HomeMy WebLinkAboutFORM TO FILL OUT: 2021 SpreadsheetInformation and Questions Company Information Company Name: Company Address: City, State, Zip: Website Address: Year Founded: Location and Date of Incorporation: RFP Contact Name: Title: Phone Number: Email Address: Company Full-Time Employees Total Number of Employees in the Company: Number of Employees on Proposed Product Implementation Team: Number of Employees on Proposed Product Support Team: Number of Employees on Proposed Product Research and Development Team: Product Customer Base Total Customers using proposed solution: Total Local Government Customers in Washington State using proposed solution: Do you have a local user group in Washington State? On-Prem System Section only applicable for solutions with components installed at the customer's site. Do all server components support virtual server installation? Does the server software support Windows Server 2016 or newer? Does the system's database support Microsoft SQL Server 2014 or newer in a clustered environment? If system has a website or web service, does it support IIS 8.0 or newer? If system has workstation clients, can workstation clients be installed and upgraded by Microsoft System Center? Hosted System Section only applicable to hosted environment solutions. Who is the hosting provider? Where is the hosting located? What type of infrastructure is used? Where is the primary data being stored? Does the City own the data if the contract is terminated? How and where is the backup data being stored? Is the system on a dedicated or shared environment? If a shared environment, how is the data segregated from other shared environments? If a shared environment, how is security managed and what controls are in place? Who has access to the infrastructure, hardware, software and data? Does the customer have any control in applying patches, upgrades and changes to the solution? What application and data access audit logs are available and how often are they used to audit security? If system sends email on behalf of the City, does your messaging system implement DKIM? Identify the spefic range of addresses used by your email servers. System Security Does the proposed solution use data encryption at rest? Name Algorithm(s) Does the proposed solution use data encryption in transit? Name algorithm(s) Does the proposed solution use Microsoft Active Directory or Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) for all user and security authentication? If no, please describe login security environment. Does the proposed solution implement security controls in accordance with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Security Standards? Support and Maintenance What type of support is provided (Self-service, email, phone)? What are the hours of support? What are the support response and expected resolution times for Critical, Urgent, High and Low priority issues? Where is support personnel physically located? Is there a dedicated support manager or account representative? How are upgrades, patches and other maintenance performed? Which remote access tools are used by support? Is a Test &/or Upgrade environment(s) provided for testing & training? Service Level Agreements (SLAs) What SLAs are available (uptime, reliability, performance, etc.)? What types of credits are available if SLAs are not met? Product Roadmap and Upgrades What is the product road map strategy? How do customer requests get incorporated into the product? How are changes to the solution communicated to customers? Describe both minor system enhancements and major system upgrades are provided in terms of frequency, cost, training, and impacts to staff during the upgrade process. Implementation Describe what level of support is provided during system rollout. Provide detailed explanation of how software installation is handled. Training How many training hours are included with the proposed system? How many training hours are typically required for a comparable sized customer? What resources are needed for training? i.e. classroom size, technology, materials needed, etc. Retention and Public Disclosure Is the system capable of meeting the retention requirements listed in section 1.4 Technology environment at the City? List any issues or concerns. Is the system capable of meeting the Public Disclosure requirements listed in section 1.4 Technology environment at the City? List any issues or concerns. Executive Summary Qualifications and Experience Approach and Methodology Project Management Philosophy and Schedule Functional Requirements Ref # System Access and Functionality F-1 F-2 F-3 F-4 F-5 F-6 F-7 F-8 F-9 F-10 F-11 F-12 F-13 F-14 F-15 F-16 F-17 F-18 Part 139 and Operational Inspections F-19 F-20 F-21 F-22 F-23 F-24 F-25 F-26 F-27 F-28 F-29 F-30 F-31 F-32 F-33 F-34 F-35 F-36 F-37 F-38 F-39 F-40 F-41 F-42 F-43 F-44 F-45 F-46 F-47 F-48 Wildlife Management F-49 F-50 F-51 F-52 F-53 F-54 F-55 Lease Management F-56 F-57 F-58 F-59 F-60 F-61 F-62 F-63 F-64 F-65 F-67 F-68 F-69 F-66 Work Order F-70 F-71 F-72 F-73 F-74 F-75 F-76 F-77 F-78 F-79 F-80 F-81 F-82 F-83 F-84 F-85 F-86 F-87 F-88 Emergency Management F-89 F-90 F-91 F-92 F-93 F-94 F-95 F-96 F-97 F-98 F-99 F-100 F-101 F-102 Inventory Management F-103 F-104 F-105 F-106 F-107 F-108 F-109 F-110 Noise Complaint F-111 F-112 F-113 F-114 F-115 FAA Traning Management F-116 F-117 F-118 F-119 F-120 F-121 Logging, Events, and Workflows F-122 F-123 F-124 F-125 F-126 F-127 F-128 F-129 F-130 F-131 F-132 F-133 F-134 Forms