HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/16/2014 - Minutes .. � • � City of Renton Board of Park Commissioners - - D ���°f ��Y U � U � `�� � n _ V ��'N,tO� r. . . � llileeting Minutes September 16, 2014 4:30 p.m. -.Renton Community Center=Craft Room B I: _ CALL TO ORDER � In Attendance The following members were present: Cynthia Burns, Larry Reymann, - AI Dieckman,Troy Wigestrand, Marlene Winter, IVlike O'Donin,Tim Searing .. . . ' Absent: Sojin Thompson--excused Staff: Terr Hi ashi ama Sand :Pilat Leslie Betlach Kell Be mer, And 0'Brien : Y . g. Y �. Y. � r Y Y. Y , $hirley Anderson, Iwen Wang, Peter Renner Chair, Cynthia Burns, called the September 16, 2014, meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. _ : Roll call was taken;Troy.Wigestrand arrived Jate and Sojin was absent and excused. ; II. APPftOVAL OF AGENDA ' _ � Marlene made a motion,seconded by Mike O'Donin;to approve the agenda as presented: AII were in favor, motion carried,the September 16, 2014; agenda was approved: . IIL APPROVAL OF MINl1TES A m.otion was mad_e and seconded to approve the August 2014 minutes as written, all � ' were in f.avor, motion carried. The'minutes were approved as submitted: BOARD COMMUNICATION : Marlene gave a shout out to the success of the'Pooch Rlunge. IVlike was not in attendance at the last City Center'Flan Meeting and Sojin was absent � from the°September meeting so unable to give a School Report. - � Cit of Renton • • Y Park Board Minutes September 16,2014 � - Page 2 of 3 .. IV. ADMWISTRATOR'S REPORT ' ' ' Terry introdueed the Ad"ministrafior of Finance and IT, Iwen Wang: !/. DISCUSSIl7N/A►CTI�N _ 2015/2016 Budget Discussion and B&O Tax Structure—Iwen Wang , . . : Iwen outlined the timeline of the review to consider revenue options and legislation to take effect January 1, 2016,;by working with stakeholders and implemenfation details , for Council consideration. Additionally we continue to explore the Regional Fire: _ , , ,4uthority option to provide sustainable.funding for enhanced fire and EMS. Rrocesses included two.Chambee ofCommerce forums, meeting with auto dealers and , confinued.dialogue with Boeing and other local businesses..The business community has said they believe the city has used its resources responsibly and they un:derstand _ additional resources are needed by the city to maintain services and they expressed , concerns that'reduced service levels would be detrimental to'the business ' _ __ environment: , The:recommended structure includes a cap of five faillion dollars; narroweci non-profit - exemptions,,head tax exemptions,thresliold of::1.5.millio,n per year. A comparison B & �O tax;chart was shared outlining other cities revenue; reporting threshold and tax rate. Upcoming Councilmat'ic action includes the Committee report for consideration, Draft . _ _ ordinance to Council on October 6, budget public hearing on October 20, and first reading of the Ordinance ori October 27 an:d adoption November3. Additional documentation was given on the upeoming recommended CIR Projects, which will be r.eviewed at the October meeting.** _ : . . VI. INFORMATION A guest, Karen Dobson,arrived at#he meeting at 5:45 and requested to deliver some , documents to the Board members and tospeak. Terry Higashiyama informed Ms. ` Dobson that the publie comment period was over for this-meeting but she was welcomed to attend our next regular scheduled meeting,in October and speak during the pubiic comments period. The documents were given to the recording secretary, _ , _ . _ . Sandy Pilat,who assured Ms: Dobson she would make copies and make sure.all.the Board Members r.eceived.them prior fo the next meeting. (Note, Full packefs were ' mailed to the Commissiqn IVlembers the following day,September 17, 2014.) . � . ° Leslie Betlach reminded everyone about the u,pcoming a.nd final Sunset Park Open: . House meeting on Tuesday;Septernber 23, at McKnight Middle School Commons area. H:�Boards and Commissions\Park Board\2014 Park � ; . Board�9.16.14min:docx -: � • City of Renton Park Board Minutes . 'September 16,2014 � - Page 3 of 3 . - VII. Over 600 volunteers assisted with;approximately 32 projects on the Day of Service. _ - Staff-will bring pictures next month: , ' VIII. : ADJOUitN(VIENT � A motion was made by Larry Reymann and seconded by Tim Searing to adjourn the September meeting at 6:05 p.m. All were in favor, motion carried, meeting . ; adjourned: � , - - ; ,. , S gnature . , , , ; . ., . .. � - ,y , � IVE�X�1"REGULRR MEETI G _ . . , Qctober 14, 2014 @ 4:�30 P.;M. ' ' City Hall Conferencing Cente-r--7th Flo.or- r.: . , _ .,-.. ��- . _ _ . :: . . . �, , H:�Boards and Commissions\Park Board\2014 Park ' Board\9.16.14min.docx . , ��. } �� �..�m„�������^����;�»��"��';�,r«���i���;�n,_�-. . � AX TRUCTURE Recom mendation Se pte m be r 15, 2014 City of G�`�Y o � � � �� . �_ � � � . � . �- �.�� . � . . � � � , , ��� �� �" ��.� � �� , „n�s � ; , ; , � � �, ' j � ; � � ; ; ��� � � � ..�, ��, �� � � y� � � �O � N . � e ..,,. � r�� ,�ti._� �� _ � � � � �� ����::�.��., � � � � �� � W r w h ve bee n he e e a • Februarv 26 Council Retreat authorized staff to consider revenue options in 2015-2016 budget • April 7 COW meetin� 2015-2016 budget planning to assume new resource available effective 2016 • June 9 COW directed staff to Develop B&O tax legislation to take effect January 1, 2016 — Work with stakeholders to develop B&O tax structure and implementation details for Council consideration this summer. — Continue to explore the Regional Fire Authority option to provide sustainable funding for enhanced Fire and EMS services. • Au�ust 11 COW status update on comments received ti�Y r�� �' c; ,,� — --•••�,.`\ ♦ � ♦ RENTON f�'�> .