HomeMy WebLinkAboutCO 06Contract Title: Contractor: Contract No. : Federal Aid No. : Change Order No. 5 Williams Ave 5 and Wells Ave 5 Conve6ion Project Cascade Civil Construction cAG-20-001 HrPUr-STP 9917 (034) I Ordered by Engineer I Proposed by the Contractor (VECP) E Unilateral By:Bya Y/^*-.-_ Re dent Engineer Reviewed By: D ate ngineer{CityotRentonTEnsportatioD Date Desi8n ManaBer) Consent By: tl,{i^ ^ 0^^'1")qlzu lzt Amount Working Days Origlnal Contract:57,733,4?2.80 250 Current Contract:58,351,422.80 182 Estimated Net Change This Order:S27o,ooo.oo /'0 New Contract:58,62L,422.80 2AZ Engineer of Record Reviewed By; City of Renton Project Managpr Date Reviewed By: Date SUrety (6reater than 25% cost andlo.2(y. Date time increase)'* W-4 1fr ontra Executed By: Date city Attorney D ate City of Renton Public Works Administrator / Mayor Date Change Order No. 06 Contract Title:Williams Ave S and Wells Ave S Conversion Contract No.cAG-20-001 Project Page 1 of 19 I CAG-20-001, CO #6-21 5-26-2021Approved by Cheryl Beyer via 4-13-2021 email Reason for Change: The existing Century Link concrete encased duct banks crossing South 2d Street between Burnett Avenue South and Williams Avenue South were placed above the existing 12-inch clay sanitary sewer pipe. A consistent Srade PVC replacement for the original 12-inch clay sanitary sewer pipe would directly conflict with the existing concrete encased Century Link duct bank. To mitigate the direct conflict with the Century Link duct bank, the Engineer modified the sanitary design under Field Directives #66 and #68. Materials: Sanitary Sewer Manhole, 48 lnch Diameter Sanitary Sewer Manhole, 72 lnch Diameter (Owner Provided) Kor-N-Seal Boot or approved equal PVC - C900 Sanitary Sewer Pipe Pipe Zone Bedding Trench BacKill C900 Drop Connection Fittings Controlled Density Fill Cement Concrete for Pavement Cement concrete for Curb and Sidewalk Dowel Ears Tie Bars Epoxy for Bars Plans: Sheet 57 - SEWER PLAN & PROFILE STA 196+00 TO STA 200+50 City of Renton STD. Plan 402.2 - INSIDE DROP CONNECTION FOR SANITARY MANHOLE Change Order No. Contract Title: Contrac{ No- 06 Williams Ave S and Wells Ave S Conversion Project cAG-20-001 Page 2 of 19 THE CONTRACT IS MODIFIED A5 FOITOWS: Description of change: The Contractor shall install sewer manholes at 2 and Burnett and at 2'd and Williams and shall install C90O PVC sanitary sewer pipe from station 197+05.55 to 199+95.98 as described in Field Directives #66 and #58. The Contractor shall install a sewer bypass system per the approved 5 2nd Street Williams to Burnett Temporary Sewer Diversion. The City of Renton will provide a 72- inch manhole replacement for manhole 12322. Extension of Time: The Contractor shall submit a written request for time extension per Standard Specification section 1-08.08 for evaluation by the Engineer. Additional working days are not addressed in this change order. Equitable Adjustment: This Change Order will include an equitable adjustment per Section 1-09.4 of the 2018 WSDOT/APWA Standard Specifications. The bid item quantities and costs associated with original sanitary sewer work from 197+05.55 to 199+95.98 