HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998 Boeing Longacres Agreement vested code 1998 VESTED CODE BOEING LONGACRES VESTED CODE AGREEMENTS DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS Title 4 REVISED AND COMPILED ORDINANCES City of RENTON WASHINGTON ti`0( o NT 1998 Code Publishing Company PO Box 51164 code publishinginc Seattle, Washington 98115-1164 Telephone: 206-527-6831 Fax: 527-8411 Email: law@codebook.com CITY OF RENTON INCORPORATED SEPTEMBER 6, 1901 CITY OF RENTON MISSION STATEMENT The City of Renton, in partnership with residents, business and government, is dedicated to: Providing a healthy atmosphere in which to live and raise families, encourage responsible growth and economic vitality, and create a positive work environment; Resulting in a quality community where people choose to live, work and play. Renton Development Regulations Title 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface Chapter 1 Administration and Enforcement Chapter 2 Land Use Districts Chapter 3 Environmental Regulations and Special Districts Chapter 4 Property Development Standards Chapter 5 Building and Fire Prevention Standards Chapter 6 Street and Utility Standards Chapter 7 Subdivision Regulations Chapter 8 Permits and Decisions Chapter 9 Procedures and Review Criteria Chapter 10 Nonconforming Structures, Uses and Lots Chapter 11 Definitions Index PREFACE Citation to the Renton Development Regulations: This code contains all the provisions of Title 4 of the Renton Municipal Code and should be cited as RMC; i.e., "see RMC 4-10-010". An RMC chapter should be cited chapter 4-10 RMC. An RMC section should be cited RMC 4-10-010. Through references should be made as RMC 4-10-010 through 4-10-040. Series of sections should be cited as RMC 4-10-010, 4-10-020, and 4-10-030. Page and section numbering system: The page numbering system for these regulations does not run sequentially from the first page of the document to the last. Instead, page numbering begins with the number of the chapter followed by a page number. Each chapter starts with a Table of Contents listing the provisions found in the chapter by page number. These Table of Con- tents pages themselves are numbered with lowercase Roman numerals. For example, the first page of the Table of Contents of the first chapter is 1-i; the first page of text of the first chapter is 1-1; the tenth page is 1-10. The first page of the Table of Contents of the second chapter is 2-i; the first page of text is 2-1, and so on to the end of the document. As the Development Regulations are supplemented and pages are added, a decimal numbering and lettering system is used to allow for expansion of existing chapters. A detailed directions page is included with each supplement. The section numbering system used in the Development Regulations operates in the following manner: 4 — 10 — 010 Ala(i) Lsubsections section of chapter chapter of title title of Renton Municipal Code Legislation: The legislative source of each section is enclosed in parentheses at the end of the applicable section or subsection. References to ordinances are abbreviated and a semicolon between ordinance citations indicates an amendment of the earlier section; thus "(Ord. 4654, 6-5- 94; Ord. 4638, 4-4-94)" refers to Ordinance No. 4638 as amended by Ordinance No. 4654. Index: The Development Regulations index follows Chapter 4-11. The index includes com- plete cross-referencing and is keyed to the section and subsection numbers described above. Errors or omissions: Although considerable care has been used in the production of this code, it is inevitable in so large a work that there will be errors. As users of this code detect such errors, it is requested that a note citing the section involved and the nature of the error be mailed to: Code Publishing Company, P. O. Box 51164, Seattle, WA 981 1 5-1 1 64, so that correction may be made in a subsequent update. Computer access: The code is available in the following computer formats: ASCII text or Folio infobase. Chapter 1 ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER 4-1-010 TITLE 1 4-1-020 PURPOSE 1 4-1-030 AUTHORITY TO ADOPT REGULATIONS 1 4-1-040 CONFORMITY WITH DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS REQUIRED (Reserved) 1 4-1-050 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1 A. Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator or Designee 1 1 . Authority 1 B. Board of Public Works 2 C. Environmental Review Committee 2 D. Board of Adjustment 2 E. Planning Commission 2 1. Comprehensive Plan 2 2. Shoreline Master Program Amendments 2 3. Area-Wide Zoning 2 4. Land Use Regulations and Processes 2 F. Hearing Examiner 2 1. Authority 2 2. Recommendations 3 3. Variances from the provisions of the subdivision regulations relating to a full subdivision 3 4. Appeals 3 G. City Council 3 H. Review Authority for Multiple Permit Applications 4 4-1-060 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 4 A. Purposes of Plan 4 B. Description of Plan 5 C. Plan Elements 5 1. Required Elements 5 2. Optional Elements 5 3. Land Use Element Map 6 D. Adoption 6 4-1-070 CONSISTENCY OF REGULATIONS WITH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN . . . . 6 A. Consistency Required 6 B. Instruments Implementing the Comprehensive Plan 6 1. Title 4 — Development Regulations 6 2. Title 8 — Health and Sanitation 6 3. Title 10 — Traffic 6 4-1-080 INTERPRETATION 6 A. Conflicts and Overlaps 6 B. Requirements Listed Are Minimums 7 1 - i SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER C. Terminology 7 D. Duty of Zoning Administrator— Conflicts 7 4-1-090 LIABILITY 7 A. City Officer or Employee Not Liable 7 B. Liability of Owner or Builder Not Reduced 7 4-1-100 ENFORCEMENT (Reserved) 7 4-1-110 VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES 7 A. Violation Unlawful 7 B. Penalties 7 4-1-120 SEVERABILITY 8 4-1-130 TITLE NOT EXCLUSIVE 8 4-1-140 BUILDING FEES 8 A. Building Permit Fees 8 B. Combination Building Permit Fees 9 C. Building Plan Check Fee 9 D. Nonresidential Energy Code Fees for Alterations without Associated Floor Area 9 1. Envelope 9 2. Mechanical 10 3. Lighting 10 E. Energy Code Fees for New Nonresidential Projects with Associated Floor Area 10 1. Envelope 10 2. Mechanical Systems 11 3. Lighting 12 F. Electrical Permit Fees 13 1. Residential Fees — Single Family and Duplex 13 2. Multi-Family, Commercial and Industrial Fees 13 3. Temporary Electrical Services —All Uses 13 4. Miscellaneous Electrical Fees 13 5. Plan Review Fee 13 6. Increase or Decrease of Fees 13 7. Reinspections 13 8. Investigations 13 9. Exemption 13 G. Grade and Fill License Fees 14 1. Grading License Fees 14 2. Grading Plan Check Fees 14 3. Drainage Plan Check Fees Associated with a Grading License 14 4. Solid Waste Fills 14 5. Annual Licenses of Solid Waste Fills 14 H. House Moving/Minimum Inspection Fee 15 I. Inspection Fee for Condominium Conversions 15 J. Manufactured/Mobile Home Installation Fees 15 K. Mechanical Permit Fees 15 L. Plumbing Permit Fees 16 1. Base Fee for All Types of Work 16 1 - ii SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER 2. Reinspection Fee 16 3. Plan Review Fee 16 M. Sign Permit Fees 16 1. Permanent Signs 16 2. Engineering Review Fee 16 3. Temporary Signs 16 4. Request for Administrative Modifications of City Center Sign Regulations 16 5. Sign Deposit Refunds 16 6. Work in Advance of Sign Permit Issuance 16 N. Swimming Pool/Hot Tub/Spa Installation Fees 17 O. Replacement Permit Fee 17 4-1-150 FIRE PREVENTION FEES 17 A. Fire Plan Review and Inspection Fees 17 B. Fire Permit Type 17 4-1-160 IMPACT MITIGATION FEES (Reserved) 18 4-1-170 LAND USE REVIEW FEES 18 A. Application Type 18 B. Joint Land Use Applications 19 C. Refund of Land Use Application Fees 19 4-1-180 UTILITY FEES 19 A. Latecomer's Fees 19 1. Authorized 19 2. Segregation and Relief of Latecomer's Fees 19 a. Segregation of Fees 19 b. Relief Due to Two (2) Similar Facilities 20 c. Relief Due to Future Subdivision 20 d. Partial Release of Properties Due to Subdivision 20 B. Public Works Plan Review and Inspection Fees 20 1. Street and Utility Plan Review and Inspection Fees 20 2. Water Meter Installation Fees — City Installed 21 3. Meter Processing Fees—Applicant Installed 21 C. Public Works Construction Permit Fees 21 1. Water Construction Permit Fees 21 2. Wastewater Construction Permit Fees 22 3. Surface Water Construction Permit Fees 22 4. Work in Right-of-Way— Construction Permit 22 5. Franchise Work within Right-of-Way, Easements, and Public Property— Inspection and Plan Review Fees (Cable TV, Natural Gas, Telephone, Electrical) 22 D. Release of Easement Fees 22 E. Right-of-Way Use Permit Fees — Revocable Permits for the Use of Excess Public Right-of-Way 22 F. Special Assessment District Charges 23 1. Applicability 23 2. Exemptions for Special Assessment District Fees 23 a. Segregation of Fees 23 1 - iii SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER b. Relief Due to Two (2) Similar Facilities 23 c. Relief Due to Future Subdivision 23 d. Partial Release of Properties Due to Subdivision 23 G. Street and Alley Vacation Fees 24 H. Temporary Surface Water Connection Fees 24 I. System Development Charges (SDC) —Water, Wastewater and Surface Water 24 1. Type of Land Use 24 2. Charges for Property Not Previously Assessed — Sanitary Sewer 25 a. Fund and Method of Payment 25 b. System Development Charge 25 3. Charges for Property Not Previously Assessed — Surface Water 29 a. Fund and Method of Payment 29 b. System Development Charge 30 c. Credit 33 4. Charges for Property Previously Not Assessed — Water 33 a. Fund and Method of Payment 33 b. Special Water Utility Connection Charge 34 c. Credit 39 4-1-190 MITIGATION FEES 39 4-1-200 EXTRA FEES 39 1 - iv 4-1-050A 4-1-010 TITLE: d. Conditional use permit, administra- tive, This Title shall be known as the City of Renton Development Regulations. e. Development permit—special flood hazard, 4-1-020 PURPOSE: f. Modifications of the number of re- It is the intent of the Renton City Council that quired parking stalls and the require- these regulations implement the City's policies ments of the parking, loading and adopted in the City's Comprehensive Plan in driveway regulations, compliance with the Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA) and implement the re- g. Interpretation of flood insurance rate quirements of the State's Regulatory Reform Act, map boundaries, which has a primary goal of integrating environ- mental review with project review. h. Lot line adjustments, i. Master site plan review (individual 4-1-030 AUTHORITY TO ADOPT phases), REGULATIONS: j. Minor modifications to previously ap- The City of Renton Development Regulations are proved site plan, adopted by City ordinance pursuant to Article XI, Section 11 of the Washington State Constitution, k. Modifications of storm drainage re- the State Growth Management Act and chapter quirements, 36.70E RCW. (Ord. 4722, 5-11-1998) I. Modifications/waivers of sewer code 4-1-040 CONFORMITY WITH requirements, DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS m. Public art exemption certificate, REQUIRED: (RESERVED) n. Review of business licenses for home occupations, 4-1-050 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: o. Routine vegetation management The regulation of land development is a coopera- permits, tive activity including many different elected and p. Shoreline exemptions, appointed boards and City staff. The specific re- sponsibilities of these bodies is set forth below: q. Shoreline permits, A. PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC r. Short plats—four (4) or less, WORKS ADMINISTRATOR OR DESIGNEE: s. Site plan approval, administrative, 1. Authority: The Planning/Building/Public t. Temporary emergency wetland per- Works Administrator or his or her designee mits, shall review and act on the following: u. Temporary use permits, a. Aquifer protection regulation waivers and modifications, v. Variances—Administrative pursuant to RMC 4-9-250B1 c, b. Building and grading permits, w. Waivers of right-of-way dedication c. Conditional approval permits for non- for plat, conforming structures, 1 - 1 4-1-050B x. Wetland variances (involving Cate- D. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT: gory 3 wetlands). The Board of Adjustment shall review and act on the following: B. BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS: The Board of Public Works shall review and act 1. Variances not associated with a develop- on the following: ment permit that requires review by the Hear- ing Examiner,provided the variance authority 1. Waivers and deferrals of on- and off-site is not specifically given to another authority improvements, elsewhere in this Chapter, 2. Revocable permits for the temporary use 2. Building permits submitted in conjunction of public right-of-way, with the above, (Ord. 4648, 1-6-1997) 3. Sewer modifications, alternates, and ap- 3. Appeals Relating to Uniform Building peals pursuant to RMC 4-9-250D and E and Code Sections: Section 105, Section 110, 4-8-110D, respectively, and Section 1.18—Alternative Materials. (Ord. 3760, 12-5-1983) 4. Variances from chapter 8-7 RMC, Noise Level Regulations, (Ord. 4648, 1-6-1997) E. PLANNING COMMISSION: The Planning Commission shall review and act 5. Appeals of administrative decisions/de- on the following: terminations regarding requests for modifica- tion of storm drainage regulations, (Ord. 1. Comprehensive Plan: Duties related to 4342, 2-3-1992) the Comprehensive Plan as described in chapter 2-10 RMC, Planning Commission. 6. Waivers to allow a commercial or multi- family residential driveway grade of between 2. Shoreline Master Program Amend- 8%and 15%. (Ord. 4722, 5-11-1998) ments: Recommendations to City Council re- garding Shoreline Master Program Amend- C. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW ments after holding public hearing. COMMITTEE: The Environmental Review Committee shall: 3. Area-Wide Zoning: The Planning Com- mission, in conducting area land use analy- 1. Make threshold determinations for envi- sis, may from time to time recommend to the ronmental checklists, City Council area-wide zonings to implement the recommended amendments to the Corn- 2. Make determinations regarding whether prehensive Plan. an optional public hearing is needed for a site plan review application, (Ord. 4648, 4. Land Use Regulations and Processes: 1-6-1997) Upon Council request and based upon the goals and policies of the Comprehensive 3. Authorize circulation of draft environmen- Plan, recommendations to Council regarding tal impact statements, effective and efficient land use regulations and processes. (Ord. 2188, 10-25-1965; 4. Approve and issue final environmental Amd. Ord. 4722, 5-11-1998) impact statements, F. HEARING EXAMINER: 5. Approve mitigation conditions for miti- gated determinations of nonsignificance and 1. Authority: The Hearing Examiner shall final environmental impact statements. (Ord. review and act on the following: 4722, 5-11-1998) a. Appeals of administrative decisions/ determinations and ERC decisions (in- cluding, but not limited to, appeals relat- ing to parking, sign, street, and tree 1 - 2 4-1-050G cutting/routine vegetation management s. Variances from the provisions of the standards), excepting determinations subdivision regulations relating to short whether an application is a bulk storage plats, facility which shall be appealable to the City Council, t. Building permits submitted in con- junction with any of the above, and (Ord. b. Appeals relating to RMC 4-5-060, 4587, 3-18-1996) Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dan- gerous Buildings, u. Interpretation: It shall be the duty of the Hearing Examiner to interpret the c. Bulk storage special permit and van- provisions of chapter 4-2 RMC, Land Use ances from the bulk storage regulations, Districts,in such a way as to carry out the intent and purpose of the plan thereof,as d. Conditional approval permit for non- shown by the maps fixing districts, ac- conforming uses, companying and made part of this Code, in cases where the street layout actually e. Conditional use permit, on the ground varies from the street lay- out as shown on the maps aforesaid. f. Fill and grade permit, special, (Ord. 2630, 4-26-1971; Amd. Ord. 3101, 1-17-1977) g. Interpretation of mobile/manufac- tured home park regulations, flood regu- 2. Recommendations: The Hearing Ex- lations, wetlands regulations, aquifer aminer shall hold a hearing and make recom- regulations, and tree cutting and land mendations to the City Council on the clearing regulations, following: h. Master site plan review(overall plan) a. Rezones, site specific, in conform- and major amendments to an overall ance with the Comprehensive Plan, master site plan, b. Preliminary plats, i. Mobile home parks, preliminary and final, c. Planned unit developments, j. Shoreline conditional use permit, d. Special permits requiring Council ap- proval. k. Shoreline variance, 3. Variances from the provisions of the I. Short plat—five (5) to nine (9) lots, subdivision regulations relating to a full subdivision. m. Site plan approvals requiring a pub- lic hearing, 4. Appeals: Unless otherwise specified, any decision of the Environmental Review n. Special permits, Committee or the Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator or his or her designee in o. Variances associated with a develop- the administration of this Title shall be ap- ment permit that requires review by the pealable to the Hearing Examiner as an ad- Hearing Examiner, ministrative determination pursuant to RMC 4-8-110E, Appeals. (Ord. 4584, 2-12-1996) p. Wetland variances—(involving Cate- gory 1 or 2 wetlands), G. CITY COUNCIL: The City Council shall review and act on the fol- q. Variances from the land clearing and lowing: tree cutting regulations, 1. Annexations, (Ord. 4587, 3-18-1996) r. Variances from the wireless cornmu- nication facility development standards, 1 - 3 4-1-050H 2. Appeals of Hearing Examiner decisions 4-1-060 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: (any appeal from a Hearing Examiner's deci- sion, whether an appeal from an administra- A. PURPOSES OF PLAN: tive determination or an original decision, shall be appealable to the City Council pursu- 1. The primary purpose of the Comprehen- ant to RMC 4-8-110E8b), sive Plan is to define and establish the policy relating to the development of the community 3. Appeals of staff determinations of as a whole; to indicate the principles and ob- whether or not a proposal is considered a jectives which shall guide the establishment, bulk storage facility, (Ord. 2962, 9-8-1975; development and implementation of definite Amd.Ord.2967,9-22-1975;Amd.Ord.3592, and precise plans, public and private;to pro- 12-14-1981) vide for the coordination of the many sepa- rate plans which govern the development of 4. Comprehensive Plan map or text amend- this community, to officially adopt a program ment, and guide which will enable the City to attain the principles and objectives set forth in chap- 5. Dedications of property for public pur- ter 35.63 RCW and the Growth Management poses, Act(chapter 36.70A RCW)in the manner pro- vided. (Ord. 4437, 2-21-1994) 6. Development regulations text amend- ment, 2. The overriding consideration is to pro- mote public safety, welfare, and interest. Ad- 7. Final plats, ditional factors to be considered (not in order of priority) are preservation of property rights, 8. Preliminary plats, protection of life and property, equal opportu- nities, public interests prevailing over private 9. Planned unit developments, preliminary interests, and economic and social benefits. and final, (Ord. 3976, 3-3-1986) 10. Release of easements, 3. The Comprehensive Plan is intended to guide the enactment of development regula- 11. Rezones with associated Comprehen- tions that are consistent with the Comprehen- sive Plan amendment, sive Plan and capital budget decisions that are in conformance with the Comprehensive 12. Rezones with associated Comprehen- Plan. sive Plan map or text amendment, 4. The Comprehensive Plan is intended to 13. Street vacations, help resolve some of the dilemmas confront- ing municipal officials and the people they 14. Variances from the provisions of the represent, and to provide a coordinated ap- subdivision regulations relating to a full subdi- proach to local and regional problem solving. vision, 5. Additional purposes of the Comprehen- 15. Zoning Code amendments. (Ord. 4587, sive Plan are: 3-18-1996) H. REVIEW AUTHORITY FOR MULTIPLE a. To improve the physical and social environment of the City as a setting for PERMIT APPLICATIONS: human activities; to make it more func- Where required permits are subject to different tional, beautiful, decent, healthful, inter- types of permit review procedures,then all the as- esting and efficient; sociated applications are subject to the highest level of review authority that applies to any of the b. To insure acceptable levels of ac- required applications. (Ord. 4587, 3-18-1996) cess, utilities and other public services to future growth and development; 1 -4 4-1-060C c. To promote the public interest, and a. A land use element designating the the interest of the City at large; proposed distribution,location and extent of the uses of land. d. To facilitate the democratic determi- nation and implementation of City poll- b. A transportation element that is con- cies and development; sistent with the land use element and in- cludes land use assumptions, an inven- e. To effect coordination in develop- tory of facility and service needs, service ment; standards, financing needs and a reas- sessment of land use, if service stan- f. To inject long range considerations dards cannot be met. into the determination of short-range ac- tions; c. A housing element containing an in- ventory of needs, policies for protection g. To provide professional and technical and development of housing for all eco- knowledge in the decisions affecting de- nomic segments of the community and velopment of the City; and identifying sufficient land for housing. h. To guide future development and d. A utilities element consisting of an in- growth in the City that is consistent with ventory of needs and policies for the de- the goals and objectives of the Growth velopment of utilities and the location, Management Act as defined in RCW proposed location and capacity of all ex- 36.70A_020, Planning Goals. isting and proposed utilities. B. DESCRIPTION OF PLAN: e. A capital facilities element that in- The planning horizon for the Comprehensive Plan cludes an inventory of all capital facilities, is twenty (20) years. The Plan is, of necessity, forecast of future needs, proposed loca- general in its proposals. It must be flexible, since tion of new or expanded facilities, a six it is impossible to predict all future events which (6) year funding plan and a reassess- may affect the community. The Plan is not a de- ment of the land use element, if funding velopment regulation, although it makes signifi- falls short. cant recommendations for future land use. The Plan is not precise. It does not present engineer- 2. Optional Elements: The Comprehen- ing accuracy, nor does it claim to predict exactly sive Plan may include any or all of the follow- the future use of every parcel of property. It is not ing optional elements: intended to retroactively impose compliance with goals,objectives and policies upon existing devel- a. A shoreline element setting forth oped property, but voluntary compliance is en- policies concerning economic develop- couraged. ment; public access and circulation; rec- reation; urban design, conservation, C. PLAN ELEMENTS: restoration and natural environment;and historical, cultural, scientific and educa- 1. Required Elements: The Comprehen- tional values; sive Plan shall be a policy plan containing de- scriptive text covering objectives, principles b. An economic element utilizing an and standards used to develop the Compre- economic base by standard industrial hensive Plan together with a map or maps. It employment categories and indicating shall be an internally consistent document, employment levels and trends, capital and all elements shall be consistent with the employee ratios and potential sites for future land use map. The Comprehensive major economic expansion; Plan shall contain the following mandatory planning elements as required by the Growth c. An environmental element indicat- Management Act: ing environmental conditions and natural processes including climate, air quality, geology, hydrology, vegetation, wildlife, fisheries and other natural factors that af- 1 - 5 4-1-060D fect or would be affected by develop- of and related in principles, objectives and poli- ment; cies set forth herein. To fulfill the requirements of chapters 35.63 and 36.70A RCW,and in the inter- d. A disaster element identifying ar- est of public safety, health, morals and the gen- eas, sites or structures of historical, ar- eral welfare, the following instruments of official chaeological, architectural, ecological or implementation, among others, will be developed scenic significance; in detail to embody the necessary controls, regu- lations, standards and penalties, and upon adop- e. A conservation element; tion by the City Council will implement the Comprehensive Plan: f. A solar energy element; 1. Title 4— Development Regulations: g. A recreation and open space ele- ment that provides a comprehensive Chapter 1 Administration and Enforcement system of areas for recreation, parks, Chapter 2 Land Use Districts playgrounds and other recreational and Chapter 3 Environmental Regulations and open space facilities; Special Districts Chapter 4 Property Development Stan- h. Subarea plans, where appropriate, dards consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Chapter 5 Building and Fire Prevention Standards 3. Land Use Element Map: The land use Chapter 6 Street and Utility Standards element map, maintained on display in the Chapter 7 Subdivision Regulations City Council chambers, illustrates in broad Chapter 8 Permits and Decisions and general terms the desired development Chapter 9 Procedures and Review Criteria of the City during the twenty (20) year plan- Chapter 10 Nonconforming Structures, Uses ning period.The use areas shown thereon in- and Lots dicate the principles which are intended to guide implementation of this development 2. Title 8—Health and Sanitation: program. (Ord. 4437, 2-21-1994) Chapter 2 Storm and Surface Water D. ADOPTION: Drainage The Comprehensive Plan shall be adopted by or- Chapter 4 Water dinance of the City Council after public hearing by Chapter 5 Sewers the Council. Chapter 6 Solid Waste Utility Chapter 7 Noise Level Regulations Chapter 8 Aquifer Protection 4-1-070 CONSISTENCY OF REGULATIONS WITH 3. Title 10—Traffic: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Chapter 10 Parking Regulations (Ord. 4437, A. CONSISTENCY REQUIRED: 2-21-1994) All City programs materially affecting land use, in- cluding land use regulatory codes, shall be con- 4-1-080 INTERPRETATION: sistent with the Comprehensive Plan. (Ord. 3976, 3 3 1986) A. CONFLICTS AND OVERLAPS: B. INSTRUMENTS IMPLEMENTING THE This Title is not intended to repeal, abrogate, or COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: impair any existing easements, covenants, or Indeed restrictions. However, where this Title and order to fully accomplish the objectives and principles of the Comprehensive Plan, and as another regulation, easement, covenant, or deed restriction conflict or overlap, whichever imposes same may be amended from time to time, all res- the more stringent restrictions shall prevail. (Ord. olutions and regulations of the City concerned 4071, 6-1-1987) with the development and welfare of the commu- nity and its people shall be considered in the light 1 - 6 4-1-110B B. REQUIREMENTS LISTED ARE ficer, agent or employee of the City as a result of MINIMUMS: any act required or permitted in the discharge of In interpreting and applying the provisions of this his duties under this Title shall be defended by the Title,the requirements herein shall be considered City Attorney until the final determination of the the minimum for the promotion of the public proceedings therein. (Ord. 2820, 1-14-1974, eff. health, safety, morals and general welfare;there- 1-19-1974) fore,where this Title imposes a greater restriction upon the use of the buildings or premises,or upon The Administrative Authority or any employee the height of buildings, or requires larger open performing duties in connection with the enforce- spaces than are imposed or required by other ment of this Title and acting in good faith and with- laws, ordinances, rules or regulations, the provi- out malice in the performance of such duties shall sions of this Title shall control. be relieved from any personal liability for any damage to persons or property as a result of any In the interpretation and application of this Title, act or omission in the discharge of such duties, all provisions shall be: and in the event of claims and/or litigation arising from any such act or omission, the City Attorney 1. Considered as minimum requirements; shall, at the request of and on behalf of said Ad- ministrative Authority or employee, investigate 2. Liberally construed in favor of the gov- and defend such claims and/or litigation and if the erning body; and claim be deemed by the City Attorney a proper one or if judgment be rendered against such Ad- 3. Deemed neither to limit nor repeal any ministrative Authority or employee, said claim or other powers granted under State statutes. judgment shall be paid by the City. (Ord. 4546, (Ord. 4071, 6-1-1987) 7-24-1995) C. TERMINOLOGY: B. LIABILITY OF OWNER OR BUILDER When not inconsistent with the context, words NOT REDUCED: used in the present tense include the future, This Title shall not be construed to relieve from or words in the plural number include the singular lessen the responsibility of any person owning, number and words in the singular number include building, altering, constructing, moving, modify- the plural number. The word "shall" is always ing,or maintaining any structure or land use in the mandatory. (Ord. 4007, 7-14-1986) City for damages to anyone injured or damaged either in person or property by any defect therein; D. DUTY OF ZONING ADMINISTRATOR— nor shall the City of Renton, or any of its agents CONFLICTS: thereof, be held as assuming such liability by rea- In the event that there is a conflict between either son of permit, approval, inspection, certificate of the development standards or special develop- inspection or certificate of occupancy issued by ment standards listed in chapter 4-2 RMC, Land the City or any of its agents. (Ord.2877,9-9-1974) Use Districts, and the standards and regulations contained in another Section the Zoning Adminis 4-1-100 ENFORCEMENT: trator shall determine which requirement shall prevail based upon the intent of the zones. Life, (RESERVED) safety and public health regulations are assumed to prevail. (Ord. 4404, 6 7 1993) 4-1-110 VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES: 4-1-090 LIABILITY: A. VIOLATION UNLAWFUL: A. CITY OFFICER OR EMPLOYEE NOT It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corpo- LIABLE: ration to violate any of the provisions of this Title. No officer, agent or employee of the City shall be (Ord. 4346, 3-9-1992) personally liable for any damage that may accrue to persons or property as a result of any act re- B. PENALTIES: quired or permitted in the discharge of his duties Shall be as stipulated in RMC 1-3-2, Civil Penal- under this Title. Any suit brought against any of- ties. (Ord. 4722, 5-11-1998) 1 - 7 4-1-120 4-1-120 SEVERABILITY: 4-1-140 BUILDING FEES: If any provision of this Title or its application to any A. BUILDING PERMIT FEES: person or property is held invalid by a court of Payable prior to issuance of building permit. competent jurisdiction, the remainder of the Title or the application of the provision to other per- sons or circumstances shall not be affected. (Ord. TOTAL VALUATION: FEE: 4522, 6-5-1995) $1.00 to $500.00 $22.00 $501.00 to $2,000.00 $22.00 for the first 4-1-130 TITLE NOT EXCLUSIVE: eac plus al for eachh a add ditional Nothing in this Title shall be construed to abro- $100.00, or fraction gate or impair the power of the City or any depart- thereof, to and includ- ment thereof to enforce any provision of its ing $2,000.00 Charter or its ordinances or regulations, nor to $2001.00 to $63.00 for the first prevent or punish violations thereof, and any $25,000.00 $2,000.00 plus $12.50 powers conferred by this Title shall be in addition for each additional to and supplemental to powers conferred by other $1,000.00, or fraction laws, nor shall this Title be construed to impair or thereof, to and includ- limit in any way the power of the City to define and ing $25,000.00 declare nuisance and to cause their removal or $25,001.00 to $352.00 for the first abatement by summary proceedings, or in any $50,000.00 $25,000.00 plus $9.00 manner provided by law. (Ord. 4546, 7-24-1995) for each additional $1,000.00, or fraction thereof,to and includ- ing $50,000.00 $50,001.00 to $580.00 for the first $100,000.00 $50,000.00 plus $6.25 for each additional $1,000.00, or fraction thereof, to and includ- ing $100,000.00 $100,001.00 to $895.00 for the first $500,000.00 $100,000.00 plus$5.00 for each additional $1,000.00, or fraction thereof, to and includ- ing $500,000.00 $500,001.00 to $2,855.00 for the first $1,000,000.00 $500,000.00 plus$4.25 for each additional $1,000.00. or fraction thereof, to and includ- ing $1,000,000.00 $1,000,001.00 and up $4,955.00 for the first $1,000,000.00 plus $2.75 for each addi- tional $1,000.00, or fraction thereof (Ord. 4546, 7-24-1995) 1 - 8 4-1-140D B. COMBINATION BUILDING PERMIT types of project are: Facade modifications where FEES: the interior of the building remains intact; replace- For each new single family residential structure. ment of mechanical equipment (such as chillers, Payable prior to issuance of building permit. boilers or packaged equipment)where ductwork, plumbing and controls throughout the building are TYPE OF FEE AMOUNT not altered; addition of partitions in buildings WORK where lighting fixtures are not altered but addi- Building Per 1994 UBC Table 1-A tional switches are required. TYPE OF PLUS FEE AMOUNT BASED Calculating Fees:Calculate fees by determining WORK UPON RESIDENTIAL the value of the project. (If the project includes en- STRUCTURE SQUARE FOOTAGE velope, mechanical and lighting alterations, a dis- Up to 3,000 sq.ft. Over 3,000 sq. ft. crete value for each of these systems must be Plumbing $125.00 $150.00 calculated.) Use the appropriate table to deter- Mechanical $125.00 $150.00 mine the minimum fee and applicable adjustment. Electrical $60.00 $75.00 For example: If a mechanical alteration (such as a chiller replacement) for an office building is val- (Ord. 4673, 7-28-1997) ued at$150,000.00, the fees for plan review and inspection are calculated as follows: C. BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: In addition to the building permit fees or combina- Plan review fee=$55.00+$3.50 x$150,000.00/ tion building permit fees, a plan check fee equal $10,000.00 = $107.50 to sixty five percent(65%)of the permit fee will be charged on all building permits. Payable at the Field inspection fee = $50.00 + $4.80 x time of building permit application submittal. $150,000.00/$10,000.00 = $122.00. (Ord. 4450, 5-23-1994) D. NONRESIDENTIAL ENERGY CODE FEES FOR ALTERATIONS WITHOUT ASSOCIATED FLOOR AREA: The following tables are for alterations that don't have an associated floor area. Examples of these ADDED FEE($/$10,000 OF PROJECT VALUATION) FOR PROJECTS OVER MINIMUM FEE THE MINIMUM PROJECT VALUE MAXIMUM FEE Minimum Building Type Plan Field Project Value Plan Field Plan Field 1. ENVELOPE Office, Other $65 $95 $27,000 $0.38 $0.26 $385 $315 Commercial Retail, Grocery $65 $95 $96,000 $0.50 $0.35 $385 $315 Restaurant $55 $80 $145,000 $0.29 $0.20 $330 $270 Warehouse $40 $60 $58,000 $0.52 $0.35 $240 $195 Church $60 $85 $130,000 $0.34 $0.22 $350 $275 Schools, K-12 $80 $110 $139,000 $0.41 $0.29 $455 $375 Higher Education $65 $95 $139,000 $0.35 $0.24 $385 $315 Hospital $85 $120 $241,000 $0.25 $0.18 $490 $405 Other Health $65 $95 $160,000 $0.30 $0.21 $385 $315 1 - 9 4-1-140E ADDED FEE($/$10,000 OF PROJECT VALUATION) FOR PROJECTS OVER MINIMUM FEE THE MINIMUM PROJECT VALUE MAXIMUM FEE Minimum Building Type Plan Field Project Value Plan Field Plan Field 2. MECHANICAL Office, Retail, Grocery, $55 $50 $10,000 $3.55 $4.80 $295 $375 Other Commercial Restaurant $45 $45 $8,000 $3.65 $4.75 $255 $320 Warehouse $35 $35 $6,000 $3.70 $4.80 $185 $230 Church $50 $45 $9,000 $3.50 $4.80 $265 $340 Schools, K-12 $65 $60 $13,000 $3.20 $4.30 $350 $440 Higher Education $55 $50 $12,000 $2.95 $4.00 $295 $375 Hospital $70 $65 $15,000 $3.00 $4.10 $375 $485 Other Health $55 $50 $11,000 $3.20 1 $4.35 $295 $375 3. LIGHTING Office $50 $50 $21,000 $2.15 $3.50 $355 $545 Retail $55 $60 $13,000 $4.00 $6.35 $420 $640 Grocery $50 $50 $13,000 $3.35 $5.45 $355 $545 Restaurant $55 $60 $27,000 $2.00 $3.20 $420 $640 Warehouse $30 $35 $8,000 $3.45 $5.40 $220 $235 Church $45 $45 $23,000 $1.80 $2.90 $320 $490 Schools, K-12 $50 $50 $21,000 $2.20 $3.55 $355 $545 Higher Education $50 $50 $22,000 $2.10 $3.35 $355 $545 Hospital $55 $60 $44,000 $1.25 $2.00 $420 $640 Other Health $50 $35 $28,000 $1.60 $1.60 $355 $335 Other Commercial $50 $35 $21,000 $2.15 $2.10 $355 $335 Parking Garages $25 $25 $15,000 $1.30 $2.00 $155 $225 (Ord. 4450, 5-23-1994) E. ENERGY CODE FEES FOR NEW NONRESIDENTIAL PROJECTS WITH ASSOCIATED FLOOR AREA: The following charts contain fees for projects based upon square footage of construction. FLOOR AREA(SQUARE FEET) MAXIMUM FEE Building Type Over But Not Over Only Plans Only Field Total 1. ENVELOPE Office, Retail,Grocery, 0 3,000 $65 $95 $160 Higher Education, 3,000 12,000 $125 $155 $280 Hospital, Other Health 12,000 60,000 $190 $220 $410 and Other Commercial 60,000 200,000 $260 $250 $510 200,000 ---- $385 $315 $700 0 3,000 $55 $80 $135 3,000 12,000 $105 $135 $240 Restaurant 12,000 60,000 $165 $195 $360 60,000 200,000 $220 $215 $435 200,000 ---- $330 $270 $600 1 - 10 LLJ O LO IC) LO 10 U) U) O U) U) In U) CD U) CD IC) CD CD U) CD U) U) U) CD O LC) to O U) U) U) CD O O O U) U) CD U) U) U) U) IC) CD IC) CD O C- U) r CO IC) I- CO CO O CO C3) CD 01 O CO 00 LC) CD CD C) CO CO N O CO O N CO N CD CV O t- CD CO CD N CO C) N O) CV M V r N 07 cr CO r C) CO CO CV CO U) CO C3) r r 00 CO Eft r N d' U) EA r N CO Ct EA r C) cr CO CV 00 Un t.- r EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA Eft Eft Eft Oft EA Eft fA fA Eft H3 fft Eft EA Eft Eft Eft Eft Eft Eft Eft Eft Eft EA Eft Eft Eft Eft K>ER ER Eft EA EA EA 4. H W W CD U) U) In U) 10 CD LC) CD Lf) U) U 0 CD CD up O CD U) CD U) CD CD CD CD U) U) LC) U) IC) CD CD CD CD IC) U) U) CD CD LC) CD CD CD U) U 0 LC) LL. 17 CO CD CO U) C)) CO V CD CO 00 r OD CO CD N CV CD CO CV CD U) O O U) N d- CO CO CV CO CO CV U) C') V' CD N CV cr CO N CV CD ' d EA EA r EA CV CV r CV CO 01 r N CV CO EA r r CV op Eft Eft r CV CI Eft Eft r r CV Eft Eft r CV 07 Eft r CV N EA EA 4A EA Eft Eft 63 Eft Eft Eft EA 69 Eft Eft Eft Eft EA Eft Eft Eft Eft Eft Eft Eft Eft Eft Eft Eft Eft Eft EA 69 69 Eft D LL Q 2 Cn CD CD CD O C) CD U) U) U) CD CD CD CD LO U) LO O U) U) U) U) U) Ln CD U) O C) U) O U) U) CD C) U) Lf) CD U) CD CD LO U) U0 CD U) C)� CO CV CO cr CO r NCO U) CO IC) CO CD U) CO CO CO 00 U) CD crC7 CD U) CO CV CD U) CO CO CD CC) U) CO CO r OD a) r tN N U) co Eft Eft 1 r CV EA CV CO EA CV M Eft r CV 07 cr Eft Eft r CV CV Eft Eft CV CV Eft Eft Eft Eft Eft r CV CV 63 r CV 00 Eft Eft EA Eft 69 EA Eft EA EA EA EA Eft Eft Eft Eft EA EA EA EA EA EA Eft Eft EA EA EA Eft EA EA EA a A 0 c 2 O w i- 0000 ; 0000 OOOO ; CD 00 CD I fn OOOO : OOOO OOOO : OOOO OOOO 'WO COO . 00OO ' OOOO ' OOOO ' > OOOO ; OOOO ' OOOOOOOO ' OOOO aOOOO ' CD OOOO OOOO OOOO CD CD OOOO OOOO N 0 CO CV O O CO CV O O CO CV O O CO CV O O CO CV O O CO CV O O O CO CV O CO CV O O CO CV O O W r CO CD r CO CD r CO CD '- CO O J r CO CD r CO CD r CO CD r CO C) r CO CDW CV CV CV N a CV CV CV CV CV T W C U ' CC Z Z T et a CO = Cnn w a CDCDCDCDCDCDCDCDCDCDCDCDCDCDCDCDCDCDCDCD CD CD CD CD CD W O O O CD CD CD O O O O O O CD O O CD N O O O O CD 0 CD CD CD O CD CD CD 0 0 CD CD CD CD CD CC CD CD 0 CD O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 CD CD CD O O O O a ` C') CV 0 0 C') CV O O CO CV O O CO CV O O CO CV 0 0 C) CV O O CM CV O O C) CV O O C7 CV O O C. d r CO CD r CO O r CO CD r CO O r CO CD '- CO O r CO O r CO CD r CO CD 0 9 CV CV CV CV (V CV CV CV CV 0 J LI 9, . Ci d U a O CV O •� _ E Cll (V ~A j T C7 U a- E c� scn r O i T -Q O _c 0 C O _ _ cco 00 w `� W O v as 7 O O L L O 0 I v 4-1-140E FLOOR AREA (SQUARE FEET) 1 MAXIMUM FEE Building Type Over But Not Over Only Plans Only Field Total 0 3,000 $70 $65 $135 3,000 12,000 $120 $130 $250 Hospital 12,000 60,000 $185 $245 $430 60,000 200,000 $295 $320 $615 200,000 ---- $380 $480 $860 3. LIGHTING Office, Retail,Grocery, 0 3,000 $50 $50 $100 Higher Education, 3,000 12.000 $110 $155 $265 Hospital, Other Health 12,000 60,000 $145 $220 $365 and Other Commercial 60,000 200.000 $185 $410 $595 200,000 ---- $355 $545 $900 0 3,000 $60 $60 $120 3,000 12,000 $130 $185 $315 Restaurant 12,000 60,000 $170 $260 $430 60,000 200,000 $220 $490 $710 200,000 ---- $425 $650 $1,075 0 3,000 $30 $30 $60 3,000 12,000 $70 $95 . $165 Warehouse 12,000 60,000 $90 $135 $225 60,000 200,000 $115 $255 $370 200,000 ---- $220 $335 $555 0 3,000 $45 $45 $90 3,000 12,000 $100 $140 $240 Church 12,000 60,000 $130 $200 $330 60,000 200,000 $165 $370 $535 200,000 ---- $320 $495 $815 0 3,000 $50 $50 $100 3,000 12,000 $110 $155 $265 School 1-12 12,000 60,000 $145 $220 $365 60,000 200,000 $185 $410 $595 200,000 ---- $355 $545 $900 0 3,000 $25 $25 $50 3,000 12,000 $45 $65 $110 Hospital 12,000 60,000 $65 $95 $160 60,000 200,000 $80 $175 $255 200,000 ---- $150 $235 $385 (Ord. 4450, 5-23-1994) 1 - 12 4-1-140F F. ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES: 3. TEMPORARY ELECTRICAL SERVICES- 1. RESIDENTIAL FEES-SINGLE FAMILY ALL USES AND DUPLEX Up to 100 AMP $30.00 a. New Service-Single Family and Duplex: Over 100 AMP $37.50 100 AMP Service $45.00 4. MISCELLANEOUS ELECTRICAL FEES Over 100 AMP to 200 AMP $60.00 Job Trailers $30.00 each Over 200 AMP to 600 AMP $75.00 Signs $30.00 each b. New Service- Manufactured Homes: Swimming Pools, Hot Tubs, $60.00 each Up to 200 AMP $30.00 Saunas c. Service Changes/New Circuits-Single Low Voltage Work (e.g., alarm 25%of Family and Duplex: systems; thermostats; com- standard fee Change 100 AMP to 200 AMP $30.00 puter, data, or phone lines;fibre optics, cable television, etc.) Change 200 AMP to 600 AMP $45.00 Any (Ord. 4400, 5-3-1993; Ord. 4596, 4-8-1996; Ord. new circuits added to above $7.50 each(to 4673, 7-28-1997) a maximum of $30.00) 5. Plan Review Fee (when required): In Minimum fee for remodel/addi- $30.00 addition to the above electrical permit fee, a tion of new circuits without a ser- plan check fee equal to forty percent(40%)of vice charge the electrical permit fee will be charged. (Ord. 2. MULTI-FAMILY, COMMERCIAL AND 4596, 4-8-1996) INDUSTRIAL FEES Fees for all types of electrical permits are 6. Increase or Decrease of Fees:The pre based on value of work: ceding fees will be increased or decreased $1.00-250.00 each year by the same percentage as the $30.00 percentage of increase or decrease in the Se- $250.01 - 1,000.00 $30.00 + attle Consumer Price Index for the period 3.5%of cost ending June 30 of the preceding year. (Ord. $1,000.01 -5,000.00 $64.00 + 4400, 5-3-1993) 2.5%of cost $5,000.01 -50,000.00 $177.00 + 7. Reinspections: Reinspections and rein- 1.5%of cost spection fees shall be as specified in the adopted edition of the Uniform Building Code. $50,000.01 -250,000.00 $927.00 + (Ord. 4073, 6-8-1987) 0.9%of cost $250,000.01 - 1,000,000.00 $3,177.00 + 8. Investigations: Investigation fees shall 0.7%of cost be as specified in the adopted edition of the $1,000,000.01 and up $10,177.00+ Uniform Building Code. (Ord. 4073, 0.4%of cost 6-8-1987) 9. Exemption: Residential telephone com- munication systems, thermostats, security systems, and cable television installations are exempt from fees under this Section. (Ord. 4596, 4-8-1996) 1 - 13 4-1-140G In addition to the license fees, a gradingplan G. GRADE AND FILL LICENSE FEES: Fees shall be based on the volume of the excava- check fee and a drainage plan check fee is tion and fill. charged for all grading licenses requiring plan re- view. Before accepting a set of plans and specifi- 1. GRADING LICENSE FEES: cations for checking, the Development Services Volume of Excavation and Fill Fee Amount Division shall collect a plan checking fee. 50 cubic yards or less $10.00 2. GRADING PLAN CHECK FEES: 51 — 100 cubic yards $15.00 Number of Cubic Yards Fee Amount 101 — 1,000 cubic yards: 50 cubic yards or less $5.00 —for the first 100 cubic yards $15.00 51 — 100 cubic yards $10.00 —for each additional 100 cubic $7.00 101 — 1,000 cubic yards $15.00 yards or fraction 1,001 — 10,000 cubic yards: 1,001 — 10,000 cubic yards $20.00 10,001 — 100,000 cubic yards: —for the first 1,000 cubic yards $78.00 —for the first 10,000 cubic yards $20.00 —for each additional 1,000 cubic $6.00 yards or fraction —for each additional 10,000 $10.00 cubic yards 10,001 — 100,000 cubic yards: —for the first 10,000 cubic yards $132.00 100,001 —200,000 cubic yards: —for each additional 10,000 $27.00 —for the first 100,000 cubic yards $110.00 cubic yards or fraction —for each additional 10,000 $6.00 100,001 or more cubic yards: cubic yards 200,001 or more cubic yards: —for the first 100,000 cubic yards $375.00 —for the first 200,000 cubic yards $170.00 —for each additional 100,000 $15.00 cubic yards —for each additional 10,000 $3.00 cubic yards (Ord. 2820, 1-14-1974 eff. 1-19-1974, Amd. Ord. 3. DRAINAGE PLAN CHECK FEES ASSOCI- 3592, 12-14-1981) ATED WITH A GRADING LICENSE: $50.00, plus $1.00 for every 10,000 square feet of land area (Ord.3832,8-13-1984;Ord.2820, 1-14-1974,eff. 1-19-1974) 4. Solid Waste Fills:The plan check fee for solid waste fills shall be one and one-half (1-1/2) times the plan checking fees listed above.The fee for a grading license authoriz- ing additional work to that under a valid li- cense shall be the difference between the fee paid for the original license and the fee shown for the entire project. (Ord. 2820, 1-14-1974) 5. Annual Licenses of Solid Waste Fills: The fee for annual licenses for solid waste fills shall be one and one-half (1-1/2) times the plan checking fees listed above. The fee for a grading license authorizing additional work to that under a valid license shall be the difference between the fee paid for the origi- nal license and the fee shown for the entire project. Any unused fee may be carried for- 1 - 14 4-1-140K ward to the next year. If any work is done be- BASIC MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: $30.00 fore the license is issued,the grading license plus Itemized Fees Below: fee shall be doubled. (Ord. 2820, 1-14-1974; Amd. Ord. 3592 12-14-1981) Absorption System: Installation or relocation of each: H. HOUSE MOVING/MINIMUM to and including 100,000 Btu/h $15.00 INSPECTION FEE: over 100,000 Btu/h to and including Seventy five dollars($75.00)per hour.This covers 500,000 Btu/h $27.50 only the Building Section inspection of the strut over 500,000 Btu/h to and including ture prior to move. There is a separate additional 1,000,000 Btu/h $37.50 fee charged by the Public Works Department to cover the actual house move permit. A building over 1,000,000 Btu/h to and including permit is also required in order to site the structure 1,750,000 Btu/h $55.50 on the new site. (Ord. 4491, 12-19-1994) over 1,750,000 Btu/h $93.00 Air-handling unit including ducts $15.00 I. INSPECTION FEE FOR attached thereto each CONDOMINIUM CONVERSIONS: Residential ventilation/exhaust fan $7.00 One hundred dollars ($100.00) for the first unit each and fifteen dollars ($15.00) per unit thereafter. (Ord. 3366, 10-15-1979) Commercial ventilation system not a portion of any heating or air-condition- $9.00 J. MANUFACTURED/MOBILE HOME ing system authorized by a permit each INSTALLATION FEES: Commercial Hood: Fifty dollars ($50.00) including field inspection. Installation of each served by a (Ord. 3770, 12-19-1983) mechanical exhaust, including the $45.00 ducts for such hood each K. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES: Incinerator: BASIC MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: $30.00 Installation or relocation of each $75.00 • Plus Itemized Fees Below: each Heating System: Appliance or piece of equipment regu- lated by this code but not classed in Installation, alteration, repair, addition, other appliance categories,or for which $15.00 or relocation of each furnace, heat no other fee is listed in this code each pump, suspended heater, fireplace, wood stove, etc. including ducts and Fuel Gas Piping: (when Chapter 13 is vents $15.00 applicable, see Section 103): HVAC System: Each gas-piping system of 1 to 4 out- lets $10.00 Installation, alteration, repair, addition, Each gas piping system of 5 or more or relocation of each air conditioner, chiller, etc. including installation of con outlets, per outlet $2.00 trols regulated by this code $15.00 Process Piping: (when Chapter 14 is • Boiler or Compressor: applicable, see Section 103): Installation or relocation of each: Each hazardous process piping sys- tern (HPP) of 1 to 4 outlets $10.00 to and including 3 horsepower $15.00 Each system of 5 or more out over 3 horsepower to and including piping lets, per outlet $2.00 15 horsepower $27.50 over 15 horsepower to and including Each nonhazardous process piping 30 horsepower $37.50 system (NPP) of 1 to 4 outlets $10.00 overEach piping system of 5 of more out- .30 horsepower to and including lets, per outlet $2.00 50 horsepower $55.50 • over 50 horsepower $93.00 (Ord. 4596, 4 8 1996) 1 - 15 4-1-140L L. PLUMBING PERMIT FEES: 2. Engineering Review Fee: In addition to BASE FEE FOR ALL TYPES $30.00 the above fees, the Building Official may col- 1. 1. WORK: lect a plan check fee equal to one-half (1/2) OF the sign permit fee if special engineering Plus Itemized Fees Below: checks are required. Such fees shall be paid Per plumbing fixture (e.g. sink, $7.00 at the time of application. (Ord. 3719, shower, toilet, dishwasher, tub, 4-11-1983) etc.) or set of fixtures on one trap For meter to house water service $7.00 3.TEMPORARY SIGNS: Per outlet associated with a gas up to 5:$10.00 Grand Opening Signs, $5.00 piping system additional Banners, Streamers, etc. outlets are for Businesses with Less $2.00 each than 5 Employees pursu- Per drain for rainwater systems $7.00 ant to RMC 4 4 100J5 Grand Opening Signs, $25.00 Per lawn sprinkler system — $7.00 Banners, Streamers, etc. includes backflow prevention for Businesses with 5 or Per fixture for repair or alteration $7.00 More Employees pursu- of drainage or vent piping ant to RMC 4-4-100J5 Per vacuum breaker or backflow up to 5: $7.00 Political Signs There shall be no fee protection device on tanks, vats, additional are for political signs etc. $1.00 each Real Estate Directional $15.00 per sign for a Per interceptor for industrial $7.00 Signs on Public Right-of- 6 month period with a waste pretreatment Way renewal fee of $10.00 (Ord. 4596, 4-8-1996, Amd. Ord. 4673, period for a 3 month 7 28 1997) with only one renewal allowed 2. Reinspection Fee: Forty two dollars Other Temporary Signs $15.00 plus a deposit ($42.00). pursuant to RMC of$100.00 which 4-4-100J6, Signs Within shall be forfeited if 3. Plan Review Fee: Forty percent (40%) City Center. the applicant fails to of the permit fee. (Ord.4596,4-8-1996,Amd. remove the sign Ord. 4673, 7-28-1997) when the permit expires M. SIGN PERMIT FEES: 1. PERMANENT SIGNS: (Ord. 3719, 4 11 1983) Less than 50 square feet' $15.00 4. Request for Administrative Modifica- 50 to less than 150 square feet' $20.00 tions of City Center Sign Regulations per 150 to less than 300 square feet' $30.00 RMC 4-4-100H9: One hundred dollars 300 square feet or more' $50.00 ($100.00). (Ord. 4720, 5 4 1998) 1 Based upon the total area of all faces upon which 5. Sign Deposit Refunds: Upon demon- copy may be placed. stration that a sign has been removed, the deposit for the sign shall be returned. 6. Work in Advance of Sign Permit Issu- ance: Where work for which the permit is re- quired by this Title is started or proceeded with prior to obtaining said permit, the fees above specified shall be doubled; but the payment of such double fee shall not relieve any persons from complying with the require- ments of this Title in the execution of the work 1 - 16 4-1-150B nor from any other penalties prescribed 4-1-150 FIRE PREVENTION FEES: herein. (Ord. 3719, 4-11-1983) N. SWIMMING POOL/HOT TUB/SPA A. FIRE PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION INSTALLATION FEES: FEES Type of Work/Installation Fee Amount Value of Work Fee Amount Public pool, spa, hot tub $30.00 $50.00 or less $10.00 Private pool, spa, hot tub $20.00 $50.01 to $249.99 $15.00 $250.00 to $999.99 $10.00 plus 2%of the Pool filling system, including $2.00 cost backflow prevention, each Each water heater and/or vent $2.00 $1,000.00 to $4,999.99 $25.00 plus 1% of the cost Gas piping system, each $2.00 $5,000.00 or more $60.00 plus .5% of the Replacing of filter $3.00 cost Miscellaneous replacements $3.00 Construction Rein- A fee of$30.00 per hour Backwash receptor $2.00 spection may be assessed if the requested inspection O. REPLACEMENT PERMIT FEE: does not meet the Permit copies,for replacement of lost or mutilated approval of the inspector building,demolition,grading, plumbing, electrical Infraction Reinspec- $50.00 or mechanical permit, will be furnished upon a tion after 30-day pe- payment of a service fee of twenty dollars nod (whenever 30 ($20.00). (Ord. 4596, 4-8-1996) days or more have passed since Fire De- partment notification of an infraction which re- quired reinspection and such violation has not been remedied or reinspected) B. FIRE PERMIT FEE AMOUNT: TYPE: Annual Uniform Fire $30.00 per year Code Permit (issued in accordance with Section 105.8 of the UFC, except for per- mits under Section 25) Construction Permit 10% of the above Plan Review/Inspection Fee or a minimum of$50.00, whichever is greater Hazardous Produc- $100.00 per year tion Materials Permit (for businesses stor- ing, handling, or using hazardous production materials as regulated in the UFC) Underground Tank $60.00 per tank Removal Permit (Ord. 4547, 7-24-1995) 1 - 17 4-1-160 4-1-160 IMPACT MITIGATION FEES: A. APPLICATION TYPE: FEE AMOUNT: (Reserved) Environmental Checklist: Less than $100,000 project 4-1-170 LAND USE REVIEW FEES: value $400.00 $100,000 or more project value $1,000.00 A. APPLICATION TYPE: FEE AMOUNT: Environmental review/sensi- Annexation Expense for tive lands or lands covered by postage water, except minor residential Appeal of Hearing Examiner's additions or modifications $1,000.00 Decision, Administrative Deci- Hobby Kennel License (one sion, or Environmental Deci- time fee) $20.00 sion $75.00 Grading and Filling Permit $2,000.00 Binding Site Plan $1,000.00 Lot Line Adjustment $450.00 Comprehensive Plan Manufactured/Mobile Home Amendment $1,000.00 Park: Conditional Approval Permit: Tentative $500.00 Hearing Examiner Review $500.00 Preliminary $2,000.00 Administrative Review $250.00 Final $1,000.00 Conditional Use Permit: Open Space Classification Hearing Examiner Review $2,000.00 Request $30.00 Administrative Review $1,000.00 Plats: Environmental Impact State- 100%of costs of Short Plat $1,000.00 ment/Draft and Final coordination, Preliminary Plat $2,000.00 review and appeals' Final Plat $1,000.00 'When the City is the lead agency for a proposal requiring an Planned Unit Development: Environmental Impact Statement(EIS)and the Environmental Review Committee(ERC)determines that the EIS shall be Tentative Plan $500.00 prepared by employees of the City,the City may charge and Preliminary Plan $2,000.00 collect a reasonable fee from any applicant to cover costs in- curred by the City in preparing the EIS.The ERC shall advise Final Plan $1,000.00 the applicant(s)of the projected costs for the EIS prior to ac- tual preparation;the applicant shall post bond or otherwise Rezone: ensure payment of such costs.The ERC may determine that the City will contract directly with a consultant for preparation Less than 10 acres $2,000.00 of an EIS,or a portion of the EIS,for activities initiated by 10 to 20 acres $3,000.00 some person or entity other than the City and may bill such costs and expenses directly to the applicant.The City may re- More than 20 acres $4,000.00 quire the applicant to post bond or otherwise ensure payment of such costs.Such consultants shall be selected by mutual Routine Vegetation Manage- agreement of the City and applicant after a call for proposals. ment Permit $75.00 If a proposal is modified so that an EIS is no longer required, Shoreline Substantial Devel- the ERC shall refund any fees collected under this subsection which remain after incurred costs are paid.The City may col opment Permit: lect a reasonable fee from an applicant to cover the cost of Under$100,000 value $500.00 meeting the public notice requirements of this Title relating to the applicant's proposal.The City shall not collect a fee for $1 00,000 or more value $1,000.00 performing its duties as a consulted agency.The City may charge any person for copies of any document prepared un- Site Plan Approval: der this Title,and for mailing the document, in a manner pro- Hearing Examiner Review $2,000.00 vided by chapter 42.17 RCW. Administrative Review $1,000.00 Special Permit $2,000.00 1 - 18 4-1-180A A. APPLICATION TYPE: FEE AMOUNT: 4-1-180 UTILITY FEES: Temporary Permit $100.00 Temporary Permit Sign A. LATECOMER'S FEES: Deposit (refundable) $25.00 1. Authorized:The City may hold and Variance— Administrative $100.00 charge private latecomer charges. These Variance— Board of Adjust- fees are payable at the time of application. ment or Hearing Examiner $500.00 The imposition,collection,payment and other Waiver $100.00 specifics concerning this charge are detailed in chapter 9-5 RMC, Latecomer's Agree- (Ord. 4648, 1-6-1997) ments. B. JOINT LAND USE APPLICATIONS: Procedure Fee Amount For joint land use applications,applicant shall pay Processing fee $500 if amount covered by full for the most expensive(major)application and (Nonrefundable) latecomer's is $20,000 or less one-half for related applications. (Ord. 4491, 12-19-1994, Amd. Ord. 4560, 11-13-1995, Ord. $1,000 if amount covered by 4613, 6-17-1996) latecomer's is between $20,000 and $100,000 C. REFUND OF LAND USE APPLICATION FEES: $2,000 if amount covered by latecomer's is greater than The filing fees as set forth in the fee schedule for $100,000 the City are established to defray the cost of post Latecomer's 15%of total amount to be ing and processing and the proceedings in con agreement— collected. Fee to be collected nection with a land use application. The Building Administration, by deduction from each and Zoning Director may authorize the refunding of not more than eighty percent(80%) of the total processing and individual latecomer fee application fees paid provided the applicant pre- collection fee payment and the balance sents a written request to withdraw or cancel prior forwarded to the holder of the to the routing of the application for staff review. latecomer's agreement (Ord. 3933, 8-26-1985) Eighty percent (80%) of pursuant to RMC 9 5 9,Tender the applicable fee will be refundable if the applica- of Fee. tion is withdrawn prior to circulation by the Plan- Recording fees As expended by the City ning Staff. After circulation (and review has Segregation pro- $750 begun) no refund of base fees will be authorized. cessing fee, if (Ord. 4491, 12-19-1994; Amd. Ord. 4560, applicable 11-13-1995; Ord. 4613, 6-17-1996) (Ord. 4443, 3-28-1994) 2. SEGREGATION AND RELIEF OF LATECOMER'S FEES: a. Segregation of Fees:The City shall grant a segregation of private developer held latecomer's fees if the property front- ing the improvements legally subdivides by plat, short plat, binding site plan, etc. The burden of establishing the segrega- tion by legal description, number of units and map would be on the party owing the fee and not the City.The subdivider or pe- titioner of the segregation is required to pay a seven hundred fifty dollar($750.00) processing fee for staff work. 1 - 19 4-1-180B b. Relief Due to Two(2)Similar Facil- or utility corporations or companies,except those ities: The Planning/Building/Public specifically exempted, shall pay fees under this Works Administrator, or the Administra- Section. Excepted entities include City-fran- tor's designee, based on good sound en- chised cable TV, natural gas, telephone, and gineering practices,will consider relieving electrical power. Half of this fee must be paid a parcel of a latecomer's fee/assessment upon application and the remainder when the per- if the property has a benefit from either mit(s) is issued.There are additional construction (but not both) of two (2) similar facilities. permit fees which are also payable upon issu- The Planning/Building/Public Works Ad- ance. The fee will be based upon percentages of ministrator or the Administrator's desig- the estimated cost of improvements using the fol- nee will make the decision based on lowing formula: (Ord. 4345, 2-17-1992) engineering and policy decisions as to which facility(s)benefit and/or are utilized 1. STREET AND UTILITY PLAN REVIEW AND by the parcel and the assessment due INSPECTION FEES would be that associated with the utilized Estimated Construction Fee Amount: facility. If there are no engineering or pol- Cost: The applicant must icy reasons that support the selection of submit separate, itemized one facility over the other, the City shall cost estimates for each give the applicant the choice of facilities to item of improvement sub- utilize. ject to the approval by the Public Works Plan Review c. Relief Due to Future Subdivision: Section At the time the latecomer's agreement is formed,and as a condition of the latecom- or less 5% of cost er's agreement,the City may require that Over$100,000.00 but less 5% of the first the assessment against a parcel be divid- than $200,000.00 $100,000.00,plus 4% ed such that a single family residential of cost over connection will be assessed based upon $100,000.00 the size of a typical single family residen- Over$200,000.00 5% of the first tial lot in that area. The remainder of the $100,000.00,plus 4% cost attributed to said site will be due at of cost over such time as the parcel develops further $100,000.00 but less either by subdivision or increased density. than $200,000.00, plus 3% of cost d. Partial Release of Properties Due $200,000.00 and over to Subdivision: The Planning/Building/ Public Works Administrator or the Admin- (Ord. 4345, 2-17-1992) istrator's designee will consider relieving a part of the latecomer's assessment if a subdivision of the property severed a link- age between a resulting lot and the street frontage (containing latecomer's im- provement(s)). Relief may be granted so long as a proposed lot does not have di- rect access to or front footage on the street right-of-way containing improve- ment(s) and will not and cannot benefit from the improvements. (Ord. 4443, 3-28-1994) B. PUBLIC WORKS PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION FEES: (For replacements and improvements in the pub- lic right-of-way, easements or public property: streets, drainage, sewer and water service): All developers,municipal or quasi-municipal entities, 1 - 20 4-1-180C 2. WATER METER INSTALLATION FEES 1. WATER CONSTRUCTION PERMIT —CITY INSTALLED: The following fees are FEES: payable at the time of application of water meter(s). Type of Water Service Fee and Repairs Water Meter Size Fee Water meter tests for $40.00 3/4" meter installed by City $600.00 (full 3/4"to 2"meter within City limits installation) Water meter tests for Time and materials $240.00 (drop in) meters greater than 2" cost ($60.00 deposit) 3/4"meter installed by City $700.00 (full Open and close fire hy- Time and materials outside City limits installation) drants for fire flow tests 1" meter installed by City $1,100.00 (full conducted by others installation of stub Installation fees for ring $200.00 service and meter) and cover castings $250.00 (drop in) Service size reductions $50.00 1-1/2"meter installed by $2,400.00 (full Water service discon- $250.00 City installation of stub nection service and meter) Meter resets $50.00 $300.00 (drop in) Repair of damage to $50.00 2"meter installed by City $2,800.00 (full service installation of stub Watermain connections $400.00 service and meter) Watermain cut and cap $1,000.00 $370.00 (drop in) Water quality/inspec- $40.00 each tion/purity tests (Ord. 4287, 8 13 1990) Specialty water tests Cost of test plus 3. METER PROCESSING FEES—APPLI- (lead, copper, etc.) $40.00 processing fee CANT INSTALLED: For meters larger than Water turn ons/offs $60.00 two inches (2"), applicant provides materials after hours and installs. City charges a two hundred dol- Chlorination pump $40.00 per day plus lar($200.00) processing fee. (Ord. 4287, rental $30.00 per man for 8-13-1990) staff assistance to install and operate C. PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION pump ($1,000.00 PERMIT FEES: refundable deposit). The following public works construction permit No hourly charge for fees are payable at or prior to the time of con- maintenance work on struction permit issuance. equipment Installation of isolation Time and materials valve $2,000.00 deposit Miscellaneous water Time and materials installation fees (Ord. 4552, 9-18-1995) 1 - 21 4-1-180D 2. WASTEWATER CONSTRUCTION 5. FRANCHISE WORK WITHIN RIGHT- PERMIT FEES: OF-WAY, EASEMENTS, AND PUBLIC PROPERTY— INSPECTION AND PLAN Type of New Wastewater Wastewater REVIEW FEES (CABLE TV, NATURAL Service Permit Fee GAS,TELEPHONE, ELECTRICAL): Residential $60.00 Payable at or prior to the time of construction Commercial $80.00 permit issuance.A bond as stipulated in RMC 9-10-5, Street Excavation Bond, is also Industrial $100.00 required. (Ord. 3205, 3-20-1978) Repair of any of the above $20.00 Special Permit to Connect $10.00 Frontage Length of Replace- to Private Sewage Dis- ments and Improvements and/or Permit Fee posal System Project Scale Amount Small work, including trenching $50.00 (Ord. 4287, 8-13-1990) less than sixty (60) linear feet or installation of six (6) or less utility 3. SURFACE WATER CONSTRUCTION poles PERMIT FEES: All other work $50.00 plus Type of New Surface Water Surface Water $40.00 per Service Permit Fee hour Residential $20.00 (Ord. 3832, 8-13-1984) Commercial $50.00 Industrial $100.00 D. RELEASE OF EASEMENT FEES: Repair $10.00 The imposition, collection, payment and other specifics concerning this charge are detailed in (Ord. 3832, 8-13-1984) chapter 9-1 RMC, Easements. 4. WORK IN RIGHT-OF-WAY— Type of Fee Fee Amount CONSTRUCTION PERMIT: (Utility and Filing fee $100.00 Street/Sidewalk Improvements):A bond as stipulated in RMC 9-10-5, Street Excavation Processing fee $100.00 Bond, is required. (Ord. 4443, 3-28-1994) Frontage Length of Improve- ment (sidewalks, curbs, exca- E. RIGHT-OF-WAY USE PERMIT FEES— vations, improvements)— Permit Fee REVOCABLE PERMITS FOR THE USE OF Except Franchises Amount EXCESS PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY: Less than 35 feet in length $30.00 These fees are payable at the time of application. 35 to 100 feet in length $60.00 The imposition, collection, payment and other specifics concerning this charge are detailed in Greater than 100 feet in length $90.00 chapter 9-2 RMC, Excess Right-of-Way Use. (Ord. 4287, 8-13-1990) Type of Use Fee Amount Single family and $10.00 annualy,plus leasehold Exception: No permit fee shall be charged two-family uses excise tax2, for individual homeowners for work in street if applicable rights-of-way for street tree or parking strip it All uses without 0.5%per month of property rigation systems. (Ord. 3832, 8-13-1984) public benefit value' of land to be utilized, plus leasehold excise tax2, if applicable. Payable yearly in advance. 1 - 22 4-1-180F Type of Use Fee Amount 2. Exemptions for Special Assessment Uses with public 0.5% per year of assessed District Fees: benefit value of land adjoining the a. Segregation of Fees:The City shall property, plus leasehold excise grant segregation of special assessment tax 2, if applicable. In no case district fees on large parcels of land if less than ten dollars ($10.00). they are legally subdivided by plat, short Payable yearly in advance.vance, plat, binding site plan, etc. The burden of 'Right-of-Way Value:Right-of-way value shall be based on establishing the segregation by legal de- the assessed value of the land adjoining the property as estab- lished by the King County Assessor. scription, number of units and map would 2Leasehold Excise Tax:There is hereby imposed a leasehold be on the party owing the fee and not the excise tax against fees so determined which are two hundred City. The subdivider or petitioner of the fifty dollars($250.00)per annum or more.Such tax shall be im- segregation is required to pay a seven posed at the rate as established by the State of Washington, hundred fifty dollar($750.00) processing Department of Revenue. (Ord.4053,4-6-1987) fee for staff work. (Ord. 4443, 3-28-1994) b. Relief Due to Two(2) Similar Facil- Insurance Required:Public liability and property ities: The Planning/Building/Public damage insurance is also required pursuant to Works Administrator or the Administra- RMC 9-2-5B, Minimum Permit Requirements for tor's designee based on good sound en- Excess Right-of-Way Use. (Ord. 4087, gineering practices will consider relieving 10-12-1987) a parcel of a special assessment district fee/assessment if the property has a ben- Exception for Public Agencies:A no fee permit efit from either (but not both) of two (2) may be issued only when the applicant is a public similar facilities. The Planning/Building/ agency and when the proposed use of the right- Public Works Administrator or the Admin- of-way consists of the provision of a direct service istrator's designee will make the decision to the public (e.g., METRO applications for right- based on engineering and policy deci- of-way for bus shelters). (Ord. 4053, 4-6-1987) sions as to which facility(s)benefit and/or are utilized by the parcel, and the assess- F. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT ment due would be that associated with CHARGES: the utilized facility. If there are no sound engineering or policy reasons that indi- 1. Applicability: The special assessment cate one facility over the other, the City charge is a fee that enables the City to recover shall give the applicant the choice of facil a pro rata portion of the original costs of public ities to utilize. works improvements(water systems,sanitary sewer systems, stormwater drainage sys c. Relief Due to Future Subdivision: tems, and street improvements including sig At the time the special assessment dis nalization and lighting) which would benefit trict is formed, and as a condition of the from future connections to,or future users of, special assessment district,the City may improvements to the City's infrastructure that divide the assessment against a parcel were not installed by LIDs or by a private de- such that a single family residential con- veloper under a latecomer agreement. The nection will be assessed based upon the imposition, collection, payment and other size of a typical single family residential specifics concerning these charges are de- lot in that area.The remainder of the cost tailed in chapter 9-16 RMC, Special Assess attributed to said site plus interest will be ment Districts. Interest may be charged due at such time as the parcel develops pursuant to RMC 9-16-6, Payments to City. further either by subdivision or increased (Ord. 4444, 3-28-1994; Ord. 4505, density. 4-10-1995) d. Partial Release of Properties Due to Subdivision: The Planning/Building/ Public Works Administrator or the Admin- istrator's designee will consider relieving a parcel of the special assessment, if a 1 - 23 4-1-180G subdivision of the property severed a H. TEMPORARY SURFACE WATER linkage between a resulting lot and the CONNECTION FEES: street frontage (containing special as- sessment improvement(s)), so long as a One-Time Temporary proposed lot does not have direct access Connections Fee Amount to or front footage on street right-of-way Temporary connections to Annual fee equal to containing the improvement(s) and will the City's surface water ten percent (10%) of not and cannot benefit from the improve- collection system may be the current system ments. (Ord. 4444, 3-28-1994) granted for a one-time, development charge temporary,short-term use applicable to that G. STREET AND ALLEY VACATION of a portion of the prop- portion of the prop- FEES: erty for a period not to erty,but not less than The imposition, collection, payment and other exceed three (3) consec- three hundred fifty specifics concerning this charge are detailed in utive years dollars ($350.00) per chapter 9-14 RMC, Vacations. year 1 'Said fee shall be paid annually(nonprorated),and shall be Type of Fee Fee Amount nonrefundable,nontransferable(from one portion of the property to another)and shall not constitute a credit to the Filing fee $250.00 payable at time of system development charge due at the time of permanent application use of the utility system.The application for temporary con- Processing and $250.00 payable upon Council nection shall consist of a detailed plan and a boundary line of the proposed development service area for use in the fee completion fee approval of the vacation determination. Appraisal fees Pursuant to RMC 9-14-10 (Ord. 4506, 4-10-1995) (Ord. 4266, 4-16-1990) I. SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGES (SDC) —WATER, WASTEWATER AND SURFACE WATER: The City may hold and charge certain other fees similar to special assessment district charges which are commonly referred to as "system development charges"pursuant to subsections 12b, I3b and 14b of this Section. (Ord. 4505, 4-10-1995) These fees are payable prior to construction permit issuance or, in the ab- sence of a construction permit, prior to building permit issuance. The imposition, collection, payment and other specifics concerning these individual charges are detailed in the following Sections. Wastewater Fee Surface Water Fee 1. Type of Land Use: Water Fee Amount: Amount: Amount: Single family resi $850.00 per unit $585.00 $385.00 dence Dwelling unit within a mobile or manufac- $680.00 per unit $468.00 $385.00 tured home park Multi-family $510.00 per unit, except $350.00 per unit, except $0.29 per square foot of CD and COR zones where CD and COR zones where new impervious surfacing, fee is based on gross area fee is based on gross area but not less than $385.00 All other uses $0.113 per gross square $0.078 per gross square $0.29 per square foot of foot of property, but not foot of property, but not new impervious, but not less than $850.00 less than $585.00 less than $385.00 (Ord. 4506, 4-10-1995, Ord. 4526, Ord. 4508, Ord. 4525) 1 - 24 4-1-1801 2. Charges for Property Not Previously iv. Other: For all other properties Assessed—Sanitary Sewer: except City properties, 7.8 cents ($0.078) per square foot of property a. Fund and Method of Payment:The connected but not less than five hun- special connection charge imposed shall dred eighty five dollars ($585.00). be paid into the Waterworks Utility Con- struction Fund. (Ord. 4205, 2-20-1989) v. Payment: Fees are incurred upon the granting by the City of a The charge shall be paid in cash when- building permit or a construction per- ever such connection is requested. (Ord. mit, but are payable at the time con- 4415, 8-16-1993) struction permits are issued for connection to or extension of the b. System Development Charge: In public sewer;or in the absence of the addition to sewer connection permit fees requirement for a public works per- as required by ordinance and the rules mit, then at the time of granting the and regulations promulgated thereunder, building permit. All other sanitary there is hereby imposed upon, and the sewer service applicants shall pay owners of properties which have not pre- these fees at the time of building viously been assessed or charged or sewer application. borne an equitable share of the cost of the City's sewer distribution system shall vi. Fees Upon Sale: Fees are due pay, prior to any connection to a City immediately if the party owing the fee sewer main, the system development sells to a third party, unless the third charge which shall be assessed against party agrees to pay the charge, in any property which has not participated in writing,with the amount owing to the the development of the sewer system, City set forth in that writing, and fur- which system shall include lift stations, ther the City agrees that the third force mains, interceptors and other col- party shall be responsible for that fee lection mains, and shall be assessed at after determination that such an the rate of: agreement would be in the City's best interest. The burden of estab- i. Single Family: Five hundred lishing the agreement would be on eighty five dollars ($585.00) per sin- the party owing the fee and not on gle family residence. the City, and would be in the City's best interest. ii. Mobile/Manufactured Homes: Four hundred sixty eight dollars vii. Definition: When the phrase ($468.00)per dwelling unit located in "property which has not participated mobile home parks and manufac- in development of the system" is tured home parks. used in this Section, it shall mean any of the following: iii. Multi-Family: Three hundred fifty dollars($350.00)per multi-family • First Time Server Connection: residence, except in the Center Any property which has not paid Downtown (CD) and Center Office/ a system development charge Residential (COR) zoned areas for the property based upon the which shall be assessed in accor- square footage of the property dance with subsection 12b(iv) of this and which is connecting to Section. Mixed use buildings with Renton's sewer system for the over fifty percent (50%) of the floor first time (including but not lim- space used for multi-family resi- ited to new construction, or con- dences shall be assessed at the rate version from septic system). of three hundred fifty dollars ($350.00) per multi-family residence. • Further Development or Sub- division: Any property which has not paid a system develop- 1 - 25 4-1-1801 ment charge for the property For example, a redevelopment based upon the square footage project that involves a change of the property that is to be from a single family home on a served by the utility and is devel- ten thousand (10,000) square oping or subdividing further. For foot lot with a five-eighths inch by example, one single family resi- three-quarter inch meter (5/8"x dence on a five (5) acre tract 3/4", a standard single family which has paid five hundred meter) that has a safe operating eighty five dollars ($585.00) un- capacity of twenty (20) gallons der this Section to connect to a per minute (GPM), to a four (4) sewer system will have paid only unit multi-family dwelling with a for one, seven thousand five one and one-half inch (1-1/2") hundred (7,500) square foot lot meter with a safe operating ca- at the rate of 7.8 cents ($0.078). pacity of one hundred (100) Additional charges would be ap- GPM can apply to pay for the fol- plied to any additional develop- lowing prorated charge: ment on the property at the time of development. (100 GPM —20 GPM/100 GPM) = 0.8 • Larger or Additional Water Meters: Any property which has 0.8 x (10,000 sq. ft. x $0.078/sq. not paid a system development ft.) = $624.00 charge for the property based upon the square footage of the Without the redevelopment property that is to be served by credit, this project would have the utility and that requests or re- paid$0.078/sq.ft.x 10,000 sq.ft. quires a larger or additional do- = $780.00 mestic water meter(s)will trigger a utility system development The City will determine the safe charge. maximum operating capacities of all meter sizes using American - Redevelopment Credit: An op- Water Works Association tables tion exists for receiving a redevel- (see subsection 14b(ix) of this opment credit for property which Section). The fee paid shall be has not previously paid in full a recorded and applied to the total system development charge. A system development charge ap- redevelopment project that re- plicable for the parcel. quires a larger water meter, or additional domestic water Reduction in water meter capac- meter(s), will trigger the sewer ity shall not result in a payment utility system development from the City to the applicant. charge. However,any parcel that currently has water service is eli- • Fire Protection Credit: Installa- gible for a prorated system devel- tion of a water meter solely for a opment charge. This prorated fire protection system,such as a development charge is based on new hydrant or fire sprinkler sys- the following formula: tern, shall not trigger a sewer system development fee. (Proposed domestic meter(s) ca- pacity in gallons per minute viii. Short-Term Use: Temporary (GPM) — Existing domestic connections to the City's sewage meter(s) capacity in GPM/Pro- system may be granted for a one- posed domestic meter(s) capac- time, temporary, short-term use of a ity in GPM)x SDC Fee=Amount portion of the property for a period owed. Fire flow meters are not not to exceed three (3) consecutive included in this calculation. years. Permission for temporary con- 1 - 26 4-1-1801 nection may be granted upon pay- • Nonexempt Areas:Parking lots, ment of an annual fee equal to ten driveways, walkways, similar ar- percent (10%) of the current system eas and required landscape ar- development charge applicable to eas shall not be part of the that portion of the property, but not exempt area. less than seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00) per year. Said fee shall be • Administrative Fees:The appli- paid annually (nonprorated), and cant shall pay the City's adminis- shall be nonrefundable, nontransfer- trative costs for the preparation, able(from one portion of the property processing and recording the to another) and shall not constitute a segregated fee.At the time of ap- credit to the system development plication for system development charge due at the time of permanent charge segregation the applicant use of the utility system.The applica- shall pay the administrative fee of tion for temporary connection shall seven hundred fifty dollars consist of a detailed plan and a ($750.00). boundary line of the proposed devel- opment service area for use in the • Restrictive Covenants: The ex- fee determination. emption must be memorialized by means of a restrictive cove- ix. City-Owned Property: No sys- nant running with the land. tem development charge will be col- Should the property exempted lected on City-owned properties.The under this Section later develop, benefits to the utility from the use of then that property shall pay the other City properties such as utility system development charge in easements, lift stations and other place at the time of development. benefits offset the amount of the sys- tem development charge. • Interpretation of Partial Pay- ment: The Administrator of the x. Limited Exemptions: A limited Planning/Building/Public Works exemption to the system develop- Department shall make the final ment charge will be granted to mu- decision on the interpretation of nicipal corporations for portions of this limited exemption and the property subject to the system devel- achievement of substantial eq- opment charge to the extent that uity. those specific areas available and maintained at all times for public use xi. Calculation of Charge: When (e.g., ballfields adjacent to a school calculating the area to be charged building) shall be segregated from the system development charge, un- the fee determination as herein pro- developed greenbelt and major vided. In applying this exemption to easements within the property shall the extent possible, a single straight not be included in the square footage line shall be drawn across the prop- for the calculation of the charge. erty separating the exempt property When determining whether property from the property to be charged. If a is undeveloped greenbelts or major single straight line would not achieve easements, the inquiry should be to substantial equity, then additional recorded easements or dedications lines may be drawn to include sub- or restrictions on the Comprehensive stantial open space areas in the ex- Plan or zoning maps or City policies emption. For purposes of this that would prevent development of exemption, substantial open space significant usages.This exemption is areas shall be at least one hundred intended not to charge property that thousand (100,000) square feet in is undevelopable. area. Lines shall not be drawn closer than fifteen feet (15') to any struc- xii. Exemption for Wetland:When ture. calculating the area to be charged the 1 -27 4-1-1801 system development charge,Class 1 following criteria shall determine the and 2 wetlands are exempt. It is the partial payment of fees: responsibility of the property owner or applicant to submit a study determin- • Application of Provisions:This ing the classifications as Class 1 and/ provision shall apply to all devel- or 2 wetlands and a legal description opments with the exception of of said wetlands so that these por- single family residential and mo- tions of the property can be exempted bile home developments. from the development charge. Clas- sification of wetlands will be based • Determination of Charge: The upon the rating system as outlined in system development charge RMC 4-3-110, Wetland Regulations, shall be determined on the basis and any subsequent amendments of the percentage of a property thereto. that is developed (existing devel- opment plus proposed develop- xiii. Segregation Criteria and ment). Rules:The ability exists for the seg- regation of the system development • Full Development: For the pur- charge in the partial development of pose of this Code, full develop- a large parcel of property.This segre- ment is considered to be sixty gation shall be based on the follow- percent (60%) property cover- ing criteria and rules: age for multi-family development and eighty percent (80%) prop- • Segregation by Plat or Short erty coverage for commercial, in- Plat:The system development dustrial, mixed use, and all other charge shall be determined on development.Property coverage the basis of the specific platted is defined as the portion of the properties being developed re- property supporting buildings, gardless of the parcel size. Un- driveways and sidewalks, park- platted or large-platted parcels ing areas, grass and landscape may be platted or short-platted areas, public access areas, prior to development, in which storm drainage facilities and de- case the system development tention ponds, and improve- charge will be applied to the spe- ments required for mitigation of cific platted lots being devel- environmental impacts under the oped. State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). xiv. Partial Payment: The ability exists for the partial payment of the • Developed Area: The "devel- system development charge based oped area"shall include, but not upon percentage of the property de- be limited to, all contiguous exist- veloped. The owner may apply for ing developed land for which the partial payment of the fee on a per- system development charges centage-based prorated basis pro- have not been paid: all existing portional to the percentage of the and proposed buildings, drive- parcel which will be developed. The ways and sidewalks, parking ar- application shall consist of a detailed eas,grass and landscape areas, plan, drafted to current adopted City public access areas,storm drain- standards, of the proposed develop- age facilities and detention ment,which shall include a proposed ponds, and improvements re- boundary line for the system devel- quired for mitigation of environ- opment charge fee determination, mental impacts. and a statement of the total area of the property and the area of the de- • Formula: Determination of par- veloped portion in square feet. The tial payment shall be performed by dividing the"developed area" 1 - 28 4-1-1801 by eighty percent (80%) (sixty the final decision on interpreta- percent (60%) for multi-family tion of the partial payment of sys- development) of the total area of tern development charges. the property, and multiplying this number by the sewer system de- 3. Charges for Property Not Previously velopment charge fee assess- Assessed—Surface Water: ment for the entire property. a. Fund and Method of Payment:The • Partial Payment Fees: The par- charges imposed by this Section shall be tial payment of fees shall be by paid into the Surface Water Utility Con- formal, written agreement which struction Fund. The charge shall be paid shall be recorded as a restrictive in cash whenever such connection is re- covenant running with the land. quested, or application may be made by The restrictive covenant shall list such property owner to provide for the the percentage of the system de- payment thereof by an installment con- velopment charge fee that has tract if the amount is in excess of five been paid for the property. The hundred dollars ($500.00), with interest percentage of the system devel- at the rate of ten percent (10%) per an- opment charge fee that has been num, computed annually on unpaid bal- paid for the property shall be de- ances, which contract shall provide for a fined by dividing the "developed minimum down payment of not less than area" by eighty percent (80%) ten percent (10%) of such total connec- (sixty percent (60%) for multi- tion charges hereinabove set forth pay- family development) of the total able upon execution of such contract, area of the property, and multi- and the balance thereof to be paid in not plying this number by one hun- more than twenty (20) quarterly install- dred percent (100%). ments payable on each January 1, April 1,July 1 and October 1.Such installment Should the property partially paid for contracts shall provide that any unpaid under this Section later develop,then balance may be paid in full in any year at that property shall pay the system the time the first quarterly payment of development charge fee in place at such year is due and payable, shall de- the time of development. Should the scribe the property served by the water, property partially paid for under this and shall be duly acknowledged by the Section later be subdivided,then the property owner and be recorded by the partial payment credit shall run with Administrator of the Planning/Building/ the subdivided lots. The burden of Public Works Department in the office of establishing that the partial payment the County Auditor at the expense of has been made would be on the such property owner. Delinquent pay- party owing the fee and not on the ments under such installment contracts City. shall be a lien upon the described prop- erty as provided for in RCW 35.67.200, • Administrative Fees:The appli- and enforceable in accordance with cant shall pay the City's adminis- RCW 35.67.220 through 35.67.280. As trative costs for the preparation, an additional and concurrent method of processing and recording of the enforcing such lien, the water service to partial payment of the fee. At the such property may be disconnected in time of application for system de- accordance with RCW 35.67.290 and velopment charge partial pay- this Code until such time as all delinquent ment the applicant shall pay the payments have been paid in full. Upon administrative fee of seven hun- full payment of such installment contract, dred fifty dollars ($750.00). the Administrator of the Planning/Build- ing/Public Works Department, on behalf • Interpretation: The Administra- of the City,shall execute and deliver unto tor of the Planning/Building/Pub- the property owner a release of such lien, lic Works Department shall make which shall be recorded, at the expense 1 - 29 4-1-1801 of the property owner, with the King City's best interest.The burden of es- County Auditor's office. All installment tablishing that the agreement would payments so made shall be applied first be in the City's best interest would be to interest accrued to date, and the bal- on the party owing the fee and not on ance to principal. the City. b. System Development Charge: v. Definition: When the phrase There is hereby imposed upon, and the "property which has not participated owners of properties which have not in development of the system" is been assessed or charged or borne an used in this Section, it shall mean equitable share of the cost of the City's any of the following: surface water collection system and sur- face water facilities shall pay,prior to con- • First Time Surface Water Con- nection to a City surface water collection nection:Any property which has system,the system development charge, not paid a system development which shall be assessed against any charge for the property based property that has not participated in the upon the square footage of new development of the surface water collec- impervious surface of the prop- tion system, and shall be assessed at the erty and which is connecting to rate of: Renton's surface water collec- tion system for the first time (in- i. Residences and Mobile cluding but not limited to new Homes: Three hundred eighty five construction). dollars ($385.00) per single family residence and mobile home dwelling. • Further Development or Sub- division: Any property which ii. Other Properties: For all other has not paid a system develop- properties except City properties, ment charge for the property 12.9 cents ($0.129) per square foot based upon the square footage of new impervious area of property of new impervious surface of proposed by the permit application, property that is to be served by but not less than three hundred the utility and is developing or eighty five dollars ($385.00). subdividing further.For example, one single family residence of a iii. Issuance of Permits: Fees are five (5) acre tract which has paid incurred upon the granting by the three hundred eighty five dollars City of a building permit, but are pay- ($385.00) under this Section to able at the time construction permits connect to a surface water col- are issued for connection to or exten- lection system will have paid only sion of the public surface water col- for one, seven thousand five lection system; or, in the absence of hundred (7,500) square foot lot the requirement of a public works at a rate of 12.9 cents ($0.129) permit, then at the time of granting per square foot of impervious the building permit. area. Additional charges would be applied to any additional de- iv. When Due: Fees are due imme- velopment on the property at the diately, notwithstanding subsection time of development. 13b(iii)of this Section,the party owing the fee sells to a third party, unless • Runoff Quantity Control: Any the third party agrees to pay the property for which one hundred charge, in writing, with the amount percent (100%) of the surface owing to the City set forth in that writ- water runoff quantity control re- ing, and further the City agrees that quirements can be met by infil- the third party shall be responsible tration systems, as allowed by for that fee after determining that code, will be exempted from the such an agreement would be in the surface water charge. 1 - 30 4-1-1801 • Existing Developments: Prop- opment service area for use in the erty that was developed before fee determination. the effective date hereof is ex- empted from the connection vii. City-Owned Property: No sys- charge. Any rebuilding, change tem development charge will be col- in use or additions to exempted lected on City-owned properties.The property that does not require benefits to the utility from the use of additional surface water runoff other City properties such as utility capacity will not trigger a new easements,wells and other benefits, connection charge. However, offset the amount of the system de- when property is redeveloped or velopment charge. the use changed or intensified such that a larger surface water viii. Limited Exemptions: A lim- drainage capacity is necessary, ited exemption to the system devel- then any application for rebuild- opment charge will be granted to mu- ing will trigger a utility connection nicipal corporations for portions of charge. "Surface water drainage property subject to the system devel- capacity"is defined as computed opment charge to the extent that maximum peak rate runoff from those specific areas available and the site prior to entering public or maintained at all times for public use private stormwater facilities. Im- (e.g., ballfields adjacent to a school provements to existing single building) shall be segregated from family residential units such as the fee determination as herein pro- additions, decks, small sheds vided. In applying this exemption to and other minor improvements the extent possible, a single straight are exempt from the system de- line shall be drawn across the prop- velopment charge unless a new erty separating the exempt property connection to the Renton surface from the property to be charged. If a water utility collection system is single straight line would not achieve proposed or required as part of substantial equity, then additional the permit application. lines may be drawn to include sub- stantial open space areas in the ex- vi. Short-Term Use: Temporary emption. For purposes of this exemp- connections to the City's surface wa- tion, substantial open space areas ter collection system may be granted shall be at least one hundred thou- for a one-time,temporary,short-term sand (100,000) square feet in area. use of a portion of the property for a Lines shall not be drawn closer than period not to exceed three (3) con- fifteen feet (15') to any structure. secutive years. Permission for tem- porary connection may be granted • Parking Areas: Parking lots, upon payment of an annual fee equal driveways, walkways, similar ar- to ten percent (10%) of the current eas and required landscape ar- system development charge applica- eas shall not be part of the ble to that portion of the property,but exempt area. not less than three hundred fifty dol- lars($350.00)per year.Said fee shall • Administrative Fees:The appli- be paid annually (nonprorated), and cant shall pay the City's adminis- shall be nonrefundable, nontransfer- trative costs for the preparation, able(from one portion of the property processing and recording the to another) and shall not constitute a segregated fee. At the time of credit to the system development application for a system develop- charge due at the time of permanent ment charge fee segregation the use of the utility system.The applica- applicant shall pay the adminis- tion for temporary connection shall trative fee of seven hundred fifty consist of a detailed plan and a dollars ($750.00). boundary line of the proposed devel- 1 - 31 4-1-1801 • Restrictive Covenants: The ex- xi. Segregation Criteria: The abil- emption must be memorialized ity exists for the segregation of the by means of a restrictive cove- system development charge in the nant running with the land. partial development of a large parcel Should the property exempted of property.This segregation shall be under this Section later be devel- based on the following criteria and oped or sold, then that property rules: shall pay the system develop- ment charge in place at the time • Segregation by Plat or Short of development or property sale. Plat: The system development charge shall be determined on • Interpretation of Exemption: the basis of the specific platted The Administrator of the Plan- properties being developed re- ning/Building/Public Works De- gardless of the parcel size. Un- partment shall make the final platted or large-platted parcels decision on the interpretation of may be platted or short-platted this limited exemption and the prior to development, in which achievement of substantial eq- case the system development uity. charge will be applied to the spe- cific lots being undeveloped. ix. Calculation of Charge: When calculating the area to be charged the • Segregation by Administrative connection charge, undeveloped Determination: For the partial greenbelt and major easements development of a large tract of within the property shall not be in- property the owner may apply for cluded in the square footage for the a segregation of the surface wa- calculation of the charge. When de- ter system development charge termining whether property is unde- for the specific portion of the veloped greenbelt or major ease- property to be developed. The ments, the inquiry should be to application shall consist of a de- recorded easements, dedications or tailed plan, drafted to current restrictions on the Comprehensive adopted City standards, of the Plan or zoning maps or City policies proposed development, which that would prevent development of shall include a proposed bound- significant usages.This exemption is ary line for the system develop- intended not to charge property that ment charge determination. The is undevelopable. boundary line shall be defined by an acceptable legal description. x. Exemption for Wetlands: The following criteria shall deter- When calculating the area to be mine the segregation of fees: charged the system development charge, Class 1 and 2 wetlands are Segregated Areas: Minimum exempt. It is the responsibility of the size of area segregated for de- property owner or applicant to submit termination and payment of sys- a study determining the classification tern development charge shall as Class 1 and/or 2 wetlands and a be five (5) acres. legal description of said wetlands so that these portions of the property Remnant Parcel: Minimum size can be exempted from the develop- of the remnant parcel of undevel- ment charge. Classification of wet- oped property for which the sys- lands will be based upon the rating tern development charge is system as outlined in RMC 4-3-110, deferred shall be five (5) acres. Wetland Regulations, and any sub- sequent amendments thereto. Administrative Fees:The appli- cant shall pay the City's adminis- trative costs for the preparation, 1 - 32 4-1-1801 processing and recording the be credited toward the system devel- segregated fee.At the time of ap- opment charges due. The applicant plication for system development must provide the Administrator of the charge segregation the applicant Department of Planning/Building/ shall pay the administrative fee of Public Works with the costs of the seven hundred fifty dollars drainage improvements and a sug- ($750.00). gested method of calculating the costs due to the extra work done to Fee Segregation: The segrega- solve a regional drainage problem. tion of fees shall be by formal, The Administrator will make the final written agreement which shall be decision on the amount of the credit. recorded as a restrictive cove- In no instance shall the credit dupli- nant running with the land. cate a latecomer's agreement such Should the property exempted that the applicant will be paid twice, under this Section later develop, nor may the credit against the con- then that property shall pay the nection charge exceed the connec- system development charge in tion charge (i.e., no payment to the place at the time of development. applicant under this Section). Segregated Area: The segre- xiii. Request for Agreement: Any gated area shall include, but not party extending utilities that may be limited to,all contiguous exist- serve other than that party's property ing developed land for which the may request a latecomer's agree- system development charge ment from the City. Any party re- have not been paid;all proposed quired to oversize utilities may buildings; driveways and side- request that utility participate in the walks; parking areas; grass and cost of the project. landscape areas; public access areas; storm drainage facilities xiv. Inspection and Approval and detention ponds; and im- Fees: In addition to other permits provements required for mitiga- and fees, there will be an inspection/ tion of environmental impacts approval fee for on-site and off-site under the State Environmental replacement and improvements Policy Act (SEPA). which shall be identical to that speci- fied in chapter 9-10 RMC, Street Ex- Boundary Line: The boundary cavations, and any subsequent line for the segregation of system amendments thereto. development charge shall be es- tablished by survey and legal de- c. Credit:If any such property for which scription and shall not be closer a system development charge has been than fifteen feet (15') to any paid thereafter is included in a local im- structure. provement district for the construction of a surface water collection system of the Interpretation: The Administra- same or similar nature,then the principal tor of the Planning/Building/Pub- amount so paid shall be credited to the lic Works Department shall make assessment against such property and the final decision on interpreta- such amount shall be paid from the Sur- tion of the segregation of system face Water Utility Construction Fund into development charges. such Local Improvement District Fund. (Ord. 4506, 4-10-1995) xii. Regional Improvements:If an applicant's project proposes to solve 4. Charges for Property Previously Not a regional drainage problem, over Assessed —Water: and above the requirements to miti- gate their project's impacts,the value a. Fund and Method of Payment:The of the additional improvement shall charges imposed by this Chapter shall be 1 - 33 4-1-1801 paid into the Waterworks Utility Construc- mit, but are payable at the time con- tion Fund. struction inspection permits are issued for connection to or extension The charge shall be paid in cash when- of the public water main; or in the ab- ever such connection is requested. (Ord. sence of the requirement of a public 4415, 8-20-1993) works permit, then at the time of granting the building permit.All other b. Special Water Utility Connection water service applicants shall pay at Charge: There is hereby imposed upon, the time the water meter application and the owners of properties which have is issued. not been assessed or charged or borne an equitable share of the cost of the vi. Fees Upon Sale: Fees are due City's water distribution and water plant immediately if the party owing the fee facilities shall pay,prior to connection to a sells to a third party, unless the third City water main,the system development party agrees to pay the charge, in connection charge which shall be as- writing,with the amount owing to the sessed against any property that has not City set forth in that writing, and fur- participated in the development of the ther the City agrees that the third water system,which system shall include party shall be responsible for that fee the wells, pump stations, reservoirs and after determining that such an agree- transmission mains,shall be assessed at ment would be in the City's best inter- the rate of: est. The burden of establishing that the agreement would be in the City's i. Single Family: Eight hundred best interest would be on the party fifty dollars ($850.00) per single fam- owing the fee and not on the City. ily residence. vii. Definition: When the phrase ii. Mobile/Manufactured Homes: "property which has not participated Six hundred eighty dollars ($680.00) in development of the system" is per dwelling unit located in mobile used in this Section, it shall mean home parks and manufactured home any of the following: parks. • First Time Water Connection: iii. Multi-Family: Five hundred ten Any property which has not paid dollars ($510.00) per multi-family a system development charge residence, except in the Center for the property based upon the Downtown (CD) and Center Office/ square footage of the property Residential (COR) zoned areas and which is connecting to which shall be assessed in accor- Renton's water system for the dance with subsection 14b(iv) of this first time (including but not lim- Section. Mixed use buildings with ited to new construction, or con- over fifty percent (50%) of the floor version from a private well). space used for multi-family resi- dences shall be assessed at the rate • Further Development or Sub- of five hundred ten dollars ($510.00) division: Any property which per multi-family residence. has not paid a system develop- ment charge for the property iv. Other: For all other properties based upon the square footage except City properties, 11.3 cents of the property that is to be ($0.113) per square foot of property served by the utility and is devel- connected but not less than eight oping or subdividing further. For hundred fifty dollars ($850.00). example, one single family resi- dence of a five (5) acre tract v. Payment: Fees are incurred which has paid eight hundred upon the granting by the City of a fifty dollars ($850.00) under this building permit or a construction per- Section to connect to a water 1 - 34 4-1-1801 system will have paid only for a prorated system development one, seven thousand five hun- charge.This prorated redevelopment dred (7,500) square foot lot at a charge is based on the following for- rate of 11.3 cents ($0.113). Addi- mula: tional charges would be applied to any additional development on (Proposed domestic meter(s)ca- the property at the time of devel- . pacity in gallons per minute—Ex- opment. isting domestic meter(s)capacity in GPM/Proposed domestic • Existing Developments: Prop- meter(s) capacity in GPM) x erty that was developed before SDC Fee = Amount owed. Fire the effective date of the first de- flow meters are not included in velopment charge ordinance in this calculation. 1974 is exempted from the con- nection charge. Any rebuilding, For example, a redevelopment change in use or additions to ex- project that involves a change empted property that does not from a single family home on a require additional water usage ten thousand (10,000) square such that a fire hydrant, larger foot lot with a five-eighths inch by meter or irrigation meter is nec- three-quarter inch meter (5/8"x essary will not trigger a new con- 3/4", a standard single family nection charge. However, when meter) that has a safe operating property is redeveloped or the capacity of twenty (20) gallons use changed or intensified such per minute (GPM), to a four (4) that a larger water meter or addi- unit multi-family dwelling with a tional water meters or a fire hy- one and one-half inch (1-1/2") drant are necessary, or when no meter with a safe operating ca- water meter was obtained be- pacity of one hundred (100) fore, such as property on a well, GPM can apply to pay the follow- then any application for the initial ing prorated charge: water meter or a larger water meter or installation of a fire hy- (100 GPM—20 GPM/100 GPM) drant will trigger a system devel- x $1,130.00 = $904.00 opment charge, except as provided herein. Without the redevelopment credit, this project would have For the purposes of this policy, paid 11.3 cents per square foot such property when applying for ($0.113/sq. ft.) x 10,000 sq. ft. = an initial or larger water meter or $1,130.00 installing a fire hydrant or irriga- tion meter shall be property that has not been previously as- sessed. viii. Redevelopment Credit: An option exists for receiving a redevel- opment credit for property which has not previously paid in full a system development charge. A redevelop- ment project that requires a larger • water meter, or additional water meters,or a fire protection service for sprinklers,or a fire hydrant will trigger the water utility system development charge. However,any parcel that cur- rently has water service is eligible for 1 - 35 4-1-1801 The City will determine the safe maximum operating capacities of all meter sizes using American Water Works Association tables (see below). The fee paid shall be recorded and applied as a partial payment to the total system development charge applicable for the par- cel. Reduction in meter capacity shall not result in a payment from the City to the applicant. ix. WATER METER EQUIVALENCIES for purposes of calculating redevelopment credit: Safe Maximum Operating Meter Size in Inches Capacity (GPM) 5/8" Equivalency 3/4" Equivalency 5/8 20 1.00 5/8 x 3/4 20 1.00 3/4 30 1.50 1.00 1 50 2.50 1.67 1-1/2 100 5.00 3.33 2 160 8.00 5.33 3 300 15.00 10.00 4 500 25.00 16.67 6 1000 50.00 33.33 8 1600 80.00 53.33 10 2300 115.00 76.67 12 3375 168.75 112.50 20 8250 412.50 275.00 (Ord. 4526, 6-12-1995) x. Prorated System Development ment fees would be charged. Fee for Fire Protection Improve- Payment of said fees would be ments: recorded and applied to the total system development charge ap- • An option exists for receiving a plicable for the parcel. In no case credit for fire protection improve- shall the total of the prorated sys- ments for property which has not tern development charge(s) be previously paid in full a system more than the total system de- development charge. Installation velopment charge applicable for of a water meter solely for a fire the parcel. protection system,such as a new hydrant or fire sprinkler system xi. Short-Term Use: Temporary shall be charged a fee equal to connections to the City's water sys- thirty percent (30%) of the sys- tern may be granted for a one-time, tern development charge appli- temporary, short-term use of a por- cable to the parcel.Thirty percent tion of the property for a period not to (30%) is the amount the water exceed three (3) consecutive years. utility has expended throughout Permission for temporary connection its system for fire flow protection. may be granted upon payment of an This fee shall be recorded and annual fee equal to ten percent applied as a partial payment to (10%) of the current system develop- the total system development ment charge applicable to that por- charge applicable for the parcel. tion of the property, but not less than seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00) • If a project both increases water per year. Said fee shall be paid annu- meter capacity and installs a fire ally (nonprorated), and shall be non- protection system the total of refundable, nontransferable (from both prorated system develop- one portion of the property to an- 1 - 36 4-1-1801 other) and shall not constitute a the extent possible, a single straight credit to the system development line shall be drawn across the prop- charge due at the time of permanent erty separating the exempt property use of the utility system.The applica- from the property to be charged. If a tion for temporary connection shall single straight line would not achieve consist of a detailed plan and a substantial equity, then additional boundary line of the proposed devel- lines may be drawn to include sub- opment service area for use in the stantial open space areas in the ex- fee determination. emption. For purposes of this exemp- tion, substantial open space areas xii. Installation of a Water Meter: shall be at least one hundred thou- Installation of a water meter solely for sand (100,000) square feet in area. the purpose of providing irrigation Lines shall not be drawn closer than water to City right-of-way is ex- fifteen feet (15')to any structure. empted from the connection charge. Installation of a water meter dedi- • Nonexempt Areas:Parking lots, cated solely for the purpose of provid- driveways, walkways, similar ar- ing irrigation water for private land- eas and required landscape ar- scaping (exempt meter) will be eas shall not be part of the charged a fee equal to ten percent exempt area. (10%) of the water system develop- ment charge applicable to the prop- • Administrative Fees:The appli- erty. Said fee shall be nonrefundable, cant shall pay the City's adminis- nontransferable (from one portion of trative costs for the preparation, the property to another)and shall not processing and recording the constitute a credit to the system de- segregated fee. At the time of velopment charge due at the time the application for system develop- fee may be assessed against the ment charge fee segregation the property by another use of the utility applicant shall pay the adminis- system.At the applicant's option,the trative fee of seven hundred fifty full water system development dollars ($750.00). charge may be paid instead of the ten percent (10%) payment described • Restrictive Covenants: The ex- herein. emption must be memorialized by means of a restrictive cove- xiii. City-Owned Systems: No nant running with the land. system development charge will be Should the property exempted collected on City-owned properties. under this Section later be devel- The benefits to the utility from the use oped or sold, then that property of other City properties such as utility shall pay the system develop- easements,wells and other benefits, ment charge fee in place at the offset the amount of the system de- time of development or property velopment charge. sale. xiv. Limited Exemptions: A lim- • Interpretation of Exemption: ited exemption to the system devel- The Administrator of the Plan- opment charge will be granted to mu- ping/Building/Public Works De- nicipal corporations for portions of partment shall make the final property subject to the system devel- decision on the interpretation of opment charge to the extent that this limited exemption and the those specific areas available and achievement of substantial eq- maintained at all times for public use uity. (e.g., ballfields adjacent to a school building) shall be segregated from xv. Calculation of Charges: the fee determination as herein pro- When calculating the area to be vided. In applying this exemption to charged the system development 1 - 37 4-1-1801 charge, undeveloped greenbelt and standards, of the proposed develop- major easements within the property ment,which shall include a proposed shall not be included in the square boundary line for the system devel- footage for the calculation of the opment charge fee determination, charge. When determining whether and a statement of the total area of property is undeveloped greenbelts the property and the area of the de- or major easements, the inquiry veloped portion in square feet. The should be to recorded easements, following criteria shall determine the dedications or restrictions on the partial payment of fees: Comprehensive Plan or zoning maps or City policies that would prevent • Application of Provisions:This development of significant usages. provision shall apply to all devel- This exemption is intended not to opments with the exception of charge property that is undevelop- single family residential and mo- able. bile home developments. xvi. Exemption for Wetlands: • Determination of Charge: The When calculating the area to be system development charge charged the development charge, shall be determined on the basis Class 1 and 2 wetlands areas are ex- of the percentage of a property empt. It is the responsibility of the that is developed (existing devel- property owner or applicant to submit opment plus proposed develop- a study determining the classification ment). as Class 1 and/or 2 wetlands and a legal description of said wetlands so • Full Development: For the pur- that these portions of the property pose of this Code, "full develop- can be exempted from the develop- ment" is considered to be sixty ment charge. Classification of wet- percent(60%)property coverage lands will be based upon the rating for multi-family development and system as outlined in RMC 4-3-110, eighty percent (80%) property Wetland Regulations, and any sub- coverage for commercial, indus- sequent amendments thereto. trial, mixed use and all other de- velopment. "Property coverage" xvii. Segregation by Plat or Short is defined as the portion of the Plat: The system development property supporting buildings, charge shall be determined on the driveways and sidewalks, park- basis of the specific platted proper- ing areas, grass and landscape ties being developed regardless of areas, public access areas, the parcel size. Unplatted or large- storm drainage facilities and de- platted parcels may be platted or tention ponds and improvements short-platted prior to development, in required for mitigation of environ- which case the system development mental impacts under the State charge will be applied to the specific Environmental Policy Act lots being developed. (SEPA). xviii. Segregation Criteria: The • Developed Area: The "devel- ability exists for the partial payment oped area"shall include, but not of the system development charge be limited to, all contiguous exist- based upon percentage of the prop- ing developed land for which the erty developed. The owner may ap- system development charges ply for partial payment of the fee on a fees have not been paid; all ex- percentage-based prorated basis isting and proposed buildings, proportional to the percentage of the driveways and sidewalks, park- parcel which will be developed. The ing areas, grass and landscape application shall consist of a detailed areas, public access areas, plan, drafted to current adopted City storm drainage facilities and de- 1 - 38 4-1-200 tention ponds and improvements partial payment of the fee. At the required for mitigation of environ- time of application for system de- mental impacts under the State velopment charge fee partial Environmental Policy Act payment the applicant shall pay (SEPA). the administrative fee of seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00). • Formula: Determination of par- tial payment shall be performed • Interpretation of Partial Pay- by dividing the"developed area" ments: The Administrator of the by eighty percent (80%) (sixty Planning/Building/Public Works percent (60%) for multi-family Department shall make the final development) of the total area of decision on interpretation of the the property, and multiplying this partial payment of special utility number by the system develop- connection charges. ment charge fee assessment for the entire property. c. Credit: If any such property for which a system development charge has been • Partial Payment Fees: The par- paid thereafter is included in a local im- tial payment of fees shall be by provement district for the construction of formal, written agreement which a water main of the same or similar na- shall be recorded as a restrictive ture, then the principal amount so paid covenant running with the land. shall be credited to the assessment The restrictive covenant shall list against such property and such amount the percentage of the system de- shall be paid from the Waterworks Utili- velopment charge that has been ties Fund into such Local Improvement paid for the property. The per- District Fund. (Ord. 4508, 4-10-1995) centage of the system develop- ment charge fee that has been paid for the property shall be de- 4-1-190 MITIGATION FEES: fined by dividing the"developed Refer to City of Renton Resolution #3100 Traffic area"by eighty percent (80%) Mitigation Fees, Resolution #3082 Park Mitiga- (sixty percent (60%) for multi- tion Fees, and Resolution #2913 Fire Mitigation family development) of the total Fees. area of the property, and multi- plying this number by one hun- dred percent (100%). 4-1-200 EXTRA FEES: Should the property partially paid Whenever any application is to be handled under for under this Section later de- the terms of any portion of the City's land use velop, then that property shall codes, adopted codes, or the Uniform Building pay the system development Code, and that application is so large, compli- charge fee in place at the time of cated or technically complex that it cannot be development. Should the prop- handled with existing City staff,then an additional erty partially paid for under this fee can be charged which is equivalent to the ex- Section later be subdivided,then tra costs incurred by the City of Renton to pay: the partial payment credit shall run with the subdivided lots. The A. Overtime costs, burden of establishing that the partial payment has been made B. The pro rata costs of additional employees would be on the party owing the necessary to handle the application, fee and not on the City. C. The costs expended to retain the qualified • Administrative Fees:The appli- consultants to handle the project, and cant shall pay the City's adminis- trative costs for the preparation, D. Any general administrative costs when di- processing and recording of the rectly attributable to the project. 1 - 39 4-1-200 Such fees shall be charged only to the extent in- curred beyond that normally incurred for process- ing an application. (Ord. 4596, 4-8-1996) When the application or development plans are modified so as to require additional review by the City beyond the review normally required for like projects, at the discretion of the Development Services Director, an additional fee may be charged at seventy five dollars($75.00) per hour. (Ord. 4491, 12-19-1994, Amd. Ord. 4560, 11-13-1995, Ord. 4613, 6-17-1996) 1 - 40 Chapter 2 LAND USE DISTRICTS SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER 4-2-010 ZONES AND MAP DESIGNATIONS ESTABLISHED 1 A. Comprehensive Plan Designations 1 B. Zoning Map 1 C. Zoning Districts 1 D. Additional Restrictions on Land Use 1 4-2-020 PURPOSE AND INTENT OF ZONING DISTRICTS 1 A. General 1 B. Resource Conservation Zone (RC) 2 C. Residential-1 du/acre (R-1) 2 D. Residential-5 du/acre (R-5) 2 E. Residential-8 du/acre (R-8) 2 F. Residential Manufactured Home Park Zone (RMH) 2 G. Residential-10 du/acre (R-10) 2 H. Residential-14 du/acre (R-14) 3 I. Residential Multi-Family (RM) 3 J. Convenience Commercial Zone (CC) 3 K. Center Neighborhood Zone (CN) 3 L. Center Suburban Zone (CS) 3 M. Commercial Arterial Zone (CA) 4 N. Center Downtown (CD) 4 O. Commercial Office Zone (CO) 4 P. Center Office Residential Zone (COR 1 and COR 2) 4 Q. Industrial-Light Zone (IL) 4 R. Industrial-Medium Zone (IM) 4 S. Industrial-Heavy Zone (IH) 4 T. Public Use Zone (P-1) 5 4-2-030 ZONING MAP INTERPRETATION 5 A. Boundaries 5 B. Differences in Street Layout 5 C. Conflict Between Zoning Map and Chapter Text 5 D. Conflict Between Zoning Map and Legal Description of Rezone Ordinance 5 E. Designation of Special Zoning Categories and Time Limitations 5 F. Yearly Update of Map 5 4-2-040 ZONING REGULATION INTERPRETATION 5 A. Wireless Communication Facilities 5 1. Entire Lot Considered 5 2. Installation Not Considered an Expansion of Nonconformity 6 4-2-050 PERMITTED LAND USES ESTABLISHED 6 A. Categories of Uses Established 6 B. Zoning Use Tables Established 6 C. Interpretation of Zoning Use Tables 6 1. Legend 6 2 - i SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER 2. Other Requirements Applicable 6 3. Additional Use-Related Conditions 7 4. Unclassified Uses 7 5. Specifically Prohibited Uses 7 4-2-060 ZONING USE TABLE 8 A. Agriculture, Resource Production and Animal Keeping 8 B. Residential 9 C. Retail Sales 11 D. Wholesale Sales 13 E. Cultural, Entertainment and Recreational 13 F. Office and Conference 15 G. Services 15 H. Transportation Services and Manufactured Home Sales 17 I. Storage 19 J. Manufacturing and Industrial 20 K. Commercial/Industrial Accessory Uses 23 L. Public Facilities 24 M. Schools — Public and Private 25 N. Miscellaneous Uses and Modifications to Development Standards 26 O. Prohibited Uses, Specifically Identified 27 4-2-070 ZONING USE TABLE 29 A. Resource Conservation (RC) 29 B. Residential-1 du/ac (R-1) 31 C. Residential-5 du/ac (R-5) 33 D. Residential-8 du/ac (R-8) 35 E. Residential Manufactured Homes (RMH) 37 F. Residential-10 du/ac (R-10) 39 G. Residential-14 du/ac (R-14) 41 H. Residential Multi-Family (RM) 43 I. Convenience Commercial (CC) 45 J. Center Neighborhood (CN) 47 K. Center Suburban (CS) 50 L. Commercial Arterial (CA) 53 M. Center Downtown (CD) 56 N. Commercial Office (CO) 59 O. Center Office Residential (COR) 62 P. Industrial Light (IL) 64 Q. Industrial Medium (IM) 67 R. Industrial Heavy (IH) 70 4-2-080 CONDITIONS ASSOCIATED WITH ZONING USE TABLES 73 A. Subject to the Following Conditions 73 B. Employment Area Valley 91 C. Downtown Core Area 92 D. Downtown Pedestrian District 93 4-2-090 PUBLIC ZONE (P-1) 94 A. Permitted Uses 94 1. Principal 94 2 - ii SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER 2. Accessory Uses 94 3. Conditional Uses 94 4. Unclassified Uses 94 5. Secondary Uses 95 B. Prohibited Uses 95 C. Development Standards 95 1. Setbacks 95 a. Front Yards 95 b. Rear Yard (Interior) 95 c. Side Yards (Interior) 95 2. Special Setbacks 95 3. Height 95 4. Parking/Circulation 96 a. Access 96 b. Parking/Circulation 96 c. Parking Requirements 96 5. Signs 96 6. Noise 96 4-2-100 ZONING STANDARDS TABLES 96 A. Standards Established 96 B. Tables 96 C. Interpretation of Tables 96 4-2-110 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 97 A. Single Family Residential Zoning Designations (Primary and Attached Accessory Structures) 97 B. Single Family Residential Zoning Designations (Detached Accessory Structures) 102 C. Residential Manufactured Home Park Zoning Designation 105 D. Conditions for Single Family Zoning Designations 112 E. Illustrations 115 F. Residential Zoning Designations (Primary and Attached Accessory Structures) 120 G. Residential Zoning Designations (Detached Accessory Structures) 135 H. Conditions for Multi-Family Residential Zoning Designations 138 I. Illustrations 143 4-2-120 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 147 A. Commercial Zoning Designations 147 B. Commercial Zoning Designations 154 C. Conditions for Commercial Zoning Designations 160 D. Illustrations 164 4-2-130 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 166 A. Industrial Zoning Designations 166 B. Conditions for Industrial Zoning Designations 171 4-2-140 VIOLATIONS OF THIS CHAPTER AND PENALTIES 173 2 - iii 4-2-020A 4-2-010 ZONES AND MAP MAP DESIGNATIONS ESTABLISHED: ZONE SYMBOL A. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Residential-14 DU/AC (R-14) DESIGNATIONS: Residential Multi-Family Urban (RM-U) Residential Multi-Family Suburban (RM-C) The City has been divided into comprehensive Residential Multi-Family Neighborhood (RM-N) land use designations: Residential Multi-Family Infill (RM-I) Light Industrial (IL) COMPREHENSIVE MAP Medium Industrial (IM) PLAN DESIGNATION SYMBOL Heavy Industrial (IH) Residential Rural (RR) Convenience Commercial (CC) Residential Single Family (RS) Center Neighborhood (CN) Residential Options (RO) Center Suburban (CS) Residential Planned Neighborhood (RPN) Arterial Commercial (CA) Residential Multi-Family Infill (RM-I) Center Downtown (CD) Center Neighborhood (CN) Commercial Office (CO) Center Suburban (CS) Center Office Residential (COR) Center Downtown (CD) Public Use (P 1) Center Office Residential (COR) (Ord. 4519, 5 15 1995) Center Institutional (CI) D. ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS ON Employment Area Commercial (EAC) Employment Area Office (EAO) LAND USE: Employment Area Industrial (EA!) Employment Area Valley (EAV) TYPE OF Convenience Commercial (CC) LAND USE ZONING MAP (Ord. 4519, 5-15-1995) RESTRICTION SYMBOL B. ZONING MAP: Auto Mall Restrictions Dot Pattern This Chapter shall consist of the text hereof as Public Use Designation well as that certain map marked and designated TYPE OF REFERENCE as the map of the Zoning Act of the City, which LAND USE OR CODE map is now on file in the office of the Clerk. Said RESTRICTION SECTION NO. Act, and each and all of the terms, are to be read and interpreted in the light of the contents of said Airport Use Restrictions RMC 4-3-020 map. (Ord.4302, 12-17-1990)The boundaries of Aquifer Protection the various districts shall be shown on the use Restrictions Chapter 8-8 RMC and area maps accompanying and hereby made Auto Mall Restrictions RMC 4-3-040 a part of this Code.(Ord. 1472, 12-18-1953;Amd. Downtown Core Area RMC 4-2-070M and Ord. 3101, 1-19-1977, eff. 1-1-1977) 4-2-080C Downtown Pedestrian C. ZONING DISTRICTS: District RMC 4-2-070M and The City is hereby divided into the following types 4-2-080D of zoning districts and the following map symbols Restrictive Covenants See Property Title are established: Report MAP ZONE SYMBOL 4-2-020 PURPOSE AND INTENT OF ZONING DISTRICTS: Resource Conservation (RC) Residential-1 DU/AC (R-1) A. GENERAL: Residential-5 DU/AC (R-5) The purpose statements for each zone and map Residential-8 DU/AC (R-8) Residential Manufactured Home (RMH) designation set forth in the following sections Residential 10 DU/AC (R-10) shall be used to guide interpretation and applica- tion of land use regulations within the zones and 2 - 1 4-2-020B designations and any changes to the range of half (1/2) mile of the King County Urban Growth permitted uses within each zone through amend- Area Line and to Residential Rural (RR) areas ments to the code. with no significant environmental constraints. B. RESOURCE CONSERVATION ZONE The Residential-5 Dwelling Units Per Acre Zone (RC): (R-5) will allow a maximum net density of five (5) The Resource Conservation Zone (RC) is estab- dwelling units per acre. No minimum density is re- lished to provide a semi-rural residential zone quired. The subdivision of land shall require pro- which conserves open space, lands of local or vision of sewer service in accordance with the historical importance for agricultural uses and City's subdivision regulations and Sewer Code. critical or resource areas.These regulations shall also assure that the use of land within and adja- The clustering of development may be allowed to cent to these lands shall not interfere with their meet objectives such as preserving significant continued use for the production of food and agri- natural features, providing neighborhood open cultural products and that permitted uses are space, or facilitating the provision of sewer ser- compatible with the functions and values of des- vice. (Ord. 4537, 6-19-1995) ignated critical or resource areas. E. RESIDENTIAL-8 DU/ACRE (R-8): The Resource Conservation Zone is intended to The Residential-8 Dwelling Units Per Acre Zone be a low density residential zone which provides (R-8) is established for single family residential separation between areas of more intense urban dwellings with the goal of obtaining a density of uses; encourages or preserves semi-rural resi- eight(8) dwellings units per acre. It is intended to dential uses; allows limited commercial farming prohibit the development of uses that are incom- uses appropriate to semi-rural areas; and pro- patible with the residential environment.This zon- tects environmentally sensitive areas such as ing designation may be permitted in an area floodplains,wetlands, streams and aquifers,wild- designated as single family residential in the life habitat and geologically hazardous areas. Comprehensive Plan. This zoning designation may be permitted in an area designated as Low Density Single Family F. RESIDENTIAL MANUFACTURED Residential (LDSF) in the Land Use Element of HOME PARK ZONE (RMH): the Comprehensive Plan. (Ord. 4404, 6-7-1993) The Residential Manufactured Home Park Zone (RMH) is intended to protect established manu- C. RESIDENTIAL-1 DU/ACRE (R-1): factured home parks and to expand the variety of The Residential-1 Dwelling Unit Per Acre Zone affordable housing types available within the City (R-1) is established to provide and protect suit- limits (this zoning designation may be permitted able environments for low density single family in an area designated as Single Family (SF) and residential dwellings and limited farming uses as- as Residential Options (RO) in the Comprehen- sociated with the residential use. It is further in- sive Plan). (Ord. 4404, 6-7-1993) tended to protect open space, critical areas and resource areas, provide separation between ur- G. RESIDENTIAL-10 DU/ACRE (R-10): ban uses and prohibit the development of incom- The Residential-10 Dwelling Units Per Acre Zone patible uses that are detrimental to the residential (R-10) is established for medium density residen- or open space environment.This zoning designa- tial development that will provide a mix of residen- tion may be permitted in an area designated as tial styles including single family detached Low Density Single Family (LDSF) in the Land dwellings, single family attached, duplex, triplex, Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan. (Ord. fourplex dwellings. It is designed to encourage 4523, 6-5-1995) residential areas with better use of common and private open space, greater privacy and more en- D. RESIDENTIAL-5 DU/ACRE (R-5): ergy and resource efficient homes. The R-10 The Residential-5 Dwelling Units Per Acre Zone Zone is intended for areas that are designated as (R-5) applies to the Residential Rural (RR) and Residential Options (RO) on the Comprehensive Residential Single Family (RS) designations of Plan Land Use Map. the Comprehensive Plan. It is intended as an in- termediate density residential zone; applied to The intent of this Zone is twofold: (1) to create Residential Single Family (RS) areas within one- new residential neighborhoods on large parcels 2 - 2 4-2-020L of land in a "traditional neighborhood"develop- 3. Where permitted: This zoning may be ment style and (2) create high quality infill devel- permitted in the following areas as indicated opment that increases density while maintaining by the Land Use Element of the Comprehen- the single family character of the existing neigh- sive Plan with bonuses: borhood. (Ord. 4502, 3-13-1995) a. "U"will occur in areas designated as H. RESIDENTIAL-14 DU/ACRE (R-14): Center Downtown (25 to 100 du/acre to The purpose of the Residential-14 Dwelling Units 150 du/acre with bonus). Per Net Acre Zone (R-14) is to encourage devel- opment of new residential neighborhoods that b. "C"will occur in areas designated as provide a mix of detached dwellings, semi-at- Suburban Center (10 to 20 du/acre). tached dwellings, and attached dwelling struc- tures which are organized and designed to c. "N"will occur in areas designated as combine characteristics of both typical detached Neighborhood Center(10 to 15 du/acre). single family and small scale multi-family devel- opments. Structure size is intended to be limited d. "I"will occur in areas designated as in terms of bulk and scale so that the various unit Residential Multi-Family Infill (10 to 20 types allowed in the zone are compatible with one du/acre). (Ord. 4631, 9-9-1996) another and can be integrated together into a quality neighborhood. Project features are en- J. CONVENIENCE COMMERCIAL ZONE couraged such as yards for private use, common (CC): open spaces and landscaped areas which en- The purpose of the Convenience Commercial hance a neighborhood and foster a sense of corn- Zone (CC) is to provide for small-scale conve- munity. nience retail/commercial centers intended to pro- vide for basic retail and service needs of the Civic and limited commercial uses may be corn- adjacent area. Uses serving a larger area may be bined with residential development when they appropriate if they also serve the residents of the support the purpose of the designation. immediate area and are compatible with the scale and character of the neighborhood in which they The R-14 Zone is intended for areas that are des- are located. (Ord. 4473, 9-12-1994) ignated as Residential Planned Neighborhood (RPN) of the Comprehensive Land Use Map. K. CENTER NEIGHBORHOOD ZONE (CN): Reviewing Official approval of projects in the R-14 The purpose of the Center Neighborhood Zone Zone is contingent upon the determination that (CN) is to provide for mixed use neighborhood the proposed developments are compatible with commercial centers located outside downtown site characteristics and are consistent with the Renton. The Neighborhood Commercial Zone is purpose of the R-14 designation and the Resi- intended to provide suitable pedestrian-oriented dential Planned Neighborhood policies of the environments for neighborhood-scaled retail and Comprehensive Plan. (Ord. 4614, 6-17-1996) commercial development, not to exceed thirty five thousand (35,000) gsf/use without a conditional I. RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY (RM): use permit. It is intended that uses in a neighbor- hood commercial center be scaled and oriented 1. Purpose: The Residential Multi-Family to serve the needs of the adjacent neighborhood Residential Zone (RM) is established to pro- abutting the center. (Ord. 4404, 6-7-1993) vide and protect suitable environments for multi-family dwellings. It is further intended to L. CENTER SUBURBAN ZONE (CS): promote uses that are compatible with a The purpose of the Center Suburban Zone (CS) multi-family environment. is to provide for mixed use commercial centers lo- cated outside downtown Renton.The Community 2. This Zone will normally be applied Commercial Zone is intended to provide suitable with one of four (4) suffixes: "U" (Urban environments for district-scaled retail and corn- Center), "C" (Suburban Center), "N" (Neigh- mercial development, not to exceed sixty five borhood Center) or"I" (Infill). The density al- thousand (65,000) gsf/use without a conditional lowed under this Zone will be identified by the suffix which is applied. 2 - 3 4-2-020M use permit, that would serve more than one ment may also be permitted as secondary or con- neighborhood,but not provide Citywide services. ditional uses. Policies governing these uses are primarily contained in Chapter 4, Section V "Of- M. COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL ZONE (CA): fice/Residential Centers," of the City's adopted The purpose of the Arterial Commercial Zone Comprehensive Plan. The scale and location of (CA)is to provide suitable environments for"strip" these sites will typically denote a gateway into the commercial development.The CA Zone provides City and should be designed accordingly (see for a wide variety of retail sales and personal/pro- also Chapter 9,Section IV"Gateways").Since the fessional services primarily oriented to automo- sites function as gateways, the site planning bile traffic along designated major arterial streets. should incorporate features of interest and use for This zoning designation is located in areas desig- the users. nated as Employment Area-Commercial in the Comprehensive Plan. In order to address differing site conditions, and recognizing the gateway and environmentally N. CENTER DOWNTOWN (CD): sensitive features of these sites, this Zone is di- The purpose of the Center Downtown Zone (CD) vided into two (2) sections: COR 1 and COR 2. is to provide a mixed use commercial center serv- COR 1 and 2 share the same uses and develop- ing a regional market as well as adjacent resi- ment standards, but differ in heights allowed. dences. Uses include a wide variety of retail COR 1 is applied to the property known as the sales, personal and professional services, multi- Stoneway Concrete Site. COR 2 is applied to the family residential dwellings, recreation and enter- property known as the Port Quendall Site. tainment uses and some light industrial uses. This Zone is intended for the Downtown District Q. INDUSTRIAL-LIGHT ZONE (IL): only and meets Land Use Plan policy intent for The purpose of the Light Industrial Zone (IL) is to that area. (Ord. 4404, 6-7-1993) provide areas for low intensity manufacturing, in- dustrial services,distribution and storage in areas O. COMMERCIAL OFFICE ZONE (CO): designated as Employment Area-Industrial in the The Commercial Office Zone (CO) is established Comprehensive Plan.Uses allowed in this District to provide areas appropriate for professional, ad- are generally contained within buildings, and ma- ministrative, and business offices and/or related terial or equipment used in production are not uses. Office uses of various intensities are al- stored outside. Activities in this District do not lowed in these areas to create an Employment generate external emissions such as smoke, Center. In addition, a mix of secondary uses odor, noise,vibrations or other nuisances outside which provide retail and service support to the the building. Compatible uses which directly employees of these areas are allowed subject to serve the needs of other uses in the district are special conditions. Limited light industrial activi- also allowed. ties, which can effectively blend in with an office environment, are included as secondary uses as R. INDUSTRIAL-MEDIUM ZONE (IM): are medical institutions, convalescent centers, The purpose of the Medium Industrial Zone (IM) nursing homes and retirement residences. In is to provide areas for medium-intensity industrial keeping with adopted land use policies, the zone activities involving manufacturing, processing, allows a mix of uses subject to special develop- assembly and warehousing in areas designated ment standards, which are intended to ensure a as Employment Area-Industrial in the Compre- qualitative working environment. (Ord. 4649, hensive Plan. Uses in this District may require 1-6-1997) some outdoor storage and may create some ex- ternal emissions of noise, odor, glare, vibration, P. CENTER OFFICE RESIDENTIAL ZONE etc., that are largely contained on site. Compati- (COR 1 and COR 2): ble uses which directly serve the needs of other The purpose of the Center Office/Residential 1 uses permitted within the district are also allowed. and 2 Zone (COR 1 and 2) is to provide for a mix of intensive office and residential activity in a high S. INDUSTRIAL-HEAVY ZONE (IH): quality, master planned development which is in- The purpose of the Heavy Industrial Zone (IH) is tegrated with the natural environment. Certain to provide areas for high intensity industrial activ- convenience retail and service uses intended to ities involving heavy fabrication, processing of serve employees and residents of the develop- raw materials, bulk handling and storage, con- 2 - 4 4-2-040A struction and heavy transportation in areas desig- D. CONFLICT BETWEEN ZONING MAP nated as Employment Area-Industrial in the AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF REZONE Comprehensive Plan. Uses in this District may re- ORDINANCE: quire large outdoor areas in which to conduct their If any conflict exists between the adopting Zoning operations and produce environmental impacts Map of the City and the text of any rezone ordi- beyond their own sites that require their isolation nance for any particular parcel of property, then from more sensitive land uses. Compatible uses the adopted Zoning Map will govern. Once any which directly serve the needs of other uses per- conflict is shown to exist, then the City Council mitted within the district are also allowed. (Ord. shall ask the administration to determine the 4404, 6-7-1993) source of the conflict and to make a recommen- dation for any future action by the Council. The T. PUBLIC USE ZONE (P-1): Council will then hold a public hearing to deter- The Public Zone (P-1) is established to provide mine if it wishes to take any future action to re- and protect suitable environments for social and solve the conflict or permit the Zoning Map physical services and facilities. This zoning clas- designation to continue to control. Notification of sification is generally limited to areas designated the public hearing will be given to the property as public/quasi-public in the Comprehensive owners and parties of record to the rezone. Plan. (Ord. 3722, 4-25-1983) E. DESIGNATION OF SPECIAL ZONING 4-2-030 ZONING MAP CATEGORIES AND TIME LIMITATIONS: INTERPRETATION: Properties having a zoning category subject to a time limitation, such as a Planned Unit Develop- ment(PUD)approval or reversionary zoning,and A. BOUNDARIES: those properties under contract rezone shall be The said district boundaries are,unless otherwise specially designated on the Zoning Map to indi- indicated, the centerlines of streets, alleys or lot cate their special nature and give notice to the lines as shown on the said maps.Where the loca- public that further inquiry into their zoning status tion of the boundaries in such districts, as indi- is necessary. cated on these maps, are shown to be other than street, alley or lot lines,then such boundary shall F. YEARLY UPDATE OF MAP: be construed to be distance one hundred twenty The Zoning Map of the City of Renton shall be up- feet (120') from and parallel with the frontage dated and presented to the Council on a yearly street line, unless shown to be otherwise by a dis- basis for adoption by the Council as the formal tance in figures. and legal zoning classification for the properties within the corporate limits of the City. (Ord. 4302, B. DIFFERENCES IN STREET LAYOUT: 12-17-1990) Where the street layout actually on the ground varies from that shown on the Zoning District Maps,the designations shown on the maps shall 4-2-040 ZONING REGULATION be applied by the Planning Commission to the INTERPRETATION: street as actually laid out so as to carry out the in- tent and purpose of the zoning plan of that district. A. WIRELESS COMMUNICATION (Ord. 1472, 12-18-1953, Amd. Ord. 3101, FACILITIES: 1-17-1977, eff. 1-1-1977) C. CONFLICT BETWEEN ZONING MAP 1. Entire Lot Considered: For purposes of AND CHAPTER TEXT: determining whether the installation of a tower or antenna complies with zoning devel- If any conflict between the Zoning District Map opment regulations, including but not limited and the text of this Chapter is deemed to arise, to setback requirements, lot coverage re- the text of the Chapter will prevail. quirements,and other such requirements,the dimensions of the entire lot shall control,even though the antennas or towers may be lo- cated on leased parcels within such lots. 2 - 5 4-2-050A 2. Installation Not Considered an Expan- and located upon the same lot occupied by sion of Nonconformity: Towers that are the principal use. constructed, and antennas that are installed, in accordance with the provisions of this TEMPORARY USES: Uses of limited term or Chapter shall not be deemed to constitute the duration or uses within a nonpermanent expansion of a nonconforming use or struc- structure. Temporary uses may be estab- ture. A different existing use of an existing lished under special circumstances for some structure on the same lot shall not preclude temporary time period. the installation of an antenna or tower on such lot. (Ord. 4689, 11-24-1997) PROHIBITED USES:Any use which is not al- lowed in a given zone.Any use not specifically listed as a primary, secondary, conditional, 4-2-050 PERMITTED LAND USES temporary or accessory use shall be prohib- ESTABLISHED: ited, except those uses determined by the Zoning Administrator to be:(1)in keeping with A. CATEGORIES OF USES the purpose and intent of the zone; and (2) ESTABLISHED: similar in nature to a specifically listed pri- This Section establishes primary,secondary,con- mary, secondary, conditional, accessory, or ditional, temporary, accessory and prohibited temporary use. (Ord. 4523, 6-5-1995, Amd. uses, by zone,for all properties within the Renton Ord.4549,8-21-1995,2-12-1996;Ord.4587, City Limits. All uses are, in a given zone, one of 3-18-1996; Ord. 4595, 4-8-1996) seven (7) types: B. ZONING USE TABLES ESTABLISHED: PRIMARY USES: Land uses permitted out- The following tables establish whether a specific right within a zone, representing the predom- use is permitted in a zoning district and whether inant uses within the district. the use is allowed as "primary", "secondary", "conditional", "accessory", or"temporary" use. SECONDARY USES: Land uses permitted The zone district is located on the horizontal row within a zone subject to conditions specified and the specific use is located on the vertical Col- in the applicable section for that zone and de- umn of these tables. signed to make the uses compatible with pri- mary uses. Secondary uses will generally C. INTERPRETATION OF ZONING USE comprise a smaller proportion of the total TABLES: uses in the zone. Secondary uses are not subject to requirements different from those 1. Legend: The following letters have the that apply to primary uses except as provided following meanings when they appear in the in the zoning code. box at the intersection of the column and the row: CONDITIONAL USES(ADMINISTRATIVE): Land uses which may be permitted within a P Primary Use zoning district following review by the Zoning S Secondary Use Administrator to establish conditions mitigat- AD Conditional Use—Administrative ing impacts of the use and assure compatibil- H Conditional Use—Hearing Examiner ity with other uses in the district. AC Accessory Use T Temporary Use CONDITIONAL USES (HEARING EXAM- X Specifically Prohibited Use INER): Uses with special characteristics that would not generally be appropriate within a 2. Other Requirements Applicable: Any zoning district but may be permitted subject of the above uses are subject to the review to review by the Hearing Examiner to estab- procedures specified in chapter 4-9 RMC, lish conditions to protect public health,safety Procedures and Review Criteria, the devel- and welfare. opment standards of chapters 4-3, Environ • - mental Regulations and Special Districts,4-4, ACCESSORY USES: Uses customarily inci- Property Development Standards, and 4-6, dental and subordinate to the principal use Street and Utility Standards, and may be sub- 2 - 6 4-2-050C ject to additional conditions as noted in sub- section C3 of this Section. The Aquifer Protection regulations of chapter 8-8 RMC further restrict usage of those properties lo- cated within the Aquifer Protection Area Boundary shown in RMC 4-3-030 (Re- served). 3. Additional Use-Related Conditions: If a number also appears at the intersection of the column and the row, the use is also sub- ject to the additional requirements as listed immediately following the Use Table in RMC 4-2-080, Conditions Associated with Zoning Use Tables.All applicable requirements shall govern a use whether or not they are specifi- cally identified in this Chapter. 4. Unclassified Uses: Except for certain temporary uses, if no symbol appears in the box at the intersection of the column and the row, the use is not allowed in that district un- less otherwise determined by the Zoning Ad- ministrator, pursuant to RMC 4-2-050, Prohibited Uses. 5. Specifically Prohibited Uses: If the let- ter"X" appears in the box at the intersection of the column and the row, the use is specifi- cally prohibited, except for certain temporary uses. 2 - 7 4-2-060 N RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS rn 0 co > a> ZONING E o E �, c co USE _ a) m `° y m o Ir. Tom m m z �a m • = c •� m c `° �v TABLE � w w :. _g a �, L O :. C U = () C U C C Q = Q = i L i = a) . . i N i —o o i e) o N PQ ,-_oaQ ,-aa ,-_oa m P � a � a " N u, N > E ;; s . E •C °' C E e' e6a N c rn � a> > rn � N c NQ Cl) 0 rn = z z = C E c cm C E c 3 E O cc — In to CC co cc 2 cc — cc i cc 2 = C E U U _U Z C.) C) Q U 0 U O c.) is USES: RC R-1 R-5 R-8 RMH R-10 R-14 RM IL IM IH CC CN CS CA CD CO COR A. AGRICULTURE, RESOURCE PRODUCTION AND ANIMAL KEEPING Animal Related Uses—Noncommercial Animal husbandry (small animals) S245 S245 S190 S197 S197 Animal husbandry (medium animals) S246 S246 S191 S198 S198 Animal husbandry (large animals) S247 S247 S192 S199 S199 Greater number of animals than allowed above H196 H196 H196 H200 S/H200 "' Beekeeping S194 S194 P 00 Common household pets AC/ AC/ AC/AD/ AC/ AC/ AC195 AC195 AD221 AD201 H202 AD203 AC204 AD203 Kennels, hobby P205 P205 P205 P205 S220 AD248 Animal Related Services Kennels P74 P P Stables, commercial P P Stables/riding schools/animal boarding S89 Veterinary offices/clinics no exterior kennels, runs or stables S77 S127 P P Veterinary offices with kennels P Veterinary offices with kennels, runs or stables AD Veterinary clinics with kennels P74 P Blank=Not Allowed P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use AC=Accessory Use T=Temporary Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use #=Condition(s) X=Prohibited Specifically RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS USES: RC R-1 R-5 R-8 RMH R-10 R-14 RM IL IM IH CC CN CS CA CD CO COR A. AGRICULTURE, RESOURCE PRODUCTION AND ANIMAL KEEPING (Continued) Gardens and Nurseries Botanical gardens (public or commercial) P180 Garden, community (existing) P P P P Garden, community (new) si S1 S1 S4 S185 S1 _ Garden, community P P Horticultural nurseries (wholesale/ retail) P P74 H Nursery or greenhouse AD/ H H H H H H H H H P/H H H H H H H H62 AD/H Agriculture and Natural Resources Agricultural accessory buildings AC _ Agricultural crop sales P Christmas trees, retail sales P n, Dairies AD37 cs) Farming, commercial P _ Farming, noncommercial P P Firewood, retail sales P Mineral/natural resource recovery H91 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H AD/H AD/H Ranches AD37 _ Roadside stands AD90 Timber harvesting and reforestation H92 B. RESIDENTIAL Single Family Single family (existing legal) P - P P Single family, detached, expansion of AD Single family, detached dwelling P113 P113 P113 P113 P113 P113 S206 Single family, semi-attached dwelling P115 P114 Single family, attached dwelling P6 Blank=Not Allowed P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use AC=Accessory Use T=Temporary Use N AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use #=Condition(s) X=Prohibited Specifically p rn 0 W RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS N USES: RC R-1 R-5 R-8 RMH R-10 R-14 RM IL IM IH CC CN CS CA CD CO COR rn _ o B. RESIDENTIAL(Continued) co Manufactured Homes, Etc. Manufactured homes P113 Manufactured homes, designated P113 P113 P113 P113 P113 P113 P113 Manufactured home, temporary for medical hardship T172 T172 T172 T172 T172 T172 Mobile homes P113 Mobile home single family residential building AC Modular homes P113 P113 P113 P113 P113 P113 RV spaces in manufactured home park (up to 6) AD39 RV spaces in manufactured home park (over 6) H39 Variable lot standards AD Multi-Family n, Townhouses up to 3 consecutively attached ground-related units P183 Townhouses over 3 consecutively attached ground-related units S184 Duplex (existing legal) P P P Duplex P244 P113 Triplex P244 P113 Fourplex P244 P113 Multi-family (existing legal) P P P P Multi-family dwelling units P113 Multi-family 5 du/ac maximum S120 Multi-family 20 du/ac maximum S107 Multi-family 25 — 100 du/ac P76 Multi-family/townhouses 10— 15 du/ac P116 Multi-family/townhouses 10—20 du/ac P116 Multi-family/townhouses 16—25 du/ac I P119 Blank=Not Allowed P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use AC=Accessory Use T=Temporary Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use #=Condition(s) X=Prohibited Specifically RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS USES: RC R-1 R-5 R-8 RMH R-10 R-14 RM IL IM IH CC CN CS CA CD CO COR B. RESIDENTIAL(Continued) Stacked flats S184 Stacked flats with townhouses in one structure S184 Residential Accessory Accessory buildings AC32 AC28 AC27 AC27 AC53 AC55 AC55 AC55 Accessory dwelling unit, family housing AD36 Agricultural/animal support buildings AC24 First floor lobbies, common areas AC112 Home occupations AC34 AC34 AC34 AC34 AC34 AC34 AC34 S33 Recreational and community facilities AC53 Other Residences and Lodging N Adult family home P P P P P P P P P P P 1 Bed and breakfast houses H31 AD29 AD29 AD29 AD29 AD250 AD30 P S68 1 Boarding and lodging houses AD P P S68 Group homes I _ P/H H Group homes II P Group homes II, for 6 or less P P P P P P P P P P P Group homes II, for 7 or more H H H H H H182 H H H H H AD Hotel _ S207 Hotel/convention center with office and/or residential uses on-site _ P Hotels and motels AD127 P P Hotels and motels (existing) P Retirement residences H H AD P P P P S209 P C. RETAIL SALES Art galleries AD Apparel and accessories P105 P127 P P S68 Appliances P105 P127 S1 P - Auto supplies S151 P127 P P .A N Blank=Not Allowed P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use AC=Accessory Use T=Temporary Use rn AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use #=Condition(s) X=Prohibited Specifically n RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS N USES: RC R-1 R-5 R-8 RMH R-10 R-14 RM IL IM IH CC CN CS CA CD CO COR o C. RETAIL SALES(Continued) C) Books, stationery, art supply S68 Books, music, stationery, art supply P105 P127 P P Building, hardware, garden materials S151 P133 P144 S85 Bulk retail outlet P74 P P Coal yards P P Convenience goods S234 Convenience market H188 Department and variety P127 P P Drug store P Eating and drinking establishments S68/ H188 P74 P P P165 P105 P127 P P S234 H137 Espresso carts and temporary food venders AD230 Fabrics and related supplies P105 P127 P P Feed stores H N Florist _ P Flowers, plants, and floral supplies S166 P105 P127 P N Food P105 P127 P P Food store no more than 25,000 square feet of gross floor area _ S68 Furniture P105 P127 S1 P Groceries P105 P127 P Hobbies, toys, games P105 P127 P P Home furnishings P105 P127 S1 P Jewelry P127 P P Liquor stores S151 S131 P S88 Lumberyards P74 P P Microbrewery/brew pubs _ H AD Mini-marts P74 P P P165 P105 P127 P P S234 H11 Monuments, tombstones, and gravestones AD Newsstands S166 P105 P127 P P S68 Office and business supplies, computers P Blank=Not Allowed P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use AC=Accessory Use T=Temporary Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use #=Condition(s) X=Prohibited Specifically RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS USES: RC R-1 R-5 R-8 RMH R-10 R-14 RM IL IM IH CC CN CS CA CD CO COR C.RETAIL SALES (Continued) Office supplies P127 ' Personal medical supplies P127 P P Pet shop and grooming P127 P P Pharmacies P105 P127 P P S68 Photographic and electronic supplies P105 P127 P P Retail sales involving outside storage S181 Retail uses (existing legal) S231 Retail uses AD62 Sporting goods P105 P127 P P Taverns AD AD P AD S68 Used goods and antiques P105 P127 ,P P Variety stores P105 D.WHOLESALE SALES ^' Agricultural crop sales P w Fuel dealers H • Fuel yards P P Wholesale outlets P74 P P E.CULTURAL, ENTERTAINMENT AND RECREATIONAL Parks and Open Space Open space (new) S2 S2 S2 H 111182 S2 S174 S117 S117 H AD S2 P S2 S162 H Open space (existing) P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Park, playground or recreation/ community center H H2 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H AD/H AD/H Parks, regional (new) S2 S2 S2 H H182 H S174 S117 S117 H AD S2 P S2 S162 H Parks, regional (existing) P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P ~ Parks, community (new) S2 S2 S2 H S251 S2 S174 S117 S117 H S2 S2 P S2 S162 S Parks, community (existing) P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Parks, neighborhood (new) S2 S2 S2 S2 S3 S251 S2 S174 S117 S117 S2 S2 S2 P S2 S162 S Parks, neighborhood (existing) P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Blank=Not Allowed P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use AC=Accessory Use T=Temporary Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use #=Condition(s) X=Prohibited Specifically N 0 rn 0 m RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS N USES: cS RC R-1 R-5 R-8 RMH R-10 R-14 RM IL IM IH CC CN CS CA CD CO COR o E. CULTURAL, ENTERTAINMENT AND RECREATIONAL(Continued) m Trails (new) S2 S2 S2 H H182 AD S174 S117 S117 H AD S2 P S2 S162 H Trails (existing) P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Recreational Facilities Golf courses (existing) P7 P222 P Golf courses, private, new H P222 H5 Golf courses, public, new H P222 S2 Marinas S125 Recreation center S187 Recreational facilities AC53 S118 S173 S173 Recreational facilities (indoor or outdoor) AC50 Recreational services AD62 Entertainment/Amusement Adult entertainment business S601 N S60 S60 S60 S147 S132 S146 AD60 S227 Adult motion picture studios S147 S132 AD60 Adult motion picture theaters - S60/ S146 AD60 Amusement arcades S99 S131 P P Amusement parks H Bowling alleys (centers) P127 P P Card rooms S255 S255 S255 X X S255 X X Dance halls and cabarets H AD127 P H Gambling casinos/games of chance/bingo (not for profit) H Outdoor commercial recreation or entertainment uses H Peep shows, panorams S601 S147 S132 S146 AD60 S227 Sports arenas, auditoriums, exhibition halls P145 P126 Theaters S170 S170 P P P62 Theaters, drive-in P Blank=Not Allowed P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use AC=Accessory Use T=Temporary Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use #=Condition(s) X=Prohibited Specifically RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS USES: RC R-1 R-5 R-8 RMH R-10 R-14 RM IL IM IH CC CN CS CA CD CO COR E.CULTURAL, ENTERTAINMENT AND RECREATIONAL(Continued) Cultural Library or museum, public or nonprofit H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H5 H AD/H AD/H Libraries AD Museums AD F. OFFICE AND CONFERENCE Administrative headquarters S71 S71 S71 P P P Business P P Medical and dental AD P Medical and dental clinics P Offices S155 Personal S173 AD98 S134 Private conference centers AC50 AC50 Professional AD98 S134 P P P N G. SERVICES v, Auction houses P74 P P Barber shops P165 P P S68 Beauty shops P165 P P S68 Business services, general S173 S134 P/S1 P P62 Cemetery,crematory,columbarium, mausoleum H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H AD/H AD/H Commercial laundries P74 P S18 Computer services (retail) _ P Dry cleaning plants P74 P Financial institutions S152 S152 S232 S153 Financial and real estate P105 P127 P P Funeral homes P127 P P Health clubs/fitness centers/sports clubs S151 P127 P P S233 S154 Laundromats H188 S166 P127 P P Personal service S234/ P127 IP P AD62 S68 Blank=Not Allowed P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use AC=Accessory Use T=Temporary Use N AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use #=Condition(s) X=Prohibited Specifically o am 0 0 RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS N USES: RC R-1 R-5 R-8 RMH R-10 R-14 RM IL IM IH CC CN CS CA CD CO COR o G. SERVICES(Continued) 0 Personal services barber shops/ beauty parlors P P S68 Personal services, general P127 Pet shop and grooming P127 P P Photography and photo reproduction P P Printing, xerography (retail) P Professional services Si Professional sports teams/ promoters P AD P Rental Services Rental services P74 P Rental services, with outside storage AD127 S1 Rental services, no outside storage AD P127 P P r Video rentals and sales S166 P105 P127 P P °' Repair Services Electrical repair S135 P140 S97 S68 Repair services AD62 Shoe repair P165 Television repair S135 P140 S97 S68 Upholstery repair S135 P140 S97 S68 Watches/jewelry repair S135 P140 S97 S68 Day Care Services Family day care AC AC AC AC P AC AC AC P165 P105 P127 P P P P Day care centers H H H H H H H182 H AD H H P165 P105 P127 P P P S68 Adult day care I, maximum 4 on residential property AC AC AC AC P AC AC AC AD H H P165 P105 P127 P P P P Adult day care I, maximum 12 on nonresidential property AC AC AC AC P AC AC AC AD H H P165 P105 P127 P P P P Blank=Not Allowed P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use AC=Accessory Use T=Temporary Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use li=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use #=Condition(s) X=Prohibited Specifically RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS USES: RC R-1 R-5 R-8 RMH R-10 R-14 RM IL IM IH CC CN CS CA CD CO COR G. SERVICES(Continued) Adult day care II, 5+ on residential property H H H H H H H182 H AD H H P165 P105 P127 P P P S68 Adult day care II, 13+ on nonresidential property H H H •H H H H182 H AD H H P165 P105 P127 P P P62 S68 Health Services Convalescent centers and nursing homes H H H H182 P/H P105 P127 H P S209 AD Hospitals H H H H Hospitals, sanitarium or similar uses H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H AD/H AD/H Medical institutions S212 H.TRANSPORTATION SERVICES AND MANUFACTURED HOME SALES _ Auto impoundment yard H P Automobile, boat, motorcycle r., leasing P Automobile, boat, motorcycle rental P `' Automobile, boat, motorcycle sales P P Automobile, motorcycle, passenger truck sales P Automobile leasing AD P Automobile rental P74 P AD P Automobile sales P74 P P Body shops P74 P P H159 Bus terminals, taxi headquarters AD158 Car washes P74 P P AD65 P P P H81 Construction equipment rental P Express delivery/hauling, cargo handling with central terminal P74 P Express delivery/handling AD127 Gasoline service stations P74 P P AD P P P H Heavy equipment sales, storage P Heavy equipment wholesale sales, storage P Blank=Not Allowed P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use AC=Accessory Use T=Temporary Use o AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use #=Condition(s) X=Prohibited Specifically o I RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS USES: RC R-1 R-5 R-8 RMH R-10 R-14 RM IL IM IH CC CN CS CA CD CO COR o H.TRANSPORTATION SERVICES AND MANUFACTURED HOME SALES (Continued) _ Heavy equipment rental Heavy hauling vehicles rental P Industrial engine or transmission rebuild P74 P P Mobile homes sales P74 P Mobile home/trailer/RV sales/rental P74 P P Parking garages, accessory, exceeding the 33% of the gross floor area limit AD43 Parking garages, commercial P AD S139 S160 S12 S149 Parking garages, noncommercial AC50 AC50 Parking lots, commercial P AD S139 S160 S12 AD62 Public parking S Railroad yards P RV sales, rental P74 P P Taxi and individual transportation S177 P AD r Tow truck operationFO H P Trailer rental P Transit centers H Transportation services P Truck/RV/bus sales S217 Truck rental P74 P Truck sales P74 P Truck terminals and associated warehousing P Uses determined by the Zoning Administrator that directly support dealerships s Vehicle service and repair, large P74 P P AC216 Vehicle service and repair, small P74 P P AD11 P P P Wrecking yard, auto H H Air Transportation Uses Airplane sales and repair P Helipads, accessory to primary use H H H H Blank=Not Allowed P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use AC=Accessory Use T=Temporary Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use #=Condition(s) X=Prohibited Specifically RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS USES: RC R-1 R-5 R-8 RMH R-10 R-14 RM IL IM IH CC CN CS CA CD CO COR H.TRANSPORTATION SERVICES AND MANUFACTURED HOME SALES (Continued) Helipads, commercial H Municipal airports H I. STORAGE Bulk storage AD19 Bulk storage exceeding minimum area requirements AD19 Explosives H H215 Explosives, accessory AC Farm produce refrigeration and storage P Hazardous material storage, on-site H47 Hazardous waste,off-site(including treatment) H211 H211 H211 Hazardous waste,on-site(including AC129/ AC129/ AC129/ treatment) H235 H235 H235 ry Indoor storage AC/ S254 Indoor storage exceeding the 33% floor area limit for accessory uses AD42 Natural gas storage AD Outdoor storage AD57 Outside storage (including vehicles/ equipment/products) AC87 AC87 AC87 Petroleum/natural gas over 50,000 gallons H H Petroleum/natural gas to 50,000 gallons AC129 AC129 AC129 Self-service storage, existing P P Self-storage, existing P Self-service storage AD P P H136 Self-storage, 1 story, 1 building H Self-storage when part of mixed use development H Blank=Not Allowed P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use AC=Accessory Use T=Temporary Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use #=Condition(s) X=Prohibited Specifically rn 0 RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS USES: RC R-1 R-5 R-8 RMH R-10 R-14 RM IL IM IH CC CN CS CA CD CO COR o I.STORAGE(Continued) Warehousing P P Warehousing and storage P74 P P J. MANUFACTURING AND INDUSTRIAL Any H-1 District use in the L-1 Zone H Breweries P74 P P Brick, tile, terra cotta manufacturing, storage AD AD Cement, lime, gypsum manufacturing H H Concrete batching plant AD P Construction office P Contractor's and manufacturer's representatives P74 P Contractors' office with storage of equipment/materials P74 P ry Disinfectant manufacturer H „ Distilleries P74 P P Electronic manufacturing and assembly S20 Hazardous waste treatment, off-site H H H Industrial/manufacturing facilities (existing) P128 Industrial/manufacturing facilities, major modification, production increase or expansion of existing H Labs: grinding and assembly of optical lens and eyeglasses AD127 S1 S161 AD210 Labs: medical, dental P74 P AD127 S1 S214 Labs: small product assembly (i.e., hearing aids/dental fixtures) S161 Leather and leather goods manufacturing AD15 Manufacturing of stone, clay, glass, concrete AD Movie production and distribution AD P Blank=Not Allowed P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use AC=Accessory Use T=Temporary Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use #=Condition(s) X=Prohibited Specifically RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS USES: RC R-1 R-5 R-8 RMH R-10 R-14 RM IL IM IH CC CN CS CA CD CO COR J. MANUFACTURING AND INDUSTRIAL(Continued) Research, development and testing P74 P P S1 AD S20 H Soap and compound manufacturing H AD Tanning, curing, storage of rawhide or skins AD AD Wineries P74 P Assembly and packaging of: Computer AC48 S16 Electronics AC48 S16 H Office equipment S16 Light manufacturing, assembly, light finishing and warehousing of: Prefabricated parts and finished parts H Manufacturing, processing of: Chemicals and allied products H Manufacturing,processing, assembly of: Abrasive products P Airplanes Asphalt plants P Automobiles P Boats P Clay products P Coating, engraving, allied services P P Concrete products P Electric powered metal recycling plant P Electronic and electrical products P Fabricated metal products P Food and kindred products P Forest products P Forging P Foundries P Glass products P Gypsum products P Heavy machine shops P Blank=Not Allowed P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use AC=Accessory Use T=Temporary Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use #=Condition(s) X=Prohibited Specifically 0 C- RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS USES: RC R-1 R-5 R-8 RMH R-10 R-14 RM IL IM IH CC CN CS CA CD CO COR J. MANUFACTURING AND INDUSTRIAL(Continued) Machinery for general industry, mining, agriculture, construction or service industries P Military vehicles P Miscellaneous manufacturing establishments P Paint P Precast building components P Printing ink P Printing, publishing, and allied industries P74 P P Quarrying P Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products P Stone cutting and engraving P Stone products Structural clay products P Transportation equipment manufacturing and assembly P Manufacturing,processing, assembly, warehousing of: Bicycles P Fabricated metal products P Measuring and controlling equipment P Wood products and cabinet shops P Manufacturing, processing, assembly and packaging of: Articles, products and merchandise from dry goods _ S17 Manufacturing, assembly, packaging of: Apparel and other textile products P74 P Articles, products or merchandise from preprocessed natural or synthetic material S20 Computer and office equipment P74 P • Electronic and other electrical equipment P74 P Blank=Not Allowed P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use AC=Accessory Use T=Temporary Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use #=Condition(s) X=Prohibited Specifically RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS USES: RC R-1 R-5 R-8 RMH R-10 R-14 RM IL IM IH CC CN CS CA CD CO COR J. MANUFACTURING AND INDUSTRIAL(Continued) Food and kindred products processing P178 P122 Leather and leather goods P74 P Optical lenses and eyeglasses P74 P Signs and advertising P74 P Solid Waste/Recycling Disposal facilities (dump, solid industrial waste) H H Recycling center H Recycling collection and processing stations P Recycling collection center P74 P H H H Recycling collection station H41 P74 P AD AC78 AC78 AC142 AC51 AC51 AC51 Recycling collection station (temporary) S59 S59 S59 S59 S59 S59 S252 AD59 r Recycling drop or collection centers H N Recycling collection and processing center P Recycling, large scale P Sewage disposal and treatment plants H H Solid waste incinerators Waste recycling and transfer facilities H K. COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL ACCESSORY USES Accessory structures AC93 AC44 AC44 Apparel, fabric and leather goods fabrication AC52 AC52 AC52 AC52 AC50 Caretaker's residence AC56 AC56 AC56 Computer and electronics assembly and packaging AC48 Electrical power generation and cogeneration AC213 Food preparation AC52 AC52 AC52 AC52 AC50 AC50 AC50 .p N Blank=Not Allowed P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use AC=Accessory Use T=Temporary Use rn AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use #=Condition(s) X=Prohibited Specifically 7 RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS N USES: RC R-1 R-5 R-8 RMH R-10 R-14 RM IL IM IH CC CN CS CA CD CO COR o K. COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL ACCESSORY USES(Continued) Gatehouse or guardhouse AC58 AC58 +Goods and materials associated with permitted use _ Handcrafting of items/products AC52 AC52 AC52 AC52 AC50 AC50 Hazardous waste treatment, on-site AC129 AC129 AC129 Manager's residence/office AC164 Restaurant, cafeteria, recreation facilities AC54 Retail uses associated with primary use AC49 S171 S171 T Security building AC58 Storage of products in conjunction with retail sales AC48 AC48 AC48 AC48 AC50 AC50 L.PUBLIC FACILITIES Government r Government offices and facilities H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H AD/H AD/H ry Jails - H AD208 Post office substation P Churches Churches, synagogues, temples H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H Social/Social Service Organizations Community facilities S/AC S/H S/H H S/H 53/H S/H H182 S/H S177 S173 S173 S S S/H S/H P/S S20/H S224 Community meeting hall S187 Philanthropic institution AD62/ H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H AD/H Private club, fraternal or nonprofit AD62/ organization H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H AD/H Service and social organizations H H H H S228 Service clubs and organizations H H H H H H H S/H H H H62 H Service clubs and social organizations H H H Blank=Not Allowed P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use AC=Accessory Use T=Temporary Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use #=Condition(s) X=Prohibited Specifically RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS USES: RC R-1 R-5 R-8 RMH R-10 R-14 RM IL IM IH CC CN CS CA CD CO COR L. PUBLIC FACILITIES(Continued) Senior center S187 • Social services S8 Utilities Social service facilities AD P Public utility use or structure H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H AD/H AD/H Utilities services P Utilities, small P P P P P P P P P74 P P P P P P P P P Utilities, medium AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD S177 AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD Utilities, large H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H Communications Communication broadcast and relay towers H H H H H H H - Communication services P Radio or television transmitter H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H AD/H AD/H '" Telegraph and other ro communication H AD H cn Wireless communication facilities Micro facility antennas P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Mini facility antennas P236/ P236/ P236/ P236/ P236/ P236/ P236/ P237/ P237/ P237/ P237/ P237/ P237/ P237/ P237/ P237/ P237/ P237/ AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD Macro facility antennas AD238/ AD238/ AD238/ AD238/ AD238/ AD238/ AD238/ P237/ P237/ P237/ P237/ P237/ P237/ P237/ P237/ P237/ P237/ P237/ H H H H H H H AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD Monopole I support structures AD240/ P237/ P237/ P237/ AD240/ AD240/ P237/ P237/ AD240/ P237/ AD240/ X239/H X239/H X239/H X239/H X239/H X239/H X239/H H AD AD AD H H AD AD H AD H Monopole II support structures X241/ X241/ X241/ X242/ X241/ X241/ X X X X X X X X242/H AD AD AD X242/H X242/H H AD X242/H AD X242/H Lattice towers support structures - X241/ X241/ X241/ X242/ X241/ X241/ X X X X X X X X242/H AD AD AD X242/H X242/H H AD X242/H AD X242/H Minor modifications to existing wireless communication facilities P243 P243 P243 P243 P243 P243 P243 P243 P243 P243 P243 P243 P243 P243 P243 P243 P243 P243 M. SCHOOLS-PUBLIC AND PRIVATE Educational institution (public or private) H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H AD/H AD/H School, elementary (existing) P P P P P P P P P P P P P P N Blank=Not Allowed P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use AC=Accessory Use T=Temporary Use o AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use #=Condition(s) X=Prohibited Specifically K RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS N USES: RC R-1 R-5 R-8 RMH R-10 R-14 RM IL IM IH CC CN CS CA CD CO COR o M. SCHOOLS-PUBLIC AND PRIVATE(Continued) K School, elementary (new) S40/ H H40 H H H H H H H H H H H H School, secondary (existing) P P P P •P P P P P P P P P P School, secondary (new) S40/ H H40 H H H H H H H H H H H H Portables (existing) P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Portables (new, up to four) si S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S175 S1 S1 S1 S1 S149 S1 Change in use for existing school H H H H H H H H H H H H H School expansion up to 10% P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P176 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 School expansion more than 10% H H40 S/H40 H H H H H H H H H H H Schools and studios for art, crafts, photography, dance, music S84 S84 S141 S84 S163 Business and professional schools P P P S68 Vocational schools P74 P Special schools:technical/industrial processes H School district support facilities P74 P N rn N. MISCELLANEOUS USES AND MODIFICATIONS TO DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Changes in height, bulk AD Existing proposed development (prior O-P Zone) P130 Heights exceeding the maximum height of 35' by less than 20' AD106 Heights exceeding the maximum height of 35' by more than 10' H Heights exceeding the maximum height of 45' H108 Heights exceeding the maximum height of 50' H AD110 H193 Heights exceeding 95' H14 Heights of up to 60'above the maximum height of 250' H111 Increases (minor) over the maximum area per use of 5,000 gross square feet AD167 Blank=Not Allowed P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use AC=Accessory Use T=Temporary Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use #=Condition(s) X=Prohibited Specifically RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS USES: RC R-1 R-5 R-8 RMH R-10 R-14 RM IL IM IH CC CN CS CA CD CO COR N. MISCELLANEOUS USES AND MODIFICATIONS TO DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS(Continued) Increases (major) over the maximum area per use of 5,000 gross square feet H168 Increases (minor) in the maximum area per use of 35,000 gross square feet AD100 Increases (major) in the maximum area per use of 35,000 gross square feet H102 Increases (minor) over the maximum area per use of 65,000 gross square feet AD101 Increases (major) over the maximum area per use of 65,000 gross square feet H103 Limited uses such as seasonal sales lots, fruit stands AD n, Temporary uses s/ S/ S256/ AD35 AD123 AD S/AD AD121 S/AD P AD S179 S218 S218 S256 S256 S256 S256 S256 S219 Temporary buildings used for construction AC45 AC45 Variable lot standards from those in development standards AD O. PROHIBITED USES, SPECIFICALLY IDENTIFIED Auto,motorcycle,truck,boat mobile home trailer and RV sales, rental repair and storage X95 Bulk storage of products X94 X Exterior storage of products X257 X94 Hazardous waste treatment and storage, off-site x x x New schools x Outdoor storage or outdoor display of materials or products X138 Residential uses I X Blank=Not Allowed P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use AC=Accessory Use T=Temporary Use N AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use #=Condition(s) X=Prohibited Specifically rn 0 RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS N USES: RC R-1 R-5 R-8 RMH R-10 R-14 RM IL IM IH CC CN CS CA CD CO COR SE; 0 O. PROHIBITED USES, SPECIFICALLY IDENTIFIED(Continued) 0 Residential uses except caretaker/ security residence _x x x _ Travel trailers or recreational vehicles for habitation _ x x Manufacturing of: Any product not specifically listed x x Oil, shellac, varnish or turpentine x x Paper and pulp _ x x _ Rubber from crude material _ x x Refining, manufacturing, or bulk storage of: Petroleum or petroleum by- products except as an accessory use of less than 50,000 gallons x x Petroleum or petroleum by- products except as provided in the bulk storage regulations x N Blank=Not Allowed P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use AC=Accessory Use T=Temporary Use ry AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use #=Condition(s) X=Prohibited Specifically co 4-2-070A—RESOURCE CONSERVATION (RC) 4-2-070A RESOURCE CONSERVATION (RC) USES: TYPE: USES: TYPE: AGRICULTURE, RESOURCE PRODUCTION AND RESIDENTIAL (Continued) ANIMAL KEEPING Accessory dwelling unit, family housing AD#36 Animal Related Uses—Noncommercial Agricultural/animal support buildings AC#24 Animal husbandry (small animals) S#245 Home occupations AC#34 Animal husbandry (medium animals) S#246 Animal husbandry (large animals) S#247 Other Residences and Lodging Greater number of animals than allowed Adult family home P above H#196 Bed and breakfast H#31 Beekeeping S#194 Group homes II P Common household pets AC#195 Retirement residences H Kennels, hobby P#205 CULTURAL, ENTERTAINMENT AND Animal Related Services RECREATIONAL Stables/riding schools/boarding s#89 Parks and Open Space Veterinary offices with kennels P Open space (new) s#2 Open space (existing) P Gardens and Nurseries Park, playground or recreation/community Botanical gardens (public or commercial) P#180 center H Garden, community P Parks, regional (new) s#2 Horticultural nurseries (wholesale/retail) P Parks, regional (existing) P Nursery or greenhouse H Parks, community (new) s#2 Parks, community (existing) P Agriculture and Natural Resources Parks, neighborhood (new) s#2 Agricultural accessory buildings AC Parks, neighborhood (existing) P Christmas trees, retail sales P Trails (new) S#2 Dairies AD#37 Trails (existing) P Farming, commercial P Farming, noncommercial P Recreational Facilities Firewood, retail sales P Golf courses (existing) P#7 Mineral/natural resource recovery H#91 Golf courses (new) public or private H Ranches AD#37 Roadside stands AD#90 Cultural Timber harvesting and reforestation H#92 Library or museum, public or nonprofit H RESIDENTIAL SERVICES Single Family Cemetery, crematory, mausoleum H Single family, detached dwelling P#113 Day Care Services Manufactured Homes, etc. Family day care AC Manufactured homes, designated P#113 Day care centers H Manufactured homes, temporary for Adult day care I, maximum 4 on residential medical hardship T#172 property AC Modular homes P#113 Adult day care I, maximum 12 on nonresidential property AC Residential Accessory Adult day care II, 5+ on residential property H Accessory buildings AC#32 Adult day care II, 13+ on nonresidential property H TYPES: AC=Accessory Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use T=Temporary Use X=Prohibited Use #=Condition(s)Apply 2 - 29 4-2-070A— RESOURCE CONSERVATION (RC) USES: TYPE: USES: TYPE: SERVICES(Continued) MISCELLANEOUS USES AND MODIFICATIONS TO Health Services DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Convalescent centers and nursing homes H Temporary uses AD#35 Hospitals, sanitarium or similar uses H 'PROHIBITED USES, SPECIFICALLY IDENTIFIED MANUFACTURING AND INDUSTRIAL New schools x Solid Waste/Recycling Recycling collection station H#41 Recycling collection station (temporary) S#59 PUBLIC FACILITIES Government Government offices and facilities H Churches Churches, synagogues, temples H Social/Social Service Organizations Community facilities S#6/H Philanthropic institution H Private club, fraternal or nonprofit organizations H Service and social organizations H Utilities Public utility use or structure H Utilities, small p Utilities, medium AD Utilities, large H Communications Radio or television transmitter H Wireless communication facilities Micro facility antennas P Mini facility antennas P#236/AD Macro facility antennas AD#238/H Monopole I support structures X#239/H Monopole II support structures x Lattice towers support structures x Minor modifications to existing wireless communication facilities P#243 SCHOOLS— PUBLIC AND PRIVATE Educational institution (public or private) H • TYPES: AC=Accessory Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use T=Temporary Use X=Prohibited Use #=Condition(s)Apply 2 - 30 4-2-070B— RESIDENTIAL-1 DU/AC (R-1) 4-2-070B RESIDENTIAL-1 DU/AC (R-1) USES: TYPE: USES: TYPE: AGRICULTURE, RESOURCE PRODUCTION AND CULTURAL, ENTERTAINMENT AND ANIMAL KEEPING RECREATIONAL (Continued) Animal Related Uses—Noncommercial Open space (existing) P Animal husbandry (small animals) s#245 Park, playground or recreation/community Animal husbandry (medium animals) S#246 center H#2 Animal husbandry (large animals) S#247 Parks, regional (new) s#2 Greater number of animals than allowed Parks, regional (existing) P above H#196 Parks, community (new) s#2 Beekeeping S#194 Parks, community (existing) P Common household pets AC#195 Parks, neighborhood (new) s#2 Parks, neighborhood (existing) P Gardens and Nurseries Trails (new) s#2 Garden, community P Trails (existing) P Nursery or greenhouse H Recreational Facilities Agriculture and Natural Resources Golf courses, private or public (new) P#222 Farming, noncommercial P Golf courses (existing) P#222 Mineral/natural resource recovery H Cultural RESIDENTIAL Library or museum, public or nonprofit H Single Family Single family, detached dwelling P#113 SERVICES Cemetery, crematory, mausoleum H Manufactured Homes, etc. Manufactured homes, designated P#113 Day Care Services Manufactured home, temporary for medical Family day care AC hardship T#172 Day care centers H Modular homes P#113 Adult day care I, maximum 4 on residential property AC Multi-Family Adult day care I, maximum 12 on Duplex (existing legal) P nonresidential property AC Adult day care II, 5+ on residential property H Residential Accessory Adult day care II, 13+ on nonresidential Accessory buildings AC#28 property H Home occupations AC#34 Health Services Other Residences and Lodging Convalescent centers and nursing homes H Adult family home P Hospitals, sanitariums or similar uses H Bed and breakfast houses AD#29 Group homes II, for 6 or less P MANUFACTURING AND INDUSTRIAL Group homes II, for 7 or more H Solid Waste/Recycling Retirement residences H Recycling collection station (temporary) s#59 CULTURAL, ENTERTAINMENT AND PUBLIC FACILITIES RECREATIONAL Government Parks and Open Space Government offices and facilities H Open space (new) S#2 TYPES: AC=Accessory Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use T=Temporary Use X=Prohibited Use #=Condition(s)Apply 2 - 31 4-2-070B—RESIDENTIAL-1 DU/AC (R-1) USES: TYPE: PUBLIC FACILITIES (Continued) Churches Churches, synagogues, temples H Social/Social Service Organizations Community facilities s#6/H Philanthropic institution H Private club, fraternal or nonprofit organizations H Service and social organizations H Utilities Public utility use or structure H Utilities, small P Utilities, medium AD Utilities, large H Communications Radio or television transmitter H Wireless communication facilities Micro facility antennas P Mini facility antennas P#236/AD Macro facility antennas AD#238/H Monopole I support structures X#239/H Monopole II support structures x Lattice towers support structures x Minor modifications to existing wireless communication facilities P#243 SCHOOLS— PRIVATE AND PUBLIC Educational institution (public or private) H School, elementary (existing) P School, elementary (new) H School, secondary (existing) P School, secondary (new) H Portables (existing) P Portables (new, up to 4) s#1 Change in use for existing school H School expansion up to 10% P#1 School expansion more than 10% H MISCELLANEOUS USES AND MODIFICATIONS TO DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Temporary uses S/AD#123 TYPES: AC=Accessory Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use T=Temporary Use X=Prohibited Use #=Condition(s)Apply 2 -32 4-2-070C— RESIDENTIAL-5 DU/AC (R-5) 4-2-070C RESIDENTIAL-5 DU/AC (R-5) USES: TYPE: USES: TYPE: AGRICULTURE, RESOURCE PRODUCTION AND CULTURAL, ENTERTAINMENT AND ANIMAL KEEPING RECREATIONAL (Continued) Animal Related Uses—Noncommercial Park, playground or recreation/community Animal husbandry (small animals) s#190 center H Animal husbandry (medium animals) s#191 Parks, regional (new) s#2 Animal husbandry (large animals) s#192 Parks, regional (existing) P Greater number of animals than allowed Parks, community (new) s#2 above H#196 Parks, community (existing) P Common household pets AC/AD#221 Parks, neighborhood (new) s#2 Parks, neighborhood (existing) P Gardens and Nurseries Trails (new) s#2 Garden, community (existing) P Trails (existing) P Garden, community (new) s#1 Nursery or greenhouse H Recreational Facilities Golf courses (existing) P Agriculture and Natural Resources Golf courses, private, new H#5 Mineral/natural resource recovery H Golf courses, public, new s#2 RESIDENTIAL Cultural Single Family Library or museum, public or nonprofit H Single family, detached dwelling P#113 SERVICES Manufactured Homes, etc. Cemetery, crematory, mausoleum H Manufactured homes, designated P#113 Manufactured home, temporary for medical Day Care Services hardship T#172 Family day care AC Modular homes P#113 Day care centers H Adult day care I, maximum 4 on residential Multi-Family property AC Duplex (existing legal) P Adult day care I, maximum 12 on nonresidential property AC Residential Accessory Adult day care II, 5+ on residential property H Accessory buildings AC#27 Adult day care II, 13+ on nonresidential Home occupations AC#34 property H Other Residences and Lodging Health Services Adult family home P Hospitals, sanitarium or similar uses H Bed and breakfast AD#29 Group homes II, for 6 or less p MANUFACTURING AND INDUSTRIAL Group homes II, for 7 or more H Solid Waste/Recycling Recycling collection station (temporary) S#59 CULTURAL, ENTERTAINMENT AND RECREATIONAL PUBLIC FACILITIES Parks and Open Space Government Open space (new) s#2 Government offices and facilities H Open space (existing) P TYPES: AC=Accessory Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use T=Temporary Use X=Prohibited Use #=Condition(s)Apply 2 - 33 4-2-070C— RESIDENTIAL-5 DU/AC (R-5) USES: TYPE: PUBLIC FACILITIES (Continued) Churches Churches, synagogues, temples H Social/Social Service Organizations Community facilities H Philanthropic institution H Private club, fraternal or nonprofit organizations H Service and social organizations H Utilities Public utility use or structure H Utilities, small P Utilities, medium AD Utilities, large H Communications Radio or television transmitter H Wireless communication facilities Micro facility antennas P Mini facility antennas P#236/AD Macro facility antennas AD#238/H Monopole I support structure x#239/H Monopole II support structure x Lattice towers support structure x Minor modifications to existing wireless communication facilities P#243 SCHOOLS— PUBLIC AND PRIVATE Educational institution (public or private) H School, elementary (existing) P School, elementary (new) s#40/H#40 School, secondary (existing) P School, secondary (new) s#40/H#40 Portables (existing) P Portables (new, up to four) s#1 Change in use for existing school H School expansion up to 10% P#1 School expansion more than 10% H#40 MISCELLANEOUS USES AND MODIFICATIONS TO DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Temporary uses AD TYPES: AC=Accessory Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use T=Temporary Use X=Prohibited Use #=Condition(s)Apply 2 - 34 4-2-070D— RESIDENTIAL-8 DU/AC (R-8) 4-2-07OD RESIDENTIAL-8 DU/AC (R-8) USES: TYPE: USES: TYPE: AGRICULTURE, RESOURCE PRODUCTION AND CULTURAL, ENTERTAINMENT AND ANIMAL KEEPING RECREATIONAL (Continued) Animal Related Uses—Noncommercial Parks, regional (existing) Animal husbandry (small animals) s#197 Parks, community (existing) P Animal husbandry (medium animals) s#198 Parks, neighborhood (new) s#2 Animal husbandry (large animals) S#199 Parks, neighborhood (existing) P Greater number of animals than allowed Trails (existing) P above H#200 Common household pets AC/AD#201 Cultural Library or museum, public or nonprofit H Gardens and Nurseries Garden, community (existing) P SERVICES Garden, community (new) s#1 Cemetery, crematory, mausoleum H Nursery or greenhouse H Day Care Services Agriculture and Natural Resources Family day care AC Mineral/natural resource recovery H Day care centers H Adult day care I, maximum 4 on residential RESIDENTIAL property AC Single Family Adult day care I, maximum 12 on Single family, detached dwelling P#113 nonresidential property AC Adult day care II, 5+ on residential property H Manufactured Homes, etc. Adult day care II, 13+ on nonresidential Manufactured homes, designated P#113 property H Manufactured home, temporary for medical hardship T#172 Health Services Modular homes P#113 Hospitals, sanitarium or similar uses H Multi-Family MANUFACTURING AND INDUSTRIAL Duplex (existing legal) P Solid Waste/Recycling Recycling collection station (temporary) s#59 Residential Accessory Accessory buildings AC#27 PUBLIC FACILITIES Home occupations AC#34 Government Government offices and facilities H Other Residences and Lodging Adult family home P Churches Bed and breakfast houses AD#29 Churches, synagogues, temples H Group homes II, for 6 or less P Group homes II, for 7 or more H Social/Social Service Organizations Community facilities s#6/H CULTURAL, ENTERTAINMENT AND Philanthropic institution H RECREATIONAL Private club, fraternal or nonprofit Parks and Open Space organizations H Open space (existing) P Service and social organizations H Park, playground or recreation/community center H TYPES: AC=Accessory Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use T=Temporary Use X=Prohibited Use #=Condition(s)Apply 2 - 35 4-2-070D— RESIDENTIAL-8 DU/AC (R-8) USES: TYPE: PUBLIC FACILITIES Utilities Public utility use or structure H Utilities, small p Utilities, medium AD Utilities, large H Communications Radio or television transmitter H Wireless communication facilities Micro facility antennas Mini facility antennas P#236/AD Macro facility antennas AD#238/H Monopole I support structure X#239/H Monopole II support structure x Lattice towers support structure x Minor modifications to existing wireless communication facilities P#243 SCHOOLS- PUBLIC AND PRIVATE Educational institution (public or private) H School, elementary (existing) P School, elementary (new) H School, secondary (existing) P School, secondary (new) H Portables (existing) P Portables (new, up to four) s#1 Change in use for existing school H School expansion up to 10% P#1 School expansion more than 10% S/H#40 MISCELLANEOUS USES AND MODIFICATIONS TO DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Temporary uses S/AD TYPES: AC=Accessory Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use T=Temporary Use X=Prohibited Use #=Condition(s)Apply 2 - 36 4-2-070E— RESIDENTIAL MANUFACTURED HOMES (RMH) 4-2-070E RESIDENTIAL MANUFACTURED HOMES (RMH) USES: TYPE: USES: TYPE: AGRICULTURE, RESOURCE PRODUCTION AND SERVICES ANIMAL KEEPING Cemetery, crematory, mausoleum H Animal Related Uses—Noncommercial Common household pets AC/AD/H Day Care Services #202 Family day care P Gardens and Nurseries Day care centers H Adult day care I, maximum 4 on residential Garden, community (new) s#1 property P Nursery or greenhouse H Adult day care I, maximum 12 on nonresidential property P _ Agriculture and Natural Resources Adult day care II, 5+ on residential property H Mineral/natural resource recovery H Adult day care II, 13+ on nonresidential property H RESIDENTIAL Manufactured Homes, etc. Health Services Manufactured homes P#113 Hospitals, sanitariums or similar uses H Manufactured homes, designated P#113 Mobile homes P#113 MANUFACTURING AND INDUSTRIAL Mobile home single family residential Solid Waste/Recycling building AC Recycling collection station (temporary) s#59 RV spaces in manufactured home park (up to 6) AD#39 PUBLIC FACILITIES RV spaces in manufactured home park Government (over 6) H#39 Government offices and facilities H Variable lot standards AD Churches Residential Accessory Churches, synagogues, temples H Accessory buildings AC#53 Home occupations AC#34 Social/Social Service Organizations Recreational and community facilities AC#53 Community facilities s#6/ AC#53/H Other Residences and Lodging Philanthropic institution H Adult family home P Private club, fraternal or nonprofit Group homes II, for 6 or less P organizations H Group homes II, for 7 or more H Service clubs and social organizations H CULTURAL, ENTERTAINMENT AND Utilities RECREATIONAL Public utility use or structure H Parks and Open Space Utilities, small P Park, playground or recreation/community Utilities, medium AD center H Utilities, large H Recreational Facilities Communications Recreational facilities AC#53 Radio or television transmitter H Wireless communication facilities Cultural Micro facility antennas P Library or museum, public or nonprofit H Mini facility antennas P#236/AD TYPES: AC=Accessory Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use T=Temporary Use X=Prohibited Use #=Condition(s)Apply 2 - 37 4-2-070E— RESIDENTIAL MANUFACTURED HOMES (RMH) USES: TYPE: PUBLIC FACILITIES (Continued) Macro facility antennas AD#238/H Monopole I support structure X#239/H Monopole II support structure x Lattice towers support structure x Minor modifications to existing wireless communication facilities P#243 SCHOOLS— PUBLIC AND PRIVATE Educational institution (public or private) H School, elementary (existing) P School, elementary (new) H School, secondary (existing) P School, secondary (new) H Portables (existing) Portables (new, up to 4) s#1 Change in use for existing school H School expansion up to 1 0% P#1 School expansion more than 10% H MISCELLANEOUS USES AND MODIFICATIONS TO DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Temporary uses S/AD#121 Variable lot standards from those listed in development standards AD TYPES: AC_Accessory Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use T=Temporary Use X=Prohibited Use #=Condition(s)Apply 2 - 38 4-2-070F—RESIDENTIAL-10 DU/AC (R-10) 4-2-070F RESIDENTIAL-10 DU/AC (R-10) USES: TYPE: USES: TYPE: AGRICULTURE, RESOURCE PRODUCTION AND CULTURAL, ENTERTAINMENT AND ANIMAL KEEPING RECREATIONAL Animal Related Uses-Noncommercial Parks and Open Space Animal husbandry (small animals) s#197 Open space (new) H Animal husbandry (medium animals) s#198 Open space (existing) P Animal husbandry (large animals) s#1ss Park, playground or recreation/community Greater number of animals than allowed center H above S/H#200 Parks, regional (new) H Common household pets AC/AD#203 Parks, regional (existing) P Parks, community (new) H Gardens and Nurseries Parks, community (existing) P Garden, community (existing) P Parks, neighborhood (new) s#3 Garden, community (new) s#4 Parks, neighborhood (existing) P Nursery or greenhouse H Trails (new) H Trails (existing) P Agriculture and Natural Resources Mineral/natural resource recovery H Cultural Library or museum, public or nonprofit H RESIDENTIAL Single Family SERVICES Single family, detached dwelling P#113 Cemetery, crematory, mausoleum H Single family, semi-attached dwelling P#115 Single family, attached dwelling P#6 Day Care Services Family day care AC Manufactured Homes, etc. Day care centers H Manufactured homes, designated P#113 Adult day care I, maximum 4 on residential Manufactured home, temporary for medical property AC hardship T#172 Adult day care I, maximum 12 on non- Modular homes P#113 residential property AC Adult day care II, 5+ on residential property H Multi-Family Adult day care II, 13+ on nonresidential Duplex P#244 property H Triplex P#244 Fourplex P#244 Health Services Multi family (existing legal) P Convalescent centers and nursing homes H Hospitals, sanitariums or similar uses H Residential Accessory Accessory buildings AC#55 MANUFACTURING AND INDUSTRIAL Home occupations AC#34 Solid Waste/Recycling Recycling collection station (temporary) s#59 Other Residences and Lodging Adult family home p PUBLIC FACILITIES Bed and breakfast houses AD#29 Government Group homes II, for 6 or less P Government offices and facilities H Group homes II, for 7 or more H Retirement residences AD Churches Churches, synagogues, temples H TYPES: AC=Accessory Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use T=Temporary Use X=Prohibited Use #=Condition(s)Apply 2 - 39 4-2-070F— RESIDENTIAL-10 DU/AC (R-10) USES: TYPE: PUBLIC FACILITIES (Continued) Social/Social Service Organizations Community facilities S#6/H Philanthropic institution H Private club, fraternal or nonprofit organizations H Service clubs and social organizations H Utilities Public utility use or structure H Utilities, small P Utilities, medium AD Utilities, large H Communications Radio or television transmitter H Wireless communication facilities Micro facility antennas P Mini facility antennas P#236/AD Macro facility antennas AD#238/H Monopole I support structure X#239/H Monopole li support structure x Lattice towers support structure x Minor modifications to existing wireless communication facilities P#243 SCHOOLS— PUBLIC AND PRIVATE Educational institution (public or private) H School, elementary (existing) P School, elementary (new) H School, secondary (existing) P School, secondary (new) H Portables (existing) P Portables (new, up to 4) s#1 Change in use for existing school H School expansion up to 10% P#1 School expansion more than 10% H MISCELLANEOUS USES AND MODIFICATIONS TO DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Limited uses such as seasonal sales lots, fruit stands AD Temporary uses S/AD TYPES: AC=Accessory Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use T=Temporary Use X=Prohibited Use #=Condition(s)Apply 2 -40 4-2-070G— RESIDENTIAL-14 DU/AC (R-14) 4-2-O7OG RESIDENTIAL-14 DU/AC (R-14) USES: TYPE: USES: TYPE: AGRICULTURE, RESOURCE PRODUCTION AND CULTURAL, ENTERTAINMENT AND ANIMAL KEEPING RECREATIONAL Animal Related Uses—Noncommercial Parks and Open Space Common household pets AC#204 Open space (new) H#182 Park, playground or recreation/community Gardens and Nurseries center H Garden, community (new) S#185 Parks, regional (new) H#182 Nursery or greenhouse H Parks, community (new) 5#251 Parks, neighborhood (new) 5#251 Agriculture and Natural Resources Trails (new) H#182 Mineral/natural resource recovery H Recreational Facilities RESIDENTIAL Recreation center S#187 Single Family Single family, detached dwelling P Cultural Single family, semi-attached dwelling P#114 Government offices and facilities H Manufactured Homes, etc. SERVICES Manufactured homes, designated P Cemetery, crematory, mausoleum H Manufactured home, temporary for medical Laundromats H#188 hardship T#172 Modular homes P Day Care Services Family day care AC Multi-Family Day care centers H#182 Townhouses up to 3 consecutively attached Adult day care I, maximum 4 on residential ground related units s#183 property AC Townhouses over 3 consecutively attached Adult day care I, maximum 12 on ground related units P#184 nonresidential property AC Stacked flats s#184 Adult day care II, 5+ on residential property H#182 Stacked flats with townhouses in 1 structure s#184 Adult day care II, 13+ on nonresidential property H#182 Residential Accessory Accessory buildings AC#55 Health Services Home occupations AC#35 Convalescent centers and nursing homes H#182 Hospitals, sanitariums or similar uses H Other Residences and Lodging Adult family home P MANUFACTURING AND INDUSTRIAL Bed and breakfast AD#250 Solid Waste/Recycling Group homes II, for 6 or less P Recycling collection station (temporary) s#252 Group homes II, for 7 or more H#182 PUBLIC FACILITIES RETAIL SALES Government Convenience market H#188 Government offices and facilities H Eating and drinking establishments H#188 Churches Churches, synagogues, temples H TYPES: AC=Accessory Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use T=Temporary Use X=Prohibited Use #=Condition(s)Apply 2 - 41 4-2-070G—RESIDENTIAL-14 DU/AC (R-14) USES: TYPE: PUBLIC FACILITIES(Continued) Social/Social Service Organizations Community facilities H#182 Community meeting hall s#187 Philanthropic institution H Private club, fraternal or nonprofit organizations H Senior center s#187 Service clubs and organizations H Utilities Public utility use or structure H Utilities, small p Utilities, medium AD Utilities, large H Communications Radio or television transmitter H Wireless communication facilities Micro facility antennas P Mini facility antennas P#236/AD Macro facility antennas AD#238/H Monopole I support structure X#239/H Monopole II support structure x Lattice towers support structure x Minor modifications to existing wireless communication facilities P#243 SCHOOLS— PUBLIC AND PRIVATE Educational institution (public or private) H School, elementary (new) H School, secondary (new) H Portables (new, up to 4) s#1 School expansion more than 10% H MISCELLANEOUS USES AND MODIFICATIONS TO DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Temporary uses P TYPES: AC=Accessory Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use T=Temporary Use X=Prohibited Use #=Condition(s)Apply 2 - 42 4-2-070H — RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY (RM) 4-2-070H RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY (RM) USES: TYPE: USES: TYPE: AGRICULTURE, RESOURCE PRODUCTION AND CULTURAL, ENTERTAINMENT AND ANIMAL KEEPING RECREATIONAL(Continued) Animal Related Uses—Noncommercial Park, playground or recreation/community Common household pets AC/AD#203 center H Parks, regional (new) H Gardens and Nurseries Parks, regional (existing) P Garden, community (existing) P Parks, community (new) s#2 Garden, community (new) s#1 Parks, community (existing) P Nursery or greenhouse H Parks, neighborhood (new) s#2 Parks, neighborhood (existing) P Agriculture and Natural Resources Trails (new) AD Mineral/natural resource recovery H Trails (existing) P RESIDENTIAL Cultural Single Family Library or museum, public or nonprofit H Single family (existing legal) P Libraries AD Single family, detached, expansion of AD Museums AD Multi-Family SERVICES Duplex P Cemetery, crematory, mausoleum H Triplex P Fourplex P Day Care Services Multi-family (existing legal) P Day care centers H Multi-family dwelling units P#113 Family day care AC Adult day care I, maximum 4 on residential Residential Accessory property AC Accessory buildings AC#55 Adult day care I, maximum 12 on Home occupations s#33 nonresidential property AC Adult day care II, 5+ on residential property H Other Residences and Lodging — Adult day care II, 13+ on nonresidential property H Adult family home P Bed and breakfast houses AD#30 Health Services Boarding and lodging houses AD Convalescent centers and nursing homes P/H Group homes II, for 6 or less P Hospitals, sanitariums or similar uses H Group homes II, for 7 or more H Retirement residences P MANUFACTURING AND INDUSTRIAL RETAIL SALES Solid Waste/Recycling Recycling collection station (temporary) AD#59 Art galleries AD CULTURAL, ENTERTAINMENT AND PUBLIC FACILITIES Government RECREATIONAL Government offices and facilities H Parks and Open Space Open space (new) s#2 Churches Open space (existing) P Churches, synagogues, temples H TYPES: AC=Accessory Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use T=Temporary Use X=Prohibited Use #=Condition(s)Apply 2 -43 4-2-070H— RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY (RM) USES: TYPE: PUBLIC FACILITIES (Continued) Social/Social Service Organizations Community facilities s#6/H Philanthropic institution H Private club, fraternal or nonprofit organizations H Service clubs and organizations H Service clubs and social organizations H Utilities Public utility use or structure H Utilities, small P Utilities, medium AD Utilities, large H Communications Radio or television transmitter H Wireless communication facilities Micro facility antennas P Mini facility antennas P#237/AD Macro facility antennas P#237/AD Monopole I support structure AD#240/H Monopole II support structure X#242/H Lattice towers support structure X#242/H Minor modifications to existing wireless communication facilities P#243 SCHOOLS— PUBLIC AND PRIVATE Educational institution (public or private) H School, elementary (existing) P School, elementary (new) H School, secondary (existing) P School, secondary (new) H Portables (existing) Portables (new, up to 4) s#1 Change in use for existing school H School expansion up to 10% P#1 School expansion more than 10% H MISCELLANEOUS USES AND MODIFICATIONS TO DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Temporary uses S#256/AD TYPES: AC=Accessory Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use T=Temporary Use X=Prohibited Use #=Condition(s)Apply 2 - 44 4-2-0701—CONVENIENCE COMMERCIAL (CC) 4-2-0701 CONVENIENCE COMMERCIAL (CC) USES: TYPE: USES: TYPE: AGRICULTURE, RESOURCE PRODUCTION AND SERVICES ANIMAL KEEPING Barber shops P#165 Gardens and Nurseries Beauty shops P#165 Nursery or greenhouse H Cemetery, crematory, mausoleum H Laundromats s#166 Agriculture and Natural Resources Video rentals and sales s#166 Mineral/natural resource recovery H Repair Services RESIDENTIAL Shoe repair P#165 Single Family Single family (existing legal) P Day Care Services Family day care P#165 Multi-Family Day care centers P#165 Multi-family 5 du/ac maximum s#12o Adult day care I, maximum 4 on residential property P#165 RETAIL SALES Adult day care I, maximum 12 on Eating and drinking establishments P#165 nonresidential property P#165 Flowers, plants, and floral supplies S#166 Adult day care II, 5+ on residential property P#165 Mini marts P#165 Adult day care II, 13+ on nonresidential Newsstands s#1 ss property P#165 CULTURAL, ENTERTAINMENT AND Health Services RECREATIONAL Hospitals, sanitarium or similar uses H Parks and Open Space Open space (new) H TRANSPORTATION SERVICES AND Open space (existing) P MANUFACTURED HOME SALES Park, playground or recreation/community Car washes AD#65 center H Gasoline service stations AD Parks, regional (new) H Vehicle service and repair, small AD#11 Parks, regional (existing) P Parks, community (new) H MANUFACTURING AND INDUSTRIAL Parks, community (existing) P Solid Waste/Recycling Parks, neighborhood (new) s#2 Recycling collection station AD Parks, neighborhood (existing) P Trails (new) H COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL ACCESSORY USES Trails (existing) P Apparel, fabric and leather goods fabrication AC#52 Entertainment/Amusement Food preparation AC#52 Card rooms x Handcrafting of items/products AC#52 Storage of products in conjunction with retail sales AC#48 Cultural i Library or museum, public or nonprofit H PUBLIC FACILITIES OFFICE/MEETING SPACE Government Government offices and facilities H Personal AD#98 Professional AD#98 TYPES: AC=Accessory Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use T=Temporary Use X=Prohibited Use #=Condition(s)Apply 2 -45 4-2-0701—CONVENIENCE COMMERCIAL (CC) USES: TYPE: PUBLIC FACILITIES (Continued) Churches Churches, synagogues, temples H Social/Social Service Organizations Community facilities s#6 Philanthropic institution H Private club, fraternal or nonprofit organizations H Service clubs and organizations H Utilities Public utility use or structure H Utilities, small P Utilities, medium AD Utilities, large H Communications Communications broadcast and relay towers H Radio or television transmitter H Wireless communication facilities Micro facility antennas P Mini facility antennas P#237/AD Macro facility antennas P#237/AD Monopole I support structure AD#240/H Monopole II support structure x#242/H Lattice towers support structure X#242/H Minor modifications to existing wireless communication facilities P#243 EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Educational institution (public or private) H MISCELLANEOUS USES AND MODIFICATIONS TO DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Increases (minor) over the maximum area per use of 5,000 gross square feet AD#167 Increases (major) over the maximum area per use of 5,000 gross square feet H#168 Temporary uses s#256 TYPES: AC=Accessory Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use T=Temporary Use X=Prohibited Use #=Condition(s)Apply 2 - 46 1 4-2-070J —CENTER NEIGHBORHOOD (CN) 4-2-070J CENTER NEIGHBORHOOD (CN) USES: TYPE: USES: TYPE: AGRICULTURE, RESOURCE PRODUCTION AND CULTURAL, ENTERTAINMENT AND ANIMAL KEEPING RECREATIONAL Animal Related Uses—Noncommercial Parks and Open Space Veterinary offices/clinics no exterior Open space (new) AD kennels, runs or stables s#77 Open space (existing) P Park, playground or recreation/community Gardens and Nurseries center H Nursery or greenhouse H Parks, regional (new) AD Parks, regional (existing) P Agriculture and Natural Resources Parks, community (new) s#2 Mineral/natural resource recovery H Parks, community (existing) P Parks, neighborhood (new) s#2 RESIDENTIAL Parks, neighborhood (existing) P Multi-Family Trails (new) AD Multi-family (existing legal) P Trails (existing) P Multi-family/townhouses 10— 15 du/ac P#116 Entertainment/Amusement Other Residences and Lodging Adult entertainment business s#146 Adult family home P Adult motion picture studios s#147 Group homes II, for 6 or less P Amusement arcades s#99 Group homes II, for 7 or more H Dance halls and cabarets H Retirement residences P Peep shows, panorams s#147 RETAIL SALES Cultural Apparel and accessories P#105 Library or museum, public or nonprofit H Appliances P#105 Auto supplies S#151 OFFICE AND CONFERENCE Books, music, stationery, art supply P#105 Medical and dental AD Building, hardware, garden materials s#151 Offices s#155 Eating and drinking establishments P#105 Fabrics and related supplies P#105 SERVICES Flowers, plants, and floral supplies P#105 Cemetery, crematory, mausoleum H Food P#105 Financial and real estate P#105 Furniture P#105 Health clubs/fitness centers/sports clubs S#151 Groceries P#105 Hobbies, toys, games P#105 Rental Services Home furnishings P#105 Rental services, no outside storage AD Liquor stores S#151 Mini-marts P#105 Repair Services Newsstands P#105 Video rentals and sales P#105 Pharmacies P#105 Photographic and electronic supplies P#105 Day Care Services Sporting goods P#105 Family day care P#105 Taverns AD Mini day care P Used goods and antiques P#105 Adult day care I, maximum 4 on residential Variety stores P#105 property P#105 TYPES: AC=Accessory Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use T=Temporary Use X=Prohibited Use #=Condition(s)Apply 2 - 47 4-2-070J —CENTER NEIGHBORHOOD (CN) USES: TYPE: USES: TYPE: SERVICES (Continued) PUBLIC FACILITIES(Continued) Adult day care I, maximum 12 on Private club, fraternal or nonprofit nonresidential property P#105 organizations H Adult day care II, 5+ on residential property P#105 Service clubs and organizations H Adult day care II, 13+ on nonresidential Social services s#8 property P#105 Utilities Health Services Public utility use or structure H Convalescent centers and nursing homes P#105 Utilities, small P Hospitals H Utilities, medium AD Hospitals, sanitarium or similar uses H Utilities, large H TRANSPORTATION SERVICES AND Communications MANUFACTURED HOME SALES Communications broadcast and relay Automobile leasing AD towers H Car washes P Radio or television transmitter H Gasoline service stations P Telegraph and other communication H Parking garage, commercial AD Wireless communication facilities Parking lots, commercial AD _ Micro facility antennas P Vehicle service and repair, small P _ Mini facility antennas P#237/AD Macro facility antennas P#237/AD STORAGE Monopole I support structure AD#240/H Self-service storage, existing P Monopole II support structure X#242/H Self-storage, existing P Lattice towers support structure X#242/H Minor modifications to existing wireless MANUFACTURING AND INDUSTRIAL communication facilities P#243 Solid Waste/Recycling _ _ _ Recycling collection station AC#78 SCHOOLS— PUBLIC AND PRIVATE Educational institution (public or private) H COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL ACCESSORY USES School, elementary (existing) P Apparel, fabric and leather goods School, elementary (new) H fabrication AC#52 School, secondary (existing) P Food preparation AC#52 School, secondary (new) H Handcrafting of items/products AC#52 Portables (existing) P Storage of products in conjunction with Portables (new, up to 4) s#1 retail sales AC#48 Change in use for existing school H School expansion up to 10% P#1 PUBLIC FACILITIES School expansion more than 10% H Government Schools and studios for art, crafts, Government offices and facilities H photography, dance, music s#84 Churches MISCELLANEOUS USES AND MODIFICATIONS TO Churches, synagogues, temples H DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Heights exceeding the maximum height of Social/Social Service Organizations 35' by less than 20' AD#106 Community facilities s#6 Heights exceeding the maximum height of Philanthropic institution H 35' by more than 10' H Increases (minor) in the maximum area per AD#100 use of 35,000 gross square feet TYPES: AC=Accessory Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use T=Temporary Use X=Prohibited Use #=Condition(s)Apply 2 - 48 4-2-070J —CENTER NEIGHBORHOOD (CN) USES: TYPE: MISCELLANEOUS USES AND MODIFICATIONS TO DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS(Continued) Increases (major) in the maximum area per use of 35,000 gross square feet H#102 Temporary uses s#256 TYPES: AC=Accessory Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use T=Temporary Use X=Prohibited Use #=Condition(s)Apply 2 - 49 4-2-070K—CENTER SUBURBAN (CS) 4-2-070K CENTER SUBURBAN (CS) USES: TYPE: USES: TYPE: AGRICULTURE, RESOURCE PRODUCTION AND RETAIL SALES(Continued) ANIMAL KEEPING Microbrewery/brew pubs H I Animal Related Uses—Noncommercial Mini-marts P#127 Kennels, hobby s#22o Newsstands P#127 Office supplies P#127 Animal Related Services Personal medical supplies P#127 Veterinary clinics no exterior kennels/runs/ Pet shop and grooming P#127 stables s#127 Pharmacies P#127 Photographic and electronic supplies P#127 Gardens and Nurseries Sporting goods P#127 Nursery or greenhouse H Taverns AD Used goods and antiques P#127 Agriculture and Natural Resources Mineral/natural resource recovery H CULTURAL, ENTERTAINMENT AND RECREATIONAL RESIDENTIAL Parks and Open Space Multi-Family Open space (new) s#2 Multi-family/townhouses 10—20 du/ac P#116 Open space (existing) P Multi-family (existing legal) P Park, playground or recreation/community center H Other Residences and Lodging Parks, regional (new) s#2 Adult family home P Parks, regional (existing) P Boarding and lodging houses P Parks, community (new) s#2 Group homes II, for 6 or less P Parks, community (existing) P Group homes II, for 7 or more H Parks, neighborhood (new) s#2 Hotels and motels AD#127 Parks, neighborhood (existing) P Hotels and motels (existing) P Trails (new) s#2 Retirement residences P Trails (existing) P RETAIL SALES Entertainment/Amusement Apparel and accessories P#127 Adult entertainment businesses S#132 Appliances P#127 Adult motion picture studios s#132 Auto supplies P#127 Amusement arcades s#131 Books, music, stationery, art supply P#127 Bowling alleys (centers) P#127 Building, hardware, garden materials P#133 Card rooms x Department and variety P#127 Dance halls and cabarets AD#127 Eating and drinking establishments P#127 Peep shows, panoramas s#132 Fabrics and related supplies P#127 Flowers, plants, and floral supplies P#127 Cultural Food P#127 Library or museum, public or nonprofit H Furniture P#127 Groceries P#127 OFFICE AND CONFERENCE Hobbies, toys, games P#127 Personal s#134 Home furnishings P#127 Professional s#134 Jewelry P#127 Liquor stores S#131 TYPES: AC=Accessory Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use T=Temporary Use X=Prohibited Use #=Condition(s)Apply 2 - 50 4-2-070K—CENTER SUBURBAN (CS) USES: TYPE: USES: TYPE: SERVICES STORAGE Business services, general S#134 Self-service storage (existing) P Cemetery, crematory, mausoleum H Self-service storage H#136 Financial and real estate P#127 Self-storage when part of mixed use Funeral homes P#127 development H Health clubs/fitness centers/sports clubs P#127 Laundromats P#127 MANUFACTURING AND INDUSTRIAL Personal services P#127 Labs: medical, dental AD#127 Personal services, general P#127 Labs: grinding and assembly of optical lens Pet shop and grooming P#127 and eyeglasses AD#127 Professional sports teams/promoters AD Video rentals and sales P#127 Solid Waste/Recycling Recycling collection station AC#78 Rental Services Rental services, with outside storage AD COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL ACCESSORY USES Rental services, no outside storage P#127 Apparel, fabric and leather goods fabrication AC#52 Food preparation AC#52 Repair Services Handcrafting of items/products AC#52 Electrical s#135 Storage of products in conjunction with Television s#135 retail sales AC#48 Upholstery S#135 Watches/jewelry s#135 PUBLIC FACILITIES Government Day Care Services Government offices and facilities H Family day care P#127 Post office substation P Day care centers P#127 Adult day care I, maximum 4 on residential Churches property P#127 Churches, synagogues, temples H Adult day care I, maximum 12 on nonresidential property P#127 Adult day care II, 5+ on residential property P#127 Social/Social Service Organizations Adult day care II, 13+ on nonresidential Community facilities s#s/H property P#127 Philanthropic institution H Private club, fraternal or nonprofit Health Services organizations H Convalescent centers and nursing homes P#127 Service clubs and organizations S/H Hospitals H Social service facilities AD Hospitals, sanitarium or similar uses H Utilities TRANSPORTATION SERVICES AND Public utility use or structure H MANUFACTURED HOME SALES Utilities, small P Car washes P Utilities, medium AD Express delivery/handling AD#127 Utilities, large H Gasoline service stations P Parking garage, commercial s#139 Communications Parking lots, commercial s#139 Communications broadcast and relay Vehicle service and repair, small p towers H Radio or television transmitter H Telegraph and other communication AD TYPES: AC=Accessory Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use T=Temporary Use X=Prohibited Use #=Condition(s)Apply 2 - 51 4-2-070K—CENTER SUBURBAN (CS) USES: TYPE: PUBLIC FACILITIES (Continued) Wireless communication facilities Micro facility antennas Mini facility antennas P#237/AD Macro facility antennas P#237/AD Monopole I support structure P#237/AD Monopole II support structure x#242/H Lattice towers support structure X#242/H Minor modifications to existing wireless communication facilities P#243 SCHOOLS— PUBLIC AND PRIVATE Educational institution (public or private) H School, elementary (existing) P School, elementary (new) H School, secondary (existing) P School, secondary (new) H Portables (existing) Portables (new, up to 4) s#1 Change in use for existing school H School expansion up to 10% P#1 School expansion more than 10% H Schools and studios for art, crafts, photography, dance, music s#84 MISCELLANEOUS USES AND MODIFICATIONS TO DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Heights exceeding the maximum height of 45' H#108 Heights exceeding the maximum height of 50' AD#110 Increases (minor) over the maximum area per use of 65,000 gross square feet AD#101 Increases (major) over the maximum area per use of 65,000 gross square feet H#103 Temporary uses s#256 TYPES: AC=Accessory Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use P=Primary Use • S=Secondary Use T=Temporary Use X=Prohibited Use #=Condition(s)Apply 2 - 52 4-2-070L—COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL (CA) 4-2-070L COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL (CA) USES: TYPE: USES: TYPE: AGRICULTURE, RESOURCE PRODUCTION AND RETAIL SALES (Continued) ANIMAL KEEPING Monuments, tombstones, and gravestones AD Animal Related Uses—Noncommercial Newsstands P Kennels, hobby AD#248 Office and business supplies, computers P Personal medical supplies P Animal Related Services Pet shop and grooming P Veterinary offices/clinics no exterior Pharmacies P kennels, runs or stables P Photographic and electronic supplies P Veterinary offices with kennels, runs or Sporting goods P stables AD Taverns P Used goods and antiques P Gardens and Nurseries Horticultural nurseries (wholesale/retail) H CULTURAL, ENTERTAINMENT AND Nursery or greenhouse H RECREATIONAL Parks and Open Space Agriculture and Natural Resources Open space (new) P Mineral/natural resource recovery H Open space (existing) P Park, playground or recreation/community RESIDENTIAL center H Multi-Family Parks, regional (new) P Multi-family 20 du/ac maximum s#107 Parks, regional (existing) P Parks, community (new) P Other Residences and Lodging Parks, community (existing) P Group homes I P/H Parks, neighborhood (new) P Group homes II, for 7 or more H Parks, neighborhood (existing) P Hotels and motels P Trails (new) P Trails (existing) P RETAIL SALES Apparel and accessories P Entertainment/Amusement Appliances s#1 Adult entertainment business S#146 Auto supplies P Adult motion picture theaters s#146 Books, music, stationery, art supply ' P Amusement arcades P Building, hardware, garden materials P#144 Amusement parks H Department and variety P Bowling alleys (centers) P Drug store P Card rooms S#255 Eating and drinking establishments P Dance halls and cabarets P Fabrics and related supplies P Gambling casinos/games of chance/bingo Feed stores H (not for profit) H Flowers, plants, and floral supplies P Outdoor commercial recreation or Food P entertainment uses H Furniture s#1 Peep shows, panorams S#146 Groceries P Sports arenas, auditoriums, exhibition halls P#145 Hobbies, toys, games P Theaters P Home furnishings s#1 Theaters, drive-in P Jewelry P Liquor stores P Cultural Mini-marts P Library or museum, public or nonprofit H TYPES: AC=Accessory Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use T=Temporary Use X=Prohibited Use #=Condition(s)Apply 2 - 53 4-2-070L—COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL (CA) USES: TYPE: USES: TYPE: SERVICES TRANSPORTATION SERVICES AND Auction houses P MANUFACTURED HOME SALES Barber shops P Automobile, boat, motorcycle leasing P Beauty shops P Automobile, boat, motorcycle rental P Business services, general Pis#1 Automobile, boat, motorcycle sales P Cemetery, crematory, mausoleum H Automobile, motorcycle, passenger truck Computer services (retail) P sales P Financial and real estate P Automobile leasing P Funeral homes P Automobile rental P Health clubs/fitness centers/sports clubs P Body shops, including painting H#159 Laundromats P Bus terminals, taxi headquarters AD#158 Personal services P Car washes P Personal services barber shops/beauty Gasoline service stations P parlors P Parking garage, commercial s#16o Pet shop and grooming P Parking lots, commercial s#16o Photography and photo reproduction P Public parking s Printing, xerography (retail) P Transit centers H Professional services s#1 Truck, RV, bus sales s#217 Professional sports teams/promoters P Uses determined by the Zoning Video rentals and sales P Administrator that directly support dealerships s Rental Services Vehicle service and repair, large AC#216 Rental services, with outside storage s#1 Vehicle service and repair, small P Rental services, no outside storage P AIR TRANSPORTATION USES Repair Services Helipads, accessory to primary use H Electrical P#140 Television P#140 STORAGE AND STORAGE FACILITIES Upholstery P#140 Self-storage, 1 story, 1 building H Watches/jewelry P#140 MANUFACTURING AND INDUSTRIAL Day Care Services Labs: medical, dental s#1 Family day care P Labs: grinding and assembly of optical lens and eyeglasses s#1 Day care centers P Research, development and testing s#1 Adult day care I, maximum 4 on residential Assembly and packaging of: property P Adult day care I, maximum 12 on Computer AC#48 nonresidential property P Electronics AC#48 Adult day care II, 5+ on residential property P Light manufacturing, assembly, light Adult day care II, 13+ on nonresidential finishing and warehousing of: property P Prefabricated parts and finishing parts H Health Services Solid Waste/Recycling Convalescent centers and nursing homes H Recycling drop or collection centers H Hospitals H Recycling collection station AC#142 Hospitals, sanitarium or similar uses H Recycling center H TYPES: AC=Accessory Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use T=Temporary Use X=Prohibited Use #=Condition(s)Apply 2 - 54 4-2-070L—COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL (CA) USES: TYPE: USES: TYPE: COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL ACCESSORY USES SCHOOLS— PUBLIC AND PRIVATE (Continued) Apparel, fabric and leather goods School, secondary (existing) P fabrication AC#52 School, secondary (new) H Computer and electronics assembly and Portables (existing) P packaging AC#48 Portables (new, up to 4) s#1 Food preparation AC#52 Change in use for existing school H Handcrafting of items/products AC#52 School expansion up to 10% P#1 Storage of products in conjunction with School expansion more than 10% H retail sales AC#48 Schools and studios for art, crafts, photography, dance, music s#141 PUBLIC FACILITIES Business and professional schools P Government Special schools: technical/industrial Government offices and facilities H processes H Churches MISCELLANEOUS USES AND MODIFICATIONS TO Churches, synagogues, temples H DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Heights exceeding the maximum height of Social/Social Service Organizations 50' H#193 Community facilities S/H Temporary uses s#218 Philanthropic institution H Private club, fraternal or nonprofit organizations H Service clubs and organizations H Utilities Public utility use or structure H Utilities, small P Utilities, medium AD Utilities, large H Communications Communications broadcast and relay towers H Radio or television transmitter H Telegraph and other communication H Wireless communication facilities Micro facility antennas Mini facility antennas P#237/AD Macro facility antennas P#237/AD Monopole I support structure P#237/AD Monopole II support structure X#241/AD Lattice towers support structure X#241/AD Minor modifications to existing wireless communication facilities P#243 SCHOOLS— PUBLIC AND PRIVATE Educational institution (public or private) H School, elementary (existing) P School, elementary (new) H TYPES: AC=Accessory Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use T=Temporary Use X=Prohibited Use #=Condition(s)Apply 2 - 55 4-2-070M—CENTER DOWNTOWN (CD) 4-2-070M CENTER DOWNTOWN (CD) USES: TYPE: USES: TYPE: AGRICULTURE, RESOURCE PRODUCTION AND RETAIL SALES (Continued) ANIMAL KEEPING Home furnishings P Animal Related Services Jewelry P Veterinary offices/clinics no exterior Liquor stores s#88 kennels, runs or stables P Microbrewery/brew pubs AD Mini-marts P Gardens and Nurseries Newsstands P Nursery or greenhouse H Personal medical supplies P Pet shop and grooming P Agriculture and Natural Resources Pharmacies P Mineral/natural resource recovery H Photographic and electronic supplies P Retail sales involving outside storage s#181 RESIDENTIAL Sporting goods P Single Family Taverns AD Single family (existing legal) P Used goods and antiques P Single family, detached dwelling s#206 CULTURAL, ENTERTAINMENT AND RECREATIONAL Multi-Family Parks and Open Space Multi-family 25— 100 du/ac P#76 Open space (new) s#2 Open space (existing) P Residential Accessory Park, playground or recreation/community First floor lobbies, common areas AC#112 center H Parks, regional (new) s#2 Other Residences and Lodging Parks, regional (existing) P Adult family home P Parks, community (new) s#2 Bed and breakfast houses P Parks, community (existing) P 1 Boarding and lodging houses P Parks, neighborhood (new) s#2 Group homes I H Parks, neighborhood (existing) P Group homes II, for 6 or less P Trails (new) s#2 Group homes II, for 7 or more H Trails (existing) P Hotels and motels P Retirement residences P Recreational Facilities Recreational facilities S#173 RETAIL SALES Apparel and accessories P Entertainment/Amusement Appliances P Adult entertainment businesses S#60/AD#60 Auto supplies P Adult motion picture studios AD#60 Books, music, stationery, art supply P Adult motion picture theaters S#60/AD#60 Building, hardware, garden materials s#85 Amusement arcades P Department and variety P Bowling alleys (centers) P Eating and drinking establishments P Card rooms x Fabrics and related supplies P Dance halls and cabarets H Florist P Peep shows, panorams S#60/AD#60 Food P Sports arenas, auditoriums, exhibition halls P#126 Furniture P Theaters P Hobbies, toys, games P TYPES: AC=Accessory Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use T=Temporary Use X=Prohibited Use #=Condition(s)Apply 2 - 56 4-2-070M —CENTER DOWNTOWN (CD) USES: TYPE: USES: TYPE: CULTURAL, ENTERTAINMENT AND RECREATIONAL SERVICES (Continued) (Continued) Health Services Cultural Convalescent centers and nursing homes P Library or museum, public or nonprofit H Hospitals H Hospitals, sanitarium or similar uses H OFFICE AND CONFERENCE Administrative headquarters P TRANSPORTATION SERVICES AND Business P MANUFACTURED HOME SALES Professional P Municipal airports H Parking garage, commercial s#12 SERVICES Parking lots, commercial s#12 Barber shops P Taxi and individual transportation AD Beauty shops P Business services, general P STORAGE Cemetery, crematory, mausoleum H Bulk storage AD#19 Commercial laundries s#18 Bulk storage exceeding minimum area Financial and real estate P requirements AD#19 Funeral homes P Hazardous material storage, on-site H#47 Health clubs/fitness centers/sports clubs P Laundromats P MANUFACTURING AND INDUSTRIAL Personal services P Labs: grinding and assembly of optical lens Personal services barber shops/beauty and eyeglasses s#161 parlors P Labs: medical, dental s#214 Pet shop and grooming P Labs: small product assembly (i.e., hearing Photography and photo reproduction P aids/dental fixtures) s#1 s1 Video rentals and sales P Leather and leather goods manufacturing AD#15 Research, development and testing AD Rental Services Assembly and packaging of: Rental services, no outside storage P Computer s#16 Electronics S#16 Repair Services Office equipment s#16 Electrical s#97 Manufacturing,processing, assembly Television s#97 and packaging of: Upholstery s#97 Articles, products and merchandise from dry goods S#17 Watches/jewelry s#97 Day Care Services Solid Waste/Recycling Recycling collection center H Day care centers P Recycling collection station AC#51 Family day care P Adult day care I, maximum 4 on residential COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL ACCESSORY USES property P Adult day care I, maximum 12 on Apparel, fabric and leather goods nonresidential property P fabrication AC#50 Adult day care II, 5+ on residential property P Food preparation AC#50 Adult day care II, 13+ on nonresidential Handcrafting of items/products AC#50 property P Manager's residence/office AC#164 Storage of products in conjunction with retail sales AC#50 TYPES: AC=Accessory Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use T=Temporary Use X=Prohibited Use #=Condition(s)Apply 2 - 57 4-2-070M—CENTER DOWNTOWN (CD) USES: TYPE: USES: TYPE: PUBLIC FACILITIES SCHOOLS—PUBLIC AND PRIVATE (Continued) Government Schools and studios for art, crafts, Government offices and facilities H photography, dance, music s#84 Jails H Business and professional schools Churches MISCELLANEOUS USES AND MODIFICATIONS TO Churches, synagogues, temples H DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Heights exceeding 95' H#14 Social/Social Service Organizations Temporary uses , S#256 Community facilities P/s Philanthropic institution H PROHIBITED USES, SPECIFICALLY IDENTIFIED Private club, fraternal or nonprofit Bulk storage of products x#94 organizations H Exterior storage of products X#257 Service clubs and organizations H Hazardous waste treatment and storage, Social service facilities P off-site x Travel trailers or recreational vehicles for Utilities habitation x Public utility use or structure H Manufacturing of: Utilities, small P Any product not specifically listed x Utilities, medium AD Utilities, large H Communications Communications broadcast and relay towers H Radio or television transmitter H Wireless communication facilities Micro facility antennas P Mini facility antennas P#237/AD Macro facility antennas P#237/AD Monopole I support structure AD#240/H Monopole II support structure X#242/H Lattice towers support structure X#242/H Minor modifications to existing wireless communication facilities P#243 SCHOOLS— PUBLIC AND PRIVATE Educational institution (public or private) H School, elementary (existing) P School, elementary (new) H School, secondary (existing) P School, secondary (new) H Portables (existing) P Portables (new, up to 4) s#1 Change in use for existing school H School expansion up to 10% P#1 School expansion more than 10% H TYPES: AC=Accessory Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use T=Temporary Use X=Prohibited Use #=Condition(s)Apply 2 - 58 4-2-070N —COMMERCIAL OFFICE (CO) 4-2-070N COMMERCIAL OFFICE (CO) USES: TYPE: USES: TYPE: AGRICULTURE, RESOURCE PRODUCTION AND CULTURAL, ENTERTAINMENT AND ANIMAL KEEPING RECREATIONAL (Continued) Gardens and Nurseries Cultural Nursery or greenhouse AD/H#62 Library or museum, public or nonprofit AD/H Agriculture and Natural Resources OFFICE AND CONFERENCE Mineral/natural resource recovery AD/H Administrative headquarters P Medical and dental P RESIDENTIAL Private conference centers AC#50 Other Residences and Lodging Professional P Hotel s#207 Retirement residences s#209 SERVICES Business services, general P#62 RETAIL SALES Cemetery, crematory, mausoleum AD/H Convenience goods S#234 Financial institutions S#232 Eating and drinking establishments S#234 Health clubs/fitness centers/sports clubs S#233 Espresso carts and temporary food venders AD#230 Personal services S#234/ Mini-marts S#234 AD#62 Retail uses (existing legal) S#231 Retail uses AD#62 Repair Services Repair services AD#62 CULTURAL, ENTERTAINMENT AND . RECREATIONAL Day Care Services Parks and Open Space Family day care P Open space (new) s#162 Day care centers P Open space (existing) P Adult day care I, maximum 4 on residential Park, playground or recreation/community property P center AD/H Adult day care I, maximum 12 on Parks, regional (new) S#162 nonresidential property P Parks, regional (existing) P Adult day care II, 5+ on residential property P Adult day care II, 13+ on nonresidential Parks, community (new) S#162 property P#62 Parks, community (existing) P Parks, neighborhood (new) s#162 Health Services Parks, neighborhood (existing) P Convalescent centers and nursing homes s#209 • Trails (new) s#162 Hospitals, sanitarium or similar uses AD/H Trails (existing) P Medical institutions s#212 Recreational Facilities _, TRANSPORTATION SERVICES AND Recreational facilities (indoor or outdoor) AC#50 MANUFACTURED HOME SALES Recreational services AD#62 Parking garages, accessory, exceeding the 33%of the gross floor area limit AD#43 Entertainment/Amusement Parking garages, commercial s#149 Adult entertainment businesses S#227 Parking garages, noncommercial AC#50 Card rooms x Parking lots, commercial AD#62 Peep shows, panorams S#227 Theaters P#62 TYPES: AC=Accessory Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use T=Temporary Use X=Prohibited Use #=Condition(s)Apply 2 - 59 4-2-070N—COMMERCIAL OFFICE (CO) USES: TYPE: USES: TYPE: TRANSPORTATION SERVICES AND PUBLIC FACILITIES (Continued) MANUFACTURED HOME SALES (Continued) Utilities Air Transportation Uses Public utility use or structure AD/H Helipads, accessory to primary use H Utilities, small P Utilities, medium AD STORAGE Utilities, large H Indoor storage AC/S#254 Indoor storage exceeding the 33% floor Communications area limit for accessory uses AD#42 Communications broadcast and relay Outdoor storage AD#57 towers H Radio or television transmitter AD/H MANUFACTURING AND INDUSTRIAL Wireless communication facilities Electronic manufacturing and assembly s#20 Micro facility antennas P Labs: grinding and assembly of optical lens Mini facility antennas P#237/AD and eyeglasses AD#210 Macro facility antennas P#237/AD Research, development and testing s#20 Monopole I support structure P#237/AD Manufacturing, assembly, packaging Monopole II support structure x#241/AD of: Lattice towers support structure X#241/AD Articles, products or merchandise from Minor modifications to existing wireless preprocessed natural or synthetic communication facilities P#243 material s#20 SCHOOLS— PUBLIC AND PRIVATE Solid Waste/Recycling Educational institution (public or private) AD/H Recycling collection center H School, secondary (existing) P Recycling collection station AC#51 School, secondary (new) H COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL ACCESSORY USES Portables (existing) P Portables (new, up to 4) S#149 Electrical power generation and Change in use for existing school H cogeneration AC#213 Food preparation AC#50 School expansion up to 1 0% P#1 School expansion more than 10% H PUBLIC FACILITIES Schools and studios for art, crafts, Government photography, dance, music s#163 Business and professional schools P Government offices and facilities AD/H Jails AD#208 MISCELLANEOUS USES AND MODIFICATIONS TO DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Churches Changes in height, bulk AD Churches, synagogues, temples H Existing proposed development (prior O-P Zone) P#130 Social/Social Service Organizations Heights of up to 60'above the maximum Community facilities s#2o/H 250' H#111 Philanthropic institution AD#62/H Temporary uses s#219 Private club, fraternal or nonprofit organizations AD#62/H PROHIBITED USES, SPECIFICALLY IDENTIFIED Service and social organizations S#228 Auto, motorcycle,truck, boat, mobile home, Service clubs and organizations H#62 trailer and RV sales, rental, repair and storage x#95 Hazardous waste treatment and storage, off-site x TYPES: AC=Accessory Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use T=Temporary Use X=Prohibited Use #=Condilion(s)Apply 2 - 60 4-2-070N —COMMERCIAL OFFICE (CO) USES: TYPE: PROHIBITED USES, SPECIFICALLY IDENTIFIED (Continued) Outdoor storage or outdoor display materials or products x#185 Residential uses x TYPES: AC=Accessory Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use T=Temporary Use X=Prohibited Use #=Condition(s)Apply 2 - 61 4-2-0700—CENTER OFFICE RESIDENTIAL (COR) 4-2-0700 CENTER OFFICE RESIDENTIAL (COR) USES: TYPE: USES: TYPE: AGRICULTURE, RESOURCE PRODUCTION AND CULTURAL, ENTERTAINMENT AND ANIMAL KEEPING RECREATIONAL (Continued) Gardens and Nurseries Trails (new) H Nursery or greenhouse AD/H Trails (existing) P Agriculture and Natural Resources Recreational Facilities Mineral/natural resource recovery AD/H Marinas s#125 RESIDENTIAL Cultural Multi-family Library or museum, public or nonprofit AD/H Multi-family/townhouses 16—25 du/ac P#119 OFFICE AND CONFERENCE Other Residences and Lodging Administrative headquarters P Bed and breakfast houses s#68 Business P Boarding and lodging houses s#68 Medical and dental clinics P Group homes II, for 6 or less P Private conference centers AC#50 Group homes II, for 7 or more AD Professional P Retirement residences P Hotel/convention center with office and/or SERVICES residential uses on-site P Barber shops s#68 Beauty shops s#68 RETAIL SALES Cemetery, crematory, mausoleum AD/H Apparel and accessories s#68 Financial institutions S#153 Books, stationery, art supply s#68 Health clubs/fitness centers/sports clubs s#154 Eating and drinking establishments S#68/ Personal services s#68 H#137 Food store no more than 25,000 square Repair Services feet of gross floor area s#68 Mini-marts H#11 Electrical s#68 Newsstands s#68 Television s#s8 Pharmacies s#68 Upholstery s#68 Taverns s#68 Watches/jewelry s#68 CULTURAL, ENTERTAINMENT AND Day Care Services RECREATIONAL Family day care P Parks and Open Space Day care centers s#68 Open space (new) H Adult day care I, maximum 4 on residential Open space (existing) P property P Park, playground or recreation/community Adult day care I, maximum 12 on center AD/H nonresidential property P Parks, regional (new) H Adult day care II, 5+ on residential property s#68 Parks, regional (existing) P Adult day care II, 13+ on nonresidential Parks, community (new) s property s#68 Parks, community (existing) P Health Services Parks, neighborhood (new) S Convalescent centers and nursing homes AD Parks, neighborhood (existing) P Hospitals, sanitarium or similar uses AD/H TYPES: AC=Accessory Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use T=Temporary Use X=Prohibited Use #=Condition(s)Apply 2 - 62 4-2-0700—CENTER OFFICE RESIDENTIAL (COR) USES: TYPE: USES: TYPE: TRANSPORTATION SERVICES AND PUBLIC FACILITIES (Continued) MANUFACTURED HOME SALES Communications Car washes H#81 Communications broadcast and relay Gasoline service stations H towers H Parking garages, noncommercial AC#50 Radio or television transmitter AD/H Wireless communication facilities Air Transportation Uses Micro facility antennas P Helipads, accessory to primary use H Mini facility antennas P#237/AD Macro facility antennas P#237/AD MANUFACTURING AND INDUSTRIAL Monopole I support structure AD#240/H Industrial/manufacturing facilities (existing) P#128 Monopole II support structure x#242/H Industrial/manufactruing facilities, major Lattice towers support structure x#242/H modification, production increase or Minor modifications to existing wireless expansion of existing H communicatopion facilities P#243 Research, development and testing H Assembly and packaging of: SCHOOLS-PUBLIC AND PRIVATE Electronics H Educational institution (public or private) AD/H School, elementary (existing) P Solid Waste/Recycling School, elementary (new) H Recycling collection center H School, secondary (existing) P Recycling collection station AC#51 School, secondary (new) H Portables (existing) P COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL ACCESSORY USES Portables (new, up to 4) s#1 Food preparation AC#50 Change in use for existing school H Handcrafting of items/products AC#50 School expansion up to 10% P#1 Storage of products in conjunction with School expansion more than 10% H retail sales AC#50 Business and professional schools s#68 PUBLIC FACILITIES MISCELLANEOUS USES AND MODIFICATIONS TO Government DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Government offices and facilities AD/H Temporary uses s Churches PROHIBITED USES, SPECIFICALLY IDENTIFIED Churches, synagogues, temples H Bulk storage of products x Exterior storage of products x#94 Social/Social Service Organizations Hazardous waste treatment and storage, Community facilities s#224 off-site x Philanthropic institution AD/H Travel trailers or recreational vehicles for Private club, fraternal or nonprofit habitation x organizations AD/H Manufacturing of: Service clubs and organizations H Any product not specifically listed x Utilities Public utility use or structure AD/H Utilities, small P Utilities, medium AD Utilities, large H TYPES: AC=Accessory Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use T=Temporary Use X=Prohibited Use #=Condition(s)Apply 2 - 63 4-2-070P— INDUSTRIAL LIGHT (IL) 4-2-070P INDUSTRIAL LIGHT (IL) USES: TYPE: USES: TYPE: AGRICULTURE, RESOURCE PRODUCTION AND CULTURAL, ENTERTAINMENT AND ANIMAL KEEPING RECREATIONAL(Continued) Animal Related Uses—Noncommercial Cultural Kennels, hobby P#205 Library or museum, public or nonprofit H Animal Related Services OFFICE AND CONFERENCE Kennels P#74 Administrative headquarters s#71 Veterinary offices with kennels, runs or stables P#74 SERVICES Veterinary clinics with kennels P#74 Auction houses P#74 Cemetery, crematory, mausoleum H Gardens and Nurseries Commercial laundries P#74 Horticultural nurseries (wholesale/retail) P#74 Dry cleaning plants P#74 Nursery or greenhouse H Rental Services Agriculture and Natural Resources Rental services P#74 Mineral/natural resource recovery H Day Care Services RETAIL SALES Day care centers AD Bulk retail outlet P#74 Adult day care I, maximum 4 on residential Eating and drinking establishments P#74 property AD Lumber yards P#74 Adult day care I, maximum 12 on Mini-marts P#74 nonresidential property AD Adult day care II, 5+ on residential property AD WHOLESALE SALES Adult day care II, 13+ on nonresidential Wholesale outlets P#74 property AD CULTURAL, ENTERTAINMENT AND Health Services RECREATIONAL Hospitals, sanitariums or similar uses H Parks and Open Space Open space (new) s#174 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES AND Open space (existing) p MANUFACTURED HOME SALES Park, playground or recreation/community Automobile rental P#74 center H Automobile sales P#74 Parks, regional (new) S#174 Body shops P#74 Parks, regional (existing) P Car washes P#74 Parks, community (new) s#174 Express delivery/hauling, cargo handling Parks, community (existing) P with central terminal P#74 Parks, neighborhood (new) s#174 Gasoline service stations P#74 Parks, neighborhood (existing) P Industrial engine or transmission rebuild P#74 Trails (new) s#17a Mobile homes sales P#74 Trails (existing) P Mobile home/trailer/RV sales, rental P#74 RV sales, rental P#74 Entertainment/Amusement Taxi and individual transportation s#177 Adult entertainment business s#so Truck rental (commercial/noncommercial) P#74 Card rooms s#255 Truck sales (commercial/noncommercial) P#74 Theaters s#170 TYPES: AC=Accessory Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use T=Temporary Use X=Prohibited Use #=Condition(s)Apply 2 - 64 4-2-070P— INDUSTRIAL LIGHT (IL) USES: TYPE: USES: TYPE: TRANSPORTATION SERVICES AND COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL ACCESSORY USES MANUFACTURED HOME SALES (Continued) Accessory structures AC#93 Vehicle service and repair, large P#74 Caretaker's residence AC#56 Vehicle service and repair, small P#74 Hazardous waste treatment, on-site AC#129 Restaurant, cafeteria, recreational facilities AC#54 Air Transportation Uses Retail uses associated with primary use AC#49 Helipads, accessory to primary use only H Security building AC#58 I STORAGE PUBLIC FACILITIES Hazardous waste, off-site H#211 Government Hazardous waste, on-site AC#129/ Government offices and facilities H H#235 Outside storage (vehicles/equipment/ Churches products) AC#87 Petroleum/natural gas to 50,000 gallons AC#129 Churches, synagogues, temples H Self-service storage AD Warehousing and storage P#74 Social/Social Service Organizations Community facilities s#177 MANUFACTURING AND INDUSTRIAL Philanthropic institution H Any H 1 District use in the L-1 Zone H Private club, fraternal or nonprofit Breweries P#74 organizations H Contractor's and manufacturer's Service clubs and organizations H representatives P#74 Contractors' office with storage of Utilities equipment/materials P#74 Public utility use or structure H Distilleries P#74 Utilities, small P#74 Hazardous waste treatment, off-site H Utilities, medium s#177 Labs: medical, dental P#74 Utilities, large H Movie production and distribution AD Printing, publishing, and allied industries P#74 Communications Research, development and testing P#74 Radio or television transmitter H Wineries P#74 Wireless communication facilities Manufacturing,processing, assembly Micro facility antennas P of: Mini facility antennas P#237/AD Printing, publishing and allied industries P#74 Macro facility antennas P#237/AD Manufacturing, assembly, packaging Monopole I support structure P#237/AD of: Monopole II support structure x#241/AD Apparel and other textile products P#74 Lattice towers support structure x#241/AD Computer and office equipment P#74 Minor modifications to existing wireless Electronic and other electrical equipment P#74 communication facilities P#243 Food and kindred products processing P#178 Leather and leather goods P#74 SCHOOLS—PUBLIC AND PRIVATE Optical lenses and eyeglasses P#74 Educational institution (public or private) H Signs and advertising P#74 School, elementary (existing) P School, elementary (new) H Solid Waste/Recycling School, secondary (existing) P Recycling collection station P#74 School, secondary (new) H Recycling collection center P#74 Portables (existing) P Portables (new, up to 4) s#175 TYPES: AC=Accessory Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use T=Temporary Use X=Prohibited Use #=Condition(s)Apply 2 - 65 4-2-070P— INDUSTRIAL LIGHT (IL) USES: TYPE: SCHOOLS— PUBLIC AND PRIVATE (Continued) Change in use for existing school H School expansion up to 10% P#176 School expansion more than 10% H Vocational schools P#74 School district support facilities P#74 MISCELLANEOUS USES AND MODIFICATIONS TO DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Heights exceeding the maximum height of 50' H Temporary uses S#179 PROHIBITED USES, SPECIFICALLY IDENTIFIED Residential uses except caretaker/security residence x Refining, manufacturing, or bulk storage of: Petroleum or petroleum by-products, except as an accessory use of less than 50,000 gallons x TYPES: AC=Accessory Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use T=Temporary Use X=Prohibited Use #=Condition(s)Apply 2 - 66 4-2-070Q— INDUSTRIAL MEDIUM (IM) 4-2-070Q INDUSTRIAL MEDIUM (IM) USES: TYPE: USES: TYPE: AGRICULTURE, RESOURCE PRODUCTION, AND CULTURAL, ENTERTAINMENT AND ANIMAL KEEPING RECREATIONAL (Continued) Animal Related Uses—Noncommercial Trails (new) s#117 Kennels, hobby P#205 Trails (existing) P Animal Related Services Recreational Facilities Kennels P Recreational facilities s#11s Stables, commercial P Veterinary offices with kennels, runs or Entertainment/Amusement stables P Adult entertainment business s#60 Veterinary clinics with kennels P Card rooms S#255 Theaters S#170 Gardens and Nurseries Horticultural nurseries (wholesale/retail) P Cultural Nursery or greenhouse P/H Library or museum, public or nonprofit H 'Agriculture and Natural Resources OFFICE AND CONFERENCE Agricultural crop sales P Administrative headquarters s#71 Mineral/natural resource recovery H Personal s#173 RETAIL SALES SERVICES Bulk retail outlet P Auction houses P Coal yards P Business services, general s#173 Eating and drinking establishments P Cemetery, crematory, mausoleum H Lumber yards P Commercial laundries P Mini-marts P Dry cleaning plants P Financial institutions s#152 WHOLESALE SALES Professional sports teams/promoters P Agricultural crop sales P Fuel dealers H Rental Services Fuel yards P Rental services P Wholesale outlets P Day Care Services CULTURAL, ENTERTAINMENT AND Day care centers H RECREATIONAL Adult day care I, maximum 4 on residential Parks and Open Space property H Open space (new) s#117 Adult day care I, maximum 12 on Open space (existing) P nonresidential property H Park, playground or recreation/community Adult day care II, 5+ on residential property H center H Adult day care II, 13+ on nonresidential Parks, regional (new) s#117 property H Parks, regional (existing) P Parks, community (new) S#117 Health Services Parks, community (existing) P Hospitals, sanitarium or similar uses H Parks, neighborhood (new) s#117 Parks, neighborhood (existing) P TYPES: AC=Accessory Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use T=Temporary Use X=Prohibited Use #=Condition(s)Apply 2 - 67 4-2-0700— INDUSTRIAL MEDIUM (IM) USES: TYPE: USES: TYPE: TRANSPORTATION SERVICES AND MANUFACTURING AND INDUSTRIAL (Continued) MANUFACTURED HOME SALES Concrete batching plant AD Auto impoundment yard H Construction office P Automobile rental P Contractor's and manufacturer's Automobile sales P representatives P Body shops P Distilleries P Car washes P Hazardous waste treatment, off-site H Express delivery/hauling, cargo handling Labs: medical, dental P with central terminal P Manufacturing of stone, clay, glass, Gasoline service stations P concrete AD Heavy equipment wholesale, storage, Movie production and distribution P repair P Research, development and testing P Industrial engine or transmission rebuild P Soap and compound manufacturing H Mobile homes sales P Tanning, curing, storage of rawhide or skin AD Mobile home/trailer/RV sales, rental P Wineries P Parking garage, commercial P Manufacturing, processing, assembly Parking lots, commercial P of: RV sales, rental P Coating, engraving, allied services P Taxi and individual transportation P Printing, publishing, and allied services P Tow truck operation H Manufacturing, processing, assembly, Transportation services P warehousing of: Truck rental/sales P Bicycles P Vehicle service and repair, large P Fabricated metal products P Vehicle service and repair, small P Measuring and controlling equipment P Wrecking yard, auto H Wood products and cabinet shops P Manufacturing, assembly,packaging Air Transportation Uses of: Helipads, commercial H Apparel and other textile products P Computer and office equipment P STORAGE Electronic and other electrical equipment P Explosives H Food and kindred products processing P#122 Farm produce refrigeration and storage P Leather and leather goods P Hazardous waste, off-site (including Optical lenses and eyeglasses P treatment) H#211 Signs and advertising P Hazardous waste, on-site AC#129/ H#235 Solid Waste/Recycling Outside storage (including vehicles/ Disposal facilities (dump, solid industrial equipment) AC#87 waste) H Petroleum/natural gas over 50,000 gallons H Recycling collection center P Petroleum/natural gas to 50,000 gallons AC#129 Recycling collection station P Self-service storage P Sewage disposal and treatment plants H Warehousing P Waste recycling and transfer facilities H Warehousing and storage P -- COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL ACCESSORY USES MANUFACTURING AND INDUSTRIAL Accessory structures AC#44 Breweries P Caretaker's residence AC#56 Brick, tile, terra cotta manufacturing, Gatehouse or guardhouse AC#58 storage AD Hazardous waste treatment, on-site AC#129 Cement, lime, gypsum manufacturing H Retail uses associated with primary use S#171 TYPES: AC=Accessory Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use T=Temporary Use X=Prohibited Use #=Condition(s)Apply 2 - 68 4-2-0700— INDUSTRIAL MEDIUM (IM) USES: TYPE: USES: TYPE: PUBLIC FACILITIES PROHIBITED USES, SPECIFICALLY IDENTIFIED Government Residential uses except caretaker/security Government offices and facilities H residence x Manufacturing of: Churches Oil, shellac, varnish or turpentine x Churches, synagogues, temples H Paper and pulp x Rubber from crude material x Social/Social Service Organizations Refining, manufacturing, or bulk Community facilities s#173 storage of: Philanthropic institution H Petroleum or petroleum by-products Private club, fraternal or nonprofit except as provided in the bulk storage organizations H regulations x Service clubs and organizations H Utilities Public utility use or structure H Utilities services P Utilities, small P Utilities, medium AD Utilities, large H Communications Communication services P Radio or television transmitter H Wireless communication facilities Micro facility antennas P Mini facility antennas P#237/AD Macro facility antennas P#237/AD Monopole I support structure P#237/AD Monopole II support structure X#241/AD Lattice towers support structure X#241/AD Minor modifications to existing wireless communication facilities P#243 SCHOOLS— PUBLIC AND PRIVATE Educational institution (public or private) H School, elementary (existing) P School, secondary (existing) P Portables (existing) P School expansion up to 10% P#1 Vocational schools P School district support facilities P MISCELLANEOUS USES AND MODIFICATIONS TO DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Temporary uses s#218 Temporary buildings used for construction AC#45 TYPES: AC=Accessory Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use T=Temporary Use X=Prohibited Use #=Condition(s)Apply 2 - 69 4-2-070R— INDUSTRIAL HEAVY (IH) 4-2-070R INDUSTRIAL HEAVY (IH) USES: TYPE: USES: TYPE: AGRICULTURE, RESOURCE PRODUCTION AND CULTURAL, ENTERTAINMENT AND ANIMAL KEEPING RECREATIONAL (Continued) Animal Related Uses—Noncommercial Entertainment/Amusement Kennels, hobby P#205 Card rooms S#255 Places of adult entertainment s#so Animal Related Services Kennels P#249 Cultural Stables, commercial P Library or museum, public or nonprofit H Gardens and Nurseries OFFICE AND CONFERENCE Nursery or greenhouse H Administrative headquarters s#71 Agriculture and Natural Resources SERVICES Mineral/natural resource recovery H Cemetery, crematory, mausoleum H Financial institutions s#152 RETAIL SALES Bulk retail outlet P Day Care Services Coal yards P Day care centers H Eating and drinking establishments P Adult day care I, maximum 4 on residential Lumber yards P property _ H Mini-marts P Adult day care I, maximum 12 on nonresidential property H WHOLESALE Adult day care II, 5+ on residential property H Wholesale outlets P Adult day care II, 13+ on nonresidential Fuel yards ' P property H CULTURAL, ENTERTAINMENT AND Health Services RECREATIONAL Hospitals, sanitariums or similar uses H Parks and Open Space Open space (new) s#117 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES AND Open space (existing) P MANUFACTURED HOME SALES Park, playground or recreation/community Auto impoundment yard P center H Automobile, boat, motorcycle sales P Parks, regional (new) s#117 Body shops P Parks, regional (existing) P Car washes P Parks, community (new) S#117 Construction equipment rental P Parks, community (existing) P Gasoline service stations P Parks, neighborhood (new) s#117 Heavy equipment sales, storage, repair P Parks, neighborhood (existing) P Heavy equipment rental P Trails (new) s#117 Heavy hauling vehicles rental P Trails (existing) P Industrial engine or transmission rebuild P Mobile home/trailer/RV sales, rental P Recreational Facilities Railroad yards P Recreational facilities s#173 Tow truck operation P Trailer rental P Truck terminals and associated warehousing P TYPES: AC=Accessory Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use T=Temporary Use X=Prohibited Use #=Condition(s)Apply 2 - 70 4-2-070R— INDUSTRIAL HEAVY (IH) USES: TYPE: USES: TYPE: TRANSPORTATION SERVICES AND MANUFACTURING AND INDUSTRIAL (Continued) MANUFACTURED HOME SALES(Continued) Coating, engraving, allied services P Vehicle service and repair, large P Concrete products P Vehicle service and repair, small P Electric powered metal recycling plant P Wrecking yard, auto H Electronic and electrical products P Fabricated metal products P Air Transportation Uses Food and kindred products P Airplane sales and repair P Forest products P Forging P STORAGE Foundries P Explosives H#215 Glass products P Explosives, accessory AC Gypsum products P Hazardous waste, off-site (including Heavy machine shops P treatment) H#211 Machinery for general industry, mining, Hazardous waste, on-site (including AC#129/ agriculture P treatment) H#235 Military vehicles P Natural gas storage AD Miscellaneous manufacturing Outside storage (including vehicles/ establishments P equipment/products) AC#87 Paint P Petroleum/natural gas over 50,000 gallons H Pre-cast building components P Petroleum/natural gas to 50,000 gallons AC#129 Printing ink P Self-service storage P Printing, publishing, and allied industries P Warehousing P Quarrying P Warehousing and storage P Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products P Stone cutting and engraving P MANUFACTURING AND INDUSTRIAL Stone products P Breweries P Structural clay products P Brick, tile, terra cotta manufacturing, Transportation equipment manufacturing storage AD and assembly P Cement, lime, gypsum manufacturing H Concrete batching P Solid Waste/Recycling Contractors' office with storage of Disposal facilities (dump, solid industrial equipment/materials P waste) H Disinfectant manufacturer H Recycling collection and processing Distilleries P stations P Hazardous waste treatment, off-site H Recycling collection and processing centers P Research, development and testing P Recycling, large scale P Soap and compound manufacturing AD Sewage disposal and treatment plants H Tanning, curing, storage of rawhide or skin AD Manufacturing,processing of: COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL ACCESSORY USES Chemicals and allied products H Accessory structures AC#44 Manufacturing, processing, assembly Caretaker's residence AC#56 of: Gatehouse or guardhouse AC#58 Abrasive products P Hazardous waste treatment, on-site AC#129 Airplanes P Retail uses associated with primary use s#171 Asphalt plants P Automobiles P PUBLIC FACILITIES Boats P Government Clay products P Government offices and facilities H TYPES: AC=Accessory Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use T=Temporary Use X=Prohibited Use #=Condition(s)Apply 2 - 71 4-2-070R— INDUSTRIAL HEAVY (IH) USES: TYPE: PUBLIC FACILITIES (Continued) Churches Churches, synagogues, temples H Social/Social Service Organizations Community facilities s#173 Philanthropic institution H Private club, fraternal or nonprofit organizations H Service clubs and organizations H Utilities Public utility use or structure H Utilities, small P Utilities, medium AD Utilities, large H Communications Radio or television transmitter H Wireless communication facilities Micro facility antennas P Mini facility antennas P#237/AD Macro facility antennas P#237/AD Monopole I support structure P#237/AD Monopole II support structure X#241/AD Lattice towers support structure x#241/AD Minor modifications to existing wireless communication facilities P#243 SCHOOLS— PUBLIC AND PRIVATE Educational institution (public or private) H MISCELLANEOUS USES AND MODIFICATIONS TO DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Temporary uses s#218 Temporary buildings used for construction AC#45 PROHIBITED USES, SPECIFICALLY IDENTIFIED Residential uses except caretaker/security residence x Manufacturing of: Oil, shellac, varnish or turpentine x Paper and pulp x Rubber from crude material x Refining, manufacturing, or bulk storage of: Petroleum or petroleum by-products except as an accessory use of less than 50,000 gallons x TYPES: AC=Accessory Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use T=Temporary Use X=Prohibited Use #=Condition(s)Apply 2 - 72 4-2-080A 4-2-080 CONDITIONS ASSOCIATED WITH ZONING USE TABLES: A. SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING 12. These uses shall include high visibility retail CONDITIONS: or service space on the ground floor along street frontage in the "Downtown Pedes- 1. Subject to site plan review. trian District". See Downtown Pedestrian 2. Subject to site plan review and consistency District Map in RMC 4-2-080D. with the City Comprehensive Parks, Recre- 13. Except school facilities. ation and Open Space Master Plan and Trails Master Plan. 14. RMC 4-2-120C, Condition 21, Additional Conditional Use Permit Criteria for Excess 3. Administrative approval under RMC Height also applies. 