HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommittee of the Whole - 21 Jun 2021 - Agenda - Pdf CITY OF RENTON AGENDA - Committee of the Whole Meeting 6:00 PM - Monday, June 21, 2021 Videoconference 1. WSDOT/SOUND TRANSIT - I-405 BRT CORRIDOR UPDATE a) WSDOT Presentation b) Sound Transit Presentation Currently, due to the spread of COVID-19, all regularly-scheduled committee meetings will be held as necessary via video-conference. City Hall is closed to the public. If you would like to attend this week's meeting remotely, you can do so by going to https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86753290028?pwd=M2pOc09HWWNrY05uVnlIWnpGS1E4UT09 Zoom Meeting ID: 867 5329 0028, Passcode: 881839 You can call through Zoom at (253) 215-8782 and use the Meeting ID. City of Renton June 21, 2021 I-405 Renton to Bellevue Widening and Express Toll Lanes Project Lisa Hodgson, P.E., DBIA I-405/SR 167 Program Administrator AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Agenda •I-405 Renton to Bellevue Widening and Express Toll Lanes Project: Project Update •I-405/SR 167 Corridor Update: Legislative Direction –Program delivery schedule –Financial assumptions, risks and results –Legislative Provisos •Discussion 2AGENDA ITEM #1. a) 3 Project award and goals Design-build contract awarded August 2019 to Flatiron/Lane Joint Venture. 1.M i n i m i z e i m p a c t s 2.C o l l a b o r a t i on 3.S m o o t h t o l l s ys t e m r o l l o u t 4.E f f e c t i v e s t a r t -u p a n d c l o s e - o u t , a n d Q u a l i t y M a n a g e m e n t AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Northeast 44th Street Interchange 4AGENDA ITEM #1. a) 5 Conceptual design AGENDA ITEM #1. a) 6 Updated design AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Current Northeast 44th Street work 7AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Cedar Avenue and Renton Avenue bridges 8AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Renton Hill Bridges 9 •Cedar Avenue bridge remains in place •Renton Avenue bridge will be modified o Reduces single- bridge-only access by 300 days o Preliminary scheduled for 2022 •Bridges receive updated aesthetic treatments N Renton Ave. S Cedar Ave. S AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Bridge Highway View 10 Existing With aesthetic enhancements AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Bridge Street View 11 Existing With aesthetic enhancements AGENDA ITEM #1. a) 12 Schedule AGENDA ITEM #1. a) I-405/SR 167 Corridor Update 13AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Projects funded through bonded toll revenues 2019 (ESSB 5825) 1)I-405, SR 522 to SR 527 Express Toll Lanes Improvement Project (design and construction) - $600M 2)I-405 Renton to Bellevue Widening and Express Toll Lanes Project (completion) -$215M 3)SR 167 Master Plan Update -$3M 4)SR 167 Express Toll Lanes Extension to SR 410 and SR 512 (construction) -$100M 5)I-405/North 8th Street Direct Access Ramp Project in Renton (design) -$20M 2021 (SSB 5165) 1)I-405, SR 522 to SR 527 Express Toll Lanes Improvement Project (design/construction) -$600M 2)I-405 Renton to Bellevue Widening and Express Toll Lanes Project (completion) -$215M 3)SR 167 Master Plan Update -$3M 4)SR 167 Express Toll Lanes Extension to SR 410 and SR 512 (construction) -$100M 5)I-405/North 8th Street Direct Access Ramp Project $20M (design) + $230 (design/construction) 6)NE 85th Street Inline Station -$10M (toll infrastructure) 14 Total: $938M-$1.16B Total: $1.178B It is the intent of the legislature to provide construction funding for this project at a later date AGENDA ITEM #1. a) What has happened since 2019? Addressing our challenges •Project changes since 2019 (ESSB 5825) •Traffic and revenue is down •Project delivery schedules are affected •System management needs •Multiple variables that influence project financing 15AGENDA ITEM #1. a) I-405/SR 167 actual revenue compared to pre-COVID forecast 16AGENDA ITEM #1. a) 17 *Dashed lines represent changes related to the Current Law Budget AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Sec. 306: SR 522 to SR 527 Explore phasing and funding