and Dashboards F-135 F-136 F-137 F-138 F-139 F-140 F-141 F-142 F-143 F-144 F-145 F-146 Map Requirements F-147 F-148 F-149 F-150 F-151 F-152 F-153 F-154 F-155 F-156 F-157 F-158 F-159 F-160 F-161 F-162 F-163 F-164 F-165 F-166 F-167 F-168 Data Analysis and Visualization F-169 F-170 F-171 Communication Dashboard F-172 F-173 F-174 F-175 F-176 F-177 Search and Query F-178 F-179 F-180 F-181 F-182 F-183 F-184 F-185 F-186 F-187 F-188 F-189 System Connectivity F-190 F-191 F-192 F-193 F-194 Administrative F-195 F-196 F-197 F-198 F-199 F-200 F-201 F-202 F-203 F-204 F-205 F-206 F-207 F-208 Reporting F-209 F-210 F-211 F-212 F-213 F-214 F-215 F-216 F-217 F-218 F-219 F-220 F-221 F-222 Security F-223 F-224 F-225 F-226 F-227 F-228 Integrations F-229 F-230 F-231 F-232 F-233 F-234 F-235 F-236 F-237 F-238 F-239 F-240 Requirement The system shall provide a Cloud-based, vendor-hosted Solution accessible from a standard web browse, including but not limited to, all current support versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Apple Safari. The system can run on desktop and mobile applications (Android, Windows and Apple), allowing the user to update as necessary. Compatible for use on touchscreen devices using industry standard touchscreen inputs. The system shall include a published set of open APIs, or similar approach, that is fully accessible by the City for ongoing development, integration, analysis, and enhancements. Solution shall interface with Microsoft M365 for email exchange. The system shall provide event logging capabilities to monitor add/change/delete events. Event log must be able to pull data from inspection records and custom forms as well as accept manual entries. Data must be stored for a minimum of thirty-six (36) months and easily accessible by Airport staff. Solution provides data backup redundancy that can be readily accessible if needed. The system shall provide the ability to detect and use location information from GPS devices connected to laptops/tablets in Airport vehicles and GPS installed natively or connected via Bluetooth to mobile phones. The system will provide a user friend tool to import and export data. The system shall be designed to address end-to-end processes that are assocaited to the Airport Operation, and Maintenance. The system shall integrate with printers on the Airport network or connected as peripherals to laptops/tablets in Airport vehicles. System provides the ability to export data in PDF, Shape, XML, TXT, CSV, XLSX and the ability to import data from XML, CSV, shape and XLSX file types as necessary. The system shows all configuration changes in a central log over a period of time (self-auditing) System uses Active Directory to manage administrative user access and passwords. System is designed to support redundancy to ensure no data loss and high availability. Quick and easy communication through chats, message threads, and instant alerts Time should automatically change for Day Light Savings, and GMT. The system shall provide users with the ability to perform an airfield inspection or event while multiple concurrent and similar inspections or events are in progress. The system shall prevent multiple users from editing the same entry at one time. Restriction may extend to related or supporting entries if the entry is part of a process (e.g. Aircraft alert, NOTAMs etc.). User shall have the ability to easily associate NOTAMs and work orders with an entry (e.g. airfield inspection.) User shall have the ability to easily identify an issue(s) with an asset through form entries and GIS based mapping. The system shall associate affected assets and active work orders with relevant inspection forms and carry these work orders over to future inspections forms until the work order for the affected asset is closed out. Users shall have the ability to view a checklist, instructions, and visualization/map of areas for inspection from an inspection process. Quick reference checklists should be available for such situations as power outages, aircraft alerts, spills, etc. User can easily apply air field conditions and comments from within an airfield inspection. The system shall provide a process to identify, correct, and verify a problem on the airfield. The process will allow version control to track and identify changes to the process. (ex SOP) Users shall have the capability to identify items that require maintenance and to submit work requests (with media files) in the field. The system shall provide users the ability to setup automatic e-mails alart when certain conditions are met, i.e. a defect/issue with high-priority asset. The system supports the creation of unlimited number of inspections The system supports the creation of unlimited number of discrepancies. The system supports display of current open and unresolved discrepancies individually, list, and map form Inspections date-and-time stamping formats is configurable System enables Inspection forms to be saved as templates System enables access to templates by any user who has the required permissions System supports version control of templates and documents The system supports creation and modification of new or existing forms and data elements, without risk to the original database Inspection item response sets should be able to be conditional, with pre-determined responses subsequently triggering a set of workflow-related actions Inspection items should be able to be flagged as out of scope by a "N/A" indication and not be factored into