HomeMy WebLinkAboutL_Title Reporet_SWA Amazon_210622_v1.PDFSUBDIVISION Guarantee/Certificate Number: Issued By: 202768-NCS Subdivision Guarantee/Certificate Printed: 07.26.20 @ 02:29 PM Page 1 WA-CT-FBCM-02150.622476-SPS-1-20-202768-NCS CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY a corporation, herein called the Company GUARANTEES Amazon herein called the Assured, against actual loss not exceeding the liability amount stated in Schedule A which the Assured shall sustain by reason of any incorrectness in the assurances set forth in Schedule A. LIABILITY EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS 1. No guarantee is given nor liability assumed with respect to the identity of any party named or referred to in Schedule A or with respect to the validity, legal effect or priority of any matter shown therein. 2. The Company’s liability hereunder shall be limited to the amount of actual loss sustained by the Assured because of reliance upon the assurance herein set forth, but in no event shall the Company’s liability exceed the liability amount set forth in Schedule A. Please note carefully the liability exclusions and limitations and the specific assurances afforded by this guarantee. If you wish additional liability, or assurances other than as contained herein, please contact the Company for further information as to the availability and cost. Chicago Title Company of Washington 701 5th Avenue, Suite 2700 Seattle, WA 98104 Chicago Title Insurance Company By: Countersigned By: Authorized Officer or Agent President Attest: Secretary Subdivision Guarantee/Certificate Printed: 07.26.20 @ 02:29 PM Page 2 WA-CT-FBCM-02150.622476-SPS-1-20-202768-NCS CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY GUARANTEE/CERTIFICATE NO.202768-NCS ISSUING OFFICE: Title Officer: Don Nagy Chicago Title Company of Washington 701 5th Avenue, Suite 2700 Seattle, WA 98104 Phone: 206-370-3182 Fax: 877-521-9936 Main Phone: (206)628-5610 Email: Don.Nagy@ctt.com SCHEDULE A Liability Premium Tax $1,000.00 $350.00 $35.35 Effective Date: July 21, 2020 at 12:00 AM The assurances referred to on the face page are: That, according to those public records which, under the recording laws, impart constructive notice of matter relative to the following described property: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF Title to said real property is vested in: Western B Northwest WA, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company subject to the matters shown below under Exceptions, which Exceptions are not necessarily shown in the order of their priority. END OF SCHEDULE A EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description Subdivision Guarantee/Certificate Printed: 07.26.20 @ 02:29 PM Page 3 WA-CT-FBCM-02150.622476-SPS-1-20-202768-NCS Parcel A: That portion of Government Lot 13, Section 24, Township 23 North, Range 4 East, Willamette Meridian, in King County, Washington, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Section 24; Thence North 87°18'57" West along the south line thereof 44.27 feet to the westerly margin of a 40.00 foot wide right of way for Springbrook Creek as described under King County recording number 9412231106 and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence North 37°00'42" West along said westerly margin 4.90 feet; Thence North 55°28'15" West 77.73 feet; Thence North 52°24'00" West 186.51 feet; Thence North 54°03'57" West 286.58 feet; Thence North 35°11'09" West 148.78 feet; Thence North 23°44'21" West 85.39 feet to a curve concave to the East having a radius of 75.78 feet; Thence northerly along said curve through a central angle of 59°07'34" an arc distance of 78.20 feet; Thence North 50°08'30" East 114.42 feet; Thence North 51°45'16" East 72.30 feet; Thence North 59°39'11" East 96.54 feet to a curve concave to the Northwest having a radius of 114.57 feet; Thence northeasterly along said curve through a central angle of 45°50'57" an arc distance of 91.68 feet; Thence North 13°48'14" East 114.90 feet to a curve concave to the West having a radius of 294.26 feet; Thence northerly along said curve through a central angle of 36°45'26" an arc distance of 188.78 feet; Thence North 23°47'30" West 102.20 feet; Thence North 28°32'10" West 64.18 feet; Thence North 20°51'33" West 61.80 feet to a point on the north line of said Government Lot 13 as said line is shown on a