HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAC - Smithers 6th Edition - S 2nd/Logan AFTER FIVE DAYS RETURN TO -J VH�V U AM if) NAVY SEAQc' ' ' ��� Robert G. tman 513 So . Second St. 22 APR �Q 2� N ANN!�� a to, ,1961 Renton, Wasrington S8055 • ZIP CODE Honorable Donald W. Custer, Mayor Members of Council Renton City Hall Cedar River Park Attn: City Clerk Renton, W?shington • 5. z No 5T. } ..0, 1. a 3 4 5 _. l� a .7 W` W Q t 'o ALLEY Q 6 a 2 L� C / T� 3 Q oC � o� 111 1�� aT T \ i,‘5 S. 3Rd ST. 1 I ALLEY VACATION ,� A.L.LE. '-' BETW,n EEN,J BLOCK I, MOTOR LINE ADD . BLOCK I , SM ITHER.S GTH ADD . P0RTtON Tyr BE VA..C.ATED air SC.o._..S: : I " - loco M-y 5, 1967 Mr , and Mrs. Robert Putman 44'22 - 42nd Avenue S.W. Seattle, W shington 98116 Re: Vacation of Alley South of South 2nd Street 'V. st of Logan DeE r Mr. and Mrs. Putman: We enclose herewith, per your request, excerpt from the Minutes of the City Council. Meeting of May 1_st wherein public hearing was held on the above-captioned. 1s we advised Petetioners will reed to file a new application at such time as the alley is to be vacated since relocation of the facility is to concurrently be effected which by law requires a new public hearing. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/dm Enclosure F /j\ 7-/:/ pgrNED o• 2 1961 i ' *//‘,ti G P PF`�� Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 5-1-67 :';;BLIC HEARING: (Cont.) .1: Since Mr. Ernie Coleman, representing vacation petitioner„ arrived, it was moved by , Pedersen, seconded by Poli, that the matter of the public hearing on the proposed vacation of alley per petition of ^eorge and Claudine Ames, be taken from the table. Carried. The Baring was declared continued and since the Clerk reported that no additional communications had been received, audience comment was invited. Mr. Ernie Coleman advised that Standard Service Tire Company was the party interested in the vacatioh since it anticipated expansion of facilities which would require the additional property which lies between their site and the one they plan to acquire. They cannot utilize the lot if it remains separated however and it was noted that this alley is used very little and the property contains a dilapidated run down facility and the im- provement as proposed would be an asset to the City. If the City insists that there be an alley in the proximity •::h augh to 2nd it was proposed that the alley be allowed to run on the Westerly side of Lot 5 which would provide the same as now exists, their feeling being however that it has never served any purpose presently being covered over with brush and rose bushes and practically impassable. It was noted that the alley is to no avail without a turn around which might be a hammerhead type which could be pro- vided within a 40 ft. radius or the circular type which would require 60 ft. diameter. It was suggested this matterrbould be resolved and the alley moved at the time the building proposal was submitted to the Building Department. Mr. Colem^;i . added that if , when working with the City Engineer it was felt the City absolutely had to have such an alley, arrangements would be made for the relocation, a hammerhead being more desirable than backing out, if such provision is to be _^^•l:_:ed. The property cannot be utilized as it presently exists. Mr. Colin Radford, Realtor, speaking on behalf of the Ames Family and Estate, t:':o originally opposed the vacation, advised that relocation of the alley to the Easterly boundary of their property will :remove their objection and they will go along with the vacation. Upon legality inquiry regarding relocation of an alley, City Attorney Shellan advised that an alley can legally be vacated if there is a show that no one is denied access and the City policy requiring 100% ownership to sign is met. In this case there would be a vacation and rededication by a deed from the owner of lot 5, dedicating the westerly 16 ft. of lot 5. A public hearing would need to be held because this is re- locating of an alley and when the quit claim deed is executed the City would be free to vacate and relocate the alley. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Gianini, that the hearing be closed. Carried. The hearing was declared closed. t:aved br Ca ���"- 't: - r 2-tf..tioner be advised if, willing to dedicate the 16 ft. alley on the west side of Lot 5, the Council, upon receipt of dedication document would vacate the portion requested and relocate the alley, following proper public hearing. :else secc':1ed the r.,ation:whlch carried. ' It was _ noted that application would have to be made at the time the party was ready it being pointed out that a new council may be officiating if they wait too long. It was urged that the building presently adorning the premises be removed. C04MUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted and recommended for payment Estimate No. 4 due Venture Construction, Inc., for Mt. Olivet Booster Pump Station construction, in sum of $13,174.39. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee. Carried. Application from 0. A. Maloney, owner of Pat's Tavern, 917 - 3rd Street, requested that American Shuffleboard Sales Corporation be granted required license to operate a coin device pool table. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to refer the application to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Letter from Gene . L, Coulon, Park Director, reported recommendation of the Park Board and himself that the low bid of Ricardi Construction Company in sum of $23,012.00 be accepted for construction of the Talbot Hill Park Shelter Building. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendations. Carried. Letter from J. D. Sweazey appealed ruling of the Planning Commission in denial of application for rezone of property located at 9418 - 108th Place S.E. from G to R-4. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that the date of May 15th he set for hearing on the matter. Carried. A letter from the Renton Historical Society, Frank Storey, Chairman, requested Council consideration in location of temporary quarters for a museum with Liberty Park Community Center and the present Council Chambers being suggested as future possibilities. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, to refer the request to the Park Board. Carried. -2- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 4-24-67 PUBLIC HEARINGS: Vacation - Portion of 12th Place between Blocks 40 and 46, Tract C, Corrected Plat of Renton Highlands No. 2. (M. Lotto et al) This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Communication from City Engineer Wilson was read reporting no objection to the vacation, this being an un- opened right-of-way and not a part of the City's Comprehensive Street Plan. Since all utilities are existing in the area there is no need to retain a utility easement. Letter from Planning Director Ericksen reported Commission recommendation from meeting of April 12th that the vacation be approved as requested. Audience comment was invited and Mr. Mike Lotto stated that when the Plat was accepted some years ago an error was evident in that the street was supposed to run one direction and went another and this vacation would correct the situation and the vacation should 1u a been asked for 3 or 4 years ago and property deeded to the City for proper right of way as it has now been. Moved by Poll, seconded by Gianini, that the hearing be closed. Carried. The hearing was declared closed and further council action invited. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poll., to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commi,.rion granting the vacation. The motion carried. 41. PUBLIC LIEARING: Vacation portion of alley South 2nd Street and Logan Avenue South 1. Claudine and George Ames Property This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Communications were read from Robert and Petty Putman requesting that the alley not be vacated in the interest of utilizing same for a commercial building which development it was felt would enhance the City by modernizing and architecturally improving the area across from the High School. Letters from irs. L. J. Putman and Mary Ann Putman and Colin W. Radford urged that the Council deny the vacation request to allow the commercial development, the alley prave::ng access and egress value to the Putman properties. A letcer from City Engineer Wilson reported that the vacation as requested would leave the City with a dead end alley approximately 230' in length which would not be in the City'e best interest, although it is doubtful that the alley can be used as platted due to its narrow width and 90% turn. As an alternative the petitioner has offered to deed a raw right-of-way out to South 2nd Street along the West side of Lot 5 as a replacement for existing right-of-way so as to consolidate their ownership. This .-auld be preferable to dead ending the alley however unless a portion of Let 4 could be obtained to develop a turning radius at the 90% bend it would be of doubtful value to the City. A letter from Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director, reported Planning Commission recommer:'.ation that the vacation be granted only if a proper turn-around is provided at the Easterly end of the remaining 16 ft. alley. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini "lat a e'u t:k a to close the hearing however discussion disclosed that this would preclude farther acceptance of alternate proposals as recommended by the City Engineer and Planning Commission. Attorney Shellan suggested that the hearing be continued or held in abeyance. Garrett spoke against closing the hearing suggesting that the petitioner be advised of the need for the turning radius and not only an additional 16 ft. dedication to relocate the right-of-way which petitioner has offered between lots 4 and 5, the boundary line between the properties. Dahlquist felt the hearing should be closed and action taken on the petition before the Council which is for specific vacation and vote it down and allow a new proposal to be submitted. Vote on the pending motion followed. Motion,by majority no verbal vote, was declared lort. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that the hearing be continued to next week's • council meeting, May 1st. Dahlquist inquired whether the hearing was to be continued on the vacation of the area petitioned for or something additional that has been presented. Mayer Custer stated that the only thing before the Council is the vacat'-ua of the area. as shown on the maps and that is the subject being continued. Schellert inquired whether petitioner has been apprised of the prospect of a turn around or additional alley right of way and The City Engineer replied that petitioner is aware of this wl-ieh is why they had proposed to deed an equal amount of right of way on the West side of Lot 5 and later provide turn arround. Mr. Coleman, representative for the property owners, is in San Francisco and unable to be present this evening. Attorney Shellan advised that should the Council wish to relocate the alley notice of public hearing would again need to be given on the relocation or other portion to be vacated as an alternative. Garrett added that the petitioner could come in with a new proposal at the continued hearing and the Council would have to act in accordance with the law but the petitioner may or may not be interested in such revision and this is what the Council . would want to know. The pending motion carried. -2- � I April 21, 1967 The Honorable Donald W. Custer, Mayor Members of the City Council City Hall Renton, Washington 98055 RE : VACATION OF ALLEY BETWEEN BLOCK 1, MOTOR LINE ADDITION AND BLOCK 1, SMITHERS 6TM ADDITION 3entlemen and Mrs. Dahlquist: The Planning Commission, at its meeting of April 12, 1967, reviewed the proposed vacation of the above-named alley. Tle Planning Commission, after study of the proposed vaca- tion, recommended that the vacation be granted only if a proper turn-around is provided at the easterly end of the remaining 16-foot alley. Very truly yours, Gordon Y. Ericksen Planning Director GYE:hh Renton Planning Commission Meeting April 12 , 1967 Minutes Page 2 4. NEW BUSINESS : STREET VACATIONS (CONTINUED) (b) VACATION OF ALLEY BETWEEN BLOCK 1 , MOTOR LINE ADDITION AND BLOCK 1 , SMITHERS 6TH ADDITION. Planning Director Ericksen pointed out the location of the proposed alley vacation on the zoning map and indicated that the Planning Department staff has no objections to this proposed alley vacation. Lyman Houk of the Engineering Department stated that vacation of this portion of the alley could create a deadend alley, and the Engineering Department would be favorable toward vacation of the entire alley. Some discussion ensued regarding the various property owners in the area and whether or not they would dedicate property for a turn-around areas who would be most likely to dedicate such property, etc. ACTION It was moved by Teega_rden, seconded by Raoanoilo, that the Planning Commission advise the City Council that it would approve the vacation of this alley only 11 a proper turn-around at the east end of the 16 ' alley is provided. Motion carried unanimously. URBAN BEAVU F'ICATION PROGRAM ; At this point, the Planning Director stated that Mr. Jan Klippert was available and suggested that the Commission return to Item 3--Urban Beautification Program. Mr , Klippert presented an Appendix to the Urban Beautification Program material previously distributed to the Planning Commission. He ex- plained in some detail each Item on the Appendix together with the funding required and anticipated for 1967 and 1968 . It was Mr. Klip- pert' s hope that the Planning Commission would approve this Appendix so that application could be made to the federal government for match- lnq funds to accomplish the program. It was pointed out that all the improvements were in the downtown area of Renton; that no outlying districts were represented in the program, Mr. Klippert replied that no outlying districts requested inclusion in the program. He explained further that the funds represented in the Appendix were the actual amounts to be requested from the federal government and that the City of Renton would put up a like amount, but not necessarily to match exactly the funding shown for specific items in the Appendix; that the City had some leeway in the distribution of the funds among the various projects. Mr. Klippert stated that a total of $35 ,C®C would be budgeted for 1967 , half of this amount- to be derived from the federal government and half from the City of Renton; and that a total of $148 ,800 would be budgeted for 1968 on the same basis. Mr. Mike Lotto, President of Greater Renton Shopping Centers , Inc. asked that the Renton Highlands be included in the plane of the Urban Beautification Committee. March 27, 1967 Honorable Donald W. Custer, Mayor t: :rzbers of the City Council Re: Petition for Vacation of Alloy - 2nd & Shattuck Centl ca:en: A check of County records indicates the petition for vacation of an alley west of Shattuck Avenue and South of South 2nd Street is signed by own irs representing 100% of the property abutting said alley. Very truly yours , JACK W I LSON • City Engineer JW!cm cc: City Clerk : ::::4 E= (.:1 :,,-,3 .1, --;/ .