4-9-200, Site Plan Review, for new neigh- borhood parks which are smaller than ten 15. These uses shall not be located on the (10) acres. Hearing Examiner approval ground floor along street frontage in the under the Site Plan Review section for new "Downtown Pedestrian District". See neighborhood parks which are ten (10) Downtown Pedestrian District Map in RMC acres or larger. In either case, subject to 4-2-080D. consistency with the City Comprehensive 16. These uses, except their supportive Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master p ppoated offices and sales uses, shall not be located on the Plan and Trails Master Plan. ground floor along street frontage in the 4. Administrative approval under the Site Plan "Downtown Pedestrian District". See Review section for new community gar- Downtown Pedestrian District Map in RMC dens which are smaller than ten (10)acres. 4-2-080D. Hearing Examiner approval under the Site 17. These uses shall not be located on the Plan Review section for new community ground floor along street frontage in the gardens which are ten (10) acres or larger. "Downtown Pedestrian District". Parking, 5. Including restaurants and associated build- docking and loading areas for truck traffic ings as part of a residential development shall be off-street and screened from view project. of abutting public streets. See Downtown Pedestrian District Map in RMC 4-2-080D. 6. Permitted subject to the density limitations and dwelling unit type mix requirements of 18. These uses shall be permitted only as a the development standards for this Zone. continuation of an existing commercial No more than four(4) units may be consec- laundry use. Existing use of this type may utively attached. be expanded on existing properties,contig- uous properties, or on properties a portion 7. Including restaurants and associated build- of which is within one hundred feet(100')of ings. existing buildings, subject to site plan 8. Size and location of these uses will be review. These uses shall not be expanded reviewed as part of the site plan approval. on the ground floor along street frontage in the "Downtown Pedestrian District"except 9. Expansion of existing retail structures sub- for those supportive office and sales uses. ject to site plan review. Construction of new Along property lines adjacent to residential retail buildings on the same site as existing uses,there shall be a fifteen foot(15')wide retail buildings, subject to site plan review. continuous landscaped buffer. Consideration given to community need (i.e., suitable location). 19. In the"Downtown Core Area", bulk storage must be contained within the buildings, 10. Except not permitted in the "Downtown e.g., in basements, upper stories of build- Core Area".See Downtown Core Area Map ings. See Downtown Core Area Map in in RMC 4-2-080C. RMC 4-2-080C. 11. In addition to the criteria of RMC 4-9-030, 20. Consideration must be given to community Conditional Use Permits, the use must be need (i.e., suitable location). sited in conjunction with gas station. 2 - 73 4-2-080A 21. Consideration must be given to community 29. For four(4) or fewer guests per night. need (i.e., suitable location) and subject to 30. The guest house must be conducted by the the provisions of RMC 4 3 010 and chapter property owner. No more than fifty percent 5-12 RMC, Adult Entertainment. (50%) of the principal residence is used for 22. Consideration must be given to community the guest house and the number of persons need (i.e., suitable location). Gaming activ- accommodated per night shall not exceed ities not permitted. No greater than ten four (4). thousand (10,000) square feet in size. Ade 31. The guest house must be conducted by the quate on-site parking,joint parking may be permitted within five hundred feet (500') property owner. No more than fifty percent subject to the standards of the parking and (50%) of the principal residence is used for loading regulations. the guest house and the number of persons accommodated per night shall not exceed 23. Consideration must be given to community four (4). One off-street parking space must need (i.e., suitable location). Intended and be provided for each guest room. The park- designed to serve immediate market area ing space must not be located in any (i.e., contiguous CO Zone). No outdoor required setback. The domestic water sup- facilities. No external signage. ply and wastewater disposal facilities shall 24. Buildings/structures which support the agri be approved by the City. cultural or animal husbandry use of a site 32. Normally associated with and ancillary to such as barns, silos, sheds, and enclosed single family homes and conforming to the buildings used for the storage of agricultural development standards of this Zone (i.e., products and equipment. Animal shelter or maximum size, height, etc.). animal manure storage facilities may also 33. Subject to the requirements of RMC be allowed on lots at least one acre in size. 4-9-090, Home Occupations, with the writ- 25. Consideration must be given to community ten approval of the property owner, which need (i.e., suitable location). Intended and may be revoked for good cause. designed to serve immediate market area 34. Subject to approval by the Zoning Adminis- (i.e.,contiguous CO Zone).No freestanding trator and the standards of RMC 4-9-090, buildings— must be located in a "primary Home Occupations. use" structure. No drive-through service. Signage: For lots within one hundred feet 35. I.e., temporary seasonal uses, job shacks, (100') of residential zoned properties, model homes, subject to approval by the external signage shall be subject to the pro Zoning Administrator. visions of RMC 4-4-100F, Signs within 36. One accessory dwelling unit—may be Shoreline Areas—Special Requirements. detached or attached. Subject to the devel- 26. Consideration must be given to community opment standards applicable to primary need (i.e., suitable location). Intended and structures, to house family members designed to serve immediate market area related to the property owner or an (i.e.,contiguous CO Zone).No freestanding employee of property owner, including a buildings—must be located in a"primary unit attached to a primary dwelling or a des use"structure. Three (3) drive up windows ignated manufactured home.See Auto Mall in conjunction with a branch operation. Inte Map in RMC 4 3 040. grated into the exterior wall of a"primary 37. An administrative conditional use permit is use"structure. required to exceed the maximum number 27. Located on the same lot as the single family of farm animals allowed outright in this home. Zone. 28. Located adjacent to or on the same lots as 38. RESERVED. the single family home and conforming with 39. Cannot exceed five percent (5%) of the the development standards. Accessory total number of mobile home spaces. structures shall only be allowed on residen 40. Except for development consistent with an tial lots in conjunction with an existing pri- mary residential use. approved "master site plan"which is con- sidered to be a secondary use. 2 - 74 4-2-080A 41. Used in conjunction with an approved pub- (33%) of the gross floor area and allowed lic or quasi-public use when the collection for on-site sales purposes only. station is utilized more than ninety (90) 53. Located adjacent to or on the same lot as days per calendar year. the mobile home park. Residential acces- 42. Accessory to a permitted use where sory structures shall only be allowed on adverse impacts are appropriately miti- residential lots in conjunction with an exist- gated and the use is part of a mixed ten- ing primary residential use. ancy and/or use development where the 54. For employee use only in conjunction with average amount of indoor storage, acces- sory to all permitted uses,does not exceed a permitted primary use. thirty three percent(33%) of the total devel- 55. Located on the same lot as the residential opment's gross floor area. dwelling unit. 43. Where adverse impacts are appropriately 56. For security or maintenance personnel mitigated and said parking is consistent with when located on the premises where they the State Commute Trip Reduction Act. are employed; provided, there is only one 44. When not exceeding fifty percent (50%) of residence per permitted establishment. the gross floor area of such use. 57. Must be associated with a permitted use 45. For a period not to exceed the duration of and if appropriately screened, limited to fif construction. teen feet (15') in height or one story. 46. In conjunction with a primary use when 58. Allowed in the nonlandscaped portion of operated primarily for employees of the the required setback/open space, provided Industrial Zone in which they are located the building does not contain more than and with consideration given to community one hundred fifty (150) square feet. need (i.e., suitable location). 59. Accessory to a public or quasi-public use. 47. As accessory only;except where such stor The collection station is portable and tern age is prohibited by the Aquifer Protection porary (not to exceed ninety (90) calendar days out of each year). The collection sta- Regulations. tion is not located on any public right-of- 48. Allowed where incidental to a permitted use way unless a right-of-way use permit is and shall not exceed thirty three percent granted by the Board of Public Works. The (33%) of the gross floor area. property owners or managers shall keep 49. Allowed where ordinarily incidental to and the area surrounding the recycling station associated with the primary permitted use maintained and clean of debris. and not exceeding thirty three percent 60. Subject to the RMC 4-3-010, Adult Enter- (33%) of the gross floor area of such a use. tainment Regulations. 50. Allowed where incidental to a permitted pri- 61. These uses must be included as part of the mary or secondary use and shall not total development (not allowed to develop exceed thirty three percent (33%) of the independently). gross floor area,except for floor area that is 62. The design of structures, including signs, devoted to food prepared wholly for retail sales on site. shall be generally consistent in character with surrounding uses. No drive-up win- 51. Allowed where incidental to a permitted pri- dows or outside automobile service shall be mary or secondary use and shall not permitted, except for financial institutions exceed thirty three percent (33%) of the which are permitted three (3) drive-up win- gross floor area,except for floor area that is dows in conjunction with a branch opera- devoted to food prepared wholly for retail tion and integrated into the exterior wall of a sales on-site, and providing the structure is "primary use"structure. No exterior display not located within any required setback of merchandise is permitted. Retail and ser- and/or landscaping area. vice uses shall be developed as part of ser- 52. Allowed where incidental to a permitted larger office structures. Such retail or use, not to exceed thirty three percent vice uses shall not stand alone and shall not occupy more than twenty five percent 2 - 75 4-2-080A (25%) of any one floor of a building whose taken up by the cart. No more than two (2) primary use is office. Direct arterial access espresso or other temporary vendors per to individual uses shall occur only when primary use, except for master planned alternative access to local or collector office parks over five (5) acres in size for streets or consolidated access with adja- which a maximum number of carts will be cent uses is not feasible. determined by the Zoning Administrator. 63. When part of a mixed use development. 71. These offices shall be associated with a pri- 64. Must be part of a mixed office/light industrial mary permitted use on the same site or a contiguous site. The office or mixed office/manufacturing complex. uses may be developed in conjunction with, or subse- 65. In addition to the criteria of RMC 4-9-030, quent to,the industrial use.The office uses Conditional Use Permits, the use must be may serve the administrative needs of sited in conjunction with gas station, and employees company-wide including those limited to one self-service, drive-through employees located on other sites. facility. 72. The only structures that may be erected 66. No freestanding structures. Single drive-up within the open space areas shall promote window in conjunction with a branch opera- the use of the open space. No open space tion. is counted for any use within rights-of-way. 67. No more than three(3)drive-up windows in These uses shall be maintained by the conjunction with a branch operation and homeowners association if the property is integrated into the exterior wall of a "pri subdivided, or by a management organiza mary use" structure. tion if the property is not subdivided. 68. Intended and designed to serve the imme 73. Except exterior storage and long-term diate market area (i.e., contiguous COR parking of commercial vehicles. Zone). No freestanding buildings—must be 74. Except that when operations are predomi- housed in a"primary use"structure. Limited nantly conducted out of doors rather than external signage. No drive-up windows or completely enclosed within an enclosed outside automobile service shall be permit- structure, a conditional use permit is ted (except for financial institutions). The required. design of structures, including signs, shall 75. Including small trees, shrubs, flowers, sup- be generally consistent in character with plies, and tools within an enclosed area. surrounding uses. No exterior display or storage of merchandise shall be permitted. 76. Multi-family residential may also be located 69. Any freestanding day care center must be in a mixed use building of commercial and physically connected to a primary use by residential uses. Residential uses shall not any of the following means: a shared roof be located along the street frontage on the ground floor in the "Downtown Pedestrian line, a paved pedestrian walkway on the in District". Density may be increased to one terior or the primary use's site or a covered hundred fifty (150) dwelling units per acre walkway. The day care center is intended subject to administrative conditional and designed to serve the immediate mar approval. The minimum density require- ket area (i.e., contiguous CO Zone), the ments shall not apply to the subdivision, freestanding daycare center structure be short plat and/or development of a legal lot oriented to the primary use structure(s). Ve one half (1/2) acre or less in size as of hicular access to the freestanding structure March 1, 1995. (Ord. 4466, 8 22 1994; only be from within the site. Amd. Ord. 4631, 9 9 1996) 70. Which serve adjacent employees subject to 77. Size and location of these uses will be the following conditions: No signage other reviewed as part of site plan approval. No than that located on the cart itself. Cart outside kennels, runs or stables. Retail and location must be pedestrian oriented and Commercial development is not allowed to not street oriented. Cart location cannot be exceed thirty five thousand (35,000) gross on required landscaping or parking areas square feet/use without a conditional use unless in a Park and Ride lot where no permit and must be scaled to serve the more than a single parking space may be 2 - 76 4-2-080A needs of the adjacent neighborhood abut- ture, a solid wall or sight-obscuring fence a ting the center. minimum of six feet (6') in height up to a 78. Provided the structure is not located within maximum of ten feet(10') or as required by any required setback and/or landscaped RMC 4 4 110, Bulk Storage Facilities. Out side storage shall not be permitted in any area. setback area. 79. Provision of peripheral landscaping which 88 These uses shall not be located within one does not obscure views into the garage thousand feet (1,000') of one another. structure in order to maintain visual security. Increased lighting for security. Limited curb 89. On a minimum of five (5) acres. cuts and traffic access. Size and location 90. Not exceeding four hundred (400) square shall be reviewed as part of site plan feet in floor area and not over twenty(20)lin- approval. eal feet on any side for the sale of agricul- 80. Service bays and automobile storage areas tural products produced on the premises. shall be visually and acoustically screened 91. On parcels twenty (20) acres or larger in from view of adjacent residential uses and size, including gravel, sand and valuable abutting public rights-of-way.Size and loca metallic substances; provided, the use is tion of these uses will be reviewed as part of site plan approval. consistent with the State and local regula- tions. 81. In addition to the criteria of RMC 4 9 030, 92. On parcels eighty (80) acres or greater in Conditional Use Permits, subject to the folsize, consistent with the Forest Practices lowing: Act and where it does not conflict with any a. Sited in conjunction with a gas station. other City regulations. b. Limited to one self-service, drive- 93. Not exceeding fifty percent (50%) of the through facility. gross floor area of the primary light indus- c. Bay is screened from view of adjacent trial use. or abutting residential uses. 94. Which would be construed as bulk storage 82. These uses shall have no outside storage. except for the fact that they do not exceed Size and location of these uses will be the minimum area requirements of RMC reviewed as part of site plan approval. 4-4-110, Bulk Storage Facilities. Except as allowed as a conditional use. 83. No outdoor facilities. 95. Repair and maintenance of vehicles may 84. No outdoor facilities or storage.Retail sales be permitted if incidental to a permitted use of products or merchandise produced on or if specifically permitted. the premises; providing the sales area 96. Fully enclosed on all sides. Screened from does not exceed thirty three percent(33%) of the gross floor area of the use. view of adjacent uses and abutting public streets. 85. Outdoor storage of materials shall be 97. Without outside storage. screened from view of adjacent uses and abutting public streets. These uses may 98. Provided that the total gross floor area of contain a maximum of seventy five thou- each use in any one site shall not exceed sand (75,000) square feet of gross floor three thousand (3,000) square feet and area. subject to the following criteria:(a)activities 86. Service bays and automobile storage areas with a limited need for walk-in clientele and shall be screened from view of adjacent (b) activities for which a reduction in park residential uses and abutting public rights- ing standards to one space per five hun of-way. Size and location of these uses will dred (500)square feet of gross floor space be reviewed as part of site plan approval. could be justified. 87. Outside storage must be screened from all 99. Maximum size of five thousand (5,000) adjacent or abutting property zoned for res square feet gross floor area. Size and loca idential, public, commercial, or office use. tion of these uses will be reviewed as part Screening shall consist of an existing struc of site plan approval. 2 - 77 4-2-080A 100. Up to twenty percent (20%) or seven thou- 110. Heights exceeding the maximum height of sand (7,000) gross square feet or forty two fifty feet (50') by less than twenty five feet thousand (42,000) gross square feet. (25'). See also RMC 4-2-120C, Condition 101. Up to twenty percent (20%) or thirteen 21, Special Conditional Use Permit for thousand (13,000) gross square feet. Excess Height. 102. Up to forty percent (40%) or fourteen thou- 111. Heights may exceed the maximum height sand (14,000) gross square feet. Note: In by up to fifty feet(50')with bonuses for Pla no case shall a conditional use permit be zas and other amenities.When a building is granted for any increase in area for more adjacent to a lot designated as residential than forty percent (40%) or fourteen thou- on the City Comprehensive Plan, the build sand (14,000) gross square feet. ing may exceed the height allowed in the adjacent residential zone by a maximum of 103. Up to forty percent (40%) or twenty six twenty feet (20'). For uses located with the thousand(26,000)gross square feet. Note: Federal Aviation Administration airport In no case shall a conditional use permit be zones designated under RMC 4-3-020, Air- granted for any increase in area for more port Related Height and Use Restrictions, than forty percent (40%)or twenty six thou- in no case shall the height of any use or sand (26,000) gross square feet. structure exceed the maximum allowed by that section. 104. For sale off-site. 105. Retail and Commercial development is not 112. Allowed where incidental to a permitted pri allowed to exceed thirty five thousand mary or secondary use and shall not (35,000) gross square feet/use without a exceed thirty three percent (33%) of the gross floor area,except for floor area that is conditional use permit and must be scaled devoted to food prepared wholly for retail and oriented to serve the needs of the adja- sales on site. May be located on the cent neighborhood abutting the center_ ground floor street frontage when acces- 106. Heights exceeding the maximum height of sory to a permitted residential use. Subject thirty five feet(35')by less than twenty feet to approval by the Zoning Administrator. (20'). See also RMC 4 2 120C, Condition 113. Subject to the density limitations located in 21, Special Conditional Use Requirements. the development standards for this Zone. 107. Multi family residential uses located in a 114. No more than four(4) units may be consec- structure that is restricted solely to residen utively attached. Subject to the density lim- tial uses shall be subject to the develop itations located in the development ment standards as specified in the Multi standards for this Zone. Family Zone, Community Center, (RM-C), RMC 4-2-110F. Maximum density shall be 115. Each home is separate from other homes. twenty(20)dwelling units per acre.Projects Each home may be detached from its reviewed under RMC 4-9-200, Site Plan garage or attached to its garage; garages Review, may be required to build a ten foot are attached to one another by a common (10') high ceiling for the first story of a build- vertical wall, breezeway or other connec- ing constructed solely for residential use,in tion approved by the City. Subject to the order to maintain the long-term potential for density limitations located in the develop- conversion to commercial usage. ment standards for this Zone. 108. Heights exceeding the maximum height of 116. Commercial and residential uses may be forty five feet(45')by more than twenty five located within the same structure. Residen- feet (25'). See also RMC 4-2-120C, Condi- tial only structures must be unified with tion 21, Special Conditional Use Require- existing or planned commercial uses by ments for Excess Height. similar design themes, pedestrian access, 109. Subject to density limitations located in and compatible lighting and signage. development standards for this Zone. 117. In conjunction with a primary use when op- These uses must be included as part of the erated primarily for employees of the Indus- total development (not allowed to develop trial Zone in which they are located and with independently). consideration given to community need 2 - 78 4-2-080A (i.e., suitable location). Subject to site plan 121. I.e.,temporary/seasonal uses, job shacks, review and consistency with the City Corn- model homes, subject to approval. prehensive Parks, Recreation and Open 122. Excluding slaughter houses. Space Master Plan and Trails Master Plan. 118. In conjunction with a primary use when 123. I.e.,temporary/seasonal uses, job shacks, operated primarily for employees of the model homes, subject to approval by the industrial zone in which they are located Development Services Division. and with consideration given to community 124. If a portion of the lot fronts on a principal or need(i.e., suitable location). Subject to site minor arterial, as designated by the City's plan review. Arterial Plan, and when at least one 119. These uses may also be located in mixed entrance/exit is on the arterial. use building of commercial and residential 125. In accordance with provisions of the RMC uses. Provision for affordable units must 4-3-090, Shoreline Master Program Regu- meet the provisions of housing element of lations. Intended and designed to serve the the Comprehensive Plan. For COR 2, if a immediate market area (i.e., contiguous significant public benefit above City Code COR Zone). No freestanding buildings— requirements can be provided for a portion must be housed in a"primary use"struc- of the property which may be contami- ture. Limited external signage. No drive-up nated, a transfer of density may be allowed windows or outside automobile service for other portions of the site. shall be permitted (except for financial insti- Bonus in COR 1: A bonus density of not tutions).The design of structures,including more than five (5) dwelling units per acre signs, shall be generally consistent in char may be allowed; provided there is a bal acter with surrounding uses. No exterior ance of height, bulk and density estab display or storage of merchandise shall be lished through a floor area ratio system permitted. and/or a master plan to be decided at the 126. Except school facilities. Indoor only. time of site plan review. 127. Retail and Commercial development is not Bonus in COR 2: A bonus density of not allowed to exceed sixty five thousand more than two (2) du/acre for each provi- (65,000) gross square feet/use without a sion may be allowed; provided, there is a conditional use permit and may serve more balance of height, bulk and density estab- than one neighborhood, but not provide lished addressing the following public ben- City-wide services. efits:(a) Provision of continuous pedestrian 128. With modification or expansion allowed access to the shoreline consistent with which does not increase production levels. requirements of the Shoreline Management Act and fitting a circulation pattern within the 129. Subject to the requirements of RMC site, (b) Provision of an additional twenty 4-4-110, Bulk Storage Facilities. five foot (25') setback from the shoreline 130. Property located within the Commercial above that required by the Shoreline Man- agement Act, (c) Establishment of view cor- ridors from upland boundaries of the site to posed development designation,which will vest the property to the prior Office Park the shoreline, (d)Water-related uses. If the (O P) Zoning Regulations, if the property applicant wishes to reach these bonus has one or more of the following: an exist- objectives in a different system,a system of ing valid site plan or any Council approved floor area ratios may be established for the time extension to an existing site plan, as property to be determined at the time of site well as any same or similar site plan as plan review as approved by Council. defined in RMC 4-9-200G, Major Adjust- 120. These uses are permitted when located in ments to an Approved Site Plan, for which mixed use building of commercial and resi- the application has been made prior to the dential uses. Size and location of these lapse of an approved site plan, and which uses will be reviewed as part of site plan application is diligently pursued. In no case approval. No residential uses are allowed will an existing or approved site plan,or the on the first floor. uses under it, continue to be recognized 2 - 79 4-2-080A under prior zoning regulations if construc- 137. Eating and drinking establishments with tion has not commenced by the year 2001. drive-through service, subject to the follow- 131. Retail and Commercial development is not ing in addition to criteria in RMC 4 9 030, allowed to exceed sixty five thousand Conditional Use Permits: (65,000) gross square feet/use without a a. Intended and designed to serve the conditional use permit and may serve more immediate market area (i.e., contigu- than one neighborhood, but not provide ous COR Zone). No freestanding City-wide services. Size and location of buildings—must be housed in a "pri- these uses will be reviewed as part of the mary use"structure. Limited external site plan approval. signage. The design of structures, 132. Retail and Commercial development is not including signs, shall be generally con allowed to exceed sixty five thousand sistent in character with surrounding (65,000) gross square feet/use without a uses. No exterior display of merchan conditional use permit and may serve more dise shall be permitted. No outdoor than one neighborhood, but not provide facilities. City-wide services. Subject to the provi- b. Drive-through service may be permit- sions of RMC 4-3-010,Adult Entertainment ted if the establishment is sited in con- Regulations. junction with a gas station. 133. Retail and Commercial development is not 138. Outdoor storage is prohibited if it is not allowed to exceed sixty five thousand associated with a permitted use. (65,000) gross square feet/use without a 139. Retail and Commercial development is not conditional use permit and may serve more allowed to exceed sixty five thousand than one neighborhood, but not provide (65,000) gross square feet/use without a City-wide services. Including small trees, conditional use permit and may serve more shrubs, flowers, supplies, and tools within an enclosed area. than one neighborhood, but not provide City-wide services. Subject to site plan 134. Retail and Commercial development is not review. allowed to exceed sixty five thousand 140. Minor repair facilities are permitted. (65,000) gross square feet/use without a conditional use permit and may serve more 141. No outdoor facilities or storage. Retail sales than one neighborhood, but not provide of products or merchandise produced on City-wide services. Size and location of the premises; providing, the sales area these uses will be reviewed as part of site does not exceed thirty three percent(33%) plan approval. The total gross square foot- of the gross floor area of the use. age of these uses shall not exceed fifty per- 142. The structure is not located within any cent (50%) of the gross square footage of required setback and/or landscaped area. the site. 135. Retail and Commercial development is not 143. Size and location of these uses will be allowed to exceed sixty five thousand reviewed as part of the site plan approval. (65,000) gross square feet/use without a Retail and Commercial development is not conditional use permit and may serve more allowed to exceed thirty five thousand than one neighborhood, but not provide (35,000) gross square feet/use without a City-wide services. These uses shall have conditional use permit and must be scaled no outside storage. Size and location of and oriented to serve the needs of the adja- these uses will be reviewed as part of site cent neighborhood abutting the center. plan approval. 144. Including small trees, shrubs, flowers, sup- 136. Retail and Commercial development is not plies, and tools within an enclosed area. allowed to exceed sixty five thousand 145. Except school facilities. (65,000) gross square feet/use without a 146. Subject to the provisions of RMC 4-3-010, conditional use permit and may serve more Adult Entertainment Regulations. than one neighborhood, but not provide City-wide services. Must be part of a mixed 147. Subject to the provisions of RMC 4-3-010, use development. Adult Entertainment Regulations. Retail 2 - 80 4-2-080A and Commercial development is not 155. Size and location of these uses will be allowed to exceed thirty five thousand reviewed as part of site plan approval. The (35,000) gross square feet/use without a total gross square footage of these uses conditional use permit and must be scaled shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the to serve the needs of the adjacent neigh- gross square footage of the site. Retail and borhood abutting the center. Commercial development is not allowed to 148. RESERVED. exceed thirty five thousand (35,000) gross square feet/use without a conditional use 149. Subject to site plan review. Consideration permit and must be scaled and oriented to must be given to community need(i.e., suit- serve the needs of the adjacent neighbor- able location). hood abutting the center. 150. RESERVED. 156. Must be part of a mixed office/light indus- 151. Size and location of these uses will be trial or mixed office/manufacturing corn reviewed as part of the site plan approval. plex. Consideration given to community Retail and Commercial development is not need (i.e., suitable location). allowed to exceed thirty five thousand 157. Allowed if a portion of the lot fronts on a (35,000) gross square feet/use without a principal or minor arterial,as designated by conditional use permit and must be scaled the City's arterial plan, and when at least and oriented to serve the needs of the adja- one entrance/exit is on the arterial. These cent neighborhood abutting the center. uses must be included as part of the total 152. In conjunction with a primary use when development (not allowed to develop inde operated primarily for employees of the pendently). industrial zone in which they are located 158. Except exterior storage and long-term and with consideration given to community parking of commercial vehicles. need (i.e., suitable location). No freestand 159. When conducted entirely within an ing structures. Single drive-up window in conjunction with a branch operation. enclosed structure. 153. Intended and designed to serve the imme 160. Provision of peripheral landscaping which diate market area (i.e., contiguous COR does not obscure views into the garage Zone). No freestanding buildings—must be structure in order to maintain visual security. housed in a"primary use"structure.Limited Increased lighting for security. Limited curb external signage. No drive-up windows or cuts and traffic access. Size and location outside automobile service shall be permit- shall be reviewed as part of site plan ted (except for financial institutions). The approval. design of structures, including signs, shall 161. For sale off-site.These uses shall not be lo- be generally consistent in character with cated on the ground floor along street front- surrounding uses. No exterior display of age in the downtown pedestrian district. merchandise shall be permitted. No more 162. Subject to site plan review and consistency than three (3) drive-up windows in conjunc with the City Comprehensive Parks, Recre- tion with a branch operation. Integrated into ation and Open Space Master Plan and the exterior wall of a"primary use"structure. Trails Master Plan. Consideration must be 154. Intended and designed to serve the imme- given to community need (i.e., suitable diate market area (i.e., contiguous COR location). Zone). No freestanding buildings—must be 163. Consideration must be given to community housed in a"primary use"structure.Limited need (i.e., suitable location). No outdoor external signage. No drive up windows or facilities or storage. Retail sales of products outside automobile service shall be permit or merchandise produced on the premises; ted (except for financial institutions). The providing, the sales area does not exceed design of structures, including signs, shall thirty three percent(33%) of the gross floor be generally consistent in character with surrounding uses. No exterior display of area of the use. merchandise shall be permitted.No outdoor 164. Allowed where incidental to a permitted pri- facilities. mary or secondary use and shall not exceed 2 - 81 4-2-080A thirty three percent(33%) of the gross floor the applicable zone; the temporary manu- area,except for floor area that is devoted to factured home permit for medical hardship food prepared wholly for retail sales on-site. shall be effective for twelve (12) months For purposes of on-site management,secu- (extension of the temporary manufactured rity and maintenance may be located on the home permit may be approved in twelve ground floor street frontage with the ap- (12) month increments subject to demon- proval of the Zoning Administrator. stration of continuing medical hardship); 165. The maximum gross floor area of any sin- and the manufactured home shall be re gle commercial use on a site shall not moved within ninety (90)days of the expira- exceed five thousand(5,000)gross square tion of the temporary manufactured home feet, except by conditional use permit. permit or the cessation of provision of daily care. 166. Size and location of these uses will be 173. Permitted in conjunction with a primary use reviewed as part of the site plan approval. when operated primarily for employees of The maximum gross floor area of any sin the industrial zone in which they are gle commercial use on a site shall not located and with consideration given to exceed five thousand (5,000)gross square feet, except by conditional use permit. community need (i.e., suitable location). 167. Up to ten percent (10%) or five hundred 174. Except that when operations are predomi- (500) gross square feet. nantly conducted out of doors rather than completely enclosed within an enclosed 168. Up to twenty percent (20%) or one thou- structure, a conditional use permit is sand (1,000) gross square feet. (Note: In required. no case shall a conditional use permit be In conjunction with a primary use when op- granted for any increase in area for more erated primarily for employees of the indus- than twenty percent(20%)or one thousand trial zone in which they are located and with (1,000) gross square feet). consideration given to community need 169. See also RMC 4-2-120C, Condition 21, (i.e., suitable location). Subject to site plan Special Conditional Use Permit for Excess review and consistency with the City Com- Height. prehensive Parks, Recreation and Open 170. Location shall be limited to those parcels Space Master Plan and Trails Master Plan. abutting a Commercial Arterial (CA) Zone 175. Except that when operations are predomi- in the SW 41 st/SW 43rd corridor. nantly conducted out of doors rather than 171. In conjunction with a primary use when completely enclosed within an enclosed operated primarily for employees of the structure, a conditional use permit is industrial zone in which they are located required. and with consideration given to community Subject to site plan review. In conjunction need (i.e., suitable location). Allowed with a primary use when operated primarily where ordinarily incidental to and associ- for employees of the industrial zone in ated with the primary permitted use and not which they are located and with consider- exceeding thirty three percent(33%) of the ation given to community need (i.e., suit- gross floor area of such a use. able location). 172. A manufactured home which complies with 176. Except that when operations are predomi- HUD standards may be permitted as a tern- nantly conducted out of doors rather than porary dwelling on the same lot as the per- completely enclosed within an enclosed manent dwelling provided the applicant structure, a conditional use permit is demonstrates the temporary dwelling is required. necessary to provide daily care to an indi- vidual certified by a physician as needing Subject to site plan review. such care. The primary provider of daily 177. Except that when operations are predomi- care shall reside on-site;the manufactured nantly conducted out of doors rather than home together with the permanent resi- completely enclosed within an enclosed dence shall meet the setback, height,build- structure, a conditional use permit is ing footprint,and lot coverage provisions for required. 2 - 82 4-2-080A In conjunction with a primary use when 185. Administrative approval under the Site Plan operated primarily for employees of the Review section for new neighborhood gar- industrial zone in which they are located dens with an area smaller than ten (10) and with consideration given to community acres. Hearing Examiner approval, under need (i.e., suitable location). the Site Plan Review section,for new neigh- 178. Except that when operations are predomi- nantly conducted out of doors rather than acres or larger. Civic and/or commercial completely enclosed within an enclosed uses are permitted only in conjunction with structure, a conditional use permit is and intended to serve residential develop- required. ment in the R-14 Zone. Civic uses and/or commercial uses may be allowed if it is Excluding slaughter houses. determined by the City that such uses are: 179. Temporary uses as defined by RMC a. Designed to serve as a focal point for 4-9-240 except that when operations are the residential community. predominately conducted outdoors rather b. Compatible with architectural charac- than completely enclosed within an enclosed structure, a conditional use per- ter and site features of surrounding mit is required. residential development and charac- teristics. 180. An accessory restaurant and/or gift shop is also allowed. c. Consistent with applicable City regula- tions (e.g., Comprehensive Plan, Site 181. Must be fully enclosed on all sides and Plan Review requirements). screened from view of adjacent uses and 186. Administrative approval under the Site Plan abutting public streets. Review section for new neighborhood 182. Civic and/or commercial uses are permitted parks which are smaller than ten (10) only in conjunction with and intended to acres. Hearing Examiner approval, under serve residential development in the R-14 the Site Plan Review section, for new Zone. Civic uses and/or commercial uses neighborhood parks which are ten (10) may be allowed if it is determined by the acres or larger. Consistency with the City of City that such uses are: Renton Parks and Trails Master Plan. a. Designed to serve as a focal point for 187. Civic and/or Commercial Uses: Civic uses the residential community. and/or commercial uses are permitted only b. Compatible with architectural charac in conjunction with and intended to serve ter and site features of surrounding residential development in the R-14 Zone. residential development and charac Civic uses and/or commercial uses may be teristics. allowed if it is determined by the City that such uses are: c. Consistent with applicable City regula- tions (e.g., Comprehensive Plan, Site a. Designed to serve as a focal point for Plan Review requirements). the residential community. 183. Provided the building length does not b. Compatible with architectural charac exceed eighty five feet(85'). Subject to the ter and site features of surrounding density limitations located in the develop- residential development and charac ment standards for this Zone. teristics. 184. These unit types shall not exceed fifty per- c. Consistent with applicable City regula cent (50%) of the permitted units in a tions (e.g., Comprehensive Plan, Site project. Subject to the density limitations Plan Review section). listed in the development standards for this d. These uses may only be provided in Zone. Buildings shall not exceed six (6) conjunction with residential develop- dwelling units per structure, except as pro- ment. vided in RMC 4 2 110H, Condition 14, e. These uses shall be created as a focal Bonuses. Buildings shall not exceed one point for the development. hundred fifteen feet (115') in length. 2 -83 4-2-080A f. These uses shall be designed to 194. Provided that all colonies are registered include a common motif or theme. with the Washington State Department of 188. Permitted only in conjunction with and Agriculture in accordance with apiary law, intended to serve primarily the surrounding RCW 15.60.030. residential development. Civic and/or corn- 195. A maximum of three (3) pets per dwelling mercial uses may be allowed if it is deter- unit regardless of lot size. A maximum of mined by the City that such uses are: eight (8) pets per dwelling unit may be Designed to serve as a focal point for the allowed on lots over thirty five thousand residential community; compatible with (35,000)square feet in size if the keeping of architectural character and site features of animals complies with the standards of surrounding residential development and RMC 4-4-010F, General Requirements for characteristics; and consistent with appli- Keeping Animals. cable City regulations (e.g., Comprehen 196. A greater number of animals per acre than sive Plan, Site Plan Review section). No are allowed as a secondary use in this drive through services permitted. Zone may be permitted by the Hearing 189. RESERVED. Examiner; provided: 190. Twenty (20) or fewer small animals per a. The animal owner either lives on the undeveloped gross acre. No small animals property where the animal is kept or allowed on lots less than one acre in size. has arranged with a tenant to care for Subject to the standards listed in RMC the animal(s); 4-4-010, Standards and Review Criteria for b. The keeping of animals must meet the Keeping Animals. Only combinations of conditions of RMC 4-4-010F, General medium and small animals or large and Requirements for Keeping Animals; small animals may be permitted outright on and one undeveloped gross acre. 191. Four (4) or fewer medium animals per c. A farm management plan has been undeveloped gross acre. No medium ani adopted based on the King County mats allowed on lots less than one acre in Conservation District's Farm Conser size.Subject to the standards listed in RMC vation and Practice Standards show 4-4-010, Standards and Review Criteria for ing the adequate pasturage to support Keeping Animals. Only combinations of a larger number of animals is avail medium and small animals or large and able. small animals may be permitted outright on 197. Six (6) or fewer small farm animals per one undeveloped gross acre. undeveloped gross acre are permitted in 192. A maximum of one large animal per unde this Zone provided: (1) the animal owner veloped gross acre, except when a farm either lives on the property where the ani management plan has been adopted mal is kept or has arranged with a tenant to based on the King County Conservation care for the animal(s); and (2) that the District's Farm Conservation and Practice keeping of animals must meet the condi Standards showing that adequate pastur tions of RMC 4-4-010, Standards and age to support a larger number of animals Review Criteria for Keeping Animals. No is available. Subject to the standards listed small farm animals are allowed on lots less in RMC 4-4-010, Standards and Review than one acre in size. Criteria for Keeping Animals. Only combi- 198. Four(4)or fewer medium farm animals per nations of medium and small animals or undeveloped gross acre are permitted in large and small animals may be permitted this Zone provided: (1) the animal owner outright on one undeveloped gross acre. either lives on the property where the ani- 193. Heights exceeding the maximum height of mal is kept or has arranged with a tenant to fifty feet(50') by more than twenty five feet care for the animal(s); and (2) that the (25'). See also RMC 4 2 120C, Condition keeping of animals must meet the condi- 21, Special Conditional Use Permit for tions of RMC 4-4-010, Standards and Excess Height. Review Criteria for Keeping Animals. No medium farm animals are allowed on lots less than one acre in size. 2 - 84 4-2-080A 199. Two(2)or fewer large farm animals per four 206. The single family residence shall not be (4) undeveloped gross acres are permitted located on a lot platted after the effective in this Zone provided: (1)the animal owner date of this subsection (March 2, 1997). either lives on the property where the ani The lot size is not greater than six thousand mal is kept or has arranged with a tenant to care for the animal(s); and (2) that the (6,000) square feet. keeping of animals must meet the condi- The single family residence will be located tions of RMC 4-4-010, Standards and on a block where a minimum of seventy per- Review Criteria for Keeping Animals. No cent (70%) of the land area of the block is large farm animals permitted on lots less utilized for single family residential pur- than four (4) acres in size. poses. 200. The following types of animals and associ- The single family residence will not be ated storage buildings may be permitted in located in the "Downtown Core Area" as this Zone; provided: (1) the animal owner defined in RMC 4-2-080C,or along a street either lives on the property where the ani- classified as a"principal", "minor", or"col- mal is kept or has arranged for care for the lector" arterial in the Transportation Ele- animal(s); and (2) that the keeping of ani- ment of the Renton Comprehensive Plan. mals must meet the conditions of RMC The provisions of this subsection shall 4-4-010, Standards and Review Criteria for expire on December 31, 1999, or upon the Keeping Animals: creation of a redevelopment authority by a. More than six (6) small animals per the City of Renton, whichever occurs first. undeveloped gross acre. Subsequently, the units developed under b. More than four (4) medium animals this subsection shall be treated as primary per undeveloped gross acre. permitted uses. c. More than two (2) large animals per 207. Subject to a location in the Employment four(4) undeveloped gross acres. No Area Valley (EAV) land use designation. large animals permitted on lots less See EAV Map in RMC 4 2 080B. than four (4) acres. 208. Subject to: 201. A maximum of three (3) pets per dwelling a. A location west of Interstate 405 and unit is considered an accessory use. south of Grady Way. Between four (4) and eight (8) household pets may be permitted by administrative b. The use must be housed in a building conditional use permit on lots over thirty containing other primary municipal five thousand (35,000) square feet. (Ord. functions. 4404, 6-7-1993). c. The jail must be owned by and oper- 202. A maximum of three (3) pets per dwelling ated by or for the City of Renton. unit are allowed as an accessory use.Over 209. Requirements for uses not associated with three (3) pets per dwelling unit requires a a medical institution: Permitted with consid- Hearing Examiner conditional use permit. eration given to community need. Use must 203. A maximum of three (3) pets per dwelling be located within the Center Institution (Cl) unit are allowed as an accessory use. Comprehensive Plan designation. Between four (4) and eight (8) pets per Signage: For lots within one hundred feet dwelling unit is permitted on lots over thirty (100') of residential zoned properties, five thousand (35,000) square feet with an external signage shall be subject to the pro- Administrative conditional use permit. visions of RMC 4-4-100E5i. 204. Consistent with RMC 4-4-010, Standards 210. Those uses with associated retail sales are and Review Criteria for Keeping Animals. subject to the provisions of Condition No. 205. A maximum of eight (8) adult dogs or cats 62. may be permitted after satisfaction of the • 211. The Hearing Examiner may grant a condi- requirements in RMC 4-4-010, Standards tional use permit for an off-site hazardous and Review Criteria for Keeping Animals. waste treatment and storage facility in any zone which allows industrial and manufac- 2 - 85 4-2-080A turing uses that process or handle hazard- than eight (8) per household may be per- ous substances; provided, that the use mitted by administrative conditional use conforms with the criteria set forth in RMC permit. 4 9 030G, Conditional Use Permit Decision 222. Including accessory restaurants and Criteria, and the following criteria: (a) the accessory buildings. location must comply with the State siting criteria as adopted in accordance with 223. RESERVED. RCW 70.105.210 and(b)the location of the 224. Intended and designed to serve the imme- hazardous waste treatment and storage diate market area (i.e., contiguous COR facility is subject to site plan review and the Zone). No freestanding buildings—must be applicable criteria set forth in RMC 4 9 200, housed in a"primary use"structure.Limited Site Plan Review. external signage. No drive-up windows or 212. Located within the Center Institution (CI) outside automobile service shall be permit- Comprehensive Plan designation. Consid- ted (except for financial institutions). The eration must be given to community need design of structures, including signs, shall (i.e., suitable location). be generally consistent in character with 213. For medical institutions when located on surrounding uses. No exterior display of site more than one hundred feet(100')from merchandise shall be permitted. any property zoned for private residential 225. RESERVED. use and producing less than ten (10) mega 226. Subject to RMC 4-4-110, Bulk Storage watts of electricity. Facilities. 214. For testing of medical and dental samples The design of structures, including signs, or specimens collected off-site.These uses shall be generally consistent in character shall not be located on the ground floor win- along street frontage in the "Downtown with surrounding uses. No drive up Pedestrian District". dows or outside automobile service shall be permitted, except for financial institutions 215. Except where incidental to a permitted pri- which are permitted three (3) drive-up win- mary or secondary use. dows in conjunction with a branch opera- tion and integrated into the exterior wall of a 216. Allowed as an accessory use to sales when "primary use"structure. No exterior display limited to the area south of SW Grady Way of merchandise is permitted. Retail and ser- and West of SR-167/Rainier Avenue S. vice uses shall be developed as part of 217. Limited to the area south of SW Grady Way larger office structures. Such retail or ser- and west of SR-167/Rainier Avenue S. vice uses shall not stand alone and shall 218. As defined in RMC 4-9-240, Temporary not occupy more than twenty five percent Use Permits. In conjunction with a primary (25%) of any one floor of a building whose use when operated primarily for employees primary use is office. Direct arterial access of the industrial zone in which they are to individual uses shall occur only when located and with consideration given to alternative access to local or collector community need (i.e., suitable location). streets or consolidated access with adja- cent uses is not feasible. 219. As defined in RMC 4 9 240, Temporary 227. Consideration must be given to community Use Permits. Consideration given to com need (i.e., suitable location) and subject to munity need. the provisions of RMC 4-3-010 and chapter 220. A maximum of eight (8) adult dogs or cats 5-12 RMC, Adult Entertainment. may be permitted after satisfaction of the The design of structures, including signs, requirements in RMC 4 4 010, Standards shall be generally consistent in character and Review Criteria for Keeping Animals. with surrounding uses. No drive up win Size and location of these uses will be dows or outside automobile service shall be reviewed as part of the site plan approval. permitted, except for financial institutions 221. A maximum of eight (8) pets per dwelling which are permitted three (3) drive-up win- unit as an accessory use.On lots over thirty dows in conjunction with a branch opera- five thousand (35,000) square feet, more tion and integrated into the exterior wall of a 2 - 86 4-2-080A "primary use"structure. No exterior display "primary use"structure. No exterior display of merchandise is permitted. Retail and ser- of merchandise is permitted. Retail and ser- vice uses shall be developed as part of vice uses shall be developed as part of larger office structures. Such retail or ser- larger office structures. Such retail or ser- vice uses shall not stand alone and shall vice uses shall not stand alone and shall not occupy more than twenty five percent not occupy more than twenty five percent (25%) of any one floor of a building whose (25%) of any one floor of a building whose primary use is office. Direct arterial access primary use is office. Direct arterial access to individual uses shall occur only when to individual uses shall occur only when alternative access to local or collector alternative access to local or collector streets or consolidated access with adja- streets or consolidated access with adja- cent uses is not feasible. cent uses is not feasible. 228. Consideration must be given to community 230. Which serve adjacent employees subject to need (i.e., suitable location). Gaming activ- the following conditions: No signage other ities not permitted.No greater than ten thou- than that located on the cart itself. Cart sand(10,000)square feet in size.Adequate location must be pedestrian oriented and on-site parking and joint parking may be not street oriented. Cart location cannot be permitted within five hundred feet (500') on required landscaping or parking areas subject to the standards of the parking and unless in a Park and Ride lot where no loading regulations. more than a single parking space may be The design of structures, including signs, taken up by the cart. No more than two (2) shall be generally consistent in character espresso or other temporary vendors per with surrounding uses. No drive-up win- primary use, except for master planned dows or outside automobile service shall be office parks over five (5) acres in size for permitted, except for financial institutions which a maximum number of carts will be which are permitted three (3) drive-up win determined by the Zoning Administrator. dows in conjunction with a branch opera- The design of structures, including signs, tion and integrated into the exterior wall of a shall be generally consistent in character "primary use"structure. No exterior display with surrounding uses. No drive-up win- of merchandise is permitted. Retail and ser- dows or outside automobile service shall be vice uses shall be developed as part of permitted, except for financial institutions larger office structures. Such retail or ser- which are permitted three (3) drive-up win- vice uses shall not stand alone and shall dows in conjunction with a branch opera- not occupy more than twenty five percent tion and integrated into the exterior wall of a (25%) of any one floor of a building whose "primary use"structure. No exterior display primary use is office. Direct arterial access of merchandise is permitted. Retail and ser- to individual uses shall occur only when vice uses shall be developed as part of alternative access to local or collector larger office structures. Such retail or ser- streets or consolidated access with adja- vice uses shall not stand alone and shall cent uses is not feasible. not occupy more than twenty five percent 229. Allowed where incidental to a permitted pri- mary or secondary use and shall not primary use is office. Direct arterial access exceed thirty three percent (33%) of the to individual uses shall occur only when gross floor area,except for floor area that is alternative access to local or collector devoted to food prepared wholly for retail streets or consolidated access with adja sales on site. cent uses is not feasible. The design of structures, including signs, 231. Expansion of existing retail structures sub- shall be generally consistent in character ject to site plan review.Construction of new with surrounding uses. No drive-up win- retail buildings on the same site as existing dows or outside automobile service shall be retail buildings, subject to site plan review. permitted, except for financial institutions Consideration given to community need which are permitted three (3) drive-up win (i.e., suitable location). dows in conjunction with a branch opera- The design of structures, including signs, tion and integrated into the exterior wall of a shall be generally consistent in character 2 - 87 4-2-080A with surrounding uses. No drive-up win- with surrounding uses. No drive-up win- dows or outside automobile service shall be dows or outside automobile service shall be permitted, except for financial institutions permitted, except for financial institutions which are permitted three (3) drive-up win- which are permitted three (3) drive-up win- dows in conjunction with a branch opera- dows in conjunction with a branch opera- tion and integrated into the exterior wall of a tion and integrated into the exterior wall of a "primary use"structure. No exterior display "primary use"structure. No exterior display of merchandise is permitted. Retail and ser- of merchandise is permitted. Retail and ser- vice uses shall be developed as part of vice uses shall be developed as part of larger office structures. Such retail or ser- larger office structures. Such retail or ser- vice uses shall not stand alone and shall vice uses shall not stand alone and shall not occupy more than twenty five percent not occupy more than twenty five percent (25%) of any one floor of a building whose (25%) of any one floor of a building whose primary use is office. Direct arterial access primary use is office. Direct arterial access to individual uses shall occur only when to individual uses shall occur only when alternative access to local or collector alternative access to local or collector streets or consolidated access with adja- streets or consolidated access with adja- cent uses is not feasible. cent uses is not feasible. 232. Consideration must be given to community 234. Consideration must be given to community need (i.e., suitable location). Intended and need (i.e., suitable location). Intended and designed to serve immediate market area designed to serve immediate market area (i.e., contiguous CO Zone). No freestand- (i.e., contiguous CO Zone). No freestand- ing buildings— must be located in a "pri- ing buildings—must be located in a "pri- mary use" structure. Three (3) drive-up mary use"structure. No drive-through windows in conjunction with a branch oper- service. ation. Integrated into the exterior wall of a Signage: For lots within one hundred feet "primary use"structure. (100') of residential zoned properties, The design of structures, including signs, external signage shall be subject to the pro- shall be generally consistent in character visions of RMC 4-4-100E5i. with surrounding uses. No drive up win The design of structures, including signs, dows or outside automobile service shall be shall be generally consistent in character permitted, except for financial institutions with surrounding uses. No drive up win which are permitted three (3) drive up win- dows or outside automobile service shall be dows in conjunction with a branch opera permitted, except for financial institutions tion and integrated into the exterior wall of a which are permitted three (3) drive-up win- "primary use"structure. No exterior display dows in conjunction with a branch opera- of merchandise is permitted. Retail and ser tion and integrated into the exterior wall of a vice uses shall be developed as part of "primary use"structure. No exterior display larger office structures. Such retail or ser of merchandise is permitted. Retail and ser- vice uses shall not stand alone and shall not occupy more than twenty five percent vice uses shall be developed as part of (25%) of any one floor of a building whose larger office structures. Such retail or ser primary use is office. Direct arterial access vice uses shall not stand alone and shall to individual uses shall occur only when not occupy more than twenty five percent alternative access to local or collector (25%) of any one floor of a building whose streets or consolidated access with adja- primary use is office. Direct arterial access cent uses is not feasible. to individual uses shall occur only when alternative access to local or collector 233. Consideration must be given to community streets or consolidated access with adja- need (i.e., suitable location). Intended and cent uses is not feasible. designed to serve immediate market area 235. The Hearing Examiner may grant a condi- (i.e., contiguous CO Zone). No outdoor tional use permit for an on-site hazardous facilities. No external signage. waste treatment and storage facility in any The design of structures, including signs, zone, except residential,that allows the shall be generally consistent in character processing or handling of hazardous sub- 2 - 88 4-2-080A stances; provided, that the use conforms 241. Prohibited if located within three hundred with the criteria set forth in RMC 4-9-030G, feet(300')of an RC, R-1, R-5,R-8, R-10,or Conditional Use Permit Decision Criteria, R-14 Zone, unless the Monopole II Facility and the following criteria: (a) the location is to be constructed on property where must comply with the State siting criteria as wireless communication support structures adopted in accordance with RCW presently operate,and the new Monopole II 70.105.210 and (b) the location of the haz- Facility will not exceed the height of the ardous waste treatment and storage facility existing support structures.Otherwise,may as subject to site plan review and the appli- be allowed with an administrative condi- cable criteria set forth in RMC 4-9-200,Site tional use permit. Plan Review. (Ord. 4186, 11 14 1988) 242. Prohibited if located within three hundred 236. Provided that the site is over one acre in feet(300')of an RC, R-1, R-5, R-8, R-10,or size and the facility has a minimum setback R-14 Zone, otherwise may be allowed with of one hundred feet (100') from any adja- a Hearing Examiner conditional use permit. cent residentially zoned parcel. May be 243. Whether emergency or routine, so long as allowed with an administrative conditional there is little or no change in the visual use in this Zone if the site is under one acre appearance, as determined by the Admin- or setbacks are less than one hundred feet (100') from any adjacent residentially istrator. zoned parcel. 244. Permitted subject to the density limitations 237. Provided that the facility has a minimum and dwelling unit type mix requirements of setback of one hundred feet (100') from the development standards for this Zone. any adjacent residentially zoned parcel. 245. Twenty (20) or fewer small animals per May be allowed with an administrative con- undeveloped gross acre. No small animals ditional use in this Zone if the setbacks are allowed on lots less than one acre in size. less than one hundred feet(100')from any Subject to the standards listed in RMC adjacent residentially zoned parcel. 4-4-010,Standards and Review Criteria for 238. Permitted use provided that the site is over Keeping Animals. Only combinations of one acre in size and the facility has a mini- medium and small animals or large and mum setback of one hundred feet (100') small animals may be permitted outright on from any adjacent residentially zoned par- one undeveloped gross acre. Front yard cel. May be allowed with a Hearing Exam setbacks may not be included in gross area iner conditional use in this Zone if the site is calculation. under one acre or setbacks are less than 246. Four(4)or fewer medium animals per unde- one hundred feet (100') from any adjacent veloped gross acre. No medium animals residentially zoned parcel. allowed on lots less than one acre in size. 239. Prohibited use if site is less than one acre in Subject to the standards listed in RMC size or has minimum setbacks of less than 4-4-010, Standards and Review Criteria for one hundred feet (100') from any adjacent Keeping Animals. Only combinations of residentially zoned parcel. May be allowed medium and small animals or large and with a Hearing Examiner conditional use small animals may be permitted outright on provided that the site is over one acre in one undeveloped gross acre. Front yard size and the facility has minimum setbacks setbacks may not be included in gross area of one hundred feet (100') from any adja calculation. cent residentially zoned parcel. 247. A maximum of one large animal per unde- 240. Provided that the facility has a minimum veloped gross acre, except when a farm setback of one hundred feet (100') from management plan has been adopted based any adjacent residentially zoned parcel. on the King County Conservation District's May be allowed with a Hearing Examiner Farm Conservation and Practice Standards conditional use in this Zone if the setbacks showing that adequate pasturage to sup are less than one hundred feet (100')from port a larger number of animals is available. any adjacent residentially zoned parcel. Subject to the standards listed in RMC 4-4-010, Standards and Review Criteria for Keeping Animals. Only combinations of 2 - 89 4-2-080A medium and small animals, or large and c. Consistent with applicable Cityg pP regula- small animals may be permitted outright on tions (e.g., Comprehensive Plan, Site one undeveloped gross acre. Front yard Plan Review requirements). setbacks may not be included in gross area 252. Accessory to a public or quasi-public use. calculation. The collection station is portable and tern- 248. A maximum of eight (8) adult dogs or cats porary (not to exceed ninety (90) calendar may be permitted after satisfaction of the days out of each year). The collection sta- requirements in RMC 4-4-010, Standards tion is not located on any public right-of- and Review Criteria for Keeping Animals. way unless a right-of-way use permit is Except not permitted in the Auto Mall Area granted by the Board of Public Works. The A: Area bounded by Grady Way South, property owners or managers shall keep Rainier Avenue South, 1-405,and Lind Ave- the area surrounding the recycling station nue South. maintained and clean of debris. 249. See also RMC 4-11-110 and 4-4-010H, Civic and/or commercial uses are permitted Requirements for Kennels (Nine (9) or only in conjunction with and intended to More Animals). serve residential development in the R-14 250. For four(4) or fewer guests per night. Civic Zone. Civic uses and/or commercial uses and/or commercial uses are permitted only may be allowed if it is determined by the in conjunction with and intended to serve City that such uses are: residential development in the R-14 Zone. a. Designed to serve as a focal point for Civic uses and/or commercial uses may be the residential community. allowed if it is determined by the City that such uses are: b. Compatible with architectural charac- ter and site features of surrounding a. Designed to serve as a focal point for residential development and charac- the residential community. teristics. b. Compatible with architectural charac- c. Consistent with applicable City regula- ter and site features of surrounding tions (e.g., Comprehensive Plan, Site residential development, and charac- Plan Review requirements). teristics. 253. RESERVED. c. Consistent with applicable City regula 254. Allowed where incidental to a permitted pri- tions (e.g., Comprehensive Plan, Site mary or secondary use and shall not Plan Review requirements). exceed thirty three percent (33%) of the 251. Administrative approval under the Site Plan gross floor area,except for floor area that is Review section for new neighborhood devoted to food prepared wholly for retail parks with are smaller than ten (10) acres. sales on-site. If part of a mixed office/light Hearing Examiner approval, under the Site industrial or mixed office/manufacturing Plan Review section,for new neighborhood complex. (Ord. 4432, 12-20-1993) parks which are ten (10) acres or larger. 255. Permitted when ancillary to a permitted pri- Consistency with the City of Renton Parks mary use where food and beverages are and Trails Master Plan. Civic and/or com served on the premises and located in an mercial uses are permitted only in conjunc- area with an Employment Area—Valley tion with and intended to serve residential land use designation as shown on the development in the R-14 Zone. City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map, Civic uses and/or commercial uses may be and located south of 1-405. allowed if it is determined by the City that 256. As defined in RMC 4-9-240, Temporary such uses are: Use Permits. a. Designed to serve as a focal point for 257. Which would be construed as bulk storage the residential community. except for the fact that they do not exceed b. Compatible with architectural charac- the minimum area requirements of RMC ter and site features of surrounding 4-4-110, Bulk Storage Facilities. residential development and charac- teristics. 2 - 90 4-2-080B B. Employment Area Valley: - '-. -` . ,,,. ., S':` r. , ' '' ''',1 ; -'.ft, ',."'--1.'7....t.!'!',1, '!1',7. .'.1'. : t• • :. ''',14t 1 . ii ''.'_.,.. ' . - \ 4.. '..Z.,..L.j .! 1 . !I I 1'• .. 1:•,., • 4.4.,,f.,. ',•:,.„ „, I .! I i ;,! 4.:,.. , ;,,,o s. kii 1 : , . ... ...... . ,t [1:17i --...,..., , . . ' . . . . i ill , ,.„,. ....., f„.:_.. . .. . ,,i....: , i.,•J ,. - . ...\..,, ---:------;-- .:.:.:.....1 / r'"\ ‘..s.';'S. ' \ ...':,- -1 ..,•‘-'::' -'` ".--1 .r,_.. F-43 . :,...i --\\: - --r 111 _ . 1, .1 _ 1 ' .. I ' ' \ ' ) '"'. i ^ k•/ _ I ' I I • t I - I -;: •I V,--' ,,I 1 ! ,.----...----,—.1 !... 44A,<• w , 1 1 : 1 :-.... .. •-... < ', \/ - • -: ,,,I',,,. j--;11 : . I ' qt• .. , . . . \:' • 1 1 V„: .-- J1 ...I; .4 4:,••1, t , ....,-, ,,. , 2 I: f . , ,' ?-i I ' I A4 ' If : ; (Ord. 4722, 5-11-1998) 2 -91 4-2-080C C. Downtown Core Area: 8 ./ «. - Z ' '31 I fI N ) HE SS a k e m _ b • I Y Renton Municipal Airport, - ,ort Way —. I ` _. ....,,..,. 7.-_ i i '. , gd la -I \\440441k 1 N 2nd t , , z - ,_, I Ii ,...__, 3 f, .„. .,1 i s' i i -------___.. Tobin Aye ` *PI' 1 �� i L.-_ _ _ �_..., 1 . , Jog i — - ---) ! 9� .... _..... >,____..,:\.17" 3--- —IN' 41 . .r„,1 1 ., 1 c - �. _..........�.... dI .._,..,.... / 4e ate.__ f S 2nd Str , - -� S 2nd StI -. �` W_._-.._q - set 1i Y IE. 4w••�-` r;I E ••••• ___ T. r...._.r S 3rd St • . PPP c_a„ r s• ..___ _I i ^._ __._._ 4 h St ,.,___ -- ----• 1 . J i II S J! 4th $' i_____ _i_ 7_.....--:7 1:1 — —___-_. ry } _ r I 2 - 92 4-2-080D D. Downtown Pedestrian District: • ____ _ ...1 1 /: \\..,q N nd /# L_JLI I --lf ..I I-11 1,--T-1 .._ • 1 40.,:ii-,-. . ...:_". .4 , , ; , ,..;..__., ....._ , i i , ; : I •-"-- [1--"--- Tobin Aye Tobin *PI S' L :\.. 1 ,—.....1. .._ ------17— 1 1:3CCP qv -- 1"- Oil' S 2nd St S 2nd St i r ` 'I .....I __ __. - Nome .0 i v:;t S 3rd St ii I i I H1 .._....._ --.?". ,..,.: /y c. o /'' . r:irjef E°.— S 4th S� r -- S 4th S� - 31 t i a0. S 4th cf - - 2-93 4-2-090A 4-2-090 PUBLIC ZONE (P-1): mended by the Renton Park Board. (Ord. 4124, 2-1-1988) A. PERMITTED USES: All projects in the Public Zone (P-1) require site 3. Conditional Uses: In the Public Zone plan review. Plans and general specifications for (P 1) the following private uses and their ac all projects shall be submitted as specified in cessory uses may be allowed by conditional RMC 4-9-200, Site Plan Review. The approving use permit as provided in RMC 4-9-030, Con- body shall then ascertain and determine that the ditional Use Permits: general design and development conform with the adjacent surroundings, meet applicable build- a. Accessory uses in separate build- ing and Zoning Code requirements, comply with ings. the Comprehensive Plan,and have adequate and safe traffic circulation and access. The following b. Facilities to(1)sell,service and store principal and accessory uses are permitted: airplanes, (2)service airport patrons,and (3) those ordinarily incidental and essen- 1. Principal: Governmental buildings such tial to the operation of a municipal airport. as hospitals, libraries, museums and schools. c. Airport and aircraft parts, the mann- a. Municipal parks, playgrounds, golf facture of aircraft, aircraft parts and hy- courses and similar recreational uses. drofoils at the Renton Municipal Airport. b. Park and ride lots. d. Heliports. c. Police and fire stations. e. Public utility facilities. d. Municipal utility facilities. f. Buildings over fifty feet(50') in height but not exceeding ninety five feet (95'). e. Municipal airports. g. Churches. f. Hobby kennel. (Ord. 4008, 7-14-1986) h. Medical offices (i.e., doctor, dentist). g. Expansions of existing public and pri- i. Schools. vate elementary schools of less than ten percent (10%), subject to site plan re- j. Parks, playgrounds and similar uses. view. (Ord. 4404, 6-7-1993) k. Hospitals. (Ord. 4008, 7-14-1986) 2. Accessory Uses: In the Public Zone (P-1)the following uses are allowed where in- I. On-site hazardous waste treatment cidental to a permitted use: and storage facilities. (Ord. 4186, 11-14-1988) a. Services such as food, pharmacies, gift shops, newsstands and similar uses m. New public or private elementary usually associated with a permitted use and secondary schools. may be allowed within the principal build- ing. n. Expansions of existing public or pri- vate elementary and secondary schools b. Facilities for caretakers or on-duty of more than ten percent (10%). public employees. (Ord. 4008, 7-14-1986) o. Any change in use of existing public or private school property. c. Retail services such as concessions and rental facilities which are usually as- 4. Unclassified Uses: Unclassified public sociated with public parks and as recom- or private uses are those uses possessing unique and special characteristics which pre- vent them from being permitted outright. 2 - 94 4-2-090C These uses may be permitted only in the P-1 1. Setbacks: Zone after review by the City Council and subject to any conditions imposed to mitigate a. Front Yards:Minimum requirements the impacts of the use.The following uses are on the following types of streets shall be: unclassified: Front Yard a. Jails, prisons, halfway houses, work Street Types Setback release and other correctional facilities. Arterial (Major and 30' Secondary) b. Nature exhibits, zoos and aquari Arterial (Collector) 25' urns. All Others 20' c. Solid waste incineration, landfills or other disposal facilities. b. Rear Yard (Interior): A minimum of ten feet(10')except if the property is con- 5. Secondary Uses: tiguous to a zone with a more restrictive rear yard requirement in which case the a. Portable schoolrooms associated rear yard shall be the minimum of the with public or private elementary or sec- more restrictive zone. ondary schools with the following condi- tions: c. Side Yards(Interior):A minimum of five feet (5'). i. No more than four (4) per site, subject to site plan review. (Ord. 2. Special Setbacks: 4404, 6-7-1993) a. Any yard abutting a public right-of- B. PROHIBITED USES: way shall be a minimum of twenty feet In the Public Zone (P-1) the following uses are (20'). prohibited: b. Where a P-1 Zone abuts a lot which 1. All exterior merchandise or products dis- is zoned G-1, R-1 or R-2 on the City of play. Renton Zoning Map and designated sin- gle family or low density multiple family 2. All advertising devices except as pro- on the City of Renton Comprehensive vided by RMC 4-4-100, Sign Regulations. Plan, there shall be a minimum setback from the common lot line of fifty feet(50') 3. All residential uses. with a minimum of the first twenty feet (20') from the common lot line land- 4. All other uses. (Ord. 3722, 4-25-1983) scaped. 5. Off-site hazardous waste treatment and c. Where a P-1 Zone abuts lots zoned storage facilities. (Ord. 4186, 11-14-1988) G-1, R-1, R-2, R-3 and R-4 on the City of Renton Zoning Map and designated me- C. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: dium density multi-family or high density In the Public Zone (P-1) the following develop- multi-family on the City of Renton Com- ment standards shall apply, except as otherwise prehensive Plan, there shall be a mini- provided by this Section: mum landscaped setback of twenty feet (20') from the common lot line. 3. Height: a. The height of a building shall not ex- ceed fifty feet (50') except as a condi- tional use. 2 - 95 il 4-2-100A b. Public and private utility facilities(ex- COMMERCIAL (CC, CN, CS, CA) cept buildings) shall be allowed to ex- ceed fifty feet (50'). COMMERCIAL (CD, CO, COR) 4. Parking/Circulation: Parking and circu- INDUSTRIAL (IL, IM, IH) lation standards required shall be as follows: C. INTERPRETATION OF TABLES: a. Access: The principal access shall Development standards are listed down the left be from an arterial or collector street. side of the tables and the zones are listed at the top. The table cells contain the minimum and, in b. Parking/Circulation: Parking and some cases, maximum dimensional require- circulation along the common lot line with ments of the zone.The small numbers(subscript) a residential lot designated as such on in a cell indicate additional requirements or de- both of the City of Renton Comprehen- tailed information which is not able to fit in the ta- sive Plan and Zoning Map shall be al- ble format. A blank cell indicates there are no lowed only if ten feet (10') of sight- specific requirements. obscuring landscaping and a six foot (6') solid masonry fence are used along the common boundary. c. Parking Requirements: See RMC 4-4-080. 5. Signs: See RMC 4-4-100. 6. Noise: Truck traffic and other noise nor- mally associated with an operation shall be limited to the hours between seven o'clock (7:00) a.m. and seven o'clock (7:00) p.m. un- less the Hearing Examiner shall find that due to the specific circumstances of the particular application, other hours of operation should be established in order to protect the public health, safety and welfare. (Ord. 3722, 4-25-1983) 4-2-100 ZONING STANDARDS TABLES: A. STANDARDS ESTABLISHED: The following tables contain density, dimension standards, and other limitations for the various zones. Additional development requirements found in these tables not related to zoning will also apply. B. TABLES: There are five(5)separate tables dealing with the following general land use categories and zones: RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY (RC, R-1, R-5, R-8) RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY(R-10, R-14, RM) 2 - 96 4-2-110A DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS (Primary and Attached Accessory Structures) RC R-1 R-5 R-8 DENSITY (Net Density in Dwelling Units per Acre) Minimum Housing None None None 5 Dwelling Units/1 Net Acre.' Density The minimum density requirements shall not apply to the subdivision, short plat and/or development on a legal lot 1/2 gross acre or less in size as of March 1, 1995. Minimum density requirements shall not apply to the renovation or conver- sion of an existing structure. Maximum Housing 1 Dwelling Unit/10 Net 1 Dwelling Unit/1 Net Acre. 5 Dwelling Units/1 Net Acre. 8 Dwelling Units/1 Net Acre—for sub- "' Density Acres. division and/or development of lots cJo greater than 1/2 gross acre in size,as of March 1, 1995. 9.7 Dwelling Units/1 Net Acre—for subdivision and/or development of lots 1/2 gross acre in size or less, as of March 1, 1995. NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES PER LOT Maximum Number No more than 1 primary resi- No more than 1 primary res- No more than 1 primary res- No more than 1 primary residential dential dwelling with 1 idential dwelling is allowed idential dwelling is allowed dwelling is allowed on each legal lot. accessory unit meeting the on each legal lot. on each legal lot. standards of this subsection is allowed on each legal lot. LOT DIMENSIONS Minimum Lot Size 10 Acres. 1 Acre. 7,200 sq. ft. 4,500 sq. ft. 4,500 sq. ft. for cluster 4,500 sq. ft. for cluster development.2 development.3 "' Conflicts:See RMC 4-1-080. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS (Primary and Attached Accessory Structures) RC R-1, R-5 R-8 LOT DIMENSIONS (Continued) Minimum Lot Width 150 ft. for interior lots. 75 ft. for interior lots. Lots 1 acre or less—50 ft.for 50 ft. for interior lots. 175 ft. for corner lots. 85 ft. for corner lots. interior lots, 60 ft. for corner 60 ft. for corner lots. lots. 140 ft. for lots used for growing crops or raising of Lots greater than 1 acre-60 farm animals. ft. for interior lots, 70 ft. for corner lots. Minimum Lot Depth 200 ft. 85 ft. Lots 1 acre or less—65 ft. 65 ft. 200 ft. for lots used for Lots greater than 1 acre-70 growing crops or raising of ft. farm animals. SETBACKS4 N Minimum Front Yard 30 ft.12 30 ft.12 Lots 1 acre or less— (along 20 ft. —Along streets existing as of °o Where any front yard is new streets) 15 ft. for pri- September 1, 1995.6,12 required, no building mary structure and 20 ft. for 15 ft.for the primary structure and 20 attached shall be hereafter garages which ft.for attached garages which access erected or altered so access from the front yard from the front yard street(s) —Along that any portion thereof street(s).512 streets created after September 1, shall be nearer the front Along existing streets mini- 1995.7,12 property line than the mum front yard setback distance indicated by shall not be less than the the depth of the required average front yard setback front yard. of abutting development as determined by the Develop- ment Services Division. Lots greater than 1 acre—20 ft. Minimum Rear Yard 35 ft. 25 ft. Lots 1 acre or less—20 ft. 20 ft. Lots greater than 1 acre-25 ft. Conflicts:See RMC 4-1-080. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS (Primary and Attached Accessory Structures) RC R-1 R-5 R-8 SETBACKS4 (Continued) Minimum Side Yard 25 ft. for interior lots. 15 ft. for interior lots. 5 ft. for interior lots. 5 ft. for interior lots. Where any specified side yard is required no building shall be hereaf- ter erected or altered so that any portion thereof shall be nearer to the side lot line than the dis- tance indicated by the width of the required side yard. ry Minimum Side Yard 30 ft. for corner lots.8 20 ft. for corner lots.9 15 ft. for corner lots.10 15 ft. for corner Iots.10 Along a Street CO Where any specified side yard is required no building shall be hereaf- ter erected of altered so that any portion thereof shall be nearer to the side lot line than the dis- tance indicated by the width of the required side yard. Minimum Arterial14/ 10 ft. landscaped setback 10 ft. landscaped setback 10 ft. landscaped setback 10 ft. landscaped setback from the Freeway Frontage from the street property line, from the street property from the street property line, street property line, or Setback or line, or or 20 ft. landscaped setback from the 20 ft. landscaped setback 20 ft. landscaped setback 20 ft. landscaped setback back of the sidewalk, whichever is from the back of the side- from the back of the side- from the back of the side- less. walk, whichever is less. walk, whichever is less. walk, whichever is less. iv Conflicts:See RMC 4-1-080. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS N (Primary and Attached Accessory Structures) RC R-1 R-5 R-8 BUILDING STANDARDS Maximum Building 2 stories and 30 ft.13 2 stories and 30 ft. 13 2 stories and 30 ft. t3 2 stories and 30 ft. 13 Height"and Number of Stories, except for uses having a "Public Suffix" (P) designation14 Maximum Height for See RMC 4-4-140G. See RMC 4-4-140G. See RMC 4-4-140G. See RMC 4-4-140G. Wireless Communication Facilities Maximum Building 2%for lots 5 acres or more. 35%. 35%. 35%. Coverage 15%for lots 10,000 sq. ft. to 50%— Lots 5,000 sq. ft. or 50%— Lots 5,000 sq. ft. or less. (Including primary and 5 acres. less. o accessory buildings) 35%for lots 10,000 sq.ft. or less. On lots greater than 1 acre, an additional 5%of the total area may be used for agri- cultural buildings related to practices. EXCEPTIONS Pre-Existing Legal Lots Nothing herein shall be Nothing herein shall be Nothing herein shall be de- Nothing herein shall be determined determined to prohibit the determined to prohibit the 'termined to prohibit the con- to prohibit the construction of a single construction of a single fam- construction of a single struction of 1 single family family dwelling and its accessory ily dwelling and its accessory family dwelling and its dwelling and its accessory buildings on a pre-existing legal lot buildings on a pre-existing accessory buildings on a buildings on any substan- provided that all setback, lot cover- legal lot provided that all set- pre-existing legal lot pro- dard pre-existing legal lot, age, height limits and parking backs, lot coverage, height vided that all setbacks, lot provided that all setback, lot requirements for this Zone can be limits and parking require- coverage, height limits and coverage, height limits, satisfied. ments for this Zone can be parking requirements for sewer, and parking require- satisfied. this Zone can be satisfied. ments can be met. Conflicts:See RMC 4-1-080. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS (Primary and Attached Accessory Structures) RC R-1 R-5 R-8 EXCEPTIONS (Continued) Construction on Large NA Nothing herein shall be NA NA Pre-Existing Legal Lots determined to prohibit the construction of a single family dwelling unit on a pre-existing legal lot over 2 acres; providing, that the applicant can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Zoning Administrator that the property could be devel- oped in the future with 1 acre minimum lots. N r) O Conflicts:See RMC 4-1-080. 4-2-110 B N DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS (Detached Accessory Structures) o0 RC R-1 R-5 R-8 MAXIMUM NUMBER AND SIZE General 2 structures—max. 720 sq. 2 structures—max.720 sq.ft. 2 detached, nonresidential structures, 2 detached, nonresidential structures, ft. per structure, or per structure, or such as are ordinarily associated with such as are ordinarily associated with 1 structure— 1,000 sq. ft. 1 structure— max. 1,000 sq. single family dwellings— max. 720 sq. single family dwellings—max. 720 sq. In addition, 1 barn or stable ft. ft. per structure, or ft. per structure, or —max. 2,000 sq. ft.; pro- 1 detached structure, such as ordi- 1 detached structure, such as ordi- vided the lot is 5 acres or narily associated with single family narily associated with single family more. dwellings—max. 1,000 sq. ft. dwellings—max. 1,000 sq. ft. MAXIMUM FLOOR AREA General The total floor area of all The total floor area of all The total floor area of all accessory The total floor area of all accessory accessory buildings shall accessory buildings shall not buildings shall not be greater than the buildings shall not be greater than the "' not be greater than the floor be greater than the floor of floor of the primary residential use. floor of the primary residential uses. 0 of the primary residential the primary residential use. Accessory structures shall only be The lot coverage of the primary resi- use. allowed on residential lots in conjunc- dential structure along with all acces- tion with an existing primary residential sory buildings shall not exceed the use. maximum lot coverage of this Zoning District. Accessory structures shall only be allowed on residential lots in conjunc- tion with an existing primary residen- tial use. HEIGHT Maximum Accessory structures— 15 Accessory structures— 15 Accessory structures— 15 ft. and 1 Accessory structures—1 story and 15 Building ft.13 ft.13 story.13 ft.13 Height and Barns and silos—50 ft. Barns, animal or agricultural related Number of structures—2 stories and 30 ft.11 Stories Conflicts:See RMC 4-1-080. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS (Detached Accessory Structures) RC R-1 R-5 R-8 MINIMUM SETBACKS General 15 ft. from any residential 15 ft. from any residential 6 ft. from any residential structure. 6 ft. from any residential structure. structure. structure. Detached barns, stables, and other Detached barns, stables, and other Detached barns, stables, Detached barns,stables,and animal or agricultural related struc- animal or agricultural related struc- and other animal or agricul- other animal or agricultural tures—50 ft. from any property line. tures—50 ft. from any property line. tural related structures—50 related structures—50 ft. Attached barns, stables, and other No structure shall be located within ft. from any property line. from any property line. agricultural related structures shall not the required Shoreline Master Pro- No structure shall be No structure shall be located be allowed. gram setback area. located within the required within the required Shoreline No structure shall be located within the Shoreline Master Program Master Program setback required Shoreline Master Program setback area. area. setback area. Barns, stables, sheds and animal or agriculture related struc- tures shall not be exempt. Side/Rear 5 ft. side and rear yard, 3 ft. side yard, except struc- 3 ft. side yard, except structures 3 ft. side yard, except structures Yards except that garages and tures located between the located between the rear of the house located between the rear of the house carports must be set back rear of the house and the and the rear property line which may and the rear property line may be from the rear property lines rear property line may be be located adjacent to the rear and located adjacent to the rear and side a sufficient distance to pro- located adjacent to the rear side yard lot line. Garages, carports yard lot line; provided that garages, vide a minimum of 24 ft. of and side yard lot line. and parking areas must be set back carports and parking areas must be backout room,either on-site Garages, carports and park- from the rear property lines a sufficient set back from the rear property lines a or on improved rights-of- ing areas must be set back distance to provide a minimum of 24 ft. sufficient distance to provide a mini- way. from the rear property lines a of backout room, either on-site or on mum of 24 ft. of backout room, either sufficient distance to provide improved rights-of-way,where parking on-site or on improved rights-of-way. a minimum of 24 ft. of back- is accessed from the rear of the lot. Detached garages may be built adja- out room, either on-site or on Detached garages may be built adja- cent to the side yard property lines; improved rights-of-way. cent to the side yard property lines; provided,that: 1)the garage is located provided, that: 1)the garage is located between the rear edge of the residen- between the rear edge of the residen- tial dwelling unit and the rear property tial dwelling unit and the rear property line, or; 2) the garage has a common line, or; 2) the garage has a common wall with the garage for the adjacent wall with the garage for the adjacent single family residential parcel. single family residential parcel. w Conflicts:See RMC 4-1-080. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS (Detached Accessory Structures) N RC R-1 R-5 R-8 MINIMUM SETBACKS (Continued) co Front Yard/ Accessory structures are Accessory structures are not Accessory structures are not permitted Accessory structures are not permit- Side Yard not permitted within permitted within required within required front yards or side ted within required front yards or side Along Streets required front yards or side front yards or side yards yards along streets. yards along streets. yards along streets. along streets. PARKING General See RMC 4-4-080. See RMC 4-4-080. See RMC 4-4-080. See RMC 4-4-080. No more than 4 vehicles No more than 4 vehicles may No more than 4 vehicles may be No more than 4 vehicles may be may be parked on a lot, be parked on a lot, including parked on a lot, including those under parked on a lot, including those under including those under repair those under repair and resto- repair and restoration, unless kept repair and restoration, unless kept and restoration, unless kept ration, unless kept within an within an enclosed building. within an enclosed building. within an enclosed building. enclosed building. EXCEPTIONS Pre-Existing Nothing herein shall be Nothing herein shall be Nothing herein shall be determined to Nothing herein shall be determined to Legal Lots determined to prohibit the determined to prohibit the prohibit the construction of 1 single prohibit the construction of a single CD construction of a single fam- construction of a single fam- family dwelling and its accessory build- family dwelling and its accessory ily dwelling and its acces- ily dwelling and its accessory ings on any substandard pre-existing buildings on a pre-existing legal lot sory buildings on a pre- buildings on a pre-existing legal lot, provided that all setback, lot provided that all setback, lot cover- existing legal lot provided legal lot provided that all set- coverage, height limits, sewer, and age, height limits and parking require- that all setbacks, lot cover- backs, lot coverage, height parking requirements can be met. ments for this Zone can be satisfied. age, height limits and park- limits and parking require- ing requirements for this ments for this Zone can be Zone can be satisfied. satisfied. Construction NA Nothing herein shall be de- NA NA on Large Pre- termined to prohibit the con- Existing struction of a single family Legal Lots dwelling unit on a pre-exist- ing legal lot over 2 acres;pro- viding,that the applicant can demonstrate to the satisfac- tion of the Zoning Administra- tor that the property could be developed in the future with 1 acre minimum lots. Conflicts:See RMC 4-1-080. 4-2-110C DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR RESIDENTIAL MANUFACTURED HOME PARK ZONING DESIGNATION INDIVIDUAL MANUFACTURED DETACHED ACCESSORY HOME SPACES STRUCTURES NEW PARK Primary and Attached Accessory Sited a Minimum of 6 Ft. from Any Development or Redevelopment Structures Residential Structure PARK AREA AND DENSITY' (Net Density in Dwelling Units Per Acre) Minimum Park Site Area 2 developable and usable acres. NA NA Minimum Housing Density 5 units per acre. NA NA Maximum Housing Density 10 units per acre. NA NA NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES Maximum Number The only permanent dwelling No more than 1 primary residential dwell- On parcels at least 3,000 sq. ft. in size, allowed on the mobile home park ing is allowed on each approved manu- only 1 detached building or structure is shall be the single family dwelling factured home space. allowed; provided, the lot coverage `" of the owner or manager. requirement is not exceeded. Q LOT DIMENSIONS Minimum "Lot" Size 3,000 sq. ft. 3,000 sq. ft. 3,000 sq. ft. Minimum "Lot" Width 40 ft. for interior lots. Nothing herein shall be determined to Nothing herein shall be determined to pro- 50 ft. for corner lots. prohibit the construction of a single family hibit the construction of a single family dwelling or manufactured home and its dwelling or manufactured home and its accessory buildings on a pre-existing accessory buildings on a pre-existing legal lot provided that all setback, lot cov- legal lot provided that all setback, lot cov- erage, height limits and parking require- erage, height limits and parking require- ments for this Zone can be satisfied. ments for this Zone can be satisfied. Minimum "Lot" Depth 75 ft. NA NA General Design Each lot shall be laid out so as to It shall be illegal to allow or permit any NA optimize view, privacy and other mobile home to remain in the mobile amenities. home park unless a proper space is avail- Each lot shall be clearly defined. able for it. (Ord. 3902, 4-22-1985) fV 1 Conflicts:See RMC 4-1-080. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR RESIDENTIAL MANUFACTURED HOME PARK ZONING DESIGNATION INDIVIDUAL MANUFACTURED DETACHED ACCESSORY a HOME SPACES STRUCTURES NEW PARK Primary and Attached Accessory Sited a Minimum of 6 Ft. from Any Development or Redevelopment Structures Residential Structure SETBACKS8 Minimum Front Yard NA 10 ft. 10 ft. Where any front yard is required, no building shall be hereafter erected or altered so that any portion thereof shall be nearer the front property line than the distance indicated by the depth of the required front yard. 8 Minimum Rear Yard NA 5 ft. 5 ft. provided, that garages and carports cf) shall be setback from the property line a sufficient distance to provide a minimum of 24 ft. of backout room either on-site or counting an alley or other right-of-way. Minimum Side Yard NA 5 ft. for interior lots. 5 ft.for interior lots provided,that garages Where any specified side and carports shall be setback from the yard is required no building property line a sufficient distance to pro- shall be hereafter erected or vide a minimum of 24 ft. of backout room altered so that any portion either on-site or counting an alley or other thereof shall be nearer to right-of-way. the side lot line than the dis- tance indicated by the width of the required side yard. Conflicts:See RMC 4-1-080. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR RESIDENTIAL MANUFACTURED HOME PARK ZONING DESIGNATION INDIVIDUAL MANUFACTURED DETACHED ACCESSORY HOME SPACES STRUCTURES NEW PARK Primary and Attached Accessory Sited a Minimum of 6 Ft. from Any Development or Redevelopment Structures Residential Structure SETBACKS8 (Continued) Minimum Side Yard Along a NA 10 ft. 10 ft. Street Where any specified side yard is required no building shall be hereafter erected or altered so that any portion thereof shall be nearer to the side lot line than the dis- tance indicated by the width of the required side yard. Minimum Arteria115/Freeway 10 ft. landscaped setback from the 10 ft. landscaped setback from the street 10 ft. landscaped setback from the street Frontage Setback street property line, or property line, or property line, or 20 ft. landscaped setback from the 20 ft. landscaped setback from the back 20 ft.landscaped setback from the back of back of the sidewalks,whichever is of the sidewalk, whichever is less. the sidewalk, whichever is less. less. Setbacks for Mobile Home NA Yard abutting a public street: 20 ft. Yard abutting a public street: 20 ft. Parks Constructed Before Any yard abutting an exterior property Any yard abutting an exterior property 12-3-1969 (Highlands and boundary of the mobile home park: 5 ft. boundary of the mobile home park: 5 ft. Lake Washington Mobile Home Parks) Minimum distance between mobiles: 15 Minimum distance between canopy and ft. mobile home on an abutting lot: 5 ft. Setbacks from all other"lot lines": 0 ft. Setbacks from all other"lot lines": 0 ft. Setbacks for Other Uses To be determined through the site NA NA plan review process. Conflicts:See RMC 4-1-080. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR RESIDENTIAL MANUFACTURED HOME PARK ZONING DESIGNATION INDIVIDUAL MANUFACTURED DETACHED ACCESSORY HOME SPACES STRUCTURES NEW PARK Primary and Attached Accessory Sited a Minimum of 6 Ft. from Any Development or Redevelopment Structures Residential Structure PRIVATE STREET IMPROVEMENTS On-Site Private Streets, Asphaltic or concrete streets and NA NA Curbs and Sidewalks concrete curbings shall be pro- vided to each lot. The minimum width of streets shall be 30 ft. Con- crete sidewalks of at least 5 ft. in width shall be placed along at least 1 side of each street or located in the back or side of each lot so that there is sidewalk access to all lots. ^. Illumination: The Public Works NA NA oDepartment shall approve a street co lighting plan providing sufficient illumination between sunset and sunrise to illuminate adequately the roadways and walkways within a mobile home park. PUBLIC STREET IMPROVEMENTS Public Street Standards On- or off-site public street NA NA improvements shall conform to the provisions and requirements of the City Street Standards. BUILDING STANDARDS Maximum Building Height 2 stories and 30 ft. 2 stories and 30 ft. 15 ft. and Maximum Number of Stories Conflicts:See RMC 4-1-080. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR RESIDENTIAL MANUFACTURED HOME PARK ZONING DESIGNATION INDIVIDUAL MANUFACTURED DETACHED ACCESSORY HOME SPACES j STRUCTURES NEW PARK Primary and Attached Accessory Sited a Minimum of 6 Ft. from Any Development or Redevelopment Structures Residential Structure BUILDING STANDARDS (Continued) Maximum Height for See RMC 4-4-140G. See RMC 4-4-140G. See RMC 4-4-140G. Wireless Communication Facilities Maximum Building NA 50%. Accessory structures such as carports, Coverage canopies or patio covers having less than (including the primary man- 50% perimeter wall enclosure may cover ufactured home and all up to an additional 10% of the lot. enclosed accessory struc- tures and required deck or patio) CD LANDSCAPING AND SCREENING General Landscaping shall be provided on Each lot shall be landscaped. NA both the individual lots and the remainder of the mobile home park site according to a landscape plan approved by the Hearing Examiner. A solid wall or view-obscuring fence, hedge or equivalent barrier not less than 5 ft. in height shall be established and maintained around the openings for driveway and walkway purposes. RECREATION AREA General A minimum of 10%of the total area NA NA of the park shall be reserved and shall be used solely and exclusively for a playground-recreation area. Conflicts:See RMC 4-1-080. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR RESIDENTIAL MANUFACTURED HOME PARK ZONING DESIGNATION N INDIVIDUAL MANUFACTURED DETACHED ACCESSORY HOME SPACES STRUCTURES NEW PARK Primary and Attached Accessory Sited a Minimum of 6 Ft. from Any Development or Redevelopment Structures Residential Structure PARKING Minimum Requirements Mobile home parks shall provide a Each mobile home lot shall have a mini- Each mobile home lot shall have a mini- screened parking area for boats, mum of 2 off-street automobile parking mum of 2 off-street automobile parking campers,travel trailers and related spaces. spaces. devices on a ratio of 1 space per 10 Attached and detached garages and car- Attached and detached garages and car- units, in a secluded portion of the ports shall be setback from the property ports shall be setback from the property park. line a sufficient distance to provide a min- line a sufficient distance to provide a min- imum of 24 ft. of backout room either on- imum of 24 ft. of backout room either on- site or counting an alley or other right-of- site or counting an alley or other right-of- way. way. N ACCESS o General There shall be at least 2 places of NA NA access of which at least 1 public access must be on a major or sec- ondary street as defined by the City Comprehensive and Street Plan. PATIO OR DECK General NA A concrete patio or deck of not less than A concrete patio or deck of not less than 125 sq. ft. with a minimum width of 8 ft. 125 sq. ft. with a minimum width of 8 ft. shall be provided for each mobile home shall be provided for each mobile home park lot created after the effective date of park lot created after the effective date of this Section (9-19-1983). These struc- this Section (9-19-1983). These struc- tures will be counted toward the maxi- tures will be counted toward the maximum mum lot coverage. lot coverage. SIGNS General See RMC 4-4-100. NA NA Conflicts:See RMC 4-1-080. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR RESIDENTIAL MANUFACTURED HOME PARK ZONING DESIGNATION INDIVIDUAL MANUFACTURED DETACHED ACCESSORY HOME SPACES STRUCTURES NEW PARK Primary and Attached Accessory Sited a Minimum of 6 Ft. from Any Development or Redevelopment Structures Residential Structure UTILITIES AND LIGHTING General All utilities serving the mobile home A safe, sanitary and adequate supply of A safe, sanitary and adequate supply of park shall be underground. Mobile water shall be supplied to every mobile water shall be supplied to every mobile home parks shall have City sanitary home lot and service building. Any gas home lot and service building. Any gas sewer and water service. An inter- supply from a central L.P. gas or natural supply from a central L.P. gas or natural nal street lighting plan must be gas facility shall require a gas connection gas facility shall require a gas connection approved by the Zoning Adminis- permit and shall comply with the City permit and shall comply with the City trator showing adequate illumina- Mechanical and Plumbing Codes. Mechanical and Plumbing Codes. tion of all roadways and walkways within the park. (Ord. 4404, N 6-7-1993) 1 EXCEPTIONS i Pre-Existing Legal Lots NA Nothing herein shall be determined to Nothing herein shall be determined to pro- prohibit the construction of single family hibit the construction of single family dwelling or manufactured home and its dwelling or manufactured home and its accessory building on a pre-existing legal accessory building on a pre-existing legal lot provided that all setback,lot coverage, lot provided that all setback, lot coverage, height limits and parking requirements for height limits and parking requirements for this Zone can be satisfied. this Zone can be satisfied. N 0^ Conflicts:See RMC 4-1-080. 4-2-110D 4-2-110D CONDITIONS ASSOCIATED WITH DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS TABLE FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS 1. a. Phasing, shadow platting, or land space, or facilitating the provision of sewer reserves may be used to satisfy the service, subject to the following standards: minimum density requirements if the a. Cluster developments shall be limited applicant can demonstrate that these to a maximum of 6 lots. techniques would allow the eventual satisfaction of minimum density b. The maximum net density require- requirements through future develop- ment of 5 dwelling units per acre shall ment. The applicant must demon- not be exceeded. strate that the current development c. The area of individual lots shall not be would not preclude the provision of less than 4,500 sq. ft. adequate access and infrastructure to future development. 4. Allowed Projections into Setbacks: b. In the event the applicant can show a. Fireplace Structures, Windows: Fire- that minimum density cannot be place structures, bay or garden win- achieved due to lot configuration, lack dows, enclosed stair landings, and of access or physical constraints, min- similar structures as determined by imum density requirements may be the Zoning Administrator may project reduced by the Reviewing Official. 24"into any setback; provided, such c. Proposed Subdivisions: In the advent projections are: that the applicant can clearly demon- (i) Limited to 2 per facade. strate that due to environmental, ii Not wider than 10'. physical or access constraints on the ( ) subject parcel that the minimum den- b. Fences: See RMC 4-4-040. sity cannot be achieved, the Zoning c. Porches and Decks: Uncovered Administrator shall have the right to porches and decks not exceeding 18" waive the minimum density require above the finished grade may project ment prescribed by this Zoning Dis- to the property line. trict. 2. Clustering: Development may be clustered d. Eaves: Eaves and cornices may not in this Zone to meet objectives such as project more than 24"into an interior preserving significant natural features, pro or street setback. viding neighborhood open space, or facili- e. Eaves, cornices, steps, terraces, plat- tating the provision of sewer service. forms and porches having no roof Clustered development in this Zone shall covering and being not over 42" high be subject to the following standards: may be built within a front yard. a. Cluster developments shall be limited 5. The front setback of the primary structure to a maximum of 6 dwelling units in 1 may be reduced to 10' if all parking is pro- cluster. vided in the rear of the lot with access from b. The maximum net density require- a public right-of-way or alley. Modifications ment of 1 dwelling unit per acre shall to this requirement due to site constraints not be exceeded. or lot configuration may be approved by the Development Services Division. c. The remaining development stan 6. A front yard setback of less than 20' may dards of the Residential-8 Dwelling be allowed by the Development Services Units Per Acre Zone (R-8) shall apply. Division if the average front yard setback 3. Clustering may be allowed to meet objec- of primary structures on lots abutting the tives such as preserving significant natural side yards is less than 20'. In such case, features, providing neighborhood open the front yard setback shall not be less 2 - 112 4-2-110D than the average of the front setback of the more than 35' from the street line in the abutting primary structures; however, in no R-2 or R-3 Residential Districts, nor more case shall a minimum setback of less than than 2'farther than any building on an 20' be allowed for garages which access adjoining lot and that this regulation shall from the front yard street(s). Modifications not be so interpreted as to reduce a to this requirement due to site constraints required front yard to less than 10' in or lot configuration may be approved by depth. the Development Services Division. 13. Exception for Community Facilities: The 7. The front yard setback of the primary following development standards shall structure may be reduced to 10' if all park- apply to all uses having a"P"suffix desig- ing is provided in the rear yard of the lot nation. Where these standards conflict with access from a public right-of-way or with those generally applicable, these alley. standards shall apply: 8. For pre-existing legal lots 150' or less in a. Publicly owned structures housing depth, the side yard shall be a minimum of such uses shall be permitted an addi- 25'. tional 15' in height above that other- 9. For pre-existing legal lots 50' or less in wise permitted in the Zone if "pitched depth the minimum side yard shall be 10'. roofs", as defined herein, are used for If a corner lot is less than the minimum at least 60% or more of the roof sur width required by this Section (75'), then face of both primary and accessory for each foot in width in excess of 50', the structures. required side yard shall be increased from b. In addition, in zones where the maxi- a minimum of 10' by 1' up to a maximum mum permitted building height is less of 20'. However, in no case shall a struc- than 75', the maximum height of a ture over 42" in height intrude into the 20' publicly owned structure housing a clear vision area defined in RMC 4-11-030. public use may be increased as fol- 10. Previously platted lots which are 50' or lows, up to a maximum height of 75' less in width may have a minimum side to the highest point of the building: yard of no less than 10' in depth. If a cor- (I) When abutting a public street, ner lot is less than the minimum width 1 additional foot of height for required by this Section but greater than each additional 1-1/2'of 50' in width, then for every 2' in width in perimeter building setback excess of 50', the required side yard shall beyond the minimum street be increased from a minimum of 10'by 1' setback required at street up to a maximum of 15'. However, in no level unless such setbacks case shall a structure over 42"in height are otherwise discouraged intrude into the 20'sight triangle. (e.g., inside the Downtown 11. Height shall not conflict with the airport Core Area in the CD Zone); height restrictions of RMC 4-3-020, Airport (ii) When abutting a common Related Height and Use Restrictions. property line, 1 additional foot 12. Exceptions: When 40% or more, on front of height for each additional foot basis, of all property on one side of a 2'of perimeter building set street between 2 intersecting streets at the back beyond the minimum time of the passage of this Code has been required along a common built up with buildings having a minimum property line, and; front yard of more or less depth than that (iii) On lots 4 acres or greater, 5 established by the Code, and provided, additional feet of height for that the majority of such front yards do not every 1% reduction below a vary more than 6' in depth, no building 20% maximum lot area cover- shall be built within or shall any portion, age by buildings for public save as above excepted, project into such amenities such as recre- minimum front yard; provided, further, that ational facilities, and/or land- no new buildings be required to set back 2 - 113 4-2-110D scaped open space areas, etc., when these are open and accessible to the public during the day or week. 14. All uses having a "Public Suffix" (P) desig- nation are subject to the following: Height: Publicly owned structures housing such uses shall be permitted an additional 15'in height above that otherwise permitted in the Zone if"pitched roofs", as defined herein, are used for at least 60% or more of the roof surface of both primary and accessory structures. In addition, in zones where the maximum permitted building height is less than 75', the maximum height of a publicly owned structure hous- ing a public use may be increased as fol- lows, up to a maximum height of 75'to the highest point of the building: a. When abutting a public street, 1 addi- tional foot of height for each additional 1-1/2'of perimeter building setback beyond the minimum street setback required at street level unless such setbacks are otherwise discouraged (e.g., inside the Downtown Core Area in the CD Zone); b. When abutting a common property line, 1 additional foot of height for each additional 2' of perimeter build- ing setback beyond the minimum required along a common property line; and c. On lots 4 acres or greater, 5 addi- tional feet of height for every 1% reduction below a 20% maximum lot area coverage by buildings for public amenities such as recreational facili- ties, and/or landscaped open space areas, etc., when these are open and accessible to the public during the day or week. 15. Includes major or secondary arterials as defined in the Arterial Street Map of the City's 6 Year Street Improvement Plan. Arterial streets within the Central Business District—bounded by the Cedar River, FAI 405 Freeway, South 4th Street, Shattuck Avenue South, South Second Street, and Logan Avenue South —shall be exempt from this setback requirement. 2 - 114 4-2-110E ILLUSTRATIONS: 72.50., C----- CO\5---1VA\----0\ PETA()EP ACCI-15501ZY NJILDING5: SIZE Aft)NUMbER: I 01 SI&: oF 2(.:-..i,:2c) '_-,,:..1:1.Or.':. 1 ".7..:(' 1 CO()`...2'.'. ';1 El MINIMUM I.01 II.INILESC.1[ 1 : _: IN AL:VITInN. 1 FATIV 1AF.F_AI_I_OWF_C'L.1,2 I: -1`..'00 WIT.MINIMILIM.IF ..1..LEAT KE I-,;(b L 01 MA .. MAXIMUM 1 LTWE LI.LNG UNIT rF F I OT 20a.)SO,FI.'.Thl LO'S U.Pk-IIS(..)':MITE WI COVERAGE: 5E-TE3A()(5: `,...'511:4::AN FEAR. >5 AC:FES-27,- 10.000 SOFT.TO 5/CEFS 15% 444 50'FOR(3AM\F)/c)fAF,I.F_. AIDING I LIGI fr: ‹10.000 •>(-).F-I- R -:55% \'', A -.:.1 ACTT AN,412VITION,Al. 5%MA) (5F 4 - 1,-,-,mA,xavum allhilitelill. 601•11r&.LIS041I, rAFN,E.A.nc., ,..r a 1.1,,E0 Fr-1F FA_pc6.FLATT, in Aonci IL i i ir- rUFf205F5 10 A jig iii1;, i "P 11 1 (V 1 Sill PEWATY: illF . • IT AR SETFACK: VFL LING UNIT 111: XES r if --- ,• ..7 0° ,' ry 141.- l .. SIDE SE ft4A- r>r os. F)I I.V..I II I(1 i 1 4.1rVitol _L wit's, /,', 1111 ,• ,,1.1.:ANIMAL L.01-1.- _-,L-L 7"'N Iii f, .. 0 .° 00" K.,,,,„..,... .. I b to 1•:ilia "I i No 00 40, Al• ----- .. 0)'1\ 111)7lY•7,5c> 1/101"1. `-i 000T% lb 11III 1 SIPE 51:T- (:e( ,e- A() 4'7N/4'Z/4141 IAIN. 2.5' \P'S .....7 ,I IF,A(K".....N........,..„.....4.,, -1' r.) 0 171 Exceptions and additional standards are located in RMC 4-2-080. r) ESI ENITIAL 1 )U/ACRE h -L MI_ Y�011DINGS: m 2 act 2%( cH r T E AL 1-1 C1: 1 tb 1 0(.,,C)c .F 1 LOT SIZE : SETBACKS: 1 L WEII.ING I INI I PET A(fl EX(.EF I'WI-ET':i.I_1;H I;TED ,3'MINIMUM SIPE 1 AFT.:,r.,E 1'f`hA:.;K 4.500 SOFT. MINIMUM ARV. F b STAA'AFC5.APR1 MINIMUM 15'DISTANCE IF'l"v1"1SIC'ENIIAL Fla;-:.S. MMMUM S f MJ.l_ING INUS PIT(71.1 r:I}T BUDDING HEIGHT: MAXIMUM 1 DWELLING UNIT PF_Fi 0T mAXIM,IM e.41 L OT COVERAGE: 35%MAXIMUM fjP;;; DENSI fY: 1 MELLING UNIT PLF ACFE IN�.I IL INC: COMMON OPEN SPACE / oil SIDE SEIBAGK •/ REAR SE"FBA(X: MW /.15' IIL '`'/ .,"*" 47.00 .' �� E,It:G.1 LIGI ff.: N V ��'* - i`S f(:1F` All.)3C:' II '�l/ff�% 1✓1AAIMUM1 1 .9.Qtk4 r.„--- ...-' cri 00...(f. ..."-- < '4.-- . 4/ `�\MW A 5%. Os" 'N,0 I ..---- F FONT C7}_16ACK / Sistir.;. 10 FAT Exceptions and additional standards are located in RMC 4-2-080. " E517:1\-----AL 5 DU/ACRE PE TAC1-EP ACCESSORY BUR DINGS:• L I Of SIZE : ST/E ANL)NUMBER: 7.200 1T toirim.Jr/ ?.@'•'2:-.)SOH.EAC1 I nr 1 e?..-0 1000 c),'LLL.F1 -,..::.0;' .1-f. MNILell.Lt.' . L'; ' 1 L• .L '..- L'' , SE TACK.;: WAXIMUM 1 'Al LLI.L," , ' L .L,cilf.:TE)AFT)EXCEPI EiE IWEEN 1:1i",f7 OF 1101.)5E LOT COVEI2AGE: ANL.)r-ForiTri LINE ..).MIN._DISTANCE F KOM rE SIPE Nil&BLIT.C.75 WWI TY: 1 IfL'IAMINIUM I . . il 1 , its cc,mm()NoftN5F,A0:_ ..._ !Jos ‘,111 ,4113AcK: ..............., .. 1 I l.I oc '.....* .I '....."--..i. ...--'f ...'", DWG.I EIGI If L ''-==... •-,,,.. KE AK SE Ti3ACK:. 11111$ ....nom. N. ../. .....-4 --.. . .- ....W.' 1 ....... ..... .- -.,... N...... -... ...&''''" •., F KONT SE MACK. Ace, 11111444444,44 Oil -I // 01 ......:KIDE SE 113AGIC• --.1 lik. '21111..1'.:''''. r . 1 1 ' 0 ..,- ‘,/r.r4.1..--,. '• 114 .V.'..-N"--,, .. 4111PIP II ."•-•-'/ v2r/.. ''''''''',..,...„......,,. 11/141,•,.• 60' 4141/ ... 4761,.C-C)),V5( .• $ .• Cae.t. °40°.i.tS777740,b, e.- 1}' • `-'%s-7-'0i4- •-%-%.........%% 71 - '''''''NNK-%****%........ .. -.....„. •. ...'%%%.*%%•-..,,,........,... -P• I.) _,. c) m Exceptions and additional standards are located in RMC 4-2-080. .p. 1-) E51):= ---AL 8 )U/A0E DE TAO ID ACCESSORY BUILDINGS: ..-L 0 DIDC.i.HEIGHT: SIZE Alt)NUMFER: m LOT SIZE: mAx.OF 2 6,7 20 soFr.OF: 1 6, 1000 SOFT. TOO SOFT.MINIMUM SE113ACX9: 4AXItylIJM 1 OWIll.fko uNI rrtg.Lai 16.P ' MIN.SIX)t•El:,Lx.a:l'i FE IWEEN FEN:OF I OUSE LOT COVERAGE: AN)121:0F2E-R1) LINE 110(Km \ ill 51 MAMMUM EXCEFT ',0 Yo iOr Lors 5000!',011.nr LES!:, DENSITY: -0, :7 LAM1LING UNI IS HiF: MINIMUM t .....00- +.111111w---- S L:WEl I.INC UNITS I2E F ACRE MAXIMUM -------- 91 it,KI-1J.ING UNITS PER AGEE MAXIMUM ,,,•*" .• ----.......,FOE:LOTS 3c ..111111 SIDE SE7F3ACK: ___,.... -,. 0 , .0 ...._____...... sikt. • Zi ...- ..... __,.... .......0-j\ I:1 AF:' } •I',,A;K: _,. 00 .. .. ......,, .::__ 1...„.6. 1. $ o FRONT SE TmErNi.1< )le V'N......,....,,..,..... .. -1 -: 0 -••...„.., •• ci3ON 4' ..., ,........./7### • (),,,... 60•4114%,,: •--....... 7 I ..,L....-, 1......'N''..%**...%•••„%ss. S 7-.11/41* 4:3' . •• 6'6- 07-s 1% .• ......-‘...‹.":-)e-4 .. ••-•., ....*%""--...................., Exceptions and additional standards are located In RMC 4-2-080. 1 I\ES1 \f/ \L- Y / \\ F \lam U E) I OYES DETACHEPAGGFs50KYDUILPINGC: SILE AN)NUMBER: LOT.SIZE: 1 FOR LOTS-...•L5.000`0.F I.' ;5.000 SIFT. 1 AWIIIONAL'r(;F!. )15:h. 0O',OF1.' LUr COVERAGE: (-PEO11C'F_iO 1 O":.OVE EAGLE IS NOT E:X.E E DE ) t.--,0%MAX.TOTAL OF NI'' SETBACXS 10%AWI1 ION 1 FOE 5,11:. ',i MIX:,.I I IGl Er SlLtO 1 AP WAIJ.EMI_0'I1FL )F:IE`- ,' W /� F MINIMiIM'-'I`�TAN..E TOF_E`>li:'ENTIALfiLL'i.. UI=I if fY: MAX. -��� Arnow 10 Pi -LING UNITS PEE ��� AC.f E. .� 1 IMffIL(NG UNIT PE' ��,�i -- ,Fc)'ilp:EpPATIO/12E0cMIN. 12`' l OT f.6,.<i'WIPP I(14-1.UPTEI.'IN i ' I OT c'^'JE F::AC: ) . t1 ':-'''''''.- . 0% 4 14 11%41b,1114 * ,,,I ,, ki SIDE SE TBALK: ...` 1 . INTE F:IOF:I Ol a F. Otilli. 1 :ORNI F LOTS: to. F1"AF�qI=rTiAC � � z :........k. 414 -WONT _BMX.: '1Q'MIN. I. ���' / 014(5. Allge .-,-' .• • \ c N SI0E SI_BACXX: '`� i t I1=r_' 10' F ,-7.,,,,),<-' N O m Exceptions and additional standards are located in RMC 4-2-080. 4-2-110F N DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS 0 (Primary and Attached Accessory Structures) m R-10 R-14 RM DENSITY (Net Density in Dwelling Units Per Acre) Minimum Housing For parcels over 1/2 gross acre: 7 units 8 units per net acre.13 For any subdivision, short plat and/or Density per net acre for any subdivision, short Minimum density requirements shall not apply development:9.1° plat or development.9,1p to:a)the renovation or conversion of an existing "U" suffix: 25 units per acre. For parcels 1/2 acre or less as of March structure,or b)the subdivision,short plat and/or "c' suffix: 10 units per acre. 1, 1995: None required. development on a legal lot 1/2 gross acre or less Minimum density requirements shall not in size as of March 1, 1995. "N" suffix: 10 units per acre. apply to the renovation or conversion of "I" suffix: 10 units per acre. an existing structure. Minimum density requirements shall not apply to: a)the renovation or con- version of an existing structure, or b) ry the subdivision, short plat and/or development on a legal lot 1/2 gross r" acre or less in size as of March 1, 0 1995. Maximum Housing 10 units per net acre. 14 dwelling units per net acre, except that den- For any subdivision, short plat and/or Density sity of up to 18 dwelling units per acre may be development: permitted subject to conditions.14 "U"suffix: 100 units per acre with the potential for 150 dwelling units per acre with design review. "C"suffix: 20 units per acre. "N"suffix: 15 units per acre. "I"suffix: 20 units per acre. Conflicts:See RMC 4-1-080. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS (Primary and Attached Accessory Structures) R-10 R-14 RM PLATS OR SHADOW PLATS General NA All Uses: NA All permitted uses may be developed on either: a) properties which are platted through the sub- division process; or b) properties which are to remain unplatted. For properties which are to remain unplatted, the development application shall be accompa- nied by a shadow plat. For purposes of this Zone, "lot" shall mean legal platted lot and/or equivalent shadow platted land area. The applicant must demonstrate to the Review- N ing Official that the proposed development will: N —be developed to standards equivalent to those requirements established in this chapter for yards, land areas, widths, setbacks and front- ages, and —provide access and infrastructure to serve the development, equivalent to those requirements established in the subdivision regulations. Covenants shall be filed as part of a final plat in order to address the density and unit mix requirements of the Zone. N 1 o -n Conflicts:See RMC 4-1-080. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS N (Primary and Attached Accessory Structures) -n R-10 R-14 RM DWELLING UNIT MIX General Existing development: None required. NA NA For parcels which are a maximum size of 1/2 acre as of the effective date hereof(3-13-1995): None required. Full subdivisions, excluding short plats: Each development of new subdi- visions and existing parcels which are greater than 1/2 acre: A minimum of 50%to a maximum of 100%of detached or semi-attached dwelling units. A mini- mum of one detached or semi-attached dwelling unit must be provided for each attached dwelling unit (e.g., townhouse, N duplex,triplex,fourplex)created within a proposed development.19 NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES PER LOT General Only 1 residential building (e.g., 1 residential structure and associated acces- NA detached single family, attached single sory buildings for that structure shall be permit- family, townhouses, duplex, etc.) with a ted per lot, except for residential buildings maximum of 4 residential units and legally existing at the date of adoption of this associated accessory structures for that Section. building shall be permitted on a legal lot except for residential buildings legally existing at the effective date hereof. Conflicts:See RMC 4-1-080. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS (Primary and Attached Accessory Structures) R-10 R-14 RM LOT DIMENSIONS Minimum Lot Size In the event that there is a conflict Residential Uses: None between the number of dwelling units Primary Units: permitted under lot area standards and Detached or semi-attached: 3,000 sq. ft. the number of dwelling units permitted Attached exterior: 2,500 sq. ft. under the density standards the devel- Attached interior: 2,000 sq. ft. opment shall be required to be consis- Secondary Units: tent with the density limits. Attached exterior: 2,000 sq. ft. For parcels which exceed 1/2 acre in Attached interior or flats: 1,800 sq. ft. size: Commercial or Civic Uses: None. Detached and semi-attached single family dwelling units:4,500 sq. ft. per dwelling unit. Attached single family dwelling units: w 3,250 sq. ft. per dwelling unit. Duplexes: 5,000 sq. ft. per struc- ture. Triplexes:7,500 sq.ft. per structure. Fourplexes: 10,000 sq. ft. per struc- ture. For parcels as of March 1, 1995, which are 1/2 acre of less in size: None required. Minimum Lot Width For lots created after the effective date Residential Uses: 50 ft. hereof: Primary Units: Interior lots: 50 ft.20,21 Detached or semi-attached: 30 ft. Corner lots: 60 ft.20,21 Attached exterior: 25 ft. Attached interior: 20 ft. Secondary Units: Attached exterior/interior: 20 ft. Flats: 50 ft. ry C Conflicts:See RMC 4-1-080. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS (Primary and Attached Accessory Structures) m R-10 R-14 RM LOT DIMENSIONS (Continued) Minimum Lot Depth For lots created after the effective date Residential Uses: 65 ft. hereof: 65 ft.20,21 Primary Units: Detached or semi-attached: 50 ft. Attached exterior/interior:45 ft. Secondary Units: Attached exterior/interior: 40 ft. Flats: 35 ft. SETBACKS8 General NA No structures or parking areas for civic uses are NA permitted within the setback areas. N Conflicts:See RMC 4-1-080. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS (Primary and Attached Accessory Structures) R-10 R-14 RM SETBACKS8(Continued) Minimum Front Yard24 Along streets existing as of September Residential Uses: "U" suffix: 5 ft.1'2 Where any front yard 1, 1995: Detached and semi-attached primary structures "C" suffix: 20 ft. with parkingaccess provided from the front or is required, no build- A front setback of less than 20 ft. q yard "N" suffix: 20 ft. side: 18 ft., except on streets without sidewalk ingshall hereafter maybe allowed bythe Development p s a be p ,, ,, erected or altered so Services Division if the average front setback may be 15 ft. I suffix: 20 ft. that any portion setback of primary structures on lots Attached townhouses,stacked flats,over 3 units thereof shall be abutting the side yards is less than 20 and their accessory structures with parking pro- nearer the front prop- ft. In such case,the front yard setback vided from the front or side: 15 ft. erty line than the dis- shall not be less than the average of Attached accessory structures with parking tance indicated by the the front setback of the abutting pri- access provided from the front or side: 20 ft. depth of the required mary structures; however, in no case front yard. shall a minimum setback of less than Detached and semi attached primary structures 20 ft. be allowed for garages which with parking access provided from the rear via access from the front yard street(s). public street or alley: 10 ft., except when the lot is adjacent to a lower intensity residentially Modifications to this requirement due zoned property setback must be 15 ft. to site constraints of lot configuration may be approved by the Develop- Attached townhouses,stacked flats,over 3 units ment Services Division. and their accessory structures with parking pro- vided from the rear via public street or alley: 10 Along streets created after September 1, ft., except when the lot is adjacent to a lower 1995: intensity residentially zoned property setback 15 ft. for the primary structure and a must be 15 ft. minimum depth of 20 ft. for attached Attached accessory structures with parking garages which access from the front access provided from the rear via public street yard street(s). The front yard setback or alley: 18 ft. of the primary structure may be reduced to 10 ft. if all parking is pro- Commercial or Civic Uses: vided in the rear yard of the lot with 15 ft.—abutting or adjacent to residential devel- access from a public right-of-way or opment. alley. 10 ft. —for all other development (e.g., nonresi- dential development). 0 m Conflicts:See RMC 4-1-080. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS (Primary and Attached Accessory Structures) T R-10 R-14 RM SETBACKS8(Continued) Maximum Front Yard24 NA Residential Uses: None. NA Commercial or Civic Uses: No maximum front setbacks are required for new structures. For additions to existing struc- tures,the maximum setback requirements shall be consistent with setbacks provided in the existing structures. Minimum Rear Yard 20 ft. However,if the lot abuts a lot zoned Residential Uses: "U"suffix: 5 ft.1.2 except when abut- RC, R-1, R-5, or R-8, a 25 ft. setback Detached and semi-attached primary struc- ting a single family zone3 a 25 ft. set- shall be required of all attached dwelling tures: 15 ft. back shall be required along the units. Attached townhouses, stacked flats over 3 units abutting sides of the property. ry and their accessory structures: 15 ft. "C" suffix: 15 ft. Attached accessory structures: 15 ft. "N" suffix: 15 ft. rn Commercial or Civic Uses: "I"suffix: 15 ft. 15 ft.15-abutting or adjacent to residential development. None—for all other development (e.g., nonresi- dential development). Conflicts:See RMC 4-1-080. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS (Primary and Attached Accessory Structures) R-10 R-14 RM SETBACKS8(Continued) Minimum Side Yard Interior Lots: Detached single family on Residential Uses: Minimum setbacks for side yards are Where any specified lots which do not have zero lot lines:5 ft. Detached and semi-attached primary struc- based on a minimum of 10`)/0of the lot side yard is required on each side of the detached unit. tures: 5 ft. width or 5 ft. whichever is greater. If no building shall be Attached Units22:A minimum depth of 10 Attached townhouses, stacked flats over 3 units 10% of lot width is not equal to a hereafter erected or ft.for the unattached side(s) of the struc- and their accessory structures: 5 ft. on both whole integer, the percentage shall altered so that any ture. sides. 10 ft. when the lot is adjacent to a lower be rounded up to determine the portion thereof shall Abutting RC, R-1, R-5 or R-8: 25 ft. inte- intensity residentially zoned property. required setback as generally fol lows: be nearer to the side rior side yard setback for all structures Attached accessory structures: None required. lot line than the dis- containing 3 or more attached dwelling Lot width: 40 ft. —Yard setback: 5 ft. tance indicated by the Commercial or Civic Uses: units on a lot. 15 ft.15—abutting or adjacent to residential Lot width: 50 ft. —Yard setback: 5 ft. width of the required iv side yard. Corner Lots23: The side yard along a development. Lot width: 55 ft. —Yard setback: 6 ft. street shall not be less than 15 ft. in None —for all other development (e.g., nonresi- Lot width: 60 ft. —Yard setback: 6 ft. depth, except on previously platted lots dential development). Lot width: 70 ft. —Yard setback: 7 ft. which are 50 ft. or less in width in which case the minimum side yard shall be no Lot width: 75 ft. —Yard setback: 8 ft. less than 10 ft. in depth. Lot width: 120+ft.—Yard setback: 12 ft. The entire structure shall be set back an additional 1 ft. for each story in excess of 2 up to a maximum cumu- lative setback of 20 ft. Special side yard setback for lots abutting single family residential zones:3 25 ft.along the abutting sides of the property. r) -n Conflicts:See RMC 4-1-080. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS (Primary and Attached Accessory Structures) m R-10 R-14 RM SETBACKS8(Continued) Minimum Side Yard NA Residential Uses: 20 ft., except in the urban center Along a Street 10 ft. for preplatted lots less than 50 ft. wide. areas and on previously existing plat- Where any specified ted lots which are 50 ft. or less in side yard is required width, in which case the side yard no building shall be shall be no less than 10 ft. If a corner hereafter erected or lot is less than the minimum width altered so that any required by this Section, then for portion thereof shall each foot in excess of 50 ft., the required yard shall be increased from be nearer to the side lot line than the d!s a minimum of 10 ft. by 1 ft. up to a tance indicated by the maximum of 20 ft. width of the required side yard. Minimum Arterial25/ 10 ft.landscaped setback from the street 10 ft. landscaped setback from the street prop- 10 ft. landscaped setback from the oo Freeway Frontage property line, or erty line, or street property line, or Setback 20 ft. landscaped setback from the back 20 ft. landscaped setback from the back of the 20 ft. landscaped setback from the of the sidewalk, whichever is less. sidewalk, whichever is less. back of the sidewalk, whichever is less. BUILDING STANDARDS Maximum Building A dwelling or structure shall neither Residential Uses: "U" suffix: 95 ft./10 stories.4,7,26 Height and Maximum exceed 2 stories nor 30 ft. in height.7.26 Unit shall be a maximum of 2 stories and 30 ft.14 "C"suffix: 35 ft./3 stories.45,7,26 Number of Stories, Commercial Uses: 4,s.7,26 except for uses having Limited to 1 story and 20 ft. "N" suffix: 30 ft./2 1/2 stories. a"Public Suffix" (P) "I"suffix: 35 ft./2-1/2 stories.4,5,6,7,26 designation.27 Civic Uses: Limited to 2 stories. Maximum Height for See RMC 4-4-140G. See RMC 4-4-140G. See RMC 4-4-140G. Wireless Communication Facilities Conflicts:See RMC 4-1-080. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS (Primary and Attached Accessory Structures) R-10 R-14 RM BUILDING STANDARDS (Continued) Building Location NA Residential Uses: NA Dwellings shall be arranged in a manner which creates a neighborhood environment. Residential units and any associated commer- cial development within an overall development shall be connected through organization of roads, blocks, yards, central places, pedestrian linkage and amenity features. Front facades of structures shall address the public street, private street or court by providing: —a landscaped pedestrian connection. r -an entry feature facing the front yard. Building Design NA Residential Uses: NA (.° The development shall include the following fea- tures: Architectural design which incorporates: a)Variation in vertical and horizontal modulation of structural facades and roof lines among indi- vidual attached dwelling units (e.g., angular design, modulation, multiple roof plans), and b) Private entry features which are designed to provide individual ground floor connection to the outside for primary uses and secondary use townhouses. Commercial or Civic Uses: Shall provide pedestrian orientation through such measures as: pedestrian walkways, pedestrian amenities and improvements which support a variety of modes of transportation 1' (e.g., bicycle racks). 11 Conflicts:See RMC 4-1.080. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS N (Primary and Attached Accessory Structures) n R-10 R-14 RM BUILDING STANDARDS (Continued) Project Size NA Civic Uses: NA The maximum lot area dedicated for civic uses shall be limited to 10%of the net developable area of a property. Building size shall be limited to 3,000 sq.ft.of gross floor area except that by Hearing Examiner conditional use civic uses may be allowed to be a maximum of 5,000 sq.ft. for all uses. Commercial Uses: The maximum area dedicated for all commercial uses shall be limited to 10% of the net develop- able portion of a property. Building size shall be limited to 3,000 sq. ft. of gross floor area. o Occupancy permits for commercial uses shall not occur until 75%of the residential portion of a project is occupied. Maximum Building 50%of the total lot area. 50% of the total lot area. "U" suffix: 75%. Coverage "C" suffix: 45%. "N"suffix: 45%. "I"suffix: 35%—a maximum cover- age of 45%may be obtained through the Hearing Examiner process. Maximum Impervious 60% of the total lot area. NA Shall not exceed a combined total Surface Area (building footprint, sidewalks, drive- ways, etc.) of 75%. Conflicts:See RMC 4-1-080. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS (Primary and Attached Accessory Structures) R-10 R-14 RM LANDSCAPING General Landscaping requirements shall be Residential Uses: Setback areas and open space areas determined through the site plan review All landscaped areas shall be treated with pervi- shall be landscaped unless otherwise process. ous surfacing and/or materials. The entire front determined through the site plan setback,excluding driveways and an entry walk- review process. If adjacent to a single way, shall be landscaped. family residentially zoned3 lot then a Commercial or Civic Uses: 15 ft. landscape strip shall be Lots abutting public streets shall be improved required along the adjacent street with a minimum 10 ft. wide landscaping strip.16 frontage. Lots abutting or adjacent to streets which are designated as "arterials"18 or abutting or adja- cent to residential property(ies) shall be ry improved along the common boundary with a minimum 15 ft. wide landscaped setback and a sight-obscuring solid barrier wal1.17 SCREENING Surface Mounted NA All on-site utility surface mounted equipment NA Equipment shall be screened from public view. Roof-Top Equipment NA All operating equipment located on the roof of NA any building shall be enclosed so as to be shielded from view, including telecommunica- tions equipment. Outdoor Storage NA Outdoor storage, loading, repair, maintenance NA and work areas shall be screened by a solid bar- rier fence or landscaping, or some combination thereof as determined by the Reviewing Official, through the site plan review process. Recyclables NA Shall be screened, except for access points, by NA Collection & Storage, a fence or landscaping or some combination Garbage, Refuse thereof. and/or Dumpsters m Conflicts:See RMC 4-1-080. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS (Primary and Attached Accessory Structures) T R-10 R-14 RM DUMPSTER/RECYCLING COLLECTION AREA Location I NA All recyclables collection and storage, garbage, NA refuse and/or dumpsters shall be contained within areas designated for such uses, and shall be located a minimum of 50 ft. from a lot devel- oped with residential uses. In no case shall the recyclables collection and storage, garbage, refuse and/or dumpsters be located within the required setback area. The Reviewing Official may modify the location provisions,through the site plan review process, if necessary to provide reasonable access to the property. PARKING ^' General See RMC 4-4-080. See RMC 4-4-080. All suffixes: See RMC 4-4-080. A maximum of 4 vehicles may be parked Parking areas abutting residential development on a single family property, including shall be screened with a solid barrier fence and/ those vehicles under repair and restora- or landscaping. tion. Location Required parking shall be provided in NA "U" and "C" suffixes: Parking should the rear yard area when alley access is be provided in either underground available. When alley access is not parking or parking structures, unless available parking should be located in through the site plan review process the rear yard, side yard or underground it is determined that due environmen- unless it is determined through the site tal or physical site constraints surface plan review process that parking may be or under building parking should be allowed in the front yard or that under allowed. building parking (ground level of a resi- "N" and "I" suffixes: Surface parking dential structure) should be permitted. is acceptable in the side and rear yard areas. Conflicts:See RMC 4-1-080. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS (Primary and Attached Accessory Structures) R-10 R-14 RM SIGNS General See RMC 4-4-100. See RMC 4-4-100. See RMC 4-4-100. SENSITIVE AREAS General See RMC 4-3-050. See RMC 4-3-050. See RMC 4-3-050. SPECIAL DESIGN STANDARDS General Street Patterns: Nonmeandering street NA Properties abutting a less intense patterns and the provision of alleys (con- residential zone may be required to fined to side yard or rear yard frontages) incorporate special design standards shall be the predominant street pattern (e.g., additional landscaping, larger in any subdivision permitted within this setbacks, facade articulation, solar Zone;provided,that this does not cause access,fencing)through the site plan ry the need for lots with front and rear review process. (Ord. 4549, street frontages or dead-end streets. 8-21-1995) Cul-de-sacs shall be allowed when Properties abutting a designated required to provide public access to lots "focal center" or "gateway", as where a through street cannot be pro- defined in the City's Comprehensive vided or where topography or sensitive Plan, may be required provide spe- areas necessitate them. cial design features similar to those listed above through the site plan review process. EXCEPTIONS Pre-Existing Legal Nothing herein shall be determined to Nothing herein shall be determined to prohibit Nothing herein shall be determined to Lots prohibit the construction of a single fam- the construction of a dwelling structure and its prohibit the construction of a duplex ily dwelling and its accessory buildings accessory buildings on a pre-existing legal lot and its accessory buildings on a pre- or the existence of a single family dwell- provided that all development standards for this existing legal lot provided that all set- ing or duplex, existing as of March 1, Zone can be satisfied. back, lot coverage, height limits and 1995,on a pre-existing legal lot provided parking requirements for this Zone that all setback, lot coverage, height lim- can be satisfied. its and parking requirements for this Zone can be satisfied. 11 Conflicts:See RMC 4-1-080. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS N (Primary and Attached Accessory Structures) R-10 R-14 RM EXCEPTIONS (Continued) Pre-Existing NA Residential structures that exist or that have NA Residential been vested for land use permits prior to the Structures effective date of this section (6-17-1996) shall be considered to be conforming structures. Such structures may be replaced, renovated, and/or expanded pursuant to the provisions of this Zone. N W Conflicts:See RMC 4-1-080. 4-2-110G DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS (Detached12 Accessory Structures) R-10 R-14 RM MAXIMUM NUMBER AND SIZE General 2 detached nonresidential buildings and/or 1 per residential unit. NA structures, up to a maximum of 720 sq. ft. for Maximum of 400 sq.ft.and less than each building, or 1 detached building or struc- the floor area of the principal unit. ture up to a maximum of 1,000 sq. ft. for each building. The total floor area of all accessory buildings shall not be greater than the floor area of the res- idential uses. The lot coverage of the primary residential struc- ture along with all accessory buildings shall not ^' exceed the maximum lot coverage of this Zoning District. cn LOCATION General Accessory structures shall be associated with NA NA and ancillary to residential dwelling units and located on the same lot as the residential dwell- ing unit. HEIGHT Maximum Building 1 story and 15 ft.26 15 ft.26 25 ft., except in the U District where the Height and Number maximum height shall be determined of Stories through the site plan review process.26 r 0 Conflicts:See RMC 4-1-080. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS (Detached12 Accessory Structures) G) R-10 R-14 RM SETBACKS8 Minimum Front Yard Not allowed within the required front yards or 15 ft., if parking access is provided Not allowed within the required front side yards along streets. from the front or side. yards or side yards along streets. 10 ft., if parking access if provided from the rear via public street or alley. Minimum Side/Rear 3 ft.except those structures located between the Rear Yard:Minimum of 3 ft. Garages 3 ft. except those structures located Yard rear of the house and the rear property line and carports must provide a mini- between the rear of the house and the which may be located adjacent to the rear and mum of 24 ft. of backout room. rear property line which may be located side yard lot line; provided, that garages, car- Side Yard: None required. adjacent to the rear and side yard lot line; ports and parking areas must be set back from provided, that garages, carports and the rear property lines a sufficient distance to parking areas must be set back from the provide a minimum of 24 ft. of backout room, rear property lines a sufficient distance to either on-site or counting improved alley surface provide a minimum of 24 ft. of backout or other improved right-of-way surface." In no 'room,either on-site or counting improved case shall any structure be located within the alley surface or other improved right-of- required Shoreline Master Program setback •way surface.11 In no case shall any struc- area. ture be located within the required Shore- line Master Program setback area. Special Setbacks Barns, stables and other animal or agriculture NA Barns, stables and other animal or agri- for Animal or related structures shall be located a minimum of culture related structures shall be located Agricultural Related 50 ft. from any property line. a minimum of 50 ft. from any property Structures line. Conflicts:See RMC 4-1-080. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS (Detached12 Accessory Structures) R-10 R-14 RM EXCEPTIONS Pre-Existing Legal Nothing herein shall be determined to prohibit Nothing herein shall be determined Nothing herein shall be determined to Lots the construction of a single family dwelling and to prohibit the construction of a prohibit the construction of a duplex and its accessory buildings or the existence of a sin- dwelling structure and its accessory its accessory buildings on a pre-existing gle family dwelling or duplex, existing as of buildings on a pre-existing legal lot legal lot provided that all setback, lot cov- March 1, 1995, on a pre-existing legal lot pro- provided that all development stan- erage, height limits and parking require- vided that all setback, lot coverage, height limits dards for this Zone can be satisfied. ments for this Zone can be satisfied. and parking requirements for this Zone can be satisfied. Pre-Existing NA Residential structures that exist or NA Residential that have been vested for land use Structures permits prior to the effective date of this section (6-17-1996) shall be considered to be conforming struc- tures. Such structures may be replaced, renovated, and/or expanded pursuant to the provisions of this Zone. N �0 Conflicts:See RMC 4-1-080. 4-2-110H 4-2-110H CONDITIONS ASSOCIATED WITH DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS TABLE FOR MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS 1. Front and rear setbacks in the RM-U Zone lished by RMC 4-3-020, Airport Related may be reduced to 0'by the Reviewing Height and Use Restrictions. Official during the site plan review process g Allowed projection into setbacks: provided the applicant demonstrates that the project will provide a compensatory a. Fireplace structures, bay or garden amenity such as an entryway courtyard, windows, enclosed stair landings, and private balconies or enhanced landscap- similar structures as determined by ing. the Zoning Administrator may project 24"into any setback in the R-10, R-14 2. If the structure located in the RM-U Zone and RM Zones and may project 30" exceeds 4 stories in height, a 15' front set into a street setback in the R-14 Zone, back from the property line shall be provided, such projection are: required of all portions of the structure which exceed 4 stories. This requirement (I) Limited to 2 per facade. may be modified by the Reviewing Official ii Not wider than 10'. during the site plan review process to a ( ) uniform 5'front setback for the entire b. Fences, rockeries and retaining walls structure provided that the structure pro- with a height of 48" or less may be vides a textured or varied facade (e.g., constructed within any required set- multiple setbacks, brickwork and/or orna- back; provided, that they are located mentation) and consideration of the pedes- outside of the 20' clear vision area trian environment (e.g., extra sidewalk specified in RMC 4-11-030, definition width, canopies, enhanced landscaping). of"clear vision area". Fences 6'or 3. RC, R 1, R-5, R 8, and R-10. less in height may be located within the rear and side yard setback areas 4. The environmental, aquifer, and airport but must be reduced to 42"to locate regulations and site plan review process within the front yard setback. may require a reduction in the allowable height and/or number of stories for any c. Uncovered porches and decks not residential building. exceeding 18" above the finished grade may project to the property line. 5. In all districts except the "U", more stories d. In the R-14 Zone only, uncovered and an additional 10' in height may be porches and decks 18"or higher obtained through the provision of addi- above grade at any point along outer tional amenities such as pitched roofs, edge of structure may project 24"into additional recreation facilities, under an interior setback or 30" into a street ground parking, and/or additional land- setback. scaped open space areas, as determined through the site plan review process. e. Eaves and cornices may not project 6. In the "I" District, additional height for a more than 24"into an interior or street residential dwelling structure may be setback in the R-10, R-14 and RM obtained through the site plan review pro- Zones. In the R-14 Zone only, eaves cess depending on the compatibility of the may project up to 30 into a street set proposed buildings with adjacent existing back. residential development. In no case shall f. Eaves, cornices, steps, terraces, plat- the height of a residential structure exceed forms and porches having no roof 45'. covering and being not over 42" high 7. The height of any structure permitted in may be built within a front yard. this Zone shall not exceed the limits estab- 9. Phasing, shadow platting or land reserves may be used to satisfy the minimum den- 2 - 138 4-2-110H sity requirements if the applicant can dem- design solutions that would occur with onstrate that these techniques would allow uses developed under standard criteria. the eventual satisfaction of minimum den- sity requirements through future develop Permitted Bonuses:The following bonuses ment.The applicant must demonstrate that may be achieved independently or in com the current development would not pre- bination: clude the provision of adequate access a. Bonus Densities:Dwelling unit density and infrastructure to future development. may be increased from 14 units per Within the Urban Center, surface parking net acre, to a range of 15 to 18 units may be considered a land reserve. per net acre. Densities of greater than 18 units per net acre are prohibited. 10. In the event the applicant can show that minimum density cannot be achieved due b. Bonus Dwelling Unit Mix/Arrange- to lot configuration, lack of access or phys- ment: Dwelling units permitted per ical constraints, minimum density require- structure may be increased as fol- ments may be reduced by the Reviewing lows: Official. (i) Primary Uses: A maximum of 11. Except barns, stables and other animal or 4 units per structure, with a agricultural related structures. maximum structure length of 12. In order to be considered detached, a 100'. structure must be sited a minimum of 6' (ii) Secondary Uses:A maximum from any residential structure. of 8 units per structure with a 13. In the event the applicant show that mini- maximum structural height of mum density cannot be achieved due to lot 35 , or 3 stories and a maxi configuration lack of access or physical mum structural length of 115'. constraints, minimum density require- Bonus Criteria: To qualify for one or both ments may be reduced by the Reviewing bonuses the applicant shall provide either: Official. a. Alley and/or rear access and parking Phasing, shadow platting or land reserves for 50%of primary uses or secondary may be used to satisfy the minimum den- use townhouses, or sity requirements if the applicant can dem- onstrate that these techniques would allow b. Civic uses: the eventual satisfaction of minimum den- (i) Community meeting hall, sity requirements through future develop- ment.The applicant must demonstrate that (ii) Senior center, the current development would not pre- (iii) Recreation center, or clude the provision of adequate access (iv) Other similar uses as deter- and infrastructure to future development. mined by the Zoning Adminis- 14. Density and Unit Size Bonus: trator, or Purpose: The bonus provisions are c. A minimum of 5% of the net develop- intended to allow greater flexibility in the able area of the project in aggregated implementation of the purpose of the R-14 common open space. Common open designation. Bonus criteria encourage pro- space areas may be used for any of vision of aggregated open space and rear the following purposes: access parking in an effort to stimulate (i) Playgrounds, picnic shelters/ provision of higher amenity neighborhoods and project designs which address meth- facilities and equipment, vil ods of reducing the size and bulk of struc lage greens/square, trails, tures. corridors or natural. Applicants wishing such bonuses must (ii) Structures such as kiosks, demonstrate that the same or better benches, fountains and main tenance equipment storage results will occur as a result of creative facilities are permitted pro- 2 - 139 4-2-110H vided that they serve and/or from other parking areas by landscap- promote the use of the open ing with a minimum width of 15'. space. f. Site design incorporating a package To qualify as common open space an of at least 3 amenities which enhance area must meet each of the following single family character, such as coor- conditions: dinated lighting (street or building), (i) function as a focal point for mailbox details, address and signage the development, details, and street trees as approved by the Reviewing Official. (ii) have a maximum slope of 15. Subject to the landscaping provisions (of 10%, the R-14 Zone). (iii) have a minimum width of 25', 16. The Reviewing Official may modify this except for trails or corridors, provision, through the site plan review pro- (iv) be located outside the right- cess, where it is determined that specific of-way, portions of the required landscaping strip (v) be improved for passive and/ may be developed and maintained as a or active recreational uses, usable public open space with an opening directly to a public entrance. (vi) be improved with landscaping 17. The Reviewing Official may permit, in public areas, and through the site plan review process, the (vii) be maintained by the home- substitution for the 15'wide landscaping owners association if the strip, of a 10'wide landscaped setback property is subdivided, or by and a sight-obscuring solid barrier wall the management organization (e.g., landscaping or solid fence), in order if the property is not subdi- to provide reasonable access to the prop- vided. erty. Developments which qualify for a bonus The solid barrier wall shall be designated shall also incorporate a minimum of 3 fea- in accord with the Site Plan Review section tures selected from the improvements and shall be located a minimum of 5'from options as described below: abutting property(ies) zoned and or desig- a. Architectural design which incorpo Hated for"residential" use. The Reviewing rates enhanced building entry fea Official may also modify the sight-obscur- tures (e.g., varied design materials, ing landscaping provision, through the site arbors and/or trellises, cocheres, plan review process, if necessary to pro- gabled roofs). vide reasonable access to the property. b. Active common recreation amenities A secured maintenance agreement or easement for the landscape strip is such as picnic facilities, gazebos, required. sports courts, recreation center, pool, spa/jacuzzi. 18. In the City of Renton Transportation Ele- c. Enhanced ground plane texture or ment of the Comprehensive Plan. color (e.g., stamped patterned con- 19. The goal of the R-10 Zone is to permit a crete, cobblestone, or brick at all range of detached, semi-attached and building entries, courtyards, trails or attached dwelling units. Detached dwelling sidewalks). units include traditional detached single d. Building or structures incorporating family houses as well as semi attached bonus units shall have no more than units. Attached residences include 75% of the garages on a single attached single family homes, town- facade. houses, duplexes, triplexes and four- plexes. A maximum of 4 units may be e. Surface parking lots containing no consecutively attached. more than 6 parking stalls separated 2 - 140 4-2-110H 20. For existing parcels which are a maximum District—bounded by the Cedar River, FAI size of 1/2 acre, as of the effective date 405 Freeway, South 4th Street, Shattuck hereof, and which are proposed to be Avenue South, South Second Street, and developed with attached single family Logan Avenue South—shall be exempt development, an exemption from lot width from this setback requirement. or depth requirements may be permitted if 26. Exception for Community Facilities: The the Reviewing Official determines that pro following development standards shall posed alternative width standards are con apply to all uses having a "P"suffix desig sistent with Site Plan Review section nation. Where these standards conflict criteria. with those generally applicable, these 21. Lots: Irregularly shaped lots,such as Z-lots standards shall apply: and zipper lots, may be permitted; pro a. Publicly owned structures housing vided, that the lots meet the development such uses shall be permitted an addi- standards listed above and the applicant tional 15' in height above that other provides typical layouts and elevations for wise permitted in the Zone if"pitched the homes that may be built of the pro roofs", as defined herein, are used for posed lots. at least 60% or more of the roof sur- 22. Attached single family, semi-attached sin- face of both primary and accessory gle family, townhouses, duplex, triplex, structures. fourplex and attached accessory struc- b. In addition, in zones where the maxi- tures. mum permitted building height is less 23. If a corner lot is less than the minimum than 75', the maximum height of a width required by this Section but greater publicly owned structure housing a than 50' in width, then for every 2' in width public use may be increased as fol- in excess of 50'the required side yard lows, up to a maximum height of 75' shall be increased from a minimum of 10' to the highest point of the building: by 1' up to a maximum of 15'. However, in (i) When abutting a public street, no case shall a structure over 42"in height 1 additional foot of height for intrude into the 20'sight triangle. each additional 1-1/2' of 24. Exemption: When 40%or more, on front perimeter building setback foot basis, of all property on 1 side of a beyond the minimum street street between 2 intersecting streets at the setback required at street time of the passage of this Code has been level unless such setbacks are built up with buildings having a minimum otherwise discouraged (e.g., front yard of more or less depth than that inside the Downtown Core established by the Code, and provided, Area in the CD Zone); that the majority of such front yards do not (ii) When abutting a common vary more than 6' in depth, no building property line, one additional shall be built within or shall any portion, foot of height for each addi- save as above excepted, project into such tional 2'of perimeter building minimum front yard; provided, further, that setback beyond the minimum no new buildings be required to set back required along a common more than 35'from the street line in the property line; and R-2 or R-3 Residential Districts, nor more than 2'farther than any building on an (iii) On lots 4 acres or greater, 5 adjoining lot and that this regulation shall additional feet of height for not be so interpreted as to reduce a every 1% reduction below a required front yard to less than 10' in 20% maximum lot area cover- depth. age by buildings for public 25. Includes major or secondary arterials as amenities such as recre defined in the arterial street map of the ational facilities, and/or land City's 6 Year Street Improvement Plan. shaped open space areas, Arterial streets within the Central Business etc., when these are open 2 - 141 4-2-110H and accessible to the public during the day or week. 27. All uses having a "Public Suffix" (P) desig- nation are subject to the following: Height: Publicly owned structures housing such uses shall be permitted an additional 15'in height above that otherwise permitted in the Zone if"pitched roofs", as defined herein, are used for at least 60% or more of the roof surface of both primary and accessory structures. In addition, in zones where the maximum permitted building height is less than 75', the maximum height of a publicly owned structure hous- ing a public use may be increased as fol- lows, up to a maximum height of 75'to the highest point of the building: a. When abutting a public street, 1 addi- tional foot of height for each additional 1-1/2'of perimeter building setback beyond the minimum street setback required at street level unless such setbacks are otherwise discouraged (e.g., inside the Downtown Core Area in the CD Zone); b. When abutting a common property line, 1 additional foot of height for each additional 2'of perimeter build- ing setback beyond the minimum required along a common property line; and c. On lots 4 acres or greater, 5 addi- tional feet of height for every 1% reduction below a 20% maximum lot area coverage by buildings for public amenities such as recreational facili- ties, and/or landscaped open space areas, etc., when these are open and accessible to the public during the day or week. 2 - 142 4-2-1101 ILLUSTRATIONS: ' E51)E\ITIAL AULT-FAVILY-1\'LL LOT SIZE: 5.000 SOFT. LOT COVERAGE: 5S1-.MAXIMUM 131 HEARING EXAMINER' MAGI ILIP ACITSSOKI BUILDINGS: PFNUTY: ST MACKS: 20 L:WF[1.INCY UNITS MAXIMUM PER ACRE FY MINIMUM 1.15TANCT FROM rfSIEIEN11AL PA PG. 10 17WELL1NIG LJNM MINIMUM 19:F.;ACRE :5'MINIMUM(Apr_-AM SE IDACK F_XI.f_%''1 FE_PNEF_N REAR' IMITEVIOUS SURIWIS: NI'Cv.AN[ro FrofEcn LINE BUILDING HF_IGHT: VARKING: 2 MAX. SURFACE PARKING ALLOWED IN`,APF_ANL'FI:EAFI: --- ly...".7"... ...•-••__..... op Zt.....44, --...i„,...--- ...... oa loit_i_.-- 'Ito, 1411,t. • .• '1 Ora SPE 5E113AO:: 14.41(C050ZIOW in ' 201 01'1_01 wli-.•1 III Itit 000 ,44 ,i, .. iht.kb,"...,k 1144,N.* ltrei, I pt,..,- - II b 0 larr' .• -. .,........, ' NP141 14 104' le% ,0 o. • ' N.N.2,,":-...... s 7._./)11/4-6,..:4s1,,•SETT',A(I -- 10 .„, - 7- •• 4, 1$) 0 Exceptions and additional standards are located in RMC 4-2-080. 41. li) RESIPE\-IAL MUL-1-FAVILY- \EIGH3OH00) CEkTE —i LOT SIZE: LOT COVERAGE: 4 I...1 MAXIMUM DENSITY: DE TACI-E D ACCT 55ORY DUO.Mai: 1',.=,MET LING UNITS MAMMUM E41-17 -. '- 10 CWF:LLING UNITS MINIMUM rEg.A.,,-FL SF_TBACKS: IMPFKVIOU5 SURFACT-5: (::',MINIMUM 1.-}ISTANCE F FOM RE 5112E NUN. H.DG. .,-':21 COMFrra-,loi At. 5'MINIMUM SPE'I ARO SETFACK EXcul-[I,E1VILLEN FEAR PARKING: BLDG AND PrOFF_F:T1 LINE SOF:FACE 1'AP:f112 ALI.OWED IN 5II,7T '•-•''- --'''' ' BUILDING I FIGI II: 2I'. MAX. ffri,..,. ...., .... ..... "---.) • f3ll11.1)11{3 FFIGH I .....---- SIDE SEIBACK: ••• A 1 ,-, : ' 1‘ 44 h 01\ lipl%70, 4 it 001401011 .. . .MIN. -' •, 4t 111 % It •,,. 4. ,.... • .,, k h„, it •. 02- [TONI • ' 3 /17.°77Y-..51)=!1=• 1-,44. ',o,"'' • C'k<-"\\. 1--) '-... 7-- .. .4-• Exceptions and additional standards are located in RMC 4-2-080. E517-'1\1"--AL vUL---FAMILY-CENTE2 5U5UDA\ LOT SIZE: ,000 SOJ-1 MINIMUM LOT COVERAGE: 4 .';',,MINIMUM DE l61TY: 2,0 LVELLINK;UNITS MAXVUM r'EF AM' 10 MEILING UNITS MINIMUM 171 ACRE Of TAC-1-11P Aat 55ORY 13(AL PINGS: !WM/IOUS WI:FACES: SETBACKS: '/t;T:, LOMPINFL:'TOTAL 6 MINIMUM q1',17\NCI IFFMM.F:11-ilL:FNILAI.Fd DC, PARKING: 7.) MINIMUM SLOE )AFC'5E MAC K F kf FT ICE PAT EN FT Al:OF PAFKINC,SHOUT EC f'FOVIL7f1'LIINC,EFGFCLINV F.1,C,.ANL)FF0E-EFT) LINE. OF IN A 1'7\1:KING 51FULT.ii_rE 13UILPING I EIGI Fr: ."`•••••,-.._. . 2 L.,'MAX. ri.PG.LEG!II: ••••• ••••--., Al...._—_,. . 3 S,/FES AW 7-L' ryLnx. 0-- ......._ NI .}%.. :4--.=74/.1-. 6° .' W itt rev4P• cri 0 filtikiltNr4 0 00 frill H.1131/:: SIT SMACK: .• .° 00 ' - /t.'9 . . '''' 20700F 1.01 WIDTH 4111th) 0$. J?°141$0 l---> '• tkma 0.0 Ilf,oPliliii.104fr ...... _T•S.7kli 0;01 0-) ,,,t:: . q),i, • Ab • -uRbNi, 6,(•-• •'5°'474 . ,-,-x.C.:° ' ---- 7- . -p• 1 ) 8 Exceptions and additional standards are located in RMC 4-2-080. r.) K--=_51)' \TIAL V ,,LTI—FAVILY U [3A\ C------ \--F LOT SIZE: 4.500 SOFT.MINIMUM DE LOT COVERAGE: TACT-1F D AGUE SSORY BUILDINGS: 75%MAXIMUM SE TBACKS: DENSITY: ] 6 hilN.DIS1 AWE FrOm ELSE:EN-11AL BLE:16S. FWG.11Gl fr 25 DWELL(NG UNITS PEE:ALET MINIMUM : :!.) MIN.SELF1 ARC SET:F.4,1K F.CF F-T BETWEE N 100 PW111ING UNITS TIT ACRE MAXIMUM (.)F11:_5 ANL'95' FEAR OF BLOC-.AM.')FT:OftrD, LINE : MAX. IMPERVIOUS SURFACES: 1*- \ BLDG.FUCA IT: MAX.I vic,i it CI::IHrMINT' 11 Fri.1(7,115NI: COMBINE.P TOTAL OF 7.5%MAXIMUM PARKING: ' \ \\ Ft N'sl RE VIEW 511OULD BE PROVIDED UNCEFCA'OUNC1OF IN A rA.MINC-,SlRlull rE , , ., .. \ \ \. % \\ ,ellilkb\ \ 4111.414111011111''> cn REAR I 16 kl &Ot‘A ° I -I IS" •eig)i) 11111 li•' tit N - A JO., 1 0 FRONT MP YARD SETBACKS: IL flt 1p 00E_ 11 .10 • NONE_7_01.11F.F_D SIDE_YARD SETBACK: I 1 •NI• kt/ /I 00 A I 4 - 1 ol,OF TO T WID1 H 0 ri 0 .40 . AL t*.1 0 4 1 It MINIMUM I 41WAI00 1 ' Er. 0 1 101 tor ..... . -"?...- I t- `f- • i •I lj 07 eotk„.., • ------,„„u._,a.. 1. v . .• ,0 ,.e Exceptions and additional standards are located in RMC 4-2-080. 4-2-120A DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS CC CN CS CA LOT DIMENSIONS Minimum Lot Size 5,000 sq. ft. 5,000 sq. ft. 25,000 sq. ft. None Minimum Lot Width None None None None Minimum Lot Depth None None None None LOT COVERAGE Maximum Lot Coverage 65%of total lot area or 75% 65%of total lot area or 75% 65% of total lot area or 75% if 65% of total lot area or 75% if for Buildings if parking is provided within if parking is provided within parking is provided within the parking is provided within the the building or within a park- the building or within a park- building or within a parking building or within a parking ing garage. ing garage. garage. garage. SETBACKS Minimum Front Yard/ 10 ft. minimum25,26. The 10 ft. minimum25,26. The 10 ft. minimum25,26. The mini- 10 ft. minimum25.26. The mini- Street Setback minimum setback may be minimum setback may be mum setback may be reduced mum setback may be reduced Where any front yard is reduced down to 0 ft. reduced down to 0 ft. down to 0 ft. through the site down to 0 ft. through the site required, no building through the site plan review through the site plan review plan review process provided plan review process provided shall be hereafter erected process provided blank process provided blank blank walls are not located blank walls are not located or altered so that any walls are not located within walls are not located within within the reduced setback. within the reduced setback. portion thereof shall be the reduced setback. the reduced setback. nearer the front property line than the distance indicated by the depth of the required front yard. Maximum Front Yard/ 15 ft. shall be required of 15 ft. shall be required of 15 ft. shall be required of the None Street Setback the street side facade of the the street side facade of the street side facade of the struc- structure.7c2o26 structure.7.2°,26 ture.7,2°.26 Minimum Arterial27/ 10 ft. landscaped setback 10 ft. landscaped setback 10 ft. landscaped setback from 10 ft. landscaped setback from Freeway Frontage from the street property from the street property the street property line, or the street property line, or Setback line, or line, or 20 ft. landscaped setback from 20 ft. landscaped setback from 20 ft. landscaped setback 20 ft. landscaped setback the back of the sidewalk, which- the back of the sidewalk, which- from the back of the side- from the back of the side- ever is less. ever is less. N walk, whichever is less. walk, whichever is less. Conflicts:See RMC 4-1-080. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS N CC CN CS CA o _ D 'SETBACKS (Continued) Minimum Rear Yard None None None None 15 ft. if lot abuts or is adja- 15 ft. if lot abuts or is adja- 15 ft. if lot abuts or is adjacent to 15 ft. if lot abuts or is adjacent to cent to a residential zone.2 cent to a residential zone.2 a residential zone.2 a residential zone.2 Minimum Side Yard None None None None Where any specified side 15 ft. if lot abuts or is adja- 15 ft. if lot abuts or is adja- 15 ft. if lot abuts or is adjacent to 15 ft. if lot abuts or is adjacent to yard is required no build- cent to a residential zone.2 cent to a residential zone.2 a residential zone.2 a residential zone.2 ing shall be hereafter erected or altered so that any portion thereof shall be nearer to the side lot line than the distance indicated by the width of N the required side yard. BUILDING LIMITATIONS co Maximum Gross Floor 5,000 gross sq. ft., except 35,000 gross sq. ft., except 65,000 gross sq. ft., except by None Area of Any Single by conditional use permit. by conditional use permit. conditional use permit. Commercial Use on a This restriction does not This restriction does not Site apply to residential uses. apply to residential uses. Maximum Gross Floor NA NA 65,000 sq.ft.,except as allowed NA Area of Any Single Use by maximum building lot cover- on a Site age requirements. Building Orientation All commercial uses shall Wherever practicable, Wherever practicable, buildings Wherever practicable, buildings have their primary entrance buildings should be ori- should be oriented to minimize should be oriented to minimize and shop display window ented to minimize the shad- the shadows they cause on pub- the shadows they cause on pub- oriented toward the street ows they cause on publicly licly accessible open spaces. licly accessible open spaces. frontage. accessible open spaces. LANDSCAPING Minimum Landscape 10 ft., except where 10 ft., except where 10 ft., except where reduced 10 ft., except where reduced Width Required Along reduced through the site reduced through the site through the site plan review pro- through the site plan review pro- Streets' plan review process. plan review process. cess. cess. Conflicts:See RMC 4-1-080. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS CC CN CS CA LANDSCAPING (Continued) Minimum Landscape 15 ft. wide sight-obscuring 15 ft. wide sight-obscuring 15 ft. wide sight-obscuring land- 15 ft. wide sight-obscuring land- Width Required When a landscape strip.6.3 landscape strip.6.3 scape strip.6'3 scape strip.6.3 Commercial Lot is If the street is a designated If the street is a designated If the street is a designated arte- If the street is a designated arte- Adjacent to Property arterial,' non-sight-obscur- arterial,' non-sight-obscur- rial,1 non-sight-obscuring land- rial,1 non-sight-obscuring land- Designated Residential2 ing landscaping shall be ing landscaping shall be scaping shall be provided scaping shall be provided provided unless otherwise provided unless otherwise unless otherwise determined by unless otherwise determined by determined by the Hearing determined by the Hearing the Hearing Examiner through the Hearing Examiner through Examiner through the site Examiner through the site the site plan review process. the site plan review process. plan review process. plan review process. Minimum Landscape 15 ft. wide landscaped 15 ft. wide landscaped 15 ft. wide landscaped visual 15 ft. wide landscaped visual Width Required When a visual barrier consistent visual barrier consistent barrier consistent with the defi- barrier consistent with the defi- Commercial Lot is with the definition in RMC with the definition in RMC nition in RMC 4-11-120. A 10 ft. nitions in RMC 4-11-120.A 10 ft. Abutting to Property 4-11-120. A 10 ft. sight- 4-11-120. A 10 ft. sight- sight-obscuring landscape strip sight-obscuring landscape strip Designated Residential2 obscuring landscape strip obscuring landscape strip may be allowed through the site may be allowed through the site may be allowed through the may be allowed through the plan review process.5.3 plan review process.5,3 site plan review process.5.3 site plan review process.5,3 Special Requirements for NA NA NA An additional 2%of natural Properties Located landscaping shall be required within the Green River for developed sites as per the Valley Planning Area" Soil Conservation Service Envi- ronmental Mitigation Agree- ment.24 HEIGHT Maximum Building 35 ft., provided the limits 35 ft.28 50 ft.28 50 ft.28 Height, except for uses specified in RMC 4-3-020 Heights may exceed the Heights may exceed the maxi- Heights may exceed the maxi- with a "Public Suffix" (P) are not exceeded.28 maximum height with a mum height with a conditional mum height with a conditional designation30 conditional use permit.21 use permit.21 use permit.21 In no case shall height In no case shall height exceed In no case shall height exceed exceed the limits specified the limits specified in RMC the limits specified in RMC in RMC 4-3-020. 4-3-020. 4-3-020. D Conflicts:See RMC 4-1-080. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS CC CN CS CA HEIGHT (Continued) Maximum When a NA The building may exceed For lots adjacent to a lot desig- The building may exceed the Building is Adjacent10 to the height allowed in the nated as Residential Options or height allowed in the adjacent a Lot Designated as adjacent residential zone Residential Single Family of the residential zone by a maximum Residential on the City by a maximum of 15 ft. Comprehensive Plan and zoned of 20 ft. upon approval by the Comprehensive Plan and upon approval by the Zon- R-8 or R-10, the building may Zoning Administrator. Zoning Map ing Administrator. exceed the height allowed in the adjacent residential zone by a maximum of 15 ft. upon approval by the Development Services Division. Maximum Height for See RMC 4-4-140G. See RMC 4-4-140G. See RMC 4-4-140G. See RMC 4-4-140G. Wireless Communication Facilities N SCREENING cn Minimum Required for None required, except None required, except None required,except when the None required,except when the Outdoor,Loading,Repair, when the CC lot abuts or is when the CN lot abuts or is CS lot abuts or is adjacent to a CA lot abuts or is adjacent to a Maintenance or Work adjacent to a residential- adjacent to a residential- residential-zoned lot,2 then a residential-zoned lot,2 then a Areas zoned lot,2 then a fence, or zoned lot,2 then a fence, or sight-obscuring fence, or land- fence, or landscaping, or a land- landscaping, or a land- landscaping, or a land- scaping, or a landscaped berm, scaped berm, or a combination scaped berm, or a combi- scaped berm, or a combi- or a combination thereof is thereof is required as deter- nation thereof is required as nation thereof is required as required as determined by the mined by the Reviewing Official determined by the Review- determined by the Review- Reviewing Official to achieve to achieve adequate visual or ing Official to achieve ade- ing Official to achieve ade- adequate visual or acoustical acoustical screening.3 quate visual or acoustical quate visual or acoustical screening.3 screening.3 screening.3 Surface-Mounted Utility Shall be screened from Shall be screened from Shall be screened from public Shall be screened from public and Mechanical public view. public view. view. view. Equipment Roof Top Equipment Shall be enclosed so as to Shall be enclosed so as to Shall be enclosed so as to be Shall be enclosed so as to be (Except for Telecommuni- be shielded from view. be shielded from view. shielded from view. shielded from view. cation Equipment) Conflicts:See RMC 4-1-080. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS CC CN CS CA SCREENING (Continued) Permitted Outdoor Outdoor storage is not per- Outdoor storage must be Outdoor storage must be Outdoor storage must be Storage mitted. screened from adjacent or screened from adjacent or abut- screened from adjacent or abut- abutting properties and ting properties and public rights- ting properties and public rights- public rights-of-way. Out- of-way. Outdoor storage uses of-way. Outdoor storage uses door storage uses shall pro- shall provide fencing, berming, shall provide fencing, berming, vide fencing, berming, and/ and/or landscaping as deter- and/or landscaping as deter- or landscaping as deter- mined by the Reviewing Official mined by the Reviewing Official mined by the Reviewing to achieve adequate visual or to achieve adequate visual or Official to achieve adequate acoustical screening. acoustical screening. visual or acoustical screen- Products or bulk materials cov- Products or bulk materials cov- ing. ered by buildings with roofs but ered by buildings with roofs but Products or bulk materials without sides shall be consid- without sides shall be consid- covered by buildings with ered outside storage and sub- ered outside storage and sub- roofs but without sides shall ject to the screening provisions ject to the screening provisions be considered outside stor- of this Section. of this Section. age and subject to the Exterior sales of autos, boats screening provisions of this and motorcycles are not consid- Section. ered outdoor storage. Garbage, Refuse or Shall be screened, except Shall be screened, except Shall be screened, except for Shall be screened, except for Dumpsters, and for access points, by a for access points, by a access points, by a fence or access points, by a fence or Recyclables fence or landscaping or fence or landscaping or landscaping or some combina- landscaping or some combina- some combination thereof. some combination thereof. tion thereof. tion thereof. PARKING General Parking of vehicles related Parking of vehicles related Parking of vehicles related to Parking of vehicles related to to the commercial uses to the commercial uses the commercial uses shall not the commercial uses shall not shall not be allowed on res- shall not be allowed on res- be allowed on residential be allowed on residential idential streets. Also see idential streets. Also see streets. Also see RMC 4-4-080. streets. Also see RMC RMC 4-4-080. RMC 4-4-080. 4-4-080.26 N N Conflicts:See RMC 4-1-080. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS CC CN CS CAcp PEDESTRIAN ACCESS General A pedestrian connection A pedestrian connection A pedestrian connection shall A pedestrian connection shall shall be provided from a shall be provided from a be provided from a public be provided from a public public entrance to the street public entrance to the street entrance to the street unless the entrance to the street unless the unless the Reviewing Offi- unless the Reviewing Offi- Reviewing Official determines Reviewing Official determines cial determines that the cial determines that the that the requirement would that the requirement would requirement would unduly requirement would unduly unduly endanger the pedes- unduly endanger the pedes- endanger the pedestrian. endanger the pedestrian. trian. trian. Provide direct, clear and sepa- rate pedestrian walks from side- walks to building entries and internally from buildings to adja- cent retail properties. N SIGNS General See RMC 4-4-100. See RMC 4-4-100. See RMC 4-4-100. See RMC 4-4-100. LOADING DOCKS Location Shall not be permitted adja- Shall not be permitted adja- Shall not be permitted adjacent Shall not be permitted adjacent cent to or abutting a resi- cent to or abutting a resi- to or abutting a residential to or abutting a residential dential zone.2 3 dential zone.2 3 zone.2 3 zone.2.3 DUMPSTER Location of Garbage, Shall not be located within Shall not be located within Shall not be located within 50 ft. Shall not be located within 50 ft. Refuse, or Dumpster 50 ft. of a residential- 50 ft. of a residential- of a residential-zoned2 property, of a residential-zoned2 property, Areas zoned2 property, except by zoned2 property, except by except by approval by the Hear- except by approval by the Hear- approval by the Hearing approval by the Hearing ing Examiner through the site ing Examiner through the site Examiner through the site Examiner through the site plan review process. In no case plan review process. In no case plan review process. In no plan review process. In no shall garbage, refuse, or dump- shall garbage, refuse, or dump- case shall garbage, refuse, case shall garbage, refuse, ster areas be located within the ster areas be located within the or dumpster areas be or dumpster areas be required setback. required setback. located within the required located within the required setback. setback. Conflicts:See RMC 4-1-080. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS CC CN CS CA RECYCLING COLLECTION STATION OR CENTER Location Shall not be located within Shall not be located within Shall not be located within any NA any required landscape any required landscape required landscape area. area. area. SENSITIVE AREAS General See RMC 4-3-050 and See RMC 4-3-050 and See RMC 4-3-050 and chapter See RMC 4-3-050 and chapter chapter 8-8 RMC. chapter 8-8 RMC. 8-8 RMC. 8-8 RMC. N (Jl W fV N O D Conflicts:See RMC 4-1-080. 4-2-120B N DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS N 0 CD CO COR °D LOT DIMENSIONS Minimum Lot Size None 25,000 sq. ft. None Minimum Lot Width None None None Minimum Lot Depth None None None LOT COVERAGE Maximum Lot Coverage None for properties located within the 65%29 of total lot area or 75%29 if parking 65% of total lot area or 75% if parking is for Buildings "Downtown Core Area".15 is provided within the building or within a provided within the building or within a For properties located outside the parking garage. parking garage. Downtown Core Area:65%of total lot area or 75% if parking is provided within the building or within a parking garage. SETBACKS cri Minimum Front Yard/ 0 ft. for buildings 25 ft. or less in 15 ft. 29—buildings less than 25 ft. in None Street Setback25,26 height. height. Where any front yard is 15 ft. for buildings over 25 ft. in 20 ft. 18,29—buildings 25 ft. to 80 ft. in required, no building shall height,provided that no setbacks are height. be hereafter erected or required in the "Downtown Core 30 ft. 18,29_buildings over 80 ft. in height. altered so that any por- Area".15 (Ord. 4690, eff. 1-5-1998) tion thereof shall be nearer the front property line than the distance indicated by the depth of the required front yard. Maximum Front Yard/ 15 ft. —buildings 25 ft. or less in On lots abutting more than 1 street the None Street Setback height. maximum setback shall only be applied to 25 ft. —buildings over 25 ft. in height. the primary street as determined by the Reviewing Official. No maximum is required in the "Downtown Core Area".15 Conflicts:See RMC 4-1-080. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS CD CO COR SETBACKS (Continued) Minimum Arterial27/ 10 ft. landscaped setback from the 10 ft. landscaped setback from the street 10 ft. landscaped setback from the street Freeway Frontage street property line or, property line or, property line or, Setback 20 ft. landscaped setback from the 20 ft. landscaped setback from the back 20 ft. landscaped setback from the back back of the sidewalk, whichever is of the sidewalk, whichever is less. of the sidewalk, whichever is less. less. Minimum Rear Yard None,unless the CD lot is adjacent to None required,except, 15 ft. if abutting or NA a lot designated Residential on the adjacent to a residential zone.2 City Comprehensive Plan,then there shall be a 15 ft. landscaped strip or a 5 ft.wide sight-obscuring landscaped strip and a solid 6 ft.high barrier used along the common boundary. r Minimum Side Yard23 NA None required, except 15 ft. if abutting or NA 0— Where any specified side adjacent to a residential zone.2 U' yard is required no build- ing shall be hereafter erected or altered so that any portion thereof shall be nearer to the side lot line than the distance indicated by the width of the required side yard. LANDSCAPING Minimum Landscape 10 ft. landscaping strip except for the 10 ft., except where reduced through the ' NA Width Required Along "Downtown Core Area".15 site plan review process. Streets N N O w Conflicts:See RMC 4-1-080. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS CD CO COR W LANDSCAPING (Continued) Minimum Landscape NA 15 ft. sight-obscuring landscaping. If the NA Width Required When a street is a designated arterial, non-sight- Commercial Lot is obscuring landscaping shall be provided Adjacent to Property unless otherwise determined by the Zoned Residential2 Hearing Examiner through the site plan review process.3.31 Minimum Landscape 15 ft.landscaped strip consistent with 15 ft. wide landscaped visual barrier con- NA Width Required When a the definition of landscaped visual sistent with the definition in RMC Commercial Lot is barrier in RMC 4-11-120; or a 5 ft. 4-11-120, when abutting a residentially Abutting9 to Property wide sight-obscuring landscaped zoned property2. A 10 ft. sight-obscuring Zoned Residential strip and a solid 6 ft. high barrier used landscape strip may be allowed through along the common boundary of resi- the site plan review process.3,5 dentially zoned property.4 Minimum Landscape NA 15 ft. wide sight-obscuring landscape NA �;, Width Required When a strip. °' Commercial Zoned Lot is Adjacent1°to Property Zoned Commercial, Office or Public/Quasi Special Requirements for NA In the Green River Valley, an additional NA Properties Located within 2%of natural landscaping shall be the Green River Valley required for developed sites as per the Planning Area11 Soil Conservation Service Environmental Mitigation Agreement. These areas should not be dispersed throughout a site, but should be aggregated in one por- tion of the property. Where possible, the required 2% landscaping for adjacent properties should be contiguous. Conflicts:See RMC 4-1-080. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS CD CO COR HEIGHT Maximum Building 95 ft.8,13,28 250 ft.8,17.28 COR 114: 10 stories and/or 125 five Height, except for uses ft 8,19,28 having a "Public Suffix" (P) COR 216: 10 stories and/or 125 ft.; pro- designation30 vided the master plan includes a balance of building height, bulk and density.8 Maximum Building Height 20 ft. more than the maximum height 20 ft. more than the maximum height NA When a Building is allowed in the adjacent residential allowed in the adjacent residential zone.8 Adjacent to a Lot zone.8'22 Designated as Residential on the City Comprehensive Plan Maximum Height for See RMC 4-4-140G. See RMC 4-4-140G. See RMC 4-4-140G. Wireless Communication Facilities SCREENING Minimum Required for NA None required except when a CO lot NA Outdoor Loading, Repair, abuts or is adjacent to a residential zoned Maintenance or Work lot2, then a fence, or landscaping, or a Areas landscaped berm, or a combination thereof to achieve adequate visual or acoustical screening as determined by the Reviewing Official.3 Surface-Mounted Utility Must be screened from public view. Must be screened from public view. Must be screened from public view. and Mechanical Equipment Roof Top Equipment Must be enclosed so as to be Must be enclosed so as to be shielded Must be enclosed so as to be shielded (Except for shielded from view. from view. from view. Telecommunication Equipment) - N N O w Conflicts:See RMC 4-1-080. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS J CD CO COR o 03 'SCREENING (Continued) Permitted Outdoor Must be screened from adjacent or Must be screened from adjacent or abut- Must be screened from adjacent or abut- Storage abutting properties and public rights- ting properties and public rights-of-way. ting properties and public rights-of-way. of-way.Outdoor stage uses shall pro- Outdoor storage uses shall provide fenc- Outdoor stage uses shall provide fences, vide fences, berming, and/or land- ing, berming, and/or landscaping as berming, and/or landscaping as deter- scaping as determined by the determined by the Reviewing Official to mined by the Reviewing Official to Reviewing Official to achieve ade- achieve adequate visual or acoustical achieve adequate visual or acoustical quate visual or acoustical screening. screening. screening. Materials covered by buildings with Materials covered by buildings with roofs Materials covered by buildings with roofs roofs but without sides shall be con- but without sides shall be considered out- but without sides shall be considered out- sidered outside storage and subject side storage and subject to the screening side storage and subject to the screening to the screening provisions of this provisions of this Section. provisions of this Section. Section. Garbage, Refuse or Must be screened, except for access Must be screened, except for access Must be screened, except for access Dumpsters Contained points, by a sight-obscuring fence or points,by a sight-obscuring fence or land- points,by a sight-obscuring fence or land- within Specified Areas landscaping or some combination scaping or some combination thereof. scaping or some combination thereof. co thereof. PARKING General See RMC 4-4-080. See RMC 4-4-080. Parking of vehicles See RMC 4-4-080. Direct arterial access related to commercial uses shall not be to individual structures shall occur only allowed on residential streets. when alternative access to local or collec- tor streets or consolidated access with adjacent uses is not feasible. PEDESTRIAN ACCESS General NA A pedestrian connection shall be pro- NA vided from a public entrance to the street, unless the Hearing Examiner determines that the requirement would unduly endan- ger the pedestrian. SIGNS General See RMC 4-4-100. See RMC 4-4-100. See RMC 4-4-100. Conflicts:See RMC 4-1-080. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS CD CO COR LOADING DOCKS Location NA Not permitted adjacent or abutting to a NA residential zone.2,3 DUMPSTER Location of Garbage, NA Shall not be located within 50 ft. of a res- NA Refuse or Dumpster idential zoned2 property, except by Areas approval by the Hearing Examiner through the site plan review process. In no case shall garbage, refuse, or dump- ster areas be located within the required setback. RECYCLING COLLECTION STATION OR CENTER Location Shall not be located within any Shall not be located within any required Shall not be located within any required required landscape area. landscape area. landscape area. SENSITIVE AREAS General See RMC 4-3-050. See RMC 4-3-050. See RMC 4-3-050. SPECIAL REVIEW PROCESS General NA NA All contiguous properties with POR zon- ing within the same ownership shall be included in a master development plan12 for the entire Zone to be approved by the Zoning Administrator. Site plans for each phase of the project shall comply with the approved master plan. N O CO Conflicts:See RMC 4-1-080. 4-2-120C 4-2-120C CONDITIONS ASSOCIATED WITH DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS TABLES FOR COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS 1. As designated by the Transportation Ele- Talbot Hill to the east, and the Burlington ment of the Comprehensive Plan. Northern Railroad tracks on the north. 2. R-1, R-5, R-8, R-10, R-14, or RM-I. 12. The master development plan shall consist 3. These provisions may be modified by the of a conceptual and flexible land use plan Hearing Examiner through the site plan depicting the general location and relation- review process where the applicant can ships of the following: Critical areas, focal show that the same or better result will points within the project (e.g., public pla- occur because of creative design solu zas, art work, etc.), general location and tions, unique aspects or use, etc.,that can size of buildings, major access points/ not be fully anticipated at this time. gateways (both into the site and into the City), phasing of development, private and 4. R-1, R-5, R-8, R-10, R-14, RM-I or RM-U. public open space provisions, public 5. Provided that a solid 6' barrier wall is pro- access to water and/or shoreline areas, vided within the landscaped strip and a public transit, recreation areas,vehicle and maintenance agreement or easement for pedestrian circulation and access to public the landscape strip is secured. A solid bar streets, and view corridors. rier wall shall not be located closer than 5' 13. Heights may exceed the maximum height to an abutting residentially zoned2 lot. under Hearing Examiner conditional use 6. The Hearing Examiner may modify the permit. sight-obscuring provision in order to pro- In consideration of a request for condi- vide reasonable access to the property tional use permit for a building height in through the site plan review process. excess of 95'the Hearing Examiner shall 7. On lots abutting more than 1 street, the consider the following factors in addition to maximum setback requirement shall only the criteria in RMC 4 9 030, Conditional be applied to the primary street as deter- Use Permits, among all other relevant mined by the Reviewing Official. For addi- tions tions to existing structures, the maximum a. Location Criteria: Proximity of arterial setback requirements shall only apply streets which have sufficient capacity when the addition is subject to the site plan to accommodate traffic generated by review. the development. Developments are 8. For uses located within the Federal Avia encouraged to locate in areas served tion Administration Airport Zones desig- by transit. nated under RMC 4-3-020, Airport Related b. Comprehensive Plan:The proposed Height and Use Restrictions, in no case use shall be compatible with the gen- shall building height exceed the maximum eral purpose, goals, objectives and allowed by that Section. standards of the Comprehensive 9. Abutting is defined as "Lots sharing com Plan, the zoning regulations and any mon property lines". other plan, program, map or regula- tion of the City. 10. Adjacent is defined as"Lots located across c. Effect on Adjacent Properties: Build - a street, railroad right-of-way, except lim- ings in excess of 95' in height at the ited access roads". proposed location shall not result in 11. The boundaries of the Green River Valley substantial or undue adverse effects for purposes of this Section are generally on adjacent property.When a building defined as the Green River on the west, in excess of 95' in height is adjacent SW 43rd Street on the south, the base of to a lot designated residential on the City Comprehensive Plan, then set- 2 - 160 4-2-120C backs shall be equivalent to the Management Act and fitting a circula- requirements of the adjacent residen- tion pattern within the site; tial zone. b. Provision of 5 affordable units per 50 d. Bulk: Buildings near public open units,which meet the provisions of the spaces should permit public access housing element of the Comprehen- and, where feasible, physical access sive Plan; to the public open space. Whenever c. Provision of an additional 25'setback practicable, buildings should be on from the shoreline above that required ented to minimize the shadows they by the Shoreline Management Act; cause on publicly accessible open space. d. Establishment of view corridors from e. Light and Glare: Due consideration upland boundaries of the site to the shall be given to mitigation of light and shoreline; glare impacts upon streets, major e. Water related uses. If the applicant public facilities and major public open wishes to reach these bonus objec- spaces. tives in a different manner, a system 14. COR 1 is applied to the property known as of floor area ratios may be established the Stoneway Concrete Site. for the property to be determined at the time of site plan review. 15. "Downtown core area" is that area Furthermore, the master plan must bounded by the centerlines of Smithers address the impact of this height on neigh Avenue South from South Fourth Place to South Third Avenue and along Avenue boring area and mitigate these impacts. South from South Third Street to South 20. The maximum setback may be modified by Second Street, bounded on the north by the Reviewing Official through the site plan the Cedar River, east to Mill Avenue review process if the applicant can demon- South, south to South Fourth Street and strate that the site plan meets the following west to Smithers Avenue South. This area criteria: shall also extend to the west property line a. Orient development to the pedestrian of those properties fronting along the west through such measures as providing side of Logan Avenue South between pedestrian walkways, encouraging South Second and Airport Way, but in no pedestrian amenities and supporting case shall the area extend more than 100 alternatives to single occupant vehicle west of the Logan Avenue South right-of (SOV) transportation; and way. 16. COR 2 is applied to the property known as b. Create a low scale streetscape the Port Quendall Site. through such measures as fostering distinctive architecture and mitigating 17. Heights may exceed the maximum height the visual dominance of extensive by up to 50'with bonuses for plazas and and unbroken parking along the street other amenities, subject to a Hearing front; and Examiner's conditional use permit. c. Promote safety and visibility through 18. A reduced minimum setback of no less such measures as discouraging the than 15' may be allowed for structures in creation of hidden spaces, minimiz- excess of 25' in height through the site ing conflict between pedestrian and plan review process. traffic and ensuring adequate set- 19. Additional height may be allowed; pro backs to accommodate required park pro- vided, the applicant can demonstrate pro ing and/or access that could not be vision of the following significant public provided otherwise. benefits: The Reviewing Official may also modify a. Provision of continuous pedestrian the maximum setback requirement if the access to the shoreline consistent applicant can demonstrate that the preced- with requirements of the Shoreline ing criteria cannot be met; however, those 2 - 161 4-2-120C criteria which can be met shall be 23. Exceptions: Eaves and cornices may addressed in the site plan: extend over the required side yard for a a. due to factors including but not limited distance of not more than 2'. Accessory to the unique site design require- buildings when erected so that the entire ments or physical site constraints building is within a distance of 30'from the such as sensitive areas or utility ease- rear lot line may also occupy the side yard ments; or of an inside lot line. (Ord. 1905, 8-15-1961) b. one or more of the criteria would not 24. These areas should not be dispersed be furthered or would be impaired by throughout a site, but should be aggre compliance with the maximum set- gated in one portion of the property.Where back; or possible, the required 2% landscaping for adjacent properties should be contiguous. c. any function of the use which serves 25. Eaves, cornices, steps,terraces, platforms the public health, safety or welfare and porches having no roof covering and would be materially impaired by the required setback. being not over 42" high may be built within a front yard. 21. In consideration of a request for condi 26. Exception: When 40%or more, on front tional use permit for additional building foot basis, of all property on 1 side of a height the Hearing Examiner or Zoning street between 2 intersecting streets at the Administrator shall consider the following time of the passage of this Code has been factors in addition to the criteria in RMC built up with buildings having a minimum 4-9-030, Conditional Use Permits, among front yard of more or less depth than that all other relevant information. established by the Code, and provided, a. Location Criteria: Proximity of arterial that the majority of such front yards do not streets which have sufficient capacity vary more than 6' in depth, no building to accommodate traffic generated by shall be built within or shall any portion, the development. Developments are save as above excepted, project into such encouraged to locate in areas served minimum front yard; provided, further, that by transit. no new buildings be required to set back b. Comprehensive Plan:The proposed more than 35'from the street line in the use shall be compatible with the gen R-2 orR-3 Residential Districts, nor more eral purpose, goals, objectives and than 2'farther than any building on an standards of the Comprehensive adjoining lot and that this regulation shall Plan, the zoning regulations and any not be so interpreted as to reduce required other plan, program, map or regula- tion of the City. (Ord. 4404, 6-7-1993) depth. (Ord. 1472, 2 18 1953) c. Effect on Adjacent Properties: Build- 27. Includes major or secondary arterials as ings height shall not result in substan defined in the arterial street map of the tial or undue adverse effects on City's 6 Year Transportation Improvement adjacent property. When a building in Plan. Arterial Streets within the Central excess of the maximum height is pro- Business District—bounded by the Cedar posed adjacent to or abuts a lot desig River, FAI 405 Freeway, South 4th Street, nated R-1, R-5, R-8, R 10, R 14 or Shattuck Avenue South, South Second RM-I, then the setbacks shall be Street, and Logan Avenue South—shall be equivalent to the requirements of the exempt from this setback requirement. adjacent residential zone if the set- 28. Exception for Community Facilities: The back standards exceed the require- following development standards shall ments of the Commercial Zone. (Ord. apply to all uses having a"P" suffix desig- 4593, 4-1-1996) nation. Where these standards conflict 22. Heights may exceed the maximum height with those generally applicable, these under Hearing Examiner conditional use standards shall apply: permit. a. Publicly owned structures housing such uses shall be permitted an addi- 2 - 162 4-2-120C tional 15'in height above that other- height of a publicly owned structure hous- wise permitted in the Zone if "pitched ing a public use may be increased as fol- roofs", as defined herein, are used for lows, up to a maximum height of 75'to the at least 60% or more of the roof sur- highest point of the building: face of both primary and accessory a. When abutting a public street, 1 addi- structures. tional foot of height for each additional b. In addition, in zones where the maxi- 1-1/2'of perimeter building setback mum permitted building height is less beyond the minimum street setback than 75', the maximum height of a required at street level unless such publicly owned structure housing a setbacks are otherwise discouraged public use may be increased as fol- (e.g., inside the Downtown Core Area lows, up to a maximum height of 75' in the CD Zone); to the highest point of the building: b. When abutting a common property (i) When abutting a public street, line, 1 additional foot of height for 1 additional foot of height for each additional 2' of perimeter build- each additional 1-1/2'of ing setback beyond the minimum perimeter building setback required along a common property beyond the minimum street line; and setback required at street c. On lots 4 acres or greater, 5 addi- level unless such setbacks tional feet of height for every 1% are otherwise discouraged reduction below a 20% maximum lot (e.g., inside the Downtown area coverage by buildings for public Core Area in the CD Zone); amenities such as recreational facili- (ii) When abutting a common ties, and/or landscaped open space property line, 1 additional foot areas, etc., when these are open and of height for each additional accessible to the public during the day 2' of perimeter building set- or week. back beyond the minimum 31. Through the site plan review process, the required along a common Hearing Examiner may waive the sight- property line, and; obscuring provision in order to provide rea- (iii) On lots 4 acres or greater, 5 sonable access to the property. additional feet of height for every 1% reduction below a 20% maximum lot area cover- age by buildings for public amenities such as recre- ational facilities, and/or land- scaped open space areas, etc., when these are open and accessible to the public during the day or week. 29. Except with approved master site plans. 30. All uses having a "Public Suffix" (P) desig- nation are subject to the following: Height: Publicly owned structures housing such uses shall be permitted an additional 15'in height above that otherwise permitted in the Zone if"pitched roofs", as defined herein, are used for at least 60% or more of the roof surface of both primary and accessory structures. In addition, in zones where the maximum permitted building height is less than 75', the maximum 2 - 163 4-2-120D ILLUSTRATIONS: 4, N 1 CENTER \=IGH1301H00 N 0 0 l OT SIZE : :1LITTIOOF OTORAGE MUST 6E SCF:E E NE D F ROM 5.000 5 0.FT.MINIMUM LOT COVERAGE: Al?JACENT r-ZO'Ue11ES Ark.)F')[LIC F 0 WS SU%MAAMUM OF 7 U%IF FAR KING i IN 6L C(.OR GARAGE E REFUSE AM REGYc FAO(ES: f SHALL f3E S FNFD EXCFYT FOR ACCESS GROSS ROOR AREA: `\.C.)00 MA)QMI JM PER '.IN(&I.F �\ Pi T(Nl ).81 f Enn:AN vor,IAr�;Cy::Pnt;O .;OMML=F.GIAL USE SOME CCtABINA11ON SIDE OR ROAR SETBACK: BID(_HF IC�t Ff: 0111).1.-111- Nillift4t, i)''Pip F_`,c,A.L ACLU4 -. -- �� + ZONEr` i , ..„... ,,4 40 01 it%°-% ' i- --------.- __ .,-,-7,11,444001 ,.. ..-'.--- r..) \\\\ --- 8 ,.....0L ,,,,, //;/..//,.,,,, \ \ \:::t j .D. 4 ,.„. - , - , /,',// ,',,. ,,,,, , , ,i, i _,..-_, ..„- . , , .. • i ''.,, .,,,,:;;,„./., . , , ,,,,.„, , vv. ,,, ,, ,,,,„ , , .;,„ h ,. , 1 /4p , 4/Pi 60. ... 111111111 4 •• I., . „ ,/ 1,,,.. . '--Wit*„..7.../ -------........„ 7 , .*1 1 'iv - -..... 30 1 .....,_ .. SIREETIERONT SEMAU. �4, 1 -a ' 0'MIN. ♦ ��d.D S MAX. _`. Exceptions and additional standards are located in RMC 4-2-080. Cc=\1-E" 5 U13U13,AN LOT SIZE : 511)F0 lAWMALESgESARA,ESE'ATIACKIN'T.1; LOT COVERAGE: :0 25.000 SO.F T.MINIMUM 0 ' FE SIPENITAf. ZONE(S) 65%MAXIMUM GROSS FLOOR AREA: 65.000%SOFT.MAXIMUM PER t,t6044te SINGE USE REFUSE Al\V RECYCIEAOCES: sSHALL ELE SCF,ELNELD EXCEPT FOR ACCESS 40101°11 .t..4 It: f' ..: \12,1441„.01NES.FT PENCE ANLVOR L ANPSCANNG OR SnmE 017MPTNALION 1 ir E3LPG.I IEIG El: 50'MAX. / lb 0* Si 010 in. ••-•- •.•• -„, ,., • ,..... 4p k ...., --- . FRONT SETBACK: 10 10'MIN. 40, 15'MAX. • 444110411)10111111! . 111111° (11.:1":1C1OF SICIAGF_MUE.)-1-F',F_(-X;E:ENEL1 F VIA 8 )-- .• ANA01:41PROPF111:5 ANL:Etif,x F 0 w,_--, / AID -0. I.) R.;CD CD Exceptions and additional standards are located in RMC 4-2-080. 4-2-130A N DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR INDUSTRIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS IL IM IH LOT DIMENSIONS Minimum Lot Size 35,000 sq. ft. for lots created after Sep- 35,000 sq. ft. for lots created after Sep- 35,000 sq. ft. for lots created after Sep- tember 1, 1985. tember 1, 1985. tember 1, 1985. Minimum Lot Width/ None None None Depth LOT COVERAGE Maximum Lot 65% None None Coverage for Buildings HEIGHT Maximum Building 50 ft.6'8,14,19 None14,19 None14't9 Height, except for uses having a "Public Suffix" N (P) designation20 Maximum Height for See RMC 4-4-140G. See RMC 4-4-140G. See RMC 4-4-140G. Wireless Communica- tion Facilities SETBACKS" Minimum Front Arterial streets':20 ft. Arterial streets': 20 ft. Arterial streets': 20 ft. Yard16," Other streets: 15 ft. Other streets: 15 ft. Other streets: 15 ft. Where any front yard is 20 ft. is required if a lot abuts or is adja- 50 ft. is required if a lot abuts or is adja- required, no building cent to a residential zoned lot.2 cent to a residential zoned lot.2 shall be hereafter erected or altered so that any portion thereof shall be nearer the front property line than the distance indicated by the depth of the required front yard. Conflicts:See RMC 4-1-080. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR INDUSTRIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS IL IM IH SETBACKS11 (Continued) Minimum Arterial'$/ 10 ft. landscaped setback from the street 10 ft. landscaped setback from the street 10 ft. landscaped setback from the street Freeway Frontage property line, or property line, or property line, or Setback 20 ft. landscaped setback from the back 20 ft. landscaped setback from the back 20 ft. landscaped setback from the back of the sidewalk, whichever is less. of the sidewalk, whichever is less. of the sidewalk, whichever is less. Minimum Rear and None None None Side15 Yards 20 ft. if lot abuts or is adjacent to a resi- 50 ft. if lot abuts or is adjacent to a resi- 50 ft. if lot abuts a lot zoned residential. Where any specified dential zone.2 dential zone.2 20 ft. if lot abuts a lot zoned for Commer- side yard is required no cial, Office or Public/Quasi-Public. building shall be here- after erected or altered so that any portion thereof shall be nearer N to the side lot line that the distance indicated 0) by the width of the required side yard. LANDSCAPING General All portions of the site not covered by All portions of the site not covered by All portions of the site not covered by buildings, structures, required parking, buildings, structures, required parking, buildings, structures, required parking, access,circulation or service areas shall access, circulation or service areas shall access,circulation or service areas shall be maintained as permeable areas and be maintained as permeable areas and be maintained as permeable areas and improved with native, drought-resistant improved with native, drought-resistant improved with native, drought-resistant vegetative cover.10 vegetative cover.10 vegetative cover.l0 Minimum Landscape 10%of lot depth or 20 ft., whichever is 10% of lot depth or 20 ft., whichever is 20 ft. minimum landscape setback. Width Required Along less, but in no case less than 10 ft. less, but in no case less than 10 ft. Arterial Streets' Minimum Landscape 10%of lot depth or 15 ft., whichever is 10% of lot depth or 15 ft., whichever is 15 ft. minimum landscape setback. Width Required Along less, but in no case less than 10 ft. less, but in no case less than 10 ft. Non-Arterial Streets' r) 0 Conflicts:See RMC 4-1-080. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR INDUSTRIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS IL IM IH o LANDSCAPING (Continued) Minimum Landscape 15 ft.wide landscaped visual barrier con- 15 ft.wide landscaped visual barrier con- 10 ft. wide sight-obscuring landscaping Width Required When sistent with the definition in RMC sistent with the definition in RMC strip and 6 ft. high fence along common an Industrial Lot is 4-11-110 when abutting property zoned 4-11-110 when abutting property zoned property line of property zoned residen- Abutting12 Property residential.2 A 10 ft. sight-obscuring residential.2 A 10 ft. sight-obscuring tial.21 Zoned Residential2 landscape strip may be allowed through landscape strip may be allowed through the site plan review process.3,5 the site plan review process.3,5 Minimum Landscape 15 ft. wide sight-obscuring landscape 15 ft. wide sight-obscuring landscape NA Width Required When strip,unless otherwise determined by the strip,unless otherwise determined by the an Industrial Lot is Hearing Examiner.3,9 Hearing Examiner.3,4,9 Adjacent13 to Property If the street is a designated arterial,' non- If the street is a designated arterial', non- Zoned Residential2 sight-obscuring landscaping shall be sight-obscuring landscaping shall be provided unless otherwise determined provided unless otherwise determined by the Hearing Examiner through the site by the Hearing Examiner through the site plan review process. plan review process. 1 Minimum Landscape NA NA 5 ft. wide landscaping strip and solid 6 ft. co Width Required When high barrier along common property line. an Industrial Zoned Lot Abuts Property Zoned Commercial, Office or Public/Quasi Special Requirements In the Green River Valley, an additional In the Green River Valley, an additional In the Green River Valley, an additional for Properties Located 2%of natural landscaping shall be 2% of natural landscaping shall be 2%of natural landscaping shall be within the Green River required for developed sites as per the required for developed sites as per the required for developed sites as per the Valley Planning Area7 Soil Conservation Service Environmen- Soil Conservation Service Environmen- Soil Conservation Service Environmen- tal Mitigation Agreement. These areas tal Mitigation Agreement. These areas tal Mitigation Agreement. These areas should not be dispersed throughout a should not be dispersed throughout a should not be dispersed throughout a site, but should be aggregated in one site, but should be aggregated in one site, but should be aggregated in one portion of the property. Where possible, portion of the property. Where possible, portion of the property. Where possible, the required 2%landscaping for adjacent the required 2%landscaping for adjacent the required 2%landscaping for adjacent properties should be contiguous. properties should be contiguous. properties should be contiguous. Conflicts:See RMC 4-1-080. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR INDUSTRIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS IL IM IH SCREENING Minimum Required for None required,except when an industrial None required,except when an industrial NA Outdoor Loading, lot is abuts or is adjacent to a residential- lot is abuts or is adjacent to a residential- Repair, Maintenance or zoned lot2—then a fence, or landscap- zoned lot2—then a fence, or landscap- Work Areas ing, or a landscaped berm or a combina- ing,or a landscaped berm, or a combina- tion thereof is required as determined by tion thereof is required as determined by the Reviewing Official to achieve ade- the Reviewing Official to achieve ade- quate visual or acoustical screening.3 quate visual or acoustical screening.3 Minimum Required for Shall be screened by a fence, or land- Shall be screened by a fence, or land- Shall be screened except for access Outdoor Storage, scaping, or a landscaped berm, or some scaping, or a landscaped berm, or some points, by a fence, or landscaping, or a Garbage, Refuse or combination thereof as determined by combination thereof as determined by landscaped berm, or some combination Dumpster Areas the Zoning Administrator to achieve ade- the Zoning Administrator to achieve ade- thereof as determined by the Zoning quate visual or acoustical screening. quate visual or acoustical screening. Administrator to achieve adequate visual or acoustical screening. N Special Screening NA 6 to 10 ft. high solid wall or sight-obscur- 6 to 10 ft. high solid wall or sight-obscur- Requirements for Tow ing fence required. ing fence required. CD Truck Operations and Impoundment Yards LOADING DOCKS Location Not permitted adjacent to or abutting a Not permitted adjacent to or abutting a NA residential zone.2,3 residential zone.2,3 DUMPSTER Location of Garbage, Shall not be located within 50 ft. of a res- Shall not be located within 50 ft. of a res- NA Refuse, or Dumpster idential-zoned2 property, except by idential-zoned2 property, except by Areas approval by the Hearing Examiner approval by the Hearing Examiner through the site plan review process. In through the site plan review process. In no case shall garbage, refuse, or dump- no case shall garbage, refuse, or dump- ster areas be located within the required ster areas be located within the required setback. setback. RECYCLING COLLECTION STATION OR CENTER Location Shall not be located within any required NA Shall not be located within any required landscape area. landscape area. Conflicts:See RMC 4-1-080. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR INDUSTRIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS N 1 IL IM IH D PARKING General Parking of commercial vehicles related Parking of commercial vehicles related See RMC 4-4-080. to the commercial uses shall not be to the commercial uses shall not be allowed on residential streets. Also see allowed on residential streets. Also see RMC 4-4-080. RMC 4-4-080. SIGNS General See RMC 4-4-100. See RMC 4-4-100. See RMC 4-4-100. SENSITIVE AREAS General See RMC 4-3-050 and chapter 8-8 RMC. See RMC 4-3-050 and chapter 8-8 RMC. See RMC 4-3-050 and chapter 8-8 RMC. N O Conflicts:See RMC 4-1-080. 4-2-130B 4-2-130B CONDITIONS ASSOCIATED WITH DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS TABLE FOR INDUSTRIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS 1. As designated by the Transportation Ele- 12. Abutting is defined as"Lots sharing com- ment of the Comprehensive Plan, mon property lines". 2. R-1, R-5, R-8, R-10, R-14 or RM-I. 13. Adjacent is defined as"Lots located across 3. These provisions may be modified by the a street, railroad right-of-way, except lim- Hearing Examiner through the site plan filed access roads". review process where the applicant can 14. Special Requirements for Community show that the same or better result will Facilities: The following development stan- occur because of creative design solu- dards shall apply to all uses having a "P" tions, unique aspects or use, etc. that can- suffix designation. Where these standards not be fully anticipated at this time. conflict with those generally applicable, 4. Any modification of such setback shall be these standards shall apply: granted by the Hearing Examiner using the a. Height: criteria for modifying landscape require- (I) Publicly owned structures ments. The Hearing Examiner may waive the sight obscuring provision in order to housing such uses shall be permitted an additional 15' in provide reasonable access to the property located on the adjacent street through the height above that otherwise site plan review process. permitted in the Zone if "pitched roofs", as defined 5. Provided that a solid 6' high barrier wall is herein, are used for at least provided within the landscape strip and a 60%or more of the roof sur- maintenance agreement or easement for face of both primary and the landscape strip is secured. A solid bar- accessory structures. rier wall shall not be located closer than 5' to an abutting lot zoned R-1, R-5, R-8, (ii) In addition, in zones where R 10, R 14 or RM I. the maximum permitted build- ing height is less than 75',the 6. To construct a building or structure in maximum height of a publicly excess of 50' requires a Hearing Examiner owned structure housing a conditional use permit. public use may be increased 7. As determined by the Zoning Administra as follows, up to a maximum tor. height of 75'to the highest point of the building: 8. For uses located within the Federal Avia • When abutting a public tion Administration Airport Zones desig- nated under RMC 4-3-020, Airport Related street, 1 additional foot of Height and Use Restrictions, in no case height for each additional shall building height exceed the maximum 1 1/2 of perimeter build allowed by that Section. ing setback beyond the minimum street setback 9. The Hearing Examiner may waive the required at street level sight-obscuring provision in order to pro- unless such setbacks are vide reasonable access to the property otherwise discouraged through the site plan review process. (e.g., inside the Downtown 10. Areas set aside for future development on Core Area in the CD a lot may be hydroseeded. An adequate Zone); means of irrigation shall be provided. • When abutting a common 11. Except by approval of the Hearing Exam- property line, 1 additional foot of height for each iner. additional 2' of perimeter 2 - 171 4-2-130B building setback beyond River, FAI 405 Freeway, South 4th Street, the minimum required Shattuck Avenue South, South Second along a common property Street, and Logan Avenue South—shall be line; and exempt from this setback requirement. • On lots 4 acres or greater, 19. Exception for Community Facilities: The 5 additional feet of height following development standards shall for every 1% reduction apply to all uses having a"P"suffix desig- below a 20% maximum lot nation. Where these standards conflict area coverage by buildings with those generally applicable, these for public amenities such standards shall apply: as recreational facilities, a. Publicly owned structures housing and/or landscaped open such uses shall be permitted an addi- space areas, etc., when tional 15' in height above that other- these are open and acces wise permitted in the Zone if"pitched sible to the public during roofs", as defined herein, are used for the day or week. (Ord. at least 60%or more of the roof sur- 4595, 4 8 1996) face of both primary and accessory 15. Exceptions: Eaves and cornices may structures. extend over the required side yard for a b. In addition, in zones where the maxi- distance of not more than 2'. Accessory mum permitted building height is less buildings when erected so that the entire building is within a distance of 30'from the than 75 , the maximum height of a rear lot line may also occupy the side yard publicly owned structure housing a of an inside lot line. (Ord. 1905, 8-15-1961) public use may be increased as fol lows, up to a maximum height of 75' 16. Eaves, cornices, steps,terraces, platforms to the highest point of the building: and porches having no roof covering and (i) When abutting a public street, being not over 42"high may be built within 1 additional foot of height for a front yard. each additional 1-1/2'of 17. Exception: When 40%or more, on front perimeter building setback foot basis, of all property on one side of a beyond the minimum street street between 2 intersecting streets at the setback required at street time of the passage of this Code has been level unless such setbacks built up with buildings having a minimum are otherwise discouraged front yard of more or less depth than that (e.g., inside the Downtown established by the Code, and provided, Core Area in the CD Zone); that the majority of such front yards do not (ii) When abutting a common vary more than 6' in depth, no building property line, 1 additional foot shall be built within or shall any portion, save as above excepted, project into such of height for each additional 2'of perimeter building set- minimum front yard; provided, further, that back beyond the minimum no new buildings be required to set back required along a common more than 35'from the street line in the property line; and R-2 or R-3 Residential Districts, nor more than 2'farther than any building on an (iii) On lots 4 acres or greater, 5 adjoining lot and that this regulation shall additional feet of height for not be so interpreted as to reduce a every 1% reduction below a required front yard to less than 10' in 20%maximum lot area cover- depth. (Ord. 1472, 2-18-1953) age by buildings for public 18. Includes major or secondary arterials as amenities such as recre defined in the arterial street map of the ational facilities and/or land City's 6 Year Transportation Improvement scaped open space areas, Plan. Arterial streets within the Central etc., when these are open Business District—bounded by the Cedar and accessible to the public during the day or week. 2 - 172 4-2-140 20. All uses having a "Public Suffix" (P) desig- nation are subject to the following: Height: Publicly owned structures housing such uses shall be permitted an additional 15'in height above that otherwise permitted in the Zone if"pitched roofs", as defined herein, are used for at least 60% or more of the roof surface of both primary and accessory structures. In addition, in zones where the maximum permitted building height is less than 75', the maximum height of a publicly owned structure hous- ing a public use may be increased as fol- lows, up to a maximum height of 75'to the highest point of the building: a. When abutting a public street, 1 addi- tional foot of height for each additional 1-1/2'of perimeter building setback beyond the minimum street setback required at street level unless such setbacks are otherwise discouraged (e.g., inside the Downtown Core Area in the CD Zone); b. When abutting a common property line, 1 additional foot of height for each additional 2'of perimeter build- ing setback beyond the minimum required along a common property line; and c. On lots 4 acres or greater, 5 additional feet of height for every 1% reduction below a 20% maximum lot area cov- erage by buildings for public ameni- ties such as recreational facilities, and/or landscaped open space areas, etc., when these are open and acces- sible to the public during the day or week. (Ord. 4404, 6-07-1993, Amd. Ords. 4432, 4438, 4439, 4449, 4465, 4466, 4473, 4494, 4500, 4502, 4513, 4519, 4523, 4548, 4549, 4563, 4570, 4571, 4584, 4593, 4595, 4609, 4614, 4631, 4636, 4649, 4651, 4678, 4680, 4691) 21. RC, R-1, R-5, R-8, R-10, R-14, or RM. 4-2-140 VIOLATIONS OF THIS CHAPTER AND PENALTIES: Unless otherwise specified, penalties for any vio- lations of any of the provisions of this Code shall be in accord with RMC 1-3-2, Civil Penalties. 2 - 173 Chapter 3 ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATIONS AND SPECIAL DISTRICTS SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER 4-3-010 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT REGULATIONS 1 A. Prohibited in Certain Areas 1 B. Measurement Procedure 1 C. Liability 1 D. Violation and Civil Penalties 1 4-3-020 AIRPORT RELATED HEIGHT AND USE RESTRICTIONS 1 A. Approach, Transition, and Turning Zones Established 1 B. Height Limits 1 1. Approach Zones 1 2. Approach Transition Zone 1 3. Airport Turning Zone 1 C. Use Restrictions 5 D. Hazard Marking and Lighting 5 4-3-030 AQUIFER PROTECTION REGULATIONS (Reserved) 5 4-3-040 AUTO MALL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT REGULATIONS 5 A. Purpose 5 B. Applicability 5 1. Auto Mall Area A 5 2. Auto Mall Area B 5 C. Uses Permitted in Auto Mall Improvement District 6 D. Development Standards for Dealerships Located within Auto Mall Improvement Districts— Areas A and B 6 E. Potential Waiver of Street Vacation Fees for Dealerships Located within Area A 7 4-3-050 ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREAS 7 A. Purpose of Regulations 7 B. Maps Depicting Environmentally Sensitive Areas and Sensitive Area Designation 8 1. Maps Adopted by Reference 8 2. Sensitive Areas Designated 8 C. Inapplicable State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Exemptions 8 1. General 8 2. Environmentally Sensitive Areas 8 3. Wetlands 8 D. Threshold Determinations for Proposals Located within Environmentally Sensitive Areas 8 11 4-3-060 FLOOD HAZARD REGULATIONS 9 A. Findings 9 B. Purpose 9 C. Methods of Reducing Flood Losses 9 3 - i SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER D. Applicability — Lands to Which This Section Applies 9 E. Development Permit Required 10 1. Application for Development Permit 10 F. Administering Authority and Responsibilities 10 1. Designation of the Local Administrator 10 2. Duties and Responsibilities of the Building Official 10 G. Information to Be Obtained and Maintained 10 1. Record Required 10 2. Elevations and Certificates 11 3. Public Records 11 H. Alteration of Watercourses 11 1. Notice Required 11 2. Maintenance 11 I. Interpretation of Firm Boundaries 11 J. Provisions for Flood Hazard Reduction 11 1. General Standards 11 a. Anchoring —All New Construction 11 b. Anchoring — Manufactured Homes 11 2. Construction Materials and Methods 11 3. Utilities 11 4. Subdivision Proposals 11 5. Review of Building Permits 12 6. Specific Standards 12 a. Residential Construction 12 b. Nonresidential Construction 12 c. Manufactured Homes 13 K. Floodway Restrictions 13 1. Increase in Flood Levels Prohibited 13 2. Residential Construction in Floodways 13 3. Compliance 13 L. Variances 13 1. Purpose and Intent 13 2. Applicability 13 3. Review Authority 14 4. Review Criteria 14 5. Requirements for Variance Approval 14 6. Conditions of Approval 15 7. Notice Required Upon Variance Approval 15 8. Records 15 M. Violation and Penalties 15 1. Enforcement Officer 15 2. Misdemeanor 15 N. Warning and Disclaimer of Liability 15 O. Appeals 15 1. General 15 2. Record Required 15 4-3-070 GREENBELT REGULATIONS 15 3 - ii SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER A. Greenbelts Defined 15 B. Purpose and Intent 15 C. Applicability 16 1. General 16 2. Greenbelt Criteria 16 a. Steep Slope Areas 16 b. Physical Hazards 16 c. Utility Easements and Rights-of-Way 16 d. Other Criteria 16 3. Steep Slope Areas 16 a. Definitions 16 D. Allowance for Construction of Single Family Residence 17 E. General Standards Applicable to All Greenbelt Properties 17 1. Permit Required Prior to Vegetation Removal 17 2. Special Studies 17 F. Additional Standards for Steep Slopes 17 1 . Development Prohibited on Steep Slopes 17 2. Density Limitations for Steep Slopes 17 3. Lot Coverage Reductions for Steep Slopes (Nonresidential) 18 4. Special Review 18 G. Additional Standards for Physical Hazard Areas 18 1. King County Maps Adopted by Reference 18 2. Open Space or Landscaping Required 18 3. Special Studies 18 H. Greenbelts Subject to Shoreline Jurisdiction 18 I. Utilities Eligible for Conditional Use Permit 18 J. Uses Permitted within Utility Easements and Rights-of-Way 18 4-3-080 PUBLIC USE/"P" SUFFIX NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES 19 A. Notice Required 19 B. Notice Content 19 C. Meeting Summary 19 D. Special Development Standards 19 4-3-090 SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM REGULATIONS 20 A. Program Adopted 20 B. Authentication, Record of Program 20 C. Amendments 20 D. Purposes and Priorities 20 E. Regulated Water Bodies 20 F. State of Washington Classification of Water Bodies 20 1. Shorelines of Statewide Significance 20 2. Shorelines of the State 21 G. Three (3) Environments Designated by City 21 1. Names of Environments 21 2. Basis for Designation 21 3. Map of Environments 21 H. Natural Environment 24 1. Objective 24 3 - iii SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER 2. Areas to Be Designated as a Natural Environment 24 3. Extent of the Natural Environment 24 4. Acceptable Activities and Uses 24 5. Dedication for Flood Storage 24 I. Conservancy Environment 24 1. Objective 24 2. Areas to Be Designated as a Conservancy Environment 24 3. Extent of the Conservancy Environment 24 4. Acceptable Activities and Uses 24 5. Use Regulations in the Conservancy Environment 24 a. Commercial Uses 24 b. Fish and Game Reserve and Breeding Operations 24 c. Industrial Uses 25 d. Recreation Use 25 e. Residential Uses 25 f. Utilities 25 g. Roads 25 J. Urban Environment 25 1. Objective 25 2. Areas to Be Designated as Urban Environment 25 a. Areas of High Intensity Land Use 25 3. Extent of the Urban Environment 25 4. Acceptable Use and Activities 25 5. Use Regulations in the Urban Environment 25 a. Water-Oriented Activities 25 b. Public Access 25 K. General Use Regulations for All Shoreline Uses 26 1. Applicability 26 2. Environmental Effects 26 a. Pollution and Ecological Disruption 26 b. Burden on Applicant 26 c. Erosion 26 d. Geology 26 3. Use Compatibility and Aesthetic Effects 26 4. Public Access 26 5. Facility Arrangement— Shoreline Orientation 26 6. Landscaping 27 7. Unique and Fragile Areas 27 L. Specific Use Regulations 27 1. Airports and Seaplane Bases 27 a. Airport Location 27 b. Location of Seaplane Bases 27 c. Airport Facilities 27 d. Seaplane Bases (Commercial) 27 e. Landscaping 27 f. Services 27 2. Aquaculture 27 3 - iv SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER a. Location 27 b. Time 27 c. Design and Construction 27 3. Boat-Launching Ramps 28 a. Site Appropriateness—Water Characteristics 28 b. Site Appropriateness —Topography 28 c. Dimensions and Location 28 d. Ramp Surface Material 28 e. Review Required 28 4. Bulkheads 28 a. Applicability and Exemption 28 b. When Permitted 28 c. Associated Fill 28 d. General Design Requirements 28 5. Commercial Developments 29 a. Location of Developments 29 b. Incorporation of Public Recreational Opportunities 29 c. View Impacts 29 d. Setback 29 6. Dredging 29 a. Definition 29 b. Permitted Dredging 29 c. Prohibited Dredging 30 d. Regulations on Permitted Dredging 30 7. Industrial Development 30 a. When Permitted 30 b. Setbacks 31 8. Landfills 31 a. When Permitted 31 9. Marinas 31 a. When Permitted 31 b. Design Requirements 31 c. Location of Marinas 32 10. Mining 32 11. Parking 32 a. Public Parking 32 b. Private Parking 32 12. Piers and Docks 32 a. Purpose 32 b. Fees Prohibited 32 c. General Design Requirements 32 d. Allowable Types of Piers and Docks 33 e. Design Criteria for Single Family Docks and Piers 33 f. Design Criteria for Multi-Family Residence Docks 34 g. Design Criteria for Recreational, Commercial and Industrial Docks 34 h. Use of Buoys and Floats 35 i. Variance to Dock and Pier Dimensions 35 3 - v SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER 13. Recreation 35 a. Definition 35 b. Public Recreation 35 c. Private Recreation 36 14. Residential Development 36 15. Roads and Railroads 36 a. Scenic Boulevards 36 b. Sensitive Design 36 c. Debris Disposal 36 d. Road Locations 36 16. Stream Alteration 36 a. Definition 36 b. Permitted Stream Alteration 36 c. Prohibited Stream Alteration 36 d. Regulations on Stream Alteration 37 17. Trails 37 a. Definition 37 b. Permitted Uses 37 18. Utilities 37 a. Native Vegetation 37 b. Landscaping 37 c. Screening of Public Utilities 37 d. Special Considerations for Pipelines 38 e. Major Utilities — Specifications 38 f. Local Service Utilities, Specifications 39 g. All-Inclusive Utility Tunnels 39 M. Variances and Conditional Uses 39 N. Amendments to Shoreline Master Program 40 1. Time 40 2. Review Process 40 O. Violations and Penalties 40 P. Appeals 40 4-3-100 WATERSHED PROTECTION REGULATIONS — SPRINGBROOK WATERSHED 40 A. Purpose and Applicability 40 B. Legal Description of Springbrook Watershed Boundary 40 C. Map of Springbrook Watershed Boundary 41 D. Prohibited Uses 42 E. Special Sewer and Stormwater Standards 43 F. Violations and Penalties 43 4-3-110 WETLAND REGULATIONS 43 A. Findings of Fact and Conclusions 43 1. Findings of Fact 43 2. Wetland Alteration Discouraged 44 3. Authority to Adopt Procedures 44 B. Policy and Purpose 44 C. Authority 44 3 - vi SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER 1. Duties of Administrator 44 2. Interpretation 45 3. Minimum Requirements 45 D. General Provisions 45 1. Scope/Permit Required 45 2. Compensating for Wetlands Impacts 45 a. Acceptable Mitigation 45 b. Restoration or Creation Required 45 3. Abrogation and Greater Restrictions 45 E. Lands to Which This Section Applies 45 1 . Maps and Inventory 45 2. Study Required 45 F. Activities to Which This Chapter Applies 46 1. Applicability 46 2. Affected Permits 46 3. Request for Determination of Applicability 46 G. Exemptions 46 1. Exempt Activities 46 a. Any Activity in Small Category 1 or 2 Wetlands 46 b. Any Activity in Small Category 3 Wetlands 46 c. Existing Improvements 46 d. Relocation of Existing Utilities 46 e. Utilities within Right-of-Way 46 f. Modification of Existing Utilities and Streets 47 g. Construction or Modification of a Single Family Residence 47 h. Existing Activities 47 i. Emergency Activities 47 2. Certificate of Exemption Required 47 3. General 47 H. Wetlands Definition and Determination of Regulatory Edge 47 1. Definition 47 2. Determination of Regulatory Edge 47 3. Adjustments to Delineation by City 48 4. Period of Validity for Wetland Delineation 48 I. Wetlands Classification System 48 1. Very High Quality Wetlands 48 2. High Quality Wetlands 48 3. Lower Quality Wetlands 48 J. Wetland Buffers 49 1. Definition and Purpose of Wetland Buffers 49 2. Buffers Required 49 3. Measurement of Buffers 49 4. Standard Buffer Zone Widths 49 5. Increased Wetland Buffer Zone Width 49 6. Reduction of Buffer Width 49 7. Averaging of Buffer Width 50 K. Allowed and Regulated Activities 50 3 -vii SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER 1. Allowed Activities within Wetlands and Buffers 50 2. Additional Allowed and Regulated Activities in a Wetland Buffer Which May Be Permitted by the Administrator 51 3. Prohibited 52 L. Review Procedures for Projects with Wetlands 52 1. Applicability 52 2. Preapplication Consultation 52 3. Plans Required 52 4. Submittal Requirements 52 5. Fees 53 6. General Standards for Permit Approval 53 7. Waiver of Submittal or Procedural Requirements 53 M. Wetlands Compensation — Restoration and Creation 53 1. Goal 53 2. Plan Required 53 3. Plan Requirements 53 4. Wetlands Creation 53 a. Category 53 b. Design Criteria 54 c. Acreage Replacement Ratio 54 d. Increased Ratios 54 e. Decreased Ratios 54 f. Category 3 Replacement Option 55 5. Wetlands Restoration 55 a. Restoration Proposals 55 b. Compliance with Goals 55 c. Ratios 55 6. Vegetation Type 55 7. Wetland Location 55 8. Off-Site Compensation 55 9. Siting Recommendations 56 10. Timing 56 11. Cooperative Wetlands Basin Planning, Mitigation, Banks, or Special Area Management Plans (SAMP) 56 a. Mitigation Banks 56 b. Special Area Management Programs 56 c. Applicability 56 d. Process 56 e. Compensation Payments to Mitigation Bank 56 12. Mitigation Plans 56 a. Required for Restoration, Compensation and Creation Projects 56 b. Timing for Mitigation Plan Submittal and Commencement of Any Work 56 c. Content of Mitigation Plan 56 d. Performance Standards 57 e. Detailed Techniques and Plans 57 f. Monitoring Program 58 3 -viii SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER g. Contingency Plan 58 h. Permit Conditions 58 i. Demonstration of Competence 58 j. Timing 58 N. Modifications 59 1. Applicability 59 2. Review Criteria 59 O. Waivers 59 P. Alternates 59 Q. Variance Procedures 59 1. Applicability 59 2. Application Submittal 59 3. Review Authority 59 4. Review Criteria 59 5. Additional Review Criteria 60 6. Conditions 61 R. Surety Devices 61 1. Performance Surety Device Required 61 a. Amount of Performance Surety Device 61 b. Breach of Conditions 61 c. Release of Performance Security Device 61 2. Maintenance Surety Device Required 61 S. Densities 62 1. Limited Density Credit Transfer 62 2. Only On-Site Transfer Permitted 62 3. Substandard Lots 62 T. Wetlands Management Tracts 62 1. Tracts Required 62 2. Definition and Purpose 62 3. Protection of Wetland Management Tracts 62 4. Marking During Construction 62 5. Responsibility for Maintenance 63 6. Maintenance Note Required 63 7. Signage Required 63 8. Fencing May Be Required 63 U. Nonconforming Activities 63 1. Continuation of Legal Nonconforming Activities and Structures Permitted 63 V. Temporary Emergency Permit Procedure 63 1. Temporary Emergency Permit Purpose and Review Authority 63 2. Temporary Emergency Permit Review Process and Timing 63 W. Assessment Relief 64 1. King County Assessments 64 2. City Assessments 64 X. Appeals Relating to the Interim Ordinance 64 Y. Violations and Penalties 64 Z. Amendments 65 3 - ix 4-3-020B 4-3-010 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT 4-3-020 AIRPORT RELATED HEIGHT REGULATIONS: AND USE RESTRICTIONS: A. PROHIBITED IN CERTAIN AREAS: A. APPROACH, TRANSITION, AND Adult motion picture theaters, peep shows, pano- TURNING ZONES ESTABLISHED: rams and places of adult entertainment are pro- In order to regulate the use of property in the vi- hibited: cinity of the airport, all of the land within two (2) miles south and one mile east and west of, or that 1. Within one thousand feet (1,000') of any part of the area that is within the City limits of, residential zone (RC, R-1, R-5, R-8, R-10, Renton, Washington, whichever is nearest the RM, COR or RMH) or any single family or boundaries of the airport, is hereby divided into multiple family residential use. airport approach, transition and turning zones. The boundaries thereof are shown on the Renton 2. One thousand feet(1,000') of any public Airport Approach Plan numbered No. 1, dated or private school. March 1, 1956,which plan is made a part hereof. 3. One thousand feet(1,000')of any church B. HEIGHT LIMITS: or other religious facility or institution. Except as otherwise provided in this Code, no structure or tree shall be erected,altered,allowed 4. One thousand feet(1,000') of any public to grow or be maintained in any airport approach park or P-1 zone. zone or airport turning zone to a height in excess of the height limit herein established for such B. MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE: zone. For the purposes of this regulation, the fol- The distances provided in this Section shall be lowing height limits are hereby established for measured by following a straight line, without re- each of the zones in question: gard to intervening buildings, from the nearest point of the property parcel upon which the pro- 1. Approach Zones (Shaded dark red on posed use is to be located,to the nearest point of original plan): Height limitation to be one foot the parcel of property or the land use district (1') in height for each forty feet (40') lateral boundary line from which the proposed land use separation from a line which is two hundred is to be separated. feet (200') south from the "Displaced Thresh- old" at Station No. 10+00 as shown on re- C. LIABILITY: vised Renton Airport Approach Plan, No. 1-R, Nothing in this Section is intended to authorize, dated May 17, 1960, which approach plan is legalize or permit the establishment, operation or filed herewith and by this reference is made a maintenance of any business, building or use part hereof. (Ord. 1829, 5-17-1960) which violates any City regulation or statute of the State of Washington regarding public nuisances, 2. Approach Transition Zone (Shaded sexual conduct, lewdness or obscene or harmful light red on original plan): Height limit to be matter or the exhibition or public display thereof. one foot(1') in height for each seven feet(7') of lateral separation from the Renton airport D. VIOLATION AND CIVIL PENALTIES: boundary. Violation of the use provisions of this Section is declared to be a public nuisance per se, which 3. Airport Turning Zone: Any object over shall be abated by City Attorney by way of civil one hundred fifty feet (150') in height is an abatement procedures only, RMC 1-3-2, Civil obstruction. (Ord. 1542, 4-17-1956) Penalties, and not by criminal prosecution. (Ord. 4261, 2-26-1990) 3 - 1 I (p +6OCt a.Y•Y•t..4: "/_%t.'"..SwSA,!*'PC •al' ....". - ,..{ {tjy fY'} •, -. P• T ` =1 7 .;11 llj117®i 1112140Y 'TV,*:•As Vitt♦M trig rM 4A lilt LI GL!7l _ _ - �•S -•4lsr�n• nx.: I W r lqi Ne• rim. ..w ♦ n,: i' f� m 1 ,i•VAl hlYirHY � r�,r�i a _. ... —v�� / ` Z l+ s an'^��:. .� .u:' J 11414 na voLA7r !; ,� dvrr AII!�l9lA / l,A.'a'7S! L'3]N31N !!/ !{ // wO1.�AiruSbN_3Jf'J7 / t Z ..:,‘\ f' M tl • ` _ ram' - -p,i� r' ; E Y -rc+ :. ' �-iiNis a r l • ss?\..t....7 -:Al, .." c-• t. .•;•.- t ii •. 37 fi `i• YM', , —+f 1 '� ���_ �� �- I I. Iif ,- ! -l-- f �j . __ 4-3-020B REVISED RENTON AIRPORT APPROACH PLAN No. 1-R, May 17, 1960, Page 1 of 2 .r i -- - -C: , `A ------r tt ,-- -r - • \, , ..A , - _, `f. a •.7if f-- ' '. f.a,...,,, L.. 2 ,' � y ; _. -. — may_— FL, - _rS' - .. -.-4. .:z. - '7 �� lJ_; 1, rY<_1 _�`r 1,, �' l 7...- _ I 1 y" _ 2 rr • L ii . O' in u 1 •, .1 1 k i (Ord. 1829, 5-17-1960) 3 -3 4-3-020B REVISED RENTON AIRPORT APPROACH PLAN No. 1-R, May 17, 1960, Page 2 of 2 i 1 I _ � I ",,,,,/ 1 1.________J L.,_ i --- _ •G 7 t I rl rf': t— - ywf .*.i`' .:uf:td„`. i �" as •• • +K •.tom • _ _ _— — — ir• _ k y E ' 4S „ Y - - — _— _ _ u im . 9 2 _ Y-- • I i �x.: Z~ r ^n .,-„ /� 4% � I •Y,i>o +, I . J ...•I �. ay� r- v • j .v. - +t_UI'}I _ S t< 7L(1 <I — rI LI 11 I • y 1. > -•„t 1 i .r-t. ..}. . _ — :is:- _ I r-- —< T lL• f � ,.r.r" 5 r-_..• - -.1 I I I I 1 h 1- '"..''''',2' / ' L.OGAZN -1 I ! I I. •41.1„ I 1 ,II J.* j .�v.. .,mwlr a•-"tire rt..r�, 20 i I 1 ... yL r MUT+I CL.EA.t. 7:;h..E-- tiIJ4$ •/6 . :-.%E& V.l,'�T•, .•••1 i (Ord. 1829, 5-17-1960) 3 -4 4-3-040B C. USE RESTRICTIONS: Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Code, no use may be made of land within any air- port approach zone or airport turning zone in such a manner as to create electrical interference with radio communication between the airport and air- craft, making it difficult for fliers to distinguish be- tween airport lights and others, result in glare in the eyes of fliers using the airport, impair visibility in the vicinity thereof, or otherwise endanger the landing, taking off, or maneuvering of aircraft. D. HAZARD MARKING AND LIGHTING: Any permit or variance granted as provided in this Section and affecting the airport approach,transi- tion or turning zone shall be so conditioned as to require the owner of the structure or tree in ques- tion to permit the City, at its own expense, to in- stall, operate and maintain thereon such markers and lights as may be necessary to give adequate notice to aircraft of the presence of such airport hazard. (Ord. 1542, 4-17-1956) 4-3-030 AQUIFER PROTECTION REGULATIONS: (Reserved) 4-3-040 AUTO MALL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT REGULATIONS: A. PURPOSE: These regulations are intended to help create a regional auto mall that has a cohesive appear- ance for improved retail activity. B. APPLICABILITY: 1. Auto Mall Area A:That area bounded by Grady Way S., Rainier Avenue S., 1-405, and Lind Avenue S. 2. Auto Mall Area B:That area bounded by Grady Way S., Shattuck Avenue S., Railroad right-of-way, and the western CA boundary east of Lind Avenue S. 3 - 5 4-3-040C C. USES PERMITTED IN AUTO MALL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT: The following use provisions take precedence over the underlying zoning: USES ALLOWED IN AREA A USES ALLOWED IN AREA B Only the following uses are permitted within Auto Mall Area A Auto, motorcycle and passenger truck sales All uses permitted by the underlying zoning district(s). Licensing bureaus Car rentals Other uses determined by the Zoning Administrator to directly support dealerships D. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR DEALERSHIPS LOCATED WITHIN AUTO MALL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS —AREAS A AND B: Dealerships located within the Auto Mall Improvement District shall comply with the following development standards: AREA A AREA B SERVICE AREA Service areas shall not face public street Service areas shall not face public street ORIENTATION frontage frontage LANDSCAPING— A 15-foot-wide landscape strip along Subject to landscaping requirements STREET these street frontages. This frontage listed in chapter 4-2 RMC (requirements FRONTAGE requirement is in lieu of the frontage for the underlying zone) and RMC LANDSCAPING requirement listed for the underlying 4-4-070, Landscaping. REQUIREMENTS zone in chapter 4-2 RMC. for lots which abut Unimproved portions of the right-of-way Lind Avenue S.W., may be used in combination with abutting S.W. Grady Way, private property to meet the required 15- and Rainier Avenue foot landscape strip width. S. The landscaping shall include a minimum 30-inch high berm and red maples (Acer rubrum) planted 25 feet on center. Administrative modification of the requirements is possible. LANDSCAPING— 2.5%of the gross site area shall be Pursuant to landscaping requirements MINIMUM provided as on-site landscaping. listed in chapter 4-2 RMC (requirements AMOUNT AND Landscaping shall be consolidated and for the underlying zone) and RMC LOCATION located at site entries, building fronts, or 4-4-070, Landscaping. other visually prominent locations as approved through the site plan review process. WHEEL STOPS If frontage landscaping is relocated,then If frontage landscaping is relocated,then permanent wheel stops or continuous permanent wheel stops or continuous curbs must be installed a minimum of 2.5 curbs must be installed a minimum of 2.5 feet from sidewalks to prevent bumper feet from sidewalks to prevent bumper overhang of sidewalks. Where these overhang of sidewalks. Where these requirements differ from the requirements differ from the requirements of RMC 4-4-080, Parking, requirements of RMC 4-4-080, Parking, Loading and Driveway Regulations, Loading and Driveway Regulations, these requirements shall govern. these requirements shall govern. 3 -6 4-3-050A AREA A AREA B CUSTOMER Customer parking shall be designated Customer parking shall be designated PARKING and striped near entrydrives and visible and striped near entrydrives andvisible p p from public streets. Where possible, from public streets. Where possible, customer parking shall be combined with customer parking shall be combined with adjacent dealership customer parking adjacent dealership customer parking and shared access. Where these and shared access. Where these requirements differ from the requirements differ from the requirements of RMC 4-4-080, Parking, requirements of RMC 4-4-080, Parking, Loading and Driveway Regulations, Loading and Driveway Regulations, these requirements shall govern. these requirements shall govern. AUTO MALL All development shall coordinate with a All development shall coordinate with a RIGHT-OF-WAY right-of-way improvement plan. A right- right-of-way improvement plan. A right- IMPROVEMENT of-way improvement plan shall be of-way improvement plan shall be PLAN completed by the City in coordination completed by the City in coordination COORDINATION with adjacent property owners, and shall with adjacent property owners, and shall (Once completed) address gateways, signage, address gateways, signage, landscaping, and shared access. landscaping, and shared access. AUTO MALL All development shall coordinate with the All development shall coordinate with the IMPROVEMENT Auto Mall Improvement Plan adopted by Auto Mall Improvement Plan adopted by PLAN Resolution No. 3182. The plan Resolution No. 3182. The plan COMPLIANCE addresses potential street vacations, addresses potential street vacations, right-of-way improvements, area right-of-way improvements, area gateways, signage, landscaping, gateways, signage, landscaping, circulation, and shared access. circulation, and shared access. E. POTENTIAL WAIVER OF STREET components of the natural environment, particu- VACATION FEES FOR DEALERSHIPS larly the profound influences of population LOCATED WITHIN AREA A: growth, high density urbanization, industrial ex- All street vacation fees and compensation for the pansions, resource utilization and exploitation right-of-way may be waived by Council for devel- and new and expanding technological advances, oping properties in Area A, provided: and recognizing further the critical importance of restoring and maintaining environmental quality 1. The properties are designated to be va- to the overall welfare and development of man, cated on the Auto Mall Improvement Plan declares that it is the continuing policy of the City, Map, in cooperation with Federal, State and other local governments and in cooperation with other con- 2. The application for street vacation con- cerned public and private organizations,to use all forms to RMC 9-14-11, Administrative Proce- practicable means and measures in a manner dure for Right-of-Way Vacations, and calculated to foster and promote the general wel- fare, to create and maintain conditions under 3. The uses proposed conform to subsec- which man and nature can exist in productive har- tion C of this Section. mony, and fulfill the social, economic and other requirements of present and future generations of Washington citizens. 4-3-050 ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREAS: In order to carry out the policy set forth in this Sec- tion,it is the continuing responsibility of the City to A. PURPOSE OF REGULATIONS: use all practicable means, consistent with other The City, recognizing that man depends on his bi essential considerations of State and City poli- ological and physical surroundings for food, shel cies, to improve and coordinate plans, functions, ter and other needs, and for cultural enrichment programs and resources to the end that the State as well, and recognizing further the profound im and its citizens may: pact of man's activity on the interrelations of all 3 - 7 4-3-050B 1. Fulfill the responsibilities of each genera- to the State Environmental Policy Act, WAC tion as trustees of the environment for suc- 197-11-908. (Ord. 4346, 3-9-1992) ceeding generations; C. INAPPLICABLE STATE 2. Assure for all people of Washington safe, ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT (SEPA) healthful, productive and aesthetically and EXEMPTIONS: culturally pleasing surroundings; 1. General: Certain exemptions do not ap- 3. Attain the widest range of beneficial uses ply on lands covered by water, and this re- of the environment without degradation, risk mains true regardless of whether or not lands to health or safety, or other undesirable and covered by water are mapped. unintended consequences; 2. Environmentally Sensitive Areas: For 4. Preserve important historic, cultural and each environmentally sensitive area, the ex- natural aspects of our national heritage; emptions within WAC 197-11-800 that are in- applicable for that area are: 5. Maintain, wherever possible, an environ- ment which supports diversity and variety of WAC 197-11-800(1) individual choice; WAC 197-11-800(2)(d, e, g) 6. Achieve a balance between population and resource use which will permit high stan- WAC 197-11-800(6)(a) dards of living and a wide sharing of life's amenities; and WAC 197-11-800(24)(a, b, c, d, f, g) 7. Enhance the quality of renewable re- WAC 197-11-800(25)(f, h) sources and approach the maximum attain- (Ord. 3891, 2-25-1985) able recycling of depletable resources. 3. Wetlands: The following SEPA categori- The City recognizes that each person has a cal exemptions shall not apply to wetlands: fundamental and inalienable right to a health- ful environment and that each person has a WAC 197-11-800(1) responsibility to contribute to the preservation and enhancement of the environment. WAC 197-11-800(2) B. MAPS DEPICTING WAC 197-11-800(3) ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREAS AND SENSITIVE AREA DESIGNATION: WAC 197-11-800(4) 1. Maps Adopted by Reference: The WAC 197-11-800(6) map(s) under Ordinance No. 3891 designate the location of environmentally sensitive ar- WAC 197-11-800(8) eas within the City and are adopted by refer- ence.These include greenbelts designated in WAC 197-11-800(25) • the Comprehensive Plan, conservancy and (Ord. 4346, 3-9-1992) natural environments of the Shoreline Master Program and the one hundred (100) year Unidentified exemptions shall continue to ap- floodway mapped under the Federal Flood ply within environmentally sensitive areas of Insurance Program. (Ord. 3891, 2-25-1985) the City. 2. Sensitive Areas Designated:Wetlands D. THRESHOLD DETERMINATIONS FOR as mapped and identified in the City Critical PROPOSALS LOCATED WITHIN Areas Inventory of Wetlands are designated ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREAS: as environmentally sensitive areas pursuant The City shall treat proposals located wholly or partially within an environmentally sensitive area 3 - 8 4-3-060D no differently than other proposals under this electric, telephone and sewer lines, streets, Section, making a threshold determination for all and bridges located in areas of special flood such proposals. The City shall not automatically hazard; require an EIS for a proposal merely because it is proposed for location in an environmentally sen- 6. To help maintain a stable tax base by pro- sitive area. (Ord. 3891, 2-25-1985) viding for the sound use and development of areas of special flood hazard so as to mini- mize future flood blight areas; 4-3-060 FLOOD HAZARD REGULATIONS: 7. To ensure that potential buyers are noti- fied that property is in an area of special flood A. FINDINGS: hazard; and The City Council of the City of Renton finds that: 8. To ensure that those who occupy the ar- 1. The flood hazard areas of the City of eas of special flood hazard assume responsi- Renton are subject to periodic inundation bility for their actions. which results in loss of life and property, health, and safety hazards, disruption of C. METHODS OF REDUCING FLOOD commerce and governmental services, ex- LOSSES: traordinary public expenditures for flood pro- In order to accomplish its purposes, this Section tection and relief, and impairment of the tax includes methods and provisions for: base, all of which adversely affect the public health, safety, and general welfare. 1. Restricting or prohibiting uses which are dangerous to health,safety, and property due 2. These flood losses are caused by the cu- to water or erosion hazards,or which result in mulative effect of obstructions in areas of spe- damaging increases in erosion or in flood cial flood hazards which increase flood heights or velocities; heights and velocities, and when inade- quately anchored, damage uses in other ar- 2. Requiring that uses vulnerable to floods, eas.Uses that are inadequately floodproofed, including facilities which serve such uses, be elevated, or otherwise protected from flood protected against flood damage at the time of damage also contribute to the flood loss. initial construction; B. PURPOSE: 3. Controlling the alteration of natural flood- It is the purpose of this Section to promote the plains, stream channels, and natural protec- public health, safety, and general welfare, and to tive barriers, which help accommodate or minimize public and private losses due to flood channel flood waters; conditions in specific areas by provisions de- signed: 4. Controlling filling, grading, dredging, and other development which may increase flood 1. To protect human life and health; damage; and 2. To minimize expenditure of public money 5. Preventing or regulating the construction and costly flood control projects; of flood barriers which will unnaturally divert flood waters or may increase flood hazards in 3. To minimize the need for rescue and re- other areas. lief efforts associated with flooding and gen- erally undertaken at the expense of the D. APPLICABILITY— LANDS TO WHICH general public; THIS SECTION APPLIES: No structure or land shall hereafter be con- 4. To minimize prolonged business interrup- structed, located,extended,converted,or altered tions; without full compliance with the terms of this Sec- tion and other applicable regulations.This Section 5. To minimize damage to public facilities shall apply to all areas of special flood hazards and utilities such as water and gas mains, within the jurisdiction of the City.The areas of spe- 3 - 9 4-3-060E cial flood hazard identified by the Federal Insur- F. ADMINISTERING AUTHORITY AND ance Administration in a scientific and engineer- RESPONSIBILITIES: ing report entitled the Flood Insurance Study for the City of Renton, dated September 29, 1989, 1. Designation of the Local Administra- and any subsequent revision,with accompanying tor: The Director of the Development Ser- flood insurance maps is hereby adopted by refer- vices Division or his designee (Building ence and declared to be a part of this Section.The Official) is hereby appointed to administer flood insurance study is on file at the Planning/ and implement this Section by granting or de- Building/Public Works Department. vying development permit applications in ac- cordance with its provisions. E. DEVELOPMENT PERMIT REQUIRED: A development permit shall be obtained before 2. Duties and Responsibilities of the construction or development begins within any Building Official: The duties of the Building area of special flood hazard established in sub- Official shall include, but not be limited to: section D of this Section. The permit shall be for all structures including manufactured homes, as a. Review all development permits to set forth in the "Definitions", and for all develop- determine that the permit requirements of ment including fill and other activities, also as set this Section have been satisfied; and forth in the "Definitions". b. Review all development permits to 1. Application for Development Permit: determine that all necessary permits Application for a development permit shall be have been obtained from those Federal, made on forms furnished by the Develop- State or local governmental agencies ment Services Division and may include, but from which prior approval is required;and not be limited to: plans in duplicate drawn to scale showing the nature, location, dimen- c. Review all development permits to sions, and elevations of the area in question; determine if the proposed development is existing or proposed structures,fill,storage of located in the floodway. If located in the materials,drainage facilities,and the location floodway, to assure that the encroach- of the foregoing. Specifically, the following in- ment provisions of subsection K1 of this formation is required: Section are met; and a. Elevation in relation to mean sea d. When base flood elevation data has level of the lowest floor (including base- not been provided in accordance with ment) of all structures; (Ord. 4071, subsection E of this Section,the Building 6-1-1987) Official shall obtain, review, and reason- ably utilize any base flood elevation and b. Elevation in relation to mean sea floodway data available from a Federal, level to which any structure has been State or other source, in order to admin- floodproofed; ister subsections J, Provisions for Flood Hazard Reduction, and K, Floodway Re- c. Certification by a registered profes- strictions, of this Section. sional engineer or architect that the flood- proofing methods for any nonresidential G. INFORMATION TO BE OBTAINED structure meet the floodproofing criteria AND MAINTAINED: in subsection J6b of this Section; and 1. Record Required: Where base flood el- d. Description of the extent to which a evation data is provided through the flood in- watercourse will be altered or relocated surance study or required as in subsection E as a result of proposed development. of this Section, obtain and record the actual elevation (in relation to mean sea level)of the lowest floor(including basement)of all new or substantially improved structures, and whether or not the structure contains a base- ment. 3 - 10 4-3-060J 2. Elevations and Certificates:For all new b. Anchoring—Manufactured or substantially improved floodproofed struc- Homes: All manufactured homes must tures: likewise be anchored to prevent flotation, collapse or lateral movement, and shall a. Verify and record the actual elevation be installed using methods and practices (in relation to mean sea level), and that minimize flood damage. Anchoring methods may include, but are not limited b. Maintain the floodproofing certifica- to, use of over-the-top or frame ties to tions required in subsection El c of this ground anchors (Reference FEMA's Section. Manufactured Home Installation in Flood Hazard Areas guidebook for additional 3. Public Records: Maintain for public in- techniques). spection all records pertaining to the provi- sions of this Section. 2. Construction Materials and Methods: H. ALTERATION OF WATERCOURSES: a. All new construction and substantial improvements shall be constructed with 1. Notice Required: Notify adjacent corn- materials and utility equipment resistant munities and the State of Washington Depart- to flood damage. ment of Ecology prior to any alteration or relocation of a watercourse, and submit evi- b. All new construction and substantial dence of such notification to the Federal In- improvements shall be constructed using surance Administration. methods and practices that minimize flood damage. 