HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppraisal - 7th Av N/8th Av N / z go Louis Peretti , 2054 Monterey Dr. Renton, Washington 98055 February 5, 1967 City of Renton City Hall Renton, Washington Honarable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: On the date of May 11 , 1966 I submitted my bill for the appraisal services rendered on the improvement located at 3rd. Ave. North and Logan Street to Sunset Blvd. in Renton. As to date I have not received the amount of $200.00 due me. Would ,you please inform me as when this will be forth coming. Yours Truly, Louis Peretti , Appraiser LP/jvp ace • } I 1 1 Cctober 2, 1957 City of Penton . City Hall Penton , Washinoton 98055 ATTENTION : Henry Pedersen t,,poraisal on Public Use Strip He cween 7th and 8th Avenue North in Block 26R , Corrected Plat of Renton Highlands . [See Attached Sketch] Dar `•Ce.: con:piiaoce with your request. I have completed my ,4inion of value on the above captioned property. Please be iefermed that a careful and personal ins- pection was made of thds property and that due con- c i derati on was given to all factors and forces that • influence property value it the subject location. 'Ass a result of ray investujation and findings it is ry considered and professional opinion that the sub- ect property, as described above , warrants a r'arket value as of October 2 , 1967 , in the amount of THREE THOUSAND AND NO/100THS DOLLARS [3,000.00] Should questions arxlse in connection with this report or if I can ' be of further assistance in this or other matters please feel free to call upon me. This appraisal supersedes that appraisal submitted as of June 20 , 1966. • • . Respectfully submitted, HOMELAND ASSOCIATES, INC. ' cif Charles M. Mattaini Appraiser CMM:bc Enclosure PURPOSE OF THE APPRAISAL The purpose of this appraisal is to establish an estivate of market value of . the subject property described herein as of October 2 . 1967e This report is prepared to furnish a guide as to the sale price that the subject property should command if exposed for sale in the open market on the date of this app- raisal . • DEFINITION Pr M.1FKET VALVE • Market value , for the purpose of this report , is de- • fined as follows : The highest price estimated in terms of money which a property will bring if exposed for sale in the opera mar('et, allowing a reasonable time to find a purchaser who buys with knowl- edge of all the uses to which the property is adopted and for which it is capable of bei nq used. in this d2fir ition it is assumed that the transaction is based on cash or cash equivalent considerations . Favorable or unfavorable terms of sale are bound to affect the transaction price which this property can command in the open market. It is further assumed that title to the property is good and marketable and that fee simple ownership is to be transfe,*d free from all encumbrances except for those specified in the deed of public record. LEGAL OESCPIPTION Not furnished. [See attached sketch ] . SITE DATA Type property: Vacant, undeveloped land. Size end Shape : An Irregular shaped tract with 50' foot • frontage on 7th avenue and extending To the rear a distance of 105 feet + with an additional 12 foot wide strip con- tinuing along the east line to Rth Avenue • for a distance of 116 feet 4. Area of Tract: 5100 square feet +. Access : From 7th Avenue North at street grade with 12 foot strip from 8th Avenue North. Topography: Level . cleared ground at street grades and at grade with adjoining lands . Utilities : All public utilities are available for service at this site. Charles I . Mattaini . Appraiser Zoning : Present zoning is designated as R-1 . Zoning continuous with the subject to the west and north is R-2 and R-3. Zoning contiguous and to the east is R-1 . Highest and Best Use : It is the opinion of the appraiser that the highest and best use of. the property is for use as a site for a single story ? unit multi-family dwelling. Based upon surrounding zon- ing and existing environmental con- ditions this seems logical and proper. CONCLUSION OF VALUE From a study and analysis of multi-family land use sales in the area , it is the conclusion of the appraiser the market value of the subject property is THREE THOUSAND AN") NO/MOTHS POt1APS [S3 ,000.00] Respectfully submitted, Charles M. Mattaini Appraiser , , r. • "- '-' 'al‘\ , a.,-- Blv\_.— --• ', , dV\ . , . . . t ... - - 1 .....-- --- i ' ('-----.*-.:-':----: r\q... , . , . . . ei , 7 P.,0 Sq . Ft . + TOTAL AREA 5100 Sq . Ft. + AREA LESS 12 Ft. WALKWAY [STREET to STREET] e o m GLa n d real estate * 605 Third Avenue•Renton,Washington•BAldwin 6-3240 i. • i 1 C� -1—AC--e-.G14:#1 —4 . �., June 20 , 1966 ��,,,/ City of Renton City Hall Renton , Washington 98055 ATTENTION : Henry Pedersen Re : Appraisal on Public Use Strip between 7th & 8th AVenue North in Block 26B , Corrected Plat of Renton Highlands . 