HomeMy WebLinkAboutExh.42_Drainage_Report.pdf. Solera Subdivision Drainage Report December 2020 Solera Subdivision i Drainage Report December 2020 Prepared for: DevCo, LLC 10900 NE 8th Street, Suite 1200 Bellevue, WA 98004 Prepared by: Jeremy Febus, PE, LEED AP Joe Neuzil, EIT KPFF Consulting Engineers 1601 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1600 Seattle, WA 98101 (206) 622-5822 KPFF Project No. 117659 12/15/2020 Solera Subdivision ii This Page Intentionally Left Blank Solera Subdivision iii Table of Contents 1. Project Overview .......................................................................................................................... 1 2. Existing Conditions ...................................................................................................................... 2 3. Conditions and Requirements Summary ..................................................................................... 3 Core Requirement No. 1: Discharge at The natural Location ...................................................... 3 Core Requirement No. 2: Offsite Analysis ..................................................................................... 3 Core Requirement No. 3: Flow Control .......................................................................................... 3 Core Requirement No. 4: Conveyance System ............................................................................. 3 Core Requirement No. 5: Construction Stormwater Pollution prevention ................................... 3 Core Requirement No. 6: Maintenance and Operations .............................................................. 3 Core Requirement No. 7: Financial Guarantees and Liability ....................................................... 3 Core Requirement No. 8: water quality ......................................................................................... 3 Core Requirement No. 9: On-Site BMPS ....................................................................................... 4 special requirement No. 1: Other Adopted Area-Specific Requirements ..................................... 4 special requirement No. 2: Flood Hazard Area Delineation .......................................................... 4 special requirement No. 3: Flood Protection Facilities .................................................................. 4 special requirement No. 4: Source Control .................................................................................... 4 special requirement No. 5: oil control ............................................................................................ 4 special requirement No. 6: aquifer protection areas ..................................................................... 4 4. Off-Site Analysis ........................................................................................................................... 5 3.1 upstream analysis ..................................................................................................................... 5 3.2 Downstream analysis ................................................................................................................ 5 5. Flow Control Analysis and Design ............................................................................................... 7 6. Water Quality Analysis and Design .............................................................................................. 9 6.1 Water Quality Requirement ...................................................................................................... 9 6.2 On-site BMP Requirement ..................................................................................................... 10 7. Conveyance System Analysis and Design ................................................................................. 10 8. Esc Analysis and Design ............................................................................................................ 11 9. Special Reports and Studies ...................................................................................................... 11 10. Bond Quantities and Declaration of Covenant .......................................................................... 11 Solera Subdivision iv List of Figures Figure 1-1: Site Map ...................................................................................................................................... 1 Figure 1-2: Site Topography .......................................................................................................................... 2 Figure 4-1: Predeveloped Areas .................................................................................................................... 7 Figure 4-2: Developed Areas ......................................................................................................................... 