2. Maintenance:Require that maintenance is provided within the altered or relocated por- c. Electrical, heating, ventilation, tion of said watercourse so that the flood car- plumbing,and air-conditioning equipment rying capacity is not diminished. and other service facilities shall be de- signed and/or otherwise elevated or lo- I. INTERPRETATION OF FIRM cated so as to prevent water from enter- BOUNDARIES: ing or accumulating within the compo- The Building Official shall make interpretations nents during conditions of flooding. where needed, as to exact location of the bound- aries of the areas of special flood hazard (for ex- 3. Utilities: ample, where there appears to be a conflict between a mapped boundary and actual field a. All new and replacement water sup- conditions).The person contesting the location of ply systems shall be designed to mini- the boundary shall be given a reasonable oppor- mize or eliminate infiltration of flood tunity to appeal the interpretation as provided in waters into the system; subsection 0 of this Section. b. New and replacement sanitary sew- J. PROVISIONS FOR FLOOD HAZARD age systems shall be designed to mini- REDUCTION: mize or eliminate infiltration of flood waters into the systems and discharge 1. General Standards: In all areas of spe- the systems into flood waters; and cial flood hazards, the following standards are required: c. On-site waste disposal systems shall be located to avoid impairment to them or a. Anchoring— All New Construc- contamination from them during flooding. tion:All new construction and substantial improvements shall be anchored to pre- 4. Subdivision Proposals: vent flotation, collapse, or lateral move a. All subdivision proposals shall be ment of the structure. consistent with the need to minimize flood damage; 3 - 11 4-3-060J b. All subdivision proposals shall have exceed the following minimum crite- public utilities and facilities such as ria: sewer,gas,electrical,and water systems located and constructed to minimize iii. A minimum of two (2) openings flood damage; having a total net area of not less than one square inch for every c. All subdivision proposals shall have square foot of enclosed area subject adequate drainage provided to reduce to flooding shall be provided. exposure to flood damage; and iv. The bottom of all openings shall d. Where base flood elevation data has be no higher than one foot(1') above not been provided or is not available from grade. another authoritative source, it shall be generated for subdivision proposals and v. Openings may be equipped with other proposed developments which con- screens, louvers, or other coverings tain at least fifty (50) lots or five (5) acres or devices provided that they permit (whichever is less). the automatic entry and exit of flood- waters. 5. Review of Building Permits: Where el- evation data is not available either through b. Nonresidential Construction:New the flood insurance study or from another au- construction and substantial improve- thoritative source, applications for building ment of any commercial, industrial or permits shall be reviewed to assure that pro- other nonresidential structure shall either posed construction will be reasonably safe have the lowest floor, including base- from flooding. The test of reasonableness is ment, elevated to the level of the base a local judgment and includes use of histori- flood elevation; or, together with atten- cal data, high water marks, photographs of dant utility and sanitary facilities, shall: past flooding,etc.,where available. Failure to elevate at least two feet(2') above grade in i. Be floodproofed so that below the these zones may result in higher insurance base flood level the structure is wa- rates. tertight with walls substantially im- permeable to the passage of water. 6. Specific Standards: In all areas of spe- cial flood hazards where base flood elevation ii. Have structural components ca- data has been provided, the following provi- pable of resisting hydrostatic and hy- sions are required: drodynamic loads and effects of buoyancy. a. Residential Construction: iii. Be certified by a registered pro- f. New construction and substantial fessional engineer or architect that improvement of any residential struc- the design and methods of construc- ture shall have the lowest floor, in- tion are in accordance with accepted cluding basement, elevated to or standards of practice for meeting above base flood elevation. provisions of this subsection based on their development and/or review ii. Fully enclosed areas below the of the structural design, specifica- lowest floor that are subject to flood- tions and plans. Such certifications ing are prohibited, or shall be de- shall be provided to the Building Offi- signed to automatically equalize cial. hydrostatic flood forces on exterior walls by allowing for the entry and iv. Nonresidential structures that exit of floodwaters. Designs for meet- are elevated, not floodproofed, must ing this requirement must either be meet the same standards for space certified by a registered professional below the lowest floor as described in engineer or architect or must meet or subsection J6a(ii) of this Section. 3 - 12 4-3-060L v. Applicants floodproofing nonresi- 2. Residential Construction in Flood- dential buildings shall be notified that ways: Construction or reconstruction of resi- flood insurance premiums will be dential structures is prohibited within desig- based on rates that are one foot (1') nated floodways, except for: (i) repairs, below the floodproofed level (e.g., a reconstruction, or improvements to a struc- building constructed to the base ture which do not increase the ground floor flood level will be rated as one foot area; and (ii) repairs, reconstruction or im- (1') below that level). provements to a structure, the cost of which does not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the c. Manufactured Homes:All manufac- market value of the structure either,(a)before tured homes to be placed or substantially the repair, reconstruction, or repair is started, improved within Zones Al-30, AH, and or(b)if the structure has been damaged, and AE shall be elevated on a permanent is being restored, before the damage oc- foundation such that the lowest floor of curred. Work done on structures to comply the manufactured home is at or above with existing health, sanitary, or safety codes the base flood elevation and be securely or to structures identified as historic places anchored to an adequately anchored shall not be included in the fifty percent(50%). foundation system in accordance with the provisions of subsection J1 b of this Sec- 3. Compliance: If subsection K1 of this tion. (Ord. 4071, 6-1-1987) Section is satisfied, all new construction and substantial improvements shall comply with This Section applies to manufactured all applicable flood hazard reduction provi- homes to be placed or substantially im- sions of this Section. (Ord. 4236, 8-28-1989) proved in an expansion to an existing manufactured home park or subdivision. L. VARIANCES: This Section does not apply to manufac- tured homes to be placed or substantially 1. Purpose and Intent: Variances, as inter- improved in an existing manufactured preted in the national flood insurance pro- home park or subdivision except where gram, are based on the general zoning law the repair, reconstruction, or improve- principle that they pertain to a physical piece ment of the streets, utilities and pads of property; they are not personal in nature equals or exceeds fifty percent (50%) of and do not pertain to the structure, its inhab- the value of the streets, utilities and pads itants, economic or financial circumstances. before the repair, reconstruction, or im- They primarily address small lots in densely provement has commenced. (Ord. 4236, populated residential neighborhoods. As 8-28-1989) such, variances from the flood elevations should be quite rare. (Ord. 4071, 6-1-1987) K. FLOODWAY RESTRICTIONS: Located within areas of special flood hazard es- 2. Applicability: tablished in subsection D of this Section are areas designated as floodways. Since the floodway is a. Generally, the only condition under an extremely hazardous area due to the velocity which a variance from the elevation stan- of flood waters which carry debris, potential pro- dard may be issued is for new construc- jectiles, and erosion potential,the following provi- tion and substantial improvements to be sions apply: (Ord. 4071, 6-1-1987) erected on a lot of one-half (1/2) acre or less in size contiguous to and surrounded 1. Increase in Flood Levels Prohibited: by lots with existing structures con- Prohibit encroachments, including fill, new structed below the base flood level, pro- construction, substantial improvements, and viding items(a)through (k) in subsection other development unless certification by a L4 of this Section have been fully consid- registered professional engineer or architect ered. As the lot size increases the techni- is provided demonstrating that encroach- cal justification required for issuing the ments shall not result in any increase in flood variance increases. levels during the occurrence of the base flood discharge. (Ord. 4071, 6-1-1987) b. Variances may be issued for nonres- idential buildings in very limited circum- 3 - 13 4-3-060L stances to allow a lesser degree of g. The compatibility of the proposed floodproofing than watertight or dry-flood- use with existing and anticipated devel- proofing,where it can be determined that opment; such action will have low damage poten- tial, complies with all other variance crite- h. The relationship of the proposed use ria except subsection L2a of this Section, to the comprehensive plan and floodplain and otherwise complies with subsections management program for that area; J1a and J1b of this Section, General Standards. i. The safety of access to the property in times of flood for ordinary and emer- c. Variances may be issued for the re- gency vehicles; construction,rehabilitation,or restoration of structures listed in the National Regis- j. The expected heights, velocity, dura- ter of Historic Places or the State Inven- tion, rate of rise, and sediment transport tory of Historic Places, without regard to of the flood waters and the effects of the procedures set forth in this Section. wave action, if applicable, expected at the site; and 3. Review Authority: The Board of Adjust- ment or the Hearing Examiner, whichever is k. The costs of providing governmental afforded jurisdiction under the provisions of services during and after flood condi- RMC 4-1-050D1 or F1,shall hear and decide tions, including maintenance and repair requests for variances from the requirements of public utilities and facilities such as of this Section. sewer, gas, electrical, and water sys- tems, and streets and bridges. 4. Review Criteria: In passing upon such an application for a variance,the Hearing Ex- 5. Requirements for Variance Approval: aminer or Board of Adjustment, as the case may be, shall consider all technical evalua- a. Variances shall not be issued within tions,all relevant factors,standards specified a designated floodway if any increase in in other sections of this Section; and: flood levels during the base flood dis- charge would result. a. The danger that materials may be swept onto other lands to the injury of oth- b. Variances shall only be issued upon: ers. i. A showing of good and sufficient b. The danger to life and property due cause; to flooding or erosion damage; ii. A determination that failure to c. The susceptibility of the proposed fa- grant the variance would result in ex- cility and its contents to flood damage ceptional hardship to the applicant; and the effect of such damage on the in- dividual owner; iii. A determination that the granting of a variance will not result in in- d. The importance of the services pro- creased flood heights, additional vided by the proposed facility to the corn- threats to public safety,extraordinary munity; public expense, create nuisances, cause fraud on or victimization of the e. The necessity to the facility of a wa- public or conflict with existing local terfront location, where applicable; laws or ordinances; f. The availability of alternative loca- iv. A determination that the vari- tions for the proposed use which are not ance is the minimum necessary, con- subject to flooding or erosion damage; sidering the flood hazard, to afford relief. 3 - 14 4-3-070B 6. Conditions of Approval: Upon consid- N. WARNING AND DISCLAIMER OF eration of the factors of subsections L4 and LIABILITY: L5 of this Section, and the purposes of this The degree of flood protection required by this Section, the Hearing Examiner or Board of Section is considered reasonable for regulatory Adjustment, as the case may be, may attach purposes and is based on scientific and engineer- such conditions to the granting of variances ing considerations. Larger floods can and will oc- as it deems necessary to further the purposes cur on rare occasions. Flood heights may be of this Section. increased by manmade or natural causes. This Section does not imply that land outside the areas 7. Notice Required Upon Variance Ap- of special flood hazards or uses permitted within proval: Any applicant to whom a variance is such areas will be free from flooding or flood dam- granted shall be given written notice that the ages. structure will be permitted to be built with a lowest floor elevation below the base flood el- O. APPEALS: evation and that the cost of flood insurance will be commensurate with the increased risk 1. General: See RMC 4-1-050A1e, Roles resulting from the reduced lowest floor eleva- and Responsibilities, Planning/Building/Pub- tion. lic Works Administrator, and RMC 4-8-110, Appeals. 8. Records: The Building Official shall maintain the records of all variance actions 2. Record Required: The Building Official and report any variances to the Federal Insur- shall maintain the records of all appeal ac- ance Administration upon request. (Ord. tions and report any variances to the Federal 4071, 6-1-1987) Insurance Administration upon request. (Ord. 4071, 6-1-1987) M. VIOLATION AND PENALTIES: 1. Enforcement Officer: The City Plan- 4-3-070 GREENBELT ning/Building/Public Works Administrator or REGULATIONS: his or her designated representative shall be responsible for investigation of violations and A. GREENBELTS DEFINED: citation of the violating parties. (Ord. 4352, Greenbelt areas are characterized by severe to- 5-11-1992) pographic, groundwater, slope instability, soil or other physical limitations that make the areas un- 2. Misdemeanor: Violation of the provi- suitable for intensive development. Provisions for sions of this Section by failure to comply with public enjoyment of greenbelt areas are encour- any of its requirements(including violations of aged; however, greenbelt designations do not im- conditions and safeguards established in ply public ownership or the right of public access. connection with conditions) shall constitute a (Ord. 3849, 10-8-1994) misdemeanor. Any person who violates this Section or fails to comply with any of its re- B. PURPOSE AND INTENT: quirements shall upon conviction thereof be The purpose of these regulations is to supple- fined not more than five hundred dollars ment the policies contained in the comprehensive ($500.00) or be imprisoned for not more than plan regarding greenbelts by the control of devel- one hundred eighty (180) days, or both, for opment, by minimizing damage due to landslide, each violation, and in addition shall pay all subsidence or erosion, by protecting wetlands costs and expenses involved in the case. and fish-bearing waters, and providing physical Nothing herein contained shall prevent the relief between expanses of similar land uses. City of Renton from taking such other lawful action as is necessary to prevent or remedy Implementation of these regulations will protect any violation. (Ord. 4071, 6-1-1987) the public against avoidable losses due to main- tenance and replacement of public facilities,prop- erty damage, subsidy cost of public mitigation of avoidable impacts, and costs for public emer- gency rescue and relief operations. 3 - 15 4-3-070C These regulations supplement but do not replace by observation on simple slopes, or the underlying zoning regulations for specific more precisely by the formula: properties.These regulations will provide respon- sible City officials with information to condition or S=100 I L deny public or private projects to protect poten- A tially hazardous areas and to avoid the necessity of preparing environmental impact statements in ii. Where "I" is the contour interval cases where there will not be significant adverse in feet but not greater than ten feet environmental effects, thus expediting govern- (10'); "L" is the combined length of mental approval processes. the contour lines in scale feet; and "A" is the net area between signifi- C. APPLICABILITY: cant changes in slope of the lot in square feet. 1. General: The actual presence or ab- sence of the criteria illustrated below in iii. A significant change in slope greenbelt areas, as determined by qualified shall be defined as a bench or pla- professional and technical persons, shall teau at least fifteen feet(15') in width. govern the treatment of an individual building site or parcel of land requiring compliance with these regulations. 2. Greenbelt Criteria: Greenbelt regula- tions apply to areas that are first designated as greenbelt on the City's Greenbelt Map and also identified as containing one or more of the following physical criteria: a. Steep Slope Areas: Areas with slopes that exceed twenty five percent (25%). b. Physical Hazards: Areas identifi- able as a severe landslide hazard or ar- eas where other severe hazards are anticipated including erosion, seismic, flood, and coal mine subsidence. c. Utility Easements and Rights-of- Way: Major electricity, water and gas transmission line easements and rights- of-way. d. Other Criteria: Wetlands, stream corridors, and flood control works. 3. Steep Slope Areas:These regulations apply to land form features of a site between significant and identifiable changes in slope. a. Definitions: i. Slope shall be defined as the av- erage slope of the lot or portion thereof in percent between signifi- cant changes in slope, determined 3 - 16 4-3-070F 5' a' zs' a///o• 1 i --:. • ``' wNarfwrr UMW.4 WIWIMIANI fJi41111ff • ( - _ •`YNar.CAar CN.YK OM el Owf • i STEEP SLOPE AREA ";;_---.-" Yam` M w.a»fwrr a.we //7 11 '' Y 2°. ...r o..w.wsa 2 ' 3L fnw..rc.w> N.iaorf z5 � ' fi 404. 1 Slop* !n ~cone . 140 ,L 2 ewr 75'- .i.NfrrY.air ilerix.e... w.Wf '(( r"'� L'- STEEP SLOPE AREA -^--- 0 ZS' 50 75r MO' 1Z5' i_[ _. .....M#Aa WrA Yf1, D. ALLOWANCE FOR CONSTRUCTION permit, conditional use permit, variance, re- OF SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE: zone, planned unit development, subdivision Nothing in these regulations shall limit the con- or short subdivision, and one or more of the struction of one single family home on a pre-exist- greenbelt criteria as defined in subsection C2 ing platted lot,subject to meeting any engineering of this Section is present on the site of the requirements necessary to safely construct such proposed development, studies by qualified a residence. Whenever a proposed development professionals may be required.The City shall involves only one single family dwelling, which is send written notification to the applicant not part of a larger development proposal, the whenever such studies are required.The City City shall not require special studies or reports by may approve, approve with conditions, or the applicant. deny any such proposal to carry out the pur- poses of this Section. E. GENERAL STANDARDS APPLICABLE TO ALL GREENBELT PROPERTIES: F. ADDITIONAL STANDARDS FOR STEEP SLOPES: 1. Permit Required Prior to Vegetation Removal: There shall be no removal of veg- 1. Development Prohibited on Steep etation within a greenbelt until a permit is is- Slopes: Development is prohibited on slopes sued pursuant to subsection E2 of this greater than forty percent (40%). Section except for normal maintenance with written approval by the Development Ser- 2. Density Limitations for Steep Slopes: vices Division for such activities as trimming In greenbelt areas with between twenty five of vegetation or removal of dangerous or dis- percent (25%) and forty percent (40%) slope eased plant materials. the maximum residential density shall be: 2. Special Studies: Whenever a proposed a. One unit per acre, and for each one development requires a building permit,grad- percent(1%)of slope in excess of twenty ing permit,shoreline substantial development five percent (25%), an additional nine 3 - 17 4-3-070G hundred (900) square feet in lot area per development that is compatible with the de- dwelling unit shall be required. gree of hazard and with surrounding uses may be allowed. Provided, any such develop- b. When the current zoning designation ment retains at least seventy five percent exceeds one dwelling unit per acre the al- (75/°) of the site in open space or is land- lowable development density in the steep scaped compatibly with the physical hazards. slope area shall be reduced to one-fourth (1/4), and for each one percent (1%) of 3. Special Studies: The City may require slope in excess of twenty five percent site specific studies, completed by a qualified (25%), the remaining allowable dwelling soils engineer or engineering geologist or unit density shall be reduced by an addi- other qualified professionals, which shall in- tional five percent (5%). clude specific recommendations for mitigat- ing measures which should be required as a 3. Lot Coverage Reductions for Steep condition of any approval for such develop- Slopes (Nonresidential): The maximum ment. The recommendations may include, nonresidential buildable area shall be re- but are not limited to, construction tech- duced to one-fourth (1/4), and for each one niques, design, drainage, or density specifi- percent(1%)of slope in excess of twenty five cations, or seasonal constraints on percent (25%), the remaining buildable area development. Upon review of these studies, shall be reduced by an additional five percent the development permit shall be conditioned (5%). to mitigate adverse environmental impacts and to assure that the development can be 4. Special Review: Greenbelt areas be- safely accommodated on the site and is con- tween twenty five percent (25%) and forty sistent with the purposes of this Section.The percent (40%) slope shall be subject to spe- City may waive the requirement for special cial review to assure stable building condi- studies where sufficient information is other- tions, safe and convenient access and wise available to approve, approve with con- minimum disruption of the natural physical ditions, or deny the development permit. features of the land.The City may require the applicant to furnish a report by a licensed en- H. GREENBELTS SUBJECT TO gineer to evaluate the site. However,the City SHORELINE JURISDICTION: may waive the requirement for special stud- Wetlands,stream corridors and flood control facil- ies where sufficient information is otherwise ities designated greenbelt shall be subject to the available to approve, approve with condi- development standards of the City's Shoreline lions, or deny the development permit. Master Program urban environment where those shoreline regulations would not otherwise apply. G. ADDITIONAL STANDARDS FOR PHYSICAL HAZARD AREAS: I. UTILITIES ELIGIBLE FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: 1. King County Maps Adopted by Refer- Where the provisions of these regulations limit ence:Greenbelts established upon these cri- construction of public or private utilities or appur- teria should be developed only with great tenant structures, approval for such construction caution and development should be based on may be granted by approval of a conditional use sound engineering and technical knowledge. permit subject to a showing of necessity and corn- The King County Sensitive Areas Map Folio patibility of the use with these regulations. dated March, 1980, is hereby adopted by ref- erence to assist in the determination of and J. USES PERMITTED WITHIN UTILITY evaluation of physical hazard areas as pre- EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY: scribed by this Section. A limited number of low intensity uses consistent with the existing zoning and utility use may be 2. Open Space or Landscaping Re- permitted within utility greenbelts such that the quired: As a general rule, development proposed development meets the intent of provid- should not increase the risk of hazard either ing a definitive geographic relief between adjoin- on- or off-site. Where detailed technical infor- ing existing or anticipated land use. Allowable mation is provided illustrating that develop- uses include: ment can be safely accommodated, 3 - 18 4-3-080D 1. Any structures or activity directly associ- 1. A proposed change of use of the pre- ated with the supply or service of utilities; mises; 2. Agriculture; 2. A proposed change of the major tenant and/or tenant group using the premises if 3. Residential open spaces; such a change is determined by the Planning/ Building/Public Works Administrator or desig- 4. Recreational activities and facilities; nee to have probable major adverse impacts (Ord. 3849, 10-8-1984) to the immediate surrounding area; or 5. Parking associated with adjoining land 3. Any proposed change of ownership of uses; provided, that no more than the follow- the premises. ing percentage of the greenbelt area is cov- ered with impervious surfaces and the Such notice shall not be required if the proposed remainder is compatibly landscaped or re- change has been identified in a Master Site Plan tained in a natural state: (Ord. 4404, adopted pursuant to the neighborhood property 6-7-1993) owners, residents and/or business persons to at- tend an informational meeting in the area, hosted a. Twenty five percent (25%), if the by the owner of the property or their representa- most restrictive adjacent zoning is RC, tive. (Ord. 4523, 6-5-1995) R-5, R-1, R-8; B. NOTICE CONTENT: b. Fifty percent (50%), if the most re- The notices shall indicate that a summary of the strictive adjacent zoning is R-10, RM, meeting shall occur at least thirty (30) days in ad- R-14, RMH or P-1; vance of any of the above three (3) actions. At least fourteen (14) days in advance of the infor- c. Sixty five percent (65%), if the most mation meeting the agency hosting the meeting restrictive adjacent zoning is CC, CN, shall give general notice of it and the availability CS, CA, CD, CO, IL, IM, IH, COR; following the meeting of the below referenced meeting summary in a local newspaper having 6. Production of resources—provided that broad circulation in the area. This meeting is in- the area is rehabilitated consistent with the tended to explain the proposed changes and in- greenbelt definition; vite citizen input. 7. Roadways and streets—provided that C. MEETING SUMMARY: any street aligned parallel with the greenbelt A summary of the meeting shall be compiled and should involve the minimum intrusion upon circulated within seven (7)days of the meeting to the greenbelt while providing for enhance- all in attendance who request in writing to receive ment through compatible landscaping. (Ord. the summary as well as parties that do not attend 4404, 6-7-1993) the meeting but request in writing to receive the summary in response to the above-referenced 4-3-080 PUBLIC USE/"P" SUFFIX no- tices. In addition, the Planning/Building/Public Works Department shall receive and keep the NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES: summary of the meeting in its files for future refer- ence. A. NOTICE REQUIRED: The owner of any property designated with a "P" D. SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT suffix shall be required to give written notice to the STANDARDS: owners of all property within a three hundred foot Any use so designated with a"P" suffix shall be (300') radius of the site involved, as well as all allowed to develop pursuant to the special devel- residents and/or businesses within a three hun- opment standards for such uses contained RMC dred foot (300') radius of the site or facility, at 4-2-110D, Condition 13, 4-2-110H, Condition 26, least sixty (60) days in advance of any of the fol- 4-2-120C, Condition 28, or 4-2-130B, Condition lowing: 14, as well as under the master site plan regula- tions. (Ord. 4523, 6-5-1995) 3 - 19 4-3-090A 4-3-090 SHORELINE MASTER 3. Result in long-term over short-term ben- PROGRAM REGULATIONS: efits. A. PROGRAM ADOPTED: 4. Protect the resources and ecology of the The Shoreline Master Program, as issued and shorelines. prepared by City of Renton Planning Commis- sion, of which one printed copy in book form has 5. Increase public access to publicly owned heretofore been filed and is now on file in the of- areas of the shorelines. (Ord. 3758, fice of the City Clerk and made available for ex 12 5 1983, Rev.7 22 1985(Min.),3 12 1990 amination by the general public, is hereby (Res. 2787), 7-16-1990 (Res. 2805), Rev. adopted as the Shoreline Master Program by the 9 12 1993 (Min.), Ord. 4716, 4-13-1998) City of Renton. (Ord. 3758, 12-5-1983, Rev. 7-22-1985 (Min.), 3-12-1990 (Res. 2787), 6. Increase recreational opportunities for 7-16-1990 (Res. 2805), Rev. 9-12-1993 (Min.), the public in the shoreline. Ord. 4716, 4-13-1998) E. REGULATED WATER BODIES: The following is an excerpt from the officially Approximately eighteen (18) miles of shoreline in adopted Shoreline Master Program. The corn the City of Renton are under the jurisdiction of the plete Shoreline Master Program, including poll Shoreline Management Act of 1971. These eigh cies, should also be consulted. (Ord. 4722, teen (18) miles of shoreline in the City of Renton 5-11-1998) are considered an extremely valuable resource not only to the City of Renton,but also to the State B. AUTHENTICATION, RECORD OF Metropolitan Area of which Renton is an integral PROGRAM: part. In the City of Renton,the following bodies of The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed water are regulated by the Act: to duly authenticate and record a copy of the 1. Cedar River. above mentioned Shoreline Master Program to- gether with any amendments or additions thereto, 2. Green River. together with an authenticated copy of this Sec- tion. (Ord. 3094, 1-10-1977, eff. 1-19-1977) 3. Lake Washington. C. AMENDMENTS: 4. May Creek from the intersection of May Any and all amendments, additions or modifica- Creek and N.E. 31st Street in the southeast tions to said Master Program, shall be by ordi- quarter of the southeast quarter of Section nance. (Ord. 3758, 12-5-1983, Rev. 7-22-1985 32-24-5E WM downstream in a northeasterly (Min.), 3-12-1990 (Res. 2787), 7-16-1990 (Res. direction to its mouth at Lake Washington. 2805), Rev. 9-12-1993 (Min.), Ord. 4716, 4-13-1998; Amd. Ord. 4633, 9-16-1996) 5. Springbrook Creek from the Black River D. PURPOSES AND PRIORITIES: on the north to SW 43rd Street on the south. Each shoreline has its own unique qualities which 6. Black River. makes it valuable, particularly Shorelines of Statewide Significance, which in Renton include 7. The jurisdiction of this Master Program Lake Washington and the Green River. Prefer- includes shorelines of the State as defined in ence is, therefore, given to the following uses in subsection F of this Section. (Ord. 3758, descending order of priority for Shorelines of 12-5-1983, Rev. 7-22-1985(Min.),3-12-1990 Statewide Significance (as established by RCW (Res. 2787), 7-16-1990 (Res. 2805), Rev. 90.58.020): 9-12-1993 (Min.), Ord. 4716, 4-13-1998) 1. Recognize and protect the statewide in- F. STATE OF WASHINGTON terest over local interest for shorelines of CLASSIFICATION OF WATER BODIES: statewide significance. 2. Preserve the natural character of the 1. Shorelines of Statewide Significance: shorelines. By State standards, the Green River and 3 - 20 4-3-090G Lake Washington are classified as Shorelines of Statewide Significance, and comprise ap- proximately 5.8 miles of the shorelines of the State regulated by the City of Renton. 2. Shorelines of the State: In addition,the shorelines of the Cedar River, Black River, Springbrook Creek, and May Creek are shorelines within the City. G. THREE (3) ENVIRONMENTS DESIGNATED BY CITY: 1. Names of Environments: Three (3) en- vironments, Natural, Conservancy, and Ur- ban, shall be designated to provide a uniform basis to apply policies and use regulations within distinctively different shoreline areas. 2. Basis for Designation: The environ- mental designation to be given any specific area shall be based on the existing develop- ment pattern,the biophysical capabilities and limitations of the area being considered for development and the goals and aspirations of local citizenry. Shorelines have been catego- rized according to the natural characteristics and use regulations have been designated herein. 3. Map of Environments:The above infor- mation is illustrated in the following map. (Ord. 3758, 12-5-1983, Rev. 7-22-1985 (Min.), 3-12-1990 (Res. 2787), 7-16-1990 (Res. 2805), Rev. 9-12-1993 (Min.), Ord. 4716, 4-13-1998) 3 - 21 4-3-090G SHORELINE ENVIRONMENTS !1 t ;i1, �, h!- `� t / i r �' .( ., r . ENVIRONMENTS Lill! :t. Urban f i F - i � j Conservancy we—, ' i , ., ' � BOREN aural ••• f Ks Natural } , t, { : ice ,�\. i LAKE WASHINGTON _ '----ti sS' .! ' ' 'lifillINk, .i !I I !!' ‘ -Ct.---.: .!'II ' "1"1. !'-r 1111 *A!„..11.:X !‘! i.! . J ..,,,,,,* ..., . I"r,_,• i..i..1,',-17.-:4- .. ... • 1 't-7-1.-----\ ...t.-''-- '' !--ij4e1.-1.11- 11 ':.: e;!!:.. .i ",1-- - _.; i I__ ,i! :\i CT ii- :ji 1!! ;ilii,v/:1 C,;,(Y.,.,,,,,rt ..../...rsk!,..,.Li....,..11' - :..„..:..1._1.. .:.---...1. .1.11_ II ri.:::1 rri....... [11.7.... ,..,..-..\.:.„.L,,,-1-(:."-_,,_L i I ♦q . �_...� ��H— —.... i .......1 F-.... — _ 1 v¢r Iq ir;'' , — f 1 - ' �/ ,,, Lam,. \ u, Il �r4 � 1- ,,� 11 . -_ . i_.___. : ....... . 1,..,, , . .4.—' 1 \. - . in\\_ ?---Q ...-J r � IIL i _ 4 .> `lip - 3-;j f ----I1,-'0••e•••7,iI \1 •••.•.•.•.••.•r..-;_. 1 , i1--Y'r.,.,1.._.7,.•.••.\.••..11 I.\li[.._,;,4-..,!1r 1.2...;-,..m,-,•1.....i.L,,....-....;...-.„,..,f.-,•l_1i_,:.-.44,fL,._.„-i:....,-iI.',7 T.-1 , a�-� 1 =.It I .."1-1 1 ' 'f--, '-t.—4 k....,75i. 1 4.1 7—i :,. ! V). )I 1,,,d. ,r F\ • 3-22 4-3-090G CITY OF RENTON SHORELINE DER PROGRAM SPRIP,1GBROOK CREEK SHORELINE BOUNDARY MAP i _ -' Ji J I.• 14 `$ 1lj K K �poi�sA w -_ owe rrr�l� IF ells J 11110'1 11 C[ 21.22 '.'-'...\) 6 ..... ill=6. ' Ail lip _ L ill, 1 } IN, \ > r IP q ea Bi1 di 44 . * Sw 1 th L'" S=isha,'�'" )AS `''�u ij'1‘4111‘11\ x , ! i =air`i7, �� / [ f tit t t"4"'MI V f, [ \ ,1 Pj Ci I �a �! _ _ ——:y I - y`'.., - 7++r. �.....• ' :go- �'�.• ' J I ,p r 0, a �i�4. 527' St [ % Sw27 1�i77i * ' J :Af. i s 16, ia �`,• IM 11 ` - 2 ' c,r r q , rail htfo. �t zoi,, rt,,YA . w, 4"5w.,54S . S Iv i �, !NE■ - NI tint. �,':y'�� a � 4�.1 jr,fr., f wIvi IN , 11, ,,,„ .,i Vb\r "11121 �: a / Sw391h5t ringir, ? �� ...... /SN Itst SI. '� �tt�ArQ 0111 iiip ' �r ji Fp% xd St. SW�3 a sl. ��� • it t ; / mama _r Ra. s1►=J voiring 6\ 1 U Urban Environment PLANN IN OIRU DINO/PUBLIC WORKS OO RJM:Aryn188D4 OUYUneskl,li Dotson 1000 20 00 _C Atbomminwmpl ' 1 Wetlands 1:12000 _ConservancyConservanc y Environment " — - Shoreline Boundary — -- City Limits Note: This map depicts the approximate location of the Springbrook Creek shoreline boundary and associated wetlands governed by the Renton Shoreline Master Program. Application of the Renton Shoreline Master Program to a property is determined on a site-specific basis by the Development Services Division utilizing the regulations and definitions in the Program and any site specific environmental analysis. 3-23 4-3-090H H. NATURAL ENVIRONMENT: 2. Areas to Be Designated as a Conser- vancy Environment: 1. Objective: The objective in designating a Natural environment is to protect and pre- a. Areas of high scenic value. serve unique and fragile shoreline or wetland environments in their natural state. The Natu- b. Valuable areas for wildlife habitat. ral environment is intended to provide areas of wildlife sanctuary and habitat preservation. c. Hazardous slope areas. (Ord.3758,12-5-1983, Rev.7-22-1985(Min.) 3-12-1990 (Res. 2787), 7-16-1990 (Res. d. Flood-prone areas. 2805) Rev. 9-12-1993 (Min.), Ord. 4716, 4-13-1998) e. Areas which cannot provide ade- quate utilities for intense development. 2. Areas to Be Designated as a Natural Environment: f. Areas with unique or fragile features. a. Areas that are unique or fragile. 3. Extent of the Conservancy Environ- ment:That portion of May Creek east of FAI- b. Floodway areas. 405 right-of-way and that portion of the south bank of the Cedar River, two thousand five 3. Extent of the Natural Environment: hundred feet(2,500') east of FAI-405 right-of- That portion of the north bank of the Black way, and that portion of Springbrook Creek River lying west of its confluence with Spring- beginning from approximately S.W. 27th brook Creek shall be designated Natural (see Street on the north to S.W. 31st Street on the the Shoreline Environment Map in subsection south, abutting City-owned wetlands in this G of this Section). area, and for that portion of the west side of the Creek in the vicinity of S.W. 38th Street 4. Acceptable Activities and Uses: The abutting the City's recently acquired Wet- only human activity that is acceptable is for lands Mitigation Bank shall be designated floodway drainage or storage. All other hu- Conservancy (see the Shoreline Environ- man activities including recreation are con- ment Map and the Springbrook Creek Shore- sidered inappropriate. line Boundary Map in subsection G of this Section). 5. Dedication for Flood Storage:The City of Renton recognizes that preservation of 4. Acceptable Activities and Uses: Activ- Natural shoreline areas can only be assured ities and uses considered to be acceptable in through public acquisition. Therefore, where a Conservancy environment are those of a private development is proposed in areas so nonconsumptive nature which do not de- designated, the City shall require dedication grade the existing character of the area. Uses as necessary for flood storage. that are to be predominant in a Conservancy environment are low-density residential, pas- I. CONSERVANCY ENVIRONMENT: sive agricultural uses such as pasture or range lands, and passive outdoor recreation. 1. Objective: The objective in designating a Conservancy environment is to protect, 5. Use Regulations in the Conservancy conserve, and manage existing areas with ir- Environment: replaceable natural or aesthetic features in essentially their native state, while providing a. Commercial Uses: Commercial for limited use of the area. The Conservancy uses shall be limited to home occupa- environment is intended to provide a pleasant tions, which shall be contained wholly break in the surrounding urban community. within the dwelling unit. This environment shall seek to satisfy a por- tion of the present and future needs of b. Fish and Game Reserve and Renton. Breeding Operations:Any such activity shall be allowed only by the Land Use Hearing Examiner. 3 - 24 4-3-090J c. Industrial Uses: All industrial activi- 2. Areas to Be Designated as Urban En- ties are prohibited in a Conservancy en- vironment: vironment. a. Areas of High Intensity Land Use: d. Recreation Use: In the Conser- The Urban environment is an area of vancy environment,recreation uses shall high-intensity land use including residen- be limited to passive recreation. tial, commercial, and industrial develop- ment. The environment does not i. Permitted Uses: Public hiking necessarily include all shorelines within and bicycle trails, nonmotorized pub- an incorporated city, but is particularly lic fishing, public wading and swim- suitable to those areas presently sub- ming spots, public areas for nature jected to extremely intensive use pres- study, public picnic areas. sure, as well as areas planned to accommodate intensive urban expan- ii. Uses Allowed by Hearing Ex- sion. On certain shorelines planned for aminer: Public overnight camping future urban expansion, there should be areas. limitations based on the physical aspects of the site. e. Residential Uses: 3. Extent of the Urban Environment: All i. Permitted Uses: Low-density shorelines of the State regulated by the City single family residences. which are not designated as Conservancy or Natural are designated as Urban (see the ii. Prohibited Uses: Multi-family Shoreline Environment Map in subsection G residences of two (2) units or more. of this Section). f. Utilities: 4. Acceptable Use and Activities:All uses shall be allowed as indicated by subsection L i. Local Service Utilities:The nec- of this Section, Specific Use Regulations. essary local service utilities shall be permitted for approved activities and 5. Use Regulations in the Urban Environ- uses within the Conservancy envi- ment: ronment and shall be underground per City Code requirements. a. Water-Oriented Activities: Be- cause shorelines suitable for urban uses ii. Major Utilities: Major utilities are a limited resource, emphasis shall be may be allowed only by approval of given to development within already de- the Land Use Hearing Examiner and veloped areas and particularly to water- only if they cross the conservancy oriented industrial and commercial uses. area in the shortest feasible route. b. Public Access: In this Master Pro- g. Roads: Necessary roads are permit- gram, priority is also given to planning for ted subject to the standards of subsec- public visual and physical access to wa- tion L15 of this Section, Roads and ter in the Urban environment. Identifying Railroads. needs and planning for the acquisition of urban land for permanent public access J. URBAN ENVIRONMENT: to the water in the Urban environment shall be accomplished through the Mas- 1. Objective: The objective of the Urban ter Program. To enhance waterfront and environment is to ensure optimum utilization ensure maximum public use, industrial of shorelines within urbanized areas by pro- and commercial facilities shall be de- viding for public use,especially access to and signed to permit pedestrian waterfront along the water's edge and by managing de- activities where practicable, and the vari- velopment so that it enhances and maintains ous access points ought to be linked to shorelines for a multiplicity of viable and nec- nonmotorized transportation routes such essary urban uses. as bicycle and hiking paths. 3 - 25 4-3-090K K. GENERAL USE REGULATIONS FOR ii. Community Disturbances: ALL SHORELINE USES: Noise, odors, night lighting, water and land traffic, and other structures 1. Applicability:This Section shall apply to and activities. all shoreline uses whenever applicable. Items included here will not necessarily be re- iii. Design Theme: Architectural peated in subsection L of this Section, Spe- styles,exterior designs, landscaping cific Use Regulations, and shall be used in patterns and other aspects of the the evaluation of all permits. overall design of a site shall be a uni- form or coordinated design, planned 2. Environmental Effects: for the purpose of visual enhance- ment as well as for serving a useful a. Pollution and Ecological Disrup- purpose. tion: The potential effects on water qual- ity, water and land vegetation, water life iv. Visually Unpleasant Areas: and other wildlife(including,for example, Landscaped screening shall be used spawning areas,migration and circulation to hide from public view any area that habits, natural habitats,and feeding),soil may impinge upon the visual quality quality and all other environmental as- of a site, for example, disposal bins, pects must be considered in the design storage yards, and outdoor work ar- plans for any activity or facility which may eas. have detrimental effects on the environ- ment. v. Outdoor Activities:Work areas, storage, and other activities on a site b. Burden on Applicant: Applicants in a residential area shall be in en- for permits must explain the methods that closed buildings, as is reasonably will be used to abate, avoid or otherwise possible, to reduce distractions and control the harmful effects. other effects on surrounding areas. Outdoor activities of commercial and c. Erosion: Erosion is to be controlled industrial operations shall be limited through the use of vegetation rather than to those necessary for the operation structural means where feasible. of the enterprise.Outdoor areas shall not be used for storage of more than d. Geology: Important geological fac- minimal amounts of equipment, tors—such as possible slide areas—on a parts, materials, products, or other site must be considered. Whatever activ- objects. ity is planned under the application for the development permit must be safe and 4. Public Access: appropriate in view of the geological fac- tors prevailing. a. Where possible, space and right-of- way shall be left available on the immedi- 3. Use Compatibility and Aesthetic Ef- ate shoreline so that trails, nonmotorized fects: bike paths, and/or other means of public use may be developed providing greater a. The potential impact of any of the fol- shoreline utilization. lowing on adjacent, nearby, and possibly distant land and shoreline users shall be b. Any trail system shall be designed to considered in the design plans and ef- avoid conflict with private residential forts made to avoid or minimize detrimen- property rights. tal aspects: c. No property shall be acquired for i. View Obstruction: Buildings, public use without just compensation to smokestacks, machinery, fences, the owner. piers, poles, wires, signs, lights, and other structures. 5. Facility Arrangement—Shoreline Ori- entation: Where feasible, shoreline develop- 3 - 26 4-3-090L ments shall locate the water-dependent, ii. Tie-down areas should be no water-related and water-enjoyment portions closer than twenty feet(20')from the of their developments along the shoreline and ordinary high water mark of the place all other facilities inland. shoreline for aircraft. 6. Landscaping:The natural and proposed d. Seaplane Bases (Commercial): landscaping should be representative of the indigenous character of the specific types of i. Docks and Tie Down Areas: waterway (stream, lake edge, marshland) Docks for the mooring of seaplanes and shall be compatible with the Northwest are permitted. Seaplanes may be image. The scenic, aesthetic, and ecological stored on the dock or ramps. qualities of natural and developed shorelines should be recognized and preserved as valu- ii. Tie-down areas may be pro- able resources. vided on seaplane ramps. 7. Unique and Fragile Areas: Unique fea- e. Landscaping: Landscaping shall be tures and wildlife habitats should be pre- required around parking areas in accor- served and incorporated into the site. Fragile dance with City regulations. The land- areas shall be protected from development scaping shall be compatible with the and encroachment. activities and characteristics of aircraft in that it should be wind resistant, low pro- L. SPECIFIC USE REGULATIONS: file, and able to survive under adverse conditions. 1. Airports and Seaplane Bases: f. Services: Services or aircraft shall a. Airport Location: A new airport conform to FAA standards,which include shall not be allowed to locate within the fuel,oil spill clean-up,safety and firefight- shoreline. However, an airport already lo- ing equipment, and vehicle and pedes- cated within a shoreline shall be permit- trian separation. ted to upgrade and expand its facilities provided such upgrading and expansion 2. Aquaculture: would not have a detrimental effect on the shoreline. a. Location: Aquaculture operations may be located on streams and rivers, b. Location of Seaplane Bases: EXCEPT in Natural and Conservancy en- vironments and along urban areas devel- i. Private Seaplane Bases: A sin- oped with residential uses. gle private seaplane is permitted per residence. b. Time: Facilities shall be allowed on a temporary basis only. ii. Commercial Seaplane Bases: New commercial seaplane bases c. Design and Construction:All struc- may be allowed in industrial areas tures over or in the water shall meet the provided such bases are not contigu- following restrictions: ous to residential areas. i. They shall be securely fastened c. Airport Facilities: to the shore. i. Future hangars should be set ii. They shall be designed for a min- back a minimum of twenty feet (20') imum of interference with the natural from the ordinary high water mark of systems of the waterway including, the shoreline and shall be designed for example, water flow and quality, and spaced to allow viewing of air- fish circulation,and aquatic plant life. port activities from the area along the water's edge. 3 -27 4-3-090L iii. They should not prohibit or re- b. When Permitted: A bulkhead may strict other human uses of the water, be permitted only when: such as swimming and/or boating. i. Required to protect upland areas iv. They shall be set back appropri- or facilities. ate distances from other shoreline uses, if potential conflicts exist. ii. Riprap cannot provide the neces- sary protection. 3. Boat-Launching Ramps: iii. The bulkhead design has been a. Site Appropriateness—Water engineered by an appropriately State Characteristics:Water depth should be licensed professional engineer, and deep enough off the shore to allow use by the design has been approved by the boats.Water currents and movement and Renton Department of Public Works. normal wave action shall be suitable for ramp activity. c. Associated Fill: A bulkhead for the purpose of creating land by filling behind b. Site Appropriateness—Topogra- the bulkhead shall be permitted only phy: The proposed area should not when the landfill has been approved.The present major geological or topographi- application for a bulkhead shall be in- cal obstacles to construction or operation cluded in the application for the landfill in of the ramp. Site adaptation such as this case. (See subsection L8 of this Sec- dredging shall be minimized. tion, Landfills.) c. Dimensions and Location: The d. General Design Requirements: ramp should be designed so as to allow for ease of access to the water with mini- i. The burden rests upon the appli- mal impact on the shoreline and water cant for the permit to propose a spe- surface. cific type of bulkhead design which has been engineered by an appropri- d. Ramp Surface Material: The sur- ately State licensed professional en- face of the ramp may be concrete, pre- gineer. cast concrete, or other hard permanent substance. The material shall be perma- ii. All approved bulkheads are to be nent and noncontaminating to the water. constructed in such a manner as to Loose materials, such as gravel or cin- minimize damage to fish and shell ders, will not be used. The material cho- fish habitat. In evaluating the applica- sen shall be appropriate considering the tion for a proposed bulkhead,the De- following conditions: Soil characteristics, velopment Services Division shall erosion, water currents, waterfront condi- consider the effect of the bulkheads tions, and usage of the ramp. on public access to publicly owned shorelines. Where possible, bulk- e. Review Required: Engineering de- heads are to be designed so as not to sign and site location approval shall be detract from the aesthetic qualities of obtained from the appropriate City de- the shoreline. partment. iii. Bulkheads are to be constructed 4. Bulkheads: in such a manner as to minimize al- terations of the natural shoreline and a. Applicability and Exemption: All to minimize adverse effects on bulkheads are subject to the regulations nearby beaches. set forth in this Master Program, except that bulkheads common to a single family iv. In cases where bulkheading is residence are exempted from the permit permitted, scientific information sug- system set forth in this Master Program gests a rock riprap design is pre- and Building Code. ferred. The cracks and openings in 3 - 28 4-3-090L such a structure afford suitable habi- 6. Dredging: tats for certain forms of aquatic life. If there is determined to be a severe a. Definition: The removal of earth or rate population, consideration must sediment from the bottom or banks of a be given to construction of a solid body of water. bulkhead to eliminate cracks and openings typical to a riprap structure. b. Permitted Dredging: Dredging is to be permitted only when: 5. Commercial Developments: i. Dredging is necessary for flood a. Location of Developments: control purposes, if a definite flood hazard would exist unless dredging i. New commercial developments were permitted. are to be encouraged to locate in those areas where current commer- ii. Dredging is necessary to correct cial uses exist. problems of material distribution and water quality, when such problems ii. New commercial developments are adversely affecting aquatic life or on Lake Washington which are nei- recreational areas. ther water-dependent, nor water-re- lated, nor water-enjoyment, nor iii. Dredging is necessary to obtain which do not provide significant pub- additional water area so as to de- lic access to and along the water's crease the intrusion into the lake of a edge will not be permitted upon the public, private or marina dock. This shoreline. type of dredging may only be allowed if the following conditions are met: b. Incorporation of Public Recre- The water of the dredged area shall ational Opportunities: Commercial de- not be stagnant or polluted; and the velopments should incorporate recre- water of the dredged area shall be ational opportunities along the shoreline capable of supporting aquatic life. for the general public. iv. Dredging may be permitted c. View Impacts: The applicant for a where necessary for the develop- shoreline development permit for a new ment and maintenance of public commercial development must indicate shoreline parks and of private shore- in his application the effect which the pro- lines to which the public is provided posed commercial development will have access. Dredging may be permitted upon the scenic view prevailing in the where additional public access is given area. Specifically, the applicant provided and/or where there is antic- must state in his permit what steps have ipated to be a significant improve- been taken in the design of the proposed ment to fish or wildlife habitat, commercial development to reduce to a provided there is no net reduction minimum interference with the scenic upon the surface waters of the lake. view enjoyed by any significant number of people in the area. v. Dredging may be permitted to maintain water depth and navigabil- d. Setback: A commercial building ity. should be located no closer than fifty feet (50') to the ordinary high water mark; vi. Dredging is performed pursuant however, the Land Use Hearing Exam- to a remedial action plan, approved iner may reduce this requirement through under authority of the Model Toxics the variance process for good reason for Control Act or pursuant to other au- those structures that allow public access thorization by the Department of to and along the water's edge. Ecology, U.S. Army Corps of Engi- neer or other agency with jurisdic- tion. 3 - 29 4-3-090L c. Prohibited Dredging: adjacent banks for access to the 1 dredging area, the responsibility i. Dredging is prohibited in unique rests with the applicant to propose or fragile areas (see RMC 4-11-210) and carry out a method of restoration except for the purposes identified in of the disturbed area to a condition subsection L7a of this Section where minimizing erosion and siltation. appropriate Federal and/or State au- thorization has been received, and vi. Adjacent Properties: The re- anyrequired environmental review sponsibility rests with the applicant to q p Y pp and mitigation is conducted. demonstrate a method of eliminating or preventing conditions that may: ii. Dredging solely for the purpose of obtaining fill or construction mate- • Create a nuisance to the public rial, which dredging is not directly re- or nearby activity. lated to those purposes permitted in subsection L7a of this Section, is pro- • Damage property in or near the hibited. area. d. Regulations on Permitted Dredg- • Cause substantial adverse effect ing: to plant, animal, aquatic or hu- man life in or near the area. i. Report by Engineer Required: All proposed dredging operations • Endanger public safety in or near shall be planned by an appropriate the area. State licensed professional engineer. An approved engineering report shall vii. Contamination: The applicant be submitted to the Renton Develop- shall demonstrate a method to con- ment Services Division as part of the trol contamination and pollution to application for a shoreline permit. water, air, and ground. ii. Applicant's Responsibility: viii. Disposal of dredged mate- The responsibility rests solely with rial:The applicant shall demonstrate the applicant to demonstrate the ne- a method of disposing of all dredged cessity of the proposed dredging op- material. Dredged material shall not eration. be deposited in a lake or stream ex- cept if the material is approved as iii. Minimal Adverse Effect: The part of a contamination remediation responsibility further rests with the project approved by appropriate applicant to demonstrate that there State and/or Federal agencies. In no will be a minimal adverse effect on instance shall dredged material be aquatic life and/or on recreational ar- stockpiled in a shoreland area. If the eas. dredged material is contaminant or pollutant in nature,the applicant shall iv. Timing: The timing of any propose and carry out a method of dredging operation shall be planned disposal that does not contaminate so that it has minimal impact or inter- or pollute water, air, or ground. ference with fish migration. 7. Industrial Development: v. Adjacent Bank Protection: When dredging bottom material of a a. When Permitted: Industrial devel- body of water,the banks shall not be opments are to be permitted only when: disturbed unless absolutely neces- sary.The responsibility rests with the i. They are water-dependent, wa- applicant to propose and carry out ter-related or they provide reason- practices to protect the banks. If it is able public access to and along the absolutely necessary to disturb the water's edge. New industrial devel- 3 - 30 4-3-090L opments on Lake Washington which iii. When in a public use area, land- are neither water-dependent, nor wa- fill would be advantageous to the ter-related shall provide significant general public; or public access. iv. When repairs or modifications ii. They minimize and cluster those are required for existing bulkheads water-dependent and water-related and fills; or portions of their development along the shoreline and place inland all fa- v. When landfill is required for flood cilities which are not water-depen- control purposes; or dent; and, vi. When a landfill is part of a reme- iii. Any over-water portion is water- dial action plan approved by the De- dependent, is limited to the smallest partment of Ecology pursuant to the reasonable dimensions, and is ap- Model Toxics Control Act, or other- proved by the Land Use Hearing Ex- wise authorized by the Department of aminer; and, Ecology, U.S. Army Corps of Engi- neers, or other agency with jurisdic- iv. They are designed in such man- tion. ner as to enhance the scenic view; and, vii. Justification for landfill for any other purpose than those listed in v. It has been demonstrated in the subsections L8a(i)through (vi)of this permit application that a capability Section will be allowed only with prior exists to contain and clean up spills approval of the Land Use Hearing or discharges of pollutants associ- Examiner. ated with the industrial development. 9. Marinas: b. Setbacks: Industrial structures shall be set back twenty five feet (25') mini- a. When Permitted: Marinas shall be mum from the ordinary high water mark. permitted only when: 8. Landfills: i. Adequate on-site parking is avail- able commensurate with the moor- a. When Permitted: Landfills shall be age facilities provided. (See permitted in the following cases: subsection L9b(vi) of this Section.) i. For detached single family resi- ii. Adequate water area is available dential uses, when the property is lo- commensurate with the actual moor- cated between two (2) existing age facilities provided. bulkheads,the property may be filled to the line of conformity provided the iii. The location of the moorage fa- fill does not exceed one hundred cilities is convenient to public roads. twenty five feet(125')in length along the ordinary high water mark and b. Design Requirements: thirty five feet (35') into the water, and provided the provisions of RMC i. Marinas are to be designed in the 4-9-19014b(i) through 4-9-19014b(vi) manner that will minimize adverse ef- are satisfactorily met; or fects on fish and shellfish resources and be aesthetically compatible with ii. When a bulkhead is built to pro- adjacent areas. tect the existing perimeter land, a landfill shall be approved to bring the ii. Marinas utilized to overnight and contour up to the desired grade; or long-term moorage are not to be lo- cated in shallow-water embayments with poor flushing action. 3 - 31 4-3-090L iii. Applications for permits for ma- at the surface of the earth, mining by the rina construction are to be evaluated auger method,and production of surface for compliance with standards pro- mining refuse. The surface mining shall mulgated by Federal,State,and local not include reasonable excavation or agencies. grading conducted for farming, on-site road construction, or on-site building con- iv. Marinas and other commercial struction. boating activities are to be equipped with receptacles to receive and ade- 11. Parking: quately dispose of sewage, waste, rubbish, and litter from patrons' a. Public Parking: In order to encour- boats. age public use of the shoreline, public parking is to be provided at frequent loca- v. Applications for development tions. Public parking facilities should be permits for the construction of marl- discouraged along the water's edge. nas must affirmatively indicate that Public parking facilities are to be de- the marina will be equipped to con- signed and landscaped to minimize ad- tain and clean up any spills or dis- verse impact upon the shoreline and charges of pollutants associated with adjacent lands and upon the water view. boating activities. b. Private Parking: Private parking fa- vi. Parking should be provided in cilities are to be located away from the accordance with the following ratio: water's edge where possible. private and public marinas:two (2) per three (3) slips; private marina as- 12. Piers and Docks: sociated with residential complex: one per (3) slips. a. Purpose: To establish approval and design criteria. vii. Special designated loading ar- eas should be provided near piers in b. Fees Prohibited: No fees or other the amount of one parking space per compensation may be charged for use by twenty five (25) slips; all other park- nonresidents of piers or docks accessory ing areas are to be located one hun- to residences. dred feet (100') from the ordinary high water mark. c. General Design Requirements: c. Location of Marinas: i. Minimize Interference: Piers and docks shall be designed to mini- i. Marinas shall be permitted only mize interference with the public use upon Lake Washington. Marinas of the water surface and shoreline. must provide adequate access, park- ing, and surface water area in rela- ii. Floating Docks: The use of tion to the number of moorage floating docks in lieu of other types of spaces provided. docks is to be encouraged in those areas where scenic values are high 10. Mining: and where substantial conflicts with recreational boaters and fishermen a. All mining, including surface mining, will not be created. shall be prohibited. iii. Expansion Encouraged: The b. Surface mining shall mean all or any expansion of existing piers and part of the process involved in extraction docks is encouraged over the con- of minerals by removing the overburden struction of new facilities. and mining directly from the mineral de- posits thereby exposed, including open iv. General Criteria for Approval pit mining of minerals naturally exposed of Docks and Piers: The responsi- 3 - 32 4-3-090L bility rests upon the applicant to affir- als, petrochemicals and other pollut- matively demonstrate the need for ants from entering surface water the proposed pier or dock in his appli- during and after construction. cation for a permit.The approval of a new dock or pier or a modification or d. Allowable Types of Piers and extension of an existing dock or pier Docks: Permits for the following con- shall include a finding that the follow- struction of piers or docks will be allowed: ing criteria have been met: i. Piers and docks which provide for • The dock or pier length does not public recreational access and use or extend beyond a length neces- marinas. sary to provide reasonable and safe moorage. ii. Community piers and docks in new major waterfront subdivisions. • The dock or pier does not inter- fere with the public use and en- iii. Piers and docks which are con- joyment of the water nor create a structed for private joint use by two hazard to navigation. (2) or more waterfront property own- ers. • The dock or pier will not result in the unreasonable interference iv. Private single family residence with the use of adjacent docks piers and docks. and/or piers; and v. Community piers and docks for • The dock or pier must comply multi-family residence including with the design criteria specified apartments, condominiums, or simi- in the following sections. lar developments. v. Construction Type: All piers vi. Water-dependent commercial and docks shall be built of open pile and industrial uses. construction except that floating docks may be permitted where there e. Design Criteria for Single Family is no danger of significant damage to Docks and Piers: an ecosystem, where scenic values are high, and where one or more of i. Number:There shall be no more the following conditions exist: than one pier per developed water- front lot or ownership. • Extreme water depth, beyond the range of normal length piling. ii. Dock Size Specifications: The following dock specifications shall be • A soft bottom condition, provid- allowed: ing little support for piling. • Length:The dock may extend to • Ledge rock bottom that renders it a maximum of eighty feet (80') not feasible to install piling. beyond the ordinary high water line into the water or until a depth vi. Safety:All piers and docks shall of twelve feet (12') below the be constructed and maintained in a mean low water mark,whichever safe and sound condition. is reached first. However, in no case shall a dock of less than vii. Protection from Toxic Materi- fifty feet (50') in length be re- als: Applicants for the new construc- quired. tion or extension of piers and docks or the repair and maintenance of ex- • Width: The maximum width of a isting docks shall use materials and dock shall be eight feet (8'). methods which prevent toxic materi- 3 - 33 4-3-090L • Location: No portion of a pier or specified below under subsec- dock for the sole use of a private tion L12i of this Section once an single family residence may lie individual has failed to work with closer than five feet (5')to an ad- an adjacent property owner in jacent property line. establishing a joint use dock. • Extension: One extension of a f. Design Criteria for Multi-Family dock parallel to the shoreline or Residence Docks: one float may be allowed pro- vided such extension is not lo- i. Resident Moorage: Moorage at cated closer that five feet (5') the docks shall be limited to residents from a side lot line or exceed one or owner of the subdivision, apart- hundred (100) square feet in ments, condominiums or similar de- size. velopments for which the dock was built. iii. Joint Use Piers and Docks: ii. Maximum Number of Berthing • Location: A joint use dock may Spaces:The ratio of moorage berths be constructed for two (2) contig- to residential units shall be one berth uous waterfront properties and for every two (2) dwelling units. may be located on a side prop- erty line or straddling a side iii. Length of Multiple Family Pier property line, common to both or Dock: Multiple family piers and properties. docks shall not exceed a length of one hundred eighty feet (180') into • Agreement: A joint use owner- the water beyond the ordinary high ship agreement or covenant water mark, except as may be al- shall be prepared with the appro- lowed under subsection L12i of this priate signatures of the property Section. owners in question and recorded with the King County Assessor's g. Design Criteria for Recreational, Office. A copy of the recorded Commercial and Industrial Docks:The agreement shall be provided to following dock specifications shall be al- the City. Such document should lowed: specify ownership rights and maintenance provisions. i. Length and Depth: Unless oth- erwise determined or directed by any • Dock Size Specifications:Joint State agency having jurisdiction, the use docks and piers may extend dock may extend into the water one to eighty feet(80')beyond the or- hundred fifty feet (150'); if the depth dinary high water mark or to a of thirty feet(30') is not reached, the depth of twelve feet (12'), which- dock may be extended until a depth ever is reached first. of thirty (feet 30') is reached, pro- vided the dock does not exceed two • Joint use docks and piers may hundred fifty feet (250'); and in the not exceed a maximum width of case of a marina adjacent to a desig- twelve feet (12'). nated harbor area,docks and associ- ated breakwaters may extend to the • Joint use docks and piers may greater of (a) the distance deter- be allowed one pier extension or mined pursuant to the foregoing crite- float a maximum of one hundred ria, (b) the inner harbor line, or (c) fifty (150) square feet in size for such point beyond the inner harbor each owner. line as is allowed by the terms of a lease, license or other formal autho- • Requests for greater dock rization approved by the Washington length may only be submitted as State Department of Natural Re- 3 - 34 4-3-090L sources or other agency with jurisdic- beyond the ordinary high water tion. mark, except public recreation floats. ii. Width:The maximum width shall be twelve feet (12'). i. Variance to Dock and Pier Dimen- sions: Requests for greater dock and iii. Location: Docks shall be pier dimensions than those specified placed no closer than thirty feet(30') above may be submitted as variance ap- to a side property line. plications to the City's Land Use Hearing Examiner. Any greater dimension than iv. Piers or Docks Associated those listed above may be allowed by the with City Trails: Docks or piers Land Use Hearing Examiner for good which are associated or linked with reason,which shall include,but is not lim- City trails shall be no greater than ited to, conditions requiring greater dock necessary to serve the intended pur- dimensions. The Examiner, in approving pose and will be determined by the a variance request,shall include a finding City on a case-by-case basis. that a variance request compiles with: h. Use of Buoys and Floats: i. The criteria listed in subsection L12c of this Section when approving i. Buoys and Floats Encouraged: such requests; and Where feasible,the use of buoys and floats for moorage, as permitted be- ii. The criteria specified in RMC low under subsection L12h(ii) of this 4-9-19014. Section, may be allowed as an alter- native to the construction of piers and 13. Recreation: docks. Such buoys and floats are to be placed as close to shore as possi- a. Definition:The refreshment of body ble in order to minimize hazards to and mind through forms of play, amuse- navigation, including reflectors for ment or relaxation. The recreational ex- nighttime visibility. In no case shall a perience may be active, such as boating, buoy be located further from the fishing, and swimming, or may be pas- shoreline than the allowable length sive,such as enjoying the natural beauty for docks. of the shoreline or its wildlife. ii. Requirements: Floats shall be b. Public Recreation: Public recre- allowed under the following condi- ation uses shall be permitted within the tions: shoreline only when the following criteria are considered: • Floats shall be anchored to allow clear passage on all sides by i. Accessibility to the water's edge small watercraft. is provided consistent with public safety needs and in consideration of • Floats shall not exceed a maxi- natural features. mum of one hundred (100) square feet in size. A float pro- ii. Recreational development shall posed for joint use between adja- be of such variety as to satisfy the di- cent property owners may not versity of demands of the local corn- exceed one hundred fifty (150) munity; and square feet per residence. iii. Just compensation is provided • A single family residence may to the owner for property acquired for only have one float. the public use; and • Floats shall not exceed a length iv. It is designed to avoid conflicts of fifty feet (50') into the water with owner's legal property rights and 3 - 35 4-3-090L create minimum detrimental impact of Lake Washington, significant public on the adjoining property; and access shall be provided. v. It provides parking spaces to 15. Roads and Railroads: handle the designed public use, and it will be designed to have a minimum a. Scenic Boulevards: Shoreline impact on the environment. roadways should be scenic boulevards where possible c. Private Recreation: Private recre- ational uses open to the public shall be b. Sensitive Design: Roadways lo- permitted only when the following stan- cated in shoreland areas should be lim- dards are met: ited and designed and maintained to prevent soil erosion and to permit natural i. There is reasonable public ac- movement of groundwater. cess to the recreational uses, includ- ing access along the water's edge c. Debris Disposal: All debris and where appropriate. In the case of other waste materials from construction Lake Washington, significant public are to be disposed of in such a way as to access shall be provided. prevent their entry by erosion into any water body. ii. The proposed facility will have no significant detrimental effects on ad- d. Road Locations: Road locations jacent parcels; and are to be planned to fit the topography, where possible, in order that minimum al- iii. Adequate, screened, and land- teration of existing natural conditions will scaped parking facilities that are sep- be necessary. arated from pedestrian paths are provided. 16. Stream Alteration: 14. Residential Development: Floating a. Definition: Stream alteration is the residences are prohibited. Residential devel- relocation or change in the flow of a river, opments shall be allowed only when: stream or creek. A river, stream or creek is surface water runoff flowing in a natural a. Adequate public utilities are avail- or modified channel. able; and b. Permitted Stream Alteration: b. Residential structures are set back inland from the ordinary high water mark i. Unless otherwise prohibited by a minimum of twenty five feet (25') or subsection L16c of this Section, consistent with setback provisions of the stream alteration may be allowed Renton Municipal Code, whichever pro- subject to the regulations in subsec- vides the greater setback; and tion L16d of this Section. c. Density shall not increase beyond ii. Stream alteration may be permit- the zoning density outlined in the Renton ted if it is part of a public flood hazard Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code. reduction/habitat enhancement project approved by appropriate d. New residential developments shall State and/or Federal agencies. be encouraged to provide public access. Unless deemed inappropriate due to c. Prohibited Stream Alteration: health,safety or environmental concerns, new multi-family, condominium, planned i. Stream alteration is prohibited in unit developments, and subdivisions ex- unique and fragile areas, except if cept short plats, shall provide public ac- the stream alteration is part of a pub- cess along the water's edge; in the case lic flood hazard reduction/habitat en- hancement project approved by 3 - 36 4-3-090L appropriate State and/or Federal i. Provisions for maintenance oper- agencies. ation and emergency access have been provided. ii. Stream alteration solely for the purpose of enlarging the developable ii. They link water access points portion of a parcel of land or increas- along the shoreline,or they link water ing the economic potential of a parcel access points along the shoreline of land is prohibited. with upland community facilities. iii. Stream alteration is prohibited if iii. They are designed to avoid con- it would be significantly detrimental to flict with private property rights and to adjacent parcels. create the minimum objectionable impact on adjacent property owners. d. Regulations on Stream Alteration: (Ord. 3758, 12-5-1983, Rev. 7-22-1985 (Min.), 3-12-1990 (Res. i. Engineering: All proposed 2787), 7-16-1990 (Res. 2805), stream alterations shall be designed 9-12-1993 (Min.), Ord. 4716, by an appropriately State licensed 4-13-1998) professional engineer. The design shall be submitted to the Develop- iv. Just compensation is provided ment Services Division as part of the to the owner for property to be ac- application. quired by the public. ii. Applicant's Responsibility: v. They insure the rights and pri- The responsibility rests solely with vacy of the adjoining property own- the applicant to demonstrate the ne- ers. cessity of the proposal. vi. Over-water structures required iii. Timing: The timing and the by the trails are determined to be in methods employed will have minimal the public interest. adverse effects on aquatic life. vii. They are designed with a sur- iv. Pollution: Pollution is to be min- face material which will carry the ac- imized during and after construction. tual user loads and will have a minimum impact on the environment. v. Low Flow Maintenance: The project must be designed so that the 18. Utilities: low flow is maintained and the es- cape of fish at low water is possible. a. Native Vegetation:The native vege- tation shall be maintained whenever pos- vi. Over-Water Cover: No perma- sible.When utility projects are completed nent over-water cover or structure in the water or shoreland, the disturbed shall be allowed unless it is in the area shall be restored and landscaped as public interest. nearly as possible to the original condi- tion, unless new landscaping is deter- 17. Trails: mined to be more desirable. a. Definition: For the purposes of the b. Landscaping: All vegetation and Shoreline Master Program, trails are a screening shall be hardy enough to with- nonmotorized transportation route de- stand the travel of service trucks and sim- signed primarily for pedestrians and bicy- ilar traffic in areas where such activity clists. occurs. b. Permitted Uses:Trail uses shall be c. Screening of Public Utilities:When permitted within the shoreline, when the a public utility building, telephone ex- following standards are met: change, sewage pumping operation or a 3 - 37 4-3-090L public utility is built in the shoreline area, iii. Petro-chemical or toxic material the requirements of this Master Program pipelines shall have automatically shall be met and the following screening controlled shutoff valves at each side requirements shall be met. If the require- of the water crossing. ments of subsection L18a of this Section, Native Vegetation, and the requirements iv. All petro-chemical or toxic mate- of this subsection are in disagreement, rial pipelines shall be constructed in the requirements of this subsection shall accordance with the regulations of take precedence. the Washington State Transportation Commission and subject to review by i. If the installation is housed in a the City Public Works Department. building, the building shall conform architecturally with the surrounding e. Major Utilities—Specifications: buildings and area or with the type of building that will develop due to the i. Overhead High Voltage Power zoning district. Lines: Structure of overhead power lines should be single-pole type or ii. An unhoused installation on the other aesthetically compatible de- ground or a housed installation that sign. Joint use docks and piers may does not conform with subsection extend to eighty feet(80')beyond the L18c(i) of this Section shall be sight ordinary high water mark or to a screened with evergreen trees, depth of twelve feet(12'),whichever shrubs, and landscaping planted in is reached first. sufficient depth to form an effective and actual sight barrier within five(5) ii. Electrical Distribution Substa- years. tions: Electrical distribution substa- tions shall be at a shoreland location iii. An unhoused installation of a only when the applicant proves there dangerous nature,such as an electri- exists no other site out of the shore- cal distribution substation, shall be land area and when the screening re- enclosed with an eight foot (8') high quirements of subsection L18c of this open wire fence. Such installations Section are met. shall be sight screened with ever- green trees,shrubs,and landscaping iii. Communications:This Section planted in sufficient depth to form an applies to telephone exchanges in- effective and actual sight barrier ex- cluding radar transmission installa- cept at entrance gate(s), within five tions, receiving antennas for cable (5) years. television and/or radio,and any other facility for the transmission of corn- d. Special Considerations for Pipe- munication systems. Communica- lines: Installation and operation of pipe- tions installations may be permitted lines shall protect the natural conditions in the shoreline area only when there of adjacent watercourses and shorelines. exists no feasible site out of the shoreline and water area and when i. Water quality is not to be de- the screening requirements of sub- graded to the detriment of marine life section L18c of this Section are met. nor shall water quality standards be In an aesthetic interest, such installa- violated. tions shall be located as far as possi- ble from residential,recreational,and ii. Native soils shall be protected commercial activities. from erosion and natural conditions restored. Watercourse banks and iv. Pipeline Utilities: All pipeline bottoms shall be protected, where utilities shall be underground. When necessary, with suitable surface underground projects are completed treatment. on the bank of a water body or in the shoreland or a shoreline, the dis- 3 - 38 4-3-090M turbed area shall be restored to the Pretreatment of storm runoff or diver- original configuration. Underground sion to sanitary sewers may be re- utility installations shall be permitted quired to keep deleterious substanc- only when the finished installation es out of neighboring watercourses. shall not impair the appearance of Storm sewer sizes and specifications such areas. shall be determined by the Public Works Department in accordance v. Public Access:All utility compa- with A.P.W.A. guidelines. nies shall be asked to provide pedes- trian public access to utility owned iv. Discharges of Pollutants and shorelines when such areas are not Petroleum Products: potentially hazardous to the public. Where utility rights-of-way are lo- • Agency Review: Discharges of cated near recreational or public use pollutants into watercourses and areas, utility companies shall be en- groundwater shall be subject to couraged to provide said rights-of- the Washington State Depart- way as parking or other public use ar- ment of Ecology, Corps of Engi- eas for the adjacent public use area. neers, and the Environmental Protection Agency for review of vi. All-Inclusive Utility Corridor: permits for discharge. When it is necessary for more than one major utility to go along the same • Oil Separations:These units general route, the common use of a shall be required at sites that single utility right-of-way is strongly have oil waste disposal into san- encouraged. It would be desirable to itary or storm sewer.These units include railroad lines within this right- shall be built to Municipality of of-way also. Metropolitan Seattle(METRO)or State of Washington Department f. Local Service Utilities, Specifica- of Public Health specifications. tions: • Petroleum Bulk Storage and i. Waterlines: Sizes and specifica- Distribution: Petroleum facili- tions shall be determined by the Pub- ties shall hereafter not be al- lic Works Department in accordance lowed. with American Water Works Associa- tion (AWWA) guidelines. g. All-Inclusive Utility Tunnels: For the distribution of local utilities, utility tun- ii. Sanitary Sewer: The existence nels under the street right-of-way are rec- or use of outhouses or privies is pro- ommended to carry all local utility hibited. All uses shall hook to the mu- services. For new development, the tun- nicipal sewer system.There shall be nel could be built at the time of road con- no septic tanks or other on-site sew- struction. The tunnel would include all age disposal systems. Storm drain- utility services, both public and private, age and pollutant drainage shall not necessary for use in the public right-of- enter the sanitary sewer system. way,such as wiring for street lighting and During construction phases, com- water lines for fire hydrants and all utility mercial sanitary chemical toilets may services necessary for the private uses of be allowed only until proper plumbing the area. (Ord. 3758, 12-5-1983, Rev. facilities are completed. All sanitary 7-22-1985(Min.),3-12-1990(Res.2787), sewer pipe sizes and materials shall 7-16-1990(Res.2805),9-12-1993(Min.), be approved by the Renton Planning/ Ord. 4716, 4-13-1998) Building/Public Works Department and METRO. M. VARIANCES AND CONDITIONAL USES: iii. Storm Sewers: A storm sewer See RMC 4-9-1901. (Ord. 4722, 5-11-1998) drainage system shall be required. 3 - 39 4-3-090N N. AMENDMENTS TO SHORELINE areas supplied with water through the municipal MASTER PROGRAM: water system of the City. (Ord. 3829 8-6-1984) 1. Time: The City shall review this Master B. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF Program every four (4) years hereafter, or SPRINGBROOK WATERSHED sooner if necessary. (Ord. 3758, 12-5-1983, BOUNDARY: Rev. 7-22-1985 (Min.), 3-12-1990 (Res. (Revised December, 1983) Said property being 2787), 7-16-1990 (Res. 2805), 9-12-1993 described as: (Min.), Ord. 4716, 4-13-1998) That portion of Sections 5 and 6, Township 22 2. Review Process: Any amendments to North, Range 5 East,W.M. in King County,Wash- this Master Program shall be reviewed first by ington described as follows: the Planning Commission, which shall con- duct one public hearing on the proposed Beginning at the intersection of the west right-of- amendment.The Planning Commission shall way line of Talbot Road So. (96th Ave.South)and make a recommendation to the City Council, the north line of Township 22 North, Range 5 which may hold one public hearing before East, W.M.; making a determination. Any proposed amendment shall be submitted to the Wash- Thence east along the north line of said Township ington State Department of Ecology for ap- 22 North to a line parallel with and 99 feet east- proval in accordance with the Shoreline erly, as measured at right angles from the north- Management Act of 1971. (Ord. 3758, erly production of the east right-of-way line of 12-5-1983, Rev.7-22-1985(Min.),3-12-1990 106th Ave. S.E.; (Res. 2787), 7-16-1990 (Res. 2805), 9-12-1993 (Min.), Ord. 4716, 4-13-1998) Thence south on said parallel line to the North right-of-way line of S.E. 194th St.; O. VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES: See RMC 1-3-1 C. (Ord. 4722, 5-11-1998) Thence East along said North right-of-way line of S.E. 194th St. and its easterly production to a line P. APPEALS: parallel with and 150 feet westerly, as measured See RMC 4-8-110H. (Ord. 4722, 5-11-1998) at right angles from, the West right-of-way line of 108th Ave. S.E. (SR-515); 4-3-100 WATERSHED PROTECTION Thence South on said parallel line to the North REGULATIONS - SPRINGBROOK right-of-way line of S.E. 196th St.; Thence East WATERSHED: along said North right-of-way line of S.E. 196th St. to the West right-of-way line of 108th Ave. S.E. A. PURPOSE AND APPLICABILITY: (SR-515); For the purpose of protecting the water furnished to the inhabitants of the City and others from pol Thence South along said West right-of-way line of lution, and for the preservation and protection of 108th Ave. S.E. (SR 515)to the South line of the the purity of the City's water supply, acting pursu N 1/2 of the S. 1/2 of the S.W. 1/4 of said Section ant to chapter 227 of Laws of 1907 and RCW 5 35.88.010 to 35.88.090 inclusive,the City hereby declares jurisdiction over the real property herein- Thence West along the South line of said subdivi below described, and declares said property sub- ject to the restrictions imposed by aforesaid laws West line is also the East line of said Section 6; and by this Chapter,said property being occupied by or adjacent and draining to the works, reser Thence North along the east line of said Section voirs, systems, branches, pipes, springs, creeks, 6 to the South line of the N. 1/2 of the N.E. 1/4 of tributaries and streams above and below ground, the S.E. 1/4 of said Section 6; from which or by means of which the City obtains, accumulates, stores and transports water fur- Thence West along the South line of said subdivi- nished to the inhabitants of the City and adjacent sion to the West line of the East 330 feet of the N. 3 - 40 4-3-100C 1/2 of the N.E. 1/4 of the S.E. 1/4 of said Section 6; Thence North along the West line of said subdivi- sion to the South right-of-way line of South 200th St.; Thence West along said South right-of-way line of S.200th St.to an intersection with the Southwest- erly extension of the West right-of-way line of Tal- bot Road South (96th Ave. So.); Thence Northerly along said West right-of-way line of Talbot Road South (96th Ave. S.) to the North line of Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., being the point of beginning. (Ord. 3829, 8-6-1984) C. MAP OF SPRINGBROOK WATERSHED BOUNDARY: If the following watershed boundary map conflicts with the above legal description, the legal de- scription shall take precedence. (Ord. 4722, 5-11-1998) 3 - 41 4-3-100D SPRINGBROOK WATERSHED BOUNDARY - ,:� sty TSE: 1�a FF _ 0 -- _..._190th S tilt --a! P. { , q S 55th St d it 4 a-- f----- — .. ®-`J SE 512nd ! .... * 7 . _,...:_ ----:'.---, °� 7...;_,..;---, ..:: ' 7 1 _.® t-� SE 196th St �b r I , • l - Smith S SE 0 t St �-r -- SE 200th St j ----, .7 70 n IL:jiJ ua — :.---------7 ----.-I : ti I— t----,r). _ :7-v in ------ • ----i- -----1 7 [ —7 , _,.._, _,. .„4.,..,ch: : S 203rd St I ,-11, - L .....'''''--s--: -=1 Si_ St t fi J `t., r f 4t$ 1"cg SE 208th SE 208th Sty SE 208th; St (Ord. 4722, 5-11-1998) D. PROHIBITED USES: tion upon said property or sufficiently near said The establishment or maintenance of any slaugh- property to cause the aforesaid City water supply ter pens, stock feeding yards, hog pens or the de- to be polluted or the purity of the water or any part posit or maintenance of any unclean or unwhole- thereof to be destroyed or endangered, is hereby some substance, or the conduct of any business prohibited and declared to be unlawful, and is or occupation, upon the property hereinabove de- hereby further declared to be and constitute a nui- scribed, or the creating or allowing of any condi- sance. Also prohibited are the following: dry 3 - 42 4-3-110A cleaners, gas and diesel service stations, any and ecological services, including: pro- business that stores more than fifty five (55) gal- tecting water resources by filtering out Ions of any toxic chemical, except for residential water pollutants,providing biological and home fuel oil heating storage tanks. Businesses chemical oxygen demand, recycling and that store or use less than fifty five (55)gallons of storing nutrients, serving as settling ba- any toxic chemical shall provide the City with a sins for naturally occurring sedimentation toxic chemical management plan identifying the and providing areas for groundwater re- type of use and storage of the chemical and an charge. Wetlands provide essential habi- emergency spill control plan. Spraying and appli- tat for many species of fish, wildlife and cation of fertilizers,chemical brush and weed con- vegetation. Wetlands provide open trol along road and private ditches and along space visual relief from intense develop- streams.Only mechanical brush and grass cutting ment in urbanized areas, and recreation will be allowed. (Ord. 3829, 8-6-1984) opportunities, and serve as important ar- eas for scientific study and natural re- E. SPECIAL SEWER AND source education. (Ord. 4346, 3-9-1992) STORMWATER STANDARDS: All sanitary sewers shall be PVC Schedule b. Development in wetlands results in D-3034 ASTM. All storm outfalls to the receiving increased soil erosion and sedimentation creeks and streams shall have oil separators in of downstream water bodies, including accordance with City standards. Any existing navigable channels; degraded water storm outlets not to those standards shall be quality due to increased turbidity and loss brought to those standards within three (3)years. of pollutant removal processes such as sediment trapping, nutrient removal and F. VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES: chemical detoxification;the elimination or Any person who shall do, establish, maintain or degradation of fisheries and wildlife habi- create any of the things or conditions hereby pro- tat from water quality degradation, in- hibited, or shall do any of the things hereby de- creased peak flow rates, decreased Glared unlawful, shall be deemed guilty of summer low flows, changes in the hydro- creating and maintaining a nuisance, and shall logic regimen; loss of stormwater reten- further be guilty of a misdemeanor;and any such tion and slow release capacity resulting person shall be subject to prosecution for creating in flooding, degraded water quality, and/or maintaining such nuisance and/or for corn- changes in the streamflow regimen of mitting such misdemeanor, and upon conviction watersheds; and loss of groundwater re- thereof shall be punished by a fine in any sum up charge and discharge areas. to five hundred dollars ($500.00), or by imprison- ment in the City jail for any period up to one hun- c. Buffer areas surrounding wetlands dred eighty (180) days, or by both such fine and are essential to maintenance and protec- imprisonment. (Ord. 3829, 8-6-1984) tion of wetland functions and values. Buffer areas protect wetlands from deg- radation by: stabilizing slopes and pre- 4-3-110 WETLAND REGULATIONS: venting erosion;filtering suspended solids, nutrients and harmful toxic sub- A. FINDINGS OF FACT AND stances; moderating the impacts of CONCLUSIONS: stormwater runoff; moderating microcli- mate;supporting and protecting wetland 1. Findings of Fact: The City Council of plant and animal species and biotic corn- the City of Renton, Washington hereby finds munities; and reducing disturbances to that: wetland resources cased by the activities of humans and domestic animals. a. Wetlands are valuable and fragile natural resources with significant devel d. The loss of the social and ecological opment constraints due to flooding, ero- sion,soil liquefaction potential and septic a detriment to public safety and welfare; disposal limitations. In their natural state, replacement of such service, if possible, wetlands provide many valuable social can require considerable public expendi- ture. 3 - 43 4-3-110B e. Considerable acreage of these im- verse environmental impacts of development portant natural resources has been lost within and adjacent to wetlands.The purposes of or degraded by draining,dredging,filling, this Section are to: excavating, building, polluting and other acts inconsistent with the natural uses of 1. Preserve, protect and restore wetlands such areas. Remaining wetlands are in by regulating development within them and jeopardy of being lost, despoiled, or im- around them; paired by such acts. 2. Protect the public from: 2. Wetland Alteration Discouraged: It is therefore necessary,to ensure maximum pro- a. Preventable maintenance and re- tection for the health, safety and welfare of placement of public facilities needed Renton's citizens, for the City to discourage when wetland functioning is impaired; alterations of wetlands and development ac- tivities in wetlands that may adversely affect b. Costs associated with repair of wetland functions and values, to encourage downstream properties resulting from restoration of already disturbed wetland sys- erosion and flooding due to the loss of terns, and to encourage creation of new wet- water storage capacity provided by wet- land areas. lands; 3. Authority to Adopt Procedures: The c. Unnecessary costs for public emer- City is authorized to adopt written procedures gency rescue and relief operations; and for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Section. d. Potential litigation on improper con- struction practices occurring in wetland B. POLICY AND PURPOSE: areas; It is the policy of the City to balance community desires for economic development and affordable 3. Alert appraisers, assessors, owners and housing with the responsibility to retain the City's potential buyers or lessees to the develop- remaining wetlands by encouraging higher inten- ment limitations of wetlands; sity development in areas already supported by infrastructure and encouraging lower intensity de- 4. Provide City officials with information to velopment in areas containing wetlands. It is the evaluate,approve,condition or deny public or City's policy to encourage restoration of disturbed private development proposals; and low value wetlands and to provide maximum protection for those high value wetlands remain- 5. Prevent the loss of wetlands acreage and ing in the City. As such, it is the policy of the City functions and strive for a net gain over to require buffers of natural vegetation around present conditions; and wetlands and to encourage site planning to pro- tect and minimize damage to wetlands wherever 6. Assist or further the implementation of possible. The City supports the concept of no net the policies of the Growth Management Act, loss of wetland acreage, values and functions by the State Environmental Policy Act, chapter protecting high value wetlands, and requiring res- 43.21 C RCW,City Comprehensive Plan,Site toration of disturbed wetlands or creation of new Plan Review Regulations (RMC 4-9-200), wetlands to offset losses that are unavoidable. In Drainage (Surface Water) Standards (RMC particular,the City encourages land development 4-6-030), Mining, Excavation and Grading projects which seek to improve the hydrologic Regulations (RMC 4-4-060 and 4-9-080), and wildlife habitat functions of low value wet- Shoreline Master Program Regulations lands. (RMC 4-3-090), and all other present and fu- ture City functional, environmental and corn- In addition, it is the intent of the City that activities munity plans and programs. in or affecting wetlands not threaten public safety, cause nuisances, or destroy or degrade natural C. AUTHORITY: wetland functions and values. The purposes of this Section are to protect the public health,safety 1. Duties of Administrator: The Planning/ and welfare by preventing and managing the ad- Building/Public Works Administrator, (the De- 3 -44 4-3-110E partment Administrator)or his/her duly autho- Management Tracts, the City shall re- rized representative, shall have the power quire that the applicant engage in the res- and authority to enforce the provisions of this toration or creation of wetlands and their Section. For such purposes he/she shall buffers (or funding of these activities) in have the power of a law enforcement officer. order to offset the impacts resulting from the applicant's or violator's actions. 2. Interpretation: The Department Admin- istrator shall have the power to render inter- 3. Abrogation and Greater Restrictions: pretations of this Section and to adopt and It is not intended that this Section repeal, ab- enforce rules and regulations supplemental rogate or impair any existing regulations, to this Section as he/she may deem neces- easements, covenants or deed restrictions. sary in order to clarify the application of the However,where this Section imposes greater provisions of this Code.Such interpretations, restrictions, the provisions of this Section rules and regulations shall be in conformity shall prevail unless specifically provided oth- with the intent and purpose of this Section. erwise in this Section. 3. Minimum Requirements: The provi- E. LANDS TO WHICH THIS SECTION sions of this Section shall be held to be mini- APPLIES: mum requirements. Application and interpretation of the provisions shall be liber- 1. Maps and Inventory: The approximate ally construed to serve the purposes of this location and extent of wetlands in the City is Section. displayed on the Renton Wetland Inventory Map.The map is to be used as a guide to the D. GENERAL PROVISIONS: general location and extent of wetlands. 1. Scope/Permit Required: It is the City's For the purpose of regulation, the wetland intent to approve projects and/or permit con- edge should be determined pursuant to sub- duct of a regulated activity(see subsection K section H of this Section.Wetlands which are of this Section, Allowed and Regulated Activ- defined in subsection H,but not shown on the ities) in a wetland area only when they con- Renton Wetlands Inventory, are presumed to form to this Section or the City's interpretation exist in the City and are also protected under of this Section. Prior to any development or all the provisions of this Section. alteration to a property containing a wetland as defined in subsection H of this Section,the 2. Study Required: The applicant shall be owner or designee must obtain a wetland de- required to conduct a study to determine the velopment permit. classification of the wetland if the subject property or project area is within twenty five 2. Compensating for Wetlands Impacts: feet (25') of a wetland even if the wetland is not located on the subject property but it is a. Acceptable Mitigation: Any person determined that alterations of the subject who alters regulated wetlands shall re- property are likely to impact the wetland in store or create equivalent areas or question. A wetland delineation is required greater areas of wetlands than those al- for any portion of a wetland on the subject tered in order to compensate for wetland property that will be impacted by the permit- losses. Enhancement of wetlands is not ted activities. The study shall be waived by considered adequate mitigation because the Department Administrator when the appli- it does not contribute to "no-net-loss"of cation is for a single family residence on an wetland acreage. Subsection M of this existing lot, or when the applicant provides Section provides further detail on wet- satisfactory evidence that a road, building or lands restoration and creation. other barrier exists between the wetland and the proposed activity,or when the buffer area b. Restoration or Creation Required: needed or required will not intrude on the ap- As a condition of any permit allowing al- plicant's lot, or when the property owner teration of wetlands and/or wetland buff- agrees to maintain the buffer in its existing or ers,or as an enforcement action pursuant an improved state as determined by the City. to subsection T of this Section,Wetlands 3 - 45 4-3-110F F. ACTIVITIES TO WHICH THIS 3. Request for Determination of Applica- CHAPTER APPLIES: bility: Any person seeking to determine whether a proposed activity or land area is 1. Applicability: subject to this Section may request in writing a determination from the City.Such a request a. All proposed activities in regulated for determination shall contain the informa- wetlands and wetland buffers shall corn- tion requirements specified by the Depart- ply with the requirements of this Section. ment Administrator of the Planning/Building/ Expansion or alteration of existing activi- Public Works Department. ties shall also comply with the require- ments of this Section. G. EXEMPTIONS: b. This Section applies to any use or 1. Exempt Activities: The following activi- development proposed on public or pri- ties, once provided with a certificate of ex- vate property or rights-of-way within a emption, are exempt from the provisions of regulated wetland or within a required this Section: buffer zone for a regulated wetland pur- suant to subsections H and J of this Sec- a. Any Activity in Small Category 1 tion. (Ord. 4346, 3-9-1992) or 2 Wetlands: Any activity affecting a single,hydrologically isolated Category 1 c. Wetlands created or restored as a or 2 wetland no greater than two thou- part of a mitigation project are regulated sand two hundred (2,200) square feet wetlands. Wetlands intentionally created within a property boundary. for purposes other than wetland mitiga- tion, including, but not limited to, storm- b. Any Activity in Small Category 3 water management, wastewater treat- Wetlands: Any activity affecting hydro- ment or landscape amenities are not logically isolated Category 3 wetland no considered regulated wetlands. greater than five thousand (5,000) square feet within a property boundary. d. Regulated activities approved prior to the passage of this Section but which c. Existing Improvements: Remodel- are not in conformity with the provisions ing, restoring, replacing or removing of this Section are subject to the provi- structures, facilities and other improve- sions of subsection U of this Section, ments in existence on the date this Sec- Nonconforming Activities. tion becomes effective and that do not meet the setback or buffer requirements 2. Affected Permits:The City shall not of this Section provided the work com- grant any approval or permit any regulated plies with the criteria subsection U of this activity in a wetland or wetland buffer prior to Section, Nonconforming Activities. fulfilling the requirements of this Section. Such approvals/permit include, but are not d. Relocation of Existing Utilities: limited to, the following: site plan approval, Relocation out of wetland areas of natu- conditional use, planned unit development, ral gas,cable,communication,telephone building permit, filling and grading permit, and electric facilities, lines, pipes, mains, land clearing and tree cutting permit, right-of- equipment and appurtenances, (not in- way use permit, shoreline substantial devel- cluding substations), with an associated opment permit, shoreline variance, shoreline voltage of fifty five thousand (55,000) conditional use permit, shoreline environ- volts or less, only when required by a lo- mental redesignation (if wetlands are in- cal governmental agency, and with the volved), unclassified use permit, variance, approval of the City. zone reclassification,subdivision,special use permit, utility and other use permit, or any e. Utilities within Right-of-Way: subsequently adopted permit or required ap- Within existing and improved public road proval not expressly exempted by this Sec- rights-of-way, installation, construction, tion. (Ord. 4346, 3-9-1992) replacement,operation or alteration of all natural gas, cable, communication, tele- 3 - 46 4-3-110H phone and electric facilities, lines, pipes, imminent threat of serious environmental mains,equipment or appurtenances,traf- degradation. fic control devices,illumination,walkways and bikeways. If activities exceed the ex- 2. Certificate of Exemption Required: Ex- isting improved area or the public right-of- cept in the case of public emergencies all way, this exemption does not apply. general exemptions require that a certificate of exemption be obtained from the Depart- f. Modification of Existing Utilities ment Administrator. Requirements for a gen- and Streets: Overbuilding (enlargement eral exemption include an environmental beyond existing project needs) or re- review pursuant to Washington Administra- placement of existing utility systems and tive Code 197-11-300, and administrative re- replacement and/or rehabilitation of ex- view and approval by the City's Department fisting streets, provided the work does not Administrator prior to construction. increase the footprint of the structure, line or street by more than ten percent(10%) 3. General: Any activity, other than those within the wetland and/or buffer areas. specified in subsections K1 or K2 of this Sec- tion, or defined as "exempt activities" in sub- g. Construction or Modification of a section G1 of this Section, may be allowed Single Family Residence: New con- and regulated as determined by the Depart- struction of a single family residence and/ ment Administrator and may not be con- or garage or construction activity con- ducted in a wetland or wetland buffer except nected with an existing single family resi- with the prior written approval of the Depart- dence and/or garage provided that the ment Administrator. All allowed activities are work does not increase the footprint of subject to the standards of subsections L6 the structure lying within the wetland or and M of this Section. (Ord. 4346, 3-9-1992) wetland buffer by more than one thou- sand (1,000) square feet and provided H. WETLANDS DEFINITION AND that no portion of the new work occurs DETERMINATION OF REGULATORY closer to the wetland than the existing EDGE: structure. Existing, new or rebuilt acces- sory structures associated with single 1. Definition: Wetlands are those lands family lots such as fences, gazebos, stor- transitional between terrestrial and aquatic age sheds, play houses are exempt from systems that are inundated or saturated by this Section. ground or surface water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support and, under nor- h. Existing Activities: Existing activi- mal circumstances, do support a prevalence ties which have not been changed, ex- of vegetation typically adapted for life in satu- panded or altered, provided they comply rated soil conditions. with the applicable requirements of sub- section U of this Section, Nonconforming 2. Determination of Regulatory Edge: Activities. For the purpose of regulation, the exact loca- tion of the wetland edge shall be determined i. Emergency Activities(see subsec- by the wetlands specialist hired at the ex- tion V of this Section): Emergency ac- pense of the applicant through the perfor- tivities are those which are undertaken to mance of a field investigation using the correct emergencies that threaten the procedures provided in the following manu- public health, safety and welfare pursu- als: ant to the criteria in subsection V of this Section. An emergency means that an Federal Interagency Committee for Wetland action must be undertaken immediately Delineation, 1987. Federal Manual for Identi- or within a time frame too short to allow fying and Delineating Jurisdictional Wet- full compliance with this Section,to avoid lands. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. an immediate threat to public health or Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Fish safety, to prevent an imminent danger to and Wildlife Service, U.S.D.A. Soil Conserve- public or private property,or to prevent an tion Service. Washington D.C. Cooperative 3 - 47 4-3-1101 Technical Publication.Seventy six(76)pages e. Wetlands assigned the Unique/Out- plus appendices. (Ord. 4538, 6-26-1995) standing #1 rating in the current King County Wetlands Inventory 1991 or as 3. Adjustments to Delineation by City: thereafter amended. Where the applicant has provided a delinea- tion of the wetland edge,the City shall review 2. High Quality Wetlands:Category 2 wet- and may render adjustments to the edge de- lands are wetlands greater than two thou- lineation. In the event the adjusted edge de- sand two hundred (2,200) square feet which lineation is contested by the applicant, the meet one or more of the following criteria: City shall at the applicant's expense, obtain the services of an additional qualified wet- a. Wetlands greater than two thousand lands specialist to review the original study two hundred (2,200)square feet that are and render a final delineation. (Ord. 4346, not Category 1 or 3 wetlands; 3-9-1992) b. Wetlands that have heron rookeries 4. Period of Validity for Wetland Delinea- or raptor nesting trees, but are not Cate- tion: A final wetlands delineation is valid for gory 1 wetlands; two (2)years. Extensions for additional years can be approved by the Department Adminis- c. Wetlands of any size located at the trator if an application is proceeding in a headwaters of a watercourse,but are not timely manner through the permit process. Category 1 wetlands; I. WETLANDS CLASSIFICATION d. Wetlands assigned the Significant#2 SYSTEM: rating in the current King County Wet- The following classification system is hereby lands Inventory 1991 or as thereafter adopted for the purposes of regulating wetlands amended; in the City. Wetlands buffer widths, replacement ratios and avoidance criteria shall be based on e. Wetlands having minimum existing the following rating system. evidence of human related physical alter- ation such as diking, ditching or channel- 1. Very High Quality Wetlands: Category ization. (Ord. 4346, 3-9-1992) 1 wetlands are wetlands greater than two thousand two hundred (2,200) square feet 3. Lower Quality Wetlands: Category 3 which meet one or more of the following crite- wetlands are wetlands greater than five thou- ria: sand (5,000) square feet which meet one or more of the following criteria: a. The presence of species listed by Federal or State government as endan- a. Wetlands that are severely dis- gered or threatened, or the presence of turbed. Severely disturbed wetlands are essential habitat for those species; wetlands which meet the following crite- ria: b. Wetlands having forty percent(40%) to sixty percent (60%) permanent open i. Are characterized by hydrologic water(in dispersed patches or otherwise) isolation, human-related hydrologic with two (2) or more vegetation classes; alterations such as diking, ditching, channelization and/or outlet modifi- c. Wetlands equal to or greater than ten cation; and (10) acres in size and having three (3) or more vegetation classes, one of which is ii. Have soils alterations such as open water; the presence of fill, soil removal and/ or compaction of soils; and d. The presence of plant associations of infrequent occurrence; or at the geo- iii. May have altered vegetation. graphic limits of their occurrence; or b. Wetlands that are newly emerging. Newly emerging wetlands are: 3 - 48 4-3-110J i. Wetlands occurring on top of fill ulated wetlands is determined by the classifi- materials; and cation of the wetland. ii. Characterized by emergent veg- Wetland Category: Standard Buffer: etation, low plant species richness Category 1 100 feet and used minimally by wildlife.These (Very High Quality) wetlands are generally found in the areas such as the Green River Valley Category 2 50 feet and Black River Drainage Basin. (High Quality) Category 3 25 feet c. All other wetlands not classified as (Lower Quality) Category 1 or 2 such as smaller, high - disturbed quality wetlands. - newly emerging -other J. WETLAND BUFFERS: (Ord. 4478, 10-24-1994) 1. Definition and Purpose of Wetland Buffers: Buffers are designated areas adja- 5. Increased Wetland Buffer Zone Width: cent to a regulated wetland which protect the The City's Department Administrator may re- wetland from changes in the location of the quire increased standard buffer zone widths wetland edge. Wetland buffers minimize the in unique cases—i.e., endangered species, short-term and long-term impacts of develop- very fragile areas,when a larger buffer is nec- ment on properties adjacent to wetlands, pre- essary to protect wetlands functions and val- serve important wildlife habitat, allow for ues.This determination shall be supported by infiltration and water quality improvement, appropriate documentation provided by the protect buildings, roads and other infrastruc- City showing that increased buffers are rea- ture as well as property owners from flood sonably related to protection of the functions damage in years of high precipitation. and values of the regulated wetland. Such determination shall be attached as a condi- 2. Buffers Required:Wetland buffer zones tion of project approval and shall demon- shall be required of all proposed regulated ac- strate that: tivities adjacent to regulated wetlands. Any wetland created or restored as compensation a. A larger buffer is necessary to main- for approved wetland alterations shall include tain viable populations of existing spe- the standard buffer required for the class of cies; or the wetland being replaced. Except as other- wise specified, all required wetland buffer b. The wetland is used by species listed zones shall be retained in their natural condi- by the Federal or the State government tion. Where buffer disturbance has occurred as threatened,endangered and sensitive during construction or other activities, reveg- species and State listed priority species, etation with native vegetation may be re- essential habitat for those species or has quired. unusual nesting or resting sites such as heron rookeries or raptor nesting trees or 3. Measurement of Buffers: All buffers evidence thereof; or shall be measured from the wetland bound- ary as surveyed in the field pursuant to the re- c. The adjacent land is susceptible to quirements of subsection H of this Section, severe erosion and erosion control mea- Wetlands Definition and Determination of sures will not effectively prevent adverse Regulatory Edge. wetland impacts; or 4. Standard Buffer Zone Widths: The d. The adjacent land has minimal vege- width of the required wetland buffer zone tative cover or slopes greater than fifteen shall be determined according to the wetland percent (15%). category. The buffer zone required for all reg- 6. Reduction of Buffer Width:The Depart- ment Administrator may approve a reduction 3 - 49 4-3-110K in the standard wetland buffer zone widths on d. That width averaging will not ad- a case-by-case basis where it can be demon- versely impact the wetland function and strated by the applicant that: values; and a. The adjacent land is extensively veg- e. That the total area contained within etated and has less than fifteen percent the wetland buffer after averaging is no (15%) slopes and that no direct or indi- less than that contained within the re- rect, short-term or long-term, adverse im- quired standard buffer prior to averaging. pacts to regulated wetlands, as In no instance shall the buffer width be re- determined by the City, will result from a duced by more than fifty percent(50%)of regulated activity. The City's determina- the standard buffer or be less than twenty tion shall be based on specific site stud- five feet (25') wide. ies by recognized experts. The City may require long-term monitoring of the K. ALLOWED AND REGULATED project and subsequent corrective ac- ACTIVITIES: tions if adverse impacts to regulated wet- lands are discovered; or 1. Allowed Activities within Wetlands and Buffers:The following activities shall be b. The project includes a buffer en- allowed within a wetland or wetland buffer to hancement plan using native vegetation the extent that they are not prohibited by any and substantiates that the enhanced other chapter or law and provided that they buffer will be equal to or improve the are conducted using best management prac- functional attributes of the buffer. An en- tices as specified by industry standards or ap- hanced buffer shall not result in greater plicable Federal agencies or scientific than a twenty five percent (25%) reduc- principles, wetland impacts are minimized tion in the buffer width, and the reduced and that disturbed areas are immediately re- buffer shall not be less than twenty five stored; and provided further that forest prac- feet (25') wide. tices and conversions shall be governed by chapter 76.09 RCW and its rules;and further c. Such determination and evidence provided they are given prior written confir- shall be included in the application file mation of their allowed activity status by the and public notification shall be given as Department Administrator: specified in the City Code. a. Conservation or preservation of soil, 7. Averaging of Buffer Width: Standard water, vegetation, fish and other wildlife. wetland buffer zones may be modified by av- eraging buffer widths. Wetland buffer width b. Passive recreation, including walk- averaging shall be allowed only where the ap- ways and trails, and open space. plicant demonstrates all of the following: c. Nondestructive education and re- a. The averaging is necessary to avoid search. denial of reasonable use to the applicant caused by circumstances peculiar to the d. Normal and routine maintenance and property; and repair of any existing public or private uses and facilities where no alteration of b. That the wetland contains variations the wetland or additional fill materials will in sensitivity due to existing physical be placed.The use of heavy construction characteristics; and equipment shall be limited to utilities and public agencies that require this type of c. That only low intensity land uses equipment for normal and routine mainte- would be located adjacent to areas nance and repair of existing utility or pub- where buffer width is reduced, and that lic structures and rights-of-way. In every such low intensity land uses are guaran- case,wetland impacts shall be minimized teed by covenant, deed restriction, ease- and disturbed areas shall be restored mentor other legally binding mechanism; during and immediately after the use of and construction equipment. 3 - 50 4-3-110K e. Normal and routine maintenance, provided, that the discharge meets the operation and repair of existing parks and requirements of RMC 4-6-030, Drainage trails, streets, roads, rights-of-way and (Surface Water) Standards, provided the associated appurtenances, facilities and discharge will not result in significant utilities where no alteration or additional changes in the water temperature or fill materials will be placed other than the chemical characteristics of the wetland minimum alteration and/or fill needed to water sources and, provided there is no restore those facilities to meet estab- increase in the existing rate of flow un- lished safety standards. The use of less it can be demonstrated that the heavy construction equipment shall be change in hydrologic regime would result limited to utilities and public agencies that in greater wetland functions and values. require this type of equipment for normal Where differences exist between these and routine maintenance and repair of regulations and RMC 4-6-030,these reg- existing utility structures and rights-of- ulations will take precedence. way. In every case,wetland impacts shall be minimized and disturbed areas shall j. Any wetland and/or buffer restoration be restored during and immediately after or other mitigation activities which have the use of construction equipment. been approved by the City. f. The harvesting of wild foods in a man- k. Regional stormwater management ner that is not injurious to natural repro- facilities to be operated and maintained duction of such foods and provided the under the direction of the City Stormwater harvesting does not require tilling of soil, Utility that are proposed and designed planting of crops or alteration of the wet- consistent with the Washington State De- land. partment of Ecology Wetlands and Stormwater Management Guidelines. g. Existing and ongoing agricultural ac- tivities including farming, horticulture, I. With respect to Category 3 wetlands, aquaculture and/or irrigation. Activities development having no feasible alterna- on areas lying fallow as part of a conven- tive location, provided all associated im- tional rotational cycle are part of an ongo- pacts are mitigated pursuant to subsec- ing operation. Activities which bring a tion M12 of this Section. wetland area into agricultural use are not part of an ongoing operation. An opera- 2. Additional Allowed and Regulated Ac- tion ceases to be ongoing when the area tivities in a Wetland Buffer Which May Be on which it was conducted has been con- Permitted by the Administrator: Only the verted to another use or has lain idle so allowed activities specified in subsection K1 long that modifications to the hydrological of this Section will be permitted in a buffer. regime are necessary to resume opera- The following activities may be permitted with tions. administrative review and approval by the Department Administrator: h. Site investigative work necessary for land use application submittals such as a. Any activities having minimal ad- surveys, soil logs, percolation tests and verse impacts as determined by the re- other related activities. Investigative work sponsible official on buffers and no should not disturb any more than five per- adverse impacts on regulated wetlands, cent (5%) of the wetland. In every case, provided all associated buffer impacts wetland impacts shall be minimized and are mitigated; disturbed areas shall be immediately re- stored. b. Stormwater management facilities in- cluding stormwater dispersion outfall sys- i. New surface water discharges to wet- tems designed to minimize impacts to the land Categories 1, 2 and 3, or buffers of buffer and wetland where the site topog- Categories 1, 2 and 3, from detention fa- raphy requires their location within the cilities, presettlement ponds or other sur- buffer to allow hydraulic function, pro- face water management structures; vided the standard buffer zone area asso- 3 - 51 4-3-110L ciated with the wetland classification is b. A description of the vegetative cover retained pursuant to subsection J4 of this of the wetland and adjacent area includ- Section, and is sited to reduce impacts ing identification of the dominant plant between wetland and surrounding activi- and animal species; ties. c. A site plan for the proposed activity at 3. Prohibited: Grazing of animals is not al- a scale no smaller than one inch equals lowed within a wetland or its buffer. two hundred feet(1"=200')showing the location,width,depth and length of all ex- L. REVIEW PROCEDURES FOR isting and proposed structures, roads, PROJECTS WITH WETLANDS: stormwater management facilities, sew- age treatment and installations within the 1. Applicability:When a regulated wetland wetland and its buffer; or associated buffer is identified,the following procedures apply. d. The exact locations and specifica- tions for all activities associated with site 2. Preapplication Consultation: Any per- development including the type, extent son intending to develop properties known or and method of operations; suspected to have wetlands present is strongly encouraged to meet with the appro- e. Elevations of the site and adjacent priate City department representative during lands within the wetland and its buffer at the earliest possible stages of project plan- contour intervals of no greater than five ping before major commitments have been feet (5') or at a contour interval appropri- made to a particular land use and/or project ate to the site topography and acceptable design. Effort put into a preapplication con- to the City; sultation and planning will help applicants create projects which will be more quickly and f. Top view and typical cross-section easily processed. views of the wetland and its buffer to scale; 3. Plans Required: When an application is submitted for any building permit or land use g. The purposes of the project and, if a review and/or to obtain approval of a use, de- variance is being requested, an explana- velopment or construction,the location of the tion of why the proposed activity cannot wetland areas and buffers on the site shall be be located at another site; indicated on the plans submitted based upon an inventory provided by a qualified wetland h. If wetland mitigation is proposed, a specialist. mitigation plan which includes baseline information, environmental goals and ob- 4. Submittal Requirements: Unless the jectives, performance standards, con- City waives one or more of the following infor- struction plans, a monitoring program mation requirements at the pre-application and a contingency plan. conference, applications for projects with wetlands pursuant to subsection H of this i. If wetland changes are proposed,the Section, Wetlands Definition and Determina- applicant shall evaluate alternative meth- tion of Regulatory Edge, shall include: ods of developing the property using the following criteria in this order: a. A description of the project and maps at a scale no smaller than one inch i. Avoid any disturbances to the equals two hundred feet (1"= 200') wetland or buffer; showing the entire parcel of land owned by the applicant and the wetland bound- ii. Minimize any wetland or buffer ary surveyed by a qualified wetlands impacts; ecologist, and pursuant to subsection H of this Section, Wetlands Definition and iii. Compensate for any wetland or Determination of Regulatory Edge; buffer impacts; 3 - 52 4-3-110M iv. Restore any wetlands or buffer may waive any of the requirements of this impacted or lost temporarily; and subsection if the size and complexity of the project does not warrant a step in the pro- v. Create new wetlands and buffers ceeding. for those lost. M. WETLANDS COMPENSATION — This evaluation shall be submitted to the RESTORATION AND CREATION: Department Administrator.Any proposed alteration of wetlands shall be evaluated 1. Goal:The overall goal of any compensa- by the Department Administrator using tory project shall be no net loss of wetlands the above hierarchy. function and acreage and to strive for a net resource gain in wetlands over present condi- j. Such other information as may be tions. needed by the City, including but not lim- ited to an assessment of wetland func- 2. Plan Required: Compensatory mitiga- tional characteristics, including a tion shall follow an approved mitigation plan discussion of the methodology used; a pursuant to subsection M12 of this Section study of hazards if present on site, the ef- and shall meet the following minimum perfor- fect of any protective measures that mance standards. The applicant shall: might be taken to reduce such hazards; and any other information deemed nec- a. Demonstrate sufficient scientific ex- essary to verify compliance with the pro- pertise, the supervisory capability, and visions of this Section. the financial resources to carry out the project; and 5. Fees: See RMC 4-1-170 (Reserved). b. Demonstrate the capability for moni- 6. General Standards for Permit Ap- toring the site and to make corrections proval: Applications will be reviewed and ap- during this period if the project fails to proved pursuant to the provisions in this meet projected goals; and Section. Permit approval by the Department Administrator for projects involving wetlands c. Protect and manage, or provide for or wetland buffers shall be granted only if the the protection and management, of the approval is consistent with the provisions of compensation area to avoid further de- this Section.Additionally,approvals shall only velopment or degradation and to provide be granted if: for long-term persistence of the compen- sation area; and a. A proposed action avoids adverse impacts to regulated wetlands or their d. Provide for project monitoring and al- buffers or takes affirmative and appropri- low annual City inspections. ate measures to minimize and compen- sate for unavoidable impacts; and 3. Plan Requirements:The applicant shall develop a plan that provides for land acquisi- b. The proposed activity results in no tion, construction, maintenance and monitor- net loss of regulated wetland area,value, ing of replacement wetlands that recreate as or function in the drainage basin where nearly as possible the wetland being re- the wetland is located; or placed in terms of acreage, function, geo- graphic location and setting, and that are c. Denial of a permit would deny all rea- equal to or larger than the original wetlands. sonable use of the property and a vari- ance process is successfully completed 4. Wetlands Creation: to determine conditions for permitting of activity requested. (See subsection Q of a. Category: Where feasible, created this Section, Variance Procedures.) wetlands shall be a higher category than the 7. Waiver of Submittal or Procedural Re- alteredwetland. In no cases shall they be lower. quirements: The Department Administrator 3 - 53 4-3-110M b. Design Criteria: Requirements for loss. Creation must be within the same q wetland creation as areas compensation drainage basin. p g shall be determined according to the function, acreage, type and location of c. Acreage Replacement Ratio: The the wetland being replaced. Compensa- ratios listed in the following table apply to tion requirements should also consider all Category 1, 2, or 3 wetlands for cre- time factors,the ability of the project to be ation which is in-kind, on- or off-site, self sustaining and the projected success timed prior to alteration, and has a high based on similar projects. Wetland func- probability of success.The required ratio tions and values shall be calculated using must be based on the wetland category the best professional judgment of a qual- and type that require replacement.Ratios ified wetland ecologist using the best are determined by the probability of rec- available techniques. reating successfully the wetland and the inability of guarantees of functionality, Multiple or cooperative compensation longevity, and duplication of type and/or projects may be proposed for one project functions. in order to best achieve the goal of no net RATIOS FOR WETLANDS CREATION AND RESTORATION: Wetland Category Vegetation Type Replacement/Restoration Ratio • Category 1 Forested 6 times the area altered (Very High Quality) Scrub-shrub 3 times the area altered Emergent 2 times the area altered Category 2 Forested 3 times the area altered (High Quality) Scrub-shrub 2 times the area altered Emergent 1.5 times the area altered Category 3 Forested 1.5 times the area altered (Lower Quality) Scrub-shrub 1.5 times the area altered Emergent 1.5 times the area altered d. Increased Ratios: The City may in- e. Decreased Ratios: crease the ratios under the following cir- cumstances: uncertainty as to the i. The City may decrease the ratios probable success of the proposed resto- for Category 3 emergent wetlands to ration or creation; significant period of 1.0 times the area altered provided time between destruction and replication the applicant has successfully re- of wetland functions; projected losses in placed the wetland prior to its filling functional value; or off-site compensa- and has shown that the replacement tion. These ratios may also be increased is successfully established for twelve when wetland replacement is required for (12) months. remedial actions resulting from illegal al- terations. The requirement for an in- ii. If the applicant can aggregate creased replacement ratio will be two(2)or more Category 3 wetlands, determined through SEPA review. ranging in size from five thousand (5,000) square feet to ten thousand (10,000) square feet, into one wet- land, the replacement ratio shall be reduced to one to one (1:1). 3 - 54 4-3-110M f. Category 3 Replacement Option: can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the De- The applicant,at his expense, may select partment Administrator that: to use the Wetlands Evaluation Tech- nique (WET) (Adamus) or a nationally a. The wetland system is already signif- recognized equivalent method to estab- icantly degraded and out-of-kind replace- lish the functions and values for the Cat- ment will result in a wetland with greater egory 3 wetland being replaced in lieu of functional value; replacement by acreage only. A third party review, funded by the applicant, b. Scientific problems such as exotic and hired and managed by the City,shall vegetation and changes in watershed hy- review and verify the WET(or equivalent) drology make implementation of in-kind reports. Dependent upon the results of compensation impossible or unaccept- the functions and values evaluation, a able; or Category 3 wetland may be replaced by assuring that all the functions and values c. Out-of-kind replacement will best are replaced in another location, within meet identified regionalgoals e. ., re- thep 9 ( 9 same basin. placement of historically diminished wet- land types). 5. Wetlands Restoration: 7. Wetland Location: On-site compensa- a. Restoration Proposals: Any appli- tion shall be provided except where the appli- cant proposing to alter wetlands may pro- cant can demonstrate that: pose to restore existing disturbed wetlands, with priority for on-site restora- a. The hydrology and ecosystem of the tion and then, within the drainage basin, original wetland and those adjacent land in order to compensate for wetland and/or wetlands which benefit from the losses. Restoration activities must in- hydrology and ecosystem will not be sub- clude restoring lost hydrologic, water stantially damaged by the on-site loss; quality and biologic functions. and b. Compliance with Goals:Applicants b. On-site compensation is not feasible proposing to restore wetlands shall iden- due to problems with hydrology, soils, or tify how the restoration plan conforms to other factors; or the overall goals and requirements of the local wetlands protection program and c. Compensation is not practical due to established regional goals of no net loss potentially adverse impact from sur- of wetlands. rounding land uses; or c. Ratios: A wetlands restoration corn- d. Existing functional values at the site pensation project shall be approved pur- of the proposed restoration are signifi- suant to subsections M4 and M12 of this cantly greater than lost wetland func- Section. The ratios listed in subsection tional values; or M4c of this Section apply to all Catego- ries 1, 2 or 3 wetlands for all vegetation e. Established regional goals for flood types unless otherwise approved pursu- storage, flood conveyance, habitat or ant to subsections M7through M11 of this other wetland functions have been ad- Section for restoration which is in-kind, dressed and strongly justify location of on-or off-site, timed prior to alteration, compensatory measures at another site. and has a high probability of success. . The required ratio is based on the wet- 8. Off-Site Compensation: Any off-site land category and type that require resto- compensation approved by the City shall oc- ration. cur within the same drainage basin as the wetland loss occurred. In the City, the drain- 6. Vegetation Type: In-kind compensation age basins are the Black River (includes the shall be provided except where the applicant Green River Valley),Lower Cedar River,Lake Washington and May Creek. 3 - 55 4-3-110M 9. Siting Recommendations: In selecting ii. Where the cooperative plan is compensation sites, the City encourages ap- shown to better meet established re- plicants to pursue siting compensation gional goals for flood storage, flood projects in disturbed sites which were for- conveyance, habitat or other wetland merly wetlands, and especially those areas functions. which would result in a series of intercon- nected wetlands. d. Process:Applicants proposing a co- operative compensation project shall: 10. Timing: Compensatory projects shall be substantially completed and approved by i. Submit a joint permit application; the City prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit. Construction of compensation ii. Demonstrate compliance with all projects shall be timed to reduce impacts to standards; existing wildlife and flora. The Department Administrator may elect to require a surety iii. Demonstrate that long-term device for completion of construction. management will be provided; and 11. Cooperative Wetlands Basin Plan- iv. Demonstrate agreement for the ning, Mitigation, Banks, or Special Area project from all affected property Management Plans (SAMP): owners of record. a. Mitigation Banks: Mitigation banks e. Compensation Payments to Miti- are defined as sites which may be used gation Bank: Compensation payments for restoration, creation and/or mitigation received as part of a mitigation or cre- of wetland alternatives from a different ation bank must be received prior to the piece of property than the property to be issuance of an occupancy permit. altered within the same drainage basin. 12. Mitigation Plans: b. Special Area Management Pro- grams: Special area management pro- a. Required for Restoration, Com- grams are those wetland programs pensation and Creation Projects: All agreed upon through an interjurisdic- wetland restoration, compensation, and/ tional planning process involving the U.S. or creation projects required pursuant to Army Corps of Engineers, the Washing- this Section either as a permit condition ton State Department of Ecology, any af- or as the result of an enforcement action fected counties and/or cities, private shall follow a mitigation plan prepared by property owners and other parties of in- qualified wetland specialists approved by terest. The outcome of the process is a the City. regional wetlands permit representing a plan of action for all wetlands within the b. Timing for Mitigation Plan Submit- special area. tal and Commencement of Any Work: The proponent shall submit a Final Wet- c. Applicability: The City encourages land Mitigation Plan for the approval of and will facilitate and approve coopera- the Development Services Division prior tive projects wherein a single applicant or to the issuance of building or construction other organization with demonstrated ca- permits for development. The proponent pability may undertake a compensation shall receive written approval of the miti- project under the following circum- gation plan prior to commencement of stances: any wetland restoration or creation activ- ity. i. Restoration or creation on-site may not be feasible due to problems c. Content of Mitigation Plan: Unless with hydrology,soils,or other factors; the City, in consultation with qualified or wetland specialists, determines, based on the size and scope of the develop- ment proposal, the nature of the im- 3 - 56 4-3-110M pacted wetland and the degree of restoring or creating the type of cumulative impacts on the wetland from wetland proposed shall be pro- other development proposals, that the vided. An analysis of the likeli- scope and specific requirements of the hood of success of the compen- mitigation plan may be reduced from sation project at duplicating the what is listed below, the mitigation plan original wetland shall be provided shall contain at least the following corn- based on the experiences of ponents: comparable projects, preferably those in the same drainage ba- i. Baseline Information: A written sins, if any. An analysis of the assessment and accompanying likelihood of persistence of the maps of the impacted wetland includ- created or restored wetland shall ing,at a minimum, a wetland delinea- be provided based on such fac- tion by a qualified wetland specialist; tors as surface and groundwater existing wetland acreage;vegetative, supply and flow patterns,dynam- faunal and hydrologic characteristics; ics of the wetland ecosystem; soil and substrata conditions; topo- sediment or pollutant influx and/ graphic elevations and compensa- or erosion, periodic flooding and tion site. If the mitigation site is differ- drought, etc., presence of inva- ent from the impacted wetland site, sive flora or fauna, potential hu- the assessment should include at a man or animal disturbance, and minimum: existing acreage; vegeta- previous comparable projects, if tive, faunal and hydrologic condi- any. tions; relationship within the water- shed and to existing water bodies; d. Performance Standards: Specific soil and substrata conditions, topo- criteria shall be provided for evaluating graphic elevations; existing and pro- whether or not the goals and objectives posed adjacent site conditions; buff- of the project are achieved and for begin- ers; and ownership. ping remedial action or contingency mea- sures. Such criteria may include water ii. Environmental Goals and Ob- quality standards, survival rates of jectives: A written report by a quali- planted vegetation, species abundance fied wetland specialist shall be and diversity targets, habitat diversity in- provided identifying goals and objec- dices, or other ecological, geological or tives of the mitigation plan and de- hydrological criteria.These criteria will be scribing: evaluated and reported pursuant to sub- section M12f of this Section, Monitoring • The purposes of the compensa- Program. An assessment of the projects tion measures including a de- success in achieving the goals and ob- scription of site selection criteria, jectives of the mitigation plan should be identification of compensation included along with an evaluation of the goals; identification of target need for remedial action or contingency evaluation species and resource measures. functions, dates for beginning and completion, and a complete e. Detailed Techniques and Plans: description of the structure and Written specifications and descriptions of functional relationships sought in compensation techniques shall be pro- the new wetland. The goals and vided including the proposed construc- objectives shall be related to the tion sequence, grading and excavation functions and values of the origi- details, erosion and sediment control fea- nal wetland or if out-of-kind, the tures needed for wetland construction type of wetland to be emulated; and long-term survival, a planting plan and specifying plant species, quantities, loca- tions, size, spacing, and density; source • A review of the available litera- of plant materials, propagates, or seeds; ture and/or experience to date in water and nutrient requirements for plant- 3 - 57 4-3-110M ing;where appropriate, measures to pro- vii. A description shall be included tect plants from predation; specification outlining how the monitoring data will of substrata stockpiling techniques and be evaluated by agencies that are planting instructions;descriptions of wa- tracking the progress of the compen- ter control structures and water-level sation project. A monitoring report maintenance practices needed to shall be submitted quarterly for the achieve the necessary hydroperiod char- first year and annually thereafter, acteristics; etc. These written specifica- and, at a minimum,should document tions shall be accompanied by detailed milestones, successes, problems, site diagrams, scaled cross-sectional and contingency actions of the corn- drawings, topographic maps showing pensation project.The compensation slope percentage and final grade eleva- project shall be monitored for a period tions, and any other drawings appropri- necessary to establish that perfor- ate to show construction techniques or mance standards have been met,but anticipated final outcome. The plan shall not for a period less than five (5) provide for elevations which are appropri- years. ate for the desired habitat type(s) and which provide sufficient hydrologic data. g. Contingency Plan: Identification of The City may request such other informa- potential courses of action, and any cor- tion as needed to determine the ade- rective measures to be taken when mon- quacy of a mitigation plan. itoring or evaluation indicates project performance standards are not being f. Monitoring Program: A program met. outlining the approach for monitoring construction and development of the h. Permit Conditions: Any compensa- compensation project and for assessing tion project prepared for mitigation pursu- a completed project shall be provided in ant to this Section and approved by the the mitigation plan. Monitoring may in- City shall become part of the application clude, but is not limited to: for project approval. i. Establishing vegetation plots to i. Demonstration of Competence: A track changes in plant species corn- demonstration of financial resources, ad- position and density over time; ministrative, supervisory, and technical competence and scientific expertise of ii. Using photo stations to evaluate sufficient standing to successfully exe- vegetation community response; cute the compensation project shall be provided. A compensation project man- iii. Sampling surface and subsur- ager shall be named and the qualifica- face waters to determine pollutant tions of each team member involved in loading, and changes from the natu- preparing the mitigation plan and imple- ral variability of background condi- menting and supervising the project shall tions (pH, nutrients, heavy metals); be provided, including educational back- ground and areas of expertise, training iv. Measuring base flow rates and and experience with comparable stormwater runoff to model and eval- projects. uate hydrologic and water quality predictions; j. Timing: The applicant shall submit a Final Wetland Mitigation Plan to the sat- v. Measuring sedimentation rates; isfaction of the Development Services Di- and vision prior to the issuance of construc- tion permits for the project. The propo- vi. Sampling fish and wildlife popu- nent shall receive written approval of the lations to determine habitat utiliza- mitigation plan by the City's Department tion, species abundance and Administrator prior to commencement of diversity. any wetland restoration or creation activ- ity. 3 - 58 4-3-110Q N. MODIFICATIONS: Q. VARIANCE PROCEDURES: 1. Applicability: Whenever there are prac- 1. Applicability: If an applicant feels that tical difficulties involved in carrying out the the strict application of this Section would provisions of this Section, the Department deny all reasonable use of the property con- Administrator may grant modifications for in- taining a wetland or associated buffer, or dividual cases. would deny installation of public transporta- tion or utility facilities determined by the pub- 2. Review Criteria: The Department Ad- lic agency proposing these facilities to be in ministrator shall first find that a specific rea- the best interest of the public health, safety son makes the strict letter of this Code and welfare, the public agency, the applicant impractical,and that the minor modification is of a development proposal may apply for a in conformity with the intent and purpose of wetland variance. this Code, and that such modification: 2. Application Submittal: An application a. Will still meet the objectives of envi- for a wetland variance shall be filed with the ronmental protection,safety,function and Department Administrator. Requirements for maintainability intended by the Code re- a wetland variance include an environmental quirements, based upon sound scientific review pursuant to WAC 197-11-300(SEPA). judgment; 3. Review Authority: A wetland variance b. Will not be injurious to other prop- for Category 3(lower quality)wetlands will be erty(ies) in the vicinity; decided by the Department Administrator. A wetland variance for other than Category 3 c. Result in no net loss of wetland or wetlands shall be decided by the Hearing Ex- buffer area and function and value from aminer based on the following standards set that approved in the original project plan; forth in this Section. d. Will be made prior to detailed engi- 4. Review Criteria:The Hearing Examiner, neering and design, such as during site in granting approval of a variance, must de- plan review, short plat, preliminary plat termine: approval or the preapplication phase of planned unit development; and a. That the applicant suffers undue hardship and the variance is necessary e. Will be documented and entered as because of special circumstances appli- part of the official wetland permit file. cable to the subject property, including the size, shape, topography, location or O. WAIVERS: surroundings of the subject property,and Requirements of this Section may be waived the strict application of the Code is found upon determination by the Department Adminis- to deprive subject property owner of trator that all impacts on wetlands would be miti- rights and privileges enjoyed by other gated as part of an approved area-wide wetlands property owners in the vicinity and other plan that, when taken as a whole over an ap- identical zone classification; and proved schedule or staging of plan implementa- tion, will meet or exceed the requirements of this b. That the granting of the variance will Section (see subsection M4 of this Section, Wet- not be materially detrimental to the public lands Creation). See also RMC 4-9-250C. (Ord. welfare or injurious to property or im- 4346, 3-9-1992) provements in the vicinity and zone in which the property is situated; and P. ALTERNATES: See RMC 4-9-250E. (Ord. 4722, 5-11-1998) c. That no economically viable alterna- tive with less impact on the wetland and its buffer is physically and/or legally pos- sible; and 3 - 59 4-3-110Q d. That there is no feasible on-site alter- sures, scheduling the regulated ac- native to the proposed activities, includ- tivity and site maintenance to avoid ing reduction in density, phasing of interference with wildlife rearing, project implementation, change in timing resting and nesting, or fisheries of activities, revision of road and lot lay- spawning activities; and out, and/or related site planning consid- erations, that would allow a reasonable viii. Creating a separate sensitive economic use with less adverse impacts area tract or tracts for areas deter- , to wetlands and wetland buffers; and mined to be wetland buffer in field in- vestigations and determined to be e. That the proposed activities will result impacted by the permitted activity. in minimum alteration or will be designed to improve the wetland's functional char- i. That there will be no damage to acteristics and its existing hydrology, to- nearby public or private property and no pography,vegetation and fish and wildlife threat to the health or safety of people on resources; and or off the property; and f. That the proposed activities will not j. That the inability to derive reasonable jeopardize the continued existence of en- economic use of the property is not the dangered, threatened or sensitive spe- result of actions by the applicant in segre- cies as listed by the Federal government gating or dividing the property and creat- or the State; and ing the undevelopable condition after the effective date of this Section. g. That the proposed activities will not cause significant degradation of ground- k. That if new government and quasi- water or surface water quality; and government facilities are granted a vari- ance under this Section, they will meet h. That the applicant has taken deliber- the following additional conditions: ate measures to minimize wetland im- pacts, including but not limited to the i. Competing public policies have following: been evaluated and it has been de- termined by the Department Admin- i. Limiting the degree or magnitude istrator that the public's health, of the regulated activity; and safety, and welfare is best served; ii. Limiting the implementation of ii. Each facility must conform to the the regulated activity; and Comprehensive Land Use Plan and with any adopted public programs iii. Using appropriate and best and policies; available technology; and iii. Each facility must serve estab- iv. Taking affirmative steps to avoid lished, identified public needs; and or reduce impacts; and iv. No practical alternative exists to v. Using sensitive site design and meet the needs. siting of facilities and construction staging areas away from regulated I. That the approval as determined by wetlands and their buffers; and the Hearing Examiner is a minimum vari- ance that will accomplish the desired pur- vi. Involving public natural resource pose. management agencies early in site planning; and 5. Additional Review Criteria: That in de- termining whether or not to grant a variance, vii. Providing protective measures the following factors have been considered such as siltation curtains, hay bales and balanced against the public need for the and other siltation prevention mea- regulation: 3 - 60 4-3-11OR a. If there is an available, feasible, and a letter of credit, irrevocable set-aside letter effective measure to protect the wetland or cash. outside of this Section; a. Amount of Performance Surety b. The extent of the problem being re- Device: The device shall be in an solved by this Section; amount equivalent to one and one-half (1-1/2) times the estimated cost of the c. The contribution of the land being performance and with surety and condi- regulated to the problem; tions sufficient to fulfill the requirements of subsections M 1 and M2 of this Sec- d. The degree to which this wetlands tion, and, in addition, to secure compli- Section solves the problem presented by ance with other conditions and limitations the proposal; set forth in the permit. The amount and the conditions of the surety device shall e. The amount and percentage of value be consistent with the purposes of this lost by application of this Section; Section. The amount of the security can be modified to reflect more current data f. The quality of the wetland to be im- particularly a signed contract. pacted; b. Breach of Conditions: In the event g. The extent of remaining uses for the of a breach of any condition of any permit parcel; protected by a surety device, the City may institute an action in a court of con-1- h. The past, present, and future uses of petent jurisdiction upon such surety de- the property; and vice and prosecute the same to judgment and execution. i. The extent to which the landowner could predict the effects of this Section on c. Release of Performance Security the property. Device: Until such written release of the surety device,the principal or surety can- 6. Conditions:The Hearing Examiner may not be released. The City shall release prescribe any conditions upon the variance the surety device upon determining that: deemed to be reasonably necessary and re- quired to mitigate wetland or buffer impacts. i. All activities, including any re- Any variance granted by the Hearing Exam- quired compensatory mitigation, iner, unless otherwise specified in writing, have been completed in compliance shall become null and void in the event that with the terms and conditions of the the applicant or owner of the subject property permit and the requirements of this for which a variance has been requested has Section; and failed to commence construction or otherwise implement effectively the variance granted ii. Upon the posting by the appli- within a period of two (2) years after such a cant of a maintenance surety device. variance has been issued. For proper cause shown, an applicant may petition the Hearing 2. Maintenance Surety Device Required: Examiner during the variance procedure, for The City shall require the holder of a develop- an extension of the two (2) year period, spec- ment permit issued pursuant to this Section to ifying the reasons therefor. The time may be post cash or other security acceptable to the extended but not exceed one additional year City such as letter of credit or irrevocable set- in any event. aside letter in an amount and with surety and conditions sufficient to guarantee that struc- R. SURETY DEVICES: tures, improvements, and mitigation required by the permit or by this Section perform satis- 1. Performance Surety Device Required: factorily for a minimum of five (5) years after The City shall require the applicant of a wet- they have been completed. The City shall re- lands permit proposal to post a performance lease the maintenance surety device upon surety device acceptable to the City such as determining that performance standards es- 3 - 61 4-3-110S tablished for evaluating the effectiveness and T. WETLANDS MANAGEMENT TRACTS: success of the structures, improvements, and/or compensatory mitigation have been 1. Tracts Required: As a condition of any satisfactorily met for the required period. For approval issued pursuant to this Section for mitigation projects, the performance stan- any proposed plat, the property owner shall dards shall be those contained in the mitiga- be required to create a separate wetland tion plan developed pursuant to RMC management tract or tracts containing the ar- 4-3-110M12 and approved during the permit eas determined to be wetland and/or wetland review process. The maintenance surety de- buffer in field investigations performed pursu- vice applicable to a compensation project ant to subsections E and H of this Section. shall not be released until the Department Ad- ministrator determines that performance 2. Definition and Purpose: Wetland man- standards established for evaluating the ef- agement tracts are legally created tracts con- fect and success of the project have been taining wetlands and their buffers that shall met. remain undeveloped. Wetland management tracts are an integral part of the lot in which S. DENSITIES: they are created, are not intended for sepa- rate sale, lease or transfer, and shall be in- 1. Limited Density Credit Transfer: For cluded in the area of the parent lot for development proposals on lands containing purposes of subdivision method and mini- wetland buffers, the City shall allow density mum lot size. credits for buffer areas to provide incentives for the preservation of wetlands and wetland 3. Protection of Wetland Management buffers, flexibility in design, and consistent Tracts:The City shall require, as a condition treatment of different types of development of any permit issued pursuant to this Section proposals. Up to one hundred percent for any proposed plat, that the wetland man- (100%)of the density credit will be allowed for agement tract(s) created pursuant to this the buffer areas if: Section be protected by one of the following methods: a. The project meets the applicable waste disposal requirements; a. The permit holder shall convey an ir- revocable offer to dedicate to the City or b. The project is compatible with sur- other public or nonprofit entity specified rounding development; and by the City, an easement for the protec- tion of the wetland and/or its buffer; or c. The project meets all requirements of RMC 4-9-200, Site Plan Review. b. The permit holder shall establish and record a permanent and irrevocable deed 2. Only On-Site Transfer Permitted: The restriction on the property title of all lots density credit can only be transferred within containing a wetland management tract the development proposal site.The City shall or tracts created as a condition of this not allow credit for density for the portions of permit. Such deed restriction(s)shall pro- the site occupied by wetlands. Development hibit the development, alteration, or dis- of the transferred density shall be confined to turbance of vegetation and wetland buildable areas of the site, and shall not in- within the wetland management tract ex- trude on other sensitive areas such as land- cept for purposes of habitat enhance- slide,erosion,coal mine areas ortheirbuffers. ment as part of an enhancement project which has received prior written approval 3. Substandard Lots: To the extent that from the City, and from any other agency application of the formula may result in sub- with jurisdiction over such activity. standard lot sizes, such lots may be allowed if meeting applicable codes. 4. Marking During Construction: The lo- cation of the outer extent of the wetland buffer and areas not to be disturbed pursuant to an approved permit shall be marked with barri- ers easily visible in the field to prevent unnec- 3 - 62 4-3-110V essary disturbance by individuals and statement and actively pursues development equipment during the development or con- prior to the passage of this Section and to struction of the approved activity. which significant economic resources have been committed pursuant to such approval 5. Responsibility for Maintenance: Re- but which is not in conformity with the provi- sponsibility for maintaining the wetland man- sions of this Section may be continued pro- agement tracts shall be held by a homeown- vided that: ers' association, adjacent lot owners, the permit applicant or designee, or other appro- a. No such legal nonconforming activity priate entity, as approved by the City. or structure shall be expanded,changed, enlarged or altered in any way that in- 6. Maintenance Note Required: The fol- fringes further on the wetlands that in- lowing note shall appear on the face of all creases the extent of its nonconformity plats, short plats, PUDs, or other approved with this Section without a permit issued site plans containing separate wetland man- pursuant to the provisions of this Section; agement tracts, and shall be recorded on the title of record for all affected lots: "NOTE: All b. Except for cases of on-going agricul- owners of lots created by or benefiting from tural uses, if a nonconforming activity is this City action abutting a wetland manage- discontinued for up to five (5) years, any ment tract are responsible for maintenance resumption of the activity shall conform to and protection of the tracts. Maintenance in- this Section; cludes insuring that no alterations occur within the tract and that all vegetation re- c. Except for cases of on-going agricul- mains undisturbed unless the express written tural use, if a nonconforming use or activ- authorization of the City has been received." ity or structure is destroyed by human activities or an act of God, it shall not be 7. Signage Required:The common bound- resumed or reconstructed except in con- ary between a wetland management tract and formity with the provisions of this Section; the adjacent land must be permanently iden- tified. This identification shall include perma- d. Activities or adjuncts thereof that are nent wood or metal signs on treated or metal or become nuisances shall not be entitled posts. Sign locations and size specifications to continue as nonconforming activities. shall be approved by the City. Suggested wording is as follows:"Protection of this natu- V. TEMPORARY EMERGENCY PERMIT ral area is in your care. Alteration or distur- PROCEDURE: bance is prohibited by law. Please call the City of Renton for more information." 1. Temporary Emergency Permit Pur- pose and Review Authority: Temporary 8. Fencing May Be Required: The City permits shall be used only in extreme cases shall require permanent fencing of the wet- and not to justify poor planning by an agency land management tract or tracts when there or applicant. Notwithstanding the provisions is a substantial likelihood of the presence of of this Section or any other City laws to the domestic grazing animals within the develop- contrary, the Department Administrator may ment proposal. The City shall also require as issue a temporary emergency wetlands per- a permit condition that such fencing be pro- mit if the action meets requirements of sub- vided if, subsequent to approval of the devel- section G of this Section, Exemptions, and if: opment proposal, domestic grazing animals are in fact introduced. a. The Department Administrator deter- mines that an unacceptable threat to life U. NONCONFORMING ACTIVITIES: or severe loss or property will occur if an emergency permit is not granted; and 1. Continuation of Legal Nonconforming Activities and Structures Permitted: A le- b. The anticipated threat or loss may gaily nonconforming, regulated activity or occur before a permit can be issued or structure that was in existence or approved or modified under the procedures otherwise has obtained a draft environmental impact 3 - 63 4-3-110W required by this Section and other appli- value of land. Any owner of an undeveloped cable laws. wetland who has dedicated an easement or entered into a perpetual conservation restric- 2. Temporary Emergency Permit Review tion with the City or a nonprofit organization to Process and Timing:Any emergency permit permanently control some or all regulated ac- granted shall incorporate, to the greatest ex- tivities in the wetland should have that portion tent practicable and feasible but not inconsis- of land assessed consistent with those re- tent with the emergency situation, the strictions. standards and criteria required for nonemer- gency activities under this Section and shall: 2. City Assessments: Such landowner should also be exempted from all special City a. Be limited in duration to the time re- assessments on the controlled wetland to de- quired to complete the authorized emer- fray the cost of municipal improvements such gency activity, provided that no as sanitary sewers, storm sewers, water emergency permit be granted for a period mains and streets. (Ord. 4346, 3-9-1992) exceeding ninety (90) days except as specified in subsection V2e of this Sec- X. APPEALS RELATING TO THE tion. INTERIM ORDINANCE: Any decision of the City in the administration of b. Require, within this ninety (90) day this Section, such as the administrative determi- period, the restoration of any wetland al- nations or modifications, may be appealed to the tered as a result of the emergency activ- Hearing Examiner pursuant to RMC 4-8-110, Ap- ity, except that if more than ninety (90) peals. Decisions of the Hearing Examiner on ap- days from the issuance of the emergency peals of administrative determinations under this permit is required to complete restora- interim ordinance may be appealed to the City tion, the emergency permit may be ex- Council pursuant to RMC 4-8-110.There shall be tended to complete this restoration. no further fee for this appeal. Subsequent ap- peals shall be to Superior Court. (Ord. 4346, c. Issuance of an emergency permit by 3-9-1992) the City does not preclude the necessity to obtain necessary approvals from ap- Y. VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES: propriate Federal and State authorities. 1. Unless otherwise specified, penalties for d. Notice of the issuance of the emer- any violations of any of the provisions of this gency permit and request for public corn- Code shall be in accord with RMC 1-3-2,Civil ments shall be published at least once a Penalties. (Ord. 4722, 5-11-1998) week on the same day of the week for two (2) consecutive weeks in a newspa- 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, per having a general circulation in the or corporation to violate any of the provisions City no later than ten (10) days after the of this Code. Any person, firm or corporation issuance of the emergency permit. If sig- violating any of the provisions of this Code nificant comments are received, the City shall upon conviction be guilty of a misde- may reconsider the permit. meanor, and each such person shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each e. The emergency permit may be termi- and every day or portion thereof during which nated at any time without process upon a any violation of any of the provisions of this determination by the Department Admin- Code is committed, continued or permitted; istrator that the action was not or is no and upon conviction of any such violation longer necessary to protect human such person shall be punishable by a fine of health or the environment. not more than five hundred dollars($500.00), or by imprisonment for not more than ninety W. ASSESSMENT RELIEF: (90) days, or by both such fine and imprison- ment. 1. King County Assessments: The King County Assessor should consider wetland regulations in determining the fair market 3 - 64 4-3-110Z 3. Civil penalties as prescribed by ordi- flooding, or wetland plants and wildlife become nance or any other method allowed by law available. (Ord. 4346, 3-9-1992) may be used by the City for any violations of this Section. 4. Violations Declared Nuisance:Any vio- lations of the provisions of this Chapter shall be, and the same is declared to be, unlawful and a public nuisance and the City Attorney may, in addition to or in lieu of prosecuting a criminal action hereunder, commence an ac- tion or actions for the abatement, removal and enjoinment thereof, in the manner pro- vided by law; and shall take such other steps as and shall apply to such court or courts as may have jurisdiction to grant such relief as will abate or remove such violation and re- strain and enjoin any person,entity,business, corporation or partnership from continuing or maintaining such violations contrary to the provisions of this Chapter. 5. Suspension or Revocation of Permits: In addition to other penalties provided for elsewhere,the City may suspend or revoke a permit if it finds that the applicant or permittee has not complied with any or all of the condi- tions or limitations set forth in the permit, has exceeded the scope of work set forth in the permit, or has failed to undertake the project in the manner set forth in the approved appli- cation. 6. Tests: Whenever there is insufficient ev- idence of compliance with any of the provi- sions of this Code or evidence that any action does not conform to the requirements of this Code, the Department Administrator may re- quire tests as proof of compliance to be made at no expense to this jurisdiction. a. Test methods shall be as specified by this Code or by other recognized and ac- cepted test standards. If there are no rec- ognized and accepted test methods for the proposed alternate, the Department Administrator shall determine test proce- dures. Z. AMENDMENTS: These regulations and the Renton Wetlands In- ventory may from time to time be amended in ac- cordance with the procedures and requirements in the general statutes and as new information concerning wetland location, soils, hydrology, 3 - 65 Chapter 4 PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER 4-4-010 STANDARDS AND REVIEW CRITERIA FOR KEEPING ANIMALS 1 A. Purpose and Intent 1 B. Authority 1 1. Responsibility 1 a. Animal Control Officer 1 b. Development Services Division 1 C. Applicability 1 D. Exemptions 1 E. Prohibited Animals 1 F. General Requirements for Keeping Animals 1 1. Residence 1 2. Shelter Location 1 3. Confinement 1 4. Health and Safety 1 5. Animal Waste 1 6. Fencing 1 G. Additional Requirements for Hobby Kennels (Four (4) to Eight (8) Animals). 1 1. Fencing Required 1 2. Waste Removal 1 3. Shelter Location 2 H. Additional Requirements for Kennels (Nine (9) or More Animals) 2 1. Shelter 2 2. Food and Bedding 2 3. Waste Removal 2 4. Criteria for Indoor Kennel Facilities 2 5. Criteria for Outdoor Kennel Facilities 2 I. Review Criteria for Kennels and Hobby Kennels 2 J. Review Criteria for Boarding and Stables 2 K. Nonconforming Uses 2 1. Animal Replacement 2 2. Transferability 2 L. Violations and Penalties 2 1. Compliance with Current Code Regulations 2 2. Fines 2 4-4-020 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN IMPLEMENTATION (Reserved) 3 4-4-030 DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES AND REGULATIONS — GENERAL 3 A. Intent 3 B. Adoption by Reference 3 C. Construction Standards 4 1. Haul Routes 4 2. Haul Hours 4 4 - i SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER 3. Permitted Work Hours in or Near Residential Areas 4 a. Single Family Remodel or Single Family Addition Construction Activities 4 b. Commercial, Multi-Family, New Single Family and Other Nonresidential Construction Activities 4 4. Emergency Extensions to Permitted Work Hours 4 5. Temporary Erosion Control 4 6. Hydroseeding Required 4 D. Off-Site Improvements 4 1. Improvements Required 4 2. Design Standards 5 3. Permits Required 5 E. Construction of Improvements Required Prior to Permanent Occupancy Permit Issuance 5 F. Deferral of Required Improvements 5 G. Change of Use and New Construction Requires Certificate of Occupancy 5 1. Certificate of Occupancy Required 5 2. Application Required Prior to Permitting Excavation 5 3. Certificate of Use Available Upon Request 5 H. Use of Existing Structures During Construction of New Structures 5 1. Conditionally Authorized 5 2. Exception for Public Owned or Operated Uses 6 4-4-040 FENCES AND HEDGES 6 A. Purpose 6 B. Applicability 6 C. General Fence and Hedge Requirements 6 1. Fence Height— Method of Measurement 6 2. Berms 6 3. Grade Differences 6 4. City May Require Modification 6 D. Standards for Residential Uses 6 1. Height Limitations for Interior Lots 6 a. Front Yard Setbacks 6 b. Side Lot Lines 6 c. Rear Lot Line 6 2. Height Limitations for Corner Lots 6 a. Front Yard Setbacks 6 b. Interior Side Lot Line 7 c. Side Lot Line Abutting Street 7 d. Rear Lot Line 7 3. Gate Required 7 4. Electric Fences 7 E. Standards for Commercial, Industrial and Other Uses 7 1. Location and Maximum Height 7 2. Electric Fences 7 3. Barbed Wire Fences 7 4. Bulk Storage Fences 8 4 - ii SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER 5. Special Provisions 8 F. Administrative Review of Variation from Height Restrictions 8 G. Special Administrative Fence Permits 8 1. Fences Eligible for Administrative Review Process 8 2. Evaluation Criteria 8 H. Compliance 8 4-4-050 GARAGE SALES - REQUIREMENTS FOR 8 A. Applicability 8 B. Conditions 8 1. Maximum Time and Number 8 2. Supervision of Vehicles Required 8 3. Use of Right-of-Way Prohibited 8 4. Signage Installation and Removal Requirements 8 C. Violations and Penalties 9 4-4-060 GRADING, EXCAVATION AND MINING REGULATIONS 9 A. Purpose 9 B. Scope 9 1. Applicability 9 2. Application Required for Existing Activities 9 3. Application Required for Activities Annexed into City 9 4. Time for Compliance 9 C. General 9 1. Landscaping 9 2. Screening 9 3. Natural Stream Courses 10 4. Hydroseeding Required 10 5. Conformance with RCW 10 6. Notification of Noncompliance 10 7. Transfer of Responsibility for Work 10 8. Stop Work Order 10 9. Emergency Permits 10 D. Bond Required to Cover Costs of Rehabilitation 10 E. Inspection 11 F. Engineering Grading Requirements 11 1. Reports Required 11 2. Civil Engineer Responsibilities 11 3. Soil Engineer Responsibilities 11 4. Engineering Geologist Responsibilities 11 5. Building Division Responsibilities 11 6. Specifications 12 7. Setbacks 12 G. Regular Grading Requirements 12 1. Inspection, Testing and Reports 12 H. Work in Progress 12 1. Maximum Slopes 12 2. Safety 12 3. Clearing and Rounding Tops of Slopes 12 4 - Hi SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER 4. Property and Setback Location 12 5. Maximum Noise Levels 12 6. Permitted Work Hours 12 7. Compliance with Pollution Control Regulations 13 8. Control of Dust and Mud 13 a. Access Roads 13 b. Dozing and Digging 13 9. Soil Erosion and Sedimentation 13 10. Appearance 13 I. Surface Water 13 1. Polluted or Stagnant Water Prohibited 13 2. Minimum Lake Depth 13 3. Maximum Bank Slopes Adjacent to Lake 13 a. Unconsolidated Material 13 J. Top and Toe Setbacks 13 1. Setbacks - Minimum 13 a. Tops of Slopes 13 b. Structures 13 K. Cuts 14 1. General 14 2. Maximum Slope 14 3. Drainage and Terracing 14 L. Fills 14 1. Applicability and Exemptions 14 2. Fill Location 14 3. Preparation of Ground 14 4. Fill Material 14 5. Minimum Compaction 14 6. Maximum Slope 14 7. Drainage and Terracing 14 M. Solid Waste Fills 14 1. Reports Required 14 2. Report Contents 14 3. General 15 4. Location 15 5. Cell Cover 15 6. Compaction 15 7. Bulk Items 15 8. Building Debris and Flammable Material 15 9. Stabilization 15 10. Animal Waste 15 11 . Treated Fill 15 12. Prohibited Fill 15 13. Drainage 15 14. Water Disposal 16 15. Special Considerations 16 16. Prohibited Activities 16 4 - iv SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER N. Drainage 16 1. General 16 2. Terrace 16 a. Swales 16 b. Scouring 16 c. Capacity 16 d. Settling Ponds 16 3. Subsurface Drainage 16 4. Disposal 16 a. Minimum Grade 17 b. Drainage Releases 17 c. Stream Acceptance 17 5. Overland Runoff 17 O. Slopes 17 1. General 17 2. Other Devices 17 P. Final Reports 17 1. Plans and Reports 17 a. As-Graded Grading Plan 17 b. Soil Grading Report 17 c. Geologic Grading Report 17 2. Notification of Completion 17 Q. APPEALS 18 R. VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES 18 4-4-070 LANDSCAPING 18 A. Purpose and Intent 18 B. Applicability 18 C. Plans Required 18 D. General Landscape Requirements 18 1. Compliance with Zone Standards Required 18 2. Parking Lot Landscaping Requirements 18 3. Existing Plant Material 18 4. Protection of Fragile Natural Environments 18 5. Preservation of Unique Features 18 6. Green River Valley Landscaping Requirements 18 7. Compliance with Shorelines Master Program 20 8. Slopes 20 9. Erosion Control Devices 20 10. Underground Sprinkling System Required 20 E. Landscape Installation 20 F. Deferral of Landscape Improvements 20 G. Amended Landscaping Plan 20 H. Maintenance 20 1. Maintenance Required 20 2. Failure to Maintain Landscaping 20 I. Violation and Penalties 20 4 -v SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER 4-4-080 PARKING, LOADING AND DRIVEWAY REGULATIONS 20 A. Purpose 20 B. Scope of Parking, Loading and Driveway Standards 21 1. Applicability 21 a. New Buildings and Building Additions 21 b. Change in Use 21 c. Activities Requiring Deliveries or Shipments 21 2. Conformance Required 21 3. Plans Required 21 4. Future Changes to Parking Arrangement 21 5. Timing for Compliance 21 a. Building Permit Required 21 b. Requirements Prior to Occupancy Permit 21 c. Requirements Prior to Business License Issuance 21 C. Area Exemption for Parking — Downtown Core 21 D. Administration 23 1. Authority 23 2. Interpretation 23 a. Calculation of Number of Parking Spaces — Fractions 23 b. Measurement of Distance— Method 23 c. Measurement of Seat Width — Benches and Pews 23 E. Location of Required Parking 23 1. On-Site Parking Required 23 a. Single Family and Duplexes 23 b. Multi-Family 23 c. Boat Moorages 23 d. Other Uses 23 2. Special Review Process for Off-Site Parking 23 a. Approval Required 23 b. Additional Information Required in Conjunction with Building Permit 23 c. Authority for Approval of Off-Site Parking 23 d. General Standards 24 e. Maximum Distance to Off-Site Parking Lot 24 3. Joint Use Parking Facilities 24 a. Encouraged 24 b. When Applicable 24 c. Maximum Distance of Parking from Use 24 d. Contract Required 24 e. Special Provisions for Subdivision of Shopping Center 24 F. Parking Lot Design Standards 24 1. Maneuvering Space/Use of Public Right-of-Way 24 2. Maximum Parking Lot and Parking Structure Slopes 24 3. Access Approval Required 24 4. Linkages 24 5. Lighting 25 6. Fire Lane Standards 25 a. Applicability 25 4 -vi SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER b. Minimum Width and Clearance 25 c. Identification 25 d. Surfacing and Construction Requirements 25 e. Clearances and Turning Radii 25 f. Existing Buildings — Hazards 25 g. Modification by Fire Chief 25 7. Landscape Requirements 26 a. When Applicable 26 b. Landscape Approval Required 26 c. General Requirements for All Parking Lots 26 d. Minimum Landscaping Width Requirements Abutting Public Right-of-Way 26 e. Additional Landscaping Required for Large Parking Lots 26 f. Special Landscape and Screening Standards for Storage Lots 26 g. Underground Sprinkling System Required 26 h. Installation to Comply with Approved Plans 26 8. Parking Stall Types, Sizes, and Percentage Allowed/Required 27 a. Standard Parking Stall Size 27 b. Compact Parking Stall Size and Maximum Number of Compact Spaces 27 c. Special Reduced Length for Overhang 27 d. Customer/Guest Parking 27 e. Accessible Parking as Stipulated in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 27 9. Aisle Width Standards 28 a. Parallel Parking Minimum Aisle Width 28 b. Ninety Degree (90°) Head-In Parking Aisle Width Minimums 28 c. Sixty Degree (60°) Head-In Parking Aisle Width Minimums 29 d. Forty Five Degree (45°) Head-In Parking Aisle Width Minimums 29 10. Number of Parking Spaces Required 29 a. Interpretation of Standards — Minimum and Maximum Number of Spaces 29 b. Multiple Uses 30 c. Alternatives 30 d. Modification 30 e. Parking Spaces Required Based on Land Use 30 G. Parking Lot Construction Requirements 33 1. Surfacing Requirements for Parking Areas 33 2. Surfacing Requirements for Storage Lots 33 3. Marking Requirements 33 4. Wheel Stops Required 34 5. Drainage 34 H. Landscape Maintenance Requirements 34 1. Maintenance Required 34 2. Periodic Inspection 34 3. Maintenance Bonds and Charges Authorized 34 4 - vii SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER I. Driveway Design Standards 34 1. Driveway Location — Hazard Prohibited 34 2. Driveway Spacing Based Upon Land Use 34 a. Industrial, Warehouse and Shopping Center Uses 34 b. All Other Uses 35 3. Driveway Width Maximums Based Upon Land Use 35 a. Industrial, Warehouse and Shopping Center Uses 35 b. Single Family and Duplex Uses 35 c. All Other Uses 35 4. Maximum Number of Driveways Based Upon Land Use 35 a. Industrial, Warehouse and Shopping Center Uses 35 b. All Other Uses 35 5. Driveway Angle — Minimum 35 6. Driveway Grades— Maximum Based Upon Land Use 35 a. Single Family and Two (2) Family Uses 35 b. All Other Uses 35 7. Joint Use Driveways 36 a. Benefits of 36 b. Where Permitted 36 J. Loading Space Standards 36 1. Loading Space Required 36 2. Plan Required 36 3. Projection into Streets or Alleys Prohibited 36 4. Minimum Clear Area for Dock High Loading Doors 36 5. Minimum Clear Area for Ground Level Loading Doors 36 K. Modifications 36 1. Special Provisions for Use of Paved Recreation Space for Parking 36 2. Modification of Standards 37 L. Deferral of Construction 37 1. Deferral of Installation of Required Improvements 37 2. Delay in Installation of Parking Spaces — Reserve Parking Areas 37 a. Decision Criteria 37 b. Standards for Parking Reserve Areas 37 M. Appeals 37 4-4-090 REFUSE AND RECYCLABLES STANDARDS 37 A. Applicability 37 B. Exemption for Single Family and Duplex Residences 37 C. General Requirements Applicable to All Uses (Except Single Family and Duplex) 37 1. Dimensions 37 2. Location in Setback or Landscape Areas Prohibited 37 3. Obstruction Prohibited 37 4. Collocation Encouraged 38 5. Signage Required 38 6. Architectural Design of Deposit Areas to Be Consistent with Primary Structure 38 7. Screening of Deposit Areas 38 4 -viii SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER 8. Minimum Gate Opening and Minimum Vertical Clearance 38 9. Weather Protection 38 10. Approval of Screening Detail Plan Required 38 D. Multi-Family Developments —Additional Requirements for Deposit and Collection Areas 38 1. Minimum Size 38 2. Minimum Number of Deposit Areas 38 3. Dispersal of Deposit Areas 38 4. Location within Structures Possible 38 5. Maximum Distance from Building Entrance 38 E. Commercial, Industrial, and Other Nonresidential Developments — Additional Requirements for Deposit and Collection Areas 39 1. Location 39 2. Accessibility May Be Limited 39 3. Office, Educational and Institutional Developments— Minimum Size 39 4. Manufacturing and Other Nonresidential Developments— Minimum Size 39 5. Retail Developments— Minimum Size 39 F. Modifications 39 G. Appeals 39 4-4-100 SIGN REGULATIONS 39 A. Purpose 39 B. Applicability and Authority 40 1. Applicability 40 2. Permits Required 40 3. Periodic Inspection of Signs 40 4. Authority of Building Official 40 5. Exemptions from Sign Code Regulations 40 a. Indoor Signage 40 b. Government and Utility Signage 40 c. Awning, Canopy, and Marquee Structures Having No Signage 40 6. Exceptions from Permit Requirements 40 a. Bulletin Boards 40 b. City Sponsored Signs 40 c. City Sponsored or Co-Sponsored Signs and Displays 40 d. Construction Signs 40 e. Copy Changes 40 f. Credit Signs 41 g. Holiday Displays 41 h. Memorial Signs 41 i. Modifications Not Requiring Structural or Electrical Changes 41 j. Open House Signs 41 k. Political Signs 41 I. Public Art 41 m. Public Service Signs 41 n. Real Estate Signs 41 o. Safety Information Signs 41 4 - ix SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER p. Small Parking and Traffic Control Signs 41 q. Small Wall Signs 41 C. Prohibited Signs and Devices 41 1. Signs Which Violate State Regulations 41 2. Signs Which Interfere with Traffic Control 41 3. Animated, Revolving, Blinking and Flashing Signs 42 a. Outside City Center 42 b. Inside City Center Sign Regulation Area Boundaries 42 4. Balloons and Pennants 42 5. Portable Signs 42 6. Signs Which Obscure Vision 42 7. Signs on Stationary Vehicles 42 8. Signs Over Public Right-of-Way 42 9. Signs on Public Right-of-Way 42 10. Off-Premises Signs 42 11. Roof Signs within the City Center Sign Regulation Area 42 D. General Requirements for Signs 43 1. Permit Fees 43 2. Method of Calculating Sign Area 43 3. Sign Maintenance Required 43 4. Appearance of Signs 43 5. Lighting 43 6. Removal of Signage Upon Closure of Business 43 a. City-Wide Outside of City Center 43 b. City Center Sign Regulation Area 43 7. Nonconforming Signs 44 E. Size, Number and Height of Permanent Signs 45 1. Permitted and Prohibited Signs 45 2. Location Limitations 45 3. Height Limits 45 a. Signs within City Center 45 b. Signs Outside City Center Sign Regulation Area 45 4. Signs Permitted in All Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Zones 45 a. Churches, Schools, Apartments and Subdivisions 45 b. Home Occupations 45 c. Real Estate Signs 45 d. Real Estate Directional Signs 45 e. Temporary Signs 45 5. Additional Signs Permitted in Commercial and Industrial Zones 45 a. Business Signs — General 45 b. Marquee Signs 46 c. Under Marquee Signs 46 d. Shopping Centers 46 e. Large Retail Uses 46 f. Motor Vehicle Dealership Over One Acre of Contiguous Ownership or Control Located within the Auto Mall Area(s) 47 4 - x SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER g. Motor Vehicle Dealership Over One Acre of Contiguous Ownership or Control Located Outside the Auto Mall Area 48 h. Subdivision Identification Signs 48 i. Special Requirements for Specified Secondary Uses in the Commercial Office (CO) Zone within One Hundred (100) Feet of a Lot Zoned R-1, R-5, R-8, R-10, R-14, and RM-I 48 F. Signs within Shoreline Areas— Special Requirements 49 1. View Impairment Prohibited 49 2. Location, Size and Type Limitations 49 3. Illuminated, Freestanding and Roof Signs Prohibited 49 G. Special Requirements for the Public Use (P-1) Zone 49 1. Type of Signage Permitted 49 2. Size 49 3. Height and Setback Restrictions 49 4. Illumination and Location 49 5. Exception for Off-Premises Advertising 49 H. Signs within City Center— Special Requirements 49 1. Purpose of Special Regulations 49 2. Applicability 49 3. Map of City Center Sign Regulation Boundaries 50 4. Type and Number of Permanent Signs Allowed 51 a. Residential/Churches/Schools 51 b. Nonresidential Uses 51 5. Size, Height and Locations Allowed for Permanent Signs for Nonresidential Uses Based Upon Sign Type 53 a. Freestanding Signs 53 b. Ground Signs 54 c. Wall Signs 55 d. Projecting Signs 56 e. Awning Sign, Canopy Sign, Marquee Sign 57 f. Under Awning Sign, Canopy Sign, Marquee Sign 58 g. Secondary Sign 59 h. Multi-Occupancy or Multiple Building Complex Sign 60 6. Letter Size Limitations for Permanent Signs for Nonresidential Uses Based Upon Distance from Right-of-Way 61 a. Maximum Letter Height 61 b. Exemption from Letter Size Limits 61 7. Special Allowance for City Center Signs to Project into Right-of-Way 61 8. Temporary/Special Permit Signs 61 9. Modifications of City Center Sign Regulations 61 a. Authority and Purpose 61 b. Review Criteria 61 c. Variance May Be Required 62 d. Fees 62 I. Signs on Public Right-of-Way 62 1. City Sponsored Signs Authorized 62 2. Directional Signs for Public Buildings Authorized 62 4 - xi SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER a. Standards and Size Limits for Directional Signs 62 3. Public Service Directional Signs for Nonpublic Buildings Such as Churches and Charitable Organizations Authorized 62 a. Review Authority and Time 62 b. Appeal Process 62 c. Installation Time 62 4. Residential Open House Signs 62 J. Temporary Signs 63 1. General Requirements for Temporary Signs 63 a. Display of Permit Number 63 b. Support and Perforation Requirements for Cloth Signs 63 c. Projection of Temporary Cloth Signs Over Public Property/Right-of-way 63 2. Real Estate Directional Signs on the Public Right-of-Way 63 a. Timing 63 b. Maximum Size 63 c. Maximum Number 63 d. Minimum Spacing 63 3. Residential Open House Signs 63 a. Maximum Number and Type 63 b. Hours of Display 64 c. Maximum Size 64 4. Political Signs 64 a. Permitted Location 64 b. Maximum Size 64 c. Removal Required 64 5. Grand Opening, Special Temporary Signs and Displays 64 a. Permit Required 64 b. Time Limitations and Applicability 64 6. Other Temporary Signs 64 a. Maximum Time and Number for Display 64 b. Maximum Size and Height 64 K. Design and Construction Requirements for Permanent Signs—General 64 1. General Design 64 2. Wind Loads 64 3. Seismic Loads 64 4. Combined Loads 65 5. Allowable Stresses 65 6. Location and General Standards for Structural Supports 65 7. Materials 65 8. Restrictions on Combustible Materials 65 9. Nonstructural Trim 65 10. Anchorage 65 11. Size of and Materials for Display Surfaces 66 12. Glass Panel Size, Thickness and Type 66 13. Approved Plastics 66 14. Welding 66 4 - xii SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER 15. Electrical Requirements 66 16. Clearance 66 17. Clearance from High Voltage Power Lines 66 18. Clearance from Fire Escapes, Exits or Standpipes 67 19. Obstruction of Openings Prohibited 67 20. Standards for Supports 67 L. Location/Insurance Requirements for Signs Projecting into Setbacks or Right-of-Way 67 1. Maximum Sign Projection into Setback 67 2. Allowed Projections into Right-of-Way 67 a. Wall Signs 67 b. Marquees 67 c. Additional Allowances within City Center Sign Regulation Boundaries 67 3. Identification of Sign Installer 68 4. Liability Insurance and Annual Permit Required for Signs Over Public Property 68 M. Design Requirements for Projecting Signs 68 1. Standards 68 N. Design Requirements for Awning, Canopy, or Marquee Signs 68 1. Applicability of this Section 68 2. Acceptable Location and Uniform Building Code Requirements 68 3. Under Marquee/Under Awning/Under Canopy Sign Limitations 68 a. Number 68 b. Location and Size—Outside City Center 68 c. Location and Size—Within City Center 69 O. Design Requirements for Electric Signs 69 1. Materials and Design Standards 69 2. Installation 69 3. Erector's Name 69 4. Label Required 69 P. Inspections 69 Q. Alternate Provisions for Material, Construction and Design 69 R. Appeals of Administrative Decisions 69 S. Variances 69 T. Violation and Penalties 69 1. Violation Unlawful 69 2. Penalties 69 3. Removal and Storage of Illegal Signs Authorized 69 4. Confiscated Signs 69 4-4-110 STORAGE FACILITIES, BULK 70 A. Intent 70 B. Special Review and Higher Standards Required 70 C. Special Permit and Administration 70 1. Special Permit Required for Bulk Storage Facilities 70 2. Applicability 70 3. Authority and Responsibility 70 4 - xiii SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER 4. Provision of Information 70 5. Evaluation Criteria 70 D. Development Standards 71 1. Height of Containers and Stock Piles 71 2. Setbacks 71 3. Landscaping and Screening 71 a. Intent 71 b. Screening Required for Recognized Higher Risk Storage 71 c. Screening Required for Other Bulk Storage 71 d. Landscaping Maintenance 72 4. Signs Permitted 73 5. Surface Drainage 73 a. Intent 73 b. Standards 74 6. Toxic Substances 74 a. Intent 74 b. PSAPCA Standards 74 c. Maximum Concentrations of Toxic Substances 74 d. Method of Measurement 74 7. Traffic and Access Control 74 a. Intent 74 b. Access Requirements 74 c. Emergency Vehicle Access 74 d. Traffic Flow, Setbacks from Access Routes and Curb Cuts 75 e. Separation of Parking from Loading/Maneuvering Areas 75 f. Overpasses 75 g. Paving of Access Routes 75 h. Surfacing of Storage Areas 75 8. Sound 75 a. Intent 75 b. WAC Regulations Adopted by Reference 75 c. Classifications 75 d. Maximum Sound Levels 76 e. Reduction Due to Method of Measurement 76 f. Extension of Hours of Restrictions 76 9. Liquid Waste 76 a. Intent 76 b. Discharge Regulated 76 c. Standards and Permits 77 d. Standards for Discharge into Sewer System 77 e. Disposal Schedule 77 f. Proof of Compliance 77 g. Prevention of Odorants 77 h. Treatment of Liquid Waste 77 10. Light and Glare 77 a. Intent 77 b. Method of Measurement 77 4 - xiv SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER c. Maximum Levels 77 11. Odorants 77 a. Intent 77 b. Maximum Levels 78 c. Testing Procedure 79 d. Monitoring Required Upon Complaint 79 e. Other Remedies Not Impaired 79 12. Hazardous Materials 79 a. Intent 79 b. Off-Site Economic Burdens Prohibited 80 c. Barrier Required 80 d. Barrier Design 80 e. Fire Suppression System Standards 80 f. Maximum Quantities and Permitted Locations 80 g. Additional Requirements 81 h. Separation of Barrier and Fire Code Dyke 81 i. Combination of Requirements Encouraged 81 j. Impervious Surfacing Required 81 13. Gaseous and Particulate Emissions 81 a. Intent 81 b. Preferred Process Methods 81 c. PSAPCA Requirements 81 d. Substance Density Limitations 82 e. Further Emission Limitations During an Alert 82 f. Hydroseeding Required 82 g. Report by Developer Required 82 h. Quarterly Reports May Be Required 82 i. Notification Required 82 j. Additional Reports Authorized 82 k. Locational Restrictions for Facilities with Emissions 82 I. Special Emission Standards for Existing Facilities 83 m. Compliance Later Required for Existing Facilities 83 n. Efficiency Rating — Minimum 83 E. Variances 84 4-4-120 STORAGE LOTS — OUTSIDE 84 A. Screening Required 84 1. Landscaping 84 2. Fencing 84 B. Surfacing 84 4-4-130 TREE CUTTING AND LAND CLEARING REGULATIONS 84 A. Purpose 84 B. Administering Authority 85 C. Prohibited and Allowable Activities 85 1. Prohibited Activities 85 2. Allowable Tree Cutting Activities 85 3. Landscaping or Gardening Permitted 85 4. Restrictions for Sensitive Areas 85 4 -xv SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER 5. Permit Required for Routine Vegetation Management on Undeveloped Properties 85 6. Permit Required to Use Mechanical Equipment 85 7. Permits for Improvements 85 D. Exemptions 85 1. Emergency Situations 85 2. Dead or Diseased Trees 85 3. Public or Private Utilities and Public Parks 85 4. Public or Private Utilities 86 E. Regulations for Land Clearing and Tree Cutting and the Development of Property 86 1. Plan Required 86 2. Standards 86 F. Routine Vegetation Management Permit Review Process 86 1. Submittal 86 2. Time 86 G. Application for Routine Vegetation Management Permit 86 H. Regulations for Routine Vegetation Management 86 1. Permit Required for Routine Vegetation Management on Undeveloped Properties 86 2. Permit Required to Use Mechanical Equipment 86 3. Restrictions for Sensitive Areas 87 a. Steep Slopes and Erosion Hazard Areas 87 b. Wetlands, Shorelines, Creeks and Streams 87 I. Routine Vegetation Management Permit Conditions 87 J. Time Limits for Permits 87 K. Performance Standards for Land Development Permits 87 1. Prohibition Against Clear Cutting of Trees 87 2. Tree Preservation 87 a. Tree Cutting Plan 87 b. Plan Content 87 3. Native Growth Protection Easements 87 a. Where Established 87 b. Recording 88 c. Use Restrictions 88 4. Timing 88 5. Restrictions for Sensitive Areas 88 a. Creeks, Streams, Lakes and Shorelines 88 b. Wetlands 88 6. Additional Requirements 88 7. Protection Measures During Construction 88 L. Variance Procedures 89 M. Violations and Penalties 89 1. Penalties 89 2. Liability for Damage 89 3. Restoration 89 4. Replacement 89 4 - xvi SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER 5. Stop Work 89 4-4-140 WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES 89 A. Purpose 89 B. Goals 89 C. Exemption for Amateur Radio, Receive Only Antennas 89 D. Administering and Enforcing Authority 90 E. Compliance with Telecommunications Act of 1996 90 F. Standards and Requirements for All Types of Wireless Communications Facilities 90 1. Equipment Shelters or Cabinets 90 2. Visual Impact 90 3. Screening of Accessory Equipment Shelters and Cabinets 90 4. Maximum Noise Levels 90 5. Fencing 91 6. Lighting 91 7. Advertising Prohibited 91 8. Building Standards 91 9. Radio Frequency Standards 91 G. Standards for Specific Types of Wireless Facilities 91 H. Airport Restrictions— Notice To FAA 96 I. Obsolescence 96 J. Collocation Required 96 1. Evaluation of Existing Support Structures 96 2. Cooperation in Collocation Efforts 96 3. Reasonable Efforts 96 K. Permit Limitations 96 1. Maintenance Required 96 2. Compliance with Federal Standards for Radio Frequency Emissions 97 3. Notice to City of Change of Ownership 97 L. Alternates, Modifications, Variances 97 M. Appeals 97 4- xvii 4-4-010G 4-4-010 STANDARDS AND REVIEW F. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR CRITERIA FOR KEEPING ANIMALS: KEEPING ANIMALS: A. PURPOSE AND INTENT: 1. Residence: It is assumed that an animal Since the nature of growth by definition generates owner either lives on the property where an greater competition by both humans and animals animal is kept or has arranged with a tenant for less available space, it is imperative that all to care for the animal. types be located appropriately and managed ef- fectively to insure compatibility and harmony. In 2. Shelter Location: Shelter shall be pro- particular,animals need to be monitored to lessen vided in clean structures located a minimum the impacts of noise,odor,and potential nuisance of twenty five feet(25')from any property line. not only on-site but more particularly to adjacent Private barns and stables shall be located a properties. Animal owners keep their animals for minimum of fifty feet (50') from any property a variety of reasons including, but not limited to, line. All structures, corrals, feeding, exercis- companionship, affection and protection. In order ing, training, riding or other facilities associ- that lovers of animals may coexist harmoniously ated with commercial horse and pony with those who don't,some general guidelines re- boarding, riding stables, and schools shall be quire statement. located a minimum of fifty feet(50')from any property line. B. AUTHORITY: 3. Confinement: All animals shall be kept 1. Responsibility: Responsibility for en- and maintained in a manner which confines forcement of the provisions of this Section their movement and activity to the premises shall be as follows: of the owner/tenant. a. Animal Control Officer: All those 4. Health and Safety: All animals shall be matters related to care, maintenance, kept in such a manner so as not to create any and individual licensing. (Ord. 3927, objectionable noise,odor,or otherwise cause 7-15-1985) to annoy or become a public nuisance to the health, safety or general welfare of any per- b. Development Services Division: son. All those matters concerning land use and zoning. Any doubt regarding respon 5. Animal Waste: Animal waste shall be sibility will be administratively deter properly disposed of, and any accumulated mined.(Ord.3927,7-15-1985,Amd.Ord. animal waste must not be stored within the 4351, 5-4-1992) shelter setback area. Steps must be taken to minimize odor and the potential for the infes- C. APPLICABILITY: tation of insects or the spread of disease. The keeping of animals by an owner/tenant where permitted in the zoning districts shall corn- 6. Fencing: Electric and barbed wire ply with the requirements of this Section. These fences may be used to confine animals pro regulations shall apply to existing and future vided the conditions of RMC 4-4-040, Fences cases where an owner/tenant is keeping animals. and Hedges, are met. D. EXEMPTIONS: G. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR Household pets as defined in RMC 4-11-080 are HOBBY KENNELS (FOUR (4) TO EIGHT permitted use in all zones in the City and as such (8) ANIMALS): are not regulated by this Section provided they number three (3) or less. 1. Fencing Required: All open-run areas shall be surrounded by a six foot(6')fence lo- E. PROHIBITED ANIMALS: cated a minimum of ten feet (10') from all The keeping of wild or dangerous animals is pro- property lines. hibited. 2. Waste Removal: Provision shall be made for the removal of animal and food 4 - 1 4-4-010 H wastes, to keep the kennel free from the in- elements while providing sufficient space for festation of insects or rodents or disease,and animal movement and exercise. Adequate from obnoxious or foul odors. drainage must be provided to prevent water buildup and subsequent damage and to facil- 3. Shelter Location: Shelter shall be pro- itate waste removal. Adequate fences or re- vided in clean structures located only in the taining walls must be constructed to contain rear yard unless the Development Services animals and prevent intrusion by others. Division, based upon information provided by an owner/tenant, determines that a side yard I. REVIEW CRITERIA FOR KENNELS would be a better location for the shelter.The AND HOBBY KENNELS: shelter shall be located ten feet (10') from Special review criteria for all types of kennels to side and rear property lines. be considered by the Zoning Administrator and Hearing Examiner are included in RMC 4-9-100E. H. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR KENNELS (NINE (9) OR MORE J. REVIEW CRITERIA FOR BOARDING ANIMALS): AND STABLES: For associated uses such as kennels, commer- 1. Shelter: Shelter shall be provided for an- cial horse and pony boarding, riding stables, and imals in clean structures which shall be kept schools the conditional use criteria of RMC structurally sound, maintained in good repair, 4-9-030 shall be applicable. contain the animals, and restrict entrance of other animals. These structures, together K. NONCONFORMING USES: with associated runs, shall be located a mini- In cases where the keeping of animals does not mum of fifty feet (50') from any property line comply with these regulations, the situation shall and must be located in a rear yard. be classified as a nonconforming use.The owner/ tenant shall be allowed to keep the number of an- 2. Food and Bedding: Suitable food and imals existing at the time the Section became ef- bedding shall be provided and stored in facil- fective (7-15-1985). ities adequate to provide protection against infestation or contamination by insects or ro- 1. Animal Replacement: Property owners/ dents. Refrigeration shall be provided for the tenants who lose an animal after the effective protection of perishable foods. date of this Section shall not be allowed to re- place the animal with a similar type of animal. 3. Waste Removal: Provision shall be made for the removal of animals and food 2. Transferability: Furthermore, for the wastes,bedding,and debris disposal in order purposes of this Code, nonconforming use to keep the kennel free from the infestation of rights belong to a property owner and are not insects, rodents, or disease and from obnox- attached to the property and therefore are not ious or foul odors. transferable from one property owner to an- other with the sale of the property. (Ord. 4. Criteria for Indoor Kennel Facilities: 3927, 7-15-1985) Applicants for kennels must show that indoor facilities have a sufficient heating and cooling L. VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES: system to provide a moderate temperature through the year; a sufficient ventilation sys- 1. Compliance with Current Code Regu- tem to circulate the air; an adequate natural lations: In those situations where the keep- or artificial lighting system to allow inspection ing of animals does not comply with these and cleaning at any time of the day and that regulations and the situation is not classified interior wall and ceiling surfaces are con- as a nonconforming use,then the owner shall structed of materials which are resistant to have to comply with the Code regulations. the absorption of moisture and odors. 2. Fines: Violation of land use permits 5. Criteria for Outdoor Kennel Facilities: granted are subject to fines established in this Outdoor facilities will be constructed to pro- Code. All other violations of police regula- vide shelter from the weather and associated tions shall be administered in accordance 4 - 2 4-4-030B with chapter 6-6 RMC, Animals and Fowl at 1990— King County Stormwater Management Large. (Ord. 3927, 7-15-1985) Manual 1991 — Uniform Fire Code 4-4-020 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN IMPLEMENTATION: (Reserved) 1991 — Uniform Mechanical Code 1991 — Uniform Building Code 4-4-030 DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES AND REGULATIONS — 1991 — Uniform Housing Code GENERAL: 1992— Uniform Electrical Code A. INTENT: 1992— Comprehensive Park, Recreation and It is the intent of this Section to provide the City, Open Space Plan especially the Development Services Division and the Hearing Examiner, with criteria to make consistent and rational land use recommenda 1992— Comprehensive Water System Plan tions and decisions that (1) place the public health, safety and welfare paramount; (2) recog 1992— Long Range Wastewater Management nize property rights; (3) promote aesthetics, Plan amenities and good design; (4) minimize incom- patibility or adjacent uses; (5) minimize pollution; 1992— King County Comprehensive Housing Af- (6) contain adverse impacts on-site; (7) make fordability Strategy (CHAS) consistent and rational decisions and recommen- dations. Furthermore it is the intent of this Section 1992— Wetland Regulations to comply with the various resolutions, codes and ordinances of the City and the State Environmen- — Aquifer Protection Regulations tal Policy Act, as amended. (Ord. 3106, 1 24 1977, Amd. Ord. 3592, 12 14 1981) 1992— Mining, Excavation and Grading Ordi- nance B. ADOPTION BY REFERENCE: 1992— Tree Cutting and Land Clearing Regula- The goals, objectives and policies as set forth in the following are presently in force or as modified tions from time to time are hereby incorporated by ref 1993— Shoreline Master Program erence and shall be considered as if fully set forth herein: 1993— King County Solid Waste Management 1976— Planning Commission Plan 1976— Cedar River Master Plan 1993— Barrier Free Regulations 1983— Comprehensive Solid Waste Manage 1994— Countywide Planning Policies ment Plan 1994— Six-Year Transportation Improvement 1984— Greenbelt Regulations Plan 1984— Green River Valley Plan 1994— Zoning Code and Areawide Zoning 1987— Subdivision Regulations 1994— Street Arterial Plan 1987— Fire Department Master Plan 1994— State Energy Code 1988— Airport Master Plan 1994— Traffic Mitigation Resolution and Fee 1990— Parking Regulations 1994— Parks Mitigation Resolution and Fee 4 - 3 4-4-030C 1994— Fire Mitigation Resolution and Fee 4. Emergency Extensions to Permitted Work Hours: The Development Services Di- 1995— Comprehensive Plan vision Director is authorized to grant an ex- (Ord. 4527, 6-12-1995) tension of working time during an emergency. An emergency shall include but is not limited C. CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS: to natural and manmade disasters. (Ord. 3592, 12-14-1981, Ord. 4703, 2-2-1998) 1. Haul Routes: A construction plan indi- cating haul routes and hours, construction 5. Temporary Erosion Control: Tempo- hours, and a traffic control plan must be sub- rary erosion control must be installed and mitted to the Development Services Division maintained for the duration of the project. for approval prior to a construction permit be- This work must comply with the current King ing issued. County Surface Water Design Manual as adopted by the City of Renton and must be 2. Haul Hours: Haul hours shall be re- approved by the Development Services Divi- stricted to the hours between eight-thirty lion. (8:30) a.m. and three-thirty (3:30) p.m., Mon- day through Friday unless otherwise ap- 6. Hydroseeding Required: Within thirty proved in advance by the Development (30) days of completion of grading work, the Services Division. applicant shall hydroseed or plant an appro- priate ground cover over any portion of the 3. Permitted Work Hours in or Near Res- site that is graded or cleared of vegetation idential Areas: Construction activities which and where no further construction work will require construction or building permits and occur within ninety (90) days. Alternative which are conducted in residential areas or measures such as mulch, sodding, or plastic within three hundred feet(300')of residential covering as specified in the current King areas shall be restricted to the following County Surface Water Management Design hours: Manual as adopted by the City of Renton may be proposed between the dates of November a. Single Family Remodel or Single 1st and March 31 st of each year. The Devel- Family Addition Construction Activi- opment Services Division's approval of this ties: Single family remodel or single fam- work is required prior to final inspection and ily addition construction activities shall be approval of the permit. (Ord. 4703, 2-2-1998) restricted to the hours between seven o'clock (7:00) a.m. and ten o'clock D. OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS: (10:00) p.m., Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays and Sundays shall be 1. Improvements Required: Whenever a restricted to the hours between nine building permit is applied for under the provi- o'clock (9:00) a.m. and ten o'clock sions of this Code for new construction of a (10:00) p.m. multiple dwelling consisting of three (3) or more units, public assembly, commercial or b. Commercial, Multi-Family, New industrial structure or alteration of an existing Single Family and Other Nonresiden- structure of said type, in excess of fifty thou- tial Construction Activities: Commer- sand dollars ($50,000.00), then the person cial, multi-family, new single family and applying for such building permit shall simul- other nonresidential construction activi- taneously make application for a permit, as ties shall be restricted to the hours be- an integral part of such new construction or tween seven o'clock (7:00) a.m. and alteration thereof, for the building and instal- eight o'clock (8:00) p.m., Monday lation of certain off-site improvements, includ- through Friday. Work on Saturdays shall ing but not limited to water mains, drainage, be restricted to the hours between nine sanitary sewer, all improvements required by o'clock (9:00) a.m. and eight o'clock the street improvement regulations and the (8:00)p.m. No work shall be permitted on subdivision regulations and all necessary ap- Sundays. (Ord. 4703, 2-2-1998) purtenances. Such off-site improvements (except traffic signalization systems) shall ex- tend the full distance of such property to be 4 - 4 4-4-030H improved upon and sought to be occupied as or used, nor shall the use of a building be a building site or parking area for the afore- changed from a use limited to one district to said building purposes and which may adjoin that of any other district as defined by this Ti- property dedicated as a public street. Traffic tle until a certificate of occupancy shall have signalization off-site improvements shall be been issued by the Building Inspector. Certif- installed pursuant to the provisions of the icate of occupancy for the use of vacant lands subdivision regulations. or the change in the use of land as herein pro- vided shall be applied for before any such 2. Design Standards: All sidewalks shall land shall be occupied or used, and a certifi- be constructed to the City standards and con- cate of occupancy shall be issued within ten form to standard specifications for municipal (10) days after the application has been public works constructions,commonly known made, providing such use is in conformity as APWA Standards. with the provisions of these regulations. Street width and standards for construction 2. Application Required Prior to Permit- shall be specified by the Administrator of the ting Excavation: No permit for excavation Planning/Building/Public Works Department for any building shall be issued before the ap- or his duly authorized representative. All plication has been made for certificate of oc- plans and specifications for such improve- cupancy. See also RMC 4-9-130, Occupancy ments are to be submitted at time such appli- Permits. cation for a permit is made. 3. Certificate of Use Available Upon Re- 3. Permits Required: All permits required quest: Upon a written request of the owner, for the construction of these improvements the Building Inspector shall issue a certificate shall be applied for and obtained in the same of occupancy for any building or land existing manner, and with fees and conditions as at the time this Code takes effect, certifying, specified in RMC Title 9, Public Ways and after inspection, the use of the building or Property, relating to excavating or disturbing land and whether such use conforms to the streets, alleys, pavement or improvements. provisions of the Code. Where a plat as (Ord. 4546, 7-24-1995) above provided is not already on file, an ap- plication for a certificate of occupancy shall E. CONSTRUCTION OF be accompanied by a survey in duplicate IMPROVEMENTS REQUIRED PRIOR TO form such as is required for a permit. (Ord. PERMANENT OCCUPANCY PERMIT 1472, 12-18-1953) ISSUANCE: There is hereby added an additional condition to H. USE OF EXISTING STRUCTURES the issuance of any permanent occupancy per- DURING CONSTRUCTION OF NEW mit. No permanent occupancy permit shall be STRUCTURES: granted until all on- and off-site improvements re- quired of the project shall be constructed and ap- 1. Conditionally Authorized: When an ex- proved by the City or alternatively deferred or isting structure or use is being replaced else- waived pursuant to RMC 4-9-060 or 4-9-250C. where on a lot, the structure being replaced, (Ord. 3483, 11-10- 80) if remaining during the interim, shall not be considered as countable or measurable de- F. DEFERRAL OF REQUIRED velopment under the provisions of this Code IMPROVEMENTS: when: See RMC 4-9-060. a. The structure has been condemned G. CHANGE OF USE AND NEW as a threat to the public health, welfare, CONSTRUCTION REQUIRES or safety and cannot be reoccupied; or CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: b. The applicant has provided the City 1. Certificate of Occupancy Required:No with sureties and/or other devices satis vacant land shall be occupied or used and no factory to the City Attorney to ensure building hereafter erected shall be occupied compliance with lot coverage and other 4- 5 4-4-040A possible requirements prior to the issu- height allowable for the fence if the berm ance of a certificate of occupancy for the were not present. replacement structure(s), or within a rea- sonable period thereafter. 3. Grade Differences: Where the finished grade is a different elevation on either side of 2. Exception for Public Owned or Oper- a fence the height may be measured from the ated Uses: Unless the Council or Hearing side having the highest elevation. Examiner makes a determination that such a surety device should be provided, no such 4. City May Require Modification: Where device shall be required for a public owned or a traffic vision hazard is created,the City may operated use having a"P"suffix designation. require a modification to the height limitations (Ord. 4523, 6-5-1995) and location of fences, hedges or walls to the degree necessary to eliminate the hazard. 4-4-040 FENCES AND HEDGES: D. STANDARDS FOR RESIDENTIAL USES: A. PURPOSE: These regulations are intended to regulate the 1. Height Limitations for Interior Lots: material and height of fences and hedges, partic- ularly in front yards and in yards abutting public a. Front Yard Setbacks:Fences,walls rights-of-way, in order to promote traffic and pub- or hedges a maximum of forty eight lic safety and to maintain aesthetically pleasing inches (48") in height may be allowed neighborhoods. The following regulations are in- within the required front yard subject to tended to provide and maintain adequate sight these provisions. distance along public rights-of-way at intersec- tions and to encourage safe ingress and egress b. Side Lot Lines: Fences, walls or from individual properties.These regulations also hedges on interior lot lines of required encourage the feeling of spaciousness along front yards shall not exceed forty eight neighborhood streets and minimize the closed inches (48") in height. Fences, walls or city atmosphere which tall fences along public hedges on interior side lot lines not within rights-of-way can create. required front yards may be a maximum of seventy two inches (72") in height. B. APPLICABILITY: The provisions and conditions of this Section reg- c. Rear Lot Line: A fence or hedge a ulating height are not applicable to fences or bar- maximum of seventy two inches (72") riers required by State law or by the zoning may be located on the rear lot line. provisions of this Code to surround and enclose public safety installations, school grounds, public playgrounds, private or public swimming pools and similar installations and improvements. . . C. GENERAL FENCE AND HEDGE REQUIREMENTS: 2 ` ./ .. 1. Fence Height— Method of Measure- ment:The height shall be measured from the Far - top elevation of the top board rail or wire to 4„^t the ground. In cases where a wall is used in- stead of a fence, height shall be measured from the top surface of the wall to the ground on the high side of the wall. 2. Height Limitations for Corner Lots: 2. Berms: A berm may not be constructed with a fence on it unless the total height of the a. Front Yard Setbacks: Fences,walls berm plus the fence is less than the maximum or hedges a maximum of forty two inches (42") in height may be allowed on any 4 - 6 4-4-040E part of the clear vision area. Fences, other barrier is erected along the property walls,or hedges a maximum of forty eight lines. inches (48") in height may be allowed within any part of the front yard setback E. STANDARDS FOR COMMERCIAL, when located outside of any clear vision INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER USES: area on said lot. 1. Location and Maximum Height:A max- b. Interior Side Lot Line: Fences, imum of eight feet (8') anywhere on the lot walls or hedges a maximum of seventy provided the fence does not stand in or in two inches(72")in height may be located front of any required landscaping or pose a on interior side lot lines to the point where traffic vision hazard. they intersect the required front yard set- back, in which case they shall be gov- erned by subsection D2a of this Section. c. Side Lot Line Abutting Street: .� �" Fences, walls or hedges a maximum of .t` 4 .N.%\,. forty two inches(42") in height within any lanzrFENCESIGNA,4— ,. il 'Y_ clear vision area and forty eight inches e 0. (48 ) in height elsewhere. o .,s" - , rye: ,, 'a d. Rear Lot Line: Fences, walls, or STi,� - ", ��0/ hedges a maximum of seventy two FT Diu 5 inches (72") in height may be located along the rear lot line except the fence CLEAR 5°"MIA shall be limited to forty eight inches(48") in height where they intersect the width of 2. Electric Fences:All electric fences shall the required side yard setback of the side be posted with permanent signs a minimum street and where the fence abuts the of thirty six (36) square inches in area at inter- front yard of an interior lot. vals of fifteen feet (15') stating that the fence is electrified. z 1 INTERIOR LOT .• : Electric fences and any related equipment land appliances must be installed in accor- -»I .. ��--__ ��• •--4 dance with the manufacturer's specifications I CORNER LOT and in compliance with the National Electrical J -- I Code. Sa>r.YARD Al ONO 5 FMr r \ -• •• 3. Barbed Wire Fences: Barbed wire may SIGHT TRIANGLE only be used on top of fences at least six feet \\ (6') high for commercial, industrial, utility and public uses. 42"MAXIMUM HLIGI fr F—I MAXIMUM HEIGHT ( •- -1=1 72 � 72"MAXIMUM HEIGHT tn m COMMERCIAL LOT 3. Gate Required: Residential fences, walls or hedges alonges rear lot lines of interior I lots abutting alleys shall contain an access gate to the alley. " ' "�' a.FAR VISION AREA 4. Electric Fences: Electric fences are per- STREET miffed by special review in all residential zones in cases where large domestic animals _1=i 96'MAXIMUM I-EIGHT 1.:-)c'zVF.:i'°L4PiTl'.v S-F:.L O=ALL�:.'FL are being kept provided additional fencing or E-Tve°F.'-EFE.G 1O -."E .c,-Fi.r-TE1 4 - 7 4-4-040 F 4. Bulk Storage Fences: See RMC maximum of seventy two inches (72") in 4-4-110. height. This fence must be located to the rear of the required front yard.In addition, 5. Special Provisions: Fences for mobile driveways will not be allowed to access home parks, subdivisions or planned unit de- through this fence. The location of the velopment and for sites which are mined, fence exceeding forty two inches (42") in graded or excavated may vary from these height along property lines, particularly regulations as provided in the respective the front and side lot lines along flanking code sections. arterial streets, does not obstruct views of oncoming traffic at intersections or F. ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW OF driveways. VARIATION FROM HEIGHT RESTRICTIONS: H. COMPLIANCE: A property owner wishing to vary the height re- Fences which do not comply with these regula- strictions or placement of a fence or hedge on a tions must be brought into compliance within six lot may make written application to the Develop- (6) months from the date of notice of fence viola- ment Services Division for an administrative re- tion from the City. (Ord. 4056, 4-13-1987) view of the situation.The Department's staff shall review the application and prepare a written de- termination based upon criteria listed in these 4-4-050 GARAGE SALES — regulations. REQUIREMENTS FOR: G. SPECIAL ADMINISTRATIVE FENCE A. APPLICABILITY: PERMITS: A garage sale which does not comply with the fol- lowing conditions shall be considered a business 1. Fences Eligible for Administrative Re- and must be brought into compliance with all re- view Process: Persons wishing to have one quirements for business uses, including compli- of the following types of fences may submit a ance with the Zoning Code. letter of justification, site plan and typical ele- vation together with the permit fee to the B. CONDITIONS: Planning/Building/Public Works Department: Conditions for garage sales shall include: a. Fences exceeding forty eight inches 1. Maximum Time and Number:Incidental (48") within front yard setbacks but not garage sales consisting of no more than one within a clear vision area. such sale per calendar quarter, and no more than three (3) within the same calendar year b. Solid fences along side property and with no such sale continuing for more lines abutting arterial streets. than two (2) days. c. Electric fences. 2. Supervision of Vehicles Required: Ga- rage sales shall be supervised and are the re- 2. Evaluation Criteria: The Development sponsibility of the occupant or the tenant who Services Division shall approve the issuance occupies the dwelling unit. This person shall of special fence permits provided that: not permit vehicles to impede the passage of traffic on any roads or streets in the area of a. Fences, walls and hedges above the person's property. forty eight inches (48") when all setback from the street property line four inches 3. Use of Right-of-Way Prohibited: (4") for every one inch of increased Goods are not to be displayed in public rights- height sought (over forty eight inches of-way. (48"), up to a maximum of seventy two inches (72")). 4. Signage Installation and Removal Re- quirements: Signs advertising such sales b. Fences along property lines abutting shall not be attached to any public structures, a side street which is an arterial may be a signs or traffic control devices or utility poles. 4 - 8 4-4-060C Signs may only be placed on property owned B. SCOPE: by the person conducting the sale or on prop- erty where an owner gives consent to post 1. Applicability:All mining,excavation and such sign. All such signs shall be removed grading activities within the City of Renton twenty four(24) hours after the sale is corm shall be subject to the terms and conditions of pleted. this Section.All such activities shall be further in compliance with chapter 78.44 RCW and C. VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES: subject to the terms of this Section. Any person found to be in violation of this Section shall be informed in writing by the Planning/Build- 2. Application Required for Existing Ac- ing/Public Works Department of the violation and tivities: The owner or operator of such activ- shall be given fourteen (14) days to comply with ities in the City at the time of the adoption of this Section.Following this action, if a subsequent this Section shall make the initial application garage sale is conducted in violation of this Sec- within thirty (30) days and the entire applica- tion,each day the sale is conducted shall be con- tion within ninety (90) days of the effective sidered a separate violation and shall be subject date of this Section. to the following penalty. 3. Application Required for Activities Any person conducting any "garage sale"as de- Annexed into City:The owner or operator of fined herein in RMC 4-11-070 without being prop- such activities annexed subsequent to the erly licensed therefor or who shall violate any of adoption of this Section shall make the initial the other terms and regulations of this Section application within thirty (30) days and the en- shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than tire application within ninety (90) days from twenty five dollars ($25.00) nor more than one the date of annexation. hundred dollars($100.00)or to be imprisoned for a period of not to exceed ten (10) days for each 4. Time for Compliance: All such existing violation. (Ord. 4493, 1-23-1995) activities shall comply fully with all provisions of this Section within the period of time estab- lished by this Section except such activities 4-4-060 GRADING, EXCAVATION which are not existing at the date of the adop- AND MINING REGULATIONS: tion of this Section shall conform to all provi- sions of this Section prior to the beginning of A. PURPOSE: their operation. It is the purpose of this Section to: C. GENERAL: 1. Provide a means of regulating mining, excavation and grading to promote the 1. Landscaping: Existing vegetation in any health, safety, morals, general welfare and required setback shall be preserved or land- esthetics in the City of Renton. scaping shall be planted to prevent erosion and reduce the dust, mud and noise gener- 2. Promote the progressive rehabilitation of ated on the proposed reuse of the site. mining,excavation and grading sites to a suit- Around the periphery of the site, except able new use. where the proposed reuse of the site requires the lack of vegetation, the applicant shall 3. Protect those areas and uses in the vicin- landscape in such a manner as to result in ity of mining, excavation and grading activi- reasonable screening.Trees planted shall be ties against detrimental effects. at least four feet(4') in height. In those areas that have been rehabilitated and are desig- 4. Promote safe,economic,systematic and nated to be planted according to the pro- uninterrupted mining,excavation and grading posed reuse of the site, the appropriate activities within the City of Renton. plantings shall be done as soon as possible to provide mature plants for the new use. 2. Screening:With the exception of offices, every effort shall be made to screen effec- tively all structures and activities to minimize 4 - 9 4-4-060D detrimental effects on adjacent property. grading operation by virtue of changing engi- Screening may include but is not limited to neering advisors. landscaping, berms with landscaping, and a screening fence. 8. Stop Work Order: Should hazardous conditions occur in either engineered grading 3. Natural Stream Courses: Every effort or regular grading, the Building Department shall be made to preserve perennial and in- inspector shall have the responsibility and termittent streams and their surrounding veg- authority to issue a partial or total stop work etation. (Ord. 2820, 1-14-1974, eff. order. 1-19-1974) 9. Emergency Permits: Upon application 4. Hydroseeding Required: Within thirty to the Development Services Division, sup- (30) days of completion of grading work, the ported by those plans adequate for the Direc- applicant shall hydroseed or plant an appro- tor of the Development Services Division to priate ground cover over any portion of the make a decision, there may be declared an site that is graded or cleared of vegetation emergency and the Director may issue an and where no further construction work will emergency fill and grade permit. In order for occur within ninety (90) days. Alternative there to be declared an emergency, there measures such as mulch, sodding, or plastic must be a declaration from a State or Federal covering as specified in the current King regulatory agency that an emergency condi- County Surface Water Management Design tion exists that threatens public safety, health Manual as adopted by the City of Renton may or welfare, or the Development Services Divi- be proposed between the dates of November sion Director must be presented with inde- 1st and March 31st of each year. The Devel- pendent evidence that there exists an opment Services Division's approval of this emergency that imminently threatens public work is required prior to final inspection and safety, health or welfare, and further that approval of the permit. (Ord. 4703, 2-2-1998) there exists inadequate time to obtain a fill and grade permit. Before the emergency per- 5. Conformance with RCW: This Section mit can be issued, the Director must ensure conforms to the requirements of chapter that environmental review has been corn- 78.44 RCW which regulates surface mining pleted by the Environmental Review Commit- in the State of Washington. (Ord. 2820, tee or is under the supervision of a Federal or 1-14-1974, eff. 1-19-1974) State agency that has conducted environ- mental review. As part of any emergency 6. Notification of Noncompliance: It shall grading, the applicant for an emergency per- be the responsibility of the certifying engineer mit must provide a disposal plan of the mate- on any grading project to advise immediately rials satisfactory to the Director, including any discrepancies, hazardous conditions or routing of any vehicles transporting any con- problems affecting safety and stability of the taminated,dangerous or toxic materials. Any project to the person in charge of the grading fill to be installed must comply with the re- work and subsequently in writing to the grad- quirements of this Section concerning the ing operator and to the Building Department. contents of the fill. An emergency fill and Recommendations for corrective measures, grading permit shall be for the minimum time if necessary, shall be provided in the correc- and minimum volume necessary to avoid the tion notices. emergency. (Ord. 4102, 12-14-1987, eff. 12-19-1987) 7. Transfer of Responsibility for Work: If at any time the grading operator changes the D. BOND REQUIRED TO COVER COSTS certifying engineer or a different ownership or OF REHABILITATION: responsible party occurs, the operator shall The Development Services Division shall require notify the Building Department in writing bonds amounting to one and one-half (1-1/2) within ten (10)days and shall specify the new times the estimated cost of rehabilitation to as- civil engineer or owner.The owner or grading sure that the work,if not completed or proceeding operator shall not be relieved of any respon- in accordance with the approved plans and spec- sibility relative to the safety and conduct of a ifications, shall be corrected. Such a bond shall be approved by the City Attorney and filed with 4 - 10 4-4-060F the City Clerk. In lieu of a surety bond,the appli- work. The civil engineer shall be responsible cant may file a cash bond or instrument of credit for reporting monthly or more frequently on with the City Clerk in an amount equal to that forms provided by the Public Works Depart- which would be required in the surety bond. The ment: bond shall be conditioned upon the faithful perfor- mance of the requirements as set forth in this a. Extent and location of grading. Section. Any reclamation bonds posted with the State Department of Natural Resources for sur- b. All tests made or taken in conjunction face mining permits may be applied on the bond with the grading operation. requirements, insofar as they pertain to the recla- mation provisions of this Section. c. Extent of drainage, structure, and safety activity report on the project. E. INSPECTION: All operations regulated by this Section shall be d. Any special testing, as-built plans or subject to inspection by authorized Development revised requests necessary. Services Division inspection personnel.When ex- traordinary or special problems or conditions are In addition, he shall certify to the safety and involved, extra inspection of grading operations stability of the slopes, safety earthwork oper- and special tests may be ordered by the City. ation, and special problems which might oc- (Ord. 2820, 1-14-1974, eff. 1-19-1974; Amd. Ord. cur. 3592, 12-14-1981) 3. Soil Engineer Responsibilities: The F. ENGINEERING GRADING soil engineer's area of responsibility shall in- REQUIREMENTS: clude but need not be limited to the profes- sional inspection and certification concerning 1. Reports Required:Soil engineering and the preparation of ground to receive fills,test- engineering geology reports shall be required ing for required compaction, stability of all fin- as defined in RMC 4-11-190E and 4-11-190S. ish slopes and the design of buttress fills, During grading all necessary reports, corn- where required, incorporating data supplied paction data and soil engineering and engi- by the engineering geologist. neering geology recommendations shall be submitted to the civil engineer and the Public 4. Engineering Geologist Responsibili- Works Department by the soil engineer and ties: The engineering geologist's area of re- the engineering geologist. The Public Works sponsibility shall include but need not be Department may waive reports for minor limited to professional inspection and certifi- grading operations. cation of the adequacy of natural ground for receiving fills and the stability of cut slopes 2. Civil Engineer Responsibilities: For with respect to geological matters, and the purposes of preparing and/or approving engi- need for subdrains or other groundwater neered grading plans,the engineer shall be a drainage devices. He shall report his findings professional engineer registered in the State to the soil engineer and the civil engineer for to practice in the field of civil works. The civil engineering analysis. (Ord.2820, 1-14-1974, engineer shall be responsible for the plans, eff. 1-19-1974) any special soil engineering and testing re- ports, design of drainage facilities and struc- 5. Building Division Responsibilities: tures, and be competent to recommend and The Building Division shall inspect the project obtain special tests, survey data, and geolog- at frequent intervals to determine that ade- ical or hydraulic reports should they be nec- quate control is being exercised by the oper- essary. The civil engineer shall provide an ator and the civil engineer. Should hazardous acceptable plan and report based on good conditions occur, the Building Department in- engineering practices and the requirements spector shall have the responsibility and au- designated by the Public Works Department. thority to issue a partial or total stop work He shall,upon return of his plans,provide any order. (Ord. 2820, 1-14-1974, eff. 1-19-1974, corrections necessary and corrected copies Amd. Ord. 3592, 12-14-1981) for use of the City in reviewing the grading 4 - 11 4-4-060G 6. Specifications: A fence six feet (6') in 3. Clearing and Rounding Tops of height with openings no larger than two Slopes: All trees, timber, stumps, brush or inches (2") (other than gates) may be re- debris shall be cleared to a point at least ten quired for safety reasons completely around feet (10') back from the top of any slope in- any area worked upon for which a permit is is- volving cuts greater than ten feet (10'). After sued for engineered grading prior to corn- excavation, the top of all slopes shall be mencing any other work. All gates shall be rounded to prevent a sheer breaking point. locked when not in use and shall bear a sign denoting danger. 4. Property and Setback Location: Prop- erty location and approved setbacks must be 7. Setbacks:Engineered grading sites may established and stakes set under the supervi- be required to have a peripheral area a max- sion of a registered land surveyor. These imum of seventy five feet (75') in width which stakes must be maintained in place until final shall be retained in its natural topographic inspection of work so that the inspector can condition.The setback area shall be used for, determine at any time if the excavation is but is not limited to, access roads, planting, properly located as related to the property P P Y P P Y fencing, landscaped berms for screening pur- lines. poses, employee and visitor parking, offices, directional signs and business signs identify- 5. Maximum Noise Levels:Noise levels at ing the occupant. (Ord. 2820, 1-14-1974, eff. all operations shall be controlled to prevent 1-19-1974) undue nuisance to the public. Maximum al- lowable daytime sound pressure as mea- l. REGULAR GRADING sured in any residential zone shall not exceed REQUIREMENTS: the following at least ninety percent (90%) of the time between the hours of seven o'clock 1. Inspection,Testing and Reports: In- (7:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m. spection and testing by an approved testing agency including certification of the exca- SOUND PRESSURE LEVELS vated or filled areas may be required by the Building Division at any time the City's autho- SOUND PRESSURE rized inspectors believe problems may occur. FREQUENCY LEVEL IN DECIBELS Should special problems be indicated in reg- BAND IN re. 0.0002 ular grading, the Building Division may re- CYCLES/SECOND MICROBAR quire the owner or operator to submit 25—300 80 engineering reports similar to engineered 300—2,400 70 grading and may specify a time period for Above 2,400 60 compliance to prevent undue hazard. (Ord. 2820, 1-14-1974, eff. 1-19-1974) H. WORK IN PROGRESS: 6. Permitted Work Hours: All mining, ex- 1. Maximum Slopes: No slopes greater cavation and grading work done in residential than one horizontal to one vertical will be per- areas or within three hundred feet (300') of mitted during excavations that exceed ten residential areas shall be between the hours feet (10') in height without physical restraint of seven o'clock(7:00) a.m.and eight o'clock by timbering or approval by the Building De- (8:00) p.m., Monday through Friday, except partment of an engineering or geologist re- repairs to machinery. Work may be permitted port assuring slope will maintain its shape on Saturdays and Sundays only if approved without undue risk of failing. (Ord. 2820, in writing in advance by the Development 1-14-1974, eff. 1-19-1974; Amd. Ord. 3592, Services Division Director.The Director is au- 12-14-1981) thorized to grant an extension of working time during an emergency. An emergency shall in- 2. Safety:Workmen shall be allowed in the clude but is not limited to natural and man- vicinity of the toe or top of slope only after made disasters. (Ord. 3592, 12-14-1981, close visual inspection of slope to assure Amd. Ord. 4703, 2-2-1998) safety against breakage or sliding. 4 - 12 4-4-060J 7. Compliance with Pollution Control or polluted waters be permitted in any site. Regulations: Discharge of materials into the Should these waters accumulate, remedial air or water shall be subject to the require- measures such as draining or backfilling shall ments of the appropriate governing agency. be taken as corrective action. Backfill mate- (Ord. 2820, 1-14-1974, eff. 1-19-1974) rial shall be placed to a point one foot (1') above the water table. 8. Control of Dust and Mud: Activities shall be operated so as to reduce dust and 2. Minimum Lake Depth: Lakes formed in mud to a minimum. Unless otherwise speci- areas which may be used for recreational fied by the Public Works and Building Depart- purposes shall be of such depth that shall in- ments, operations shall be conducted in hibit the growth of vegetative matter in the accordance with the following standards: water.A minimum two foot(2')depth of water shall be maintained in these areas. The res- a. Access Roads: Access roads shall toration of any site which results in the forma- be maintained in a condition that confines tion of a lake shall be the result of careful the mud and dust to the site. Such roads planning and shall take into consideration all shall be improved to a width sufficient to factors which contribute to the ultimate ecol- permit the unhindered movement of ogy of the site. emergency vehicles. One-way roads shall have by-pass routes to permit the 3. Maximum Bank Slopes Adjacent to movement of emergency vehicles. Lake:All banks,adjacent to any body of water created,shall be sloped or stepped as follows b. Dozing and Digging: Dozing, dig- to permit a person to escape from the water: ging, scraping and loading of excavated materials shall be done in a manner a. Unconsolidated Material: Soil, which reduces to the minimum level pos- sand, gravel and other unconsolidated sible the producing of dust and mud. materials shall be sloped to two feet (2') (Ord. 2820, 1-14-1974, eff. 1-19-1974, below the low groundwater line at a slope Amd. Ord. 3592, 12-14-1981) no steeper than one and one-half feet horizontal to one foot vertical (1-1/2':1'). 9. Soil Erosion and Sedimentation: Soil erosion and sedimentation shall be confined J. TOP AND TOE SETBACKS: to the site by such means as a temporary cover of vegetation, mulches, diversions, 1. Setbacks— Minimum: The tops and sedimentation pounds or other acceptable toes of cut and fill slopes shall be set back methods. No toxic materials shall be allowed from setback lines as far as necessary to pre- to wash from the site or be discharged into re- serve the setback for the safety and benefit of ceiving watercourses. adjacent properties,the adequacy of founda- tions, and to prevent damage as a result of 10. Appearance: All activities under the ju- water runoff or erosion of the slopes. risdiction of this Section shall be operated and maintained in a neat and orderly manner, Setbacks shall be no less than the following: free from junk, trash, or unnecessary debris. Buildings shall be maintained in a sound con- a. Tops of Slopes: Distance to the set- ditions, in good repair and appearance. Sal- back line for the top of slopes shall be a vageable equipment stored in a nonoperating minimum of ten feet (10'). condition shall be suitably screened or ga- raged. Landscaping adjacent to and around b. Structures:Distance to structures,if the main entrance(s) and office shall be suffi- any structures or the site shall be as fol- ciently watered and cared for to insure its lows: health and well-being. Slope Height Top Toe I. SURFACE WATER: Less than 11' 5' 3' 1. Polluted or Stagnant Water Prohib- 11 —30.9' 7' Height/2' ited: Under no circumstances shall stagnant 31' and over 10' 15' 4 - 13 4-4-060K K. CUTS: 4. Fill Material: Earth materials shall have no more than minor amounts of organic sub- 1. General: Unless otherwise recom- stances and shall have no rock or similar irre- mended in the approved soil engineering ducible material with a maximum dimension and/or engineering geology report, cuts shall greater than eight inches (8"). conform to the provisions of this Section. 5. Minimum Compaction: All fills shall be 2. Maximum Slope: The slope of cut sur- compacted to a minimum of ninety five per- faces shall be no steeper than is safe for the cent (95%) of maximum density as deter- intended use. Cut slopes shall be no steeper mined by American Public Works Association than a ratio of two horizontal to one vertical (APWA) specifications. Field density shall be (2:1). determined in accordance with APWA stan- dards. 3. Drainage and Terracing: Drainage and terracing shall be provided as required by 6. Maximum Slope: The slope of fill sur- subsection N of this Section. faces shall be no steeper than is safe for the intended use. Fill slopes shall be no steeper than two horizontal to one vertical (2:1).0 /11 7. Drainage and Terracing: Drainage and 14 �� o terracing shall be provided and the area ��+ above fill slopes and the surfaces of terraces � shall be as required by subsection N of this 1Dc, rD�.y� �Tr�,.+ Section. C7gre a tu"I M. SOLID WASTE FILLS: 1. Reports Required: Reports by an engi- neer qualified in solid and sanitary waste fills L. FILLS: shall be required. Such reports shall include but are not limited to design; insect and ver- 1. Applicability and Exemptions: Unless min control, physiological considerations; otherwise recommended in the approved soil sight, noise and odor control of material; spe- engineering report, fills shall conform to the cial ingress and egress control for equipment; provisions of this Section. In the absence of and special drainage requirements. These an approved soil engineering report, these reports shall be in addition to those required provisions may be waived for minor fills not elsewhere in this Section. intended to support structures. For minor fills or waste areas, humps, hollows or water 2. Report Contents: The engineering re- pockets shall be graded smooth with accept- ports submitted shall include plans and able slopes. means of preventing and eliminating any health hazards and visual problems. All 2. Fill Location: Fill slopes shall not be phases of sanitary landfill operations and constructed on natural slopes steeper than solid waste fills shall be provided in the engi- two horizontal to one vertical (2:1) or where neering report, including type, nature, and the fill slope toes out within twelve feet (12') amount of equipment, manpower, special horizontally of the top of existing or planned precautions, chemical usage and availability cut slopes. of granular material for the coverage of the cell material. Bonding requirements, restric- 3. Preparation of Ground:The ground sur- tions on noise,dust and mud, special fencing face shall be prepared to receive fill by remov- requirements, special precautions required ing vegetation, noncomplying fill, topsoil and and availability of twenty four (24) hour in- other unsuitable materials as determined by spection and correction of hazards shall be the soil engineer, and where the slopes are provided by operator agreement with the City five to one (5:1) or steeper, by benching into prior to any consideration for either a sanitary sound bedrock or other competent material. landfill or solid waste fill. 4 - 14 4-4-060M 3. General: Unless specific requirements tensive wooden or flammable matter, may be are mentioned in this Section, the require- utilized in embankment where they may be of ments of subsection L of this Section shall be assistance in preventing undue sliding,water followed. scouring or voids which might harbor vermin. This material shall be sufficiently mixed or 4. Location: Special attention shall be covered with suitable granular material to given to solid waste and/or sanitary fill loca- prevent unsightly effects. tion to prevent undue hazard. 10. Animal Waste: Animal waste shall be 5. Cell Cover: Cell construction on any provided with suitable cover and sterilization solid waste fill shall consist of at least a six to prevent decay odors,build up of flammable inch (6") noncontaminated uniformly graded gasses, or possible leaching of putrescible granular cover material covering the entire material. Chemical treatment shall be pro- area of the cell construction. Each cell shall vided to prevent insect habitation. be covered the same day it is constructed. 11. Treated Fill: Materials such as hay, 6. Compaction: Compaction of the solid straw, tree limbs and brush, vegetable farm waste or sanitary fill material and mixture of waste, feathers, rubber tires, wood pulp, the material shall be such as to provide a rel- chemical substances, industrial waste, and atively uniform density with no extreme soft silage type material may need special treat- spots. Density of compacted cellular solid ment before utilization in a solid waste or san- waste material shall be as high as possible in itary landfill.Special request and reports shall accordance with good mixing compacting be made on waste materials of the foregoing standards and shall at no time be less than types prior to placement in landfills. forty percent(40%)of the density of a similar sample of material compacted under ideal 12. Prohibited Fill: No materials of appre- conditions by providing a fifty (50) pound per ciable volume of an extremely harmful nature square foot surcharge on a one cubic foot to environment shall be placed in any solid sample of the material. waste or sanitary landfill.This includes,but is not limited to, any form of demolition material 7. Bulk Items:Solid waste materials of bulk of an explosive nature, any volatile or liquid items involving metallic units similar to refrig- petroleum product, any chemical salts or sol- erators, stoves, car bodies, water tanks, uble material which would contaminate storm- heavy timber items and similar items shall be water, surface water or air, and any animal placed in the lower portion of a cell with suffi- meat or semisolid fruit or grain products which cient cover and compaction of cover to pre- might become rancid, putrescible or harmful. clude any dangerous voids. No provisions of the sanitary landfill or solid waste fill requirements shall preclude the use 8. Building Debris and Flammable Mate- of nonharmful native clay, sand, rock, or nor- rial: Broken wood, building material and re- mal fill type materials in filling operations cov- lated debris from structure removal ered under other subsections of this Section. (exclusive of brick and concrete)shall be sat- isfactorily broken and crushed to provide a 13. Drainage: Special attention shall be reasonably compacted cell when covered by provided drainage in any solid waste or sani- granular material. Protection shall be pro- tary landfill to prevent leaching of noxious or vided for any wood or burnable material to putrescible materials, decaying nuisance, prevent fire either on the surface or subsur- any contamination of normal watercourses. face. The earth cover on any cell containing Where water might leach through the con- flammable material including paper,wood,or struction cells, subdrains, lateral collectors vegetable products shall be sufficiently cov- and storage ponds shall be provided. Leach ered to prevent spread of flames should com- water from solid waste shall not be permitted bustion occur in any cell due to spontaneous to percolate downward into the water table. combustion. Leach water shall be collected and conveyed to a sewage treatment plant. 9. Stabilization: Brick, broken concrete, crushed building materials, not including ex- 4 - 15 4-4-060N 14. Water Disposal: Any leach water corn- designed to minimize trapping of exces- ing from covered sanitary or solid waste fill sive water which might endanger the ter- cells shall be collected,stored and decontam- race. Terraces shall slope toward the inated by suitable chemical or other means back or cut face at a minimum of ten per- and then disposed of in a sanitary sewer. cent (10%) slope to keep water from Should suitable collection facilities, sand fil- overtopping. ters and chemical-cleaning be provided to prevent any toxicity and reduce the leach wa- b. Scouring: Single run of swale or ter to an equivalent of normal storm flow, the ditch shall not collect runoff from a tribu- Public Works Department may permit dis- tary area exceeding thirteen thousand posal through normal stormwater facilities. five hundred (13,500) square feet of the Frequent samples of all water collected shall area of the face of the slope without dis- be taken, and flow conditions shall be con- charging into a down drain. Down drains trolled to prevent contamination or overload- shall terminate into a catch basin or other ing of either the sanitary or stormwater approved receiver to prevent scouring at facilities. Surface runoff in any sanitary pit or the outfall. solid waste landfill shall be maintained sepa- rately to prevent contamination by leaching. c. Capacity: Designed capacity for ter- races shall be a twenty four (24) hour, 15. Special Considerations: Special pay- twenty five (25) year storm as published ing, surface protection, and related health re- by the U.S. Weather Bureau. Design ve- quirements may be imposed on sanitary locity shall be such as to avoid water landfill and solid waste operations. transporting colloidal silts in the stream. Should request be made for variation 16. Prohibited Activities: No junk picking from the twenty four(24)hour,twenty five or field salvaging of any solid waste or sani- (25) year storm by the engineering de- tary landfill items shall be allowed in the vicin- signer, sufficient data shall be submitted ity of the landfill. Any separation of materials in an engineering report to analyze the re- for salvage shall be provided at the collection quested variation. When accumulated point or an approved transfer site prior to dis- flows are such that the water is capable of posal at the landfill site. transporting colloidal silts or other parti- cles in suspension down drains, pipe or N. DRAINAGE: lined ditches shall be incorporated to dis- pose of the runoff safely. Energy dispers- 1. General: Unless otherwise indicated on ing structures shall be used to prevent the approved grading plan,drainage facilities erosion. and terracing shall conform to the provisions of this Section. Special drainage protection d. Settling Ponds: Where stormwater work may be ordered in case of emergency or and ground conditions appear to warrant, serious potential flooding conditions, and the special holding and settling ponds, grading operator required to have available stormwater storage reservoirs, or other an employee to be called in times of potential means may be required to prevent over- serious emergency hazards. load or unusual by-pass of storm flow wa- ter to areas off the owner's site and 2. Terrace: Terraces at least eight feet (8') control. in width shall be established at no more than twenty five foot (25') intervals to control sur- 3. Subsurface Drainage: Cut and fill face runoff.Suitable access shall be provided slopes shall be provided with subsurface to permit cleaning and maintenance. drainage as necessary for stability. a. Swales: Swales or ditches on the 4. Disposal: All drainage facilities shall be back side of the terrace shall have a max- designed to carry waters to the nearest prac- imum longitudinal gradient of two percent ticable drainage way approved by the City (2%) unless protected by special paving, and/or other appropriate jurisdiction as a safe use of corrugated metal or other scour place to deposit such waters. Silt and other prevention devices. Drainage shall be debris shall be removed prior to the disposal 4 - 16 4-4-060P of such water. If drainage facilities discharge methods shall be employed to control erosion onto natural ground, riprap may be required. and sediment,provide safety, and control the (Ord. 2820, 1-14-1974, eff. 1-19-1974) rate of water runoff. (Ord. 2820, 1-14-1974, eff. 1-19-1974) a. Minimum Grade: At least two per- cent (2%) gradient toward approved P. FINAL REPORTS: drainage facilities from building pads will be required unless waived by the Build- 1. Plans and Reports: Upon completion of ing Department for nonhilly terrain. Ex- the rough grading work and at the final corn- ception: The gradient from the building pletion of the work, the Development Ser- pad may be one percent (1%) where vices Division may require the following building construction,and erosion control reports and drawings and supplements will be completed before hazardous con- thereto: (Ord. 2820, 1-14-1974, eff. ditions can occur. (Ord.2820, 1-14-1974, 1-19-1974; Amd. Ord. 3592, 12-14-1981) eff. 1-19-1974; Amd. Ord. 3592, 12-14-1981) a. As-Graded Grading Plan: An as- graded grading plan prepared by the civil b. Drainage Releases: The property engineer including original ground sur- owner or his authorized agent shall sub- face elevations, as-graded ground sur- mit acceptable copies of drainage re- face installations, lot drainage patterns leases from downstream owners or other and locations and elevations of all surface government agencies concerned when- and subsurface drainage facilities. The ever drainage is interrupted, diverted or civil engineer shall provide certification changed from natural surface or subsur- that the work was done in accordance face drainage patterns. with the final approved grading plan. c. Stream Acceptance: The volume b. Soil Grading Report: A soil grading and rate of water released shall not ex- report prepared by the soil engineer in- ceed the receiving stream's or water- cluding locations and elevations by field course's ability to accept the water density tests, summaries of field and lab- without erosion. oratory tests and other substantiating data and comments on any changes 5. Overland Runoff: Runoff from areas of made during grading and their effect on higher elevation shall be safely routed around the recommendation made in the soil en- or through the extraction or fill area. (Ord. gineering investigation report. The soil 2820, 1-14-1974, eff. 1-19-1974) engineer shall provide certification as to the adequacy of the site for the intended O. SLOPES: use. 1. General: The faces of cut and fill slopes c. Geologic Grading Report: A geo- shall be provided and maintained to control logic grading report prepared by the engi- against erosion. This control may consist of neering geologist including a final effective planting. The protection for the description of the geology of the site in- slopes shall be installed as soon as practica- cluding any new information disclosed ble and prior to calling for final approval. during the grading and the effect of same Where cut slopes are not subject to erosion on recommendations incorporated in the due to the erosion-resistant character of the approved grading plan. The engineering materials, such protection may be omitted geologist shall provide certification as to with the permission of the Building Depart- the adequacy of the site for the intended ment, provided that this protection is not re- use as affected by geologic factors. (Ord. quired by the rehabilitation plan. (Ord. 2820, 2820, 1-14-1974, eff. 1-19-1974) 1-14-1974, eff. 1-19-1974; Amd. Ord. 3592, 12-14-1981) 2. Notification of Completion:The permit- tee or his agent shall notify the Development 2. Other Devices:Where necessary check Services Division when the grading operation dams, cribbing, riprap or other devices or is ready for final inspection. Final approval 4 - 17 4-4-0600 shall not be given until all work including in- practical if the quality is equal to or better than stallation of all drainage facilities and their available nursery stock. Existing desirable protective devices and all erosion control vegetation should be preserved where appli- measures have been completed in accor- cable. dance with the final approved grading plan and the required reports have been submit- 4. Protection of Fragile Natural Environ- ted. (Ord. 2820, 1-14-1974, eff. 1-19-1974; ments:Areas of fragile natural environments Amd. Ord. 3592, 12-14-1981) should be protected from development and encroachment. Q. APPEALS: If the applicant does not concur with the require- 5. Preservation of Unique Features: If ments of the Development Services Division, he practicable, unique features within the site has the prerogative of appealing to the Hearing should be preserved and incorporated into Examiner pursuant to RMC 4-8-110. (Ord. 3592, the site development design(such as springs, 12-14-1981) streams, marshes, significant vegetation, rock out-croppings and significant ravines). R. VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES: Penalties for any violation of any of the provisions 6. Green River Valley Landscaping Re- of this Chapter shall be in accord with RMC 1-3-2, quirements: Any development in the Green Civil Penalties. (Ord. 4351, 5-4-1992) River Valley shall provide a minimum of two percent (2%) of the total site for landscaping suitable for wildlife habitat. This landscaping 4-4-070 LANDSCAPING: is in addition to any other landscaping re- quirements by this Section or any other regu- A. PURPOSE AND INTENT: lation. The following map depicts the Landscaping requirements are established to boundaries of this area. provide minimum landscaped standards neces- sary to maintain and protect property values and enhance the image and appearance of the City. B. APPLICABILITY: These requirements apply to all uses except sin- gle family and two (2) family residential uses. C. PLANS REQUIRED: Site plans and landscaping plans shall be re- quired with applications for building permits. The plan shall contain the information required by RMC 4-8-120 and must be approved for issuance of a building permit. D. GENERAL LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS: 1. Compliance with Zone Standards Re- quired: See specific Zone requirements listed in chapter 4-2 RMC. 2. Parking Lot Landscaping Require- ments: Parking lot landscaping requirements shall be as listed in RMC 4-4-080F7. 3. Existing Plant Material: Existing trees and other vegetation on the site of a pro- posed development may be used where 4 - 18 4-4-070D ..... ---- — lu,• .', •': 'q:. : • ..1-•-..,--, :-,...--..; ;.... — .........1, GREEN RIVER VALLEY "'"P T.,.,;, ". 1 i i..i,...1 ••••••,•• Li__ ..r ',...•.::;; P.o.,„,,. ' .......10 ,•-`4',•,Ct. i \ ,,,. ,,•.:-. - •:',\‘'4, -\ ::..',.::- : :;;,\ •>. \\ . . \ ; ' '' '- '''•-' -''';;".:-) .4-•••‘%,.. . ;':.f.'4!• •••V.;•.%.•`... ; /4•.,' ''-'",/ 6.a....W-I.' '4;41 ; • '‘'.:•:;''':\;$.i- -Lill - 'Yk t' •• / ' ,•••••••..,..„,••''' , ''. I ; .---",,....,:.:4117,.' 4fg' ."...4.. -. ‘.„.'i 44 4^11"11'''I ..". .,. ,... •':"..2.•, i':: ,,-, ,,.',1 ,..,-,-... •.,.\,--.0:,......,..A•:,•.&,..c: . •••:• , ; . ''''''77''F-117f11-7"-‘''...1.• .-4-'':'. 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I ... _ ..4,—...._,...... 1 . ....V. r • ...-„,"..,:,. . , • , .. i I! .. . .. . ...... .. ., . ,— . ........••'' .. " J I I • ....,, ..,•-• ,•••. . I ' •,...,.. . .T.,...:;;. 1 — )t "C T'''''' ... •••,' ' . ' Sf.,±,4 .;',. •___,../-• ..... I t•.\ f , • i; ; .ier- ;;. / \‘`4\'.--- il ' . 1 1 i; ,.44•- 1 f' 4 )44.7_TI 4 - 19 4-4-070E 7. Compliance with Shorelines Master H. MAINTENANCE: Program: Any development within the pro- tected shorelines area shall be required to 1. Maintenance Required: Landscaping meet the standards and requirements of the required by this Section shall be maintained City of Renton Shorelines Master Plan. by the owner and/or occupant and shall be subject to periodic inspection by the Develop- 8. Slopes: Stripping of vegetative slopes ment Services Division. (Ord. 3988, where harmful erosion and run-off will occur 4-28-1986) Plantings are to be maintained in shall be avoided. The faces of cut and fill a healthy, growing condition and those dead slopes shall be developed and maintained to or dying shall be replaced within six (6) control against erosion.This control may con- months. Property owners shall keep the sist of effective planting. The protection for planting areas reasonably free of weeds and the slopes shall be installed within thirty (30) litter. days of grading completion and prior to a re- quest for final project approval.Where slopes 2. Failure to Maintain Landscaping: The are not subject to erosion due to the erosion- Development Services Division Director or resistant character of the materials such pro- his designated representative is authorized to tection may be omitted with the permission of notify the owner or his agent that any installed the Public Works Department, provided that landscaping as required by the Development this protection is not required by the rehabili- Services Division is not being adequately tation plan. maintained and the specific nature of the fail- ure to maintain. The Development Services 9. Erosion Control Devices: Where nec- Division shall send the property owner or his essary, check dams, cribbing, riprap or other agent two (2) written notices, each with a fif- devices or methods shall be employed to teen (15) day response period. The notices control erosion and sediment, provide safety shall specify the date by which said mainte- and control the rate of water run-off. nance must be accomplished and shall be addressed to the property owner or agent's 10. Underground Sprinkling System Re- last known address. quired: Underground sprinkling systems shall be installed and maintained in all land- I. VIOLATION AND PENALTIES: scaped areas.The sprinkler system shall pro- Violation of this Section shall be a misdemeanor vide full water coverage of the planted areas punishable as provided in this Code. Each and as specified on the plan. (Ord. 3718, every day or portion thereof during which violation 3-28-1983) of any of the provisions of this Section is commit- ted, continued or permitted shall constitute a sep- E. LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION: arate offense. (Ord. 3718, 3-28-1983) All approved landscaping shall be completed on site before the issuance of an occupancy permit. 