HomeMy WebLinkAboutShoreline Management Applications (1971) {-" y _ 4,. � R� - I � OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY • RE_NTON,\VAS i1NGTON POST OFFICE BOX 626, 100 2ND STREET BUILDING, RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 ALPINE 5-8678 pce GUARD M. SHELLAN, CITY ATTORNEY �1p �`�4 JOHN K. PAIN, JR., ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY kT APITA-O August 9 , 1972 Mr. Gordon Erickson • Planning Director City Hall Renton, Washington • Re: Shoreline Management .Act' of 1971 Dear Gordon: The Committee of the Whole , at the August 7 , 1972 'regula Council meeting, • referred to our office a question as to the advisability of having an Ordinance adopted dealing with the enforcement of the Shoreline Management Act . You will remember that we had previously written to you ender date of December' 30 , 1971 covering the same subject mait-r. We will, of course , have to await the outcome of the No•i-amber election to determine whether the existing Act or the proposed initiative , or. neither, will be adopted by the voters of this State. Assuming that 43-B , the alternate measure , prevails , we would certainly suggest that the Council consider a brief ordinance simply adopting the various permits that local govern- ment would usein processing such application consistent with those of the Department of Ecology. • Therefore we would appreciate it if you would re-study the various permit forms used by your Department, furnish true copies thereof to our office , and we shall then be glad to prep-re such an Ordinance . If we can be of any further help to ' you in thi : matter, pease • advise . We remain Very truly yours ,___, jGerard .M. Shellan/ GMS :ds . • August IS, 1972 . • Th Honorable Clary Grant 12k3S S. S. 163th Stree Re ton, Washington 98455 Res ALT4RRATIVR MRASLTR 43-3, Shoreline Management Act Dear Representative Grant; The Renton City Council, at its regular meeting of August 11 1972 has gone on record,by the adoption of Resolution No. '1 12, e dossing and supporting Alternative Measure 43-SS , to be vo ed u;ron by the people of the State en November 7, 1972, Y ur support and consideration in regard to favorable promo ion o said Measure will be greatly appreciated. Yours very truly. CITY Qf' RENTON Helsaie W. Nelson. City Clerk H' N/dm • gkiF ; U 1 2 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY • RE_NTON,WAS INGTON ,;, o POST OFFICE BOX 626, 100 2ND STREET BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 ALPINE 5.8678 97,r 1 �'*� GONAND MLL IL INAN, CITY ATTORNEY 1 Tp0A7 APITAL 04 JOHN IL. PAIN, JR.; ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY November 27 , 1972 I 1 1 I 1 1 Mr Go ,son Erickson I P1 nnit,_ Director pi y Ha,' 1 I Re ton,\ , ashington 98055 mow Re : Shoreline Management Act I De r G•rdon: 1 1 In-smuch as the electorate has now approved the Shoreline Ma agement Act as previously passed by the Legislature (43. ) at the recent election, it is appropriate now for the City o co sider an implementing ordinance. _ 1 I ave prepared such legislation and am enclosing a copy he ewith for your study and comments. I have also looked carefully fat the ordinances heretofore prepared by King County and the iCity of Sea tle and although ours is somewhat different, I believe that most of the important provisions are quite similar and thus Would establish some uniformity in enforcing the act . I - hereby asking the City Clerk to make sufficient copies of thi proposed legislation and furnish it to all members of the City Qpuncil as well as the various departments of the City for, the'r suggestions We -hall, of course be glad to make any changes that you deem nec-ssary. I would also suggest that a copy of the Shoreline Man=gement Act, as now adopted, be furnished to the various Dep-rtment heads and to members of the City Council . , 1 If e can be of any further assistance to you in this matter, ple=se advise. , 1 I We emain i"1 1 Yo rs v ry tru , era M. Shella 11 GMS nd City/Attorney Enc ( ' 1 �r L .. CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE .CITY OF RENTON IMPLEMENTING THE SHORELINE MANAGEMENT ACT OF 1971; REGULATING SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENTS ON THE SHORELINES OF THE CITY OF RENTON BY REQUIRING PERMITS, APPROVAL BY THE DIRECTOR OF PLANNING; ESTABLISHING ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES FOR ISSUING PERMITS; AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES , CIVIL AND CRIMINAL, FOR ANY VIOLATIONS THEREOF. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : Section I ; The purpose of this Ordinance is to implement the SHO' LINE MANAGEMENT ACT OF 1971 (Chapter 286 , Laws of 1971, 1st Ex Sess ) and to regulate developments on the shorelines of the City of R:nton in a manner consistent with the policies and aims promulgated in S=ction 2 of said Act. Section 2 : For the purpose of this ordinance , unless the cont-xt otherwise requires , the following definitions are hereby adop ed and shall be controlling: a. "Development" means a use consisting of the construction or exterior alteration of structures; dredging, drilling, dumping, filling, removal of any sand, gravel or minerals; bulkheading, driving of pi ing, placing of obstructions , or any project of a permanent orate porary nature which interferes with the normal public use of the surfa e of the waters overlying lands subject to this ordinance at any