HomeMy WebLinkAboutContractCAG-20-393 For purposes of this AGREEMENT, "ESI" means any and all computer data or electronic recorded media of any kind, including "Native Files", that are stored in any medium from which it can be retrieved and examined, either directly or after translation into a reasonably useable form. ESI may include information and/or documentation stored in various software programs such as Email, Outlook, Word, Excel, Access, Publisher, PowerPoint, Adobe Acrobat, SQL databases, or any other software or electronic communication programs or databases that the CONSULT ANT may use in the performance of its operations. ESI may be located on network servers, backup tapes, smart phones, thumb drives, CDs, DVDs, floppy disks, work computers, cell phones, laptops, or any other electronic device that CONSULTANT uses in the performance of its Work or SERVICES hereunder, including any personal devices used by the CONSULTANT or any sub-consultant at home . .. Native files" are a subset of ESI and refer to the electronic format of the application in which such ESI is normally created, viewed, and /or modified The CONSULT ANT shall include this section XX "Records Maintenance" in every subcontract it enters into in relation to this AGREEMENT and bind the sub-consultant to its terms, unless expressly agreed to otherwise in writing by the AGENCY prior to the execution of such subcontract. In witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this AGREEMENT as of the day and year shown in the "Execution Date" box on page one (1) of this AGREEMENT. Signature Micha 1 Date Signature Armando Pavone, Mayor Jason A. Seth, City Clerk Any mod(fication, change, or reformation of this AGREEMENT shall require approval as to form by the Office of the Attorney General. Loc:al Agency A&E Professional Services Negotiated Hourly Rate Consultant Agreement Revised 01/01/2020 CAG-20-393 Agreement Number ____ _ Page 14 of 14 ATTEST: 3/11/2021 EXHIBIT A Construction Management Scope of Work Page 1 EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF WORK CITY OF RENTON RENTON ELEMENTARY AND MIDDLE SCHOOL CROSSINGS CAG-20-393 The following is the City of Renton Standard Construction Management Scope of Work modified for this project. This Agreement has an expiration date of five (5) years. The project assumes 40 working days in the construction contract, CAG-20-150. Construction Management Scope of Work 1.GENERAL a.Construction Management. The Consultant shall manage the Project Construction as set forth in the Renton Elementary and Middle School Crossings Project Contract Construction Documents, WSDOT LAG Manual, 2020 WSDOT Standard Specifications, and the WSDOT Construction Manual except as may be modified below. b.Consultant’s Responsibilities. i.The Consultant staff consists of: 1.Construction Manager 2.Resident Engineer 3.Construction Observer 4.Documentation Specialists 5.Public Outreach Sub-Consultant 6.Material Testing Laboratory ii.The Consultant’s responsibilities are the tasks assigned to Consultant staff as described within the task descriptions below. iii.The Consultant tasks, as assigned below, may be reassigned by the Consultant. The Consultant must notify the Project Manager of such reassignment. The Construction Manager shall remain responsible for completeness, accuracy, and timeliness of the Consultant’s work. c.City’s Responsibilities i.The City staff consists of: 1.Project Manager EXHIBIT A Construction Management Scope of Work Page 2 2. Engineer 3. Construction Observer, if employed by the City 4. Material Testing Laboratories, if employed by the City 5. Public Outreach ii. The City’s responsibilities are the tasks assigned to City staff as described within the task descriptions below. d. Others Responsibilities i. Engineer of Record, Permit and Environmental Compliance Manager, and City Public Works Department shall be independently responsible for tasks assigned as described within the task descriptions below. e. Directing the Contractor i. The Contractor is responsible to get its direction from the contract documents. ii. Clarification will be made in writing in RFI’s. iii. Representatives of the Consultant are not authorized to accept Work, to accept materials, to issue instructions, or to give advice that is contrary to the Contract. Work done or material furnished which does not meet the Contract requirements shall be at the Contractor’s risk and shall not be a basis for a claim even if the representatives purport to change the Contract (Std. Spec. 1-05.2). In the event City or Consultant staff finds it necessary to give direction to the Contractor, the entity giving direction may be found responsible for the work so directed. A written record of the directive must be made. f. Duty of the Consultant. The presence of the Project Manager and/or the Engineer during construction or discussions with the Contractor does not change the duties and responsibilities of the Consultant, City, or Contractor. g. Deliverables The required deliverables, if any, are described in each of the tasks below. 2. RESPONSIBILITIES a. Construction Manager i. Staff management ii. Progress review iii. Billing iv. Preconstruction meeting (3.v.) v. Construction Observer and Documentation Specialist oversight (3.z.) vi. Weekly construction meetings (3.cc.) vii. Serial letters (3.vv.) viii. Protests (3.bbb.) EXHIBIT A Construction Management Scope of Work Page 3 b.Resident Engineer i.ROM (3.g.) ii.Non-materials submittal list (3.h.) iii.Bid analysis (3.i.) iv.Pre-award meeting (3.k.) v.Record keeping (3.o.) vi.Materials (3.q.) vii.Buy America (3.r.) viii.Subcontractors (3.s.) ix.UDBE subcontractors (3.t.) x.Progress schedule (3.u.) xi.Preconstruction meeting (3.v.) xii.Labor (3.w.) xiii. Project labor list (3.x.) xiv.Contractor’s equipment rate list (3.y.) xv.Construction Observer and Documentation Specialist oversight (3.z.) xvi.Weekly construction meetings (3.cc.) xvii.Safety (3.dd.) xviii.Weekly statements of working days (3.ff.) xix.Contractor’s weekly look-ahead schedule (3.gg.) xx.Conformity with and deviations from plans and stakes.(3.hh.) xxi.Permanent monuments (3.jj.) xxii.Correction notices (3.kk.) xxiii.Work suspension. (3.mm.) xxiv.IDR’s (3.qq.) xxv.Pay notes (3.rr.) xxvi.RFI’s (3.tt.) xxvii.Training (3.uu.) xxviii.Serial letters (3.vv.) xxix.Progress payment forms (3.ww.) xxx.Force Account (3.xx.) xxxi.Progress payments (3.yy.) xxxii.Field directives (3.aaa.) xxxiii.Change orders (3.bbb.) xxxiv.Protests (3.ccc.) xxxv.Notices (3.ddd.) xxxvi.Change tracking (4.f.) xxxvii.Progress Schedule (4.h.) EXHIBIT A Construction Management Scope of Work Page 4 xxxviii.Posting Notices (4.i.) xxxix.CM construction office (5.h.) and (5.i.) c.Construction Observer (Inspector) i. Pre-award meeting (3.k.) ii.Non-materials submittal schedule (3.p.) iii.Materials (3.q.) iv.Subcontractors (3.s.) v.Preconstruction meeting (3.v.) vi.Labor (3.w.) vii.Construction Observer and Documentation Specialist oversight (3.z.) viii.Weekly construction meetings (3.cc.) ix.Safety (3.dd.) x.Contractor’s weekly look-ahead schedule (3.gg.) xi.Conformity with and deviations from plans and stakes (3.hh.) xii.Testing (3.ii.) xiii.Permanent monuments (3.jj.) xiv.Correction notices (3.kk.) xv.Environmental (3.ll.) xvi.Work suspension. (3.mm.) xvii.Photographs (3.nn.) xviii.Diary (3.oo.) xix.Field notebooks (3.pp.) xx.IDR’s (3.qq.) xxi.Pay notes (3.rr.) xxii.As-built plans (3.ss.) xxiii.Force Account (3.xx.) xxiv.Progress payments (3.yy.) xxv.Field directives (3.aaa.) xxvi.City Public Works Department Notification (3.eee.) xxvii.CM construction office (5.f.) d.Documentation Specialist i.ROM (3.g.) ii.Record keeping (3.o.) iii.Non-materials submittal schedule (3.p.) iv.Materials (3.q.) v.Buy America (3.r.) vi.Subcontractors (3.s.) vii.UDBE subcontractors (3.t.) EXHIBIT A Construction Management Scope of Work Page 5 viii. Preconstruction meeting (3.v.) ix. Labor (3.w.) x. Construction Observer and Documentation Specialist oversight (3.z.) xi. Weekly construction meetings (3.cc.) xii. Meeting minutes (3.ee.) xiii. IDR’s (3.qq.) xiv. Pay notes (3.rr.) xv. RFI’s (3.tt.) xvi. Training (3.uu.) xvii. Serial letters (3.vv.) xviii. Progress payment forms (3.ww.) xix. Force Account (3.xx.) xx. Progress payments (3.yy.) xxi. Change orders (3.bbb.) xxii. Protests (3.ccc.) e. Public Outreach Sub-consultant i. Public outreach (3.fff.) f. Testing Laboratory i. ROM (3.f.) ii. Materials testing and approval iii. On-site compaction testing iv. On-site concrete testing g. Project Manager i. Advertisement (3.a.) ii. Contract addenda (3.b.) iii. Bidder questions (3.c.) iv. Bid deadline and opening (3.c. and d.) v. Conformed construction documents (3.f.) vi. ROM (3.g.) vii. Bid analysis (3.i.) viii. Determination of bidder responsibility and bid responsiveness (3.j.) ix. Pre-award meeting (3.k.) x. Preparation of contract documents for execution (3.l.) xi. Award (3.m.) xii. Execution (3.n.) xiii. Record keeping (3.o.) xiv. Materials (3.q.) xv. Subcontractors (3.s.) EXHIBIT A Construction Management Scope of Work Page 6 xvi.Preconstruction meeting (3.v.) xvii.Notice to proceed (3.z.) xviii.Work suspension. (3.mm.) xix.IDR’s (3.qq.) xx.Serial letters (3.vv.) xxi.Progress payment forms (3.ww.) xxii.Progress payments (3.xx.) xxiii.Change orders (3.aaa.) xxiv.Notices (3.ccc.) h.Engineer i.The Authority vested in the “Engineer” by the Standard Specifications shall be vested in the City Transportation Design Manager who performs the duties of the Certification Authority. ii.Directing the Contractor (1.e.) iii.Contract addenda (3.b.) iv.Bidder questions (3.c.) v.Conformed construction documents (3.f.ii) vi.Pre-award meeting (3.k.) vii.Materials (3.q.) viii.Preconstruction meeting (3.v.) ix.Work suspension. (3.mm.) x.Change orders (3.aaa.) xi.Protests (3.bbb.) i.Engineer of Record i.Contract addenda (3.b.) ii.Bidder questions (3.c.) iii.Conformed construction documents (3.f.) iv.ROM (3.g) v.Non-materials submittal list (3.h.) vi.Bid analysis (3.i.) vii. Pre-award meeting (3.k.) viii.Record keeping (3.o.) ix.Materials (3.q.) x.Preconstruction meeting (3.v.) xi.Weekly construction meetings (3.cc.) xii.Conformity with and deviations from plans and stakes (3.hh.) xiii.Permanent monuments (3.jj.) xiv.RFI’s (3.tt.) EXHIBIT A Construction Management Scope of Work Page 7 xv. Change orders (3.bbb.) j. Permit and Environmental Compliance Manager i. Review and approval of Contractor’s SPCC plan ii. Environmental (3.ll.) k. City Public Works Department i. Water Manager (3.ddd.) ii. Sewer and Surface Water Manager (3.ddd.) iii. Streets Manager (3.ddd.) 3. TASKS a. Advertisement i. Prepared by Project Manager ii. Placed in newspaper by City Clerk iii. Two separate ads, posted for the duration of 21 calendar days (LAG 46.2.24) iv. Electronic copies of the plans and specifications shall be placed by the Project Manager and shall be available, on-line, at Builder’s Exchange from the first date of advertisement, continuously, until physical completion. b. Contract Addenda i. Contract addenda will be prepared by the Engineer of Record, reviewed by Project Manager, and signed by Engineer (LAG 46.2.24). c. Bidder Questions i. Questions must be in writing, email preferable. ii. Answers will be prepared by the Engineer of Record, reviewed by the Project Manager, and signed by the Engineer. iii. All answers shall be made in writing and posted on the bidding website (Std. Spec. 1-02.4(1), last paragraph). iv. Answers that change the contract will generate contract addenda d. Bid deadline i. The bid delivery will be to the City Clerk and the deadline will be as advertised. e. Bid Opening i. The bid opening by the City Clerk will be at least 48 hours following the bid deadline f. Conformed Contract Documents i. Following the bid opening, the Engineer of Record will cause the contract documents to incorporate all the changes made during the bidding process. ii. The Engineer will sign the contract documents for construction approval. EXHIBIT A Construction Management Scope of Work Page 8 g. ROM (Constr. Man.9-1.2C) i. The Record of Materials shall be prepared independently by the Resident Engineer, reviewed by the Engineer of Record and Project Manager, and maintained by the Resident Engineer or Documentation Specialist ii. The ROM shall be prepared following bid opening and prior to preconstruction meeting. iii. Made available at the Preconstruction Meeting iv. See (3.q) h. Non-materials Submittal List (Constr. Man. 1-05 Other submittals page 1-51) i. The Engineer of Record and Resident Engineer shall independently prepare a list of all contract-required non-materials submittals. (See Figure 1-1, Constr. Man. 1-05 page 1-55) ii. Following bid opening and prior to Preconstruction meeting iii. Made available at the Preconstruction meeting iv. See (3.p) i. Bid Analysis i. The Project Manager shall tabulate all the bids by bid item and evaluate the apparent low bid for balance and other irregularities (Std. Spec. 1-02.13.2.). The Engineer of Record and Resident Engineer shall review for concurrence. j. Determination of Bid Responsiveness and Bidder Responsibility i. The Project Manager shall determine bid responsiveness and bidder responsibility. A bid may be considered irregular and not responsive for any of the conditions listed in Std. Spec. 1-02.13. Further instruction that shall be followed is contained in LAG 46.2.26. ii. A bidder may be deemed not responsible and the proposal rejected for any of the conditions listed in Std. Spec. 1-02.14. Further instruction that shall be followed is contained in LAG 46.2.22, 27, and 28. iii. The Project Manager shall submit the low bid information to WSDOT Local Programs for review and approval. iv. Before award of a contract, a bidder shall submit to the contracting agency a signed statement in accordance with chapter 5.50 RCW verifying under penalty of perjury that the bidder is in compliance with the responsible bidder criteria requirement of subsection (2)(f) of RCW 39.26.160. A contracting agency may award a contract in reasonable reliance upon such a sworn statement (RCW 39.26.160 (4)). k. Pre-award Meeting (Std. Spec. 1-02.15) i. The Project Manager shall schedule and preside over a pre-award meeting. ii. Required participants EXHIBIT A Construction Management Scope of Work Page 9 1. Engineer 2. Project Manager 3. Engineer of Record 4. Resident Engineer 5. Construction Observer/s 6. Contractor’s Project Manager 7. Contractor’s Site Foreman/Superintendent iii. Agenda shall include at least the following: 1. Time of contract compliance letter and response 2. A pre-award progress schedule (3.o.ii). 