4-4-080 PARKING, LOADING AND F. DEFERRAL OF LANDSCAPE DRIVEWAY REGULATIONS: IMPROVEMENTS: Deferral improvements,due to seasonal planting A. PURPOSE: difficulties, plant sh,ortages, or to the fact that the It is the purpose of this Section to provide a project is impacted by a pending public works means of regulating parking to promote the project, may be requested pursuant to RMC health, safety, morals, general welfare and aes- 4-9-060, Deferred Improvements. thetics of the City of Renton by specifying the off- street parking and loading requirements for all G. AMENDED LANDSCAPING PLAN: uses permitted in this Code and to describe de- The approved landscaping requirements may be sign standards and other required improvements. modified upon request to the Development Ser- Furthermore, it is the intent of this Section to pro- vices Division. The plans may be approved, de- mote the efficient use of the City's transportation nied or returned to the applicant with suggestions facilities by incorporation into that system of alter- for changes that would make them acceptable. native modes of transportation to the single occu- pancy vehicle to promote the movement of 4 - 20 4-4-080C people from place to place. It is the goal of this 2. Conformance Required: It shall be un- Section to allow the provision of sufficient off- lawful for any person hereafter to erect, con- street parking to meet the needs of urban devel- struct, enlarge, move or convert any parking opment while not providing an excess surplus of lot, parking structure, loading area, or drive- spaces. (Ord. 4517, 5-8-1995) way in the City or cause or permit the same to be done contrary to or in violation of any of B. SCOPE OF PARKING, LOADING AND the provisions of this Section. Driveways DRIVEWAY STANDARDS: shall be constructed to City standards. (Ord. 4517, 5-8-1995, Ord. 4351, 5-4-1992) 1. Applicability:All new developments and alterations to, or expansion of, existing devel- 3. Plans Required: Where off-street park- opments per subsection B1 a(ii) of this Sec- ing is required, except for single-family dwell- tion shall comply with the applicable ings,a plan shall be submitted for approval by requirements of this Section. the Building Department. The plan must be accompanied by sufficient proof of ownership a. New Buildings and Building Addi- that indicates the spaces contemplated will tions: Off-street parking, loading areas, be permanent. and driveways shall be provided in accor- dance with the provisions of this Section 4. Future Changes to Parking Arrange- in the following cases: ment: Any future changes in parking ar- rangements must be approved by the i. The construction of new buildings Development Services Division. or structures; (Ord. 3988,4-28-1986) 5. Timing for Compliance: ii. The enlargement or remodeling of an existing building/structure or a. Building Permit Required: No con- land use by more than one-third(1/3) struction, alteration or changes in uses of the area of building/structure or are permitted until all the information in area of land use; or (Ord. 3988, RMC 4-8-120D16p, Parking Analysis, 4-28-1986) and 4-8-120D19s, Site Plan, has been submitted and approved by the appropri- iii. Paving of a parking lot with a ate City departments and building permit permanent surface, or striping a pre- has been issued. viously unstriped lot. (Ord. 4517, 5-8-1995) b. Requirements Prior to Occupancy Permit: The premises shall not be occu- b. Change in Use: When the occu- pied until the parking lot is paved, pancy of any land use, structure and/or marked, landscaped and lighted(if the lot building or any part of a building, struc- is to be illuminated) and an occupancy ture, and/or land use is changed to an- permit has been issued, unless a defer- other use requiring increased parking ment has been granted. stalls, parking shall be provided to meet the parking requirements of the new use, c. Requirements Prior to Business as specified in subsection F10 of this License Issuance: A business license Section. shall not be issued until an occupancy permit has been issued. (Ord. 3988, c. Activities Requiring Deliveries or 4-28-1986) Shipments: For all buildings hereafter erected, reconstructed or enlarged, ade- C. AREA EXEMPTION FOR PARKING — quate permanent off-street loading space DOWNTOWN CORE: shall be provided if the activity carried on The downtown core area, which is described as in such building requires deliveries to it or that area bounded by the centerlines of Smithers shipments from it of people or merchan- Avenue South from South Fourth Place to South dise. Loading space shall be in addition Third Street and Morris Avenue South from South to required off-street parking spaces. Third Street to South Second Street and South (Ord. 3988, 4-28-1986) Second Street from Morris Avenue South to Lo- 4 -21 4-4-080C gan Avenue South, bounded on the north by Ce- west side of Logan Avenue South between South dar River, east to Mill Avenue South, south to Second Street and Airport Way, but in no case South Fourth Street and west to Smithers Avenue shall the area extend more than one hundred ten South, shall be exempt from the provisions of this feet (110') west of the Logan Avenue South right- Section. This area shall also extend to the west of-way. (Ord. 4671, 7-21-1921) property line of those properties fronting along the Downtown Core Area --E' z -S ''� t-1t3 LJLJ I« 3F„ I J I--It 1. Renton Municipal Airport, `` a port Vay --- { j is >I I # q N nd . Y I .I -i _ �, ♦ . it Q .................... _____ • ,in Ave Tobin ♦ I \ Abiorii[] - Os : ....., ._ i_ - — —I **.% 140(\. 41110AI .46' c 1±Ii ' a On S 2nd St r. S 2nd St "� I T . a _r.. .. _._ „ get :u i_., ..___IL:11----i -.' '''' Iri, __ Y S 3rd St u- `—'� "--- 1 I � , III' I1 [1...__ __ ' ----[;_f rl fj --7-7 �.�.� _.._...-ter. ...... S 4th St r El (Ord. 4722, 5-11-1998) 4-22 4-4-080 E D. ADMINISTRATION: b. Multi-Family: May be on contiguous lot with the building they are required to 1. Authority:The Planning/Building/Public serve, provided the provisions of subsec- Works Department is hereby authorized and tion E2 of this Section (Special Review directed to enforce all the provisions of this Process for Off-Site Parking) are com- Section. For such purpose, the Planning/ plied with. Building/Public Works Administrator or his/ her duly authorized representative shall have c. Boat Moorages: May have parking the authority of a police officer. (Ord. 4517, areas located not more than six hundred 5-8-1995) feet(600')from such moorage facility nor closer than one hundred feet(100')to the 2. Interpretation: shoreline. (See the chart in subsection F10,Marinas,of this Section).Accessible a. Calculation of Number of Parking parking as required by the Washington Spaces—Fractions: When a unit of State Barrier Free Standards can be al- measurement determining the number of lowed within the one hundred feet (100') required parking spaces results in the re- per subsection F8e of this Section. quirement of a fractional space, any frac- tion up to but not including one-half(1/2) d. Other Uses:On the same lot with the shall be disregarded and fractions one- principal use except when the conditions half(1/2) and over shall require one park- as mentioned in subsection E2 of this ing space. (Ord. 3988, 4-28-1986) Section (Special Review Process for Off- Site Parking) below are complied with. b. Measurement of Distance— Method: Where a distance is specified, 2. Special Review Process for Off-Site such distance shall be the walking dis- Parking: tance measured from the nearest point of the parking facility to the nearest point of a. Approval Required: If sufficient the building that such facility is required parking is not available on the premises to serve. (Ord. 4517, 5-8-1995) of the use, excepting single and two (2) family dwellings, a private parking lot c. Measurement of Seat Width— may be provided on a noncommercial ba- Benches and Pews: In stadiums, sports sis subject to the approval of the Devel- arenas, churches and other places of as- opment Services Division. sembly in which patrons or spectators oc- cupy benches, pews or other similar b. Additional Information Required seating facilities, each eighteen inches in Conjunction with Building Permit: (18") of length of such seating facilities The Development Services Division shall shall be counted as one seat for the pur- review the following as part of the build- pose of determining requirements for off- ing permit process: street parking facilities under this Sec- tion. (Ord. 3988, 4-28-1986) i. A letter of justification addressing the need and neighborhood compat- E. LOCATION OF REQUIRED PARKING: ibility. 1. On-Site Parking Required: Required ii. A site plan showing all dimen- parking as specified herein shall be provided lions of: Parking spaces, aisles, upon property in the same ownership as the landscaping areas, adjacent street property upon which the building or use re- improvements, curb cuts across pub- quiring the specified parking is located or lic streets, and on-site and adjacent upon leased parking. Off-street parking facili- use and building locations. ties shall be located as hereinafter specified: c. Authority for Approval of Off-Site a. Single Family and Duplexes: On Parking: The Development Services Di- the same lot with the building they are re- vision shall apply the following conditions quired to serve. 4 - 23 4-4-080F in the review process. (Ord. 4517, c. Maximum Distance of Parking 5-8-1995) from Use: To qualify as a joint-use park- ing facility, the facility must be located d. General Standards: within a radius of seven hundred fifty feet (750')from the buildings or use areas it is i, The parking lot shall be subject to intended to serve. all applicable provisions of this Sec- tion. d. Contract Required:A joint-use con- tract, covering a minimum of five (5) ii. Except for emergencies, no auto- years, shall be approved by the Building mobile repair or service of any kind Department and by the City Attorney for shall be conducted on any such park- such a parking arrangement to be al- ing area. lowed. (Ord. 3988, 4-28-1986) iii. No charge for use of such park- e. Special Provisions for Subdivi- ing area shall be made in any resi- sion of Shopping Center: Parking ar- dential zone except on a weekly or eas in shopping centers operate as monthly basis. (Ord. 3988, common parking for all uses. If a shop- 4-28-1986) ping center is subdivided,the easements and/or restrictive covenants must grant e. Maximum Distance to Off-Site use and maintenance of common parking Parking Lot:Off-site parking for required access. parking spaces shall be contained in a parking lot within five hundred feet (500') F. PARKING LOT DESIGN STANDARDS: of the building or other use it is intended to serve for residential uses, and within 1. Maneuvering Space/Use of Public seven hundred fifty feet (750') of the Right-of-Way: Maneuvering space shall be building or other use it is intended to completely off the right-of-way of any public serve for nonresidential uses. However, street except for parking spaces provided for if a transportation management plan is in single family dwellings and duplexes. Alleys use or proposed for use in conjunction shall not be used for off-street parking and with the project, or if the developer or loading purposes, but may be used for ma- building occupant can demonstrate that a neuvering space. Parallel parking stalls shall transit shuttle or other form or acceptable be designed so that doors of vehicles do not transportation system (motorized or non- open onto the public right-of-way. motorized) between a remote parking fa- cility and the development will provide 2. Maximum Parking Lot and Parking adequately for the parking needs of the Structure Slopes: Maximum slopes for park- land use, then at the discretion of the ing lots shall not exceed eight percent (8%) Planning/Building/Public Works Depart- slope. The Board of Public Works may allow ment the maximum distance may be re- a driveway to exceed eight percent (8%) faxed given that the conditions outlined in slope but not more than fifteen percent(15%) RMC 4-9-250D2 are met. slope, upon proper application in writing and for good cause shown, which shall include, 3. Joint Use Parking Facilities: but not be limited to, the absence of any rea- sonable alternative. a. Encouraged: The joint use of park- ing facilities should generally be encour- 3. Access Approval Required: The in- aged within the City of Renton. gress and egress of all parking lots and struc- tures shall be approved by the Development b. When Applicable: The joint use of Services Division. (Ord. 3988, 4-28-1986) parking facilities may be authorized only for those uses which have dissimilar 4. Linkages: The Planning/Building/Public peak-hour demands during the nonpeak Works Department shall have the authority to hours of the lessor. (Ord.4517,5-8-1995) establish,or cause to be established, bicycle, high occupancy vehicle and pedestrian link- 4 - 24 4-4-080F ages within public and private developments. one foot (1') from the curb face, at Enforcement shall be administered through fifty foot (50') intervals. (Ord. 4130, the normal site design review and/or permit- 2-15-1988) ting process. Adjustments to the standard parking requirements of subsection F10 of ii. Signs shall be twelve inches by this Section may be made by the Planning/ eighteen inches(12"x 18")and shall Building/Public Works Department based on have letters and background of con- the extent of these services to be provided. trasting colors, readily readable from (Ord. 4517, 5-8-1995) at least a fifty foot (50') distance. (Ord. 3988, 4-28-1966) 5. Lighting: Any lighting on a parking lot shall illuminate only the parking lot and shall iii. Signs shall be spaced not further be designed and located so as to avoid un- than fifty feet (50') apart nor shall due glare or reflection of light.Light standards they be placed less than five feet(5'), shall not be located so as to interfere with or more than seven feet(7')from the parking stalls,stacking areas and ingress and ground. The installation and use of egress areas. fire lane signs will preclude the re- quirement for painting"FIRE LANE— 6. Fire Lane Standards: NO PARKING", in the lane only. The area shall be identified by painting a. Applicability: As required by the the curb red or in the absence of a Fire Codes and the Fire Department,fire curb,a four inch (4") red line shall be lanes shall be installed surrounding facil- used. (Ord. 4130, 2-15-1988) ities which by their size, location, design or contents warrant access which ex- d. Surfacing and Construction Re- ceeds that normally provided by the prox- quirements: Fire lanes shall be an all imity of City streets. weather surface constructed of asphalt or reinforced concrete certified to be capa- Additional fire lanes may be required in ble of supporting a twenty (20) ton vehi- order to provide access for firefighting or cle, or when specifically authorized by rescue operations at building entrances the Fire Department, crushed rock may or exits, fire hydrants and fire protection be used; provided, written certification is system service connection or control de- provided from a soils engineer, that the vices. roadway will support the weight of oper- ating fire apparatus. The Fire Department may require that ar- eas specified for use as driveways or pri- e. Clearances and Turning Radii: vate thoroughfares shall be designated Where fire lanes connect to City streets as fire lanes and be marked or identified or parking lots, adequate clearances and as required by this Section. turning radii shall be provided. b. Minimum Width and Clearance: f. Existing Buildings—Hazards: Lanes shall provide a minimum unob- When the Fire Chief, or his authorized structed continuous width of twenty feet designee, determines that a hazard due (20') and provide a minimum vertical to inaccessibility of fire apparatus exists clearance of thirteen feet six inches around existing buildings, he may require (13'6"). (Ord. 3988, 4-28-1986) fire lanes to be constructed and main- tained as provided by this Section. c. Identification: g. Modification by Fire Chief: When i. Lanes shall be identified by a four the required clearances outlined above inch (4") wide line and curb painted cannot be physically provided, modifica- bright red. The block letters shall tion may be allowed upon written applica- state, "FIRE LANE—NO PARKING", tion and approval of the Fire Chief. be eighteen inches (18") high, painted white, located not less than 4 - 25 4-4-080F 7. Landscape Requirements: d. Minimum Landscaping Width Re- quirements Abutting Public Right-of- a. When Applicable: All parking lots, Way: Parking lots shall have landscaped loading areas and drive-in businesses, areas as follows: vehicle sales lots and storage lots except those used for detached single family i. Right Angle and Ninety Degree dwelling units, duplexes and those in en- (90°)Stalls:A minimum width of five closed buildings, shall be landscaped to feet (5')for right angle and ninety de- the standard set forth in RMC 4-4-070. gree (90°) parking stalls along the abutting public right-of-way except b. Landscape Approval Required:All for areas of ingress and egress. landscaping under this Section is subject to approval by the Building/Zoning De- ii. Angled Parking Layouts, partment. Forming a Sawtooth Pattern:Shall maintain a minimum of two foot (2') c. General Requirements for All landscaping strip in the narrowest Parking Lots: part of the sawtooth pattern abutting a public right-of-way. i. Landscape Safety Standards: Landscaping shall not conflict with e. Additional Landscaping Required the safety of those using adjacent for Large Parking Lots: In addition to sidewalks or with traffic safety. compliance with subsections F7c and F7d of this Section, parking lots ten thou- ii. Retention of Existing Land- sand (10,000) square feet or greater in scaping Encouraged:Where possi- area shall have a minimum of five per- ble existing mature trees and shrubs cent (5%) of area within the parking lot shall be preserved and incorporated landscaped in a pattern that reduces the in the landscape layout. barren appearance of the parking lot. iii. Screening of Adjacent Resi- f. Special Landscape and Screening dential Uses Required: A planting Standards for Storage Lots:Perimeters area or berm with landscaping shall of the lot must be effectively screened by be provided on those sides of a park- a combination of landscaping and fenc- ing lot that is adjacent to properties ing: used and/or zoned for residential pur- poses. (See specific zoning classifi- i. A minimum of ten foot (10') land- cation.) Such planting shall be sub- scaped strip is required between the ject to the requirements of the zoning property lines along public rights-of- development standards and shall be way and the fence. The landscaping of a sufficient height to serve as a shall be of a size and variety so as to buffer. provide an eighty percent (80%) opaque screen. iv. Screening Modifications: The Development Services Division may ii. The entire perimeter must be allow a minimum of a forty two inch fenced by a sight obscuring fence, a (42") screening fence in lieu of land- minimum of eight feet (8') in height. scaping upon proper application for Gates may be left unscreened for se- good cause shown, which shall in- curity purposes. clude but not be limited to a narrow parking lot. g. Underground Sprinkling System Required: Underground sprinkling sys- v. Minimum Width: Any landscap- tems shall be required to be installed and ing area shall be a minimum of five maintained for all landscaped areas.The feet (5') in width. sprinkler system shall provide full water coverage of the planted areas as speci- fied on the plan. 4 - 26 4-4-080F h. Installation to Comply with Ap- ing stall length to be reduced by two feet proved Plans:All landscaping and sprin- (2'), provided there is sufficient area to kler systems shall be installed in safely allow the overhang of a vehicle and accordance with the landscaping and that the area of vehicle overhang does not sprinkler plan submitted by the applicant intrude into required landscaping areas. and approved by the Building Department (see RMC 4-8-120D9i, Irrigation Plans, d. Customer/Guest Parking: The De- and 4-8-120D91, Landscaping Plans). velopment Services Division may require areas be set aside exclusively for cus- 8. Parking Stall Types, Sizes, and Per- tomer or guest parking and shall specify centage Allowed/Required: one of the following methods be used: a. Standard Parking Stall Size: i. A maximum of fifty percent(50%) of the required parking stalls clearly i. Minimum Length: A normal designated as "customer parking"or parking stall shall be twenty feet(20') "guest parking". Parking stalls with in length, except for parallel stalls, said designations shall be used only measured along both sides of the us- for said purposes. able portion of the stall. Each parallel stall shall be twenty three feet by nine ii. A separate parking lot with its feet (23' x 9') in size. own ingress and egress,landscaping and screening exclusively for cus- ii. Minimum Width:A parking stall tomer parking and adequately signed shall be nine feet (9') in width mea- as such. sured from a right angle to the stall sides. e. Accessible Parking as Stipulated in the Americans with Disabilities Act iii. Reduced Width and Length (ADA): Accessible parking shall be pro- for Attendant Parking: When cars vided per the requirements of the Wash- are parked by an attendant, the stall ington State Barrier Free Standards as shall not be less than eighteen feet adopted by the City of Renton. (Ord. long by eight feet wide (18' x 8'). 3988, 4-28-1986) b. Compact Parking Stall Size and NUMBER OF ACCESSIBLE Maximum Number of Compact PARKING SPACES Spaces: Total Parking Minimum Required Spaces in Lot or Number of Accessible i. Stall Size: Each stall shall be Garage Spaces eight and one-half feet in width and 1 —25 1 sixteen feet in length (8-1/2'x 16'). 26—50 2 ii. Maximum Number of Compact 51 —75 3 Spaces: Compact parking spaces 76— 100 4 shall not account for more than: 101 — 150 5 151 —200 6 • Designated employee parking —not to exceed forty percent 201 —300 7 (40%). 301 —400 8 401 —500 9 • All other uses— not to exceed 501 —1,000 2% of total spaces thirty percent(30%). (Ord. 3988, 4-28-1986) Over 1,000 20 spaces plus 1 space for every 100 spaces, or c. Special Reduced Length for Over- fraction thereof, over 1,000 hang: The Planning/Building/Public (Ord. 3988, 4-28-1986) Works Department may permit the park- 4 - 27 4-4-080F b. Ninety Degree (90°) Head-In Park- ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACES GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ing Aisle Width Minimums:For one row O✓fyWK rSQUKD SG. YRIA"Ct. 9IE.SIGH and two (2) rows of ninety degree (90°) �7A11 head-in parking using the same aisle in a y l otiro,v n l n� n /ram,.... �� I \— one way or two way circulation pattern, o o the minimum width of the aisle shall be o —FAIR 0 twenty four feet (24'). ,I °' , & P' t # {II » 1, » b _ MXESS AFAE�/ `—STM.'WPIII 4 ♦�,,A i.M 4 „Pc,� f=5r,rt:1NC? 9D PE'.. FE 9. Aisle Width Standards: -,X a. Parallel Parking Minimum Aisle Width: L * 1 :; i. One Way Circulation: For one 4 ' €1' ,4,1 • way circulation,the minimum width of r,/ Eli' the aisle shall be ten feet (10'). � or, - ii. Two Way Circulation: For two -}• ------- way circulation,the minimum width of I 4 the aisle shall be eighteen feet(18'). (Ord. 3988, 4-28-1986) =f PARKING - PARALLEL rung rn nss:• -„ ''AF'K;W; I.....i (.'K'::7 A AIM t 3 r)'l i-:;?loN 01- 1� bNE WA' II TRAVEI 1 70` t , c r rl N C Hi err TWO WAY TRAVEL 10-O LI PARKING Et. C1KCULATION t i DIRECTION OF TRAVEL 4 -28 4-4-080F c. Sixty Degree(60°) Head-In Park- d. Forty Five Degree(45°) Head-In ing Aisle Width Minimums: Parking Aisle Width Minimums: i. For one row and two (2) rows of i.One Way Circulation:For one and sixty degree (60°) head-in parking two(2)rows of forty five degree(45°) using a one way circulation pattern, head-in parking using a one way cir- the minimum width of the aisle shall culation pattern, the minimum width be seventeen feet (17'). of the aisle shall be twelve feet(12'). ii. For two (2) rows of sixty degree ii.Two Way Circulation: For two(2) (60°) head-in parking using a two rows of forty five degree (45°) head- way circulation pattern,the minimum in parking using a two way circulation width of the aisle shall be twenty feet pattern,the width of the aisle shall be (20'). (Ord. 3988, 4-28-1986) twenty feet (20'). (Ord. 3988, 4-28-1986) FARKING (3) DEG .t. 22 .0 detn,.o. s _° ! FARKING 4 5 L)LGRL r O f `, k/ 510 TRAVF y22'-0 20 0" 41 18'7" ''ftF UV r ] ?_tf(:A A l ii Ni 7gAl Vf;'t i"C4 ' 1 1T',h 21.0" 17'-0" wGWA flAf Ft 10. Number of Parking Spaces Required: a. Interpretation of Standards—Mini- mum and Maximum Number of Spaces: In determining parking require- ments, when a single number of parking spaces is required by this Code,then that number of spaces is to be interpreted as the general number of parking spaces re- quired, representing both the minimum and the maximum number of spaces to be provided for that land use. When a maximum and a minimum range of required parking is listed in this Code, 4 -29 4-4-080F the developer or occupant is required to through a binding contract with the provide at least the number of spaces City of Renton. At a minimum, the listed as the minimum requirement, and Transportation Management Plan will may not provide more than the maximum designate the number of trips to be listed in this Code. reduced on a daily basis, the means by which the plan is to be accom- b. Multiple Uses: When a develop- plished, an evaluation procedure, ment falls under more than one category, and a contingency plan if the trip re- the parking standards for the most spe- duction goal cannot be met. If the cific category shall apply, unless specifi- Transportation Management Plan is cally stated otherwise. unsuccessful, the developer is obli- gated to immediately provide addi- c. Alternatives: tional measures at the direction of the Planning/Building/Public Works De- i. Joint Parking Agreements: Ap- partment, which may include the re- proved joint use parking agreements quirement to provide full parking as and the establishment of a transpor- required by City standards. tation management plan (TMP) may be used as described in subsections d. Modification: The Planning/Build- E3 and Fl Oc(ii) of this Section to ing/Public Works Department may autho- meet a portion of these parking re- rize a modification from either the quirements. minimum or maximum parking require- ments for a specific development should ii. Transportation Management conditions warrant as described in RMC Plans: A Transportation Manage- 4-9-250D2.When seeking a modification ment Plan (TMP) guaranteeing the from the minimum or maximum parking required reduction in vehicle trips requirements, the developer or building may be substituted in part or in whole occupant shall provide the Planning/ for the parking spaces required, sub- Building/Public Works Department with ject to the approval of the Planning/ written justification for the proposed mod- Building/Public Works Department. ification. The developer may seek the assis- e. Parking Spaces Required Based tance of the Planning/Building/Public on Land Use: Modification of these min- Works Department in formulating a imum or maximum standards requires Transportation Management Plan. written approval from the Planning/Build- The plan must be agreed upon by ing/Public Works Department (see RMC both the City and the developer 4-9-250). (Ord. 4517, 5-8-1995) USE NUMBER OF REQUIRED SPACES RESIDENTIAL USES: Single family dwellings: 2 per single family dwelling. Tandem parking is allowed. Two (2) family dwellings: 2 per dwelling unit. Tandem parking is allowed. Mobile homes: 2 for each trailer site plus 1 screened space for each 10 lots for recreational vehicles. Boarding and lodging houses: 1 for the proprietor plus 1 for each sleeping room for board- ers and/or lodging use plus 1 additional space for each 4 persons employed on the premises. Multi-family and apartment houses: Resident spaces: 1.5 for each dwelling unit. Guest parking spaces: 1 guest parking space shall be required for every 4 dwelling units required in apartments or planned development with 5 units or more. 4 - 30 4-4-080F USE NUMBER OF REQUIRED SPACES RESIDENTIAL USES: (Continued) Recreational vehicle parking All recreational vehicle parking spaces shall be screened. spaces: Provisions of parking for recreational vehicles shall be optional and as follows, provided, that such parking areas are not prohibited by the restrictive covenants approved by the City and recorded with King County: Complexes less than 50 units: None. Complexes more than 50 units: 1 for every 15 units. Multiple dwelling for low income elderly: 1 for each 4 dwelling units. COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES: All drive-in businesses which maintain Stacking space:The drive-in facility shall be so located that drive-in facilities which are intended to sufficient stacking space is provided for the handling of serve customers who remain in their motor motor vehicles using such facility during peak business vehicles during the business transactions, hours of such a facility. or are designed in such a manner that Driveway location: Entrances and exits shall be located so customers must leave their automobiles as not to cause congestion in any public right-of-way. temporarily in a driving lane located adjacent to the facility, shall provide Shopping centers: When located in a shopping center, stacking space for the stacking of motor drive-in facilities shall provide sufficient stacking space to vehicles as follows: handle peak business demands and shall not in any way obstruct the normal circulation pattern of the shopping cen- ter. (Ord. 3988, 4-28-1986) Banks: A minimum of 4 per each 1,000 feet of gross floor area and not more than a maximum of 5 per each 1,000 square feet of gross floor area except when part of a shopping center. (Ord. 4517, 5-8-1995) Drive-up windows: 5 spaces for stacking for each station and separate from the parking area. Queuing from drive-up windows cannot extend into the public right-of-way. Convalescent, nursing and health 1 parking space for each 2 employees plus 1 for each 3 institutions: beds. A minimum of 10 parking spaces shall be required. Day care: Child day care or adult day 1 for each employee, and 2 loading spaces within 100'of care/health the main entrance for every 25 clients of the program. Drive-in business: 1 for each 50 square feet of gross floor area except when located in a shopping center. Hotels, motels and cabins: 1 for each guest room or dwelling unit plus 2 for each 3 employees. Mortuaries or funeral homes: 1 for each 100 square feet of floor area of assembly rooms. Motor vehicle sales— Outdoor retail 1 for every 5,000 square feet. The sales area is not a park- sales areas: ing lot and does not have to comply with dimensional requirements, landscaping or the bulk storage section requirements for setbacks and screening. Any arrangement of motor vehicles is allowed as long as: • a minimum 5' perimeter landscaping area is pro- vided; • they are not displayed in required landscape areas; and • adequate fire access is provided per Fire Depart- ment approval. Motor vehicle repair and service: 1 for each 400 square feet of gross floor area except when part of a shopping center. 4 - 31 4-4-080F USE NUMBER OF REQUIRED SPACES COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES: (Continued) Offices— Medical and dental: 1 for each 200 square feet of gross floor area except when located in a shopping center. (Ord. 3988, 4-28-1986) Offices— Professional and businesses: A minimum of 3 per each 1,000 feet of gross floor area and not more than a maximum of 4.5 parking spaces per each 1,000 square feet of gross floor area except when part of a shopping center. (Ord. 4517, 5-8-1995) Restaurants, night clubs,taverns and 1 for each 100 square feet of gross floor area except when lounges: part of a shopping center. Restaurant—Combination sit-down- 1 for each 75 square feet of gross floor area except when drive-in restaurant: part of a shopping center. (Ord. 3988, 4-28-1986) Retail stores,supermarkets, department A minimum of 4 per each 1,000 feet of gross floor area and stores and personal service shops: not more than a maximum of 5 per each 1,000 square feet of gross floor area except when located in a shopping cen- ter. (Ord. 4517, 5-8-1995) Other retail establishments—Service 1 for each 500 square feet of gross floor area except when shops, clothing or shoe repair shops, located in a shopping center. furniture, appliance, hardware stores, household equipment: Recreational and entertainment uses: Auditoriums, theaters, places of 1 for each 4 fixed seats or 1 for each 100 square feet of floor public assembly, stadiums and area of main auditorium or of principal place of assembly not outdoor sports areas: containing fixed seats, whichever is greater. Bowling alleys: 5 for each alley except when located in a shopping center. Dance halls, skating rinks: 1 for each 40 square feet of gross floor area except when located in a shopping center. Golf driving ranges: 1 or each driving station. Marinas: 2 per 3 slips. For private marina associated with a residential complex,then 1 per 3 slips. Also 1 loading area per 25 slips. These shall be located near the piers. Miniature golf courses: 1 for each hole. Other recreational: 1 for each occupant based upon 50%of the maximum occu- pant load as established by the adopted Building and Fire Codes of the City of Renton. (Ord. 3988, 4-28-1986) Shopping centers: A minimum of 4 per each 1,000 feet of gross leasable area and not more than a maximum of 5 per each 1,000 square feet of gross leasable area. (Ord. 4517, 5-8-1995) Travel trailers: 1 for each trailer site. Uncovered commercial area, outdoor 1 for each 2,000 square feet of retail sales area in addition to nurseries: any parking requirements for buildings,except when located in a shopping center. (Ord. 3988, 4-28-1986) INDUSTRIAL/STORAGE ACTIVITIES: Airplane hangars,tie-down areas: Parking is not required. Hangar space or tie-down areas are to be utilized for necessary parking. Parking for offices asso- ciated with hangars is 1 per 200 square feet. Dead storage space: No spaces required. Manufacturing, research and testing A minimum of 1 for each 1,000 square feet of gross floor laboratories, creameries, bottling area and no more than a maximum of 1.5 spaces per 1,000 establishments, bakeries, canneries, square feet of gross floor area (but to include warehousing printing, and engraving shops: space). (Ord. 4517, 5-8-1995) Uncovered storage area: 1 for each 2,000 square feet of area. Warehouses and storage buildings: 1 for each 1,500 square feet of gross floor area. 4 - 32 4-4-080G USE NUMBER OF REQUIRED SPACES PUBLIC/QUASI-PUBLIC ACTIVITIES: Churches: 1 for each 5 seats in the main auditorium, provided that spaces for any church shall not be less than 10. For all exist- ing churches enlarging the seating capacity of their auditori- ums, 1 additional parking space shall be provided for each 5 additional seats provided by the new construction. For all churches making structural alterations or additions which do not increase the seating capacity of the auditorium, see "Auditoriums, theaters, places of public assembly, stadiums and outdoor sports areas". Hospitals: 1 for each 3 beds plus 1 for each staff doctor, plus 1 for each 3 employees. Libraries and museums: 1 for each 250 square feet in office and public use. Public post office: 3 for every 1,000 square feet. Schools: Elementary and junior high: 1 for each employee. In addition, if buses for the transporta- tion of students are kept at the school, 1 off-street parking space shall be provided for each bus of a size sufficient to park each bus. Senior high schools: public, 1 for each employee plus 1 space for each 10 students en- parochial and private: rolled. In addition, if buses for the private transportation of children are kept at the school,1 off-street parking space shall be provided for each bus of a size sufficient to park each bus. Colleges and universities: 1 for each employee plus 1 for each 3 students residing on campus, plus 1 space for each 5 day students not residing on campus. In addition, if buses for transportation of stu- dents are kept at the school, 1 off-street parking space shall be provided for each bus of a size sufficient to park each bus. (Ord. 3988, 4-28-1986) OTHER: Mixed occupancies: The total requirements for off-street parking facilities shall be (2 or more uses in the same building) the sum of the requirements for the several uses computed separately, unless the building is classified as a "shopping center" as defined in RMC 4-11-190. Off-street parking facil- ities for 1 use shall not be considered as providing required parking facilities for any other use except as permitted under the joint use of parking facilities clause, subsection E3 of this Section. (Ord. 4517, 5-8-1995) Other uses not specifically identified in Planning/Building/Public Works Department staff shall deter- this section: mine which of the above uses is most similar based upon staff experience with various uses and information provided by the applicant. The amount of required parking for uses not listed above shall be the same as for the most similar use listed above. (Ord. 3988, 4-28-1986) G. PARKING LOT CONSTRUCTION 2. Surfacing Requirements for Storage REQUIREMENTS: Lots: Storage lots may be surfaced with crushed rock or similar material approved by 1. Surfacing Requirements for Parking the Public Works Department. Areas: All off-street parking areas shall be paved with asphaltic concrete, cement or 3. Marking Requirements: All parking ar- equivalent material of a permanent nature as eas other than those for single family residen- approved by the Public Works Department. tial and duplex dwellings shall have stalls 4 - 33 4-4-080H marked and access lanes clearly defined, in- I. DRIVEWAY DESIGN STANDARDS: cluding directional arrows to guide internal circulation. 1. Driveway Location—Hazard Prohib- ited: No driveway shall be constructed in a. All entrances and exits shall be des- such a manner as to be a hazard to any exist- ignated as such by markings on the park- ing street lighting standard, utility pole, traffic ing lot pavement in addition to any signs regulating device, fire hydrant, adjacent which may be used as entrance and exit street traffic, or similar devices or conditions. guides. The cost of relocating any such street struc- ture when necessary to do so shall be borne b. All markings are to be of commercial by the abutting property owner. Said reloca- traffic paint or equal material and are to tion of any street structure shall be performed be maintained in a legible condition. only through the department and person holding authority for the particular structure c. All accessible (Americans with Dis- involved. (Ord. 4517, 5-8-1995) abilities Act, ADA), compact and guest parking spaces shall be marked. 2. Driveway Spacing Based Upon Land Use: 4. Wheel Stops Required: Wheel stops shall be required on the periphery of the park- a. Industrial,Warehouse and Shop- ing lot so the cars shall not protrude into the ping Center Uses: public right-of-way of the parking lot, or strike Multiple Family Single Family buildings. Wheel stops shall be two feet (2 ) Resident,a Residential Ressdentral from the end of the stall for head-in parking. T�.. ��- Tra •' ' • _, • e!:PP of Stmet 1 ewt F:n ayr I 5. Drainage: Drainage shall meet City re- DP I 1 I1 quirements, including the location of the ; rw '�a P j u s . drains and the disposal of water. t tage 1 0— 6. Min H. LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS: 4_40'Mm 2 Driveways . Max per 330' 1. Maintenance Required: Landscaping °'Fronta e shall be kept neat, orderly and of attractive I appearance at all times. Such landscaping shall be maintained by the owner and/or oc- COMMERCIAL •NDIJSTRIAL WAREHOUSE cupant. &SHOPPING CENTER 2. Periodic Inspection: Landscaped areas i. The location of ingress and will be subject to periodic inspection by the egress driveways shall be subject to Development Services Division to ensure approval of the Planning/Building/ maintenance. Said Division shall advise en- Public Works Department under curb forcing authority of noncompliance with Sec- cut permit procedures. tion requirements. ii. There shall be a minimum of forty 3. Maintenance Bonds and Charges Au- feet (40') between driveway curb re- thorized: In the event that such landscaping turns where there is more than one is not maintained in a reasonable, neat, and driveway on property under unified clean manner,the City shall have the right to ownership or control and used as demand a proper performance or similar one premises. bond from the owner or occupant of the pre- mises to assure proper and continuous main- iii. Driveways shall not be closer tenance, or alternately, the City reserves the than five feet(5')to any property line right to cause such maintenance to be done (except as allowed under subsection and to charge the full cost thereof unto the 17 of this Section, Joint Use Drive- owner. (Ord. 3988, 4-28-1986) ways). 4 - 34 4-4-0801 b. All Other Uses: c. All Other Uses: The width of any driveway shall not exceed thirty feet(30') i. The location of ingress and exclusive of the radii of the returns or the egress driveways shall be subject to taper section, the measurement being approval of the Planning/Building/ made parallel to the centerline of the Public Works Department under curb street roadway. cut permit procedures. 4. Maximum Number of Driveways ii. Driveways shall not exceed forty Based Upon Land Use: percent (40%) of the street frontage. (Ord. 3988, 4-28-1986) a. Industrial, Warehouse and Shop- ping Center Uses: There shall not be iii. Driveways shall not be closer more than two (2) driveways for each than five feet(5')to any property line three hundred thirty feet (330') of street (except as allowed under subsection frontage on property under unified own- 17 of this Section, Joint Use Drive- ership or control. ways). (Ord. 4517, 5-8-1995) b. All Other Uses: There shall not be iv. There shall be a minimum of more than two (2) driveways for each eighteen feet(18')between driveway three hundred thirty feet (330') of street curb returns where there is more frontage for a single ownership, except than one driveway on property under where a single ownership is developed single ownership or control and used into more than one unit of operation, as one premises. each sufficient in itself to meet the re- quirements of this Section. In such case 3. Driveway Width Maximums Based there shall not be more than two (2)drive- Upon Land Use: ways for each unit of operation. (Ord. 3988, 4-28-1986) a. Industrial, Warehouse and Shop- ping Center Uses: 5. Driveway Angle—Minimum:The angle between any driveway and the street road- i. Driveways shall not exceed forty way or curb line shall not be less than forty percent (40%) of the street frontage. five degrees (45°). ii. The width of any driveway shall 6. Driveway Grades— Maximum Based not exceed fifty feet(50')exclusive of Upon Land Use: the radii of the returns or taper sec- tion, the measurement being made a. Single Family and Two (2) Family parallel to the centerline of the street Uses: Maximum driveway slopes shall roadway. not exceed fifteen percent (15%), pro- vided that driveways exceeding eight iii. The Board of Public Works may percent (8%) shall provide slotted drains grant an exception upon proper ap- at the lower end with positive drainage plication in writing and for good discharge to restrict runoff from entering cause shown, which shall include, the garage/residence or crossing any but not be limited to, the absence of public sidewalk. To exceed fifteen per- any reasonable alternative. cent(15%), a variance from the Board of Adjustment is required. b. Single Family and Duplex Uses: The width of any driveway shall not ex- b. All Other Uses: Maximum driveway ceed twenty feet(20') exclusive of the ra- slope shall not exceed eight percent dii of the returns or taper section, the (8%). The Board of Public Works may al- measurement being made parallel to the low a driveway to exceed eight percent centerline of the street roadway. (8%) slope but not more than fifteen per- cent (15%) slope, upon proper applica- tion in writing and for good cause shown, 4 - 35 4-4-080J which shall include, but not be limited to, located in such a manner as to preclude off- the absence of any reasonable alterna- site or on-street maneuvering of vehicles. tive. To exceed fifteen percent (15%), a variance from the Board of Adjustment is 4. Minimum Clear Area for Dock High required. Loading Doors:Buildings which utilize dock- high loading doors shall provide a minimum 7. Joint Use Driveways: one hundred feet(100')of clear maneuvering area in front of each door. a. Benefits of:Joint use driveways re- Dock High duce the number of curb cuts along indi- Loading vidual streets and thereby improve safety Door .`'Angled doors and reduce congestion while providing ��� Nt"' for additional on-street parking opportuni- ties. Joint use driveways should be en- couraged when feasible and appropriate. roo too (Ord. 4517, 5-8-1995) r r Parking r b. Where Permitted: Adjoining uses I may utilize a joint use driveway where such joint use driveway reduces the total I Parking i1 I number of driveways entering the street network, subject to the approval of the Planning/Building/Public Works Depart- 5. Minimum Clear Area for Ground Level ment. Joint use driveways must be cre- Loading Doors: Buildings which utilize ated upon the common property line of ground level service or loading doors shall the properties served or through the provide a minimum of forty five feet (45') of granting of a permanent access ease- clear maneuvering area in front of each door. ment when said driveway does not exist (Ord. 3988, 4-28-1986) upon a common property line. Joint use access to the drivewayshall be assured Ground Level Angled Service or Loading by easement or other legal form accept- able to the City. (Ord. 3988, 4-28-1986 - •�j� and Ord. 4517, 5-8-1995) 45' 45' J. LOADING SPACE STANDARDS: I y r-�• Parking 1. Loading Space Required: For all build- TiTarking T1 I ings hereafter erected, reconstructed or en- larged, adequate permanent off-street loading space shall be provided if the activity K. MODIFICATIONS: carried on in such building requires deliveries to it or shipments from it of people or mer- 1. Special Provisions for Use of Paved chandise. Loading space shall be in addition Recreation Space for Parking:The Building to required off-street parking spaces. Department may authorize the use of space designated and primarily used for recreation 2. Plan Required: Loading space shall be purposes fora portion of the required parking shown on a plan and submitted for approval space provided the space conforms to the fol- by the Development Services Division. lowing conditions: Such parking areas shall be subject to all locational and developmental 3. Projection into Streets or Alleys Pro- provisions of this Section; such portions of hibited: No portion of a vehicle taking part in the recreation area to be used for parking loading or unloading activities shall project shall be paved with a durable, dustless sur- into a public street or alley. Ingress and face of a permanent nature;and such parking egress points from public rights-of-way at space may be credited only to space require- designated driveways shall be designed and 4 - 36 4-4-090C ments of the principal use which it is intended quire that reserved space be devel- to serve. (Ord. 4517, 5-8-1995) oped for parking, or that necessary parking be secured by some other 2. Modification of Standards: See RMC means. 4-9-250 D_ iii. A delay in the installation of re- L. DEFERRAL OF CONSTRUCTION: quired parking may be approved only for a specific use and automatically 1. Deferral of Installation of Required Im- lapses upon the cessation of that provements: See RMC 4-9-060. The re- use. (Ord. 3988, 4-28-1986) quirement of a bond for landscape installation may be waived upon approval of the Devel- M. APPEALS: opment Services Division, and upon written To Hearing Examiner pursuant to RMC 4-8-110. application by the applicant. (Ord. 3718, 3-28-1983) 4-4-090 REFUSE AND 2. Delay in Installation of Parking Spaces RECYCLABLES STANDARDS: — Reserve Parking Areas: A. APPLICABILITY: a. Decision Criteria: The Building Offi- In addition to complying with the refuse and recy- cial may approve a delay in the installa- clables requirements listed in chapter 4-2 RMC, tion of up to fifty percent (50%) of the development standards for the specific property minimum number of parking spaces oth- zoning, all new developments for multi-family res- erwise required to be installed, provided: idences,commercial, industrial and other nonres- idential uses shall provide on-site refuse and i. The applicant provides data recyclables deposit areas and collection points which substantiates the reduced for collection of refuse and recyclables in compli- need for parking, and ance with this Section. ii. The applicant reserves on-site B. EXEMPTION FOR SINGLE FAMILY area so that the minimum number of AND DUPLEX RESIDENCES: parking spaces can be provided.Any Single family and duplex residences shall be ex- reserved space must be clearly des- empt from these requirements for refuse and re- ignated on a site plan recorded with cyclables deposit areas. the City Clerk, and must be de- scribed on the certificate of occu- C. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS pancy for the use. APPLICABLE TO ALL USES (EXCEPT b. Standards for Parking Reserve Ar- SINGLE FAMILY AND DUPLEX): eas: 1. Dimensions: Dimensions of the refuse i. No space reserved for parking and recyclables deposit areas shall be of suf- may be utilized to fulfill the minimum ficient width and depth to enclose containers landscaping development of open for refuse and recyclables, and to allow easy space requirements of this Code. user access. However,all reserved space must be 2. Location in Setback or Landscape Ar- landscaped or developed as open eas Prohibited: Outdoor refuse and recycla- space. bles deposit areas and collection points shall ii. The Building Official may review not be located in any required setback or the parking situation at any time to landscape areas. evaluate the parking demand on the 3. Obstruction Prohibited: Collection subject property. If the Building Offi- points shall be located in a manner so that cial, after such review, reasonably hauling trucks do not obstruct pedestrian or determines that additional parking is needed,the Building Official shall re- 4 - 37 4-4-090D vehicle traffic on-site, or project into any pub- 10. Approval of Screening Detail Plan lic right-of-way. Required: A screening detail plan must be approved by the Development Services Divi- 4. Collocation Encouraged: When possi- sion prior to the issuance of building or con- ble, the recyclables deposit areas and collec- struction permits. (Ord. 4376, 11-16-1992, tion points shall be located adjacent to or Amd. Ord. 4703, 2-2-1998) near garbage collection areas to encourage their use. D. MULTI-FAMILY DEVELOPMENTS— ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR 5. Signage Required: Refuse or recycla- DEPOSIT AND COLLECTION AREAS: bles deposit areas shall be identified by signs The refuse and recyclables deposit area and col- not exceeding two (2) square feet. lection points for multi-family residences shall be apportioned, located and designed as follows: 6. Architectural Design of Deposit Areas to Be Consistent with Primary Structure: 1. Minimum Size: A minimum of one and Architectural design of any structure enclos- one-half (1-1/2) square feet per dwelling unit ing an outdoor refuse or recyclables deposit in multi-family residences shall be provided area or any building primarily used to contain for recyclables deposit areas, except where a refuse or recyclables deposit area shall be the development is participating in a City- consistent with the design of the primary sponsored program in which individual recy- structure(s) on the site as determined by the cling bins are used for curbside collection. A Development Services Division Director. minimum of three(3)square feet per dwelling unit shall be provided for refuse deposit ar- 7. Screening of Deposit Areas: Garbage eas. A total minimum area of eighty (80) dumpsters, refuse compactor areas, and re- square feet shall be provided for refuse and cycling collection areas must be fenced or recyclables deposit areas. (Ord. 4414, screened. A six foot (6') wall or fence shall 8-9-1993, Amd. Ord. 4703, 2-2-1998) enclose any outdoor refuse or recyclables de- posit area. In cases where Zoning Code fenc- 2. Minimum Number of Deposit Areas: ing provisions conflict with the six foot (6') There shall be a minimum of one refuse and wall or fence requirement, the Zoning Code recyclables deposit area/collection point for provisions shall rule. Refuse and recyclables each project. There shall be at least one de- deposit areas located in industrial develop- posit area/collection point for every thirty(30) ments that are greater than one hundred feet dwelling units. (100') from residentially zoned property are exempted from this wall or fence require- 3. Dispersal of Deposit Areas: The re- ment. quired refuse and recyclables deposit areas shall be dispersed throughout the site when a 8. Minimum Gate Opening and Minimum residential development comprises more Vertical Clearance: Enclosures for outdoor than one building. refuse or recyclables deposit areas/collection points and separate buildings used primarily 4. Location within Structures Possible: to contain a refuse or recyclables deposit Refuse and recyclables deposit areas and area/collection point shall have gate open- collection points may be located in separate ings at least twelve feet(12')wide for haulers. buildings/structures or outdoors. Refuse and In addition,the gate opening for any separate recyclables deposit areas may be located building or other roofed structure used prima- within residential buildings, providing that rily as a refuse or recyclables deposit area/ they are in compliance with the Uniform Fire collection point shall have a vertical clear- Code, and that collection points are easily ance of at least fifteen feet (15'). and safely accessible to hauling trucks. 9. Weather Protection: Weather protec- 5. Maximum Distance from Building En- tion of refuse and recyclables shall be en- trance: Refuse and recyclables deposit ar- sured by using weather-proofed containers or eas and collection points shall be located no by providing a roof over the storage area. more than two hundred feet (200') from a 4 - 38 4-4-100A common entrance of a residential building, al- 5. Retail Developments—Minimum Size: lowing for easy access by residents and haul- In retail developments, a minimum of five (5) ing trucks. square feet per every one thousand (1,000) square feet of building gross floor area shall E. COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL, AND be provided for recyclables deposit areas and OTHER NONRESIDENTIAL a minimum of ten (10) square feet per one DEVELOPMENTS— ADDITIONAL thousand (1,000) square feet of building REQUIREMENTS FOR DEPOSIT AND gross floor area shall be provided for refuse COLLECTION AREAS: deposit areas. A total minimum area of one The refuse and recyclables deposit areas and hundred (100) square feet shall be provided collection points for commercial, industrial and for recycling and refuse deposit areas. other nonresidential developments shall be ap F. MODIFICATIONS: portioned, located and designed as follows: Whenever there are practical difficulties involved 1. Location: Refuse and recyclables de- in carrying out the provisions of this Section, the posit areas and collection points may be alto supervisor may grant modifications for individual cated to a centralized area, or dispersed cases provided he/she shall first find that a spe throughout the site,in easily accessible areas cial individual reason makes the strict letter of for both users and hauling trucks. these requirements impractical,that the modifica- tion is in conformity with the intent and purpose of 2. Accessibility May Be Limited: Access this Code, and that such modification: to refuse and recyclables deposit areas and collection points may be limited, except dur 1. Will meet the objectives and safety, func- ing regular business hours and/or specific tion, and appearance intended by the re collection hours. quirements for recyclables deposit areas and collection points. 3. Office, Educational and Institutional Developments— Minimum Size: In office, 2. Will not be injurious to other property(s) educational and institutional developments,a in the vicinity. minimum of two(2)square feet per every one thousand (1,000) square feet of building G. APPEALS: gross floor area shall be provided for recycla- Any decisions made in the administrative process bles deposit areas and a minimum of four(4) described in this Section may be appealed to the square feet per one thousand(1,000) square Board of Public Works within fifteen (15)days and feet of building gross floor area shall be pro- filed, in writing,with the Board chairman or secre- vided for refuse deposit areas. A total mini- tary. The Board of Public Works shall give sub- mum area of one hundred (100) square feet stantial weight to any discretionary decision of the shall be provided for recycling and refuse de- City rendered pursuant to this Section. (Ord. posit areas. 4376, 11-16-1992, Amd. Ord. 4703, 2-2-1998) 4. Manufacturing and Other Nonresiden- 4-4-100 SIGN REGULATIONS: tial Developments—Minimum Size: In manufacturing and other nonresidential de- velopments, a minimum of three (3) square A. PURPOSE: feet per every one thousand (1,000) square It is the purpose of these regulations to provide a feet of building gross floor area shall be pro- means of regulating signs so as to promote the vided for recyclables deposit areas and a health,safety,morals,general welfare,social and minimum of six (6) square feet per one thou- economic welfare and esthetics of the City of sand (1,000) square feet of building gross Renton. Signs are erected to provide information floor area shall be provided for refuse deposit for the benefit and convenience of pedestrians areas. A total minimum area of one hundred and motorists and should not detract from the (100) square feet shall be provided for recy- quality of urban environment by being competitive cling and refuse deposit areas. or garish. Signs should complement and charac- terize the environment which they serve to give their respective areas a unique and pleasing quality. The regulations of this Code are not in- 4 - 39 4-4-100B tended to permit any violations of any other lawful nings and canopies shall meet the appli- ordinance. The purposes of this Section are im- cable provisions of the adopted edition of plemented through the establishment of stan- the Uniform Building Code. (Ord. 4720, dards for the type, placement, scale, and 5-4-1998) construction of signs which varies by use, zoning district, or City Center sign district. (Ord. 2877, 6. Exceptions from Permit Require- 9-9-1974; Amd. Ord. 4720, 5-4-1998) ments:The following shall not require a sign permit. These exceptions shall not be con- B. APPLICABILITY AND AUTHORITY: strued as relieving the owner of any sign from the responsibility of its erection, maintenance 1. Applicability: No sign shall hereafter be and compliance with any other law or ordi- erected, re-erected, constructed or altered, nance regulating the same. except as provided by this Code and a permit for the same has been issued by the Building a. Bulletin Boards: Bulletin board not Official. over twelve (12) square feet in area on one face for each public, charitable or re- 2. Permits Required: A separate permit ligious institution when the same is Io- shall be required for a sign or signs for each cated on the premises of said institution. business entity and/or a separate permit for each group of signs on a single supporting b. City Sponsored Signs: Temporary structure. In addition, electrical permits shall signs for the purpose of announcing or be obtained for electric signs. (Ord. 4629, promoting a City sponsored community 8-19-1996) fair, festival, or event. Such decorations and signs may be displayed no more 3. Periodic Inspection of Signs: All signs than fourteen (14) calendar days prior to controlled by this Code shall be subject to in- and during the fair, festival, or event. All spection and periodic reinspection by the decorations and signs must be removed Building Official. (Ord. 3719, 4-11-1983) within five(5)calendar days following the end of the fair, festival or event. Excep- 4. Authority of Building Official: The tions to the time limitations may be ap- Building Official is hereby authorized and di- proved by the Mayor's office. The rected to enforce all the provisions of this temporary signs may be located on or Code. The Building Official may order the re- over public rights-of-way with approval of moval of any sign that is not maintained in ac- the sign placement by the City of Renton cordance with the provisions of subsection Transportation Systems Division. D3 of this Section. (Ord. 2877, 9-9-1974, Amd. Ord. 3719, 4-11-1983) c. City Sponsored or Co-Sponsored Signs and Displays: City sponsored or 5. Exemptions from Sign Code Regula- co-sponsored signs, banners, or decora- tions: tions subject to approval of the Mayor's office. These signs may be located on or a. Indoor Signage: This Code does over public rights-of-way with approval of not apply to any signs or sign structures the sign placement by the City of Renton located within a building. (Ord. 2877, Transportation Systems Division. 9-9-1974, Amd. Ord. 4720, 5-4-1998) d. Construction Signs: Temporary b. Government and Utility Signage: signs denoting the architect, engineer or Nothing in this Code shall be interpreted contractor when placed upon work under as controlling public and informational construction and not exceeding thirty two signs placed on the public right-of-way by (32) square feet in area on one face. any governmental agency or public utility having underground or overhead installa- e. Copy Changes:The changing of the tions. (Ord. 2877, 9-9-1974) advertising copy or message on a painted or printed sign, theater marquee c. Awning, Canopy, and Marquee and similar signs specifically designed for Structures Having No Signage: Aw- the use of replaceable copy. 4 - 40 4-4-100C f. Credit Signs: Signs of not over two m. Public Service Signs: Nonadver- (2) square feet advertising that credit is tising and nonpromotional signs such as available to members of monetary institu- citizen recognition signs, neighborhood tions. welcome signs,signs indicating scenic or historic points of interest,or other signs of g. Holiday Displays:Temporary signs similar nature as determined by the De- and decorations customary for special velopment Services Division. Such signs holidays such as Independence Day and may be located in any zone and shall re- Christmas erected entirely on private quire approval of the Development Ser- property. vices Division. These signs may be located on or over public rights-of-way h. Memorial Signs: Memorial signs or with approval of the sign placement by tables, names of buildings and dates of the City of Renton Transportation Sys- erection, when cut into any masonry sur- tems Division. face or when constructed of bronze or other incombustible materials. (Ord. n. Real Estate Signs: Real estate 4629, 8-19-1996) signs offering the immediately adjacent premises for sale, lease or rent and not i. Modifications Not Requiring Struc- exceeding six (6) square feet in area on tural or Electrical Changes: one face or less in area for lots thirty five thousand (35,000) square feet or less in i. Outside of City Center: Paint- area, and not exceeding thirty two (32) ing, repainting or cleaning of an ad- square feet in area on one face for lots vertising structure or the changing of over thirty five thousand (35,000) square the advertising copy or message feet in area. thereon shall not be considered an erection or alteration which requires o. Safety Information Signs: Signs of sign permit unless a structural or public service companies indicating dan- electrical change is made. (Ord. ger and/or service or safety information. 4629, 8-19-1996; Amd. Ord. 4720, 5-4-1998) p. Small Parking and Traffic Control Signs: Parking and traffic control signs ii. Inside City Center Sign Regu- two (2) square feet or less on private lation Boundaries: Painting, re- property. painting or cleaning of an advertising structure shall not be considered an q. Small Wall Signs:One on-premises erection or alteration which requires sign, not electrical or illuminated, two (2) sign permit unless a structural or square feet or less on one face which is electrical change is made. A change affixed permanently on a plane parallel to of sign face shall be subject to permit the wall on the wall located entirely on pri- requirements. (Ord. 4720, 5-4-1998) vate property. j. Open House Signs. C. PROHIBITED SIGNS AND DEVICES: The following signs or devices are specifically k. Political Signs: Political signs less prohibited: than twelve (12) square feet on one face as herein defined. 1. Signs Which Violate State Regula- tions:All signs not complying with the Wash- I. Public Art: Sculptures, wall paint- ington State Highway Department regulations ings,murals,collages,banners and other adjacent to State roads. (Ord. 4629, design features which do not incorporate 8-19-1996) advertising or identification, consistent with the provisions and procedures of the 2. Signs Which Interfere with Traffic Public Art Exemption, RMC 4-9-160. Control: Any sign using the words "stop", "look", "danger"or any other word, symbol or character which might confuse traffic or de- 4 -41 4-4-100C tract from any legal traffic control device. No vices to circumvent the intent of this Code. sign shall be erected in such a manner as to (Ord. 4629, 8-19-1996) confine or obstruct the view or interpretation of any official traffic sign, signal or device. 8. Signs Over Public Right-of-Way:Signs (Ord. 4629, 8-19-1996;Amd. Ord. 4720, over public right-of-way other than signs 5-4-1998) specified in subsection L2 of this Section, projecting signs, temporary cloth signs per 3. Animated, Revolving, Blinking and subsection J1 c of this Section, City spon- Flashing Signs: sored signs and public service signs per sub- sections B6b, B6c and B6m of this Section. a. Outside City Center: All of the fol- (Ord. 4629, 8-19-1996, Amd. Ord. 4720, lowing signs within seventy five feet(75') 5-4-1998) of the public right-of-way with any of the following features: animated, revolving 9. Signs on Public Right-of-Way: Signs more than eight (8) revolutions per on public right-of-way other than signs al- minute, blinking and flashing. Exceptions lowed by subsection J of this Section, tempo- are public service signs, such as those rary signs, City sponsored signs and public which give the time,temperature and/or service signs per subsections B6b, B6c and humidity, and electronic message board B6m of this Section. (Ord. 3719, 4-11-1983) signs for car dealers located within the Auto Mall Area(s). (Ord. 4629, 10. Off-Premises Signs: Except: 8-19-1996, Amd. Ord. 4724, 5-11-1998). a. Temporary signs allowed by subsec- b. Inside City Center Sign Regulation tion J of this Section, City sponsored Area Boundaries: In the City Center, all signs and public service signs per sub- of the following signs with any of the fol- sections B6b, B6c and B6m of this Sec- lowing features: animated, revolving, tion. (Ord. 4172, 9-12-1988; Amd. Ord. blinking and flashing. Exceptions are 4629, 8-19-1996) public service signs,such as those which give the time, temperature and/or humid- b. Off-premises advertising may be al- ity, and barber poles. lowed as an accessory use of an identifi- cation sign or other structure if the 4. Balloons and Pennants: Strings of pen- following conditions are met: nants, banners or streamers, festoons of lights, clusters of flags,wind-animated ob- i. The maximum size of the off-pre- jects, balloons and similar devices of a carni- mises advertising is six (6) square val nature except as specifically provided in feet. subsection J5 of this Section. Not prohibited are national, State and institutional flags ii. No more than twenty five percent properly displayed or temporary signs and (25%) of the principal structure is decorations customary for special holidays, covered by the off-premises advertis- such as Independence Day, Christmas and ing sign. similar events of a public nature. iii. The off-premises advertising 5. Portable Signs: Portable signs or any sign is designed to be viewed by us- sign which is not permanently mounted. ers of the facility rather than street traffic. (Ord. 4172, 9-12-1988) 6. Signs Which Obscure Vision: There shall be no signs allowed within twenty feet 11. Roof Signs within the City Center (20')of intersections or driveways which shall Sign Regulation Area, subsection H of this obscure vision between the height of three Section, shall be prohibited. (Ord. 4720, feet (3') and ten feet (10') of the street or 5-4-1998) driveway grade. 7. Signs on Stationary Vehicles: Station- ary motor vehicles, trailers and related de- 4 - 42 4-4-100 D D. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR one hundred twenty (120) days of said SIGNS: closure and vacation of premises. (Ord. 4720, 5-4-1998) 1. Permit Fees:At the time of issuing a per- mit to erect or install a sign or device con- b. City Center Sign Regulation Area: trolled by this Code,the Building Official shall Upon the effective date of this Section collect a fee pursuant to RMC 4-1-140M. (June 8, 1998), the following regulations shall govern sign removal in the City 2. Method of Calculating Sign Area: For Center Sign Regulation Area upon clo- the purpose of computing the maximum per- sure of business: mitted size and permit fee, freestanding let- ters or characters, where no background is i. Timing and Responsibility for specially provided, the area shall be consid- Removal: Upon the closure and va- ered as that encompassed by drawing cation of a business or activity, the straight lines at the extremities of the shapes owner of said business or activity to be used. shall immediately remove all signs relating to said business and activity. 3. Sign Maintenance Required: All signs, If the owner of said business or activ- together with all of their supports, braces, ity fails to remove said signs,then the guys and anchors,shall be kept in repair and owner of the property upon which in proper state of preservation. The surfaces said signs are located shall remove of all signs shall be kept neatly painted or said signs within thirty (30) days of posted at all times. The ground area shall be said closure and vacation of pre- neat and orderly. (Ord. 3719, 4-11-1983) mises. If the owner of the property fails to remove the signs within the 4. Appearance of Signs: If a sign is visible designated time limit, then the Build- from more than one direction, all areas not in- ing Official or designee may upon tended as display surfaces including the back due notice enforce civil penalty regu- and sides shall be designed so that such ar- lations per RMC 1-3-2. Prior to the eas are given a finished and pleasing appear- end of the thirty (30) day time period ance with the display surfaces visible only or time period established upon no- from the directions that they are intended to tice by the City pursuant to enforce- be seen. (Ord. 2504, 9-23-1969) ment of civil penalty regulations, a new tenant or the property owner 5. Lighting: All illuminated signs shall be may request utilization of existing designed and located in such a manner as to signs or sign structures as regulated avoid undue glare or reflection of light.Unless in paragraphs ii through iv of this sub- specifically restricted, signs may be internally section. or externally illuminated, or have tube illumi- nation. (Ord. 2504, 9-23-1969; Amd. Ord. ii. Exception for Conforming 4720, 5-4-1998) Signs: Conforming signs and sign structures may be utilized by a new 6. Removal of Signage Upon Closure of tenant or owner.The tenant or owner Business: shall submit a sign permit application to confirm the conformity of the signs a. City-Wide Outside of City Center: and sign structures. Permit fees are Upon the closure and vacation of a busi- not required when the reviewing offi- ness or activity, the owner of said busi- cial determines that no change to the ness or activity shall have ninety (90) conforming sign will be made.Where days from the date of closure to remove there will be alterations or new sign all signs relating to said business and ac- faces of the existing conforming tivity. If the owner of said business or ac- signs or sign structures, sign permit tivity fails to remove said signs within the fees shall apply. (Ord. 4720, designated time period,then the owner of 5-4-1998) the property upon which said signs are located shall remove said signs within 4 - 43 4-4-100D iii. Exception for Nonconforming iv. Immediate Removal: If the pro- Signs: Nonconforming signs and visions of subsection D6b(iii) of this sign structures shall not be utilized by Section are not met, then the non- a new tenant or owner unless one or conforming sign or sign structure more of the following conditions is shall be removed immediately. present: 7. Nonconforming Signs: Any noncon- • The sign is considered to be of forming signage which was erected prior to historic value, and has been des- the enactment of the Sign Code (September ignated as such by the Renton 9, 1974), or which was erected legally in ac- City Council through adoption of cordance with the provisions of the sign ordi- a resolution or ordinance; or nance in effect at the time of erection, or which has a valid building permit from the City • Replacement of sign faces may may remain in use by the existing business, be allowed if there is a change in subject to the following: the corporate name of the busi- ness due to merger, acquisition a. The changing of advertising copy or or new management, but no message thereon is permitted provided change in use or activity, and the no structural or electrical alteration is property was not vacated in the made. A sign permit shall be obtained by transition. Such signs shall be the existing business, unless exempt subject to applicable sign permit from permit requirements pursuant to and fee requirements; or subsection B6e of this Section. Other proposed alterations are subject to sub- • A variance or modification was sections D7b through D7d of this Section. granted to the previous tenant or owner, and the conditions war- b. The sign shall be kept in a safe con- ranting the variance or modifica- dition. Nothing in this Section shall pre- tion are still present. The vent the strengthening or restoring to a approval or denial shall be docu- safe condition of any portion of a sign de- mented by administrative deter- Glared unsafe by a proper authority. Legal mination. If the reviewing official nonconforming signage is subject to all indicates that conditions do not requirements of this Code regarding appear to warrant continuation of safety, maintenance, and repair. the previous variance or modifi- cation, the applicant may submit c. Excluding the cost of changing ad- a new variance or modification vertising copy/messages per subsection application; or D7a of this Section,the cost of alterations of a legal nonconforming sign shall not • The applicant proposes to alter exceed an aggregate cost of fifty percent the nonconforming sign in order (50%) of the value of the sign, based to make it fully conforming. Alter- upon its replacement value, unless the ation of the sign shall be subject amount over fifty percent (50%) is used to applicable sign permit and fee to make the sign more conforming. Alter- requirements; or ations shall not result in or increase any nonconforming condition. • Application is made for a sign modification or variance as ap- d. The reconstruction, repairing, re- propriate. If the above provisions building and continued use of a noncon- are not met, then the noncon- forming sign damaged by fire,explosion, forming sign or sign structure or act of God,subsequent to the effective shall be removed immediately. date of these regulations (June 8, 1998), (Ord. 3719, 4-11-1983, Amd. may be allowed as follows:the work shall Ord. 4422, 10-25-1993, Ord. not exceed fifty percent (50%) of its re- 4720, 5-4-1998) placement value of the sign at the time such damage occurred;otherwise, any 4 -44 4-4-100E restoration or reconstruction shall con- have two (2) on-premises identifying form to the regulations and standards signs of not over thirty two (32) square specified in this Section. (Ord. 4720, feet in area on one face. The signs may 5-4-1998) be illuminated but not animated, shall be for location identification only and shall E. SIZE, NUMBER AND HEIGHT OF display no copy, symbol or device other PERMANENT SIGNS: than that in keeping with the develop- ment. Freestanding signs shall be not 1. Permitted and Prohibited Signs: Only higher than six feet (6') above any estab- those signs specifically designated are per- lished grade and shall be no closer than mitted; all others are prohibited. (Ord. 4464, ten feet(10')to any street right-of-way or 7-25-1994) five feet (5') to any side property line. However, public facilities in residential 2. Location Limitations: All signs are fur- zones may have one freestanding sign ther limited and restricted as to location in the with a maximum height of twenty five feet land use zones as such land use zones are (25'). defined and established by chapter 4-2 RMC, as amended, or any other regulation pertain- b. Home Occupations: Only one ing to or regulating zoning. The zoning regu- home occupation sign, not illuminated, lations may contain further sign restrictions. not exceeding two(2)square feet in area, (Ord. 4464, 7-25-1994; Amd. Ord. 4720, attached to the wall of the building with 5-4-1998) the face of the sign in a plane parallel to the plane of the wall is permitted. 3. Height Limits: c. Real Estate Signs: Real estate a. Signs within City Center: See sub- signs not over six (6) square feet in area section H of this Section. offering the immediate premises for sale or lease. b. Signs Outside City Center Sign Regulation Area: The height limitation d. Real Estate Directional Signs: for freestanding, ground, projecting and Real estate directional signs are allowed. combination signs shall be the maximum height of the zone or forty feet (40'), e. Temporary Signs: Temporary signs whichever is less. Roof signs may extend per subsection J of this Section are al- twenty feet (20') above the parapet wall. lowed, except for cloth signs over public This Section shall not apply to those right-of-way. (Ord. 3719, 4-11-1983; signs covered by subsection E5e of this Amd. Ord. 4172, 9-12-1988; Amd. Ord. Section,Large Retail Uses,or subsection 4720, 5-4-1998) H of this Section, City Center Sign Regu- lations. (Ord. 4464, 7-25-1994, Amd. 5. Additional Signs Permitted in Com- Ord. 4720, 5-4-1998) mercial and Industrial Zones: Except in the City Sign Regulation Area,the following shall 4. Signs Permitted in All Residential, apply in all commercial and industrial zones: Commercial,and Industrial Zones: Except for signage within Shoreline Areas (subsec- a. Business Signs—General: tion G of this Section), signage in the P-1 Zone, and signage with the City Center (sub- i. Freestanding, Ground, Roof section H of this Section), in all residential, and Projecting Signs: Each individ- commercial and industrial zones the following ual business establishment may shall apply: have only one sign for each street frontage of any one of the following a. Churches, Schools, Apartments types: Freestanding, roof, ground, and Subdivisions: Churches, schools, projecting or combination. Each sign apartment buildings, subdivision devel- shall not exceed an area greater than opments and similar occupancies located one and one-half (1-1/2) square feet in residential and mixed-use zones may for each lineal foot of property front- 4 - 45 4-4-100E age which the business occupies up ii. Shopping centers ten (10) to a maximum of three hundred(300) acres or greater may install: square feet; or if such sign is multi- faced,the maximum allowance shall • Freestanding Signs: One (1) not be more than three hundred freestanding sign per street (300) square feet. However, a maxi- frontage not to exceed an area mum of one-half (1/2) of the allowed greater than one and one-half square footage is allowed on each (1-1/2) square feet for each lin- face. Businesses with less than ear foot of property frontage, up twenty five (25) lineal front feet may to a maximum of one hundred have a sign of a maximum of twenty fifty (150) square feet per sign (20) square feet per face. face and a maximum of three hundred (300) square feet in- ii. Wall Signs: In addition to the cluding all sign faces, and; signs in subsections E5c, Under Marquee Signs, E5a(i), Business • Optional Freestanding Sign: In Signs, E5f and E5g, Motor Vehicle lieu of one of the freestanding Dealership Over One Acre, E5e, signs permitted above; one free- Large Retail Uses, and E5d, Shop- standing identification sign for ping Centers, wall signs are permit- listing the names of the occu- ted with a total copy area not pants of the shopping center. exceeding twenty percent (20%) of The shopping center identifica- the building facade to which it is ap- tion sign shall not exceed an plied. (Ord. 3719, 4-11-1983; Amd. area greater than one and one- Ord. 4464, 7-25-1994; Amd. Ord. half (1-1/2) square feet for each 4720, 5-4-1998) linear foot of property frontage, not to exceed two hundred fifty b. Marquee Signs:Signs on marquees (250) square feet per sign face conforming to subsection N of this Sec- and a maximum of five hundred tion are permitted. (500) square feet including all sign faces. c. Under Marquee Signs: Under mar- quee signs shall be limited to one such e. Large Retail Uses: Property dedi- sign per entrance for each business es- cated primarily to retail sales may install tablishment. (Ord. 3719, 4-11-1983) oversized signs as follows in lieu of sig- nage permitted under subsections E5a(i), d. Shopping Centers: Business Signs,and E5d,Shopping Cen- ters, of this Section. (Ord. 4577, i. Shopping centers less than ten 1-22-1996) (10) acres may install: i. Developments Over One Hun- • Freestanding Signs: One (1) dred Twenty Five Thousand freestanding sign for each street (125,000) Square Feet: A commer- frontage of the shopping center. cial development with a single build- Each sign shall not exceed an ing of a minimum of one hundred area greater than one and one- twenty five thousand (125,000) half (1-1/2) square foot for each square feet in floor area dedicated linear foot of property frontage, primarily to retail sales, provided all not to exceed one hundred fifty or part of the property is located (150) square feet per sign face within one thousand (1,000) feet of and a maximum of three hundred the right-of-way of Interstate High- (300) square feet including all way 405 or Highway 167, may install: sign faces. • Freestanding Signs: One free- standing sign per street frontage not to exceed an area greater 4 - 46 4-4-100E than one and one-half (1-1/2) hundred (400) square feet not to square feet for each linear foot of exceed twenty feet(20')in height property frontage, up to a maxi- above the parapet wall and not to mum of one hundred fifty (150) exceed two(2)such signs per re- square feet per sign face and a tail center, and; maximum of three hundred(300) square feet including all sign • Additional Freestanding faces, and; Signs: Two (2) on-premises freestanding signs per street • Optional Freestanding Sign: In frontage, no more than eight feet lieu of one of the freestanding (8') tall and no more than one signs permitted above, for a hundred (100) square feet per property frontage with a mini- side. (Ord. 4577, 1-22-1996) mum of two hundred (200) linear feet,one freestanding sign not to f. Motor Vehicle Dealership Over One exceed two hundred fifty (250) Acre of Contiguous Ownership or square feet per sign face and a Control Located within the Auto Mall maximum of five hundred (500) Area(s): square feet including all sign faces, and not to exceed sixty i. Wall and Under Marquee feet (60') in height, and; Signs:Each dealership is allowed its appropriate wall or under marquee • Directional Sign: An additional sign as stated in the Sign Code, and directional sign may be permitted (Ord. 3719, 4-11-1983, Amd. Ord. to locate within twenty (20) feet 4707, 2-9-1998) of a recorded access easement serving the subject property, pro- ii. Freestanding Signs: Each vided the sign does not obscure dealership is allowed: sight distance.This sign shall not exceed thirty two (32) square • One freestanding sign per street feet per sign face and a maxi- frontage not to exceed an area mum of sixty four (64) square greater than one and one-half feet including all sign faces. (1-1/2)square feet for each lineal (Ord. 4577, 1-22-1996, Ord. foot of property frontage which 4649, 1-6-1997) the business occupies up to a maximum of two hundred (200) ii. Developments Over Four Hun- square feet, per sign face and a dred Fifty Thousand (450,000) maximum of four hundred (400) Square Feet: Properties with over square feet including all sign four hundred fifty thousand(450,000) faces, or; square feet in developable property potentially dedicated to retail sales • One freestanding sign per street may install: frontage not to exceed an area greater than one and one-half • Large Freestanding Signs: (1-1/2)square feet for each lineal One on-premises freestanding foot of property frontage, up to a sign to exceed sixty feet (60') in maximum of one hundred fifty height and seven hundred (700) (150) square feet per sign face square feet per face, and an- and a maximum of three hundred other such sign not to exceed (300) square feet including all forty feet (40') in height and four sign faces. In addition, each hundred (400) square feet per dealership is allowed a maxi- face, and; mum of two (2) accessory ground signs per street frontage, • Roof Signs: One roof-mounted each for a separate business ac- sign per building of up to four tivity located on the property 4 -47 4-4-100E which can reasonably be related square feet per sign face and a to the primary business. These maximum of two hundred (200) signs shall not exceed a height of square feet including all sign ten feet (10') and a total sign faces. In addition, each dealer- area of twenty five (25) square ship is allowed a maximum of feet if single faced or fifty (50) two (2) accessory ground signs square feet including all sign per street frontage, each for a faces.The accessory signs must separate business activity lo- also maintain a minimum twenty cated on the property which can foot (20') setback and be no reasonably be related to the pri- closer than one hundred fifty feet mary business. These signs (150') to any other accessory shall not exceed a height of ten ground sign. (Ord. 3719, feet(10')and a total sign area of 4-11-1983, Amd. Ord. 4707, twenty five (25) square feet if sin- 2-9-1998) gle faced or fifty(50) square feet including all sign faces. The ac- • One electronic message board cessory signs must also maintain sign is permitted as a wall sign, a minimum twenty foot (20') set- under marquee sign, or free- back and be no closer than one standing sign as allowed by the hundred fifty feet (150') to any provisions stated above. (Ord. other accessory ground sign. 4724, 5-11-1998). (Ord. 4707, 2-9-1998) g. Motor Vehicle Dealership Over h. Subdivision Identification Signs: One Acre of Contiguous Ownership or Commercial and/or industrial subdivi- Control Located Outside the Auto Mall sions may have two (2) on-premises Area: identifying signs not over seventy five (75) square feet on one face. These i. Wall Signs: Each motor vehicle signs must be no higher than six feet(6'), dealership located outside the Auto or no closer to the street right-of-way Mall area is allowed its appropriate than ten feet (10') or five feet (5') to any wall or under marquee sign as stated side property line.(Ord.4172,9-12-1988, in the Sign Code, and; Amd. Ord. 4720, 5-4-1998) ii. Freestanding Signs: Each mo- i. Special Requirements for Speci- tor vehicle dealership located outside fied Secondary Uses in the Commer- the Auto Mall area is allowed: cial Office(CO) Zone within One Hundred(100)Feet of a Lot Zoned R-1, • One freestanding, roof, ground, R-5, R-8, R-10, R-14, and RM-I: or projecting sign per street front- age not to exceed an area i. Freestanding Signs: One free- greater than one and one-half standing sign per street frontage. (1-1/2)square feet for each lineal Freestanding signs shall be limited to foot of property frontage, up to a six feet (6') in height above grade maximum of one hundred fifty and ten feet (10') from any public (150) square feet per sign face right-of-way. Each sign shall not ex- and a maximum of three hundred ceed an area of one square foot for (300) square feet including all each lineal foot of property frontage, sign faces, or; not to exceed one hundred (100) square feet per sign face and a max- • One freestanding sign per street imum of two hundred (200) square frontage not to exceed an area feet including all sign faces. greater than one and one-half (1-1/2)square feet for each lineal ii. Wall Signs: In addition to the foot of property frontage, up to a freestanding sign(s), wall signs are maximum of one hundred (100) permitted with a total copy area not 4 - 48 I 4-4-100H exceeding ten percent (10%) of the or other structure if the following conditions building facade to which it is applied. are met: (Ord. 4649, 1-6-1997) a. The maximum size of the off-pre- F. SIGNS WITHIN SHORELINE AREAS— mises advertising is six (6) square feet. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: b. No more than twenty five percent 1. View Impairment Prohibited: Visual ac- (25%) of the principal structure is cov- cess to water and shoreline from vistas and ered by the off-premises advertising sign. viewpoints shall not be impaired by the place- ment of signs.Where feasible,signs are to be c. The off-premises advertising sign is constructed against existing buildings or designed to be viewed by users of the fa- structures to minimize visual obstruction of cility rather than street traffic. (Ord.4172, the water and shoreline. 9-12-1988) 2. Location, Size and Type Limitations: H. SIGNS WITHIN CITY CENTER — Outdoor advertising signs are to be limited to SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: areas of high intensity industrial and commer- cial use,are to be stationary,nonblinking,and 1. Purpose of Special Regulations: The of a size commensurate with the structure to purpose of the City Center sign regulations is which they are fixed. Off-premises and non- to provide sign standards and regulations appurtenant signs are prohibited on the which recognize and strengthen the unique shoreline. character of the City Center area businesses and streets, provide for appropriate signage 3. Illuminated, Freestanding and Roof which contributes to the economic vitality of Signs Prohibited: Illuminated or freestand- the area and which complements its environ- ing signs, or any signs extending above roof- ment, and to enhance the pedestrian orienta- lines, are prohibited on the shoreline except tion of the district. for required navigational aids. (Ord. 3858, 11-5-1984) 2. Applicability:The sign standards of this subsection shall apply to the property con- G. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE tained within the City Center sign regulation PUBLIC USE (P-1) ZONE: boundaries as shown in the following figure, generally described as including: land which 1. Type of Signage Permitted: Only wall is zoned Center Downtown, excluding lots lo- and freestanding signs are allowed. cated on Logan Avenue South, north of the intersection at Airport Way; land zoned Corn- 2. Size: No wall sign shall exceed ten per- mercial Arterial which lies east of Lake Ave- cent (10%) of the building facade to which it nue South, and between Tobin Street South is affixed. and South Second Street; and land zoned Commercial Arterial which lies between 3. Height and Setback Restrictions: South Second Street and South Third Place, Freestanding signs are limited to six feet(6') and east of Rainier Avenue South, excluding above grade and ten feet (10') to any public parcels which have frontage on Rainier Ave- right-of-way. nue South and lie more than one hundred sixty feet (160') north of South Third Street; 4. Illumination and Location: Signs may and land zoned Multi-Family— Urban which be illuminated and shall be for location identi- lies between the Cedar River and South Sec- fication only and shall display no copy, sym- and Street, and between Houser Way South bol or device other than that in keeping with and South Fifth Street. (Ord.4720,5-4-1998) the principal occupant. (Ord. 3921, 7-1-1985) 5. Exception for Off-Premises Advertis- ing:Off-premises advertising may be allowed as an accessory use of an identification sign 4 -49 4-4-100H 3. Map of CITY CENTER SIGN REGULATION BOUNDARIES: ..___[ r-11 ; a 14 t : : ,,r-T _ s ( — tom_ Renton Nun[Ma{ Airport i tillz .............._..-._._ .-. Airport ! il \L--- \ i 11 I -401 — port 4ay —'... � 's NI I N p,..{1-_," `‘ - . oy .._ vtobm A a obs ` ill'deffs S • S2 ., dG S. 1... ..., ti SbuiSt %`�`► M , S H Fr, i i• —_, ,..... ... ..... ,..,.... , t / 11 j [1]e .. Y .I..........: „:_si ii,F., .__ ' Z sxdst 1771 H , I 11 =I ti A, i.1,_ � 't lf" �� S Mtn L i-'�--1 =- f t ' i _ ,,, ., A .... ! le Ith { tth :. .H ........... mat° _ 1 I Et i --- ---- t'-±-1--±..--1711-7--:4 N 1 LI=t-illit i . ___1. ,5_...1._ .0"L'Ij — Lt). J) T _. (Ord. 4720, 5-4-1998) 4 -50 4. Type and number of permanent signs allowed: a. Residential/Churches/Schools: Residential occupancies, churches, and schools in the City Center are subject to the requirements of sub- section E4 of this Section, Signs Permitted in All Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Zones. b. Nonresidential Uses: Nonresidential occupancies (excluding churches and schools) are subject to the following standards based upon sign category: SIGN CATEGORY TYPE AND NUMBER OF SIGNS ALLOWED CATEGORY A Freestanding OR Ground OR Wall Select only one of the following sign types: Number One freestanding sign One ground sign per street frontage for Each individual ground-level business may per street frontage for each single occupancy building, multi- have one wall sign for each business each single occupancy occupancy building, or multiple building facade fronting on a public street. building located on a complex. The maximum number of signs is In addition, in multiple building complexes corner lot, multi- 2. or for multi-occupancy buildings each occupancy building, or ground-level tenant with an exterior multiple building 1 complex.The maximum business facade may have one wall sign to number of signs is 2. identify individual tenant spaces. Mix of options for lots An applicant for a business having more than one street frontage may substitute an allowed Category A sign type for another with multiple frontages Category A sign type; however, the maximum number of signs shall not be exceeded. For example, on a corner lot, an applicant may request one ground sign facing one street frontage, and one freestanding sign facing the other street frontage. Multi-occupancy Multi-occupancy buildings or multiple building complexes with 50,000 square feet of gross leasable floor area or greater, and buildings or multiple with frontage on Rainier Avenue S., may choose to comply with the above Category A regulations, or comply with the building complexes freestanding, ground, and wall sign allowances of subsections E5a(ii), Wall Signs, and E5d, Freestanding Signs in Shopping greater than 50,000 Centers Less Than Ten (10) Acres. square feet with frontage on Rainier Ave. S. 0 I SIGN CATEGORY TYPE AND NUMBER OF SIGNS ALLOWED CATEGORY B Projecting Sign OR Awning Sign, or Canopy Sign, or Marquee Sign, or = Select only one of the following sign Traditional Marquee Sign types. Allowed in addition to signs of Category A. Number Each individual ground-level business may have Each individual ground-level business may have one one sign for each business facade fronting on a sign for each business facade fronting on a public street. public street. In addition, in multiple building complexes or for multi- In addition, in multiple building complexes or for occupancy buildings each ground-level tenant with an multi-occupancy buildings each ground-level exterior business facade may have one sign to identify tenant with an exterior business facade may have individual tenant spaces. one sign to identify individual tenant spaces. A series of awnings or canopies upon a single business and located on a single street frontage are considered as one awning or canopy. SIGN CATEGORY TYPE AND NUMBER OF SIGNS ALLOWED CATEGORY C Under Awning/ AND Secondary Wall, Projecting, or Awning Sign, AND If applicable, Multi-Occupancy Allowed in addition to Under Canopy/ Having No Internal Illumination Building Sign, or Multiple Building signs of Categories A Under Marquee Complex Wall Sign and B: Number One per ground-level One sign, having no internal illumination, per One per building facade which does business per public business facade which does not contain a Category not contain any other Category A or B entrance. A or B sign; maximum of 2 secondary signs. sign. (Ord. 4720, 5-4-1998) 5.a. FREESTANDING SIGNS SIZE, HEIGHT AND LOCATIONS ALLOWED FOR PERMANENT SIGNS FOR NONRESIDENTIAL USES BASED UPON SIGN TYPE: REQUIRED LOCATION AND CLEARANCES MAXIMUM OTHER MAXIMUM SIGN AREA HEIGHT LIMITATIONS 4-4 10 RMC 00K16I K1Refer also t7 and K18) (1) General: Each sign shall not exceed an area greater than 1.5 (4) 20 feet, mea- (5) Setbacks shall be consis- (7) Minimum 15 foot square feet for each lineal foot of street frontage which the building sured to the top of tent with the Zoning clearance above or complex occupies up to a maximum of 25 square feet per face; the sign or sign Code. traffic aisles and the maximum cumulative square footage of all faces of a sign is 50 structure, which- driveways. square feet. ever is higher. (6) Property with street frontage on Rainier Ave- (2) Property with frontage on Rainier Avenue S.: In lieu of the sign nue S.: The sign shall be area requirements of subsection (1) of this chart, each sign shall located along Rainier not exceed an area greater than 1.5 square feet for each lineal foot Avenue S. and set back a of street frontage which the building or complex occupies up to a minimum distance of 100 maximum of 75 square feet per face; the maximum cumulative lineal feet from the right- square footage of all faces of a sign is 150 square feet; provided, of-way of S. Third Street. w that the sign is located in accordance with subsection (6) of this This setback shall not chart. apply to multi-occupancy (3) Multi-occupancy buildings or multiple building complexes buildings or multiple build with greater than 50,000 square feet gross leasable floor area, ing complexes with having frontage on Rainier Avenue S.: Such uses may comply 50,000 square feet gross floor area or with the standards of subsections(1)or(2)of this chart,or with the leasable greater, having frontage sign area standards of subsection E5d of this Section, Freestand- on Rainier Avenue S. ing Signs in Shopping Centers Less Than Ten (10) Acres. Free- standing sign area may be transferred from within the City Center sign regulation boundaries to contiguously owned property outside of the City Center sign regulation boundaries. Only sign area may be transferred, not the number of allowed signs. Where trans- ferred,the maximum size of the freestanding sign shall not exceed the limits of subsection E5d of this Section, Freestanding Signs in Shopping Centers Less Than Ten (10) Acres. 0 5.b. GROUND SIGNS SIZE, HEIGHT AND LOCATIONS ALLOWED FOR PERMANENT SIGNS FOR NONRESIDENTIAL USES BASED UPON SIGN TYPE: 0 0 REQUIRED LOCATION AND CLEARANCES OTHER (Refer also to RMC MAXIMUM SIGN AREA MAXIMUM HEIGHT LIMITATIONS 4-4-100K16, K17 and K18) (1) General: Each sign shall not exceed an area greater than (4) 5 feet if perpendicular to the (5) Setbacks shall be con- 1.5 square feet for each lineal foot of street frontage which right-of-way; 4 feet if the sistent with the Zoning the building or complex occupies up to a maximum of 25 sign is not placed perpen- Code, and RMC square feet per face;the maximum cumulative square foot- dicular to the right-of-way. 4-4-100L1 b. age of all faces of a sign is 50 square feet. Height is measured to the (6) Property with street (2) Property with frontage on Rainier Avenue S.: In lieu of top of the sign or sign struc frontage on Rainier the sign area requirements of subsection (1) of this chart, ture, whichever is higher. Avenue S.: The each sign shall not exceed an area greater than 1.5 square ground sign shall be feet for each lineal foot of street frontage which the building located along Rainier or complex occupies up to a maximum of 75 square feet per Avenue S. and set- face;the maximum cumulative square footage of all faces of back a minimum dis- a sign is 150 square feet; provided, that the sign is located tance of 100 lineal feet in accordance with subsection (6) of this chart. from the right-of-way (3) Multi-occupancy buildings or multiple building corn- of S.Third Street. This plexes with greater than 50,000 square feet gross leas- setback shall not apply able floor area, having frontage on Rainier Avenue S.: to multi occupancy Such uses may comply with the sign area standards of sub- buildings or multiple sections (1) or(2) of this chart, or with the size standards of building complexes subsection E5d of this Section, Freestanding Signs in with 50,000 square Shopping Centers Less Than Ten (10) Acres. Ground sign feet gross leasable area may be transferred from within the City Center sign floor area or greater, regulation boundaries to contiguously owned property out- having frontage on side of the City Center sign regulation boundaries. Only Rainier Avenue S. sign area may be transferred, not the number of allowed signs. Where transferred, the maximum size of the ground sign shall not exceed the limits of subsection E5d of this Section, Freestanding Signs in Shopping Centers Less Than Ten (10) Acres. 5.c. WALL SIGNS SIZE, HEIGHT AND LOCATIONS ALLOWED FOR PERMANENT SIGNS FOR NONRESIDENTIAL USES BASED UPON SIGN TYPE: REQUIRED MAXIMUM LOCATION AND OTHER CLEARANCES MAXIMUM SIGN AREA HEIGHT LIMITATIONS 4-4(Refer to RMC 00K16, K17an K18) (1) General: Each sign shall not exceed an area (3) The wall sign shall be (4) The sign shall be mounted on or above (7) When projecting greater than 1.5 square feet for each lineal foot of placed on the facade the business facade to which it is over a public right- business facade fronting a street,up to 100 square not more than 25 feet associated. of-way (maximum feet maximum. above the grade, 12 inches), a mini- measured to the top of (5) The wall sign shall be placed on a mum of 8 feet clear- (2) Multi-occupancy buildings or multiple building the sign.This shall not business facade having street front ance above the complexes with 50,000 square feet gross leas- apply to multi-occu- age; or, it shall be placed on or above surface of the side able floor area or greater, having frontage on the business entrance, if the business pancy buildings or walk is required. Rainier Avenue S: In lieu of subsection (1), the has an exterior facade which does not sign area standards of subsection E5a(ii) of this multiple building corn face a street, and the business is Section, Wall Signs, may be met. plexes with 50,000 located in a multi-tenant building or square feet gross multiple building complex. cn leasable floor area or greater, having front- (6) The thickness of that portion of a wall age on Rainier Ave- sign which projects over a public right- nue S. of-way shall not exceed 12 inches. Q Q 5.d. PROJECTING SIGNS SIZE, HEIGHT AND LOCATIONS ALLOWED FOR PERMANENT SIGNS FOR NONRESIDENTIAL USES BASED UPON SIGN TYPE: REQUIRED CLEARANCES MAXIMUM LOCATION AND OTHER (Refer also to RMC MAXIMUM SIGN AREA HEIGHT LIMITATIONS 4-4-100K16, K17 and K18) (1) Unlit, externally illuminated, or tube illuminated: Such (4) Shall not be (5) The sign shall be placed on a (10)When projecting over projecting signs are allowed a maximum of 12 square feet located more than business facade having street a public right-of-way, per face; the maximum cumulative square footage of all 25 feet above the frontage;or,it shall be placed on a minimum of 8 feet faces of a sign is 24 square feet. grade, measured or above the business entrance, clearance above the (2) Internally illuminated: Such signs are allowed a maxi- to the top of the if the business has an exterior surface of the side- mum of 6 square feet per face; the maximum cumulative sign or sign struc- facade which does not face a walk is required. square footage of all faces of a sign is 12 square feet. ture,whichever is street, and the business is higher. located in a multi-tenant building (3) Combination of illumination: The maximum size of the or multiple building complex. combination sign shall be 12 square feet per face;the max (6) The sign shall be no more than 3 imum cumulative square footage of all faces of a combina- feet tall. rn tion sign is 24 square feet. Up to 50% maximum of the combination sign,6 square feet per face, may be internally (7) A projecting sign may extend illuminated. over the public right-of-way by no more than 4 feet from the wall it is mounted on. (8) The faces of a projecting sign shall be separated by a maxi- mum of 12 inches. (9) The sign shall be mounted on or above the business facade to which it is associated. 5.e. AWNING SIGN, CANOPY SIGN, MARQUEE SIGN SIZE, HEIGHT AND LOCATIONS ALLOWED FOR PERMANENT SIGNS FOR NONRESIDENTIAL USES BASED UPON SIGN TYPE: REQUIRED CLEARANCES MAXIMUM LOCATION AND OTHER (Refer also to RMC 4-4-100K16, MAXIMUM SIGN AREA HEIGHT LIMITATIONS K17, K18 and Nab) (1) Awning, canopy, or marquee sign: A maxi- None. (3) Sign copy shall only be located on the vertical (9) Sign structures shall be mum of 50 square feet of copy may appear on faces of the awning, canopy, or marquee. located a minimum of 8 the vertical face area. feet above the surface of (4) Maximum height/thickness of awning/can- (2) Traditional marquee sign: The maximum opy with a sign: 10 feet. the sidewalk. Where under awning, under can- copy area is 150 square feet per face; the (5) Maximum height/thickness of marquee: in opy, or under marquee cumulative square footage of all faces of a sign accordance with the adopted edition of the signs are anticipated, the is 300 square feet total. Uniform Building Code. clearance should be (6) Building canopy poles shall not be placed in a increased to accommo manner which interferes with pedestrian or date them as necessary. cn wheelchair travel upon a sidewalk. (7) Awnings, building canopies, and marquees and the attached or associated signs may extend over the right-of-way according to the terms of the adopted Uniform Building Code. (8) The sign shall be mounted above the busi- ness facade to which it is associated. 1 0 0 I 5.f. UNDER AWNING SIGN, CANOPY SIGN, MARQUEE SIGN 4, SIZE, HEIGHT AND LOCATIONS ALLOWED FOR PERMANENT SIGNS FOR NONRESIDENTIAL USES BASED UPON SIGN TYPE: 1 0 0 REQUIRED = CLEARANCES MAXIMUM LOCATION AND OTHER (Refer also to RMC 4-4-100K16, MAXIMUM SIGN AREA HEIGHT LIMITATIONS K17, K18 and N3b) (1) 6 square feet. None (2) The sign shall not extend beyond the awning, (4) Minimum 8 feet above the canopy, or marquee to which it is attached. surface of the sidewalk. (3) The sign shall not be more than 12 inches thick. e, 0o 5.g. SECONDARY SIGN SIZE, HEIGHT AND LOCATIONS ALLOWED FOR PERMANENT SIGNS FOR NONRESIDENTIAL USES BASED UPON SIGN TYPE: REQUIRED CLEARANCES MAXIMUM LOCATION AND OTHER (Refer also to RMC MAXIMUM SIGN AREA HEIGHT LIMITATIONS 4-4-100K16, K17 and K18) (1) Secondary wall or awning signs: (3) Secondary wall or pro- (4) Secondary signs shall not be located on a (8) When projecting over a Each sign shall not exceed an area jecting signs shall not business facade containing a Category A or public right-of-way, a greater than one square foot for each be located more than B sign, or another secondary sign. minimum of 8 feet clear- lineal foot of business facade, up to 25 feet above the ance above the surface (5) Secondary signs shall not be internally illu- maximum of 25 square feet. grade,measured to the urinated. Such signs may be unlit, externally of the entryway is (2) Secondary projecting signs: Maxi- top of the sign or sign illuminated or have tube illumination. required. mum of 6 square feet. structure, whichever is higher. (6) Maximum height or thickness of awning with a sign: 10 feet. (7) Awning signs: Sign copy shall be located co on the vertical faces of the awning. 0 2 5.h. MULTI-OCCUPANCY OR MULTIPLE BUILDING COMPLEX SIGN A SIZE, HEIGHT AND LOCATIONS ALLOWED FOR PERMANENT SIGNS FOR NONRESIDENTIAL USES BASED UPON SIGN TYPE: 0 0 REQUIRED = CLEARANCES LOCATION AND (Refer also to RMC MAXIMUM SIGN AREA MAXIMUM HEIGHT OTHER LIMITATIONS 4-4-100K16, K17 and K18) (1) Sign size is restricted by lettering height. (2) The wall sign shall be (3) The sign shall be located on a business (5) When projecting over a The maximum square footage limitation placed on the facade facade which does not contain any other public right-of-way, a is 100 square feet. not more than 25 feet Category A or B sign. minimum of 8 feet clear- above the grade, mea- (4) The sign shall only contain the business ance above the grade is sured to the top of the name and/or logo of each development. required. sign. (Ord. 4720, 5-4-1998) rn 0 4-4-100H 6. Letter Size Limitations for Permanent Signs for Nonresidential Uses Based Upon Distance from Right-of-Way: a. Maximum Letter Height: The maximum letter height of signs shall be as follows:g 9 :o s DISTANCE OF FREESTANDING, GROUND, AWNING SIGN/ MULTI-OCCUPANCY OR SIGN FROM WALL, PROJECTING, CANOPY SIGN/ MULTIPLE BUILDING RIGHT-OF-WAY TRADITIONAL MARQUEE SIGN MARQUEE SIGN COMPLEX SIGN Within 50 feet: 24 inches 12 inches 6 inches (applies to letters and logo) Between 50 feet 36 inches 12 inches 6 inches (applies to letters and 100 feet: and logo) More than 100 feet: 48 inches 12 inches 6 inches (applies to letters and logo) b. Exemption from Letter Size Lim- ii. Assist business in contributing to its: The following properties are exempt the economic well-being of the com- from the maximum letter height require- munity; or ments of subsection H6a of this Section: iii. Install a sign that is considered i. Multi-occupancy buildings or mul- to be historic or of historic value by tiple building complexes with fifty the advertising industry or a recog- thousand (50,000) square feet gross nized historic preservation organiza- leasable floor area or greater, having tion, provided that such entity was frontage on Rainier Avenue S.; or not involved in the use,design or pro- duction of the proposed sign; or ii. Properties with frontage on Rain- ier Avenue S. iv. Result in a reduction of signs on a site; or 7. Special Allowance for City Center Signs to Project into Right-of-Way: See v. Result in a reduction in the num- subsection L2c(ii) of this Section. ber of freestanding or ground signs otherwise allowed; or 8. Temporary/Special Permit Signs: In addition to the permanent signs described in vi. Result in a coordinated sign plan subsection H6b of this Section, temporary for a multi-tenant building or multiple signs per subsection J of this Section, Tem- building complex. porary Signs, are also allowed. b. Review Criteria: If the Development 9. Modifications of City Center Sign Reg- Services Director determines that the in- ulations: tent of the proposed sign accomplishes one of the above purposes, the Develop- a. Authority and Purpose:The Devel- ment Services Director may grant a mod- opment Services Director may grant a ification request provided the proposed modification from the sign standards for sign also meets all of the following crite- individual signs which do not meet the ria: specific provisions of the City Center sign standards when the proposed sign is in- i. The modification will not create a tended to accomplish one of the following significant adverse impact to other purposes: property or improvements in the im- mediate vicinity of the subject prop- i. Respond to the needs of the pub- erty; and lic in locating a business establish- ment; or ii. The modification will not increase the number of signs allowed by this 4 - 61 4-4-1001 Chapter or allow a type of sign which so located as to comply in all respects is prohibited by this Chapter in sub- with the City street sign standards. Sign section C of this Section; and shall not be over twelve (12) square feet in total background area for any one face, iii. The modification will not in- no portion of the sign closer than four feet crease the allowed height or area of (4')to any curb line or improved roadway any wall, projecting, awning/canopy/ surface and not illuminated. (Ord. 2877, marquee/traditional marquee,or sec- 9-9-1974) ondary sign by more than twenty five percent (25%); and 3. Public Service Directional Signs for Nonpublic Buildings Such as Churches iv. The modification will not in- and Charitable Organizations Authorized: crease the allowed height or area of Public service directional signs for nonpublic any freestanding or ground sign; and buildings such as churches and charitable or- ganizations may be placed entirely on the v. The modification does not create public right-of-way. a public safety hazard. a. Review Authority and Time: The c. Variance May Be Required: Pro- organization seeking the sign must sub- posals which do not meet the purposes mit a letter to the Transportation Systems or criteria of subsections H9a and H9b of Division requesting directional signs, in- this Section may be reviewed as variance cluding the requested locations and applications as provided in subsection R wording for the sign. The Transportation of this Section. (Ord. 4720, 5-4-1998) Systems Division shall respond to the let- ter by calling or mailing a postcard within d. Fees: Fees shall be as stipulated by one working day of receipt of the request. RMC 4-1-140M4. An engineering study will be performed by the City within thirty (30) days of the I. SIGNS ON PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY: request. If the requested locations do not conform to this subsection,the response 1. City Sponsored Signs Authorized:City will suggest suitable alternative locations, sponsored signs and public service signs per if any. subsections B6b,B6c and B6m of this Section may be located on or over public rights-of-way b. Appeal Process: If the Transporta- with approval of the sign placement by the tion Systems Division determines that the City of Renton Transportation Systems Divi- sign request does not comply with this sion.If the Transportation Division determines subsection, the requesting organization that a sign request does not comply with this shall have the right to appeal that deci- subsection,the requesting organization shall sion to the Hearing Examiner as a final have the right to appeal that decision to the administrative determination. Hearing Examiner as a final administrative determination pursuant to RMC 4-8-110. c. Installation Time: If the sign is ap- (Ord. 4639, 8-19-1996) proved, it will be installed within forty five (45) calendar days after approval of the 2. Directional Signs for Public Buildings request. (Ord. 4615, 6-17-1996) Authorized: Such signs are limited to one of the following sites approved by the Building 4. Residential Open House Signs: Sub- Official. Public service directional signs for ject to the requirements of subsection J3 of public buildings such as public schools, li- this Section. braries, hospitals and other similar public ser- vice facilities may be placed entirely on the public right-of-way. a. Standards and Size Limits for Di- rectional Signs: Sign must be of size, height, color, design and mounting and 4 - 62 4-4-100J J. TEMPORARY SIGNS: iii. Time Limits: Cloth signs may be extended over a public right-of- 1. General Requirements for Temporary way in accordance with the provi- Signs: sions of this Code for a period to be established by the Mayor or his des- a. Display of Permit Number: All tem- ignated representative but not to ex- porary signs shall have the sign permit ceed thirty (30) days. (Ord. 3273, number placed in the upper left-hand cor- 12-11-1978) ner by the permittee. 2. Real Estate Directional Signs on the b. Support and Perforation Require- Public Right-of-Way: ments for Cloth Signs:Every temporary cloth sign shall be supported and at- a. Timing:Real estate directional signs tached with wire rope of three-eighths may remain for six (6) months and sub- inch (3/8") minimum diameter, or other ject to one renewal for a three (3) month material of equivalent breaking strength. period. The Board of Adjustment may No strings,fiber ropes or wood slats shall grant a variance for a longer time if the be permitted for support or anchorage applicant can show the circumstances purposes. Cloth signs and panels shall beyond his control prevented the devel- be perforated over at least ten percent opment to be more than seventy five per- (10%) of their area to reduce wind resis- cent (75%) occupied or sold within the tance. time allowed. Exception: Temporary cloth signs over b. Maximum Size: Real estate direc- private property not exceeding sixty (60) tional signs shall have a maximum size of square feet shall be supported and at- twelve (12) square feet on one face. tached with wire rope which will meet the Such directional signs shall not be placed requirements of subsection K of this Sec- closer than four feet(4')to the edge of an tion. improved roadway and shall not be placed in such a manner as to constitute c. Projection of Temporary Cloth a public safety hazard. Signs Over Public Property/Right-of- way: c. Maximum Number: No more than two(2)such signs shall be allowed at any i. Projection Permitted: Cloth one intersection and only one sign per signs may extend over public prop- development is allowed at each intersec- erty.Cloth signs may extend across a tion. public right-of-way only by permis- sion of the Mayor's office or his/her d. Minimum Spacing: Between inter- designated representative, and shall sections, real estate directional signs for be subject to all related laws and or- the same development shall be placed dinances. no closer than five hundred feet(500')to signs for the same development. (Ord. ii. Clearance: Such signs, when 3719, 4-11-1983, Amd. Ord. 4422, extended over a public street, shall 10-25-1993) maintain a minimum vertical clear- ance of twenty feet (20'). Temporary 3. Residential Open House Signs: signs, other than cloth, when eight feet (8') or more above the ground, a. Maximum Number and Type:Signs may project not more than six inches advertising "open house" and the direc- (6") over public property or beyond tion to a residence for sale shall be lim- the legal setback line. (Ord. 3719, ited to one sign on the premises for sale 4-11-1983, Amd. Ord. 4422, and three (3) off-premises signs. How- 10-25-1993) ever, if a real estate company has more than one house open for inspection in a single development or subdivision, they 4 -63 4-4-100K shall be limited to four(4) off-premises opening, or to an existing business mov- "open house"signs in the entire develop- ing to an entirely new location. (Ord. ment or subdivision. 2877, 9-9-1974) b. Hours of Display: Such signs are 6. Other Temporary Signs: permitted only during daylight hours and when the real estate company represen- a. Maximum Time and Number for tative or seller or an agent is in atten- Display:Temporary signs are allowed for dance at the property for sale. a maximum of thirty (30)days per permit per sign. Only two (2) such permits may c. Maximum Size: No such sign shall be granted in any one calendar year to exceed four(4) square feet in surface any one applicant. area for each surface of the sign. The sign may be placed only along the pe- b. Maximum Size and Height: No riphery of a public right-of-way in a man- temporary sign shall exceed one hundred ner so as not to obstruct the vision or (100) square feet in area. Temporary pathway of vehicular or pedestrian traffic. signs of rigid material shall not exceed (Ord. 3719, 4-11-1983) thirty two (32) square feet on one face or six feet (6') in height. (Ord. 3719, 4. Political Signs: 4-11-1983, Amd. Ord. 4422, 10-25-1993) a. Permitted Location: Political signs K. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION may be displayed on private property REQUIREMENTS FOR PERMANENT with the consent of the property owner or SIGNS — GENERAL: the lawful occupant thereof. 1. General Design: Signs and sign struc- b. Maximum Size: Political signs shall tures shall be designed and constructed to re- not be greater than thirty two (32) square sist wind and seismic forces as specified in feet if single faced or sixty four (64) this Section. All bracing systems shall be de- square feet if multi-faced. signed and constructed to transfer lateral forces to the foundations. For signs on build- c. Removal Required: Each political ings, the dead and lateral loads shall be sign shall be removed within ten (10) transmitted through the structural frame of days following an election, except that the building to the ground in such manner as the successful candidates of a primary not to overstress any of the elements thereof. election may keep their signs on display The overturning moment produced from lat- until ten (10) days after the general elec- eral forces shall in no case exceed two-thirds tion, at which time they shall be promptly (2/3) of the dead-load resisting moment. Up- removed. (Ord. 3719, 4-11-1983; Amd. lift due to overturning shall be adequately re- Ord. 4422, 10-25-1993) sisted by proper anchorage to the ground or to the structural frame of the building. The 5. Grand Opening, Special Temporary weight of earth superimposed over footings Signs and Displays: may be used in determining the dead-load re- sisting moment. Such earth shall be thor- a. Permit Required: Strings of pen- oughly compacted. nants, banners or streamers,festoons of lights, clusters of flags, balloons and sim- 2. Wind Loads: Signs and sign structures ilar devices of a carnival nature, or a shall be designed to resist wind forces as group of temporary signs, may be dis- specified in the adopted edition of the Uni- played on private property only by special form Building Code. permit. 3. Seismic Loads: Signs and sign struc- b. Time Limitations and Applicabil- tures shall be designed and constructed to re- ity: Such a permit shall be issued for a sist seismic forces as specified in the adopted period not to exceed ten (10) days and edition of the Uniform Building Code. shall be issued only to a new business 4 - 64 4-4-100K 4. Combined Loads: Wind and seismic shall be No. 12 gauge. The minimum loads need not be combined in design of thickness of hot-rolled steel members signs or sign structures;only that loading pro- furnishing structural support for signs ducing the larger stresses may be used. Ver- shall be one-fourth inch (1/4"), except tical design loads,except roof live loads,shall that, if galvanized, such members shall be assumed to be acting simultaneously with be not less than one-eighth inch (1/8") the wind or seismic loads. thick. Steel pipes shall be of such quality as to conform with UBC Standard No. 5. Allowable Stresses: The design of 22-1. Steel members may be connected wood, concrete or steel members shall con- with one galvanized bolt, provided the form to the requirements of the adopted edi- connection is adequate to transfer the tion of the Uniform Building Code. Loads, stresses in the members. (Ord. 3719, both vertical and horizontal, exerted on the 4-11-1983) soil shall not produce stresses exceeding those specified in the adopted edition of the b. Anchors and supports when of Uniform Building Code.The working stresses wood and embedded in the soil,or within of wire rope and its fastenings shall not ex- six inches (6") of the soil, shall be of all ceed twenty five percent(25%)of the ultimate heartwood of a durable species or shall strength of the rope or fasteners. Working be pressure-treated with an approved stresses for wind or seismic loads combined preservative. Such members shall be with dead-loads may be increased as speci- marked or branded by an approved tied in the adopted edition of the Uniform agency. (Ord. 2504, 9-23-1969) Building Code. 8. Restrictions on Combustible Materi- 6. Location and General Standards for als: Freestanding and wall signs may be con- Structural Supports: The supports for all structed of any material meeting the signs or sign structures shall be placed in or requirements of this Code. Combination upon private property and shall be securely signs,roof signs and signs on marquees shall built, constructed and erected in conform- be constructed of incombustible materials, ance with the requirements of this Code. except as provided in subsection K9 of this Section. Projecting signs and under awning, 7. Materials: Materials of construction for under canopy, or under marquee signs may signs and sign structures shall be of the qual- be constructed of any material meeting the ity and grade as specified for buildings in the requirements of this Code, including fire re- adopted edition of the Uniform Building Code. sistive treated wood. No combustible mated- In all signs and sign structures the materials als other than approved plastics shall be used and details of construction shall, in the ab- in the construction of electric signs. (Ord. sence of specified requirements, conform 3719, 4-11-1983) with the following: 9. Nonstructural Trim: Nonstructural trim a. Structural steel shall be of such and portable display surfaces may be of quality as to conform with UBC Standard wood, metal, approved plastics or any combi- No.22-1. Secondary members in contact nation thereof. with or directly supporting the display surface may be formed of light gauge 10. Anchorage: Members supporting un- steel, provided such members are braced signs shall be so proportioned that the designed in accordance with the bearing loads imposed on the soil in either di- specifications of the design of light gauge rection, horizontal or vertical, shall not ex- steel as specified in UBC chapter 22 and ceed the safe values. Braced ground signs in addition shall be galvanized. shall be anchored to resist the specified wind Secondary members, when formed or seismic load acting in any direction. An- integrally with the display surface, shall chors and supports shall be designed for safe be not less than No. 24 gauge in bearing loads on the soil and for an effective thickness. When not formed integrally resistance to pull-out amounting to a force with the display surface, the minimum twenty five percent(25%) greater than the re- thickness of the secondary members quired resistance to overturning. Anchors 4 - 65 4-4-100K and supports shall penetrate to a depth below 12. Glass Panel Size,Thickness and ground greater than that of the frost line. Type: Glass thickness and area limitations shall be as set forth below: (Ord. 3719, Signs attached to masonry, concrete or steel 4-11-1983) shall be safely and securely fastened thereto by means of metal anchors,bolts or approved MAXIMUM SIZE OF EXPOSED GLASS PANEL expansion screws of sufficient size and an- chorage to support safely the loads applied. Any Area Minimum Dimension (Square Thickness of Type of No wooden blocks or plugs or anchors with (Inches) Inches) Glass (Inches) Glass wood used in connection with screws or nails Plain, Plate shall be considered proper anchorage, ex- 30 500 1/8 or Wired cept in the case of signs attached to wood 45 700 3/16 Plain, Plate framing. or Wired No anchor or support of any sign shall be 144 3600 1/4 Plain, Plate or Wired connected to, or supported by, an unbraced 144+ 3600+ 1/4 Wired Glass parapet wall, unless such wall is designed in accordance with the requirements for parapet 13. Approved Plastics: The Building Offi walls specified in the adopted edition of the cial shall require that sufficient technical data Uniform Building Code. (Ord. 2504, be submitted to substantiate the proposed 9-23-1969) use of any plastic material and, if it is deter- 11. Size of and Materials for Display Sur- mined that the evidence submitted is satis faces: Display surfaces in all types of signs factory for the use intended, he may approve may be made of metal, glass or approved its use. (Ord. 2504, 9 23 1969) plastics, or other approved noncombustible 14. Welding: All welding on signs or sign material, or wood for wood signs. structures shall be done by certified welders Sections of approved plastics on wall signs holding a valid certification from King County shall not exceed two hundred twenty five or other governmental jurisdiction acceptable (225) square feet in area. to the Building Official. Exception: Sections of approved plastics on 15. Electrical Requirements: All signs signs other than wall signs may be of unlim containing electrical wiring shall be subject to ited area if approved by the Building Official. the governing electrical code and shall bear the label of an approved testing agency.(Ord. Sections of approved plastics on wall signs 3719, 4 11 1983) shall be separated three feet(3')laterally and 16. Clearance: All types of signs shall con six feet(6') vertically by the required exterior form to the clearance and projection require- wall construction. ments of this Section. Exception: Sections of approved plastics on 17. Clearance from High Voltage Power signs other than wall signs may not be re Lines: Signs shall be located not less than quired to be separated if approved by the ten feet (10') horizontally or twelve feet (12') Building Official. vertically from overhead electrical conductors which are energized in excess of seven hun- dred fifty (750) volts. The term "overhead conductors" as used in this Section means any electrical conductor, either bare or insu- lated,installed above the ground except such conductors as are enclosed in iron pipe or other material covering of equal strength. 4 - 66 4-4-100L 18. Clearance from Fire Escapes, Exits or Standpipes: No sign or sign structure • shall be erected in such a manner that any portion of its surface or supports will interfere F FSfANHNG/ in any way with the free use of any fire es- POI E SIGN cape, exit or standpipe. 19. Obstruction of Openings Prohibited: emaxx r rnty No sign shall obstruct any opening to such an extent that light or ventilation is reduced to a << point below that required by the applicable -- "-tr.:x+ar<<a—f .f`strort POW— City building codes. Signs erected within five feet(5') of an exterior wall in which there are openings within the area of the sign shall be b. Ground signs which are six feet (6') constructed of incombustible material or ap or less in height may be installed within proved plastics. the front yard setback in the landscape strip;provided,that the area described in 20. Standards for Supports: The support- subsection C6 of this Section is kept ing members of a sign shall be free of any un— necessary bracing, angle iron, guy wires, cables and similar devices. (Ord. 2504, 9-23-1969) L. LOCATION/INSURANCE 1`—'- 6 max Grand � P'oPe+'tY REQUIREMENTS FOR SIGNS PROJECTING INTO SETBACKS OR "k y`' � i'#—`,treet ROW— RIGHT-OF-WAY: 2. Allowed Projections into Right-of- 1. Maximum Sign Projection into Set- Way: Signs and supporting signs structures back: may project within the public right-of-way as follows: a. Signs may project within a legal set- back a maximum of six feet (6'). (Ord. a. Wall Signs: The thickness of that 3719, 4-11-1983; Amd. Ord. 4720, portion of a wall sign which projects over 5-4-1998) public right-of-way shall not exceed twelve inches (12"). (Ord. 3719, PKOJELTING 4-11-1983; Ord. 4720, 5-4-1998) SION 6 max—4 b. Marquees: Marquees and the at- tached or associated signs may extend over the right-of-way according to the �anstrw, terms of the adopted Uniform Building Code. ,,c:tback area4 _,trot K(NJ c. Additional Allowances within City Center Sign Regulation Boundaries:In the City Center sign regulation bound- aries defined in subsection H2 of this Section, the following signs may project into the public right-of-way: i. Wall Signs:The thickness of that portion of a wall sign which projects over public right-of-way shall not ex- ceed twelve inches (12"). 4 - 67 4-4-100M ii. Projecting Signs: A projecting M. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS FOR sign may extend over the public right- PROJECTING SIGNS: of-way no more than four feet (4') from the wall it is mounted on. No 1. Standards: Projecting signs shall be de- sign shall extend into the public right- signed in accordance with the requirements of-way to within less than two feet specified in subsection L of this Section. (Ord. (2') of the curbline. 3719, 4-11-1983) iii. Awnings, Building Canopies N. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS FOR and Marquees: Awnings, building AWNING, CANOPY, OR MARQUEE canopies, and marquees and the at- SIGNS: tached or associated signs may ex- tend over the right-of-way according 1. Applicability of this Section: All signs to the terms of the adopted Uniform erected on, above or below a marquee shall Building Code. (Ord.4720,5-4-1998) comply with the requirements of this Section. 3. Identification of Sign Installer: All pro- 2. Acceptable Location and Uniform jecting signs and signs which project into Building Code Requirements: public right-of-way shall have painted thereon the name of the sign erector and the date of a. Signs may be placed on, attached to the erection. (Ord. 3719, 4-11-1983; Amd. or constructed in a marquee. Such signs, Ord. 4720, 5-4-1998) over public or private property, shall, for the purpose of determining projection, 4. Liability Insurance and Annual Permit clearance, height and material, be con- Required for Signs Over Public Property: sidered a part of and shall meet the re- quirements for a marquee as specified in a. Excluding wall signs projecting the adopted edition of the Uniform Build- twelve inches (12") or less over a public ing Code (UBC). (Ord. 4172, 9-12-1988) right-of-way, the owner of any sign pro- jecting over a public right-of-way shall file b. Signs may be painted, printed, or af- with the Building Official a public liability fixed upon awnings or canopies.Awnings insurance policy issued by an insurance or canopies shall meet the applicable company authorized to do business in provisions of the adopted Uniform Build- the State of Washington, appropriately ing Code. conditioned in conformity with the objec- tives of this section, with limits of one 3. Under Marquee/Under Awning/Under hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) Canopy Sign Limitations: to three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.00) public liability coverage a. Number: Under awning, canopy, or and fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) marquee signs shall be limited to one property damage coverage. The City such sign per entrance for each business shall be named as an additional insured, establishment. (Ord. 3719, 4-11-1983, and notified of lapses or changes to the Amd. Ord. 4720, 5-4-1998) insurance policy. b. An annual sign permit shall be re- b. Location and Size—Outside City Center: Where a legally constructed aw- quired for any signs projecting over the right-of-way, excluding wall signs project- Wing, canopy,or marquee exists which in ing twelve inches (12") or less. Annual itself complies with the provisions of the Renton Building Code, an "under mar- fees shall be consistent with RMC quee"sign, no larger than twelve inches 4-1-140M. The annual permit shall be is- (12") high by seventy two inches (72") sued upon a determination that liability long by twelve inches(12")thick, may be insurance remains in effect, and that the suspended below the awning,canopy, or sign and supporting structure are secure. marquee,provided the bottom of the sign (Ord. 4720, 5-4-1998) is at least eight feet (8') above the sur- 4 - 68 4-4-100T face of the public or private sidewalk or R. APPEALS OF ADMINISTRATIVE walkway and the sign does not extend DECISIONS: beyond the awning,canopy, or marquee. Appeals from administrative decisions in the in- terpretation of the provisions of this Code shall be c. Location and Size—Within City heard by the Hearing Examiner pursuant to RMC Center:In the City Center sign regulation 4-8-110. boundaries defined in subsection H2 of this Section, under marquee signs may S. VARIANCES: not exceed a maximum square footage of Applications for variances from the provisions of six (6) square feet, with a maximum sign this Chapter shall be heard by the Board of Ad- thickness of twelve inches(12").The bot- justment as provided in RMC 4-1-050D and con- tour of the sign shall be at least eight feet sistent with the provisions of RMC 4-9-250B. (8') above the surface of the public or pri- (Ord. 3719, 4-11-1983) vate sidewalk or walkway, and the sign shall not extend beyond the awning, can- T. VIOLATION AND PENALTIES: opy, or marquee. (Ord. 4720, 5-4-1998) O. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS FOR 1. Violation Unlawful: It shall be unlawful SIGNS: for any person to erect,construct, enlarge, al- ELECTRICter, repair, move, improve, convert, equip, use or maintain any sign or structure in the 1. Materials and Design Standards: Elec- City or cause or permit the same to be done tric signs shall be constructed of incombusti- contrary to or in violation of any of the provi- ble materials, except as specified in sions of this Code. subsection K of this Section. The enclosed shell of electric signs shall be watertight, ex- 2. Penalties: Penalties for any violation of cepting that service holes fitted with covers any of the provisions of this Chapter shall be shall be provided into each compartment of in accord with RMC 1-3-2, Civil Penalties. such signs. (Ord. 4351, 5-4-1992) 2. Installation: Electrical equipment used 3. Removal and Storage of Illegal Signs in connection with display signs shall be in- Authorized: Unauthorized signs or other ad- stalled in accordance with local regulations vertising devices either wholly or partially regulating electrical installation. supported on or projecting over the public right-of-way may be removed by the Building 3. Erector's Name: Every electric sign pro- Official or his representative without notice to jecting over any street or alley or public place the owner. Such signs or devices shall be shall have the name of the sign erector and stored at the City garage for a period not to date of erection. Such name and date shall exceed thirty(30)days,during which time the be of sufficient size and contrast to be read- owner may redeem such sign or device by able from a reasonable distance. Failure to payment to the City Treasurer an amount provide such name and date shall be grounds equal to the City cost for the removal and for rejection of the sign by the Building Offi- storage, but in no event shall the fee be less cial. (Ord. 2504, 9-23-1969) than twenty dollars ($20.00). After expiration of the thirty (30) day storage period, the sign 4. Label Required: All electric signs shall not having been redeemed, it shall be de- bear the label of an approved testing agency. stroyed or otherwise disposed of. (Ord. 3719, 4-11-1983, Amd. Ord. 4422, 10-25-1993) P. INSPECTIONS: Footing inspections shall be made by the Building 4. Confiscated Signs: All confiscated Official for all signs having footings. signs shall become the property of the City. (Ord. 3719, 4-11-1983) Q. ALTERNATE PROVISIONS FOR MATERIAL, CONSTRUCTION AND DESIGN: See RMC 4-9-250E. 4 - 69 4-4-110A 4-4-110 STORAGE FACILITIES, 3. Authority and Responsibility: The BULK: Hearing Examiner is designated as the offi- cial agency of the City for the conduct of pub- A. INTENT: lic hearings, and the Building Department is The intent of the regulation of bulk storage facili responsible for the general administration ties is to allow such facilities in a location and and coordination. The Building Department manner so they are compatible with adjacent shall establish administrative procedures, properties and beneficial to the City and in accor which shall include, but are not limited to: dance with the State Environmental Policy Act. It Preparation of application forms,determining is further the intent to insure that the safety, completeness and acceptance of application, health,welfare, aesthetics and morals of the corn- and establishment of interdepartmental re munity are maintained at a high level. view routing procedures. (Ord. 2962, 9-8-1975, Amd. Ord. 2967, 9-22-1975, Amd. B. SPECIAL REVIEW AND HIGHER Ord. 3101, 1-17-1977, eff. 1-1-1977; Ord. STANDARDS REQUIRED: 3592, 12 14 1981) Due to the unique characteristics and problems 4. Provision of Information: The respon- inherent in making bulk storage facilities compat sibility of producing information and data to ible with surrounding properties and environment, establish that the proposed bulk storage facil- the City Council finds that special review of bulk ity complies with the standards set forth in storage facilities is required to insure the intent of this Section shall be on the applicant. (Ord. these regulations;and the City Council expressly 2962, 9-8-1975; Amd. Ord. 2967, 9-22-1975) finds that in the Green River Valley,City of Renton and surrounding areas, there has been a loss in 5. Evaluation Criteria:The Hearing Exam air quality and that a potential exists for a continu- iner shall review the impact of the proposed ing deterioration in this air quality due in part to use to determine whether it is compatible with the unique meteorological and topographic char- the proposed site and general area. The acteristics such as the channeling and holding of Hearing Examiner may require any applica- air masses by inversions and the surrounding ble bulk standard to be up to fifty percent hills. This degradation in air quality adversely af- (50%) more strict than specified to alleviate a fects the livability and desirability of the City and potential problem, providing it shall be is injurious to the health and well-being of its citi shown: (Ord. 2962, 9-8-1975; Amd. Ord. zens. Those uses classified as a recognized 2967, 9-22-1975; Amd. Ord. 3101, higher risk have higher standards applied to them 1-17-1977, eff. 1-1-1977) including, but not limited to, landscaping, traffic and access and hazardous materials. These reg- a. That because of special circum- ulations are to supplement and be in addition to stances applicable to subject property, in- existing code provisions. (Ord. 2962, 9-8-1975, cluding size, topography, location or Amd. Ord. 2967, 9-22-1975) surroundings and special characteristics C. SPECIAL PERMIT AND applicable to subject facilities including height, surface drainage, toxic sub- ADMINISTRATION: stances,traffic and access, sound, liquid waste, light and glare, odorants, flamma- 1. Special Permit Required for Bulk Stor- ble and explosive materials and gaseous age Facilities: Bulk storage facilities may be wastes, the strict application of the zon- allowed only by special permit as specified in ing code and bulk storage regulations is RMC 4-9-220. The fee for the special permit found to deprive neighboring properties for bulk storage facilities is specified in the fee of rights and privileges enjoyed by other schedule set out in RMC 4-1-170.(Ord.3653, properties in the vicinity and under identi- 8-23-1982) cal zone classification. 2. Applicability: The Building Department b. That the application of more strict shall be responsible for determining whether standards will not be materially detrimen- an application is a bulk storage facility as de- tal to the subject facility and will maintain fined herein. (Ord. 2962, 9-8-1975, Amd. the full rights,privileges and environment Ord. 2967, 9-22-1975) of neighboring properties. 4 - 70 4-4-110D c. That the application of such modifica- i. Height of Screen: The barrier tions shall be supported by documented shall have a maximum height of four evidence of a clear and compelling na- feet (4') when measured as in sub- ture to justify such stricter standards. section D12d of this Section. The combined height of the four foot (4') D. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: (maximum) barrier and screen shall be at least twenty five percent (25%) 1. Height of Containers and Stock Piles: of the height of the bulk storage pro- The maximum height of all storage containers vided such combination is at least and stock piles of bulk materials and/or prod- eight feet(8') high. An optional secu- ucts shall be forty feet (40') or that of the rity fence shall have at least a twenty structure height of the underlying zone if foot (20') setback. more restrictive. The storage of bulk materi- als in containers above manufacturing plants ii. Landscaping Required: All ar- shall not be considered as bulk storage, but eas between the property lines and shall be classified as part of the supporting the screen shall be landscaped ex- structure. No roof shall extend beyond five cept for ingress and egress areas and percent (5%) slopes drawn from forty foot except when a second bulk storage (40') high vertical surfaces contiguous to the facility has a contiguous side or rear base of the structure. Only accessory items property line with an existing bulk such as,but not limited to,Antennas, ladders, storage facility constructed to the light fixtures,railings,vent pipes and safety or standards specified in this Section. health related items shall be excluded from The landscape plan shall be pre- the determination of structure height. pared by a licensed landscape archi- tect and approved by the Building 2. Setbacks: All structures and bulk stor- Department. age, except security fences,opaque screens and signs, shall be located at least sixty feet c. Screening Required for Other Bulk (60') from all public rights-of-way, wildlife Storage:Those bulk storage uses not in- habitat, public areas, parks and waterways cluded in subsection D3b of this Section which include, but are not limited to, rivers, shall have a screen including gates and lakes, streams and drainage channels. In all shall be at least eighty percent (80%) other instances the setbacks shall be at least opaque surrounding the property area. twenty feet (20') from the property line. Said screen shall be at least twenty five percent (25%) as high as the bulk stor- 3. Landscaping and Screening: age containers or stock piles provided said screen is at least eight feet(8') high. a. Intent:The intent of landscaping and The screen and optional security fence screening is to minimize the visual impact shall be set back at least twenty feet(20') of bulk storage as viewed from adjacent from all property lines except that for or nearby properties or facilities and to those bulk storage facilities whose total enhance the image of the industrial areas ownership is less than two and one-half and the City. (Ord.2962,9-8-1975;Amd. (2-1/2) contiguous acres in area, the Ord. 2967, 9-22-1975) Hearing Examiner may reduce this set- back up to fifty percent (50%) for good b. Screening Required for Recog- cause and upon proper written applica- nized Higher Risk Storage:Those bulk tion. All areas between the property lines storage uses which are considered as and the screen shall be landscaped ex- having a recognized higher risk shall cept for ingress and egress areas and ex- have a barrier as specified in subsection cept when a second bulk storage facility D12 of this Section, Hazardous Materi- has a contiguous side or rear property als, with a screen that is at least eighty line that abuts an existing bulk storage fa- percent (80%) opaque on top of the bar- cility constructed to the standards speci- rier and set back at least twenty feet(20') fied in this Section provided there is at from the property line. least a twenty foot(20') landscaped strip. The landscape plan is to be approved by 4 - 71 4-4-110D the Building Department. A landscaped (150%) of the estimated cost of mainte- berm may be used by itself or in combina- nance of landscaping for a three (3) year tion with a screen provided the required period, (ii) the depositing with the City height is met. The slopes of said berm Clerk of a certified or cashier's check for shall be at least two feet(2') horizontal to one hundred fifty percent (150%) of the one foot(1')vertical.There shall be a flat estimated cost of maintenance of land- area on top of the berm with a minimum scaping for a three (3)year period, (iii)fil- width of two feet(2').A retaining wall may ing with the City Clerk a copy of a service be substituted for the internal side of the contract for maintenance of landscaping berm provided the retaining wall is ap- for a three (3) year period, or (iv) such proved by a licensed engineer. (Ord. other written commitments that will as- 3653, 8-23-1982) sure satisfactory maintenance of land- scaping for a three(3)year period.Any of d. Landscaping Maintenance: The the four (4) options above are to be ap- maintenance of landscaping shall be as- proved as to legal form prior to accep- sured prior to the issuance of a building tance by the City. Landscaping is to be permit by requiring one of the following maintained in a healthy,neat manner and options: (i) the posting of a performance shall be subject to periodic inspection by bond for one hundred fifty percent the City. L:.WSC..1C,.EA oMPM+c 'fl'L neN+tf II w..u+ arrow", x„oK l Y T __xac ?tAM leiwor ,4AJ$CAP[O Ai NM 41,0 flf WAI4$CNCCN WMM ffC tM� ,:,;,, b 1G -}1F+XStO j4t. _- � 4 - 72 4-4-110D OPAQUE SCREEN WITH LANDSCAPING I .ir rL6IT MP+nI • Ay+Eup7. h D No/ °T � E -DCGAifiP`il h--- RiANT- •wAT LANDSCAPED BOP Wi TN RETAINING WALL AND OPAQUE SCPEEN gut AN•wWAA MOT T cvtgwPT L•a07.•+ef 9�AlT Ma,k I.F. lauu MUM { T'RKk l.rxgt v ��Esrr iae4IP MOW T ..- - .,..�.._..f LANDSCAPED BEAN NIVH AMAIEA AA)OPADDL SEAEEA _T chmpKME IMgMM 0L1epmJ Lon PN o acre u JIII �� , mot T 1 POT'01,19 4. Signs Permitted: The only identification trances. (Ord. 2962, 9-8-1975; Amd. Ord. signs permitted shall be one sign per street 2967, 9-22-1975) frontage that shall be four feet(4') in height or less,with a maximum of two (2)faces and no 5. Surface Drainage: more than thirty (30) square feet per face. Such signs may be illuminated by external a. Intent: The intent of this standard is lights. Exit and entrance signs four(4)square to protect property from damage and loss feet in area or less may be placed at street en- due to flooding, erosion and deposition 4 - 73 4-4-110D caused by the adverse alteration of natu- ii. The concentration of a single ral drainage flow patterns and rates, and toxic substance measured in an air to promote development practices which sample shall not exceed one-fiftieth enhance the quality, benefits and enjoy- (1/50) of the threshold limit value or ment of the natural watercourses. ceiling "C" limit value at the lot lines or one one-hundredth (1/100) of the b. Standards: Surface drainage shall threshold limit value or ceiling "C" be approved by the Development Ser- limit value at the lot-district line. The vices Division and shall comply with the concentrations of two (2) or more design specifications set forth in the lat- substances shall be considered as in est editions or revisions of Standard the publication of ACGIH. Specifications for Municipal Public Works Construction by the Washington State iii. Those carcinogenic substances Chapter American Public Works Associa- listed in threshold limit values having tion, and Highway Hydraulics Manual by no listed threshold limit value shall the Washington State Highway Commis- not be detectable by the most sensi- sion, Department of Highways. tive method in air samples taken at the lot or lot-district lines. 6. Toxic Substances: d. Method of Measurement:The sam- a. Intent: The intent of this standard is pies shall be taken by a qualified person to extend to the general public basic pre- as per the publication of the ACGIH and cautions used in industry dealing with the the concentrations of toxic substances exposure of workers to toxic materials.As shall be measured in a certified labora- a requisite to protecting the public health tory or facility at the request of the Admin- and welfare, and especially as that public istrative Official. includes the very young and other sensi- tive members,the environment should be 7. Traffic and Access Control: kept free of unnecessary concentrations of these toxic substances by using the a. Intent: The intent of this standard is best practicable control and process to promote the safety of travel on public technology in all phases of manufacture streets in industrial areas where dense and handling and by a sincere commit- and variable traffic flows cause additional ment to good housekeeping practices. hazards to persons and property and to provide for uninterruptable access to all b. PSAPCA Standards: The ambient properties and neighbors of a potential air quality standards specified in Regula- major fire, emergency or hazard. tion 1 of the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency (PSAPCA) shall apply to b. Access Requirements: All lots all air contaminants specifically listed used by an industry of recognized higher therein. risk shall be served on at least two (2) sides by accesses of dimensions equal to c. Maximum Concentrations of Toxic an industrial access street. Such ac- Substances: cesses shall be continuously open to City departments for clearing or repair at the i. Those toxic substances not spe- owner's expense. cifically listed in Regulation 1 of the PSAPCA, but released into the ambi- c. Emergency Vehicle Access:When ent air shall be in accordance with on-site emergency access is required for the fractional quantities set forth in fire or other emergency equipment, a subsection D6c(ii)of this Section and through route shall be provided and for those toxic substances listed in maintained in a free and open condition the most current publication, entitled at all times,with an exit from the lot differ- Threshold Limit Values, of the Amer- ent from the entrance and separated by ican Conference of Governmental at least three hundred feet (300') when Hygienists (ACGIH). not on opposite sides of the lot. Any fire 4 - 74 4-4-110D or emergency access, including but not tern required in subsection D7d of this limited to this subsection, shall conform Section shall be paved and maintained in with the recommendations of the Renton a good condition with an asphalt surfac- Fire Department and together with a traf- ing, or its equivalent if approved by the fic flow pattern, when required, shall be Administrative Official, to prevent the clearly defined on a site plan. (Ord.2962, generation of dust or the tracking of mud 9-8-1975, Amd. Ord. 2967, 9-22-1975) onto public rights-of-way. d. Traffic Flow, Setbacks from Ac- h. Surfacing of Storage Areas: Stor- cess Routes and Curb Cuts: A defini- age areas not intended for maneuvering tive traffic flow pattern shall be provided space shall be paved with a surface sat- on the property for all traffic, both truck isfactory to the Hearing Examiner to meet and automobile, such that all traffic shall the requirements of this Chapter and cross lot lines traveling in a forward direc- minimize dust and control stormwater tion. Necessary transportation between drainage. (Ord. 3653, 8-23-1982) different parts of the same building or complex of buildings when located on 8. Sound: one continuous lot shall be by private ac- cess routes, confined to the property so a. Intent: The intent of this standard is as to not cause unnecessary congestion to establish maximum sound levels for in- or hazards on public streets.Such on-site dustrial sources as received in other access routes shall be located at a dis- properties of the same or different envi- tance of at least ten feet (10'), or on the ronmental use designation. This is ac- property side of any required planting complished by implementing the sound strip, from all pedestrian sidewalks or level requirements of the Washington Ad- edge of public right-of-way. Curb cuts ministrative Code as it applies to indus- shall be kept to a minimum on both num- trial sources of sound and all sound ber and width consistent with the prop- receptors. erty traffic flow pattern. b. WAC Regulations Adopted by Ref- e. Separation of Parking from Load- erence: The regulation of industrial ing/Maneuvering Areas: Provisions sounds as set forth in chapter 173-60 of shall be made for the separation of park- the Washington Administrative Code ing of private automobiles from any space (WAC), Maximum Environmental Noise or area used for maneuvering, parking or Levels, is hereby incorporated by refer- loading or any truck, vehicle or trailer ei- ence. ther while attached to or unattached from any mover. c. Classifications:The Classifications for Use Districts (Zoning Codes) of the f. Overpasses: Overpasses extending City of Renton shall be assigned the En- over a public right-of-way shall be limited vironmental Designation for Noise Abate- to pedestrian foot traffic except that con- ment (EDNA) Codes as follows: duits for the transmission of information may be included if concealed within the EDNA Class A: RC, R-1, R-5, R-8, primary structure of the overpass. The RMH, R-10, R-14, design, lighting and landscaping of such RM-I, RM-N, RM-C, structures shall clearly exhibit a high level RM-U, P-1 of aesthetic design and furthermore shall EDNA Class B: CC, CN, CS, CD, CA, be reviewed and approved by the Devel- COR, CO opment Services Division. (Ord. 2962, EDNA Class C: L-1, M P, H 1 9-8-1975, Amd. Ord. 2967, 9-22-1975; Amd. Ord. 3592, 12-14-1981) g. Paving of Access Routes: All on- site surfaces used for daily traffic within the lot or as a part of the traffic flow pat- 4 - 75 4-4-110D d. Maximum Sound Levels: The sound level of an industrial (EDNA Class C) sound source when measured in the prescribed manner and location shall not exceed the following values: MAXIMUM PERMITTED SOUND LEVELS IN RECEIVING EDNA CLASSES FROM EDNA CLASS C (INDUSTRIAL) SOURCE EDNA CLASS OF MAXIMUM SOUND DURATION IN MINUTES IN APPLICABLE RECEPTOR LEVEL' (dB(A)) ANY ONE-HOUR PERIOD HOURS5 A 60 Continually 7 am — 10 pm A 65 152 7am — 10 pm A 70 52 7am — 10 pm 1-1/22 A 75 Continually 7am — 10 pm A 50 152 10 pm—7am A 55 52 10 pm—7am A 60 1-1/22 10 pm—7am A 65 10pm-7am B 65 Continually All B 70 153 All B 75 53 All B 80 1 1/23 All C 70 Continually All C 75 154 All C 80 54 All C 85 1-1/24 All 1 Source: Chapter 172-60 WAC, "Maximum Environment Noise Levels". 2 Total of all dB(A)s over 60 not to exceed 15 minutes in any one hour. 3 Total of all dB(A)s over 65 not to exceed 15 minutes in any one hour. 4 Total of all dB(A)s over 70 not to exceed 15 minutes in any one hour. 5 The lower noise in EDNA Class A apply to all hours of the weekends and holidays. e. Reduction Due to Method of Mea- 9. Liquid Waste: surement: All maximum sound level val- ues for impulsive sounds shall be a. Intent: The intent of this standard is reduced five(5)decibels when measured to preserve and enhance the quality of with an A-weighted network. the environment and protect the public health and welfare by preventing the dis- h. Extension of Hours of Restric- posal of liquid industrial wastes by unac- tions: The hours of lower sound levels ceptable methods and in unapproved shall be extended in EDNA Class A envi- areas. Liquid waste shall include surface ronments for all hours of the weekend, run-off waters as per subsection D5 of from midnight Friday to midnight Sunday, this Section, Surface Drainage, when and the following holidays, as officially contaminated with chemicals, oils or observed by the City of Renton: New other toxic substances. Year's Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas b. Discharge Regulated: The dis- Day. charge of all waterless liquid waste shall be subject to the conditions of subsection 4 - 76 4-4-110D D9d of this Section and/or disposed of by h. Treatment of Liquid Waste: Any a liquid waste disposal company. treatment of liquid waste solely for the purpose of disposal shall be permitted c. Standards and Permits: The dis- when the generation of any solid or gas- charge of any water containing liquid,gas eous wastes is adequately handled in or solid wastes in solution and/or as a compliance with these standards and all mixture into any part of the natural water other rules and regulations of State and system shall comply with the standards regional agencies. Such treatment shall and compatibility requirements of the employ the best practicable control cur- Washington State Department of Ecology rently available to industry. or any successor department or agency thereof. The Administrative Official shall 10. Light and Glare: be supplied with a true copy of any and all discharge permits issued to the facility by a. Intent: The intent of this standard is the State of Washington Department of to afford the public the safety of adequate Ecology. lighting while avoiding unnecessary glare and exposure to excessive outdoor illu- d. Standards for Discharge into mination which may create a hazard or Sewer System: All wastes discharged unreasonably interfere with the relaxation into a sewerage system shall comply with and enjoyment of public open spaces, the applicable regulations of the City of rights-of-way, and normal residential ac- Renton and the municipality of metropol- tivities and pursuits. itan Seattle sewerage system governing the control and disposal of industrial b. Method of Measurement: Illumina- waste. tion levels shall be measured with a pho- toelectric photometer(light-meter)having e. Disposal Schedule: All liquid a spectral response similar to that of the wastes undisposable by treatment, after human eye, following the standard spec- treatment, or by sewerage system shall tral luminous efficiency curve adopted by be disposed of on a scheduled basis the International Commission of Illumina- clearly related in both rate and magnitude tion. with the industrial process or source gen- erating the waste. c. Maximum Levels: The illumination from all sources located on a lot shall f. Proof of Compliance: Upon the re- have the maximum value of eleven (11) quest of the Administrative Official, the lumens per square meter outside of lot industry shall provide substantial proof of lines and six(6) lumens per square meter having disposed of liquid waste,falling in outside the district line. In all cases of con- the categories of subsection D9e of this flict the district line value shall apply. The Section equal to or greater than eighty intrinsic brightness of any source visible percent(80%) in either volume or weight beyond the district lines shall have a max- of the amount generated during the pre- imum value of fifty (50) candles per vious six(6) months of operation. Should square centimeter. Intermittent, rotating the generation of such liquid waste be on or flashing lights of an intrinsic brightness a sporadic basis then the industry shall greater than two (2) candles per square provide the Administrative Official with centimeter and with a frequency greater written evidence of substantial compli- than once in any five (5) second time pe- ance with this subsection. riod shall not be visible beyond district lines unless for the sole purpose of alarm g. Prevention of Odorants: The re- or giving warning. lease of odorants or gaseous wastes from liquid wastes awaiting disposal shall 11. Odorants: be prevented by using adequate means of storage and all other reasonable a. Intent: The intent of this standard is means necessary. to prevent the occurrence of certain of- fensive odors in the environment by limit- 4 - 77 4-4-110D ing the concentration of chemical following schedule shall not exceed the compounds which are known to produce odor threshold values in two (2)consecu- strong olfactory responses. This stan- tive air samples. Three (3) air samples dard does not attempt to determine the are to be taken over a two (2) hour pe- intrinsic or subjective good or bad quali- riod, one sample each at the beginning ties of an odor, but only that the concen- and end of the test period and one sam- tration of specific constituent compounds ple near the time midway through the are above adopted values which have sample period. The Administrative Offi- been accepted for the health and well-be- cial may establish the time of the sample ing of the general public. period. When more than one concentra- tion is listed for a substance in these b. Maximum Levels: The concentra- standards, the more stringent shall apply. tion of specific compounds listed in the ODORANT CONCENTRATIONS FOR SPECIFIC CHEMICALS IN CLEAN AMBIENT AIR POLLUTANT ODOR THRESHOLD1 (ppm) (mg/m3) Acetone 320.00 770.00 Acrolein 15.00 15.00 Allyl disulfide 0.0001 0.00006 Allyl mercaptan 0.0005 0.00015 Ammonia 0.037 0.026 Amyl alcohol 10.00 35.00 Apiole 0.0063 0.057 Benzene 60.00 180.00 i-Butanol 40.00 120.00 n-Butanol 11.00 33.00 i-Butylacetate 4.00 17.00 n-Butylacetate 7.00 35.00 n-Butylformate 17.00 70.00 Butyric acid 0.00028 0.000001 Camphor 16.00 100.00 Carbon disulfide 7.70 23.00 Carbonetetrachloride 200.00 260.00 Chlorine 0.01 0.029 Diacetyl 0.025 0.088 1,2-Dichloroethane 110.00 450.00 Diethylketone 9.00 33.00 Dimethylamine 6.00 11.00 Dimethyl sulphide 0.02 0.051 Dioxane 170.00 620.00 Ethanol 50.00 93.00 Ethylacetate 50.00 180.00 Ethyleneglycol 25.00 90.00 Ethyl mercaptan 0.000016 0.00004 Ethyl selenide 0.000062 0.00035 Ethyl selenomercaptan 0.0000018 0.000008 Ethyl sulphide 0.00025 0.00092 Heptane 220.00 930.00 Hydrogen selenide 3.00 10.00 Hydrogen sulphide 0.0011 0.0015 lodoform 0.00037 0.0061 4 - 78 4-4-110D ODORANT CONCENTRATIONS FOR SPECIFIC CHEMICALS IN CLEAN AMBIENT AIR POLLUTANT ODOR THRESHOLD' (ppm) (mg/m3) lonone 0.000000059 0.00000046 Methanol 5900.00 7800.00 Methylacetate 200.00 550.00 Methylenechloride 150.00 550.00 Methylethylketone 25.00 80.00 Methylformate 2000.00 5000.00 Methyleneglycol 60.00 190.00 Methyl-i-butylketone 8.00 32.00 Methyl mercaptan 0.0011 0.0022 Methylpropylketone 8.00 27.00 Octane 150.00 710.00 Ozone 0.10 0.20 Phenol 3.00 12.00 i-Propanol 40.00 90.00 n-Propanol 30.00 80.00 i-Propylacetate 30.00 140.00 n-Propylacetate 20.00 70.00 Propyl mercaptan 0.000075 0.00023 Pyridine 0.012 0.04 Scatole 0.000000075 0.0000004 Sulphur dioxide 30.00 79.00 Tetrachloroethylene 50.00 320.00 Tetrahydrofuran 30.00 90.001 Toluene 40.00 40.00 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 400.00 2100.00 Trichloroethylene 80.00 440.00 Trimethylamine 4.00 96.00 Valeric acid 0.00062 0.0026 Vanillin 0.000000032 0.0000002 Xylene 20.00 100.00 ppm is parts per million at 20°and 760 torr mg/m3 is milligrams per cubic meter c. Testing Procedure: The samples designated as a public use area where- shall be taken by a qualified person and upon all complaints will be accepted. the concentrations of odorants shall be measured in a certified laboratory or facil- e. Other Remedies Not Impaired: ity at the request of the Administrative Of- Nothing in this standard shall be con- ficial. The location for taking the three (3) strued to impair any cause of action or le- samples shall remain fixed during the test gal remedy therefor of any person,or the period and shall be at a point outside lot public for injury or damages arising from lines, at ground level or habitable eleva- the emission of any odorant in such place, tions and a safe and reasonable place manner or concentration as to constitute consistent with the location of the re- air pollution or a common law nuisance. ported violation. 12. Hazardous Materials: d. Monitoring Required Upon Com- plaint: Monitoring shall be undertaken a. Intent: The intent of this standard is only upon receipt of a complaint made by to provide adequate separation between a person who resides, owns property, or highly flammable or explosive materials is employed in the area affected by the used in industries of a recognized higher complained of odors, unless the area is risk and the neighboring properties and 4 - 79 4-4-110D public areas, total containment of all structed to full scale shall be prepared by highly flammable, toxic and polluting liq- a licensed engineer and submitted as uid materials, limits for the stored quan- proof of the design. tity of highly flammable and explosive materials as a function of property area, d. Barrier Design:The barrier shall be and all other reasonable safety measures of earthen material with two (2) sloping deemed necessary for the protection of sides extending to grade level without any people, property, and the environment vertical cuts or retaining walls. The top of from the threat and destruction of fire the barrier shall be flat. The barrier shall and/or explosion, and to prevent encum- have a maximum vertical height of four bering adjoining properties with burdens feet (4') when measured between the which are related to the hazards of highly grade level at the internal toe to the top. flammable and explosive materials. The slope of the sides and width of the top shall be according to accepted engineer- b. Off-Site Economic Burdens Pro- ing design for holding ponds. The design hibited: An industry shall not impose of the barrier shall minimize the likelihood economic burdens such as, but not lim- of damage by major earthquakes whose ited to, higher insurance rates and/or op- epicenters are located in the Pacific erational limitations upon neighboring Northwest. All ingress into and egress facilities due to its location and hazard- from the inner side of the barrier shall be ous nature. All necessary modifications over the barrier top.The roadway shall be shall be made to both such characteris- constructed so as to not weaken the bar- tics and the site plan so as to not impact rier or decrease its resistance to earth- neighboring facilities. quake damage. When the barrier and landscaped berm are one and the same c. Barrier Required: An industry or fa- structure no vertical cuts or retaining walls cility storing for its own use or redistribu- shall be allowed in the common structure. tion any highly flammable toxic or polluting liquid of a capacity equal to or e. Fire Suppression System Stan- greater than the lesser of that quantity dards: On-site fire suppression systems sufficient to result in a flow across lot shall be fully automatic with manual over- lines or a quantity of fifteen (15) cubic rides from at least two (2) locations out- inches per square foot of total lot area side the barrier. The fire suppression shall construct a permanent continuous system shall be connected to central dis- barrier surrounding all buildings, struc- patch of the City of Renton by means of a tures and facilities which could contribute remote station protecting signaling sys- to the flow. The storage in liquid form of tern,in accordance with the specifications those materials which are normally in a of the National Fire Code, Volume 7, of gas phase at ambient temperature and the National Fire Protection Association. atmospheric pressures shall be con- tained within a barrier unless determined The best practicable control shall be by the Administrative Official that disper- used for the prevention of fires and explo- sion of the resulting gas or aerosol would sions,for the detection of fires and other be less hazardous. The capacity of the related hazards, and for the protection of space within the barrier shall be one hun- life and property from fires, explosions dred percent (100%) of the maximum and their related effects. possible volume of stored liquid and the top of the barrier shall be at least one foot f. Maximum Quantities and Permit- (1') above this liquid level. The barrier ted Locations: The manufacture and/or shall be designed and constructed in storage of explosives or blasting agents such a manner that there is no visible shall comply with the quantities and loca- leakage on or below any portion of the tions set forth in the following schedule exterior surface of the barrier which is be- as per type of explosive, quantity to be low the level of the confined liquid after a manufactured and/or stored and the dis- forty eight(48) hour period. A report on a tances from the lot lines. The quantities test of a typical barrier section con- are the maximum amount that shall be al- 4 - 80 4-4-110D lowed for any one company, facility or into a single configuration similar to that site. The stated distances are the mini- shown in the second figure of subsection mum that shall be allowed. D3 of this Section, Landscaped Berm and Opaque Screen. The required QUANTITY AND DISTANCE FOR EXPLOSIVE opaque screen may be satisfied by a MATERIAL MANUFACTURE AND STORAGE properly designed security fence. DISTANCE EXPLOSIVE QUANTITY FROM LOT j. Impervious Surfacing Required:All MATERIAL' IN POUNDS LINES IN FEET exposed ground surfaces within struc- Explosive— 0 to 5 280 tures intended for the containment of Class A spills shall be impervious to those stored Blasting 0 to 5 280360 80 and/or handled liquids which may result Agents 5 to 10 280 in the contamination of the underlying 10 to 20 440 soil.The ground surface within the barrier 20 to 30 500 shall be impervious unless all potential Explosive— 0 to 5 210 points of spill have intermediate contain- Class B and C 5 to 10 270 ment structures. Contaminating liquids 10 to 20 330 shall also include solid chemicals when 20 to 30 380 readily soluble in water and transportable 30 to 40 420 into the subsoil by dissolution in surface 40 to 50 450 water.The impervious area in the case of such contaminated surface water shall 'Definitions and classification as per"Washington be determined by intercept points in an State Explosive Act", chapter 70-74 WAC,as approved drainage system. amended by Chapter 72, Laws of 1970. 13. Gaseous and Particulate Emissions: g. Additional Requirements: The manufacture and/or storage of explo- a. Intent: The intent of this standard is sives, blasting agents and similar such to limit the unnecessary generation of all substances shall comply with all other air contaminants,to decrease the annual conditions and regulations as set forth in emissions from stationary sources and all the Washington State Explosives Act, related transfer operations on the site by chapter 70-74 WAC. controlling land use intensity and requir- ing the use of the best practicable control h. Separation of Barrier and Fire of the emission of airborne contaminants Code Dyke: The dyke required by the to achieve and maintain a healthful envi- Uniform Fire Code (with a minimum hold- ronment of clean air. ing capacity of one hundred percent (100%)of the single largest tank)and the b. Preferred Process Methods: Pro- barrier required by the bulk storage regu- cess methods and procedures currently lations (with a holding capacity of one available in industry which are known to hundred percent (100%) of the total ca- cause fewer in number and lesser quan- pacity of all tanks plus one foot(1')) shall tities of air contaminants shall be used in be separated by at least one hundred all cases. In addition the best practicable feet (100') for the safety of firefighting control shall be used for the control and personnel. Such separation shall be removal of air contaminants. measured from the external toe of the dyke to the internal toe of the barrier or c. PSAPCA Requirements: Compli- from the setback line when the internal ance with the emission and density toe of the barrier is closer to the property schedule in this subsection D13 does not line than the required setback. relieve the owner or operator of the facil- ity of the responsibility of meeting the re- i. Combination of Requirements En- quirements of Regulation 1 of the Puget couraged: The requirements for a bar- Sound Air Pollution Control Agency. rier,landscaping and opaque screen and/ or berm are encouraged to be combined 4 - 81 4-4-110D d. Substance Density Limitations: The report shall contain such information The emission of specific substances into or analyses as will disclose the reported the air shall be limited to the total annual values of the emissions which are or may and spatial density, relative to land use be discharged by such source.The report for each facility as set forth in the emis- shall be certified by a licensed engineer. sion and density schedule in this subsec- tion D13. h. Quarterly Reports May Be Re- quired: Each emission greater than e. Further Emission Limitations Dur- twenty percent (20%) of the annual ing an Alert:A facility shall be capable of weight per facility or spatial density, com- achieving a condition of near-zero dis- puted on an annual basis, as reported in charge during an alert or higher stage of subsection D13g of this Section shall be operational and technical means to reach reported thereafter on a quarterly basis the lowest physically possible quantity of until such time as the total weight of the emissions during the entire alert period. It specific emission drops below and re- shall be the responsibility of the Adminis- mains below the twenty percent (20%) trative Official to enforce a reduction in specified above. Such reports shall be the process weight to comply with this re- due and filed with the Administrative Offi- striction. cial within thirty(30)days after the end of the reporting quarter. The beginning and f. Hydroseeding Required:All ground ending dates of each quarter shall be es- surfaces not included in developmental tablished by the Administrative Official. coverage, left in an undisturbed condition of natural flora, or required landscaping i. Notification Required: Each facility which may contribute to the amount of subject to this standard shall be respon- airborne particulate matter shall be suit- sible for notifying the Administrative Offi- ably covered by hydroseeding or the cial of all new initial emissions of a equivalent with grasses or other vegeta- substance listed in the emission and den- tion to prevent the generation of dust. sity schedule in this subsection D13 and all increases in emissions of that specific g. Report by Developer Required: It substance for existing sources, above shall be the responsibility of the devel- the twenty percent (20%) level specified oper of the facility to ascertain the infor- in subsection D13h of this Section. Such mation required in the emission and notification will be in a report as per sub- density schedule in this subsection D13 section D13g of this Section. and to report such finding to the Adminis- trative Official. All new facilities or expan- j. Additional Reports Authorized: In sion of existing facilities, unless addition to such reports as required exempted by the limitations in the emis- above, the Administrative Official may sion and density schedule in this subsec- designate and employ a licensed engi- tion D13, shall provide an initial report neer of his choice to make an indepen- covering the emission of those specific dent study and report as to the type and substances listed in the emission and quantity of emissions which are or may density schedule in this subsection D13. be discharged from the source. The Ad- The report shall cover the first three (3) ministrative Official shall be authorized to months of operation and shall be filed with enter and inspect the facility upon a the Administrative Official within thirty showing of need and upon the owner's (30)days after the end of the reporting pe- permission or upon court order. riod. The report shall enumerate all sources by type or category contributing k. Locational Restrictions for Facili- ten percent (10%) or more of the total ties with Emissions: The site of bulk emission for each specific substance. storage facilities emitting any of those The total of all sources contributing less substances listed in the emission and than ten percent (10%) individually may density schedule in this subsection D13 be grouped as one entry and if so shall shall comply with the following limitation specify the number of sources included. on location. No new facility or expansion 4 - 82 4-4-110D of an existing facility shall be permitted of this Section. A one time extension of within five thousand feet(5,000')of an ex- up to two(2)years may be granted by the isting bulk storage facility if their corn- Administrative Official upon the showing bined emission for any of the listed sub- of good cause why compliance cannot be stances exceeds two(2)times the permit- achieved within the specified time period. ted annual emission of the substance for a single facility.The emissions of applica- n. Efficiency Rating— Minimum: ble existing facilities shall be reduced as Emission control shall be required of per subsection D13/of this Section. those specific substances for which a re- port is required as per subsection D13h I. Special Emission Standards for of this Section. Sources and/or points of Existing Facilities:All existing bulk stor- emissions within the lot lines shall be age facilities on the effective date of this suitably controlled to result in a reduction Section (9-18-1975) and emitting more or recovery of emissions with an overall than the maximum permitted emission of efficiency for the facility of ninety percent any listed substance shall be assumed (90%) or greater when compared to the as having the maximum permitted emis- uncontrolled facility and when the equip- sion for the purpose of calculating the lo- ment and technology are readily avail- cational density of facilities as specified able. Sources and points of emission in subsection D13k of this Section. For shall include the carrier vehicle and the purpose of this standard, existing transfer mechanism when actively en- bulk storage facilities shall include those gaged in loading or unloading operations. facilities for which substantial construc- Control shall include,but is not limited to, tion, other than site preparation, is in vapor recovery systems for volatile liq- progress and as determined by the Ad- uids and hoods or fully enclosed build- ministrative Official. ings with exhaust fans and filters or their equivalent for transfer operations gener- m. Compliance Later Required for ating airborne particulates. Such emis- Existing Facilities: All existing facilities sion control shall be required even qualifying under subsection D13/of this though the emissions of the bulk storage Section shall comply with the emission facility are below the maximum permitted standards set forth in the emission and levels. (Ord. 1962, 9-8-1975; Amd. Ord. density schedule in this subsection D13 2967, 9-22-1975) within three(3)years of the effective date TOTAL ANNUAL EMISSION AND SPATIAL DENSITY OF SPECIFIC SUBSTANCES MAXIMUM WEIGHT PER SPATIAL FACILITY DENSITY1 SUBSTANCE MEASURED AS (Tons/Year) (Units/Acre) LIMITATIONS Hydrocarbons Carbon 100.0 9.00 Tons None Water Vapor Sulfur Oxides The annual emission per facility and spatial density Nitrogen Dioxide shall be equivalent to the allowable emissions and Carbon Monoxide ambient air concentrations established in Regulation 1 Photochemical Oxidants of the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency Suspended Particulates Arsenic 1 Fractions of an acre shall be allotted an equivalent portion of the emission and rounded out to the near- est significant figure as shown in the table. 4 - 83 4-4-110E E. VARIANCES: discriminate removal or destruction of trees In the case of hardships affecting the subject and ground cover; property, variances to these bulk standards may be granted by the Hearing Examiner subject to 4. To implement and further the goals and the conditions of RMC 4-9-250B5. (Ord. 2962, policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan for 9-8-1975;Amd.Ord. 2967,9-22-1975;Amd.Ord. the environment, open space,wildlife habitat, 3101, 1-17-1977, eff. 1-1-1977) vegetation, resources, surface drainage, wa- tersheds, and economics; 4-4-120 STORAGE LOTS - 5. To ensure prompt development, restora- OUTSIDE: tion and replanting,and effective erosion con- trol of property during and after land clearing; A. SCREENING REQUIRED: Outside storage lots shall be effectively screened 6. To promote land development practices by a combination of landscaping and fencing. that result in a minimal adverse disturbance to existing vegetation and soils within the 1. Landscaping: A minimum of ten feet City; (10') landscaped strip is required between the property lines along public rights-of-way 7. To minimize surface water and ground- and the fence. The landscaping shall be of water runoff and diversion; size and variety so as to provide an eighty percent (80%) opaque screen. 8. To aid in the stabilization of soil, and to minimize erosion and sedimentation; 2. Fencing: The entire perimeter must be fenced by a minimum of an eight foot(8') high 9. To minimize the need for additional storm sight obscuring fence. Gates may be left un- drainage facilities caused by the destabiliza- screened for security purposes. tion of soils; B. SURFACING: 10. To retain clusters of trees for the abate- Storage areas may be surfaced with crushed rock ment of noise and wind protection; or similar material subject to the approval of the Development Services Division to minimize dust, 11• To acknowledge that trees and ground control surface drainage and provide suitable ac- reduce air pollution by producing pure cess. (Ord. 3653, 8-23-1982) oxygen from carbon dioxide; 12. To preserve and enhance wildlife and 4-4-130 TREE CUTTING AND LAND habitat including streams, riparian corridors, CLEARING REGULATIONS: wetlands and groves of trees; A. PURPOSE: 13. To promote building and site planning This Section provides regulations for the clearing practices that are consistent with the City's of land and the protection and preservation of natural topographical and vegetational fea trees and associated significant vegetation for the tures while at the same time recognizing that following purposes: certain factors such as condition (e.g., dis- ease, danger of falling, etc.), proximity to ex- 1. To promote the public health, safety and fisting and proposed structures and general welfare of the citizens of Renton; improvements, interference with utility ser- vices, protection of scenic views, and the re- 2. To implement the policies of the State En alization of a reasonable enjoyment of vironmental Policy Act of 1971 as revised in property may require the removal of certain 1984; trees and ground cover; 3. To preserve and enhance the City's phys 14. To promote the reasonable develop ical and aesthetic character by preventing in- 4ment of land in the City. - 84 4-4-130D B. ADMINISTERING AUTHORITY: 4. Restrictions for Sensitive Areas: No The City's Development Services Division Direc- tree cutting or land clearing is permitted tor, or his duly authorized representative, is within twenty five feet (25') of any shoreline hereby authorized and directed to enforce all the area, within twenty five feet (25') of the ordi- provisions of this Section. nary high water mark of creeks, in a wetland area, or on parcels where the predominant C. PROHIBITED AND ALLOWABLE slope or individual slope is in excess of forty ACTIVITIES: percent (40%) except enhancement activi- ties. 1. Prohibited Activities:There shall be no tree cutting or land clearing on any site for the 5. Permit Required for Routine Vegeta- sake of preparing that site for future develop- tion Management on Undeveloped Prop- ment unless a land development permit for erties: Any person who performs routine the site has been approved by the City. vegetation management on undeveloped property in the City must obtain a routine veg- 2. Allowable Tree Cutting Activities:Tree etation management permit prior to perform- cutting is permitted as follows except as pro- ing such work. vided in subsection C4 of this Section: 6. Permit Required to Use Mechanical a. On a developed lot; Equipment: Any person who uses mechani- cal equipment for routine vegetation manage- b. On a partially developed or undevel- ment,land clearing,tree cutting,landscaping, oped lot provided that: or gardening on developed, partially devel- oped or undeveloped property must obtain a i. No more than three (3) trees are routine vegetation management permit prior removed in any twelve (12) month to performing such work. period from a property under thirty five thousand (35,000) square feet in 7. Permits for Improvements: No provi- size; and sion of this Section shall be construed to elim- inate the requirement of permits for the ii. No more than six (6)trees are re- purpose of developing the property with sub- moved in any twelve (12) month pe- stantial permanent improvements such as riod from an property over thirty five roads, driveways, utilities, or buildings. thousand (35,000) square feet in size. D. EXEMPTIONS: The following shall be exempt from the provisions LOT TYPES of this Section: ••,ix.. r 1. Emergency Situations: Removal of PARTIALLY trees and/or ground cover by the Public UNDEVELOPED I I Works Department, Parks, Department, Fire DEVELOPED • Department and/or public or private utility in r-P ' -tifELOPE1 • emergency situations involving immediate �— •-�..I. danger to life or property,substantial fire haz ards,or interruption of services provided by a utility. 3. Landscaping or Gardening Permitted: 2. Dead or Diseased Trees: Removal of Land clearing in conformance with the provi- dead or terminally diseased or damaged sions of subsections C2 and C4 of this Sec- ground cover or trees which have been certi- tion is permitted on a developed, partially fied as such by a forester,landscape architect developed or undeveloped lot for purposes of or the City prior to their removal. landscaping or gardening provided that no mechanical equipment is used. 3. Public or Private Utilities and Public Parks: Maintenance activities including rou- tine vegetation management and essential 4 - 85 4-4-130E tree removal for public and private utilities, d. Land clearing and tree cutting shall road rights-of-way and easements, and be conducted so as to expose the small- parks. est practical area of soil to erosion for the least possible time, consistent with an 4. Public or Private Utilities:Installation of approved build-out schedule. distribution lines by public and private utilities provided that such activities are categorically e. Land clearing and tree cutting shall exempt from the provisions of the State Envi- be conducted so as to preserve habitat ronmental Policy Act and RMC 4-9-070, Envi- consistent with reasonable use of the ronmental Review Procedures. property. E. REGULATIONS FOR LAND F. ROUTINE VEGETATION CLEARING AND TREE CUTTING AND MANAGEMENT PERMIT REVIEW THE DEVELOPMENT OF PROPERTY: PROCESS: Permits for routine vegetation management shall 1. Plan Required: When a development be processed in accordance with the purposes permit is submitted to the City it shall be ac- and criteria of this Section as follows: companied by a land clearing and tree cutting plan. This plan shall be reviewed as part of 1. Submittal: An application for a routine the environmental review process pursuant vegetation management permit shall be sub- to the State Environmental Policy Act and mitted to the Development Services Division RMC 4-9-070, Environmental Review Proce- together with any necessary fees. dures. 2. Time: The permit shall be reviewed ad- 2. Standards: All land clearing and tree ministratively within a reasonable period of cutting activities shall conform to the perfor- time. mance standards set forth in subsection K of this Section and listed below unless other- G. APPLICATION FOR ROUTINE wise recommended in an approved soil engi- VEGETATION MANAGEMENT PERMIT: neering, engineering geology, hydrology or A routine vegetation management permit applica- forest management plan and where the alter- tion shall contain the information requested in nate procedures will be equal to or superior in RMC 4-8-120, Submittal Requirements. achieving the policies of this Section. All land clearing and tree cutting activities shall be H. REGULATIONS FOR ROUTINE conditioned by the City to ensure that the fol- VEGETATION MANAGEMENT: lowing performance standards are met. 1. Permit Required for Routine Vegeta- a. The land clearing and tree cutting will tion Management on Undeveloped Prop- not create or contribute to landslides, ac- erties: Any routine vegetation management celerated soil creep, settlement and sub- on undeveloped property requires a permit sidence or hazards associated with pursuant to this Section. Permitted activities strong ground motion and soil liquefac- may include the use of mechanized equip- tion. ment except as provided in subsection H3 of this Section. b. The land clearing and tree cutting will not create or significantly contribute to 2. Permit Required to Use Mechanical flooding, erosion, or increased turbidity, Equipment: The use of mechanical equip- siltation or other form of pollution in a wa- ment for routine vegetation management, tercourse. land clearing, tree cutting, landscaping, or gardening on developed, partially developed c. Land clearing and tree cutting will be or undeveloped property requires a permit undertaken in such a manner as to pre- pursuant to this Section. serve and enhance the City's aesthetic character and maintain visual screening and buffering. 4 - 86 4-4-130K 3. Restrictions for Sensitive Areas: upon application by the property owner or man- ager. Application for such an extension must be a. Steep Slopes and Erosion Hazard made at least thirty (30) days in advance of the Areas: For all properties, no land clear- expiration of the original permit and shall include ing, tree cutting, or ground cover man- a statement of justification for the extension. agement activities except enhancement activities are permitted in areas with K. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS FOR slopes over forty percent (40%), slopes LAND DEVELOPMENT PERMITS: over twenty five percent(25%)with Class II or Class Ill landslide hazards, and 1. Prohibition Against Clear Cutting of slopes over twenty five percent (25%) Trees:There shall be no clear cutting of trees with Class II or Class Ill erosion hazards, on a site for the purpose of preparing that site as identified by the King County Soils for future development. Trees may be re- Survey, King County Sensitive Areas moved pursuant to a development permit Map Folio or the City Environmentally which has been approved by the City. Sensitive Areas Maps. 2. Tree Preservation: Trees shall be main- b. Wetlands,Shorelines,Creeks and tained to the maximum extent feasible on the Streams: For all properties, no land property where they are growing. clearing, tree cutting or ground cover management activities except enhance- a. Tree Cutting Plan: Where it is not ment activities are permitted in wetlands practicable to retain all trees on site due including a minimum buffer area of to a proposed development, a plot plan twenty five feet(25'), riparian corridors in- shall be submitted identifying those trees cluding a minimum buffer area of twenty which are proposed for removal.The City five feet(25')from the high water mark of may require a modification of the land the creek or stream, and in the two hun- clearing and tree cutting plan or the asso- dred foot (200') State shoreline area. ciated land development plan to ensure the retention of the maximum number of I. ROUTINE VEGETATION trees. MANAGEMENT PERMIT CONDITIONS: The routine vegetation management permit may b. Plan Content: The plot plan shall be denied or conditioned by the City to restrict the identify the location of all areas proposed timing and extent of activities in order to further to be cleared including building sites, the intent of this Section including: rights-of-way, utility lines, and ease- ments. Clearing should not occur outside 1. Preserve and enhance the City's aes- of these areas or more than fifteen feet thetic character and maintain visual screen- (15')from the foundation line of proposed ing and buffering. buildings. 2. Preserve habitat to the greatest extent 3. Native Growth Protection Easements: feasible. a. Where Established: Native growth 3. Prevent landslides, accelerated soil protection easements may be estab- creep, settlement and subsidence hazards. lished through the subdivision process in environmentally sensitive areas including 4. Minimize the potential for flooding, ero- but not limited to the following areas: sion, or increased turbidity, siltation or other form of pollution in a watercourse. i. A buffer area from the annual high water mark of creeks, streams, J. TIME LIMITS FOR PERMITS: lakes and other shoreline areas or Any permit for routine vegetation management from the top of the bank of same, shall be valid for one year from the date of issu- whichever provides good resource ance. An extension may be granted by the Devel- protection. opment Services Division for a period of one year 4 - 87 4-4-130K ii. Areas in which the average slope 6. Additional Requirements: The City is greater than forty percent (40%). may require and/or allow the applicant to re- locate or replace trees, provide interim ero- iii. Wetlands. sion control, hydroseed exposed soils, or other similar conditions which would imple- iv. Any other area which is deter- ment the intent of this Section. mined through the environmental re- view process to include significant 7. Protection Measures During Con- vegetation or other valuable re- struction: sources and which should be pro- tected. a. Where tree cutting or land clearing will occur pursuant to a building permit, b. Recording: This easement shall be protection measures should apply for all defined during the review process and trees which are to be retained in areas shown on the recorded plat or short plat. immediately subject to construction. These requirements may be waived pur- c. Use Restrictions: No land clearing, suant to RMC 4-9-250D individually or ground cover management or tree cutting severally by the City if the developer activities are permitted in a native growth demonstrates them to be inapplicable to protection easement except enhance- the specific on-site conditions or if the in- ment activities or the installation of es- tent of the regulations will be imple- sential roads and utilities where no other mented by another means with the same feasible alternative exists pursuant to an result. approved development plan. b. Where the drip line of a tree overlaps 4. Timing: The City may restrict the timing a construction, this shall be indicated on of the land clearing and tree cutting activities the survey and the following tree protec- to specific dates and/or seasons when such tion measures should be employed: restrictions are necessary for the public health, safety and welfare, or for the protec- i. The applicant may not fill, exca- tion of the environment, or to further the pur- vate, stack or store any equipment, poses of this Section. or compact the earth in any way within the area defined by the drip 5. Restrictions for Sensitive Areas: line of any tree to be retained. a. Creeks, Streams, Lakes and ii. The applicant shall erect and Shorelines: No ground cover or trees maintain rope barriers or place bales which are within a minimum of twenty five of hay on the drip line to protect feet(25')of the annual high water mark of roots. In addition, the applicant shall creeks, streams, lakes, and other shore- provide supervision whenever equip- line areas or within fifteen feet(15')of the ment or trucks are moving near trees. top of the bank of same should be re- moved, nor should any mechanical iii. If the grade level adjoining to a equipment operate in such areas except tree to be retained is to be raised,the for the development of public parks and applicant shall construct a dry rock trail systems, and enhancement activi- wall or rock well around the tree.The ties. diameter of this wall or well must be equal to the tree's drip line. b. Wetlands: No land clearing, ground cover management or tree cutting activi- iv. The applicant may not install im- ties except enhancement activities shall pervious surface material within the be conducted in a wetland,except for the area defined by the drip line of any installation of roads and utilities where no tree to be retained. feasible alternative exists pursuant to an approved development plan. c. The grade level around any tree to be retained may not be lowered within the 4 - 88 4-4-140C greater of the following areas: (1) the place the lost tree(s) or a minimum of three area defined by the drip line of the tree,or inches (3") in caliper. (2) an area around the tree equal to one foot (1') in diameter for each one inch 5. Stop Work: For any parcel on which (1") of tree caliper. trees and/or ground cover are improperly re- moved and subject to penalties under this d. The applicant shall prune branches Section,the City shall stop work on any exist- and roots, fertilize, and water as appro- ing permits and halt the issuance of any or all priate for any trees and ground cover future permits or approvals until the property which are to be retained. is fully restored in compliance with this Sec- tion and all penalties are paid. (Ord. 4219, L. VARIANCE PROCEDURES: 6-5-1989) The Hearing Examiner shall have the authority to grant variances from the provisions of this Sec- tion pursuant to RMC 4-1-050F1q and 4-9-250. 4-4-140 WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES: M. VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES: A. PURPOSE: 1. Penalties: Penalties for any violation of The purpose of this Section is to establish general any of the provisions of this Section shall be guidelines for the siting of wireless communica- in accord with RMC 1-3-2, Civil Penalties. In tions facilities, including towers and antennas. a prosecution under this Section, each tree removed, damaged or destroyed will consti- B. GOALS: tute a separate violation. (Ord. 4351, The goals of this Section are to: 5-4-1992) 1. Encourage the location of towers in non- 2. Liability for Damage: Any person who residential areas and minimize the total num- violates any provision of this Section or of a ber of towers throughout the community; permit issued pursuant thereto shall be liable for all damages to public or private property 2. Encourage strongly the joint use of new arising from such violation, including the cost and existing tower sites; of restoring the affected area to its condition prior to such violation. 3. Encourage users of towers and antennas to locate them, to the extent possible, in ar- 3. Restoration: Restoration shall include eas where the adverse impact on the commu- the replacement of all improperly removed nity is minimal; ground cover with species similar to those which were removed or other approved spe- 4. Encourage users of towers and antennas cies such that the biological and habitat val- to configure them in a way that minimizes the ues will be replaced. Restoration shall include adverse visual impact of the towers and an- installation and maintenance of interim and tennas; and emergency erosion control measures until such time as the restored ground cover and 5. Enhance the ability of the providers of trees reach sufficient maturation to function in telecommunications services to provide such compliance with the performance standards services to the community quickly,effectively, identified in subsection E of this Section, Reg- and efficiently. ulations for Land Clearing and Tree Cutting and the Development of Property; and C. EXEMPTION FOR AMATEUR RADIO, RECEIVE ONLY ANTENNAS: 4. Replacement: For each tree which was This Section shall not govern any tower, or instal- improperly cut and/or removed, replacement lation of any antenna, that is under seventy (70) planting of a tree of equal size, quality and feet in height and is owned and operated by a fed- species or up to three (3) trees of the same erally licensed amateur radio station operator or species in the immediate vicinity of the tree(s) is used exclusively for receive only antennas. which was removed. The replacement trees will be of sufficient caliper to adequately re- 4 - 89 4-4-140D D. ADMINISTERING AND ENFORCING belocated in buildings or underground , AUTHORITY: equipment shelters or cabinets shall be The Planning/Building/Public Works Administra- fenced, screened and landscaped in con- tor and/or his/her designated representative are formance with RMC 4-4-070, Landscaping. responsible for the general administration and co- Landscaping shall include a minimum fifteen ordination of this Section. foot (15') sight obscuring landscape buffer around the accessory equipment facility. Ac- E. COMPLIANCE WITH cessory equipment facilities located on the TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT OF 1996: roof of any building shall be enclosed so as to The Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996 re be shielded from view. quires the City to comply with the following condi- tions: 2. Visual Impact: Site location and devel- opment shall preserve the pre-existing char- 1. The City zoning requirements may not acter of the surrounding buildings and land unreasonably discriminate among wireless uses and the zone district to the extent con telecommunication providers that compete sistent with the function of the communica against one another. tions equipment. Wireless communication towers shall be integrated through location 2. The City zoning requirements may not and design to blend in with the existing char- prohibit or have the effect of prohibiting the acteristics of the site to the extent practical. provision of wireless telecommunications Existing on-site vegetation shall be preserved service. or improved, and disturbance of the existing topography shall be minimized, unless such 3. The City must act within a reasonable pe disturbance would result in less visual impact riod of time on requests for permission to of the site to the surrounding area. place or construct wireless telecommunica- tions facilities. 3. Screening of Accessory Equipment Shelters and Cabinets: Accessory equip- 4. A decision by the City denying a request ment facilities used to house wireless com for permission to install or construct wireless munication equipment should be located telecommunications facilities must be in writ- within buildings or placed underground when ing and must be based on evidence in a writ possible. When they cannot be located in ten record. buildings, equipment shelters or cabinets shall be fenced,screened and landscaped to 5. If a wireless telecommunications facility screen views from adjacent residential or meets technical emissions standards set by commercial zoned properties. Any landscap the FCC, it is presumed safe. The City may ing shall be in conformance with RMC not den Y are nest to construct a facilit on 4-4-070, Landscaping.Accessory equipment q Y grounds that its radio frequency emissions facilities located on the roof of any building would be harmful to the environment or the shall be enclosed so as to be shielded from health of residents if those emissions meet view. Accessory equipment facilities may not be enclosed with exposed metal surfaces. FCC standards. F. STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS 4. Maximum Noise Levels: No equipment FOR ALL TYPES OF WIRELESS shall be operated so as to produce noise in COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES: levels above forty five (45) dB as measured from the nearest property line on which the attached wireless communication facility is lo- 1. Equipment Shelters or Cabinets: A Gated. Operation of a back-up power genera- shelter or cabinet used to house radio elec- tor in the event of power failure or the testing tronic equipment and the associated cabling of a back-up generator between 8 a.m. and 9 connecting the equipment shelter or cabinet t p.m. are exempt from this standard. No test- to the support structure shall be contained ing of back-up generators shall occur be- wholly within a building or structure, or other- tween the hours of 9 p.m. and 8 a.m. wise appropriately concealed, camouflaged or located underground. When they cannot 4 - 90 4-4-140G 5. Fencing: Security fencing, if used, shall ence is not remedied within thirty (30) days, be painted or coated with nonreflective color. the City may revoke or modify this permit. Fencing shall comply with the requirements listed in RMC 4-4-040, Fences and Hedges. G. STANDARDS FOR SPECIFIC TYPES OF WIRELESS FACILITIES: 6. Lighting: Towers shall not be artificially For definitions of specific types of wireless corn- lighted, unless required by the FAA or other munication facilities, see RMC 4-11-230. Devel- applicable authority. If lighting is required,the opment standards for specific types of wireless governing authority may review the available communication facilities shall be as follows: lighting alternatives and approve the design that would cause the least disturbance to the surrounding views. Security lighting for the equipment shelters or cabinets and other on- the-ground ancillary equipment is also permit- ted, as long as it is appropriately down shielded to keep light within the boundaries of the site. 7. Advertising Prohibited: No lettering, symbols, images, or trademarks large enough to be legible to occupants of vehicu- lar traffic on any adjacent roadway shall be placed on or affixed to any part of a telecom- munications tower,antenna array or antenna, other than as required by FCC regulations re- garding tower registration or other applicable law. Antenna arrays may be located on previ- ously approved signs or billboards without al- teration of the existing advertising or sign. 8. Building Standards: Wireless commu- nication support structures shall be con- structed so as to meet or exceed the most recent Electronic Industries Association/Tele- communications Industries Association (EIA/ TIA)222 Revision F Standard entitled:'Struc- tural Standards for Steel Antenna Towers and Antenna Supporting Structures" (or equiva- lent),as it may be updated or amended. Prior to issuance of a building permit the Building Official shall be provided with an engineer's certification that the support structure's de- sign meets or exceeds those standards. A wireless communications support structure shall be located in such a manner that if the structure within property boundaries and avoid habitable structures, public streets, util- ity lines and other telecommunications tow- ers. 9. Radio Frequency Standards: The ap- plicant shall ensure that the WCF will not cause localized interference with the recep- tion of area television or radio broadcasts. If on review the City finds that the WCF inter- feres with such reception, and if such interfer- 4 - 91 STANDARDS FOR SPECIFIC TYPES OF WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES In addition to individual zone requirements unless otherwise specified below 0 MICRO MINI MACRO LATTICE FACILITY FACILITY FACILITY MONOPOLE I MONOPOLE II TOWERS Location on (A Micro Facility shall be A Mini Facility may A Macro Facility may NA NA NA Buildings located on existing build- be located on build- be located on build- ings, poles or other exist- ings and structures ings and structures ing support structures. A provided that the provided that the Micro Facility may locate immediate interior immediate interior on buildings and struc- wall or ceiling adja- wall or ceiling to the tures provided that the cent to the facility is facility is not a desig- interior wall or ceiling not a designated res- nated residential immediately adjacent to idential space. space. the facility is not desig- nated residential space. Maximum Height All wireless communica- All wireless commu- All wireless commu- All wireless corn- All wireless corn- All wireless commu- and Area tion facilities and attached nication facilities and nication facilities and munication facili- munication facilities nication facilities wireless communication attached wireless attached wireless ties and attached and attached wire- and attached wire- facilities must comply with communication facili- communication facili- wireless communi- less communica- less communication the Airport zoning regula- ties must comply with ties must comply with cation facilities tion facilities must facilities must corn- tions, as listed in RMC the Airport zoning the Airport zoning must comply with comply with the Air- ply with the Airport 4-3-020. regulations, as listed regulations, as listed the Airport zoning port zoning regula- zoning regulations, Micro Facilities shall corn in RMC 4-3-020. in RMC 4-3-020. regulations, as tions, as listed in as listed in RMC ply with the height limita- Mini Facilities shall Macro Facilities shall listed in RMC RMC 4-3-020. 4-3-020. tion specified for all zones comply with the comply with the 4-3-020. Monopole II Facility Monopole II Facility except as follows: Micro height limitation height limitation Monopole I Facility Maximum Height: Maximum Height:35 Facilities may exceed the specified for all specified for all Maximum Height: 35 feet higher than feet higher than the height limitation by 6 feet, zones except as fol- zones except as fol- Less than 60 feet the regular permit- regular permitted or in the case of existing lows: Mini Facilities lows:Macro Facilities for all zones. ted maximum maximum height for structures the antennas may exceed the may exceed the Macro Facilities are height for the appli- the applicable zon- may extend 6 feet above height limitation by height limitation by the largest attached cable zoning dis- ing district, or 150 the existing structure. 10 feet,or in the case 16 feet,or in the case communication trict, or 150 feet, feet, whichever is Placement of an antenna of existing structures of existing structures facilities allowed on whichever is less. less. on a nonconforming struc- the antennas may the antennas may a Monopole I Facil- ture shall not be consid extend 10 feet above extend 16 feet above ity. ered to be an expansion the existing structure. the existing struc- of the nonconforming tures. structure. MICRO MINI MACRO LATTICE FACILITY FACILITY FACILITY MONOPOLE I MONOPOLE II TOWERS Maximum Height See above. Placement of an Placement of an Antenna Height: Macro Facilities are Macro Facilities are and Area antenna on a non- antenna on a non- Antennas may not the largest permit- the largest permitted (Continued) conforming structure conforming structure exceed more than ted attached wire- attached wireless shall not be consid- shall not be consid- 15 feet above their less communica- communication facil- ered to be an expan- ered to be an expan- supporting struc- tion facilities ities allowed on a sion of the noncon- sion of the noncon- ture, monopole, lat- allowed on a Mono- Lattice Tower. forming structure. forming structure. tice tower, building pole II facility. Antenna Height: or other structure. Antenna Height: Antennas may not Antennas equal to Antennas may not exceed more than or less than 15 feet exceed more than 15 feet above their in height or up to 4 15 feet above their supporting structure, inches in diameter supporting struc- monopole, lattice may be a compo- ture, monopole, lat- tower, building or nent of a Monopole tice tower, building other structure. I Facility. Antennas or other structure. which extend above the wireless com- munications sup- co port structure shall not be calculated as part of the height of the Monopole I wireless communi- cations support structure. For example, the maxi- mum height of antennas which may be installed on the support struc- ture could be 15 feet, making the maximum permitted height of the sup- port structure and antennas 75 feet (60 feet plus 15 feet). 0 MICRO MINI MACRO LATTICE FACILITY FACILITY FACILITY MONOPOLE I MONOPOLE II TOWERS Maximum Height See above. See above. See above. See above. Antenna/Structure Antenna/Structure and Area Height: Antennas Height: Antennas (Continued) which extend which extend above above the Mono- the Lattice Tower pole II wireless wireless communi- communications cations support support structure structure shall not shall not be calcu- be calculated as part lated as part of the of the height of the height of the wire- wireless communi- less communica- cations support tions support struc- structure. For exam- ture. For example, ple, the maximum the maximum height for a Lattice height for a Mono- Tower shall be 150 pole II facility shall feet and the maxi- be 150 feet and the mum height of maximum height of antennas which may co antennas which be installed on the may be installed on support structure the support struc- could be 15 feet, ture could be 15 making the maxi- feet, making the mum permitted maximum permit- height of the support ted height of the structure and anten- support structure nas (165 feet 150 and antennas (165 feet plus 15 feet). feet 150 feet plus 15 feet). Maximum 15 feet. 15 feet. 15 feet. 15 feet. 15 feet. 15 feet. Antenna Projec- tion Above Sup- port Structure, Monopole,Tower or Building MICRO MINI MACRO LATTICE FACILITY FACILITY FACILITY MONOPOLE I MONOPOLE II TOWERS Color Shall be same color as the Shall be same color Shall be same color NA NA NA existing building, pole or as the existing build- as the existing build- support structure on ing, pole or support ing, pole or support which it is proposed to be structure on which it structure on which it located. is proposed to be is proposed to be located. located. Landscaping See subsection F of this See subsection F of See subsection F of See subsection F of See subsection F of See subsection F of Section, Standards. this Section, Stan- this Section, Stan- this Section, Stan- this Section, Stan- this Section, Stan- dards. dards. dards. dards. dards. Shall be land- Shall be land- Shall be land- scaped in conform- scaped in conform- scaped in conform- ance with RMC ance with RMC ance with with RMC 4-4-070, Landscap- 4-4-070, Landscap- 4-4-070, Landscap- ing. A minimum ing. A minimum ing. A minimum landscaping area of landscaping area of landscaping area of 15 feet shall be 15 feet shall be 15 feet shall be required surround- required surround- required surround- ing the facility, or ing the facility, or ing the facility, or equivalent screen- equivalent screen- equivalent screen- ing as approved by ing as approved by ing as approved by the Administrator. the Administrator. the Administrator. Landscaping shall Landscaping shall Landscaping shall include trees, include trees, include trees, shrubs and ground shrubs and ground shrubs and ground cover.The required cover.The required cover. The required landscaped areas landscaped areas landscaped areas shall include an irri- shall include an irri- shall include an irri- gation system. gation system. gation system. G) 4-4-140H H. AIRPORT RESTRICTIONS— NOTICE cause interference with the applicant's TO FAA: proposed antenna. A Notice of Proposed Construction shall be sub- mitted to the FAA a minimum of thirty (30) days e. The fees, costs, or contractual provi- prior to the issuance of any building permit for any sions required by the owner in order to wireless communication support structure or at- share an existing tower or structure or to tached wireless communication facilities. adapt an existing tower or structure for sharing are unreasonable.Costs exceed- I. OBSOLESCENCE: ing new tower development are pre- Any wireless communications facility or attached sumed to be unreasonable. wireless communications facility that is no longer needed and its use is discontinued shall be re- f. The applicant demonstrates that ported immediately by service provider to the Ad- there are other limiting factors that render ministrator. Discontinued facilities shall be existing towers and structures unsuit- decommissioned and removed by the facility able. owner within six (6) months of the date it ceases to be operational or if the facility falls into disre- 2. Cooperation in Collocation Efforts: A pair, and the site restored to its pre-existing con- permittee shall cooperate with other WCF dition. The Administrator may approve an providers in collocating additional antennas extension of an additional six (6) months if good on support structures and/or on existing cause is demonstrated by the facility owner. buildings provided said proposed collocators have received a building permit for such use J. COLLOCATION REQUIRED: at said site from the City. A permittee shall ex- ercise good faith in collocating with other pro- ' 1. Evaluation of Existing Support Struc- eiders and sharing the permitted site, tures: No new wireless communications sup provided such shared use does not give rise port structure shall be permitted unless the to a substantial technical level of impairment of the abilitytoprovide the permitted use i.e. applicant demonstrates to the reasonable satisfaction of the governing authority that no a significant interference in broadcast or re existing tower or structure can accommodate ception capabilities as opposed to a compet- the a licant's prop osed antenna. Evidence itive conflict or financial burden). Such good pp p p faith shall include sharing technical informa- submitted to demonstrate that an existing Lion to evaluate the feasibility of collocation. tower or structure can accommodate the a - p In the event a dispute arises as to whether a plicant's proposed antenna may consist of any of the following: permittee has exercised good faith in accom- modating other users,the City may require a a. No existing towers or structures are third party technical study at the expense of located within the geographic area re- either or both the applicant and permittee. quired to meet applicant's engineering requirements. 3. Reasonable Efforts:All applicants shall demonstrate reasonable efforts in developing b. Existing towers or structures are not a collocation alternative for their proposal. of sufficient height to meet applicant's en- gineering requirements. K. PERMIT LIMITATIONS: c. Existing towers or structures do not 1. Maintenance Required: The applicant have sufficient structural strength to sup- shall maintain the WCF to standards that may port applicant's proposed antenna and be imposed by the City at the time of the related equipment. granting of a permit. Such maintenance shall include, but shall not be limited to, mainte- d. The applicant's proposed antenna nance of the paint, structural integrity and would cause electromagnetic interfer- landscaping. If the applicant fails to maintain facility, theCitymayundertake themain- towers udertae a ence with the antenna on the existing y> towers or structures, or the antenna on tenance at the expense of the applicant or the existing towers or structures would terminate the permit, at its sole option. 4 - 96 4-4-140M 2. Compliance with Federal Standards for Radio Frequency Emissions:The appli- cant shall comply with Federal (FCC) stan- dards for radio frequency emissions. Within sixty (60) days after the issuance of its build- ing permit,the applicant shall submit a project implementation report which provides cumu- lative field measurements of radio frequency emissions of all antennas installed at the sub- ject site and compares the results with estab- lished Federal standards.Said report shall be subject to review and approval of the Admin- istrator for consistency with Federal stan- dards. If on review, the City finds that the WCF does not meet Federal standards, the City may revoke or modify this permit. 3. Notice to City of Change of Owner- ship: The applicant shall notify the Depart- ment of all changes in ownership or operation of the facility within sixty (60) days of the change. (Ord. 4666, 6-2-1997, Amd. Ord. 4689, 11-24-1997) L. ALTERNATES, MODIFICATIONS, VARIANCES: See RMC 4-9-250. M. APPEALS: See RMC 4-8-110. (Ord. 4722, 5-11-1998) 4 - 97 Chapter 5 BUILDING AND FIRE PREVENTION STANDARDS SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER 4-5-010 ADOPTION OF STATE, NATIONAL, AND UNIFORM CODES 1 A. Adoption by Reference 1 B. Amendments 1 4-5-020 AUTHORITY 1 A. Building Official Duty 1 1. Record of Plats Required 1 B. Fire Department Duty 1 1. Bureau of Fire Prevention Established 1 2. Appointment of Fire Marshal 1 3. Report Required 1 4. Appointment of Inspectors by Fire Chief 1 C. City Clerk Duty 1 4-5-030 MANUFACTURED/MOBILE HOME AND PARK INSTALLATION 1 A. Construction of Manufactured or Mobile Home Parks— Permits Required . . . . 1 B. Individual Mobile/Manufactured Home Installation 2 1. Installation Permit Required 2 2. Installation Requirements 2 3. Insignia Required 2 4-5-040 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE 2 A. Adoption 2 B. Electrical Permit Required 2 C. Additions and Amendments 2 1. State Rules Adopted 2 2. Nonmetallic Sheathed Cable 2 3. Standards for Existing Buildings 2 4. Requirements for Connections for Mechanical Equipment 2 4-5-050 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE 2 A. Applicability 2 B. Adoption 3 C. State Amendments to Uniform Building Code 3 D. City Amendments to Uniform Building Code 3 1. Dangerous Buildings 3 2. Violations and Penalties 3 3. Liability Claims 3 4. Appeals Board 3 5. Off-Site Improvements 3 6. Standpipe Requirements 3 E. City Amendments to UBC Relating to Sprinkler Requirements 3 F. Uniform Building Code Appendix Chapters Adopted 4 1. Aviation Control Towers 4 2. Minimum Plumbing Fixtures 4 G. Washington State Energy Code Adopted 4 5 - i SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER H. Nonresidential Energy Code Adopted 5 4-5-060 UNIFORM CODE FOR THE ABATEMENT OF DANGEROUS BUILDINGS 5 A. Adoption 5 B. Process for Abatement 5 4-5-070 UNIFORM FIRE CODE AND FIRE PREVENTION REGULATIONS 5 A. Purpose 5 B. Adoption of Uniform Fire Code and Standards 5 C. Additions and Amendments to Uniform Fire Code 5 1. Administration and Enforcement 5 2. Liability Claims 6 3. Inspection and Permits 6 4. Conditions of Permits 7 5. Definition of "Shall" 7 6. Two (2) Means of Approved Access Required 8 7. Maintenance 8 8. Required Installation of Automatic Fire-Extinguishing System 8 9. Fire Alarm Systems 9 10. Standpipes 10 11. Open Burning 10 12. Place of Assembly 10 13. Supervision 10 14. Fireworks 10 15. Flammable and Combustible Liquids 13 16. Hazardous Materials 13 D. Fire Hydrants 13 1. Required for Construction 13 a. Plans Required Prior to Permit 13 b. Installation Timing 13 c. Upgrade of Existing Hydrants Required 13 2. Fire Hydrant Requirements in Commercial, Business, Industrial and Manufacturing Areas 14 a. Installation Required 14 b. Number and Location of Hydrants 14 c. Applicability to Annexed Properties 14 3. Fire Hydrants in Other Areas 14 4. Fire Hydrants; Special Locations 14 5. Multiple Uses —Contract 14 6. Fire Flow Requirements 15 a. Basis for and Computation of Fire Flow Requirement 15 b. Unknown Fire Flow 15 7. Residential Sprinkling Permitted 15 8. Number of Hydrants Required 15 9. Location of Hydrants 15 a. Minimum Distances from Structures 15 10. Hydrant Accessibility 15 a. Fire Marshal Discretion 15 5 - ii SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER 11. Design and Installation Requirements 15 12. Special Requirements for Buildings More Than Two Hundred Feet (200') from a Street Property Line 16 13. Water System Requirements for Hydrants 17 14. Service and Testing of Hydrants 17 15. Prohibited Hydrants 17 16. Dead End Mains Prohibited 17 17. Meter or Detection Required for Private Water or Fire Service 17 18. Use for Other Than Fire Protection Prohibited 17 19. Changes Requiring Increased Fire Protection 17 20. Violation and Penalties 17 4-5-080 UNIFORM HOUSING CODE 17 A. Adoption 17 B. City Amendments to Certain Uniform Housing Code Procedures 18 4-5-090 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE 18 A. Adoption 18 B. Board of Appeals 18 4-5-100 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE 18 A. Adoption 18 B. State Amendments to Uniform Plumbing Code 18 C. City Amendments to Uniform Plumbing Code 18 4-5-110 UNIFORM SWIMMING POOL CODE 18 A. Adoption 18 B. City Amendments to Uniform Swimming Pool Code 18 C. Fencing Required Around Pools and Spas 18 1. Fence Height and Construction Standards 18 2. Self-Closing Device/Lock Required 18 3. Compliance Required for Existing Pools 19 D. Modifications 19 E. Setbacks from Property Lines 19 F. Supervision Required for Outdoor Pools 19 G. Board of Appeals 19 4-5-120 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SECONDARY CONTAINMENT REGULATIONS 19 A. Purpose 19 B. Intent 19 C. Compliance with Uniform Fire Code Required 19 D. Applicability 19 E. Exclusions 20 F. Fire Chief and Fire Department Authority and Responsibility 20 G. Definitions of Terms Used in This Section 20 H. New Underground Storage Facilities and Monitoring Standards 22 1. Applicability 22 2. Standards for New Underground Storage Facilities 22 3. Design Standards for New Primary Containers and Double-Walled Underground Storage Tanks 23 5 - iii SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER 4. Standards for Secondary Containers Including Leak Interception and Detection Systems 25 5. Monitoring Standards for New Underground Storage Facilities 27 6. Response Plan for New Underground Storage Facilities 27 a. Plan Required 27 b. Plan Contents 27 I. Existing Installations and Monitoring Standards 27 1. Continuation 27 2. Leaks 27 3. Special Requirements for Zone 1 of the Aquifer Protection Area 28 4. Monitoring Standards for Existing Underground Storage Facilities 28 a. Monitoring System Required 28 b. Objective 28 c. Fire Department Approval Required 28 d. Monitoring System Requirements 28 5. System Evaluation Criteria 28 6. Tests 29 7. Failure to Monitor 29 J. Permits 29 1. Permit Required 29 2. Information Required 29 3. Abandonment Prohibited 29 4. Closure Procedure 29 5. Fee 29 6. Permit Conditions 29 a. Notification of Changes or Release 29 b. Monitoring Records Required 29 7. Permit Expiration 30 8. Transfer of Permit 30 9. Inspection Required for Permit Renewal 30 10. Implementation of Inspection Report 30 K. Release Reporting Requirements 30 1. Reporting Required for All Unauthorized Releases 30 a. Releases to Secondary Containers 30 b. All Other Releases 30 2. Unauthorized Releases Requiring Recording 31 a. Definition of Release Requiring Recording 31 b. Time for Reporting 31 c. Content of Report 31 d. Review and Inspection 31 e. Revocation of Permit 31 f. Causes of Container Deterioration 31 g. Reportable or Recordable Release 31 3. Unauthorized Release Requiring Reporting 31 a. Time for Notification 31 b. Time for and Content of Report 31 4. Subsequent Cleanup Reports Required 32 5 - iv SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER L. Closure Requirements 32 1. Closure Required 32 2. Exception 32 3. General Provisions 32 a. Compliance with Fire Code Required 32 b. Closure Proposal Required 32 4. Temporary Closure 32 a. Applicability 32 b. Exception 32 c. Standards and Requirements for Temporary Closure 33 d. Modification of Monitoring Requirements 33 e. Inspection Required 33 5. Permanent Closure Requirements 33 a. Applicability 33 b. Compliance Required 33 c. Standards and Requirements for Removal of Tanks 33 d. Standards and Requirements for Abandoning Tank in Place 34 e. Demonstration to Fire Chief 34 M. Variances 34 N. Penalties and Reimbursement 34 O. Appeals 35 5 -v 4-5-030A 4-5-010 ADOPTION OF STATE, 3101, 1-17-1977; Amd. Ord. 3214, NATIONAL, AND UNIFORM CODES: 4-10-1978) A. ADOPTION BY REFERENCE: B. FIRE DEPARTMENT DUTY: By the reference thereto made herein, said Codes, together with any and all amendments, 1. Bureau of Fire Prevention Estab- modifications or additions thereto hereafter lished: The Uniform Fire Code shall be en printed and filed with the City Clerk as herein forced by the Bureau of Fire Prevention in the specified, are incorporated in and made a part of Fire Department of the City which shall be op this Chapter as fully and with the same effect as if erated under the supervision of the Chief of set out herein in full, or as if adopted by subse- Fire Department. quent amendments. (Ord. 3214, 4-10-1978, eff. 4-19-1978) 2. Appointment of Fire Marshal:The Fire Marshal in charge of the Bureau of Fire Pre- B. AMENDMENTS: vention shall be appointed by the Fire Chief of Any and all amendments, additions or modifica the City. His appointment shall continue dur- tions to said Codes, when printed and filed with ing good behavior and satisfactory service. the City Clerk of the City of Renton by authoriza- tion of the City Council from time to time, shall be 3. Report Required:A report of the Bureau considered and accepted and constitute a part of of Fire Prevention shall be made at least an such Codes without the necessity of further adop nually and transmitted to the Mayor and City tion of such amendments, modifications or addi- tions by the legislative authority of the City of among others, all proceedings under this Renton or by ordinance. Code, with such statistics as the Chief of the Fire Department may wish to include therein. The Chief of the Fire Department shall also 4-5-020 AUTHORITY: recommend any amendments to the Code, which in his judgment shall be necessary. A. BUILDING OFFICIAL DUTY: Whenever the term "administrative authority" is 4. Appointment of Inspectors by Fire used in this Chapter,it shall be construed to mean Chief:The Chief of the Fire Department may the Building Official of the City of Renton, or his appoint such members of the Fire Depart duly authorized representative or agent. It shall ment as inspectors as shall from time to time be the duty of the Building Inspector (or Official) be necessary in order to carry out and en in charge of issuing building permits and inspec force the terms and conditions of the Fire tion of buildings to see that this Chapter is en— forced through the proper legal channels. He C. CITY CLERK DUTY: shall issue no permit for the construction or alter- ation of any building or part thereof unless the The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed plans, specifications and intended use of such to duly authenticate and record a copy of the Uni- building conform in all respects with the provi form and other Codes adopted under this Chap- sions of this Chapter. ter, together with any amendments or additions thereto, together with an authenticated copy of 1. Record of Plats Required:All specifica this Chapter and made available for examination tions for building permits shall be accompa— nied by a plat in duplicate drawn to scale, showing the actual dimensions of the lot to be 4-5-030 MANUFACTURED/MOBILE built upon, the size, the use and location of HOME AND PARK INSTALLATION: existing buildings and buildings to be erected, and such other information as may be neces- sary to provide for the enforcement of this A. CONSTRUCTION OF Chapter. A careful record of such application MANUFACTURED OR MOBILE HOME and plats shall be kept in the office of the PARKS— PERMITS REQUIRED: Building Official or proper enforcement offi- In the construction of mobile home parks, the de- cial. (Ord. 1472, 12-18-1953; Amd. Ord. veloper shall obtain a building permit consistent 5 - 1 4-5-030B with all applicable State, County and City codes Renton Electrical Code, 1996. (Ord. 4596, for electrical, plumbing, sanitary sewer, storm 4-8-1996) sewer, fire, street, building and all other applica- ble codes. A building permit for a mobile home B. ELECTRICAL PERMIT REQUIRED: park shall include but is not necessarily limited to In addition to the National Electrical Code, a City the site, its grading and preparation, private utili- electrical permit is required before any electrical ties and services, private on-site streets, drive- work commences. Fees shall be as listed in RMC ways,walkways and landscaping,the dimensions 4-1-140F, Electrical Permit Fees. (Ord. 4400, of the individual mobile home sites and the design 5-3-1993) and construction of the individual mobile home pads and their utility connections. Public utilities C. ADDITIONS AND AMENDMENTS: and on- or off-site public street improvements as defined in subdivision regulations and public or 1. State Rules Adopted: The Washington private sewer,water and storm drainage systems State Department of Labor and Industries will require a permit from the Development Ser- Rules and Regulations for Installing Electrical vices Division. (Ord. 3746, 9-19-1983) Wires and Equipment and Administrative Rules are hereby adopted by reference and B. INDIVIDUAL MOBILE/ as same may be amended,from time to time. MANUFACTURED HOME INSTALLATION: (Ord. 3217, 4-10-1979, eff. 4-19-1978) 1. Installation Permit Required: An instal- 2. Nonmetallic Sheathed Cable: Nonme- lation permit from the Development Services tallic sheathed cable shall be allowed only in Division shall be required for installation of residential occupancies up to three(3)stories each manufactured/mobile home and to con- above grade. (Ord. 4311, 4-15-1991) nect to utilities.An installation permit shall not be issued for the location of any mobile home 3. Standards for Existing Buildings: A unless the mobile home park has been is- change of occupancy, minor remodeling or sued an occupancy certificate and a license additions under two hundred (200) square from the Building Official. feet may be wired in like manner as existing; provided, existing wiring has been main- 2. Installation Requirements: All mobile tained in a safe manner and is in accordance home installations shall comply with WAC with the National Electrical Code and subsec- 296-150B-200 et seq. entitled General Instal- tion C1 of this Section. (Ord. 3217, lation Requirements for Mobile Homes. Set- 4-10-1978, eff. 4-19-1978) backs, lot coverage and related requirements shall be completed and approved and issued 4. Requirements for Connections for Me- prior to the occupation of each mobile home. chanical Equipment: Electrical connections for disconnect on equipment regulated by 3. Insignia Required: Mobile homes con- RMC 4-5-090, Uniform Mechanical Code, structed after July 1, 1968 shall bear the in- shall be installed to requirements of the Me- signia of approval for plumbing, heating and chanical Code. (Ord. 4400, 5-3-1993) electrical installation according to chapter 43.22 RCW. (Ord. 3746, 9-19-1983) 4-5-050 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE: 4-5-040 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL A. APPLICABILITY: CODE: It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corpo- ration to erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, A. ADOPTION: move, improve, remove, convert or demolish, The National Electrical Code, 1996 Edition, pub- equip, use, occupy or maintain any building or lished by the National Fire Protection Association structure in the city, or cause or permit the same is hereby adopted as the National Electrical to be done,contrary to or in violation of any of the Code, 1996 Edition,for the City of Renton,which provisions of this Code. (Ord. 4351, 5-4-1992) Code may be hereafter designated as City of 5 - 2 4-5-050E B. ADOPTION: ments) is hereby amended to read pursuant The "Uniform Building Code, 1994 Edition (Vol- to RMC 4-4-030D, Off-Site Improvements. umes 1 and 2)"together with "Uniform Building Code Standards, 1994 Edition (Volume 3)" as 6. Standpipe Requirements: Table 9A, published by the International Conference of Standpipe Requirements. Line 2 of Table No. Building Officials, as amended by chapters 51-20 9A,standpipe requirements, shall read as fol- and 51-21 WAC are hereby adopted as the "Uni- lows:"Occupancies three stories or more,but form Building Code" and the "Uniform Building less than 150' in height, except Group R, Di- Code Standards"by the City of Renton, and said vision 3." (Ord. 4546, 7-24-1995) Codes may be hereafter designated as the "City of Renton Uniform Building Code" and "City of E. CITY AMENDMENTS TO UBC Renton Uniform Building Code Standards." (Ord. RELATING TO SPRINKLER 3214, 4-10-1978; Amd. Ord. 4546, 7-24-1995) REQUIREMENTS: C. STATE AMENDMENTS TO UNIFORM 1. Chapter 9: The following sections of BUILDING CODE: chapter 9 of the 1994 Uniform Building Code The Uniform Building Code, 1994 Edition, as are amended to read as follows: amended by chapter 51-30 WAC, is hereby adopted by reference and as an amendment to a. Section 904.2.3.3, Exhibition and the Uniform Building Code and shall supersede Display Rooms. conflicting sections of the Uniform Building Code. (Ord. 4358, 7-20-1992) i. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed in Group A Occu- D. CITY AMENDMENTS TO UNIFORM pancies which have more than BUILDING CODE: twelve thousand (12,000) square feet of floor area, or more than forty 1. Dangerous Buildings: Section 102 of feet (40') in height. the City of Renton Uniform Building Code (re- lating to Dangerous Buildings) is hereby re- b. Section 904.2.4, Group E Occu- pealed and in its place the City has adopted pancies. RMC 4-5-060, Uniform Code for the Abate- ment of Dangerous Buildings. i. Size and Height: When the oc- cupancy has over twelve thousand 2. Violations and Penalties: Section 103 (12,000) square feet of floor area or of the City Building Code (relating to Viola- more than forty feet (40') in height. tions and Penalties) is hereby amended to read pursuant to subsection A of this Section, ii. Basements:An automatic sprin- Applicability, and pursuant to RMC 1-3-2, kler system shall be installed in base- Civil Penalties. ments classified as a Group E Occupancy when the basement is 3. Liability Claims: Section 104.2.6 of the larger than fifteen hundred (1,500) City of Renton Uniform Building Code (relat- square feet in floor area. ing to Liability Claims) is hereby amended to read pursuant to RMC 4-5-070C, Liability iii. Stairs: An automatic sprinkler Claims. system shall be installed in enclosed usable space below or over a stair- 4. Appeals Board: Section 105. The Ap- way in Group E Occupancies. peals Board for purposes of section 105 of the City of Renton Uniform Building Code c. Section 904.2.7, Group M Occu- shall hereafter be the Board of Adjustment. pancies. 5. Off-Site Improvements: Section 106.3 i. When the occupancy has over of the"City of Renton Uniform Building Code" twelve thousand (12,000) square (relating to Installation of Off-Site Improve- feet of floor area or more than forty feet (40') in height. 5- 3 4-5-050F ii. In buildings used for high-piled • A fully automatic fire protection combustible storage, fire protection sprinkler may be required by the shall be in accordance with article 81 Chief of the Fire Department or of the Fire Code. the Fire Marshal for buildings less than twelve thousand d. Section 904.2.8,Group R,Division (12,000) square feet total floor 1 Occupancies. area when, in their judgment, supported by written documenta- i. When the occupancy has over tion from a professional organi- twelve thousand (12,000) square zation (such as NFPA, ICBO, feet of floor area or more than forty U.L., ISO, etc.) verify that haz- feet (40') in height. ardous contents, critical expo- sure problems, limited ii. An automatic sprinkler system accessibility to the building, or shall be installed throughout build- other items may contribute to a ings containing Group R, Division 1 definite hazard. Occupancies that are two stories in height and contain five (5) or more • When existing buildings with full dwelling units or guest rooms or are sprinkler systems are remodeled of three (3) or more stories in height or added onto,the remodeled or regardless of the number of dwelling added on portion shall be fully units or guest rooms. For the pur- sprinklered. pose of this subsection, portions of buildings separated by one or more • When an existing building is area separation walls will not be con- added onto or remodeled, and sidered a separate building. the resulting total floor area ex- ceeds twelve thousand (12,000) e. Section 904.2.8,Group R, Division square feet, the entire structure 3 Occupancies. shall be fully sprinklered. i. Dwellings, when proposed within F. UNIFORM BUILDING CODE an R-1-5 Zone, clustered or con- APPENDIX CHAPTERS ADOPTED: structed so that when attached, the The following chapters from the Appendix of the total square foot floor area of all Uniform Building Code are hereby adopted as the dwelling units exceed twelve thou- Uniform Building Code: sand (12,000) square feet. 1. Aviation Control Towers: Appendix f. Section 904 is amended by adding chapter 4, Uniform Building Code, 1994 (Vol- section 904.2.9 to read as follows: ume 1) Edition, entitled "Aviation Control Towers." i. Sprinklers: 2. Minimum Plumbing Fixtures:Appendix • A fully automatic fire protection chapter 29, "Minimum Plumbing Fixtures," sprinkler system is to be installed 1994 Edition. in all new buildings in excess of twelve thousand(12,000)square G. WASHINGTON STATE ENERGY CODE feet total floor area, regardless of ADOPTED: vertical or horizontal occupancy The 1991 Washington State Energy Code as separations, such sprinkler sys- adopted by the State of Washington Second Edi- tern shall be designed, installed tion (chapter 51-11 WAC) and Washington State and tested as per Uniform Build- Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality Code, Second ing Code Standard 9-1 which is Edition (chapter 51-13 WAC), is hereby adopted hereby incorporated by refer- as the Uniform Building Code. ence as if fully set forth,one copy being on file with the City Clerk for public inspection. 5 - 4 4-5-070C H. NONRESIDENTIAL ENERGY CODE C. ADDITIONS AND AMENDMENTS TO ADOPTED: UNIFORM FIRE CODE: 1994 Nonresidential Energy Code as adopted by the State of Washington in section 11-20 of chap- 1. Administration and Enforcement— ter 51-11 WAC. Fees under this Section shall be Section of the Uniform Fire Code, as listed in RMC 4-1-140D and E, Energy Code 1994 Edition, is hereby amended to read as Fees. follows: a. Section The Chief is au- 4-5-060 UNIFORM CODE FOR THE thorized to administer and enforce this ABATEMENT OF DANGEROUS Code.Under the Chief's direction the Fire BUILDINGS: Department is authorized to enforce all ordinances of this jurisdiction pertaining A. ADOPTION: to: The "Uniform Code for the Abatement of Danger- ous Buildings 1994 Edition"published by the In- i. Prevention of fires. ternational Conference of Building Officials is hereby adopted by reference. (Ord. 4546, ii. Suppression or extinguishing of 7-24-1995) dangerous or hazardous fires. B. PROCESS FOR ABATEMENT: iii. Storage, use and handling of The process for abatement of dangerous build hazardous materials. ings shall be as stipulated in RMC 4-9-050. (Ord. 4722, 5 11 1998) iv. Installation and maintenance of automatic, manual and other private fire alarm systems and fire extin- 4-5-070 UNIFORM FIRE CODE AND guishing equipment. FIRE PREVENTION REGULATIONS: v. Maintenance and regulation of A. PURPOSE: fire escapes. The following provisions and regulations are vi. Maintenance of fire protection adopted as part of the City's fire prevention pro- and elimination of fire hazards on gram to abate existing fire hazards,to investigate land and in buildings, structures and the cause, origin and circumstances of fires,to in- other property including those under spect potential fire hazards,to control the means construction. and adequacy of the construction and safety of buildings in case of fires,within commercial, busi- vii. The maintenance of exits. ness, industrial or manufacturing areas and all other places in which numbers of persons work, viii. Investigation of the cause, ori- meet, live or congregate, as hereinafter more par- gin, and circumstances of fire and ticularly set forth. (Ord. 2434, 9-23-1968) unauthorized releases of hazardous B. ADOPTION OF UNIFORM FIRE CODE materials. AND STANDARDS: ix. Enforcement of this Code shall The City does hereby adopt the 1994 Uniform not be construed for the particular Fire Code and Appendix chapters I-A, I-B, I-C, benefit of any individual person or II-A, II-B, II-C, II-D, II-E, ll-F, III-A, III-C, III-D, IV-A, group of persons, other than the gen- V-A, VI-A, VI-B, VI-D, and the Uniform Fire Code eral public. In the event of a conflict Standards published by the International Fire between the intent of this Section Code Institute and the International Conference and any other subsection herein,this of Building Officials, by reference as provided by subsection shall govern insofar as State law, with the amendments, deletions or ex- applicable. ceptions as noted herein. (Ord. 4547, 7-24-1995) 5- 5 4-5-070C 2. Liability Claims—Article 1, section sonable period to be established by 101.5 of the Uniform Fire Code, 1994 Edition, the Fire Chief to allow such time for is hereby amended to read as follows: compliance. a. Article 1, section 101.5: Liability ii. Notice and Responsibility: Claims: The administrative authority or Whenever the infraction,condition or any employee performing duties in con- violation involves the structural integ- nection with the enforcement of this Code rity of the building, then the notice of and acting in good faith and without mal- the infraction, condition or violation ice in the performance of such duties shall be sent to both the building shall be relieved from any personal liabil- owner and its occupant or occupants. ity for any damage to persons or property Should compliance with the Uniform as a result of any act or omission in the Fire Code so as to remedy the infrac- discharge of such duties,and in the event tion, condition or violation require ad- of claims and/or litigation arising from ditions or changes to the building or such act or omission, the City Attorney premises,which would be part of the shall, at the request of and on behalf of structure or the fixtures to the realty, said administrative authority or em- then the responsibility to remedy the ployee, investigate and defend such infraction,condition,or violation shall claims and/or litigation and if the claim be be upon the owner of the building un- deemed by the City Attorney a proper less the owner and occupant shall one or if judgment be rendered against otherwise agree between them- such administrative authority or em- selves and so notify the City. Should ployee, said claim or judgment shall be the occupant not remedy the infrac- paid by the City. tion, condition, or violation, then the City shall have the right to demand 3. Inspection and Permits—Article 1, such remedy from the owner of the section 103.3 entitled "Inspection"is hereby premises. amended by adding the following which reads as follows: iii. Construction/Installation Plan Review and Permits—Section a. Article 1, section 103.3, subsec- Plans shall be submitted tion for review and approval prior to issu- ing a permit for the following: i. Reinspection and Fees: When- ever the Fire Department has given • Installation and/or modification of proper notification of an infraction fire protection and suppression which required reinspection and systems to include fire alarms, thirty (30) days have expired with electronic monitoring alarms,fire such condition or violation allowed to extinguishing systems, stand- exist without both eliminating or rem- pipes, kitchen hood systems, ha- edying the condition or violation and Ion and other special automatic having a reinspection by the Fire De- fire extinguishing systems. partment,then any such reinspection after such thirty (30) day period of • Installation of all new tanks, time shall be done only upon the pay- above or below ground contain- ment of a reinspection fee as speci- ing flammable/combustible liq- fied in RMC 4-1-150, Fire Prevention uids, hazardous chemicals, Fees, to be assessed against the compressed gases, cryogenic person owning, operating or occupy- fluids, and liquid petroleum gas. ing the building or premises wherein the violation exists. However, any • Piping related to any of the building owner,operator or occupant, above listed systems except for upon a reasonable request to the natural gas and liquid petroleum Fire Chief, may obtain an extension gas piping covered by the Me- of said thirty(30)day period for a rea- chanical Code. 5 - 6 4-5-070C • Removal, relocation, modifica- a. Article 1, subsection 105.2, Condi- tion and/or additions to any exist- tions of Permits, is amended by adding ing systems listed above. the following subsections: • Plan Review Fees: i. 105.2.4 Permit Fees and Expi- Construction plans required to ration: Except for permits for con- be reviewed by this Chapter and struction or installation and section Uniform Fire Code shall be 25 of the Uniform Fire Code, the fee charged in accordance with for permits issued in accordance with RMC 4-1-150, Fire Prevention section 105.8 of the Uniform Fire Fees. Code shall be as specified in RMC 4-1-150, Fire Prevention Fees, and iv. Expiration and Extensions of permits issued for underground tank Construction Permit: Every con- removal shall be as specified in RMC struction permit issued by the Fire 4-1-150.The permits shall expire one Department under this Code shall ex- year after date of issuance. The per- pire if the work authorized by the per- mit fee shall be payable at or before mit has not commenced within one the time of issuance or renewal of the hundred eighty(180)days of the per- permit. In the event of failure to re- mit issue date. A new permit may be new a permit within thirty (30) days required at one-half of the original after its renewal date, the fee for re- permit fee, if an extension has not newal of the permit shall double the been requested prior to the expira- amount of the above-stated fee. tion of the permit. Extensions may be granted when work was not able to ii. 105.2.5 Hazardous Production be started within the one hundred Materials Permits: A fee as stipu- eighty (180) day time period due to lated in RMC 4-1-150, Fire Preven- satisfactory reasons. Extensions are tion Fees,shall be imposed upon any limited to an additional one hundred business storing, handling, or using eighty (180) days. hazardous production materials as regulated in the Uniform Fire Code. v. Fee Payment and Expiration of Annual Uniform Fire Code Permits 5. Definition of "Shall" —Article 2, sec- and Tank Removal Permits— tion 220 of the Uniform Fire Code, 1994 Edi- 105.2.4 Permits: Except for permits tion, is hereby amended by adding the for section 25 of the Uniform Fire following subsections: Code, the fee for permits issued in accordance with section 105.8 of the a. Section 220S: The word "shall" is Uniform Fire Code and permits is- defined to have the following meaning: sued for underground tank removal shall be as stipulated in RMC i. With respect to the functions and 4-1-150, Fire Prevention Fees. The powers of the Director of Develop- permits shall expire one year after ment Services, Chief Fire Official, date of issuance.The permit fee shall any agents and employees of the be payable at or before the time of is- City of Renton, and any Board autho- suance or renewal of the permit. In rized hereunder, a direction and au- the event of failure to renew a permit thorization to act in the exercise of within thirty (30) days after its re- sound discretion and in good faith; newal date,the fee for renewal of the and permit shall double the amount of the above-stated fee. ii. With respect to the obligations upon owners, occupants of the pre- 4. Conditions of Permits—Article 1, sec- mises and their agents, there is a tion 105 of the Uniform Fire Code, 1994 Edi- mandatory requirement to act in tion, is hereby amended to read as follows: compliance with this Code at the risk 5 - 7 4-5-070C of civil and criminal liability upon fail- area or more than forty feet (40') in ure to so act. height. 6. Two (2) Means of Approved Access b. Section 1003.2.7 Group B, F, M, Required—Article 9,section 902 of the Uni- and S Occupancies: form Fire Code, 1994 Edition, is hereby amended to add the following: i. Section 1003.2.7.1 —When the occupancy has over twelve thousand a. Article 9, section 902.2.1: Two (2) (12,000) square feet of floor area or means of approved access shall be re- more than forty feet (40') in height. quired when a complex of three or more buildings is located more than 200'from ii. Section 1003.2.7.2— In build- a public road. ings used for high-piled combustible storage, fire protection shall be in ac- 7. Maintenance—Article 10, section cordance with article 81 of the Fire 1001.5 of the 1994 Uniform Fire Code entitled Code. "Maintenance"shall be amended by adding subsections to read as follows: c. Section 1003.2.4 Group E Occu- pancies: a. Section 1001.5.1.1 —Annual Certi- fication Required:All sprinkler systems, i. Section 1003.2.4.1 is hereby fire alarm systems, portable fire extin- amended to read as follows: guishers, smoke removal systems and other fire protective or extinguishing sys- • Section 1003. the tems shall be certified annually by a qual- occupancy has over twelve thou- ified agency. (Exception) Hood fire sand (12,000) square feet of extinguishing requires 6-month service. floor area or more than forty feet Documentation shall be provided as indi- (40') in height. cated in section 1001.5.1.2. • Section 1003.2.4.2 Basements: b. Section 1001.5.1.2—Certification: An automatic sprinkler system All electronic monitoring systems used in shall be installed in basements connection with flammable, combustible classified as a Group E Occu- liquids and/or hazardous materials shall pancy when the basement is be certified annually by a qualified larger than fifteen hundred agency. Documentations of the system (1,500) square feet in floor area. certification shall be forwarded to the Fire Prevention Bureau indicating the system • Section 1003.2.4.3 Stairs: An has been tested and functions as re- automatic sprinkler system shall quired. be installed in enclosed usable space below or over a stairway in 8. Required Installation of Automatic Group E Occupancies. Fire-Extinguishing System—Article 10, section 1003 of the Uniform Fire Code, 1994 d. Section 1003.2.4.4 Group E, Divi- Edition, entitled "Required Installation of Au- sion 1: An approved automatic fire extin- tomatic Fire-Extinguishing System",is hereby guishing system shall be installed in all amended by adding the following subsec- newly constructed buildings classified as tions: E-1 Occupancies.EXCEPTION:Portable school classrooms provided: a. Section 1003.2.3 Group A Occu- pancies:Section 1003.2.3.8 All Group A i. Aggregated area of clusters of Occupancies. An automatic sprinkler portable school classrooms does not system shall be installed in Group A Oc- exceed 5,000 square feet; and cupancies which have more than twelve thousand (12,000) square feet of floor ii. Clusters of portable school class- rooms separated as required in 5 - 8 4-5-070C chapter 5 of the Uniform Building ii. Section 1003.5.2—A fully auto- Code. matic fire protection sprinkler system may be required by the Chief of the e. Section 1003.2.8 Group R Occu- Fire Department or the Fire Marshal pancies: for buildings less than twelve thou- sand (12,000) square feet total floor i. Section 1003.2.8.1 — Division 1: area when, in their judgment, sup- When the occupancy has over twelve ported by written documentation thousand (12,000) square feet of from a professional organization floor area or more than forty feet(40') (such as NFPA, ICBO, U.L., ISO etc.) in height; or verifies that hazardous operations, hazardous contents, critical expo- ii. Section 1003.2.8.2—An auto- sure problems, limited accessibility matic sprinkler system shall be in- to the building or other items may stalled throughout buildings contribute to a definite hazard. containing Group R, Division 1 Occu- pancies that are two stories in height g. Section 1003.6 Sprinkler Systems and contain five (5) or more dwelling in Remodeled Buildings: units or guest rooms. i. Section 1003.6.1 —When exist- iii. Section 1003.2.8.3—Buildings ing buildings with full sprinkler sys- of three (3) or more stories in height tems are remodeled or added onto, containing guest rooms or dwelling the remodeled or added on portion units. shall be fully sprinklered. iv. Section 1003.2.8.4— For the ii. Section 1003.6.2—When an ex- purposes of this subsection,portions isting building is added onto or re- of buildings separated by one or modeled and the resulting total more area separation walls will not square foot floor area exceeds be considered a separate building. twelve thousand (12,000) square feet,then the entire structure shall be v. Section 1003.2.8.5—Division 3: fully sprinklered. Dwellings, when proposed within an R-1-5 Zone,clustered or constructed 9. Fire Alarm Systems—Article 10, sec- so that when attached, the total tion 1007 of the Uniform Fire Code, 1994 square foot floor area of all dwelling Edition, entitled "Fire Alarm Systems," is units exceeds twelve thousand hereby amended by adding the following sub- (12,000) square feet. section: f. Section 1003.5 Automatic Sprin- a. Article 10,section 1007.3.3.3 Audi- kler Systems in New Buildings: bility: i. Section 1003.5.1 —A fully auto- i. Section 1007. —All occu- matic fire protection sprinkler system pied areas shall have a minimum au- is to be installed in all new buildings dible sound level of 60 db or 15 db in excess of twelve thousand above ambient with exception of (12,000) square feet total floor area, sleeping areas. Sound level in sleep- regardless of vertical or horizontal ing areas shall be 70 db minimum occupancy separations, such sprin- with 15 db above ambient as maxi- kler system shall be designed, in- mum (NFC 72). stalled and tested as per Uniform Building Code Standard 9-1,which is ii. Section 1007.— Inspec- hereby incorporated by reference as tion testing is required to be wit- if fully set forth,one copy being on file nessed by the Fire Department, Fire with the City Clerk for public inspec- Prevention Bureau prior to occu- tion. pancy being granted. 5 - 9 4-5-070C iii. Section 1007.— In the 12. Place of Assembly—Article 25 of the event that an alarm system may not Uniform Fire Code, 1994 Edition, entitled meet these requirements, it shall be "Place of Assembly", is hereby amended to a further requirement of this Chapter add subsection 2501.3.1 which reads as fol- that modifications necessary to meet lows: these minimum levels be made to the alarm system and subsequent test- a. Section 2501.3.1 — Inspection Per- ing be conducted prior to any occu- mit. An inspection permit shall be re- pancy being granted. quired to operate a place of assembly as defined in article 9 of the Uniform Fire iv. Section 1007.2.3.1 —Group B Code. A fee of$30.00 shall be paid upon Occupancies of two (2) or more sto- application of an inspection permit. EX- ries in height and 10,000 square feet CEPTION: Permit fee for nonprofit occu- or more in area. pancies will be $10.00. v. Section 1007. —General: 13. Supervision—Article 52, section Delete Exception 1 and 2. 5201.6.3 Supervision: Delete unsupervised dispensing. vi. Section 1007.—Apart- ment complexes with three or more 14. Fireworks—Article 78, section 7802 separate buildings within the com- of the Uniform Fire Code, 1994 Edition, enti- plex, including recreation and/or day- tied "Fireworks" is hereby amended to read care buildings shall be provided with as follows: approved fire alarm systems regard- less of size. The buildings within the a. Section 7802.1 —Purpose;Compli- complex shall have each building ance with State Regulations: It is the in- monitored by an approved central tent of this Chapter to provide a station. procedure for the granting of licenses and the possession, sale, and discharge 10. Standpipes—Article 10,section 1004 of fireworks as classified by the State Fire of the Uniform Fire Code, 1994 Edition, Marshal as safe for possessing, sale and "Standpipes," standpipe requirements, is discharge, and not to permit the posses- hereby amended to read as follows: sion, sale or use of any other fireworks, classified as dangerous fireworks by the a. Section 1004.2.1 —Occupancies State Fireworks Law, all as provided for three stories or more, but less than 150' and defined in RCW. Each licensee shall in height, except Group R, Division 3. further comply with and adhere to the rules and regulations relating to fireworks 11. Open Burning—Article 11, section as issued by the State Fire Marshal. 1102.3 of the Uniform Fire Code, 1994 Edi- tion, entitled "Open Burning" is hereby b. Section 7802.2— Retail Sale of amended to read as follows: Fireworks; City and State Prerequi- site: a. Section 1102.3.1 —General open burning is hereby prohibited in conform- i. Section 7802.2.1 —No permit ance with the Puget Sound Air Pollution shall be issued by the City unless the Agency and the Department of Ecology person applying for same has first regulations. obtained a license from the State Fire Marshal as provided in RCW. b. Section 1102.3.2— Permits are re- quired for the following:for recreational, ii. Section 7802.2.2.2— It shall be religious or other fires as outlined in state unlawful for any person to engage in regulations. Such permits shall be ob- the retail sale of or to sell any fire- tained through Puget Sound Air Pollution works within the City without first Agency. having obtained a permit as hereinaf- ter set forth. 