HomeMy WebLinkAboutEx 04 NDA between TracFone and Renton 3.10.14.pdfCONF11l)tNT1ALITY AND NO1N4)1,WCLOSli12K AGRIUWFNT 14!ds Confidentiality and Non-lltaclosmc AgMment C'Agnonituit'7 dated 43Iiu C Af eIedvo Data % Is by and between TraeFone WfrsIM, Tno., a Delaware corpora"ON with Its principal place of buskins located at 9700 N.W. f t2e Avenue, Miami, Florida 33178 ("TRACFONJVI, Tax Recovcty Sorvios LLC, a Washington Limited i.iability Company with a business address of 1902 157w Strost East, Tacoma, WA 98445 Corn 1dfPAlsir% and City of Menton, a municipality, with Its principal ofilm having an address of Ronlon City lull,1055 S. (3rady Way, Renton, Washington 98057 MITY') (TRAC9'ON4 COMPANY and CITY each being referral to herein individually as a "Party" and oolloctfvely as the "Parlies"), Tho Parties hcreiry agece as follows; 1, rurposw TRA.CVONF, COMPANY, aril CITY era ontoring into this Agreement in order tri prevent tie voiruthorFud dhcclrssure of Confidential information as defined below, DO 11111IM on may include but is noLitrnital t� r a. h t u AC'RONE for 2. tarty. Unlrss the oordoxt aloarly icgtdras otbtxvrta0. rat'ennrccs,heratn to a "ratty" gall Include the directota. olYltrxs, canployvamr age and advisors (ittoludlnod wktwu! limitations financial advisors, soomeys,' consultunts, bankers and accountants} (collocthv4y, the "I�opt eaemativeg'j of that Party, 3. Relnflonshlp. Nothing contained in this Agre mont shall be dcwmed to constitute any party a partner, Jolat venture or employte of tho otlaxpady for any p ' 4. ProvhdCrlltcelpleat, For purpasos of this Agreement, TRACFnNB, COMPANY, and C1TY shall be rcfcued to as "Freyider" and "Recipient," where the term "Provider" shall mean the Party providing Coatidenthd Information, andthetorso "Recipient" shall mean tho patty reecivfag Conlidonthal hnformntlon, 'fho rights of the Provider, the obligations of tho tics picas and th phas as Onfideore ullial Iniomiah'on" will adhimn to each of tiro rovided heroin, 51 Contweatial Informatioa. Each Party may rccaiveeacc�no,�iamong t cotherther As, certain, of fire other Pad?s eon^Foblic, proprietary rmatioan exists. For the party or to a third party with whom a c:onCtdontiality obligation of this Agreement, ConGdcmtial Information shall be defined as any information front which independent economia value Is dorlvod, whether actual Of OW11oniiduliIs neither generally known nor readily asoertainablo by prof til Inf runtion lootudes, but is not limited to, trade secrets, teolmolagy atul information as to finallataie, opctgtians, products, services, salos, marketing, plans, praspeets, designs, sotftvare and prolotypos In any farm (e.&, ibmtulos, patterns, compliaflons, progtama, devices, methods, techniques or Processes, wltothcr (9ib, written cr oleelronlo), which Pociplont may receive ht parr via conversations with contain Representatives of the Provider. Confidential Infarmallan also includes personally idantiflabic Infomtatlou, including, hilt trot limited to, the namek addresses, telephono numbers and toll rewrds of TRACFONR's Customers (refMcd to as "Custemar Proprietary Network Informationlathn is o 'CPNf'7. Valium by the Provider to mark er verbally disclose that soot' hlfb ano protected, aoufidenilal or proprietary will not be dotenninative of the Protected, confidential or proprietary charaotor of the disclosed Information il, owing to its inherent chamcta or tho cimumMIoes of its disclosure, a reasonable person, would Wilaludc that it should be considered confidential. In consideration of such disclosure, ltedpient is hcrmim obligated to maintain the oonftdom iality . of the Contidetltla) Inforinalion as set forth below. 6, Itxcap[ione Nolwithstanding any language aoluahtcd hereln, Cenfrdaxticl Infornation will not htelude any information that: (a) is In the public domain at the Limo of Provider's conununiaation to Racfpicot; (b) colored Ora public domain fhrwigh no fault of Recipient subsequent to the time of pmvidels communication thereof to Reofptenl; (a) ryas Lt Recipkntcs poastesioa, floe of any obUgation of confidence, at the time of Provider's com,nunieat%n thereof to Roeipitmt, provided that Iteoiphnt pmmpdy notifies ad provides evkfonco to Provider Of "OIL feat fotiotvins disclosure, (d) was rightfully camaiunicatal to Reoipiaut five of any obligation of confidence sull oquent to the time of Provider's communication thereof to Recipient, ar (c) was devalopcd by employees at agents of Recipient, imdepeudeatty of and without rofl=nco to, the Confldcntisl Infomartlon In adrlltion to the