HomeMy WebLinkAboutRainer Corridor Bikeway Plan - Phase 2 (4/1/1980) RAINIER CORRIDOR BIKEWAY - PHASE 2 ,k dl dll '\ 4 to3 P3 0 CO 116 APPLICATION FOR AID DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1111111111111111.1 APPROPRIATION ACT CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT A P R I L 1 , 1980 OF RFC �6 THE CITY OF RENTON y, �": MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 rtm4 0 m } : BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT vq Q• 235- 2550 09gr�D SEP1 �O�P April 1, 1980 Mr. Robert S. Nielsen Assistant Secretary for Public Transportation and Planning Department of Transportation Highway Administration Building Olympia, Washington 98504 Dear Mr. Nielsen: The City of Renton is pleased to submit the Rainier Avenue Corridor - Phase 2 for funding consideration under the Federal Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1978. As detailed in the proposal, establishment of a bikeway facility along the Rainier Corridor has been a major interest of Renton, King County, Seattle and numerous other jurisdictions. In response to this need, both a plan for implementation and Phase 1 of the system were completed in 1979. Because of the limited funds available, the City feels that this project is the most appropriate for submittal due to its relatively low cost and area wide significance. The resources are also available to implement the project in accordance with all federal guidelines and timetables. As a center for both employment and recreational opportunities, the City in recent years has begun to meet its responsibility in planning for the use of bicycles as a viable transportation option as well as for leisure purposes. Due to its vital inter-relationship with other bikeways, implemention of this proposal will impact not only Renton citizens but all of those in South King County who use or have the potential to utilize bicycle travel. Sincerely, Barbara Y. Shinpoch Mayor cc: ( ity Council PROJECT NAME : RAINIER AVENUE BIKEWAY-PHASE 2 PROJECT APPLICANT : CITY OF RENTON 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH RENTON , WA 98055 IMPLEMENTING AGENCY : CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CONTACT PERSONS : ED HAYDUK , HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR JERRY LIND , PLANNER/DESIGNER (235-2550 ) OTAL PROJECT COST : $13 , 117 .00 GRANT REQUEST : $ 9 , 838 .00 [NSTALLATION/CONSTRUCTION : 2-3 Weeks INTRODUCTION The City of Renton is located on the south shore of Lake Washington at the juncture of the Cedar River and Green River valleys. The City has a population of 31,700 and a daytime population of over 60,000 due to the Boeing Commercial Airplane Company, Pacific Car & Foundary and other local industrial and commercial uses. The City's park system contains 25 individual recreational facilities including a 51.7 acre park on Lake Washington and a 4.3 mile regional trail system along the Cedar River. This application requests funding to complete Phase 2 of the Rainier Avenue Corridor Bikeway. The Rainier Corridor is located on the west side of Lake Washington. It is approximately 5.7 miles in length and extends from Seattle's Atlantic City Park to the King County Interurban Trail. The corridor is one of five regional links that joins a total bicycle network in South King County. It is the major link between bicycle facilities in Seattle and those in Renton and South King County. The Rainier Avenue Bikeway Plan drafted in 1979 suggested that the Rainier Bikeway be completed in three phases. Phase I required only signing and striping of a bike lane from Atlantic City Park in Seattle to the Cedar River Trail in Renton. This phase has been completed by the sponsoring jurisdictions, King County, Seattle and Renton. Phase 2 provides a connection from the terminus point of Phase I to the Interurban Trail. It requires signing, striping and some shoulder improvements. Phase 3 completes the overall proposal by providing major roadway improvements for a safe and convenient bikeway. I 33 M a mil Iffm 1 nil •LINTERURBAN rip 0 0 4:F iliiiiisit I >iiIiiiiIiiiRiURAiiiii,,4; CO 0 rn................./11111 7 ' I atisiv?) - WM 1- x r 4'4 m D d� Zc V kmd! 1. SCOPE OF PROJECT: This project will supply funds needed to complete Phase 2 of the Rainier Corridor Bikeway. Establishment of a bikeway facility along the Rainier Corridor has been a major interest of King County, Seattle, Renton and other jurisdictions. Three planning documents originally identified the need for a bicycle facility in the Rainier Corridor, the King County General Bicycle Plan: Focus 1990, the King County Urban Trails Plan and Seattle's Comprehensive Bikeway Plan. In addition, the City of Renton recognized the need for such a system in 1978 and allocated $5,500 of Block Grant Funds to help initiate the project. In February 1979 planners of King County, Seattle and Renton drafted the Proposed Rainier Avenue Bikeway. This document established the goal of extending Seattle's Lake Washington bicycle routes from the Atlantic City Park to the soon to be completed Interurban Trail. Phase 1 of the extension was completed in late 1979. It encompassed 4.9 miles and extends from the Atlantic Street Park in Seattle southward 1.9 miles to the City limits, 1.3 miles through unincorporated King County to Renton, and 1.7 miles through Renton to the Cedar River Trail. Phase 2 for which funding is specifically requested would extend the system an additional 2.8 miles southeast, connecting the present system to the King County Interurban Trail. This section is entirely within the Renton City Limits and will link the following elements: (1) Seattle Bikeway System - .through the completion of Phase 1 of the Rainier Avenue Corridor Bikeway Seattle's extensive bikeway system now extends into the City of Renton; (2) Cedar River Trail System - this major recreational facility extends from Lake Washington to the King County Regional Park in Maple Valley. Although portions of the system are designed specifically for pedestrian travel, provisions are being made to provide for bicycle travel from the Renton Civic Center to the King County Cedar River Regional Park. (3) Renton Industry - Phase 1 of the Rainier Avenue Corridor provided commuters from Seattle a designated route to Renton's industrial area, including the Boeing Plant and Pacific Car and Foundary. Phase 2 will provide the potential for commuter travel between this employment base and other portions of South King County. (4) Renton Central Business District - Phase 2 will provide the opportunity for bicycle travel between the Renton Central Business District and portions of South King County. It will also aid bicycle travel between Renton and the City of Tukwila including the Southcenter Shopping Mall. (5) Metro South Renton Park and Ride Lot - a portion of the proposed route will also link to Metro's Park and Ride Lot currently under construction in South Renton. (6) Longacres Horse Racing Track - Phase 2 will run adjacent to the Longacres Horse Racing Track thereby aiding those bicyclists traveling southward from Seattle or Renton to this recreational facility. (7) Fort Dent Park - Phase 2 will terminate near the entrance to Fort Dent Park. In addition to being a major recreational facility, Fort Dent Park has been designated as the northern terminus of the King County Interurban Trail. (8) King County Interurban Trail - Near Fort Dent Park Phase 2 will connect to the King County Interurban Trail. This 16-mile long non-vehicular trail will link Fort Dent Park to Pacific City. (9) Other Bikeways - Renton's Preliminary Bike Route Master Plan identifies several other potential bikeways which will connect with Phase 2 of the Rainier Corridor Bikeway. These include the Washington Blvd. Corridor, and the Maple Valley Corridor (see attached Renton Master Plan). Renton Bike Routes MASTER PLAN BIKEWAYS COMPLETE RIl,:I. 1 , �`�.1 h iiiiiiiii BIKEWAYS PROPOSE if ---4- --4----- ---L---- ..s... PHASE 2 , RAINIER filt" ` 1 AVENUE CORRIDOR l L_ II_NNI AIM! L __.Le-:m LAKE mLiI1P 71 i,. ; WASHINGTON ,.;— 17 = uE,1,� r ll = =_, fil‘ mo ., _ I . ,. ,iii‘Lkiitii,3 RINE \ it mew ) .2 !RI hiljk 'AWN:SAM& _ \L-il ej§gliit Ilinat AMIIII . . 7 A:Nfiit4M12247t N ji:n a gull - ;11 'n te(' --millhogn Lite,#;411 ''' I .-- Ili i - .2,\ ,..,,,,.. , , „ , Nr.„,..t...ii.,,inogg -""'.... , \ MINI \IFF\ ' t I Irts* F. \,il mi II , � :� � I J g pa� t1 I�iilkt �11�r ci U ki LA ''''",,,,,,,','''' A ---t95i-,10`16° I Plikkaarilokke. !Aps we IIi IIII��. ..,.,.....� efiIII!Mrn �.11011 - ell ..` IF Dili I _ �� (lifc, " r ,i, ; __._. '',I 1 1 I mi. LAKE 1 i YOUNOS 2. NEED FOR THE PROJECT: Presently no designated link exists between Seattle's designated routes and those systems being developed in South King County; e.g. the Interurban Trail, Christensen Greenbelt Trail (Tukwila), Green River Bike Route (Kent) and the Cedar River Trail - Maple Valley Corridor (Renton). By completing the Rainier Avenue Corridor, all these routes will be united, thereby helping create a continuous bikeway system throughout South King County. In addition to this general need, field surveys have identified the following problems bicyclists now face throughout the Rainier Corridor: - The commercial area on Rainier Avenue, south of Airport Way, is very busy and not compatible with bicycling. - .Vehicle speeds on Rainier Avenue appear to be in excess of the posted 35 mph limit, creating a hazard for bicyclists. - .In areas of potential conflict, sidewalks are either non-existent, are very narrow, or in need of improvements. - .Large buttons at the crosswalks on Rainier Avenue create barriers for bicycle use. - .Lind Avenue tapers from four to two traffic lanes at the FAI-405 overpass resulting in high traffic congestion. The pedestrian sidewalk here is also very narrow and requires a step up. - .High traffic volumes and speeds occur on the Renton Avenue extension and requires special attention in this area. - .Hardie Avenue and Edwards Avenue are very narrow and will require some shoulder improvements. - .Special attention is needed in the vicinity of Longacres during raci• g events due to traffic congestion and parking problems along shoulders. - .Inexperienced bicyclists may feel intimidated by high traffic volumes at peak hours. Adequate safety improvements need to be provided where possible. - .In the area of the Renton Shopping Center, potential conflicts arise due to cars pulling in and out of driveways. Designated signing will be required to warn cyclists and motorists. - ,In the Renton Shopping Center vicinity, scenic attractions are lacking. 3. GOALS OF THE PROJECT: In order to meet the overall need described above, the following goals have been es:ablished: - To continue the open lines of communication between local jurisdictions devel- oped in Phase 1 of the project. - ,To formally open up lines of communication with citizen groups in the area. - .To implement Phase 2 of the Rainier Corridor Bikeway, establishing a regional route between Seattle and Renton to the Interurban Trail. - ,To meet the high demand for bike routes by the citizens of Renton and surrounding areas. - To develop a safe and convenient bicycle facility for both utilitarian and recreational users of all age groups. - .To actively encourage commuter travel to the Renton employment area through use of the bikeway. - To link up various parks and attractions along the route which would serve as secondary destinations. - ,To provide a circulation system that is harmonious with the residential, business, recreational and natural features of the community. - .To insure a reasonably high level of safety for the bicyclist by promoting the incorporation of adequate signing, traffic controls and basic safety design features. - ,To continue the implementation of the overall bicycle master plan for the City of Renton to support the King County General Bicycle Plan. 4. DESCRIPTION OF ROUTE: Phase 2 is approximately 2.8 miles in length. It begins at the intersection of Rainier Avenue South and Airport Way adjacent to the City's Airport Park. In addition to the park, this area contains convenience facilities such as bike shops, service stations, grocery shops and the Chamber of Commerce Office. The Chamber of Commerce has parking for 50-100 cars thereby serving as a trailhead for those traveling northward or southward on the Rainier Avenue Corridor or eastward on the Maple Valley Corridor. The route travels westward on Renton Avenue Extension to Hardie Avenue crossing at the signalized intersection. It then continues sou-L:hward along Hardie and Edwards Avenue. The route trakes the bicyclist behind Renton Shopping Center by-passing the busy commercial area along Rainier Avenue. At the intersection of Edwards Avenue S.W. and S.W. 7th Street, the route turns west to Lind Avenue S.W. with an alternate extension two blocks east to the new Metro Park and Ride lot. This extension will also accommodate a future link through the central business district to the Maple Valley Corridor and the Lake Washington Blvd. Corridor. From the intersection of S.W. 7th Street and Lind Avenue S.W. the main route proceeds south along Lind Avenue, over FAI-405 to S.W. 16th Street. This portion of the route traverses a mixed industrial-commercial area. At S.W. 16th Street, the bikeway k extends westward to Monster Road passing Longacres Horse Racing Track. At this point the route swings under FAI-405 and ties into the Interurban Trail and the entrance to Fort Dent Park. )14/\*-6 s \ —...