HomeMy WebLinkAboutCapitol Improvement Priorities & Goals (1976) V Renton City Council 3/22/76 Page 4 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Pea Patch Councilwoman Seymour noted letter from Mayor Delaurenti to Renton Garden Plots School District indicating the city cannot assume responsibility for pea patch garden plots and school expressing regret. Upon council comment, Administrative Assistant Custer noted the Administration had been requested to research the matter 3/15/76, that land proposed for gardens would need top soil , water and security measures along with administering the program; that the city has neither manpower or budget, and that the idea was not rejected. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, THE MATTER OF "PEA PATCH GARDEN PLOTS" BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE TO RESEARCH AND REPORT BACK. Recess MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED. Council recessed at 9:05 p.m. and reconvened at 9:20 p.m. with all Councilmen present at Roll Call . Priority List Councilman Grant noted earlier Motion by Councilman McBeth (Page 1 ) Of City Council placing Councilman Perry' s Priority List of Council for '76 and '77 before the City Council at this time. (For Priority List & Amendments see Council Minutes of 3/15/76 Pages 4 & 5) It was MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL ADOPT THE PROJECTS AS LISTED AND AMENDED IN THE COUNCIL MINUTES OF 3/15/76.* Discussion ensued. Councilwoman Seymour distributed list of nine Council goals and nine objectives. Stredicke moved to amend original motion to include Item 13, seconded by Seymour, establish policy for new river front development that coincides with Cedar River Master Plan, and that Council instruct the administration to stop any planned building or expansion of city utilities or repair shop and order phase out and relocation of the City Shops and new uses of the Williams Street property. Motion Failed. Substitute Motion by Seymour, seconded by Clymer, Council adopt list of goals and objectives as submitted by Councilwoman Seymour. Roll Call : 3 Aye-Stredicke, Clymer, Seymour; 4 No-McBeth, Bruce, Grant and Perry. Motion Failed. *ROLL CALL ON ORIGINAL MOTION TO ADOPT PERRY'S PRIORITY LIST: 4 AYE-McBETH, BRUCE, GRANT, PERRY; 3 NO-STREDICKE, CLYMER AND SEYMOUR. MOTION CARRIED ADOPTING 12 ITEMS. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR, SUBJECT OF TAXI REGULATIONS IN THE CITY OF RENTON BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Taxi Regulations FOR REVIEW AND REPORT BACK. Council President Stredicke noted King County was reviewing taxi licensing procedures as pertains to air- port pick up and fare. CARRIED. Body Painting MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR, COUNCIL REFER THE SUBJECT Studios OF BODY PAINTING STUDIOS NOW UNDER STUDY BY KING COUNTY, TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE TO REVIEW AND REPORT BACK. AMENDATORY MOTION BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL REFER THE SUBJECT TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE RATHER THAN PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. AMENDMENT CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. Upon inquiry, Police Chief Darby noted no requests for licenses for body painting studios had been received, only inquiries. ORDINANCES Legislation Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report Committee Report recommending first reading only of an ordinance regarding excess First reading revenues (Water Fund) for construction of new watermain from Well 8 Ordinance to Mt. Olivet. Following reading of the ordinance appropriating funds Appropriation of in amount of $31 ,080 from Referendum Grant 27, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, Funds - Watermain SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. First Reading The Legislation Committee report recommended first reading only of an Ordinance ordinance changing the zoning classification from G to B-1 of certain Fred Ault Rezone properties owned by Fred R. Ault. Following reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Leasehold Tax The Legislation Committee report recommended first reading of an ordi- nance levying leasehold excise tax and implementing Chapter 61 , Laws of 1975-76, 2nd Ext. Session and providing collection. Following 1 Renton City Council 3/22/76 Page 3 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Boeing Company The Aviation Committee report recommended approval of supplemental Airport Lease lease agreement No. 4 between the City and The Boeing Company for property located at the Municipal Airport, and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement. The report noted terms of the lease at 7¢ per square foot of land, The Boeing Company having been billed for the difference in payment from agreement com- mencement date of 6/1/75. New lease rates total $116,355. 