HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-05-2020 - HEX - Re_ In Re Appeal by Renton Hotel Investors, et al, Case No. CODE20-000321Thank you Mr. Singla. With the waiver of cross-examination by Mr. Singla I can now issue the prehearing order, which as noted previously adopts all deadlines stipulated upon by the parties. Ex. A to the Order is the stipulation that has been previously distributed by Ms. Clark. The prehearing order incorporates all revisions requested by Ms. Clark and the only addition is confirmation that all parties have waived their right to cross examination. On Wed, Aug 5, 2020 at 9:49 AM Singla, Sumeer <SSingla@williamskastner.com <mailto:SSingla@williamskastner.com> > wrote: Mr. Olbrechts, Renton Hotel Investors will join the County in waiving cross examination in as much as it applies in RMC 1-3-2. Thank you. Sumeer Singla Sumeer Singla Williams Kastner | Attorney at Law 601 Union Street, Suite 4100 Seattle, WA 98101-2380 P: 206-233-2924 | F: 206-628-6611 www.williamskastner.com <http://www.williamskastner.com> | Bio <https://www.williamskastner.com/attorneys/sumeer-singla/> | V-Card <https://www.williamskastner.com/attorneys/sumeer-singla/> WASHINGTON OREGON From: Schneiderman, Howard <Howard.Schneiderman@kingcounty.gov <mailto:Howard.Schneiderman@kingcounty.gov> > Sent: Monday, August 3, 2020 5:11 PM To: Leslie Clark <LClark@Rentonwa.gov>; 'Phil Olbrechts' <olbrechtslaw@gmail.com <mailto:olbrechtslaw@gmail.com> >; Kim, Jina <Jina.Kim@kingcounty.gov <mailto:Jina.Kim@kingcounty.gov> > Cc: Erickson, Monica <Monica.Erickson@kingcounty.gov <mailto:Monica.Erickson@kingcounty.gov> >; CityClerk <CityClerk@Rentonwa.gov>; Singla, Sumeer <SSingla@williamskastner.com <mailto:SSingla@willia mskastner.com> >; dmalone@desc.org <mailto:dmalone@desc.org> ; Shane Moloney <SMoloney@Rentonwa.gov>; Alex Tuttle <ATuttle@Rentonwa.gov>; Judith Subia <JSubia@Rentonwa.gov>; mjacinto@desc.org <mailto:mjacinto@desc.org> ; Madden, Lena <Lena.Madden@kingcounty.gov <mailto:Lena.Madden@kingcounty.gov> >; Stephanie Rary <SRary@Rentonwa.gov>; Cynthia Moya <CMoya@Rentonwa.gov> Subject: RE: In Re Appeal by Renton Hotel Investors, et al, Case No. CODE20-000321 Dear Mr. Olbrechts, All of the parties had agreed to forego live testimony, including cross examination. King County agrees to waive its right to cross examination. I understand that counsel for the Red Lion was briefly out of town, but expect that he too will waive this right as this is what we all agreed to. Thank you, Howard Howard P. Schneiderman │ Senior Deputy Prosecuting Attorney │ King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office │ Civil Division │ 516 Third Avenue, Suite W400 Seattle, Washington 98104 │ (206) 477-6202 From: Leslie Clark <LClark@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:LClark@Rentonwa.gov> > Sent: Monday, August 3, 2020 5:04 PM To: 'Phil Olbrechts' <olbrechtslaw@gmail.com <mailto:olbrechtslaw@gmail.com> >; Kim, Jina <Jina.Kim@kingcounty.gov <mailto:Jina.Kim@kingcounty.gov> > Cc: Erickson, Monica <Monica.Erickson@kingcounty.gov <mailto:Monica.Erickson@kingcounty.gov> >; CityClerk <CityClerk@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:CityClerk@Rentonwa.gov> >; ssingla@williamskastner.com <mailto:ssingla@williamskastner.com> ; dmalone@desc.org <mailto:dmalone@desc.org> ; Shane Moloney <SMoloney@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:SMoloney@Rentonwa.gov> >; Alex Tuttle <ATuttle@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:ATuttle@Rentonwa.gov> >; Judith Subia <JSubia@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:JSubia@Rentonwa.gov> >; mjacinto@desc.org <mailto:mjacinto@desc.org> ; Madden, Lena <Lena.Madden@kingcounty.gov <mailto:Lena.Madden@kingcounty.gov> >; Schneiderman, Howard <Howard.Schneiderman@kingcounty.gov <mailto:Howard.Schneiderman@kingcounty.gov> >; Stephanie Rary <SRary@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:SRary@Renton wa.gov> >; Cynthia Moya <CMoya@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:CMoya@Rentonwa.gov> > Subject: RE: In Re Appeal by Renton Hotel Investors, et al, Case No. CODE20-000321 [EXTERNAL Email Notice! ] External communication is important to us. Be cautious of phishing attempts. Do not click or open suspicious links or attachments. Dear Mr. Olbrechts – The City responds as follows. The City agrees to have the Prehearing Order state that the parties have waived their right to cross-examination if – before the Prehearing Order is issued – King County and Renton Hotel Investors, LLC