� ,o� :AlII:AU OI' "I'tIL• Cl'ItVL' �� Z 2 A itiona Processes • 2 chamber of commerce forums • Auto dealers • Continued dialogue with Boeing and other local businesses As mentioned before, uniformly, business community has said they believe the city has used its resources responsibly, and they understand additional resources are needed by the city to maintain services; and they expressed concerns that reduced service level could be detrimental to overall business environment. These sentiments are consistent with feedback we received from the Mayor's Budget Advisory Committee. ti�� r�� -'''_' + � �'�"�" ♦ �� RENTON ��,�`'���� �HIi:1D OI' T}IL CL'RVI: ��� 3 n s On B & O Structu re Comme t • Lower the $5 million reporting threshold • Narrow the non-profit exemptions • Convert the effects of the a bove to lower tax rates for everyone • Consider the impact on high-value but low-margin businesses • Limit future growth of the tax rates and the taxable amount cap tis� ��� � ��.�� _.---- - ♦ �'��'}',,; . ���.H3. ' . � RENTON �.��, .� ,o� �� L 4 ��VI�fEAD OF TtIL' CL'RVii I n i t i a P ro o s e St r u ct u re p • Threshold : $5 million per year • Tax Rate : 0. 1% for all activities • Taxable Amount Cap : $5 Billion ��`�� ��� � � � ._"----�---'.., ♦ ���;�'�' + RENTON �,�, r �,�� �� � �Eit;:�t� oj> T��r ct��tv►: � 5 Recom me nde d Structure • Threshold : $1.5 million per year • Tax Rate: 0.05% for retail and 0.085% all other activities; tax rate may be adjusted, by council action, by no more than inflation in any given year • Head Tax Exemption: eliminate head-tax for those businesses req u i red to pay B&0 tax • New Business Tax Credit: for new business with 50 or more employees, a tax credit of $1000 per employee per year for the first 3 years, up to amount of 6&O tax due • Cap: $5 Billion, adjusted annually by no more than inflation • Narrowed non-profit exemptions to activities/revenues are fr�,� membership dues, donations, governmental payments Uti�,. .� ��� . � � � RENTON �j�;�,o 6 �l�r:�u or �rf�rr c��Ezve �a Y Exem tions & Ded uctions — Re u i red p q • Nonprofit adult family homes • Operation of sheltered • Day care provided by churches workshops (e.g. job training . Child care resource and referral program for handicapped or services by nonprofit disabled person) organizations • Dividends from subsidiaries • Nonprofit organizations that are • Employees guarantee agencies, issue debt, • Public utilities subject to city or provide guarantees for student utility tax loans • Manufacturing selling or • Nonprofit organizations — credit distributing motor vehicle fuel and debt services • Amount derived from liquor • Certain fraternal and beneficiary • Credit unions organizations International banking facilities . • Certain corporations furnishing . aid and relief Insurance business • Farmers - agriculture _1s�' �� .."""'�� � - �, ___.----- , � '�' � RENTON rrl� �r�L� iHb:,-1P Oi� TTIF. C['RVF: � i� � � ,_ .�_ , � , _ . _ „ _�-. �,.�r.� �. �.� . < , ..,��� ,��a�..4 Exem tions & Ded uctions — Re u i red p a • Athletic exhibitions • Retail, wholesale, or retail • Racing services delivered to outside City • Ride sharing • Cash discount taken • Amount derived from sale of real • Credit loss estate (except for commissions) • Constitutional and statuary • Real estate brokers, associated prohibitions brokers, agents or salesmen • Professional employer services • Mortgage broker's 3rd party trust � Interest on investment or loans accou nts secu red by mortgage or deed of • Health maintenance organization, trust on non-transient residential health care service contractor, properties certified health plan • Tax collected as trust funds • Casual and isolated sales • Compensation from public • Accommodation sales entities for health or social welfare services (non-profit related) `c�' ��� > _--- �" f' �3— � � ♦ RENTON �rf��..���,� g ��ie:,a c,r �•nr. �-i�k��r. ,., r. � ...,., � �` ��� . , a. Exem tions & Ded uctions — O tiona I p p • Non-profit: • Proceeds for repair, — Membership fees & certain maintenance, replacement service fees by nonprofit youth etc. of residential structure organization and commonly held — Initiation fees, dues, property (e.g. contributions, donations, HOA/condo/co-ops) tuitions — Charges made for operation of • Interest on obligations of day care and kindergarten the state, its pOlitiCal — Endowment funds subdivisions and municipal — Artistic and culture corporations organization business activities • Interest on loans to farmers Generally non-profit retail sales, Cit o erations • v p if any, are not exempt ,��;- � ��, �; � > _ . � � . R E N T O N '��'�;,1�,�,�,� 9 :\H(:AD (�F r11Ii CCHvI'. . . ..._ .,_ , >.� . ,�_. .. . � . . r .i�f`vz:-' n e3d�.y a-.v.,...:" �-- _ . ti_ ,..,^s ._.-sr.e.n« .........� . B & O Tax Com a rison p . . : . B&O Revenue: $27 million $18 million $5-7 million $180 million $26 million Reporting $155k/Yr. $250k/Yr. Threshold: (exemption,adjusted $20k/Yr. (exemption) $50k/Yr. $20k/Yr. annually by inflation) Tax rate: All activities: All activities: Manufacturing, retail, Service, motor carriers, Extracting, Manufacturing, (0.2% maximum 0.1496% 0.1% printing, processing for transporting: 0.415%* Public Road Construction: unless approved by (Manufacturing hire: 0.046°�a �•�-�-��0 voters activities over$7 billion Buying Wheat,Oats,Corn, � o All other: 0.152°/a Barley, and Rye and Selling the guying Wheat,Oats,Corn, is currently at 0.025/0. Barley, and Rye: 0.01% The lower rate will Same at Wholesale; sunset after 2023.) Manufacturing Wheat into Flour: 0.0215% Int'I Investment: 0.275%* o * Retailing, Printing, printing All other: 0.215/o and publishing, publishing * Voter�pproved io excred newspapers: 0.153% 0 0•z °• Services: 0.4%* Wholesaling:0.102% * Voter approved to exceed 0.2%. : . _ , , w. ., , 1�,. .,, . .. ,�,.�_.. . . , �.. ,a ..� ,.,. .� , .�t_� . .,_v. M.... � ._. , . . .e F . ,. ., , ,. . . , , , �`. � ' I Action Cou nci • Committee report for consideration/adoption • Draft ordinance to Council : October 6 • Budget Public Hearing : October 20 • Ordinance first reading : October 27 • Ordinance adoption : November 3 ��� ��� --- � ���,��' ♦ .r�;. . 