35; prior lease rates were $42,000 per year. The report further noted the city agreed to undertake certain maintenance obligations previously performed by Boeing, while Boeing has agreed to continue certain fire fighting operations. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AUTHORIZING MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE LEASE AGREEMENT. CARRIED. Councilman McBeth, not having participated in the negotiations,commended others for outstanding job. Boeing Co. check of $48,000 representing difference in lease agreement payment from date of 6/1/75 was presented to the City Clerk. Public Safety Public Safety Committee Chairman McBeth presented committee report Committee Report recommending that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Public Works Department and the Fire Department that the Highlands Fire Zone #1 be changed to Fire Zone #3 as set forth in the proposed amendatory ordinance and that the ordinance be referred to the Legis- lation Committee. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION ESTABLISHING FIRE ZONE #3 AND REFER MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. Councilman McBeth explained change in zones in the Highlands business district. MOTION CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Grant noted question of Matters Pending fire pumper pending in committee awaiting report from Public Safety Committee; also, sick leave ordinance matter pending meeting with one union; appointments to be reviewed per meeting schedule. Community Services Community Services Committee Chairwoman Seymour presented committee Committee Report report recommending Council approval of the CATV contract between CATV Agreement the city and City of Seattle and that the Mayor and City Clerk be Cable Television authorized to execute the contract. The report noted no changes were made in the contract by Renton and that Mr. Jim Hurd will begin working on a new franchise ordinance for the city upon execution of the conract. MOVED BY SEYMOUR, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. Councilwoman Seymour noted Bellevue has approved their CATV contract with Seattle, also King County; also noting the authority remains with the City of Renton and the desire to incorporate reduced rates for senior citizens. MOTION CARRIED. Cedar River The Community Services Committee report noted meeting with Planning Master Plan Staff updating information on the Cedar River Master Plan and that because the $92,000 grant recently approved at the County level has time limit, the committee recommended that the city adopt the Cedar River Master Plan as a priority project and revise the Comprehensive Plan accordingly. The report requested reaffirmation of the city's acceptance in order to obtain additional funds , and recommended that the Administration be authorized to pursue additional outside funding especially EDA funds in order to maximize the present $92,000. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE. Councilwoman Seymour noted one-year time limit on grant, Planning Director Ericksen noted grant for fiscal year '76 commencing in July. Ericksen further explained allocations for staffing; that regarding the plan, Lake Washington to FAI-405 is considered urban and 405 to Maple Valley will be park-like, that right-of-way along river varies from 150 to 300 feet. Following further discussion, it was MOVED BY SEYMOUR, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL AMEND MOTION TO HOLD PUBLIC HEARING ON APRIL 26, 1976 TO Public Hearing CONSIDER REVISING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. AMENDMENT CARRIED SETTING 4/26/76 PUBLIC HEARING. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED ADOPTING THE CEDAR RIVER MASTER PLAN. .eglif/j1 (;GALS T. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT .Maintain a viable business climate. . Provide employment opportunities. .Expansion of tax base by encouragement of new, clean industry that provides high ratio of employment to land area. .City assistance in planning incentives for development in Central Business District. .Development of ordinances that encourage positive industrial growth. II. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT .Encourage development of a physically attractive city. .Encourage redevelopment and rehabilitation of the city on a continuing basis in industrial and commercial as well as residential areas. .Strengthen, development standards to encourage quality development. .Plan for orderly growth rather than costly spot development. .Provide a basis for cooperative undertakings with other levels of government. L.LI. ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY .Pursue policies and programs which enhance as well as protect environmental quality within the community. .Preservation of natural areas, steep slopes, and ravines where possible to enhance community environment. .Encourage development that would improve quality of life within the community. TV. TRANSPORTATION .Encourage development of a total transportation program serving the city and surrounding urban areas. .Encourage development of an intra-city transportation system that serves the needs oE" the community with minimum impact on the urban environment. .Encourage development of a transportation system that would meet the needs of all citizens of the community. .Cooperate with other levels of government in providing a total transportation network. V. RECREATION AND CULTURE .Encourage development of a regional system of parks and open space in conjunction with other levels of government. .Provide an ongoing plan for open spaces and park development that reflects the needs of the community. 2- • V. RECREATION AND CULTURE (continued) . Provide those facilities necessary to meet the recreational and cultural goals of the community. .Provide cultural opportunities not presently available to the community in cooperation with other agencies. .Provide recreational and cultural programs that maximize use of public facilities. VI. PUBLIC FACILITIES .Development of public facilities necessary to meet community needs (streets, sewers, airport, buildings) . .Provide public facilities accessible to the public to assure greatest use and benefit. .Maximize the use of facilities provided by city government. .Provide facilities which maximize opportunities for efficiency in operation while providing a high level of governmental service to the community. VII. HUMAN RESOURCES .Maximize the opportunities of all citizens to utilize their individual resources and participate in their community's growth and development. .Encourage the development of facilities designed to utilize human resources to maximize advantage. .Encourage the utilization of human resources of the community in all programs to provide diversified participation. .Cooperate with other agencies and devels of government in coordinated programs to meet human resource needs. VIII.GOVERNMENT .Provide the necessary governmental services to citizens of the community with minimum cost. .Maximize the use of special funding programs available to city government in order to attain the most beneficial use of local funds. .Utilize existing governmental facilities in an efficient manner to serve the citizens of the community. .Provide a basis for continued improvement of governmental services to maximize opportunities for effective and efficient government. .Encourage citizen participation on a broad scale to improve communication between citizens and government officials at all levels. .Seek to improve efficiency and effectiveness in government. .Coordinate public and private development programs to maximum advantage of all citizens in the community. .Cooperate with all other levels of government to provide better governmental services. IX. COMMUNITY SERVICES .Participate in programs to provide more adequately for all citizens of the community. .Provide those facilities and programs which are basic to the needs of the community - i.e. police, fire, library. -3- IX. COMMUNITY SERVICES (continued) .Cooperate with other agencies and levels of government to assure more effective rather than duplicative services. .Provide for a level of community services where possible that enriches the quality of lifestyle of all citizens of the community. OBJECTIVES I. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT .Encourage development of existing commercial and industrial properties. .Encourage and assist downtown merchants in developing a plan to refurbish downtown areas. II. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT .Amend zoning ordinances to provide better development standards and review by Planning Commission in R-3 and all other more intensive zoning. .Upgrade policies for review of rezone applications. .Establish a policy of utilization of scenic Cedar River for any new river-front development to coincide with Cedar River Plan. III. ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY .Encourage preservation of natural areas such as upper Cedar River, May Creek Canyon, wetlands in the Green River Valley. .Establish a plan of open spaces and green belts throughout the city, especially in steep slope and ravine areas. .Encourage installation, maintenance, and development of landscaped areas throughout the city. .Preservation of the wetlands in the Green River Valley. IV. TRANSPORTATION .Park and Ride Lot for better utilization of transit and to encourage more use by community. .Minibus for senior citizen program. .Review street widening as policy in street improvement in residential areas. .Review street improvements as priority claim on city budget. V. RECREATION AND CULTURE .Establish Cedar River Master Plan as priority item, the Administration being directed to pursue additional sources of funding. .Continue Lake Washington