5 - 10 4-5-070C c. Section 7802.3— Permit Restric- up of all debris from the site of the tions: A permit granted pursuant to this temporary stand which deposit shall Chapter shall entitle the permittee to be returned to the applicant only in maintain only one retail outlet.All permits the event that he removes said stand issued pursuant hereto shall be used and cleans up all debris to the satis- only for the specified permittee and shall faction of the Fire Chief or any other be nontransferable. Any transfer or pur- so designated official of the City. In ported transfer of a permit shall be the event of the applicant's failure to deemed a violation of this Chapter. do so,the performance bond or cash deposit shall be forfeited unto the i. Section 7802.3.1 Permit Fee: City. In no event shall the applicant The annual permit fee for the sale of be entitled to the return of the perfor- such fireworks as may be authorized mance bond or cash deposit if he has hereunder or may be authorized by failed to remove the temporary stand the provisions of the laws of the State and failed to clean up all the debris shall be one hundred dollars by July 10th of each year. ($100.00) per annum, payable in ad- vance. vi. Section 7802.3.5 Fireworks Sales: Permits for the retail sale of ii. Section 7802.3.2 Permit Limi- fireworks shall restrict any authorized tations: No person shall receive retail sale to persons sixteen (16) or more than one license for the sale of more years of age. Sellers shall re- fireworks during any one calendar quire proof of age by means of dis- year. play of a valid Washington State driver's license or photo identification iii. Section 7802.3.3 Permit Appli- card issued by the Washington State cation; Investigation: All applica- Department of Licensing. No other tions for a permit shall be made in forms of identification shall be ac- writing addressed to the Chief of the cepted. Fire Department or such other per- son as may be appointed by the It shall be unlawful for any person to Chief. It shall be the duty of the Fire offer for retail sale, or expose for re- Chief or his designee to make a corn- tail sale,or sell at retail within the City plete inspection of the stand site prior except from twelve o'clock (12:00) to the issuance of a permit.The Chief noon on June 28 to eleven o'clock shall have power in his discretion to (11:00) p.m. of July 4 of each year. grant or deny the application,subject to such reasonable conditions,if any, vii. Section 7802.3.6 Fireworks as he shall prescribe. Discharge: No person shall ignite or discharge any fireworks except be- iv. Section 7802.3.4 Time for Ap- tween the hours of nine o'clock(9:00) plication: All applications for li- a.m. and twelve o'clock (12:00) mid- censes as required under the terms night p.m. on July 4 of any calendar of this Chapter shall be made be- year. tween the first day of January and five o'clock(5:00)p.m. May 28 of the d. Exceptions: year for which such license is sought. i. Section 7802.3.6.1 — Public dis- v. Section 7802.3.4.1 Perfor- plays authorized by permit issued mance Bond or Cash Deposit Re- pursuant to WAC. quired: Any applicant shall post with the City a performance bond or cash ii. Section 7802.3.6.2— Use by a deposit in an amount of not less than group or individual for religious or seventy five dollars ($75.00) condi- other specific purpose on an ap- tioned upon the prompt removal of proved date at an approved location the temporary stand and the cleaning 5 - 11 4-5-070C pursuant to a permit issued pursuant ii. Section 7802.3.8.2— No tempo- to WAC. rary fireworks stand shall be located within fifty feet (50') of any other iii. Section 7802.3.6.3— Use of building or structure or within one trick and novelty devices as defined hundred feet (100') of any gasoline in WAC 212-17-030, as amended, station, oil storage tank or premises and use of agricultural and wildlife where flammable liquids are kept or fireworks as defined in RCW. stored. iv. Section 7802.3.7— Public Dis- iii. Section 7802.3.8.3—Each tern- play; Insurance Required: Any ap- porary fireworks stand must have at plicant shall, at the time of issuance least two (2) exits which shall be un- of such license, submit to the City obstructed at all times; and each proper evidence of public liability and stand have a readily accessible fire property damage insurance and extinguisher duly approved in ad- such applicant shall maintain the in- vance by the Fire Chief. surance in a company or companies approved by the City Attorney with iv. Section 7802.3.8.4—All weeds, amounts as follows: One hundred grass and combustible material shall thousand dollars ($100,000.00) or be cleaned from the location of the more for injuries to any one (1) per- temporary fireworks stand and sur- son in one (1) accident or occur- rounding area a distance of not less rence; three hundred thousand than twenty five feet(25'), measured dollars ($300,000.00) or more for in- from the exterior walls of each side of juries to two (2) or more persons in the temporary fireworks stand. any one (1) accident or occurrence; fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) v. Section 7802.3.8.5— No smok- for damage to property in any one(1) ing shall be permitted in or near a accident or occurrence. temporary fireworks stand, and the same shall be posted with proper"No v. Section 7802.3.7.1 — Pyrotech- Smoking"signs,which rules are to be nic Operator Required: Every pub- strictly enforced. No fireworks shall lic display of fireworks shall be be discharged within one hundred handled or supervised by a State li- feet(100')of any retail fireworks sale censed pyrotechnic operator. location. e. Section 7802.3.8—Temporary vi. Section 7802.3.8.6—Each tern- Stands; Required Standards: The tem- porary fireworks stand shall have an porary stands of all licensees shall con- adult in attendance at all times. No form to the following minimum standards child or children under the age of six- and conditions: teen (16) years shall be allowed in- side any temporary fireworks stand. i. Section 7802.3.8.1 —Temporary fireworks stands need not comply vii. Section 7802.3.8.7—All unsold with all the provisions of the Building stock and accompanying litter shall Code; provided however, that all be removed from the temporary fire- such stands shall be erected under works stand by twelve o'clock(12:00) the supervision of the Fire Chief or noon on July 6 of each year. his duly authorized representative who shall require that all such stands viii. Section 7802.3.8— Danger- be constructed in a safe manner en- ous Fireworks Prohibited: It shall be suring the safety of attendants and unlawful for any person to sell, pos- patrons. In the event any such tern- sess, use or explode any dangerous porary stand is wired for electricity, or illegal fireworks within the City. then the wiring shall conform to the Dangerous or illegal fireworks shall Electrical Code of the City. be those fireworks so defined by 5 - 12 4-5-070D RCW and any subsequent amend- c. Section 7902.6.1.3— Leaking ments thereto which said Code sec- Tanks: All unauthorized releases from tion is hereby adopted by reference underground storage tanks shall be re- as part of this Code,one copy having ported in conformance with RMC been filed with the City Clerk for pub- 4-5-120K, Release Reporting Require- lic inspection. ments. Leaking tanks shall be promptly emptied and removed from the ground ix. Section 7802.3.9— Enforce- and abandoned in accordance with sec- ment Officer: The Fire Chief or his tion 79.116. duly authorized representative is hereby designated as enforcing of- d. Section 7902.6.1.4—All new above ficer of this Chapter. In addition to all ground and underground tank installa- other grounds for revocation or termi- tions and modifications or additions to ex- nation of a permit as set forth in the fisting systems shall be subject to plan general provisions hereof,any failure review and installation fees as described or refusal on the part of a permittee to in section 103.3.2. obey any rule, regulation or request of the Fire Chief concerning the sale 16. Hazardous Materials—Article 80 of of fireworks shall be grounds for the the Uniform Fire Code, 1994 Edition, entitled revocation of a fireworks permit. "Hazardous Materials",is hereby amended to read as follows: x. Section 7802.3.10— Fireworks; Zoning Compliance: The location of Section 8001.3.1.1 Plan Review and Per- the proposed place of business shall mit Fees: All new installations and/or be only in those areas or zones modifications or additions to existing sys- within the City wherein business, or tems shall require plan review and permit industrial activities, are authorized fees as stipulated in RMC 4-1 150, Fire under the applicable zoning law of Prevention Fees. (Ord. 4547, 7-24-1995) the City; provided, that the sale of "common"fireworks shall not be D. FIRE HYDRANTS: deemed an enlargement of existing nonconforming use; and provided 1. Required for Construction: All build- further,that no fireworks shall be sold ings constructed within the City of Renton in any residential area where a busi- shall be served by fire hydrants installed in ness enterprise does not exist. accordance with the requirements of this Section. (Ord. 4007, 7-14-1986) 15. Flammable and Combustible Liquids —Article 79 of the Uniform Fire Code, 1994 a. Plans Required Prior to Permit: No Edition, entitled "Flammable and Combusti- building permit shall be issued until plans ble Liquids," is hereby amended to read as required under this Chapter have been follows: submitted and approved in accordance with the provisions contained in this a. Section 7902.6.1.1 —All new under- Chapter. ground storage tanks shall conform to the standards as defined in the "Under- b. Installation Timing: No construc- ground Storage Tank Secondary Con- tion beyond the foundation shall be al- tainment Ordinance". lowed until hydrants and mains are in place, unless approved by the appropri- b. Section 7902.6.1.2—Scope: All ate City authority, following appropriate provisions of the "Underground Storage application and a finding that there is no Tank Secondary Containment Ordi- life or safety threat involved. nance"shall apply to the installation,use, maintenance and abandonment of un- c. Upgrade of Existing Hydrants Re- derground storage tanks. quired:In addition,presently existing fire hydrants which do not conform with the requirements and standards of this Sec- 5 - 13 4-5-070D tion when replaced shall be replaced with for school,church, rest home, hospital or mul- hydrants which do conform to the stan- tiple residential apartments (four (4) individ- dards and requirements of this Section. ual apartment units or more) or any other (Ord. 4007, 7-14-1985) place of public assembly, and wheresoever located, shall at his expense install or cause 2. Fire Hydrant Requirements in Corn- to be installed fire hydrant or hydrants unless mercial, Business, Industrial and Manu- adequate and sufficient hydrants are located facturing Areas: or accessible within one hundred sixty five feet (165') of any such building or structure. a. Installation Required:The owner of The number, location, size and type of such any building hereafter constructed or hydrant or hydrants to be installed shall be as used in the City which building or struc- specified in subsection D2 of this Section, ture is not located or accessible within and all of such installation to be approved by one hundred sixty five feet (165') of any the City Fire Department. fire hydrant and such building or structure being located or situated in any area 4. Fire Hydrants; Special Locations: In zoned and to be used, or actually used addition to the foregoing requirements, addi- for any commercial, business, industrial tional hydrant or hydrants may be required or or manufacturing purpose shall, at his ex- separately required in areas which are being pense, install or cause to have installed utilized for open storage of flammable prod- fire hydrant or hydrants together with the ucts, including flammable liquids, or other ar- necessary pipes, appurtenances and eas of special fire hazards with spacing and connections in order to connect and hook floor requirements based on the fire protec- on said hydrant or hydrants to the City's tion required in each instance;the number, existing water supply. It shall be unlawful size, type and location of hydrants for the for any person to own, occupy or use any aforesaid purpose shall be as specified in building or structure as defined in this subsection D2 of this Section and all of such subsection and subsections D3 and D4 installations to be subject to the approval of of this Section unless such building or the Fire Department. structure is located within one hundred sixty five feet (165') of any fire hydrant. 5. Multiple Uses—Contract: In the event that the installation of any such fire hydrant or b. Number and Location of Hy- hydrants as above set forth, and the connect- drants:The number and location of such ing system pertaining thereto, should benefit hydrants shall be in accordance with two (2) or more properties then the owners of good fire engineering practice and stan- such benefited properties shall share the cost dards, the size, location, and construc- of such installation in the proportion of the tion to comply with the rules and benefits so derived. Whenever an owner is regulations of the American Insurance required to install such fire hydrant or fire hy- Association formerly known as the Na- drants under the provision of this Section and tional Board of Fire Underwriters and all which installation will benefit outer properties of such installations to be duly approved not owned or controlled by such owner, then by the Fire Department prior to its accep- in any such case such owner may apply to tance thereof by the City. the City for an agreement under the provi- sions of the Municipal Water and Sewer Fa- c. Applicability to Annexed Proper- cilities Act known as chapter 261 of the ties: The aforesaid requirements shall Sessions Laws of 1959 and any such agree- likewise apply to any such building or ment between such owner and the City shall structure as hereinabove defined which run for a period not to exceed five (5) years is hereafter annexed to the City. (Ord. and thus permit such owner to recover a por- 2434, 9-23-1968) tion of the cost of such initial installation from other parties in the event of any such future 3. Fire Hydrants in Other Areas: The hook up or connection. Such contract shall owner or party in control of any building here- further provide that the owner of any building after constructed in or annexed to the City or structure subsequently erected shall not and which said structure or building is used be permitted,during the term of the aforesaid 5 - 14 4-5-070D contract, to make any hook up or connection 8. Number of Hydrants Required: The to the City's water system or to any such hy- number of fire hydrants that shall be required drant until such owner has paid his propor- for the new construction oradefined risk shall tionate fair share of the initial cost of such be based on the amount of fire flow that is re- installation as set forth in said contract. Any quired to protect said risk. The requirement such agreement entered into between such shall be one hydrant per one thousand owner causing such installation and the City (1,000) g.p.m. fire flow. (Ord. 4007, shall be filed for record with the King County 7-14-1986) Auditor's office and thereupon such filing shall constitute due notice of the terms and 9. Location of Hydrants: requirements therein specified to all other parties. The City further reserves the right, a. Minimum Distances from Struc- upon approval of the City Council, to partici- tures: These fire hydrants shall be lo- pate in the installation of any oversized water cated no closer than fifty feet (50') from line extensions or additional or extra improve- the structure and no greater than three ments relative to such installations. (Ord. hundred feet(300').The primary hydrant 2434, 9-23-1968) shall be not further than one hundred fifty feet(150')from the structure. (Ord.4007, 6. Fire Flow Requirements: 7-14-1986) a. Basis for and Computation of Fire 10. Hydrant Accessibility: Hydrants shall Flow Requirement:The fire flow re- not be obstructed by any structure or vegeta- quirement applied by the Fire Marshal tion, or have the hydrant visibility impaired under the provisions of this Section shall within a distance of one hundred fifty feet be based upon criteria established in Ap- (150') in any direction of vehicular approach pendix IIIA of the Uniform Fire Code as to the hydrant. All hydrants are to be accessi- amended, added to or accepted herein. ble to Fire Department pumpers over roads Appendix IIIA of the Uniform Fire Code is capable of supporting such fire apparatus. hereby adopted by reference. One copy (Ord. 3541, 5-4-1981; Amd. Ord. 4007, of that document shall be filed in the City 7-14-1986) Clerk's office and be available for use and examination by the public. (Ord. a. Fire Marshal Discretion: The Fire 4327, 8-26-1991) Marshal shall have discretion to deter- mine the location of the hydrants based b. Unknown Fire Flow: Where the ex- upon a review of the location of the exist- isting fire flow is not known or cannot be ing utilities, topography and the charac- easily determined, it shall be required of teristics of the building or structure;minor the developer to compute the available deviations may be granted by Fire De- fire flow using standards and criteria set partment approval of written requests. forth at Renton City Ordinance No. 3056. (Ord. 4007, 7-14-1986) (Ord. 4007, 7-14-1986) 11. Design and Installation Require- 7. Residential Sprinkling Permitted: ments: The installation of all fire hydrants When the fire flow is less than one thousand shall be in accordance with sound engineer- (1,000) gallons per minute but greater than ing practices. In addition, the following re- five hundred (500) gallons per minute, then quirements shall apply to all building residential structures shall be permitted to be construction projects: served by sprinklers unless the Fire Chief has made a written finding that the public safety, a. Two (2) copies of detailed plans or health or welfare will be threatened, stating drawings, accurately indicating the loca- the factors upon which such finding is based, tion of all valves and fire hydrants to be in which case residential structures shall not installed shall be submitted to the Fire be permitted to be constructed at such loca- Marshal prior to the commencement of tion. (Ord. 4327, 8-26-1991) any construction. 5 - 15 4-5-070D b. All fire hydrants must be approved by hose nozzles, one four inch (4") steamer the City of Renton, Public Works Depart- nozzle with City of Seattle standard ment. threads. In addition, all hydrants shall meet A.W.W.A. standards for public hy- c. All construction of the fire hydrant in- drants and be Cory type. stallation and its attendant water system connection shall conform to the design k. All pipe shall meet City of Renton standards and specifications of the City standards per RMC 4-6-010A. of Renton. I. The maximum distance between fire d. Fire hydrant installation shall be ade- hydrants in single family use district quately protected against vehicular dam- zones shall be six hundred feet (600'). age in accordance with RMC 4-6-010A. m. The maximum distance between fire e. An auxiliary gate valve shall be in- hydrants in commercial, industrial and stalled at the main line tee to permit the apartment (including duplex) use district repair and replacement of the hydrant zones shall be three hundred feet (300'). without disruption of water service. n. Lateral spacing of fire hydrants shall f. All hydrants shall stand plumb,±3°,to be predicated on hydrants being located be set to the finished grade with the bot- at street intersections. torn flange two inches(2") above ground or curb grade and have no less than thirty o. The appropriate water authority and six inches (36") in diameter of clear area Fire Department shall be notified in writ- about the hydrant for the clearance of hy- ing of the date the fire hydrant installation drant wrenches on both outlets and on and its attendant water connection sys- the control valve. tern will be available for use. g. The port shall face the most likely p. The Fire Marshal shall be notified route of approach and location of the fire when all newly installed hydrants or truck while pumping;distance from mains are placed in service. pumper port to street curb shall be no fur- ther than twelve feet (12'), all as deter- q. Where fire hydrants are not in ser- mined by the Fire Marshal. vice, they shall be identified as being out of service by a method approved by the h. The lead from the service main to the Fire Marshal. (Ord. 3541, 5-4-1981) hydrant shall be no less than six inches (6") in diameter. Any hydrant leads over 12. Special Requirements for Buildings fifty feet(50') in length from water main in More Than Two Hundred Feet(200')from a hydrant shall be no less than eight inches Street Property Line: The requirements of (8") in diameter. this Section apply to all building construction projects in which buildings are located or are i. All hydrants newly installed in single to be located such that any portion is more family residential areas shall be supplied than two hundred feet (200') in vehicular by not less than six inch (6") mains, and travel from a street property line, except de- shall be capable of delivering one thou- tached single family dwellings: sand (1,000) g.p.m. fire flow over and above average maximum demands at a. Buildings that have required fire the farthest point of the installation. Hy- flows of less than two thousand five hun- drant leads up to fifty feet (50') long may dred (2,500) g.p.m. may have fire hy- be six inches (6") in diameter. drants on one side of the building only. j. All hydrants shall have at least five b. When the required fire flow is over inch (5") minimum valve opening, "O" two thousand five hundred (2,500) ring stem seal, two (2) two and one-half g.p.m., the fire hydrants shall be served inch (2-1/2") national standard thread by a main which loops around the build- 5 - 16 4-5-080A ing or complex of buildings and recon- 17. Meter or Detection Required for Pri- nects back into a distribution supply vate Water or Fire Service: Services for fire main. protection must be metered or detector checkered at the expense of the owner and c. The number of fire hydrants that shall fitted with such fixtures only as are needed for be required for the new construction or a fire protection and must be entirely discon- defined risk shall be based on the nected from those used for other purposes. amount of fire flow that is required to pro- (Ord. 4441, 2-28-1994) tect said risk. The requirement shall be one hydrant per one thousand (1,000) 18. Use for Other Than Fire Protection g.p.m. fire flow. These fire hydrants shall Prohibited: In no case will any tap be made be located no closer than fifty feet (50') upon any pipe used for fire service purposes from the structure and no greater than or any tank connected therewith, nor shall the three hundred thirty feet (330'). All hy- use of any water be permitted through any drants are to be accessible to Fire De- fire service nor through any pipes, tanks or partment pumpers over roads capable of other fixtures therewith connected for any supporting such fire apparatus. The Fire purposes except the extinguishing of fire on Marshal shall determine the location of such premises or testing flows for fire control the hydrants based upon a determination purposes. (Ord. 4441, 2-28-1994) of utility, topography and building or structure; minor deviations may be 19. Changes Requiring Increased Fire granted by Fire Department approval of Protection: Whenever any change in the written requests. (Ord. 3541, 5-4-1981) use, occupancy or construction of any pre- mises or purposes as hereinabove defined 13. Water System Requirements for Hy- require any increased fire and hydrant pro- drants: All fire hydrants shall be served by a tection, the owner, owners or person in municipal or quasi-municipal water system, charge of such premises shall proceed or as otherwise approved by the Fire Mar- promptly toward securing adequate protec- shal. (Ord. 4007, 7-14-1986) tion and all such installation or changes to be completed providing for such increased fire 14. Service and Testing of Hydrants: All protection, prior to the use or occupancy of hydrants shall be subject to testing, inspec- such facilities. tion and approval by the Fire Control Division. (Ord. 4007, 7-14-1986) 20. Violation and Penalties: A violation of any subsection or provision of this Section is 15. Prohibited Hydrants: The installation a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not of flush type hydrants is prohibited unless ap- less than five hundred dollars ($500.00) for proved by the Fire Marshal and such ap- each offense or ninety(90)days in jail or both proval shall be given only when permitted fire such fine and such jail time. Each day upon hydrants would be dangerous or impractical. which a violation occurs or continues consti- The showing of such danger or impracticabil- tutes a separate offense. (Ord. 3541, ity shall be the burden of the builder. (Ord. 5-4-1981) 3541, 5-4-1981) 16. Dead End Mains Prohibited: Provi- 4-5-080 UNIFORM HOUSING CODE: sions shall be made wherever appropriate in any project for looping all dead end or tempo- A. ADOPTION: rarily dead end mains.A minimum fifteen foot The "Uniform Housing Code, 1994 Edition", as (15') easement shall be required. Construc- published by the International Conference of tion plans must be approved by the Public Building Officials is hereby adopted as the "Uni- Works Department as per this Section and form Housing Code"by the City of Renton, and other applicable City regulations prior to corn- said Code may be hereafter designated as the mencement of construction. (Ord. 3541, "City of Renton Uniform Housing Code." (Ord. 5-4-1981) 3216, 4-10-1978) 5 - 17 4-5-080 B B. CITY AMENDMENTS TO CERTAIN penalties, to read pursuant to RMC 1-3-2, Civil UNIFORM HOUSING CODE Penalties. (Ord. 3760, 12-5-1983) PROCEDURES: RMC 4-5-060, Uniform Code for the Abatement of 4-5-110 UNIFORM SWIMMING POOL Dangerous Buildings, shall be used for proce- dures in the Uniform Housing Code. (Ord. 3760, CODE: 12-5-1983) A. ADOPTION: The Uniform Swimming Pool, Spa and Hot Tub 4-5-090 UNIFORM MECHANICAL Code, 1991 Edition, as published by the Interna- CODE: tional Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials is hereby adopted as the Uniform Swim- A. ADOPTION: ming Pool, Spa and Hot Tub Code, 1991 Edition, The"Uniform Mechanical Code, 1994 Edition,"as by the City of Renton and said Code may be here- published by the International Conference of after designated as the "City of Renton Uniform Building Officials as amended by chapter 51-32 Swimming Pool, Spa and Hot Tub Code, 1991 WAC is hereby adopted as the "Uniform Mechan- Edition." (Ord. 4358, 7-20-1992) ical Code"for the City of Renton,which Code may hereafter be designated as "City of Renton Uni- B. CITY AMENDMENTS TO UNIFORM form Mechanical Code." (Ord. 4546, 7-24-1995) SWIMMING POOL CODE: Section 1.7: Amend first paragraph section 1.7, B. BOARD OF APPEALS: relating to violations and penalties pursuant to The Board of Appeals of section 110 shall be the RMC 1-3-2, Civil Penalties. (Ord. 3760, Board of Adjustment. (Ord. 4546, 7-24-1995) 12-5-1983) C. FENCING REQUIRED AROUND 4-5-100 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE: POOLS AND SPAS: A. ADOPTION: 1. Fence Height and Construction Stan- The Uniform Plumbing Code, 1991 Edition, as dards: For the protection of the citizens and published by the International Association of general public, all swimming pools con- Plumbing and Mechanical Officials and chapters structed shall be completely enclosed by a 51-26 and 51-27 WAC are hereby adopted as the substantial wall or fence of not less than six Uniform Plumbing Code by the City of Renton, feet (6') in height and such wall or fence and and said Code may be hereafter designated as the swimming pool shall be under the same the City of Renton Uniform Plumbing Code. (Ord. ownership or control. Any wall or fence shall 4358, 7-20-1992) be so constructed as not to have openings, holes or gaps larger than two inches (2") in B. STATE AMENDMENTS TO UNIFORM any dimension, except for doors and gates. PLUMBING CODE: (Ord. 3538, 5-4-1981) Whenever there is a discrepancy in the require- ments between the Uniform Plumbing Code, 2. Self-Closing Device/Lock Required: 1991 Edition, as published by the International All openings in such wall or fence shall be Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials equipped with gates having a self-latching, and chapters 51-26 and 51-27 WAC, the Wash- self-closing device with the latch on the inside ington Administrative Code sections will be of the gate not readily accessible for children deemed to have amended the Uniform Plumbing to operate, and such gate shall be securely Code, 1991 Edition, as published by the Interna- locked when the swimming pool is unat- tional Conference of Building Officials. (Ord. tended or uncovered; provided, however, if 4358, 7-20-1992) the premises of the residence in which said pool is located is enclosed,then this provision C. CITY AMENDMENTS TO UNIFORM may be waived by the Building Department PLUMBING CODE: upon inspection and approval of the resi- Section 20.3: Amend the first paragraph of sec- tion 20.3 of the UPC, relating to violations and 5 - 18 4-5-120D 3. Compliance Required for Existing storage facilities, establishes uniform stan- Pools: Swimming pools already constructed dards for release reporting, emergency re- and in operation shall comply with this Sec- sponse and abandonments, and specifies tion within ninety (90) days after the adoption permit procedures. of this Section (4-19-1978). B. INTENT: D. MODIFICATIONS: It is the intent of this Section to provide a method The Building Official may make modification in in- by which: dividual cases upon showing of good cause,with respect to the height, nature or location of the 1. To safely store regulated substances in- fence, wall, gates or latches or the necessity cluding hazardous materials, flammable and therefor, provided the protection as sought here- combustible liquids, and toxic substances in under is not reduced thereby.The Building Official underground storage facilities; to trap and may permit other protective devices or structures safely hold for recovery any regulated sub- to be used as long as the degree of the protection stance which may leak from underground afforded by substitute devices or structure is not storage facilities; less than the protection afforded by the wall, fence, gate and latch described herein. 2. To provide a systematic means of moni- toring to determine the presence of any E. SETBACKS FROM PROPERTY LINES: leaked substance so that it may be safely re- All private swimming pools shall be constructed covered in a timely manner; or placed so as to have a side yard of not less than six feet(6') in width on each side, a rear yard 3. To provide a means to monitor existing of not less than six feet (6') in width and a front underground storage facilities to detect leaks; setback of not less than thirty feet (30'). 4. To protect groundwater resources; F. SUPERVISION REQUIRED FOR OUTDOOR POOLS: 5. To protect the City's drinking water sup- No person shall maintain an outdoor swimming ply from impacts caused by regulated sub- pool on his premises without providing adequate stances; and supervision at all times when the swimming pool is in use so that no person may be injured or 6. To reduce the fire and life safety hazards drowned therein. (Ord. 3538, 5-4-1981) associated with substances that might other- wise escape from a primary container. G. BOARD OF APPEALS: The Board of Appeals of section 1.18 shall be the C. COMPLIANCE WITH UNIFORM FIRE Board of Adjustment. (Ord. 3760, 12-5-1983) CODE REQUIRED: In addition to the provisions of this Section, all un- derground storage facilities installations shall 4-5-120 UNDERGROUND STORAGE meet all applicable provisions and requirements TANK SECONDARY CONTAINMENT of articles 79 and 80 of the Uniform Fire Code. REGULATIONS D. APPLICABILITY: A. PURPOSE: 1. Persons who own one or more under- 1. The purpose of this Section is to estab- lish secondary containment and monitoring substances (including hazardous sub requirements for new underground storage stances,flammable liquids,toxic substances, facilities which store regulated substances in- and combustible liquids) shall comply with cluding hazardous materials, flammable liq this Chapter. If the operator of the under - and toxic substances and combustible ground storage facility is not the owner, then liquids.This Section establishes construction the owner shall enter into a written contract standards for new underground storage facil with the operator requiring the operator to ities, establishes separate monitoring stan- dards for new and existing underground 5 - 19 4-5-120E 2. All new underground storage facilities 3. Septic tanks; which store regulated substances must com- ply with the construction and monitoring stan- 4. Storage tanks situated in an underground dards for new underground storage facilities area (such as a basement, cellar, minework- as set forth in this Section. ing,drift, shaft or tunnel) if the storage tank is situated upon or above the surface of the 3. All existing underground storage facilities floor; which store regulated substances must com- ply with the monitoring standards for existing 5. Pipeline facility: Pipelines which trans- underground facilities which are set forth in port regulated substances interjurisdiction- this Section. However, existing underground ally; storage facilities which meet the construction and monitoring standards for new facilities as 6. Surface impoundment, pit, pond or la- set forth in this Section may be issued per- goon; mits and regulated pursuant to the standards and procedures for new facilities. 7. Stormwater or wastewater collection sys- tem; 4. All existing underground storage facilities which are located in Zone 1 of the Aquifer 8. Flow-through process tanks; or Protection Area and which store regulated substances must comply with the construc- 9. Liquid trap or associated gathering lines tion and monitoring standards for new under- directly related to oil or gas production and ground storage facilities as set forth in this gathering operations. Section within eighteen (18) months of the date of adoption of this Section (4-4-1988). F. FIRE CHIEF AND FIRE DEPARTMENT AUTHORITY AND RESPONSIBILITY: 5. All owners and/or operators of under- The Fire Department shall not issue a permit to ground storage facilities which store regu- operate an underground storage facility until the lated substances now, have stored regulated Department inspects the underground storage fa- substances in the past, or have the ability to cility and determines that the underground stor- store regulated substances in the future must age facility complies with the provisions of these comply with the release reporting require- regulations. The Fire Chief or his duly authorized ments, the closure requirements and the per- representative is hereby designated as the en- mit application requirements as set forth in forcing officer of this Section. In addition to all this Section. other grounds for revocation or termination of per- mits set forth in the general provisions hereof,any 6. The detection of any unauthorized re- failure or refusal on the part of a permittee to obey lease shall require compliance with the re- any rule, regulation, condition or law concerning porting requirements of this Section. the installation, maintenance, or removal of un- derground storage facilities shall be grounds for E. EXCLUSIONS: revocation of a permit. This Section specifically excludes regulation of the following: G. DEFINITIONS OF TERMS USED IN THIS SECTION: 1. Farm or residential tanks of one thou- sand one hundred (1,100) gallons or less ca- ABANDONMENT OF UNDERGROUND STOR- pacity used for storing motor fuel for AGE FACILITIES: noncommercial purposes, except for new tank installations in the City's Aquifer Protec- 1. The relinquishment or termination or pos- tion Area; session, ownership or control without full dis- closure to the new owner thereof of contain- 2. Tanks used for storing heating oil for con- ers, tanks, or pipes which have stored in the sumption use by single family residences,ex- past or are currently storing regulated sub- cept for new tank installations in the City's stances whether by vacating or by disposition Aquifer Protection Area; 5 - 20 4-5-120G thereof and shall not depend on a mere lapse of being used again (it had not been removed or of time; or completely filled with an inert solid). 2. Storage facilities which have been sub- LEAK DETECTION SYSTEM: A system or tech- stantially emptied and unattended. nology capable of detecting, within twenty four (24) hours,the failure of either the primary or sec- AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA(APA):The por- ondary containment structure or the presence of tion of an aquifer within the zone of capture of a liquid in the secondary containment structure. well or well field owned or operated by the City,or the recharge-discharge area of any spring used MEMBRANE LINER: Any membrane sheet ma- for water supply by the City. terial fabricated into system for secondary con- tainment. A membrane liner is placed external to 1. Zone 1 of the City's Aquifer Protection a tank, in order to be an impermeable barrier be- Area (APA) is defined as the land situated be- tween a primary containment device including tween a well or well field owned by the City pipes, and the ground. The membrane must pro- and the one year groundwater travel time vide a complete envelope that will prevent both contour,or the local recharge-discharge area lateral and vertical migration of the stored product of a spring used for water supply by the City. out of the containment system and will be free of cracks and gaps. 2. APA maps which have been adopted as official policy by the City Council are incorpo- NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED INDEPENDENT rated and made a part of this Section. These TESTING ORGANIZATION: Any one of the fol- maps shall be filed with the City Clerk's office lowing organizations, or other organizations ap- and maintained by the City Public Works De- proved by the Fire Chief: partment. Any amendments, additions, or de- letions to said maps shall be effective after American National Standards Institute(ANSI) approval by the City Council and filing with the City Clerk for record. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) CLOSURE OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE FACILITIES:The lawful emptying and/or removal American Society for Testing and Materials of underground storage facilities pursuant to a (ASTM) permit issued by the Fire Department and in con- formance with article 79 of the Uniform Fire Code. National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) CONTINUOUS MONITORING: A system using automatic equipment which routinely performs National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) the required monitoring on a periodic or cyclic ba- sis throughout each day. Underwriters Laboratories (UL) DEPARTMENT: The City of Renton Fire Depart- Underwriters Laboratories of Canada, Inc. ment. (ULC) DOUBLE-WALLED: A container with two (2) NEW UNDERGROUND STORAGE FACILITY: complete shells which provide both primary and Any underground storage facility subject to this secondary containment.The outer shell must pro- Section which is installed after the effective date vide structural support and must be constructed of this Section or which complies with the require- primarily of nonearthen materials including, but ments of RMC 4-5-120H. not limited to, concrete, steel, and plastic. OPERATOR: Any person in control of, or having EXISTING UNDERGROUND STORAGE FACIL- responsibility for, the daily operation of a storage ITY:Any underground storage facility that is not a facility. new underground storage facility. The term in- cludes any underground storage facility which OWNER: Includes his duly authorized agent or has contained a hazardous substance in the past attorney, a purchaser, devisee, fiduciary and a and, as of July 1, 1987, had the physical capacity 5 - 21 4-5-120H person having vested or contingent interest in the SINGLE-WALLED: A container with one shell in property in question. which regulated substances can or are being stored and which provides primary containment. PRIMARY CONTAINMENT:A device (such as a tank, pipe, drum) and associated appurtenances UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE: Any spilling, leak- which holds a regulated substance. ing, emitting, discharging, escaping, leaching, or disposing from any underground storage tank into PRODUCT TIGHT: Impervious to the substance groundwater, surface water, or subsurface soils. which is contained, or is to be contained, so as to Unauthorized release does not include intentional prevent the seepage of the substance from the withdrawals of hazardous substances for the pur- primary containment. To be product tight, the pri- pose of legitimate sale, use or disposal. mary container shall not be subject to physical or chemical deterioration by the substance which it UNDERGROUND STORAGE FACILITY:A tank, contains over the useful life of the tank. pipe, vessel or other container, or any combina- tion of the foregoing, used or designed to be used REGULATED SUBSTANCES: Any hazardous for the underground storage or underground materials,flammable liquid,combustible liquid,or transmission of regulated substances and the vol- toxic substances which are more particularly de- ume of which (including the volume of the under- fined as: ground pipes connected thereto) is ten percent (10%)or more beneath the surface of the ground. 1. Flammable Liquid: Any liquid having a The underground storage facilities include but are flash point below one hundred degrees(100°) not limited to line leak detectors, monitoring wells, Fahrenheit and having a vapor pressure not continuous automatic leak detection systems,and exceeding forty (40) pounds per square inch secondary containment systems associated (absolute) at one hundred degrees (100°) therewith. Fahrenheit. H. NEW UNDERGROUND STORAGE 2. Combustible Liquid: A liquid having a FACILITIES AND MONITORING flash point at or above one hundred degrees STANDARDS: (100°) Fahrenheit. 1. Applicability:The following subsections 3. Hazardous Materials: Includes such shall apply to all new installations of primary materials as flammable solids, corrosive liq- and secondary containers including leak in- uids, radioactive materials, oxidizing materi- terception and detection systems. als, highly toxic, materials, poisonous gases, reactive materials, unstable materials, hyper- 2. Standards for New Underground Stor- bolic materials and pyrophoric materials as age Facilities: defined in article 9 of the Uniform Fire Code and any substance or mixture of substances a. Primary and secondary levels of con- which is an irritant, a strong sensitizer or tainment shall be required for all new un- which generates pressure through exposure derground storage facilities used for the to heat, decomposition or other means. storage of regulated substances. 4. Toxic Substance: Any material, either b. All primary containers shall be prod- singularly or in combination,which may pose uct-tight and shall be installed in accor- a present or potential hazard to human health dance with all applicable sections of or to the quality of groundwaters when im- article 79 of the Uniform Fire Code. properly used, stored, transported or dis- posed of or otherwise mismanaged including c. All secondary containers shall be fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides. constructed of materials of sufficient thickness, density, and composition to SECONDARY CONTAINMENT: A system which prevent structural weakening of the sec- will completely collect and contain all primary ondary container as a result of contact containment spills and leaks, and contaminated with any released hazardous substance precipitations, until appropriate remedial action and shall be capable of containing any can be determined. 5 - 22 4-5-120H unauthorized release of the hazardous greater than that required in subsection substance stored within the primary con- H2e of this Section. The available pore tainer(s) for at least the maximum antici- space in the secondary container backfill pated period, established by manufac- shall be determined using appropriate turer's specifications, sufficient to allow engineering methods and safety factors detection and removal of the unautho- and shall consider the specific retention rized release. and specific yield of the backfill material, the location of the primary container d. If a hazardous substance has come within the secondary container, and the into contact with the secondary container proposed method of operation for the and either additional primary containers secondary container. exist within the secondary container or the leaking primary container has been h. The secondary container shall be closed as specified in this Section and re- equipped with a collection system to ac- placed by a new primary container, the cumulate, temporarily store, and permit owner shall demonstrate to the satisfac- removal of any precipitation, subsurface tion of the Department that the require- infiltration, or hazardous substance re- ments of subsection H2c of this Section leased from the primary container. are still achievable or replace the sec- ondary container. i. Laminated, coated, or clad materials shall be considered single-walled and e. The secondary container shall have shall not be construed to fulfill the re- the ability to contain the following vol- quirements of both primary and second- umes: ary containment. i. At least one hundred percent j. All primary containers and double- (100%) of the volume of the primary walled underground storage tanks sub- container where only one primary ject to flotations shall be weighted or an- container is within the secondary chored using methods specified by the container. manufacturer or, if none exist, best engi- neering judgment. ii. In the case of multiple primary containers within a single secondary 3. Design Standards for New Primary container, the secondary container Containers and Double-Walled Under- shall be large enough to contain one ground Storage Tanks: hundred fifty percent (150%) of the volume of the largest primary con- a. Cathodically protected steel under- tainer placed in it or ten percent ground storage tanks,steel underground (10%) of the aggregate internal vol- storage tanks clad with glass fibre-rein- ume of all primary containers in the forced plastic, and glass fibre plastic un- secondary container, whichever is derground storage tanks shall be greater. fabricated and designed to standards de- veloped by a nationally recognized inde- f. If the secondary container is open to pendent testing organization or be listed rainfall, then it shall be able to accommo- by the testing organization. date the volume of precipitation which could enter the secondary container dur- b. Underground storage tanks shall be ing a twenty four (24) hour, one hundred tested by the manufacturer or an inde- (100)year storm in addition to the volume pendent testing organization for durability of hazardous substance storage required and chemical compatibility with the regu- in subsection H2e of this Section. lated substances to be stored using rec- ognized engineering practices for g. The volumetric requirements for the materials testing. pore space of a granular material placed in the secondary container as backfill for c. Except for steel underground storage the primary container shall be equal to or tanks,a wear plate (striker plate) shall be 5 - 23 4-5-120H centered under all accessible openings e. All primary containers and double- of the underground storage tank. The walled underground storage tanks shall plate shall be constructed of steel or, if be installed according to the manufac- the steel is not compatible with the regu- turer's written recommendations or, if no lated substance stored, a material resis- written recommendations exist, best en- tant to the stored regulated substance. gineering practice. The width of the plate shall be at least nine inches(9")wide and have an area of f. Underground storage tanks shall be one square foot or be equal to the area of tested before being put into service in ac- the accessible opening or guide tube, cordance with the applicable sections of whichever is larger. The thickness of the the code under which they were built. steel plate shall be at least 0.053 inch The ASME code stamp or listing mark of (1.35 mm), and those constructed of Underwriters Laboratories, Incorporated other materials (as required) shall be of (UL), or any other nationally recognized sufficient thickness to provide equivalent independent testing organization shall be protection.The plate shall be rolled to the evidence of compliance with this require- contours of underground storage tank ment. and bonded or seam welded in place. g. Before being covered, enclosed, or d. Single-walled primary containers of placed in use, all underground storage steel and the outer surface of double- tanks and piping shall be tested for tight- walled underground storage tanks con- ness hydrostatically or with air pressure structed of steel which are not clad with at not less than three (3) pounds per glass fibre reinforced plastic,shall be pro- square inch and not more than five (5) tected by a properly installed,maintained, pounds per square inch. Pressure piping and monitored cathodic protection sys- shall be hydrostatically tested to one hun- ted.Selection of the type of protection to dred fifty percent(150%)of the maximum be employed shall be based on a certifi- anticipated pressure of the system, or cation listing by a nationally recognized pneumatically tested to one hundred ten independent testing organization or the percent (110%) of the maximum antici- judgment of a registered corrosion engi- pated pressure of the system, but not neer or a National Association of Corro- less than five (5) pounds per square inch sion Engineers (NACE) accredited gauge at the highest point of the system. corrosion specialist taking into account This test shall be maintained for a suffi- the corrosion history of the area. Under- cient time to complete visual inspection ground storage tanks with listed corrosion of all joints and connections, but for at resistant materials, nonmetallic glass fi- least ten (10) minutes. In lieu of the ber reinforced plastic coatings, compos- above,a test using accepted engineering ites,or equivalent systems shall be tested practices shall be used. Double-walled immediately prior to installation. underground storage tanks are exempt from the requirements of this Section pro- f. The protection system shall be in- vided that the annular space is monitored spected under the direction of a reg- using either pressure or vacuum testing. istered corrosion engineer or NACE (Ord. 4147, 4-4-1988) corrosion specialist at the frequency specified in the certification or in ac- h. All underground storage tanks shall cordance with the schedule pre- be equipped with an overflow spill protec- scribed by the system designer, but tion system; a combination of "i" and at not less than annually. least one additional method of"ii"through "iv" must be used and is defined as fol- ii. Underground storage tanks in a lows: vault and not backfilled are ex- empted from the requirements of this i. A spill catchment basin which subsection. surrounds the fill pipe and prevents the inflow of the hazardous sub- 5 - 24 4-5-120H stance into the subsurface environ- age of a leak of regulated substances ment. from any part of the primary container to the monitoring location(s). ii. A level sensing device that con- tinuously monitors and indicates the e. Two (2) or more primary containers liquid level in the underground stor- shall not utilize the same secondary con- age tank. tainer if the primary containers store ma- terials that in combination may cause a iii. An audible/visual alarm system fire or explosion; or the production of a triggered by a liquid level sensor to flammable,toxic,or poisonous gas;or the alert the operator of an impending deterioration of a primary or secondary overfill condition. container. iv. An automatic shut-off device that f. Drainage of liquid from within a sec- stops the flow of product being deliv- ondary container shall be controlled in a ered to the underground storage tank manner approved by the Fire Department when the underground storage tank so as to prevent regulated materials from is full. (Ord. 4323, 8-12-1991) being discharged. The liquid shall be an- alyzed to determine the presence of any 4. Standards for Secondary Containers of the regulated substance(s) stored in Including Leak Interception and Detection the primary container prior to initial re- Systems: moval and monthly thereafter for any continuous discharge (removal) to deter- a. The secondary container shall, at a mine the appropriate method for final dis- minimum,encompass the area within the posal. The liquid shall be sampled and system of vertical planes surrounding the analyzed immediately upon an indication exterior of the primary containment unit. of an unauthorized release from the pri- If backfill is placed between the primary mary container. and secondary containment, then an evaluation shall be made of the maxi- g. For primary containers installed com- mum lateral spread of a point leak from pletely beneath the ground surface, the the primary containment over the vertical original excavation for the secondary distance between the primary and sec- container shall have a watertight cover ondary containment.The secondary con- which extends at least one foot (1') be- tainment shall extend an additional yond each boundary of the original exca- distance beyond the vertical planes de- vation. This cover shall be asphalt, scribed above equal to the radius of lat- reinforced concrete, or equivalent mate- eral spread plus one foot (1'). rial which is sloped to drainways leading away from the excavation. Access open- b. The secondary container must be ca- ings shall be constructed as watertight as pable of precluding the inflow of the high- practical. Double-walled underground est groundwater anticipated during the storage tanks and open vaults are exempt life of the underground storage tank into from the requirements of this subsection. the space between the primary and sec- ondary containers. h. The actual location and orientation of the underground storage tanks and ap- c. If the space between the primary and purtenant piping systems shall be indi- secondary containers is backfilled, the cated on as-built drawings of the facility. backfill material shall not preclude the Copies of all drawings and/or plans shall vertical movement of leakage from any be submitted to the Fire Department. part of the primary container. i. The floor of the secondary container d. The secondary container and any shall be constructed on a firm base and, backfill material between the primary and if necessary for monitoring, shall be secondary containers shall be designed sloped to a collection sump.One or more and constructed to promote gravity drain- access casings shall be installed in the 5 - 25 4-5-120H sump and sized to allow removal of col- hazardous substance shall not lected liquid. The access casing shall ex- exceed two percent (2%) of the tend to the ground surface, be perforated original elongation. in the region of the sump, and covered with a locked waterproof cap. If this ac- • The liner membrane material cess casing is within a secured facility,the hardness (brittleness) after requirements for a locked cap may be twenty four (24) hours of immer- waived by the Fire Marshal. The casing sion in the regulated substance shall be thick enough to withstand all an- shall be within five percent (5%) ticipated stresses with appropriate engi- of the original hardness. neering safety factors and constructed of materials that will not be structurally • For a containment test, the rate weakened by the stored hazardous sub- of transport through the liner stance and will not donate, capture, or membrane material of the regu- mask constituents for which analyses will lated substance after a period of be made. twenty four (24) hours shall not exceed six percent (6%) by j. Systems for secondary containment weight of the regulated sub- utilizing membrane liners shall meet the stance being tested. The liquid following requirements: height for the test shall be no greater than that expected in ac- i. The membrane liner shall have a tual site conditions. permeability factor of twenty five one-hundredths (0.25) ounces per • The rate of solubility of the liner square foot per twenty four (24) membrane material in the regu- hours or less. Such permeability lated substance for a period of shall constitute the maximum rate of twenty four(24) hours shall not transport over time of the hazardous exceed one-tenth of one percent substance proposed for storage. (0.1%)by weight of the section of Permeability shall be evaluated ac- liner being tested. cording to accepted engineering practices for materials testing. • The liner seam strength shall be equal to the tensile strength of ii. The membrane liner shall be the parent material when tested considered to have satisfied the re- in accordance with accepted en- quirements of this Section only if the gineering practices for materials liner material meets the following tested. standards. The material properties specified in these standards shall be k. The liner shall be installed under the determined using accepted engi- supervision of a representative of the neering practices for materials membrane liner fabricator or a contractor tested. All certifications of accepted certified by such fabricator. standards are to be forwarded to this Department prior to installation. I. The excavation base and walls for the synthetic liner shall be prepared to the • The volume swell after a twenty liner fabricator's specifications and shall four(24) hour period of immer- be firm, smooth, and free of any sharp sion in the stored hazardous objects or protrusions. substance shall not exceed three percent (3%) of the original liner m. The design of double-walled under- membrane material thickness. ground storage tanks shall allow for mon- itoring of the annular space. • The maximum change in elonga- tion of the liner membrane mate- n. "Sticking"the annular space of a dou- rial at break after twenty four(24) ble-walled underground storage tank as hours of immersion in the stored a monitoring method shall not be allowed 5 - 26 4-5-1201 unless a strike plate or other approved 6. Response Plan for New Underground devices used to protect the underground Storage Facilities: storage tank are located directlyunder 9 the monitoring opening. a. Plan Required: A response plan shall be developed by the permit appli- o. The double-walled underground cant which demonstrates, to the satisfac- storage tank shall be so designed and in- tion of the Fire Marshal, that any stalled that any loss of hazardous sub- unauthorized release will be removed stance from the primary container will from the secondary container within the drain to a specific location within the an- shortest possible time and no longer than nular space, as required, to be detected the time consistent with the ability of the by a monitoring device or method. secondary container to contain the regu- lated substance.This response plan shall p. Any special accessories,fitting,coat- be a condition of the underground stor- ing, or lining not inherent within the initial age facility permit. design of the primary container or dou- ble-walled underground storage tank b. Plan Contents: The response plan shall be approved by a nationally recog- shall include, but is not limited to, the fol- nized, independent testing organization lowing: or a demonstration of integrity with the primary container or double-walled un- i. A description of the proposed derground storage tank shall be required. methods and equipment to be used for removing the hazardous sub- 5. Monitoring Standards for New Under- stance, including the location and ground Storage Facilities: availability of the required equip- ment, if not permanently on-site, and a. The owners or operators of all new an equipment maintenance schedule underground storage facilities shall im- for the equipment located on-site. plement a monitoring program that is ap- proved by the Department and required ii. The name(s) or title(s) of the per- as a condition of the permit. Visual moni- son(s)responsible for authorizing the toring must be implemented unless it is work to be performed. determined by the Department to be un- feasible to visually monitor. I. EXISTING INSTALLATIONS AND MONITORING STANDARDS: b. All monitoring programs shall include a written routine monitoring procedure 1. Continuation:Any underground storage which includes, when applicable: facility in existence as of the effective date of this Section, or for which an installation per- i. the frequency of performing the mit has been obtained prior to the effective monitoring method, date of this Section, shall be allowed to con- tinue in use, so long as it is product-tight. ii. the methods and equipment to be used for performing the monitor- 2. Leaks: Should any existing storage tank ing, and/or its associated piping experience a loss of product, due to leakage or mechanical fail- iii. the location(s) from which the ure, the entire underground storage facility monitoring will be performed, shall be upgraded to meet the requirements for a new underground storage facility as set iv. the name(s) or title(s) of the per- forth in this Section. Should any existing stor- son(s)responsible for performing the age tank experience a loss of product due to monitoring and/or maintaining the a failure in its associated piping, the Fire equipment, and Chief shall have the authority, upon written request of the owner/operator, to waive the v. the reporting format. requirement to replace the entire facility. Such waiver shall be based upon certification 5 - 27 4-5-1201 to the satisfaction of the Chief that the piping tion Area. All owners of existing has been fully repaired. At a minimum, such underground storage facilities subject to certification shall include a product-tight test this Section who are not able to imple- of the facility. ment visual monitoring shall implement one of the following monitoring alterna- 3. Special Requirements for Zone 1 of the tives in conformance with any permit re- Aquifer Protection Area: All existing under- quirements imposed by the Fire Marshal: ground storage facilities which are located in Zone 1 of the Aquifer Protection Area and i. Tank tightness testing and inven- which store regulated substances must corn- tory reconciliation controls. ply with the construction and monitoring stan- dards for new underground storage facilities ii. Testing or monitoring for vapors as set forth in this Section within eighteen(18) within the soil surrounding the U.S.T. months of the date of adoption of this Section. system. 4. Monitoring Standards for Existing Un- iii. Monitoring for products on the derground Storage Facilities: groundwater. a. Monitoring System Required: All iv. Monitoring for releases in an in- owners of existing underground storage terception barrier. facilities which store regulated sub- stances subject to this Section shall im- v. Automatic monitoring of product plement a visual monitoring or alternative level and automatic inventory recon- monitoring system that complies with this ciliation. Section and is approved by the Fire Mar- shal within eighteen (18) months of the vi. Interstitial monitoring between effective date of this Section. the U.S.T. and a secondary barrier. b. Objective:The objective of the mon- vii. Other methods approved by the itoring program for existing underground Fire Department. storage facilities is to detect unauthorized releases within seventy two (72) hours of 5. System Evaluation Criteria: The Fire their occurrence. Department shall evaluate each monitoring alternative proposed by the applicant for a c. Fire Department Approval Re- permit to determine its suitability based on quired: The Fire Department shall re- the following criteria: view the proposed monitoring program and shall approve the monitoring system a. Whenever possible, primary method if it finds that all aspects of the monitoring of monitoring other than groundwater alternative can be implemented. If the monitoring shall be performed, monthly proposed monitoring alternative cannot at a minimum. be approved, then the Fire Department may request the submittal of another pro- b. When the underground storage facil- posed monitoring alternative or may ity is in an Aquifer Protection Area, a specify the implementation of another monitoring method other than groundwa- monitoring alternative. ter monitoring shall be utilized on a weekly or more frequent basis for leak d. Monitoring System Requirements: detection monitoring. The monitoring system must be capable of determining the containment ability of c. Groundwater monitoring may be re- the underground storage tank and detect- quired by the Fire Chief or his designee in ing any active or future unauthorized re- an Aquifer Protection Area.The Fire Mar- leases. Groundwater monitoring may be shal shall review and approve the num- utilized as a primary means of monitoring ber and location of the monitoring well(s). only when the underground storage facil- More than one underground storage fa- ity is located outside of an Aquifer Protec- cility may be monitored using the same 5 - 28 4-5-120J well provided the well is directly downgra- meets the intent and provisions of this Sec- dient of all underground storage facilities tion. being monitored and is within one thou- sand feet (1,000') of all underground 5. Fee: The application for a permit pursu- storage facilities being monitored. ant to this Section shall be accompanied by the fee stipulated in RMC 4-1-150, Fire Pre- 6. Tests: If the monitoring technique(s) se- vention Fees. lected is designed to detect the presence of the stored regulated substance outside of the 6. Permit Conditions: underground storage facility, then tests must be made to determine if the regulated sub- a. Notification of Changes or Re- stance or any interfering constituents exist in lease: the soil or backfill surrounding the under- ground storage facility. i. As a condition of any permit re- quirements to operate an under- 7. Failure to Monitor: The failure to imple- ground storage facility,the permittee ment an approved monitoring system shall be shall report to the Department within cause for the Fire Chief to require closure of thirty (30) days after any changes in the underground storage facility pursuant to the usage of any underground stor- subsection L of this Section, Closure Re- age tank, including: quirements. • The storage of new hazardous J. PERMITS: substances; 1. Permit Required: No person, persons, • Changes in monitoring proce- corporation or other legal entities shall install dure; or or operate a primary or secondary storage fa- cility without first obtaining a permit to do so • The replacement or repair of all from the Fire Department. or part of any underground stor- age facility. 2. Information Required: The Fire Depart- ment shall not issue a permit to install or op- ii. As a condition on any permit re- erate a primary or secondary underground quirement to operate an under- storage facility unless adequate plans, speci- ground storage facility,the permittee fications, test data, and/or other appropriate shall report to the Department within information have been submitted by the seventy two (72) hours any replace- owner and/or operator showing that the pro- ment or repair of all or part of any un- posed design and construction of the facility derground storage facility. meet the intent and provisions of this Section. iii. As a condition of any permit re- 3. Abandonment Prohibited: No person, quirement to operate an under- persons, corporation or other legal entities ground storage facility,the permittee shall temporarily or permanently abandon a shall report to the Department any primary or secondary storage facility. unauthorized release occurrence, within twenty four(24) hours of its de- 4. Closure Procedure: No person, per- tection, using the procedures re- sons, corporation or other legal entities shall quired in this Section. close a primary or secondary underground storage facility without first obtaining a permit b. Monitoring Records Required: to do so from the Fire Marshal. The Fire Mar- Written records of all monitoring per- shal shall not issue a permit to temporarily or formed shall be maintained on-site by the permanently close a primary or secondary un- operator for a period of at least three (3) derground storage facility unless adequate years from the date the monitoring was plans and specifications and other appropri- performed. The Fire Department may re- ate information have been submitted by the quire the submittal of the monitoring applicant showing that the proposed closure records or a summary at a frequency that 5 - 29 4-5-120K they may establish.The written records of storage facility complied with this Section, as all monitoring performed in the past three applicable, and with all existing permit condi- (3) years shall be shown to the Depart- tions. The inspection shall be conducted by ment or duly authorized representative the Fire Department. If the inspection reveals upon demand during any site inspection.. noncompliance, then the Department must Monitoring records shall include: verify by a follow-up inspection that all re- quired corrections have been implemented i. The date and time of all monitor- before renewing the permit. ing or sampling; 10. Implementation of Inspection Re- ii. Monitoring equipment calibration port: Within thirty (30) days of receiving an and maintenance records; inspection report from the Department the permit holder shall file with the Department a iii. The results of any visual obser- plan and time schedule to implement any re- vations; quired modifications to the underground stor- age facility or to the monitoring plan needed iv. The results of all sample analy- to achieve compliance with the intent of this sis performed in the laboratory or in Section or the permit conditions. This plan the field, including laboratory data and time schedule shall also implement all of sheets; the recommendations of the Department. v. The logs of all readings of K. RELEASE REPORTING gauges or other monitoring equip- REQUIREMENTS: ment, groundwater elevations, or other test results; and 1. Reporting Required for All Unautho- rized Releases: All unauthorized releases vi. The results of inventory read- from the primary or secondary container shall ings and reconciliations. be reported to the Fire Department according to the provisions of this Section. 7. Permit Expiration: A permit to operate issued by the Fire Department shall be effec- a. Releases to Secondary Contain- tive for one year. The underground storage ers:All unauthorized releases to second- facility owner shall apply to the Department ary containers shall be recorded on the for permit renewal at least sixty (60) days operator's monitoring reports. Such an prior to the expiration of the permit. unauthorized release shall be deter- mined to be "an unauthorized release re- 8. Transfer of Permit: Permits may be quiring reporting", if the leak detection transferred to a new underground storage fa- monitoring system in the space between cility owner if the new underground storage the primary and secondary containers facility owner does not change any conditions cannot be reactivated within eight (8) of the permit, the transfer is registered with hours. This provision shall be applicable the Department within thirty (30) days of the only to new underground storage tanks. change in ownership, and any necessary modifications are made to the information in b. All Other Releases: All other unau- the initial permit application due to the change thorized releases shall be reported pursu- in ownership. The Fire Department may re- ant to the provisions of an "unauthorized view, modify, or terminate the permit to oper- release requiring reporting"within twenty ate the underground storage facility upon four (24) hours after the release has receiving the ownership transfer request. been, or should have been, detected un- der the monitoring system installed or 9. Inspection Required for Permit Re- maintained. newal: The Fire Department shall not renew an underground storage facility permit unless the underground storage facility has been in- spected within the prior three (3) years and the inspection revealed that the underground 5 - 30 4-5-120K 2. Unauthorized Releases Requiring Re- shall review the permit and may inspect cording: the underground storage facility. a. Definition of Release Requiring e. Revocation of Permit: The Depart- Recording: An unauthorized release re- ment shall find that the containment and quiring recording is one in which the leak monitoring standards of this Section can detection monitoring system in the space continue to be achieved or the Depart- between the primary and secondary con- ment shall revoke the permit until appro- tainer could be reactivated within eight priate modifications are made to allow (8) hours. compliance with the standards. b. Time for Reporting: Unauthorized f. Causes of Container Deterioration: releases requiring recording shall be re- Deterioration of the secondary container ported to the Fire Department within five is likely when any of the following condi- (5) days of the occurrence. tions exist: c. Content of Report: The incident re- i. The secondary container will port shall be accompanied by a written have some loss of integrity due to record including the following informa- contact with the stored hazardous tion: substances; i. List of type, quantities, and con- ii. The mechanical means used to centration of hazardous substances clean up the released hazardous released. substance could damage the sec- ondary container; or ii. Method of cleanup. iii. Hazardous substances, other iii. Method and location of disposal than those stored in the primary con- of the released hazardous sub- tainer, are added to the secondary stances (indicate whether a hazard- container for treatment or neutraliza- ous waste manifest(s) is utilized). tion of the released hazardous sub- stance as part of the cleanup iv. Method of future leak prevention process. or repair. If this involves a change in operation, monitoring or manage- g. Reportable or Recordable Re- ment, then appropriate reports shall lease: If a recordable unauthorized re- also be filed and a new permit ap- lease becomes a reportable unauthorized plied for. release due to initially unanticipated facts, the release shall immediately be treated v. If the primary container is to con- as a reportable release. tinue to be used,then a description of how the monitoring system between 3. Unauthorized Release Requiring Re- the primary and secondary container porting: has been reactivated. a. Time for Notification:Within twenty vi. Facility operator's name and four (24) hours after an unauthorized re- telephone number. lease has been detected, or should have been detected, using required monitor- vii. The approximate costs for ing, the operator shall notify the Fire De- cleanup to be submitted voluntarily. partment. This Section shall apply to any unauthorized release except as defined d. Review and Inspection: The De- in subsection K2a of this Section. partment shall review the information submitted pursuant to the report of an un- b. Time for and Content of Report: authorized release requiring recording, Within five (5) working days of detecting the release, the operator or permittee 5 - 31 4-5-120L shall submit to the Department a full writ- stances are continued to be stored even ten report to include all of the following in- though there is no use being made of the formation which is known at the time of stored substance. In these cases, the appli- filing the report: cable containment and monitoring require- ments of this Section shall continue to apply. i. List of type,quantity, and concen- tration of regulated substances re- 3. General Provisions: leased. a. Compliance with Fire Code Re- ii. The results of all investigations quired: All closures shall be accom- completed at that time to determine plished in conformance with article 79 of the extent of soil or groundwater or the Uniform Fire Code and with the provi- surface water contamination due to sions of this Section. the release. b. Closure Proposal Required: Prior iii. Method of cleanup implemented to closure,the underground storage facil- to date, proposed cleanup actions, ity owner shall submit to the Department and approximate cost of actions a proposal describing how the owner in- taken to date. tends to comply with closure require- ments. The requirement for prior iv. Method and location of disposal submittal is waived if the storage of regu- of the released regulated substance lated substances ceases as a result of an and any contaminated soils or unauthorized release or to prevent or groundwater or surface water. minimize the effects of an unauthorized release. In this situation, the under- v. Proposed method of repair or re- ground storage facility owner shall submit placement of the primary and sec- the required proposal within fourteen(14) ondary containers. days of either the discovery of an unau- thorized release or the implementation of vi. Facility operator's name and actions taken to prevent or minimize the telephone number. effects of the unauthorized release. 4. Subsequent Cleanup Reports Re- 4. Temporary Closure: quired: Until cleanup is complete, the opera- tor or permittee shall submit reports to the a. Applicability: This Section applies Department every month or at a more fre- to those underground storage facilities in quent interval specified by the Department. which storage has ceased for a period of The reports shall include the information re- more than ninety(90)days and less than quested in this Section. three hundred sixty five (365) days and where the owner or operator proposes to L. CLOSURE REQUIREMENTS: retain the ability to use the underground storage facility within a year for the stor- 1. Closure Required: Existing under- age of regulated substances. Under- ground storage facilities which have experi- ground storage facilities temporarily enced an unauthorized release may not be taken out of service for a period of up to repaired and shall be closed pursuant to the ninety (90) days shall continue to be requirements of this Section. During the pe- monitored in conformance with the appli- riod of time between cessation of regulated cable subsections of this Section. substance storage and actual completion of underground storage facility closure, the ap- b. Exception: This Section does not plicable containment and monitoring require- apply to underground storage facilities ments of this Section shall continue to apply. that are empty as a result of the with- drawal of all stored material during nor- 2. Exception: The requirements of this mal operating practice prior to the Section do not apply to those underground planned input of additional regulated sub- storage facilities in which regulated sub- 5 - 32 4-5-120L stances consistent with permit condi- e. Inspection Required: The under- tions. ground storage facility shall be inspected by the owner or operator at least once ev- c. Standards and Requirements for ery three (3) months to assure that the Temporary Closure:The owner or oper- temporary closure actions are still in ator shall comply with all of the following: place. This shall include: i. All residual liquid, solids, or slud- i. Visual inspection of all locked ges shall be removed and handled caps and concrete plugs. pursuant to the requirements of the Fire Department. ii. If locked caps are utilized,then at least one shall be removed to deter- ii. If the underground storage facil- mine if any liquids or other sub- ity contained a regulated substance stances have been added to the that could produce flammable vapors underground storage tank or if there at standard temperature and pres- has been a change in the quantity or sure, then the underground storage type of liquid added pursuant to the facility shall be purged of the flamma- above Section. ble vapors to levels that would pre- clude an explosion or such lower 5. Permanent Closure Requirements: levels as may be required by the Fire Department. a. Applicability: The permanent clo- sure requirements of this Section shall iii. The underground storage tank apply to those underground storage facil- may be filled with a noncorrosive liq- ities in which the storage of regulated uid that is not a regulated substance. substances has ceased for a period of This liquid must be tested by a certi- more than three hundred sixty five (365) fied testing agency and results sub- days or when the owner has no intent mitted to the Department prior to its within the next year to use the under- being removed from the under- ground storage facility for storage of reg- ground storage facility at the end of ulated substances. the temporary closure period. b. Compliance Required: Owners of iv. Except for required venting, all underground storage facilities subject to fill and access locations and piping permanent closure shall comply with all shall be sealed utilizing locked caps the provisions of this Section. or concrete plugs. c. Standards and Requirements for v. Power service shall be discon- Removal of Tanks: An underground nected from all pumps associated storage facility that is required to be per- with the use of the underground stor- manently closed shall have the tanks re- age tank. moved, per article 79 of the Uniform Fire Code. Owners of underground storage d. Modification of Monitoring Re- facilities proposing to permanently close quirements: The monitoring required the facility by removal shall comply with pursuant to the permit may be modified the following requirements: or eliminated during the temporary clo- sure period by the Department. The De- i. All residual liquid, solids, or slud- partment shall consider, in making the ges shall be removed. above decision, the need to maintain monitoring in order to detect unautho- ii. If the underground storage facil- rized releases that may have occurred ity contained a regulated substance during the time the underground storage that could produce flammable vapors facility was used but that have not yet at standard temperature and pres- reached the monitoring locations and sure, then the underground storage been detected. facility, either in part or as a whole, 5 - 33 4-5-120M shall be purged of the flammable va- solid, unless the owner intends to pors to levels that would preclude ex- use the underground storage tank for plosion or such lower levels as may the storage of a nonregulated sub- be required by the Department. stance which is compatible with the previous use of the underground iii. When an underground storage storage facility. facility or any part of an underground storage facility is to be disposed of, iv. A notice shall be filed and re- the owner must document to the De- corded with the County Auditor, partment that proper disposal has which shall describe the exact verti- been completed. cal and area location of the closed underground storage facility, the reg- iv. An owner of an underground ulated substance it contained, and storage facility or any part of an un- the closure method. derground storage facility that is des- tined for a specific reuse shall identify e. Demonstration to Fire Chief: The to the Department the future under- owner of an underground storage facility ground storage facility owner, opera- being closed shall demonstrate to the tor, location of use,and nature of use. satisfaction of the Fire Chief that no un- authorized release has occurred. This v. An owner of an underground demonstration can be based on the on- storage facility or any part of an un- going leak detection monitoring, ground- derground storage facility that is des- water monitoring, or soils sampling per- tined for reuse as scrap material shall formed during or immediately after identify this reuse to the Department. closure activities. If feasible,soil samples shall be taken and analyzed according to d. Standards and Requirements for the following: Abandoning Tank in Place: A tank may be abandoned and closed in place, if it i. If the underground storage facility can be proven that removal of the tank or any portion thereof is removed, could constitute a hazard to the immedi- then soil samples from the soils im- ate structure or underground utilities.The mediately beneath the removed por- closing in place is at the Fire Chief's ap- tions shall be taken. A separate proval. Owners of underground storage sample shall be taken for every two facilities who propose to permanently hundred (200) square feet for under- close a facility in place with prior approval ground storage tanks or every twenty of the Fire Chief shall comply with the fol- (20) lineal feet of trench for piping, at lowing: a minimum. i. All residual liquid, solids, or slud- ii. Soils shall be analyzed for all ges shall be removed. constituents of the previously stored regulated substances and their ii. All piping associated with the un- breakdown or transformation prod- derground storage tank shall be re- ucts. moved and disposed of unless removal might damage structures or M. VARIANCES: other pipes that are being used and The Fire Chief shall have the authority to grant that are contained in a common variances from the specific requirements of this trench, in which case the piping to be Section, if it can be shown that the proposed closed shall be emptied of all con- method of installation, operation, or removal tents and capped. meets the intent of this Section. (Ord. 4147, 4-4-1988) iii. The underground storage tank, except for the piping that is closed N. PENALTIES AND REIMBURSEMENT: pursuant to the above subsection, In addition to any penalties set forth in RMC shall be completely filled with an inert 1-3-2, Civil Penalties, the permittee shall reim- 5 - 34 4-5-1200 burse the City and the local Fire Department for all costs incurred as a result of responding to, containing, cleaning up, or monitoring the clean- ing up and disposal of any spilled or leaked regu- lated substance.(Ord.4147,4-4-1988,Amd.Ord. 4722, 5-11-1998) O. APPEALS: Appeals shall be filed as stipulated in RMC 4-8-110. (Ord. 4147, 4-4-1988, Amd. Ord. 4722, 5-11-1998) 5 - 35 Chapter 6 STREET AND UTILITY STANDARDS SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER 4-6-010 GENERAL STANDARDS APPLICABLE TO DEVELOPER EXTENSIONS TO THE UTILITY SYSTEM 1 A. Conditions and Standards for Constructing Utility Extensions 1 B. Mains to Extend Full Width of Property 1 1. Special Exception for Sanitary Sewer Extensions 1 C. Oversizing of Utilities and Reimbursement by City 1 4-6-020 CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL STANDARDS 1 A. Purpose 1 B. Applicability 1 C. Authority 1 D. Installation of Backflow Prevention Assemblies 2 E. Types of Backflow Prevention Assemblies Required 2 F. Responsibilities of Owner and Utility 3 1. Water Utilities Section 3 2. Plan Review Section 3 3. Owner 3 G. Annual Inspection and Testing Requirements 3 4-6-030 DRAINAGE (SURFACE WATER) STANDARDS 4 A. Purpose 4 B. Administering and Enforcing Authority 4 C. Submission of Drainage Plans 4 1. When Required 4 2. When Plans Not Required 4 D. Development Restrictions in Critical Flood, Drainage and/or Erosion Areas 4 E. Drainage Plan Requirements and Methods of Analysis 5 1. Content 5 2. Special Requirement#13; Aquifer Recharge and Protection Areas 5 a. Threshold 5 b. Requirement 5 3. Additional Requirements in Aquifer Protection Areas — Amendments to King County Surface Water Design Manual, Chapter 1 5 F. Drainage Plan Design Criteria, Drafting Standards and Contents 8 G. Review and Approval of Plan 8 1. Timing and Process 8 2. Fees 8 3. Additional Information 8 H. Bonds and Liability Insurance Required 8 1. Construction Bond 9 2. Maintenance Bond 9 3. Liability Policy 9 I. City Assumption of Maintenance 9 1. Maintenance of Facilities by City Authorized 9 6 - i SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER 2. Notification of Defect Required 10 J. Retroactivity Relating to City Maintenance of Subdivision Facilities 10 K. Drainage Plan Review Procedures 10 1 . Tests 10 L. Alternate Provisions for Material, Construction and Design 10 M. Modifications of Code Requirements 10 N. Violations and Penalties 10 4-6-040 SANITARY SEWER STANDARDS 10 A. Connection to City Sewer Required 10 1 . Exception for Connection to Private Sewage System 10 B. Responsibility for Sewer Management Facilities 11 C. Service Outside of City 11 D. Use of Septic Tanks, Privies or Cesspools 11 E. Permit Required for Connection to City Sewer 11 1. Connection Approval Options 11 2. Permit Classes 11 3. Submittal Requirements and Application Fees 11 F. Public Sewer Standards 11 1. Costs and Damages 11 2. Standards 11 3. Public Sewer Pipe Materials 12 4. Use of Old Sewers 12 5. Manhole Requirements 12 a. Where Required 12 b. Covers 12 c. Connections 12 d. Manhole Requirements for Industrial Wastes 12 6. Lift Station Standards 12 7. Supervision Required 12 8. Public Sewer Extension Requires Developer Agreement 12 G. Private (Building) Sewer Standards 12 1. Independent Sewer Required for Every Building 12 2. Private Sewer Pipe Materials 13 3. Size and Slope 13 4. Special Allowance for Lesser Slope 13 5. Pipe Location, Elevation, Etc. 13 6. Trenching Standards 13 7. Joints and Connections 13 8. Grease, Oil and Sand Interceptors 13 a. When Required 13 b. Type, Capacity and Location 13 c. Construction Materials and Standards 14 d. Maintenance Required 14 9. Inspection 14 10. Precautions While Building 14 11. Restoration of Public Property Required 14 12. Surety Bond Required 14 6 - ii SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER H. Connection of Private (Building) Sewer to Public Sewer 14 1. Location 14 2. Permit and Supervision by Utility Required 14 I. Private Sewage Disposal Standards 14 1. Permit Required 14 2. Inspection and Approval by Utilities Engineer 14 3. Standards and Tests 14 4. Maintenance Requirements and Discharge Prohibitions 15 5. Additional Requirements of Health Officer 15 6. Standards for Abandoning Private Sewage Disposal Facilities 15 J. Additional Requirements that Apply within Zones 1 and 2 of an Aquifer Protection Area 15 1. Zone 1 Requirements 15 2. Zone 2 Requirements 15 4-6-050 STREET PLAN ADOPTED 15 4-6-060 STREET STANDARDS 15 A. Purpose 15 B. Administering and Enforcing Authority 15 C. Applicability 15 D. Exemptions 15 E. Right-of-Way Dedication Required 16 1. Dedication Required for Development 16 2. Amount of Dedication 16 3. Waiver of Dedication 16 F. Public Street and Sidewalk Design Standards 16 1. Level of Improvements 16 2. Minimum Standards 16 a. Public Street Improvement Requirements for Private Development 16 b. Minimum Design Standards for Residential Access Streets 17 c_ Minimum Design Standards for Collector Streets 17 d. Minimum Design Standards for Commercial Access Streets 17 e. Minimum Design Standards for Industrial Access Streets 17 3. Length of Improvements 17 4. Special Design Standards for Arterial Streets 17 5. Grades 17 6. Pavement Thickness 17 a. Alternate Provisions for Material Construction and Design 17 7. Sidewalk Width Minimum and Measurement 17 8. Curves 17 a. Horizontal Curves 17 b. Vertical Curves 18 c. Tangents for Reverse Curves 18 9. Downtown Core Area— Special Standards 18 G. Dead End Streets 18 1. When Permitted 18 2. Cul-de-Sacs and Turnarounds — Minimum Requirements 18 3. Turnaround Design 18 6 - iii SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER 4. Cul-de-Sac Design 18 5. Secondary Access 18 6. Waiver of Turnaround 18 H. Alley Standards 18 1. Access Purpose 18 2. Minimum Alley Design Standards 19 I. Street Lighting Standards 19 1. Average Maintained Illumination 19 2. Uniformity Ratios 19 3. Guidelines 19 J. Private Streets 19 1. When Permitted 19 2. Minimum Standards 19 3. Signage Required 19 4. Easement Required 19 5. Timing of Improvements 19 K. Shared Driveways 19 1. When Permitted 19 L. Timing for Installation of Improvements 19 M. Plan Drafting and Surveying Standards 19 N. Review of Construction Plans 20 1. Submittal 20 2. Fees and Submittal Requirements 20 3. Cost Estimate Required 20 O. Inspections 20 1. Authority and Fees 20 P. Construction Bond Required 20 1. Acceptable Security 20 2. Instructions to Escrow 20 3. Subsequent Conversion to Maintenance Bond 20 Q. Latecomer's Agreements 20 1. Latecomer's Agreements Authorized 20 2. Process for Latecomer's Agreements 20 R. Variations from Standards 20 1. Alternates, Modifications, Waivers, Variances 20 2. Half Street Improvements 20 a. When Permitted 20 b. Minimum Design Standards 21 c. Standards for Completion of the Street 21 3. Reduced Right-of-Way Dedication 21 a. When Permitted 21 b. Additional Easements 21 S. Deferral of Improvement Installation 21 T. Appeals 21 U. Violations and Penalties 21 4-6-070 TRANSPORTATION CONCURRENCY REQUIREMENTS 21 A. Authority and Purpose 21 6 - iv SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER B. Definitions of Terms Used in This Section 21 C. Applicability and Exemptions 22 1. Applicability 22 2. Exemptions 22 D. Concurrency Review Process 23 1. Test Required 23 2. Written Finding Required 23 3. Failure of Test 23 E. Transferability of Written Finding of Concurrency 23 F. Expiration of Written Finding of Concurrency 23 G. Reconsideration of Concurrency Test 23 1. Notification Required 23 2. Reconsideration Authorized 23 3. Timing 23 4. Options to Achieve Concurrency 23 5. One Hundred Twenty (120) Day Time Limit Suspended 24 H. Appeal of Project Application Denial 24 I. Concurrency Inquiry 24 4-6-080 WATER SERVICE STANDARDS 24 A. Compliance Required 24 1. Building Section Responsibility for Report to Engineer 24 B. Connection without Permission Prohibited 24 C. Connection to Water Main Required 24 1. Utilities Engineer Maintenance Responsibility 25 a. Connection Required Prior to Street Paving 25 b. City Notification of Requirement to Connect 25 c. Failure to Connect 25 D. Separate Water Service Connections Required 25 E. Alternative Water Service Connection 25 • F. Water Use for Construction Purposes 26 G. Supervision Required 26 H. Private Water Pipe Requirements 26 1. Acceptable Pipe Materials 26 2. Minimum Pipe Size 26 3. Minimum Pipe Installation Depth 26 4. Minimum Pressure Tolerance 26 5. Sterilization Required 26 6. General Design Requirements 26 I. Meter Size 26 J. Permit Required for Meter Removal or Re-installation 26 K. Installation of Service Prior to Completion of Street Construction 26 4-6-090 UTILITY LINES — UNDERGROUND INSTALLATION 26 A. Purpose 26 B. Applicability 27 C. Exemptions 27 D. Definitions of Terms Used in This Section 27 E. Underground Service Required 28 6 - v SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER 1. When Required 28 a. New Services 28 b. Service Extensions and Rebuilds 28 c. Upon Dedication of Right-of-Way or Easement 28 2. Time Allowed to Convert Existing Above-Ground Facilities 28 a. Business Centers and Industrial Areas 28 b. Retail Business and Public Facilities 28 3. Conversion to Underground Service Required When Property Abuts Underground Project 29 a. City Notice Will Stipulate Time to Disconnect Above-Ground Service 29 b. Service Disconnection Due to Failure to Convert 29 c. Timing for Objections 29 d. Hearing by Council 29 e. Timing of and Authority for Hearing 29 f. Council Decision Final 29 g. General Provisions Applicable 29 F. Responsibility for Conversion and/or Installation Cost 30 1. Conversion 30 2. Installation 30 G. Permits, Plans and Fees 30 1. Underground Permit Required Prior to Work in Public Easements or Right-of-Way 30 a. Fees 30 2. Overhead Permit Required 30 a. Fees 30 3. Permits Not Required for Overhead Pole Lines 30 4. Additional Inspection Fees 30 5. Development Services Division Review of Screening and Setbacks Required Prior to Issuance of Service Permit 30 6. As-Built Plans Required for Underground Projects 30 7. Annual Submittal by Utilities of As-Built Drawings of Underground Facilities Required 30 H. Design Standards 31 1. Standards Applicable 31 2. Coordination with Other Facilities Required 31 3. Street Lighting 31 4. Wheel Load Requirements — Minimum 31 5. Grading of Streets 31 6. Joint Trenches 31 a. Joint Trenches Authorized and Encouraged 31 b. Delay of Permit Issuance to Allow Notice to Other Utilities 31 c. Provision for Joint Services Across Public Right-of-Way Required 31 d. Responsibility for Notice 31 e. Traffic Engineer Responsibility 31 f. Delay of Permit Issuance to Allow Notice to Other Utilities 32 6 - vi SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER 7. Standards for Above-Ground Installations 32 I. Variance Procedures 32 1. Authority 32 2. Review Criteria 32 4-6-100 DEFINITIONS OF TERMS USED IN THIS CHAPTER 32 6 -vii 4-6-020C 4-6-010 GENERAL STANDARDS subdivider, owners or developers immediately APPLICABLE TO DEVELOPER abutting upon the street, alley or easement in EXTENSIONS TO THE UTILITY which such a main is to be placed,then the City SYSTEM: may, at its discretion, require the installation of such a larger sized main in which case the City shall pay the increased difference in cost between A. CONDITIONS AND STANDARDS FOR the installation cost of the similar main and of the CONSTRUCTING UTILITY EXTENSIONS: larger main. (Ord. 2849, 5-13-1974) The City's Utility Division shall publish from time to time a "Conditions and Standards for Con- Any party required to oversize utilities may re- structing Utility Developer Extensions". All devel- quest that utility participate in the cost of the oper extensions shall abide and fully comply with project. (Ord. 4506, 4-10-1995 and Ord. 4415, said Standards. From time to time these Stan- 8-16-1993) dards shall be updated in accordance with the "Standard Specifications for Municipal Public Works Construction of the American Public 4-6-020 CROSS CONNECTION Works Association", "Recommended Standards CONTROL STANDARDS: for Sewage Work", the American Water Works Association (AWWA) Standards, Insurance Ser- A. PURPOSE: vices Office (ISO) requirements, the American Public Works Association(APWA)Standards and 1. National standards of safe drinking water with prevailing good practices relative to such ex- have been established. The City, as a water tension and installations. (Ord. 3056, 8-9-1976 purveyor, has the primary responsibility for and Ord. 3055, 8-9-1976, eff. 7-1-1976) preventing water from unapproved sources, B. MAINS TO EXTEND FULL WIDTH OF or any other substances, from entering the public potable water system. (Ord. 4312, PROPERTY: 5-13-1991) All extensions shall extend to and across the full width of the property served with water and 2. This Section is to protect the health of the sewer. No property shall be served with City wa- water consumer and the potability of the wa- ter or sewer unless the main is extended to the ter in the distribution system. This is accom- extreme boundary limit of said property line ex- plished by eliminating or controlling all actual tending full length of the front footage of said (direct) and potential (indirect) cross connec- property. (Ord. 2849, 5-13-1974) tions between potable and nonpotable sys- tems through the use of approved backflow 1. Special Exception for Sanitary Sewer prevention assemblies. Extensions: All installations shall extend to and across the full width of the property B. APPLICABILITY: served with sanitary sewer except when it is This Chapter applies throughout the water ser- shown by engineering methods, to the satis- vice area of the City. It applies to all systems in- faction of the wastewater utility,that future ex- stalled prior to or after its enactment. Therefore, tension of the sewer main is not possible or anyone wanting or using water from the City is re- necessary. If an exemption is granted, the sponsible for compliance with these regulations property owner is not relieved of the respon- and shall be strictly liable for all damage incurred sibility to extend the main and shall execute a as a result of failure to comply with the express covenant agreeing to participate in an exten- terms and provisions contained herein. sion if, in the future, the wastewater utility de- termines that it is necessary. (Ord. 4343, C. AUTHORITY: 2-3-1992) The Administrator of the Department of Planning/ Building/Public Works will administer the provi- C. OVERSIZING OF UTILITIES AND sions of the Chapter. He/she will designate cross REIMBURSEMENT BY CITY: connection specialists and propound all needful If it has been determined that it would be to the rules and regulations to implement these provi- best interests of the City and the general locality sions. The Water Utility Section of the Utility Sys- to be benefited thereby to install a larger size tems Division will be responsible for monitoring main than one then needed or considered by the 6 - 1 4-6-020D and inspecting all existing cross connection as- 9. Piers and docks. semblies and for keeping all records generated by the cross connection control program. The 10. Sewage treatment plants. Plan Review Section of the Development Ser- vices Division will be responsible for reviewing all 11. Food or beverage processing plants. new and revised plans for cross connections. 12. Chemical plants using a water process. D. INSTALLATION OF BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLIES: 13. Metal plating industries. Backflow prevention assemblies required by this Chapter must be installed so as to be readily ac- 14. Petroleum processing or storage plants. cessible for maintenance and testing. All assem- blies shall be connected at the meter,the property 15. Radioactive material processing plants line when meters are not used, or within any pre- or nuclear reactors. mises where, in the judgment of the City Cross Connection Control Specialist, the nature and ex- 16. Car washes. tent of activity on the premises or the materials used or stored on the premises could present a 17. Process waters or cooling towers. health hazard should a cross connection occur. This includes: 18. Fire sprinkler systems. 1. Premises having an auxiliary water sup- 19. Irrigation systems. ply. 20. Solar hot water systems. 2. Premises having internal cross connec- tions that are not correctable, or intricate 21. Others specified by the Administrator of plumbing arrangements which make it im- the Department of Planning/Building/Public practical to ascertain whether or not cross Works. connections exist. E. TYPES OF BACKFLOW PREVENTION 3. Premises where entry is restricted so that ASSEMBLIES REQUIRED: inspections for cross connections cannot be Specific types of backflow prevention assemblies made with sufficient frequency or at sufficient are required in the following conditions: short notice to assure that cross connections do not exist. 1. An air-gap separation or reduced princi- ple backflow prevention assembly shall be in- 4. Premises having a repeated history of stalled where the water supply may be cross connections being established or re-es- contaminated by industrial waste of a toxic tablished. nature or any other contaminant which would cause a health or system hazard. 5. Premises on which any substance is han- dled under pressure so as to permit entry into 2. An air gap must be used between a pota- the public water system, or where a cross ble water supply and sewer connected connection could reasonably be expected to wastes. occur. This includes the handling of process waters and cooling waters. 3. Lawn sprinkler or irrigation systems, which are supplied by City water only, shall 6. Premises where materials of a toxic or be required to have a pressure vacuum hazardous nature are handled such that if breaker. If such system contains an auxiliary backsiphonage should occur,a health hazard pump or is subject to chemical additives a may result. double-check valve assembly, air-gap sepa- ration or a reduced pressure principle back- 7. Hospitals, mortuaries, clinics. flow prevention assembly will be required. 8. Laboratories. 6 - 2 4-6-020G F. RESPONSIBILITIES OF OWNER AND tester any and all backflow preventers on UTILITY: his premises. 1. Water Utilities Section: c. The owner shall return to the City the assembly test reports within thirty (30) a. The Water Utilities Section will per- days after receipt of the yearly test notifi- form evaluations and inspections of cation. plans/or premises of all existing facilities and inform the owner, by letter, of any d. The owner shall inform the Water corrective action deemed necessary, the Utilities Section of any proposed or mod- method of achieving the correction and ified cross connections. the time allowed for the correction to be made. e. Owners who cannot shut down oper- ation for testing of assemblies must pro- b. The Water Utilities Section shall in- vide bypass piping with an additional sure that all backflow prevention assem- backflow assembly at their expense. blies are tested annually to insure satisfactory operation. f. The owner shall only install backflow preventers which are approved by the c. The Water Utilities Section shall in- Washington State Department of Health. form the owner,by letter, of any failure to comply by the time of the first reinspec- g. The owner shall install backflow pre- tion.An additional fifteen(15)days will be venters only in a manner approved by the allowed for the correction. In the event Washington State Department of Health. the owner fails to comply with the neces- sary correction by the time of the second h. The owner may be required to install reinspection, the Water Utilities Section a backflow preventer at the service en- will inform the owner, by letter, that the trance if a private water source is main- water service to the owner's premises will tained on his premises, even if it is not be terminated within a period not to ex- cross connected to the City's system. ceed five (5) days. i. Failure of the owner to cooperate in d. If the Water Utilities Section deter- the installation, maintenance, repair, in- mines at any time that a serious threat to spection and testing of backflow preven- the public health exists,the water service ters required by this Section shall be will be terminated immediately and with- grounds for the termination of water ser- out notice. vice or the requirements of an air-gap separation. 2. Plan Review Section: On new installa- tions the Plan Review Section will provide on- G. ANNUAL INSPECTION AND TESTING site evaluation and/or inspection of plans in REQUIREMENTS: order to determine if cross connections exist All reduced pressure principle backflow assem- and what type of backflow preventer, if any, blies, double check valve assemblies, pressure will be required before a water meter permit vacuum breaker assemblies and air gaps in- can be issued. stalled in lieu of a backflow preventer shall be in- spected and tested annually, or more often when 3. Owner: successive inspections indicate failure. All in- spections and testing will be performed by a Ger- a. The owner shall be responsible for tified tester. The test reports shall be returned to the elimination or protection of all cross the City within thirty (30) days after receipt of the connections on his property. yearly test notification. (Ord. 4312, 5-13-1991) b. The owner, whether notified by the City or not, shall at his expense install, maintain and have tested by a certified 6 - 3 4-6-030A 4-6-030 DRAINAGE (SURFACE h. Building permits. Where the permit WATER) STANDARDS: relates to a single family residential struc- ture of less than five thousand (5,000) A. PURPOSE: square feet,the Administrator may waive It is the purpose of this Section to promote and the plan requirement except where the develop policies with respect to and to preserve subject property is in a critical area, as the City's watercourses and to minimize water determined under subsection D of this quality degradation by previous siltation, sedi- Section; mentation and pollution of creeks, streams, riv i. Planned unit development; ers, lakes and other bodies of water to protect property owners tributary to developed and unde j. Site plan approvals; veloped land from increased runoff rates and to insure the safety of roads and rights-of-way. (Ord. 3174, 11-21-1977) k. Any other development or permit ap- plication which will affect the drainage in B. ADMINISTERING AND ENFORCING any way. AUTHORITY: The plan submitted during one permit ap- The Administrator of the Planning/Building/Public proval process may be subsequently submit- Works is designated as the Administrator and is ted with further required applications. The responsible for the general administration and co- plan shall be supplemented with additional in- ordination of this Section. All provisions of this formation at the request of the Department of Section shall be enforced by the Administrator Public Works. and/or his designated representatives. For such purposes,the Administrator or his duly authorized 2. When Plans Not Required:The plan re- representative shall have the power of a police of- quirement established in subsection C1 of ficer. this Section shall not apply when the Depart- ` ment determines that the proposed permit C. SUBMISSION OF DRAINAGE PLANS: and/or activity: 1. When Required: All persons applying a. Will not seriously and adversely im- for any of the following permits and/or ap- pact the water quality conditions of any provals shall submit for approval, unless ex- affected receiving bodies of water;and/or pressly exempted under subsection C2 of this Section, a drainage plan with their appli- b. Will not substantially alter the drain- cation and/or request: age pattern, increase the peak discharge and cause any other adverse effects in a. Mining, excavation and grading per- the drainage area. mit; c. Additionally,the plan requirement es- b. Shoreline management substantial tablished in subsection C1 of this Section development permit; shall not apply to single family residences when such structures are less than five c. Flood control zone permit; thousand (5,000)square feet, unless the Major plat; subject property is in a critical area as de- d. termined under subsection D of this Sec- tion. e. Short plat approval, except where each lot contains thirty five thousand D. DEVELOPMENT RESTRICTIONS IN (35,000) square feet or more; CRITICAL FLOOD, DRAINAGE AND/OR f. Special permits; EROSION AREAS: Development which would increase the peak flow g. Temporary permits; and/or the volume of discharge from the existing flooding, drainage and/or erosion conditions pre- sents an imminent likelihood of harm to the wel- 6 -4 4-6-030E fare and safety of the surrounding community Chapter 1:The following sections of chapter until such a time as the community hazard is alle- 1 of the King County Surface Water Design viated. Where applications of the provisions of Manual (which has been incorporated in the this Section will deny all reasonable uses of the Renton Municipal Code by reference) is property, the restriction on development con- hereby amended to read as follows by adding tained in this Section may be waived for the sub- additional requirements following the end of ject property; provided, that the resulting each section: development shall be subject to all of the remain- ing terms and conditions of this Section. (Ord. a. Section 1.2.1, CORE REQUIRE- 3174, 11-21-1977) MENT#1: DISCHARGE AT THE NATU- RAL LOCATION: E. DRAINAGE PLAN REQUIREMENTS AND METHODS OF ANALYSIS: i. Requirements that Apply with- in Zones 1 and 2 of an Aquifer Pro- 1. Content: All persons applying for any of tection Area: Surface water and the permits and/or approvals contained in stormwater runoff from a proposed subsection Cl of this Section shall provide a project that proposes to construct drainage plan for surface water flows enter- new,or modify existing drainage facil- ing, flowing within and leaving the subject ities must be discharged at the natu- property. The drainage plan and supportive ral location so as not to be diverted calculation report(s) shall be stamped by a onto, or away from, the adjacent professional civil engineer registered in the downstream property, except that State of Washington.The drainage plan shall surface and storm runoff from new or be prepared in conformance with the Core existing impervious surfaces subject and Special Requirements contained in sec- to vehicular use or storage of chemi- tion 1.2 and 1.3 of chapter 1, the hydrologic cals should be discharged at the lo- analysis methods contained in chapter 3,the cation and in the manner which will hydraulic analysis and design criteria in chap- provide the most protection to the ter 4, and the erosion/sedimentation control aquifer, as directed and approved by plan and practices contained in chapter 5 of the Stormwater Utility and the Water the current King County Surface Water De- Utility. sign Manual, except where amended or ap- pended by the Department. (Ord. 4367, ii. Discharge from the project must 9-14-1992) produce no significant adverse im- pact to the downhill property. Where 2. Special Requirement#13; Aquifer Re- no conveyance system exists at the charge and Protection Areas: adjacent downstream property line or other acceptable location and the a. Threshold: If a proposed project lies discharge was previously unconcen- within an Aquifer Recharge and/or Pro- trated flow, the runoff must: tection Area as defined and designed by City ordinance and as indicated on the • Be conveyed across the down- Aquifer Recharge and Protection Map at stream properties to an accept- the City Permit Counter. able discharge point(see CORE REQUIREMENT#2; OFF-SITE b. Requirement: Then the proposed ANALYSIS in§ 1.2.2),with drain- project drainage review and engineering age easement secured from the plans shall be prepared in accordance downstream owners and re- with the special requirements, methods corded at the King County Office of analysis and design standards that of Records and Elections prior to have been adopted for aquifer recharge drainage plan approval, OR and protection areas by City ordinance. • Be discharged onto a rock pad 3. Additional Requirements in Aquifer shaped in a manner so as to dis- Protection Areas—Amendments to King perse flow (see Figure 4.3.51) if County Surface Water Design Manual, the runoff is less than 0.2 cfs run- 6 - 5 4-6-030E off rate for the one hundred(100) iii. The biofiltration design flow rate year, twenty four(24) hour dura- shall be based on the peak rate of tion design storm event existing runoff for the two(2)year,twenty four site conditions. (24) hour duration design storm event total precipitation. Note, biofil- b. Section 1.2.3, CORE REQUIRE- tration facilities installed following MENT#3; RUNOFF CONTROL, "Biofil- peak rate runoff control facilities may tration": be sized to treat the allowable re- lease rate(predeveloped)for the two i. Requirements for Zone 1 of an (2) year, twenty four (24) hour dura- Aquifer Protection Area: Proposed tion design storm event for the peak project runoff resulting from more rate runoff control facility. Biofiltration than five thousand (5,000) square facilities installed prior to peak rate feet of impervious surface, and sub- runoff control facilities shall be sized ject to vehicular use or storage of based on the developed conditions chemicals, shall not be treated prior with the design flow rate being the to discharge from the project site by peak rate of runoff resulting from the on-site biofiltration measures but water quality design storm event as shall instead be treated by a wetvault described in subsection E3i of this meeting the design criteria contained Section, § 1.3.5, SPECIAL RE- in subsection E3h of this Section, QUIREMENT#5; SPECIAL WATER § 1.3.5 SPECIAL REQUIREMENT QUALITY CONTROLS. #5; SPECIAL WATER QUALITY CONTROLS, and then a coalescing c. Section 1.2.3, CORE REQUIRE- plate oil/water separator meeting the MENT#3; RUNOFF CONTROL, "Deten- design criteria contained in subsec- tion Facilities": tion E3j of this Section, § 1.3.6 SPE- CIAL REQUIREMENT#6; i. Requirements for Zone 1 of an COALESCING PLATE OIL/WATER Aquifer Protection Area:The City of SEPARATORS. Note, storm deten- Renton prohibits the construction of tion (if needed) must occur prior to new detention ponds to control the these water quality facilities, the wa- peak rate of runoff from new or exist- ter surface area and volume con- ing impervious surfaces subject to tained in the coalescing plate oil vehicular use or storage of chemi- separator shall be creditable towards cals. meeting the size requirement of the last cell in the upstream wetvault. d. Section 1.2.3, CORE REQUIRE- MENT#3; RUNOFF CONTROL, "Runoff ii. Requirements for Zone 2 of an Control": Aquifer Protection Area: Proposed project runoff resulting from more i. Requirements for Zone 1 of an than five thousand (5,000) square Aquifer Protection Area: The City feet of impervious surface, and sub- of Renton prohibits the construction ject to vehicular use or storage of of new detention ponds to control the chemicals, shall be treated prior to peak rate of runoff from new or exist- discharge from the project site by on- ing impervious surfaces subject to site biofiltration measures as de- vehicular use or storage of chemi- scribed in § 4.6.3 in chapter 4 of the cals. King County Surface Water Design Manual.All biofiltration facilities must e. Section 1.2.3, CORE REQUIRE- be lined using the design criteria de- MENT#3; RUNOFF CONTROL, "Infiltra- scribed in the section "Liner to Pre- tion Facilities": vent Groundwater Contamination"in the introduction to§ 4.6, Water Qual- i. Requirement for Zone 1 of an ity Facility Design. Aquifer Protection Area: The City of Renton prohibits the construction 6 - 6 4-6-030E of new infiltration facilities to control ject to vehicular use or storage of the peak rate of runoff from new or chemicals. Said impervious surface existing impervious surfaces subject shall be provided with the proper to vehicular use or storage of chemi- catchbasins and a pipeline storm cals. drainage system in order to collect surface water runoff and direct it into f. Section 1.2.4, CORE REQUIRE- the downstream drainage convey- MENT#4;CONVEYANCE SYSTEM "(4) ance system. For new drainage ditches or channels": ii. Requirements for Zone 2 of an i. Requirements for Zone 1 of an Aquifer Protection Area: Proposed Aquifer Protection Area: New projects shall provide an impervious drainage ditches or channels shall surface for all new or existing areas not be employed to convey the runoff that will be subject to vehicular use or resulting from impervious surface storage of chemicals. Said impervi- that is subject to vehicular use or ous surface shall be provided with storage of chemicals. the proper catchbasins and a pipe- line storm drainage system in order ii. Requirements for Zone 2 of an to collect surface water runoff and di- Aquifer Protection Area: New rect it into the downstream drainage drainage ditches or channels shall conveyance system. only be employed when a pipe sys- tem is not feasible. New drainage h. Section 1.3.5, SPECIAL REQUIRE- ditches or channels shall be lined us- MENT#5; SPECIAL WATER QUALITY ing the design criteria, and existing CONTROLS: drainage ditches or channels recon- structed, to convey the peak runoff i. Requirements for Zone 1 of an from the twenty five (25) year design Aquifer Protection Area: storm using the design criteria de- scribed in the section "Liner to Pre- • Threshold:If a proposed project vent Groundwater Contamination"in will discharge runoff from more the introduction to § 4.6, Water Qual- than five thousand (5,000) ity Facility Design and the Methods of square feet of impervious sur- Analysis described in §4.3.7 in face that will be subject to vehic- chapter 4 of the King County Surface ular use or storage of chemicals. Water Design Manual with a free- board to overflow of 0.5 feet. In addi- • Requirement: Then a wetvault tion, new drainage ditches or meeting the standards described channels must be demonstrated to above shall be employed to treat convey the peak runoff from the one a project's runoff prior to treat- hundred (100) year design storm ment by the coalescing plate oil/ without overtopping. water separator and discharge from the project site. New or ex- g. Section 1.2.4, CORE REQUIRE- isting retrofitted wetvaults and MENT#4; CONVEYANCE SYSTEM, appurtenances shall meet the "Composition": Pipeline Requirements specified in RMC 8-8-6D of the Aquifer i. Requirements for Zone 1 of an Protection Regulations. Aquifer Protection Area: New con- veyance systems shall be con- structed in accordance with the Pipeline Requirements specified in RMC 8-8-6D of the Aquifer Protection Regulations. Proposed projects shall provide an impervious surface for all new or existing areas that will be sub- 6 - 7 4-6-030F i. Section 1.3.5, SPECIAL REQUIRE- • Requirement: Then a coalesc- MENT#5; SPECIAL WATER QUALITY ing plate,or equivalent,oil/water CONTROLS: separator(as described above) shall be employed to treat this i. Requirements for Zone 2 of an runoff following wetvault treat- Aquifer Protection Area: ment and storm detention and discharge from the project site. • Threshold: If a proposed project (Ord. 4367, 9-14-1992) will construct more than one acre of impervious surface that will be F. DRAINAGE PLAN DESIGN CRITERIA, subject to vehicular use or stor- DRAFTING STANDARDS AND age of chemicals, and CONTENTS: The drainage plan shall be prepared in conform- Proposes direct discharge of ance with the Department's construction plan runoff to a regional facility, re- drafting standards and contents, the City's Stan- ceiving water, lake, wetland, or dard Specifications for Municipal Construction closed depression without on- and Standard Detail documents, and the design site peak rate runoff control; OR criteria, construction materials, practices, and standard details contained in chapters 3,4 and 5 The runoff from the project will of the current King County Surface Water Design discharge into a Type 1 or 2 Manual; provided, that the Department's stan- stream,or Type 1 wetland,within dards and design criteria will take precedent and one mile from the project site; prevail in any interpretation of conflicting or con- OR tradictory standards and design criteria. (Ord. 4269, 5-21-1990) An infiltration facility will be used to provide the peak rate runoff G. REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF PLAN: control for site sub-basin areas with more than one acre of new 1. Timing and Process:All storm drainage or existing impervious surface plans prepared in connection with any of the that will be subject to vehicular permits and/or approvals listed in subsection use or storage of chemicals. C1 of this Section shall be submitted for re- view and approval to the Development Ser- • Requirement: Then a wetpond vices Division. If no action is taken by the City meeting the standards described after submission of final drainage plans within above shall be employed to treat forty five(45)days,then such plan is deemed a project's runoff prior to dis- approved. (Ord. 3174, 11-21-1977) charge from the site. A wetvault or water quality swale, as de- 2. Fees: Fees shall be as listed in RMC scribed above, may be used 4-1-180B. (Ord. 4722, 5-11-1998) when a wetpond is not feasible. 3. Additional Information: The permit ap- j. Section 1.3.6, SPECIAL REQUIRE- plication shall be supplemented by any plans, MENT#6; COALESCING PLATE OIL/ specifications or other information consid- WATER SEPARATORS: ered pertinent in the judgment of the Admin- istrator or his duly authorized representative. i. Requirements for Zone 1 of an (Ord. 3174, 11-21-1977) Aquifer Protection Area: Threshold: If a proposed project H. BONDS AND LIABILITY INSURANCE • REQUIRED: will discharge runoff from more than five thousand (5,000) The Development Services Division shall require square feet of impervious sur all persons constructing retention/detention facili- face that will be subject to vehic ties to post with the Administrator surety and cash ular use or storage of chemicals. bonds or certified check in the amount of one and one-half (1-1/2)times the estimated cost of con- 6 - 8 4-6-0301 struction. Where such persons have previously Administrator to correct deficiencies in posted, or are required to post, other such bonds said maintenance affecting public health, with the Administrator, either on the facility itself safety and welfare, must be posted and or on other construction related to the facility, maintained throughout the three (3) year such person may, with the permission of the Di- maintenance period. The amount of the rector and to the extent allowable by law,combine cash bond or surety bond shall be in the all such bonds into a single bond; provided, that amount of one and one-half(1-1/2)times at no time shall the amount thus bonded be less the estimated cost of maintenance for a than the total amount which would have been re- three (3) year period. quired in the form of separate bonds; and pro- vided further, that such bond shall on its face 3. Liability Policy: The person con- clearly delineate those separate bonds which it is structing the facility shall maintain a liabil- intended to replace. ity policy during such private ownership with policy limits of not less than one hun- 1. Construction Bond: Prior to corn- dred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) per mencing construction the person con- individual, three hundred thousand dol- structing the facility shall post a lars ($300,000.00) per occurrence and construction bond in an amount sufficient fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) prop- to cover the cost of conforming said con- erty damage,which shall name the City of struction with the approved drainage Renton as an additional insured without plans. In lieu of a bond,the applicant may cost to the City and which shall protect the elect to establish a cash escrow account City of Renton from any liability, cost or with his bank in an amount deemed by expenses for any accident, negligence, the Administrator to be sufficient to reim- failure of the facility,omission or any other burse the City if it should become neces- liability whatsoever relating to the con- sary for the City to enter the property for struction or maintenance of the facility. the purpose of correcting and/or eliminat- Said liability policy shall be maintained for ing hazardous conditions relating to soil the duration of the facility by the owner of stability and/or erosion. The instructions the facility, provided that in the case of fa- to the escrowee shall specifically provide cilities assumed by the City of Renton for that after prior written notice unto the maintenance pursuant to subsection I of owner and his failure to correct and/or this Section, said liability policy shall be eliminate existing or potential hazardous terminated when said City maintenance conditions and his failure to timely rem- responsibility commences. edy same, the escrowee shall be autho- rized without any further notice to the I. CITY ASSUMPTION OF owner or his consent to disburse the nec- MAINTENANCE: essary funds unto the City of Renton for the purpose of correcting and/or eliminat- 1. Maintenance of Facilities by City Au- ing such conditions complained of. After thorized:The City of Renton is authorized to determination by the Department that all assume the maintenance of retention/deten- facilities are constructed in compliance tion facilities after the expiration of the three with the approved plans,the construction (3) year maintenance period in connection bond shall be released. with the subdivision of land if: 2. Maintenance Bond: After satisfac- a. All of the requirements of subsection tory completion of the facilities and re- F of this Section have been fully complied lease of the construction bond by the with; City, the person constructing the facility shall commence a three (3) year period b. The facilities have been inspected of satisfactory maintenance of the facility. and approved by the Department after A cash bond, surety bond or bona fide their first year of operation; contract for maintenance with a third party for the duration of this three(3)year c. The surety bond required in subsec- period,to be approved by the Administra- tion H of this Section has been extended tor and to be used at the discretion of the 6 - 9 4-6-030J for one year covering the City's first year Code or by other recognized test standards. of maintenance; If there are no recognized and accepted test methods for the proposed alternate, the Ad- d. All necessary easements entitling ministrator shall determine test procedures. the City to properly maintain the facility Suitable performance of the method or mate- have been conveyed to the City; rial may be evidence of compliance meeting the testing requirement. (Ord. 4269, e. It is recommended by the Adminis- 5-21-1990) trator and concurred in by the City Coun- cil that said assumption of maintenance L. ALTERNATE PROVISIONS FOR would be in the best interests of the City. MATERIAL, CONSTRUCTION AND DESIGN: 2. Notification of Defect Required: The See RMC 4-9-250E. (Ord. 4722, 5-11-1998) owner of said property shall throughout the maintenance period notify the City in writing if M. MODIFICATIONS OF CODE any defect or improper working of the drain- REQUIREMENTS: age system has come to his notice. Failure to See RMC 4-9-250D. (Ord. 4722, 5-11-1998) so notify the City shall give the City cause to reject assumption of the maintenance of the N. VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES: facility at the expiration of the three (3) year Penalties for any violation of any of the provisions maintenance period,or within one year of the of this Section shall be in accord with RMC 1-3-2, discovery of the defect or improper working, whichever period is the latest in time. Civil Penalties. (Ord. 4351, 5-4-1992) J. RETROACTIVITY RELATING TO CITY 4-6-040 SANITARY SEWER MAINTENANCE OF SUBDIVISION STANDARDS: FACILITIES: If any person constructing retention/detention fa- A. CONNECTION TO CITY SEWER cilities and/or receiving approval of drainage plans REQUIRED: prior to the effective date of this Section re-as- The owner of each house, building or property sesses the facilities and/or plans so constructed used for human occupancy, employment, recre- and/or approved and demonstrates,to the Admin ation or other purpose, situated within the City istrator's satisfaction,total compliance with the re and abutting on any street, alley or right-of-way in quirements of this Section the City may, after in which there is now located or may in the future be spection, approval and acknowledgment of the located a public sanitary or combined sewer of proper posting of the required bonds as specified the City which said public sewer is within three in subsection H of this Section, assume mainte hundred thirty feet (330') of the property line and nance of the facilities. (Ord. 3174, 11 21 1977) which has been determined to be a health hazard PLAN REVIEW by the City or the Seattle-King County Health De- K.K DRAINAGE GE partment,or its successor agencies, or which has participated and been included in a local improve- The drainage plan and supportive calculations ment district, is hereby required at the owner's ex- shall be reviewed by the Department using the pense to install suitable toilet facilities therein and Department's construction plan review proce- to connect such facilities directly with the proper dures in coordination with all other applicable City public sewer in accordance with the provisions of permit review procedures. this Chapter,within ninety(90)days after the date of official notice to do so. 1. Tests: Whenever there is insufficient ev- idence of compliance with any of the provi- 1. Exception for Connection to Private sions of this Code or evidence that any mate- Sewage System:Where a public sanitary or rial or construction does not conform to the combined sewer is not available under the requirements of this Code, the Administrator provisions of this Chapter,the building sewer may require tests as proof of compliance to shall be connected to a private sewage dis- be made at no expense to this jurisdiction. posal system complying with the provisions Test methods shall be as specified by this of this Section. (Ord. 4343, 2-3-1992) 6 - 10 4-6-040F B. RESPONSIBILITY FOR SEWER 1. Connection Approval Options: Per- MANAGEMENT FACILITIES: mission to make connection to the public Any facility improvements identified by the current sewer shall consist of either: adopted long-range wastewater management plan(comprehensive sewer system plan)that are a. A developer extension agreement, not installed or in the process of being installed wherein permission is granted to make must be constructed by the property owner(s) or an extension to a public sewer, or developer(s) desiring service. (Ord. 4343, 2-3-1992) b. A building sewer permit,wherein per- mission is granted to make a connection C. SERVICE OUTSIDE OF CITY: from private property to a public sewer. A Sewer service to properties outside the City's cor- building sewer permit shall include per- porate limits will be permitted under the following mission to construct a side sewer when- conditions: ever it is required to complete connection. 1. The property shall be within the City's adopted Potential Annexation Area (PAA) or 2. Permit Classes:There shall be three (3) approved Sanitary Sewer Service Boundary; classes of building sewer permits: and a. For residential service; 2. The Planning/Building/Public Works De- partment mandates design standards and cri- b. For commercial service; and teria for the property(ies) requesting service without annexation. King County Boundary c. For industrial service. (Ord. 3832, Review Board approval of service and service 8-13-1984) agreements with adjacent districts will be ob- tained, when necessary, prior to issuance of 3. Submittal Requirements and Applica- the public works permit. The property owner tion Fees: In each case the owner or his duly will obtain and pay for all required permits, in- authorized agent or representative shall cluding but not limited to City side sewer per- make application in writing on a special form mits and County right-of-way permit (if furnished by the City for said purposes. The necessary). The property owners will be re- permit application shall be supplemented by sponsible for their fair share of the cost of the any plans, specifications or other information installation of the sewer main either through considered pertinent in the judgment of the direct costs or latecomer's assessments; and Development Services Division. The permit and inspection fees shall be as listed in RMC 3. The rates to such special users shall be 4-1-180. as stipulated in RMC 8-5-15. (Ord. 4467, 8-22-1994; Amd. Ord. 4677, 8-4-1997) F. PUBLIC SEWER STANDARDS: D. USE OF SEPTIC TANKS, PRIVIES OR 1. Costs and Damages: All costs and ex- CESSPOOLS: pense incident to the installation and connec- Except as hereinafter provided, it shall be unlaw- tion of the building sewer shall be borne by ful to construct or maintain any privy, privy vault, the owner or applicant of the premises in septic tank, cesspool, or other facility intended or question. The owner shall indemnify the City used for the disposal of sewage. (Ord. 2173, against any loss or damage that may directly 8-16-1965) or indirectly be occasioned by the installation of the building sewer. (Ord. 1552, 6-12-1956) E. PERMIT REQUIRED FOR CONNECTION TO CITY SEWER: 2. Standards: Public sewers shall conform No unauthorized person shall uncover, make any to the latest standards of the City, as adopted connections with or openings into, use, alter or by City Code, and to the "Recommended disturb any public sewer or appurtenance thereof Standards for Sewage Works"of the Great without first obtaining a written permit from the De- Lakes Upper Mississippi River Board of State velopment Services Division. Sanitary Engineers,and are subject to review by the Department of Ecology of the State of 6 - 11 4-6-040G Washington.All public sewer extensions shall c. Connections:All connections to the conform to the standards and be consistent manhole shall match the existing inverts with the City comprehensive sewer system or have a drop connection in accordance plan. (Ord. 4343, 2-3-1992) with the current City standards. (Ord. 4343, 2-3-1992) 3. Public Sewer Pipe Materials: The pub- lic sewer shall be ductile iron, AWWA C151, d. Manhole Requirements for Indus- with Type II push-on or Type Ill mechanical trial Wastes: When required by the Utili- joints, together with cement mortar lining ties Engineer, the owner of any property three thirty seconds inch (3/32") in accor- served by a building sewer carrying in- dance with AWWA C104,or polyvinyl chloride dustrial wastes shall install a suitable con- (PVC)plastic pipe ASTM D3034, or concrete trol manhole in the building sewer to facil- nonreinforced ASTM C14 Class 2, or con- itate observation,sampling and measure- crete reinforced ASTM C76; rubber gaskets ment of the wastes.Such manhole,when for concrete pipe shall meet ASTM C443 required, shall be accessibly and safely standards; rubber gasket for PVC pipe shall located, and shall be constructed in ac- meet ASTM 1869 standards. However,when cordance with plans approved by the Util- public sewers are installed in filled or unsta- ities Engineer. The manhole shall be in- ble ground, in areas with high groundwater stalled by the owner at his expense, and levels,or in areas where the potential for infil- shall be maintained by him so as to be tration occurs, they may be required to be ei- safe and accessible at all times. (Ord. ther ductile iron or PVC plastic pipe. Exact 1552, 6-12-1956; Amd. Ord. 2847, pipe material shall be as determined by the 5-6-1974) wastewater utility. Minimum size shall be eight inches (8") diameter. (Ord. 4343, 6. Lift Station Standards: All lift stations 2-3-1992) that are to be turned over for public mainte- nance as well as private lift stations for corn- 4. Use of Old Sewers:Old building sewers mercial or multi-family building sewers shall may be used in connection with new buildings have alarm and standby emergency opera- only when they are found, on examination tion systems, and meet or exceed Depart- and tests by the Utilities Engineer,to meet all ment of Ecology specifications as detailed in requirements of this Chapter. (Ord. 1552, "Criteria for Sewage Works Design". All pri- 6-12-1956; Amd. Ord. 2847, 5-6-1974) vate single family lift stations shall meet or ex- ceed the current City standards for that type 5. Manhole Requirements: of facility. a. Where Required:Manholes shall be 7. Supervision Required: All persons or installed at the end of each line, at all local improvement districts desiring to install changes of grade, size or alignment, at sanitary sewer mains, as an extension of distances no greater than four hundred Renton's sewer system, must extend said feet(400') for fifteen inch (15") diameter mains under the supervision of the wastewa- sewers or smaller. Greater spacing may ter utility. (Ord. 4343, 2-3-1992) be permitted in larger sewers. Manholes shall be a minimum of forty eight inches 8. Public Sewer Extension Requires De- (48") in diameter, shall be precast con- veloper Agreement: Extensions to the pub- crete or cast in place concrete,with steel lic sewer may be permitted by developer reinforcement; steps shall be placed at extension agreements.(Ord.3055,8-9-1976) one foot (1') spacing, conforming to cur- rent safety regulations. (Ord. 4343, G. PRIVATE (BUILDING) SEWER 2-3-1992) STANDARDS: b. Covers: The manhole covers shall 1. Independent Sewer Required for Ev- be twenty four inches (24") in diameter ery Building: A separate and independent cast iron frame and covers. building sewer shall be provided for every building,except where one building stands at the rear of another on an interior lot and no 6 - 12 4-6-040G private sewer is available or can be con- be laid at uniform grade and in straight align- structed to the rear building through an ad- ment insofar as possible. Changes in direc- joining alley, court, yard, or driveway, the tion shall be made with proper fittings per City building sewer from the front building may be standards. The wastewater utility may allow, extended to the rear building and the whole at its discretion, the installation of a six inch considered as one building sewer. (Ord. (6") building sewer properly curved not to ex- 1552, 6-12-1956) ceed one-half(1/2) of manufacturer's specifi- cations. In all buildings in which any building 2. Private Sewer Pipe Materials: The drain is too low to permit gravity flow to the building sewer shall be ductile iron pipe class public sewer,sanitary sewage carried by such 50, PVC plastic pipe ASTM spec. D3034 or drain shall be lifted by approved artificial equal, or other suitable material approved by means and discharged to the building sewer. the Utilities Engineer.Joints shall be tight and waterproof. Any part of the building sewer 6. Trenching Standards: All excavations that is located within ten feet (10') of a water required for the installation of a building service pipe shall be constructed of ductile sewer shall be open trench work unless oth- iron pipe with push-on rubber gasket joints. If erwise approved by the Utilities Engineer. installed in filled or unstable ground, the Pipe laying and backfill shall be performed in building sewer shall be of ductile iron pipe accordance with ASTM spec. C12-19 and with push-on rubber gasketed joints. (Ord. APWA spec. Sec. 60 except that no backfill 4343, 2-3-1992) shall be placed until the work has been in- spected. 3. Size and Slope: The size and slope of the building sewer shall be subject to the ap- 7. Joints and Connections: All joints and proval of the Utilities Engineer. The standard connections shall be made gastight and wa- minimum sizes and slopes are: tertight, and installed in accordance with APWA spec. 62-3.98A. Concrete pipe joints a. Four inches (4") at a two percent shall conform with ASTM C-443. Ductile iron (2%) slope (one-quarter inch (1/4") per pipe push-on joints shall conform with ANSI foot) for single family or duplex residen- A-21.11. PVC pipe joints shall conform with tial, or ASTM D2680. Other jointing materials and methods may be used only by written ap- b. Six inches (6") at a two percent(2%) proval of the Utilities Engineer. slope (one-quarter inch (1/4") per foot) for multi-family, commercial or industrial. 8. Grease, Oil and Sand Interceptors: c. In no event shall the diameter of the a. When Required: Grease, oil and side sewer stub be less than six inches sand interceptors or other approved (6"). methodology shall be provided when, in the opinion of the Utilities Engineer, they 4. Special Allowance for Lesser Slope: are necessary for the proper handling of The utility may allow, under certain circum- liquid wastes containing grease in exces- stances, a six inch (6") side sewer to be laid sive amounts, or any flammable wastes, at no less than one percent (1%) (one-eighth sand and other harmful ingredients; ex- inch (1/8") per foot). A grade release holding cept that such interceptors shall not be the City harmless for the flatter slope will be required for private living quarters or required. dwelling units. Grease and oil intercep- tors shall be required on all restaurants, 5. Pipe Location, Elevation, Etc.: When- garages and gas station premises and ever possible, the building sewer shall be shall be so situated as to intercept only brought to the building at an elevation below the sources of grease and oil wastes but the basement floor.No building sewer shall be excluding domestic or human wastes. laid parallel to or within three feet (3') of any bearing wall, which might thereby be weak- b. Type,Capacity and Location:All in- ened. The depth shall be sufficient to afford terceptors shall be of a type and capacity protection from frost.The building sewer shall approved by the Utilities Engineer, and 6 - 13 4-6-040 H shall be located as to be readily and easily amination and tests by the utility to meet all accessible for cleaning and inspection. standards and specifications of the City. If no stubs are suitably located or if the existing c. Construction Materials and Stan- stub(s) are found not to meet all standards dards: Grease and oil interceptors shall and specifications,the property owners shall, be constructed of impervious materials at their expense, have a new side sewer stub capable of withstanding abrupt and ex- installed. treme changes in temperature. They shall be of substantial construction, wa- 2. Permit and Supervision by Utility Re- tertight and equipped with easily remov- quired: All such connections shall be made able covers which,when bolted in place, under permit issued by the utility and per City shall be gastight and watertight. standards and specifications.The connection shall be made under the supervision of the d. Maintenance Required: Where in- Utilities Engineer or his representative. (Ord. stalled, all grease, oil and sand intercep- 4343, 2-3-1992) tors shall be maintained by the owner, at his expense, in continuously efficient op- I. PRIVATE SEWAGE DISPOSAL eration at all times.(Ord.4343,2-3-1992) STANDARDS: 9. Inspection: The applicant for the build- 1. Permit Required: Before commence- ing sewer permit shall notify the Utilities Engi- ment of construction of a private sewage dis- neer when the building sewer is ready for posal system the owner shall first obtain a inspection and connection to the public written permit signed by the Utilities Engineer. sewer. (Ord. 1552, 6-12-1956; Amd. Ord. The application for such permit shall be made 2847, 5-6-1974). on a form furnished by the City, which the ap- plicant shall supplement by any plans, speci- 10. Precautions While Building: All exca- fications and other information deemed nec- vations for building sewer installation shall be essary by the Utilities Engineer. A permit and guarded with barricades and lights and such inspection fee of ten dollars($10.00) shall be other precautions as are reasonably ade- paid to the Finance and Information Services quate to protect the public from accident and Director at the time the application is filed. injury. (Ord. 2801, 9-24-1973; Amd. Ord. 2845, 4-15-1974) 11. Restoration of Public Property Re- quired: Streets, sidewalks, parkways and 2. Inspection and Approval by Utilities other public property disturbed in the course Engineer: A permit for a private sewage dis- of the work shall be restored in a manner sat- posal system shall not become effective until isfactory to the City. the installation is completed to the satisfaction of the Utilities Engineer. He shall be allowed 12. Surety Bond Required:A surety bond to inspect the work at any stage of construc- in an amount deemed sufficient and deter- tion and, in any event, the applicant for the mined by the Utilities Engineer, but in no permit shall notify the Utilities Engineer when event less than five hundred dollars the work is ready for final inspection, and be- ($500.00), shall be furnished and deposited fore any underground portions are covered. with the City to indemnify the City against any The inspection shall be made within forty loss,damage,liability in connection with such eight (48) hours of the receipt of notice by the sewer work. (Ord. 1552, 6-12-1956; Amd. Utilities Engineer whenever possible. Ord. 2847, 5-6-1974). 3. Standards and Tests: The type, capaci- H. CONNECTION OF PRIVATE ties, location and layout of a private sewage (BUILDING) SEWER TO PUBLIC SEWER: disposal system shall comply with all recom- mendations of the Seattle-King County 1. Location:The connection of the building Health Department. Field tests and a site sur- sewer into the public sewer shall be made at vey shall be made before any permit is issued a side sewer stub, if such a stub is available for any private sewage disposal system em- at a suitable location and is found upon ex- ploying subsurface soil absorption facilities. 6 - 14 4-6-060D (Ord. 2801, 9-24-1973, Amd. Ord. 2847, 4-6-050 STREET PLAN ADOPTED: 5-6-1974) That certain arterials and street plan is hereby 4. Maintenance Requirements and Dis- adopted as a part of and in further implementation charge Prohibitions: The owner shall oper of the City's Comprehensive Plan for the physical ate and maintain the private sewage disposal development of the City of Renton. (Ord. 2199, facilities in a sanitary manner at all times, at 12 20 1965) no expense to the City. No septic tank or cesspool shall be permitted to discharge to 4-6-060 STREET STANDARDS: any public sewer or natural outlet. 5. Additional Requirements of Health Of- A. PURPOSE: ficer: No statement contained in this Chapter It is the purpose of this Code to establish design shall be construed to interfere with any addi standards and development requirements for tional requirements that may be imposed by street improvements to insure reasonable and the Health Officer. (Ord. 2801, 9-24-1973) safe access to developed properties. These im- provements include sidewalks, curbs, gutters, 6. Standards for Abandoning Private street paving, monumentation, signage and light- Sewage Disposal Facilities: After connec- tion to the sewerage system, all septic tanks, B. ADMINISTERING AND ENFORCING cesspools and similar private sewage dis- posal facilities shall be abandoned and filled AUTHORITY: with suitable material; provided, however,the The Administrator of the Department of Planning/ owner of the subject premises may suitably Building/Public Works and/or his/her designated clean the septic tank to utilize same and any representatives are responsible for the general adjoining drain fields system for the proper administration and coordination of this Code. disposal of stormwaters. (Ord. 4472, 9-12-1994) C. APPLICABILITY: Whenever a permit is applied for under the provi- J. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS THAT sions of the Uniform Building Code for new con- APPLY WITHIN ZONES 1 AND 2 OF AN struction, or application made for a short plat or a AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA: full subdivision which is located on a property ad- jacent to public right-of-way, then the person ap- 1. Zone 1 Requirements: For properties plying for such building permit shall build and located in Zone 1 of an aquifer protection install certain street improvements, including, but area, additional requirements pertaining to not limited to: lighting on all adjacent rights-of- sewers are specified in the following sections way, and all private street improvements on ac of the Aquifer Protection Ordinance: RMC cess easements.The minimum design standards 8-8-6C, Wastewater Disposal Requirements; for streets are listed in the following tables.These RMC 8 8 6D, Pipeline Requirements; and standards will be used as guidelines for determin- RMC 8-8-6E, Construction Activity Stan- ing specific street improvement requirements for dards. (Ord. 4367, 9-14-1992) development projects, including short plats and subdivisions. 2. Zone 2 Requirements: For properties located in Zone 2 of an aquifer protection D. EXEMPTIONS: area, additional requirements pertaining to The following exemptions shall be made to the re- sewers are specified in the following sections quirements listed in this Section: of the Aquifer Protection Ordinance: RMC 8-8-7B, Review of Proposed Activities; RMC 1. New construction or addition with valua- 8-8-7C, Wastewater Disposal Requirements; tion less than fifty thousand dollars RMC 8-8-7D, Pipeline Requirements; RMC ($50,000.00). 8-8-7E, Construction Activity Standards; and RMC 8-8-7G, Potential to Degrade Ground- 2. Interior remodels of any value not involv- water. (Ord. 4367, 9-14-1992) ing a building addition. 6 - 15 4-6-060E 3. The construction of one single family width to obtain the minimum width as listed in house, or the modification or addition to an subsection F of this Section shall be required. existing house if the public street adjacent to the lot under construction is currently used for 3. Waiver of Dedication: The Administra- vehicular access and improved with pave- for may waive the requirement for additional ment. If the street does not meet the criteria, right-of-way dedication pursuant to RMC then the street must be improved to meet 4-9-250C, Waiver Procedures, where it is de- minimum Fire Department Standards. termined by the Administrator that construc- tion of full street improvements are waived E. RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION and not anticipated in the future. REQUIRED: F. PUBLIC STREET AND SIDEWALK 1. Dedication Required for Develop- DESIGN STANDARDS: ment: Where the existing width for any right- of-way adjacent to the development site is 1. Level of Improvements: The minimum less than the minimum standards listed in level of street improvements required de- subsection F of this Section, additional right- pends upon the project size as listed in the of-way dedication will be required for the pro- following table. The project sizes listed shall posed development. be for square footage of new building and/or addition to existing buildings, number of units 2. Amount of Dedication:The right-of-way for apartments, or total number of final lots in dedication required shall be half of the differ- the proposed plat or short plat. ence between the existing width and the min- imum required width as listed in subsection F 2. Minimum Standards: All such improve- of this Section. In cases where additional ments shall be constructed to the City Stan- right-of-way has been dedicated on the oppo- dards for Municipal Public Works Construc- site side of the right-of-way from the develop- tion. Standards for construction shall be as ment site in compliance with this Section, specified in the following tables, and by the then dedication of the remaining right-of-way Administrator or his/her duly authorized rep- resentative. a. PUBLIC STREET IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT: RIGHT-OF-WAY PAVEMENT SIDEWALKS AND DISTANCE TO PROJECT SIZE WIDTH WIDTH STREET LIGHTING ARTERIAL 2—4 units residential As determined by Provide half Provide sidewalk on Minimum 20' 0—5,000 sq. ft. commercial subsection F2 of pavement width project side. No pavement to this Section. per standard plus street lighting arterial (500' 0— 10,000 sq. ft. industrial minimum 10'— required. maximum). curb required on project side. 5—20 residential lots As determined by Provide full Provide sidewalk on Minimum 20' 5,000— 10,000 sq. ft. subsection F2 of pavement width project side. Street pavement to commercial this Section. per standard— lighting required on arterial (500' curb required on project side. maximum). 10,000—20,000 sq. ft. industrial project side. More than 20 units residential As determined by Provide full Provide sidewalk on Minimum 20' 10,000 sq. ft. commercial subsection F2 of pavement width project side. Street pavement and this Section. per standard— lighting required on pedestrian 20,000 sq. ft. industrial curb required on project side. walkway to project side. arterial. 6 - 16 4-6-060F b. MINIMUM DESIGN STANDARDS 3. Length of Improvements: Such im- FOR RESIDENTIAL ACCESS provements shall extend the full distance of STREETS: such property to be improved upon and sought to be occupied as a building site or RIGHT- parking area for the aforesaid building of plat- OF-WAY PAVE- SIDE- ting purposes and which may adjoin property WIDTH MENT WALKS OTHER dedicated as a public street. 50' 32'paved 6'sidewalk Combined 4. Special Design Standards for Arterial Parking adjacent to public Streets: Arterial street rights-of-way shall be both sides curb both detention sixty feet(60') to one hundred fifty feet(150') sides Street in width as may be required by the Adminis- lighting trator or his/her designee. The design stan- dards for arterial streets will be established c. MINIMUM DESIGN STANDARDS on a case-by-case basis by the Administrator FOR COLLECTOR STREETS: or his/her designee in accordance with the major arterials and streets plan. RIGHT- 5. Grades: Grades on arterial streets shall OF-WAY PAVE- SIDE- not exceed ten percent (10%), and the grade WIDTH MENT WALKS OTHER on any public street shall not exceed fifteen 60' 36'paved 5' Combined percent (15%), except for within approved Parking sidewalks public hillside subdivisions. both sides and 5' detention planting Street 6. Pavement Thickness: New pavement strip on shall be a minimum of four inches (4") of as- both sides lighting phalt over six inches (6") of crushed rock. Pavement thickness for new arterial or collec- d. MINIMUM DESIGN STANDARDS tor streets or widening of arterials or collector FOR COMMERCIAL ACCESS streets must be approved by the Department. STREETS: Pavement thickness design shall be based on standard engineering procedures. For the RIGHT- purposes of asphalt pavement design, the OF-WAY PAVE- SIDE- procedures described by the "Asphalt Insti- WIDTH MENT WALKS OTHER tute's Thickness Design Manual" (latest edi- tion) will be accepted by the Department. 60' 40'paved 5' Combined sidewalks public a. Alternate Provisions for Material on the detention Construction and Design:Alternate de- property Street sign procedures or materials may be line lighting used if approved by the Department through the process listed in RMC e. MINIMUM DESIGN STANDARDS 4 9 250E. FOR INDUSTRIAL ACCESS STREETS: 7 Sidewalk Width Minimum and RIGHT PAVE- Mea- surement: New sidewalks must provide a minimum of four feet (4') of horizontal clear- OF-WAY MENT SIDE- ance from all vertical obstructions. Sidewalk WIDTH WIDTH WALKS OTHER widths listed in the tables include curb width 66' 44'paved 5' Combined for those sidewalks constructed adjacent to sidewalks public the curb. and 5' detention planting 8. Curves: strip on Street both sides lighting a. Horizontal Curves: Where a deflec- tion angle of more than ten degrees (10°) 6 - 17 4-6-060G in the alignment of a street occurs, a dead end streets, when approved by the De- curve of reasonably long radius shall be partment, are as follows: introduced, subject to review and ap- proval of the Administrator. LENGTH OF STREET TYPE OF TURNAROUND b. Vertical Curves: All changes in grade shall be connected by vertical For up to 150' in No turnaround required. curves of a minimum length of two hun- length dred feet (200') unless specified other- From 150'to 300'in Dedicated hammerhead wise by the Administrator. length turnaround or cul-de-sac required. c. Tangents for Reverse Curves: A From 300'to 500'in Cul-de-sac required. tangent of at least two hundred feet length (200') in length shall be provided be- From 500'to 700'in Cul-de-sac required. tween reverse curves for arterials; one length hundred fifty feet(150')for collectors and Fire sprinkler system one hundred feet(100')for residential ac- required for houses. cess streets. Longer than 700'in Two means of access and length fire sprinklers required for 9. Downtown Core Area—Special Stan- all houses beyond 500'. dards: Greater sidewalk widths may be re- quired in the Downtown Core Area as part of 3. Turnaround Design: The hammerhead site plan review for specific projects. The Ad- turnaround shall have a design approved by ministrator may require that sidewalks be ex- the Administrator and the Bureau of Fire Pre- tended from property line to the curb with vention. provisions made for street trees and other landscaping requirements, street lighting, 4. Cul-de-Sac Design: Cul-de-sacs shall and fire hydrants. have a minimum paved radius of forty five feet(45')with a right-of-way radius of fifty five G. DEAD END STREETS: feet (55') for the turnaround. The cul-de-sac turnaround shall have a design approved by 1. When Permitted: Dead end streets are the Administrator and the Bureau of Fire Pre- permitted where through streets are deter- vention. mined by the Department not to be feasible. For other circumstances, dead end streets 5. Secondary Access: Secondary access may be approved by the Department or Hear- for emergency equipment is required when a ing Examiner as part of the plat approval of development of three (3) or more buildings is site plan approval for a proposed develop- located more than two hundred feet (200') ment. from a public street. 2. Cul-de-Sacs and Turnarounds—Mini- 6. Waiver of Turnaround:The requirement mum Requirements:Minimum standards for for a turnaround or cul-de-sac may be waived by the Administrator with approval of the Bu- reau of Fire Prevention when the develop- ment proposal will not create an increased need for emergency operations pursuant to RMC 4-9-250C, Waiver Procedures. H. ALLEY STANDARDS: 1. Access Purpose: Alleys may be used for vehicular access to the adjacent lots, but are not to be considered as primary access for emergency or Fire Department concerns. 6 - 18 4-6-060M 2. Minimum Alley Design Standards: 2. Minimum Standards: Such private streets shall consist of a minimum of a twenty ZONING TYPE ROW WIDTH PAVING WIDTH six-foot (26') easement with a twenty-foot (20')pavement width.The private street shall All Residential 16 feet 14 feet provide a turnaround meeting the minimum Commercial 16 feet 16 feet requirements of this Chapter. No sidewalks Downtown 20 feet 20 feet are required for private streets, however, Core Area and drainage improvements per City Code are re- Industrial quired, as well as an approved pavement thickness (minimum of four inches (4") as- I. STREET LIGHTING STANDARDS: phalt over six inches (6") crushed rock). The maximum grade for the private street shall 1. Average Maintained Illumination: The not exceed fifteen percent (15%), except for street lighting shall be constructed to provide within approved hillside subdivisions. average maintained horizontal illumination as 3. Signage Required: Appurtenant traffic illustrated below. The lighting levels shall be governed by roadway classification and area control devices including installation of traffic zoning classification. Values are in horizontal and street name signs, as required by the De foot-candles at the pavement surface when partment,shall be provided by the subdivider. the light source is at its lowest level. The street name signs will include a sign la- beled "Private Street". 'Commercial Industrial Residential 4. Easement Required: An easement will Principal 2.0 2.0 1.0 be required to create the private street. Arterial Minor 1.4 1.2 0.6 5. Timing of Improvements: The private Arterial street must be installed prior to recording of Collector 1.2 0.9 0.6 the plat unless deferred. Street K. SHARED DRIVEWAYS: Local 0.9 0.6 0.2 Street 1. When Permitted:A shared private drive- way may be permitted for access to two (2) 2. Uniformity Ratios: Uniformity ratios for lots. The private access easement shall be a the street lighting shall meet or exceed four to minimum of twenty-foot (20') in width, with a one (4:1)for light levels of 0.6 foot-candles or minimum of twelve-foot(12') paved driveway. more and six to one (6:1) for light levels less than 0.6 foot-candles. L. TIMING FOR INSTALLATION OF IMPROVEMENTS: 3. Guidelines:Street lighting systems shall No building shall be granted a certificate of final be designed and constructed in accordance occupancy, or plat or short plat recorded, until all with the City publication, "Guidelines and the required street improvements are constructed Standards for Street Lighting Design of Resi- in a satisfactory manner and approved by the re- dential and Arterial Streets". sponsible departments unless those improve- ments remaining unconstructed have been J. PRIVATE STREETS: deferred by the Board of Public Works and secu- rity for such unconstructed improvements has 1. When Permitted: Private streets are al- been satisfactorily posted. lowed for access to six(6)or less lots,with no more than four (4) of the lots not abutting a M. PLAN DRAFTING AND SURVEYING public right-of-way. Private streets will only be STANDARDS: permitted if the proposed private street is not The construction permit plans for street improve- anticipated by the Department to be neces- ments shall be prepared and surveyed in con- sary for existing or future traffic and/or pedes- formance with the Department's"Construction trian circulation through the subdivision or to Plan Drafting Standards", surveying standards serve adjacent property. 6 - 19 4-6-060N and the City's"Standard Specifications for Munic- City if it should become necessary for the city ipal Construction", and standard detail docu- to complete the improvements. ments. 2. Instructions to Escrow: The instruc- N. REVIEW OF CONSTRUCTION PLANS: tions to the escrow shall specifically provide that after prior written notice unto the appli- 1. Submittal: All street improvement plans cant and his/her failure to correct and/or elim- prepared shall be submitted for review and inate existing or potential hazardous approval to the Department. All plans and conditions or improperly constructed im- specifications for such improvements are to provements, and his/her failure to timely rem- be submitted at the time application for a edy same, the escrow shall be authorized building permit is made. without any future notice to the applicant or his/her consent to disburse the necessary 2. Fees and Submittal Requirements: All funds unto the City of Renton for the purpose permits required for the construction of these of correcting and/or eliminating such condi- improvements shall be applied for and ob- tions. tained in the same manner and conditions as specified in chapter 9-10 RMC, relating to ex- 3. Subsequent Conversion to Mainte- cavating or disturbing streets, alleys, pave- nance Bond: After determination by the De- ment or improvements. Fees shall be as partment that all facilities are constructed in stipulated in RMC 4-1-180B1, C4 and C5. compliance with the approved plans,the con- Money derived from the above charges shall struction bond can be reduced to ten percent be deposited to the General Fund. Half of the (10%) as a one year maintenance bond. fee is due and payable upon submittal for a construction permit application, and the re- Q. LATECOMER'S AGREEMENTS: mainder is due and payable prior to issuance of the construction permit. 1. Latecomer's Agreements Authorized: Any party extending utilities that may serve 3. Cost Estimate Required:The applicant other than that party's property may request a will be required to submit a cost estimate for latecomer's agreement from the City. Where the improvements. This will be checked by a development is required to construct street the Department for accuracy. improvements that may also be required by other developments or by future development O. INSPECTIONS: of other parcels in the vicinity, then the devel- oper may request establishment of a late- 1. Authority and Fees: The Department comer's agreement to reimburse the shall be responsible for the supervision, in- developer for all initial costs of the improve- spection and acceptance of all street im- ments. provements listed in this Section, and shall make a charge therefor to the applicant. 2. Process for Latecomer's Agreements: The procedure to follow in making application P. CONSTRUCTION BOND REQUIRED: for the latecomer's agreement and the steps to be followed by the City are as detailed in 1. Acceptable Security: Prior to com- chapter 9-5 RMC. mencing construction the person construct- ing the street improvements shall post a R. VARIATIONS FROM STANDARDS: construction bond in an amount sufficient to cover the cost of conforming said construc- 1. Alternates, Modifications, Waivers, tion with the approved construction permit Variances: See RMC 4-9-250. plans. In lieu of a bond, the applicant may elect to establish a cash escrow account with 2. Half Street Improvements: his/her bank, securing only this obligation and no other, in an amount deemed by the a. When Permitted: Half street im- Administrator to be sufficient to reimburse the provements may be allowed for a resi- dential access street by the Administrator or her/his designee when it is determined 6 -20 4-6-070B that the adjacent parcel of property has ments be provided for the franchise the potential for future development and utilities outside of the dedicated right-of- dedication of the right-of-way necessary way when such a right-of-way reduction for the completion of the street right-of- is approved. In no case shall a reduction way. in the required right-of-way width be ap- proved unless it is shown that there will b. Minimum Design Standards: The be no detrimental effect on the public right-of-way for the half street improve- health, safety or welfare if the right-of- ment must be a minimum of thirty-five feet way width is reduced, and that the full (35')with twenty-eight feet paved (28').A right-of-way width is not needed for cur- curb and a six-foot (6') sidewalk shall be rent or future development. installed on the development side of the street. If the street will require a cul-de- S. DEFERRAL OF IMPROVEMENT sac, then the right-of-way for the half of INSTALLATION: the cul-de-sac shall be dedicated,with in- See RMC 4-9-060. stallation of a temporary hammerhead turnaround. The property shall also dedi- T. APPEALS: cate easements to the city for street light- Any decisions made in the administrative process ing and fire hydrants. Additional ease- described in this Section may be appealed to the ments shall be provided for the franchise Hearing Examiner pursuant to RMC 4-8-110. utilities outside of the dedicated right-of- way. U. VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES: Violations of the provisions of this Chapter will be c. Standards for Completion of the a civil infraction and punishable under RMC Street: When the adjacent parcel is plat- 1-3-2, Civil Penalties. (Ord. 4521, 6-5-1995) ted or developed, an additional fifteen feet (15') of right-of-way shall be dedi- cated from the developing property. The 4-6-070 TRANSPORTATION pavement shall then be widened to thirty CONCURRENCY REQUIREMENTS: two feet (32') in total width, and a curb and six foot(6')wide sidewalk shall be in- A. AUTHORITY AND PURPOSE: stalled on the developing side of the This Chapter is enacted pursuant to the Washing- street. If the street is a dead end street re ton State Growth Management Act, chapter quiring a cul-de-sac,then the developing 36.70A, at RCW 36.70A.070. It is the purpose of parcel shall dedicate the remainder of the this Chapter to ensure Renton transportation right-of-way for the cul-de-sac and con level of service standards are achieved concur- struct the final complete cul-de-sac, in- rently with development, or within a reasonable cluding curb and sidewalk improvements. time after development occupancy and use. (Ord. 3. Reduced Right-of-Way Dedication: 4708, 3 2 1998) a. When Permitted: The Department B. DEFINITIONS OF TERMS USED IN may approve a reduction in the required THIS SECTION: right-of-way width for residential access streets for new streets within a short plat 1. Concurrency or Concurrent with De- or subdivision to forty two feet(42')when velopment:Transportation improvements or the extra area from the reduction is used strategies are in place at the time of building for the creation of an additional lot(s) permit issuance,or a financial commitment is which could not be platted without the re- in place to complete the improvements or duction; or when the platting with the re- strategies within six (6) years of building per- quired right-of-way width results in the mit issuance. creation of lots with less than one hun- dred feet (100') in depth. 2. Department: The Planning/Building/ Public Works Department. b. Additional Easements: The De- partment may require additional ease- 6 - 21 4-6-070C 3. Development Activity Permit Applica- termine if the transportation system has ade- tion: For the purposes of transportation con- quate or unused or uncommitted capacity, or currency regulations, any construction, will have adequate capacity,to accommodate building expansion, or change in use which trips generated by the proposed develop- creates additional demand upon or need for ment, without causing the level of service transportation facilities and which requires a standards to decline below the adopted stan- development permit from the City of Renton. dards,at the time of development or within six (6) years. 4. Development Permit: Written permis- sion from the appropriate City decision maker 9. Vested:The right to develop or continue authorizing the division of a parcel of land,the development in accordance with the laws, construction, reconstruction, conversion, rules, and other regulations in effect at the structural alteration, relocation or enlarge- time vesting is achieved. The time vesting is ment of any structure,or any use or extension achieved is determined in accordance with of the use of the land. brightline vesting rules included in State leg- islation and case law. 5. Financial Commitment: Includes reve- nue designated in the most currently adopted C. APPLICABILITY AND EXEMPTIONS: Transportation Improvement Program for transportation facilities or strategies through 1. Applicability: A concurrency test shall the six (6) year period with reasonable assur- be conducted for all development activity ap- ance that such funds will be timely put to such plications, as defined in subsection B3 of this ends, unanticipated revenue from Federal or Section, excluding exemptions. State grants for which the City has received notice of approval, and/or revenue that is as- 2. Exemptions: The following applications sured by an applicant in a form approved by are exempt from the concurrency test: the City in a voluntary agreement. a. Applications categorically exempt 6. Finding of Concurrency: A written find- from SEPA review under RMC 4-9-070, ing that is part of the applicable development Environmental Review Procedures. permit issued by the City indicating that a de- velopment activity permit application has suc- i. The concurrency test shall not be cessfully passed the Renton transportation conducted for projects that are sub- concurrency test. The finding of concurrency ject to SEPA review due to their loca- is made by the decision maker with the au- tion within an environmentally thority to approve the development permit. sensitive area, but which would oth- erwise be exempt from SEPA review. 7. Level of Service (LOS): A measure of the quality and efficiency of facilities and sys- ii. The concurrency test exemption tems. The Renton transportation LOS is shall not apply to short plats. adopted in the Renton Comprehensive Plan Transportation Element. The transportation b. Any project that is a component of a LOS standard establishes an index value development which was granted a finding which must be met or exceeded in future of concurrency that has not expired. years.The LOS index value is determined by the weighted sum of the p.m. peak travel dis- c. Development vested prior to April 6, tances from the City, averaged in all direc- 1998. tions,in thirty(30)minutes for SOV, HOV,and transit modes.The current index value is forty d. Projects granted a finding of concur- nine (49). More in depth discussion of the Cit- rency where the development activity is ywide LOS policy may be found in the Trans- conducted by a person or entity other portation Element. than the original applicant,if the project is limited to the uses, intensities, and vehi- 8. Transportation Concurrency Test: cle trip generation rates for which the Technical review of a development activity finding of concurrency was originally permit application by the Department to de- made. 6 - 22 4-6-070G D. CONCURRENCY REVIEW PROCESS: 3. Revisions to an approved development that reduce the intensity or density or vehicle 1. Test Required: A concurrency test shall trip generation rates of the project,resulting in be conducted by the Department for each less impacts to transportation facilities than nonexempt development activity. The con- originally approved,will be required to under- currency test shall determine consistency go an additional concurrency test in order to with the adopted Citywide Level of Service In- properly account for unused capacity. Unless dex and Concurrency Management System the revised development requires newly is- established in the Transportation Element of sued development permit approvals, the pre- the Renton Comprehensive Plan, according vious finding of concurrency remains in effect, to rules and procedures established by the and a new finding of concurrency is not re- Department. The Department shall issue an quired for the less intense or dense proposal. initial concurrency test result describing the outcome of the concurrency test. F. EXPIRATION OF WRITTEN FINDING OF CONCURRENCY: 2. Written Finding Required: Prior to ap- A finding of concurrency shall expire if the accom- proval of any nonexempt development activ- panying development permit expires or is re- ity permit application, a written finding of yoked.A finding of concurrency may be extended concurrency shall be made by the City as part according to the same terms and conditions as the of the development permit approval.The find- accompanying development permit. If the devel- ing of concurrency shall be made by the deci- opment permit is granted an extension,the finding sion maker with the authority to approve the of concurrency shall be extended simultaneously accompanying development permits required for the same period. If the accompanying devel- for a development activity.A written finding of opment permit does not expire,the finding of con- concurrency shall apply only to the specific currency shall be valid for a period of three (3) land uses,densities, intensities, and develop- years from the date the written finding was made. ment project described in the application and development permit. G. RECONSIDERATION OF CONCURRENCY TEST: 3. Failure of Test: If no reconsideration is requested, or if upon reconsideration a 1. Notification Required: Prior to a final project fails the concurrency test, the project recommendation or decision to deny a devel- application shall be denied by the decision opment activity permit application due to fail- maker with the authority to approve the ac- ure of the concurrency test, the Department companying development activity permit ap- shall notify the project applicant in writing of plication. the initial concurrency test results. E. TRANSFERABILITY OF WRITTEN 2. Reconsideration Authorized: The De- FINDING OF CONCURRENCY: partment shall allow an applicant of a devel- opment activity that has failed an initial con- 1. A written finding of concurrency is not currency test to request an administrative re- transferable to other land, but may be trans- consideration of the concurrency test results ferred to new owners or lessees of the origi- or prepare a modified project submission. nal land. 3. Timing: Requests for reconsideration 2. Revisions to an approved development shall be made in writing within ten (10) calen- that may create additional impacts on trans- dar days of the Department's written notifica- portation facilities will be required to undergo tion. Requests for reconsideration shall be an additional concurrency test. A new finding directed to the Department Administrator, of concurrency is required from the decision and be filed with the Development Services maker with the authority to approve the re- Division counter no later than 5:00 p.m.of the vised project in order to permit the revised de- tenth day. velopment activity. 4. Options to Achieve Concurrency:The Department shall allow an applicant to submit 6 - 23 4-6-070H alternative data, provide a traffic mitigation I. CONCURRENCY INQUIRY: plan, or reduce the size of the project in order to achieve concurrency. 1. An applicant may inquire whether or not there is sufficient capacity available to ac- 5. One Hundred Twenty (120) Day Time commodate a development without submit- Limit Suspended: Upon receipt of a request ting a development application. for reconsideration, the one hundred twenty (120) day permit review time limit established 2. Available capacity cannot be reserved in RMC 4-8-080E, Permit Classification Time based on a preliminary inquiry. Frames,shall be suspended temporarily until the decision date to allow an applicant to pre- 3. A written finding of concurrency will only pare any supplemental information, and to al- be issued in conjunction with a development low Department review of the request for re- activity permit application. (Ord. 4708, consideration and data submitted. 3-2-1998) H. APPEAL OF PROJECT APPLICATION DENIAL: 4-6-080 WATER SERVICE STANDARDS: 1. A project applicant may appeal the denial of a development activity based upon failure A. COMPLIANCE REQUIRED: of a concurrency test. The appeal shall be It shall be unlawful for any person to make any based upon one or both of the following connection with any service or branch pipe grounds: thereof or make any repairs or additions to or al- terations of any pipe, stop and waste cock or any a. Technical error; or fixtures connected or designed to be connected with the City water system, except in compliance b. The applicant submitted alternative with this Chapter. (Ord. 1437, 8-28-1952) data or a traffic mitigation plan that was rejected by the City. 1. Building Section Responsibility for Report to Engineer: It shall be the duty of 2. If the development activity requires a the person in charge of the issuance of build- Type I, II, or III permit as defined in chapter ing permits to report to the Utilities Engineer 4-8 RMC, the decision to deny a finding of the beginning of construction or repairs of all concurrency may be appealed to the Hearing buildings in the City, giving the official house Examiner for an open record appeal. The de- number and street name, the lot, block and cision of the Hearing Examiner may be ap- addition. (Ord. 1437, 8-28-1952; Amd. Ord. pealed to the City Council for a closed record 2823, 1-21-1974; Amd. Ord. 2845, appeal. 4-15-1974) 3. If the development activity requires a B. CONNECTION WITHOUT Type V or VI permit as defined in chapter 4-8 PERMISSION PROHIBITED: RMC, the decision to deny a finding of con- It shall be unlawful for any person to make con- currency may be appealed to the City Council nections with any fixtures or connect any pipe for a closed record appeal, or the Shoreline with any water main or water pipe belonging to Hearings Board, as appropriate. the water system without first obtaining permis- sion so to do from the Planning/Building/Public 4. If the development activity requires a Works Administrator. (Ord. 1437, 8-28-1952; Type IV, VII, VIII, IX or X permit as defined in Amd. Ord. 2823, 1-21-1974) chapter 4-8 RMC, the decision to deny a find- ing of concurrency may be appealed to Supe- C. CONNECTION TO WATER MAIN rior Court. REQUIRED: Upon the presentation at the office of the Utilities Engineer of the Finance and Information Services Administrator's receipt for the installation fees, the Utilities Engineer shall cause the premises 6 - 24 4-6-080E described in the application to be connected with with, the City may make or cause to be the City's water main by a service pipe extending made the connection and the Administra- at right angles from the main to the property line tor shall, in addition to the cost and ex- and including a stop cock placed within the lines penses of the street improvement to be of the street curb, which connection shall thereaf- assessed against the lot or lots of the ter be maintained and kept within the exclusive owner so neglecting, add the cost of control of the City. (Ord. 2849, 5-13-1974) making the connection which amount shall be the actual cost of making such 1. Utilities Engineer Maintenance Re- connection. (Ord. 1090, 12-5-1939;Amd. sponsibility:The Utilities Engineer will main- Ord. 2823, 1-21-1974, eff. 1-30-1974) tain private services in streets which are being graded or regraded and will have such D. SEPARATE WATER SERVICE access on private property as shall be neces- CONNECTIONS REQUIRED: sary to maintain such pipes during the work, A separate service connection with the City water and shall as soon as practicable upon corn- main must be installed by every residence and pletion of the work relay said pipes in the commercial building supplied with City water in streets. (Ord. 2849, 5-13-1974) front of which there is a main,and the buildings so supplied will not be allowed to supply water to a. Connection Required Prior to other buildings, except temporarily where there Street Paving: Whenever any public are no mains located in the streets;provided,that street or avenue is about to be improved when two (2) or more houses, buildings or other by the laying of a permanent pavement premises occupied by separate consumers are thereon, it shall be the duty of each and supplied from a single service connection, the every owner of real property fronting or owner shall immediately, upon notice from the abutting thereon to cause his property to Planning/Building/Public Works Department,sep- be connected with water mains located in arate each customer's line and apply for and con- the street in front thereof, at least one wa- nect individually to meters at the property line; if ter connection for each lot fronting or separate services are not established within a abutting upon said street.The connection reasonable time, not more than sixty(60)days af- shall be galvanized iron pipe of such size ter such initial notice, the Department reserves as shall be designated by the proper offi- the right to shut off the water and refuse further cial, and the connection shall be brought service to all such consumers. Such joint service to the property line in front of each lot af- may, however, be continued at the option of the fronting on such street. (Ord. 1090, Department, providing, one owner has agreed in 12-5-1939) writing to assume and be responsible for and pay the total water bill without any deductions for va- b. City Notification of Requirement cancies or other reasons.Computation of the total to Connect: Whenever the City is about bill will be based on multiplying the quantity in to improve any street with a permanent each classification of the rate schedule by the paving, it shall be the duty of the desig- number of consumers hooked up to one meter. nated official to report to the Administra- The minimum monthly charge shall be the regular tor the lot and block number of each lot or minimum charge multiplied by the number of con- parcel of real estate abutting on such sumers served. (Ord. 2849, 5-13-1974) street to be paved and the name of the owner or agent thereof,together with the E. ALTERNATIVE WATER SERVICE post office address of such person,which CONNECTION: is not suitably connected to the water In the event that a water main is not available as main as herein provided within ten (10) hereinabove set forth, but a customer is able to days of service of notice, such notice to obtain service by extending such line, by means specify the kind and size of pipe to be of an easement or similar right, across adjacent used. or neighboring property to a point where such main is located,then the Planning/Building/Public c. Failure to Connect: Whenever the Works Administrator may sign a temporary ser- owner or agent of any property shall have vice agreement with such customer allowing ser- been served with such notice and shall vice until such time as a main is available in front fail, refuse or neglect to comply there- 6 - 25 4-6-080 F of such property. At such time the customer shall est adopted standards of the American Water then be required to connect to such main in front Works Association. of his property and pay the then applicable fees therefor. (Ord. 3056, 8-9-1976) 5. Sterilization Required: Pipe shall be sterilized in accordance with the regulations F. WATER USE FOR CONSTRUCTION of the State Health Department. PURPOSES: Water for building purposes will only be furnished 6. General Design Requirements: All wa- upon the application of the owner or authorized ter system design and pipe sizes and quality agent of the property and the Utilities Engineer to conform to the latest fire underwriters stan- shall require payment in advance of any reason- dards and requirements. (Ord. 2849, able sum, not exceeding ten dollars ($10.00), in 5-13-1974) the case of any one building,for the water used in construction, and from time to time may require I. METER SIZE: additional payments, when necessary to secure All meters shall be the same size as the tap and the City against loss. (Ord. 1437, 8-28-1952; service connection. (Ord. 3636, 6-14-1982) Amd. Ord. 2823, 1-21-1974; Ord. 2845, 4-15-1974) J. PERMIT REQUIRED FOR METER REMOVAL OR RE-INSTALLATION: G. SUPERVISION REQUIRED: Whenever it is desired to have a meter removed All persons or local improvement districts desiring or reinstalled the owner of the premises supplied, to extend water mains in the City must extend the or to be supplied, by such meter shall file an ap- same under the supervision of the City Utilities plication at the office of the Utilities Engineer and Engineer. shall pay the cost in full for such removal or rein- stallation. (Ord. 3636, 6-14-1982) H. PRIVATE WATER PIPE REQUIREMENTS: K. INSTALLATION OF SERVICE PRIOR TO COMPLETION OF STREET 1. Acceptable Pipe Materials: All pipe to CONSTRUCTION: be used for connection to the City water sys- Whenever it is deemed prudent, in case of a new tern shall be new pipe, either galvanized iron, development or subdivision, to install the three- cast iron or copper tubing. The Utilities Engi- fourths inch (3/4") service from the main to the neer may, at his discretion, permit the use of property line, hereinafter referred to as "stub ser- nonmetallic pipe where soil conditions may vice" prior to completion of street construction, cause a deterioration of metallic pipe. the City will provide such service for sixty percent (60%)of the then current installation cost for such 2. Minimum Pipe Size: Water supply lines service. At such time that meter installation is re- other than metered service connections shall quested, the remaining balance of the then cur- be not less than six inch (6") diameter pipe. rent rate shall be collected and paid for by such Pipes of smaller size may be used when the developer or subdivider. (Ord. 4287, 8-13-1990) Utilities Engineer determines that maximum fire rating is maintained or the line in question cannot be extended. 4-6-090 UTILITY LINES - UNDERGROUND INSTALLATION: 3. Minimum Pipe Installation Depth: All pipes shall be laid not less than two feet six A. PURPOSE: inches(2'6")below the surface of the ground, It is especially found and determined by the City except that in ungraded streets the pipe shall that the health,safety,especially the safety of the be laid three feet (3') below the established traveling public, and general welfare of the resi- street grade. dents of the community require that all such exist- ing overhead facilities be relocated underground 4. Minimum Pressure Tolerance: All pipe as soon as practicable in accordance with the re- shall be designed to withstand internal water quirements specified herein and that all new facil- pressure on one hundred fifty (150) pounds ities specified herein be installed underground. per square inch, and shall conform to the lat- The purpose of this Chapter, among others, is to 6 - 26 4-6-090D establish minimum requirements and procedures f. When undergrounding is required for the underground installation and relocation of due to extensions, duplications, reloca- electrical and communication facilities within the tions or rebuilds to existing overhead City. electrical and communication facilities but the poles to be removed following un- B. APPLICABILITY: dergrounding would not be removed be- lt shall be and it is hereby made the policy of the cause of continuing requirements for City to require compliance with the following or- such poles, such as services to resi- derly program pertaining to the underground relo- dences of King County when those resi- cation of all existing overhead wires carrying any dences are not required to be electrical energy, including, but not limited to, undergrounded. However, if there is a telephone, telegraph, cable television and electri- reasonable likelihood that underground- cal power, and to require the underground instal- ing would occur in the foreseeable future, lation of all new electrical communication conduit for underground crossings facilities, subject to certain exceptions noted should be installed whenever feasible as hereafter. Subject to the excepted facilities listed part of any ongoing street construction, in subsection C of this Section,this Chapter shall reconstruction or overlayment project. apply to all electric facilities and to all communica- tion facilities, including but not limited to tele- g. When: phone, telegraph and cable television facilities. • undergrounding is required due C. EXEMPTIONS: to extensions, duplications, relo- cations or rebuilds to existing 1. This Chapter shall not apply to the follow- overhead electrical and commu- ing facilities: nication facilities and there are existing overhead electrical or a. Electric utility substations, pad- communication facilities that will mounted transformers and switching not be removed (such as high facilities not located on the public right- tension wires), and of-way where site screening is or will be provided in accordance with subsection • the electrical and communication H7b of this Section. facilities to be removed by under- grounding parallel the facilities b. Electric transmission systems of that will not be removed, and a voltage of fifty five (55) kv or more, (including poles and wires) and equiva- • are on the same street right-of- lent communication facilities where the way or are immediately adjacent utility providing electrical energy is willing thereto, either on the same side to provide at its expense an underground of the right-of-way or on the op- street lighting circuit including all conduc- posite side of the right-of-way, tor and conduit to a point on the poles at then the owners of the property least forty feet(40')above ground level to that would be required to under- serve utility owned street lighting fixtures ground under subsection E3 of to be mounted on the poles at said loca- this Section will be given the op- tion. tion to request such under- grounding and if the majority of c. Ornamental street lighting stan- them agree, then the under- dards. grounding shall occur. d. Telephone pedestals and other D. DEFINITIONS OF TERMS USED IN equivalent communication facilities. THIS SECTION: The following terms when used in this Section e. Police and fire sirens,or any similar shall have the meanings given below: municipal equipment, including traffic- control equipment. (Ord. 2432, 1. Rebuilds:A replacement of overhead fa- 9-23-1968) cilities for a distance of three (3) or more 6 - 27 4-6-090E spans (four (4) poles) or five hundred feet 2. Time Allowed to Convert Existing (500')exclusive of replacements due to casu- Above-Ground Facilities: alty damage. a. Business Centers and Industrial 2. Services: Facilities located on private Areas:The following requirements apply property and/or for the specific purpose of to all areas of the City which are outlined servicing one customer. on the map referred to herein. 3. Relocations: Removal of existing facili- i. Fifteen (15) Years for Conver- ties with subsequent reinstallation at an adja- sion: All existing overhead electric cent location, generally necessitated by and communication facilities, with roadway widening projects, shall constitute a the exceptions previously noted in relocation. (Ord. 2432, 9-23-1968) subsection C of this Section, shall be converted to underground facilities E. UNDERGROUND SERVICE within fifteen (15) years from the ef- REQUIRED: fective date of this Chapter, subject to a ten (10) year extension by the 1. When Required: City whereby in the City's judgment, their financial situation prohibits the a. New Services: All new electric or City from participating to the degree communication services from an over- implied by the provisions of this head or underground facility to service Chapter. connections of structures shall be in- stalled underground from and after the ii. Special Requirements for Re- effective date of this Section(9-23-1968). zoned Areas: All areas rezoned for commercial or industrial use after the b. Service Extensions and Rebuilds: effective date of this Chapter shall be All extension, rebuilds, relocations,or du- converted to underground in the plications of existing overhead electric same manner as provided herein for and communication facilities shall be in- existing facilities within fifteen (15) stalled under ground from and after the years from the effective date of such effective date of this Section (9-23-1968). rezoning, subject to a ten (10) year All rebuilt or relocated electric or commu- extension by the City, provided that nication services from an overhead or un- the Board of Public Works elects to derground facility to service connections add such rezoned areas to those out- of structures shall be installed under lined on the map as designated in ground from and after the effective date subsection E2a of this Section. of this Section (9-23-1968), except: 1) those services which only involve a b. Retail Business and Public Facili- change in the overhead service line with- ties:The following requirements apply to out a change in the corresponding ser- all areas not included in subsection E2a vice entrance facilities, and 2) services of this Section and zoned by the Zoning feeding overhead to existing single family map of the City as retail business and residences may be rebuilt or enlarged. public facilities. (Ord. 4352, 5-11-1992) The underground requirements respect- c. Upon Dedication of Right-of-Way ing all electric or communication facilities or Easement:All rights-of-way proposed in these areas shall conform to the re- to be dedicated to the City and/or ease- quirements of the immediately surround- ments for public facilities shall be subject ing areas as determined by the zoning to the provisions of this Chapter. (Ord. classifications; provided, that where the 2432, 9-23-1968) surrounding areas have varying require- ments in accordance with the provisions of this Section, the underground require- ments shall be those applicable to the predominantly surrounding area. 6 - 28 4-6-090E 3. Conversion to Underground Service improvement within ninety(90)days after Required When Property Abuts Under- the mailing to him of the notice, the City ground Project:The owner or owners of real shall order the electric and communica- property abutting an underground project tion utilities to disconnect and remove all shall be responsible, at his or their expense, such service lines; provided, that if the for converting to such underground service owner has filed his written objections to within ninety (90) days after the date of the such disconnection and removal with the mailing of the notice as hereinbelow set forth. City Clerk within thirty (30) days after the Time in consummating such connection and mailing of the notice then the City shall disconnection of overhead service is of the not order such disconnection and re- essence and such notice to the property moval until after the hearing on such ob- owner or occupant of the affected premises jections. may be mailed,postage prepaid, or delivered in person. All of such conversion of electric c. Timing for Objections: Should the and communication facilities to underground owner object to the disconnection and re- facilities may be undertaken by local improve- moval of the service lines he may file his ment district or as otherwise permitted by law written objections thereto with the City and as further authorized by RCW 35.96.030 Clerk within thirty(30)days after the date through 35.96.040. of the mailing of the notice and failure to so object within such time will constitute a. City Notice Will Stipulate Time to a waiver of his right thereafter to object to Disconnect Above-Ground Service: such disconnection and removal. When service from the underground electric and communication facilities is d. Hearing by Council: Upon the available in all or part of a conversion timely filing by the owner of objections to area, the City shall mail a notice to the the disconnection and removal of the ser- owners of all structures of improvements vice lines,the legislative authority of such served from the existing overhead facili- City, or a committee thereof, shall con- ties in the area, which notice shall state duct a hearing to determine whether the that: removal of all or any part of the service lines is in the public benefit. i. Service from the underground fa- cilities is available; and e. Timing of and Authority for Hear- ing: The hearing shall be held at such ii. All electric and communication time as the legislative authority of such service lines from the existing over- City may establish for hearings on the ob- head facilities within the area to any jections and shall be held in accordance structure or improvement must be with the regularly established procedure disconnected and removed within set by the legislative authority of the City. ninety (90) days after the date of the If the hearing is before a committee, the mailing of the notice. committee shall, following the hearing, report its recommendation to the legisla- b. Service Disconnection Due to tive authority of the City for final action. Failure to Convert: Should such owner fail to convert such service lines from f. Council Decision Final: The deter- overhead to underground within ninety mination reached by the legislative au- (90) days after the date of the mailing of thority shall be final in the absence of an the notice, the City will order the electric abuse of discretion. and communication utilities to disconnect and remove the service lines. If the g. General Provisions Applicable: owner of any structure or improvement Unless otherwise provided for in chapter served from the existing overhead elec- 35.96 RCW et seq., all the general provi- tric and communication facilities within a sions relating to local improvements of conversion area shall fail to convert to cities and towns shall likewise apply to lo- underground the service lines from such cal improvements for the conversion of overhead facilities to such structure or overhead electric and communication fa- 6 - 29 4-6-090F cilities to underground facilities. (Ord. 2. Overhead Permit Required: Where 2496, 8-25-1969) above-grade pole line installations are per- mitted under the variance procedures of sub- F. RESPONSIBILITY FOR CONVERSION section I of this Section, a permit shall be AND/OR INSTALLATION COST: acquired by the serving utility from the De- partment prior to proceeding with construc- 1. Conversion: The cost and expense of tion of such facilities in the public right-of-way converting existing overhead facilities to un- and/or public property. derground, or installing new facilities under- ground,shall be borne by the serving utilities, a. Fees:The fee shall be as specified in or the owners or occupants of the real prop- RMC 4-1-180C4. erty served, or persons applying for such un- derground service. However, whenever the 3. Permits Not Required for Overhead City determines that the public health, wel- Pole Lines: Chapter 9-10 RMC, Street Exca- fare, convenience and pedestrian and vehic- vations, is hereby amended to exclude over- ular traffic safety in any street or road head pole lines for which jurisdiction shall widening or relocation project requires con- henceforth be placed under the Department version of existing overhead facilities to an and for which the permit provisions of sub- underground installation, then in any such section G2 of this Section shall apply. event, the utility or utilities affected shall pro- vide such work at its own cost and expense. 4. Additional Inspection Fees:The terms This requirement shall apply to all major or ar- of the above permits create a liability on the terial streets or roadways carrying an aver- serving utility for excess inspection fees as age of five thousand (5,000)vehicles or more provided for in RMC 4-1-180B and/or any per day and shall be limited to two(2) miles of amendments thereto. such street or roadway per annum. (Ord. 3951, 10-21-1985) 5. Development Services Division Re- view of Screening and Setbacks Required 2. Installation: Whenever an electrical Prior to Issuance of Service Permit: Plans communication facility, including but not lim- for all above-ground installations, including ited to electrical power, telephone, telegraph those excepted under subsection C1 of this and cable TV, is required to be placed under Section, shall be submitted to the Develop- ground according to the terms of this Section, ment Services Division for approval of site then that utility shall bear the cost of such un- screening and setbacks prior to the issuance dergrounding, including the conduit, cable, of a service permit by the Development Ser- vaults and a proportionate share of the vices Division. (Ord. 2432, 9-23-1968; Amd. trenching or other preparatory work or neces- Ord. 3592, 12-14-1982) sary work of restoration. (Ord. 3763, 12-12-1983) 6. As-Built Plans Required for Under- ground Projects: As-built, project drawings G. PERMITS, PLANS AND FEES: in a form and scale conforming to generally accepted engineering practice shall be sub- 1. Underground Permit Required Prior to miffed in duplicate to the office of the City Work in Public Easements or Right-of- Traffic Engineer within thirty (30) days of the Way: An underground permit shall be ac- completion of any underground project within quired by the serving utility from the Planning/ the City. Building/Public Works Department prior to the proceeding with construction of facilities 7. Annual Submittal by Utilities of As- in the public right-of-way, easements for pub- Built Drawings of Underground Facilities lic facilities, and/or public property. Required: In addition, each utility shall sub- mit in duplicate as-built drawings of all of its a. Fees:The fee shall be as specified in underground facilities within the City on an RMC 4-1-180C4. (Ord. 3832, 8-13-1984) annual basis, commencing on January 1, fol- lowing the effective date of this Section, pro- vided that if said drawings are not available at the time of the effective date of this Section 6 - 30 4-6-090H (9-23-1968), each utility shall be given a rea- ities, as contemplated by this Chapter, it sonable time to prepare such drawings. (Ord. is the City's intent to authorize the estab- 2432, 9-23-1968) lishment of joint or common trenches;that is,the utilization of a single trench where H. DESIGN STANDARDS: feasible by all utilities and/or franchise holders involved in the relocation of over- 1. Standards Applicable: All conductors, head facilities. switches, transformers, and regulating de- vices shall be installed in accordance with the b. Delay of Permit Issuance to Allow applicable national, State, and local safety Notice to Other Utilities: Upon applica- standards. All structural devices shall be de- Lion for an underground permit, the City signed in accordance with the provisions of Traffic Engineer shall determine what util- the latest edition of the Uniform Building ities and franchise holders shall use the Code, subject to the provisions of the imme- proposed trench and the issuance date of diately following subsection. the applicable underground permit. If at the time of application for an under- 2. Coordination with Other Facilities Re- ground permit it does not appear that all quired:All underground facilities provided for utilities involved in the undergrounding herein shall be installed in such manner as to project have made appropriate arrange- coordinate with other underground facilities, ments for the use of common trenches, i.e., water, sewer and gas pipelines, traffic the City Traffic Engineer may delay the control and other signal systems. Whenever issuance of such permit until all utilities such coordination requires installation prac- involved in such relocation shall have tices more restrictive or demanding than the been given the opportunity to be heard minimum standards required by applicable upon two (2) weeks' notice. (Ord. 2432, national, State and local codes and safety 9-23-1968) standards, the requirements of such coordi- nation shall be governing and controlling. c. Provision for Joint Services Across Public Right-of-Way Required: 3. Street Lighting: Street lighting facilities Where new structures require under- or systems conforming to the current stan- ground services extending into or across dards of the City Traffic Engineer shall be in- the public right-of-way to existing over- stalled as an integral part of all underground- head distribution systems for connection, ing projects. it shall be the responsibility of the prop- erty owner, owner's agent or other per- 4. Wheel Load Requirements— Mini- sons applying for such underground mum: All vaults, handholes, ventilation grat- services from an electrical or communi- ings,and access covers and conduit in public cation utility (power, telephone and TV rights-of-way shall be strong enough to with- cable) to provide adequate provisions stand a ten thousand (10,000) pound wheel and capacity for joint service usage in a load. The serving utility may, at their option, trench with conduit or other required facil- elect to restrict a ten thousand (10,000) ities for present and future service exten- pound wheel load requirement to traveled sions to the structure. street areas while assuming the responsibility for upgrading facilities beyond the original d. Responsibility for Notice:The prin- traveled street areas should subsequent wid- cipal utility to initiate the street crossing ening occur. by owners, owners' agent or other per- sons' request shall notify the remaining 5. Grading of Streets: Streets shall be electrical or communication utility when graded to subgrade prior to the installation of the common trench is available. underground facilities. e. Traffic Engineer Responsibility: 6. Joint Trenches: When arrangements do not appear to in- volve all the above mentioned utilities in a. Joint Trenches Authorized and En- a joint trench, the Traffic Engineer shall couraged: In the undergrounding of facil- notify the utilities and property owner or 6 -31 4-6-0901 owner's agent to provide appropriate ar- I. VARIANCE PROCEDURES: rangements. 1. Authority: All applications for variances f. Delay of Permit Issuance to Allow from the foregoing underground require- Notice to Other Utilities: The issuance ments shall first be filed with the City Board of of a permit may be delayed until all utili- Public Works. The Board shall promulgate ties involved in a street crossing for un- rules and regulations governing application derground service connection to a for, hearings pertaining to,and the granting of structure have been given the opportu- variances from the foregoing underground re- nity to be heard upon two (2) weeks' no- quirements. tice. (Ord. 3318, 5-14-1979, eff. 5-23-1979) 2. Review Criteria: Underground require- ments shall be waived by a variance only if 7. Standards for Above-Ground Installa- the utility owner or user or any other affected tions: Any equipment excepted from those party can demonstrate that it would work an underground requirements or otherwise per- undue hardship to place the facilities con- mitted to be installed above-ground shall cerned underground. By an undue hardship comply with the following: is meant a technological difficulty associated with the particular facility, or with the particu- a. Be placed within an enclosure or lar real property involved, or a cost of under- part of the building being served, or grounding such a facility which,in the Board's discretion, is deemed to outweigh the general b. Be suitably screened with masonry welfare consideration implicit in underground or other decorative panels and/or ever- installation, or an area where the growth pat- green trees, shrubs, and landscaping tern has not been sufficiently established to planted in sufficient depth and height, permit the determination of ultimate service within a period of five (5) years, to form requirements or major service routes. an effective sight barrier. The utility shall be responsible for the installation, maintenance, repair, or replacement of 4-6-100 DEFINITIONS OF TERMS the aforementioned screening materials USED IN THIS CHAPTER: when the real property on which the above ground facility is located is owned AIR GAP: A physical vertical separation through by the utility.When said above ground fa- the free atmosphere sufficient to prevent back- cility is located on non utility owned real flow between the free-flowing discharge end of property, the owner(s) shall bear the ex- the potable water system and the overflow level of pense of installation maintenance, repair the receiving vessel,tank,plumbing fixture or any or replacement of screening materials other system. Physically defined as a distance outlined hereiraabove. greater than or equal to twice the diameter of the supply pipe diameter,but in no case less than one c. Have space frames and structural ar inch (1"). (Ord. 4312, 5-13 1991) rangements for holding equipment de- signed to have an uncluttered and neat APPROVED: (for purposes of the Water Utility appearance. Provisions) Approved in writing by the Depart- ment of Health or other agency having jurisdic- d. Required Positioning of Conduc- tion. (Ord. 4312, 5 13 1991) tors:Where above-grade pole line instal- lations are permitted under the variance AUXILIARY SUPPLY: Any water source or sys- procedures outlined in subsection I ofthis tern on or available to the premises other than the Section, conductors shall be placed in purveyor approved potable water supply. (Ord. vertical alignment or any other approved 4312, 5 13 1991) alignment as subsequently designated by the City Traffic Engineer. (Ord. 2432, BACKFLOW: The flow of water or any other liq- 9-23-1968) uid, gas or substance from any source back into the distribution pipes of the potable water supply system. (Ord. 4312, 5-13-1991) 6 - 32 4-6-100 BACKFLOW PREVENTER: An approved as- FWPCA:The Federal Water Pollution Control Act sembly which prevents the backflow of water or of 1956, PL 84-660, together with the amend- any other liquid, gas or substance from any ments of 1966, 1972, and as same may be here- source back into the distribution pipes of the po- after amended; Public Law 92-500 and all table water supply system. (Ord. 4312, subsequent amendments thereto. (Ord. 4343, 5-13-1991) 2-3-1992) BACKSIPHONAGE: The flow of water or any HEALTH HAZARD: A physical or toxic hazard other liquid,gases or substances from any source which could be dangerous to health. (Ord. 4312, back into the distribution pipes of the potable wa- 5-13-1991) ter supply system caused by the reduction of pressure in the potable water supply system. INDUSTRIAL WASTES: The liquid wastes from (Ord. 4312, 5-13-1991) industrial process as distinct from sanitary sew- age. (Ord. 4343, 2-3-1992) BUILDING DRAIN: That part of the lowest hori- zontal piping of a drainage system which receives INFILTRATION: The volume of water or ground- the discharge from soil, waste, and other drain- water entering sewers and building sewer con- age pipes inside the walls of the building and con- nections from the soil through defective joints, veys it to the building sewer, beginning five feet broken or cracked pipe, improper connections or (5') outside the inner face of the building walls. other structural failures. (Ord. 4343, 2-3-1992) (Ord. 4343, 2-3-1992) LONG-RANGE WASTEWATER MANAGE- BUILDING SEWER: See Sewer, Building. (Ord. MENT PLAN: See City Comprehensive Sewer 4343, 2-3-1992) Plan. (Ord. 4343, 2-3-1992) COMBINED SEWER: A sewer receiving both NATURAL OUTLET: Any outlet into a water- surface runoff and sewage. (Ord.4343,2-3-1992) course, pond, ditch, lake or other body of surface or groundwater. (Ord. 4343, 2-3-1992) CONTAMINANT: A substance that will impair the quality of the water to a degree that it creates a POTABLE WATER: Water which is safe for hu- serious health hazard. (Ord. 4312, 5-13-1991) man consumption, as described by the public health authority having jurisdiction. (Ord. 4312, CROSS CONNECTION: Any physical or poten- 5-13-1991) tial arrangement whereby a public water system is connected, directly or indirectly,with any other PRESSURE VACUUM BREAKER:An assembly nonpotable water system, drain, sewer, conduit, consisting of a spring loaded check valve and in- pool, storage reservoir, plumbing fixture or other dependently operating air inlet valve, inlet and device which contains, or may contain, contami- discharge shutoff valve, and properly installed nated water, sewer or other waste liquid of un- test cocks. The air inlet valve is internally loaded known or unsafe quality which may be capable of to the open position, normally by means of a imparting contamination to the public water sys- spring. This internal loading allows the assembly tem as a result of backflow. Bypass arrange- to be installed on the pressure side of a shutoff ments, jumper connections, removable sections, valve. It is designed to protect against backsipho- swivel or change-over devices, or other tempo- nage only. (Ord. 4312, 5-13-1991) rary or permanent devices through which back- flow may occur are considered to be cross REDUCED PRESSURE PRINCIPLE BACK- connections. (Ord. 4312, 5-13-1991) FLOW PREVENTER:An assembly consisting of two (2) independently acting spring operated DOUBLE CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY: An ap- check valves, separated by a spring loaded differ- proved assembly composed of two (2) single, in- ential pressure relief valve,which is installed as a dependently acting check valves, either spring unit between two (2)tightly closing shutoff valves loaded or internally weighted, installed as a unit and having suitable connections for testing. (Ord. between two (2)tightly closing shutoff valves and 4312, 5-13-1991) having suitable connections for testing. (Ord. 4312, 5-13-1991) SEWAGE: A combination of the water-carried wastes from residences,business buildings,insti- 6 - 33 4-6-100 tutions, and industrial establishments, together with such ground, surface, and stormwaters as may be present. (Ord. 4343, 2-3-1992) SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT: Any arrange- ment of devices and structures used for treating sewage. SEWAGE WORKS: All facilities for collecting, pumping, treating, and disposing of sewage. SEWER: A pipe or conduit for carrying sewage. SEWER, BUILDING: The extension from the building drain to the public sewer or other place of disposal. SEWER, SANITARY:A sewer which carries sew- age and to which storm, surface, and groundwa- ters are not intentionally admitted. SEWER, PUBLIC: That portion of a sanitary sewer and its appurtenances located on property, easements and rights-of-way held, owned, con- trolled and accepted by the City or other public authority. SIDE SEWER: See Sewer, Building. SIDE SEWER STUB:That portion of the building sewer between primary collection lines and indi- vidual property lines. STORM SEWER and STORM DRAIN: A sewer which carries storm and surface waters and drainage, but excludes sewage and polluted in- dustrial wastes. WATERCOURSE: A channel in which a flow of water occurs either continuously or intermittently. (Ord. 4343, 2-3-1992) 6 - 34 Chapter 7 SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER 4-7-010 TITLE, PURPOSE AND SCOPE 1 A. Title 1 B. Purpose 1 C. Scope 1 1. Division 1 2. City Approval of Segregations Required 1 a. Method of Calculating Lot Size for a Segregation 1 D. Conflicts with Other Codes 1 E. State Enabling Legislation as It Applies to This Chapter 1 4-7-020 ADMINISTERING AUTHORITY 1 A. Planning/Building/Public Works Department (PBPW) 1 B. Administrator 1 C. Hearing Examiner 1 D. City Council 1 4-7-030 NOTIFICATION OF OTHER AGENCIES 1 A. Notice to Other Jurisdictions 1 B. Notice for State Highways 1 4-7-040 EXCEPTIONS 2 A. Chapter Inapplicable 2 4-7-050 GENERAL OUTLINE OF SUBDIVISION, SHORT PLAT AND LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURES 2 A. Pre-application Meeting 2 B. Application for Lot Line Adjustment—General Overview of Procedures 2 1. Application 2 2. Review 2 3. Decision 2 4. Recording 2 C. Application for Short Subdivision — General Overview of Procedures 2 1. Application 2 2. Public Notice 2 3. Review 2 4. Plats with Four (4) or Less Lots 2 5. Plats with Five (5) to Nine (9) Lots 2 6. Improvements 2 7. Recording 2 D. Application for Subdivision —General Overview of Procedures 2 1. Application 2 2. Public Notice 2 3. Initial Review 3 4. Recommendation 3 5. Hearing 3 6. Improvements 3 7 - i SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER 7. Final Review 3 8. Recording 3 4-7-060 DETAILED PROCEDURES FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENTS 3 A. Purpose 3 B. Principles of Acceptability 3 1. Correcting 3 2. Improving 3 3. Conforming C. Submittal Requirements for Lot Line Adjustments 3 D. Fees 3 E. Administrative Review 3 1. Review Time 3 2. Action 3 3. Approval 3 4. Approval with Modification(s) 3 5. Denial 3 F. Final Recording 3 G. Transfer of Title 4 H. Expiration Period 4 4-7-070 DETAILED PROCEDURES FOR SHORT SUBDIVISIONS 4 A. Purpose 4 B. Principles of Acceptability 4 1. Legal Building Sites 4 2. Access 4 3. Physical Characteristics 4 4. Drainage 4 C. Scope 4 1. Short Plat Process Applicable to Division into Nine (9) or Less Lots 4 2. Preliminary Plat Required for Certain Divisions 4 D. Pre-application Plan Review 4 E. Submittal Requirements for Short Subdivision 4 F. Referral to Other Departments and Agencies 4 G. Public Notice 4 1. Public Information Sign 5 2. Newspaper Publication 5 3. Mailed Notices 5 4. Failure to Receive Notice 5 H. Administrative Review 5 1. Review Time 5 2. Action 5 3. Approval 5 4. Approval with Modification(s) 5 5. Referral to the Hearing Examiner 5 6. Denial 5 7. Reconsideration 6 I. Appeal 6 J. Required Improvements 6 7 - ii SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER K. Final Short Plat Map Submittal Requirements 6 L. Filing Short Plat 6 1. Right-of-Way Dedications Require Separate Approval 6 2. Administrator Signature and Recording Fees 6 3. Recording Process 6 M. Expiration Period 6 N. Limitations on Further Subdivision 6 O. Administrative Guidelines 6 4-7-080 DETAILED PROCEDURES FOR SUBDIVISION 6 A. Purpose 6 B. Principles of Acceptability 7 1. Legal Lots 7 2. Access 7 3. Physical Characteristics 7 4. Drainage 7 C. Scope 7 D. Pre-application Meeting Procedures 7 1. Pre-Application 7 2. Pre-Application Submittal Requirements 7 3. Referral to Other Departments 7 4. Pre-Application Meeting 7 5. General Requirements or Findings for Pre-Application Application 7 6. Further Action 7 E. Submittal Requirements for Preliminary Plat Application 8 F. Preliminary Plat Meeting 8 1. Similarity 8 2. Requested Revisions 8 G. Referral to Other City Departments and Agencies 8 H. Time Limitation for Approval or Disapproval of Plats 8 I. Hearing Examiner Public Hearing 8 1. Public Hearing Required 8 2. Public Notice Required 8 J. Health Agency Recommendation 9 K. City Council Action 9 L. Expiration Date 9 1. Expiration and Extension 9 2. Additional Extensions 9 3. Extension Time Increments 9 4. Phased Subdivision 9 4-7-090 PROPERTY ANNEXED TO CITY WITH PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL IN COUNTY 9 A. City Staff Review 9 B. General Requirements and Findings 9 1. Density Requirements 9 2. Public Works Improvements 10 C. Expiration Date 10 D. Installation of Improvements or Bonding in Lieu of Improvements 10 7 - iii SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER E. Final Plat Procedures 10 4-7-100 INSTALLATION OF IMPROVEMENTS OR BONDING IN LIEU OF IMPROVEMENTS 10 A. Required Improvements 10 B. Inspection, Approval and Fees 10 C. Permits 10 D. Final Submittal 10 E. Deferred Improvements 10 4-7-110 FINAL PLAT PROCEDURES 10 A. Application 10 1. Submittal to Department 10 2. Conformance with Preliminary Plat 10 3. Submittal Requirements 10 4. Fees 10 B. Referral to Other Departments and Agencies 10 C. City Council Approval 11 D. Setting of Monuments 11 E. Filing Final Plat 11 F. Expiration of Plat After Council Approval 11 4-7-120 COMPATIBILITY WITH EXISTING LAND USE AND PLAN — GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND MINIMUM STANDARDS 11 A. Continuity with Improved Additions 11 B. Conformity with Existing Plans 11 C. Trails Plans 11 4-7-130 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATION — GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND MINIMUM STANDARDS 11 A. Purpose 11 B. Action Not a Taking 11 C. Environmental Considerations 11 1. Land Unsuitable for Subdivision 11 2. Trees 11 3. Streams 11 a. Preservation 11 b. Method 12 c. Culverting 12 d. Clean Water 12 4-7-140 PARKS AND OPEN SPACE 12 4-7-150 STREETS — GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND MINIMUM STANDARDS 12 A. Relationship to Adjoining Street System 12 B. Street Names 12 C. Arterials, Intersections 12 D. Street Alignment 12 E. Street Pattern 12 1. Flexible Grid 12 2. Linkages 12 3. Exceptions 12 7 - iv SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER F. Improvements Required 13 G. Adjacent to Unplatted Acreage 13 4-7-160 RESIDENTIAL BLOCKS — GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND MINIMUM STANDARDS 13 A. Width 13 B. Walkways 13 4-7-170 RESIDENTIAL LOTS — GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND MINIMUM STANDARDS 13 A. Arrangement 13 B. Access Requirements 13 C. Minimum Size 13 D. Minimum Width 13 E. Property Corners at Intersections 13 F. Pipestem Lots Allowed 13 1. Minimum Lot Size and Pipestem Width and Length 13 2. Adjacent Pipestem Lots Prohibited/Shared Access Requirements 13 4-7-180 INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL BLOCKS AND LOTS — GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND MINIMUM STANDARDS 14 A. Property Corners at Intersections 14 B. Lot Orientation 14 C. Lot Arrangement 14 4-7-190 PUBLIC USE AND SERVICE AREA— GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND MINIMUM STANDARDS 14 A. Easements for Utilities 14 B. Community Assets 14 4-7-200 INSTALLATION OF UTILITIES — GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND MINIMUM STANDARDS 14 A. Sanitary Sewers 14 B. Storm Drainage 14 C. Water System 14 D. Underground Utilities 14 E. Cable TV Conduits 14 F. Latecomer's Agreements 15 4-7-210 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS — GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND MINIMUM STANDARDS 15 A. Monuments 15 B. Survey 15 C. Street Signs 15 4-7-220 HILLSIDE SUBDIVISIONS 15 A. Purpose 15 B. Procedure 15 C. Standards 15 1. Application Information 15 2. Grading 15 3. Streets 15 4. Lots 15 7 - v SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER 5. Erosion Control Requirements 16 4-7-230 VARIANCES 16 A. Authority 16 4-7-240 VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES 16 A. Violations and Penalties 16 B. Injunction 16 C. Violations 16 7 - vi 4-7-030B 4-7-010 TITLE, PURPOSE AND justing lot lines, and the dedication of land; and SCOPE: further provides for administrative procedures for the adjustment of lot lines. A. TITLE: This Chapter shall be hereinafter known as the 4-7-020 ADMINISTERING City of Renton Subdivision Code. AUTHORITY: B. PURPOSE: A. PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC The purpose of this Chapter is to provide rules, regulations, requirements, and standards for sub- WORKS DEPARTMENT (PBPW): dividing land in the City, and for administrative The PBPW Department is responsible for the ad- procedures for adjustments of lot lines in the City, ministration and coordination of this Chapter un- ensuring that the public health, safety, general less another department is authorized to welfare, and aesthetics of the City shall be pro- administer and enforce a specific section or sec- moted and protected;that orderly growth, devel- tions. The PBPW Department is also responsible opment, and the conservation, protection and for reviewing all engineering and technical re- proper use of land shall be ensured; that proper quirements of this Chapter. provisions for all public facilities (including circu- lation, utilities, and services) shall be made; that B. ADMINISTRATOR: the site characteristics shall be taken into consid- The Administrator shall review and make recom- eration; that conformance with provisions set mendations to the Hearing Examiner for prelimi- forth in the City Zoning Code and Comprehensive nary plats and short plats of five (5) or more lots. Plan shall be insured. The Administrator shall have the authority to ap- prove short plats of less than five (5) lots. C. SCOPE: C. HEARING EXAMINER: 1. Division:This Chapter shall apply to the The Hearing Examiner is authorized to hold a division of land for sale or lease into two (2) public hearing on all preliminary plats and to or more parcels and to the modification of lot make recommendations to the City Council. lines between adjoining parcels. D. CITY COUNCIL: 2. City Approval of Segregations Re- The City Council shall approve all preliminary quired: Segregations require plat or short plats; further, the City Council shall have sole au- plat approval by the City of Renton. thority to approve final plats. a. Method of Calculating Lot Size for a Segregation: For the purposes of corn- 4-7-030 NOTIFICATION OF OTHER puting the size of any segregation which AGENCIES: borders on a street or road, the lot size shall be expanded to include that area A. NOTICE TO OTHER JURISDICTIONS: which would be bounded by the center- Notice of the filing of a preliminary plat of a pro- line of the road or street and the side lot posed subdivision in the City,which subdivision is lines of the lot running perpendicular to adjacent to the City's municipal boundaries, or such centerline. which contemplates the use of King County's or any other city's utilities shall be sent to the appro- D. CONFLICTS WITH OTHER CODES: priate county or city authorities. Where this Chapter imposes greater restrictions or higher standards upon the development of land B. NOTICE FOR STATE HIGHWAYS: than other laws, ordinances or restrictive cove- Notice of the filing of a preliminary plat or short nants,the provisions of this Chapter shall prevail. plat located adjacent to the right-of-way of a State highway shall be sent to the State Department of E. STATE ENABLING LEGISLATION AS Transportation. IT APPLIES TO THIS CHAPTER: This Chapter is in conformance with chapter 58.17 RCW regulating platting, subdivision, ad- 7 - 1 4-7-040A 4-7-040 EXCEPTIONS: 1. Application: The completed application is filed with the Department. A. CHAPTER INAPPLICABLE: The provisions of this Chapter do not apply to: 2. Public Notice: Public comment is re- quested by the following: (a) a notice board 1. Cemeteries and burial plots while used on the site, (b) a notice in a newspaper of for that purpose. general local circulation, and (c) written no- tice is mailed to all property owners within 2. Divisions made by testamentary provi- three hundred feet (300') of the subject prop- sions, or the laws of descent. erty. A fourteen (14) day comment period is provided prior to a determination on the appli- 3. Division of land due to condemnation or cation. sale under threat thereof, by an agency or di- vision of government vested with the power of 3. Review: The application is reviewed by condemnation, or by court judgment. the Department and other interested City de- partments and outside agencies. 4-7-050 GENERAL OUTLINE OF 4. Plats with Four(4) or Less Lots: The SUBDIVISION, SHORT PLAT AND LOT Administrator may approve, modify, or deny LINE ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURES: the short subdivision;or require a public hear- ing and decision by the Hearing Examiner. A. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: Appeal of the decision of the Administrator Any person who desires to subdivide land in the shall be to the Hearing Examiner. City should request a preapplication meeting with 5. Plats with Five (5) to Nine(9) Lots: A the Department at an early date in order to be- public hearing before the Hearing Examiner come familiar with the requirements of this Chap- will be conducted for short plats creating five ter. (5) or more lots. The short plat decision will B. APPLICATION FOR LOT LINE then be made by the Hearing Examiner. ADJUSTMENT— GENERAL OVERVIEW 6. Improvements: The Department will OF PROCEDURES: confirm that the required improvements have The general administrative procedures for pro- been installed by the applicant,or deferred by cessing applications for a lot line adjustment are the Board of Public Works. as follows: 7. Recording:The final short plat is submit- 1. Application: The completed application ted to the Department for final review, ap- is filed with the Department; proval and recording. 2. Review: The application is reviewed by D. APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION — the Department staff; GENERAL OVERVIEW OF PROCEDURES: 3. Decision: The adjustment is either ap- The general procedures for processing an appli- proved, modified, or denied by the Adminis- cation for a subdivision are as follows: trator and/or designee; 4. Recording:The approved lot line adjust- 1. Application: The completed application ment is recorded by the City Clerk with the is filed with the Department. King County Department of Records and 2. Public Notice: Public comment is re- Elections. quested by the following:(a)a notice board on C. APPLICATION FOR SHORT the site,(b)a notice in a newspaper of general local circulation, and (c) written notice is SUBDIVISION — GENERAL OVERVIEW mailed to all property owners within three hun- OF PROCEDURES: dred feet(300')of the subject property.A four- The general procedures for processing applica- tions for a short subdivision are as follows: 7 - 2 4-7-060F teen (14) day comment period is provided 3. Conforming: Conform to Applicable prior to a public hearing on the application. Zoning: See chapter 4-2 RMC, subdivision and other code requirements pertaining to lot 3. Initial Review: The application is re- design, building location, and development viewed by the Department and other inter- standards. ested City departments and outside agencies. C. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENTS: 4. Recommendation:The Administrator Shall be as stipulated in RMC 4-8-120. will send a recommendation to the Hearing Examiner along with the environmental deter- D. FEES: mination. Shall be as stipulated in RMC 4-1-170. 5. Hearing:The Hearing Examiner will hold E. ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW: a public hearing and forward a recommenda- tion to the City Council which will make a final 1. Review Time: The Administrator will re- determination regarding the preliminary plat. view and take action on the proposed lot line adjustment within thirty (30) working days of 6. Improvements:The Department will receiving a completed application. confirm that the required improvements have been installed by the applicant,or deferred by 2. Action:The Administrator may approve, the Board of Public Works. request corrections by the applicant, approve with modifications,or deny the application for 7. Final Review:The applicant submits the a lot line adjustment. final plat to the Department for its review.The Department will forward the final plat and its 3. Approval: If approved the lot line adjust- recommendation to the City Council. ment mylar map shall be signed and dated by the Administrator. The applicant shall be noti- 8. Recording:The Department submits the fied in writing of the decision. The signed my- final plat to the City Council for approval.The lar map shall be filed with the King County approved final plat is recorded with the office Department of Records and Elections. of the King County Department of Records and Elections. 4. Approval with Modification(s): If modi- fication(s) are deemed necessary by the Ad- 4-7-060 DETAILED PROCEDURES ministrator,they may be added to the original FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENTS: lot line adjustment map or a revised map may be required. The applicant will be notified of any such modification action. If a modification A. PURPOSE: of the original lot line adjustment map, legal The purpose of a lot line adjustment is to accom- description or other information is necessary, modate a transfer of land between adjacent le- the projected approval date may be ex- gaily created lots provided no additional lot, tended. parcel or tracts are created. 5. Denial: If denied, the lot line adjustment B. PRINCIPLES OF ACCEPTABILITY: shall be marked "Denied" and the applicant A lot line adjustment shall be consistent with the shall be notified in writing of the decision, following principles of acceptability: stating the reasons therefor. 1. Correcting:Adjust lot lines including the F. FINAL RECORDING: elimination of a common lot line in order to The lot line adjustment does not become effective correct property line or setback encroach- until it is recorded with the King County Depart- ments; ment of Records and Elections. After two (2) cop- ies of the signed mylar are made for City records, 2. Improving: Create better lot design, or the mylar shall be sent to the City Clerk's office for improve access; recording. It is the responsibility of the City Clerk 7 - 3 4-7-060G to record the approved map and new legal de- 4. Drainage: Make adequate provision for scriptions. A copy of the recorded documents drainage ways, streets, alleys, other public shall be provided to the applicant by the Planning/ ways, water supplies and sanitary wastes. Building/Public Works Department. C. SCOPE: G. TRANSFER OF TITLE: The recording of a lot line adjustment does not 1. Short Plat Process Applicable to Divi- constitute a transfer of title. Separate deeds to sion into Nine (9) or Less Lots: Any land this effect must be recorded with the King County being divided into nine (9) or less parcels, Department of Records and Elections and are not lots, tracts, sites, or subdivisions, including subject to these provisions. segregations, and which has not been di- vided in a short subdivision within a period of H. EXPIRATION PERIOD: five (5) years, shall meet the requirements of If the lot line adjustment is not filed within two (2) this Section. years of the date of approval, the lot line adjust- ment shall be null and void. Upon written request 2. Preliminary Plat Required for Certain of the applicant, the Planning/Building/Public Divisions: No application for a short subdivi- Works Department may grant one extension of sion shall be approved if the land being di- not more than one year. Such request must be re- vided is held in common ownership with a ceived by the Department prior to the two(2)year contiguous parcel which has been divided in expiration date. a short subdivision within the preceding five (5) years. Such applications must be pro- cessed as preliminary plat, rather than a short 4-7-070 DETAILED PROCEDURES plat. FOR SHORT SUBDIVISIONS: D. PRE-APPLICATION PLAN REVIEW: A. PURPOSE: In any short subdivision of property the applicant The procedures regulating short subdivisions, in- may submit a preliminary sketch (five (5) copies) cluding segregations of nine (9) or fewer lots, are for preliminary staff review prior to submittal of the established to promote orderly and efficient divi- application.The staff shall review this map within sion of lots on a small scale, avoiding placing un- fourteen (14) working days and inform applicant due burdens on the subdivider and to comply with of any preliminary concerns and recommenda- provisions of chapter 58.17 RCW. tions for revisions.This shall not preclude the staff from making further recommendations at the ap- B. PRINCIPLES OF ACCEPTABILITY: plication stage. A short plat shall be consistent with the following principles of acceptability: E. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SHORT SUBDIVISION: 1. Legal Building Sites:Create legal build- Submittal requirements for a short subdivision ap- ing sites which comply with all provisions of plication shall be as stipulated in RMC 4-8-120. the City Zoning Code. F. REFERRAL TO OTHER 2. Access: Establish access to a public DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES: road for each segregated parcel. Upon receipt of an application for a short plat,the Department shall transmit one copy to any de- 3. Physical Characteristics: Have suit- partment or agency as warranted. able physical characteristics. A proposed short plat may be denied because of flood, in- G. PUBLIC NOTICE: undation,or wetland conditions.Construction Public notice shall be given when short plat appli- of protective improvements may be required cation is made.The notices shall state the nature as a condition of approval,and such improve- and location of the proposed development, the ments shall be noted on the final short plat. public approvals that are required and the oppor- tunities for public comment. A fourteen (14) day public comment period shall be provided prior to any final action by the Administrator on the pro- 7 -4 4-7-070H posed short plat. Notice of the application for plat within the"time limits"as defined in chap- short plat shall be given in the following manner: ter 58.17 RCW. 1. Public Information Sign:A minimum of 2. Action:The Administrator may approve, one notice of the application for short plat approve with modifications, require a public shall be posted on or adjacent to the land to hearing and decision by the Hearing Exam- be subdivided at least fourteen (14) days iner, or deny the application for a short plat. prior to the administrative determination on Action for short plats of five(5)or greater lots, the short plat application. Public notice shall or otherwise referred to the Hearing Exam- be accomplished through use of a four foot by iner, shall be by the Hearing Examiner. Every eight foot (4' x 8') plywood face notice board decision or recommendation made under this to be provided and installed by the applicant Section shall include findings of fact and con- and approved by the Department. Applicant clusions to support the decision or recom- shall be responsible for placement of the no- mendation. tice board in one conspicuous place on or ad- jacent to the property subject to the applica- 3. Approval: If the Administrator finds that tion at least fourteen (14) days prior to the the proposed plat makes appropriate provi- administrative determination on the short plat sions for the public health, safety, and gen- application. Applicant will notify the Depart- eral welfare and for such open spaces, ment staff when the notice board is installed drainage ways, streets, alleys, other public to allow for Department review and approval ways,water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks, of the notice board. playgrounds, sites for schools and school grounds and all other relevant facts and that 2. Newspaper Publication: One notice of the public use and interest will be served by the short plat application shall be given in a the proposed short plat, then it shall be ap- newspaper of general circulation within the proved. The applicant shall be notified in writ- area in which property is located, at least ten ing of the decision. (10) days prior to the administrative determi- nation on the short plat application. 4. Approval with Modification(s): If modi- fication(s) are deemed necessary by the Ad- 3. Mailed Notices: Notice shall be mailed ministrator, then they may be added to the to all property owners within a radius of three preliminary short plat map or a revised map hundred feet(300')of the exterior boundaries may be required. The applicant will be noti- of the property which is the subject of the ap- fied of any such modification action. If a mod- plication. If the owner of the subject property ification of the preliminary short plat map, also owns property lying adjacent to the sub- legal description or other information is nec- ject property,the three hundred foot(300') ra- essary, the projected approval date may be dius must be taken from the exterior bound- extended. aries of this adjacent owned property. 5. Referral to the Hearing Examiner: If 4. Failure to Receive Notice:The failure of the Administrator determines that there are any property owner to receive said notice of sufficient concerns by residents in the area of hearing will not necessarily invalidate the pro- the short plat, or by City staff, to warrant a ceedings. Failure to receive notice will be public hearing, then he/she shall refer the grounds for a request for reconsideration by short plat to the Hearing Examiner for public the decision maker for the short plat. The de- hearing and decision by the Hearing Exam- cision maker shall reconsider when it is dem- iner. Short plats of five (5) or more lots will onstrated that there is additional material also be referred to the Hearing Examiner for testimony to provide that was not provided by public hearing and decision. Notice of the others before the original decision. public hearing shall be given as required for a full subdivision. H. ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW: 6. Denial: If denied, the preliminary short 1. Review Time: The Administrator will re- plat map shall be marked "Denied" and the view and take action on the proposed short applicant shall be notified in writing of the de- cision, stating the reasons therefor. 7 - 5 4-7-0701 7. Reconsideration: Any party may re- approval prior to filing of the short plat. All quest that an application, on which the Ad- right-of-way dedications require City Council ministrator has taken action, be reopened by approval prior to filing of the short plat. the Administrator if it is found by the Depart- ment or the applicant that new information 2. Administrator Signature and Record- has come to light not readily discoverable ing Fees:A short plat must be signed by the prior to the approval upon the exercise of due Administrator before it is filed. The final diligence or any material misrepresentation signed mylar shall remain with the Depart- of fact is found that might affect the action ment until such time as the applicant requests taken by the Administrator. In case of a denial that the short plat be recorded.The recording of the request for reconsideration by the Ad- fees shall be paid by the subdivider. ministrator any appeal shall be made to the Hearing Examiner. New information can be 3. Recording Process: The approved presented during the Hearing Examiner's short plat will be sent to the City Clerk by the consideration of the appeal. Department when the short plat is final and all prerequisites to filing have been completed. I. APPEAL: The short plat shall be filed by the City Clerk The decision of the Administrator shall be final, for record in the office of the King County De- unless an appeal by any aggrieved party is made partment of Records and Elections and shall to the Hearing Examiner within fourteen(14)days not be deemed approved until so filed. after the Administrator's decision. Said appeal shall be in writing to the Hearing Examiner and M. EXPIRATION PERIOD: filed with the City Clerk and the Department. The If the short plat is not filed within two (2) years of Hearing Examiner shall set a hearing date for the the date of approval, the short plat shall be null appeal within twenty one (21) days unless an ex- and void. Upon written request of the subdivider, tension thereto is agreed to, in writing, by the ap- the Planning/Building/Public Works Department plicant. may grant one extension of not more than one year. Such request must be received by the De- J. REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS: partment prior to the expiration of the short plat. The following tangible improvements shall be constructed or deferred before a final short plat is N. LIMITATIONS ON FURTHER submitted or a short subdivision is recorded: SUBDIVISION: grading and paving of streets and alleys, installa- Any land subdivided under the requirements of tion of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, monuments, this Section shall not be further divided for a pe- sanitary and storm sewers, street lights, water nod of five (5) years without following the proce- mains and street name signs,together with all ap- dures for subdivision. purtenances thereto to specifications and stan- dards of this Code, approved by the Department O. ADMINISTRATIVE GUIDELINES: and in accordance with other standards of the There shall be on file with the Planning/Building/ City. A separate construction permit will be re- Public Works Department and made available quired for any such improvements, along with as- with each application issued a set of administra- sociated engineered plans prepared per the City tive guidelines for drawing short plat maps, corn- drafting standards and associated fees. pleting the application package and recording the plat. K. FINAL SHORT PLAT MAP SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: The final short plat map which is submitted for fil- 4-7-080 DETAILED PROCEDURES ing shall be as stipulated in RMC 4-8-120. FOR SUBDIVISION: L. FILING SHORT PLAT: A. PURPOSE: The procedures regulating subdivisions, includ- 1. Right-of-Way Dedications Require ing segregations of ten (10) or more lots, are es- Separate Approval: Any required or pro- tablished to promote orderly and efficient division posed right-of-way dedications must be sub- of lots, avoiding placing undue burdens on the mitted to the Department for review and 7 - 6 4-7-080D subdivider and to comply with provisions of chap- streets, buildings, watercourses, rail- ter 58.17 RCW. roads, bridges, and easements. B. PRINCIPLES OF ACCEPTABILITY: c. Contours should be shown to the ex- A subdivision shall be consistent with the follow- tent necessary to predict drainage Char- ing principles of acceptability: acteristics of the property. 1. Legal Lots: Create legal building sites d. Indicate the approximate dimensions which comply with all provisions of the City of each lot. Zoning Code. 3. Referral to Other Departments:The 2. Access: Establish access to a public Department shall transmit copies of the pre- road for each segregated parcel. application submittal to other departments as warranted. 3. Physical Characteristics: Have suit- able physical characteristics.A proposed plat 4. Pre-Application Meeting: A meeting may be denied because of flood, inundation, shall be held attended by the departments or wetland conditions. Construction of protec- which receive copies of the tentative plat,the five improvements may be required as a con- Department, and the subdivider. Any recom- dition of approval, and such improvements mendations of the various departments for re- shall be noted on the final plat. vision of the tentative plat should be discussed at such meeting as well as re- 4. Drainage: Make adequate provision for corded in writing. drainage ways, streets, alleys, other public ways, water supplies and sanitary wastes. 5. General Requirements or Findings for Pre-Application Application: Following the C. SCOPE: aforesaid pre-application meeting, and re- Any land being divided into ten (10) or more par- ceipt of the recommendations of other City cels, lots, tracts, sites, or subdivision, including departments, the Department may find that segregations,or any land which has been divided the proposed plat: under the short subdivision procedures within five (5) years, or any land which is held in common a. Is in general conformance with the ownership with a contiguous parcel divided under regulations of this Chapter; the short subdivision procedures within the pre- ceding five (5) years shall conform to the proce- b. Is in conformance to the street and dures and requirements of this Section. pedestrian circulation pattern established or proposed for the area of the subdivi- D. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING sion; PROCEDURES: c. Is in conformance with sewer, water 1. Pre-Application: Requests for a pre-ap- other utility plans for the area; plication meeting and review shall be filed with the Department. Five(5)of copies of the d. Is not detrimental to its surroundings. pre-application submittal shall be filed with the request. 6. Further Action: If the pre-application re- quest is acceptable as presented, or as mod- 2. Pre-Application Submittal Require- if ied per the suggestions presented in writing ments: at the pre-application meeting, the applicant should proceed to the preliminary plat stage. a. Vicinity map adequate to show the If the pre-application submittal is not accept- location of the plat. able, a preliminary plat may still be submitted to the Department. b. Preliminary plat drawn to an appro- priate scale showing the location of exist- ing and proposed platted property lines, 7 - 7 4-7-080E E. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR mendations to the City Council. The Hearing PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION: Examiner shall review preliminary plats and Application for a preliminary plat shall be made as make recommendations to the City Council to stipulated in RMC 4-8-120. assure conformance with the general purpos- es of the Comprehensive Plan and adopted F. PRELIMINARY PLAT MEETING: standards. The Hearing Examiner's recom- The Department shall compare the applicant's mendation shall include findings of fact and pre-application plan and preliminary plat and shall conclusions to support the recommendation. reach a decision within three (3) working days af- ter the applicant's submission as to whether an- 2. Public Notice Required: The notice for other pre-application meeting is necessary. public hearing shall include the date and loca- Another pre-application meeting may be deemed tion of the public hearing. Notice of the public necessary when there are significant differences hearing shall be given in the following man- between the pre-application plan and preliminary ner: plats. The determination of the necessity of an- other meeting shall be based on the following a. A minimum of one notice of the appli- considerations: cation for subdivision shall be posted on or adjacent to the land to be subdivided 1. Similarity:The degree of similarity be- at least fourteen (14)days prior to the ad- tween the two (2) plans (i.e., is the prelimi- ministrative determination on the prelimi- nary plat a refinement of the pre-application nary plat application. Public notice shall plan, or is it a completely new plat for the be accomplished through use of a four same property?). foot by eight foot (4' x 8') plywood face notice board to be provided and installed 2. Requested Revisions:The presence or by the applicant and approved by the De- absence of revisions present in the prelimi- partment. Applicant shall be responsible nary plat resulting from objections raised at for placement of the notice board in one the pre-application meeting. conspicuous, clearly visible place on or adjacent to the property subject to the ap- G. REFERRAL TO OTHER CITY plication at least fourteen (14) days prior DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES: to the date of the public hearing. Appli- The Department shall distribute one copy to the cant will notify the Department staff when Fire Department; one copy to the Police Depart- the notice board has been installed to al- ment;one copy to the Parks Department;and one low for Department review and approval copy to each of the public utility agencies serving of the notice board. the area in which the subdivision is to be con- structed. Each department or agency may file b. One notice of the public hearing shall recommendations with the Department within ten be given in a newspaper of general circu (10) working days of receipt of the preliminary lation within the area in which property is plat;or in the event that a preliminary plat meeting located at least ten (10) days prior to the would be called by the Department may present public hearing. their recommendation at that time. c. Notice shall be mailed to all property H. TIME LIMITATION FOR APPROVAL owners within a radius of three hundred OR DISAPPROVAL OF PLATS: feet (300') of the exterior boundaries of the property which is the subject of the The City will review and take action on the pro- application. If the owner of the subject posed short plat within the time limits as defined also owns property lying ad a- in chapter 58.17 RCW. property p p y y g � cent to the subject property, the three I. HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC hundred foot(300') radius must be taken from the exterior boundaries of this adja- HEARING: cent owned property. The notices shall state the nature and location of the pro- 1. Public Hearing Required: The Hearing posed development,the public approvals Examiner shall hold a public hearing on any that are required and the opportunities for preliminary plat and forward his/her recom- public comment. Such notice shall be 7 - 8 4-7-090B sent at least fourteen (14) days prior to 2. Additional Extensions: Additional time the public hearing. extensions beyond this one-year time period may be granted by the City Council if the ap- d. The failure of any property owner to plicant can show need caused by unusual cir- receive said notice of hearing will not nec- cumstances or situations which make it essarily invalidate the proceedings. Fail- unduly burdensome to file the final plat within ure to receive notice will be grounds for a the four (4) year time period. The applicant request for reconsideration by the Hear- must file a written request with the City Coun- ing Examiner. The Hearing Examiner cil and Department for this additional time ex- shall reconsider when it is demonstrated tension; this request must be filed at least that there is additional material testimony thirty (30) days prior to the plat expiration to provide that was not provided by others date. The request must include documenta- before the original decision. tion as to the need for the additional time pe- riod. J. HEALTH AGENCY RECOMMENDATION: 3. Extension Time Increments:Additional The health agencies responsible for approval of time extensions shall be granted in not the proposed means of sewage disposal and wa- greater than one-year increments. ter supply shall file with the Department, prior to the Council's consideration of the preliminary 4. Phased Subdivision: In the case of a plat, written statements as to the general ade- phased subdivision,final plat approval by the quacy of the proposed means of sewage disposal City Council of any phase of the preliminary and water supply. (Applicant is responsible for plat will constitute an automatic one-year ex- submitting appropriate application forms to the tension for the filing of the next phase of the Seattle-King County Health Department and for subdivision. paying the Health Department review fee.) K. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: 4-7-090 PROPERTY ANNEXED TO The Hearing Examiner's recommendations shall CITY WITH PRELIMINARY PLAT be submitted to the City Council not later than APPROVAL IN COUNTY: fourteen (14) days following the public hearing. In instances where property annexed to the City After receiving the Hearing Examiner's recom has received preliminary plat approval from King mendation, the City Council shall consider the County prior to annexation, the following review adoption or rejection of the recommendation. If shall occur: the City Council deems that a change in the Hear- ing Examiner's recommendation is necessary, A. CITY STAFF REVIEW: the change of the recommendation shall not be The Department and Fire Department shall re- made until the City Council has adopted its own findings, conclusions recommendations and ap view the plat. City plan checking review and in proved or disapproved the preliminary plat. spections shall be subject to fees pursuant to RMC 4-1-170. L. EXPIRATION DATE: B. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND 1. Expiration and Extension: Preliminary FINDINGS: plat approval shall lapse unless a final plat If the City staff finds that the preliminary plat corn- based on the preliminary plat, or any phase plies with the following requirements,the subdivi- thereof, is submitted within three (3) years sion can proceed to the final plat stage without a from the date of preliminary plat approval. preliminary plat hearing by the Hearing Examiner One one-year extension shall be granted to and City Council: an applicant who files a written request with the Administrator at least thirty (30) days be- 1. Density Requirements:Overall density fore the expiration of this three(3)year period, of the subdivision shall not exceed the maxi provided the applicant demonstrates that he/ mum density allowed pursuant to the Zoning she has attempted in good faith to submit the Code. Lot size and lot width requirements final plat within the three (3) year period. need not comply with Zoning Code so long as overall density complies with the Code. 7 - 9 4-7-090C 2. Public Works Improvements: Ade- permit requirements of other Federal, State and quate provision shall be made for drainage, local agencies. streets, alleys, public ways, water, and sani- tary wastes. The City may add conditions to D. FINAL SUBMITTAL: the preliminary plat in order to ensure con- No final plat shall be submitted to the City Council formance with City standards. nor any short subdivision recorded until all im- provements are constructed in a satisfactory C. EXPIRATION DATE: manner and approved by the responsible depart- The preliminary plat shall comply with RMC ments or a security approved by the City has 4-7-080L pertaining to expiration of the prelimi- been posted for deferred improvements. nary plat.The date of approval will be that date on which King County approved the preliminary plat. E. DEFERRED IMPROVEMENTS: See RMC 4-9-060. D. INSTALLATION OF IMPROVEMENTS OR BONDING IN LIEU OF IMPROVEMENTS: 4-7-110 FINAL PLAT PROCEDURES: If the improvements are not constructed prior to annexation to the City, the subdivision must com- A. APPLICATION: ply with RMC 4-7-100. 1. Submittal to Department: Application E. FINAL PLAT PROCEDURES: for final plat shall be filed with the Department The procedures for final plat shall be the same as on forms prescribed by the Department. those outlined in RMC 4-7-110. 2. Conformance with Preliminary Plat: The final plat shall conform with only minor 4-7-100 INSTALLATION OF modifications to the preliminary plat. The lot IMPROVEMENTS OR BONDING IN configuration and number of lots must remain LIEU OF IMPROVEMENTS: unchanged from the approved preliminary plat. Minor modifications are allowed in lot A. REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS: line locations and dimensions of the new par- The following tangible improvements shall be re- cels provided all parcels are in conformance with the lot development standards of the quired before a final plat or a short subdivision is recorded: grading and paving of streets and al- leys, installation of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, 3. Submittal Requirements: Shall be as monuments, sanitary and storm sewers, street stipulated in RMC 4-8-120.The final plat shall lights, water mains and street name signs, to- be prepared by a registered land surveyor in gether with all appurtenances thereto to specifi- accordance with the requirements of the cations and standards of this Code, approved by Renton surveying standards. Shall contain the Department and in accordance with other data sufficient to determine readily and repro- standards of the City. A separate construction duce on the ground the location,bearing,and permit will be required for any such improve- length of every street,easement line, lot line, ments, along with associated engineered plans boundary line and block line on site. Shall in- prepared per the City drafting standards and as- clude dimensions to the nearest one-hun- sociated fees as listed in RMC 4-1-170. dredth (1/100) of a foot and angles and B. INSPECTION, APPROVAL AND FEES: bearings in degrees, minutes, and seconds. The Department shall be responsible for the su- 4. Fees: Application fees are required as pervision, inspection and acceptance of all subdi- outlined in the Fee Schedule, RMC 4-1-170. vision improvements. C. PERMITS: B. REFERRAL TO OTHER DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES: Prior to proceeding with subdivision improve- The Department shall distribute the final plat to all ments, the subdivider shall make application for other departments, utility agencies and other gov- such permits from the City as are necessary.The ernmental agencies as warranted. applicant is also responsible for complying with all 7 - 10 4-7-130C C. CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL: 4-7-130 ENVIRONMENTAL At its first public meeting following the date the fi- CONSIDERATION - GENERAL nal plat application has been officially accepted by REQUIREMENTS AND MINIMUM the Department, the City Council shall set a date STANDARDS: to consider the final plat.The final plat shall be ap- proved, disapproved or returned to the applicant for modification or correction by the City Council. A. PURPOSE: It is the purpose of this Section to provide for the D. SETTING OF MONUMENTS: protection of valuable, irreplaceable environmen- All interior monuments shall be installed prior to tal amenities and to make urban development as the release of any bond. compatible as possible with the ecological bal- ance of the area. Goals are to preserve drainage E. FILING FINAL PLAT: patterns, protect groundwater supply, prevent Before the final plat is submitted to the City Coun erosion and to preserve trees and natural vegeta cil, it shall be signed by the Administrator. After tion. This is beneficial to the City in lessening the the final plat is approved by the City Council, it costs of the development to the City as a whole, shall be signed by the Mayor and the City Clerk. and to the subdivider in creating an attractive and The final plat shall be filed with the King County healthy environment. Department of Records and Elections by the City. B. ACTION NOT A TAKING: F. EXPIRATION OF PLAT AFTER No action taken herein shall constitute a taking COUNCIL APPROVAL: under the laws or constitution of the State or Fed- If a final plat has not been recorded within six (6) eral government. months after approval by the City Council,the plat C. ENVIRONMENTAL shall expire and be null and void.To revitalize the CONSIDERATIONS: expired plat, the plat shall be resubmitted as a preliminary plat. One extension to the six (6) A plat, short plat, subdivision or dedication shall month period may be granted by the City Council. be prepared in conformance with the following provisions: 4-7-120 COMPATIBILITY WITH 1. Land Unsuitable for Subdivision: Land EXISTING LAND USE AND PLAN - which is found to be unsuitable for subdivi- sionGENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND includes land with features likely to be harmful to the safety and general health of MINIMUM STANDARDS: the future residents (such as lands adversely affected by flooding, steep slopes,or rock for- A. CONTINUITY WITH IMPROVED mations). Land which the Department or the ADDITIONS: Hearing Examiner considers inappropriate No plan for the replatting, subdivision, or dedica- for subdivision shall not be subdivided unless tion of any areas shall be approved by the City adequate safeguards are provided against Council unless the streets shown therein are con- these adverse conditions. If any portion of the nected by surfaced road or street (according to land within the boundary of a preliminary plat City specifications) to an existing street or high- is subject to flooding or inundation, that por- way. tion of the subdivision must have the approval of the State according to chapter 86.16 RCW B. CONFORMITY WITH EXISTING before the Department and the Hearing Ex- PLANS: aminer shall consider such subdivision. The location of all streets shall conform to any adopted plans for streets in the City. 2. Trees: Reasonable effort shall be made to preserve existing trees. C. TRAILS PLANS: If a subdivision is located in the area of an offi- 3. Streams: cially designed trail, provisions shall be made for reservation of the right-of-way or for easements a. Preservation: Every reasonable ef- to the City for trail purposes. fort shall be made to preserve existing 7 - 11 4-7-140 streams, bodies of water,and wetland ar- D. STREET ALIGNMENT: eas. The alignment of all streets shall be reviewed and approved by the Department. The street stan- b. Method: If a stream passes through dards set by RMC 4-6-060 shall apply unless oth- any of the subject property, a plan shall erwise approved. Street alignment offsets of less be presented which indicates how the than one hundred twenty five feet (125') are not stream will be preserved. The methodol- desirable, but may be approved by the Depart- ogies used should include an overflow ment upon a showing of need but only after provi- area, and an attempt to minimize the dis- sion of all necessary safety measures. turbance of the natural channel and stream bed. E. STREET PATTERN: c. Culverting: The piping or tunneling 1. Flexible Grid: A grid-like street pattern of water shall be discouraged and al- (or flexible grid) shall be used to connect ex- lowed only when going under streets. isting and new development and shall be the predominant street pattern in any subdivision d. Clean Water: Every effort shall be permitted by this Section. made to keep all streams and bodies of water clear of debris and pollutants. 