00 $60.00 6,600.00 $199.00 21,890.00 $80.00 8,800.00 $90.00 9,900.00 $144.00 15,840.00 $350.00 38,500.00 $120.00 13,200.00 C09 Remove and Replace Concrete Curb and Gutter Linear Foot 325 65.00 21,125.00 $45.00 14,625.00 $60.45 19,646.25 $50.00 16,250.00 $50.00 16,250.00 $64.00 20,800.00 $46.00 14,950.00 $85.00 27,625.00 C10 Removal and Replacement of Unsuitable Foundation Material Ton 240 80.00 19,200.00 $100.00 24,000.00 $101.00 24,240.00 $60.00 14,400.00 $75.00 18,000.00 $77.00 18,480.00 $136.00 32,640.00 $100.00 24,000.00 C11 Site Specific Utility Potholing Each 11 2,500.00 27,500.00 $350.00 3,850.00 $375.00 4,125.00 $525.00 5,775.00 $800.00 8,800.00 $1,082.00 11,902.00 $800.00 8,800.00 $1,800.00 19,800.00 C12 Replace Survey Monument Each 7 1,400.00 9,800.00 $3,500.00 24,500.00 $960.00 6,720.00 $600.00 4,200.00 $1,500.00 10,500.00 $2,827.00 19,789.00 $1,875.00 13,125.00 $3,800.00 26,600.00 C13 Sawcutting Asphalt Pavement Linear Foot 14,600 4.00 58,400.00 $5.00 73,000.00 $6.70 97,820.00 $4.50 65,700.00 $4.00 58,400.00 $4.00 58,400.00 $7.00 102,200.00 $16.00 233,600.00 C14 Dewatering Systems Lump Sum 1 550,000.00 550,000.00 $385,000.00 385,000.00 $453,000.00 453,000.00 $250,000.00 250,000.00 $200,000.00 200,000.00 $807,000.00 807,000.00 $450,000.00 450,000.00 $800,000.00 800,000.00 C15 Construction Geotextile Square Yard 390 3.00 1,170.00 $10.00 3,900.00 $5.95 2,320.50 $6.00 2,340.00 $10.00 3,900.00 $2.00 780.00 $18.50 7,215.00 $4.00 1,560.00 C16 Controlled Density Fill Cubic Yard 130 165.00 21,450.00 $120.00 15,600.00 $246.50 32,045.00 $175.00 22,750.00 $125.00 16,250.00 $124.00 16,120.00 $185.00 24,050.00 $125.00 16,250.00 C17 Removal of Unforeseen Obstructions and Debris Force Acount 1 25,000.00 25,000.00 $25,000.00 25,000.00 $25,000.00 25,000.00 $25,000.00 25,000.00 $25,000.00 25,000.00 $25,000.00 25,000.00 $25,000.00 25,000.00 $25,000.00 25,000.00 C18 Soil Sampling and Testing Each 10 1,500.00 15,000.00 $1,500.00 15,000.00 $280.00 2,800.00 $170.00 1,700.00 $300.00 3,000.00 $1,695.00 16,950.00 $1,750.00 17,500.00 $275.00 2,750.00 C19 Contaminated Soil Excavation, Haul and Disposal Ton 2,400 90.00 216,000.00 $70.00 168,000.00 $95.00 228,000.00 $140.00 336,000.00 $150.00 360,000.00 $129.00 309,600.00 $200.00 480,000.00 $90.00 216,000.00 C20 Contaminated Water Treatment Force Acount 1 50,000.00 50,000.00 $50,000.00 50,000.00 $50,000.00 50,000.00 $50,000.00 50,000.00 $50,000.00 50,000.00 $50,000.00 50,000.00 $50,000.00 50,000.00 $50,000.00 50,000.00 C21 Decommission Existing Monitoring Well Each 5 1,000.00 5,000.00 $1,000.00 5,000.00 $616.00 3,080.00 $2,000.00 10,000.00 $1,500.00 7,500.00 $1,130.00 5,650.00 $600.00 3,000.00 $2,100.00 10,500.00 C22 Minor Changes Estimate 1 100,000.00 100,000.00 $100,000.00 100,000.00 $100,000.00 100,000.00 $100,000.00 100,000.00 $100,000.00 100,000.00 $100,000.00 100,000.00 $100,000.00 100,000.00 $100,000.00 100,000.00 C23 Archeological Work Standby Estimate 1 12,000.00 12,000.00 $12,000.00 12,000.00 $12,000.00 12,000.00 $12,000.00 12,000.00 $12,000.00 12,000.00 $12,000.00 12,000.00 $12,000.00 12,000.00 $12,000.00 12,000.00 C24 CCTV Inspection Linear Foot 7,300 4.00 29,200.00 $4.00 29,200.00 $7.85 57,305.00 $3.00 21,900.00 $2.00 14,600.00 $2.00 14,600.00 $3.50 25,550.00 $1.75 12,775.00 C25 Abandon Existing Sewer Pipe Linear Foot 2,640 7.00 18,480.00 $11.00 29,040.00 $13.00 34,320.00 $12.00 31,680.00 $10.00 26,400.00 $24.00 63,360.00 $9.00 23,760.00 $20.00 52,800.00 C26 Remove Existing Sewer Manhole Each 18 1,500.00 27,000.00 $350.00 6,300.00 $1,250.00 22,500.00 $200.00 3,600.00 $750.00 13,500.00 $2,449.00 44,082.00 $260.00 4,680.00 $700.00 12,600.00 C27 Abandon Existing Sewer Manhole Each 16 750.00 12,000.00 $1,000.00 16,000.00 $2,575.00 41,200.00 $200.00 3,200.00 $500.00 8,000.00 $1,188.00 19,008.00 $445.00 7,120.00 $850.00 13,600.00 C28 Furnish and Install 8-inch SDR 35 Sewer Pipe Linear Foot 1,900 125.00 237,500.00 $80.00 152,000.00 $90.00 171,000.00 $85.00 161,500.00 $75.00 142,500.00 $168.00 319,200.00 $145.00 275,500.00 $145.00 275,500.00 C29 Furnish and Install 8-inch C900 Sewer Pipe Linear Foot 2,200 160.00 352,000.00 $64.00 140,800.00 $115.50 254,100.00 $90.00 198,000.00 $200.00 440,000.00 $175.00 385,000.00 $140.00 308,000.00 $225.00 495,000.00 C30 Furnish and Install 12-inch C900 Sewer Pipe Linear Foot 140 240.00 33,600.00 $150.00 21,000.00 $141.00 19,740.00 $150.00 21,000.00 $200.00 28,000.00 $180.00 25,200.00 $230.00 32,200.00 $145.00 20,300.00 C31 Furnish and Install 18-inch C900 Sewer Pipe Linear Foot 80 375.00 30,000.00 $150.00 12,000.00 $231.00 18,480.00 $250.00 20,000.00 $300.00 24,000.00 $215.00 17,200.00 $265.00 21,200.00 $200.00 16,000.00 C32 Furnish and Install 24-inch C900 Sewer Pipe Linear Foot 2,400 500.00 1,200,000.00 $280.00 672,000.00 $226.00 542,400.00 $275.00 660,000.00 $450.00 1,080,000.00 $400.00 960,000.00 $335.00 804,000.00 $350.00 840,000.00 C33 Furnish and Install 8-inch HDPE Sewer Pipe Linear Foot 40 250.00 10,000.00 $150.00 6,000.00 $122.00 4,880.00 $105.00 4,200.00 $200.00 8,000.00 $218.00 8,720.00 $190.00 7,600.00 $125.00 5,000.00 C34 Furnish and Install 6-inch Side Sewer Pipe Linear Foot 700 100.00 70,000.00 $160.00 112,000.00 $108.50 75,950.00 $100.00 70,000.00 $175.00 122,500.00 $232.00 162,400.00 $150.00 105,000.00 $135.00 94,500.00 C35 Furnish and Install 8-inch Side Sewer Pipe Linear Foot 100 125.00 12,500.00 $130.00 13,000.00 $181.65 18,165.00 $95.00 9,500.00 $175.00 17,500.00 $227.00 22,700.00 $197.00 19,700.00 $145.00 14,500.00 C36 Furnish and Install 48-inch Sanitary Sewer Manhole Each 25 6,000.00 150,000.00 $4,200.00 105,000.00 $8,000.00 200,000.00 $6,000.00 150,000.00 $5,200.00 130,000.00 $6,683.00 167,075.00 $5,100.00 127,500.00 $9,100.00 227,500.00 C37 Furnish and Install 60-inch Sanitary Sewer Manhole Each 5 8,000.00 40,000.00 $6,200.00 31,000.00 $11,000.00 55,000.00 $9,500.00 47,500.00 $6,500.00 32,500.00 $10,380.00 51,900.00 $8,100.00 40,500.00 $14,000.00 70,000.00 C38 Furnish and Install 60-inch Sanitary Sewer Manhole with Inside Drop Each 5 10,000.00 50,000.00 $6,600.00 33,000.00 $12,500.00 62,500.00 $9,750.00 48,750.00 $8,000.00 40,000.00 $10,485.00 52,425.00 $10,650.00 53,250.00 $16,000.00 80,000.00 C39 Furnish and Install 72-inch Sanitary Sewer Manhole with Inside Drop Each 2 18,000.00 36,000.00 $11,450.00 22,900.00 $76,000.00 152,000.00 $18,000.00 36,000.00 $15,000.00 30,000.00 $18,956.00 37,912.00 $15,750.00 31,500.00 $37,000.00 74,000.00 C40 Connect New Sewer to Existing Sewer Manhole Each 3 4,500.00 13,500.00 $3,500.00 10,500.00 $4,195.00 12,585.00 $3,200.00 9,600.00 $3,000.00 9,000.00 $3,204.00 9,612.00 $1,425.00 4,275.00 $1,800.00 5,400.00 C41 Pre-installation Cleaning and Inspection for CIPP Linear Foot 2,000 4.00 8,000.00 $11.00 22,000.00 $12.10 24,200.00 $12.00 24,000.00 $12.00 24,000.00 $13.00 26,000.00 $13.00 26,000.00 $15.00 30,000.00 C42 Furnish and Install 8-inch CIPP Sewer Pipe Linear Foot 600 60.00 36,000.00 $110.00 66,000.00 $41.75 25,050.00 $54.00 32,400.00 $50.00 30,000.00 $43.00 25,800.00 $102.00 61,200.00 $110.00 66,000.00 C43 Furnish and Install 12-inch CIPP Sewer Pipe Linear Foot 1,400 90.00 126,000.00 $80.00 112,000.00 $52.65 73,710.00 $60.00 84,000.00 $50.00 70,000.00 $56.00 78,400.00 $110.00 154,000.00 $120.00 168,000.00 C44 CIPP Reinstate Side Sewer Each 9 300.00 2,700.00 $175.00 1,575.00 $178.00 1,602.00 $175.00 1,575.00 $200.00 1,800.00 $240.00 2,160.00 $190.00 1,710.00 $750.00 6,750.00 C45 Post-installation CCTV Inspection of CIPP Linear Foot 2,000 4.00 8,000.00 $0.50 1,000.00 $0.50 1,000.00 $0.50 1,000.00 $1.00 2,000.00 $1.00 2,000.00 $0.50 1,000.00 $2.00 4,000.00 C46 Sewer Crossing Under SPU Transmission Main Lump Sum 1 12,000.00 12,000.00 $50,000.00 50,000.00 $44,100.00 44,100.00 $80,000.00 80,000.00 $12,000.00 12,000.00 $30,000.00 30,000.00 $160,000.00 160,000.00 $250,000.00 250,000.00 C47 City of Renton Box Culvert Crossing Lump Sum 1 10,000.00 10,000.00 $42,500.00 42,500.00 $46,650.00 46,650.00 $100,000.00 100,000.00 $80,000.00 80,000.00 $165,137.00 165,137.00 $520,000.00 520,000.00 $250,000.00 250,000.00 C48 Connect to King County Interceptor (2nd Street, Upper Portion)Lump Sum 1 5,000.00 5,000.00 $12,500.00 12,500.00 $20,150.00 20,150.00 $7,000.00 7,000.00 $10,000.00 10,000.00 $18,606.00 18,606.00 $19,250.00 19,250.00 $50,000.00 50,000.00 C49 Connect to King County Interceptor (2nd Street, Lower Portion)Lump Sum 1 30,000.00 30,000.00 $4,800.00 4,800.00 $15,550.00 15,550.00 $7,000.00 7,000.00 $10,000.00 10,000.00 $225,286.00 225,286.00 $355,000.00 355,000.00 $50,000.00 50,000.00 C50 Connect to King County Interceptor (3rd Street)Lump Sum 1 50,000.00 50,000.00 $236,000.00 236,000.00 $197,000.00 197,000.00 $500,000.00 500,000.00 $50,000.00 50,000.00 $411,271.00 411,271.00 $395,000.00 395,000.00 $198,000.00 198,000.00 C51 SPU Cathodic Protection Conduit Linear Foot 1,700 10.00 17,000.00 $48.00 81,600.00 $15.00 25,500.00 $26.00 44,200.00 $4.00 6,800.00 $12.00 20,400.00 $8.50 14,450.00 $50.00 85,000.00 Subtotal C 5,988,925.00 Subtotal C 4,468,790.00 Subtotal C 4,662,333.75 Subtotal C 5,027,520.00 Subtotal C 5,194,600.00 Subtotal C 6,297,965.00 Subtotal C 6,798,325.00 Subtotal C 6,840,110.00 Tax 10.1%604,881.43 Tax 10.1%451,347.79 Tax 10.1%470,895.71 Tax 10.1%507,779.52 Tax 10.1%524,654.60 Tax 10.1%636,094.47 Tax 10.1%686,630.83 Tax 10.1%690,851.11 Total C 6,593,806.43 Total C 4,920,137.79 Total C 5,133,229.46 Total C 5,535,299.52 Total C 5,719,254.60 Total C 6,934,059.47 Total C 7,484,955.83 Total C 7,530,961.11 Schedule D - Water D01 Non-Structural Shoring or Extra Excavation, Class B Square Foot 20,200 1.50 30,300.00 $3.00 60,600.00 $1.50 30,300.00 $1.00 20,200.00 $1.00 20,200.00 $1.00 20,200.00 $1.25 25,250.00 $1.00 20,200.00 D02 Structural Shoring Square Foot 4,000 22.00 88,000.00 $0.10 400.00 $0.60 2,400.00 $2.25 9,000.00 $10.00 40,000.00 $1.00 4,000.00 $1.25 5,000.00 $1.00 4,000.00 D03 Flaggers Hour 700 60.00 42,000.00 $120.00 84,000.00 $57.55 40,285.00 $60.00 42,000.00 $60.00 42,000.00 $74.00 51,800.00 $63.00 44,100.00 $85.00 59,500.00 D04 Uniformed Police Officer Hour 40 60.00 2,400.00 $100.00 4,000.00 $106.50 4,260.00 $85.00 3,400.00 $80.00 3,200.00 $130.00 5,200.00 $165.00 6,600.00 $90.00 3,600.00 D05 Select Imported Trench Backfill Ton 3,600 15.00 54,000.00 $30.00 108,000.00 $17.85 64,260.00 $36.00 129,600.00 $10.00 36,000.00 $22.50 81,000.00 $32.50 117,000.00 $40.00 144,000.00 D06 Crushed Surfacing Top Course Ton 800 37.00 29,600.00 $30.00 24,000.00 $36.50 29,200.00 $38.00 30,400.00 $42.00 33,600.00 $22.50 18,000.00 $57.50 46,000.00 $65.00 52,000.00 D07 Hot Mix Asphalt Patch Ton 1,300 125.00 162,500.00 $100.00 130,000.00 $221.50 287,950.00 $175.00 227,500.00 $120.00 156,000.00 $135.00 175,500.00 $180.00 234,000.00 $135.00 175,500.00 D08 Remove and Replace Concrete Sidewalk and Driveway Square Yard 80 180.00 14,400.00 $60.00 4,800.00 $165.00 13,200.00 $80.00 6,400.00 $90.00 7,200.00 $144.00 11,520.00 $375.00 30,000.00 $150.00 12,000.00 D09 Remove and Replace Concrete Curb and Gutter Linear Foot 140 65.00 9,100.00 $45.00 6,300.00 $101.55 14,217.00 $50.00 7,000.00 $50.00 7,000.00 $64.00 8,960.00 $46.00 6,440.00 $85.00 11,900.00 D10 Removal and Replacement of Unsuitable Foundation Material Ton 100 80.00 8,000.00 $100.00 10,000.00 $101.00 10,100.00 $60.00 6,000.00 $55.00 5,500.00 $77.00 7,700.00 $136.00 13,600.00 $100.00 10,000.00 D11 Site Specific Utility Potholing Each 2 2,500.00 5,000.00 $350.00 700.00 $375.00 750.00 $525.00 1,050.00 $800.00 1,600.00 $1,348.00 2,696.00 $800.00 1,600.00 $1,800.00 3,600.00 D12 Replace Survey Monument Each 3 1,400.00 4,200.00 $3,500.00 10,500.00 $960.00 2,880.00 $600.00 1,800.00 $1,500.00 4,500.00 $2,827.00 8,481.00 $1,875.00 5,625.00 $3,800.00 11,400.00 D13 Sawcutting Asphalt Pavement Linear Foot 8,400 4.00 33,600.00 $4.00 33,600.00 $6.70 56,280.00 $4.50 37,800.00 $4.00 33,600.00 $4.00 33,600.00 $7.00 58,800.00 $16.00 134,400.00 D14 Dewatering Systems Lump Sum 1 50,000.00 50,000.00 $30,000.00 30,000.00 $42,175.00 42,175.00 $45,000.00 45,000.00 $10,000.00 10,000.00 $81,375.00 81,375.00 $365,000.00 365,000.00 $50,000.00 50,000.00 D15 Construction Geotextile Square Yard 80 3.00 240.00 $10.00 800.00 $5.95 476.00 $6.00 480.00 $10.00 800.00 $2.00 160.00 $18.50 1,480.00 $4.00 320.00 D16 Controlled Density Fill Cubic Yard 50 165.00 8,250.00 $120.00 6,000.00 $290.00 14,500.00 $175.00 8,750.00 $125.00 6,250.00 $124.00 6,200.00 $185.00 9,250.00 $125.00 6,250.00 D17 Removal of Unforeseen Obstructions and Debris Force Acount 1 20,000.00 20,000.00 $20,000.00 20,000.00 $20,000.00 20,000.00 $20,000.00 20,000.00 $20,000.00 20,000.00 $20,000.00 20,000.00 $20,000.00 20,000.00 $20,000.00 20,000.00 D18 Soil Sampling and Testing Each 12 1,500.00 18,000.00 $1,500.00 18,000.00 $280.00 3,360.00 $170.00 2,040.00 $300.00 3,600.00 $1,695.00 20,340.00 $1,750.00 21,000.00 $275.00 3,300.00 D19 Contaminated Soil Excavation, Haul and Disposal Ton 100 90.00 9,000.00 $70.00 7,000.00 $95.00 9,500.00 $150.00 15,000.00 $150.00 15,000.00 $129.00 12,900.00 $200.00 20,000.00 $90.00 9,000.00 D20 Contaminated Water Treatment Force Acount 1 20,000.00 20,000.00 $20,000.00 20,000.00 $20,000.00 20,000.00 $20,000.00 20,000.00 $20,000.00 20,000.00 $20,000.00 20,000.00 $20,000.00 20,000.00 $20,000.00 20,000.00 D21 Decommission Existing Monitoring Well Each 2 3,000.00 6,000.00 $1,000.00 2,000.00 $616.00 1,232.00 $2,000.00 4,000.00 $1,500.00 3,000.00 $1,132.00 2,264.00 $600.00 1,200.00 $2,100.00 4,200.00 D22 Minor Changes Estimate 1 50,000.00 50,000.00 $50,000.00 50,000.00 $50,000.00 50,000.00 $50,000.00 50,000.00 $50,000.00 50,000.00 $50,000.00 50,000.00 $50,000.00 50,000.00 $50,000.00 50,000.00 D23 Archeological Work Standby Estimate 1 12,000.00 12,000.00 $12,000.00 12,000.00 $12,000.00 12,000.00 $12,000.00 12,000.00 $12,000.00 12,000.00 $12,000.00 12,000.00 $12,000.00 12,000.00 $12,000.00 12,000.00 AGENDA ITEM #5. b) Project Downtown Utility Improvement Project City of Renton SCI Infrastructure, LLC Pivetta Brothers Construction, Inc Rodarte Construction, Inc R.L. Alia Company James W Fowler Co Johansen Construction Co MidMountain Construction BID DATE:17-Dec-20 Engineers Estimate Item No. Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Bid Amount Unit Price Bid Amount Unit Price Bid Amount Unit Price Bid Amount Unit Price Bid Amount Unit Price Bid Amount Unit Price Bid Amount Unit Price Bid Amount D24 Temporary Water Bypass Lump Sum 1 45,000.00 45,000.00 $10,000.00 10,000.00 $19,000.00 19,000.00 $40,000.00 40,000.00 $10,000.00 10,000.00 $25,000.00 25,000.00 $35,000.00 35,000.00 $30,000.00 30,000.00 D25 Furnish and Install 12" Cl. 52 DI Restrained-Joint Water Pipe & Restrained Joint Fittings w/Polywrap Linear Foot 3,300 125.00 412,500.00 $120.00 396,000.00 $132.00 435,600.00 $150.00 495,000.00 $160.00 528,000.00 $154.00 508,200.00 $133.50 440,550.00 $190.00 627,000.00 D26 Furnish and Install 4" Gate Valve Assembly Each 2 1,000.00 2,000.00 $1,725.00 3,450.00 $1,270.00 2,540.00 $1,000.00 2,000.00 $1,000.00 2,000.00 $602.00 1,204.00 $1,500.00 3,000.00 $1,000.00 2,000.00 D27 Furnish and Install 8" Gate Valve Assembly Each 1 1,800.00 1,800.00 $2,000.00 2,000.00 $1,856.00 1,856.00 $1,600.00 1,600.00 $1,500.00 1,500.00 $1,150.00 1,150.00 $2,100.00 2,100.00 $2,000.00 2,000.00 D28 Furnish and Install 12" Gate Valve Assembly Each 30 2,800.00 84,000.00 $3,000.00 90,000.00 $3,418.00 102,540.00 $2,800.00 84,000.00 $2,550.00 76,500.00 $2,558.00 76,740.00 $3,580.00 107,400.00 $3,300.00 99,000.00 D29 Furnish and Install Fire Hydrant Assembly Each 11 6,100.00 67,100.00 $6,250.00 68,750.00 $8,000.00 88,000.00 $6,500.00 71,500.00 $6,700.00 73,700.00 $8,485.00 93,335.00 $8,000.00 88,000.00 $7,500.00 82,500.00 D30 Furnish and Install 1" Water Service Connection Each 9 2,300.00 20,700.00 $2,200.00 19,800.00 $2,152.00 19,368.00 $2,300.00 20,700.00 $1,800.00 16,200.00 $3,335.00 30,015.00 $4,000.00 36,000.00 $2,200.00 19,800.00 D31 Furnish and Install 1" Water Service Connection w/Corrosion Protection Each 1 2,500.00 2,500.00 $2,000.00 2,000.00 $3,085.00 3,085.00 $2,800.00 2,800.00 $2,000.00 2,000.00 $6,802.00 6,802.00 $5,400.00 5,400.00 $2,800.00 2,800.00 D32 Furnish and Install 1.5" Water Service Connection Each 3 3,100.00 9,300.00 $4,600.00 13,800.00 $5,625.00 16,875.00 $5,000.00 15,000.00 $4,200.00 12,600.00 $6,789.00 20,367.00 $4,760.00 14,280.00 $5,200.00 15,600.00 D33 Furnish and Install 2" Water Service Connection Each 3 3,900.00 11,700.00 $5,000.00 15,000.00 $6,010.00 18,030.00 $5,500.00 16,500.00 $5,100.00 15,300.00 $6,789.00 20,367.00 $6,150.00 18,450.00 $6,000.00 18,000.00 D34 Furnish and Install 4" Water Service Connection Each 1 4,300.00 4,300.00 $6,500.00 6,500.00 $23,600.00 23,600.00 $4,500.00 4,500.00 $8,000.00 8,000.00 $12,753.00 12,753.00 $10,325.00 10,325.00 $32,000.00 32,000.00 D35 Connection to Existing Water Main Each 14 5,500.00 77,000.00 $5,700.00 79,800.00 $7,000.00 98,000.00 $7,500.00 105,000.00 $6,900.00 96,600.00 $7,330.00 102,620.00 $24,000.00 336,000.00 $4,700.00 65,800.00 D36 Cut, Cap, and Block Existing Water Main Each 14 1,000.00 14,000.00 $1,200.00 16,800.00 $1,770.00 24,780.00 $1,200.00 16,800.00 $400.00 5,600.00 $1,803.00 25,242.00 $1,625.00 22,750.00 $2,800.00 39,200.00 D37 24" Steel Casing for Crossing Under SPU Transmission Main Linear Foot 80 500.00 40,000.00 $100.00 8,000.00 $950.00 76,000.00 $1,600.00 128,000.00 $300.00 24,000.00 $765.00 61,200.00 $321.50 25,720.00 $2,500.00 200,000.00 D38 Remove Existing Storm Drain Structure (For Water Conflict)Each 2 1,400.00 2,800.00 $1,500.00 3,000.00 $1,565.00 3,130.00 $220.00 440.00 $750.00 1,500.00 $2,900.00 5,800.00 $700.00 1,400.00 $900.00 1,800.00 D39 Connect Existing Storm Pipe to New Catch Basin (For Water Conflict)Each 2 1,900.00 3,800.00 $500.00 1,000.00 $1,215.00 2,430.00 $1,800.00 3,600.00 $1,000.00 2,000.00 $411.00 822.00 $370.00 740.00 $1,350.00 2,700.00 D40 Catch Basin Type 1 (For Water Conflict)Each 2 2,000.00 4,000.00 $1,700.00 3,400.00 $1,592.00 3,184.00 $1,400.00 2,800.00 $1,700.00 3,400.00 $1,798.00 3,596.00 $1,225.00 2,450.00 $2,500.00 5,000.00 D41 C900 Storm Drain Pipe 6-In. Diam (For Water Conflict)Linear Foot 20 165.00 3,300.00 $100.00 2,000.00 $173.00 3,460.00 $100.00 2,000.00 $200.00 4,000.00 $133.00 2,660.00 $86.00 1,720.00 $150.00 3,000.00 D42 C900 Storm Drain Pipe 8-In. Diam (For Water Conflict)Linear Foot 20 180.00 3,600.00 $100.00 2,000.00 $191.00 3,820.00 $100.00 2,000.00 $200.00 4,000.00 $142.00 2,840.00 $132.00 2,640.00 $160.00 3,200.00 D43 C900 Storm Drain Pipe 12-In. Diam (For Water Conflict)Linear Foot 60 260.00 15,600.00 $140.00 8,400.00 $204.50 12,270.00 $100.00 6,000.00 $200.00 12,000.00 $149.00 8,940.00 $82.00 4,920.00 $200.00 12,000.00 D44 Additional Ductile Iron Fitting Pound 2,700 4.50 12,150.00 $3.50 9,450.00 $3.50 9,450.00 $5.00 13,500.00 $3.00 8,100.00 $6.00 16,200.00 $15.50 41,850.00 $8.50 22,950.00 D45 Corrosion Protection, Pipe Joint-Bonding, Anodes, Test Stations Lump Sum 1 10,000.00 10,000.00 $35,000.00 35,000.00 $39,525.00 39,525.00 $50,000.00 50,000.00 $50,000.00 50,000.00 $74,817.00 74,817.00 $110,000.00 110,000.00 $100,000.00 100,000.00 Subtotal D 1,523,740.00 Subtotal D 1,438,850.00 Subtotal D 1,735,868.00 Subtotal D 1,783,160.00 Subtotal D 1,488,050.00 Subtotal D 1,754,566.00 Subtotal D 2,424,640.00 Subtotal D 2,203,520.00 Tax 10.1%153,897.74 Tax 10.1%145,323.85 Tax 10.1%175,322.67 Tax 10.1%180,099.16 Tax 10.1%150,293.05 Tax 10.1%177,211.17 Tax 10.1%244,888.64 Tax 10.1%222,555.52 Total D 1,677,637.74 Total D 1,584,173.85 Total D 1,911,190.67 Total D 1,963,259.16 Total D 1,638,343.05 Total D 1,931,777.17 Total D 2,669,528.64 Total D 2,426,075.52 * Numbers in red are corrected errors. Total of Schedules A, B, C & D 14,903,723.17 10,555,986.64 13,230,365.01 13,306,790.68 13,893,498.65 14,910,764.04 17,052,320.40 20,546,772.03 AGENDA ITEM #5. b) Project: Renton Downtown Utility Improvement Project ‐ CAG‐21‐001Due Date: December 17, 2020 ‐ Bids Due at 2:00 p.m. ‐ Opening at 3:00 pm (Video Conference)CITY OF RENTONBID TABULATION SHEETBid Total fromProp L&I Bid Sched Wage Sub AddenSchedule of PricesTriple Form Cert Bond Prices Compl List 1 & 2*Includes Sales TaxJohansen Construction Cox x x x x x x $17,052,320.40PO Box 6741BuckleyWA98321Jacob CimmerJWF General Contractorsx x x x x x x $14,910,764.042810 Meridian Ave E2EdgewoodWA98371James W. FowlerMidMountain Contractors, Incx x x x x x x $20,544,570.03PO Box 29093KirklandWA98083Greg LovingerBidderFORMSEngineer's Estimate$14,903,723.00AGENDA ITEM #5. b) Project: Renton Downtown Utility Improvement Project ‐ CAG‐21‐001Due Date: December 17, 2020 ‐ Bids Due at 2:00 p.m. ‐ Opening at 3:00 pm (Video Conference)CITY OF RENTONBID TABULATION SHEETBid Total fromProp L&I Bid Sched Wage Sub AddenSchedule of PricesTriple Form Cert Bond Prices Compl List 1 & 2*Includes Sales TaxBidderFORMSPivetta Brothers Construction, Incx x x x x x x $13,230,365.00PO Box 3704SumnerWA98390Mark Pivetta R.L. Alia Companyx x x x x x x $13,893,498.6510831 SE 181st St5RentonWA98055Vito AliaRodarte Construction, Incx x x x x x x $13,347,723.0017 East Valley Hwy E6AuburnWA98092Jerod RodarteEngineer's Estimate$14,903,723.00AGENDA ITEM #5. b) Project: Renton Downtown Utility Improvement Project ‐ CAG‐21‐001Due Date: December 17, 2020 ‐ Bids Due at 2:00 p.m. ‐ Opening at 3:00 pm (Video Conference)CITY OF RENTONBID TABULATION SHEETBid Total fromProp L&I Bid Sched Wage Sub AddenSchedule of PricesTriple Form Cert Bond Prices Compl List 1 & 2*Includes Sales TaxBidderFORMSSCI Infrastructure, LLCx x x x x x x $10,555,986.641508 Valentine Ave SE7PacificWA98047Mark ScoccoloEngineer's Estimate$14,903,723.00AGENDA ITEM #5. b) AB - 2790 City Council Regular Meeting - 25 Jan 2021 SUBJECT/TITLE: 4th Quarter 2020 Contract/Lease Report RECOMMENDED ACTION: None; Information Only DEPARTMENT: City Clerk STAFF CONTACT: Jason Seth, City Clerk EXT.: 6502 FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARY: N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: Fully executed in fourth quarter 2020 were 106 contracts & leases, 75 addenda,13 work orders/change orders, and 18 are highlighted as being over 10% and/or $100,000 of original amount. The six-month expiration report shows 70 agreements that will expire between January 1, 2021 – June 30, 2021. EXHIBITS: A. Contracts fully executed between 10/1/2020 - 12/31/2020 B. Contracts expiring between 1/1/2021 – 6/20/2021 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: None. Information only AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2020 through 12/31/2020 Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon CAG-20-433 KeaƟng Bucklin & mcCormick - Legal RepresentaƟon in King County, Renton Hotel Investors, LLC. & Downtown emergency Services Center vs. City $30,000 $30,000 P Contractor: (040286) KEATING BUCKLN & MCCORMACK INC 07/01/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/16/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-480 4-Leafs - Plan Review/Electrician InspecƟons $15,000 $15,000 P Contractor: (000062) 4LEAF INC 12/31/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 12/03/2020n/a (new) Total Count : 2 \\EDEN\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:43:49AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 1 of 35 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2020 through 12/31/2020 Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon CAG-13-137 LexisNexis - Computer Research contract - online publicaƟon - 3.5 years $49,410 $138,378 P Contractor: (044515) LEXISNEXIS 12/31/2022 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #3-20 - LexisNexis - AddiƟonal work and Ɵme extension12/01/2020Adden #3-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2022 Total Count : 1 \\EDEN\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:43:49AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 2 of 35 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2020 through 12/31/2020 Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon air LAG-20-029 John Fluno - AircraŌ Storage - Windsock Tie Down #E-22 - $120 per month air $0 $0 R 12/31/2999 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/24/2020n/a (new) Total Count air: 1 \\EDEN\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:43:49AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 3 of 35 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2020 through 12/31/2020 Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon ASD CAG-13-042 US Bank, N.A. - Banking Services Agreement for $381,374.45 per year for 3 years (1/1/2011 Ɵl 12/31/2013) ASD $952,123 $952,123 P Contractor: (101589) US BANK NATL ASSN 12/31/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #4-20 - US Bank - Add an addiƟonal year to term of contract 10/13/2020Adden #4-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2021 Total Count ASD: 1 \\EDEN\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:43:49AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 4 of 35 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2020 through 12/31/2020 Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon ced CAG-19-288 KPG - Downtown Core Streetscape Engineering Consultant Agreement ced $294,216 $394,162 P Contractor: (042772) KPG INC 10/31/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #1-20 - KPG, P.S. - Downtown Core Streetscape: Supplement #1 CM services 12/21/2020Adden #1-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 10/31/2021 CAG-20-110 Port of SeaƩle - Tourism MarkeƟng Program rec: $5,000 ced $5,000 $5,000 R Contractor: (3363) PORT OF SEATTLE 11/20/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type CAG-20-110 - Adden 1 - Tourism MarkeƟng Program - extended the work to be done not the expiraƟon date. 10/19/2020Adden #1-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 11/20/2020 CAG-20-321 Solera, LLC, Dev Co, LLC, Solera Manager, LLC. - StandsƟll agreement ced $0 $0 M 03/19/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #2-20 - Solera, LLC, Dev Co, LLC, Solera Manager, LLC. - StandsƟll agreement amendment 10/02/2020Adden #2-20addendum Adden #3-20 - Solera, LLC, Dev Co, LLC, Solera Manager, LLC - Agreement ModificaƟon and Ɵme extension 10/13/2020Adden #3-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 03/19/2021 CAG-20-386 King County Subrecipient Grant Agreement / Coronavirus Relief fund via CAR - GRANT: $159,903.00 ced $159,903 $159,903 R 12/30/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 10/02/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-390 Q&L Drycleaning Services - SMALL BUSINESSES GRANT ced $5,000 $5,000 P Contractor: (117667) Q&L DRYCLEANING SERVICES 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 10/05/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-400 JayRay Ads and PR - COVID relief Economic Development Support Local Strategy ced $159,000 $159,000 P Contractor: (039099) JAYRAY ADS & PR INC 12/30/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 10/26/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-401 Equinox Art & Design - Community Mural design and implementaƟon in Sunset neighborhood ced $12,846 $12,846 P Contractor: (047100) MARSHA L ROLLINGER 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 10/21/2020n/a (new) \\EDEN\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:43:49AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 5 of 35 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2020 through 12/31/2020 Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon CAG-20-408 Gabrielle Lewis - Agreement for mural design & installaƟon in downtown Renton ced $12,500 $12,500 P Contractor: (028295) GABRIELLE LEWIS 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 10/27/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-409 Luther's Table, LLC.- SMALL BUSINESSES GRANT ced $5,000 $5,000 P Contractor: (117707) LUTHER'S TABLE LLC 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 10/27/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-410 Frontdoor Back, LLC. - PresentaƟon of emerging retail best pracƟces (COVID recovery) ced $18,000 $18,000 P Contractor: (027495) FRONTDOOR BACK LLC 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 10/26/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-414 Hairs Our CraŌ dba Hair We Are - SMALL BUSINESSES GRANT ced $5,000 $5,000 P Contractor: (117762) HAIRS OUR CRAFT 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/09/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-415 Enjoy Teriyaki - SMALL BUSINESSES GRANT ced $5,000 $5,000 P Contractor: (117761) ENJOY TERIYAKI 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/09/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-419 I Luv Teriyaki - SMALL BUSINESSES GRANT ced $5,000 $5,000 P Contractor: (117757) I LUV TERIYAKI 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/04/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-420 Liberty Café - SMALL BUSINESSES GRANT ced $5,000 $5,000 P Contractor: (117758) LIBERTY CAFE 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/09/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-421 Method & Madness LLC - SMALL BUSINESSES GRANT ced $5,000 $5,000 P Contractor: (117759) METHOD & MADNESS LLC 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/09/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-422 Anaya Enterprises LLC dba Renton MarƟal Arts Center - SMALL BUSINESSES GRANT ced $5,000 $5,000 P Contractor: (117760) RENTON MARTIAL ARTS CENTER 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/04/2020n/a (new) \\EDEN\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:43:49AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 6 of 35 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2020 through 12/31/2020 Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon CAG-20-434 Perfect Nails Spa - SMALL BUSINESSES GRANT ced $5,000 $5,000 P Contractor: (114311) PERFECT NAILS SPA LLC 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/10/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-435 St. Charles Place - SMALL BUSINESSES GRANT ced $5,000 $5,000 P Contractor: (101143) ST. CHARLES PLACE ANTIQUES 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/10/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-436 Lyly Fisher DDS - SMALL BUSINESSES GRANT ced $5,000 $5,000 P Contractor: (117763) LYLY FISHER DDS 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/12/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-437 Clipping Hair Salon - SMALL BUSINESSES GRANT ced $5,000 $5,000 P Contractor: (117765) CLIPPING HAIR SALON 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/13/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-438 Greatcuts for Hair & Tanning - SMALL BUSINESSES GRANT ced $5,000 $5,000 P Contractor: (117764) GREATCUTS FOR HAIR & TANNING 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/16/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-439 Spotlight Dance Center - SMALL BUSINESSES GRANT ced $5,000 $5,000 P Contractor: (076465) SPOTLIGHT DANCE CENTER 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/16/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-440 The Red Tea Room- SMALL BUSINESSES GRANT ced $5,000 $5,000 P Contractor: (117766) THE RED TEA ROOM LLC 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/16/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-441 Burger Addict - SMALL BUSINESSES GRANT ced $10,000 $10,000 P Contractor: (117770) BURGER ADDICT RENTON LLC 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/18/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-442 ECAR EvaluaƟon and Counseling Services - SMALL BUSINESSES GRANT ced $5,000 $5,000 P Contractor: (117767) ECAR EVALUATION & COUNSELING 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/17/2020n/a (new) \\EDEN\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:43:49AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 7 of 35 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2020 through 12/31/2020 Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon CAG-20-443 Tantan dba Pho 801 - SMALL BUSINESSES GRANT ced $10,000 $10,000 P Contractor: (117768) TANTAN CORPORATION 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/19/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-444 The Local 907 - SMALL BUSINESSES GRANT ced $15,000 $15,000 P Contractor: (117769) THE LOCAL 907 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/17/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-451 The Robinson Group - SMALL BUSINESSES GRANT ced $5,000 $5,000 P Contractor: (117771) THE ROBINSON GROUP IN 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/17/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-452 Ono Teriyaki - SMALL BUSINESSES GRANT ced $5,000 $5,000 P Contractor: (117772) ONO TERIYAKI 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/19/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-453 La Hacienda Santa Fe - SMALL BUSINESSES GRANT ced $5,000 $5,000 P Contractor: (117773) LA HACIENDA SANTA FE 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/19/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-454 Northwest Jewelry Distributors - SMALL BUSINESSES GRANT ced $5,000 $5,000 P Contractor: (117811) NW JEWEWLRY DISTRIBUTORS LLC 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/19/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-455 Malakor Thai Restaurant - SMALL BUSINESSES GRANT ced $10,000 $10,000 P Contractor: (114130) MALAKOR THAI RESTURANT 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/20/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-456 Working Choices Inc - SMALL BUSINESSES GRANT ced $5,000 $5,000 P Contractor: (115181) WORKING CHOICES INC 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/20/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-457 ReƟna InsƟtute PLLC - SMALL BUSINESSES GRANT ced $15,000 $15,000 P Contractor: (107381) RETINA INSTITUE PLLC 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/20/2020n/a (new) \\EDEN\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:43:49AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 8 of 35 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2020 through 12/31/2020 Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon CAG-20-458 DOK Insurance Agency - SMALL BUSINESSES GRANT ced $5,000 $5,000 P Contractor: (117777) DOK INSURANCE AGENCY LLC 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/20/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-459 The Studio Massage LLC - SMALL BUSINESSES GRANT ced $10,000 $10,000 P Contractor: (117778) STUDIO MASSAGE LLC 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/20/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-460 Pawandeep Kaur DDS dba Renton Smile DenƟstry - SMALL BUSINESSES GRANT ced $10,000 $10,000 P Contractor: (117779) PAWANDEEP KAUR DDS, PLLC 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/22/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-461 Grace Harvest & Associates LLC- SMALL BUSINESSES GRANT ced $10,000 $10,000 P Contractor: (117812) GRACE HARVEST & ASSOCIATES LLC 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/23/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-462 Wells ChiropracƟc - SMALL BUSINESSES GRANT ced $5,000 $5,000 P Contractor: (114068) WELLS CHIROPRACTIC INC PS 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/23/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-463 Econolodge - SMALL BUSINESSES GRANT ced $10,000 $10,000 P Contractor: (117825) ECONOLODGE 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/24/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-464 Changes in AcƟon - SMALL BUSINESSES GRANT ced $5,000 $5,000 P 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/24/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-465 5 Star Dry Cleaners - SMALL BUSINESSES GRANT ced $5,000 $5,000 P Contractor: (117821) FIVE STAR DRY CLEANERS 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/24/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-466 Mathewson's AutomoƟve and Ɵre - SMALL BUSINESSES GRANT ced $10,000 $10,000 P Contractor: (117822) MATHEWSON'S AUTOMOTIVE & TIRE 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/24/2020n/a (new) \\EDEN\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:43:49AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 9 of 35 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2020 through 12/31/2020 Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon CAG-20-467 Dale Fisher and Associates - SMALL BUSINESSES GRANT ced $5,000 $5,000 P Contractor: (117823) DALE FISHER & ASSOCIATES 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/24/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-468 Genex LLC - SMALL BUSINESSES GRANT ced $5,000 $5,000 P Contractor: (117780) GENEX LLC 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/24/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-469 Pho & Thai Restaurant - SMALL BUSINESSES GRANT ced $10,000 $10,000 P Contractor: (117824) PHO & THAI RESTAURANT 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/24/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-470 Sparkle GiŌs and Whatnot- SMALL BUSINESSES GRANT ced $5,000 $5,000 P Contractor: (117826) SPARKLE GIFTS & WHATNOTS 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/25/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-471 LiƩle Seedlings Preschool - SMALL BUSINESSES GRANT ced $5,000 $5,000 P Contractor: (117827) LITTLE SEEDLINGS PRESCHOOL LLC 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/25/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-472 Sound Foot Massage #2- SMALL BUSINESSES GRANT ced $5,000 $5,000 P Contractor: (117828) SOUND FOOT MASSAGE 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/25/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-473 Pro-Flight AviaƟon Inc - SMALL BUSINESSES GRANT ced $10,000 $10,000 P Contractor: (063583) PRO-FLIGHT AVIATION INC 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/27/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-474 Mr Naturalz - SMALL BUSINESSES GRANT ced $10,000 $10,000 P Contractor: (117830) MR NATURALZ 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/27/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-475 Derick W. Hahn DDS, PLLC - SMALL BUSINESSES GRANT ced $10,000 $10,000 P Contractor: (117813) DERICK W HAHN DDS, PLLC 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/29/2020n/a (new) \\EDEN\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:43:49AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 10 of 35 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2020 through 12/31/2020 Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon CAG-20-477 Eyes on the Landing - SMALL BUSINESSES GRANT ced $5,000 $5,000 P 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/30/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-483 KShiŌ dba AssetLab MarkeƟng - website hosƟng and annual maintenance ced $9,854 $9,854 P Contractor: (042980) ASSETLAB MARKETING 12/31/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 12/07/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-489 Extenet Systems - small cell communicaƟon faciliƟes master license agreement ced $0 $0 M 12/31/2030 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 12/16/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-492 Reid Middleton - HERS energy modeling for ADU design plans ced $63,900 $63,900 P Contractor: (066451) REID MIDDLETON INC 03/17/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 12/18/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-498 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC - small cell communicaƟon faciliƟes master license agreement ced $0 $0 M 12/28/2030 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 12/28/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-500 ArtTech, Inc. - Annual Maintenance for City Art CollecƟon ced $25,081 $25,081 P Contractor: (005922) ARTECH INC 03/30/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 12/23/2020n/a (new) Total Count ced: 58 \\EDEN\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:43:49AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 11 of 35 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2020 through 12/31/2020 Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon cs CAG-16-174 State of Washington Dept of Enterprise Services (DES) - Engergy UƟlity ConservaƟon Project Management & Monitoring Services cs $58,300 $120,800 P Contractor: (020831) DEPT OF ENTERPRISE SERVICES 12/31/2023 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #3-20 - WA State Department of Enterprise Services (DES) - AddiƟonal project management services - Renton City Hall Ph 2 12/10/2020Adden #3-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2023 CAG-17-124 PND Engineers - Coulon Park Facility Structural Repairs cs $204,000 $289,382 P Contractor: (061121) PND ENGINEERS 01/31/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #7-20 - PND Engineers - one-year warranty inspecƟon of structural repairs and Ɵme extension 12/17/2020Adden #7-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 01/31/2021 CAG-18-076 ConText EvaluaƟon - EvaluaƟon Services for Best Start Kids Fund "Highlands Quality Out of School Time Partnership" Grant cs $26,000 $36,000 P Contractor: (046957) MARGARET A MCKENNA 12/31/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #1-20 - Margaret A. McKenna - Amend compensaƟon and Ɵme extension 12/07/2020Adden #1-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2021 CAG-18-217 King County Housing & Community Development - CDBG Program Planning & AdministraƟon cs $69,789 $1,439,426 R 04/20/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #5-20 - King County Department of Community & Human Services - adding 2020 funds and extending Ɵme of compleƟon 12/22/2020Adden #5-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 04/20/2021 CAG-18-232 Environmental Science Center - Environmental Science Programs & Classes at Highlands Neighborhood Center cs $60,000 $94,000 P Contractor: (024358) ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE CENTER 12/31/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #1-21 - Environmental Science Center - AddiƟonal scope of work and Ɵme extension 12/31/2020Adden #1-21addendum CAG-19-060 Youth and Amateur Sports Grant - Family First Community Center - Gymnasium Costs cs $20,000 $20,000 R 12/31/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #1-20 - King County Youth & Amateur Sports Grant - Ɵme extension for Family First Community Center 11/20/2020Adden #1-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2021 \\EDEN\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:43:49AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 12 of 35 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2020 through 12/31/2020 Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon CAG-19-061 King County Parks - Youth and Amateur Sports Grant - Family First Community Center - Project Costs cs $55,000 $55,000 R 12/31/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #2-20 - King County Youth & Amateur Sports Grant - Ɵme extension for Family First Community Center 10/26/2020Adden #2-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2021 CAG-19-199 Canber CorporaƟon - 2019-2021 Landscape Maintenance Agreement cs $556,004 $508,457 P Contractor: (013391) CANBER CORPS 12/31/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type CO #2-20 - Canber CorporaƟon - addiƟon of new maintained site and funds to contract budget 10/20/2020CO #2-20change Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2021 CAG-19-243 Terra Dynamics, Inc - Sunset Neighborhood Park, Phase 2 cs $4,059,000 $4,094,607 P Contractor: (080368) TERRA DYNAMICS 01/31/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type CO #4-20 - Terra Dynamics Inc - Gazebo Roof AddiƟon & Ɵme extension 10/04/2020CO #4-20change Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 11/30/2020 CO #5-20 - Terra Dynamics - Time extension12/18/2020CO #5-20change Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 01/31/2021 CAG-19-269 Davey Tree Expert Company - 2019 On-Call Tree Maintenance cs $35,000 $35,000 P Contractor: (020110) THE DAVEY TREE EXPERT COMPANY 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type CO #1-20 - Davey Tree Expert Company - Time extension only10/19/2020CO #1-20change Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2020 CAG-19-271 Trelstad Tree Service LLC - 2019 On-Call Tree Maintenance cs $35,000 $35,000 P Contractor: (082475) TRELSTAD TREE 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type CO #1-20 - Trelstad Tree Service - Time extension only10/19/2020CO #1-20change Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2020 Adden #4-20 - Trelstad Tree Service - Emergency cabling and trimming of trees in Maplewood Park (exisƟng funds) 10/20/2020Adden #4-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2020 Adden #5-20 - Trelstad Tree Service - trimming of storm-damaged tree in Liberty Park (exisƟng funds) 12/22/2020Adden #5-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2020 \\EDEN\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:43:49AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 13 of 35 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2020 through 12/31/2020 Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon CAG-19-307 Renton Housing Authority - Temporary Use Agreement for staging area - Sunset Neighborhood Park, Ph 2 cs $4,500 $6,500 P Contractor: (067310) RENTON HOUSING AUTHORITY 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #1-20 - Renton Housing Authority - extension of temporary use agreement 11/16/2020Adden #1-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2020 Adden #1a - Renton Housing Authority - correcƟng amount of addendum to reflect $2,000. 12/14/2020Adden #1aaddendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2020 CAG-20-006 EMTech, LLC - Cedar River Trestle Bridge Repairs cs $367,400 $508,980 P Contractor: (023999) EMTECH LLC 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type CO #6-20 - EMTech, LLC - deduct opƟon from CO 3 - scaffolding, bridge wrap, liŌ rental not needed 10/07/2020CO #6-20change Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2020 CAG-20-010 PND Engineers - Design & ConstrucƟon Admin Support for Coulon Memorial Beach Park North Waterwalk Improvements cs $285,783 $358,072 P Contractor: (061121) PND ENGINEERS 03/31/2022 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #2-20 - PND Engineers - Design/construcƟon support services for pile corrosion protecƟon & add'l regulatory coordinaƟon 12/16/2020Adden #2-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 03/31/2022 CAG-20-025 Davey Resource Group - AddiƟonal Tree Inventory Database update work for 2020 cs $30,100 $30,100 P Contractor: (020112) DAVEY RESOURCE GROUP INC 01/31/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type CO #1-20 - Davey Resource Group - Time extension12/23/2020CO #1-20change Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 01/31/2021 CAG-20-026 Davey Resource Group - ConsulƟng CerƟfied Arborist InspecƟon Services cs $134,400 $134,400 P Contractor: (020112) DAVEY RESOURCE GROUP INC 02/01/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #1-20 - Davey Resource Group - Ɵme extension10/28/2020Adden #1-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 02/01/2021 CAG-20-058 PSR Mechanical - FULL SERVICE PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE AT CITY HALL cs $82,922 $87,160 P Contractor: (064542) PSR 03/31/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type CO #1-20 - PSR Mechanical - Increase amount for COVID filters12/21/2020CO #1-20change Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 03/31/2021 \\EDEN\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:43:49AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 14 of 35 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2020 through 12/31/2020 Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon CAG-20-064 Blue Sky CommunicaƟons NW - Assessment & development of an age-friendly Renton DesignaƟon & AcƟon Plan cs $55,000 $70,000 P Contractor: (010237) BLUE SKY COMMUNICATIONS NW 03/31/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #1-20 - Blue Sky CommunicaƟons NW - addiƟonal scope of work and Ɵme extension 12/21/2020Adden #1-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 03/31/2021 CAG-20-101 McKinstry-ESCO - Design & construcƟon to retrofit exisƟng building systems for energy efficiency cs $130,115 $2,537,606 P Contractor: (048353) MCKINSTRY ESSENTION LLC 12/31/2023 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #1-20 - McKinstry-ESCO - Project Design, construcƟon & verificaƟon - provide new fire pumps, boilers, computer room cooling 12/11/2020Adden #1-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2023 CAG-20-355 Stumpy Tree Service/Lance Malmberg - 2020 Fall Tree Maintenance cs $55,000 $58,850 P Contractor: (043305) LANCE MALMBERG 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type CO #1-20 - Stumpy Tree Servirces - addiƟonal work - tree pruning/removal 12/17/2020CO #1-20change Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2020 CAG-20-373 Mother Africa - Rental Assistance with CARES Act Funds cs $50,000 $70,000 P Contractor: (051328) MOTHER AFRICA 11/30/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #1-20 - Mother Africa - Change in Ɵme and compensaƟon11/04/2020Adden #1-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 11/30/2020 CAG-20-374 MulƟ-Service Center - Rental Assistance with CARES Act Funds cs $83,300 $83,300 P Contractor: (076117) MULTI SERVICE CENTER 11/30/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #1-20 - MulƟ-Service Center - Time extension11/04/2020Adden #1-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 11/30/2020 CAG-20-375 African Community Housing & Development - Rental Assistance with CARES Act Funds cs $60,000 $43,457 P Contractor: (001130) AFRICAN COMMUNITY 11/30/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #1-20 - African Community Housing & Development - extend Ɵme for compleƟon and reduce grant amount 11/16/2020Adden #1-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 11/30/2020 Adden #2-20 - African Community Housing & Development - added funds 11/18/2020Adden #2-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 11/30/2020 \\EDEN\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:43:49AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 15 of 35 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2020 through 12/31/2020 Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon CAG-20-388 REACH - CARES Act Food Support cs $70,000 $74,000 P Contractor: (067105) RENTON ECUMENICAL ASSOCIATION 11/30/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #1-20 - REACH - Increase in compensaƟon, extending end date 11/04/2020Adden #1-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 11/30/2020 CAG-20-389 SalvaƟon Army - Rental Assistance with CARES Act Funds cs $100,000 $100,000 P Contractor: (070327) SALVATION ARMY, THE 11/30/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #1-20 - SalvaƟon Army - Ɵme extension11/23/2020Adden #1-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 11/30/2020 CAG-20-391 WSP USA Inc.