3. Executed documents deadline 4. Construction phasing 5. Lump sum breakdowns 6. A complete statement of the origin, composition, and manufacture of any or all materials to be used; 7. ROM 8. Non-materials submittal List 9. Special citizen outreach requirements 10. Date for pre-construction meeting/s 11. Date for notice to proceed 12. Construction offices 13. Lay-down locations l. Preparation of contract documents for execution i. The Project Manager shall prepare the contract documents for execution by the Contractor. m. Award i. The Project Manager shall prepare the contract for award and submit the material to the City Clerk who will submit the contract to the City Council for award. n. Execution (Std. Spec. 1-03.3, RCW 35A.40.200, RCW 35.23.352(1)) i. The Project Manager will deliver the complete the contract package to the Contractor. ii. The Contractor must execute and return the contract documents in full within ten days from the date at which he or she is notified that he or she has been awarded the contract. iii. The Project Manager will deliver the contractor-executed contract to the City Clerk for the Mayor’s execution. EXHIBIT A Construction Management Scope of Work Page 10 o. Record Keeping i. Filing system. 1. The City will provide the filing format that shall be used by the Consultant 2. Original copies of all contract construction documents shall be kept and filed by the Documentation Specialist and delivered to the Project Manager in cardboard file boxes with printed external tables of contents upon contract completion. 3. Electronic copies of all contract construction documents shall be kept and filed by the Documentation Specialist and delivered to the Project Manager in PDF format on a “thumb drive” upon contract completion. ii. Timeliness. 1. The Documentation Specialist shall update the status of submittals and subcontractors on a daily basis and make them available to the Construction Observer and Resident Engineer and the Engineer of Record at 7:00 AM the morning following every status change. All other records shall be updated on a weekly basis and made available on line to the City, the Contractor, and all members of the construction management team and at the weekly construction meeting following the status change. iii. Final records. 1. Upon contract completion, the Documentation Specialist shall provide the Project Manager with documentation of the work performed on the contract. Documentation consists of field books, inspector’s record of field tests, Resident Engineer’s and inspector’s diaries, all invoices, weigh bills, truck measurements, quantity tickets, receiving reports, field office ledgers, mass diagrams, cross-sections, computer listings, and work profiles. Photographs or video tapes before, during, and after construction could be useful, especially if care is taken to show any unusual conditions, equipment, or procedures (LAG Man. iv. The Documentation Specialist shall be responsible for filing all meeting minutes (3.dd). v. Contractor Records 1. The Document Specialist shall obtain proof from the Contractor that it has met all the requirements for Records and Retention (Constr. Man. 1-07.11(10)B) EXHIBIT A Construction Management Scope of Work Page 11 p. Non-materials Submittal Schedule i. The Documentation Specialist shall maintain a non-materials tracking spreadsheet, supplied by the City, of status and delivery deadlines of non- material submittals for the purpose of notifying the contractor and construction observer of pending requirements for up-coming construction activity. ii. The Resident Engineer shall review the non-materials tracking spreadsheet at the weekly construction meetings. q. Materials i. All materials must be approved by the Project Manager prior to use. The Resident Engineer shall insure that the quality of materials and workmanship on a project conform to the contract specifications (LAG 52.3) ii. All QPL, RAM, ASA, CMO, and MCC submittals shall be delivered to the Documentation Specialist, Resident Engineer, and the Project Manager. iii. Each RAM submittal package shall be delivered complete. Parts of assemblies, submitted individually will be returned to the Contractor. RAMS that vary from the specifications must be reviewed and approved by the Engineer of Record. iv. The Documentation Specialist shall maintain and update a City form material submittals tracking spreadsheet with all material submittals. v. Materials shall also be tracked by bid item on appropriate WSDOT forms 272-024. vi. The Resident Engineer shall be responsible for reviewing materials submittals for conformance with the specifications and approving, or obtaining materials approvals. vii. The Construction Observer shall receive all Materials on site. Only approved materials shall be accepted and all materials shall have identification stamps or tags. Non-approved materials and/or materials missing identification shall be rejected and either quarantined or removed from the site. Used materials shall be removed from the site immediately. viii. The Construction Observer shall keep trip tickets, invoices, weigh bills, truck measurements, quantity tickets or other record of the quantities of all materials delivered ix. Materials Certification. The Documentation Specialist shall provide the Engineer, for his signature, a completed Materials Certification form (DOT Form 140-574) upon completion. This materials certification shall be completed in accordance with Construction Manual Section 9-1.5 and Section 52.3 of the LAG Manual (LAG Man. EXHIBIT A Construction Management Scope of Work Page 12 r. Buy America i. The Resident Engineer shall be responsible that all ferrous materials meet “Buy America” requirements (Special Provision 1.06). ii. The Documentation Specialist shall obtain and file all CMO’s and/or MCC’s from the Contractor. s. Subcontractors i. All subcontractors must be approved by the Project Manager before performing any work on the project (Std. Spec. 1-08.1) ii. The Construction Observer shall keep track of all subcontractors on the job site and require removal of all unapproved subcontractors by the Contractor. iii. All subcontractors must meet the conditions set forth in Std. Spec. 1-08.1. iv. The Contractor must submit a completed WSDOT form 421-012 for each proposed subcontractor. The request must be reviewed and approved by the Resident Engineer to ensure that the proposed subcontractor meets the requirements of WAC 296.127.10 (Constr. Man. 1-08.1.). v. All subcontractors must submit intents to pay prevailing wages documents L&I form F700-029-000 and appropriate addenda before performing any work on the project. vi. All contracts with all subcontractors and lower tier subcontractors shall contain the exact language contained in Form FHWA 1273 as revised May 1, 2012 vii. All subcontractors must have a City of Renton Business License. viii. The Contractor shall insert the notification set forth in the Standard Specifications in all solicitations for sub-contractor and supplier bids. (Std. Spec. 1-07.11(2)3.) ix. Subcontractor contract retainage requirements GSP1-08.1 (June 3, 2019 ) must be met. x. The Documentation Specialist shall keep files of all subcontractors and their submittals, and shall maintain and update a City form subcontractor tracking spreadsheet with all subcontractor approval submittals. xi. Removal. If dissatisfied with any part of the subcontracted Work, the Engineer may request in writing that the Subcontractor be removed. (Std. Spec. 1-08.1 last paragraph). xii. If required, the Construction Observer shall observe and record VIN numbers on contractor trucks. EXHIBIT A Construction Management Scope of Work Page 13 t. UDBE Subcontractors ( See Special Provision for UDBEs 1275) i. Upon award, the UDBE goal percentage is replaced with the individual UDBE sub-contractor dollar amounts provided with the bid that become Conditions of Award (COA’s) ii. COA UDBE’s and their contract dollar amounts (Special Provision 1-07.11, page 37) cannot be changed without meeting the conditions set forth in LAG 26.3.6. iii. COA UDBE’s shall be interviewed by the Resident Engineer on behalf of the Engineer and make CUF determinations using DOT Form 272-052, Special Provision 1-07.11. iv. Reporting. The Contractor shall use the WSDOT implemented DMCS to file UDBE and DBE payment. The Documentation Specialist shall monitor DBE participation and track all Subcontractor payments and monitor attainment of Condition of Award (COA) Commitments. v. The Construction Observer shall verify trucks that are on-site match the trucks listed by license plate on DOT Form 350-077. If trucks are on-site that are not listed on the log, document in the Inspector Daily Report the license plate number and identifying logo. Notify the Project Engineer of the unlisted trucks. u. Progress Schedule i. The Progress Schedule shall be type A as indicated in the contract (Std. Spec. 1-08.3(2)A) and (Special Provisions, page 62). ii. Prepared by Contractor iii. A progress schedule, of sufficient detail to demonstrate completion of the project within the time of contract, shall be submitted before awarding the contract when required (Pre-Award Information Std. Spec. 1-02.15.3). iv. A progress schedule shall be submitted no later than at the preconstruction conference (Special Provision 1-08.3(2)A). v. The entire project schedule, if different from the pre-award schedule, shall be submitted within 30 calendar days following contract execution. (Std. Spec. 1-08. 3(2)B) vi. The progress schedule shall be reviewed and approved or returned by the Resident Engineer 15 calendar days following submittal by the Contractor, (Special Provision. 1-08.3(2)A) vii. The Resident Engineer shall determine if the Contractor will perform at least 30% of the work (Std. Spec. 1-08.1) and: viii. Collectively, lower tier subcontractors shall not do work that exceeds 25 % of the total amount subcontracted (Std. Spec. 1-08.1.7.) to all Subcontractors except for structure work. EXHIBIT A Construction Management Scope of Work Page 14 ix. The Resident Engineer shall require updates, as may be required, for review and approval. (Std. Spec. 1-08. 3 (3)) v. Preconstruction Meeting (LAG Man. 52.2) i. The Pre-construction meeting shall be scheduled and managed by the Resident Engineer. ii. List of invitees shall include: 1. The Project Manager 2. The Project Specialist (Joey) 3. The Engineer 4. The Engineer of Record 5. The City’s Public Works representatives 6. The Resident Engineer 7. The Construction Manager 8. The Documentation Specialist 9. The Construction Observer/s 10. The Public Outreach Sub-consultant 11. The franchise utility representatives 12. The WSDOT Local Programs Engineer 13. The WSDOT inspector (for projects on state highways and/or in WSDOT limited access ROW. iii. The Agenda shall be prepared by the Resident Engineer and shall include at a minimum those items listed in (LAG Appendix 52.101) iv. First Order of Work (Std. Spec. 1-08.4) 1. When shown in the Plans, the first order of work shall be the installation of high visibility fencing to delineate all areas for protection or restoration. v. Forms 1. The Resident Engineer should provide the Contractor a description of all required forms, giving the Contractor an initial supply of each. Additional forms required by the Contractor over the course of the work should be provided by the Resident Engineer upon request by the Contractor. Remind the Contractor that all form submittals, including those of subcontractors, lower- tier subcontractors, and suppliers, should be routed through the Prime Contractor for submittal (Constr. Man. P. 1-52). w. Labor i. Minimum wages shall meet Federal or Washington State prevailing wage rates, whichever is higher. EXHIBIT A Construction Management Scope of Work Page 15 ii. Intents to pay prevailing wages 1. The Prime Contractor and all subcontractors and lower tier subcontractors must submit intents to pay prevailed wages. It is the responsibility of the Documentation Specialist to collect and file the intents (Std. Spec. 1-07.9 and Special Provisions). The Resident Engineer shall not permit the Contractor, subcontractors or lower tier subcontractors onto the job site until their Intents have been submitted via correction notice per Section kk. iii. Certified payrolls 1. The Documentation Specialist shall collect and file all certified payrolls and shall not enter work into the progress payment form for payment to the Contractor, subcontractors or lower tier subcontractors, failing to submit the required certified payrolls within 10 calendar days of the of the end of the preceding weekly payroll period. (Std. Spec. 1-07.9(5) 2. The Documentation Specialist shall maintain and update a City form certified payrolls tracking spreadsheet containing all certified payrolls. iv. Affidavits of wages paid 1. The Documentation Specialist shall collect and file affidavits of wages paid from the Contractor and all subcontractors following physical completion. The City will not accept the project nor release the contract bond until all such affidavits have been delivered. (Std. Spec. 1-07.9(5) v. Interviews (Constr. Man. 1-07.9(1)) 1. The Construction Observer shall perform interviews with the Contractor’s and subcontractor’s worker to verify payment of the correct wage rates.(Constr. Man. p. 1-86) x. Project Labor List (Std. Spec. 1-09.6.1.) i. Project labor lists of the charge rates for all employees shall be submitted by the contractor and all subcontractors for review and approval by the Resident Engineer prior to the notice to proceed. y. Contractor’s Equipment Rate List (Std. Spec. 1-09.4 and i. Contractor-owned equipment rates shall be submitted by the contractor for every piece of equipment potentially used on the job for review and approval by the Resident Engineer prior to the notice to proceed. EXHIBIT A Construction Management Scope of Work Page 16 z. Construction Observer and Documentation Specialist Oversight i. The Resident Engineer shall manage the activities of the Construction Observer and Documentation Specialist and provide direction and training as necessary. If the Construction Observer or Documentation Specialist is failing to perform assigned duties, the Resident Engineer shall attempt to correct the performance. If the Construction Observer or Documentation Specialist fails to make the corrections, he or she must be replaced. In the event the Construction Observer is a City employee, The Construction Manager shall prepare a written notice of performance failure that must be delivered to the Project Manager. ii. If the City employee fails to make the necessary corrections, the Project Manager will remove the City employee and the Resident Engineer may be required to replace the City employee with a Consultant Construction Observer. aa. Notice to Proceed i. The Project Manager will issue the notice to proceed to the Contractor. ii. Work must begin within 21 days of execution of contract (Std. Spec. 1-08.4). bb. Mobilization (Std. Spec.1-09.7) i. Payment for mobilization will be made in strict compliance with the Standard Specifications. The numerators for the 5% and 10% thresholds calculations are the sums of the value of all bid item and force account work completed up to the cutoff date excluding any amount for the bid item, mobilization. The divisor for the 5% and 10% thresholds calculations is the total original