1 Dear Sir: In compliance with your request , I have completed my opinion of value on the above captioned property . Please be informed that a careful and personal inspection was made of this property and that due consideration was given to all factors and forces that influence property value at the subject location. As a result of my investigation and findings it is my con- ,sidered and professional opinion that the subject property , as described above , warrants a market value as of June 20 , 1966 , in the amount of TWO THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND NO/100THS DOLLARS ( $2 ,800 .00) Should questions arise in connection with this report or if I can be of further assistance in this or other matters please feel free to call upon me . Respectfully submitted , HOMELAND ASSOCIATES , INC. > j j� Charles M. Mattaini Appraiser CMM : im Enclosure 11 PURPOSE OF THE APPRAISAL The purpose of this appraisal is to establish an estimate of market value of the subject property described herein as of June 20 , 1966 . This report is prepared to furnish a guide as to the sales price that the subject property should command if exposed for sale in the open market on the date of this appraisal . DEFINITION OF MARKET VALUE Market value , for the purpose of this report , is defined as follows : The highest price estimated in terms of money which a property will bring if exposed for sale in the open market , allowing a reasonable time to find a purchaser who buys with knowledge of all the uses to which the property is adopted and for which it is capable of being used. In this definition iL is assumed that the transaction is based • on cash or cash equivalent considerations . Favorable or un- favorable terms of sale are bound to affect the transaction price which this property can command in the open market. It is further assumed that title to the property is good and marketable and that fee simple ownership is to be transferred free from all encumbrances except for those specified in the deed of public record. LEGAL DESCRIPTION • Not furnished. ( See attached sketch ) . SITE DATA . Type Property : Vacant , undeveloped land. Size and Shape : An irregular shaped tract with 50 foot - . frontage on 7th Avenue and extening to the rear a distance of 105 feet - with an additional 12 foot wide strip continuing along the east line 8th Avenue for a • distance of 116 feet - . Area of Tract : 7 ,750 square feet - . Access : From 7th AVenue North at street grade with 12 foot strip from 8th Avenue North . Topography : Level , cleared ground at street grades and at grade with adjoining lands . Utilities : All public utilities are available for ser- vice e at the site . _._ .n J....+�..._i. _.�... ... ._....._.,__....._._.�_ .... Zoning : Present zoning is designated as R- 1 . Zoning contiguous with the subject to the west and north is R- 2 and R- 3. Zoning contiguous and to the east is R- 1 . Highest and Best Use : It is the opinion of the appraiser that the highest and best use of the property is for use as a site for a single story 2 unit multi - family dwelling . Based upon surrounding zoning and existing environ- , mental conditions this seems logical and proper. CONCLUSION OF VALUE From a study and analysis of multi -family land use sales in the area , it is the conclusion of the appraiser the market value of the subject property is TWO THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND NO/100THS DOLLARS ( $2 , 800 . 00 ) Y ResP ectfull submitted , Charles M. Mattaini Appraiser 1 9 i 1 PI Re : Appraisal of Public Use Strip between 7th & 8th Avenue North in Block 26B , Corrected Plat of Renton Highlands . Vik fi .\-- -r- VA lw ..1_-----' 1‘, $--3 1 . c1 ti .J 2 3 • 101 . .4 , Ali k -\1 r.--------7 *- ' , ,....--- 1 VIEW OF FRONTAGE ON 7TH AVENUE NORTH • al VW- 4 41.241116416 iv r• VIEW OF 12 FOOT STRIP FROM 8TH AVENUE NORTH , • . • - ' ,---) . a 121 , \ 1 1 .....„--------- „ \ Gt.------- 1 V 1 S-1-%?' — — t• 0, \ \ ...-"" ..---\ _, ' ----- ,7 , 's\ 1 ' ,..... €..., . S N \ • \ _; \ N \ --- \ -- eN \ \- • ,' '', 0 \`-, `. ,, \ CD• 1 . \ \ - -- 0 ' I. ' ' • '. . 1, "" =• .----------.------ 1' t• . •,' \I 0 N' — i t 1 1 ,..-- ..,A_ „J .,-----• pin' ",s64' Pr ri0 0 I ../..N.,..x 1„--- __----- ----- I ; . . . , , . . ., . , pL,JBLIc , US 'a AREA. .. .vb. I , , N--,.......,......______ _I I l . III o m e La n d real estate t1SSUCiC.Iis, inc. 605 Third Avenue• Renton,Washington• BAldwin 6-3240 /0.,e,e ,1- .0—4`'7- ,;. ..it:,, 0 7 t/jL— October 2 , 1967 . �x /'L`-` ;:i 40e..4-2-4-4.