shall be deleted. Payment for the change order work shall be made by force account only. Sections 1-04.4 and 1-04.5 of the 2018 WSDOT/APWA Standard Specifications shall govern thas Change Order. The Work ofthe referenced contract is modified to include the changes detailed herein. The payment provided for herein shall constitute force account settlement for the direct costs of labor, equipment, materials, overhead, profit, and permit fees. All other claims that may be made by the Contractor as a result of this change shall be evaluated upon Contractor submittal of w.itten request for time extension per Standard Specification section 1-08.08. Attachments: Forms to be attached to Change Order a Plans El Field Directive E Change Order Quotation A Estimated Change Order Cost A Project labor List tr Force Account Equapment Rate Request (DOT Form 422-010 EF) tr EquitableAdjustmentDetermination Change Order No Contract Title: Contract No. 06 Williams Ave S and Wells Ave S conversion Project cAG-20-001 Page 3 of 19 g?8fEst9EIaFa-r i,E6:IIx-tt ,r-r--- -. o z o L @ Ii t I T 5 a I! It, Fz,olo=6g o6 0lilera li!arI. t ---!- ili!rii JllJl, iiiii: li ;ilt:iEie:IEiI E:l;rialrtsB e6E'l*4lliii,ir!ii,iIi lElr!iiii;iiiioooo@i,:iil; EI C Ii!IiiEE:Eiii,E;EI t!-!ir-E:litEi:iiilll'tlIils I9l i I a _t ,( rs t:Ir6 6l0aa Yrs ,al totln i1iii s 3 q a E l:'t--: .I rfu I I ]. sl a ?E ffi TE t Ett 5 i I f I t I i I i t- d ir. 6./.rr Lrgtrrlt^F.-\i.,td\|.6n\+., li.d ts '- '.tt\roor^$rd.\, I IE ff.> l i3 I i :p rf s:l Y $mrta 1 3I i i 4 5t lo I a6Ed 9* raP]o a6uP(to 0 7/e7/sPlcn$ed ulUeUI _tN l rlll.u vd I o $uoM )rlsnd z'zot - N\nd 3]oHNV] I AUVfiNVS UOI NOt-lJ3NNOf, dOUO 30rSNl doSo r{orlv ol orlvloEu l8 ol ollN r.vn ulcovr sslJrY oNV r.Drr3ls lNotr lroHNvn a . slNlod r,o[f,3Nr{oClv rrCvl Z Nllt 'SIrcA NOENvdX:l lffls SS3-lNlvIS 9Nlzl-Iln olH3vllv 3€ l.lvHs SllxOvSS UfIltfS t'lo Illl t rO CNOVdS ,lnnlxvn v HMt Ol'l'lvlsNl 38 TIVHS Sdv8ls SlINfJ N3HI Lllj I S03l3X3 HlCNfr Sdrd dOUo lrfdrd dO80 HJVI rO SoNl 105tds oNV ttla uo8 io .,9 NrHt$ ofl-]vlsN! 3€ l.tvHs tvnof ol^ouddv l,c) srlx)v88 ,r{Bnvt l'lgv.tsit'0v ]:lfls ss:l'tNrvls 0Nv8a .8fNnl8. z -f'loHNvn a3tl}{Vto 8:Igav'l V 3UlnOSl lvn ONV ,t'lllll.n A]IV,$:USV t lHl AS 0litlhlU l€ 'l'lvHs sdouo 3ld[ln,\ uo d3l3vrvrc Nr .za gNrof]cx3 s&uo 3€rsNr '_zr sr tNldrd doul fOENI 3Hr JO Ulllnvrc f']8v/{OT}V finxlxvtl fHl 'lrcHNVn UlI]lWlO -09 v Nll{ll,vr 9 Ntvn oNusrxS Nv oI 9NLLf,3NNo3 xtH,$ lvnof 03^o8ddv 80 rNltdnof, f,vt{ou :}sn s 'lvnol o:t^oSddv tosroog -rvrs-N-8o, lsn oNY 0ltll80 3uotr ls llvHs 3toHNvfi ol sNotlcfNNof, t U31lnvl0 ,,O9 l8 llvHS l.lOllJlNNOf, dOUo lOlSNr UOJ floHtwn SZIS li{n,llNln f 'sNrvn ul^ 3s Noar lttf,no 01 9N[.3]NNo3 Nl]l r 9NnlBZ06l V,riillY CNY ldld 0O6J vli/tlY lsn NOal ll[f,nC ]d:lCx3 SlvluSJ.vll lvn U:h:tS cNrlslx:l llv 01 gNrrllNNoS N:lFr.$ sc 80s c^d t8 tlvHs scNllltj oNV sldta douo z NOtrSls llnltn U:llv,ttllsv i fru B lv^OAddv l,Odn O3Sn fg Ol llNO IUV Sdodo Ul,tl:ls AUVIINVS I -'slmN ldrd nvfS-tsr{noo lHl -10 slrlnvro lHr z/l lrlucNol Nl cfool€nf oNfE .06 lvnol cl ouddv uo srl)lJvua 9Nrdfiv]f, 3l8V1Sm0V -1f3rs ssltNtYIS oNvu€ -83Nr'118- 1 _:toN lls I / 1 *"n ,*= 9NrlSrXl NV OI 9N|I3:!NNO3 Nfltff 'lvool o3^ouddv 80 3Nt]dno3 3vtrc8 lsn s3l0HNVn - lifN aol NrN _09 lz,s llvrudoaddv ro lll t ) ---tIl -l l'* PEnreer FIELD DIRECTIVE Wriiomr Avc S ond wc[ At S Co*roa Pqcct HF1J|--STP 9917 (05.i)cAG 2o-001 y22no2l 2nd F*U Ot di- N. 066 Co.