Coregohj& the obligation to not disclvsa (`,ottfidcntiel InPormetion shall not apply to Iha atttcttt the Confidential Information is required fc be disclosed by law, ragatation oi• pursuant to a regairernent or valid request by a court, regulatory body, govormm�tt eganaY nr by subpoat�, bttt nnly to thu aztent of and for Ute purytoscs of wrslt order, and only if Prior to €malt disclosure, Rocipicni ]xamptly ootiflCs Provider of arch request or raquirra„cnt in order to pnshlc Provider to (i) seek an appropriate prnleollvc utder Or othor retrtody, (ii) wnsuit with Recipient wtdt respect to Provider taking stepw to rasisl oldnarrow the seopa of such regttost or legal pmcass, or (ii) wawa rnmpiianee to *bola or in part, with the tc m of this Agreoowwt In the oven! 11W such pm=uvo ormr or oil= "mmedy is not obialaod, or Pmvldcr waives eompilanoe in wholo or in pert, with the terms of this Agrecartor+t, Itcelpistrt stall use good faith and reasonable offoxts to assure li>Rl the (:anrjTidendal Information tip 6 so disclosed will ba 4c XW conl&ienttai treatment and that any disoloaum will be the mUnnum diselasuw squired under'the olrcumstanocs- $. Offar/Acccptnnco� 'fhe execution of this Agreement by the 1'artics In+reta does not constitute an offer, moo^ oo of an offer or commitment On tha pert oC any Party to uudctinito a •lYaneaetion or to torah' itom tennineting ttogoilations at fitly tuna oral for any reason. 9. !tights. The disolostu+o of Confdential lnlwnrallon by any party huawtder shalt not residt In any obligation by 11rovider to grnntReclpleul rights tbeuoin Other thm atpr=lY stated iaa this AgYtxment. It Is twknowledgeri by rho parties that nn-liarasso under any patent, oopyrights trademark or Other proprietary right is granted or aonveyod by this ,4g=mt:nt. All Contdemial Inforalatton shall remain the propotty of I'mvidcr and no liccKrsa or other rights to tho Contkiendsi Information am grunted or Implied hmby. I0. Campetitinn. Tlotwlthstsnding the foregoing, This Agreement shall not be cxmstnted to limit any roily 'at ights t0 eogago, or to oontteua ip enggBe in say businttas whalscevat> Without taus use of the other Parry's C.ontldadiat Infortrut1191j, specifically inehtding, a bus ou that is competitive with ihr: Inwincss of tho odtcr Party hetvig, Furihot, COMPANY m developp oxry orr�ntciva firm prudes, lulutomeli�. I�dtwiss or �vleoa and that TRACFONH WA its offillMm May now hQv% or In ilia tLture my that may be similar to rite, Confidential (o medon dlWosed to TRACFONII hereunder, or producia or setviow oi'tored or cotuormplated to be olloted by COMPAN1 and/or t,ITY. AcCotNiugly, netlung in feels Agiti exnrnishsll ba aonstructl as a rrprosoritatton or implication that TRACFQNH or its efliliaW will not develop or acquire, for itself ar others, products or servlacs that compete with the produc% systems or methods ecntornpdated by COMPANY or CITY's Conffdentiat Informadou, provided that rRMXINli or its affiliates do not do $o in breach of this Agpecmtent. 11, Warranties. Brecht party aclmowlcd� that accuracy and uomWe"uss of infomtatinn is required by law; howvvty beyond this tequiret»ani, this agreement Is not making exprostt or imphicd representations or waraaties as to the accuracy or coreplotcoom of the CoafidogIIol Infomtatiou. The piles flathor adutowledgethat Provider shall havo no Itabitlty to Recipient Molting from iteelPIont's use of tha Conotiiattial l fontnation other than tho possible legally msttdatcd text Interest and foes owing true to the teethe. 12.7tirruinathtta cad Qbiigation to Pretecl CoafldcnWtl lnfotwttatb�n Thii ABreenmt shall tettntnete upon the non&Imninon nting Patty's roacipt of written net' ce of tarmload by tha teaninaling Patty. in the event thoparties w into 1a defimetl to be iWitten ootpocated otter entering Into this A6ecomenl, this Agruntent Iwo such &Andtive agreement, whether it is rotoronced thcecln. Any intogrntlon or mager clause in such ddinitiva agreetaml, or agtoemerds, which wood appear to aoittdt: thla Agreoruelu, shall be void as to this Agrtentent. PmGh PtAdy agtvctt that all of the obligadotts um11r takcm heroin as a Roci&M shall' with tea a to r3otllideatiel for malion received or diaelmed prior to any termination of -this AWcoment, surviv+a and continue in perpetuity: Rather, to the Wool allmw+xi by law, within ten 10) days followIN either a written nquest from pa Mder or the ceTt+pl rAioo of business dealUIP bctwet:n the Parties hereto, Itocipiejtt will deliver to Provider all "thle copies of the CoufldONhd infoealallon, including, but not limited