calculations of final scores Individual inspection items must be able to be scored with a scaled numeric rating System supports numeric scores and results from formulas to be expressed in inspection results Formulas for data metrics should be able to be easily changed by authorized users Users should be able to configure the system to visually indicate repeatedly failing inspection items The system is enable on-screen “tool-tips” or guidance that help the user better understand the intent of the data field The system has batch data editing capabilities Electronic form and associated data reporting must meet regulatory body requirements System supports integrating data with FAA National Wildlife Strike database: https://wildlife.faa.gov/database.aspx Data records can be revised after being submitted to the FAA to correct errors found during audits The system provides a "timer" function that sets a user-defined time constraint for conducting mandated surveys; should include alerts to the user (ex. Catch basin inspection) The system shall have the ability to automatically populate data associated with Wildlife/Harassment logs. Auto-population should include: - Date - Time (24 hour format) - User information (First and Last name) - Weather information (including sky condition, precipitation, wind direction, wind speed, temperature (in Celsius and dew point). - Other data fields can be set to a unique default value depending on each users preference. The system should have the ability to create Wildlife/Harassment logs associated with specific data including but not limited to: - GPS coordinates that are selectable by clicking or touching the map screen (see specific requirements below) - Airport-specific grid coordinates - Animal - Number - Activity - Habitat - Control - Amount Killed - Trap type - Attractant - Comments - Flight pattern before and after The system shall provide the ability to customize the wildlife events/forms such that additional fields including: drop down boxes, list boxes, radio buttons and check boxes etc., can be added for storing any future information. The system shall allow record wildlife strike data that links to wildlife events. Also, strike data forms should be available in a separate table to allow for easy browsing of all strike events. Photos of strikes can be stored as an attachment in the strike form. The system should have the ability to track wildlife takes, and warn management of the permitted number. Ths system shall maintain a separate active trapping and killed tables. When killed or trapped numbers are changed these tables should automatically update to reflect accurate numbers. The system shall capture, and track permitted take numbers according to species for the year, then alert user when the take numbers are approaching the limit. The system shall provide a repository of lease terms, plots, insurance, security, rent, maintenance obligations, and monthly reports. The system shall provide the capability to plan, manage, and track lease from end-to-end, thus include but not limited to new lease, renewal, utilities, etc. The system provide digital maps to show exact location of hangars from an aerial view, with all information regarding them at the click of a button. Users shall have the ability to manage lease and hangar inspections on smartphones or tablets directly from the airfield. The system shall provide digital and customizable forms to completely eliminate paper processes, stored and easily-accessible in one central database. User shall have the capability to manage information and notifications on lease expiration, payments, prices and all hangar details such as necessary maintenance orders are documented and alerts are sent and no one misses a deadline. Management shall have the ability to assign tasks and work orders with alerts and reminders, and track their status to completion Users shall have the ability to configure dashboards for a high-level view of the status of lease payments, expiring leases or required/pending hangar maintenance tasks. Share and store important documents with tenants and owners through a file library Track repairs and maintenance of the properties you are managing The system shall have the ability to electronically sign documents. Users shall have the capability to easily and automatically create property management reports, and save them for future use. The system shall provide analytics and insight to ensure financial, and comprehensive overview of all cost-driven information. The system shall have the ability to fetch payment information from Renton financial system (i.e. Eden). The system shall provide the ability to define shifts, configure requirements for each shift, and before final completion of an inspection process alert the user if they're missing requirements associated with the work flow. The system should have the ability to create Work Order associated with specific data including but not limited to: Lead Time Tracker - Work Order # - Assignment Date - Completion Date - Priority Level - Assigned Employee Name (Lead) - Description - Location - Details - Date - Hours - Daily Log - Total Hours - Comments The system should have the ability to create General Order associated with specific data including but not limited to: Support Time Tracker - Work Order # - Assignment Date - Completion Date - Priority Level - Assigned Employee Name (Lead) - Description - Location - Details - Date - Name - Hours - Daily Log - Total Hours - Comments User shall be able