s ate of water level . b. "Director" means the Director of Planning of the City of Re ton or his duly designated and authorized representatives . c . "Ordinary high water mark' on all lakes , streams, and tidal water is that mark that will be found by examining the bed and banks and ascertaining where the presence and action of waters are so commo, and usual, and so long continued in all ordinary years , as to mark pon the soil a character distinct from that of the abutting uplane , in respect to vegetation as that condition exists on June 1, 1971, or as it may naturally change thereafter; provided, that in any area here the ordinary high water mark cannot be found, the ordinary -1- I high ater mark adjoining saltwater shall be the line of mean higher .tide -nd the ordinary high water mark adjoining fresh water sh 11 be 1 the, 1 ne of mean high water. 1 d. "Person" means an individual, partnership, coriloration, assoc ation, organization, cooperative, public or municipal co poration, or ag=ncy of the state or local governmental unit however desi nated. 1 e. "Shorelines" means all of the water areas of the city, including reservoirs , and their associated wetlands , together' with the lands underlying them; except (1) shorelines of state-wide significance; (2) , s orelines on segments of streams upstream of a point where the mean -nnual flow is twenty cubic feet per second or less and t ewet- lands associated with such upstream segments; and (3) shorelin s on lakes less than twenty acres in size and wetlands associated w'th such all lakes . f. "Shorelines of state-wide significance" means those shore ines described in Section 3 of the Shoreline Management! Act of 1971 . g. "Shorelines of the city" are the total of all "Shore- lines' and "shorelines of state-wide significance" within the �ity. h. "Building Director" means the Building Director of the1C 'ty of Renton or his designated and authorized represents ive. 1 i. "Substantial development" shall mean any development of which the total cost or fair market value exceeds one thousand dolla s, or any development which materially interferes with the normal public use of the water or shorelines of the city; except that the following shall not be considered substantial developments for the ; puipose of this ordinance. (1) Normal maintenance or repair of existing structures or dev-lopments, including damage by accident, fire or elements; (2) Construction of the normal protective bulkhead common to single family residences; I _2- • • • (3) Emergency construction necessary .to. protect prop-rty from damage by the elements; I (4) Construction of a barn or similar agricu tural sru, ture on wetlands; ( 5) Construction or modification of navigati nal III ' ands such as channel markers and anchor buoys ! (6) Construction on wetlands by an •owner, le see or cant act purchaser of a- single family residence for his ownu e or for he use of his, family, which residence does not exceed' a height • of t irty-five feet above average grade level and which meets all requirements of the city other than requirements imposed pursuant to 1I this ordinance. j j . "Wetlands" or "wetland areas" means those land extend- ing andward for two hundred feet in all directions as measur d on a ho izontal plane from the ordinary high water mark; and all marshes, bogs . swamps, floodways, river deltas , and flood plains assoca.ated I with the streams, ,lakes and tidal waters which are subject to the lI 1 provisions of this. ardinance; the same to be designated as to location by t e Department of Ecology. • • ' Section 3 . Policy . The policies and aims as contained in S-ction 2 of the Shoreline Management Act , as heretofore described, • are ereby incorporated and adopted by the City of Renton as its • poli ies and. aims as applied to the shorelands and shorelines as hereinabove defined and located within the City of Renton.I , In case • of a y inconsistency or conflict between the provisions and, terms of this ordinance and the aforementioned State Act, latter shall be • cont oiling. j Section 4 . Permits Required for Substantial D'eve opment; No s bstantial development shall be undertaken on shorelines Of the -3- . City without first obtaining a substantial development permit from the 'Di ector'. Applications for such permits shall be made on forms prescribed by the Director , shall be made by the property owner, or his authorized agent, lessee, contract purchaser, or other p rson enti.tl-d to possession of the property, and except for applications filed "y or on behalf of the City shall be accompanied by a receipt issued by the Director of Financing showing payment by the applicant of a' f.e of $ . Upon receipt of the application, the Director shall Pause the application to be investigated and determination made as to is conformance with the standards of this ordinance; there- upon t e applicant shall cause to be published notices thereof once a week for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation ,N. in the area where said development is proposed and once in the City's offici.,l newspaper, and four copies of the notice shall be posted prominently on the property concerned and in conspicuous public places within 300 feet thereof. Said notices shall include a state- ment teat any person desiring to present his views to the Director with r-gard to said application may do so in writing to said Director, 1 and ,an person interested