HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-14-2020 - HEX - Re_ In re the matter of the Appeal by Renton Hotel Investors, LLC, Case No. CODE20-000321 - DESC’s Motion for ReconsiderationI'm getting back "undeliverable" messages for emails sent to Lena Madden and Jina Kim using jina.kim@kingcounty.com and lena.madden@kingcounty.com. These are the addressees that were used by other hearing participants. Does anyone know what the problem is with these addresses? On Mon, Sep 14, 2020 at 9:47 AM Lisa Chaiet Rahman <lrahman@nwresourcelaw.com <mailto:lrahman@nwresourcelaw.com> > wrote: Good morning Hearing Examiner Olbrechts, Can you please clarify whether these new briefing deadlines toll the September 21 deadline for the application to the City of Renton for an unclassified use interpretation? Thank you, Lisa Chaiet Rahman Lisa Chaiet Rahman, Attorney lrahman@nwresourcelaw.com <mailto:lrahman@nwresourcelaw.com> 206.971.1568 (d) 208.290.6014 (c) 101 Yesler Way, Suite 205 Seattle, WA 98104 www.nwresourcelaw.com <http://www.nwresourcelaw.com/> CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email message and any included attachments are for the sole use of the intended recipient(s), and may contain confidential and/or privileged information. Do not read, copy, forward, or print this email message or any attachments unless you are the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender and destroy all copies and printouts of this email message and/or attachments. From: Phil Olbrechts <olbrechtslaw@gmail.com <mailto:olbrechtslaw@gmail.com> > Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2020 9:19 PM To: Eliza Hinkes <ehinkes@nwresourcelaw.com <mailto:ehinkes@nwresourcelaw.com> > Cc: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov <mailto:cityclerk@rentonwa.gov> ; cmoya@rentonwa.gov <mailto:cmoya@rentonwa.gov> ; ssingla@williamskastner.com <mailto:ssingla@williamskastner.com> ; smoloney@rentonwa.gov <mailto:smoloney@rentonwa.gov> ; lclark@rentonwa.gov <mailto:lclark@rentonwa.gov> ; atuttle@rentonwa.gov <mailto:atuttle@rentonwa.gov> ; srary@rentonwa.gov <mailto:srary@rentonwa.gov> ; howard.schneiderman@kingcounty.gov <mailto:howard.schneiderman@kingcounty.gov> ; jina.kim@kingcounty.com <mailto:jina.kim@kingcounty.com> ; lena.madden@kingcounty.com <mailto:lena.madden@kingcount y.com> ; cvincent@rentonwa.gov <mailto:cvincent@rentonwa.gov> ; Elaine Spencer <espencer@nwresourcelaw.com <mailto:espencer@nwresourcelaw.com> >; Lisa Chaiet Rahman <lrahman@nwresourcelaw.com <mailto:lrahman@nwresourcelaw.com> >; Daniel Malone <dmalone@desc.org <mailto:dmalone@desc.org> > Subject: Re: In re the matter of the Appeal by Renton Hotel Investors, LLC, Case No. CODE20-000321 - DESC’s Motion for Reconsideration As the parties may recall, the Final Decision on the Renton Hotel Investor's appeal gave DESC the opportunity to request reconsideration along with new declaration(s). DESC has taken that opportunity with the motion it emailed to all parties yesterday. If any party would like to respond, please do so by 5:00 pm, September 18, 2020. DESC may file a reply by 5 pm, September 23, 2020. Responses and replies may include new declarations and exhibits. All responses and replies with supporting documentation should be emailed to all parties to this email. On Fri, Sep 11, 2020 at 3:23 PM Eliza Hinkes <ehinkes@nwresourcelaw.com <mailto:ehinkes@nwresourcelaw.com> > wrote: Good afternoon, Please find attached for filing and service DESC’s Motion for Reconsideration and Declaration of Daniel Malone in Support of DESC’s Motion for Reconsideration. Please let me know if you have any problems accessing the attachments. Eliza Hinkes, Paralegal ehinkes@nwresourcelaw.com <mailto:ehinkes@nwresourcelaw.com> 206.971.1563 (d) 973.896.4119 (c) 101 Yesler Way, Suite 205 Seattle, WA 98104 www.nwresourcelaw.com <http://www.nwresourcelaw.com/> CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email message and any included attachments are for the sole use of the intended recipient(s), and may contain confidential and/or privileged information. Do not read, copy, forward, or print this email message or any attachments unless you are the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender and destroy all copies and printouts of this email message and/or attachments. 悏㧸궔帮崇辟鿃욙⯌餾㏬華锫ﴅ옵巫ڤ鵱蒇烄檦ਧ꽲딹䚼졄⦬㩾Ꮸ龺㦗浇碓鈲殮㼭ٳ犖䝡礢啶膳慰刻༏ꬂ菄វ찠齁♜益鎹*贿쐣८�敥붍鎴繤鉯궶↯℀닇幐⥈븾땯죫⺑쒮ࢼ풑㶶祈ᦻ됷둓䴭봂�礸掣캶餑꟟፱粄⏜�∵㋹釐蜋땬⍭ﶗ襕쫑묎﷬ﱥ꓎囎캆拈䴗ᒐꒃ飍䅪揌ط媾ਟ巤ା봴执૶ᗄ珵㈉剗ᕳ杋�෧猧焸ᬟ呔鑛魒睛Ä⧍證㦗㗸ꕸ�橗�⌍↔乮稫鉐�᎔ৢ䯁朐닢�䕔Ⲍ숇섁쟹㿫ꖳ剞꡿�㶥Ҵꕒ幵썺掮銯뎧ߌ⚥ไҼ➉㝩 ᕓ䫋Ჽ铟䠦꥕䜛믠嬜﬑牣쌈ꛍ誁屮讒ạ뿗Ṿ觾紴藚鸘棭낢㯎ﲯ泲䅰▴墒嫔㬖깴㽑ᎄ᷷鸎秳ㅫ옫疳숶嬝ꦫ훌蛨掙뼴鳆�搪閄⍂紡￞㹥珇浡ꅨᄍ䟪挳㢗㥵볳閵袸苟嗏秩螇㭂୦夢榐혽Ꝅ㴋舜㓁⚊躡�糗䎾鏽㏒쒻髷嵧绘ﻼ垛橧栆䥓啘錎⊑䄱䘵缞㑲휆笒橬瞟咸컰雡瓝㰶丯ꃁ贠ﭜ꯳ꕒ이໻憘౼槆첨㻍咉騮潗㸾磿閌꿏妼篈럧·Ɑ䨇箲杧쥽繶ཝ턗珦㼡魘膉ẘ靇끆沥㜡蚎鱕糖湃ᛡ薳⸺浀╱솮蟨놔�폿ْ甗ܿ阮 㪏䉡볫뫖쳌䔏䜣茜❧塹䒫¥蝵坓잙䒊谩㊘휱뗑褙땖憈坧蹐늳赱쾫鋈௏촃猖ᾔ缿뛂䂕查⤢玩활�暫朳觷ɯﻑ᷏ၞ㩷⊼销篝ᢹ撪댣᠕켡璆締ⲩ왮坹䭆ࡶ슏墄ኔ阴粃לּ䊍Ы슮蠸㵩ⶏ됻댈क़ᰵ㵬砯軳長᷷덮ਠ匫폛Ⲽ핻ž⾯铐团ꄀ믻㰫഼쳘ꐈ삮鼞�蟔乥殺佞밖慄侎୶剱₶Ꭳ䡷䘁דּ臝㷟ﵯ㮏惼歾劒Ϗ䍷쿟닭疔ꛂ᧣ꅫ䕪᎘ﭼ熉ꧏ풎Д䮂ⱖ௏쿠㼪￞磾緜遑셸륕Ꮹ鰆䴯ﳛϞ싄臡鴽ꐋ냕ﵰ쪾㷦諧࢐츞硞䋺쬖�䯚ꭸ펧遛컲饉풾 䉙ᙝ꩔邞餇﫿䯑ձ⻉肽홐矛;쎼䇓屇髴쉗诏�㧢켎匲댞屁鏨屙�㵹꣇䟰첾쟩헵슢ᩀ賢푴뚂的䐃빿菼税⯎�䋌쐎岺龷ﲬ쎼곕쬶毛㚙﹌쪸򹭒牟滽沝啼콁Ⴏᄼꈊ쮹꙼↲뢂먻섒餸ㅟ柜珩跞웹齃ヌଠ䉖纉⳦릶᦮쮠徘⛿饦헤灪⿱�跔矊a俹밠낚ై㌒�ﻻƾ恉좘痲律묕룵꓍﯉ࢷ쿈￷弫쫹빗闲粯⯥寧埊꾕弫쫹빗闲粯⯥寧埊꾕弫쫹빗闲粯⯥寧埊꾕弫쫹빗闲粯⯥寧埊꾕弫쫹빗闲粯⯥寧埊꾕弫쫹빗闲粯⯥寧埊꾕弫쫹 빗闲粯⯥寧埊꾕弫쫹빗闲粯⯥寧埊耕߿髝餙⥷