8 Figure 5-1: Surface Runoff Basins ................................................................................................................ 9 List of Tables Table 4-1: MGS Flood Peak Flow Rate Results ............................................................................................ 8 Appendices Appendix A Existing Conditions Site Map Proposed Conditions Site Plan Appendix B Flow Control Applications Map MGS Flood Peak Flow Report MGS Flood Bioretention Report Appendix C Geotechnical Report Infiltration Test Report Drainage Report – Solera Unit Lot Subdivision 1 1. Project Overview The Solera Subdivision is a proposed residential and mixed use development at the northern corner of NE 10th Ave and Sunset Blvd in Renton, Washington. The project consists of 96 for-sale town home units, approximately 551 apartment units and roughly 39,000 sq ft of non-residential or commercial space. The project consists of 6 existing parcels which will be subdivided into 4 parcels including realignment and dedication of a portion of Jefferson Avenue NE ROW totaling 11.8 acres (Figure 1-1). The realigned and expanded public right-of-ways will bisect the site connecting NE 12th Street to NE 10th Street and Harrington Place to NE Sunset Boulevard. Additional frontage ROW dedications will be provided as well. Figure 1-1: Site Map SITE Drainage Report – Solera Unit Lot Subdivision 2 2. Existing Conditions The site is substantially developed and paved in its existing condition. The current use, the Greater Hi-Lands Shopping Center and its accompanying surface parking lot occupy the majority of the site. A 1.1 acre parcel, in the southwest corner of the site, is undeveloped - consisting of lawn and gravel. The majority of the site slopes to the southwest at grades of 2-5%. The northern extent of the project site, near the existing US Bank building, slopes toward NE 12th St at grades of 2-5%. See Figure 2-1 for an overview of site topography. Figure 1-2: Site Topography Drainage Report – Solera Unit Lot Subdivision 3 3. Conditions and Requirements Summary In compliance to the City of Renton city code, proposed development shall be in accordance with a city amended version of the 2016 King County Surface Water Manual City titled The Renton Surface Water Manual (RSWM). CORE REQUIREMENT NO. 1: DISCHARGE AT THE NATURAL L OCATION The project proposes to connect to existing public stormwater conveyance systems in NE 10th St and NE 12th St. These storm drains converge within ¼ mile downstream, and so the site is treated as a single Threshold Discharge Area. CORE REQUIREMENT NO. 2: OFFSITE ANALYSIS An offsite analysis has been conducted, see Section 3. CORE REQUIREMENT NO. 3: FLOW CONTROL According to the Flow Control Application Map from the RSWM, the development is required to meet the Peak Rate Flow Control Standard – Match Existing. Developed flows must match 2, 10 and 100-yr peak flows which existed on site prior to May 1979. Existing improvements on the site were built in phases over a range of years from 1958 to 1977, and so for the purposes of this analysis, “existing conditions” are defined as the current land use. CORE REQUIREMENT NO. 4: CONVEYANCE SYSTEM Proposed conveyance system elements, both onsite and offsite, shall be analyzed, designed and constructed according to RSWM requirements. Conveyance system calculations will be provided during construction document permitting following entitlement. CORE REQUIREMENT NO. 5: CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER PO LLUTION PREVENTION Erosion and Sediment Control measures and Stormwater Pollution Prevention and Spill Control measures will be applied through a Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention (CSWPP) plan to be prepared during construction permitting. CORE REQUIREMENT NO. 6: MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS Operation and Maintenance measures for stormwater infrastructure will be provided prior to Final Plat Submittal. CORE REQUIREMENT NO. 7: FINANCIAL GUARANTEES AND LI ABILITY Bond quantities for the City of Renton will be provided prior to construction permitting. CORE REQUIREMENT NO. 8: WATER QUALITY The project is required to apply Enhanced Basic WQ treatment due to the Commercial and multifamily land uses. To achieve this bioretention facilities have been proposed throughout the site, See Section 5 for a more detailed analysis. Drainage Report – Solera Unit Lot Subdivision 4 CORE REQUIREMENT NO. 9: ON-SITE BMPS The project is satisfying the on-site BMP requirement by demonstrating compliance with the LID Performance Standard as described in Section in the RSWM. The LID Performance standard is being achieved through the use of bioretention and underground infiltration facilities dispersed throughout the development. See Section 6 for a more detailed analysis. SPECIAL REQUIREMENT NO. 1: OTHER ADOPTED AREA-SPECI FIC