contract amount. The basis for the 10% delayed payment limit until substantial completion is the total original contract amount. cc. Weekly Construction Meetings i. Held in the Consultant’s or Contractor’s construction office ,at a conference room provided by the City or via online meeting presided over by the Resident Engineer. ii. Required attendees 1. Construction Manager 2. Resident Engineer 3. Documentation Specialist 4. Construction Observer 5. Public Outreach Sub-consultant 6. Project Manager 7. Engineer 8. Engineer of Record EXHIBIT A Construction Management Scope of Work Page 17 9. Permit and Environmental Compliance Manager 10. Contractor Representatives iii. Agenda 1. Safety a. Contractor’s report b. Resident Engineer’s report c. Construction Observer’s report 2. Meeting minutes 3. Weekly statement of working days 4. Schedule progress a. Contractor’s weekly look-ahead schedule b. Up-coming pre-construction meeting dates c. Critical completion dates d. Contractor’s plan for meeting critical completion dates 5. Resident Engineer’s report 6. Construction Observer’s report 7. Environmental compliance report 8. Public outreach 9. Submittals a. Changes to the ROM b. Materials tracking spreadsheet review. c. Non- materials tracking spreadsheet review d. The Documentation Specialist shall review and supply updated copies of the materials and non-materials tracking spreadsheets at every construction meeting. 10. Certified payrolls a. The Documentation Specialist shall review and supply updated copies of the Certified payrolls tracking spreadsheets at every construction meeting. 11. RFI’s a. Status b. The Documentation Specialist shall review and supply updated copies of the RFI tracking spreadsheets and at every construction meeting. 12. Serial Letters a. Status EXHIBIT A Construction Management Scope of Work Page 18 b. The Documentation Specialist shall review and supply updated copies of the serial letter tracking spreadsheet at every construction meeting. 13. Change Orders a. Status b. The Documentation Specialist shall review and supply updated copies of the Change Order tracking spreadsheet at every construction meeting. 14. Training 15. Subcontractor status a. UDBE Status b. Written approvals c. Intents to pay prevailing wages d. Business licenses e. The Documentation Specialist shall review and supply updated copies of the subcontractor tracking spreadsheets at every construction meeting. dd. Safety (Std. Spec. 1-07.1) i. The Division of Occupational Safety and Health requires that every foreman, supervisor, or other person in charge of a crew have a valid first aid card. (Constr. Man. Page 1-72) ii. The Resident Engineer shall obtain the WISHA manuals, particularly Safety Standards for Construction Work WAC 296-155, General Safety and Health Standards WAC 296-24, and General Occupational Health Standards WAC 296-62, and shall review them with the Construction Observer/s to ensure reasonable familiarity to the extent that they can recognize important requirements. (Constr. Man. Page 1-73) iii. The Resident Engineer, shall complete OSHA Form 301 for each consultant employee injured. iv. Vehicular and pedestrian accidents within project limits shall be reported by the Construction Observer to the City Police at 911. Construction shall make a make a note in his IDR of what happened. ee. Meeting minutes i. Minutes of pre- construction, weekly construction, and all other contractor construction meetings shall be kept by the Documentation Specialist. Copies of said minutes shall be sent to all participants by the day following the meeting for review and comment and such comments shall be returned within 2 days following their receipt. Following corrections, as may have EXHIBIT A Construction Management Scope of Work Page 19 been necessary, the final minutes will be filed and delivered to the participants within an additional 2 days or at the next weekly construction meeting. ff. Weekly Statements of Working Days i. Shall be supplied by the Resident Engineer. In the event it is not available for delivery, the construction meeting will be interrupted and delayed until it is available. The costs for such delay, if any, shall be borne by the Consultant. ii. This report shall be on LAG Man. form 52.105 that details the number of workable/unworkable days charged to a project, the reason a day is charged as unworkable, daily weather codes, the current status of contract days, and a summary or the week’s construction activity. (Constr. Man. GEN 1- 00.7(1)5.) gg. Contractor’s Weekly Look-Ahead Schedule i. The weekly look-ahead shall be for the two-week period beginning the day following the date of the weekly construction meeting. The weekly look- ahead schedule must be delivered to the Resident Engineer three working days prior to the weekly construction meeting (Std. Spec. 1-08.3(2)D). In the event it is not so delivered, the construction meeting may be delayed by the Resident Engineer until he or she has completed his or her review and may suspend work for the period of the meeting delay (Std. Spec. 1-08.6.2.). The period of such work stoppage will be counted as working days (Std. Spec. 1- 08.6.). ii. The Resident Engineer and the Construction Observer shall review the plans, specifications, special provisions, and bid items for work planned for the up- coming work period hh. Conformity With and Deviations From Plans and Stakes (Std. Spec 1-05.4) i. Construction staking 1. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to accurately set construction staking and to construct the project in conformance with the plans and specifications. It is the responsibility of the Construction Observer and Resident Engineer to be familiar with the plans and specifications. ii. PROWAG 1. The Contractor shall document PROWAG compliance on all wheelchair ramps and signal construction on WSDOT ADA Measurement Forms with instructions. EXHIBIT A Construction Management Scope of Work Page 20 iii. Preconstruction meetings 1. The Resident Engineer shall conduct pre-construction meetings as may be required by the non-materials submittal list and preceding construction of features such as wheelchair ramps and catch basins /manholes. 2. The Resident Engineer and Construction Observer shall conduct preconstruction meetings prior to construction of curbs at raised intersections, wheelchair ramps, and catch basins/manholes. City standard plan for catch basin and manhole construction shall be supplied to the Contractor personnel. iv. Not Used v. Catch basins and manholes 1. The Resident Engineer and Construction Observer shall be present at the construction of the adjustment rings and frames. They shall both inspect all completed catch basins and manholes immediately following final adjustment and require reconstruction of those not meeting the requirements of the standard plan. ii. Testing i. The Construction Observer shall contact and schedule testing. ii. Materials testing will be by ______________ (name and phone number). iii. Compaction testing will be by _______________________. iv. Utilities testing will be by Public Works: storm (Nathan Nelson, 425-430- 7400). jj. Permanent Monuments (RCW 58.09.130) i. The Resident Engineer or the Construction Observer shall report to the Engineer of Record and Project Manager all permanent monuments found in the construction zone, not shown on the plans. Whenever a survey monument needs to be removed or destroyed, the application required by WAC 332-120-050 shall be submitted to the Department of