alternatives 18 Substitute Senate Bill 5165, Section 306 (9)(b) For the Department of Transportation –Improvements, Program I The department may advance the I-405/SR 522 to I-5 Capacity Improvements project (L2000234) and construct the project earlier than is scheduled in the LEAP transportation document referenced in subsection (2) of this section of additional funding is identified and submitted through the existing unanticipated receipts process by September 1, 2021. The department and state treasurer shall pursue alternatives to toll revenue funding including but not limited to federal loan and grant programs. The department shall explore phasing and modifying the project to attempt to align project completion with the anticipated deployment of bus rapid transit on the corridor in the 2023- 2025 biennium. The department shall report back to the transportation committees of the legislature on this work by September 15, 2021. ▪May advance and construct earlier than is scheduled if funding is identified and submitted by Sept. 1, 2021. ▪Shall pursue alternatives to toll revenue funding. ▪Shall explore phasing and modifying the project. ▪Report to the Legislature by Sept. 15, 2021. AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Alternative finance/funding sources Funding gap is $360 -$400M •Loans –TIFIA and Garvee –State loans •New Revenue/Grants –State •2022 Supplemental Budget •New Revenue Pkg. –Federal •Received ARPA •Surface Transportation Reauthorization •Other considerations –Sales tax deferral –Alternative funds –WSTC Toll Rate Policy –Bonding climate 19AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Sec. 209: I-405/SR 167 corridor Submit a bond proceeds corridor plan 20 Substitute Senate Bill 5165, Section 209 (8) For the Department of Transportation –Toll Operations and Maintenance, Program B The department shall submit a plan to the legislature for the Interstate 405 and state route number 167 express toll lanes account detailing how bond proceeds can cover the proposed construction plan on the Interstate 405 and state route number 167 express toll lane corridor outlined on LEAP Transportation Document 2021-1 as developed April 23, 2021, by January 1, 2022. ▪Submit a plan detailing how bond proceeds can cover the proposed construction plan from the 2021-23 transportation budget. ▪Report to the Legislature by Jan. 1, 2022.AGENDA ITEM #1. a) EAG engagement opportunities 21 EAG: Discuss policy framework & identify needs Today IWG: Review initial funding & phasing options July EAG: Review refined funding & phasing options before Sept. 15 submittal August EAG: Review plan before Jan. 1 submittal Fall AGENDA ITEM #1. a) 22 Questions?AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Capital Program Realignment & I-405 Bus Rapid Transit Renton City Council June 21, 2021 AGENDA ITEM #1. b) 2 What we’ll cover today •Discuss recession’s impact on revenues and project costs •Outline the 2021 realignment process to adjust project plans and schedules. •Sound Transit I-405 BRT Project Update & Refinements AGENDA ITEM #1. b) Program Realignment AGENDA ITEM #1. b) 4 What is realignment? A required response to estimated shortfalls •The Board responds to estimated affordability gaps by ‘realigning’ the financial plan to balance costs and revenue. •Options include cutting costs, raising new revenues, and/or delaying or phasing projects.AGENDA ITEM #1. b) 5 Financial changes Current 25 -year capital program runs 2016 -2041 •The Sound Transit Board is required to maintain an affordable financial plan, defined as not exceeding debt capacity within a 25-year planning horizon. •Lower revenue: The COVID recession will reduce revenue by an estimated $1.5 billion. •Higher costs: estimated $6.4 billion. •Total estimated affordability gap of $7.9 billion.AGENDA ITEM #1. b) Scenarios AGENDA ITEM #1. b) 7 Scenario 1: Hybrid -Integrated Network -Subarea Equity Tier 1 ≤ 2 years delay Tier 2 ≤ 6 years delay Tier 3 ≤ 9 years delay Tier 4 10+ years delay System Bus Base North (2025) OMF South (2030) OMF North (2035) 2nd DSTT (2037) Sounder Maint. Base (2036) ST2 Bus Base (2036) Bus-on-Shoulder (2034) North Lynnwood-Mariner NP (2038) Mariner-Everett NP (2041)Everett Link Parking (2046) Edmonds &Mukilteo (2034) East 405 Stride South NP (2026) 405 Stride North NP (2026) 522 Stride NP (2029) S. Kirk.