to create work orders directly from the airfield using a tablet or smartphone via a mobile app. User can customize dashboards to quickly access high level information including but not exclusive to the number of open tasks. The system shall provide alerts, reminders and real-time chat messages with all departments to facilitate active, efficient and immediate communication between various departments and teams. User can easily access all necessary data for Part 139 FAA inspections. The system shall allow users the ability to create an independent work order not associated to an inspection. The system shall have the flexibility to associate a work order to any types of inspections (i.e. Part139, Wildlife, or Operational Inspection,etc). Users have the ability to track work order progress through workflows and tasks. The system shall provide the ability to define shifts, configure requirements for each shift, and before final completion of an inspection process alert the user if they're missing requirements associated with the work flow. The system shall allow users the ability to create an independent work order not associated to an inspection, specific asset or tenant. Ability to schedule Preventative Maintenance items based on date, time/hours logged, mileage The system shall provied tenants/customers the a bility to create service request. Ability to assign work orders based on shift schedule and personnel job (operations work assigned to Airport Ops Personnel) Ability to refernce project codes and attach invoices/ inventory spent Ability to email notices of work completed, access requests, or work needed to be completed by owner via email Ability to create quotes and invoices for paid workorders The system shall map the location of necessary work orders and tasks. The system shall provide dashboard displaying information regarding emergency/personnel at the location of emergency events. Users can manage predetermined checklists for a variety of emergency situations. The system shall track emergency situation status and update information in real-time. The system shall connect all departments and teams working on the airport response in real-time through their computers and mobile devices. Users can view incidents and critical tasks happening out in the field and share curated views of closures, impacted areas, and with stakeholders and the public. The system shall instantly alert teams with notifications on task assignments, and work orders status. This include but not limited to text/sms, email, etc. The system shall display critical information through drag-and-drop Dashboards to maintain complete situational awareness throughout the City's response. The system shall provide the capability to gather every member team, no matter where they are, into a virtual EOC where everything is centralized, organized, and instantly archived. The system shall provides a way for them to communicate with each other and the EOC. The system shall provide mapping, alerts, workflows, task management, dashboards, and every other operational tool necessary for running a successful EOC. The system shall have the tools to launch a tailored, detailed plan whenever an event starts at the airport. User shall be able to develop, and update plans (i.e. Preparedness, response, and recovery plan) on the fly as unpredictable circumstances arise. The system will automate response plans and multi-stream notification to bring everyone into your virtual EOC. The system shall contact the users via voice, txt/sms, email, and push notification per the emergency plan. The system shall provide data analysis capability to help management predict future inventory needs. The system shall auto alert low inventory of each item. The system should have the ability to track inventory associated with specific data including but not limited to: Shop Fixed Tools - ID Number - Location - Type (Part or Tool) - Quantity/Number - Description - Location - Make/Brand/Manufacture - Model # - Serial # - Origin - Purchase Date - Added to Inventory (Date) - Employee Name - Price - Department Responsibilty The system shall allow user to categorize products by type, location and SKU (or serial number), audit data, generate reports in real-time and search, filter and view products. The system shall automatically email or send SMS messages alert when inventory level is low. The system shall provide an audit of all inventory movement. The system shall be able to track warranty information (i.e. expire date) The system shall track inventory by serial numbers, RFID tags, barcodes and other IDs. The system shall provide the ability to customize the noise complaints/forms (ex. Public facing forms)such that additional fields including: drop down boxes, list boxes, radio buttons and check boxes etc., can be added for storing any future information. The system shall allow record noise complaints data that links to noise events. Also, noise complaint forms should be available in a separate table to allow for easy browsing of all reported events. The system should have the ability to track number of complaints, and warn management when the numbers are approaching the limit. The system shall capture, and track permitted take numbers according to species for the year. User shall be able to view heat map of noise complaints with number of reported complaints. The system shall have the ability to track FAA mandatory training. The system shall provide a means to schedule training. The system shall send alerts