in the Director' s action on an application for a ermit may submit his views in writing or notify the Director in wri ing of his interest within 30 days from the last date of public :tion of such notice. Such notification or submission of views o the Director shall entitle said persons to a copy of the action taken on the application. Except as provided in Section 5 of this ordinance, a substa ,tial 'development permit shall be granted only when the develop- ment p oposed is consistent with: a. The policy aims as set forth in Section 3 hereinabove . ' b. The guidelines and regulations as issued by the Depart' ent of Ecology and as same may be amended from time to time. c. General compliance with the comprehensive plan by the City o Renton or as same may be amended from time to time. -4- The burden of proving that the proposed substantial development is consis ent with the criteria which must be met before a permit is grante. shall be on the applicant. The Director may attach to such permit any terms or conditions regarding the location, character and other feature of the proposed structures or use as may be deemed necess-ry and reasonable to carry out the spirit and purpose of this ordiance and in the public interest. All permits issued by the Buildi g Director shall be consistent with the determination and direction of the Director of Planning. Section 5 . Exemptions . The following shall not be considered substantial developmentsfor the purpose of this ordinance : a . Any project with a certification from the govenor pursu-nt to chapter 80 . 50 RCW; - b . Any development on shorelines of the city inclu ed. withi a preliminary or final plat approved by the city prior ,o April 1, 1971 , if : (1) The final plat was approved after April 13 , 1961, or the preliminary plat was approved after April 30 , 1969 , or (2) Sales of lots to purchasers with reference to the plat, or substantial development incident to platting or required by the plat, occurred prior to April 1, 1971 , and ( 3) The development to be made without a permit meets all requirements of the city, other than requirements imposed pursu-nt to this ordinance, and (4) The development does not involve construction of buildings , or involves construction on wetlands of buildings to serve only as community, social , or recreational facilities for the use of owners of platted bts and the buildings do not exceed a height of thirty-five feet above average grade level, and -•5.- (5) The development is completed by June 1 , 1973 . c. Any person claiming exemption from the permit 'require- ments of this ordinance as a result of the exemptions hereinabove specified may make application therefor to the Director of Planning for such an exemption on forms and in the manner prescribed by the Director. Section 6 . Variances . Substantial development permits may b granted which are at variance with the criteria herein estab ished before a permit is granted where, owing to special condi ions pertaining to a specific piece of property , the literal int'eroretation and strict application of the criteria would cause undue and unnecessary hardship . No such variance shall be granted unl'es•. the Director of Planning finds : a. Exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or condi ' ions applying to the subject property or to the intended use thereof that do not apply generally to other properties on shorelines in ,th: same vicinity. b. The variance permit is necessary for the preservation and e 'joyment of a substantial property right of the applicant posse- sed by the owners of other properties on shorelines in 'the same icinity. c. The variance permit will not be materially detrimental to th. public welfare or injurious to property on shorelines in the same icinity. d . The variance permit will not adversely affect the comprehensive plan developed or being developed for the City .' Section 7 . Review of Application by,_Director.. The Director of Planning shall review an application for permit based on the following : -6- I � a. The application; b. The environmental impact statement, if one has bee prepared• c . Written comments from interested persons d. Information and comment from other city department- affected; e. Independent study of the Department of Planning ;of I . the City; i I f. Evidencepresented at the public hearing , if any, eld pursuant to Section 13 of this ordinance . The Director of Planning may require that an applicant furnish i formation and data in addition to that contained or regti ed in thelap.lication forms prescribed. Unless an adequate environmental statement has previously been prepared for the proposed develcpment by anothe agency, the Director shall cause to be prepared such statement prior to granting a permit , when the State Environmental Policy Ac of 1971 requires such a statement. Section 8 . Review and Appeal. Any person aggrieved by the !granting or denying of a substantial development permit on I i shoreline-. of the city, or by the rescinding of a permit pursuant to the provi-ions of this ordinance, may seek review from the Shorelines ' I HearinglB•ard by filing a request for the same within thirty days) of receipt of the final order, and by concurrently filing copies of s request! w'th the Department of Ecology in the Attorney General' s ) office as provided in Section 18 (1) of the Shorelines Management ' ct of 19711. I � j -7= i I � Section 9. Commencement