HomeMy WebLinkAboutCrist 11.24.20From: Claire Crist <clairecrist22@comcast.net> To: "eprince@rentonwa.gov" <eprince@rentonwa.gov>; "mcirvin@rentonwa.gov" <mcirvin@rentonwa.go v>; "rcorman@rentonwa.gov" <rcorman@rentonwa.gov>; "rperez@rentonwa.gov" <rperez@rentonw a.gov>; "apavone@rentonwa.gov" <apavone@rentonwa.gov>; "vohalloran@rentonwa.gov" <vohall oran@rentonwa.gov>; "kvan@rentonwa.gov" <kvan@rentonwa.gov>; "abenedetti@rentonwa.gov" < abenedetti@rentonwa.gov> Date: 2020-11-24 20:11 Subject: Urgent! Emergency housing at Red Lion CAUTION:ThisemailoriginatedfromoutsidetheCityofRenton.Donotclicklinks,replyoropenattachmentsunlessyouknowthecontentissafe. Hello City of Renton Council Members, I was shocked and extremely disheartened to learn that the Renton City Council is trying to evict the people who are staying at the Red Lion. The majority of these people are houseless individuals who are facing immense struggle already and are using this facility as emergency housing during the pandemic as it is already very cold and wet outside. I am highly concerned for the wellbeing of these community members, and strongly oppose any decision that would force them out into the cold, wet, and COVID-ridden streets. The dehumanization of people facing so much struggle as not having a home is a real problem. What if these people were your family members? Your friends? Your coworkers? Would you feel different then?These people are PEOPLE, and they are our neighbors, our community members. Evicting them would be cruel. Thank you so much for reading. I am confident that you as a council will treat these people with kindness and respect. Best, Claire Crist