–Issaquah NP (2046) 405/522 Stride Parking (2034) S. Kirk–Issaquah Parking (2051) N Sammamish (2034) Central Delridge*–Smith Cove (2035/37) Alaska Jct.-Delridge (2035) Smith Cove-Ballard (2040) Graham St. (2036) NE 130th St. (2041) RapidRide C/D (2034) South T. Dome Link NP (2032) Sumner (2026) Lakewood, S Tacoma (2032) Kent, Auburn (2029) Boeing Access Rd. (2036) TCC Tacoma Link (2044) DuPont Sounder (2041) Sounder platforms (2036) T-Dome Link parking (2040) Sounder trips & access (2046) SR-162 (2034) NP = no parking; DSTT = Downtown Seattle Transit Tunnel *Delridge stations opens with Tier 2 extension to Alaska Jct, followed by Smith Cove in 2037 AGENDA ITEM #1. b) 8 Tier Projects Years Delay Work plan 1 Lynnwood -Mariner NP, T-Dome Link NP, 405 Stride NP, Delridge* –Smith Cove, Sumner, S. Tacoma, Lakewood, OMF North,OMF South, Bus Base North, 2nd DSTT ≤ 2 Environmental Full design Full ROW Construction 2 Mariner –Everett NP, 522 Stride NP, Delridge - Alaska Jct., Smith Cove –Ballard, Kent, Auburn, S. Hilltop, S. Kirkland–Issaquah, DuPont Sounder, Graham St., Boeing Access Rd., TCC T-Link ≤ 6 Environmental Full Design Full ROW 3 Sounder platforms ≤ 9 Environmental Preliminary Design Strategic ROW 4 Sounder trips & access, Edmonds &Mukilteo, NE 130th St., RapidRide C/D, N Sammamish, SR-162, ST3 parking 10 +Pause work Scenario 1: Hybrid Integrated Network -Subarea Equity NP = no parking; DSTT = Downtown Seattle Transit Tunnel *Delridge stations opens with Tier 2 extension to Alaska Jct in 2035, followed by Smith Cove in 2037 AGENDA ITEM #1. b) 9 Tier 1 ≤ 2 years delay Tier 2 ≤ 6 years delay Tier 3 ≤ 9 years delay Tier 4 10+ years delay System Bus Base North (2025) OMF South (2029) OMF North (2035) 2nd DSTT (2035) Sounder Maintenance Base (2034) ST2 Bus Base (2036) Bus-on-Shoulder (2045) North Lynnwood-Mariner NP (2038)Mariner-Everett NP (2041)Edmonds &Mukilteo (2034) Everett Link Parking (2046) East 405 Stride South (2026) 522 Stride NP (2026) 405 Stride North (2029) 522 Stride parking (2029) S. Kirk.–Issaquah (2045) N Sammamish P&R (2045) Central Delridge* –Denny (2035)Denny-Ballard (2041)Alaska Jct.- Delridge (2038) NE 130th St. (2041) Graham St. (2041) RapidRide C/D (2045) South Kent, Auburn, Sumner (2025) T-Dome Link NP (2032) Lakewood, S Tacoma (2032) TCC Tacoma Link (2041) DuPont Sounder (2041) T-Dome Link Parking (2040) Boeing Access Rd. (2045) Sounder platforms (2045) Sounder trips/access (2045) SR-162 (2045) NP = no parking; DSTT = Downtown Seattle Transit Tunnel *constrained by timing of 2nd DSTT Scenario 2: WSBLE, Stride, and Access Variations AGENDA ITEM #1. b) 10 Tier Projects Years Delay Work plan 1 405 Stride South, 522 Stride NP, 2nd DSTT,Delridge –Denny*, Lynnwood-Mariner NP,Kent, Auburn, Sumner, T-Dome Link NP,Lakewood, S Tacoma, TCC Tacoma Link, Bus Base North, OMF S, OMF N ≤ 2 Environmental Full design Full ROW Construction 2 Mariner-Everett NP, 405 Stride North,522 Stride parking, Denny-Ballard, S. Kirk.–Issaquah, DuPont Sounder ≤ 6 Environmental Full Design Full ROW 3 Alaska Jct.-Delridge, Sounder Maintenance Base ≤ 9 Environmental Preliminary Design Strategic ROW 4 NE 130th St.,Graham St., Boeing Access Rd., Edmonds &Mukilteo,T-Dome Link Parking, Everett Link Parking, Sounder platforms, Sounder trips/access, N Sammamish P&R,RapidRide C/D, SR-162, ST2 Bus Base, Bus-on-Shoulder 10 +Pause work Scenario 2: WSBLE, Stride, and Access Variations NP = no parking; DSTT = Downtown Seattle Transit Tunnel *constrained by timing of 2nd DSTT AGENDA ITEM #1. b) 11 Tier 1 ≤ 2 years delay Tier 2 ≤ 6 years delay Tier 3 ≤ 9 years delay Tier 4 10+ years delay System Bus Base North (2025) OMF South (2029) OMF North (2035) 2nd DSTT (2038) Sounder Maintenance Base (2034) ST2 Bus Base (2045) Bus-on-Shoulder (2045) North Lynnwood-Mariner NP (2038)Mariner-Everett NP (2041)Edmonds &Mukilteo (2034) Everett Link Parking (2046) East 405 Stride S. (2026) 522 Stride NP (2026) 405 Stride N. NP (2027) S. Kirk.