<od. Cirl Co..r,scl.oo 5oj fillL Are SdrL sr. lOO, Sod.. wA !Alo4 I p 2o5 a36 66 The followirE ir docum€ntation of an oral o.der Siven by the EnSaneer pet WSDOT Speciri.ation lol.'t The contractor st|.ill replace 5heet 37 with the attached revised sheet 57- Ih€ Oty of R.nton will provide the Proposed SSMH 72" for 2nd and Burnett This will be provid€d by 3/2612021. Pleale provide a revised bypasi plan and a revired t .tfi. control plan for thls revised work. The wolk tg remove th€ existlnt sanatary sewer plpe and manholes and to install the proposed sanifary sewet ,ipe and manhol6 will be tra*ed and paid by fo.ce a€count. Rqld €,gi,Ed (a R!F*ntoti-) Jdd6rl*3n2no21 Cnangs Order t6 - Pag€ 6 ol t 9 *-85EfTd8t*t-aaIta6 zo z o - @ t , I II I! 3t. Fz UJo= .Joo JJJII,:iirl!iitrtr illlmil 3 I IEaIIlt I d?E I dqi.lli!ii,;;il#iloooo€i*i'liElii,Eiii ,-i tiiis!trIEEIlllitliiii9 gfll"i85 tlt6 6+(Dt lrs *: rolYn In,' _Jt i8 I i I ! ,,.r. a 9 i l ! ,i I I l I I ia IE : I I I I I I i I I 5 , n ,I ,l 3 I l:4i ai , !r: ,i::? x'ht it. t--'-';- i 34vr.ritrlE I.\ t i;rt.-' ,iia t! l I Z3i 'j i f I E.l ry (t d/../( L.ss&r{r,.-^Ib4ar\-e-, tt4 E q - e€ drnldrri\ r l! IEIr ,;. Usifucli!!s !!i:ii 1 l./{.Morg,, c"vs,uPc ru ( \ ;, iIllIl-r IEE OF APPROPRIAI€ SZE 60'MrN FOR NEw - MANI.IOTES USE ROMAC CO{JPLING OR APPRO\EO EOIJAL TWEN CONNECIING IO AN IXISTING sEwtR vA$t 7 I -RELINER.. BRAND STAINLESS STEEL AD.X.jSTABLE CLAMPING BRACKE]S OR APPROVED EOUAL SEE NOTE 7 90' BEND EMBEDDEO IN CONCRETE 1/2 THE DIAMETER OF THE DOVTNSTREAM PIPE N TES: I. SANITARY SEYIER DROPS ARE O'II-Y TO BE USED I'POI{ APPROVAL 8Y 'I}IE WASTEWATER U1ILITY SECNON. 2. DROP PIPTS ANO fIITINCS SHALL BE PVC SDR 35 t!'tEN COITNECTING TO ALL EXISTING SEViER YAIN MATERIALS EXCEP] DUCNLE IROI.I. USE AV'f,'A CgOO PIPE AND ATVWA C9O7 FITIINC *IIEN CONNECTING TO OUCTILE IRON SEVIER MAINS. 3. MINIMUM SIZE MANHOLE FOR INslOE DROP CO'INECTIoI'I SHAL 8E 60, DIAMEIER. 4. CO{NECTIONS TO MANHOIE SHALL BE CORE DRILIfD AND USE KOR-N-SEAL BOOIS OR APPROVED EQUAL. 5. USE RO AC COUPLING OR APPROIED EOUAL WI{EN CONNECTING TO AN EXISTING MAIN. 6. WTHIN A 60" DIAVETER MANHO{,E, 1HE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE OIAMETER OF THE INSIDE DROP PIPING IS I2-, INSIDE OROPS EXCEEONG 12" IN DIA}JEIER OR MULNPLE DROPS SIALL BE REVIEI{ED BY 'HE WASTEIYA1ER UTILITY AND MAY REOTJIRE A LARGER DAMETER MANHOLE. 7, .REUNER.. BRAND S1AINLESS SIEEL ADTJSTABLE CLAMPiNG BRAO(ETS OR APPRO\ED EQiJAL SIIALL BE INSTALLED I,TTHIN 6" OF BOTH BELL AND SPIGOT ENDS OF EACH OROP PIPE. IF DROP PIPE LENGTH EXCEEDS 5 FEET THEN CEN1ER STRAPS SHALL BE INSTALLED WTH A MAXIMUM SPACING OF 4 FEET ON CEI{TER, BRAC{ETS SHALL BE ATTACHED U]ILIZING STA'N|ESS SIIEL EXPANSIOI.I BOLTS, IIIN. 2 EACH AT CONNECNON POIN IS, 8, MANHOLE CO{E SECTION ANO ACCESS LADDER MAY I{EED IO BE RELOCATEO IO ALLOW DFOP PLAN - 402.2 Martin Pastuchd}/26/2INSIDE DROP CONNECTION FOR SANITARY MANHOLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Charge Order S6 - Page 8 ol 19 0 f',' Penteer FIELD DIRECTIVE !O5rii[^r.e5o,i 5t .!m.s.o, ..w 9a|(l IP?06.56.05rs Wllions Ar 5 ond WCr Aw S Co.siio Prci6'HtP( I-STP 99t7 (034)cA6 20-00t 4tv202t Fidd oir..l* Ot5lpli@ Wot.' n.tii,|t or 2nd dd &,nctl 066 Co!