HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 08 - 07-15-2020 - RHI - Request for Hearing - SinglaITEM NO. 8 HEX-000073 7133701.1 7133701.1 July15,2020 VIA EMAIL(d locher@rentonwa.g ov) AN DCERTIFIEDUSMAIL Donna Locher C.E.“Chip” Vincent Lead Cod e Com pliance Inspector 1055SouthGrad yW ay Renton,W A 98057 Re: Find ing of Violation Violation Ad d ress: 1SouthGrad yW ay Renton,W A 98057 King CountyParcelN o:3340401630 Ms.Locher;Mr.Vincent: Myfirm representsRenton HotelInvestors,LLC,OnkaarDhaliwal,and PintuBath.Myclientsreceived Find ing sof Violation” from the Cityof Renton,however,theyhave nothad a chance tob e heard and have nothad the ab ilitytoexercise theird ue processrig htsreg ard ing these find ing s. PursuantRenton MunicipalCod e (“RMC”) 1-3-2 E(1)(a),m yclientsare exercising theird ue process rig htsand requesting a hearing b efore the Ad m inistratortoraise a challeng e tothe Find ing sof Violation.Further,please consid erthisa written requestfora hearing on the Find ing sof Violation, pursuanttoRMC1-3-2 E(2)(b ). Please provid e a hearing d ate,d iscoverysched ule,and b riefing sched ule som yclientscan fully exercise theird ue processrig hts,includ ing confronting the witnessthatwillprovid e testim onyand evid ence ad verse totheirinterests. Further,m yclientsjoin in the ob jectionsand d efensesasserted b yKing Countyastheyrelate tothe Find ing sof Violation. Finally,please note thatm yclientsd onotin anywayad m itorag ree withthe Find ing sof Violation. Theyd onotconced e thatthe proced ure outlined in the RMCin anywayad equatelypreservestheir d ue processrig hts. Thankyouforyourconsid eration and we lookforward tohearing from you. HEX-000074 July15,2020 Pag e 2 7133701.17133701.1 Verytrulyyours, SUMEER SINGLA Sum eerSing la 206) 233-2924 ssing la@william skastner.com Cc: Client HEX-000075