2. Linkages: Linkages, including streets, sidewalks, pedestrian or bike paths, shall be 4-7-140 PARKS AND OPEN SPACE: provided to the satisfaction of the Reviewing Official within and between neighborhoods Approval of all subdivisions located in either sin- when they can create a continuous and inter- gle family"residential"or"multi-family residential" connected network of roads and pathways. zones as defined in the Zoning Code shall be con- tingent upon the subdivider's dedication of land or 3. Exceptions: providing fees in lieu of dedication to the City, all as necessary to mitigate the adverse effects of a. The flexible grid pattern may be ad- development upon the existing park and recre- justed by reducing the number of link- ation service levels.The requirements and proce- ages between roads, in consideration of dures for this mitigation shall be per the City of two (2) of the following factors: Renton Parks Mitigation Resolution. i. Topographical constraints, 4-7-150 STREETS - GENERAL ii. Environmental constraints, REQUIREMENTS AND MINIMUM STANDARDS: iii. Achievement of minimum den- sity, A. RELATIONSHIP TO ADJOINING iv. Increase in arterial pass through STREET SYSTEM: traffic, The proposed street system shall extend existing streets unless otherwise approved by the Depart- v. Safety, ment. The roadway classifications shall be as de- fined and designated by the Department. vi. Creation of dual street frontage, B. STREET NAMES: and All proposed street names shall be approved by vii. The location of substantial ex- the City. fisting improvements. C. ARTERIALS, INTERSECTIONS: b. Offset or loop roads are the preferred Streets intersecting with existing or proposed alternative configurations. public highways, major or secondary arterials shall be held to a minimum. c. Cul-de-sac streets may be permitted by the Reviewing Official where the street 7 - 12 4-7-170F is not required as a connection to the B. ACCESS REQUIREMENTS: greater neighborhood street system. Each lot must have access to a public street or road.Access may be by private access easement F. IMPROVEMENTS REQUIRED: street per the requirements of the street stan- All adjacent rights-of-way and new rights-of-way dards. dedicated as part of the plat, including streets, roads,and alleys,shall be graded to their full width C. MINIMUM SIZE: and the pavement and sidewalks shall be con- The size,shape, and orientation of lots shall meet structed as specified in the street standards or de- the minimum area and width requirements of the ferred by the Board of Public Works. (Ord. 4636, applicable zoning classification and shall be ap- 9-23-1996) propriate for the type of development and use contemplated. G. ADJACENT TO UNPLATTED ACREAGE: D. MINIMUM WIDTH: Streets which may be extended in the event of fu- Width between side lot lines at their foremost ture adjacent platting may be required to be ded- points (i.e., the points where the side lot lines in- icated to the plat boundary line. Extensions of tersect with the street right-of-way line) shall not greater depth than an average lot shall be im- be less than eighty percent(80%) of the required proved with temporary turnarounds.Dedication of lot width except in the cases of(1) pipestem lots, a full-width boundary street may be required in which shall have a minimum width of twenty feet certain instances to facilitate future development. (20')and(2) lots of the turning circle of cul-de-sac shall be a minimum of thirty five feet(35')for non- pipestem lots. (Ord. 4522, 6-5-1995) 4-7-160 RESIDENTIAL BLOCKS- GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND E. PROPERTY CORNERS AT MINIMUM STANDARDS: INTERSECTIONS: All lot corners at intersections of dedicated public A. WIDTH: rights-of-way, except alleys, shall have minimum Blocks shall be wide enough to allow two (2)tiers radius of fifteen feet (15'). of lots, except where fronting on major streets or prevented by topographical conditions or size of F. PIPESTEM LOTS ALLOWED: the property. Pipestem lots may be permitted for new plats to achieve densities permitted within the Zoning B. WALKWAYS: Code when there is no other feasible alternative Where circumstances warrant, the Hearing Ex- to achieving the permitted density. aminer may require one or more public cross- walks or walkways of not less than six feet(6') in 1. Minimum Lot Size and Pipestem Width width dedicated to the City to extend entirely and Length: The pipestem lot shall contain across the width of the block at locations deemed the required area for the zoning classification necessary.Such crosswalks or walkways shall be exclusive of the area of the pipestem and pro- paved for their entire width and length with a per- viding the pipestem shall not exceed one manent surface and shall be adequately lighted at hundred fifty feet(150') in length and not less the developer's cost. than twenty feet (20') in width. 2. Adjacent Pipestem Lots Prohibited/ 4-7-170 RESIDENTIAL LOTS - Shared Access Requirements: Pipestem GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND lots shall not be created that have adjacent MINIMUM STANDARDS: separate pipestems for access in place of a shared private access road. However, the A. ARRANGEMENT: pipestem portion of a pipestem lot may pro- Insofar as practical, side lot lines shall be at right vide access to both the pipestem lot itself and angles to street lines or radial to curved street a lot adjacent to it with an access easement lines. to be established to serve the adjacent lot. A restrictive covenant will be required on both 7 - 13 4-7-180A parcels for maintenance of the pipestem 4-7-200 INSTALLATION OF driveway. UTILITIES - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND MINIMUM 4-7-180 INDUSTRIAL AND STANDARDS: COMMERCIAL BLOCKS AND LOTS - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND A. SANITARY SEWERS: MINIMUM STANDARDS: Unless septic tanks are specifically approved by the Department and the King County Health De- The division of land for industrial and commercial partment, sanitary sewers shall be provided by purposes shall conform to the requirements and the developer at no cost to the City and designed minimum standards of residential design except in accordance with City standards. Side sewer as provided in this Section. lines shall be installed eight feet (8') into each lot if sanitary sewer mains are available, or provided A. PROPERTY CORNERS AT with the subdivision development. INTERSECTIONS: All lot corners at intersections of dedicated public B. STORM DRAINAGE: rights-of-way, except alleys, shall have minimum An adequate drainage system shall be provided radius of twenty five feet (25'). for the proper drainage of all surface water. Cross drains shall be provided to accommodate all nat- B. LOT ORIENTATION: ural water flow and shall be of sufficient length to The size, shape and orientation of lots shall meet permit full width roadway and required slopes. the minimum area and width requirements of the The drainage system shall be designed per the applicable zoning classification and shall be ap requirements of RMC 4-6-030,Drainage(Surface propriate for the type of development and use Water) Standards. The drainage system shall in- contemplated. clude detention capacity for the new street areas. Residential plats shall also include detention ca- C. LOT ARRANGEMENT: pacity for future development of the lots. Water Insofar as practical, side lot lines shall be at right quality features shall also be designed to provide angles to street lines or radial to curved street capacity for the new street paving for the plat. lines. C. WATER SYSTEM: The water distribution system including the loca- 4-7-190 PUBLIC USE AND SERVICE tions of fire hydrants shall be designed and in- AREA - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS stalled in accordance with City standards as AND MINIMUM STANDARDS: defined by the Department and Fire Department requirements. Due consideration shall be given by the subdi- vider to the allocation of adequately sized areas D. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES: for public service usage. All utilities designed to serve the subdivision shall be placed underground. Any utilities installed in A. EASEMENTS FOR UTILITIES: the parking strip shall be placed in such a manner Easements may be required for the maintenance and depth to permit the planting of trees. Those and operation of utilities as specified by the De- utilities to be located beneath paved surfaces partment. shall be installed, including all service connec- tions, as approved by the Department. Such in- B. COMMUNITY ASSETS: stallation shall be completed and approved prior Due regard shall be shown to all natural features to the application of any surface material. Ease- such as large trees, watercourses, and similar ments may be required for the maintenance and community assets which, if preserved,will add at- operation of utilities as specified by the Depart- tractiveness and value to the property. ment. E. CABLE TV CONDUITS: Any cable TV conduits shall be undergrounded at the same time as other basic utilities are installed to serve each lot.Conduit for service connections 7 - 14 4-7-220C shall be laid to each lot line by subdivider as to ob- attention paid to the potential for drainage, ero- viate the necessity for disturbing the street area, sion, and slope stability problems than other sub- including sidewalks, or alley improvements when divisions. such service connections are extended to serve any building. The cost of trenching, conduit, ped- B. PROCEDURE: estals and/or vaults and laterals as well as ease- Any short plat or subdivision meeting the defini- ments therefore required to bring service to the tion of a"hillside subdivision"shall follow the pro- development shall be borne by the developer cedures established for subdivisions. Hillside and/or land owner. The subdivider shall be re- subdivisions, including short plats, shall require sponsible only for conduit to serve his develop- the review and approval of the Hearing Examiner. ment. Conduit ends shall be elbowed to final ground elevation and capped.The cable TV corn- C. STANDARDS: pany shall provide maps and specifications to the The following additional standards shall apply to subdivider and shall inspect the conduit and cer- hillside subdivisions: tify to the City that it is properly installed. 1. Application Information: Information F. LATECOMER'S AGREEMENTS: concerning the soils, geology, drainage pat- Where a development is required to construct util- terns, and vegetation shall be presented in ity improvements that may also be required by order to evaluate the drainage, erosion con- other developments or by future development of trol and slope stability for site development of other parcels in the vicinity, then the developer the proposed plat. The applicant must dem- may request establishment of a latecomer's onstrate that the development of the hillside agreement to reimburse the developer for all ini- subdivision will not result in soil erosion and tial costs of the improvements. The procedure to sedimentation, landslide, slippage, excess follow in making application for the latecomer's surface water runoff, increased costs of build- agreement and the steps to be followed by the ing and maintaining roads and public facilities City are as detailed in chapter 9-5 RMC. and increased need for emergency relief and rescue operations. 4-7-210 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS - 2. Grading: Detailed plans for any pro- GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND posed cut and fill operations shall be submit- MINIMUM STANDARDS: ted. These plans shall include the angle of slope, contours, compaction, and retaining A. MONUMENTS: walls. Concrete permanent control monuments shall be established at each and every controlling corner 3. Streets: of the subdivision. Interior monuments shall be lo- cated as determined by the Department. All sur- a. Streets may only have a grade ex- veys shall be per the City of Renton surveying ceeding fifteen percent(15%)if approved standards. by the Department and the Fire Depart- ment. B. SURVEY: All other lot corners shall be marked per the City b. Street widths may be less than those surveying standards. required in the street standards for streets with grades steeper than fifteen C. STREET SIGNS: percent (15%) if parking prohibition on The subdivider shall install all street name signs one or both sides of the street is ap necessary in the subdivision. proved by the Administrator. 4. Lots: Lots may be required to be larger 4-7-220 HILLSIDE SUBDIVISIONS: than minimum lot sizes required by the Zon- ing Code. Generally, lots in steeper areas of A. PURPOSE: the subdivision should be larger than those in Because of their steeper slopes, the sites of hill less steep areas of the subdivision. side subdivisions ordinarily should have greater 7 - 15 4-7-230A 5. Erosion Control Requirements: Any which violates any provision of the State subdivi- clearing or grading shall be accompanied by sion law(chapter 58.17 RCW) or any provisions erosion control measures as deemed neces- of this Subdivision Code,or any term or condition sary by the Department. of plat approval prescribed for a plat by the City Council, then the prosecuting attorney, or the At- torney General, may commence an action to re- 4-7-230 VARIANCES: strain and enjoin such use and compel compliance with the provisions of the State subdi- A. AUTHORITY: vision law or this Subdivision Code, or with such A variance from the requirements of this Chapter terms or conditions. The costs of such action, in- may be approved by the Hearing Examiner for a cluding reasonable attorney fees, may be taxed short plat, or a variance for a full subdivision rec- against the violator. (Ord. 4522, 6-5-1995) ommended to and approved by the City Council, pursuant to RMC 4-9-250B. 4-7-240 VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES: A. VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES: Any person, firm, corporation or association, or any agent of any person, firm, corporation or as- sociation, who violates the provisions of this Chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction be subject to a fine not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00) for each such vio- lation, or imprisonment for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days, or both such fine and imprison- ment. In addition to the above, any person or firm who transfers, sells, or options any land which is un- dergoing platting procedures before such plat or map has been approved by the City, and before the same has been filed for record in the office of the King County Department of Records and Elections or the City Clerk shall, upon conviction, be subject to a fine not to exceed three hundred dollars ($300.00) for each such violation, or im- prisonment for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days, or both such fine and imprisonment. This provision does not apply when the original subdi- vider sells the entire parcel to another subdivider. The City may recover said penalty by civil action in any court of competent jurisdiction. B. INJUNCTION: The City Council may direct the City Attorney to initiate an action to enjoin the transfer, sale, agreement,or option by making application for an injunction in the Superior Court. C. VIOLATIONS: Whenever land within a subdivision granted final approval is used in a manner or for a purpose 7 - 16 Chapter 8 PERMITS AND DECISIONS SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER 4-8-010 PURPOSE AND INTENT 1 4-8-020 APPLICABILITY 1 4-8-030 EFFECT OF PERMIT 1 4-8-040 PERMIT PROCESSES CLASSIFIED BY TYPE 1 4-8-050 EXEMPTIONS FROM STATE PROCESS REQUIREMENTS 1 A. State Authority 1 B. Exemptions from State-Mandated 120-Day Review Process for Certain Actions Requiring More Time 1 C. Exemptions from State Notification and Procedural Requirements for Permits Relating to Use of Public Areas/facilities 1 D. Exemptions from State Notification and Procedural Requirements for Permit Applications Not Subject to Environmental Review 2 4-8-060 SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS — GENERAL 2 A. Purpose 2 B. Vesting of Application 2 C. Application Location 3 D. Complete Application 3 E. Fees 3 F. Multiple Permit Application Submittal Requirements 3 G. Submittal Waiver Process 3 H. Letter of Completeness 3 4-8-070 AUTHORITY AND RESPONSIBILITIES 3 A. Review Authority 3 B. Specific Responsibilities 3 4-8-080 PERMIT CLASSIFICATION 3 A. Purpose 3 B. Review Process Based upon Application Type 3 C. Consolidated Review Process for Multiple Permit Applications 4 1. Optional Process Resulting in a Single Open Record Public Hearing 4 2. Review Authority for Multiple Permit Applications 4 D. Time Frame Based on Permit Type 4 E. Time Frames — Maximum Permitted by State 4 F. Exclusions from One Hundred Twenty (120) Day Time Limit 4 1. Revisions/Additional Information Required 4 2. EIS Preparation 4 3. Applicant Agreements 4 G. Land Use Permit Procedures 5 H. Review Processes 8 4-8-090 PUBLIC NOTICE REQUIREMENTS 20 A. Applicability 20 B. Notice of Development Application 20 8 - i SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER C. Notice of Administrative Decisions 20 D. Notice of Public Hearing 20 1. Time of Notices 20 2. Content of Notice 21 E. Notice of Hearing Examiner Decision 21 F. Notice of City Council Decision 21 4-8-100 APPLICATION AND DECISION — GENERAL 21 A. Preapplication Meeting 21 1. Recommended 21 2. Purpose 21 3. Preapplication Submittal Requirements 21 4. Waiver of Formal Application Submittal Requirements 21 B. Submittal of Formal Application 22 C. Letter of Completeness 22 1. Timing 22 2. Applications Which are Not Complete 22 3. Additional Information May Be Requested 22 D. Notices to Applicant 22 E. Report by Development Services 22 1. Report Content 22 2. Report Timing 22 F. Public Hearing 22 1. Hearing by Examiner Required 22 2. Constitutes Hearing by Council 22 3. Hearing Rules 22 4. Closure/Continuation of Public Hearing 22 5. Application Dismissal 23 G. Examiner's Decision 23 1. Standard Decision Time and Notification Procedure 23 2. Decision Time Extension 23 3. Conditions 23 4. Reconsideration of Examiner's Decision 23 H. Expiration of Decision 23 I. Extension 23 J. Expiration of Large Scale or Phased Projects 24 K. Council Action 24 1. Council Action Requires Minutes and Findings of Fact 24 2. Adoption of Examiner's Findings and Conclusions Presumed 24 3. Applications to Be Placed on Council Agenda 24 4-8-110 APPEALS 24 A. Scope and Purpose 24 B. Decision Authority 24 C. General Information Applicable to All Types of Appeals 24 1. Standing (Reserved) 24 2. Time to File (Reserved) 24 3. Required Form for and Content of Appeals 24 4. Filing of Appeal and Fee 24 8 - ii SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER 5. Facsimile Filings 24 6. Notice of Appeal (Reserved) 25 7. Restrictions on Subsequent Actions 25 8. Limit on Number of Appeals 25 9. Exhaust of Administrative Remedies (Reserved) 25 D. Appeals of Administrative Decisions to Board of Public Works 25 E. Appeals to Examiner of Administrative and Environmental Determinations 25 1. Applicability and Authority 25 a. Administrative Determinations 25 b. Environmental Determinations 25 c. Authority 25 2. Optional Request for Reconsideration 25 3. Standing 25 a. Standing for Filing Appeals of the City's Environmental Determinations 25 b. Standing for Appeals of Administrative Determinations other than Environmental 25 c. Special Standing Requirements for Appeals of Administrative Determinations Relative to the Tree Cutting and Land Clearing Regulations 26 d. Special Standing Requirements for Appeals of Decisions Relating to Master Site Plans 26 4. Time for Appeal 26 a. Appeals of Environmental Determinations 26 b. Appeals to Examiner of Administrative Determinations Other Than Environmental 26 5. Complaints After Expiration of Appeal Time 26 6. Appeal Procedures— Hearing Examiner 26 a. Notice to Officer 26 b. Transmittal of Records and Reports 26 c. Notice of Hearing Required 27 d. Content of Hearing 27 e. Record Required 27 f. Electronic Transcript 27 7. Examiner Decision 27 a. Substantial Weight 27 b. Examiner Decision Options and Decision Criteria 27 c. Time for Examiner's Decision 27 8. Appeal of Examiner Decision 27 a. Superior Court 27 b. Appeal of Examiner's Decision to Council 27 c. Other Bodies (Reserved) 27 F. Appeals to City Council — Procedures 27 1. Notice to Parties of Record 27 2. Opportunity to Provide Comments 28 3. Transmittal of Record to Council 28 4. Council Review Procedures 28 8 - di SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER 5. Council Evaluation Criteria 28 6. Findings and Conclusions Required 28 7. Council Action 28 8. Decision Documentation 28 9. Council Action Final 28 G. Appeals to Superior Court 28 1. Intent 28 2. Applicability 28 3. Standing 28 4. Content of Appeal Submittal 29 5. Time for Initiating Appeal to Superior Court 29 a. Appeals of Land Use Decisions 29 b. Appeal of Environmental Determinations 29 6. Appeals of Other Than Land Use Decisions —Superior Court 29 H. Appeals of Shoreline Permit Decisions to Shorelines Hearing Board 29 1. Standing for Appeals to Shorelines Hearings Board 29 2. Place and Time for Filing Appeals 29 3. City Requires Copy of Appeal Notice 29 4. Limited Utility Extensions and Protective Bulkheads — Appeals 29 4-8-120 SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS — SPECIFIC TO APPLICATION TYPE . . 30 A. Table 1 — Public Works Permit Submittal Requirements 30 B. Table 2 — Building Section Permit Submittal Requirements 31 C. Table 3 — Land Use Permit Submittal Requirements 34 D. Definitions of Terms Used in Submittal Requirements for Building, Planning and Public Works Permit Applications 40 8 - iv 4-8-050C 4-8-010 PURPOSE AND INTENT: 4-8-050 EXEMPTIONS FROM STATE The purpose and intent of this Chapter is to estab- REQUIREMENTS: lish standard procedures for all land uses and de- velopment applications in order to provide for an A. STATE AUTHORITY: integrated and consolidated land use permit and Section 418, subsections 1 and 2 of the State environmental review process. It is further the Regulatory Reform Act(ESHB-1724,or"the Act") purpose of this Chapter to comply with State allows a local government to exclude certain guidelines under ESHB-1724 for combining and project permits from procedure and time limit re- expediting development review to eliminate re- quirements. This Section deals with exemptions dundancy and minimize delays,to establish time- from State-mandated notice requirements.Permit lines for notifying the public of land use applica- types listed below may and often do have City tions,and to revise hearing requirements to allow Code requirements for review, notification, and one open record hearing and one closed record appeal beyond State requirements. appeal hearing, and for final decisions on devel- opment proposals to be made within one hundred B. EXEMPTIONS FROM STATE- twenty (120) days of the date of the letter of corn- MANDATED 120-DAY REVIEW PROCESS pleteness except for development specifically ex- FOR CERTAIN ACTIONS REQUIRING empted under this Chapter. (Ord. 4587, MORE TIME: 3-18-1996) Section 418,subsection 1 of the Act states that lo- cal governments may determine that there are 4-8-020 APPLICABILITY: "special circumstances"relative to certain actions or processes that warrant a different review pro- All applications for development shall be subject cess than that set forth in the Act. Therefore, the to the provisions of this Chapter, except where City exempts the following actions since they typ- specifically exempted under RMC 4-8-050, Ex- ically require more than one hundred twenty(120) emptions from State Process Requirements. days to process or would be deemed emergen- (Ord. 4648, 1-6-1997) cies: 1. Comprehensive Plan amendments with 4-8-030 EFFECT OF PERMIT: or without any other associated land use ap- plication such as a rezone, The issuance or granting of a permit or approval of plans and specifications shall not be deemed 2. Renton Municipal Code amendments, or construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of this code. 3. Annexations, No permit presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this code shall be valid 4. Planned unit developments, except insofar as the work or use which it autho- rized is lawful. (Ord. 4351, 5-4-1992) 5. Development agreements, 4-8-040 PERMIT PROCESSES 6. Environmental impact statements, CLASSIFIED BY TYPE: 7. Temporary emergency wetland permit, Development subject to review by the City is clas- sified and processed using one of the eleven (11) 8. Declared emergency under SEPA, types of land use permit procedures listed in RMC 4-8-080G. The review process for the types of 9. Street vacations. permit review procedures are described in RMC C. EXEMPTIONS FROM STATE 4-8-080H. If the code does not expressly provide for review according to one of the eleven (11) NOTIFICATION AND PROCEDURAL types of permit review procedures, and another REQUIREMENTS FOR PERMITS specific procedure is not required by law, the De- RELATING TO USE OF PUBLIC AREAS/ velopment Services Division shall classify the ap- FACILITIES: plication. (Ord. 4587, 3-18-1996) The City also exempts the following "approvals relating to the use of public areas or facilities" 8 - 1 4-8-050D from the notification and procedural requirements 1. Building and grading permits (SEPA ex- of Section 418, subsection 1 of the Act. empt), 1. Deferral of off- or on-site improvements, 2. Business licenses for home occupations, 2. Drainage connection permits, 3. Board of Public Works variances (i.e., driveway grade), 3. Driveway construction permit (all uses/ users), 4. Fire installation/construction permits, 4. Driveway relocation permit (all uses/us- 5. Electrical, mechanical, plumbing, sign ers), and special fence permits, 5. Franchise utility permits, 6. Lot line adjustments, 6. Right-of-way use permit, 7. Final plats, 7. Release of easements, 8. Minor amendments (less than 10 per- cent) to a previously approved site plan, 8. Side sewer permit. 9. Occupancy permits, 9. Side sewer cap permit, 10. Open space, agricultural and timber 10. Sidewalk repair permit (all uses/users), lands current use assessment, 11. Sidewalk/curb/gutter construction per- 11. Public art exemption certificate, mit (all uses), 12. Routine vegetation management per- 12. Permits to stop City water and/or sewer mits (SEPA exempt), service, 13. Shoreline exemptions, 13. Water meter applications, 14. Temporary use permits(SEPA exempt), 14. Other SEPA exempt actions/activities but not exempting sign requirements, as outlined in WAC 197-11-800. 15. Water, sewer, storm drainage, roadway D. EXEMPTIONS FROM STATE permits (SEPA exempt), NOTIFICATION AND PROCEDURAL REQUIREMENTS FOR PERMIT 16. Other SEPA exempt actions/activities APPLICATIONS NOT SUBJECT TO as outlined in WAC 197-11-800. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Section 418, subsection 2 of the Act allows local 4-8-060 SUBMITTAL governments to exclude certain approvals and REQUIREMENTS - GENERAL: building and engineering permits from the public notification and procedural requirements of the Act if they are categorically exempt from environ- A. PURPOSE: mental review or if environmental review has al- In order to comply with the State law, the City is ready been completed at an earlier stage. How- required to detail the requirements for complete ever,the Act's one hundred twenty(120)day max- building, public works and land use permit appli- imum processing time would still apply.Therefore, cations. the City exempts the following actions from the public notification and procedural requirements of B. VESTING OF APPLICATION: the Act since they are typically processed very Is a legal doctrine whereby a valid and fully corn- quickly and would be considerably delayed by im- plete building application for a project that is per- position of a public comment period(s). mitted under the zoning or other land use control 8 - 2 4-8-080B ordinances in effect on the date of the application G. SUBMITTAL WAIVER PROCESS: shall be considered under the building permit, In order to have any of the normally required sub- zoning, or other land use controls in effect on the mittals waived, the applicant must request such date of such valid and fully complete building ap- waiver(s)at or after a preapplication meeting with plication. City staff. Staff will consider the merits of the waiver request(s) and will provide the applicant 1. Supplemental information required with a written list of any/all submittals waived.The after acceptance shall not affect the valid- applicant must submit a copy of the list of City ap- ity of the vesting for such application. proved waiver(s) at the time of formal application. 2. Revisions requested by an applicant H. LETTER OF COMPLETENESS: to a vested, but not yet approved, appli- Upon finding an application complete, the Devel- cation shall be deemed a new application opment Services Division will provide a letter of when such revisions would result in a completeness to the applicant and property substantial change in the basic site de- owner(s). sign plan, intensity, density, and the like, involving a change of ten percent (10%) or more in area or scale. Vesting for the 4-8-070 AUTHORITY AND new application shall occur upon the date RESPONSIBILITIES: of submission of a valid and fully com- plete building application for the changed A. REVIEW AUTHORITY: project. RMC 4-8-080G, Land Use Permit Procedures, lists the development applications and outlines C. APPLICATION LOCATION: the responsible review authority associated with All land use, building, and public works applica- making recommendations, conducting open tions addressed in this Title shall be filed with the record public hearings, open record appeals,the Development Services Division. All fire permits responsible official for the permit decision, and shall be filed with the Fire Prevention Bureau. appeal bodies. D. COMPLETE APPLICATION: B. SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES: Unless waived by the Development Services Di- The regulation of land development is a coopera- vision, the requirements for a full complete land tive activity including many different elected and use, building, or public works permit application appointed boards and City staff. The specific re- shall consist of the information listed in RMC sponsibilities of these bodies is listed as set forth 4-8-120A, B and C, and any site-specific informa- in RMC 4-1-050 and 4-8-080G. tion identified in a preapplication meeting sum- mary. Application fees pursuant to RMC 4-1-140 through 4-1-200 are also required for a complete 4-8-080 PERMIT CLASSIFICATION: application. A. PURPOSE: E. FEES: The purpose of this Section is to outline the pro- See RMC 4-1-140 through 4-1-200. cedure and time requirements for the various de- velopment applications reviewed by the City. All F. MULTIPLE PERMIT APPLICATION development applications are classified and pro- SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: cessed according to one of eleven (11) types of Where submittal requirements are duplicated for permit procedures, as identified in subsection G various types of permit applications, an applicant of this Section. shall be required to submit only the largest(not to- tal) number of copies required. For example, an B. REVIEW PROCESS BASED UPON application for a site plan approval with associ- APPLICATION TYPE: ated variance would require only twelve (12) cop- Subsection G of this Section lists the develop- ies even though the submittal chart indicates that ment applications and explains the basic steps in site plan approval requires twelve(12)copies and the review process. This table also outlines the the variance requires ten (10) copies. responsible review authority.More specific details regarding specific land use application proce- 8 - 3 4-8-080C dures and decision criteria are located in chapter days of receipt of a complete application. In addi- 4-9 RMC, Procedures and Review Criteria. (Ord. tion, there is a generalized flowchart for the con- 4587, 3-18-1996, Ord. 4660, 3-17-1997) solidated review process. C. CONSOLIDATED REVIEW PROCESS E. TIME FRAMES— MAXIMUM FOR MULTIPLE PERMIT APPLICATIONS: PERMITTED BY STATE: Final decisions on all permits and reviews subject 1. Optional Process Resulting in a Sin- to the procedures of this Chapter shall occur gle Open Record Public Hearing: An appli- within one hundred twenty (120) days from the cant may elect to have the review and date an application is deemed complete, unless decision process for required permits consol- the applicant consents to an extension of such idated into a single review process. Consoli- time period. If a project application is substantially dated review shall provide for only one open revised by an applicant, the one hundred twenty record hearing and no more than one closed (120)day time period shall start again after the re- record appeal period. An appeal of an envi- vised project application is determined to be corn- ronmental determination of significance (DS) plete. Development applications which are is exempt from limits on the number of ap- specifically exempted under RMC 4-8-050, Ex- peals. Where hearings are required for per- emptions from State Process Requirements, are mits from other local, State, regional, or not subject to this time frame. Federal agencies, the City will cooperate to the fullest extent possible with the outside F. EXCLUSIONS FROM ONE HUNDRED agencies to hold a single joint hearing.A flow- TWENTY (120) DAY TIME LIMIT: chart showing the timeline for processing a In determining the number of days which have combined land use, environmental, and elapsed since the applicant was notified that the building permit application is included in sub- application is complete, the following periods section H of this Section. shall be excluded: 2. Review Authority for Multiple Permit 1. Revisions/Additional Information Re- Applications:Where more than one land use quired:The time period in which an applicant permit application is required for a given de- has been requested by the Development Ser- velopment, an applicant may file all related vices Division to correct plans, perform re- permit applications concurrently, pay appro- quired studies, or provide additional priate fees, and the processing may be con- information. The period shall be calculated ducted under the consolidated review pro- form the date the Development Services Divi- cess. Where required permits are subject to sion notifies the applicant of the need for ad- different types of permit review procedures, ditional information until: (a) the date the then all the applications are subject to the Division determines the additional informa- highest-number procedure, as identified in tion satisfies the request for information, or subsection G of this Section,and highest level (b) fourteen (14) days after the date accept- of review authority, as identified in RMC able information has been provided to the 4-1-050, that applies to any of the applica- City,whichever is earlier. If the Division deter- tions. mines that the information submitted is insuf- ficient, it shall notify the applicant of the D. TIME FRAME BASED ON PERMIT deficiencies. TYPE: The flowcharts in subsection H of this Section in- 2. EIS Preparation: A period of two hun- dicate timelines for each of the eleven (11) land dred fifty (250) days for the preparation of a use permit types,as discussed in subsection G of draft environmental impact statement(DEIS), this Section. The timelines include the statutory following a determination of significance.This requirements of the Act which require the issu- time frame shall commence after the final ance of a letter of completeness within twenty scoping of the DEIS is complete. eight (28) days of the application submittal, an open record hearing within ninety (90) days of re- 3. Applicant Agreements:Any time exten- ceipt of a complete application, and final deci- sion mutually agreed upon by the applicant sions on permits within one hundred twenty(120) and the Development Services Division. 8 -4 4-8-080G G. LAND USE PERMIT PROCEDURES: O 0 0 _ O a. z o a ¢ cc 0 v 0 z 0 _ 0 w z :cc W Q z 0 w cc0 00 2 ccz OF= ccQ Wz a JJ 0 zE zw ci) v ma U wa UO wa pa p LAND USE PERMITS a s CC 0 = o a O a U = TYPE I Building and Grading Permits' No No No Staff HE CC SC Business Licenses for Home Occupations (no No No No Staff HE CC SC customer visits/deliveries) Deferrals No No No Staff HE CC SC Lot Line Adjustments No No No Staff HE CC SC Minor Modification to Previously Approved Site No No No Staff HE CC SC Plan (<10%) Modifications, Deviations, Alternates of No No No Staff HE CC SC Various Code Standards2 Public Art Exemption Certificate No No No Staff HE CC SC Routine Vegetation Management Permits No No No Staff HE CC SC (SEPA exempt) Shoreline Exemptions No No No Staff HE CC SC Special Fence Permits No No No Staff HE CC SC Waivers2 No No No Staff HE CC SC TYPE II Business Licenses for Home Occupations Yes No No Staff HE CC SC (with customer visits/deliveries) Conditional Approval Permit (nonconforming Yes No No Staff HE CC SC structures) Short Plats—4 Lots or Less (SEPA exempt) Yes No No Staff HE CC SC Site Plan Review (administrative) for Yes No No Staff HE CC SC Secondary Uses (SEPA exempt) Temporary Use Permits (SEPA exempt) Yes3 No No Staff CC CC SC Temporary Emergency Wetland Permit Yes No No Staff HE CC SC Variances, Administrative Yes No No Staff HE CC SC TYPE 1114 Binding Site Plans Yes No No Staff HE CC SC Conditional Use Permit (administrative) with Yes No No Staff HE CC SC Environmental Review Development Permit (special flood hazard) Yes No No Staff HE CC SC Environmental Review9 Yes No No Staff HE CC SC Site Plan Review (administrative) with Yes No No Staff HE CC SC Environmental Review Shoreline Permit Yes No No Staff DOE CC SC Short Plats—4 Lots or Less, with Yes No No Staff HE CC SC Environmental Review Temporary Use Permits (subject to SEPA) Yes No No Staff HE CC SC Building Permits submitted in conjunction with Yes No No Staff HE CC SC any of the above 8 - 5 4-8-080G 0 0 a -J w vz o 0 a D0 Z 0 _ z ' 0 w O. Q E w O z 0 w � 0 00 2 ccz Op cQ wz ¢ JJ 0 zcc Na zw co cc V ma 0 w ¢ 00 wa O ¢ p LAND USE PERMITS = a w aw wo as -Jw m a ¢ CC 0 = o ¢ O ¢ 0 = TYPE IV4 Variances, Board of Adjustments(and building Yes NA BOA BOA SC permits submitted in conjunction with above) TYPE V Conditional Approval Permit Yes Staff HE HE CC SC (nonconforming uses) TYPE VI4 Bulk Storage Special Permit Yes Staff HE HE CC SC Conditional Use Permit (Hearing Examiner) Yes Staff HE HE CC SC Fill and Grade Permit, Special Yes Staff HE HE CC SC Master Site Plan Approval (overall plan) Yes Staff HE HE CC SC Mobile Home Parks, Preliminary and Final Yes Staff HE HE CC SC Shoreline Conditional Use Permits Yes Staff HE DOE, HE SHB Shoreline Variance6 Yes Staff HE DOE, HE SHB Short Plats—5 to 9 Lots Yes Staff HE HE CC Site Plan Review (Hearing Examiner) with Yes Staff HE HE CC Environmental Review Special Permits Yes Staff HE HE CC Variances (associated with Hearing Examiner Yes Staff HE HE CC land use review) Building Permits submitted in conjunction with Yes Staff HE HE CC any of the above Environmental Review Yes No No Staff HE CC SC Site Plan Review (administrative) with Yes No No Staff HE CC SC Environmental Review TYPE VII4 Preliminary Plats— 10 Lots or More Yes Staff, HE HE CC SC Planned Unit Developments (preliminary and Yes Staff, HE HE CC SC final) Rezones (site-specific, not associated with a Yes Staff, HE HE CC SC Comprehensive Plan amendment) Building Permits submitted in conjunction with Yes Staff, HE HE CC SC SC any of the above TYPE VIII4 Final Plats No Staff NA CC SC Street Vacations8 Yes Staff CC CC SC TYPE IX4 Development Regulation Text Amendment J Yes Staff CC CC SC 8 - 6 4-8-080G O 0O 0 J o w v cc a o o a z cc cc O00 — w 0vn ZZ Ov cc UU 2 cc O � ccJ CZ Na Q co — ma O. wa UO wa Oa o LAND USE PERMITS a s a 0 = o °a O a v = TYPE X4 Comprehensive Plan Map or Text Yes Staff, PC PC, CC CC SC Amendments Rezones with Associated Comprehensive Yes Staff, PC PC, CC CC SC Plan Map or Text Amendments Zoning Code Text Amendments Yes Staff, PC PC, CC CC SC TYPE XI Reserved for Annexations LEGEND: Staff— Planning/Building/Public Works Division Staff ERC— Environmental Review Committee PC — Planning Commission BOA— Board of Adjustment HE— Hearing Examiner CC— City Council DOE— Washington State Department of Ecology SC — Superior Court SHB— Shoreline Hearings Board NA— Not Applicable FOOTNOTES: 1. SEPA exempt or for which the SEPA/land use permit process has been completed. 2. Administratively approved. 3. In lieu of the public notice requirements of RMC 4-8-090, public notice of a SEPA exempt temporary use permit shall consist of the on-site installation of a 24"x 30"sign meeting the requirements of RMC 4-9-240E. At the discretion of the Administrator, additional notice may be required. 4. Environmental review may be associated with a land use permits. The Environmental Review Commit- tee (ERC) is responsible for environmental determinations. 5. Board of Adjustment shall hear variances where not associated with a development that requires review by the Hearing Examiner. 6. Shoreline conditional use permits and shoreline variances also require approval of the State Depart- ment of Ecology (DOE). DOE has up to 30 days to make a decision on a permit. This time period does not count toward the 120-day maximum time limit for permit decisions. DOE's decision is followed by a 21-day appeal period, during which time no building permit for the project may be issued. 7. An open record appeal of an environmental threshold determination must be held concurrent with an open record public hearing. 8. Street vacations are exempt from the 120-day permit processing time limit. 9. Environmental review for a permitted/secondary/accessory use not requiring any other land use per- mit. 8 - 7 4-8-080 H H. REVIEW PROCESSES: GENERALIZED CONSOLIDATED REVIEW PROCESS For Combined Land Use, Environmental and (optional) Building Permit Application Submit Land Use Application and SEPA Checklist N • >,O X N • D E a) Determination of Technically Complete Application Max. 14 days, Sec.408(2)and 415 (2) Public Notice Application 14 day Public Comment Period [14-30 calendar days,Sec 415(2e)] cts Public Hearing Notice and/or SEPA Determination CITS published, Consolidated Staff Report Issued 0 Min. 15 calendar days until public hearing,Sec 415 (6b) o E X E Open Record Public Hearing Open Record Appeal Hearing of SEPA Determination, if applicable Max. 10 working days,Sec 424(3) Written Decision Issued Notice of Decision Deadline for Appeal of Land Use and Building Permit Decisions U Closed Record Appeal Hearing Notice ttS E Closed Record Appeal Hearing All references in this chart are to sections in ESHB 2929. 8 - 8 Type I — Land Use Permits Yp Administrative Review Process Application Submittal/ City Staff Decision/ Appeal Determination of Completeness Permit Issuance Period Ends Staff Review Appeal Period 14 days 120 days max. Type I — Staff Review without Public Notice: • Building and Grading Permits (SEPA exempt) or SEPA/Land Use Permit process completed • Business Licenses for Home Occupations without customer visits/deliveries • Deferrals • Lot Line Adjustments • Minor Adjustments (less than 10%) to a previously approved Site Plan • Modifications (administratively approved) of Various Code Standards • Routine Vegetation Management Permits (SEPA exempt) • Shoreline Exemptions • Waivers • Other SEPA Exempt Activities/Actions Co co O 2 Type II — Land Use Permits co Administrative Review Processco 0 Letter of Complete Application/Public City Staff Decision/ Appeal Application Submittal Notice of Application Permit Issuance Period Ends Staff Review Appeal Period 14 days max. 14 days min. 14 days 120 days max. co Type II — Staff Review with Public Notice: • Business Licenses for Home Occupations with customer visits/deliveries • Conditional Approval Permits for Nonconforming Structures • Short Plats of 4 lots or less (SEPA exempt) • Site Plan Review (Administrative) for Secondary Uses (SEPA exempt) • Temporary Use Permits (SEPA exempt) • Administrative Variances Type III — Land Use Permits Administrative Review and/or Environmental Review Process Staff Decision and Application Letter of Complete Public Notice Environmental Threshold Decision Published Appeal Submittal Application of Application Determination' and Mailed2 Period Ends4 Comment/ Staff Review Appeal Period3 28 days max. 14 days max. 14 days min. 6 days 14-29 days max. I I 120 days max. Type Ill — Environmental Review Committee and Staff Review: • Binding Site Plans • Conditional Use Permit (administrative) with Associated Environmental Review • Environmental Review for a Permitted/Secondary/Accessory Use not requiring any other Land Use Permit • Master Site Plan Approvals (individual phases) • Site Plan Review (Administrative) with associated Environmental Review • Shoreline Substantial Development Permit with associated Environmental Review4 • Short Plats of 4 lots or less (non-SEPA exempt) • Temporary Use Permit (subject to SEPA) • Building Permits submitted in conjunction with any of the above 1 Environmental Threshold Determination shall not be issued prior to a 14 day comment period following the mailing of public notice of the development application. 2 In the case of a Shoreline Permit,the Washington State Department of Ecology(DOE)and Attorney General's Office are also notified of permit issuance. 3 Comment/Appeal Period may include: 1)a 14 day appeal period with no comment period, 2)a 15 day combined comment/appeal period,or 3)a separate 15 day comment period followed by a 14 day appeal period. 4 For Shoreline Substantial Development Permits,a Building Permit shall not be issued until 21 days after the Shoreline Permit decision is filed with DOE and the Attorney General's Office or until any appeal proceedings have concluded. Co co 0 Type IV — Land Use Permits A Board of Adjustment 0DO 0 Public Notice Application Letter of Complete of Application and Open Record Board Appeal Submittal Application Hearing Notice Public Hearing Decision Due Period Ends Appeal to Staff Review Superior Court 28 days max. 14 days max. 15 days max. 14 days I I I90 days max. 120 days max. N Type IV — Board of Adjustment (BOA) and Staff Review: • Variances: Board of Adjustment shall hear Variances where not associated with a Development/Land Use Permit that requires review by the Hearing Examiner Type V — Land Use Permits Staff/Hearing Examiner Review Process Application Letter of Complete Public Notice of Notice of Public Hearing Examiner' Open Hearing Examiner' Appeal Submittal Application Application Hearing Published Record Public Hearing Decision Period Ends Staff Review 28 days max. 14 days max. 14 days min. 10 days min. 10 days 14 days 90 days max. w 120 days max. w Type V — Staff and Hearing Examiner: - Conditional Approval Permit for Nonconforming Uses 'At City Council discretion, the Council may hold the public hearing and make the decision on conditional approval permits for nonconforming uses. Co 0 co 2 Type VI — Land Use Permits Hearing Examiner/Environmental Review Process co Letter Environmental Environmental Application of Complete Public Notice of Threshold Decision Hearing Hearing Examiner Open Hearing Examiner Appeal Submittal Application Application Determination' Notice Published2 Record Public Hearing3 Decision4 Period Ends5 Staff Review 28 days max. 14 days max. 14 days min. 6 days 15-29 days 10 days 14 days 90 days max. 120 days max. Type VI — Environmental Review Committee and Hearing Examiner: • Bulk Storage Special Permit • Conditional Use Permits (Hearing Examiner) with associated Environmental Review • Fill and Grade Permit, Special • Master Site Plan Approval (overall plan) and Mobile Home Parks, Preliminary and Final • Shoreline Conditional Use Permit and Shoreline Variance—Also requires approval of Washington State Department of Ecology (DOE)4 • Short Plats of 5 to 9 lots— Environmental Review normally not required, unless previously short platted or on lands covered by water • Site Plan Review (Hearing Examiner with associated Environmental Review) and Special Permits • Variances, with associated Hearing Examiner Land Use Review • Building Permits submitted in conjunction with any of the above ' Environmental Threshold Determination shall not be issued prior to a 14 day comment period following the mailing of public notice of the development application. 2 Comment/Appeal Period may include: 1)a 14 day appeal period with no comment period, 2)a 15 day combined commenVappeal period,or 3)a separate 15 day comment period followed by a 14 day appeal period. 3 Open Record Appeal of Environmental Threshold Determination may be included in Public Hearing(Hearing Examiner)if applicable. 4 DOE has up to 30 days to make a decision on a Shoreline Conditional Use Permits and Variances Permit.This time period does not count toward the 120 day maximum time limit for per- mit decisions. 5 For Shoreline Conditional Use Permits and Variances,a Building Permit shall not be issued until 21 days after the permit decision. Type VII — Land Use Permits City Council/Hearing Examiner Environmental Review Process Letter Environmental Environmental Hearing Examiner Hearing Application of Complete Public Notice of Threshold Decision Hearing Open Record Examiner City Council Appeal Submittal Application Application Determination' Notice Published2 Public Hearing3 Recommendation Decision4 Period Ends Staff Review APeriodppeal 28 days max. 14 days max. 14 days min. 6 days 15-29 days 10 days 14 days 90 days max. co 120 days max. 01 Type VII — City Council/Hearing Examiner/Environmental Review Process: • Preliminary Plats • PUDs, Preliminary and Final • Building Permits submitted in conjunction with any of the above • Rezones, site-specific in conformance with Comprehensive Plan 1 Environmental Threshold Determination shall not be issued prior to a 14 day comment period following the mailing of public notice of the development application. 2 Comment/Appeal Period may include: 1)a 14 day appeal period with no comment period, 2)a 15 day combined comment/appeal period,or 3)a separate 15 day comment period followed by a 14 day appeal period. 3 Open Record Appeal of Environmental Threshold Determination may be included in Public Hearing(Hearing Examiner)if applicable. 4 Appeal of City Council decision to King County Superior Court. Co 0 co 0 2 Type VIII — Land Use Permits City Council/Staff Review Process co Application Submittal/ City Council Schedules City Council Appeal Period Ends for Determination of Completeness Consideration Date Meeting/Decision City Council Decision' Staff Review Type VIII — City Council and Staff Review: • Final Plats • Street Vacations2 1 Appeals of City Council decisions are to King County Superior Court. 2 Street Vacations are exempt from the 120 day permit processing time limit. co rn Type IX — Land Use Permits City Council/Environmental Review/Staff Letter Environmental Environmental Application of Complete Public Notice of Threshold Decision Hearing City Council Open City Council Appeal Submittal Application Application Determination' Notice Published2 Record Public Hearing3 Decision Period Ends Staff Review 28 days max. 14 days max. 14 days min. 6 days 15-29 days Type IX — City Council/Environmental Review Committee (ERC)/Staff • Development Regulation Amendments except those referred to Planning Commission ' Environmental Threshold Determination shall not be issued prior to a 14 day comment period following the mailing of public notice of the development application. 2 Comment/Appeal Period may include: 1)a 14 day appeal period with no comment period, 2)a 15 day combined comment/appeal period,or co 3)a separate 15 day comment period followed by a 14 day appeal period. 3 Open Record Appeal of Environmental Threshold Determination may be included in Public Hearing(Hearing Examiner)if applicable. CO O co O Type X4 — Land Use Permits City Council/Planning Commission/Environmental Review Processco Appeal Period Letter Environmental Environmental Planning Commission Planning Ends for Application of Complete Public Notice of Threshold Decision Hearing Open Record Commission City Council City Council Submittal Application Application Determination' Notice Published2 Public Hearing Recommendation Decision Decision3 Staff Review Staff Review APeriodppeal 14 days max. 14 days min. 6 days Type X4 — City Council/Planning Commission/Environmental Review Process: • Comprehensive Plan Map or Text Amendments • Rezones with associated Comprehensive Plan Map Amendments • Zoning Text Amendments and other amendments related to land use regulations and processes referred by Council pursuant to RMC 4-1-050E4. co ' Environmental Threshold Determination shall not be issued prior to a 14 day comment period following public notice of proposal. 2 Any appeal of Environmental Decision shall be heard before the Hearing Examiner. Co 3 Appeal of City Council decision to King County Superior Court. 4 Type X Land Use Permits are exempt from the requirements of State Regulatory Reform Act. (Ord. 4587, 3-18-1996, Amd. Ord. 3-17-1997) Type XI — Land Use Permits Reserved for Annexations co co 0 co 0 4-8-090A 4-8-090 PUBLIC NOTICE 2. Three (3) notices of development appli- REQUIREMENTS: cation shall be posted on or near the subject property and mailed to property owners A. APPLICABILITY: within three hundred feet(300') of the bound- A notice of application is not required for actions aries of the subject property. which are classified as a Type 1 land use proce- dure under RMC 4-8-080G, and for actions spe- cifically exempted under RMC 4-8-050, DECISIONS: Exemptions from State Process Requirements, The Development Services Division shall notify but is required for all land development permit ap- all parties of record, the project proponent and af- plications subject to notice requirements. fected government agencies of any administra- tive decision subject to notice. Notification must B. NOTICE OF DEVELOPMENT be made by mail; however,the Development Ser- APPLICATION: vices Division may also elect to post the notices of administrative decision at or near the project 1. Within fourteen (14) days of issuing a let site. The notice shall include: ter of completeness under RMC 4 8 100C, 1. A description of the decision(s), including Letter of Completeness,the City shall issue a notice of development application.The notice any conditions of approval. shall, at minimum, include the following: 2. A statement explaining where further in- a. Applicant and/or owner name, formation may be obtained. b. Project name and City file number, 3. Any threshold environmental determina- tion issued for the project. If an application c. Date of application acceptance, subject to an administrative approval requires an environmental threshold determination, d. Project location, the notice of administrative approval shall in- clude the threshold determination and its ap- e. Project description, peal process. f. A listing of all permits/approvals re- 4. The decision and a statement that the de- quested, cision will be final unless an appeal to the Hearing Examiner is filed with the City Clerk g. The date the fourteen(14)day public within fourteen (14) days of the date of the comment period expires, decision. h. The following, or equivalent, state- D. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: ments: "In order to receive additional in Notice of a public hearing for all development ap- formation regarding this particular plications subject to notification requirements and project,you will need to contact the City's all open record appeals shall be given as follows: Development Services Division and re- quest to be made a party of record" and 1. Time of Notices: Except as otherwise "In order to become a party of record or to required, public notification of meetings, obtain further information regarding this hearings, and pending actions shall be made project,please contact the City of Renton by: Development Services Division at 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, (425) a. Publication at least ten (10) days be- 235-2550", (Ord. 4587, 3-18-1996,Amd. fore the date of a public meeting,hearing, Ord. 4722, 5-11-1998) or pending action in the official newspa- per if one has been designated or a i. The date, time, and place of a public newspaper of general circulation in the hearing if one has been scheduled. (Ord. City, 4507, 3-18-1996) 8 - 20 4-8-1 00A b. Mailing at least ten (10) days before government agencies. Notification shall be made the date of a public meeting, hearing, or by mail and must include: pending action to all parties of record,the project proponent and affected govern- 1. A description of the decision(s),including ment agencies, and any conditions of approval. c. Posting of three (3) notices at least 2. A statement explaining where further in- ten (10) days before the meeting, hear- formation may be obtained. ing, or pending action at or near the project site. 3. Any threshold environmental determina- tion issued and its appeal process. 2. Content of Notice: The public notice shall include a general description of the pro- 4. The decision date and a statement that posed project, the action to be taken, a non- the decision will be final unless the appropri- legal description of the property or a vicinity ate land use appeal, writ of review or appeal map or sketch,the time,date and place of the from the decision of the City Council is filed public hearing,where further information may with the Superior Court within fourteen (14) be obtained, and the following, or equivalent, days of the date of the decision. (Ord. 4587, statement:"If the hearing on a pending action 3-18-1996) cannot be completed on the date set in the public notice, the meeting or hearing may be continued to a date certain and no further no- 4-8-100 APPLICATION AND tice under this Section is required". DECISION - GENERAL: E. NOTICE OF HEARING EXAMINER A. PREAPPLICATION MEETING: DECISION: Notice of Hearing Examiner decisions subject to 1. Recommended: A preapplication meet- notice requirements shall be made by the Hearing ing prior to formal submittal of a development Examiner's office to all parties of record, the application is recommended but not required project proponent, and Development Services Di- unless a waiver of submittal requirement is vision, and affected government agencies. Notifi- requested. cation shall be made by mail and must include: 2. Purpose:The meeting is not intended to 1. A description of the decision(s),including provide an exhaustive review of all potential any conditional approval. issues. Preapplication review does not pre- vent or limit the City from applying all relevant 2. A statement explaining where further in- laws at the time of application submittal. The formation may be obtained. purposes of a preapplication meeting are: 3. Any threshold environmental determina- a. To acquaint an applicant with the re- tion issued and its appeal process. quirements of the City's development regulations and other applicable laws. 4. The decision date and a statement that the decision will be final unless an appeal to b. To provide an opportunity for City the City Council is filed with the City Clerk staff to be acquainted with a proposed within fourteen (14) days of the date of the application prior to review of a formal ap- decision. plication. F. NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL 3. Preapplication Submittal Require- DECISION: ments: Preapplication meeting submittal re- Notice of City Council decisions subject to notice quirements are available through the City of requirements shall be made by the City Clerk's of- Renton Development Services Division. fice to all parties or record,the project proponent, the Development Services Division, and affected 4. Waiver of Formal Application Submit- tal Requirements: An applicant may submit a written request for a waiver from formal ap- 8 - 21 4-8-100B plication submittal requirement under RMC ten (10) days prior to the public hearing. (Ord. 4-8-120, Submittal Requirements,which may 3454, 7-28-1980) be considered during a preapplication meet- ing. E. REPORT BY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES: B. SUBMITTAL OF FORMAL APPLICATION: 1. Report Content:When such application Applications, except appeals of administrative or has been set for public hearing, if required, environmental determinations shall be filed with the Development Services Division shall co- the Development Services Division. ordinate and assemble the comments and recommendations of other City departments C. LETTER OF COMPLETENESS: and government agencies having an interest in the subject application and shall prepare a 1. Timing: Within twenty eight (28) days af- report summarizing the factors involved and ter receipt of an application,the Development the Development Services Division findings Services Division shall provide a written de- and supportive recommendations. termination that the application is deemed complete or incomplete according to the sub- 2. Report Timing: At least seven (7) calen- mittal requirements as listed in RMC dar days prior to the scheduled hearing, the 4-8-120A, B or C, and any site-specific infor- report shall be filed with the Examiner and mation identified after a site visit. In the ab- copies thereof shall be mailed to the applicant sence of a written determination, the and shall be made available for use by any in- application shall be deemed complete. terested party for the cost of reproduction. (Ord. 3300, 3-19-1979; Amd. Ord. 3592, 2. Applications Which are Not Complete: 12-14-1981) If an application is determined incomplete, the necessary materials for completion shall F. PUBLIC HEARING: be specified in writing to the contact person and property owner. Within fourteen (14) 1. Hearing by Examiner Required:Before days of submittal of the information specified rendering a decision or recommendation on as necessary to complete an application, the any application for which a public hearing is applicant will be notified whether the applica- required,the Examiner shall hold at least one tion is complete or what additional informa- public hearing thereon. tion is necessary. (Ord. 4587, 3-18-1996, Ord. 4660, 3-17-1997) 2. Constitutes Hearing by Council: On applications requiring approval by the City 3. Additional Information May Be Re- Council, the public hearing before the Exam- quested: A written determination of corn- iner, if required, shall constitute the hearing pleteness does not preclude the by the City Council. Development Services Division from request- ing supplemental information or studies, if 3. Hearing Rules: The Examiner shall new information is required to complete re- have the power to prescribe rules and regula- view of an application or if significant changes tions for the conduct of hearings under this in the permit application are proposed. The Chapter subject to confirmation by the City Development Services Division may set Council, and to administer oaths and pre- deadlines for the submittal or supplemental serve order. information. (Ord. 4587, 3-18-1996, Ord. 4660, 3-17-1997) 4. Closure/Continuation of Public Hear- ing: At the close of the testimony, the Exam- D. NOTICES TO APPLICANT: iner may close the public hearing, continue The applicant shall be advised of the date of ac- the hearing to a time and date certain, or ceptance of the application and of the environ- close the public hearing pending the submis- mental determination. The applicant shall be sion of additional information on or before a advised of the date of any public hearing at least date certain. 8 - 22 4-8-1001 5. Application Dismissal: Until a final ac- applicable. Conditions, modifications and re- tion on the application is taken,the Examiner strictions which may be imposed are, but are may dismiss the application for failure to dili- not limited to,additional setbacks,screenings gently pursue the application after notice is in the form of landscaping and fencing, cove- given to all parties of record. nants, easements and dedications of addi- tional road rights-of-way. Performance bonds G. EXAMINER'S DECISION: may be required to insure compliance with the conditions, modifications and restrictions. 1. Standard Decision Time and Notifica- tion Procedure: Unless the time is extended 4. Reconsideration of Examiner's Deci- pursuant to this Section, within fourteen (14) sion: Any interested person feeling that the days of the conclusion of a hearing, or the decision of the Examiner is based on an erro- date set for submission of additional informa- neous procedure,errors of law or fact,error in tion pursuant to this Chapter, the Examiner judgment, or the discovery of new evidence shall render a written decision, including find- which could not be reasonably available at ings from the record and conclusions there- the prior hearing may make a written applica- from, and shall transmit a copy of such tion for review by the Examiner within four- decision by regular mail, postage prepaid, to teen(14)days after the written decision of the the applicant and other parties of record in Examiner has been rendered. The applica- the case requesting notice of the decision. tion shall set forth the specific errors relied The person mailing the decision, together upon by such appellant, and the Examiner with the supporting documents,shall prepare may, after review of the record, take further an affidavit of mailing, in standard form, and action as the Examiner deems proper. The the affidavit shall become a part of the record Examiner may request further information of the proceedings. In the case of applica- which shall be provided within ten (10) days tions requiring City Council approval, the Ex- of the request. The Examiner's written deci- aminer shall file his decision with the City sion on the request for consideration shall be Council members individually at the expira- transmitted to all parties of record within ten tion of the appeal period for the decision. (10) days of receipt of the application for re- consideration or receipt of the additional in- 2. Decision Time Extension: In extraordi- formation requested, whichever is later. nary cases, the time for filing of the recom- mendation or decision of the Examiner may H. EXPIRATION OF DECISION: be extended for not more than thirty(30)days The City declares that circumstances surrounding after the conclusion of the hearing if the Ex- land use decisions change rapidly over a period aminer finds that the amount and nature of of time. In order to assure the compatibility of a the evidence to be considered, or receipt of decision with current needs and concerns, any additional information which cannot be made such decision must be limited in duration, unless available within the normal decision period, the action or improvements authorized by the de- requires the extension. Notice of the exten- cision is implemented promptly. Any application sion,stating the reasons therefor,shall be for- or permit approved pursuant to this Chapter with warded to all parties of record in the manner the exception of rezones shall be implemented set forth in this Section for notification of the within two(2)years of such approval unless other Examiner's decision. time limits are prescribed elsewhere in the Renton Municipal Code.Any application or permit 3. Conditions:The Examiner's recommen- which is not so implemented shall terminate at the dation or decision may be to grant or deny the conclusion of that period of time and become null application, or the Examiner may require of and void. the applicant such conditions, modifications and restrictions as the Examiner finds neces- I. EXTENSION: sary to make the application compatible with The Examiner may grant one extension of time its environment and carry out the objectives for a maximum of one year for good cause shown. and goals of the Comprehensive Plan, the The burden of justification shall rest with the ap- zoning regulations, the subdivision regula- plicant. tions,the codes and ordinances of the City of Renton, and the approved preliminary plat, if 8 - 23 4-8-100J J. EXPIRATION OF LARGE SCALE OR 5. Appeals to Superior Court, and PHASED PROJECTS: For large scale or phased development projects, 6. Appeals to the State Shorelines Hearings the Examiner may at the time of approval or rec- Board. ommendation set forth time limits for expiration which exceed those prescribed in this Section for B. DECISION AUTHORITY: such extended time limits as are justified by the RMC 4-8-080G, Land Use Permit Procedures, record of the action. lists the development permits reviewed by the City and the review authority responsible for open K. COUNCIL ACTION: record appeals, closed record appeals and judi- cial appeals. Where required permits are subject 1. Council Action Requires Minutes and to different types of permit review procedures, Findings of Fact: Any application requiring then all the applications are subject to the high- action by the City Council shall be evidenced est-number procedure, as identified in RMC by minute entry unless otherwise required by 4-8-080G, and highest level of review authority, law. When taking any such final action, the as identified in RMC 4-1-050, that applies to any Council shall make and enter findings of fact of the applications. (Ord. 4587, 3-18-1996, Ord. from the record and conclusions therefrom 4660, 3-17-1997) which support its action. C. GENERAL INFORMATION 2. Adoption of Examiner's Findings and APPLICABLE TO ALL TYPES OF Conclusions Presumed: Unless otherwise APPEALS: specified,the City Council shall be presumed to have adopted the Examiner's findings and 1. Standing: (Reserved) conclusions. 2. Time to File: (Reserved) 3. Applications to Be Placed on Council Agenda: Except for rezones, all applications 3. Required Form for and Content of Ap- requiring Council action shall be placed on peals: Any appeal shall be filed in writing. the Council's agenda for consideration. (Ord. The written notice of appeal shall fully,clearly 3454, 7-28-1980) and thoroughly specify the substantial er- ror(s) in fact or law which exist in the record of the proceedings from which the appellant 4-8-110 APPEALS: seeks relief. (Ord. 4353, 6-1-1992) A. SCOPE AND PURPOSE: 4. Filing of Appeal and Fee: The notice of This Section provides the basic procedures for appeal shall be accompanied by a fee in ac- processing all types of land use and develop- cordance with RMC 4-1-170, the fee sched- ment-related appeals. Specific requirements are ule of the City. (Ord. 3658, 9-13-1982) based upon the type/level of appeal and the ap- peal authority. Procedures for the following types 5. Facsimile Filings: Whenever any appli- of appeals are included in this Section: cation or filing is required under this Chapter, it may be made by facsimile.Any facsimile fil- 1. Appeals of administrative decisions to ing received at the City after five o'clock Board of Public Works, (5:00) p.m. on any business day will be deemed to have been received on the follow- 2. Appeals of administrative decisions to ing business day.Any facsimile filing received Board of Adjustment, after five o'clock (5:00) p.m. on the last date for filing will be considered an untimely filing. 3. Appeals to Hearing Examiner of adminis- Any party desiring to make a facsimile filing trative decisions and environmental determi- after four o'clock (4:00) p.m. on the last day nations, for the filing must call the Hearing Examiner's office or other City official with whom the filing 4. Appeals to City Council, must be made and indicate that the filing is being made by facsimile and the number to 8 - 24 4-8-110E which the facsimile copy is being sent.The fil- E. APPEALS TO EXAMINER OF ing party must ensure that the facsimile filing ADMINISTRATIVE AND is transmitted in adequate time so that it will ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATIONS: be completely received by the City before five o'clock(5:00) p.m. in all instances in which fil- 1. Applicability and Authority: ing fees are to accompany the filing of an ap- plication, those filing fees must be received a. Administrative Determinations: by the City before the end of the business day Any administrative decisions made may on the last day of the filing period or the filing be appealed to the Hearing Examiner, in will be considered incomplete and will be re- writing, with the Hearing Examiner, Ex- jected. (Ord. 4353, 6-1-1992) aminer's secretary or City Clerk. (Ord. 4521, 6-5-1995) 6. Notice of Appeal: (Reserved) b. Environmental Determinations: 7. Restrictions on Subsequent Actions: Except for permits and variances issued Any later request to interpret,explain, modify, pursuant to RMC 4-3-090, Shoreline or retract the decision shall not be deemed to Master Program Regulations, when any be a new administrative determination creat- proposal or action is granted, condi- ing a new appeal period for any new third tioned,or denied on the basis of SEPA by party to the permit. (Ord. 4168, 8-8-1988) a nonelected official, the decision shall be appealable to the Hearing Examiner 8. Limit on Number of Appeals: The City under the provisions of this Section. has consolidated the permit process to allow for only one open record appeal of all permit c. Authority:To that end,the Examiner decisions associated with a single develop- shall have all of the powers of the office ment application. (Ord. 4587, 3-18-1996, from whom the appeal is taken insofar as Ord. 4660, 3-17-1997) the decision on the particular issue is concerned. There shall be no more than one appeal on a procedural determination or environmental 2. Optional Request for Reconsidera- determination such as the adequacy of a de- tion: See RMC 4-9-070M. termination of significance, nonsignificance, or of a final environmental impact statement. 3. Standing: Any appeal of the action of the Hearing Ex- a. Standing for Filing Appeals of the aminer in the case of appeals from environ- City's Environmental Determinations: mental determinations shall be joined with an Appeals from environmental determina- appeal of the substantive determination. tions as set forth in this Title may be taken (Ord. 3891, 2-25-1985) to the Hearing Examiner by any person aggrieved, or by any officer, department, 9. Exhaust of Administrative Remedies: board or bureau of the City affected by (Reserved) such determination. Any agency or per- son may appeal the City's compliance D. APPEALS OF ADMINISTRATIVE with chapter 197-11 WAC for issuance of DECISIONS TO BOARD OF PUBLIC a Threshold Determination. (Ord. 3891, WORKS: 2-25-1985) Any decisions made in the administrative process related to the City's storm drainage regulations b. Standing for Appeals of Adminis- may be appealed to the Board of Public Works trative Determinations other than En- within fifteen (15) days and filed, in writing, with vironmental: Appeals from the Board chairman or secretary. The Board of administrative determinations of the Public Works shall give substantial weight to any City's land use regulation codes and from discretionary decision of the City rendered pursu- environmental determinations required ant to this Chapter. (Ord. 4342, 2-3-1992) by the Renton environmental review reg- ulations may be taken to the Hearing Ex- 8 - 25 4-8-110E aminer by any person aggrieved, or by b. Appeals to Examiner of Adminis- any officer, department, board or bureau trative Determinations Other Than En- of the City affected by such determina- vironmental: Appeals from an tion. (Ord. 3454, 7-28-1980) administrative decision pursuant to this Chapter shall be filed within fourteen (14) c. Special Standing Requirements days of the date that the action was for Appeals of Administrative Determi- taken. (Ord. 3454, 7-28-1980) nations Relative to the Tree Cutting and Land Clearing Regulations: Any The appeal from an administrative deci- individual or party of record who is ad- sion implementing a land use decision of versely affected by such a decision may the City Council or the Hearing Examiner appeal the decision to the City's Hearing pursuant to this Chapter shall be filed with Examiner pursuant to the procedures es- the Hearing Examiner, along with the re- tablished in this Section. (Ord. 4351, quired fee, within fourteen (14) days of 5-4-1992) the administrative decision or,if no date of administrative decision can be deter- d. Special Standing Requirements mined,within fourteen (14)days of the is- for Appeals of Decisions Relating to suance of any permit which requires inter- Master Site Plans:Any appellant must pretation of that land use decision, such be seeking to protect an interest that is administrative decision being an essen- arguably within the zone of interest to be tial part of the issuance of the permit, li- protected or regulated by this Title must cense, or other City permission to pro- allege an injury in fact, and that injury ceed. must be real and present rather than speculative. (Ord. 4551, 9-18-1995) As between the permit holder and the City, any decision to modify or retract the 4. Time for Appeal: Any such appeal shall permit shall give the permit holder a four- be filed in writing with the Examiner within the teen(14)day appeal period from the date following time limits: of the action to modify or retract the per- mit. a. Appeals of Environmental Deter- minations: Appeals of a final environ- 5. Complaints After Expiration of Appeal mental determination under the Renton Time: Any claim that an administrative deci- environmental review regulations shall sion maker has failed to correctly interpret or be filed within fourteen (14) days of pub- enforce a land use decision after the expira- lication of notice of such determination. tion of the appeal time established in this (Ord. 3454, 7-28-1980) Section shall not create an appeal right, but will be treated as a complaint of noncompli- i. A Final DNS: The appeal of the ance with the land use decision. (Ord. 4168, DNS must be made to the Hearing 8-8-1988) Examiner within fourteen (14) days of the date the DNS is final. 6. Appeal Procedures— Hearing Exam- iner: The City establishes the following ad- ii. A DS:The appeal must be made ministrative appeal procedures under RCW to the Hearing Examiner within four- 43.21 C.075 and WAC 197-11-680: teen (14)days of the publication date of the DS in the official City newspa- a. Notice to Officer: Immediately upon per. receipt of the notice of appeal, the Hear- ing Examiner shall forward to the officer iii. A Final EIS: The appeal of the from whom the appeal is being taken a FEIS must be made to the Hearing copy of the notice of appeal. Examiner within twenty (20) days of the date the permit or other approval b. Transmittal of Records and Re- is issued. (Ord. 3891, 2-25-1985) ports: Upon receiving such notice, the officer from whom the appeal is being taken shall transmit to the Hearing Exam- 8 - 26 4-8-110F iner all of the records pertaining to the de- i. In violation of constitutional provi- cision being appealed,together with such sions; or additional written reports as are deemed pertinent.The Examiner may request ad- ii. In excess of the authority or juris- ditional information from the applicant. diction of the agency; or c. Notice of Hearing Required: A writ- iii. Made upon unlawful procedure; ten notice of the time and place of the or hearing at which the appeal shall be con- sidered by the Examiner shall be mailed iv. Affected by other error of law; or to the applicant,all parties of record in the case, and to the officer from whom the v. Clearly erroneous in view of the appeal is taken not less than ten (10) entire record as submitted; or days prior to the date of the hearing. (Ord. 3454, 7-28-1980) iv. Arbitrary or capricious. (Ord. 3992, 5-19-1986) d. Content of Hearing: The Examiner may hear and consider any pertinent c. Time for Examiner's Decision:The facts pertaining to the appeal. (Ord. Hearing Examiner shall render a written 3992, 5-19-1986) decision within ten (10)days. (Ord.4401, 5-3-1993) e. Record Required: For any appeal under this subsection, the City shall pro- 8. Appeal of Examiner Decision: vide for a record that shall consist of the following: a. Appeal of Examiner's Decision to Council: Unless a specific section or i. Findings and conclusions; State law providing for review of decision of the Examiner requires review thereof ii. Testimony under oath; and by the Superior Court or other body, any interested party aggrieved by the Exam- iii. A taped or written transcript. iner's written decision or recommenda- tion may submit a notice of appeal to the f. Electronic Transcript:The City may City Clerk, upon a form furnished by the require the appellant to provide an elec- City Clerk, within fourteen (14) calendar tronic transcript. (Ord. 3891, 2-25-1985) days from the date of the Examiner's writ- ten report. 7. Examiner Decision: b. Superior Court: The action of the a. Substantial Weight:The procedural Hearing Examiner in the case of appeals determination by the Environmental Re- from administrative determinations and view Committee or City staff shall carry environmental determinations shall be fi- substantial weight in any appeal pro- nal and conclusive,unless within the time ceeding. (Ord. 3891, 2-25-1985) The frame specified by subsection G5 of this Hearing Examiner shall give substantial Section,an aggrieved party or person ob- weight to any discretionary decision of tains a writ of review from the Superior the City rendered pursuant to this Chap- Court of Washington for King County for ter/Title. (Ord. 4346, 3-9-1992) purpose of review of the action taken. (Ord. 3454, 7-28-1980) b. Examiner Decision Options and Decision Criteria: The Examiner may c. Other Bodies: (Reserved) affirm the decision or remand the case for further proceedings,or it may reverse the F. APPEALS TO CITY COUNCIL— decision if the substantial rights of the ap- PROCEDURES: plicant may have been prejudiced be- cause the decision is: 1. Notice to Parties of Record:Within five (5)days of receipt of the notice of appeal,the 8 - 27 4-8-110G City Clerk shall notify all parties of record of record, it may remand the proceeding to Ex- the receipt of the appeal. aminer for reconsideration, or modify, or re- verse the decision of the Examiner 2. Opportunity to Provide Comments: accordingly. Other parties of record may submit letters in support of their positions within ten (10)days 7. Council Action: If, upon appeal from a of the dates of mailing of the notification of the recommendation of the Hearing Examiner filing of the notice of appeal. upon an application submitted pursuant to RMC 4-1-050F2 and F3, and after examina- 3. Transmittal of Record to Council: tion of the record,the Council determines that Thereupon the Clerk shall forward to the a substantial error in fact or law exists in the members of the City Council all of the pet- record, or that a recommendation of the nent documents, including the written deci- Hearing Examiner should be disregarded or sion or recommendation, findings and modified, the City Council may remand the conclusions contained in the Examiner's re- proceeding to the Examiner for reconsidera- port, the notice of appeal, and additional let- tion, or enter its own decision upon the appli- ters submitted by the parties. (Ord. 3658, cation. 9-13-1982) 8. Decision Documentation: In any event, 4. Council Review Procedures: No public the decision of the City Council shall be in hearing shall be held by the City Council. No writing and shall specify any modified or new or additional evidence or testimony shall amended findings and conclusions other than be accepted by the City Council unless a those set forth in the report of the Hearing Ex- showing is made by the party offering the ev- aminer. Each material finding shall be sup- idence that the evidence could not reason- ported by substantial evidence in the record. ably have been available at the time of the The burden of proof shall rest with the appel- hearing before the Examiner. If the Council lant. (Ord. 3658, 9-13-1982) determines that additional evidence is re- quired,the Council shall remand the matter to 9. Council Action Final: The action of the the Examiner for reconsideration and receipt Council approving, modifying or rejecting a of additional evidence. The cost of transcrip- decision of the Examiner shall be final and tion of the hearing record shall be borne by conclusive, unless appealed within the time the applicant. In the absence of an entry upon frames established under subsection G5 of the record of an order by the City Council au- this Section. (Ord. 4660, 3-17-1997) thorizing new or additional evidence or testi- mony,and a remand to the Hearing Examiner G. APPEALS TO SUPERIOR COURT: for receipt of such evidence or testimony, it shall be presumed that no new or additional 1. Intent: Appeals pursuant to this Section evidence or testimony has been accepted by are intended to comply with the Land Use Pe- the City Council, and that the record before tition Act, chapter 36.70C RCW. (Ord. 4587, the City Council is identical to the hearing 3-18-1996, Amd. Ord. 4660, 3-17-1997) record before the Hearing Examiner. (Ord. 4389, 1-25-1993) 2. Applicability: Any decision or order is- sued by the City pursuant to this Section may 5. Council Evaluation Criteria: The con- be judicially reviewed provided that available sideration by the City Council shall be based administrative appeals, including those listed solely upon the record, the Hearing Exam- in RMC 4-9-250D, have been exhausted. iner's report, the notice of appeal and addi- (Ord. 4346, 3-9-1992) tional submissions by parties. 3. Standing: Those persons with standing 6. Findings and Conclusions Required: to bring an appeal of a land use decision are If, upon appeal of a decision of the Hearing limited to the applicant,the owner of property Examiner on an application submitted pursu- to which land use decisions are directed, and ant to RMC 4-1-050F1, and after examination any other person aggrieved or adversely af- of the record, the Council determines that a fected by the land use decision or who would substantial error in fact or law exists in the be aggrieved or adversely affected by a re- 8 - 28 4-8-110H versa) or modification of the land use deci- ute specifically pre-empting the area and sion. The terms "aggrieved"and "adversely establishing a time from for appeal, any ap- affected" are defined in RCW 36.70C.060. peal, whether through extraordinary writ or otherwise, shall be brought within twenty one 4. Content of Appeal Submittal: The con- (21) days of the decision. (Ord. 4587, tent, procedures and other requirements of 3-18-1996; Amd. Ord. 4460, 3-17-1997) an appeal of land use decision are governed by chapter 36.70C RCW which is incorpo- H. APPEALS OF SHORELINE PERMIT rated herein by reference as if fully set forth. DECISIONS TO SHORELINES HEARING BOARD: 5. Time for Initiating Appeal to Superior Court: 1. Standing for Appeals to Shorelines Hearings Board: Any person aggrieved by a. Appeals of Land Use Decisions: the granting or denying of a substantial devel- An appeal to Superior Court of a land use opment permit, a conditional use permit and/ decision,as defined herein, must be filed or a variance on shorelines of the City, or by within twenty one (21) days of the issu- the rescinding of a permit pursuant to the pro- ance of the land use decision. For pur- visions of the Shoreline Master Program, poses of this Section, the date on which may seek review from the State of Washing- a land use decision is issued is: ton Shorelines Hearing Board. i. Three (3) days after a written de- 2. Place and Time for Filing Appeals: Ap- cision is mailed by the City or, if not peals of decisions by the Land Use Hearing mailed, the date on which the local Examiner must be made directly to the jurisdiction provided notice that a Shorelines Hearings Board. Appeals are written decision is publicly available; made by filing a request for the same within thirty (30) days of receipt of the final order ii. If the land use decision is made and by concurrently filing copies of such re- by ordinance or resolution by the City quest with the Department of Ecology and the Council, sitting in a quasi-judicial ca- Attorney General's office as provided in sec- pacity, the date the body passes the tion 18(1) of the Shorelines Management Act ordinance or resolution; or of 1971. iii. If neither (i) or(ii) of this subsec- 3. City Requires Copy of Appeal Notice: tion applies, the date the decision is A copy of any such appeal notice shall like- entered into the public record. (Ord. wise be filed with the Planning/Building/Pub- 4587, 3-18-1996, Amd. Ord. 4660, lic Works Department and the City Clerk of 3-17-1997) the City of Renton. b. Appeal of Environmental Determi- 4. Limited Utility Extensions and Protec- nations:Appeal to the Superior Court of tive Bulkheads—Appeals: Appeals of sub- the environmental decision and the sub- stantial development permits, for a limited stantive determination must be made utility extension as defined in RCW 90.58.140 within twenty(20)days of the substantive (11) or for the construction of a bulkhead or determination and must be made by writ other measures to protect a single family res- of review to the Superior Court of Wash- idence and its appurtenant structures from ington for King County. (Ord. 3891, shoreline erosion, shall be finally determined 2-25-1985) by the legislative authority within thirty (30) days. (Ord. 3758, 12-5-1983, Rev. 6. Appeals of Other Than Land Use Deci- 7-22-1985, 3-12-1990 (Res. 2787), sions—Superior Court:Appeals to Superior 7-16-1990 (Res. 2805), 9-13-1983 (Min.)) Court from decisions other than a land use decision, as defined herein, shall be ap- pealed within the time frame established by ordinance. If there is no appeal time estab- lished by an ordinance, and there is no stat- 8 - 29 4-8-120A 4-8-120 SUBMITTAL A. Table 4-8-120A— Public Works Permit REQUIREMENTS — SPECIFIC TO Submittal Requirements. APPLICATION TYPE: B. Table 4-8-120B— Building Section Per- The following tables list the submittal require- mit Submittal Requirements. ments for each type of permit application or land use approval which must accompany the required C. Table 4-8-120C—Land Use Permit Sub- application fees specified in RMC 4-1-140 mittal Requirements. (Ord. 4587, 3-18-1996, through 4-1-200. Amd. Ord. 4722, 5-11-1998) TABLE 4-8-120A PUBLIC WORKS APPLICATIONS cc w .- a E c z O a L . o Q c d 2 V C *� o tr) d r o U =O . ca a c -0 y C-) a s p () `�° 3 c_ GNi L = '. 3 E E '° w = a � SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS F in N a� a U c Construction Permit Application Form 1 1 1 2 Construction Mitigation Description 3 3 3 4 Drainage Plans 3 3 3 Drainage Report 2 2 2 Erosion Control Plan (Temporary) 3 3 3 3 Geotechnical Report 3 2 1 2 Grading Plans 3 3 4 Neighborhood Detail Map 3 3 3 3 Roadway Construction Plans 3 3 Street Lighting Plans 3 3 Topography Map 3 3 3 4 Tree Cutting/Inventory/Land Clearing Plan —Approved 3 3 3 3 Utilities Plans— Engineered 3 3 3 4 Wetlands Report/Delineation 1(a) 1(a) 1(a) 1(a) The number of copies required (if any)is indicated for each type of Table 1 Legend: application and each submittal requirement,unless waived by the Development Services Division Plan Review Supervisor.(Ord.4587, (a) Required when wetlands are present on-site. 3-18-1996) 8 - 30 TABLE 4-8-120B BUILDING APPLICATIONS w Y a - co �, c� _ c a = a it z E 1— .c a O a) i .G tv ca 2E m � L 0 ur a = I iym E o -a d o 2 °' Z -a -a •D U � co >. � >.o p = mm E >. = E E p c • � � M � Z 5a) Eo Ed u_ Q o 13 .6cc co LL , fire w � o c a s V. cca LL E o cn d � d o as E c�a cc cg - c Eo o c ca c:; SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS >- a 0 co co as = o o - o L c Ha 0 6- 52 2 o 2 _ U _ a to too v7 _ Applicant Agreement Statement(for wireless communications facilities only) 3 Application Form, Building Division 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 Application Form, Construction Permit 2 2 co. Architectural Elevations 5 2 1' Architectural Plans, Commercial/Industrial/Multi-Family 4 3(n) Architectural Plans, Single Family/Duplex 2 2 Blocking/Anchoring/Skirting Details 2 Construction Mitigation Description 1 2 Drainage Plans 2 5 2(h) Drainage Report 2 Electrical Plans 2 2 1(g) Energy Code Checklist, Nonresidential 1(m) 1 Energy Code Checklist, Residential 1(k) 1 1(a) Foundation Plans 2 4 2 2 Geotechnical Report 2(b) ' 4 2(b) Grading Plan 5 5 Grading Work Description 4 2 Heat Loss Calculation 1(c) 1(c) Installer Certification 1 °D The number of copies(if any)is indicated in each column unless waived by the Development Services Division. iv c0 TABLE 4-8-120B 0 BUILDING APPLICATIONS L y a a c m . °° cB «- z E Cf1 O i � K La O G) N O d co ,i, N S a = _ = d o o -a a) p3 d z V -06' U3 � o a '>.o p _ a� _ i i i V z fo LL Q G LL ram. r) el 2 i Ix as co C al (Y cC) C) C)al CD CD c . d i Q- LL = u- L W J o 5 m m m as LL y e .O Cl) d a) o SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS n- a E E c c c g m V E a, c c c Q a) >- a m L as as as ,� � -a o .. o a) c L c I- ¢ p 0 MM o 2 E OE a N to o in Inventory of Existing Sites (for wireless communications facilities only) 3 Irrigation Sprinkler Plans 3 King County Health Department-Approved Plans 1(f) 1(f) 1(g) Land Use Permit Conditions, Approved (if any) 2 2 2 1 00 Landscaping Plans 4 w Lease Agreement, Draft (for wireless communications facilities only) 3 N Manufacturer's Plans 2 Mechanical Plans 3 2 Plumbing Plans 2(m) 2 Project Information Sheet (includes legal description) 2 2 2 5 3(n) 2 2 2 Receipt for Construction (Utility) Permit Application 2 1(h) Roadway Construction Plan - 2 Screening Detail, Refuse/Recycling 3 Service Area Map (for wireless communications facilities only) 3 Side Sewer Capping Permit, Finaled 1 Sign Plan 3 Site Plan, Commercial, Industrial, Multi-Family 5 1 Site Plan, Sign 2 Site Plan, Single Family/Duplex 2 2 2(d) 2 Structural Calculations 2 3 2(e) 2(g) 2 2(i) The number of copies(if any)is indicated in each column unless waived by the Development Services Division. TABLE 4-8-120B BUILDING APPLICATIONS a) Y i _ C al — L 4- a o c, — as '+—, Z E I- .Ea O 0 L � al 4, � L m ti. = v ca _ 0. = _ = v o ° m � om -2 vv vi U ° o >. 5. 0 — m a) a 3 >, � _ E _ y _ E = z co re a, C 0 ° ° o . m a L = ti — W J ° C 3 3 3 cc 1 cn E .° (A N C) O 3 i C .i as E � c c cg = E y o a ° SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS >- 1 m L CO ca CO ,� 3 C 0 c 0 °' ° c C Ha o C7 22 2 o 2 — U — a. v) in o in — Structural Plans 2 3 2(e) 2(g) 2 2(j) Topography Map (may be combined with site plan or grading plan) 2 2 2 4 2 Tree Cutting/Land Clearing Plan, Approved 2 3 2(d) Utilities Construction Plans 6 1 co Water/Sewer Availability Letter 1(j)(k) 1(j) 1(a)(j) co Service Disconnect Request(final) 1 `.) WSEC Trade-Off Form 1(I) Table 2 Legend: a.Required for any alteration of exterior of(heated)building envelope. b.When required by Section 1804(Foundations and Retaining Walls)of the UBC. c. Required for installation of a new furnace or a replacement of greater size. d.Not required for pools/spas/hot tubs to be installed within an existing building. e.Required for structural changes only. f. Required for food service establishments only. g.Required only for public pools/spas/hot tubs(not required for single family or duplex pools/spas/hot tubs). h.Required for duplexes only. i. Required for other than conventional construction. j. Required only if trade-off option is being used for compliance. k. For multi-family,one per building. I.Not required for additions. m.Not required for multi-family projects. -P n.For restaurants and any construction project involving work in the right-of-way,four(4)copies are required. (Ord.4587,3-18-1996) o0 The number of copies(if any)is indicated in each column unless waived by the Development Services Division. oN W i7£ - 8 z = o =t0000i CO W > > D (7 D. E * > 3 > 01 - xi ($) 3 3 x x 7 o F 3 a 0- a a --°o_ = m1 m Q o o 0m m m v, , o c a �'. O g)) cn o. cn w o g w gl g _ m o C = r ° 3 co �, 0 o n N CO ny o c ° 5i m - D v ,. Q 0. ° _ N c r m o = 0 N ° D o m E D r a D o o ° z m a ' - ° 0 3C0 c o m Z iv (n 5 3 3 S o Z n C ci ci 13 D c o N B o o m -0 R, c cD sv 5 -I a. g N g"< m w co y K 6 3 m E 3 (, m w. g 0 C ° m > - '0 `< -0 m n, a, o co :' a o m _ in N ° c o D w m n o a, = Z m cTi O a CN'7 = A 3 = 7 //L�. NW CD ea ? 0 1 CD X N .-. c,' 0 w o a o TYPE OF APPLICATION/PERMIT 3 , Q c;, Annexation(10%Notice of Intent) m a - X c; Annexation(60%Petition) 3 X Appeal co d C - X Business License for Home Occupation' O x Comp. Plan Map Amendment/Rezone C 3 X Comp.Plan Text Amendment c a Conditional Approval Permit for a N Nonconforming Structure m y Conditional Approval Permit for a Z Nonconforming Use CD Q. A . x U, Conditional Use Permit(Administrative) Q m A (xi 1 X U, Conditional Use Permit(Hearing Examiner) O U, x v, Environmental Review co o o x Environmental Review(Non-Project) to 3 cn 1 X Grade and Fill Permit(Special) m 5' cr) Kennel License clo Kennel License,Hobby i 5▪' rU co X Lot Line Adjustment q A A U, Master Site Plan(Overall) o A A (n Master Site Plan(Individual Phases) cm - X Mobile Home Park,Preliminary A A - x U, Mobile Home Park,Final A Modification/Alternate Request A co x cn Plat,Final A U, -- X ND Plat,Preliminary cn — x PUD,Preliminary A w X U, ro PUD,Final x Rezone Ui x Routine Vegetation Management Permit Shoreline Exemption cn , x Shoreline Substantial Development Permit U, -. x Shoreline Conditional Use Permit cri x Shoreline Variance v, x n) Short Plat,Preliminary A A W U, Short Plat,Final A cn - X Site Plan 0.1 - x Special Permit U, cm x ro Temporary Use Permit x Variance Waiver U, Wetland Permit 003 L-8-ti SC - 8 c 2 coo E v, < 3 3 m o o = x x m m o 0 o m CO 9 n '� = N j •N., (n (D Q O- O O O N V, (!, < < < - • = p m m c o m D ci 8 g 2 -0 ID -077 j m —,. m a, Dj C C 13 o (D = n j C o N W ° N _tjN G j rn rn o r_ 3 ° m ° 0 X = 77 p 3 z w m 0 o ^ <• Z Z w n m m m 0 a ? o m � ❑ o• o C) 0 03 cQ aT, m = ea u' n am w o In• 0 o a N 3 i t!i O (FITo CD Q Cl) a (n D., o * o o a)m m (D ` N TYPE OF APPLICATION/PERMIT 5 ( q Annexation(10%Notice of Intent) 5 a) a , Annexation(60%Petition) '' Appeal co cBusiness License for Home Occupation' o — v, cn N Comp.Plan Map Amendment/Rezone c B N ,�, Comp. Plan Text Amendment mConditional Approval Permit for a o ' c" "' A Nonconforming Structure 0 Conditional Approval Permit for a °' cn cn A ZZ Nonconforming Use CD CD ry w cn cn �, cn cn n, A N A cn A Conditional Use Permit(Administrative) m cn co • cn cn -.N., cn cn —N., A n, A cn A Conditional Use Permit(Hearing Examiner) a CD (n N cn Cn N Cr, (n N A IV An A( Environmental Review 73o N Environmental Review(Non-Project) CO co �, v, ui �, - A cn A Grade and Fill Permit(Special) Im Cl) Kennel License 43 Kennel License,Hobby a) � 01 CO A Lot Line Adjustment n Z. nN N cn cn r�, A Master Site Plan(Overall) = N (n cJ, N cJ, U, n, . n, A (n . Master Site Plan(Individual Phases) iv cn cn41.. A cn Mobile Home Park,Preliminary A A Mobile Home Park,Final Modification/Alternate Request cn cn r,, cn A Plat,Final , (n (n ND A A Cr, Plat,Preliminary N cn v, N (n cn N A N A cn PUD,Preliminary cn cn N ry A PUD,Final cn (n N A Rezone Routine Vegetation Management Permit Shoreline Exemption ,\, cn v, N cn cn N A 'NI A cn Shoreline Substantial Development Permit r" (n (J7 r" cn („ r" - r� A (n Shoreline Conditional Use Permit N cn (n N (n cn r„ �, Shoreline Variance ry (n cn N A cn Short Plat,Preliminary - A Short Plat,Final N 0' (r N 01 Cn N A N 'A 01 A Site Plan N N ro A N Special Permit cn cn N at Temporary Use Permit o, N.) o, o, o Variance Waiver N n cn( N 01 01 N A A cn Wetland Permit OOZ L-8-ti 9E - 8 z• 7' N S < a W co N 0 (22 O CD N co 5 C C CD C -0 eE m e Co m w c� cfl 3 cn m a m a = D 1 o = c-, w m c� c c-, n� w n -. = c !J 00 cr m D y m v m o 0 5 ,— 0 O 0 S D c o w o (n o w w 53 3 a = x C7 m o o' m N cn -a c -I o x = m c w nxm i 3 S C o 0 m an R > > m - 5 3 > r a) aQ- C � ° 3 0 7 � g3 - Do 0 0 3o m Z (D 7 -, S O N (D ' v a 7 (, N o o 3 (A D v n D.D Ci o- m o n 7 0 o CD cn 3 N 0 '0 o - -, oo0 2, = J 7:5 °' < cn FT m ' o 9 = 0 ui m CD o o ° Q � 0o w a O n 3 K u o _ c -a _o - 2 c v m - o � `n mCD � 5 3 m n o 3 <0 CD `� co N d m TYPE OF APPLICATION/PERMIT 5 Q- ro 4, Annexation(10%Notice of Intent) co a ro F.:) Annexation(60%Petition) m Appeal o Business License for Home Occupation' o n, w Comp.Plan Map Amendment/Rezone c 3 — -, Comp.Plan Text Amendment Conditional Approval Permit for a `�,° cn Nonconforming Structure fD m Conditional Approval Permit for a Nonconforming Use CD 0_ w v, cn ro Conditional Use Permit(Administrative) `c m N 0 cn r., Conditional Use Permit(Hearing Examiner) 0 CD ro Environmental Review D Environmental Review(Non-Project) W CD 3 N Grade and Fill Permit(Special) m Kennel License cn 40 cD Kennel License,Hobby 5 N c+ Lot Line Adjustment n o ro Master Site Plan(Overall) 5 — ro Master Site Plan(Individual Phases) ,, cn Mobile Home Park,Preliminary ,\, Mobile Home Park,Final Modification/Alternate Request '7, Plat,Final R, vi Plat,Preliminary -, cn PUD,Preliminary ,) PUD,Final N) N Rezone Routine Vegetation Management Permit A Shoreline Exemption -., Shoreline Substantial Development Permit NJ cri Shoreline Conditional Use Permit n, Shoreline Variance I, Short Plat,Preliminary -N, Short Plat,Final ,� cyi Site Plan -, (xi Special Permit cn cn Temporary Use Permit 0 o Variance Waiver n, Wetland Permit 00Z L-8-P TABLE 4-8-120C LAND USE APPLICATIONS cc - ° a > as E t 0. N ea W da = 17 a3 y a N 43) y "' I- V, y E E d Cl x o o C C i0 a N dc O c . a a R >? O. m E a w 0 ai as E E as C .c7) @ c 3 0 0 O. o E E E Q = Z a c = E w as 03 m w Zo 2 I c c a� a 3 3 y a d c-ci d as .. E Q z a y Q Q oN o� a a a>i a>i = aci ,� s o ° c c c d V o o ut a a a a) m x x a E c c (5 c`a :-' a 5 _ c .E _ a. J O a c as y mg, 0.2 0 y _ y y rn as co a a Q m at cu E cn 'o ca a, as „ a) ' d V '2 F Q.- Q.- C = LL C C F. Q. d a1 C C_ C a) .fl C d it E Q Co co c c Ti E a E To To m m V c°'i a cu a) E E 8 E E R y w N U > m` i a c O c O C C E E C m > a) a1 07 a) l0 is d LL . .� y a a o C o C o o C C a7 J J m In cnn x 2 U c `1 2 c a, C c c c a. a c R V a O x x 4,) a a "o '=o " o o y a y c s, .- d d ii a` a ii c c '� '� '� '� a m o c y c SUBMITTAL us m a) 0 'o c+ a cQ -o v a c c o 'C 'c)- a ao > m O. C C O. m E E cc cc c c > > co c c vi m -0 .0 V " C G REQUIREMENTS F Q Q a m c) O O Z 0 z O U w w C7 Y Y _1 2 CO 2 2 2 a a a a ¢ cc cn ccnn rcnn cnn cn cn in w ~ > 3 3 List of Surrounding Property Owners 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Lot Line Adjustment Map 5 co Mailing Labels for Property Owners 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 - o.) Map of Existing Site Conditions 12 `4 Map of View Area(for wireless com- munication facilities only) 5 5 5 Master Application Form 13 12 12 5 5 12 12 12 12 12 5 12 12 12 12 5 12 12 5 12 1 4 12 12 12 12 12 12 5 10 Mobile Home Park Plan 12 12 Monument Cards(one per monu- ment) 1 1 1 Neighborhood Detail Map 13 13 1 12 5 5 12 12 12 12 5 12 12 12 12 5 12 12 5 12 1 4 12 12 12 12 1 12 12 5 10 Parking,Lot Coverage and Land- scaping Analysis 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Photo Simulations(for wireless com- munication facilities only) 54 54 5 Plan Reductions(PMTs) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Postage x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Plat Certificate 4 Preapplication Meeting Summary,if any 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 7 Preliminary Plat Plan 12 A Project Narrative 13 13 12 5 5 12 12 12 12 5 12 12 12 5 12 12 4 12 12 12 12 12 12 5 10 o0 Number of required copies(if any)is indicated in each column unless waived by the Development Services Division. o 0 io 88 - 8 z —1 cn N. 33 cn 33 3: cn = cn cn cn cn cn 3 Co cn a JJ -0 -0 _ -0 33 � 3 m C m m w Q co w m w m m o C C. < m : c a -, 0 -oo O COC o. 33 0 v -- 3 m 3 3 w 3 Ill ^ O n m ci Oc o coo CC p Q 3 N 7 m z a = = = Sll co p. D (' O. C OC w -p w 1 13 C . D 5 D o D r -0 -a _ m 0 = co c z o E n r D w w n n o r co 0 Q CD Q K Q to 'p m o m A Z (711 n ^' co _Bo ci _ 9 cDa o o o o m 0 co co -.co Ti w O o T. K ni = ( - C o '< s m 3 z W m < - m r r- 7 m 0 m - m -3o C w 0 o 3 m ° a N sv 3 p g N. o m .0 CD o m N _ D o 5 o �, co ° m 3 Co a TYPE OF APPLICATION/PERMIT Q Annexation(10%Notice of Intent) w Q Annexation(60%Petition) 5. Appeal co w O Business License for Home Occupation1 0. O• c Comp.Plan Map Amendment/Rezone c 3 ro ro Comp.Plan Text Amendment c Conditional Approval Permit for a Nonconforming Structure m ro ro Conditional Approval Permit for a Nonconforming Use CD C cn (Conditional Use Permit(Administrative) C N N CD N � Conditional Use Permit(Hearing Examiner) 0 m , , Environmental Review —I �o "N, �, Environmental Review(Non-Project) W r co N Grade and Fill Permit(Special) m Kennel License cn 43 CD < Kennel License,Hobby (3 N N Lot Line Adjustment n 0. N Master Site Plan(Overall) , �, Master Site Plan(Individual Phases) (0 Mobile Home Park,Preliminary ,\, N Mobile Home Park,Final cn Modification/Alternate Request a N Plat,Final Plat,Preliminary vi -, PUD,Preliminary A N PUD,Final a Rezone — Routine Vegetation Management Permit A A Shoreline Exemption n) Shoreline Substantial Development Permit Shoreline Conditional Use Permit Shoreline Variance n, Short Plat,Preliminary 01 N Short Plat,Final - N N Site Plan ,N, Special Permit cm Temporary Use Permit o Variance Waiver w Wetland Permit G0z L-8-1' TABLE 4-8-120C LAND USEE APPLICATIONS 0 > € E- 0 a o 0 x 0 a) a 7 N 0 0 -, a) a) a C .- y a) d U O O C C .•. Cuci > E E c c n a ca E o a w w a) 0 aa)i 'E 'E a N •o � �a C Q a) ; a o c E E E ' - = Z a -=-. c E co Co m co o m o E E 5 ? aa' E E d m a > a iL o To c cis g c 4 Z 0. a) a a O'-' O H a a a) o E s a) ,_ Y Y E C c o V N e w N = CC CC d E c c 8 8 «: >^ c a c E a. - o o c m N G1:5) m con u) d N N N m m a a Q ._ as m E 0 a cc 'y a. ,,,, a) a v <° H a•- a•- > > ° — c c �_ a a an d c C K o co` c E E Q c c :� c c CC h CC E is Ta aci aci ' o c0i a 0 a) E E c _ E .E w CO U > a it > m a 0 0 w as co c o c o c c E E c J J a to cnn s s .ca 0 • m e > c c c c is c a ry d a o x x m ai a a 0- 0 0 0 0 0 o co a m a �, `m an d ° .- a` a` ii 4) c d d d L a a a m `oa c m` SUBMITTAL w ar a) m C a a v o 'o V V V -0 c c _i o •- L e L ?r '0 m > ar a c c a rn E E cc cc c c > > c c N w :a a IS _ o 0 REQUIREMENTS > c CO. o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o c c ca- m m o CC C 0 0 0 al > > 0 0 s .C .C .C = t w' O. E CC co m . i- a a a m C O O z cO z c.O c) w w 0 Y x -1 2 2 2 2 2 a a a a ¢ ¢ cn cn cn cn cn cn in cn H > 3 3 Topography Map(5'contours) 5 5 Traffic Study 5 5 5 52 52 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Tree Cutting/Vegetation Clearing Plan 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 00 Tree Cutting/Vegetation Plan, co Approved 4 Utilities Plan,Generalized 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Wetlands Delineation Map 12 12 12 12 12 122 122 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Wetlands Study 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 (Ord.4587,3-18-1996) Table 3 Legend: 1.This information is required only for those home occupations that will have customer visits,more than six(6)business deliveries per week,or external indication of commercial activity. 2.Level of detail limited to scope listed in RMC 4-9-210A. 3.Level of detail required may be reduced by Administrator. 4. For conditional use permit applications for wireless communication facilities,the applicant shall submit a preliminary sketch(five(5)copies)for preliminary staff review prior to submittal of the conditional use permit application.The staff shall review this map within fourteen(14)working days and inform applicant of any preliminary concerns and recommendations for revisions at a scheduled preapplication meeting.The staff shall also indicate where photosimulations will be required for the application submittal,and may choose to waive submittal requirements for the condi- tional use permit when deemed appropriate.This shall not preclude the staff from making further recommendations at the application stage. 5.Only required for projects requiring a public hearing. Number of required copies(if any)is indicated in each column unless waived by the Development Services Division. 00 N O 0 4-8-120D D. DEFINITIONS OF TERMS USED IN its pre-existing condition. If there are two SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR (2) or more users of a single wireless BUILDING, PLANNING AND PUBLIC communication facility (WCF), then this WORKS PERMIT APPLICATIONS: provision shall not become effective until all users cease using the WCF. 1. Definitions A: Application Fee: The appropriate process- Affidavit of Installation of Public Informa- ing fee as required by the Renton Municipal tion Sign: A notarized statement signed by Code. the applicant of applicant's representative at- testing that the required public information Application Form, Building Section: The sign(s) has been installed in accordance with Development Services Division form required for the type of work to be performed (e.g., Cit Code requirements. grading permit application for grading work, Annexation, Ten Percent (10%) Notice of sign permit application for installation of a Intent: A petition form, supplied by the City, sign, etc.). Information requested includes containing the signatures of property owners the following: as identified in King County Assessor's records as taxpayers of record for properties a. King County Tax Assessor's number representing at least ten percent(10%)of the for the property, assessed valuation for the areas proposed for annexation. Information requested on the b. Legal description of property, form includes the signatures of all identified taxpayers of record, the date of signing, a c. Street address, if applicable, mailing address, and property identification number of each parcel. Petitions must con d. Property owner's name,address and form to RCW 35A.01.040. phone number, Annexation, Sixty Percent (60%) Petition: e. Prime contractor's business name, A petition form, supplied by the City, contain- address, phone number, current state ing the signatures of property owners as iden- tified in King County Assessor's records as taxpayers of record for properties represent- f. Either the name, address and phone ing at least sixty percent (60%) of the as number of the lender administering the sessed valuation for the areas proposed for interim construction financing, if any, or annexation. Information requested on the the name and address of the firm that has form includes the signatures of all identified issued a payment bond, if any, on behalf taxpayers of record, the date of signing, a of the prime contractor for the protection mailing address, and property identification of the owner, if the bond is for an amount number of each parcel. Petitions must con fifty percent(50%) or more than the total form with RCW 35A.01.040. construction project. Applicant Agreement Statement: A signed Application Form, Construction Permit: notarized statement indicating that: The City of Renton form used for all public works construction projects. Information re- a. The applicant agrees to allow for the quested includes the name, address, and telephone number for theproject applicant potential collocation of additional wire- p pp less communication facility equipment by and property owner, legal description, King other providers on the applicant's strut County Tax Assessor's number, site area, ture or within the same site location; and area of impervious surface, description of work, preliminary cost estimate, and, if appli- b. That the applicant agrees to remove cable, water meter size. the facility within six(6) months after that site's use is discontinued or if the facility Application Form, Master: The City of falls into disrepair, and restore the site to Renton Development Services Division's combined land use permit application form rm 8 -40 4-8-120D used for most environmental and land use re- f. Independent plan review by the State views. Information requested includes the of Washington Labor and Industries Elec- name, address, and telephone number for trical Division for I and E Occupancies, the project applicant, all owners, contact per- son,tax account number for the property,and g. Asbestos assessment by the Puget other site information. Sound Air Pollution Control Agency (PSAPCA) for interior demolition, and Approved Testing Agency: An agency as determined by the Washington Association of h. Independent review by State Depart- Building Officials whose purpose is to provide ment of Health for hospitals. special building inspection(s). Architectural Plans, Single Family/Du- Architectural Plans, Commercial, Indus- plex: An eighteen inch by twenty four inch trial, Multi-Family: A twenty four inch by (18"x 24"), minimum, plan drawn at a scale thirty six inch (24"x 36")plan prepared by an of one-fourth inch equals one foot(1/4"= 1') architect licensed in the State of Washington (or other size or scale approved by the Build- (unless project exempted by WAC ing Official) clearly indicating the information 18-04-410) drawn at a scale of one-eighth required by the "Permits"section of the cur- inch equals one foot (1/8"= 1') or one-fourth rently adopted Uniform Building Code and inch equals one foot (1/4"= 1') (or other size chapter 19.27 RCW(State Building Code Act, or scale approved by the Building Official) Statewide amendments), including, but not clearly indicating the information required by limited to, the following: the"Permits"section of the currently adopted Uniform Building Code and chapter 19.27 a. General building layout and room RCW (State Building Code Act, Statewide use, amendments), including, but not limited to, the following: b. Window and door size and window ventilation area, a. General building layout,both existing and proposed—indicate square footage c. Plumbing, duct, and electrical layout, of rooms, use of each room or area, win- dow and door size and ventilation, open- d. Opening headers, size and material, ing headers, plumbing, ducting, and electrical layout, including penetration e. Cross section details, as needed, to protection, UBC occupancy group, and show typical foundation, floor, wall, ceil- UBC type of construction, ing and roof construction, including con- nection details, b. Cross section details, as needed, to show typical foundation, floor, wall, cell- f. Structural members labeled as to size ing and roof construction; structural and spacing as well as bracing,blocking, members labeled as to size and spacing; bridging,special connectors,and anchor bracing, blocking, bridging, special con- bolts, nectors, anchor bolts;insulation of walls, floors and roof/ceiling, g. Special details as needed, (i.e., stairs, fireplaces, special construction), c. Details of stairs, fireplaces and spe- and cial construction, if any, h. Insulation of walls, slab, floors, and d. King County Health Department ap- roof/ceiling. proval on plans submitted to the City for dining/food-handling establishments, Assessment Information: Records ob- tained from the King County Assessor's office e. King County Health Department ap- for each tax lot included in an area proposed proval on plans submitted to the City for for annexation. The records display all tax- public pools/spas, payers of record and assessed value for each tax lot. 8 - 41 4-8-120D Authorization for Abatement: An irrevoca- b. Hours of operation, ble signed and notarized statement granting the City permission to summarily abate the c. Proposed hauling/transportation use and all physical evidence of that use, if it routes, has not been removed as required by the terms of the permit. The statement shall in- d. Measures to be implemented to min- clude a statement that the applicant will reim- imize dust, traffic and transportation im- burse the City for any expenses incurred in pacts, erosion, mud, noise, and other abating the use. noxious characteristics, 2. Definitions B: (Reserved) e. Any specialty hours proposed for construction of hauling (i.e., weekends, 3. Definitions C: late nights), and Calculations, Survey: A compilation pre- f. Preliminary traffic control plan. pared by a State of Washington licensed land surveyor clearly indicating the dimensions of Covenants, Draft: A proposed, unrecorded the boundaries and the closures for each lot, written agreement promising performance or parcel, tract, and block in the plat, short plat, nonperformance of certain acts or stipulating lot line, binding site plan, or lot line adjust- certain uses or non-uses of property to be ment—an approved printed computer plot binding upon current and future property closure or demonstrated mathematical plot owners, including the legal description of that closure on all lots, streets, alleys and bound- area of property to be encumbered. aries. Covenants, Existing: The recorded limita- Colored Display Maps:Full-size plan sheets tion on property which may be set forth in the of each of the following maps colored with a property deed and/or identified in a title re- wide tip marker in order to clearly define the port. site's outer property boundary, the area of new construction and/or proposed new lot 4. Definitions D: lines (dashed), existing buildings, landscap- ing areas, and adjacent street names for use Deeds (Draft) to City for Any Land to Be in presenting the project at public hearing Dedicated: A legal document proposing to and/or to the Environmental Review Commit- convey ownership of real property and includ- tee. ing a legal description of the area to be dedi- cated. a. Neighborhood detail map, Drainage Plan/Map: Plans drawn to scale b. Site plan, and stamped by a State of Washington li- censed engineer or State of Washington li- c. Landscaping plan, and censed landscape architect and complying with the requirements of RMC 4-6-030, Drain- d. Elevations. age(Surface Water) Standards, and the King County Surface Water Management Design Conditional Use Permit Justification: A Manual as adopted by the City of Renton. written description/justification setting forth the reasons in favor of the application and ad- Drainage Report: A report stamped by a dressing the criteria listed in RMC 4-9-030, State of Washington licensed engineer or Conditional Use Permits. State of Washington licensed landscape ar- chitect and complying with the requirements Construction Mitigation Description: A of the City of Renton Drafting Standards, written narrative addressing each of the fol- RMC 4-6-030, Drainage (Surface Water) lowing: Standards, and the King County Surface Wa- ter Management Design Manual (KCSWDM) a. Proposed construction dates (begin as adopted by the City of Renton. and end dates), 8 - 42 4-8-120D 5. Definitions E: lations must be complete to the point of connection between the facilities of the Easements, Existing:A recorded document serving utility and the premises wiring. by the property owner granting one or more Details of such diagrams and calcula- privileges to use the owner's land to and/or tions must include the square feet of the for the use by the public, a corporation or an- building or other structure supplied by other person or entity. Easements may be ref- each feeder, the total connected load be- erenced by property deed and are identified fore applying demand factors, the de- in the property title report. mand factors used, the computed load after applying demand factors, and the Easements, Proposed: A draft document, size and type of conductors used. including proposed legal description,listing to whom and for what specific purpose or pur- Elevations, Architectural: A twenty four poses the easement is to be granted. inch by thirty six inch (24"x 36") fully dimen- sioned architectural elevation plan drawn at a Electrical Plans/Specifications: Plans scale of one-fourth inch equals one foot(1/4" clearly indicating the information required by = 1')or one-eighth inch equals one foot(1/8" the WAC 296-46-140(2) and section 1141 of = 1') (or other size or scale approved by the the currently adopted Washington State En- Building Official) clearly indicating the infor- ergy Code(WSEC)accompanied by a written mation required by the "Permits" section of statement stamped and signed by a Wash- the currently adopted Uniform Building Code ington State registered professional engineer and chapter 19.27 RCW(State Building Code attesting to the validity of this data and includ- Act, Statewide amendments), including, but ing, but not limited to, the following: not limited to, the following: a. Street address and name of project, a. Existing and proposed ground eleva- tions, b. Description of the scope of the elec- trical installation or alterations to be b. Existing average grade level under- done, including the basis for designation neath proposed structure, of any special occupancy or classified lo- cation(s), c. Height of existing and proposed structures showing finished roof-top ele- c. Name,address and phone number of vations based upon site elevations for contact person, proposed structures and any existing/ abutting structures, d. Floor plan view of the electrical in- stallation or alterations, d. Building materials and colors includ- ing roof, walls, any wireless communica- e. Specifications relevant to the electri- tion facilities, and enclosures, cal installation, e. Fence or retaining wall materials, f. Load calculations per National Elec- colors, and architectural design, tric Code (NEC) 220, f. Architectural design of on-site lighting g. Switchboard and/or panel board fixtures, and schedules, g. Cross-section of roof showing loca- h. Fire alarm and other low voltage sys- tion and height of rooftop equipment (in- tern drawings, and clude air conditioners,compressors,etc.) and proposed screening. i. One-line riser diagram, including available fault current,Available Interrupt Energy Code Checklist, Nonresidential: Current (AIC) ratings of switchboards The standard Washington State Energy Of- and/or panel boards, and equipment fice form requesting the information required bracing. Riser diagrams and load calcu- under chapter 51-11 WAC detailing building 8 - 43 4-8-120D components to be used to comply with the watercourses) on or adjacent to the site State Nonresidential Energy Code. which could hinder development. Energy Code Checklist, Residential: The f. Include reservations, restrictive cove- standard Washington State Energy Office nants, easements (including easement form requesting the information required un- language), and any areas to be dedi- der chapter 51-11 WAC and detailing building cated to public use, with notes stating components to be used to comply with the their purpose and any limitations. If a new State Residential Energy Code. easement is created on the plat, it must show the grantee of the easement rights. Environmental Checklist: The standard If the grantee is the City, a statement of State of Washington form required under easement provisions reserving, granting WAC 197-11-742 and 197-11-960. and conveying the easement, with a de- scription of the rights and purposes need Erosion Control Plan, Temporary: Draw- to be made on the plat. ings of the entire site showing the proposed erosion control measures for the project in g. Include the lot and block numbering conformance with the City of Renton drafting scheme and lot addresses on the plat standards (or as approved by the Develop- map. Street names and addresses shall ment Services Division Plan Review Supervi- be determined by the Department in ac- sor) and the King County Surface Water cordance with the House Numbering Or- Design Manual as adopted by the City of dinance (chapter 9-4 RMC (repealed)) Renton. and the Street Grid Ordinance (chapter 9-11 RMC), and established Department 6. Definitions F: procedures for addressing of new lots. Final Plat Plan: The final plat or final short h. Contain data sufficient to determine subdivision map(for short subdivisions of five readily and reproduce on the ground the (5) or more lots) shall be drawn to a scale of location, bearing, and length of every not less than one inch representing one hun- street, easement line, lot line, boundary dred feet (1"= 100') unless otherwise ap- line and block line on-site. Shall include proved by the Department, and on sheets dimensions to the nearest one-hundredth eighteen inches by twenty four inches (18"x (1/100)of a foot and angles and bearings 24"). The original reproducible drawing shall in degrees, minutes, and seconds. be in black ink on stabilized drafting film, and shall: i. Include coordinates per City survey- ing standards for permanent control mon- a. Include the date, title, name and lo- uments. cation of subdivision, graphic scale, and north arrow. j. Display all interior permanent control monuments located per City surveying b. Include names,locations,widths and standards. other dimensions of existing and pro- posed streets, alleys, easements, parks, k. Be mathematically correct. open spaces and reservations. I. Contain a legal description of the land c. Include lot lines with all property lines to be subdivided on the final mylar. dimensioned and square footage of each lot. m. Include certifications: d. Include location, dimensions, and i. Certification showing that streets, square footage of any existing structures rights-of-way and all sites for public to remain within or abutting the plat. use have been dedicated. e. Include location of existing condi- ii. Certification by a licensed land tions (such as wetlands, steep slopes, surveyor that a survey has been 8 -44 4-8-120D made and that monuments and scale of one inch to forty feet (1"to 40') (hor- stakes will be set. izontal feet) and one inch to ten feet (1"to 10') (vertical feet) (or other size plan sheet or iii. Certification by the responsible scale approved by the Development Services health agencies that the methods of Division Plan Review Supervisor) clearly indi- sewage disposal and water service cating the following: are acceptable. a. Graphic scale and north arrow, iv. Certification by the King County Finance Department that taxes have b. Dimensions of all property lines, been paid in accordance with section easements, and abutting streets, 1, chapter No. 188, Laws of 1927 (RCW 58.08.030 and 58.08.040)and c. Location and dimension of all on-site that a deposit has been made with structures and the location of any struc- the King County Finance Department tures within fifteen feet (15') of the sub- in sufficient amount to pay the taxes ject property or which may be affected by for the following year. the proposed work, v. Certification by the City Finance d. Accurate existing and proposed con- Department that there are no delin- tour lines drawn at five foot (5'), or less, quent special assessments and that intervals showing existing ground and all special assessments certified to details of terrain and area drainage to in- the City Treasurer for collection on clude surrounding off-site contours within any property herein contained dedi- one hundred feet (100') of the site, cated for streets, alleys or other pub- lic uses are paid in full. e. Location of natural drainage sys- tems,including perennial and intermittent vi. Certification of approval to be streams and the presence of bordering signed by the Administrator. vegetation, vii. Certification of approval to be f. Setback areas and any areas not to signed by the Mayor and attested by be disturbed, the City Clerk. g. Finished contours drawn at five foot Floor Plans, General: A basic line drawing (5') intervals as a result of grading, plan of the general building layout showing walls, exits and designated uses indicating h. Proposed drainage channels and re- the proposed locations of kitchens,baths and lated construction with associated under- floor drains, with sufficient detail for City staff ground storm lines sized and connections to determine if an oil/water separator or shown, and grease interceptor is required and to deter- mine sizing of side sewer. i. General notes addressing the follow- ing (may be listed on cover sheet): 7. Definitions G: i. Area in square feet of the entire Geotechnical Report:A study prepared and property. stamped by a licensed professional engineer including soils and slope stability analysis, ii. Area of work in square feet. boring and test pit logs, and recommenda- tions on slope setbacks, foundation design, iii. Both the number of tons and cu- retaining wall design, material selection, and bic yards of soil to be added, re- all other pertinent elements. moved, or relocated. Grading Plan: A twenty two inch by thirty iv. Type and location of fill origin, four inch (22"x 34") plan drawn by a State of and destination of any soil to be re- Washington licensed landscape architect at a moved from site. 8 - 45 4-8-120D v. Finished floor elevation(s) of all 10. Definitions J: (Reserved) structures, existing and proposed. 11. Definitions K: (Reserved) 8. Definitions H: 12. Definitions L: Heat Loss Calculation: A State of Washing- ton Energy Code mandated analysis per- Land Record Number: The City of Renton formed to determine the heat loss of a Technical Services Division's filing number structure in order to determine the size of the for the final survey document. required heating equipment. Land Use Permit Conditions: Environmen- 9. Definitions I: tal or land use permit requirements which may have been placed upon the project in ad- Installer Certification: Washington State dition to any code-mandated requirements in Department of Community, Trade and Eco- conjunction with a required environmental nomic Development (CTED) approval given determination and/or a land use permit. Ex- to those contractors authorized to install man- amples of land use permits include site plan ufactured homes and designated by a State review, conditional use permits and vari- registration number. (Ord. 4587, 3-18-1996) ances. Inventory of Existing Sites:An inventory of Landscaping Plan, Conceptual: A fully di- the providers existing facilities with the mensioned plan drawn at the same scale as Renton City corporate limits, and any other the project site plan (or other scale approved facilities outside the City limits that are within by the Development Services Division), one-half (1/2) mile of the proposed facility. clearly indicating the following: The inventory is to include specific informa- tion about the location, height, and design of a. Date, graphic scale, and north arrow, each facility. The Department may share such information with other applicants apply- b. Location of proposed buildings, park- ing for administrative approvals or conditional ing areas, access and existing buildings use permits under this Title or other organiza- to remain, tions seeking to locate antennas within the City, provided, however that the Department c. Names and locations of abutting is not, by sharing such information, in any streets and public improvements, includ- way representing or warranting that such ing easements, sites are available or suitable. d. Existing and proposed contours at Irrigation Sprinkler Plans (Underground): five foot (5') intervals or less, A twenty two inch by thirty four inch (22"x 34") plan drawn at the same scale as, or in- e. Location and size of planting areas, cluded on,the generalized utilities plan(s) (or other size plan sheet or scale approved by f. Location and height for proposed the Development Services Division Plan Re- berming, view Supervisor) clearly indicating the follow- ing: g. Location and elevations for any pro- posed landscape-related structures such a. Scale and north arrow, as arbors, gazebos, fencing, etc., and b. Dimensions of all property lines, h. Location,size,spacing and names of easements, and abutting streets, existing and proposed shrubs, trees, ground covers,and decorative rockery or c. Meter location and size, and like landscape improvements in relation- ship to proposed and existing utilities. d. Proposed type, size, and location of sprinkler piping, sprinkler heads, and Landscaping Plan, Detailed: A fully dimen- backflow prevention devices. sioned plan drawn at the same scale as the 8 - 46 4-8-120D project site plan (or other scale approved by Letter from Property Owner: A letter from the Development Services Division), clearly the private property owner granting permis- indicating the following: sion for the temporary use of the property. a. Date, graphic scale, and north arrow, List of Current Property Owners: A listing of all current property owners and their mail- b. Location of proposed buildings,prop- ing addresses and King County Assessor's erty lines,walks, parking areas, and ac- account numbers within three hundred feet cess, and existing buildings to remain, (300') of the boundaries of the subject site as obtained from a title company or the King c. Names and locations of abutting County Assessor's office. The list shall in- streets and public improvements, includ- clude a notarized statement from the appli- ing easements, cant attesting that the ownership information provided is current and accurate. Current d. Existing and proposed contours at shall mean obtained within the past thirty(30) five foot (5') intervals or less, days unless otherwise approved by the De- velopment Services Division. e. Detailed grading plan, Lot Line Adjustment Map: A drawing of the f. Location and dimensions of planting proposed lot line adjustment prepared on an areas (the width of a landscaping area eighteen inch by twenty four inch (18"x 24") when curbed shall be measured from in- sheet of mylar by a licensed land surveyor side to inside of the curbs), complying with the City's surveying stan- dards. g. Location and height for proposed berming, a. Name of the proposed lot line adjust- ment(e.g., Smith/Larsen Lot Line Adjust- h. Locations, elevations, and details for ment), any proposed landscape-related struc- tures such as arbors, gazebos, fencing, b. Space reserved for"City of Renton etc., File Number" (large type) at top of first sheet, i. Location, size, spacing and names of existing and proposed shrubs, trees, c. Space reserved for City of Renton ground covers,and decorative rockery or "land record number" (small type) at bot- like landscape improvements in relation- tom left of first sheet, ship to proposed and existing utilities, d. Legal description for each of the ex- j. Names of existing and proposed veg- isting parcels. If a metes and bounds de- etation, and scription is used, it must be stamped by a licensed surveyor, k. Detailed planting plan (soil mix, planting depth and width, and bark mulch e. New legal descriptions for each of depth). the altered parcels, including section, township and range, Lease Agreement, Draft: A draft lease agreement with the landholder, or separate f. Date, graphic scale (one inch equals equivalent documentation that: forty feet (1"=40'), unless otherwise ap- proved by the Department), and north ar- a. Allows the landholder to enter into row, leases with other providers; and g. Names, locations,widths,types, and b. Specifies that if the provider fails to dimensions of adjacent and on-site remove the facility upon six (6) months of streets, alleys, and easements, its discontinued use,the responsibility for removal falls upon the landholder. 8 -47 4-8-120D h. Lot lines with all property lines dimen- v. Verification that permanent markers sioned and square footage of each lot, are set at corners of the proposed lots, i. Parcels identified as Lot 4, Lot 3, etc., w. Statement of discrepancies, if any, between bearings and distances of j. "Old" lot line(s) and "new" lot line(s) record and those measured or calcu- clearly labeled and differentiated by line lated, type and/or thickness (indicated dis- tance(s) moved), x. Surveyor's testament, stamp and sig- nature, k. Addresses for each lot and new street names in accordance with the y. Certification by a State of Washington street grid system regulations of chapter licensed land surveyor that a survey has 9-11 RMC, been made and that monuments and stakes have been set, I. Total square footage of existing and revised lots, z. Notarized signatures of all property owners having an interest in the property, m. Ground floor square footage of all certifying ownership and approval of the structures, proposal, n. Location, dimensions and square aa. Signature and date line(s) for the footage of any existing structures to re- King County Assessor, main, and dimensioned distances to property lines, bb. Signature and date line(s) for the Administrator of the Planning/Building/ o. Location of existing conditions (such Public Works Department. as wetlands,steep slopes,watercourses) on or adjacent to the site which could 13. Definitions M: hinder development, Mailing Labels:Self-adhesive mailing labels p. Reservations, restrictive covenants, including the name, mailing address, and easements, description of any areas to King County Assessor's account numbers be dedicated to public use with notes (optional) for all property owners within three stating their purpose,and any limitations, hundred feet (300') of the boundaries of the and identifying the grantee and if the subject site. grantee is the City, a statement of provi- sions reserving, granting and/or convey- Map of Existing Site Conditions: A plan ing the area with a description of the drawn at the same scale as, or combined rights and purposes must be shown, with, the grading plan or topography map showing existing topographical or five foot q. Coordinates per City surveying stan- (5') contours or less, and structural and natu- dards for permanent control monuments, ral features. The plan shall include major trees, shrubs, large rocks, creeks and water- r. Location of all interior permanent con- sheds, buildings, roadways and trails. trol monuments per City surveying stan- dards, Map of View Area:A diagram or map depict- ing where within a one-quarter (1/4) mile ra- s. Statement of equipment and proce- dius any portion of the proposed facility could dure used per WAC 332-130-100, be seen. t. Basis of bearing per WAC Master Application Form:The standardized 332-130-150(1)(b)(iii), application form used for the majority of land use permit applications including, but not lim- u. Date the existing monuments were ited to, the following: visited per WAC 332-103-050(1)(f)(iv), 8 - 48 4-8-120D a. Owner, applicant, and contact per- the Development Services Division Director). son names, addresses and telephone The map shall show the location of the sub- numbers, ject site relative to the property boundaries of the surrounding parcels within approximately b. Notarized signatures of all current one thousand feet (1,000') or approximately property owners, two thousand five hundred feet (2,500') for properties over five (5) acres and identifying c. Name of the proposed project, the subject site with a darker perimeter line than that of surrounding properties.The map d. Project/property address, shall also show the: property's lot lines, exist- ing land uses, building outlines, City bound- e. King County Assessor's tax account aries of the City of Renton (if applicable), number, north arrow (oriented to the top of the plan sheet), graphic scale used for the map, and f. Existing and proposed land uses, City of Renton (not King County) street names for all streets shown. g. Existing and, if applicable, proposed Comprehensive Plan map designation, 15. Definitions 0: (Reserved) h. Existing and, if applicable, proposed 16. Definitions P: zoning designation, Parking, Lot Coverage, Landscaping i. Site area, Analysis: A listing of the following informa- tion (may also be included on the first sheet j. Estimated project cost, of the site plan): k. Whether or not the project site con- a. Total square footage of the site, tains any environmentally sensitive ar- eas, and b. Total square footage of existing area(s) of impervious surfacing, I. Property legal description. c. Total square footage of existing natu- Mechanical Plans: Plans as required per ra►/undeveloped area, section 113 of the currently adopted Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC) and section 1141 of d. Square footage (by floor and overall the currently adopted Washington State En- total) of each individual building and/or ergy Code (WSEC) along with Statewide use, amendments. e. Total square footage of the footprints Monument Card:A form provided by the City of all buildings, Technical Services Division and filled out by a surveyor providing information regarding a f. Percentage of lot covered by build- single monument, including the section, ings or structures, township and range, method of location,type of mark found or set, manner of re-establish- g. Total pavement square footage both ment of the single monument (if applicable), existing pavement to remain plus new description, and a drawing showing the loca- pavement proposed to be installed, tion of a single monument and indicating a reference point to that monument. h. Square footage of any on-site wet- lands, 14. Definitions N: i. Parking analysis to include the total Neighborhood Detail Map:A map,drawn at number of parking spaces required and a scale of one inch equals one hundred feet provided, number of compact and "ADA (1"= 100') or one inch equals two hundred accessible" spaces provided, and park- feet (1"= 200') (or other scale approved by ing space dimensions, 8 - 49 4-8-120D j. Square footage of landscaping for b. Names and addresses of the engi- each area, for interior parking lot land- neer, licensed land surveyor, and all scaping, and total, property owners. k. Allowable and proposed building c. Legal description of the property to height, be subdivided. I. Building setbacks required by Code, d. Date,graphic scale, and north arrow and oriented to the top of the paper/plan sheet. m. Proposed building setbacks. (Ord. 4587, 3-18-1996) e. Vicinity map (a reduced version of the neighborhood detail map as defined Photosimulations: Photosimulations of the above). proposed facility from affected residential properties and public right-of-way at varying f. Drawing of the subject property with distances. This shall include a diagram de- all existing and proposed property lines picting where the photosimulations were dimensioned, indicating the required taken. yards (setbacks) with dashed lines. Plan Reductions: Eight and one-half inch by g. Location of the subject site with re- eleven inch (8-1/2"x 11") white, opaque re- spect to the nearest street intersections ductions of full size plan sheets including ele- (including intersections opposite the sub- vations, landscape plans, conceptual utility ject property), alleys and other rights-of- plans, site plan, and neighborhood detail/vi- way. cinity map which will yield legible photo- copies. h. Names, locations,types, widths and other dimensions of existing and pro- Plat Certificate: A document prepared by a posed streets, alleys, easements, parks, title insurance company documenting the open spaces and reservations. (Ord. ownership and title of all interested parties in 4587, 3-18-1996) the plat, subdivision,or dedication and listing all encumbrances. In the case of a final plat, i. Location, distances from existing and the certificate shall be dated within forty five new lot lines, and dimensions of any ex- (45)days prior to the granting of the final plat isting and proposed structures, existing by the City Council. on-site trees, existing or proposed fenc- ing or retaining walls,freestanding signs, Plumbing Plan: Plans as required per sec- and easements. tion 30.2 of the currently adopted Uniform Plumbing Code(UPC) and Statewide amend- j. Location of existing conditions on or ments. adjacent to the site which could hinder development. Preliminary Plat Plan:A plan prepared by a State of Washington registered land surveyor k. A legend listing the following in- in accordance with RCW 18.43.020, fully di- cluded on the first sheet of the prelimi- mensioned, drawn at a scale of one inch nary plat plan: equals forty feet (1"= 40') on an eighteen inch by twenty four inch (18"x 24") plan i. Total area in acres of proposed sheet(or other size or scale approved by the preliminary plat, Development Services Division Director) and including the information required by City of ii. Proposed number of lots, Renton Subdivision Regulations: iii. Zoning of the subject site, a. Name of the proposed preliminary plat (and space for the future City file iv. Proposed square footage in number). each lot, and 8 - 50 4-8-120D v. Percentage of land in streets and f. Proposed use of the property and open space. scope of the proposed development(i.e., height, square footage, lot coverage, I. Access and Utilities: Indicate how the parking, access, etc.), proposed subdivision will be served by streets and utilities,show how access will g. Proposed off-site improvements(i.e., be provided to all lots, and the location of installation of sidewalks, fire hydrants, sewer and water lines. sewer main, etc.), m. Contours and Elevations: Shall in- h. Total estimated construction cost and clude contour and/or elevations (at five estimated fair market value of the pro- foot(5')vertical intervals minimum)to the posed project, extent necessary to accurately predict drainage characteristics of the property. i. Estimated quantities and type of ma- Approximate, estimated contour lines terials involved if any fill or excavation is shall be extended at least one hundred proposed, feet(100') beyond the boundaries of the proposed plat. j. Number, type and size of trees to be removed, n. Zoning: Shall indicate the zoning ap- plicable to the land to be platted, subdi- k. Explanation of any land to be dedi- vided or dedicated and of the land cated to the City, and adjacent and contiguous. I. For shoreline applications only: Project Information Sheet: An eight and one-half inch by eleven inch (8-1/2"x 11") i. Name of adjacent water area or sheet of paper listing the following informa- wetlands, tion: ii. Nature of existing shoreline—de- a. Job address, scribe: b. Property owner's name, • Type of shoreline (i.e., lake, stream, lagoon, march, bog, c. King County Tax Assessor's number, floodplain, floodway); d. Legal description of property. • Type of beach (i.e., accretion, erosion, high bank-low bank); Project Narrative: A clear and concise de- scription and summary of the proposed • Type of material (i.e., sand, project, including the following: gravel, mud, clay, rock, riprap); and a. Project name, size and location of site, • The extent and type of any bulk- heading, and b. Zoning designation of the site and adjacent properties, iii. The number and location of structures and/or residential units c. Current use of the site and any exist- (existing and potential) which might ing improvements, have views obstructed as a result of the proposed project, and d. Special site features (i.e., wetlands, water bodies, steep slopes), m. The proposed number, size, and density of the new lots, for subdivision e. Statement addressing soil type and applications only. drainage conditions, 8 - 51 4-8-120D Proposal Description: A complete, un- application and addressing the criteria listed abridged copy of the proposal (i.e., draft ordi- in RMC 4-9-19015b which are used by the nance, resolution, plan or policy) and all Hearing Examiner in reviewing the permit re- attachments. quest. (Ord. 4587, 3-18-1996) Proposal Summary: A concise description Shoreline Variance Justification: A written of the scope, intent and timing of the pro- statement setting forth the reasons in favor of posal. the shoreline variance application and ad- dressing the criteria listed in RMC 4-9-19014b Public Works Approval Letter: Written con- which are used by the Hearing Examiner firmation from the Development Services Di- when reviewing the variance request. vision Plan Review section that all required improvements have been substantially in- Short Plat Map, Final: A plan prepared by a stalled or deferred and authorizing the sub- State of Washington registered land surveyor mittal of the final plat, final short plat, final in accordance with RCW 18.43.010, fully di- binding site plan, or final PUD application. mensioned, drawn at a scale of one inch equals forty feet (1"=40') on eighteen inch 17. Definitions Q: (Reserved) by twenty four inch (18"x 24") plan sheet(s) (or other scale approved by the Development 18. Definitions R: Services Division Director).The reproducible original shall be in black ink on stabilized Rezone Justification: A written statement drafting film and shall include the following in- and other information provided by the appli- formation with sufficient detail to meet the re- cant to support the rezone which may in- quirements of the City of Renton Subdivision clude, but is not limited to: letters, Regulations: photographs,site development plans,market research reports, and land use maps indicat- a. Name and location of the short plat, ing in a clear and concise manner why the re- zone application should be granted and that b. Space reserved for"City of Renton the rezone request is timely. file number" (large type) at top of first sheet, Roadway Construction Plans: Plans pre- pared by a State of Washington licensed civil c. Space reserved for City of Renton engineer as detailed by the document"City of "land record number" (small type) at bot- Renton Drafting Standards", unless other- torn left of first sheet, wise approved by the Development Services Division Plan Review Supervisor.(Ord.4587, d. Legal description of the property, 3-18-1996) e. Date, graphic scale, and north arrow, 19. Definitions S: f. Vicinity map(a reduced version of the Screening Detail, Refuse/Recycling: A de- "neighborhood detail map" as defined tailed plan drawing, prepared to scale, show- above), ing location within property boundaries, heights, elevations, and building materials of g. Names, locations, widths and other proposed screening or of proposed plantings. dimensions of existing and proposed (Ord. 4703, 2-2-1998) streets, alleys, easements, parks, open spaces and reservations. Shall show all Service Area Map: A map showing the ser- utilities, streets, existing and new ease- vice area of the proposed wireless communi- ments and associated covenants within cation facility and an explanation of the need or abutting the short plat. If a new ease- for that facility. ment is created on the plat, it must show grantee of easement rights. If the grantee Shoreline Conditional Use Justification:A is the City, a statement of easement pro- written statement setting forth the reasons in visions reserving and conveying the favor of the shoreline conditional use permit easement,with a description of the rights 8 - 52 4-8-120D and purposes, needs to be made on the u. Certification by a State of Washing- short plat, ton licensed land surveyor that a survey has been made and that monuments and h. Lot lines with all property lines dimen- stakes have been set, sioned and square footage of each lot, v. Certification by the King County De- i. Lot numbers, partment of Health that the proposed septic system(s) is acceptable to serve j. Addresses for each lot and new street the short plat, names determined by the Department in accordance with the street grid system w. Notarized signatures of all property regulations of chapter 9-11 RMC, owners, k. Reservations, restrictive covenants, x. Signature and date line(s) for King easements and any areas to be dedi- County Assessor, cated to public use with notes stating their purpose, and any limitations, and y. Signature and date line(s) for City of identifying the grantee. If the grantee is Renton Finance and Information Sys- the City,a statement of provisions reserv- tems Director with the following text pre- ing, granting and/or conveying the area ceding: "There are no delinquent special with a description of the rights and pur- assessments and any special assess- poses must be shown, ments for any dedicated property herein contained have been paid in full", I. Coordinates per City surveying stan- dards for permanent control monuments, z. Signature and date line(s)for the Ad- ministrator of the Planning/Building/Pub- m. All interior permanent control monu- lic Works Department, and for short plats ments located per City surveying stan- of five(5)or more lots,signature and date dards, line(s) for the City of Renton Hearing Ex- aminer. n. Statement of equipment and proce- dure used per WAC 332-130-100, Short Plat Map, Preliminary: A fully dimen- sioned plan, drawn at a scale of one inch o. Basis for bearing per WAC equals forty feet (1" = 40') on an eighteen 332-130-150(1)(b)(iii), inch by twenty four inch (18" x 24") plan sheet(or other size or scale approved by the p. Date the existing monuments were Development Services Division Director) and visited per WAC 332-103-050(1)(f)(iv), including the following information: q. Verification that permanent markers a. Name of the proposed short plat(and are set at corners of the proposed lots, space for the future City file number), r. Statement of discrepancies, if any, b. Names and addresses of the engi- between bearing and distances of record neer, licensed land surveyor, and all and those measured or calculated, property owners, s. Location, dimensions and square c. Legal description of the property, footage of any existing structures to re- main within or abutting the plat, d. Date, graphic scale, and north arrow oriented to the top of the paper/plan t. Location of existing conditions (such sheet, as wetlands,steep slopes,watercourses) on or adjacent to the site which could e. Vicinity map (a reduced version of hinder development, the"neighborhood detail map"as defined above), 8 - 53 4-8-120D f. A drawing of the subject property with plan sheet or scale approved by the Building all existing and proposed property lines Official) clearly indicating the following: dimensioned, indicating the required yards (setbacks) with dashed lines, a. Footing connections to building,size of supports and materials used in sup- g. Location of the subject site with re- ports and sign itself, spect to the nearest street intersections (including intersections opposite the sub- b. Elevation showing size and height of ject property), alleys and other rights-of- any proposed freestanding or projecting way, showing how access will be pro- signs clearly indicating ground clearance vided to all lots, and clearance to overhead power lines, and h. Names, locations, widths and other dimensions of existing and proposed c. Elevation of building facade for any streets, alleys, easements, parks, open proposed wall signs showing dimensions spaces and reservations, of the building as well as existing and pro- posed wall signs. i. Contours and elevations at minimum five foot (5') vertical intervals to the ex- Site Plan, Commercial, Industrial, Multi- tent necessary to predict drainage char- Family: A twenty four inch by thirty six inch acteristics of the property. Approximate, (24"x 36") plan drawn by a State of Washing- estimated contour lines shall be ex- ton licensed architect at a scale of one inch tended at least one hundred feet (100') equals twenty feet (1"= 20') or one inch beyond the boundaries of the proposed equals forty feet(1"=40') (or other size plan short plat, sheet or scale approved by the Building Offi- cial) clearly indicating the following: j. Location and dimensions of any exist- ing and proposed structures, existing on- a. Scale and north arrow, site trees,existing or proposed fencing or retaining walls, freestanding signs, and b. Legal description, easements, c. Location, identification, and dimen- k. Location of existing conditions on or sions of all buildings, property lines, set- adjacent to the site which could hinder backs, streets, alleys and easements, development, and d. Condition of all public rights-of-way I. A legend listing the following included and verification of right to use ease- on the first sheet of the preliminary plat ments, plan: e. Off-street parking layout and drive- i. Short plat, ways, ii. Proposed number of lots, f. Curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paving, storm drainage, meters (domestic and iii. Zoning of the subject site, fire), and grease interceptors, iv. Proposed square footage in g. Grading plan showing proposed and each lot, and existing contours and site elevations, v. Percentage of land in streets. h. Landscaped areas, irrigation meters, Sign Plans: A twenty four inch by thirty six i. Lighting and sign structures(new and inch (24"x 36") plan drawn by a State of existing), Washington licensed architect at a scale of one inch equals twenty feet(1"=20') or one j. Location of garbage containers and inch equals forty feet (1"=40') (or other size recycling storage, 8 - 54 4-8-120D k. Fire hydrant locations (new and ex- xv. Square footage of all landscap- isting)within three hundred feet(300') of ing (total, parking lot, and wildlife building, habitat), I. For wireless communication facilities, xvi. Seismic zone of the project site indicate type and locations of existing (e.g., Zone 3), and new plant materials used to screen facility components and the proposed xvii. Floor, roof, and wind design color(s) for the facility, loads, m. General notes addressing the fol- xviii. Identity of special inspection • lowing (may be listed on cover sheet): agency selected by the owner to per- form special inspections, i. Full name of the project, xix. Building setbacks required by ii. Name, address, and telephone Code, number of owner and agent(s), xx. Proposed building setbacks, iii. Existing zoning of the project site, xxi. Parking analysis, including: iv. Area, in square feet, of the • Number of stalls required, by project site, use; number of stalls provided, by use, v. Reference to the current Uniform Building Code (i.e., UBC and date of • Sizes of stalls and angles, current adopted version), • Location and number of handi- vi. Proposed use of each building cap stalls, compact, employee (if multi-family, the number of dwell- and/or guest parking stalls, ing units), • Location and size of curb cuts, vii. UBC occupancy group designa- tion, • Traffic flow within the parking, loading, and maneuvering areas viii. UBC type of construction of all and ingress and egress, buildings, • Location of wheel stops, ix. Allowable and proposed building height and number of stories of new • Loading space, buildings, • Stacking space, and x. Square footage (by floor and overall total) of each individual build- • Square footage of interior park- ing and/of use, ing lot landscaping. xi. Total square footage of all build- Site Plan, Land Use Review: A single fully ings (footprint of each building), dimensioned plan sheet drawn at a scale of one inch equals twenty feet (1"=20') (or xii. Allowable area calculation, other scale approved by the Development Services Division Director) clearly indicating xiii. Occupancy load (maximum ca- the following: pacity) of each building, a. Name of proposed project, xiv. Percentage of lot coverage, 8 - 55 4-8-120D b. Date,scale,and north arrow oriented v. Square footage of all landscap- to the top of the paper/plan sheet, ing (total, parking lot, and wildlife habitat), c. Drawing of the subject property with all property lines dimensioned and vi. Allowable and proposed building names of adjacent streets, height, d. Widths of all adjacent streets and al- vii. Building setbacks required by leys, Code, e. The location of all existing public im- viii. Proposed building setbacks, provements including, but not limited to, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, median is- ix. Parking analysis, including: lands, street trees, fire hydrants, utility poles, etc., along the full property front- • Number of stalls required, by age, use; number of stalls provided, by use, f. Location and dimensions of existing and proposed structures, parking and • Sizes of stalls and angles, loading areas,driveways,existing on-site trees, existing or proposed fencing or re- • Location and number of handi- taining walls, freestanding signs, ease- cap stalls, compact, employee ments, refuse and recycling areas, free- and/or guest parking stalls, standing lighting fixtures, utility junction boxes,public utility transformers,storage • Location and size of curb cuts, areas, buffer areas, open spaces, and landscaped areas, • Traffic flow within the parking, loading, and maneuvering areas g. The location and dimensions of natu- and ingress and egress, ral features such as streams, lakes, marshes and wetlands, • Location of wheel stops, h. Ordinary high water mark, existing • Loading space, and proposed, if applicable, • Stacking space, i. For wireless communication facilities, indicate type and locations of existing • Location and dimensions of bicy- and new plant materials used to screen cle racks, carpool parking facility components and the proposed spaces, and other facilities de- color(s) for the facility, signed to accommodate access to the site, j. A legend listing the following must be included on one of the site plan sheets: • Square footage of interior park- ing lot landscaping. i. Total square footage of the site, Site Plan, Shoreline: A single fully dimen- ii. Square footage (by floor and sioned plan sheet drawn at a scale of one overall total) of each individual build- inch equals twenty feet (1"= 20') (or other ing and/or use, scale approved by the Development Services Division Director) clearly indicating the infor- iii. Total square footage of all build- mation requested by the "Site Plan, Land ings (footprint of each building), Use"with the following additional information: iv. Percentage of lot coverage, a. Ordinary high water mark, existing and proposed, 8 - 56 4-8-120D b. Name of water body. (1"to 40') (or other size plan sheet or scale approved by the Building Official) clearly indi- Site Plan, Sign: A twenty four inch by thirty cating the following: six inch (24"x 36") plan drawn at a scale of one inch equals twenty feet(1" =20') or one a. Legal description, inch equals forty feet(1"=40') (or other size plan sheet or scale approved by the Building b. Explanation of scope of work, Official) clearly indicating the following: c. Existing and proposed construction a. Scale and north arrow, labeled and differentiated by pattern or line type, b. Location, identification and dimen- sions of all buildings, property lines, ex- d. Dimensions of all property lines and isting and proposed signs,streets, alleys all building setbacks to property lines, and easements, and the setbacks from property lines and easements, e. Dimensions and labels for all streets, alleys, and/or easements, c. Location and dimensions of off-street parking layouts and driveways, f. Lot size in square feet, d. Location and dimensions of the land- g. Location and footprint size in square scaped areas, feet of all existing and proposed struc- tures on property including decks, car- e. General notes addressing the follow- ports, storage sheds, and garages, ing (may be listed on cover sheet): h. Location and dimensions of ap- i. Note if any proposed signage will proaches, driveways and public side- flash or be animated, walks, ii. Name, address and telephone i. Elevation at property corners and number of owner and agent(s), contour lines at two foot (2') height inter- vals, showing proximity to steep slopes, iii. Zoning of the project site, j. Finished floor elevation for properties iv. Street frontage(s)(in feet)for the located within a flood zone, site or, for multiple tenants building, indicate frontage of individual tenant k. The location, height and length of re- space, taining walls, rockeries, etc., v. Type (e.g., freestanding, wall, I. Location and distance in feet of near- etc.), size and number of all existing est fire hydrant to structure, and signs, m. Location of any pool/spa and set- vi. Type,size and number of all pro- back dimensions to property lines and posed signs, the location of the required six foot (6') fence. vii. Reference to the current Uni- form Sign Code (USC and year of Special Inspection:A building inspection as current adopted version), and required to property lines and the location of the required six toot (6')fence. viii. Wind design loads. Street Lighting Plan: Drawing showing the Site Plan, Single Family/Duplex: An eight proposed lighting system, including luminar- and one-half inch by eleven inch (8-1/2"x ies,junction boxes,electric wiring,and wiring 11") plan drawn at a scale of one inch to diagrams using the same scale as the utility twenty feet(1"to 20')or one inch to forty feet plans (or as approved by the Development 8 - 57 4-8-120D Services Division Plan Review Supervisor) 20. Definitions T: and conforming to the City of Renton Drafting Standards and the City of Renton Street Light Topography Map: A map showing the exist- Standards. ing land contours using vertical intervals of not more than five feet (5'). For any existing Structural Calculations: An analysis of buildings the map shall show the finished loads, materials, etc., prepared and stamped floor elevations of each floor of the building. by a State of Washington licensed profes- sional engineer. Traffic Study:A report prepared by a State of Washington licensed engineer containing the Structural Plans: Twenty four inch by thirty elements and information identified in the City six inch (24"x 36") plans prepared and of Renton "Policy Guidelines for Traffic Im- stamped by a State of Washington licensed pact Analysis of New Development" in suffi- professional engineer drawn at a scale of cient detail to define potential problems one-eighth inch equals one foot(1/8"= 1') (or related to the proposed development and other size or scale approved by the Building identify the improvements necessary to ac- Official) clearly indicating the information re- commodate the development in a safe and quired by the "Permits" section of the cur- efficient manner. rently adopted Uniform Building Code and chapter 19.27 RCW(State Building Code Act, Tree Cutting/Land Clearing (Tree Inven- t Statewide amendments), including, but not tory) Plan: A plan, based on finished grade, limited to, the following: drawn to scale with the northern property line at the top of the paper clearly showing the fol- a. Structural members labeled as to lowing: size and spacing as well as bracing, blocking, bridging, special connectors, a. All property boundaries and adjacent and anchor bolts, streets, b. Cross-section details, as needed, to b. Location of all areas proposed to be show typical foundation, floor, wall, ceil- cleared, ing and roof construction; insulation of walls, floors and roof/ceiling, and c. Types and sizes of vegetation to be removed, altered or retained. This re- c. Details of stairs, fireplaces and spe- quirement applies only to trees, six inch cial construction, if any. (6") caliper, "at chest level" and larger, Survey: A sketch showing all distances, an- d. Future building sites and drip lines of gles and calculations required to determine any trees which will overhang/overlap a corners and distances of the plat shall ac- construction line, and company this data.The allowable error of clo- sure shall not exceed one foot (1') in ten e. Location and dimensions of rights-of- thousand feet (10,000') per City surveying way, utility lines, and easements. standards. Shall be accompanied by a com- plete survey of the section or sections in 21. Definitions U: which the plat or replat is located,or as much thereof as may be necessary to properly ori- Utilities Construction Plans: Plans pre- ent the plat within such section or sections. pared by a State of Washington licensed civil The plat and section survey shall be submit- engineer as stipulated by the document"City ted with complete field and computation of Renton Drafting Standards". notes showing the original or re-established corners with descriptions of the same and the Utilities Plan,Generalized:A plan drawn on actual traverse showing error of closure and twenty two inch by thirty four inch (22"x 34") method of balancing. plan sheets using a graphic scale of one inch equals forty feet (1" = 40') (or other scale or size approved by the Development Services Division Plan Review Supervisor) clearly 8 - 58 4-8-120D showing all existing(to remain)and proposed public or private improvements to be dedi- cated or sold to the public including, but not limited to: curbs, gutters, sidewalks, median islands, street trees, fire hydrants, utility poles, refuse areas, freestanding lighting fix- tures, utility junction boxes, public utility transformers, etc., along the full property frontage. The finished floor elevations for each floor of proposed and existing (to re- main) structures shall be shown. 22. Definitions V: Variance Justification: A written statement setting forth the reasons in favor of the appli- cation and addressing the criteria listed in RMC 4-9-250B5 which are used by the Hear- ing Examiner/Board of Adjustment when re- viewing the variance request. 23. Definitions W: Wetland Report/Delineation:An analysis of the type and extent of wetlands prepared by a wetland specialist based upon a field inves- tigation using the procedures found in the 1987 Federal Interagency Committee for Wetland Delineation Federal Manual for Iden- tifying and Delineating Jurisdictional Wet- lands or later adopted identification and delineation methodology. (Ord. 4587, 3-18-1996) WSEC Trade-Off Form: Manual of Wattsun calculations performed to show compliance with chapter 5 of the current adopted version of the Washington State Residential Energy Code requirements. 8 - 59 Chapter 9 PROCEDURES AND REVIEW CRITERIA SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER 4-9-010 ANNEXATION PROCEDURES (Reserved) 1 4-9-020 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ADOPTION AND AMENDMENT PROCESS 1 A. Purpose (Reserved) 1 B. Applicability 1 1 . Exemptions (Reserved) 1 C. Authority (Reserved) 1 D. Timing for Amendments 1 E. Submittal Requirements and Fees 1 F. Public Notice and Comment Period (Reserved) 1 G. Review Criteria (Reserved) 1 H. Review Process 1 I. Final Plan Action 1 J. Concurrent Review of Rezone Proposals 1 K. Periodic City Review of Plan Required 1 4-9-030 CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS 1 A. Purpose of Conditional Use Permit and When Required 1 1. Exemptions from Permit Requirements (Reserved) 1 B. Who May Apply 1 C. City Authority 2 D. Applicant's Responsibility 2 E. Submittal Requirements and Fees 2 F. Public Notice and Comment Period Required Prior to Administrative Decisions 2 G. Decision Criteria 2 1 . Comprehensive Plan 2 2. Community Need 2 3. Effect on Adjacent Properties 2 a. Lot Coverage 2 b. Yards 2 c. Height 2 4. Compatibility 2 5. Parking 2 6. Traffic 2 7. Noise, Glare 3 8. Landscaping 3 9. Accessory Uses 3 10. Conversion 3 11. Public Improvements 3 H. Additional Decision Criteria for Kennels 3 1. Decision Criteria 3 2. Waiting Period Following Revocation or Refusal to Renew 3 9 - i SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER I. Special Decision Criteria for Wireless Communication Facilities in Lieu of Standard Criteria 3 J. Decision and Conditions 4 K. Conditional Use Permit to Be Combined with Site Plan Review 4 L. Finalization (Reserved) 4 M. Expiration and Extension 4 N. Modifications to Approved Plan (Reserved) 4 4-9-040 CONDOMINIUM CONVERSIONS 4 A. Purpose (Reserved) 4 B. Authority 4 C. Applicability to Conversion of Rental Units to Condominiums and Cooperatives 4 1. Exemptions 4 D. Applicability to Tenants Occupying Rental Units 4 E. Tenant Protections 5 1. Notice to Tenants of Filing of Conversion Declaration 5 2. Notice to All Tenants Prior to Offering Any Unit for Sale to the Public as a Condominium or Cooperative Unit 5 3. Purchase Rights of Tenant in Possession 5 4. Purchase Rights of Tenants Whose Units are Offered for Sale Prior to Effective Date of Section 5 5. Subtenant's Purchase Rights 5 6. Rights of Tenants in Converted Buildings to Purchase Other Units in the Buildings 5 7. No Subsequent Sale on Better Terms 6 8. Evictions Only for Good Cause During Notice Period 6 9. Tenant's Right to Vacate 6 F. Consumer Protections 6 1. Mandatory Housing Code Inspection and Repair— Notice to Buyers and Tenants 6 2. Certification of Repairs 6 3. Disclosure Requirements 6 4. Warranty of Repairs — Set Aside for Repairs 7 5. Unlawful Representations 7 6. Purchaser's Right to Rescind 7 7. Delivery of Notice and Other Documents 7 8. Acceptance of Offers 8 G. Complaints 8 H. Council Waiver of Requirements 8 I. Violations and Penalties 8 4-9-050 DANGEROUS BUILDINGS — ABATEMENT OF 8 A. Adoption by Reference 8 B. Purpose 8 C. Applicability 8 D. Appeals 8 1. Authority and Process 8 2. Public Hearing Attendance 8 9 - ii SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER 3. Examiner Findings and Decision 8 4. Recording of Order 9 E. Violation and Penalties 9 4-9-060 DEFERRAL OF IMPROVEMENT INSTALLATION PROCEDURES 9 A. Purpose (Reserved) 9 B. Temporary (Ninety (90) Day) Occupancy Permits in Advance of Improvement Installation — Building Official Deferral of Off- and On-Site Improvements for Other Than Plats 9 1. Applicability 9 2. Decision Criteria (Reserved) 9 3. Security Required 9 4. Expiration 9 5. Extension of Temporary Occupancy Permit Up to One Hundred Eighty (180) Days 9 C. Board of Public Works Deferral of Plat Improvements or Deferral of Other On- and Off-Site Improvements Beyond Temporary Occupancy Permit 9 1. Applicability 9 2. Decision Criteria (Reserved) 9 3. Security Required 9 4. Plans for Improvements Required 10 5. Waiver of Requirement for Plans 10 6. Expiration 10 7. Extension of Time Limit 10 8. Acceptable Security 10 9. Special Security Option for Deferral of Street Improvements 10 10. Special Security Option for Short Plats 11 11. Security Requirement Binding 11 12. Notification to Administrator 11 13. Transfer of Responsibility 11 14. Board Approval Required Prior to Transfer of Responsibility 11 15. Proceeding Against Security 11 4-9-070 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PROCEDURES 11 A. Purpose (Reserved) 11 B. Applicability 12 1. Exemptions (Reserved) 12 C. Interpretation 12 D. General State Requirements—Adoption by Reference 12 E. Authority for This Section 12 F. Lead Agency Authority 12 1 . Adoption by Reference 12 2. Determination of Lead Agency 12 3. Lead Agency Agreements 13 4. Effect of Other Agency's Threshold Determinations on City Project Review 13 5. City Objections to Determinations of Other Lead Agency 13 G. SEPA Responsible Official Authority 13 1. Official Designated 13 9 - iii SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER 2. Duties of Responsible Official 13 3. Consultation Requests 13 H. Other Authority 14 1. Hydraulic Projects 14 2. Successor Agencies 14 I. Categorical Exemptions 14 1. Adoption by Reference 14 2. Local Modifications to State Categorical Exemptions 14 3. Exemption Decision Authority 14 4. Proposal Description 14 5. Review Criteria 14 6. Proposals Which Include Exempt and Nonexempt Actions 14 a. Ineligible for Exemption 14 b. Denial Authorized 14 7. Timing for Decisions Relating to Categorical Exemptions 15 8. Effect of Exemption 15 J. Environmental Checklist 15 1. When Required 15 2. Use of Checklist to Determine Lead Agency and Threshold Determination 15 3. Checklist Preparation Process for Private Proposals 15 4. Checklist Preparation Process for City Proposals 15 5. Optional Environmental Review Prior to Preparation of Detailed Plans and Specifications 15 K. Threshold Determination Process 15 1. Adoption by Reference 15 2. Identification of Impacts 16 3. Time Limits for Issuing Threshold Determinations 16 a. Threshold Determinations When No Additional Information Is Required 16 b. Threshold Determinations When Additional Information Is Required 16 c. Threshold Determinations When Applicant Recommends Preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement 16 4. Written Notice to Applicant When Requested 16 5. Mitigated DNS Authorized 16 6. Decision to Be Based Upon Applicant's Changed Proposal 16 7. DNS Authorized 16 8. DNS or DS Authorized 16 9. Required Level of Specificity for Proposed Mitigation Measures 16 10. Incorporation of Mitigation Measures into DNS 17 11. Public Comment and Notice Period for Mitigated DNS 17 12. DNS Required to Accompany Staff Recommendation 17 13. Effect and Enforcement of Mitigation Measures 17 14. Effect of MDNS 17 15. Request for Early Notice - Likelihood of Determination of Significance (DS) 17 a. Timing for Request 17 9 - iv SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER b. Timing for City Response 17 L. Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) 17 1. Purposes of This Section 17 2. Adoption by Reference 17 3. Final EIS Required to Accompany Staff Recommendation 18 4. Responsibility of Environmental Review Committee 18 5. Responsibility for Preparation of Environmental Impact Statement 18 6. Information Required of Applicant 18 7. Environmental Review Committee Not Required to Consider Inadequate Information 18 8. Additional Elements to Be Covered in an EIS 18 M. Reconsiderations (Reserved) 18 N. SEPA Substantive Authority 18 1. Adoption by Reference 18 2. Basis for Substantive Authority 18 3. Policies and Goals of This Section Supplemental 19 4. Authority to Attach Conditions 19 5. Denial Authorized 20 6. Environmental Review Committee Recommendations to Decision Maker Where an FEIS Has Been Prepared or DNS Issued 20 7. Action of Decision Maker—Approval, Denial, Conditions and Environmental Review Committee Reconsideration 20 O. Using Existing Environmental Documents 20 1 . Purpose of This Part 20 2. Adoption by Reference 20 P. Public Notice and Commenting Requirements 20 1. Purpose of This Part 20 2. Adoption by Reference 20 3. Threshold Determinations 21 4. Public Notice Requirements for Draft and Supplemental Environmental Impact Statements 21 5. Consolidation of Public Notice 21 6. Responsibility of Cost for Public Notice 21 7. Notice of Action 21 8. Responsibility for Notice 21 9. Form of Notice 21 10. Facsimile Filings 21 11. Record Retention 22 Q. Definitions and Interpretation of Terms 22 1. Adoption by Reference 22 2. Interpretation 22 R. Forms Adopted by Reference 23 S. Appeals 23 T. Expiration (Reserved) 23 U. Modifications of Approved Plans (Reserved) 23 4-9-080 GRADING, EXCAVATION AND MINING PERMITS AND LICENSES . . . . 23 A. Purpose (Reserved) 23 9 - v SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER B. Applicability 23 C. Exemptions 24 D. Submittal Requirements and Fees 24 E. Review Process for Minor Activity 24 1. Building Section Authority 24 2. Annual License 24 3. Time for Completion 24 4. Issuance of License 24 5. Revocation of Permit 24 F. Review Process for Major Activity 24 1. Authority 24 a. Hearing Examiner Authority 24 b. Development Services Division Authority 25 2. Special Fill and Grade Permit Required 25 3. Annual Grading License 25 4. Review Criteria for Special Grade and Fill Permit 25 a. Compatibility of Proposed Use 25 5. Progressive Rehabilitation and Reuse 25 6. Conformance with Examiner's Approved Plan Required 25 7. Final Approval 25 8. Other Requirements/Noncity Review 25 9. Inspection and Enforcement Authority 25 10. Expiration and Extensions 26 11. Transferability of Special Permit 26 12. Modifications to Approved Plans (Reserved) 26 G. Violations and Penalties 26 1. Revocation of Special Permit 26 2. Penalties 26 4-9-090 HOME OCCUPATIONS 26 A. Definition 26 B. Purpose 26 C. Applicability 26 1. Exemptions 26 D. Prohibited Occupations 26 E. City Business License Required 26 F. Application and Review Procedures 26 1. Business License Application 26 a. Development Services Division Application 26 2. Compliance 27 3. Decision 27 4. Qualification Standards 27 a. Primary Residence 27 b. Retail Sales and Storage 27 c. Parking 27 d. Employees 27 e. Mechanical/Electrical Equipment 27 f. Environmental Impacts 27 9 -vi SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER g. Space 27 h. Outdoor Storage 27 i. Flammable Liquids 27 j. Fire Extinguisher 27 k. City Codes 27 I. Building Alterations 27 m. Accessory Structures 27 n. Signage 27 G. Additional Requirements for Customer Visits or Deliveries 28 1. Notification to Neighbors 28 2. Inspection 28 3. Comment Period 28 4. License Renewal 28 5. Limitation of Use 28 6. Limitation of Customer Visits 28 7. Limitation of Hours 28 4-9-100 HOBBY KENNEL LICENSE PROCESS 28 A. Purpose (Reserved) 28 B. Applicability (Reserved) 28 1. Exemptions (Reserved) 28 C. Authority and Responsibility 28 D. Submittal Requirements and Fees 28 E. Decision Criteria 28 F. Period of Validity, Individual Licenses 29 G. Violation and Penalties 29 1. Revocation of Business License 29 2. License —Waiting Period Following Revocation or Refusal to Renew. . . 29 3. Civil Penalties 29 H. Appeal 29 4-9-110 MANUFACTURED AND MOBILE HOME PARKS 29 A. Purpose 29 B. Applicability 29 1. Exemptions (Reserved) 29 C. Authority 29 1. Building Official 29 2. Development Services Division 29 3. Hearing Examiner 29 D. Submittal Requirements and Fees (Reserved) 29 E. Park Review Procedures 30 1. Application 30 2. Referrals, Recommendations of Department 30 3. Public Notice 30 4. Recommendations to Hearing Examiner 30 5. Conditions of Approval 30 6. Installation 30 7. Construction Timing 30 8. Certificate of Occupancy 30 9 - vii SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER F. Deferrals 30 G. Maintenance 30 1. General 30 2. Landscaping 30 H. Expiration and Extension 30 I. Modifications to Approved Plans (Reserved) 30 J. Violation and Penalties 30 1. Revocation of License 30 2. Misdemeanor 31 K. Appeals 31 4-9-120 NONCONFORMING USES/STRUCTURES REVIEW — CONDITIONAL APPROVAL PERMITS 31 A. Purpose of Permit 31 B. Applicability 31 1. Exceptions 31 a. Damage Under Fifty Percent (50%) of Value 31 b. Single Family Dwellings 31 C. Authority 31 D. Submittal Requirements and Fees 31 E. General Decision Criteria 32 F. Review Criteria for Nonconforming Uses 32 1. Community Need 32 2. Effect on Adjacent Property 32 3. Historical Significance 32 4. Economic Significance 32 5. Timeliness with Existing Plans and Programs 32 G. Review Criteria for Nonconforming Structures 32 1. Architectural and/or Historic Significance 32 2. Architectural Compatibility with Surrounding Uses 32 3. Potential of Site for Redevelopment 32 4. Condition of Building/Structure 32 5. Departure from Zoning Code 32 H. Decision Options 33 I. Conditions of Approval 33 J. Expiration 33 K. Extensions (Reserved) 33 L. Appeals 33 4-9-130 OCCUPANCY PERMITS 33 A. Purpose (Reserved) 33 B. Applicability 33 1. Exemptions (Reserved) 33 C. Certificate Available Upon Request 33 D. Timing and Procedure 33 E. Temporary Occupancy Permits 33 4-9-140 OPEN SPACE, AGRICULTURAL AND TIMBER LANDS; CURRENT USE ASSESSMENT 33 A. Purpose, Applicability, and Adoption of State Rules by Reference 33 9 -viii SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER B. Application Submittal Requirements (Reserved) 33 C. Processing Fee 34 D. Refund of Fee Upon Denial of Application 34 4-9-150 PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) REGULATIONS 34 A. Purposes 34 B. Applicability 34 1. Exemptions (Reserved) 34 C. Roles and Responsibility 34 1. Hearing Examiner 34 2. Development Services Division 35 3. Reviewing Agencies 35 4. City Council 35 D. Scope of Review 35 E. Decision Criteria 35 1. Demonstration of Compliance and Superiority Required 35 2. Public Benefit Required 35 3. Additional Review Criteria 35 F. Permitted Locations 36 G. Permitted Uses 36 1. G-1 and R-1 Residence Districts 36 2. R-2, R-3 and R-4 Residence Districts 37 H. Minimum Site Area 37 I. Density/Permitted Number of Dwelling Units 37 1. Method of Computing 37 2. Formula 37 3. Maximum Base Residential Densities 37 a. G-1 Zone 37 b. R-1 Zone 37 c. R-2 Zone 37 d. R-3 Zone 37 e. R-4 Zone 37 4. Reduction in Base Density for Lands Identified as Sensitive 37 5. Environmentally Sensitive Areas Map Folio 37 6. Bonus Densities 37 a. Open Space 37 b. Active Recreation Areas 38 c. Environmentally Sensitive Areas 38 d. Public Access 38 e. Parking Lots 38 f. Enclosed Parking 38 g. Arterial Access 38 h. Public Transit 38 i. Security 38 j. Perimeter Setback and Buffer 38 k. Private Open Space 38 7. Maximum Total Residential Densities 38 a. G-1 Zone 38 9 - ix SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER b. R-1 Zone 38 c. R-2 Zone 38 d. R-3 Zone 38 e. R-4 Zone 38 8. Reduction in Total Density for Lands Identified as Sensitive 38 J. Development Standards 39 1. Code Provisions That May Be Modified 39 2. Common Open Space Standard 39 3. Private Open Space 39 4. Setback and Height Standards 39 a. Setback from R-1 Zones 39 b. Setback and Height Limitations Adjacent to R-1 Zones 39 c. Spacing Between Buildings 39 5. Shoreline Areas 39 6. Environmentally Sensitive Areas 39 7. Access, Circulation and Parking 40 a. General 40 b. Streets 40 c. Parking 40 d. Pedestrian Circulation 40 8. Installation and Maintenance of Common Open Space 40 a. Installation 40 b. Maintenance 40 9. Installation and Maintenance of Common Facilities 40 a. Installation 40 b. Maintenance 40 K. Procedure for Preliminary Approval of Planned Unit Developments 41 1. Who May Apply 41 2. Filing of Application 41 3. Informal Review 41 4. Submittal Requirements and Application Fees 41 5. Public Notice and Comment Period 41 6. Phasing 41 7. Review Process 41 8. Decision 41 9. Effect of an Approved Preliminary Plan 42 10. Zoning Map Revised 42 11. Sale of Planned Unit Development 42 L. Merger of Review Stages 42 M. Final Plan Review Procedures 42 1. Time Limits 42 2. Submittal Requirements and Fees for Final Plan Application 42 3. Public Notice 42 4. Minor Modifications 42 5. Major Modifications 43 6. Review and Approval of Final Plan 43 a. Covenants Required 43 9 - x SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER b. Property Owners' Association Required 43 7. Effect of an Approved Final Plan 43 a. Standards Superimposed 43 b. Construction Authorized 43 8. Phasing 44 9. Extension of Time Limits for Remaining Phases 44 N. Building and Occupancy Permits 44 1. Public Notification Signage 44 2. Conformance with Final Plan Required 44 3. Minor Adjustments to Final Plan 44 4. Occupancy Permit Issuance Procedure 44 5. Occupation of Structures 45 O. Expiration or Abandonment of a PUD 45 1. Expiration 45 2. Abandonment 45 3. Resuming Development of an Abandoned PUD Site 45 P. Appeals of Examiner's Decision on a Final PUD 45 Q. Appeal of Council Decision on Planned Unit Development 45 R. Violations and Penalties 45 4-9-160 PUBLIC ART EXEMPTION PROCEDURE 45 A. Purpose (Reserved) 45 B. Applicability 45 C. Criteria for Exemptions from Sign Code Requirements 46 D. Exemption Certificate Required for Public Art 46 E. Exemption Application Procedure 46 F. Staff Review of Exemption Requests 46 G. Special Arts Commission Review of Exemption Requests 46 1. Commission Review and Recommendations 46 2. Renton Municipal Arts Commission Role Regarding Public Art Exemption Certificate 46 3. Determination of Artist Recognition 46 4. Fee 47 H. Final Authority 47 I. Appeal 47 1. Standing and Authority for Hearing Appeal 47 2. Transmittal of File and Staff Report to Examiner 47 4-9-170 RAILROAD AND UTILITY LINE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT 47 A. Purpose (Reserved) 47 B. Applicability 47 C. No Permit for Ordinary Repair 47 D. Decision Criteria 47 E. Violation and Penalties 48 1. Construction without Permit Considered Public Nuisance 48 4-9-180 REZONE PROCESS 48 A. Purpose (Reserved) 48 B. Ability to Apply 48 C. Authority for Rezones Requiring a Plan Amendment 48 9 - xi SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER D. Authority for Rezones Not Requiring Plan Amendment 48 E. Submittal Requirements and Fees 48 F. Decision Criteria for Change of Zone Classification 48 G. Council Review Process 49 1. First and Final Readings 49 2. Adoption of Ordinance 49 H. Time Limitations for Rezone Application Resubmission 49 4-9-190 SHORELINE PERMITS 49 A. Purpose (Reserved) 49 B. Applicability (Reserved) 49 C. Exemptions from Permit System 49 D. Exemption Certificate Procedures 52 E. Shoreline Permit Application Procedures 52 1. Information Prior to Submitting a Shoreline Substantial Development Permit Application 52 2. Shoreline Substantial Development Permit Required 52 3. Shoreline Substantial Development Permit Application Forms and Fees 52 4. Review Guidelines 53 5. Conditional Approval 53 6. Notification of City Departments 53 F. Review Criteria 53 1. General 53 2. Additional Information 53 3. Procedural Amendments 53 4. Burden of Proof on Applicant 54 G. Bonds 54 H. Administrative Appeals 54 I. Variances and Conditional Uses 54 1. Purpose 54 2. Authority 54 a. City Hearing Examiner 54 b. State Department of Ecology Decision 54 c. Time Limit, Permit Validity, and Appeals 54 3. Interpretation 54 4. Variances 54 a. Purpose 54 b. Decision Criteria 54 5. Conditional Use 55 a. Purpose 55 b. Decision Criteria 55 J. Time Requirements for Shoreline Permits 55 1. Applicability and Modification at Time of Approval 55 2. Construction Commencement 56 3. Construction Completion 56 4. Effective Date 56 5. Review Period — Construction Authorization 57 K. Rulings to State 57 9 - xii SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER L. Transferability of Permit 57 M. Enforcement 57 N. Rescission of Permits 57 1. Noncompliance with Permit 57 2. Notice of Noncompliance 57 3. Posting 57 4. Public Hearing 57 5. Final Decision 57 O. Appeals 57 P. Violations and Penalties 57 1. Prosecution 57 2. Injunction 58 3. Public and Private Redress 58 4-9-200 SITE PLAN REVIEW 58 A. Purpose and Intent 58 B. Applicability 59 1. All Development in Certain Zones 59 a. Requirements for R-10 Zone Developments 59 2. Specified and Secondary Uses 59 a. Exceptions for Secondary Uses 59 3. Development within the Valley Planning Area 59 4. Hazardous Waste Facilities 59 C. Exemptions 59 1. Development Exempt from Site Plan Review in All Zones (except R-10 and R-14) 59 2. Development Exempt from Site Plan Review in the R-10 and R-14 Zones 59 D. Criteria to Determine if Public Hearing Required 60 1. Significant Environmental Concerns Remain 60 2. Applicant Requests Hearing 60 3. Large Project Scale 60 4. Commercial Property Adjacent to Single Family Zone 60 E. Decision Criteria 60 1. General Review Criteria 60 2. Review of Impacts to Surrounding Properties and Uses 61 3. Review of Impacts of a Proposed Site Plan to the Site 61 4. Review of Circulation and Access 62 5. Review of Signage 62 6. Special Review Criteria and Process for Proposals within an Aquifer Protection Area (APA) 62 a. Authority and Responsibility for Finding 62 b. Review Criteria 62 7. Special Review Criteria for Hazardous Waste Treatment and Storage Facilities 63 F. Site Plan Review Procedures 63 1. General 63 2. Preapplication Conference Recommended 63 9 -xiii SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER 3. Submittal Requirements and Application Fees 63 4. Public Notice and Comment Period Required 63 5. Circulation and Review of Application 63 6. City Notification of Applicant 63 7. Revisions or Modifications to Site Plan Application 64 8. Environmental Review Committee to Determine Necessity for Public Hearing 64 9. Environmental Review Committee Decision Appealable to Hearing Examiner 64 10. Administrative Approval of Site Plan 64 11. Hearing Process and Examiner Authority for Modification of Plans 64 a. Date of Hearing 64 b. Examiner's Decision 64 c. Authority for Conditions and Plan Modifications 64 d. Modification of Plan Subsequent to Public Hearing and Prior to Decision 65 e. Denial of Site Plan 65 f. Limitations on Authority 65 G. Major Adjustments to an Approved Site Plan 65 H. Minor Adjustments to an Approved Site Plan (Reserved) 65 I. Timing of Building Permits (Reserved) 65 J. Expiration and Extension of Site Plan Approval 65 K. Exception to Two (2) Year Time Limit for Phased Projects 65 1. Phasing Permitted 65 2. Authority for Extension of Time 65 3. Expiration of Phase(s) 65 4. Vested for the Purposes of Zoning 65 L. Appeals 66 4-9-210 SITE PLAN APPROVAL, MASTER 66 A. Purpose 66 B. Applicability 66 C. Submittal Requirements and Application Fees 66 D. Decision Criteria 66 1. Scale, Spaces, Uses and Form of Improvements 66 2. Compatibility and Public Amenities 66 3. Appropriate Level of Plan Detail 67 4. Site-Specific Development Standards 67 E. Optional Combined Application 67 F. Review Process 67 1. Authority 67 2. Conditions Limited 67 3. Decision Options 67 G. Subsequent Administrative Approval of Individual Phases 67 1. Special Public Notice and Thirty (30) Day Comment Period Required 67 2. Waiver of Site Plan Requirements by Administrator 67 3. Three (3) Types of Administrative Approvals 68 H. Modifications to Approved Master Site Plans 68 9 - xiv SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER 1. Major Modifications 68 2. Minor Modifications 68 I. Expiration Time for Nongovernmental Site Plans 68 1. General 68 2. Normal Expiration Time 68 3. Phased Approvals 68 4. Extended Time for Projects Over One Hundred (100) Acres 68 a. Ten (10) Year Review Hearing 69 J. Extension 69 K. Expiration Time for Governmental Site Plan Approvals 69 L. Recognition of Existing Master Plans 69 M. Vesting 69 N. Appeals of Administrative Site Plan Decisions 69 O. Appeals of Hearing Examiner Decisions 70 4-9-220 SPECIAL PERMITS 70 A. Purpose and Authority 70 B. Applicability (Reserved) 70 C. Submittal Requirements and Fees 70 D. Review Process and Decision Criteria 70 E. Expiration and Extensions 70 F. Modifications to Approved Plans (Reserved) 70 4-9-230 SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW PRIVATE GARAGES ON STEEP SLOPES TO LOCATE WITHIN FRONT OR SIDE YARD SETBACK 70 A. Purpose, Authority and Conditions of Approval 70 B. Applicability (Reserved) 70 C. Review Criteria (Reserved) 70 4-9-240 TEMPORARY USE PERMITS 70 A. Purpose 70 B. Applicability (Reserved) 70 1. Exemptions (Reserved) 70 C. Uses Which May Be Permitted 70 D. Submittal Requirements and Application Fees 71 E. Public Notice and Comment Period 71 1. Public Notice Sign 71 a. Contents of Sign 71 b. Timing for Sign Posting 71 c. City Approval Required 71 d. Failure to Post or Maintain Sign 71 e. Deposit Required 71 F. Waiver of Requirements and Fees 71 G. Application Process and Review Authority 71 H. Decision Criteria 71 I. Conditions of Approval 72 1. General 72 2. Facilities Required 72 J. Other Required Permits 72 K. Expiration and Extension 72 9 - xv SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER L. Removal of Temporary Use Required 72 M. Security 72 N. Permit Revocation 72 1. Revocation of Temporary Use Permit 72 4-9-250 VARIANCES, WAIVERS, MODIFICATIONS, AND ALTERNATES 72 A. Purposes 72 1. Variances 72 2. Waivers (Reserved) 73 3. Modifications 73 4. Alternates 73 B. Variance Procedures 73 1. Authority and Applicability 73 a. Hearing Examiner Variances 73 b. Board of Adjustment Variances 73 c. Administrative Variances 73 2. Filing of Application 73 3. Submittal Requirements and Application Fees 73 4. Public Notice and Comment Period 73 5. Decision Criteria 73 6. Special Review Criteria for Variances from the Aquifer Protection Regulations 73 7. Continuation of Public Hearing 74 8. Board of Adjustment Decision Process 74 a. Board of Adjustment Shall Announce Findings and Decisions 74 b. Notice of Decision of Board of Adjustment 74 c. Reconsideration (Reserved) 74 d. Record of Decision 74 9. Conditions of Approval 74 10. Finalization (Reserved) 74 11. Expiration of Variance Approval 74 12. Extension of Approval 74 C. Waiver Procedures 74 1. Authority for Waiver, General (Reserved) 74 2. Authority for Waiver of Street Improvements 74 3. Application and Fee 74 4. Decision Criteria, General (Reserved) 74 5. Decision Criteria for Waivers of Street Improvements 74 D. Modification Procedures 75 1. Application Time and Decision Authority 75 2. Decision Criteria 75 E. Alternate Procedures 75 1. Authority 75 2. Decision Criteria 75 3. Substantiation 75 4. Record of Decision 75 4-9-260 VIOLATIONS OF THIS CHAPTER AND PENALTIES 75 9 - xvi 4-9-030B 4-9-010 ANNEXATION after public hearing by the Council. (Ord. 3976, PROCEDURES: (Reserved) 3-3-1986) J. CONCURRENT REVIEW OF REZONE 4-9-020 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PROPOSALS: ADOPTION AND AMENDMENT To maintain consistency with the Comprehensive PROCESS: Plan, any rezoning that would be required by ap- proval of the proposed amendments to the Com- A. PURPOSE: (Reserved) prehensive Plan shall be considered concurrently with the proposed Comprehensive Plan changes. B. APPLICABILITY: (Ord. 4437, 2 21 1994) Proposed amendments may be submitted by the K. PERIODIC CITY REVIEW OF PLAN Mayor, Planning Commission, City Council or pri- REQUIRED: vate parties. (Ord. 4437, 2 21 1994) In order for the Plan to remain effective, it should 1. Exemptions: (Reserved) be reviewed periodically. Conditions might change,and unforeseen events may occur,which C. AUTHORITY: (Reserved) might necessitate a re-evaluation. It is recom- mended that the Comprehensive Plan should be D. TIMING FOR AMENDMENTS: reviewed in its entirety at least once every ten (10) years, as many of the goals, objectives and The City Council will consider amendments to the policies supplement and complement each other, Comprehensive Plan not more than annually ex but it may also be revised through annual amend- cept for emergencies. Proposed amendments ments as allowed by the Growth Management shall be submitted during the first quarter of the Act, or in an emergency. (Ord. 4437, 2- 21-1994) year in which the amendments will be considered. Comprehensive Plan amendments shall be given the highest priority in the Planning Commission's 4-9-030 CONDITIONAL USE work program, and review shall be initiated within PERMITS: the second quarter of the work year. (Ord. 4437, 2 21 1994) A. PURPOSE OF CONDITIONAL USE E. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND PERMIT AND WHEN REQUIRED: FEES: The purpose of a conditional use permit is to allow Shall be as listed in RMC 4-1-170, Land Use Re- certain uses in districts from which they are nor view Fees,and 4-8-120C, Land Use Applications. mally prohibited by this Chapter when the pro (Ord. 4722, 5 11 1998) posed uses are deemed consistent with other existing and potential uses within the general F. PUBLIC NOTICE AND COMMENT area of the proposed use. Except as provided in (Reserved) this Section, a conditional use permit may not re- PERIOD: duce the requirements of the zone in which the use is to be located. (Ord. 3599, 1-11-1982) G. REVIEW CRITERIA: (Reserved) 1. Exemptions from Permit Require- H. REVIEW PROCESS: ments: (Reserved) The Planning Commission and City Council shall consider private Comprehensive Plan amend- B. WHO MAY APPLY: ments in the same manner as any other Compre- A property owner, or his duly authorized agent, hensive Plan amendment request, except that a may file an application for a conditional use per- fee shall be charged for private amendments. mit where the proposed use or development re- (Ord. 4437, 2-21-1994) quires any such permit as set forth in RMC 4-2-060, Zoning Use Tables. (Ord. 3463, I. FINAL PLAN ACTION: 8-11-1980, Amd. Ord. 4648, 1-6-1997) The Comprehensive Plan and any amendments shall be adopted by ordinance of the City Council 9 - 1 4-9-030C C. CITY AUTHORITY: 3. Effect on Adjacent Properties: The The Hearing Examiner or the Zoning Administra- proposed use at the proposed location shall tor, as specified in RMC 4-2-060, Zoning Use Ta- not result in substantial or undue adverse ef- bles,shall have the authority to permit conditional fects on adjacent property.The following site uses. requirements shall be required: (Ord. 3599, 1-11-1982) D. APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY: The application shall set forth fully the grounds a. Lot Coverage: Lot coverage in resi- and the facts justifying the granting of the condi- dential districts (SF and MR) shall not ex- tional use permit. (Ord. 4404, 6-7-1993) ceed fifty percent (50%) of the lot coverage of the zone in which the pro- E. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND posed use is to be located. Lot coverage FEES: in all other zones shall conform to the re- Shall be as listed in RMC 4-1-170, Land Use Re- quirements of the zone in which the pro- view Fees,and 4-8-120C, Land Use Applications. posed use is to be located. (Ord. 4404, (Ord. 4722, 5-11-1998) 6-7-1993) F. PUBLIC NOTICE AND COMMENT b. Yards:Yards shall conform to the re- PERIOD REQUIRED PRIOR TO quirements of the zone in which the pro ADMINISTRATIVE DECISIONS: posed use is to be located. Additions to the structure shall not be allowed in any Notice of the application shall be given pursuant eq r to RMC 4-8-090, Public Notice Requirements. A required yard. fourteen (14) day comment period shall be pro- c. Height: Building and structure vided prior to any final action by the City of the ap- heights shall conform to the requirements plication for the administrative conditional use of the zone in which the proposed use is permit. (Ord. 4404, 6-7-1993) to be located. Spires, belltowers, public G. DECISION CRITERIA: utility antennas or similar structures may exceed the height requirement upon ap- The Hearing Examiner or Zoning Administrator proval of a variance. Building heights shall consider the following factors, among all should be related to surrounding uses in other relevant information: order to allow optimal sunlight and venti- lation, and minimal obstruction of views 1. Comprehensive Plan: The proposed from adjacent structures. use shall be compatible with the general pur- pose, goals, objectives and standards of the 4. Compatibility: The proposed use shall Comprehensive Plan,the zoning regulations be compatible with the residential scale and and any other plan, program, map or ordi- character of the neighborhood. (Ord. 3599, nance of the City of Renton. 1-11-1982) 2. Community Need: There shall be a 5. Parking: Parking under the building community need for the proposed use at the structure should be encouraged. Lot cover- proposed location. In the determination of age may be increased to as much as seventy community need the Hearing Examiner shall five percent (75%) of the lot coverage re- consider the following factors, among all quirement of the zone in which the proposed other relevant information: use is located if all parking is provided under- ground or within the structure. (Ord. 3903, a. The proposed location shall not re- 4-22-1985) suit in either the detrimental overconcen- tration of a particular use within the City 6. Traffic:Traffic and circulation patterns of or within the immediate area of the pro- vehicles and pedestrians relating to the pro- posed use. posed use and surrounding area shall be re- viewed for potential effects on, and to ensure b. That the proposed location is suited safe movement in, the surrounding area. for the proposed use. (Ord. 3599, 1-11-1982) 9 - 2 4-9-0301 7. Noise, Glare: Potential noise, light and b. Past history of animal control corn- glare impacts shall be evaluated based on plaints relating to the dogs and cats of the the location of the proposed use on the lot applicant at the address for which the and the location of on-site parking areas, out- kennel is applied for. door recreational areas and refuse storage areas. (Ord. 3599, 1-11-1982) c. Facility specifications/dimensions in which the dogs and cats are to be 8. Landscaping: Landscaping shall be pro- maintained. vided in all areas not occupied by buildings or paving. The Hearing Examiner may require d. Characteristics of animals to be additional landscaping to buffer adjacent kept: size, type. properties from potentially adverse effects of the proposed use. (Ord. 3599, 1-11-1982) e. The zoning classification of the premises on which the kennel is main- 9. Accessory Uses: Accessory uses to tained. conditional uses such as day schools, audito- riums used for social and sport activities, f. Compliance with the requirements of health centers, convents,preschool facilities, RMC 4-4-010, Standards and Review convalescent homes and others of a similar Criteria for Keeping Animals. nature shall be considered to be separate uses and shall be subject to the provisions of 2. Waiting Period Following Revocation the use district in which they are located. or Refusal to Renew: For a period of one year after the date of revocation or refusal to 10. Conversion: No existing building or renew,conditional use permits shall not be is- structure shall be converted to a conditional sued for kennels to applicants who have pre- use unless such building or structure corn- viously had such permits revoked or renewal plies, or is brought into compliance, with the refused. In addition, the applicant must meet provisions of this Chapter. the requirements of this Section or any provi- sions of the animal control authority. (Ord. 11. Public Improvements: The proposed 3927, 7-15-1985) use and location shall be adequately served by and not impose an undue burden on any I. SPECIAL DECISION CRITERIA FOR public improvements, facilities, utilities and WIRELESS COMMUNICATION services.Approval of a conditional use permit FACILITIES IN LIEU OF STANDARD may be conditioned upon the provision and/ CRITERIA: or guarantee by the applicant of necessary The governing authority shall consider the follow- public improvements,facilities,utilities and/or ing factors in determining whether to issue a con- services. (Ord. 3599, 1-11-1982) ditional use permit, although the governing H. ADDITIONAL DECISION CRITERIA authority may waive or reduce the burden on the FOR KENNELS: applicant of one or more of these criteria if the governing authority, concludes that the goals of The Hearing Examiner,in reviewing kennels, may RMC 4-4-140, Wireless Communication Facili- require additional setbacks, fencing, screening, ties, are better served thereby. (Ord. 4689, or soundproofing requirements as he deems nec- 11-24-1997) essary to insure the compatibility of the kennel with the surrounding neighborhood. (Ord. 3927, 1. Height of the proposed tower. 7-15-1985) 2. Proximity of the tower to residential struc- 1. Decision Criteria: Factors to be consid- tures and residential district boundaries. ered in determining such compatibility are: 3. Nature of uses on adjacent and nearby a. Statements regarding approval/dis- properties. approval of surrounding neighbors rela- tive to maintenance of a kennel at the 4. Surrounding topography. address applied for. 9 - 3 4-9-030J 5. Surrounding tree coverage and foliage. 4-9-040 CONDOMINIUM CONVERSIONS: 6. Design of the tower, with particular refer- ence to design characteristics that have the A. PURPOSE: (Reserved) effect of reducing or eliminating visual obtru- siveness. B. AUTHORITY: 7. Proposed ingress and egress. The Building Official is charged with the adminis- tration and enforcement of this Section and is au- 8. Potential noise, light and glare impacts. thorized and directed to adopt, promulgate, amend and rescind administrative rules consis- 9. Availability of suitable existing towers tent with the provisions of this Section and neces- and other structures. sary to carry out the duties of the Building Official hereunder. (Ord. 3366, 10-15-1979, eff. 10. Compatibility with the general purpose, 10-24-1979) goals, objectives and standards of the Com C. APPLICABILITY TO CONVERSION OF prehensive Plan, the Zoning Ordinance and RENTAL UNITS TO CONDOMINIUMS AND any other plan,program, map or ordinance of the City. (Ord. 4689, 11-24-1997) COOPERATIVES: This Section shall apply only to the conversion J. DECISION AND CONDITIONS: and sale of rental units that have not yet been The governing authority may grant, with or with- converted to condominium or cooperative units, out conditions, or deny the requested conditional and to those units in converted buildings that are use permit. The Zoning Administrator or Hearing not subject to a binding purchase commitment or Examiner shall have authority to grant the condi have not been sold on the effective date of this tional use permit upon making a determination, in Section (10-24-1979) writing, that the use is consistent with subsection G of this Section, Decision Criteria. (Ord. 4404, Exemptions: This Section shall not ap 6-7-1993) The Zoning Administrator or Hearing ply to condominium or cooperative units that Examiner may limit the term and duration of the are vacant on October 24, 1979, and which conditional use permit. Conditions imposed by have been offered for sale prior to that date; the Zoning Administrator or Hearing Examiner provided, that any tenant who takes posses shall reasonably assure that nuisance or hazard sion of the unit after October 24, 1979, shall to life or property will not develop. (Ord. 4584, be provided the disclosures required by sub- 2-12-1996) section E of this Section and shall be entitled to the benefits of that Section if the required K. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO BE disclosures are not given. COMBINED WITH SITE PLAN REVIEW: D. APPLICABILITY TO TENANTS Where a use or development requires review un- der RMC 4-9-200,Site Plan Review,the site plan OCCUPYING RENTAL UNITS: review and administrative conditional use permit This Section shall apply only to those tenants and shall be combined. (Ord. 4404, 6-7-1993) subtenants who occupy rental units in converted buildings at the time the notices,offers and disclo- L. FINALIZATION: (Reserved) sures provided by this Section are required to be delivered. This Section shall not apply to tenants M. EXPIRATION AND EXTENSION: who take possession of a unit vacated by a tenant See RMC 4 8 100H and I. who has received the notices and other benefits provided by this Section; provided, that develop- N. MODIFICATIONS TO APPROVED ers shall disclose in writing to all tenants who take PLAN: (Reserved) possession after service of the notice required by subsection E of this Section, that the unit has been sold or will be offered for sale as a condo- minium or cooperative. This disclosure shall be made prior to the execution of any written rental agreement or prior to the tenant's taking posses- sion, whichever occurs earlier. A developer's fail- 9 -4 4-9-040E ure to disclose, within the time specified above, cupies. In the event that more than one ten- that the unit has been sold or offered for sale shall ant occupies a single unit,the developer shall entitle the tenant to all the protections and bene- deliver the offer to all tenants jointly or sepa- fits of this Section. rately. For one hundred twenty (120 days ) from the date of delivery of the offer the ten- ' E. TENANT PROTECTIONS: ant shall have the exclusive right to purchase his or her unit on the terms offered. 1. Notice to Tenants of Filing of Conver- sion Declaration: Within seven (7) days of 4. Purchase Rights of Tenants Whose the filing of a condominium conversion decla- Units are Offered for Sale Prior to Effec- ration as provided by the Horizontal Property tive Date of Section: Tenants of rental units Regimes Act(chapter 64.32 RCW)the devel- which were offered for sale as condominium oper shall: (Ord. 3366, 10-15-1979) or cooperative units prior to the effective date of this Section but for which offers there have a. Send to each tenant in the converted been no acceptances shall be entitled to the building, by registered or certified mail, rights and benefits of this Section except that return receipt requested,written notice of those rights provided by subsection E6 of this the filing. A tenant's refusal to accept de- Section shall terminate sixty (60) days from livery shall be deemed adequate service. the offer of sale of the unit to the tenant. b. File notice of the filing of such decla- 5. Subtenant's Purchase Rights: Should ration with the City Clerk, giving the date a tenant reject an offer of sale,the subtenant of filing, file or recording number, office in possession at the time the notice provided where filed, location and address of the in this subsection is delivered shall be offered structure and number of dwelling units the unit on the same terms as those offered contained within the structure, and the the tenant. For thirty (30) days following that name, address and phone numbers of offer or until the expiration of the tenant's one the owner(s), managers and persons re- hundred twenty (120) day option period as sponsible for the management of the provided in this subsection,whichever occurs structure. later, the subtenant shall have the exclusive right to purchase the unit on the terms offered 2. Notice to All Tenants Prior to Offering to the tenant. Any Unit for Sale to the Public as a Condo- minium or Cooperative Unit: At least one 6. Rights of Tenants in Converted Build- hundred twenty (120) days prior to offering ings to Purchase Other Units in the Build- any rental unit or units for sale to the public as ings: Should both the tenant and subtenant a condominium unit or cooperative unit, the reject the offer of sale or fail to notify of the ac- developer shall deliver to each tenant in the ceptance of the offer within the time periods building written notice of his intention to sell set forth in subsections E3 and E5 of this the unit or units. The notice shall specify the Section or vacate, the unit shall be made individual units to be sold and the sale price available for purchase to other tenants and of each unit.This notice shall be in addition to subtenants in the building. The right to pur- and not in lieu of the notices required for evic- chase another unit in the building by tenants tion by chapters 59.12 and 59.18 RCW, and and subtenants shall extend to the end of the shall be delivered as provided in subsection one hundred twenty (120) day notice period El a of this Section.With the notice the devel- provided the tenant is in possession of that oper shall also deliver to the tenant a state- unit under subsection E3 of this Section. ment, in a format to be provided by the Whenever all tenants and subtenants in a Building Official, of the tenant's rights under building have indicated in writing their inten- this Section. tion not to purchase a unit or the one hundred twenty (120) day notice period has expired 3. Purchase Rights of Tenant in Posses- and that unit is or becomes vacant then the sion: With the notice provided in this subsec- developer may offer for sale and sell the unit tion, the developer shall deliver to each to the public. tenant whose unit is to be offered for sale a firm offer of sale of the unit that the tenant oc- 9 - 5 4-9-040F 7. No Subsequent Sale on Better Terms: stallation of the fire alarm system and all vio- For a period of one year following the date of lations of the Housing Code revealed by the the offers provided in subsections E3, E5 and inspection must be completed and corrected E6 of this Section, no offer shall be extended at least seven (7) days prior to the closing of by the developer on terms more favorable in the sale of the first unit or by the compliance any respect than the offer previously ex- date on the inspection report, whichever is tended to the tenant and/or subtenant unless sooner.A follow-up inspection for compliance the more favorable offer is first extended to shall be completed within seven (7) days of the tenant and/or subtenant as required by the developer's request. A copy of the build- subsections E3, E5 and E6 for a period of not ing inspection report and certification of re- less than thirty (30) days. pairs shall be provided by the developer to each prospective purchaser at least three (3) 8. Evictions Only for Good Cause During days before the signing of an earnest money Notice Period: No condominium or coopera- agreement or other binding purchase com- tive unit shall be sold or offered for public sale mitment. Copies of the inspection report shall if, in the one hundred twenty(120)day period be delivered to tenants in the converted build- immediately preceding the sale or offer for ing by the developer with the notice of sale as public sale,any tenant has been evicted with- provided in subsection E2 of this Section. An out good cause. For the purposes of this Sec- inspection fee as stipulated in RMC 4-1-1401 tion good cause shall mean: (1)failure to pay shall be paid by the developer whenever an rent after service of a three (3) day notice to inspection is requested as required herein. pay rent or vacate as provided in RCW 59.12.030(3);(2)failure to comply with a term 2. Certification of Repairs: For the protec- or terms of the tenancy after service of a ten tion of the general public,the Building Official (10) day notice to comply or vacate as pro- shall inspect the repairs of defective condi- vided in RCW 59.12.030(4); and (3) the corn- tions identified in the inspection report and mission or permission of a waste or the certify that the violations have been cor- maintenance of a nuisance on the premises rected. The certification shall state that only and failure to vacate after service of a three those defects discovered by the Housing (3) day notice as provided in RCW Code inspection and listed on the inspection 59.12.030(5). report have been corrected and that the cer- tification does not guarantee that all Housing 9. Tenant's Right to Vacate: Tenants who Code violations have been corrected. Prior to receive one hundred twenty (120) day no- the acceptance of any offer, the developer tices of sale may terminate their tenancies at shall deliver a copy of the certificate to the any time during such period in the manner purchaser. No developer, however, shall use provided by RCW 59.18.200 and 59.18.220, the Building Official's certification in any ad- but will forfeit all rights to purchase a unit. vertising for the purpose of inducing a person to purchase a condominium or cooperative F. CONSUMER PROTECTIONS: unit. 1. Mandatory Housing Code Inspection 3. Disclosure Requirements: In addition and Repair—Notice to Buyers and Ten- to the disclosures required by previous sec- ants: Prior to delivery of the one hundred tions,the developer shall make available at a twenty (120) day notice described in subsec- place on the premises convenient to the ten- tion E2 of this Section, developers shall, at ants during normal working hours the follow- their expense, request an inspection of the ing information to prospective purchasers at entire building by the Building Official for least three(3)days before any purchase com- compliance with the housing and fire codes. mitment is signed, or, in the case of existing The inspection shall be completed within forty tenants, with the one hundred twenty (120) five(45)days of a developer's request unless day notice provided in subsection E2 of this the developer fails to provide or refuses ac- Section:(1)copies of all documents filed with cess to Building and/or Fire personnel. The any governmental agency pursuant to the developer shall be required to install an ap- Horizontal Property Regimes Act (chapter proved fire alarm and smoke detector system 64.32 RCW);(2)an itemization of the specific in accordance with chapter 4-5 RMC. The in- repairs and improvements made to the entire 9 - 6 4-9-040F building during the six(6)months immediately statements made in the disclosures and other preceding the offer for sale;(3)an itemization documents required to be provided tenants of the repairs and improvements to be corn- and purchasers by this Section. pleted before close of sale;(4) a statement of the services and expenses which are being 6. Purchaser's Right to Rescind: Any paid for by the developer but which will in the purchaser who does not receive the notices, future be terminated,or transferred to the pur- disclosures and documents required by this chaser, or transferred to the owners'associa- Section may,at any time prior to closing of the tion;(5)an accurate estimate of the useful life sale,rescind,in writing,any binding purchase of the building's major components and me- agreement without any liability on the pur- chanical systems (foundation, exterior walls, chaser's part and the purchaser shall there- exterior wall coverings other than paint or sim- upon be entitled to the return of any deposits ilar protective coating, exterior stairs, floors made on account of this agreement. and floor supports, carpeting in common ar- eas, roof cover, chimneys, plumbing system, 7. Delivery of Notice and Other Docu- heating system, water heating appliances, ments: Unless otherwise provided, all no- mechanical ventilation system, and elevator tices, contracts, disclosures, documents and equipment) and an estimate of the cost of re- other writings required by this Section shall pairing any component whose useful life will be delivered by registered or certified mail, terminate in less than five (5) years from the return receipt requested. The refusal of regis- date of this disclosure. For each system and tered or certified mail by the addressee shall component whose expected life cannot be ac- be considered adequate delivery. All docu- curately estimated, the developer shall pro- ments shall be delivered to tenants at the ad- vide a detailed description of its present dress specified on the lease or rental condition and an explanation of why no esti- agreement between the tenant and the devel- mate is possible. In addition, the developer oper or landlord. If there is no written lease or shall provide an itemized statement in budget rental agreement then documents shall be form of the monthly costs of owning the unit delivered to the tenants' address at the con- that the purchaser intends to buy. The item- verted building or the last known address of ization shall include but shall not be limited to: the tenant, if other than the address at the (a) payments on purchase load; (b)taxes; (c) converted building. In any sublet unit all doc- insurance; (d) utilities(which shall be listed in- uments shall be delivered to the tenant at his dividually);(e)homeowner's assessments;(f) current address, if known, and to the sub- the projected monthly assessment needed for tenant in possession. If the tenant's current replacing building components and systems address is unknown,then two(2)copies of all whose life expectancy is less than five (5) documents shall be delivered to the sub- years; and (g) a statement of the budget as- tenant, one addressed to the tenant and the sumptions concerning occupancy and infla- other addressed to the subtenant. Delivery of tion factors. the one hundred twenty (120) day notice of intention to sell required by subsection E2 of 4. Warranty of Repairs—Set Aside for this Section,the developer's offer to sell, and Repairs: Each developer shall warrant for all disclosure documents shall be delivered to one year from the date of completion all im- the tenants in a converted building at a meet- provements and repairs disclosed pursuant ing between the developer and the tenants. to subsection E3 of this Section. The meeting shall be arranged by the devel- oper at a time and place convenient to the 5. Unlawful Representations: It shall be tenants. At the meeting the developer shall unlawful for any developer,agent or person to discuss with the tenants the effect that the make or cause to be made in any disclosure conversion will have upon the tenants. or other document required by this Section Should any tenant refuse to acknowledge ac- any statement or representation that is know- ceptance of the notice, offer and disclosures, ingly false or misleading. It shall also be un- the developer shall deliver the documents in lawful for any developer, agent or other the manner prescribed in this subsection. person to make,or cause to be made,to any prospective purchaser, including a tenant, 8. Acceptance of Offers: Acceptance by any oral representation which differs from the tenants or other beneficiaries of offers pro- 9 - 7 4-9-040G vided pursuant to this Section shall be in writ- which one copy has heretofore been filed and is ing and delivered to the developer by now on file in the office of the City Clerk and made registered or certified mail, return receipt re- available for examination by the public, is hereby quested, postmarked on or before the expira- adopted by reference. (Ord. 4546, 7-24-1995) tion date of the offer. B. PURPOSE: G. COMPLAINTS: It is the purpose of the provisions of this Section Any person subjected to any unlawful practice as to provide a just, equitable and practicable set forth in this Section may file a complaint in method, to be cumulative with and in addition to writing with the Building Official. The Building Of- any other remedy provided by any code or ordi- ficial is hereby authorized and directed to receive nance of the City, whereby buildings and/or struc- complaints and conduct such investigations as tures which from any cause endanger the life, are deemed necessary. Whenever it is deter- limb, health, morals,property,safety or welfare of mined that there has been a violation of this Sec- the general public or their occupants, may be re- tion, the Building Official is authorized to send quired to be repaired, vacated or demolished. written notice of said violation to the person re- sponsible for the violation. If,within ten (10)days C. APPLICABILITY: of said notice,the responsible person makes writ- The provisions of this Section shall apply to all ten request for reconciliation, the applicable de- dangerous buildings as herein defined,which are partment director is authorized to attempt to now in existence, or which may hereafter be con- conciliate the matter by conference or otherwise structed in the City. and secure a written conciliation agreement. D. APPEALS: H. COUNCIL WAIVER OF REQUIREMENTS: 1. Authority and Process: The Board of The City Council is authorized to waive strict com- Appeals, under Chapter 5 of the "1994 Uni- pliance with this Section in specific individual in- form Code for the Abatement of Dangerous stances where the developer can show with clear, Buildings"shall be the Hearing Examiner.Ap- cogent and convincing evidence that: (1) the fi- peals may be filed pursuant to RMC 4-8-110, nancial burden required to comply would greatly Appeals. outweigh the benefits and would create an unrea- sonable hardship upon the developer; or (2) the 2. Public Hearing Attendance: The Hear- units have been offered for sale as condominium ing Examiner shall hold a hearing at the time units prior to the effective date of this Section and place specified in the complaint of the (10-24-1979) and the developer has incurred sig- Building Official,in which all parties in interest nificant financial obligations with the intention of shall be given the right to file an answer to the meeting such obligations with the proceeds of the complaint, to appear in person or otherwise, sale of such units, and the provisions of this Sec- and to give testimony. tion will prevent meeting such obligation. (Ord. 3366, 10-15-1979) 3. Examiner Findings and Decision: If af- ter such hearing the Hearing Examiner shall I. VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES: determine that such structure is, in fact, a In the event conciliation is not achieved,the appli- dangerous building as herein defined,the Ex- cable department director is authorized to issue a aminer shall reduce such findings of fact to civil infraction or criminal citation in accordance writing, in support of such determination and with RMC Title 1. (Ord. 4351, 5-4-1992) shall issue or cause to be issued and to be served upon the owner or party in interest of any such "dangerous building"in the manner 4-9-050 DANGEROUS BUILDINGS- provided herein for the service of the corn- ABATEMENT OF: plaint an order which shall require the owner or party in interest,within the time specified in A. ADOPTION BY REFERENCE: such order, to repair, alter or improve such The "Uniform Code for the Abatement of Danger- dwelling, building or structure and to render it ous Buildings 1994 Edition" published by the In- fit for human habitation or other use, or to va- ternational Conference of Building Officials, of cate and close the dwelling, building or struc- 9 - 8 4-9-060C ture, if such course of action is deemed ceptable to the City, the applicant shall be re- proper, or specified, to remove or demolish quired to provide further estimates acceptable such dwelling, building or structure. to the City. No temporary occupancy permit shall be granted until the security amount has 4. Recording of Order: If no appeal is filed been established following acceptable esti- from such order in the manner herein pro- mates. vided for, then a copy of such order shall be filed with the Auditor of King County. 4. Expiration: Said temporary occupancy permit shall be good for a period of not more E. VIOLATION AND PENALTIES: than ninety (90) days. After improvements Penalties for any violation of any of the provisions have been installed and approved by the City of this Chapter shall be in accord with RMC 1-3-2, the security herein shall be released and the Civil Penalties. (Ord. 4546, 7-24-1995) applicant may make application for a perma- nent occupancy permit. 4-9-060 DEFERRAL OF 5. Extension of Temporary Occupancy IMPROVEMENT INSTALLATION Permit Up to One Hundred Eighty (180) PROCEDURES: Days: Should extenuating circumstances or circumstances beyond the control of the ap- A. PURPOSE: (Reserved) plicant prevent the installation of such on-site or off-site improvements,the Building Official B. TEMPORARY (NINETY (90) DAY) may extend the temporary occupancy permit OCCUPANCY PERMITS IN ADVANCE OF to a total maximum of one hundred eighty IMPROVEMENT INSTALLATION — (180) days. (Ord. 4348, 5 4 1992) BUILDING OFFICIAL DEFERRAL OF OFF- C. BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND ON-SITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR DEFERRAL OF PLAT IMPROVEMENTS OTHER THAN PLATS: OR DEFERRAL OF OTHER ON- AND 1. Applicability: A temporary occupancy OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS BEYOND TEMPORARY OCCUPANCY PERMIT: permit may be granted by the Building Offi cial, when the required improvements have 1. Applicability: If a developer wishes to not been deferred or installed and in the opin defer certain improvements listed in this Title ion of the Building Official are not necessary until after obtaining a certificate of occupancy for life, safety or health, or structural integrity for any structures,or in the case of plats,final of the buildings on the site, and the improve- ments are to be installed and completed plat approval, the written application shall be within ninety (90) days from the date of issu made to the Board of Public Works stating the reasons why such delay is necessary. (Ord. ance of temporary occupancy permit. (Ord. 4521, 6 5 1995) 4348, 5-4-1992) 2. Decision Criteria: (Reserved) 2. Decision Criteria: (Reserved) 3. Security Required: In all such cases, a 3. Security Required: Upon approval by certified or cashier's check,letter of credit,set the Board of Public Works for such defer aside letter,or other acceptable security must ment,for good cause shown by the applicant, be posted to the extent of one hundred fifty the applicant shall thereupon furnish security percent (150%) of the estimated cost of the to the City in an amount equal to one hundred improvements not installed and accepted. fifty percent (150%) of the estimated cost of The amount of said security shall be provided the installation and required improvements. by an estimate of the applicant together with The decision of the Board of Public Works as supporting data from a reputable contractor or to the amount of such security shall be con subcontractor and based upon full engineer clusive. (Ord. 4521, 6-5-1995) ing plans. Such estimates shall be approved 4. Plans for Improvements Required: by the Building Official of the City; however, Should the Board of Public Works grant the should the amount of the estimate be unac- 9 - 9 4-9-060C deferral of part or all of the necessary on-site the installation of the deferred improvement. improvements, then full and complete engi- (Ord. 3988, 4-28-1986) neering drawings of the on-site improve- ments shall be submitted as a condition 8. Acceptable Security: Security accept- precedent to the granting of any deferral. able under this Section may be cash, letter of (Ord. 3988, 4-28-1986) credit,set aside letter provided that the funds cannot be withdrawn, spent, or committed to 5. Waiver of Requirement for Plans: any third party, or savings account assigned Board may waive requirement of construction to the City and blocked as to withdrawal by plans for short plat improvement deferrals. the secured party without the City's approval. Only if these security devices are unavailable 6. Expiration: Such security shall list the to the applicant, or the applicant can show exact work that shall be performed by the ap- hardship, will the City accept a performance plicant and shall specify that all of the de- bond.Any security device must be payable to ferred improvements shall be completed the City upon demand by the City and not within the time specified by the Board of Pub- conditioned upon approval or other process lic Works, and if no time is so specified, then involving the applicant. Security must be un- not later than one year. For plats, if no time is equivocally committed to the project being established,then not later than one year after secured, and cannot be available for any approval of the final plat by the City Council or other purpose.Any security that,according to one year after recording of a short subdivi- its terms, lapses upon a date certain, will sion. The security shall be held by the Fi- cause the deferral to lapse on that same date nance Department. (Ord. 4521, 6-5-1995) unless additional adequate substitute secu- rity has been posted prior to the termination 7. Extension of Time Limit: The Board of date of the prior security. Each security docu- Public Works shall annually review the de- ment posted with the City must be approved ferred improvements and the amount of the by the City Attorney,whose decision as to the security. Should the Board of Public Works acceptability of the security shall be conclu- determine that any improvement need not be sive. (Ord. 4521, 6-5-1995) installed immediately, then the Board of Pub- lic Works may extend the deferral for an addi- 9. Special Security Option for Deferral of tional period of time up to an additional year. Street Improvements:A restrictive covenant Any improvement deferred for five (5) years running with the land, signed and properly re- shall be required to be installed or shall be corded after City Attorney review, may be ac- waived by the Board pursuant to RMC cepted as security if the covenant guarantees 4-9-250C, Waiver Procedures, unless the that the property will join in any future LID es- Board of Public Works determines that it is tablished to install the required improvements more likely than not that the improvements in addition to the following conditions: would be installed within an additional five(5) year period of time, in which case the Board a. There are no similar improvements in may continue to defer the improvements year the vicinity and there is no likelihood that to year subject to the other conditions con- the improvements will be needed or re- tained in this Section. Should any improve- quired in the next five (5) years. ment be initiated before the lapse of a deferral, and the work is diligently pursued, b. There will be no detrimental effect on then the Board of Public Works may extend the public health, safety or welfare if the the deferral period for a term equivalent to the improvements are not installed. time necessary to complete construction, but subject, however, to continuation of the secu- c. There is no likelihood that the zoning rity. At the same time as the granting of any or land use on or adjacent to the site will additional deferral, the security for such de- change to a higher classification within a ferral shall be reviewed and increased or de- five (5) year period, thus increasing the creased as the Board of Public Works shall likelihood that the improvements will be deem necessary, but shall remain in an needed. amount equal to a minimum of one hundred fifty percent (150%) of the estimated cost of 9 - 10 4-9-070B d. A covenant approved by the Board of ments deferred, amount of security or check Public Works shall contain language that deposited, time limit of security or check, stipulates the property owner will immedi- name of bonding company,and any other per- ately install the deferred improvements at tinent information. (Ord. 4521, 6-5-1995) his or her expense upon a determination of the Board of Public Works that the im- 13. Transfer of Responsibility:Whenever provements have become necessary. security has been accepted by the Board of Public Works,then no release of the owner or 10. Special Security Option for Short developer upon that security shall be granted Plats:A restrictive covenant running with the unless a new party will be obligated to per- land, signed and properly recorded after City form the work as agreed in writing to be re- Attorney review, may be accepted as security sponsible under the security, and has if the covenant guarantees that the property provided security. In the instance where se- will join in any future limited improvement dis- curity would be provided by a condominium trict established to install the required im- owners association or property owners asso- provements in addition to the following ciation,then it shall be necessary for the own- conditions: ers association to have voted to assume the obligation before the City may accept the se- a. The restrictive covenant for deferrals curity, and a copy of the minutes of the own- occurs only for a single family develop- ers association duly certified shall be filed ment no larger than a short plat. along with the security. b. There are no similar improvements in 14. Board Approval Required Prior to the vicinity and there is no likelihood that Transfer of Responsibility: The City shall the improvements will be needed or re- not be required to permit a substitution of one quired in the next five (5) years. party for another on any security if the Board of Public Works, after full review, feels that c. There will be no detrimental effect on the new owner does not provide sufficient se- the public health, safety or welfare if the curity to the City that the improvements will improvements are not installed. be installed when required. d. There is little likelihood that the zon- 15. Proceeding Against Security: The ing or land use on or adjacent to the site City reserves the right, in addition to all other will change to a higher classification and remedies available to it by law, to proceed development will occur within a five (5) against such security or other payment in lieu year period,thus increasing the likelihood thereof. In case of any suit or action to en- that the improvements will be needed. force any provisions of this code, the devel- oper shall pay the City all costs incidental to e. A covenant approved by the Board such litigation including reasonable attor- shall contain language that stipulates the ney's fees. The applicant shall enter into an property owner will immediately install agreement with the City requiring payment of the deferred improvements at his or her such attorney's fees. (Ord. 4521, 6-5-1995) expense upon a determination of the Board of Public Works that the improve- ments have become necessary. (Ord. 4-9-070 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW 4521, 6-5-1995) PROCEDURES: 11. Security Requirement Binding: The A. PURPOSE: (Reserved) requirement of the posting of any security therefor shall be binding on the applicant and B. APPLICABILITY: the applicant's heirs, successors and as- This part contains the basic requirements that ap- signs. (Ord. 3988, 4-28-1986) ply to the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) process and sets forth methods and procedures 12. Notification to Administrator: The which will insure that presently unquantified envi- Board of Public Works shall notify the Admin- ronmental amenities and values will be given ap- istrator in writing of the following:the improve- 9 - 11 4-9-070C propriate consideration in decision making along defined in this Section, whether or not such activ- with economic and technical considerations. To ities are considered to be ministerial in nature. the fullest extent possible, the City will utilize a systematic, interdisciplinary approach which will F. LEAD AGENCY AUTHORITY: insure the integrated use of the natural and social sciences and the environmental design arts in 1. Adoption by Reference: The City planning and in decision making which may have adopts the following sections by reference,as an impact on man's environment. The policies supplemented by WAC 173-806-050 and and goals set forth in this Section are supplemen- 173-806-053 and this part: tary to those set forth in existing authorizations of the State and City. WAC 197-11-900 Purpose of this part. 1. Exemptions: (Reserved) 197-11-902 Agency SEPA policies. 197-11-916 Application to ongoing actions. C. INTERPRETATION: 197-11-920 Agencies with environmental To the fullest extent possible,the policies, regula- expertise. tions and laws of the State of Washington and of 197-11-922 Lead agency rules. the City shall be interpreted and administered in 197-11-924 Determining the lead agency. accordance with the policies set forth in this Title. 197-11-926 Lead agency for governmental proposals. D. GENERAL STATE REQUIREMENTS— 197-11-928 Lead agency for public and pri- ADOPTION BY REFERENCE: vate proposals. The City of Renton adopts as its own the policies 197-11-930 Lead agency for private projects and objectives of the State Environmental Policy with one agency with jurisdic- Act of 1971,as amended(chapter 43.21 C RCW). tion. The City of Renton adopts the following sections 197-11-932 Lead agency for private projects of chapter 197-11 WAC by reference: requiring licenses from more than one agency, when one of WAC the agencies is a county/city. 197-11-040 Definitions. 197-11-934 Lead agency for private projects 197-11-050 Lead agency. requiring licenses from a local 197-11-055 Timing of the SEPA process. agency, not a county/city, and 197-11-060 Content of environmental one or more state agencies. review. 197-11-936 Lead agency for private projects 197-11-070 Limitations on actions during requiring licenses from more SEPA process. than one state agency. 197-11-080 Incomplete or unavailable infor- 197-11-938 Lead agencies for specific pro- mation. posals. 197-11-090 Supporting documents. 197-11-940 Transfer of lead agency status to 197-11-100 Information required of appli- a state agency. cants. 197-11-942 Agreements on lead agency sta- tus. E. AUTHORITY FOR THIS SECTION: 197-11-944 Agreements on division of lead The City of Renton adopts this Section under the agency duties. State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), RCW 197-11-946 DOE resolution of lead agency 43.21 C.120, and the SEPA rules, WAC disputes. 197-11-904. This Section contains this City's 197-11-948 Assumption of lead agency sta- SEPA procedures and policies. The SEPA rules, tus. chapter 197-11 WAC, must be used in conjunc- tion with this Section. The City of Renton pos- 2. Determination of Lead Agency: The sesses the authority to deny or condition actions department within the City receiving an appli- in order to mitigate or prevent probable significant cation for or initiating a proposal that involves adverse environmental impacts. This authority a nonexempt action shall determine when the applies to all City activities including actions as City is the lead agency for that proposal un- der WAC 197-11-940 and 197-11-922 through 197-11-940; unless the lead agency 9 - 12 4-9-070G has been previously determined or the de- Cx SEPA RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL partment is aware that another department or AUTHORITY: agency is in the process of determining the lead agency. Any department making a lead 1. Official Designated: For those propos- agency determination for a private project als for which the City is the lead agency, the shall require sufficient information from the responsible official shall be the Environmen- applicant to identify which other agencies tal Review Committee. The Environmental have jurisdiction over the proposal. Review Committee shall make the threshold determination, supervise scoping and prepa- 3. Lead Agency Agreements: The Envi- rations of any required environmental impact ronmental Review Committee is authorized statement (EIS), and perform any other func- to make agreements as to the lead agency tions assigned to the "lead agency"or"re- status or shared lead agency duties for a pro- sponsible official" by section so the SEPA posal under WAC 197-11-942 and rules that were adopted by reference in WAC 197-11-944;provided,that the Environmental 173-806-020.(Ord.4522)The Environmental Review Committee and any department that Review Committee shall consist of three (3) will incur responsibilities as the result of such officials designated by the Mayor with concur- agreement approved the agreement. rence by the City Council. 4. Effect of Other Agency's Threshold 2. Duties of Responsible Official: For all Determinations on City Project Review: proposals for which the City is the lead When the City is not the lead agency for a agency, the Environmental Review Commit- proposal,all departments of the City shall use tee shall make the threshold determination, and consider, as appropriate, either the de- supervise scoping and preparations of any termination of nonsignificance (DNS) or the required environmental impact statement final environmental impact statement(EIS)of (EIS), and perform any other functions as- the lead agency in making decisions on the signed to the "lead agency"or"responsible proposal. The Environmental Review Corn- official"by those sections of the SEPA rules mittee shall not prepare or require prepara- that were adopted by reference in WAC tion of a DNS or EIS in addition to that 173-806-020. (Ord. 3891, 2-25-1985) In prepared by the lead agency,unless required those instances in which the City is the lead under WAC 197-11-600. In some cases, the agency, the Environmental Review Commit- City may conduct supplemental environmen- tee shall supervise compliance with the tal review under WAC 197-11-600. threshold determination and, if an EIS is nec- essary, shall supervise preparation of the 5. City Objections to Determinations of draft and final EIS. (Ord. 3891, 2-25-1985) Other Lead Agency: If the City or any of its The Environmental Review Committee may departments receives a lead agency determi- develop further administrative and procedural nation made by another agency that appears guidelines for the administration by the re- inconsistent with the criteria of WAC sponsible official of the provisions of this 197-11-922 through 197-11-940, it may ob- Chapter. ject to the determination. Any objection must be made to the agency originally making the 3. Consultation Requests: The Environ- determination and resolved within fifteen(15) mental Review Committee, or its designate, days of receipt of the determination, or the shall be responsible for preparation of written City must petition the Department of Ecology comments for the City in response to a con- for a lead agency determination under WAC sultation request prior to a threshold determi- 197-11-946 within the fifteen (15) day time nation,participation in scoping,and reviewing period. Any such petition on behalf of the City a DEIS. The Environmental Review Commit- may be initiated by the Environmental Review tee, or its designate, shall be responsible for Committee. the City compliance with WAC 197-11-550 whenever the City is a consulted agency and is authorized to develop operating proce- dures that will ensure that responses to con- sultation requests are prepared in a timely 9 - 13 4-9-070H fashion and include data from all appropriate ing the proposal shall determine whether the departments of the City. license and/or the proposal is exempt. The department's determination that a proposal is H. OTHER AUTHORITY: exempt shall be final and not subject to ad- ministrative review. 1. Hydraulic Projects:For those proposals requiring a hydraulic project approval under 4. Proposal Description: In determining RCW 75.20.100, the State Department of whether or not a proposal is exempt, the de- Fish and Wildlife shall be considered an partment shall make certain the proposal is agency with jurisdiction. properly defined and shall identify the gov- ernmental licenses required (WAC 2. Successor Agencies: If a specific 197-11-060). agency has been named in these rules, and the functions of that agency have changed or 5. Review Criteria: A department which is been transferred to another agency, the term determining whether or not a proposal is ex- shall mean any successor agency. empt shall ascertain the total scope of the proposal and the governmental licenses re- p. CATEGORICAL EXEMPTIONS: quired. If a proposal includes a series of ac- tions, physically or functionally related to 1. Adoption by Reference: The City each other, some of which are exempt and adopts the following sections by reference,as some which are not, the proposal is not ex- supplemental in this part: WAC 197-11-300, empt. For any such proposal,the lead agency Purpose of this part; and 197-11-305, Cate- shall be determined, even if the license appli- gorical exemptions. The City adopts by refer- cation which triggers the department's con- ence the following rules for categorical sideration is otherwise exempt. If the lead exemptions,as supplemented in this Section, agency is the City, then the responsible offi- including WAC 173-806-070 (Flexible thresh- cial shall be designated as defined in subsec- olds), 173-806-080(Use of exemptions),and tion G of this Section. 173-806-190 (Environmentally sensitive ar- eas): 6. Proposals Which Include Exempt and Nonexempt Actions: If a proposal includes WAC both exempt and nonexempt actions,exempt 197-11-800 Categorical exemptions. actions may be authorized with respect to the 197-11-880 Emergencies. proposal prior to the compliance with the pro- 197-11-890 Petitioning DOE to change cedural requirements of these guidelines ex- exemptions. cept that: 2. Local Modifications to State Categori- a. Ineligible for Exemption: The City cal Exemptions: The City of Renton estab- shall not give authorization for: lishes the following exempt levels for minor new construction under WAC 197-11-800 i. Any nonexempt action; (A)(b) based on local conditions. Whenever the City establishes new exempt levels under ii. Any action that would have an this Section, it shall send them to the Depart- adverse environmental impact; ment of Ecology, Headquarters Office, Olym- pia, Washington, 98504 under WAC iii. Any action that would limit the 197-11-800(1)(c). choice of alternatives; or a. For landfills and excavations in WAC iv. Any action that will irrevocably 197-11-800(a)(b)(v): Up to five hundred commit the City to approve or autho- (500) cubic yards. rize a major action. 3. Exemption Decision Authority: Each b. Denial Authorized: A department department within the City that receives an may withhold approval of an exempt ac- application for a license or, in the case of gov- tion that would lead to modification of the ernmental proposals, the department initiat- physical environment, when such modifi- 9 - 14 4-9-070K cation would serve no purpose if nonex- a. The City has technical information on empt action(s)were not approved; and a a question or questions that is unavail- department may withhold approval of ex- able to the private applicant; or empt actions that would lead to substan- tial financial expenditures by a private b. The applicant has provided inaccu- applicant when the expenditures would rate information on previous proposals or serve no purpose if nonexempt action(s) on proposals currently under consider- were not approved. ation. 7. Timing for Decisions Relating to Cate- 4. Checklist Preparation Process for City gorical Exemptions: Identification of cate- Proposals: For City proposals, the depart- gorical exempt actions shall occur within ten ment initiating the proposal shall complete (10) days of submission of an adequate and the environmental checklist for that proposal. complete application. 5. Optional Environmental Review Prior 8. Effect of Exemption: If a proposal is ex- to Preparation of Detailed Plans and Spec- empt, none of the procedural requirements of ifications: If the City's only action on a pro- this Section apply to the proposal. The City posal is a decision on a building permit or shall not require completion of an environ- other license that requires detailed project mental checklist for an exempt proposal. plans and specifications, the applicant may request in writing that the Environmental Re- J. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST: view Committee conduct an environmental review prior to submission of detailed plans 1. When Required: A completed environ- specification. A completed environmental mental checklist (or a copy), in the form pro- checklist shall be submitted along with the vided in WAC 197-11-960,shall be filed at the appropriate environmental fees.The Environ- same time as an application for a permit, li- mental Review Committee may require spe- cense, certificate, or other approval not spe- cific detailed information at any time. cifically exempted in this Section; except, a checklist is not needed if the Environmental K. THRESHOLD DETERMINATION Review Committee and applicant agree an PROCESS: EIS is required, SEPA compliance has been This part contains rules for evaluating the impacts completed, or SEPA compliance has been of the proposals not requiring an environmental initiated by another agency. impact statement(EIS). 2. Use of Checklist to Determine Lead 1. Adoption by Reference: The City Agency and Threshold Determination: adopts the following sections by reference,as The department within the City receiving the supplemental in this part: application or initiating the action shall use the environmental checklist to determine the WAC lead agency. If the City is the lead agency,the 197-11-310 Threshold determination Environmental Review Committee shall use required. the environmental checklist for making the 197-11-315 Environmental checklist. threshold determination. 197-11-330 Threshold determination pro- cess. 3. Checklist Preparation Process for Pri- 197-11-335 Additional information. vate Proposals: For private proposals, the 197-11-340 Determination of nonsignifi- department within the City receiving the appli- cance (DNS). cation will require the applicant to complete 197-11-350 Mitigated DNS. the environmental checklist, providing assis- 197-11-355 Optional DNS process. tance as necessary. The Environmental Re- 197-11-360 Determination of significance view Committee may require that it, and not (DS)/initiation of scoping. the private applicant, will complete all or part 197-11-390 Effect of threshold determina- of the environmental checklist for a private tion. (Ord. 3891, 2-25-1985) proposal, if either of the following occurs: 9 - 15 4-9-070K 2. Identification of Impacts: As much as (20) days of submission of an adequate possible,the Environmental Review Commit- application and the completed checklist. tee should assist the applicant with identifica- tion of impacts to the extent necessary to 4. Written Notice to Applicant When Re- formulate mitigation measures. quested: When a threshold determination is expected to require more than twenty (20) 3. Time Limits for Issuing Threshold De- days to complete and a private applicant re- terminations: The following time limits (ex- quests notification of the date when a thresh- pressed in calendar days) shall apply to the old determination will be made, the processing of all private projects and to those Environmental Review Committee or its governmental proposals submitted to this agent shall transmit to the private applicant a City by other agencies: written statement as to the expected date of decision. a. Threshold Determinations When No Additional Information Is Re- 5. Mitigated DNS Authorized:As provided quired:Threshold determinations not re- in this Section and in WAC 197-11-350, the quiring further information from the Environmental Review Committee may issue applicant or consultation with agencies a DNS based on changes to, or clarification with jurisdiction should be completed of, the proposal made by the applicant. within fifteen (15) days of submission of an adequate application and the corn- 6. Decision to Be Based Upon Appli- pleted checklist. cant's Changed Proposal: When an appli- cant submits a changed or clarified proposal, b. Threshold Determinations When along with a revised or amended environ- Additional Information Is Required: mental checklist, the Environmental Review Threshold determinations requiring fur- Committee shall base its threshold determi- ther information from the applicant or nation on the changed or clarified proposal consultation with other agencies with ju- and should make the determination within risdiction should be completed within twenty (20) days of receiving the changed or twenty (20) days of receiving the re- clarified proposal. quested information from the applicant or the consulted agency; requests by the 7. DNS Authorized: If the Environmental City for such further information should Review Committee indicated specific mitiga- be made within twenty (20) days of the tion measures in its response to the request submission of an adequate application for early notice,and the applicant changed or and completed checklist;when a request clarified the proposal to include those specific for further information is submitted to a mitigation measures, the Environmental Re- consulted agency, the City shall wait a view Committee shall issue and circulate a maximum of thirty (30) days for the con- DNS under WAC 197-11-340(2). suited agency to respond. Threshold de- terminations which require that further 8. DNS or DS Authorized: If the Environ- studies including, but not limited to, field mental Review Committee indicated areas of investigations be initiated by the City concern, but did not indicate specific mitiga- should be completed within thirty (30) tion measures that would allow it to issue a days of submission of an adequate appli- DNS, the Environmental Review Committee cation and the completed checklist. shall make the threshold determination, issu- ing a DNS or DS as appropriate. c. Threshold Determinations When Applicant Recommends Preparation 9. Required Level of Specificity for Pro- of an Environmental Impact State- posed Mitigation Measures:The applicant's ment: Threshold determinations on ac- proposed mitigation measures(clarifications, tions where the applicant recommends in changes or conditions) must be in writing and writing that an EIS be prepared,because must be specific. For example, proposals to of the probable significant adverse envi- "control noise"or"prevent stormwater runoff" ronmental impacts described in the appli- are inadequate,whereas proposals to"muffle cation, shall be completed within twenty machinery to X decibel"or"construct two hun- 9 - 16 4-9-070L dred foot(200')stormwater retention pond at ii. Precede the City's actual thresh- Y location"are adequate. old determination for proposal. 10. Incorporation of Mitigation Measures b. Timing for City Response:The En- into DNS: Mitigation measures which justify vironmental Review Committee should issuance of a mitigated DNS may be incorpo- respond to the request for early notice rated in the DNS by reference to agency staff within fifteen (15) working days. The re- reports, studies or other documents. sponse shall: 11. Public Comment and Notice Period i. Be written; for Mitigated DNS: A mitigated DNS (MDNS)is issued under WAC 197-11-340(2), ii. State whether the Environmental requiring a fifteen (15) day comment period Review Committee currently consid- and public notice. ers issuance of a DS likely and, if so, indicate the general or specific 12. DNS Required to Accompany Staff area(s)of concern that is/are leading Recommendation: For nonexempt propos- the Environmental Review Commit- als, the DNS for the proposal shall accom- tee to consider a DS; and pany the City's staff recommendation to the Hearing Examiner or other appropriate advi- iii. State that the applicant may sory body,such as the Planning Commission. change or clarify the proposal to mit- igate the indicated impacts, revising 13. Effect and Enforcement of Mitigation the environmental checklist and/or Measures:Mitigation measures incorporated permit application as necessary to in the mitigated DNS shall be deemed condi- reflect the changes or clarifications. tions of approval of the permit decision and may be enforced in the same manner as any L. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT term or condition of the permit,or enforced in STATEMENTS (EIS): any manner specifically prescribed by the City. 1. Purposes of This Section: This part contains the rules for deciding whether a pro- 14. Effect of MDNS: The Environmental posal has a"probable significant,adverse en- Review Committee's written response under vironmental impact" requiring an this Section (DNS) shall not be construed as environmental impact statement (EIS) to be a determination of significance. In addition, prepared and contains the rules for preparing preliminary discussion of clarifications or environmental impact statements. changes to a proposal, as opposed to a writ- ten request for early notice,shall not bind the 2. Adoption by Reference: The City Environmental Review Committee to con- adopts the following sections by reference,as sider the clarification or changes in its thresh- supplemented by this part: old determination. WAC 15. Request for Early Notice—Likelihood 197-11-400 Purpose of EIS. of Determination of Significance(DS): 197-11-402 General requirements. 197-11-405 EIS types. a. Timing for Request: An applicant 197-11-406 EIS timing. may request in writing early notice of 197-11-408 Scoping. whether a DS is likely under WAC 197-11-410 Expanded scoping (Optional). 197-11-350. The request must: 197-11-420 EIS preparation. 197-11-425 Style and size. i. Follow submission of an environ- 197-11-430 Format. mental checklist for a nonexempt 197-11-440 EIS contents. proposal for which the City is lead 197-11-442 Contents of EIS on nonproject agency; and proposal. 197-11-443 EIS contents when prior non- project EIS. 9 - 17 4-9-070M 197-11-444 Elements of the environment. may refuse to process and consider a private 197-11-448 Relationship of EIS to other con- application further if the applicant fails or re- siderations. fuses to provide information required for the 197-11-450 Cost-benefit analysis. preparation of an adequate EIS. 197-11-455 Issuance of DEIS. 197-11-460 Issuance of FEIS. 8. Additional Elements to Be Covered in an EIS: The Environmental Review Commit- 3. Final EIS Required to Accompany Staff tee may require the following additional ele- Recommendation: For nonexempt propos- ments as part of the environment for the als, the Final EIS for the proposal shall ac- purpose of EIS content, but these elements company the City's staff recommendation to do not add to the criteria for threshold deter- the Hearing Examiner or other appropriate mination or perform any other function or pur- advisory body,such as the Planning Commis- pose under this Section. sion. a. Economics, including the effects on 4. Responsibility of Environmental Re- both the public and private sector, view Committee: Preparation of draft and fi- nal EIS (DEIS and FEIS) and draft and final b. Cultural factors, supplemental EISs (SEIS) is the responsibil- ity of the Environmental Review Committee. c. Quality of life, Before the City issues an EIS, the Environ- mental Review Committee shall be satisfied d. Neighborhood cohesion, that it complies with this Section and chapter 197-11 WAC. e. Sociological factors, and 5. Responsibility for Preparation of Envi- f. Image of the City. (Ord. 3891, ronmental Impact Statement: The DEIS 2-25-1985) and FEIS or draft and final SETS shall be pre- pared by the City staff, the applicant, or by a M. RECONSIDERATIONS: (Reserved) consultant selected by the City through its consultant selection process. If the Environ- N. SEPA SUBSTANTIVE AUTHORITY: mental Review Committee requires an EIS This part contains rules (and policies)for SEPA's for a proposal and determines that someone substantive authority, such as decisions to miti- other than the City will prepare the EIS, the gate or reject proposals as a result of SEPA. Environmental Review Committee shall notify the applicant immediately after completion of 1. Adoption by Reference: The City the threshold determination. The Environ- adopts the following sections by reference: mental Review Committee shall also notify the applicant of the City's procedure for EIS WAC preparation, including approval of the DEIS 197-11-650 Purpose of this part. and FEIS prior to distribution. 197-11-655 Implementation. 197-11-660 Substantive authority and miti- 6. Information Required of Applicant: gation. The City may require an applicant to provide 197-11-680 Appeals. information the City does not possess, includ- ing, but not limited to, specific investigations. 2. Basis for Substantive Authority:The However,the applicant is not required to sup- City designates and adopts by reference the ply information that is not required under this following policies as the basis for the City ex- Section or that is being requested from an- ercise of authority pursuant to this Section: other agency. (This does not apply to infor- mation the City may request under another a. The City shall use all practicable ordinance or statute.) means, consistent with other essential considerations of State policy,to improve 7. Environmental Review Committee Not and coordinate plans, functions, pro- Required to Consider Inadequate Informa- grams, and resources to the end that the tion: The Environmental Review Committee State and its citizens may: 9 - 18 4-9-070N i. Fulfill the responsibilities of each 1990— Parking Regulations generation as trustee of the environ- 1990— King County Stormwater Man- ment for succeeding generations; agement Manual 1990— Comprehensive Water System ii. Assure for all people of Washing- Plan ton safe, healthful, productive, and 1991 — Uniform Fire Code aesthetically and culturally pleasing 1991 — Uniform Mechanical Code surroundings; 1991 — Uniform Building Code 1991 — Uniform Housing Code iii. Attain the widest range of bene- 1992— Uniform Electrical Code ficial uses of the environment without 1992— Comprehensive Park, Recre- degradation, risk to health or safety, ation and Open Space Plan or other undesirable and unintended 1992— Long Range Wastewater Man- consequences; agement Plan 1992— King County Comprehensive iv. Preserve important historic, cul- Housing Affordability Strategy tural, and natural aspects of our na- (CHAS) tional heritage; 1992— Wetlands Regulations 1992— Aquifer Protection Regulations v. Maintain, wherever possible, an 1992— Grading, Excavation and Mining environment which supports diversity Regulations and variety of individual choice; 1992— Land Clearing and Tree Cutting Regulations vi. Achieve a balance between 1993— Shoreline Master Program population and resource use which 1993— King County Solid Waste Man- will permit high standards of living agement Plan and a wide sharing of life's amenities; 1993— Barrier-Free Regulations and 1994— Countywide Planning Policies 1994— Six-Year Transportation vii. Enhance the quality of renew- Improvement Plan able resources and approach the 1994— Zoning Code and Areawide Zon- maximum attainable recycling of de- ing pletable resources. 1994— Street Arterial Plan 1994— State Energy Code b. The City recognizes that each per- 1994— Traffic Mitigation Resolution and son has a fundamental and inalienable Fee right to a healthful environment and that 1994— Parks Mitigation Resolution and each person has a responsibility to con- Fee tribute to the preservation and enhance- 1994— Fire Mitigation Resolution and ment of the environment. Fee 1995— Comprehensive Plan c. The City adopts, by reference, the policies in the following City codes, ordi- 3. Policies and Goals of This Section nances, resolutions and plans as they Supplemental: The policies and goals set currently appear and as hereafter forth in this Section are supplementary to amended: those in the existing authorization of the City of Renton, King County. 