- Consultant Services - inspecƟon of Cedar River Trestle Bridge cs $15,000 $15,000 P Contractor: (060557) WSP USA INC 02/28/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #1-21 - WSP USA Inc - Time extension12/28/2020Adden #1-21addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 02/28/2021 CAG-20-397 St Vincent de Paul - Rental Assistance with CARES Act Funds cs $25,000 $25,000 P Contractor: (070296) ST. VINCENT DE PAUL, ATTN: ACCTG DEP T 11/19/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 10/16/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-398 Precision Striping - Parking Lot Striping & Trail Striping cs $11,746 $11,746 P Contractor: (063158) PRECISION STRIPING 03/19/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #1-20 - Precision Striping - Ɵme extension12/16/2020Adden #1-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 03/19/2021 CAG-20-402 Hough Beck & Baird, Inc - Professional Design & ConstrucƟon Admin Services for Outdoor Fitness Park at North Highlands Park cs $18,872 $18,872 P Contractor: (035300) HOUGH BECK & BAIRD INC 11/24/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 10/17/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-406 REACH - Rental Assistance with CARES Act Funds cs $30,000 $30,000 P Contractor: (067105) RENTON ECUMENICAL ASSOCIATION 11/30/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 10/26/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-407 Renton Housing Authority - Rental and uƟlity assistance with CARES Act Funds cs $280,500 $280,500 P Contractor: (067310) RENTON HOUSING AUTHORITY 11/30/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 10/26/2020n/a (new) \\EDEN\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:43:49AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 16 of 35 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2020 through 12/31/2020 Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon CAG-20-411 McKinstry - Maintenance Facility Generator Replacement cs $31,800 $31,800 P Contractor: (048352) MCKINSTRY CO LLC 12/31/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 10/29/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-412 Way Back Inn - CARES Funds Rental Assistance cs $5,000 $5,000 P Contractor: (089949) WAY BACK INN FOUNDATION 11/30/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/04/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-413 Root Cause LLC - 2020 Late Fall Tree PlanƟng Agreement cs $37,868 $45,441 P Contractor: (069175) ROOT CAUSE LLC 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type CO #1-20 - Root Cause LLC - addiƟon of funds for addiƟonal tree planƟng and heavy equipment costs 12/17/2020CO #1-20change Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2020 CAG-20-429 Linda Mounts - Provide fitness classes virtually and at City of Renton rec faciliƟes cs $20,000 $20,000 P Contractor: (073899) LINDA M MOUNTS 12/31/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 10/30/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-430 Sustainable Renton - CARES Funding - cold storage for food donaƟons cs $35,000 $35,000 P Contractor: (079286) SUSTAINABLE RENTON 11/30/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #1-20 - Sustainable Renton - Ɵme extension11/23/2020Adden #1-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 11/30/2020 CAG-20-431 Margie Williams Helping Hands Center - CARES Funding - food support cs $3,250 $3,250 P Contractor: (046765) MARGIE WILLIAMS 11/30/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/13/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-450 Fleming's Holiday Lights - Holiday Lights at Coulon Park, Piazza Park & Clock Tower cs $26,132 $26,132 P Contractor: (026563) FLEMINGS HOLIDAY LIGHTING LLC 01/31/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/25/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-482 Davis Door Service, Inc - Replacement of entrance/exit roll-up door motors at City Center Parking Garage cs $6,475 $6,475 P Contractor: (020255) DAVIS DOOR SERVICE INC 03/31/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 12/07/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-484 SalvaƟon Army - Temporary use of North Highland's Community Center for toy drop off/pick up cs $0 $0 P 01/08/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 12/01/2020n/a (new) \\EDEN\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:43:49AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 17 of 35 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2020 through 12/31/2020 Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon CAG-20-485 Margaret McKenna - ConTEXT - Assist in developing & analyzing community-wide survey for Age-Friendly iniƟaƟve cs $12,000 $12,000 P Contractor: (046957) MARGARET A MCKENNA 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 12/10/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-486 KC Housing & Community Development - 2020 Renton CDBG Program AdministraƟon ($71,323 rev) cs $71,323 $71,323 R Contractor: (1171) KC HOUSING & COMM DEV 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 12/09/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-487 SNAG/SeaƩle NaƟve Arts Group - NaƟve American storytelling via Zoom cs $300 $300 P Contractor: (075591) SNAG/SEATLE NATIVE ARTS GROUP 12/10/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 12/07/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-488 School's Out Washington - AŌer school programs for youth - Best Start for Kids, STREAM Team at Highlands Neighborhood Center ($174,005 REV) cs $174,005 $174,005 R 12/31/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 12/14/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-497 Ray Johnson - Provide One-Hour Holiday Sing-along via Zoom cs $125 $125 P Contractor: (039302) RAY N JOHNSON 12/21/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 12/21/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-499 REACH - Provide staff for severe weather shelter cs $5,000 $5,000 P Contractor: (067105) RENTON ECUMENICAL ASSOCIATION 05/01/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 12/23/2020n/a (new) LAG-20-028 Northwest Restaurant Experience Inc - Consessionaire at Maplewood Golf Course cs $0 $0 R 12/31/2028 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/23/2020n/a (new) PAG-20-002 The Boeing Company - Right-of-Entry to Cedar River Trail cs $0 $0 M 11/20/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 10/29/2020n/a (new) PAG-20-003 SeaƩle Public UƟliƟes - Right-of-Entry to Cedar River Park cs $0 $0 M 08/31/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 12/16/2020n/a (new) Total Count cs : 49 \\EDEN\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:43:49AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 18 of 35 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2020 through 12/31/2020 Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon fin CAG-20-403 City of Des Moines - Praxis Cost-sharing Interlocal Agreement ($30,000 rev) fin $30,000 $30,000 R 12/31/2022 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 10/20/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-404 Ashpaugh & Sculco CPA's PLLC - Expert Witness Services fin $25,000 $25,000 P Contractor: (006063) ASHPAUGH & SCULCO, CPAS, PLC 12/31/2022 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 10/20/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-448 Daizy Logik LLC - Agreement for Praxis Support Services fin $45,000 $45,000 P Contractor: (019812) DAIZY LOGIK LLC 12/31/2023 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/23/2020n/a (new) Total Count fin: 3 \\EDEN\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:43:49AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 19 of 35 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2020 through 12/31/2020 Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon gra CAG-20-158 Washington State Military Department - Public Assistance Grant for faciliƟes repair related to PresidenƟal Disaster DeclaraƟon gra $8,000,000 $8,000,000 R 04/23/2024 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 10/09/2020n/a (new) Total Count gra: 1 \\EDEN\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:43:49AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 20 of 35 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2020 through 12/31/2020 Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon hr CAG-20-356 Kroll Associates, Inc - InformaƟon Security & Computer Forensics - monitor and analyze city data systems and servers hr $0 $0 M 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #2-20 - Kroll Associates, Inc - Provide addiƟonal services10/01/2020Adden #2-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2020 CAG-20-423 Seamark Law Group PLLC - Legal Services for Ramnanansingh vs City of Renton hr $30,000 $30,000 P Contractor: (072287) SEAMARK LAW GROUP PLLC 11/01/2022 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/09/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-425 Kaiser Permanente - 2021 Healthcare contract for acƟve employees & LEOFF 1 reƟrees hr $203,000 $203,000 P Contractor: (040084) KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN 12/31/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/10/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-426 Symetra - Stop loss insurance coverage for City of Renton 2021 ($566,000 - not billed thru Eden) hr $0 $0 P 12/31/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/10/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-494 Alliant Insurance - Liability Insurance Policy ApplicaƟon 2021 hr $538,239 $538,239 P Contractor: (001910) ALLIANT INSURANCE SERVICES 01/01/2022 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 12/17/2020n/a (new) Total Count hr : 5 \\EDEN\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:43:49AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 21 of 35 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2020 through 12/31/2020 Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon it CAG-20-478 Kroll Responder Security Services - End Point security monitoring and response services (month to month, no expiraƟon date) it $76,150 $76,150 P Contractor: (042956) KROLL ASSOCIATES INC 12/31/2999 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/24/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-490 Right Systems!, Inc - InstallaƟon, configuraƟon and Training Support on new Juniper switches it $9,600 $9,600 P Contractor: (068463) RIGHT SYSTEM INC 03/30/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 12/14/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-496 Bluebeam, Inc - SoŌware License for Bluebeam Studio Prime it $2,400 $2,400 P Contractor: (012984) CADD MICROSYSTEMS INC 12/17/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 12/17/2020n/a (new) Total Count it: 3 \\EDEN\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:43:49AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 22 of 35 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2020 through 12/31/2020 Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon may CAG-18-200 CommuniƟes in Schools of Renton(CISR) & Renton School Distrct (RSD) - Establish financial and in-kind commitments may $50,000 $100,000 P Contractor: (017602) COMMUNITIES IN SCHOOL INC 12/31/2022 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #1-20 - CommuniƟes in Schools of Renton - Extend two years as allowed per Sec 2.4 12/17/2020Adden #1-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2022 CAG-20-428 Bradley Law, LLC - Cable TV Franchise Management ConsulƟng Services may $20,000 $20,000 P Contractor: (011181) BRADLEY BERKLAND HAGEN HERBST 12/31/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/16/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-479 Umbrella ProducƟons - Channel 21 operaƟons and producƟon consulƟng services may $40,000 $40,000 P Contractor: (083225) UMBRELLA PRODUCTIONS LLC, ` 12/31/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 12/08/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-495 Outcomes by Levy - Consultant Agreement for LegislaƟve Services may $332,000 $332,000 P Contractor: (058621) OUTCOMES BY LEVY LLC 01/31/2022 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 12/22/2020n/a (new) Total Count may: 4 \\EDEN\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:43:49AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 23 of 35 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2020 through 12/31/2020 Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon oth CAG-20-449 ThunderDog Delivery Inc - Daily mail delivery service from USPS to Diamond CommunicaƟons oth $24,500 $24,500 P Contractor: (081350) THUNDERDOG DELIVERY INC 10/31/2022 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/30/2020n/a (new) Total Count oth: 1 \\EDEN\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:43:49AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 24 of 35 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2020 through 12/31/2020 Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon pol CAG-20-445 Renton School District No. 403 - Interlocal Agreement for School Resource Officers pol $0 $0 R 08/31/2022 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/23/2020n/a (new) Total Count pol: 1 \\EDEN\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:43:49AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 25 of 35 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2020 through 12/31/2020 Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon PW CAG-15-080 Perteet, Inc. - NE Sunset Blvd Preliminary Design Phase PW $578,048 $665,055 P Contractor: (061292) PERTEET INC 01/31/2025 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #6-20 - Perteet, Inc. - Value Engineering and Project construcƟon segmentaƟon 12/07/2020Adden #6-20addendum Total Count PW: 1 \\EDEN\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:43:49AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 26 of 35 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2020 through 12/31/2020 Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon pw CAG-15-177 OTAK, Inc - Lake WA Loop Trail Project pw $274,891 $880,400 P Contractor: (058565) OTAK INC 12/31/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #9-20 - Otak, Inc. - Final Design11/09/2020addendum CAG-15-196 WRIA 8 JurisdicƟons - WRIA 8 Salmon Habitat Plan ImplementaƟon/2016-2025 Interlocal Agreement ($18,040 for 2016 only) pw $18,040 $18,040 P Contractor: (041608) KING CNTY FINANCE 12/31/2025 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #1-20 - King county & various ciƟes (WRIA) jjurisdicƟons)12/03/2020Adden #1-20addendum CAG-16-103 RH2 Engineering, Inc. - Replace Highlands 435 Pressure Zone Reservoirs and Mains - Final Design and Bidding pw $697,088 $1,123,964 P Contractor: (068180) RH2 ENGINEERING INC 12/31/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #5-20 - RH2 engineering, inc. - Time Extension for Final Design and Bidding (WTR2703888) 12/10/2020adden #5-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2021 CAG-16-134 Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc. - Kennydale 320-Pressure Zone Reservoir Pre-Design pw $419,500 $1,122,141 P Contractor: (052444) MURRAYSMITH INC 07/31/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #5-20 - Murraysmith, Inc. - Reservoir Mural Design & Property sbudivision (WTR-2703956) 12/09/2020Adden #5-20addendum Adden #7-20 - Murraysmith, Inc. -Time Exentsion (WTR2703956)12/09/2020Adden #7-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 07/31/2021 CAG-16-171 DGK, Inc. dba Widener & Associates - Environmental services for Transporta Ɵon Bridge Program pw $34,000 $75,000 P Contractor: (091850) WIDENER & ASSOCIATES 12/31/2022 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #2-20 - DGK, inc. (dba Widener & Associates) - Time extension and contract budget increase. 12/14/2020Adden #2-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2022 CAG-17-011 Sargent Engineers - Engineering services for transportaƟon bridge program pw $90,000 $210,000 P Contractor: (070505) SARGENT ENGINEERS INC 12/19/2022 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #2-20 - Sargent Engineers, inc - Time extension and contract budget 12/13/2020Adden #2-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2022 Adden #1-18 - Sargent Engineers, Inc. - Contract budget increase and Ɵme extension to 12/31/2020 12/31/2020Adden #1-18addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2020 \\EDEN\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:43:49AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 27 of 35 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2020 through 12/31/2020 Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon CAG-17-074 1/1/2020 - NEW NAME AND NEW VENDOR NUMBER. NAME IS NOW WSP USA, INC. - OLD NAMEBergerABAM, Inc. - ConstrucƟon management & inspecƟon services for NE 31st St Bridge Replacement project. pw $322,364 $322,364 P Contractor: (060557) WSP USA INC 12/31/2022 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #3-20 - WSP USA, Inc. (formerly Berger ABAM)- NE 31st St. Bridge Replacement, contract Ɵme extension 12/10/2020Adden #3-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2022 CAG-17-075 1/1/2020 - NEW NAME AND NEW VENDOR NUMBER. NAME IS NOW WSP USA, INC. - OLD NAMEBergerABAM, Inc. - N 27th Place Bridge Scour Repair Project pw $99,684 $127,218 P Contractor: (060557) WSP USA INC 12/31/2022 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #3-20 - WSP USA, Inc. (formerly BergerABAM) N 27th Place Bridge Scour Repair, contract Ɵme extension 12/10/2020Adden #3-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2022 CAG-17-082 Perteet, Inc. - N. Park Avenue Extension - Preliminary Design and Design Report Phase pw $159,655 $982,958 P Contractor: (061292) PERTEET INC 12/31/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #12-20 - Perteet, inc. Final design, stakeholder coordinaƟon, ROW 11/18/2020Adden #12-20addendum CAG-17-149 KPG, Inc - Williams Av S & Wells Av S Conversion Project - Preliminary Design pw $381,919 $1,586,526 P Contractor: (042772) KPG INC 12/31/2024 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #8-20 - KPG, Inc. - 100% Design Revisions - BNSF work11/18/2020Adden #8-20addendum CAG-18-026 RH2 Engineering, Inc. - PRV StaƟon RehabilitaƟon & Replacement Study pw $195,190 $195,190 P Contractor: (068180) RH2 ENGINEERING INC 12/31/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #4-20 - RH2 Engineering - Time extension for CompleƟon of Engineering Study (WTR1300130) 12/10/2020Adden #4-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 07/31/2021 CAG-18-085 Watershed Science & Engineering - Madsen Creek Improvement Project Phase 1 for Surveying, Hyraulic Analysis, Preliminary Design pw $466,098 $639,776 P Contractor: (089970) WATERSHED SCIENCE ENGINEERING 12/31/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #2-20 - Watershed Science & Engineering, Inc. - Madsen Creek Improvements Design Changes (SWP2703976) 12/21/2020Adden #2-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2021 \\EDEN\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:43:49AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 28 of 35 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2020 through 12/31/2020 Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon CAG-18-154 Murraysmith, Inc. - Downtown UƟlity Improvement Project - Phase 2 pw $683,735 $1,975,987 P Contractor: (052444) MURRAYSMITH INC 02/26/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #7-20 - Murraysmith, inc. - Phase 3: Final Engineering and Design (WWP2703949) 11/30/2020Adden #7-20addendum CAG-18-155 Applied Ecology - InstallaƟon of new planƟngs, invasive species control, inspecƟon path clearing pw $80,805 $189,867 P Contractor: (005221) APPLIED ECOLOGY LLC 03/31/2022 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type CO #3-20 - Applied Ecology, LLC - AddiƟonal PlanƟngs due to Feb 2020 Cedar River Flooding Event 11/16/2020CO #3-20change CAG-18-266 Murraysmith, Inc - Services during construcƟon of Kennydale Reservoir pw $479,337 $549,035 P Contractor: (052444) MURRAYSMITH INC 07/31/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #2-20 - Murraysmith, Inc. - Time extension for CompleƟon of Engineering Study (WTR1300130) 12/10/2020Adden #2-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 07/31/2021 CAG-19-023 Louis Berger U.S. Inc.- Heather Downs DetenƟon Pond Water Quality Retrofit Project pw $111,600 $119,618 P Contractor: (080770) WSP USA SOLUTIONS INC 12/31/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #3-20 - WSP USA, inc. - ConstrucƟon Support and Time Extension (SWP273989) 11/30/2020Adden #3-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2021 CAG-19-029 McClure and Sons, Inc. - Kennydale Reservoir (WTR-27-3956 - Schedule B) pw $5,188,392 $5,330,997 P Contractor: (048017) MCCLURE AND SONS INC 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type CO #7-20 - McClure & Sons, Inc.- Kennydale Reservoir Site Work (WTR-27-03956) 10/08/2020CO #7-20change Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2020 McClure & Sons, Inc. - Design Conflicts and Field Changes (WTR-27-03956) 12/09/2020CO #2-20change CAG-19-040 KPG, P.S. - NE 31 St Bridge Replacement - Audit Agreement pw $34,990 $54,990 P Contractor: (042772) KPG INC 12/31/2022 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #3-20 - KPG, P.S. - NE 31st St. Bridge Replacement, contract Ɵme extension 12/14/2020Adden #3-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2022 \\EDEN\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:43:49AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 29 of 35 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2020 through 12/31/2020 Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon CAG-19-041 KPG, P.S. - N. 27th Place Bridge Scour Repair - Audit Agreement pw $34,990 $54,990 P Contractor: (042772) KPG INC 12/31/2022 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #3-20 - KPG, P.S.- N 27th Place Bridge Scour Repair, contract Ɵme extension 12/14/2020Adden #3-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2022 CAG-19-073 Environmental Services - 41st & Oakesdale Av SW IntersecƟon Improvement pw $12,276 $12,276 P Contractor: (091850) WIDENER & ASSOCIATES 12/31/2025 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #1-20 - DGK, Inc. dba Widener & associates - Time ExtenƟon only 10/16/2020Adden #1-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2025 CAG-19-139 Osborn ConsulƟng, Inc. - Design services fo SE 172nd St & 125th SE. Green Stormwater Infrastructure Design Project SWP-27-4037 pw $257,889 $386,471 P Contractor: (058414) OSBORN CONSULTING INC 06/30/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #1-20 - Osborn ConsulƟng, inc. - 100% Design for SE 172nd St & 125th Ave SE GSI 12/16/2020Adden #1-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 06/30/2021 CAG-19-212 CiƟes Digital, Inc. - Scanning Project files, reports & Drawings into Laserfiche pw $45,000 $172,225 P Contractor: (015775) CITIES DIGITAL INC 12/31/2022 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #2-20 - CiƟes Digital - Add money and Ɵme12/09/2020Adden #2-20addendum Adden #3-20 - ciƟes digital - Time extension to scan record drawings into Laserfiche 12/14/2020Adden #3-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2022 CAG-19-275 Sound Resource Management Group - Solid Waste Technical Service & Rate Modeling pw $33,750 $33,750 P Contractor: (076055) SOUND RESOURCE MGMT GROUP INC 12/31/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #1-20 - Sound Resource management Group - Time Extension 11/09/2020Adden #1-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2021 CAG-19-312 State of Washington Department of Ecology - 2019 - 2021 Biennial Water Quality Stormwater Capacity Grant ($50,000) pw $50,000 $50,000 R Contractor: (1255) WASHINGTON STATE 03/31/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/24/2020n/a (new) \\EDEN\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:43:49AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 30 of 35 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2020 through 12/31/2020 Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon CAG-19-313 Otak, Inc. - Design Services for the Montroe Av NE Storm Improvement Project - Phase 1 pw $189,602 $786,454 P Contractor: (058565) OTAK INC 12/31/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #2-20 - Otak, inc. - Monroe Ave NE Storm Improvement - Phase 2 (SWP274080) 12/16/2020Adden #2-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2021 CAG-20-008 Transpo Group USA, Inc. - Renton ADA TransiƟon Plan Update pw $79,000 $109,300 P Contractor: (082361) TRANSPO GROUP USA INC 07/31/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #1-20 - Transpo Group USA, Inc. - ADA TransiƟon plan update & Ɵme extension 12/14/2020Adden #1-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 07/31/2021 CAG-20-018 Design Engineering Services Agreement for the Renton Elementary & Middle School Crossing Project. pw $99,712 $198,466 P Contractor: (017705) CONCORD ENGINEERING INC 12/31/2023 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #2-20 - Concord Engineering - move unused exisƟng budget task to add a task 11/20/2020Adden #2-20addendum CAG-20-023 King County Flood Control District - Flood ReducƟon Grant - Monroe Av NE Storm System Project (SWP-27-4080) pw $125,000 $125,000 R Contractor: (1067) KING COUNTY 12/31/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #1-20 - King County Flood control District - 2019 KCFCD Supplemental Flood ReducƟon Grant Opportunity - $75,000.00 10/01/2020Adden #1-20addendum CAG-20-031 RH2 Engineering, Inc. - Rainier & Oakesdale Pump StaƟon Upgrade - AlternaƟves & Feasibility EvaluaƟon (SWP-2703963) pw $65,000 $78,500 P Contractor: (068180) RH2 ENGINEERING INC 12/31/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #1-20 - RH2 Engineering, Inc. - Easement AcquisiƟon Support & Time Extension (SWP-2703963) 12/16/2020Adden #1-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2021 CAG-20-048 OAC Services - Maplewood Water Treatment Plant Roof Repairs - InspecƟon & Design Services pw $87,485 $87,485 P Contractor: (057252) OAC SERVICES INC 12/31/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #1-20 - OAC Services - Time Extension for Maplewood Water Treatment Plant Roof Repairs (WTR2704102) 12/17/2020Adden #1-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2021 CAG-20-050 Perteet, Inc. -ConstrucƟon Management & InspecƟon Services pw $29,979 $118,399 P Contractor: (061292) PERTEET INC 12/31/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #2-20 - Perteet Inc - ReducƟon in mark-up10/08/2020Adden #2-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2021 \\EDEN\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:43:49AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 31 of 35 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2020 through 12/31/2020 Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon CAG-20-052 Concord Engineering _ Professional Services for Network Mobility EvaluaƟon pw $34,450 $34,450 P Contractor: (017705) CONCORD ENGINEERING INC 07/31/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type CAG-20-052 - Concord Engineering - Ɵme extension and scope amendment 10/21/2020Adden #1-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 07/31/2021 CAG-20-055 KLJ Financial ConsulƟng - Update to rate models & SDC fees for 2021-2022 budget for piped uƟliƟes pw $50,730 $55,730 P Contractor: (042557) KLJ FINANCIAL CONSULTING 03/31/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #1-20 - KLJ Financial ConsulƟng - AddiƟonal wholesale water rates assistance (USA-01-0006) 12/02/2020Adden #1-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 03/31/2021 CAG-20-127 Perteet, Inc. - Williams Avenue S and Wells Avenue S Conversion Project ConstrucƟon Management Services pw $1,539,857 $1,579,050 P Contractor: (061292) PERTEET INC 12/31/2023 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #1-20 - Perteet, Inc.- Transfer funds within contract (Prime to Sub) 10/09/2020Adden #1-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2023 Adden #2-20 - Perteet, Inc. - CM Services for extra work to convert signals and railroad crossing at Williams & Wells at Houser Way intersecƟons 11/06/2020Adden #2-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2023 CAG-20-128 Kennydale Reservoir Schedule C Offsite Improvements (WTR273956) pw $806,317 $806,317 P Contractor: (061616) PGH EXCAVATING INC 06/30/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 10/08/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-334 Concord Engineering, Inc. - Safe Routes to Transit - Design Engineering Services - Concord pw $34,330 $218,161 P Contractor: (017705) CONCORD ENGINEERING INC 12/31/2025 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #1-20 - Concord Engineering, Inc. - add design to complete to 30% design and extend contract Ɵme 10/20/2020Adden #1-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2025 Adden #2-20 - Concord Engineering, inc. - add design to complete to pre-1 00% design 12/08/2020Adden #2-20addendum \\EDEN\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:43:49AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 32 of 35 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2020 through 12/31/2020 Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon CAG-20-336 Perteet - Safe Routes to Transit - Design Engineering Services - Perteet pw $79,483 $260,769 P Contractor: (061292) PERTEET INC 12/31/2025 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #1-20 - Perteet - Perform survey and basemapping and develop monitoring program. 11/05/2020Adden #1-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2025 Adden #2-20 - Perteet - add design to complete to 30% design and extend contract Ɵme 11/18/2020Adden #2-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2025 Adden #3-20 - Perteet - Add design to complete to 30%/Pre-1 00% design and extend contract Ɵme 11/23/2020Adden #3-20addendum CAG-20-338 Transpo Group USA, Inc. - Safe Routes to Transit - Design Engineering Services pw $34,800 $133,800 P Contractor: (082361) TRANSPO GROUP USA INC 12/31/2025 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #1-20 - Transpo Group USA, Inc. - add design to complete 30% design to pre-100% design and extend contract Ɵme 11/18/2020Adden #1-20addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2025 CAG-20-340 Western Systems, Inc. - OperaƟons Project: SCOOT (adapƟve system) addiƟonal licenses and install/implementaƟon pw $84,750 $84,750 P Contractor: (091171) WESTERN SYSTEMS INC 12/31/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 10/07/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-354 Parametrix, Inc. - Safe Routes to Transit - Design Engineering Services - Puget/Royal Hills/i 16 Ave SE pw $98,927 $198,789 P Contractor: (060277) PARAMETRIX INC 12/31/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #1-20 - Parametrix, Inc. - add design engineering services to 30% design 12/01/2020Adden #1-20addendum CAG-20-395 Gray & Osborne, Inc - Duvall Ave NE project CM (ConstrucƟon Management) consultant - engineering service constructability review/bid support pw $26,447 $26,447 P Contractor: (031245) GRAY & OSBORNE INC 12/31/2025 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/09/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-396 Transpo Group USA, Inc. - Cost EsƟmate for Bike FaciliƟes on SE 168th St for the SE 168th Street Bike Facility project. pw $4,200 $4,200 P Contractor: (082361) TRANSPO GROUP USA INC 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 10/19/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-399 BHC Consultants LLC - BurneƩ Ave S and Williams Ave S Water Quality Retrofit Project (SWP274088) pw $493,533 $493,533 P Contractor: (009510) BHC CONSULTANTS LLC 01/01/2023 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 10/26/2020n/a (new) \\EDEN\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:43:49AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 33 of 35 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2020 through 12/31/2020 Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon CAG-20-427 King county Flood Control Zone district - Madsen Creek Flood Control Improvement Project (SWP273976) pw $615,000 $615,000 R 01/01/2023 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/13/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-446 King County Flood Control District - 2020 Flood ReducƟon Grant for Monroe Avenue NE Storm System Project (SWP274080) - $10,000 pw $10,000 $10,000 R 12/31/2022 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/25/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-476 WSDOT - formalize the exisƟng use of the City of Renton’s conduit by the Washington State Department of TransportaƟon (WSDOT) within the Talbot Road South right-of-way pw $0 $0 M 12/31/2030 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 12/07/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-481 Atwork Commercial Enterprises - Airport front entrance landscaping project. pw $7,251 $7,251 P Contractor: (006371) ATWORK COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISES 03/31/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/30/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-491 Associated Earth Sciences, Inc - King County ProperƟes Phase 1 Environmental Assessments pw $11,000 $11,000 P Contractor: (006265) ASSOCIATED EARTH SCIENCES INC 02/26/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 12/16/2020n/a (new) CAG-20-493 West Coast Signal - Street LighƟng Pole and FoundaƟon Replacement at Six LocaƟons pw $127,705 $127,705 P Contractor: (090547) WEST COAST SIGNAL INC 12/09/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 12/18/2020n/a (new) Total Count pw : 49 \\EDEN\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:43:49AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 34 of 35 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2020 through 12/31/2020 Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon Number of Items Processed: 194 (New: 106; Addendums: 75; Change Orders: 13; Work Orders: 0) Number of Contracts/Leases Affected: 180 Current Contracts/$Amount Summary: Payable (157) $49,147,115 Receivable (16) $10,754,657 Miscellaneous (7) $0 \\EDEN\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:43:49AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 35 of 35 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Department Contracts Expired from 1/1/2021 through 6/30/2021 ced - econ Contract No DescripƟon ClassContract Type ExpiraƟon CAG-19-222 Tacoma Art Museum - Loan of the Elshin Mural - Miners at Work M $0 $0Orig Amt: Curr Amt: ced - econ 03/30/2021 Contractor: -none CAG-20-321 Solera, LLC, Dev Co, LLC, Solera Manager, LLC. - StandsƟll agreement M $0 $0Orig Amt: Curr Amt: ced - econ 03/19/2021 Contractor: -none CAG-20-492 Reid Middleton - HERS energy modeling for ADU design plans P $63,900 $63,900Orig Amt: Curr Amt: ced - econ 03/17/2021 Contractor: (066451) REID MIDDLETON INC CAG-20-500 ArtTech, Inc. - Annual Maintenance for City Art CollecƟon P $25,081 $25,081Orig Amt: Curr Amt: ced - econ 03/30/2021 Contractor: (005922) ARTECH INC CAG-20-096 JayRay - Economic Development MarkeƟng iniƟaƟves & Strategic ConsulƟng Services P $100,000 $100,000Orig Amt: Curr Amt: ced - econ 04/30/2021 Contractor: (039099) JAYRAY ADS & PR INC CAG-20-074 BERK ConsulƟng, Inc. - Agreement for professional services for a housing acƟon plan P $80,000 $80,000Orig Amt: Curr Amt: ced - econ 06/15/2021 Contractor: (009274) BERK CONSULTING INC CAG-20-073 Washington Department of Commerce - Interagency Agreement for housing acƟon plan grant funds (rec $100,000) R $100,000 $100,000Orig Amt: Curr Amt: ced - econ 06/30/2021 Contractor: -none 7 Dept/Div Contracts/Leases: ced - econ \\EDEN\EdenReports\Reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\wip_contracts_expired_dept.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:45:42AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 1 of 1 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Department Contracts Expired from 1/1/2021 through 6/30/2021 ced - plan Contract No DescripƟon ClassContract Type ExpiraƟon CAG-19-287 Makers Architecture & Urban Design, LLP -Development of a transit oriented development subbarea plan P $148,387 $148,387Orig Amt: Curr Amt: ced - plan 02/28/2021 Contractor: (046646) MAKERS ARCHITECTURE & 1 Dept/Div Contracts/Leases: ced - plan \\EDEN\EdenReports\Reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\wip_contracts_expired_dept.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:45:42AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 1 of 1 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Department Contracts Expired from 1/1/2021 through 6/30/2021 city clerk Contract No DescripƟon ClassContract Type ExpiraƟon CAG-18-106 MOU establishing reporƟng guidelines for Lobby Volunteer Program M $0 $0Orig Amt: Curr Amt: city clerk 06/30/2021 Contractor: -none 1 Dept/Div Contracts/Leases: city clerk \\EDEN\EdenReports\Reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\wip_contracts_expired_dept.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:45:42AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 1 of 1 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Department Contracts Expired from 1/1/2021 through 6/30/2021 cs - admin Contract No DescripƟon ClassContract Type ExpiraƟon CAG-18-078 The Riley Group - Geotechnical Services for Family First Community Center P $7,950 $24,215Orig Amt: Curr Amt: cs - admin 01/31/2021 Contractor: (068472) RILEY GROUP INC 1 Dept/Div Contracts/Leases: cs - admin \\EDEN\EdenReports\Reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\wip_contracts_expired_dept.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:45:42AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 1 of 1 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Department Contracts Expired from 1/1/2021 through 6/30/2021 cs - fac Contract No DescripƟon ClassContract Type ExpiraƟon CAG-19-019 Baylis Architects - Architect for Family First Community Center P $1,239,097 $1,263,711Orig Amt: Curr Amt: cs - fac 04/30/2021 Contractor: (008187) BAYLIS ARCHITECTS CAG-19-196 Klinge & Associates, Inc - Remodel 4th Floor of City Hall for Police Training Center & City AƩorney Offices P $1,053,824 $1,130,801Orig Amt: Curr Amt: cs - fac 01/19/2021 Contractor: (042550) KLINGE AND ASSOCIATES INC CAG-20-484 SalvaƟon Army - Temporary use of North Highland's Community Center for toy drop off/pick up P $0 $0Orig Amt: Curr Amt: cs - fac 01/08/2021 Contractor: -none CAG-20-089 Eagle Pest Eliminators - Monthly pest control services on all City-owned buildings P $12,034 $12,034Orig Amt: Curr Amt: cs - fac 02/28/2021 Contractor: (022810) EAGLE PEST ELIMINATORS INC LAG-15-006 Crawford & Company - 200 Mill Building Lease - Suites 505, 510, 515 R $0 $0Orig Amt: Curr Amt: cs - fac 03/31/2021 Contractor: -none CAG-20-058 PSR Mechanical - FULL SERVICE PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE AT CITY HALL P $82,922 $87,160Orig Amt: Curr Amt: cs - fac 03/31/2021 Contractor: (064542) PSR CAG-20-482 Davis Door Service, Inc - Replacement of entrance/exit roll-up door motors at City Center Parking Garage P $6,475 $6,475Orig Amt: Curr Amt: cs - fac 03/31/2021 Contractor: (020255) DAVIS DOOR SERVICE INC CAG-20-061 CAPITAL CAMPAIGN ASSESSMENT, PLANNING & COUNSE P $140,000 $140,000Orig Amt: Curr Amt: cs - fac 06/30/2021 Contractor: (001776) THE ALFORD GROUP INC 8 Dept/Div Contracts/Leases: cs - fac \\EDEN\EdenReports\Reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\wip_contracts_expired_dept.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:45:42AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 1 of 1 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Department Contracts Expired from 1/1/2021 through 6/30/2021 cs - hs Contract No DescripƟon ClassContract Type ExpiraƟon CAG-18-217 King County Housing & Community Development - CDBG Program Planning & AdministraƟon R $69,789 $1,439,426Orig Amt: Curr Amt: cs - hs 04/20/2021 Contractor: -none CAG-20-499 REACH - Provide staff for severe weather shelter P $5,000 $5,000Orig Amt: Curr Amt: cs - hs 05/01/2021 Contractor: (067105) RENTON ECUMENICAL ASSOCIATION 2 Dept/Div Contracts/Leases: cs - hs \\EDEN\EdenReports\Reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\wip_contracts_expired_dept.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:45:42AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 1 of 1 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Department Contracts Expired from 1/1/2021 through 6/30/2021 cs - parks Contract No DescripƟon ClassContract Type ExpiraƟon CAG-20-398 Precision Striping - Parking Lot Striping & Trail Striping P $11,746 $11,746Orig Amt: Curr Amt: cs - parks 03/19/2021 Contractor: (063158) PRECISION STRIPING CAG-20-135 SeaƩle University - Permission for ROW to Black River Riparian Forest & Wetland, and Tiffany-Cascade Connector M $0 $0Orig Amt: Curr Amt: cs - parks 05/31/2021 Contractor: -none CAG-18-219 WA State Dept of Commerce - Direct AppropriaƟon Agreement Grant for Sunset Neighborhood Park Phase II Development R $3,000,000 $3,000,000Orig Amt: Curr Amt: cs - parks 06/30/2021 Contractor: -none CAG-20-079 WA State Department of Health - Point of sale incenƟves to SNAP clients at the Renton Farmers Market R $7,500 $7,500Orig Amt: Curr Amt: cs - parks 06/30/2021 Contractor: -none 4 Dept/Div Contracts/Leases: cs - parks \\EDEN\EdenReports\Reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\wip_contracts_expired_dept.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:45:42AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 1 of 1 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Department Contracts Expired from 1/1/2021 through 6/30/2021 cs - ppnr Contract No DescripƟon ClassContract Type ExpiraƟon CAG-18-109 Consultant Services for Cedar River Trestle Bridge Repairs P $62,600 $111,931Orig Amt: Curr Amt: cs - ppnr 02/28/2021 Contractor: (060557) WSP USA INC CAG-17-124 PND Engineers - Coulon Park Facility Structural Repairs P $204,000 $289,382Orig Amt: Curr Amt: cs - ppnr 01/31/2021 Contractor: (061121) PND ENGINEERS CAG-18-069 Sunset Neighborhood Park Phase II - Federal Land & Water ConservaƟon Fund Grant P $470,760 $500,000Orig Amt: Curr Amt: cs - ppnr 03/31/2021 Contractor: -none CAG-18-063 Hough Beck & Baird Inc - Sunset Neighborhood Park Ph II Design & ConstrucƟon Services P $493,355 $495,731Orig Amt: Curr Amt: cs - ppnr 03/31/2021 Contractor: (035300) HOUGH BECK & BAIRD INC CAG-19-243 Terra Dynamics, Inc - Sunset Neighborhood Park, Phase 2 P $4,059,000 $4,094,607Orig Amt: Curr Amt: cs - ppnr 01/31/2021 Contractor: (080368) TERRA DYNAMICS CAG-20-025 Davey Resource Group - AddiƟonal Tree Inventory Database update work for 2020 P $30,100 $30,100Orig Amt: Curr Amt: cs - ppnr 01/31/2021 Contractor: (020112) DAVEY RESOURCE GROUP INC CAG-20-026 Davey Resource Group - ConsulƟng CerƟfied Arborist InspecƟon Services P $134,400 $134,400Orig Amt: Curr Amt: cs - ppnr 02/01/2021 Contractor: (020112) DAVEY RESOURCE GROUP INC CAG-20-391 WSP USA Inc.- Consultant Services - inspecƟon of Cedar River Trestle Bridge P $15,000 $15,000Orig Amt: Curr Amt: cs - ppnr 02/28/2021 Contractor: (060557) WSP USA INC CAG-20-060 Northwest Environmental ConsulƟng - MITIGATION MONITORING FOR RIVERVIEW PARK BRIDGE PROJECT YR 5 P $3,000 $3,000Orig Amt: Curr Amt: cs - ppnr 02/01/2021 Contractor: (056260) NW ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING CAG-20-379 Landscape Structures Inc.- Replacement of play and exercise equipment, safety surfacing and drainage evaluaƟon at Coulon Park P $589,853 $589,853Orig Amt: Curr Amt: cs - ppnr 03/30/2021 Contractor: (043319) LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES INC 10 Dept/Div Contracts/Leases: cs - ppnr \\EDEN\EdenReports\Reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\wip_contracts_expired_dept.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:45:42AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 1 of 1 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Department Contracts Expired from 1/1/2021 through 6/30/2021 cs - rec Contract No DescripƟon ClassContract Type ExpiraƟon CAG-20-064 Blue Sky CommunicaƟons NW - Assessment & development of an age-friendly Renton DesignaƟon & AcƟon Plan P $55,000 $70,000Orig Amt: Curr Amt: cs - rec 03/31/2021 Contractor: (010237) BLUE SKY COMMUNICATIONS NW CAG-20-450 Fleming's Holiday Lights - Holiday Lights at Coulon Park, Piazza Park & Clock Tower P $26,132 $26,132Orig Amt: Curr Amt: cs - rec 01/31/2021 Contractor: (026563) FLEMINGS HOLIDAY LIGHTING LLC CAG-19-087 Pacific NW Basketball Officials Assoc - Providing officials for Men's Rec Basketball Leagues P $20,000 $20,000Orig Amt: Curr Amt: cs - rec 02/28/2021 Contractor: (059510) PACIFIC NW BASKETBALL OFFICALS CAG-20-036 U.K. Elite Soccer dba Steel Soccer - Youth Soccer classes and camps M $0 $0Orig Amt: Curr Amt: cs - rec 03/31/2021 Contractor: -none 4 Dept/Div Contracts/Leases: cs - rec \\EDEN\EdenReports\Reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\wip_contracts_expired_dept.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:45:42AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 1 of 1 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Department Contracts Expired from 1/1/2021 through 6/30/2021 CS Golf Contract No DescripƟon ClassContract Type ExpiraƟon LAG-15-002 NW Restaurant Experience - Concessions at Maplewood Golf Course R $0 $0Orig Amt: Curr Amt: proplease 03/09/2021 Contractor: -none 1 Dept/Div Contracts/Leases: CS Golf \\EDEN\EdenReports\Reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\wip_contracts_expired_dept.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:45:42AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 1 of 1 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Department Contracts Expired from 1/1/2021 through 6/30/2021 CS Human Svc Contract No DescripƟon ClassContract Type ExpiraƟon LAG-13-002 Renton Ecumenical AssociaƟon of Churches (REACH) - Lease of Jail space at City Hall for women's day shelter (3 years) R $0 $50,000Orig Amt: Curr Amt: proplease 01/31/2021 Contractor: -none 1 Dept/Div Contracts/Leases: CS Human Svc \\EDEN\EdenReports\Reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\wip_contracts_expired_dept.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:45:42AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 1 of 1 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Department Contracts Expired from 1/1/2021 through 6/30/2021 finance Contract No DescripƟon ClassContract Type ExpiraƟon CAG-17-038 Pacifica Law Group - Bond Council Services P $95,000 $95,000Orig Amt: Curr Amt: finance 03/31/2021 Contractor: -none 1 Dept/Div Contracts/Leases: finance \\EDEN\EdenReports\Reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\wip_contracts_expired_dept.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:45:42AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 1 of 1 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Department Contracts Expired from 1/1/2021 through 6/30/2021 hr rm Contract No DescripƟon ClassContract Type ExpiraƟon CAG-19-319 Kaiser Permanente - AdministraƟon of City employee healthcare costs P $192,750 $192,750Orig Amt: Curr Amt: hr rm 01/01/2021 Contractor: -none 1Dept/Div Contracts/Leases: hr rm \\EDEN\EdenReports\Reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\wip_contracts_expired_dept.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:45:42AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 1 of 1 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Department Contracts Expired from 1/1/2021 through 6/30/2021 it Contract No DescripƟon ClassContract Type ExpiraƟon CAG-20-490 Right Systems!, Inc - InstallaƟon, configuraƟon and Training Support on new Juniper switches P $9,600 $9,600Orig Amt: Curr Amt: it 03/30/2021 Contractor: (068463) RIGHT SYSTEM INC CAG-20-155 LiŌOff - Professional Services Agreement for MS365 MigraƟon support P $13,000 $13,000Orig Amt: Curr Amt: it 05/31/2021 Contractor: -none 2Dept/Div Contracts/Leases: it \\EDEN\EdenReports\Reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\wip_contracts_expired_dept.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:45:42AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 1 of 1 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Department Contracts Expired from 1/1/2021 through 6/30/2021 mayor Contract No DescripƟon ClassContract Type ExpiraƟon CAG-19-069 ZenCity - License for use of data collecƟon and analysis plaƞorm P $24,000 $48,000Orig Amt: Curr Amt: mayor 03/29/2021 Contractor: -none CAG-17-215 WA State Military Dept & FEMA - Funding assistance for damage expenses - Jan-Feb 2017 storms/landslides R $31,500 $31,500Orig Amt: Curr Amt: mayor 04/21/2021 Contractor: -none CAG-16-110 Reliance CommunicaƟons - Website Redesign P $160,100 $160,100Orig Amt: Curr Amt: mayor 06/30/2021 Contractor: -none 3 Dept/Div Contracts/Leases: mayor \\EDEN\EdenReports\Reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\wip_contracts_expired_dept.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:45:42AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 1 of 1 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Department Contracts Expired from 1/1/2021 through 6/30/2021 police Contract No DescripƟon ClassContract Type ExpiraƟon CAG-18-278 Public Safety CorporaƟon - Cry Wolf Alarm Management Services Program R $0 $0Orig Amt: Curr Amt: police 01/02/2021 Contractor: -none CAG-20-326 King County - Agreement with RPD for verifying address & residency of registered sex and kidnapping offenders ($17,089.36 grant rev) R $17,089 $17,089Orig Amt: Curr Amt: police 06/30/2021 Contractor: -none 2 Dept/Div Contracts/Leases: police \\EDEN\EdenReports\Reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\wip_contracts_expired_dept.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:45:42AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 1 of 1 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Department Contracts Expired from 1/1/2021 through 6/30/2021 pw - main Contract No DescripƟon ClassContract Type ExpiraƟon CAG-20-113 Prime Electric - Signal pole replacement - S. Grady Way & Talbot Rd. S. P $105,000 $105,000Orig Amt: Curr Amt: pw - main 04/27/2021 Contractor: (063506) PRIME ELECTRIC INC 1Dept/Div Contracts/Leases: pw - main \\EDEN\EdenReports\Reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\wip_contracts_expired_dept.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:45:42AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 1 of 1 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Department Contracts Expired from 1/1/2021 through 6/30/2021 pw - trans Contract No DescripƟon ClassContract Type ExpiraƟon CAG-20-049 King County Metro - 2020-2021 ORCA CARDS & BUSINESS PASSPORT PRODUCTS P $126,352 $126,352Orig Amt: Curr Amt: pw - trans 02/28/2021 Contractor: (041608) KING CNTY FINANCE CAG-18-201 Department of Ecology - DOE - Duvall Avenue NE Project - Grant agreement to include water quality improvements R $1,631,919 $1,631,919Orig Amt: Curr Amt: pw - trans 03/25/2021 Contractor: -none CAG-19-066 KPG, PS - City Standard Details - Signalized IntersecƟon Layouts P $10,000 $10,000Orig Amt: Curr Amt: pw - trans 03/31/2021 Contractor: (042772) KPG INC CAG-20-481 Atwork Commercial Enterprises - Airport front entrance landscaping project. P $7,251 $7,251Orig Amt: Curr Amt: pw - trans 03/31/2021 Contractor: (006371) ATWORK COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISES CAG-19-341 The Sherwin-Williams Company - MOU - Wells Av S & Williams Av S Conversion Project M $0 $0Orig Amt: Curr Amt: pw - trans 04/01/2021 Contractor: -none CAG-20-019 WSDOT - 2019 - 2021 TransportaƟon Demand Management ImplementaƟon Agreement R $81,271 $81,271Orig Amt: Curr Amt: pw - trans 06/30/2021 Contractor: -none 6 Dept/Div Contracts/Leases: pw - trans \\EDEN\EdenReports\Reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\wip_contracts_expired_dept.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:45:42AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 1 of 1 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Department Contracts Expired from 1/1/2021 through 6/30/2021 pw - uƟl Contract No DescripƟon ClassContract Type ExpiraƟon CAG-17-050 RH2 Engineering, Inc. - LiŌ StaƟon and Force Main RehabilitaƟon Group 1 FaciliƟes Predesign P $176,379 $608,043Orig Amt: Curr Amt: pw - uƟl 06/30/2021 Contractor: (068180) RH2 ENGINEERING INC CAG-16-108 Stantec ConsulƟng Services - Thunder Hills Sanitary Sewer Interceptor Replacement Project - Design and ConstrucƟon Services P $313,700 $588,725Orig Amt: Curr Amt: pw - uƟl 03/31/2021 Contractor: (077215) STANTEC CONSULTING SVCS INC CAG-17-037 RH2 Engineering, Inc. - Water and Wastewater UƟliƟes 2017/2018 General Services P $227,322 $391,502Orig Amt: Curr Amt: pw - uƟl 03/31/2021 Contractor: (068180) RH2 ENGINEERING INC CAG-18-154 Murraysmith, Inc. - Downtown UƟlity Improvement Project - Phase 2 P $683,735 $1,975,987Orig Amt: Curr Amt: pw - uƟl 02/26/2021 Contractor: (052444) MURRAYSMITH INC CAG-17-193 Carollo Engineers, Inc. - Water System Plan Update P $421,419 $476,702Orig Amt: Curr Amt: pw - uƟl 06/30/2021 Contractor: (013783) CAROLLO ENGINEERS PC CAG-19-143 RH2 Engineering, Inc. - Renton Airport Private LiŌ StaƟon Replacement Design P $95,600 $95,600Orig Amt: Curr Amt: pw - uƟl 06/30/2021 Contractor: (068180) RH2 ENGINEERING INC CAG-19-139 Osborn ConsulƟng, Inc. - Design services fo SE 172nd St & 125th SE. Green Stormwater Infrastructure Design Project SWP-27-4037 P $257,889 $386,471Orig Amt: Curr Amt: pw - uƟl 06/30/2021 Contractor: (058414) OSBORN CONSULTING INC CAG-20-055 KLJ Financial ConsulƟng - Update to rate models & SDC fees for 2021-2022 budget for piped uƟliƟes P $50,730 $55,730Orig Amt: Curr Amt: pw - uƟl 03/31/2021 Contractor: (042557) KLJ FINANCIAL CONSULTING CAG-20-491 Associated Earth Sciences, Inc - King County ProperƟes Phase 1 Environmental Assessments P $11,000 $11,000Orig Amt: Curr Amt: pw - uƟl 02/26/2021 Contractor: (006265) ASSOCIATED EARTH SCIENCES INC CAG-19-312 State of Washington Department of Ecology - 2019 - 2021 Biennial Water Quality Stormwater Capacity Grant ($50,000) R $50,000 $50,000Orig Amt: Curr Amt: pw - uƟl 03/31/2021 Contractor: -none CAG-19-156 King County - 2019 - 2020 Interagency Agreement CPA #606199 for WRR Grant ($199,990.00) R $199,990 $199,990Orig Amt: Curr Amt: pw - uƟl 06/30/2021 Contractor: -none CAG-20-128 Kennydale Reservoir Schedule C Offsite Improvements (WTR273956) P $806,317 $806,317Orig Amt: Curr Amt: pw - uƟl 06/30/2021 Contractor: (061616) PGH EXCAVATING INC 12 Dept/Div Contracts/Leases: pw - uƟl \\EDEN\EdenReports\Reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\wip_contracts_expired_dept.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:45:42AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 1 of 1 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Department Contracts Expired from 1/1/2021 through 6/30/2021 PW UƟliƟes Contract No DescripƟon ClassContract Type ExpiraƟon LAG-06-011 Antenna Lease Agreement to lease space at the City of Renton's West Hill Reservoir site. R $0 $0Orig Amt: Curr Amt: proplease 04/20/2021 Contractor: -none LAG-06-012 Antenna Lease Agreement to lease space at the City of Renton's Rolling Hills Reservoir site. R $0 $0Orig Amt: Curr Amt: proplease 04/20/2021 Contractor: -none 2 Dept/Div Contracts/Leases: PW UƟliƟes \\EDEN\EdenReports\Reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\wip_contracts_expired_dept.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:45:42AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 1 of 2 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) Department Contracts Expired from 1/1/2021 through 6/30/2021 PW UƟliƟes Contract No DescripƟon ClassContract Type ExpiraƟon All Departments: Number of Contracts/Leases: 70 Expired Contract Amt: Payable $70,474,001 Receivable $12,616,399 Miscellaneous $0 \\EDEN\EdenReports\Reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\wip_contracts_expired_dept.rpt Data as of: 1/8/2021 9:45:42AM Printed: 1/8/2021 Page 2 of 2 AGENDA ITEM #5. c) AB - 2793 City Council Regular Meeting - 25 Jan 2021 SUBJECT/TITLE: Graves Annexation - Closing Letter and Adoption of Effectuating Ordinance RECOMMENDED ACTION: Council Concur DEPARTMENT: City Clerk STAFF CONTACT: Jason Seth, City Clerk EXT.: 6502 FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARY: N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: The Community and Economic Development Department submitted the King County Boundary Review Board Closing letter on January 7, 2021, and recommends adopting the ordinances effectuating the Graves Annexation, A-19-001. EXHIBITS: A. KC Boundary Review Board Closing Letter B. Draft Ordinance STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the ordinance effectuating the Graves Annexation, A -19-001. AGENDA ITEM #5. d) Washington State Boundary Review Board For King County Yesler Building, 400 Yesler Way, Room 205, Seattle, WA 98104 Phone: (206) 477-0633●www.kingcounty.gov/brb December 9, 2020 Angie Mathias, Long Range Planning Manager Dept. of Community & Economic Development City of Renton 1055 Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 RE: CLOSING LETTER FOR COMPLETED ACTION – File No. 2404 – City of Renton – Graves Annexation Dear Ms. Mathias: We are writing to advise you that the Boundary Review Board has now completed the required evaluation, as specified in RCW 36.93, for the above-referenced proposed action filed with the Board effective October 8, 2020. The Boundary Review Board also provided a 45-day public review period, as prescribed by RCW 36.93. The Board received no request for a public hearing of this proposed action during the public review period. The Boundary Review Board, therefore, hereby deems this proposed action approved effective November 23, 2020. Final approval of the proposed action is also subject to the following actions, where applicable: 1. Sewer and Water District actions and some other actions are also subject to approval by the Metropolitan King County Council. If the Council makes changes to the proposal, the Board may then be required to hold a public hearing. 