HomeMy WebLinkAboutSolera Street Vacation Correspondence Armondo Pavone Mayor alb October 5, 2021 City Clerk Jason A.Seth,MMC David B. Ratliff Managing Member of Solera Manager, LLC 10900 NE 8th Street, Suite 1200 Bellevue, WA 98004 Re: Street Vacation Petition: Portion of right-of-way located in the vicinity of 11th Ave N (VAC-20-002) Dear Mr. Ratliff: Attached is a copy of Ordinance 6027 approving the referenced street vacation and recorded with King County Records. The recorded ordinance serves as the deed to the property. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Enclosure cc: Amanda Askren, Property &Technical Services Manager King County Assessors Accounting &Taxation VAC-20-002 1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98057 • 425-430-6510 • Fax 425-430-6516 • rentonwa.gov Instrument Number: 20210928000762 Document:ORD Rec: $208.50 Page-1 of 6 Record Date:9/28/2021 12:23 PM Electronically Recorded King County, WA Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 Please print or type information WASHINGTON STATE RECORDER'S Cover Sheet (RCw 65.04) Document Title(s) (or transactions contained therein): (all areas applicable to your document must be filled in) 1. Ordinance No. 6027 2. 3. 4. Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: Additional reference #'s on page of document Grantor(s) (Last name first name, initials) I. City of Renton 2. Additional names on page of document. Grantor(s) (Last name first, then first name and initials) 1. Solera Manager, LLC 2. Additional names on page of document. Legal description (abbreviated: i.e. lot block, plat or section, township, range) That portion of 1 lth Ave N between Harrington Place NE and Sunset Lane NE, lying adjacent to the northerly margin of 1 lth Ave N and being more particularly described as follows.... Additional legal is on "Exhibit A" Page 4 of document. Assessor's Property Tax Parcel Account Number ❑ Assessor Tax # not yet assigned N/A The Auditor/Recorder will rely on the information provided on the form. The staff will not read the document to verify the accuracy or completeness of the indexing information provided herein. I am requesting an emergency nonstandard recording for an additional fee as provided in RCW 36.18.010. I understand that the recording processing requirements may cover up or otherwise obscure some part of the text on the original document. Signature of Requesting Party Instrument Number: 20210928000762 Document:ORD Rec: $208.50 Page-2 of 6 Record Date:9/28/2021 12:23 PM King County, WA CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 6027 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, VACATING A PORTION OF 11TH AVENUE N, SOUTH OF HARRINGTON PLACE NE AND NORTH OF SUNSET LANE NE. (SOLERA STREET VACATION; VAC-20-002.) WHEREAS, a proper petition for vacating a portion of right-of-way as hereinafter more particularly described was filed with the City Clerk on November 12, 2020, and that petition was signed by the owners representing more than two-thirds (2/3) of the property abutting upon the portion of street to be vacated; and WHEREAS, the City Council, by Resolution No. 4428, passed on March 22, 2021, set April 19, 2021, at 7:00 p.m., by means of the Zoom video conferencing web application as the time and place for a public hearing on this matter; and the City Clerk gave proper notice of this public hearing as provided by law, and all persons were heard who appeared to testify in favor or in opposition on this matter, and the City Council considered all information and arguments presented to it to determine whether the vacation is in the public interest, whether the property is not required for overall circulation of traffic within the City, and that the requested vacation is not detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare; and WHEREAS, the Administrator of the Community and Economic Development Department has considered this petition for vacation, and has found it to be in the public interest and for the public benefit, and that it is unlikely that injury or damage to any person or properties will result from this vacation; and CWA4 IkTift 116, LAM OF 11965 "ITY OF RENTON CIEWIFLCATION 1 I, IIHE UNDERSIGNED UO HEREBY CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY iF PERJURY, THAT THE MATERIALS HAVE BEEN FURNISHEK THE SERVICES RENDERED OR TY,E LABOR PtRFQRXD AS DESCR13ED HEREW, AND THAT THE CLAIM! IS JUST,13UE AND UNPAID 06LIGATION AGAINST THE CITY OF RENTft AN* THAT I AM AUTHORIZED TO AUTHENTI TE AND (tftT FY TO Sf-'D CLAIM � Sr'" City Clerk Instrument Number: 20210928000762 Document:ORD Rec: $208.50 Page-3 of 6 Record Date:9/28/2021 12:23 PM King County, WA 51all 9110 YA 0 [y a ► [OX79] 10% WHEREAS, on September 20, 2021, the City Council determined that the vacation should be granted and adopted the recommendation of the Community and Economic Development Department to set compensation pursuant to Renton Municipal Code 9-14-5. B at zero dollars ($0) for the right-of-way vacation in consideration of a mutually agreed right- of-way dedication from the Petitioner; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The following described portion of 11t" Avenue N, to wit: The northeasterly -most portion of 11th Avenue N, south of Harrington Place NE and north of Sunset Lane NE. See Exhibit A. and depicted in Exhibit B, attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein, is hereby vacated. SECTION II. Upon recommendation of the Community and Economic Development Department, and in consideration of the value of the mutually agreed right -of way dedication, compensation is hereby set at zero dollars ($0) for this right-of-way vacation. SECTION III. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after publication of a summary of this ordinance in the City's official newspaper. The summary shall consist of this ordinance's title. A certified copy of this ordinance shall be filed with the King County Recorder's Office, and as otherwise provided by law. 2 Instrument Number: 20210928000762 Document:ORD Rec: $208.50 Page-4 of 6 Record Date:9/28/2021 12:23 PM King County,WA laso A.Seth ity Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 27th day of September,2021. Amon o Pavone,Mayor Approved as to form: Shane Moloney,City Attorney ';i g Date of Publication:9/30/2021(Summary) E ORD:2176:8/25/2021 3 Instrument Number: 20210928000762 Document:ORD Rec: $208.50 Page-5 of 6 Record Date:9/28/2021 12:23 PM King County, WA EXHIBIT A ROAD VACATION DESCRIPTION THAT PORTION OF 11TH AVENUE NORTH BETWEEN HARRINGTON PLACE NORTHEAST AND SUNSET LANE NORTHEAST, LYING ADJACENT TO THE NORTHERLY MARGIN OF 11TH AVENUE NORTH AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; COMMENCING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTHERLY MARGIN OF 11TH AVENUE NORTH AND THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF SUNSET LANE NE (FORMERLY 11TH PLACE); THENCE NORTH 55'00'24" WEST ALONG THE NORTHERLY MARGIN OF SAID 11TH AVE NORTH, 55.81 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 55'00'24" WEST, ALONG SAID NORTHERLY MARGIN, 173.53 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A NON —TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHEAST, FROM THE RADIUS OF WHICH BEARS SOUTH 84'02'19" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 31.50 FEET; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 60'15'43", AND ARC DISTANCE OF 33.13 FEET. THENCE SOUTH 54'18'02" EAST, 134.78 FEET, TO THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTH, HAVING A RADIUS OF 11.50 FEET; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 84'07'10", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 29.36 FEET; THENCE NORTH 35'41'58" EAST 6.51 TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 2,788 SQ. FT., MORE OR LESS. N 1/2, NW 1/4, SEC. 9, TWP. 23N., RGE. 5E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON -jurvey tic mapping LEE LAND 03/03/2021 www.axismap.com JOB NO. DATE 20-032 3/1/21 15241 NE 90TH ST REDMOND, WA 98052 DRAWN BY CHECKED BY TEL. 425.823-5700 ERM/]M ZLN FAX 425.823-6700 SCALE SHEET N/A 1 OF 2 Instrument Number: 20210928000762 Document:ORD Rec: $208.50 Page-6 of 6 Record Date:9/28/2021 12:23 PM King County, WA EXHIBIT B / ROAD VACATION DEPICTION / 4~' S84'02'19"E(R) �31.50' 0-0 ' L=33.13' / R=31.50' BLS POINT OF A=60'15'43" �Ob, BEGINNINX, �80 Q00 pF >8 Oo a i' GpRpN N\G PGS 2�9a L=18.06' ' R=11.50'� A--90'00'00" 2'\9pp3 G. REG Np. / N55'00'24"W 55.81' `POINT OF COMMENCEMENT N35°41'58"E o,P 6.51' 0p P P5 to- 2 GpRR�N\G � SN92�9$ REN �5 � PG "t,10�, FOUND PUNCH IN 1-3/4- BRASS DISC IN 4"x4" CONC MON IN CASE 0.55' BELOW GRADE. (2/20) N 1/2, NW 1/4, SEC. 9, TWP. 23N., RGE. 5E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON Survey & Mapping GRAPHIC SCALE 0 50, 100, 1" = 100' - EXHIBR NOTE - THIS EXHIBIT HAS BEEN PREPARED TO ASSIST IN THE INTERPRETATION OF THE ACCOMPANYING LEGAL DESCRIPTION. IF THERE IS A CONFLICT BETWEEN THE WRITTEN LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND THIS SKETCH, THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION SHALL PREVAIL. LEE a JOB NO. DATE 20-032 3/1/21 15241 NE 90TH ST REDMOND, WA 98052 DRAWN BY CHECKED BY TEL. 425.823-5700 ERM/]M ZLN FAX 425.823-6700 SCALE SHEET 1" = 100' 2 OF 2 April 20, 2021 David B. Ratliff Managing Member of Solera Manager, LLC 10900 NE 8th Street, Suite 1200 Bellevue, WA 98004 Re: Street Vacation Petition: Portion of right-of-way located in the vicinity of 11th Ave N (VAC-20-002) Dear Mr. Ratliff: At the regular Council meeting of April 19, 2021 the Renton City Council held a public hearing regarding the referenced street vacation petition. Following the close of the public hearing, Council concurred in the staff recommendation to approve the petition to move forward, subject to the following conditions, “Dedication of a 2,788 square feet on east side of 11th Avenue N; Petitioner to provide an appraisal of the vacation area.” Per Renton Municipal Code (RMC) 9-14-5.C: Following a recommendation for vacation after a public hearing by the City Council or committee thereof, the petitioner shall make, or cause to be made, an appraisal in writing by an M.A.I. or other qualified appraiser, as approved by the City, and furnish the results thereof unto the Property & Technical Services Manager for evaluation and recommendation to City Council for acceptance and determination of the compensation due to the City . Additionally, a processing and completion fee in an amount set per the City of Renton’s 2021 -2022 Fee Schedule will be due upon the City’s receipt of the appraisal. If you have any questions regarding the next steps for this street vacation petition, please contact Amanda Askren, Property & Technical Services Manager, at 425-430-7369. Sincerely, Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk cc: Armondo Pavone, Mayor Randy Corman, Council President Chip Vincent, CED Administrator Amanda Askren, Property & Technical Services Manager + • > .......