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Intermittent &Temp yPositioync , .T . : 1 . ;:43.94 ` (7,.49) (4 22) 0.66 _ . _ _ _ r4M_ 32 89 (1105 25 1% � .,.___� .,�____ . ._� ,---..�.Y_..._._ __ . __ .x. _ . _ . - _.. , ,. .. ,..._ �_.._ _ -- - Sum of Regular Position_. _ r__ ----, . rt _ 99A0 _ (2.20)- _ (5.50) _ 1.00 ___1_75 _ (3.80) - -.______ �. ...90.25 (8.75) -8.8% - _. _ Fer�ance and !n$orma�ion 7echnolog�ir , . . _..,_ ,.K „_ 52 50 , (4..'0)- _ . (6 00), ._3 00 ,.0 50 . (4�0) ..... .. ......._3J 50 ...�13.00)_ .-24.�% .. _ _,_ ._..__�...____. _�. . . Fire and Era�ergency ServiceS _,v _ ___�..� ----_��,_ ,164 00 :_ _ (9.�0) _ _Q,3.00) ._,9.00 __:.'_.K_ . . (6.00). _, Y6.00r` 161.00_ M__ (3 00) __ 1.8% F9aarnan Resources and Risk fVtlanagernent . _ 12.00 (1v00):_., (2.00) __-_ _ - 9 00 (�.00) . 25.0% _. _ _ ._ __ __ .,_ Police (exclude stefftra nsferred to SCORE) .=, 159.20_ (5.80) _ (2.00)., "y .` . . (3 00) _�.48.40 __ �10.80) 6 8% , ._�,. __, Publ�c 11Vorks - 156:20 (5000) (10.70) (1A0) - 2000 �2.00) 139.50 (�.6.70) -�Uo7% * Cumulative FTE reduction includes reduction of intermittent and seasonal staff in Community Services Department. _ ��� �'�. �� c. -_ {p . � � � � � � '� � � `�� ��. :1i3�i1D'O1' 'CFIC CURVTs " �� 3 ��..._._ r....�.,_- �,._.,.�._,�.-.�- , - . ., , , _,�. . ., . . � .____d_.�n�_ r . ; .�. � .. � �, .a.�. . . �--r-�- —Y--�----- , ,, . ; u, ��.n�.,. . � �s .,� � � � �` - - - � _ _. : � . �,� --C-u m-u a t i ve u et e u c i o n g . . . . . _ _ • 2008 rni -year: _ - m i � ion . . . � . � . , �� . : - � . . . � 2009 re uctfon : . .. rmi ion e _ - • 2010 reduction : mi ion . � � . • 2011 12 reduction : 4.O mi ion _ _ • 2013 14- reduction . � 7 .7 million : _ . . . . . . � Cumulative Total :- � _ 28 . 7 million _ , _ � _ . _ Y �� . _ C� ,, � _ , ♦ � ' + _ � - _ _ , E1�TTC� N . . . _ , �N�o ni-cL:�n or• .Tt-iL cuxvz: 4 _ . -.� - , ; ) . .. _ 1 �� � ---�^'-�.--� --t r,r,.,,..�, �n.�..r. ......,.,-.--r-r...r....�. ,,.�.,..� .,... _..,u,.. - r _� 2m ; ..s�. .:.: _.: e._.r � -.. . . 6 l� " . ,. ��� , ...-" .�� ,;: �... `' �„ "� ' ' � , ' . _, � . .,. _ .' . . . .,. ::' .; . .. . . , ... 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Y _ (w/o considering ir�pact frorn capital) . _ 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 , 2015 2016 . 2017 2018 .y ` Summary($�n nn�ilio�} Actual Actual -_Actual Estimate Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Beginning Fund Balance $ - 12.0 $ 11.1 $ 10J $. 15.6 $ 12.� $ 13.3 $ 12.9 $ 9.7 $ 4.3 � Operating,Revenue $ 94.7 $ 97.2 $ 101.8 $ 101,1 $ 106.0 $ 108.5. $ 110.4 $ 112.8 $ 114.2 ,---- Base Operating.Expenditure (94J) (96.7) (99.6) (100.8) (105.9) (109.5) (113.7) (118.2) (122.5) " _ _ �Operating,SurpfusF(Deficit) $ � -0.0.� $ 0.6. .$ 2.2 $.- :0.3� $ 0.1� $ . "(9..0).- $. .,-(3.3) �$ (5.5) �$ � (8:3). , . 1X Soueces * _. - ; . $ 8.3 $ . 13.2 $ 6.7 $ 2:9 $ 1.6 $ 1.0 $ 1.0 $ 0.4 $ . 0.4 , 1X Uses � (9.3) (14.4) (4:4), (6.0) (5.9) _ (0.3) (0.9) (0.3) (0.3) ..: - .. . .- , Net Resources�- Uses � _ .. $. (0.9) . $- (0:7) $ 4:5 .$ {�2.8) $'� (4:2) $.-_` (0:4) $:. (3:2).'.$. (5`.4) $ , �8.2). Ending Fund Balance $ 11.1 $ 10.7 $ - 15.6 $ 12.8 $ 13,3 $ 12:9 $ 9.7 $ 4.3 $ (3.9) `� " _, _ . _ _ _ Projected 201�8 gap is partially due �o the elimination of annexation sales tax credit. � F . . : �,� a _._----_..._ - _ � �. � �'. _ � � � _ . E �T '�' � N �.�� �o�'� ,��-r�fin'or• •rt�i� c:u�zvL � . N 5 �. ,, ;. ,- . ,—t.,,-.��.-:_.,-�.:-�...�.��.._.rt,�-�.._..__�--�--�-_...._.�..�.�.�,�.__.}._.���a , �.:.�..�.�. -� -. T,�,..�.. .. .: , _.^-- :---r--T--.— --�,...,�. x , , , . , , . ,. ,: .: � � . . , . ._ � . � � , �: , _ i = , - :' ,s � , . ,:�° - � K . .= :, , ,. o . , . " , . . . ; , .,.' ,, < ;, , . , . _ : .�. ��_ �.� . ; . _ , , y . . , .. �:_.., . . __ . . ,.: . .' _ ,.,. .. _ � _ _ ,. . f nde d Ca i ta Un u _ : p $60.0 _ _ ■ Transportation Projects , _ 50.0 � Gerieral Government Proje.cts - . _� $ _ , - �� .� U nf u n d ed , �-_-Y _ _ - , . � _ _ - _ �i � $40.0 � _ i . . :. , . 91`%'`� 1�# _ _ � 9 _ _ � .. � -� � � I � � $30.0 o � ; — ._ � � , � $20.0 � ( , . , _ ,-7si : ; �ai.:--� , ; ; .. , � � ; . . ; - . _ . � $10.0 - _ - . _ . :t { ., _ _ ,. , _ _ $0.0 _ . 2015 2016 , 2017 ' 201� 2014 . - � ,. � __:�_.- _ _ .� - � . � _ �� - E N 'I' O l�T . _ - :�� o ;it��•nD or-: �rz-t� cv�ivL �` . 6 �� ° � , , '� .... ,.--a-.�. { ,.� wa.. ...--..-- . � � • � _ , s. —: . ,, ��" t � � � '.� ..: ...�.. ., .. .... ; .. ` . . . �..� . .. ' _ . . ,�-. .: _ . _ . . ��.. .. ... . << , " � . .�. . .. . . ..: ' ' ' . ::. ..... �. � ��..� :. .,, ... .. .. . .- . �, . _� .. �. _.. . � . � � . . �- ., . {,- "- . ., .., . „ -. . .. . .� '-' . ,- .:. . .. .. ... . , .�..... -.. . ,.. . . _ . _ . Y " . . . .... ,.. .: ,�- _ ' ..� . �, . . . . . - . . '.�. . � .. ,.- " ' .. -' . , .._ ... ,. .: .:_. a :� . .. . . . . _.� .. . . : .��. . ..:.. . . . ..�� . . ;. . . ._.: : •: �"-. _,. . . ..: . . .... �,�.. u �.. .. — . �. 4 . , . . . . . .. , � �. . . ' . . , .. . . � '�. ��' :— . �.� � . ' : . . . . ' ., .. . , -�..... � ':. ,. � � -..:.. '_... .. . . ow i we ge ere . , _ � � p _ � Referendum 47 Iimit:s rop_erty tax �rowth to . . . � ' � � �. ��n. (1997) . _ - • . � �Repeal of rnotor vehrcle excise tax (1999) _ . � Limitation of pro ert tax roVvth to 10 czoo�� p y g s . . o : • State udget decision ( Iiquor tax/profvt, shared . . . reve-nue reduction, cost shiftin�) �20�3� ,. _, • Recessi-on ig ig-hted the volatility of our � reve n u e st r u ct u re . . •- Service dernand from population and business _ �rowt � _ . . � � _ c��`�� °� ;. - : .: . _ _ . .. _ � � 1� E_ � � o-N _ _ �� a� AI3�r1D OP 'CPIti CtiAVL' {� �" ] �. ..�._.,_.. ..ry.: ,�,�._... .,.�.,�-.. �.,.,�.�, . � ,. . --- _ .. _ :'`�."",�.'.� , . ... .. . _ .. , �er �c-a p � a ax reven ue _ 100,000 �: $1,000 �i _ , . � - � : �. _: 900 x � 90,000 $ c�.. o _ �,- � 80,000 . : $800 � � .., _ . ._ . � 70,000 � . $700 � c _ . � � 60,000 $60 - a 0 cc 0 $ � 50,000 . . _ _ _ : $50 +; , � ~ 40;000 _ _ _ $400 . ., � � 0 30,000 �—Po ulation $30 � - � p � `� 20 000 . _ �■-�Tax Revenues ($ Thousands) _ $200 *� �-, s , � ,_ � , � � r Capita Taxes � _ . _. . 