HomeMy WebLinkAboutPH - Amendments to Title IV/IM Zone Airport District Regulations (2001) Amends ORDs 4963, 5080, 5124, 5190 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 5201 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ZONING DISTRICTS — USES AND STANDARDS; AND SECTION 4-11-010 OF CHAPTER 11, DEFINITIONS, OF TITLE IV (DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS) OF ORDINANCE NO. 4260 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON" BY REVISING THE AIR TRANSPORTATION USES SECTION OF THE MEDIUM INDUSTRIAL, HEAVY INDUSTRIAL, AND CENTER DOWNTOWN ZONES, AND THE AIRPORT AND AVIATION OPERATIONS USES; AND BY REVISING DEFINITIONS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION L Section 4-2-060.L of Chapter 2,Zoning Districts—Uses and Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended to read as shown in Exhibit A, attached. SECTION IL Section 4-2-070.L of Chapter 2, Zoning Districts—Uses and Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations)of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended to read as shown in Exhibit B, attached. SECTION HL Section 4-2-070.P of Chapter 2, Zoning Districts—Uses and Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended to read as shown in Exhibit C, attached. SECTION IV. Section 4-2-070.Q of Chapter 2, Zoning Districts—Uses and Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of 1 ORDINANCE NO. 5201 General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended to read as shown in Exhibit D, attached. SECTION V. Section 4-11-010 of Chapter 11, Definitions, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended by revising the existing definition of"Airport, Municipal", to read as follows: AIRPORT, MUNICIPAL: The Renton Municipal Airport, a general aviation facility located in Renton, Washington. SECTION VL Section 4-11-010, of Chapter 11, Definitions, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled"Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended by adding the following definitions, to read as follows: AIRPORT-RELATED USES: Uses that require proximity and access to an airport runway. AVIATION-RELATED USES: Uses that offer aeronautical services to the public or provide support services to airport-related uses. SECTION VII. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five days after its publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 17th day of Apr i1 , 2006. Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk 2 t ORDINANCE NO. 5201 APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 17 t h day of April , 2006. 6/1//ett Kathy Ke ker, Mayor Approve as to form: nce . t e Date of Publication: 4/21/2006 (summary) ORD.1245:2/17/06:ma 3 ORDINANCE NO. 5201 EXHIBIT A 4-2-060 ZONING USE TABLE—USES ALLOWED IN ZONING DESIGNATIONS: ZONING USE TABLE RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS USES: RCS R-1 R-4 R-8 RMH R-10 R-14 RM IL IM IH CN CV CA CD CO COR UC-NI UC-N2 L.VEHICLE RELATED ACTIVITIES (Continued) Truck terminals ! P Vehicle fueling stations P P P 'P P P38 V `' fueling stations, P P P AD110 P P P38 _ ting legal Vehicle service and AD P P repair, large Vehicle service and P P P AD2 P P repair, small Wrecking yard, auto H59 H Air Transportation Uses Airplane manufacturing AC59 P Airplane manufacturing, AC AC accessory functions Airplane sales and repair P Airport, municipal P Airport-related uses AC Aviation-related uses AC Helipads, accessory to H H38 H38 H2O H H H97 primary use HI is, commercial H H97 1 7 I I I I M. STORAGE Hazardous material I H24 H24 H24 storage, on-site or off- site, including treatment Indoor storage P P P AC11 AC11 AC11 AC11 AC11 AC11 Outdoor storage P57 P57 P57 AD64 ' P64 Self-service storage P8 P58 P59 P H26 H26 H26 Vehicle storage -AD38 Warehousing I P P P N. INDUSTRIAL ©2004 Code Publishing,Inc. Page 1 ORDINANCE NO. 5201 Industrial, General Assembly and/or P P P P86 P104 packaging operations Commercial laundries, P38 P38 P38 P4 existing Commercial laundries, P38 P38 P38 new Construction/contractor's P14 P P office 1 Blank=Not Allowed P#=Permitted AD=Administrative Conditional Use AC=Accessory Use P=Permitted Use provided can be met H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use #=Condition(s) Us�- --ay be further restricted by: RMC 4-3-020, Airport Related Height and Use Restrictions; RMC 4-3-040C, Uses Permitted in the Automall Improvement District; RM 3-I critical Areas Regulations; RMC 4-3-090, Shoreline Master Program Regulations ©2004 Code Publishing. Inc. Page 2 t ORDINANCE NO. 5201 EXHIBIT B OTHER COMMUNITY AND PUBLIC 4-2-070L CENTER DOWNTOWN (CD) FACILITIES (Continued) Uses allowed in the CD Zone are as Public Facilities follows: City government offices AD City government facilities H USES: TYPE: Other government offices and H AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES facilities Natural resource H extraction/recovery OFFICE AND CONFERENCE Conference center P ANIMALS AND RELATED USES Medical and dental offices P Kennels, hobby AC#37 Offices, general P Pets, common household, up to AC Veterinary offices/clinics P 3 per dwelling unit or business establishment RETAIL Adult retail use P#43 RESIDENTIAL Drive-in/drive-through, retail AC#28 Detached dwelling (existing P Eating and drinking P legal) establishments Attached dwelling P#16 Horticultural nurseries H Retail sales P OTHER RESIDENTIAL, LODGING AND HOME Retail sales, outdoor P#15 OCCUPATIONS Taverns AD Adult family home P#3 Congregate residence P#3 ENTERTAINMENT AND RECREATION Group homes I H#3 Entertainment Group homes II for 6 or less P#3 Adult entertainment business P#43 Group homes II for 7 or more H#3 Cultural facilities AD Home occupations AC#g Dance clubs H Retirement residences P#3 Dance halls H Movie theaters P SCHOOLS Sports arenas, auditoriums, P K-12 educational institution H#s exhibition halls, indoor (public or private) Recreation K-12 educational institution P#s Recreation facilities, indoor P (public or private), existing Other higher education P SERVICES institution Services, General Schools/studios, arts and crafts P Bed and breakfast house, P _accessory PARKS Bed and breakfast house, P Parks, neighborhood P professional Parks, regional/community, P Hotel P existing SERVICES (Continued) Parks, regional/community, new AD On-site services P Drive-in/drive-through service AC#70 OTHER COMMUNITY AND PUBLIC Day Care Services FACILITIES Adult day care I P Community Facilities Adult day care II P Cemetery H Day care centers P Religious institutions H Family day care AC#3 Service and social organizations H Healthcare Services ©2004 Code Publishing,Inc. Page 1 ORDINANCE NO. 5201 EXHIBIT B or valescent centers P#3 Utilities, medium AD Medical institutions H Utilities, large H WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES EHICLE RELATED ACTIVITIES Lattice towers support H#48 Parking garage, structured, P#3 structures commercial or public Macro facility antennas P#44 Parking, surface, commercial or P#3 Micro facility antennas public Mini facility antennas P#44 Park and ride, shared-use P#1 o7 Minor modifications to existing P#49 Park and ride, dedicated P#107 wireless communication ax stand AD _ facilities ransit centers P Monopole I support structures AD#46 Monopole II support structures H#48 +TORAGE Indcor storage AC#11 GENERAL ACCESSORY USES Accessory uses per RMC 4-2- AC INDIJSTRIAL 050 and as defined in ndcrstrial, General chapter 4-11 RMC, where not orr mercial laundries, existing P#4 otherwise listed in the Use Laboratories: light P#3 Table rr anufacturing Laboratories: research, AD#3 TEMPORARY USE development and testing Model homes in an approved P#53 Man afacturing and fabrication, H#3 residential development: one lk ht model home on an existing olid Waste/Recycling lot Recycling collection station P Sales/marketing trailers, on-site P#53 Temporary or manufactured P#10 TIL.ITIES buildings used for ommunications broadcast and H construction relay towers Temporary uses P#53 Elec rical power generation and H#66 cogeneration Utilities, small P TYPES: Blank=Not Plowed P=Permitted Use AC=Accessory Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use #=Condition's) P#=Permitted provided conditional can be met AD=Administrative Conditional Use Uses may be further restricted by: RMC 4-3-020, Airport Related Height and Use Restrictions; RMC 4-3-040C, Uses Permitted in 1rie Automall Improvement District; RMC 4-3-050, Critical Areas Regulations; RMC 4-3-090, Shoreline Master Program Requirements ©2004 lode Publishing. Inc. Page 2 `ORDINANCE NO. 5201 EXHIBIT C Conference center P#38 4-2-070,P INDUSTRIAL MEDIUM(IM) OFFICE AND CONFERENCE(Continued) Uses allowed in the IM Zone are as Medical and dental offices P#38 follows: Offices, general P#13 Veterinary offices/clinics P#38 USES: TYPE: AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES RETAIL Natural resource H#59 Adult retail use P#43 extraction/recovery Big-box retail P#72 Drive-in/drive-through, retail AC ANIMALS AND RELATED USES Eating and drinking P Kennels P#37 establishments Kennels, hobby AC#37 Horticultural nurseries H Pets, common household, up to AC Retail sales P#34 3 per dwelling unit or Retail sales, outdoor P#30 business establishment Vehicle sales, large P Vehicle sales, small P OTHER RESIDENTIAL, LODGING AND HOME OCCUPATIONS ENTERTAINMENT AND RECREATION Caretaker's residence AC Entertainment Adult entertainment business P#43 SCHOOLS Card room P#52 K-12 educational institution H Cultural facilities AD (public or private) Dance clubs P#38 K-12 educational institution P#9 Dance halls P#38 (public or private), existing Gaming/gambling facilities, not- H#29 Other higher education P#38 for-profit institution Movie theaters P#38 Schools/studios, arts and crafts P#38 Sports arenas, auditoriums, P#38 Trade or vocational school P exhibition halls, indoor Sports arenas, auditoriums, P#38 PARKS exhibition halls, outdoor Parks, neighborhood P Recreation Parks, regionalcommunity, P Recreation facilities, indoor P#38 existing Recreation facilities, outdoor P#32 Parks, regionalcommunity, new AD SERVICES OTHER COMMUNITY AND PUBLIC Services, General FACILITIES Hotel P#38 Community Facilities Motel P#38 Cemetery H Off-site services P#38 Religious institutions H On-site services P#38 Service and social organizations H SERVICES (Continued) Public Facilities Drive-in/drive-through service AC#62 City government offices AD Vehicle rental, small P City government facilities H Vehicle and equipment rental, P#29 Secure community transition H#71 large facilities Day Care Services Other government offices and H Adult day care I P#55 facilities Adult day care II AD Day care centers P#54 OFFICE AND CONFERENCE Family day care AC ©2004 Code Publishing.Inc. Page 1 , ORDINANCE NO. 5201 EXHIBIT C Healthcare Services manufacturing Medical institutions H#56 Laboratories: research, P _ development and testing VEHICLE RELATED ACTIVITIES Manufacturing and fabrication, H#59 Body shops P#31 heavy Car washes P Manufacturing and fabrication, P Express transportation services P light Fuel dealers H#59 Manufacturing and fabrication, P#67 Industrial engine or P#31 medium transmission rebuild Solid Waste/Recycling Parking garage, structured, P Recycling collection station and P#38 commercial or public processing center Parking, surface, commercial or P#38 Recycling collection station P public Sewage disposal and treatment H#59 Park and ride, shared-use P plants Park and ride, dedicated P#1os Waste recycling and transfer H#59 Tow truck operation/auto H#59 facilities impoundment yard Transit centers H#38 UTILITIES Vehicle fueling stations P Communications broadcast and H#29 Vehicle service and repair, large P relay towers Vehicle service and repair, P Electrical power generation and H#66 small cogeneration Wicking yard, auto H#59 Utilities, small P Airr Transportation Uses _ Utilities, medium AD Airplane manufacturing AC#59 Utilities, large H Airplane manufacturing, AC accessory functions WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Airplane sales and repair P Lattice towers support AD#47 Airport, municipal P _ structures Airport-related uses AC Macro facility antennas P#44 Aviation-related uses AC _ Micro facility antennas P Helipads, accessory to primary H#38 Mini facility antennas P#44 use Minor modifications to existing P#49 Helipads, commercial H wireless communication facilities TORAGE Monopole I support structures P#44 Hazardous material, storage, H#24 Monopole II support structures AD#47 on-site or off-site, including treatment GENERAL ACCESSORY USES Indoor storage P Accessory uses per RMC 4-2- AC Outdoor storage P#57 050 and as defined in Self-service storage P#59 _ chapter 4-11 RMC, where not Warehousing P otherwise listed in the Use INDUSTRIAL Table Industrial, General TEMPORARY USE Assembly and/or packaging P - Sales/marketing trailers, on-site P#53 operations Temporary or manufactured P#10 Commercial laundries, existing P#38 buildings used for Commercial laundries, new P#38 construction Construction/contractor's office P Temporary uses P#53 Laboratories: light P#38 ©2004 Code Publishing.Inc. Page 2 ORDINANCE NO. 5201 EXHIBIT C TYPES: Blank=Not Allowed P=Permitted Use AC=Accessory Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use #=Condition(s) P#=Permitted provided conditional can be met AD=Administrative Conditional Use Uses may be further restricted by: RMC 4-3-020, Airport Related Height and Use Restrictions; RMC 4-3-040C, Uses Permitted in the Automall Improvement District; RMC 4-3-050, Critical Areas Regulations; RMC 4-3-090, Shoreline Master Program Requirements (amo4 Cnrla Pi hlichinn Inc Pans 1 ORDINANCE NO. 5201 EXHIBIT D Conference center P#38 4-2-070Q INDUSTRIAL HEAVY(IH) OFFICE AND CONFERENCE(Continued) Uses allowed in the IH Zone are as Medical and dental offices P#38 follows: Offices, general P#13 Veterinary offices/clinics P#38 USES: TYPE: AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES RETAIL Natural resource H Adult retail use P#43 extraction/recovery Big-box retail P#72 Drive-in/drive-through, retail AC ANIMALS AND RELATED USES Eating and drinking P Kennels P#37 establishments Kennels, hobby AC#37 Horticultural nurseries H Pets, common household, up to AC Retail sales P#34 3 per dwelling unit or Retail sales, outdoor P#30 business establishment Vehicle sales, large P Vehicle sales, small P 'OTHER RESIDENTIAL,LODGING AND HOME OCCUPATIONS ENTERTAINMENT AND RECREATION Caretaker's residence AC Entertainment Adult entertainment business P#43 SCHOOLS Card room P#52 K-12 educational institution H Cultural facilities AD (public or private) Dance clubs P#38 K-12 educational institution P#9 Dance halls P#38 (public or private), existing Gaming/gambling facilities, not- H#38 Other higher education P#38 for-profit institution Movie theaters P#38 Schools/studios, arts and crafts P#38 Sports arenas, auditoriums, P#38 Trade or vocational school H exhibition halls, indoor Sports arenas, auditoriums, P#38 PARKS exhibition halls, outdoor Parks, neighborhood P Recreation Parks, regional/community, P Recreation facilities, indoor P#38 existing Recreation facilities, outdoor P#32 'arks, regional/community, new AD SERVICES OTHER COMMUNITY AND PUBLIC Services, General FACILITIES Hotel P#38 Community Facilities Motel P#38 Cemetery H Off-site services P#38 Religious institutions H On-site services P#38 Service and social organizations H SERVICES (Continued) Public Facilities Drive-in/drive-through service AC#62 City government offices AD Vehicle rental, small P City government facilities H - Vehicle and equipment rental, P#29 Secure community transition H#71 large facilities Day Care Services Other government offices and H Adult day care I P#55 facilities Adult day care II H Day care centers P#54 OFFICE AND CONFERENCE Family day care AC ©2004 Code Publishing.Inc. Page 1 ORDINANCE NO. 5201 EXHIBIT D Healthcare Services light Medical institutions H#56 Manufacturing and fabrication, P#67 medium VEHICLE RELATED ACTIVITIES Solid Waste/Recycling Body shops P#31 Recycling collection station and P#38 Car washes P processing center Fuel dealers P Recycling collection station P Industrial engine or P#31 Sewage disposal and treatment H transmission rebuild plants Parking garage, structured, P Waste recycling and transfer P commercial or public facilities Parking, surface, commercial or P#38 public UTILITIES Park and ride, shared-use P Communications broadcast and H#38 Park and ride, dedicated P#105 relay towers Railroad yards P Electrical power generation and H#88 Tow truck operation/auto P cogeneration impoundment yard Utilities, small Transit centers H#38 Utilities, medium AD Truck terminals P Utilities, large H Vehicle fueling stations P Vehicle service and repair, large P WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Vehicle service and repair, P Lattice towers support AD#47 small structures Wrecking yard, auto H Macro facility antennas P#44 Air Transportation Uses Micro facility antennas P Mini facility antennas P#44 Helipads, accessory to primary H#38 Minor modifications to existing P#49 use wireless communication facilities STORAGE Monopole I support structures P#44 Hazardous material,storage, H#24 Monopole II support structures AD#47 on-site or off-site, including treatment GENERAL ACCESSORY USES Indoor storage P Accessory uses per RMC 4-2- AC Outdoor storage P#57 050 and as defined in Self-service storage P chapter 4-11 RMC, where not Warehousing P otherwise listed in the Use INDUSTRIAL Table Industrial, General TEMPORARY USE Assembly and/or packaging P Sales/marketing trailers, on-site P#53 operations Temporary or manufactured P#10 Commercial laundries, existing P#38 buildings used for Commercial laundries, new P#38 construction Construction/contractor's office P Temporary uses P#53 Laboratories: light P#38 manufacturing Laboratories: research, P development and testing Manufacturing and fabrication, P#67 heavy Manufacturing and fabrication, P ©2004 Code Publishing.Inc. Page 2 ORDINANCE NO. 5201 EXHIBIT D TYPES: Blank=Not Allowed P=Permitted Use AC=Accessory Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use #=Conditior(s) P#=Permitted provided conditional can be met AD=Administrative Conditional Use Uses may b4i further restricted by: RMC 4-3-020, Airport Related Height and Use Restrictions; RMC 4-3-040C, Uses Permitted in the Automall Improvement District; RMC 4-3-050, Critical Areas Regulations; RMC 4-3-090, Shoreline Master Program Requirements ©2004 Code Publishina. Inc. Paae 3 I April 17,2006 Renton City Council Minutes Page 124 Annexation: Falk II,R-8 An ordinance was read establishing the zoning classification of property Zoning annexed within the City of Renton generally located south of SE 185th St.,and on the east side of 102nd Ave. SE, from R-4(Urban Residential—four dwelling units per acre, King County)to R-8 (Residential—eight dwelling units per acre) zoning(Falk II Annexation). MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 4/24/2006. CARRIED. Annexation: Merritt II, SE An ordinance was read amending Ordinance No. 5142 by changing the timing May Valley Rd&Coal Creek for effectuating Phase II of the Merritt II Annexation to the City of Renton. Parkway MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CLAWSON,COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 4/24/2006. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for second and final reading and adoption: Ordinance#5201 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 2,Zoning Districts—Uses and Planning: Airport Related Uses Standards; and Section 4-11-010 of Chapter 11, Definitions,of Title IV Zoning Text Amendments(IM (Development Regulations)of City Code by revising the air transportation uses Zone) section of the medium industrial,heavy industrial, and center downtown zones, and the airport and aviation operations uses; and by revising definitions. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CLAWSON,COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS 'MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL CANCEL THE Council: Meeting Cancellation 5/1/2006 COUNCIL MEETING. CARRIED. (5/1/2006) Finance: Financial Policies& MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THE Investment Strategies TOPIC OF FINANCIAL POLICIES AND INVESTMENT STRATEGIES TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE FOR FUTURE DISCUSSION. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Brett Hawton, 1308 Harrington Ave.NE, Renton, 98056,expressed concern Citizen Comment: Hawton- about adversarial relationships between City officials, and encouraged Council Highlands Subarea,Zoning to review the information posted to the City's own website regarding the Text&Zoning Map Highlands Subarea, which is where he had gathered his information. Amendments ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 10:48 p.m. ?x/k I ..4 &ki t Bonnie I. Walton,CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Jason Seth and Michele Neumann April 17, 2006 it i I II I i it I I �I April 10,2006 Renton City Council Minutes Page 107 waiting to see if there was a conflict before moving the cinema event. Councilman Clawson stressed that restroom access not be restricted at the Piazza. RESOLUTIONS AND The following ordinance was presented for first reading and referred to the ORDINANCES Council meeting of 4/17/2006 for second and final reading: Planning: Airport Related Uses An ordinance was read amending Chapter 2,Zoning Districts-Uses and Zoning Text Amendments(IM Standards; and Section 4-11-010 of Chapter 11,Definitions,of Title IV Zone) To. (Development Regulations)of City Code by revising the air transportation uses section of the medium industrial,heavy industrial,and center downtown zones, and the airport and aviation operations uses; and by revising definitions. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 4/17/2006. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL REFER Planning: North Harrington NORTH HARRINGTON REDEVELOPMENT OUTREACH TO THE Redevelopment Outreach COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Council President Corman stated that this topic concerns the communication plan, as a great deal of misinformation is being disseminated about the redevelopment effort. He indicated that public testimony will not be taken on this topic at the April 17th Committee of the Whole meeting. Councilman Clawson explained that Council needs time to process the comments already received on the matter. Councilman Persson noted the importance of moving at a pace that allows the City and citizens to share and respond to information. AUDIENCE COMMENT Linda Herzog, 16210 NE 116th St.,Redmond, 98052,commented that the more Citizen Comment: Herzog- activity there is in the downtown area,the safer it becomes. Pavilion Building/Downtown Transit Center Safety Concerns ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:47 p.m. )6071A14.1.4 G(ke.ter•- Bonnie I. Walton, CMC,City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann April 10,2006 �! - � i I March 6,2006 Renton City Council Minutes Page 57 Or- SCATBd: Agreement Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of an agreement with the South County Transportation Board(SCATBd),a South King County forum for information sharing,coordination,and consensus building to resolve transportation issues. Annual dues are$75. Council concur. (See later this page for resolution.) CAG: 05-185,Burnett Linear Transportation Systems Division requested authorization for a construction Park Play Area Renovation, contract change order to CAG-05-185,Burnett Linear Park Play Area Multi-Use Path Renovation,to add a ten-foot wide, multi-use,non-motorized path from S. 5th St. to S. 6th St. in the amount of$35,251.20. Council concur. Utility: Well 5A Water Utility Systems Division recommended approval of an agreement in the amount Treatment Improvements of$59,540 with HDR Engineering,Inc. for a bench scale and pilot plant study Study, HDR Engineering for Well 5A water treatment improvements. Council concur. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Public Safety Committee Chair Law presented a report recommending Public Safety Committee concurrence in the staff recommendation to adopt an ordinance exempting the Human Resources: Police& Police and Fire Chiefs of the City of Renton from civil service. MOVED BY Fire Chiefs Exemption from LAW,SECONDED BY PERSSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE Civil Service COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning&Development Planning and Development Committee Vice Chair Clawson presented a report Committee concurring with the staff recommendation to revise the Medium Industrial(IM) Planning: Airport Related Uses zone to allow the municipal airport and airplane sales and repair as permitted Zoning Text Amendments (IM uses in the IM zone; airport-related and aviation-related uses as accessory uses Zone) in the IM zone; and airplane manufacturing as an accessory use in the IM zone, with a note of exception for the area south of I-405 and north of SW 16th St. 1f Revisions also include deleting airplane sales and repair from the Heavy Industrial zone and deleting municipal airports from the Center Downtown zone. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be prepared for first reading. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PALMER,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: ORDINANCES Resolution#3793 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into the Transportation: Eastside agreement for the Eastside Transportation Program. MOVED BY PERSSON, Transportation Partnership SECONDED BY PALMER,COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS Agreement READ. CARRIED. Resolution#3794 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an SCATBd: Agreement agreement with the South County Area Transportation Board. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PALMER,COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 3/13/2006 for second and final reading: , J� t A, ,P- Ar' OVED BY -1 CITY COUNCIL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Date 3-4-,2006 COMMITTEEE REPORT March 6, 2006 Renton Municipal Airport Uses Zoning Text Amendments (Referred 9/24/01) The Planning and Development Committee concurs with the staff recommendation to revise the Medium Industrial zone(IM) to allow the municipal airport and airplane sales and repair as permitted uses in the IM zone; airport-related and aviation-related uses as accessory uses in the IM zone; and airplane manufacturing as an accessory use in the IM zone, with a note of exception for the area south of I-405 and north of SW 16t' Street. Revisions also include deleting airplane sales and repair from the Heavy Industrial zone and deleting municipal airports from the Center Downtown zone. The Committee further recommends that the ordinance regarding this matter be prepared for first reading. Terri Briere, Chair Dan Clawson, Vice-Chair Marcie Palmer, Member cc: Alex Pietsch Neil Watts Rebecca Lind A `Vi ._ boot - TM Zc Commiftecr f�l✓1V)rny `� Developav c • ��y o ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, `I i , J 7,v o� rs + NEIGHBORHOODS, AND STRATEGIC ._� PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: February 14, 2006 TO: Terri Briere, Committee Chair Members of the Planning &Development Committee C'C: Kathy Keolker, Mayor Members of the Renton City Council Jay Covington, Chief Administrative Officer Ryan Zulauf, Airport Manager Gregg Zimmerman, PBPW Administrator Neil Watts, Development Services Director FROM: Alex Pietsch, Administrator A`l'Cp STAFF CONTACT: Rebecca Lind,Planning Manager(x6588) SUBJECT: Renton Municipal Airport Zoning ISSUE: Aviation uses are not currently permitted in the Medium Industrial zone(IM) in the City of Renton. The Renton Municipal Airport is zoned IM, therefore, aviation operations at the Airport are technically"non-conforming." In order to ensure that the airport does not continue as a non-conforming use, amendments to the Renton Municipal Code are required. BACKGROUND: Zoning suitable for the Renton Municipal Airport has been going through a transition dating from when the previous airport zone, "Public Use," was phased out as a City designation. The Airport was rezoned from Public Use to IM in 2000. Operation of an airport, however, was not a permitted use in the IM zone at the time of the rezone. For various reasons, but largely due to further study of the Airport Business Plan and adopting the Airport Compatible Land Use Program during the Comprehensive Plan update process, an amendment to the zoning that would allow the Airport as a permitted use in the IM zone has been delayed. A basic question throughout this process has been, "Should the zoning and development standards for the airport be more complex, or should they be simplified?" EDNSP staff, following consultation with other departments, recommends the latter course of action. h:\ednsp\title iv\multiple zone amends\airport\airport 2006\airport zoning\planning and development committee memo.doc Terri Briere,Chair Planning&Development(,..___nittee February 14, 2006 Page 2 of 3 This recommendation is based on the circumstances in place at the present time. The Business Plan is currently being administered and is intended to guide appropriate uses at the Airport. Without the business plan, each use required analysis as to its appropriateness for an airport location. In addition, the earlier zoning proposal attempted to regulate uses off the airport property to ensure their compatibility with on-airport aviation operations. This is no longer necessary due to adoption in 2003-2004 of the Renton Municipal Airport Compatible Land Use Program. This document restricts uses and potential obstacles within a defined "Airport Influence Area." For these reasons, proposed uses at the Airport do not need to be"conditionally" approved by the Hearing Examiner and can be regulated through the use of development standards already in place (Renton Municipal Code Title IV) and City-approved airport leases. RECOMMENDATIONS: The following is recommended: • Adopt amendments to the Medium Industrial zone that ensure the airport and its aviation operations may continue without impediment. Medium Industrial(IM) zoning is the most appropriate, given current and anticipated uses and the size and configuration of the Airport, but amendments to the IM allowed uses are necessary. • Allow"airport-related uses"in the IM zone as accessory uses. Airport-related uses are those that rely on proximity and access to an airport runway. This is intended to be a broad category of uses consistent with the designation of the Renton Municipal Airport as an "Essential Public Facility. " • Allow"aviation-related uses"in the IM zone as accessory uses. Aviation-related uses are those that offer aeronautical services to the public or provide support services to airport-related uses, but may not require use of the runway, tower, or other airport operation facilities. This is intended to be a discretionary category of uses,from which the City Council may approve leases, based on recommendations from the Planning/Building/Public Works Department Administrator and Airport Manager. • Remove "municipal airports" from the Center Downtown zone as a permitted use. • Remove "airplane sales and repair" from the Heavy Industrial zone as a permitted use. h:\ednsp\title iv\multiple zone amends\airport\airport 2006\airport zoning\planning and development committee memo.doc Terri Briere,Chair Planning&Development,.....imittee February 14,2006 Page 3 of 3 • Change"airplane manufacturing" from a Medium Industrial use reviewed by the Hearing Examiner to an Accessory Use, but retain the note that the use is not allowed in the area south of I-405 and north of SW 16th Street. • Add the following definitions to the Renton Municipal Code: AIRPORT, MUNICIPAL: The Renton Municipal Airport, a general aviation facility located in Renton, Washington. AIRPORT-RELATED USE: Uses that require proximity and access to an airport runway. AVIATION-RELATED USES: Uses that offer aeronautical services to the public or provide support services to airport-related uses. h:\ednsp\title iv\multiple zone amends\airport\airport 2006\airport zoning\planning and development committee memo.doc CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDIANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SECTIONS 4-2-060L, 4-2-070L, AND 4-2-070P OF CHAPTER 2, LAND USE DISTRICTS; AND SECTION 4-11-010 OF CHAPTER 11, DEFINITIONS, OF TITLE IV (DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS) OF ORDINANCE NO. 4260 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON" BY ADDING AIRPORTS AS AN ALLOWABLE USE AND AVIATION OPERATIONS AS ACCESSORTY USES. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. Subheading "Vehicle Related Activities - Air Transportation Uses" of Section 4-2-060L Vehicle Related Activities of Chapter 2, Land Use Districts, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended to add "Airplane sales and repair" and "Airports, municipal" to the Medium Industrial zone (IM) as permitted uses; to add "Airport-related uses" and "Aviation-related uses" to the Medium Industrial zone (IM) as accessory uses; to change "Airplane manufacturing" to an accessory use in the IM zone, retaining the note that an exception applies to the area south of I-405 and north of SW 16th Street; to delete "Airplane sales and repair" from the Heavy Industrial zone (IH); and to delete "Municipal Airports" from the Center Downtown zone (CD), all as shown on Exhibit 'A,' attached. SECTION II. Applicable Sections, 4-2-070, small use tables are hereby also amended to be consistent with the above changes to the Section 4-2-060 table. SECTION III. Section 4-11-010, Definitions A, of Chapter 11, "Definitions," of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended by replacing the existing definition of"Airport, Municipal" with the following revised definition: J AIRPORT, MUNICIPAL: The Renton Municipal Airport, a general aviation facility located in Renton, Washington. SECTION IV. Section 4-11-010, Definitions A, of Chapter 11, "Definitions," of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended by adding the following definitions: AIRPORT-RELATED USE: Uses that require proximity and access to an airport runway. AVIATION-RELATED USES: Uses that offer aeronautical services to the public or provide support services to airport-related uses. SECTION V. This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five days after its publication; PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of , 2006. APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 2006. Approved as to form: EXHIBIT 'A' 4-2-060 ZONING USE TABLE—USES ALLOWED IN ZONING DESIGNATIONS: ZONING USE TABLE RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS USES: RC R-1 R-4 R-8 RMH R-10 R-14 RM IL IM IH CN CV CA 1 CD CO COR UC-N1 UC-N2 r: .,- , �... j,r,. �' i';'.?.xr "?,, ` ", -,,K ;! q: `� ,r T Y ,' W,, . ,w�: ruck terminals P —== ehicle fueling stations P P P P P P38 ehicle fueling stations, P P P AD110 P P P38 existin• le•al ehicle service and AD P P repair, large ehicle service and P P P AD2 P P re•air, small reckin• and auto IN_- _-__NE H59 H _ d ...° „= ^" , a r ' e ` t r"v.:t" " Za ' r F�_e, ® a d "i ,, 3v<,a .i .,,,,-; - fh , r ur u .:��,« x,;. ae.x ,,,a.xa .T2 .m—aaw,�:.,L+.:t .vu.��'�'�C.- ����'Agit :; "° rr�i7.a`", ii.5- �*?.�. s�w, .`u:°."`rl .2`,VAQ •irplane manufacturing P 146 9A C •irplane manufacturing, AC AC accessory functions •irplane sales and repair P 12 •ir•ort munici•al P •ir•ort-related uses AC •viation-related uses AC Helipads, accessory to H H38 H38 H2O H H H97 primary use Helipads, commercial H H97 14 . �xao. ,,—E.. ,..1,An, t�,. :�+,rs.r i:a_s.,0,,,,�u,,tzs�^N.�..-s,�,.,xai.-�.I `� �«s t �r� ,,.f•�a�r.t��.m.� �tt#Ca; Hazardous material H24 H24 H24 storage, on-site or off- site, including treatment Indoor storage P P P AC11 AC11 AC11 AC11 AC11 AC11 •utdoor storage P57 P57 P57 AD64 P64 elf-service storage P8 P58 P59 P H26 H26 H26 ehicle storage AD38 arehousin• P P P ar . { St:<::d� .^ t.J,{?�,,; a . _ . r,m s .s_• ..E.,3d:•a r .0 _,. -s, a.,�.. a n mo d.. . :�,.4• .,vM•.,, . ,a.._.,.noun+5�.e�s'� .�-:,�"'c3auv�r� `�r �`"" �-`r`'^ i$r�kl�rr y' .o- f�``�'. �K�.'�-*et.�.� � Industrial,General •ssembly and/or P P P Pas P104 packaging operationsI i I ommercial laundries, P38 P38 P38 P4 ©2004 Code Publishing,Inc. Page 1 existing EXHIBIT'`A" Commercial laundries, P38 P38 P38 new Construction/contractor's P14 P P office I I I I I Blank=Not Allowed P#=Permitted AD=Administrative Conditional Use AC=Accessory Use P=Permitted Use provided can be met H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use #=Condition(s) Uses may be further restricted by: RMC 4-3-020, Airport Related Height and Use Restrictions; RMC 4-3-040C, Uses Permitted in the Automall Improvement District; RMC 4- 3-050, Critical Areas Regulations; RMC 4-3-090, Shoreline Master Program Regulations (Ord. 4736, 8-24-1998; Ord.4773, 3-22-1999; Ord. 4777,4-19-1999; Ord. 4786, 7-12-1999; Ord. 4802, 10-25-1999; Ord. 4803, 10-25-1999; Ord. 4827, 1-24-2000; Ord. 4840, 5-8-2000; Ord. 4857, 8-21-2000; Ord. 4915, 8-27-2001; Ord. 4917, 9-17-2001; Amd. Ord.4963, 5-13-2002; Ord. 4971, 6-10-2002; Ord. 4982, 9-23-2002; Ord. '—'9, 1- 13-2003; Ord. 5027, 11-24-2003; Ord. 5080, 6-14-2004; Ord. 5100, 11-1-2004) ©2004 Code Publishing,Inc. Page 2 ti RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 8, 2001 Council Chambers Monday, 7:30 p.m. MINUTES Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Pro Tern Dan Clawson led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF DAN CLAWSON, Mayor Pro Tem; TONI NELSON, Council President Pro COUNCILMEMBERS Tern; RANDY CORMAN; DON PERSSON; KING PARKER; TERRI BRIERE; KEOLKER-WHEELER. CITY STAFF IN JAY COVINGTON,Chief Administrative Officer; ZANETTA FONTES, ATTENDANCE Assistant City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; MIKE WEBBY,Human Resources Administrator; JIM SHEPHERD, Community Services Administrator; DENNIS CULP,Facilities Director; ALEX PIETSCH, Economic Development Director; NEIL WATTS, Development Services Director; OWEN DENNISON, Senior Planner; REBECCA LIND, Principal Planner; DEREK TODD,Assistant to the CAO; COMMANDER FLOYD ELDRIDGE and DEPUTY CHIEF JOSEPH PEACH, Police Department. PUBLIC HEARINGS This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Planning: Airport Related Uses accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Pro Tem Clawson opened the Zoning Text Amendments (IM public hearing to consider amendments to Title IV, Development Regulations, Zone) creating an Airport District at the Renton Municipal Airport,creating a definition for "airport related use", and amending the zoning use tables to allow airport related uses and a municipal airport in the Industrial-Medium(IM)zone; and deleting airport uses from the Center Downtown (CD) zone. Rebecca Lind, Principal Planner,explained that the airport is zoned IM, and currently, airport and airport related uses are not specifically listed in the use table; therefore, the uses need to be determined, along with development standards specific to airports and the required permit types within airports. Historically, the airport was zoned Public Use(P-1); upon discontinuation of this zone, P-1 zoned parcels have been systematically rezoned, including the airport in December 2000. Ms. Lind said that staff proposes to add airport and airport related uses to the IM zone. Creation of an Airport Development District in Chapter 3,Title IV (Development Regulations), as well as a specific list of allowed and accessory uses is also proposed. Ms.Lind indicated that development standards pertinent to airport activities will also be included. Additionally, it is proposed that the hearing examiner conditional use process be required for all activities. A map of the airport area is proposed to be included in the zoning text portion of the City Code, but not on the zoning map. Ms. Lind also noted that staff proposes to eliminate the airport use from the Center Downtown (CD) zone and adopt a definition for airport related uses. Continuing, Ms. Lind detailed various format and regulatory options explored by staff prior to bringing the proposal before Council. She stated that after consideration of the options, staff recommends the creation of an Airport Development District for the following reasons: i n i I i , October 8,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 349 • Provides guidance on uses and standards and the authority is clearly stated in the Code. • It is user friendly; regulations are listed in the Code rather that in a separate document. • A zoning map overlay is not needed. In conclusion, Ms. Lind stated that the Planning Commission will review the matter at its meeting on October 10th, and the Planning &Development Committee will also review it at an upcoming meeting. Public comment was invited. Al Banholzer, 14932— 165th Pl. SE, Renton, 98059, stated his support for the establishment of a unique zone for the airport; and recommended that changes in the zoning requirements for the airport be tabled until the completion of the airport business plan. Additionally, he recommended the creation of an Airport Zoning Overlay District instead of an Airport Development District as proposed because it would more clearly define what the airport is and where it is located. Stating that regulations would be the same for both types of districts,Ms. Lind explained that under the Airport Development District, the airport would not be shown separately on the zoning map. However, a map and a description of the airport would appear in the zoning text portion of the City Code. Responding to Councilman Corman's inquiry regarding the creation of a unique airport zone, Ms.Lind indicated that option had not been pursued in an attempt to keep down the number of zones within the City. Councilman Persson and Councilman Corman stated their support for exploring that option. David J. Kotker, Airport Advisory Committee member,4339 134th P1. SE, Bellevue, 98006, said that he also supported the creation of an airport zone. Mr. Kotker recommended that the City consult with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)to ensure consistent definitions for airport uses. In addition, he asked the City to consider compatible land uses around the airport and cited Revised Code of Washington Section 36.7A.510 which relates to growth management planning for general aviation airports. Responding to Councilman Parker's inquiry regarding the airport related use definition,Mr. Kotker suggested that the City use the FAA's definition for aeronautical activity. Diane Paholke, Airport Advisory Committee member, 325 Edmonds Ave. SE, Renton, 98056, recommended that the matter be tabled until the airport business plan is completed, and she expressed her concern about how the City's proposed airport related use definition differs from the FAA's definition. Responding to Council inquiry about the timing of the proposed zoning changes,Ms. Lind explained that staff was making an effort to put these changes in place prior to the expiration of the moratorium on the approval of leases and subleases at the airport on October 31st. If Council needs more time to consider the changes, she pointed out that the Development Services Division determined that any applications submitted after the expiration of the moratorium could be processed under an administrative determination. .� i I i I i October 8,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 350 Councilmembers discussed the potential affects of the expiration of the moratorium and acknowledged that the pursuit of a business plan and the zoning changes were compatible with one another and could proceed in tandem. There being no further public comment, it was MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. Responding to Councilman Parker's comments about the addition of the proposed airport and airport related uses list to the IM zone, Councilman Corman agreed that the list would provide protection for existing and future airport tenants. Annexation: Lee,R-8 Zoning This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Pro Tem Clawson opened the public hearing to consider R-8 (Residential Single Family; eight dwelling units per acre)zoning for the Lee Annexation; approximately 12 acres located east of Hoquiam Ave. NE(142nd Ave. SE), north of NE 9th St. (if extended) and west of 144th Ave. SE(if extended). Owen Dennison, Senior Planner, stated that subsequent to the public hearing on the 60% annexation petition on April 23rd, the King County Boundary Review Board approved the proposed annexation on July 16th. He explained that this is the second of two required public hearings on the proposed zoning for the annexation area. Describing the subject area, Mr. Dennison noted that the site contains five single-family homes and a small wetland. Continuing, Mr. Dennison indicated that the site is designated Residential Single Family under Renton's Comprehensive Plan. Potential zones are R-5 (five dwelling units per acre), RMH(Residential Manufactured Home Park), and R-8. He noted that R-8 zoning would allow for eight dwelling units per net acre compared to the existing King County zoning of R-4 which equates to approximately 7.1 units per net acre without constraints. Mr. Dennison concluded that staff recommends approval of the annexation and adoption of R- 8 zoning as proposed which is consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Map. Public comment was invited. There being none, it was MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY NELSON,COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. (See page 356 for ordinances.) APPEALS Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Appeal: Vazquez report regarding the Vazquez variance appeal (V-01-048). The Committee Administrative Variance, convened to consider the appeal of the decision of the Hearing Examiner dated Windsor Way NE(V-01-048) May 4, 2001. The subject property is located at 411 Windsor Way NE. The applicant seeks an administrative variance from the required side yard setback in the R-8 zone. The variance would allow the construction of a stairway from the sidewalk to a second floor entrance. The applicant appealed the decision of the Hearing Examiner upholding the denial of the variance by City staff. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The lot has a unique topography, making construction of any structure a challenge. it H Propo ed Airport Developme District Regulation „IL —Public Hearing —October 8, 2001 Zoning Te> mendment Histori Zoning •Airport currently zoned I dustrial •Public Use(P-1) Medium •Discontinued Zone •Airport and Airport related uses •Rezoning to IM accomplish "Unclassified" 2001 •Need direction on uses allowed, •Airports: Permitted use development standards specific to •Airport related activities: Hearing airports and the required permit types Examiner Use Permit osal Propos continued) •Add Airport and Airport lated Uses •Require Hearing Ex r Conditional to the IM zone Use Process for all activiti •Create Airport Development Di •Include map of airport area in Title IV Chapter 3 Special Distric text not on map •Specific list of allowed and accesso •Housekeeping uses —Adopt a definition of"Airport Related Use •Development standards pertinent to — Delete"airport"from CD zone airport activities 1 • Format Op ' s Considered Regulatory c , ions Examined •Zoning text format differe es •Permitted Uses outright •Same Regulations —No notification,no specific c. •'tions •Differs in the amount of informati except SEPA codified,mapped •Administrative Conditional Use Pe 11 —1. Zoning Overlay —Notification within 300 feet,no publi —2. Development District hearing,conditions —3. IM Zone only with Admin.Guidelin •Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit —4. IM Zone only with Definitions —Notification,public hearing,conditions Reco .5endation Recommen ion(continued) •Support#2-Airport Develo 9. nt District •Support Hearing Examiner ditional Use —Guidance on uses and standar' —Current and historical practic —Codified so authority is clear —Provides public notice and heari —User friendly-regulations in code ra' •Adopt Definition(none exists currentl than another document •Delete"Airport"from Center Downtown — Zoning Map Overly not needed zone •One property in public ownership —No airport uses in this zone Next eps .. _ - •Planning Commission Review Recommendation —October 10 •Planning and Development Committee —October 18 7 • P I i rcY O ♦ ® + � MOOD T O� AN PUBLIC HEARING HANDOUT October 8t, 2001, 7:30 PM APPLICATION NAME: AIRPORT DISTRICT REGULATIONS PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This proposal is to create Airport District Regulations for the Renton Municipal Airport through the adoption of new "Use and Development Standards for the Renton Municipal Airport" along with proposed amendments to both the use tables, definitions and conditions, in Title IV, Renton Development Regulations. These changes would make "municipal airports" and "airport related uses" Hearing Examiner conditional uses. PROJECT LOCATION: All portions of the Renton Municipal Airport having the Industrial Medium (IM) Zone designation. RECOMMENDATION: That Council create an Airport Development District for the Renton Municipal Airport. That Council add "municipal airport" and "airport related uses" as Hearing Examiner Conditional Uses in the IM Zone and make such uses subject to the new "Development Standards for the Renton Municipal Airport". That Council amend Chapter 11, Definitions, by adding a definition for "airport related use", as well as add a new Condition #222 for the Use Tables requiring that all "municipal airports" and "airport related uses" only occur at the Renton Municipal Airport and comply with the proposed "Development Standards for the Renton Municipal Airport". That Council include a description of the airport area in the Airport Development District code and that the existing reference to "municipal airport" as a permitted use in the CD Zone be deleted. Heat Handout.docA r October 1,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 342 Airport: Security MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ISSUE OF RENTON AIRPORT SECURITY NEEDS TO THE TRANSPORTATION(AVIATION) COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Councilman Persson requested that a map of the airport with all gate entrances and a list of security concerns from tenants, including Boeing,be provided. Development Services: Land MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, Use Development Processes COUNCIL REFER THE ISSUE OF CITY LAND USE DEVELOPMENT PROCESSES TO THE PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE.* Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler explained that land use development processes such as site plan,conditional use, SEPA, and annexations are confusing to citizens because they do not know what to expect or what they can or cannot do especially during public hearings. She emphasized that it is not her intent to recommend changes to existing processes,but to determine ways that the processes can be more effectively explained to the public. *MOTION CARRIED. Transportation: I-405 Corridor Mayor Pro Tern Clawson reported that the Washington State Department of Program Transportation(WSDOT) is soliciting public comments until October 24th regarding the I-405 Corridor Program, and he encouraged citizens to comment on the matter. Airport: Restricted Use due to Responding to Councilman Persson's inquiry regarding the closure of the US Terrorist Attacks Renton Airport to general aviation due to the United States terrorist attacks, PlanningBuilding/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman confirmed that the airport is still closed to general aviation that use visual flying rules except for pilots that are under the supervision of a flight school. Planning: Airport Related Uses Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler announced that the creation of an airport Zoning Text Amendments(IM district and related zoning code changes to the Industrial-Medium zone will be Zone) discussed at the next Planning Commission meeting. EXECUTIVE SESSION MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR 67 MINUTES TO DISCUSS PERSONNEL MATTERS AND LITIGATION. CARRIED. Time: 8:33 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:40 p.m.; roll was called; all Councilmembers present. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9:40 p.m. ar/ MARIL J. TERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann October 1,2001 i i 1 . i i 1 •• JF RENTON \ Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator RECEIVED CP282001 September 26,.2001 RENTON CITYCCUNCIL SUBJECT: INFORMATION ABOUT RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT ZONING PROPOSAL Dear Party of Interest: The Renton City Council will be considering amendments to the zoning code associated with the Renton Municipal Airport in the coming weeks. A public hearing will be scheduled on this matter before the Renton City Council during the Monday,October 8,Council meeting at 7:30 PM(in the 7th floor Council Chambers,Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way). The purpose is to establish a list of uses allowed at the Renton Municipal Airport,and to establish development standards for those uses. The land use review process for projects at the airport will also be addressed. In the past the airport was zoned"P-1"which is a generic public use zone that was applied to a multitude of public uses including the airport,schools,parks,the wastewater treatment plant,and other public uses. No airport related uses or development standards were included in the"P-I" zoning code provisions in the City Code book. Under the"P-1"zoning designation any proposed land use action required a conditional use permit through the City Hearing Examiner. This involved a public hearing. Pursuant to policies adopted by the City several years ago in the City Comprehensive Plan,the general"P-I"zone has slowly been eliminated on a parcel by parcel basis. The"P-1"zoned parcels have been re-zoned to be consistent with the zoning of the surrounding properties. For example,many school properties zoned"P-I"have been rezoned to the residential zone of the surrounding neighborhood. In the case of the airport,several months ago the"P-I"zoning was eliminated and replaced with an"IM"(Medium Industrial)zoning designation consistent with the surrounding zoning. The"IM"zoning at the airport does not include any provisions for airport- related uses or any airport related development standards. In this respect it is similar to the old "I'-I"zone. The current"IM"zone neither permits nor restricts airport related uses at the airport. The City Council recognized that this would need to be revisited,and provisions added to the zoning code to recognize the unique characteristics and needs of the airport. The attached proposal seeks to add these needed provisions to the Zoning Code. At one point,consideration was being given by some staff members to incorporate a"non-airport related use"strip along the west boundary of the airport in the vicinity of the Chamber of Commerce office and the old restaurant building. An environmental review notification with a map was posted and sent out to airport tenants and other parties of interest. It has since been recognized that the airport covenants do not permit such a designation,and this provision has been dropped from the Zoning Code proposal. I regret any concern or inconvenience that this posting has caused. .asv 19O12po1 c:WINDOWS\i- MP\aitpon tO$.O tth Grady Way-Renton,Washington 98055 ,r �.� This paper contains 50%recycled material,30%post consumer , tm °' September 26,2001 Page 2 Please take time to review the current proposal(attached). The proposal will be discussed during the October 1 Airport Advisory Committee meeting,so you may wish to forward questions or concerns to a member of this committee. The City Council's Planning and Development Committee is tentatively scheduled to be briefed on this matter on Thursday,October 4(4:00 PM in the City Hall Council Conference room. Note: Not the Council Chambers—located on the 7th Floor of City Hall),and the public hearing will be on October 8,as previously mentioned. The public is invited to attend these meetings, and testimony will be permitted during the October 8 public hearing. Testimony is also generally allowed,at the option of the Committee Chair,at the Planning and Development Committee. Any questions regarding this matter may be directed to Rebecca Lind,Principal Planner,at(425) 430-6581. Thank you. Sincerely, ‘79L • Gregg Zimmerman,Admmis or Planning/Building/Public Works-6tMtt. ..` cc: Mayor Jesse Tanner ! Renton City Council f , \ Jay Covington Sue Carlson • Rebecca Lind . Thr ;: *` . Sandra Meyer Ryan Zulauf . �• f 400914 42'Nk. 4 krut7t/ rxn C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\airport zone.doc\cor Cfl OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL RECEIVED Al#: -_ Submitting DaC: CITY CIF RFNTQN For Agenda of: PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN Dept/Div/DoanL. EDNSP Dept.,Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning September 24,2001 Division Staff Contact.. . Rebecca Lind,Ext.6581 Agenda Status Consent_ X Subject Public Heating-. Amendn ents to Title 4,Development Regulations creating an concapcxraet,ce-- Airport District at the Renton Municipal Airport creating a ordinance.- "-"--- definition for"airport related use",and amending the zoning use old Business.-- tables to illow airport related uses and municipal airport in the IM Zone and delete airport uses from the Center downtown zone. Exhibits New Business.__ Issue Pap r,Draft Ordinance,and Proposed Text Amendments Study Sessions_ Information___ Recommended Ai fiat Approvals: 1)Refer o the Planning and Development Committee t ------ X 2)Set a F ublic hearing for October 8n'. ther_ _ Fiscal Impact NSA Expenditure Regt it d_ N/A Transfer/Amendment_._.. N/A Amount Budget«_._.__-_ N/A Revenue Generated__ _ N/A Total Project Bud;et N/A City Share Total Project.. WA SUMMARY 01"ACTION: Proposed amendments create Airport District Regulations including development standards. These amendme its will establish a list of uses allowed at the Renton Municipal Airport,and establish developm lit standards for those uses. Other amendments ctrate a definition for"airport related use"and amend the zoning use tables to allow"airport related use"and"municipal airport"as permitted primary uses in tht IM Zone.A new condition,#222,is added to Section 4-2-080 stating that such uses are limited to the Ren ton Municipal Airport and must comply with the Airport District Regulations.A housekeeping amendmei tt is also proposed to delete municipal airport as an allowed use in the Center Downtown zone. STAFF RECOM MENDATION: • Council concur in referring to the Planning and Development Committee the proposed amendments, includ ng those to Title 4,Chapter 3 creating a Airport District Regulations,those to Section 4-11- 010A, Definitions,creating a definition for"airport related use",those to Tables 4-2-060H and 4-2- 070Q allowing"airport related use"and`municipal airport"in the IM Zone subject to condition#222 in Section 4-2-080 • Council establish the evening of October 8th,2001 as the time for a public hearing on the proposed amendments. H_\ECON DEVNew H Drive Folders\Title IV\Multiple Zone Amends WiINwt\M-CDDDistrict Reg Agendabill.doeJ CITY OF RENTON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, NEIGHBORHOODS, AND STRATEGIC PLANNING MEMORANDUM DATE: September 18,2001 TO: Dan Clawson Council President Members of City Council VIA: Jesse Tanner,Mayor FROM: Sue Carlson,Administrator/4" EDNSP Department STAFF CONTACT: Rebecca Lind(ext.6588) SUBJECT: Airport District Regulations ISSUE: • Wh,-ther the City should create an airport development district that encompasses the Renton Mw iicipal Airport and allows only"airport related uses"under the IM Zone. • Why ther `municipal airport" and all "airport related uses" identified in the new Airport District Reg ilations should be Hearing Examiner Conditional Uses or permitted uses allowed without a public hearing. • Whe ther development regulations for "airport related uses" should be required in addition to the dew lopment standards of the Industrial Medium zone. • Whe ther a new definition for"airport related uses"should limit such uses to those requiring access to the :irport taxiways and/or runways while providing aeronautical services to the public or airport oper hors. • Whether the boundaries of the new Airport District should be mapped and included in Section 4-3- 020 ►f Chapter 3 of Title IV. • Whe her housekeeping amendments deleting "municipal airport" as a permitted primary use in the Cent:r Downtown(CD)Zone should be approved. RECOMMENDATION: • Creal e an Airport Development District for the Renton Municipal Airport. • Add'`municipal airport"and"airport related uses"as a Hearing Examiner Conditional Uses in the IM Zone and making such uses subject to the new "Development Standards for the Renton Municipal Airpc.rt". • Add a definition for "airport related use" in Chapter 11, Definitions, and adding a new Condition #222 for the Use Tables requiring that all"municipal airports"and"airport related uses"only occur at September 18,2001 Page 2 the Renton Municipal Airport and comply with the proposed"Development Standards for the Renton Municipal Airport". • Include a description of the airport area in the Airport Development District code. • Delete"municipal airport"as a permitted use in the CD Zone. BACKGROUND: Earlier this year, the City Council rezoned the Renton Municipal Airport from Public Use (P-1) Zone to the Industrial Medium (IM) Zone. This choice was made because the IM zone implements the Employment Area — Industrial land use designation shown on the City's Comprehensive Plan and because the scale of uses allowed in the zone are compatible with activities found at the airport. However, airport related uses and a municipal airport are not currently listed uses in this zone. At the time of the re-zone, the City Council was advised that a zoning text amendment would be required to clarify how the existing uses on the airport would be treated within the IM zone. The existing Title N,Chapter 3, Special Districts,includes an airport section that establishes height and use restrictions on areas surrounding the airport, but these regulations do not apply within the airport itself. During the ensuing months, several diffeient ways of putting airport regulations into the code were explored. These options are summarized in Attachment 1. These different approaches to the code present the same allowed activities in alternative formats: e.g. overlay zone verses allowing the uses through a definition applied to the IM zone. The approaches differ mainly in whether a more detailed list of uses would be defined than historically used in administering the airport and whether that list of uses and the new proposed development standards should be codified or presented in an administiative format. A further consideration was whether the processing of the airport regulations would be done through building permits, or through a conditional use permit requiring a public hearing before the Hearing Examiner. Under the P-1 zone,the municipal airport function was a principal permitted use,but the various airport- related uses were administered through a conditional use permit process. There was no specific list of allowed activities or development standards addressing airport uses. Decisions about which activities were "airport-related" were made administratively first by the Airport Manager, and ultimately by the City Council upon review of leases. Adnzinisti alive oversight of sub-leases and development standards within the airport development were problematic enough in the past to prompt the prior Airport Manager to recommend that a more stringent and systematic process be established. Enforcement and implementation of desired standards were also perceived as problematic. In order to address these concerns, staff recommends adoption of Option 2, the Airport Development District. This approach is similar to an overlay zone,but differs in the way the airport is mapped on the zoning map. The Development District creates a new set of airport district regulations including an extensive list of airport-related primary and accessory uses that are the only uses allowed at the Airport- These provisions also include development standards for uses located within the Airport thereby facilitating both management and enforcement. Examples include: provisions for setbacks, landscaping, parking, the siting of towers and antennas,lot coverage, and building height. The proposed new use and development standards will ensure that only airport-related uses are permitted at the Renton Municipal Airport. The list of allowed uses, as proposed, includes the existing and historical uses at the airport encompassing activities permitted under existing leases. The list is found in Attachment 2, Section 4-3- 20,Airport District Regulations. Activities allowed at the Airport would include the following categories: New H Drive Folder/Title IV/Multiple 7oneiAirporflMAirpt Council Issue Paper#4 .September 18,2001 Page 3 1) operation,maintenance and management of a municipal airport, 2) nianufacturing and assembling of aircraft and aircraft components, 3) s.vices when operated for the benefit of the aviation public such as aircraft rental, sales maintenance, flight training, seaplane operation, U.S. Customs, administrative offices, flying clubs, aid 4) a variety of accessory uses. The p-oposed zoning also lists a category for "other similar" airport related uses and accessory uses as appro'-ed by the Hearing Examiner to provide some flexibility. Although a specific list of uses is propoi ed,it is not the intent of this zoning to limit choices to this narrowly defined list if other activities, which are yet contemplated,meet the intent of the development district. A nem definition for "airport related use" is proposed as the zoning code currently does not have one. This d:fmition provides guidance for staff and the public in determining which activities will be allowed. The definition states: A use which requires access to the airport taxiways and/or runway and either offers an aeronautical support service to the public or offers aeronautical support services to airport opera!rrs otherwise entitled to use the public landing areas' It wou d be possible to implement the Airport Development District with either out-right permitted uses, admini stiative conditional uses, or Hearing Examiner conditional uses for the review process. These differe it processes require different levels of findings and conclusions to be made during the staff analysis, and different levels of public notice and public involvement. A comparison of these processing choice:is presented in Attachment 3. The recommendation is to require a Hearing Examiner conditional uses permit This process is recommended in order to allow review of the compatibility and fit of uses, and to ensure that the aviation public, businesses, and residents have an opportunity to review changing uses ar d conditions at this vital municipal facility. A furt1 er issue concerns the pros and cons of adopting the airport on the zoning map as a true "overlay" district This is the distinguishing characteristic between Options 1 "Overlay"and the staff recommended Option 2, the "Development District". The staff recommendation is to include an illustration within the code te',ct,but to not show it on the zoning map. As the Airport is a public facility and does not include multipl: parcels in private ownership, staff finds that amending the zoning map with an overlay is not critical for public disclosure and information. An additional delineation on the zoning map could make the mai more complex and difficult to read. However,if the district is only established within the zoning text as proposed,a full legal description of the airport will also need to be included. An hou>ekeeping amendment to the zoning use tables is proposed to eliminate an error listing municipal airports as allowed in the Center Downtown (CD) zone. This provision is probably an oversight carried forward from the old B-1 zone in effect prior to 1993. Staff is recommending that this provision be deleted from the use tables, as it is unlikely that airport operations would ever be extended across the Cedar F iver into the CD zone. CONCI.USION: Propose d amendments to Title 4, Chapter 3, creating an Airport District Regulations for the Renton Municipal Airport through the adoption of new "Use and Development Standards for the Renton Municipal Airport" along with proposed amendments to both the use tables, definitions and conditions, making "municipal airports" and "airport related uses" Hearing Examiner conditional uses, will ensure the greatest opportunity for public involvement and the compatibility of airport activities. Delineating the New Ii Dri,e Folder/Title IV/Multiple ZondAirport/IMAirpt Council Issue Paper q4 September 18,2001 Page 4 . , new Airport District will also help ensure public awareness of the new district and assist in its management_ cc: Jay Covington Manlyn Pctcrsen Attachments: Airport Regulatory Framework Options Options Considered Summary Airport District Rcgulations/ratt Amendments • • • .J • New H Drive Folder/Title IV/Multiple Zone/AirporlflMAirpt Council Issue Paper#4 Attachment 1 Summary of Options for Airport Zoning Sept 17, 2001 Optior. 