-. ....j/\ .... T.4 V i-11:•—) (2-1).(':i ..:::; F-1 .1... I VA ( I,---2). I ),...,) t ‘.1 'il - .i ': '•,i .7.-.1 -,i i -1 •?:.. '_..)i,.)V\i '1 .>4.,_.) ,,..) 1-.1.71 i I , I _I L _ ______.____ j 1 ZI \ -..••.- : _ '...•.'.. '.... ----------4-1 S 7/C1-- -----------, o , . . . Z I' . • , - •. 1- ;...... ---io •71. , ,,\ ----- , 1, ., o - ._,....._, -----„.., , ‘,./.. • . ., ,.... 0 c - / NI 01 --•••• ? - .. • 4 . .:•. 3 L. v : • : • 'A. \II < 9 s..... • .. N v. C/L\ I ____L_2 . li -f, 0 , . (1) . . .' INTER-uOFFICE MEMO To: ;Tack Wilson, City Engineer Date March 30, 1967 From:ire?TMit Nelson, City Clerk Dear Jock: The Renton City Council, at its regular meeting of March 27th has referred "Co you for recommendations street and alley vacation requests as follows: p •. Vadation of 12th Place located within the Greater Renton Shopping Center in the highlands, petitioned by M. W. Lotto, President VAcat:ion.of,porti.on of alloy west of Lnaan •and South of 2nd Avenue petitioned by C orge Ihnes and wife< 'I l date car April 24th has been set: for hearing on the matter. Please submit your 'o ,,,mmenda iors' so that: they may be presented at that time. • Helmie • i • tx. MONDAY APRIL111111, JUNE SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 1 1 2 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 25 26 27 28 29 30 30 MAY 1967 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11: 0 11:30 12:00 FILED z:oo 196� 2:30 MAY 8 3:00 3:30 �._....CITY CLERK 4:00 4:30 i%/ I 5: 0 1 / /A i 5:30 � 0 Virr SUNDAY MAY SMTWTFS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 MAY 1967 28 29 30 31 103J1R lag 8 YAM 127 - SUNDAY, MAY 7 - 238 J/ ij NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL RENTON, WASHINGTON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PETITION TO VACATE ALLEY TO WIT: That rrrtion of the alley running North, and South hetweer Lots 6, 7 and 8, Block 1, Motor Line Addition to Renton on the East and Lot 5, Block 1, Smithers Sixth Addition to Rentcn on the West HAS BEEN FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF RENTON. THE CITY COUNCIL BY RESOLLTION NO. 1433 DULY ADOPTED AT ITS REGULAR MEETING OF April 3, 1967 FIXED AND DETERMINED THE 24th April, 1967 DAY OF AT THE HOUR OF 8:CO P.M., IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF RENTON, AS THE DATE AND PLACE AT WHICH SAID PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE CITY COUNCIL UPON THE PETITION TO VACATE SAID ALLEY ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED THEREIN OR WISHING TO OBJECT THERETO, MAY THEN BE HEARD THERECN OR MAY FILE THEIR WRrrJ.EN OBJECTIONS TO SAID VACATION WITH THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO SAID TIME OF HEARING. HELMIE W. NELSON CITY CLERK DATE CF PUBLICATION 6, 1967 CERTIFICATION I, c r (_ �,� -( Y HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE (3) COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRTRFI? ABOVE AND OLE (1) COPY POSTED AT THE CITY HALL, RENTON, ON r3t AS PRESCFIBED BY LAW. SIGNED: ATTEST: ;mac_E�1 NOTARY!' PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHI1GTON, RESIDING AT RENTON, WASHINGTON Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 5-1-67 :=LIC HEARING: (Cont.) Since Mr. Ernie Coleman, representing vacation petitioner., arrived, it was moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, that the matter of the public hearing on the proposed vacation of alley per petition of George and Claudine Ames, be taken from the table. Carried. The hearing was declared continued and since the Clerk reported that no additional communications had been received, audience comment was invited. Mr. Ernie Coleman advised that Standard Service Tire Company was the party interested in the vacation since it anticipated expansion of facilities which would require the additional property which lies between their site and the one they plan to acquire. They cannot utilize the lot if it remains separated however and it was noted that this alley is used very little and the property contains a dilapidated run down facility and the im- provement as proposed would be an asset to the City. If the City insists that there be an alley in the proximity through to 2nd it was proposed that the alley be allowed to run on the Westerly side of Lot 5 which would provide the same as now exists, their feeling being however that it has never served any purpose presently being covered over with brush and rose bushes and practically impassable. It was noted that the alley is to no avail without a turn around which might be a hammerhead type which could be pro- vided within a 40 ft. radius or the circular type which would require 60 ft. diameter. It was suggested this matter :_hhould be resolved and the alley moved at the time the building proposal was submitted to the Building Department. Mr. Coleman. added that if , when working with the City Engineer it was felt the City absolutely had to have such an alley, arrangements would be made for the relocation, a hammerhead being more desirable than backing out, if such provision is to be required. The property cannot be utilized as it presently exists. Colin Radford, Realtor, speaking on behalf of the Ames Family and Estate, who originally opposed the vacation, advised that relocation of the alley to the Easterly boundary of their property will 'remove their objection and they will go along with the vacation. Upon legality inquiry regarding relocation of an alley, City Attorney Shellan £.dviced that an alley can legally be vacated if there is a show that no one is denied access and the City policy requiring 100% ownership to sign is met. In this case there would be a vacation and rededication by a deed from the owner of lot 5, dedicating the westerly 16 ft. of lot 5. A public hearing would need to be held because this is re- locating of en alley and when the quit claim deed is executed the City would be free to vacate and relocate the alley. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Gianini, that the hearing be closed. Carried. T1 ^ hearing was declared closed. Moved by Garrett, -that r } e adv Jed - willing to dedicate the 16 ft. alley on the west side of Lot 5, the Council, upon receipt of dedication document would vacate the portion requested and relocate the alley, following proper public hearing. Hulse seconded the motion.which =a• =t Baas , noted that application would have to be made at the time the party was ready it being pointed out that a new council may be officiating if they w:-.it too long. It was urged that the building presently adorning the premises be removed. CG.AUTI CAT'IO:?S: (Cont.) Letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted and recommended for payment Estimate No. 4 due Venture Construction, Inc., for Mt. Olivet Booster Pump Station construction, in sum of $13,174.39. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the payment to the Auditing_and Accounting Committee. Carried. Application from 0. A. Maloney, owner of Pat's Tavern, 917 - 3rd Street, requested that American Shuffleboard Sales Corporation be granted required license to operate a coin device pool table. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to refer the application to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Letter from Gene . L. Coulon, Park Director, reported recommendation of the Park Board and himself that the low bid of Ricardi Construction Company in sum of $23,012.00 be accepted for construction of the Talbot Hill Park Shelter Building. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendations. Carried. Letter from J. D. Sweazey appealed ruling of the Planning Commission in denial of application for rezone of property located at 9418 - 108th Place S.E . from G to R-4. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that the date of May 15th be set for hearing on the matter. Carried. A letter from the Renton Historical Society, Frank Storey, Chairman, requested Council consideration in location of temporary quarters for a museum with Liberty Park Community Center and the present Council Chambers being suggested as future possibilities. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, to refer the request to the Park Board. Carried. -2- .--vw,164"977-Ark Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 4-2 4-67 PUBLIC HEARINGS: Vacation - Portion of 12th Place between Blocks 40 and 46, Tract C, Corrected Plat of Renton Highlands No. 2. (M. Lotto et al) This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Communication from City Engineer Wilson was read reporting no objection to the vacation, this being an un- opered right-of-way and not a part of the City's Comprehensive Street Plan. Since J_ utilities are existing in the area there is no need to retain a utility easement. Leer frcn Planning Director Ericksen reported Commission recommendation from meeting of 12th that the vacation be approved as requested. Audience comment was invited and Mr. Mike Lotto stated that when the Plat was accepted some years ago an error was evident in that the street was supposed to run one direction and went another and this vacation would correct the situation and the vacation should h.r•'e been asked for 3 or 4 years ago and property deeded to the City for proper right of way as it has now been. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, that the hearing be closed. Carried. The hearing was declared closed and further council action invited. Moved by Morris, seconded by to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commi€sion granting the vacation. The motion carried. PUB...:,IC HEARING: Vacation of portion of alley South 2nd Street and Logan Avenue South Claudine and George Ames Property This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Communications were read from Robert and Betty Putman requesting that the alley not be vacated in the interest of utilizing same for a commercial building which development it was felt would enhance the City by modernizing and architecturally improving the area across from the High Sch)ol. Letters from Mrs. L. J. Putman and Mary Ann Putman and Colin W. Radford urged that the Council deny the vacation request to allow the commercial development, the alley providing access and egress value to the Putman properties. A letter from City Engineer Wilson reported that the vacation as requested would leave the City with a dead end alley approximately 230' in length which would not be in the City's best interest, although it is doubtful that the alley can be used as plated due to its narrow width and 90% turn. As an alternative the petitioner has offered to deed a new right-of-way out to South 2nd Street along the West side of Lot 5 as a replacement for existing right-of-way so as to consolidate their ownership. This would be preferable to dead ending the alley however unless a portion of Lot 4 cc1ld be obtained to develop a turning radius at the 90% bend it would be of doubtful va1 e to the City. A letter from Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director, reported Planning Commission rcromrrend.ation that the vacation be granted only if a proper turn-around is provided at the Easterly end of the remaining 16 ft. alley. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini ':Iat action be taken to close the hearing however discussion disclosed that this would preclude further acceptance of alternate proposals as recommended by the City Engineer and Planning Commission. Attorney Shellan suggested that the hearing be cortinued or held in abeyance. Garrett spoke against closing the hearing suggesting that the petitioner be advised of the need for the turning radius and not only an additional 16 ft. dedication to relocate the right-of-way which petitioner has offered between lots 4 and 5, the boundary line between the properties. Dahlquist felt the hearing should be closed and action taken on the petition before the Council which is for specific vacation and vote it down and allow a new proposal to be submitted. Vole on the pending motion followed. Motion,by majority no verbal vote, was declared lo:t. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that the hearing be continued to next week': council meeting, May 1st. Dahlquist inquired whether the hearing was to be continued on the vacation of the area petitioned for or something additional that has been prescated. Mayor Custer stated that the only thing before the Council is the vacat'hn of the area as shown on the maps and that is the subject being continued. Schellert inquired whether petitioner has been apprised of the prospect of a turn around or additional alley right of way and The City Engineer replied that petitioner is aware of this wbjch is why they had proposed to deed an equal amount of right of way on the West side of Lot 5 and later provide turn arround. Mr. Coleman, representative for the property owners, is in San Francisco and unable to be present this evening. Attorney Shellan advised that should the Council wish to relocate the alley notice of public hearing would again need to be given on the relocation or other portion to be vacated as an alternative. Garrett added that the petitioner could come in with a new proposal at the continued hearing and the Council would have to act in accordance with the law but the petitioner may or may not be interested in such revision and this is what the Council . would want to know. The pending motion carried. -2- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 4-24-67 PUBLIC HEARINGS: Vacation - Portion of 12th Place between Blocks 40 and 46, Tract C, Corrected Plat of Renton Highlands No. 2. (M. Lotto et al) This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Communication from City Engineer Wilson was read reporting no objection to the vacation, this being an un- opc ed right-of-way and not a part of the City's Comprehensive Street Plan. Since =il t;ti_ities are existing in the area there is no need to retain a utility easement. Letter from Planning Director Ericksen reported Commission recommendation from meeting of April 12th that the vacation be approved as requested. Audience comment was invited and Mr. Mike Lotto stated that when the Plat was accepted some years ago an error was evident in that the street was supposed to run one direction and went another and this vacation would correct the situation and the vacation should h.