Beach Park as a priority item, the Administration being directed to pursue additional sources of funding. .Support expansion of park programs, including expanded senior citizen and teen activities. .Support expansion of programs in the cultural arts. .Begin first phase of Cedar River Trail system. .Establish Renton Kiwanis Bicentennial Airpark as a park facility. -4 • - VI. PUBLIC FACILITIES .Stop any building or expansion of the city utility and repair shops on Cedar River, ordering a phase-out of existing facilities, relocation and new uses for Williams Avenue North property. .Encourage prompt development of restaurant at airport, consistent with Airport Master Plan and city planning. .Provide for new fire station facilities and new equipment. VII. HUMAN RESOURCES .Review size of Park Board and Planning Commission to determine effective citizen input at effective level. VIII. GOVERNMENT .Clarify public hearing procedures to obtain maximum citizen input. .Accept only annexation requests within Renton School District to "even out" existing city boundaries. IX. COMMUNITY SERVICES .Scrambler for Police Department. .Reduced CATV rates for senior citizens. .Locate senior citizen housing and center in river-downtown area, consistent with Community and Housing Development proposal. Renton City Council 3/15/76 Page 4 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Short Plat be made by board of appointed officials in non-elected position Ordinance, rather than those employees approving the permits. Councilman Grant Continued noted the ordinance would remain as is. MOTION CARRIED CONCURRING IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. Planning The Planning and Development Committee report recommended that until Commission that committee has completed its study for reorganization of the Membership Planning Commission that the Mayor hold it at its present minimum size of seven (7) members. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COM- MITTEE AND HOLD SIZE OF PLANNING COMMISSION TO SEVEN MEMBERS AND HOLD ANY OTHER APPOINTMENTS* MOVED BY SEYMOUR, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, AMEND MOTION TO INSERT "UNTIL THE COMMITTEE HAS COMPLETED ITS STUDY FOR REORGANIZATION OR BY JUNE 1 . "**Discussion ensued, Councilwoman Seymour noted for the record anytime the Council wishes to set priori- ties, reasonable report back time can be requested, and she will comply. MOTION BY McBETH, SECONDED BY GRANT, FOR PREVIOUS QUESTION, CARRIED. **AMENDMENT TO MOTION SETTING TIME LIMIT, FAILED. *ORIGINAL MOTION, CARRIED, Mayor to withhold replacing two vacancies. Information Items The Planning and Development Committee report listed the following informational items: (1 ) In regards to the Planning Association of Washington Spring Conference in Olympia, Committee Chairman Perry attending. (2) Re 3/1/76 referral for acquisition of wetlands from the Committee of the Whole, the Planning and Development Com- mittee has met with the Mayor and is pursuing funding sources. (3) Re communication from Lakeview Private Wild Bird Sanctuary concerning Burlington Northern fill , a memo will be sent explaining Council action. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THESE THREE ITEMS OF THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Council President Stredicke inquired whether or not Councilmen desired Committee of the to hold extra Committee of the Whole meeting as March 29, was the Whole Meeting fifth Monday of the month and Council meetings are held the first four Mondays of each month. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL OBSERVE THE USUAL POLICY AND COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING BE HELD 4/13 AS SCHEDULED. CARRIED. Finance Committee In announcing weekly committee meeting (see schedule attached) , Council- Re Sick Leave man Grant noted the March 8, Finance and Personnel Committee report Ordinance regarding the sick leave ordinance which was tabled for one week, would be held for another week in order to meet with union. Priorities ' Councilman Perry reported he had written nine-point priority list for For Council Council and distributed the following typed motion SECONDED BY GRANT: I (PERRY) MOVE THAT THE COUNCIL ADOPT THE FOLLOWING PROJECTS AS THE CITY' s NON-RANKED PRIORITY GOALS FOR FISCAL YEARS 1976 AND 1977 AND THAT THEY BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE TO BE PLACED IN RESOLUTION FORM: 1 . FIRE STATION: Acquisition of land and construction of a new main station; purchase of new fire equipment as necessary to maintain and upgrade service capabilities. 2. LAKE WASHINGTON BEACH PARK: Start final phase of development. 3. AIRPORT: Construction of a restaurant facility. 4. WETLANDS: Acquisition of at least 59 acres west of the freeway of property suitable for wetlands wildlife habitat, or greenbelt uses. 5. DOWNTOWN: Improvements to include additional parking, alley paving and refurbishing of store fronts. 