&d. Cnil Co.5tluciu The followlng is do.umentatioo ot an oral order given by the Engineer per WSDOT Specification 1{4.4 The Contractor shall pe.form the following work at the 2nd and Burnett intersection to facilitate the installetion ofthe propGed 72' sewel manhole. R€move dr. existin8 concrcte p.vement, curb, and sldewalk as shown below and as indiceted in the field Excaydte to below the existint water maih. Shore fo, the city of Renton installa 2il" butterfh valve. Sackfillthe 24" butterfly valve o$ce lt i! installed. lnstall cement conoele pavement, curb, and iidewalk lo iestore the impacted area. Remove the existint th.ust blo.* to the NE ofthe existin8 sewer marholc at 2nd and Eumett. lnstall new thrust blocks et the eristing tee to the NE olthe proposed 72" sewe. manhole. provide t affic control for allwo.k. This work will be tracled and paid bv torce account as part o, future change order P'oFct Eisiag (d R.p..eto'ic) lqd6fl@ aIL2a2t Clrange Order *6 - Page I ol 19 Sanitary Sower on 2nd frorn Burnefl to Walliams ' CharBe O.der Ouolatio.l PO Box73457 Puyallup, WA 98373 Office (2s3)302-0483 Offi ce Fax (97 1l.2L6-007 9 Estimating Fax (503)981-1161 S 3o,ooo $$s,ooo ^A\ Attn CASCADE .ICUlrGIEEqEf,l. March 241h,2027 coR 420001-081 Perteet, lnc. 38579 SE River Street Suite 1 PO 8ox 908 Snoqualmie, WA 98065 Proiect Williams Ave South & Wells Ave South conversion Proiect cAG-20{01 FA H|PUL-STP 9917 (034) 420oo7 2d street sewer Rahmi Kutsal - Construction Manager cCC Jo b No.: RE: Rahmi: We are in receipt of Field Directive #66 directing revisions to the sanitary sewer installation on 2d Street and adding two new manhole installations. As requested, we are providing an estlmate of the force account cost for thls added and revlsed scope. The sewer bypass system will require revision to accommodate the removal and installation of a new 72" manhole at 2d & Bumett. A second pump setup south of the intetsection on Burnett, piping, road ramps, etc, will be required. Further revision will be required to install the new 48" manhole at 2nd & Williams. A total of 3 pump setups, piping, road ramps, etc will be required for this installation. lnstallation of the new manholes and the revised pipe require additional time and materials. The City will provide the new 72" manhole. On-site modifications may be required once we have assessed the structure. We believe 8-10 shifts will be required to remove the two existing manholes, install the two new manholes, remove the existing 12" sewer and install the new 12" C9O0 at the revlsed profile. This will include hauling and disposal of excavation, as well as shoring equipment. We believe it is prudent to utilize hydro excavation methods to expose the exi5ting gas line along the trench at several locations tg have positive location of