HomeMy WebLinkAboutL_Declaration_of_Covenant_BMPs_Matveyev_210120_v2.pdfReturn Address: City Clerk's OI'fice Cify of Renton 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 DECLARATION OF COVENANT AND AND MAINTENANCE OF DRAINAGE Grantor: Emil Matveyev Grantee: Cify of R" Legal I)escription: !ULUAN$_LK-WNG48QE[\ el: EDEN # 2 scc#1 6_2-27 161 € REc# 201 61l-. 0E EASEME}IT F'OR INSPECTION FACILITIES AND ON-SITE BMPS IN C0NSIDERATION of the approved city of Itenton (cireck o'e of the ibllowing) E residentiai builcring pe,mit, tr .o,r,rfr.ial building p;;;;l;;^tr clearing and grading perr,it, El subdivisigtpg,Ilr!.-r tr shoLt subdivision p..mit?J. np"pri"ition fire No. LUA/swP 1700050!----..---..-----.--..__.'_'- r'elating.to,L;;;;i;;;;;r-ry (,,property,,) crescribe<l above, trreGrantc,r1s),@u|".ty,t,"."by"o,"nunt.(covenant)withtheCityofRenton,a political subdivision of the state o1'washington, that he/srr.1trr.y; wiil obseive, "onr.ri to, and abicle by the conditions and obligations set lbrth andlescribecLil;;;;;phs 1 rhrougli 9 br:low with regarrl to the Property, and liereby glants(grant) an easement as described i-n lr'aragraphs i ancl 3. Grantor(s) hereby grants(gra.t), coveuants(covenant), a.ii agrecs(agree) as 1bllows: 1' The Grantor(s) or his/her(their) successors in interest and assigns (,,owners ,,) shal1 at their own cost' operate, uraitrtain, and keep in good repair, the Pr:operty's drainige i:."lriti.r1*shucted as required in tlie approved constluction plzurs andipecifications _ ' _ on file with the City of tib"6,itgjubrnitted to trre citv of Re,to* for tlii;i;;; a,provar or per:mit(s) x iim -iffi,t:ffi,'L:,Xx;'ll'"""*illlnu;i,"r:'U*:nTj on trxhibit tnaintenance schedule included and attachecl herein as Exhibit il. I)rainage facllities i,"lude pipes, channels' flow cotrtrol facilities, water quality lacilities, on-srtc tlest marlagement practices (BMps) and otlier engineered stt-uctures designed to manage and/or treat stormwater on the property. on-site BMps include dispersiorr and irlfiltrati& devices, bi6retention, p".*"oui" pavements, rainwaier ha.esting systetns' tree retention credit, reducecl irnpervious sur.a"e footprint, vegetated roofi; and other rneasures designed to miuic pre-developed hydrology ancl rniniurize stormwater runoff on the properry. 2' city o1'Rettton shall havc thc right to ingress and egress over those portions of the property llecessary to perfoun inspections of the stonriwater facilities arid BMps and conduct maintenance activities specified irr this r)eclaratio, of covenant and in accordance with the Renton Municipal code. cily o1'Rcnton sliall provide at least 30 clays written notice to the owners that entry o11the proirerty is Page I of 3 planned {b, the inspection of clrainage facilities, After tlie 30 days, the owners r;hall allow the city of Renton to entel' for the sole ptttpose of inspecting clrainage faciiities In iieu of inspectron by the city, the owners tnay elect to engage a licenseci .iril englre.r ,"girr-..a in the state or wuriington w1o has expeltise in dlainage to inspect the drainage fac'ilities *? p.ouia. a written repor.t describing their condition' If the engineer option is chosen, the ow_ners rr*iip.uiae written notice to the city of Rentorr within fifteen days of recelvil^s t]re ciiy's notice orinsp*.tior.- wiurin 30 clays of giving this notice, the ownets' or engineet'on behalfof the ou'ners, shallprovide the engineeL,s report to the city of Renton, If the leport is not provicled in a timely lranner u. ,p..ifi..l above, the city ol.Itenl.on rnay inslrect the drainage facilities witliout ftlrther nltice. 