--)k. > 0 .t. - 0 ,,, 44, ' 33 2. --; M --; cn o Mu o cn o A00 o cn 2. > cn .- )) , cn + . . cn . + .m . „ DJ 33n1 < x "' 0 n < 70 - on t ; _ at 0 I m 0 7J CO 0 . = 01 -I 0 * F, •-• fp , --- C * c ..• rD --s I> D- =.: i = .75 0 Z CD C I-1- --1 C M 0 M M . 1/40 cyD -6 0 co , n = ' CD= Z M M = cn cn , * x -1 m o cu -• m p e.. :E m C.0 Cn Ws< NJ 4 CD 03 CD CD '= ; C:) -. ; CD ••=1' . I C31 . CT1 I . Cl) 1 ai.b 19 t JD 1 I , fl .1 I it 1. i •.) ';: 11 t 014:1 W.' . qi' • . 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M -4 W 0 AO 0 CI) 4, >> Cl) + m X 0 n -• X N.) 0 n crt 00 c M 0 ro 0 0 0 0 CD * c op C * M X m kr) n 8 cn " co - n ...._ _...% fr, --I ui 0_s'Z w s - en ,F. • r..) • 01 > 0) -0 —I 0 1‘) ' al i , i 1 ' -I, tilt 0 tD, CJ i n . i = . ,. 1 Li ;.:. PRESORTED FIRST CLASS ,.. -- tril: • V glE;;Ii."17: '-.. ;;#1.-.g.,%s I .• ....1.• • .....i , .. ' • 'I,' ...-- .'".. - ...- -- 1 \--- ..,,.. i .1, 1 :: • , .41. --' C) • CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1124 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1124 Harrington Ave NE APT 101 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1124 Harrington Ave NE APT 102 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1124 Harrington Ave NE APT 103 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1124 Harrington Ave NE APT 104 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1124 Harrington Ave NE APT 105 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1124 Harrington Ave NE APT 106 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1124 Harrington Ave NE APT 107 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1124 Harrington Ave NE APT 201 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1124 Harrington Ave NE APT 202 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1124 Harrington Ave NE APT 203 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1124 Harrington Ave NE APT 204 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1124 Harrington Ave NE APT 205 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1124 Harrington Ave NE APT 206 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1124 Harrington Ave NE APT 301 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1124 Harrington Ave NE APT 302 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1124 Harrington Ave NE APT 303 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1124 Harrington Ave NE APT 304 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1130 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1132 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1134 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1136 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1138 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1140 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1142 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1144 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1146 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1148 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1158 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1158 Harrington Ave NE APT 101 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1158 Harrington Ave NE APT 102 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1158 Harrington Ave NE APT 103 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1158 Harrington Ave NE APT 104 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1158 Harrington Ave NE APT 105 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1158 Harrington Ave NE APT 106 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1158 Harrington Ave NE APT 107 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1158 Harrington Ave NE APT 108 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1158 Harrington Ave NE APT 201 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1158 Harrington Ave NE APT 202 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1158 Harrington Ave NE APT 203 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1158 Harrington Ave NE APT 204 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1158 Harrington Ave NE APT 205 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1158 Harrington Ave NE APT 206 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1158 Harrington Ave NE APT 207 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1158 