-- City of Renton c5>4 uez.,,e...... 4eg.re_e_ee_ City Hall 7,4(A - Renton , Washington 98055 Re : Appraisal on Public Use Strip . Dear Sir: Enclosed find the appraisal [copy] and sketches of the Public Use Strip between 7th Avenue North and 8th Avenue North , which you requested. Sincerely yours , HOMEL D ASS IATES , INC . r Charles M. M ttaini Broker be enclosures 2 thirtyyears of real estate experience P appraisals • commercial • residential r o m e La n dImmIlmmi real estate 605 Third Avenue• Renton,Washington•BAldwin 6.3240 CM �i�3 J�i 5 i h.i i c J, i fi C. �. 414.#, AOU*,,,s;de°-rs'"" 7().../Zipe-- -10^-1-.1.--)-2/ , ao1-0,62Aetips.....4.47 c. "4,, , ...0.0.....,„,e.,4, October 2 , 1967 // City of Renton City Hall t , Renton , Washington 98055 7?.,,. 0,,,,, 9,Z,A_ . ATTENTION : Henry Pedersen Re : Appraisal on Public Use Strip Between 7th and 8th Avenue North in Block 26B , Corrected Plat of Renton Highlands . [See Attached Sketch] Dear Sir: In compliance with your request. I have completed my opinion of value on the above captioned property . Please be informed that a careful and personal ins- pection was made of this property and that due con- sideration was given to all factors and forces that influence property value at the subject location . As a result of my investigation and findings it is my considered and professional opinion that the sub- ject property , as described above , warrants a market value as of October 2 , 1967 , in the amount of THREE THOUSAND AND NO/100THS DOLLARS [3 ,000 .00] Should questions arXise in connection with this report or if I can be of further assistance in this or other matters please feel free to call upon me . This appraisal supersedes that appraisal submitted as of June 20 , 1966 . Respectfully submitted , HOMELA D ASSOCIATES , INC. 2 Charles M. Mattaini Appraiser CMM: bc Enclosure; thirty years of real estate experience appraisals • commercial • residential PURPOSE OF THE APPRAISAL The purpose of this appraisal is to establish an estimate of market value of the subject property described herein as of October 2 , 1967 . This report is prepared to furnish a guide as to the sale price that the subject property should command if exposed for sale in the open market on the date of this app- raisal . DEFINITION OF MARKET VALUE Market value , for the purpose of this repert , is de- fined as follows : The highest price estimated in terms of money which a property will bring if exposed for sale in the open market, allowing a reasonable time to find a purchaser who buys with knowl - edge of all the uses to which the property is adapted and for which it is capable of being used . In this definition it is assumed that the transaction is based on cash or cash equivalent considerations . Favorable or unfavorable terms of sale are bound to affect the transaction price which this property can command in the open market. It is further assumed that title to the property is good and marketable and that fee simple ownership is to be transferred free from all encumbrances except for those specified in the deed of public record . LEGAL DESCRIPTION Not furnished . [See attached sketch] . SITE DATA Type property : Vacant , undeveloped land. Size and Shape : An irregular shaped tract with 50 foot + frontage on 7th avenue and extending To the rear a distance of 105 feet + with an additional 12 foot wide strip con- tinuing along the east line to 8th Avenue for a distance of 116 feet + . Area of Tract : 5100 square feet + . Access : From 7th Avenue North at street grade with 12 foot strip from 8th Avenue North . Topography : Level , cleared ground at street grades and at grade with adjoining lands . Utilities : All public utilities are available for service at this site . Charles M. Mattaini , Appraiser Zoning : Present zoning is designated as R- 1 . Zoning contiguous with the subject to the west and north is R-2 and R-3. Zoning contiguous and to the east is R- 1 . Highest and Best Use : It is the opinion of the appraiser that the highest and best use of the property is for use as a site for a single story 2 unit multi -family dwelling . Based upon surrounding zon- ing and existing environmental con- ditions this seems logical and proper. CONCLUSION OF VALUE From a study and analysis of multi -family land use sales in the area , it is the conclusion of the appraiser the market value of the subject property is THREE THOUSAND AND NO/100THS DOLLARS [$3 ,000 .00] Respectfully submitted , 6jr Charles M. Mattai i Appraiser Public Use Strip Between North 7th Street and North 8th Street Renton Highlands NORTH 8TH STREET v2 It SINGLE FAMILY 0 R- 1 R-2 ED _si . — DWELLING BLOCK 26-B BL. #1 CORR. PLT. of VISTA HEIGHT o RENTON HIGHLANDS ORIGINAL L HIGHLANDS E DUPLEX 1 IZgln •r R- 1 Q i v% SINGLE FAMILY __I R- 2 ' �� ��1 DWELLING ORIGINAL Q 5 1 ,-+ 1 1 ct = HIGHLANDS _ \ISUBJECT I Y DUPLEX TRACT I a I i ` 4 !_ . 1 21 NORTH 7TH STREET