100 — In ation A uste e �' 10,000. $ _, = , 0 , $0 o _ � cn� m . d� �n.. � .. ,� � rn o � cv m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . o o � � � � 0 0 0 0 0 0 . o 0 0 0 0, o 0 0: . - N N . N N N: N ' N N. .... N N N ......N N... N ��,,,m " � - :♦ _._ , ♦ - � rIL � � � Z' � � _ , _ . �� O ��x�°ra�=or �ri-iL cvicvL � � 8 • -., _. _ l . . . , .. ,. .. ... . .. .. ..... ' .. .. -� .. ow e nto n c� rr� a res � : 2012 Per C�pita T�c Reven�e�4djust�d for � Fire &�ibrary Servsce�of selectecl ICC Cit�es :� $0 $5�- . $1;0� �1,500 $2➢000 �n :r: .y '... � � . . - . � � '.... . . . . ..... � '. .. � �..., � .. . >. TukvvEla , k $1,700 ; . f SeattBe $1,310 ,,; �ellevue $1,119 , � 1�lercer Island ": , $ 79 Redmond � � $�3� _ issaquah $751. _ _ . . .; _ ,; . � � ,� Aubum+ � � $662 . Ren�on $64Z ;: ; {��nt+ � $57� ;: _ � � _Kirkland ,� ; $56� , r - � 1: �' � � � � � Federal �►ay _ 4-16 ;.i�*� AI-ILAU OF 9 . ,� _,.�, i � � � �� I '� �'i . a , . . { " ' f ,,:( �i •_� " ' d � � � . . .. . .,i C 1 C. � .�� �',; , r., „�;.. _� � _ �1 ~ �� � aa., � ��� ' � 5'� � p # x.- �'� � � � � �:w� . .�y a d� a�`ta � f "� � A'�. C' � , '�•� � �`4�,�,a. �.a �� � � �i�', kn.:,�� '{� ,,„a � � , . 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' �E�3� �8�� �'�''�4 '�,�p� ����M , y�W k`� . � � � i � � �r 'l� {�� '�,' � ' .�. . . . � Z��� �` � � ] � W"- � . i . . . . . A�t�c�,fXez -�" f � ¢ � , `� h@:� . . � �� � �� �� � � g � .� � e . . .' . . ; �• �.np� � :,�P� � ,`.� . . . J .'. ���� � Renton 5.chool, :�� .�� � f + � �� � � � � ��� . � � � �€�� �; ba '� � � L,� �� _ _ � . � ���� ..�,y.� � �� 37.9� � r�� � �� ::��� . . . . �� { �.�x[' q .Y/ �' �yr 4{, ,�r`� R 1j�'i �.� . 1:� s �'-fY i+ 4 1 ;. �Yr�"d�.: `� �-�t � ��� � :' :' . � y�"�� L. �w. ,;� t . :,s�s�'"� �"t f� i� 1. . . � - ' . I . .. . � . . . �' ��� . . . .. . . �� � . �. , � ' . � � � . , �F� � � �i�� � . � :,�� „� � ��� ���� _� � � � �. ���� _ � i � . � � �� �,� � ;. , ,, _ �� ..���, ; � ;,� � ; .. � � .� � ! � . �.. ��,�� i�„ � - � g�� . i . . �� � �, F t,.„ y*�s.....f ,p_`�� �. �; .B z.k � �� . . - . - � . � ���- ;, � t�� �� �he T�. � - - . V A �^a � . . . � _ . ,'�t 2 ��P������������� � �kN �, ' ' - � �� . . _ � 1 � f�_ � � ��~ .'s�, �«�'F �t�r ( - . � " �� . . . x . . Y; .,,� P �. . � , � . , �/s. y j . . .. . a Y �� ��e�S—f�, € l .' ��2, `'� . � i - �. � . . .. . . ,� 7 4 i ' ... .. `s .. �d N - � t �' .� . � �I �, 4,'y � t �, { �,,�a�I _ ���, a. t,, � � �l� ( �, � ,���, � � � �� ��� r KCLS � :3.�5.����� .: ��� �� I � � ��r ��' �, v� �.*,� '��? � ��asr�::c m�a' «- -�`'�c�-,�,�' �7 '�, � - , � {� I� o '�F9��`` �P�A al�g"HOSpI�t��, r�F � ��:{ � I .. _- `p � 4 M f 3fi ��� . 7 1��.- �� i�. . `r ..� �" ,�e ,�..".„ ,:�i .. �. � a �f�,V ���� �� � . ..., � , . , . . ,, . _ .:,. . � � � i O .�T .� � � � � i{ I . 4 , i - �,_�.x, .....�.�,.., ,-�,__.�_ __._....._ ._._,� �._..� ._�__...._ .�.�.n...� - - - - - _.�� �___,__. .._.� ,..�. .�.., ...�,-� ,...�.� � , . - , ,: : ;: < M . , ,.. .; . . ,. , . _. . . . . _ _ a � � a -es ax istr � u�t_� o � Renton's-econorny �enerates over $210 m-illion ir� t�xab0e t��n�ac�i��as � -ye�r _ _ . , � T�e eaty �ec�ives 93� �� each $100 dollar �o�a spe��; �� about 10% �f the 905 sales tax c�llectedo __ � ICC& IVletr� Sound City of Transit Tran§it ��nt�n . � 10/ 1� � . 10J _. � � _�., �- � � � � � � � � _ 0 :���ir:f�n:or• Tr��r_ cL,xvL � v�g�� 11 �_ �-�-- ...a.�..�._....�.,_,.._.F.._..:.,,.�.�—.�.m.-� .....;_s-_—,��v.._.....—�---�.��._,_ .._...��. �.__ . . ----�--�_-__�---�-------.-,-.�,._.::_..;.�_.,.�._.�.�.._.... —�3 �---.- . , , . � .._..: ... , s _ , . , . . . �. . .. y .. , .. ... , -, . , ., ,. r. . _ - . , . ;:. . _ , . , . , .. _ .: . . . ; �.. � �. - : .. . . � :,,�-ti. _ � , _ . .. , , , ,. , . �, . , . � ��.,: � , ._ _ ,,.. �r. . . , k . . ..,.:, -.. - "� '...., . .; ' .:; ' -' ' . ' . ' . � � . . . . ' . .... .:.., .. .... .. .... - . . � , , -� . � - �. . . - . ' ' .. ' .�. .. ._ . � ... , .. . ...-.. ... . . . . . " ' . �. . . .. . ' . en on is no one . : City of Bothell and surrounding fire agencies are expl.oring regional fire . authority & fire benefit charge _ _ , _ - . • Everett is. proposing biasiness ficense fee and utility tax increases as vuell as , : _ _ establishin� a 20cartabfee _ •� Kent is asl<ing property tax increase for a public safety facility . . . . s Redmond is considering voter approved property ta�x increase to nlaintain „ - : _ _. _ _ public safety`services � Seattle raised 11% in property tax through the new l�letropolitan Park DIStrICt and Iike! wilJ have a Families/Education lev in 2015 � , .Y Y � � �, t� . . , _ _ _ _ ,. . • Other cities recently sought tax/fee i:ncreasese - _ . . . — Kirkland parks a:nd road maintenance levies in 2012 ; � g Y _ �; ' „ .. 2011 _ , , _ ti`�Y 0 Tukw.ila added Parks District , head-tax, hi her utilit tax in 2010/ . � — Shoreline parks maintenance and operations levy in 2010 ' ` � .: . _ _ „ _ � u �.:- .: ♦ , : � \ _ _ —. _ �: ENT � N _ _ :,�'� O� � arcLnn .or•. Tri� cuitvL - - ���. 12 ; . _ , �, .. .._., _. ,. _ _� -.�.,: �y_�. ...r.__ ..___,._,� �._,� �.-- _ _,�_ _.��. _--�,- . , -- - _ .�__ �_ ,_ _.�.. , , . : _ , . , _ �._ ._..._ , . . . r ' .�.� . , .: , M � , r _ . _ _._._ , ,�. - . . . . ,, ._ �� _�.__.. , . ,_ , . . . __ , ` :" - . : , . . : . . , . ` . . , _. ,. . �- ...._ . ...�.., : , . . , _. e_ o Resa � rce O _tio.n � _ p � _ C� n � idered � . . w �v . '�` ` ' = SQurce `: ;' M, . ` E��imate.c�=Arr��au��tx:` k., � Ap.prc�vai i'�c��esjs a' :fi?e�-�rtitted�Us�� 1 . Utility Tax; Above Current, 1% � $2.5fVi./yr Council can raise tax oh General�purpbse Rate city operated utilities � _ (�.25%'of the total); other. _ _ utilities require voter _ approval. _ 2: Voted Property Tax Lid :Lift From $3.1 5 to $3.325 (or 1.7.5� Sirriple majority voter General purpose 5.6% increase) �$2M/yr aPproval. . . 