to, magneCto or ohsotionie media containing fits Cotttidentitd Information, notes) and paper(s) in whatever form containing the Corrftdetrtiat Information or parts thmot and any other c*ce Of the Coadc""al Information In arty form, cWiiphng in writing to 11rovldet that no oopita Itnve been retained. Provitlor, at its sole option, rosy rixiuest in writing thud Recipient destroy all captes of the Coniidaatal Infomtallou. If Provider re lu"(s that such Confidential inlbrmadon be de myod, Roatpiont will promptly dosrroy the Confidential imfotmaiion and, within ten (i0) days of the rather lium provider to desu:oy the Confidentiallnl mudiout wa Pc In writing to Provider that the CoaWcatial Information hue been eompletaty mYOdr yhe ibl'goin shall to otoanteoto for ; Aloasulta, retttnt or tho fined audit pep and uecomary pP� 13. Assignithih'ty. This Agreement 6 not assignshle by any party. Any atttanpt by any Party to assil,n any of the rights orohtigbtions of this Agre ment is void ab fnirfo. 14, Modifleatiatr No modlflestion of this Agtcen or vetiver of this. tarts and conditions he roof aball be binding upon any patty oolers approved in waiting by all of the Partial. IS. Waiver. The Ihlhtre OF MAY of any party in eXorelalnit fury right, Iruw A' of privilege hereunder strati not operate as a waivor thet±efmm, nor crisp any ®Irmo or partial exercise preclude any other or fWWTP ext"J" of any right, power rn' privilege ProV14'd in this Agreemen(. i6. Soverablilty. l 1mid any provision of this Agreement be declared invalid, illegal of ntten&roesble, tho validity, legality and tatforceabillly of the rcmaining provisions shall not in any way be aMeted or Impaired thereby, Such mauaining provisions shall tmaIB deemed in rll ill tbtcc and efi'oct. Further, in the event that any p vvv sion of this Agreement exoeod the tuna or geagraphic itatitations permitted by applicable law, them such provlslon shall be eh cued reformed herein to the maxiOnuti alma Or p cographic limitations permitted by such W)lcabio law. l7, Choiec of Law I Wantre. This AQ,rcement shall be govomed and construed In accordance with tilo laws ofthe State of Wasbington without regard to the conflIOU of lows or principles thereof. Any claim or conflict arising out of dais Agreement shell be adjudicated in King County, Washington and Cite parties hereto hereby consent to tho jurisdiolion of such courts. 1 g, Itemedres. The Parties acknowledge and agree that any breach of this AVc n=d by any party may cause in"amblo harm to the ether Party fbr which monetary damages may be Inadequsto, and that in addition to any other feoxedies that may be avddlable, including the recovery of damages, the injured Patty aihall be entitled to Peak speoifie performance of the provisions thereof, or tho exet� of any tight, power or priviloga heratndat Including by me= of injunctive roller (without pnwf Of actual damages or the need to post bond or otter security) against the threatened bresob of this Agreement or the continuation of any such breach, out the ncccssi(y of Provo g &crust damages. 19, Attorney Nets. in the event of any disput% eonlrOw'sy of claim, cohere damages have bcon proven, arising from or relating to this Agreement, the prevailing party shall have a right to an awetd fbrsll reasonable Attorney foes and costs resulting therefrom. 20, iieaditrgs. The headings in this Agreement have been inserted for emvemerwe and ldculticatinn purposes only, These headings ere not Intended to dosodbo, intorprct, dcflne or limit rite geope, extent or intent ofpro (K4 Agreement Or any viyloas therein• 21. )intest'at an. 'ihla Agmemont ewtsthutm rho entire agreement Wwoe" t a Partes resuming the subject matter hereof and supefsedaa all proposals or prior agreentouts, whether oral or written, mid all other oommunimlioas hetN9eeat TRAP=T�(ll` K COMPANY, and CITY relating to the sabJect matter orthisAgreement, 22. Execution, This Agreament may be axoaut d in exatiutofpads, each of which shall he decmal to be an arlginat agreement, but all of which taken torAlw sh811 constitute one and like samo Instmment, binding upon the Pmtles, (belt Rcpr'a•+entadivas. assigns and MOCM30M when elgnad by each, 23. Authority teri i d to execute this Aurvcnxuatt on behalf of TRACFOONIi COMPANY- and CI T'Y. Dill ExKrRYCEn by en aulhotivcd Represoatative of card, Patty 011d °il`ec:live ns °f that giYLc:tive Date fitat writters alwvr, '11HAf:7N11, WIRELES$ INC. pr (SVI' arnb�Me) Naaao: 41,Ex. Date: "CQMI'ANY": TAX RECOVERY $T.RViCT,$, LLC Nal11R: �Gl"i"Y"a tarry OF RFjNTON xy:t1a (i� — fJntne: ritim DaW