REQUIREMENTS This project is within the Sunset Area Surface Water Master Plan (CH2M HILL, 2011) which requires the developer to install an 8 ft wide bioretention facility along the south side of NE 12th St. SPECIAL REQUIREMENT NO. 2: FLOOD HAZARD AREA DELINE ATION This project is not located in a flood hazard area. SPECIAL REQUIREMENT NO. 3: FLOOD PROTECTION FACILIT IES This project does not modify or use a flood protection facility. SPECIAL REQUIREMENT NO. 4: SOURCE CONTROL Source control requirements apply to projects proposing a commercial building or which require a Commercial Site Development permit. The commercial development will apply the appropriate BMP’s required during building permits. SPECIAL REQUIREMENT NO. 5: OIL CONTROL The project does not classify as a high use site and is thus exempt from the Special Requirement #5. SPECIAL REQUIREMENT NO. 6: AQUIFER PROTECTION AREAS The project is within wellhead protection zone 2. However, the project is not proposing any of the drainage facilities mentioned in Section 1.3.6 of the RSWM and thus special requirement No. 6 is not applicable. Drainage Report – Solera Unit Lot Subdivision 5 4. Off-Site Analysis 3.1 UPSTREAM ANALYSIS The site is on a ridgeline. There are no upstream basins that drain onto the project site. 3.2 DOWNSTREAM ANALYSIS Approximately 90% of the existing development drains to the southwest, where it is collected in the public conveyance systems within NE 10th St. The Sunset Neighborhood Park, directly across NE 10th St, has existing bioretention cells which were sized to accommodate 0.77 acres of the flow from the Solera site. The rest of the existing Solera runoff is conveyed west along 10th St toward Sunset Blvd. The remaining approximately 10% of existing runoff flows to the north where it discharges to the public stormwater conveyance system within NE 12th St. Flow from all of three of these discharge locations converge within ¼ mile downstream. The downstream path for this site’s runoff is contained within a piped public conveyance system. Approximately 1 mile downstream, the piped system crosses under Interstate 405 and outfalls into a series of wetlands. Runoff flows through the wetlands until it reaches a creek which flows to Lake Washington. The Sunset Area Storm Water Master Plan notes that there are no known capacity issues in the drainage system downstream of our site. Drainage Report – Solera Unit Lot Subdivision 6 Figure 3-1: 1-Mile Downstream Flow Path Drainage Report – Solera Unit Lot Subdivision 7 5. Flow Control Analysis and Design According to the City of Redmond Flow Control Application Map, the project falls within the Peak Flow Control Standard Region (Existing Site Conditions, See Appendix B). The Peak Flow Control Standard states that the developed condition peak flows for the 2, 10 and 100 year storm must be less than peak flows that existed on site prior to May 1979. The King County Assessor’s Reports indicate that the latest improvements to the developed parcels were made in 1977. Street frontages are assumed to be to their current conditions prior to on-site parcel improvements in 1977: Sunset Blvd, Harrington Pl, Kirkland Avenue NE, and NE 12th Street. See Figures 4-1 and 4-2 for a comparison of impervious and pervious surfaces in the existing and developed conditions. The existing surveyed conditions were modeled as existing conditions in this analysis. Figure 5-1: Predeveloped Areas Drainage Report – Solera Unit Lot Subdivision 8 Figure 5-2: Developed Areas Table 5-1: MGS Flood Peak Flow Rate Results The proposed improvements to the site will create more pervious surface than existed in May 1979. As a result, without the implementation of any flow control measures, the developed peak flows are less than predeveloped peak flows in the 2, 10 and 100yr condition – complying with Core Requirement #3. Predeveloped Peak Flows (cfs) Developed Peak Flows (cfs) 2 yr 3.25 2.78 10 yr 4.56 4.08 100 yr 6.10 5.33 Drainage Report – Solera Unit Lot Subdivision 9 6. Water Quality Analysis and LID Performance Standard Design The project is proposing to construct infiltrating bioretention cells to satisfy both Core Requirement No. 8 Water Quality and Core Requirement No. 9 On-site BMPs. 6.1 WATER QUALITY REQUIREMENT Over 50% of the developed site will be commercial and multifamily land use. According to the RSWM this triggers the need for Enhanced Basic Water Quality treatment. The treatment goal of Enhanced Basic Water Requirement can be achieved by treating targeted surface runoff with bioretention (Enhanced Basic Option 4, 6.1.2 RSWM). The project site has been subdivided into 68 sub-basins (Figure 6-1) Figure 6-1: Surface Runoff Basins The site grading allows directs sub-basin runoff from new pollution generating impervious surface into bioretention facilities through a curb inlet. Runoff treated in bioretention planters will then infiltrate