Natural Resources. It shall be completed, signed and sealed by the Contractor’s land surveyor or engineer. ii. All applications must be completed on forms provided by the Department of Natural Resources and follow instructions provided by DNR. Completed applications shall be filed at DNR (WAC 332-120-070). iii. RCW 58.09.040 requires that, for all monuments that are set or reset, a record of the monument be filed on a Monumentation Map with the County EXHIBIT A Construction Management Scope of Work Page 21 Engineer in the county in which the corner exists and the original sent to the DNR for their records. kk. Correction Notices i. Deviations. When the Construction Observer observes the Contractor’s work deviating from the approved plans and/or specifications he/she shall immediately inform the person performing the unapproved work. ii. The oral notice shall be followed directly with a written correction notice from the Resident Engineer using a City-approved form and delivered to the contractor’s on-site foreman or superintendent. iii. The Contractor will not be paid for unapproved work and it must be removed and replaced unless the City and Contractor agree to execute a change order for an acceptable deviation. An adjustment in cost may be required. ll. Environmental i. Contractor compliance with permits and environmental regulations shall be the primary responsibility of the contractor and enforcement shall be the primary responsibility of the Permit and Environmental Compliance Manager. The Construction Observer shall report all violations observed to the Permit and Environmental Compliance Manager mm. Work Suspension i. The Consultant is not a safety expert and is not employed to oversee site safety; however, if the Resident Engineer observes overwhelming evidence of contractor disregard for an immediate threat to Life and Safety, the Resident Engineer may issue a work suspension order. (Std. Spec. 1-07.1) and (Constr. Man. 1-07.1 page 1-75). 1. The first course of action is the Construction Observer gives oral notification to the foreman of the Contractor’s crew involved and phone notification to the local WISHA office and the Project Manager if the problem is not corrected immediately. If the Project Manager determines that immediate action is required he/she may direct the Construction Observer to immediately Issue a written work suspension order. 2. Second is oral and written notification to the Contractor’s Project Manager and the foreman or superintendent and the local WISHA field office: 3. Third, if the Contractor refuses to address the safety violation and no WISHA officer is available, the Engineer may issue a written work suspension order. EXHIBIT A Construction Management Scope of Work Page 22 ii. The Resident Engineer with input from the Permit and Environmental Manager may suspend work in the vicinity of archaeological or historical objects discovery. iii. The Resident Engineer shall suspend all work in the area of and adjacent to the discovery of human skeletal remains (Constr. Man. 1-07.16(4)A). iv. The Resident Engineer may suspend work in the area of a utility conflict until the solution of the conflict has been determined and a Field Directive has been issued. v. All other Work Suspension Orders must be issued by the Project Manager following consultation with the Engineer and the City Attorney. vi. The Work Suspension Order shall be on a City form and must contain, at a minimum, the following: 1. Identification of the Contract work being performed. 2. A description of the reason or alleged infraction including WISHA/OSHA rule if available. 3. Location. 4. Time. 5. The name of the Contractor’s person responsible for the alleged infraction. 6. Photographs and/or video showing the condition or alleged infraction. nn. Photographs i. The Construction Observer shall take photographs of all materials and their identification markings or tags upon delivery, all changes, and adequate photographs of construction to create a complete photographic record of the project construction. All photographs shall be date and time stamped and given a reference number, and a record kept of the locations of all photographs (Constr. Man. 10-3.14). oo. Diary i. The Construction Observer shall keep a diary record of construction activity. (Constr. Man. 10-3.6A) pp. Field Notebooks i. Field Notebooks shall be completed and maintained by the Construction Observer (Constr. Man. 10-3.12). qq. IDR’s i. The Construction Observer shall complete inspector daily reports for every day worked by the Contractor. The IDR’s shall be completed in compliance with Constr. Man. 10-3.6B and delivered to the Documentation Specialist, EXHIBIT A Construction Management Scope of Work Page 23 Resident Engineer and Project Manager In PDF format at the completion of each day’s work. ii. The IDR’s shall be made on WSDOT forms 422-004, 004A and 004B Revised 07/2019 iii. The Resident Engineer shall review all IDR’s. rr. Pay Notes (Field Notes) (Constr. Man. 10-3.12) i. The Construction Observer shall measure and complete records of quantities of all the bid items constructed each day using WSDOT Form IP 422-635ER EF Revised 2/2009 ii. The Construction Observer shall present the completed Pay Notes to the Contractor the following morning for review and signature and immediately forward to the Documentation Specialist and Resident Engineer. iii. The Resident Engineer shall review all pay notes. iv. The Documentation Specialist shall prepare and complete Pay Note records on Pay Note summary spreadsheets for each pay period. ss. As-Built Plans i. The Construction Observer shall keep an independent record of all changes from the plans in his or her diary and in red ink on a full half-size set of the construction plans (Constr. Man. 10-3.11A). The as-built plans shall be clearly stamped “AS-BUILT DRAWINGS.” and kept in the construction office until physical completion. ii. All corrections, repairs, revisions and additional details necessary to depict the work as it was constructed shall be shown on the as-built plans, whether considered the practice of engineering or not and whether considered a change to the contract or not. iii. The as-built drawings shall be current with entries made the day the construction changes were made. iv. Changes made pursuant to a Change Order shall be identified on the plans with the Change Order number. v. Photographs of the changes shall be taken and referenced on the plans by reference number. tt. Requests for Information (RFI’s) i. Contractor requests for information shall be answered in writing by the Resident Engineer. ii. If the RFI is for information missing from the plans or specifications, it shall be forwarded to the Engineer of Record for a response. iii. The Documentation Specialist shall maintain and update a City form RFI tracking spreadsheet containing all RFI’s. EXHIBIT A Construction Management Scope of Work Page 24 uu. Training vv. Serial letters i. Serial letters shall be used for the tracking of time-sensitive communications that require responses, such as notices, claims, protests, etc. ii. The Construction Manager shall consult with the Resident Engineer and prepare the responses. They shall be reviewed by the Project Manager, reviewed by the Engineer, reviewed by the City Attorney if necessary, and sent to the Contractor. iii. The Documentation Specialist shall maintain and update a City form serial letter tracking spreadsheet for tracking all protests, disputes, claims, requests for additional