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Our fee modification is to incorporate a Restoration and Planning (RAP) application and planting plan as part of the overall permitting package for this project. PROJECT OVERVIEW The Joint Aquatic Resources Permit Application (JARPA) for the project was submitted on 03 July 2020. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) project manager, Samantha Stanford, reached out to WSP on 30 October 2020 to offer the City of Renton the option to participate in the RAP program. This program is specific to the Lake Washington basin and is offered by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) as an expedited Endangered Species Act (ESA) Section 7 Consultation. Participation in this program is desirable from a schedule standpoint due to delays in similar projects in the region related to the ESA Consultation phase of the permitting process. Project delays have extended over one year from the time the application process was initiated. Additionally, the Muckleshoot Tribe fisheries biologist designated for the project, Martin Fox, has requested on behalf of the tribe that the City incorporate a mitigation area adjacent to the site. The planting plan required as part of the RAP application may meet this requirement. RAP Application and Planting Plan The RAP application includes the RAP calculator, the application form, and site drawings that include a planting plan showing the implementation of two tree and three shrub species. The application will be submitted to NMFS and the USACE to formally apply for the RAP program. The planting plan will also be incorporated into existing permit applications for the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) Hydraulic Project Application (HPA) and the Shoreline Exemption request for the City of Renton scheduled for submittal by 22 January 2021. Assumptions x The RAP application will be accepted by NMFS and no additional mitigation will be required. x The planting plan will be accepted by the Muckleshoot tribe, WDFW, and the City of Renton and no additional mitigation will be required. EXHIBIT A - 3 Mr. Alan Wyatt 13 January 2021 Page 2 x The planting plan will consist of up to three 8.5 by 11-inch drawings that will be added to the existing permitting set. x With the exception of potential minor irrigation modifications to the existing on-site irrigation system, irrigation system re-design is excluded and we assume that the existing system is adequate for plant establishment. Deliverables x Draft and final RAP application form, RAP calculator, and site plans including planting plan drawings in electronic format (PDF) SCHEDULE We are prepared to begin work as soon as the contract modification is approved. We anticipate that the RAP application and planting plan can developed within two weeks of notice to proceed. These materials will be submitted to the Tribe, the City of Renton, and the National Marine Fisheries Service by 22 January 2021. FEE The proposed contract modification would add $2,500 (Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars) to perform this work on a time-and-materials basis. The total contract value would increase to a maximum of $361,700 (Three Hundred and Sixty-One Thousand and Seven Hundred Dollars). We will perform the work in accordance with the terms and conditions as were accepted by the City of Renton and WSP per contract CAG-20-009. A summation of hours and cost is included as Attachment A. CLOSING We look forward to providing these permitting services in support of the proposed project. If you are in agreement with the scope of work and fee estimate above, please sign below and email a copy to us. Please feel free to call me or Garth Nelson if you have any questions or require further information. Sincerely, Kara Abernathy Sr. Director/Local Business Leader Federal Way PJG:GHR: Attachment A – WSP Fee Proposal Mr. Alan Wyatt 13 January 2021 Page 3 ACCEPTED BY CITY OF RENTON, PARKS DIVISION _______________________________________ Signature _______________________________________ Name (Printed) _______________________________________ Title _______________________________________ Date ATTACHMENT A - FEE PROPOSAL FOR ASSESSMENT SERVICESLocation: Renton, WashingtonFacility: City of Renton Gene Coulon Beach Park - Timber Trestle ReplacementFee Estimate - WSP Labor, Subconsultants, and Expenses - 13 January 2021Senior QA/QC Manager/ Design Senior Landscape Senior Env. Env. Senior Project Comm.Project Manager Project Engineer Landscape Designer Env. Scientist Planner CAD Coordinator SpecialistManager Engineer Architect Scientist OperatorItem 2020 Rate $280 $226 $143 $123 $153 $153 $170 $114 $113 $133 $105 $114 CostsTask 1 - Project Management/Coordination248$ 1.1 - Project Management11248$ Approval2,279$ 4.8 - RAP Application/Planting Plan46612,279$ -$ -$ -$ Total WSP Hours:566219Subtotal WSP Labor (with Overhead & Profit):$715 $918 $684 $210$2,527Subtotal Subconsultants:Expenses (WSP only)Mileage = 0.580$ per mile x miles xday(s) =Subtotal Expenses:TOTAL COST, ROUNDED:Say: $2,5001 of 1