3. Voted Property Tax, excess 20� � $2.3M/yr � 60% approval, 40% Capital purpose levy . Not subject to $3.325 limit. The turnout duration is on1y as needed to retire the bonds.. _ 4. Transportation Benefit $20/vehicle � $1 .4 million/yr Council action Transportation purpos.e Dist�'iCt (I<C proposed TBD may generate � � $2.4M/yr) 5o Fire Benefit Charge FBC at 40% of-current operating Voted every 6 years. Fire purpose (City or RFA) : expense will generate around _ $6.5M/Yr � . � 8. Business Licenses - Currently at $2.91VI a year Council action General purpos.e (85% inclu.ding the 25% increase in dedicated for�capital) 2013 , 9. B&O`Tax A 0,1°otax is anti.cipated to Council acfion General purpo:se generate. $3 to $6 million 10. User Fee : BLS transport & MVC Fee Council actio.n . Fire operations cornbinecl around $5001c a year ' :�ri�:�n or• r�rL cuxvL 13 �._._.._. , ._,_._. _ ._,�.A,r..__.,.—._._�� _ ; , . . . �� , . . .. — � � . .. — . . , . ` . . , _ .� . . _ :,: � . . . . . . . , _ .. , :. ., .. .� . ., _ . . . . .... . ,. . . , .. ,� . �e ��� � .. . _ . . . __ . .. . , _ _�. � . :: _ , -. , ; : _.. ., : . . . . : , . ;:. ��: . , . _. . . _ -. ..-- :.... r � � - ; . , . _ .. E.. • • , ; ,.. _ . ,. - _ _ _ W == � � r�_s � O taX _consi ere Y _ _ . • One of the financing tools authorized by the state _ ,�._�, , � . ��� =: that can generate the revenu-e stream nee e � - - _ . � Adds dive-rsity to city's rnix of revenues - _ • 40 dities in Washington have B��O tax, including : = . e . '. . . �. . . , . . . . . . , . 12 cities in King- County _ _ . _ _ • Average 0. 15% ( maximum 0.2% u,nless 'ot_ers _ , _ approve to exceed the lirnit) . _ �- _ _ � ��` . . _ . • Renton is the_onl.y King County city our s�ze t at , curr� ntly do not have ��O tax . � _ _ . _ - . . c�ti :: � _ _ - _ . _ . . �� � � +„ E 1� T C� 1�T _ , , _ :.�� o. _ . ��ML,�D or•.;rfa� cLT�cv,L � . 14 , ;� . , ._ -' ` _. , : ,�.. „ � � 6 � 0 Tax Co m a ri so p v . o ��i ,p��� ' I �t', � ',��'' �11 , 'f, • - - _ : r � a . � , � � � �i�� - - . . . ;. �„ r�w ,� r . �, � ,,. , e ., . ��.�f�. �y' _ �.x �.i s 3ir.... s.,.,.;.,. - -'��c0 Revenue: $27 million $18 million $5-7 million $180 million $26 million Reporting Threshold: $155k/Yr (adjusted (minimum:$201c/Yr.) annually by inflation) $ZOk�YP'. $2501</Yr. $501</Y�'. $20{</Vr. TaX f'�te: � ' All activities: All activities: Manufacturing, retail, Service, motor carriers, Extracting, Manufacturing, (0.2% maximum unless ; 0.1496% (adjusted 0.1% '.printing, processing for transporting:0.415%'� Public Road Construction: approved by voters) ' 0 0.11% annually by 2/0 (Manufacturing ;.hire: 0.046.% ,guying Wheat,Oats,Corn, allowed) activities over$7 billion: o Barle and R e and Sellin the Buying Wheat,Oats,Corn, is currently at 0.025%. .•All other: 0.152/o Y� Y g o The lower rate will ;Same at Wholesale; Barley, and Rye: 0.01/0 sunset after 2023. ' !Manufacturing Wheat into ) Int'I lnvestment: Flour: 0.0215% 0.275%� , Ail other:0.215%� Retailing, Printing, printing , and publishing, publishing *Voter approved to exceed o � • p Z� newspapers:0.153/0 �Services: 0.4%* . . Wholesaling;0.102% * Voter approved to � exceed 0.2%. . , ,. ,�-� ;_�- r..�. .�.,, ; - �� � '; � , , � ; � -� - � �-------� . . �---�--�--- :`� .�.,.�. __..�......�...�..�, —_ � , . ; ,. , -: . . : . . . . : w._ , , . -, . ; . . ..,' , . . . ; ., . . , ,:.. 4 : .+ .� . . ..,- . . . :� ..� . . �, , . ..... �..- _.-w" .4 �� � .. . .. . . .. .� . . . . . . , . .. ' Y�' . . .. . . . . ' '.,. . , . . .. .. .. .. .. ' . � . . . . . . ' . . ' ., .. . _ � � " . �.. . . . n.i t i-� � -ro: c� s e B � S� r u ct u re _ � �� . _ � . � e.., .. , � . .• • � .: _ . ;- _ .: ; . � Y Thresh,oid . 5 m � lison er- ear :. _�. _ . . _ _ . ; : _ � 1"ax Rate. �. 1% for � II act�viti�s � Tax� ble Amaunt Cap : $5 Bil�lion Y . . _ _ ; . � _ _ , _ .. . �. � � � _ ; � . _ �' �. ,� _ _ _ . � _ + �. � �v �c � r� : _ � _ . ��` � �axi�,�D:.of� rrr�; cuizvL; ����16 - . _. � , __/.: ,. �:.� �,...,:,� �,.�_—�-.-�-�,.x.. .�. , ..�.,.�. .—.—,. — — � �.�. . �: n.� , : a. � ., .: �,F_ � ,.. . ,... . a 4s �.� - �v�.�_..... .. ��.n ,3 .. y . , �f . _. . , s. �..�- ,. „� .� , � , � '-, . �..,._� . �;,. . � a � Z .. ,, .� ., . . - . ., .. � . , , _ . . . . . , . . . � . i .. . . . . .. . . . . ._ ' ....,. . . . '. ." _. '; _.. : . . stimates . Repor-ting Threshold (>=) $5,OIVI _ $2.51VI $1o5(VI - . # of Loca I Fi rms l mpa cted - 75 +/- 125�-0= 250+/- s B&O Tax � 0.075% $ 5;254 $ -5,831 $ 6,449 -, . . Less Head Tax Loss (1,279) _ (1,456) � (1,66�) I�et B&O Tax _ _ - . $ 3;974 $ 4,375 $ 4,7�1 � _ 6&O Tax � Oo0�5% $ 5,877 $ 6,521 $ � 7,310 Less Head Tax Loss 1 279 � , ) �1,456) (1,668) _ . _ ;-� _ 9Vet B&O Tax $ 4,598 $ 5,065 $ 5,642 , , _ - ��- .. . _ ��c0 �'ax �a 0..1°� _ $ , , . _7,005 .� $ 7,775 $ �,600 Less Head Tax Loss (,:1,279) _ (1,456) (1,668) � Net B&O �fax - . ; -$. 5,726; $ 6,319 $ .6,9 C�� __----�., : - �. ` \ � _ � _ . . _ , � : � + � � EllT '7CC� N - _ . _ _ �� o� ,�ta�nn'or TF�IL c:v�cvL , �� 17 � , , ;.�.� .�,.� T..�,._,_.---�-.---�—,_.A..�_.�_..� ..3 , � . � , , � r�. � - ,,,: ,., _.-_. . e . � �, . , . ;. .°� �-� ; ,._ , : �. .. , ., . . . , _ . . _,. . . � , , ,. � , ;. ;_ � �. �,> . , . , ...-, _, ., , . , . . ,. , . , , . . ,. . .. : , . _,, �.�__., . � �� . �, .� _ _. . � . � � , . _a.. _. : , , . ,_, . . . . _. ,: , , � ..,�_ ... ..... , . .N;: :. , � -_ : • ° 's . : :, - . _ , _ o�m men s eceive . : .. � . . • Recognize the city has managed resources responsibly and there is a need for additional sustainab.le revenue for operations and capital purposes. �' �;. ! � � Suggest to Iower the $5 rr�illion reporting threshold to. $1 r�nillion or so l_evei to . . , allovv tax burden be distributed rnore fairly. _ . _ . _ . . _ � Consider adding other revenue options (e.g. car tab fee) so both residents an , _ , . businesses-would contribute: A Narrow the non-profit exem-ptions for both business license and B&O so large, , quasi-b�siness or�anizations will_pay their-fair share. - - - _ - _ , . _ _ , � ; . _ ti� : . � ,: �, ..