1976— Planning Commission 1976— Cedar River Master Plan 4. Authority to Attach Conditions: The 1983— Comprehensive Solid Waste City may attach conditions to a permit or ap- Management Plan proval for a proposal so long as: 1984— Greenbelt Regulations 1984— Green River Valley Plan a. Such conditions are necessary to 1987— Subdivision Regulations mitigate specific probable adverse envi- 1987— Fire Department Master Plan ronmental impacts identified in environ- 1988— Airport Master Plan 9 - 19 4-9-0700 mental documents prepared pursuant to view Committee Reconsideration: Based this Section; and upon such finding, the decision maker may revise the recommended conditions or may b. Such conditions are in writing; and remand the proposal to the Environmental Review Committee for reconsideration. Noth- c. The mitigation measures included in ing in this provision shall be deemed to limit such conditions are reasonable and ca- the authority of the decision maker to impose pable of being accomplished; and conditions under SEPA beyond those recom- mended by Environmental Review Commit- d. The City has considered whether tee or to condition or deny a proposal based other local, State, or Federal mitigation upon other statutory authority. measures applied to the proposal are sufficient to mitigate the identified im- O. USING EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL pacts; and DOCUMENTS: e. Such conditions are based on one or 1. Purpose of This Part:This part contains more policies in subsection N2 of this rules for using and supplementing existing Section and cited in the license or other environmental documents prepared under decision document. SEPA or National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)for the City's own environmental corn- 5. Denial Authorized:The City may deny a pliance. permit or approval for a proposal on the basis of SEPA so long as: 2. Adoption by Reference: The City adopts the following sections by reference: a. A finding is made that approving the proposal would result in probable signifi- WAC cant adverse environmental impacts that 197-11-600 When to use existing environ- are identified in a FEIS or final SEIS pre- mental documents. pared pursuant to this Section; and 197-11-610 Use of NEPA documents. 197-11-620 Supplemental environmental b. A finding is made that there are no impact statement—Procedures. reasonable mitigation measures capable 197-11-625 Addenda— Procedures. of being accomplished that are sufficient 197-11-630 Adoption—Procedures. to mitigate the identified impact; and 197-11-635 Incorporation by reference— Procedures. c. The denial is based on one or more 197-11-640 Combining documents. (Ord. policies identified in subsection N2 of this 3891, 2-25-1985) Section and identified in writing in the de- cision document. P. PUBLIC NOTICE AND COMMENTING REQUIREMENTS: 6. Environmental Review Committee Recommendations to Decision Maker 1. Purpose of This Part:This part contains Where an FEIS Has Been Prepared or DNS rules for consulting, commenting, and re- Issued:Where a FEIS or DNS has been pre- sponding on all environmental documents un- pared,the Environmental Review Committee der SEPA, including rules for public notice may recommend to the decision maker those and hearings. (Ord. 4353, 6-1-1992) reasonable conditions necessary to mitigate or avoid the adverse impacts of the proposal. 2. Adoption by Reference: The City Said recommendation shall be adopted as a adopts the following sections by reference,as condition of approval, unless the decision supplemented in this part: (Ord. 4353, maker identifies in writing a substantial error 6-1-1992) in fact or conclusion by the Environmental Re- view Committee. WAC 197-11-500 Purpose of this part. 7. Action of Decision Maker—Approval, 197-11-502 Inviting comment. Denial, Conditions and Environmental Re- 9 - 20 4-9-070P 197-11-504 Availability and cost of environ- b. Posting the property,for site-specific mental documents. proposals; and 197-11-508 SEPA register. 197-11-535 Public hearings and meetings. c. Publishing notice in a newspaper of 197-11-545 Effect of no comment. general circulation in the county, city, or 197-11-550 Specificity of comments. general area where the proposal is lo- 197-11-560 FEIS response to comments. Gated. 197-11-570 Consulted agency costs to assist lead agency. (Ord. 4353, 5. Consolidation of Public Notice: When- 6-1-1992) ever possible, the Environmental Review Committee shall integrate the public notice re- 3. Threshold Determinations: Whenever quired under this Section with existing notice the Environmental Review Committee of the procedures for the City's nonexempt permit(s) City of Renton issues a DNS under WAC or approval(s) required for the proposal. 197-11-340(2) or a DS under WAC 197-11-360(3) the Environmental Review 6. Responsibility of Cost for Public No- Committee shall give public notice as follows: tice: The Environmental Review Committee may require an applicant to complete the a. If public notice is required for a non- public notice requirements for the applicant's exempt license, the notice shall state proposal at his or her expense. whether the DS or DNS has been issued and when comments are due. 7. Notice of Action: The City shall give of- ficial notice under WAC 197-11-680(5)when- b. If no public notice is required for the ever it issues a permit or approval for which a permit or approval, the City shall give no- statute or ordinance establishes a time limit tice of the DNS or DS by: for commencing judicial appeal. i. Posting the property, for site-spe- 8. Responsibility for Notice: The City, ap- cific proposals; and plicant for, or proponent of any action may publish a notice of action pursuant to RCW ii. Publishing notice in a newspaper 4321 C.080 for any action. of general circulation in the county, city, or general area where the pro- 9. Form of Notice: The form of the notice posal is located. shall be substantially in the form provided in WAC 197-11-990. The notice shall be pub- c. Whenever the Environmental Review lished by the City Clerk or County Auditor, ap- Committee issues a DS under WAC plicant or proponent pursuant to RCW 197-11-360(3), the Environmental Re- 43.21C.080. view Committee shall state the scoping procedure for the proposal in the DS as 10. Facsimile Filings: Whenever any ap- required in WAC 197-11-408 and in the plication or filing is required under this Chap- public notice. ter,it may be made by facsimile.Any facsimile filing received at the City after five o'clock 4. Public Notice Requirements for Draft (5:00) p.m. on any business day will be and Supplemental Environmental Impact deemed to have been received on the follow- Statements: Whenever the Environmental ing business day.Any facsimile filing received Review Committee issues a DEIS under after five o'clock (5:00) p.m. on the last date WAC 197-11-455(5) or a SEIS under WAC for filing will be considered an untimely filing. 197-11-620, notice of the availability of those Any party desiring to make a facsimile filing documents shall be given by: after four o'clock(4:00)p.m.on the last day for the filing must call the Hearing Examiner's of- a. Indicating the availability of the DEIS fice or other City official with whom the filing in a public notice required for a nonex- must be made and indicate that the filing is be- empt license; ing made by facsimile and the number to which the facsimile copy is being sent.The fil- ing party must ensure that the facsimile filing 9 - 21 4-9-070Q is transmitted in adequate time so that it will 197-11-758 Lead agency. be completely received by the City before five 197-11-760 License. o'clock(5:00)p.m. In all instances in which fil- 197-11-762 Local agency. ing fees are to accompany the filing of an ap- 197-11-764 Major action. plication,those filing fees must be received by 197-11-766 Mitigated DNS. the City before the end of the business day on 197-11-768 Mitigation. the last day of the filing period or the filing will 197-11-770 Natural environment. be considered incomplete and will be re- 197-11-772 NEPA. jected. (Ord. 4353, 6-1-1992) 197-11-774 Nonproject. 197-11-776 Phased review. 11. Record Retention:The City shall retain 197-11-778 Preparation. all documents required by the SEPA rules 197-11-780 Private project. (chapter 197-11 WAC) and make them avail- 197-11-782 Probable. able in accordance with chapter 42.17 RCW. 197-11-784 Proposal. 197-11-786 Reasonable alternative. Q. DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION 197-11-788 Responsible official. OF TERMS: 197-11-790 SEPA. 197-11-792 Scope. 1. Adoption by Reference: This part con- 197-11-793 Scoping. tains uniform usage and definitions of terms 197-11-794 Significant. under SEPA. The City adopts the following 197-11-796 State agency. sections by reference, as supplemented by 197-11-797 Threshold determination. WAC 173-806-040. 197-11-799 Underlying governmental action. WAC 2. Interpretation: 197-11-700 Definitions. 197-11-702 Act. a. Unless the context clearly requires 197-11-704 Action. otherwise: 197-11-706 Addendum. 197-11-708 Adoption. i. Use of the singular shall include 197-11-710 Affected tribe. the plural and conversely. 197-11-712 Affecting. 197-11-714 Agency. ii. "Preparation"of environmental 197-11-716 Applicant. documents refers to preparing or su- 197-11-718 Built environment. pervising the preparation of docu- 197-11-720 Categorical exemption. ments, including issuing, filing, 197-11-722 Consolidated appeal. printing, circulating, and related re- 197-11-724 Consulted agency. quirements. 197-11-726 Cost-benefit analysis. 197-11-728 County/city. iii. "Impact"refers to environmental 197-11-730 Decision maker. impact. 197-11-732 Department. 197-11-734 Determination of nonsignifi- iv. "Permit" means "license" (WAC cance (DNS). 197-11-760). 197-11-736 Determination of significance (DS). v. "Commenting"includes but is 197-11-738 EIS. not synonymous with "consultation". 197-11-740 Environment. 197-11-742 Environmental checklist. vi. "Environmental cost" refers to 197-11-744 Environmental document. adverse environmental impact and 197-11-746 Environmental review. may or may not be quantified. 197-11-748 Environmentally sensitive area. 197-11-750 Expanded scoping. vii. "EIS" refers to draft, final, and 197-11-752 Impacts. supplemental EISs (WAC 197-11-754 Incorporation by reference. 197-11-405 and 197-11-738). 197-11-756 Lands covered by water. 9 - 22 4-9-080B viii. "Under" includes pursuant to, ERC: The Environmental Review Corn- subject to, required by, established mittee of the City of Renton. by, in accordance with, and similar expressions of legislative or adminis- ORDINANCE: The ordinance, resolu- trative authorization or direction. tion, or other procedure used by the City to adopt regulatory requirements. ix. "Shall" is mandatory. SEPA RULES: Chapter 197-11 WAC x. "May"is optional and permissive adopted by the Department of Ecology. and does not impose a requirement. R. FORMS ADOPTED BY REFERENCE: xi. "Include" means "include but The City adopts the following forms and sections not limited to". by reference: b. The following terms are synony- WAC mous: 197-11-960 Environmental checklist. 197-11-965 Adoption notice. i. Effect and impact (WAC 197-11-970 Determination of nonsignifi- 197-11-752). cance (DNS). 197-11-980 Determination of significance ii. Environment and environmental (DS). quality (WAC 197-11-740). 197-11-985 Notice of assumption of lead agency status. iii. Major and significant (WAC 197-11-990 Notice of action. 197-11-764 and 197-11-794). S. APPEALS: iv. Proposal and proposed action Except for permits and variances issued pursuant (WAC 197-11-784). to RMC 4-3-090, Shoreline Master Program Reg- ulations, when any proposal or action is granted, v. Probable and likely (WAC conditioned, or denied on the basis of SEPA by a 197-11-782). nonelected official, the decision shall be appeal- able to the Hearing Examiner under the provi- c. In addition to those definitions con- sions of RMC 4-8-110, Appeals. (Ord. 3891, tained within WAC 197-11-700 through 2-25-1985) 197-11-799, when used in this Section, the following terms shall have the follow- T. EXPIRATION: (Reserved) ing meanings, unless the context indi- cates otherwise: U. MODIFICATIONS OF APPROVED PLANS: (Reserved) DEPARTMENT:Any division,subdivision or organizational unit of the City estab- lished by ordinance, rule, or order. 4-9-080 GRADING, EXCAVATION AND MINING PERMITS AND DNS: Determination of nonsignificance. LICENSES: DS: Determination of significance. A. PURPOSE: (Reserved) EARLY NOTICE:The City's response to an applicant stating whether it considers B. APPLICABILITY: issuance of a determination of signifi- Except as exempted in subsection C of this Sec- cance likely for the applicant's proposal tion, no person shall do any work without first ob- (mitigated determination of nonsignifi- taining the required special permit and license. cance (DNS) procedures). Separate special permits and licenses shall be re- quired for each site and may cover both excava- EIS: Environmental impact statement. tions and fills. (Ord. 2820, 1-14-1974, eff. 9 - 23 4-9-080C 1-19-1974, Amd. Ord. 3098, 12-17-1996, eff. E. REVIEW PROCESS FOR MINOR 1-26-1977, Ord. 3592, 12-14-1981) ACTIVITY: C. EXEMPTIONS: 1. Building Section Authority: In order to No person shall do any mining, excavation or expedite small projects, any mining, excava- grading without first having obtained a special tion or grading of five hundred (500) cubic permit from the Hearing Examiner and an annual yards or less shall be reviewed by the Devel- license issued by the Development Services Divi- opment Services Division. The Division may sion with the concurrence of the Building Official, accept, reject, modify or impose reasonable except for the following: conditions which shall include but are not lim- ited to posting of bonds; installation of land- 1. An excavation below finished grade for scaping; limitation of work hours; control of basements and footings of a building, retain- dust and mud; rehabilitation and reuse of the ing wall or other structure authorized by a site. Proper application shall be made to the valid building permit. This shall not exempt Development Services Division. any fill made with the material from such ex- cavation nor exempt any excavation having 2. Annual License: Application for the an- an unsupported height greater than five feet nual license shall be made to the Develop- (5') after the completion of such structure. ment Services Division. The Division may issue a license for the work. 2. Cemetery graves. 3. Time for Completion: All work is to be 3. Excavations for water wells or tunnels or completed within ninety (90) days from the installation of service utilities by public and date of issuance or the license shall be null private utilities. and void. 4. An excavation which (a) is less than two 4. Issuance of License: The plans and re- feet(2')in depth,or(b)which does not create ports shall be approved by the Development a cut slope greater than five feet(5') in height Services Division before a license is issued. and steeper than one and one-half horizontal to one vertical(1-1/2:1),or which does not ex- 5. Revocation of Permit: The Develop- ceed fifty(50) cubic yards on any one lot and ment Services Division is authorized to re- does not obstruct a drainage course. yoke any annual license issued pursuant to the terms of this Section if after due investiga- 5. A fill less than one foot (1') in depth, and tion they determine that the permittee has vi- placed on natural terrain with a slope flatter olated any of the provisions of this Section. than five horizontal to one vertical (5:1) or Notice of revocation shall be in writing and less than three feet(3')in depth, not intended shall advise the licensee of the violations to support structures,which does not exceed found.The permittee shall have a reasonable fifty(50) cubic yards on any one lot and does period of time not to exceed forty five (45) not obstruct a drainage course. days in which to remedy the defects or omis- sions specified. In the event the licensee fails 6. The construction or maintenance of on- or neglects to do so within the time period,the site roads in remote areas; or excavation or order of revocation shall be final. A total or grading for farming purposes; or on-site con- partial stop work order may be issued for struction. In cases of on-site construction,the good reason. (Ord. 2820, 1-17-1974; Amd. plans for such activities shall require the prior 3592, 12-14-1992) written approval of the City. F. REVIEW PROCESS FOR MAJOR D. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND ACTIVITY: FEES: Shall be as listed in RMC 4-1-140G, Grade and 1. Authority: Fill License Fees, and 4-8-120, Submittal Re- quirements. a. Hearing Examiner Authority: For any mining, excavation or grading in ex- 9 - 24 4-9-080F cess of five hundred (500) cubic yards, vi. The length of time the applica- the Hearing Examiner shall review, ap- tion of an existing operation has to prove,disapprove,or approve with condi- comply with nonsafety provisions of tions the location of the site and its effect this Title. on the surrounding area. 5. Progressive Rehabilitation and Re- b. Development Services Division use: The Hearing Examiner shall approve Authority: The Development Services the reuse of the site and the phasing to Division, which is the administering au- achieve the reuse. thority, shall enforce the requirements of the Hearing Examiner and the standards 6. Conformance with Examiner's Ap- established by this Title. proved Plan Required: In the event that a permit is granted, excavation, removal or fill 2. Special Fill and Grade Permit Re- shall be permitted only in accordance with the quired: The Hearing Examiner may grant a plan approved by the Hearing Examiner. Re- special permit, after a public hearing thereon habilitation shall take place in accordance in any zone, to allow the drilling, quarrying, with the approved plan and in a logical se- mining or depositing of minerals or materials, quence so that satisfactory conditions shall including but not limited to petroleum, coal, be maintained on the premises. Rehabilita- sand, gravel, rock, clay, peat and topsoil. A tion shall be done in stages compatible with special permit shall be required on each site continuing operations.The Hearing Examiner of such operation. (Ord. 2820, 1-14-1974; may require the drafting of rehabilitation Amd. Ord. 3098, 12-17-1996; Amd. Ord. plans by a licensed landscape architect. 3592, 12-14-1981) 7. Final Approval: After the applicant has 3. Annual Grading License:A special per- completed the approved amount of excava- mit shall be granted prior to the Development tion,fill or other activity,the final grading of the Services Division issuing any annual license site, and the applicant or another developer authorized by this Section. Licenses granted begins to develop or construct the new use of shall be issued for not more than one year the site, the Development Services Division and may be renewed if the operation is pro- shall relinquish jurisdiction of this Section pro- gressing according to the approved plans. vided reasonable progress is occurring on the new use. 4. Review Criteria for Special Grade and Fill Permit: To grant a special permit, the 8. Other Requirements/Noncity Review: Hearing Examiner shall make a determina- Issuing a permit under this Section does not tion that: relieve the holder from requirements of other government agencies. In addition to the re- a. Compatibility of Proposed Use: quirements of the State Surface Mining Rec- The proposed activity would not be un- lamation Act, review by other interested City, reasonably detrimental to the surround- County,State and Federal organizations may ing area. The Hearing Examiner shall be requested. consider, but is not limited to,the follow- ing: 9. Inspection and Enforcement Author- ity:The Development Services Division shall i. Size and location of the activity. have jurisdiction of the activities regulated in this Section after a special permit has been ii. Traffic volume and patterns. granted by the Hearing Examiner. For inspec- tion purposes, any duly authorized member iii. Screening, landscaping,fencing of this Division shall have the right and is em- and setbacks. powered to enter upon any premises at rea- sonable hours where activities regulated by iv. Unsightliness, noise and dust. this Section are occurring. This Division is empowered to issue orders,grant, renew and v. Surface drainage. revoke such licenses as are provided for in accordance with this Section. 9 - 25 4-9-080G 10. Expiration and Extensions: The spe- C. APPLICABILITY: cial permit shall be null and void if the appli- A home occupation business in a lawfully estab- cant has not begun activity within six (6) lished dwelling unit may be permitted under the months after the granting of the permit,unless provisions of this Section. "Garage Sale" as de- the Hearing Examiner grants an extension of fined in RMC 4-11-070 shall not be considered as time. Special permits are valid until the ap- an allowable home occupation. proved plans have been satisfactorily com- pleted. 1. Exemptions:The provisions of this Sec- tion do not apply to adult or child day care 11. Transferability of Special Permit:The businesses. Applicable regulations for day special permit is transferable to other per- care are found in the WAC or within the State sons,firms and corporations, and the special Department of Social and Health Services permit shall continue with the activity on the standards. (Ord. 4404, 6-7-1993) site unless a new special permit is granted. D. PROHIBITED OCCUPATIONS: 12. Modifications to Approved Plans: The occupations listed below are prohibited since (Reserved) they change the residential character of the struc- ture and shall not be considered incidental and G. VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES: secondary to the use of the residence for dwelling purposes: 1. Revocation of Special Permit: If the an- nual license has been revoked; if the annual 1. Kennels and other boarding for pets. license has not been issued for a three (3) year period; or if the applicant has not corn- 2. Automobile and associated mechanical plied with the conditions of the special permit, repairs. the Hearing Examiner may revoke the special permit. (Ord. 2820, 1-17-1974; Amd. Ord. 3. Businesses which dispense regulated 3098, 12-17-1976, Ord. 3592, 12-14-1981) substances. (Ord. 4493, 1-23-1995) 2. Penalties: See RMC 1-3-2, Civil Penal- E. CITY BUSINESS LICENSE ties. REQUIRED: A business license must be obtained from the City 4-9-090 HOME OCCUPATIONS: Finance and Information Services Department. A. DEFINITION: F. APPLICATION AND REVIEW PROCEDURES: Any commercial use conducted entirely within a The following conditions must be met to obtain a dwelling or garage and carried on by persons re- business license for all home occupations: siding in that dwelling unit which is clearly inci- dental and secondary to the use of the dwelling as 1. Business License Application: Sub- a residence. (Ord. 4655, 5-19-1997) mission of a complete application to the B. PURPOSE: Fi- nance and Information Services Department for a business license.That Department shall The City recognizes the need for some citizens to refer the application to the Zoning Adminis- use their place of residence for limited nonresi- trator for review of the proposed use under dential activities. It is the intent of this Section to this Code Section. preserve the character of residential neighbor- hoods and guarantee all residents freedom from a. Development Services Division excessive noise, excessive traffic, nuisance, fire Application: If the proposed home occu- hazard and other possible adverse effects of pation will have customer visits, more home occupations and to establish qualification than six (6) business-related deliveries standards for home occupations. (Ord. 4493, per week, or any external indication of 1-23-1995) commercial activity, then additional infor- mation is required from the applicant pur- 9 - 26 4-9-090F suant to RMC 4-8-120, Submittal f. Environmental Impacts:There shall Requirements. be no noise, vibration, smoke, gas, dust, odor, heat or glare produced by the busi- 2. Compliance: Compliance with all condi- ness which would exceed that normally tions placed on the home occupation by the associated with a dwelling. Zoning Administrator to satisfy the general purpose of this Section. In addition to the pro- g. Space: The business shall not oc- visions set forth herein, the Zoning Adminis- cupy more than twenty five percent trator may, in approving, conditioning or (25%)of the floor space of the gross floor denying the application, consider the cumula- area of the residence, and in no event, tive impacts of the proposed home occupa- more than five hundred (500) square tion in relation to other City-approved home feet. occupations in the immediate vicinity. h. Outdoor Storage: The outdoor stor- 3. Decision: If the Zoning Administrator ap- age or display of materials, goods, prod- proves the home occupation section of the ucts or equipment is prohibited. business license application,the Finance and Information Services Department may issue i. Flammable Liquids: A permit must the license provided that all other require- be obtained for storage, handling or use ments have been met. of Class I flammable or combustible liq- uids on the premises. 4. Qualification Standards: j. Fire Extinguisher:A minimum rated a. Primary Residence:The property 2-A 10 BC fire extinguisher is required on on which the business is located must be the premises. the primary residence of the business owner. k. City Codes: The home occupation must meet all City codes and ordinances b. Retail Sales and Storage: No retail for type of business being conducted. sales shall be allowed,except for sales of products made on the premises. Inciden- I. Building Alterations: Any alter- tal supplies necessary for business oper- ations to the building shall be conducted ations may be kept if not for sale. Prod- pursuant to the issuance of a permit from ucts may be sold wholesale and stored for the Planning/Building/Public Works De- wholesale distribution. partment. c. Parking: There shall be no expan- m. Accessory Structures: Existing sion of parking, including the addition of garages with adequate access may be on-site or off-site parking spaces, to sup- used for home occupations; provided, port the home occupation. that the property still complies with the parking requirements of the zone. Other d. Employees: The home occupation accessory structures, such as carports shall not employ more than one nonresi- and toolsheds, shall not be used for any dent of the dwelling unit.An employee for activities associated with the business these purposes means one individual, other than storage.Such storage shall be not a full-time equivalent. In addition, completely enclosed and not be visible home occupations may use professional from outside the accessory structure. services such as accountants. n. Signage: There shall be no exterior e. Mechanical/Electrical Equipment: or window signage, display, or advertis- There shall be no use of mechanical or ing except for one nonelectric and nonil- electrical equipment that would change luminated sign attached flush to the wall the structure or create visible or audible or window of the building with the face of interference in radio or television receiv- the sign in a plane parallel to the plane of ers or cause fluctuations in line voltage the wall or window. The allowed building outside the dwelling unit. sign may not be larger than two (2) 9 - 27 4-9-090G square feet in area. The sign material thirty o'clock (8:30) p.m. (Ord. 4493, and appearance must be harmonious 1-23-1995) with the architecture of the home. Pursu- ant to RMC 4-4-100B6q, a permit is not required for the allowed building sign. 4-9-100 HOBBY KENNEL LICENSE PROCESS: G. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR CUSTOMER VISITS OR DELIVERIES: A. PURPOSE: (Reserved) 1. Notification to Neighbors: If a home oc- B. APPLICABILITY: (Reserved) cupation will have customer visits, more than six (6) business-related deliveries per week, 1. Exemptions: (Reserved) or any external indication of commercial ac- tivity, property owners within three hundred C. AUTHORITY AND RESPONSIBILITY: feet (300') of the home occupation must be The Development Services Division, when satis- notified of the application.The applicant is re- fied that all requirements for hobby kennels are sponsible for providing current mailing labels met,shall approve the issuance of the hobby ken- and postage to the Development Services Di- nel license. The Zoning Administrator shall pro- vision which will then send the notification. vide documentation to the Finance Department that the proposed kennel complied with the re- 2. Inspection:The Zoning Administrator or quirements of this Section. (Ord. 3927, designated staff may inspect the property 7-15-1985) prior to approval of the business license to determine if the information in the application D. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND is correct and if the property can accommo- FEES: date a home occupation without changing the Shall be as listed in RMC 4-1-170, Land Use Re- residential character of the premises. view Fees, and 4-8-120C, Submittal Require- ments. 3. Comment Period: A fourteen (14) day comment period shall be allowed before a de- E. DECISION CRITERIA: cision is made by the Zoning Administrator to The Development Services Division, in reviewing approve or disapprove the home occupation a hobby kennel license application, may require section of the business license application. soundproofing as it deems necessary to insure the compatibility of the hobby kennel with the sur- 4. License Renewal: Prior to renewing a rounding neighborhood. Factors to be considered business license the City may reinspect the in determining such compatibility are:(Ord. 3927, property to evaluate whether the business in 7-15-1985) operating in a manner consistent with the re- quirements of this Section. 1. The proposed location of the hobby kennel will not have an adverse effect on ad- 5. Limitation of Use: No more than one jacent properties. home occupation may be operated within a dwelling unit with customer visits. 2. Past history of animal control com- plaints relating to the dogs and cats of the 6. Limitation of Customer Visits: There applicant at the address for which the hobby shall not be more than eight(8) customer vis- its per day defined as a person coming to re- ceive service or pick up goods.There shall be 3. Facility specifications/dimensions in no more than one customer on the premises which the dogs and cats are to be main- at any one time. A family arriving in one vehi- tained. cle or together is considered the same as one customer. 4. Animal size,type and characteristics of 7. Limitation of Hours: Customer visits to breed. a home occupation shall be between the hours of eight o'clock (8:00) a.m. and eight 9 - 28 4-9-110D 5. The zoning classification of the pre- 4-9-110 MANUFACTURED AND mises on which the hobby kennel is main- MOBILE HOME PARKS: tained. A. PURPOSE: 6. Compliance with the requirements of It is the purpose of this Section to provide a RMC 4-4-010,Standards and Review Criteria means of regulating manufactured home parks so for Keeping Animals. as to promote the health, safety, morals, general F. PERIOD OF VALIDITY, INDIVIDUAL welfare and esthetics of the City of Renton. Man- ufactured home parks should provide a pleasant LICENSES: residential environment which will be an enjoy- This license shall be valid as long as the operator able place to live and a residential asset to the is in compliance with the City requirements and City. (Ord. 3746, 9-19-1983) has not had this license revoked or renewal re- fused. In addition,all animals shall be individually B. APPLICABILITY: licensed according to the regulations found in Development of mobile home parks shall conform chapter 5-4 RMC, Animal Licenses. to the regulations established herein. It shall be il- legal to allow or permit any mobile home to re- G. VIOLATION AND PENALTIES: main in the mobile home park unless a proper space is available for it. (Ord. 3902, 4-22-1985) 1. Revocation of Business License: If,af- ter conducting an investigation the Zoning Ad- 1. Exemptions: (Reserved) ministrator finds that the operation of such home occupation is in violation of the provi- C. AUTHORITY: sions of this Section and/or the terms and conditions subject thereto, he or she shall re- 1. Building Official: It shall be the duty of fer the findings to the City Finance and Infor- the Building Official to enforce all provisions mation Services Director who may revoke the of this Section. (Ord. 3746, 9-19-1983) home occupation business license pursuant to RMC 5-5-3G, General Business License 2. Development Services Division:The Penalties. Development Services Division shall be re- sponsible for administering the review,design 2. License—Waiting Period Following and construction provisions of this Section. Revocation or Refusal to Renew: For a pe- For inspection purposes,any of the members riod of one year after the date of revocation or of the Development Services Division or their refusal to renew, licenses shall not be issued duly authorized representatives and agents for hobby kennels to applicants who have shall have the right and are hereby empow- previously had such license revoked or re- ered to enter upon any premises at any rea- newal refused. In addition,the applicant must sonable time on which any trailers or mobile meet the requirements of this Section or any homes, as above defined, are located. The provisions of the animal control authority. Development Services Division is empow- (Ord. 3927, 7-15-1985) ered to issue orders,grant,renew and revoke such permits and licenses as are provided for 3. Civil Penalties: Notwithstanding the re- in accordance with the provisions of this Sec- vocation powers of the Finance and Informa- tion. tion Services Director, penalties for any violation of any of the provisions of this Sec- 3. Hearing Examiner: The Hearing Exam- tion shall be in accord with RMC 1-3-2, Civil iner is designated as the official agency of the Penalties. (Ord. 4493, 1-23-1995) City for the review and approval of the design of a proposed mobile home park and the con- H. APPEAL: duct of public hearings thereon. The applicant or a citizen may appeal the deci- sion of the Zoning Administrator pursuant to RMC D. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND 4-8-110, Appeals. (Ord. 4493, 1-23-1995) FEES: (Reserved) 9 - 29 4-9-110E E. PARK REVIEW PROCEDURES: 7. Construction Timing: No grading, con- struction or similar activities,except the clear- 1. Application: The procedure for review ing of land, shall be permitted until the and approval of a mobile home park consists Hearing Examiner has given approval to the of the preparation and submission to the final plan. Hearing Examiner of a mobile home park plan of the proposed mobile home park. 8. Certificate of Occupancy:A signed cer- tificate of occupancy shall signify that the mo- 2. Referrals, Recommendations of De- bile home park has been satisfactorily partment: The Development Services Divi- completed according to the approved final sion shall transmit copies of the proposed plan and the requirements of this Section. mobile home park plan to the Department of Public Works,the health agency, Fire Depart- F. DEFERRALS: ment and copies to other department heads See RMC 4-9-060. and agencies as necessary for their review and recommendation.Two(2)copies shall be G. MAINTENANCE: retained by the Hearing Examiner. These de- partments and agencies shall make, within 1. General:The mobile home park shall be the scope of their municipal functions, their kept in good repair to insure that said park respective recommendations regarding the shall be a pleasant, safe and sanitary living mobile home park plan to the Development environment for present and future inhabit- Services Division, in writing, not less than fif- ants. teen (15) days prior to the date of hearing. 2. Landscaping: The mobile park shall be 3. Public Notice: Shall be as required by kept in good repair and landscaped areas RMC 4-8-090, Public Notice Requirements. maintained. Landscaped areas will be sub- ject to periodic inspection by the Develop- 4. Recommendations to Hearing Exam- ment Services Division. Landscaping shall be iner: The Development Services Division kept neat and orderly. shall transmit the application, the proposed mobile home park plan and the respective H. EXPIRATION AND EXTENSION: recommendations of City departments and The approval of the mobile home park plan shall other public agencies, together with the De- lapse unless a building permit based thereon is velopment Services Division recommenda- submitted within three (3) years from the date of tions, to the Hearing Examiner for study at such approval unless extended for good cause by least seven(7)days prior to any such hearing. the Hearing Examiner upon proper written appli- cation by the developer for a period not to exceed 5. Conditions of Approval: The Hearing one year. Only one such extension shall be Examiner may make any such changes or granted. modifications he deems necessary in the de- sign or layout of a mobile home park to opti- I. MODIFICATIONS TO APPROVED mize the development and use of the site, to PLANS: (Reserved) protect adjoining and/or surrounding proper- ties, developments,traffic patterns and/or ac- J. VIOLATION AND PENALTIES: cessibility. 1. Revocation of License:The Building Of- 6. Installation: A surety bond of not less ficial is hereby authorized to revoke any Ii- than four hundred dollars ($400.00) per acre cense issued pursuant to the terms of this of the mobile home for a maximum of two (2) Chapter if after due investigation it is deter- year period guaranteeing to the City the in- mined that the owner thereof has violated any stallation according to the approved land- of the provisions of this Chapter or that any scape plan of walls, fences and landscaping mobile home or mobile home park is being required herein shall be posted prior to the is- maintained in an unsanitary or unsafe manner suance of any permits to construct the park. or is a nuisance. Such notice of revocation shall be in writing and shall advise the lic- 9 - 30 4-9-120D ensee of the violations found. The licensee 1. Exceptions: shall have a period of ten (10) days in which to remedy the defects or omissions therein a. Damage Under Fifty Percent(50%) specified. In the event that the licensee fails of Value: Damaged existing legal non- or neglects to do so within the said ten (10) conforming uses and/or structures where day period,the order of revocation shall be fi- the costs associated with re-establishing nal. the use and/or structure do not exceed fifty percent (50%) of their most recently 2. Misdemeanor: In addition to subsection assessed value, prior to the loss or dam- J1 of this Section, any person, firm or corpo- age, are allowed to be re-established or ration violating any of the provisions of this rebuilt as a matter of right. Section shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a misdemeanor, and each such person,firm or b. Single Family Dwellings: Any le- corporation shall be deemed guilty of a sepa- gaily established single family dwelling rate offense for each and every day or portion damaged by fire or an act of God may be thereof during which any violation of any of rebuilt on the same site, subject to all rel- the provisions of this Chapter is committed, evant fire and life safety codes,without a continued or permitted; and upon conviction conditional approval permit. of such violation, such person, firm or corpo- ration shall be punishable by a fine of not C. AUTHORITY: more than three hundred dollars($300.00)or The Hearing Examiner shall hear all requests for by imprisonment for not more than ninety(90) conditional approval permits for nonconforming days,or by both such fine and imprisonment. uses. Conditional permit applications for noncon- (Ord. 3746, 9-19-1983) forming structures shall typically be heard by the Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator or K. APPEALS: his or her designee, unless such applications are See RMC 4-8-110. coupled with conditional permit applications for nonconforming uses that are being heard by the Hearing Examiner or City Council. 4-9-120 NONCONFORMING USES/ STRUCTURES REVIEW — D. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND CONDITIONAL APPROVAL PERMITS: FEES: Submittal requirements and fees shall be as A. PURPOSE OF PERMIT: specified in RMC 4-1-170, Land Use Review The purpose of this conditional approval permit is Fees, and 4-8-120C, Land Use Applications. In to allow nonconforming uses and/or structures addition to the information requested above, a that became nonconforming as a consequence of complete application shall include a plan of the Code amendments in June 1993 and thereafter, site drawn to scale showing the actual dimen- to be re-established and/or rebuilt in certain zon- sions and shape of the existing site,and the exact ing districts where they would normally be prohib- sizes and locations of existing structures and ited because the costs associated with re-estab- uses, whether damaged or not. It shall also in- lishing the use and/or structure exceed fifty clude the dates these structures/uses were es- percent (50%) of their most recently assessed or tablished. The plan should also show existing appraised value prior to the loss or damage. landscaping, off-street parking, signs, ingress and egress, and adjacent land uses. The applica- B. APPLICABILITY: tion should also include drawings, photographs, Any existing building or structure that was legally or other visual aids that show the relationship of established and has been continuously occupied, the existing structure or building to its surround- or a use that has been continuously in existence ings and may include studies or reports that sup- on the site but is now nonconforming because of port the applicant's contention that the existing a change in City Codes in June 1993 or thereaf- nonconforming use or structure is compatible with ter, may apply for a conditional approval permit. the surrounding area and its uses. Any other rel- Uses or structures that cannot substantiate that evant information requested by the Planning/ they were legal at the time they were established Building/Public Works Department shall be in- shall not be eligible for this permit. cluded in the application. 9 - 31 4-9-120E E. GENERAL DECISION CRITERIA: 5. Timeliness with Existing Plans and Such permits would be issued when the continu- Programs: Because of the anticipated mar- ance of the use or structure is determined to be in ket timing for permitted uses in the zone, re- the public interest and such uses/structures are: tention of the existing nonconforming use (1)found to be compatible with other existing and would not impede or delay the implementa- potential uses/structures in the general area; or tion of the City's Comprehensive Plan. (2) can be made to be compatible with the appli- cation of appropriate conditions. G. REVIEW CRITERIA FOR NONCONFORMING STRUCTURES: F. REVIEW CRITERIA FOR The Planning/Building/Public Works Administra- NONCONFORMING USES: tor or his or her designee shall consider the follow- The Hearing Examiner and/or City Council shall ing factors, among all other relevant information, consider the following factors,among all other rel- when considering a request for a conditional ap- evant information,when considering a request for proval permit for a nonconforming structure. In or- a conditional approval permit for a nonconforming der to grant the permit, he/she shall find that at use. In order to grant the permit, at least three (3) least three (3) of the following criteria have been of these factors shall be complied with. satisfied: 1. Community Need: There shall be a 1. Architectural and/or Historic Signifi- community need for the proposed use at its cance: The damaged structure represents a present location. In the determination of com- unique regional or national architectural style munity need, consideration shall be given to or an innovation in architecture because of its the following factors,among all other relevant style, use of materials, or functional arrange- information: ment, and is one of the few remaining exam- ples of this. a. The continuance of the nonconform- ing use should not result in either the det- 2. Architectural Compatibility with Sur- rimental overconcentration of a particular rounding Uses:The nonconforming building use within the City or within the area sur- or structure was part of a unified streetscape rounding the site. of similar structures that is unlikely to be rep- licated unless the subject structure is rebuilt b. That the existing location is or can be per, or similar to, its original plan. made suitable for the existing use. 3. Potential of Site for Redevelopment: 2. Effect on Adjacent Property:The exist- Redevelopment of the site with a conforming ing nonconforming use has not resulted in un- structure is unlikely either because the size of due adverse effects on adjacent properties the existing lot may be too small to be eco- from noise, traffic, glare, vibration, etc., (i.e., nomical,or because the characteristics of ad- does not exceed normal levels in these areas jacent permitted uses (that might normally be emanating from surrounding permitted uses). expected to expand to such a site) currently might preclude their expansion. Typically, 3. Historical Significance: The existing economic hardship would not be considered use was associated with a historical event or for a variance, but is a consideration here. activity in the community and as a result has historical significance. 4. Condition of Building/Structure: If nonconforming as to the provisions of the 4. Economic Significance: The existing City's Building Code,the building or structure use provides substantial benefit to the corn- and surrounding premises have generally munity because of either the employment of been well maintained and is not considered to a large number of people in the community, be a threat to the public health, welfare, or the generation of considerable retail and/or safety, or it could be retrofitted so as not to business/occupation tax revenues to the City, pose such a threat. or it provides needed affordable housing. 5. Departure from Zoning Code: If non- conforming with the provisions of the City's development regulations, the building or 9 - 32 4-9-140B structure does not pose a threat to the public by the Building Official. No permit for excavation health,welfare or safety,or could be modified for any building shall be issued before the appli- so as not to pose such a threat. cation has been made for certificate of occu- pancy. (Ord. 1472, 12-18-1953) H. DECISION OPTIONS: The approving body may grant, with or without 1. Exemptions: (Reserved) conditions, or deny a requested conditional per- mit. Such a permit, if granted, typically would C. CERTIFICATE AVAILABLE UPON carry conditions with it pertaining to how the dam- REQUEST: aged structure would be allowed to redevelop. Upon a written request of the owner, the Building The approving body may, for example, limit the Official shall issue a certificate of occupancy for term and duration of the conditional approval per- any building or land existing at the time this Code mit as well as impose conditions. takes effect,certifying, after inspection,the use of the building or land and whether such use con- I. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: forms to the provisions of the Code. Where a plat Conditions imposed by the approving body shall as above provided is not already on file, an appli- reasonably assure that nuisance or hazard to life cation for a certificate of occupancy shall be ac- or property will not develop. A conditional ap- companied by a survey in duplicate form such as proval permit for a nonconforming use and/or is required for a permit. structure may, for example, be conditioned upon the provision and/or guarantee by the applicant D. TIMING AND PROCEDURE: that necessary public improvements, facilities, Certificate of occupancy for the use of vacant utilities and/or services needed to support the lands or the change in the use of land as herein use/structure will be provided, or the provision of provided shall be applied for before any such land other features that would make the use/structure shall be occupied or used, and a certificate of oc- more compatible with its surroundings. cupancy shall be issued within ten (10)days after the application has been made, providing such J. EXPIRATION: use is in conformity with the provisions of these Conditions imposed relating to the duration of a regulations. (Ord. 1472, 12-18-1953) permit for a use or structure should also reflect reasonable amortization periods for any substan- E. TEMPORARY OCCUPANCY PERMITS: tial upgrades to the premises that are required by See RMC 4-9-060, Deferral of Improvement In- City Code. stallation Procedures. K. EXTENSIONS: (Reserved) 4-9-140 OPEN SPACE, L. APPEALS: AGRICULTURAL AND TIMBER The final decision of the Hearing Examiner on a LANDS; CURRENT USE conditional approval permit application will be ap- ASSESSMENT: pealable to the City Council within fourteen (14) days pursuant to RMC 4-8-110. (Ord. 4584, A. PURPOSE, APPLICABILITY, AND 2 12 1996) ADOPTION OF STATE RULES BY REFERENCE: 4-9-130 OCCUPANCY PERMITS: The City further adopts, by reference herein, the Open Space Taxation Act Rules as promulgated A. PURPOSE: (Reserved) by the Department of Revenue, State of Washing- ton, on the date of October 23, 1970, or as same B. APPLICABILITY: may be amended from time to time. (Ord. 2844, No vacant land shall be occupied or used and no 4-1-1974) building hereafter erected shall be occupied or B. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL used, nor shall the use of a building be changed REQUIREMENTS: (Reserved) from a use limited to one district to that of any other district as defined by this Chapter until a certificate of occupancy shall have been issued 9 - 33 4-9-140C C. PROCESSING FEE: 4. Encourage and permit flexibility in de- Fees for processing any application by any owner sign, placement and configuration of build- in pursuance of chapter 84.34 RCW (Open ings, use of open space, circulation facilities, Space, Agricultural and Timber Lands—Current and parking areas in order to best utilize the Use Assessment) shall be as listed in RMC potential of sites characterized by special 4-1-170A, which fee is payable to the City of features of geography, topography, size or Renton upon filing of the application by any such shape, while at the same time maintaining owner and said fee shall be delivered by the King substantially the same population density County Assessor to the City of Renton upon refer- and area coverage permitted in the zone in ral of any such application to the legislative body which the project is located; of the City.Such fee shall be deposited in the gen- eral fund of the City of Renton. 5. Encourage development of housing types that will be compatible with adjacent ex- D. REFUND OF FEE UPON DENIAL OF fisting and proposed uses and that will be ben- APPLICATION: eficial to the community; If any such application is not approved by the City of Renton, said application fee shall be refunded 6. Encourage the development of a viable by the City Treasurer unto the applicant-owner. housing stock that enhances the image of the (Ord. 2844, 4-1-1974) City; 7. Create and/or preserve usable open 4-9-150 PLANNED UNIT space for recreation and aesthetic enjoyment DEVELOPMENT (PUD) of residents; REGULATIONS: 8. Encourage creativity in design; A. PURPOSES: 9. Provide for maximum efficiency in the There are two (2) principal purposes of the layout of streets, utility networks, and other planned unit development regulations. First, it is public improvements; and the purpose of this Section to preserve and pro- tect natural features of the land, especially where 10. Provide a guide for property owners,the steep slopes or other environmentally sensitive public and City officials in reviewing and ap- areas exist, and to take into account special con- proving new developments proposed under ditions of topography and soil stability. Second, it this Section. is also the purpose of this Section to encourage innovation and creativity in the development of B. APPLICABILITY: new residential areas in the City of Renton,to cre In order to accomplish these purposes, this Sec ate desirable neighborhoods for family and com tion permits new development which is not limited munity life, to make maximum use of new by the strict application of the City's zoning and concepts and technology of land development subdivision regulations when it is demonstrated and building construction, and to carry out the ob that such new development will be superior to tra- jective and spirit of the Renton Comprehensive ditional lot-by-lot development. It shall be unlaw- Plan by allowing development that will provide ful for any person to construct,enlarge or change particular public benefits. any land or planned unit development in the City In pursuing the first purpose, the specific objec or cause or permit the same to be done contrary tives of this Section are to: to or in violation of any of the provisions of this Section. (Ord. 4351, 5-4-1992) 1. Preserve as much as possible the natural characteristics of the land, including topogra- • Exemptions: (Reserved) phy, native vegetation and views; C. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITY: 2. Reduce the risks of construction in haz- ardous or environmentally sensitive areas; Hearing Examiner: The Hearing Exam iner is designated as the official agency of the 3. Preserve and/or create wildlife habitat; City for the conduct of public hearings and for 9 - 34 4-9-150E recommendation to the City Council. (Ord. impacts to surrounding properties, and that 4039, 1-19-1987) the proposed development will provide one or more of the following benefits to the City as 2. Development Services Division: The part of the proposed PUD: Development Services Division shall be re- sponsible for the general administration and a. Protect environmentally sensitive ar- coordination of this Section. eas. 3. Reviewing Agencies:The Development b. Preservation, enhancement, or reha- Services Division, the Public Works Depart- bilitation of natural features of the subject ment, the Fire Department, the Policy Devel- property such as significant woodlands, opment Department, the Police Department, wildlife habitats or streams that the City the Parks and Recreation Department, and could not require the applicant to pre- the Seattle-King County Health Department serve, enhance or rehabilitate through shall review each proposed planned unit de- development of the subject property with- velopment. out a PUD. 4. City Council: The City Council, upon c. Public facilities that could not be re- recommendation by the Hearing Examiner quired by the City for development of the and the other agencies detailed in the para- subject property without a PUD. graph above, shall be the final approving agency under this Section. d. Design of the proposed PUD that is superior in one or more of the following D. SCOPE OF REVIEW: ways to the design that would result from In consideration of the latitude given and the ab- development of the subject property with- sence of conventional restrictions, the reviewing out a PUD: agencies, Hearing Examiner, and City Council shall have wide discretionary authority in judging i. Increased provision of open and approving or disapproving the innovations space or recreational facilities. which may be incorporated into planned unit de- velopments proposed under this Section. ii. Superior circulation patterns or location or screening of parking facil- E. DECISION CRITERIA: ities. The City may approve a PUD only if it finds that the requirements of subsections El, E2 and E3 of iii. Superior landscaping, buffering, this Section have been met. or screening in or around the pro- posed PUD. 1. Demonstration of Compliance and Su- periority Required: Any applicant for iv. Superior architectural design, planned unit development approval shall placement,relationship or orientation have the burden of demonstrating that a de- of structures, or use of solar energy. velopment is in compliance with the purposes of this Section and with the Comprehensive 3. Additional Review Criteria:A proposed Plan, that the proposed development will be PUD shall also be reviewed for consistency superior to that which would result without a with the following criteria: PUD, and that the development will not be unduly detrimental to surrounding properties. a. Compatibility with present and poten- tial surrounding land uses. (Compatibility 2. Public Benefit Required: In addition,an includes, but is not limited to, size, scale, applicant for planned unit development shall mass, character and architectural de- have the burden of demonstrating that a pro- sign.) posed development will provide specifically identified benefits to the residents of the City b. Provision of streets and pedestrian that clearly outweigh any adverse impacts or facilities which are suitable and adequate undesirable effects of the proposed PUD, to carry anticipated traffic within the pro- particularly those adverse and undesirable 9 - 35 4-9-150F posed project and in the vicinity of the k. Design of parking areas that are proposed project. complemented by landscaping and not designed in long rows. The size of park- c. Provision of utility services, emer- ing areas should be minimized and each gency services,and other improvements, area related to the group of buildings existing and proposed, which are ade- served. quate to serve the development. I. Promotion of safety through adequate d. An appearance of openness created sight distance, separation of vehicles by clustering, separation of building from pedestrians, limited driveways on groups, and use of well-designed open busy streets,avoidance of difficult turning space and landscaping. patterns,and minimization of steep gradi- ents. e. Creation of a quality environment through the provision of either passive or m. Provision of safe,efficient access for active recreation facilities and attractive emergency vehicles. common areas, including accessibility to buildings from parking areas and public n. Design of each phase of the pro- walkways. posed development, so that as it is planned to be completed, it will contain f. Provision of internal privacy between the required parking spaces,open space, dwelling units, and external privacy for recreation spaces, landscaping and utili- adjacent dwelling units. Creation of a ties necessary for creating and sustain- sense of privacy and separation from ad- ing a desirable and stable environment, jacent units through careful location of and so that each phase, together with building entrances, windows, and by the previous phases, can stand alone. use of fences, walls and landscaping. F. PERMITTED LOCATIONS: g. Orientation of buildings to enhance Planned unit developments may be permitted in views from within the site by taking ad- any residential zoning district, except the R-1-5 vantage of topography, building location District, when processed and approved as pro- and style. vided in this Section. h. Promotion of variety and innovation G. PERMITTED USES: in site and building design. Buildings in In an approved planned unit development, only groups should be related by coordinated the following uses may be permitted on a prop- materials and roof styles, but contract erty, or any portion thereof, with the respective should be provided throughout a site by underlying zoning classification. If a site contains the use of varied materials, architectural more than one zoning classification,then only the detailing, building orientation or housing uses allowed below shall be permitted in each type; i.e., single family, detached, at- correspondingly zoned area. tached, townhouses, etc. 1. G-1 and R-1 Residence Districts: i. Design of the perimeter of a project to enhance adjacent uses and not create a a. Single family detached dwellings, "walled corridor" of buildings, heavily and attached dwelling units provided that traveled streets,or light and glare. Perim- no structure shall contain more than four eter buildings should be similar in scale (4)dwelling units and that each unit shall and bulk to buildings on adjacent sites. have its own ground floor access and no unit shall be located above another unit. j. Provision of a system of walkways which tie residential areas to recreational b. Accessory uses customarily inciden- areas, transit, public walkways, schools, tal to such allowed uses. and commercial activities. 9 - 36 4-9-1501 2. R-2, R-3 and R-4 Residence Districts: ronmentally sensitive areas, of re- spective underlying zoning). a. Single family detached dwellings, single family attached dwellings, du- 3. Maximum Base Residential Densities: plexes, townhouses, and multiple family The base residential density permitted in a dwellings. PUD shall be: b. Accessory uses customarily inciden- a. G-1 Zone: One dwelling unit per tal to such allowed uses. acre. c. Public and quasi-public uses which b. R-1 Zone:Four(4)dwelling units per are compatible with surrounding uses or acre. are an integral part of the PUD. c. R-2 Zone: Eight (8) dwelling units H. MINIMUM SITE AREA: per acre. No minimum site area shall be required for a PUD. d. R-3 Zone: Seventeen (17) dwelling units per acre. I. DENSITY/PERMITTED NUMBER OF DWELLING UNITS: e. R-4 Zone: Twenty four (24) dwelling units per acre. 1. Method of Computing: The maximum number of dwelling units permitted in a 4. Reduction in Base Density for Lands planned unit development shall be deter- Identified as Sensitive: These base densi- mined b multiplyingthe ross site area times ties shall apply to the gross acreage of all Y 9 the allowed base units per acre of the under- lands within a PUD, provided that the base lying zoning times the total of the percentage density of any portion of a site that is identi- increases of each earned density bonus. fied as containing very severe environmen- Gross site areas shall mean the total site area tally sensitive areas is reduced by seventy before allowing for improvements, such as five percent (75%) and the base density of streets, utility easements, and circulation ar- any portion of a site identified as containing eas. In no case shall the number of dwelling severe environmentally sensitive areas is re- units permitted on a site exceed the maximum duced by fifty percent (50%). permitted density of the underlying zoning of the site, as specified in subsection 13 of this 5. Environmentally Sensitive Areas Map Section. Folio: The purpose of these maps is to alert the public and responsible officials to the po- 2. Formula: The general formulas for de- tential presence of environmentally sensitive termining the permitted number of dwelling areas on the sites of development proposals. units in a PUD are as follows: In cases of mapping error, the actual pres- ence or absence of the features defined in #of dwelling units permitted= the this Section as environmentally sensitive, as smaller of: determined by qualified professional and technical persons,shall govern the treatment (Gross site area in acres x base den- of an individual building site or parcel of land sity, or modified base density for en- as environmentally sensitive. vironmentally sensitive areas, of the respective underlying zoning) x 6. Bonus Densities: One or more of the (100% + sum of percentages of all following density bonuses may be earned in bonuses earned); or addition to the base units per acre allowed in a PUD. The bonus percentages shall be (Gross site area in acres x maximum added together before being multiplied by the permitted residential densities, or permitted base density. modified maximum density for envi- a. Open Space: A five percent (5%) density bonus if at least twenty five per- 9 - 37 4-9-1501 cent (25%) or one-half (1/2) acre, which- alarms approved by the Renton Police ever is less, of the open space has a Department. slope of ten percent (10%) or less. Such open space shall be concentrated areas j. Perimeter Setback and Buffer: A and shall not be covered by standing wa- ten percent (10%) density bonus if the ter except occasionally during the year. landscaped setback from adjacent R-1 Residential Districts required in subsec- b. Active Recreation Areas: A five tion J4a of this Section is increased to percent (5%) density bonus if two (2) or fifty feet(50'), unless such increased set- more active recreational features, such back would be required anyway due to as jogging/walking trails, pools, recre- topography, easements or other limita- ation building, children's play areas, ten- tions of the property. nis courts and sports courts are provided for each one hundred (100) residential k. Private Open Space: A five percent units. (5%) density bonus for usable private open space in excess of minimum re- c. Environmentally Sensitive Areas: quirements (subsection J3 of this Sec- A five percent (5%) bonus for each ten tion) and, specifically, when the private percent (10%) of the site identified as open space for a ground floor unit ex- having very severe or severe environ- ceeds three hundred(300)square feet or mentally sensitive features that are left eighty (80)square feet for an upper story undisturbed. unit. d. Public Access:A ten percent(10%) 7. Maximum Total Residential Densities: density bonus if public access which is The maximum residential densities that may acceptable to the City is granted to lakes, be achieved in a PUD shall not exceed: rivers, and other unusual site features (e.g., unique open space, recreation ar- a. G-1 Zone:One and one-fourth(1.25) eas, etc.). dwelling units per acre. e. Parking Lots: A five percent (5%) b. R-1 Zone: Six (6) dwelling units per density bonus if off-street parking is acre. grouped in areas of sixteen (16) stalls or less and separated from other parking ar- c. R-2 Zone:Twelve(12)dwelling units eas by significant landscaping. per acre. f. Enclosed Parking: A five percent d. R-3 Zone: Twenty five (25) dwelling (5%)density bonus if at least fifty percent units per acre. (50%) of the parking stalls are placed un- derground or enclosed by walls on three e. R-4 Zone: Thirty five (35) dwelling (3) sides, such as in garages. units per acre. g. Arterial Access:A five percent(5%) 8. Reduction in Total Density for Lands density bonus if the principal vehicular Identified as Sensitive: These maximum access point opens directly onto a pri- densities shall apply to all lands within a PUD, mary or secondary arterial. provided that the maximum density of any portion of a site that is identified as containing h. Public Transit: A five percent (5%) very severe environmentally sensitive areas density bonus if public transit is available is reduced by fifty percent (50%) and the within five hundred feet (500') walking maximum density of any portion of a site distance from the PUD. identified as containing severe environmen- tally sensitive areas is reduced by twenty five i. Security: A five percent (5%)density percent (25%). bonus if the PUD provides a crime pre- vention plan, including locks, security lighting, appropriate doors,windows and 9 - 38 4-9-150J J. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: cel, whether developed or undeveloped, then any building or structure in the PUD 1. Code Provisions That May Be Modi- shall be set back at least twenty five feet fied: In approving a planned unit develop- (25') from such parcel. Such twenty five ment, the City may modify any of the stan- foot (25') setback shall be open space, dards of the Zoning, Parking and Loading, and shall not be utilized for parking, and Subdivision Codes except the following: streets, driveways, playgrounds or other intensive uses, but such twenty five foot a. The City may not modify any of the (25') setback shall be landscaped as provisions of this Section; hereinabove described and maintained as a common area and open space. b. The City may not modify any provi- sion of the above codes that specifically b. Setback and Height Limitations state that its requirements are not subject Adjacent to R-1 Zones: Any structure to modifications under a PUD; within one hundred feet (100') of an R-1 Zone shall be comprised of detached sin- c. The City may not modify any of the gle family housing no more than thirty five procedural provisions of these codes; feet (35') in height. and c. Spacing Between Buildings: No d. The City may not modify any provi- minimum spacing between buildings sion that specifically applies to develop- within a PUD is required provided that ment on a wetland, floodplain, or each development shall provide reason- regulated slope. able visual and acoustical privacy for dwelling units and surrounding proper- 2. Common Open Space Standard: Each ties; fences, insulation, walks, barriers, PUD shall provide not less than thirty five per- and landscaping are used, as appropri- cent (35%) of the total site area for common ate, for the protection and aesthetic en- open space. Open space shall be concen- hancement of the property and the trated in large usable areas and may be de- privacy of its occupants and surrounding signed provide either active or passive properties, screening of objectionable recreation or to provide a wildlife habitat. view or uses, and reduction of noise;win- dows are placed at such a height or loca- 3. Private Open Space:Each unit in a PUD tion or screened to provide adequate shall have usable private open space (in ad- privacy;and adequate light and air is pro- dition to parking, storage space, lobbies, and vided to each dwelling unit. corridors) for the exclusive use of the occu- pants of that unit. Each ground floor unit, 5. Shoreline Areas: Planned unit develop- whether attached or detached, shall have pri- ments which include any shoreline of natural vate open space which is contiguous to the lakes, rivers and other waterways shall be unit and shall be an area of at least twenty governed by the requirements of the City percent (20%) of the gross square footage of Code entitled Residential Subdivision of First the dwelling units. The private open space Class Shorelands and Shoreline Master Pro- shall be well demarcated and at least ten feet gram. (10') in every dimension. Decks on upper floors can substitute for some of this required 6. Environmentally Sensitive Areas: private open space. For dwelling units which PUDs in areas identified as very severe or se- are exclusively upper story units, there shall vere environmentally sensitive areas shall be be deck areas totaling at least sixty (60) subject to special review by the City to assure square feet in size with no dimension less stable building conditions, safe and conve- than five feet (5'). nient access, and minimum disruption of the natural physical features of the land. Special 4. Setback and Height Standards: engineering, soils, hydrologic or geologic • studies may be required to assure public a. Setback from R-1 Zones: When- safety and welfare. ever a PUD shall abut a R-1 zoned par- 9 - 39 4-9-150J 7. Access, Circulation and Parking: for providing maintenance of landscaping may be waived if a landscaping mainte- a. General: The planned unit develop- nance contract with a reputable land- ment shall have adequate pedestrian and scaping firm licensed to do business in vehicle access and parking commensu- the City of Renton is executed and kept rate with the location, size and density of active for a two(2)year period. A copy of the proposed development. Vehicle ac- such contract shall be kept on file with the cess shall not be unduly detrimental to Development Services Division. adjacent areas and shall take into consid- eration the anticipated traffic which the b. Maintenance: Landscaping and un- development may generate. improved common open space shall be maintained permanently by the property b. Streets: All streets within a PUD owners' association or the owner of the shall be dedicated to the City for public PUD, or the agent or agents thereof and use. Such streets shall be developed to shall be subject to periodic inspection by the full minimum standards specified in the City. In the event that such landscap- RMC 4-6-060, including curbs, gutters ing or open space is not maintained in a and sidewalks. responsible manner, the City shall have the right to provide for the maintenance c. Parking:Adequate vehicular parking thereof and bill the property owners' as- areas shall be provided. Vehicular park- sociation accordingly. Such bill, if unpaid, ing may be provided either on-street or shall become a lien against each individ- off-street within the PUD, provided that ual property. the total number of available spaces is at least equal to the resident and guest 9. Installation and Maintenance of Corn- parking requirements specified in the mon Facilities: parking and loading regulations. a. Installation: Prior to the issuance of d. Pedestrian Circulation: Adequate any occupancy permits, all common facil- pedestrian circulation facilities shall be ities, including but not limited to utilities, provided. These facilities shall be dura- storm drainage, streets, recreation facili- ble, serviceable, safe, convenient to the ties, etc., shall be completed by the de- dwelling units, and separated by curb or veloper or, if deferred by the Board of other means from the vehicle traffic facil- Public Works, assured through a perfor- ities. mance bond to the City in an amount equal to a minimum of one hundred fifty 8. Installation and Maintenance of Corn- percent(150%)of the cost of installation, mon Open Space: except for such common facilities that are intended to serve only future phases of a a. Installation: All common area and PUD. Any common facilities that are in- open space shall be landscaped in accor- tended to serve both the present and fu- dance with the landscaping plan submit- ture phases of a PUD shall be installed or ted by the applicant and approved by the bonded as specified above before occu- City, provided that common open space pancy of the earliest phase that will be containing natural features worthy of served. At the time of such bonding and preservation may be left unimproved. deferral, the City shall determine what Prior to the issuance of any occupancy portion of the costs of improvements is permit, the developer shall furnish a per- attributable to each phase of a PUD. formance bond to the City in an amount equal to a minimum of one hundred fifty b. Maintenance: All common facilities percent(150%) of the cost of the installa- not dedicated to the City shall be perma- tion of the approved landscaping, which nently maintained by the PUD owner, if shall be planted within one year of the there is only one owner, or by the prop- date of final approval of the PUD,and the erty owners' association, or the agent(s) maintenance of such landscaping for a thereof. In the event that such facilities period of two (2)years thereafter.A bond are not maintained in a responsible man- 9 - 40 4-9-150K ner, as determined by the City, the City vices Division and shall include the general shall have the right to provide for the intent of the development, apportionment of maintenance thereof and bill the owner or land for buildings and land use, proposed property owners'association accordingly. phases, if any, and such other information or Such bill, if unpaid, shall become a lien documentation which the Development Ser- against each individual property. vices Division shall require. Submittal re- quirements and fees shall be as listed in RMC K. PROCEDURE FOR PRELIMINARY 4-1-170, Land Use Review Fees, and APPROVAL OF PLANNED UNIT 4-8-120C, Land Use Applications. DEVELOPMENTS: The approval of a planned unit development shall 5. Public Notice and Comment Period: In be by the City Council, upon recommendation by addition to RMC 4-8-9, Public Notice Re- the Hearing Examiner, and shall be processed in quirements,public notice shall be in the form accordance with the following procedures: of three (3) signs placed on or near the sub- ject property and clearly visible from the larg- 1. Who May Apply: Any owner, group of est public street serving the property. The owners of contiguous property acting jointly, Development Services Division shall also developer, or authorized agent may submit make a reasonable effort to notify by mail all an application for a PUD. known homeowners' associations, commu- nity clubs or similar organizations in the 2. Filing of Application: The application neighborhood of a proposed PUD.The public for preliminary approval of a PUD shall be comment period shall be as specified in RMC filed with the Development Services Division 4-8-090, Public Notice Requirements. accompanied by a filing fee as established by RMC 4-1-170, Land Use Review Fees.Wher- Failure to receive such mailed notification ever a planned unit development is intended shall have no effect upon the proposed action to be subdivided into smaller parcels, an ap- or application. plication for preliminary plat approval may be submitted together with the application for fi- 6. Phasing: Planned unit developments nal plan PUD approval. In such case, the pre- may be proposed to be developed in one or liminary plat and the final plan PUD shall be more phases. If developed in phases, each processed and reviewed concurrently. Sub- phase of the PUD shall contain adequate sequent to final plan PUD approval, a PUD parking,open space,recreation space,public may also be subdivided by the binding site benefits, landscaping, buffering, circulation, plan process. utilities and other improvements necessary so that each phase, together with any earlier 3. Informal Review: Prior to making appli- phases, may stand alone and satisfy the pur- cation for preliminary approval,the developer poses of this Section. Further, each phase shall meet with the reviewing departments to must meet the requirements of subsection E2 study and review the proposed PUD. The de- of this Section, Public Benefit Required, un- veloper shall prepare and submit to the De- less the public benefits have been met by velopment Services Division eight (8) copies previously approved phases. of a tentative application with vicinity and site maps containing the information required in 7. Review Process: The preliminary plan subsection K4 of this Section, together with shall be circulated to all reviewing depart- other pertinent information required by the re- ments for comments. The Development Ser- viewing departments. The maps may be rea- vices Division shall determine that the plans sonably accurate sketches. A fee as comply with the development policies of the established by RMC 4-1-170, Land Use Re- Renton Comprehensive Plan and this Sec- view Fees, for a tentative PUD shall be paid tion and shall make a recommendation to the by the petitioner prior to this informal review. Hearing Examiner accordingly. 4. Submittal Requirements and Applica- 8. Decision:After public hearing, the Hear- tion Fees: A preliminary development plan ing Examiner shall recommend approval, ap- shall be submitted to the Development Ser- proval with conditions, or denial of the preliminary plan. The City Council, upon rec- 9 -41 4-9-150 L ommendation of the Hearing Examiner, shall all plans and information in the detail required for approve, modify or deny the preliminary plan a final plan and shall comply with all other require- PUD. City Council action to approve a prelim- ments and standards for a final plan. inary plan PUD shall be by ordinance and shall include an accurate description of the M. FINAL PLAN REVIEW PROCEDURES: boundaries, land uses and number of units of the PUD, and any phases thereof, as well as 1. Time Limits:The developer shall,within the effective date of approval and the date of two(2)years of the effective date of action by expiration of such approval. the City Council to approve the preliminary plan, submit to the Development Services Di- 9. Effect of an Approved Preliminary vision a final development plan showing the Plan: The approval of a preliminary plan con- ultimate design and specific details of the pro- stitutes the City's acceptance of the general posed planned unit development or the final project, including its density, intensity, ar- phase or phases thereof. rangement and design. Approval authorizes the applicant or subsequent owner to apply Upon application by the developer, the Hear- for final plan approval of the PUD or phase(s) ing Examiner may grant an extension of the thereof. Preliminary plan approval does not approved preliminary plan for a maximum of authorize any building permits or any site twelve (12) months. Application for such ex- work except that required for surveying and tension shall be made at least thirty(30)days engineering of the final plan or that required prior to the expiration date of preliminary plan by the City for improvements that are neces- approval. Only one such extension may be sary for a particular phase of the PUD for granted for a PUD. If a final development plan which final plan approval has been granted. is not filed within such two (2) years or within An approved preliminary plan binds the future the extended time period, if any,the PUD pre- PUD site and all subsequent owners to the liminary plan shall be deemed to have ex- uses, densities, and standards of the prelimi- pired or been abandoned and shall be subject nary plan until such time as a final plan is ap- to the provisions of subsection 0 of this Sec- proved for the entire site or all phases of the tion. site, or a new preliminary plan is approved,or the preliminary plan is abandoned or expires 2. Submittal Requirements and Fees for subject to the provisions of subsection 0 of Final Plan Application: A final plan applica- this Section. tion shall be submitted for a PUD, or a phase thereof, to the Development Services Divi- 10. Zoning Map Revised: Upon the au- sion. The proposed final plan shall be in sub- thority of the approval ordinance of a prelimi- stantial conformance with the approved nary plan PUD, the City shall place the PUD preliminary plans, including phasing, subject designation as an overlay on the subject to the provisions of subsections M4 and M5 of property on the City of Renton Zoning Map. this Section. Submittal requirements shall be as listed in RMC 4-8-120C, Land Use Appli- 11. Sale of Planned Unit Development: If cations. Application fees shall be as listed in a developer sells the site or a portion of the RMC 4-1-170, Land Use Review Fees. site after preliminary approval, such sale shall not prevent final approval of the planned 3. Public Notice: Public notice shall be unit development, providing that any suc- provided in the manner prescribed for prelim- ceeding owner agrees to comply with the re- inary plans. quirements of this Section, and any and all conditions or covenants that have been es- 4. Minor Modifications: As part of the ap- tablished for the approved PUD. proval of a final plan, the City may require or approve a minor deviation from the prelimi- L. MERGER OF REVIEW STAGES: nary plan if: The applicant may request that review and deci- sion on the preliminary plan and final plan be a. The change is necessary because of merged in one decision. The merged decision natural features of the subject property shall follow the procedural steps required of a pre- not foreseen by the applicant or the City liminary plan. However,the applicant shall submit 9 -42 4-9-150M prior to the approval of the preliminary a. Covenants Required: As a condi- development plan; or tion of final plan PUD approval, cove- nants shall be executed that run with the b. The change will not have the effect of land, and with all subdivided portions significantly reducing any area of land- thereof, stating that such property is part scaping, open space, natural area or of an approved PUD, and including the parking;or file number thereof and a description of the uses, densities and phases of the ap- c. The change will not have the effect of proved PUD. Such covenant shall also increasing the density or significantly in- be recorded for each property created creasing the total amount of floor area of through any subsequent subdivisions. the PUD; or b. Property Owners' Association Re- d. The change will not result in any quired: The developer or owner(s) of a structure, circulation or parking area be- PUD shall be required to form a legally fin- ing moved significantly in any direction;or corporated property owners' association prior to the occupancy of any portion of a e. The change will not reduce any set- PUD. If there is only one owner of the back approved as part of the preliminary PUD, either a property owners' associa- plan by more than ten percent(10%)and tion shall be formed or a covenant run- the required minimum setback is met; or ping with the land shall be filed requiring the formation of such an association prior f. The change will not result in a signifi- to the first subsequent sale of the prop- cant increase in the height of any struc- erty, or portion thereof. ture as approved in the preliminary plan; or 7. Effect of an Approved Final Plan: g. The change will not increase or cre- a. Standards Superimposed: The fi- ate any adverse impacts or undesirable nal approval of a planned unit develop- effects on the surrounding neighborhood. ment, under the procedures detailed in this Section, shall superimpose the re- 5. Major Modifications: Major modifica- quirements of that specific approved tions are those which substantially change planned unit development on the under- the basic design,density,circulation, or open lying zone regulations as an exception space requirements of the PUD. Major modi- thereto, to the extent that the require- fications to a preliminary plan PUD shall be ments of the planned unit development processed as a new preliminary plan. modifies or supersedes the regulations of the underlying zone. Final plan approval 6. Review and Approval of Final Plan: shall be binding upon property or the re- The final plan shall be reviewed by the de- spective phase(s)with regards to density, partments and the Hearing Examiner, in the open space, uses, and other standards manner prescribed for preliminary plans, to until such time as a new final plan PUD is determine if the final plan is in substantial approved or the final plan expires or is conformance with the approved preliminary abandoned subject to subsection 0 of plan and is consistent with the purposes and this Section. review criteria of this Section. After a public hearing thereon, the Hearing Examiner shall b. Construction Authorized:Approval make a decision to approve, approve with of a final plan PUD is authorization to ap- conditions or deny the final plan.The decision ply for building permits to construct the shall include a description of the elements of PUD. The developer shall prepare and the approved PUD, including land uses, num- submit building permit applications which ber of units, phasing, the effective date of ap- are accepted as substantially complete to proval and of expiration, time limits, required the Development Services Division within improvements and the schedule for imple- six (6) months of the effective date of ap- mentation,and any conditions that may apply proval.The developer shall complete the to the PUD. approved planned unit development or 9 - 43 4-9-150N any phase thereof included in the ap- opment plans, their content and proved final plan within two(2)years from configuration. If a preliminary PUD is modi- the date of the decision to approve the fi- fied and has any major modifications permit- nal plan by the Hearing Examiner, unless ted to it, then this sign shall similarly be the examiner designates a shorter time. modified to comply with any approved Failure to complete the PUD, or any changes to the modified PUD. Any sign phase thereof,within this time limit will re- erected pursuant to this Code Section shall quire the submittal of a new preliminary be exempt from the provisions of the Sign and final plan application in order to con- Code. All such public notification signs pro- tinue construction of the PUD. Failure to posed subject to this Section shall be re- submit a new application or to complete viewed and approved by the Development the PUD once construction has begun Services Division to insure that the informa- shall constitute abandonment of the PUD tion to be displayed is clearly legible and that subject to subsection 0 of this Section. the size of the sign is no larger than what is Expiration of any building permit issued needed to convey the required information. for a PUD shall be governed by the provi- The sign is to be removed at such time as the sions of the applicable Building Code. final phase of the PUD has been approved Construction of any portion of the PUD re- and constructed. (Ord. 4060, 4-20-1987) quires a current approved PUD and a cur- rent building permit. 2. Conformance with Final Plan Re- quired: Building permits shall be issued for 8. Phasing: If developed in phases, each construction in planned unit developments phase of the PUD shall contain adequate only in accordance with the final plan and pro- parking,open space,recreation space,public gram elements of the final plan as approved benefits, landscaping, buffering, circulation, by the Hearing Examiner. utilities and other improvements necessary so that each phase, together with any earlier 3. Minor Adjustments to Final Plan:Minor phases, may stand alone and satisfy the pur- adjustments to the final plan which involve poses of this Section. Further, each phase only insignificant revisions to the exact loca- must meet the requirements of subsection E2 tion and configuration of buildings, roadways, of this Section, Public Benefit Required, un- open space or other features and do not in- less the public benefits have been met by volve any changes in density, relative density previously approved phases. within the site, intensity, architectural style, housing type or other significant characteris- 9. Extension of Time Limits for Remain- tics of the PUD may be approved by the De- ing Phases: Approval of a final plan for any velopment Services Division when issuing phase of the approved preliminary plan shall building permits. Adjustments that are deter- constitute an extension for two (2) years of mined by the Development Services Division the remainder of the preliminary plan from the to not be minor adjustments shall require the effective date of Hearing Examiner action on submittal of a new final plan or preliminary the final plan. plan application,according to subsections M4 and M5 of this Section, Modifications. N. BUILDING AND OCCUPANCY PERMITS: 4. Occupancy Permit Issuance Proce- dure:The Development Services Division Di- 1. Public Notification Signage: Prior to is- rector may issue a temporary or final suance of any building permits for a final occupancy permit subject to any conditions PUD, the applicant will erect and maintain in appropriate to insure the public health, safety a legible manner a sign which is sufficiently and general welfare, and to insure the timely large and prominently sited, and which execution of the remainder of the planned graphically portrays all phases of the prelimi- unit development. Prior to issuance of the nary PUD including dwelling unit types, num- permit the Director shall find: ber of units, parking, open space, and recreational facilities. The purpose of this a. That the developer is engaged in the temporary sign is to inform neighbors and fu- continuation of the construction of the re- ture residents about future phases of devel- mainder of the PUD application. 9 - 44 4-9-160B b. That all requirements of the PUD ap- ties, streets or other improvements of any proval, and requiredhealth and safety phase of a PUD. regulations of the City have been satis- fied. 3. Resuming Development of an Aban- doned PUD Site: In order to resume devel- c. That the partial occupancy has been opment of an abandoned PUD site, a new granted deferrals of on-site or off-site im- final plan application shall be submitted for provements not yet completed pursuant any partially completed phase of the PUD to provisions of the Renton Municipal and a new preliminary plan application shall Code. be submitted for all remaining portions of the site. In any case, all subsequent preliminary d. That partial occupancy will be in the or final plans shall adhere to the Renton City general public interest, and not detrimen- Code provisions in force at the time of resub- tal to the public health, safety and wel- mission including open space, dwelling unit fare. density and setback requirements. No build- ing permits shall be issued, renewed or ex- 5. Occupation of Structures:Any finished tended until such new preliminary or final structures, short of full implementation of an plans are approved. approved final plan for a PUD or those phases thereof, may be occupied upon the is- P. APPEALS OF EXAMINER'S DECISION suance of a conditional use permit by the ON A FINAL PUD: Hearing Examiner together with such condi- The Hearing Examiner's decision on a final plan tions,covenants or other terms in order to as- PUD may be appealed to the City Council pursu- sure compliance with the requirements of ant to RMC 4-8-110. If the Hearing Examiner acts subsection J of this Section, Development on appeal to approve a final PUD, the decision Standards, and/or any other applicable provi- will include an effective date of approval consis- sion of this Section and the City's zoning reg- tent with subsection K8 of this Section, Decision. ulations. Q. APPEAL OF COUNCIL DECISION ON O. EXPIRATION OR ABANDONMENT OF PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: A PUD: The action, by ordinance, of the City Council to approve, modify or deny a PUD shall be final and 1. Expiration: Expiration of an approved conclusive, unless the time period specified in preliminary plan shall be defined as failure to RMC 4-8-110, Appeals, an aggrieved party ob- satisfy the time limits or other requirements of tains a writ of review from Superior Court. If Coun- submitting a final plan application. Expiration cil acts in appeal to approve a preliminary PUD, of an approved final plan PUD shall be de- the decision will include an effective date of ap- fined as failure to initiate construction of a proval consistent with subsection K8 of this Sec- PUD. Expiration can only occur if no on-site tion, Decision. (Ord. 4039, 1-19-1987) construction has begun. Upon expiration of a preliminary or final plan,the undeveloped site R. VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES: may only be developed if a new preliminary Penalties for any violation of any of the provisions and final plan PUD is approved or if the City of this Chapter shall be in accord with RMC 1-3-2, Council, by ordinance, removes the PUD Civil Penalties. (Ord. 4351, 5-4-1992) designation and revokes the original ap- proval. 4-9-160 PUBLIC ART EXEMPTION 2. Abandonment: Abandonment of a pre- PROCEDURE: liminary and/or final plan for the purpose of this Section shall mean the failure and ne- A. PURPOSE: (Reserved) glect of the developer to meet the require- ments of subsection M7b of this Section,or to B. APPLICABILITY: diligently pursue the project and the improve "Objects of art"for the purposes of this Section ments incidental thereto for a period of six (6) shall include, but not be limited to, sculptures, months, after beginning or completing con wall paintings, murals,collages or banners by art- struction of any of the residential units, utili- 9 -45 4-9-160C ists recognized by the Renton Municipal Arts site plans and wall elevations depicting the loca- Commission and when consistent with guide- tion of the objects of art. lines, if any, established by the Renton Municipal Arts Commission. (Ord. 4401, 5-3-1993) F. STAFF REVIEW OF EXEMPTION REQUESTS: C. CRITERIA FOR EXEMPTIONS FROM If the City determines that there is no issue as to SIGN CODE REQUIREMENTS: the artistic merit of the proposed object, then the Objects of art are exempt from the requirements City may issue the applicant a public art exemp- of the City's Sign Code when: tion certificate. Appeals from administrative deci- sions may be filed as referenced in RMC 4-8-110, 1. Sited in a manner as to be readily acces- Appeals. (Ord. 4401, 5-3-1993;Amd. Ord. 4720, sible to pedestrians for passive viewing; 5-4-1998) 2. Sited in a manner so as not to unduly di- G. SPECIAL ARTS COMMISSION vert the attention of motorists from the road- REVIEW OF EXEMPTION REQUESTS: way; If the City determines that there is an issue as to the artistic merit of the object, then upon receipt 3. Stationary and do not revolve or other- of a completed application the Development Ser- wise move; vices Division shall forward the application to the Renton Municipal Arts Commission for review 4. Not illuminated; and recommendation and shall notify the appli- cant of the date the application was transferred to 5. In good taste and reasonably reflect ac- the Commission. ceptable community values; 1. Commission Review and Recommen- 6. Of sufficient durability so as to have a life dations: The Renton Municipal Arts Corn- expectancy of at least ten (10) years; mission, following adopted procedures, shall review and transmit to the Development Ser- 7. Not used or referred to in the media or by vices Division a recommendation on the ap- the owners of the premises or operators of plication not later than forty five (45) days businesses contained thereon for business from the date of acceptance of a complete advertising purposes. application, in accordance with the following procedures. D. EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE REQUIRED FOR PUBLIC ART: 2. Renton Municipal Arts Commission Before a proposed object of art may be exempted Role Regarding Public Art Exemption Cer- from the City's Sign Code, the property owner or tificate:The role of the Commission shall be his/her representative shall apply for and be to:(1) recommend whether proposed objects granted a public art exemption certificate by the of art reasonably reflect acceptable commu- City. Placement of objects of art exempted from nity values; (2) recommend whether the pro- the Sign Code must comply with the other provi- posed siting location, size/scale, etc., are sions of the City's Zoning and Building Codes. appropriate for public display;(3)recommend whether adequate provisions have been E. EXEMPTION APPLICATION made for public access and passive viewing PROCEDURE: of the objects of art; and (4) to determine Applicants must submit an application with the whether the objects of art are consistent with appropriate filing fees according to the City's es- the Commission's established guidelines and tablished fee schedule to the Development Ser- are by a recognized artist. vices Division of the Department of Planning/ Building/Public Works. The application shall in- 3. Determination of Artist Recognition: clude five (5) sets of photographs, scaled draw- In determining that an artist is recognized,the ings, and/or three (3) dimensional depictions of Renton Municipal Arts Commission shall es- the proposed objects/surfaces to be exempted, a tablish a panel,consisting of three(3) Renton biographical sketch of the artist, and appropriate Municipal Arts Commissioners and two (2) artists or instructors who are actively en- 9 -46 4-9-170D gaged in the medium used to create the pro- 4-9-170 RAILROAD AND UTILITY posed object of art for which exemption has LINE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT: been applied,which shall determine whether or not said proposed object of art meets or A. PURPOSE: (Reserved) exceeds the standards generally accepted for that medium, and whether or not media B. APPLICABILITY: and technique show competency and quality No person or corporation shall build or construct of workmanship. any railroad of any kind or any street railway,tele- 4. Fee:A separate fee, up to a maximum of graph line, telephone line, electric light line, gas three hundred dollars ($300.00), will be main or underground conduit for use of any public charged to the applicant for the costs associ utility company in any street, avenue or alley of ated with the Renton Municipal Arts Commis the City without first obtaining a permit therefor sion's selection of the peer review panel.This from the Council and no person shall make any fee will be determined by the Renton Munici excavation of any kind or deposit any material or pal Arts Commission. thing in any street, avenue or alley of this City for the purpose or with the intention of building, con- es. FINAL AUTHORITY: structing or extending any such street railway, telegraph line, telephone line, electric light line, After reviewing the recommendation of the Renton Municipal Arts Commission, a City official gas main or underground conduit for use of any designated by the Development Services Division public utility company without first obtaining such permit from the Council. (Ord. 1065, 9 5 1939) shall make a determination as to whether a public art exemption certificate shall be issued. C. NO PERMIT FOR ORDINARY REPAIR: I. APPEAL: ceeding under this Chapter that a franchise to It shall be no defense of any prosecution or pro- If, after reviewing the recommendation of the Renton Municipal Arts Commission, the City offi- build or construct any such street railway, tele- graph line, telephone line, electric light line, gas cial determines that the public art exemption is main or underground conduit for use of any public denied, the applicant may appeal that determina- utility company that has been granted by any law tion to the Examiner pursuant to RMC 4-8-110, of this City, but this Chapter shall not be so con- Appeals. strued as to require a permit for the construction 1. Standing and Authority for Hearing of ordinary repairs to any such structure where Appeal: If, after reviewing the recommenda- such repairs are made in good faith and not for tion of the Renton Municipal Arts Commis the purpose of construction of such structure. sion, the City official determines that the D. DECISION CRITERIA: public art exemption is denied, the applicant If the person applying to the Council for any such may appeal that determination to the Hearing permit shall have a valid and existing franchise or Examiner. The decision from which the ap permission for the structure desired under any peal is taken will be an administrative deci valid law of the City, the Council may grant such sion for purposes of appeal. permit provided that said Council shall defer or 2. Transmittal of File and Staff Report to temporarily refuse the granting thereof until such Examiner: On appeal,the Development Ser time as it deems proper or in its discretion in all vices Division shall submit the official file, in cases where the street, avenue or alley in or on cluding one set of the application materials which the work desired to be done is occupied or together with the recommendation of the about to be occupied in any work by the City in im- Renton Municipal Arts Commission and a proving or repairing such street, avenue, alley or staff report,to the Hearing Examiner at least public place, or in repairing other property of the ten (10)days prior to the Hearing Examiner's City, or in cases where such street, avenue, alley scheduled public hearing on this item. (Ord. or public place is occupied or about to be occu 4401, 5 3 1993) pied by any other persons having the right to use the same in such manner as to render it inconve- nient to the public to permit any further obstruc- tion thereof at said time, and provided, further, that a sufficient portion of such street, avenue, al- 9 - 47 4-9-170E ley or public place shall, as far as possible, be The rezone hearing shall be held before the Hear- open for public use for the purposes of traffic,and ing Examiner under the procedures and rules of in all cases,any work of the City or its contractors the Hearing Examiner. (Ord. 4437, 2-21-1994) or employees shall have precedence over all other work of any kind. E. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND FEES: E. VIOLATION AND PENALTIES: Submittal requirements and fees shall be as specified in RMC 4-1-170, Land Use Review 1. Construction without Permit Consid- Fees, and 4-8-120C, Land Use Applications. ered Public Nuisance: All street railways, telegraph lines, telephone lines, electric light F. DECISION CRITERIA FOR CHANGE lines, gas mains or underground conduits for OF ZONE CLASSIFICATION: use of any public utility company and all rails, ties, planks, posts, wires or other structures, 1. In any case where a change of the zone apparatus or material built, constructed or classification of property is recommended, at placed in any street, avenue or alley of the least one of the following circumstances shall City without a permit having first been issued be found to apply: therefor in compliance with the provisions of this Chapter shall constitute a public nui- a. That substantial evidence was pre- sance and shall be abated in the manner pro- sented demonstrating the subject reclas- vided by the City law of the City and the sification appears not to have been person responsible for the placing or con- specifically considered at the time of the struction thereof shall be punished as pro- last area land use analysis and area zon- vided in the Penal Code of the City. (Ord. ing; or 1065, 9-5-1939) b. That the property is potentially classi- fied4-9-180 REZONE PROCESS: for the proposed zone being re- quested pursuant to the polices set forth in the Comprehensive Plan and condi- A. PURPOSE: (Reserved) tions have been met which would indi- B. ABILITY TO APPLY: cate the change is appropriate; or An application for a rezone of property may be c. That since the last previous land use made by the property owner, or somebody autho- analysis of the area zoning of the subject rized on his behalf,on forms provided by and filed property, authorized public improve- with the Building Department. (Ord. 3463, ments, permitted private development or 8-11-1980, Ord. 3592, 12-14-1981) other circumstances affecting the subject property have undergone significant and C. AUTHORITY FOR REZONES material change. REQUIRING A PLAN AMENDMENT: Areawide zoning shall be recommended to the 2. If the Hearing Examiner further deter- Mayor and the City Council by the Planning Com- mines that the change of the zone classifica- mission after conducting a public hearing thereon tion is advisable, in the public interest, tends and may be thereafter adopted by the City Coun- to further the preservation and enjoyment of cil upon completion of at least one public hearing any substantial property rights of the peti- thereon. (Ord. 3976, 3-3-1986) tioner, is not materially detrimental to the pub- lic welfare or the properties of other persons D. AUTHORITY FOR REZONES NOT located in the vicinity thereof, and is in har- REQUIRING PLAN AMENDMENT: mony with the purposes and effect of the In those instances where there is a rezone re- Comprehensive Plan,then in such event the quest which does not require an amendment to Hearing Examiner may recommend that the the Comprehensive Plan, the processing of the City Council approve the change of the zone rezone application shall be submitted to the ad- classification. ministration. The applicant will have the burden and duty of applying for and pursuing the rezone. 9 - 48 4-9-190C G. COUNCIL REVIEW PROCESS: 3. Normal maintenance or repair of exist- ing structures or developments, including 1. First and Final Readings: In the case of damage by accident, fire or elements. a change of the zone classification of prop- erty (rezone), the City Clerk shall place the a. "Normal maintenance" includes ordinance on the Council's agenda for first those usual acts to prevent a decline, reading. Final reading of the ordinance shall lapse, or cessation from a lawfully estab- not occur until all conditions, restrictions or lished condition. modifications which may have been required by the Council have been accomplished or b. "Normal repair" means to restore a provisions for compliance made to the satis- development to a state comparable to its faction of the Legal Department. (Ord. 3454, original condition, including but not lim- 7-28-1980) ited to its size,shape,configuration, loca- tion and external appearance, within a 2. Adoption of Ordinance: The Council reasonable period after decay or partial may, upon proper petition or upon its own mo- destruction, except where repair causes tion, after a public hearing thereon and refer- substantial adverse effects to the shore- ral to and report from the City Hearing line resource or environment. Examiner, change by ordinance the zoning classifications as shown on the district maps. c. Replacement of a structure or devel- (Ord. 3463, 8-11-1980; Amd. Ord. 3592, opment may be authorized as repair 12-14-1981) where such replacement is the common method of repair for the type of structure H. TIME LIMITATIONS FOR REZONE or development and the replacement APPLICATION RESUBMISSION: structure or development is comparable A petition for a change of zoning classification, to the original structure or development seeking the same or substantially same relief as including, but not limited to, its size, a prior petition, cannot be refiled or resubmitted shape, configuration, location and exter- with the Hearing Examiner or the City Council for nal appearance and the replacement a period of twelve (12) months from the date of fi- does not cause substantial adverse ef- nal disapproval or rejection of such prior petition. fects to shoreline resources or environ- (Ord. 3463, 8-11-1980) ment. 4. Construction of the normal protective 4-9-190 SHORELINE PERMITS: bulkhead common to single family resi- dences. A. PURPOSE: (Reserved) A "normal protective" bulkhead includes B. APPLICABILITY: (Reserved) those structural and nonstructural develop- ments installed at or near, and parallel to,the C. EXEMPTIONS FROM PERMIT ordinary high water mark for the sole purpose SYSTEM: of protecting an existing single family resi- The following shall not be considered substantial dence and appurtenant structures from loss developments for the purpose of this Master Pro- or damage by erosion. A normal protective gram. bulkhead is not exempt if it is constructed for the purpose of creating additional dry land. 1. Any project with a certification from the Additional construction requirements are Governor pursuant to chapter 80.50 RCW. found in WAC 173 27 040(2)(c). 2. Any development of which the total cost 5. Emergency construction necessary to or fair market value does not exceed two protect property from damage by the ele thousand five hundred dollars($2,500.00), ments. if such development does not materially inter a. An "emergency" is an unanticipated fere with the normal public use of the water or and imminent threat to public health, shorelines of the State. safety,or the environment which requires 9 -49 4-9-190C immediate action within a time too short ing jurisdiction thereof, other than require- to allow for full compliance with this pro- ments imposed pursuant to this Section. gram. a. "Single family" residence means a b. Emergency construction does not in- detached dwelling designed for and occu- clude development of new permanent pied by one family including those struc- protective structures where none previ- tures and developments within a ously existed. Where new protective contiguous ownership which are a normal structures are deemed to be the appro- appurtenance. An "appurtenance"is nec- priate means to address the emergency essarily connected to the use and enjoy- situation, upon abatement of the emer- ment of a single family residence and is gency situation, the new structure shall located landward of the ordinary high wa- be removed or any permit which would ter mark and the perimeter of a wetland. have been required, absent an emer- gency, pursuant to chapter 90.58 RCW, b. Construction authorized under this chapter 17-27 WAC or this Shoreline Pro- exemption shall be located landward of gram shall be obtained. the ordinary high water mark. c. All emergency construction shall be 8. Construction of a dock including a com- consistent with the policies of chapter munity dock designed for pleasure craft only, 90.58 RCW and this Program. for the private noncommercial use of the owner,lessee,or contract purchaser of single d. In general,flooding or other seasonal and multi-family residences. events that can be anticipated and may occur, but that are not imminent are not a. This exception applies if either: an emergency. i. In salt waters, the fair market 6. Construction and practices normal or value of the dock does not exceed necessary for farming, irrigation,and two thousand five hundred dollars ranching activities, including agricultural ($2,500.00). service roads and utilities on shorelands,and the construction and maintenance of irriga- ii. In fresh waters, the fair market tion structures, including, but not limited to, value of the dock does not exceed head gates, pumping facilities, and irrigation ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00); channels.A feedlot of any size,all processing however, if subsequent construction plants, other activities of a commercial na- having a fair market value exceeding ture, alteration of the contour of the shore- two thousand five hundred dollars lands by leveling or filling, other than that ($2,500.00) occurs within five (5) which results from normal cultivation, shall years of completion of the prior con- not be considered normal or necessary farm- struction, the subsequent construc- ing or ranching activities.A feedlot shall be an tion shall be considered a substantial enclosure or facility used or capable of being development permit. used for feeding livestock hay, grain, silage, or other livestock feed, but shall not include b. A dock is a landing and moorage fa- land for growing crops or vegetation for live- cility for watercraft and does not include stock feeding and/or grazing, nor shall it in- recreational decks, storage facilities or clude normal livestock wintering operations. other appurtenances. 7. Construction on shorelands by an owner, 9. Construction or modification, by or under lessee or contract purchaser of a single fam- the authority of the Coast Guard or a desig- ily residence for his own use or for the use of nated port management authority, of naviga- his family, which residence does not exceed tional aids such as channel markers and a height of thirty five feet(35') above average anchor buoys. grade level and which meets all requirements of the State agency or local government hay- 10. Operation, maintenance, or construc- tion of canals, waterways, drains, reser- 9 - 50 4-9-190C voirs, or other facilities that now exist or are environmental impact statement published by hereafter created or developed as part of an the Department of Agriculture or the Depart- irrigation system for the primary purpose of ment of Ecology jointly with other State agen- making use of system waters, including re- cies under chapter 43.21 C RCW. turn flow and artificially stored groundwater for the irrigation of lands. 15. Watershed restoration projects as defined below: 11. The marking of property lines or cor- ners on State-owned lands when such mark- a. "Watershed restoration project" ing does not interfere with the normal public means a public or private project autho- use of the surface of the water. rized by the sponsor of a watershed res- toration plan that implements the plan or 12. Operation and maintenance of any a part of the plan and consists of one or system of dikes, ditches, drains, or other more of the following activities: facilities existing on September 8, 1975, which were created, developed, or utilized i. A project that involves less than primarily as a part of an agricultural drainage ten (10) miles of streamreach, in or diking system. which less than twenty five(25)cubic yards of sand, gravel, or soil is re- 13. Site exploration and investigation moved, imported, disturbed or dis- activities that are prerequisites to prepara- charged, and in which no existing tion of an application for development autho- vegetation is removed except as min- rization under this program, if: imally necessary to facilitate addi- tional plantings. a. The activity does not interfere with the normal public use of the surface wa- ii. A project for the restoration of an ters. eroded or unstable stream bank that employs the principles of bioengi- b. The activity will have no significant neering, including limited use of rock adverse impact on the environment in- as a stabilization only at the toe of the cluding, but not limited to, fish, wildlife, bank, and with primary emphasis on fish or wildlife habitat, water quality, and using native vegetation to control the aesthetic values. erosive forces of flowing water. c. The activity does not involve the in- iii. A project primarily designed to stallation of a structure, and upon corn- improve fish and wildlife habitat, re- pletion of the activity the vegetation and move or reduce impediments to mi- land configuration of the site are restored gration of fish,or enhance the fishery to conditions existing before the activity. resource available for use by all of the citizens of the State, provided d. A private entity seeking development that any structure, other than a authorization under this program first bridge or culvert or instream habitat posts a performance bond or provides enhancement structure associated other evidence of financial responsibility with the project, is less than two hun- to the Development Services Division to dred (200) square feet in floor area ensure that the site is restored to pre- and is located above the ordinary existing conditions. high water mark of the stream. e. The activity is not subject to the per- b. "Watershed restoration plan" means mit requirements of RCW 90.58.550. a plan, developed or sponsored by a State department, a federally recognized 14. The process of removing or control- Indian Tribe, a city, a county or a conser- ling an aquatic noxious weed,as defined in vation district,for which agency and pub- RCW 17.26.020, through the use of a herbi- lic review has been conducted pursuant cide or other treatment methods applicable to to chapter 43.21 C RCW, the State Envi- weed control that are recommended by a final ronmental Policy Act.The watershed res- 9 - 51 4-9-190D toration plan generally contains a general 4. If any part of a proposed development is program and implementation measures not eligible for exemption, then a shoreline or actions for the preservation, restora- permit is required for the entire proposed de- tion, re-creation, or enhancement of the velopment project. natural resources, character, and ecol- ogy of a stream, stream segment, drain- E. SHORELINE PERMIT APPLICATION age area, or watershed. PROCEDURES: 16. A public or private project, the primary 1. Information Prior to Submitting a purpose of which is to improve fish or wild- Shoreline Substantial Development Per- life habitat or fish passage,when all of the mit Application: Prior to submitting an appli- following apply: cation for a shoreline permit or an exemption from a shoreline permit, the applicant should a. The project has been approved in informally discuss a proposed development writing by the Department of Fish and with the Development Services Division.This Wildlife as necessary for the improve- will enable the applicant to become familiar ment of the habitat or passage and ap- with the requirements of this Master Program, propriately designed and sited to Building and Zoning procedures, and en- accomplish the intended purpose. forcement procedures. b. The project has received hydraulic 2. Shoreline Substantial Development project approval by the Department of Permit Required:No shoreline development Fish and Wildlife pursuant to chapter shall be undertaken on shorelines of the City 75.20 RCW. without first obtaining a "substantial develop- ment permit"from the Development Services c. The Development Services Division Division. has determined that the project is consis- tent with this Master Program. 3. Shoreline Substantial Development Permit Application Forms and Fees: Appli- 17. Hazardous substance remedial ac- cations for such permits shall be made on tions pursuant to WAC 173-27-040(3). forms and reviewed according to procedures prescribed by the Development Services Di- D. EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE vision.Application forms may be revised from PROCEDURES: time-to-time by the Development Services Di- vision without prejudice to any existing appli- 1. Any person claiming exemption from the cations. Such forms should be designed to permit requirements of this Master Program provide such information as is necessary to as a result of the exemptions specified in this determine whether such a permit is justified. Section shall make application for a no-fee exemption certificate to the Development Applications shall be made by the property Services Division in the manner prescribed owner, or his authorized agent, lessee, con- by that division. tract purchaser, or other person entitled to possession of the property and, except for 2. Any development which occurs within the applications filed by or on behalf of the City or regulated shorelines of the State under other governmental agencies, shall be ac- Renton's jurisdiction, whether it requires a companied by a receipt issued by the Fi- permit or not, must be consistent with the in- nance Department showing payment of the tent of the State law. applicable fees which are established by RMC 4-1-170, Land Use Review Fees. 3. The City may attach conditions to the ap- proval of exempted developments and/or Three (3) copies of a notice of development uses as necessary to assure consistency of application shall be posted prominently on the project with the Shoreline Management the property concerned and in conspicuous Act and this Program. public places within three hundred (300) feet thereof. The notice of development applica- tion shall also be mailed to property owners 9 - 52 4-9-190F within three hundred (300) feet of the bound- applications and actions taken by said divi- aries of the subject property. The required sion unto such other officials or departments contents of the notice of development appli- whose jurisdiction may extend to all or any cation are detailed in RMC 4-8-090B, Public part of the proposed development. Notice Requirements. F. REVIEW CRITERIA: Each such notice of development application shall include a statement that persons desir- 1. General: The Development Services Di- ing to present their views to the Development vision shall review an application for a permit Services Division with regard to said applica- based on the following: tion may do so in writing to that Division and persons interested in the Development Ser- a. The application. vices Division's action on an application for a permit may submit their views in writing or no- b. The environmental impact state- tify the Development Services Division in writ- ment, if one is required. ing of their interest within thirty(30)days from the last date of publication of such notice. No- c. Written comments from interested tice of development application for a substan- persons. tial development permit regarding a limited utility extension as defined in RCW 90.58.140 d. Information and comments from (11)(b)or for the construction of a bulkhead or other City departments affected. other measures to protect a single family res- idence and its appurtenant structures from e. Independent study by the Develop- shoreline erosion shall include a twenty (20) ment Services Division and the Policy day comment period. Development Department. Such notification or submission of views to f. Evidence presented at a public hear- the Development Services Division shall enti- ing should the Development Services Di- tle those persons to a copy of the action taken vision and the Policy Development on the application. Department decide that it would be in the public interest to hold a public hearing. 4. Review Guidelines: Unless exempted The Development Services Division and or authorized through the variance or condi- the Policy Development Department tional use permit provisions of this Master shall have powers to prescribe rules and Program, no substantial development permit regulations for such hearings. and no other permit shall be granted unless the proposed development is consistent with 2. Additional Information: The Develop- the provisions of this Master Program, the ment Services Division may require an appli- Shoreline Management Act of 1971, and the cant to furnish information and data in rules and regulations adopted by the Depart- addition to that contained or required in the ment of Ecology thereunder. application forms prescribed. Unless an ade- quate environmental statement has previ- 5. Conditional Approval: Should the De- ously been prepared for the proposed velopment Services Division Director or his/ development by another agency, the City's her designee find that any application does Environmental Review committee shall not substantially comply with criteria imposed cause to be prepared such a statement, prior by the Master Program and the Shoreline to granting a permit, when the State Environ- Management Act of 1971, he may deny such mental Policy Act of 1971 would require such application or attach any terms or condition a statement. which he deems suitable and reasonable to effect the purpose and objective of this Mas- 3. Procedural Amendments:In addition to ter Program. the criteria hereinabove set forth in this Sec- tion, the Planning/Building/Public Works De- 6. Notification of City Departments: It partment may from time-to-time promulgate shall be the duty of the Development Ser- additional procedures or criteria and such vices Division to timely furnish copies of all shall become effective, when reduced to writ- 9 - 53 4-9-190G ing, and filed with the City Clerk and as ap- c. Time Limit,Permit Validity,and Ap- proved by the City Council and the peals:Conditional permits and variances Department of Ecology. shall be deemed to be approved within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of 4. Burden of Proof on Applicant:The bur- receipt by the Department of Ecology and den of proving that the proposed substantial the Attorney General's office unless writ- development is consistent with the criteria ten communication is received by the ap- which must be met before a permit is granted plicant and the City indicating otherwise. shall be on the applicant. i. Conditional use permits and vari- G. BONDS: ances shall be filed with the State in The Development Services Division may require accordance with RCW 90.58.140(6) the applicant to post a bond in favor of the City of and WAC 173-27-130. Renton to assure full compliance with any terms and conditions imposed by said department on ii. Permit validity requirements of any shoreline permit. Said bond shall be in an subsection J of this Section shall ap- amount to reasonably assure the City that any de- ply to conditional use and variance ferred improvement will be carried out within the permits. time stipulated. iii. Appeals of conditional use or H. ADMINISTRATIVE APPEALS: variance permits shall be made in ac- The Planning/Building/Public Works Department cordance with RMC 4-8-110H. shall have the final authority to interpret the Mas- ter Program for the City of Renton. Where an ap- 3. Interpretation: It shall be recognized plication is denied or changed,per subsection E6 that a lawful use at the time the Master Pro- of this Section, an applicant may appeal the deci- gram is adopted is to be considered a permit- sion denying or changing a "substantial develop- ted use, and maintenance and restoration ment permit"to the Shoreline Hearings Board for shall not require a variance or a conditional an open record appeal in accordance with RMC use permit. 4-8-110. See RMC 4-8-110H for appeal proce- dures to the Shoreline Hearings Board. 4. Variances: I. VARIANCES AND CONDITIONAL a. Purpose: Upon proper application,a USES: substantial development permit may be granted which is at variance with the cri- 1. Purpose: The power to grant variances teria established in the Renton Master and conditional use permits should be utilized Program where, owing to special condi in a manner which, while protecting the envi tions pertaining to the specific piece of ronment,will assure that a person will be able property, the literal interpretation and to utilize his property in a fair and equitable strict application of the criteria estab manner. lished in the Renton Master Program would cause undue and unnecessary 2. Authority: hardship or practical difficulties. a. City Hearing Examiner: The Renton b. Decision Criteria: The fact that the Land Use Hearing Examiner shall have applicant might make a greater profit by authority to grant conditional use permits using his property in a manner contrary to and variances in the administration of the the intent of the Master Program is not, Renton Master Program. by itself, sufficient reason for a variance. The Land Use Hearing Examiner must b. State Department of Ecology Deci- find each of the following: sion: Both variances and conditional use permits are forwarded to the Department i_ Exceptional or extraordinary cir of Ecology and the Attorney General's of- cumstances or conditions applying to fice for approval or denial. the subject property, or to the in- tended use thereof,that do not apply 9 - 54 4-9-190J generally to other properties on will be granted subject to each of the fol- shorelines in the same vicinity. lowing conditions: ii. The variance permit is necessary i. The use must be compatible with for the preservation and enjoyment other permitted uses within that area. of a substantial property right of the applicant possessed by the owners ii. The use will not interfere with the of other properties on shorelines in public use of public shorelines. the same vicinity. iii. Design of the site will be compat- iii. The variance permit will not be ible with the surroundings and the materially detrimental to the public City's Master Program. welfare or injurious to property on the shorelines in the same vicinity. iv. The use shall be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the iv. The variance granted will be in City's Master Program. harmony with the general purpose and intent of this Master Program. v. The use meets the conditional use criteria in WAC 173-27-160. v. The public welfare and interest will be preserved; if more harm will J. TIME REQUIREMENTS FOR be done to the area by granting the SHORELINE PERMITS: variance than would be done to the applicant by denying it, the variance 1. Applicability and Modification at Time will be denied, but each property of Approval: owner shall be entitled to the reason- able use and development of his a. The time requirements of this Sec- lands as long as such use and devel- tion shall apply to all substantial develop- opment is in harmony with the gen- ment permits and to any development eral purpose and intent of the authorized pursuant to a variance or con- Shoreline Management Act of 1971, ditional use permit authorized under this and the provisions of this Master Pro- Program. gram. b. If it is determined that standard time vi. The proposal meets the vari- requirements of subsections J2 and J3 of ance criteria in WAC 173-27-170. this Section should not be applied, the Development Services Division shall 5. Conditional Use: adopt appropriate time limits as a part of action on a substantial development per- a. Purpose:Upon proper application,a mit upon a finding of good cause, based conditional use permit may be granted. on the requirements and circumstances The objective of a conditional use provi- of the project proposed and consistent sion is to provide more control and flexi- with the policy and provisions of this Mas- bility for implementing the regulations of ter Program and RCW 90.58.143. If it is the Master Program. With provisions to determined that standard time require- control undesirable effects, the scope of ments of subsections J2 and J3 of this uses can be expanded to include many Section should not be applied, the Hear- uses. ing Examiner, upon a finding of good cause and with the approval of the De- b. Decision Criteria: Uses classified partment of Ecology, shall establish ap- as conditional uses can be permitted only propriate time limits as a part of action on after consideration and by meeting such a conditional use or variance permit. performance standards that make the "Good cause" means that the time limits use compatible with other permitted uses established are reasonably related to the within that area.A conditional use permit time actually necessary to perform the 9 - 55 4-9-190J development on the ground and corn- of the shoreline permit for a period of up to plete the project that is being permitted. one year. Otherwise said permit shall termi- nate.Notice of the proposed permit extension c. Where specific provisions are not in- shall be given to parties of record and the De- cluded to establish time limits on a permit partment of Ecology. To maintain the validity as part of action on a permit by the City or of a shoreline permit, it is the applicant's re- the Department of Ecology,the time limits sponsibility to maintain valid construction Per- in subsections J2 and J3 of this Section mits in accordance with adopted Building apply. Codes. d. Requests for permit extension shall 4. Effective Date: be made in accordance with subsections J2 and J3 of this Section. a. For purposes of determining the life of a shoreline permit,the effective date of 2. Construction Commencement: a substantial development permit, shore- line conditional use permit, or shoreline a. Unless a different time period is variance permit shall be the date of filing specified in the shoreline permit as au- as provided in RCW 90.58.140(6). The thorized by RCW 90.58.143 and subsec- permit time periods in subsections J2 and tion J1 of this Section, construction J3 of this Section do not include the time activities, or a use or activity, for which a during which a use or activity was not ac- permit has been granted pursuant to this tually pursued due to the pendency of ad- Master Program must be commenced ministrative appeals or legal actions, or within two (2) years of the effective date due to the need to obtain any other gov- of a shoreline permit, or the shoreline ernment permits and approvals for the permit shall terminate, and a new permit development that authorize the develop- shall be necessary. However, the Devel- ment to proceed, including all reasonably opment Services Division may authorize related administrative or legal actions on a single extension for a period not to ex- any such permits or approvals. ceed one year based on reasonable fac- tors, if a request for extension has been b. It is the responsibility of the applicant filed with the Division before the expira- to inform the Development Services Divi- tion date, and notice of the proposed ex- sion of the pendency of other permit ap- tension is given to parties of record and plications filed with agencies other than the Department of Ecology. the City,and of any related administrative or legal actions on any permit or ap- b. Construction activities or corn- proval. If no notice of the pendency of mencement of construction referenced in other permits or approvals is given to the subsection J2a of this Section means Division prior to the expiration date es- that construction applications must be tablished by the shoreline permit or the submitted, permits must be issued, and provisions of this Section, the expiration foundation inspections must be corn- of a permit shall be based on the effective pleted before the end of the two (2) year date of the shoreline permit. period. c. The City shall issue permits within ap- 3. Construction Completion: A permit au- plicable time limits specified in the Type I I I thorizing construction shall extend for a term and Type VI review processes in RMC of no more than five (5) years after the effec- 4-8-080H. Substantial development per- tive date of a shoreline permit, unless a mits for a limited utility extension as de- longer period has been specified pursuant to fined in RCW 90.58.140(11)(b) or for the RCW 90.58.143 and subsection J1 of this construction of a bulkhead or other mea- Section. If an applicant files a request for an sures to protect a single family residence extension prior to expiration of the shoreline and its appurtenant structures from permit the Development Services Division shoreline erosion shall be issued within shall review the permit and upon a showing of twenty one(21)days of the last day of the good cause may authorize a single extension 9 - 56 4-9-190P comment period specified in RMC N. RESCISSION OF PERMITS: 4-9-190E3. 1. Noncompliance with Permit: Any 5. Review Period—Construction Autho- shoreline permit issued under the terms of rization: this Master Program may be rescinded or suspended by the Development Services Di- a. No construction pursuant to such vision of the City upon a finding that a permit- permit shall begin or be authorized and no tee has not complied with conditions of the building, grading or other construction permit. permits or use permits shall be issued by the City until twenty one (21) days from 2. Notice of Noncompliance: Such rescis- the date the permit was filed with the De- sion and/or modification of an issued permit partment of Ecology and the Attorney shall be initiated by serving written notice of General, or until all review proceedings noncompliance on the permittee, which no- are completed as were initiated within the tice shall be sent by registered or certified twenty one (21) days of the date of filing. mail, return receipt requested,to the address Filing shall occur in accordance with listed on the application or to such other ad- RCW 90.58.140(6) and WAC dress as the applicant or permittee may have 173-27-130. advised the City; or such notice may be served on the applicant or permittee in per- b. If the granting of a shoreline permit son or his agent in the same manner as ser- by the City is appealed to the Shoreline vice of summons as provided by law. Hearings Board, and the Shoreline Hear- ings Board has approved the granting of 3. Posting: In addition to such notice, the the permit, and an appeal for judicial re- Development Services Division shall cause view of the Shoreline Hearings Board de- to have notice posted in three (3) public cisic filed, construction authorization places of which one posting shall be at or may . .:,;ur subject to the conditions,time within the area described in the permit. periods, and other provisions of RCW 90.58.140(5)(b). 4. Public Hearing: Before any such permit can be rescinded, a public hearing shall be K. RULINGS TO STATE: held by the Land Use Hearing Examiner. No- Any ruling on an application for a substantial de- tice of the public hearing shall be made in ac- velopment permit under authority of this Master cordance with RMC 4-8-090D, Public Notice Program, whether it is an approval or denial, Requirements. shall,with the transmittal of the ruling to the appli- cant, be filed concurrently with the Department of 5. Final Decision:The decision of the Land Ecology and the Attorney General by the Devel- Use Hearing Examiner shall be the final deci- opment Services Division. Filing shall occur in ac- sion of the City on all rescinded applications. cordance with RCW 90.58.140(6) and WAC A written decision shall be transmitted to the 173-27-130. Department of Ecology,the Attorney Gen- eral's office, the applicant, and such other de- L. TRANSFERABILITY OF PERMIT: partments or boards of the City as are If a parcel which has a valid shoreline permit is affected thereby and the legislative body of sold to another person or firm, such permit may the City. be transferred to the new owner. O. APPEALS: M. ENFORCEMENT: See RMC 4-8-110H. All provisions of this Master Program shall be en- forced by the Development Services Division. For P. VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES: such purposes,the Director or his duly authorized representative shall have the power of a police of- 1. Prosecution:Every person violating any ficer. of the provisions of this Master Program or the Shoreline Management Act of 1971 shall be punishable under conviction by a fine not 9 - 57 4-9-200A exceeding one thousand dollars($1,000.00), the site, screening and buffering, parking and or by imprisonment not exceeding ninety(90) loading arrangements,and illumination.Site plan- days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, ping is the horizontal and vertical arrangement of and each day's violation shall constitute a these elements so as to be compatible with the separate punishable offense. physical characteristics of a site and with the sur- rounding area. Site plan review does not include 2. Injunction: The City Attorney may bring design review, which addresses the aesthetic such injunctive, declaratory or other actions considerations of architectural style, exterior as are necessary to insure that no uses are treatment and colors. Site plan review should oc- made of the shorelines of the State the City's cur at an early stage in the development of a jurisdiction which are in conflict with the pro- project, when the scale, intensity and layout of a visions and programs of this Master Program project are known, but before final building plans or the Shoreline Management Act of 1971, are completed. The intent of site plan approval and to otherwise enforce provisions of this shall be: Section and the Shoreline Management Act of 1971. 1. To protect neighboring owners and uses by assuring that reasonable provisions have 3. Public and Private Redress: Any per- been made for such matters as sound and son subject to the regulatory program of this sight buffers, light and air, and those other as- Master Program who violates any provision pects of site plans which may have substan- of this Master Program or the provisions of a tial effects on neighboring land uses; permit issued pursuant thereto shall be liable for all damages to public or private property 2. To promote the orderliness of community arising from such violation, including the cost growth, protect and enhance property values of restoring the affected area to its condition and minimize discordant and undesirable im- prior to such violation.The City Attorney may pacts of development both on- and off-site; bring suit for damages under this subsection on behalf of the City. Private persons shall 3. To promote coordination of public or have the right to bring suit for damages under quasi-public elements, such as walkways, this subsection on their own behalf and on driveways, paths, and landscaping within behalf of all persons similarly situated. If lia- segments of larger developments and be- bility has been established for the cost of re- tween individual developments; storing an area affected by violation, the Court shall make provision to assure that res- 4. To ensure convenience and safety of ve- toration will be accomplished within a reason- hicular and pedestrian movement within the able time at the expense of the violator. In site and in relation to adjacent areas; addition to such relief, including monetary damages, the Court in its discretion may 5. To protect the desirable aspects of the award attorney's fees and costs of the suit to natural landscape and environmental fea- the prevailing party. (Ord. 3758, 12-5-1983, tures of the City by minimizing the undesir- Rev. 7-22-1985 (Min.); 3-12-1990 (Res. able impacts of proposed developments on 2787); 7-16-1990 (Res. 2805); Rev. the physical environment; 9-12-1993 (Min.); Ord. 4716, 4-13-1998) 6. To minimize conflicts that might other- wise be created by a mix of uses within al- 4-9-200 SITE PLAN REVIEW: lowed zones; A. PURPOSE AND INTENT: 7. To provide for quality, multiple family or The purpose of site plan approval shall be to as- clustered housing while minimizing the im- sure that the site plan of proposed uses is com- pacts of high density,heavy traffic generation, patible with existing and potential uses and corn- and intense demands on City utilities and rec- plies with plans, policies and regulations of the reational facilities; City of Renton. Site plan elements subject to this Section include, but are not limited to, site layout, 8. To promote the creation of"campus-like" building orientation, pedestrian and vehicular ac- and "park-like"settings in appropriate zones; cess, signage, landscaping, natural features of 9 - 58 4-9-200C 9. To provide a mechanism to more effec- sions of the Zoning Administrator shall tively meet the purposes and intent of the not be subject to public notice and com- State Environmental Policy Act; ment, or the requirement for a public hearing. (Ord. 4404, 6-7-1993) 10. To supplement other land use regula- tions by addressing site plan elements not 3. Development within the Valley Plan- adequately covered elsewhere in the City ning Area:All development within the Valley Code and to avoid violation of the purpose Planning Area. and intent of those codes. (Ord. 3981, 4-7-1986) 4. Hazardous Waste Facilities:All hazard- ous waste treatment and storage facilities. B. APPLICABILITY: No building permit shall be issued for any use re- C. EXEMPTIONS: quiring site plan approval pursuant to this Section until the Environmental Review Committee has 1. Development Exempt from Site Plan determined that a public hearing is not required or Review in All Zones (except R-10 and the Hearing Examiner has approved or approved R-14): In all zones, the following types of de- with conditions the site plan application. All build- velopment shall be exempt from the require- ing permits issued shall be in compliance with the ments of site plan review: approved site plan. Site plan review is required for: a. Interior Remodels: Interior remodel of existing buildings or structures, pro- 1. All Development in Certain Zones: All vided: development in the Industrial Light (IL), Com- mercial Office (CO) and Public Use (P-1) i. The alterations conform with any Zones and CC, CN,CD, CA, CS and the Res- prior approved site plan; and idential Use— Maximum 10 Units per Acre (R-10), Manufactured Housing Park (RMH), ii. The alterations do not modify the Residential Multi-Family (RM) and Residen- existing site layout. tial Use—Maximum 14 Units per Acre (R-14) Zones, b. Facade Modifications: In addition, facade modifications such as the location a. Requirements for R-10 Zone De- of entrances/exits; the location of win- velopments:For development proposed dows; changes in signage; or aesthetic in conjunction with a planned subdivision alterations shall be exempt. (Ord. 4008, in the R-10 Zone, a site plan application 7-14-1986) shall be required to be submitted with the subdivision application. In,the event that c. Planned Unit Developments. there is no specific residential develop- ment planned with a subdivision applica- d. Conditional Use Permits. tion, the applicant shall be required to provide structural footprints (including e. Off-Premises Signs (Billboards). setbacks)for each of the lots which would result from the proposed subdivision of f. SEPA-Exempt Developments: All the property. (Ord. 4636, 9-23-1996) development categorically exempt from review under the State Environmental 2. Specified and Secondary Uses: Sec- Policy Act (chapter 43.21 C RCW and ondary uses and other uses specified within chapter 197-11 WAC) and under RMC each zoning district, provided that: 4-9-070, Environmental Review Proce- dures. a. Exceptions for Secondary Uses: Where secondary uses are required to g. Minor Work in Shoreline Areas: file an application for a site plan review by Minor new construction, repair, remodel- the provisions of the zoning regulations, ing and maintenance activities that would but would otherwise be exempt from the otherwise be exempt from site plan ap- site plan review requirements, the deci- proval if they were not located within the 9 - 59 4-9-200D Shoreline Master Program jurisdiction. 3. Large Project Scale: The proposed (Ord. 3981, 4-7-1986) project is larger than any one of the following: 2. Development Exempt from Site Plan a. One hundred (100) multiple family Review in the R-10 and R-14 Zones: In the residential units; R-10 and R-14 Zones, the following types of development shall be exempt from the re- b. One hundred thousand (100,000) quirements of site plan review: square feet of gross floor area in the IL or CO Zone or other zones in the Valley a. New or replacement detached or Planning Area; semi-attached home on a single previ- ously platted lot. c. Twenty five thousand (25,000) square feet of gross floor area in the CC, b. Exterior remodeling or expansion of CN, CM, CA, CB, CO or P-1 Zones out- an existing single family home and/or pri- side the Valley Planning Area; mary residence. d. Four (4) stories or sixty feet (60') in c. Accessory structures otherwise ex- height; empt from SEPA review. (Ord. 4614, 6-17-1996) e. Three hundred (300) parking stalls; or d. Planned Unit Developments. f. Ten (10) acres in size. e. Conditional Use Permits. 4. Commercial Property Adjacent to Sin- f. Off-Premises Signs (Billboards). gle Family Zone:Any commercial property is adjacent to a single family zone. (Ord. 4551, g. Minor Work in Shoreline Areas: Mi- 9-18-1995) nor new construction, repair, remodeling and maintenance activities that would E. DECISION CRITERIA: otherwise be exempt from site plan ap- The Hearing Examiner and City staff shall review proval if they were not located within the and act upon site plans based upon comprehen- Shoreline Master Program jurisdiction. sive planning considerations and the following cri- (Ord. 3981, 4-7-1986) teria. These criteria are objectives of good site plans to be aimed for in development within the D. CRITERIA TO DETERMINE IF PUBLIC City of Renton. However, strict compliance with HEARING REQUIRED: any one or more particular criterion may not be In all cases,the public hearing for site plan review necessary or reasonable. These criteria also pro- should be conducted concurrently with any other vide a frame of reference for the applicant in de- required hearing, such as rezone or subdivision, veloping a site, but are not intended to be inflexi- if the details of the development are sufficiently ble standards or to discourage creativity and defined to permit adequate review. A public hear- innovation. The site plan review criteria include, ing before the Hearing Examiner shall be required but are not limited to, the following: for projects not reviewed pursuant to RMC 4-9-210,Master Site Plan Approval,if:(Ord.4551, 1. General Review Criteria: 9-18-1995) a. Conformance with the Comprehen- 1. Significant Environmental Concerns sive Plan, its elements and policies; Remain: The Environmental Review Com- mittee determines that based on departmen- b. Conformance with existing land use tal comments or public input there are regulations; significant unresolved concerns that are raised by the proposal; or c. Mitigation of impacts to surrounding properties and uses; 2. Applicant Requests Hearing: The ap- plicant has requested a public hearing; or 9 - 60 4-9-200E d. Mitigation of impacts of the proposed e. Effective location, design and site plan to the site; screening of parking and service areas in order to promote efficient function of such e. Conservation of areawide property facilities, to provide integrated facilities values; between uses when beneficial, to pro- mote "campus-like"or"park-like" layouts f. Safety and efficiency of vehicle and in appropriate zones, and to prevent un- pedestrian circulation; necessary repetition and conflict between uses and service areas or facilities; g. Provision of adequate light and air; f. Mitigation of the unnecessary and h. Mitigation of noise, odors and other avoidable impacts of new construction on harmful or unhealthy conditions; views from existing buildings and future developable sites, recognizing the public i. Availability of public services and fa- benefit and desirability of maintaining vi- cilities to accommodate the proposed sual accessibility to attractive natural fea- use; and tures and of promoting "campus-like" or "park-like"settings in appropriate zones; j. Prevention of neighborhood deterio- ration and blight. g. Provision of effective screening from public streets and residential uses for all 2. Review of Impacts to Surrounding permitted outdoor storage areas (except Properties and Uses: auto and truck sales), for surface mounted utility equipment, for rooftop a. Mitigation of undesirable impacts of equipment, and for all refuse and gar- proposed structures and site layouts that bage containers, in order to promote a could impair the use or enjoyment or po- "campus-like"or"park-like"setting where tential use of surrounding uses and struc- appropriate and to preserve the effect tures and of the community; and intent of screening or buffering other- wise required by the Zoning Code; b. Mitigation of undesirable impacts when an overscale structure, in terms of h. Consideration of placement and de- size, bulk, height, and intensity, or site sign of exterior lighting in order to avoid layout is permitted that violates the spirit excessive brightness or glare to adjacent and/or intent of the Zoning Code and im- properties and streets. pairs the use,enjoyment or potential use of surrounding properties; 3. Review of Impacts of a Proposed Site Plan to the Site: c. Provision of a desirable transition and linkage between uses and to the a. Building placement and spacing to street, utility, walkway, and trail systems provide for privacy and noise reduction; in the surrounding area by the arrange- orientation to views and vistas and to site ment of landscaping, fencing and/or amenities, to sunlight and prevailing other buffering techniques, in order to winds, and to pedestrian and vehicle prevent conflicts and to promote coordi- needs; nated and planned benefit from, and ac- cess to, such elements; b. Consideration of placement and scale of proposed structures in relation to d. Consideration of placement and the openness and natural characteristics scale of proposed structures in relation to of a site in order to avoid overconcentra- the natural characteristics of a site in or- tion or the impression of oversized struc- der to avoid overconcentration of struc- tures; tures on a particular portion of a site such that they create a perception of greater c. Preservation of the desirable natural height or bulk than intended under the landscape through retention of existing spirit of the Zoning Code; vegetation and limited soil removal, inso- 9 - 61 4-9-200E far as the natural characteristics will en- g. Separation of loading and delivery hance the proposed development; areas from parking and pedestrian areas; d. Use of existing topography to reduce h. Provisions for transit and carpool fa- undue cutting, filling and retaining walls cilities and access where appropriate; in order to prevent erosion and unneces- and sary stormwater runoff, and to preserve stable natural slopes and desirable natu- i. Provision for safe and attractive pe- ral vegetation; destrian connections between parking ar- eas, buildings, public sidewalks and e. Limitation of paved or impervious adjacent properties. surfaces,where feasible,to reduce runoff and increase natural infiltration; 5. Review of Signage: f. Design and protection of planting ar- a. Employment of signs primarily for the eas so that they are not susceptible to purpose of identification; damage from vehicles or pedestrian movements; b. Management of sign elements, such as size, location and arrangement so that g. Consideration of building form and signs complement the visual character of placement and landscaping to enhance the surrounding area and appear in pro- year-round conditions of sun and shade portion to the building and site to which both on-site and on adjacent properties they pertain; and to promote energy conservation. c. Limitation of the number of signs to 4. Review of Circulation and Access: avoid visual clutter and distraction; a. Provision of adequate and safe ve- d. Moderation of surface brightness or hicular access to and from all properties; lighting intensity except for that neces- sary for sign visibility; and b. Arrangement of the circulation pat- tern so that all ingress and egress move- e. Provision of an identification system ments may occur at as few points as to allow for quick location of buildings and possible along the public street, the addresses. (Ord. 3981, 4-7-1986) points being capable of channelization for turning movements; 6. Special Review Criteria and Process for Proposals within an Aquifer Protection c. Consolidation of access points with Area(APA): Prior to the issuance of any per- adjacent properties, when feasible; mit in an aquifer protection area, a finding must be made that the proposal will not im- d. Coordination of access points on a pact the quantity or quality of water in the superblock basis so that vehicle conflicts aquifer on a short-term basis, long-term ba- and vehicle/pedestrian conflicts are mini- sis, or cumulatively in conjunction with other mized; existing or proposed uses. e. Orientation of access points to side a. Authority and Responsibility for streets or frontage streets rather than di- Finding: The required finding shall be rectly onto arterial streets,when feasible; made by the Hearing Examiner for all proposals which are subject to approval f. Promotion of the safety and efficiency by the Hearing Examiner pursuant to of the internal circulation system, includ- RMC 4-1-050F.All other findings shall be ing the location, design and dimensions made by the Water Utility Engineer. of vehicular and pedestrian access points, drives, parking, turnarounds, b. Review Criteria: The required find- walkways, bikeways, and emergency ac- ing shall be based on the activities to be cess ways; conducted, substances that will be 9 - 62 4-9-200F stored, handled, transported, treated, other affected departments.This consultation used or produced, and the potential for should include a general explanation of the these activities or substances to degrade requirements and criteria of site plan review, the groundwater quality. as well as the types of concerns that might be anticipated for the proposed use at the pro- 7. Special Review Criteria for Hazardous posed site. (Ord. 3981, 4-7-1986) Waste Treatment and Storage Facilities: 3. Submittal Requirements and Applica- a. Above-ground hazardous waste tion Fees: Shall be as listed in RMC treatment and storage facilities shall be 4-8-120C, Land Use Applications, and constructed with containment controls 4-1-170, Land Use Review Fees. which will prevent the escape of hazard- ous wastes in the event of an accidental 4. Public Notice and Comment Period release from the facility. Such controls Required: Whenever a completed site plan shall conform with all adopted Federal, application is received,the Development Ser- State and local design and construction vices Division shall be responsible for provid- standards. ing public notice of the pending site plan application,pursuant to RMC 4-8-090, Public b. Underground hazardous waste treat Notice Requirements. (Ord. 3981, 4 7 1986) ment and storage facilities shall comply with RMC 4-5-120,Underground Storage 5. Circulation and Review of Applica- Tank Secondary Containment Regula- tion: Upon receipt of a completed applica tions. tion,the Development Services Division shall route the application for review and comment c. Hazardous waste treatment and stor to various City departments and other juris- age facilities shall comply with article 80 dictions or agencies with an interest in the ap- of the Uniform Fire Code as adopted by plication. This routing should be combined ordinance by the City of Renton. with circulation of environmental information under RMC 4-9-070, Environmental Review d. A hazardous waste spill contingency Procedures. (Ord. 4008, 7 14 1986) plan for immediate implementation in the event of a release of hazardous wastes Comments from the reviewing departments at the facility shall be reviewed and ap shall be made in writing within fourteen (14) proved by the Renton Fire Department days. Unless a proposed site plan is subse prior to issuance of any permits. quently modified, the recommendations of the reviewing departments shall constitute e. The location of all on site and off site the final comments of the respective depart- facilities must comply with the State siting ments with regard to the proposed site plan. criteria as adopted in accordance with Lack of comment from a department shall be RCW 70.105.210. (Ord. 4186, considered a recommendation for approval of 11-14-1988) the proposed site plan. However, all depart- ments reserve the right to make later corn- F. SITE PLAN REVIEW PROCEDURES: ments of a code compliance nature during building permit review. This includes such re- 1. General: All site plan applications shall quirements as exact dimensions, specifica- be reviewed in the manner described below tions or any other requirement specifically and in accordance with the purposes and cri- in the City Code. teria of this Section. The Development Ser- vices Division may develop additional review 6. City Notification of Applicant:After the procedures to supplement those required in departmental comment period, the Develop- this subsection. (Ord. 3981, 4 7 1986) ment Services Division shall notify the appli- cant of any negative comments or conditions 2. Preapplication Conference Recom- recommended by the departments.When sig- mended: Applicants are encouraged to con- nificant issues are raised, this notification suit early and informally with representatives should also normally involve a meeting be of the Development Services Division and tween the applicant and appropriate City rep- 9 - 63 4-9-200F resentatives. The applicant shall have the a. Date of Hearing:Whenever a public opportunity to respond to the notification ei- hearing is required, the Development ther by submitting a revised site plan applica- Services Division shall coordinate with tion, by submitting additional information, or the Hearing Examiner in setting a hearing by stating in writing why the recommenda- date for the site plan application. (Ord. tions are considered unreasonable or not ac- 3981, 4-7-1986) ceptable. b. Examiner's Decision: After con- 7. Revisions or Modifications to Site ducting at least one public hearing on the Plan Application: Whenever a revised site site plan application, the Hearing Exam- plan or new information is received from an iner shall render a written decision. The applicant,the Development Services Division time limits for a Type VI review process in may recirculate the application to concerned RMC 4-8-080H shall apply. departments. Consulted departments shall respond in writing within ten (10) days with The Hearing Examiner shall approve a any additional comments. In general, the site plan if the applicant demonstrates City's environmental determination of signifi- that the proposed site plan is consistent cance or nonsignificance pursuant to RMC with the general purposes of this Section 4-9-070, Environmental Review Procedures, and with the review criteria. will not be issued until after final departmental comments on the site plan or revised site plan c. Authority for Conditions and Plan are received. (Ord. 3981, 4-7-1986) Modifications: The Hearing Examiner shall have the power to place reasonable 8. Environmental Review Committee to conditions on or modify a site plan in order Determine Necessity for Public Hearing: to satisfy the general purposes of this Upon receipt of final departmental comments Section and to achieve consistency with and after the close of the public comment pe- the review criteria. However,strict compli- riod, the Environmental Review Committee ance with any one or more particular cri- shall determine the necessity for a public terion may not be necessary or reason- hearing on the site plan for those projects that able. Such conditions or modifications have not been reviewed as part of a master may include, but are not limited to, site plan pursuant to RMC 4-9-210, Master screening, buffering, building location Site Plan Approval. (Ord. 4551, 9-18-1995) and orientation, paving, landscaping, vegetation removal, grading and contour- 9. Environmental Review Committee De- ing. The Hearing Examiner shall also cision Appealable to Hearing Examiner: have the power to fix the location and con- The final decision by the Environmental Re- figuration of driveways, walkways, park- view Committee on whether a site plan appli- ing and loading areas, emergency ac- cation requires a public hearing may be cess, curbs, planting areas, and signs. appealed within fourteen (14) days to the When only a portion of a site is proposed Hearing Examiner pursuant to RMC for development, such power to condi- 4-8-110E, Appeals. (Ord. 3981, 4-7-1986) tion, modify or fix shall be exercised only for that area which is directly related to or 10. Administrative Approval of Site Plan: may be impacted by the actual proposed When the Environmental Review Committee development. determines that a public hearing is not re- quired, the proposed site plan shall be To the extent necessary to meet the site deemed approved, subject to any environ- review criteria and to the extent neces- mental mitigating measures that may be a sary to compensate for the impacts attrib- part of the City's declaration of significance or utable to the proposed development, the nonsignificance. (Ord. 4551, 9-18-1995) Hearing Examiner may impose additional requirements, including: 11. Hearing Process and Examiner Au- thority for Modification of Plans: i. Preparation of a landscape plan by a licensed landscape architect; 9 - 64 4-9-200K ii. Preparation of a grading, drain- H. MINOR ADJUSTMENTS TO AN age and erosion control plan; APPROVED SITE PLAN: (Reserved) iii. Preparation of a vegetation pres- I. TIMING OF BUILDING PERMITS: ervation plan; (Reserved) iv. Improvements to identified or J. EXPIRATION AND EXTENSION OF planned public rights-of-way, includ SITE PLAN APPROVAL: ing paving,curbs,gutters,sidewalks, The final approval of a site plan shall expire within lighting, turn lanes, s nalization, two (2)years of the date of approval. A single two bikeways or pedestrian paths; and (2)year extension may be granted for good cause v. Provision of or improvements to by the approval body which approved the original public facilities and utilities. site plan. The approval body may, however, de- termine at its discretion that a public hearing may d. Modification of Plan Subsequent be required for such extension. (Ord. 4008, to Public Hearing and Prior to Deci- 7-14-1986) sion: In all cases, if an applicant can K. EXCEPTION TO TWO (2) YEAR TIME demonstrate that a site plan can be made consistent with the review criteria and LIMIT FOR PHASED PROJECTS: general purposes by alternative modifica- to the site plan, the Hearing Exam- proposed Phasing Permitted: For development iner shall accept the alternative modifica- tionsproposed on only a portion of a particular site, tions as conditions of approval and an applicant may choose to submit a site plan approve the site plan. If a public hearing application for either the entire site or the por- on the site plan application has already tion of the site. In the latter case, the applica been closed,the modifications proposed tion shall state clearly the area of the site and by the applicant shall be administered ac the proposed development, including cording to subsection G of this Section. phases, for which site plan approval is being requested. In every case, the site plan appli- e. Denial of Site Plan: If the Hearing cation and review shall cover at least that por- Examiner finds that the site plan applica tion of the site which is directly related to or tion cannot be made consistent with the may be impacted by the actual proposed de general purposes and review criteria of velopment, as determined by the Environ- this Section by requiring reasonable con- ditions,then the site plan shall be denied. 2. Authority for Extension of Time: The f. Limitations on Authority: The au- Hearing Examiner may grant site plan ap- thority to condition or deny site plan appli- for large projects planned to be devel cations should be exercised to the oped or redeveloped in phases over a period minimum extent necessary to protect the of years exceeding the normal time limits of public interest and welfare as expressed subsection J of this Section. Such approval in the purposes of this Section. (Ord. shall include clearly defined phases and spe- 3981, 4-7-1986) cific time limits for each phase. G. MAJOR ADJUSTMENTS TO AN 3. Expiration of Phase(s): If the time limits APPROVED SITE PLAN: of a particular phase are not satisfied, then Major adjustments to an approved site plan re- site plan approval for that phase and subse Ex- quire an amended application pursuant to sub quent phases shall expire. The Hearing Ex section F of this Section.The review and approval aminer shall also determine if such a phased shall rest with the approval body which approved project will be eligible for any extensions of the original site plan. Major adjustments involve a the time limits. substantial change in the basic site design plan, 4. Vested for the Purposes of Zoning:As intensity, density, use and the like generally in long as the development of a phased project volving more than a ten percent(10%) change in conforms to the approved phasing plan, the area or scale. (Ord. 4008, 7-4-1986) 9 - 65 4-9-200L zoning regulations in effect at the time of the 1. Development which will occur over a pe- original approval shall continue to apply. riod of five (5) years or more. However,all construction shall conform to the Uniform Building Code and Uniform Fire 2. Development which consists of a number Code regulations in force at the time of build- of unconnected buildings, projects or im- ing permit application. (Ord. 3981, 4-7-1986) provements on the same site,with or without a certainty of order of development. L. APPEALS: Any decision on an administrative site plan ap- 3. Development in a number of phases proval shall be appealed as an administrative de- when the phases are not predictable or cer- cision pursuant to RMC 4-8-110, Appeals. Any tain of the timing of development. appellant must be seeking to protect an interest that is arguably within the zone of interest to be 4. Development of a number of buildings or protected or regulated by this Section, must al- projects under single ownership on geo- lege an injury in fact, and that injury must be real graphically separated parcels within the City. and present rather than speculative. (Ord. 4551, 9-18-1995) 5. Governmental projects including, but not limited to,projects proposed by any municipal corporation established under the laws of the 4-9-210 SITE PLAN APPROVAL, State of Washington,whether or not meeting MASTER: any other category listed above which: A. PURPOSE: a. will be developed repetitiously, peri- The master site plan process is to provide a site odically, or over an extended time period plan approval at the conceptual stage for those due to size,dispersed locations,periodic projects,series of projects,phased developments needs or uncertainty of funding, or or developments occurring over a long period of time or which are of such a size and complexity or b. have been identified in the City's duration as to make independent site plan review Comprehensive Plan or applicable capi- burdensome, difficult, or inclined to lead to seg- tal facilities plan or have been the subject mented and inconsistent conditions and approv- of a public hearing. als. The process is also to provide a plan for the physical and functional interrelationships be- 6. Exemptions: (Reserved) tween uses and facilities on the site, and to plan for and mitigate potential impacts that could result C. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND from large scale site and facility development. APPLICATION FEES: (Ord. 4551, 9-18-1995) Shall be as stipulated in RMC 4-1-170, Land Use Review Fees, and 4-8-120C, Land Use Applica- This Section is to provide a system whereby a tions. conceptual site plan can be approved without the level of detail necessary for site plan approval un- D. DECISION CRITERIA: der RMC 4-9-200, Site Plan Review. 1. Scale, Spaces, Uses and Form of Im- Once conceptual site plan approval has been ob- provements: The master site plan applica- tained, individual phases, buildings or develop- tion shall provide sufficient detail as to the ments will be approved,conditioned or denied by scale of the proposed improvements, the administrative determination pursuant to the quantity of the various types of spaces to be City's site plan review regulations and this Sec- provided, the use to which the structures will tion. be put, the bulk and general form of the im- provements and such further detail as to dem- B. APPLICABILITY: onstrate the physical and functional interrela- Master site plan review is particularly appropriate tionships of the proposal. to include, but not be limited to, the following types of developments: 2. Compatibility and Public Amenities: Information shall be provided as to the com- 9 - 66 4-9-21 OG patibility of the proposed development with its 2. Conditions Limited: The Examiner will surrounding areas and what public amenities have the same authority for approval, denial, will be provided, if any. and modification as granted to him under RMC 4-9-210D,except that the modifications 3. Appropriate Level of Plan Detail: The may only relate to the master plan itself and Hearing Examiner may refuse to approve any the Examiner's approval should not require master site plan application if the Examiner site-specific details such as landscaping, feels there is inadequate detail upon which to buffering, location of walkways,etc.except to render such an approval under this Section. establish general project criteria as set forth However,the level of detail must be appropri- in RMC 4-9-200E1 and E2, Site Plan Review ate for the master site plan process leaving Decision Criteria. individual details to the administrative site plan process. For example, the master site 3. Decision Options: The Examiner may planning approval should include consider- determine that it is appropriate to issue a ation of safety and efficiency of vehicle and master site plan approval, approve certain el- pedestrian access over the entire site. ements of the master site plan application,or conditionally approve and/or defer other ele- 4. Site-Specific Development Standards: ments or issues for administrative site plan Applicants are encouraged to consult with review. For example, the Examiner could ap- staff about creating site-specific development prove the setbacks and approximate square standards which would allow subsequent de- footage of a building and defer the approval velopment pursuant to City Code to mitigate of the exact location to the administrative site or avoid potential adverse impacts on or off plan review stage. site through such devices as self imposed limits as to total bulk for the types of uses, or G. SUBSEQUENT ADMINISTRATIVE the ratio of developed space to open space. APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL PHASES: The intent of such development standards Once a master site plan has been approved pur- would be to create conceptual site plans of suant to City Code subsections F or K of this Sec- sufficient detail so that a reviewer could de- tion and is still in effect, any individual phase, termine whether potential detrimental im- structure or improvement will be subject to indi- pacts of the project had been avoided or vidual site plan approval pursuant to RMC mitigated through creative site planning, 4-9-200, Site Plan Review,except that the review building, massing and phasing. and approval will be administrative in nature and will not require a Hearing Examiner hearing. The E. OPTIONAL COMBINED administrative review shall be based upon an ap- APPLICATION: plication conforming with the requirements and The applicant may wish to provide more detail judged upon the criteria of RMC 4-9-200. than what is required by this Section and may re- quest that the master site plan approval be corn- 1. Special Public Notice and Thirty (30) bined for public hearing before the Hearing Day Comment Period Required: As part of Examiner with the approval of an individual phase the administrative consideration of approval of the master site plan that would otherwise be of individual phases of a master site plan, subject to administrative approval pursuant to there shall be public notification of such appli- subsection G of this Section. cation announcing that the application has been received and that the administration is F. REVIEW PROCESS: accepting public comment for a period of thirty (30) days. The public notice shall be posted 1. Authority: A hearing to consider a mas- and published in the same manner as would ter site plan application, except for master be a Hearing Examiner's notification of public site plans covered by subsection K of this hearing to consider a site plan approval. Section, will be held before the Hearing Ex- aminer following publication of notice in the 2. Waiver of Site Plan Requirements by same manner as for site plan approval. Administrator: Approval of the master site plan may have satisfied portions of RMC 4-9-200, Site Plan Review, and the depart- ment administrator or his or her designee has 9 - 67 4-9-210H discretion waive those portions of the require- termination. A minor modification shall be a ments of RMC 4-9-200 that have been satis- modification that: fled by the master site plan approval. Whenever the department administrator or a. involves no more than a ten percent his or her designee has discretion to note (10%) increase in square footage of the those portions of the requirements of RMC overall floor area over that proposed in 4-9-200 as having been satisfied by the mas- the master site plan; ter site plan approval, such sections of the Code shall be detailed and that portion of the b. will not have a significantly greater approved master site plan wherein the re- impact on the environment and facilities quirements were satisfied shall be cited by than the approved plan; the department administrator or his or her designee in the approval of the individual c. does not change the boundaries of phase or phases and waive further consider- the originally approved plan; or ation of them. d. alternatively complies with the spe- 3. Three(3)Types of Administrative Ap- cial development standards established provals: There may be three (3) types of ad- under the Zoning Code such as the "P" ministrative site plan approval: Suffix development standards for public facilities. a. An approval that the application for individual site plan approval is consistent I. EXPIRATION TIME FOR with the master site plan approval; NONGOVERNMENTAL SITE PLANS: b. An approval following a minor modifi- 1. General: The master site plan approval cation of the site plan approval pursuant granted under subsection F of this Section to subsection H2 of this Section; and shall be valid for a time established within that approval. The Hearing Examiner shall estab- c. An approval following major modifi- lish a duration for the validity of the master cation to the master site plan approval site planning approval based upon such fac- pursuant to subsection H1 of this Sec- tors as size,complexity,capital requirements, tion. market necessities and other factors, but should be flexible in establishing the duration H. MODIFICATIONS TO APPROVED of the approval. MASTER SITE PLANS: Since the master site planning approval is a con- 2. Normal Expiration Time: Normally, ceptual process without a great deal of detail, master site plan approval shall be for a period substantial flexibility and discretion is granted to of six (6) to ten (10) years. allow modifications under this Section. In deter- mining whether a major or minor modification has 3. Phased Approvals: Whenever master been proposed, the department administrator or site plan approval has been given and the ap- his or her designee will consider if the basic de- proval involves more than a single phase, sign plan, overall project, intensity and density then a time limitation shall be established for are not changed. commencement of the first phase of the project. Subject to extension of time as per- 1. Major Modifications:Major modification miffed in this Section, failure to commence to an approved master site plan will require a construction of any individual phase within hearing before the Hearing Examiner and an the time limits permitted shall result in loss of amended application pursuant to this Chap- master site plan approval. ter. Major modifications involve a substantial change in the concept, intensity, use or phas- 4. Extended Time for Projects Over One ing of the approved master site plan. Hundred (100) Acres: For projects of over one hundred (100) acres, upon a showing of 2. Minor Modifications: Minor modifica- need,the Hearing Examiner can grant an ap- tions will be permitted by administrative de- proval that will be valid for up to twenty (20) years. 9 - 68 4-9-210N a. Ten (10) Year Review Hearing: laws of the State of Washington which are re- Whenever a master site plan approval is quired to plan under the Growth Management Act granted for more than ten (10) years, or otherwise, and are required to or have devel- there shall be a review hearing of the ap- oped a capital facilities plan and funding plan,may proval at the end of ten (10)years.At that obtain a governmental site plan approval. The time the Hearing Examiner shall conduct governmental master site plan approval for City of a public hearing to review the concepts Renton projects shall be valid for six (6) years or and scope of the project, the develop- the period covered by the capital facilities plan, ment pattern in the general area, whichever is shorter. The governmental master changes in laws, and whether or not the site plan may be approved following public hear- project phases are being developed in ing by the City Council if such hearing occurs in the manner and timing as originally pro- conjunction with Council consideration of the cap- posed in order to determine that the ap- ital facilities plan required pursuant to chapter proval should remain in effect. The 36.70A RCW, and by the Hearing Examiner for approval shall remain in effect unless the other governmental master site plan approvals. Examiner determines upon clear,cogent, Any governmental master site plan approval may and convincing evidence that there has be extended following any change to the capital been a substantial change in circum- facilities plan,financing,phasing or duration of the stances, whether legal or factual, such plan if it is determined by the administration that that the project would not receive ap- such change is not a major modification to the proval if considered initially at the time of governmental master site plan approval. the review hearing and would not be in the public interest, in which case the L. RECOGNITION OF EXISTING master site plan approval shall lapse and MASTER PLANS: the project will no longer be considered Where there exists plans of a nature essentially vested under this Section. Such a deter- equivalent to a master plan, which have under- mination by the Hearing Examiner would gone City scrutiny and have complied with SEPA, be appealable to the City Council as a de- and which meet the general provisions of this cision under RMC 4-8-110. Section and have undergone a public hearing with proper notification, then the City may pro- J. EXTENSION: cess a request to certify that existing plan as an A single two (2) year extension of any individual existing master plan for the number of years re- phase of the master site plan approval may be maining on the previously approved plan,just as given, which two (2) year extension of an individ- if it had complied fully with this Section. ual phase shall likewise extend the master site plan approval for two (2) years, and the master M. VESTING: site plan approval as a whole shall receive no The rights of an applicant under the Comprehen- more than a five (5) year extension without prior sive Plan and Zoning Code to construct all ele- Hearing Examiner approval with respect to any in- ments, phases and improvements shown or dividual phase, but the project as a whole shall re- described in a master site plan,if approved,or ap- ceive not more than a five (5) year extension proved with conditions, shall vest upon master without prior Hearing Examiner approval. Such site plan approval. At the time of building permit extension may be given by the Hearing Examiner application, or administrative site plan approval, following public notification of the application for the improvements shall be designed and ap- extension, but no public hearing shall be required proved pursuant to the then existing codes such for such extension unless the City,the applicant or as the applicable Building Code, Fire Code, some party showing likelihood of actual monetary Plumbing Code and other developmental codes. or environmental damage requests such a public hearing. N. APPEALS OF ADMINISTRATIVE SITE PLAN DECISIONS: K. EXPIRATION TIME FOR Any decision on an administrative site plan ap- GOVERNMENTAL SITE PLAN proval shall be appealable as an administrative APPROVALS: decision pursuant to RMC 4-8-110, Appeals. Governmental units including, but not limited to, any municipal corporation established under the 9 - 69 4-9-2100 The approval shall remain in effect unless the 4-9-230 SPECIAL PERMIT TO Hearing Examiner determines upon clear,cogent, ALLOW PRIVATE GARAGES ON and convincing evidence that there has been a STEEP SLOPES TO LOCATE WITHIN substantial change in circumstances, whether le FRONT OR SIDE YARD SETBACK: gal or factual, such that the project would not re- ceive approval if considered initially at the time of the review hearing and would not be in the public A. PURPOSE, AUTHORITY AND interest, in which case the master site plan ap- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: proval shall lapse and the project will no longer be The Development Services Division may, in spe- considered vested under this Section. Such a de- cific cases where the topography of the premises termination by the Hearing Examiner would be ap- or the location of buildings existing prior to the pealable to the City Council as a decision under passage of this Code make compliance with the RMC 4-8-110. provisions governing the location of private ga- rages impossible,.,grant a special permit for a pri- O. APPEALS OF HEARING EXAMINER vate garage to be located nearer to the street line DECISIONS: than the main structure, but in any case where The final decision of the Hearing Examiner on a such location is within a required front or side master site plan application will be appealable to yard,the highest point of a building so located the City Council within fourteen (14) days pursu- not be more than thirty inches (30��) above ant to RMC 4-8-110F, Appeals. (Ord. 4551, the average level of the ground on the side far- 9-18-1995) thest from the street line. Likewise, the Develop- ment Services Division may, upon proper application, grant a special permit for the location 4-9-220 SPECIAL PERMITS: of a garage on the low side of the street nearer to the street line than the main building. (Ord. 2630, A. PURPOSE AND AUTHORITY: 4-26-1971, Amd. Ord. 3592, 12-14-1981) Recognizing that there are certain uses of prop- erty that may be detrimental to the public health, B. APPLICABILITY: (Reserved) safety, morals, and general welfare, and not per- mitted by right in the zone where proposed, de- C. REVIEW CRITERIA: (Reserved) pending upon the facts of each particular case, a limited power to issue permits for such uses is 4-9-240 TEMPORARY USE vested in the Hearing Examiner following recom- mendation by the Development Services Divi- PERMITS: sion. (Ord. 3592, 12-14-1981) A. PURPOSE: B. APPLICABILITY: (Reserved) A temporary use permit allows a use or structure on a short-term basis. Such uses or structures C. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND may be allowed subject to modified development FEES: standards which would not be appropriate for per- Shall be as listed in RMC 4-8-120C, Land Use Ap- manent uses in the zoning designation. (Ord. plications, and 4-1-170, Land Use Review Fees. 4560, 11-13-1995) D. REVIEW PROCESS AND DECISION B. APPLICABILITY: (Reserved) CRITERIA: The standards of review and procedural require 1• Exemptions: (Reserved) ments shall be the same as a conditional use per- mit. (Ord. 3592, 12-14-1981) C. USES WHICH MAY BE PERMITTED: E. EXPIRATION AND EXTENSIONS: 1. Occupancy of a temporary structure (ex- Shall be as stipulated in RMC 4-8-100H and I. fisting home, mobile home or travel trailer with adequate water and sewer/septic ser- F. MODIFICATIONS TO APPROVED vice) on the same lot while a residential build- PLANS: (Reserved) ing is being constructed or while a damaged residential building is being repaired, and 9 - 70 4-9-240H when a valid residential building permit is in c. City Approval Required: Said sign force. The permit may be granted for up to shall meet the approval of the Planning/ one hundred eighty (180) days, or upon expi- Building/Public Works Administrator or ration of the building permit, whichever first his/her designee. occurs. (Ord. 4560, 11-13-1995) d. Failure to Post or Maintain Sign: 2. Model homes and trailers used for the Failure to post or maintain the sign shall purpose of real estate sales and/or rental result in denial or revocation of the tem- information,located within the subdivision or porary use permit. residential development to which they pertain. e. Deposit Required: The City will 3. Contractor's office, storage yard, and have signs available for applicant's use. equipment parking and servicing on or near Applicant shall pay a twenty five dollar the site or in the vicinity of an active construc- ($25.00) security deposit for the sign, tion project. which deposit will be refunded when the sign is returned in good condition. 4. Circuses, carnivals,fairs, or similar transient amusement or recreational activi- F. WAIVER OF REQUIREMENTS AND ties. FEES: Except for sign requirements in subsection E of 5. Temporary parking lots/areas. this Section, the Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator may waive specific application re- 6. The Planning/Building/Public Works Ad- quirements determined to be unnecessary for ministrator or designee may authorize addi- review of an application. The Administrator may tional temporary uses not listed in this waive the permit application fee for public service subsection when it is found that the proposed activities and nonprofit organizations. uses are in keeping with the intent and pur- poses of this Section. G. APPLICATION PROCESS AND REVIEW AUTHORITY: D. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND The Planning/Building/Public Works Administra- APPLICATION FEES: tor or designee shall, in consultation with appro- Shall be as listed in RMC 4-8-120C, Land Use priate City departments, review and decide upon Applications, and 4-1-170, Land Use Review each application for a temporary use permit.The Fees. Administrator or designee may approve, modify, or condition an application for a temporary use E. PUBLIC NOTICE AND COMMENT permit. PERIOD: In addition to the requirements of RMC 4-8-090, H. DECISION CRITERIA: Public Notice Requirements, the following addi- The Planning/Building/Public Works Administra- tional public notice is required for a temporary use tor or designee may approve, modify,or condition permit application: an application for a temporary use permit, based on consideration of the following factors: 1. Public Notice Sign:Applicant shall post a sign on the property. 1. The temporary use will not be materially detrimental to the public health, safety, or a. Contents of Sign: A description of welfare, nor injurious to property or improve- the temporary use and a statement that ments in the vicinity of the temporary use; there is an application for a temporary use permit. 2. Adequate parking facilities and vehicle in- gress and egress are provided to serve the b. Timing for Sign Posting: Said sign temporary use and any existing uses on the shall be posted on the site within forty site; eight(48) hours of the time application is made and shall remain on the site until the end of the appeal period. 9 - 71 4-9-2401 3. Hours of operation of the temporary use 3. A maximum of one, one year extension are specified,and would not adversely impact may be granted for uses referred to in sub- surrounding uses; section K2 of this Section. 4. The temporary use will not cause nui- L. REMOVAL OF TEMPORARY USE sance factors such as noise, light, or glare REQUIRED: which adversely impacts surrounding uses; Each site occupied by a temporary use shall be left free of debris, litter, or other evidence of the 5. If applicable, the applicant has obtained temporary use upon completion of removal of the the required right-of-way use permit. use. I. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: M. SECURITY: The Planning/Building/Public Works Administra- 1. General: The Planning/Building/Public for or designee may require security in conform- Works Administrator or designee may estab- ance with RMC 4-9-060C to assure compliance lish conditions as may be deemed necessary with the provisions of the temporary use permit as to ensure land use compatibility and to mini- approved. The amount of the security will be de- mize potential impacts on nearby uses.These termined by the Planning/Building/Public Works include, but are not limited to, requiring that Administrator or designee, but in no case shall it notice be given to adjacent property owners be less than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00). prior to approval, time and frequency of oper- The security may be used by the City to abate the ation, temporary arrangements for parking use and/or facilities. and traffic circulation, requirement for screen- ing or enclosure, and guarantees for site res- N. PERMIT REVOCATION: toration and cleanup following temporary uses. 1. Revocation of Temporary Use Permit: Should the Planning/Building/Public Works 2. Facilities Required: Each site occupied Administrator or the Administrator's designee by a temporary use shall have access to or determine that information has been provided provide for restroom facilities (may be a tern- to the City which was false, incomplete, or porary facility) and garbage disposal; electri- has changed,such that the decision criteria in cal hookups will be required as needed. subsection H of this Section are incorrect, false, or have not been met, or the temporary J. OTHER REQUIRED PERMITS: use actually being used is different than or The temporary use permit may initiate permits and greater than that applied for,or if the use itself inspections from both Fire Prevention and/or De- is a nuisance, unhealthy, unsafe or poses a velopment Services Division to insure that the substantial risk of harm to persons or prop- temporary use is in compliance with Fire/Building erty, then the Administrator may revoke the Codes. temporary use permit upon ten (10) days' written notice,unless an emergency exists,in K. EXPIRATION AND EXTENSION: which case the Administrator may declare such an emergency and immediately revoke 1. Except as specified in subsection K2 of the temporary use permit. this Section, a temporary use permit is valid for up to ninety (90) calendar days from the effective date of the permit, unless the Plan- 4-9-250 VARIANCES, WAIVERS, ping/Building/Public Works Administrator or MODIFICATIONS, AND ALTERNATES: designee establishes a shorter time frame. A. PURPOSES: 2. The Planning/Building/Public Works Ad- ministrator or designee may approve a tern- 1. Variances: A grant of relief from the re- porary use permit for up to one year for quirements of this Title which permits con- temporary sales or rental offices in subdivi- struction in a manner that otherwise is sions, multi-family or nonresidential projects prohibited by this Title. or other longer term uses. 9 - 72 4-9-250B 2. Waivers: (Reserved) 2. Filing of Application:A property owner, or his duly authorized agent, may file an ap- 3. Modifications: To modify a Code re- plication for a variance which application quirement when there are practical difficulties shall set forth fully the grounds therefor and involved in carrying out the provisions of this the facts deemed to justify the granting of Title when a special individual reason makes such variance. the strict letter of this Code impractical. (Ord. 4346, 3-9-1992) 3. Submittal Requirements and Applica- tion Fees: Shall be as listed in RMC 4. Alternates: To allow the use of any ma- 4-8-120C, Land Use Applications, and terial or method of construction not specifi- 4-1-170, Land Use Review Fees. cally prescribed by this Title. (Ord. 4346, 3-9-1992) 4. Public Notice and Comment Period: Notice of the application shall be given pursu- B. VARIANCE PROCEDURES: ant to RMC 4-8-090, Public Notice Require- ments. 1. Authority and Applicability: 5. Decision Criteria: The Reviewing Offi- a. Hearing Examiner Variances: The cial shall have authority to grant a variance Hearing Examiner shall have the author- upon making a determination in writing that ity to grant variances from the provisions the conditions specified below have been of this Title where the proposed develop- found to exist: ment requires or required any permit or approval as set forth in RMC 4-1-050H. a. That the applicant suffers undue hardship and the variance is necessary b. Board of Adjustment Variances: because of special circumstances appli- The Board of Adjustment shall have au- cable to subject property, including size, thority to grant variances from the provi- shape, topography, location or surround- sions of this Title upon application to the ings of the subject property,and the strict Development Services Division where no application of the Zoning Code is found to approval or permit is required for the pro- deprive subject property owner of rights posed development which must be and privileges enjoyed by other property granted by the Hearing Examiner pursu- owners in the vicinity and under identical ant to RMC 4-1-050H. The Board of Ad- zone classification; justment shall have no authority to vary the terms or conditions of any permit, rec- b. That the granting of the variance will ommendation or decision issued by the not be materially detrimental to the public Hearing Examiner. welfare or injurious to the property or im- provements in the vicinity and zone in c. Administrative Variances: The which subject property is situated; Planning/Building/Public Works Adminis- trator or his/her designee shall have the c. That approval shall not constitute a authority to grant variances from the fol- grant of special privilege inconsistent lowing development standards when no with the limitation upon uses of other other permit or approval requires Hearing properties in the vicinity and zone in Examiner Review: which the subject property is situated; i. Residential Land Uses: Lot d. That the approval as determined by width, lot depth, setbacks, allowed the Hearing Examiner or Board of Adjust- projections into setbacks, and lot ment is a minimum variance that will ac- coverage; and complish the desired purpose. ii. Commercial and Industrial 6. Special Review Criteria for Variances Land Uses: Screening of surface from the Aquifer Protection Regulations: mounted equipment and screening See chapter 8-8 RMC. of roof-mounted equipment. 9 - 73 4-9-250C 7. Continuation of Public Hearing: If for become null and void and in the event that any reason testimony in any manner set for the applicant or owner of the subject property public hearing, or being heard, cannot be for which a variance has been requested has completed on date set for such hearing, the failed to commence construction or otherwise person presiding at such public hearing or implement effectively the variance granted meeting may, before adjournment or recess within a period of two (2) years after such of such matters under consideration, publicly variance has been issued. announce the time and place to and at which said meeting will be continued,and no further 12. Extension of Approval: For proper notice of any kind shall be required. (Ord. cause shown, an applicant may petition the 3463, 8-11-1980; Amd. Ord. 4648, 1-6-1997) Reviewing Official for an extension of the two (2) year period, specifying the reasons there- 8. Board of Adjustment Decision Pro- for. The Reviewing Official may extend the cess: time limit, but such extension shall not ex- ceed one additional year in any event. (Ord. a. Board of Adjustment Shall An- 3463, 8-11-1980; Amd. Ord. 4648, 1-6-1997) nounce Findings and Decisions: Not more than thirty (30) days after the termi- C. WAIVER PROCEDURES: nation of the proceedings of the public hearing on any variance, the Board of 1. Authority for Waiver, General: (Re- Adjustment shall announce its findings served) and decision. If a variance is granted,the record shall show such conditions and 2. Authority for Waiver of Street Im- limitations in writing as the Board of Ad- provements: The Board of Public Works justment may impose. may grant waiver of the installation of street improvements subject to the determination b. Notice of Decision of Board of Ad- that there is reasonable justification for such justment: Following the rendering of a waiver. decision on a variance application, a copy of the written order by the Board of 3. Application and Fee:Any application for Adjustment shall be mailed to the appli- such a waiver shall specify in detail the reason cant at the address shown on the appli- for such requested waiver and may contain cation and filed with the Board of such evidence including photographs, maps, Adjustment and to any other person who surveys as may be pertinent thereto. The ap- requests a copy thereof. plication fee shall be as specified in RMC 4-1-170, Land Use Review Fees. c. Reconsideration: (Reserved) 4. Decision Criteria,General: (Reserved) d. Record of Decision: Whenever a variance is approved by the Board of Ad- 5. Decision Criteria for Waivers of Street justment,the Development Services Divi- Improvements: Reasonable justification sion shall forthwith make an appropriate shall include but not be limited to the follow- record and shall inform the administrative ing: department having jurisdiction over the matter. a. Required street improvements will al- ter an existing wetlands or stream, or 9. Conditions of Approval: The Review- have a negative impact on a shorelines ing Official may prescribe any conditions area. upon the variance deemed to be necessary and required. b. Existing steep topography would make required street improvements in- 10. Finalization: (Reserved) feasible. 11. Expiration of Variance Approval:Any c. Required street improvements would variance granted by the Reviewing Official, have a negative impact on other proper- unless otherwise specified in writing, shall ties,such as restricting available access. 9 - 74 4-9-260 d. There are no similar improvements in E. ALTERNATE PROCEDURES: the vicinity and there is little likelihood that the improvements will be needed or 1. Authority:The provisions of this Title are required in the next ten (10) years. not intended to prevent the use of any mate- rial or method of construction or aquifer pro- e. In no case shall a waiver be granted tection not specifically prescribed by this unless it is shown that there will be no Title, provided any alternate has been ap- detrimental effect on the public health, proved and its use authorized by the Plan- safety or welfare if the improvements are ning/Building/Public Works Administrator. not installed, and that the improvements are not needed for current or future de- 2. Decision Criteria: The Administrator velopment. may approve any such alternate, provided he/she finds that the proposed design and/or D. MODIFICATION PROCEDURES: methodology is satisfactory and complies with the provisions of this Title and that the 1. Application Time and Decision Au- material, method or work offered is, for pur- thority:Modification from standards,either in pose intended, at least the equivalent of that whole or in part, shall be subject to approval prescribed in this Title in suitability, strength, by the Planning/Building/Public Works De- effectiveness, durability, safety, maintainabil- partment upon submittal in writing of jurisdic- ity and environmental protection. tion for such modification. Application will be made prior to detailed engineering and de- 3. Substantiation:The Department Admin- sign. istrator shall require that evidence or proof be submitted to substantiate any claims that may 2. Decision Criteria: Whenever there are be made regarding its use. practical difficulties involved in carrying out the provisions of this Title, the Department 4. Record of Decision: The details of any Administrator may grant modifications for in- action granting approval of an alternate shall dividual cases provided he/she shall first find be written and entered in the files of the Code that a specific reason makes the strict letter of enforcement agency. (Ord.4367,9-14-1992) this Code impractical, and that the modifica- tion is in conformity with the intent and pur- pose of this Code,and that such modification: 4-9-260 VIOLATIONS OF THIS CHAPTER AND PENALTIES: a. Will meet the objectives and safety, function,appearance,environmental pro- Unless otherwise specified, penalties for any tection and maintainability intended by violations of any of the provisions of this the Code requirements, based upon Chapter shall be in accord with RMC 1-3-2, sound engineering judgment; and Civil Penalties. (Ord. 4722, 5-11-1998) b. Will not be injurious to other prop- erty(s) in the vicinity; and c. Conform to the intent and purpose of the Code; and d. Can be shown to be justified and re- quired for the use and situation intended; and e. Will not create adverse impacts to other property(ies) in the vicinity. (Ord. 4517, 5-8-1995) 9 - 75 Chapter 10 NONCONFORMING STRUCTURES, USES AND LOTS SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER 4-10-010 COMPLETION AND RESTORATION OF EXISTING NONCONFORMING USES/STRUCTURES AND LOTS 1 A. Nonconforming Lots (Reserved) 1 B. Pending Permits Valid 1 C. Nonconforming Structures 1 1. Vacant, Abandoned, or Amortized Structures 1 2. Unsafe Structures 1 3. Alterations 1 a. Structures with Conditional Approval Permits 1 b. Other Legal Nonconforming Structures 1 4. Extension 1 5. Restoration 1 a. Legal Nonconforming Structures with Conditional Approval Permits 1 b. Other Legal Nonconforming Structures 1 c. Illegal Structures 2 D. Nonconforming Uses 2 1. Abandonment 2 2. Relocation 2 3. Changes 2 4. Restoration 2 a. Legal Nonconforming Uses with Conditional Approval Permits 2 b. Other Legal Nonconforming Uses 2 c. Illegal Uses 2 E. Nonconforming Animals 2 F. Nonconforming Signs 2 10 - i 4-10-010C 4-10-010 COMPLETION AND shall not result in or increase any non- RESTORATION OF EXISTING conforming conditions unless they were NONCONFORMING USES/ specifically imposed as a condition of STRUCTURES AND LOTS: granting a conditional approval permit, pursuant to RMC 4-9-120. A. NONCONFORMING LOTS: (Reserved) b. Other Legal Nonconforming Structures:The cost of the alterations of B. PENDING PERMITS VALID: all other legal nonconforming structures Nothing herein contained shall require any shall not exceed an aggregate cost of fifty change in the plans, construction, or designation percent(50%)of the value of the building or intended use of a building for which a building or structure, based upon its most recent permit has heretofore been issued, or which has assessment of appraisal, unless the been submitted to the Building Official before the amount over fifty percent (50%) is used effective date of amendments to the development to make the building or structure more regulations. conforming.Alterations shall not result in or increase any nonconforming condition. C. NONCONFORMING STRUCTURES: Any building or structure legally existing at the 4. Extension:The structure shall not be ex- time of enactment of this Code may remain, al- tended unless the extension is conforming or though such structure does not conform with the it is consistent with the provisions of a condi- provisions of this Code, provided the following tional approval permit issued for it.The exten- conditions are met: sion of a lawful use to any portion of a nonconforming building or structure which 1. Vacant, Abandoned, or Amortized existed prior to the enactment of this Code Structures:The structure is not abandoned, shall not be deemed the extension of such vacant, or extensively damaged. Noncon- nonconforming structure. Towers that are forming buildings or structures which do not constructed, and antennas that are installed, have historic significance and have been va- in accordance with the provisions of this Title cant for two(2)or more years,or abandoned, shall not be deemed to constitute the expan- or are sufficiently old at the time that they are sion of a nonconforming use or structure. severely damaged so as to have had suffi- cient time to amortize most or all of their initial 5. Restoration: Nothing in this Chapter economic value,shall not be allowed to be re- shall prevent the reconstruction, repairing, re- developed or re-established. building and continued use of any noncon- forming building or structure damaged by fire, 2. Unsafe Structures:The structure is kept explosion, or act of God, subsequent to the in a safe condition. Nothing in this Chapter date of these building regulations and subject shall prevent the strengthening or restoring to to the following conditions: a safe condition of any portion of a building or structure declared unsafe by a proper author- a. Legal Nonconforming Structures ity. with Conditional Approval Permits: The work shall generally not exceed one 3. Alterations: Any alterations must com- hundred percent (100%) of the latest ap- ply with the following requirements: praised value of the building or structure closest to the time such damage oc- a. Structures with Conditional Ap- curred;restoration or reconstruction work proval Permits: The cost of the alter- exceeding one hundred percent (100%) ation shall generally not exceed an of this value shall either be a condition of aggregate cost of one hundred percent granting the conditional approval permit (100%) of the value of the building or or necessary to conform to the regula- structure, unless: (1) the building or tions and uses specified in this Title. structure is made conforming by the al- terations; or (2) the alteration were im- b. Other Legal Nonconforming posed as a condition of granting a Structures: The work shall not exceed conditional approval permit. Alterations fifty percent(50%) of the latest assessed 10 - 1 4-10-010D or appraised value of the building or struc- a. Legal Nonconforming Uses with ture at the time such damage occurred, Conditional Approval Permits: The otherwise any restoration or reconstruc- work shall generally not exceed one hun- tion shall conform to the regulations and dred percent (100%) of the latest ap- uses specified in this Title. praised value of the building or structure housing the use closest to the time such c. Illegal Structures: These shall be damage occurred; restoration or recon- discontinued. struction work exceeding one hundred percent (100%) of this value shall either D. NONCONFORMING USES: be a condition of granting the conditional Any lawful use existing at the time of enactment approval permit pursuant to RMC4-9-120 of this Code may be continued, although such or necessary to conform to the regula- use does not conform with the provisions of the tions and uses specified in this Title. building regulations, provided the following condi- tions are met: b. Other Legal Nonconforming Uses: The work shall not exceed fifty percent 1. Abandonment: The use is not aban- (50%) of the latest appraised value of the doned.A legal nonconforming use(of a build- building or structure at the time such ing or premises) which has been abandoned damage occurred. Uses which were in shall not thereafter be resumed. Abandoned conformance with the Code at the time it uses shall not be eligible for a conditional ap- was enacted or at the time they were built proval permit. A nonconforming use shall be or developed, but which became noncon- considered abandoned when: forming on adoption of the development regulations or amendments to it. (Ord. a. The intent of the owner to discon- 4584, 2-12-1996) tinue the use is apparent, and discontinu- ance for a period of one year or more c. Illegal Uses: Uses which are not in shall be prima facie evidence that the conformance with the Code or the devel- nonconforming use has been aban- opment regulations in effect on the date doned, or they were established (illegal uses). These uses shall be discontinued. (Ord. b. It has been replaced by a conforming 4584, 2-12-1996) use, or E. NONCONFORMING ANIMALS: c. It has been changed to another use See RMC 4-4-010K. under permit from the City or its autho- rized representative. F. NONCONFORMING SIGNS: See RMC 4-4-100D. 2. Relocation: The use is not relocated. A legal nonconforming use of a building or pre- mises which has been vacated and moved to another location,or discontinued,shall not be allowed to reestablish itself except in compli- ance with the building regulations. 3. Changes: The use is not changed to a different nonconforming use. The noncon- forming use of a building or structure shall not be changed to another nonconforming use. 4. Restoration: Nothing in this Chapter shall prevent the restoration or continuance of a nonconforming use damaged by fire, ex- plosion,or act of God,subsequent to the date of these building regulations,or amendments thereto, subject to the following conditions: 10 - 2 Chapter 11 DEFINITIONS SECTION PAGE NUMBER NUMBER 4-11-010 DEFINITIONS A 1 4-11-020 DEFINITIONS B 5 4-11-030 DEFINITIONS C 9 4-11-040 DEFINITIONS D 13 4-11-050 DEFINITIONS E 17 4-11-060 DEFINITIONS F 19 4-11-070 DEFINITIONS G 20 4-11-080 DEFINITIONS H 21 4-11-090 DEFINITIONS I 22 4-11-100 DEFINITIONS J (Reserved) 23 4-11-110 DEFINITIONS K 24 4-11-120 DEFINITIONS L 24 4-11-130 DEFINITIONS M 27 4-11-140 DEFINITIONS N 29 4-11-150 DEFINITIONS 0 30 4-11-160 DEFINITIONS P 31 4-11-170 DEFINITIONS Q (Reserved) 34 4-11-180 DEFINITIONS R 34 4-11-190 DEFINITIONS S 36 4-11-200 DEFINITIONS T 43 4-11-210 DEFINITIONS U 45 4-11-220 DEFINITIONS V 46 4-11-230 DEFINITIONS W 46 4-11-240 DEFINITIONS X (Reserved) 50 4-11-250 DEFINITIONS Y 50 4-11-260 DEFINITIONS Z 50 11 - i 4-11-010 For the purpose of this Title, the following words, ACTION: (This definition for RMC 4-9-070, Envi- terms, phrases and their derivations shall have ronmental Review Procedures, use only.) the meaning given herein, unless the context oth- erwise indicates. A. "Actions" include, as further specified below: 1. New and continuing activities (including 4-11-010 DEFINITIONS A: project and programs) entirely or partly fi- ABANDONMENT OF UNDERGROUND STOR- nanced, assisted, conducted, regulated, li AGE FACILITIES: See RMC 4-5-120G. (Ord. censed, or approved by agencies; 3891, 2-25-1985) 2. New or revised agency rules, regula- ABUTTING:Lots sharing common property lines. tions, plans, policies, or procedures; and #7—N,1/4 Abutting Lots 3. Legislative proposals. I•.- " B. "Actions"fall within one of two (2) categories: i.or i ' tore �.._._� 1. Project Actions:A project action involves ——� a decision on a specific project, such as a Sr R F F r construction or management activity located in a defined geographic area. Projects in- clude and are limited to agency decisions to: ACCEPTANCE OF OFFER OF SALE: A written commitment for the purchase of a condominium a. License,fund,or undertake any activ- unit or interest in a cooperative at a specific price ity that will directly modify the environ- and on specific terms. (Ord. 3366, 10-15-1979) ment, whether the activity will be con- ducted by the agency, an applicant, or ACCESS EASEMENT: An easement created for under contract. the purpose of providing vehicular or pedestrian access to a property. (Ord. 4521, 6-5-1995) b. Purchase, sell, lease, transfer, or ex- change natural resources, including pub- ACCESSORY USE OR BUILDING: A subordi- licly owned land whether or not the nate building located upon the same lot occupied environment is directly modified. by a principal use or building with which it is cus- tomarily associated, but clearly incidental to. 2. Non-Project Actions:Non-project actions ACCUMULATIVE SHORT SUBDIVISION: Multi- involve decisions on policies, plans, or pro grams such as: ple short subdivision of contiguous land under common ownership. "Ownership"for purposes of a. The adoption of amendment on leg- this Section shall mean ownership as established islation, ordinances, rules, or regulations at the application submittal date of the initial short that contain standards controlling use or subdivision approval. (Ord. 4522, 6-5-1995) modification of the environment; ACT:The State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, b. The adoption or amendment of corn- chapter 43.21 C RCW, as amended,which is also prehensive land use plans or zoning ordi- referred to as "SEPA". (Ord. 3891, 2-25-1985) nances; ACT: (This definition for RMC 4-3-090, Shoreline c. The adoption of any policy, plan or Master Program Regulations, use only.) The program that will govern the development Shoreline Management Act of 1971, chapter of a series of connected actions (WAC 90.58 RCW. (Ord. 3758, 12-5-1983, Revised 197-11-060),but not including any policy, 7-22-1985 (Minutes), 3-12-1990 (Resolution plan,or program for which approval must 2787), 7-16-1990 (Resolution 2805), 9-13-1993 be obtained from any Federal agency (Minutes) and Ord. 4716, 4-13-1998) prior to implementations; 11 - 1 4-11-010 d. Creation of a district or annexations limited access roads, do not exist. (Ord. 3981, to any city, town or district; 4-7-1986) e. Capital budgets; and ADMINISTRATIVE AUTHORITY: The Planning/ Building/Public Works Administrator of the City of f. Road, street, and highway plans. Renton, or his duly authorized representative or agent. (Ord. 3214, 4-10-1978, eff. 4-19-1978) C. "Actions"do not include the activities listed above when an agency is not involved.Actions do ADMINISTRATIVE HEADQUARTERS OFFICE: not include bringing judicial or administrative civil A use containing one or more of the day-to-day or criminal enforcement actions (certain categori- functions(e.g.,management,payroll,information cal exemptions in RMC 4-9-0701 identify in more systems, inventory control) related to the opera- detail governmental activities that would not have tion of the company or affiliated corporate group. any environmental impacts and for which SEPA review is not required). ADMINISTRATOR: The Administrator of the De- partment of Planning/Building/Public Works of the ACTIVITY: A happening associated with a use; City,or any successor office with responsibility for the use of energy toward a specific action or pur- management of the public properties within the suit. Examples of shoreline activities include but City of Renton, or his/her designee. (Ord. 4367, are not limited to fishing, swimming, boating, 9-14-1992, Ord. 4521, 6-5-1995, Ord. 4522, dredging, fish spawning, wildlife nesting, or dis- 6-5-1995) charging of materials. Not all activities necessar- ily require a shoreline location. Shoreline Master ADOPTION: An agency's use of all or part of an Program (Ord. 3758, 12-5-1983, Revised existing environmental document to meet all or 7-22-1985 (Minutes), 3-12-1990 (Resolution part of the agency's responsibilities under SEPA 2787), 7-16-1990 (Resolution 2805), 9-13-1993 to prepare an EIS or other environmental docu- (Minutes) and Ord. 4716, 4-13-1998) ment. (Ord. 3891, 2-25-1985) ADDENDUM: An environmental document used ADULT DAY CARE/HEALTH: A program de- to provide additional information or analysis that signed to meet the needs of adults with functional does not substantially change the analysis of sig- impairments through an individualized plan of nificant impacts and alternatives in the existing care. It is a structured, comprehensive program environmental document. The term does not in- that provides a variety of health, social, and re- clude supplemental EISs. An addendum may be lated support services in a protective setting dur- used at any time during the SEPA process. (Ord. ing any part of a day for a minimum of four (4) 3891, 2-25-1985) hours, but less than twenty four(24) hour care. While beds may be provided for rest periods,adult ADJACENT: Lots located across a street, rail- day care/health uses are not intended to function road or right-of-way, except limited access roads. as residential facilities. Where specified,the max- (Ord. 4680, 9-22-1997) imum number of clients present at any one period na;acent Lots Adia,,:em t.o t5 of time during the program operation. Adult day f� r� care/health programs are subclassified as fol- lows: • A. Adult Day Care/Health Category I—a max- I 1 ( 74 I I LOT 2 `! LOT 3 ( imum of four (4) clients upon a property in resi- • • - • • • • dential use;and a maximum of twelve(12)clients �••� _--••� �••� upon a property in nonresidential use. B. Adult Day Care/Health Category II—five (5) or more clients upon a property in residential ADJACENT PROPERTIES: (This definition for use; and thirteen (13) or more clients upon a purposes of site plan review notice requirements property in nonresidential use. (Ord. 4680, only.) All contiguous properties, with the assump- 9-22-1997) tion that railroads and public rights-of-way,except 11 - 2 4-11-010 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT BUSINESS: omy;fondling or other erotic touching of human genitals, pubic region, buttock or female breast. A. Any enterprise which,for money or any other (Ord. 4651, 1-27-1997) form of consideration, features, "adult live enter- tainment" as defined herein; AFFECTED TRIBE: Any Indian tribe, band, na- tion or community in the State of Washington that B. Any"adult motion picture theater"as defined is federally recognized by the United States Sec- herein; and retary of the Interior and that will or may be af- fected by the proposal. C. Any adult arcade containing individual view- ing areas or stations or booths, where for money AFFECTING: Having or may be having an effect or any other form of consideration one or more on (see WAC 197-11-752 on impacts). For pur- still or motion picture projectors, slide projectors, poses of deciding whether an EIS is required and or similar machines, or other image-producing what the EIS must cover, "affecting"refers to hav- machines are used to show films, motion pic- ing probable, significant adverse environmental tures, video cassettes, slides or other photo- impacts (RCW 43.21 C.031 and 43.21 C.110 graphic reproduction of sexual activities or (1)(c)). (Ord. 3891, 2-25-1985) anatomical areas as defined under"Adult Motion Picture Theater". AFFORDABLE HOUSING: Housing used as a primary residence for any household whose in- ADULT FAMILY HOME: A residential dwelling come is less than eighty percent(80%)of the me- unit providing personal care, room and board to dian annual income adjusted for household size, more than one person, but not more than four (4) as determined by the Department of Housing and adults, not related by blood or marriage to the per- Urban Development (HUD) for the Seattle Metro- son(s) providing the service. A maximum of six politan Statistical Area, who pay no more than (6) adults may be permitted if the Washington thirty percent (30%) of household income for State Department of Social and Health Services housing expenses. (Ord. 4651, 1-27-1997) determines the home is of adequate size and the home and provider are capable of meeting stan- AGENCY: (This definition for RMC 4-9-070, Envi- dards and qualifications as provided for in chap- ronmental Review Procedures, use only.) ters 70.128 RCW and 388-76 WAC. A. "Agency" means any state or local govern- ADULT LIVE ENTERTAINMENT: A person ap- mental body, board, commission, department, or pearing nude or a live performance which is char- officer authorized to make law, hear contested acterized by sexual activities as defined in chapter cases, or otherwise take the actions stated in 5-12 RMC, Adult Entertainment Standards. WAC 197-11-704, except the judiciary and state legislature. An agency is any state agency (WAC ADULT MOTION PICTURE THEATER: An en- 197-11-796) or local agency (WAC 197-11-762). closed building used for presenting motion picture films video cassettes, cable television, or any B. "Agency with environmental expertise" other such visual media for observation by pa- means an agency with special expertise on the trons there, distinguished or characterized by an environmental impacts involved in a proposal or emphasis on matter depicting,describing or relat- alternative significantly affecting the environment. ing to"specified sexual activities"or"specified an- These agencies are listed in WAC 197-11-920; atomical areas" as hereafter defined: the list may be expanded in agency procedures (WAC 197-11-906). The appropriate agencies A. Specified anatomical areas: Less than corn- must be consulted in the environmental impact pletely and opaquely covered human genitals, statement process, as required by WAC pubic region, buttock and female breast below a 197-11-502. point immediately above the top of the areola; and human male genitals in a discernible turgid C. "Agency with jurisdiction" means an state, even if completely and opaquely covered. agency with authority to approve,veto,or finance all or part of a nonexempt proposal (or part of a B. Specified sexual activities:Human genitals in proposal). The term does not include an agency a state of sexual stimulation or arousal; acts of authorized to adopt rules or standards of general human masturbation, sexual intercourse or sod- applicability and could apply to a proposal, when 11 - 3 4-11-010 no license or approval is required from the ANIMALS, SMALL: Dogs, cats, rabbits, ferrets, agency for the specific proposal. The term also chickens,ducks, geese,birds, rodents, and other does not include a local, State or Federal agency animals of similar size and characteristics. involved in approving a grant or loan, that serves only as a conduit between the primary administer- APPEAL: A request for a review of any action ing agency and the recipient of the grant or loan. pursuant to this Title, or of the interpretation of Federal agencies with jurisdiction are those from any provision of the Title by any City official. which a license or funding is sought or required. (Ord. 3891, 2-25-1985) APPLICANT: Any person or entity, including an agency, applying for a license from an agency. AGENT: (This definition for RMC 4-9-070, Envi- "Application"means a request for a license. (Ord. ronmental Review Procedures, use only.) Any 3891, 2-25-1985) person, firm, partnership, association, joint ven- ture, corporation or any other entity or combina- APPLICANT:A person who files an application of tion or entities who represent or acts for or on permit under this Title and who is either the owner behalf of a developer in selling or offering to sell of the land on which that proposed activity would any condominium or cooperative unit or interest be located, a contract vendee, a lessee of the in a cooperative. (Ord. 4351, 5-4-1992) land, the person who would actually control and direct the proposed activity, or the authorized AIR GAP: See RMC 4-6-100. agent of such a person. (Ord. 4346, 3-9-1992) AIRPORT HAZARD:Any structure,tree or use of APPROVED: See RMC 4-6-100. land which obstructs the air space required for the flight of aircraft in landing or taking off at the air- APPROVED PLASTIC MATERIALS: Approved port or is otherwise hazardous to landing or take- plastic materials shall be those having a self-igni- off of aircraft. tion temperature of six hundred fifty degrees (650°) Fahrenheit or greater when tested in ac- ALLEY: (This definition for chapter 4-2 RMC, cordance with U.B.C. Standard No. 52-3 and a Land Use Districts.) A public vehicular right-of- smoke-density rating not greater than four hun- way not over thirty feet (30') wide. dred fifty (450) when tested in accordance with U.B.C. Standard No.42-1,in the way intended for ALLEY: (This definition for chapter 4-7 RMC, use; or a smoke-density rating no greater than Subdivision Regulations, and chapter 4-6 RMC, seventy five (75) when tested in the thickness in- Street and Utility Standards.)A public right-of-way tended for use by U.B.C. Standard No. 52-2. Ap- not designed for general travel and primarily used proved plastics shall be classified as CC1 in as means of vehicular and pedestrian access to accordance with U.B.C. Standard No. 52-4. (Ord. the rear of abutting properties. (Ord. 4521, 3719, 4-11-1983) 6-5-1995, Ord. 4522, 6-5-1995) APPROVING AUTHORITY: (This definition for ALLOWED ACTIVITIES:(This definition for RMC RMC 4-5-070, Fire Prevention Regulations, and 4-3-110, Wetlands Regulations.) Those activities 4-5-120, Underground Storage Tank Regula- regulated by RMC 4-3-110K and allowed in wet- tions.) The Fire Chief of the Renton Fire Depart- lands or their buffers or adjacent land. (Ord.4346, ment, or his appointee. (Ord. 3541, 5-4-1981) 3-9-1992) AQUACULTURE: The culture of farming of AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION: aquatic animals and plants. Shoreline Master The adopted edition of the Washington State Program (Ord. 3758, 12-5-1983, Revised Chapter of the American Public Works Associa- 7-22-1985 (Minutes), 3-12-1990 (Resolution tion. (Ord. 2820, 1-14-1974) 2787), 7-16-1990 (Resolution 2805), 9-13-1993 (Minutes) and Ord. 4716, 4-13-1998) ANIMALS, LARGE: Horses, ponies, cows, lla- mas, oxen, buffalo, deer, and other animals of AQUIFER: A geological unit of porous and per- similar size and characteristics. meable rock, sand or gravel capable of yielding usable amounts of water. ANIMALS, MEDIUM: Goats, sheep, pigs and other animals of similar size and characteristics. 11 - 4 4-11-020 AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA(APA):The por- AREA OF SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD:The land tion of an aquifer within the zone of capture and in the floodplain within a community subject to one recharge area for a well or well-field owned or op- percent (1%)or greater chance of flooding in any erated by the City or the recharge-discharge area given year. Designation on flood maps always in- of a spring used for water supply by the City as clude the letters A or V. (Ord. 4071, 6-1-1987) defined in RMC 8-8-2. ARTERIAL: A major or secondary arterial as AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA(APA):(For pur- specified in the City's Arterial Street Plan. poses of fire prevention provisions only.) See RMC 4-5-120G. ARTERIAL PASS-THROUGH TRAFFIC: Traffic with neither an origin nor destination in an af- AREA CLASSIFICATION: For purposes of the fected area which is diverted from an arterial street standards and subdivision regulations,the road. (Ord. 4636, 9-23-1996) area classifications "commercial", "industrial", and "residential"shall mean the following: AS-GRADED:The surface conditions existing on completion of grading. (Ord. 2820, 1-14-1974) A. Commercial: That portion of the City with designated land uses characterized by commer- AUTO: See VEHICLE. cial office activities, services and retail sales. Or- dinarily these areas have large numbers of pedes- AUXILIARY SUPPLY: See RMC 4-6-100. trians and a heavy demand for parking space during periods of peak traffic or a sustained high AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (ADT): An average pedestrian volume and a continuously heavy de- of at least one motor vehicle crossing in one di- mand for off-street parking space during business rection per working day for any continuous thirty hours. This definition applies to densely devel- (30) day period. oped business areas outside of, as well of those that are within, the central part of the City. AVERAGE HORIZONTAL ILLUMINATION: The quantity of light measured at the pavement sur- B. Industrial: That portion of the City with des- face and averaged over the traveled lanes ex- ignated land uses characterized by production, pressed in footcandles. manufacturing, distribution or fabrication activi- ties.Ordinarily these areas have few pedestrians AWNING: A shelter projecting from and sup- and a low parking turnover, but there is a large ported by the exterior wall of a building. Awnings amount of truck and trailer traffic. Those portions have noncombustible frames, but may have com- of the City with the following zoning designations bustible coverings.Awnings may be fixed, retract- are considered for purposes of the street stan- able, folding or collapsible. Any structure which dards and subdivision regulations as industrial: extends above any adjacent parapet or roof of Light Industrial, Medium Industrial, and Heavy In- supporting building is not included within the def- dustrial. inition of awning. (Ord. 4720, 5-4-1998) C. Residential: A residential development or a mixture of residential and commercial establish- 4-11-020 DEFINITIONS B: ments characterized by a few pedestrians and a BACKFLOW: See RMC 4-6-100. low parking demand for turnover at night. This definition includes areas with single family BACKFLOW PREVENTER: See RMC 4-6-100. homes,townhouses and apartments. (Ord.4521, 6-5-1995) BACKGROUND AREA: The entire face upon which copy could be placed. (Ord. 3719, AREA OF SHALLOW FLOODING:A designated 4-11-1983) AO or AH Zone on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM). The base flood depths range from one BACKSIPHONAGE: See RMC 4-6-100. foot (1')to three feet (3'); a clearly defined chan- nel does not exist;the path of flooding is unpre- BASE FLOOD: The flood having a one percent dictable and indeterminate;and velocity flow may (1%)chance of being equaled or exceeded in any be evident.AO is characterized as sheet flow and given year. Also referred to as the "100-year AH indicates ponding. 11 - 5 4-11-020 flood". Designation on flood maps always in- BOARDING OR LODGING HOUSE: A dwelling cludes the letters A or V. (Ord. 4071, 6-1-1987) or part of a dwelling other than a motel or hotel, where lodging with or without meals is provided BEDROCK: The in-place solid rock. for compensation, and boarding rooms do not contain kitchen facilities. BENCH: A relatively level step excavated into earth material on which fill is to be placed. (Ord. BOAT LAUNCHING RAMP: A facility with an in- 2820) clined surface extending into the water which al- lows launching of boats directly into the water BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES: Conserva- from trailers. Shoreline Master Program (Ord. tion practices or systems of practices and man- 3758, 12-5-1983, Revised 7-22-1985 (Minutes), agement measures that: 3-12-1990 (Resolution 2787), 7-16-1990 (Reso- lution 2805) and 9-13-1993 (Minutes) and Ord. A. Control soil loss and reduce water quality 4716, 4-13-1998) degradation caused by nutrients, animal waste, toxins and sediment; BODY SHOP:Establishments which conduct any of the following operations: B. Minimize adverse impacts to surface water and groundwater flow, circulation patterns,and to A. Collision services, including body, frame or the chemical, physical and biological characteris- fender straightening, repair, or replacement; tics of wetlands; and and/or C. Includes allowing proper use and storage of B. Overall painting of vehicles or painting of ve- fertilizers/pesticides. (Ord. 4346, 3-9-1992) hicles in a paint shop, but excluding minor paint- ing with an airbrush or roller brush utilized in BLOCK: A group of lots, tracts, or parcels within customizing or detailing operations; and/or well defined and fixed boundaries. (Ord. 4522, 6-5-1995) C. Welding, molding, and similar operations conducted on vehicles. (Ord. 4715, 4-6-1998) BLOCK: A block consists of two (2) facing block fronts bounded on two (2) sides by alleys or rear BORROW: Earth material acquired from an off- property lines and on two (2) sides by the center- site location for use in grading on a site. (Ord. line of platted streets, with no other intersecting 2820, 1-14-1974) streets intervening. Where blocks are unusually long or short, or of unusual shape, block length BOTANICAL GARDENS: A public or private fa- shall be determined by address ranges. (Ord. cility for the demonstration and observation of the 4651, 1-27-1997) cultivation of flowers, fruits, vegetables or orna- 1 l I ` + � i I I � � mental plants. 11 BOULEVARD: A broad thoroughfare with land- 1 I 1111111 i i scape, sidewalk or pedestrian improvements, of- J ! i - 1 j ten with a landscaped median or center divider, 4 �„1� that functions as a linear open space. T r � 1 I I I I BREAKWATER: A protective structure, usually rTJ f ! (`► l i ! i built off-shore for the purpose of protecting the .Alley a Rear Block Gqrels Two(2) Pr, nyl.;rw Olgxwing Block Front, shoreline or harbor areas from wave action. BUFFER AREA: A strip of land identified by a BLOCK FRONT: A block front means the front- plan or ordinance to separate one type of land age of property along one side of a street bound use from another land use that is incompatible. on three (3) sides by the centerline of platted streets and on the fourth side by an alley or rear BUFFER SCREEN: A strip of land containing property lines. (Ord. 4651, 1-27-1997) fences, berms, trees, shrubs and other landscap- ing that obscures one land use from another. 11 - 6 4-11-020 BUFFER,SHORELINES:A parcel or strip of land 7-22-1985 (Minutes), 3-12-1990 (Resolution that is designed and designated to permanently 2787), 7-16-1990 (Resolution 2805), 9-13-1993 remain vegetated in an undisturbed and natural (Minutes) and Ord. 4716, 4-13-1998) condition to protect an adjacent aquatic or wetland site from upland impacts, to provide habitat for BUILDING CODE: Building Code is the Uniform wildlife and to afford limited public access. Shore- Building Code, promulgated by the International line Master Program (Ord. 3758, 12-5-1983, Re- Conference of Building Officials, as adopted by vised 7-22-1985 (Minutes), 3-12-1990 this jurisdiction. (Ord. 3719, 4-11-1983) (Resolution 2787), 7-16-1990 (Resolution 2805), 9-13-1993 (Minutes) and Ord. 4716, 4-13-1998) BUILDING COMPLEX, MULTIPLE: A group of structures housing more than one type of retail BUFFER, WETLAND: Areas that surround and business, office or commercial venture and gen- protect a wetland from adverse impacts to its erally under one ownership and control. (Ord. functions and values. 4720, 5-4-1998) BUILDABLE AREA: The portion of a lot or site, BUILDING DRAIN: See RMC 4-6-100. exclusive of required yard areas, setbacks, land- scaping or open space within which a structure BUILDING ENVELOPE: The allowable building may be built. area permissible for the construction of one single REAR LOTUNE family dwelling unit in a residential cluster. , 1 BUILDING FACADE:That portion of any exterior ARD elevation of a building extending from the grade euw)r*1LNE__ to the top of the parapet wall or eaves,and the en- /1 tire width of the building elevation. (Ord. 3719, S Y _( YARD] 4-11-1983) 1 BUILDING FOOTPRINT:The area of a lot or site e�iiDlrunE —-- included within the surrounding exterior walls of a FRONT YARD Ibuilding or portion of a building, exclusive of courtyards. In the absence of surrounding exte- L�LU1L1 rior walls, the building footprint shall be the area under the horizontal projection of the roof. k Buildable Area BUILDING HEIGHT:The vertical distance above a referenced datum measured to the highest point BUILDING: Any structure having a roof sup- of the coping of a flat roof or to the deck line of a ported by columns or walls and intended for the mansard roof or to the average height of the high- shelter, housing or enclosure of any individual, est gable of a pitched or hipped roof. The refer- animal, process, equipment, goods or materials ence datum shall be selected by either of the of any kind or nature. following whichever yields a greater height of building: BUILDING:Any existing structure containing one or more dwelling units and any grouping of such A.The elevation of the highest adjoining sidewalk structures which were operated as rental units as or ground surface within a five foot(5') horizontal converted buildings are the subject of a single distance of the exterior wall of the building when declaration or simultaneous declaration filed pur- such sidewalk or ground surface is not more than suant to the Horizontal Property Regimes Act ten feet (10') above lowest grade measured (chapter 64.32 RCW). (Ord. 4351, 5-4-1992) within a five foot (5') horizontal distance of the ex- terior wall of the building. BUILDING: (This definition for RMC 4-3-090, Shoreline Master Program Regulations, use B. An elevation ten feet (10') higher than the low- only.) Any structure having a roof intended to be est grade when the sidewalk or ground surface used for the shelter or enclosure of persons, described in subsection A above is more than ten plants, animals or property. Shoreline Master feet (10') above lowest grade measured within a Program (Ord. 3758, 12-5-1983, Revised five foot (5') horizontal distance of the exterior wall of the building. 11 - 7 4-11-020 GABLE-HP TYPE ROOF METHOD'A FLAT ROOFS METHOD'A' HIGH PONT ROOF PULPING ROOFUI it 11nun11m E �GX f DG. HT HEIGHT -DATUM • „ o ' `YXc LOFT � �1 5F� GABLE-HF TYPE ROOFS I I Ai ROOFS MET1-IOD 8' METHOD 8' HIGH MINT -- - --- ROOF AVG ROOF ROOF LINE- - - Ff�GHtrX HEGHT 1®01111m EULDII,G HT IPLPG N I F HH nlmm '.T HT 1 .. ,, RT 111� FT 10 F ��DATUA1: ''U FT 1 O FT LOWEST. THAN OFT a C 10 FT �-s 1 �` !=cADE HIGH: !-� r LOWEST rT 'I`,-.t GRAPE BUILDING LINE: The line between which the street line or lot line, no building or other structure or portion of a structure,except as provided in this MANSARD ROOFS Title, may be erected above the grade level. The METHOD'A building line is considered a vertical surface inter- -/ \ secting the ground on such line. �, 1111111111111 BUILDING, MULTI-OCCUPANCY:A single struc- ■�■ �`- -- ture housing more than one type of retail busi- 111 "'111111 ,,,M Hess, office or commercial venture and generally 11111 --'f' lc under one ownership and control. (Ord. 4720, 5-4-1998) BUILDING OFFICIAL: The officer or other per- son charged with the administration and enforce- ment of this Title, or his duly authorized deputy. MANSARD (Ord. 3719, 4-11-1983) BUILDING, PRINCIPAL: (This definition for RMC ROOF u>, 4-4-100, Sign Regulations, use only.) A building 1111111111m TPG in which the principal use of a property is con- /11/11111 5 FT, ducted. ,IOF, 1111 ,o�� DA1. . BUILDING,SINGLE OCCUPANCY:A building or 1 10 FT HIGH :THANLONJEST structure with one major enterprise, generally fi_ un- GRAPE der one ownership. A building is considered to be "single occupancy" if: A. It has only one occupant; and 11 - 8 4-11-030 B. It has no wall in common with another build- CANOPY, FREESTANDING: A rigid multi-sided ing; and structure covered with fabric, metal or other ma- terial and supported by columns or posts embed- C. It has no part of its roof in common with an- ded in the ground. (Ord. 4720, 5-4-1998) other building. (Ord. 4720, 5-4-1998) CAPACITY, NET: Population and employment BUILT ENVIRONMENT: The elements of the en- growth likely to occur under zoned capacity minus vironment as specified by RCW 43.21 C.110(1)(f) existing infrastructure and service standard limita- and 197-11-444(2), which are generally built or tions. made by people as contrasted with natural pro- cesses. (Ord. 3891, 2-25-1985) CAPACITY, PLANNED: Population and employ- ment growth planned (contained in local compre- BULK STORAGE: See STORAGE, BULK. hensive plans with a specified horizon year)in the context of the Countywide Planning Policies. BULKHEAD: A vertical wall constructed of rock, concrete, timber, sheet steel, gabions, or patent CAPACITY, ZONED: Population and employ- system materials. Rock bulkheads are often ment growth permitted under current zoning,land termed "vertical rock walls". Seawalls are similar development and environmental regulations. to bulkheads, but more robustly constructed. CAR: See VEHICLE. BUOY:A floating object anchored in a lake, river, etc., to warn of rocks, shoals, etc., or used for CAR WASH: A structure with machine-operated boat moorage. Shoreline Master Program (Ord. or hand-operated facilities used principally for the 3758, 12-5-1983, Revised 7-22-1985 (Minutes), cleaning, washing, polishing, or waxing of motor 3-12-1990 (Resolution 2787), 7-16-1990 (Reso- vehicles. (Ord. 4715, 4-6-1998) lution 2805),9-13-1993 (Minutes)and Ord. 4716, 4-13-1998) CARD ROOMS: A use governed pursuant to the provisions of chapter 9.46 RCW, 1973 Gaming BUSINESS FACADE: That portion of an exterior Act and licensed by the Washington State Gam- building wall owned or leased by a business. bling Commission that is ancillary to a permitted (Ord. 4720, 5-4-1998) use where food and beverages are served on the premises and whose purpose is to serve as a commercial stimulant to the principal activities as- 4-11-030 DEFINITIONS C: sociated with the primary use. (Ord. 4691, CALIPER: The diameter of any tree trunk as 12-1-1997) measured at a height of four and one-half feet (4-1/2') above the ground on the upslope side of CARPOOL:A group of people in excess of some the tree. (Ord. 4351, 5 4 1992) minimum number(usually two(2) or three (3)per- sons)traveling to the same or relatively nearby lo- Caliper cations. (Ord. 4517, 5-8-1995) Tree trunk CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION: A type of action which does not significantly affect the environ- 9 Y .,,z ment (RCW 43.21 C.110 (1)(a)); categorical ex- Side d bbpe emptions are found in RMC 4-9-070,Environmen- talt Ground�.���i Review Procedures. Neither a threshold determination nor any environmental document, including an environmental checklist or environ- CANOPY, BUILDING: A rigid multi-sided struc- mental impact statement, is required for any cat- ture covered with fabric, metal or other material egorically exempt action (RCW 43.21 C.031). and supported by a building at one or more points These rules provide for those circumstances in or extremities and by columns or posts embed- which a specific action that would fit within a cat- ded in the ground at other points or extremities. egorical exemption shall not be considered cate- Any structure which extends above any adjacent gorically exempt (WAC 197-11-305). (Ord. 3891, parapet or roof of supporting building is not in- 2-25-1985) cluded within the definition of building canopy. 11 - 9 4-11-030 CENTER, EMPLOYMENT: An area of higher in- CLEAR VISION AREA:The area bounded by the tensity uses that typically employ thousands of street property lines of corner lots and a line join- people that is contained by a boundary to prevent ing points along said street lines twenty feet(20') it from encroaching on adjacent areas and/or from their point of intersection. (Ord. 4056, neighborhoods. (Ord. 4649, 1-6-1997) 4-13-1987) ma CERTIFICATION: A written engineering or geo- Il I logical opinion concerning the progress and corn- —.._i —..-- ..-` - �1 pletion of the work. (Ord. 2820, 1-14-1974) 1 ;. CERTIFIED:A facility and staff qualified and able I I � pf7 1 �� Ili �1 1 r' to provide certain tests and measurements relat- j �i i ing to specific tasks and traceable to established NOSTROGTOREORFLANANGSHALL9EALLOWEO [�CLfAR VIS'JI.A;'[%� 6ETWEEN THE HEIGHT OF THREE ANO TEN FEET standards. CHEMICALS: All "regulated substances" as de- CLOSED RECORD APPEAL: An administrative fined by the City of Renton in chapter 8-8 RMC, appeal on the record to a local government body Exhibit A, Generic Regulated Substances List. or officer including the legislative body, following (Ord. 4376, 9 14 1992) an open record hearing on a project permit appli- cation when the appeal is on the record with no or CIRCULATION: Those means of transportation limited new evidence or information allowed to be which carry passengers or goods to, from, over, submitted and only appeal argument allowed. or along a corridor. Shoreline Master Program CLOSURE OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE (Ord. 3758, 12-5-1983, Revised 7-22-1985 (Min FACILITIES: See RMC 4 5 120G. utes), 3-12-1990 (Resolution 2787), 7-16-1990 (Resolution 2805),9-13-1993(Minutes),and Ord. CLUSTER, RESIDENTIAL: The placement of 4716, 4-13 1998) more than one building envelope on a single lot or CITY COUNCIL: The City Council of the City of parcel of land for the purpose of constructing sin- Renton, Washington. (Ord. 4522, 6 5 1995) gle family residential dwelling units in either at- tached or detached construction arrangement, CIVIL ENGINEER:A professional engineer regis and where the property ownership outside the tered in the State to practice in the field of civil building envelopes is commonly held by all single works. family dwellings on that lot or parcel of land. (Ord. 4587, 3-18-1996) CIVIL ENGINEERING: The application of the _ ` knowledge of the forces of nature, principles of mechanics and the properties of materials to the _ evaluation,design and construction of civil works ; ` for the beneficial uses of mankind. (Ord. 2820, ' ' - 1-14-1974) -: _ -- -,, ; ;j` CIVIL VIOLATION: A noncriminal violation of a J/ - � y >;; _- provision of a City Code or ordinance. (Ord.4351, #,'i'-'- --_- ___ 1 5 4 1992) d' ;- _ -- � c--------__ STREET CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: Any em- ployee(s)appointed by the applicable department director to inspect for Code violations and issue violation notices. (Ord. 4351, 5-4-1992) 11 - 10 4-11-030 COLLECTION POINT: In multiple-family resi- open space may contain such complementary dences, commercial, industrial and other nonres- structures and improvements as are necessary idential developments, the exterior location and appropriate for the benefit and enjoyment of designation for garbage and recyclables collec- residents of the subdivision. (Ord. 4522, tion by the City's contractor or other authorized 6-5-1995) haulers. (Ord. 4426, 11-8-1993) COMMUNITY: A sub-area of the City consisting COMBINED PUBLIC DETENTION: A stormwa- of residential, institutional and commercial uses ter detention system designed to accommodate sharing a common identity (for example, the runoff from both public streets and private prop- Highlands). erty. (Ord. 4521, 6-5-1995) COMMUNITY FACILITIES: Public buildings and COMBINED SEWER: See RMC 4-6-100. other facilities,such as city halls and other offices, community or senior centers,gymnasiums or rec- COMMERCIAL, COMMUNITY: A mix of com- reation centers,theaters, police and fire stations, mercial land uses typically serving more than one libraries, courthouses, shops, storage and main- residential neighborhood, usually a sub-area of tenance facilities, transit centers or stations, the City, with services and retail goods. parks and park-and-rides, but excluding jails. COMMERCIAL, CONVENIENCE: Small corn- COMMUNITY GARDENS: A private or public fa- mercial areas providing limited retail goods and cility for cultivation of fruits,flowers,vegetables or services such as groceries and dry cleaning for ornamental plants by more than one person or nearby residential customers. family. COMMERCIAL RECREATION, OUTDOOR: COMPACTION: The densification of a fill by me- Recreational uses conducted almost wholly out- chanical means. (Ord. 2820, 1-14-1974) doors including golf driving ranges (not associ- ated with a golf course), miniature golf, firing COMPENSATION PROJECT:Actions necessary ranges, water parks, amusement parks and simi- to replace project-induced wetland and wetland lar uses. buffer losses,including land acquisition,planning, construction plans, monitoring and contingency COMMERCIAL, REGIONAL:A mix of land uses actions. offering a broad array of retail goods and ser- vices, offices and cultural activities that serve an COMPENSATORY MITIGATION: Replacing entire city or beyond. project-induced wetland losses or impacts, and includes,but is not limited to,wetlands restoration COMMERCIAL USE: A type of land use that in- and creation. (Ord. 4346, 3-9-1992) cludes commercial office activities, services and retail sales. COMPLETE PROJECT PERMIT APPLICATION (BUILDING, LAND USE, PUBLIC WORKS): An COMMON AREAS:A parcel or parcels of land or application package meeting the submittal re- an area of water or a combination of land and wa- quirements listed in RMC 4-8-120, Submittal Re- ter within the site designated for a planned unit quirements, which is sufficient for continued development and designed and intended for the processing even though additional information use or enjoyment of residents of a planned unit may be required or project modifications may be development. Common areas may contain such undertaken subsequently. complementary structures and improvements as are necessary and appropriate for the benefit and COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: A set of maps and enjoyment of residents of the planned unit devel- written policies intended to represent a"vision"of opment. (Ord. 4039, 1-19-1987) the future physical design and character of the City, and to guide development over the next COMMON OPEN SPACE: A parcel or parcels of twenty (20) years. land or an area of water or a combination of land and water within the site designated for a subdivi- COMPREHENSIVE PLAN:The plans, maps and sion and designed and intended for the use or en- reports which comprise that official development joyment of residents of a subdivision. Common plan as adopted by the City Council in accor- 11 - 11 4-11-030 dance with chapter 35.63 RCW. (Ord. 4522, CONTIGUOUS PROPERTIES: Properties shar- 6-5-1995) ing a property line. COMPUTATION: Calculations, including coeffi- CONTINUOUS MONITORING: See RMC cient and other pertinent data, made to determine 4-5-120G. the drainage plan with rate of flow of water given in cubic feet per second (cfs). (Ord. 4367, CONVALESCENT CENTERS/NURSING 9-14-1992) HOMES: Residential facilities for patients who are recovering health and strength after illness,or CONDITIONAL USE (ADMINISTRATIVE): A receiving long-term care for chronic conditions, land use permitted within a zoning district follow- disabilities(mental or physical) or terminal illness ing review by the Zoning Administrator to estab- where care includes on-going medical or psychi- lish conditions mitigating impacts of the use and atric treatment, including hospices, extended assure compatibility with other uses in the district. care facilities,detoxification facilities, and sanitar- iums. CONDITIONAL USE(HEARING EXAMINER):A use with special characteristics that would not CONVERSION OF CONDOMINIUMS: The filing generally be appropriate within a zoning district of a declaration pursuant to the Horizontal Prop- but may be permitted subject to review by the erty Regimes Act of the sale by a developer of Hearing Examiner to establish conditions to pro- condominium units that were previously rental tect public health, safety and welfare. units. CONDOMINIUM: Any existing structure contain- CONVERSION OF COOPERATIVE: The execu- ing three (3) or more dwelling units as defined in tion of a lease agreement which formerly con- the Housing Code: (a) which is the subject of a tained rental dwelling units. declaration filed pursuant to the Horizontal Prop- erty Regimes Act (chapter 64.32 RCW);or (b) in CONVERTED BUILDING: Any condominium or which there is private ownership of individual cooperative which formerly contained rental units and common ownership of common areas. dwelling units. (Ord. 4351, 5-4-1992) CONDOMINIUM UNITS: Any dwelling unit in a COOPERATIVE:Any existing structure,including condominium. (Ord. 4351, 5-4-1992) surrounding land and improvements, which con- tains one or more dwelling units and which: (a) is CONSERVANCY: A Shoreline Master Program owned by an association organized pursuant to land use designation identifying an area to be the Cooperative Association Act (chapter 23.86 managed in essentially its natural state while pro- RCW);or(b) is owned by an association with res- viding for a moderate to low intensity of land uses ident shareholders who are granted renewable surrounding the area. (Ord. 4346, 3-9-1992) leasehold interests in housing units in the building. CONSOLIDATED APPEAL: The procedure re- COOPERATIVE UNIT: Any dwelling unit in a co- quiring a person to file an agency appeal challeng- operative. (Ord. 4351, 5-4-1992) ing both procedural and substantive compliance with SEPA at the same time, as provided under COPY: The graphic content of a sign surface in RCW 43.21 C.0765(3)(b) and the exceptions either permanent or removable letter, picto- therein. If any agency does not have an appeal graphic,symbolic,or alphabetic form. (Ord.4720, procedure for challenging either the agency's pro- 5-4-1998) cedural or its substantive SEPA determinations, the appeal cannot be consolidated prior to any ju- CORRIDOR: A strip of land forming a passage- dicial review. The requirement for a consolidated way between two (2) otherwise separate parts. appeal does not preclude agencies from bifurcat- Shoreline Master Program (Ord. 3758, ing appeal proceedings and allowing different 12-5-1983, Revised 7-22-1985 (Minutes), agency officials to hear different aspects of the ap- 3-12-1990 (Resolution 2787), 7-16-1990 (Reso- peal (WAC 197-11-680). (Ord. 3891, 2-25-1985) lution 2805), 9-13-1993(Minutes)and Ord.4716, 4-13-1998) CONTAMINANT: See RMC 4-6-100. 11 - 12 4-11-040 COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS: A quantified corn- 4-11-040 DEFINITIONS D: parison of costs and benefits generally expressed in monetary or numerical terms. It is not synony DANGEROUS BUILDING: All buildings or struc- mous with the weighing or balancing of environ tures which have any or all of the following de - mental and other impacts or benefits of a fects shall be deemed dangerous buildings: proposal. (Ord. 3891, 2-25-1985) A. Whenever the building or structure, or any COUNTY AUDITOR:As defined in chapter 36.22 portion thereof, because of (1) dilapidation, dete- RCW or the office of the person assigned such rioration, or decay; (2)faulty construction; (3) the duties under the King County Charter. (Ord.4522, removal, movement or instability of any portion of 6-5-1995) the ground necessary for the purpose of support- ing such building; (4) the deterioration, decay, or COUNTY/CITY: A county, city, or town. In this Ti- inadequacy of its foundation; or (5) any other tle, duties and powers are assigned to a county, cause is subject to structural failure under its de city,or town as a unit.The delegation of a county, sign usage. city, or town is left to the legislative or charter au- thority of the individual counties, cities, or towns. B. Whenever the building or structure has been (Ord. 3891, 2-25-1985) so damaged by fire, wind, earthquake or flood,or has become (1) an attractive nuisance to chil- CREEK:Those areas where surface waters flow dren; (2) a harbor for vagrants, criminals or in sufficiently to produce a defined channel or bed. moral persons; or as to (3) enable persons to A defined channel or bed is indicated by hydrau resort thereto for the purpose of committing un- lically sorted sediments or the removal of vegeta- tive litter or loosely rooted vegetation by the action of moving water. The channel or bed need C. Whenever a building or structure,because of not contain water year-round. This definition is inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, decay, not meant to include stormwater runoff devices or damage, faulty construction or arrangement, in other entirely artificial watercourses unless they adequate light, air or sanitation facilities, or other are used to store and/or convey pass through wise is determined by the City or County Heath stream flows naturally occurring prior to construc- be unsanitary,unfit for human habitation tion of such devices. (Ord. 4351, 5-4-1992) or in such a condition that is likely to cause sick- ness or disease. CRITICAL AREAS: Wetlands, aquifer recharge areas,fish and wildlife habitat,frequently flooded D. Whenever any building or structure,because and geologically hazardous areas as defined by of obsolescence, dilapidated condition,deteriora- the Growth Management Act. tion, damage, inadequate exits, lack of sufficient fire resistive construction, faulty electric wiring, CROSS CONNECTION: See RMC 4-6-100. gas connections or heating apparatus, or other cause is determined to be a fire hazard. CUL-DE-SAC: A short street having one end open to traffic and being terminated at the other E. Whenever any portion of a building or struc end by a vehicular turn-around. (Ord. 4522, ture remains on a site after the demolition or de 6-5-1995) struction or whenever any building or structure is vacant and open to unauthorized entry for a pe- CURB: A vertical curb and gutter section con riod in excess of six(6) months so as to constitute structed from concrete. (Ord. 4521, 6-5-1995) such building or portion thereof an attractive nui- sance or hazard to the public. CURB LINE:The line at the face of the curb near- est to the street or roadway. In the absence of a F. Whenever the exterior walls or other vertical curb,the curb line shall be established by the City structural members list, lean or buckle to such an Engineer. (See SETBACK LINE, LEGAL.) (Ord. extent that a plumb line passing through the cen- 3719, 4-11-1983, Amd. Ord. 4577, 1-22-1996) ter of gravity does not fall inside the middle one- third (1/3) of the base. G. Whenever the building or structure,exclusive of the foundation, shows thirty three percent 11 - 13 4-11-040 (33%) or more damage or deterioration of its sup- DEED OF DEDICATION: A formal dedication of porting member or members, or fifty percent right-of-way or easement to the City, to be ap- (50%) damage or deterioration of its nonsupport- proved by City Council. (Ord. 4522, 6-5-1995) ing members,enclosing or outside walls or cover- ings. DENSITY, GROSS: A measure of population, housing units, or building area related to land H. Whenever any portion thereof has been area, and expressed as a ratio, i.e., one dwelling damaged by fire, earthquake, wind, flood or by unit per acre, or one thousand (1,000) people per any other cause, to such an extent that the struc- square mile. tural strength or stability thereof is materially less than it was before such catastrophe and is less DENSITY, NET: A calculation of the number of than the minimum requirements of the City's Uni- housing units that would be allowed on a property form Building Code, as then in force or as same after sensitive areas and public streets are sub- may be amended from time to time,for new build- tracted from the gross area (gross acres minus ings of similar structure, purpose or location. streets and sensitive areas multiplied by allow- able housing units per acre). This calculation ap- I. Whenever any portion or member or appurte- plies to residential uses only. nance thereof is likely to fail, or to become de- tached or dislodged, or to collapse and thereby .—" injurepersons or damageproperty. Ord. 2520, 9 ( t tlanr� : . W t aad 11-17-1969, Amd. Ord. 2698, 3-6-1972) DAY CARE CENTER: A day care operation Ii- _ .. censed by the State of Washington (WAC — 388-73-014), for thirteen (13) or more children in .. any twenty four (24) hour period. 1 F DAY CARE, FAMILY: A day care operation li- J_._/Groas Area L -iNet Area censed by the State of Washington (WAC 388-73-014), caring for twelve (12) or fewer chil- DEPARTMENT: The Washington State Depart- dren in any twenty four(24) hour period. ment of Ecology. (Ord. 3891, 2-25-1985) DECISION MAKER: The agency official or offi- DEPARTMENT: The Planning/Building/Public cials who make the agency's decision on a pro- Works Department of the City of Renton. (Ord. posal. The decision maker and responsible 4637, 9-14-1992; Ord. 4521, 6-5-1995; Ord. official are not necessarily synonymous, depend- 4346, 3-9-1992; Ord. 4522, 6-5-1995) ing on the agency and its SEPA procedures(WAC 197-11-906 and 197-11-910). (Ord. 3891, DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATOR: The duly ap- 2-25-1985) pointed head of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department. (Ord. 4346, 3-9-1992) DEDICATION:A deliberate appropriation of land by its owner for any general and public uses, re- DEPENDENT TRAILER:A trailer which does not serving to himself/herself no other rights than have a private toilet and bathtub or shower. (Ord. such as are compatible with the full exercises and 3746, 9-19-1983) enjoyment of the public uses to which the prop- erty has been devoted. The intention to dedicate DESIGNATED ZONE FACILITY: Any hazardous shall be evidenced by the owner by the present- waste treatment and storage facility that requires ment for filing of a final plat showing the dedica- an interim or final status permit under rules tion thereof or a submittal of Deed of Dedication adopted under chapter 70.105 RCW and that is to the City of Renton; and, the acceptance by the not a"preempted facility" as defined in RCW public shall be evidenced by the approval of such 70.105.010. plat for filing by the City Council or approval by City Council of the Deed of Dedication. DETENTION/RETENTION FACILITIES: Facili- ties designed either to hold runoff for a short pe- riod of time and then releasing it to the point of 11 - 14 4-11-040 discharge at a controlled rate or to hold water for opment, pursuant to RMC 4-9-150. (Ord. 4039, a considerable length of time and then consuming 1-19-1987) it by evaporation, plants or infiltration into the ground. (Ord. 4367, 9-14-1992) DEVELOPMENT:The division of a parcel of land into two (2) or more parcels;the construction, re- DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE construction, conversion, structural alteration, re- (DNS):The written decision by the responsible of- location or enlargement of any structure; any ficial of the lead agency that a proposal is not likely mining, excavation, landfill or land disturbance to have a significant adverse environmental im- and any use or extension of the use of land. pact, and therefore an EIS is not required (WAC 197-11-310 and 197-11-340).The DNS form is in DEVELOPMENT: (For purposes of flood hazard WAC 197-11-970. (Ord. 3891, 2-25-1985) regulations only.) Any manmade change to im- proved or unimproved real estate, including but DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE, not limited to buildings or other structures,mining, MITIGATED (DNSM): A DNS that includes miti- dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavation or gation measures and is issued as a result of the drilling operations located within the area of spe- process specified in WAC 197-11-350. cial flood hazard. (Ord. 4071, 6-1-1987) DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE (DS): DEVELOPMENT: (This definition for RMC The written decision by the responsible official of 4-3-090, Shoreline Master Program Regulations, the lead agency that a proposal is likely to have a use only.) A use consisting of the construction of significant adverse environmental impact, and exterior alteration of structures;dredging;drilling; therefore an EIS is required (WAC 197-11-310 dumping; filling; removal of any sand, gravel or and 197-11-360). The DS form is in WAC minerals;bulkheading;driving of piling;placing of 197-11-980 and must be used substantially in that obstructions;or any other projects of a permanent form. (Ord. 3891, 2-25-1985) or temporary nature which interferes with the nor- mal public use of the surface of the waters over- DEVELOPABLE AREA: Land area outside of de- lying lands subject to the Act at any state of water lineated wetlands and wetland buffers that is oth- level. Shoreline Master Program (Ord. 3758, erwise developable, taking into consideration 12-5-1983, Revised 7-22-1985 (Minutes), steep slopes, unstable soil, etc. (Ord. 4346, 3-12-1990(Resolution 2787),7-16-1990(Resolu- 3-9-1992) tion 2805), 9-13-1993 (Minutes), and Ord. 4716, 4-13-1998) DEVELOPER: (For purposes of condominium conversion provisions only.) Any person, firm, DEVELOPMENT COVERAGE: All developed partnership, association, joint venture or corpora- surface areas within the subject property includ- tion or any other entity or combination of entities ing but not limited to roof tops,concrete or asphalt or successors thereto who (a) undertakes to con- paved driveways, carports, accessory buildings vert, sell, or offer for sale condominium units, or and parking areas. (b) undertakes to convert rental units to coopera- tive units or sell cooperative shares in an existing DEVELOPMENT, HIGH INTENSITY: Land uses building which contains housing units or lease with higher impacts from density or uses (i.e., units to a cooperative association's shareholders. multi-family, industrial, commercial uses). The term developer shall include the developer's agent and any other person acting on behalf of DEVELOPMENT, LOW INTENSITY: Land uses the developer. (Ord. 3366, 10-15-1979) which have fewer impacts from density or uses (i.e., large lot single family, natural open space ar- DEVELOPER: (For purposes of manufactured eas). (Ord. 4346, 3-9-1992) home park provisions only.) The person, firm or corporation developing a mobile park or a trailer DISPLAY SURFACE: The area made available park. (Ord. 3746, 9-19-1983) by the sign structure for the purpose of displaying the advertising message. (Ord. 4367, 9-14-1992) DEVELOPER: (For purposes of planned unit de- velopment provisions only.) A person, partner- DIVISION OF LAND: The subdivision of any par- ship,joint venture, or corporation who proposes cel or parcels of land into two(2)or more parcels. to develop or has developed a planned unit devel- (Ord. 4522, 6-5-1995) 11 - 15 4-11-040 DOCK:A fixed or floating platform extending from DRAINAGE PLAN: The plan for receiving, han- the shore over the water. Shoreline Master Pro- dling,transporting surface water within the subject gram (Ord. 3758, 12-5-1983, Revised 7-22-1985 property. (Minutes), 3-12-1990 (Resolution 2787), 7-16-1990 (Resolution 2805), 9-13-1993 (Min- DREDGING: The removal of earth from the bot- utes) and Ord. 4716, 4-13-1998) tom or banks of a body of water.Shoreline Master Program (Ord. 3758, 12-5-1983, Revised DOCK HIGH LOADING DOOR:Any loading door 7-22-1985 (Minutes), 3-12-1990 (Resolution over forty inches (40") in height measured from 2787), 7-16-1990 (Resolution 2805), 9-13-1993 the adjacent pavement area where the truck is (Minutes) and Ord. 4716, 4-13-1998) parked to the floor elevation of the building. (Ord. 4517, 5-8-1995) DRIP LINE: A tree's drip line shall be described by a line projected to the ground delineating the DOE: The Washington State Department of Ecol- outermost extent of foliage in all directions. (Ord. ogy. (Ord. 4346, 3-9-1992) 4351, 5-4-1992) DOUBLE CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY: See DRIVE-IN USE: Any land use which by design, RMC 4-6-100. physical facilities, service or by packaging proce- dures encourages or permits customers to re- DOUBLE-WALLED: See RMC 4-5-120G. ceive services, obtain goods, or be entertained while remaining in their motor vehicles. DOWNTOWN CORE AREA: That area bounded by the centerlines of Smithers Avenue South from DUPLEX: A residential building on a single lot South Fourth Place to South Third Avenue and containing two (2) dwelling units. Logan Avenue South from South Third Street to the Cedar River, bounded on the north by Cedar A River, east to Mill Avenue South, south to South ()I 110 Fourth Street and west to Smithers Avenue South. 