Harrington Ave NE APT 208 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1158 Harrington Ave NE APT 301 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1158 Harrington Ave NE APT 302 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1158 Harrington Ave NE APT 303 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1158 Harrington Ave NE APT 304 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1158 Harrington Ave NE APT 305 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1158 Harrington Ave NE APT 306 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1158 Harrington Ave NE APT 307 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1162 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1164 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1170 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1171 Kirkland Ave NE Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1174 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1175 Harrington Pl NE Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1175 Harrington Pl NE APT 101 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1175 Harrington Pl NE APT 103 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1175 Harrington Pl NE APT 105 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1175 Harrington Pl NE APT 107 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1175 Harrington Pl NE APT 109 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1175 Harrington Pl NE APT 111 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1175 Harrington Pl NE APT 113 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1175 Harrington Pl NE APT 201 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1175 Harrington Pl NE APT 202 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1175 Harrington Pl NE APT 203 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1175 Harrington Pl NE APT 204 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1175 Harrington Pl NE APT 205 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1175 Harrington Pl NE APT 206 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1175 Harrington Pl NE APT 207 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1175 Harrington Pl NE APT 208 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1175 Harrington Pl NE APT 209 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1175 Harrington Pl NE APT 210 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1175 Harrington Pl NE APT 211 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1175 Harrington Pl NE APT 212 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1175 Harrington Pl NE APT 213 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1175 Harrington Pl NE APT 214 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1175 Harrington Pl NE APT 301 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1175 Harrington Pl NE APT 302 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1175 Harrington Pl NE APT 303 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1175 Harrington Pl NE APT 304 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1175 Harrington Pl NE APT 305 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1175 Harrington Pl NE APT 306 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1175 Harrington Pl NE APT 307 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1175 Harrington Pl NE APT 308 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1175 Harrington Pl NE APT 309 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1175 Harrington Pl NE APT 310 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1175 Harrington Pl NE APT 311 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1175 Harrington Pl NE APT 312 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1175 Harrington Pl NE APT 313 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 1175 Harrington Pl NE APT 314 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 2800 NE 12th St Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 2801 NE 12th St Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 2801 NE 12th St APT A Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 2801 NE 12th St APT B Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 2801 NE 12th St APT C Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 2801 NE 12th St APT D Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 2801 NE 12th St APT E Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 2801 NE 12th St APT F Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 2804 NE 12th St Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 2808 NE Sunset Blvd Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 2810 NE 12th St Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 2812 NE 12th St Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 2825 NE 12th St Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 2825 NE 12th St APT 101 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 2825 NE 12th St APT 102 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 2825 NE 12th St APT 103 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 2825 