of Construction. No construction pursua t to a substantial development permit authorized by this ordina ce will begin or be authorized and no building , grading or other Construction permits or use permits shall be issued by the Buildi g Director until 45 days from the date of final approval and grant of the permit or until all review proceedings are terminated if suc proceedings were initiated within 45 days of the date of final -pproval by the Director. Section 10 . Rulings to State. Any ruling on an ' application for a substantial development permit under authority of thi•. ordinance, whether it be an approval or denial, shall concur ently with the transmittal of the ruling to the applicant , be fi1-d with the Department of Ecology and the Attorney Genera' by the Director. Section 11. Rescission of permits . Any substantial development permit issued by the city under the terms of this , Ordina ce may be rescinded or suspended by the Director of Planing 4 or 1:he Building Director of the City upon a finding that a permittee has no, complied with conditions of the permit . Notice thereof shall be giv:n in writing by the Director unto the applicant and latt r may demand , ekgf c $ such decision to be held by the Director within 60 dayslo such notice. Section 12 . Criteria for Commercial Timber Cutting; Surface Drilli g for Oil and Gas ; Hei:ht Limitations . With respect to timber situated within 200 feet abutting landward of the ordina y high w-ter mark w4thin shorelines of statewide significance, a pe, mit shall de granted only for selective commercial timber cutting so that no mo e than 30% of the merchantable trees may be harvested in any ten; y-ar period of time; PROVIDED that other timber harvesting methods may be permitted in those limited instances where the; , topog aphy, soil conditions or silviculture practices necessary for regene ,ation render selective logging ecologically detrimental ; PROVID'D FURTHER that clear cutting of timber which is solely incide tal to the preparation of land for other uses authorized by thi- ordinance may be permitted . Surface drilling for oil and gas is prohibited in Lake Washin:ton or that portion thereof within the jurisdiction of the City of Renton, and on all lands within 1000 feet landward from the or•inary highwater mark. No permit shall be issued for any new or expanded buildi g or structure of more than thirty-five feet above average grade evel on shorelines of the city that will obstruct the view of a s bstantial number of residences in adjoining areas . Section 13 . Public Hearings ; Notice ; Director' s Decisi n. a. In the following cases , decisions on applications for a substantial development permit or a timber cutting permit shall not be ade unless at least one public hearing has been held, to-wit: (1) One or more interested persons has submitted to the Director, within fifteen days of the final publication of notice •f the application, a written request for such a hearing together with appropriate statement of reasons for the request deemed valid bi the Director; or (2) The estimated total cost of the proposed develop ent exceeds Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500 , 000 . 00) ; or (3 ) The Director determines that the proposed develop ent is one of broad public significance and interest . b. Such public hearing shall be conducted by the Director and notice of the time and place thereof shall be published in the same ma ner as and where appropriate, combined with, the notice of -9- 1 1 1 I 1 applic. tion required in Section 4 of this Ordinance . Such pub}ic I hearin;: shall 'be held no sooner than fifteen days after the f iJp 1 date o publication of the notice of public hearing . Ten days, itten . notilce of the time and place of public hearing shall be mailed r , I delive ed to the applicant and to any interested person who has submit ed a written request for. such a hearing or who has submi ted 1 1 a writ en request for notice of such a hearing. 11 1 c. The Director may recess or continue such hearing, an public:ily announce the time and place of such continued hearin in 11 which ase no further notice shall be required. 1 d . When the Director renders a decision, he shall make and I enter ritten findings from the record and conclusions thereof hich I suppor his decision and the findings and conclusions shall 'set 1 forth he manner in ,which the decision is consistent with the criteria set forth in Section 3 of this Ordinance , 1 e . The Director shall have the power to prescribe rules , ; and regulations for the conduct of hearings before him; ,and also to 1 issue summons for, and compel the appearance of witnesses , and to preserve order. The privilege of cross-examination of witness-s shall be ac orded all ingested persons or their counsel in accordan•e I with he rules of the Director . I � f. The decision of the Director shall be the final1de ision of th= city on all aulications and the Director shall render a written decision and transmit copies of his decision to the persons ',who are req i ed to receive copies of the decision as hereinabove stat-d , incu.ing the Department of Ecology, the Attorney General' s , olf ice, 1 the applicant, and such other departments or boards of the Gilt as are affected thereby and the legislative body of the city . -10.