record of survey by R.F. Hillpointer as recorded under King County recording number 8910069012, said point bears North 87°26'45" West 422.35 feet from the northeast corner of Lot 13; Thence North 87°26'45" West along said north line 412.93 feet; Thence South 02°46'03" West 1327.46 feet to a point on the south line of said Section 24 which bears North 87°18'57" West from the true point of beginning; Thence South 87°18'57" East along said south line 836.83 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; (Also known as Lot 1 of city of Renton Lot Line Adjustment Number LUA-95-064-LLA, recorded under recording number 9508039005). Parcel B: A non-exclusive easement for pedestrian and vehicular access, utilities and related fixtures and equipment over Lot 2 of said Lot line adjustment number LUA-95-064-LLA, as disclosed by non-exclusive access and utilities easement recorded under King County recording number 9603151187 and access easement modification agreement recorded under King County recording number 9712180258; Together with those certain easement rights of ingress, egress and utilities and for the installation, operation, repair and maintenance of a bridge, as established by that certain air rights easement agreement recorded November 10, 2010 under recording number 20101110001986. Parcel C: A non-exclusive easement for secondary fire access over property adjoining on the west as disclosed by instrument recorded under King County recording number 9712121176; Parcel D: A non-exclusive easement for telecommunication lines or courses over Lot 2 of said Lot line adjustment number LUA-95-064-LLA, as disclosed by instrument recorded under King County recording number 9712180254. Parcel E: EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description Subdivision Guarantee/Certificate Printed: 07.26.20 @ 02:29 PM Page 4 WA-CT-FBCM-02150.622476-SPS-1-20-202768-NCS A non-exclusive easement for utilities and fixtures related to water lines or courses over Lot 2 of said Lot line adjustment number LUA-95-064-LLA, as disclosed by instrument recorded under King County recording number 9712180255. Parcel F: A non-exclusive easement for utilities and fixtures related to gas lines or courses over Lot 2 of said Lot line adjustment number LUA-95-064-LLA, as disclosed by instrument recorded under King County recording number 9712180256. Parcel G: A non-exclusive easement for utilities and fixtures related to power lines or courses over Lot 2 of said Lot line adjustment number LUA-95-064-LLA, as disclosed by instrument recorded under King County recording number 9712180257. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY GUARANTEE/CERTIFICATE NO.202768-NCS SCHEDULE B Subdivision Guarantee/Certificate Printed: 07.26.20 @ 02:29 PM Page 5 WA-CT-FBCM-02150.622476-SPS-1-20-202768-NCS 1.Reservations and exceptions in United States Patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof. 2.Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto, as granted in a document: Reserved By: James Nelson and Mary Nelson, husband and wife Purpose: Drainage Ditch Recording Date: May 2, 1907 Recording No.: 484312 Affects: Portion of said premises and other property Note: said easement is also delineated and/or dedicated on the face of the Lot Line Adjustment. 3.Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto, as granted in a document: Purpose: Pipeline Recording Date: January 4, 1909 Recording No.: 589073 Affects: Portion of said premises and other property Note: said easement is also delineated and/or dedicated on the face of the Lot Line Adjustment. 4.Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto, as granted in a document: Granted to: Puget Sound Power & Light Company Purpose: Electric transmission and/or distribution system Recording Date: December 15, 1953 Recording No.: 4404710 Affects: Portion of said premises The description contained in the above instrument is not sufficient to determine its exact location within the property herein described. 5.Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto, as granted in a document: Granted to: Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle Purpose: Sewer trunk line and appurtenances Recording Date: June 5, 1967 Recording No.: 6184981 Affects: A portion of said premises A counterpart of said easement was recorded under recording number 6184982. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY GUARANTEE/CERTIFICATE NO.202768-NCS SCHEDULE B (continued) Subdivision Guarantee/Certificate Printed: 07.26.20 @ 02:29 PM Page 6 WA-CT-FBCM-02150.622476-SPS-1-20-202768-NCS 6.Terms and Conditions of Non-Exclusive Access and Utilities Easement, established for the benefit of said premises by Agreement Executed by: Opus Northwest, L.L.C., a Delaware limited liability company And: Winmar-Metro, Inc., a Washington corporation Recording Date: March 15, 1996 Recording No.: 9603151187 Said easement agreement has been modified by modification thereof recorded under recording number 9712180258. 7.Agreement and Easement for Drainage Channel and the terms and conditions thereof Executed by: Opus Northwest, LLC and the City of Renton, a municipal corporation Recording Date: July 5, 1996 Recording No.: 9607050550 Said agreement and easement has been modified by amendment thereto recorded under recording number 9712241651. Exchange deed regarding establishment of fee ownerships of adjoining lands recorded December 23, 1994 under recording number 9412231106. Affects: easement rights in Parcel B 8.Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto, as granted in a document: Granted to: City of Renton, a municipal corporation Purpose: Drainage channel and pedestrian trail Recording Date: June 23, 1997 Recording No.: 9706230814 Affects: Portion of said premises as described and delineated in said instrument Release of Obligation to build pedestrian trail recorded July 19, 2010 under recording number 20100719000972. 9.Terms and Conditions of Secondary Fire Access Easement, established for the benefit of said premises by agreement Executed by: Longacres Park, Inc., a Washington corporation and Hunter Douglas Real Property, Inc., a Delaware corporation Recording Date: December 12, 1997 Recording No.: 9712121176 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY GUARANTEE/CERTIFICATE NO.202768-NCS SCHEDULE B (continued) Subdivision Guarantee/Certificate Printed: 07.26.20 @ 02:29 PM Page 7 WA-CT-FBCM-02150.622476-SPS-1-20-202768-NCS 10.Terms and Conditions of Telecommunications Line Easement, established for the benefit of said premises by agreement Executed by: Opus Northwest, L.L.C., a Delaware limited liability company and Hunter Douglas Real Property, Inc., a Delaware corporation Recording Date: December 18, 1997 Recording No.: 9712180254 11.Agreement Terms and Conditions of Water Line Easement, established for the benefit of said premises by agreement Executed by: Opus Northwest, L.L.C., a Delaware limited liability company and Hunter Douglas Real Property, Inc., a Delaware corporation Recording Date: December 18, 1997 Recording No.: 9712180255 12.Terms and Conditions of Gas Line Easement, established for the benefit of said premises Executed by: Opus Northwest, L.L.C., a Delaware limited liability company and Hunter Douglas Real Property, Inc., a Delaware corporation Recording Date: December 18, 1997 Recording No.: 9712180256 13.Agreement Terms and Conditions of Power Line Easement Executed by: Opus Northwest, L.L.C., a Delaware limited liability company and Hunter Douglas Real Property, Inc., a Delaware corporation Recording Date: December 18, 1997 Recording No.: 9712180257 14.Fire Access Easement Agreement Executed by: Hunter Douglas Real Property, Inc., a Washington corporation and Longacres Park, Inc., a Washington corporation Recording Date: May 21, 1999 Recording No.: 9905211140 15.Covenants, conditions, restrictions, recitals, reservations, easements, easement provisions, dedications, building setback lines, notes and statements, if any, but omitting any covenants or restrictions, if any, including but not limited to those based upon race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, familial status, marital status, disability, handicap, national origin, ancestry, or source of income, as set forth in applicable state or federal laws, except to the extent that said covenant or restriction is permitted by applicable law, as set forth on City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment No. LUA-064-LLA: Recording No: 9508039005 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY GUARANTEE/CERTIFICATE NO.202768-NCS SCHEDULE B (continued) Subdivision Guarantee/Certificate Printed: 07.26.20 @ 02:29 PM Page 8 WA-CT-FBCM-02150.622476-SPS-1-20-202768-NCS 16.Any question that may arise due to shifting or change in the course of Springbrook Creek or due to Springbrook Creek having shifted or changed its course, and rights of the State of Washington in and to that portion of said Land, if any, lying in the bed or former bed of Springbrook Creek. 17.Any prohibition or limitation of use, occupancy or improvement of the Land resulting from the rights of the public or riparian owners to use any portion which is now or was formerly covered by water. 18.Matters disclosed by survey of said premises by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc., dated May 25, 2010, last revised August 30, 2010, under Job No. 14814 and disclosed by Special Warranty Deed recorded under recording number 20100701000704, as follows: A.) Barbed wire fence along southerly property line meanders 0.8' to 2.8' north of property line; B.) Rockery midway along westerly property line is on line. Westerly edge extends 2.2' west of property line and easterly edge extends 4.0' east of property line; C.) Hogwire fence along northerly property line meanders from being on line to 0.4' north of property line; and D.) Dirt trail at northerly property line starts 6' south of property line at the curb line and heads northwesterly off site and continues in a northwesterly direction. 19.General and special taxes and charges, payable February 15, delinquent if first half unpaid on May 1, second half delinquent if unpaid on November 1 of the tax year (amounts do not include interest and penalties): Year: 2020 Tax Account No.: 242304-9115 Levy Code: 2100 Assessed Value-Land: $5,170,600.00 Assessed Value-Improvements: $12,373,700.00 General and Special Taxes: Billed: $217,829.88 Paid: $108,914.94 Unpaid: $108,914.94 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY GUARANTEE/CERTIFICATE NO.202768-NCS SCHEDULE B (continued) Subdivision Guarantee/Certificate Printed: 07.26.20 @ 02:29 PM Page 9 WA-CT-FBCM-02150.622476-SPS-1-20-202768-NCS A deed of trust to secure an indebtedness in the amount shown below Amount: $1,000.00 Dated: September 26, 2019 Trustor/Grantor: WESTERN B NORTHWEST WA, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company Trustee: CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Beneficiary: CITI REAL ESTATE FUNDING INC., a New York corporation; BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., a national banking association; BARCLAYS CAPTIAL REAL ESTATE INC., a Delaware corporation; DEUTSCHE BANK AG, NEW YORK BRANCH; GOLDMAN SACHS BANK USA, a New York state chartered bank; JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Recording Date: October 2, 2019 Recording No.: 20191002000711 A partial assignment of the beneficial interest under said trust deed From: DEUTSCHE BANK AG, NEW YORK BRANCH To: GERMAN AMERICAN CAPITAL CORPORATION, A MARYLAND CORPORATION Recording Date: March 4, 2020 Recording No.: 20200304001228 A partial assignment of the beneficial interest under said trust deed From: GOLDMAN SACHS BANK USA, A NEW YORK STATE-CHARTERED BANK To: GOLDMAN SACHS MORTGAGE COMPANY, A NEW YORK LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Recording Date: March 4, 2020 Recording No.: 20200304001229 A partial assignment of the beneficial interest under said trust deed An assignment of the beneficial interest under said deed of trust which names: Assignee: WILMINGTON TRUST, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE ON BEHALF OF THE HOLDERS OF BX COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE TRUST 2019-XL, COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2019-XL Recording Date: March 4, 2020 Recording No.: 20200304001230 Note: FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY: The following may be used as an abbreviated legal description on the documents to be recorded, per Amended RCW 65.04.045. Said abbreviated legal description is not a substitute for a complete legal description within the body of the document: Lot(s): 1 Subdivision: RENTON LLA LUA-95-064-LLA REC NO 9508039005 Tax Account No.: 242304-9115 Note: This map/plat is being furnished as an aid in locating the herein described Land in relation to adjoining streets, natural boundaries and other land. Except to the extent a policy of title insurance is expressly modified by endorsement, if any, the Company does not insure dimensions, distances or acreage shown thereon. END OF SCHEDULE B