\j "3 - A >\ ii _., LEGEND - AV RAINIER CORRIDOR BIKEWAY WAY �1 1 . _ • it / ." / NlS / IIILI1 PHASE I =_ • , . . + —._ - - TA'- -�` i N (Completed) »tom PHASE II LONGACRES ' t\ HORSE RACING �' \ /►j/gp INTERURBAN TRAIL TRACK \ I SI 11 PZi N H mac-, r- . 1 I -. x_' % < ; , SCALE: 1 Inch = 1,000 Feet J Z Prepared by City of Renton « Planning Dept. March 1980 , \ _} -4 2 et `O Writ �'i �z A� r $ J„ I= • w r r sixN r r • . 1 1 L E ` sz « « IX ;z z z z z « Z LINO 7� 87TH AVE a r M_S r z 4 « LIN—E S N _ MTN A I 1NW .r a .MA:ir„,-c A «Z « rZ iiiI-,11,4 O� « O TAr�tl�-I PriAVE N., I • Hi 7-1 r ! v {_�lx w 1mT z TALSOT CRE87 n S 141 Ohu ' 30151131* -4 tI13 n8 SHATTUCK 4 3AVAVE Z 1111 N,4, ep... to 4, RA`` 1 \-./A. 0 NITYVOR�M N, MORRIS AVE S « ' _ �i^z-1 « °jar .T—« = BOEING COMPANY 4. Zr- Rp r ' •Ar 98TN AVE S vr, x °� 1 81 = S. Z •.`t • 11x / _ % 4. S M�1r `x _ .y4: Z 9 z '')-4 � •.. LOOAN AVE N , Y _ 4 II- ' ,'.i M 100TH AVE 8 ? M �- -�-_ _ o �y1'M>1 d N .I t z . z r s" 10M N 5. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: The proposed route was arrived at after a series of field studies and meetings between participating agencies. Among the rationale for the proposed route were: (A) The need to keep the route off Rainier Avenue, south of Airport Way. (B) The physical constraints of the Renton Central Business District to the east and the steep terrain to the west. (C) The lack of wide-paved streets running north-south throughout the Rainier Corridor. (D) A majority of the route is fairly leve►. with no difficult hills or steep grades to hinder bicyclists. (E) Vehicular traffic along Hardie, Edwards, and Lind is low compared to Rainier Avenue. (F) A majority of the route has street lights for night riding. (G) The Airport Park can serve as a trailhead facility with parking, informational signs and restrooms and fast food operations nearby. (H) The area around the Earlington Industrial Park is well landscaped, has surfaces conducive to bicycling and peak hours are limited to weekday business hours. (I) The portion behind Renton Shopping Center has a range of convenience facilities including bike shop, service stations, and a grocery store. (3) The route is direct and convenient from either Seattle and Renton or South King County thereby serving as a direct, continuous commuter line. Based upon those criteria used in the field including the factors identified above, the following bikeway designations and route improvements will be implemented in Phase 2: Renton Avenue Extension will be classified as a class III route sharing a sidewalk with pedestrians. Improvements will include the installation of bike route signs, directional arrows, and signs yielding bicyclists to pedestrian travel. Hardie Avenue will be designated as a class III route, sharing the roadway with vehicular traffic. Improvements will include the installation of bike route signs, directional arrows, and pavement stencils. Edwards Avenue will be designated as a class I1 route. Shoulder improvements will be provided here by 4 feet of paving of the sides to create separate bike lanes for north and south bound traffic. Striping will be done to help define these lanes as well as the installation of route signing. 7th Street will be designated as a class III route sharing the roadway with vehicular traffic. Improvements will include the installation of bike route signs, directional arrows, and pavement stencils. Lind Avenue will be designated as a class III route sharing the roadway with vehicular traffic. Improvements will include the installation of bike route signs, directional arrows, and pavement stencils. 16th Street will be designated as a class III route sharing the roadway with vehicular traffic. Improvements will include the installation of bike route signs, directional arrows, and pavement stencils. E . PROPOSAL COSTS : Rainier Corridor Bikeway-Phase 2 Estimated Construction Cost : Signing $ 454 . 00 Striping $ 100 .00 Shoulder Improvements $11 ,903 .00 $12 ,457 .00 Tax $ 660 .00 $13, 117 .00 City Share : $3, 2.79.00 Grant Request : $9, 838 . 00 [retailed cost information is available upon request . Renton Bikeway Corridors =-- _ Ci ,--1 KING COUNTY T : : ii 141 L < ,.. „.....„ _.._ (_::4i. I LI f Li . Ii..1.:i4Ags • 1 Y 3 ii. Kirk COUNTY n • �N_ i f r- \.... 0' ;i , MAPLE VAL-LEY ` CORRIPoR Jr.N s° 4' Cch E-1 1. l .\ ..,"<"?.? /) -vt„,.._. 1 cfre 0. I \•)iV Log coRRt bolt iiip. ( 1 1, j?(1 i I, - '` cAllel\ NORTH I Renton City Council February 28, 1983 Page Two PUBLIC HEARING IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE POLICY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR TO REFER THE continued MATTER TO THAT DEPARTMENT FOR TRANSMITTAL TO THE KING COUNTY BOUNDARY Jackson REVIEW BOARD. CARRIED. Annexation This being the date set and proper notic:s neving been posted and PUBLIC HEARING published according to law, Mayor Shinpoch opened the public hearing to Clearvie4 TV consider proposed transfer of franchise from Clearview TV Cable to Cable Franchise Group W Cable. Correspondence was read from the city's cable consultant , Transfer to Lon Hurd, 3-H Management and Consultants, Inc. , and James F. Fischer, Group W ;able General Manager of Clearview TV Cable. Mr. Hurd explained desire to meet with Council committee to discuss public input, if any, following closure of the hearing to determine if transfer is in the public's best interest; his recommendation regarding the matter to follow. Continued Adeline Miller, Clearview TV Cable, advised basic Clearview rate of $9.95 per month for 12 available channels. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY HUGHES, CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. Moved by Rockhill , seconded by Hughes, Council forego committee meeting and act predicated on public input at hearing. (See later action.) Responding to Councilman Stredicke inquiries regarding impact to existing Group W Cable construction schedule and assumption of liability through the transfer, Paul Stager, District Engineer for Group W Cable gave assurance that existing schedule would not be affected since Clearview subscription area in Renton is fully constructed; and until Clearview area is rebuilt, service & rates v. remain as now provided from Auburn office. Following further discussion and additional questions by Council members, the motion was restated. MOTION FAILED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND REPORT BACK. CARRIED . SPECIAL John Webley, Parks Director, announced that the City of Renton is recent PRESENTATION recipient of an award presented by the American Institute of Architects AIA Award for park buildings designed by Jones & Jones, Architects, located at Gene Coulon Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park extension. Tom Teasdale, Park Board Park Buildings Chairman, was introduced, and congratulations extended by Mayor Shinpoch to Mr. Webley, Mr. Teasdale and other members of the Board. AUDIENCE Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Avenue S. , expressed opinion that the city's cable COMMENT consultant should have presented a recommendation regarding franchise Cable Franchise transfer during the public hearing. Mayor Shinpoch clarified that Mr. Hurd had been cautioned not to express an opinion on the matter prior to receiving public testimony. CONSENT ACENDA The following items were adopted by one motion which follows the items included: Bid Openirg - City Clerk reported bid opening, 2/16/83, for Henry Moses Swimming Pool Liberty Perk Sanitary Sewer project at Liberty Park; four bids received. Refer to Sanitary Sewer Park Board. Park Board recommended acceptance of low bid of Kohl Project Excavating Company in the amount of $12,733.00 (Engineer's estimate: $13,649.25) . Council concur in Park Board recommendation to accept low bid. _Rainier Bikeway Housing and C om.mi ty Development Division of Park Department requested System appropriation of 510,000 additional King County Block Grant monies to allow completion of Phase II of the Rainier Avenue Corridor Bikeway syste' Refer to Ways and Means Committee for ordinance appropriating funds. Financing on Finance Department requested issuance of Bond Anticipation Notes to LID 325 extend interim financing on LID 325 in the amount of $600,000 for revenue warrants to be redeemed no later than February 28, 1983. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution. Adjust 1983 Public Works Department requested adjustment of 1983 estimated revenue Street Funds and appropriations in Funds 102, 103 and 104 in the amount of $490,000 for miscellaneous traffic improvement projects. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for ordinance. (See page 4,) • • For. Use By City Clerk's Office Only A. I . # 7 b. AGENDA ITEM RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING ==ate========a - =___n_-------==assn==== _____.._____ SUBMITTING Parks - Housing & Commu- Dept./Div./Bd./Comm. nity Development For Agenda Of 2/28/83 (Meeting Date) Staff Contact Ed Hayduk - 2553 (Name) Agenda Status: SUBJECT: Appropriation of additional Block Consent X Public Hearing Grant monies - Rainier Avenue Corridor Correspondence Bikeway (CD-9906-82 ) Ordinance/Resolution Old Business Exhibits: (Legal Descr. , Maps, Etc. )Attach New Business Study Session A. Community Services Comm. report Other B. C. Approval : Legal Dept. x Yes_ No_ N/A COUNCIL ACTION RECOMMENDED: Refer to Ways & Means Finance Dept.X Yes No. N/A Comm. for appropriation of unanticipated Other Clearance revenue ( $10 , 000 ) and authorization for Mayor to sign contract document . FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required $ Amount $ Appropriation- Budgeted Transfer Required $ SUMMARY (Background information, prior action and effect of implementation) (Attach additional pages if necessary. ) On August 17 , 1982 Council , through approval of Committee report , authorized staff to request King County for $10, 000 of King County Block Grant funds for completion of Phase 2 of the Rainier Avenue Corridor Bikeway system . King County Council recently approved the request and forwarded the necessary con- tract for execution . It is now necessary to appropriate the additional $10 ,000 and execute the necessary contract . These additional funds , combined with $2 ,460 of 1978 Block Grant funds , will complete the needed link . PARTIES OF RECORD/INTERESTED CITIZENS TO BE CONTACTED: COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT AUGUST 17, 1982 This Committee met with Bob Bergstrom, Engineering Supervisor, and Ed Hayduk, Housing and Community Development Coordinator, and reviewed the Rainier Avenue Corridor Bikeway. As Council remembers, the Rainier Avenue Corridor Bikeway is part of the multi-jurisdictional program intended to extend a trail for bicyclists from Seattle through King County to Renton, through Renton to the Interurban Trail and points south. Phase I of the system (Seattle Bikeway System to Renton) was completed in 1980 (see attached map.) Renton' s portion was funded from a 1979 City Block Grant. At the same time Council approved designation of Phase 2 (see attached minutes of April 7, 1980) and authorized a grant application to the State for a additional funds. The grant request was not funded. The City has learned that approximately $10,000 of King County Block Grant funds designated for completion of this corridor are reoiaininq. Staff has suggested that the. City approach King County and request a transfer of funds so that these funds can be combined with S2,459 of remaining 1979 City Block Grant funds to implemt:nt Phase 2. PHASE 2 • 1 . Provide street route signage from Rainier Avenue South to to Hardie Avenue S.W. , to S.W. 7th Street to Lind Avenue S.W. , to S.W. 16th Street for sidewalk walking or on-street bicycle route to Fort Dent and the Interurban Trail . 2. Provide a paved pedestrian and bicycle route on the surface under the railroad tracks at the Black River Pump Plant into Fort Dent west from Monster Road. 3. If funds remain, provide miscellaneous shoulder widening on Southwest 16th Street. Upon review, this Committee recommends authorization to proceed with submittal of a request to King County for use of these funds and if successful , implemen- tation of Phase 2 of the Rainier Avenue Corridor. John Reed, Chairman Nancy Mathews, Member Richar'r Srredickr • _______A__________ .. ) `\ � !7 — 5IKEV AY ILISEK .