� ; _ _ - � . � .. .�..� _ � . . . � `.� _ _ . � . � l�T rT' C� N . ��;T° :�x�,�n or• •rti� cuxvL � �. _.._ 1 - _ ,} , . , -.. _ , . ;...._ _. __ _- ,-. _.�.. ._.�.. _ 4_�. ._ _ , . , � - * � .. . , . ._ , . . , .. � .. , _ . ., ,: , . . . , . .. . .. . � �:.. - , . _ : ,. : , . , , <., . . , _ ... , s . _ ,. . . , . . _ . _ . . , . . . , <, .-;_. - _ _ . . . ,.- � . . . , _ , ., - � , : , .. . . . , _ � ,,. ._u - >. � , . . ,, . : � - - ec��ommen e tructure . _ � . _ � � Threshold : $1.5 .million per year ,,_ 5 • Tax Rate: 0,05/ for r�tail and 0.0�5% for aII other activities; ta� rate may be adjusted, by council action, by no rn-ore than inflation in any . . . given year _ : _ p • Head Tax Exern tionm eliminate head tax for those businesses , require t� pay �8�0 tax . New-Business Tax Credit: for new business vvith 50 or rr�ore , . err�pioyees, a tax credit of 1�000 pe-r employe:e per year for the first , . , ��, ` years, up to ar�ount o 6&O tax due , _ _ . '��__--� � � � � _ - � � •� � Cap: $5 billion,� adj�usted :a�nn�aally by n�o��r�or� �han i�nfla�ti�on �. . . , Narrow non-profit exemptions to activities/r;evenues fr�om _ membership dues, donations, governmental payr�ents �ti�� �� ` _ . . _ .. ., � : ,� � � � 1�TT � N � _ - _ �� ���'; r�ri�;�D'.or- T��r� cuuvc .� �,g � ., ---�---,,_..-,-,..�_..�._�..,�.�._�.,�.�.—�.�..�._.._ -�__-___.�-A„z . , a � — . ,�� , : _, . _ . ., . . ;. �. : ��.-..-_,,..-..,�.�,_.�..w�....__.,�,..--.--..,..� �.�. � � .� ,_ � . . , . , .. , . .. . , . . � ; . - ,. . , ., ;. . _ , r . .n , .. .. , . '- - .. . .. . .. ,. , � , . . , , . . . .- --� ,. ,. . � . e , • . ; . , • " , .. _ _.. e . - - Exem - :tr�ons � Ded uc-tions - O tior� a I . . p _ p . _ _ • IVon-profit: � _ .Proceeds for repair� - , _ . _ . , . ; . _ . . �r . ^ � • �-..: ��"-� I . ., - IVlembership fees 8c certain_ �'1�� ntel�a�lCe, r'ep aCemerlt _. service fees by nonprofit youth - etc. of residential structure organization ; and commonly held _ — Initiation fees, dues, . _ , ro e rt e. . p p Y_� � . = contributions, donations, , HOA/condo co-ops tuitiorts � _ . ; _ . Interest on obli ations of — Charges r�ade for operation of g _ . day eare and kindergarten , p . the state its oli�tica . subdivision� and municipaf ; — Endo�nrrnent funds : ` � � �- , , — �4rt-is�ic a-nd culture corparat=oonS _ _ , _ , _ or�anization business activities - -• Interest -on Ioans to farr�ers _ , . Generally nor�-profit retail sales, _ _ � , � City operat�ons _ Y, p� ;. , ��� o i a n a re n ot exe rn . r` V ►1 . � \, �,a _ �'. ♦ . +: r4L _ _.. ,. ,_ � _ _ � � � � � � ,- �p �2 narr::�n ar.Ti•tr: c�iev�:. . " �N 20 - . ,, .. , �.--� � ...r.,�a--.....Am...�. ,�...„r y ' ' ��p � e . _ _ �',�•q _ � � � . . . a. _ � ' . � ,.� � .: .. , . .. . -.,. �:� .�. :.. - . - . . , .,� . � : . �-- . s ' .� ' . ''� � _�� ._ .' � � . . ., . .,. .:;. ' -� C_ �s -. . . . . _ . . . . . . , . . . . . " . . .. . � � ...... ' � ....... � ' ��...:... '� ��... " ' ... , .. . '. . . . ' . . � uestions . _ _ , _ � _ . _ � . : _ city `� of ti �;. . ,� � ;, . � k;- _ �, � � ♦ � ' • ,� - .. �� � �. - _ -... ��. � � � � � �' �Y a �� � � { � ,� ,�N�� . . �"'. . "'fh _ Y� 3Fj'.� je-;'7u�, ,. ,kM1. .�� ' , �^�\y � . /r��i ' � � 1 i h � �-' , - CITY OF RE�ITOIV - PRELIIVIINARY � . 2015/2016 BUDGET MEETIRIG CALENDAR Unless otherwise specified,all meetings,will be held at City Ha11,.1055 S.Grady Way, Renton,Washington 98057. OCTOBER 6,2014—Committee of the Whole—5:00—6:45 p.m. � . ■ Mayor delivers Budget Message and transmits Proposed 2015/2016 Budget to Council ■ Budget overview OCTOBER 13,2014—Committee of the Whole—4:00—6:45 p.m. � ■ City service areas and department presentations . o Community&Economic Development(45 min) o Community Services (45 min) o Fire&ES(45 min) o HRRM (15) o ADS(15) �OCTOBER 20,2014—Committee of the Whole—4:00—6:45 p.m. ■ Follow up to Council questions ■ Continue city service areas and department presentations . � o Police (45 min) o Court(15) � o Break for Sister City Reception (45) o CA/EXEC(15) - o PW(45 min) OCTOBER 20,2014—Regular Council Meetin�—7:00 p.m. ■ Public Hearing on Revenue Sources and Proposed 2015/16 Budget as required by RCW 35A.34 OCTOBER 27.2014—Regular Committee of the Whole—5:00—6:45 p.m. � ■ Follow up to Co.uncil questions ■ Council deliberation � � ■ Consider draft committee report � October 27.2014—Regular Council Meetin�—7:00 p.m. . . ■ Adopt committee report w ■ 1st reading of 2015/2016 budget ordinance � ■ 1st reading of 2015 property tax levy ordinance ■ 1st reading of Business&Occupation tax ordinance , ' ■ 2015/16 utility rate and user fee ordinance(s)/resolution ' NOVEMBER 3. 2014—Regular Council Meeting—7:00 p.m. ■ 2"a reading and enactment of all budget related legislations i i C:\Users\spilat\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.0utlook\05E3CWW3\2015-2016 Budget presentation.docx � .�.�....a.va• livutJ s�� .A>ALLl st'J i� .�4"FL.�B ri.���.r�� ..vr p .�.�pr.u0 .r+�� �� -� �� ������ �..�� . . . 1:?,�il �;g�r �a,sar}.��'k;i�st�ar���as��a� Vc'�"�" '��At�3y�a��.�C).. 1C1�Y1�" ..o��"J��� �.��� . �l'� 3�9.�:9.�^,�i.���. .���R . . ,.. � �: z �.. ... .., - - � : '�� '��i�l� �1���r �a�1.�� le�.t" �r��i��'�1�.�: �c��. ..a�� � � • - . � �9 � �- �9 Legend ' . • . � :�����a�n�s -��r��.c��� �a�t :�����e ���.�.3�t�.r��9 �tY8eG1. 0t�3�Y'. ���eY3�' ��:�J�Po CityandCountyBoundary � r�i Other � _ .. ,, �� 87 �..�. � . .;,.. _. ,... .. �...; ` .. .._ x�,�s..:. �,...s Ciry of Rento n , _ � � �a�� , '1 I 62>2 ,.� , � `' �, 3 � 144Q •t 1 •'�'�,q 8 ��_i � g ,� {ti� Addresses � � _ � � P. . 