it as the sewer work advances. Cha{e Order {6 - Pag€ l0 ot l9 . sewer Bypass Revisions . lnstallation of new manholes and revised C90O pipe Sanilary Sewer on 2nd ,rom Burngtl lo Wlliams - Change Order Orotation . Test & TV pipe, finish structures and adjust castlngs . Revised Survey . Additional sawcuttint and corint . Additional traffic control devices & equipment s 4,000 S 3,ooo s 3,ooo S 1o,ooo There are additional costs incurred as a result ofthe conflicts which were identified in RFls #72 & #73. These lnclude the standby of the sewer equipment and bypass gear from 03-15-2021 to 03-29-2027 as well as the efforts expended the week of03-0&2021 in preparation for the sewer work. This is approximately S35,000. Hydro excavation during the sewer work is approximately $15,000 The total of this estimated cost based on force account rates is 5255,000. We believe that the sewer changes have affected the project schedule by 5-6 weeks. R Hayner -ral Manager Cascade Civil ction, LLC 2 CharEe Order #6 - Page t I ol 19 Sanitary Serer oo 2nd from Burnell to Williams ' Eslimated Change Order Cost Change Order Cost (Equitable Adjustment) Proicct arle: Wllliams Avenue S & Wells Avenue S Conversion Proj.d (.ontraator': Caicade CMI Construction Contracl Noi CAG-2Gm1 FederalAid No: HPUI-SIP 9917 (34) ConstructbrM8nat.r: Perteet Change Order No. 6 By: Jordan Howe Datet 4l72l2o2t CALCULATED TOIAL €STIMATED TOTAL s295,791.7a s30o 134.11 Unit Price Estimated CoslQuentityUnitBid ltem No.Descaipton 4a347;tA Eslimatetabor 29%,')D 5-407 :: : :Labor Markup 31s88 EstimateD 6-407 Equipment 2L%fquipment Marlup .'.30610..IstimateD 6-407 M.terials 21%Materials Markup 1700o Estimate $ 1.00D 6-407 Services 2L%Services MarkupD 6407 Estimate' D 6"407'Mobilization 57500 Estimate. D 6.{,0?Subaontractor 5$,317.14 S14,020.76 531,588.0o s6,633.18 s30,610.00 56428.10 s77,000.00 s16,170.00 ss7,s00.00 s6,9@.Oo So. D 6-407 Subaontractor Markup Bld ltem Change -s6,240.0O-40 s 1s6.ma3 - 120 Removal and Replacement o, UrEuatable Foundation Matetial S 123.00 -512,300.0o-100 LFA3 - 722 furnish and lnstall 12 ln. oiam. Pvc c900 sewer Pipe -s2,160.00-90 ION S 24.mA3 - 123 8an* Run Gravelfor Trenah Be€kfillS€wer -s1,490.00s 715.002Adiust Sewer Manhol€D - /t02 s 230.00 -$230.00IShoring or Extra Excavation Trench -s25,s22.s0LFs 123.00-207 .sD - ,104 turnish and tnstall 12 ln. Diam. PvC C900 Sewer Pip€ s 24.q)-s6,960.00-290 TONEank Run Gravel for Trench BactfillSewerD-405 -ss4,902.50TOT Overheed So.ooByASreementPer attached determination s24s,231.61Calculated chanSe order cost (Without Sales Tax) s24,768.39Sales Tax for Calculated Chan8e Order Cost (10.1%l s270,000.00Estimated Change Order Cost (With Sates Tax) @ Chanoe Order *6 - Page 1 2 o, 1 s foraa Acaourt s 1.00 S 1.oo S 1.oo D 6-407 s 1.m CY EA D-403 6 | lo t t o6sd - 9f raPro 66uEq3 8t 16,1',t52 I 'drtdn io Er,P.F{ -.!!ir1 vd s}u 15ol !'rlolf,r ltuol w].ot s {qrnErqs ,4 P-.r..t !6m l) .!q.rt .rEF) ru glt6l a s 1r:rl Avd s|FI - P'oqns Lnofur) 1SS/!