–Issaquah (2045) 522 Stride parking (2034) 405 Stride N. parking (2034) N Sammamish P&R (2045) Central Alaska Jct.-SODO (2032) SODO-Smith Cove (2038) Smith Cove-Ballard (2040) NE 130th (2037) Graham St. (2037) RapidRide C/D (2045) South Kent, Auburn, Sumner (2025) T-Dome Link NP (2032) Lakewood, S Tacoma (2032) TCC Tacoma Link (2041) Boeing Access (2037) Sounder platforms & access (2036) Sounder trips (2045) DuPont Sndr (2045) T-Dome Link Parking (2040) SR-162 (2045) NP = no parking; DSTT = Downtown Seattle Transit Tunnel Scenario 3: WSBLE, Stride, and Infill Variations AGENDA ITEM #1. b) 12 Tier Projects Years Delay Work plan 1 Lynnwood-Mariner NP,405 Stride South, 522 Stride NP, Alaska Jct.-SODO, Kent, Auburn, Sumner, T- Dome Link NP, Lakewood, S Tacoma,TCC Tacoma Link, Bus Base North, OMF South,OMF North ≤ 2 Environmental Full design Full ROW Construction 2 2nd DSTT, SODO-Smith Cove, Smith Cove-Ballard, Mariner-Everett NP, 405 Stride North NP,S. Kirkland–Issaquah, NE 130th St., Graham St., Boeing Access Rd. ≤ 6 Environmental Full Design Full ROW 3 Sounder platforms, access & trips,DuPont Sounder, Sounder Maintenance Base ≤ 9 Environmental Preliminary Design Strategic ROW 4 T-Dome Link & Everett Link Parking, 405 Stride N & 522 Stride Parking, Edmonds &Mukilteo, N Sammamish P&R, RapidRide C/D,SR-162, ST2 Bus Base, Bus-on-Shoulder 10 +Pause work Scenario 3: WSBLE, Stride, and Infill Variations NP = no parking; DSTT = Downtown Seattle Transit Tunnel AGENDA ITEM #1. b) 13 Realignment timeline overview December 2020 Board approves TIP with placeholder 5 year delay for all projects, pending realignment December 2021 Adopt 2022 final Budget & TIP March 2020 Pandemic begins July 2021 Potential adoption of flexible framework April 2020 Board informed that program is unaffordable April 2021 Public engagement via online survey AGENDA ITEM #1. b) 14 Next steps Anticipated realignment work through July Ongoing public engagement June Continued development of realignment action July Consider potential action to adopt realignment framework AGENDA ITEM #1. b) I-405 Bus Rapid Transit AGENDA ITEM #1. b) 1616 I -405 BRT Project Project Overview: Lynnwood to Burien 37-mile corridor 11 BRT stations across 8 cities Three new/expanded parking facilities One transit center Connections to Link light rail in Lynnwood, Bellevue and Tukwila Estimated 19,100 –26,000 riders daily by 2042 Two distinct lines: •South, Burien to Bellevue (S1) •North, Bellevue to Lynnwood (S2)AGENDA ITEM #1. b) 17 I -405 BRT: S1 Refinements include: •Burien Transit Center: Reduced roadway improvements & ROW •Tukwila: Smaller station footprint. •Development of SRTC design concept •I-405/SR 518 at I-5: widening eliminated. •Flip concept at NE 44th AGENDA ITEM #1. b) 18 I -405 BRT: WSDOT Partnership at NE 44 th Changes since 2019: •Fixed-cost agreement with WSDOT to construct infrastructure improvements •Cost effective and efficient: Part of WSDOT’s Renton to Bellevue Express Toll Lanes project •Under construction AGENDA ITEM #1. b) 19 South Renton Transit Center New Transit Center at Grady Way & Rainier Ave •New Transit Center to accommodate BRT and local transit routes •700 parking stalls •Future TOD in SW Corner AGENDA ITEM #1. b) 2020 I -405 BRT travel times AGENDA ITEM #1. b) 2121 BRT Project schedule Project refinement Q1 2019 –Board advances refined project Conceptual Engineering & Environmental Review Preliminary engineering PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT •Final design of roadway improvements •Final station designs and public art •Obtain land use and construction permits PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT •Groundbreaking •Construction updates and mitigation •Construction of roadway improvements, parking and stations. PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT WE ARE HERE **Pending Board Realignment Decisions AGENDA ITEM #1. b) 22 •Independent review will support further updates to cost assumptions and methodologies . •Sound Transit Board Realignment Process •Project to be Built decision(s) by the Sound Transit Board Agency Next steps AGENDA ITEM #1. b) Thank you. soundtransit.org/wsblink AGENDA ITEM #1. b)