3' If city of Renton detennines fi^orn its inspection, or fi'orn an engineer,s reporl provided in accordance witli Paragraph2, that triaintenance, repair, restoration_, anri/o,nitigatio, work is requir.ed to be done to any of the clrainage facilities, city oiRent", Jriirotify the owners of the specific maintenance, t'epair, t'estoration, and/or mitigation wolk lwortj ."qrir"a pul.suant to tire Renton Municipal code' The city shail also set a reasonable deadline ior. ttr. owners to cornplete the work, or to provide an engineer's repott that verifies conipletion of tlie wor.k. After the deac[ine'has passed, the owners shall al1ow the city access to re-inspcct the drainage thcilities unless an engi,eer,s r.eport has been provided verifying completion of the work, If the wlrk is not cornpleted within the ti,re frame set by the city' the city may initiate an enlorcement action and/ol pe'foun the requireotraintenance, repair, restoration' and/or rnitigation work and hereby is givcn access tl the proper-ty for such puposes. written notice will be sent to the owne.s stating the c]ity'; intentionlo ferfor.m such wor.k. This work will not cornlnence until at le.ast seven (7) days alter su& notice is rnailed. I{ within the sole cliscretion of tlie city, there exists an imtninent oripresent clanger, the seven (1) daynotice period r.vill be waived and maintenance anrvor repair work wilr begin irirreaiat"ly. -- \'/ -" 4' The owners sha1l assr-ttne all responsibility for the cost of any rnaintenance, repair work, or any lneasul'es taken by the city to address conditions as describecl in paragraph 3. iuch responsibility sliall inciude reimbut'set,ent to the city within.thirty (30) arlr "rtrr...."i"pt orrn" i,rrolr. for a,y such work perfolmed' overduc payments will requir" puy*"nt oiinterest at the maximum legal rate allowed by RCW 19 '52 '020 (cu,ently twe lve p"r""ni (lz"lij, rr trr" Ciry initiates legal action to enforce this agreement, the prevailing party iu such action l, "niitt"a to recoier.reasonable litigatio, costs and attorney's fees. 5' The Owners at'e requirecl to obtain written approval fi'om city of Renton prior to filling, piping, cutting, ol retnoving vegetation (except in routine lan<lscape rnai,tenance) in open vegetated stormwater facilities (such as swales, channels, ditches, ponds, etc.), or p".norrrri(f a-n1i alterations or modifications to the drainagc facilities referenced in this Deciaration of Covenant. 6. Any notice or consent required to be given or otherwise provirled ibr by the provisions of this Agreetnent shall be effective upon pelso,ral delivery, or *rr"e 1ij days after rnailing by certified Mail, refurn receipt requested. 7' with regard to the matters address.ed herein, this agreement constitutes the entire agreernent between the parties, and superserles all prior ciiscussio,rr, n"go?rtiors, un,l all agreemelts whatsoever whether oral or writlen. B' This l)eclaratiott of covenant is intendecl to pl'otect the value and clesirability alcl prornote efficient and effective rnanagelncnt of surface,water cirainage "f th" ;;;i;;il;'ffi;ibed above, ancl shall inure to the benefit of all the citizens of the city of R."niri ancl its *r.".r.*, and assigns. This Page 2 of 3 Declaration of covenant shail run with the lancl ancl be binding upon Gr.antor(s), ancl Grantor,s(s,) sllccessors in interest, and assigns. 9' This Declaration of covenant rnay !e terniinated by execution of a written ag,eement by the owners and tlie city that is recorded by King county in its r# f,.op.rty records, IN WITNESS wHEREoIr, this Declaratioq of covenant fnr the Inspection and Maintenance of Drainage Facilities is executeci this I t ,t^y ,f JAi4ig_ - .._,, )o_?L_, - GRANTOR, owner of the property STATE OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF IilNG )rs. On this day personally appeared before rne: E-hAJ t4 frt v g g €.U- -___-'---.----'.