HomeMy WebLinkAboutS_Maintenance Bond_20210408_v1.pdfDEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MAINTENANCE BOND Bond Number: 9832789 Project Name: Matveyev Short Plat KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE pRESENT; that we Emit Matveyev ,n6 Lexon lnsurance Company as Principal, a corporation organized and existing under the Laws of the State of Texas :::,::r,::::"]i:::1,:ll ?:,:d unto rHE crw oF RENT.N as obrigee, in the,o,,il* orseven thousand six hundred fifty four and g0/100s (S 7€L e0;,'uu'r.vu )dollarsfor the payment of which, well and truly to be made, the executors, administrators, successorsand assigns, jointly and severally, firm by these present: por. Matveyev Short plat Pqect No. LUA17-000503 / permit No. C t@,0 0 J3/ NOW THEREFORE THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That if the principat shalmaintain and remedy said work free from defects in materiars and workmanship for a period oftwo {2lvears following completion, then this obligation shall be void otherwise shall remain infull force and effect. SIGNED, SEALED AND DATED,51, 1St DAY OF April 2A 21, Signature of Bonding Agent Alexandre Lamberg Attorney-in-Fact Applicant's Name (print) 5214 NE 24th st Lexon lnsurance Company Name of Bonding Agent a Company lnrin[ 155 NE 100th Street, Suite 201Address Renton, WA g805g Address Seattle, WA 98125City, State, Zip City, State, Zip & phone Attach Power of Attorney Form and Maintenance & Defect Agreement to Bond Emil Matveyev H:\cED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Deveropment Engineering\MAINTENANcE BoND.docx Rev:02120j"8 Applicant's Q, sPMPo TNTERNATIONAL POWER OF ATTORNEY ffiH'*::1"',#n:ilffi-El}i;ffi','l3iJ3[:#:[f5.,::H:lx''1i,.1,3:fy:::..::?^",rt^T:3lt*ce,American rnsurance company, a Deraware::l,t:ifl'"il SffiJffi,T*:ifjr?Til;,i#ffi:..".iJiJ,jffii,,::#f,{*_{lf*fi;H##;3ffi,ffi1TH,i*"fff:Jf[ilXl"?ifYr8;;,ffy#:make,exeCute,seal,anddeliverfor,andonitsberraffassuret,.rcGqilr6fr,.hnnrleand,.^n#StrueandlawfulAttorneyis)-tn-FacttoX'.13,EXXi,i'13;iil,i.::*:[lflj::,i:*]EH,x[3:ill:?"?::I.?ir: *,[::J:*:1Xi*YJlfJI*tXffij; ::il::ff'JxJ:l'?:*,"ff11::"T.?:lr:ffi:1:il:'f*;itii::::i',t;*?#:*';iik::F,i}:yi:ii{llsi:filsi?i-ff:J?,,:J:,T:?'3r,'""jn:i:J':ff,;ll I,j,:*- ll"",l"d T1 ::river.ed sha, obrigate the c",ilil*;;;;H;ffiffiffi,,i:il"il::;J,l;:XffiX?T il,TS,ili$t;X?XSJ,""fuexrentasifsigned by the Presiclent of the Cornpany ujrder its .orporii" seai attested by its Corporate Secretary. Jlf"1Tfl::T3?i:",T:ff:i*?i"T:fJ-:iiTJyflffi[llilJX'""i*ITx,1?$"iyif,sore sharehorderoreach companv bv unanimouswritten consenterrective the This Power of Attorney is sigrred and sealed by facsimile undeJ and by authority of the following resolution adopted by the sole shareholder of each company by::1,J:,:Jf.1::::T::::.j:":,:.:lrl ulv orLu11, zors ano sZid r;.;ili;;;;'ilsinJe neen ie,or<Ji,,*io"o or repeared, vr rElrsstcu_ to any bond or undertaking to which it is attached. lN wlrNESS WHEREoF' each company has caused this instrument to be signed by the following officers, and lts corporate seal to be affixed this 15r,day ofJune,2019. Enclurance Assurarrce Corporation 1srh Endurance American l-exon lnsurance Company{} ) t{r't1 n Bond Safeguard ,,:p,fr}fr1"ffJ Ricff ard Appei;.,9v! e.g*anio/dfoutbet ""$S{e!'Sk',r'-#l' sotr, '*?" : fi: EMorA :b=--:Ai rMSuHAxcE rE.ii,7;.. coirpany ;.Los*"'"io'-.. ,.'r.$-.€ o4rr,rrurr,,r,u,nnn S CERTIFICATE l, the undersigned 0fficer of each Company, DO HEREBY CERT|Fy that: 1 ' That the original power of attorney of which the foregoing is a copy was duly executed on behalf of each. cornpany and has not since been revoked amended or nrodified;Xff,X[,Xi":?'itr*mff$:ff"t the roresoins iopv*thereor'withiil;si;;G;;-;'or attorney, ano trat lne'same is a tiue and correct copy or rhe orisinar power or ' m;-t'l'*:fi:"'t?::,':j*?:: g*ffiX?t;5;?*31 the sore shareholder or each company by unanimous written consenr effecrive rune 1s, 201 e and said resoturio,rs "RES0LVED that eaoh of the individuals named below is authorized to make. execute. seal and deliver for and on behalf of the company any and all bonds,S?rfr,'l!.s3;:t"l'3efilifi"il'f[lf,iftEi:'ft]Lg,g-1tr,ers rucr-rn[o rur npprilirninN J BEGcs, cNnrsr"opirn noruEmru,'sHAno'r.r I sMs, , and be it further RESoLVED' thateach ofthe individuals named above isauthorizedto appoint attorneys-in-fact forthe purpose ofmaking, executing, sealing and delivering bonds,undertakings or obligations in su.ety or co-surety for and on behalf of the tompinv.; -'- 3 The undersigned further certifies that the above resolutions are true and corect copies of the resolutions as so 'N WTNESS wHEREor. I have hereunto set my hand and afiixed the corporate seal this lst day of Aprii of the whole thereoi 20-l_* By .??LLl S, Lurie, Secretary ffi is Notice provides information concerningpossible ilrpact on your surety coverage due to directives issued bv OFA0. pleaco roert +hio N^+i-^ r!.^.,,il.,possible irrpact on vour surety coverage due to directives iuuu*o [v orail 'pi"".u;,""ii dlJffii,"l"#r];il: on the united states Treasury's;"o.it" - nuorvlr**ii"r"rir.o"""/r"*ri.""Gri.rri""i"iiiri.Tdilirli-i.? authorizalionfron'lOFAC. otherrimitatronsontreprerniums'anopayirentsily'r-;;iry Any reproductions are void. Surety Claime Submiesion: LexonClaimAdministration@sompo-infl ,comTelephone;615'553'9500 Mailing Addressr so-pilnilr*Eonal; 12890 Lebanon Road; MountJuliet, TN 32i22-a870 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT o-n this, 1Stt' day of Jr"rne, 201 g, before me, personally came the above sjgnatories known to me, whrof the companies; and that he executed said instrument on oenatt ot eacii #;;il;'ilhority of