1. , Creation of an Airport Overly District with new airport district regulations that would list "ai-port-related uses"and provide special development standards for the. The Overlay would be mapped on the official zoning map. • List of uses in code • Narrative description not legal description • Development Standards • Airport Related Use definition in IM Zone • Note restricting Uses to existing airport • Mapped on Zoning Map Option 2. Creation of an Airport Development District similar to the Automall.Airport-related uses would be specifically listed along with special development standards.Differs from the overlay approach in how the mapping is handled. • List of uses in code • Legal description to be adopted • Development Standards in Code • Airport Related Use definition in IM Zone • ''.Mote restricting Uses to existing airport • \lap illustration in the code Option 3 Amending the IM Zone to include"municipal airport"and"airport related uses" subject :o a general definition.Amending general administrative provisions to allow the adminis tration of the code through departmental"Administrative Procedures and Guidelines"or an amei,dment to the Airport Mater Plan which includes the list of allowed uses and develop cnent standards. • No list of uses in code • No l,egal Description or boundary narrative • Cod:reference to Administrative Document,which includes the list of uses,and Dev:lopment Standards • Airport Related Use definition in IM Zone • Not( restricting Uses to existing airport • No r Tapping except typical mapping of IM zone Option L. Amending the IM Zone Use to include"municipal airport"and airport related use(s)" without specifying a list of activities allowed as permitted uses;uses administrative determinations to determine"what fits"the definition of"airport related use". • No list of uses in code • No I egal Description • Airp)rt Related Use definition in IM Zone • Note restricting Uses to existing airport • Uses allowed would be by administrative determination of what fits within the definition No napping except typical mapping of IM zone • Attachment 2 4-3-20 AIRPORT DISTRICT REGULATIONS A RPOR-T-RE EIGI E ESTTRICTIONS A. USE AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR THE RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT 1. PURPOSE: These regulations are intended to allow and support airport-related uses that are compatible with the operations of the Renton Municipal Airport. 2. APPLICABILITY: The Renton Municipal Airport generally defined as the area bounded by Airport Way on the south, Rainier Avenue South on the west to the northwest corner of the Renton Municipal Airport, then east for approximately 355 feet to a point along the Inner Harbor Line described as "862",before jogging again to the northwest approximately to a point where it meets the Inner Harbor line which it follows to a point representing its intersection with the western boundary of the Cedar River. Channel. Then south/south east generally along the western boundary of the Cedar River Channel to a point approximately 320'north of Airport Way. Then south approximately 320' to the north side of Airport Way and then west along Airport Way to the intersection of Airport Way with Rainier Avenue South. 3. USE RESTRICTIONS:The following use provisions take precedence over the underlying IM zoning. a. Hearing Examiner Conditional Uses: Only the following or similar airport-related principal uses are permitted at the Renton Municipal Airport. All such uses are subject to Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit(Section 4-9-030)approval: 1) Operation,maintenance and management of a municipal airport for use by the aviation public; 2) Manufacturing and assembling of aircraft and aircraft components as well as aircraft kits and components; 3) The following services when operated for the benefit of the aviation public and meeting Airport Development Standards for Aeronautical Activities; a) Aircraft rental and leasing b) Aircraft sales(retail) c) Aircraft engine and airframe maintenance d) Aircraft field testing and inspection e) Aircraft pre-delivery preparation including avionics testing f) Aircraft and pilot accessory sales(retail) g) Flight training h) Gas storage: Storage of aviation fuel i) Aircraft charter and air-taxi service j) Aircraft fuel sales(retail) k) Aerial surveying I) Aerial photography m) Aircraft interior storage(T-hangars/large hangars) . RE'vITON MUNCIPAL AII RT DISTRICT REGULATIONS,contii ! 2 4. USES PERMI I I'LD:continued p) Seaplane launching ramp/amphibian ramp q) Seaplane floating dock r) US Customs inspection/processing 4) The following principal airport-related uses are allowed when approved by the Hearing Examiner and when consistent with the terms of a Council approved airport lease or airport operating permit: a) Aerial Advertising(Banner Towing) b) Aircraft engine testing.within leased premises,between 7:00 AM and 5:00 PM,and in compliance with City's Noise Ordinance c) Hying Clubs: when a non-profit Washington State corporation and aircraft used are owned/leased by the club d) Offices,administrative:when associated with a primary permitted use on the same site and serving the administrative needs of employees on-site e) Offices,temporary:when associated with aircraft field testing and inspection and located at field test sites f) Storage Sheds,temporary:when associated with aircraft field testing and inspection and located at field test sites g) Other similar principal airport-related uses approved by the Hearing Examiner pursuant to Section 4-9-03. b. Accessory Uses: a. Allowed Accessory Uses: Airport-related accessory uses are allowed when approved through the Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit process as set forth in Section 4-9- 020. 1) Aircraft floats storage 2) Aircraft washing facilities 3) Air navigation/safety structures and other devices when required or furnished by a governmental entityEateries ancillary to passenger terminals 4) Non-retail aircraft fuel dispensing 5) On-site emergency hazardous waste collection containers 6) Outdoors aircraft storage(tie-down) 7) Outdoors pre-delivery preparation of manufactured heavy aircraft 8) Outside storage of vehicles/trucks/trailers ancillary to airport maintenance shop 9) Temporary buildings used for construction(non-manufacturing)pm-poses for a period not to exceed three(3)months 10) Other similar ups approved by the Hearing Examiner pursuant to Section 4-9-03- 5. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS:All uses at the Renton Municipal Airport shall comply with the following development standards in addition to any conditions imposed by the Hearing Examiner 2 RENTON MUNCIPAL, PORT DISTRICT REGULATIONS,cc ued 3 as part of the Conditional Use Permit approval process as well as the provisions of the IM Zone not included 4-3-020: slcl'BACKS Along the airport perimeter access road a minimum setback of five feet(5')from the edge of the right-of-way is required. Aircraft hangars with aircraft doors opening toward the runway centerline must be set back from the edge of the right-of-way a minimum distance equal to the east/west length of the aircraft storage area within the hangar in order to establish an adequate maneuvering area off the runway. In addition,all structures must be set back a distance which permits the structure to be below the 7:1 slope extending east and west from a line 250 feet from either side and parallel to the centerline of the airport runway. LANDSCAPING Hydroseeding and planting of areas set aside for future development is discouraged. Where required for soil erosion control,low growing grasses and non-fruit-bearing ground cover that discourages waterfowl and other species shall be used. MOTOR VEHICLE Access to employee,customer,tenant and visitor parking areas shall PARKING only be directly from the Airport Perimeter Road Employee,customer,tenant and visitor parking areas shall be located outside the airport security fence,which separates the inner air-side area from the outer land-side areas. Employees,customers,tenants and visitors parking areas shall be located so that pedestrians may directly access the related building from the parking area without passing through the airport security fence. UTILITIES Utilities shall be located in designated utility corridors adjacent to the east and west side parallel taxiways,to the maximum extent possible. TOWERS,ATTENNAS, Towers,attennac,light standard and other similar structures shall not LIGHT STNADARDS exceed the vertical height permitted by the Airport Layout Plan or the current Airport Master Plan Update or be constructed within the Airport Operations Area(AOA)with the Airport property boundary, as shown on the Airport Layout Plan of the current Airport Master Plan Update B. USE AND HEIGHT RESTRICTIONS IN T HHE VICINITY OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT 1. APPROACH,TRANSITION,AND TURNING ZONES ESTABLISHED: 2. HEIGHT LIMITS 3. USE RESTRICTIONS 4. HAZARD MARKING AND LIGHTING 4-2-060 ZONING USE TABLE ONING USE TABLE RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS �' SES RC R-1 R-5 R-8 RMH R-10 R-14 RM IL DA IH CC CN 1 CS I CA 1 CD 1 CO I COR Blank=Not Allowed P=Primacy Use S=Secondary Use AC=Accessory Use T=Temporary Use AD=Adminlstrative H=Hearing Examiner Conditional #=Condltion(s) X=Prohibited Conditional Use Use Specifically Air Transportation Uses Airplane sales and repair P Airport related use H222 IHelipads, accessory to primary H S207 S207 H H H use lipads, commercial H Municipal airports I222 H 1 (Amd. Ord. 4786, 7-12-1999) 1. STORAGE Bulk storage AD19 Bulk storage exceeding AD19 minimum area requirements Explosives H H215 Explosives, accessory AC Farm produce refrigeration and P storage Hazardous material storage, on- H47 ' site Hazardous waste, off-site H211 H274 '1 211 ;including treatment) zardous waste, on-site AC129/AC129/AC129/ (including treatment) H235 H274 H235 Indoor storage AC254,AC254,,AC254 AC254 ' Indoor storage exceeding the S262 S262 S262 AD42 33%floor area limit for accessory uses Natural gas storage AD Outdoor storage 5263 S263 S263 AD57 Outside storage (including, .3 1 C;i I CK i vehicles/equipment/products) Petroleum/natural gas over H H ' ' -50,000 gallons • 4-2-070M—CENTER WN TOWN(CD) USES: I TYPE SERVICES Barber,beauty shops p Business services,general p Cemetery,crematory,mausoleum H Commercial laundries S#18 Financial and real estate P Funeral homes p Health clubs/fitness centers/sports clubs p Laundromats p Personal services p Pet shop and grooming p Photography and photo reproduction p Video rentals and sales p (Amd..Ord.4786,7-12-1999) Rental Services Rental services,no outside storage p Repair Services electrical S#97 /Television S#97 Upholstery S#97 Watches/jewelry S#97 Day Care Services Day care centers p Family day care p Adult day care I,maximum 4 on residential property p Adult day care I,maximum 12 on nonresidential property p Adult day care II,5+on residential property p Adult day care II, 13+on nonresidential property p Health Services Convalescent centers and nursing homes p Hospitals,canitarium or similar uses H (Arad.Ord.4786,7-12-1999) TRANSPORTATION SERVICES AND MANUFACTURED HOME SALES Municipal-airports H Parking garage,commercial S#12 Parking lots,commercial S#12 Taxi and individual transportation AD Transit centers p (Amd. Ord.4786, 7-12-1999) _STORAGE Bulk storage AD#19 pulk storage exceeding minimum area requirements AD#19 Hazardous material storage,on-site H#47 IMAirpt070C D Ta ble.doc\ 4-2-080 CONDITIONS 222. Allowed only in the Renton Municipal Airport subject to the conditions of the Section 4-3-020.. Airp Drt Development District 4-11-010 DEFINITIONS A: AIRPORT RELATE!)USE: A use which requires access to the airport taxiways and/or runway, and, zither offers an aeronautical service to the public or offers aeronautical support services to airport open tors otherwise entitled to use the public landing areas. • I MAirptNc tesana DefrnitionCockDI� AIRPORT REGULATORY FRAMEWORK OPTONS Attachment 3 Preface; All existing airport related uses are"grandfathered" in. Conditional Use Permits would only be required when a building or other special permit is required. Currently, all leases at the Renton Municipal Airport are approved by the City Council. The following four options assume that administrative "Guidelines and Procedures� for the Renton Municipal Airport"will be adopted and enforced by the Airport Manager. gr 1 (�94'�lr�140:1.'b CREL T Oy,. ' i•any � ti r , ' . ' yl u`' �` Fe' .t; 1 Airport Related Uses Airport related uses would bepermitted p Avoids delays associated with' • Depends on Council outright as "primary" uses subject to their Conditional Use Permit approved tenant leases and as "Primary Uses" compliance with the "Guidelines and process. administrative"Guidelines Procedures for the Renton Municipal and Procedures for the Airport"(RMA). • Provides greatest predictability RMA"to ensure for airport tenants This process takes 6-8 weeks,normally. compatibility with sur- rounding non-airport uses 2(a) Airport Related Uses Airport related uses would only be • All property owners within • Requires land use action to c permitted after a public hearing before the 300' of airport would be trigger as `Hearing Hearin Examiner Examiner g (HEX) at which the notified at least 10 days before Examiner could impose conditions in HEX public hearing for the • Adds up to 45 days to the Conditional Uses" addition to or different than those in the conditional use permit. review process `Guidelines and Procedures for the Renton • Review criteria often not Municipal Airport". • Provides another opportunity for proponents/opponents to relevant to airport setting • speak or send in comments. • Hearing Examiner This process takes 12 weeks,normally, conditions shoe in '0 conflict with those in the "Guidelines &Procedures for the RMA" 2(b) Airport Related Uses Similar to Option 2(a), however, • Could reduce processing time • Although faster than HEX as "AdminisaVe conditional use permit review is conducted by up to 45 days from that Conditional Use approval, Conditional Uses" administratively without a public hearing. required for a Hearing it would take longer that Uses would also have comply with the Examiner Conditional Use Option No. 1, above. administrative "Guidelines and Procedures Permit approval, for the Renton Municipal Airport". • Review criteria often not • Provides same notification of relevant to airport setting This process takes 6-8 weeks,normally, surrounding properties as HEX • Doesn't provide for a Conditional Uses public hearing • Conditions would be in conflict with "Guidelines ' &Procedures for RMA" Airport Reg ',ry Framework Options,continued 2 . 09/13/01 . . . • � ' ti7. ,.. .•,, = •er,i s ,.t R ‘Y., • ' . r a ^ ,, A_V :& ti, -.` in' r0,,,y • .l �r\ 0 rl;• r� fir%'�.� .y•,' is � .. .s. .I ! MC ''„ ri!": �_i�si.i.k'Z1 •!• ., ,,Ai �rb Kt? . •.lit-1 N; `A^• • • • 3 "Major" Airport Airport related uses would be categorized • Requires that potentially more • Could add as much as 45 Related Uses as as being either"major", for example, those offensive uses have HEX or days to permitting process requiring frequent use of runways or Administrative Conditional Use for "major" airport related "Hearing Examiner potentially having major noise impacts, or approval. uses. Conditional Uses" & "minor", when requiring infrequent use of "Minor" Airport the airport runway and having minor noise • Allows "minor" potentially less ' Requires definition of impacts. offensive uses to be expedited major and minor Related Uses as as `primary"uses. airport related uses Primary Uses Time lines would be same as above to • Reduces predictability for Hearing Examiner Conditional Use and "major" airport related Administrative Conditional Use approvals. uses AIRPORT REGULATORY FRAMEWORK OPTONS.doc1 September 24,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 331 Appeal: Northward Homes, City Clerk submitted two appeals of Hearing Examiner's recommendation Inc &Development Services regarding a request for site plan and preliminary plat approval submitted by Div, Site Plan &Preliminary Northward Homes, Inc., for a 66-unit townhouse project at NE 4th St. and Union Plat Approval (NE 4th St& Ave. NE. The appeals,filed by Northward Homes,Inc. and by the City of Union Ave NE),LUA-01-082 Renton Development Services Division, were each accompanied by the required fee. Refer to Planning&Development Committee. CAG: 01-132, ADA City Clerk reported bid opening on 9/12/2001 for CAG-01-132,ADA Compliant Curb Ramps Compliant Curb Ramps project; five bids;engineer's estimate$39,821.08; and Project, APUS Services submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, APUS Services, in the amount of$21,978.00. Council concur. CAG: 01-157,NE 7th St& City Clerk reported bid opening on 9/18/2001 for CAG-01-157,NE 7th St. and Monroe Ave NE Storm System Monroe Ave. NE Storm System Drainage Project, 13 bids,engineer's estimate Drainage Project,Ceccanti, $1,565,452.48; and submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to Inc. the low bidder,Ceccanti,Inc., in the amount of$1,258,013.75. Council concur. CAG: 01-158,Maplewood City Clerk reported bid opening on 9/19/2001 for CAG-01-158,Maplewood Well Water Main Replacement Well Water Main Replacement Phase III project, 7 bids; engineer's estimate Phase III, Shoreline $291,850.56; and submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to the Construction Company low bidder, Shoreline Construction Co., in the amount of$208,068.03. Council concur. CAG: 01-152, Park Lighting City Clerk reported bid opening on 9/19/2001 for CAG-01-152,Park Lighting Renovation, Duchess Renovation, 10 bids;engineer's estimate'$240,000,and low bid of$257,579.10 Construction by Duchess Construction, Inc. which was over budget. Refer to Finance Committee. Planning: Airport Related Uses Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Zoning Text Amendments (IM recommended a public hearing be set on 10/8/2001 to consider amendments to Zone) Title 4,Development Regulations, creating an Airport District, and related definition and zoning changes to allow airport-related uses in the Industrial- Medium(1M)Zone. Refer to Planning&Development Committee. Annexation: Lee, Hoquiam Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Ave NE&NE 9th St recommended a public hearing be set on 10/8/2001 to consider R-8 zoning for the Lee Annexation, 12 acres located in the vicinity of Hoquiam Ave. NE at NE 9th St. Council concur. Legal: City Clerk&Deputy Legal Division recommended approval of a resolution appointing the City Clerk City Clerk as Agents for and Deputy City Clerk as agents for receiving claims for damages as required Receiving Claims For by Chapter 119,Laws of 2001. Council concur. (See page 332 for resolution.) Damages MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Regarding the park lighting renovation, Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler suggested that energy-efficient lighting be considered. CORRESPONDENCE Electronic letters were read from Sarajane Jones, 2311 NE 27th St., Renton, Citizen Comment: Jones, 98056; Raissa Miyu (no address),Jon Coe, (no address)and Jocelyn Thompson Miyu, Coe&Thompson— (no address), each requesting that fireworks remain legal in Renton. Fireworks Ban I CI I OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA I AI#: /. JG, Submitting Data: For Agenda of: Dept/Div/Board.. EDNSP Dept.,Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning September 24,2001 Division Staff Contact Rebecca Lind,Ext. 6581 Agenda Status Consent X Subject: Public Hearing.. Amendments to Title 4,Development Regulations creating an Correspondence.. Ordinance Airport District at the Renton Municipal Airport creatinga Resolution definition for"airport related use", and amending the zoning use Old Business tables to allow airport related uses and municipal airport in the IM Zone and delete airport uses from the Center downtown zone. Exhibits: New Business Issue Paper,Draft Ordinance,and Proposed Text Amendments Study Sessions Information Recommended Action: Approvals: 1)Refer to the Planning and Development Committee Legal Dept X 2) Set a public hearing for October 8th. Otherce Dept Fiscal Impact: N/A Expenditure Required... N/A Transfer/Amendment N/A Amount Budgeted N/A Revenue Generated N/A Total Project Budget N/A City Share Total Project.. N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: Proposed amendments create Airport District Regulations including development standards. These amendments will establish a list of uses allowed at the Renton Municipal Airport, and establish development standards for those uses. Other amendments create a definition for"airport related use"and amend the zoning use tables to allow"airport related use"and"municipal airport"as permitted primary uses in the IM Zone. A new condition,#222, is added to Section 4-2-080 stating that such uses are limited to the Renton Municipal Airport and must comply with the Airport District Regulations.A housekeeping amendment is also proposed to delete municipal airport as an allowed use in the Center Downtown zone. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: • Council concur in referring to the Planning and Development Committee the proposed amendments, including those to Title 4,Chapter 3 creating a Airport District Regulations,those to Section 4-11- 010A,Definitions, creating a definition for"airport related use",those to Tables 4-2-060H and 4-2- 070Q allowing"airport related use"and"municipal airport"in the IM Zone subject to condition#222 in Section 4-2-080 • Council establish the evening of October 8th, 2001 as the time for a public hearing on the proposed amendments. H:\ECON_DEV\New H Drive Folders\Title IV\Multiple Zone Amends\Airport\IM-CDDDistrict Reg Agendabill.doc/ • CITY OF RENTON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, NEIGHBORHOODS, AND STRATEGIC PLANNING MEMORANDUM DATE: September 18,2001 TO: Dan Clawson Council President Members of City Council VIA: Jesse Tanner,Mayor FROM: Sue Carlson,Administrator EDNSP Department STAFF CONTACT: Rebecca Lind(ext. 6588) SUBJECT: Airport District Regulations ISSUE: • Whether the City should create an airport development district that encompasses the Renton Municipal Airport and allows only"airport related uses"under the IM Zone. • Whether "municipal airport" and all "airport related uses" identified in the new Airport District Regulations should be Hearing Examiner Conditional Uses or permitted uses allowed without a public hearing. • Whether development regulations for "airport related uses" should be required in addition to the development standards of the Industrial Medium zone. • Whether a new definition for"airport related uses"should limit such uses to those requiring access to the airport taxiways and/or runways while providing aeronautical services to the public or airport operators. • Whether the boundaries of the new Airport District should be mapped and included in Section 4-3- 020 of Chapter 3 of Title IV. • Whether housekeeping amendments deleting "municipal airport" as a permitted primary use in the Center Downtown(CD)Zone should be approved. RECOMMENDATION: • Create an Airport Development District for the Renton Municipal Airport. • Add"municipal airport"and"airport related uses"as a Hearing Examiner Conditional Uses in the IM Zone and making such uses subject to the new "Development Standards for the Renton Municipal Airport". • Add a definition for "airport related use" in Chapter 11, Definitions, and adding a new Condition #222 for the Use Tables requiring that all"municipal airports"and"airport related uses"only occur at September 18,2001 Page 2 the Renton Municipal Airport and comply with the proposed"Development Standards for the Renton Municipal Airport". • Include a description of the airport area in the Airport Development District code. • Delete"municipal airport"as a permitted use in the CD Zone. BACKGROUND: Earlier this year, the City Council rezoned the Renton Municipal Airport from Public Use (P-1) Zone to the Industrial Medium (IM) Zone. This choice was made because the IM zone implements the Employment Area — Industrial land use designation shown on the City's Comprehensive Plan and because the scale of uses allowed in the zone are compatible with activities found at the airport. However, airport related uses and a municipal airport are not currently listed uses in this zone. At the time of the re-zone, the City Council was advised that a zoning text amendment would be required to clarify how the existing uses on the airport would be treated within the IM zone. The existing Title IV, Chapter 3, Special Districts, includes an airport section that establishes height and use restrictions on areas surrounding the airport, but these regulations do not apply within the airport itself. During the ensuing months, several different ways of putting airport regulations into the code were explored. These options are summarized in Attachment 1. These different approaches to the code present the same allowed activities in alternative formats: e.g. overlay zone verses allowing the uses through a definition applied to the IM zone. The approaches differ mainly in whether a more detailed list of uses would be defined than historically used in administering the airport and whether that list of uses and the new proposed development standards should be codified or presented in an administrative format. A further consideration was whether the processing of the airport regulations would be done through building permits, or through a conditional use permit requiring a public hearing before the Hearing Examiner. Under the P-1 zone, the municipal airport function was a principal permitted use,but the various airport- related uses were administered through a conditional use permit process. There was no specific list of allowed activities or development standards addressing airport uses. Decisions about which activities were "airport-related" were made administratively first by the Airport Manager, and ultimately by the City Council upon review of leases. Administrative oversight of sub-leases and development standards within the airport development were problematic enough in the past to prompt the prior Airport Manager to recommend that a more stringent and systematic process be established. Enforcement and implementation of desired standards were also perceived as problematic. In order to address these concerns, staff recommends adoption of Option 2, the Airport Development District. This approach is similar to an overlay zone, but differs in the way the airport is mapped on the zoning map. The Development District creates a new set of airport district regulations including an extensive list of airport-related primary and accessory uses that are the only uses allowed at the Airport. These provisions also include development standards for uses located within the Airport thereby facilitating both management and enforcement. Examples include: provisions for setbacks, landscaping, parking, the siting of towers and antennas, lot coverage, and building height. The proposed new use and development standards will ensure that only airport-related uses are permitted at the Renton Municipal Airport. The list of allowed uses, as proposed, includes the existing and historical uses at the airport encompassing activities permitted under existing leases. The list is found in Attachment 2, Section 4-3- 20, Airport District Regulations. Activities allowed at the Airport would include the following categories: New H Drive Folder/Title IV/Multiple Zone/Aitport/lMAirpt Council Issue Paper#4 September 18, 2001 Page 3 1) operation,maintenance and management of a municipal airport, 2) manufacturing and assembling of aircraft and aircraft components, 3) services when operated for the benefit of the aviation public such as aircraft rental, sales maintenance, flight training, seaplane operation, U.S. Customs, administrative offices, flying clubs, and 4) a variety of accessory uses. The proposed zoning also lists a category for "other similar" airport related uses and accessory uses as approved by the Hearing Examiner to provide some flexibility. Although a specific list of uses is proposed, it is not the intent of this zoning to limit choices to this narrowly defined listmf other activities, which are yet contemplated,meet the intent of the development district. A new definition for "airport related use" is proposed as the zoning code currently does not have one. This definition provides guidance for staff and the public in determining which activities will be allowed. The definition states: "A use which requires access to the airport taxiways and/or runway and either offers an aeronautical support service to the public or offers aeronautical support services to airport operators otherwise entitled to use the public landing areas". It would be possible to implement the Airport Development District with either out-right permitted uses, administrative conditional uses, or Hearing Examiner conditional uses for the review process. These different processes require different levels of findings and conclusions to be made during the staff analysis, and different levels of public notice and public involvement. A comparison of these processing choices is presented in Attachment 3. The recommendation is to require a Hearing Examiner conditional uses permit. This process is recommended in order to allow review of the compatibility and fit of uses, and to ensure that the aviation public, businesses, and residents have an opportunity to review changing uses and conditions at this vital municipal facility. A further issue concerns the pros and cons of adopting the airport on the zoning map as a true "overlay" district. This is the distinguishing characteristic between Options 1 "Overlay"and the staff recommended Option 2, the "Development District". The staff recommendation is to include an illustration within the code text, but to not show it on the zoning map. As the Airport is a public facility and does not include multiple parcels in private ownership, staff finds that amending the zoning map with an overlay is not critical for public disclosure and information. An additional delineation on the zoning map could make the map more complex and difficult to read. However, if the district is only established within the zoning text as proposed, a full legal description of the airport will also need to be included. An housekeeping amendment to the zoning use tables is proposed to eliminate an error listing municipal airports as allowed in the Center Downtown (CD) zone. This provision is probably an oversight carried forward from the old B-1 zone in effect prior to 1993. Staff is recommending that this provision be deleted from the use tables, as it is unlikely that airport operations would ever be extended across the Cedar River into the CD zone. CONCLUSION: Proposed amendments to Title 4, Chapter 3, creating an Airport District Regulations for the Renton Municipal Airport through the adoption of new "Use and Development Standards for the Renton Municipal Airport" along with proposed amendments to both the use tables, definitions and conditions, making "municipal airports" and "airport related uses" Hearing Examiner conditional uses, will ensure the greatest opportunity for public involvement and the compatibility of airport activities. Delineating the New H Drive Folder/Title IV/Multiple Zone/AirportllMAirpt Council Issue Paper#4 September 18, 2001 Page 4 new Airport District will also help ensure public awareness of the new district and assist in its management. cc: Jay Covington Marilyn Petersen Attachments: Airport Regulatory Framework Options Options Considered Summary Airport District Regulations/Text Amendments New H Drive Folder/Title IV/Multiple Zone/Airport/IMAirpt Council Issue Paper#4 Attachment 1 Summary of Options for Airport Zoning Sept 17, 2001 Option 1. , Creation of an Airport Overly District with new airport district regulations that would list "airport-related uses" and provide special development standards for the. The Overlay would be mapped on the official zoning map. • List of uses in code • Narrative description not legal description • Development Standards • Airport Related Use definition in IM Zone • Note restricting Uses to existing airport • Mapped on Zoning Map Option 2. Creation of an Airport Development District similar to the Automall. Airport-related uses would be specifically listed along with special development standards. Differs from the overlay approach in how the mapping is handled. • List of uses in code • Legal description to be adopted • Development Standards in Code • Airport Related Use definition in IM Zone • Note restricting Uses to existing airport • Map illustration in the code Option 3 Amending the IM Zone to include"municipal airport" and"airport related uses" subject to a general definition. Amending general administrative provisions to allow the administration of the code through departmental "Administrative Procedures and Guidelines" or an amendment to the Airport Mater Plan which includes the list of allowed uses and development standards. • No list of uses in code • No Legal Description or boundary narrative • Code reference to Administrative Document, which includes the list of uses, and Development Standards • Airport Related Use definition in IM Zone • Note restricting Uses to existing airport • No mapping except typical mapping of IM zone Option 4. Amending the IM Zone Use to include"municipal airport" and airport related use(s)" without specifying a list of activities allowed as permitted uses; uses administrative determinations to determine "what fits"the definition of"airport related use". • No list of uses in code • No Legal Description • Airport Related Use definition in IM Zone • Note restricting Uses to existing airport • Uses allowed would be by administrative determination of what fits within the definition No mapping except typical mapping of IM zone Attachment 2 4-3-20 AIRPORT DISTRICT REGULATIONS A. USE AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR THE RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT 1. PURPOSE: These regulations are intended to allow and support airport-related uses that are compatible with the operations of the Renton Municipal Airport. 2. APPLICABILITY: The Renton Municipal Airport generally defined as the area bounded by Airport Way on the south, Rainier Avenue South on the west to the northwest corner of the Renton Municipal Airport, then east for approximately 355 feet to a point along the Inner Harbor Line described as "862", before jogging again to the northwest approximately to a point where it meets the Inner Harbor line which it follows to a point representing its intersection with the western boundary of the Cedar River. Channel. Then south/south east generally along the western boundary of the Cedar River Channel to a point approximately 320' north of Airport Way. Then south approximately 320' to the north side of Airport Way and then west along Airport Way to the intersection of Airport Way with Rainier Avenue South. 3. USE RESTRICTIONS:The following use provisions take precedence over the underlying IM zoning. a. Hearing Examiner Conditional Uses: Only the following or similar airport-related principal uses are permitted at the Renton Municipal Airport. All such uses are subject to Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit(Section 4-9-030)approval: 1) Operation,maintenance and management of a municipal airport for use by the aviation public; 2) Manufacturing and assembling of aircraft and aircraft components as well as aircraft kits and components; 3) The following services when operated for the benefit of the aviation public and meeting Airport Development Standards for Aeronautical Activities; a) Aircraft rental and leasing b) Aircraft sales(retail) c) Aircraft engine and airframe maintenance d) Aircraft field testing and inspection e) Aircraft pre-delivery preparation including avionics testing f) Aircraft and pilot accessory sales(retail) g) Flight training h) Gas storage: Storage of aviation fuel i) Aircraft charter and air-taxi service j) Aircraft fuel sales(retail) k) Aerial surveying 1) Aerial photography m) Aircraft interior storage(T-hangars/large hangars) RENTON MUNCIPAL AIR ZT DISTRICT REGULATIONS,contini 2 4. USES PERMITTED: continued p) Seaplane launching ramp/amphibian ramp q) Seaplane floating dock r) US Customs inspection/processing 4) The following principal airport-related uses are allowed when approved by the Hearing Examiner and when consistent with the terms of a Council approved airport lease or airport operating permit: a) Aerial Advertising(Banner Towing) b) Aircraft engine testing: within leased premises,between 7:00 AM and 5:00 PM,and in compliance with City's Noise Ordinance c) Flying Clubs: when a non-profit Washington State corporation and aircraft used are owned/leased by the club d) Offices,administrative: when associated with a primary permitted use on the same site and serving the administrative needs of employees on-site e) Offices,temporary: when associated with aircraft field testing and inspection and located at field test sites f) Storage Sheds,temporary: when associated with aircraft field testing and inspection and located at field test sites g) Other similar principal airport-related uses approved by the Hearing Examiner pursuant to Section 4-9-03. b. Accessory Uses: a. Allowed Accessory Uses: Airport-related accessory uses are allowed when approved through the Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit process as set forth in Section 4-9- 020. 1) Aircraft floats storage 2) Aircraft washing facilities 3) Air navigation/safety structures and other devices when required or furnished by a governmental entityEateries ancillary to passenger terminals 4) Non-retail aircraft fuel dispensing 5) On-site emergency hazardous waste collection containers 6) Outdoors aircraft storage(tie-down) 7) Outdoors pre-delivery preparation of manufactured heavy aircraft 8) Outside storage of vehicles/trucks/trailers ancillary to airport maintenance shop 9) Temporary buildings used for construction(non-manufacturing)purposes for a period not to exceed three(3)months 10) Other similar uses approved by the Hearing Examiner pursuant to Section 4-9-03. 5. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: All uses at the Renton Municipal Airport shall comply with the following development standards in addition to any conditions imposed by the Hearing Examiner 2 RENTON MUNCIPAL AIRI T DISTRICT REGULATIONS,confirm( - 3 as part of the Conditional Use Permit approval process as well as the provisions of the IM Zone not included 4-3-020: SETBACKS Along the airport perimeter access road a minimum setback of five feet(5')from the edge of the right-of-way is required. Aircraft hangars with aircraft doors opening toward the runway centerline must be set back from the edge of the right-of-way a minimum distance equal to the east/west length of the aircraft storage area within the hangar in order to establish an adequate maneuvering area off the runway. In addition,all structures must be set back a distance which permits the structure to be below the 7:1 slope extending east and west from a line 250 feet from either side and parallel to the centerline of the airport runway. LANDSCAPING Hydroseeding and planting of areas set aside for future development is discouraged. Where required for soil erosion control,low growing grasses and non-fruit-bearing ground cover that discourages waterfowl and other species shall be used. MOTOR VEHICLE Access to employee,customer,tenant and visitor parking areas shall PARKING only be directly from the Airport Perimeter Road Employee,customer,tenant and visitor parking areas shall be located outside the airport security fence,which separates the inner air-side area from the outer land-side areas. Employees,customers,tenants and visitors parking areas shall be located so that pedestrians may directly access the related building from the parking area without passing through the airport security fence. UTILITIES Utilities shall be located in designated utility corridors adjacent to the east and west side parallel taxiways,to the maximum extent possible. TOWERS,ATTENNAS, Towers,attennas,light standards and other similar structures shall not LIGHT STNADARDS exceed the vertical height permitted by the Airport Layout Plan or the current Airport Master Plan Update or be constructed within the Airport Operations Area(AOA)with the Airport property boundary, as shown on the Airport Layout Plan of the current Airport Master Plan Update B. USE AND HEIGHT RESTRICTIONS IN THE VICINITY OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT 1. APPROACH,TRANSITION,AND TURNING ZONES ESTABLISHED: 2. HEIGHT LIMITS 3. USE RESTRICTIONS 4. HAZARD MARKING AND LIGHTING 3 4-2-060 ZONING USE TABLE ZONING USE TABLE RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS USES RC R-1 R-5 R-8 RMH R-10 R-14 RM IL IM IH CC CN CS CA CD CO COR Blank=Not Allowed P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use AC=Accessory Use T=Temporary Use AD=Administrative H=Hearing Examiner Conditional #=Condition(s) X=Prohibited Conditional Use Use Specifically Air Transportation Uses Airplane sales and repair Airport related use H222 Helipads, accessory to primary H S207 S207 H H H ise lipads, commercial H Municipal airports H222 H (Amd. Ord. 4786, 7-12-1999) I. STORAGE Bulk storage AD19 Bulk storage exceeding AD19 minimum area requirements Explosives H H215 Explosives, accessory AC Farm produce refrigeration and P storage • Hazardous material storage, on- H47 site Hazardous waste, off-site H211 H274 H211 'including treatment) r.ardous waste, on-site AC129/AC129/AC129/ (including treatment) H235 H274 H235 Indoor storage AC254 AC254 AC254 AC254 Indoor storage exceeding the S262 S262 S262 AD42 33%floor area limit for accessory uses Natural gas storage AD Outdoor storage S263 S263 S263 AD57 Outside storage (including AC87 AC87 AC87 vehicles/equipment/products) Petroleum/natural gas over H H 50,000 gallons ,4-2-070M—CENTER DOVv iv i'OWN(CD) USES: TYPE SERVICES Barber,beauty shops P Business services, general P Cemetery,crematory,mausoleum H Commercial laundries S#18 Financial and real estate P Funeral homes P Health clubs/fitness centers/sports clubs P Laundromats P Personal services P Pet shop and grooming _ P Photography and photo reproduction P Video rentals and sales P (Amd. Ord.4786,7-12-1999) Rental Services Rental services,no outside storage P Repair Services Electrical S#97 Television S#97 Upholstery _ S#97 Watches/jewelry S#97 Day Care Services Day care centers P Family day care P Adult day care I,maximum 4 on residential property P Adult day care I,maximum 12 on nonresidential property P Adult day care II, 5+on residential property P Adult day care II, 13+on nonresidential property P Health Services Convalescent centers and nursing homes P Hospitals, sanitarium or similar uses H (Amd. Ord.4786, 7-12-1999) TRANSPORTATION SERVICES AND MANUFACTURED HOME SALES H Parking garage,commercial S#12 Parking lots,commercial S#12 Taxi and individual transportation AD Transit centers P (Amd. Ord.4786,7-12-1999) STORAGE Bulk storage AD#19 Bulk storage exceeding minimum area requirements AD#19 Hazardous material storage,on-site H#47 IMAirpt070CDTable.doc\ 4-2-080 CONDITIONS 222. Allowed only in the Renton Municipal Airport subject to the conditions of the Section 4-3-020.. Airport Development District 4-11-010 DEFINITIONS A: AIRPORT RELATED USE: A use which requires access to the airport taxiways and/or runway, and,either offers an aeronautical service to the public or offers aeronautical support services to airport operators otherwise entitled to use the public landing areas. IMAirptNotesand DefmitionCodeD1\ AIRPORT REGULATORY FRAMEWORK OPTONS Attachment 3 Preface: All existing airport related uses are "grandfathered" in. Conditional Use Permits would only be required when a building or other special permit is required. Currently, all leases at the Renton Municipal Airport are approved by the City Council. The following four options assume that administrative "Guidelines and Procedures for the Renton Municipal Airport"will be adopted and enforced by the Airport Manager. ' OPTIC SCRIPTION - PROCESS <'3 ` 'k<6 ; _ MOSS NO. 1 Airport Related Uses Airport related uses would be permitted • Avoids delays associated with • Depends on Council outright as "primary" uses subject to their Conditional Use Permit approved tenant leases and "Primary Primary Uses" compliance with the "Guidelines and process. administrative"Guidelines Procedures for the Renton Municipal • Provides greatest predictability and Procedures for the Airport"(RMA). RMA to ensure for airport tenants compatibility with sur- This process takes 6-8 weeks,normally. rounding non-airport uses 2(a) Airport Related Uses Airport related uses would only be • All property owners within • Requires land use action to as "Hearing permitted after a public hearing before the 300' of airport would be trigger Hearing Examiner (HEX) at which the notified at least 10 days before • Adds up45 days to the Examiner Examiner could impose conditions in HEX public hearing for the to y Conditional Uses" addition to or different than those in the conditional use permit. review process `Guidelines and Procedures for the Renton • Review criteria often not Municipal Airport". • Provides another opportunity relevant to airport setting for proponents/opponents to This process takes 12 weeks,normally. speak or send in comments. • Hearing Examiner conditions should be in conflict with those in the "Guidelines &Procedures for the RMA" 2(b) Airport Related Uses Similar to Option 2(a), however, • Could reduce processing time • Although faster than HEX conditional use permit review is conducted by up to 45 days from that Conditional Use approval, "Administrative Administrative administratively without a public hearing. required for a Hearing it would take longer that Conditional Uses" Uses would also have comply with the Examiner Conditional Use Option No. 1,above. administrative "Guidelines and Procedures Permit approval. for the Renton Municipal Airport". • Review criteria often not • Provides same notification of relevant to airport setting This process takes 6-8 weeks,normally. surrounding properties as HEX • Doesn't provide for a Conditional Uses public hearing • Conditions would be in conflict with "Guidelines &Procedures for RMA" Airport Regulatory Framework Options,continued 2 09/13/01 OPTION' DESCRIPTION ' PROCESS 1 £ - + N. - 14 y k .. 4.._ 3 "Major" Airport Airport related uses would be categorized • Requires that potentially more • Could add as much as 45 Related Uses as as being either"major", for example, those offensive uses have HEX or days to permitting process requiring frequent use of runways or Administrative Conditional Use for "major" airport related "Hearing Examiner potentially having major noise impacts, or approval. uses. Conditional Uses" & "minor", when requiring infrequent use of • Requires definition of c Airport the airport runway and having minor noise • Allows "minor" potentially less "major" and "minor" "Minor' impacts. offensive uses to be expedited Related Uses as airport related uses as"primary"uses. Primary Uses Time lines would be same as above to • Reduces predictability for Hearing Examiner Conditional Use and "major" airport related Administrative Conditional Use approvals. uses i i • AIRPORT REGULATORY FRAMEWORK OPTONS.doc\ September 17,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 318 * The Renton Community Center will be installing a new registration software program that will allow participants to register for classes via the Internet or touch-tone phone. The new process will be ready for the winter program registration in early December. * The Valley Community Players'musical show I Do!I Do!opens Friday, September 21st, at Carco Theater and runs through October 14th. For ticket information,call(425)226-5190. * The I-405/SR-167 flyover ramp ceremony at the Holiday Inn has been cancelled for this Thursday at 2:30 p.m. and will be rescheduled. Mr. Covington expressed the City's condolences to the victims and their families from the terrorist attacks against the United States which occurred on September l lth. He thanked all of those who participated in the Memorial Service held on Friday, September 14th,particularly Boy Scout Troop#464 for placing flags around the City;VFW Post#1263 for presenting the flag at the service;and area churches for assisting the community in dealing with this trying situation. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler asked the City Clerk to respond to an electronic letter from a Orman and Judy Claxton thanking the Council for flying flags from light poles in downtown Renton,and explain that it was Boy Scout Troop#464 that initially started the flag flying project. Mr. Covington also warned of fraudulent solicitations for donations on behalf of the victims, and cautioned citizens to report any suspicions to the Police Department. AUDIENCE COMMENT Marge Richter, 300 Meadow Ave.N.,Renton, 98055, expressed her Citizen Comment: Richter- appreciation for street improvements recently completed on Meadow Ave. N. Meadow Ave N Improvements She also complimented the Centennial Committee for its work on the Centennial birthday bash celebration held on September 6th, saying that it was a wonderful celebration. Citizen Comment: Paholke- Diane Paholke,Operator of Pro-Flight Aviation at Renton Airport, 325 IM Zone Revisions to Edmonds Ave. SE, Renton,98056,thanked the City for the information Accommodate Airport Related presented at the meeting held today regarding the proposed revisions to the Uses Industrial Medium zone to accommodate airport-related uses, and she stressed that the airport tenants want to participate in the revision process. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Minutes of September Approval of Council minutes of September 10, 2001. Council concur. 10, 2001 CAG: 01-151,Maplewood City Clerk reported bid opening on 9/11/2001 for CAG-01-151,Maplewood Golf Course Regrade Project, Golf Course Regrade Project; eight bids; engineer's estimate$139,155.20; and City Transfer submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to low bidder, City Transfer, Inc., in the amount of$132,518.40. The purpose of the project is to protect the golf course and adjacent Maplewood neighborhood from Cedar River flooding. Council concur. Police: Dept of Justice Grant Police Department requested acceptance of grant funding in the amount of for School Resource Officers $183,066 from the U.S. Department of Justice (approximately 75%)and the Renton School District(approximately 25%) for two additional full-time school resource officers for three years, 2002—2004. Council concur. E f RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting September 17,2001 Council Chambers Monday,7:30 p.m. MINUTES Municipal Building CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF DAN CLAWSON,Council President; KEOLKER-WHEELER,TERRI COUNCILMEMBERS BRIERE; KING PARKER;RANDY CORMAN;TONI NELSON. MOVED BY CLAWSON,SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMEMBER DON PERSSON. CARRIED. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER,Mayor;JAY COVINGTON,Chief Administrative Officer; ATTENDANCE RUSSELL WILSON,Assistant City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN,City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; DEREK TODD,Assistant to the CAO; SERGEANT CHARLES MARSALISI,COMMANDER FLOYD ELDRIDGE,ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF KEVIN MILOSEVICH,CHIEF GARRY ANDERSON,Police Department. SPECIAL PRESENTATION Police Chief Garry Anderson introduced Ben and Nancy Remak and their Community Event: Return to daughter Elsa,organizers of the annual Return to Renton Car Show. Ms. Renton Car Show Contribution Remak announced that since the first event in 1991, total proceeds in the amount of$51,902.53 have been donated to the Police Department's youth education programs. She presented a check in the amount of$9,200 to Chief Anderson, which represented the proceeds from the 2001 event, along with a $500 donation provided by Mr. Remak's employer, State Farm Insurance,for his volunteer work. Mr. Remak thanked the chief and his staff for supporting the event and making it a success. Planning: IM Zone Revisions Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman reported on to Accommodate Airport the proposed revisions to the Industrial Medium(IM)zone regarding airport- Related Uses related uses. He explained that introducing airport-related use provisions to the 1 L IM zone at the airport would be beneficial in that it would help prevent the {1 introduction of non-airport-related uses at the airport and would restrict undesirable airport-related uses in areas of the City which have IM zoning. Stating that he met with airport tenants today to discuss the proposed zoning code changes, he indicated that the tenants now have a better understanding of the City's intentions, and he relayed their desire to be involved with the process. Mr. Zimmerman said that this item will be brought before Council for consideration within the next few weeks prior to expiration of the airport lease moratorium on October 31, 2001. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler asked that all options considered by staff regarding this item be forwarded to the Planning and Development Committee in addition to staffs recommendation. Mayor Tanner emphasized that this is a City Code related matter, not a policy, and he expressed his desire that decisions related to this matter remain with the hearing examiner. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2001 and beyond. Items noted included: i i i i i i . i rer -‘-- nolic, l ckri f•c. C;(C» AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Christina Meyers, first duly sworn on oath states that he/she is the Legal Clerk of the SOUTH COUNTY JOURNAL CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 600 S. Washington Avenue, Kent, Washington 98032 RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tha dailynewspaper seventimes a week. Said newspaper is a le al 8th dRay City October,Council has fixedatthe published (7) 9 8th day of 2001, at 7:30 newspaper of general publication and is now and has been for more than six months prior p.m. as the date and time for a public to the date of publication, referred to, printed and published in the English language hearing to be held in the seventh continually as a daily newspaper in Kent, King County, Washington. The South County floor Council Chambers of the RentoS. Journal has been approved as a legal newspaper order of the Superior Court of the Grady Municipaly, Renton,Building,WA 105 , to pP 9by P Grady Way, WA 98055, to State of Washington for King County. consider the following: The notice in the exact form attached, was published in the South County Journal Amendments to Title IV, (and not in supplemental form) which was regularly distributed to the subscribers during Development Regulations, creating an Airport District at the the below stated period. The annexed notice, a Renton Municipal Airport, creating a definition for "airport related Amendments to Title IV use", and amending the zoning use tables to allow airport related as published on: 9/28/01 uses and a municipal airport in the Industrial Medium (IM) zone; and deleThe full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of$59.13, Center Downtownairport uses ofrne. the 9 9 9 Center (CD)zone. charged to Acct. No. 8050640. All interested parties are invited to attend the hearing and present The cost above includes a $6.00 fee for the printing of the affidavits. written or oral comments regarding the proposal. The Municipal Building is in compliance with the American Legal Number 9557 Disabilities Act, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. For Legal Clerk, South County Journal information,call 425-430-6510. Marilyn J. Petersen ,,tt�� City Clerk Subscribed and sworn before me on this4 day of ( 1 Journal Se ` , 2001 Pun ep in the South County alSeptember 28,2001.9557 `‘1�111111f1/I • E IA M M. pE4,,,�i ..C'-::Prj209-c-----.c)(*)7V (-40--r- _='`: ;•�T��r '`"o Notary Public of the State of Washington —0— residing in Renton �•.,o Acu`I� o,;' ? King County, Washington r 2` :I�•7—.? 6 .2 �o``�. /0,,o�IW AS kW- —,,•` k ••° CITY OF RENTON 1L r Planning/Builu116/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator dopy ; September 26,2001 Kathy Keolker-Wheeler SUBJECT: INFORMATION ABOUT RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT ZONING PROPOSAL Dear Party of Interest: The Renton City Council will be considering amendments to the zoning code associated with the Renton Municipal Airport in the coming weeks. A public hearing will be scheduled on this matter before the Renton City Council during the Monday,October 8,Council meeting at 7:30 PM(in the 7th floor Council Chambers,Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way). The purpose is to establish a list of uses allowed at the Renton Municipal Airport,and to establish development standards for those uses. The land use review process for projects at the airport will also be addressed. In the past the airport was zoned"P-1"which is a generic public use zone that was applied to a multitude of public uses including the airport,schools,parks,the wastewater treatment plant, and other public uses. No airport related uses or development standards were included in the"P-1" zoning code provisions in the City Code book. Under the"P-I"zoning designation any proposed land use action required a conditional use permit through the City Hearing Examiner. This involved a public hearing. Pursuant to policies adopted by the City several years ago in the City Comprehensive Plan,the general"P-1"zone has slowly been eliminated on a parcel by parcel basis. The"P-1"zoned parcels have been re-zoned to be consistent with the zoning of the surrounding properties. For example,many school properties zoned"P-I"have been rezoned to the residential zone of the surrounding neighborhood. In the case of the airport,several months ago the"P-1"zoning was eliminated and replaced with an"IM"(Medium Industrial)zoning designation consistent with the surrounding zoning. The"IM"zoning at the airport does not include any provisions for airport- related uses or any airport related development standards. In this respect it is similar to the old "P-1"zone. The current"IM"zone neither permits nor restricts airport related uses at the airport. The City Council recognized that this would need to be revisited,and provisions added to the zoning code to recognize the unique characteristics and needs of the airport. The attached proposal seeks to add these needed provisions to the Zoning Code. At one point,consideration was being given by some staff members to incorporate a"non-airport related use"strip along the west boundary of the airport in the vicinity of the Chamber of Commerce office and the old restaurant building. An environmental review notification with a map was posted and sent out to airport tenants and other parties of interest. It has since been recognized that the airport covenants do not permit such a designation,and this provision has been dropped from the Zoning Code proposal. I regret any concern or inconvenience that this posting has caused. . ;t o �3 1901 2001 CANVINDOWS\TEMP\airport iatitoSouth Grady Way-Renton,Washington 98055 4.) This paper contains 50%recycled material,30%post consumer ', �s� ! September 26, 2001 Page 2 Please take time to review the current proposal(attached). The proposal will be discussed during the October 1 Airport Advisory Committee meeting,so you may wish to forward questions or concerns to a member of this committee. The City Council's Planning and Development Committee is tentatively scheduled to be briefed on this matter on Thursday,October 4(4:00 PM in the City Hall Council Conference room. Note: Not the Council Chambers—located on the 7th Floor of City Hall), and the public hearing will be on October 8,as previously mentioned. The public is invited to attend these meetings,and testimony will be permitted during the October 8 public hearing. Testimony is also generally allowed, at the option of the Committee Chair,at the Planning and Development Committee. Any questions regarding this matter may be directed to Rebecca Lind,Principal Planner,at(425) 430-6581. Thank you. Sincerely, Gregg Zimmerman,Administrator Planning/Building/Public Works Dept. E 2 ,. £. cc: Mayor Jesse Tanner Renton City Council i ''`� `' � � ' Jay Covington ,; Sue Carlson Rebecca Lind Sandra Meyer �Z Ryan Zulauf -= f :` .'''.. 46 F E. .N • « ' C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\airport zone.doc\cor • CIT F RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA E RECEIVED ( AI#: Submitting Data For Agenda of: CITY fF RFNTC-N gPUBLIC WORKS ADMIN Dept/Div/Board.. EDNSP Dept.,Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning September 24,2001 Division Staff Contact__ Rebecca Lind,Ext. 6581 Agenda Status Consent X Subject Public Hearing.. Amendments to Title 4,Development Regulations creating an Correspondence Ordina E istrict at the Renton Municipal Resolution Airportp Airport creating a Resolution defmitior for"airport related use",and amending the zoning use Old Business tables to allow airport related uses and municipal airport in the IM Zone and delete airport uses from the Center downtown zone. Exhibits: New Business._ Issue Pap 7,Draft Ordinance, and Proposed Text Amendments Study Sessions. Information.._.... Recorrinended Action: Approvals: 1)Refer to the Planning and Development Committee Legal fir----- X 2)Set a public hearing for October 8th. of- ( Fiscal Impact N/A Expenditure Requ red._ N/A Transfer/Amendment_.... N/A Amount Budgeted___ N/A Revenue Generated...__..._ N/A Total Project Budi et N/A City Share Total Project. N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: Proposed imendments create Airport District Regulations including development standards. These amendmef its will establish a list of uses allowed at the Renton Municipal Airport,and establish developro:nt standards for those uses. Other amendments create a definition for"airport related use"and amend the zoning use tables to allow"airport related use"and"municipal airport"as permitted primary uses in tilt IM Zone.A new condition,#222,is added to Section 4-2-080 stating that such uses are limited to the Ren:on Municipal Airport and must comply with the Airport District Regulations.A housekeeping amendmer t is also proposed to delete municipal airport as an allowed use in the Center Downtown zone. STAFF RECOM MENDATI ON: ■ Counc 1 concur in referring to the Planning and Development Committee the proposed amendments, includ ng those to Title 4,Chapter 3 creating a Airport District Regulations,those to Section 4-11- 010A, Definitions,creating a definition for"airport related use",those to Tables 4-2-060H and 4-2- 070Q;Bowing"airport related use"and"municipal airport"in the IM Zone subject to condition#222 in Seci ion 4-2-080 • Counc,I establish the evening of October 8th,2001 as the time for a public hearing on the proposed amend nents. H:\ECON_DEV\Ncw H Drive Folders\Title IV\Multiple Zone Amends\Airport\IM-CDDDistrict Reg Agendabill.doc! r CITY OF RENTON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, NEIGHBORHOODS, AND STRATEGIC PLANNING MEMORANDUM DATE: September 18,2001 TO: Dan Clawson Council President Members of City Council VIA: Jesse Tanner,Mayor FROM: Sue Carlson,Administrator " EDNSP Department STAFF ,ONTACT: Rebecca Lind(ext.6588) SUBJEI T: Airport District Regulations ISSUE: • Whether the City should eieate an airport development district that encompasses the Renton Municipal Airport and allows only"airport related uses"under the IM Zone. • Whe her `Municipal airport" and all "airport related uses" identified in the new Airport District Reg.lations should be Hearing Examiner Conditional Uses or permitted uses allowed without a public bearing. • Whe her development regulations for "airport related uses" should be required in addition to the deve:opment standards of the Industrial Medium zone. • Whei her a new definition for"airport related uses"should limit such uses to those requiring access to the a I-port taxiways and/or runways while providing aeronautical services to the public or airport open tors. • Whet her the boundaries of the new Airport District should be mapped and included in Section 4-3- 020 c f Chapter 3 of Title IV. • Whet ler housekeeping amendments deleting "municipal airport" as a permitted primary use in the Centc r Downtown(CD)Zone should be approved. RECOMP 1ENDATION: • Creat:an Airport Development District for the Renton Municipal Airport. • Add"municipal airport"and"airport related uses"as a Hearing Examiner Conditional Uses in the IM Zone and making such uses subject to the new "Development Standards for the Renton Municipal Airpo • Add i defmition for "airport related use" in Chapter 11, Definitions, and adding a new Condition #222 :or the Use Tables requiring that all"municipal airports"and"airport related uses"only occur at September 18, 2001 Page 2 the Renton Municipal Airport and comply with the proposed "Development Standards for the Renton Municipal Airport". • Include a description of the airport area in the Airport Development District code. • Delete "municipal airport"as a permitted use in the CD Zone. BACKGROUND: Earlier this year, the City Council rezoned the Renton Municipal Airport from Public Use (P-1) Zone to the Industrial Medium (IM) Zone. This choice was made because the IM zone implements the Employment Area — Industrial land use designation shown on the City's Comprehensive Plan and because the scale of uses allowed in the zone are compatible with activities found at the airport. However, airport related uses and a municipal airport are not currently listed uses in this zone. At the time of the re-zone, the City Council was advised that a zoning text amendment would be required to clarify how the existing uses on the airport would be treated within the IM zone. The existing Title IV, Chapter 3, Special Districts, includes an airport section that establishes height and use restrictions on areas surrounding the airport, but these regulations do not apply within the airport itself During the ensuing months, several different ways of putting airport regulations into the code were explored. These options are summarized in Attachment 1. These different approaches to the code present the same allowed activities in alternative formats: e.g. overlay zone verses allowing the uses through a definition applied to the IM zone. The approaches differ mainly in whether a more detailed list of uses would be defined than historically used in administering the airport and whether that list of uses and the new proposed development standards should be codified or presented in an administrative format. A further consideration was whether the processing of the airport regulations would be done through building permits, or through a conditional use permit requiring a public hearing before the Hearing Examiner. Under the P-1 zone, the municipal airport function was a principal permitted use,but the various airport- related uses were administered through a conditional use permit process. There was no specific list of allowed activities or development standards addressing airport uses. Decisions about which activities were "airport-related" were made administratively first by the Airport Manager, and ultimately by the City Council upon review of leases. Administrative oversight of sub-leases and development standards within the airport development were problematic enough in the past to prompt the prior Airport Manager to recommend that a more stringent and systematic process be established. Enforcement and implementation of desired standards were also perceived as problematic. In order to address these concerns, staff recommends adoption of Option 2, the Airport Development District. This approach is similar to an overlay zone, but differs in the way the airport is mapped on the zoning map. The Development District creates a new set of airport district regulations including an extensive list of airport-related primary and accessory uses that are the only uses allowed at the Airport. These provisions also include development standards for uses located within the Airport thereby facilitating both management and enforcement. Examples include: provisions for setbacks, landscaping, parking,the siting of towers and antennas,lot coverage,and building height. The proposed new use and development standards will ensure that only airport-related uses are permitted at the Renton Municipal Airport. The list of allowed uses, as proposed, includes the existing and historical uses at the airport encompassing activities permitted under existing leases. The list is found in Attachment 2, Section 4-3- 20,Airport District Regulations. Activities allowed at the Airport would include the following categories: New 11 Drive Folder/Title IV/Multiple Zone/Airport/IMAirpt Council Issue Paper#4 • September 18, 2001 Page 3 1) operation, maintenance and management of a municipal airport, 2) manufacturing and assembling of aircraft and aircraft components, 3) services when operated for the benefit of the aviation public such as aircraft rental, sales maintenance, flight training, seaplane operation, U.S. Customs, administrative offices, flying clubs, and 4) a variety of accessory uses. The proposed zoning also lists a category for "other similar" airport related uses and accessory uses as approve( by the Hearing Examiner to provide some flexibility. Although a specific list of uses is proposec, it is not the intent of this zoning to limit choices to this narrowly defined listmf other activities, which ar yet contemplated,meet the intent of the development district. A new defmition for "airport related use" is proposed as the zoning code currently does not have one. This definition provides guidance for staff and the public in determining which activities will be allowed. The deli cation states: "A use which requires access to the airport taxiways and/or runway and either offers an aeronautical support service to the public or offers aeronautical support services to airport operator..otherwise entitled to use the public landing areas". It would be possible to implement the Airport Development District with either out-right permitted uses, administi ative conditional uses, or Hearing Examiner conditional uses for the review process. These different processes require different levels of fmdings and conclusions to be made during the staff analysis, and different levels of public notice and public involvement. A comparison of these processing choices i;;presented in Attachment 3. The recommendation is to require a Hearing Examiner conditional uses perr.ut. This process is recommended in order to allow review of the compatibility and fit of uses, and to en sure that the aviation public, businesses, and residents have an opportunity to review changing uses and :onditions at this vital municipal facility. A further issue concerns the pros and cons of adopting the airport on the zoning map as a true "overlay" district "'his is the distinguishing characteristic between Options 1 "Overlay"and the staff recommended Option 2, the "Development District". The staff recommendation is to include