2. Filing with King County of franchise application(s), as required, accompanied by a copy of this letter. 3. Filing with King County of permit application(s), as required, accompanied by a copy of this letter. 4. Fulfillment of all other statutory requirements and/or procedures specified in your Notice of Intention. AGENDA ITEM #5. d) Page 2 File No. 2404 – City of Renton – Graves Annexation December 9, 2020 5. Notification in writing of your intended effective date of annexation. This notification should be provided as early as possible. Please send this information to: Karen Wolf, Section Manager Strategic Planning and Policy Section King County Office of Performance, Strategy and Budget (OPSB) 401 Fifth Avenue, Suite 810 Seattle, Washington 98104 6. Filing with King County Council of: (1) one certified copy of final resolution or ordinance accomplishing this proposed action; and (2) a copy of this letter. This document should be filed with the Clerk of the Council (Attn: Melani Pedroza), King County Courthouse, Room 1200, Seattle, Washington 98104. If you have questions or would like additional information, please contact our office at (206)-477- 0633. Sincerely, Lenora Blauman Executive Secretary cc: Melani Pedroza, Clerk of the Council Mike Reed, Council Administration Dave Wilson, Elections Division Linda Wilder, Department of Assessment Sophia Siv, WLRD Toni Carpenter, KCGIS Lydia Reynolds-Jones, Manager, Road Services Division, Dept. of Local Services Rey Sugui, Department of Local Services Janise Fessenden, Senior Database Specialist, King County 911 Program Director, Permitting Division, Department of Local Services Karen Wolf, Office of Performance, Strategy and Budget (OPSB) Jae Hill, Department of Natural Resources Connie Wong, Facilities Management Division, Real Estate Section FORM 13 AGENDA ITEM #5. d) 1  CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON    ORDINANCE NO. ________    AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, ANNEXING CERTAIN  TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF RENTON (GRAVES ANNEXATION; FILE NO. A‐19‐001)  AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE.     WHEREAS, under the provisions of RCW 35A.14.120, as amended, a written annexation  petition was presented and filed with the City Clerk on or about November 19, 2019; and   WHEREAS, the area to be annexed, known as the Graves Annexation, is approximately  21.5 acres and is located at the eastern portion of City limits.  It is bordered by SE 128th Street to  the north, 162nd Avenue SE to the east, SE 130th Street and parcel lines to the south, and 158th  Avenue SE to the west. The boundary to the west is coterminous with existing City limits. The   area to be annexed is legally described and depicted in Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a  part hereof as if fully set forth (the "Property" or "area to be annexed"); and   WHEREAS, prior to the filing and circulation of the petition for annexation to the City of  Renton, pursuant to RCW 35A.14.120, the petitioning parties, comprised of property owners of  not less than ten percent (10%) in value, according to the assessed valuation for general taxation  of the area to be annexed, notified the City Council of their intention to commence the direct  petition for annexation proceedings; and   WHEREAS, after a public hearing, it was determined that the petitioning owners agreed  to accept that portion of the City's Comprehensive Plan as it pertains to the area to be annexed  including the applicable zoning regulation relating thereto; and    WHEREAS, the King County Department of Assessments examined and verified the  signatures on the petition for annexation on or about May 26, 2020, and determined that the  AGENDA ITEM #5. d) ORDINANCE NO. ________  2  signatures represent at least sixty percent (60%) of the assessed value (excluding streets) of the  area to be annexed, as required by RCW 35A.14.120; and   WHEREAS, the Department of Community and Economic Development of the City of  Renton considered and recommended that the City of Renton annex the Property; and   WHEREAS, consistent with RCW 35A.14.130, the City Council set July 6, 2020, in the City  Council Chambers, City Hall, as the time and place for a public hearing on the petition with notice  as required by law; and    WHEREAS, pursuant to notice, the public hearing was held at the time and place specified,  and the City Council considered all matters in connection with the petition and determined that  all legal requirements and procedures applicable to the RCW 35A.14.120 petition method for  annexation have been met; and   WHEREAS, a "Notice of Intention," including all required information for review of the  annexation, was transmitted to the King County Boundary Review Board and approved as of  December 7, 2020;    NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO  ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS:   SECTION I. All requirements of the law in regard to the annexation by the direct  petition method, including the provisions of RCW 35A.14.120, 130, 140, and 150 have been met.   It is further determined that the petition for annexation to the City of Renton of the Property is  hereby approved and granted; the Property being contiguous to the city limits of the City of  Renton is hereby annexed to the City of Renton, and such annexation to be effective on and after  the approval, passage, and thirty (30) days after publication of this ordinance; and on and after  AGENDA ITEM #5. d) ORDINANCE NO. ________  3  said date the Property shall constitute a part of the City of Renton and shall be subject to all its  laws and ordinances then and thereafter in force and effect; and the owners of the properties  within the area to be annexed shall be subject to the City's Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code.   SECTION II. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and thirty (30)  days after publication of a summary of this ordinance in the City’s official newspaper.  The  summary shall consist of this ordinance’s title.   A certified copy of this ordinance shall be filed with the King County Council, State of  Washington, and as otherwise provided by law.  PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this _______ day of _____________________, 2021.                         Jason A. Seth, City Clerk    APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this _______ day of _____________________, 2021.                         Armondo Pavone, Mayor    Approved as to form:             Shane Moloney, City Attorney  Date of Publication:      ORD:2153:12/23/2020      AGENDA ITEM #5. d) ORDINANCE NO. ________  4        EXHIBIT A      LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND DEPICTION OF THE PROPERTY    AGENDA ITEM #5. d) ORDINANCE NO. ________ 5 AGENDA ITEM #5. d) ORDINANCE NO. ________ 6 AGENDA ITEM #5. d) AB - 2792 City Council Regular Meeting - 25 Jan 2021 SUBJECT/TITLE: ExteNet Systems, Inc. Franchise Agreement RECOMMENDED ACTION: Refer to Utilities Committee DEPARTMENT: Community & Economic Development Department STAFF CONTACT: Vanessa Dolbee, Planning Director EXT.: 7286 FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARY: N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: ExteNet Systems, Inc. has requested a franchise agreement with the City of Renton in order to provide a telecommunications network. The franchise being sought with the City of Renton would allow for the installation of communication facilities, specifically fiber optic cable and related appurtenances, in, across, over, along, under, through and below certain designated public rights-of-way within the City. The use of the City rights-of-way for this private telecommunications system requires a franchise agreement with the City and is subject to appropriate fees for the reduced value of the affected rights-of way. The franchise agreement permits ExteNet Systems, Inc. to construct, install, and operate, communications equipment, specifically fiber optic cable and related appurtenances, within and through public rights -of way, public ways and other ways within the City of Renton EXHIBITS: A. Issue Paper B. Ordinance STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a franchise agree ment with ExteNet System, Inc. as a purveyor of telecommunications transmission and distribution systems within the City of Renton. AGENDA ITEM #5. e) DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE: January 25, 2021 TO: Randy Corman, Council President Members of Renton City Council VIA: Armondo Pavone, Mayor FROM: C.E. “Chip” Vincent, CED Administrator, ext. 6588 STAFF CONTACT: Nathan Janders, Civil Engineer II SUBJECT: ExteNet Systems, Inc. Franchise Agreement ISSUE: Should Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a franchise agreement with ExteNet Systems, Inc.? RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a franchise agreement with ExteNet System, Inc. as a purveyor of telecommunications transmission and distribution systems within the City of Renton. BACKGROUND SUMMARY: ExteNet Systems, Inc. has requested a franchise agreement with the City of Renton in order to provide a telecommunications network. The franchise being sought with the City of Renton would allow for the installation of communication facilities, specifically fiber optic cable and related appurtenances, in, across, over, along, under, through and below certain designated public rights-of-way within the City. The use of the City rights- of-way for this private telecommunications system requires a franchise agreement with the City and is subject to appropriate fees for the reduced value of the affected rights-of way. The franchise agreement permits ExteNet Systems, Inc. to construct, install, and operate, communications equipment, specifically fiber optic cable and related appurtenances, within and through public rights-of way, public ways and other ways within the City of Renton. The length of term agreed to by the City and ExteNet Systems, Inc. for the proposed franchise agreement would be effective for a period of five (10) years. A possible 5-year renewal may allowed for, via the franchise, at the City’s discretion. AGENDA ITEM #5. e) Randy Corman, Council President Page 2 of 3 January 25, 2021 The agreement groups similar items together Sections 1-8 cover the basic franchise approval. Sections 9-14 cover general work activities. Sections 15-24 cover basic legal concerns. Sections 25-27 provide for final franchise adoption. OUTLINE FOR ExteNet Systems, Inc. FRANCHISE AGREEMENT 1. Definitions: Provides definitions of key terms used in the agreement. 2. Purpose: Explains purpose of the cooperative agreement. 3. Privileges Conveyed: Grants basic franchise rights to XO Communications for a limited, non-exclusive franchise. 4. Term: Defines length of agreement, and option to extend. 5. Recovery of Costs: Allows City to charge an administrative fee to recover costs. 6. Assignment and Transfer of Franchise: Requires Council approval for transfer. 7. Compliance with Laws – Reservation of Powers and Authority: Explains legal obligations for XO Communications. 8. Non-exclusive Franchise: Allows Renton to grant other or further franchises. 9. Permits, Construction and Restoration: Outlines permitting, bonds, restoration and other construction requirements. 10. Coordination and Shared Excavations: Requires reasonable efforts to coordinate work within the franchise area. 11. Hazardous Materials: Regulates use of hazardous substances. 12. Emergency Work – Permit Waiver: Requires prompt response in an emergency and defers permits to correct dangerous conditions. 13. Records of Installation: Requires as-built drawings and provision of plans for potential improvements upon City request. 14. Undergrounding of Facilities: Requires undergrounding consistent with Renton Municipal Code. 15. Relocation of Franchisee Facilities: XO Communications is required to relocate its facilities at its cost when there are identified conflicts with new City streets or utilities. 16. Abandonment and Discontinuance of Franchisee’s Facilities: Requires notice to the City when use ceases or facilities are abandoned. 17. Termination, Violations and Remedies: Describes termination of franchise, discontinuation of operations, obligation of Franchisee, and remedies to parties. 18. Dispute Resolution: Provides process for alleged default as to performance 19. Arbitration: Establishes process for arbitration, discovery, compensatory damages, and assignment of costs. 20. Alternative Remedies: Allows for judicial relief. 21. Amendments to Franchise: Specifies process for written amendment to franchise. 22. Indemnification: Franchisee shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Renton for the duration of the Franchise. AGENDA ITEM #5. e) Randy Corman, Council President Page 3 of 3 January 25, 2021 23. Insurance: Requires the Franchisee to procure and maintain insurance for the duration of the Franchise. 24. Discrimination Prohibited: Provides standard language now included on all franchise agreements. 25. Notice: Outlines noticing procedures and contact information. 26. Miscellaneous: Minor clarifications, including stating the franchise requirements apply to T-Mobile, its successors and contractors. 27. Effective Date: Franchise becomes effective five days after legal publication. ExteNet Systems, Inc. must file its written acceptance of this franchise with the City Clerk within 60 days after approval by the mayor in order to claim any right or benefit under this franchise agreement. cc: Martin Pastucha, Public Works Administrator Vanessa Dolbee, Planning Director Ron Straka, Utility Systems Director Brianne Bannwarth, Development Engineering Manager Nathan Janders, Civil Engineer II Holly Powers, Development Services Representative AGENDA ITEM #5. e) 1    CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON     ORDINANCE NO. ________    AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, GRANTING EXTENET  SYSTEMS, INC., A DELAWARE CORPORATION AUTHORIZED TO DO BUSINESS  WITHIN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, ITS AFFILIATES, SUCCESSORS AND  ASSIGNS, THE RIGHT, PRIVILEGE, AND AUTHORITY TO INSTALL  COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES, SPECIFICALLY FIBER OPTIC CABLE AND RELATED  APPURTENANCES, UNDER, ALONG, OVER, BELOW, THROUGH AND ACROSS THE  STREETS, AVENUES AND ALLEYS OF THE CITY OF RENTON WITHIN THE PUBLIC  RIGHT‐OF‐WAY OF RENTON.    THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS:  SECTION I.   Definitions      For the purposes of this Franchise and Attachment 1, which is fully incorporated by  reference, the following defined terms, phrases, words and their derivations shall have the  meaning provided below. When not inconsistent with the context in which the word is used,  words used in the present tense include the future, words in the plural include the singular, words  in lower case shall have their defined meaning even if the words are not capitalized, and words  in the singular include the plural. Undefined words shall be given their common and ordinary  meaning.  1.1 Administrator: Means the Administrator of Renton’s Public Works Department or  designee, or any successor office responsible for management of Renton’s public properties.  1.2 Construct or Construction: Means to construct, remove, replace, repair, and/or  restore any Facility, and may include, but are not limited to, digging and/or excavating to  construct, remove, replace, repair, and restore pipeline(s) and/or Facilities.   AGENDA ITEM #5. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  2  1.3 Cost: Means any costs, fees, or expenses, including but not limited to attorneys’  fees.  1.4 Day: Means calendar day(s) unless otherwise specified.  1.5 Facility or Facilities: Means, collectively or individually, any and all   telecommunication transmission and distribution systems, including but not limited to, poles,  wires, lines, conduits, ducts, cables, braces, guys, anchors and vaults, switches, fixtures, and  communication systems; and any and all other equipment, appliances, attachments,  appurtenances and other items necessary, convenient, or in any way appertaining to any and all  of the foregoing, whether the same be located across, above, along, below, in, over, through, or  underground.  Facilities do not include any noise‐creating equipment within the range of human  hearing.  1.6 Franchise:  Means this ordinance and any related amendments, attachments,  exhibits, or appendices.   1.7 Franchise Area:  Means all present and future Renton Rights‐of‐Way for public  roads, alleys, avenues, highways, streets, and throughways (including the area across, above,  along, below, in, over, through, or under such area), laid out, platted, dedicated, acquired or  improved, and; all city‐owned utility easements dedicated for the placement and location of  various utilities provided such easement would permit Franchisee to fully exercise the privilege  granted under this Franchise within the area covered by the easement, without interfering with  any governmental functions or other franchises or easements.   AGENDA ITEM #5. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  3  1.8 Franchisee: Means ExteNet Systems, Inc., a Delaware corporation authorized to  do business within the State of Washington, and its respective successors and assigns, and when  appropriate, agents, contractors (of any tier), employees, officers and representatives.   1.9 Hazardous Substance: Means any and all hazardous, toxic, or dangerous  substance, material, waste, pollutant, or contaminant, including all substances designated under  the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C. § 6901 et seq.; the Comprehensive  Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, 42 U.S.C. § 9601 et seq.; the Hazardous  Materials Transportation Act, 49 U.S.C. § 5101 et seq.; the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. § 1251 et  seq.; the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7401 et seq.; the Toxic Substances Control Act, 15 U.S.C. §  2601 et seq.; the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act, 7 U.S.C.  § 136 et seq.; the  Washington Hazardous Waste Management Act, RCW Chapter 70A.300, and the Washington  Hazardous Waste Cleanup ‐ Model Toxics Control Act, RCW Chapter 70A.305, as they exist or may  be amended; or any other Laws. The term “Hazardous Substance” shall also be interpreted to  include any substance which, after release into the environment, will or may reasonably be  anticipated to cause death, disease, injury, illness, abnormalities, behavioral abnormalities,  stunted or abnormal growth or development, or genetic abnormalities.  1.10 Laws: Means any federal, state, or municipal code, statute, ordinance, decree,  executive order, governmental approval, permit, regulation, regulatory program, order, rule,  published specification, public standard, Environmental Law, or governmental authority, that  relate to telecommunications services, including but not limited to 47 U.S.C. § 101, et. seq.  (Telecommunications Act of 1996), RCW 19.122 (Underground Utilities), WAC 480‐80 (Utilities  General – Tariffs and Contracts), RCW 35.99 (Telecommunications, Cable Television Service – Use  AGENDA ITEM #5. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  4  of Right‐of Way), WAC Chapter 296‐32 (Safety Standards for Telecommunications), RCW Chapter  80.36 (Telecommunications), WAC Chapter 480‐120, et. seq., (Telephone Companies), RCW  Chapter 35.96 (Electric and Communication Facilities – Conversion to Underground), and any  related Laws.  All references to Laws shall mean as they exist, may be amended or created.  1.11 Parties: Means the City of Renton and ExteNet Systems, Inc.   1.12 Public Properties: Means present and/or future property owned or leased by  Renton within Renton’s present and/or future control and/or jurisdictional boundaries.  1.13 Public Ways: Means any highway, street, alley, sidewalk, utility easement (unless  their use is otherwise restricted for other users), or other public Rights‐of‐Way for motor vehicles  or any other uses under Renton’s control and/or in its jurisdictional boundaries, consistent with  RCW 47.24.020 (Jurisdiction, control ‐ Exception) and 47.52.090 (Cooperative agreements —  Urban public transportation systems — Title to highway — Traffic regulations — Underground  utilities and overcrossings — Passenger transportation — Storm sewers — City street crossings).  1.14 Rights‐of‐Way: Means the surface and space across, above, along, below, in, over,  through or under any street, alley, avenue, highway, lane, roadway, sidewalk, thoroughfare,  court, easement and similar Public Property, Public Ways, and area within the Franchise Area.   1.15 Tariff: Has the meaning provided in WAC 480‐80‐030 (Definitions), or such similar  definition describing rate schedules, rules and regulations relating to charges and service as may  be adopted by the regulatory authority with jurisdiction, under the laws of the State of  Washington, over public service companies and/or competitive telecommunication service  companies, and such competitive companies must file tariffs in accordance with WAC Chapter  480‐80. (WAC 480‐120‐026 (Tariffs)).    AGENDA ITEM #5. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  5  1.16 WUTC: Means the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission or such  successor regulatory agency having jurisdiction over public service and/or telecommunication  service companies.  1.17 Work: Means to construct, excavate, install, maintain, remove and/or repair by,  for, or at Franchisee’s request.  SECTION II.  Purpose  2.1 Authority:  Under RCW 35A.47.040, Renton’s City Council may grant or not grant  a franchise.  2.2 Conditions: The purpose of this Franchise is to delineate the conditions relating to  Franchisee’s use of the Franchise Area and to create a foundation for the Parties to work  cooperatively in the public’s best interests after this ordinance becomes effective.  This Franchise  is granted subject to Renton’s land use authority, public highway authority, police powers,  franchise authority, and any other case law, statutory or inherent authority, and is conditioned  upon the terms and conditions provided in this Franchise, and Franchisee’s compliance with all  Laws.   2.3 Risk and Liability: By accepting this Franchise, Franchisee assumes all risks or  liabilities related to the Franchise, with no risk or liability conferred upon Renton.  This Franchise  is granted upon the express condition that Renton retains the absolute authority to grant other  or further franchises in any Rights‐of‐Way and any Franchise Area.  This and other franchises  shall, in no way, prevent or prohibit Renton from using any of its Franchise Area, or affect its  jurisdiction over them or any part of them, and Renton retains absolute authority to make all  changes, relocations, repairs, maintenance, establishments, improvements, dedications or  AGENDA ITEM #5. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  6  vacations of same as Renton may see fit, including the dedication, establishment, maintenance  and improvement of all new or existing Rights‐of‐Way, Public Property or Public Ways.  SECTION III.  Privileges Conveyed  3.1 Franchise Granted: Pursuant to the Telecommunication Act of 1996 § 253(c), RMC  Chapter 5‐19 and the laws of the State of Washington including, but not limited to, RCW  47.24.020 (Jurisdiction, control ‐ Exception), RCW 47.52.090 (Cooperative agreements — Urban  public transportation systems — Title to highway — Traffic regulations — Underground utilities  and overcrossings — Passenger transportation — Storm sewers — City street crossings), RCW  35A.47.040 (Franchises and permits — Streets and public ways), RCW 35.22.280 (Specific powers  enumerated), RCW 35.99.020 (Permits for use of right‐of way), and RCW 80.36.040 (Use of road,  street, and railroad right‐of way – When consent of city necessary), and any related laws,  Renton  grants to Franchisee, and its successors and assigns (subject to and as provided for in Section VI,  Assignment and Transfer of Franchise), under this Franchise’s terms and conditions, the privilege  to install, construct, operate, maintain and improve its Facilities, together with all necessary  equipment and appurtenances, for the provision of telecommunications, telecommunications  distribution services, private line, and internet access services, within the existing Franchise Area,  such lands being more particularly described in Attachment 1 which is attached and fully  incorporated by reference into the Franchise.  Without a separate franchise agreement,  Franchisee shall not have the privilege to provide cable services in the City of Renton.  3.2 Limited Franchise: This Franchise conveys a limited privilege as to the Franchise  Area in which Renton has an actual interest.  It is not a warranty of title or interest in the Franchise  Area.  This privilege shall not limit Renton’s police powers, any statutory or inherent authority,  AGENDA ITEM #5. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  7  jurisdiction over its property, Franchise Area, Rights‐of‐Way, or its zoning or land use authority.  The terms and conditions of this Franchise shall not be construed to apply to Facilities located  outside of the Franchise Area.  This Franchise does not confer upon Franchisee any privilege to  install or use any Facilities outside the Franchise Area, including City‐owned or leased properties  or easements.   3.3 Principal Use Limitation: This Franchise shall not authorize a principal use of the  Franchise Area for purposes other than for telecommunications, telecommunications  distribution services, private line, and internet access services.   The Franchisee may use its  Facilities’ excess capacity, however, Franchisee may not use, convey, lease or share excess space  within the Franchise Area.   3.4 Franchise is Non‐Exclusive: As detailed in Section VIII, below, Renton grants this  non‐exclusive Franchise to Franchisee to operate, maintain and improve its existing Facilities as  a telephone business and/or service provider (as those terms are used in RCW 35.21.860).  3.5 Acknowledgement: Franchisee acknowledges and warrants by its acceptance of  the granted privileges, that it has carefully read and fully comprehends the terms and conditions  of this Franchise. Franchisee accepts all reasonable risks of the meaning of the provisions, terms  and conditions of the Franchise.  Franchisee further acknowledges and states that it has fully  studied and considered the requirements and provisions of this Franchise, and believes that the  same are consistent with all Laws.  If in the future Franchisee becomes aware that a provision of  this Franchise may be unlawful or invalid, it will not use such potential invalidity to unilaterally  ignore or avoid such provision.  Instead, Franchisee will promptly advise Renton of the potential  AGENDA ITEM #5. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  8  invalidity or illegality, and the Parties will meet within thirty (30) days and endeavor jointly to  amend this Franchise to cure the invalidity or illegality.  3.6 Enforceable Contract: Franchisee specifically agrees to comply with the provisions  of any applicable Laws, as they exist or may be amended.  The express terms and conditions of  the Franchise constitute a valid and enforceable contract between the Parties, subject to any  Laws.   3.7 Existing Facilities Outside Franchise Area:  Existing Facilities installed or  maintained by Franchisee in accordance with prior franchise agreements on public grounds and  places within Renton (but which are not a part of the Franchise Area as defined by this Franchise)  may be maintained, repaired and operated by Franchisee at the location where such Facilities  exist as of the effective date of this Franchise for the term of this Franchise; provided, however,  that no such Facilities may be enlarged, improved or expanded without Renton’s prior review,  written consent, and approval pursuant to the provisions of any applicable Laws.  SECTION IV. Term  4.1 Length of Term: Each of the provisions of this Franchise shall become effective  upon Franchisee’s acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Franchise and the City Council’s  passage of this ordinance, and shall remain in effect for ten (10) years, unless it is terminated  pursuant to Section XVII, Termination, Violations, and Remedies. At any time not more than two  (2) years nor less than one hundred and eighty (180) days before the expiration of the Franchise  Term, Franchisee may make a written request and Renton may consider, at its sole discretion,  renewing this Franchise for an additional five (5) year renewal period, unless either party  AGENDA ITEM #5. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  9  expresses its intention in writing to terminate this Franchise at the conclusion of the ten (10) year  term.  4.2 Extension upon Expiration: If the Parties fail to formally renew or terminate the  Franchise prior to the expiration of its term or any extension, the Franchise shall be extended on  a year‐to‐year basis until the Franchise is renewed, terminated or extended.  SECTION V.  Recovery of Costs    5.1 Administrative Fee:  Pursuant to RCW 35.21.860(1)(b), Renton may charge  Franchisee an administrative fee to recover all actual administrative expenses incurred by Renton  that are directly related to receiving and approving a permit, license and this Franchise, to inspect  plans and construction, or for the preparation of a detailed statement pursuant to SEPA (RCW  Chapter 43.21C).  Where Renton incurs actual administrative expenses, including but not limited  to fees, expenses, and/ or costs for attorneys, consultants, staff and the City Attorney  Department, for review or inspection of activities undertaken through the authority granted in  this franchise, Franchisee shall pay such expenses directly to Renton. Renton shall provide  Franchisee with an itemized invoice identifying the administrative expenses incurred. Renton  employee time shall be calculated based on their rate of salary, including applicable overtime,  benefits and reasonable overhead, and all other costs will be billed based on an actual cost basis.  5.2 Utility Tax: Pursuant to RCW 35.21.870 (Electricity, telephone, natural gas, or  steam energy business — Tax limited to six percent — Exception) and RCW 35.21.860(1)(a),  Renton may impose a utility tax on Franchisee consistent with the utility tax imposed on other  similarly situated telephone businesses or service providers.  AGENDA ITEM #5. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  10  5.3 Franchise Fee: Pursuant to RCW 35.21.860 (Electricity, telephone, or natural gas  business, service provider — Franchise fees prohibited — Exceptions), Renton may only impose  a franchise fee or any other Cost of whatever nature or description upon Franchisee as is  consistent with federal law.  5.4 Cost of Publication: Franchisee shall bear the entire Cost of publication of this  ordinance.  5.5 Permit Fee: Franchisee shall be subject to all permit fees associated with activities  undertaken through the authority granted in this Franchise or under Laws.   5.6 Emergency Fee: Franchisee shall promptly reimburse Renton for any and all Costs  incurred by Renton while responding to any emergency involving public safety.  5.7 Reimbursement period: Franchisee shall reimburse Renton within forty‐five (45)  days of Renton’s submittal of an itemized billing for reasonably incurred Costs, itemized by  project, for Franchisee’s proportionate share of all actual, identified expenses incurred by Renton  in planning, constructing, installing, repairing, altering, or maintaining any City facility due to the  presence in the Public Way of Franchisee’s Facilities.   SECTION VI.  Assignment and Transfer of Franchise  6.1 Assignment: Franchisee may not assign, dispose of, lease, sell, transfer, or permit  to be forfeited this Franchise, either in whole or in part, without the written consent of the City  Council of Renton by passage of an ordinance or resolution. Such consent shall not be deemed  to waive any of Renton’s rights to subsequently enforce Franchise related non‐compliance issues  that existed at or before Renton’s consent. Any telecommunications assignee or transferee shall,  at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of any assignment or transfer, file written notice of the  AGENDA ITEM #5. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  11  assignment or transfer with Renton, together with its written acceptance of all of the Franchise  terms and conditions.  The Franchise terms and conditions shall be binding upon the Parties'  respective assigns and successors. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Franchisee may pledge the  Franchise for security purposes only with the City Council’s consent, and consent shall be  required for Franchisee to transfer the Franchise or Facilities to a creditor. The rights of any  transferee are subject at all times to the terms and conditions of this Franchise, and no transferee  will have any greater rights under this Franchise than the rights of Franchisee.   6.2 Acceptance: If Renton consents, within thirty (30) days of that consent, Franchisee  shall file with Renton a written instrument evidencing such sale, assignment or transfer of  ownership, with the assignee(s) or transferee(s) acceptance of the Franchise and all of its terms  and conditions.  SECTION VII. Compliance with Laws ‐ Reservation of Powers and Authority    7.1 Compliance: In every aspect related to this Franchise, including but not limited to  all Work, Franchisee shall comply with all applicable Laws, whether specifically mentioned in this  Franchise or not.  7.2 Incorporation of RMC 5‐19, Telecommunications Licenses and Franchises: The  conditions, provisions, requirements and terms and of RMC Chapter 5‐19 are fully incorporated  by reference into this Franchise, unless this Franchise requires something different.  7.3 Legitimate Municipal Interest: As to matters subject to the terms and conditions  of this Franchise, if Renton determines during the Franchise term that the assertion of a  legitimate municipal interest is prohibited by application of federal or state law, then as to such  matter and such municipal interest and consistent with its legal obligations, Franchisee shall  AGENDA ITEM #5. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  12  cooperate with Renton in a good faith effort to address such municipal interest.  In this context,  neither Party shall invoke this Franchise as a basis to assert that its consideration of a given issue  is excused by operation of the doctrines of estoppel or waiver.  7.4 Reference to Specific Law or Order: Upon a reasonably justified written inquiry by  Renton, Franchisee shall provide a specific reference to the federal, state, or local law or the  WUTC order or action establishing a basis for Franchisee’s actions related to a specific Franchise  issue.  SECTION VIII.  Non‐exclusive Franchise  8.1 Non‐exclusive: As provided in subsection 3.4, this Franchise is non‐exclusive, and  as a result, Renton expressly reserves the right to grant other or further franchises or to use the  Franchise Area itself; provided that such uses do not unreasonably interfere with Franchisee’s  use and placement of its Facilities in any Rights‐of‐Way and/or any Franchise Area.  8.2 Renton’s Use of Franchise Area: This Franchise shall not prevent, prohibit, limit or  affect Renton’s use of the Franchise Area, consistent with this Franchise; or Renton’s jurisdiction  over the Franchise Area.  The Parties agree that Renton reserves and retains all of its statutory,  inherent and other powers and franchise authority, as they exist or shall exist.  SECTION IX.   Permits, Construction and Restoration     9.1 Free Passage of Traffic: Franchisee shall at all times maintain its Facilities within  the Franchise Area so as not to unreasonably interfere with the free passage of traffic,  pedestrians or the use and enjoyment of adjoining property.  Franchisee shall at all times post  and maintain proper barricades and comply with all applicable Laws, safety regulations and  standards during such period of construction.  AGENDA ITEM #5. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  13  9.2 Permit Application Required: Except in the event of an emergency, Franchisee  shall first obtain all required documentation and approvals, including permits from Renton to  perform Work on Franchisee’s Facilities within the Franchise Area.  The permit application shall  contain detailed plans, maps and specifications showing the position, depth and location of all  such Facilities in relation to existing Franchise Area, collectively referred to as the “Plans.” The  Plans shall specify the class and type of material and equipment to be used, manner of  excavation, construction, installation, backfill, erection of temporary structures and facilities,  erection of permanent structures and facilities, traffic control, traffic turnouts and road  obstructions, and all other necessary information. Franchisee shall submit to Renton as‐built  plans and, when available, digital facility location data in a format compatible with Renton’s  geographic information system. Such Work shall only commence upon the issuance of required  permits, and payment of the associated fees, which permits shall not be unreasonably withheld  or delayed after submission of a complete application.  Franchisee shall further inform Renton of  any time or date that Franchisee is performing Work within the Franchise Area to allow Renton  to inspect such work.  9.3 Boring Required: Work involving undergrounding of Franchisee’s facilities within  City streets shall be accomplished through boring rather than open trenching whenever  reasonably feasible.  Franchisee will CCTV all Renton owned sewer and storm drain lines on the  boring route following completion of the boring work and prior to activating the facility being  constructed to verify that these Renton owned lines were not damaged by the boring  work.  Upon request from Franchisee, Renton may allow for other methods to meet the  requirement as may be approved by Renton as part of permitting.    AGENDA ITEM #5. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  14  9.4 Facility Placement: The Parties intend that the specific location of Facilities within  the Franchise Area (and similar facility‐related matters of a specific nature requiring detailed  case‐by‐case analysis) is to be determined in accordance with applicable Laws (including, without  limitation, rights of appeal).  9.5 Lateral Support: Whenever Work on Facilities have caused or contributes to a  condition that in the City of Renton’s sole determination would substantially impair or  substantially impairs the lateral support of the Franchise Area, Renton may direct Franchisee, at  Franchisee’s sole expense, to take such actions as are reasonably necessary within the Franchise  Area to repair and/or not impair the lateral support.  If Franchisee fails or refuses to take prompt  action, or if an emergency situation requires immediate action, Renton may enter the Franchise  Area and take any action necessary to protect the public, any Public Way, Public Property, and  Rights‐of‐Way, and Franchisee shall be liable to Renton for all costs, fees, and expenses resulting  from that necessary action.  This provision shall survive the expiration, revocation or termination  of this Franchise for a period of five (5) years.  9.6 Limits on Construction: No park, public square, golf course, street Rights‐of‐Way  or public place of like nature shall be bored, trenched, excavated or damaged by Franchisee if  there is a substantially equivalent alternative. The determination of there being a substantially  equivalent alternative shall be at the sole determination of Renton.  9.7 Bond Requirement: Before undertaking any of the Work authorized by this  Franchise, as a condition precedent to the Renton’s issuance of any permits, Franchisee shall,  upon the Renton’s request, furnish a bond executed by Franchisee and a corporate surety  authorized to operate a surety business in the State of Washington, in such sum as may be set  AGENDA ITEM #5. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  15  and approved by Renton as sufficient to ensure performance of Franchisee’s obligations under  this Franchise. Franchisee shall post a performance bond in the amount of twenty‐five thousand  dollars ($25,000) that shall remain in effect for the term of this Franchise.   The bond shall be  conditioned so that Franchisee shall observe all the covenants, terms, and conditions and shall  faithfully perform all of the obligations of this Franchise, and to repair or replace any defective  Work or materials discovered in the Franchise Area. The bond shall ensure the faithful  performance of Franchisee’s obligations under the Franchise, including, but not limited to,  Franchisee’s payment of any penalties, claims, liens, or fees due Renton that arise by reason of  the operation, construction, or maintenance of the Facilities within the Franchise Area.  Franchisee shall pay all premiums or other costs associated with maintaining the bond.   Additionally, if Renton determines that the performance bond is inadequate to ensure  Franchisee’s performance of a project, Franchisee shall post any additional bonds required to  guarantee performance by Franchisee in accordance with the conditions of any permits and/or  the requirements of this Franchise. In lieu of a separate bond for routine individual projects  involving work in the Franchise Area, Franchisee may satisfy Renton’s bond requirements by  posting a single on‐going performance bond in an amount approved by Renton.   9.8 Workmanship: All Work done by Franchisee or at Franchisee’s direction or on its  behalf, including all Work performed by contractors or subcontractors, shall be considered  Franchisee’s Work and shall be undertaken and completed in a workmanlike manner and in  accordance with the descriptions, plans and specifications Franchisee provided to Renton, and  be warranted for at least two (2) years.  Franchisee’s activities (including work done at  Franchisee’s direction or on its behalf) shall not damage or interference with other franchises,  AGENDA ITEM #5. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  16  licenses, utilities, drains or other structures, or the Franchise Area, and shall not unreasonably  interfere with public travel, park uses, other municipal uses, adjoining property, and shall not  endanger the safety of or injure persons and property.  Franchisee’s Work shall comply with all  applicable Laws.  9.9 Material and Installation Methods: As a condition of receiving the privilege to  Work within the Franchise Area, Franchisee shall assume full responsibility for using materials  and installation methods that are in full compliance with City standards and shall verify this by  the submittal of documentation of materials and testing reports when requested by Renton. All  costs for performing on‐site testing, such as compaction tests, shall be borne by Franchisee.  9.10 Damage During Work: In case of any damage caused by Franchisee, or by  Franchisee’s Facilities to Franchise Area, Franchisee agrees to repair the damage to conditions  that meet or exceed requirements established by the Department of Transportation, at its own  cost and expense. Franchisee shall, upon discovery of any such damage, immediately notify  Renton. Renton will inspect the damage, and set a time limit for completion of the repair. If  Renton discovers damage caused by Franchisee to the Franchise Area, Renton will give  Franchisee notice of the damage and set a reasonable time limit in which Franchisee must repair  the damage. In the event Franchisee does not make the repair as required in this section, Renton  may repair the damage, to its satisfaction, at Franchisee’s sole expense.  9.11 Member of Locator Service: Franchisee shall continuously be a member of the  State of Washington one number locator service under RCW 19.122 (Underground Utilities) or  an approved equivalent, and shall comply with all applicable Laws.  AGENDA ITEM #5. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  17  9.12 Restoration Requirements: Franchisee shall after Work on any of Franchisee’s  Facilities within the Franchise Area, restore the surface of the Franchise Area and any other  property within the Franchise Area which may have been disturbed or damaged by such Work.    All restoration of Rights‐of‐Way, sidewalks and other improvements or amenities shall conform  to RMC 9‐7 (Road, Bridge And Municipal Construction Standards), RMC 9‐10‐11 (Trench  Restoration And Street Overlay Requirements) and City of Renton Standard Details in effect at  that time, and must be warranted for at least two (2) years.  Restoration shall include all  landscaping, irrigation systems and trees.  Renton shall have final approval of the condition of  the Franchise Area after restoration pursuant to applicable Laws, as they exist or may be  amended or superseded, provided that such provisions are not in conflict or inconsistent with  the express terms and conditions of this Franchise.   9.13 Survey Monuments: All survey monuments which are disturbed or displaced by  Franchisee in its performance of any work under this Franchise shall be referenced and restored  by Franchisee, in accordance with WAC 332‐120 (Survey Monuments – Removal or Destruction),  and other applicable Laws.  9.14 Failure to Restore: If it is determined that Franchisee has failed to restore the  Franchise Area in accord with this section, Renton shall provide Franchisee with written notice  including a description of actions Renton believes necessary to restore the Franchise Area.  If  Franchisee fails to restore the Franchise Area in accord with Renton’s notice within thirty (30)  days of that notice, Renton, or its authorized agent, may restore the Franchise Area at  Franchisee’s sole and complete expense.  The privilege granted under this section shall be in  addition to others provided by this Franchise.   AGENDA ITEM #5. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  18  9.15 Separate Permit Approval Needed For New Telecommunications Lines: The  limited privileges granted under this Franchise shall not convey any privilege to Franchisee to  install any new telecommunications lines or Facilities without Renton’s express prior written  consent, including for example, permits as provided for in this Section IX.  SECTION X.   Coordination and Shared Excavations     10.1 Coordination: The Parties shall make reasonable efforts to coordinate any Work  that either Party may undertake within the Franchise Area to promote the orderly and  expeditious performance and completion of such Work, and to minimize any delay or hindrance  to any construction work undertaken by themselves or utilities within the Franchise Area.  At a  minimum, such efforts shall include reasonable and diligent efforts to keep the other Party and  other utilities within the Franchise Areas informed of its intent to undertake Work.  Franchisee  and Renton shall further each exercise its best efforts to minimize any delay or hindrance to any  construction work either may undertake within the Franchise Area.  Any associated costs caused  by any construction delays to Renton or to any contractor working for Renton due to Franchisee’s  failure to submit and adhere to Franchisee’s plans and schedule in relocating or installing  Franchisee facilities shall be the sole responsibility of Franchisee. Franchisee shall, at Renton’s  request, also attend construction meetings pertaining to performance of Work within the  Franchise Area and shall designate a contact person to attend such meetings.  10.2 Joint Use Trenches: If Franchisee or Renton shall cause excavations to be made  within the Franchise Area, the Party causing such excavation to be made shall afford the other,  upon receipt of a written request to do so, an opportunity to use such excavation, provided that:  (a) such joint use shall not unreasonably delay the work of the Party causing the excavation to be  AGENDA ITEM #5. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  19  made; and (b) such joint use shall be arranged and accomplished on terms and conditions  satisfactory to both Parties.  10.3 Joint Use Policies: Concerning the Franchise Area, during the Franchise Term,  Renton may adopt policies which encourage joint use of utility facilities within the Franchise Area.  Franchisee shall cooperate with Renton and explore opportunities for joint use of the Franchise  Area utility facilities that are consistent with applicable Laws and prudent utility practices.  SECTION XI.    Hazardous Materials  11.1 Written Approval Required: In maintaining its Facilities (including, without  limitation, vegetation management activities), Franchisee shall not apply any Hazardous  Substance, pesticide, herbicide, or other hazardous material within the Franchise Area without  prior written approval of Renton. Renton will not unreasonably withhold approval, but such  application must be in conformance to the aquifer protection regulations of Renton.  If  Franchisee shall first obtain Renton’s approval to apply a specific product in accordance with a  defined procedure on an ongoing basis throughout the Franchise Area, it shall not thereafter be  necessary for Franchisee to obtain Renton’s approval on each occasion such product is applied in  accordance with such procedure. Franchisee shall notify Renton of any accident by Franchisee  involving Franchisee’s use of Hazardous Substances within the Franchise Area.  11.2 Release of Hazardous Substance: Upon notice or discovery of a significant release  of any Hazardous Substance caused by Franchisee or expressly authorized by Franchisee to occur  upon the Franchise Area and Facilities covered by this Franchise, Franchisee shall notify Renton  within twenty‐four (24) hours of discovery.  If the encountered or suspected Hazardous  Substances are not the result of the acts or omissions of Franchisee, Renton shall, at its own  AGENDA ITEM #5. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  20  expense, determine if the material is hazardous, in accordance with applicable Laws. If the  material is found to be hazardous, Renton shall, at its own expense, if possible remove, dispose,  or otherwise handle such Hazardous Substances, as necessary, in accordance with applicable  Laws. If Hazardous Substances are removed, Renton also shall provide substitute nonhazardous  substance(s) to replace the removed substance for Franchisee to use in its operation, if  necessary.  Upon approval by Renton to proceed, Franchisee shall proceed with the operations  at its own cost, with no recourse against Renton for the cost of schedule delays incurred due to  the delay in operation. If the encountered or suspected Hazardous Substances within the  Franchise Area are the result of Franchisee’s acts or omissions, Renton’s characterization of the  substances involved and any removal, disposal, or other handling costs incurred in connection  with the removal, disposal, or handling of the hazardous substances will be at Franchisee’s sole  expense.  Franchisee shall be solely responsible for any expense or cost related to environmental  mitigation requirements imposed, by operation of applicable Laws or otherwise.  SECTION XII.  Emergency Work ‐ Permit Waiver     12.1 Prompt Response Required: In the event of any emergency involving damaged  Franchisee Facilities located in or under the Franchise Area, or if Franchisee’s Facilities within the  Franchise Area pose an immediate danger to the property, life, health or safety of any individual,  Franchisee shall, upon receipt of notification from Renton of the existence of such condition,  immediately take those actions as are necessary to correct the dangerous condition.  12.2 Permit Deferred:  If an emergency occurs that requires Franchisee’s immediate  action for the protection of Facilities, Renton’s property or any individual’s property, life, health  or safety, Franchisee may act immediately to correct the dangerous condition without first  AGENDA ITEM #5. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  21  obtaining any required permit so long as: (1) Franchisee notifies the Renton Regional Fire  Authority through the dispatch system of the emergency; and (2) Franchisee informs Renton’s  permitting authority of the nature, location, and extent of the emergency, and the work to be  performed, prior to commencing the work if such notification is practical, or where such prior  notification is not practical, Franchisee shall notify Renton’s permitting authority on the next  business day; and (3) such permit is obtained by Franchisee as soon as practicable following  cessation of the emergency.  12.3 Public Service Obligations: Nothing in this section is intended, nor shall it be  construed, as a hindrance to Franchisee’s ability to take such actions as it deems necessary to  discharge its public service obligations in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington.   Nothing in this section is intended, nor shall it be construed, as preventing Renton from  recovering from Franchisee, if otherwise so entitled in accordance with applicable Laws, any  extraordinary costs in responding to an emergency situation involving Franchisee’s Facilities.  