- 1 1 1 I • 1 1 1 , 1 Section 14 . Validity of Permit; Extensions . Construction or su.stantial progress toward construction of a project for which a per it has been granted pursuant to this ordinance must be under- taken within two years after approval of the permit , or the permit shall terminate and be no longer valid. If such progress has not been ade, a new permit application will be required. If a project for w ich a permit has been granted has not been completed within five ears after permit approval , the Director shall , at the expira- tion of the five year period, review the permit and , upon a showing of good cause, either extend the permit for one year, or terminate the; p:rmit; PROVIDED, that no permit shall be extended unless the 1 applicant has requested such review and extension prior to the permit expiration date. Section 15 . Shorelines Inventory . For the purpose of this 'ct the following bodies of water are included , to-wit : a. Cedar River b. Green River c. Lake Washington d. May Creek between FAI 405 and Lake Washington 1 e . Springbrook Creek North of FAI 405 to the Green River Section 16 . Penalties . Any person found to have illfully engag:• in activities on the shorelines of the city in violation of this ordinance or the Shoreline Management Act of 1971 shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a fine of not less than $100 . 00 nor more than $500 . 00 or by imprisonment in the city jail for not more than ninety days , or by both fines and imprisonment. Any -11- person subject to the regulatory program of this ordinance who violates a' y provision of this ordinance or the provisions of a permit issued pursuant thereto shall be liable for all damages to public or private property arising from such violation , including the cost of restoring the affected. area within a reasonable time to its condition prior to such violation. The City Attorney shall bring suit for damages under this subsection on behalf of the City. In addition thereto; private persons shall have the right to bring an action for damages under this subsection on their own behalf and on behalf of all persons similarly situated and affected by any such damages . The Court in its discretion may award attorney 's fees and costs of the su't to the prevailing party. Section 14 . Rules of the Director of Planning. The Director of Planning is hereby authorized to adopt such rules as are neces•.ary and appropriate to implement the terms of this Ordinance and same shall be published from time to time. Section 15 . Severability. If any provision of this ordinance or its application to any person or circumstance is declared nconstitutional or invalid by any Court of competent jurisdict ' on, such decision shall not affect the validity or legality of there aining portions of this Ordinance. Section 16 . This Ordinance shall be effective upon it. passage, approval and five days after its publication, unless other- wise pro ided for hereinabove. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day. of ,1972 Delores A. Mead, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 1972 Approved as to form: Avery Garrett, Mayor Gerard F. Shellac, City Attorney Date of Publication: ° tip # STATE OF WASHINGTON E PA rid 1111 v EC LO DAN/EL J. EVANS JOHN A B/GGS GOVERNOR DIRECTOR • •ebruary. 23, 1972 • dward B. Sand, Director i� partment of Planning 217 King County Courthouse • Seattle, WA 98104• King County City of Renton 148-17-A-1 'Dear Sirs: he Forty-five day review period by the Department of cology and Attorney General' s office for the above Shore-. 1 ine Management Permit will terminate on 2/27/72 � f no notice of appeal is received by the above date, co - '-truction pursuant to the permit may then cc: mance. Sincerely, ° • Glen A. Crandal Program Development Division Planning & Program Development `C:sp cc: City of Renton Municipal Building . Renton, WA 98055 • , 1 �. e� '[ } 'ichard Haag Associates,Inc..Shoreline Management Consultants P 1 March 1972 i'enton City Council I'enton City Hall I'enton, Washington 98055 Pile: Shoreline Management Act of 1971 entlemen: ou have received the Final Proposed GUIDELINES to implement the Shore]' e i anagement Act of 1971 from the State. My office is uniquely qualified with pecial competency in identifying, inventorying and evaluating natural and an-made resources and in preparing a master plan for the development of -horelines. o gain State acceptance, your master program will result from a logical •alance of the natural phenomena, the economic activities, and the cultural/ ecreational activities. We can assist you in ensuring citizen participation, ith reviews at each step, and in writing policy statements. After under- .tanding and weighing these factors, we can determine the provisions for onditional uses and variances. I am anxious to serve as your Shoreline Consultant to assure early State pproval. incerely, itt i� 1"3/M1.',f;,i 972 ichard Haag rt , OFfICE f yr ' •H/bs 923 Fuhrman Ave.. Seattle.Wash 98102• EA 2-3290 SHORELINE APPLICATIO1 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR SHORELINE MANAGEMENT SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Notice is hereby given that City of Renton has filed an application for ' a substantial development permit for the construction or development of Houser Way North & South located at: Houser Way North & South from Bronson Way N. to Main Avenue South within Section (s) 17 . of Township 23 N, Range 5 , W.M. , in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. Said development is proposed to be within Cedar River. and/or its associated wetlands. Any person desiring to express his views or to be notified of the action taken on this application should notify the Planning Department, Renton Municipal Building, Renton, Washington 98055 in writing of his interest within thirty (30) days of the last publication of this notice. Publication dates of this notice are December 31 , 1971 and January 7. 