HomeMy WebLinkAboutExh.38_Traffic_Analysis.pdf TENW Transportation Engineering NorthWest Transportation Planning | Design | Traffic Impact & Operations PO Box 65254, Seattle, WA 98155 | Office (206) 361-7333 MEMORANDUM DATE: November 24, 2020 TO: David Ratliff, Vice President, DevCo., Inc. FROM: Michael J. Read, PE, Principal, TENW SUBJECT: Transportation Consistency Analysis for Renton Solera Mixed Use TENW Project No. 2020-72 This memorandum documents a consistency analysis of specific transportation impact evaluations documented in the original Traffic Impact Analysis - Solera Mixed-Use, Transpo Group, October 2018, and the underlying Master Site Plan Review, Preliminary Plat Approval, Conditional Use Permit, and Street Modification Approval decisions by the City of Renton. The Solera Mixed Use Master Plan along Sunset Boulevard in the Renton Highlands neighborhood was originally approved with 673 residential units (521 rental and 152 owner-occupied multifamily housing units) and approximately 38,777 square-feet of commercial uses within Block A and B. Transportation-related items included in the consistency review:  Preparation of a comparative trip generation analysis based on the proposed minor modifications within the development, using trip generation rates published by ITE in the Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition, 2017.  Perform a review of the overall site plan for review of access, traffic control, and safety of the proposed minor modifications to the Master Plan. Project Trip Generation The proposed minor modification to the approved Master Plan for the Solera Mixed Use project would now include 648 residential uses (552 rental apartments and 96 owner-occupied) and approximately 35,017 square-feet of commercial uses. Total parking is proposed with 1,028 stalls on-site, of which 80 stalls would be dedicated to commercial uses during business hours and 948 stalls dedicated to residential units. Consistent with the original 2018 traffic analysis, published trip generation rates by As such, similar factors through factoring of published residential trip generation rates by the Institute of Transportation Engineers in the Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition, 2017, and the Trip Generation Handbook, 2nd Edition, ITE, were utilized. Average trip rates or regression equations for Mid-Rise Multifamily, Low-Rise Multifamily, Daycare Center, and Retail were applied for the project components now proposed as part of the Solera Mixed Use Master Plan, while existing Retail and Bank with Drive-Thru uses were applied as credit as they would be removed as part of the project. It should be noted, that the removal of the existing Bank with Drive-Thru is now included in the analysis as opposed to the previous traffic analysis which assumed it would remain. Solera Mixed Use Transportation Consistency Analysis TENW page 2 November 24, 2020 As shown in Table 1, a net total of approximately 966 daily, 185 a.m. peak hour (37 entering, 148 exiting), and 60 p.m. peak hour vehicular trips (63 entering and 3 fewer exiting) would be generated at full buildout conditions under the proposed Master Plan minor modifications to the Solera Mixed Use project. In contrast to the October 2018 traffic analysis (see Attachment A), a net change in site vehicle trips is expected to be approximately 1,500 new daily vehicle trips, 11 fewer a.m. peak hour trips, and 31 new p.m. peak hour trips. Given the overall net change, no additional traffic analysis is warranted or required to review traffic operational impacts. Table 1: Solera Mixed Use Project Trip Generation Comparison with Approved Master Plan Land Use ITE Land Use Code 1 Size 2 A.M. Peak P.M. Peak Daily Trip Generation Enter Exit Total Enter Exit Total Apartments (Mid) 221 552 DU 48 135 183 139 89 229 3,007 Apartments (Low) 220 96 DU 7 24 31 36 21 57 685 Retail 820 23,217 sf GLA 14 8 22 42 46 88 876 Daycare Center 565 11,800 sf GFA 69 61 130 62 69 131 562 Less Credit for Existing Land Uses -59 -38 -97 -160 -169 -330 -2,900 Less Internal Trips 3 -37 -39 -76 -42 -43 -85 -966 Less Pass-By Trips 3 -5 -3 -8 -14 -16 -30 -298 Proposed Solera Master Plan Net Trips 37 148 185 63 -3 60 966 Approved Solera Master Plan Net Trips 37 159 196 44 -15 29 -534 Difference in Solera Master Plan Compared to Approved Master Plan 0 -11 -11 +19 +12 +31 +1,500 1. Trip rates based on ITE Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition, 2017. 2. DU is Dwelling Unit, GFA is Gross Floor Area, and GLA is Gross Leasable Area. 3. Internal and pass-by determined based upon documented average rates from ITE Trip Generation Handbook, June 2004. Detailed trip generation tables are provided in Attachment B. Site Access Review TENW performed a high level review of the previously approved and currently proposed site plan. Our review focused on site access/garage driveway locations, offsets to existing and proposed and general safety considerations between vehicular and nonmotorized modes. Based on our review, the planned layout of access onto Sunset Boulevard (SR 900) was modified to eliminate the unsafe turning conflicts and lack of queue storage for vehicles entering the site at the proposed NE 11th Street intersection and the southern driveway easement shared with the convenience market/fuel station at the NE 10th Street intersection. This included reorientation of the vehicle flows within the angled parking along the retail building frontages on Sunset Boulevard and installation of a C-curb section at the primary NE 11th Street intersection to eliminate vehicle crossing maneuvers between the angled parking drive aisles that would conflict with enter/exit volumes (see Attachment C). Solera Mixed Use Transportation Consistency Analysis TENW page 3 November 24, 2020 Conclusions As described above, the transportation consistency analysis was prepared for the proposed minor modification to the approved Master Plan for the Solera Mixed Use project:  With the proposed minor modifications, no significant differences in peak hour project trip generation are expected to occur, with 11 fewer a.m. peak hour trips and 29 more p.m. peak hour trips than approved Master Plan buildout components.  