• 1\ 1 sc.Aic7e : 1":1-4cci 7( \ IIT \ \ , lik. r) c.--- \ \\ / Ph� ,-1141111-43:ro 1 \ IN ., l (r cxi aTs , ! r(271 '� D T '\'z7 ' \ \\ ►" EW PAVEDT '. a z 13 o ) 1. ,,,, ..,......,_____" //, I 1 1?1 U F12 S/DE �r Sb912X `..4 !. \ / - ''' N' - - ' 1 (, ( (- \ ', _- - -c<r5 _(.: 11 Z J S ♦ .L, •� 1 cotltl0•'1 2 G S.etlG►t h ,� O� -0� 1 '0 90 ;� - N S 3A� L 4 z ,, S 3Av SirrOw �d z N C H/tlOM11 M C17. S • C•- N4,• OM11NM N by NI so N 0 •z z = S z 3nv 5 t1an11VMi S > 3AV a Wan 1IvHs Z II Z O poi wE e� s _:o . ..•O 1 o N Vf .= 0 ZN \fit r' ^ N •'. AVE ilivn ® r'"iii1114 t/11111---)ibnin • AS !fall vs ... --- VID , \ =::ki V 64 ....,Z Tr v. 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S wE Y RI. z . <. a 1.1'I t 1.1 S 14TN r ST SCH OIM DR HIGH S 174TN ST . r >rKf ® Stitlon = SCHOOL tN St TTYEZ 1 ® Library P O N < (S I7S1N$T) NM 6 . 111, _ ,M f .� 2 O Nw STM Pl A T=' lb IA �O • S 1J w n STNN J(^ '�yj , Va411. < tryM ♦ ,` (.TrhEr Ice 1? S126TNPl:'1 0 w'�'� i ro H ST w ,1�t� S 127TN , h Qlti i �.�y2. <1tiPL ; ; �� > M W.ite' ')*Pr Lf 8 . N z z - %I .le a° < S I2t1TN I o 4 ; 4 ST W z N S d S 128TH ST 0 O w. 129TN H _ W a t,� NW 4T Si • < 3 1291H ft i •S _+ '0 u w wi S 29"M Pt 11 N (PVt) My of < i l Kyt. C 41, �< S MTM nlS� zl" < 1� J 1 130TH ST NW 3RD u;�W u w I II ;0,_ �\ RO S 131 T gr ,. v 1e ��4. z 4. ST v.A > > O .� ••.i • S 5�0�; (Y IANCS 13 op RD) CLAM TON SO w � H ;` HILT /.."40 0r 1 0 SCHOOLrim 1 Q _- l'IL NW 2N _ AVM 110d!!( 1l ^ CT S 132N0 ST b ,a i1, I I >< 133RD ST Q NW 2H0 J �`_4 7 S ~> d • 13,T E l �-< \ N •Sr 21 gCNTON 124 Renton City Council March 14, 1983 Page Two OLD BUSINESS continued Community Community Services Committee Chairman Reed presented a report Services concurring in the recommendation of the Parks Department to replace Committee the quartz lighting system at Gianini Stadium with 1500 watt metal Replacement halide lamps. This energy conservation measure will save of Lighting approximately 63% of the required energy usage per year and will System at be partially funded by a grant from Puget Power which pays for Gianini 71 .8% of such conversions. The city' s share will be paid for out Stadium of the Park Department 1983 budget, and payback on the converstion is estimated at less than three years. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE, Councilman Trimm inquired if the project will go out for bids. Parks Director Webley advised receipt by Puget Power of one bid from Holmes Electric in the amount of $31 ,673.30 with the option available to request additional bids following review of those specifications. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways an( Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinances for second and final readings: OrdinanLe #3715 An ordinance was read providing for appropriation and transfer of HCD Rainier Avenue funds in the amount of $10,000 for construction of Rainier Avenue Corridor Bikewa Corridor Bikeway. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinan :e #3716 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of property Holvick deRegt located on the western 200 feet of the Washington Technical Center )Goering Rezone plat bounded on the west by the proposed P-1 Channel , on the south R-072-8? by Grady Way, on the east by Powell Avenue S.W. and on the south and east by S.W. 7th Street from General Classification District (G-1 ) to Manufacturing Park District (M-P) for Holvick deRegt Koering, applicant, File No. R-072-82. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. First Reading Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following ordinance for first reading: Union Avenue An ordinance was read appropriating funds for construction of a Storm Drain storm drain line in Union Avenue N. E. from N.E. 17th Street to Line Honey Creek; project approved in 1982 Community Facilities priority list but not accomplished due to insufficient funding. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE AND REFER THIS MATTER BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following resolution for reading and adoption: Resolution #2495 A resolution was read amending the 1983-1988 Six Year Transportation 1983-188 Six Improvement Program. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL Year Transporta- ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke tion Program felt the matter should have been referred to Transportation Amendment Committee as standard procedure; and inquired regarding disposition of 1st North Street project deleted from the Overlay List. Voucher Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Approval recommending approval of Vouchers 49778 through 50074 in the amount of $596,027.69, having received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. Vouchers 49773 through 49777 and 50075 machine voided. Warrants include LID 314: $36.00; and LID 325: $21 ,320.00. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Receipt of a letter from the Federal Aviation Administration Letter from advising allocation of $180,000 to the City of Renton for airport FAA improvements was reported by Councilman Stredicke. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, LETTER FROM FAA BE REFERRED TO AVIATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT MARCH 14, 1983 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS The Ways and Means Committee recommends the following ordinances for second and final reading: Appropriation of Funds for Rainier Avenue Corridor Bikeway Holvick deRegt Koering Rezone (R-072-82) The Ways and Means Committee recommends the following ordinances for first reading: Appropriating Funds for Construction of Storm Drain Line on Union Ave NE The Ways and Means Committee recommends the following resolution for reading and adoption : Six Year Transportation Improvement Program VOUCHER APPROVAL The Ways and Means Committee recommends approval of Vouchers No. 49778 through No. 50074 in the amount of $596,027.69. Earl Clymer, Chairman Richard Stredicke Robert Hughes Renton Clty Council March 7, 1983 Page Three ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS continued Ordinance #3713 An ordinance was read modifying, approving and confirming the assessments LID 322 and assessment roll of Local Improvement District 322, for improvement of Puget Drive S. and Benson Road as provided by Ordinance No. 3487, and levying and assessing a part of the cost and expense thereof against the several lots, tracts, parcels of land and other property shown on the roll . Councilman Stredicke objected to high interest rate for bonds , but noted his intent to vote "yes" due to four vote requirement for passage of ordinance. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY HUGHES, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: 4 AYES; TRIMM, HUGHES, ROCKHILL, STREDICKE. CARRIED Ordinance #3714 An ordinance was read providing for appropriation and transfer of funds Fund TrEnsfer in the amount of $490, 100 (Funds 102, 103 and 104) for 1982 street for Traffic improvement projects not completed and not rebudgeted in 1983, new street Improvements improvement projects, or adjustments to existing street improvement projects. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, ADOPT ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. Councilman Stredicke objected to certain projects denoted in the ordinance, but indicated his favorable vote to allow passage of legislation. ROLL CALL: 4 AYES: TRIMM, HUGHES, ROCKHILL, STREDICKE. CARRIE First R,;ading Ways and Means Committee Vice-Chairman Stredicke presented a report recommending the following ordinances for first reading: Rainier Avenue An ordinance was read providing for appropriation and transfer of funds Corridor Bikeway in the amount of $10,000 for construction of Rainier Avenue Corridor Bikeway. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Holvick deRegt An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of property Koering Rezone located on the western 200 feet of the Washington Technical Center plat R-072-82 bounded on the west by the proposed P-1 Channel , on the south by Grady Way, on the east by Powell Avenue S.W. and on the south and east by S.W. 7th Street from General Classification District (G-1 ) to Manufacturing Park District (M-P) for Holvick deRegt Koering, applicant , File No. R-072-82. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Financing on Ways and Means Committee Vice-Chairman Stredicke presented a report LID 32f, recommending withdrawal of the request for issuance of Bond Anticipation Notes on advice of the bonding attorney and request of the Administration. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, NO ACTION BE TAKEN ON THE MATTER OF LID 325 FINANCING. CARRIED. Counci Salaries Ways and Means Committee Vice-Chairman Stredicke presented a report stating the current city ordinance does not require revision regarding Council salaries according to the City Attorney. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, NO ACTION BE TAKEN ON THE MATTER OF COUNCIL SALARIES. CARRIED. NEW BU ;INESS Councilman Stredicke called attention to federal and state appropriations Public Works for public works projects available in the near future, and felt city Projec :s staff should be prepared to apply for funds for any impending projects which would meet federal and state qualifications. Other adult Referencing a recent letter from City Attorney Warren suggesting Entertainment consideration of zoning and other adult entertainment uses following Uses favorable decision in Playtime Theatre case, it was MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY HUGHES, REFER THIS MATTER TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Grant for Mayor Shinpoch reported $180,000 federal grant awarded to city for Airport improvements to Taxiway A and installation of security fencing at Renton Improvements Municipal Airport. Rescird Mayor Shinpoch advised receipt of a letter from Gardena, California, Legislation reporting that legislation adopted 41 years ago approving relocation to Relocate of Japanese-Americans to internment camps has been rescinded by that Aliens - WWII city; and requesting that all west coast cities follow suit as an act of contrition. Research has indicated that the City of Renton did not adopt legislation to enforce that action. Renton City Council March 7, 1983 Page Four ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT continued One Valley Mayor Shinpoch explained request from developers of One Valley Place Place Street to rename Davis Street in that project to Professional Place. Following Name discussion, it was agreed the matter would be reviewed by the Board of Public Works to allow receipt of input from all departments prior to providing a report back to Council . Newspaper Recent newspaper articles were addressed by Mayor Shinpoch, who explained Articles re responses to articles regarding police protection on premises of cocktail Police lounges indicate one opinion that patrol is too intensive and another Department that it is insufficient. The Volvo recently purchased by Police Department, the subject of a second article, will be utilized by three sergeants in the same manner as other vehicles for purposes of comparison. Gas Tax Addressing a proposal under consideration by the Legislature to raise gas tax, Councilman Stredicke felt the city and the A.W.C. should take a position reflecting no objection to a 7 per gallon tax increase on gasoline if a portion is returned to local agencies to reinfuse into Arterial Board Funds. Kay Johnson, Manager, Renton Chamber of Commerce, indicated intent of Chamber to notify legislators by mail of request to return portion of gas tax to cities if increase is approved. Mayor Shinpoch also agreed to transmit the city's request to the A.W.C . ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. 9: 14 p.m. Maxine E. Motor, City Clerk WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT MARCH 7, 1983 ORDINANCES The Ways and Means Committee recommends the following ordinances for second and final reading: LID #322 Appropriation and Transfer of Funds for Traffic Improvements ( 1983) The Ways and Means Committee recommends the following ordinances for first reading: Appropriation of Funds for Rainier Corridor Bikeway Hol vi ck deRegt Koering Rezone (R-072-82) FINANCING ON LID #325 At the request of the Administration , the Ways and Means Committee recommends that the request be withdrawn for issue of Bond Anticipation Notes. The City was so advised by our bonding attorney. COUNCIL SALARIES The Ways and Means Committee has been informed by the City Attorney and the City Clerk that the current city ordinance does not need changing regarding Council salaries. .k7r/4•Wl/ Richard tredicke, Acting Chairman Robe Hughes Renton City Council August 23, 1982 - ' Page 4 OLD BUSINESS continued Community Community Services Committee Chairman Reed presented a committee Services report recommending authorization to proceed with submittal of a Committee request to King County for use of remaining Block Grant funds for Rainier Avenue completion of Phase 2 of the Rainier Avenue Corridor Bikeway. If Corridor successful in obtaining funding, Committee recommended implementa- Bikeway tion of Phase 2 including: 1 . Providing street route signage from Rainier Avenue South to Hardie Avenue SW, to SW Seventh Street to Lind Avenue SW, to SW 16th Street for sidewalk walking or on-street bicycle route to Fort Dent and the Interurban Trail . 