time, and all other time sensitive correspondence between the City and the Contractor. ww. Progress Payment Forms i. Following award, the Project Manager shall input the contract schedule of prices on the City Progress Payment forms and then shall lock the input contract data and forward the completed forms to the Resident Engineer and Documentation Specialist. ii. Following execution of a change order, the Project Manager shall input the change order items and estimates and then shall lock the input change order data and forward the completed forms to the Resident Engineer and Documentation Specialist. iii. All the formula columns shall be locked. xx. Force Account (Std. Spec. 1-9.6) i. The Construction Observer shall track force account work on City forms. The forms shall be completed by the end of each day force account work was performed. The Construction Observer shall sign and obtain the signature of the Contractor’s representative on all completed force account tracking forms before the end of the following day. The Construction Observer shall forward all completed and signed force account tracking forms to the Resident Engineer, the Project Manager, and Documentation Specialist. yy. Progress Payments (Std. Spec. 1-09.90 i. Progress payment invoices shall be prepared and signed by the Documentation Specialist or Resident Engineer on forms provided by the City. All bid item quantities shall be based on the pay notes generated for that pay period. ii. All input by the Consultant will be in quantities from the Pay Note Summary spreadsheet. Check measurement and payment for the complete bid items EXHIBIT A Construction Management Scope of Work Page 25 of the specifications to insure that the measurement conditions have been met. iii. The estimate to complete column must never contain formulas. The input shall be actual estimated quantities provided by the Construction Observer and reviewed by the Resident Engineer. iv. Completed progress payments must be reviewed and signed by the Project Manager prior to submittal to the Contractor for signature. v. The Engineer will review, sign, and submit the signed Progress Payment Invoices to the City Finance Division in time to insure payment to the contractor within 30 days from the Contractor’s signed progress payment invoices delivery to the City. zz. Materials on Hand (Std. Spec.1-09.8) i. Payment for materials on hand will be made in strict compliance with the Standard Specifications. aaa. Field Directives (Std. Spec. 1-04.4.) i. Written field directives shall be used to enforce correction notices or initiate change orders. They will be issued by the Resident Engineer or Construction Observer on City forms. ii. They shall include a description of required work and in the case of changes, a rough estimate. Signatures of the initiator, the Resident Engineer or Construction Observer are required and the Contractor’s representative for changes. bbb. Change Orders i. Change orders shall be prepared by the Resident Engineer on City approved forms, and in compliance with (Std. Spec. 1-04.4.) ii. Change orders must be reviewed and signed by the Project Manager, Engineer, Engineer of Record, Engineer, and others as may be required by City Policy. iii. The change order, approved and issued by the Engineer, will be given to the Contractor for endorsement. If the Contractor fails to endorse and return the change order, request an extension of time for endorsement or responds in accordance with Std. Spec. 1-04.4. within 14 days of delivery to the Contractor, it may be issued unilaterally by the City. iv. Change orders shall include only force account work, bid item work, or a lump sum. Mixing any of the above in one change order makes tracking of force account work impossible. v. Preparation of change orders shall begin immediately following issuance of field directives or the decision for a planned change. In the case of a planned EXHIBIT A Construction Management Scope of Work Page 26 change, the first step is a determination that the change is not a new project by the City Attorney. The preparation of all change orders is as follows: 1. Complete a description of the change. 2. Prepare a cost estimate by the Resident Engineer. 3. Get a change order quotation or estimate from the Contractor. 4. Establish force account estimate, bid item, or negotiated lump sum amount for the equitable adjustment. Force account change orders are preferable. 5. Update labor list and equipment rate list if necessary. 6. Complete a reason for the change. 7. Execute the change order. A change order has fixed unit prices and estimated bid item quantities, fixed as a lump sum, or an open estimate in the case of force account. In any case it must be executed immediately in order to pay the contractor for its work. Force account records are for progress payments, not change orders. vi. Minor Changes shall not be used. vii. Equitable Adjustment includes the cost of the labor, equipment, materials, bid items, if any, and the costs of non-main office extended overhead, if any (Std. Spec.1-09.4). viii. Completed change orders shall be filed by the Documentation Specialist. ix. The Documentation Specialist shall maintain and update a City form Change Order tracking spreadsheet that shall include all Field Directives and Change Orders. ccc. Protests i. The procedure for the Contractor to file a protest is set forth in Std. Spec. 1- 04.5. ii. The Resident Engineer, with recommendation from the Construction Manager and as reviewed and approved by the Project Manager, shall propose resolution of protests, disputes and claims. (Std. Spec.1-09.11). Final determination of the response to the Contractor shall be made by the Engineer. iii. The Documentation Specialist shall track all protests, disputes and claims on a City form serial letter tracking spreadsheet. ddd. Notices i. The method for serving and receiving notices is set forth in Std. Spec. 1.05.15. Notices from the Contractor shall be sent to the Project Manager. EXHIBIT A Construction Management Scope of Work Page 27 Notices to the Contractor shall be prepared by the Resident Engineer and issued by the Project Manager. eee. City Public Works Department Notification i. The Construction Observer shall be responsible for notifying City Public Works employees when the following work is requested (3.ii.): ii. Water 1. Pressure Testing 2. Disinfection 3. Purity Testing iii. Sewer 1. Video 2. Pressure Testing 3. Manhole inspection iv. Surface Water 1. Video 2. Pressure testing 3. Manhole/catch Basin inspection v. Streets 1. Curb/gutter inspection 2. Sidewalk inspection 3. Pavement inspection fff. Public Outreach i. Create and maintain project web page. ii. Respond to all phone calls and emails. iii. Maintain a record of all contacts with a separate file for any commitments made. iv. Deliver all contacts made with a name, contact information, and a description of the substance of the contact. v. Presence and delivery of a report at all construction meetings 4. CONTROLLING ORDER OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. (Std. Spec. 1-04.2) a. Addenda, b. Proposal Form, c. Special Provisions, d. Contract Plans, e. Amendments to the Standard Specifications, f. Standard Specifications, g. City of Renton Standard Plans h. Geotechnical Studies EXHIBIT A Construction Management Scope of Work Page 28 5. CM CONSTRUCTION OFFICE a. The construction office shall be provided by agreement between the contractor, the consultant, and/or the City and the Construction