into native soils. Surface runoff from street frontage improvements will be treated in the same way (basins 45-48;62-68). Bioretention facilities have been sized using MGS Flood methodology to treat 91% of runoff entering the cell. An infiltration rate of 6 inches per hour was used for the amended soil and an infiltration rate of 0.7 inches per hour was used for the underlying native soils consistent with infiltration test results completed by Earth Solutions Northwest LLC (report in Appendix C). The geotechnical report provides tested on-site infiltration rates ranging from 2-20 inches per hour. The rate of 0.7 inches per hour is a conservative infiltration rate used for design, taking the lowest tested rate (2 inches per hour) and applying a safety factor of 3. The MGS Flood Report demonstrating compliance is located in Appendix B. Drainage Report – Solera Unit Lot Subdivision 10 6.2 ON-SITE BMP REQUIREMENT According to section 1.2.9 of the RWSM, Core Requirement #9 can be satisfied by, 1) Application of BMPs to the maximum extent feasible or 2) Using a continuous runoff model to demonstrate compliance with the Low Impact Development (LID) Performance Standard. This development has opted to use the LID performance Standard, “stormwater discharges shall match developed discharge durations to pre-developed durations for the range of pre-developed discharge rates from 8% of the 2-year peak flow to 50% of the 2-yr peak flows.” The pre-developed condition is modeled as forested to comply with this approach. The development has proposed to meet this requirement primarily through bioretention cells distributed throughout the site. For Mixed-Use Building B, an underground infiltration facility is proposed for all roof runoff. Using the same basins shown in Figure 6-1, duration flows for each basin were modeled using MGS flood methodology. Each individual basin, routed through the infiltrating bioretention facility, meet discharge rates from 8% of the 2-year peak flow to 50% of the 2-year peak flow meeting the LID performance standard. Basin 30 and 31 are routed to an underground infiltration facility, which meets compliance for the LID performance standard. The project is also compliant with the LID performance standard site-wide. Appendix B provides a report which analyzes the site as a single basin. Bioretention cells function in parallel, not in series, and so every basin was combined to show compliance for the flow rates from the entire site for a single point of compliance. As shown in Appendix B, the overall site area flow rates are in accordance with the LID performance standard. The input for the continuous runoff model shows a single basin (sum of all sub-basins) discharging to a single bioretention facility (area is a sum of all on-site bioretention facilities). Overflow from bioretention areas will be routed via on-site conveyance structures and drain lines to the existing public conveyance system. Each individual basin’s MGS Flood Reports as well as the composite MGS Flood report is provided in Appendix B. 6.3 ON-SITE BMP MIXED USE LOTS Mixed-use lots will use a combination of bio-retention planters and underground infiltration facilities to meet 100% of the LID performance standard for roof areas. Meeting this requirement strictly through the use of bio- retention planters and underground infiltration facilities would require approximately 3,000 square feet of infiltration area per mixed use Parcel. Soil Amendment is proposed to meet BMP requirements for new pervious surfaces on the mixed-use parcels in accordance with The City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual Appendix C.2.13. The mixed-use parcel roof areas, as well as the pervious surface areas, were included in the basin representing the entire site described in Section 6.2. The actual BMP sizing and placement will be refined and fully documented through individual site plan entitlements for each mixed-use parcel. 7. Conveyance System Analysis and Design No existing capacity issues are known within the downstream conveyance system. A detailed analysis will be performed for the projects receiving conveyance system during construction document permitting. Proposed conveyance system elements, both onsite and offsite, shall be analyzed, designed and constructed according to RSWM requirements. Conveyance system calculations will be provided during construction document permitting following entitlement. Drainage Report – Solera Unit Lot Subdivision 11 8. Esc Analysis and Design Erosion and Sediment Control measures and Stormwater Pollution Prevention and Spill Control measures will be applied through a Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention (CSWPP) plan. 9. Special Reports and Studies The Sunset Area Surface water Master Plan (CH2M HILL, 2011) discusses the City of Renton’s surface water management program within the Sunset