SECTION XIII.  Records of Installation  13.1 Future Construction Plans: Upon Renton’s written request, Franchisee shall  provide to Renton copies of any plans prepared by Franchisee for potential improvements,  relocations and conversions to its Facilities within the Franchise Area; provided, however, any  such plans so submitted shall be for informational purposes only and shall not obligate Franchisee  to undertake any specific improvements within the Franchise Area, nor shall such plan be  construed as a proposal to undertake any specific improvements within the Franchise Area.  13.2 As‐Built Drawings: Upon Renton’s written request, and at no cost to Renton,  Franchisee shall provide to Renton copies of drawings, maps, and records in use by Franchisee  AGENDA ITEM #5. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  22  showing the location of its Facilities at specific locations within the Franchise Area.  As to any  such drawings so provided, Franchisee does not warrant the accuracy of the drawings as such  Facilities are shown in their approximate location.    13.3 Design Locates: Upon Renton’s written request, in connection with the design of  any public works project, Franchisee shall verify the location of its underground Facilities within  the Franchise Area.   13.4 Disclosure to Third‐Parties: Any drawings and/or information concerning the  location of Franchisee's Facilities provided by Franchisee shall be used by Renton solely for  management of the Franchise Area. Renton shall take all prudent steps reasonably necessary to  prevent unnecessary disclosure or dissemination of such drawings, maps, records and/or  information to any Third‐Party without the prior notice to Franchisee, unless the Third‐Party is  an authorized governmental entity of any tier or a public records requestor.  Renton will provide  Franchisee with notice of any public records request for Franchisee paperwork as soon as  reasonably practicable.  13.5 Utility Locates: Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in this section is intended  (nor shall be construed) to relieve either Party of their respective obligations arising under  applicable Laws with respect to determining the location of utility facilities.  SECTION XIV.  Undergrounding of Facilities    Undergrounding Required for New Facilities: Consistent with RMC 4‐6‐090.C  (Applicability), all new Facilities installed within the Franchise Area during the term of this  Franchise shall be located underground, consistent with the RMC, unless it is unfeasible in  Renton’s reasonable estimation for it to be done; provided that installation of wires, cables,  AGENDA ITEM #5. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  23  conduits and similar equipment will be permitted and installed pursuant to the provisions of any  applicable Laws, and subject to and accordance with any applicable Tariffs on file with the WUTC.  In areas where all existing telecommunications and cable facilities are located above ground,  Franchisee may install its Facilities above ground. Any new Facilities to be located above ground  shall be placed on existing utility poles. No new utility poles shall be installed in connection with  placement of new above ground Facilities.  SECTION XV.  Relocation of Franchisee Facilities  15.1 Relocation Required: Renton shall have prior and superior right to the use of the  Franchise Area for the construction, installation, maintenance and repair of its utilities,  improvements and infrastructure, and capital improvement projects, and should any conflict  arise with Renton facilities, Franchisee shall, at its own cost and expense, conform to Renton’s  utilities, improvements and infrastructure and capital improvement projects, provided that,   whenever Renton undertakes (or causes to be undertaken) any public works improvement within  the Franchise Area, and such public works improvement necessitates the relocation of  Franchisee’s then existing Facilities within the Franchise Area, Renton shall:   a. Provide Franchisee with reasonable prior notice of Renton’s intent to initiate a  public works improvement, and if applicable, written notice requesting such relocation;  and  b. Provide Franchisee with copies of pertinent portions of Renton’s plans and  specifications for such public works improvement.   15.2 Franchisee Relocation Plans:  After receipt of such notice and such plans and  specifications, Franchisee shall submit the Franchisee plan drawings for the relocation of the  AGENDA ITEM #5. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  24  Franchisee Facilities to Renton within a reasonable and agreed upon time in advance of the  preparation of Renton’s final plans and specifications for incorporation into Renton’s  construction plans. Franchisee shall complete the relocation work in a reasonable and agreed  upon time period to prevent delay to Renton’s project. Franchisee shall relocate such Facilities  within the Franchise Area at no charge to Renton, except that if Renton pays for or reimburses  the relocation costs of another telecommunications utility, under materially identical  circumstances, it shall pay for or reimburse a proportionate share of Franchisee’s relocation  costs. The relocation completion date will be included in Renton’s written request for said  relocation to Franchisee. Franchisee shall be solely responsible for any associated cost caused by  any construction delays to Renton’s project due to Franchisee’s failure to comply with  Franchisee’s plans and schedule in relocating or installing Franchisee’s Facilities.  15.3 Emergency Relocation of Facilities: In the event an emergency posing a threat to  public safety or welfare requires the relocation of Franchisee’s Facilities within the Franchise  Area, Renton shall give Franchisee notice of the emergency as soon as reasonably practicable.   Upon receipt of notice, Franchisee shall respond as soon as reasonably practicable to relocate  the affected Facilities, at Franchisee’s sole expense.  15.4 Third‐Party Construction:  Whenever any person or entity, other than Renton,  requires the relocation of Franchisee’s Facilities to accommodate the work of such person or  entity within the Franchise Area; or, Renton requires any Third‐Party to undertake work (other  than work undertaken at Renton’s cost and expense) within the Franchise Area and such work  requires the relocation of Franchisee’s Facilities within the Franchise Area, Franchisee may  condition such relocation to require such person or entity to make payment to Franchisee, at a  AGENDA ITEM #5. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  25  time and upon terms acceptable to Franchisee for any and all costs and expenses incurred by  Franchisee in the relocation of Franchisee’s Facilities.  15.5 Third‐Party Construction of City Identified Project: Any condition or requirement  imposed by Renton upon any Third‐Party (including, without limitation, any condition or  requirement imposed pursuant to any contract or in conjunction with approvals or permits  obtained pursuant to any zoning, land use, construction or other development regulation) which  requires the relocation of Franchisee’s Facilities within the Franchise Area, then Franchisee shall  relocate its Facilities; provided, however, in the event Renton reasonably determines and notifies  Franchisee that the primary purpose of imposing such condition or requirement upon such Third‐ Party is to cause or facilitate the construction of a public works project to be undertaken within  a segment of the Franchise Area on Renton’s behalf and consistent with Renton’s Capital  Investment Program or its Transportation Improvement Program; or the Transportation Facilities  Program, then only those costs and expenses incurred by Franchisee in reconnecting such  relocated Facilities with Franchisee’s other Facilities shall be paid to Franchisee by such Third‐ Party, and Franchisee shall otherwise relocate its Facilities within such segment of the Franchise  Area in accordance with subsection 15.1.  15.6 Alternatives: As to any relocation of Franchisee’s Facilities whereby the cost and  expense is to be borne by Franchisee, Franchisee may, after receipt of written notice requesting  such relocation, submit in writing to Renton alternatives to relocation of its Facilities.  Upon  Renton’s receipt from Franchisee of such written alternatives, Renton shall evaluate such  alternatives and shall advise Franchisee in writing if one or more of such alternatives are suitable  to accommodate the work which would otherwise necessitate relocation of Franchisee’s  AGENDA ITEM #5. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  26  Facilities. In evaluating such alternatives, Renton shall give each alternative proposed by  Franchisee fair consideration with due regard to all facts and circumstances which bear upon the  practicality of relocation and alternatives to relocation.  If Renton determines that such  alternatives are not appropriate, Franchisee shall relocate its Facilities as provided in subsection  15.1.  15.7 Non‐Franchise Area: Nothing shall require Franchisee to bear any cost or expense  in connection with the location or relocation of any Facilities existing under benefit of easement  or other rights not arising under this Franchise.  15.8 Indemnity for Delay: Franchisee shall indemnify, hold harmless, and pay the costs  of defending Renton against any and all Third‐Party actions, claims, damages, liabilities, or suits  for delays on Renton’s construction projects arising from or caused by Franchisee’s failure to  remove or relocate it Facilities in a timely manner, though Franchisee shall not be liable for  damages due to delays that were out of Franchisee’s reasonable or expected control.  SECTION XVI.  Abandonment and Discontinuance of Franchisee’s Facilities    16.1 Notification: Franchisee shall notify Renton of any abandonment or cessation of  use of any of its Facilities within sixty (60) days after such abandonment or cessation of use.  Any  plan for abandonment or removal of Franchisee’s Facilities within the Franchise Area must be  first approved by the Administrator, and all necessary permits must be obtained prior to such  Work.  16.2 Removal: In the event of Franchisee’s abandonment or permanent cessation of  use of any portion of its Facilities, or any portion of the Franchised Area, Franchisee shall, within  one hundred and twenty (120) days after the abandonment or permanent cessation of use,  AGENDA ITEM #5. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  27  remove the Facilities at Franchisee’s sole expense.  However, with Renton’s express written  consent, Franchisee may, at Franchisee’s sole cost and expense, secure the Facilities in such a  manner as to cause it to be as safe as is reasonably possible, by removing all lines, conduits and  appurtenances, in compliance with all Laws, and abandon them in place, provided that any above  ground Facilities shall be removed at Franchisee’s sole expense.  16.3 Restoration: In the event of the removal of all or any portion of the Facilities, to  the extent reasonably possible, Franchisee shall restore the Franchise Area to it pre‐installation  or better condition. Such restoration work shall be done at Franchisee’s sole cost and expense  and to Renton’s reasonable satisfaction.  If Franchisee fails to remove or secure the Facilities  and/or fails to restore the premises or take such other mutually agreed upon action, Renton may,  after reasonable notice to Franchisee, remove the Facilities, restore the premises or take such  other action as is reasonably necessary at Franchisee’s sole expense and Renton shall not be  liable for any damages, losses or injuries.  This remedy shall not be deemed to be exclusive and  shall not prevent Renton from seeking a judicial order directing Franchisee to remove its  Facilities.  16.4 Administrative or Abandonment Fees: Renton’s consent to Franchisee’s  abandonment of Facilities in place shall not relieve Franchisee of the obligation and/or costs to  remove, alter or re‐secure such Facilities in the future in the event it is reasonably determined,  as adjudged in Renton’s sole discretion, that removal, alteration or re‐securing the Facilities is  necessary or advisable for the health, safety, necessity and/or convenience of the public, in which  case Franchisee shall perform such work its sole expense.  AGENDA ITEM #5. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  28  16.5 Survival of Provisions: The Parties expressly agree that the provisions of this  section shall survive the termination, expiration, or revocation of this Franchise.  SECTION XVII.  Termination, Violations, and Remedies   17.1  Termination: If the Franchise Term expires and if either Party states that it does  not wish to renew, extend and/or continue the Franchise, this Franchise shall be terminated as  of the expiration date.  17.2 Termination by Breach: If Franchisee materially breaches or otherwise fails to  perform, comply with any of the terms and conditions of this Franchise, or fails to maintain any  required license, permit or approval, and fails to cure such breach or failure within thirty (30)  days of Renton providing Franchisee with written notice specifying with reasonable particularity  the nature of any such alleged breach or failure, or, if not reasonably capable of being cured  within thirty (30) days, within such other reasonable period of time as the Parties may agree  upon, Renton may terminate this Franchise, without any penalty, liability, cost or damages.  17.3 City Council Termination: This Franchise shall not be terminated except upon a  majority vote of the City Council, after reasonable notice to Franchisee (which notice shall be  given at least thirty (30) days before the hearing) and an opportunity to be heard, provided that  if exigent circumstances necessitate immediate termination, the hearing may be held as soon as  possible after the termination.  17.4 Discontinue Operations: If the Franchise is terminated, Franchisee shall  immediately discontinue operation of Facilities through the Franchise Area.  In such  circumstances, either Party may invoke the dispute resolution provisions in Section XVIII.   Alternatively, either Party may elect to seek relief directly in the United States District Court for  AGENDA ITEM #5. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  29  the Western District of Washington, in Seattle, Washington, or in the King County Superior Court  for the State of Washington at the Maleng Regional Justice Center, Kent, Washington, in which  case the dispute resolution requirements shall not be applicable.  Once Franchisee’s privilege has  terminated, Franchisee shall comply with Franchise provision regarding removal and/or  abandonment of Facilities.  17.5 Renton Retains Right for Action: Renton’s failure to exercise a particular remedy  at any time shall not waive Renton’s right to terminate, assess penalties, or assert any equitable  or legal remedy for any future breach or default by Franchisee.  17.6 Franchisee Liability and Obligation: Termination shall not release Franchisee from  any liability or obligation with respect to any matter occurring prior to such termination, and shall  not release Franchisee from any obligation to remove and secure its Facilities and to restore the  Franchise Area.  17.7 Injunctive Relief: The Parties acknowledge that the covenants set forth in this  Franchise are essential to this Franchise, and, but for the mutual agreements of the Parties to  comply with such covenants, the Parties would not have entered into this Franchise.  The Parties  further acknowledge that they may not have an adequate remedy at law if the other Party  violates such covenant.  Therefore, in addition to any other rights they may have, the Parties shall  have the right to obtain in any court of competent jurisdiction injunctive relief to restrain any  breach or threatened breach, or to specifically enforce any of the Franchise covenants should the  other Party fail to perform them.   17.8 Renton’s Remedies: In addition to the terms of this Franchise, or rights that  Renton possesses at law or equity, Renton reserves the right to apply any remedy, including but  AGENDA ITEM #5. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  30  not limited to those detailed in Sections XVIII – XX below, alone or in combination, in the event  Franchisee violates any material provision of this Franchise.  The remedies provided for in this  Franchise are cumulative and not exclusive; the exercise of one remedy shall not prevent the  exercise of another or any rights of Renton at law, in equity, or by statutes, unless specifically  waived in this Franchise or in a document signed by both parties.  SECTION XVIII. Dispute Resolution  18.1 Notice of Default: If there is any alleged default as to performance under this  Franchise, Renton shall notify Franchisee in writing, stating with reasonable specificity the nature  of the alleged default.  Within ten (10) days of its receipt of such notice, Franchisee shall provide  a written response to Renton acknowledging receipt of notice and stating Franchisee’s response.   Franchisee has thirty (30) days (“cure period”) from the date of the notice’s mailing to:   a. Respond to Renton, contesting Renton’s assertion(s) as to the dispute or any  alleged default and requesting a meeting in accordance with subsection 18.2, or;   b. Cure the alleged default, or;   c. Notify Renton if Franchisee cannot cure the alleged default within thirty (30) days,  due to the nature of the default.  Notwithstanding such notice, Franchisee shall promptly  take all reasonable steps to begin to cure the alleged default and notify Renton in writing  and in detail as to the actions that Franchisee will take and the projected completion date.  In such case, Renton may set a meeting in accordance with subsection 18.2.   18.2 Meeting: If any alleged default is not cured or if a subsection 18.1 meeting is  requested, Renton shall promptly schedule a meeting between the Parties to discuss the alleged  default.  Renton shall notify Franchisee of the meeting in writing and the meeting shall take place  AGENDA ITEM #5. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  31  not less than ten (10) days after Franchisee’s receipt of notice of the meeting.  Each Party shall  appoint a representative who shall attend the meeting, represent their party’s interests, and who  shall exercise good faith to reach an agreement on any alleged default and/or any corrective  action to be taken.  Any dispute (including any dispute concerning the existence of or any  corrective action to be taken to cure any alleged default) that is not resolved within ten (10) days  following the conclusion of the meeting shall be referred by the Parties’ representatives in writing  to the Parties’ senior management for resolution.  If senior management is unable to resolve the  dispute within twenty (20) days of referral (or such other period as the Parties may agree upon),  each Party may pursue resolution of the dispute through Section XIX, Arbitration, of this  Franchise.  All negotiations pursuant to these procedures for the resolution of disputes shall be  confidential and shall be treated as compromise and settlement negotiations for purposes of the  state and federal rules of evidence.  18.3 Additional Resolution Options: If, at the conclusion of the steps provided for in  subsections 18.1 and 18.2 above, Renton and Franchisee are unable to settle the dispute or agree  upon the existence of a default or the corrective action to be taken to cure any alleged default,  Renton or Franchisee (as Franchisee may have authority to do so) may:  a. Take any enforcement or corrective action provided for by Law, including the city  code; provided such action does not conflict with this Franchise’s provisions, and/or;  b. Demand arbitration, pursuant to Section XIX below, for disputes arising out of or  related to Sections III, Grant of Franchise (or such other sections with respect to the  existence of conflicts or inconsistencies with the express terms and conditions of this  Franchise and any applicable Laws); XIII, Records of Installation; XIV, Undergrounding of  AGENDA ITEM #5. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  32  Facilities (except as preempted by WUTC authority); and XV, Relocation of Franchisee  Facilities (excluding project delay claims exceeding thirty thousand dollars ($30,000)) of  this Franchise (the “Arbitration Claims”), and/or;  c. By ordinance, declare an immediate forfeiture of this Franchise for a breach or  default of any material, non‐Arbitration Claims, obligations under this Franchise and/or;   d. Take any action to which it is entitled under this Franchise or any applicable Laws.  18.4 Continuation of Obligations: Unless otherwise agreed by Renton and Franchisee  in writing, Renton and Franchisee shall, continue to perform their respective obligations under  this Franchise during the pendency of any dispute.  SECTION XIX. Arbitration  19.1 Rules and Procedures: The Parties agree that any dispute, controversy, or claim  arising out of or relating to Arbitration Claims, shall be referred for resolution to the American  Arbitration Association in accordance with the rules and procedures in force at the time of the  submission of a request for arbitration.  19.2 Discovery: The arbitrators shall allow appropriate discovery to facilitate a fair,  speedy and cost‐effective resolution of the dispute(s).  The arbitrators shall reference the  Washington State Rules of Civil Procedure then in effect in setting the scope and timing of  discovery.  The Washington State Rules of Evidence shall apply. The arbitrators may enter a  default decision against any Party who fails to participate in the arbitration proceedings.  19.3 Compensatory Damages: The arbitrators may award compensatory damages.,  including consequential damages.  Such damages may include, but shall not be limited to: all  costs and expenses of materials, equipment, supplies, utilities, consumables, goods and other  AGENDA ITEM #5. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  33  items; all directly related costs and expenses of any staff; all costs and direct expenses of any  labor (including, but not limited to, labor of any contractors and/or subcontractors); all pre‐ arbitration costs and expenses of consultants, attorneys, accountants, professional and other  services, as outlined in Section 19.5 below; and all taxes, insurance, interest expenses, directly  related  overhead and general administrative costs and expenses, and other costs and expenses  of any kind incurred in connection with the dispute.  The arbitrator may award equitable relief in  those circumstances where monetary damages would be inadequate.  19.4 Award: Any award by the arbitrators shall be accompanied by a written opinion  setting forth the findings of fact and conclusions of law relied upon in reaching the decision.  The  award rendered by the arbitrators shall be final, binding and non‐appealable, and judgment upon  such award may be entered by any court of competent jurisdiction.  19.5 Each Party’s Costs: Except as provided in subsection 19.7 below, each Party shall  pay the fees of its own attorneys, expenses of witnesses, and all other expenses and costs in  connection with the presentation of such Party’s case including, without limitation, the cost of  any records, transcripts or other things used by the Parties for the arbitration, copies of any  documents used in evidence, certified copies of any court, property or city documents or records  that are placed into evidence by a Party.  19.6 Arbitration Costs: Except as provided in subsection 19.7 below, the remaining  costs of the arbitration, including without limitation, fees of the arbitrators, costs of records or  transcripts prepared for the arbitrator's use in the arbitration, costs of producing the arbitrator’s  decision and administrative fees shall be borne equally by the Parties.  AGENDA ITEM #5. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  34  19.7 Costs for Multiple Arbitrations: Notwithstanding the foregoing subsections 19.5  and 19.6, in the event either Party is found during the term of this Franchise to be the prevailing  party in any two (2) arbitration proceedings brought by such party pursuant to this Section XIX,  then such party shall be entitled to recover all reasonably incurred Costs, including attorneys’  fees, for any subsequent arbitration brought by them in which they are found to be the prevailing  party.  19.8 Transcript Costs: In the event a Party makes a copy of an arbitration proceeding  transcript for its use in writing a post‐hearing brief, or an arbitration decision copy to append to  a lawsuit to reduce the award to judgment, etc., then that Party shall bear the cost, except to  the extent such cost might be allowed by a court as court costs.  SECTION XX.  Alternative Remedies  No provision of this Franchise shall be deemed to bar the right of Renton or Franchisee to  seek or obtain judicial relief from a violation of any Franchise provision or any rule, regulation,  requirement or directive promulgated for non‐Arbitration Claims.  Neither the existence of other  Franchise remedies nor the use of such remedies shall bar or limit the right of Renton or  Franchisee to recover monetary damages for violations by the other Party, or to seek and obtain  judicial enforcement of the other Party’s obligations by means of specific performance, injunctive  relief or mandate, or any other remedy at law or in equity.  SECTION XXI.  Amendments to Franchise   This Franchise may only be amended by written instrument, signed by the Parties,  specifically stating that it is an amendment to this Franchise and is approved and executed in  accordance with State of Washington laws.  Without limitation, and unless required by any Laws,  AGENDA ITEM #5. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  35  this Franchise shall govern and supersede and shall not be altered, limited, supplemented or  otherwise amended by any permit, approval, license, agreement or other document required by  or obtained from Renton in conjunction with Franchisee’s exercise or failure to exercise any and  all benefits, privileges, obligations or duties in and under this Franchise, unless such permit,  approval, license, agreement or other document specifically:   a. References this Franchise; and  b. States that it supersedes this Franchise to the extent it contains terms and  conditions which alter, limit, supplement or otherwise amend the terms and conditions  of this Franchise.  In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the provisions of  this Franchise and the provisions of any such permit, approval, license, agreement or  other document, except as expressly required by Laws and/or superseded by such permit,  approval, license, agreement or other document, the Franchise provisions shall control.  SECTION XXII.  Indemnification  22.1 Renton: In Sections XXII and XXIII, “Renton” means the City of Renton, and its  elected officials, agents, employees, officers, representatives, consultants (of any level), and  volunteers.  22.2 Indemnification by Franchisee: Franchisee shall indemnify, defend, and hold  harmless Renton, from and against any and every Third‐Party action, claim, cost, damage, death,  expense, harm, injury, liability, or loss of any kind, in law or in equity, to persons or property,  including reasonable attorneys’ and experts’ fees and/or costs incurred by Renton in its defense,  arising out of or related to, directly or indirectly, to Franchisee’s Work or abandonment of  Facilities, or from the existence of Franchisee’s Facilities, and the products contained in,  AGENDA ITEM #5. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  36  transferred through, any signals or emissions from the Facilities, released or escaped from the  Facilities, including the reasonable costs of assessing such damages and any liability for costs of  investigation, abatement, correction, cleanup, fines, penalties, or other damages arising under  any Laws, including, but not limited to, Environmental Laws, and any action, claim, cost, damage,  death, expense, harm, injury, liability, or loss, to persons or property which is caused by, in whole  or in part, and only to the extent of, the willfully tortious or negligent acts or omissions of  Franchisee or its agents, contractors (of any tier), employees, representatives or trainees related  to Franchisee’s granted Franchise privileges.  If any action or proceeding is brought against  Renton by reason of Franchisee’s Facilities, Franchisee shall defend Renton at Franchisee’s sole  expense, provided that, for uninsured actions or proceedings, defense attorneys shall be  approved by Renton, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. The terms of this  section shall not require Franchisee to indemnify Renton against and hold harmless Renton from  claims, demands or suits based upon Renton’s negligent or willful conduct, and provided further  that if the claims or suits are caused by or result from the concurrent negligence of (a) the  Franchisee’s agents, officers, or employees and (b) Renton, this provision with respect to claims  or suits based upon such concurrent negligence shall be valid and enforceable only to the extent  of Franchisee’s negligence or the negligence of Franchisee’s agents or employees except as  limited in this Franchise.  22.3 Environmental Indemnification:  Franchisee shall indemnify, defend, and save  Renton harmless from and against any and every Third‐Party action, claim, cost, damage, death,  expense, harm, injury, liability, or loss, either at law or in equity, to persons or property, including,  but not limited to, costs and reasonable attorneys’ and experts’ fees incurred by Renton, arising  AGENDA ITEM #5. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  37  directly or indirectly from: (a) Franchisee’s breach of any environmental Laws or Laws applicable  to the Facilities, or (b) from any release of a hazardous substance on or from the Facilities, or (c)  other activity related to this Franchise by Franchisee.  This indemnity includes, but is not limited  to, (a) liability for a governmental agency’s costs of removal or remedial action for Hazardous  Substances; (b) damages to natural resources caused by Hazardous Substances, including the  reasonable costs of assessing such damages; (c) liability for any other person’s costs of  responding to Hazardous Substances; (d) liability for any investigation, abatement, correction,  cleanup, costs, fines, penalties, or other damages arising under any Laws; and (e) liability for  personal injury, property damage, or economic loss arising under any statutory or common‐law  theory or Laws.  22.4 Title 51 Waiver: Franchisee’s indemnification obligations pursuant to this section  shall include assuming potential liability for actions brought by Franchisee’s own employees and  the employees of Franchisee's agents, representatives, contractors (of any tier) even though  Franchisee might be immune under RCW Title 51 from direct suit brought by such employees. It  is expressly agreed and understood that this assumption of potential liability for actions brought  by the aforementioned persons is limited solely to claims against Renton arising by virtue of  Franchisee’s exercise of the privileges set forth in this Franchise.  The obligations of Franchisee  under this section have been mutually negotiated by the Parties, and Franchisee acknowledges  that Renton would not enter into this Franchise without Franchisee’s waiver of immunity. To the  extent required to provide this indemnification and this indemnification only, Franchisee waives  its immunity under Title 51 RCW as provided in RCW 4.24.115 (Validity of agreement to indemnify  against liability for negligence relative to construction, alteration, improvement, etc.,…).  AGENDA ITEM #5. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  38  22.5 Real Estate Indemnity: Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that  this Franchise is subject to RCW 4.24.115, (Validity of agreement to indemnify against liability for  negligence relative to construction, alteration, improvement, etc.,…), as it exists or may be  amended, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or  damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of Franchisee, its  officers, officials, employees, and volunteers and/or the contractor, or Renton, its elected  officials, officers, officials, employees, and volunteers, and or the contractor, the party’s liability  shall be only to the extent of the party’s negligence.  22.6 Notice: In the event any matter for which Renton intends to assert its rights under  this section is presented to or filed with Renton, Renton shall promptly attempt to notify  Franchisee in accordance with Section XXV of this Franchise, and Franchisee shall have the  privilege, at its election and at its sole costs and expense, to settle and compromise such matter  as it pertains to Franchisee’s responsibility to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Renton.  In  the event any suit or action is started against Renton based upon any such matter, Renton shall  likewise promptly attempt to notify Franchisee, and Franchisee shall have the privilege, at its  election and at its sole cost and expense, to settle and compromise such suit or action, or defend  the same at its sole cost and expense, by attorneys of its own election, as it pertains to  Franchisee’s responsibility to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Renton.  Franchisee’s  indemnification obligations do not apply to the extent that Renton fails to provide attempt to  notice in accordance with Section XXV of this Franchise, and such failure materially prejudices  Franchisee or the defense of an action, claim, cost, damage, death, expense, harm, injury,  liability, or loss of any kind.   AGENDA ITEM #5. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  39  22.7 Recovery of City Costs: In the event that Renton is required to defend a “suit or  action” and Franchisee refuses to defend and indemnify Renton, as referenced in subsection 22.2  and Renton is determined to be without fault for the claim or demand giving rise to such "suit or  action,” Franchisee shall reimburse Renton for a percentage of Renton’s total defense costs.  The  percentage of Renton’s total defense costs to be reimbursed shall be a percentage equal to the  percentage (if any) of fault attributable to Franchisee for the claim or demand giving rise to such  “suit or action.”  22.8 Survival: The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination  of this Franchise if the basis for any such claim, demand, suit or action as referenced in subsection  22.2 occurred during the Franchise term.  22.9 Negotiated: THE PARTIES HAVE SPECIFICALLY NEGOTIATED SECTION XXII,  INDEMNIFICATION.  SECTION XXIII. Insurance  23.1 Insurance Required: Franchisee shall procure and maintain for the duration of the  Franchise, insurance, or provide evidence of self‐insurance, against all claims for injuries to  persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the exercise of the  privileges granted by Franchise to Franchisee.  Franchisee shall provide to Renton an insurance  certificate, and/or a certificate of self‐insurance, together with an blanket additional insured  endorsement on the general and automotive liability policies, including  Renton as an additional  insured as their interest may appear under this Franchise upon Franchisee’s acceptance of this  Franchise, and such insurance certificate shall evidence the following coverages:  AGENDA ITEM #5. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  40  a. Commercial general liability insurance, including but not limited to, blanket  contractual, property damage, premises‐operations, explosion, collapse and hazard,  underground hazard (XCU) and products completed hazard, with limits of five million  dollars ($5,000,000) for each occurrence for bodily injury and property damage and five  million dollars ($5,000,000) general aggregate;  b. Commercial automobile liability for owned, non‐owned and hired vehicles with a  combined single limit of three million dollars ($3,000,000) each accident for bodily injury  and property damage;  c. Worker’s Compensation within statutory limits consistent with the Industrial  Insurance laws of the State of Washington; and  d. Pollution liability with a limit not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) for each  occurrence, and two million dollars ($2,000,000) in the aggregate, for pollution condition  arising out of or resulting from the use and occupancy of the premises and the operations  conducted thereon.    23.2 Deductibles: All deductibles shall be the sole responsibility of Franchisee.  The  insurance certificate required by this section shall contain a clause stating that coverage shall  apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with  respect to the aggregate limits of the insurer’s liability.  23.3 Additional Insured: Renton, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers shall  be included as an additional insured as their interest may appear under this Franchise on the  commercial general liability and commercial automobile liability insurance, as respects work  AGENDA ITEM #5. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  41  performed by Franchisee and the blanket additional insured endorsement shall be included with  on the certificate of insurance or certification of self‐insurance.  23.4 Primary Insurance: Franchisee’s insurance shall be primary insurance with respect  to Renton.  Any insurance maintained by Renton shall be in excess of Franchisee’s insurance and  shall not contribute with it.  Franchisee shall give Renton thirty (30) days prior written notice by  certified mail, return‐receipt requested, of suspension, cancellation, or material change in  coverage.  23.5 Cancellation: Upon receipt of notice from its insurer(s) Franchisee shall provide  the City of Renton with thirty (30) days prior written notice of cancellation.   In the event of  cancellation or a decision not to renew, Franchisee shall obtain and furnish to Renton evidence  of replacement insurance policies meeting the requirements of this section before the  cancellation date.  23.6 Certificates and Endorsements: Franchisee shall furnish Renton with certificates  of insurance evidencing the coverage or self‐insurance required by this section upon acceptance  of this Franchise.  The certificates and blanket additional insured endorsement shall be signed by  a person authorized by the insurer to bind coverage on its behalf and must be received and  approved by Renton prior to the commencement of any Work.  23.7 Separate Coverage: Franchisee’s insurance shall contain a clause stating that  coverage shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought,  except with respects to the limits of the insurer’s liability.  23.8 Survival: The indemnity and insurance provisions under Sections XXII and XXIII  shall survive the termination of this Franchise and shall continue for as long as Franchisee’s  AGENDA ITEM #5. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  42  Facilities remain in or on the Franchise Area or until the Parties execute a new Franchise that  modifies or terminates these indemnity or insurance provisions.  SECTION XXIV. Discrimination Prohibited   In connection with this Franchise, including and not limited to all Work, hiring and  employment, neither Franchisee nor its employees, agents, subcontractors, volunteers or  representatives shall discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, nationality, creed,  marital status, sexual orientation or preference, age (except minimum age and retirement  provisions), honorably discharged veteran or military status, or the presence of any sensory,  mental or physical handicap, unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification in  relationship to hiring and employment, in employment or application for employment or in the  administration of the delivery of services or any other benefits under this Franchise. Franchisee  shall comply fully with all applicable Laws that prohibit such discrimination. A copy of this  language must be made a part of any contractor or subcontractor agreement.  SECTION XXV.  Notice   25.1 Whenever notice to or notification by any Party is required, that notice shall be in  writing and directed to the recipient at the address set forth below, unless written notice of  change of address is provided to the other Party.  Any notice or information required or permitted  to be given to the Parties under this Franchise may be sent to following Addresses unless  otherwise specified:  City Address:  City of Renton  Administrator, Public Works Department  1055 South Grady Way  Renton, WA 98057  Phone:  (425) 430‐7311  AGENDA ITEM #5. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  43      Company Address:    ExteNet Systems, Inc.   Attn: CFO  3030 Warrenville Road, Suite 340  Lisle, Illinois 60532    With Copies to:  General Counsel and COO  3030 Warrenville Road, Suite 340  Lisle, Illinois 60532  NOTICE@extenetsystems.com    25.2 If the date for making any payment or performing any act is a legal holiday,  payment may be made or the act performed on the next succeeding business day which is not a  legal holiday.  25.3 The Parties may change the address and representative by providing written  notice of such change by accepted e‐mail or certified mail.  All notices shall be deemed complete  upon actual receipt or refusal to accept delivery.  Facsimile or a .pdf e‐mailed transmission of any  signed original document and retransmission of any signed facsimile transmission shall be the  same as delivery of an original document.  SECTION XXVI. Miscellaneous    26.1 As Is: Franchisee agrees and accepts the Franchise Area in an “as is” condition.   Franchisee agrees that Renton has never made any representations, implied or express  warranties, or guarantees as to the suitability, security or safety of the location of Franchisee’s  Facilities or the Franchise Area, or possible hazards or dangers arising from other uses or users  of the Franchise Area, Rights‐of Way, Public Property, and Public Ways including any use by  Renton, the general public, or by other utilities.  As to Renton and Franchisee, Franchisee shall  AGENDA ITEM #5. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  44  remain solely and separately liable for the Work, function, testing, maintenance, replacement  and/or repair of the Facilities or other activities permitted by this Franchise.  26.2 Assignees and Successors: This Franchise and all of the terms and provisions shall  be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Parties’ respective successors and assignees.  26.3 Attorneys’ Fees: Except as provided in Section XIX, if a suit or other action is  instituted in connection with any controversy arising out of this Franchise, the prevailing party  shall be entitled to recover all of its Costs, including such sum as the court may judge as  reasonable for attorneys' fees, costs, expenses and attorneys' fees upon appeal of any judgment  or ruling.  26.4 Conflicts: If there is a conflict between this and any previous Franchise between  the Parties, the terms of this Franchise shall supersede the terms of the previous Franchise.  26.5 Contractors (of any tier): Franchisee’s contractors may act on Franchisee’s behalf  to the extent that Franchisee permits its contractors to do so.  Franchisee is responsible for  ensuring that Franchisee’s contractors have every obligation, duty and responsibility that  Franchisee has in discharging its duties related to this Franchise.  26.6 Eminent Domain: This Franchise shall not preclude a governmental body from  acquiring the Franchise Area by lawful condemnation, or Renton from acquiring any portion of  the Facilities by lawful condemnation.  In determining the Facilities’ value, no value shall be  attributed to the right to occupy the Franchise Area.  26.7 Force Majeure: In the event that Franchisee is prevented or delayed in the  performance of any of its obligations under this Franchise by reason(s) beyond the reasonable  control of Franchisee, then Franchisee’s performance shall be excused during the Force Majeure  AGENDA ITEM #5. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  45  occurrence.  Upon removal or termination of the Force Majeure occurrence Franchisee shall  promptly perform the affected obligations in an orderly and expedited manner under this  Franchise or procure a substitute for such obligation or performance that is satisfactory to  Renton.  Franchisee shall not be excused by mere economic hardship or by misfeasance or  malfeasance of its directors, officers or employees.  Events beyond Franchisee’s reasonable  control include, but are not limited to, Acts of God, war, acts of domestic terrorism or violence,  civil commotion, labor disputes, strikes, earthquakes, fire, flood or other casualty, shortages of  labor or materials, government regulations or restrictions and extreme weather conditions.  Franchisee shall use all commercially reasonable efforts to eliminate or minimize any delay  caused by a Force Majeure event.  26.8 Forfeiture and Other Remedies: If Franchisee willfully violates or fails to comply  with any of the Franchise provisions, or through willful or unreasonable negligence fails to heed  or comply with any notice that Renton may give to Franchisee under the Franchise provisions,  at  the election of the Renton City Council, this Franchise may be revoked or annulled after a hearing  held upon reasonable notice to Franchisee (which notice shall be given at least thirty (30) days  before the hearing), and upon such revocation, all privileges conferred under this Franchise shall  be forfeited.  26.9 Franchisee’s Acceptance: Renton may void this Franchise ordinance if Franchisee  fails to file its unconditional acceptance of this Franchise within thirty (30) days from the final  passage of same by the Renton City Council. Franchisee shall file this acceptance with the City  Clerk of the City of Renton.  AGENDA ITEM #5. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  46  26.10 Governing Law: This Franchise shall be made in and shall be governed by and  interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington.  26.11 Jurisdiction and Venue: Any lawsuit or legal action brought by any party to enforce  or interpret this Franchise or any of its terms or shall be in the United States District Court for the  Western District of Washington, in Seattle, Washington, or in the King County Superior Court for  the State of Washington at the Maleng Regional Justice Center, Kent, Washington.  26.12 No Duty by Renton: This Franchise neither creates any duty by Renton nor any of  its elected officials, agents, employees or representatives, and no liability arises from any action  or inaction by Renton or any of its elected officials, agents, employees or representatives in the  exercise of their powers or authority.  Renton is not required to inspect or guarantee Franchisee’s  Work. This Franchise is not intended to acknowledge, create, imply or expand any duty or liability  of Renton with respect to any function in the exercise of its police power or for any other purpose.   Any duty that may be deemed to be created in Renton by this Franchise shall be deemed a duty  to the general public and not to any specific party, group or entity.  26.13 Notice of Tariff Changes: Franchisee shall, when making application for any  changes in Tariffs affecting the provisions of the Franchise, notify Renton in writing of the  application and provide Renton with a copy of the submitted application within five (5) calendar  days of filing with the WUTC.  Franchisee shall further provide Renton with a copy of any actual  approved Tariff(s) affecting the provision of this Franchise.  26.14 Other Obligations:  This Franchise shall not alter, change or limit Franchisee’s  obligations under any other agreement or its obligations as it relates to any other property or  endeavor.  AGENDA ITEM #5. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  47  26.15 Renton’s Police Powers: Nothing in this Franchise shall diminish, or eliminate, or  be deemed to diminish or eliminate that governmental or police powers of Renton, including the  right to create new Laws or modify existing Laws.  26.16 Public Document/Public Disclosure: This Franchise will be considered a public  document and will be available for reasonable inspection and copying by the public during regular  business hours. This document may be disclosed pursuant to RCW 42.56 (Public Records Act).  26.17 Section Headings: The Section headings in this Franchise are for convenience only,  and do not purport to and shall not be deemed to define, limit, or extend the scope or intent of  the section to which they pertain.  26.18 Severability: In the event that a court or agency of competent jurisdiction declares  a material provision of this Franchise to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the Parties shall  negotiate in good faith and agree, to the maximum extent practicable in light of such  determination, to such amendments or modifications as are appropriate so as to give effect to  the intentions of the Parties.  If severance from this Franchise of the particular provision(s)  determined to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable will fundamentally impair the value of this  Franchise, either Party may apply to the United States District Court for the Western District of  Washington, in Seattle, Washington, or in the King County Superior Court for the State of  Washington at the Maleng Regional Justice Center, Kent, Washington to reform or reconstitute  the Franchise so as to recapture the original intent of said particular provision(s).  All other  provisions of the Franchise shall remain in effect at all times during which negotiations or a  judicial action remains pending.  AGENDA ITEM #5. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  48  26.19 Survival: With respect only to matters arising during the period of time this  Franchise shall be in full force and effect, the Parties intend that any term or condition applicable  to such matters shall survive the expiration or termination of this Franchise to the extent such  survival can be reasonably inferred under the circumstances presented and to the extent such an  inference is necessary to prevent substantial injustice to an injured party.  26.20 Third‐Parties: The Parties do not create any obligation or liability, or promise any  performance to, any Third‐Party, nor have the Parties created any Third‐Party right to enforce  this Franchise beyond what is provided for by Laws.  “Third‐Parties” are any party other than  Renton and Franchisee. This Franchise shall not release or discharge any obligation or liability of  any Third‐Party to either Party.  26.21 Time of the Essence: Whenever this Franchise sets forth a time for any act to be  performed, such time shall be deemed to be of the essence, and any failure to perform within  the allotted time may be considered a material violation of this Franchise.   SECTION XXVII.   Effective Date  This ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after publication of a summary  of this ordinance in the City’s official newspaper, and provided it has been duly accepted by  Franchisee.  The summary shall consist of this ordinance’s title.  PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this _______ day of ___________________, 2021.                             Jason A. Seth, City Clerk    AGENDA ITEM #5. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  49  APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this _______ day of _____________________, 2021.                             Armondo Pavone, Mayor        Approved as to form:             Shane Moloney, City Attorney    Date of Publication:        ORD:2154:1/5/21       AGENDA ITEM #5. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  50      UNCONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE    The undersigned, Franchisee, accepts all the privileges of the above‐granted franchise, subject to  all the terms, conditions, and obligations of this Franchise.    DATED:  _________________, 2021.           ExteNet Systems, Inc.              ____________________________________         (Please add name)              ____________________________________         (Please add title)        AGENDA ITEM #5. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  51  Attachment 1    AGENDA ITEM #5. e) AB - 2794 City Council Regular Meeting - 25 Jan 2021 SUBJECT/TITLE: Private Storm Drainage Easement within Unimproved City of Renton Right of Way RECOMMENDED ACTION: Refer to Utilities Committee DEPARTMENT: Community & Economic Development Department STAFF CONTACT: Brianne Bannwarth, Development Engineering Manager EXT.: 7299 FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARY: N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: Rhododendron Ridge is a plat within the City of Newcastle at the west terminus of SE 80th Street and is directly adjacent to the City of Renton eastern boundary. In accordance with the Department of Ecology, City of Newcastle, and City of Renton, the plat was required to discharge storm water collected on site to the property’s natural discharge location. The natural discharge location was toward a protected steep slope to the west of the plat. To avoid causing erosion of the protected steep slope following construction of the plat, The Quadrant Corporation requested to place a private storm drainage main within the City of Renton’s unimproved NE 43rd Street right-of-way. Storm drainage main would convey the plat’s storm water to the City of Renton’s existing storm drainage system within Lincoln Avenue NE. NE 43rd Street was and continues to be a lightly vegetated protected steep slopes that is unlikely to be developed due to the existing critical area. In accordance with RMC 4-6-030, Drainage (Surface Water) Standards, and RMC 9-2, excess right-of-way, the City issued a civil construction permit to The Quadrant Corporation to construct a slightly below ground private storm drainage pipe within the unimproved right-of-way. Staff has confirmed that the private storm drainage system has been constructed in accordance with City Codes and standards and will not adversely affect the City of Renton overall storm water system. As a function of construction, the plat also created an unofficial soft surface trail through the unimproved NE 43rd Street right-of-way which provides pedestrian connectivity between the City of Renton and the City of Newcastle. EXHIBITS: A. Issue Paper B. Easement C. Storm Drainage Easement Map STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends granting of a private storm drainage easement within unimproved NE 43rd Street City of Renton right-of-way. AGENDA ITEM #5. f) DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE:January 15, 2021 TO:Randy Corman, Council President Members of Renton City Council VIA:Armondo Pavone, Mayor FROM:C. E. “Chip” Vincent, CED Administrator STAFF CONTACT:Brianne Bannwarth, Development Engineering Manager, ext. 7299 SUBJECT:Private Storm Drainage Easement within Unimproved City of Renton Right of Way ISSUE: Should Council grant a private storm drainage easement within unimproved City of Renton right-of-way requested by The Quadrant Corporation related to the Rhododendron Ridge, a plat within the City of Newcastle? RECOMMENDATION: Grant the private storm drainage easement within unimproved City of Renton right-of- way to The Quadrant Corporation. BACKGROUND SUMMARY: Rhododendron Ridge is a plat within the City of Newcastle at the west terminus of SE 80th Street and is directly adjacent to the City of Renton eastern boundary. In accordance with the Department of Ecology, City of Newcastle, and City of Renton, the plat was required to discharge storm water collected on site to the property’s natural discharge location. The natural discharge location was toward a protected steep slope to the west of the plat. To avoid causing erosion of the protected steep slope following construction of the plat, The Quadrant Corporation requested to place a private storm drainage main within the City of Renton’s unimproved NE 43rd Street right-of-way. Storm drainage main would convey the plat’s storm water to the City of Renton’s existing storm drainage system within Lincoln Avenue NE. NE 43rd Street was and continues to be a lightly vegetated protected steep slopes that is unlikely to be developed due to the existing critical area. In accordance with RMC 4-6-030, Drainage (Surface Water) Standards, and RMC 9-2, excess right-of-way, the City issued a civil construction permit to The Quadrant Corporation to construct a slightly below ground private storm drainage pipe within the AGENDA ITEM #5. f) Mr. Corman, Council President Page 2 of 2 January 15, 2021 unimproved right-of-way. Staff has confirmed that the private storm drainage system has been constructed in accordance with City Codes and standards and will not adversely affect the City of Renton overall storm water system. As a function of construction, the plat also created an unofficial soft surface trail through the unimproved NE 43rd Street right-of-way which provides pedestrian connectivity between the City of Renton and the City of Newcastle. CONCLUSION: Staff recommends granting of a private storm drainage easement within unimproved NE 43rd Street City of Renton right-of-way. 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BoamEm:No..\..onoSammcammnm.ooaaoamaomEam=:mmaoaq_muomm_ m3mmmaoaSamaamasmoacaowm:EmascmzmvcaSam_m5Emnmwan.Smmam mmmimmamam_._mammam.>:<cum:ma_.:na=..m$5:mamaamam. mn:=.mm:..um:aBmmzamzmznm. _<_m::o_mo<m_.\=a30a3o<m_.\_EH3_mm5mo_.o:_<o<m_.\_auaoamnamoumasmaomaacnacam. no<m_.\_.E_mnmmaa_m__<EEmnm.>:<cum:a..:na:..m..mn:=.mm:......_m:a m.:am:m:nm. ....Jonrsm3mn:m:_m3nmssoaumoumsmqmn:m:_m3oumzm<<_Euaoumaaoo_m.mnrmama:oa<osm3m_:am:m:nmumamo:oaasm_Euaoumaaoo_m._wo_amnmzsoa o<ma\=n_n__m._n:_a:mSmiamsmznmumamo:nmzsoano<ma\_a8:cm3323San. oam3o<mm3o<mno<m_,\_Em.nam_.muU_<Emam_:mam__mn__u<osmEmiamsmznmoEm.om_=na.um_.mo_...L mxzgama AGENDA ITEM #5. f) 3,064 255 Requested Private Drainage Easement This map is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for reference only. Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, current, or otherwise reliable. None 1/15/2021 Legend 174087 THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION Feet Notes 174 WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere Information Technology - GIS RentonMapSupport@Rentonwa.gov City and County Labels City and County Boundary Addresses Parcels Streams (Classified) <all other values> Type S Shoreline Type F Fish Type Np Non-Fish Type Ns Non-Fish Seasonal Unclassified Not Visited 2' Primary 2' Intermediate Network Structures Access Riser Inlet Manhole Utility Vault Clean Out Unknown Control Structures Pump Stations Discharge Points Water Quality Detention Facilities rhododendron ridge plat requested private storm drainage easement constructed slightly below ground private storm drainage main. se 80th street Lincoln avenue nene 44th streetne 43rd Street protected steep slopes AGENDA ITEM #5. f) AB - 2788 City Council Regular Meeting - 25 Jan 2021 SUBJECT/TITLE: Authorization to Convert the Solid Waste Maintenance Worker Classification to the Maintenance Services Worker I Classification RECOMMENDED ACTION: Refer to Finance Committee DEPARTMENT: Public Works Administration STAFF CONTACT: Martin Pastucha, Public Works Administrator EXT.: 7311 FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARY: The Maintenance Services Worker I and the Solid Waste Maintenance Worker positions are classified as Grade a04 therefore this is no fiscal impact. SUMMARY OF ACTION: The city currently employs Solid Waste Maintenance Workers totaling 2.0 FTEs. In June 1995, the Public Works Department worked with Human Resources and AFSCME Local 2170 to create a Solid Waste Maintenance Worker classification. Job classifications for a Maintenance Services Worker I, II and III already existed, but the title of Solid Waste Maintenance Worker was a way to specifically differentiate that this position would be responsible for installing solid waste containers and removal of litter and debr is from containers and roadways, in addition to the same job duties outlined in the Maintenance Services I classification. The Public Works Department would like to streamline the number of job classifications in the Maintenance Services Division. In preparation to fill a 1.0 FTE vacancy of a Solid Waste Maintenance Worker, staff reviewed the Solid Waste Maintenance Worker and Maintenance Services Worker I job descriptions. They agreed the two classifications consisted of very similar job duties, requirements, working environment and physical demands, and the positions reported directly to the same supervisor. For consistency purposes since other Division staff are classified as either a Maintenance Services Worker II or a Maintenance Services Worker III, the Department would like to eliminate the job classification titled, “Solid Waste Maintenance Worker” and recruit for and hire these positions as a “Maintenance Services Worker I” when filling vacancies responsible for solid waste removal. This would reduce the number of classifications in the Maintenance Services Division. Since the Solid Waste Maintenance Worker and Maintenance Services Worker I positions are Grade a04, this would result in a net zero cost to the city. EXHIBITS: A. Job Description Solid Waste Maintenance Worker B. Job Description Maintenance Services Worker I STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the change in the 2021-2022 adopted budget to reflect a reduction of 2.0 FTE Solid Waste Maintenance Workers and the addition of 2.0 FTE Maintenance Services Worker I (Street/Solid Waste). AGENDA ITEM #5. g) 1/11/2021 City of Renton - Class Specification Bulletin https://agency.governmentjobs.com/rentonwa/default.cfm?action=specbulletin&ClassSpecID=780135&headerfooter=0 1/2 Solid Waste Maintenance Worker Bargaining Unit: AFSCME - Local 2170 Class Code: 8576 CITY OF RENTON SALARY RANGE $4,018.00 - $4,892.00 Monthly $48,216.00 - $58,704.00 Annually JOB DESCRIPTION: JOB SUMMARY: Perform manual duties in the area of solid waste maintenance. Complete tasks according to established policies and procedures, work independently with limited supervision, and contribute through knowledge, skills, and good work habits. SUPERVISION: Reports To: Street Maintenance Supervisor Supervises: None JOB DUTIES/RESPONSIBILITIES: Essential Functions: Perform a variety of unskilled, manual duties in support of the solid waste management program and other City programs as assigned. Install solid waste trash containers as directed; remove litter and debris from roadways. Assist with the removal of weeds from the roadways. Perform traffic control duties for co-workers, other City departments and contractors as assigned. Operate a variety of light equipment, trucks and hand and power tools; operate heavier vehicles and equipment under supervision. Manages the site operations, setup and removal of the City sponsored recycle events. Works with temporary employees on vegetation and debris removal. Assist with winter operations, including operating a small deicer unit and small flatbed sander; clean-up of sand and debris. Assist with other Maintenance Services Division activities as directed. Remain current with relevant technological advancements as it relates to field. Maintain regular, reliable, and punctual attendance, work evening and/or weekend hours as assigned, and travel as required. Standard Functions: Perform related duties as assigned. May be assigned to support critical city priorities during disasters or other emergencies. EDUCATION, EXPERIENCE, AND LICENSE REQUIREMENTS: Sufficient training and experience to demonstrate the knowledge and abilities listed in the classification. Valid driver's license. AGENDA ITEM #5. g) 1/11/2021 City of Renton - Class Specification Bulletin https://agency.governmentjobs.com/rentonwa/default.cfm?action=specbulletin&ClassSpecID=780135&headerfooter=0 2/2 Obtain flagging certificate, First Aid and CPR certification within first year in this classification. Successful passing of a required background check. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, AND ABILITIES REQUIREMENTS: Interpersonal skills using tact, patience, and courtesy. Effective, professional, and positive interactions with others. Understand and follow direction given. Meet schedules and deadlines. Recordkeeping and data entry skills. Decision-making and conflict-resolution skills. Detail-oriented and organization skills. Ability to: Work independently. Methods, materials, and tools used in solid waste removal work. Proper use of safety devices and equipment. Operate tools and equipment used in general maintenance work. Learn local topography and geography. Operate vehicles and equipment used in general infrastructure maintenance. Observe health and safety regulations. Observe legal and defensive driving practices. Knowledge of: Basic construction and maintenance procedures and practices. Basic health and safety practices. WORK ENVIRONMENT/PHYSICAL DEMANDS: The following represent the physical demands that must be met to successfully perform the essential functions of this job: Work is performed outdoors in all weather conditions, and involves moving throughout the community. Driving and field work required. Frequent communication with City employees and customers. Lift or move items weighing up to 100 pounds regularly. Lift heavy objects in awkward and confined spaces, using proper lifting and rigging techniques. Approved reasonable accommodation requests will be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions of the job. CLASSIFICATION DETAILS: Established Date: June 1995 Revised: August 2000, December 2016 Original Title: AGENDA ITEM #5. g) 1/11/2021 City of Renton - Class Specification Bulletin https://agency.governmentjobs.com/rentonwa/default.cfm?action=specbulletin&ClassSpecID=778824&headerfooter=0 1/3 Maintenance Services Worker I* Bargaining Unit: AFSCME - Local 2170 Class Code: 8171 CITY OF RENTON Established Date: Apr 1, 1994 Revision Date: Dec 1, 2016 SALARY RANGE $4,018.00 - $4,892.00 Monthly $48,216.00 - $58,704.00 Annually JOB DESCRIPTION: JOB SUMMARY: Perform a variety of manual duties in the construction, maintenance and repair of City streets, water distribution and surface water and wastewater facilities and systems. Complete tasks according to established policies and procedures and contribute through knowledge, skills, and good work habits. Work performed under immediate direction. This classification is part of a series as follows: Maintenance Services Worker I: Perform maintenance tasks at a basic level. May work with a crew or independently. Maintenance Services Worker II: Perform maintenance tasks at an intermediate level. Work independently, keeping supervisor apprised of project and workload status. Perform a variety of responsible duties in the construction, maintenance and repair of City street, water distribution and wastewater, and surfacewater facilities and systems. Oversee temporary staff as assigned. Maintenance Services Worker III: Perform maintenance tasks at an advanced level. Work independently, keeping supervisor apprised of project or workload status. Oversee entry-level and/or temporary staff as assigned. Perform specialized duties within one of the three maintenance services areas SUPERVISION: Reports To: Lead Maintenance Service Worker or Section Supervisor Supervises: None JOB DUTIES/RESPONSIBILITIES: Essential Functions: Perform a variety of unskilled, manual duties in the construction, maintenance and repair of City streets, water distribution and surfacewater and wastewater facilities and systems. Assist in the cleaning, maintenance and repair of surfacewater and wastewater water lines, streets and manholes; enter and work in underground manholes, chambers, vaults; assist in the maintenance and minor repair of surfacewater and wastewater lift stations. Assist in the flushing and removing debris from sewer and drain lines; remove old pipe and lay new pipe lines, mains, services and hydrants; clean storm drains; maintain and repair closed conduit drainage pipes and facilities. AGENDA ITEM #5. g) 1/11/2021 City of Renton - Class Specification Bulletin https://agency.governmentjobs.com/rentonwa/default.cfm?action=specbulletin&ClassSpecID=778824&headerfooter=0 2/3 Assist in excavating, placing bedding and laying pipe and components; assist in cutting, and threading and coating pipe; assist in leak detection and repair; clean and paint pipes, fittings, hydrants and related items. Dig and backfill excavations manually and using light equipment. Assist in building forms, mixing, pouring and finishing concrete; assist in street, pavement construction; repair, build, and paint guardrails. Operate a variety of light equipment, trucks and hand and power tools; operate heavier vehicles and equipment under supervision. Perform general grounds maintenance duties including mowing, edging, weeding, planting, pruning and spraying trees and shrubs. Apply specialized chemicals to control and eradicate weeds, insects and other pests. Assist in the excavation and rechanneling of ditches. Load and unload materials from trucks. Remove litter and debris from roadways. Read blueprints and shop sketches. Utilize Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) as required. Assist in the installation of water meters as assigned. Perform traffic control duties for co-workers, other City departments and contractors as assigned. Remain current with relevant technological advancements as it relates to field. Maintain regular, reliable, and punctual attendance, work evening and/or weekend hours as assigned, and travel as required. Standard Functions: Perform related duties as assigned. May be assigned to support critical city priorities during disasters or other emergencies. EDUCATION, EXPERIENCE, AND LICENSE REQUIREMENTS: Sufficient training and experience to demonstrate the knowledge, skills and abilities listed in this classification. Valid driver's license; The following certificates are required within one year of employment: Flagging certificate First aid and CPR certificates Confined Space/Competent Person Training NIMS 100 and 700 Successful passing of a required background check. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, AND ABILITIES REQUIREMENTS: Interpersonal skills using tact, patience, and courtesy. Understand and follow direction given. Ability to: Learn layout and operation and activities of street, water distribution and surfacewater and wastewater systems. Learn local topography and geography. Work cooperatively with others. Perform heavy physical labor. Observe legal and defensive driving practices. Knowledge of: Basic construction and maintenance procedures and practices. Basic health and safety practices. Basic computer hardware, software operations and applications. WORK ENVIRONMENT/PHYSICAL DEMANDS: The following represent the physical demands that must be met to successfully perform the essential functions of this job: Work is performed outdoors in all weather conditions, and involves moving throughout the community. Driving and field work required. AGENDA ITEM #5. g) 1/11/2021 City of Renton - Class Specification Bulletin https://agency.governmentjobs.com/rentonwa/default.cfm?action=specbulletin&ClassSpecID=778824&headerfooter=0 3/3 Regularly lift or move items weighing up to 100 pounds. Lift heavy objects in awkward and confined spaces, using proper lifting and rigging techniques. Bending, stretching, walking, and standing for extended periods. Exposure to hazardous materials and noise from equipment. Work is performed within the Right of Way, and regularly in high traffic conditions. Approved reasonable accommodation requests will be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions of the job. CLASSIFICATION DETAILS: AGENDA ITEM #5. g) AB - 2791 City Council Regular Meeting - 25 Jan 2021 SUBJECT/TITLE: Addendum No. 11-21 to LAG-001-87 with the Boeing Employees Flying Association, Inc. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee DEPARTMENT: Public Works Airport STAFF CONTACT: Manny Cruz, Airport Business Coordinator EXT.: 7478 FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARY: The annual revenue from the lease with the Boeing Employees Flying Association, Inc. Addendum No. 11-21 to LAG-001-87 will increase from $85,323.13 to $131,296.96. This is an increase to the Airport’s annual revenue of $45,973.83. SUMMARY OF ACTION: The city entered into lease agreement LAG-001-87 with the Boeing Employees Flying Association, Inc. (BEFA) January 1, 1987. Lease rental rates have been periodically reviewed and adjusted per the Consumer Price Index-Urban (CPI-U). Addendum No. 10-18 expired December 31, 2019. Procedures to establish a rate review and arbitration were delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Following this rate review and arbitration, the new rental rate was established and is outlined in Addendum No. 11-21 as attached. Addendum No. 11-21 is retroactive to January 1, 2020 and avoids a lapse in having a current rental agreement and rate in place. The Renton Airport and BEFA agreed to retroactively pay from January 1, 2020 a land rental rate of $1.13 per square foot per year on 112, 824 square feet of the premises for a total of $127,491.12. In addition, it was agreed that BEFA will pay a land rental rate for joint use of an access driveway of $0.565 per square foot per year on 6,736 square feet for a total of $3,805.84. This results in a total annual rental rate of $131,296.96 ($127,491.12 + $3,805.84) and a total monthly rental rate of $10,941.41 ($10,624.26 + $317.15, or $131,296.96/12), plus leasehold excise tax, through December 31, 2022. In addition, paragraph 23 of the lease with Boeing Employees Flying Association provides the lessee with an option to extend this lease for a further term of 10 years. BEFA timely exercised its option to renew the lease, and the city and BEFA agree they have met the requirement to extend the lease. Amendment No. 11-21 also provides for this extension to December 31, 2029. EXHIBITS: A. Addendum 11-21 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Addendum No. 11-21 to LAG-001-87 with the Boeing Employees Flying Association, Inc. increasing its land rental rate and extending the lease through December 31, 2029. AGENDA ITEM #5. h) LAG 001-87 Addendum 11-21 Lease Agreement LAG 001-87, Amend. No. 11-21 1 City of Renton to Boeing Employees Flying Association Inc. ADDENDUM TO LEASE AGREEMENT (City of Renton to Boeing Employees Flying Association Inc.) THIS ADDENDUM No. 11 to Lease Agreement LAG 001-87 is effective January 1, 2020. RECITALS: WHEREAS, Boeing Employees Flying Association Inc. (“BEFA” or “Lessee”) has a lease agreement with the City of Renton (“Lessor”), LAG-001-87, executed on January 1, 1987, and as subsequently amended and addended (the “Lease”); and WHEREAS, the initial term of the Lease terminated on December 31, 2019; and WHEREAS, Paragraph 23 of the Lease provides Lessee with an option to renew as follows: “OPTION TO RENEW: In the event that Lessee has fully and faithfully complied with all the terms and conditions of this lease Agreement, then in such event Lessor grants unto Lessee the right and option to renew or extend this Lease for a further term of ten (10) years. The rental for each three (3) year period (or partial period) shall be ascertained as set forth in paragraph 17. Notice of the exercise of such option shall be given by Lessee unto Lessor at least ninety days prior to the expiration of the original term of this Lease, which notice must be in writing; and it is expressly agreed by and between the parties hereto that time is of the essence in the giving of said notice;” and WHEREAS, Lessee timely exercised its option to renew, and Lessor and Lessee otherwise agreed that Lessee has met the Lease’s requirements to extend the Lease term for a further ten (10) years; and WHEREAS, the Airport is undergoing a Master Plan update which initially resulted in the Airport’s airport reference code increasing from B-II to D-III which carries additional design standards promulgated by the Federal Aviation Administration (“FAA”), including a wider Runway Object Free Area (“ROFA”) centered over the Airport’s runway. Lessee acknowledges that, if imposed, the newly wider ROFA would encroach into a portion of Lessee’s premises as shown on “Exhibit A to Add. 11-21” attached hereto, but Lessee has declined at this time to reduce its premises; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Addendum #10-18 of the Lease, the land rental rate was established through December 31, 2019; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Paragraph 17 of the Lease, the land rental rate shall be renegotiated for ensuing terms of three (3) years (unless otherwise agreed by the AGENDA ITEM #5. h) LAG 001-87 Addendum 11-21 Lease Agreement LAG 001-87, Amend. No. 11-21 2 City of Renton to Boeing Employees Flying Association Inc. parties), such that the renegotiated land rental rate shall commence on January 1, 2020 and continue through December 31, 2022; and WHEREAS, in accordance with procedures under the Lease for determining the new rent rate (which included arbitration), which procedures were delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the land rent rate for the Premises for the effective date of January 1, 2020 was determined to be $1.13 per square foot (with the joint use access driveway area rate thus $0.565 per square foot); and WHEREAS, since January 1, 2020, Lessee has been paying to Lessor $8,023.22 in monthly rent and leasehold excise tax; and WHEREAS, Lessor and Lessee agree that retroactive to January 1, 2020, and for the ensuing three (3) year period, the land rental rate of $1.13 per square foot per year for 112,824 square feet of the premises, together with the land rental rate of $0.565 per square foot per year for 6,736 square feet of the premises, will result in an annual rental amount of $131,296.96 ($127,491.12 + $3,805.84), and a monthly rental rate of ten thousand nine hundred forty-one dollars and forty-one cents ($10,941.41) (Calculation: $131,296.96/12), continuing until December 31, 2022; NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS HEREIN CONTAINED AND FOR OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, THE RECEIPT AND SUFFICIENCY OF WHICH IS HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGED, LESSOR AND LESSEE AGREE TO AMEND THE LEASE, LAG 001-87 AS AMENDED AND ADDENDED, AS SET FORTH BELOW: WITNESSETH: 1. The term of the Lease is hereby extended to terminate on December 31, 2029. 2. The Lessor and Lessee do hereby agree to annual land rent calculated as follows, beginning January 1, 2020: 112,824 square feet at $1.13 per square foot per year = $127,491.12; Plus, 6,736 square feet at $0.565 per square foot per year = $3,805.84; Total: $131,296.96 All subject to Leasehold Excise Tax. 3. The Lessor and Lessee do hereby agree to amend Paragraph 2 of LAG 001-87 to establish an annual land rent of $131,296.96 (and, thus, a monthly land rent of $10,941.41), PLUS leasehold excise tax, effective January 1, 2020 and continuing through December 31, 2022. AGENDA ITEM #5. h) LAG 001-87 Addendum 11-21 Lease Agreement LAG 001-87, Amend. No. 11-21 3 City of Renton to Boeing Employees Flying Association Inc. 4. Within 30 days of the date last signed below, Lessee shall pay to Lessor a lump sum equal to (1) the difference between (a) the amount due to Lessor since January 1, 2020 under this Lease amendment and (b) the amount that Lessee paid to Lessor since January 1, 2020 and (2) leasehold excise tax on the difference. 5. All other terms and conditions of the original Lease amendments and addenda thereto, insofar as they are not inconsistent herewith, shall remain in full force and effect. Boeing Employees Flying Association Inc., a Washington corporation ________________________ Printed Name: ___________________ Title: ___________________ Date: ___________________ CITY OF RENTON a Washington municipal corporation ________________________ Armondo Pavone Mayor Date: ___________________ Attest: ________________________ Jason Seth, City Clerk Approved as to form: ________________________ Shane Moloney, City Attorney AGENDA ITEM #5. h) LAG 001-87 Addendum 11-21 Lease Agreement LAG 001-87, Amend. No. 11-21 4 City of Renton to Boeing Employees Flying Association Inc. Exhibit A to Add. 11-21 [See next page.] AGENDA ITEM #5. h) LAG 001-87 Addendum 11-21 Lease Agreement LAG 001-87, Amend. No. 11-21 5 City of Renton to Boeing Employees Flying Association Inc. AGENDA ITEM #5. h) AB - 2795 City Council Regular Meeting - 25 Jan 2021 SUBJECT/TITLE: 2021-2022 ORCA Business Cards and Business Passport Products Agreement RECOMMENDED ACTION: Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee DEPARTMENT: Public Works Transportation Systems Division STAFF CONTACT: Dan Hasty, Transportation Planner EXT.: 7217 FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARY: A total of $130,000 was budgeted in 2021 for the Commute Trip R eduction (CTR) Program to purchase 298 ORCA passes for eligible city employees. This agreement allows for that purchase for a total cost of $69,362.48, significantly below last year’s cost because of COVID-19 pandemic related credits. The cost of the agreement will be charged to the Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) Transit account number 003.000000.016.595.92.43.005 in the Transportation Planning and Programming Operating Fund. The budget has sufficient funds to cover the cost of the agreement. SUMMARY OF ACTION: In order to reduce congestion and improve air quality, Washington state passed the Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) law in the early 1990s. Under the CTR law, the city is classified as a CTR affected employer. Historically, the city has entered into annual agreements with transit agencies to purchase public transit passes in bulk at a reduced rate. These passes are provided to each regular city employee as a fundamental piece of the city’s CTR Program. The ORCA Business Passport offers unlimited rides on S ound Transit, King County Metro Transit, Pierce Transit and others. It covers travel on buses, light rail and commuter rail. In addition, it features 100% subsidies for vanpool and vanshare participants of King County Metro, Community, Kitsap and Pierce transitvehicles,as well as a Guaranteed Ride Home Program (free emergency taxi service for employees). There are significant savings over buying transit passes through other means. The cost for the time period of March 1, 2021 to February 28, 2022 is $232.76 per eligible employee. This is a reduction of $154.36 per eligible employee from the contract period of March 1, 2020 to February 28, 2021, during which the city was charged $387.12 per eligible employee. The per employee reduction this year is the result of a fare-free environment credit issued because of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. EXHIBITS: A. Agreement STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the 2021-2022 ORCA Business Cards and Business Passports Agreement to purchase 298 ORCA passes for a total cost of $69,362.48. AGENDA ITEM #5. i) ORCA Passport Agreement City of Renton - BAID: 2480 March 1, 2021 - February 28, 2022 Page 1 of 23 Agreement for Purchase of ORCA Business Cards and ORCA Business Passport Products THIS AGREEMENT (hereinafter, “Agreement”) is made and entered into by and among City of Renton ("Business Account") and King County Metro ("Lead Agency") on behalf of the following agencies, individually referred to as the "Agency" and collectively as the "Agencies" in this Agreement. The Snohomish County Public Transportation Benefit Area (“Community Transit”) The City of Everett (“Everett Transit”) The King County Metro Transit Department (“King County Metro”) The Kitsap County Public Transportation Benefit Area (“Kitsap Transit”) Pierce County Public Transportation Benefit Area Corporation (“Pierce Transit”) The Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority (“Sound Transit”) The Washington State Department of Transportation, Ferries Division ("Washington State Ferries") IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual covenants contained herein, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: 1.0 PURPOSE 1.1 This Agreement establishes the terms under which certain fare payment-related services, referred to herein as "ORCA Services," will be provided to the Business Account, including but not limited to the prices and terms under which the Business Account may purchase and distribute ORCA Business Cards loaded with a Business Passport Product to its Eligible Business Cardholders. Such ORCA Business Cards may be used to access certain Transportation Services of the Agencies. The specific ridership privileges applicable to the Business Passport Product provided under this Agreement are specified in Attachment 1, Products, Pricing and Terms, which is incorporated in this Agreement by this reference, and are subject to Sections 6 and 17 below. 1.2 Attachment 1 also establishes the terms under which specific optional products and services (e.g. use of an ORCA Business Card on vanpool; a guaranteed ride home program), if any, shall be provided by one or more individual Agencies. 1.3 This Agreement also enables the Business Account to purchase Business Choice Products from the Agencies, via the Business Account Website, at the prices and terms in effect at the time of purchase. 1.4 The Business Account understands and agrees that this Agreement applies to its use of ORCA Services including, but not limited to, its purchase of ORCA Business Cards and ORCA Products. This Agreement does not constitute a contract for transportation services. The Agencies have no obligation to the Business Account or any other entity or person to provide any particular level, frequency or routing of transportation service. 2.0 TERM OF AGREEMENT AND CONTACT PERSONS 2.1 This Agreement shall take effect upon the effective date specified in Attachment 1. Unless terminated in accordance with Section 13, this Agreement shall expire on the last day of the Program Term specified in Attachment 1, or an Amended Attachment 1 that has been signed by a person authorized to bind the Business Account. 2.2 The Business Account shall designate a Primary Contact Person in Attachment 2, Designated Representatives, which is incorporated in this Agreement by this reference. This Primary Contact Person shall be DocuSign Envelope ID: C3B08A7F-2C22-4181-998B-FF710AC1CF33 AGENDA ITEM #5. i) ORCA Passport Agreement City of Renton - BAID: 2480 March 1, 2021 - February 28, 2022 Page 2 of 23 responsible for managing the Business Account's roles and responsibilities under this Agreement. A Secondary Contact Person shall also be designated in Attachment 2. The Lead Agency may communicate with and rely upon either the Primary or Secondary Contact Person on matters relating to this Agreement. 3.0 DEFINITIONS 3.1 Business Account. The employer, educational or human services institution, government agency or other entity that has entered into this Agreement enabling it to purchase ORCA Business Cards and ORCA Products for distribution to their employees, students, clients or other constituency. 3.2 Business Account Website. The website used by the Business Account to manage its account, currently at orcacard.biz. 3.3 Business Choice Products. The ORCA Products that may be purchased at retail prices to supplement the ORCA Business Passport Product for one or more Business Cardholders (e.g. a WSF monthly pass) 3.4 Business Cardholder(s) or Cardholder(s). The individual(s) who are eligible to receive an ORCA Business Card from the Business Account. The eligibility requirements for Business Cardholders are more fully defined in Attachment 3, Eligible Business Cardholders, which is incorporated in this Agreement by this reference. 3.5 Business Passport Product. The ORCA Product loaded on the Business Account's ORCA Business Cards under this Agreement that provides the Business Cardholders an unlimited right-to-ride the regularly scheduled Transportation Services of, or operated by, certain Agencies to the extent specified in Attachment 1. 3.6 Card Block. An ORCA system process that culminates in invalidating an ORCA Business Card. 3.7 Lead Agency. The Agency that entered into this Agreement on behalf of itself and the other Agencies and that is responsible for administration of this Agreement on behalf of the Agencies, including invoicing, contract modifications and renewals, and ORCA system support. 3.8 ORCA. The trademarked name of the system that enables use of a common fare card on the public transportation services provided by any of the Agencies. 3.9 ORCA Business Card (or “Business Card”). An ORCA fare card issued to a Business Account to enable the loading of ORCA Products for use by a Cardholder to whom it was distributed by the Business Account to access Transportation Services as specified in Attachment 1. 3.10 ORCA Products. Any transit fare payment mechanism or electronic voucher offered for sale within the ORCA system by any of the Agencies. Examples include, but are not limited to, monthly or period pass, E-purse, and electronic voucher. 3.11 ORCA Services. The materials and services that may be provided, from time to time, under the ORCA program, including but not limited to the ORCA Business Cards, ORCA Products, ORCA Websites, data, information, and any equipment, systems and services related to the ORCA program. 3.12 Parties. The Business Account and the Agencies (which include the Lead Agency) may be collectively referred to as "Parties." 3.13 Primary Contact Person. The individuals identified as the primary contact points for the Lead Agency and the Business Account, as listed in Attachment 2 or as modified from time to time. 3.14 Product Block. An ORCA system process that culminates in invalidating an ORCA Product without invalidating the card on which it is loaded. DocuSign Envelope ID: C3B08A7F-2C22-4181-998B-FF710AC1CF33 AGENDA ITEM #5. i) ORCA Passport Agreement City of Renton - BAID: 2480 March 1, 2021 - February 28, 2022 Page 3 of 23 3.15 Transportation Services. Those public transportation services provided by the Agencies that are specified in Attachment 1. 4.0 PRICES AND PAYMENT TERMS 4.1 The prices and payment terms applicable to this Agreement are specified in Attachment 1. Such terms shall include: (a) the amounts due for the Business Cards, Business Passport Product, and any other products, services and fees; (b) the timing of payments, and (c) the acceptable method of payment. Each order submitted by the Business Account for ORCA Business Cards and/or any ORCA Products will be subject to the provisions of this Agreement. 4.2 The Business Account's purchase of any Business Choice Products via the Business Account Website will be at the prices and terms in effect at the time of order. The Business Account is responsible for reviewing the prices in effect before submitting each order and shall be deemed to have agreed to the then-applicable prices by submitting the order. 4.3 Payment in full is due as specified in Attachment 1. 4.4 If for any reason payment in full is not received by the date due, if a payment is not honored due to non-sufficient funds (NSF) or if for any reason a payment is negated or reversed, the Lead Agency will notify the Business Account of the payment problem and, if full and clear payment is not received within ten (10) calendar days of such notification, the Lead Agency may: 4.4.1 refuse to process new orders for ORCA Business Cards and block the loading of new ORCA Products by or for the Business Account; 4.4.2 assess any late payment, NSF and collection fees to the maximum amount permitted by law; 4.4.3 initiate a Card Block or Product Block on the Business Cards issued to the Business Account, rendering them ineffective for use by the Cardholders, until such time as the Business Account pays the full amount due, including any late payment, NSF and fees, in a manner acceptable to the Lead Agency; and 4.4.4 suspend or terminate access rights to the Business Account's secured area of the website. 4.5 In addition to any other obligations it may have under this Agreement and at law, the Business Account agrees to pay to the Lead Agency any reasonable collection fees incurred in collecting amounts due from the Business Account. 5.0 PURCHASE, OWNERSHIP, DISTRIBUTION AND REPLACEMENT OF ORCA BUSINESS CARDS 5.1 Ordering ORCA Business Cards. The Business Account shall order ORCA Business Cards via the ORCA Business Accounts Website, in accordance with the directions provided on that website, and shall make payment as provided in Attachment 1,. If additional cards are required, the Business Account may be required to pay the standard card fee and other applicable fees as specified in Attachment 1. 5.2 Receipt and Ownership of ORCA Business Cards. Upon actual or constructive receipt of the ORCA Business Cards it has ordered, the Business Account shall become the owner of the ORCA Business Cards. The Business Account shall be deemed to have constructively received all ordered ORCA Business Cards unless it notifies the Lead Agency of any non-delivery or incorrect delivery within thirty (30) days after the order was placed. If the Business Account notifies the Lead Agency that it has not received the ordered cards, the Lead Agency will ship a replacement order. If the Business Account subsequently receives the cards reported as missing, the Business Account is responsible for returning them to the Lead Agency. DocuSign Envelope ID: C3B08A7F-2C22-4181-998B-FF710AC1CF33 AGENDA ITEM #5. i) ORCA Passport Agreement City of Renton - BAID: 2480 March 1, 2021 - February 28, 2022 Page 4 of 23 5.3 Storage and Risk of Loss. The Business Account is responsible for the storage, distribution and use of the ORCA Business Cards issued to it. The Business Account bears the sole risk of any loss, damage, theft or unauthorized use of one of its cards, whether such card is held in its inventory or has been distributed for use. The Business Account is responsible for the cost of any use of its Business Cards until the effective date of a Card Block that may be initiated as provided below. 5.4 Distance Based Transit Fare. The Business Account is responsible for communicating to Cardholders that “distance based fares” are charged on some systems such as: Link light rail, and Sounder commuter rail systems. On distance based fare modes, when the Cardholder “taps on,” the ORCA system will record the trip to the last stop on the line. When the Cardholder “taps off” at the end of the ride, ORCA will record the actual ride. The Business Account then will be charged the correct fare for the actual ride taken. If the Cardholder fails to “tap off”, then ORCA will record a ride to the end of the line. The result of not “tapping off” is that the Business Account will be charged the largest fare for the ride even if a shorter ride was taken. 5.5 Distribution of ORCA Business Cards. The Business Account is responsible for distributing its Business Cards for use by its Eligible Business Cardholders. The Business Account remains the owner of all Business Cards it distributes but a cardholder may also purchase and load individual ORCA products on a Business Card and individually register the card. To enable Cardholders to register Business Cards as provided in Section 6 below, the Business Account may not register, or allow anyone other than the Cardholder to register, the Business Cards that are issued under this Agreement. The Business Account shall require that the Cardholder, as a condition of receiving a Business Card, is informed of the Cardholder Rules of Use, incorporated in this Agreement as Attachment 4 ORCA Business Cardholder Rules of Use, through your business’ standard means of communicating policies. The Business Account understands and agrees that it is solely responsible for implementation and enforcement of the Cardholder Rules of Use. 5.6 Proof of payment. The Business Account is responsible for notifying Cardholders that proof of payment must be made by tapping the ORCA Card on the card reader in the manner required by each Agency; otherwise, the Cardholder may be subject to a fine if the ORCA Card is not tapped, and the Cardholder will be personally responsible for any fines that may be imposed. 5.7 Business Account Access to Personally Identifying Information. If an individual Cardholder opts to register one of the Business Cards issued to the Business Account, any personally identifying information provided to the ORCA System (e.g. name, address, telephone number, and credit card number) will not be accessible by the Business Account. If the Business Account collects any personally identifying information about individuals to whom it has distributed Business Cards, the Business Account is solely responsible for its collection, use, storage and disclosure of such information. 5.8 Card Blocks. In the event a Business Card is determined to be lost or stolen or if a Cardholder is determined by the Business Account to be no longer eligible to use the card, the Business Account may initiate a Card Block via the Business Account Website to invalidate the subject Business Card. The Lead Agency may also initiate a Card Block or a Product Block as to any of the Business Account’s Business Cards at the request of the Business Account, or at the sole discretion of the Lead Agency in accordance with Section 4.4, or if it is suspected that a card has been altered, duplicated, counterfeited, stolen or used by an ineligible Cardholder. Once initiated, a Card Block must be processed in the ORCA system and downloaded to all reader devices throughout the region. Until that occurs, there is the potential that the Business Passport Product and any E-purse value or other ORCA Products on the subject card will continue to be used. The Business Account, not the Agencies, remains responsible for all transactions, and any loss or costs arising there from, for forty-eight (48) hours after the Card Block was initiated. 5.9 Restoration of Value After Card Block. Following a Card Block, the Business Account may request the Lead Agency to restore value on a replacement of the blocked Business Card. An E-purse on a blocked card will be restored DocuSign Envelope ID: C3B08A7F-2C22-4181-998B-FF710AC1CF33 AGENDA ITEM #5. i) ORCA Passport Agreement City of Renton - BAID: 2480 March 1, 2021 - February 28, 2022 Page 5 of 23 on the replacement card in approximately ten (10) calendar days after the replacement card is issued. The E-purse amount that remained on the lost or stolen card, forty-eight (48) hours after the Card Block was initiated in the ORCA system, will be restored to the replacement card via a remote revalue function. An E-purse on a blocked card will be restored on the replacement card on the eighth day after the card has been issued. The card must then be tapped to activate the E-purse value. 5.10 Card Replacement. The Business Account is responsible for ordering and paying for any new cards needed to replace Business Cards that for any reason cease to be available or suitable for use by the Cardholders under the program of the Business Account, including but not limited to, if the unavailability or unsuitability is caused by damage, abuse, loss, theft, Card Block, and end of useful life. Provided, however, and notwithstanding the exclusion of warranties in Section 14, if a Business Card malfunctions within twelve (12) months after it was delivered to the Business Account, it shall be replaced by the Lead Agency without additional charge to the Business Account if the malfunction was caused by a defect in design, material or workmanship and was not caused by misuse, an intentional act, negligence or damage, reasonable wear and tear excepted. The Business Account understands and agrees that to avoid the disruption and inconvenience caused by sporadic failures as its cards are used, it must plan for replacement of its Business Cards on a regular basis. As a condition of continuing under the Business Passport program, the Business Account agrees that: (a) it will retire all of its ORCA Business Cards at sometime within four years after they are issued by the Lead Agency to the Business Account; and (b) purchase replacement Business Cards at the then-applicable rate. 6.0 CARDHOLDER USE OF ORCA BUSINESS CARDS Cardholder Privileges. The Business Account understands and agrees that, although it remains the owner of ORCA Business Cards after distribution, the Cardholder has the following privileges in connection with the use of an ORCA Business Card. 6.1 The Cardholder may present an ORCA Business Card, loaded with a valid, applicable Business Passport or Business Choice Product, to an ORCA fare transaction processor as proof of payment of all or a portion of a required fare on a regular transportation service operated by one or more of the Agencies. (Provided, however, an ORCA Product that is not sufficient to fully pay a fare will not be accepted as partial payment by the Washington State Ferries.) In all cases, a Cardholder will be required to make other payment to the extent a fare is not covered by an ORCA Product. 6.2 The Cardholder may individually purchase ORCA Products and load them on the Business Card in addition to any ORCA Product loaded by the Business Account. Individual ORCA Products may be used to pay all or a portion of a required fare on a transportation service not covered by a Business Passport Product or Business Choice Product. (Provided, however, an ORCA Product that is not sufficient to fully pay a fare will not be accepted as partial payment by the Washington State Ferries.) In all cases, a Cardholder will be required to make other payment to the extent a fare is not covered by an ORCA Product. 6.3 The Cardholder may register his/her name and other contact information with the ORCA System and link such personal information to the serial number of the Business Card provided to him/her. Such registration does not give the Cardholder any ownership rights in the card but does give the Cardholder the right to access the ORCA Cardholder Website to view the card's transaction history and current stored value, to modify travel zone preferences, and to add retail products. 6.4 The Cardholder’s personally identifying information is generally exempt from disclosure under the Washington Public Records Act (Chapter 42.56 RCW) as more specifically outlined in RCW 42.56.330(5). 7.0 NO RETURNS OR REFUNDS Except as otherwise provided herein or in Section 13.2, the Business Account understands and agrees that its purchases of Business Cards, and Business Passport Products and Business Choice Products purchased for such DocuSign Envelope ID: C3B08A7F-2C22-4181-998B-FF710AC1CF33 AGENDA ITEM #5. i) ORCA Passport Agreement City of Renton - BAID: 2480 March 1, 2021 - February 28, 2022 Page 6 of 23 cards, are final and it is not entitled to any refunds. Provided, however, the Business Account may request a refund of the E-purse value remaining on a Business Card if the card is surrendered by the Business Account to the Lead Agency. Upon surrender of the subject Business Card, the Lead Agency shall initiate a Card Block and the refund processed approximately ten (10) calendar days after the Card Block was initiated. The E-purse amount refunded will be that which remained on the surrendered card forty-eight (48) hours after the Card Block was initiated in the ORCA system. A processing fee of ten dollars ($10) may be payable by the Business Account to the Lead Agency for each refund that is processed, regardless of E-purse value or number of cards refunded. The Business Account, not the Lead Agency, is responsible for the refunding of such E-purse value, if any, to the individual Cardholder to whom the Business Card had been distributed. 8.0 BUSINESS ACCOUNT WEBSITE 8.1 The Business Account Website is the primary means by which the Business Account shall purchase ORCA Business Cards, Business Passport and Business Choice Products, manage its Business Cards and obtain information about the use of said cards. As a condition of participation in the Business Passport program, the Business Account agrees that it will use the Business Account Website when it is available and that each access and use of said website shall be subject to the Terms of Use and Privacy Statement that are in effect and posted on the Business Account Website at the time of such access and use. 8.2 The Business Account understands and agrees that uninterrupted access to and use of the Business Account Website is not guaranteed and agrees that it will contact its representative at the Lead Agency by email or telephone if the website is not available. 8.3 At the time the Business Account enters into the ORCA program, the Lead Agency will provide a single password to the Business Account's Primary Contact, as specified in Attachment 2, to enable user access to the Business Account's secured area of the Business Account Website. The Business Account is required to change the temporary password to one of its own creation. The Business Account shall be solely responsible for the number and identity of those employees with whom the Business Account's password is shared. The Business Account is also solely responsible for complying with the security standards specified in Attachment 5, ORCA Business Account Security Standards, which is incorporated in this Agreement by this reference. 9.0 INFORMATION PROVIDED BY THE AGENCIES AND THE ORCA SYSTEM 9.1 The Business Account understands and agrees that the data, reports or any information provided to it via the Business Account Website or otherwise, is and remains the sole property of the Agencies and nothing shall be construed as a transfer or grant of any copyright or other property interest in such data, reports or information. The Agencies hereby grant to the Business Account a non-exclusive license to use any data, reports or information provided by the Agencies, via the Business Account Website or otherwise, for any lawful purpose related to the administration of the transportation benefits program of the Business Account. 9.2 The ORCA System will record data each time an ORCA Business Card is presented to an ORCA device for fare payment and to load a product. Such transaction data includes, but is not limited to, the date, time, and location (or route) of the transaction. The Business Account may routinely access such transaction data related to its Business Cards to the extent provided via the Business Account Website. Said website and its reports do not provide the Business Account Business Card transaction data linked to card serial numbers. For the purpose of preventing fraud, the Primary Contact Person of the Business Account may submit a written request to the Lead Agency for transaction data related to a specific card number or for a card number linked to a specific transaction. Fraud is defined as intentional deception or misrepresentation by a person with knowledge that it will result in an unauthorized benefit to him, her, or some other person. The submittal is not intended to be used to request data for multiple cards or all cards managed by the Business Account. The written request shall include the following: DocuSign Envelope ID: C3B08A7F-2C22-4181-998B-FF710AC1CF33 AGENDA ITEM #5. i) ORCA Passport Agreement City of Renton - BAID: 2480 March 1, 2021 - February 28, 2022 Page 7 of 23 9.2.1 Card number or the date, time and other known details about the specific transaction for which a card serial number is being requested; 9.2.2 Detailed statement as to why the information is germane to the prevention of fraud; and 9.2.3 The signature of the Primary Contact Person. If the Lead Agency determines that the subject transaction(s) is linked to a Business Card issued to the Business Account, the Lead Agency will provide the Business Account with the card serial number linked to the requested transaction(s). The Business Account agrees that it will use such card serial number information only for purposes of enforcing the Rules of Use, as provided to the Cardholder. The Business Account must maintain its own records if it wishes to identify the card serial number issued to an individual. 