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Washington State Iaw,RCW 42.56.070(9),prohibits the use of lists of individuals for commercial purposes: "Commercial purposes" ' means thet tfie person requesting ifie record intends thatthe fist will be used to Eommunicate with the individuals named in the record for the purpose of facilitating profit-expecting activity. By signing below,l certi'ry thatthe fists of individuals obtained thraugh this request for public records will nat be.used for commercial purposes,nor for promotion of an elected ofricial orto • promote or oppose a ballot proposition. ! Signature af Requestor � ,�`J � Qate � � �� ,,...,AC 308-10-04-0) ,_ � : _ __ _; �fie39�:��69f'"lH:.__ : a . . .. . .. . . . . . .. . . . 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Ren- :C!�, W;;. 43;1_.'7. Thc C+%:nn?ittee r,! the ti�i;e!� mc��ir�g lsn:c!; ;i=3it'+t) 1`,.i11 �CCC�Ci2 3� �:i�'� �:,E-�7. ' ;a�>ih n•��etii;: arc ��pcn tt� [he ,,.tt:12. TfVt \�7�f!?l'�i }+i�1 L)i_ ���ailu�ie ���;ci pos?ed ii� dx Cit}� ,����{!lc- (ltk!}�,.fti15i()li�`�:1.�4+;') l7ii 'Che�t�aa;� a�i�ri�oor. ;,I.a.teh l3t1�. Fo, fi,i�ti,er �,zlom:atir,n, p�case call the C�t��Clerk GF;!c�at ���- -[3�1-0?1 fi. � Qonr,ie I W�ltr���.Cir�C1z�•k Fublisi'�rd �o-i ,he Ra�ron ZepeiYe� on iVf�rch'.�i�l�.=49�902. 1'his ia�t �r�iza�,�ta e�n�-�.:1�t:��A� a►:I' t€aA �:��atin� 1 th�a���� the sr;�in�n�e r���alyd b* br��.z�i�t un �t �r�as s� C�►�a���tl P:�asi����� D�n �'�r�sa� ;�r���t �ther� �.I' .�tant:��a' a �1'f iei�l� ��u1� `�� �� 1�t.��lS1,�!;3S �# ��.l; ;i R �T'�� ��'LA'� W313 K�?7� �1,t1�� :�� �;�LLT H��.l, �� i w�a b�in�; ���l.c� ��:� ir� :��'��.z�� t�:� tra�r�a:�a.r sf t'�i� uift r��c�r�ltna� �ts e�rt '� in�t�eue;Gi��� . Th� �r�.in���� A� �r�.1�a� �b,;� n�r�� �i�' � r�tt�:rra��r,� 1,-:t't �u+� t�c ���e�t ie� d�c�l r�sfir�.eti�►ns �.�� w��,�"p�°a���l wi t��ut ���i�� �r i��?at 1'r�.m �ne ���1 unbr�?�nsv���� t� m� �zr��i�1 £ r����.ve� a ��sp� �t` it �v�:�� t��r �snt�,� lat�r, �� ��`%13J 1�.. �z��l �4�,�'�� •� n , , " � ','� .. . , ��\ Ken�yozi �bsnr� Y•�� �.s +� wo�ctlu�ad Fr�e��pA�d �ural Are�, witla�u� �, iratnll �tia►naf��s� i +�t .a�� na 1 �1wt��i 1�Al �ur' �'i Xr+t Kenvsg�9 vrialoi�� www.rentonreporter.com 24Z4 Renton Residents' Guide [21 ] . , , RENT��N �����,�T'��� Highlands Neighborhood(enter,800 Edmonds Ave.N.E.This is 11,906 square- park contains wooded areas and open fields and provides the nelghborhood with Flayground foot center inciudes spectatorseating in a gymnasium,a dividable muitl-purpose room, equipment,a piuilc area and walking paths, dassrooms,and a front entry counter.The 10-acre nelghborhood park has excellent facillties fedar River Park,1717;.E.Maple Valley Highway and Huuser Way.A l3-acrr.commu- for children and adults alike. nity park.Indudes an activity building,ballfieids,picNc areas,restrooms and Cedar Riverhail North H(ghlands Neighborhoad Center,3Q00 N.E.16th St Located in a 2.G-acre acr.ess.lhe Carco Theatre and the city's mmmunity center are also located on site. park near McNnight Middle 5chool:The ac6vity bullding is staffed full time and has a carpeted Cedar River Off•Leash Dog Park,proceed to the encl of Mili Avenue South,cro;s over gymnasium with basketball hoops.The park indudes an outdoorbasketball hatf-court,a fleld, NouserWay South to South Third Street and take a leh unto the unmarked access n�ad to park. pirnic areas,piay equipment and a tennis courk Rentais are available. Nearty h aaes o(level ground are surrounded by a«istic split raii fence.The park in-:ludes a R�nton Communityfenter,1715 S.E.Maple Valley Highway,4Z5-430-6700.A separate area for small and shy dogs,and has quickly become a papular gathering area for fuli-servite recreation facility that indudes a 2,100-square-foot fitness room and gym,plus doys and their handlers. dasses induding arts and crahs,dance,wellness and preschool through adult programs. Cedar River Trail Park,l U60 N.Nishiwaki lane.The Cedar RiverTrall 5tretches(or a.5 Bladc River Riparfan forest and Wetland,north at0akesdale Auenue Southwest miles withln city limits and connects eastward to Maple Valley.This Z4-acre park+:onta+ns and SDuthwest Seventh Sifeet,Nome fo more than 50 speciei af birds,inriuding one of the p�rnic areas d��se to the waker s ecige,play equipment,a non-motorized boat launch and largest grat blue heran colonies in the reglon. ' restraoms. Bumett LInQu Pari�,502 Bumett Ave.5.,is a 1.21-acre park in the South Renton Earlington Park,17Z Thamas Ave.S.W.This 1,5-acre park is in the titys We�t Niil neighborhood,A ten-foot wide promenade sidewalk,completed in 2007,connects the south Earlington nelqhborhood.An elght-foot wide asphalt pathway surrounds the park and a new half with the north half of the park.The large London planetrees shade recently installed informationai kiosk was construded 6y park volun�eers in 200b.The pa�k Include�,a Uasket features such as the playground,6 picnic tables and a plaza. ball murt,pirnic ta6les and fwinelball,and pravides views of Renton and Mount Ilainier. Carco Theatre,1717 S.E.Maple Valley Nighway,425-430-6706,open Monday throuqh Gene Caulnn Memorial Beach Park,1)O1 Lake Washinyron Boulevard N.A 57-acre Friday,8 a.m.-5 p,m.A 300-seat fadlity used for buslness meetings,perfomiances,receptfons, park with nearly 1.5 miles of lake Washington water(ront.Indudes boat iaunch sites,pirnic seminars and nther adivfties. shetters,play areas,tenni5 murts,volleybali courts,horseshoe pits,swinimin9 an�as,an faswde Park.Southeast 162nd Street and 122nd Avenue Southeast.lhis 10.9A-acre [motQ REfREAT10N page 22 J ;;;;,; ln Keny�e� T�ebsan �'r►rK; � ftanton 1.� naL �s be �1 swed te i.nsta,ll stng of �n� �eveiopmentsliste�d �erc .k,�d ,(�ltt�.