both advise that they wish to waive such right. If King County and Renton Hotel Investors, LLC do not advise of such waiver prior to the issuance of the Prehearing Order, the City proposes that the following language be included in the Prehearing Order: “Declarations and other documents that would qualify as testimony are admissible without a right of cross-examination unless a right to cross-examine is asserted by email to all hearing parties according to the following schedule: (1) On or before August 12 for testimony that was disclosed prior to August 12; (2) On or before August 13 for testimony that was disclosed on August 12.” Thank you, Leslie Clark Leslie Clark | Senior Assistant City Attorney City of Renton | 1055 S. Grady Way | Renton WA 98057 LClark@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:LClark@Rentonwa.gov> | (425) 430-6482 From: Phil Olbrechts <olbrechtslaw@gmail.com <mailto:olbrechtslaw@gmail.com> > Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2020 9:39 PM To: Kim, Jina <Jina.Kim@kingcounty.gov <mailto:Jina.Kim@kingcounty.gov> > Cc: Erickson, Monica <Monica.Erickson@kingcounty.gov <mailto:Monica.Erickson@kingcounty.gov> >; CityClerk <CityClerk@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:CityClerk@Rentonwa.gov> >; ssingla@williamskastner.com <mailto:ssingla@williamskastner.com> ; dmalone@desc.org <mailto:dmalone@desc.org> ; Shane Moloney <SMoloney@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:SMoloney@Rentonwa.gov> >; Alex Tuttle <ATuttle@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:ATuttle@Rentonwa.gov> >; Judith Subia <JSubia@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:JSubia@Rentonwa.gov> >; mjacinto@desc.org <mailto:mjacinto@desc.org> ; Madden, Lena <Lena.Madden@kingcounty.gov <mailto:Lena.Madden@kingcounty.gov> >; Schneiderman, Howard <Howard.Schneiderman@kingcounty.gov <mailto:Howard.Schneiderman@kingcounty.gov> >; Stephanie Rary <SRary@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:SRary@Renton wa.gov> >; Cynthia Moya <CMoya@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:CMoya@Rentonwa.gov> >; Leslie Clark <LClark@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:LClark@Rentonwa.gov> > Subject: Re: In Re Appeal by Renton Hotel Investors, et al, Case No. CODE20-000321 The stipulation I received doesn't include any waiver to the right of cross-examination of declarants. The revisions written by Ms. Clark to the prehearing order deprive the parties of that due process right, as partially delineated in Chrobuck v. Snohomish County, 78 Wn.2d 858, 870 (1971). I cannot enter an order waiving the right to cross-examination without consent of the parties. If the parties would like to waive their right to cross-examination prior to seeing the declarations, please do so by email by 5:00 pm, 8/30/20, The pre-hearing order will be adopting the deadlings stipulted by the parties, so the delay in issuing the prehearing order to resolve the cross-examination issue should not prejudice the parties. On Thu, Jul 30, 2020 at 11:30 AM Kim, Jina <Jina.Kim@kingcounty.gov <mailto:Jina.Kim@kingcounty.gov> > wrote: Dear Mr. Olbrechts, The City’s proposed updates accurately reflect the parties’ agreement as to the hearing procedure for this matter and King County has no objection to the hearing examiner’s order being revised accordingly. Thank you, Jina Kim Jina Kim (she/her)│Senior Deputy Prosecuting Attorney│King County Prosecuting Attorney's Office - Civil Division│516 3rd Ave. W400│Seattle, WA 98104│(206) 477-1086 From: Leslie Clark <LClark@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:LClark@Rentonwa.gov> > Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2020 8:05 AM To: 'Phil Olbrechts' <olbrechtslaw@gmail.com <mailto:olbrechtslaw@gmail.com> > Cc: Erickson, Monica <Monica.Erickson@kingcounty.gov <mailto:Monica.Erickson@kingcounty.gov> >; CityClerk <CityClerk@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:CityClerk@Rentonwa.gov> >; ssingla@williamskastner.com <mailto:ssingla@williamskastner.com> ; dmalone@desc.org <mailto:dmalone@desc.org> ; Shane Moloney <SMoloney@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:SMoloney@Rentonwa.gov> >; Alex Tuttle <ATuttle@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:ATuttle@Rentonwa.gov> >; Judith Subia <JSubia@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:JSubia@Rentonwa.gov> >; mjacinto@desc.org <mailto:mjacinto@desc.org> ; Kim, Jina <Jina.Kim@kingcounty.gov <mailto:Jina.Kim@kingcounty.gov> >; Madden, Lena <Lena.Madden@kingcounty.gov <mailto:Lena.Madden@kingcounty.gov> >; Schneiderman, Howard <Howard.Schneiderman@kingcounty.gov <mailto:Howard.Schneiderm an@kingcounty.gov> >; Stephanie Rary <SRary@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:SRary@Rentonwa.gov> >; Cynthia Moya <CMoya@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:CMoya@Rentonwa.gov> > Subject: RE: In Re Appeal by Renton Hotel Investors, et al, Case No. CODE20-000321 [EXTERNAL Email Notice! ] External communication is important to us. Be cautious of phishing attempts. Do not click or open suspicious links or attachments. Dear Mr. Olbrechts – The City offers the attached proposed updates to the draft prehearing order. These updates are meant to incorporate the parties’ discussions that led to the hearing stipulation that the parties submitted and to clarify that this request for hearing is based on RMC 1-3-2.C.2.b and subject to RMC 1-3-2.E.3 rather than RMC 4-8-110. Thank you, Leslie Clark Leslie Clark | Senior Assistant City Attorney City of Renton | 1055 S. Grady Way | Renton WA 98057 LClark@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:LClark@Rentonwa.gov> | (425) 430-6482 From: Phil Olbrechts <olbrechtslaw@gmail.com <mailto:olbrechtslaw@gmail.com> > Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2020 5:24 PM To: Leslie Clark <LClark@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:LClark@Rentonwa.gov> > Cc: Monica <Monica.Erickson@kingcounty.gov <mailto:Monica.Erickson@kingcounty.gov> >; CityClerk <CityClerk@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:CityClerk@Rentonwa.gov> >; ssingla@williamskastner.com <mailto:ssingla@williamskastner.com> ; dmalone@desc.org <mailto:dmalone@desc.org> ; Shane Moloney <SMoloney@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:SMoloney@Rentonwa.gov> >; Alex Tuttle <ATuttle@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:ATuttle@Rentonwa.gov> >; Judith Subia <JSubia@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:JSubia@Rentonwa.gov> >; mjacinto@desc.org <mailto:mjacinto@desc.org> ; Jina <Jina.Kim@kingcounty.gov <mailto:Jina.Kim@kingc ounty.gov> >; Lena <Lena.Madden@kingcounty.gov <mailto:Lena.Madden@kingcounty.gov> >; Howard <Howard.Schneiderman@kingcounty.gov <mailto:Howard.Schneiderman@kingcounty.gov> >; Stephanie Rary <SRary@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:SRary@Rentonwa.gov> >; Cynthia Moya <CMoya@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:CMoya@Rentonwa.gov> > Subject: Re: In Re Appeal by Renton Hotel Investors, et al, Case No. CODE20-000321 Attached please find the draft prehearing order for the Renton Hotel Investor's appeal. Please let me know of any comments, concerns or objections by noon, 7/30/20. If you need more time for review feel free to ask. I haven't yet received any appeal documents so I'm not familiar with the relationship that King County and the property owner have on this case. Given that lack of knowledge, a different order of presentation may be more appropriate than that identified in the order. On Tue, Jul 28, 2020 at 11:10 AM Leslie Clark <LClark@rentonwa.gov <mailto:LClark@rentonwa.gov> > wrote: Dear Mr. Olbrechts – Respectfully, I am writing to confirm whether the Hearing Examiner received the parties’ proposed stipulation regarding the hearing date and related issues in this matter. The proposed stipulation is reattached for ease of reference. Thank you, Leslie Clark Leslie Clark | Senior Assistant City Attorney City of Renton | 1055 S. Grady Way | Renton WA 98057 LClark@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:LClark@Rentonwa.gov> | (425) 430-6482 From: Leslie Clark <LClark@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:LClark@Rentonwa.gov> > Sent: Thursday, July 23, 2020 12:38 PM To: 'Phil Olbrechts' <olbrechtslaw@gmail.com <mailto:olbrechtslaw@gmail.com> >; Monica <Monica.Erickson@kingcounty.gov <mailto:Monica.Erickson@kingcounty.gov> >; CityClerk <CityClerk@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:CityClerk@Rentonwa.gov> >; ssingla@williamskastner.com <mailto:ssingla@williamskastner.com> ; dmalone@desc.org <mailto:dmalone@desc.org> ; Shane Moloney <SMoloney@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:SMoloney@Rentonwa.gov> >; Alex Tuttle <ATuttle@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:ATuttle@Rentonwa.gov> >; Judith Subia <JSubia@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:JSubia@Rentonwa.gov> >; mjacinto@desc.org <mailto:mjacinto@desc.org> ; Jina <Jina.Kim@kingcounty.gov <mailto:Jina.Kim@kingcounty.gov> >; Lena <Lena.Madden@kingcounty.gov <mailto:Lena.Madden@kingcounty.gov> >; Howard <Howard.Schneiderman@kin gcounty.gov <mailto:Howard.Schneiderman@kingcounty.gov> > Cc: Stephanie Rary <SRary@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:SRary@Rentonwa.gov> > Subject: RE: In Re Appeal by Renton Hotel Investors, et al, Case No. CODE20-000321 Dear Mr. Olbrechts – In follow-up to yesterday’s communication, the parties have reached a stipulation regarding the hearing in this matter; please find attached. The attached stipulation includes a proposed hearing date and proposed pre-hearing deadlines, and addresses several other issues. Thank you for your consideration, Leslie Clark Leslie Clark | Senior Assistant City Attorney City of Renton | 1055 S. Grady Way | Renton WA 98057 LClark@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:LClark@Rentonwa.gov> | (425) 430-6482 From: Leslie Clark <LClark@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:LClark@Rentonwa.gov> > Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2020 1:36 PM To: 'Phil Olbrechts' <olbrechtslaw@gmail.com <mailto:olbrechtslaw@gmail.com> >; Monica <Monica.Erickson@kingcounty.gov <mailto:Monica.Erickson@kingcounty.gov> >; CityClerk <CityClerk@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:CityClerk@Rentonwa.gov> >; ssingla@williamskastner.com <mailto:ssingla@williamskastner.com> ; dmalone@desc.org <mailto:dmalone@desc.org> ; Shane Moloney <SMoloney@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:SMoloney@Rentonwa.gov> >; Alex Tuttle <ATuttle@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:ATuttle@Rentonwa.gov> >; Judith Subia <JSubia@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:JSubia@Rentonwa.gov> >; mjacinto@desc.org <mailto:mjacinto@desc.org> ; Jina <Jina.Kim@kingcounty.gov <mailto:Jina.Kim@kingcounty.gov> >; Lena <Lena.Madden@kingcounty.gov <mailto:Lena.Madden@kingcounty.gov> >; Howard <Howard.Schneiderman@kin gcounty.gov <mailto:Howard.Schneiderman@kingcounty.gov> > Subject: RE: In Re Appeal by Renton Hotel Investors, et al, Case No. CODE20-000321 Dear Mr. Olbrechts – Thank you for the email. The parties to this hearing have been discussing procedural issues regarding the hearing, and we expect to have a substantive response soon. Sincerely, Leslie Clark Leslie Clark | Senior Assistant City Attorney City of Renton | 1055 S. Grady Way | Renton WA 98057 LClark@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:LClark@Rentonwa.gov> | (425) 430-6482 From: Phil Olbrechts <olbrechtslaw@gmail.com <mailto:olbrechtslaw@gmail.com> > Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2020 1:11 PM To: Monica <Monica.Erickson@kingcounty.gov <mailto:Monica.Erickson@kingcounty.gov> >; CityClerk <CityClerk@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:CityClerk@Rentonwa.gov> >; ssingla@williamskastner.com <mailto:ssingla@williamskastner.com> ; dmalone@desc.org <mailto:dmalone@desc.org> ; Leslie Clark <LClark@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:LClark@Rentonwa.gov> >; Shane Moloney <SMoloney@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:SMoloney@Rentonwa.gov> >; Alex Tuttle <ATuttle@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:ATuttle@Rentonwa.gov> >; Judith Subia <JSubia@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:JSubia@Rentonwa.gov> >; mjacinto@desc.org <mailto:mjacinto@desc.org> ; Jina <Jina.Kim@kingcounty.gov <mailto:Jina.Kim@kingcounty.gov> >; Lena <Lena.Madden@kingcounty.gov <mailto:Lena.Madden@kingcounty.gov> >; Howard <Howard.Schneiderman@kin gcounty.gov <mailto:Howard.Schneiderman@kingcounty.gov> > Subject: In Re Appeal by Renton Hotel Investors, et al, Case No. CODE20-000321 Hello, My name is Phil Olbrechts and I'm the hearing examiner assigned to this appeal. Since CODE20-000321 appears to be a fairly involved appeal, it appears that the parties may benefit from a prehearing order that outlines the hearing format and sets deadlines for an exchange of witness and exhibit lists as well as the exhibits themselves. My understanding is the parties are in the process of agreeing upon an early August hearing date, which would not give the parties much time to put witness and exhibit lists together. Unless the parties would prefer to avoid exchanging witness/exhibit lists and exhibits prior to the hearing, once I'm told of the agreed upon hearing date I will distribute a draft prehearing order that sets deadlines for the exchanges. It will not include any deadlines for prehearing motions as it doesn't appear there's any time for that.