Observer’s vehicle will be the CM consultant’s construction office. b. Construction office equipment shall be provided by agreement. In the event there is a delay in power, cable, or phone connections or equipment deficiency of any kind, it shall be the responsibility of the consultant to temporarily provide such connections and/or equipment necessary to perform the duties of the consultant. The City will compensate the consultant for such temporary provision of connections and/or equipment required to be provided by others. c. Weekly Construction Meetings will be held in the CM consultant’s construction office, outdoors on the job site, or via online conference. d. Scope of Work. This Scope of Work shall be kept in the CM consultant’s construction office at all times. e. Plans and Specifications. A full size set of Project Plans together with all other Contract Documents shall be kept and available in the CM consultant’s construction office at all times. f. Change Tracking. The Construction Observer shall track and record all changes on separate full size set of plans kept in the CM consultant’s construction office. Changes shall be recorded in red the day of or following the change. g. Permits. Copies of all project permits shall be kept and mounted on a wall in the CM consultant’s construction office at all times. h. Progress Schedule. A current Progress Schedule of the entire project shall be kept and mounted on a wall in the CM consultant’s construction office at all times. The Resident Engineer shall track the construction progress with a yellow hi-liter. The construction progress tracking shall be based on the Pay Notes and be entered as soon as available. i. Posting Notices (Std. Spec. 1-07.9(2)) i. The Resident Engineer shall ensure that the Contractor posts the required notices listed in the referenced standard specification and the additional documents listed in (Constr. Man. 1-07.(2). ii. The location of the postings must be as set forth in the Standard Specifications at the job site or if the project is small and the Contractor has no on-site construction office, then alternatively, the Contractor my post the notices at the corporate office and supply each and every employee working on the project with copies of all the required notices. EXHIBIT A Construction Management Scope of Work Page 29 Table of contents 1. General a. Construction Management 1 b. Consultant’s Responsibilities 1 c. City’s Responsibilities 2 d. Other’s Responsibilities 2 e. Directing the Contractor 2 f. Duty of the Consultant 2 g. Deliverables 2 2. Responsibilities a. Construction Manager 2 b. Resident Engineer 3 c. Construction Observer 4 d. Documentation Specialist 4 e. Public Outreach 5 f. Testing Laboratory 5 g. Project Manager 5 h. Engineer 6 i. Engineer of Record 6 j. Permit and Environmental Compliance Manager 7 k. City Public Works Department 7 3. Tasks a. Advertisement 7 b. Contract Addenda 7 c. Bidder Questions 7 d. Bid Deadline 7 e. Bid Opening 7 f. Conformed Contract Documents 7 g. ROM 8 h. Non-Material Submittal List 8 i. Bid Analysis 8 j. Determination of Bid Responsiveness and Bidder Responsibility 8 k. Pre-Award Meeting 8 l. Preparation of Contract Documents for execution 9 m. Award 9 n. Execution 9 o. Record Keeping 10 EXHIBIT A Construction Management Scope of Work Page 30 p. Non-Materials Submittal Schedule 11 q. Materials 11 r. Buy America 12 s. Subcontractors 12 t. UDBE Subcontractors 13 u. Progress Schedule 13 v. Preconstruction Meeting 14 w. Labor 14 x. Project Labor List 15 y. Contractor’s Equipment Rate List 15 z. Construction Observer and Documentation Specialist Oversight 16 aa. Notice to Proceed 16 bb. Mobilization 16 cc. Weekly Construction Meetings 16 dd. Safety 18 ee. Meeting Minutes 18 ff. Weekly Statement of Working Days 19 gg. Contractor’s Weekly Look-Ahead Schedule 19 hh. Conformity With and Deviations From Plans and Stakes 19 ii. Testing 20 jj. Permanent Monuments 20 kk. Correction Notices 21 ll. Environmental 21 mm. Work Suspension 21 nn. Photographs 22 oo. Diary 22 pp. Field Notebooks 22 qq. IDR’s 22 rr. Pay Notes 23 ss. As-Built Plans 23 tt. Requests for Information (RFI’s) 23 uu. Training 24 vv. Serial Letters 24 ww. Progress Payment Forms 24 xx. Force Account 24 yy. Progress Payments 24 zz. Materials on Hand 25 aaa. Field Directives 25 EXHIBIT A Construction Management Scope of Work Page 31 bbb. Change Orders 25 ccc. Protests 26 ddd. Notices 26 eee. City Public Works Department Notification 27 i. Public Outreach 27 4. Controlling Order of Contract Documents 27 5. CM Construction Office 28 Task Description hrs hrs $hrs $hrs $hrs $hrs $ 1- Project Management z. Project Management and oversight 9 $531.90 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 2 - Preconstruction Meeting v. Preconstruction Meeting 16 $945.60 16 $633.60 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 4 $169.20 3- Subcontractor approval/Payrolls s. Subcontractor Approval and Tracking, w. SOI, Certified Payroll, Wage Interviews and AWP tracking, x. Project Labor List review and approval 4 $236.40 16 $633.60 12 $339.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 8 $338.40 4 - Submittal Review and Schedule g. prepare ROM h. prepare nonmaterial submittal o. Record Keeping, p. Non- materials Submittal tracking, q. Material documentation, u. Progress Schedule review and Tracking, y. Contractor's Equipment Rate List review 17 $1,004.70 49 $1,940.40 75 $2,118.75 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 5 - Weekly Meetings cc. Weekly Construction Meetings, ee. Meeting Minutes, gg. Contractor's weekly look-ahead schedule 36 $2,127.60 16 $633.60 0 $0.00 4 $215.72 0 $0.00 16 $676.80 6 - Field Inspection dd. Safety, ff. Weekly Statement of Working Days, hh. Observe construction staking and conduct on-site preconstruction meetings, jj. Report found permanent monuments, kk. Written correction notices, ll. Report environmental violations observed, mm. work suspension, nn. Photographs, pp. Field Notebook, qq. IDR, rr. pay note (FNR), xx. Force Account tracking and review 10 $591.00 67 $2,653.20 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 288 $12,182.40 8 - Progress Estimates ww. Progress Payment form, yy. Progress Payment, zz Material on Hand 6 $354.60 16 $633.60 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 8 $338.40 9 - RFI's and communication tt. RFI (2) response and tracking, vv. Serial Letter (2) preparation and tracking, aaa. Field Directives (1); ddd. Notices, eee. Notify City Public Works for testing and inspection 10 $591.00 24 $950.40 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 4 $156.00 0 $0.00 108 $6,382.80 204 $8,078.40 87 $2,457.75 4 $215.72 4 $156.00 324 $13,705.20 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 108 $6,382.80 204 $8,078.40 87 $2,457.75 4 $215.72 4 $156.00 324 $13,705.20 Subtotal Direct Labor $30,995.87 0.300 $9,298.76 Overhead 1.7958 $55,662.38 Expenses $2,542.99 Actuals not to exceed table. $98,500.00Contract Totals Renton Elementary and Middle School Crossings Exhibit D - Prime Consultant Cost Computations Supplemental Agreements Fee Subconsultants Mgt Res Employee Rate Principal/PM Civil Engr Engineer in Training Hourly Subtotals Function/Title Employee Hourly Totals Tamara Nack David Roman Sanchez $53.93$59.10 $39.60 $28.25 Michael Ballard Technician Tani Stafford Phil Van Earwage Project Name: Contract Name Consultant:Gray & Osborne, Inc. CAG-20-393/ Fed. Aid # HSIP-0005(533) Resident Inspector $39.00 Project Manager $42.30 Phil Marshall