��ae�i to � pa lettar �� .fteratmM City Att�x��ae,y�-� �2 1�.) ...... [�Z] 2014 Renton Reside�rci.s' t"�i,ride www.rentonreporter.Com R���'�� �������'��� [REC�EAY�ON fY0111 p8 JQ 21] � {11 ��ry;q",rrtnr�!'arl���1ivi�u?ii m,�li�t��im�<<�nd ngridk�^����6ilt p�[k��, interpretive botanical walk,a fishing pier,a water walk,paved waikinq trails ancl restronms. i"s� �nd rrc r ai��mal tacllitres in the clty.Fur mare�niar�57ahor�or to ` � : Heritage Park,233 Unfon Ave,N.E.in lune 2007 the f ily af R?nton�rlebratcd�he resecv�e iacil�ry ur sign up for a recreation class,conirct tZie Rentnn opening ofHeritage Park,which was named in hnnor uf the arFa's past,prr;rnt and fntu�e. 10ip1°0n�1 y Center at 425-430-�)�o or at 1"t i�ti f anaplF�VaHey Nlqhwdy,.. located southeast of Renton Technicai l'olle9e in the Highlinds,the park fea(ures p!ay RQ���vaU��ns must be made in person.For more mlosmati�n oc additional structures,cfimbing boulders,a picnic shelter,a play field,a h�If rourt haskethal�cnnrt end ��'k''-vi,it Www•rentnnwa.gov/tivin9�nd cllck un Farki and TraUs. paved and foresteQ walking paths. Janes Park,98 Wells Ave.5.Thfs 11-aare park is located narth c,f duwntown lientrm half pipe and rnore. along the Cedar River.The piayground has a riverine theme I'o,�idlr�r<,�.vill be surpris�d at MaplQwaod Gotf Course an+f Driving Range,4USQ Maple Valley Niqhway;425- some of the piayground characters ihey will enrountec A large wand�n per�ola bnasts one 430 6800.A city-run 18-ho1e,190-acm course along the Cedar Rfver.indudes a pre shop,the oithe(argest wisteria vines In Renton. privatety owned River Rock Gi ill and Ale House and Maplcwoad Greens banq«et fa�ility. __ . .__. � _ _ . .�_,. ._....._'.,_._"_.�.__i___�.� n�_...i.._"�"_��o . . u...���......au�.b.tennLf- 1,�hC� inr�todulactnfthannlf�mirtvf�l�[1)•:I(�[1aI{I _ 1. .i. . . . . ... . .. .. . . :. . . ... .. .. � � All district lOth-and l ith-8zaders to �':-�"�-�T„ T ,,.�� , � •' Green Editions C ntact Us �,' � _ _ :�. � , - � ��� � � � - - p , �G�"Oudy ' ..= �� _ _--- , , � ;_,NEWS CALEN{�AR BLOGS SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT, BUSINESS L1�EST`FLES COMMUNITY OPi�I10N ABOUT S,, `�' , - _ _ _ _ , i � _ ; - = - _. .., . , .:��� . ,_ _ ; . _ _ ` _ - ; �., .:, _ � ��, _ _ �.._ � - .. �_ __, JOBS AUTOS HOMES RENTALS CLASSIFfEDS COUPONS LOCAL SAVINGS GREEN EDITIONS LEGAL NOTICES �. - -- v2eacf the i�i2 � Search by Last Name: Kenyon ��F �� -- � , — �� .,. :?ee?� �ditE� � �;m� Renton Reporter sea��n � - ' Browse the print ed ion � page by page,incl ding `�"�"� : stories and ads. Search results: 1 records found �„�,y.p� __=_= Oci'1 editior�oniin now. ' �. 3rowse the archiv . Kenyon,Arthur Rhea Friday, 08 Jan 2010 Renton Reporter ���� 1' . Renton rthurRhea Kenyon Arthur Rhea�enyon was born March 26, 1922 in Chenango Forks New York to Ivan and Marjorie I i) Kenyon. He passed away at his fiome in Renton on December?�,2008.He served irt VWVIt - _ � ombardier and when, at age 20, he returned to his parenYs home in upstate New York, he rebuilt a small plane in their bam and then flew it to the West coast where he always knew he wanted to live. He bought a park like parcel of property in King County in 1952 and worked as a mechanic for United Airlines at SeaTac until he saved enoWgh money to buy the Pan Abode cedar 1og home kit he wanted. It took years to get the King County properry(on the border of what is now Newcastle}annexed into the City of Renton. He then built his home in 1980 and retired there.Art has generously gifted this property to the City of Renton which they were happy to accept on the condition that Art set forth in his will;that it be undeveloped so all the tall trees he protected for 60 years there will continue to stand.The park will provide Renton with access to the May Creek corridor trail system.This is where the oid coal train used to run from the Newcastle mine to Renton before the tracks were taken up.Art loved flying and flew often out of the Enumclaw Airport up until 2000 when he finally soid his last small plane. His companion of 20 years Karen Dobson will remain in Art's home on the property in Renton.Art has cousins in New York and California. His younger brother ponald did not return from NM/II. His younger sister Irene died soon after birth.Art will be laid to rest next to his parents in Buckley,WA.Art's words were few,wise and true. He followed the adage of the late John Wayne: "Talk low,talk slow and don't say too much". T�.� preperty �rt is giitin,� to the Cit� �z Rer�ter� w�s �a.m�d �2rdcr� of Ed�� w�c�2 it w�s platted. It still is t���. t�rt 's inte�ti�� is t�i�t it rcra�i� th�t, as he kcpt i� �11 his ycars �crc . kjd 1�31/201�. l I l // _ J ,dr --'��^ �w�■.�a�.:r��s w. � �`�T , �� w:� �=-- � - � � �, ��� ���� �--- � � � � - I � C �=- I ' ' \\ --� • KENYON DOBSON � � fa���:�e��l������aaF;;�r.�.� ���'ti; I� � p _, � �� � ,_�`�/ . , A K T,I ! , RENTON, WA �8056 ! -� � � �-� i , � ; � � � � � � � i� �! � ' _ `� �� e�;i.�; ;� - � ��;;� : ..- - �-"—•„ry• �'i - � _ _ I'�b i.:�'z��„l�s G eC:�� i,,� �1� (,�'���`i�.`�° � �^ G�,���a�oo { �\., i I � . . �. ) .. . 1#� �M �t i � �'I!}�, � 4`;'P �' '�- �". . . � r , I � .$ , �p� � � - . \ �.1 , . . � . - ' �� . . �n , .a'fi.���tA..�fs,1 Y L:.�1 l'r f8�...#�e�.:�(a'1'�"^' _ �,, f7 �� � �I � � .�_� ���\ / " p � ,, , �, � ��'f� �°�` , '�;;j � � � � w �� :i , �/ � _ � , ��� � ��, � �,� ,'" , � � � � � , ; ; � ;�,� ��, � � ;: �, ; . , , U � � ,� ; �� .. ,�� ; � �l ,_ �5 � ,�;, 1 ; ;, � � I-�.----�. �- � .�� �------. ..e; . . .. a .,�./ � d <. �f, I--J �� � d d�wrc���ooacg N��aat k�'ee��c;c�n��� �_ . �_ �vew a �uci�u,vi;� '�� ��`� �� � � �� �/� � � � � ��� � � �,!, �-� .-v-�-�-..� � � � � � � �� �U�� fi��R �����Vufia���J�uu&�V��a��5,��� � � �---� �m � � � � � � � ,� � � d �� � ' � � `"`'"�\� .�, ._�--,--, ��, _ � �'�� � � �-�� -� . �� - - r --1 F:. j �.. m��n�sT�1� 2 � n'� 'e ; I l� —J ��� �n�F��DUB��dNr�io�������a������ � ,. � ,� � se�ua�, . ,> '�-' � -•� � ��' �� j�x;��;,;, �}K�.��.� , , �------� ���� �L���UUoua�P.➢r������6��c�,����M� � ; � - � , - � ��+r��sr � ��.�A,�; aa - �������, i�' ~'� �.' a Q��i1�fi 2 [���UBo�N R36�6E_ � �.,� sc �arar - � 1 ' � '? `R�." f '` ; �� � �1 ���G��6���� � � � � �� i b 1 I f ` I .1 �1 �^'`.__ y� . �ti� � % �.\ I f r j' �( � �J � °�..9 " ,E�1��,, - � � i � , n .�a x* 6�����^• L��114lL°Ee��9Y� �6�6�s���G'6Q��B'C'�Q�� , a � ' 4 R � � ' , ..,., J ._I '. 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