-e been asked for 3 or 4 years ago and property deeded to the City for proper right of way as it has now been. I:oved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, that the hearing be closed. Carried. The hearing was declared closed and further council action invited. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission granting the vacation. The motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Vacation of portion of alley South 2nd Street and Logan Avenue South Claudine and George Ames Property This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Communications were read from Robert and Betty Putman requesting that the alley not be vacated in the interest of utilizing same for a commercial building which development it was felt would enhance the City by modernizing and architecturally improving the area across from the High School. Letters from Mrs. L. J. Putman and Mary Ann Putman and Colin W. Radford urged that the Council deny the vacation request to allow the commercial development, the alley providing access and egress value to the Putman properties. A letter from City Engineer Wilson reported that the vacation as requested would leave the City with a dead end alley approximately 230' in length which would not be in the City's best interest, although it is doubtful that the alley can be used as platted due to its narrow width and 90% turn. As an alternative the petitioner has offered to deed a new right-of-way out to South 2nd Street along the West side of Lot 5 as a replacement for existing right-of-way so as to consolidate their ownership. This •.'ould be preferable to dead ending the alley however unless a portion of Lot 4 could be obtained to develop a turning radius at the 90% bend it would be of doubtful value to the City. A letter from Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director, reported Planning Commission recommendation that the vacation be granted only if a proper turn-around is provided at the Eacterly end of the remaining 16 ft. alley. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini 'set action be taken to close the hearing however discussion disclosed that this would preclude further acceptance of alternate proposals as recommended by the City Engineer and Planning Commission. Attorney Shellan suggested that the hearing be continued or held in abeyance. Garrett spoke against closing the hearing suggesting that the petitioner be advised of the need for the turning radius and not only an adcitional 16 ft. dedication to relocate the right-of-way which petitioner has offered between lots 4 and 5, the boundary line between the properties. Dahlquist felt the hearing should be closed and action taken on the petition before the Council which is for specific vacation and vote it down and allow a new proposal to be submitted. Vote on the pending motion followed. Motion,by majority no verbal vote, was declared loft. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that the hearing be continued to next week'E council meeting, May 1st. Dahlquist inquired whether the hearing was to be continued on the vacation of the area petitioned for or something additional that has been presented. Mayor Custer stated that the only thing before the Council is the vacat;hn of the area as shown on the maps and that is the subject being continued. Schellert incuired whether petitioner has been apprised of the prospect of a turn around or additional alley right of way and The City Engineer replied that petitioner is aware of this which is why they had proposed to deed an equal amount of right of way on the Went side of Lot 5 and later provide turn arround. Mr. Coleman, representative for the property owners, is in San Francisco and unable to be present this evening. Attorne) Shellan advised that should the Council wish to relocate the alley notice of public hearing would again need to be given on the relocation or other portion to be vacated as an alternative. Garrett added that the petitioner could come in with a new proposal at the continued hearing and the Council would have to act in accordance with the law but the petitioner may or may not be interested in such revision and this is what the Council . would want to know. The pending motion carried. -2- Hay 5, 1967 Mr . and Mrs. Robert Futmar. 4422 - 42nd Avenue S.W. Seattle, W shirgton 98116 Re: Vacation of .111ey South of South 2nd Street West of Logan Dear Mr. and Mrs. Futmin: s We enclose herewith, per your request, excerpt from the Minutes of the City Council Meeting of May 1st wherein public hearing was held on the Above-•captiored. As advised Petetioners will need to file a new application at such time as the alley is to be vacated since relscatior of the facility is to concurrently be effected which by law requires a new public hear'.r . Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/dm Er clos, re May 3, 1967 11 Mr. and Mrs. George 'imes 1645 Monterey Drive Renton, Washington Re: V Ication of Alley So. 2nd Street at Logan Dear. Mr. and Mrs. Ames: The Fenton City Council, at its reular meeting of May 1, 7.967 has acted favorably on your request with the provision that 16 ft. or westerly portion of Let 5 is dedicatcd by a Ouit Claim Deed for relocation of the right-or-way. new application must be filed and public hearing held to er.comp.es the revised action to include relocating the facility as well as vacating the present alley. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/dr+� _ . . cc: E. ;oleman R. tman z April 26, 1967 Mr. and Mrs. George Ames 1E45 Monterey Drive Renton, Washington 98055 Re: Vacation of Alley, South 2nd Street and Logan Avenue So. Deer Mr. and Mrs. Ames: This is to advise that the Renton City Council, at its regular meeting of April 24th has continued the public hearing on the above-captioned to Ma 1, 1967 at 8:00 p.m. in tte Council Chambers, City Hall, Renton, Washington. We enclose excerpt from the previous meeting's Minutes for your further inf,rmation. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/Im Enclosure (1) April 26, 1967 M.,. and Mrs. George Ames 1i{45 Monterey Drive RE nton, Washington 98055 Re: Vacation of Alley, South 2nd Street and Logan Avenue So. Dear Mr. and Mrs. Ames: This is to advise that the Renton City Council, at its regular meeting of April 24th has continued the public hearing on the above-captioned to May 1, 1967 at 8:00 p.m. in Council Chambers, City Hall, Renton, Washington. We enclose excerpt from the previous meeting's Minutes for your further information. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/d.n Enclo3ure (1) April 26, 1967 Mr. Colin W. Radford 321 Dexter Avenue North Seattle, Washington Re: City of Renton - Vacation of Alley,S. 2nd Street and Logan Avenue South Deer Mr. R dford: This is to advise that the Renton City Council, at its regular meetini of April 24th has continued the hearing on the above-captioned matter to May 1, 1967 at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, Renton, Washington. Excerpt from the Minutes of the previous meeting is herewith enclosed. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/im April 26, 1967 Mr. Colin W. Radford 324 Dexter Avenue North Seattle, Washington Re: City of Rent,rn - Vacation of Alley,S. 2nd Street and Logan Avenue South Dear Mr. R 'dford: This is to advise that the Rentor City Council, at its regular meetinn7 of April 24th has continued the hearing on the above-captioned matter to May 1, 1967 at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, Renton, Washfngtor. Excerpt from the Minutes of the previous meeting is herewith enclosed. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/dta April 26, 1967. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Putman et al 4422 - 42nd Avenue S.W. mattle, Washington 98116 Re: Renton, Wn., Vacation of Alley So. 2nd Street & Logan Avenue So. Dear Mr. and Mrs. Putman: This is to advise that the Renton City Council, at its regular meeting of April 24th has continued the public hearing on the above-captioned to May 1, 1967 at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, Renton, Washington. Excerpt from the Minutes of the previous meeting is e ^losed f)r your further information. Yours very truly, CITY CF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/dm Enclosure (1) April 26, 1967 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Putman et al 4422 - 42nd Avenue S.W. Sea:t1e, Washington 98116 Re: Renton, Wn., Vacation of Alley So. 2nd Street & Logan Avenue So. Dear Mr. and Mrs. Putman: This is to advise that the Renton City Council, at its regular meeting of April 24th has continued the public hearing on the above-captioned to Ksy 1, 1967 at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, Renton, Washington. Excerpt from the Minutes of the previous meeting is nclosed for your further information. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Halide W. Nelson City Clerk HWY+/dm Enclosure (1) April 22, 1967 Honorable Donald W. C ster, Mayor Members of Council Renton City Hall Cedar River Park Renton, Washington • Attention: City Clerk We , the undersigned , Robert G. Putman and Betty M Putman, (wife) , who own property abutting the alley, the West half of Logan and the South of Second, wish to maintain at this time , the use of the complete alley as we need access to our property both ways, due to congestion in the area; also for future commercial development of this and adjacent property. Robert ye-) . utinah et M. Putman April 24, 1967 Honorable Donald Custer, Mayor Members of the City Council Re: Vacation of Alley-South 2nd Street and Logan Avenue South Gentlemen: the petition as presented requests the vacation of the North- . . South portion of the alloy as platted in Block 1 of Smither's 6th Addition to Renton. If this vacation is granted, the City would be left with a dead end alley approximately 230' in length. The Engineering Department would be opposed to such action since it would not be in the City's best interest although it is doubtful that this alley can be used as platted because of its narrow width and 90% turn. As an alternative, the petitioning party has offered to deed a new right-of-way out to South 2nd Street along the west side of Lot 5 as a replacement of the existing right-of-way so as to con- solidate their ownership. This would be preferable to dead ending the existing alley; but unless a portion of Lot !t could be obtained so as to develop a turning radius at the 90% bend, it would be of doubtful value to the City. Very truly yours, Jack. Wilson City Engineer JW:mc 4 April 21, 1967 • The Honorable Donald W. Custer, Mayor Members of the City Council City Hall Renton, Washington 98055 RE : VACATION OF ALLEY BETWEEN BLOCK 1, MOTOR LINE ADDITION AND BLOCK 1, SMITHERS 6TH ADDITION Gentlemen and Mrs. Dahlquist: k The Planning Commission, at its meeting of April 12, 1967 , b, reviewed the proposed vacation of the above-named alley. The Planning Commission, after study of the proposed vaca- tion, recommended that the vacation be granted only if a proper turn-around is provided at the easterly end of the remaining 16-foot alley. Very truly yours, Gordon Y. Ericksen Planning Director GYE:hh 4Ih/ April 21, 1967 The Honorable Donald W. Custer, Mayor Members of the City Council City Hall Renton, Washington 98055 RE : VACATION OF ALLEY BETWEEN BLOCK 1, MOTOR LINE ADDITION AND BLOCK 1, SMITHERS 6TH ADDITION Gentlemen and Mrs . Dahlquist : The Planning Commission, at its meeting of April 12, 1967 , reviewed the proposed vacation of the above-named alley. The Planning Commission, after study of the proposed vaca- tion, recommended that the vacation be granted only if a proper turn-around is provided at the easterly end of the remaining 16-foot alley. Very truly yours, Gordon Y. Ericksen Planning Director GYE:hh REALTORS Radford & co 324 DEXTER AVENUE NORTH • SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, U. S. A. MA 444850 April 12, 1967 Honorable Donald W. Custer and Members of Council City of Renton Cedar River Park Renton, Washington Honorable May and Members of Council: On behalf of the following property owners facing the south side of Second Avenue South east of Morris Street, namely, Robert G. Putman, George C. Ames and the L. J . Putman Estate, I am peti- tioning the City Council of the City of Renton to deny the petition to vacate the north south leg of the alley servicing these properties, which alley line is east of Lot 5, Block 1, Smithers Sixty Addition to Renton, and west of Lots 6, 7, and 8, Block 1, Motor Line Addition to Renton. It is presently the intent of the owners of these properties to develop their property into office and commercial space, and their property takes on considerable value from the ease of access and egress and the cornerability created by this 16-foot alley. Respectfully, 642144' 4l 111/14-- Colin W. Radfor Agent CWR:ps 4 April 11, 1967 Hon. Donald W. Custer, Mayor F / LEDIbemters Of Council : APR 2 1967 Gentlemen CITY CITY We, the undersigned, Mrs. Leslie Joseph Putman and Miss Mary Ann Putman, whose property abuts the alley, wish to maintain the use of the alley, the West half of Logan and the South of Second, for a commercial development. We desire the complete alley maintained for this use, a:id hope you will realize this development will enhance the City of Renton. An office building of this stature will modernize and architecturally improve this block across from the High School. We trust you will consider this with f.n open mind, visualizing the handsome finished building, an asset to our fine City. Sincerely, Mrs. L. J. Putman Miss Mary Ann Putman An cs w\ r kv 1AA,(pR April 12, 1967 Dear Hc•norable Donald W. Custer, Mayor and Meribers Of Council : Gentlemen: I failed to mention in my previous letter to you that our plans include the complete use of the George C. Ames property, and that I have Jack