HomeMy WebLinkAboutC_Wirnick Public Comments_CITY RESPONSE_210422.msgHi Brenda, Thank you for reaching out to provide comments on proposed project at 1400 Aberdeen Ave NE. I can sympathize with you with regards to the rodent problem, as I’ve dealt with rodent problems in and around my own home, which was an extremely frustrating situation. While we don’t have any specific measures that we require for rodent control when a building it demolished, we can certainly ask the applicant to pay special attention to any rodent issues that crop up on the site. I’d urge you to reach out to me directly with any issues that come up once the building demolition begins. With regards to the hedge removal, we typically only require trimming or removal if we get complaints from a neighbor or if the height is causing a safety issue. At this time, the new owner of the 1400 Aberdeen Ave NE site has not proposed removing the trees at the rear of the site near your property. We encourage the retention of trees during development in order to ensure some mature trees remain on the site after construction is complete. Any branches that extend onto your property can be trimmed at any time. If you have any other questions or concerns with regard to this property, please feel free to reach out to me at any time. Thank you, Alex Morganroth, AICP - Senior Planner City of Renton | CED | Planning Division 1055 S Grady Way | 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 (425) 430-7219 | amorganroth@rentonwa.gov <mailto:amorganroth@rentonwa.gov> COVID-19 UPDATE City Hall is currently closed to the public but we are still available to assist you. * Pay Invoice and Apply for Over-the-Counter Permit: Permitting Portal <https://permitting.rentonwa.gov/#/home> * Schedule an Inspection: Permitting Portal <https://permitting.rentonwa.gov/#/home> -OR- Building: 425-430-7202; Civil/Site: 425-430-7203 * Contact Staff: * Staff Hours: Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. * Building or General Permitting: permittech@rentonwa.gov <mailto:permittech@rentonwa.gov?subject=Inquiry%20from%20Website> or 425-430-7200 * Planning: planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov <mailto:planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov?subject=Inquiry%20from%20City%20Website> or 425-430-7294 * Public Works Permitting: pwpermitting@rentonwa.gov <mailto:pwpermitting@rentonwa.gov?subject=Inquiry%20from%20City%20Website> or 206-402-8626 * Code Compliance: Renton Responds <https://rentonwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=7922741&pageId=15833143> or 425-430-7373. P Please consider the environment before printing this email From: brenda wirick <brendamm1@comcast.net> Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2021 10:54 AM To: Alex Morganroth <AMorganroth@Rentonwa.gov> Subject: re: property at 1400 Eberdeen Ave. NE CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. Mr. Morganroth: My name is Brenda Wirick, I