NE 12th St APT 104 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 2825 NE 12th St APT 105 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 2825 NE 12th St APT 201 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 2825 NE 12th St APT 202 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 2825 NE 12th St APT 203 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 2825 NE 12th St APT 204 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 2825 NE 12th St APT 205 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 2825 NE 12th St APT 301 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 2825 NE 12th St APT 302 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 2825 NE 12th St APT 303 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 2825 NE 12th St APT 304 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 2825 NE 12th St APT 305 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 2902 NE 12th St Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 2902 NE Sunset Blvd Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 2908 NE 12th St Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 2908 NE 12th St APT 101 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 2908 NE 12th St APT 102 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 2908 NE 12th St APT 103 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 2908 NE 12th St APT 104 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 2908 NE 12th St APT 201 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 2908 NE 12th St APT 202 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 2908 NE 12th St APT 203 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 2908 NE 12th St APT 204 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 2908 NE 12th St APT 205 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 2908 NE 12th St APT 301 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 2908 NE 12th St APT 302 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 2908 NE 12th St APT 303 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 2908 NE 12th St APT 304 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 2908 NE 12th St APT 305 Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 2950 NE Sunset Blvd Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 Current Resident 975 NE 12th St Renton WA 98045 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video-conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton’s Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly-most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington Pl NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times – April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 David Ratliff,Solera Mgr LLC 10900 NE 8th St,Suite 1200 Bellevue WA 98004 Current Resident 1124 Harrington Ave NE Renton WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video -conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/ /84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbiNibiNRM WpZaXk2biJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call -in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton's Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly -most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington PI NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at jsubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times — April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640 ! EXHIBIT B ROAD VACATION DEPICTION S84-10'09"E(R) R=31.50' Mc POINT OF Q=60'07'53"� J 50L)BEGINNING / T80 'F N55'00'24.,.W y, PLPS NO 2 5S 89' GORR�N G � c� 92�98 lot, PG L=29.36' �1 Q POINT OF R=20.00' COMMENCEMENT a=$4'07'10" z , g4 GOp. ��P 002pk2�90 ` IY}� R O`P'NO`' 9g REG NO ,�* f �"� GOON kxG PG 92, S N FOUND PUNCH IN 1-3/4" BRASS DISC IN 4"x4" `\ CONC MON IN CASE 0.55' BELOW GRADE. (2/20) ` 7 N 1/2, NW 1/4, SEC. 9, TWP. 23N., RGE. 5E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON Is GRAPHIC SCALE G 50' 100' 1" = 100' - E7(HIBT NOTE - THIS EXH& T HAS BEEN PREPARED 'O ASS;S- !N THE INTERPRETATION OF THE ACCOMPANYNG LEGAL DESCRIPTION. i= 'ERE !S A CONFLICT BETWEEN THE WR17EN I LEGAL DESCRIPTION .AND THIS SKETCH, THE LEGAL DESCRiPi(CN SHALL PRE`dAiL www.axismap.com 7 JOB NO, DATE �� 20-032 11/03/20 / Axi ..24, E A` 980S" RECh!Li'v0, ' ,NA 52 DRAWN BY CHECKED BY 425.823-5,0 ERM ZLN Survey & Mapping FAx 425.823-67Vr. 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204 Renton WA 98056 Current Resident 2825 NE 12th St APT 205 Renton WA 98056 Current Resident 2825 NE 12th St APT 301 Renton WA 98056 Current Resident 2825 NE 12th St APT 302 Renton WA 98056 Current Resident 2825 NE 12th St APT 303 Renton WA 98056 Current Resident 2825 NE 12th St APT 304 Renton WA 98056 Current Resident 2825 NE 12th St APT 305 Renton WA 98056 Current Resident 2902 NE 12th St Renton WA 98056 Current Resident 2902 NE Sunset Blvd Renton WA 98056 Current Resident 2908 NE 12th St Renton WA 98056 Current Resident 2908 NE 12th St APT 101 Renton WA 98056 PUBLIC NOTICE RENTON CITY COUNCIL � VIRTUAL HEARING PUBLIC HEARING ON MONDAY, APRIL 19, 2021 AT 7:00 P.M. Zoom Meeting ID: https://us02web.zoom.us/i/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbiN4bONRMWpZaXk2biJnZzO9 Or call -in to the Zoom Meeting: 253-215-8782, enter 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708 Or call 425-430-6501 by 10 a.m. on April 19th to request an invite with link to meeting. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly -most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington PI NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20-002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) EXHIBIT B ROAD VACATION DEPICTION S84'10'09"E(R) 31.50' eVSC^' R=31.50' tis POINT OF a=60'07'53"� , oa�BEGINNING / -4 l�4. F• c 6,�j 2F N55'00'24"W 55.89' GORR�N�G��'PN92�9a REN10S� ' PGS L=29.36' �� POINT OF �1 R=20.00' Q COMMENCEMENT 6=84'07'10" �r Ica S ` RE�50A . ' Jr��C S PLp C 2 �O poj�02 9pp� , g G R �NPO 82�a2 Np N GHLPN905 nn G�RRE ?.- pGs- GRAPHIC SCALE Written comments will also be accepted if submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.eov by 5 p.m. on 04/19/2021 The removal, mutilation, destruction, or concealment of Warning!this notice is a misdemeanor punishable by fine and imprisonment. LOCATIONS OF POSTINGS FOR: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly -most portion of lith Ave N, south of Harrington PI NE, and north of Sunset lane NE. (File No. VAC-20-002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) Sb.- ta-,►�.-- o �- N1f'� f�/'` s�- >t- 1-j..►►�E,,. P/ /4'�` 2. 4fceSyh calec.r- o 3. F-- Sip coo-4— o4fl- /y/ (i(7.fo1 — I .I I'- ) !f0J �( Y7.5_01D -i-ItL •!ya ) J. S. ylorc- I°(L on i44-V44t � A( 7. r6o — It?— I f / 6. ` i-tt, a� ii!iverv- ABC. /Ili' ro Sd �c{7, saa - I?7.l:2 CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )ss COUNTY OF KING ) 1 ►J.' ` It 8 j`f'Ck+_hereby certify that 6 copies of the attached notice were posted y me regarding the property described above on the 6 day of Ci1lJ �� 1 , 2021. SIGNED: -k 1041-.1 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME this �#'- day ofY\►l , 2021. Its, Q R�,0''1,' SIGNED: ARyOro/ Printed Name: Undra J. Weir h � V 6; F NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the ,,ug.. ,y= State of Washington, Residing at Renton — tp"s,,��gN19 My Commission Expires: 6/19%2023 ��.? OE ljF \\\\ 7• PUBLIC NOTICE o RENTON CITY COUNCIL VIRTUAL HEARING PUBLIC HEARING ON MONDAY, APRIL 19, 2021 AT 7:00 P.M. Zoom Meeting ID: https://us02web.zoom.us/i/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbiNibiNRMWpZaXk2biJnZz09 Or call -in to the Zoom Meeting: 253-215-8782, enter 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708 Or call 425-430-6501 by 10 a.m. on April 19th to request an invite with link to meeting. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly -most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington PI NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20-002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) / EXHIBIT B '/ <v ROAD VACATION DEPICTION S84`10'09"E(R) 45 \ I 31.50' , L=33.06' R=31i 50' POINT OF ®=60'07 53 00, BEGINNING >' 0 . Of L=29.36' �� P v R=20.00' A= 84*07'10" gc�• L4� qi}3' 219�fl N1 N�5•a0'24"w 55.89' POINT OF COMMENCEMENT 05 t4o. GORR�N GNL 5 Fz IAN pG �! Written comments will also be accepted if submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5 p.m. on 04/19/2021 The removal, mutilation, destruction, or concealment of arni*ngl.this notice is a misdemeanor punishable by fine and imprisonment. CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that per the ongoing pandemic, the City of Renton City Hall is closed to the public at this time. Therefore, a virtual/telephonic Public Hearing will be held by the Renton City Council on April 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. by means of a Zoom video -conference web application. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/i/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbiNibiNRMWpZaXk2biJnZzO9 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser); or (2) call -in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917, Passcode 156708; or (3) call 425-430- 6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. The meeting can also be viewed on Renton's Channel 21, or streaming live at rentonwa.gov/streaming. The Renton City Council will consider the following: Petition for the vacation of a portion of the northeasterly -most portion of 11th Ave N, south of Harrington PI NE, and north of Sunset Lane NE. (File No. VAC-20- 002; Petitioner Solera Manager, LLC) If you wish to speak during the Public Hearing, you must provide your name and email address to Judith Subia, Council Liaison, at isubia@rentonwa.gov or calling 425-430- 6555 by 10 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021 so that the meeting information can be provided to you prior to the start of the meeting. Alternatively, written comments on this topic can be submitted to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2021. Jason A. Seth, MMC City Clerk Published: Seattle Times —April 8, 2021 Published: Renton Reporter (online): April 8, 2021 Account No. 50640