of upcoming training requirements. The system shall provide a means to upload, manage and track certificates. The system shall generate work orders from all training requirements. The system shall provide a dashboard with color code to identify and tracking training requirements. Logging, events and workflows shall be user customizable. Workflows associated with an event should be user customizable so that they will only present the user with relevant data fields requiring entry. Fields associated with logging, events and workflows shall be customizable by Airport staff in order to meet FAA requirements. The system shall provide an Event Log that records all functions of daily Airside, Security and Landside duties. The system shall provide the capability to create and utilize pre-determined "templates" for logging common entries. Users shall have the ability to forward log entries and daily reports via e-mail to a predefined email grouping. This include the ability to attach files of various formats to log entries. The system shall have the ability to search for past logs/events using multiple search fields. The system shall have the ability to chronologically group events within a defined 24 hour period with the capability to auto send an email to a pre-defined email grouping (daily report) at a defined time every day. The system shall record operational activities in a chronological daily activity/event log. The system shall have the capability to group log entries as a "formal" and/or "informal" entry. Users shall have the ability to view, manage, and search tags. The system shall allow users to define their own log views, with their own event association based on the events the user has access to. Users are able to create customizable lists of Airside, Landside, and Security locations. The system shall auto populate standard data forms such as Part 139, Wildlife Strike (FAA flight registry), Time Expenditure Form, etc. Users have the ability to convert any of the airport existing forms and checklists to new electronic versions. The system shall provide unlimited number of comments, and attachments to an entry. The system shall allow users to add position and location information to an entry. Forms and reports shall be easily customize and configure. Data can be sorted by fields such as location, tenant, and date. Dashboards can be shared with external contractors without incurring a full licensing fee. System enables the presentation of dedicated dashboards to targeted audiences (ie. Maintenance, or Operation team). The system provides dashboards for NOTAM information. The system displays the status of the airfield, including what taxiways and runways are open or closed it is desired that the system show what direction aircraft are landing in. The system provides current weather information and current weather radar images. User shall have the ability to automatically record their coordinates on the current on-screen. System must provide the ability to interface to the GIS systems through an API, web service or other specified method (https, JSON, GeoJSON etc.) The system shall provide the ability to view/add multiple layers on a map associated with specific activities. For example terminal inspections would require GIS based floor plans and content. Airside would require taxiways and infrastructure information such as the electrical system. The system shall provide the ability to view entries on a map with the ability to toggle this display on or off. The system shall provide the ability to create, edit, and review entries (events/logs/issues/wildlife events etc.) from within the map view. Users shall have the ability to create an entries from a selected map position. Entries will automatically populate position, location or grid information. The system shall provide a tool so that the user can easily associate a map position with the entry. The system shall display markers on the map to indicate a users current position. The system shall provide a tool to measure distances on the map. The system shall provide real-time positioning (moving map). The system shall provide the capability to markup (draw, edit) geographic shapes ,and text for the purpose of managing areas and highlighting issues. This markup should be visible to other users. The system shall allow the user to pan, zoom in/out and rotate maps embedded or used in any view, event or workflow. The system shall allow assets to be managed, created, grouped, and displayed on the map. Administrator can grant user the able to view, create and manage assets. The system shall record and store custom GPS coordinates of important locations such as airfield landmarks. Geographic information data must meet FAA GIS standards https://www.faa.gov/regulations_policies/advisory_circulars/index.cfm/go/document.information/documentID/74204 System is capable of integrating data with GIS and ESRI layers. The system captures location coordinates. A user is able to manually input an alternate GPS location when an observer is not physically present at the event site System is able to show the progress of an inspection in the field using a mapping visual interface System is able to show the location of a vehicle/devices on a display. Data from inspections of geographical areas can be viewed as "heat maps" that reflect criteria indicating a high frequency of discrepancies Users shall have the ability to configure the default map view so the user can easily return to the initial state. System