live at 1337 Blaine Ave. NE. My property doesn't directly back up to your listed property but I am concerned about the demolition of said property. No one let us know when the low income housing was torn down up on Sunset and our properties in my neighborhood as well as friends living south of the housing area were greatly impacted by rodents. It has cost me thousands of dollars in damage and now I am faced with two barns and a house being torn down on the Aberdeen property. Is there any way to prevent the same thing happening again. I am nearly 80 on a very fixed income and I can't afford to attack the situation again. I have grandchildren with pets that I used to "babysit" for and I have told them because of the rat issue and 4 (at least) huge raccoons living in the row of trees to my north I won't take care of their pets. The row of "trees" to my north was addressed by a City of Renton employee a few years ago and she said they are trees so they can remain as long as the owners want them to. However, the gentleman behind me-next to the Aberdeen listed property, was told he had to cut down his hedge to a 6 ft. height within so many days following her order or he faced a $100.00 fine for every week he didn't trim it down. You might want to take a look at this row of "trees" that have ruined the fence-not mine, that the trees have gone through. These trees were large enough that the branches reached my house. The property I am referring to was put on the market and the first day of showing, my family came over and completely cut off the side of the trees that were over hanging my property. I spoke with the owner-off shore owner-and he said he wouldn't be doing anything with the trees. That property is a mess today. How does one protect his property when those around him do not? Renton is very lacking in doing a good job of encouraging new buyers to town if messes are allowed to remain. I am hoping you will look into some answers to my situation. Thank you, Brenda Wirick 1337 Blaine Ave. NE Renton, WA 98056 425-226-4477 ̱̄Ăꀁނゼނジނڕ⬊ĆĄ㞂̊ġ!舄與舰縇舰ᨃĂȀā舰ဃ㘰င㨏✅䋒ⷞ軉ﱜ ꞔ푔큆벹౲똹玫⥼姉⿘㙸럩磅틆㺙㘰င쭨끂㹷໵⧅ 羦ꧢ隯땼ﶿ迚딚볪咢ϱ劖ﵷꍋ✾螡㘰ငᚑ褛ᅋ쵾埂赢悴ӌ 월핺ᤎ鴻ꉵ툡㍠ᜉ琕碮昬ꛛꙄハ쁵偿㘰င晴菔䣱ꡈ鮦렘촅㪻 㐆ꦌ缍易瘌鶫⋨驻䊴됪㻸蚛것�锷㘰င㮘☓뜵ᷩ杊삀榒 뵠痭ﷅ逑혐⾃�㧼猴ꃗ擎훻ꮍ鮢௽簯㘰င⎨ꊴ老뒾쩠喹䷂ⅾ �R烄놛ᆪ퍶䅔껴៖宧滓毮쫵㘰င芨 㱺ⶽ힇떃肛졢驾 蠥㬥䆚⑒괔ꯃី㮿ಪ౺搙佩广쓿悹㘰င涭␛㄁豪␳ ㇖䚲簂躨Λ佂ణ㖟刳骴驟ᕳ浖곂큨ᙘ㘰င侺爹껧�싍��줓 퓥ɿ瓲膗蓁㲫吏熞뉫䈱牊�㞡鹇ᔞ㘰ငһᢏ㤸潟ꇃ틳呶 뭊鐅ϓ烯፷㒈ㆫ鑞阞錰寠ᑋ嶯勋ቷી㘰င﷐鰼സ敻毢㾚폭辛 ꐹ蝵貴͒躠⊥뱹᫧趻㜾毠މ枢ퟬ櫚㘰င惖촰銷즆솓ꍏ척 멅﹂皲閚謹챑�阔탯엤雑肉ᜳ좌轵쩐㘰င뗘㛻梄ɢ텵b꫒㟞 轰斔굮ᙷ㠳㝛햷羏눐ኌ摬蚧옛뙫쑧㘰င䛺糎薻듏 1ㅵऺ׮ ꁈ씋說쁱鏁ઋ햲咛麆Ę磳帝툜醓脰ʱĂ、ꢁ㘰င쭨끂㹷໵⧅ 羦ꧢ隯땼ﶿ迚딚볪咢ϱ劖ﵷꍋ✾螡㘰ငһᢏ㤸潟ꇃ틳呶 뭊鐅ϓ烯፷㒈ㆫ鑞阞錰寠ᑋ嶯勋ቷી㘰င뗘㛻梄ɢ텵b꫒㟞 轰斔굮ᙷ㠳㝛햷羏눐ኌ摬蚧옛뙫쑧䀰ĂȀā㠰㘰ငһᢏ㤸潟ꇃ틳呶 뭊鐅ϓ烯፷㒈ㆫ鑞阞錰寠ᑋ嶯勋ቷી䀰ĂȀā㠰㘰င蜂紞抮⮥૕审嶚 븅꣝㴏ܕ䬾點鶟疪ꗰ炧挺憬ᐾ쐈࠰ĂȀā0舰ᨃĂȀā舰ဃ㘰င轖렜ণ៚ᗱ" 聰 攍䜨⍰濁ằ쏦剚䱐䑎夛䤙弟鸵໕ֳ誛㘰င쭨끂㹷໵⧅ 羦ꧢ隯땼ﶿ迚딚볪咢ϱ劖ﵷꍋ✾螡㘰ငᚑ褛ᅋ쵾埂赢悴ӌ 월핺ᤎ鴻ꉵ툡㍠ᜉ琕碮昬ꛛꙄハ쁵偿㘰င晴菔䣱ꡈ鮦렘촅㪻 㐆ꦌ缍易瘌鶫⋨驻䊴됪㻸蚛것�锷㘰င㮘☓뜵ᷩ杊삀榒 뵠痭ﷅ逑혐⾃�㧼猴ꃗ擎훻ꮍ鮢௽簯㘰င⎨ꊴ老뒾쩠喹䷂ⅾ �R烄놛ᆪ퍶䅔껴៖宧滓毮쫵㘰င芨㱺ⶽ힇떃肛졢驾 蠥㬥䆚⑒괔ꯃី㮿ಪ౺搙佩广쓿悹㘰င涭␛㄁豪␳ ㇖ 䚲簂躨Λ佂ణ㖟刳骴驟ᕳ浖곂큨ᙘ㘰င侺爹껧�싍��줓 퓥ɿ瓲膗蓁㲫吏熞뉫䈱牊�㞡鹇ᔞ㘰ငһᢏ㤸潟ꇃ틳呶 뭊鐅ϓ烯፷㒈ㆫ鑞阞錰寠ᑋ嶯勋ቷી㘰င﷐鰼സ敻毢㾚폭辛 ꐹ蝵貴͒躠⊥뱹᫧趻㜾毠މ枢ퟬ櫚㘰င惖촰銷즆솓ꍏ척 멅﹂皲閚謹챑�阔탯엤雑肉ᜳ좌轵쩐㘰င뗘㛻梄ɢ텵b꫒㟞 轰斔굮ᙷ㠳㝛햷羏눐ኌ摬蚧옛뙫쑧㘰င䛺糎薻듏1ㅵऺ׮ ꁈ씋說쁱鏁ઋ햲咛麆Ę磳帝툜醓ᴰਆثЁ舁਷⌃༄ഗ㠱㘰㄰㌲㠲㤵 ꁚஂしւづ҂ꁍȃȁጂ3