Area. The Master Plan requires this project to install an 8’ bioretention facility along the south side of NE 12th St. 10. Bond Quantities and Declaration of Covenant Bond quantities for the City of Renton will be provided prior to construction permitting. Drainage Report – Solera Unit Lot Subdivision 12 Appendix A 1. Existing Conditions Site Map 2. Proposed Conditions Site Plan NE 1 2 TH S T R E E T (A D ED I CA T ED PUB L I C R IGH T O F WA Y ) HARRINGTON PLACE NE (A DEDICATED PUBLIC RIGHT OF W A Y )KIRKLAND AVENUE NE(A DEDICATED PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY)NE SUNSET BOULEVARD (A DEDICATED PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY) SUNSET LANE NE (A DEDICATED PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY)NE 10TH STREET(A DEDICATED PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY)SUNSET LANE NE (A DEDICATED PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY) NE SUNSET BOULEVARD (A DEDICATED PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY) PERVIOUS: 1.8 ACRES IMPERVIOUS = 10.8 ACRES SUNSET BLVD KIRKLAND AVE NENE 12TH ST HARRINGTON PL NE NE 10TH STEXISTING CONDITIONS 1601 5th Avenue, Suite 1600 Seattle, WA 98101 206.622.5822 www.kpff.com NW 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 AND THE NE 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 05 EAST, W.M. Drainage Report – Solera Subdivision Appendix B Appendix B 1. Flow Control Applications Map 2. MGS Flood Peak Flow Report 3. MGS Flood Bioretention Report LakeDesire ShadyLake (MudLake) PantherLake LakeYoungs LakeWashington Bl a c kRi ver Gr eenRiv e r C edarRi verUV900 UV167 UV515 UV169 UV900 UV169 UV167BN IncBN IncBBNNIInnccSSEERReennttoonn II ssss aa qquuaahh RR dd RReennttoonnMMaappllee VVaalllleeyyRRdd MMaapplleeVVaalllleeyyHHwwyy 110088tthhAAvveeSSEESSWW SSuunnsseettBBllvvdd RRaaiinnii eerrAAvveeNNNE 3rd StNE 3rd St SW 43rd StSW 43rd St SS EE CCaarrrrRR dd NE 4th StNE 4th St SSEE RReennttoonn MMaappllee VVaalllleeyy RRddLLooggaannAAvveeNN SR 515SR 515PPaarrkkAAvveeNNOOaakkeessddaalleeAAvveeSSWWSSuunnsseettBBllvvddNN EE DDuuvvaallllAAvveeNNEEI-405 FWYI-405 FWY II--440055FFWWYYSR 167SR 167114400tthh WWaayySS EENNEE 2277tthh SStt 115566tthhAAvveeSSEEUUnniioonnAAvveeNNEE111166tthhAAvveeSSEESW 7th StSW 7th St N 8th StN 8th St PP uuggeettDDrrSSEE RR ee nnttoonnAAvvee SS SSWW 2277tthh SStt BBeennssoonnRRddSSWWiilllliiaammssAAvveeSSMMoonnrrooeeAAvveeNNEESE 128th StSE 128th St II nntt eerr uurr bbaannAAvveeSS 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Application Map Reference 15-A Date: 01/09/2014 Flow Control Standards Peak Rate Flow Control Standard (Existing Site Conditions) Flow Control Duration Standard (Existing Site Conditions) Flow Control Duration Standard (Forested Conditions) Flood Problem Flow Unincorporated King County Flow Control Standards Renton City Limits Potential Annexation Area PROJECT SITE ————————————————————————————————— MGS FLOOD PROJECT REPORT Program Version: MGSFlood 4.52 Program License Number: 200410007 Project Simulation Performed on: 11/02/2020 5:33 AM Report Generation Date: 11/02/2020 5:36 AM ————————————————————————————————— Input File Name: 2020-11-1_Peaks.fld Project Name: Solera Analysis Title: Peak Flows Comments: ———————————————— PRECIPITATION INPUT ———————————————— Computational Time Step (Minutes): 60 Extended Precipitation Time Series Selected Climatic Region Number: 3 Full Period of Record Available used for Routing Precipitation Station : 95004005 Puget West 40 in_5min 10/01/1939-10/01/2097 Evaporation Station : 951040 Puget West 40 in MAP Evaporation Scale Factor : 0.750 HSPF Parameter Region Number: 1 HSPF Parameter Region Name : USGS Default ********** Default HSPF Parameters Used (Not Modified by User) *************** ********************** WATERSHED DEFINITION *********************** Predevelopment/Post Development Tributary Area Summary Predeveloped Post Developed Total Subbasin Area (acres) 12.600 12.600 Area of Links that Include Precip/Evap (acres) 0.000 0.000 Total (acres) 12.600 12.600 ----------------------SCENARIO: PREDEVELOPED Number of Subbasins: 1 ---------- Subbasin : Subbasin 1 ---------- -------Area (Acres) -------- Till Grass 1.800 Impervious 10.800 ---------------------------------------------- Subbasin Total 12.600 ----------------------SCENARIO: POSTDEVELOPED Number of Subbasins: 1 ---------- Subbasin : Subbasin 1 ---------- -------Area (Acres) -------- Till Grass 3.610 Impervious 8.990 ---------------------------------------------- Subbasin Total 12.600 ************************* LINK DATA ******************************* ----------------------SCENARIO: PREDEVELOPED Number of Links: 0 ************************* LINK DATA ******************************* ----------------------SCENARIO: POSTDEVELOPED Number of Links: 0 **********************FLOOD FREQUENCY AND DURATION STATISTICS******************* ----------------------SCENARIO: PREDEVELOPED Number of Subbasins: 1 Number of Links: 0 ----------------------SCENARIO: POSTDEVELOPED Number of Subbasins: 1 Number of Links: 0 ***********Groundwater Recharge Summary ************* Recharge is computed as input to Perlnd Groundwater Plus Infiltration in Structures Total Predeveloped Recharge During Simulation Model Element Recharge Amount (ac-ft) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subbasin: Subbasin 1 213.980 _____________________________________ Total: 213.980 Total Post Developed Recharge During Simulation Model Element Recharge Amount (ac-ft) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subbasin: Subbasin 1 429.149 _____________________________________ Total: 429.149 Total Predevelopment Recharge is Less than Post Developed Average Recharge Per Year, (Number of Years= 158) Predeveloped: 1.354 ac-ft/year, Post Developed: 2.716 ac-ft/year ***********Water Quality Facility Data ************* ----------------------SCENARIO: PREDEVELOPED Number of Links: 0 ----------------------SCENARIO: POSTDEVELOPED Number of Links: 0 ***********Compliance Point Results ************* Scenario Predeveloped Compliance Subbasin: Subbasin 1 Scenario Postdeveloped Compliance Subbasin: Subbasin 1 *** Point of Compliance Flow Frequency Data *** Recurrence Interval Computed Using Gringorten Plotting Position Predevelopment Runoff Postdevelopment Runoff Tr (Years) Discharge (cfs) Tr (Years) Discharge (cfs) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-Year 3.248 2-Year 2.773 5-Year 3.962 5-Year 3.480 10-Year 4.552 10-Year 4.076 25-Year 5.188 25-Year 4.672 50-Year 5.546 50-Year 4.991 100-Year 6.095 100-Year 5.328 200-Year 6.724 200-Year 6.176 500-Year 7.557 500-Year 7.309 ** Record too Short to Compute Peak Discharge for These Recurrence Intervals **** Flow Duration Performance **** Excursion at Predeveloped 50%Q2 (Must be Less Than or Equal to 0%): -38.5% PASS Maximum Excursion from 50%Q2 to Q2 (Must be Less Than or Equal to 0%): -38.5% PASS Maximum Excursion from Q2 to Q50 (Must be less than 10%): -34.5% PASS Percent Excursion from Q2 to Q50 (Must be less than 50%): 0.0% PASS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEETS ALL FLOW DURATION DESIGN CRITERIA: PASS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **** LID Duration Performance **** Excursion at Predeveloped 8%Q2 (Must be Less Than 0%): -9.8% PASS Maximum Excursion from 8%Q2 to 50%Q2 (Must be Less Than 0%): -10.4% PASS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEETS ALL LID DURATION DESIGN CRITERIA: PASS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ————————————————————————————————— MGS FLOOD PROJECT REPORT Program Version: MGSFlood 4.52 Program License Number: 200410007 Project Simulation Performed on: 12/07/2020 5:22 PM Report Generation Date: 12/07/2020 5:23 PM ————————————————————————————————— Input File Name: LID Sizing Mixed Use Building B.fld Project Name: Solera Bioretention Analysis Title: Comments: ———————————————— PRECIPITATION INPUT ———————————————— Computational Time Step (Minutes): 15 Extended Precipitation Time Series Selected Climatic Region Number: 15 Full Period of Record Available used for Routing Precipitation Station : 96004005 Puget East 40 in_5min 10/01/1939-10/01/2097 Evaporation Station : 961040 Puget East 40 in MAP Evaporation Scale Factor : 0.750 HSPF Parameter Region Number: 1 HSPF Parameter Region Name : USGS Default ********** Default HSPF Parameters Used (Not Modified by User) *************** ********************** WATERSHED DEFINITION *********************** Predevelopment/Post Development Tributary Area Summary Predeveloped Post Developed Total Subbasin Area (acres) 1.998 1.950 Area of Links that Include Precip/Evap (acres) 0.000 0.048 Total (acres) 1.998 1.998 ----------------------SCENARIO: PREDEVELOPED Number of Subbasins: 1 ---------- Subbasin : Subbasin 1 ---------- -------Area (Acres) -------- Till Forest 1.998 ---------------------------------------------- Subbasin Total 1.998 ----------------------SCENARIO: POSTDEVELOPED Number of Subbasins: 1 ---------- Subbasin : Subbasin 1 ---------- -------Area (Acres) -------- Impervious 1.950 ---------------------------------------------- Subbasin Total 1.950 ************************* LINK DATA ******************************* ----------------------SCENARIO: PREDEVELOPED Number of Links: 0 PARCEL B (MIXED-USE) LID COMPLIANCE FOR ROOF AREA ************************* LINK DATA ******************************* ----------------------SCENARIO: POSTDEVELOPED Number of Links: 1 ------------------------------------------ Link Name: infiltration Link Type: Bioretention Facility Downstream Link: None Base Elevation (ft) : 100.00 Riser Crest Elevation (ft) : 100.50 Storage Depth (ft) : 0.50 Bottom Length (ft) : 100.0 Bottom Width (ft) : 21.0 Side Slopes (ft/ft) : L1= 0.00 L2= 0.00 W1= 0.00 W2= 0.00 Bottom Area (sq-ft) : 2100. Area at Riser Crest