10.0 PUBLIC RECORDS The Business Account understands and agrees that all records related to its participation in the ORCA System are public records under the Washington Public Records Act (Chapter 42.56 RCW) ("Act"), including but not limited to: (a) this Agreement and the sales activity hereunder; (b) the orders, communications, and any other information provided by the Business Account to the Lead Agency, the other Agencies or the ORCA System, whether provided via this website or otherwise and whether provided in hard copy or electronic form; (c) any communications, responses, requests, reports or information of any kind provided to the Business Account from the Lead Agency, the other Agencies or the ORCA System; and (d) all data, reports and information of any kind related to the loading of products on, and the use of, the Business Cards issued to the Business Account. As public records, these records will be made available for public inspection and copying upon request, unless the Lead Agency determines they are exempt from disclosure. 11.0 INDIVIDUAL USE OF BUSINESS CARD AFTER LEAVING A BUSINESS ACCOUNT The Business Account is encouraged to collect Business Cards from Cardholders who are no longer eligible for the Business Account's transportation benefits program. In any case, the Business Account is solely responsible for initiating a Card Block or Product Block in accordance with this Agreement to prevent any continued use of, and financial liability for, a card that had been distributed to a person who is no longer eligible. 12.0 ORCA SERVICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE The Agencies seek to continually improve and enhance the ORCA Services. With thousands of employers, schools, and other entities entering into business account agreements at varying dates in the year, the Agencies are unable to guarantee to each business account that the ORCA Services will not change during the term of its agreement. The Business Account understands and agrees that one or more ORCA Services may be changed, suspended or terminated from time to time without prior notice to, or agreement by, the Business Account, including but not limited to changes in the look, feel, content and functions of the Business Account Website. If the Business Account is dissatisfied with a change in the ORCA Services, however, it may terminate this Agreement for its convenience in accordance with the provisions of Section 13.2. 13.0 TERMINATION 13.1 The Lead Agency may at any time terminate this Agreement if the Business Account fails to make timely and effective payment of all amounts due, or otherwise materially breaches the Agreement, or acts in manner indicating that it intends to not comply, or is unable to comply, with the Agreement. To effect such a termination for cause, the Lead Agency shall send email notice to the last known email address for the last known primary contact person of the Business Account describing the manner in which the Business Account is in default and the effective date of termination. If the basis for termination is a failure to perform that can be cured, the termination shall not take effect so long as the Business Account cures the default within ten (10) calendar days of the sending of the email notice. Upon the effective date of such termination, the Lead Agency may immediately terminate the website access privileges of the DocuSign Envelope ID: C3B08A7F-2C22-4181-998B-FF710AC1CF33 AGENDA ITEM #5. i) ORCA Passport Agreement City of Renton - BAID: 2480 March 1, 2021 - February 28, 2022 Page 8 of 23 Business Account, block the Business Cards issued to the Business Account and decline to accept and fulfill any pending or new orders from the Business Account. In the event of such a termination for cause, the Business Account shall not be entitled to any refund of any amounts paid. 13.2 Either the Business Account or the Lead Agency may terminate the Agreement without cause and for its own convenience by sending the other party written or email notice at least thirty (30) days in advance of the effective date of the termination. Upon receipt of a notice of termination for convenience from the Business Account, the Lead Agency may, in its sole discretion, waive the advance notice period and immediately terminate the website access privileges of the Business Account, initiate a Card Block on the Business Cards issued to the Business Account, and decline to accept and fulfill any pending or new orders from the Business Account. In the event of such a termination for convenience and not cause, the amounts due under this Agreement shall be calculated by the Lead Agency. (The amounts due for the ORCA Passport Product and any optional products listed in Attachment 1 shall be the annual amounts due prorated for the number of months during which the Passport Product and optional products were valid for at least one day.) If the Business Account has not paid in full all of the amounts due under this Agreement as of the termination date, the Business Account shall immediately pay the remaining amount due. If the Business Account has paid more than all of the amounts due under this Agreement as of the termination date, the Business Account shall be entitled to a refund of the excess it has paid. 13.3 Notwithstanding any termination of the Agreement, the Business Account shall remain liable to satisfy and comply with all of its obligations under this Agreement and at law with regard to, or arising out of, any orders submitted or any of its acts or omissions occurring prior to the effective date of the termination, including but not limited to paying all amounts due or incurred prior to the effective date of the termination and any fees, charges, collection costs or other costs arising from a failure to make timely and effective payment. 14.0 EXCLUSION OF WARRANTIES 14.1 ALL ORCA SERVICES PROVIDED ARE PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" AND "AS AVAILABLE” BASIS. ANY USE OF THE ORCA SERVICES IS AT THE BUSINESS ACCOUNT'S SOLE DISCRETION AND RISK. 14.2 BY WAY OF EXAMPLE, AND NOT LIMITATION, THE LEAD AGENCY AND EACH OF THE OTHER AGENCIES SPECIFICALLY DO NOT REPRESENT AND WARRANT THAT: A. THE BUSINESS ACCOUNT'S USE OF THE ORCA SERVICES WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED, TIMELY, FREE FROM ERROR AND OTHERWISE MEETING ITS REQUIREMENTS; B. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED BY THE BUSINESS ACCOUNT AS A RESULT OF USING THE ORCA SERVICES WILL BE ACCURATE AND RELIABLE; AND C. ANY USE OF THE ORCA WEBSITES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE CONTENT OR MATERIAL DOWNLOADED FROM SAID WEBSITES, WILL BE FREE OF DEFECTS, VIRUSES, MALWARE, HACKS OR POTENTIALLY HARMFUL INTRUSIONS. 14.3 TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, THE LEAD AGENCY AND EACH OF THE OTHER AGENCIES DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE; ANY WARRANTIES OF QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT; AND ANY WARRANTIES CREATED BY TRADE USAGE, COURSE OF DEALING, OR COURSE OF PERFORMANCE. 14.4 NO ADVICE OR INFORMATION, WHETHER ORAL OR WRITTEN, OBTAINED FROM THE AGENCIES OR THE ORCA SYSTEM SHALL REVISE OR CREATE ANY WARRANTY. 15.0 NOTICES DocuSign Envelope ID: C3B08A7F-2C22-4181-998B-FF710AC1CF33 AGENDA ITEM #5. i) ORCA Passport Agreement City of Renton - BAID: 2480 March 1, 2021 - February 28, 2022 Page 9 of 23 15.1 Any notice required to be given under the terms of this Agreement shall be directed either by email or regular mail to the Parties’ Designated Representatives, as specified in Attachment 2, or to the last person and address provided by a Party in accordance with Section 15.2. 15.2 Each Party shall immediately notify the other Parties of any changes to its Designated Representatives' contact information. The Business Account shall also immediately notify the Lead Agency of any changes in any other information provided in its application. 16.0 FORCE MAJEURE The Agencies and each of them shall be relieved of any obligations under this Agreement to the extent they are rendered unable to perform, or comply with such obligations as a direct or indirect result of a force majeure event, or any other circumstance not within such party’s control, including, but not limited to, acts of nature, acts of civil or military authorities, terrorism, fire or water damage, accidents, labor disputes or actions, shutdowns for purpose of emergency repairs, or industrial, civil or public disturbances. 17.0 APPLICATION OF AGENCY FARES AND OTHER POLICIES The purchase, distribution and use of Business Cards and ORCA Products by the Business Account and its Cardholders, and access to and use of the ORCA websites, shall be subject to all applicable federal, state and local law, regulations, ordinances, codes and policies, including but not limited to the ORCA Terms of Use and Privacy Statement (posted on the ORCA websites and available in printed form upon request to the Lead Agency), and the Agencies' respective fares, transfer rules, codes of conduct and other operating policies and procedures. 18.0 PROHIBITED DISCRIMINATION The Business Account shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, nationality, creed, marital status, sexual orientation, age, or presence of any sensory, mental, or physical handicap in the administration of its transportation benefits program, the provision of ORCA Business Cards and ORCA Products, or the performance of any acts under this Agreement. The Business Account shall comply fully with all applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances, executive orders and regulations which prohibit such discrimination. 19.0 COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAW The Business Account shall be solely responsible for compliance with all applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations, resolutions and ordinances, including, but not limited to, any provisions relating to the Business Account's provision of compensation, benefits or services to employees or others (e.g. including, but not limited to, transportation fringe benefits) and any reporting, tax withholding, or other obligations related thereto. The Business Account expressly acknowledges and agrees that it has not relied on any representations or statements by the Agencies and will not rely on them to provide any legal, accounting, tax or other advice with regard to the Business Account's provision of compensation, benefits or services to employees or others (e.g. including, but not limited to, transportation fringe benefits) and any reporting, withholding or other obligations related thereto. 20.0 LEGAL RELATIONS 20.1 No Partnership, Agency or Employment Relationship Formed. The Business Account and the Agencies are independent parties and nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as creating any joint venture, partnership, agency or employment relationship between and among them or their respective employees. Without limiting the foregoing, the Business Account understands and agrees that none of its employees or agents shall be deemed employees or agent, for any purpose, of any of the Agencies and the Business Account is solely responsible for the acts of its agents and employees and their compensation, wages, withholdings and benefits. 20.2 LIMITATION ON LIABILITY DocuSign Envelope ID: C3B08A7F-2C22-4181-998B-FF710AC1CF33 AGENDA ITEM #5. i) ORCA Passport Agreement City of Renton - BAID: 2480 March 1, 2021 - February 28, 2022 Page 10 of 23 A. THE LEAD AGENCY AND EACH OF THE OTHER AGENCIES SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR, AND THE BUSINESS ACCOUNT HOLDS EACH AGENCY HARMLESS FROM, ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO: 1. ANY RELIANCE PLACED BY THE BUSINESS ACCOUNT ON THE COMPLETENESS, ACCURACY OR EXISTENCE OF ANY INFORMATION PROVIDED TO THE BUSINESS ACCOUNT BY OR THROUGH THE ORCA SERVICES; 2. ANY CHANGES TO THE ORCA SERVICES OR THE TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT CESSATION OF ANY SUCH SERVICES (OR FEATURES WITHIN A SERVICE); 3. THE DELETION OF, CORRUPTION OF, OR FAILURE TO STORE, ANY INFORMATION MADE AVAILABLE TO THE BUSINESS ACCOUNT, OR GENERATED BY THE USE OF THE ORCA SERVICES UNDER THIS AGREEMENT INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE USE OF THE ORCA BUSINESS CARDS ISSUED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT; 4. THE BUSINESS ACCOUNT'S FAILURE TO PROVIDE THE LEAD AGENCY WITH ACCURATE ACCOUNT INFORMATION; AND 5. THE BUSINESS ACCOUNT’S FAILURE TO KEEP INFORMATION SECURE AND CONFIDENTIAL. B. THE LEAD AGENCY AND EACH OF THE OTHER AGENCIES SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR, AND THE BUSINESS ACCOUNT HOLDS EACH AGENCY HARMLESS FROM, ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES INCURRED BY THE BUSINESS ACCOUNT UNDER ANY THEORY OF LIAIBILITY, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF USE, LOSS OF TIME, LOSS OF PROFITS, LOSS OF PRIVACY, LOSS OF DATA, LOSS OF GOODWILL OR BUSINESS REPUTATION, WHEN SUCH DAMAGES ARISE OUT OF, OR ARE RELATED TO, THIS AGREEMENT OR THE ORCA SERVICES, WHETHER OR NOT ONE OR MORE AGENCIES HAS BEEN ADVISED OF, OR SHOULD HAVE BEEN AWARE OF, THE POSSIBILITY OF ANY SUCH DAMAGES ARISING. C TO THE EXTENT ONE OR MORE OF THE AGENCIES INCURS ANY LIABILITY FOR A BREACH OF THIS AGREEMENT, OR ANY DUTY RELATED TO THE ORCA SERVICES, AND SUCH LIABILITY THAT IS NOT EXCLUDED UNDER THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, THE EXCLUSIVE, AGGREGATE REMEDY AGAINST THE LEAD AGENCY AND EACH OTHER AGENCY WILL BE, AT THE OPTION OF THE APPLICABLE AGENCIES: (A) THE CORRECTION, SUBSTITUTION OR REPLACEMENT OF ALL OR PART OF THE ORCA SERVICES GIVING RISE TO THE BREACH, OR (B) A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID BY THE BUSINESS ACCOUNT FOR THE ORCA SERVICE CAUSING THE DAMAGE, THE AMOUNT OF WHICH WILL NOT EXCEED THE DAMAGES (OTHER THAN THOSE EXCLUDED ABOVE) ACTUALLY INCURRED BY THE BUSINESS ACCOUNT IN REASONABLE RELIANCE. THE DAMAGE EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS ON LIABILITY IN THE AGREEMENT SHALL APPLY EVEN IF ANY REMEDY FAILS FOR ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE. 20.3 No Waiver. The Business Account agrees that if the Lead Agency does not exercise or enforce any legal right or remedy which is contained in the Agreement or under applicable law, this will not be taken to be deemed to be a waiver or modification of the Lead Agency’s rights and remedies, and that those rights or remedies will still be available to the Lead Agency. 20.4 Governing Law and Forum. This Agreement and all provisions hereof shall be interpreted and enforced in accordance with, and governed by, the applicable law of the State of Washington and of the United States of America without regard to its conflict of laws provisions. The exclusive jurisdiction and venue for conducting any legal actions DocuSign Envelope ID: C3B08A7F-2C22-4181-998B-FF710AC1CF33 AGENDA ITEM #5. i) ORCA Passport Agreement City of Renton - BAID: 2480 March 1, 2021 - February 28, 2022 Page 11 of 23 arising under this Agreement shall reside in either the Federal District Court or the State of Washington Superior Court, as applicable, that is located in the county in which the Lead Agency's primary administrative office is located. The Business Account hereby consents to personal jurisdiction and venue in said courts and waives any right which it might have to conduct legal actions involving the Agencies in other forums. 20.5 Attorneys' Fees and Costs. In the event of litigation between the parties related to this Agreement, the Court is authorized to award the substantially prevailing party its costs, fees and expenses including reasonable attorney fees to the extent authorized by the Court and permitted by applicable law. 20.6 Survival. Sections 4, 5, 9, 14 and 20 shall survive and remain effective notwithstanding any termination of this Agreement. 20.7 Use of ORCA name and logos. The Business Account understands and agrees that the "ORCA" name and logos are trademarked and that it will not copy or use them and any other trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names, and other distinctive features or intellectual property of the Agencies without written permission. The Agencies understand and agree the Business Account name and logo may be trademarked and that it will not copy or use them and any other trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names, and other distinctive features or intellectual property of the Business Account without written permission. 21.0 SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS This Agreement and all terms, provisions, conditions and covenants hereof shall be binding upon the parties hereto, and their respective successors and assigns; provided, however, no Party may assign or delegate the duties performed under this Agreement without the written agreement by the Lead Agency, the Business Account and the assignee. 22.0 ENTIRE AGREEMENT AND WRITTEN AMENDMENTS This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Business Account and the Lead Agency, on behalf of all Agencies, related to the Business Account's use of and access to ORCA Services (but excluding any services which Lead Agency may provide under a separate written agreement), and completely replaces and supersedes any prior oral or written representations or agreements in relation to fare media consignment and sales or to ORCA Services. No oral agreements or modifications will be binding on the parties and any changes shall be effective only upon a written amendment being signed by the parties. 23.0 SEVERABILITY In the event any provision of this Agreement is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable or invalid, then the meaning of that provision shall be construed, to the extent feasible, to render the provision enforceable, and if no feasible interpretation would save such provision, it shall be severed from the remainder of the Agreement which shall remain in full force and effect unless the provisions that are invalid and unenforceable substantially impair the value of the entire Agreement to any party. 24.0 AUTHORITY TO EXECUTE Each party to this Agreement represents and warrants that: (i) it has the legal power and authority to execute and perform this Agreement and to grant the rights and assume its obligations herein; and (ii) the person(s) executing this Agreement below on the party’s behalf is/are duly authorized to do so, and that the signatures of such person(s) is/are legally sufficient to bind the party hereunder. 25.0 COUNTERPARTS This Agreement may be executed in two (2) counterparts, each one of which shall be regarded for all purposes as one original. DocuSign Envelope ID: C3B08A7F-2C22-4181-998B-FF710AC1CF33 AGENDA ITEM #5. i) ORCA Passport Agreement City of Renton - BAID: 2480 March 1, 2021 - February 28, 2022 Page 12 of 23 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto, by their duly authorized representatives, have executed this Agreement as of the Effective Date. BUSINESS CCOUNTA City of Renton LEAD GENCYA BY:\s1\BY:\s2\ Armondo Pavone Mayor Ina Percival Transit Supv - Service Dev DATE:\d1\DATE:\d2\ DocuSign Envelope ID: C3B08A7F-2C22-4181-998B-FF710AC1CF33 1/5/2021 1/6/2021 AGENDA ITEM #5. i) ORCA Passport Agreement City of Renton - BAID: 2480 March 1, 2021 - February 28, 2022 Page 13 of 23 Attachment 1 PRODUCTS, PRICING AND TERMS – BUSINESS PASSPORT FLAT RATE Business Account: City of Renton Business Account Federal Tax ID #: 91-6001271 ORCA Business ID#: 2480 Agreement Type: Renewal Contract Program Term:March 01, 2021 - February 28, 2022 Business Passport Flat Rate Products Valid for full fare and unlimited rides on: Bus: Community Transit, Everett Transit, King County Metro, Kitsap Transit, Pierce Transit and Sound Transit Ferry: King County Water Taxi and Kitsap Local Ferries and Fast Ferries Monorail Rail: Sound Transit Link light rail and Sound Transit Sounder (including Rail Plus partnership with Amtrak Cascades) Seattle Streetcar Access Transportation: Service on King County Metro and Kitsap Transit Vanpool: 100% fare subsidy on Community Transit, King County Metro, Kitsap Transit, and Pierce Transit vanpool vans Vanshare: 100% subsidy on Community Transit, King County Metro, Kitsap Transit and Pierce Transit vanshare vans Guaranteed Ride Home: Up to eight rides home per employee. (For details, see Attachment 6 Emergency Guaranteed Ride Home, or call: 425-450-4555) Passport Zone and Worksite Location Employees Annual Rate per Employee Cost King County Suburbs 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 298 $232.76 $69,362.48 Total 298 $69,362.48 Emergency Guaranteed Ride Home Emergency guaranteed ride home service provides up to eight rides per employee. See Attachment 6. Vanpool and Vanshare Service The vanpool/vanshare subsidy dollar amounts specified above are based on the estimated usage by Eligible Employees of each included Agency’s vanpool/vanshare services. If the vanpool/vanshare dollar amount specified above is less than the amount due for actual usage by Eligible Employees for any of the included Agency's vanpool/vanshare services under this Agreement, the provider Agency may invoice the Business Account for the additional use. If the Business Account enters into a successor agreement to this Agreement, the difference between the specified amount above and the actual amount due each included Agency under this Agreement will be calculated. An overpayment under this Agreement will be subtracted from the amount specified in the successor agreement. A deficit under this Agreement will be added to the amount specified in the successor agreement, if the provider Agency did not submit a supplemental invoice. If this Agreement is terminated or expires without the Business Account entering into a successor agreement, the difference between the specified amount above and the actual amount due each included Agency under this Agreement will be calculated. An overpayment under this Agreement will DocuSign Envelope ID: C3B08A7F-2C22-4181-998B-FF710AC1CF33 AGENDA ITEM #5. i) ORCA Passport Agreement City of Renton - BAID: 2480 March 1, 2021 - February 28, 2022 Page 14 of 23 be credited against any amount still due from the Business Account, or reimbursed by the provider Agency if none is still due. A deficit under this Agreement shall become immediately due and payable by the Business Account to the provider Agency. DocuSign Envelope ID: C3B08A7F-2C22-4181-998B-FF710AC1CF33 AGENDA ITEM #5. i) ORCA Passport Agreement City of Renton - BAID: 2480 March 1, 2021 - February 28, 2022 Page 15 of 23 Business Passport Flat Rate Payment Terms Net 60 days from start of program term Payment due per the above terms. Invoice will be sent by King County Finance. Additional Information Additional Card Orders During the agreement term additional cards can be ordered at the standard card fee only. Amount of Eligible Employee contribution (Note: employees may contribute up to 50% of the Annual Rate per Employee) 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 =$0 Business Choice Products Choice Products purchased by the Business Account will be prepaid by check or credit card, at prevailing retail rates. DocuSign Envelope ID: C3B08A7F-2C22-4181-998B-FF710AC1CF33 AGENDA ITEM #5. i) ORCA Passport Agreement City of Renton - BAID: 2480 March 1, 2021 - February 28, 2022 Page 16 of 23 Attachment 2 DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVES BUSINESS ACCOUNT - Primary LEAD AGENCY - Primary Name John Dan Hasty Jeanne Suleiman Title Transportation Planner Project/Program Manager II Business Name City of Renton Address 1055 S Grady Way Renton City Hall-5th Flr 201 S Jackson St, KSC-TR-0326 Renton, WA 98057 Seattle, WA 98104 Telephone (425) 430-7217 (206) 263-3381 E-Mail jhasty@rentonwa.gov jsuleiman@kingcounty.gov BUSINESS ACCOUNT - Secondary LEAD AGENCY - Technical Support Name Armondo Pavone Lead Agency Representative Title Mayor Business Name City of Renton Address 1055 S Grady Way Renton City Hall-5th Flr 201 S Jackson St, KSC-TR-0326 Renton, WA 98057 Seattle, WA 98104 Telephone (425) 430-6500 (206) 477-3700 E-Mail apavone@rentonwa.gov business.leadagent@kingcounty.gov BILLING INFORMATION Name John Dan Hasty Title Transportation Planner Business Name City of Renton Address 1055 S Grady Way Renton City Hall-5th Flr Renton, WA 98057 Telephone (425) 430-7217 E-Mail jhasty@rentonwa.gov DocuSign Envelope ID: C3B08A7F-2C22-4181-998B-FF710AC1CF33 AGENDA ITEM #5. i) ORCA Passport Agreement City of Renton - BAID: 2480 March 1, 2021 - February 28, 2022 Page 17 of 23 Attachment 3 ELIGIBLE BUSINESS CARDHOLDERS Definition and Number of Eligible Participants Definition of Eligible Participants All benefit-eligible employees: 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 Number of Eligible Participants 298 DocuSign Envelope ID: C3B08A7F-2C22-4181-998B-FF710AC1CF33 AGENDA ITEM #5. i) ORCA Passport Agreement City of Renton - BAID: 2480 March 1, 2021 - February 28, 2022 Page 18 of 23 Attachment 4 ORCA BUSINESS CARDHOLDER RULES OF USE As a Business Account Cardholder, I agree to the following: 1. I understand that the ORCA Business Card is owned by the employer that provided it to me and it has been provided to me for my personal use only. I agree that I will not sell or transfer my assigned ORCA Card to another person. If I violate these terms of use, my ORCA Card may be blocked from further use. 2. I will keep my assigned ORCA Business Card secure and in good condition, and I will immediately report a lost, stolen, or damaged ORCA Business Card to my company’s Transportation Coordinator. I understand an ORCA Business Card will be replaced at the fee charged by my company. 3. I will return my assigned ORCA Business Card upon request or when I leave my employment or otherwise do not meet the eligibility requirements of my company. If I do not return my ORCA Business Card, I understand that it may be blocked for further use. 4. I understand that my ORCA Business Card is valid for the following provided by the listed transportation Agencies. a. 100% of fares on regularly scheduled transportation service on Community Transit, Everett Transit, King County Metro, King County Water Taxi, Kitsap Transit and Kitsap Ferries, Monorail, Pierce Transit, Sound Transit, and Seattle Streetcar. b. 100% of vanpool and vanshare fares on vanpool services provided by Community Transit, Kitsap Transit, Metro Transit, and Pierce Transit. 5. I understand and will comply with policies of my employer or other institution that provided my ORCA Business Card. 6. I understand that the ORCA Business Card is not valid for fare payment on transportation services not specified in Section 4 and I am responsible for paying any additional fares required for services not covered, or not fully covered, by my assigned ORCA Business Card. 7. I understand that any additional ORCA Products I load onto my assigned ORCA Card will become the property of the company that owns my ORCA Business Card and the refund, if any, of such products will be made by the company according to its refund policy. 8. I understand in the event any ORCA Products I load onto my assigned ORCA Card must be replaced, I am responsible for any fares required during the replacement period. 9. I understand the ORCA system will record data each time I use my assigned ORCA Business Card. Data will include the date, time and location of the card when it is presented. I understand this data is owned by the transit Agencies and is accessible to the company that owns my ORCA Business Card. 10. I understand that the ORCA Card must be “tapped” on a card reader to show proof of fare payment or issuance of a valid fare. Merely showing the ORCA Card on a bus, train, ferry or light rail vehicle does not constitute proof of fare payment or issuance of a valid fare. I will be subject to a fine if the ORCA Card is not "tapped," and I understand I will be personally responsible for any fines that may be imposed. 11. I understand that for the correct fare to be recorded, I must “tap” off on a card reader when exiting some transit systems. For example, I must "tap" off when exiting from a Sounder train or Link light rail. DocuSign Envelope ID: C3B08A7F-2C22-4181-998B-FF710AC1CF33 AGENDA ITEM #5. i) ORCA Passport Agreement City of Renton - BAID: 2480 March 1, 2021 - February 28, 2022 Page 19 of 23 I acknowledge the receipt of my ORCA Business Card, and understand and agree to the terms stated above on using the ORCA Business Card. ___________________________/_________ Employee's Signature / Date ___________________________/_________ Employee's Printed Name / Date Transportation Coordinator Use Only – ORCA Card returned: ___________________________/_________ Employee's Signature / Date __________________ ORCA Card Serial# DocuSign Envelope ID: C3B08A7F-2C22-4181-998B-FF710AC1CF33 AGENDA ITEM #5. i) ORCA Passport Agreement City of Renton - BAID: 2480 March 1, 2021 - February 28, 2022 Page 20 of 23 Attachment 5 ORCA BUSINESS ACCOUNT SECURITY STANDARDS 1.0 Application Security 1.1 At the time the Business Account enters into the ORCA program, the Lead Agency will provide a single Business Account user id and temporary password to the Business Account's Primary Contact (as specified in Attachment 2, Designated Representatives, to enable access to the Business Account's area of the Business Account Website. 1.2 The Business Account shall immediately change the temporary password to a strong password that meets the following criteria: a. Length - At least eight (8) characters in length or the maximum length permitted by the ORCA system, whichever is shorter. b. Elements - Contains one each of at least three (3) of the following four (4) elements: 1. English upper case letters (A, B, C...) 2. English lower case letters (a, b, c...) 3. Westernized Arabic numbers: 0, 1, 2...9 4. Special characters: (@, #, %...) 1.3 The Business Account shall restrict access to the ORCA Business Account Website by providing its user id and password to only the employee(s) who have a business "need to know" and who are authorized by the Business Account as "system user(s)". 1.4 Access to the ORCA Business Account Website is restricted to the purpose of authorized administrative support for the ORCA Business Account program 1.5 The Business Account's password shall be changed at least quarterly but also immediately upon (a) a system user leaving the Business Account's employment or otherwise losing his/her status as an authorized user; and (b) the Business Account learning that the password has been obtained by unauthorized persons or entities. 1.6 The Business Account’s Primary Contact will review security policies and guidelines with system users at least quarterly. 2.0 Physical Security 2.1 The Business Account shall require system users, when not at their workstations, to log off the Business Account Website, or lock their screen using a password protected screen-saver in order to prevent unauthorized access. 2.2 ORCA card stock shall be kept in a secure/locked location with access limited to those administering the program. 2.3 The Business Account shall require its employees to keep printed reports containing account information in a secure location. 3.0 Incident Management 3.1 The Business Account shall report any security incident or suspected incident immediately to the Lead Agency. Examples of possible security incidents would be: introduction of computer viruses, unauthorized transactions or blocked cards, or lost or stolen card stock. DocuSign Envelope ID: C3B08A7F-2C22-4181-998B-FF710AC1CF33 AGENDA ITEM #5. i) ORCA Passport Agreement City of Renton - BAID: 2480 March 1, 2021 - February 28, 2022 Page 21 of 23 Attachment 6 HOME FREE GUARANTEE PROGRAM Home Free Guarantee (hereinafter, “HFG”) is a King County program that guarantees payment for taxi fares incurred by Eligible Employees who meet the eligible criteria, as set forth below, and taken in accordance with the terms set forth below. HFG is the emergency guaranteed ride home service mentioned in Attachment 1 of the ORCA Business Passport Agreement. 1.0 DEFINITIONS 1.1 Approved Commute Modes Eligible Employees must have commuted from their principal residence, transit center, or park & ride lot to the Business Account’s worksite by one of the following modes: bus, train, carpool, vanpool, walk-on or bicycle-on ferry, bicycle, or walk. 1.2 Eligible Reasons For Using HFG The following are eligible reasons for using HFG: a. Eligible Employee’s or family member’s unexpected illness or emergency. b. Unexpected schedule change such that the normal commute mode is not available for the return commute to the starting place of their commute. Unexpected means the employee learns of the schedule change that day. c. Missing the employee’s normal return commute to the starting place of their commute for reasons, other than weather or acts of nature which are beyond the employee’s control, and of which they had no prior knowledge. For example, the employee’s carpool driver left work or worked late unexpectedly. 1.3 Non-Eligible Reasons For Using HFG Reasons which are not eligible for HFG use include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Pre-scheduled medical or other appointments. b. To transport individuals who have incurred injury or illness related to their occupation. An HFG ride should NEVER be used where an ambulance is appropriate, nor should an HFG ride replace Business Account’s legal responsibility under workers’ compensation laws and regulations. c. Employee termination or reductions in force. d. Other situations where, in the opinion of the Business Account’s Program Coordinator, alternate transportation could have been arranged ahead of time. 1.4 Eligible Destinations For An HFG Ride a. From the Business Account’s worksite to the Eligible Employee’s principal place of residence. b. From the Business Account's worksite to the Eligible Employee’s personal vehicle, e.g. vehicle located at a transit center or park & ride lot. c. From the Business Account's worksite to the Eligible Employee’s usual commute ferry terminal on the east side of Puget Sound. 1.5 Intermediate Stops Intermediate stops are permitted only if they are of an emergency nature and are requested in advance by the Eligible Employee and are authorized in advance of the HFG ride by the Business Account’s Program Coordinator (i.e. pick up a necessary prescription at a pharmacy; pick up a sick child at school). 2.0 BUSINESS ACCOUNT RESPONSIBILITIES 2.1 HFG Program Payment DocuSign Envelope ID: C3B08A7F-2C22-4181-998B-FF710AC1CF33 AGENDA ITEM #5. i) ORCA Passport Agreement City of Renton - BAID: 2480 March 1, 2021 - February 28, 2022 Page 22 of 23 Business Account’s payment for HFG services is accounted for in the base price of the ORCA Business Passport Agreement, as indicated in Attachment 1. 2.2 Program Coordinator Business Account shall designate as many Program Coordinators as necessary to administer and perform the necessary HFG program tasks as set forth in this Attachment. 2.3 Number Of HFG Rides Per Eligible Employee Business Account shall ensure that each Eligible Employee does not exceed eight (8) HFG rides per twelve (12) month period. 2.4 Access to Service Business Account shall make information about how to access HFG rides available to all Eligible Employees. 3.0 HFG PROGRAM TASKS 3.1 Process To access HFG rides, Eligible Employees shall contact the Program Coordinator. The Program Coordinator shall call directly an answering service provider, contracted for by King County. The phone number is 425-450-4555. Program Coordinator shall screen and obtain the following information from the Eligible Employee, and provide the information to the answering service provider as part of arranging the taxi ride for the Eligible Employee. a. Verify the Eligible Employee has commuted to the worksite by an eligible mode. b. Verify the Eligible Employee has an eligible reason and eligible destination for an HFG ride. 3.2 Reporting a. Once an Eligible Employee takes the emergency taxi ride, obtain from the Eligible Employee a completed receipt of the taxi trip. b. Business Account’s Program Coordinator shall forward copies of such receipts to King County at the end of each month for record keeping and accounting purposes. 4.0 KING COUNTY RESPONSIBILITIES 4.1 Participating Taxi Business Account(s) Business Account agrees that neither King County nor answering service provider is responsible for providing transportation services under the HFG program. Business Account further agrees that King County makes no guarantee or warranty as to the availability, quality or reliability of taxi service, and that King County’s sole obligation under the program is to make payment of the taxi provider for trips actually taken in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Business Account agrees it shall make no claims of any kind or bring any suits of any kind against King County for damages or injuries of any kind arising out of or in any way related to the HFG program. Without limiting the foregoing and by way of example only, the Business Account agrees that King County shall not be liable for any injuries or damages caused by negligence or intentional acts occurring before, during or after a taxi ride or for any injuries or damages caused by failure of a taxi to provide a ride due to negligence, intentional acts or causes beyond the taxi’s control, including but not limited to incidence of fire, flood, snow, earthquake or other acts of nature, riots, insurrection, accident, order of any court or civil authority, and strikes or other labor actions. 4.2 Payment Of Authorized HFG Taxi Fares King County shall pay the metered fare amount of a Business Account’s Program Coordinator-authorized HFG ride, as defined in the DEFINITIONS section above, for a one-way distance of up to sixty (60) miles. Business Account or Eligible Employee taking the DocuSign Envelope ID: C3B08A7F-2C22-4181-998B-FF710AC1CF33 AGENDA ITEM #5. i) ORCA Passport Agreement City of Renton - BAID: 2480 March 1, 2021 - February 28, 2022 Page 23 of 23 HFG ride shall pay any fare for a one-way distance in excess of sixty (60) miles. King County shall not pay any taxi driver gratuity. Taxi driver gratuity will be at the sole discretion of Business Account or the Eligible Employee taking the HFG ride. 4.3 Reporting King County shall keep a complete record of all authorized HFG ride requests and provide a copy of this record to Business Account's designated Contact Person if requested. 4.4 Program Abuse King County reserves the right to investigate and recover costs from the Business Account of intentional abuse of the HFG program by Eligible Employees. Program abuse is defined as, but not limited to, taking more than the maximum eight rides per agreement period, taking trips for inappropriate reasons, unauthorized destinations and intermediate stops, and pre-scheduled appointments not defined in the DEFINITIONS section above. DocuSign Envelope ID: C3B08A7F-2C22-4181-998B-FF710AC1CF33 AGENDA ITEM #5. i) AB - 2787 City Council Regular Meeting - 25 Jan 2021 SUBJECT/TITLE: Temporary Road Closures for the Williams Avenue South and Wells Avenue South Conversion Project (TIP No. 28) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee DEPARTMENT: Public Works Transportation Systems Division STAFF CONTACT: Bob Hanson, Transportation Design Manager EXT.: 7223 FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARY: There are no fiscal impacts. SUMMARY OF ACTION: The Public Works Department is seeking authorization for a series of temporary phased road closures to facilitate the construction of the Williams Avenue South and Wells Avenue South Conversion Project (TIP No. 28). The proposed closures are summarized below: South 2nd Street – Phase 1 – South Halves: Williams Avenue South and Wells Avenue South will be closed at the south side of South 2nd Street for construction of the south half of the raised concrete intersections, while South 2nd Street will remain open with one westbound lane. South 2nd Street – Phase 2 – North Halves: Williams Avenue South and Wells Avenue South will be closed at the north side of South 2nd Street for construction of the north half of the raised concrete intersections, while Sout h 2nd Street will remain open with one westbound lane. South 3rd Street and Williams Avenue South Intersection: The intersection of Williams Avenue South at South 3rd Street will be closed to vehicles in all directions for construction of the raised concrete intersection. South 3rd Street and Wells Avenue South Intersection: The intersection of Wells Avenue South at South 3rd Street will be closed to vehicles in all directions for construction of the raised concrete intersection. Duration: Each of these closures is scheduled to last 7 days, however Council approval for a closure of 14 days is requested in the event of a weather delay, or other unforeseen issues. These closures will occur between February 15 and April 16, 2021. The order in which the closures will occur has not yet been determined by the contractor, but the closures will occur one at a time with no overlap. EXHIBITS: AGENDA ITEM #5. j) A. Issue Paper with Maps B. Outreach Summary C. Resolution STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the Public Works Department to conduct temporary road closures for the Williams Avenue South and Wells Avenue South Conversion Project as summarized above, and adopt a Resolution authorizing these closures to accommodate construction required for the project. AGENDA ITEM #5. j) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE:January 11, 2021 TO:Randy Corman, Council President Members of Renton City Council VIA:Armondo Pavone, Mayor FROM:Martin Pastucha, Public Works Administrator STAFF CONTACT:Bob Hanson, P.E., Transportation Design Manager, ext. 7223 SUBJECT:Temporary Road Closures for the Williams Avenue South and Wells Avenue South Conversion Project (TIP No. 28) ISSUE: Should Council authorize a series of temporary road closures for the Williams Avenue South and Wells Avenue South Conversion Project (TIP No. 28) as follows and adopt a Resolution authorizing these closures to accommodate construction required for the project? South 2nd Street – Phase 1 – South Halves: Williams Avenue South and Wells Avenue South will be closed at the south side of South 2nd Street for construction of the south half of the raised concrete intersections. South 2nd Street – Phase 2 – North Halves: Williams Avenue South and Wells Avenue South will be closed at the north side of South 2nd Street for construction of the north half of the raised concrete intersections. South 3rd Street and Williams Avenue South Intersection: The intersection of Williams Avenue South at South 3rd Street will be closed to vehicles in all directions for construction of the raised concrete intersection. South 3rd Street and Wells Avenue South Intersection: The intersection of Wells Avenue South at South 3rd Street will be closed to vehicles in all directions for construction of the raised concrete intersection. Duration: Each of these closures is scheduled to last 7 days, however Council approval for a closure of 14 days is requested in the event of a weather delay, or other unforeseen issues. These closures may occur within the period between February 15 and April 16, 2021, for the purpose of constructing the intersection improvements. AGENDA ITEM #5. j) Randy Corman, Council President Members of the Renton City Council Page 2 of 10 January 11, 2021 RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the Public Works Department to conduct temporary road closures for the Williams Avenue South and Wells Avenue South Conversion Project as summarized above, and adopt a Resolution authorizing these closures to accommodate construction required for the project. BACKGROUND: The Williams Avenue South and Wells Avenue South Conversion Project will convert these two roadways from one-way to two-way operation between South Grady Way and North 1st Street with new signing and channelization. The project will also reconstruct the four intersections of Williams Avenue South, Wells Avenue South, South 2nd Street and South 3rd Street, including new traffic signals, pedestrian lighting, raised concrete intersections, street furnishings and landscaping. Additionally, the four roadway blocks between these intersections will receive new asphalt pavement overlays. Due to the narrowness of these roadways, it is not possible to form and construct the raised concrete intersections while maintaining all current traffic movements. Since South 2nd Street is wider than South 3rd Street, the South 2nd Street intersections can be formed and poured in two steps. This is not possible at South 3rd Street where the entire intersection will be formed and poured in one step. The Williams Avenue South and Wells Avenue South Conversion Project also required replacement of the BNSF railroad crossing signal equipment, in order to face both directions. This work was completed in November 2020 by BNSF under a construction and maintenance agreement with the city. In order to accomplish this work, BNSF determined that the railroad tracks needed to be removed. This necessitated the complete closure of the Wells Avenue South and Williams Avenue South intersections at Houser Way South and the BNSF railroad tracks for a period of almost three weeks. PUBLIC OUTREACH: Public Outreach Pre-Construction / Design The Williams Avenue South and Wells Avenue South Conversion Project is partially funded by a Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) grant. Federal funding requires a National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) review and approval. The NEPA process requirements include public outreach. The NEPA public outreach requirement was fulfilled during the project design process. The first project public open house was conducted September 4, 2018 at the Pavilion Events Center during which city and consultant staff were on-hand to present the project and answer questions. The purpose of this open house was to introduce the project concept to the public, and to solicit input on the design of the project. The open AGENDA ITEM #5. j) Randy Corman, Council President Members of the Renton City Council Page 3 of 10 January 11, 2021 house was attended by approximately 75 people. Most of the people in attendance supported the project because of the conversion to two-way streets and the improvements to the image of downtown. Those in opposition of the project were concerned that Williams Avenue South and Wells Avenue South were too narrow for two-way traffic and on-street parking, and that two-way streets would increase traffic or make traffic more confusing. The project team felt all concerns could be addressed during the project design process. The second project public open house was conducted January 30, 2019 at the downtown Renton Library. The purpose of this open house was to share with the public the construction staging approach, and to solicit input regarding potential construction impacts. Again, most of the people supported the project and upgrades to downtown. The primary concern was that the project should not be carried into the North Renton neighborhood without more public involvement. No businesses provided input regarding the construction impacts. For both of these open houses, mailers were sent to all of downtown Renton. Project staff also walked door-to-door along Wells Avenue South and Williams Avenue South between Grady Way South and North 1st Street (project limits) to hand out flyers. Public Outreach During Construction Construction began on the Williams Avenue South and Wells Avenue South Conversion Project in April 2020. As part of the construction management contract executed for construction oversight of this project, a public involvement firm was hired to assist the city with public involvement and information dissemination during construction. This firm is EnviroIssues, Inc. EnviroIssues has assisted city staff on all outreach efforts during construction. When construction initially started in April 2020, the project team called 196 downtown businesses, mailed a notification postcard to 840 community members and hosted a virtual webinar on May 7, in lieu of an in-person open house. This webinar was hosted by the city’s project manager Utility Systems Director. On an ongoing basis, the project sends weekly construction updates to the project listserv (approximately 360 community members), updates the project website and flyers, sends targeted emails and manages a project hotline. The project has posted a window display and posters downtown. Every other week, the project hosts a virtual drop-in open office hour, during which anyone can sign up and participate in discussion regarding the project. Outreach Specific to Proposed Intersection Closures To better understand the individualized impact of intersection closures and sidewalk work, the project team held a targeted campaign to speak to and coordinate with AGENDA ITEM #5. j) Randy Corman, Council President Members of the Renton City Council Page 4 of 10 January 11, 2021 businesses most impacted by the proposed closures. Over the past 6 months, the project has informed and consulted downtown businesses about the proposed intersection closures. This outreach has included the following: Hosted a virtual webinar on July 28 to review the proposed closure, detours, timing and overall project impacts. The webinar was attended by approximately 10 businesses. The webinar was also recorded and posted to the project website. The July 28 webinar was advertised through the weekly project listserv and with directed e-mails. Hosted virtual one-on-one business briefings in August for 13 businesses that signed up. Businesses were invited to sign-up for the virtual one-on-one briefings through directed e-mails to approximately 160 downtown core businesses. Phone calls to around 22 business fronting the sidewalk and intersection work who may be more impacted to offer individual briefings. Followed-up on emails with 7 businesses fronting the sidewalk and intersection work who said they would prefer to discuss the impacts over email. Invited businesses to the bi-weekly virtual office hours. Posted updates on the city’s social media accounts. Presented at the Renton Downtown Partnership meeting on August 18. Supplemented the translation block in our outreach materials with targeted in- language outreach, including utilizing translation services to brief one business. Questions to Businesses The following questions were specifically asked of businesses: 1. Do you have any questions or comments about construction so far? 2. How can the project help minimize the impact to your business during the intersection work and detours? 3. Are there any regular delivery times we should be aware of? Do you receive any deliveries from trucks that are larger than the Amazon or FedEx delivery trucks? 4. For businesses whose access may be impacted by the sidewalk work: How do you, your employees, and customers access the building? Do you have multiple doors, and what are your hours of operation? Community Comments from Proposed Intersection Closure Outreach The following themes emerged during the targeted campaign about the proposed intersection closures: Appreciation for the project’s planned improvements to downtown. Questions and feedback generally focused more on the current construction impacts, including pedestrian access, dust, etc. AGENDA ITEM #5. j) Randy Corman, Council President Members of the Renton City Council Page 5 of 10 January 11, 2021 Concern about parking during current construction and proposed intersection closures. Interest in the proposed delivery coordination during intersection closures and questions about deliveries after the conversion to two-way traffic. Greater interest in the impacts from the sidewalk work than the proposed intersection closures since the sidewalk work may impact access to businesses’ front door(s) while pedestrian access will be maintained during the intersection work. Requests from businesses were to increase clarity and public perception that businesses are open during current construction and upcoming intersection closures. Planned Outreach After Council Approval If Council approves the closure plan and schedule, the project team will expand outreach efforts to make sure the general public, in addition to the downtown core businesses are informed about the intersection closures and impacts. This expanded outreach strategy will include: A mailer to the project area (around 840 community members). Targeted intersection closure notification outreach for each of the four intersection closures, to include in-person distribution of flyers (maps and detour details), hosting office hours specific to the closures, targeted e-mails and/or phone calls to businesses on the impacted streets, and social media posts. Develop standard detour language to post on websites and social media and offer customized access maps for businesses with details for navigating downtown during the closures. Encourage use of the downtown garage for parking. Continued support of business visibility through “businesses open” signage. Continue outreach through weekly Listserve e-mails, website updates and project mailers. Offer targeted briefings to North and South Renton neighborhood associations, Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Partnership and other community groups. Host a community webinar previewing the intersection closures, impacts, and how to access downtown businesses. Support targeted closure notifications before each of the four closures. Launch and maintain a central downtown construction webpage, with links to various projects downtown. Distribute downtown construction business hot-line cards. AGENDA ITEM #5. j) Randy Corman, Council President Members of the Renton City Council Page 6 of 10 January 11, 2021 Project Responsiveness: The outreach efforts over the entire duration of the project, from design to current day construction, has provided feedback that the project has been able to actively respond to. This has included: Signage provided by both the project team and the Department of Community and Economic Development emphasizing businesses which are open. Additional project dust control. Revised traffic control to enable more on-street parking. Provisions for turn arounds, which functioned well during the Houser Way South BNSF project closure period. Additional loading zones, including city provided signage as part of the emergency zoning ordinance. Additional signage to the downtown parking garage. Increased availability to project staff, virtually during the COVID pandemic. Compilation of business operation details specific to Individual businesses, such as hours and days of operations, access for employees and customers, loading zones and types of delivery vehicles, for use during construction scheduling and sequencing. Detours: Detours with minimal diversion have been developed for all previously described roadway closures. Certain roadways will be converted to two-way operation and turnarounds will be created such that businesses can be accessed. Truck operations will be flagged by the contractor and scheduled in advance with businesses. Detailed detour routing is shown in the attached maps. These maps were also shown at the second public open house January 30, 2019. cc: Kelly Beymer, Community Services Department Administrator Chip Vincent, Department of Community and Economic Development Administrator Jon Schuldt, Interim Chief of Police Roy Gunsolus, Interim Renton Regional Fire Authority Chief Jim Seitz, Transportation Systems Director Keith Woolley, Civil Engineer III Josef Harnden, Administrative Secretary I AGENDA ITEM #5. j) Randy Corman, Council President Members of the Renton City Council Page 7 of 10 January 11, 2021 AGENDA ITEM #5. j) Randy Corman, Council President Members of the Renton City Council Page 8 of 10 January 11, 2021 AGENDA ITEM #5. j) Randy Corman, Council President Members of the Renton City Council Page 9 of 10 January 11, 2021 AGENDA ITEM #5. j) Randy Corman, Council President Members of the Renton City Council Page 10 of 10 January 11, 2021 AGENDA ITEM #5. j) Wells-Williams Conversion Project Outreach Summary Page 1 of 1 Appendix: Outreach Materials AGENDA ITEM #5. j) 1 Marielle Larson From:wellswilliams <wellswilliams@Rentonwa.gov> Sent:Friday, August 7, 2020 2:12 PM To:wellswilliams Subject:Wells-Williams Conversion Project: Preparing for intersection rebuilds later this year Attachments:2020_0722_CityRenton_WellWilliams_IntersectionMap_vF.pdf; 2020_0722 _WellsWilliams_IntersectionDetours_FactSheet_vF.pdf Hi neighbor, The City of Renton is making progress on construction for the Wells Ave S and Williams Ave S Conversion Project. We’re excited about what our more welcoming downtown will look like when the project is completed – with both Wells Ave S and Williams Ave S converted to two-way traffic, and improved connectivity and access in downtown to make it a more vibrant and livable area. But we also know that construction is difficult on our downtown business community, so we wanted to give you a preview of the work to rebuild four intersections later this year to help you know what to expect. You can explore the final intersection design and proposed detours in the attachment. Obtenga más información acerca del Proyecto de transformación en Wells-Williams y sobre los desvíos y cierres de intersecciones propuestos. Tìm hiểu thêm về Dự án Chuyển đổi đường Wells-Williams và đề nghị đóng ngã tư và xử dụng đường khác. 