^ F'o d/r-ro tr4r ]tr^t ts ]!to1 5rKIntlNr llro^M t.,t/t 0r. .!4 ro rlll rw0l1 I vn ]v I o I 4lto !r'a INir*rD! ]vlo.L 0zagt z9 Igloaqr t 164 o Fqol u..,rold,Forirrc arlrfg, t q $I9 t 9t rol I ls 18 !oo 00r z (I0ro 9 J EAE '[09 5 00 00t !llogvr wdt{t9 ollar9q6 I nltt t t oo 00r al or'!518 t 9t lot t t5lt t 00 00r BI0r't918 I gl'aot I !5 18 I 00 00r l dnou9.o3d tl,llrr'8 t 9rro t !5rs I 00 00r rdnolr!:d _r50f,lnuu:ho ]^r.trl^o dHo 9l| lotN I 'rv10] uogvl p*..d.Er-' ,/}D P@-d.,F--:jFr&'nr'qFfiq @F! |o&f :I -,Fla p$M ar.! 6 i.alr F, t@,:',Fttu 6qq:,i p1'e.$ o ll.nFrr6r{i. ri ,o aalat.P.ltu E BN'.d.tiartuqs.az..F-dr-4!!P&lr{I.dd-! *,5r-or-ltrr,Eqtu rtlsrf,rs S Psddo.r !.1rd'rrtgr.nq,Dro[@q e9r rrr.'{ pr,J F,99r a>€ n4 up.ql,,j? s 96 S6r6d q95.r0'a6r 6rqr 6, rdl l:f,xr6id frrd OO6f F, r:FrJ.U !*. ,o (r!0)2166 dl!-1n H ',,ro1l @d,e) s rv {.1 F, srvr0liln tsoc rarlo aousrlc poleurmf - surErlM ol uaurng ulorl prrz u<, ra^l6s /oElues !m 9l r 9oal l iJo6ld a,5 @g r 5 e,s 'ail .|lr r tc{ 0o'or9'r9r t I !.,hr5 @ ,!6d/Po.!,,^o 00 0l5tq t 0(,00r'a I uop 4r,! nhoS tuo rtu,^t l,ae3 000rzrs t sA,&drqt..8ldto 000156{ I llirF{-) I4 (t/6$!drt /164'!l 000968 7 Jco08t r,lon|sleu.l.h6,P Pbh@l:qd :oA ,!dd .,r9ro{ d3p 0000r/0 a 6ur) tnD riunD 5 !hr?F,DsPSPdrx/ess&l|< @o9lt t 1501 II - II 0t ololt Iq'ezr'9 t t @or90{ I @0r9z 006400 06 l85l cgl (D OOO',9 @tr (l8l 00@0t @'000 t 0ol r! 8r ,rdt ,rt r*5 ^qr,5 og_r 00 coo z 00 0a 00ocr csl 0rl00!'fl oo 09 oo 061 oe1 1501 ! lNn rro IIIII-rr IrrASi I 8r!t99 t il'ar. '{;t 6 rF'a,pii*ririo maBsE i 00E89s t 169l t 00 00i IOIV r]XI ) nvxwl C llrtrpfl !J l lvll s{XVZ ar)Vl,U OZOa t a5r,99 o!r'8tza t @9t tt at s 0l] cor 9LMrrno 1H9fl lv,r\x9sr'xo o59 r odor 0a0a g5t-u1 @aaog t t8[ I sa09 5 00 0Ol .lYlo wla AvrAH9tH-^ro )tru1d.rto Azr 'P9 t00a at5 u1 @'9arT t 6t 9r !9t 19 t u:!ovo] ItHMollvnl[lv Qn't @6at i oor t St ae !00 00r sDnuL ^rno 1H9r] vr\AH9lH-Nc 059 r o80r oz0z 55t'U'l oo 9rr1 I 9ZS J I c0 vJr st[IrvJ&l i]vni& )illwo?(l,]s_xsu r'€trr8 s xtat sr@otaa t 09 aq t o0 ao 8o1VAVfxl AmYUq H O:IJ.r{tOh !lr/\ Vd'lr'lrsngq ! ltoN! Is -' t1+.yti?n.rrso) II .t t:rrd3d ..:l @ ti,i PERTEET PENI6ET COM 505 rrrrH vENUt 5, SUrrE 300 srArTr t_ wA garo,r ,06 4re.oils I /1,,.- rfzq ho Sanilary Sevrer on 2nd frora Burneli to willhnrs - Projed Labor Llsf May 29,2020 Serial Letter # 5 Brian Fry Cascade Civil Construction, LLC P.O. Box 73457 Puyallup, WA 98373 Williams Ave South & Wells Ave South Conversion Project City Proiect No.: CAG-2G{X)1 Federal Aid No.: HIPUL-STP 9917 (034) RE: Response to serial l-etter #4 (Force Account Labor tjsts) Brian: Thank you for providing the Project Labor List in accordance with 1-09.5 1. There are no exceptions to the project labor list as provided. For any consideration of payment for small tools as requested in Serial Letter f4 the requirements detailed in Rahmi Kutsal's 5/13/2020 email must be met (these requirements are all detailed in the WSDOT Standard Specifications and the WSDOT/AGc Equipment Rental Agreement). lf you have questions or comments, please contact our office. Res ly, Howe 42s-304-7283 Change Order {5 - Page 1 4 ol 1 9 CASCADE,-ltIItlni:rrEld:rrrrtr PO Box73457 Puyallup, WA 98373 Office (253)302-0483 Office Fax (97 7)2L6-OO7 9 Estimating Fax (503)981-1161 ^A. Sanaary Sewsr on 2nd lrom Burnel{ lo Williams - Proj€cl