6. SENIOR CITIZENS: Acquisition and/or construction of a Senior Citizen Center. 7. BEAUTIFICATION: Installation and development of landscaped areas throughout the city. 8. PLANNING: Reorganize and improve planning procedures and processes; revise zoning ordinances. \I 9. STREETS: Repair and replacement of interior streets, alleys and sidewalks on a priority basis throughout the city. Renton City Council 3/15/76 Page 3 AUDIENCE COMMENT - Continued Cedar Street Works Director Gonnason noted one of reasons for street widening was Continued to allow parking on both sides of the street allowing one lane of traffic, however, if density of parking became too high, then circu- lation of traffic could become hampered; that street 27 ft. wide which would allow 8 ft. on each side for parking and 11 ft. traffic lane. It was noted much of the housing has become multiple causing more parked vehicles and traffic. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUN- CIL REFER THIS MATTER OF PARKING AND TRAFFIC ON CEDAR STREET TO THE TRAFFIC ENGINEER TO REPORT BACK. CARRIED. PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation of Mayor Delaurenti declared April 5, 1976 as Renton Spell-Off Day to select the best spellers for the National Spelling Bee for the Seattle area, and urged all elementary and middle school students in Renton School District to participate. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL CONCUR IN PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Stredicke presented Committee of the Whole report recommending that the City Council go on record encouraging develop- Committee of the ment of the Port Quendall properties along the lines outlined in the Whole Report presentation made to the committee on March 9. MOVED BY GRANT, SEC- ONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE OF THE Port Quendall WHOLE.* Discussion ensued wherein Councilwoman Seymour noted sup- Development port for the concept and development, which is P.U.D. (Planned Unit Development) with assigned open spaces, but felt it was not appropri- ate for Council to support a private developer, also noting developer's request for adoption of the P.U.D. ordinance as it was needed to pro- ceed. Council President Stredicke noted need for encouraging water related type of property development to provide transition from indus- trial to residential . Upon inquiry, City Attorney Shellan noted the intent of the motion should be to concur in the general concept. Councilman Grant noted this was a general recommendation, that as stated in the newspaper that Council voted to encourage this type of development generally. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY PERRY, FOR PREVIOUS QUESTION. CARRIED. *MOTION TO CONCUR, CARRIED. Councilwoman Seymour asked her NO vote recorded. Council President Stredicke requested inclusion of the City Attorney's remarks to approve the general princi- ple of water marina related development, not specific pieces of property being mentioned in this report, and encouraging development, Stredicke expressing his own opinion that Council should encourage development of any industrial properties along water as outlined at the presentation. Stredicke i Council President Stredicke commended Assembly of God Walk-a-thon. Remarks Stredicke called attention to 4th N. and Union intersection with considerable uneven pavement and also to double light standards at the North Renton interchange. Mayor Delaurenti asked Public Works Director to report back after checking. Finance and Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Grant presented committee Personnel report concurring in the Mayor's appointment of Steve Baima, Johnny Committee Report Bell , Talmon Hall and Henry Dykes to the permanent posi,tion of Fire- fighters in the Renton Fire Department. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY Fire Department McBETH, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. Upon inquiry, Councilman Appointments Grant noted total of 8 permanent appointments to the Fire Department including those of March 8, 1976. MOTION CARRIED. Planning & Planning and Development Committee Chairman Perry presented committee Development report recommending that the referral of the Jefferson Ave. N.E. vaca- Committee Report tion be referred to the Public Works & Transportation Committee to review for possible transfer or negotiation of other land for the por- Jefferson N.E. tion to be vacated. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CON- Street Vacation CUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK. CARRIED. Proposed The Planning and Development Committee report recommended that the Short Plat short plats subdivision ordinance amendment as proposed by the Plan- Ordinance ning Commission be denied; stating the ordinance as proposed delegates off-site improvement requirements and approval to the discretion of the Board of Public Works. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR. Councilman Perry noted committee decision that approval should rw Renton City Council 3/15/76 Page 5 NEW BUSINESS - Continued Priorities Council President Stredicke noted subject in Community Services Committee, Continued Mrs. Seymour questioning subject being on the floor. Councilman Perry ex- plained-the items and discussion followed. Substitute motion by Seymour, seconded by Grant, these suggestions of Councilman Perry be referred to the Community Services Committee. Roll Call Vote: 3 AYE: STREDICKE, CLYMER, SEYMOUR; 4 NO: McBETH, BRUCE, GRANT, PERRY. SUBSTITUTE MOTION FAILED. Further discussion of the items ensued. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE WORD "MAINTENANCE" BE INSERTED IN ITEM 7 FOLLOWING "INSTALLATION." CARRIED. ,Motion by McBeth, sec- onded by Grant, for previous question, received roll call vote: 4 AYE: McBETH, BRUCE, CLYMER, PERRY; 3 NO: STREDICKE, GRANT, SEYMOUR. MOTION FAILED for lack of 2/3 majority vote. MOVED BY SYREDICKE, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL RECESS. ROLL CALL: 4 AYE: STREDICKE, BRUCE, CLYMER, SEYMOUR; 3 NO: McBETH, GRANT, PERRY. CARRIED. Council recessed at 9:55 p.m. , reconvened at 10:00 p.m. Roll Call : All Present. Priorities MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY McBETH, ON ITEM 4 ADD THE WORDS "AND Continued PRESERVATION" AFTER THE WORD "WETLANDS" AND ADD COMMA TO THE END OF SENTENCE, THEN ADDING THE FOLLOWING: "IN THE MAY CREEK, CEDAR RIVER AREAS. " CARRIED. McBeth moved for previous question, seconded by Perry. Roll Call vote: 4 AYE: McBETH, BRUCE, GRANT, PERRY; 3 NO: STREDICKE, CLYMER, SEYMOUR. MOTION FAILED for lack of 2/3 majority. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, ADD ITEM NO. 10,"SEWER EXTEN- SION, Comprehensive utility plan to include development of trunk line sewers on city rights of way to areas presently unserved in the city. " AMENDING MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL AMEND MOTION BY ADDING ITEM 11, STUDY OF HOUSING REHABILI- TATION Improvement Plan in the Core Area. " Upon inquiry, Planning Director Ericksen noted a Community Development Program underway, portion being development of Comprehensive Housing Plan and specifically looking at low income and elderly population. AMENDMENT CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL AMEND MOTION WITH ADDITION OF ITEM 12, PREVENTIVE HEALTH PROGRAM for Senior Citizens. AMENDMENT CARRIED. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 10:17 p.m. Delores A. Mead, City lerk m CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF March 15, 1976 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS AVIATION COMMITTEE Tues. , 3/16 7:30 p.m. STREDICKE 4th Flr. Conference Rm. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE STREDICKE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Wed. , 3/17 4:30 p.m. PERRY 4th Flr. Conference Rm. Regular meeting COMMUNITY SERVICES Thurs. , 3/18 6:30 p.m. SEYMOUR 3 'd Flr. Conference Rm. Cedar River Master Plan FINANCE AND PERSONNEL Wed. , 3/17 7:30 p.m. GRANT 6th Flr. Conference Rm. Sick Leave Ordinance, meet w/21R personnel LEGISLATION Mon. , 3/22 7:00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Flr. Conference Rm. PUBLIC SAFETY Tues. , 3/16 4:15 p.m. MCBETH 6th Flr. Conference Rm. Fire Zone 1 in Highlands. Fire Station Update. Purchase of Fire Truck. PUBLIC WORKS AND Thurs. , 3/18 7:30 p.m. BRUCE Council Chambers Park and Ride Lot TRANSPORTATION OTHER MEETINGS AND EVENTS I move that the Council adopt the following projects as the city' s non-ranked priority goals for fiscal years 1976 and 1977 , that that they be referred to the Legislation Committee to be placed in resolution form: 1. FIRE STATION: Acquisition of land and construction of a new main station; purchase of new fire equipment as necessary to maintain and upgrade service capabilities. 2 . LAKE WASHINGTON BEACH PARK: Start final phase of development. 3 . AIRPORT: Construction of a restaurant facility. 4 . WETLANDS : Acquisition of at least 59 acres„ $elst of the freeway of property suitable for wetland* dildlife habitt, or greenbelt uses, (,u2-f:Pr ---'" 7) 5. DOWNTOWN : Improvements to include additional parking, alley paving, and refurbishing of store fronts . 6. SENIOR CITIZENS : Acquisition and/or (construction of a Senior Citizen Center. \\Q 7 . BEAUTIFICATION: Installationland development of landscaped areas throughout the city. 8. PLANNING: Reorganize and improve planning procedures and processes; revise zoning ordinances. 9. STREETS : Repair and replacement of interior streets, alleys, and sidewalks on a priority basis throughout the city. TZa nlek e Deve/o oo fn e r�f rYt e _2eu/eF5 0)-1 &f Cr // . //oq5/77 /Yek/xe///%�/-iarl /m pRo VE�ZAIT //fi1/ if t'l - 3T6/9 ern � � � / 1 . PRe✓ 41 I V E He01-6 A Colt t2_ PY15.