了解更多有關Wells-Williams轉換工程以及提議的十字路口關閉及繞道事宜。 Schedule a briefing Since your business is close to the upcoming sidewalk and intersection work, we want to connect with you to answer questions and discuss specific impacts at your location. Please reserve a time for a virtual meeting with a member of our project team. Reserve your spot by July 29! To reduce the spread of COVID-19 we are generally connecting virtually, but please let us know if you would prefer a conversation by phone or in-person. Join us for an online Q&A on July 28 Log onto a virtual presentation and opportunity to ask the project team questions about the upcoming intersection closures and detours. Can’t make the meeting? Don’t worry. We’ll also record and post the presentation online. When: Tuesday, July 28, 2020 3-5 p.m. Where: Join Zoom Meeting ID: 898 2892 1491 Password: 425206 One tap mobile +12532158782,,89828921491#,,,,0#,,425206# US (Tacoma) Add to your calendar Upcoming intersection closures and detours The project will reconstruct four key intersections on Williams Ave S and Wells Ave S at both S 2nd St and S 3rd St.  This work is planned to occur via full and partial intersection closures with construction detours .  There will be other work at the intersections, like the demolition and replacement of sidewalks and curb ramps, that the contractor will complete while the intersections remain open. AGENDA ITEM #5. j) 2 We will review our proposed detour plan with City Council in a few weeks for approval, so the timing and final details are subject to change. The proposed detours are:  S 2nd St: Two sets of half-intersection closures at Wells Ave S and Williams Ave S, simultaneously. Crews plan to close half the intersection at a time, then flip the closure to rebuild the other half of the intersection. Each half- intersection closure would last about 1 week starting around mid-November.*  S 3rd St and Williams Ave S: Full intersection closure for about 1 week starting around mid-January.*  S 3rd St and Wells Ave S: Full intersection closure for about 1 week starting around late January.* Please see the attached detour maps for more information. *Note: We intend to complete each intersection closure within approximately 1 week. However, for the most flexibility in case of unexpected weather or work delays, we will be seeking City Council approval for 2-week closures. Upcoming sidewalk work Before the work to rebuild each intersection, crews will replace the sidewalks surrounding the intersection. During the sidewalk work you can expect:  Noise and dust from construction.  The intersections will remain open to people driving.  Access for people walking to your business will likely be temporarily impacted.  Crews will maintain access for people walking at three of the four corners of the intersection. Help us prepare for this work by letting us know your access needs for people walking, biking, driving and making deliveries. Please review the attached materials closely and contact us if you have any questions or concerns at 425-363-8734 or wellswilliams@rentonwa.gov. We’d love to hear from you. We will do our best to keep you informed about this project as we move forward. To help us do that, make sure you sign up for our weekly email updates, and we invite you to fill out our downtown construction business survey. Thank you, we look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, The Wells-Williams Conversion Project Team wellswilliams@rentonwa.gov 425-363-1007 AGENDA ITEM #5. j) PROPOSED DETOURS Visit www.rentonwa.gov/ww Call 425-363-1007 Email wellswilliams@rentonwa.gov 如果您需要此信息翻譯成中文 請電郵 wellswilliams@rentonwa.gov. Si necesita traducir esta información al español, correo electrónico wellswilliams@rentonwa.gov. Nếu quý vị cần thông tin này chuyển ngữ sang tiếng Việt xin gửi đến hòm thư điện tử wellswilliams@rentonwa.gov. Questions about construction? Upcoming intersection work The Wells-Williams Conversion Project is in construction in downtown Renton to convert Wells Ave S and Williams Ave S to two-way traffic. This project improves connectivity and access in downtown to make it a more vibrant and livable area. There will be intersection closures and detours later this year. The project will reconstruct four key intersections: on Williams Ave S and Wells Ave S at both S 2nd St and S 3rd St. This work is planned to occur via full and half intersection closures with detours for people driving. Access for people walking will be maintained. We intend to complete each intersection closure within approximately 1 week. However, for the most flexibility in case of unexpected weather or work delays, we will be seeking City Council approval for 2-week closures. Wells Ave S and Williams Ave S Conversion Project Last updated: Summer 2020 Details may change We want to give downtown businesses a preview of the work to rebuild 4 intersections so you know what to expect, but the timing and final details for the proposed detours may change. We will do our best to keep you informed and encourage you to sign-up for email updates at rentonwa.gov/ww. AGENDA ITEM #5. j) Wells Ave S and Williams Ave S Conversion Project S 2nd St – Phase 1 Work details Crews will work to rebuild the Wells Ave S and Williams Ave S intersections on S 2nd St at the same time via two phases of half-intersection closures. Expected duration: ~1 week per half (~2 weeks total) starting around mid-November 2020. Traffic details: Crews will maintain a single lane of traffic westbound through the intersections, with detours for north- and southbound traffic, respectively (see maps). AGENDA ITEM #5. j) Wells Ave S and Williams Ave S Conversion Project S 2nd St – Phase 2 AGENDA ITEM #5. j) Wells Ave S and Williams Ave S Conversion Project Work details Proposed full intersection closure. Expected duration: ~1 week starting around mid-January 2021. Traffic details: The S 3rd St and Williams Ave S intersection will be closed to traffic in all directions. Detours: Through-traffic will be detoured via S 2nd St, Burnett Ave S, S 4th St, and Wells Ave S. S 3rd St & Williams Ave S Local access, no through-traffic The block before the intersection closure on Wells Ave S will operate as a two-way cul-de-sac. If you’re headed to a local destination on Wells Ave S, you can still walk, drive and park on the block leading up to the intersection. AGENDA ITEM #5. j) Wells Ave S and Williams Ave S Conversion Project S 3rd St & Wells Ave S Work details Proposed full intersection closure. Expected duration: ~1 week starting around late January 2021. Traffic details: The S 3rd St and Wells Ave S intersection will be closed to traffic in all directions. Detours: Through-traffic will be detoured via Williams Ave S, S 4th St, Burnett Ave S, and Wells Ave S. Local access, no through-traffic The block before the intersection closure on Wells Ave S will operate as a two-way cul-de-sac. If you’re headed to a local destination on Wells Ave S, you can still walk, drive, and park on the block leading up to the intersection. AGENDA ITEM #5. j) Williams Ave S & S 2nd St S 2nd St Key Williams Ave SN IML Security Supply First Financial Northwest Bank Cheers Bar & Grill Renton U.S. Bank Landscape strip fencing Bike rack Lightpole New sidewalk Vehicular bollard Bike rack Tree location after project Existing tree will not be replaced Existing tree will be replaced with new tree *Map illustrations not to scale AGENDA ITEM #5. j) Wells Ave S & S 2nd St U.S. Bank First Financial NW Bank Sherwin-Williams Paint Store Wells Ave SKey N Landscape strip fencing Bike rack Lightpole New sidewalk Vehicular bollard Bike rack Tree location after project Existing tree will not be replaced Existing tree will be replaced with new tree *Map illustrations not to scale S 2nd St AGENDA ITEM #5. j) Williams Ave S & S 3rd St Boon Boona Coffee Affordable Car & Auto Insurances MBA Seattle Auction House Pho 801 Williams Ave SKey N Landscape strip fencing Bike rack Lightpole New sidewalk Vehicular bollard Bike rack Tree location after project Existing tree will not be replaced Existing tree will be replaced with new tree *Map illustrations not to scale S 3rd St AGENDA ITEM #5. j) Wells Ave S & S 3rd St River Valley Cheese Common Ground Coffee & Cupcakes Bubbal Banquet 4 Sisters Holistic Remedies Wells Ave SKey N Landscape strip fencing Bike rack Lightpole New sidewalk Vehicular bollard Bike rack Tree location after project Existing tree will not be replaced Existing tree will be replaced with new tree *Map illustrations not to scale S 3rd St AGENDA ITEM #5. j) 1 Raise your hand to ask a question and the moderator will unmute you Click here to send a message and ask questions Audience is automatically muted To respect everyone’s bandwidth, please do not use video Please explore Zoom while we wait for everyone to join Welcome! AGENDA ITEM #5. j) July 28, 2020 Downtown Webinar Wells-Williams Conversion Project AGENDA ITEM #5. j) 3 Keith Woolley Project Manager •Welcome: 3 –3:10 p.m. •Construction Overview: 3:10 –4:00 p.m. •Question and Answer: 4:00 –5:00 p.m. The webinar recording and slides will be posted on the project website renton.wa.gov/ww Agenda AGENDA ITEM #5. j) 4 1 2 Wells-Williams Conversion Project Construction is expected to continue into early 2021. Downtown Utility Improvement Project Utility work is expected to start late summer/early fall 2020. There is also ongoing private development and franchise utility relocations downtown Downtown Construction AGENDA ITEM #5. j) WELLS-WILLIAMS CONVERSION PROJECT AGENDA ITEM #5. j) 6 •Convert Wells Ave S and Williams Ave S to two-way traffic •Improve mobility and safety for all users and modes of travel •Update urban design and streetscape amenities in downtown Renton •Encourage new economic development opportunities and transform downtown Renton into a destination Project Goals AGENDA ITEM #5. j) 7 BEFORE PHOTO CONCRETE APPROACH PAVEMENT VEHICULAR BOLLARD (4 PER INTERSECTION) RAISED CONCRETE INTERSECTION PLANTER FENCING BENCH BIKE RACK BIKE BOULEVARD WITH BIKE BOX RAISED CONCRETE CROSSWALK STREET LIGHTING SIMULATION CONCRETE SIDEWALK Project Vision AGENDA ITEM #5. j) WELLS-WILLIAMS CONVERSION PROJECT Construction FAQs AGENDA ITEM #5. j) 9 Utility work: Now –September ―S 2nd St and S 3rd St S 2nd St: September –November ―Curb, gutter, and sidewalk construction ―Intersection rebuilds ―Signal upgrades S 3rd St: November –January ―Curb, gutter, and sidewalk construction ―Intersection rebuilds ―Signal upgrades Repaving and conversion to two-way:Early 2021​ ―S 2nd St, S 3rd St, Wells Ave S, and Williams Ave S Construction Phases (Subject to Change) AGENDA ITEM #5. j) 10 Sign-up at renton.wa.gov/ww for weekly email updates Specific construction activities often shift by several weeks as crews adapt to minimize impacts and keep the project on schedule, overall, despite: •Unpredictability with underground utilities •Weather dependent work Why Construction Schedules Shift AGENDA ITEM #5. j) 11 •Project utility and roadway work generate a fair amount of noise, dust, and vibrations •We’re trying to reduce the dust as much as possible by: ―Increasing how often we water the work area ―Cleaning up daily ―Adding temporary pavement Dust, Noise, and Vibration AGENDA ITEM #5. j) 12 •General "business open signs" •Individual "business open signs" ―Displayed when primary customer vehicle access is closed Business Open Signs AGENDA ITEM #5. j) 13 •Converting four downtown intersections to all-way stops during construction ―S 3rd St at Wells Ave S and Williams Ave S are already converted ―Plan to convert intersections on S 2nd St at Williams Ave S and Wells Ave S •To draw attention to the change, the current signals will stay in place and flash for about a week before crews remove them •Keep an eye out for people walking! ―Narrowed S 3rd St to a single-lane at the two intersections ―Added pedestrian flags All-Way Stops AGENDA ITEM #5. j) WELLS-WILLIAMS CONVERSION PROJECT Remaining Utility Upgrades AGENDA ITEM #5. j) 15 Overall: ~1.5 months •Typical work hours: Weekdays from 7 a.m. -5 p.m. •Pedestrian detours Stormwater crossings: 2-3 weeks •Single-lane closure and parking restrictions between Burnett Ave S and Main Ave S ―North, then south side Water main: 3 weeks •Single-lane closure and parking restrictions on the east side of S 3rd St and Williams intersection and Wells intersection ―One intersection at a time Remaining Utility Upgrades: S 3rd St AGENDA ITEM #5. j) 16 Remaining Utility Upgrades: S 3rd St AGENDA ITEM #5. j) 17 Overall: 3 months •Typical work hours: Weekdays from 7 a.m. -5 p.m. •Driveway and alley access maintained for at least one car Stormwater work: 2-3 weeks •Temporary parking and single-lane restrictions on the south side between Main Ave S and Burnett Ave S, moving east to west Water work: 5 weeks •Through-traffic reduced to a single-lane on the south side between Main Ave S and Burnett Ave S, including through the intersections •Parking restrictions on the north side between Main Ave S and Burnett Ave S Sewer work: 4-5 weeks •Temporary restrictions near the work area between Main Ave S and Williams Ave S •Parking and single-lane restrictions on the south side between Williams Ave S and Burnett Ave S Remaining Utility Upgrade: S 2nd St AGENDA ITEM #5. j) 18 Remaining Utility Upgrades: S 2nd St AGENDA ITEM #5. j) 19 Crews are working in parallel to upgrade signals at the four downtown intersections. Overall: Now –December •Crews will work on one corner, per intersection, at a time •People walking will be able to access 3 of the 4 corners •Temporary ADA ramps and crosswalks •Temporary restrictions near the work area •Signal work is dependent on the stop signs Signal Upgrades AGENDA ITEM #5. j) WELLS-WILLIAMS CONVERSION PROJECT Curb, Gutter, and Sidewalk Work AGENDA ITEM #5. j) 21 Overall: ~1 month Crews will demolish then build out the curb bulb and gutter. •Typical work hours: Weekdays from 7 a.m. -5 p.m. •Crews will work on one corner, per intersection, at a time •Single-lane closure and parking restrictions at the intersection •People walking will be able to access 3 of the 4 corners Curb and Gutter Work AGENDA ITEM #5. j) 22 Overall: ~1 month Crews will remove the current sidewalk, then build forms and pour the concrete. •Typical work hours: Weekdays from 7 a.m. -5 p.m. •Crews will work on one stretch, per intersection, at a time •People walking will be able to access 3 of the 4 corners with an asphalt sidewalk •Parking restrictions adjacent to work •Access to businesses will be impacted for: ―4 hours while removing ―4 hours while forming and pouring Sidewalk Work AGENDA ITEM #5. j) WELLS-WILLIAMS CONVERSION PROJECT Rebuilding Intersections AGENDA ITEM #5. j) 24 S 2nd St at Wells Ave S and Williams Ave S •Two sets of half-intersection closures •1 week each around mid-November* S 3rd St and Williams Ave S •Full intersection closure •1 week around mid-January* S 3rd St and Wells Ave S •Full intersection closure •1 week around late January* Pedestrian access maintained *Pending approval from City Council. Intent is 1 week, but requesting up to 2 weeks each. Rebuilding Four Intersections AGENDA ITEM #5. j) 25 Overall: 4 weeks Crews will rip up the current intersection, then build forms and pour the concrete. •Typical work hours: Weekdays and weekends from 7 a.m. -5 p.m. •Access for people walking will be maintained •~5-minute detour for people driving •Parking restrictions near intersection closure Rebuilding Intersections: Construction Impacts AGENDA ITEM #5. j) 26 Two half-intersection closures ~1 week around mid-November Traffic Details Crews will maintain a single-lane of traffic westbound through the intersections with detours for north and south-bound traffic,respectively. Access for people walking will be maintained. Rebuilding Intersections: S 2nd St –Phase 1 AGENDA ITEM #5. j) 27 Two half-intersection closures ~1 week around late-November Traffic Details Crews will maintain a single-lane of traffic westbound through the intersections with detours for north and south-bound traffic,respectively. Access for people walking will be maintained. Rebuilding Intersections: S 2nd St –Phase 2 AGENDA ITEM #5. j) 28 Full intersection closure ~1 week around mid-January Driving detour Through-traffic will be detoured via S 2nd St, Burnett Ave S, S 4th St, and Wells Ave S. Local access, no through traffic If you’re headed to a local destination on Williams Ave S you can still walk, drive, and park on the block leading up to the intersection. Access for people walking will be maintained. Rebuilding Intersections: S 3rd St & Williams Ave S AGENDA ITEM #5. j) 29 Full intersection closure ~1 week around mid-January Driving detour Through-traffic will be detoured via Williams Ave S, S 4th St, Burnett Ave S, and Wells Ave S. Local access, no through traffic If you’re headed to a local destination on Williams Ave S you can still walk, drive, and park on the block leading up to the intersection. Access for people walking will be maintained. Rebuilding Intersections: S 3rd St & Wells Ave S AGENDA ITEM #5. j) 30 Downtown Utility Improvement Project •Visit rentonwa.gov/DUIP •Call 425-430-7230 •Email duip@rentonwa.gov Resources for Businesses •Visit whyrenton.com •Call 206-503-1742 •Email thrive@rentonwa.gov2 1 Wells-Williams Conversion Project •Visit www.rentonwa.gov/ww •Call 425-363-1007 •For emergencies, call 911 •Email wellswilliams@rentonwa.gov Sign-up at renton.wa.gov/ww for weekly email updates Complete the downtown construction business survey Questions or Comments? AGENDA ITEM #5. j) 31 Submit your application for relief funding by July 30! Resources for Businesses •Visit whyrenton.com •Call 206-503-1742 •Email thrive@rentonwa.gov COVID-19 Resources for Businesses AGENDA ITEM #5. j) QUESTION AND ANSWER AGENDA ITEM #5. j) 33 •Intersections on Houser Way S at Williams Ave S and Williams Ave S: ―BNSF plans to upgrade the railroad signals ―Renton plans to add raised intersections •Anticipate full or partial intersection closures this fall ―City Council will approve the specific dates Revising Houser Way S Railroad Signal AGENDA ITEM #5. j) DOWNTOWN RENTON CONSTRUCTION rentonwa.gov AGENDA ITEM #5. j) APPENDIX AGENDA ITEM #5. j) 36 Additional information can be found in our tree flyer. At the four downtown intersections reconstructed as part of this project, we plan to remove 12 trees and plant at least 22 new ones. Trees AGENDA ITEM #5. j) 37 •Meet governor’s “Stay Home, Stay Health Order” requirements •Following guidelines to reduce the spread of COVID-19, including: ―Daily temperature monitoring ―Wearing personal protective equipment (i.e. masks) onsite ―Capturing data to support contact tracing if there’s a positive case Resources for Businesses •Visit whyrenton.com •Call 206-503-1742 •Email thrive@rentonwa.gov Keeping Our Community Safe AGENDA ITEM #5. j) 38 •Improve water, sewer and stormwater utilities in the core of downtown Renton •Address current needs and stimulate redevelopment •5,600 linear feet (LF) of new stormwater pipes, 8,000 LF of new and cure-in-place sanitary sewer pipes, and 3,300 LF of new water lines Downtown Utility Improvement Project Overview AGENDA ITEM #5. j) 39 What to expect during future construction •Utility upgrades primarily require open trench construction and will involve the use of large equipment and materials on city streets •Daytime street closures and detours are likely •Potential temporary interruptions to service lines •Duration: approximately 18-24 months DUIP: Schedule and Construction Impacts AGENDA ITEM #5. j) Wells-Williams Conversion Project Outreach Summary Page 1 of 1 Appendix: Briefing Notes AGENDA ITEM #5. j) Wells-Williams Conversion Project Individual Briefing Notes Page 1 of 4 Meeting details Date July 27, 2020 Business Name MBA Seattle Auction House, LLC Business Representative Lawrence (Larry) Mroczek, Owner Project Team Member Keith Woolley Agenda 1. Project overview 2. Review intersection work 3. Review sidewalk work (if fronting the sidewalk work) 4. Closing and thank you Reference  PowerPoint (this is housed on the project’s SharePoint, so you may be asked to sign-in)  Miro  Project contact info o Visit www.rentonwa.gov/ww o Call 425-363-1007 o Email wellswilliams@rentonwa.gov Notes 1. Project overview (PowerPoint) ☒Share the project basics with the PowerPoint  The Wells-Williams Conversion Project improves connectivity and access in downtown Renton to make it a more vibrant and livable area by converting Wells Ave S and Williams Ave S to two-way traffic.  Construction is expected to continue into early 2021.  The project will reconstruct four key intersections on Williams Ave S and Wells Ave S at both S 2nd St and S 3rd St. This work is planned to occur via full and partial intersection closures with construction detours. ☒Ask, “Can I sign you up for our weekly email updates? What is your preferred email address?” EMAIL: Yes, he has received some e-mails (possibly the individualized ones, but wants all. Note: Businesses may think they’re already signed up because they’ve received an individualized email. The weekly updates are separate from these targeted project emails we’ve sent, so helpful to err on the side of taking their address down to double check. AGENDA ITEM #5. j) Individual briefing notes Page 2 of 4 ☒ Did you know we have a project hotline? Call the hotline if you have questions or concerns about the project and ongoing work. For easy access, we encourage people to save it on your phone, the number is 425-363-1007. ☒ Do you have any questions or comments about construction so far? Would like City to assess existing tree on side of building (Williams side). Larry says it is uprooting sidewalk, impacted their building wall tile, and drops leaves on roof. Larry would like a loading zone near their back door. 2. Review intersection work (PowerPoint OR Miro) ☒How can the project help minimize the impact to your businesses during the intersection work and detours? Note: It would require an additional 69 days (i.e. 3.5 months) of construction to maintain a single lane of traffic in all directions at the intersections Follow-up question to help prompt, as needed: What have you found helpful during similar closures for Renton River Days and the car show? No thoughts, Larry has no concerns about the 7 day closure with cul-de-sacs. 3. Review sidewalk work (PowerPoint OR Miro) Only if the business fronts the sidewalk work ☒ How do you, your employees, and customers access the building if they’re walking, driving, or biking? For example, ramp in the front, disability elevator, garage access in back of business, loading zones, waste and trash services, etc.? Front door or back door (which is on Williams Ave side) ☒ Do you have multiple doors? Yes, side door. Side door could be used while working at front door. ☒ Are there any regular delivery times we should be aware of? Do you receive any deliveries from trucks that are larger than the Amazon or FedEx delivery trucks? No regular delivery times. No deliveries larger than “16’ box trucks”. Typically have one public auction a month that draws out-of-town visitors. AGENDA ITEM #5. j) Individual briefing notes Page 3 of 4 ☒ What are your ADA/limited mobility accessibility needs? None. Business details These help us refine the detailed schedule for the sidewalk work. We also have a project survey about business access on our website, if you would prefer to complete your responses online? If so, the URL is rentonwa.gov/duips1. ☒ What are your days and hours of operation? Day Hours Monday 9-5 Tuesday 9-5 Wednesday 9-5 Thursday 9-5 Friday 9-5 Saturday Appt Only Sunday Appt Only ☒ Are there any specific days and times where your business is busiest (e.g., Saturday mornings from 9- 10 AM and Tuesday afternoon from 1- 3:30 PM)? Once a month for open auction ☐ Given COVID-19 what is your current business status (select all that apply)? Are you operating on a reduced schedule? ☐Closed ☐ Open ☒ Curbside pick-up ☐ Delivery ☒ Is there any additional information about your business that would be helpful for us to note (vibration sensitive equipment, pets/animals, etc.)? Careful with vibration, as there are items hanging on their walls (like paintings?) ☐ Do you need or prefer translated project updates and information for your employees or customers? AGENDA ITEM #5. j) Individual briefing notes Page 4 of 4 4. Closing and thank you Thank them for their time and recap any action items or commitments discussed throughout the briefing. Commitments/action items Action Item Owner Due Date Assess Williams Ave tree with City Arborist. Keith Woolley 9/1 Assess Loading Zone with Project and Traffic Operations. Keith Woolley 12/31 AGENDA ITEM #5. j) Wells-Williams Conversion Project Individual Briefing Notes Page 1 of 3 Meeting details Date July 29, 2020 Business Name Dr. Kirk King, DDS Business Representative Kirk King Project Team Member Keith Woolley Agenda 1. Project overview 2. Review intersection work 3. Review sidewalk work (if fronting the sidewalk work) n/a 4. Closing and thank you Reference  PowerPoint (this is housed on the project’s SharePoint, so you may be asked to sign-in)  Miro  Project contact info o Visit www.rentonwa.gov/ww o Call 425-363-1007 o Email wellswilliams@rentonwa.gov Notes 1. Project overview (PowerPoint) ☒Share the project basics with the PowerPoint  The Wells-Williams Conversion Project improves connectivity and access in downtown Renton to make it a more vibrant and livable area by converting Wells Ave S and Williams Ave S to two-way traffic.  Construction is expected to continue into early 2021.  The project will reconstruct four key intersections on Williams Ave S and Wells Ave S at both S 2nd St and S 3rd St. This work is planned to occur via full and partial intersection closures with construction detours. ☒Ask, “Can I sign you up for our weekly email updates? What is your preferred email address?” EMAIL: Yes, he has already signed up. Also, he has looked over all the info on the website. Note: Businesses may think they’re already signed up because they’ve received an individualized email. The weekly updates are separate from these targeted project emails we’ve sent, so helpful to err on the side of taking their address down to double check. AGENDA ITEM #5. j) Individual briefing notes Page 2 of 3 Kirk is ok if we sign him up for all e-mails. ☒ Did you know we have a project hotline? Call the hotline if you have questions or concerns about the project and ongoing work. For easy access, we encourage people to save it on your phone, the number is 425-363-1007. ☒ Do you have any questions or comments about construction so far? Kirk was interested in the final layout at Williams Ave S and S Riverside Dr. I showed him the appropriate plan sheet. I also explained City long-term plans for paving Williams Ave S through the overlay program, and for raised the crosswalk at the south end of the bridge. 2. Review intersection work (PowerPoint OR Miro) ☒How can the project help minimize the impact to your businesses during the intersection work and detours? Note: It would require an additional 69 days (i.e. 3.5 months) of construction to maintain a single lane of traffic in all directions at the intersections Follow-up question to help prompt, as needed: What have you found helpful during similar closures for Renton River Days and the car show? Kirk felt the intersection work will have minimal impact on his business, Tobin is available. 3. Review sidewalk work (PowerPoint OR Miro) Only if the business fronts the sidewalk work ☐ How do you, your employees, and customers access the building if they’re walking, driving, or biking? For example, ramp in the front, disability elevator, garage access in back of business, loading zones, waste and trash services, etc.? ☐ Do you have multiple doors? ☐ Are there any regular delivery times we should be aware of? Do you receive any deliveries from trucks that are larger than the Amazon or FedEx delivery trucks? ☐ What are your ADA/limited mobility accessibility needs? Business details These help us refine the detailed schedule for the sidewalk work. We also have a project survey about business access on our website, if you would prefer to complete your responses online? If so, the URL is rentonwa.gov/duips1. ☐ What are your days and hours of operation? Day Hours Monday AGENDA ITEM #5. j) Individual briefing notes Page 3 of 3 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday ☐ Are there any specific days and times where your business is busiest (e.g., Saturday mornings from 9- 10 AM and Tuesday afternoon from 1- 3:30 PM)? ☒ Given COVID-19 what is your current business status (select all that apply)? Are you operating on a reduced schedule? ☐Closed ☒ Open ☐ Curbside pick-up ☐ Delivery ☐ Is there any additional information about your business that would be helpful for us to note (vibration sensitive equipment, pets/animals, etc.)? ☐ Do you need or prefer translated project updates and information for your employees or customers? 4. Closing and thank you Thank them for their time and recap any action items or commitments discussed throughout the briefing. Commitments/action items Action Item Owner Due Date Kirk is curious about long term plans to convert S Riverside Dr into a non-motorized only plaza/trail. Keith Woolley 9/1 Kirk would support uniquely painted crosswalks entering downtown, such as at the Cedar River bridges. Keith Woolley 9/1 Otherwise, Kirk was very appreciative. AGENDA ITEM #5. j) Wells-Williams Conversion Project Individual Briefing Notes Page 1 of 3 Meeting details Date August 05, 2020, Phone Call Only Business Name Sherwin Williams Business Representative Alison Antoku, Manager SW3553@sherwin.com Project Team Member Keith Woolley Agenda 1. Project overview / Review intersection work / Review sidewalk /Closing and thank you Spoke with Alison, store manager. Sounds like her asst manager set up the phone call in lieu of a Zoom meeting, and then left a note for Alison that the City would be calling at noon today. As such, it was almost like a cold call – Alison had not requested the meeting and had no pending questions. She had seen some flyers, but had not looked on-line at any of the project material. Reference  Project contact info o Visit www.rentonwa.gov/ww o Call 425-363-1007 o Email wellswilliams@rentonwa.gov Notes 1. Project overview (PowerPoint) ☒Share the project basics with the PowerPoint  The Wells-Williams Conversion Project improves connectivity and access in downtown Renton to make it a more vibrant and livable area by converting Wells Ave S and Williams Ave S to two-way traffic.  Construction is expected to continue into early 2021.  The project will reconstruct four key intersections on Williams Ave S and Wells Ave S at both S 2nd St and S 3rd St. This work is planned to occur via full and partial intersection closures with construction detours. ☒Ask, “Can I sign you up for our weekly email updates? What is your preferred email address?” EMAIL: Yes, send project general and intersection specific to SW3553@sherwin.com Note: Businesses may think they’re already signed up because they’ve received an individualized email. The weekly updates are separate from these targeted project emails we’ve sent, so helpful to err on the side of taking their address down to double check. AGENDA ITEM #5. j) Individual briefing notes Page 2 of 3 ☒ Did you know we have a project hotline? Call the hotline if you have questions or concerns about the project and ongoing work. For easy access, we encourage people to save it on your phone, the number is 425-363-1007. ☒ Do you have any questions or comments about construction so far? No questions or comments at this time. Provided contact info to Alison, for future reference. 2. Review intersection work (PowerPoint OR Miro) ☒How can the project help minimize the impact to your businesses during the intersection work and detours? Note: It would require an additional 69 days (i.e. 3.5 months) of construction to maintain a single lane of traffic in all directions at the intersections Follow-up question to help prompt, as needed: What have you found helpful during similar closures for Renton River Days and the car show? No concerns. Twice weekly truck delivery may need to be coordinated while driveway work is underway, as truck may not be able to use half driveway access. 3. Review sidewalk work (PowerPoint OR Miro) Only if the business fronts the sidewalk work ☒ How do you, your employees, and customers access the building if they’re walking, driving, or biking? For example, ramp in the front, disability elevator, garage access in back of business, loading zones, waste and trash services, etc.? ☒ Do you have multiple doors? Customer and delivery from parking lot, customer from Wells. ☒ Are there any regular delivery times we should be aware of? Do you receive any deliveries from trucks that are larger than the Amazon or FedEx delivery trucks? Twice weekly, “Budweiser size” ☐ What are your ADA/limited mobility accessibility needs? Business details These help us refine the detailed schedule for the sidewalk work. We also have a project survey about business access on our website, if you would prefer to complete your responses online? If so, the URL is rentonwa.gov/duips1. ☒ What are your days and hours of operation? Day Hours Monday 7-7 Tuesday 7-7 AGENDA ITEM #5. j) Individual briefing notes Page 3 of 3 Wednesday 7-7 Thursday 7-7 Friday 7-7 Saturday 8-5 Sunday 10-4 ☐ Are there any specific days and times where your business is busiest (e.g., Saturday mornings from 9- 10 AM and Tuesday afternoon from 1- 3:30 PM)? ☒ Given COVID-19 what is your current business status (select all that apply)? Are you operating on a reduced schedule? ☐Closed ☒ Open ☒ Curbside pick-up ☐ Delivery ☒ Is there any additional information about your business that would be helpful for us to note (vibration sensitive equipment, pets/animals, etc.)? No. ☐ Do you need or prefer translated project updates and information for your employees or customers? 4. Closing and thank you Thank them for their time and recap any action items or commitments discussed throughout the briefing. Commitments/action items Action Item Owner Due Date Coordination regarding driveway and intersection closures as we get nearer to actual work. Keith Woolley David, foreman with Cascade, introduced himself today, in advance of the utility work. AGENDA ITEM #5. j) Wells-Williams Conversion Project Individual Briefing Notes Page 1 of 3 Meeting details Date August 06, 2020, Phone Call Only with Interpretation Business Name CK Nails & Spa, 425-282-6453 Business Representative Truc Phan Project Team Member Keith Woolley, Marielle Larson Agenda 1. Project overview / Review intersection work / Review sidewalk /Closing and thank you Spoke with Ms. Phan through interpreter, explained project, sidewalk work, intersection closure. Reference  Project contact info o Visit www.rentonwa.gov/ww o Call 425-363-1007 o Email wellswilliams@rentonwa.gov Notes 1. Project overview (PowerPoint) ☒Share the project basics with the PowerPoint  The Wells-Williams Conversion Project improves connectivity and access in downtown Renton to make it a more vibrant and livable area by converting Wells Ave S and Williams Ave S to two-way traffic.  Construction is expected to continue into early 2021.  The project will reconstruct four key intersections on Williams Ave S and Wells Ave S at both S 2nd St and S 3rd St. This work is planned to occur via full and partial intersection closures with construction detours. ☒Ask, “Can I sign you up for our weekly email updates? What is your preferred email address?” EMAIL: Yes, send project general and intersection specific in Vietnamese Note: Businesses may think they’re already signed up because they’ve received an individualized email. The weekly updates are separate from these targeted project emails we’ve sent, so helpful to err on the side of taking their address down to double check. ☒ Did you know we have a project hotline? Call the hotline if you have questions or concerns about the project and ongoing work. For easy access, we encourage people to save it on your phone, the number is 425-363-1007. AGENDA ITEM #5. j) Individual briefing notes Page 2 of 3 ☒ Do you have any questions or comments about construction so far? Some customers have stated they did not stop because the construction made them think the business was closed. Appreciate business signs. Would like updates before sidewalk and intersection work. 2. Review intersection work (PowerPoint OR Miro) ☒How can the project help minimize the impact to your businesses during the intersection work and detours? Note: It would require an additional 69 days (i.e. 3.5 months) of construction to maintain a single lane of traffic in all directions at the intersections Follow-up question to help prompt, as needed: What have you found helpful during similar closures for Renton River Days and the car show? Make sure customers know they can still reach the business via vehicle and walking. 3. Review sidewalk work (PowerPoint OR Miro) Only if the business fronts the sidewalk work ☒ How do you, your employees, and customers access the building if they’re walking, driving, or biking? For example, ramp in the front, disability elevator, garage access in back of business, loading zones, waste and trash services, etc.? ☒ Do you have multiple doors? Everything comes through the one front door. ☐ Are there any regular delivery times we should be aware of? Do you receive any deliveries from trucks that are larger than the Amazon or FedEx delivery trucks? ☐ What are your ADA/limited mobility accessibility needs? Business details These help us refine the detailed schedule for the sidewalk work. We also have a project survey about business access on our website, if you would prefer to complete your responses online? If so, the URL is rentonwa.gov/duips1. ☒ What are your days and hours of operation? Day Hours M-F 9-5 Sat-Sun Closed Would prefer s/w work on Sun. ☐ Are there any specific days and times where your business is busiest (e.g., Saturday mornings from 9- 10 AM and Tuesday afternoon from 1- 3:30 PM)? AGENDA ITEM #5. j) Individual briefing notes Page 3 of 3 ☒ Given COVID-19 what is your current business status (select all that apply)? Are you operating on a reduced schedule? ☐Closed ☒ Open ☐ Curbside pick-up ☐ Delivery ☐ Is there any additional information about your business that would be helpful for us to note (vibration sensitive equipment, pets/animals, etc.)? No. ☒ Do you need or prefer translated project updates and information for your employees or customers? Yes, Vietnamese 4. Closing and thank you Thank them for their time and recap any action items or commitments discussed throughout the briefing. Commitments/action items Action Item Owner Due Date Coordination regarding sidewalk work and intersection closure as we get nearer to actual work. Keith Woolley Any signage for customers is appreciated. AGENDA ITEM #5. j) Wells-Williams Conversion Project Individual Briefing Notes Page 1 of 3 Meeting details Date August 10, 2020 Business Name IML Security Systems Business Representative Tom Moore Project Team Member Keith Woolley Agenda 1. Project overview / Review intersection work / Review sidewalk /Closing and thank you Reference  Project contact info – done. o Visit www.rentonwa.gov/ww o Call 425-363-1007 o Email wellswilliams@rentonwa.gov Notes 1. Project overview (PowerPoint) ☒Share the project basics with the PowerPoint  The Wells-Williams Conversion Project improves connectivity and access in downtown Renton to make it a more vibrant and livable area by converting Wells Ave S and Williams Ave S to two-way traffic.  Construction is expected to continue into early 2021.  The project will reconstruct four key intersections on Williams Ave S and Wells Ave S at both S 2nd St and S 3rd St. This work is planned to occur via full and partial intersection closures with construction detours. ☒Ask, “Can I sign you up for our weekly email updates? What is your preferred email address?” EMAIL: Yes, send project general and intersection specific to Tom.Moore@IMLSS.com Note: Businesses may think they’re already signed up because they’ve received an individualized email. The weekly updates are separate from these targeted project emails we’ve sent, so helpful to err on the side of taking their address down to double check. ☒ Did you know we have a project hotline? Call the hotline if you have questions or concerns about the project and ongoing work. For easy access, we encourage people to save it on your phone, the number is 425-363-1007. ☒ Do you have any questions or comments about construction so far? None. AGENDA ITEM #5. j) Individual briefing notes Page 2 of 3 2. Review intersection work (PowerPoint OR Miro) ☒How can the project help minimize the impact to your businesses during the intersection work and detours? Note: It would require an additional 69 days (i.e. 3.5 months) of construction to maintain a single lane of traffic in all directions at the intersections Follow-up question to help prompt, as needed: What have you found helpful during similar closures for Renton River Days and the car show? Provide detour map for Tom to provide to customers who will be coming during the closure. 3. Review sidewalk work (PowerPoint OR Miro) Only if the business fronts the sidewalk work ☒ How do you, your employees, and customers access the building if they’re walking, driving, or biking? For example, ramp in the front, disability elevator, garage access in back of business, loading zones, waste and trash services, etc.? ☐ Do you have multiple doors? Everything comes through the one front door. ☒ Are there any regular delivery times we should be aware of? Do you receive any deliveries from trucks that are larger than the Amazon or FedEx delivery trucks? IML received large truck deliveries (18-wheelers) maybe 5 times a day. This will be important for work at S 2nd Street / Burnett Ave S. ☐ What are your ADA/limited mobility accessibility needs? Business details These help us refine the detailed schedule for the sidewalk work. We also have a project survey about business access on our website, if you would prefer to complete your responses online? If so, the URL is rentonwa.gov/duips1. ☒ What are your days and hours of operation? Day Hours M-F 7:30 – 5:30 Sat-Sun Closed ☐ Are there any specific days and times where your business is busiest (e.g., Saturday mornings from 9- 10 AM and Tuesday afternoon from 1- 3:30 PM)? ☒ Given COVID-19 what is your current business status (select all that apply)? Are you operating on a reduced schedule? ☐Closed ☒ Open ☐ Curbside pick-up ☐ Delivery AGENDA ITEM #5. j) Individual briefing notes Page 3 of 3 ☐ Is there any additional information about your business that would be helpful for us to note (vibration sensitive equipment, pets/animals, etc.)? No. ☐ Do you need or prefer translated project updates and information for your employees or customers? 4. Closing and thank you Thank them for their time and recap any action items or commitments discussed throughout the briefing. Commitments/action items Action Item Owner Due Date Coordination regarding driveways in future S 2nd Street project. Keith Woolley Will need to coordinate with King County Metro during the intersection closure, as their buses layover on southbound Williams Ave S. Once Tom understood that the intersection work was at Williams Ave S and not Burnett Ave S, his concerns pretty much went away. AGENDA ITEM #5. j) Wells-Williams Conversion Project Individual Briefing Notes Page 1 of 3 Meeting details Date August 17, 2020 Business Name River Valley Cheese Business Representative Kristi Project Team Member Keith Woolley Agenda 1. Project overview / Review intersection work / Review sidewalk /Closing and thank you Reference  Project contact info – done. o Visit www.rentonwa.gov/ww o Call 425-363-1007 o Email wellswilliams@rentonwa.gov Notes 1. Project overview (PowerPoint) ☒Share the project basics with the PowerPoint  The Wells-Williams Conversion Project improves connectivity and access in downtown Renton to make it a more vibrant and livable area by converting Wells Ave S and Williams Ave S to two-way traffic.  Construction is expected to continue into early 2021.  The project will reconstruct four key intersections on Williams Ave S and Wells Ave S at both S 2nd St and S 3rd St. This work is planned to occur via full and partial intersection closures with construction detours. ☒Ask, “Can I sign you up for our weekly email updates? What is your preferred email address?” EMAIL: Yes, send project general and intersection specific Note: Businesses may think they’re already signed up because they’ve received an individualized email. The weekly updates are separate from these targeted project emails we’ve sent, so helpful to err on the side of taking their address down to double check. ☒ Did you know we have a project hotline? Call the hotline if you have questions or concerns about the project and ongoing work. For easy access, we encourage people to save it on your phone, the number is 425-363-1007. ☒ Do you have any questions or comments about construction so far? AGENDA ITEM #5. j) Individual briefing notes Page 2 of 3 2. Review intersection work (PowerPoint OR Miro) ☒How can the project help minimize the impact to your businesses during the intersection work and detours? Note: It would require an additional 69 days (i.e. 3.5 months) of construction to maintain a single lane of traffic in all directions at the intersections Follow-up question to help prompt, as needed: What have you found helpful during similar closures for Renton River Days and the car show? Provide detour map for Kristi to provide to customers who will be coming during the closure. Otherwise, no concerns at this time regarding closure. Likes the idea of ambassadors to direct people. 3. Review sidewalk work (PowerPoint OR Miro) Only if the business fronts the sidewalk work ☒ How do you, your employees, and customers access the building if they’re walking, driving, or biking? For example, ramp in the front, disability elevator, garage access in back of business, loading zones, waste and trash services, etc.? ☒ Do you have multiple doors? Back door is shared with Sparkle and Wyldewood. Kristi asked how the sign for Wyldewood was coming? ☒ Are there any regular delivery times we should be aware of? Do you receive any deliveries from trucks that are larger than the Amazon or FedEx delivery trucks? No ☐ What are your ADA/limited mobility accessibility needs? Business details These help us refine the detailed schedule for the sidewalk work. We also have a project survey about business access on our website, if you would prefer to complete your responses online? If so, the URL is rentonwa.gov/duips1. ☒ What are your days and hours of operation? Day Hours M-F Appt only Sat-Sun Appt only, Kristi tends to visit the store on weekends. ☒ Are there any specific days and times where your business is busiest (e.g., Saturday mornings from 9- 10 AM and Tuesday afternoon from 1- 3:30 PM)? Currently, not busy at all due to COVID, almost no open periods. It would be a good time to get the sidewalk work done. AGENDA ITEM #5. j) Individual briefing notes Page 3 of 3 ☒ Given COVID-19 what is your current business status (select all that apply)? Are you operating on a reduced schedule? ☒Closed ☐ Open ☐ Curbside pick-up ☐ Delivery ☐ Is there any additional information about your business that would be helpful for us to note (vibration sensitive equipment, pets/animals, etc.)? No. ☐ Do you need or prefer translated project updates and information for your employees or customers? 4. Closing and thank you Thank them for their time and recap any action items or commitments discussed throughout the briefing. Commitments/action items Action Item Owner Due Date Have Diane Dobson contact Redmond Chamber to find out what was done for businesses there during the conversion project. Kristi Need to determine if sidewalk is being replaced up to their front door, which is tucked behind a corner column of the building. Keith Coordinate with Jessie on RDP concrete planters and hot-house plants (?) Keith AGENDA ITEM #5. j) Wells-Williams Conversion Project Individual Briefing Notes Page 1 of 3 Meeting details Date August 20, 2020 Business Name Four Generals Brewing Business Representative Mike and Mary Hudspeth, Ross Hudspeth Project Team Member Keith Woolley Agenda 1. Project overview / Review intersection work / Review sidewalk /Closing and thank you Reference  Project contact info – done. o Visit www.rentonwa.gov/ww o Call 425-363-1007 o Email wellswilliams@rentonwa.gov Notes 1. Project overview (PowerPoint) ☒Share the project basics with the PowerPoint   Construction is expected to continue into early 2021.  The project will reconstruct four key intersections on Williams Ave S and Wells Ave S at both S 2nd St and S 3rd St. This work is planned to occur via full and partial intersection closures with construction detours. ☒Ask, “Can I sign you up for our weekly email updates? What is your preferred email address?” EMAIL: Yes, send project general and intersection specific ☒ Did you know we have a project hotline? Yes ☒ Do you have any questions or comments about construction so far? First, were wondering why sidewalk on Wells needs replacing. Second, wondering how sidewalk will be replaced in front of their store. Prefer get it done with in one day, rather than try to stage, as social distancing limits their front area to a few people anyway. Third, how or who relocates their bar rail, which is required for alcohol service by liquor board. Also, concerns why the City is causing this disruption when businesses are already barely surviving. I answered all these questions. AGENDA ITEM #5. j) Individual briefing notes Page 2 of 3 2. Review intersection work (PowerPoint OR Miro) ☒How can the project help minimize the impact to your businesses during the intersection work and detours? Note: It would require an additional 69 days (i.e. 3.5 months) of construction to maintain a single lane of traffic in all directions at the intersections Follow-up question to help prompt, as needed: What have you found helpful during similar closures for Renton River Days and the car show? Provide detour map. Otherwise, no concerns at this time regarding closure. 