The recommended reorientation of the vehicle flows within the angled parking along the retail building frontages on Sunset Boulevard and installation of a C-curb section at the primary NE 11th Street intersection to eliminate vehicle crossing maneuvers between the angled parking drive aisles that would conflict with enter/exit volumes, would remove safety and conflicting vehicle concerns and provide for safe and efficient . Based on the above, it was determined that no further traffic analysis of the proposed minor modification to the approved Master Plan for the Solera Mixed Use project is warranted, and the project mitigation identified in the 2018 Master Plan and underlying supporting documents remains valid with the site access revisions noted above. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at (206) 361-7333 ext. 101. TENW ATTACHMENT A October 2018 Trip Generation Summary Table for Solera Mixed Use Traffic Impact Analysis Traffic Impact Analysis Solera Mixed-Use October 2018 12 Table 4. Estimated Weekday Project Trip Generation Unadjusted Internal Pass-by Total Trips Land Use Size Trips Trips2 Trips3 Total In Out Weekday Daily Proposed Retail (LU #820) 14,000 sf 528 282 84 162 81 81 Day Care Center (LU #565) 11,800 sf 562 172 0 390 195 195 Senior Housing (LU #252) 225 DU 832 84 0 748 374 374 Mid Rise Multifamily Housing (LU #221) 448 DU 2,440 250 0 2,190 1,095 1,095 Subtotal 4,362 788 84 3,490 1,745 1,745 Existing Retail 102,100 sf 6,098 0 2,074 4,024 2,012 2,012 Total Net New -1,736 788 -1,990 -534 -267 -267 Weekday AM Peak Hour Proposed Retail (LU #820) 14,000 sf 13 2 4 7 5 2 Day Care Center (LU #565) 11,800 sf 130 0 0 130 69 61 Senior Housing (LU #252) 225 DU 45 0 0 45 16 29 Mid Rise Multifamily Housing (LU #221) 448 DU 149 2 0 147 38 109 Subtotal 337 4 4 329 128 201 Existing Retail 102,100 sf 203 0 70 133 91 42 Total Net New 134 4 -66 196 37 159 Weekday PM Peak Hour Proposed Retail (LU #820) 14,000 sf 53 10 14 29 15 14 Day Care Center (LU #565) 11,800 sf 131 0 0 131 62 69 Senior Housing (LU #252) 225 DU 56 2 0 54 30 24 Mid Rise Multifamily Housing (LU #221) 448 DU 187 8 0 179 108 71 Subtotal 427 20 14 393 215 178 Existing Retail 102,100 sf 552 0 188 364 171 193 Total Net New -125 20 -174 29 44 -15 Notes: sf = square-feet, du = dwelling units 1. Based on average trip rates & regression equation from ITE Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition (2017). Rate used consistent with ITE Trip Generation Handbook, 3rd Edition (2017) methodologies. 2. Internal Capture methodology consistent with ITE Trip Generation Handbook, 3rd Edition (2017). As shown in Table 4, the proposed project is anticipated to result in a reduction in daily trips in the area with approximately 534 fewer daily trips. During the weekday AM peak hour, the project would generate approximately 196 net new trips with approximately 37 inbound and 159 outbound trips. During the weekday PM peak hour, the project would generate approximately 29 net new trips with an additional 44 inbound and 15 fewer outbound trips. TENW ATTACHMENT B Detailed Trip Generation Analysis of Minor Modification to Solera Mixed Use Project ITE Trip Generation, 10th Edition, 2017Solera Mixed Use ‐ November 2020 ProgramLU Daily Daily Rate AM Rate PM RateProposedX Code Enter Exit Trips Enter Exit Trips TripsMid‐Rise Apartment 552 221 48 135 183 139 89 228 3,007 fitted curve fitted curve fitted curveLow‐Rise Townhomes96 220 7 24 31 36 21 57 685 fitted curve fitted curve fitted curveDaycare Center11,800 565 69 61 130 62 69 131 562 47.62 11.00 11.12Retail23,217 820 14 8 22 42 46 88 876 37.75 0.94 3.81Pass‐By Adjustment for Retail (34%)‐5‐3‐7‐14‐16‐30‐298Removal of Bank with Drive‐Thru from Master Plan Area5,479 912‐30‐22‐52‐56‐56‐112‐548 100.03 9.50 20.45Pass‐By Adjustment for Bank (35%)11 8 18202039192Retail102,100 820‐60‐36‐96‐187‐202‐389‐3,854 37.75 0.94 3.81Pass‐By Adjustment for Retail (34%)20123363691321,310Subtotal with Passs‐By Adjustments Only74 187 261 105 40 145 1,932Internal Adjustment for Mixed Use (Not including Daycare)5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 15%5%‐3‐8‐11‐11‐8‐19‐685Internal Adjustment for Daycare Use by On‐Site Residents50%‐34‐31‐65‐31‐35‐66‐281Total37 148 185 63‐3 60 966NotesTrip generation analysis performed using consistent approach/methodology as approved October 2018 transportation analysis and established daycare facilities at other DevCo properties where colocation and apartments occurs.AM Peak PM PeakRenton Solera Mixed Use Trip Gen.xls TENW ATTACHMENT C Site Access Recommendations onto Sunset Boulevard 1601 5th Avenue, Suite 1600 Seattle, WA 98101 206.622.5822 www.kpff.com