2. Providing a paved pedestrian and bicycle route on the surface under the railroad tracks at the Black River Pump Plant into Fort Dent west from Monster Road. 3. If funds remain, providing miscellaneous shoulder widening on SW 16th Street. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT. Ed Hayduk, Housing and Community Develop- ment Coordinator, explained the area under the railroad tracks at the Black River Pump Plant is on an existing maintenance road at the back of Fort Dent Park in Tukwila; the park was built by King County and is maintained by Seattle. MOTION CARRIED. One-Half Councilman Stredicke chose not to excercise option to call for Percent reconsideration by Council of the one-half percent sales tax. Optional The hugh deficit that would result from withdrawal of this tax Sales Tax and the possibility of non-passage of another form of taxation to decrease that deficit prompted Stredicke's action. Councilman Stredicke stressed his feelings had not changed regarding the negative aspects of imposing this tax on Renton (while neighboring communities remained unchanged) and the manner in which this optional tax program had been set up that King County could impose and collect the tax on the city if the city does not adopt the tax first. Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill presented a Development committee report recommending the Donald E. McWilliams Preliminary McWilliams Plat (File PP-031-82) matter be remanded back to the Hearing Examiner Preliminary for his report and recommendation. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY Plat Appeal HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING AND PP-031-82 DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke recommended second and Committee final reading of the following ordinance: Ordinance 3653 An ordinance was read amending portions of Chapter 7 and Chapter 22, Outside Storage Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance 1628 entitled "Code of Facilities General Ordinances" relating to outside storage facilities. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ AND SUMMARY. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. First Reading The Ways and Means Committee recommended first reading of the following ordinances: SE 18th Street An ordinance was read vacating a portion of SE 18th Street (VAC 5-81 - Vacation Rolling Hills Village Homes Association, Inc. ) . MOVED BY STREDICKE, VAC 5-81 SECONDED BY CLYMER, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR THREE WEEKS. CARRIED. (Vacation fee paid to city. ) Municipal An ordinance was read providing for appropriation and transfer of Court Fund funds from Excess Revenue/Current Fund to Current Fund/Municipal Appropriation Court in the amount of $11 ,000. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THIS ITEM TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Renton City Council August 23, 1982 Page 3 CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the items included. Surplus Finance Department, Purchasing, requested public hearing be set Equipment for 9/13/82 regarding auction sale of surplus property and police Auction evidence items on 9/25/82 at 10:00 a.m. at the City Shops, First Avenue North and North Williams Avenue. All items have been sur- plused and are no longer in use. Council concur in public hearing date and refer to Ways and Means Committee. May Creek Public Works Department submitted right-of-way relinquishment agree- Interchange ment Letter of Understanding from the Department of Transportation regarding vicinity of May Creek Interchange and turning back right- of-way. Authorize Mayor and City Clerk to sign letter of understanding . Signal Public Works Department , Traffic Engineering, submitted agreement be- Improvement - tween City of Renton and Boeing Commercial Airplane Company regarding North Eighth improvement of existing signal system at North Eighth Street and Park and Park Avenue North. City of Renton to provide design, plans and specifica- Avenue North tions, and construction inspection; Boeing will provide $46,000 for cost of materials and labor. Council approve project and authorize Mayor and City Clerk to execute agreement. Claim for Claim for damages in the amount of $7,000+ filed by Daniel J. Loucks Damages - for injury/damages caused by alleged malfunctioning traffic light CL 46-82 at intersection of NE Sunset and Duval NE (4/28/82) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. Court Case Court case filed by Betty J. and Richard J. Stauch, Jr. , versus Betty J./ Valley Cement Construction and the City of Renton in the amount of Richard J. $150,000 for injury/damages sustained in auto accident allegedly Stauch caused by raised manhole cover one block north of 27th Place and Talbot Road (10/21/79) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. Consent Agenda MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA Approved AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Fourth Annual Letter from Steve Orton, Xerox Corporation Community Involvement Xerox Fun Program, 6400 Southcenter Boulevard, Tukwila, requested use of SW Run 34th Street from Longacres, left onto Lind Avenue and left again on SW 16th Street back to Longacres on 9/18/82. This will be the date of the Fourth Annual Three-Mile Fun Run and 10K Run to benefit specie children - gifted, retarded and handicapped. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECOND BY REED, THIS CORRESPONDENCE BE REFERRED TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR ACT CARRIED. Fire Mayor Shinpoch paraphrased a letter from a local family who had lost Department and their infant recently to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. This family Aid Crew had written commending the fire department and aid crew for the Commended excellent response (physically and emotionally) to their crisis. Those firemen involved: Lt. Chuck Ankeny, David Thorson, Robert Deines, Tom Parmelee and Henry Dykes. OLD BUSINESS Utilities Utilities Committee Chairwoman Mathews presented a committee report Committee recommending acceptance of the recommendation of the Public Works Bid Award - Department to accept the low bid of Grant Construction in the amount 84th Avenue of $85,238.88 for Phase I of 84th Avenue Co-op Water System. Commit- Co-op Water tee also recommends Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute System contract documents. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL APPROVE THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE REPORT AND AWARD CONTRACT. CARRIED. COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT AUGUST 17, 1982 This Committee met with Bob Bergstrom, Engineering Supervisor, and Ed Hayduk, Housing and Community Development Coordinator, and reviewed the Rainier Avenue Corridor Bikeway. As Council remembers, the Rainier Avenue Corridor Bikeway is part of the multi-jurisdictional program intended to extend a trail for bicyclists from Seattle through King County to Renton, through Renton to the Interurban Trail and points south. Phase I of the system (Seattle Bikeway System to Renton) was completed in 1!+80 (see attached map. ) Renton' s portion was funded from a 1979 City Block Giant. At the same time Council approved designation of Phase 2 (see attached minutes of April 7, 1980) and authorized a grant application to the State for acditional funds. The grant request was not funded. TFe City has learned that approximately $10,000 of King County Block Grant funds designated for completion of this corridor are remaining. Staff has suggested that the City approach King County and request a transfer of funds sc that these funds can be combined with $2,459 of remaining 1979 City Block Grant funds to implement Phase 2. PHASE 2 1 . Provide street route signage from Rainier Avenue South to to Hardie Avenue S.W. , to S.W. 7th Street to Lind Avenue S.W. , to S.W. 16th Street for sidewalk walking or on-street bicycle route to Fort Dent and the Interurban Trail . 2. Provide a paved pedestrian and bicycle route on the surface under the railroad tracks at the Black River Pump Plant into Fort Dent west from Monster Road. 3. If funds remain, provide miscellaneous shoulder widening on Southwest 16th Street. Upcn review, this Committee recommends authorization to proceed with submittal of a request to King County for use of these funds and if successful , implemen- tation of Phase 2 of the Rainier Avenue Corridor. ee.- e‘e Joh, Reed , Chairman '14744(-CA Nan :y MattajOrws, Member s Richard Stredicke , Member 1. t r ^ O O pE ®S NIP '2 O EAM P. 44 I� i12TH sir, ' III'k:, ',+ 0 0 a 5 112YH-$r • , 3 f+ fA 5 113TH $1 h <N \ I. O > 5 113111 , > VI ` W I. ,,. ca a < 5 11.TH $, r P N.,C 0 = Zj S Ii4TH mTS lI.TN ST br• f• 0 5 11STH \ O aCC ST < •~S ii51H ST !'.� \�- --1�� V O z W \Y/ = KERIDQE Z S IISTH Pl < 11 EMENTARV ,n n ► ` } W W HOOL 5 116TH ST : 4 QH• S 116TN Z ' ......j Q Q S „ $tltO/ei® S WIN Si m ~ ' W W 117TH ST BRVN i I a a > > MAWR 5 116T = W < ,� ELEM ST S 117TH Pi P. N , S r{, IISTH < SCH I I W W < �ta l t I p >; 115TH 3T ` 71 p /21 J IL (II WI III W W IL W • o < _ S 1 l9TH ST t • Sii' . ct 120TH ST 1 11 s 120TH ST 1111101 4 11 Z rr • 11 ' 811 T II IY1Mi • • Y p 1,-.• 101Y: NO. S 121ST ST j 1 - V W /•�(►f0P05[0) 1 S 1215T ST 1, ._. i N N ��� 122N0 ST • 4 iT •. S �22NO11 ST •. T I NW 7TH ST IL R .. Z W W 1 123R0 sr . ( W MIMIMED IIIIIIIIIII At STIIIIIIINNI SKYWAY S` In 113R0 �r Z or 11: �� a FI t•(i 1 ` S 24TH ST SCH OIMMITT 1 1 'JR HIGH S 17JTH • ST . �.• ,.. iCHOOI1: W �. T,�t. tltlon z z >, TN ST ' ``;�f�)+tt� •`j v1 < (S 125TH ST) NW 6 i -' „► �a ter ® Library a s o N ^� tom STH PL. III 1 0 12S `A�! �i S -/�J ,r n STN� ; *eft Z G}� �Alill W 111 If : N St 4, S T „ Qr —�`q1t I27TH ti Z ti P1 i ; A Nester owe, • Vf f tr Z Z Z v < ..it S ~ 12•TH • sr 1. • hw z 4 y S N W N S 125TH ST �`i NW T ST M �' c > d N w > S i .... y••j > i > Z s 129TH sr < 0 S 29�N R < < < ,i VA IIIII Z11 H W N ; I tr $i S 130THnr S' Z ., < ,0 J s 4130TH ST NW 3R0 V; s Z W `Cl�i' ` � W W S 131 ST + 4.„ �e <9,ti z $T WO i W Z d "U w VBTN ( UN URLINOTON + > r n < W•- r S *sit ! M RO) .- [LEM O < WC/ Q t • I- 732M O f SCHOOL 1 �t Nw`•2� �dM F O 1111 sr�r 131TT S 132ND h i 33R0 fT J • rf Nw 2ND ' n� 13 C • . rs fe4dal,, < . ,rN St �♦♦ gENiON 'vE S 13STH a SW VICTOR '� Sr „ INN sT a W s - • ►RNro7v • 73.T Z N SW 2 r. •W 1R H10M h • S �v , h` N . 1 • • IT y 37 � i • 5� SCHOOL SUNSET NI•NWA� k Iv b S`M UNQs74' at V 4144 0 < 41 i i 64.1 N cft ` - v s' ., ar swu W,� Zi( ,,.. P 3q :41' NQJ_ON O,� 9,3. 1yN . • y G 3• b2 O •P< �4O . S SRO K W rn ~• Q L1 • I 1TSHONy • Jh• SUNS °' ICHOOL fia r• r Pl ' < V • ,/ W Qv N S A1N v` r , ' co at SISO ky \\ • , I I I T'T j l. , _ ' .1•I y , °s \' 6 t H } • Q ., , Hi' sS ' ; 0y QnSW v. 7TH sT vl ' / lii-. ilillllllliI Ii7T131 ] 3 .... cc im W W 7TH ST W S h y ,l t q H < W -�. Z < �'V • t 4 NE II :� Q'. < < ` ter. O N. c�' 4' .1..�� . ICARIINGT1 ,N r� 1 eitl• rS , ` a:. • W h , IN()IJSTRIAI C .lif,„etas , • •ke.r.. . . ...-4 . rop 0.0,„„ • A bo\ L _____ ____ 1 '3 ...„gait S i AT H h a /�� �-_ e�4 /� o z < a s IsrH 2 1F • %1`...s,...s,'1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiI IIIIIII•= ;ig N " 7� • '� SW 18TH ST I�� r^ I r r 1 �i ,,\ \, < < S A4IN0 2 )...„ If i a a f, \ O N < S 19 11 - � � g S 1SeTH ST• z ti 4-m � ,_\ • - ', 1 t' 2 ' .1\:di;/IA1 .-------...„.,) 1:5i 6 EANAr ILI -% c:is IX: 1 . '� � �'PbSED 7 l- Col /wire I 4 )\r_,- `• COPP 0 POC.:\:\ ci„... \ ...6, 14" : • I L F \ e 1 . .'')( 1 ) C 00 Rs I '•-i ( Pb Ai EMO , n 40‘‘C . p rn z 7. \ c \ EW PAVED T ' k 1 1 -,,, 71 \ 0 .ti- .47,,, ,00 ..,2 siDE ,„, . . . cp9ipx ,.--, . „„� • Renton City Council 4/7180 Page 4 Old Business - Continued Cc nunity Community Services Committee Chairman Stredicke submitted Se r;ices committee report encouraging the administrative staff to make TWITttee application for Phase II of Renton's bikeway trail (Rainier iliac Bike Avenue corridor) connecting the Rainier Avenue bikeway to the Tre 'l Interurban bikeway in Tukwila providing for funds under the Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1978. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES, CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. P-1 Channel Community Services Committee report noted Metro opposition to change in P-1 Channel and since council approved an alternate channel for that area, no action Is required at this time. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES, CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Req'.iest for Community Services Committee report recommended that the Radio Station request, as submitted from Secoma Communications, Inc. , Towers for a 99-year lease of City property in the wetland area east of the Valley Freeway (SR-167) for radio station towers be denied. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES, CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Tarot House Councilman Stredicke noted updating of Talbot House Special Spe:ial Permit Permit is an adminstrative function. Mayor Shinpoch will check into which division has authority and report back to council . Lakeview Towers Councilman Stredicke inquired re Lakeview Towers Condominium Condominium building permit status. Warren Gonnason, Public Works Director, Building noted meeting sheduled with Lakeview Towers for progress report Pernit set for Tuesday, 4/8/80. Publicr Safety Public Safety Committee Chairman Hughes submitted committee rgi-n—it�e—e report recommending no changes be made in the Smoke Detector ";;Zi—Detector Ordinance. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHANE, CONCUR IN THE • Ordinance COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Sale of OK Public Safety Committee report recommended Approval of the Cab Co. OK Cab Company to Mr. Richard T. Pierce. Committee also recommended Taxi Cab Ordinance be revised to establish only two taxicab zones in the City (southwest corner on Wells Ave. South Taxi Cab Code at South 3rd St. and first parking space south of Houser Way on Revision the east side of Wells Ave. So. ) referring matter of code revision to the Ways and Means Committee. MOVED BY REED, SECOND SHANE, TO CONCUR IN 1 HE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Prohibiting Public Safety Committee report recommended an ordinance be Overnight adopted prohibiting the overnight parking of all type trailers Parking of designed to be drawn by a motor vehicle except recreation trailers, Certain Trailers and buses and trucks used for business purposes in whole or In part excluding pickup or panel trucks of less than one ton rated capacity in residential areas of the city only. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. MOVED BY REED, SECOND SHANE.TO CONCN THE COMMITTET RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Wa s and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer submitted committee tziiTiraw----- report recommending the matter of the Cabaret Ordinance cabaret amendment be referred to the Public Safety Committee as an Ordinance additional change has been suggested by the Police Department. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND TRIMM, TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Page 2 - Record-Chronicle - Section A Wdednesday, April 16. 1980 bike hinges Ex en e a on grant funds • 1 ° - '• By JAN HINMAN plant and Pacific Car and Founc U• ,� • \\ •: '' ii 1l •^ • Staff Reporter Phase II would provide a path tot. 7K • it 1'-1,. ._. - It may be possible by summer's same area for commuters fro ���� ` . south of the industrial area. ` . ,tr end to travel on designated bike �� ‘ `7 /-� ��., -� LEGEND paths completely through the City of Route to downtown area �� r Phase II also would provide t �y _� __ !\ " - .TM • RAINIER CORRIDOR BIKEWAY Renton in a no applied direction. opportunity for bicycle travel b• rie* ' • "^ The City has for $9,838 in - _ ween the Renton central busint s ^ ti 1 / ,,,,,,,,,,,, PHASE I federal funds to complete Phase II of .t area and parts of South King Coun - • ' ; - f '= • (Completed) Renton's bikeway trail—the Rainier and would improve bike travel b� •� ! ;; ; ^- •^ miens PHASE II Avenue corridor. Phase II would ` iS i • complete the link between Seattle's ween Renton and Tukwila includi 7 caxiACREe \f _ ;�, the Southcenter Shopping Mall. HORSE RACING ` • ,,. ' . Wie INTERURBAN TRAIL bike trail system and King terurbCounty's The City has estimated the tot, TRACK AT Interurban path. The Interurban cost of the project at $13,117, witi% eventually will provide a jogging, i w ":� • equestrian, and bike trail through most of the expense related to shoul = — — Nder improvements. The City woulc it j�t� •� • - • the Valleyto Pacific on the King- y pay $3,279 of the cost with t' Pierce county line. .o.a. •.1 ' :F... �..» SCALE 1 Inch - 1,000 Feet remainder provided by the feder Completion of Phase II of the grant. Estimated completion time • a - Prepared by Cicy of Renton bikeway trail requires signing,stripF 1.�ning Dept. Harch 1980 ing,and some shoulder improvement twotothreeweeks.�, ,� •- t ,K Renton'sHousingand Communit _ • / M, along the proposed route. z; ***: S , 2.8 miles long Development Coordinator, E. a • - s s C ••'-t - = ,"4_ -_ _w ? Phase II would be 2.8 miles long, Hayduk, said the city hopes to hea ni' .n .. .s s ' ' _ ' r beginning at the intersection of within a month or two if it will get thi 1 - afit. federal funding for the project. Thi z .. - r t. - • 'i- t •„„ ?•�. a i.' , - Rainier Avenue South and Airport money must be spent by Sept. 30, hi 3 - �.- Way—the terminus point of Phase I. said. ` `•,, ,.,' ©' "' "' "°_ f ,- �,„ • The route travels westward from 1 _ Strong competition A " l'ir • .. 0 there on Renton Avenue to Hardie, Nationwide, $4 million is availabl • south on Hardie and Edwards, and/ through a federal surface transpor � �-•. ,, 2 ���i. then goes behind the Renton Shop- , . •. J".1.�. •, ping bypassing y taion program with Washington' •r+ SHCPPIN� _ , I in Center, b assin the bus share set at$100,000. Ha duk didn' 1• ' CENTER p,.,"• !,'n • J commercial area on Rainier. y ITO NE x r'_ At Edwards Avenue Southwest and assess Renton's chance of receiving 4� T.. - O _ =c_ •d' Southwest Seventh Street the route the grant but did note that 34 applies I b PARKA ]§0: . „ m= turns west to Lind Avenue South- tions for the money have been mad _ RDE • • I statewide. LOT """ �•�` �� west. A side route at this point will ,K. _ . . ' �m O• = ! turn east two blocks to the Metro Councilman Dick Stredicke,chair - ♦.� - ., , R NTON _ ! Park and Ride lot. The main route man of the community services com 1O"+ •^ tH ®�- ` • ■ .. BOEINO COMPANY ,«, « „a.,. y �o proceeds south along Lind, over mittee, said the federal grant is th �_ ;: :.• :.� EM®I• MIA. L ; Highway 405, to Southwest 16th city's best opportunity to complet . '- _ : 4,:- 'K ' ��01?.' ��. r/ I' Street. It then turns west again,past Phase II. If that funding source fall ` �,Y• '•'•O, _ - n - �� .�' . �+"'•• M+ • - _ -- —• I. ngaCres, iu Monster Road, ,,•,der through he c�f.1 the C'y rnul(1 annl• ,.,nt . 1 t t i• �.. �.—. v • � _' 405,and ends at the Interurban Trail. for a housing and community de ` e�®®®m ' Phase I of the bikeway Seat pro- money ant block grant, but for ® ® - ., a����'��j< _ ` vided commuters from Seattle a money would not be available befor designated path to travel to Renton's July 1981. Phase I was funded with • Phase II of the bikeway plan would allow travel from one end of the city to the other on designated paths industrial area including the Boeing block grant. Renton City Council 4/7/80 Page 4 Old Business - Continued Community Community Services Committee Chairman Stredicke submitted Services committee report encouraging the administrative staff to make Committee application for Phase II of Renton's bikeway trail (Rainier Phase 2, Bike Avenue corridor) connecting the Rainier Avenue bikeway to the Trail Interurban bikeway in Tukwila providing for funds under the Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1978. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES, CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. P-1 Channel Community Services Committee report noted Metro opposition to change in P-1 Channel and since council approved an alternate channel for that area, no action is required at this time. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES, CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Request for Community Services Committee report recommended that the Radio Station request, as submitted from Secoma Communications , Inc. , Towers for a 99-year lease of City property in the wetland area east of the Valley Freeway (SR-167) for radio station towers be denied. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES, CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Talbot House Councilman Stredicke noted updating of Talbot House Special Special Permit Permit is an adminstrative function. Mayor Shinpoch will check into which division has authority and report back to council . Lakeview Towers Councilman Stredicke inquired re Lakeview Towers Condominium Condominium building permit status. Warren Gonnason, Public Works Director, Biilding noted meeting sheduled with Lakeview Towers for progress report Permit set for Tuesday, 4/8/80. Public Safety Public Safety Committee Chairman Hughes submitted committee Commitee report recommending no changes be made in the Smoke Detector Smoke Detector Ordinance. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHANE, CONCUR IN THE Ordinance COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Sale of OK Public Safety Committee report recommended ;= proval of the Cab Co. OK Cab Company to Mr. Richard T. Pierce. Committee also recommended Taxi Cab Ordinance be revised to establish only two taxicab zones in the City (southwest corner on Wells Ave. South Taxi Cab Code at South 3rd St. and first parking space south of Houser Way on Revision the east side of Wells Ave. So. ) referring matter of code revision to the Ways and Means Committee. MOVED BY REED, SECOND SHANE, TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Prohibiting Public Safety Committee report recommended an ordinance be Overnight adopted prohibiting the overnight parking of all type trailers Parking of designed to be drawn by a motor vehicle except recreation trailers , Certain Trailers and buses and trucks used for business purposes in whole or in part excluding pickup or panel trucks of less than one ton rated capacity in residential areas of the city only. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. MOVED BY REED, SECOND SHANE,TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Wads and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer submitted committee Committee report recommending the matter of the Cabaret Ordinance Cabaret amendment be referred to the Public Safety Committee as an Ordinance additional change has been suggested by the Police Department. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND TRIMM, TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Renton City Council 4/7/80 Page 3 Consent Agenda - Continued Call for Bid City Clerk reported bid opening March 26, 1980 for construction Construction of Burnett Linear Park. Ten bids were received. See bid of :urnett award following. (See attached tabulation sheet) Linear Park Bid Award- Parks/Planning/Public Works Departments recommended acceptance Bur ett of low bid by Frontier Landscaping in the amount of $121 ,543.50 Linear Park for park work and storm line for construction of Burnett Linear Park. Mayor and City Clerk authorized to sign contract. Council Approve. Alley Vacation Petition for vacation of portion of an alley located between VAC 1-80 Burnett Ave. N. & Park Ave. N. and N. 30th St. & N. 29th St. Eugene Casper as petitioned by Eugene Casper with 69% of signatures for abutting property owners. Refer to Public Works Dept. , Board of Public Works and Transportation Committee for determinate re appraisal and retention of utility easements. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution setting May 19, 1980 for public Hearing. Council concur. Beale Rezone Hearing Examiner decision Rezone R-002-80, Mrs. Arthur Beale, R-002-80 for G to B-1 and B-2 for property located at 1320 Union Ave. NE, approval subject to restrictive covenants. Council concur. Preliminary Plat Hearing Examiner decision and reconsideration preliminary plat PP-453-79 PP-453-79 Canyon Oaks,as requested by Swanson-Dean Corp., property Canyon Oaks located Kennewick P1 . NE between 28th & 30th. , approval subject to restrictive covenants and reconsideration revisions. (Restrictive Covenants to be filed at time of final plat) Council concur. Claim for Claim for Damages was filed by Shawn Marie Preston for alleged Damages tire damage from hitting hole on roadway. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Claim for Claim for Damages was filed by Corrine Kanzaki for alleged fall Damages on sidewalk landscaping. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Claim for Claim for Damages was filed by Edward C. Newson for alleged personal Damages damages. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Summons & Superior Court Summons and Complaint filed by Edward C. Newson Complaint for personal damages. Refer to City Attorney. Orcinance Police Chief Darby requested an ordinance relating to animals re K-9 Animals used by the Police Department. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Consent Agenda MOVED BY TRIMM, SECOND SHANE, APPROVE ABOVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS. Approval CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Request for Letter from Shupe Holmberg, P.E. , was read requesting latecomers Latecomers agreement for sanitary sewer connection in the Bel-Shane Addition Agreement to serve the proposed plat of Weathered Wood II . MOVED BY HUGHES, Bel-Shane SECOND ROCKHILL, TO REFER MATTER TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. Addition CARRIED. (Councilman Shane noted for the record he has no connection re the above property. ) OLD BUSINESS Gambling Councilman Shane noted government tax expires on pull tab machines. Tax MOVED BY SHANE, SECOND TRIMM, REFER MATTER OF VETO IN EFFECT THAT LOOSES THE STATE REVENUE FROM GAMBLING DEVICES WITH IDEA THAT THE CITY WILL TAKE OVER THAT TAX TO PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Recess Moved by Stredicke, Second Shane to recess. Motion failed. COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT APRIL 7, 1980 The Community Services Committee at its meeting of March 25, 1980, reviewed the possibility of obtaining funds under the Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1978. This program will provide four million dollars nationally for bikeways and trails. Since applications must be filed by April 1 (prior to the next Council meeting) , the Community Services Committee unanimously encouraged the administrative staff to make application for Phase II of Renton's bikeway trail - The Rainier Avenue corridor - connecting the Rainier Avenue bikeway to the Interurban bikeway in Tukwila. Details of the bikeway program will be made available in the near future. Richa Stredicke, Chairman Zrk i‘s-al‘s- 1 Clym r Rober Hughes (ev-- COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT July 16, 1979 NEIGHBORHOOD STRATEGY AREA PROGRAM King County officials working on the Neighborhood Strategy Area Program were present to explain the NSA Program and progress made to date. Two multi-family complexes appear to be ready for approval for participation in the program. Whitworth Lane Apartments would participate under the Section 8 program, while the Bennett Apartments would participate under Section 312. Together, 48 units would be upgraded and assured for low-income elderly families. In a joint King County/Renton/Auburn program, 75 multiple units would be upgraded in Renton in the next three years. All costs of this project are covered by the H&CD Block Grant Funds. THIS REPORT IS PRESENTED FOR INFORMATION ONLY. BICYCLE TRAIL The Community Services Committee has reviewed an alternate route to the bicycle trail which was proposed in May. Because of the City Council's concern about the designation of the Airport Perimeter Road as a designated bicycle trail, the route has been reviewed by Traffic Engineering and Planning. The Community Services Committee presents the following alternate route for consideration. The bicycle trail system is a part of a multi-jurisdictional program extending a trail for bicyclists from Seattle through King County to Renton and eventually through Renton to both Maple Valley and Tukwila. Phase I of the system would lead bicyclists to the Cedar River Trail area at Airport Way and Logan Avenue North. However, because of the airport use and the heavy traffic on Airport Way, the following alternative was proposed. The system would extend southerly from the north city limits along Rainier Avenue to Airport Way turning east for 1/2 block. At that point, it would go southerly along Lake Street to Tobin then easterly to Logan Avenue and northerly to Cedar River. Maps of the alternate route have been prepared for members of the Council. Proposed joint use of the sidewalk area along Logan Avenue from Tobin to the river was changed after discussion of the possible conflict of pedestrian Senior Citizens movement from the Senior Center to the Senior Housing Building. That traffic would remain on the road- way pavement in a dual use with automobiles. However, on the westerly return route, joint use of the sidewalk facility by bikes and pedestrians would remove the bikes from heavy traffic on Airport Way. There is little or no pedestrian movement in this area (the area immediately south of Renton Airport) . AFTER REVIEW, IT IS THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE THAT THE ADMINISTRATION BE AUTHORIZED TO PROCEED ON THE ALTERNATE BIKE SYSTEM ROUTE AS PROPOSED. FUNDING OF THIS PROJECT IS COVERED TOTALLY THROUGH H&CD GRANTS. / IQ v I Margaret P octor Richard Stredicke, Chairman Pr Renton City Council 7/16/79 Page 3 OLD BUSINESS - Continued - Transportation Committee Report - Continued Speed Bumps on Chairman Trim advised acceptable circumstances for speed bumps Residential might be on residential cul de sac. Councilman Perry inquired Streets of City's liability in the event of accident due to speed bumps, especially with motorcycles, also conditions under which neighbor- hood could have speed bumps installed and who pays costs and does installation need Council approval . MOTION CARRIED. Intersection The Transportation Committee report regarding traffic at the Bronson Way N. intersection of Bronson Way N. , Factory Ave. N. and Houser Way N, Factory N. stated this is a signalized intersection which is state-controlled Houser Way N. and operated in conjunction with the Maply Valley Y operation. The report recommended that the Administration investigate and report back to Council the matter of prohibiting the left-turn from Factory Ave. N. southbound during peak hours. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECOND SHANE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Sidewalks The committee recommended that the Council initiate a Local Senior Housing Improvement District by resolution for the construction of side- walks on the easterly side of Burnett Ave. S. from S. 2nd St. to the Senior Citizens Housing area. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECOND STREDICKE, CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND TRIMM, REFER THE TWO L.I .D. MATTERS TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE (Renton Boeing Plant area sidewalks and Senior Housing area) . FOR PROPER LEGISLATION. CARRIED. Speed Bumps MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND PERRY, MATTER OF SPEED BUMPS ON RESIDENTIAL STREETS BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE FOR FURTHER STUDY. ROLL CALL: 5-AYE: TRIMM, CLYMER, PERRY, PROCTOR, STREDICKE; 2-NO: SHINPOCH, SHANE. CARRIED. Councilman Perry requested staff report on impact of speed bumps on the City' s insurance program; Mayor Delaurenti noted Administrative Assistant would furnish report. Community Services Committee Report Community Services Committee Chairman Stredicke presented report Neighborhood re Neighborhood Strategy Area Program, advising progress to date Strategy Area for information only. Two multi-family complexes are ready for Prcgram approval for participation - Whitworth Lane Apartments under Section 8 program and Bennett Apartments under Section 312. Together 48 units would be upgraded and assured for low-income elderly families. In a joint King County/Renton/Auburn program, 75 multiple units would be upgraded in Renton in the next three years; all costs covered by H&CD Block Grant funds. Bic✓cle Trail The committee report noted review of alternate route for the bicycle trail which was proposed in May and the Council 's concern about use of Airport Perimeter Road. The report submitted alternate route along Rainier to Airport Way and South Tobin St. to Logan to Cedar River Trail for eastbound traffic and Airport Way sharing sidewalk to Rainier for westbound traffic. The report noted the trail system is a part of a multi- jurisdictional program extending a trail for bicyclists from Seattle through King County to Renton and eventually to both Maple Valley and Tukwila. The report recommended the Administra- tion be authorized to proceed on the alternate bike system route as proposed; funding covered totally through H & CD Grants. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Low Income Councilman Shane inquired regarding effect on neighborhoods and Housing need for hearings on federally funded low-income housing through- And out the City. Following discussion, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, Environmental SECOND SHINPOCH, THAT THE MATTER OF CITY NOTIFICATION OF Impact ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE FOR CONSIDERATION AND REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL, ALSO INCLUDING DNS. CARRIED. . Renton City Council 7/16/79 Page 4 CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion without separate discussion unless requested. Adopting motion follows items. Waterworks Deputy Finance Director Bennett reported the Utility's plant Utility value as of 12/31/78 was $16,890,218.78. Matter reported to establish the service charge rate for 1980. Information. Senior Center Letter from Planning Director Ericksen requested an ordinance Stained Glass be adopted to appropriate donated private funds in the amount of Window $4,500 for the Senior Citizens Center Stained glass window. Refer to the Ways and Means Committee. Consent Agenda MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AS Adopted SHOWN. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Inner Harbor Line Letter from Donald 0. Norman, Quendall Terminals, requested on Relocation behalf of the Barbee Mill Co. that the Council pass a resolution Requested at recommending to State Harbor Line Commission that the inner Barbee Mill Co. harbor line in front of the Barbee Mill Co. be relocated. The purpose of the relocation is to effect an exchange of equal land areas which will resolve title and jurisdiction questions relat- ing to vacation of reserved areas following Council action of last year. The letter explained the Department of Natural Resources claims direct land use jurisdiction of one acre of accreted uplands lying waterward of the inner harbor line; that the Harbor Line Commission is provided authority to relocate the lines when this occurs; that the relocation would place the land use authority with City of Renton. Moved by Shane, Second Trimm, City take necessary action. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, REFER MATTER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND REPORT BACK. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND SHANE, ADMINISTRATION BE AUTHORIZED TO Labor NEGOTIATE ALL THREE UNION CONTRACTS AND REFER BACK TO COUNCIL Negotiations FOR CONCURRENCE AT COMPLETION. ROLL CALL: ONE-AYE: PERRY; 6-NO: SHINPOCH, SHANE, TRIMM, CLYMER, PROCTOR, STREDICKE. FAILED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND SHANE, ALL LABOR NEGOTIATIONS BE CONDUCTED ON OPEN COUNCIL FLOOR. ROLL CALL: 2-AYES : SHANE, PERRY; 5-NO: SHINPOCH, TRIMM, CLYMER, PROCTOR, STREDICKE. FAILED. Boat Ramps Councilman Stredicke requested the Administration check into painting or marking of lanes at Gene Coulon Lake Washington Beach Park boat ramp. Mayor Delaurenti asked Parks and Recreation Director to note. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHANE, MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. 10:23 p.m. Delores A. Mead, C.K.C. City Clerk I I V t-v-7.04 •-., r- ( i I I s r-- s , LINee --- •• CEDAR RIVER "TRAIL. „L. . a \ ---1 , • 13/Kt Rou7--e SI/A8/NG SIDEWALK. -37 , •• , I Aki \---- . 4.i,.... • , / gritirMa 8/Kt" RouTE SHAI?/NG PARK/N6 , LANE. I,,. . /\ ;:, eopepoppyogingo 8/Kt. R'OliTf. W/THOUT PARK/NG • --57 ` . ......„ . , I / ., / , ..."i/ •C\ ' LI CZ a / lligalle'' BIKE ROUTE M/XED Th'W/ TR ... APT/C . _ \ ..c, ----.,e- • ...) , .z.- cr., . , •,' e.....?- -57_,,,i .---- ' '--: Li...i . ....... II —" s .) , *4 ,•• 4.i L.-------------- ------ ----..-- _:...... _ :' I- I 1 , I -•.) \-- - _ _ _ --_, ,- , . 11-,\ 1 , 1 -- i \ I i 1 . ..., 1----...N s N.. ... f 1 i 4tt. . , 7---1 1 LI I i ( <••••••I-4,1- .. .., ...._ _ *tar...„,, •, ,, - - (...: .--- 1 r..21 r--7 .-; . [---- + . -.- ,n1 - 71 t .41 -- 1,_- ... ''' ' t' 114 ...; 17"...- I ___ ___L__, 1 sur,k , ? - 5 z 4'1 , , i.--r-S ',; e '' .'"i • •—• RENToN RE Al TATE _j, `1COYS 1 S T — ADD TO ESN'TON 9, ..; , . . 