-_-, to me larown to be rhe individual(s) desclibe<l in and who executed the withi'n and- foregoilu ir t unJ u.tno"rledgccl that they signed the same as their fi'ee and volurtary act a,d rleecl, ior tile uses and purposes therein statecl. Given under nry lrand and official seal this lg day of 1 @WWCn{L,y -_,20 L \ . _-_-kAc.u hz _ vtlRz^ _ l'ill1ted narne Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at FARNAZ MIBZA coMMlSStoN# 20107228 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES Notary Fublic '- State of Washington Page 3 of 3 My appoirrtrnenr expires _6rptuLja JZL+ 30, ?o24 .gBEHB ZfrE IXHIBIT * A FLOW CANTROL BMP S/rf PLAN :EEEFrE/.U:art 0 1020 40tr+=-d SCALE 1" = 40' lE-124.00. E (O lE-12550, t2' (t{) E-t2,5.50, 12'(S) c.o.R. 4 .u,.1 ffi-fdft2+15s,, u-rzTlr lE-t22.50. 12' (N) lE-121.67, 8'6tj lE-122,t0, lZ'(S) 2IJO'RT&ll-lJt.0:t lE-126,05 E-l20.(E M(o 0'sD o 2r Tt?.sltfiil sruB Vl PERF. PPEco{}€filo{ PER DETAL SflEEr 7. PROVDE SIA,E PtffOMIE) coililEsnoN Pmsm. PUN 2J0.10 r^x P!|Iila xwl0-dflo I I iffi-idh rr+ror2. oro' Lr ,l E-trs.o2, M 6' SD O 2t IlP. SIORr SIIJB I/TA PERF. PIPECOilNSIIOI{ PM DEIIIL s{EEr 7, PRO/IDE S{.EE!E sDco, I PER C.O.RsID. Ptrfl {03.1Sr 1l+J5J0. 0.s6'RTRll'l5ti.fl}} lE-12056 PENToRAIE} SIUHUToct{t€firo{ PER C.O.R. S|TD PUN 2J0.,rc PERMIT IVUMBER;-- APPROWD BY:. I I I -- t0+t25a 050'LT lE-12525. 8'(m tE-.lZJ.,o, a' (0' 16'L x 2T x t6b GfiATJEL FI.T.O DEPERSIOII IREIC+I.Lffiffiffi,s#FflLY A'U)iIG PERUIT FOR FUIUNE DO$trEPO(,IS I I_l I EXHIBIT B. OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCB MAINTENA,NCE INST'RUCTIONS FOR BASIC DISPEITSIOry Your propet'ty contaitts an on-site BMP (best ntanagement plactice) called"ltusttc dispersiort,,, which was installeci to mitigate the stormwater quantity and quality impacts of some or all of the impervious surfaces or non-native peruious surfaces on your properfy, Basic dispersion is a sh'ategy- {br utilizing any available capacity of onsite vcgetatecl areas to retain, absorb, and filter the runoff from clevelopecl surfaces, 'fhis on-site BMp has til,o primar.y colxponents that rnust be maintained: (1)'rhe devices tiiat disperse runoff fi.onr the cieveloped surfaces a,<l (2) The vegetated ar.ea over which r-unoff is dispersed. f)ispersion I)evices The dispersion devices usecl on your property inclucie the following as indicatecl on the site plan (CFIECK TIIE BOX(ES) TtrAT Apply): xl splash blocks, E rock par1s, El graver filled trenches. El sheet flow. MAINTENANGE RESTRICTIONS 'fhe size, piacemeut, cotrtposition, and downsh'eaur flo.,vpaths of these clevices as clepicted by the site plan and design cletails tnust be maintained and may not ie changed witliout wrilten approval fi.om the City of Renton or through a ftlture clevelopment pennit frorn theility of [tento1. INSPECTION FREQUENCY AND MAINTENANCE GUIDELINES 'I'his on-site BMP has trvo primary colrpollents that rnust be rnaintained per Appendix A o{.the City of Renton's Sru'fbce Water. Design Manual: (1)'i'he devices tliat disperse runolf fi.orn the developecl surfaces ancl (2) The vegetated flowparh area ovor which runoff is crispersed. Maintenance of Dispersion Devices o Dispersion devices must be inspectecl annually and after major storm events to identify and repair any physical defects. o When native soil is exposed or erosion channels are plesent, the sources of the erosion or concetrtrat.ed flow need to be identified and rnitigatecl. o Concentrated florv can be rnitigated by leveling the eclge of the pervious area and/or realigning or replenisliirlg the t'clcks in thc dispersion rlevice, such as in rock parls a1d gr.avel fiilecl trenches. Maintenance of Vcgetated Flowpaths r The vegetated area over which runoff is clispersed must be maintaineci in goocl conclition free of bare spots and obstructions that woukl concentrate flows.