shall provide the capability to perform statistical and geographic analysis of all stored data against user defined variables such as time. This include on screen dynamic graphical outputs such as density based heat maps of wildlife events and strikes, spatial correlations of inspection data such as issues and the movement of devices based on GPS data etc. The system shall provide a means of plotting and charting user defined data and variables. The system would be able produce customizable reports based on data and variables. User shall have the ability to create custom reports and save them as templates. The system shall provide a customizable web-based dashboard for stakeholders to quickly reference all current airfield conditions, including but not limited to: phone numbers, important airport bulletins, current NOTAMs, wildlife information, tenant advisories, weather information, and other pieces of information at the discretion of the airport operator. The dashboard will be configurable by users with edit access. The dashboard will include a "chat" feature for real-time communication between users visible to all who are logged into the system. Access to the dashboard will be controlled through username and password. The system shall incorporate a public facing dashboard with the ability to filter content suitable for a public audience (Information bulletin, current NOTAMs, Airport events, etc...). The system shall provide the ability to customize and configure information displayed, including adding and removing categories and changing the order and arrangement of information boxes. Users have the ability to search for assets and work orders, set filters and sort on according to attributes. The system shall provide a tool to allow the user to find work orders that are associated within an inspection. The system will support filtering and default settings to show work orders in specific status states (open, pending or closed). The system shall allow users to select a initial spatial boundary and filter to restrict work orders, leases, and inspections within that boundary. The system shall provide a feature that allows fast filter, sort, text search of all entries in the system. The system shall allow users to export fields, field names, field order from the entry data. The user can save and manage this query/search for later use. The system shall allow for spatial queries by shape (drawing polygons, lines or clicking on a point of the map to query data). The system shall have a custom query function, which would allow for the querying of all database fields. Users shall have the option to save cutom queries for quick access shall also be provided. The system shall have the ability to search and query for inventory with QR code, tags, etc. Users have the capability to search for Work Order associated to lease and vice versa. Users shall have the ability to search Work Order using information such as parcel, lease holder, asset #, or inspection. The system shall provide the ability to perform all Part 139 inspection and corrective action processes offline. In case the internet connection is lost or not available the system shall upload/update entries automatically once an internet connection is re-established. Solution shall display information to indicate when loss of network communication has occurred and the impact from the downtime. The system shall maintain synchronized log views between application instances to ensure all associated entry data (including presence within a log view) is accurately reflected in near real-time. The system shall record continuous positions and annotations throughout the user's session, including while offline Allow users to easily submit software trouble reports with attachments and monitor the timely resolution of the reported issue. Shall support the storage and management of users, including login name, password, first name, last name, email, and phone. Shall have a pre-defined set of roles that are used to control access to functions within each module of the system. Administrators can create roles that have control access to logs and event types. The system shall provide the ability to send reminders/notifications to users based on administration, system generated, or user defined events. Ability for users and administrators to manage reminders/notifications. Administrators will have the ability to configure system generated reminders/notifications, how they are sent (e.g. application, email, text sms), and where they are sent. System Administrators shall have the ability to manage users, groups, and role associations. Users are associated to roles either directly or through group membership. The system shall provide notification to the original author when another user has requested to comment and/or revise an entry. System enables system administrators to configure security settings that can apply to either a subset of users or all users The system supports multiple administrators for each defined user group. For example, the Maintenance lead have administrative role for his/her team. The system administrator is able to add or remove users, set permissions and privileges, and create new roles for other users The system supports system administrator to provide access to inspections and associated data for specific role, group, or user The system shall provides pre-defined reports, in a variety of formats that allow the user to select or specify the grouping and/or sorting criteria. Users have