3. Review sidewalk work (PowerPoint OR Miro) Only if the business fronts the sidewalk work ☒ How do you, your employees, and customers access the building if they’re walking, driving, or biking? For example, ramp in the front, disability elevator, garage access in back of business, loading zones, waste and trash services, etc.? ☒ Do you have multiple doors? Back door is too narrow for wheelchairs, but is used for employees/deliveries. ☒ Are there any regular delivery times we should be aware of? Do you receive any deliveries from trucks that are larger than the Amazon or FedEx delivery trucks? They specifically request single unit trucks deliver their supplies; however, occasionally the suppliers still send an 18-wheeler. Single unit trucks go in via the alley to the south, and exit via the bank driveway to the north – should work during intersection closures. ☐ What are your ADA/limited mobility accessibility needs? No. Business details These help us refine the detailed schedule for the sidewalk work. We also have a project survey about business access on our website, if you would prefer to complete your responses online? If so, the URL is rentonwa.gov/duips1. ☒ What are your days and hours of operation? Day Hours M-F 3-8 Sat-Sun Noon – 8 / 7 (Sat/Sun) ☒ Are there any specific days and times where your business is busiest (e.g., Saturday mornings from 9- 10 AM and Tuesday afternoon from 1- 3:30 PM)? n/a AGENDA ITEM #5. j) Individual briefing notes Page 3 of 3 ☒ Given COVID-19 what is your current business status (select all that apply)? Are you operating on a reduced schedule? ☐Closed ☐ Open ☒ Curbside pick-up (or sidewalk chairs/no tables) ☐ Delivery - ☐ Is there any additional information about your business that would be helpful for us to note (vibration sensitive equipment, pets/animals, etc.)? No. ☐ Do you need or prefer translated project updates and information for your employees or customers? 4. Closing and thank you Thank them for their time and recap any action items or commitments discussed throughout the briefing. Commitments/action items Action Item Owner Due Date Ross was concerned how deliveries would be handled when Wells is converted to two-way (currently, deliveries just take a lane). Keith explained loading zones, although Ross thought it might not be enough. Keith left it that it would have to be monitored once two-way operation begins. Same with left turns at Wells/3rd – will be monitored upon opening. n/a AGENDA ITEM #5. j) Wells-Williams Conversion Project Individual Briefing Notes Page 1 of 3 Meeting details Date August 20, 2020 Business Name Ascendence Business Representative Tara Steed, Maggie Nation Project Team Member Keith Woolley Agenda 1. Project overview / Review intersection work / Review sidewalk /Closing and thank you Reference  Project contact info – done. o Visit www.rentonwa.gov/ww o Call 425-363-1007 o Email wellswilliams@rentonwa.gov Notes 1. Project overview (PowerPoint) ☒Share the project basics with the PowerPoint   Construction is expected to continue into early 2021.  The project will reconstruct four key intersections on Williams Ave S and Wells Ave S at both S 2nd St and S 3rd St. This work is planned to occur via full and partial intersection closures with construction detours. ☒Ask, “Can I sign you up for our weekly email updates? What is your preferred email address?” EMAIL: Yes, send project general and intersection specific ☒ Did you know we have a project hotline? Yes ☒ Do you have any questions or comments about construction so far? None so far. They are aware of the time when the alley sidewalk was removed by PSE and there wasn’t a very well delineated pedestrian detour. They admitted that, like most mobile people, they may just walk across places as needed  2. Review intersection work (PowerPoint OR Miro) ☒How can the project help minimize the impact to your businesses during the intersection work and detours? AGENDA ITEM #5. j) Individual briefing notes Page 2 of 3 Note: It would require an additional 69 days (i.e. 3.5 months) of construction to maintain a single lane of traffic in all directions at the intersections Follow-up question to help prompt, as needed: What have you found helpful during similar closures for Renton River Days and the car show? Provide detour map. Otherwise, no concerns at this time regarding closure. Their hours of operations are often not normal hours, so parking is not a huge problem. 3. Review sidewalk work (PowerPoint OR Miro) Only if the business fronts the sidewalk work ☒ How do you, your employees, and customers access the building if they’re walking, driving, or biking? For example, ramp in the front, disability elevator, garage access in back of business, loading zones, waste and trash services, etc.? ☐ Do you have multiple doors? Front door should never be impacted. ☒ Are there any regular delivery times we should be aware of? Do you receive any deliveries from trucks that are larger than the Amazon or FedEx delivery trucks? No, in fact they can even have deliveries delivered at their home addresses, if necessary (not necessary) ☐ What are your ADA/limited mobility accessibility needs? No. Business details These help us refine the detailed schedule for the sidewalk work. We also have a project survey about business access on our website, if you would prefer to complete your responses online? If so, the URL is rentonwa.gov/duips1. ☒ What are your days and hours of operation? Pre-COVID, primarily evening classes; Now during COVID, a lot of private facility rental by small groups (4-6 people) Day Hours M-F 10-8 Sat-Sun 10-4 ☒ Are there any specific days and times where your business is busiest (e.g., Saturday mornings from 9- 10 AM and Tuesday afternoon from 1- 3:30 PM)? weekends ☒ Given COVID-19 what is your current business status (select all that apply)? Are you operating on a reduced schedule? ☐Closed ☒ Open (Rentals) ☐ Curbside pick-up (or sidewalk chairs/no tables) ☐ Delivery - AGENDA ITEM #5. j) Individual briefing notes Page 3 of 3 ☐ Is there any additional information about your business that would be helpful for us to note (vibration sensitive equipment, pets/animals, etc.)? No. ☐ Do you need or prefer translated project updates and information for your employees or customers? 4. Closing and thank you Thank them for their time and recap any action items or commitments discussed throughout the briefing. Commitments/action items Action Item Owner Due Date Owners are excited about upgrades coming to downtown, even if it means some construction headaches. Overall, they feel the impact to their business is minimal, due to the nature of their business. n/a They also feel that improvements will slow traffic down through downtown. AGENDA ITEM #5. j) 1 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. ________ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURES FOR THE WILLIAMS AVENUE SOUTH AND WELLS AVENUE SOUTH CONVERSION PROJECT. WHEREAS, the City of Renton plans to construct improvements for the Williams Avenue South and Wells Avenue South Conversion Project; and WHEREAS, this construction activity will require six temporary street closures, not to exceed fourteen continuous days per closure at the following locations: South 3rd Street/Williams Avenue South intersection; South 3rd Street/Wells Avenue South intersection; Wells Avenue South, just north and just south of South 2nd Street; Williams Avenue South, just north and just south of South 2nd Street; and WHEREAS, pursuant to City Code section 9-9-3, such road closures require City Council authorization by means of a resolution; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I.The above recitals are found to be true and correct in all respects. SECTION II. The City Council does hereby authorize the temporary closure, not to exceed fourteen continuous days per closure at the following locations: South 3rd Street/Williams Avenue South intersection; South 3rd Street/Wells Avenue South intersection; Wells Avenue South, just north and just south of South 2nd Street; Williams Avenue South, just north and just south of South 2nd Street. These closures may occur within the period between AGENDA ITEM #5. j) RESOLUTION NO. _______ 2 February 15, 2021 and April 16, 2021, for the purpose of constructing the intersection improvements. SECTION III.Notice of the closure shall be posted and published as required by RMC 9-9-2. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this _______ day of ___________________, 2021. Jason A. Seth, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this _______ day of ____________________, 2021. Armondo Pavone, Mayor Approved as to form: Shane Moloney, City Attorney Date of Publication: RES. clb h/1155 AGENDA ITEM #5. j) AB - 2789 City Council Regular Meeting - 25 Jan 2021 SUBJECT/TITLE: Project Acceptance: CAG-20-121 with Nordvind Sewer Service, LLC for the Benson Road South Culvert Improvement Project 2020 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Council Concur DEPARTMENT: Public Works Utility Systems Division STAFF CONTACT: Ken Srilofung, Surface Water Utility Engineer EXT.: 7247 FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARY: The original contract amount was $119,525.00, and the final project cost was $112,025.20. The project de sign cost was partially funded ($80,000) by King County Flood Reduction Grant funds. The project construction cost was funded through the approved 2020 Capital Improvement Program budget (427.475513). SUMMARY OF ACTION: The Benson Road South Culvert Improvement Project 2020 was awarded to Nordvind Sewer Service, LLC August 10, 2020. Physical completion of all required work items was granted on November 12, 2020. The project consisted of installing 79 linear feet of 12 -inch high density polyethylene storm drainpipe into existing 24-inch culvert via a trenchless method of slip lining. Other work included the installation of a concrete energy dissipater structure, filling spaces between existing culverts and new slip linin g pipe with grout, temporary traffic control, culvert cleaning, closed circuit TV and final site restorations. The contractor completed all of the improvements to the satisfaction of the city. The contractor will not receive clearance from the state Department of Revenue, Labor and Industries and the Employment Security Department until after the city submits the project acceptance. The retainage bond will not be released until clearance from the aforementioned state agencies is received. EXHIBITS: A. Notice of Completion of Public Works Contract STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Accept the Benson Road South Culvert Improvement Project 2020 with Nordvind Sewer Service, LLC and authorize release of the retainage bond after 60 days once all of the required releases from the state have been obtained. AGENDA ITEM #5. k) Revised # Assigned to: UBI Number: Yes No Yes Telephone # Bond Number: If Retainage is not withheld, please select one of the following and List Surety's Name & Bond Number. Date Work Commenced Date Work Completed Contractor Address Date Contract Awarded Retainage Bond Contract/Payment bond (valid for federally funded transportation projects) Name: Department Use Only Original NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT Project Name Date Assigned: Job Order Contracting Federally funded transportation project? Contractor's Name Description of Work Done/Include Jobsite Address(es) Affidavit ID* No (if yes, provide Contract Bond Statement below) Name & Mailing Address of Public Agency E-mail Address Contract Number Notice is hereby given relative to the completion of contract or project described below Date:Contractor's UBI Number: Date Work Accepted Were Subcontracters used on this project? If so, please complete Addendum A.       Yes No $ $$ $$ $$ % $ $$ Contact Name:Title: Affidavit ID* - No L&I release will be granted until all affidavits are listed. Amount Disbursed p Sales Tax Rate Contract Amount NOTE: These two totals must be equal TOTAL Comments: Sales Tax Amount Reductions ( - ) Note: The Disbursing Officer must submit this completed notice immediately after acceptance of the work done under this contract. NO PAYMENT SHALL BE MADE FROM RETAINED FUNDS until receipt of all release certificates. Submitting Form: Please submit the completed form by email to all three agencies below. TOTAL Liquidated Damages Email Address: Phone Number: p Sub-Total Additions ( + ) Amount Retained (If various rates apply, please send a breakdown) Contract Release (855) 545-8163, option # 4 ContractRelease@LNI.WA.GOV Employment Security Department Registration, Inquiry, Standards & Coordination Unit (360) 902-9450 publicworks@esd.wa.gov Department of Revenue Public Works Section (360) 704-5650 PWC@dor.wa.gov F215-038-000 10-2014REV 31 0020e (10/26/15) p@g AGENDA ITEM #5. k) Subcontractor's Name:UBI Number: (Required)Affidavit ID* Addendum A: Please List all Subcontractors and Sub-tiers Below This addendum can be submitted in other formats. Provide known affidavits at this time. No L&I release will be granted until all affidavits are listed. For tax assistance or to request this document in an alternate format, please call 1-800-647-7706. Teletype (TTY) users may use the Washington Relay Service by calling 711. REV 31 0020e Addendum (10/26/15)F215-038-000 10-2014 AGENDA ITEM #5. k) 1  CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON    ORDINANCE NO. ________    AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, ANNEXING CERTAIN  TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF RENTON (GRAVES ANNEXATION; FILE NO. A‐19‐001)  AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE.     WHEREAS, under the provisions of RCW 35A.14.120, as amended, a written annexation  petition was presented and filed with the City Clerk on or about November 19, 2019; and   WHEREAS, the area to be annexed, known as the Graves Annexation, is approximately  21.5 acres and is located at the eastern portion of City limits.  It is bordered by SE 128th Street to  the north, 162nd Avenue SE to the east, SE 130th Street and parcel lines to the south, and 158th  Avenue SE to the west. The boundary to the west is coterminous with existing City limits. The   area to be annexed is legally described and depicted in Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a  part hereof as if fully set forth (the "Property" or "area to be annexed"); and   WHEREAS, prior to the filing and circulation of the petition for annexation to the City of  Renton, pursuant to RCW 35A.14.120, the petitioning parties, comprised of property owners of  not less than ten percent (10%) in value, according to the assessed valuation for general taxation  of the area to be annexed, notified the City Council of their intention to commence the direct  petition for annexation proceedings; and   WHEREAS, after a public hearing, it was determined that the petitioning owners agreed  to accept that portion of the City's Comprehensive Plan as it pertains to the area to be annexed  including the applicable zoning regulation relating thereto; and    WHEREAS, the King County Department of Assessments examined and verified the  signatures on the petition for annexation on or about May 26, 2020, and determined that the  AGENDA ITEM # a) ORDINANCE NO. ________  2  signatures represent at least sixty percent (60%) of the assessed value (excluding streets) of the  area to be annexed, as required by RCW 35A.14.120; and   WHEREAS, the Department of Community and Economic Development of the City of  Renton considered and recommended that the City of Renton annex the Property; and   WHEREAS, consistent with RCW 35A.14.130, the City Council set July 6, 2020, in the City  Council Chambers, City Hall, as the time and place for a public hearing on the petition with notice  as required by law; and    WHEREAS, pursuant to notice, the public hearing was held at the time and place specified,  and the City Council considered all matters in connection with the petition and determined that  all legal requirements and procedures applicable to the RCW 35A.14.120 petition method for  annexation have been met; and   WHEREAS, a "Notice of Intention," including all required information for review of the  annexation, was transmitted to the King County Boundary Review Board and approved as of  December 7, 2020;    NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO  ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS:   SECTION I. All requirements of the law in regard to the annexation by the direct  petition method, including the provisions of RCW 35A.14.120, 130, 140, and 150 have been met.   It is further determined that the petition for annexation to the City of Renton of the Property is  hereby approved and granted; the Property being contiguous to the city limits of the City of  Renton is hereby annexed to the City of Renton, and such annexation to be effective on and after  the approval, passage, and thirty (30) days after publication of this ordinance; and on and after  AGENDA ITEM # a) ORDINANCE NO. ________  3  said date the Property shall constitute a part of the City of Renton and shall be subject to all its  laws and ordinances then and thereafter in force and effect; and the owners of the properties  within the area to be annexed shall be subject to the City's Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code.   SECTION II. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and thirty (30)  days after publication of a summary of this ordinance in the City’s official newspaper.  The  summary shall consist of this ordinance’s title.   A certified copy of this ordinance shall be filed with the King County Council, State of  Washington, and as otherwise provided by law.  PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this _______ day of _____________________, 2021.                         Jason A. Seth, City Clerk    APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this _______ day of _____________________, 2021.                         Armondo Pavone, Mayor    Approved as to form:             Shane Moloney, City Attorney  Date of Publication:      ORD:2153:12/23/2020      AGENDA ITEM # a) ORDINANCE NO. ________  4        EXHIBIT A      LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND DEPICTION OF THE PROPERTY    AGENDA ITEM # a) ORDINANCE NO. ________ 5 AGENDA ITEM # a) ORDINANCE NO. ________ 6 AGENDA ITEM # a) 1  CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON    ORDINANCE NO. ________    AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON; AMENDING  SUBSECTION 4‐5‐030.B.2; SECTION 4‐5‐040; SUBSECTIONS 4‐5‐050.A AND 4‐5‐ 050.C;  AND SECTIONS 4‐5‐051, 4‐5‐055, 4‐5‐090, 4‐5‐100, 4‐5‐110, AND 4‐5‐130  OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE; ADOPTING BY REFERENCE AND AMENDING  THE MOST RECENT VERSIONS OF THE RENTON ELECTRICAL CODE, THE  INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE, THE WASHINGTON STATE ENERGY CODE, THE  INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE, THE INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE,  THE NATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE, THE UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE, AND THE  INTERNATIONAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE; PROVIDING FOR  SEVERABILITY; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE.     THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS:  SECTION I. All portions of the Renton Municipal Code in this ordinance not shown in  strikethrough and underline edits remain in effect and unchanged.  SECTION II. Subsection 4‐5‐030.B.2 of the Renton Municipal Code is amended as  shown below. All other provisions in 4‐5‐030.B remain in effect and unchanged.  B. INDIVIDUAL MOBILE/MANUFACTURED HOME INSTALLATION:  1. Installation Permit Required: An installation permit from the  Development Services Division shall be required for installation of each  manufactured/mobile home and to connect to utilities. An installation permit shall  not be issued for the location of any mobile home unless the mobile home park  has been issued an occupancy certificate and a license from the Building Official.  2. Installation Requirements: All mobile home installations shall comply  with Chapter 296‐150B‐200 M WAC, entitled General Installation Requirements  for Mobile Manufactured Homes. Setbacks, lot coverage and related  AGENDA ITEM # b) ORDINANCE NO. ________  2  requirements shall be completed and approved and issued prior to the occupation  of each mobile home.  3. Insignia Required: Mobile homes constructed after July 1, 1968 shall  bear the insignia of approval for plumbing, heating and electrical installation  according to chapter 43.22 RCW.  SECTION III. Section 4‐5‐040 of the Renton Municipal Code is amended as follows:  4‐5‐040 RENTON ELECTRICAL CODE:  The most recently published 2020 edition of The Washington Cities Electrical  Code, Parts 1, 2 and 3, as published by the Washington Association of Building  Officials and amended by the City of Renton, is adopted by reference, and shall be  known as the Renton Electrical Code.  The City shall at all times keep on file with the City Clerk, for reference by the  general public, not less than one copy of The Washington Cities Electrical Code.  SECTION IV. Subsection 4‐5‐050.A of the Renton Municipal Code is amended as follows:  A. ADOPTION:  1. The 2015 2018 Edition of the International Building Code (IBC),  including the adoption of ICC/ANSI A117.1‐2009, Requirements for Accessible and  Useable Buildings and Facilities, as adopted and amended by the State Building  Code Council in chapter 51‐50 WAC, as published by the International Code  Council, excluding Chapter 1, Administration, is adopted by reference, together  with the following amendments and additions. The Construction Administrative  AGENDA ITEM # b) ORDINANCE NO. ________  3  Code, as set forth in RMC 4‐5‐060, shall be used apply in place of IBC Chapter 1,  Administration.   2. Exceptions to the IBC:  The provisions of this code do not apply to temporary growing structures  used solely for the commercial production of horticultural plants including  ornamental plants, flowers, vegetables, and fruits. “Temporary growing structure”  means a structure that has the sides and roof covered with polyethylene,  polyvinyl, or similar flexible synthetic material and is used to provide plants with  either frost protection or increased heat retention. A temporary growing structure  is not considered a building for purposes of this code.  The provisions of this code do not apply to the construction, alteration, or  repair of temporary worker housing except as provided by rule adopted under  Chapter 70.114A RCW or Chapter 37, Laws of 1998 (SB 6168). “Temporary worker  housing” means a place, area, or piece of land where sleeping places or housing  sites are provided by an employer for his or her employees or by another person,  including a temporary worker housing operator, who is providing such  accommodations for employees, for temporary, seasonal occupancy.  3. Appendix E – Supplementary Accessibility Requirements of the 2015  2018 Edition of the International Building Code is also adopted by reference.  The 2015 2018 International Existing Building Code (IEBC) is included in the  adoption of the International Building Code as provided by IBC Section  101.4.7101.5.11 of the Construction Administrative Code, as set forth in RMC 4‐5‐ AGENDA ITEM # b) ORDINANCE NO. ________  4  060.A.6, and amended in WAC 51‐50‐480000, et seq., including Appendix A,  Guidelines for the Seismic Retrofit of Existing Buildings, excluding Chapter 1, Part  2, Scope and Administration. The Construction Administrative Code, as set forth  in RMC 4‐5‐060, shall be used apply in place of IEBC Chapter 1, Part 2, Scope and  Administration. Provided that detached one‐and two‐family dwellings and  multiple single‐family dwellings (townhouses) not more than three (3) stories  above grade plane in height with a separate means of egress, and their accessory  structures not more than three (3) stories above grade plane in height, shall  comply with the IEBC or the International Residential Code (IRC).  4. The 2015 2018 International Swimming Pool and Spa Code (ISPSC) is  included in the adoption of the International Building Code as provided by IBC  Section 3109.1 and amended in WAC 51‐50‐3109, and as provided by IRC Section  R326 and amended in WAC 51‐51‐0328, excluding Chapter 1, Scope and  Administration. The Construction Administrative Code, as set forth in RMC 4‐5‐ 060, shall be used apply in place of ISPSC Chapter 1, Scope and Administration.  The design and construction of swimming pools, spas and other aquatic recreation  facilities shall comply with the International Swimming Pool and Spa Code ISPSC,  where the facility is one of the following, except that public swimming pool  barriers are regulated by WAC 246‐260‐031(4):.   a.  For the sole use of residents and invited guests at a single‐family  dwelling;  AGENDA ITEM # b) ORDINANCE NO. ________  5  b.  For the sole use of residents and invited guests of a duplex owned  by the residents; or  c.  Operated exclusively for physical therapy or rehabilitation and  under the supervision of a licensed medical practitioner.  All other “water recreation facilities” as defined in RCW 70.90.110 are  regulated under chapters 246‐260 and 246‐262 WAC.   5. The ICC A117.1‐2009, Accessible and Useable Buildings and Facilities is  hereby adopted by reference, and all provisions therein shall be mandatory  requirements, as prescribed by the Building Official.  SECTION V. Subsection 4‐5‐050.C of the Renton Municipal Code is amended as follows:  C. CITY AMENDMENTS TO THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE:  1. Standpipe Requirements: Height: Section 905.3.1 of the International  Building Code is amended to read as follows:  a. 905.3.1, Height: Class III standpipe systems shall be installed  throughout a building where the floor level of the highest story is located more  than twenty feet (20') above the lowest level of the fire department vehicle  access, or where the floor level of the lowest story is located more than twenty  feet (20') below the highest level of fire department vehicle access.  Exceptions:  i. Class I standpipes are allowed in buildings equipped throughout  with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or  903.3.1.2.  AGENDA ITEM # b) ORDINANCE NO. ________  6  ii. Class I manual standpipes are allowed in open parking garages  where the highest floor is located not more than one hundred fifty feet (150')  above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access.  iii. Class I manual dry standpipes are allowed in open parking  garages that are subject to freezing temperatures, provided that the hose  connections are located as required for Class II standpipes in accordance with  Section 905.5.  iv. Class I standpipes are allowed in basements equipped  throughout with an automatic sprinkler system.  v. Group R‐3 does not require standpipes.  b2.  Section 905.3 of the International Building Code is amended to add  a new subsection, to read as follows:  905.3.89, High Rise Building Standpipes: Standpipe risers shall be  combination standpipe/sprinkler risers using a minimum pipe size of six inches  (6"). Two (2) two and one‐half‐inch (2‐1/2") hose connections shall be  provided on every intermediate floor level landing in every required stairway  unless otherwise approved by the fire code official. Where pressure reduction  valves (PRV) are required, each hose connection shall be provided with its own  PRV. The system shall be designed to provide a minimum flow of three  hundred (300) gpm at a minimum pressure of one hundred fifty (150) psi  (maximum two hundred (200) psi) at each standpipe connection, in addition  to the flow and pressure requirements contained in NFPA 14.  AGENDA ITEM # b) ORDINANCE NO. ________  7  23. Dry Standpipes: Section 905.8 of the International Building Code is  amended to read as follows:  Dry standpipes when approved by the fire code official are acceptable  in other than high‐rise buildings.  4. Snow Loads: Section 1608 of the International Building Code is  amended as follows:  1608.1 General.  Minimum Design Roof Snow Load shall be twenty‐five (25) pounds per  square foot. When using this roof snow load it will be left to the engineer’s  judgment whether to consider drift or sliding snow. However, the engineer  shall consider a rain on snow surcharge of at least five (5) pounds per square  foot for roof slopes less than five degrees (5°).  All remaining sections of 1608 are not adopted.  35. Elevator Car Size to Accommodate Ambulance Stretcher: Section  3002.4 of the International Building Code is amended to read as follows:  3002.4 Elevator car to accommodate ambulance stretcher. Where  elevators are provided in buildings four (4) or more stories above, or four (4)  or more stories below, grade plane; or in any R‐1, R‐2, Group B medical care  office; or I occupancy building provided with an elevator regardless of the  number of stories, at least one (1) elevator shall be provided for fire  department emergency access to all floors. The elevator car shall be of such a  size and arrangement to accommodate an ambulance stretcher forty inches  AGENDA ITEM # b) ORDINANCE NO. ________  8  (40”) by eighty‐four inches (84”) (610 mm by 2,134 mm) with not less than  five‐inch (5”) (127 mm) radius corners, in the horizontal, open position and  shall be identified by the international symbol for emergency medical services  (star of life). The symbol shall not be less than three inches (3”) (76 mm) in  height and shall be placed inside on both sides of the hoistway door frame.   SECTION VI. Section 4‐5‐051 of the Renton Municipal Code is amended as follows:  4‐5‐051 WASHINGTON STATE ENERGY CODE ADOPTED:  The Washington State Energy Code (WSEC), as adopted by the State Building Code  Council in chapters 51‐11C and 51‐11R WAC, excluding the Administration  sections C106 C107 through C111 and R106 R107 through R111, is adopted by  reference. The Construction Administrative Code, as set forth in RMC 4‐5‐060,  shall be used applied in place of the Administration sections C106 C107 through  C111 and R106 R107 through R111.   Exception:  The provisions of this code do not apply to temporary growing structures used  solely for the commercial production of horticultural plants including ornamental  plants, flowers, vegetables, and fruits. A temporary growing structure is not  considered a building for the purposes of this code. However, the installation of  other than listed, portable mechanical equipment or listed, portable lighting  fixtures is not allowed.  The provisions of this code do not apply to the construction, alteration, or repair  of temporary worker housing except as provided by rule adopted under Chapter  AGENDA ITEM # b) ORDINANCE NO. ________  9  70.114A RCW or Chapter 37, Laws of 1998 (SB 6168). “Temporary worker housing”  means a place, area, or piece of land where sleeping places or housing sites are  provided by an employer for his or her employees or by another person, including  a temporary worker housing operator, who is providing such accommodations for  employees, for temporary, seasonal occupancy.  SECTION VII. Section 4‐5‐055 of the Renton Municipal Code is amended as shown on  Attachment A.  SECTION VIII. Section 4‐5‐090 of the Renton Municipal Code is amended as follows:  4‐5‐090 INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE ADOPTED:  A. ADOPTION BY REFERENCE:  The 2015 2018 Edition of the International Mechanical Code (IMC), as adopted  and amended by the State Building Code Council in chapter 51‐52 WAC, as  published by the International Code Council, is adopted by reference with the  following additions, deletions and exceptions: Provided, that Chapter 1, Scope and  Administration, is not adopted and the Construction Administrative Code, as set  forth in RMC 4‐5‐060, shall be used applied in place of IMC Chapter 1, Scope and  Administration. Provided, that the installation of fuel gas distribution piping and  equipment, fuel gas‐fired appliances and fuel gas‐fired appliance venting systems  shall be regulated by the 2018 International Fuel Gas Code. Provided, that  detached one (1) and two (2) family dwellings and multiple single‐family dwellings  (townhouses) not more than three (3) stories high with separate means of egress  and their accessory structures not more than three (3) stories above grade plane  AGENDA ITEM # b) ORDINANCE NO. ________  10  in height shall comply with the International Residential Code. Provided, that the  standards for liquefied petroleum gas installations shall be the 2014 2020 Edition  of NFPA 58 (Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code) and the 2014 2018 Edition of ANSI  Z223.1/NFPA 54 (National Fuel Gas Code). References in this code to Group R shall  include Group I‐1, Condition 2 assisted living facilities licensed by Washington  State under chapter 388‐78A WAC and Group I‐1, Condition 2 residential  treatment facilities licensed by Washington state under chapter 246‐337 WAC.  B. EXCEPTIONS:  The provisions of this code do not apply to temporary growing structures used  solely for the commercial production of horticultural plants including ornamental  plants, flowers, vegetables, and fruits. “Temporary growing structure” means a  structure that has the sides and roof covered with polyethylene, polyvinyl, or  similar flexible synthetic material and is used to provide plants with either frost  protection or increased heat retention. A temporary growing structure is not  considered a building for purposes of this code.  C. CONFLICTS:  In the case of conflict between the duct sealing or insulation requirements of  Section 603 or 604 of this code and the duct sealing or insulation requirements of  chapters 51‐11C/ and 51‐11R WAC, the Washington State Energy Code shall  govern.  SECTION IX. Section 4‐5‐100 of the Renton Municipal Code is amended as follows:  4‐5‐100 NATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE ADOPTED:  AGENDA ITEM # b) ORDINANCE NO. ________  11  The 2015 2018 Edition of the National Fuel Gas Code (ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54), as  adopted by the State Building Code Council in chapter 51‐52 WAC, as published  by NFPA, is adopted by reference. The Construction Administrative Code, as set  forth in RMC 4‐5‐060, shall be applied for the administration of this code.  SECTION X. Section 4‐5‐110 of the Renton Municipal Code is amended as follows:  4‐5‐110 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE ADOPTED:  The 2015 2018 Edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC), as adopted and  amended by the State Building Code Council in chapter 51‐56 WAC, as published  by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, is adopted  by reference with the following additions, deletions and exceptions: Provided,  that Chapter 1, Administration, is not adopted and the Construction  Administrative Code, as set forth in RMC 4‐5‐060, shall be used in place of UPC  Chapter 1, Administration. Provided, that Chapters 12 and 14 of the Uniform  Plumbing Code are not adopted. Provided, that those requirements of the  Uniform Plumbing Code relating to venting and combustion air of fuel‐fired  appliances as found in Chapter 5 and those portions of the code addressing  building sewers are not adopted.  The following appendices of the 2015 2018 Edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code  as adopted and amended by the State Building Code Council in chapter 51‐5657  WAC, as published by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical  Officials, are also adopted by reference: Appendix A – Recommended Rules for  Sizing the Water Supply System; Appendix B – Explanatory Notes on Combination  AGENDA ITEM # b) ORDINANCE NO. ________  12  Waste and Vent Systems; Appendix I – Installation Standards for Pex Tubing  Systems for Hot‐ and Cold‐Water Distribution. In addition, Appendix C – Alternate  Plumbing Systems, excluding Sections C303.3 and C304.0 through C601.9, is  adopted by reference.  Where a conflict exists between the provisions of Appendix I and the  manufacturer’s installation instructions, the conditions of the listing and the  manufacturer’s installation instructions shall apply.  SECTION XI. Section 4‐5‐130 of the Renton Municipal Code is amended as follows:  4‐5‐130 INTERNATIONAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE:  A. INTERNATIONAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE ADOPTED:  The 2015 2018 Edition of the International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC)  is adopted as amended, added to, or excepted in this title, and shall be applicable  within the City, except Chapter 1, Scope and Administration, and Sections 303,  307, 308, and 507, which are not adopted. The Construction Administrative Code,  as set forth in RMC 4‐5‐060, shall be used applied in place of IPMC Chapter 1,  Scope and Administration.   B. AMENDMENTS:  The following amendments to the Code are hereby adopted:  1. Section 301.2, Responsibility, of the 2018 Edition of the IPMC, is  amended to read as follows:  Responsibility: The owner of the premises shall maintain the structures  and exterior property in compliance with these requirements, except as  AGENDA ITEM # b) ORDINANCE NO. ________  13  otherwise provided for in this code. A person shall not occupy as owner‐ occupant or permit another person to occupy premises which are not in a  sanitary and safe condition and which do not comply with the requirements of  this section.  2. Subsection 301.3, Vacant buildings structures and land, of the 2018  Edition of the IPMC, is deleted in its entirety and replaced by the following:  301.3 Vacant buildings: All vacant buildings and premises thereof must  comply with this Code. Vacant buildings shall be maintained in a clean, safe,  secure and sanitary condition provided herein so as not to cause a blighting  problem or otherwise adversely affect the public health, safety, or quality of  life.  301.3.1 Appearance: All vacant buildings must appear to be occupied,  or appear able to be occupied with little or no repairs.  301.3.2 Security: All vacant buildings must be secured against outside  entry at all times. Security shall be by the normal building amenities such as  windows and doors having adequate strength to resist intrusion. All doors and  windows must remain locked. There shall be at least one operable door into  every building and into each housing unit. Exterior walls and roofs must remain  intact without holes.  301.3.2.1 Architectural (cosmetic) structural panels: Architectural  structural panels may be used to secure windows, doors, and other openings  provided they are cut to fit the opening and match the characteristics of the  AGENDA ITEM # b) ORDINANCE NO. ________  14  building. Architectural panels may be of exterior grade finished plywood or  Medium Density Overlaid plywood (MDO) that is painted to match the building  exterior or covered with a reflective material such as plexi‐glass.  Exception: Untreated plywood or similar structural panels may be used  to secure windows, doors and other openings for a maximum period of thirty  (30) days.  301.3.2.2 Security fences: Temporary construction fencing may be  used for a maximum period of thirty (30) days as a method to secure a building  from entry.  301.3.3 Weather protection: The exterior roofing and siding shall be  maintained as required in section 304.  301.3.4 Fire Safety:  301.3.4.1 Fire protection systems: All fire suppression and alarms  systems shall be maintained in a working condition and inspected as required  by the Fire Department.   301.3.4.2 Flammable liquids: No vacant building or premises or  portion thereof shall be used for the storage of flammable liquids or other  materials that constitute a safety or fire hazard.  301.3.4.3 Combustible materials: All debris, combustible materials,  litter and garbage shall be removed from vacant buildings, their accessory  buildings and adjoining yard areas. The building and premises shall be  maintained free from such items.  AGENDA ITEM # b) ORDINANCE NO. ________  15  301.3.4.3 Fire inspections: Periodic Fire Department inspections may  be required at intervals set forth by the Fire Chief.   301.3.5 Plumbing fixtures: Plumbing fixtures connected to an  approved water system, an approved sewage system, or an approved natural  gas utility system shall be installed in accordance with applicable codes and be  maintained in sound condition and good repair or removed and the service  terminated in the manner prescribed by applicable codes.  301.3.5.1 Freeze protection: The building’s water systems shall be  protected from freezing.  301.3.6 Electrical: Electrical service lines, wiring, outlets or fixtures not  installed or maintained in accordance with applicable codes shall be repaired,  removed or the electrical services terminated to the building in accordance  with applicable codes.  301.3.7 Heating: Heating facilities or heating equipment in vacant  buildings shall be removed, rendered inoperable, or maintained in accordance  with applicable codes.  301.3.8 Interior floors: If a hole in a floor presents a hazard, the hole  shall be covered and secured with three‐quarter inch (3/4") plywood, or a  material of equivalent strength, cut to overlap the hole on all sides by at least  six inches (6").  301.3.9 Termination of utilities: The code official may, by written  notice to the owner and to the appropriate water, electricity or gas utility,  AGENDA ITEM # b) ORDINANCE NO. ________  16  request that water, electricity, or gas service to a vacant building be  terminated or disconnected.  301.3.9.1 Restoration of service: If water, electricity, or gas service has  been terminated or disconnected pursuant to section 301.3.9, no one except  the utility may take any action to restore the service, including an owner or  other private party requesting restoration of service until written notification  is given by the code official that service may be restored.  301.3.10 Notice to person responsible: The code official may inspect  the building and premises whenever the code official has reason to believe  that a building is vacant, subject to a duly issued court warrant, if there is a  present danger, or under the terms of to exercise the City’s community  caretaking function, or where otherwise authorized by law. If the code official  determines that a vacant building violates any provision of this section, the  code official shall notify in writing the owner of the building or real property  upon which the building is located, or other person responsible, of the  violations and required corrections and shall be given a time frame to comply.  301.3.10.1 Alternate requirements: The requirements and time  frames of this section may be modified under an approved Plan of Action.  Within thirty (30) days of notification that a building or real property upon  which the building is located is in violation of this section, an owner may  submit a written Plan of Action for the code official to review and approve if  found acceptable. A Plan of Action may allow:  AGENDA ITEM # b) ORDINANCE NO. ________  17  1) Extended use of non‐architectural panels.  2) Extended use of temporary security fencing.  3) Extended time before the demolition of a building is required.  4) For substandard conditions to exist for a specific period of time,  provided the building is secured in an approved manner. When considering a  Plan of Action, the building code official shall take into consideration the  magnitude of the violation and the impact to the neighborhood.  301.3.11 Enforcement: Violations of this section shall be enforced  according to the provisions and procedures of RMC 1‐3‐2 and subject to the  monetary penalties contained therein.  301.3.11.1 Abatement: A building or structure accessory thereto that  remains vacant and open to entry after the required compliance date is found  and declared to be a public nuisance. The code official is hereby authorized to  summarily abate the violation by closing the building to unauthorized entry.  The costs of abatement shall be a lien against the real property and may be  collected from the owner in the manner provided by law.  301.3.11.2 Unsafe buildings and equipment: Any vacant building or  equipment therein declared unsafe is subject to the provisions of RMC 4‐5‐ 060 and the demolition provisions of RMC 4‐5‐060.  3. Section 302.4, Weeds, of the 2018 Edition of the IPMC, is amended to  read as follows:  AGENDA ITEM # b) ORDINANCE NO. ________  18  Weeds: All premises and exterior property shall be maintained free  from weeds or plant growth in excess of twelve inches (12”) in height on  developedment property or twenty‐four inches (24") in height on vacant land.  All noxious weeds shall be prohibited. Weeds shall be defined as all grasses,  annual plants and vegetation, other than trees or shrubs; provided, however,  this term shall not include cultivated flowers and gardens.  Upon failure of the owner or agent having charge of a property to cut  and destroy weeds after service of a notice of violation, they shall be subject  to the provisions of RMC 1‐3‐2, Civil Code Enforcement of Code.  4. Section 308, Rubbish and Garbage, of the 2018 Edition of the IPMC, is  deleted in its entirety and replaced with a new Section 308, Residential Outdoor  Storage, which shall read as follows:  308 Residential Outdoor Storage:  308.1 Purpose: The purpose of this section is to define and regulate  the outdoor storage of materials on residential property while maintaining the  character and use intended for single family residential neighborhoods.  308.2 Allowed residential outdoor storage: For RC and R‐1 zoned  properties, a maximum of four hundred (400) square feet of area may be used  for outdoor storage. For R‐4, R‐6, and R‐8 zoned properties, a maximum of two  hundred (200) square feet of area may be used for outdoor storage. For R‐10  and R‐14 zoned properties, a maximum of one hundred feet (100') of area may  AGENDA ITEM # b) ORDINANCE NO. ________  19  be used for outdoor storage. Outdoor storage in excess of the above  requirements is not permitted in the City of Renton.  308.3 Prohibited areas for outdoor storage: Outdoor storage is  prohibited on residentially zoned property in the following areas:  Front yards  Side yards  Slopes greater than fifteen percent (15%)  Designated open spaces or restricted areas  Critical areas, including wetland, streams and associated buffer areas  308.4 Emergency access: Outdoor storage areas shall not prevent  emergency access to the residential structure or any other building.  308.5 Business related storage: Materials stored outdoors on  residentially zoned properties shall not be owned by or used in any business  or industry including a home occupation business.  308.6 Height limitations: Materials stored outdoors on residentially  zoned properties shall be neatly stacked and not exceed a height of six feet  (6'). Tarps may not be utilized for screening cover outdoor storage.  308.7 Firewood: Firewood must be split, neatly stacked, and intended  for use on the premises on which it is stored. Tarps may be used to protect  cover firewood.  308.8 Membrane structures: Membrane structures are considered  outdoor storage, and subject to the location restrictions in section 308.3. Such  AGENDA ITEM # b) ORDINANCE NO. ________  20  structures shall not exceed two hundred (200) square feet in area. Membrane  structures shall be immediately removed or repaired in the event of disrepair  or in the event of damage caused by weather, fire, collision, accident, or other  forms of damage. Tarps and makeshift covers are prohibited for this use.  308.9 Prohibited materials: Shipping containers and other similar  storage units do not qualify as accessory buildings on residentially zoned  properties, and are prohibited. Hazardous materials are also prohibited for  outdoor storage on residentially zoned properties.  C. COPY ON FILE:  At least one (1) copy of the adopted edition of the International Property  Maintenance Code shall be on file in the office of the City Clerk.  SECTION XII. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or work of this  ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court or competent jurisdiction,  such invalidity or unconstitutionality thereof shall not affect the constitutionality of any other  section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this ordinance.  SECTION XIII. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after publication  of a summary of this ordinance in the City’s official newspaper.  The summary shall consist of this  ordinance’s title.      PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this _______ day of ___________________, 2021.                         Jason A. Seth, City Clerk    AGENDA ITEM # b) ORDINANCE NO. ________  21  APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this _______ day of _____________________, 2021.                         Armondo Pavone, Mayor    Approved as to form:             Shane Moloney, City Attorney  Date of Publication:      ORD:2131:1/6/2021 AGENDA ITEM # b) 22 ATTACHMENT A 4‐5‐055 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE ADOPTED: The 2015 2018 Edition of the International Residential Code (IRC), as adopted and amended by the State Building Code Council in chapter 51‐51 WAC, as published by the International Code Council, is adopted by reference, with the City’s amendments thereto, as specified in subsections A through C B of this Section. Chapter 1, Scope and Administration, is not adopted and the Construction Administrative Code, as set forth in RMC 4‐5‐060, shall be used in place of IRC Chapter 1, Scope and Administration. Provided, that Chapters 11 and 25 through 43 of the IRC are not adopted. The energy code is regulated by Chapter 51‐11R WAC; the plumbing code is regulated by Chapter 51‐56 WAC; the electrical code is regulated as adopted by RMC 4‐5‐040.  The standards for liquefied petroleum gas installations shall be 2020 NFPA 58 (Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code) and 2018 NFPA 54 (National Fuel Gas Code). All other fuel gas installations shall be regulated by the 2018 International Mechanical Code and 2018 International Fuel Gas Code. Appendix Q – Tiny Houses, and Appendix U – Dwelling Unit Fire Sprinkler Systems, as found in WAC 51‐51‐60105, are adopted. A. CITY AMENDMENTS TO IRC TABLE R301.2(1), CLIMATIC AND GEOGRAPHIC DESIGN CRITERIA: AGENDA ITEM # b) ORDINANCE NO. ________ 23 Table R301.2(1) of the International Residential Code is amended to read as follows: IRC Table R301.2(1) Climatic and Geographic Design Criteria  Roof Snow Load1 Wind Design2 Seismic Design Category3 Subject to Damage From: Outside Design Temp. – Heat/Cool Ice Barrier Under‐layment Required Flood Hazards5 Air Freezing Index Mean Annual Temp. Speed Topographic Effects Weathering4 Frost Line Depth Termite Decay 25 psf 110 mph See footnote2 D2 Moderate 12" Slight to Moderate 24ºF/83ºF No N/A 113 50ºF  GROUND SNOW LOAD1 WIND DESIGN2 SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY SUBJECT TO DAMAGE FROM WINTER DESIGN TEMP ICE BARRIER UNDERLAYMENT REQUIRED FLOOD HAZARDS5 AIR FREEZING INDEX MEAN ANNUAL TEMP Speed (mph) Topographic Effects2 Special Wind Region Windborne Debris Zone Weathering Frost Line Depth Termite 20 110 See Footnote 2 No No D2 Moderate 12” Slight 24° F No N/A 113 50° F MANUAL J DESIGN CRITERIA Elevation Latitude Winter Heating Summer Cooling Altitude Correction Factor Indoor Design Temperature Design Temperature Cooling Heating Temperature Difference 364 Feet 47° 72° F 75° F 0.99 72° F 75° F 45° F AGENDA ITEM # b) ORDINANCE NO. ________ 24 Cooling Temperature Difference Wind Velocity Heating Wind Velocity Cooling Coincident Wet Bulb Daily Range Winter Humidity Summer Humidity 7° F N/A N/A 66 Medium 82% 68%  Footnotes: 1. When using this A roof snow load minimum of twenty‐five (25) pounds per square foot (“psf”)  may be used for design. Iit will be left to the engineer’s judgment whether to consider drift or sliding snow. However, rain on snow surcharge of five (5) psf must be considered for roof slopes less than five degrees (5°). 2. Wind exposure category and Topographic effects (Wind Speed‐up Kzt factor) shall be determined on a site‐specific basis by the Design Professional in Responsible Charge (components and cladding need not consider topographic effects unless otherwise determined by the engineer of record). 3. From IRC Table 301.2(1). 4. Weathering may require a higher strength concrete or grade of masonry than necessary to satisfy the structural requirements of this code. The grade of masonry units shall be determined from ASTM C 34, C 55, C 62, C 73, C 90, C 129, C 145, C 216 or C 652. AGENDA ITEM # b) ORDINANCE NO. ________ 25 5. The City of Renton participates in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) as specified in City of Renton Resolution No. 1984, dated April 21, 1975. On August 10, 2020, Tthe City’s adopted by Ordinance No. 5977 “The Flood Insurance Study is April 19, 2005 (FIS) for King County, Washington and Incorporated Areas,” effective for all communities in King County on August 19, 2020, with the accompanying , and the number and date of current effective Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMSs). The FIS and FIRMs are on file at the City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. are as follows: 53033CIND0A 04/19/2005 53033C0664F 05/16/1995 53033C0666F 05/16/1995 53033C0668F 05/16/1995 53033C0669F 05/16/1995 53033C0957F 05/16/1995 53033C0976F 05/16/1995 53033C0977F 05/16/1995 53033C0978F 05/16/1995 53033C0979F 05/16/1995 AGENDA ITEM # b) ORDINANCE NO. ________ 26 53033C0981F 05/16/1995 53033C0982F 05/16/1995 53033C0983F 05/16/1995 53033C0984F 05/16/1995 53033C0986F 05/16/1995 53033C0987F 05/16/1995 B. EXCEPTIONS: The provisions of this code do not apply to temporary growing structures used solely for the commercial production of horticultural plants including ornamental plants, flowers, vegetables, and fruits. “Temporary growing structure” means a structure that has the sides and roof covered with polyethylene, polyvinyl, or similar flexible synthetic material and is used to provide plants with either frost protection or increased heat retention. A temporary growing structure is not considered a building for purposes of this code. The provisions of this code do not apply to the construction, alteration, or repair of temporary worker housing except as provided by rule adopted under Chapter 70.114A RCW or Chapter 37, Laws of 1998 (SB 6168). “Temporary worker housing” means a place, area, or piece of land where sleeping places or AGENDA ITEM # b) ORDINANCE NO. ________ 27 housing sites are provided by an employer for his or her employees or by another person, including a temporary worker housing operator, who is providing such accommodations for employees, for temporary, seasonal occupancy. C. CONFLICTS: In the case of conflict between the duct sealing or insulation requirements of Section 603 or Section 604 of this code and the duct sealing or insulation requirements of Chapter 51‐11C/R WAC, the Washington State Energy Code shall govern.  AGENDA ITEM # b)