El (sq-ft) : 2,100. (acres) : 0.048 Volume at Riser Crest (cu-ft): 1,995. (ac-ft) : 0.046 Infiltration on Bottom only Selected Soil Properties Biosoil Thickness (ft) : 1.50 Biosoil Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity (in/hr) : 6.00 Biosoil Porosity (Percent) : 30.00 Maximum Elevation of Bioretention Soil : 101.00 Native Soil Hydraulic Conductivity (in/hr) : 1.00 Riser Geometry Riser Structure Type : Circular Riser Diameter (in) : 6.00 Common Length (ft) : 0.000 Riser Crest Elevation : 100.50 ft Hydraulic Structure Geometry Number of Devices: 0 **********************FLOOD FREQUENCY AND DURATION STATISTICS******************* ----------------------SCENARIO: PREDEVELOPED Number of Subbasins: 1 Number of Links: 0 ----------------------SCENARIO: POSTDEVELOPED Number of Subbasins: 1 Number of Links: 1 ********** Link: infiltration ********** Link WSEL Stats WSEL Frequency Data(ft) (Recurrence Interval Computed Using Gringorten Plotting Position) Tr (yrs) WSEL Peak (ft) ====================================== 1.05-Year 100.648 1.11-Year 100.678 1.25-Year 100.701 2.00-Year 100.838 3.33-Year 100.925 5-Year 100.995 10-Year 101.112 25-Year 101.326 50-Year 101.441 100-Year 101.556 ***********Groundwater Recharge Summary ************* Recharge is computed as input to Perlnd Groundwater Plus Infiltration in Structures Total Predeveloped Recharge During Simulation Model Element Recharge Amount (ac-ft) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subbasin: Subbasin 1 344.513 _____________________________________ Total: 344.513 Total Post Developed Recharge During Simulation Model Element Recharge Amount (ac-ft) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subbasin: Subbasin 1 0.000 Link: infiltration 759.933 _____________________________________ Total: 759.933 Total Predevelopment Recharge is Less than Post Developed Average Recharge Per Year, (Number of Years= 158) Predeveloped: 2.180 ac-ft/year, Post Developed: 4.810 ac-ft/year ***********Water Quality Facility Data ************* ----------------------SCENARIO: PREDEVELOPED Number of Links: 0 ----------------------SCENARIO: POSTDEVELOPED Number of Links: 1 ********** Link: infiltration ********** Infiltration/Filtration Statistics-------------------- Inflow Volume (ac-ft): 874.28 Inflow Volume Including PPT-Evap (ac-ft): 895.04 Total Runoff Infiltrated (ac-ft): 759.93, 84.90% Total Runoff Filtered (ac-ft): 0.00, 0.00% Primary Outflow To Downstream System (ac-ft): 134.44 Secondary Outflow To Downstream System (ac-ft): 0.00 Percent Treated (Infiltrated+Filtered)/Total Volume: 84.90% ***********Compliance Point Results ************* Scenario Predeveloped Compliance Subbasin: Subbasin 1 Scenario Postdeveloped Compliance Link: infiltration *** Point of Compliance Flow Frequency Data *** Recurrence Interval Computed Using Gringorten Plotting Position Predevelopment Runoff Postdevelopment Runoff Tr (Years) Discharge (cfs) Tr (Years) Discharge (cfs) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-Year 4.258E-02 2-Year 0.457 5-Year 6.939E-02 5-Year 0.554 10-Year 9.350E-02 10-Year 0.616 25-Year 0.119 25-Year 0.715 50-Year 0.151 50-Year 0.764 100-Year 0.164 100-Year 0.809 200-Year 0.255 200-Year 0.875 500-Year 0.378 500-Year 0.963 ** Record too Short to Compute Peak Discharge for These Recurrence Intervals **** Flow Duration Performance **** Excursion at Predeveloped 50%Q2 (Must be Less Than or Equal to 0%): -7.1% PASS Maximum Excursion from 50%Q2 to Q2 (Must be Less Than or Equal to 0%): 398.9% FAIL Maximum Excursion from Q2 to Q50 (Must be less than 10%): 99999.0% FAIL Percent Excursion from Q2 to Q50 (Must be less than 50%): 100.0% FAIL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLOW DURATION DESIGN CRITERIA: FAIL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **** LID Duration Performance **** Excursion at Predeveloped 8%Q2 (Must be Less Than 0%): -89.1% PASS Maximum Excursion from 8%Q2 to 50%Q2 (Must be Less Than 0%): -7.1% PASS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEETS ALL LID DURATION DESIGN CRITERIA: PASS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drainage Report – Solera Subdivision Appendix C Appendix C Geotechnical Report EarthSolutionsNWLLC EarthSolutions NW LLC Geotechnical Engineering Geology Environmental Scientists Construction Monitoring 1805 -136th Place N.E.,Suite 201 Bellevue,WA 98005 (425)449-4704 Fax (425)449-4711 www.earthsolutionsnw.com GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY RENTON HIGHLANDS TOWNHOMES NORTHEAST SUNSET BOULEVARD RENTON,WASHINGTON ES-5719 Drwn. Checked Date Date Proj.No. Plate Earth Solutions NWLLC Geotechnical Engineering,Construction Monitoring EarthSolutionsNWLLC EarthSolutions NW LLC and Environmental Sciences Vicinity Map Renton Highlands Townhomes Renton,Washington MRS CGH 01/29/2018 Jan.2018 5719 1 NORTH NOTE:This plate may contain areas of color.ESNW cannot be