l-"abor Lisl Perteet, lnc. 38579 SE River Street Suite I PO Box 908 Snoqualmie, WA 98055 Proiect CCC Job No.: RE: Attn: Williams Ave South & Wells Ave South Conversion Project cAG-20-001 FA H|PUL-5TP 9917 (034) 420mt Force Account Labor Lists Rahmi Kutsal - Construction Manager Rah mi: Please find attached our Force Account Labor Lists. The contract provides for the owner and contractor to negotiate the cost of small tools. We propose adding 2% to the labor component of each force account record to account for small tools, rigging, consumables, safety, and supplies. Please contact us if you have any questions concerning this issue. Respectively, fuisnClg Brian Fry - Proiect Manager Cascade Civil Construction, LLC Change Order ,6 - Page 15 ol 19 1 Match 24,2020 coR 420001-004 Sanitary Sewer on 2nd lrom Burnetl 1o Williams - Proiecl Labor Lisl Tim Hayner From: Sent: To: Subiect: Mandy Lopes Thursday, June 6, 20I9 12:16 PM Tim Hayner; Laurie Tapia WC EXPERIENCE RATES Rate notica printed on OllO2lZOl9 Accourx lD Business nante Ac<ount manag€r 802.392-03 CASCADE CIVIL CONSTRU ClT ON JAN BENTLEY 360.902-1652 Ctick on the Risk ctass number for a detaited description of horv your risk ctass rates and your emptoyees' payroll deductions ere catculated. te notice printed date: Ol f0212019 Rate notice €ffective date: 0l /01 /2019 lofl << Pravi0ls I Next >>Jffirp to PiSe I Clrss CLsB Dc5crtstion 0-1 Road Cmstructron NOC 07 tjlitty lins constunderground 00 Sel|er Const/Seplic Taflk hsl 04 Clerical Ofiice NOC & Drattsmn lall . Experl€nce Aacts€ntFedor Fund f*edical Ai, (Ef x (AF. },A+ 1.0000 r.5016 0.4002 1.m00 1.5/t85 0,5819 1.0000 r.3892 0.6059 1_0000 0.0221 0.0160 <<'Prtr,lou5 ! Next t' 0.0226 0.1120 0.020't 0.1120 0.0&3 0.1120 01 01 01 49 Stay At Work 5 WP) 0.0219 Supgleflental Pcr6irn r SPr= 0.r120 \6tr Rat€ 2.235i 2.2650 2.127? 0.1504 PayroltMrclion ita 0.36700 0.35825 0 36S00 0.06tr5 Jump to pa8€Go Change Order s6 - PagE 1 6 o{ 1 II & c..!. r^.^- Go Sanitary S€{er on 2nd kom Bunrert to Wlliams - Projecl Labo. List WASHINGTON LABORERS . WEIGHTED RATES Effective UN4I2O2A Road Rates (L&l Rates effective 4/ 11/19) Group2A Group 28 Group 2C Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Traffic Contrd Supervisor General Pipelayer Lead P/L ForemanFlagger Traffic Control Laborer Hourly Rate BenefiIs (1) Federal Taxes (2) State Taxes (3) L&l Road PTO (4) PFML (5) $ 31.48 $ 12.53 $ 2.66 $ 1.90 $ 2.24 $ 1.10 $ 0.18 $ 40.17 $ $ 12.53 $$ 3.3e $$ 2.42 $ $ 2.24 $ $ 1.32 $$ 0.21 $ $ 34-47 $ 37.21 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ U $ s 5 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 12.s3 $ 2.9r $ 2.08 $ 2.24 s 1.18 $ 0.19 $ 12.53 3.14 2.74 2.24 1.24 o.20 39.23 12.53 3.31 2.36 2.24 ,1.29 o.21 40.81 12.53 3.45 2.46 2.24 1.33 0.21 43.17 12.53 3.65 2.60 2.24 1.39 0.22 Health & Welfare Pension LECET Training Fund (2) Federal Taxes FICA MC FUTA (4) PTO 1140 -- 2.s% (5) PFML 0.4% x Gross $ 52.08 $ $ 68.91 $ $ 87.01 s 6.60 4.79 o.14 1.00 $ 12.53 8.45% 6.02o/o 2.50% O.4Oo/o 55.s9 $ 74.05 $ 93.87 $ 58.80 78.76 100_15 $ 61.17 $ 82.23 $ 104.79 $ 65.80 $ 89.00 $ I 13.82 $ 62.28 $ 63.03 $ 83.84 S 84.95 $ 106.94 $ 108.4r $ $ $ $ Slraight-time 1-1l2 Overtime Double Overlime (3) State Taxes UC 6.20% 1 .45"k 0.80% Change Order *6 - Page 17 ol 19 Sanirary Sowsr on 2nd lrom Burnett lo Williams Proiecl Labor list WASHINGTON OPERATORS - WETGHTEO RATES Effective 01'21'2020 Road Rates (L&l Rates effective 04/1 '1,/19) Grou lA Gmu 48.63 22.47 4.11 2.93 ?.24 1.78 0.28 1 G 2 3 Grou 4 Foreman Hourly Rate Benefits (1) Federal Taxes (2) State Taxes (3) L&l Road Pro (4) PFML (s) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ c $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 47.94 $ 22.47 I 4.05 $ 2.89 $ 2.24 | 1.76 5 0.28 $ 47.33 2?.47 4.00 2.85 2.24 1.75 0.28 46.80 22.47 3.95 2.82 2.24 1.73 o.28 43.83 22.47 3.70 2.64 2.24 1.06 0.27 52.13 22.47 4.10 3.'14 2.24 1.97 0.30 Slraight-time 1-1l2 Overtime Double Overtime (1) Benelits: Heallh & Wetfare Pension Training Fund (2) Federal Taxes: FICA MC FUTA (3) State Taxes UC (4)Pro'tt4o = 2.5% (5) PFML 0.4% x Gross U s $ 82.43 $ 108.35 $ 136.32 $ 81.62 107.16 134.74 80.29 $ 105.20 $ 132.13 $ 76.80 100.10 125.32 $8 6.54$ 80.91 s $ 106.11 $ $ 133.34 $ $ 114.36 $ 1,14.35 $ c $ 8.57 13. r5 0.75 Group 1A:Cranes 10G199 Tons Loadar 10 yd or More Group 1:Loader Gg Yd., Shop Mechanic Backhoe $6 Yd. Grcup 2: Loader 4 Yd. Bacfihoe -3 Yd. ScraPer Grader (finish) Field Mechanic: Group 2 +$0'30 Group 3:Dozer Dg & Under Grader (non-rinish) SeMce/Grade Engineer Backhoe -75 HP Group 4: Roller (finish) Grade Checker $ 22.47 6.200/0 1.45% 0.80% 8.45o/o 6.O2% 2.50o/o 0.40% Change Order $6 - Pa0e 18 of 19 Sanilary Se*er on 2nd lrom Bumett lo Williams - Proiecl Labor Lisl X'Pentggr so55rA^v.ii t \r. !OO. ld&. $/A 9aO. I I 206 a!6 G6 EqJPMEMT O€NTrrancr'r Urq. Molc. Modc;, P*,. at ) LD-94rO 2OI6 DEERE 544K 4.WD ARTICULATED WHEEI. LOADIR I 61.43 $ 14.43 MB.r5 2O2O STANLEY MBIsEXS HYDRAULIC IMPACT 8Rf AX€R t t2.73 PV.3)9 2020 F@DF.ttu 1X4 OT{.HIC;IIWAY LIGJiT C{JTY TRI'CK5 t t625 t 357 TR.355 2020FORDF.550 OI{.HIGHWAY LIGHT DJTY TR(JcXS t 22.4 t 5.00 TR 9!]2 ?020 4x225( 6VW ANDACCESSORTES ON+NGHWAY TRUCK TRACTORS t 59.87 t 13.43 RS-320 2O2C EL6IN SWIEPER RS32O DUAL ENGINE PAVIMENT SWETPIR t n2 5a I 18.67 85US8 3 2020 HTTACHT ZAXS CRAWIfR MOUN'TEOHYDRAIJTK EXCAVATOF $ 55.83 t 16 97 T&425X.5 BTtT8.425X S ITYDRAULIC IMPACT BREAKIRS t t7.75 t 5.26 LD 963J 2o2OHITACHIZWlaO 4.WD ARTICULA]TD WHETL LOAD€R I 51.16 t 16.39 TR.972 2O0l 6ra,lzY BJMP TRUCK ON.HIGHWAY REAR DIA,iP t 502a , n.85 EX.a122 20?0 KouaTSu rc t38u5r.c r4r CRA\r,ttR MCIJNTED HYDRAUI-IC EXCAVATOR i 82.50 a 21.27 TR.9(lo 2020 4X2250A ON.I-IGHWAY WATIR TANKTR I 28.4.4 I 7.5r T8-250 2OO2 TAKEUCHITB25O CRAWtf R MOUNTTD HYORAUTIC EXCAVAIOR t 28.t1 $ to.n TR.t0r9 2020 4X2 t 140 ON-ITGHWAY TIGHT D' TY IRL'CKS $ 24.59 J 5.28 LD 95JO 2020HtTACHZW220 4.WD ARTICTI.ATED WTETL LOADGR t 78 53 I 25.0r t\, cmP 185 2020 SULTIA|R |25DF?D PORTASL€ ROTARY SCRIW AN COJVPRTSSOR i 12 52 I r.45 Change Order #6 - Page 1 9 ol 1 9 Coi(odc Civil Co.|3ku.rion HTPIJL-STP 99r7(O3{ } cAG-20-00t Lo. "19EA9-C9V |\]- EayI'M g!.r- lLsf Wilions Avc 5 od Well: Av. 5 Convc.ro^ Eoj..' Cooko(t No. CONTRACTOR: Coscod. Civil Consiruoio. t 3,161 _-f_____-l = = -t l = =H I _-_I-T-__l