an illustration within the code text but to not show it on the zoning map. As the Airport is a public facility and does not include multiple parcels in private ownership, staff finds that amending the zoning map with an overlay is not critical fc r public disclosure and information. An additional delineation on the zoning map could make the map r lore complex and difficult to read. However,if the district is only established within the zoning text as prt posed, a full legal description of the airport will also need to be included. An house Keeping amendment to the zoning use tables is proposed to eliminate an error listing municipal airports as allowed in the Center Downtown (CD)zone. This provision is probably an oversight carried forward from the old B-1 zone in effect prior to 1993. Staff is recommending that this provision be deleted fr mm the use tables, as it is unlikely that airport operations would ever be extended across the Cedar Rig er into the CD zone. CONCLUSION: Proposed amendments to Title 4, Chapter 3, creating an Airport District Regulations for the Renton Municipal Airport through the adoption of new "Use and Development Standards for the Renton Municipal Airport" along with proposed amendments to both the use tables, defmitions and conditions, making "municipal airports" and "airport related uses" Hearing Examiner conditional uses, will ensure the greatest opportunity for public involvement and the compatibility of airport activities. Delineating the New II Drive 'older/Title IV/Multiple ZoneiAirporUlMAirpt Council Issue Paper#4 September 18,2001 Page 4 • new Airport District will also help ensure public awareness of the new district and assist in its management_ cc: Jay Covington Marilyn Petersen Attachments: Airport Regulatory Framework Options Options Considered Summary Airport District RegulationsiText Amendments New H Drive Folder/Title IV/Multiple ZonefAirport/IMAirpt Council Issue Paper#4 Attachir ent 1 Summary of Options for Airport Zoning Sept 17, 2001 Option 1,,Creation of an Airport Overly District with new airport district regulations that would list"airport-related uses" and provide special development standards for the. The Overlay would be mapped on the official zoning map. • List of uses in code • Narrative description not legal description • Development Standards • airport Related Use definition in IM Zone • I\ote restricting Uses to existing airport • Mapped on Zoning Map Option 2 Creation of an Airport Development District similar to the Automall. Airport-related uses wou Id be specifically listed along with special development standards.Differs from the overlay approach in how the mapping is handled • L st of uses in code • L;gal description to be adopted • Development Standards in Code • Airport Related Use definition in IM Zone • N)te restricting Uses to existing airport • Nap illustration in the code Option 3 Amending the IM Zone to include"municipal airport"and"airport related uses" subject to a general definition. Amending general administrative provisions to allow the administr ition of the code through departmental "Administrative Procedures and Guidelines"or an amend went to the Airport Mater Plan which includes the list of allowed uses and developm ent standards. • Nolistofusesincode • No Le gal Description or boundary narrative • Code reference to Administrative Document,which includes the list of uses,and Development Standards • Airport Related Use definition in IM Zone • Note restricting Uses to existing airport • No m:pping except typical mapping of IM zone Option 4. Amending the IM Zone Use to include"municipal airport"and airport related use(s)" without specifying a list of activities allowed as permitted uses; uses administrative determinations to determine"what fits" the definition of"airport related use". • No list of uses in code • No Legal Description • Airpor t Related Use definition in IM Zone • Note restricting Uses to existing airport • Uses allowed would be by administrative determination of what fits within the definition No mapping except typical mapping of IM zone Attachment 2 4-3-20 AIRPORT DISTRICT REGULATIONS AIR;-PO ITT-AND-USE-RESTRICTIONS A. USE AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR THE RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT 1. PURPOSE: These regulations are intended to allow and support airport-related uses that are compatible with the operations of the Renton Municipal Airport. 2. APPLICABILITY: The Renton Municipal Airport generally defined as the area bounded by Airport Way on the south, Rainier Avenue South on the west to the northwest corner of the Renton Municipal Airport, then east for approximately 355 feet to a point along the Inner Harbor Line described as "862",before jogging again to the northwest approximately to a point where it meets the Inner Harbor line which it follows to a point representing its intersection with the western boundary of the Cedar River. Channel. Then south/south east generally along the western boundary of the Char River Channel to a point approximately 320'north of Airport Way. Then south approximately 320' to the north side of Airport Way and then west along Airport Way to the intersection of Airport Way with Rainier Avenue South. 3. USE RESTRICTIONS:The following use provisions take precedence over the underlying IM zoning. a. Hearing Examiner Conditional Uses: Only the following or similar airport-related principal uses are permitted at the Renton Municipal Airport. All such aces are subject to Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit(Section 4-9-030)approval: 1) Operation,maintenance and management of a municipal airport for use by the aviation public; 2) Manufacturing and assembling of aircraft and aircraft components as well as aircraft kits and components; 3) The following services when operated for the benefit of the aviation public and meeting Airport Development Standards for Aeronautical Activities; a) Aircraft rental and leasing b) Aircraft sales(retail) c) Aircraft engine and airframe maintenance d) Aircraft field testing and inspection e) Aircraft pre-delivery preparation including avionics testing f) Aircraft and pilot accessory sales(retail) g) Flight training h) Gas storage: Storage of aviation fuel i) Aircraft charter and air-taxi service j) Aircraft fuel sales (retail) k) Aerial surveying I) Aerial photography m) Aircraft interior storage(T-hangars/large hangars) REN'[ON MUNCIPAL AIRPORT DISTRICT REGULATIONS,continued 2 • 4. USES PERMITTED:continued p) Seaplane launching ramp/amphibian ramp q) Seaplane floating dock r) US Customs inspection/processing 4) The following principal airport-related uses are allowed when approved by the Hearing Examiner and when consistent with the terms of a Council approved airport lease or airport operating permit: a) Aerial Advertising(Banner Towing) b) Aircraft engine testing:within leased premises,between 7:00 AM and 5:00 PM,and in compliance with City's Noise Ordinance c) Flying Clubs: when a non-profit Washington State corporation and aircraft used are owned/leased by the club d) Offices,administrative:when associated with a primary permitted use on the same site and serving the administrative needs of employees on-site e) Offices,temporary:when associated with aircraft field testing and inspection and located at field test sites f) Storage Sheds,temporary:when associated with aircraft field testing and inspection and located at field test sites g) Other similar principal airport-related uses approved by the Hearing Examiner pursuant to Section 4-9-03. b. Accessory Uses: a. Allowed Accessory Uses: Airport-related accessory uses are allowed when approved through the Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit process as set forth in Section 4-9- 020. 1) Aircraft floats storage 2) Aircraft washing facilities 3) Air navigation/safety structures and other devices when required or furnished by a governmental entityEateries ancillary to passenger terminals 4) Non-retail aircraft fuel dispensing 5) On-site emergency hazardous waste collection containers 6) Outdoors aircraft storage(tie-down) 7) Outdoors pre-delivery preparation of manufactured heavy aircraft 8) Outside storage of vehicles/trucks/trailers ancillary to airport maintenance shop 9) Temporary buildings used for construction(non-manufacturing)purposes for a period not to exceed three(3)months 10) Other similar uses approved by the Hearing Examiner pursuant to Section 4-9-03. 5. DEV ELOPMENT STANDARDS:All uses at the Renton Municipal Airport shall comply with the folic wing development standards in addition to any conditions imposed by the Hearing Examiner 2 RENTON MUNCIPAL AIRPORT DISTRICT REGULATIONS, c "owed 3 as part of the Conditional Use Permit approval process as well as the provisions of the IM Zone not included 4-3-020: SETBACKS Along the airport perimeter access road a minimum setback of five feet(5')from the edge of the right-of-way is required. Aircraft hangars with aircraft doors opening toward the runway centerline must be set back from the edge of the right-of-way a minimum distance equal to the east/west length of the aircraft storage area within the hangar in order to establish an adequate maneuvering area off the runway. In addition,all structures must be set back a distance which permits the structure to be below the 7:1 slope extending east and west from a line 250 feet from either side and parallel to the centerline of the airport runway. LANDSCAPING Hydroseeding and planting of areas set aside for future development is discouraged. Where required for soil erosion control,low growing grasses and non-fruit-bearing ground cover that discourages waterfowl and other species shall be used. MOTOR VEHICLE Access to employee,customer,tenant and visitor parking areas shall PARKING only be directly from the Airport Perimeter Road Employee,customer,tenant and visitor parking areas shall be located outside the airport security fence,which separates the inner air-side area from the outer land-side areas. Employees,customers,tenants and visitors parking areas shall be located so that pedestrians may directly access the related building from the parking area without passing through the airport security fence. UTILITIES Utilities shall be located in designated utility corridors adjacent to the east and west side parallel taxiways,to the maximum extent possible. TOWERS,ATTENNAS, Towers,attennas,light standards and other similar structures shall not LIGHT STNADARDS exceed the vertical height permitted by the Airport Layout Plan or the current Airport Master Plan Update or be constructed within the Airport Operations Area(AOA)with the Airport property boundary, as shown on the Airport Layout Plan of the current Airport Master Plan Update B. USE AND HEIGHT RESTRICTIONS IN THE VICINITY OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT 1. APPROACH,TRANSITION,AND TURNING ZONES ESTABLISHED: 2. HEIGHT LIMITS 3. USE RESTRICTIONS 4. HAZARD MARKING AND LIGHTING 4-2-060 ZONING USE TABLE ZONING USE TABLE RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS TUSES RC R-1 R-5 R-8 RMH R-10 F R-14 RM IL I IM 1 IH CC CN 1 CS 1 CA 1 CD 1 CO 1 COR Blank=Not Allowed P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use AC=Accessory Use T=Temporary Use AD=Administrative H=Hearing Examiner Conditional #=Condition(s) X=Prohibited Conditional Use Use Specifically ,, Air Transportation Uses Airplane sales and repair _ P Airport related use H222 HE - ds, accessory to primary H S207 S207 H H H Helipads, commercial H Municipal airports 1i222 H (Amd. Ord. 4786, 7-12-1999) I. STORAGE Bulk storage AD19 Bulk storage exceeding AD19 minimum area requirements Explosives H H215 Explosives, accessory AC Farm produce refrigeration and P storage , Hazardous material storage, on- H47 site Hr.,„-dous waste, off-site H211 H274 H211 luding treatment) Hazardous waste, on-site AC129/AC129/AC129/ (including treatment) H235 H274 H235 Indoor storage AC254,AC254 AC254 AC254 Indoor storage exceeding the S262 S262 S262 AD42 33%floor area limit for accessory uses _ Natural gas storage AD Outdoor storage S263 S263 S263 an[7 Outside storage (including AC87 AC87 AC87 vehicles/equipment/products) Potroleum/natural gas over H `H 50,000 gallons • • 4-2-070M—CENTER WNTOWN(CD) USES: TYPE SERVICES Barber,beauty shops p Business services,general P Cemetery,crematory, mausoleum II Commercial laundries S#18 Financial and real estate P Funeral homes p Health clubs/fitness centers/sports clubs p Laundromats p Personal services p Pet shop and grooming p Photography and photo reproduction p Video rentals and sales (Amd.Ord.4786,7-12-1999) Rental Services Rental services,no outside storage p Repair Services Electrical S#97 Television S#97 Upholstery S#97 Watches/jewelry S#97 Day Care Services Day care centers p Family day care p Adult day care I,maximum 4 on residential property p Adult day care I,maximum 12 on nonresidential property p Adult day care II,5+on residential property p Adult day care II, 13+on nonresidential property p Health Services Convalescent centers and nursing homes p Hospitals,sanitarium or similar uses H (Amd. Ord.4786,7-12-1999) TRANSPORTATION SERVICES AND MANUFACTURED HOME SALES Municipal-airports H Parking garage,commercial S#12 Parking lots,commercial S#12 Taxi and individual transportation AD Transit centers p (Amd. Ord.4786,7-12-1999) STORAGE Bulk storage AD#19 Bulk storage exceeding minimum area requirements AD#19 Clazardous material storage,on-site H#47 TMAirpt070C:DTa bk.dock 4-2-01;0 CONDITIONS 222. Allowed only in the Renton Municipal Airport subject to the conditions of the Section 4-3-020.. Airport Development District 4-11-00 DEFINITIONS A: AIRPJRT RELATED USE: A use which requires access to the airport taxiways and/or runway, and,either offers an aeronautical service to the public or offers aeronautical support services to airport operat xs otherwise entitled to use the public landing areas. lMAirpdNo csand DefrnitionCodeD1\ AIRPORT REGULATORY FRAMEWORK OPTONS Attachment 3 Preface; All existing airport related uses are"grandfathered" in. Conditional Use Permits would only be required when a building or other special permit is required. Currently, all leases at the Renton Municipal Airport are approved by the City Council. The following four options assume that administrative "Guidelines and Procedures for the Renton Municipal Airport"will be adopted and enforced by the Airport Manager. O•,, 'fa-0;'q'10n,e t�++ ++•VN. `i y� •'r, •7 h� ; .. api u(�ti�i, + ,t7 1) sis1� 'iAL7JOCESS 7 t ,, x „. .• is y.t� •�.ft`y...�..�,7f..,:- " � 3 y��:L 74iI.�1'�_.. . i �F'��§��/� '•ti � ‘,.,,,: "Ti 1 Airport Related Uses Airport related uses would be permitted • Avoids delays associated with ��- •� Depends on Council as "Primary Uses" outright as "primary" uses subject to their Conditional Use Permit approved tenant leases and compliance with the "Guidelines and process. administrative"Guidelines Procedures for the Renton Municipal Airport"(RMA). • Provides greatest predictability and Procedures for the for airport tenants RMA to ensure This process takes 6-8 weeks,normally. compatibility with sur- rounding non-airport uses 2(a) Airport Related Uses Airport related uses would only be • All property owners within • Requires land use action to Permitted after a public hearing before the 300' of airport would be trigger as "Hearing Examiner Hearing Examiner (HEX) at which the notified at least 10 days before Examiner could impose conditions in HEX public hearing for the • Adds up to 45 days to the Conditional Uses" addition to or different than those in the conditional use permit. review process `Guidelines and Procedures for the Renton •Municipal Airport". • Provides another opportunity Review criteria often not for proponents/opponents to• relevant to airport setting speak or send in comments. • Hearing Examiner This process takes 12 weeks,normally. conditions sho in u. .e ot conflict with those in the "Guidelines &Procedures for the RMA" 2(b) Airport Related Uses Similar to Option 2(a), however, • Could reduce processing time • Although faster than HEX as "Administrative conditional use permit review is conducted by up to 45 days from that Conditional Use approval, Conditional Uses" administratively without a public hearing. required for a Hearing it would take longer that Uses would also have comply with the Examiner Conditional Use Option No. I, above. administrative "Guidelines and Procedures Permit approval. for the Renton Municipal Airport". Review criteria often not • Provides same notification of relevant to airport setting This process takes 6-8 weeks,normally. surrounding properties as HEX ' Doesn't provide for a Conditional Uses public hearing • Conditions would be in conflict with "Guidelines &Procedures for RMA" • Airport Reg. "ry Framework Options,continued .2 09/13/01 f:' ' - . MSEWTTIONts; , -.?---'4 1;,c.14005$0.$ '..',"ate.i. 1''r[ r ` ti .' ew '''VA l'aa� +L.}�Ii.,`i: ., . .;iVJS`tC+ff:•85• +E .,.. �n.r.. 'x' +tx. .. - :r.:.• ChHRNYSP4rr[.. - •. �i - , - eiS14,V,•..: , 3 "Major" Airport Airport related uses would be categorized • Requires that potentially more • Could add as much as 45 Related Uses as as being either"major",for example, those offensive uses have HEX or days to permitting process requiring frequent use of runways or Administrative Conditional Use for "major" airport related "Hearing Examiner potentially having major noise impacts, or approval. uses. Conditional Uses" & "minor", when requiring infrequent use of • "Minor" Airport the airport runway and having minor noise • Allows "minor" potentially less Requires definition of impacts. offensive uses to be expedited major and `minor Related Uses as as "primacy"uses. airport related uses Primary Uses Time lines would be same as above to • Reduces predictability f Hearing Examiner Conditional Use and "major" airport related Administrative Conditional Use approvals. uses AIRPORT REGULATORY FRAMEWORK OPTONS.doc\ CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 8th day of October, 2001, at 7:30 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, to consider the following: Amendments to Title IV,Development Regulations, creating an Airport District at the Renton Municipal Airport, creating a definition for"airport related use", and amending the zoning use tables to allow airport related uses and a municipal airport in the Industrial Medium(IM)zone; and deleting airport uses from the Center Downtown (CD) zone. All interested parties are invited to attend the hearing and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. The Municipal Building is in compliance with the American Disabilities Act, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. For information, call 425-430-6510. Marilyn . t rsen City Clerk Published South County Journal September 28, 2001 Account No. 50640 CITE 1 OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA 1311-dL AI#: G1 Submitting Data: For Agenda of: `f Dept/Div/Board.. EDNSP Dept.,Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning September 24,2001 Division Staff Contact Rebecca Lind,Ext. 6581 Agenda Status Consent X Subject: Public Hearing.. Amendments to Title 4,Development Regulations creating an Correspondence.. Airport District at the Renton Municipal Airport creatingOrdinance � p � a Resolution definition for"airport related use", and amending the zoning use Old Business tables to allow airport related uses and municipal airport in the IM Zone and delete airport uses from the Center downtown zone. Exhibits: New Business Issue Paper,Draft Ordinance, and Proposed Text Amendments Study Sessions Information Recommended Action: Approvals: 1)Refer to the Planning and Development Committee Legal Dept X Finance Dept 2) Set a public hearing for October 8th. Other Fiscal Impact: N/A Expenditure Required... N/A Transfer/Amendment N/A Amount Budgeted N/A Revenue Generated N/A Total Project Budget N/A City Share Total Project.. N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: Proposed amendments create Airport District Regulations including development standards. These amendments will establish a list of uses allowed at the Renton Municipal Airport, and establish development standards for those uses. Other amendments create a definition for"airport related use"and amend the zoning use tables to allow"airport related use"and"municipal airport"as permitted primary uses in the IM Zone. A new condition,#222, is added to Section 4-2-080 stating that such uses are limited to the Renton Municipal Airport and must comply with the Airport District Regulations. A housekeeping amendment is also proposed to delete municipal airport as an allowed use in the Center Downtown zone. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: • Council concur in referring to the Planning and Development Committee the proposed amendments, including those to Title 4, Chapter 3 creating a Airport District Regulations, those to Section 4-11- OlOA, Definitions, creating a definition for"airport related use",those to Tables 4-2-060H and 4-2- 070Q allowing"airport related use"and "municipal airport"in the IM Zone subject to condition#222 in Section 4-2-080 • Council establish the evening of October 8th,2001 as the time for a public hearing on the proposed amendments. H:\ECON_DEV\New H Drive Folders\Title IV\Multiple Zone Amends\Airport\IM-CDDDistrict Reg Agendabill.doc/ 1 CITY OF RENTON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, NEIGHBORHOODS, AND STRATEGIC PLANNING MEMORANDUM DATE: September 18, 2001 TO: Dan Clawson Council President Members of City Council VIA: Jesse Tanner, Mayor FROM: Sue Carlson, Administrator /1 EDNSP Department STAFF CONTACT: Rebecca Lind(ext. 6588) SUBJECT: Airport District Regulations ISSUE: • Whether the City should create an airport development district that encompasses the Renton Municipal Airport and allows only"airport related uses"under the IM Zone. • Whether "municipal airport" and all "airport related uses" identified in the new Airport District Regulations should be Hearing Examiner Conditional Uses or permitted uses allowed without a public hearing. • Whether development regulations for "airport related uses" should be required in addition to the development standards of the Industrial Medium zone. • Whether a new definition for"airport related uses" should limit such uses to those requiring access to the airport taxiways and/or runways while providing aeronautical services to the public or airport operators. • Whether the boundaries of the new Airport District should be mapped and included in Section 4-3- 020 of Chapter 3 of Title IV. • Whether housekeeping amendments deleting "municipal airport" as a permitted primary use in the Center Downtown(CD)Zone should be approved. RECOMMENDATION: • Create an Airport Development District for the Renton Municipal Airport. • Add"municipal airport" and"airport related uses"as a Hearing Examiner Conditional Uses in the IM Zone and making such uses subject to the new "Development Standards for the Renton Municipal Airport". • Add a definition for "airport related use" in Chapter 11, Definitions, and adding a new Condition #222 for the Use Tables requiring that all "municipal airports"and"airport related uses"only occur at 1 • 'September 18, 2001 Page 2 the Renton Municipal Airport and comply with the proposed "Development Standards for the Renton Municipal Airport". • Include a description of the airport area in the Airport Development District code. • Delete"municipal airport" as a permitted use in the CD Zone. BACKGROUND: Earlier this year, the City Council rezoned the Renton Municipal Airport from Public Use (P-1) Zone to the Industrial Medium (IM) Zone. This choice was made because the IM zone implements the Employment Area — Industrial land use designation shown on the City's Comprehensive Plan and because the scale of uses allowed in the zone are compatible with activities found at the airport. However, airport related uses and a municipal airport are not currently listed uses in this zone. At the time of the re-zone, the City Council was advised that a zoning text amendment would be required to clarify how the existing uses on the airport would be treated within the IM zone. The existing Title IV, Chapter 3, Special Districts, includes an airport section that establishes height and use restrictions on areas surrounding the airport, but these regulations do not apply within the airport itself. During the ensuing months, several different ways of putting airport regulations into the code were explored. These options are summarized in Attachment 1. These different approaches to the code present the same allowed activities in alternative formats: e.g. overlay zone verses allowing the uses through a definition applied to the IM zone. The approaches differ mainly in whether a more detailed list of uses would be defined than historically used in administering the airport and whether that list of uses and the new proposed development standards should be codified or presented in an administrative format. A further consideration was whether the processing of the airport regulations would be done through building permits, or through a conditional use permit requiring a public hearing before the Hearing Examiner. Under the P-1 zone, the municipal airport function was a principal permitted use,but the various airport- related uses were administered through a conditional use permit process. There was no specific list of allowed activities or development standards addressing airport uses. Decisions about which activities were "airport-related" were made administratively first by the Airport Manager, and ultimately by the City Council upon review of leases. Administrative oversight of sub-leases and development standards within the airport development were problematic enough in the past to prompt the prior Airport Manager to recommend that a more stringent and systematic process be established. Enforcement and implementation of desired standards were also perceived as problematic. In order to address these concerns, staff recommends adoption of Option 2, the Airport Development District. This approach is similar to an overlay zone,but differs in the way the airport is mapped on the zoning map. The Development District creates a new set of airport district regulations including an extensive list of airport-related primary and accessory uses that are the only uses allowed at the Airport. These provisions also include development standards for uses located within the Airport thereby facilitating both management and enforcement. Examples include: provisions for setbacks, landscaping, parking, the siting of towers and antennas, lot coverage, and building height. The proposed new use and development standards will ensure that only airport-related uses are permitted at the Renton Municipal Airport. The list of allowed uses, as proposed, includes the existing and historical uses at the airport encompassing activities permitted under existing leases. The list is found in Attachment 2, Section 4-3- 20,Airport District Regulations. Activities allowed at the Airport would include the following categories: New H Drive Folder/Title IV/Multiple Zone/Airport/IMAirpt Council Issue Paper#4 1 • September 18, 2001 Page 3 1) operation, maintenance and management of a municipal airport, 2) manufacturing and assembling of aircraft and aircraft components, 3) services when operated for the benefit of the aviation public such as aircraft rental, sales maintenance, flight training, seaplane operation, U.S. Customs, administrative offices, flying clubs, and 4) a variety of accessory uses. The proposed zoning also lists a category for "other similar" airport related uses and accessory uses as approved by the Hearing Examiner to provide some flexibility. Although a specific list of uses is proposed, it is not the intent of this zoning to limit choices to this narrowly defined list(if other activities, which are yet contemplated, meet the intent of the development district. A new definition for "airport related use" is proposed as the zoning code currently does not have one. This definition provides guidance for staff and the public in determining which activities will be allowed. The definition states: "A use which requires access to the airport taxiways and/or runway and either offers an aeronautical support service to the public or offers aeronautical support services to airport operators otherwise entitled to use the public landing areas". It would be possible to implement the Airport Development District with either out-right permitted uses, administrative conditional uses, or Hearing Examiner conditional uses for the review process. These different processes require different levels of findings and conclusions to be made during the staff analysis, and different levels of public notice and public involvement. A comparison of these processing choices is presented in Attachment 3. The recommendation is to require a Hearing Examiner conditional uses permit. This process is recommended in order to allow review of the compatibility and fit of uses, and to ensure that the aviation public, businesses, and residents have an opportunity to review changing uses and conditions at this vital municipal facility. A further issue concerns the pros and cons of adopting the airport on the zoning map as a true "overlay" district. This is the distinguishing characteristic between Options 1 "Overlay"and the staff recommended Option 2, the "Development District". The staff recommendation is to include an illustration within the code text, but to not show it on the zoning map. As the Airport is a public facility and does not include multiple parcels in private ownership, staff finds that amending the zoning map with an overlay is not critical for public disclosure and information. An additional delineation on the zoning map could make the map more complex and difficult to read. However, if the district is only established within the zoning text as proposed, a full legal description of the airport will also need to be included. An housekeeping amendment to the zoning use tables is proposed to eliminate an error listing municipal airports as allowed in the Center Downtown (CD) zone. This provision is probably an oversight carried forward from the old B-1 zone in effect prior to 1993. Staff is recommending that this provision be deleted from the use tables, as it is unlikely that airport operations would ever be extended across the Cedar River into the CD zone. CONCLUSION: Proposed amendments to Title 4, Chapter 3, creating an Airport District Regulations for the Renton Municipal Airport through the adoption of new "Use and Development Standards for the Renton Municipal Airport" along with proposed amendments to both the use tables, definitions and conditions, making "municipal airports" and "airport related uses" Hearing Examiner conditional uses, will ensure the greatest opportunity for public involvement and the compatibility of airport activities. Delineating the New H Drive Folder/Title IV/Multiple Zone/Airport/IMAirpt Council Issue Paper#4 1 . September 18, 2001 Page 4 new Airport District will also help ensure public awareness of the new district and assist in its management. cc: Jay Covington Marilyn Petersen Attachments: Airport Regulatory Framework Options Options Considered Summary Airport District Regulations/Text Amendments New H Drive Folder/Title IV/Multiple Zone/Airport/lMAirpt Council Issue Paper#4 Attachment 1 Summary of Options for Airport Zoning Sept 17, 2001 Option 1. , Creation of an Airport Overly District with new airport district regulations that would list "airport-related uses" and provide special development standards for the. The Overlay would be mapped on the official zoning map. • List of uses in code • Narrative description not legal description • Development Standards • Airport Related Use definition in IM Zone • Note restricting Uses to existing airport • Mapped on Zoning Map Option 2. Creation of an Airport Development District similar to the Automall. Airport-related uses would be specifically listed along with special development standards. Differs from the overlay approach in how the mapping is handled. • List of uses in code • Legal description to be adopted • Development Standards in Code • Airport Related Use definition in IM Zone • Note restricting Uses to existing airport • Map illustration in the code Option 3 Amending the IM Zone to include "municipal airport" and"airport related uses" subject to a general definition. Amending general administrative provisions to allow the administration of the code through departmental "Administrative Procedures and Guidelines" or an amendment to the Airport Mater Plan which includes the list of allowed uses and development standards. • No list of uses in code • No Legal Description or boundary narrative • Code reference to Administrative Document, which includes the list of uses, and Development Standards • Airport Related Use definition in IM Zone • Note restricting Uses to existing airport • No mapping except typical mapping of IM zone Option 4. Amending the IM Zone Use to include"municipal airport" and airport related use(s)" without specifying a list of activities allowed as permitted uses;uses administrative determinations to determine "what fits" the definition of"airport related use". • No list of uses in code • No Legal Description • Airport Related Use definition in IM Zone • Note restricting Uses to existing airport • Uses allowed would be by administrative determination of what fits within the definition No mapping except typical mapping of IM zone 1 Attachment 2 4-3-20 AIRPORT DISTRICT REGULATIONS A. USE AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR THE RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT 1. PURPOSE: These regulations are intended to allow and support airport-related uses that are compatible with the operations of the Renton Municipal Airport. 2. APPLICABILITY: The Renton Municipal Airport generally defined as the area bounded by Airport Way on the south, Rainier Avenue South on the west to the northwest corner of the Renton Municipal Airport, then east for approximately 355 feet to a point along the Inner Harbor Line described as "862", before jogging again to the northwest approximately to a point where it meets the Inner Harbor line which it follows to a point representing its intersection with the western boundary of the Cedar River. Channel. Then south/south east generally along the western boundary of the Cedar River Channel to a point approximately 320' north of Airport Way. Then south approximately 320' to the north side of Airport Way and then west along Airport Way to the intersection of Airport Way with Rainier Avenue South. 3. USE RESTRICTIONS:The following use provisions take precedence over the underlying IM zoning. a. Hearing Examiner Conditional Uses: Only the following or similar airport-related principal uses are permitted at the Renton Municipal Airport. All such uses are subject to Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit(Section 4-9-030)approval: 1) Operation,maintenance and management of a municipal airport for use by the aviation public; 2) Manufacturing and assembling of aircraft and aircraft components as well as aircraft kits and components; 3) The following services when operated for the benefit of the aviation public and meeting Airport Development Standards for Aeronautical Activities; a) Aircraft rental and leasing b) Aircraft sales (retail) c) Aircraft engine and airframe maintenance d) Aircraft field testing and inspection e) Aircraft pre-delivery preparation including avionics testing f) Aircraft and pilot accessory sales(retail) g) Flight training h) Gas storage: Storage of aviation fuel i) Aircraft charter and air-taxi service j) Aircraft fuel sales(retail) k) Aerial surveying 1) Aerial photography m) Aircraft interior storage(T-hangars/large hangars) s RENTON MUNCIPAL AIF 2T DISTRICT REGULATIONS,contin 2 4. USES PERMITTED: continued p) Seaplane launching ramp/amphibian ramp q) Seaplane floating dock r) US Customs inspection/processing 4) The following principal airport-related uses are allowed when approved by the Hearing Examiner and when consistent with the terms of a Council approved airport lease or airport operating permit: a) Aerial Advertising(Banner Towing) b) Aircraft engine testing: within leased premises,between 7:00 AM and 5:00 PM,and in compliance with City's Noise Ordinance c) Flying Clubs: when a non-profit Washington State corporation and aircraft used are owned/leased by the club d) Offices,administrative: when associated with a primary permitted use on the same site and serving the administrative needs of employees on-site e) Offices,temporary: when associated with aircraft field testing and inspection and located at field test sites f) Storage Sheds,temporary: when associated with aircraft field testing and inspection and located at field test sites g) Other similar principal airport-related uses approved by the Hearing Examiner pursuant to Section 4-9-03. b. Accessory Uses: a. Allowed Accessory Uses: Airport-related accessory uses are allowed when approved through the Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit process as set forth in Section 4-9- 020. 1) Aircraft floats storage 2) Aircraft washing facilities 3) Air navigation/safety structures and other devices when required or furnished by a governmental entityEateries ancillary to passenger terminals 4) Non-retail aircraft fuel dispensing 5) On-site emergency hazardous waste collection containers 6) Outdoors aircraft storage(tie-down) 7) Outdoors pre-delivery preparation of manufactured heavy aircraft 8) Outside storage of vehicles/trucks/trailers ancillary to airport maintenance shop 9) Temporary buildings used for construction(non-manufacturing)purposes for a period not to exceed three(3)months 10) Other similar uses approved by the Hearing Examiner pursuant to Section 4-9-03. 5. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: All uses at the Renton Municipal Airport shall comply with the following development standards in addition to any conditions imposed by the Hearing Examiner 2 RENTON MUNCIPAL AIR ZT DISTRICT REGULATIONS,contin 3 as part of the Conditional Use Permit approval process as well as the provisions of the IM Zone not included 4-3-020: SETBACKS Along the airport perimeter access road a minimum setback of five feet(5')from the edge of the right-of-way is required. Aircraft hangars with aircraft doors opening toward the runway centerline must be set back from the edge of the right-of-way a minimum distance equal to the east/west length of the aircraft storage area within the hangar in order to establish an adequate maneuvering area off the runway. In addition,all structures must be set back a distance which permits the structure to be below the 7:1 slope extending east and west from a line 250 feet from either side and parallel to the centerline of the airport runway. LANDSCAPING Hydroseeding and planting of areas set aside for future development is discouraged. Where required for soil erosion control,low growing grasses and non-fruit-bearing ground cover that discourages waterfowl and other species shall be used. MOTOR VEHICLE Access to employee,customer,tenant and visitor parking areas shall PARKING only be directly from the Airport Perimeter Road Employee,customer,tenant and visitor parking areas shall be located outside the airport security fence,which separates the inner air-side area from the outer land-side areas. Employees,customers,tenants and visitors parking areas shall be located so that pedestrians may directly access the related building from the parking area without passing through the airport security fence. UTILITIES Utilities shall be located in designated utility corridors adjacent to the east and west side parallel taxiways,to the maximum extent possible. TOWERS,ATTENNAS, Towers,attennas,light standards and other similar structures shall not LIGHT STNADARDS exceed the vertical height permitted by the Airport Layout Plan or the current Airport Master Plan Update or be constructed within the Airport Operations Area(AOA)with the Airport property boundary, as shown on the Airport Layout Plan of the current Airport Master Plan Update B. USE AND HEIGHT RESTRICTIONS IN THE VICINITY OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT 1. APPROACH,TRANSITION,AND TURNING ZONES ESTABLISHED: 2. HEIGHT LIMITS 3. USE RESTRICTIONS 4. HAZARD MARKING AND LIGHTING P • I 4-2-060 ZONING USE TABLE ZONING USE TABLE RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS USES RC R-1 R-5 R-8 RMH R-10 R-14 RM IL FM IH CC CN CS CA CD CO COR Blank=Not Allowed P=Primary Use S=Secondary Use AC=Accessory Use T=Temporary Use AD=Administrative H=Hearing Examiner Conditional #=Condition(s) X=Prohibited Conditional Use Use Specifically Air Transportation Uses Airplane sales and repair P Airport related use H222 Helipads, accessory to primary H S207 S207 H H H •Jse lipads, commercial H Municipal airports H222 H (Amd. Ord. 4786, 7-12-1999) I. STORAGE Bulk storage AD19 Bulk storage exceeding AD19 minimum area requirements Explosives H H215 Explosives, accessory AC Farm produce refrigeration and P storage Hazardous material storage, on- H47 site Hazardous waste, off-site H211 H274 H211 ,including treatment) zardous waste, on-site AC129/AC129/AC129/ (including treatment) H235 H274 H235 Indoor storage AC254 AC254 AC254 AC254 Indoor storage exceeding the S262 S262 S262 AD42 33%floor area limit for accessory uses Natural gas storage AD Outdoor storage S263 S263 S263 AD57 Outside storage (including AC87 AC87 AC87 vehicles/equipment/products) Petroleum/natural gas over H H ' 50,000 gallons 4-2-070M—CENTER DO....TOWN(CD) USES: TYPE SERVICES Barber,beauty shops P Business services,general P Cemetery,crematory,mausoleum H Commercial laundries S#18 Financial and real estate P Funeral homes _ P Health clubs/fitness centers/sports clubs P Laundromats P Personal services P Pet shop and grooming P Photography and photo reproduction P Video rentals and sales P (Amd. Ord.4786, 7-12-1999) Rental Services Rental services,no outside storage _ P Repair Services Electrical S#97 Television S#97 Upholstery S#97 Watches/jewelry S#97 Day Care Services Day care centers P Family day care P Adult day care I,maximum 4 on residential property P Adult day care I,maximum 12 on nonresidential property P Adult day care II, 5+on residential property P Adult day care II, 13+on nonresidential property P Health Services Convalescent centers and nursing homes P Hospitals,sanitarium or similar uses H (Amd. Ord. 4786, 7-12-1999) TRANSPORTATION SERVICES AND MANUFACTURED HOME SALES H Parking garage,commercial S#12 Parking lots,commercial S#12 Taxi and individual transportation AD Transit centers P (Amd. Ord. 4786, 7-12-1999) STORAGE Bulk storage AD#19 Bulk storage exceeding minimum area requirements AD#19 Hazardous material storage, on-site H#47 IMAirpt070CDTable.doc\ 4-2-080 CONDITIONS 222. Allowed only in the Renton Municipal Airport subject to the conditions of the Section 4-3-020.. Airport Development District 4-11-010 DEFINITIONS A: AIRPORT RELATED USE: A use which requires access to the airport taxiways and/or runway, and,either offers an aeronautical service to the public or offers aeronautical support services to airport operators otherwise entitled to use the public landing areas. IMAirptNotesand DefmitionCodeD1\ AIRPORT REGULATORY FRAMEWORK OPTONS Attachment 3 Preface: All existing airport related uses are "grandfathered" in. Conditional Use Permits would only be required when a building or other special permit is required. Currently, all leases at the Renton Municipal Airport are approved by the City Council. The following four options assume that administrative "Guidelines and ' Procedures for the Renton Municipal Airport"will be adopted and enforced by the Airport Manager. OPTION s�1r ESCRIPTION it .F 'PROCESS '' '� ' GO1�7S 1 Airport Related Uses Airport related uses would be permitted • Avoids delays associated with • Depends on Council outright as "primary" uses subject to their Conditional Use Permit approved tenant leases and "Primary Primary Uses" compliance with the "Guidelines and process. administrative "Guidelines Procedures for the Renton Municipal • Provides greatest predictability and Procedures for the Airport"(RMA). RMA"to ensure for airport tenants compatibility with sur- This process takes 6-8 weeks,normally. rounding non-airport uses 2(a) Airport Related Uses Airport related uses would only be • All property owners within • Requires land use action to as "Hearing permitted after a public hearing before the 300' of airport would be trigger Examiner Hearing Examiner (HEX) at which the notified at least 10 days before Adds up to 45 days to the Examiner could impose conditions in HEX public hearing for the • Conditional Uses" addition to or different than those in the conditional use permit. review process `Guidelines and Procedures for the Renton • Review criteria often not • P Municipal Airport". Proves another opportunity relevant to airport setting for proponents/opponents to This process takes 12 weeks,normally. speak or send in comments. • Hearing Examiner conditions should be in conflict with those in the "Guidelines &Procedures for the RMA" - 2(b) Airport Related Uses Similar to Option 2(a), however, • Could reduce processing time • Although faster than HEX conditional use permit review is conducted by up to 45 days from that Conditional Use approval, "Administrative Administrative administratively without a public hearing. required for a Hearing it would take longer that Conditional Uses" Uses would also have comply with the Examiner Conditional Use Option No. 1, above. administrative "Guidelines and Procedures Permit approval. Review criteria often not for the Renton Municipal Airport". •• Provides same notification of relevant to airport setting ' This process takes 6-8 weeks, normally. surrounding properties as HEX • Conditional Uses Doesn't provide for a public hearing • Conditions would be in conflict with "Guidelines &Procedures for RMA" Airport Regulatory Framework Options,continued 2 09/13/01 OOTrON DESCRIPTION .- xr PROCESS ; , =PIW "° c r 3 "Major" Airport Airport related uses would be categorized • Requires that potentially more • Could add as much as 45 Related Uses as as being either"major", for example, those offensive uses have HEX or days to permitting process requiring frequent use of runways or Administrative Conditional Use for "major" airport related "Hearing Examiner potentially having major noise impacts, or approval. uses. Conditional Uses" & "minor", when requiring infrequent use of • Requires definition of "Minor" Airport the airport runway and having minor noise • Allows "minor" potentially less "major" and "Honor" Related Uses as impacts. offensive uses to be expedited as"primary"uses. airport related uses Primary Uses Time lines would be same as above to • Reduces predictability for Hearing Examiner Conditional Use and "major" airport related Administrative Conditional Use approvals. uses F AIRPORT REGULATORY FRAMEWORK OPTONS.doc\ I 1