responsible for any subsequent misinterpretation of the information resulting from black &white reproductions of this plate. Reference: King County,Washington Map 626 By The Thomas Guide Rand McNally 32nd Edition SITE Plate Proj.No. Date Checked By Drwn.ByEarthSolutionsNWLLCGeotechnicalEngineering,ConstructionMonitoringandEnvironmentalSciencesEarthSolutionsNWLLCEarthSolutionsNWLLCBoringLocationPlanRentonHighlandsTownhomesRenton,WashingtonMRS CGH 01/29/2018 5719 2 NORTH NOT -TO -SCALE NOTE:This plate may contain areas of color.ESNW cannot be responsible for any subsequent misinterpretation of the information resulting from black &white reproductions of this plate. NOTE:The graphics shown on this plate are not intended for design purposes or precise scale measurements,but only to illustrate the approximate test locations relative to the approximate locations of existing and /or proposed site features.The information illustrated is largely based on data provided by the client at the time of our study.ESNW cannot be responsible for subsequent design changes or interpretation of the data by others. LEGEND Approximate Location of ESNW Boring,Proj.No. ES-5719,Dec.2017 Subject Site Existing Building KIRKLAND AVENUE N.E. N.E. SUNSET BOULEVARDN.E. 12TH STREET HARRINGTON AVENUE N.E.N.E.10T H ST R EETApartments SUNSET LANE N.E.B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5B-6 B-7 B-8 B-9 B-10 B-11 B-12 B-13 B-1 HARRINGTON PL. N.E. Drwn. Checked Date Date Proj.No. Plate Earth Solutions NWLLC Geotechnical Engineering,Construction Monitoring EarthSolutionsNWLLC EarthSolutions NW LLC and Environmental Sciences CANTILEVER &SINGLE TIEBACK WALL D =Pile Embedment (per Structural Eng.) 2' H (Wall Height) Active Earth Pressure Passive Earth Pressure EFP=350pcf EFP=35pcf Surcharge (W here Applicable) Traffic Surcharge or Building Surcharge (W here Applicable) Excavation Level SCHEMATIC ONLY -NOT TO SCALE NOT A CONSTRUCTION DRAW ING NOTES: Diagram for pressure distribution illustration only,not a design drawing. Passive Pressure includes a factor of safety of 1.5. For adjacent building or traffic surcharge see text. NOTE: See text for recommended Slope Backfill and At-Rest Pressures. Neglect Upper 2 feet of Passive Pressure Renton Highlands Townhomes Renton,Washington MRS CGH 01/29/2018 Jan.2018 5719 3 Drwn. Checked Date Date Proj.No. Plate Earth Solutions NWLLC Geotechnical Engineering,Construction Monitoring EarthSolutionsNWLLC EarthSolutions NW LLC and Environmental Sciences NO LOAD ZONE D =Pile Embedment (per Structural Eng.) H (Wall Height) Traffic Surcharge or Building Surcharge (W here Applicable) Excavation Level SCHEMATIC ONLY -NOT TO SCALE NOT A CONSTRUCTION DRAW ING H/4 60 Tieback No Load Zone Renton Highlands Townhomes Renton,Washington MRS CGH 01/29/2018 Jan.2018 5719 4 Drwn. Checked Date Date Proj.No. Plate Earth Solutions NWLLC Geotechnical Engineering,Construction Monitoring EarthSolutionsNWLLC EarthSolutions NW LLC and Environmental Sciences SHORING WALL DRAINAGE W ood Lagging Native Soil Excavation PVC Tightline Structural Fill Foundation (per Plan) Drain Grate Waterproofing and Insulation per Architectural Plan Continuous Sheet Drain (Placed with Filter Fabric Facing Shoring) Concrete Facing Slab-On-Grade Floor (per Plan) NOTE:Drain through wall should be installed at middle of lagging. SCHEMATIC ONLY -NOT TO SCALE NOT A CONSTRUCTION DRAW ING Renton Highlands Townhomes Renton,Washington MRS CGH 01/29/2018 Jan.2018 5719 5 Drwn. Checked Date Date Proj.No. Plate Earth Solutions NWLLC Geotechnical Engineering,Construction Monitoring and Environmental Sciences EarthSolutionsNWLLC EarthSolutions NW LLC RETAINING WALL DRAINAGE DETAIL NOTES: Free-draining Backfill should consist of soil having less than 5 percent fines. Percent passing No.4 sieve should be 25 to 75 percent. Sheet Drain may be feasible in lieu of Free-draining Backfill,per ESNW recommendations. Drain Pipe should consist of perforated, rigid PVC Pipe surrounded with 1-inch Drain Rock. LEGEND: Free-draining Structural Backfill 1-inch Drain Rock 18"Min. Structural Fill Perforated Rigid Drain Pipe (Surround in Drain Rock) SCHEMATIC ONLY -NOT TO SCALE NOT A CONSTRUCTION DRAWING Renton Highlands Townhomes Renton,Washington MRS CGH 01/29/2018 Jan.2018 5719 6 Drwn. Checked Date Date Proj.No. Plate Earth Solutions NWLLC Geotechnical Engineering,Construction Monitoring and Environmental Sciences EarthSolutionsNWLLC EarthSolutions NW LLC FOOTING DRAIN DETAIL Slope Perforated Rigid Drain Pipe (Surround in Drain Rock) 18"Min. NOTES: Do NOT tie roof downspouts to Footing Drain. Surface Seal to consist of 12"of less permeable,suitable soil.Slope away from building. LEGEND: Surface Seal:native soil or other low-permeability material. 1-inch Drain Rock SCHEMATIC ONLY -NOT TO SCALE NOT A CONSTRUCTION DRAW ING Renton Highlands Townhomes Renton,Washington MRS CGH 01/29/2018 Jan.2018 5719 7