ttenaroya, Contractor, helping me with this project. Mr. Benaroya, as you surely must know, built the Andover Industrial Park and has built many postoffice buildings in our State of Washington, and he built buildings for Sylvania here and in New York. He is recommended highly by everyone, truly an outstanding builder and citizen. I ask you, Gentlemen, to consider this when you are doing your final thinking about this vacation of this alley. The U.S. Rubber and Tire Company could be easily moved to another location, and it would be an asset to Renton to have en office building with adjoining buildings that compliment each other rather than the other way around. Think about it, Gentlemen, and I think you'l:. agree, that our good plan makes sense and will help Renton achieve it's z.rchitectural destiny of a future metropolis, if we do the right thing now. From a tiny acorn the oak tree grows, and from the right plans, a fine (:ity progresses. Please consider this, Gentlemen, and leave Mr. Ames prope:ty and the alley for our good use. Thank you for your thoughtfulness. Sincerely, ,r (Ay. �j Mary f/Ann Putman. 5. . zND 5T V! .s tfi 1 a 3 4 5 j 9 ; 7 W • .j 4 I W • 1 ALLEY 6 A V ;:�Ah : . .w" 2 CE 4 Q Dq , r 3 ry C , 7 p p/L s --,q T T. _, ' ‘,\51 j S. 5Rb ST. I ALLEY VACATION A.L.LE.'( BET\A/EEN.! BLOCK I MOTOR LINE ADD . i 5LOCK I , SM ITHER.S G'TH ADD . PORT'O 1 TC') BE \'A.CATED gm SCA.L.E : I " = 100' Renton Planning Commission Meeting April 12, 1967 Minutes Page 2 4. NEW BUSINESS : STREET VACAT_ (CONTINUED) ifc (b) VACATION OF ALLEY BETWETHENIBIOCK 1 , MOTOR LINE ADDITION AND T . Planning Director Ericksen pointed out the location of the proposed alley vacation on the zoning map and indicated that the Planning Department staff has no objections to this proposed alley vacation. Lyrn,i:n Houk of the Engineering Department stated that vacation of this por_ J on of the alley could create a deadend alley, and the Engineering Deplrtrnent would be favorable toward vacation of the entire alley. Some discussion ensued regarding the various property owners in the area and whether or not they would dedicate property for a turn-around area; who would be most likely to dedicate such property, etc. ACTION : It was moved by Peegarden, seconded by Racanollo, that the Planning Commission advise the City Council that it would approve the vacation of this alley only if a proper turn-around at the east end of the 16 ' allay is provided. Motion carried unanimously. URBAN B€AU't 11=I CAT I ON PROGRAM At this point, the Planning Director stated that Mr. Jan Klippert was available and suggested that the Commission return to Item 3--Urban Beautification Program. Mr. Klippert presented an Appendix to the Urban Beautification Program material previously distributed to the Planning Commission. He ex- plained in some detail each item on the Appendix together with the funding required and anticipated for 1967 and 1968 . It. was Mr. Klip- port' s hope that the Planning Commission would approve this Appendix so that application could be made to the federal government for match- ing funds to accomplish the program. It was pointed out that all the improvements were in the downtown area of Renton; that no outlying districts were represented in the program. Mr. Klippert replied that no outlying districts requested inclusion in the program. He explained further that the funds represented in the Appendix were the actual amounts to be requested from the federal government and that the City of Renton would put up a like amount, but not necessarily to match exactly the funding shown for specific items in the Appendix; that the City had some leeway in the distribution of the funds among the various projects. Mr. Klippert stated that a total of $35,000 would be budgeted for 1967 , half of this amount to be derived from the federal government and half from the City of Renton; and that a total of $148 ,800 would be budgeted for 1968 on the same basis . Mr. Mike Lotto, President of Greater Renton Shopping centers, Inc. asked that the Renton Highlands be included in the plans of the Urban Beautification Committee. t r'- ttEMbORSi � ��� I 2' � . ', 324 DEXTER AVENUE NORTH SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, U. S. A. 0 April 12, 1967 Honorable Donald W. Custer and Members of Council City of Renton Cedar River Park Renton, Washington Honorable May and Members of Council: On behalf of the following property owners facing the south side of Second Avenue South east of Morris Street, namely, Robert G. Putman, George C. Ames and the L. J . Putman Estate, I am peti- tioning the City Council of the City of Renton to deny the petition to vacate the north south leg of the alley servicing these properties, which alley line is east of Lot 5, Block 1, Smithers Sixty Addition to Renton, and west of Lots 6, 7, and 8, Block 1, Motor Line Addition to Renton. It is presently the intent of the owners of these properties to develop their property into office and commercial space, and their property takes on considerable value from the ease of access and egress and the cornerability created by this 16-foot alley. Respectfully, i' i /. 7:C (/2/4//7--/_— Colin W. Radford, G Agent i'L--' t CWR: ps 'a , ()lc/7 ,„.. ‘cij k,(..."6,,,,__- .. i RESOLUTION No. /' WHEREAS a petition has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Renton on or about March 20, 1967, petitioning for the vacation of a certain portion of an alley, as hereinafter more particularly described, and said petition having been signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property abutting upon said portion of alley sought to be vacated, same being described as follows, to-wit: That portion of the alley running North and South between Lots 6, 7 and 8, Block 1, Motor Line Addition to Renton on the East and , Lot 5, Block 1, Smither's Sixth Addition to Renton on the West. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENT3N AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: That the 24th day of April, 1967 at the hour of 8:00 P.M. at the City Council Chambers in the City Hall of Renton, Washington, be and is hereby fixed as the time and place when the aforesaid petition for vacating the aforesaid portion of alley shall be heard and determined. SECTION II: The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give notice of said time and hearing as provided by law; and any and all persons interested therein or objecting to said vacation may then appear and be heard thereon, or they may file their written objections thereto with the City Clerk prior to or at the time of the hearing on said vacation. SECTION III: The City of Renton reserves the right to retain an easement for utility and other public purposes within said right-of-way sought to be vacated. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 3rd day of April, 1967 . / /(/ Helmie Nelson, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 3rd of April, 1967. Donald W. Custer, Mayor Approved as to form: Getard M. Shellan,\City Attorney L NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL RENTON, WASHINGTON NOTICE I3 HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PETITION TO VACATE ALLEY TO WIT: That portion of the alley running North and South between Lots 6, 7 and 8, Block 1, Motor Line Addition to Renton on the East and Lot 5, Block 1, Smithers Sixth Addition to Renton on the West HAS BEE1Y FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF RENTON. THE CITY COUNCIL BY RESOLUTION NO. 1433 DULY ADOPTED AT ITS REGULAR MEETING OF April 3, 1967 FIXED APED DETERMINED THE 24th DAY OF April, 1967 AT THE HOUR OF 8:00 P.M., IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF RENTON, AS THE DATE AND PLACE A2 WHICH SAID PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE CITY COUNCIL UPON THE PETITION TO VACATE SAID ALLEY ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED THEREIN OR WISHING TO OBJECT THERETO, MAY TEEN BE HEARD THEREON OR MAY FILE THEIR WRITTEN OBJECTIONS TO SAID VACATION WITH THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO SALE TIME OF HEARING. HELM W. NELSON CITY CLERK DATE OF PUBLICATION April 6, 1967 CERTIFICATION I, 7' HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE (3) COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AND ONE (1) COPY POS'1'r:1) AT THE CITY HALL, RENTON, ON k.CT-1,_14.-- As PRESCFIBED BY LAW. SIGNED: ATTEST': NY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT RENTON, WASHINGTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL RENTON, WASHINGTON NOTICE ::S HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PETITION TO VACATE LL'i� TO WIT: That 3,-:ri•ir,n n11.y ryrnlr4 N,r-th and Soutb pees <t 6� 7 Mid S, t3L•,t14 1, 4 ., . .. F4+na t.9 RQQt )» lems; r:3Ej _' 4- t So B't„i4: 14,,_ S ithprn fYt sAril+l„n Vic' 4, n : •+st HAS BEEN FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF RENTON. THE CITY COUNCIL BY RESOLUTION NO. 1433 DULY ADOPTED AT ITS REGULAR MEETING OF vri1 3, 1967 FIXED AND DETERMINED THE 74th DAY OF ,._t lnA07 AT THE HOUR OF 8:OC' P.M., IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF RENTON, AS THE DATE AND PLACE LT WHICH SAID PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE CITY COUNCIL UPON THE PETITION TO VACJ.TE SAID li r ANY AN]) ALL PERSONS INTERESTED THEREIN OR WISHING TO OBJECT THERETO, MAY THEN BE HEARD THEREON OR MAY FILE THEIR WRt'1'2EN OBJECTIONS TO SAID VACATION WITH THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO SA1) TIME OF HEARING. ici4ogiaJ HELMIE W. NELSON — CITY CLERK DATE OF PUBLICATION ,,.r ) i 7967 CERTIFICATION I, 1.--int_) v HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE (3) COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AND ONE (1) COPY POSTED AT THE CITY HALL, RENTON, ON �r r-� ( (-, AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. SIGNED: ATTEST: .x f NOTA, PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT RENTON, WASHINGTON INTER-OFFICE MEMO To: Helmie Nelson, City tierk Date March 29, 1967. From• Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney 0 c, ) -3_ d Re: Vacations o portion of 12th Place and portion of alley 2nd & Shattuck Dear Helmie: Attached you will find stencils of resolutions for the abovementioned vacations. Would you please have the City Engineer check the legal descriptions to make sure they are correct. We remain, V Tly yours, /Gerard M. Shellan GMS:hb. cc: MaYpr Law & Ord. Comm. City Engineer 4_, e /ir INTER-OFFICE MEMO Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director. and To: Renton Planning Commission Date March 30, 3.967 Helmie Nels ,r, City Clerk - From:Renton City Council Gentlemen: The Renton City Council , at its regular meetinn of March 27, 1967 has referred to you for recommendation reouests for street and alley vacations as follows: Vacation of 12th Place located within the Greater Renton Shopping Center in the Highlands, petitioned by M. w. Lotto, President Vacation of'portion of alley iust West of Logan and South of 2nd Avenue-netitinn of George Imes et ux The Council has set the date of 'nri1 24th "or hearing on the matter. Kindly forward your recommendations so they may be presented at said hearinn. Helmie INTER-OFFICE MEMO To: Jack Wilson, City Engineer Date March 30, 1967 From: ff inio Nola mt City Clerk Pear Jack: The Renton City Council, it its regular meeting of March 27th has referred to you for recommendatiors street and alley vacation requests as Follows: Vacation of 12th Place located within the Greater Renton Shopping; Center in the Highlands, petitioned by M. W. Lotto, President Vacation of,portion of alley West of Logan and South of 2nd Avenue petitioned by George lures;and wife. The date of April 21th has been set for hearing on the matter. Please submit your recommendations so that they may be presented at that time. He)mie 1 March 27, 1967 Honorable Donald W. Custer; Mayor Members of the City Council Re: Petition for Vacation of Alley - 2nd & Shattuck Centlemen- A check of County records indicates the petition for vacation of an alley west of Shattuck Avenue and South of South 2nd Street is signed by owners representing 100% of the property abutting said alley. Very truly yours,/ JA�K WILSON \\ City Engineer JW:em cc: City Clerk 111 � s/ao/6' March 13 , 1967 1961 k4T1ARG‘) Honorable& Members Mayor Custer 1 GLERK Renton , Washington Gentlemen and Mrs . Dahlquist : We hereby request the vacation of that portion of the alley running North and South between Lots 6 , 7 and 8 , block 1 , Motor Line Addition to Renton on the East and , Lot 5 , block 1 , Smitherts Sixth Addition to Renton on the West. To our knowledge this portion of the alley is of no further use and its vacation would eliminate a blind entry on to South Second Street . Trusting you will act with favor on this request , we are Respectfully yours , , /V(SVA(4) /vv h 1 L + , 014 13 S I ' ' it I i I 11.ry d 94 11 '(", unk 1 /' A % l I. I ' Pi;-;t(OM• 1. i I 6 r `" ,,,4 g•v/7 witty 54 fr rn 1 • - r , March 13 , 1967 toolC) , ItC3);./t4,01) Honorable Mayor Custer '� & Members of City Council Renton , Washington Gentlemen and Mrs . Dahlquist: We , the following property owners , represent 100% ownership of that property abutting the alley between Lots 6 , 7 and 8, block 1 , Motor Line Addition to Renton and Lot 5 , block 1 , Smither' s Addition No. 6 to Renton . And further, we agree to the vacation of that por- tion of the alley. Respectfully yours , Lot 5 and El /2 of ) Lot 4 , Block 1 , )- i %A) Smither' s 6th Add O& dz Lots - 2 - 3 - 4 and 5 042.Ati Block 1 , Motor Line Addition . ) - dC�✓ /�'� Lots 6 and 7 Block 1 ) 0,62/. Smither' s 6th Add. ) Lots 6 , 7 and 8 , ) STANDARD SERVICE TIRE Block 1 , Motor Line) - Addition ) Alve..47r 3/ o4,"7 — March 13 , 1967 y„ e. 0 F ;Vt�R 20 mi. Honorable Mayor Custer & Members of City Council c�ER ""' Renton , Washington ca Gentlemen and Mrs . Dahlquist: We , the following property owners , represent 100% ownership of that property abutting the alley between Lots 6 , 7 and 8, block 1 , Motor Line Addition to Renton and Lot 5 , block 1 , Smither' s Addition No. 6 to Renton. And further, we agree to the vacation of that por- tion of the alley. Respectfully yours , •Lot 5 and E 1 /2 of) i Lot 4 , Block 1 , ) Le) Smither' s 6th Add . ) 7-) (?-16u -e(4‘.6-,e Lots 2 , 3 , 4 , and 5 ) - /, Block 1 , Motor Line ) 41, Addition ) ZL, e6 Lots 6 and 7 , Block 1 ) Smither ' s 6th Add . ) ���, Lots 6 , 7 and 8 , ) STANDARD SERVICE TIRE Block 1 , Motor Line ) - Addition ) 774,t,P,Urd1 /440/c)0, 14Q-4‹.4/4at,- '