41 This area bounded by the centerlines of Smithers Avenue South from South Fourth Place to South •: ( Third Street and Morris Avenue South from South , r Third Street to South Second Street and South 0 . Second Street from Morris Avenue South to Lo- \ �� till _ gan Avenue South, bounded on the north by Ce- • dar River, east to Mill Avenue South, south to South Fourth Street and west to Smithers Avenue South. This area shall also extend to the west property line of those properties fronting along the DWELLING UNIT: A structure or portion of a west side of Logan Avenue South between South structure designed, occupied or intended for oc- Second Street and Airport Way, but in no case cupancy as separate living quarters with cooking, shall the area extend more than one hundred ten sleeping and sanitary facilities provided for the feet (110') west of the Logan Avenue South right- exclusive use of a single household. of-way. (Ord. 4466, 8-22-1994; Amd. Ord. 4671, 7-21-1997) DOWNTOWN PEDESTRIAN DISTRICT: Those uses, buildings and walkways along either side of South Third Street between Burnett Avenue South and Main Avenue South, and along either side of Wells Avenue South between South Second Street and Houser Way South. (Ord. 4466, 8-22-1994) DRAINAGE AREA: The total area whose drain- age water flows to and across the subject prop- erty. (Ord. 4367, 9-14-1992) 11 - 16 4-11-050 DWELLING UNIT, ATTACHED: A one-family ENGINEERING GEOLOGY: The application of dwelling attached to two (2) or more one-family geologic knowledge and principles in the investi- dwellings by common vertical walls. gation and evaluation of naturally occurring rock and soil for use in the design of civil works. (Ord. 2820, 1-14-1974) ENGINEERING GEOLOGY REPORT: A report t � including an adequate description of the geology �' 16 ,n of the site, conclusions and recommendations re- 4, fJ garding the effect of geologic conditions on the -, 9 •. proposed development. ENHANCEMENT ACTIVITIES: Removal of nox- ious or intrusive species, plantings of appropriate 410 ; •, native species and/or removal of diseased or de- `. 1111 caying trees which pose a clear and imminent threat to life or property. Enhancement activities shall not involve the use of mechanical equip- ment. Enhancement activities may include the re- 4-11-050 DEFINITIONS E: moval of pests which pose a clear danger to public health provided that such danger is certi- EARLY NOTICE: See RMC 4-9-070R. Pied by the King County Department of Public Health. (Ord. 4351, 5-4-1992) EARTH MATERIAL: Any rock, natural soil or fill and/or any combination thereof. (Ord. 2820, ENVIRONMENT: Means, and is limited to, those 1-14-1974) elements listed in WAC 197-11-444, as required by RCW 43.21 C.110(1)(f). Environment and envi- ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: A development ronmental quality refer to the state of the environ- which provides a service, produces a good, re- ment and are synonymous as used in these rules tails a commodity,or emerges in any other use or and refer basically to physical environmental qual- activity for the purpose of making financial gain. ity. Shoreline Master Program (Ord. 3758, 12-5-1983, Revised 7-22-1985 (Minutes), ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST: The form in 3-12-1990 (Resolution 2787), 7-16-1990 (Reso- WAC 197-11-960. Rules for its use are in WAC lution 2805), 9-13-1993(Minutes)and Ord.4716, 197-11-315. 4-13-1998) ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT: Any written EMERGENCIES: Actions that must be under- public document prepared under this Chapter. taken immediately or within a time frame too short Under SEPA, the terms environmental analysis, to allow full compliance with this Title to avoid an environmental study, environmental report, and immediate threat to public health or safety,to pre- environmental assessment do not have special- vent an imminent threat of serious environmental ized meanings and do not refer to particular envi- degradation. (Ord. 4346, 3-9-1992) ronmental documents (unlike various other State or Federal environmental impact procedures). ENGINE OR TRANSMISSION REBUILD, IN- DUSTRIAL: An operation which rebuilds, recon- ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT(EIS): ditions, or customizes engines or transmissions The term "detailed statement" in RCW which are sold to vehicle service and repair oper- 43.21 C.030(2)(c) refers to a final EIS. The term ations or to individual customers for installation "EIS"as used in these rules refers to draft,final or into vehicles off site. (Ord. 4715, 4-6-1998) supplemental EISs (WAC 197-11-405). (Ord. 3891, 2-25-1985) ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST: A geologist expe- rienced and knowledgeable in engineering geol- ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW:The consideration ogy. (Ord. 2820, 1-14-1974) of environmental factors as required by SEPA. The "environmental review process" is the proce- dure used by agencies and others under SEPA 11 - 17 4-11-050 for giving appropriate consideration to the envi- - Slopes 40% and Over ronment in agency decision making. - Slopes 25%—40%, with Class 3 Landslide ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE Hazard and Severe Erosion Hazard (ERC): The Environmental Review Committee shall consist of three (3) officials designated by - Lands Within the 100-Year Floodway the Mayor with concurrence by the City Council. EROSION: The wearing away of the ground sur- ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE face as a result of the movement of wind, water (ERC):The Environmental Review Committee as and/or ice. (Ord. 2820, 1-14-1974) defined by RMC 4-9-070G, SEPA Responsible Official Authority. For all proposals for which the ESSENTIAL HABITAT:Habitat necessary for the City is the lead agency, the ERC shall make the survival of Federally listed threatened, endan- threshold determination, required environmental gered, and sensitive species and State listed pri- impact statement (EIS), and perform any other ority species. (Ord. 4346, 3-9-1992) functions assigned to the "lead agency"or"re- sponsible official" by the SEPA rules that were EVICTION:Any effort by a developer to remove a adopted by reference in WAC 173-806-020. (Ord. tenant from the premises or terminate a tenancy 4522, 6-5-1995) by lawful or unlawful means. (Ord. 3366 10-15-1979) ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREAS: An area designated and mapped by the City under EXCAVATION:The mechanical removal of earth WAC 197-11-908.Certain categorical exemptions material. (Ord. 2820, 1-14-1974) do not apply within environmentally sensitive ar- eas (WAC 197-11-305, 197-11-908, and Part EXISTING AND ONGOING AGRICULTURE: In- Nine of these rules). (Ord. 3891, 2-25-1985) cludes those activities conducted on lands de- fined in RCW 84.34.020(2), and those activities ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREAS MAP involved in the production of crops or livestock;for FOLIO: These maps and applicable definitions example,the operation and maintenance of farm are available in the Clerk's office and in the Devel- and stock ponds or drainage ditches, operation opment Services Division. (Ord. 4039, and maintenance of ditches, irrigation systems in- 1-19-1987) cluding irrigation laterals, canals or irrigation drainage ditches, changes between agricultural ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREAS— activities, and normal maintenance repair, or op- SEVERE:As mapped and defined in the Environ- eration of existing serviceable structures, facili- mentally Sensitive Areas map folio available in ties, or improved areas. Activities which bring an the Development Services Division, an area or area into agricultural use are not part of an ongo- portion of a site which is shown to contain one or ing operation.An operation ceases to be ongoing more of the following natural features: when the area on which it is conducted is con- verted to a nonagricultural use or has lain idle for - Slopes 15—25%, with Class 3 Landslide more than five (5) years, unless the idle land is Hazard and Severe Erosion Hazard registered in a Federal or State soils conservation program, or unless the activity is maintenance of - Slopes 25—40%, with Class 3 Landslide irrigation ditches, laterals, canals, or drainage Hazard and Severe Erosion Hazard ditches related to an existing and ongoing agricul- tural activity. Forest practices are not included in - Wetlands and Class 3 Earthquake Hazard this definition. (Ord. 4346, 3-9-1992) ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREAS— EXISTING UNDERGROUND STORAGE FACIL- VERY SEVERE: As mapped and defined in the ITY: See RMC 4-5-120G. Environmentally Sensitive Areas map folio avail- able in the Development Services Division, an EXISTING USE: The use of a lot or structure at area or portion of a site which is shown to contain the time of enactment of a zoning ordinance. one or more of the following natural features: 11 - 18 4-11-060 EXOTIC: Any species of plants or animals that lution 2805),9-13-1993(Minutes)and Ord.4716, are not indigenous to the planning area. (Ord. 4-13-1998) 4346, 3-9-1992) FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM): The EXPANDED SCOPING:An optional process that official map on which the Federal Insurance Ad- may be used by agencies to go beyond minimum ministration has delineated both the areas of spe- scoping requirements. (Ord. 3891, 2-25-1985) cial flood hazard and the risk premium zones applicable to the community. 4-11-060 DEFINITIONS F: FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY:The official report FAMILY: A number of related individuals, or not provided by the Federal Insurance Administration more than four (4) unrelated individuals, living to- that includes flood profiles, the flood boundary gether as a single household. floodway map and the water surface elevation of the base flood. (Ord. 4071, 6-1-1987) FARMING: The cultivation, production and main FLOOD,ONE HUNDRED(100)YEAR:The max tenance of plants and animals for commercial or personal uses. imum flood expected to occur during a one-hun- dred (100) year period. Shoreline Master FEDERAL MANUAL FOR IDENTIFYING AND Program (Ord. 3758, 12 5 1983, Revised DELINEATING JURISDICTIONAL WETLANDS: 7 22 1985 (Minutes), 3 12 1990 (Resolution The manual prepared by the Federal Interagency 2787), 7 16 1990 (Resolution 2805), 9 13 1993 Committee for Wetland Delineation in 1989. (Ord. (Minutes) and Ord. 4716, 4 13 1998) 4346, 3-9-1992) FLOODPLAIN: The area subject to a one hun- FILL: A deposit of earth material placed by artifi dred (100) year flood. Shoreline Master Program cial means. (Ord. 2820, 1 14 1974) (Ord. 3758, 12-5-1983, Revised 7-22-1985 (Min- utes), 3-12-1990 (Resolution 2787), 7-16-1990 FINAL PLAT: See PLAT, FINAL. (Resolution 2805),9-13-1993(Minutes) and Ord. 4716, 4-13-1998) FIRE DEPARTMENT: The Renton Fire Depart FLOODWAY: The channel of river or other water- ment. course and the adjacent land areas that must be FIRE FLOW:The measures of the sustained flow reserved in order to discharge the base flood of available water for fire fighting at a specific without cumulatively increasing the water surface building or within a specific area at twenty (20) elevation more than one foot (1 ). (Ord. 4071, pounds per square inch residual pressure. 6-1-1987). FIRE MARSHAL: The City of Renton Fire Mar- shal or his appointee. (Ord. 3541, 5-4-1981) FLOOD or FLOODING:A general and temporary condition of partial or complete inundation of nor- `r, mally dry land areas from: I ; DER_ RvownY A. The overflow of inland or tidal waters, and/or R.00PFL uN B. The unusual and rapid accumulation of runoff of surface waters from any source. (Ord. 4071, 6-1-1987) FLOODWAY: For purposes of determining the ju- risdiction of the Shoreline Master Program in con- FLOOD CONTROL:Any undertaking for the con- junction with the definition of "shoreland", "flood- veyance, control, and dispersal of flood waters. way" means those portions of the area of a river Shoreline Master Program (Ord. 3758, valley lying streamward from the outer limits of a 12-5-1983, Revised 7-22-1985 (Minutes), watercourse upon which flood waters are carried 3-12-1990 (Resolution 2787), 7-16-1990 (Reso- during periods of flooding that occur with reason- 11 - 19 4-11-070 able regularity, although not necessarily annually, FLOOR AREA RATIO: The floor area of all build- said floodway being identified, under normal con- ings on a lot divided by the lot area. dition, by changes in surface soil conditions or changes in types or quality of vegetative ground FLUSH TYPE HYDRANT:A hydrant installed en- cover condition. The floodway shall not include tirely below grade. (Ord. 3541, 5-4-1981) those lands that can reasonably be expected to be protected flood waters by flood control devices FRONT YARD: See YARD REQUIREMENT. maintained by or maintained under license from the Federal Government, the State, or a political FUEL DEALERS: Wholesale distribution of fuels subdivision of the State. Shoreline Master Pro- with associated bulk fuel storage. gram (Ord. 3758, 12-5-1983, Revised 7-22-1985 (Minutes), Resolution 2787, 3-12-1990, Resolu- FWPCA: See RMC 4-6-100. tion 2805, 7-16-1990, Revised 9-13-1993 (Min- utes), Ord. 4716, 4-13-1998) 4-11-070 DEFINITIONS G: FLOOR AREA: The sum of the gross horizontal GARAGE SALE: All general sales open to the areas of all floors of a building measured from the public conducted on a residential premises to dis- exterior face of each wall, or from the centerline pose of personal property, including all sales en- of a common wall separating two (2) buildings, titled "lawn", "yard", "attic", "porch", "room", excluding interior parking spaces, loading space "backyard", "patio", "flea market" or "rummage for motor vehicles, or any space where the floor- to-ceiling height is less than six feet (6'). sale". FLOOR AREA,GROSS: For the purpose of GARBAGE: See REFUSE. com- puting required parking space, gross floor area GAS STATION:An establishment which supplies shall be defined as the main areas of the building and dispenses motor fuels at retail. (Ord. 4715, that are occupied. It does not include accessory 4-6-1998) areas ordinarily used by the occupant such as rest rooms, stairs, shafts, wall thickness, corri- GEOLOGICALLY HAZARDOUS AREAS:Areas dors, lobbies and mechanical rooms. (Ord.4517, which may be prone to one or more of the follow- 5-8-1995) ing conditions: erosion, flooding, landslides, coal Li mine hazards, or seismic activity. GRADE: The vertical location of the ground sur- BOBBYJI face. GRADE, EXISTING:The vertical elevation of the HALLWAY ground surface prior to excavating or filling. = nA1 ooMs1 GRADE, FINISH: The final grade of the site , ram► which conforms to the approved plan. HALLWAY GRADE, ROUGH: The stage at which the grade approximately conforms to the approved plan. GRADING: An excavating or filling or combina- tion OROS ILOOK AMA thereof. A. Regular Grading:Any grading that involves FLOOR AREA, NET: The total of all floor area of five thousand (5,000) cubic yards or less of mate- a building, excluding stairwells, elevator shafts, rial. mechanical equipment rooms, interior vehicular parking or loading,and all floors below the ground B. Engineered Grading: Any grading that in- floor, except when used for human habitation or volves more than five thousand (5,000) cubic service to the public. yards of material. (Ord. 2820, 1-14-1974) 11 - 20 4-11-080 GREENBELT: An area designated in the Land disabled and are not a threat to self or to public Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan in- health or safety. tended for open space, recreation, very low den- sity residential uses,agriculture,geographic relief GROUP QUARTERS: A dwelling that is a resi- between land uses, or other low intensity uses. dence for more than four(4)unrelated individuals including fraternities, sororities, dormitories, bar- GRID-LIKE STREET PATTERN (OR FLEXIBLE racks, etc. GRID): A street system based upon a standard grid pattern (i.e.,checkerboard blocks); however, GROWTH, FORECASTED: Current estimate of offset intersections, loop roads, and cul-de-sacs population and employment growth for King as well as angled or curved road segments may County, prepared by the Puget Sound Regional also be utilized on a limited basis. The block pat- Council based on defined assumptions and gen- tern is characterized by regular (i.e., rectangular erally accepted scientific methods. or trapezoidal) blocks and irregular polygons do not predominate. (Ord. 4636, 9-23-1996) GROWTH MANAGEMENT ACT: A law passed by the Washington State Legislature in 1990 that GROUND COVER: Small plants such as salal, mandates comprehensive planning in designated ivy, ferns, mosses, grasses or other types of veg- counties and cities statewide (chapter 36.70A etation which normally cover the ground and in- RCW). cludes trees of less than six inches (6") caliper. GROWTH TARGETS, LOCAL:Twenty (20) year GROUND COVER MANAGEMENT:The mowing goals for population and employment growth allo- or cutting of ground cover in order to create an or- cated to local jurisdictions through the County- derly appearing property so long as such activi- wide Planning Policies. ties do not disturb the root structures on the plants. Ground cover management shall include GROWTH TARGETS, STATE: Forecasts pre- the removal of vegetative debris from the prop- pared by the Washington State Office of Financial erty. (Ord. 4351, 5-4-1992) Management of population growth projected to occur in King County during the succeeding GROUP FAMILY HOUSEHOLD: A group of indi- twenty (20) year period. viduals not related by blood, marriage, adoption or guardianship living together in a dwelling unit as a single housekeeping unit under a common 4-11-080 DEFINITIONS H: management plan based on an intentionally HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE: Any liquid, solid, structured relationship to provide organization and stability. gas or sludge, including any material,substance, product commodity or waste that exhibits the GROUP HOME I (REHABILITATION): A facility characteristics of hazardous waste as described in chapter 70.105 RCW. or dwelling unit housing persons, unrelated by blood or marriage and operating as a group family HAZARDOUS WASTE: All dangerous and ex- household. A rehabilitative group home may in- tremely hazardous waste, except for moderate- clude halfway houses and substance abuse re- risk waste, as defined in RCW 70.105.010. covery homes. GROUP HOME II (PROTECTIVE RESIDENCY): HAZARDOUS WASTE TREATMENT AND STORAGE FACILITY, OFF-SITE: A designated A facility or dwelling unit housing persons, includ- zone facility which treats or stores wastes gener- ing resident staff, unrelated by blood or marriage ated on properties other than those on which the and operating as a group family household. Staff off-site facility is located. persons provide care,education,and participation in community activities for the residents with the HAZARDOUS WASTE TREATMENT AND primary goal of enabling the resident to live as in- STORAGE FACILITY, ON-SITE: A designated dependently as possible. A protective residency zone facility which treats or stores wastes gener- may include handicapped (mentally and physi- ated on the same site, including properties that cally) persons, foster children care, battered are bordering or in close geographic proximity, women shelters, orphanages and other uses are under common ownership or control, and are where residents are deemed vulnerable and/or 11 - 21 4-11-090 functionally integrated by means of use, access HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION: An incorpo- or development. rated nonprofit organization operating under re- corded land agreements through which, (a) each HEALTH HAZARD: See RMC 4-6-100. lot owner is automatically a member,and(b)each lot is automatically subject to a proportionate HEARING EXAMINER:The office of the Hearing share of the expenses for the organization's activ- Examiner as defined by RMC Title 1.The Hearing ities,such as maintaining common property. (Ord. Examiner is appointed by the Mayor of the City to 4522, 6-5-1995) conduct public hearings on applications outlined in the City ordinance creating the Hearing Exam- HOTEL:A building or portion thereof designed or iner, and prepares a record, findings of fact and used for transient rental of six(6)or more units for conclusions on such applications. (Ord. 4522, sleeping purposes. Hotel structures are at least 6-5-1995) two(2)stories in height,with lodging space above the first floor. Lodging space may also be located HEARINGS BOARD: The Shorelines Hearings on the first floor.A central kitchen and dining room Board established by the Act. Shoreline Master and accessory shops and services catering to the Program (Ord. 3758, 12-5-1983, Revised general public may be provided. Not included are 7-22-1985 (Minutes), 3-12-1990 (Resolution institutions housing persons under legal restraint 2787), 7-16-1990 (Resolution 2805), 9-13-1993 or requiring medical attention or care. (Ord.4665, (Minutes) and Ord. 4716, 4-13-1998) 5-19-1997) HEIGHT: See BUILDING HEIGHT and SIGN HOUSEHOLD PETS:Small animals that are cus- HEIGHT. tomarily kept for personal use or enjoyment within the home,including dogs,cats, rodents,domestic HELIPORT: Any landing area used for the land- tropical birds or fish and other similar animals to- ing and take off of helicopters for the purpose of taling three (3) or less, and one unweaned litter picking up and discharging passengers or cargo, produced by any of the animals. excluding fueling, refueling or service facilities. HERITAGE TREES: Distinctive individual trees 4-11-090 DEFINITIONS I: determined to be of historic, cultural or visual sig- ILLUMINATION, EXTERNAL: An artificial light nificance to the community. source located outside of the sign and directed to- HIGH OCCUPANCY VEHICLE(HOV):A vehicle wards the sign for purposes of illumination. carrying more than some minimum number of ILLUMINATION, INTERNAL: A light source that people (usually two (2) or three (3) persons). is concealed or contained within the sign and be- (Ord. 4517, 5-8-1995) comes visible in darkness through a translucent HIGH RISE: A structure exceeding seventy five surface. feet (75') in height. Shoreline Master Program ILLUMINATION,TUBE: A light source supplied (Ord. 3758, 12-5-1983, Revised 7-22-1985 (Min- by a tube which is bent to form letters, symbols, utes), 3-12-1990 (Resolution 2787), 7-16-1990 or other shapes. Tube illumination does not in- (Resolution 2805),9-13-1993(Minutes) and Ord. clude exposed fluorescent lights. (Ord. 4720, 4716, 4-13-1998) 5-4-1998) HILLSIDE SUBDIVISION:A subdivision in which IMPACTS: The effects or consequences of ac- the average slope is twenty percent (20%) or in tions. Environmental impacts are effects upon the which any street in the subdivision has grades elements of the environment listed in WAC greater than fifteen percent (15%) at any point. 197-11-444. (Ord. 3891, 2-25-1985) (Ord. 4522, 6-5-1995, Amd. Ord. 4522, 6-5-1995) HOME OCCUPATION: Any commercial use con- ducted entirely within a dwelling and carried on by persons residing in that dwelling unit which is clearly incidental and secondary for the use of the dwelling as a residence. 11 - 22 4-11-100 IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: Any material that sub- INCORPORATION BY REFERENCE: The inclu- stantially reduces or prevents the infiltration of sion of all of part of any existing document in an stormwater into the surface of the ground, includ- agency's environmental documentation by refer- ing graveled driveways and parking areas. ence (WAC 197-11-600 and 197-11-635). (Ord. 3891, 2-25-1985) 1 INDUSTRIAL USE: A type of land use character • ized by production, manufacturing, distribution or [ ) _ _ ; fabrication activities. INDUSTRIAL USE, HEAVY: A type of land use __ including manufacturing processes using raw ma- . — — — terials,extractive land uses or any industrial uses which typically are incompatible with other uses .,r ., due to noise, odor,toxic chemicals, or other activ- • • A ities posing a hazard to public health and safety. i INDUSTRIAL USE, LIGHT:A type of land use in- cluding small scale or less intensive production manufacturing, distribution or fabricating activi- ties. May also include office and supporting con- INCOMBUSTIBLE AND NONCOMBUSTIBLE venience retail activities. MATERIAL: Incombustible and noncombustible as applied to building construction material INDUSTRIAL WASTES: See RMC 4-6-100. means a material which, in the form in which it is used, is either one of the following: INFILL: Development that occurs on vacant land within urbanized areas. A. Material of which no part will ignite and burn when subjected to fire. Any material conforming INFILTRATION: See RMC 4-6-100. to U.B.C. Standard No. 4-1 shall be considered noncombustible within the meaning of this Sec- INSTITUTION, EDUCATIONAL: A group of tion. structures or facilities owned or associated with a public or private college or university, vocational B. Material having a structural base of noncom- or technical school. bustible material as defined in subsection A above, with a surfacing material not over one- INSTITUTION, MEDICAL: A group of structures eighth inch (1/8")thick which has flame-spread or facilities owned by or associated with a public rating of 50 or less. or private hospital licensed by State law. A com- plex of functionally interrelated buildings housing "Noncombustible"does not apply to surface finish medical services and/or medical research organi- materials. Materials required to be noncombusti- zations or foundations, and typically including ble for reduced clearances to flues, heating appli- uses, such as, but not limited to: hospitals, diag- ances,or other sources of high temperature shall nostic centers, offices for physicians, support refer to material conforming to subsection A staff, and administrators; laboratories; clinics; above. No material shall be classed as noncom- hospices; congregate care facilities; convales- bustible which is subject to increase in combusti- cent centers, retirement residences; and their ac- bility of flame-spread rating beyond the limits cessory uses including medical support facilities herein established, through the effects of age, and services. (Ord. 4649, 1-6-1997) moisture or other atmospheric condition. "Flame-spread rating"as used herein refers to 4-11-100 DEFINITIONS J: (Reserved) rating obtained according to tests conducted as specific in U.B.C. Standard No.42-1. (Ord.3719, 4-11-1983, Amd. Ord. 4577, 1-22-1996) 11 - 23 4-11-110 4-11-110 DEFINITIONS K: A. An application for a project permit or other governmental approval required PP q by law before KENNEL: A facility for the care and/or breeding real property may be improved, developed, mod- of nine (9) or more adult dogs, cats or combina- ified, sold, transferred or used, but excluding ap- tion of dogs and cats, older than four (4) months plications for permits or approvals to use,vacate, in age,excluding small animal hospitals,clinics or or transfer streets, parks, and other similar types pet shops. of public property; excluding applications for leg- islative approval such as area-wide rezones and KENNEL, HOBBY: A facility for the care and/or annexations; and excluding applications for busi- breeding of four(4)to eight(8)adult dogs,cats or ness licenses; combination of dogs and cats, older than four(4) months in age, excluding small animal hospitals, B. An interpretive or declaratory decision re- clinics or pet shops. garding the application to a specific property of zoning or other ordinances or rules regulating the KEY: A designated compacted fill placed in a improvement, development, modification, main- trench excavated in earth material beneath the tenance, or use of real property; toe of a proposed fill slope. (Ord. 2820, 1-14-1974) C. The enforcement by the City of codes regu- lating improvement, development, modification, 4-11-120 DEFINITIONS L: maintenance or use of real property. However, when the City is required by law to enforce the LAKES:Natural or artificial bodies of water of two code in a court of limited jurisdiction, a petition (2) or more acres and/or where the deepest part may not be brought under RMC 4-8-110. (Ord. of the basin at low water exceeds two (2) meters 4660, 3-17-1997) (6.6 feet). Artificial bodies of water with a recircu- lation system approved by the Public Works De- LAND USE ELEMENT: A plan or scheme desig- partment are not included in this definition. nating the location and extent of use for agricul- ture, timber production, housing, commerce, LAND CLEARING: The act of removing or de- industry, recreation, open spaces, public utilities, stroying trees or ground cover including grubbing public facilities, and other land uses as required of stumps and root mat from any undeveloped lot, by the Growth Management Act. partially developed lot,developed lot,public lands or public right-of-way. LANDFILL:Creation or maintenance of beach or creation of dry upland area by the deposit of sand, LAND DEVELOPMENT PERMIT: A preliminary soil,gravel or other materials into shoreline areas. or final plat for single family residential project, a Shoreline Master Program (Ord. 3758, building permit, site plan, or preliminary or final 12-5-1983, Revised 7-22-1985 (Minutes), planned unit development plan. (Ord. 4351, 3-12-1990(Resolution 2787), 7-16-1990(Resolu- 5-4-1992) tion 2805), 9-13-1993 (Minutes) and Ord. 4716, 4-13-1998) LAND OWNER: The legal or beneficial owner or owners of all the land proposed to be included in LANDS COVERED BY WATER: Lands underly- a Planned Unit Development; a contract pur- ing the water areas of the state below the ordinary chaser or any other person having an enforceable high water mark, including salt waters, tidal wa- proprietary interest in such land shall be deemed ters, estuarine waters, natural watercourses, to be a land owner for the purpose of the Planned lakes, ponds, artificially impounded waters, Unit Development regulations. (Ord. 4039, marshes, and swamps. Certain categorical ex- 1-19-1987) emptions do not apply to lands covered by water. (Ord. 3891, 2-25-1985) LAND USE DECISION: A land use decision for purposes of a land use appeal under RMC LANDSCAPED VISUAL BARRIER: Evergreen 4-8-110,Appeals, means a final determination by trees, and/or evergreen shrubs providing equiva- a City body or officer with the highest level of au- lent buffering, planted to provide a year-round thority to make the determination, including those dense screen within three(3) years from the time with authority to hear appeals on: of planting. (Ord. 4715, 4-6-1998) 11 - 24 4-11-120 LANDSCAPING: The addition to land of natural taining wetlands or their buffers. (Ord. 4346, lawns, trees, shrubs, flowers, rockeries and simi- 3-9-1992) lar items to enhance its attractiveness. (Ord. 4517, 5-8-1995) LOADING AREA:A specially designed off-street place intended to be used by vehicles for depos- LEAD AGENCY: The agency with the main re- iting and/or receiving passengers and goods. sponsibility for complying with SEPA's procedural (Ord. 4517, 5-8-1995) requirements(WAC 197-11-050 and 197-11-922). "Lead agency" may be read as "responsible offi- LOCAL AGENCY: "Local agency"or"local gov- cial" (WAC 197-11-788 and 197-11-910) unless ernment" means any political subdivision, re- the context clearly requires otherwise. Depending gional governmental unit, district, municipal or on the agency and the type of proposal,for exam- public corporation, including cities, towns, and ple, there may be a difference between the lead counties and their legislative bodies.The term en- agency's responsible official,who is at a minimum compasses but does not refer specifically to the responsible for procedural determinations (such departments within a city or county. (Ord. 3891, as WAC 197-11-330, 197-11-455, 197-11-460) 2-25-1985) and its decision maker, who is at a minimum re- sponsible for substantive determinations(such as LOCAL SERVICE UTILITY: Public or private util- WAC 197-11-448, 197-11-655, and 197-11-660). ities normally servicing a neighborhood, i.e.,tele- (Ord. 3891, 2-25-1985) phone exchanges; sewer, both storm and sanitary;distribution lines,electrical less than fifty LEAK DETECTION SYSTEM: See RMC five (55) kv, telephone, cable TV, etc. Shoreline 4-5-120G. Master Program (Ord. 3758, 12-5-1983, Revised 7-22-1985 (Minutes), 3-12-1990 (Resolution LEGAL OWNERSHIP:The proprietary interest of 2787), 7-16-1990 (Resolution 2805), 9-13-1993 a land owner as defined above. (Ord. 4039, (Minutes) and Ord. 4716, 4-13-1998) 1-19-1987) LONG-RANGE WASTEWATER MANAGE- LICENSE: Any form of written permission given MENT PLAN: See RMC 4-6-100. to any person, organization, or agency to engage in any activity, as required by law or agency rule. LOT: A specifically described parcel of land with A license includes all or part of an agency permit, boundary lines defining the extent of the lot in a certificate, approval, registration, charter, or plat given direction. approvals or rezones to facilitate a particular pro- posal. The term does not include a license re- LOT: A fractional part of divided lands having quired solely for revenue purposes. (Ord. 3891, fixed boundaries, being of sufficient area and di- 2-25-1985) mension to meet minimum zoning requirements for width and area.The term shall include"tracts" LICENSED ENGINEER: A professional engi- or"parcels". See LOT TYPES. neer, licensed to practice in the State of Washing- ton. Shoreline Master Program (Ord. 3758, 12-5-1983, Revised 7-22-1985 (Minutes), 3-12-1990 (Resolution 2787), 7-16-1990 (Reso- lution 2805), 9-13-1993(Minutes)and Ord.4716, 4-13-1998) LIMITED DENSITY CREDIT TRANSFER: A transfer of allowable density from one portion of the site to another.The density credit is a percent- age number which represents a credit for housing units which are not allowed to be built in wetland buffer areas. The density credit is used in a for- mula found in RMC 4-3-110S, Wetland Regula- tions, for determining the number of residential units allowed on the buildable portion of a lot con- 11 - 25 4-11-120 LOT COVERAGE:The horizontal area measured points of the side lot lines in front (i.e., the points within the outside of the exterior walls of all prin- where the side lot lines intersect with the street cipal and accessory buildings on a lot including all right-of-way line) and the rear-most points of the covered decks and porches. side lot lines in the rear. In the case of pipestem lots, the pipestem portion of the lot shall be ig- • 1 nored for purposes of the calculation of average �_ I depth. 1I HRI, 1 . ____ ____ i rog '_ L.�.., ... ._ \ 1 I Front. I.ot I.Inr I f_______ .. -.. IDImpervious Surfacing Ed Lot Coverage B.LOT WIDTH:Width of a lot shall be considered to be the average distance between the side lines LOT, DEVELOPED: (This definition for RMC connecting front and rear lot lines, except for pip- 4-4-130, Tree Cutting and Land Clearing Regula- estem lots, where the pipestem portion of a lot tions, only.) A lot or parcel of land upon which a shall be ignored for purposes of calculating the structure(s) is located, which cannot be more in- average width. (Ord. 4522, 6-5-1995) tensely developed pursuant to the City Zoning Code, and which cannot be further subdivided pursuant to City subdivision regulations. (Ord. 4351, 5-4-1992) LOT FRONTAGE: The front of a lot shall be that / �'r portion nearest the street except on a corner lot in ( 1-- 1— • which case the user of a corner lot has the option `1i',"" • 1 , of determining which part of the lot frontage on a street shall become the lot frontage. (Ord. 4522, 1 1 i 6-5-1995) i_...._..-._11..- ..___/ STREET LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT: A lot line adjustment is the adjusting of common property line(s) or boundaries between adjacent lots, tracts, or par- LOT OF RECORD: A lot which is part of a subdi- cels for the purpose of accommodating a transfer vision recorded in the office of the County Asses- of land, rectifying a disputed property line loca- sor, or a lot or parcel described by metes and tion, or freeing such a boundary from any differ- bounds or aliquot parts, the description of which ence or discrepancies. The resulting adjustment has been so recorded in conformance with all ap- shall not create any additional lots, tracts or par- plicable regulations in effect at the time of record- cels and all reconfigured lots, tracts or parcels ing. (Ord. 4522, 6-5-1995) shall contain sufficient area and dimension to meet minimum requirements for zoning and build- LOT, PARTIALLY DEVELOPED: (This definition ing purposes. (Ord. 4522, 6-5-1995) for RMC 4-4-130,Tree Cutting and Land Clearing Regulations, only.) A lot or parcel of land upon LOT LINES: The property lines bounding the lot. which a structure is located and which is of suffi- cient area so as to be capable of accommodating LOT MEASUREMENTS: increased development pursuant to the Renton Zoning Code; or which may be subdivided in ac- A.LOT DEPTH:Depth of a lot shall be considered cordance with the City subdivision regulations. to be the average distance between the foremost (Ord. 4351, 5-4-1992) 11 - 26 4-11-130 LOT TYPES: considered a building's lowest floor; provided, that such enclosure is not built so as to render the structure in violation of the applicable noneleva- °"''` tion design requirements of RMC 4-3-060J6. —r -,— (Ord. 4071, 6-1-1987) 4-11-130 DEFINITIONS M: MAJOR ACTION: An action that is likely to have i significant adverse environmental impacts. "Ma- jor" reinforces but does not have a meaning inde- 5trceG pendent of "significantly" (WAC 197-11-794). (Ord. 3891, 2-25-1985) MAJOR SERVICE UTILITY: Public or private util- A. LOT, CORNER: A lot abutting upon two (2) ities which provide services beyond the City's or more streets at their intersection, or upon two boundaries, i.e., pipelines, natural gas, water, (2) parts of the same street, such streets or parts sewer, petroleum; electrical transmission lines of the same street forming an interior angle of less fifty five (55) kv or greater; and regional sewer or than one hundred thirty five degrees(135°)within water treatment plants, etc. Shoreline Master the lot lines. (Ord. 4522, 6-5-1995) Program (Ord. 3758, 12-5-1983, Revised 7-22-1985 (Minutes), 3-12-1990 (Resolution B. LOT, CORNER: A lot that generally abuts 2787), 7-16-1990 (Resolution 2805), 9-13-1993 two (2) or more streets except it may abut one (Minutes) and Ord. 4716, 4-13-1998) street if such street changes its axis more than forty five degrees (45°) along that portion of the MANUFACTURED HOME: (For purposes of lot which it abuts. (Ord. 4056, 4-13-1987) flood hazard provisions only.) A factory-built structure, transportable in one or more sections, C. LOT, FLAG: A lot with access to a public built on a chassis and designed to be a dwelling road only by a private right-of-way less than thirty with or without a permanent foundation when feet (30') in width. See LOT, PIPESTEM. connected to required utilities. Manufactured homes must comply with the National Manufac- D. LOT,INTERIOR:A lot that generally abuts or tured Home Construction and Safety Standards has frontage on only one street, although on Act of 1974, and bear the red approval insignia. through lots that run from one block face to an- other, such lots could abut two (2) streets. (Ord. MANUFACTURED HOME: A structure, trans- 4056, 4-31-1987) portable in one or more sections,which is built on a permanent chassis and is designed for use with E. LOT,PIPESTEM:A lot not meeting minimum or without a permanent foundation when con- frontage requirements and where the access is by nected to the required utilities. For floodplain a narrow, private right-of-way or driveway. See management purposes the term "manufactured LOT, FLAG. home" also includes park trailers, travel trailers and other similar vehicles placed on a site for F. LOT, THROUGH: A lot that has both ends greater than one hundred eighty (180) consecu- fronting on a street. (Ord. 4522, 6-5-1995) tive days. For insurance purposes the term"man- ufactured home"does not include park trailers, LOT, UNDEVELOPED: A platted lot or parcel of travel trailers and other similar vehicles. (Ord. land upon which no structure exists. (Ord. 4351, 4071, 6-1-1987) 5-4-1992) MANUFACTURED HOME, DESIGNATED: A LOWEST FLOOR:The lowest floor of the lowest manufactured home that meets the following re- enclosed area (including basement). An unfin- quirements: ished or flood resistant enclosure, usable solely for parking of vehicles, building access or stor- age, in an area other than a basement area,is not 11 - 27 4-11-130 A. It is comprised of at least two(2)fully enclosed 2787), 7-16-1990 (Resolution 2805), 9-13-1993 parallel sections each not less than twelve feet (Minutes) and Ord. 4716, 4-13-1998) (12') wide by thirty six feet (36') long, MASTER SITE PLAN: A conceptual site plan in- B. It has a composition, wood shingle, coated dicating the physical and functional inter-relation- metal or similar roof of not less than three to ships between uses and facilities on a site for twelve (3:12) pitch, and those projects, series of projects, phased devel- opments or developments occurring over a period C. It has exterior siding similar in appearance to of five(5)years or longer,or which are such a size siding materials commonly used for conventional and complexity or duration as to make indepen- site-built single family residences. dent site plan review burdensome, difficult or in- clined to lead to segmented and inconsistent MANUFACTURING USES:Types of land uses in conditions and approvals. Examples include pub- which materials or substances are transformed lic and private developments with a number of un- into new products including construction and as- connected buildings on the same site as well as sembling of component parts, and the blending of development where buildings may be occurring materials such as lubricating oils, plastics, resins on geographically separated parcels within the or liquors. City. (Ord. 4649, 1-6-1997) MARINA: A facility for storing, servicing, fueling, MEANDER LINE: A line along a body of water in- berthing, and securing and launching of private tended to be used solely as a reference for sur- pleasure craft that may include the sale of fuel veying property boundaries. (Ord. 4522, and incidental supplies for the boat owners, 6-5-1995) crews, and guests. MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT: Includes all motor- MARINA: (This definition for RMC 4-3-090, ized equipment used for earth moving,trenching, Shoreline Master Program Regulations, use excavating, gardening, landscaping, and general only.) A use providing moorage's for pleasure property maintenance exceeding twelve (12) craft,which also may include boat launching facil- horsepower in size. (Ord. 4351, 5-4-1992) ities, storage, sales, and other related services. Shoreline Master Program (Ord. 3758, MEDICAL SUPPORT FACILITIES: Uses and fa- 12-5-1983, Revised 7-22-1985 (Minutes), cilities such as, but not limited to: on-site medical 3-12-1990 (Resolution 2787), 7-16-1990 (Reso- waste storage and disposal;warehousing and lution 2805),9-13-1993(Minutes)and Ord.4716, storage of medical related equipment and sup- 4-13-1998) plies; garages; and other facilities commonly as- sociated with medical institutions. (Ord. 4649, MARQUEE: A permanent roofer structure at- 1-6-1997) tached to and supported by the building and pro- jecting over public property. (Ord. 3719, MEMBRANE LINER: See RMC 4-5-120G. 4-11-1983, Amd. Ord. 4577, 1-22-1996) MINI-MART: A small retail establishment, usually MASTER PLAN:A land use plan focused on one located within or associated with another use, or more sites within an area, which identifies site which offers for sale convenience goods such as access and general improvements, and is in- prepackaged food items, tobacco, periodicals tended to guide growth and development over a and other household goods. (Ord. 4715, number of years, or in several phases. 4-6-1998) MASTER PROGRAM:The comprehensive MITIGATION: shoreline use plan for the City of Renton and the use regulations, together with maps, diagrams, A. Avoiding the impact altogether by not taking charts or other descriptive material and text, and a certain action or parts of an action; a statement of desired goals and standards de- veloped in accordance with the policies enunci- B. Minimizing impacts by limiting the degree or ated in Section 2 of the Act. Shoreline Master magnitude of the action and its implementation, Program (Ord. 3758, 12-5-1983, Revised by using appropriate technology, or by taking af- 7-22-1985 (Minutes), 3-12-1990 (Resolution firmative steps to avoid or reduce impacts; 11 - 28 4-11-140 C. Rectifying the impact by repairing, rehabili- MOTEL:A building or portion thereof designed or tating, or restoring the affected environment; used for transient rental of five (5) or more units for sleeping purposes. (Ord. 4665, 5-19-1997) D. Reducing or eliminating the impact over time by preservation and maintenance operations dur- MULTI-FAMILY:A residential building or group of ing the life of the action; buildings which contain two (2) or more dwelling units in each building. E. Compensating for the impact by replacing, enhancing, or providing substitute resources or environments; v F. Monitoring the impact and the compensation �,�`� �� /ej se,* project and taking appropriate corrective mea- � iri�� - ��� sures. (Ord. 3891, 2-25-1985, Ord. 4346, rn�� �� ��' 1' 1/61 3-9-1992) W \ %/� 4� •r MITIGATION BANK: See definition in ® 0(101%A +���4 3 110M11. (Ord. 4346, 3 9 1992) yV 10 . I • MIXED USE: A building or site with two (2) or "., . 0Q more different uses such as residential, office, ; • manufacturing, retail, public or entertainment. MOBILE HOME: A factory-built structure, trans- portable \ ' in one or more sections, built on a chas- sis and designed to be a dwelling without a MULTIPLE-USE: The combining of compatible permanent foundation, which was constructed uses within one development, of which the major prior to the enactment of the National Manufac- use or activity is water-oriented. All uses or activ- tured Home Construction and Safety Standards ities other than the major one are directly related Act of 1974. and necessary to the major use or activity. Shore- line Master Program (Ord. 3758, 12-5-1983, Re- MOBILE HOME: (For purposes of RMC 4-9-110, vised 7-22-1985 (Minutes), 3-12-1990 Manufactured and Mobile Home Parks, only.) An (Resolution 2787), 7-16-1990 (Resolution 2805), independent trailer designed for year-round occu- 9-13-1993 (Minutes), Ord. 4716, 4-13-1998) pancy. MUNICIPALITY or QUASI-MUNICIPALITY: Any MOBILE HOME LOT or SPACE: A trailer space county, city, town, water district or other govern- designed for a mobile home in a mobile home mental subdivision or agency of the State of park. Washington. (Ord. 3541, 5-4-1981) MOBILE HOME PARK: A trailer park under one ownership designed for mobile homes on a non- 4-11-140 DEFINITIONS N: transient basis. (Ord. 3746, 9-19-1983) NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED INDEPENDENT MODULAR HOME: A factory-built home de- TESTING ORGANIZATION:See RMC 4-5-120G. signed to be permanently installed on a founda- tion. NATIVE GROWTH PROTECTION EASEMENT: A restrictive area where all native, predevelop- MOORAGE: Any device or structure used to se- ment vegetation shall not be disturbed or removed cure a vessel for temporary anchorage,but which except for removal pursuant to an approved en is not attached to the vessels. Examples of moor- hancement program. The purpose of an ease age are docks or buoys. Shoreline Master Pro- gram (Ord. 3758, 12-5-1983, Revised 7-22-1985 wetlands and/or riparian corridors. (Ord. 4351, (Minutes), 3-12-1990 (Resolution 2787), 5-4-1992) 7-16-1990 (Resolution 2805), 9-13-1993 (Min- utes) and Ord. 4716, 4-13-1998) 11 - 29 4-11-150 NATIVE VEGETATION: Plant species which are zone, but which complied with applicable regula- indigenous to the area in question and could rea- tions at the time the use was established. sonably be expected to have occurred on site. NON-PROJECT: Actions which are different or NATURAL: A Shoreline Master Program land broader than a single site specific project,such as use designation identifying an area as unique and plans,policies,and programs(WAC 197-11-704). fragile. It is intended to provide areas of wildlife (Ord. 3891, 2-25-1985) sanctuary and habitat preservation. (Ord. 4346, 3-9-1992) NONSTRUCTURAL TRIM: The molding, bat- tens, caps, mailing strips, latticing, cutouts or let- NATURAL ENVIRONMENT: Those aspects of ters and walkways which are attached to the sign the environment contained in WAC 197-11-444 structure. (Ord. 3719, 4-11-1983, Amd. Ord. (1), frequently referred to as natural elements, or 4577, 1-22-1996) resources, such as earth, air, water, wildlife, and energy. (Ord. 3891, 2-25-1985) NO-PROTEST AGREEMENT: A restrictive cove- nant signed by the property owner signifying con- NATURAL OUTLET: See RMC 4-6-100. sent to the future formation of a Local Improvement District by the City of Renton or by NATURAL WATER SYSTEM: Any and all parts property owners for constructing and paying for of the hydrologic cycle independent of size and street improvements. (Ord. 4521, 6-5-1995) residence time. The meaning includes"waters of the state" as defined in RCW 90.48.020. 4-11-150 DEFINITIONS 0: NEIGHBORHOOD: A sub-area of the City in OFFER OF SALE TO PUBLIC: Any advertise- which the residents share a common identity fo- ment, inducement, solicitation, or attempt by a cused around a school, park, community busi- developer to encourage any person other than a ness center or other feature. tenant to purchase a condominium or cooperative NEPA: The National Environmental Policy Act of unit. 1969 (42 USCA 4321 et seq.; P.L.91-190),that is OFFER OF SALE TO TENANT:A written offer to like SEPA at the Federal level.The Federal NEPA are located at 40 CFR 1500 et seq. sell a condominium or cooperative unit to the ten- regulations(Ord. 3891, 2-25-1985) ant in possession of that unit at a specific price and on specific terms. (Ord. 3366, 10-15-1979) NEW CONSTRUCTION:(For the purposes of the flood hazard regulations only.) Structures for OFFICE, INTENSIVE: Mid- (six (6) stories) to high-rise (over six (6)stories) office development which the "start of construction"commenced on including structured parking. or after the effective date of the flood provisions: 6-1-1987. (Ord. 4071, 6-1-1987) OFFICIAL PLANS: Those maps, development NEW UNDERGROUND STORAGE FACILITY: plans or portions thereof, adopted by the City Council of the City of Renton as amended. (Ord. See RMC 4-5-120G. 4522, 6-5-1995) NONCONFORMING STRUCTURE: A lawful OPEN RECORD APPEAL: An administrative ap- structure that does not comply with the current peal to a local governmental body or officer, in- development standards (yard setbacks, lot size, cluding the legislative body,that creates the local lot coverage, height, etc.) for its zone, but which government's record through testimony and sub- complied with applicable regulations at the time it mission of evidence and information, under pro- was established. Such structures may or may not cedures prescribed by RMC 4-8-110. be in compliance with other relevant building codes and regulations. OPEN RECORD PUBLIC HEARING: A hearing, NONCONFORMING USE: A lawful use of land conducted by a single hearing body or officer au- thorized by the local government to conduct such that does not comply with the current use regula- hearings, that creates the local government's tions(primary, secondary, conditional,etc.)for its record through testimony and submission of evi- 11 - 30 4-11-160 dence and information, under procedures pre- B. Streams. Where the ordinary high water scribed by RMC 4-8-110. (Ord. 4587, 3-18-1996) mark cannot be found, it shall be the line of mean high water.For braided streams,the ordinary high OPEN SPACE:Any physical area which provides water mark is found on the banks forming the visual relief from the built environment for envi- outer limits of the depression within which the ronmental,scenic or recreational purposes.Open braiding occurs. Shoreline Master Program (Ord. space may consist of developed or undeveloped 3758, 12-5-1983, Revised 7-22-1985 (Minutes), areas, including urban plazas, parks, pedestrian Resolution 2787, 3-12-1990, Resolution 2805, corridors, landscaping, pastures, woodlands, 7-16-1990, Revised 9-13-1993 (Minutes), Ord. greenbelts,wetlands and other natural areas, but 4716, 4-13-1998) excluding driveways, parking lots or other sur- faces designed for vehicular travel. OUT-OF-KIND COMPENSATION: To replace wetlands with substitute wetlands whose charac- OPEN SPACE: A parcel or parcels of land or an teristics do not closely approximate those de- area of water or a combination of land and water stroyed or degraded by a regulated activity. It within the site designated for a planned unit de- does not refer to replacement "out-of-category". velopment,which are without above ground park- (Ord. 4346, 3-9-1992) ing or vehicle circulation areas, structures, or buildings, except purely recreational facilities, OUTDOOR RETAIL SALES AREAS: Specially and which shall include but not be limited to unde- designed areas for the retail sale of automobiles, veloped areas, landscaped areas, garden areas, small trucks, vans or other similar type motor ve- lawns, walkways, patios, and gazebos. (Ord. hicles. It does not generally include commercially 4039, 1-19-1987) licensed motor vehicles such as buses or trucks. (Ord. 4517, 5-8-1995) OPEN SPACE: (This definition for RMC 4-3-090, Shoreline Master Program Regulations, use OUTSIDE STORAGE: See STORAGE, OUT- only.) A land area allowing view, use or passage SIDE. which is almost entirely unobstructed by build- ings, paved areas, or other manmade structures. OWNER: See RMC 4-5-120G. Shoreline Master Program (Ord. 3758, 12-5-1983, Revised 7-22-1985 (Minutes), OWNER'S ASSOCIATION: The association 3-12-1990 (Resolution 2787), 7-16-1990 (Reso- formed by owners of units in a condominium or lution 2805), 9-13-1993 (Minutes) and Ord.4716, cooperative unit. (Ord. 3366, 10-15-1979) 4-13-1998) OPERATOR: See RMC 4-5-120G. 4-11-160 DEFINITIONS P: ORDINANCE: See RMC 4 9 070R. PARKING,LEASED: Parking for a particular land use on land which is subject to a lease or other ORDINARY HIGH WATER MARK:On lakes and agreement allowing the owners of the building to streams, that mark found by examining the bed use the property for parking for the use. Leased parking shall be a permanent parking arrange- and banks and ascertaining where the presence ment.The permanency of the parking shall be de- and action of waters are so common and usual, termined upon consideration of the remaining and so long continued in all ordinary years, as to economic life of the building for which the parking mark upon the soil a character distinct from that is provided, and of the provision of the applicant of the abutting upland, in respect to vegetation as of appropriate measures to protect against condi- that condition exists on June 1, 1971, as it may tions which may cause forfeiture of the lease or naturally change thereafter, or as it may change other land use agreement. Such measures may in accordance with permits issued by the City or include,but are not limited to,bonds or covenants State. The following criteria clarify this mark on running with the land upon which the building is lakes and streams: located to cause the termination of the leased A. Lakes. Where the ordinary high water mark parking. (Ord. 4517, 5 8 1995) cannot be found, it shall be the line of mean high PARKING LOT or PARKING AREA: A specially water. designed off-street place intended to be used pri- 11 -31 4-11-160 marily for the temporary storage of vehicles for PERFORMANCE BOND OR GUARANTEE: durations of less than seventy two (72) hours. In- That security which may be accepted in lieu of a cluded in this definition is the permanent surface, requirement that certain improvements be made striping landscaping and other features required before the City Council approves the final plat, in- by RMC 4-4-080. cluding performance bonds,escrow agreements, and other similar collateral or surety agreements. PARKING SPACE or PARKING STALL: A park- (Ord. 4522, 6-5-1995) ing space is any off-street space intended for the use of vehicular parking with ingress and egress PERMIT: (For purposes of manufactured home to the space easily identifiable. (Ord. 4517, park provisions only.) A written building permit is- 5-8-1995) sued by the Development Services Division per- mitting the trailer park to be constructed or PARKING, STRUCTURED: Parking areas within operated under this Chapter and the regulations a building or structure,usually with more than one promulgated thereunder. (Ord. 3746, 9-19-1983) story. PERSON: (For purposes of condominium con- PARKING,SURFACE:Open lots or grounds with version provisions only.) Any individual, corpora- at-grade parking improvements. tion, partnership, association, trustee or other legal entity. (Ord. 3366, 10-15-1979) PARKING, TANDEM: The parking of one motor vehicle behind another,where one does not have PERSON: (For purposes of tree cutting and land direct access to a parking aisle without the mov- clearing provisions only.) Any person, individual, ing of the other vehicle. public or private corporation, firm, association, joint venture, partnership, owner, lessee, tenant, PASSIVE RECREATION: Nonorganized, low im- or any other entity whatsoever or any combina- pact use such as hiking, walking, picnicking. It tion of such, jointly or severally. (Ord. 4351, does not include organized sport activities such 5-4-1992) as baseball, soccer, etc. (Ord. 4346, 3-9-1992) PERSONAL SERVICES: Beauty and barber PAVED: Surfaced with a hard, smooth surface, shops, retail laundry and dry-cleaning including usually consisting of concrete or asphalt under- coin-operated, garment alterations and repair, lain by a subgrade of crushed rock. photo studios, shoe repair. PAVEMENT WIDTH: Width of paved driving and PHASED REVIEW: The coverage of general parking surface, including gutters as measured matters in broader environmental documents, from face of curb to face of curb, or from edge of with subsequent narrower documents concentrat- pavement where there are no curbs. (Ord. 4521, ing solely on the issues specific to the later anal- 6-5-1995) ysis (WAC 197-11-060(5)). Phased review may be used for a single proposal or EIS (WAC PEAK DISCHARGE: The maximum surface wa- 197-11-060). (Ord. 3891, 2-25-1985) ter runoff rate (cfs) at point of discharge, deter- mined from the design storm frequency. (Ord. PIER:A general term including docks and similar 4367, 9-14-1992) structures consisting of a fixed or floating platform extending from the shore over the water. Shore- PEDESTRIAN CORRIDORS: Areas designated line Master Program (Ord. 3758, 12-5-1983, Re- in the Comprehensive Plan as primary routes for vised 7-22-1985 (Minutes), 3-12-1990 pedestrian use to connect sub-areas of the City or (Resolution 2787), 7-16-1990 (Resolution 2805) regional trail systems, and to provide access to and 9-13-1993 (Minutes)) public facilities. PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: (This defini- PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY: A surfaced walkway, tion for RMC 4-3-090, Shoreline Master Program separate from the traveled portion of the roadway, Regulations, use only.) Special contractual usually of crushed rock or asphalt, and following agreement between the developer and a govern- the existing ground surface. (Ord. 4521, mental body governing development of land. 6-5-1995) Shoreline Master Program (Ord. 3758, 12-5-1983, Revised 7-22-1985 (Minutes), 11 - 32 4-11-160 3-12-1990 (Resolution 2787), 7-16-1990 (Reso- PORTABLE DISPLAY SURFACE: A display sur- lution 2805) and 9-13-1993 (Minutes)) face temporarily affixed to a standardized adver- tising structure which is regularly moved from PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD): Any structure to structure at periodic intervals. (Ord. development approved and developed in accor- 3719, 4-11-1983, Amd. Ord. 4577, 1-22-1996) dance with the terms of RMC 4-9-150,including a subdivision of such land,which development may POTABLE WATER: See RMC 4-6-100. occur at one time or in phases. (Ord. 4039, 1-19-1987) POTENTIAL ANNEXATION AREAS: Areas which have been designated for annexation PLANNING COMMISSION: That body as de- within the twenty (20) year planning horizon by fined in chapters 35.63,35A.63,or 36.70 RCW as agreement with King County as required by the designated by the legislative body to perform a Countywide Planning Policies. planning function or that body assigned such du- ties and responsibilities under a city or county PRACTICABLE ALTERNATIVE: An alternative charter. (Ord. 4522, 6-5-1995) that is available and capable of being carried out after taking into consideration cost, existing tech- PLANT ASSOCIATIONS OF INFREQUENT OC- nology, and logistics in light of overall project pur- CURRENCE: One or more plant species in a poses, and having less impacts to regulated landform type which, because of the rarity of the wetlands. It may include an area not owned by the habitat or the species involved, or both, or for applicant which could reasonably have been or other botanical or environmental reasons, do not be obtained, utilized, expanded, or managed in often occur in King County. (Ord.4346, 3-9-1992) order to fulfill the basic purpose of the proposed activity. (Ord. 4346, 3-9-1992) PLASTIC MATERIALS: Materials made wholly or principally from standardized plastics listed PREAPPLICATION MEETING: A conference and described in Uniform Building Code Stan- held with a project applicant and City representa- dards. (See RMC 4-4-100K13, Approved Plas- tive(s) in advance of the proposed development tics.) (Ord. 3719, 4-11-1983, Amd. Ord. 4577, project application. During the conference, the 1-22-1996) City representative(s) inform the applicant of ap- plicable policies,plans, and requirements as they PLAT: A legally recorded map or drawing which apply to the proposed development project. subdivides a parcel of ground and describes spe- cific lots and restrictions. PREAPPLICATION SUBMITTAL: A map and other pertinent information prepared in accor- PLAT: A map or representation of a subdivision, dance with the same general requirements as the showing thereon the division of a tract or parcel of appropriate land use application, but submitted land into lots, blocks, streets, and alleys or other prior to the formal land use submittal. division and dedications. PRELIMINARY APPROVAL: The official favor- PLAT, FINAL: The final drawing of the subdivi- able action taken on the preliminary plat of a ero- sion and dedication prepared for filing for record posed subdivision, metes and bounds descrip- with the County Auditor and containing all ele- tion,or dedication,by the City Council following a ments and requirements set forth in this Title and duly advertised public hearing. (Ord. 4522, chapter 58.17 RCW. 6-5-1995) PLAT, PRELIMINARY: A neat and approximate PRELIMINARY PLAT: See PLAT, PRELIMI- drawing of a proposed subdivision showing the NARY. general layout of streets and alleys, lots, blocks, and other elements of a subdivision consistent PREPARATION: "Preparation"of an environ- with the requirements of the City subdivision reg- mental document means preparing or supervising ulations and chapter 58.17 RCW.The preliminary the preparation of documents, including issuing, plat shall be the basis for the approval or disap- filing, printing, circulating, and related require- proval of the general layout of a subdivision. (Ord. ments (see WAC 197-11-700(2)). (Ord. 3891, 4522, 6-5-1995) 2-25-1985) 11 - 33 4-11-170 PRESSURE VACUUM BREAKER: See RMC PROPONENT: See APPLICANT. (Ord. 4346, 4-6-100. 3-9-1992) PRIMARY CONTAINMENT: See RMC 4-5-120G. PROPOSAL: A proposed action. A proposal in- cludes both actions and regulatory decisions of PRIMARY USES: See USES, PRIMARY. agencies as well as any actions proposed by ap- plicants. A proposal exists at that stage in the de- PRIME AGRICULTURAL LAND: Lands with ex- velopment of an action when an agency is pre- tremely fertile soil classifications as established sented with an application, or has a goal and is by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Soil Con- actively preparing to make a decision on one or servation Service. more alternative means of accomplishing that goal, and the environmental effects can be mean- PRIVATE HYDRANT: A fire hydrant situated and ingfully evaluated. (See WAC 197-11-055 and maintained to provide water for firefighting pur- WAC 197-11-060(3)). A proposal may therefore poses with restrictions as to use. The location be a particular or preferred course of action or may be such that it is not readily accessible for several alternatives. For this reason, these rules immediate use by the fire authority for other than use the phrase "alternatives including the pro- certain private property. (Ord. 4007, 7-14-1986) posed action", if there is no preferred alternative and if it is appropriate to do so in the particular PRIVATE PROJECT: Any proposal primarily initi- context. (Ord. 3891, 2-25-1985) ated or sponsored by an individual or entity other than an agency. PUBLIC ACCESS: A means of physical ap- proach to and along the shoreline available to the PROBABLE: Likely or reasonably likely to occur, general public. This may also include visual ap- as in "a reasonable probability of more than a proach. Shoreline Master Program (Ord. 3758, moderate effect on the quality of the environment" 12-5-1983, Revised 7-22-1985 (Minutes), (see WAC 197-11-794). Probable is used to dis- 3-12-1990 (Resolution 2787), 7-16-1990 (Reso- tinguish likely impacts from those that merely lution 2805) and 9-13-1993 (Minutes)) have a possibility of occurring, but are remote or speculative.This is not meant as a strict statistical PUBLIC FACILITIES: Streets, roads, highways, probability test. (Ord. 3891, 2-25-1985) sidewalks, street lighting systems, traffic signals, domestic water systems, storm and sanitary PRODUCT TIGHT: See RMC 4-5-120G. sewer systems, park and recreation facilities, schools, public buildings. PROJECTION: The distance by which a sign ex- tends over public property or beyond the building PUBLIC HYDRANT: A fire hydrant situated and line. (Ord. 3719, 4-11-1983, Amd. Ord. 4577, maintained to provide water for fire fighting pur- 1-22-1996) poses without restriction as to use for that pur- pose. The location is such that it is accessible PROPERTY OWNERS' ASSOCIATION: An in- from immediate use of the fire authority at all corporated, nonprofit organization formed or times. (Ord. 4007, 7-14-1986) qualified under the laws of the State of Washing- ton, operating under recorded land agreements PUBLIC USE SUFFIX: A mapping overlay desig- through which: nation used to identify publicly owned, operated, or leased land and facilities and the uses con- A. Each land owner is automatically a member, tained therein. B. Each land owner is automatically subject to a charge for a proportionate share of the expenses 4-11-170 DEFINITIONS Q: (Reserved) for the organization's activities, such as maintain- ing common areas and facilities, and 4-11-180 DEFINITIONS R: C. Such charge, if unpaid, becomes a lien REAR YARD: See YARD REQUIREMENT. against the property of the land owner. (Ord. 4039, 1-19-1987) 11 - 34 4-11-180 REASONABLE ALTERNATIVE: An action that als that the City and contractor determine to be could feasibly attain or approximate a proposal's recyclable. objectives, but at a lower environmental cost or decreased level of environmental degradation. RECYCLABLES DEPOSIT AREA: In multi-fam- Reasonable alternatives may be those over ily residences, commercial, industrial and other which an agency with jurisdiction has authority to nonresidential development, the area(s) where control impacts, either directly, or indirectly recyclables will be stored. (Ord.4426, 11-8-1993) through requirement of mitigation measures. (See WAC 197-11-440(5) and WAC 197-11-660). RECYCLING COLLECTION CENTER: A collec- Also see the definition of"scope"for the three (3) tion point for small recyclable items, such as types of alternatives to be analyzed in EISs(WAC cans, bottles, newspapers, and secondhand 197-11-792). (Ord. 3891, 2-25-1985) goods. Activities are limited to sorting, compac- tion and transferring. REASONABLE USE: A legal concept that has been articulated by Federal and State courts in RECYCLING COLLECTION STATION: A con- regulatory takings issues. (Ord. 4346, 3-9-1992) tainer or containers for the collection of second- hand goods and recyclable materials. RECEIVING BODIES OF WATER: Creeks, streams, rivers, lakes, storm sewers, wetlands RECYCLING PROCESSING CENTER:A facility and other bodies of water into which surface wa- where collected recyclable items are brought for ters are directed, either naturally or in manmade processing including changing the form of materi- ditches or open and closed system. (Ord. 4367, als. 9-14-1992) REDUCED PRESSURE PRINCIPLE BACK- RECOGNIZED HIGHER RISK: The handling, FLOW PREVENTER: See RMC 4-6-100. processing or storage of flammable, explosive, blasting or toxic agents and their related pro- REFUSE: The term shall be synonymous with cesses and/or activities which are generally con- municipal solid waste(MSW)and shall mean and sidered as high hazard occupancy by agencies include all accumulations of waste matters dis- and/or publications,which include but are not lim- carded as of no further value to the owner, such ited to the Washington Surveying and Rating Bu- as kitchen and table waste, wrappings and small reau,the American Insurance Association as per discarded containers, and small dead animals its Fire Prevention Code and National Building weighing not over fifteen (15) pounds, but shall Code as the same may be amended from time to exclude all manure,sewage, large dead animals, time as posing as higher risk on its neighbors and/ petroleum products, cleanings from public and or adjacent or nearby properties natural or man- private catch basins, washracks or sumps, white made waterways or which may tend to endanger goods, bulky waste, recyclables, yard waste and environmental qualities before special actions are special or hazardous wastes. (Ord. 4426, taken to mitigate adverse characteristics. 11-8-1993) RECREATION: The refreshment of body and REGULATED ACTIVITY: (For RMC 4-3-110, mind through forms of play, amusement or relax- Wetland Regulations, use only.) All existing and ation.The recreational experience may be active, proposed activities located within a regulated such as boating, fishing, and swimming, or may wetland or regulated buffer area. (Ord. 4346, be passive such as enjoying the natural beauty of 3-9-1992) the shoreline or its wildlife. Shoreline Master Pro- gram (Ord. 3758, 12-5-1983, Revised 7-22-1985 REGULATED SUBSTANCES: See RMC (Minutes), 3-12-1990 (Resolution 2787), 4-5-120G. 7-16-1990 (Resolution 2805) and 9-13-1993 (Minutes)) REMOVAL:The actual removal or causing the ef- fective removal through damaging, poisoning, RECYCLABLES: Newspaper, uncoated mixed root destruction or other direct or indirect actions paper, aluminum, glass and metal food and bev- resulting in the death of a tree or ground cover. erage containers,polyethylene terepthalate(PET (Ord. 4351, 5-4-1992) #1) plastic bottles, high density polyethylene (HDPE#2) plastic bottles, and such other materi- 11 - 35 4-11-190 RENTAL UNIT: Any dwelling unit, other than a ment which is undertaken by a person in connec- detached single family residential dwelling,which tion with the normal maintenance and repair of is occupied pursuant to a lawful rental agreement, property. (Ord. 4351, 5-4-1992) oral or written, express or implied,which was not owned as a condominium unit or cooperative unit RURAL: A sparsely developed area where the on the effective date of RMC 4-9-040, Condomin- land is primarily used for farming, forestry, re- ium Conversion Regulations. A dwelling unit in a source extraction, very low density residential converted building for which there has been no uses (one unit per ten (10) acres or less) or open acceptance of an offer of sale as of 10-15-1979 space uses. shall be considered a rental unit. (Ord. 3366, 10-15-1979) 4-11-190 DEFINITIONS S: REPAIR or MAINTENANCE: An activity that re- SCOPE: stores the character, scope, size, or design of a serviceable area, structure, or land use to its pre A. The range of proposed actions, alternatives, viously existing, authorized and undamaged con and impacts to be analyzed in an environmental dition. Activities that change the character, size, document (WAC 197-11-060(2)). or scope of a project beyond the original design and drain,dredge,fill,flood,or otherwise alter ad- B. To determine the scope of environmental im- ditional regulated wetlands are not included in pact statements, agencies consider three (3) this definition. (Ord. 4346, 3 9 1992) types of actions, three (3) types of impacts, and RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL: That officer or offic- ers, three (3) types of alternatives. committee,department,or section of the lead 1. Actions may be: agency designated by agency SEPA procedures to undertake its procedural responsibilities as a. Single (a specific action which is not lead agency (WAC 197-11-910). (Ord. 3891, related to other proposals or parts of pro- 2-25-1985) posals); RESTRICTIVE COVENANT: A restriction on the b. Connected (proposals or parts of use of land set forth in a formal binding agree- proposals which are closely related un- ment. Restrictive covenants run with the land and der WAC 197-11-060(3) or WAC are binding upon subsequent owners of the prop- 197-11-305(1)); or erty. (Ord. 4521, 6-5-1995; Amd. Ord. 4522, 6 5 1995) c. Similar(proposals that have common aspects and may be analyzed together RETIREMENT RESIDENCE: A facility or group under WAC 197-11-060(3)). of buildings which provide residential facilities, in- cluding a common kitchen and dining room with- 2. Alternatives may be: out individualized cooking facilities,for more than four(4) residents sixty two (62) or more years in age,except for spouses for whom there is no min- imum age requirement. Retirement residences in- b. Other reasonable courses of action; clude federally assisted senior housing facilities. or ROADWAY:That portion of a street intended for c. Mitigation measures(not in proposed the accommodation of vehicular traffic, generally action). within curb lines. (Ord. 4522, 6-5-1995) ROOFS, PITCHED: A shed, gabled or hipped 3. Impacts may be: roof having a slope or pitch of at least one foot(1') rise for each four feet(4')of horizontal distance in a. Direct; the direction of the slope or pitch of the roof. b. Indirect; or ROUTINE VEGETATION MANAGEMENT: Tree c. Cumulative. trimming,tree topping and ground cover manage- 11 - 36 4-11-190 C. WAC 197-11-060 provides general rules sinks and laundry facilities. (Ord. 3746, for the content of any environmental review 9-19-1983) under SEPA;Part Four and WAC 197-11-440 provide specific rules for the content of EISs. SERVICEABLE: Presently usable. (Ord. 4346, The scope of an individual statement may de- 3-9-1992) pend on its relationship with other EISs or on phased review. SETBACK: The minimum required distance be- tween the building footprint and the property line. SCOPING: Determining the range of proposed actions,alternatives,and impacts to be discussed SETBACK: (For purposes of the Shoreline Mas- in an EIS. Because an EIS is required to analyze ter Program.) A required open space specified in significant environmental impacts only,scoping is the Shoreline Master Program, measured hori- intended to identify and narrow the EIS to the sig- zontally upland from and perpendicular to the or- nificant issues. The required scoping process dinary high water mark. Shoreline Master (WAC 197-11-408) provides interagency and Program (Ord. 3758, 12-5-1983, Revised public notice of a DS, or equivalent notification, 7-22-1985 (Minutes), Resolution 2787, and opportunity to comment. The lead agency 3-12-1990, Resolution 2805,7-16-1990, Revised has the option of expanding the scoping process 9-13-1993 (Minutes), Ord. 4716, 4-13-1998) (WAC 197-11-410),but shall not be required to do so. Scoping is used to encourage cooperation SETBACK LINE, LEGAL: The line established and early resolution of potential conflicts, to im- by ordinance beyond which no building may be prove decisions, and to reduce paperwork and built. A legal setback line may be a property line. delay. (Ord. 3891, 2-25-1985) (Ord. 3719, 4-11-1980; Amd. Ord. 4577, 1-22-1996) SECONDARY CONTAINMENT: See RMC 4-5-120G. SEWAGE: See RMC 4-6-100. SEGREGATION: Division of land into lots or SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT: See RMC tracts each of which is one-one hundred twenty 4-6-100. eighth (1/128)of a section of land or larger,or five (5) acres or larger if the land is not capable of de- SEWAGE WORKS: See RMC 4-6-100. scription as a fraction of a section of land. (Ord. 4522, 6-5-1995) SEWER: See RMC 4-6-100. SENSITIVE AREAS: Areas not suitable for de- SEWER, BUILDING: See RMC 4-6-100. velopment which are included within the City's greenbelt, geologically hazardous, wetlands, or SEWER, PUBLIC: See RMC 4-6-100. floodplain regulations. SEWER, SANITARY: See RMC 4-6-100. SEPA: The State Environmental Policy Act of 1971 (chapter 43.21C RCW), which is also re- SHOPPING CENTER: A group of buildings, ferred to as the Act. structures and/or uncovered commercial areas planned, developed and managed as a unit re- SEPA PROCESS:The"SEPA process"means all lated in location and type of shops to the trade measures necessary for compliance with the area that the unit serves. (Ord. 4517, 5-8-1995) Act's requirements. (Ord. 3891, 2-25-1985) SHOPPING CENTER: For purposes of sign reg- SERVICE AND SOCIAL ORGANIZATIONS: An ulations, a group of buildings, structures and/or incorporated or unincorporated association of uncovered commercial areas,or a single building persons organized for social, education, literary containing four(4)or more individual commercial or charitable purposes. establishments, planned, developed and man- aged as a unit related in location and type of SERVICE BUILDING: A building housing sepa- shops to the trade areas that the unit serves. rate toilet, lavatory and bath or shower accommo- (Ord. 3719, 4-11-1983; Amd. Ord. 4577, dations for men and women,with separate service 1-22-1996) 11 - 37 4-11-190 SHORELAND OR SHORELAND AREAS: cance"regulated by the City of Renton.Shoreline Those lands extending landward for two hundred Master Program (Ord. 3758, 12-5-1983, Revised feet(200') in all directions,as measured on a hor- 7-22-1985 (Minutes), Resolution 2787, izontal plane from ordinary high water mark; 3-12-1990, Resolution 2805, 7-16-1990, Revised floodways and contiguous floodplain areas land- 9-13-1993 (Minutes), Ord. 4716, 4-13-1998) ward two hundred feet (200') from such flood- ways; and all marshes, bogs, swamps, and river SHORT PLAT: The map or representation of a deltas, associated with streams, lakes and tidal short subdivision. waters which are subject to the provisions of the State Shorelines Management Act. For purposes SHORT SUBDIVISION:The division or redivision of determining jurisdictional area, the boundary of land into nine (9) or fewer lots, tracts, parcels, will be either two hundred feet (200') from the or- sites,or divisions for the purpose of sale, lease or dinary high water mark, or two hundred feet transfer of ownership, except when such division (200') from the floodway, whichever is greater. or subdivision amounts to a short subdivision. (Ord. 4522, 6-5-1995) SHORELINES:All of the water areas of the State regulated by the City of Renton, including reser- SIDE SEWER: See RMC 4-6-100. voirs, and their associated shorelands,together with the lands underlying them, except: SIDE SEWER STUB: See RMC 4-6-100. A. Shorelines of statewide significance. SIDE YARD: See YARD REQUIREMENT. B. Shorelines on segments of streams upstream SIDEWALK:A concrete walkway separated from of a point where the mean annual flow is twenty the roadway by a curb, planting strip or roadway (20) cubic feet per second or less and the wet- shoulder. (Ord. 4521, 6-5-1995) lands associated with such upstream segments. SIGHT TRIANGLE: See CLEAR VISION AREA. C. Shorelines on lakes less than twenty (20) acres in size and wetlands associated with such SIGN: Any medium, including merchandise, its small lakes. structure and component parts, which is used or intended to be used to attract attention to the sub- SHORELINES OF STATEWIDE SIGNIFI- ject matter for advertising purposes. Signs do not CANCE: Those shorelines described in RCW include sculptures, wall paintings, murals, col- 90.58.030(2)(e). lages,and other design features determined to be public art by the City.(Ord.3719,4-11-1983;Amd. SHORELINES OF THE STATE: The total of all Ord.4577, 1-22-1996;Amd.Ord.4720,5-4-1998) "shorelines"and "shorelines of statewide signifi- I 't ROCF 1 / Ir r 't'-a':ta el. This iigurc ellustr:nca Inc dilfcr nt sign fy{kr and is not Indicatic of permtssrhlr type or number of'tilr,. 11 - 38 4-11-190 SIGN, ANIMATED: A sign with action or motion, name of the business, person,firm or corporation flashing or color changes requiring electrical en- occupying the premises. ergy,electronic or manufactured source of supply, but not including revolving signs or wind actuated SIGN,POLITICAL:Signs advertising a candidate elements such as flags or banners. (Ord. 3719, or candidates for public, elective office or a politi- 4-11-1983) cal party, or signs urging a particular vote or ac- tion on a public issue decided by ballot whether SIGN AREA:A measurement of the total area of partisan or nonpartisan. a sign visible from any one viewpoint or direction, excluding the sign support structure,architectural SIGN, PORTABLE: A sign which is not perma- embellishments, or framework which contains no nently affixed and designed for or capable of written copy, or which does not form part of the movement, except for those signs explicitly de- sign proper or of the display. Freestanding letters signed for people to carry on their persons or or characters, where no background is specially which are permanently affixed to motor vehicles. provided, shall be measured by determining the (Ord. 3719, 4-11-1983; Amd. Ord. 4577, smallest rectangle or polygon which encloses the 1-22-1996) extreme limits of the shapes to be used. (Ord. 4720, 5-4-1998) SIGN, PROJECTING: A sign other than a wall sign which projects from and is supported by a SIGN, COMBINATION: Any sign incorporating wall or a building or structure,and does not extend any combination of the features of pole, project- above any adjacent parapet or roof of the support- ing and roof signs. ing building. (Ord. 3719, 4-11-1983; Amd. Ord. 4577, 1-22-1996; Amd. Ord. 4720, 5-4-1998) SIGN, ELECTRIC: Any sign containing or utiliz- ing electrical wiring, but not including signs illumi- SIGN, ROOF: A sign erected upon or above a nated by an exterior light source. (Ord. 3719, roof or parapet of a building or structure. 4-11-1983) SIGN STRUCTURE: Any structure which sup- SIGN,ELECTRONIC MESSAGE BOARD:Signs ports or is capable of supporting any sign as de- whose alphabetic, pictographic, or symbolic infor- fined in this Title.A sign structure may be a single mational content can be changed or altered on a pole and may not be an integral part of the build- fixed display screen composed of electrically illu- ing. (Ord. 3719, 4-11-1983; Amd. Ord. 4577, urinated segments. (Ord. 4724, 5-11-1998) 1-22-1996) SIGN, FREESTANDING: A sign wholly sup- SIGN,TEMPORARY:Any sign,banner,pennant, ported by a sign structure in the ground. (Ord. valance or advertising display constructed of 3719, 4-11-1983) cloth,canvas,light fabric,cardboard,wallboard or other light materials, with or without frames, in- SIGN, GROUND: A type of freestanding sign, tended to be displayed for a limited period of time other than a freestanding pole sign, in which the only. (Ord. 3719, 4-11-1983; Amd. Ord. 4577, sign is in contact with or close to the ground, has 1-22-1996) a solid base anchor, and is independent of any other structure.(Ord.4172,9-12-1988;Amd.Ord. SIGN, TRADITIONAL MARQUEE: A sign typi- 4724, 5-11-1998) cally associated with movie theaters, performing arts theaters,and theatrical playhouses.The sign SIGN HEIGHT: Measured as the distance from is attached flat against and parallel to the surface grade, unless otherwise designated,to the top of of a marquee structure. In addition, a changeable the sign or sign structure. (Ord. 4720, 5-4-1998) copy area is included where characters, letters,or illustrations can be changed or rearranged with- SIGN, ON-PREMISES: A sign which displays out altering the face or the surface of the sign. only advertising copy strictly incidental to the law- (Ord. 4720, 5-4-1998) ful use of the premises on which it is located, in- cluding signs or sign devices indicating the SIGN,UNDER MARQUEE:A lighted or unlighted business transacted at,services rendered,goods display attached to the underside of a marquee sold or produced on the immediate premises, protruding over public or private sidewalks. Under marquee signs may also be called"under awning" 11 - 39 4-11-190 or "under canopy" signs. (Ord. 3719, 4-11-1983; SLOPE: An inclined ground surface the inclina- Amd. Ord. 4577, 1-22-1996; Amd. Ord. 4720, tion of which is expressed as a ratio of horizontal 5-4-1998) distance to vertical distance. (Ord. 2820, 1-14-1974) SIGN, WALL: Any sign painted, attached or erected against the wall of a building or structure, SMP: City of Renton's Shoreline Master Pro- with the exposed face of the sign in a plane paral- gram. (Ord. 4346, 3-9-1992) lel to the plane of said wall. Shall not extend above any adjacent parapet or roof of supporting SOCIAL SERVICE FACILITIES: Facilities other building. (Ord. 3719, 4-11-1983; Amd. Ord.4577, than offices providing a social service directly to 1-22-1996; Amd. Ord. 4720, 5-4-1998) the adjacent community such as food banks, blood banks, emergency shelters, crisis centers, SIGNIFICANT: etc. A. As used in SEPA means a reasonable likeli- SOIL: A maturely occurring surface deposit over- hood of more than a moderate adverse impact of lying bedrock. environmental quality. SOIL ENGINEER:A licensed civil engineer expe- B. Significance involves context and intensity rienced and knowledgeable in the practice of soil (WAC 197-11-330) and does not lend itself to a engineering. (Ord. 2820, 1-14-1974) formula or quantifiable test.The context may vary with the physical setting. Intensity depends on the SOIL ENGINEERING: The application of the magnitude and duration of an impact. principles of soil mechanics in the investigation, evaluation and design of civil works involving the The severity of an impact should be weighed use of earth or other materials and the inspection along with the likelihood of its occurrence. An im- and testing of the construction thereof. (Ord. pact may be significant if its chance of occurrence 2820, 1-14-1974) is not great, but the resulting environmental im- pact would be severe if it occurred. SOIL ENGINEERING REPORT: A report includ- ing data regarding the nature, distribution, and C. WAC 197-11-330 specifies a process, includ- strength of existing soils, conclusions and recom- ing criteria and procedures, for determining mendations for grading procedures and design whether a proposal is likely to have a significant criteria for corrective measures when necessary, adverse environmental impact. (Ord. 3891, and options and recommendations covering ade- 2-25-1985) quacy of sites to be developed by the proposed grading. SIGNIFICANT#2 RATING: A rating assigned to wetlands in King County that are greater than one SPECIAL AREA MANAGEMENT PROGRAM acre in size;equal to or less than one acre in size (SAMP): See RMC 4-3-110M11 b. and having a forested vegetation class; or the presence of heron rookeries or raptor nesting SPECIAL BENEFIT DISTRICT: A subarea of a trees. (Ord. 4346, 3-9-1992) community designated by City ordinance to as- sess payments for construction or installation of SINGLE-WALLED: See RMC 4-5-120G. public facilities which primarily benefit the prop- erty owners within the district. SITE:Any lot or parcel of land or contiguous com- bination thereof, under the same ownership, SPHERE OF INFLUENCE: A designated area where grading is performed or permitted. (Ord. beyond the existing City boundaries in which the 2820, 1-14-1974) City of Renton has an inherent interest in future land use actions or decisions. SITE PLAN:A detailed plan drawing, prepared to scale,showing accurate boundaries of a site and STACKING SPACE: The space specifically des- the location of all buildings, structures, uses, and ignated as a waiting area for vehicles whose oc- principal site development features proposed for cupants will be patronizing a drive-in business. a specific parcel of land. Such space is considered to be located directly alongside a drive-in window, facility or entrance 11 -40 4-11-190 used by patrons and in lanes leading up to and 5. The presence of fixed bulk containers or away from the business establishment. (Ord. visible stockpiles for a substantial period of a 4517, 5-8-1995) year. START OF CONSTRUCTION: Includes substan- Bulk storage facilities include, but are not limited tial improvement and means the date the building to: permit was issued; provided, the actual start of construction, repair, reconstruction,placement or 1. Automobile holding and transfer depots. other improvement was within one hundred eighty (180) days of the permit date. The actual start 2. Brick or tile storage and manufacturing. means either the first placement of permanent construction of a structure on a site, such as the 3. Concrete block and products storage and pouring of slab or footings,the installation of piles, manufacturing. the construction of columns, or any work beyond the stage of excavation; or the placement of a 4. Contractor equipment yards. manufactured home on a foundation. Permanent construction does not include land preparation, 5. Equipment or machinery of the stationary such as clearing,grading and filling;nor does it in- type not in use, not mounted on necessary clude the installation of streets and/or walkways; foundations or connected as required when nor does it include excavation for a basement, during use, not designated and used as por- footings, piers, or foundation or the erection of table, and not stored in a warehouse. This in- temporary forms, nor does it include the installa- cludes operable motor vehicles or wheeled tion on the property as accessory buildings, such equipment used only periodically where stor- as garages or sheds not occupied as dwelling age durations exceed those provided for units or not part of the main structure. (Ord.4071, parking lots as defined in RMC 4-4-080, Park- 6-1-1987) ing, Loading and Driveway Regulations. STATE AGENCY: Any State board, commission, 6. Foundries. department, officer, including State universities, colleges, and community colleges, that is autho- 7. Fuel yards, wholesale. rized by law to make rules, hear contested cases, or otherwise take the actions stated in WAC 8. Grain or feed sites,elevators,or the open 197-11-704, except the judiciary and State legis- storage of grain and feed. lature. (Ord. 3891, 2-25-1985) 9. Log, random cut and chipped wood by- STORAGE, BULK:The holding or stockpiling on products storage. land of material and/or products where such stor- age constitutes forty percent (40%) of the devel- 10. Lumber mills and wholesalers. oped site area and the storage area is at least one acre, and where at least three (3) of the following 11. Sand and gravel yards including sizing, criteria are met by the storage activity: transfer and loading equipment when present. 1. In a bulk form or in bulk containers; 12. Scrap or junk yards and wrecking yards. 2. Under protective cover to the essential exclusion of other uses of the same space 13. Solid waste holding and disposal areas. due to special fixtures or exposed to the ele- ments; 14. Tank farms including distribution and loading systems. 3. In sufficient numbers,quantities or spatial allocation of the site to determine and rank Bulk storage facilities excluded: such uses as the principal use of the site; 1. Land banks, greenbelts, watersheds or 4. The major function is the collection and/ public water reservoirs. or distribution of the material and/or products rather than processing; and 11 - 41 4-11-190 2. Parking lots or structures for private li- STORY, FIRST: The lowest story in a building censed automobiles. which qualifies as a story, as defined herein, ex- cept that a floor level in a building having only one 3. Ship yards. floor level shall be classified as a first story, pro- vided such floor level is not more than six feet(6') 4. Warehouses alone or in conjunction with above grade,as defined herein,for more than fifty manufacturing on the site and when not in- percent (50%) of the total perimeter, or not more cluding any of the uses listed above in items than twelve feet (12') above grade, as defined 1 through 14. herein, at any point. 5. Facilities for storage of petroleum or any STREET,ARTERIAL:Streets intended for higher of its by-products,for use incidental to the pri- traffic volumes and speeds as designated by the mary use of the property(e.g., heating,boiler Department. or vehicular fuel or lubricants). STREET, COLLECTOR: A street providing ac- 6. Retail service stations. cess with higher traffic volumes than a typical ac- cess street. Collector streets are designated by 7. Retail sales lots for new or used automo- the Department. biles. (Ord. 4691, 1-6-1997) STREET, COMMERCIAL ACCESS: A non-arte- STORAGE LOT: A specially designed area for rial street providing access to commercial land parking or holding of operable motor vehicles or uses. wheeled equipment for more than seventy two (72) hours. (See bulk storage regulations for lots STREET FRONTAGE: (For purposes of sign reg- exceeding one acre in area.) (Ord. 4517, ulations.) Business directly abutting a public right- 5-8-1995) of-way affording direct access to the business,or having a parking lot used by one business which STORAGE, OUTSIDE: The storage of any mate- fronts directly on and gaining vehicular access rials outside the principal or accessory buildings from the public right-of-way. (Ord. 3719, on a property. 4-11-1983; Amd. Ord. 4577, 1-22-1996) STORM SEWER and STORM DRAIN: A sewer STREET, INDUSTRIAL ACCESS: A non-arterial which carries storm surface water, subsurface street providing access to industrial land uses. water and drainage. STREET, RESIDENTIAL ACCESS: A non-arte- STORM SEWER and STORM DRAIN:See RMC rial street providing access to residential land 4-6-100. uses, and not designated as a collector street by the Department. (Ord. 4521, 6-5-1995) STORY: That portion of a building included be- tween the surface of any floor and the surface of STRIP COMMERCIAL USES:An area occupied the floor, or ceiling if there is no floor, above it. by businesses that are engaged in auto-oriented commercial activity and are arranged in a line, usually along an arterial street. F3ASEMEN I 51ORY STRUCTURE: Any object constructed or in- ., � !\\� stalled by man, including, but not limited to, build- sT(MYings,FtOO towers, smokestacks, overhead Lava STORY transmission lines, etc. 111111111,11.1.I. STORY 11 STRUCTURE:That which is built or constructed, an edifice or building of any kind, or any piece of VFRTICAL DISTANCE FROM ROOK VERTICAL DISTANCE FROM FLOOR LEVFITO ADJACENT OWE LESS LE121TO ADJACENT GRADE work artificially built up or composed of parts 11VN6 FOR 50%OFPERIMETER GREATER THAN 6'FOR 50%OF joined together in some definite manner. (Ord. Of-TIE STRUCTURE PERMETFROFTFFSTRUCTURE 3719, 4-11-1983; Amd. Ord. 4577, 1-22-1996) 11 -42 4-11-200 STRUCTURE: (This definition for RMC 4-3-090, lution 2787, 3-12-1990, Resolution 2805, Shoreline Master Program Regulations, use 7-16-1990, Revised 9-13-1993 (Minutes), Ord. only.) A combination of materials constructed or 4716, 4-13-1998) erected on the ground or water or attached to something having a location on the ground or wa- SUBSTANTIAL EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS: ter. Shoreline Master Program (Ord. 3758, Physical improvements, such as residential and/ 12-5-1983, Revised 7-22-1985 (Minutes), or commercial structures and their accessory 3-12-1990 (Resolution 2787), 7-16-1990 (Reso- structures, which have a reasonable remaining lution 2805) and 9-13-1993 (Minutes)) economic life as indicated by their assessed val- uation. (Ord. 4636, 9-23-1996) SUBDIVISION: The division or redivision of land into ten (10) or more lots, tracts, parcels, sites or SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENT: Any repair, re- divisions for the purpose of sale,lease,or transfer construction, or improvement of a structure, the of ownership. (Ord. 4522, 6-5-1995) cost of which equals or exceeds fifty percent (50%) of the market value of the structure either: SUBDIVISION: (This definition for RMC 4-3-090, Shoreline Master Program Regulations, use 1. Before the improvement or repair is only.)A parcel of land divided into two(2)or more started, or parcels. Shoreline Master Program (Ord. 3758, 12-5-1983, Revised 7-22-1985 (Minutes), 2. If the structure has been damaged and is 3-12-1990 (Resolution 2787), 7-16-1990 (Reso- being restored, before the damage occurred. lution 2805) and 9-13-1993 (Minutes)) For the purposes of this definition"substantial improvement" is considered to occur when SUBDIVISION, PHASED:A subdivision which is the first alteration of any wall,ceiling, floor, or developed in increments over a period of time. other structural part of the building com- Preliminary plat approval must be granted for the mences,whether or nor that alteration affects entire subdivision and must delineate the sepa- the external dimensions of the structure. rate divisions which are to be developed in incre- ments. The preliminary plat approval shall be The term does not, however, include either: conditioned upon completion of the proposed phases in a particular sequence and may specify 1. Any project for improvement of a struc- a completion date for each phase. Final plat ap- ture to comply with existing State or local proval shall be granted for each separate phase health, sanitary, or safety code specifications of the preliminary plat and any changes at the which are solely necessary to assure safe liv- preliminary plat stage would require Council ap- ing conditions, or proval. (Ord. 4522, 6-5-1995) 2. Any alteration of a structure listed on the SUBJECT PROPERTY:The tract of land which is National Register of Historic Places or a State the subject of the permit and/or approval action. Inventory of Historic Places. (Ord. 4071, (Ord. 4367, 9-14-1992) 6-1-1987) SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT: Any develop- SUBTENANT: A person in possession of rental ment of which the total cost or fair market value unit through the tenant with the knowledge and exceeds two thousand five hundred dollars consent, express or implied, of the owner. (Ord. ($2,500.00)or any development which materially 3366, 10-15-1979) interferes with the normal public use of the water or shoreline of the State. Exemptions in RCW SURVEY STANDARDS: City of Renton Survey 90.58.030(3)(e) and in RMC 4-9-190C are not Standards as adopted by the Planning/Building/ considered substantial developments. Public Works Department. (Ord. 4522, 6-5-1995) SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT: The shoreline management substantial development 4-11-200 DEFINITIONS T: permit provided for in Section 14 of the Shoreline TEMPORARY USE: A use of limited term or du- Management Act of 1971 (RCW 90.58.140). ration or a use within a nonpermanent structure. Shoreline Master Program (Ord. 3758, 12-5-1983, Revised 7-22-1985 (Minutes), Reso- 11 - 43 4-11-200 TENANT: Any person who occupies or has a the public streets or highways and duly licensable leasehold interest in a rental unit under a lawful as such, propelled or drawn by its own or other rental agreement whether oral or written, express power, excepting a device used exclusively upon or implied. (Ord. 3366, 10-15-1979) stationary rails or tracks. TERRACE: A relatively level step constructed in TRAILER, INDEPENDENT: A trailer that has a the face of a graded slope surface for drainage toilet and a bathtub or shower. (Ord. 3746, and maintenance purposes. (Ord. 2820, 9-19-1983) 1-14-1974) TRAILER PARK: Any site, lot, parcel or tract of THRESHOLD DETERMINATION: The decision land designed, maintained or intended for the by the responsible official of the lead agency purpose of supplying a location or accommoda- whether or not an EIS is required for proposal that tions for trailers, and shall include all buildings is not categorically exempt(WAC 197-11-310 and used or intended for use as a part of the equip- WAC 197-11-330(1)(b)). (Ord. 3891, 2-25-1985) ment thereof whether a charge is made for the use of the trailer park and its facilities or not. THRESHOLD LIMIT VALUE (TLV): The concen- Trailer parks shall not include commercial auto- tration of certain airborne materials representing mobiles or trailer sales areas on which unoccu- conditions under which it is believed and adopted pied trailers are parked for purposes of inspection by the American Conference of Governmental In- and sale only. dustrial Hygienists (ACGIH) that nearly all work- ers may be repeatedly exposed day after day TRAILER SPACE or LOT: A parcel of ground without adverse effects. within a trailer park designed for the accommoda- tion of any trailer. (Ord. 3746, 9-19-1983) TOE OF SLOPE: A point or line of a slope in an excavation or cut where the lower surface TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN: A changes to horizontal or meets the existing plan developed by the occupant of a building or ground slope. land use, or by the developer of a proposed project, designed to provide mechanisms for re- TOP OF SLOPE:A point or line on the upper sur- ducing the vehicle demand generated by an exist- face of a slope where it changes to horizontal or ing or proposed land use. (Ord. 4517, 5-8-1995) meets the original surface. TRAVEL TRAILER:A dependent or independent A. Top of Excavation or Cut: The upper sur- trailer designed to be towed by a passenger car or face point where the excavation meets the origi- a light truck and not intended for year-round occu- nal ground surface. pancy. (Ord. 3746, 9-19-1983) B. Top of Embankment: The upper surface TREE: Any living woody plant characterized by point or line to which side slope changes to hori- one main stem or trunk and many branches and zontal or meets original ground surface. (Ord. having a caliper of six inches (6") or greater, or a 2820, 1-14-1974) multi-stemmed trunk system with a definitely formed crown. TOWNHOUSES (GROUP OR ROWHOUSES): Three (3) or more single family residential dwell- TREE CUTTING: The actual removal of the ing units on a single property having a common or aboveground plant material of a tree through party wall separating the dwelling units. chemical, manual or mechanical methods. TOXIC SUBSTANCE:Those materials listed and TREE TRIMMING:The severing of the main stem documented by the American Conference of Gov- of the tree in order to reduce the overall height of ernmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH). the tree provided that no more than forty percent (40%) of the live crown shall be removed during TRAILER: Any vehicle or structure so designed any topping. (Ord. 4351, 5-4-1992) and constructed in such manner as will permit oc- cupancy thereof,with sleeping quarters for one or more persons, and constructed in such a manner as to permit its being used as a conveyance upon 11 - 44 4-11-210 4-11-210 DEFINITIONS U: 12-5-1983, Revised 7-22-1985 (Minutes), Reso- lution 2787, 3-12-1990, Resolution 2805, U.B.C.: The Uniform Building Code as adopted, 7-16-1990, Revised 9-13-1993 (Minutes), Ord. including amendments, by the City of Renton. 4716, 4-13-1998) (Ord. 4007, 7-14-1986) UNIQUE/OUTSTANDING#1 RATING: A rating U.B.C.STANDARDS:The adopted edition of the assigned to wetlands in King County which have Uniform Building Code Standards, published by species that are listed as endangered or threat- the International Conference of Building Officials. ened, or the presence of critical or outstanding (Ord. 3719, 4-11-1983; Amd. Ord. 4577, habitat for those species;wetlands having forty to 1-22-1996) sixty percent (40%to 60%) permanent open wa- ter in dispersed patches with two (2)or more veg- U.L.: The Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. (Ord. etation classes;wetlands equal to or greater than 4007, 7-14-1986) ten(10)acres in size and having three(3)or more wetland classes, one of which is open water; or UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE: See RMC the presence of plant associations of infrequent 4-5-120G. occurrence. (Ord. 4346, 3-9-1992) UNAVOIDABLE AND NECESSARY IMPACTS: URBAN: A Shoreline Master Program land use Impacts to regulated wetlands that remain after a designation identifying an area for high intensity person proposing to alter regulated wetlands has land uses. It is suitable for those areas presently demonstrated that no practicable alternative ex- subjected to extremely intensive land use pres- ists for the proposed project. (Ord. 4346, sures, as will as areas planned to accommodate 3-9-1992) future intensive urban expansion. (Ord. 4346, 3-9-1992) UNCOVERED COMMERCIAL AREA: An area used for display purpose or for commercial trans- URBAN GROWTH AREAS:Areas designated by actions not combined within a structure. (Ord. a county for urban development over the next 3988, 4-28-1986; Amd. Ord. 4517, 5-8-1995) twenty (20)years as required by the Growth UNDERGROUND STORAGE FACILITY: See Man- agement Act. Urban growth should not occur out- RMC 4-5-120G. side these areas. UNDERLYING GOVERNMENTAL ACTION:The USED:The word"used"in the definition of"Adult Motion Picture Theater" herein describes a con- governmental action, such as zoning or permit tinuingcourse of conduct of exhibiting g "specific approvals, that is the subject of SEPA compli- sexual activities"and"specified anatomical areas" ance. (Ord. 3891, 2-25-1985) in a manner which appeals to a prurient interest. UNIFORM BUILDING CODE: The adopted edi- USES, PRIMARY: Land uses permitted outright tion of the Uniform Building Code, published by within a zone,representing the predominant uses the International Conference of Building Officials, within the district. (Ord. 3719, 4-11-1983; Amd. Ord. 4577, 1-22-1996) USES, RESIDENTIAL: Developments where persons reside including but not limited to single UNIFORMITY RATIO: The ratio of the average family dwellings,apartments,and condominiums. horizontal illumination to the minimum point hori- Shoreline Master Program (Ord. 3758, zontal illumination at the pavement surface. (Ord. 12-5-1983, Revised 7-22-1985 (Minutes), 4521, 6-5-1995) 3-12-1990 (Resolution 2787), 7-16-1990 (Reso- lution 2805) and 9-13-1993 (Minutes)) UNIQUE AND FRAGILE AREAS:Those portions of the shoreline which (1) contain or substantially USES, SECONDARY: Land uses permitted contribute to the maintenance of endangered or within a zone subject to conditions specified in the valuable forms of life and (2) have unstable or po applicable section for that zone and designed to tentially hazardous topographic, geologic or hy- make the uses compatible with primary uses. drologic features (such as steep slopes, Secondary uses will generally comprise a smaller marshes). Shoreline Master Program (Ord.3758, proportion of the total uses in the zone. Second- 11 -45 4-11-220 ary uses are not subject to requirements different greater than ten thousand (10,000) pounds, but from those that apply to primary uses except as excluding airplane or aircraft. provided in this Zoning Code. VEHICLE SERVICE AND REPAIR:Maintenance UTILITIES: All lines and facilities related to the of motorized vehicles including exchange of provision,distribution, collection,transmission or parts, installation of lubricants, tires, batteries, disposal of water,storm and sanitary sewage,oil, and similar vehicle accessories, minor customiz- gas, power, information, telecommunication and ing and detail operations, but excluding opera- telephone cable, and includes facilities for the tions associated with body shops, and industrial generation of electricity. (Ord. 4346, 3-9-1992) engine or transmission rebuild operations. (Ord. 4715, 4-6-1998) UTILITIES,LARGE:Large scale facilities serving the entire City or region such as microwave sub- VEHICLE,SMALL: Motor vehicles including, but stations, radio/television antennas, two hundred not limited to, motorcycles, passenger cars, light thirty (230) kv power transmission lines, natural trucks,vans,and similar size vehicles which have gas transmission lines, water storage tanks and gross vehicle weights less than ten thousand reservoirs, major water transmission lines or (10,000) pounds. sewer collectors and interceptors over thirty inches (30") in diameter, solid waste disposal or processing, sewage or wastewater treatment 4-11-230 DEFINITIONS W: plants, and generating facilities. WATER AUTHORITY:The City of Renton Water UTILITIES, MEDIUM: Moderate scale facilities Utility, or any other municipal or quasi-municipal entity distributing water to fire hydrants within the serving a sub-area of the City, including power City of Renton. (Ord. 4007, 7-14-1986) lines,water transmission lines,wireless base sta- tions, sewer collectors and pump stations,sub-re- WATERCOURSE: See RMC 4-6-100. gional switching stations (one hundred fifteen (115) kv), and similar structures. WATER-DEPENDENT: Referring to uses or por- tions of a use which cannot exist in any other lo- UTILITIES,SMALL:Small scale facilities serving cation and is dependent on the water by reason a local area, including power lines, water and of the intrinsic nature of its operations. Examples sewer lines, storm drainage facilities, transform- of water-dependent uses may include ship cargo ers, pump stations and hydrants, switching terminal loading areas, ferry and passenger ter- boxes, and other structures normally found in a minals, barge loading facilities, ship building and street right-of-way to serve adjacent properties. dry docking, marinas, aquaculture, float plane fa- cilities and sewer outfalls. 4-11-220 DEFINITIONS V: WATER-ENJOYMENT: Referring to a recre- VARIANCE: A grant of relief from the require- ational use, or other use facilitating public access ments of this Title which permits construction in a to the shoreline as a primary characteristic of the manner that otherwise be prohibited by this Title. use;or a use that provides for recreational use or (Ord. 4071, 6-1-1987) aesthetic enjoyment of the shoreline for a sub- stantial number of people as a general character- VEGETATION TYPES:Descriptive classes of the istic of the use and which through the location, wetlands taxonomic classification system of the design and operation assures the public's ability United States Fish and Wildlife Service Classifi- to enjoy the physical and aesthetic qualities of the cation of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the shoreline. In order to qualify as a water-enjoy- U.S. FWS/OBS—79/31 (Cowardin, et al., 1979). ment use, the use must be open to the general (Ord. 4346, 3-9-1992) public and the shoreline oriented space within the project must be devoted to the specific aspects of VEHICLE, LARGE: Motor vehicles including, but the use that fosters shoreline enjoyment. Primary not limited to, trucks, recreational vehicles, water-enjoyment uses may include, but are not buses, boats, and heavy equipment, and similar limited to, parks, piers and other improvements size vehicles which have gross vehicle weights facilitating public access to the shorelines of the state; and general water-enjoyment uses may in- 11 - 46 4-11-230 clude, but are not limited to, restaurants, muse- WETLAND: For the purposes of inventory, incen- urns, aquariums, scientific/ecological reserves, tives, and nonregulatory programs, those lands resorts/hotels and mixed use commercial/office; transitional between terrestrial and aquatic sys- provided that such uses conform to the above wa- tems where the water table is usually at or near ter-enjoyment specifications and the provisions of the surface of the land is covered by shallow wa- the Shoreline Master Program. ter. For the purposes of regulation, wetlands are defined by the Federal Manual for the Regulation WATER-ORIENTED/NONWATER-ORIENTED: and Delineation of Jurisdictional Wetlands pursu- "Water-oriented" refers to any combination of wa- ant to RMC 4-3-110H. Wetlands created or re- ter-dependent,water-related,and/or water-enjoy- stored as part of a mitigation project are regulated ment uses and serves as an all-encompassing wetlands. Wetlands intentionally created for pur- definition for priority uses under the Shoreline poses other than wetland mitigation,including,but Management Act. "Nonwater-oriented"serves to not limited to,stormwater management,wastewa- describe those uses which have little or no rela- ter treatment or landscape amenities. Drainage tionship to the shoreline and are not considered ditches are not considered regulated wetlands. priority uses under the Shoreline Management Act. Examples of nonwater-oriented uses include WETLAND BUFFER or WETLAND BUFFER professional offices, automobile sales or repair ZONES: Areas that surround and protect a wet- shops, mini-storage facilities, multi-family resi- land from adverse impacts to its functions and val- dential development, department stores and gas ues. stations;these uses may be considered water- oriented where there is significant public access. WETLAND CATEGORY: A classification system used for the purpose of regulating wetlands in the WATER-RELATED: Referring to a use or portion City. The criteria for determining a wetland's cat- of a use which is not intrinsically dependent on a egory are listed in RMC 4-3-1101. waterfront location, but whose economic viability is dependent upon a waterfront location because: WETLAND CREATION: Actions performed to in- tentionally establish a wetland at a site where it A. Of a functional requirement for a waterfront did not formerly exist. (Ord. 4346, 3-9-1992) location such as the arrival or shipment of materi- als by water or the need for large quantities of wa- WETLAND, DISTURBED:Wetlands meeting the ter, or following criteria: B. The use provides a necessary service sup- A. Are characterized by hydrologic isolation, hy- portive of the water-dependent commercial activ- drologic alterations such as diking, channeliza- ities and the proximity of the use to its customers tion, and/or outlet modification; and makes its services less expensive and/or more convenient. Examples include manufacturers of B. Have severe soils alterations such as the ship parts large enough that transportation be- presence of large amounts of fill, soil removal comes a significant factor in the products cost, and/or compaction of soils. professional services serving primarily water-de- pendent activities and storage of water-trans- WETLAND EDGE:The boundary of a wetland as ported foods. delineated using the Federal Manual for the Reg- ulation and Delineation of Jurisdictional Wetlands Examples of water-related uses may include pursuant to RMC 4-3-110H. warehousing of goods transported by water, sea- food processing plants, hydroelectric generating WETLAND, EMERGENT: A regulated wetland plants,gravel storage when transported by barge, with at least thirty percent (30%) of the surface oil refineries where transport is by tanker, and log area covered by erect, rooted herbaceous vege- storage. Shoreline Master Program (Ord. 3758, tation as the uppermost vegetative strata. 12-5-1983, Revised 7-22-1985 (Minutes), Reso- lution 2787, 3-12-1990, Resolution 2805, WETLAND ENHANCEMENT:Actions performed 7-16-1990, Revised 9-13-1993 (Minutes), Ord. to improve the functioning of an existing wetland 4716, 4-13-1998) but which do not increase the area of the wetland. (Ord. 4346, 3-9-1992) 11 -47 4-11-230 WETLAND, FORESTED: A vegetation commu- under normal circumstances do support, a preva- nity with at least twenty percent (20%) of the sur- lence of vegetation typically adapted to life in sat- face area covered by woody vegetarian (trees) urated soil conditions.Wetlands generally include greater than twenty feet (20') in height. swamps, marshes, bogs and similar areas. (Ord. 4351, 5-4-1992) WETLAND, IN-KIND COMPENSATION: To re- place wetlands with substitute wetlands whose WETLANDS: (This definition for RMC 4-3-090, characteristics closelyapproximate those ose de- Shoreline Master Program Regulations, use stroyed or degraded by a regulated activity. (Ord. only.) Areas that are inundated or saturated by 4346, 3-9-1992) surface water or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under nor- WETLAND, ISOLATED: Those regulated wet- mal circumstances do support, a prevalence of lands which are: vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include A. Are outside of and not contiguous to any one swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar areas. Wet- hundred (100) year floodplain of a lake, river, or lands do not include those artificial wetlands in- stream; and tentionally created from nonwetland sites, including, but not limited to, irrigation and drain- B. Have no contiguous hydric soil or hydro- age ditches, grass-lined swales, canals, deten- phytic vegetation between the wetland and any tion facilities,wastewater treatment facilities,farm surface water. ponds, and landscape amenities, or those wet- lands created after July 1, 1990 that were unin- WETLAND, OFF-SITE COMPENSATION: To re- tentionally created as a result of the construction place wetlands away from the site on which a wet- of a road, street, or highway. Wetlands include ar- land has been impacted by a regulated activity. tificial wetlands created from nonwetland areas to (Ord. 4346, 3-9-1992) mitigate the conversion of wetlands. Shoreline Master Program (Ord. 3758, 12-5-1983, Revised WETLAND,ON-SITE COMPENSATION: To re- 7-22-1985 (Minutes), Resolution 2787, place wetlands at or adjacent to the site on which 3-12-1990, Resolution 2805, 7-16-1990, Revised a wetland has been impacted by a regulated ac- 9-13-1993 (Minutes), Ord. 4716, 4-13-1998) tivity. (Ord. 4346, 3-9-1992) WETLANDS, NEWLY EMERGING: WETLAND, REGULATED: See RMC 4-3-110E, G and I. (Ord. 4346, 3-9-1992) A. Are wetlands occurring on top of fill materi- als; and WETLAND RESTORATION: Actions performed to re-establish wetland functional characteristics B. Characterized by emergent vegetation, low and processes which have been lost by alter- plant species richness and used minimally by ations, activities, or catastrophic events within an wildlife. These wetlands are generally found in area which no longer meets the definition of a the Black River Drainage Basin. (Ord. 4346, wetland. (Ord. 4346, 3-9-1992) 3-9-1992) WETLAND,SCRUB-SHRUB: A regulated wet- WILDLIFE HABITAT: An area characterized by land with at least thirty percent (30%) of its sur- wildlife that forage, nest, spawn, or migrate face area covered by woody vegetation less than through in search of food or shelter. twenty feet(20') in height at the uppermost strata. (Ord. 4346, 3-9-1992) WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES— TERMS RELATED TO: WETLANDS: Areas characterized by the pres- ence of surface or groundwater at a frequency or ACCESSORY ANTENNA DEVICE: An an- duration to support vegetation adapted for life in tenna which is less then twelve inches (12") saturated soil conditions. in height or width, excluding the support structure (examples: test mobile antennas WETLANDS: Those areas that are inundated or and global positioning (GPS) antennas). saturated by surface or groundwater at a fre- quency and duration sufficient to support and that 11 -48 4-11-230 ANTENNA: Any system of poles, panels, FCC: The Federal Communication Commis- rods, reflecting discs or similar devices used sion, which regulates the licensing and prac- for the transmission or reception of radio fre- tice of wireless,wireline,television, radio and quency signals. Antennas include the follow- other telecommunications entities. ing types: GUYED TOWER: A freestanding or sup- 1. Dish antenna: see Parabolic an- ported wireless communication support tenna. structure which is usually over one hundred feet (100') tall, which consists of metal 2. Omni-directional antenna (also crossed strips or bars and is steadied by wire known as a "whip" antenna) transmits guys in a radial pattern around the tower. and receives radio frequency signals in a three hundred sixty degree (360°) radial LATTICE TOWER: A self-supporting wire- pattern, and which is up to sixteen feet less communication support structure which (16') in height and up to four inches (4") consists of metal crossed strips or bars to in diameter. support antennas and related equipment. 3. Directional antenna(also known as a MACRO FACILITY: An attached wireless "panel" antenna) transmits and receives communication facility which consists of an- radio frequency signals in a specific di- tennas equal to or less than sixteen feet(16') rectional pattern of less than three hun- in height or a parabolic antenna up to one dred sixty degrees (360°). meter (39.37") in diameter and with an area not more than one hundred (100)square feet 4. Panel antenna: see Directional an- in the aggregate as viewed from any one tenna. point. 5. Parabolic antenna (also known as a MICRO FACILITY: An attached wireless "dish" antenna) is a bowl-shaped device communication facility which consists of an- for the reception and/or transmission ra- tennas equal to or less than six feet (6') in dio frequency communications signals in height or a parabolic antenna with an area of a specific directional pattern. not more than five hundred eighty (580) square inches in the aggregate(e.g.,one foot 6. Whip antenna: see Omni-directional (1') diameter parabola or two feet (2') x one antenna. and one-half feet (1-1/2') panel) as viewed from any one point. Also known as a Micro- ATTACHED WIRELESS COMMUNICATION cell. FACILITY: A wireless communication facility that is affixed to an existing structure, for ex- MINI FACILITY: An attached wireless corn- ample,an existing building,tower,water tank, munication facility which consists of antennas utility pole, etc., which does not include an equal to or less than ten feet(10') in height or additional wireless communication support a parabolic antenna up to one meter(39.37") structure. in diameter and with an area not more than fifty (50) square feet in the aggregate as COLLOCATION:The use of a single support viewed from any one point. structure and/or site by more than one wire- less communications provider. MONOPOLE I: A wireless communication support structure which consists of a free- EQUIPMENT SHELTER OR CABINET: A standing support structure, less than sixty room, cabinet or building used to house feet (60') in height, erected to support wire- equipment for utility or service providers. less communication antennas and connect- ing appurtenances. FAA: The Federal Aviation Administration, which maintains stringent regulations for the MONOPOLE II: A wireless communication siting, building, marketing and lighting of cel- support structure which consists of a free- lular transmission antennas near airports or standing support structure, sixty feet (60') or flight paths. greater in height, erected to support wireless 11 -49 4-11-240 communication antennas and connecting ap- 4-11-250 DEFINITIONS Y: purtenances. YARD: An open unoccupied space between a PROVIDER:A company providing telephone building and the lot line on which the building is lo- or other communications service. Gated. RELATED EQUIPMENT: All equipment an- cillary to the transmission and reception of voice and data via radio frequencies. Such equipment may include, but is not limited to, cable, conduit and connectors. '.4. \\' RESIDENTIALLY ZONED PARCEL: Any parcel or property with one of the following /* :` G d� !'1 zoning designations: Resource Conservation � 4 . .. • (RC), Residential-1 DU/AC (R-1), Residen- 4 .. .J f ,. tial-5 DU/AC (R-5), Residential-8 DU/AC (R-8), Residential-10 DU/AC (R-10), and Residential-14 DU/AC (R-14). SUPPORT STRUCTURE: see Wireless Communication Support Structure. YARD REQUIREMENT: An open space on a lot or block unoccupied by structures, unless specif- TOWER: see Wireless Communication Sup- ically authorized otherwise. The required yard port Structure. depth is measured perpendicularly from a lot line; the depth is specified in chapter 4-2 RMC. The WCF: see Wireless Communication Facility Development Services Division shall determine (WCF). the various requirements for uniquely shaped lots and pipestem lots. WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITY (WCF): An unstaffed facility for the transmis- A. Front Yard: The yard requirement which sion and reception of low-power radio signals separates the main structure from public right(s)- usually consisting of an equipment shelter or of-way. For"through"lots the fronting public right- cabinet, a support structure, antennas (e.g., of-way will be determined by the Zoning Adminis- omni-directional, panel/directional or para- trator. bolic) and related equipment, generally con- tained within a compound. For purposes of B. Rear Yard: The yard requirement opposite this Title, a WCF includes antennas, support one of the front yards. For irregularly shaped lots, structures and equipment shelters, whether the rear yard shall be measured from an imagi- separately or in combination. nary line at least fifteen feet(15')in length located entirely within the lot and farthest removed and WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SUPPORT parallel to the front lot line or its tangent. STRUCTURE: The structure erected to sup- port wireless communication antennas and C. Side Yard: The yard requirement which is connecting appurtenances.Support structure neither a front yard nor a rear yard. types include, but are not limited to, stan- chions, monopoles, lattice towers, wood 4-11-260 DEFINITIONS Z: poles or guyed towers. (Ord. 4689, 11-24-1997) ZERO LOT LINE:The location of a building on a lot in such a manner that one or more of the build- 4-11-240 DEFINITIONS X: (Reserved) ing's sides rest directly on a lot line. ZIPPER LOTS: A division of property using smaller lots with offset rear lot lines to allow a us- able rear yard. 11 - 50 4-11-260 ZONE: A portion of the territory of the City to which a uniform set of regulations applies control- ling the types and intensities of land uses. ZONING ADMINISTRATOR:The Planning/Build- ing/Public Works Administrator or his/her desig- nated representative. ZONING, AREAWIDE: Zoning adopted for all properties within a district consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, rather than on a lot-by-lot basis. (Ord. 4523, 6-5-1995; Amd. Ord. 4549, 8-21-1995; Amd. Ord. 4584, 2-12-1996; Amd. Ord. 4587, 3-18-1996; Amd. Ord. 4595, 4-8-1996) 11 - 51 Building fees A Arts commission See under Public art exemption procedures Abatement of dangerous buildings Auto Mall improvement district See also Dangerous buildings code Applicability Adopted 4-9-050A area A 4-3-040B1 Appeals area B 4-3-040B2 authority,filing 4-9-050D1 Dealership development standards 4-3-040D copy on file 4-9-050D4 Fee waiver 4-3-040E findings,decision 4-9-050D3 Permitted uses 4-3-040C hearing 4-9-050D2 Purpose of regulations 4-3-040A Applicability 4-9-050C Purpose 4-9-050B B Violations, penalties 4-9-050E Adult entertainment Board of adjustment Liability 4-3-010C Authority,duties 4-1-050D Measurement of distance requirements 4-3-010B Board of public works Prohibited where 4-3-010A See also Improvement installation procedures Violation,penalty 4-3-010D deferral Agricultural lands See Open space,agricultural,timber Authority, duties 4-1-050B lands Boards,commission See Specific Board, Commission Airport related restrictions Bonds Approach,transition, turning zones established Building sewer 4-6-040G12 4-3-020A Drainage standards 4-6-030H Hazard marking, lighting 4-3-020D Grading, excavation, mining regulations 4-4-060D Height limits 4-3-020B Landscaping maintenance 4-4-080H3 airport turning zone 4-3-020B3 Shoreline permits 4-9-190G approach transition zone 4-3-020B2 Street standards construction 4-6-060P1 approach zones 4-3-020B1 Building code Uses 4-3-020C See also Buildings; Uniform codes Alternate procedures Adopted 4-5-050B Authority 4-9-250E1 Adoptions Decision criteria 4-9-250E2 Appendix Chapter 4 4-5-050F1 Purpose 4-9-250A4 Appendix Chapter 29 4-5-050F2 Record of action 4-9-250E4 Amendments Substantiation, proof 4-9-250E3 adopted 4-5-050C Animals, keeping Chapter 9 4-5-050E Applicability of standards 4-4-010C Section 102 4-5-050D1 Authority,enforcement responsibility 4-4-010B Section 103 4-5-050D2 Boarding,stables review criteria 4-4-010J Section 104.2.6 4-5-050D3 Compliance 4-4-01011 Section 105 4-5-050D4 Exemptions 4-4-010D Section 106.3 4-5-050D5 Hobby kennels (4 to 8) Table 9A 4-5-050D6 fencing 4-4-010G1 Appeals board 4-5-050D4 review criteria 4-4-0101 Applicability 4-5-050A shelter location 4-4-010G3 Aviation control towers 4-5-050F1 waste removal 4-4-010G2 Dangerous buildings 4-5-050D1 Kennels (9 or more) Liability claims 4-5-050D3 food,bedding 4-4-010H2 Minimum plumbing fixtures 4-5-050F2 indoor facilities 4-4-010H4 Nonresidential energy code adopted 4-5-050H outdoor facilities 4-4-010H5 Off-site improvements 4-5-050D5 review criteria 4-4-0101 Sprinkler requirements 4-5-050E shelter location 4-4-010H1 Standpipe requirements 4-5-050D6 waste removal 4-4-010H3 Violations,penalties 4-5-050D2 Nonconforming uses Washington State Energy Code adopted 4-5-050G animal replacement 4-4-010K1 Building fees classification 4-4-010K Combination building permit 4-1-140B transferability 4-4-010K2 Condominium conversions inspection 4-1-1401 Purpose, intent 4-4-010A Electrical Requirements exemptions 4-1-140F9 animal waste 4-4-010F5 increase,decrease 4-1-140F6 confinement 4-4-010F3 investigations 4-1-140F8 fencing 4-4-010F6 miscellaneous 4-1-140F4 health,safety 4-4-010F4 multi-family, commercial, industrial 4-1-140F2 residence 4-4-010F1 plan review 4-1-140F5 shelter location 4-4-010F2 reinspections 4-1-140F7 Violation, penalties,fines 4-4-010L2 single family,duplex 4-1-140F1 Wild,dangerous prohibited 4-4-010E temporary uses 4-1-140F3 Appeals See under Hearing examiner Index-1 Buildings Grade and fill license impervious surfacing 4-4-110D12j drainage plan check 4-1-140G3 intent 4-4-110D12a grading 4-1-140G1 off-site economic burdens 4-4-110D12b grading plan check 4-1-140G2 quantities, locations 4-4-110D12f solid waste fills Height of containers, stock piles 4-4-110D1 annual 4-1-140G5 Higher standards applicable when 4-4-110B plan check 4-1-140G4 Intent 4-4-110A House moving/minimum inspection 4-1-140H Landscaping,screening Manufactured/mobile home installation 4-1-140J higher risk storage 4-4-110D3b Mechanical permit 4-1-140K intent 4-4-110D3a Nonresidential energy code maintenance 4-4-110D3d alterations without associated floor area other bulk storage 4-4-110D3c envelope 4-1-140D1 Light, glare lighting 4-1-140D3 intent 4-4-110D10a mechanical 4-1-140D2 maximum levels 4-4-110D10c projects with associated floor area measurement method 4-4-110D10b envelope 4-1-140E1 Liquid waste lighting 4-1-140E3 discharges mechanical 4-1-140E2 permits 4-4-110D9c Permit 4-1-140A regulated 4-4-110D9b Plan check 4-1-140C sewer system standards 4-4-110D9d Plumbing permit 4-1-140L disposal schedule 4-4-110D9e Replacement of lost, mutilated permits 4-1-1400 intent 4-4-110D9a Sign permit prevention of odors, gases 4-4-110D9g deposit refunds 4-1-140M5 proof of compliance 4-4-110D9f engineering review 4-1-140M2 treatment 4-4-110D9h modifications of city center regulations 4-1-140M4 Odorants permanent 4-1-140M1 intent 4-4-110D11 a temporary 4-1-140M3 maximum levels 4-4-110D11 b work in advance of issuance 4-1-140M6 monitoring upon complaint 4-4-110D11d Swimming pool, hot tub, spa installation 4-1-140N other remedies not impaired 4-4-110D11e Buildings testing procedures 4-4-110D11c See also Building code Permit required 4-4-110C1 Building official duties 4-5-020A Review 4-4-110B Dangerous See Abatement of dangerous buildings Setbacks 4-4-110D2 Fees See Building fees Signs 4-4-110D4 Record of plat required 4-5-020A1 Sound Bulk storage facilities EDNA classifications 4-4-110D8c Authority, responsible agency designated 4-4-110C3 extension of restricted hours 4-4-110D8f Burden of providing data, information 4-4-110C4 intent 4-4-110D8a Determination of application 4-4-110C2 maximum levels 4-4-110D8d Development standards 4-4-110D reduction due to measurement method 4-4-110D8e Evaluation criteria 4-4-11005 WAC regulations adopted 4-4-110D8b Gaseous,particulate emissions Surface drainage control,efficiency rating 4-4-110D13n intent 4-4-110D5a density of substances 4-4-110D13d standards 4-4-110D5b during alert 4-4-110D13e Toxic substances existing facilities intent 4-4-110D6a compliance 4-4-110D13m maximum concentrations 4-4-110D6c standards 4-4-110D131 measurement methods 4-4-110D6d hydroseeding 4-4-110D13f standards 4-4-110D6b intent 4-4-110D13a Traffic, access control location restrictions 4-4-110D13k curb cuts 4-4-110D7d notification 4-4-110D13i emergency vehicles 4-4-110D7c process methods 4-4-110D13b flow patterns 4-4-110D7d PSAPCA requirements 4-4-110D13c intent 4-4-110D7a report overpasses 4-4-110D7f additional authorized when 4-4-110D13j paving of routes 4-4-110D7g by developer 4-4-110D13g requirements 4-4-110D7b quarterly required when 4-4-110D13h separation of parking from loading,maneuvering areas Hazardous materials 4-4-110D7e additional requirements 4-4-110D12g setbacks 4-4-110D7d barrier surfacing of storage areas 4-4-110D7h design 4-4-110D12d Variances 4-4-110E separation from fire code dyke 4-4-110D12h Bureau of fire prevention See under Fire department combining requirements 4-4-110D12i fire suppression system 4-4-110D12e Index-2 Drainage standards C tenants whose units are offered for sale prior to effective date 4-9-040E4 Certificate of occupancy right to vacate 4 9 040E9 Application prior to excavation 4-4-030G2 Violation, penalties 4-9-0401 Issuance upon request 4-4-030G3 Waivers 4-9-040H Required 4-4-030G1 Construction of new structures/use of existing City council Authorized when 4-4-030H1 Authority,duties 4-1-050G Exceptions 4-4-030H2 Comprehensive plan Construction standards Adopted 4-1-060D, 4-9-0201 Haul 1 Amendments hours 4-4-030C2 adopted when 4-9-0201 routes 4-4-030C1 authority to submit 4-9-020B Hydroseeding 4-4-03006 review process 4-9-020H Temporary erosion control 4-4-03005 rezones 4-9-020J Work hours submittal requirements, fees 4-9-020E commercial, multi-family, new single family,other 1 timing, review 4-9-020D nonresidential 4-4-030C3b 1 Consistency with regulations 4-1-070A emergency extensions 4-4-030C4 Description 4-1-060B single family remodel,addition 4-4-030C3a Elements Cross connections land use map 4-1-060C3 See also Sanitary sewer standards;Water service optional 4-1-060C2 standards required 4-1-060C1 Applicability 4-6-020B Instruments of implementation Authority 4-6-020C Title 4 4-1-070B1 Backflow prevention assemblies Title 8 4-1-070B2 installation 4-6-020D Title 10 4-1-07063 types 4-6-020E Periodic review 4-9-020K Inspection,testing 4-6-020G Purposes 4-1-060A Purpose 4-6-020A Conditional use permits Responsibilities Application owner 4-6-020F3 grounds,facts 4-9-030D plan review section 4-6-020F2 notice, comment period 4-9-030F water utilities section 4-6-020F1 submittal requirements,fees 4-9-030E Authority 4-9-030C D Combined with site plan review 4-9-030K Decision criteria Dangerous buildings code designated 4-9-030G See also Abatement of dangerous buildings; kennels 4-9-030H Building code wireless communication facilities 4-9-0301 Adopted 4-5-060A Grant,denial,conditions 4-9-030J Process for abatement 4-5-060B Purpose 4-9-030A Definitions Who may apply 4-9-030B Designated 4-11-010—4-11-260 Condominium conversions Development regulations Applicability Adopted 4-1-030,4-4-030B rental units in converted buildings 4-9-040D Intent 4-4-030A rental units not yet converted,cooperatives 4-9-040C Interpretation Authority 4-9-040B conflicts,overlaps 4-1-080A Complaints 4-9-040G minimum requirements 4-1-080B Consumer protections terminology 4-1-080C acceptance of offers 4-9-040F8 zoning administrator determination 4-1-080D certification of repairs 4-9-040F2 Liability delivery of documentation 4-9-040F7 city officer,employee 4-1-090A disclosure requirements 4-9-040F3 owner, builder 4-1-090B false, misleading representations 4-9-040F5 Purpose 4-1-020 inspection, repair, report 4-9-040F1 Roles,responsibilities 4-1-050 purchaser's right to rescind 4-9-040F6 Severability 4-1-120 warranty of repairs 4-9-040F4 Title 4-1-010 Tenant protections Title exclusivity,construction 4-1-130 evictions during notice period 4-9-040E8 Drainage standards no sales on better terms 4-9-040E7 See also Flood hazard regulations notice Amendments to King County Surface Water Design filing of conversion declaration 4-9-040E1 Manual Chapter 1 4-6-030E3 prior to sale to public 4-9-040E2 Authority 4-6-030B purchase rights Bonds, insurance availability to other tenants 4-9-040E6 construction 4-6-030H1 subtenants 4-9-040E5 liability policy 4-6-030H3 tenants in possession of units 4-9-040E3 maintenance 4-6-030H2 Index-3 Environmental review committee required 4-6-030H Existing environmental documents Flood,drainage,erosion area development restrictions purpose 4-9-07001 4-6-030D statutes adopted by reference 4-9-07002 Maintenance of facilities Forms, statutes adopted by reference 4-9-070R by city 4-6-03011 General requirements,statutes adopted by reference by owner 4-6-030J 4-9-070D notification of defect 4-6-03012 Interpretation 4-9-070C Plan Lead agency conformance with design criteria, drafting standards determination 4-9-070F2 4-6-030F status, shared duties agreements 4-9-070F3 requirements,analysis methods statutes adopted by reference 4-9-070F1 additional 4-6-030E3 threshold determinations aquifer recharge, protection areas 4-6-030E2 city objections 4-9-070F5 content 4-6-030E1 effect 4-9-070F4 review, approval Notice, commenting additional information 4-6-030G3 availability of records 4-9-070P11 fees 4-6-030G2 consolidation 4-9-070P5 timing,process 4-6-030G1 costs 4-9-070P6 review procedures, tests 4-6-030K draft, supplemental EISs 4-9-070P4 submittal filing by facsimile 4-9-070P10 when not required 4-6-030C2 form 4-9-070P9 when required 4-6-030C1 of actions establishing time limits 4-9-070P7 Purpose 4-6-030A publishing responsibility 4-9-070P8 Violations, penalties 4-6-030N purpose 4-9-070P1 Driveway regulations See Parking, loading,driveway statutes adopted by reference 4-9-070P2 regulations threshold determinations 4-9-070P3 E SEPA responsible official consultation requests 4-9-070G3 Environmental review committee designated 4 9 070G1 Authority,duties 4-1-050C duties 4-9-070G2 Environmental review procedures SEPA substantive authority See also Environmentally sensitive areas;Wetlands basis 4-9-070N2 Appeals 4 9 070S conditions 4-9-070N4 Applicability 4-9-070B denials 4 9 070N5 Applicable authority policies,goals 4-9-070N3 hydraulic projects 4 9 070H1 recommendation of conditions 4-9-070N6 successor agencies 4 9 070H2 revising conditions, reconsideration 4-9-070N7 Authority 4 9 070E statutes adopted by reference 4-9-070N1 Categorical exemptions Threshold determination decision authority 4 9 07013 changed,clarified proposals 4-9-070K6 effect 4-9-07018 DNS 4-9-070K7,4-9-070K8 modifications 4-9-07012 DS 4 9 070K8 proposals early notice request 4-9-070K15 description 4 9 07014 identification of impacts 4-9-070K2 exempt,nonexempt actions 4-9-07016 mitigated DNS p' authorized, issuance 4-9-070K5 review criteria 4-9-07015 statutes adopted by reference 4-9-07011 effect 4 9 070K14 timing for identification 4 9 07017 notice,comment period 4-9-070K11 Definitions mitigation measures designated 4 9 07002 effect, enforcement 4-9-070K13 statutes adopted by reference 4-9-07001 incorporation into DNS 4 9 070K10 Environmental checklist specificity 4 9 070K9 nonexempt proposals 4-9-070K12 city proposals 4-9-070J4 p lead agency determination 4-9-070J2 notice to applicant 4 9 070K4 optional review 4 9 070J5 statutes adopted by reference 4-9-070K1 private proposals 4-9-070J3 time limits 4 9 070K3 required when 4 9 070J1 Environmentally sensitive areas threshold determination 4 9 070J2 See also Environmental review procedures; Environmental impact statements Wetlands additional elements 4-9-070L8 Maps information adopted 4-3-050B1 effect of inadequate 4-9-070L7 wetlands 4 3 050B2 required 4 9 070L6 Purpose of regulations 4-3-050A nonexempt proposals 4-9-070L3 SEPA exemption applicability purpose 4 9 070L1 environmentally sensitive areas 4-3-050C2 responsibility,preparation 4-9-070L4,4-9-070L5 generally 4 3 050C1 statutes adopted by reference 4-9-070L2 wetlands 4 3 050C3 Index-4 Flood hazard regulations Threshold determinations 4-3-050D Automatic fire-extinguishing systems 4-5-07008 Excavation regulations See Grading,excavation, Conditions of permits 4-5-070C4 mining regulations Fire alarm systems 4-5-070C9 F Fireworks 4-5-070C14 Flammable, combustible liquids 4-5-070C15 Fees Hazardous materials 4-5-070C16 See also Specific Fee;System development charges Hydrants Drainage plans review 4-6-030G2 accessibility 4 5 070D10 Extra designated 4-1-200 buildings more than 200 feet from street property line Land use permits 4-8-110C4, 4-8-120D1 4-5-070D12 Lot line adjustments 4 7 060D commercial,business, industrial, manufacturing areas Open space,agricultural,timber lands 4-9-140C annexed properties 4 5 070D2c Public art exemption procedures 4-9-160G4 installation 4 5 070D2a Sanitary sewer connections 4-6-040E3 number, location 4 5 070D2b Shoreline permits 4 9 190E3 contract for multiple uses 4-5-070D5 Signs 4-4-100D1,4-4-100H9d dead end mains 4-5-070D16 Street standards construction plan review 4-6-060N2 design, installation requirements 4 5 070D11 Underground storage tank secondary containment fire flow requirements 4 5 070D6 regulations 4-5-120J5 fire protection services Utility lines underground installation permit 4-6-090G4 changes in use requiring increase 4 5 070D19 Waiver procedures 4-9-250C3 meter,detector 4 5 070D17 Fences, hedges use restrictions 4-5-070D18 Applicability 4 4 040B violation, penalties 4-5-070D20 Commercial, industrial standards installation timing 4 5 070D1b barbed wire fences 4-4-040E3 location 4 5 070D9 electric fences 4 4 040E2 number required 4-5-070D8 location, height 4-4-040E1 other areas 4 5 070D3 special provisions 4-4-040E5 plans required 4 5 070D1 a Compliance 4-4-040H prohibited type 4 5 070D15 Height restrictions, review of variation 4-4-040F required 4 5 070D1 Purpose 4 4 040A residential sprinkling 4-5-070D7 Requirements service,testing 4-5-070D14 berms 4 4 040C2 special locations 4-5-070D4 grades 4 4 040C3 upgrade to standards 4-5-070D1 c height, method of measurement 4-4-040C1 water system requirements 4 5 070D13 modifications 4-4-040C4 Inspection, permits 4 5 070C3 Residential standards Liability claims 4-5-070C2 access gate 4 4 040D3 Maintenance 4-5-07007 electric fences 4-4-040D4 Open burning 4 5 070C11 height limits Place of assembly 4-5-070C12 corner lots 4-4-040D2 Purpose 4 5 070A interior lots 4 4 040D1 Shall defined 4-5-07005 Special administrative permits Standpipes 4 5 070C10 eligibility, application 4-4-040G1 Fire department evaluation criteria 4-4-040G2 Bureau of fire prevention Fire code established 4-5-020B1 See also Building code report 4 5 020B3 Access 4-5-07006 Fire marshal appointed 4-5-020B2 Administration, enforcement 4-5-070C1 Inspectors appointed 4 5 020B4 Adopted 4-5-070B Fire prevention fees Amendments Per permit type 4-1-150B Article 1,Section 101.5 4-5-070C2 Plan review, inspection 4-1-150A Article 1, Section 103.3 4-5-070C3 Flood hazard regulations Article 1, Section 105 4-5-070C4 See also Drainage standards Article 2, Section 220 4-5-07005 Alteration of watercourses Article 9, Section 902 4-5-07006 maintenance 4-3-060H2 Article 10, Section 1001.5 4-5-07007 notice 4-3-060H1 Article 10, Section 1003 4-5-07008 Appeals Article 10, Section 1004 4-5-070C10 general 4-3-06001 Article 10, Section 1007 4-5-070C9 record required 4-3-06002 Article 11, Section 1102.3 4-5-070C11 Applicability of lands 4-3-060D Article 25, Section 2501.3.1 4-5-070C12 Building official duties, responsibilities 4-3-060F2 Article 78, Section 7802 4-5-070C14 Development permit Article 79 4-5-070C15 application 4-3-060E1 Article 80 4-5-070C16 required 4-3-060E Section 4-5-070C1 Findings 4-3-060A Article 52, Section 5201.6.3 deleted 4-5-070C13 Floodways 4-3-060K Index-5 Garage compliance required 4-3-060K3 stream acceptance 4-4-060N4c increase in levels 4-3-060K1 subsurface 4-4-060N3 residential construction 4-3-060K2 terrace 4-4-060N2 Information obtained, maintained capacity 4-4-060N2c public records 4-3-060G3 scouring 4-4-060N2b record required 4-3-060G1,4-3-060G2 settling ponds 4-4-060N2d Interpretation of FIRM boundaries 4-3-0601 swales 4-4-060N2a Local administrator designated 4-3-060F1 Dust, mud control 4-4-060H8 Methods of reducing flood losses 4-3-060C Emergency permits 4-4-060C9 Purpose 4-3-060B Engineering grading requirements 4-4-060F Reduction provisions building division responsibilities 4-4-060F5 anchoring civil engineer responsibilities 4-4-060F2 manufactured homes 4-3-060J1b engineering geologist responsibilities 4-4-060F4 new construction 4-3-060J1a fences, gates 4-4-060F6 building permits 4-3-060J5 reports 4-4-060F1 construction setbacks 4-4-060F7 materials, methods 4-3-060J2 soil engineer responsibilities 4-4-060F3 nonresidential 4-3-060J6b Fills residential 4-3-060J6a compaction 4-4-060L5 manufactured homes 4-3-060J6c conformance,waivers 4-4-060L1 standards drainage,terracing 4-4-060L7 general 4-3-060J1 ground preparation 4-4-060L3 specific 4-3-060J6 materials 4-4-060L4 subdivisions 4-3-060J4 slope, maximum 4-4-060L6 utilities 4-3-060J3 slope location 4-4-060L2 Variances Final inspection,approval 4-4-060P2 applicability 4-3-060L2 Hydroseeding 4-4-060C4 approval Inspection, testing, reports 4-4-060E, 4-4-060G conditions 4-3-060L6 Landscaping 4-4-060C1 notice 4-3-060L7 Licenses See Permits, licenses requirements 4-3-060L5 Maintenance, appearance 4-4-060H10 criteria 4-3-060L4 Noise levels 4-4-060H5 purpose, intent 4-3-060L1 Notification records 4-3-060L8 of changes of responsibility 4-4-06007 review authority 4-3-060L3 of noncompliance 4-4-06006 Violation, penalties Permits, licenses enforcement officer designated 4-3-060M1 applicability 4-9-080B misdemeanor 4-3-060M2 exemptions 4-9-080C Warning, liability disclaimer 4-3-060N major activity review process G applicability of other requirements 4-9-080F8 authority 4-9-080F1 Garage inspection, enforcement 4-9-080F9 Location on steep slope,setback alternative 4-9-230 license 4 9 080F3 Garage sales permit expiration,extension 4-9-080F10 Applicability 4-4-050A permit required 4-9-080F2 Conditions 4-4-050B permit review criteria 4-9-080F4 Violations,penalties 4 4 050C permit transferability 4-9-080F11 Grading,excavation, mining regulations plan approval 4 9 080F6 Air,water discharges 4 4 060H7 relinquishing jurisdiction 4-9-080F7 Appeals 4-4-060Q reuse of site 4-9-080F5 Applicability 4-4-060B1 minor activity review process Application authority 4-9-080E1 annexed activities 4 4 060B3 license application 4-9-080E2 existing activities 4 4 060B2 license issuance 4-9-080E4 Bond 4-4-060D permit revocation 4-9-080E5 Compliance with time periods 4-4-060B4 work completion 4 9 080E3 Conformance with state requirements 4-4-06005 revocation 4 9 080G1 Cuts submittal requirements,fees 4-9-080D conformance 4 4 060K1 violations, penalties 4-9-080G drainage,terracing 4-4-060K3 Plans, reports slope, maximum 4 4 060K2 as-graded grading 4-4-060P1a Drainage geologic grading 4-4-060P1c conformance 4-4-060N1 required 4 4 060P1 disposal 4-4-060N4 soil grading 4-4-060P1 b minimum grade 4 4 060N4a Property location, setbacks 4-4-060H4 overland runoff 4-4-060N5 Purpose 4 4 060A releases 4-4-060N4b Safety 4 4 060H2 Index-6 Improvement installation procedures deferral Scope 4-4-060B Hobby kennels Screening 4-4-060C2 See also under Zoning Slopes License clearing, rounding tops 4-4-060H3 appeals 4-9-100H generally 4-4-06001 approval, issuance 4-9-100C maximum permitted 4-4-060H1 decision criteria 4-9-100E other devices, methods 4-4-06002 revocation 4-9-100G1 top,toe setbacks 4-4-060J submittal requirements,fees 4-9-100D Soil erosion, sedimentation 4-4-060H9 validity 4-9-100F Solid waste fills violations, penalties 4-9-100G animal waste 4-4-060M10 Home occupations applicable requirements 4-4-060M3 Applicability 4-9-090C building debris,flammable material 4-4-060M8 Business license bulk items 4-4-060M7 application 4-9-090F1 cell cover 4-4-060M5 approval, issuance 4-9-090F3 compaction 4-4-060M6 comment period 4-9-090G3 drainage 4-4-060M13 renewal 4-9-090G4 location 4-4-060M4 required 4-9-090E prohibited activities 4-4-060M16 Compliance with conditions 4-9-090F2 prohibited materials 4-4-060M12 Defined 4-9-090A reports Exemptions 4-9-090C1 contents 4-4-060M2 Inspection 4-9-090G2 required 4-4-060M1 Limitations special requirements 4-4-060M15 customer visits 4-9-090G6 stabilization 4-4-060M9 hours 4-9-090G7 treatment 4-4-060M 11 use 4-9-090G5 water disposal 4-4-060M14 Notification to neighbors 4-9-090G1 Stop work order 4-4-06008 Prohibited 4-9-090D Stream courses 4-4-060C3 Purpose 4-9-090B Surface water Qualification standards 4-9-090F4 adjacent bank slopes 4-4-06013 Housing code depth of lakes 4-4-06012 See also Building code polluted, stagnant 4-4-06011 Adopted 4-5-080A Violations, penalties 4-4-060R Procedures 4-5-080B Work hours 4-4-060H6 Hydrants See under Fire code Work in progress 4-4-060H Greenbelt regulations Applicability Improvement installation procedures deferral criteria 4-3-070C2 Board of public works approval generally 4-3-070C1 applicability 4-9-060C1 steep slope areas 4-3-070C3 expiration 4-9-06006 Greenbelt area defined 4-3-070A extension of time 4-9-06007 Purpose, intent 4-3-070B notice to administrator 4-9-060C12 Single family dwelling construction 4-3-070D plans Standards required 4-9-060C4 permit for vegetation removal 4-3-070E1 waiver 4-9-06005 physical hazard areas security maps adopted 4-3-070G1 acceptable forms 4-9-06008 open space, landscaping 4-3-070G2 binding 4-9-060C11 special studies 4-3-070G3 covenant option 4-9-060C9,4-9-060C10 special studies 4-3-070E2 proceedings against 4-9-060C15 steep slopes required 4-9-060C3 density limitations 4-3-070F2 transferability 4-9-060C13,4-9-060C14 development prohibited 4-3-070F1 Temporary occupancy permit lot coverage reductions 4-3-070F3 applicability 4-9-060B1 special review 4-3-070F4 expiration 4-9-060B4 Subject to shoreline jurisdiction 4-3-070H extension 4-9-060B5 Utilities permitted when 4-3-0701 security required 4-9-060B3 Utility easements, rights-of-way uses 4-3-070J H K Hearing examiner Kennels See Hobby kennels;Zoning Appeals 4-1-050F4 L Authority, duties 4-1-050F1 Recommendations 4-1-050F2 Land clearing See Tree cutting, land clearing Variances 4-1-050F3 Hedges See Fences, hedges Index-7 Land use permits Land use permits submittal waiver 4-8-060G Appeals vesting 4-8-060B administrative decisions Classifications applicability,authority 4-8-110E1 procedures 4-8-080G by examiner 4-8-110E7 purpose 4-8-080A complaint of noncompliance 4-8-110E5 review content of hearing 4-8-110E6d based on type 4-8-080B electronic transcript 4-8-110E6f multiple applications 4-8-080C notice 4-8-110E6a processes 4-8-080H notice of hearing 4-8-110E6c time frames of examiner's decision 4-8-110E8 designated 4-8-080D procedures 4-8-110E6 exclusions 4-8-080F record required 4-8-110E6e maximum permitted 4-8-080E standing 4-8-110E3 Council action 4-8-100K time limits for filing 4-8-110E4 Decision to board of public works 4-8-110D conditions 4-8-100G3 transmittal of records, reports 4-8-110E6b expiration 4-8-100H authority 4-8-110B findings, copies on file 4-8-100G1 city council reconsideration 4-8-100G4 decision, remand 4-8-110F7 time extension for filing 4-8-100G2 decision documentation 4-8-110F8 Effect of issuance 4-8-030 evaluation criteria 4-8-110F5 Exemptions from state requirements final 4-8-110F9 authority 4-8-050A findings, conclusions 4-8-110F6 notification, procedure 4-8-050C,4-8-050D letters of support 4-8-110F2 review process,time limits 4-8-050B notice 4-8-110F1 Extension 4-8-1001 review procedures 4-8-110F4 Large scale, phased projects 4-8-100J transmittal of record 4-8-110F3 Notice filing by facsimile 4-8-11005 administrative decisions 4-8-090C form, content 4-8-110C3 applicability 4-8-090A limit on number 4-8-11008 city council decision 4-8-090F notice,fee 4-8-110C4 development application 4-8-090B restrictions on subsequent actions 4-8-11007 hearing examiner decision 4-8-090E scope, purpose 4-8-110A public hearing 4-8-090D shoreline permit decisions content 4-8-090D2 copy on file 4-8-110H3 time 4-8-090D1 filing place,time 4-8-110H2 Preapplication meeting 4-8-100A standing 4-8-110H1 Purpose, intent 4-8-010 substantial development permits 4-8-110H4 Responsibilities of specific bodies 4-8-070B superior court Review authority 4-8-070A applicability 4-8-110G2 Submittal requirements 4-8-120 content 4-8-110G4 building applications 4-8-120B initiation,time limits 4-8-110G5 definitions 4-8-120D intent 4-8-110G1 land use applications 4-8-120C other than land use decisions 4-8-110G6 public works applications 4-8-120A standing 4-8-110G3 Types,classifications 4-8-040 Applicability 4-8-020 Land uses See Zoning Applications Landscaping complete 4-8-060D See also Tree cutting, land clearing filing 4-8-060C Applicability 4-4-070B hearing Compliance with shorelines master program 4-4-070D7 closure, continuation 4-8-100F4 Compliance with standards 4-4-070D1 constitutes hearing by council 4-8-100F2 Deferral of improvements 4-4-070F dismissal 4-8-100F5 Erosion control devices 4-4-070D9 required 4-8-100F1 Existing plants 4-4-070D3 rules 4-8-100F3 Green River Valley requirements 4-4-070D6 letter of completeness 4-8-060H Installation 4-4-070E additional information 4-8-100C3 Maintenance incomplete 4-8-100C2 failure 4-4-070H2 timing 4-8-100C1 required 4-4-070H1 multiple submittals 4-8-060F Parking lot requirements 4-4-070D2 notices 4-8-100D Plans purpose 4-8-060A modifications 4-4-070G report required 4-4-070C content 4-8-100E1 Preservation of unique features 4-4-070D5 timing 4-8-100E2 Protection of fragile natural environments 4-4-070D4 submittal,filing 4-8-100B Purpose, intent 4-4-070A Index-8 Parking, loading,driveway regulations Requirements 4-4-070D Nonconforming uses,structures Slopes 4-4-070D8 Conditional approval permits Underground sprinkling system 4-4-070D10 appeals 4-9-120L Violations, penalties 4-4-0701. applicability 4-9-120B Licenses authority 4-9-120C Grading,excavation, mining regulations 4-9-080F3 conditions 4-9-1201 Hobby kennels 4-9-100C duration, amortization periods 4-9-120J Home occupations 4-9-090E exceptions 4-9-120B1 Loading regulations See Parking, loading,driveway granting,denial 4-9-120H regulations issuance criteria 4-9-120E purpose 4-9-120A M review criteria Manufactured, mobile homes, parks structures 4-9-120G Applicability, conformance 4-9-110B uses 4 9 120E Authority, responsibility submittal requirements,fees 4-9-120D building official 4 9 110C1 Permits pending valid 4-10-010B development services division 4-9-110C2 Structures 4 10 010C hearing examiner 4-9-110C3 alterations Certificate of occupancy 4-9-110E8 other structures 4 10 010C3b Construction with conditional approval permits 4-10-010C3a permits required 4-5-030A extension 4 10 010C4 timing 4 9 110E7 restoration 4-10-01005 Individual installation illegal structures 4-10-01005c insignia 4 5 030B3 other structures 4-10-01005b permit required 4 5 030B1 with conditional approval permit 4-10-01005a requirements 4-5-030B2 unsafe 4 10 010C2 License revocation 4 9 110J1 vacant,abandoned,amortized 4-10-010C1 Maintenance Uses 4 10 010D general 4 9 110G1 abandonment 4-10-010D1 landscaping 4-9-110G2 changes 4 10 010D3 Plan,application relocation 4-10-010D2 copies, recommendations 4-9-110E2 restoration 4 10 010D4 extension,expiration 4 9 110H illegal structures 4-10-010D4c modifications 4-9-110E5 other structures 4-10-010D4b notice 4 9 110E3 with conditional approval permit 4-10-010D4a required 4-9-110E1 O transmittal to hearing examiner 4-9-110E4 Purpose 4-9-110A Occupancy permits Review procedures 4-9-110E Applicability 4-9-130B Surety required 4-9-110E6 Certificate Violations,penalties 4-9-110J application, issuance 4-9-130D Mechanical code request, issuance 4-9-130C See also Building code Construction of improvements required 4-4-030E Adopted 4-5-090A Off-site improvements Board of appeals 4-5-090B Design standards 4-4-030D2 Mining regulations See Grading,excavation,mining Permits 4-4-030D3 regulations Required 4-4-030D1 Mitigation fees Open space,agricultural,timber lands Designated 4-1-190 Application fees Mobile homes, parks See Manufactured,mobile designated 4-9-140C homes, parks refund 4-9-140D Modification procedures Open Space Taxation Act Rules adopted 4-9-140A Application 4-9-250D1 Decision criteria 4-9-250D2 Purpose 4-9-250A3 Parking, loading,driveway regulations N See also Street standards Appeals 4-4-080M National Electrical Code Applicability 4-4-080B1 See also Building code Building permit required 4-4-080B5a Adopted 4-5-040A Buildings, new and additions 4-4-080B1 a Connections for mechanical equipment 4-5-040C4 Business license 4-4-080B5c Nonmetallic sheathed cable 4-5-040C2 Calculation of number of spaces Permit required 4-5-040B distance measurement 4-4-080D2b Standards for existing buildings 4-5-040C3 fractions 4-4-080D2a State rules adopted 4-5-040C1 seat measurements 4-4-080D2c Change in use 4-4-080B1b Changes in arrangement 4-4-080B4 Index-9 Permits Conformance 4-4-080B2 linkages 4-4-080F4 Deferral of improvements 4-4-080L1 maneuvering space, right-of-way use 4-4-080F1 Delay in installation of spaces 4-4-080L2a slopes, maximum 4-4-080F2 Deliveries,shipments 4-4-080B1c stalls Downtown core area exemption 4-4-080C compact size, number 4-4-080F8b Driveways customer/guest 4-4-080F8d angle 4-4-08015 disabled 4-4-080F8e grades 4-4-08016 reduced length for overhang 4-4-080F8c joint use 4-4-08017 standard size 4-4-080F8a location 4-4-08011 Modifications 4-4-080K number, maximum 4-4-08014 Number of spaces spacing 4-4-08012 interpretation 4-4-080F10a width, maximum 4-4-08013 joint use 4-4-080F10c(i) Enforcement authority 4-4-080D1 modifications 4-4-080F10d 4-4-080F10e Joint use multiple uses 4-4-080F10b contract 4-4-080E3d required 4-4-080F10e distance from use 4-4-080E3c transportation management plans 4-4-080F10c(ii) encouraged 4-4-080E3a Occupancy permit 4-4-080B5b shopping center provisions 4-4-080E3e Off-site parking when applicable 4-4-080E3b approval 4-4-080E2a Landscaping maintenance building permit review 4-4-080E2b bond 4-4-080H3 conditions for approval 4-4-080E2c inspection 4-4-080H2 distance to lot 4-4-080E2e required 4-4-080H1 standards 4-4-080E2d Loading spaces Off-street parking clear area for doors boat moorage 4-4-080E1 c dock high 4-4-080J4 multi-family 4-4-080E1b ground level 4-4-080J5 other uses 4-4-080E1d plan 4-4-080J2 single family,duplex 4-4-080E1a projections into streets, alleys 4-4-080J3 Plans required 4-4-080B3 required 4-4-080J1 Purpose 4-4-080A Location requirements Reserved areas standards 4-4-080L2b joint use 4-4-080E3 Permits off-site 4-4-080E2 See also Specific Permit on-site 4-4-080E1 Applications, review authority 4-1-050H Lot construction requirements Bulk storage facilities 4-4-110C1 drainage 4-4-080G5 Conditional use 4-9-030J marking 4-4-080G3 Fire code 4-5-070C3 surfacing Flood hazard development 4-3-060E parking lots 4-4-080G1 Grading, excavation, mining regulations 4-9-080F2 storage lots 4-4-080G2 Greenbelt standards 4-3-070E1 wheel stops 4-4-080G4 Manufactured/mobile homes, parks Lot design standards construction 4-5-030A access approval 4-4-080F3 individual installation 4-5-030B1 aisle width National Electrical Code 4-5-040B head-in parking (45 degree)4-4-080F9d Off-site improvements 4-4-030D3 head-in parking (60 degree)4-4-080F9c Railroad, utility line construction 4-9-170B head-in parking (90 degree)4-4-080F9b Sanitary sewer connections 4-6-040E parallel parking 4-4-080F9a Sewage disposal 4-6-04011 fire lanes Shoreline 4-9-190E2,4-9-190G access to existing buildings 4-4-080F6f Signs 4-4-100D1 applicability 4-4-080F6a Special clearance,turning radii 4-4-080F6e expirations, extensions 4-9-220E identification 4-4-080F6c location of garages within setbacks 4-9-230 modifications 4-4-080F6g purpose, authority 4-9-220A surfacing,construction 4-4-080F6d review, decision criteria 4-9-220D width, clearance 4-4-080F6b submittal requirements,fees 4-9-220C landscaping Subdivision improvements 4-7-100C additional for large lots 4-4-080F7e Underground storage tank secondary containment applicability 4-4-080F7a regulations 4-5-120J1 approval 4-4-080F7b Wetlands 4-3-110D1 general requirements 4-4-080F7c Planned unit development regulations installation 4-4-080F7h Abandonment 4-9-15002 storage lots 4-4-080F7f Access, circulation, parking 4-9-150J7 underground sprinkling system 4-4-080F7g Appeals width requirements 4-4-080F7d council decision 4-9-150Q lighting 4-4-080F5 hearing examiner decision 4-9-150P Index-10 Refuse,recyclables standards Applicability 4-9-150B Responsibilities,duties Approval authority 4-9-150D city council 4-9-150C4 Building,occupancy permits development services division 4-9-150C2 final plan hearing examiner 4-9-150C1 conformance 4-9-150N2 reviewing agencies 4-9-150C3 minor adjustments 4-9-150N3 Resuming development of abandoned 4-9-15003 issuance 4-9-150N4 Setback, height standards 4-9-150J4 occupation of structures 4-9-150N5 Shoreline areas 4-9-150J5 public notice sign 4-9-150N1 Violations, penalties 4-9-150R Common facilities Planning/building/public works administrator installation 4-9-150J9a Authority,duties 4-1-050A maintenance 4-9-150J9b Planning commission Decision criteria 4-9-150E Authority,duties 4-1-050E Densities Plumbing code bonuses 4-9-15016 See also Building code maximum base residential 4-9-15013 Adopted 4-5-100A maximum total residential 4-9-15017 Amendments reduction in base for sensitive lands 4-9-15014 city 4-5-100C reduction in total for sensitive lands 4-9-15018 Section 20.3 4-5-100C Development standards 4-9-150J state 4-5-100B Environmentally sensitive areas 4-9-150J6 Violations,penalties 4-5-100C Environmentally sensitive areas map 4-9-15015 Procedures, review criteria Expiration 4-9-15001 See also Specific Procedure, Review Criteria Final plan review Violations,penalties 4-9-260 application submittal requirements,fees 4-9-150M2 Public art exemption procedures building permits 4-9-150M7b Appeals 4-9-1601 construction authorized 4-9-150M7b to hearing examiner 4-9-16011 covenants 4-9-150M6a transmittal of file, report 4-9-16012 extension 4-9-150M9 Applicability 4-9-160B modifications Application 4-9-160E major 4-9-150M5 Arts commission minor 4-9-150M4 application notice 4-9-150M3 fee 4-9-160G4 phasing 4-9-150M8 transferal 4-9-160G property owner's association 4-9-150M6b determination of artist recognition 4-9-160G3 review, approval 4-9-150M6 review, recommendation 4-9-160G1 standards superimposed 4-9-150M7a role,duties 4-9-160G2 time limits 4-9-150M1 Certificate 4-9-160D Merger of review 4-9-150L Criteria 4-9-160C Minimum site area 4-9-150H Final authority 4-9-160H Modification of certain standards 4-9-150J1 Review 4-9-160F Number of dwelling units, computation Public use notification procedures formula 4-9-15012 Content 4-3-080B method 4-9-15011 Development standards applicability 4-3-080D Open space Meeting summary 4-3-080C common 4-9-150J2 Required 4-3-080A installation 4-9-150J8a maintenance 4-9-150J8b R private 4-9-150J3 Railroad, utility line construction permit Permitted locations 4-9-150F Grant, decision criteria 4-9-170D Permitted uses 4-9-150G Ordinary repairs 4-9-170C Preliminary plan approval Required, applicability 4-9-170B application Violations,penalties 4-9-170E filing 4-9-150K2 Recyclables See Refuse,recyclables standards submittal requirements,fees 4-9-150K4 Refuse,recyclables standards decision 4-9-150K8 effect 4-9-150K9 Appeals 4-4-090G Applicability 4-4-090A notice,comment period 4-9-150K5 Approval of screening detail plan 4-4-090C10 phasing 4-9-150K6 Deposit areas, collection points review collocation 4-4-090C4 informal 4-9-150K3 commercial, industrial, nonresidential developments process 4-9-150K7 access 4-4-090E2 sale of site 4-9-150K11 location 4 4 090E1 who may apply 4-9-150K1 zoning map revision 4-9-150K10 dimensions 4-4-090C1 Purposesninga 150A gate opening, vertical clearance 4-4-09008 location 4-4-090C2 Index- 11 Rezones multi-family residences trenching standards 4-6-040G6 dispersal 4-4-090D3 Public sewer distance from building entrances 4-4-090D5 costs, damages 4-6-040F1 location within structures 4-4-090D4 developer extension agreement 4-6-040F8 number 4-4-090D2 lift stations 4-6-040F6 size 4-4-090D1 manhole requirements obstruction 4-4-090C3 connections 4-6-040F5c screening 4-4-09007 covers 4-6-040F5b signage 4-4-09005 industrial wastes 4-6-040F5d size installation location 4-6-040F5a manufacturing,other nonresidential developments pipe materials 4-6-040F3 4-4-090E4 standards 4-6-040F2 office, educational, institutional developments supervision 4-6-040F7 4-4-090E3 use of old 4-6-040F4 retail developments 4-4-090E5 Septic tanks, privies, cesspools 4-6-040D structure design 4-4-09006 Service outside city 4-6-040C Exemptions 4-4-090B Sewage disposal standards Modifications 4-4-090F abandonment requirements 4-6-04016 Weather protection 4-4-090C9 discharge prohibition 4-6-04014 Rezones health officer requirements 4-6-04015 Application 4-9-180B inspection,approval 4-6-04012 Change of zone classification criteria 4-9-180F maintenance 4-6-04014 Council review of ordinance permit 4-6-04011 adoption 4-9-180G2 standards,tests 4-6-04013 readings 4-9-180G1 Shoreline master program Procedure when amendment not required 4-9-180D Adopted 4-3-090A Recommendation, adoption 4-9-180C Amendments 4-3-090C Resubmittal,time limits 4-9-180H process 4-3-090N2 Submittal requirements,fees 4-9-180E time of review 4-3-090N1 Conservancy environment acceptable activities, uses 4-3-09014 Sanitary sewer standards areas designated 4-3-09012 See also Cross connections; Water service extent 4 3 09013 standards objective 4-3-09011 Aquifer protection area requirements use regulations zone 1 4 6 040J1 commercial 4-3-09015a zone 2 4-6-040J2 fish,game reserve, breeding 4-3-090I5b Connections industrial 4-3-09015c private, public sewer recreation 4-3-09015d location 4 6 040H1 residential 4-3-09015e permit, supervision 4-6-040H2 roads 4 3 09015g to private system 4-6-040A1 utilities 4 3 09015f Connection to city sewer Environments designated application, fees 4-6-040E3 basis 4 3 090G2 permit maps 4-3-090G3 approval options 4-6-040E1 names 4 3 090G1 classes 4-6-040E2 Natural environment required 4 6 040E acceptable activities, uses 4-3-090H4 required 4 6 040A areas designated 4-3-090H2 Facilities improvements construction 4-6-040B dedication for flood storage 4 3 090H5 Private building sewer extent 4 3 090H3 barricades, safety requirements 4-6-040G10 objective 4 3 090H1 grease, oil, sand interceptors Purposes, priorities 4-3-090D construction materials, standards 4-6-040G8c Record, authenticity 4 3 090E maintenance 4-6-040G8d Urban environment required when 4 6 040G8a acceptable uses, activities 4-3-090J4 type,capacity, location 4-6-040G8b areas designated 4 3 090J2 inspection 4-6-040G9 extent 4 3 090J3 joints,connections 4-6-040G7 objective 4 3 090J1 lesser slope 4-6-040G4 use regulations pipe public access 4-3-090J5b location, elevation 4-6-040G5 water oriented activities 4 3 090J5a materials 4-6-040G2 Use regulations restoration of public property 4-6-040G11 airports,seaplane bases 4 3 090L1 separate, independent 4-6-040G1 applicability 4 3 090K1 size, slope 4 6 040G3 aquaculture 4-3-090L2 surety bond 4 6 040G12 boat-launching ramps 4-3-090L3 Index-12 Sign regulations bulkheads 4-3-090L4 time limit,validity 4-9-19012c commercial developments 4-3-090L5 decision criteria compatibility,design 4-3-090K3 conditional use 4-9-19015b dredging 4-3-090L6 variance 4-9-19014b environmental effects 4-3-090K2 interpretation 4-9-19013 industrial development 4-3-090L7 purpose 4-9-19011 landfills 4-3-090L8 conditional use 4-9-19015a landscaping 4-3-090K6 variance 4-9-19014a marinas 4-3-090L9 Violations,penalties mining 4-3-090L10 damages, redress 4-9-190P3 parking 4-3-090L11 designated 4-9-190P1 piers,docks 4-3-090L12 injunction 4-9-190P2 public access 4-3-090K4 Sidewalks See Street standards recreation 4-3-090L13 Sign regulations residential development 4-3-090L14 Appeals 4-4-100R roads, railroads 4-3-090L15 Appearance 4-4-100D4 shoreline facilities 4-3-090K5 Applicability 4-4-100B1 stream alteration 4-3-090L16 Building official authority,duty 4-4-100B4 trails 4-3-090L17 Business signs permitted where 4-4-100E5a unique features,fragile areas 4-3-090K7 Churches, schools,apartments, subdivisions,signs utilities 4-3-090L18 permitted where 4-4-100E4a Water bodies City center requirements classification applicability 4-4-100H2 shorelines of statewide significance 4-3-090F1 letter size limitations shorelines of the state 4-3-090F2 exemption 4-4-100H6b jurisdiction, regulated 4-3-090E maximum height 4-4-100H6a Shoreline permits map 4-4-100H3 Appeals 4-9-190H modifications Application authority,purpose 4-4-100H9a additional information 4-9-190F2 fees 4-4-100H9d copies to other jurisdictions 4-9-190E6 review criteria 4-4-100H9b denial,conditions 4-9-190E5 variance 4-4-100H9c development discussion prior to submittal 4-9-190E1 nonresidential uses form,content,fees 4-9-190E3 category,type, number permitted 4-4-100H4b Bonds 4-9-190G purpose 4-4-100H1 Conditional uses See Variances, conditional uses size, height, location Consistency with rules, regulations 4-9-190E4 awning 4-4-100H5e Enforcement 4-9-190M canopy 4-4-100H5e Exemptions freestanding 4-4-100H5a certificate application, procedures 4-9-190D ground 4-4-100H5b designated 4-9-190C marquee 4-4-100H5e Required 4-9-190E2 multi-occupancy 4-4-100H5h Rescission multiple building complex 4-4-100H5h decision,final 4-9-190N5 projecting 4-4-100H5d hearing 4-9-190N4 secondary awning 4-4-100H5g notice secondary projecting 4-4-100H5g posting 4-9-190N3 secondary wall 4-4-100H5g required 4-9-190N2 under awning 4-4-100H5f upon noncompliance 4-9-190N1 under canopy 4-4-100H5f Review under marquee 4-4-100H5f burden of proof 4-9-190F4 wall 4-4-100H5c criteria 4-9-190F1 standards procedural amendments 4-9-190F3 awning 4-4-100H4b Rulings to be filed 4-9-190K canopy 4-4-100H4b Time requirements freestanding 4-4-100H4b applicability, modifications 4-9-190J1 ground 4-4-100H4b construction marquee 4-4-100H4b commencement 4-9-190J2 multi-occupancy building 4-4-100H4b completion 4-9-190J3 multiple building complex wall 4-4-100H4b review period 4-9-190J5 projecting 4-4-100H4b effective date 4-9-190J4 secondary awning without illumination Transferability 4-9-190L 4-4-1 00H4b Variances, conditional uses secondary projecting without illumination authority 4-4-100H4b appeals 4-9-19012c secondary wall without illumination 4-4-100H4b Department of Ecology 4-9-19012b under awning 4-4-100H4b hearing examiner 4-9-19012a under canopy 4-4-100H4b Index - 13 Sign regulations under marquee 4-4-100H4b Permitted 4-4-100E1 wall 4-4-100H4b commercial, industrial zones 4-4-100E5 temporary signs 4-4-100H8 residential, commercial, industrial zones 4-4-100E4 type, number permitted 4-4-100H4 Prohibited 4-4-100C,4-4-100E1 churches 4-4-100H4a Projections residential uses 4-4-100H4a annual sign permit required 4-4-100L4 schools 4-4-100H4a identification of installer,date of installation 4-4-100L3 Design,construction requirements liability insurance 4-4-100L4 allowed stresses 4-4-100K5 right-of-way anchorage 4-4-100K10 additional allowances 4-4-100L2c approved plastics 4-4-100K13 allowed 4-4-100L2 clearance awnings 4-4-100L2c(iii) from fire escapes, exits, standpipes 4-4-100K18 building canopies 4-4-100L2c(iii) from high voltage power lines 4-4-100K17 marquee 4-4-100L2b 4-4-100L2c(iii) clearance, projection 4-4-100K16 projecting 4-4-100L2c(ii) combined loads 4-4-100K4 wall 4-4-100L2a 4-4-100L2c(i) combustible materials restrictions 4-4-100K8 setbacks 4-4-100L1 display surfaces 4-4-100K11 Public right-of-way electrical wiring 4-4-100K15 city-sponsored signs 4-4-10011 generally 4-4-100K1 directional signs for nonpublic buildings glass panel size,thickness,type 4-4-100K12 appeal 4-4-10013b materials 4-4-100K7 installation 4-4-10013c nonstructural trim 4-4-100K9 request 4-4-10013a obstruction of openings 4-4-100K19 directional signs for public buildings 4-4-10012 seismic loads 4-4-100K3 residential open house sign 4-4-10014 structural supports 4-4-100K6 Purpose 4-4-100A supports 4-4-100K20 P-1 zone requirements welding 4-4-100K14 height, setback restrictions 4-4-100G3 wind loads 4-4-100K2 illumination, location 4-4-100G4 Design standards off-premises advertising 4-4-100G5 awning, canopy, marquee signs size 4-4-100G2 applicability 4-4-100N1 type 4-4-100G1 location 4-4-100N2 Real estate signs permitted where 4-4-100E4d UBC requirements 4-4-100N2 Removal upon closure of business electric signs outside city center 4-4-100D6b identification of installer, date of installation outside of city center 4-4-100D6a 4-4-10003 Requirements 4-4-100D installation 4-4-10002 Shopping centers, signs permitted where 4-4-100E5d label of testing agency 4-4-10004 Shoreline areas materials 4-4-10001 location, size,type limitations 4-4-100F2 projecting signs 4-4-100M prohibited signs 4-4-100F3 under awning, canopy, marquee signs view impairment 4-4-100F1 location,size outside city center 4-4-100N3b Special requirements for secondary uses,signs location, size within city center 4-4-100N3c permitted where 4-4-100E5i number 4-4-100N3a Subdivision identification,signs permitted where Exemptions 4-4-100B5 4-4-100E5h Height limits Temporary signs outside city center 4-4-100E3b cloth signs within city center 4-4-100E3a projection over public property/right-of-way Home occupations, signs permitted where 4-4-100E4b 4-4-100J1c Inspections 4-4-100B3,4-4-100P support, perforation 4-4-100J1b Large retail centers, signs permitted where 4-4-100E5e display of permit number 4-4-100J1 a Lighting 4-4-100D5 duration, number 4-4-100J6a Location limitations 4-4-100E2 grand opening, special displays Maintenance 4-4-100D3 duration,applicability 4-4-100J5b Marquee signs permitted where 4-4-100E5b permit 4-4-100J5a Method for calculating area 4-4-100D2 permitted where 4-4-100E4e Motor vehicle dealerships political outside Auto Mall area, signs permitted where location 4-4-100J4a 4-4-100 E5g removal 4-4-100J4c within Auto Mall area, signs permitted where size 4-4-100J4b 4-4-100E5f real estate directional Nonconforming 4-4-100D7 duration 4-4-100J2a Permits number 4-4-100J2c exceptions 4-4-100B6 size 4-4-100J2b fees 4-4-100D1 spacing 4-4-100J2d required 4-4-100B2 requirements 4-4-100J1 Index-14 Street standards residential open house Aquifer protection areas 4-9-200E6 hours of display 4-4-100J3b Circulation,access 4-9-200E4 number,type 4-4-100J3a Decision criteria 4-9-200E1 size 4-4-100J3c Exemptions size, height 4-4-100J6b all zones 4-9-200C1 Under marquee signs permitted where 4-4-100E5c R-10, R-14 zones 4-9-200C2 Variances 4-4-100S Expiration, extension of approval 4-9-200J Violations Hazardous waste treatment,storage facilities 4-9-200E7 confiscated signs 4-4-100T4 Hearing 4-9-200D penalties 4-4-100T2 Hearing examiner removal, storage of illegal signs 4-4-100T3 conditions, modifications unlawful 4-4-100T1 acceptance 4-9-200F11 d Site plan approval, master authority 4-9-200F11 c See also Site plan review denial of plan 4-9-200F11 e Appeals limitations on authority 4-9-200F11f administrative decisions 4-9-210N Impacts hearing examiner decisions 4-9-2100 of a proposed site plan to the site 4-9-200E3 Applicability 4-9-210B to surrounding properties, uses 4-9-200E2 Application Major adjustments 4-9-200G contents,decision criteria 4-9-210D Phased projects optional combined 4-9-210E applicability of zoning regulations 4-9-200K4 review, hearing 4-9-210F approval 4-9-200K2 Compatibility, public amenities 4-9-210D2 permitted, application 4-9-200K1 Improvements 4-9-210D1 time limits Individual phases expiration 4-9-200K3 approval specificity required 4-9-200K2 required 4-9-210G Purpose, intent 4-9-200A types designated 4-9-210G3 Signage 4-9-200E5 public notice, comment period 4-9-210G1 Springbrook watershed protection waiver of requirements 4-9-210G2 Legal description 4-3-100B Modifications Map 4-3-100C allowed 4-9-210H Prohibited uses 4-3-100D major 4-9-210H1 Purpose,applicability 4-3-100A minor 4-9-210H2 Sewer, stormwater standards 4-3-100E Plan detail 4-9-210D3 Violation, penalty 4-3-100F Purpose 4-9-210A State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA) See Recognition of existing plans 4-9-210L Environmental review procedures Site-specific development standards 4-9-210D4 Storage lots,outside Submittal requirements,fees 4-9-210C See also under Zoning Time requirements Screening extensions 4-9-210J fencing 4-4-120A2 governmental 4-9-210K landscaping 4-4-120A1 nongovernmental required 4-4-120A expiration period 4-9-21012 Surfacing 4-4-120B phased approvals 4-9-21013 Street plan projects over one hundred (100)acres 4-9-21014 Adopted 4-6-050 ten (10) year review hearing 4-9-21014a Street standards validity, duration 4-9-21011 See also Parking, loading,driveway regulations Vesting 4-9-210M Alleys Site plan review access 4-6-060H1 See also Site plan approval, master minimum design standards 4-6-060H2 Appeals 4-9-200L Appeals 4-6-060T Applicability, required where 4-9-200B Applicability 4-6-060C Application Approval of improvements 4-6-060L appeals 4-9-200F9 Authority 4-6-060B generally 4-9-200F1 Construction bond hearing conversion to maintenance bond 4-6-060P3 date 4-9-200F11 a instructions to escrow 4-6-060P2 examiner's decision 4-9-200F11 b required 4-6-060P1 required when 4-9-200F8 Construction plans review notice to applicant 4-9-200F6 cost estimate 4-6-060N3 preapplication conference 4-9-200F2 fees 4-6-060N2 public notice, comment period 4-9-200F4 submittal review,circulation 4-9-200F5 required 4-6-060N1 revisions, modifications 4-9-200F7 requirements 4-6-060N2 submittal requirements,fees 4-9-200F3 Dead ends Approval 4-9-200F10 cul-de-sacs 4-6-060G4 Index- 15 Subdivisions permitted when 4-6-060G1 Conflicts 4-7-010D secondary access 4-6-060G5 Conformance with state regulations 4 7 010E turnaround design 4-6-060G3 Copies to other agencies 4-7-080G types, minimum standards 4-6-060G2 Environmental considerations waivers 4-6-060G6 action not a taking 4-7-130B Design standards purpose 4-7-130A arterial streets 4-6-060F4 streams 4-7-130C3 curves 4-6-060F8 trees 4-7-130C2 downtown core area 4-6-060F9 unsuitable lands 4-7-130C1 grades 4-6-060F5 Exceptions 4-7-040 length of improvements 4-6-060F3 Expiration, extensions 4-7-080L level of improvements 4-6-060F1 Final plat minimum improvements designated 4-6-060F2 application submittal,fees 4-7-110A pavement thickness 4-6-060F6 approval by council 4-7-110C sidewalks 4-6-060F7 copies to other agencies 4-7-110B Exemptions 4-6-060D expiration date 4-7-110F Half street improvements monuments 4-7-110D dedications for completion 4-6-060R2c signing,filing 4-7-110E minimum design standards 4-6-060R2b Health agency recommendation 4-7-080J permitted when 4-6-060R2a Hearing Inspections 4-6-0600 notice 4-7-08012 Latecomer's agreements required 4-7-08011 authorized 4-6-06001 Hillside procedure 4-6-06002 procedures 4-7-220B Lighting standards purpose 4-7-220A average maintained illumination 4-6-06011 standards guidelines 4-6-06013 application information 4-7-220C1 uniformity ratios 4-6-06012 erosion control requirements 4-7-22005 Plan drafting, surveying standards 4-6-060M grading 4-7-220C2 Private streets lots 4-7-220C4 easement 4-6-060J4 streets 4-7-220C3 installation prior to plat recording 4-6-060J5 Improvements minimum standards 4-6-060J2 inspection, acceptance 4-7-100B permitted when 4-6-060J1 permits 4-7-100C signs 4-6-060J3 prior to final submittal 4-7-100D Purpose 4-6-060A required 4-7-100A Right-of-way dedications Industrial,commercial blocks, lots 4-7-180 amount 4-6-060E2 corners at intersections 4-7-180A reduced side lot lines 4-7-180C additional easements 4-6-060R3b size,orientation 4-7-180B permitted when 4-6-060R3a Lot line adjustments required 4-6-060E1 expiration period 4-7-060H waiver 4-6-060E3 fees 4-7-060D Shared driveways 4-6-060K principles of acceptability 4-7-060B Violations, penalties 4-6-060U purpose 4-7-060A Subdivisions recording 4-7-060F Administration, authority review,decision 4-7-060E administrator 4-7-020B submittal requirements 4-7-060C city council 4-7-020D transfer of title 4-7-060G hearing examiner 4-7-020C Monuments 4-7-210A planning/building/public works department 4-7-020A Notification Annexations with preliminary plat approval 4-7-090 other jurisdictions 4-7-030A density requirements 4-7-090B1 state highways 4-7-030B expiration date 4-7-090C Parks, open space 4-7-140 final plat procedures 4-7-090E Preapplication meeting findings 4-7-090B procedures 4-7-080D improvements required 4-7-050A bonding option 4-7-090D Preliminary plat public works 4-7-090B2 application 4-7-080E staff review 4-7-090A meeting 4-7-080F Application procedures 4-7-050D Principles of acceptability 4-7-080B lot line adjustment 4-7-050B Public use, service areas 4-7-190 short subdivisions 4-7-050C community assets 4-7-190B City council action 4-7-080K utility easements 4-7-190A Compatibility with existing land use, plan Purpose 4-7-010B,4-7-080A streets 4-7-120A,4-7-120B Residential blocks trails 4-7-120C walkways,crosswalks 4-7-160B Index- 16 System development charges width 4-7-160A Supervision for outdoor pools 4-5-110F Residential lots Violations, penalties 4-5-110B access requirements 4-7-170B System development charges arrangement 4-7-170A Sanitary sewer fees corners at intersections 4-7-170E calculation 4-1-18012b(xi) pipestem 4-7-170F city-owned properties 4-1-1 8012b(ix) size 4-7-170C definitions 4-1-1 8012b(vii) width 4-7-170D due upon sale 4-1-18012b(vi) Scope 4-7-010C1, 4-7-080C exemptions 4-1-18012b(x) Segregations fund, method of payment 4-1-18012a approval required 4-7-010C2 imposed 4-1-18012b calculation 4-7-010C2a mobile/manufactured homes 4-1-18012b(ii) Short subdivisions multi-family 4-1-18012b(iii) administrative guidelines 4-7-0700 other properties 4-1-18012b(iv) appeal 4-7-0701 partial payment 4-1-18012b(xiv) copies to other agencies 4-7-070F payment 4-1-18012b(v) expiration period 4-7-070M segregation criteria, rules 4-1-18012b(xiii) improvements required 4-7-070J single family 4-1-18012b(i) limitations 4-7-070N temporary connections 4-1-18012b(viii) preapplication plan review 4-7-070D wetlands 4-1-18012b(xii) principles of acceptability 4-7-070B Surface water fees public notice 4-7-070G amount designated 4-1-18011 purpose 4-7-070A calculation 4-1-18013b(ix) review,decision 4-7-070H city-owned properties 4-1-1 8013b(vii) scope 4-7-070C credit 4-1-18013c short plat map date due 4-1-18013b(iv) filing process 4-7-070L definitions 4-1-1 8013b(v) submittal requirements 4-7-070K exemptions 4-1-18013b(viii) submittal requirements 4-7-070E fund, method of payment 4-1-1 8013a Street name signs 4-7-210C imposed 4-1-1 8013b Street requirements inspection, approval 4-1-18013b(xiv) alignment 4-7-150D latecomer's agreement request 4-1-18013b(xiii) arterials, intersections 4-7-150C other properties 4-1-18013b(ii) exceptions 4-7-150E3 permit issuance 4-1-18013b(iii) extensions, dedications 4-7-150G regional improvements 4-1-18013b(xii) flexible grid pattern 4-7-150E1 residence, mobile home 4-1-18013b(i) linkages 4-7-150E2 segregation criteria 4-1-18013b(xi) names 4-7-150B temporary connections 4-1-18013b(vi) relationship to existing system 4-7-150A wetlands 4-1-18013b(x) rights-of-way improvements 4-7-150F Wastewater fees Survey standards 4-7-210B amount designated 4-1-18011 Time limitation for approval 4-7-080H Water fees Title 4-7-010A amount designated 4-1-18011 Utilities installation calculation 4-1-18014b(xv) cable TV conduits 4-7-200E city-owned systems 4-1-18014b(xiii) latecomer's agreements 4-7-200F credit 4-1-1 8014c sanitary sewers 4-7-200A definitions 4-1-18014b(vii) storm drainage 4-7-200B due date 4-1-18014b(v) underground utilities 4-7-200D exemptions 4-1-18014b(xiv) water system 4-7-200C fire protection improvement credit 4-1-1 8014b(x) Variances 4-7-230 fund, method of payment 4-1-18014a Violations imposed 4-1-18014b enforcement, costs 4-7-240C meter injunctions 4-7-240B equivalencies 4-1-1 8014b(ix) penalties 4-7-240A installation 4-1-18014b(xii) Surface water See Drainage standards mobile/manufactured homes 4-1-1 8014b(ii) Swimming pool code multi-family 4-1-18014b(iii) See also Building code other properties 4-1-18014b(iv) Adopted 4-5-110A redevelopment credit 4-1-18014b(viii) Board of appeals 4-5-110G segregation Fencing by plat, short plat 4-1-1 8014b(xvii) compliance 4-5-110C3 criteria 4-1-18014b(xviii) height, construction standards 4-5-110C1 single family 4-1-18014b(i) self-closing device, lock required 4-5-110C2 temporary connections 4-1-18014b(xi) Modifications 4-5-110D upon sale 4-1-18014b(vi) Section 1.7 amended 4-5-110B wetlands 4-1-18014b(xvi) Setbacks 4-5-110E Index-17 Temporary use permits T application submittal 4-4-130F1 denial, conditions 4-4-1301 Temporary use permits on undeveloped land 4-4-13005, 4-4-130H1 Approval conditions 4-9-2401 period of review 4-4-130F2 Compliance with fire, building codes 4-9-240J process 4-4-130F Decision criteria 4-9-240H use of mechanical equipment 4-4-13006, Expiration, extension 4-9-240K 4-4-130H2 Permitted uses 4-9-240C validity,extension 4-4-130J Public notice, comment period 4-9-240E Plan required 4-4-130E1 Purpose 4-9-240A Prohibited activities 4-4-130C1 Removal of evidence of use 4-9-240L Purpose 4-4-130A Review, approval 4-9-240G Replacement 4-4-130M4 Revocation 4-9-240N Restoration 4-4-130M3 Security required 4-9-240M Routine vegetation management Submittal requirements,fees 4-9-240D See also under Permit Waiver of requirements,fees 4-9-240F sensitive areas restrictions Timber lands See Open space,agricultural,timber steep slopes, erosion hazard areas 4-4-130H3a lands wetlands,shorelines,creeks,streams 4-4-130H3b Transportation concurrency requirements Sensitive areas restrictions 4-4-130C4 Appeal of project application denial 4-6-070H Standards 4-4-130E2 Applicability 4-6-070C1 Stop work 4-4-130M5 Authority,purpose 4-6-070A Variances 4-4-130L Capacity inquiry 4-6-0701 Violations Definitions 4-6-070B liability for damage 4-4-130M2 Exemptions 4-6-070C2 penalties 4-4-130M1 Reconsideration of test authorized, request 4-6-070G2 U notification 4-6-070G1 options to achieve 4-6-070G4 Underground storage tank secondary containment suspension of time limit 4-6-070G5 regulations timing 4-6-070G3 Abandonment 4-5-120J3 Review process Appeals 4-5-1200 test Applicability 4-5-120D failure 4-6-070D3 Closure requirements required 4-6-070D1 exception 4-5-120L2 written finding 4-6-070D2 fire code compliance 4-5-120L3a Written finding permanent expiration 4-6-070F applicability 4-5-120L5a transferability 4-6-070E compliance 4-5-120L5b Tree cutting, land clearing demonstration to fire chief 4-5-120L5e See also Landscaping standards, requirements for tank abandonment Allowed activities 4-4-130C2 4-5-120L5d Authority 4-4-130B standards, requirements for tank removal Exemptions 4-5-120L5c dead,diseased trees 4-4-130D2 proposal 4-5-120L3b emergencies 4-4-130D1 required 4-5-120L1 utilities 4-4-130D3,4-4-130D4 temporary Land development permit standards applicability 4-5-120L4a additional requirements 4-4-130K6 exception 4-5-120L4b clear cutting prohibition 4-4-130K1 inspection 4-5-120L4e native growth protection easements modification of monitoring 4-5-120L4d established 4-4-130K3a standards, requirements 4-5-120L4c recording 4-4-130K3b Compliance with fire code 4-5-120C use restrictions 4-4-130K3c Definitions 4-5-120G protection measures during construction 4-4-130K7 Exclusions 4-5-120E sensitive areas restrictions Existing installations creeks,streams, lakes, shorelines 4-4-130K5a aquifer protection area zone 1 requirements 4-5-12013 wetlands 4-4-130K5b continuation 4-5-12011 timing 4-4-130K4 failure to monitor 4-5-12017 tree cutting plan leaks 4-5-12012 content 4-4-130Kb monitoring standards required when 4-4-130Ka fire department approval 4-5-12014c tree preservation 4-4-130K2 objective 4-5-12014b Landscaping,gardening permitted 4-4-130C3 system required 4-5-12014a Permit system requirements 4-5-12014d for improvements 4-4-13007 system evaluation criteria 4-5-12015 routine vegetation management tests 4-5-12016 application contents 4-4-130G Fire chief,department authority, responsibility 4-5-120F Index-18 Variances Inspections,compliance 4-5-120F wastewater 4-1-180C2 Intent 4-5-120B water 4-1-180C1 New facilities work in right-of-way 4-1-180C4 monitoring program 4-5-120H5 Public works plan review, inspection 4-1-180B response plan Special assessment district charges content 4-5-120H6b applicability 4-1-180F1 required 4-5-120H6a exemptions standards 4-5-120H2 release of properties 4-1-180F2d Permits relief 4-1-180F2b 4-1-180F2c closure procedure 4-5-120J4 segregation 4-1-180F2a conditions Street, alley vacations 4-1-180G monitoring records 4-5-120J6b Street, utility plan review, inspection 4-1-180B1 notification of changes, release 4-5-120J6a Temporary surface water connections 4-1-180H expiration 4-5-120J7 Water meter installation fee 4-5-120J5 by applicant 4-1-180B3 implementation plan 4-5-120J10 by city 4-1-180B2 information required 4-5-120J2 Utility lines underground installation inspection 4-5-120J9 Applicability 4-6-090B required 4-5-120J1 As-built transferability 4-5-120J8 drawings 4-6-090G7 Purpose 4-5-120A plans 4-6-090G6 Reimbursement of costs 4-5-120N Conversion from above-ground service Release reporting business centers, industrial areas 4-6-090E2a cleanup reports 4-5-120K4 costs 4-6-090F other releases 4-5-120K1b disconnection recording required applicability of provisions 4-6-090E3g content of report 4-5-120K2c decision 4-6-090E3f permit revocation 4-5-120K2e due to failure 4-6-090E3b reportable when 4-5-120K2g hearing 4-6-090E3d 4-6-090E3e review, inspection 4-5-120K2d objections,filing 4-6-090E3c secondary container deterioration 4-5-120K2f notice 4-6-090E3a time limits 4-5-120K2b property abutting underground project 4-6-090E3 release requiring recording defined 4-5-120K2a required when 4-6-090E2 releases to secondary containers 4-5-120K1a retail business,public facilities 4-6-090E2b required 4-5-120K1 time limits 4-6-090E2 time limits Definitions 4-6-090D notification 4-5-120K3a Design standards report, contents 4-5-120K3b above-ground installation 4-6-090H7 Standards applicability 4-6-090H1 applicability 4-5-120H1 coordination with other facilities 4-6-090H2 primary containers, double-walled storage tanks grading of streets 4-6-090H5 4-5-120H3 joint trenches 4-6-090H6f secondary containers 4-5-120H4 authorized 4-6-090H6a Variances 4-5-120M notice 4-6-090H6d Violations, penalties 4-5-120N notice to utilities not involved 4-6-090H6e Uniform codes owner responsibility 4-6-090H6c See also Specific Code permit issuance delay 4-6-090H6b 4-6-090H6f Adopted 4-5-010A street lighting 4-6-090H3 Amendments 4-5-010B wheel load requirements 4-6-090H4 City clerk authority,duties 4-5-020C Exemptions 4-6-090C Copies on file 4-5-020C Permits Utility extensions inspection fees 4-6-090G4 Across full width of property overhead 4-6-090G2 required 4-6-010B overhead pole lines 4-6-090G3 sanitary sewer exception 4-6-010B1 prior screening, setback approval 4-6-090G5 Construction standards, conditions 4-6-010A underground 4-6-090G1 Oversizing 4-6-010C Purpose 4-6-090A Utility fees Right-of-way dedications, easements 4-6-090E1 c See also System development charges Service Easements 4-1-180D extensions, rebuilds 4-6-090E1b Excess right-of-way use 4-1-180E new 4-6-090E1a Latecomer's Variances 4-6-0901 authorized,designated 4-1-180A1 segregation, relief 4-1-180A2 V Public works construction permit Variances franchise work in right-of-way 4-1-18005 Application surface water 4-1-180C3 decision criteria 4-9-250B5 Index-19 Violations filing 4-9-250B2 designated 4-3-110F1 public notice, comment period 4-9-250B4 request for determination 4-3-110F3 submittal requirements,fees 4-9-250B3 Applicability of lands Authority,applicability maps, inventory 4-3-110E1 administrative 4-9-250B1c study required 4-3-110E2 board of adjustment 4-9-250B1b Assessment relief hearing examiner 4-9-250B1 a city 4-3-110W2 Board of adjustment findings,decision King County 4-3-110W1 announcement 4-9-250B8a Authority to adopt procedures 4-3-110A3 notice 4-9-250B8b Buffers record 4-9-250B8d defined, purpose 4-3-110J1 Conditions of approval 4-9-250B9 measurement 4-3-110J3 Expiration 4-9-250B11 required 4-3-110J2 Extension 4-9-250B12 zone widths Hearing, continuation 4-9-250B7 averaging 4-3-110J7 Purpose 4-9-250A1 increased when 4-3-110J5 Violations reduction 4-3-110J6 Penalties 4-1-110B standard 4-3-110J4 Unlawful 4-1-110A Classification system 4-3-1101 high quality 4-3-11012 lower quality 4-3-11013 Waiver procedures very high quality 4-3-11011 Application, fee 4-9-250C3 Compensation Street improvements cooperative projects authority 4 9 250C2 applicability 4-3-110M11c decision criteria 4-9-25005 process 4 3 110M11d Water service standards creation See also Cross connections;Sanitary sewer acreage replacement ratio 4 3 110M4c standards category 4-3-110M4a Compliance 4 6 080A decreased ratios 4-3-110M4e Connection design criteria 4-3-110M4b alternate service 4-6-080E increased ratios 4 3 110M4d failure 4 6 080C1c replacement option 4-3-110M4f notice 4-6-080C1b goal 4 3 110M1 prior to street paving 4-6-080C1 a impacts separate service 4 6 080D acceptable mitigation 4-3-110D2a to water main 4 6 080C restoration, creation 4-3-110D2b without permission 4-6-080B mitigation banks 4 3 110M11 a Meter mitigation plans removal, re-installation 4-6-080J content 4 3 110M12c size 4-6-0801 contingency plan 4-3-110M12g Pipe requirements demonstration of competence 4-3-110M12i conformance 4 6 080H6 monitoring program 4-3-110M12f installation depth 4 6 080H3 performance standards 4-3-110M12d materials 4 6 080H1 permit conditions 4-3-110M12h pressure tolerance 4-6-080H4 required 4 3 110M12a size 4 6 080H2 techniques, plans 4-3-110M12e sterilization 4 6 080H5 timing for submittal 4-3-110M12b 4-3-110M12j Reporting responsibility to utilities engineer 4-6-080A1 off site 4 3 110M8 Responsibility of utilities engineer 4-6-080C1 on site 4 3 110M7 Stub service installation 4-6-080K payments 4 3 110M11e Supervision of extensions 4-6-080G plan Use for construction purposes 4-6-080F required 4 3 110M2 Wetlands requirements 4-3-110M3 See also Environmental review procedures; restoration Environmentally sensitive areas compliance 4 3 110M5b Abrogation, greater restrictions 4-3-110D3 proposals 4 3 110M5a Administrator duties,authority 4-3-110C1 ratios 4 3 110M5c Allowed, regulated activities siting recommendations 4-3-110M9 additional 4 3 110K2 special area management programs 4-3-110M11b designated 4-3-110K1 timing 4 3 110M10 prohibited 4 3 110K3 vegetation type 4-3-110M6 Alteration discouraged 4-3-110A2 Defined 4 3 110H1 Amendments 4-3-110Z Delineation of edge Appeals 4 3 110X adjustments 4-3-110H3 Applicability of activities period of validity 4-3-110H4 affected permits 4-3-110F2 Index-20 Zoning Densities Compliance with federal act 4-4-140E limited density credit transfer 4-3-110S1 Equipment shelters,cabinets 4-4-140F1 on-site density credit transfer 4-3-110S2 Exemptions 4-4-140C substandard lots 4-3-110S3 Fencing 4-4-140F5 Determination of regulatory edge 4-3-110H2 Goals 4-4-140B Exemptions Lattice towers See specific types under Standards activities 4-3-110G1 Lighting 4-4-1 40F6 certificate required 4-3-110G2 Macro, micro, mini facility See specific types under generally 4-3-110G3 Standards Findings of fact 4-3-110A1 Monopoles See specific types under Standards Intent, scope 4-3-110D1 Noise levels 4-4-140F4 Interpretation, enforcement of rules, regulations Obsolescence 4-4-1401 4-3-110C2 Permit limitations Management tracts compliance with federal standards 4-4-140K2 defined, purpose 4-3-110T2 maintenance 4-4-140K1 fencing 4-3-110T8 notice of change of ownership 4-4-140K3 maintenance Purpose 4-4-140A note required 4-3-110T6 Radio frequency standards 4-4-140F9 responsibility 4-3-110T5 Screening of accessory equipment 4-4-140F3 marking during construction 4-3-110T4 Standards protection 4-3-110T3 all types 4-4-140F required 4-3-110T1 specific types 4-4-140G signage 4-3-110T7 antenna projection 4-4-140G Minimum requirements 4-3-110C3 color 4-4-140G Modifications height, area 4-4-140G applicability 4-3-110N1 landscaping 4-4-140G review criteria 4-3-110N2 location on buildings 4-4-140G Nonconforming activities, continuation 4-3-110U Visual impact 4-4-140F2 Nuisance declaration 4-3-110Y4 Permit Z required 4-3-110D1 Zoning suspension, revocation 4-3-110Y5 Abrasive products manufacturing,assembly Policy, purpose 4-3-110B IH zone 4-2-070R Review procedures permitted where 4-2-060J applicability 4-3-110L1 Access permit approval 4-3-110L6 manufactured homes, parks 4-2-110C plans required 4-3-110L3 Accessory buildings preapplication consultation 4-3-110L2 permitted where 4-2-060B submittal requirements 4-3-110L4 R-1 zone 4-2-070B waiver of requirements 4-3-110L7 R-5 zone 4-2-070C Surety devices required R-8 zone 4-2-070D maintenance 4-3-110R2 R-10 zone 4-2-070F performance 4-3-110R1 R-14 zone 4-2-070G Temporary emergency permit RC zone 4-2-070A purpose, review authority 4-3-110V1 RM zone 4-2-070H review process,timing 4-3-110V2 RMH zone 4-2-070E Tests of compliance 4-3-110Y6 Accessory dwelling units,family housing Variance procedures permitted where 4-2-060B additional criteria 4-3-11005 RC zone 4-2-070A applicability 4-3-11001 Accessory structures application submittal 4-3-110Q2 detached, residential zones 4-2-110B,4-2-110G conditions 4-3-11006 IH zone 4-2-070R review IL zone 4-2-070P authority 4-3-110Q3 IM zone 4-2-070Q criteria 4-3-1 1 004 permitted where 4-2-060K Violations,penalties 4-3-110Y primary, attached, residential zones 4-2-110A, Waivers 4-3-1100 4-2-110F Wireless communication facilities Accessory uses Advertising 4-4-140F7 CA zone 4-2-070L Airport restrictions 4-4-140H CC zone 4-2-0701 Authority 4-4-140D CD zone 4-2-070M Building standards 4-4-140F8 CN zone 4-2-070J Collocation CO zone 4-2-070N efforts COR zone 4-2-0700 cooperation 4-4-140J2 CS zone 4-2-070K reasonable 4-4-140J3 established 4-2-050A evaluation of existing support structures 4-4-140J1 IH zone 4-2-070R Index-21 Zoning IL zone 4-2-070P CO zone 4-2-070N IM zone 4-2-070Q COR zone 4-2-0700 P-1 zone 4-2-090A2 CS zone 4-2-070K R-1 zone 4-2-070B IH zone 4-2-070R R-5 zone 4-2-070C IL zone 4-2-070P R-8 zone 4-2-070D IM zone 4-2-0700 R-10 zone 4-2-070F permitted where 4-2-060G R-14 zone 4-2-070G R-1 zone 4-2-070B RC zone 4-2-070A R-5 zone 4-2-070C RM zone 4-2-070H R-8 zone 4-2-070D RMH zone 4-2-070E R-10 zone 4-2-070F table 4-2-060 R-14 zone 4-2-070G Additional restrictions 4-2-010D RC zone 4-2-070A Administrative headquarters RM zone 4-2-070H CD zone 4-2-070M RMH zone 4-2-070E CO zone 4-2-070N II, residential COR zone 4-2-0700 CA zone 4-2-070L IH zone 4-2-070R CC zone 4-2-0701 IL zone 4-2-070P CD zone 4-2-070M IM zone 4-2-070Q CN zone 4-2-070J permitted where 4-2-060F CO zone 4-2-070N Adult day care COR zone 4-2-0700 I, nonresidential CS zone 4-2-070K CA zone 4-2-070L IH zone 4-2-070R CC zone 4-2-0701 IL zone 4-2-070P CD zone 4-2-070M IM zone 4-2-070Q CN zone 4-2-070J permitted where 4-2-060G CO zone 4-2-070N R-1 zone 4-2-070B COR zone 4-2-0700 R-5 zone 4-2-070C CS zone 4-2-070K R-8 zone 4-2-070D IH zone 4-2-070R R-10 zone 4-2-070F IL zone 4-2-070P R-14 zone 4-2-070G IM zone 4-2-070Q RC zone 4-2-070A permitted where 4-2-060G RM zone 4-2-070H R-1 zone 4-2-070B RMH zone 4-2-070E R-5 zone 4-2-070C off-street parking 4-4-080F10e R-8 zone 4-2-070D Adult entertainment business R-10 zone 4-2-070F CA zone 4-2-070L R-14 zone 4-2-070G CD zone 4-2-070M RC zone 4-2-070A CN zone 4-2-070J RM zone 4-2-070H CO zone 4-2-070N RMH zone 4-2-070E CS zone 4-2-070K I, residential IH zone 4-2-070R CA zone 4-2-070L IL zone 4-2-070P CC zone 4-2-0701 IM zone 4-2-070Q CD zone 4-2-070M permitted where 4-2-060E CN zone 4-2-070J Adult family home CO zone 4-2-070N CD zone 4-2-070M COR zone 4-2-0700 CN zone 4-2-070J CS zone 4-2-070K CS zone 4-2-070K IH zone 4-2-070R permitted where 4-2-060B IL zone 4-2-070P R-1 zone 4-2-070B IM zone 4-2-0700 R-5 zone 4-2-070C permitted where 4-2-060G R-8 zone 4-2-070D R-1 zone 4-2-070B R-10 zone 4-2-070F R-5 zone 4-2-070C R-14 zone 4-2-070G R-8 zone 4-2-070D RC zone 4-2-070A R-10 zone 4-2-070F RM zone 4-2-070H R-14 zone 4-2-070G RMH zone 4-2-070E RC zone 4-2-070A Adult motion picture studios RM zone 4-2-070H CD zone 4-2-070M RMH zone 4-2-070E CN zone 4-2-070J II, nonresidential CS zone 4-2-070K CA zone 4-2-070L permitted where 4-2-060E CC zone 4-2-0701 Adult motion picture theaters CD zone 4-2-070M CA zone 4-2-070L CN zone 4-2-070J CD zone 4-2-070M Index-22 Zoning permitted where 4-2-060E CC zone 4-2-0701 Agricultural accessory buildings CD zone 4-2-070M permitted where 4-2-060A CN zone 4-2-070J RC zone 4-2-070A CS zone 4-2-070K Agricultural/animal support buildings permitted where 4-2-060K permitted where 4-2-060B Apparel, other textile products manufacturing,assembly RC zone 4-2-070A IL zone 4-2-070P Agricultural crop sales IM zone 4-2-070Q IM zone 4-2-070Q permitted where 4-2-060J permitted where 4-2-060A,4-2-060D Appliance sales Airplane hangars, tie-down areas CA zone 4-2-070L off-street parking 4-4-080F10e CD zone 4-2-070M Airplane manufacturing, assembly CN zone 4-2-070J IH zone 4-2-070R CS zone 4-2-070K permitted where 4-2-060J permitted where 4-2-060C Airplane sales, repair Art galleries sales IH zone 4-2-070R permitted where 4-2-060C permitted where 4-2-060H RM zone 4-2-070H Amusement arcades Arterial commercial zone See CA zone CA zone 4-2-070L Asphalt plants manufacturing, assembly CD zone 4-2-070M IH zone 4-2-070R CN zone 4-2-070J permitted where 4-2-060J CS zone 4-2-070K Auction houses permitted where 4-2-060E CA zone 4-2-070L Amusement parks IL zone 4-2-070P CA zone 4-2-070L IM zone 4-2-0700 permitted where 4-2-060E permitted where 4-2-060G Animal husbandry Auditoriums,stadiums greater number than allowed off-street parking 4-4-080F10e permitted where 4-2-060A Automobile R-1 zone 4-2-070B dealership support uses R-5 zone 4-2-070C CA zone 4-2-070L R-8 zone 4-2-070D permitted where 4-2-060H R-10 zone 4-2-070F impoundment yard RC zone 4-2-070A IH zone 4-2-070R large IM zone 4-2-070Q permitted where 4-2-060A permitted where 4-2-060H R-1 zone 4-2-070B leasing R-5 zone 4-2-070C CA zone 4-2-070L R-8 zone 4-2-070D CN zone 4-2-070J R-10 zone 4-2-070F permitted where 4-2-060H RC zone 4-2-070A manufacturing,assembly medium IH zone 4-2-070R permitted where 4-2-060A permitted where 4-2-060J R-1 zone 4-2-070B rental R-5 zone 4-2-070C CA zone 4-2-070L R-8 zone 4-2-070D IL zone 4-2-070P R-10 zone 4-2-070F IM zone 4-2-070Q RC zone 4-2-070A permitted where 4-2-060H small sales permitted where 4-2-060A CA zone 4-2-070L R-1 zone 4-2-070B IH zone 4-2-070R R-5 zone 4-2-070C IL zone 4-2-070P R-8 zone 4-2-070D IM zone 4-2-070Q R-10 zone 4-2-070F permitted where 4-2-060H RC zone 4-2-070A supplies sales Apartment houses CA zone 4-2-070L off-street parking 4-4-080F10e CD zone 4-2-070M Apparel and accessories sales CN zone 4-2-070J CA zone 4-2-070L CS zone 4-2-070K CD zone 4-2-070M permitted where 4-2-060C CN zone 4-2-070J wrecking yard COR zone 4-2-0700 IH zone 4-2-070R CS zone 4-2-070K IM zone 4-2-070Q permitted where 4-2-060C permitted where 4-2-060H Apparel,fabric, leather goods fabrication Bakeries CA zone 4-2-070L off-street parking 4-4-080F10e Index-23 Zoning Banks Botanical gardens off-street parking 4-4-080F10e permitted where 4-2-060A Barber shops RC zone 4-2-070A CA zone 4-2-070L Bowling alleys (centers) CC zone 4-2-0701 CA zone 4-2-070L CD zone 4-2-070M CD zone 4-2-070M COR zone 4-2-0700 CS zone 4-2-070K permitted where 4-2-060G off-street parking 4-4-080F10e Beauty shops permitted where 4-2-060E CA zone 4-2-070L Breweries CC zone 4-2-0701 IH zone 4-2-070R CD zone 4-2-070M IL zone 4-2-070P COR zone 4-2-0700 IM zone 4-2-0700 permitted where 4-2-060G permitted where 4-2-060J Bed and breakfast houses Brick,tile, terra cotta manufacturing, storage CD zone 4-2-070M IH zone 4-2-070R COR zone 4-2-0700 IM zone 4-2-0700 permitted where 4-2-060B permitted where 4-2-060J R-1 zone 4-2-070B Building, hardware, garden materials sales R-5 zone 4-2-070C CA zone 4-2-070L R-8 zone 4-2-070D CD zone 4-2-070M R-10 zone 4-2-070F CN zone 4-2-070J R-14 zone 4-2-070G CS zone 4-2-070K RC zone 4-2-070A permitted where 4-2-060C RM zone 4-2-070H Buildings Beekeeping coverage permitted where 4-2-060A manufactured homes, parks 4-2-110C R-1 zone 4-2-070B residential zones 4-2-110A,4-2-110F RC zone 4-2-070A design, residential zones 4-2-110F Bicycles manufacturing, assembly floor area, maximum IM zone 4-2-070Q commercial zones 4-2-120A permitted where 4-2-060J residential zones 4-2-110B Boarding, lodging houses height for wireless communication facilities CD zone 4-2-070M manufactured homes, parks 4-2-110C COR zone 4-2-0700 residential zones 4-2-110A CS zone 4-2-070K height, maximum off-street parking 4-4-080F10e commercial zones 4-2-120A,4-2-120B permitted where 4-2-060B industrial zones 4-2-130A RM zone 4-2-070H manufactured homes, parks 4-2-110C Boat residential zones 4-2-110A,4-2-110B,4-2-110F, leasing 4-2-110G CA zone 4-2-070L impervious surface area, residential zones 4-2-110F permitted where 4-2-060H location, bulk manufacturing,assembly commercial zones 4-2-120A,4-2-120B IH zone 4-2-070R residential zones 4-2-110F,4-2-110G permitted where 4-2-060J number of stories rental manufactured homes, parks 4-2-110C CA zone 4-2-070L residential zones 4-2-110A, 4-2-110F,4-2-110G permitted where 4-2-060H number, size, residential zones 4-2-110B,4-2-110G sales orientation,commercial zones 4-2-120A CA zone 4-2-070L project size, residential zones 4-2-110F IH zone 4-2-070R residential zones 4-2-110F permitted where 4-2-060H Bulk retail outlet sales Body shops IH zone 4-2-070R CA zone 4-2-070L IL zone 4-2-070P IH zone 4-2-070R IM zone 4-2-0700 IL zone 4-2-070P permitted where 4-2-060C IM zone 4-2-070Q Bulk standards See Miscellaneous uses, modifications permitted where 4-2-060H Bulk storage Books, music, stationery,art supply sales CD zone 4-2-070M CA zone 4-2-070L exceeding minimum area requirements CD zone 4-2-070M CD zone 4-2-070M CN zone 4-2-070J permitted where 4-2-0601 COR zone 4-2-0700 permitted where 4-2-0601 CS zone 4-2-070K Business offices permitted where 4-2-060C CD zone 4-2-070M COR zone 4-2-0700 Index-24 Zoning off-street parking 4-4-080F10e COR zone 4-2-0700 permitted where 4-2-060F CS zone 4-2-070K Business, professional schools IH zone 4-2-070R CA zone 4-2-070L IL zone 4-2-070P CD zone 4-2-070M IM zone 4-2-070Q CO zone 4-2-070N permitted where 4-2-060G COR zone 4-2-0700 R-1 zone 4-2-070B permitted where 4-2-060M R-5 zone 4-2-070C Business services R-8 zone 4-2-070D CA zone 4-2-070L R-10 zone 4-2-070F CD zone 4-2-070M R-14 zone 4-2-070G CO zone 4-2-070N RC zone 4-2-070A CS zone 4-2-070K RM zone 4-2-070H IM zone 4-2-070Q RMH zone 4-2-070E permitted where 4-2-060G Center downtown zone See CD zone Bus terminals,taxi headquarters Center neighborhood zone See CN zone CA zone 4-2-070L Center office residential zone See COR 1,COR 2 zone permitted where 4-2-060H Center suburban zone See CS zone CA zone Chemicals,allied products manufacturing,assembly purpose, intent 4-2-020M IH zone 4-2-070R use tables 4-2-060,4-2-070L permitted where 4-2-060J Cabins Child day care off-street parking 4-4-080F10e off-street parking 4-4-080F10e Canneries Christmas tree sales off-street parking 4-4-080F10e permitted where 4-2-060A Car washes RC zone 4-2-070A CA zone 4-2-070L Churches,synagogues,temples CC zone 4-2-0701 CA zone 4-2-070L CN zone 4-2-070J CC zone 4-2-0701 COR zone 4-2-0700 CD zone 4-2-070M CS zone 4-2-070K CN zone 4-2-070J IH zone 4-2-070R CO zone 4-2-070N IL zone 4-2-070P COR zone 4-2-0700 IM zone 4-2-070Q CS zone 4-2-070K permitted where 4-2-060H IH zone 4-2-070R Card rooms IL zone 4-2-070P CA zone 4-2-070L IM zone 4-2-0700 CC zone 4-2-0701 off-street parking 4-4-080F10e CD zone 4-2-070M permitted where 4-2-060L CO zone 4-2-070N R-1 zone 4-2-070B CS zone 4-2-070K R-5 zone 4-2-070C IH zone 4-2-070R R-8 zone 4-2-070D IL zone 4-2-070P R-10 zone 4-2-070F IM zone 4-2-070Q R-14 zone 4-2-070G permitted where 4-2-060E RC zone 4-2-070A Caretaker's residence RM zone 4-2-070H IH zone 4-2-070R RMH zone 4-2-070E IL zone 4-2-070P Circulation See Development standards IM zone 4-2-070Q Clay products manufacturing, assembly permitted where 4-2-060K IH zone 4-2-070R Categories,types established 4-2-050A permitted where 4-2-060J CC zone CN zone purpose, intent 4-2-020J purpose, intent 4-2-020K use tables 4-2-060,4-2-0701 use tables 4-2-060,4-2-070J CD zone CO zone purpose, intent 4-2-020N purpose, intent 4-2-0200 use tables 4-2-060,4-2-070M use tables 4-2-060,4-2-070N Cement, lime, gypsum manufacturing Coal yards sales IH zone 4-2-070R IH zone 4-2-070R IM zone 4-2-070Q IM zone 4-2-0700 permitted where 4-2-060J permitted where 4-2-060C Cemetery, crematory,columbarium, mausoleum Coating, engraving, allied services manufacturing, CA zone 4-2-070L assembly CC zone 4-2-0701 IH zone 4-2-070R CD zone 4-2-070M IM zone 4-2-070Q CN zone 4-2-070J permitted where 4-2-060J CO zone 4-2-070N Index-25 Zoning Colleges, universities CC zone 4-2-0701 off-street parking 4-4-080F10e CD zone 4-2-070M Commercial activities CN zone 4-2-070J off-street parking 4-4-080F10e CO zone 4-2-070N Commercial laundries COR zone 4-2-0700 CD zone 4-2-070M CS zone 4-2-070K IL zone 4-2-070P established 4-2-050A IM zone 4-2-070Q hearing examiner,established 4-2-050A permitted where 4-2-060G IH zone 4-2-070R Commercial office zone See CO zone IL zone 4-2-070P Communications broadcast, relay towers IM zone 4-2-070Q CA zone 4-2-070L P-1 zone 4-2-090A3 CC zone 4-2-0701 R-1 zone 4-2-070B CD zone 4-2-070M R-5 zone 4-2-070C CN zone 4-2-070J R-8 zone 4-2-070D CO zone 4-2-070N R-10 zone 4-2-070F COR zone 4-2-0700 R-14 zone 4-2-070G CS zone 4-2-070K RC zone 4-2-070A permitted where 4-2-060L RM zone 4-2-070H Communication services RMH zone 4-2-070E IM zone 4-2-070Q table 4-2-060 permitted where 4-2-060L Construction equipment rental Community facilities IH zone 4-2-070R CA zone 4-2-070L permitted where 4-2-060H CC zone 4-2-0701 Construction office CD zone 4-2-070M IM zone 4-2-070Q CN zone 4-2-070J permitted where 4-2-060J CO zone 4-2-070N Contractor's, manufacturer's representatives COR zone 4-2-0700 IL zone 4-2-070P CS zone 4-2-070K IM zone 4-2-0700 IH zone 4-2-070R permitted where 4-2-060J IL zone 4-2-070P Contractor's office with storage of equipment, materials IM zone 4-2-070Q IH zone 4-2-070R permitted where 4-2-060L IL zone 4-2-070P R-1 zone 4-2-070B permitted where 4-2-060J R-5 zone 4-2-070C Convalescent centers, nursing homes R-8 zone 4-2-070D CA zone 4-2-070L R-10 zone 4-2-070F CD zone 4-2-070M R-14 zone 4-2-070G CN zone 4-2-070J RC zone 4-2-070A CO zone 4-2-070N RM zone 4-2-070H COR zone 4-2-0700 RMH zone 4-2-070E CS zone 4-2-070K Community meeting hall off-street parking 4-4-080F10e permitted where 4-2-060L permitted where 4-2-060G R-14 zone 4-2-070G R-1 zone 4-2-070B Comprehensive plan designations 4-2-010A R-10 zone 4-2-070F Computer,electronics assembly, packaging R-14 zone 4-2-070G CA zone 4-2-070L RC zone 4-2-070A CD zone 4-2-070M RM zone 4-2-070H permitted where 4-2-060J, 4-2-060K Convenience commercial zone See CC zone Computer, office equipment manufacturing, assembly Convenience goods sales IL zone 4-2-070P CO zone 4-2-070N IM zone 4-2-070Q permitted where 4-2-060C permitted where 4-2-060J Convenience market sales Computer services (retail) permitted where 4-2-060C CA zone 4-2-070L R-14 zone 4-2-070G permitted where 4-2-060G COR 1, COR 2 zone Concrete batching plant purpose, intent 4-2-020P IH zone 4-2-070R use tables 4-2-060,4-2-0700 IM zone 4-2-070Q Creameries, bottling establishments permitted where 4-2-060J off-street parking 4-4-080F10e Concrete products manufacturing, assembly CS zone IH zone 4-2-070R purpose, intent 4-2-020L permitted where 4-2-060J use tables 4-2-060, 4-2-070K Conditional uses Dairies administrative, established 4-2-050A permitted where 4-2-060A CA zone 4-2-070L RC zone 4-2-070A Index-26 Zoning Dance halls, cabarets permitted where 4-2-060C CA zone 4-2-070L Dry cleaning plants CD zone 4-2-070M IL zone 4-2-070P CN zone 4-2-070J IM zone 4-2-070Q CS zone 4-2-070K permitted where 4-2-060G off-street parking 4-4-080F10e Dry goods products manufacturing, assembly permitted where 4-2-060E CD zone 4-2-070M Day care centers permitted where 4-2-060J CA zone 4-2-070L Dumpster/recycling collection area CC zone 4-2-0701 residential zones 4-2-110F CD zone 4-2-070M Duplex CO zone 4-2-070N existing legal,permitted where 4-2-060B COR zone 4-2-0700 permitted where 4-2-060B CS zone 4-2-070K R-1 zone 4-2-070B IH zone 4-2-070R R-5 zone 4-2-070C IL zone 4-2-070P R-8 zone 4-2-070D IM zone 4-2-070Q R-10 zone 4-2-070F off-street parking 4-4-080F10e RM zone 4-2-070H permitted where 4-2-060G Dwelling unit mix R-1 zone 4-2-070B residential zones 4-2-110F R-5 zone 4-2-070C Eating,drinking establishment sales R-8 zone 4-2-070D CA zone 4-2-070L R-10 zone 4-2-070F CC zone 4-2-0701 R-14 zone 4-2-070G CD zone 4-2-070M RC zone 4-2-070A CN zone 4-2-070J RM zone 4-2-070H CO zone 4-2-070N RMH zone 4-2-070E COR zone 4-2-0700 Density,area CS zone 4-2-070K housing IH zone 4-2-070R manufactured homes,parks 4-2-110C IL zone 4-2-070P residential zones 4-2-110A,4-2-110F IM zone 4-2-070Q park site area permitted where 4-2-060C manufactured homes,parks 4-2-110C R-14 zone 4-2-070G Department, variety sales Educational institutions CA zone 4-2-070L CA zone 4-2-070L CD zone 4-2-070M CC zone 4-2-0701 CS zone 4-2-070K CD zone 4-2-070M off-street parking 4-4-080F10e CN zone 4-2-070J permitted where 4-2-060C CO zone 4-2-070N Design standards COR zone 4-2-0700 residential zones 4-2-110F CS zone 4-2-070K Development standards IH zone 4-2-070R commercial zones 4-2-120 IL zone 4-2-070P conditions, industrial zones 4-2-130B IM zone 4-2-070Q exceptions, residential zones 4-2-110F,4-2-110G permitted where 4-2-060M illustrations R-1 zone 4-2-070B commercial zones 4-2-120D R-5 zone 4-2-070C multi-family residential zones 4-2-1101 R-8 zone 4-2-070D single family residential zones 4-2-110E R-10 zone 4-2-070F violations, penalties 4-2-140 R-14 zone 4-2-070G Disinfectant manufacturer RC zone 4-2-070A IH zone 4-2-070R RM zone 4-2-070H permitted where 4-2-060J RMH zone 4-2-070E Disposal facilities Electric powered metal recycling plant manufacturing, IH zone 4-2-070R assembly IM zone 4-2-070Q IH zone 4-2-070R permitted where 4-2-060J permitted where 4-2-060J Distilleries Electrical power generation, cogeneration IH zone 4-2-070R CO zone 4-2-070N IL zone 4-2-070P permitted where 4-2-060K IM zone 4-2-0700 Electrical repair permitted where 4-2-060J CA zone 4-2-070L Districts established 4-2-010C CD zone 4-2-070M Drive-in businesses COR zone 4-2-0700 off-street parking 4-4-080F10e CS zone 4-2-070K Drug store sales permitted where 4-2-060G CA zone 4-2-070L Index-27 Zoning Electronics, electrical manufacturing, assembly Fabrics, related supplies sales CA zone 4-2-070L CA zone 4-2-070L CD zone 4-2-070M CD zone 4-2-070M CO zone 4-2-070N CN zone 4-2-070J COR zone 4-2-0700 CS zone 4-2-070K IH zone 4-2-070R permitted where 4-2-060C IL zone 4-2-070P Family day care IM zone 4-2-070Q CA zone 4-2-070L permitted where 4-2-060J CC zone 4-2-0701 Elementary school CD zone 4-2-070M existing CN zone 4-2-070J CA zone 4-2-070L CO zone 4-2-070N CD zone 4-2-070M COR zone 4-2-0700 CN zone 4-2-070J CS zone 4-2-070K COR zone 4-2-0700 permitted where 4-2-060G CS zone 4-2-070K R-1 zone 4-2-070B IL zone 4-2-070P R-5 zone 4-2-070C IM zone 4-2-070Q R-8 zone 4-2-070D permitted where 4-2-060M R-10 zone 4-2-070F R-1 zone 4-2-070B R-14 zone 4-2-070G R-5 zone 4-2-070C RC zone 4-2-070A R-8 zone 4-2-070D RM zone 4-2-070H R-10 zone 4-2-070F RMH zone 4-2-070E RM zone 4-2-070H Farm produce refrigeration,storage RMH zone 4-2-070E IM zone 4-2-070Q new permitted where 4-2-0601 CA zone 4-2-070L Farming CD zone 4-2-070M commercial CN zone 4-2-070J permitted where 4-2-060A COR zone 4-2-0700 RC zone 4-2-070A CS zone 4-2-070K noncommercial IL zone 4-2-070P permitted where 4-2-060A permitted where 4-2-060M R-1 zone 4-2-070B R-1 zone 4-2-070B RC zone 4-2-070A R-5 zone 4-2-070C Feed stores sales R-8 zone 4-2-070D CA zone 4-2-070L R-10 zone 4-2-070F permitted where 4-2-060C R-14 zone 4-2-070G Financial institutions RM zone 4-2-070H CO zone 4-2-070N RMH zone 4-2-070E COR zone 4-2-0700 off-street parking 4-4-080F10e IH zone 4-2-070R Espresso carts,temporary food vendors sales IM zone 4-2-070Q CO zone 4-2-070N permitted where 4-2-060G permitted where 4-2-060C Financial, real estate services Exceptions CA zone 4-2-070L manufactured homes, parks 4-2-110C CD zone 4-2-070M residential zones 4-2-110A, 4-2-110B CN zone 4-2-070J Existing proposed development CS zone 4-2-070K CO zone 4-2-070N permitted where 4-2-060G Explosives storage Firewood sales accessory permitted where 4-2-060A IH zone 4-2-070R RC zone 4-2-070A permitted where 4-2-0601 First floor lobbies, common areas IH zone 4-2-070R CD zone 4-2-070M IM zone 4-2-0700 permitted where 4-2-060B permitted where 4-2-0601 Florist sales Express delivery/hauling, cargo handling CD zone 4-2-070M CS zone 4-2-070K permitted where 4-2-060C IL zone 4-2-070P Flowers, plants,floral supplies sales IM zone 4-2-070Q CA zone 4-2-070L permitted where 4-2-060H CC zone 4-2-0701 Fabricated metal products manufacturing, assembly, CN zone 4-2-070J warehousing CS zone 4-2-070K IH zone 4-2-070R permitted where 4-2-060C IM zone 4-2-070Q Food, kindred products permitted where 4-2-060J manufacturing,assembly IH zone 4-2-070R Index-28 Zoning permitted where 4-2-060J new processing permitted where 4-2-060A IL zone 4-2-070P R-5 zone 4-2-070C IM zone 4-2-070Q R-8 zone 4-2-070D permitted where 4-2-060J R-10 zone 4-2-070F Food preparation R-14 zone 4-2-070G CA zone 4-2-070L RM zone 4-2-070H CC zone 4-2-0701 RMH zone 4-2-070E CD zone 4-2-070M permitted where 4-2-060A CN zone 4-2-070J R-1 zone 4-2-070B CO zone 4-2-070N RC zone 4-2-070A COR zone 4-2-0700 Gasoline service stations CS zone 4-2-070K CA zone 4-2-070L permitted where 4-2-060K CC zone 4-2-0701 Food sales CN zone 4-2-070J CA zone 4-2-070L COR zone 4-2-0700 CD zone 4-2-070M CS zone 4-2-070K CN zone 4-2-070J IH zone 4-2-070R COR zone 4-2-0700 IL zone 4-2-070P CS zone 4-2-070K IM zone 4-2-070Q permitted where 4-2-060C permitted where 4-2-060H Forest products manufacturing,assembly Gatehouse, guardhouse IH zone 4-2-070R IH zone 4-2-070R permitted where 4-2-060J IM zone 4-2-0700 Forging manufacturing, assembly permitted where 4-2-060K IH zone 4-2-070R Glass products manufacturing, assembly permitted where 4-2-060J IH zone 4-2-070R Foundries manufacturing, assembly permitted where 4-2-060J IH zone 4-2-070R Golf course permitted where 4-2-060J existing Fourplex permitted where 4-2-060E permitted where 4-2-060B R-1 zone 4-2-070B R-10 zone 4-2-070F R-5 zone 4-2-070C RM zone 4-2-070H RC zone 4-2-070A Fuel dealers new, public/private IM zone 4-2-070Q permitted where 4-2-060E permitted where 4-2-060D R-1 zone 4-2-070B Fuel yards R-5 zone 4-2-070C IH zone 4-2-070R RC zone 4-2-070A IM zone 4-2-0700 Golf driving ranges permitted where 4-2-060D off-street parking 4-4-080F10e Funeral homes Goods, materials associated with permitted use CA zone 4-2-070L permitted where 4-2-060K CD zone 4-2-070M Government offices,facilities CS zone 4-2-070K CA zone 4-2-070L off-street parking 4-4-080F10e CC zone 4-2-0701 permitted where 4-2-060G CD zone 4-2-070M Furniture sales CN zone 4-2-070J CA zone 4-2-070L CO zone 4-2-070N CD zone 4-2-070M COR zone 4-2-0700 CN zone 4-2-070J CS zone 4-2-070K CS zone 4-2-070K cultural, R-14 zone 4-2-070G permitted where 4-2-060C IH zone 4-2-070R Gambling casinos/games of chance/bingo IL zone 4-2-070P CA zone 4-2-070L IM zone 4-2-070Q permitted where 4-2-060E permitted where 4-2-060L Garbage, refuse,dumpster areas R-1 zone 4-2-070B commercial zones 4-2-120A, 4-2-120B R-5 zone 4-2-070C industrial zones 4-2-130A R-8 zone 4-2-070D Garden,community R-10 zone 4-2-070F existing R-14 zone 4-2-070G permitted where 4-2-060A RC zone 4-2-070A R-5 zone 4-2-070C RM zone 4-2-070H R-8 zone 4-2-070D RMH zone 4-2-070E R-10 zone 4-2-070F Greenhouse, nursery RM zone 4-2-070H CA zone 4-2-070L CC zone 4-2-0701 Index-29 Zoning CD zone 4-2-070M Hazardous materials storage, on-site CN zone 4-2-070J CD zone 4-2-070M CO zone 4-2-070N permitted where 4-2-0601 COR zone 4-2-0700 Hazardous waste treatment, storage CS zone 4-2-070K off-site IH zone 4-2-070R IH zone 4-2-070R IL zone 4-2-070P IL zone 4-2-070P IM zone 4-2-070Q IM zone 4-2-070Q new, R-14 zone 4-2-070G permitted where 4-2-0601,4-2-060J permitted where 4-2-060A on-site R-1 zone 4-2-070B IH zone 4-2-070R R-5 zone 4-2-070C IL zone 4-2-070P R-8 zone 4-2-070D IM zone 4-2-070Q R-10 zone 4-2-070F permitted where 4-2-0601,4-2-060K RC zone 4-2-070A H-1 district uses RM zone 4-2-070H IL zone 4-2-070P RMH zone 4-2-070E permitted where 4-2-060J Groceries sales Health clubs,fitness centers, sports clubs CA zone 4-2-070L CA zone 4-2-070L CN zone 4-2-070J CD zone 4-2-070M CS zone 4-2-070K CN zone 4-2-070J permitted where 4-2-060C CO zone 4-2-070N Group homes 1 COR zone 4-2-0700 CA zone 4-2-070L CS zone 4-2-070K CD zone 4-2-070M permitted where 4-2-060G permitted where 4-2-060B Health institutions Group homes II off-street parking 4-4-080F10e for 6 or less Heavy equipment CD zone 4-2-070M rental CN zone 4-2-070J IH zone 4-2-070R COR zone 4-2-0700 permitted where 4-2-060H CS zone 4-2-070K sales, storage, repair permitted where 4-2-060B IH zone 4-2-070R R-1 zone 4-2-070B permitted where 4-2-060H R-5 zone 4-2-070C wholesale, IM zone 4-2-0700 R-8 zone 4-2-070D wholesale, permitted where 4-2-060H R-10 zone 4-2-070F Heavy hauling vehicles rental R-14 zone 4-2-070G IH zone 4-2-070R RM zone 4-2-070H permitted where 4-2-060H RMH zone 4-2-070E Heavy industrial zone See IH zone for 7 or more Heavy machine stops manufacturing,assembly CA zone 4-2-070L IH zone 4-2-070R CD zone 4-2-070M permitted where 4-2-060J CN zone 4-2-070J Height COR zone 4-2-0700 See also Buildings; Development standards CS zone 4-2-070K exceeding 50 feet, IL zone 4-2-070P permitted where 4-2-060B exceeding 95 feet, CD zone 4-2-070M R-1 zone 4-2-070B maximum R-5 zone 4-2-070C area standards See Miscellaneous uses, R-8 zone 4-2-070D modifications R-10 zone 4-2-070F CA zone 4-2-070L R-14 zone 4-2-070G CN zone 4-2-070J RM zone 4-2-070H CO zone 4-2-070N RMH zone 4-2-070E CS zone 4-2-070K permitted where 4-2-060B Height,bulk standards RC zone 4-2-070A CO zone 4-2-070N Gypsum products manufacturing, assembly permitted where 4-2-060N IH zone 4-2-070R Helipads permitted where 4-2-060J accessory Handcrafting of items/products CA zone 4-2-070L CA zone 4-2-070L CO zone 4-2-070N CC zone 4-2-0701 COR zone 4-2-0700 CD zone 4-2-070M IL zone 4-2-070P CN zone 4-2-070J IM zone 4-2-070Q COR zone 4-2-0700 permitted where 4-2-060H CS zone 4-2-070K commercial, permitted where 4-2-060H permitted where 4-2-060K Index-30 Zoning High schools permitted where 4-2-060B off-street parking 4-4-080F10e off-street parking 4-4-080F10e Hobbies, toys,games sales permitted where 4-2-060B CA zone 4-2-070L Household pets CD zone 4-2-070M permitted where 4-2-060A CN zone 4-2-070J R-1 zone 4-2-070B CS zone 4-2-070K R-5 zone 4-2-070C permitted where 4-2-060C R-8 zone 4-2-070D Home furnishings sales R-10 zone 4-2-070F CA zone 4-2-070L R-14 zone 4-2-070G CD zone 4-2-070M RC zone 4-2-070A CN zone 4-2-070J RM zone 4-2-070H CS zone 4-2-070K RMH zone 4-2-070E permitted where 4-2-060C IH zone Home occupations purpose, intent 4-2-020S permitted where 4-2-060B use tables 4-2-060,4-2-070R R-1 zone 4-2-070B IL zone R-5 zone 4-2-070C purpose, intent 4-2-020Q R-8 zone 4-2-070D use tables 4-2-060,4-2-070P R-10 zone 4-2-070F IM zone R-14 zone 4-2-070G purpose, intent 4-2-020R RC zone 4-2-070A use tables 4-2-060,4-2-070Q RM zone 4-2-070H Increases in maximum area RMH zone 4-2-070E CC zone 4-2-0701 Horticultural nurseries CN zone 4-2-070J CA zone 4-2-070L CS zone 4-2-070K IL zone 4-2-070P permitted where 4-2-060N IM zone 4-2-070Q Industrial engine,transmission rebuild permitted where 4-2-060A IH zone 4-2-070R RC zone 4-2-070A IL zone 4-2-070P Hospitals IM zone 4-2-070Q CA zone 4-2-070L permitted where 4-2-060H CD zone 4-2-070M Industrial/manufacturing facilities CN zone 4-2-070J existing CS zone 4-2-070K COR zone 4-2-0700 off-street parking 4-4-080F10e permitted where 4-2-060J permitted where 4-2-060G major modifications,production increase,expansion of sanitariums, similar uses existing CA zone 4-2-070L COR zone 4-2-0700 CC zone 4-2-0701 permitted where 4-2-060J CD zone 4-2-070M Industrial, storage activities CN zone 4-2-070J off-street parking 4-4-080F10e CO zone 4-2-070N Jails COR zone 4-2-0700 CD zone 4-2-070M CS zone 4-2-070K CO zone 4-2-070N IH zone 4-2-070R permitted where 4-2-060L IL zone 4-2-070P Jewelry sales IM zone 4-2-070Q CA zone 4-2-070L permitted where 4-2-060G CD zone 4-2-070M R-1 zone 4-2-070B CS zone 4-2-070K R-5 zone 4-2-070C permitted where 4-2-060C R-8 zone 4-2-070D Junior high schools R-10 zone 4-2-070F off-street parking 4-4-080F10e R-14 zone 4-2-070G Kennels RC zone 4-2-070A hobby RM zone 4-2-070H CA zone 4-2-070L RMH zone 4-2-070E CS zone 4-2-070K Hotel/convention center with office, residential uses IH zone 4-2-070R COR zone 4-2-0700 IL zone 4-2-070P permitted where 4-2-060B IM zone 4-2-0700 Hotels, motels permitted where 4-2-060A CA zone 4-2-070L RC zone 4-2-070A CD zone 4-2-070M IH zone 4-2-070R CO zone 4-2-070N IL zone 4-2-070P CS zone 4-2-070K IM zone 4-2-070Q existing permitted where 4-2-060A CS zone 4-2-070K Index-31 Zoning Labs Lot dimensions grinding, assembly of optical lens, eyeglasses commercial zones 4-2-120A, 4-2-120B CA zone 4-2-070L coverage CD zone 4-2-070M commercial zones 4-2-120A,4-2-120B CO zone 4-2-070N industrial zones 4-2-130A CS zone 4-2-070K depth permitted where 4-2-060J commercial zones 4-2-120A,4-2-120B medical,dental industrial zones 4-2-130A CA zone 4-2-070L manufactured homes, parks 4-2-110C CD zone 4-2-070M residential zones 4-2-110A, 4-2-110F CS zone 4-2-070K design, manufactured homes, parks 4-2-110C IL zone 4-2-070P industrial zones 4-2-130A IM zone 4-2-070Q residential zones 4-2-110F permitted where 4-2-060J size small product assembly commercial zones 4-2-120A, 4-2-120B CD zone 4-2-070M industrial zones 4-2-130A permitted where 4-2-060J manufactured homes, parks 4-2-110C Landscaping,screening residential zones 4-2-110A,4-2-110F See also Screening width commercial zones 4-2-120A,4-2-120B commercial zones 4-2-120A,4-2-120B industrial zones 4-2-130A industrial zones 4-2-130A manufactured homes, parks 4-2-110C manufactured homes, parks 4-2-110C residential zones 4-2-110F residential zones 4-2-110A,4-2-110F Laundromats Low income elderly multiple dwellings CA zone 4-2-070L off-street parking 4-4-080F10e CC zone 4-2-0701 Lumber yards sales CD zone 4-2-070M IH zone 4-2-070R CS zone 4-2-070K IL zone 4-2-070P permitted where 4-2-060G IM zone 4-2-070Q R-14 zone 4-2-070G permitted where 4-2-060C Leather, leather goods manufacturing, assembly Machinery for construction, service industries CD zone 4-2-070M manufacturing,assembly IL zone 4-2-070P permitted where 4-2-060J IM zone 4-2-070Q Machinery for general industry, mining, agriculture permitted where 4-2-060J manufacturing,assembly Library IH zone 4-2-070R CA zone 4-2-070L permitted where 4-2-060J CC zone 4-2-0701 Manager's residence/office CD zone 4-2-070M CD zone 4-2-070M CN zone 4-2-070J permitted where 4-2-060K CO zone 4-2-070N Manufactured home parks COR zone 4-2-0700 RV spaces (over 6) CS zone 4-2-070K permitted where 4-2-060B IH zone 4-2-070R RMH zone 4-2-070E IL zone 4-2-070P RV spaces (up to 6) IM zone 4-2-070Q permitted where 4-2-060B off-street parking 4-4-080F10e RMH zone 4-2-070E permitted where 4-2-060E Manufactured homes R-1 zone 4-2-070B designated R-5 zone 4-2-070C permitted where 4-2-060B R-8 zone 4-2-070D R-1 zone 4-2-070B R-10 zone 4-2-070F R-5 zone 4-2-070C RC zone 4-2-070A R-8 zone 4-2-070D RM zone 4-2-070H R-10 zone 4-2-070F RMH zone 4-2-070E R-14 zone 4-2-070G Light, glare RC zone 4-2-070A commercial zones 4-2-120A,4-2-120B RMH zone 4-2-070E Light industrial zone See IL zone park See Manufactured home park Liquor stores sales permitted where 4-2-060B CA zone 4-2-070L RMH zone 4-2-070E CD zone 4-2-070M temporary for medical hardship CN zone 4-2-070J permitted where 4-2-060B CS zone 4-2-070K R-1 zone 4-2-070B permitted where 4-2-060C R-5 zone 4-2-070C Loading docks R-8 zone 4-2-070D commercial zones 4-2-120A,4-2-120B R-10 zone 4-2-070F industrial zones 4-2-130A R-14 zone 4-2-070G Index-32 Zoning RC zone 4-2-070A CN zone 4-2-070J Manufacturing CO zone 4-2-070N off-street parking 4-4-080F10e COR zone 4-2-0700 Map CS zone 4-2-070K boundaries 4-2-030A IH zone 4-2-070R conflicts IL zone 4-2-070P with chapter 4-2 RMC 4-2-030C IM zone 4-2-070Q with rezone ordinance 4-2-030D permitted where 4-2-060C designation of special zoning categories,time Miniature golf courses limitations 4-2-030E off-street parking 4-4-080F10e downtown core area 4-2-080C Miscellaneous manufacturing establishments downtown pedestrian district 4-2-080D IH zone 4-2-070R employment area valley 4-2-080B permitted where 4-2-060J established 4-2-010B Miscellaneous uses, modifications street layout 4-2-030B CA zone 4-2-070L yearly update 4-2-030F CC zone 4-2-0701 Marinas CD zone 4-2-070M COR zone 4-2-0700 CN zone 4-2-070J off-street parking 4-4-080F10e CO zone 4-2-070N permitted where 4-2-060E COR zone 4-2-0700 Measuring, controlling equipment manufacturing, CS zone 4-2-070K assembly,warehousing IH zone 4-2-070R IM zone 4-2-070Q IL zone 4-2-070P permitted where 4-2-060J IM zone 4-2-070Q Medical,dental clinics/offices permitted where 4-2-060N CN zone 4-2-070J R-1 zone 4-2-070B CO zone 4-2-070N R-5 zone 4-2-070C COR zone 4-2-0700 R-8 zone 4-2-070D off-street parking 4-4-080F10e R-10 zone 4-2-070F permitted where 4-2-060F R-14 zone 4-2-070G Medical institutions RC zone 4-2-070A CO zone 4-2-070N RM zone 4-2-070H permitted where 4-2-060G RMH zone 4-2-070E Medium industrial zone See IM zone Mixed occupancies Microbrewery/brew pubs sales off-street parking 4-4-080F10e CD zone 4-2-070M Mobile home/trailer/RV sales, rental CS zone 4-2-070K IH zone 4-2-070R permitted where 4-2-060C IL zone 4-2-070P Military vehicles manufacturing, assembly IM zone 4-2-070Q IH zone 4-2-070R permitted where 4-2-060H permitted where 4-2-060J Mobile homes Mineral/natural resource recovery off-street parking 4-4-080F10e CA zone 4-2-070L permitted where 4-2-060B CC zone 4-2-0701 RMH zone 4-2-070E CD zone 4-2-070M sales CN zone 4-2-070J IL zone 4-2-070P CO zone 4-2-070N IM zone 4-2-070Q COR zone 4-2-0700 permitted where 4-2-060H CS zone 4-2-070K single family residential building IH zone 4-2-070R permitted where 4-2-060B IL zone 4-2-070P RMH zone 4-2-070E IM zone 4-2-070Q Modular homes permitted where 4-2-060A permitted where 4-2-060B R-1 zone 4-2-070B R-1 zone 4-2-070B R-5 zone 4-2-070C R-5 zone 4-2-070C R-8 zone 4-2-070D R-8 zone 4-2-070D R-10 zone 4-2-070F R-10 zone 4-2-070F R-14 zone 4-2-070G R-14 zone 4-2-070G RC zone 4-2-070A RC zone 4-2-070A RM zone 4-2-070H Monuments,tombstones,gravestones sales RMH zone 4-2-070E CA zone 4-2-070L Mini day care permitted where 4-2-060C CN zone 4-2-070J Mortuaries See Funeral homes Mini-marts sales Motorcycle CA zone 4-2-070L leasing CC zone 4-2-0701 CA zone 4-2-070L CD zone 4-2-070M permitted where 4-2-060H Index-33 Zoning rental Newsstands sales CA zone 4-2-070L CA zone 4-2-070L permitted where 4-2-060H CC zone 4-2-0701 sales CD zone 4-2-070M CA zone 4-2-070L CN zone 4-2-070J IH zone 4-2-070R COR zone 4-2-0700 permitted where 4-2-060H CS zone 4-2-070K Movie production,distribution permitted where 4-2-060C IL zone 4-2-070P Night clubs, lounges IM zone 4-2-070Q off-street parking 4-4-080F10e permitted where 4-2-060J Noise See Development standards Multi-family dwellings Number of structures 5 du/ac maximum manufactured homes,parks 4-2-110C CC zone 4-2-0701 per lot, residential zones 4-2-110A,4-2-110F permitted where 4-2-060B Nurseries, outdoor 20 du/ac maximum off-street parking 4-4-080F10e CA zone 4-2-070L Office, business supplies, computers sales permitted where 4-2-060B CA zone 4-2-070L 25— 100 du/ac CS zone 4-2-070K CD zone 4-2-070M permitted where 4-2-060C permitted where 4-2-060B Office equipment assembly, packaging dwelling units CD zone 4-2-070M permitted where 4-2-060B permitted where 4-2-060J RM zone 4-2-070H Offices existing legal CN zone 4-2-070J CN zone 4-2-070J permitted where 4-2-060F CS zone 4-2-070K Open space permitted where 4-2-060B existing RM zone 4-2-070H CA zone 4-2-070L off-street parking 4-4-080F10e CC zone 4-2-0701 R-10 zone 4-2-070F CD zone 4-2-070M townhouses 10—15 du/ac CN zone 4-2-070J CN zone 4-2-070J CO zone 4-2-070N permitted where 4-2-060B COR zone 4-2-0700 townhouses 10—20 du/ac CS zone 4-2-070K CS zone 4-2-070K IH zone 4-2-070R permitted where 4-2-060B IL zone 4-2-070P townhouses 16—25 du/ac IM zone 4-2-070Q COR zone 4-2-0700 permitted where 4-2-060E permitted where 4-2-060B R-1 zone 4-2-070B Municipal airports R-5 zone 4-2-070C CD zone 4-2-070M R-8 zone 4-2-070D permitted where 4-2-060H R-10 zone 4-2-070F Museum RC zone 4-2-070A CA zone 4-2-070L RM zone 4-2-070H CC zone 4-2-0701 new CD zone 4-2-070M CA zone 4-2-070L CN zone 4-2-070J CC zone 4-2-0701 CO zone 4-2-070N CD zone 4-2-070M COR zone 4-2-0700 CN zone 4-2-070J CS zone 4-2-070K CO zone 4-2-070N IH zone 4-2-070R COR zone 4-2-0700 IL zone 4-2-070P CS zone 4-2-070K IM zone 4-2-070Q IH zone 4-2-070R off-street parking 4-4-080F10e IL zone 4-2-070P permitted where 4-2-060E IM zone 4-2-070Q R-1 zone 4-2-070B permitted where 4-2-060E R-5 zone 4-2-070C R-1 zone 4-2-070B R-8 zone 4-2-070D R-5 zone 4-2-070C R-10 zone 4-2-070F R-10 zone 4-2-070F RC zone 4-2-070A R-14 zone 4-2-070G RM zone 4-2-070H RC zone 4-2-070A RMH zone 4-2-070E RM zone 4-2-070H Natural gas storage Optical lenses, eyeglasses manufacturing,assembly IH zone 4-2-070R IL zone 4-2-070P permitted where 4-2-0601 IM zone 4-2-070Q permitted where 4-2-060J Index-34 Zoning Outdoor commercial recreation, entertainment uses CS zone 4-2-070K CA zone 4-2-070L IM zone 4-2-0700 off-street parking 4-4-080F10e permitted where 4-2-060H permitted where 4-2-060E noncommercial Outdoor sports areas CO zone 4-2-070N off-street parking 4-4-080F10e COR zone 4-2-0700 Outside storage (vehicles/equipment/products) permitted where 4-2-060H IH zone 4-2-070R Parking lots, commercial IL zone 4-2-070P CA zone 4-2-070L IM zone 4-2-0700 CD zone 4-2-070M P-1 zone CN zone 4-2-070J accessory uses 4-2-090A2 CO zone 4-2-070N conditional uses 4-2-090A3 CS zone 4-2-070K development standards IM zone 4-2-070Q height, building 4-2-090C3 permitted where 4-2-060H noise 4-2-09006 Parks parking, circulation 4-2-090C4 community(existing) setbacks, special 4-2-090C2 CA zone 4-2-070L setbacks, yard 4-2-090C1 CC zone 4-2-0701 permitted uses 4-2-090A CD zone 4-2-070M principal uses 4-2-090A1 CN zone 4-2-070J prohibited uses 4-2-090B CO zone 4-2-070N purpose, intent 4-2-020T COR zone 4-2-0700 secondary uses 4-2-090A5 CS zone 4-2-070K unclassified uses 4-2-090A4 IH zone 4-2-070R Packaging See Specific Manufacturing Use IL zone 4-2-070P Paint manufacturing, assembly IM zone 4-2-070Q IH zone 4-2-070R permitted where 4-2-060E permitted where 4-2-060J R-1 zone 4-2-070B Park, playground, recreation/community center R-5 zone 4-2-070C CA zone 4-2-070L R-8 zone 4-2-070D CC zone 4-2-0701 R-10 zone 4-2-070F CD zone 4-2-070M RC zone 4-2-070A CN zone 4-2-070J RM zone 4-2-070H CO zone 4-2-070N community (new) COR zone 4-2-0700 CA zone 4-2-070L CS zone 4-2-070K CC zone 4-2-0701 IH zone 4-2-070R CD zone 4-2-070M IL zone 4-2-070P CN zone 4-2-070J IM zone 4-2-0700 CO zone 4-2-070N permitted where 4-2-060E COR zone 4-2-0700 R-1 zone 4-2-070B CS zone 4-2-070K R-5 zone 4-2-070C IH zone 4-2-070R R-8 zone 4-2-070D IL zone 4-2-070P R-10 zone 4-2-070F IM zone 4-2-070Q R-14 zone 4-2-070G permitted where 4-2-060E RC zone 4-2-070A R-1 zone 4-2-070B RM zone 4-2-070H R-5 zone 4-2-070C RMH zone 4-2-070E R-10 zone 4-2-070F Parking R-14 zone 4-2-070G See also Development standards RC zone 4-2-070A commercial zones 4-2-120A,4-2-120B RM zone 4-2-070H industrial zones 4-2-130A neighborhood (existing) manufactured homes, parks 4-2-110C CA zone 4-2-070L public CC zone 4-2-0701 CA zone 4-2-070L CD zone 4-2-070M permitted where 4-2-060H CN zone 4-2-070J residential zones 4-2-110F CO zone 4-2-070N Parking garages COR zone 4-2-0700 accessory CS zone 4-2-070K CO zone 4-2-070N IH zone 4-2-070R permitted where 4-2-060H IL zone 4-2-070P commercial IM zone 4-2-070Q CA zone 4-2-070L permitted where 4-2-060E CD zone 4-2-070M R-1 zone 4-2-070B CN zone 4-2-070J R-5 zone 4-2-070C CO zone 4-2-070N R-8 zone 4-2-070D Index-35 Zoning R-10 zone 4-2-070F CD zone 4-2-070M RC zone 4-2-070A CN zone 4-2-070J RM zone 4-2-070G CO zone 4-2-070N neighborhood (new) CS zone 4-2-070K CA zone 4-2-070L permitted where 4-2-060E CC zone 4-2-0701 Permits See Land use permits CD zone 4-2-070M Permitted uses CN zone 4-2-070J CA zone 4-2-070L CO zone 4-2-070N CC zone 4-2-0701 COR zone 4-2-0700 CD zone 4-2-070M CS zone 4-2-070K CN zone 4-2-070J IH zone 4-2-070R CO zone 4-2-070N IL zone 4-2-070P COR zone 4-2-0700 IM zone 4-2-070Q CS zone 4-2-070K permitted where 4-2-060E established 4-2-050A R-1 zone 4-2-070B IH zone 4-2-070R R-5 zone 4-2-070C IL zone 4-2-070P R-8 zone 4-2-070D IM zone 4-2-070Q R-10 zone 4-2-070F P-1 zone 4-2-090 R-14 zone 4-2-070G R-1 zone 4-2-070B RC zone 4-2-070A R-5 zone 4-2-070C RM zone 4-2-070H R-8 zone 4-2-070D regional (existing) R-10 zone 4-2-070F CA zone 4-2-070L R-14 zone 4-2-070G CC zone 4-2-0701 RC zone 4-2-070A CD zone 4-2-070M RM zone 4-2-070H CN zone 4-2-070J RMH zone 4-2-070E CO zone 4-2-070N table 4-2-060 COR zone 4-2-0700 Personal medical supplies sales CS zone 4-2-070K CA zone 4-2-070L IH zone 4-2-070R CD zone 4-2-070M IL zone 4-2-070P CS zone 4-2-070K IM zone 4-2-070Q permitted where 4-2-060C permitted where 4-2-060E Personal office R-1 zone 4-2-070B CC zone 4-2-0701 R-5 zone 4-2-070C CS zone 4-2-070K R-8 zone 4-2-070D IM zone 4-2-070Q R-10 zone 4-2-070F permitted where 4-2-060F RC zone 4-2-070A Personal services RM zone 4-2-070H barber shops/beauty parlors regional (new) CA zone 4-2-070L CA zone 4-2-070L CD zone 4-2-070M CC zone 4-2-0701 permitted where 4-2-060G CD zone 4-2-070M CA zone 4-2-070L CN zone 4-2-070J CD zone 4-2-070M CO zone 4-2-070N CO zone 4-2-070N COR zone 4-2-0700 COR zone 4-2-0700 CS zone 4-2-070K CS zone 4-2-070K IH zone 4-2-070R off-street parking 4-4-080F10e IL zone 4-2-070P permitted where 4-2-060G IM zone 4-2-070Q Pet shop,grooming sales permitted where 4-2-060E CA zone 4-2-070L R-1 zone 4-2-070B CD zone 4-2-070M R-5 zone 4-2-070C CS zone 4-2-070K R-10 zone 4-2-070F permitted where 4-2-060C,4-2-060G R-14 zone 4-2-070G Petroleum/natural gas storage RC zone 4-2-070A IL zone 4-2-070P RM zone 4-2-070H over 50,000 gallons Passenger truck sales IH zone 4-2-070R CA zone 4-2-070L IM zone 4-2-0700 permitted where 4-2-060H permitted where 4-2-0601 Patio,deck to 50,000 gallons manufactured homes, parks 4-2-110C IH zone 4-2-070R Pedestrian access IM zone 4-2-070Q commercial zones 4-2-120A, 4-2-120B permitted where 4-2-0601 Peep shows,panorams Pharmacies CA zone 4-2-070L CA zone 4-2-070L Index-36 Zoning CD zone 4-2-070M P-1 zone 4-2-090A2 CN zone 4-2-070J R-1 zone 4-2-070B COR zone 4-2-0700 R-5 zone 4-2-070C CS zone 4-2-070K R-8 zone 4-2-070D permitted where 4-2-060C R-10 zone 4-2-070F Philanthropic institutions R-14 zone 4-2-070G CA zone 4-2-070L RC zone 4-2-070A CC zone 4-2-0701 RM zone 4-2-070H CD zone 4-2-070M RMH zone 4-2-070E CN zone 4-2-070J table 4-2-060 CO zone 4-2-070N Principal uses COR zone 4-2-0700 P-1 zone 4-2-090A1 CS zone 4-2-070K Printing, engraving shops IH zone 4-2-070R off-street parking 4-4-080F10e IL zone 4-2-070P Printing ink manufacturing,assembly IM zone 4-2-0700 IH zone 4-2-070R permitted where 4-2-060L permitted where 4-2-060J R-1 zone 4-2-070B Printing, publishing,allied industries manufacturing, R-5 zone 4-2-070C assembly R-8 zone 4-2-070D IH zone 4-2-070R R-10 zone 4-2-070F IL zone 4-2-070P R-14 zone 4-2-070G IM zone 4-2-0700 RC zone 4-2-070A permitted where 4-2-060J RM zone 4-2-070H Printing, xerography RMH zone 4-2-070E CA zone 4-2-070L Photographic, electronic supplies sales permitted where 4-2-060G CA zone 4-2-070L Private club,fraternal, nonprofit organization CD zone 4-2-070M CA zone 4-2-070L CN zone 4-2-070J CC zone 4-2-0701 CS zone 4-2-070K CD zone 4-2-070M permitted where 4-2-060C CN zone 4-2-070J Photography,photo reproduction CO zone 4-2-070N CA zone 4-2-070L COR zone 4-2-0700 CD zone 4-2-070M CS zone 4-2-070K permitted where 4-2-060G IH zone 4-2-070R Places of public assembly IL zone 4-2-070P off-street parking 4-4-080F10e IM zone 4-2-0700 Plats, shadow plats permitted where 4-2-060L residential zones 4-2-110F R-1 zone 4-2-070B Post office R-5 zone 4-2-070C off-street parking 4-4-080F10e R-8 zone 4-2-070D substation R-10 zone 4-2-070F CS zone 4-2-070K R-14 zone 4-2-070G permitted where 4-2-060L RC zone 4-2-070A Precast building components manufacturing, assembly RM zone 4-2-070H IH zone 4-2-070R RMH zone 4-2-070E permitted where 4-2-060J Private conference centers Prefabricated,finished parts manufacturing,assembly, CO zone 4-2-070N warehousing COR zone 4-2-0700 CA zone 4-2-070L permitted where 4-2-060F permitted where 4-2-060J Processing See Specific Manufacturing Use Preprocessed, natural, synthetic material products Professional office manufacturing,assembly CC zone 4-2-0701 CO zone 4-2-070N CD zone 4-2-070M permitted where 4-2-060J CO zone 4-2-070N Primary uses COR zone 4-2-0700 CA zone 4-2-070L CS zone 4-2-070K CC zone 4-2-0701 off-street parking 4-4-080F10e CD zone 4-2-070M permitted where 4-2-060F CN zone 4-2-070J Professional services CO zone 4-2-070N CA zone 4-2-070L COR zone 4-2-0700 permitted where 4-2-060G CS zone 4-2-070K Professional sports teams/promoters established 4-2-050A CA zone 4-2-070L IH zone 4-2-070R CS zone 4-2-070K IL zone 4-2-070P IM zone 4-2-0700 IM zone 4-2-0700 permitted where 4-2-060G Index-37 Zoning Prohibited uses CD zone 4-2-070M CA zone 4-2-070L CN zone 4-2-070J CC zone 4-2-0701 CO zone 4-2-070N CD zone 4-2-070M COR zone 4-2-0700 CN zone 4-2-070J CS zone 4-2-070K CO zone 4-2-070N IH zone 4-2-070R COR zone 4-2-0700 IL zone 4-2-070P CS zone 4-2-070K IM zone 4-2-070Q established 4-2-050A permitted where 4-2-060L IH zone 4-2-070R R-1 zone 4-2-070B IL zone 4-2-070P R-5 zone 4-2-070C IM zone 4-2-070Q R-8 zone 4-2-070D P-1 zone 4-2-090B R-10 zone 4-2-070F R-1 zone 4-2-070B R-14 zone 4-2-070G R-5 zone 4-2-070C RC zone 4-2-070A R-8 zone 4-2-070D RM zone 4-2-070H R-10 zone 4-2-070F RMH zone 4-2-070E R-14 zone 4-2-070G Railroad yards RC zone 4-2-070A IH zone 4-2-070R RM zone 4-2-070H permitted where 4-2-060H RMH zone 4-2-070E Ranches table 4-2-060 permitted where 4-2-060A Public/quasi-public activities RC zone 4-2-070A off-street parking 4-4-080F10e RC zone Public use zone See P-1 zone purpose, intent 4-2-020B Public utility use, structure use tables 4-2-060,4-2-070A CA zone 4-2-070L Recreation area CC zone 4-2-0701 manufactured homes,parks 4-2-110C CD zone 4-2-070M Recreation center CN zone 4-2-070J permitted where 4-2-060E CO zone 4-2-070N Recreational,community facilities COR zone 4-2-0700 CD zone 4-2-070M CS zone 4-2-070K IH zone 4-2-070R IH zone 4-2-070R IM zone 4-2-0700 IL zone 4-2-070P indoor, outdoor, CO zone 4-2-070N IM zone 4-2-070Q permitted where 4-2-060B,4-2-060E permitted where 4-2-060L RMH zone 4-2-070E R-1 zone 4-2-070B Recreational, entertainment uses R-5 zone 4-2-070C off-street parking 4-4-080F10e R-8 zone 4-2-070D Recreational services R-10 zone 4-2-070F CO zone 4-2-070N R-14 zone 4-2-070G permitted where 4-2-060E RC zone 4-2-070A Recycling collection center, station RM zone 4-2-070H CA zone 4-2-070L RMH zone 4-2-070E CC zone 4-2-0701 Purpose, intent 4-2-020A CD zone 4-2-070M Quarrying CN zone 4-2-070J IH zone 4-2-070R CO zone 4-2-070N permitted where 4-2-060J commercial zones 4-2-120A, 4-2-120B R-1 zone COR zone 4-2-0700 purpose, intent 4-2-020C CS zone 4-2-070K use tables 4-2-060,4-2-070B IL zone 4-2-070P R-5 zone IM zone 4-2-070Q purpose, intent 4-2-020D industrial zones 4-2-130A use tables 4-2-060,4-2-070C permitted where 4-2-060J R-8 zone RC zone 4-2-070A purpose, intent 4-2-020E temporary use tables 4-2-060, 4-2-070D permitted where 4-2-060J R-10 zone R-1 zone 4-2-070B purpose, intent 4-2-020G R-5 zone 4-2-070C use tables 4-2-060, 4-2-070F R-8 zone 4-2-070D R-14 zone R-10 zone 4-2-070F purpose, intent 4-2-020H R-14 zone 4-2-070G use tables 4-2-060,4-2-070G RC zone 4-2-070A Radio,television transmitter RM zone 4-2-070H CA zone 4-2-070L RMH zone 4-2-070E CC zone 4-2-0701 Index-38 Zoning Recycling collection,processing centers,stations IM zone 4-2-070Q IH zone 4-2-070R permitted where 4-2-060K permitted where 4-2-060J Retirement residences Recycling drop, collection centers CD zone 4-2-070M CA zone 4-2-070L CN zone 4-2-070J permitted where 4-2-060J CO zone 4-2-070N • Recycling, large scale COR zone 4-2-0700 IH zone 4-2-070R CS zone 4-2-070K permitted where 4-2-060J permitted where 4-2-060B Rental services R-1 zone 4-2-070B CN zone 4-2-070J R-10 zone 4-2-070F IL zone 4-2-070P RC zone 4-2-070A IM zone 4-2-070Q RM zone 4-2-070H no outside storage Review fees CA zone 4-2-070L joint land use applications 4-1-170B CD zone 4-2-070M per application type 4-1-170A CS zone 4-2-070K refunds 4-1-170C permitted where 4-2-060G RM zone permitted where 4-2-060G purpose, intent 4-2-02011 with outside storage suffixes 4-2-02012 CA zone 4-2-070L use tables 4-2-060,4-2-070H CS zone 4-2-070K where permitted 4-2-02013 permitted where 4-2-060G RMH zone Repair services purpose, intent 4-2-020F CO zone 4-2-070N use tables 4-2-060, 4-2-070E permitted where 4-2-060G Roadside stands Research,development,testing permitted where 4-2-060A CA zone 4-2-070L RC zone 4-2-070A CD zone 4-2-070M Rubber, miscellaneous plastic products manufacturing, CO zone 4-2-070N assembly COR zone 4-2-0700 IH zone 4-2-070R IH zone 4-2-070R permitted where 4-2-060J IL zone 4-2-070P RV sales, rental IM zone 4-2-0700 IL zone 4-2-070P off-street parking 4-4-080F10e IM zone 4-2-070Q permitted where 4-2-060J permitted where 4-2-060H Residential-1 du/ac zone See R-1 zone Sanitariums See under Hospitals Residential-5 du/ac zone See R-5 zone School district support facilities Residential-8 du/ac zone See R-8 zone IL zone 4-2-070P Residential-10 du/ac zone See R-10 zone IM zone 4-2-070Q Residential-14 du/ac zone See R-14 zone permitted where 4-2-060M Residential manufactured home zone See RMH zone Schools Residential multi-family infill zone See RM zone change in use Residential multi-family neighborhood zone See RM CA zone 4-2-070L zone CD zone 4-2-070M Residential multi-family suburban zone See RM zone CN zone 4-2-070J Residential multi-family urban zone See RM zone CO zone 4-2-070N Residential uses COR zone 4-2-0700 off-street parking 4-4-080F10e CS zone 4-2-070K Resource conservation zone See RC zone IL zone 4-2-070P Restaurant,cafeteria, recreational facilities permitted where 4-2-060M IL zone 4-2-070P R-1 zone 4-2-070B off-street parking 4-4-080F10e R-5 zone 4-2-070C permitted where 4-2-060K R-8 zone 4-2-070D Retail sales R-10 zone 4-2-070F CO zone 4-2-070N RM zone 4-2-070H existing legal RMH zone 4-2-070E CO zone 4-2-070N expansion (more than 10 percent) permitted where 4-2-060C CA zone 4-2-070L involving outside storage CD zone 4-2-070M CD zone 4-2-070M CN zone 4-2-070J permitted where 4-2-060C CO zone 4-2-070N off-street parking 4-4-080F10e COR zone 4-2-0700 permitted where 4-2-060C CS zone 4-2-070K Retail uses associated with primary use IL zone 4-2-070P IH zone 4-2-070R permitted where 4-2-060M IL zone 4-2-070P R-1 zone 4-2-070B Index -39 Zoning R-5 zone 4-2-070C industrial zones 4-2-130A R-8 zone 4-2-070D residential zones 4 2 110E R 10 zone 4 2 070E industrial zones 4-2-130A R-14 zone 4-2-070G loading, repair, maintenance,work areas RM zone 4-2-070H commercial zones 4-2-120A,4-2-120B RMH zone 4-2-070E industrial zones 4-2-130A expansion (up to 10 percent) outdoor storage CA zone 4-2-070L commercial zones 4-2-120A,4-2-120B CD zone 4-2-070M industrial zones 4-2-130A CN zone 4-2-070J residential zones 4-2-110F CO zone 4-2-070N recyclables collection, storage COR zone 4-2-0700 commercial zones 4-2-120A CS zone 4-2-070K residential zones 4-2-110F IL zone 4-2-070P residential zones 4-2-110F IM zone 4-2-070Q roof-top equipment permitted where 4-2-060M commercial zones 4-2-120A,4-2-120B R-1 zone 4-2-070B residential zones 4-2-110F R-5 zone 4-2-070C surface-mounted equipment R-8 zone 4-2-070D commercial zones 4-2-120A, 4-2-120B R-10 zone 4-2-070F residential zones 4-2-110F RM zone 4-2-070H tow truck operations, impoundment yards, industrial RMH zone 4-2-070E zones 4-2-130A Schools, portables Seasonal sales lots,fruit stands existing permitted where 4-2-060N CA zone 4-2-070L R-10 zone 4-2-070F CD zone 4-2-070M Secondary schools CN zone 4-2-070J existing CO zone 4-2-070N CA zone 4-2-070L COR zone 4-2-0700 CD zone 4-2-070M CS zone 4-2-070K CN zone 4-2-070J IL zone 4-2-070P CO zone 4-2-070N IM zone 4-2-070Q COR zone 4-2-0700 permitted where 4-2-060M CS zone 4-2-070K R-1 zone 4-2-070B IL zone 4-2-070P R-5 zone 4-2-070C IM zone 4-2-070Q R-8 zone 4-2-070D permitted where 4-2-060M R-10 zone 4-2-070F R-1 zone 4-2-070B RM zone 4-2-070H R-5 zone 4-2-070C RMH zone 4-2-070E R-8 zone 4-2-070D new (up to 4) R-10 zone 4-2-070F CA zone 4-2-070L RM zone 4-2-070H CD zone 4-2-070M RMH zone 4-2-070E CN zone 4-2-070J new CO zone 4-2-070N CA zone 4-2-070L COR zone 4-2-0700 CD zone 4-2-070M CS zone 4-2-070K CN zone 4-2-070J IL zone 4-2-070P CO zone 4-2-070N permitted where 4-2-060M COR zone 4-2-0700 R-1 zone 4-2-070B CS zone 4-2-070K R-5 zone 4-2-070C IL zone 4-2-070P R-8 zone 4-2-070D permitted where 4-2-060M R-10 zone 4-2-070F R-1 zone 4-2-070B R-14 zone 4-2-070G R-5 zone 4-2-070C RM zone 4-2-070H R-8 zone 4-2-070D RMH zone 4-2-070E R-10 zone 4-2-070F Schools, studios for art, crafts, photography,dance, R-14 zone 4-2-070G music RM zone 4-2-070H CA zone 4-2-070L RMH zone 4-2-070E CD zone 4-2-070M Secondary uses CN zone 4-2-070J CA zone 4-2-070L CO zone 4-2-070N CC zone 4-2-0701 CS zone 4-2-070K CD zone 4-2-070M permitted where 4-2-060M CN zone 4-2-070J Screening CO zone 4-2-070N commercial zones 4-2-120A,4-2-120B COR zone 4-2-0700 garbage, refuse,dumpsters CS zone 4-2-070K commercial zones 4-2-120A, 4-2-120B established 4-2-050A Index-40 Zoning IH zone 4-2-070R industrial zones 4-2-130A IL zone 4-2-070P manufactured homes,parks 4-2-110C IM zone 4-2-070Q residential zones 4-2-110A,4-2-110F P-1 zone 4-2-090A5 front yard R-1 zone 4-2-070B commercial zones 4-2-120A, 4-2-120B R-5 zone 4-2-070C industrial zones 4-2-130A R-8 zone 4-2-070D manufactured homes, parks 4-2-110C R-10 zone 4-2-070F residential zones 4-2-110A, 4-2-110B,4-2-110F, R-14 zone 4-2-070G 4-2-110G RC zone 4-2-070A industrial zones 4-2-130A RM zone 4-2-070H mobile home parks constructed before RMH zone 4-2-070E 12-3-1969 4-2-110C table 4-2-060 rear yard Security building commercial zones 4-2-120A,4-2-120B IL zone 4-2-070P industrial zones 4-2-130A permitted where 4-2-060K manufactured homes, parks 4-2-110C Self-service storage residential zones 4-2-110A, 4-2-110B,4-2-110F, CS zone 4-2-070K 4-2-110G existing residential zones 4-2-110B, 4-2-110G CN zone 4-2-070J side yard CS zone 4-2-070K commercial zones 4-2-120A,4-2-120B IH zone 4-2-070R industrial zones 4-2-130A IL zone 4-2-070P manufactured homes, parks 4-2-110C IM zone 4-2-070Q residential zones 4-2-110A, 4-2-110B,4-2-110F, permitted where 4-2-0601 4-2-110G Self-storage Sewage disposal,treatment plants existing IH zone 4-2-070R CN zone 4-2-070J IM zone 4-2-0700 permitted where 4-2-0601 permitted where 4-2-060J one story, one building Shoe repair CA zone 4-2-070L CC zone 4-2-0701 permitted where 4-2-0601 permitted where 4-2-060G part of mixed use development Shopping centers CS zone 4-2-070K off-street parking 4-4-080F10e permitted where 4-2-0601 Signs Senior center See also Development standards; Sign regulations permitted where 4-2-060L commercial zones 4-2-120A, 4-2-120B R-14 zone 4-2-070G industrial zones 4-2-130A Sensitive areas manufactured homes, parks 4-2-110C commercial zones 4-2-120A,4-2-120B residential zones 4-2-110F industrial zones 4-2-130A Signs, advertising manufacturing,assembly residential zones 4-2-110F IL zone 4-2-070P Service clubs, social organizations IM zone 4-2-070Q CA zone 4-2-070L permitted where 4-2-060J CC zone 4-2-0701 Single family dwellings CD zone 4-2-070M attached CN zone 4-2-070J permitted where 4-2-060B CO zone 4-2-070N R-10 zone 4-2-070F COR zone 4-2-0700 detached CS zone 4-2-070K CD zone 4-2-070M IH zone 4-2-070R permitted where 4-2-060B IL zone 4-2-070P R-1 zone 4-2-070B IM zone 4-2-0700 R-5 zone 4-2-070C permitted where 4-2-060L R-8 zone 4-2-070D R-1 zone 4-2-070B R-10 zone 4-2-070F R-5 zone 4-2-070C R-14 zone 4-2-070G R-8 zone 4-2-070D RC zone 4-2-070A R-14 zone 4-2-070G detached, expansion of RC zone 4-2-070A permitted where 4-2-060B RM zone 4-2-070H RM zone 4-2-070H RMH zone 4-2-070E existing legal Setbacks CC zone 4-2-0701 See also Development standards CD zone 4-2-070M animal,agricultural related structures, residential permitted where 4-2-060B zones 4-2-110G RM zone 4-2-070H arterial/freeway frontage off-street parking 4-4-080F10e commercial zones 4-2-120A,4-2-120B Index-41 Zoning semi-attached Storage permitted where 4-2-060B indoor R-10 zone 4-2-070F CO zone 4-2-070N R-14 zone 4-2-070G exceeding 33 percent floor area limit, CO zone Skating rinks 4-2-070N off-street parking 4-4-080F10e exceeding floor area limit for accessory uses, Soap, compound manufacturing permitted where 4-2-0601 IH zone 4-2-070R permitted where 4-2-0601 IM zone 4-2-0700 outdoor permitted where 4-2-060J CO zone 4-2-070N Social services including vehicles/equipment, permitted where CN zone 4-2-070J 4-2-0601 facilities permitted where 4-2-0601 CD zone 4-2-070M products in conjunction with retail sales CS zone 4-2-070K CA zone 4-2-070L permitted where 4-2-060L CC zone 4-2-0701 permitted where 4-2-060L CD zone 4-2-070M Solid waste incinerators CN zone 4-2-070J permitted where 4-2-060J COR zone 4-2-0700 Special review process CS zone 4-2-070K commercial zones 4-2-120A,4-2-120B permitted where 4-2-060K Special schools, technical/industrial Street improvements CA zone 4-2-070L private, manufactured homes, parks 4-2-110C permitted where 4-2-060M public, manufactured homes, parks 4-2-110C Sporting goods sales Structural clay products manufacturing, assembly CA zone 4-2-070L IH zone 4-2-070R CD zone 4-2-070M permitted where 4-2-060J CN zone 4-2-070J Supermarkets CS zone 4-2-070K off-street parking 4-4-080F10e permitted where 4-2-060C Tables Sports arenas,auditoriums, exhibition halls See also Standards tables CA zone 4-2-070L conditions 4-2-080A CD zone 4-2-070M established 4-2-050B permitted where 4-2-060E interpretation Stables,commercial additional conditions 4-2-050C3 IH zone 4-2-070R applicable requirements 4-2-050C2 IM zone 4-2-070Q legend 4-2-050C1 permitted where 4-2-060A prohibited uses 4-2-05005 Stables/riding schools/animal boarding unclassified uses 4-2-050C4 permitted where 4-2-060A permitted uses 4-2-060,4-2-070 RC zone 4-2-070A Tanning,curing, storage of rawhide, skins Stacked flats IH zone 4-2-070R permitted where 4-2-060B IM zone 4-2-070Q R-14 zone 4-2-070G permitted where 4-2-060J with townhouses in one structure Taverns permitted where 4-2-060B CA zone 4-2-070L R-14 zone 4-2-070G CD zone 4-2-070M Standards tables CN zone 4-2-070J See also Specific Standard COR zone 4-2-0700 categories designated 4-2-100B CS zone 4-2-070K conditions off-street parking 4-4-080F10e commercial zones 4-2-120C permitted where 4-2-060C multi-family residential zones 4-2-110H Taxi, individual transportation single family residential zones 4-2-110D CD zone 4-2-070M established 4-2-100A IL zone 4-2-070P interpretation 4-2-100C IM zone 4-2-070Q Stone,clay, glass, concrete manufacturing permitted where 4-2-060H IM zone 4-2-0700 Telegraph, other communication permitted where 4-2-060J CA zone 4-2-070L Stone cutting, engraving manufacturing, assembly CN zone 4-2-070J IH zone 4-2-070R CS zone 4-2-070K permitted where 4-2-060J permitted where 4-2-060L Stone products manufacturing, assembly Television repair IH zone 4-2-070R CA zone 4-2-070L permitted where 4-2-060J CD zone 4-2-070M COR zone 4-2-0700 CS zone 4-2-070K Index-42 Zoning permitted where 4-2-060G IL zone 4-2-070P Temporary construction buildings IM zone 4-2-070Q IH zone 4-2-070R permitted where 4-2-060E IM zone 4-2-070Q R-1 zone 4-2-070B permitted where 4-2-060N R-5 zone 4-2-070C Temporary uses R-8 zone 4-2-070D CA zone 4-2-070L R-10 zone 4-2-070F CC zone 4-2-0701 RC zone 4-2-070A CD zone 4-2-070M RM zone 4-2-070H CN zone 4-2-070J new CO zone 4-2-070N CA zone 4-2-070L COR zone 4-2-0700 CC zone 4-2-0701 CS zone 4-2-070K CD zone 4-2-070M established 4-2-050A CN zone 4-2-070J IH zone 4-2-070R CO zone 4-2-070N IL zone 4-2-070P COR zone 4-2-0700 IM zone 4-2-0700 CS zone 4-2-070K P-1 zone 4-2-090A2 IH zone 4-2-070R permitted where 4-2-060N IL zone 4-2-070P R-1 zone 4-2-070B IM zone 4-2-070Q R-5 zone 4-2-070C permitted where 4-2-060E R-8 zone 4-2-070D R-1 zone 4-2-070B R-10 zone 4-2-070F R-5 zone 4-2-070C R-14 zone 4-2-070G R-10 zone 4-2-070F RC zone 4-2-070A R-14 zone 4-2-070G RM zone 4-2-070H RC zone 4-2-070A RMH zone 4-2-070E RM zone 4-2-070H table 4-2-060 Transit centers Theaters CA zone 4-2-070L CA zone 4-2-070L permitted where 4-2-060H CD zone 4-2-070M Transportation equipment manufacturing,assembly CO zone 4-2-070N IH zone 4-2-070R drive-in permitted where 4-2-060J CA zone 4-2-070L Transportation services permitted where 4-2-060E IM zone 4-2-0700 IL zone 4-2-070P permitted where 4-2-060H IM zone 4-2-0700 Travel trailers off-street parking 4-4-080F10e off-street parking 4-4-080F10e permitted where 4-2-060E Triplex Timber harvesting, reforestation permitted where 4-2-060B permitted where 4-2-060A R-10 zone 4-2-070F RC zone 4-2-070A RM zone 4-2-070H Tow truck operation Truck IH zone 4-2-070R rental IM zone 4-2-070Q IL zone 4-2-070P permitted where 4-2-060H IM zone 4-2-0700 Townhouses permitted where 4-2-060H See also under Multi-family dwellings sales consecutively attached ground-related units (over 3) IL zone 4-2-070P permitted where 4-2-060B IM zone 4-2-070Q R-14 zone 4-2-070G permitted where 4-2-060H consecutively attached ground-related units (up to 3) terminals,warehousing permitted where 4-2-060B IH zone 4-2-070R R-14 zone 4-2-070G permitted where 4-2-060H Trailer rental Truck/RV/bus sales IH zone 4-2-070R CA zone 4-2-070L permitted where 4-2-060H permitted where 4-2-060H Trails Two family dwellings existing off-street parking 4-4-080F10e CA zone 4-2-070L Unclassified uses CC zone 4-2-0701 P-1 zone 4-2-090A4 CD zone 4-2-070M Uncovered storage areas CN zone 4-2-070J off-street parking 4-4-080F10e CO zone 4-2-070N Upholstery repair COR zone 4-2-0700 CA zone 4-2-070L CS zone 4-2-070K CD zone 4-2-070M IH zone 4-2-070R COR zone 4-2-0700 Index-43 Zoning CS zone 4-2-070K RM zone 4-2-070H permitted where 4-2-060G RMH zone 4-2-070E Used goods, antiques sales Utilities, lighting CA zone 4-2-070L manufactured homes, parks 4-2-110C CD zone 4-2-070M Utilities services CN zone 4-2-070J IM zone 4-2-070Q CS zone 4-2-070K permitted where 4-2-060L permitted where 4-2-060C Variable lot standards Utilities permitted where 4-2-060B,4-2-060N large RMH zone 4-2-070E CA zone 4-2-070L Variety store sales CC zone 4-2-0701 CN zone 4-2-070J CD zone 4-2-070M permitted where 4-2-060C CN zone 4-2-070J Vehicle sales CO zone 4-2-070N off-street parking 4-4-080F10e COR zone 4-2-0700 Vehicle service, repair CS zone 4-2-070K large IH zone 4-2-070R CA zone 4-2-070L IL zone 4-2-070P IH zone 4-2-070R IM zone 4-2-070Q IL zone 4-2-070P permitted where 4-2-060L IM zone 4-2-070Q R-1 zone 4-2-070B permitted where 4-2-060H R-5 zone 4-2-070C off-street parking 4-4-080F10e R-8 zone 4-2-070D small R-10 zone 4-2-070F CA zone 4-2-070L R-14 zone 4-2-070G CC zone 4-2-0701 RC zone 4-2-070A CS zone 4-2-070K RM zone 4-2-070H IH zone 4-2-070R RMH zone 4-2-070E IL zone 4-2-070P medium IM zone 4-2-070Q CA zone 4-2-070L permitted where 4-2-060H CC zone 4-2-0701 Vehicle storage and repair, small CD zone 4-2-070M CN zone 4-2-070J CN zone 4-2-070J Veterinary offices/clinics CO zone 4-2-070N no exterior kennels, runs, stables COR zone 4-2-0700 CA zone 4-2-070L CS zone 4-2-070K CD zone 4-2-070M IH zone 4-2-070R CN zone 4-2-070J IL zone 4-2-070P CS zone 4-2-070K IM zone 4-2-070Q permitted where 4-2-060A permitted where 4-2-060L with kennels, runs, stables R-1 zone 4-2-070B CA zone 4-2-070L R-5 zone 4-2-070C IL zone 4-2-070P R-8 zone 4-2-070D IM zone 4-2-070Q R-10 zone 4-2-070F permitted where 4-2-060A R-14 zone 4-2-070G RC zone 4-2-070A RC zone 4-2-070A Video rentals, sales RM zone 4-2-070H CA zone 4-2-070L RMH zone 4-2-070E CC zone 4-2-0701 small CD zone 4-2-070M CA zone 4-2-070L CN zone 4-2-070J CC zone 4-2-0701 CS zone 4-2-070K CD zone 4-2-070M permitted where 4-2-060G CN zone 4-2-070J Vocational schools CO zone 4-2-070N IL zone 4-2-070P COR zone 4-2-0700 IM zone 4-2-070Q CS zone 4-2-070K permitted where 4-2-060M IH zone 4-2-070R Warehousing, storage IL zone 4-2-070P IH zone 4-2-070R IM zone 4-2-070Q IL zone 4-2-070P permitted where 4-2-060L IM zone 4-2-070Q R-1 zone 4-2-070B off-street parking 4-4-080F10e R-5 zone 4-2-070C permitted where 4-2-0601 R-8 zone 4-2-070D Waste recycling,transfer facilities R-10 zone 4-2-070F IM zone 4-2-070Q R-14 zone 4-2-070G permitted where 4-2-060J RC zone 4-2-070A Index-44 Zoning Watches/jewelry repair CD zone 4-2-070M CA zone 4-2-070L CN zone 4-2-070J CD zone 4-2-070M CO zone 4-2-070N COR zone 4-2-0700 COR zone 4-2-0700 CS zone 4-2-070K CS zone 4-2-070K permitted where 4-2-060G IH zone 4-2-070R Wholesale outlets IL zone 4-2-070P IH zone 4-2-070R IM zone 4-2-070Q IL zone 4-2-070P permitted where 4-2-060L IM zone 4-2-070Q R-1 zone 4-2-070B permitted where 4-2-060D R-5 zone 4-2-070C Wineries R-8 zone 4-2-070D IL zone 4-2-070P R-10 zone 4-2-070F IM zone 4-2-0700 R-14 zone 4-2-070G permitted where 4-2-060J RC zone 4-2-070A Wireless communication facilities RM zone 4-2-070H height, building RMH zone 4-2-070E commercial zones 4-2-120A, 4-2-120B mini facility antennas industrial zones 4-2-130A CA zone 4-2-070L residential zones 4-2-110F CC zone 4-2-0701 installation of tower, antenna CD zone 4-2-070M entire lot considered 4-2-040A1 CN zone 4-2-070J not considered expansion of nonconforming CO zone 4-2-070N 4-2-040A2 COR zone 4-2-0700 lattice towers support structure CS zone 4-2-070K CA zone 4-2-070L IH zone 4-2-070R CC zone 4-2-0701 IL zone 4-2-070P CD zone 4-2-070M IM zone 4-2-070Q CN zone 4-2-070J permitted where 4-2-060L CO zone 4-2-070N R-1 zone 4-2-070B COR zone 4-2-0700 R-5 zone 4-2-070C CS zone 4-2-070K R-8 zone 4-2-070D IH zone 4-2-070R R-10 zone 4-2-070F IL zone 4-2-070P R-14 zone 4-2-070G IM zone 4-2-070Q RC zone 4-2-070A permitted where 4-2-060L RM zone 4-2-070H R-1 zone 4-2-070B RMH zone 4-2-070E R-5 zone 4-2-070C minor modifications R-8 zone 4-2-070D CA zone 4-2-070L R-10 zone 4-2-070F CC zone 4-2-0701 R-14 zone 4-2-070G CD zone 4-2-070M RC zone 4-2-070A CN zone 4-2-070J RM zone 4-2-070H CO zone 4-2-070N RMH zone 4-2-070E COR zone 4-2-0700 macro facility antennas CS zone 4-2-070K CA zone 4-2-070L IH zone 4-2-070R CC zone 4-2-0701 IL zone 4-2-070P CD zone 4-2-070M IM zone 4-2-0700 CN zone 4-2-070J permitted where 4-2-060L CO zone 4-2-070N R-1 zone 4-2-070B COR zone 4-2-0700 R-5 zone 4-2-070C CS zone 4-2-070K R-8 zone 4-2-070D IH zone 4-2-070R R-10 zone 4-2-070F IL zone 4-2-070P R-14 zone 4-2-070G IM zone 4-2-070Q RC zone 4-2-070A permitted where 4-2-060L RM zone 4-2-070H R-1 zone 4-2-070B RMH zone 4-2-070E R-5 zone 4-2-070C monopole I support structure R-8 zone 4-2-070D CA zone 4-2-070L R-10 zone 4-2-070F CC zone 4-2-0701 R-14 zone 4-2-070G CD zone 4-2-070M RC zone 4-2-070A CN zone 4-2-070J RM zone 4-2-070H CO zone 4-2-070N RMH zone 4-2-070E COR zone 4-2-0700 micro facility antennas CS zone 4-2-070K CA zone 4-2-070L IH zone 4-2-070R CC zone 4-2-0701 IL zone 4-2-070P Index-45 Zoning IM zone 4-2-0700 permitted where 4-2-060L R-1 zone 4-2-070B R-5 zone 4-2-070C R-8 zone 4-2-070D R-10 zone 4-2-070F R-14 zone 4-2-070G RC zone 4-2-070A RM zone 4-2-070H RMH zone 4-2-070E monopole II support structure CA zone 4-2-070L CC zone 4-2-0701 CD zone 4-2-070M CN zone 4-2-070J CO zone 4-2-070N COR zone 4-2-0700 CS zone 4-2-070K IH zone 4-2-070R IL zone 4-2-070P IM zone 4-2-070Q permitted where 4-2-060L R-1 zone 4-2-070B R-5 zone 4-2-070C R-8 zone 4-2-070D R-10 zone 4-2-070F R-14 zone 4-2-070G RC zone 4-2-070A RM zone 4-2-070H RMH zone 4-2-070E Wood products,cabinet shops manufacturing,assembly, warehousing IM zone 4-2-0700 permitted where 4-2-060J Index-46