1972 • City .of Renton Planning Dept. 11-71 11 II 1 • SHORELIPNE APPLICATION NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR 11 SHORELINE MANAGEMENT • 11 SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Notice is hereby given that City of Renton has filed an application for a substantial development permit for the construction or development of Houser Wav North & South located at: Houser Way North & South from Bronson Way N. to Main Avenue South within S action (s) 17 of Township 23 N, Range 5 in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. Said development is proposed to be within Cedar River and/or its associated wetlands . Any person desiring to express his views or to be . notified of the action taken on this application should notify the Planning Department, Renton Municipal Building, Renton, Washington 98055 in writing of his interest within thirty (30) days of the last publication of. this notice . Publication dates of this notice are December 31 , 1971 and January 7, 1972 , • City of Renton Planning Dept. 11-71 SHORELINE APPLICATION NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR SHORELINE MANAGEMENT SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Notice is hereby given that City of Renton has filed an application fo • a substantial development permit for the construction or development of Houser Way North & South located at: Houser Way North & South from Bronson Way N. to Main Avenue South within Section (s) 17 of Township 23 N, Range 5 , W.M. , in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. Said development is proposed to be within Cedar River and/or its associated wetlands. Any person desiring to express his views or to be notified of the action taken on this application shoul notify the Planning Department, Renton Municipal Build'ng, Renton, Washington 98055 in writing of his interest wi hin thirty (30) days of the last publication of this notic . Publication dates of this notice are December 31 , 1971 an. January. 7. 1972 • City of Renton • ' Plan:ing Dept. 11-71. SHORELINE APPLICATION NOTICE OT CE OF APPLICATION FOR SHORELINE MANAGEMENT SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Notice is hereby given that City of Renton has filed an application folt • a substantial development permit for the construction or development of Houser Way North & South located at: Houser Way North & South from Bronson Way N. to II Main Avenue South within Section (s) 17 of Township 23 N, Range 5 , W.M. , in the City -of Renton, King County, Washington. Said 11 development is proposed to be within Cedar River ; and/or its associated wetlands . Any person desiring to express his views or to be notified of the action taken on this application should •notify the Planning Department, Renton Municipal Building, Renton, Washington 98055 in writingof his interest t within thirty (30) days of the last publication 'of. this notice. Publication dates of this notice are December 31 , 1971 and January 7. 1972 • City of Renton Planning Dept. 11-71 it SHORELINE APPLICATION - NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR SHORELINE MANAGEMENT SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT II Notice is hereby given that City of Renton has filed an application for a substantial development permit for the construction r development of Houser Wav North & South located at: Houser Way North & South from Bronson Way N. to Main Avenue South within Section (s) 17 of Township 23 N, Range 5 , in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. Said development is proposed to be within Cedar River and/or its associated wetlands. Any person desiring to express his views or to be notified of the action taken on this application shoul notify the Planning Department, Renton Municipal Building, Renton, Washington 98055 in writing of his interest wi hin thirty (30) days of the last publication of this notice. Publication dates of this notice are December 31 , 1971 an. ,laniiary 7. 1972 City of Rento Planning Dept. 11-71 SHORELINE APPLICATION NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR SHORELINE MANAGEMENT SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Notice is hereby given that City of Renton has filed an application for a substantial development permit for the construction r development of Houser Way North & South li located at: Houser Way North & South from Bronson Way N. to Main Avenue South within Section(s) 17 of Township 23 N, Range 5 , :M. , ' in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. Said development is proposed to be within Cedar River and/or its associated wetlands . Any person desiring to express his views or to be notified of the action taken on this application shoul notify the Planning Department, Renton Municipal Build'ng, Renton, Washington 98055 in writing of his interest wi hin thirty (30) days of the last publication of this notice. Publication dates of this notice are December 31 , 1971 an. January 7. 1972 • City of Renton Planning Dept. 11-71