1....1 TiL L /CUM _ ,'-' c7. nr'-7 c C,—: ''2 . , + 11 r.l. ,• 0-1 1 / 4C -"'—'-- .-*^-i:----777 ', ''•C'S:r -71.--.--7:. '1" r '-----'-:Tli,...---.'----"--j:..: .j, ,,h,....., . ':: . :: -:".44-.--- -.:71-1—:;;l'-"--7-: :1-t,_ L) %-- • I l • 1 j• r.' -,i . „'I= A \ , I I :40 ... t , t`, .-- „.,‘ ., ..., :--!----,I _I, . 4' rcK 4::.:L." ,,`. 4: --Z ''.., •I .. • .p., ..) r.—, . . .r.. , ----! 7 ' ,.4 m r . rf7 IT , ., .4-7 f1- -, ,,,,,, 4 ,.. ,_.......,T ta 1 `,.... ''': ... :'':.C-1 P ;11 Li L.t.j I .1 Li Li LIJ 41-41 1 I -,i '‘,"---) 177-1.:4,1j.' L.-I El I , P L'i FA.' A r '-''''C ,..14. 6 p ri .. 1 .... s VI- ',— %. 1 ,.'''2j, !.I ',.I 'C I -.14: ' IP AM A -413.6=14.--_, tii (:-DI'4 ':,..] ' 71.16 - 4 ... _ - - 4i,,,... ti 0 L-:1- C ,r ti.:1 , 6.: , 0 V,. It, ; .,........ ..-....rm.. 4,- =s. '' \-;1 f L'-' Pit i ' 1 .. I LI o - . ir i i 0) I:1113 r-F._ -0 . 4 i I „ - - - • • -D-- et. 1 Renton City Council 6/25/79 Page 3 Ordinances and Resolutions - Continued Ways and Means Committee report recommended the following resolutions for adoption: RESOLUTION #2280 Resolution was read adopting the City's Six-Year Transportation Six-Year Improvement Program and Arterial Street Plan as amended. MOVED Transportation BY CLYMER, SECOND PROCTOR TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. ROLL Improvement Program CALL: 5-AYE: SHINPOCH, STREDICKE, PROCTOR, CLYMER, TRIMM, and Arterial Street 2-NO: PERRY, SHANE. MOTION CARRIED. Plan RESOLUTION #2281 Resolution was read setting August 6, 1979 as date for public Vacation of Alley hearing re petition for vacation of alley located between Between SW 12th SW 12th St. and SW 13th St. Petitioned by Pierotti . (VAC-14-79) & 13th Streets MOVED BY SHANE, SECOND CLYMER TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. VAC-14-79 - CARRIED. RESOLUTION #2282 Resolution was read approving Tiffany Park No. 4 Final Plat. Tiffany Park No.4 FP-340-79. Property located on east side of Monroe Avenue SE Final Plat between SE 16th Place and SE 17th Place. MOVED BY CLYMER, FP-340-79 SECOND PERRY TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION WAS READ. CARRIED. Voucher Ways and Means Committee report recommended approval of Approval Vouchers No. 23715 through No. 23901 in the amount of $332,760.48. (Machine Voids #23710 - 23714) CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to all Council members and adopted by one motion without separate discussion unless requested. (Adopting motion to follow agenda items. ) MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHINPOCH TO REMOVE ITEM 8d FROM THE AGENDA RE APPOINTMENT TO THE BOARD OF ETHICS. CARRIED. Board of Letter was read from Mayor Delaurenti requesting confirmation Ethics of appointment of Mr. William L. Johnson to the Board of Ethics. Moved by Shane, second Trimm to confirm appointment. Motion failed. Mayor noted he would present another name to council . Cedar River Trail Letter from Planning Director Erickson recommended council accept System-Phase 2 completion of the Cedar River Trails System-Phase 2 as of June 25, 1979 by Sun-Up Construction, Inc. The report requested final payment due of $17,106.86 and the retained amount of $73,125.65 be paid the contractor if after 30 days no liens or claims are filed against the project and proof of tax payments made. Concur. Funds for Work Letter from Planning Director Ericksen requested Ordinance to Study Student/ appropriate and transfer funds for one Work Study student/ Housing & Community Housing & Community Development Block Grant Program in the amount Development Block of $2,580.94. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Grant Program Final Payment Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason (revised) recommended SW 16th St. & council accept completion of the 1979 Street Improvemnts, SW 16th S` . Monster Rd. SW and Monster Rd. SW Intersection as of June 1, 1979 by Associated Intersection Sand and Gravel Inc. The report requested retained amount of CAG-017-79 3690.90 be paid contractor if after 30 days no liens or claims are filed against project and proof of tax payments made. Concur. Phase I - Letter from Planning Director Ericksen re proposed Phase I- Bike Trail Bike Trail System and proposed alternative route requesting System referral to the Community Services Committee for coordination and liaison purposes. Concur. Pre-Cut Hearing Examiner recommended approval with Restrictive Covenants International of of Rezone R-344-79, Pre-Cut International of Washington, from Washington - Rezone G6000 to L-1. Property located on SW 13th St. between- Seneca R-344-79 Ave. SW & Freeway. Concur and refer to Ways and Means Committee. ei z�77 ' -pF R�, �� „ 0 THE CITY OF RENTON U `� © Z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 2 n0 = °�,' CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT p • p �O 235-2550 D+4). SE PI - June 21, 1979 ��,��20212252��� jai1979 4.0 The Honorable C. J. Delaurenti, Mayor Members of the City Council ; RECEIVE° Renton, Washington \'� ill of RM." RE : PHASE I - BIKE TRAIL SYSTEM C1�ERK`S ©FFt�<. 8,/ 99Ni4, Dear Mayor and Council Members : By action of the City Council at its May 14th Council meeting, the Administration was authorized to proceed ahead in the planning of an alternate route for the proposed Bike Trail System. As you are aware , the City of Renton has been working with King County and the City of Seattle on the development of a bikeway, which would extend from the Atlantic City Park in Seattle , along Rainier Avenue, eventually terminating in Renton. The initial proposal was to utilize the Airport Perimeter Road for a connec- tion to the Cedar River Trail. The Council discussion of May 14, however , suggested that an alternate route be established in view of the potential conflicts anticipated along the Perimeter Road area. The attached map indicates the alternatives proposed by the City Administration. It is estimated that the alternative route will result in an increased cost of approximately $1100 for additional bike signs , directional arrows , paint , and additional materials. Total cost of the Renton portion of the bikeway system is anticipated to be approximately $1550 , assuming the utilization of City services for making up of the signs , installation and painting. The proposed project is funded by the Housing and Community Development Block Grant Program, and funds are appropriately budgeted for this purpose. It is recommended that this matter be referred back to the Council Community Services ConlEittee for coordination and liaison purposes . Very t .ly yours , / ;5:1171:004: G. don Y. - i ksen ' anning • -ctor GYE :wr Attachments 4 . Renton City Council 5/14/79 Page 3 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Land Planning Planning ..nd Development Committee Chairman Perry reported on Conference annual Planning Conference in Spokane. MOVED BY PERRY , SECOND Report and SHINPOCH, REFER THE MATTER OF AREA WIDE ZONING AND POSSIBLE Recommendations CHANGE IN THE PROCEDURE TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MOVED PERRY, SECOND SIIINPOCU, REFER PROPOSED GROWTH OF AREA FOR NEXT TEN YEARS TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR REVIEW, INVESTI- GATION AND INCORPORATION INTO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. Councilwoman Shinpoch requested inclusion of materials from Chamber of Commerce. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, refer the subject of funding for purchase of older homes and selling back to citizens, to Staff to investigate and report back. SUBSTITUTE MOTION STREDICKE,SECOND BY PERRY, REFER HATTER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Councilman Perry reported study at the Conference on rating of Fire Departments; Mayor Delaurenti asked the materials be forwarded to the Administration for review. Public Safety Public Safety Committee Chairwoman Proctor presented committee Committee Report report reconmendinq Council approve the 1979 contract with King E.M.S. Contract County's Emergency Medical Services Division to fund the Valley for 1979 Medic I Program for April through September 1979. The committee further recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the rontrm t. MOVE I) BY SHINPOCH, SECOND PROCTOR, CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Fund Raising The Public Safety Committee reported review of the request of at It' l Do Gerald Neissenger, It' l Do Tavern, 205 Airport Way, to waive Fee Reduction the $50 Cabaret Fee for several fund-raising sessions for Medic Request One. The report stated that based on information supplied by the Renton Police Department, the committee recommended denial of the request. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND STREDICKE, COUNCIL DENY THE REQUEST. CARRIED. Police Regulations The Public Safety Committee reported review of proposed changes to the Police Regulations and recommended concurrence with referral to Warms and Means Committee for preparation of an amending ordinance. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND PROCTOR, COUNCIL CONCUR. CARRIED. Community Services Community Services Committee Chairman Stredicke presented committee Committee Report report noting review of Phase I of the Bicycle Trail with the Phase I Planning Department; trail to eventually connect the Seattle Bicycle Trail Bike Trail with the Cedar River Trail near Airport Way and Logan. System The report explains Renton would be responsible for cost of trail from Rainier Ave. N. to the frontage road along the Perimeter Road of the Airport to Logan Ave, estimated cost $613.50 for com- pleted signs or $445.78 for signs the City would complete, which consist of picture of a bike and arrow. The report explained the trail will eventually be around-the-lake loop with second ex- tension along 37th to Hardie, Edwards, 7th and connect with the =Interurban Trail in Tukwila. The committee report recommended concurrence in the Planning Department's presentation to proceed with the Bike Route Program and attached map showing the Perimeter Road route. Discussion ensued. Councilman Stredicke explained the proposal presented was a Renton/KingCounty/Seattle Bike Trail System extending into Seattle City Limits on Rainier Ave. for connection with the Cedar River Trail via Perimeter Road at Logan. Stredicke explained objection to use of Perimeter Road which had been restricted to Airport use and use by joggers was denied. Councilwoman Shinpoch recalled airport insurance being in jeopardy if other than airport use was allowed. MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECOND PROCTOR, Council instruct the Planning Department to redesign the Renton portion of the Bicycle Trail System extending from County System on Rainier Ave. to Airport Way and easterly to Logan Ave. and the Cedar River Trail . Public Works Director Gonnason noted difficulty as Rainier Ave. approaches Airport Way because of lack of curb space. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY , THE AD111RIORATIO. BE GIVEN MORE FREE HAND IN PLANNING AN ALTERNATIVE ROUTE. SUBSTITUTE MOTION CARRIED. Brentwood Streets Councilman Stredicke thanked the Mayor for prompt attention to clearing of Brentwood area streets . I • ••••11 '••••••-• . 11. 1 • •-.A VS:4 , maris•0 b 163ctA:3 : ALI L.J NATIVE RIVER TFA1L . r- ouT-E , .,... ) L..‘•:„.s\ .. ". .. 1 , '.''i'4.V 0 S TA N D 1-1% PIM' F, 6:O. Vat.1-0t E,..0 S.6 8-7 ,Actes / • i, ' / 1 ..,...__;,-• ,. ..41.327 .. < /". i Fi .'3•3 i___14.•71 10 "M' 41.1 I ,'q ''') L.3 ;.- 1 • \i/ ill t 1..---- ., , ' , 1 / / i T. ' l 1.s•r3251. I • a um, im m ® -no 51KE ROUTE SHAFilt\IG SIDEWALK \ --x3 \ ' ::.:, „, , / / \\\ I . C-1 \ . , / 1. • ,. \ \ ., 7 Ti '....;.9 k s ----• \ • • • I ki I CI --- I \ • \ • ‘ I 75RD= ST.-. orimme.40..• BIKE ROUTE' SI-IARINICT PARIINO LANE . :: \--- \ , i -/ P7 7....-- / L. I I \ \,. ‘, \ \\e \ / cZ. I ., ,., ix! I.,IS • • \ \ ‘. / . i , i • I . WITHOUT PARMI&. s ..e... \ „ .... • \ „ , 7: .52. .e...... .-,3/4. \ \\‘, • .-- , . • ..... 31 KE p)ou-TE s ,, -, • ' /LI' / , 3E Ac l'•.. j ,r, • i 1 • . I •• ..--\ ,N e '•I it, ., . . • BIKE RaTrff MI x ED /w 1TH TRA1-}- IG. ' . , , . -.G.,. '........._, , ! • i 1 ,,- ...., i cr , • - -,..J I • i . 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TR S - - -- - •p -----1-- . I G:. .,ii <al: •' '' t . S W- leICTC4 A ST „all'is- -'s. O'''''t • - - , ,... Lisil. 70e i• n.f . ,,,, ,T,-. ,Il ' I Li: ,. m, a (/) \ _ --__°°;._ -. > • • . 4 , ____..... ...,. 1 , ., e i] _._ ___. o L-_-'_'..ii\ \ .-.j_.\--L:- ,.-7..1._• '-.\ ) ‘ .. • . . ,,,.s. Lr-1 IFE di D. 1771 • Renton City Council 5/14/79 Page 3 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Land Planning Planning and Development Committee Chairman Perry reported on Conference annual Planning Conference in Spokane. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND Report and SHINPOCH, REFER THE MATTER OF AREA WIDE CONING AND POSSIBLE Recommendations CHANGE IN THE PROCEDURE TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MOVED PERRY, SECOND SHINPOCH, REFER PROPOSED GROWTH OF AREA FOR NEXT TEN YEARS TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR REVIEW, INVESTI- GATION AND INCORPORATION INTO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. Councilwoman Shinpoch requested inclusion of materials from Chamber of Commerce. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, refer the subject of funding for purchase of older homes and selling back to citizens, to Staff to investigate and report back. SUBSTITUTE MOTION STREDICKE,SECOND BY PERRY, REFER MATTER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Councilman Perry reported study at the Conference on rating of Fire Departments; Mayor Delaurenti asked the materials be forwarded to the Administration for review. Public Safety Public Safety Committee Chairwoman Proctor presented committee Committee Report report recommending Council approve the 1979 contract with King E.M.S. Contract County's Emergency Medical Services Division to fund the Valley for 1979 Medic I Program for April through September 1979. The committee further recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract. MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECOND PROCTOR, CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Fund Raising The Public Safety Committee reported review of the request of at It' l Do Gerald Neissenger, It' l Do Tavern, 205 Airport Way, to waive Fee Reduction the $50 Cabaret Fee for several fund-raising sessions for Medic Recuest One. The report stated that based on information supplied by the Renton Police Department, the committee recommended denial of the request. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND STREDICKE, COUNCIL DENY THE REQUEST. CARRIED. Police Regulations The Public Safety Committee reported review of proposed changes to the Police Regulations and recommended concurrence with referral to Ways and Means Committee for preparation of an amending ordinance. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND PROCTOR, COUNCIL CONCUR. CARRIED. Communit Service. Community Services Committee Chairman Stredicke presented committee Committee Report report noting review of Phase I of the Bicycle Trail with the Phase I Planning Department; trail to eventually connect the Seattle Bicycle Trail Bike Trail with the Cedar River Trail near Airport Way and Logan. System The report explains Renton would be responsible for cost of trail from Rainier Ave. N. to the frontage road along the Perimeter Road of the Airport to Logan Ave, estimated cost $613.50 for com- pleted signs or $445.78 for signs the City would complete, which consist of picture of a bike and arrow. The report explained the trail will eventually be around-the-lake loop with second ex- tension along 87th to Hardie, Edwards , 7th and connect with the Interurban Trail in Tukwila. The committee report recommended concurrence in the Planning Department's presentation to proceed with the Bike Route Program and attached map showing the Perimeter Road route. Discussion ensued. Councilman Stredicke explained the proposal presented was a Renton/KingCounty/Seattle Bike Trail System extending into Seattle City Limits on Rainier Ave. for connection with the Cedar River Trail via Perimeter Road at Logan. Stredicke explained objection to use of Perimeter Road which had been restricted to Airport use and use by joggers was denied. Councilwoman Shinpoch recalled airport insurance being in jeopardy if other than airport use was allowed. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND PROCTOR, Council instruct the Planning Department to redesign the Renton portion of the Bicycle Trail System extending from County System on Rainier Ave. to Airport Way and easterly to Logan Ave. and the Cedar River Trail . Public Works Director Gonnason noted difficulty as Rainier Ave. approaches Airport Way because of lack of curb space. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, THE ADMINI$TRATIQ1 BE GIVEN MORE FREE HAND IN PLANNING AN ALTERNATIVE ROUTE. SUBSTITUTE MOTION CARRIED. Brentwood Streets Councilman Stredicke thanked the Mayor for prompt attention to clearing of Brentwood area streets. • . . Renton City Council 5/14/79 Page 4 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee Committee Report report recommending second and final readings of the following Ordinance #3316 ordinances which had been on first reading 5/7/79: Talbot Hill An ordinance was read annexing the Talbot Hill Island to Annexation the City. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHINPOCH, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3317 An ordinance was read vacating a portion of Taylor Ave. SW between Vacation Portion SW 21st St. and 23rd St. (VAC 2-79) known as the Seelig Street of Taylor Ave. SW Vacation. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHINPOCH, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3318 An ordinance was read relating to joint service facilities Joint Service extending across public right-of-way, Chapter 18 Building Regula- Facilities across tions. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS Public R/W READ. ROLL CALL: 6-AYES: SHINPOCH, SHANE, TRIMM, CLYMER, PERRY, Power/Phone/TV PROCTOR; ONE-NO: STREDICKE. MOTION CARRIED. The Ways and Means Committee recommended first reading for the following ordinances with referral back to the Ways and Means Committee. Ordinance #3319 An ordinance was read vacating a portion of California Ave. California Ave. (N. 7th St. ) and alley between California Ave. (N. 7th St. ) and Street Vacation N. 8th St. (VAC 4-79) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHINPOCH, REFER BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHINPOCH, RECONSIDER PRIOR MOTION. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND PERRY, PLACE ORDINANCE ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following readings of ordinance, MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND STREDICKE, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ VACATING ONE-HALF STREET. ($21 ,966.25 paid by Boeing Company) ROLL CALL : ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance #3320 An ordinance was read establishing Cumulative Reserve for the Cumulative purpose of storm sewers for Camas Ave. NE. MOVED BY PERRY, Reserve SECOND SHINPOCH, PLACE ORDINANCE ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following readings of ordinance establishing fund #115 for installation and construction of sewers , it was MOVED PERRY, SECOND PROCTOR, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL : ALL AYES. CARRIED. Park Development MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, REMOVE LETTER 8.a. FROM CONSENT and Acquisition AGENDA FOR PRESENTATION. CARRIED. A letter from Parks and Recreation Director Webley asked Council concurrence in Park Board applications for funding from the Washington State Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation. The letter presented two resolutions concerning Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park, one for acquisition of a 2.53 acre parcel and the other for development of existing City owned property located north of the present boat launch area. MOVED BY PERRY , SECOND SHANE AND CONCUR IN REQUEST AND REFER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Resolution #2272 Resolution was read authorizing application for funding assistance Coulon Beach Park for an outdoor recreation project to the Interagency Committee for Development Outdoor Recreation as provided by the Marine Recreation Land Act as relates to park site development for Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND STREDICKE, ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #2273 A resolution was read authorizing application for funding as relates Coulon Beach Park to acquisition of park site properties at Coulon Beach Parkvicinity. Acquisition MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND SHANE, ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #2274 A resolution was read authorizing agreement between the City of Interlocal Renton and Public Hospital District No. 1 (Valley General Hospital ) Agreement with for expenditure of monies for medical services and authorized the Valley General Mayor and City Clerk to sign the agreement. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND SHINPOCH, ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. . COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT May 14, 1979 BICYCLE TRAIL The Community Services Committee has reviewed Phase I of the Bicycle Trail with the Planning Department. The system would eventually connect the Seattle Bike Trail with the Cedar River Trail near Airport Way and Logan. The Seattle system would come to the south end of the city limits. King County is already marking and anticipates markings and improvements from Atlantic City Park to the Renton City limits at the airport frontage road entrance on Rainier Avenue North. Under Phase I, the City of Renton would be responsible for the costs of the trail from Rainier Avenue North at the frontage road along the perimeter road of the airport to Logan Avenue. This eventually will be an around-the-lake loop. A second extension would go along 87th to Hardie, Edwards, 7th and would connect with the Interurban Trail in Tukwila. For Phase I, the connection reviewed is that from the airport frontage road on Rainier Avenue to the airport frontage road on Logan Avenue. Cost estimates for that section is $613.50 for completed signs or $445.78 for signs the City would complete. These signs are the "Bike Route Signs" with a picture of a bike and arrow signs. The Committee expressed some concern about the use of the perimeter road and the marking of the pavement as well as the signs. The Community Services Committee recommends concurrence in the Planning Department's presentation to proceed with the Bike Route Program. R ch redicke, Chairman Ma ga/172r Proctor Earl Clymer • • • '0 n `� P[, OQ )\�i 'T " 1.1117` L5, '..��• U ��;(1�� \\` �'Qoaj..•� [�, O �c7 i• aQ ootiv • �c � ion°�' ,,.� °P `\ ° o°off I �s C1 amoor eO O L` U .r. 11`` or :� \ Q 0Qp O / / 0 a •O 1 ‘ 0 y moo. 1? [gyp \ PO 0. ------- a s,_ \ -, - :0\ \ RENTztri4A 0 ., • 1, ''s/1.5..„--,-z•--, ''''.:-,.. \\ / 'I r,•,_LLZ,,S1XA ) I:1 0 ,,\q ,• 'tccr, '-'6 ----' ' .7 / f�.. ,.(:-.3 ...._ Ai !.4 _r ---- ‘ a_IN 0 g Q ` job \\ p t==t'c'r__j' i-- _-a- 1 . ri.--e_ \ \\\ Y V • • ` o \...000.\ w�Tor+ \ / ,� `. I+. pt] {1ao p O o OO 0 03Tri c:rreR 4...),As> 7 • ts ,,,, i ..--6 61:::::___I 9 ,c0,._ c.....)_ __ ____ , .. A ci ei _-. 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Ihile NO 2 aIOCIf fc+o�S vrr cvTr..> map -------- r Proposed A R„ rtn, e - —_ Rainier Avenue A . t �a Bikeway / scale in ft. north J i 17 C€ o°[7a 0o I 00 to `.._,J, . o �( t, 0 b ..,�o a ,... ,, ,.., ..„,, 6 °O.'O <I � ° 47po,J o � o0 e�4�)P oC AP_nMlC .,,,e i • _V I NOR.5 .. Y d 06 I e _ a �,� . ,1 \ ,...._—_11 .... i \ , , I, c-j. • 1' T .. T4 I ❑U O 0 0i =°— r.nkddiier� ' .// ';jDoL .�! I ,RI.51 . / U ,a �.i; A. _.- 14/ ii) vv � a0too{ oiiiiiot_.:r,,,,-,7......,w, 6 .�. ..�.�.. - Li ,1111 `� f� t 00 00006 �! , TI ,.; ,00 n o o -Tr? o o n �-� �s \�, ) �e \� \l loa nt1QODO�x Q i try G Q ❑ E u� `' _ Q-- �� r /"'J .mot � u.��b �' o € � Qa [7 Q � O ❑ o C� 17 O^ U FL-: !jA( III HIEdi SCHOOL . s3f� - ❑ /� :» 5 a �� ,ct I cI ( Q -_OVO �. 00�0_ �]�� i'I J o ❑a p ms, Q(lC7� 1 Za �,. .e� era / .; \� D ,t,� p •;�U q . �_• u�. 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( .4 miles) 5. Seattle City Limits to 87th Ave. ( .9 miles) Ii . - Install bike route and directional sign (completed) - Install bike route signs and directional signs - Stripe and mark 12' bike/parking lane--east side , Total Cost $100I Restripe vehicle lanes, remove buttons 2. 56th Ave. S. to Carver St. ( •2 miles) Total Cost $1 ,400 - Install bike route signs and no parking signs - Stripe and mark 5' bike lanes--east side 6. 87th Ave. S. to Entrance to Airport Frontage Road ( .3 miles) - Restripe vehicle lanes, remove buttons - Install bike route signs, directional signs and no parking signs Total Cost $1 ,000 - Stripe and mark bike lane, both sides I Total Cost $1 ,200 3. Carver St. to Lakeridge Park ( .8 miles) - Install bike route signs (completed) 7✓ Airport Frontage Road (1 .2 miles) - Install bike route signs and directional signs IIITotal Cost $0 • Total Cost $500 4. Lakeridge Park to Seattle City Limits (.5 miles) - Install bike route signs (completed) *Cost estimate based on TOTAL COST FOR PHASE ONE $4,900 - Stripe and mark 12' bike/parking lane information supplied by + Contingency 700 - Restripe vehicle lanes, remove buttons King County Department $5,600* of Public Works. ma Total Cost $700 44