the ability to easily generate reports or queries (most easily via filtering, sorting, grouping). Uses have the ability to add charts, graphs, and maps to reports and export them. The system shall have the ability to send reports via email to specific email addresses and groupings. Ability to schedule reports to run automatically at a specific time and distribute to specified users. The system shall allow for the creation of customizable reports which would include calculation and summary functions on all fields in the database. The system shall provide the ability to save reports for quick access. User shall have the option of storing frequently used reports under user customizable menus. Reports must be exportable via .csv, .pdf, and .xlsx Use have the ability to save as PDF, JPEG, PNG of large format print-outs and on-screen content including plots, graphics and analyses. Users are able to create customized reports Reports can be shared with external contractors without incurring a full licensing fee Reports can communicate information using visual charting based on users' criteria. System allows for users to email tenants and external city personnel with reports/attachments from repository for review, edit, and approval Only System Administrators shall have the ability to view and maintain preferences, settings, and languages for users and groups. Role-Based Access Control Ability to hide certain fields in the form(s) for certain users and groups. The vendor is expected to meet NIST Security Controls and Assessment Procedures for Federal Information Systems and Organizations (see NIST Special Publication 800-53 (Rev. 4)). The data has to be protected at all times. The vendor shall guarantees that no data loss or data leakage to third parties occurs. Vendor shall provide full event and auditing logs that are stored by the server upon request. The system shall integrate with Azure Active Directory to provide users with seamles Single Sign-On experience. The system must be capable of triggering the generation of work orders in the City's existing City Works system using an open API, web service, or other specified method. The system shall provide the ability to synchronize active NOTAMs with the FAA Digital NOTAM Manager system, create new NOTAMs in the system and submit/edit/cancel NOTAMs. The system's integration interfaces (APIs, Web Services) is designed to be managed and customized by customer IT developers in the future, without technical assistance from vendor System provides APIs that allow other products to programmatically communicate bi-directionally with the system. It is preferred that these APIs be RESTFUL web or micro services that allow for JSON data exchanges The system supports integration with Power BI and other popular data visualization products. System must be able to work in a WIFI environment System functions in an environment with only cellular service at LTE, or 4G levels of connectivity Inspection components of the system can operate in an offline environment System includes an XML Schema (XSD) for XML messages that can be sent or received by the APIs. The fields, structures, and restrictions in XML Schema (XSD) for XML messages match those in the API documentation. The system shall have the ability to import all of the Renton Airport data into the vendor's systems as a baseline. Type R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R O R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R O R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R O R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R O R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R O R R R R R R R R R R O O R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R O O R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R O R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R Code Comment Cost Item Software and Hardware Include an itemized list of software, hardware and licensing costs for the system. Please include the licensing model (e.g. per user/seat, storage based pricing, subscription, etc.). System Subtotal Setup and Implementation System Installation and Setup Configuration Project Management Services Implementation Planning and Assistance Training Travel Setup and Implementation Subtotal Integrations Integrations Subtotal Maintenance and Support Maintenance and Support - Year 1 Maintenance and Support - Year 2 Maintenance and Support - Year 3 Maintenance and Support - Year 4 Maintenance and Support - Year 5 Maintenance and Support Subtotal Custom Work Please itemize any custom work items needed to meet requirements. Custom Work Subtotal Other Please itemize any other items. Other Subtotal PROPOSAL TOTAL Please ensure your proposal total is accurate and totals correctly. GRAND TOTAL Hourly Rates Please itemize hourly rates for the following roles and include any other relevant role rates potentially needed. Training Project Management Programmer/Analyst Technical Support Analyst Payment Schedule Narrative Cost 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Client References Client 1 Client Name: Contact Name: Title: Phone Number: Email Address: Website: Type of Service Provided: Length of Time Using Proposed Solution: Client 2 Client Name: Contact Name: Title: Phone Number: Email Address: Website: Type of Service Provided: Length of Time Using Proposed Solution: Client 3 Client Name: Contact Name: Title: Phone Number: Email Address: Website: Type of Service Provided: Length of Time Using Proposed Solution: