HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAC - 91st Av S NSTRUCTIONS T I_ DELIVERING EMPLOYEE Show to whom and ,_do's.• to whom,when,and Deliver ONLY when delivered �--;+ress where delivered I I to addressee (Additio al barges required for these services) RECEIPT Received the numbered article described bele REGISTERED NO. SIGNATURE ME OF ADDRESSEE(Must s befilkd in) CERTIFIED NO. 0 �/ © SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSEE'S NT, IFf INSURED NO. . • '7,1 DATE DELIVERED SHOW WHERE DELIVERED(only if regtetted) ..,` ':, ' r- INSTRUCTIONS TO DELIVERING EMPLOYEE -- Show to whom and Show to whom,when,and Deliver ONLY 055-16-71548-8 t when delivered II address where delivered II to addressee (Additional charges required for these services) RECEIPT Received the numbered article described below. REGISTERED NO, SIGNATURE OR NAME OF ADDRESSEE(Must always be filled in) CERTIFIEQ�O, t� C '� IE94/7/ SIGN U OF ADDRESSEE'S AGENT V 2 INSURED NO. 61 DELIVERED r ° OW WHERE OELIED(onlyested) . coe07o55-1e-71548-8 GPO FRED AKERS REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE - 91 1 SOUTH THIRD STREET RENTON. WASHINGTON DSO55 AREA COME 206 ALrINE 15.1234 January 9 , 1Q6�' Mr . Louis Barci Chairman, Property Committee 1enton City Council Penton City Hall Penton , Washington Re : Appraisal for value of portion of 91st Ave. So. rear A1r. 1arei : At your request , I have examined 91st Avenue South from South 128th Avenue north to the portion of 91st Avenue South vacated under Renton City ordinance '':o. 1(45. I have considered the pertinent data affecting: valuation, including access , type of construction now }�einr completed in the area, the demand for apartment zoned property and t'.usiness conditions generally, as of January 8th, 1968. I am of the opinion the market value is Nine Thousand and `'o/1OO (S9,000.00 ) Dollars . A report is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Sincerely, Fred W. Akers , Realtor Fred Akers Zeal Estate FWAkers :pmn Encl : CERTIFICATE OF APPPAISAI. Fred W. Akers does hereby certify that upon application for valu- ation by: Louis Fiarei Chairman , Property Committee Renton Cite Council "2enton City Hall 'ienton , Washington the undersigned has personally examined the following described property: That portion of 91st Avenue South lying northerly of South 128th Street and adjacent to Lots 6 , 7, 8, 9 and 10 , mock 20 and Lots 9, 10 , 11 , 12 and 13 , Flock 19, all in Latimer' s Lake Park Addition, King County, Washington, subject to sewer• and water easements as described on attached sketch. 12 ,( 00 square feet (60 ' x 200 ' ) mostly cleared and practi- cally level and that he is of the opinion that on January 8th, 1968 , the market value of the above described real property is 'Fine Thousand and 1o/100 ( 9 ,000.00) Dollars . This appraisal was made with the understanding South 128th Street lying between 90th Avenue South and subject property has not and will not he vacated by the City of Trenton. It is the opinion of the undersigned appraiser the highest and best use of subject property is for R-3 apartment and/or apartment parking use , and that said property is so zoned . I further certify that I have no present or contemplated future in- terest ii the property appraised and the compensation for making the appraisal is in no manner contingent upon the value reported . Date: January 8th, 19(8 • red W. Akers , Realtor Fred Akers Real Estate 02_L*4 *gc/ \ Mc; 01. . A • •a a d >'12t"cyd -71`C77 S,Zi-3VML L 7-1 ` 02 • " 61 S71DO-1c;;; "DNINIOrO V • NOi L Od N C LL' O' 7A .L 2 ' Z _L S' C S W'% pBSodo3d . F,OOo'Z1 = - a-3-7 . 1S H.L. Z I ' S _ _ - - _ I I • . _............ . .1i �{ �'4 , o 1 Z • NI 0 -OI - � ,o1'i 0 `^ O f ` I I Z Z(Tl . . ..... .-, I----4.. z : 'n .,, _.__: .. 7 • 2 0. � � . � z L i Q ram•' •. ( " 7p • '�1 0 �/ _ -11 - o,L . , . Z .1 . •••• ---',. 1 .,--,C-- r i' i; ' Z ' .• \ _ • im � , ' z . . •-• %-.. ..'..:•. ..: - ."(D - 61 '1-.1 .-1' :--- IV I \ .4 -2 I- 0 ! < -17I _ - 70 r \ 1 PP x 1 i - k 5. , FRED AKERS REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE - 14(‘ 911 THIRD AVENUE RENTON. WASHINGTON 98055 AREA CODE 206 ALPINE 5-1234 STATEMENT March 4 , 1968 City of Renton Renton City Hall Renton, Washington 98055 Duo for appraisal, Park Avenue North, Renton $35.00 "/(---/A1 .-- 4-ci )./f 614-7Q-) b 1---,-)3t-e-- 1,---/-......) C-",-)."--rn-f/Z-44._... March 4th, 1968 Mr, Louis ' arei Chairman, Property Committee Renton City Council Renton City hail Renton, Washington Ret Appraisal for value of proposed right..of•eey, Part: Avenue orth and ronson Way North Dear Mr. ' aroi s At your request , I have examined the proposed richt-of•. way, Park Avenue "orth and ronson Way 'forth. I have considered the pertinent data affecting; valuation, including access, type of construction now beinc' completed in the area, the demand for ;usiness toned property and ;business conditions c•onerally, as of March 4th, 1968. 41110011. t am of the opinion the market value if 'two Thousand Twenty-five and "o/100 ($2,025.00) Dollars. A report is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Sincerely, Trod W. Akers Realtor Fred Akers Real Estate FWAkerstpmn CERTIFICATE 01 APPRAISAL Fred W, ?kors does hereby certify that upon application for valuation bys Louis area Chairman, Property Committee Renton City Council Renton City mall Renton, Washington the undersigned has personally examined the following described pros. pertys A portion of Lot 1, dock 1, Penton Farm Plat, as recorded in Volume 10 of Plats, page 97, records of King County, Washington, described as follrwss eginning at the Northeast corner of said Lot 1, said corner being the intersection of the Southerly margin of '?ortb lst Street with the Westerly margin of Park Avenue, thence Southerly along the Westerly margin of Park Avenue a diss tanoe of 33.50 feet to the northerly martin of ' ronson Way "'orth, thanes Southwesterly along the ' ortberly margin of ronson Way North a distance of 24.00 feet' thence A'ortheastorly a distance of 52,00 feet to the Kortheast corner of said Lot I and the point of ',eeinnine. 312 square feet, business Boned and that he is of the opinion that on larch 4th, 1960, the market value of the aUove described real property is ''`vn Thousand Twentysfive and ':ofi00 V2,A25.00) Dollars. See attached sketch. I further certify that I have no present or contemplated future in— terest in the property appraised and the compensation for making the appraisal is in no manner eontingene upon 'he value reported. Dates March lath, 196R „A,/ff7*-1--"' Fred V. Akers Realtor Fred Akers Real Estate FYAker s s papa r. PROPOSED RIGHT-OF--M DESCRIPTION FOR: PARK AVENUE NORM & BRONSON WAY N. IEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT I : SAID CORNER BEING THE INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTHERLY MARGIN OF NORTH I ST STREET WITH THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF PARK AVENUE, THENCE SOUTNW ALONG THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF PARK AVENUE A DISTANCE OF 33 3o FEET TO THE NORTHERLY MARGIN OF BRONSON WAY NORTH, THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALON9 THE NORTHERLY MARGIN OF BRONSON WAY NORTH A DISTANCE OF 24. 00 FEET; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY A DISTANCE OF 52. 00 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT I AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING . 1\ I 0 li \ 1 ! I 1 I • j. ;.''- I \ I Scale I"_40' 40' 1 �, �^ - '_; \ i.�$ 7-2 i- t 5I` //'>< 1 RAN. I -.\ ' i o \\\\ ,\ \ i ti i ./1,Z/11.' Z.;;,%,,, ,,"/ 2----- . -.'•.-): of /7 I �\ � y + /�L • + J// / i1 , > / . . i 1 . ,7///' V-''' . / . , 0 . f /4'; . 17 ,,,,,_,. r /,,\ \/-'-' N. , Z"\\.. 7----------..., ' ,. /0 / / / ,,,k,, /\---\(-3 / i,. ; , ! . /0./ ,,x, `t / /:"./tycb,/ . / . 1 //It / \ . ,,,, N. / ly o' \ / / ; / FFEGINEEmNGDEPTJ. FRED AKERS REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE - 911 SOUTH THIRD STREET RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 AREA CODE 206 ALPINE 5.1234 January 15, 1968 Mr. Louis -arei Chairman, Property Committee Renton City Council Renton City Hall Renton, Washing; on Res Appraisal for value of portion of So. 128th St. Doar Mr. arei; At your request, I have examined that portion of South 128th Street lying easterly, of the easterly line of va- cated 91st Avenue South and the westerly line of Rainier Avenue South, in Renton, Washintton. I have considered the pertinent data affecting the valation, inct.uding access, type of business now in the area, the demand for business zoned property and business conditions -generally, as of January 15th, 1968. I am of the opinion the market value is Twenty-five Thousand 'Two Hundred and Vo/100 ($25,200.00) Dollars. A report is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Sincerely, Fred W. Akers, Realtor Fred Akers Real Estate FWAkersspmn Encls FRED AKERS REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE - 911 SOUTH THIRD STREET RENTON. WASHINGTON 96055 AREA CODE 206 ALPINE 5-1234 CERTIFICATE IFICATE OF APPRAISAL Fred W. Akers does hereby certify that upon application for valu- ation bys Louis rarei Cheirman, Property Committee Renton City Council Renton City Hall Renton, Washington the undersigned has personally examined the following described propert;•s That portion of South 128th Street lying easterly of the easterly line of vacated 91st Avenue South and the westerly line of Rainier Avenue South in Renton, King County, Washington, 8,4,00 square feet of r;-1 zoned Rainier Avenue frontage (60 feet x 140 feet) and that he is of the opinion that on January 15th, 1968, the market value of the above described real property is Twenty-five Thousard Two Hundred and No/100 ($25,200.00) Dollars. It has been ascertained by this appraiser that the material above (grade can be removed at no cost to property owner. Hence the ap- praisal. was made as though the subject property is level with the front- street, namely ''?ainier Avenue South. I certify that I have no present or contemplated future interest in the property appraised and the compensation for making the ap- praisal is in no manner contingent upon the value reported. Dates January 15th, 1968. 7-7- 1"6":" Fred k' . Akers, Pealtor Fred sekers real Estate • • _ _ r p • 1 u . 1 tt if) 1 2 1 d1- 1 ,- uIi 1 DI _ EX 1ST. .n.•A,T{={`L -.� - I - ` - - ; L� , >A 444 _� O ' �._I �... __ , 140' I t s �F-.O V,7`.> -e- ) / �° -� - - r S : C 4-4APP!E 4 WI ti E =?.. d OVn,'NEQ N EC?Ei�?S . F- L,- - _ =, U� CV Lo r I` TONE. - E- 1 UJ . - .. 1 ; 2 . 4.. _ ___, __.. __. 1 , _ . s- - - ui e ,............ .,, 0 L.) `" s T H \______i L, ........) ......... 1 , — --- _______..._ _ ________, -? 1 sir a,.,/ — 2../\'; tom; E A.//E. E. .t.s..._.c---= . 1 - 40' . - ' 49- „9 ti„,. J S 161 ,.i,$/.‘ .. 1/14/ 46 44A7 . . ,..,,,s,444-te re//t . • .Q � SM - 3-6T- RfiR PRINTERY Original - CITY TREASURER ' S RECEIPT N9 7936 RENTON,WASH. i ."'- ` , 196Z _ RECEIVED OF �� ,f�-� / J - ,/ [/�J 1 rI �/ -�7�,-- per}- ._ p� ' / 6 41 e.,, hfl-G4CI f� 2� _.-e i/ iL1 L twt<-tj� iC/� G,CE.7� !`,z-• DOLLARS l /' • FOR ' .f�'1 1 C/ 2_, / /:./n. v C) i. Vi , _e / 4' I aze,.... 47,, _ ,_,I. :3 9 7 I I TOTAL / / ^KJH V 0 DOROTHEA S. GOSSETT CITY TREAS/UUR R . 1 eY !;i Cj" L ----1.- . • ? -d& A-47 -) + _l C ,e6r Lf(W-294/ t' dd di't-44- 6r-1/-7-j— ...e-1.1-04d,c,a, • . . . _. • . . . .. .. ,._jtAle,..e,siget.j4.e.,.._et j • raT REVENUE STAMPS THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR RECORDER'S USt Pioneer National Title Insurance Coinpany WASHINGTON TITLE DIVISION Filed for Record at Request of TO FORM L57 R Quit Claim Deed ‘.1/ z Ss8` (CORPORATE FORM) 7 1 . Q THE GRANTOR , THE CITY OF R.ENTON, a municipal corporation under the laws an z, statutes of the State of Washington,, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars ( 10.00) and other good and valuable consideration Sterling V. Jensen& Alice L. Jensen his wife, e/;7,/.•,' conveys and quit claims to A.11. Johnson f, Minnie C. Johnson his wife, Kenneth L.V Johnson Fr Ruby M. Johnson his wife, John F, Berridge & Thelma C. Berridge his wife. the following described real estate, situated in the County of King State of Washington including any interest therein which grantor may hereafter acquire: All that portion of the west one-half of 91st Avenue South beginning at the northerly margiti of South 128th Street and ending 200 feet northerly of the northerly margin of said South 128th Street; said portion being southerly of that por- tion previously vacated byCity of Renton Ordinance No. 161+5; SUBJECT to the following described easements: (1) A utility easemnt 10 feet in width centered on the center- line of an existing 8 inch sanitary sewer line beginning approximately 7 feet westerly of the southeast corner of said portion and ending approximately 3 feet easterly of the north— west corner of said portion. (2) A utility easement 10 feet in width centered on an existing 2 inch water line lying 48 feet northerly of and parallel with the northerly margin of South 123th Street. IN \WITNESS WHEREOF, said corporation has caused this instrument to be executed by its proper officers and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this - day of le ,e7=yc, �, 1963. THE CITY OEM RFZITON, A Municipal Corporation, . ^ // By • /, ` ; { Mafia.a`[. I •f �." By _/�/ LC,�•'t7c� f f STATE OF WASHINGTON, S"eae�'r3X King }SS• County of y ) On this ji "' day of lL<<-�' + 196t3, , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared C t-&' - a n d to me known to be the ‘vx-- 12i0aUtXand LWE t -re ary;frespectively, of THE CITY OF RENTON the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said i astrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they are authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. Witness my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Renton. RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL-300 SENT TO POSTMARK OR DATE CO B f; t1 INVESTORS �\ , CIS STREET AND NO. 0_ Lin 4545 - 44TH AVE. S.W. ( Aft/ P.O.,STATE,AND ZIP CODE 9 co �9 �p SEATTLE WA. 98116 6 EXTRA SERVICES FOR ADDITIONAL FEES . Return Receipt how De/see to O '1�.. Shows to whom Shows to whom, Addressee Only 1Q8 S`r„ . and date date,and where delivered delivered ❑ 500 fee Z 100 fee ❑ 35 fee POD Form 3800 NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED— (See other side) Mar.1986 NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL 411111 41111 e tember 2, 1968 Renton Washington Date S to "', 1J(3 C l. f It 4"'�.! x/ Mr. A-,-J-,—Sb u, ;/ King County Assessor County-City Building Seattle, Washington Dear Sir: Enclosed is a certified copy of Ordinance No. 2399 vacating a certain portion of city street or alley-zai w"t 3 the City of Renton, as adopted and passed on e='"o x , G Very truly yours, CITY OF RENTON 22‘,/-4-e" Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/ap Enclosure (1) "epteaber 2, 16B King County Engineer County-City Building Seattle, Washington Dear Sir: 2399 Enclosed is a certified copy of Ordinance No. vacagcetaiportion of city street or alley- way within the'City of Renton, as adopted and passed on Very truly yours, CITY OF RENTON —/-264 ;fr. 241-d- - 1 Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/smm Enclosures 0 i RentRentoP0-404b4P09n1968 Date King County Commissioners County-City Building Seattle, Washington Attention: Mr. Ralph R. Stender, Deputy Dear Sir: Enclosed is a certified copy of Ordinance No. vacating a certain portion of city street or aN?A;t-W9y withpa the City of Renton, as adopted and passed on Very truly yours, CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/ap Enclosure (1) REVENUE STAMPS . ki.0 1 THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR RECORDER'S USE Pioneer National Title Insurance Company WASHINGTON TITLE DIVISION Filed for Record at Request of TO FORM L57 R Quit Claim Deed (CORPORATE FORM) THE GRANTOR , THE CITY OF RENTON, a municipal corporation under the laws and statutes of the State of Washington, for and in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration conveys and quit claims to ROBERT RIVILY and ELIZABETH RIVILY, his wife, the following described real estate, situated in the County of King State of Washington including any interest therein which grantor may hereafter acquire: All that portion of the east one-half of 91st Avenue South beginning at the northerly margin of South 128th Street and ending 200 feet northerly of the northerly margin of said South 128th Street; said portion being southerly of that portion previously vacated by the City of Renton Ordinance No. 1645 SUBJECT to the following utility easements (1) The west 10 feet of the East 24 feet of the South 60 feet thereof (2) The north 10 feet of the South 53 feet thereof. • • IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said 'corporation has caused this instrument to be executed by its proper officers , and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this day of Cre.�."�- , 1968. THE CITY,OF REhTON, a Municipal Corporation Y 41',WeitIc By STATE OF WASHINGTON, e64-4 / County of King ss. On this day of /. / G�� , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared and to me known to be the 7J,lapt-t-i �it� i t and 'e_a___ A a' , respectively, of the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they are authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. Witness my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written. t� c if s! r _f-,�_.rt.l otary Public 'n and for the State of Washington, residing at Renton. • RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL-300 CV SENT TO POSTMARK COMR. & MRS. ROBERT RIWLY OR DATE ''RZr STREET AND N0. 13028 — 86TH SLf) . �� "�� ^ P.O.,STATE,AND ZIP CODE _# ` K RENTON, WA. 98055 s6 0 2 ; EXTRA SERVICES FOR ADDITIONAL FEES �x- Return R.pipt Deliver to A Shows to whom Shows to whom, Addressee Only U . and date date,and where S/. 0 delivered delivered El 50¢fee II 4 ❑ 10¢fee 135¢fee POD Form 3800 NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED- 1 Mar.1966 NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See other side) •• :I . I : 1 T••• •, SPI - 3-67- RE.R PRINTERY Original I CITY TREASURER ' S RECEIPT N9 7447 . ...././...„-; ,..,.._./ ;,- 0 ../.-• RENTON!,WASH. _ 196 / ) . /.--:-. ,1. .-, RECEIVED OF !) . -/ ..././,. i•e'r_'el . .*" i.,,....... • _ ••e- ,--- --- ..(:.,. V . / V / // DOLLARS / ...-- ....:—• 7 -- FOR /.....-• 1 1 'i' -.7-' ---72/ /, / %7-./-.' " •-, /)-,1 ,--,i i r) (1-7..1' --de', y /1:..'.-.-•.--._.'-,-,...:21 p•,.../...} .---,. . I •.- e//- 1---1-. (..2-...i' -i --7 " • . -I- e-17 c:-,'.;,--r •_.-7::: (../ j 4, ,, :,`:—. 4 . _. „.. ,,,.., ./..,.._../ .;2.,)el r ..... 1 ' a .L4 . ,...i-.). 40°' / TOTAL ,4/...7/4mli;:).--/-‘-;1 DOROTHEA S. GOSSETT CITY TREASURER BY (.._ • itA. ,,..Z.--...-• / \ 00.441/14) • • . ' I . . . . • . • ;.'l blijlt)-- . 11-fri. ' Llimitir:))11").- . , . . • • •• . . . : • • . , I' .^ SM - 3-67 _ R&R PRINTERY Original CITY TREASURER ' S RECEIPT X/ N9 7936 RENTON, WASH. :7'-) Y , 195 RECEIVED OF ¢/ / ' �{ / -nefr7✓�/ -�L .I ^ 1, l {' , D/ e..S ti-GY /V ! 7 Q�" ir`\_. Gam ' C.Q �I 1 C-G:f�// / G-C.EJ f-',�°'ri DOLLARS FOR ^ X..1__ i i. ' !/�C-C./. -{-l1 , 7/._//' L-C..,,e� / ',1st() 0 '/!, p,/,za f,4 %cq ri' 4. I i II TOTAL / /^�5 1 62 0 DOROTHEA S. GOSSETT CITY TREASUR R • e:edd/--''' ''L-.".._ --- e---f--/-ke_--ef-7-C / r COPY ORDINANCE NO. f / AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, VACATING A PORTION OF 91ST AVENUE SOUTH IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON: as WHEREAS a proper Petition for vacating a certain portion of roadway% herein- after more particularly described toes 1ltr filed with the City Clerk on or about October 18, 1967, and said Petition has been signed by the owners of more than two- thirds of the property abutting upon such portion of roadways- sought to be vacated, and whereas the City Council by Resolution No. 1501 passed and approved on November : 3, 1967, and after due investigation did fix and determine the 4thday of December, 1967, at the hour of 8:00 P.M. in the City Council Chamber of the City of Renton to be the time and place for public hearing thereon; and directed the Clerk to give notice of such hearing in the manner provided by law and such notice has been duly given and published and all persons having been heard appearing in favor of or in oppo- sition thEreto; and whereas the Planning Commission having duly considered said Petition and said vacation as hereinal;ter more particularly described being found to be in the public interest and for the public benefit and no injury or damage to any person or prop- erties will result therefrom, and ThiEREAS the City Council caused to have made an appraisal of the properties 'nl'ght to be vacated as provided for in City of Renton Ordinance No. 2349 and the City havigg likewise elected to retain an easement for public utility purposes, NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: The following described portion of street, to-wit: That portion of 91st Avenue South lying south of vacated portion of )1st Avenue South according to City of Renton Ordinance No. 1845 and north of the inters'ectiOn of 128th Avenue South all situated in Renton, King County, Washington-. BE AND TH! SAliE IS HEREBY VACATED, subject to payment unto the City by the abutting owners thereof of the total sum of $ 2,250.00 , which sum does not exceed one-half of the appraised value of the area so vacated; AND FURTHER SUBJECT TO the following described easements for utility purposes to be retained and reserved by the City of Renton, tc-wit: (1) The west 10 feet of the East 24 feet of the South 60 feet; . (2 ) A utility easement 10 feet in width centered on the centerline of an existing 8 inch sanitary sewer line beginning approximately 7 feet westerly of the southeast corner of said portion and ending approximately 3 feet easterly of the northwest corner of said portion; (5 ) A utility easement 10 feet in width centered on an existing 2 inch water line lying /4.8 feet northerly of and parallel with the north- erly margin of South 128th Street; -1- SECTIOIN] II: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage,approval andlegal publication as provided by law. A certified copy of this Ordinance shall be filed with the King County Auditor's office. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 6 day of ZImay, 1968. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE 'MAYOR this day of 1968. d/e// onald W. Custer, Mayer Approved pis to form: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney Date of Publication: SEP 1 -2- _ . • Nis ; •• !- • • • , C.! • ; • ••• . . • •. , •••• b ; •.• r, • • • ' Ally 26, 1968 Mr. Louis Morel, Chairman }roperty Committee t14 - 12th Place South Renton, Washington ''A055 Re►T Vocation of Portion of 91st Avenue So., Ordinance No. 23e?9 Dear Mr. Hare>it We received a call today from Mr. Sterling V. Jensen to the fact that he is owner of the portion of property abutting the west o if of gist AMMO South and that his name itImmg with that of his wife, Alice L. Jensen, should be added to the de^d `or that portion of the property. Mr. Jensen is requ, sting, since a new line is being installed in South 128th to serve the area, that the reservation for Utility Easement, on water line only, be deleted from the gait Claim Deed and from the Ordinance, which has already been ado•ted hut not published since we were advised to withhold publication pending full payment from all parties concerned. We eve received payment from Mr. Rtvily for purchase of the East one-half and are holding his deed also until all parties have paid and Mr. Jensen is writing a lette • and sending remittance for his portion of the right-of-way. There will need to be some official action by the Council to delete this easement reservation from the Ordinance and also, if approved, the information should he passed on so It- deed can he revised if the City Engineer ascertains that the man is also an abutting property owner. Yours very truly, CITY OF RTNTOW Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk !lull/data ea! Mayor City Attorney City Engitrer z , , , '271D7 776 w / 2/(77 soc ( /11/ _--..p , ' _ f t i /14- / 7?-' - -7/i- \/2z ///, ,72, , 27V- s?vr • . /0 , /- z -)/1-2 -i . z4 / / --7-7- v A 2./ ) . - Z e-7-/ a . PP, 00 .7/ R I V I LY, 13028 86th Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 HE RSON, ' 12932 a gston Road Ve_47,441v , Washington i • A.W. JOHNSON 7 --- Wl.ro S.lu /14Gi 410-S,--1Y_Oregon Seattle, Washington 98116 U ® OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • RENTON, WASHINGTON CITY HALL, CEDAR RIVER PARK, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 • ALPINE 5-3464 o 9 �F, SSA May 24, 1960 °RT CAPITA\-oF Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Johnson 4100 S.W. Holden Seattle, \ ashington 98116 Re: Vacating a Portion of 91st Ave. So. Dear Mr. and Mrs. Johnson: Under the date of May 20, 1968 we forwarded a letter to you at 431-0 S.W. Oregon St., Seattle, Washington 98116. We have since found that this is the address of Mr. Dominic Driano, Attorney at Law. The previous letter reads as follows: The Renton City Council, at their regular meeting on May 6th, adopted Ordinance 2399 vacating a portion of 91st Ave. So. subject to payment to the City of Renton by the abutting owners, thereof, of the total sum of $2,250.00. +. Upon receipt of payment, Quit Claim Deeds will be executed making the street vacation effective. r.. Please contact us if you have any further questions. Very truly yours, CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/sk cc: City Engineer May 24, 1968 Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Johnson 4100 S.W. Holden Seattle, Washington 98116 Re: Vacating a Portion of 91st Ave. So. Dear Mr. and Mrs. Johnson: UndEr the date of May 20, 1968 we forwarded a letter to you at 4310 S .W. Oregon St., Seattle, Washington 981)6. We have since found that this Is the address of Mr. Dominic Driano, Attorney at Law. The previous letter reads as follows: The Renton City;,Council, at their regular meeting on May 6th, adopted Ordinance 2399 vacatioct a portion of 91st Ave. So. subiect to payment to the City of Renton by the abutting owners, thereof, of the total sum or $2,250.00. Upon receipt of payment, Quit Claim Deeds will be executed making the street vacation effective. Ple/se contact us if you have any further questions. Very truly yours, CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWP /sk cc !ty Engineer May 24, ].P68 Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Johnson 4100 S.W. Holden Seattle, Washinator 98116 Re: Vacntir.g a Portion of 91st Ave. So. Dear t'r•. and Mrs. Johneor : Under the date of Hay 20, 1968 we forwarded a letter to you at 4310 S.W. 0re€o) =', ., coattle, Washirrg1-or 98136. Ve have :duce found that this is the address of Mr. Dominic Driano, Attorney at La, . The previous letter reads as follows: The Renton City;rCourcti., at their regular rnseting on May 6th, adopted Ordinance 2399 vacatinr a portion of 91st Ave. So, subiect to payrert to the City of Renton by the abutting owners, thereof, of the total sum of 2,250.00. Upon receipt of. payment, Quit Claim Deeds wif3 be executed yaldnil, the street vacation effective. Please contact us if you have any further questions. Very truly yours, CITY OF RENTON Relmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/sk cc: City rngineer pF I ti ►, vi OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • RENTON,WASHINGTON CITY HALL, CEDAR RIVER PARK, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 • ALPINE 5-3464 r 3 y4s 4� AOAT CAPITA�1) /', ,ail May 20, 1968 5 W Lv P'" P-PLA°14.49 W Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Johnson j a 4310 S.W. Oregon �l�1 Seattle, Washington 98116 4'rY1-7 Ji P Re: Vacating a Portion of 91st Ave. So. Dear Mr. and Mrs. Johnson: The Renton City Council, at their regular meeting on May 6th, adopted Ordinance 2399 vacating a portion of 91st Ave. So. subject to payment to the City of Renton by the abutting owners, thereof, of the total sum of $2, 250.00. Upon receipt of payment, Quit Claim Deeds will be executed making the street vacation effective. Very truly yours, 43 2 CITY OF RENTON K Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HN/cb cc: City Engineer /Wikr) May 14, 1968 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rivily 13028 - 86th ,Ave. So. Renton, Washington 98055 Re: Vacating a Portion of 91st Ave. So. Dear Mr. and Mrs. Rivily: The Renton City Council at their regular meeting on May 6th adopted Ordinance 2399, vacating a portion of 916t Avenue So. subject to payment to the City of Renton by the abutting owners thereof of the total sum of $2,250.00. Upon receipt of payment, Quit Claim Deeds will be executed making the street vacation effective. Very truly yours, CITY OF RENTON Helmie Nelson City Clerk HN/cb cc: City Engineer COPY ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, VACATING A PORTION 01' 91ST AVENUE SOUTH IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON: as WHEREAS a proper Petition for vacating a certain portion of roadway% herein- after more ].)articularly described has Matt filed with the City Clerk on or about October 18, 1967, and said Petition has been signed by the owners of more than two- thirds of the property abutting upon such portion of roadways, sought to be vacated, and whereas the City Council by Resolution No. 1501 passed and approved on November 13, 1967, and after due investigation did fix and determine the 4thday of December, 167, at the hour of 8:00 P.M. in the City Council Chamber of the City of Renton to be the time and place for public hearing thereon; and directed the Clerk to give notice of such hearing in the manner provided by law and such notice has been duly given and pLblished and all persons having been heard appearing in favor of or in oppo- sition thereto; and whereas the Planning Commission having duly considered said Petition and said vacation as hereinafter more particularly described being found to be in the public interest and for the public benefit and no injury or damage to any person or prop- erties will result therefrom, and WHEREAS the City Council caused to have made an appraisal of the properties ^rsiIght to be vacated as provided for in City of Renton Ordinance No. 2349 and the City having likewise elected to retain an easement for public utility purposes, NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: The following described portion of street, to-wit: That portion of 9lst Avenue South lying south of vacated portion of 91t Avenue South according to City of Renton Ordinance No. 1645 and north of the inters'ection of 128th Avenue South all situated in Renton, King County, Washington.. BE AND THE SAME IS HEREBY VACATED, subject to payment unto the City by the abutting owners thereof of the total sum of $ 2,250.00 , which sum does not exceed one-half of the appraised value of the area so vacated; AND FURTHER SUBJECT TO the following described eauements for utility purposes to be retained and reserved by the City of Renton, to wf.t: (1) The:. west 10 feet of the East 24 feet of the South 60 feet; • • (2) A utility easement 10 feet in width centered on the centerline of an existing 8 inch sanitary sewer line beginning approximately 7 feet westerly of the southeast corner of said portion and ending approximately 3 feet easterly of the northwest corner of said portion; (5 ) A L.tility easement 10 feet in width centered on an existing 2 inch water line lying /8 feet northerly of and parallel with the north- erly margin of South 128th Street; -1- .k COPY SECTION II: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage.,approval andlegal publication as provided by law. A certified copy of this Ordinance shall be filed with the King County Auditor's office. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this /,), - day of April, 1968. 4/e/---ric—.r--/ %-e-"ty,--) Helmie Nelson, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE UAYOR this 1� day of • :ril, 1968. 1 4 1-'d di;(i 45 C I/------------ Donald W. Custer, Player Approved as to form: Gerard U. Shellan, City Attorney Date of Publication: $P 1 mg -2- o �1 cD � m •c��-�tv �_C 1 c;;;. , SECTION I : The following described portion of street, to-wit: That portion of 91st Avenue South lying south of vacated portion of 91st Avenue South according to City of Renton Ordinance No. 1645 and north of the intersection of I28th Avenue South all situated in Renton, King County, Washington. )rb,.../A/1 -6' (.2)°-w‘-l. l.. 1 )/ . 3/25/68 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT The Property Committee requests that the Renton City Council: 1. Co vey Quit Claim Deed-for the Renton Hill water tank site to0 ef th adjacent property owner, Mario Tonda, for $2,200.00, (the 41 ap raised price)—a - refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance /ip Committee•for the necessary Resolution and the Mayor and City Clerk and City Attorney prepare and sign the necessary documents. 2. Establish the price of the City's interest in 91st Avenue South at $2,250.00 and South 128th Street at $6,250.00, respectively. Th price represents 4 of the Fair Market Value of the property. Th City is to retain all existing utility easements. /))) Louis Barei, Chairman ` y • • • FRED AKERS REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE - 911 SOUTH THIRD STREET RENTON. WASHINGTON 96055 AREA CODE 206 ALPINE 5.1234 January 8, 196P Mr. Louis Barei Chairman, Property Committee Renton City Council Renton City Hall *ton, Washington Re: Appraisal for value of portion of 91st Ave. So. Dear Mr. Barei: A( your request , I have examined 91st Avenue South from South 128th Avenue north to the portion of 91st Avenue South vacated under Renton City ordinance No. 164.5. I have considered the pertinent data affecting valuation, including access , type of construction now being completed in the area, the demand for apartment zoned property and business conditions generally, as of January 8th, 1968. I am of the opinion the market value is Nine Thousand and Xo/1O0 ($9,000.00) Dollars . A report is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Sincerely, Fred W. Akers , Realtor Fred Akers Real Estate 1TWAkers:pmn l£ncl • 1 ) • CERTIFICATE OF APPRAISAL Fred W. Akers does hereby certify that upon application for valu- ation by: Louis ' Barei Chairman, Property Committee Renton► City Council Renton City Hall Renton , Washington the undersigned has personally examined the following described property:; That portion of 91st Avenue South lying northerly of South 128th Street and adjacent to Lots 6 , 7, 8, 9 and 10 , Block 20 and Lots 9, 10 , 11 , 12 and 13 , Block 19, all in Latimer's Lake Park Addition, King County, Washington, subject to sewer and water easements as described on attached sketch. 12 ,000 square feet (60' x 200' ) mostly cleared and practi- cally level and that he is of the opinion that on January 8th, 1968, the market value of the above described real property is Nine Thousand and 'Wo/100 ($9,000.00) Dollars. This appraisal was made with the understanding South 128th Street lying between 90th Avenue South and subject property has not and will not.' be vacated by the City of Renton. It is the opinion of the undersigned appraiser the highest and best use of Subject property is for R-3 apartment and/or apartment parking use , and that said property is so zoned. I further certify that I have no present or contemplated future in- terest in the property appraised and the compensation for making the appraisal is in no manner contingent upon the value reported . Date: January 8th, 1968 / e$9-',/f /V/ Fred W. Akers , Realtor Fred Akers Real Estate A --15- a I ---- iii 1. u 0 - i4- > 0 =.: . .5 - Vic. ,� � ci- C ' � ��: -137 4-: v i 41 .:. i:: .:..:i . I . 7 .-...... ?....:••••••::::‘:*** . .--, Z .� ..l- 2 >1 z= : i,-n� �L,. J _- Z ii/ Z. 21j j ' :. w� \...::::,..1 � Z1 IV _ o .. ► o- L I LL . 9 , w, .—al) 7rdp \ ',:.:::11i7D.77., r)2 a 3 0 , -, - t.:::.:Y.: VI r:1 '4-?...::... 4-- 10- N 0 .., 1 1 . , -4E. - - 5 . 12 T" 3T ,a.P_ .-A.. = I2-,000°1 PeO'PO ,1 ,t CS ATS 1 1 - STREET VACATION • C) I ST ANN\/E , a PORTION • ADJOINING BLOCKS 19 i, 2.0 , LA.TIMEI /5 Ld,kE PA.4.1,<, ADD. • P :: ::` TO BE VACATED • ‘:.. A..L E.77.. 1" . 40' • 02. • OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY • RENTON,WASHINGTON ' POST OFFICE BOX 626, 100 2ND AVENUE BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 ALPINE 5-8678 GERARD M. SHELLAN, CITY ATTORNEY JOHN K. PAIN, JR., ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY March 27, 1963 • r . Jack Wilson, City Engineer C Washington ty i�.I11 Renton, Rai 91st Avenue South Dear Jeci:: Ikte notice that the Property Committee red tho sale of vacated portions of 91st Ave. South and S, 128th Stroat et certain stipulated amounts. We shall be glad to prepare the necess ry Quit C1si:t alas ut vculd like to have from you the exact legal descriptions of each rtion of 'en Street sol. d and t€� ranc s and sdirouces of. the purchasers, ' !us:end end wife. Please also describe the utility easements to be escrvcd by the City including location, type and size of eastm at. As soon as ve receive this information from you vs shell prepare the necessary documents for Council action. We remain . Very'truly yours, .?�2 ,C • Garard M, Shellan • Cc: Froze.;4rty Cc= ttee Chairman Preside;nt Council City Clerk • • CC 0 ,' V Minutes - Renton City Council Fleeting 3-25-68 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS Unfinished Business: Council President Garrett reported Committee of the Whole recommendation that Peoples branch bank located on Rainier Avenue South, adjacent to South 122nd Street, be granted temporary use of City sewer facilities. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Perry, to concur. The motion carried. Regarding referral of funding of $57,140.00 for additional personnel in the City Engineer- ing and Traffic Engineering Departments recommended by the Ways and Means Committee, it was the Committee of the Whole recommendation to concur with the Ways and Means Committee report to fund this money from excess surplus in the Current Fund with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution. Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Regarding a letter from the Boeing Company regarding emergency water supply, the matter was discussed and the letter was to be given to the City Engineer to review prior to council action. The matter of the specifications for the proposed garbage collection contract had been under consideration at a meeting of the Committee of the Whole earlier and at the time of adjournment a motion was pending to add 57. Franchise Fee requirement to the present specifications, and this matter is still pending. Property Committee Chairman Barei reported Committee request that the Council convey a Quit Claim Deed for the Renton Hill water tank site to adjacent property owner, Mario Tonda, for $2,200.00 (the appraised price) and refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for Resolution and to the Mayor, City Clerk and City Attorney for necessary legal documents and signatures. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the Property Committee recommendation. Carried. The Property Committee recommended that the price of the City' s interest in 91st Avenue South be established at $2,250.00 and for South 123th Street at $6,250.00, respectively. This matter was referred in connection with petitions for vacation of the right-of-ways and the price represents 4 of the fair market value of the property. The City is to retain all existing utility easements. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Shane, to concur. The motion carried. Moved by Barei, seconded by Shane, that the matter of the garbage collection specifications be taken from the Committee of the Whole and placed on the floor for discussion at this time. Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, that the bid specifications retain the 5`/. Franchise Fee provision as carried in the present franchise. Discussion ensued wherein Councilman Shane objected to the charge to a business for operating in the City likening the fee to the 3% Utility Tax which he did not feel should be imposed. Councilman Barei urged that the T% fee be eliminated and that the City impose the fee by Ordinance if it wishes to tax the operation increasing the collection rate a certain amount over bid price, passing the cost on to the consumer, but getting a better bid price than if a contractor has to consider a 5% cost factor in figuring his bid. Upon inquiry by Perry, Utility Accountant Ted Bennetxadvised that the 5% is paid to the City by the Contractor on his gross collections and also that the rate for 2-can pick up is $1.75 per month while the Contractor' s charge is $1.38 so the City receives 37c per month for each account. Councilman Garrett called attention to other franchises which have been granted noting that the Franchise Fee grants privilege of exclusive right to certain revenues in the City and if the bid is advertised with no fee than exclusive right to collect in the City is being given. .. The rate of how much more or less to charge than the bid price to the people,to be set after the bid award, being a different matter. Morris noted the fee is budgeted and additional funds will need to be provided if thew 5% is eliminated. Shane noted additional funds the tax increases of Forward Thrust will provide and felt excess revenue would cover the deficit. Upon inquiry City Attorney Shellan advised the Franchise Fee, if set at a 5 year period could not be waived later on. The specifications might state a lesser period than 5 years but the Contractor is entitled to know what taxes he is to pay and his bid will be high enough to cover all such contingencies. After further discussion and note by Schellert that it has been a normal procedure for cities to derive revenues from franchises for privileged business and that everyone subscribing thus pays a portion and that financing of city operation solely by property tax is not a good method as the newer Councilmen will find at budget time. Shane felt it should be tried this time and that removal of all basic business license fees be considered. Question was called for on the pending motion and dissenting voice vote resulted with roll call being properly requested and taken as follows: Aye: Garrett, Morris, Schellert, Trimm, Edwards and Maxine No: Delaurenti, Perry, Bruce, Shane and Barei. The Chairs ruling that the ayes had it was confirmed and the motion to include the 5% Franchise Fee in the specifications for bid call carried. -4- - I;. 4OVA 11k `� of i;, - O OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY • RENTON,WASHINGTON - ^ 0 POST OFFICE BOX 626, 100 2ND AVENUE BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 ALPINE 5.8678 9 GERARD M. SHELLAN, CITY ATTORNEY 94, ��k _.. s March 2, 1968 URT CAPi7A-0i JOHN K. PAIN, JR., ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY Mr. R. Lyman ilouk CONFIDENTIAL - Engineering Department City of Renton City Hall Renton, Washington . - is Re: N. U. Latimer's Addition, including pending vacation j.. of a portion• of South 128th Street ;; Dear Lyman: You recently have forwarded to us your memo regarding proposed and pend- ing vacation petitions of portion of the N. H. Latimer Plat, which was filed with King County on October 4, 1890, and the effect of the Superior Court decision in the Lissman case of 1963. The general law is that a Superior Court decision, if not appealed from, only becomes binding on the parties involved in the: particular case and has no general effect on other parties similarly situated who were not parties to the original litigation. ;` You will remember that in the Lissman case the court had issued an oral ' opinion at the end of the trial that seemed to favor the City, and then apparently changed its mind as it appears by its memorandum decision • dated April 19, 1963, in which the court held that by reason• of the 1890 state law the roads in question had become vacated because they had not • L • been improved within the five-year period. The Judge's opinion seemed ' • to indicate that Mr. Latimer had made a dedication of the streets by • f,- • his plat of 1s90, although the plat expressly stated on its face ; ;. "reserving however all streets and avenues" which seemed to indicate that there was no such dedication and thus the 1890 "reversion law" was • inapplicable. As you know, the City's position was that Mr. Latimer by his quit claim deed in September of 1913 conveyed these streets to the City, the Court however disagreeing indicating that the streets were vacated as a matter of law within the five-year period based on the 1890 law. • Of course the same E.roblems and arguments may be made by the present property owners seeking vacation of streets, including the matter now before the City Council relative to a portion of South 128th Street. . The Property Committee has received a certificate report from Pioneer National Title Insurance Company dated January 30, 1968, in which they assume that the City of Renton would be the proper party to vacate such portion of street. The same elements, of course, relative to the Latimer Plat: are present in that subject case now pending before the Council , although no argument has been advanced an yet by any of the abutting ' . : property owners or other interested parties that the City has nothing to vacate by reason of the 1890 reversion statute. • f Page TwQ • R. Lyman Houk Re: N. H. Latimer's Addition, including pending vacation of portion of S. 128th Street March 2, 1963 • It would be, however, our recommendation that we do not accept the prior Superior Court decision by Judge Wright as applicable to all of the streets and rights of way in the N. H. Latimer plat, but require each property owner who may contest the City's right to prove same by appro- priate court decree. As indicated above, the Judge's opinion in the Lissman case would not automatically apply to other situations, even though in the same plat, each new case would have to be handled on its own merits. As we had indicated on various occasions-in the past, there is consider- • able doubt as to the City's ownership of these streets and rights of way and even though the title company, as applied to the most recent vaca- tion petition pending before the Council, refers to the deed by the Latimers of September 19, 1913, we would still adhere to the opinion that the City does not have a full fee interest that is subject to sale upon vacation, but only holds an easement for the benefit of the general public. As you can see, we are unable to give you a final determination which can only be resolved by court action and eventual appeal to the Supreme Court of the State of Washington, which such latter decision would then be applicable to all of the areas involved in the original. plat. There- • fore, if the City intends to entertain the petitions for vacation, the above problems should be kept in mind; and if any charge is to be made for such vacation, it should be extremely reasonable and certainly not based on the comparative value of adjoining fee interests. This is extremely important and should be relayed to any professional appraiser who undoubt- edly should familiarize himself in detail with the legal problems and . case histories relative to this plat. If we can be of any further assistance to you in this matter, please let • us know. We remain, • Very ly our Ger d . hellan, C. y Attorney QIS/aw cc: Members of the Property Committee President of the Council Mayor Clerk L i • ;.);(A,A, 7/ Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 12-4-67 ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Trimm, Barei, Maxin, Schellert, Grant, Bruce, Edwards Garrett, Ferry, Delaurenti and Morris. PUBLIC HEARING: Petition for vacation of portion of 91st Avenue South This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Communication from City Engineer ttiilson reported no objection to the vacation action provided that utility easements ten feet in width are retained over existing water and sewer lines and over the (Vest ten ft. of the east 24 ft. of the South 60 ft. of the proposed vacation for a water line proposed in Project No. 255. The balance of this street to the North has previously been vacated by Ordinance No. 1645 and the existing portion would serve no purpose other than as a right-of-way for utilities. Two properties adjoining abut South 128th Street which is adequate access to the area. City Engineer Wilson had submitted drawings of the proposed vacation to each Council Member and,designating the area on the large wall map,noted the area involved to be 200 ft. long and 60 ft. wide. Audience comment was invited and since there was none, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, that the hearing be declared closed. The hearing was closed and Council action invited. Moved by Perry, seconded by Barei, that the vacation be granted with retention of utility easements as outlined by the City Engineer. It was noted that this was the first right-of-way vacation considered since the new session laws were passed, which provide for filing fee and allows assessment of a fee in amount which shall not exceed one-half of the appraised value, and perhaps the Council should consider whether t:) have an appraisal and charge the abutting owners. Perry noted no objection, indicatin€;no fee other than filing fee of $100.00 was to be charged. Morris recalled Committee of the Whole decision that determination would be made regarding appraisals after the public hearing and that now is the time for a decision. Barei stated it to be fair and just and for the good of the City that an appraisal be made and that the property owner would be benefitting by getting the land for 2 of the appraisal and the City as well by receiving the funds as provided by the 1967 State Law. Moved by Barei, seconded by Schellert, that the motion be amended to make the vacation subject to appraisal and payment as per provision of the session laws. The amendment to the motion carried and subsequently the original motion as amended to grant the vacation with retention of utility easements and subject to appraisal & costs provided by law. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti,that the subject of appraisal on the property be referred to the Property Committee. Carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, that the matter of the Ordinance for the vacation of the street be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Barei inquired whether the action taken has set a precedent and it was noted that this may not be true, Trimm pointing out that in some instances an appraisal may cost the city more than the property is worth so each case must be reviewed do d its own individual circumstances considered. COMMUNICATIONS: Progress estimate No. 17 payable to Johraton, Campanella, Murakami & Co. was read for services rendered on the new City Hall contract, C.AG. 1014-66 in sum of $1,487.43. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Garrett, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. The motion carried. (To 11-30-67) Application from Covey Bros., 3rd & Morris, requested that Canteen Service, Inc. be granted required license to operate a music machine in said place of business. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to refer the application to the Police and License Committee with power to act. The motion carried. Letters from the Water Pollution Control Commission aid the Wn. State Highway Commission approved City of Renton plans and specifications for proposed L.I.D. No. 256, Sanitary Sewer Extensions in the Kennydale area. Upon inquiry by Barei, it was noted that no project has been instituted in the area at present, but that this is a proposed Local Improvement District for Sanitary Sewers, and the State finds no fault in the plans. Proposed Agreement was submitted providing for reversion of ownership to Renton of access road, South 153rd which connects to the East Valley Highway. The Highway was returned after completion of the freeway and now the access road is being conveyed. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Agreement be referred to the City Engineer for recommendation. Carried. Letter from Beckman, Kuvara & Gooding, Attorneys at Law, appealed, on behalf of Interlake Construction Company, Renton Planning Commission denial of Preliminary Plat approval on property located between S.E. 100th and 104th Streets and 100th and 112th S.E. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, that January 8, 1968 be set for hearing. Carried. -2- • Form 81 • 4_i. <J t )' tii �,1 ,1 f - -./(j,ti _,p) CO Affidavit of Publication �TE OF WASHINGTON �� ‘s- COUNTY OF KING, DENNIS J. FOX, being duly sworn, says that he is the Principal Clerk of Seattle Times Company, publisher of THE SEATTLE TIMES, a daily newspaper, printed and published in Seattle, King County, State of Washington; that it is a newspaper of general circulation in said County and State; that it has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of King County; that the annexed, being a legal notice , was published in said newspaper, and not in 2nd and 3rd a supplement thereof, and is a true copy of the notice as it was printed in the ' issue of said paper on the following day or days November 16, 1367 and that the said newspaper was regularly distributed to its subs i ers during al of sai eriod. CITY OF RENTON i NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING - RENTON CITY COUNCIL CITY HALL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE.4 THAT A PETITION TO VACATE Portion of a Lemmn „reel to wit: That portion m Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2 st day 91st Avenue South lying south of vacated portion of 91st Avenue South'and north of the•intersection of 128th Avenue Soufn all situated in Renton, King County, Washing-, of Novembel' LC ? 3 ion, HAS BEEN FILE,' WITH THE Cl i . -aT�" CLERK OF THE CITY OF RENTON. THE CITY COUNCIL BY RE.SOLUTION NO. 1501 DULY ADOPTED F T ITS RE- GULAR MEETING -MBER 13,E 1967 FIXED AND D DETERM NED THEE Notary Pubilo in and for the State of Washington 4th DAY OF DECEMBER, 1957 AT THE residing at Seattle HOUR OF 8:00 P. M., IN THE COUNCIL / CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF RENTON, AS THE DATE AID PLACE 1 AT WHICH SAID PUBLIC HEARING • I WILL BE HELD BY THE C TY COUN- CIL UPON THE PETITION TO VA- CATE SAID PORTION OF STREET. ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED THEREIN OR WISHING Ti) OBJECT THERETO, MAY. THEN BE HEARD THEREON OR MAY FILE THEIR WRIT- TEN OBJECTIONS TO SAID VACATION WITH THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO • SAID TIME OF HEARING. HELMIE VI. NELSON CITY CLERK, DATE OF PUBLICATION November 16, PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT January 8, 3968 Referral of 12/4/67: Appraisal of portion of 91st !Avenue South The Property Committee recommends to the City Council that the Vacation of 91st Avenue South be granted at a charge to abutting property owners of one-half of the appraised price, accordin;* to liw, with retention of utility easements per City Engineer's letter of 32-- 4 67. Council concurrence is requested to secure appraisal accordingly with referral to the Ways and Mn ':,a _ Committee for funding of appraisal costs. , ,-,--t---e....2 ita---z-et: Louis Barei, Chairman I' "y`-. 1 1 y` i ri .. ., tom;- 77--,, . • j, ,4 "*'�, f -- \ \ 33 Ieiii� + � � aj M : I1 I 11 l P7'/ q y 45 a6 1. a VO) I m i \ \ 1 / 1 T ' \\'''' 11 • • J 1 h--- \ , r 1 • I211 e \\ ' , 1 6 q 21 1 �' X • + 1� �r Q7J DItv1MIT7 - - - I z ! 5 I � , 11 1, 1 cf A JR.NIGH SCY L iRL--' ''S I~ + SCx AGE I J 1 c e ,a�' e��y �� _ i A �. � *7 j al 1 1 ;Z. I_, ;. .`'. • ; • , 1 �I' ‘\ \'':\ et 11 \ S'ao c a J f ` j Y A 4.! 'i 1 S R 01` ¢ I ` J k\s\ r / �lti� 1 � ' � �_ �� S zq 51' O CY 10'1 1 zi aY +� 44 45 tr ` .Z 1 II \ 11 • L - se I w_ -- -- WA _ ...-. r•--.c ss ba •x J PPP '\ f4P wrq- .-...-.K,nr-,-ate_ r w S .�1i ,' ,y1 ` :t ` E Q I ,- c , I f_ 2,i �,1 • .,.u_ _ �,T t T6� 5 / t nay r ' 3 tar.it ,ti(-- �l rl ' fi _ 1."� \ ` jilir r. Q, l -� 1 - .. • __I SQNfOR I JUNIOR I-"" Q '1 1/ J.� ° _ . ,, • _ ? ctl I- ; SNf�GOML SC OpL '' � i �.PK r1 - v V,'jA,zY4. h, +. -'L- I. - - TfE td « ..a.4 (I j ,-_ -• • , _ i . 1-ilti Jr.4._1,11' i,. ' ' 1 '�` CITY O F RENTON Mr"*.NN _ z 'I' '� ,,* ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT P RC p os E C) ,,N-N; ' ,Atts max* STREET VACATION d 9IST 5 • T„9;I .PORTION NORTH So. IZaT~ - sT \\ DESIGNED BY ___ DATE 23 OGT. I96T FILE NO. aL4y�0K ` Z r URAWN.__12....L.Hta UAL • p i P '-F..' SCALE. -- I" 80.0' FIELD BOOK PAGE_ __- -- — — — — tit P- , CHECKED(�y i APPROVED .__ _ _ . - . - - SHEET. _ OF �, y CITY F.NGINEf.R 1‘,.0 ?://1/ //1:::// ,4/ 71) 7c(7) Portion of a Certain Street NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PETITION TO VACATE inat portion of 91st Avenue South lying south of vacated portion of TO WIT: - 91st Avenue Qouth and north of the intersection of 128th Avenue 4outh all situated in Renton, King County, Washingthn HAS BEEN FILM WITH THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF RENTON. THE CITY COUNCIL BY November 13, 1967 RESOLUTICN NO. DULY ADOPTED AT ITS REGULAR MEETING OF rt `ccernber, 1967 FIXED AND DETERMINED THE DAY OF AT THE HOUR OF 8:00 P.M., IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF RENTON, AS THE DATE AND PLACE AT WHICH SAID PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE CITY COUNCIL UPON THE PETITION Portion of street TO VACATE SAID ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED THEREIN OR WISHING TO OBJECT THERETO, MAY THEN BE HEARD THEREON Of MAY FILE THEIR WRiTJ.EN OBJECTIONS TO SAID VACATION WITH THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO SAID TIME OF HEARING. HELMIE W. NELSON CITY CLERK DATE OF PU3LICATION Nov. 16, 1967 CERTIFICATION I, � �M , t740,w HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE (3) COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AND ONE (1) COPY POSTED AT THE CITY HALL, RENTON, ON i]© -/ i CQJ l 4w,--7 AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. SIGNED: ATTEST: NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT RENTON, WASHINGTON CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL CITY HALL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PETITION TO VACATE Portion of a Certain Street TO WIT: That portion of 91st Avenue South lying south of vacated portion of 91st Avenue South and north of the intersection of 128th Avenue South all situated in Renton, King County, WashLneton HAS BEEN FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF RENTON. THE CITY COUNCIL BY RESOLUTICN NO. ' DULY ADOPTED AT ITS REGULAR MEETING OF Nf►vomhgr 11, 1afi7 FIXED AND DETERMINED THE 4th DAY OF December, 1967 AT THE HOUR OF 8:00 P.M., IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF RENTON, AS THE DATE AND PLACE AT 'THICH SAID PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE CITY COUNCIL UPON THE PETITION TO VACATE SAID Portion of street ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTEREffi 1) THEREIN OR WISHING TO OBJECT THERETO, MAY THEN BE HEARD THEREON Of MAY FILE THEIR WRITTEN OBJECTIONS TO SAID VACATION WITH THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO SAID THE OF HEARING. HELMIE W. NELSON CITY CLERK DATE OF PUBLICATION Nov. 16, 1967 CERTIFICATION t-lrn , HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE (3) COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AND ONE (I) COPY POSTED AT THE CITY HALL, RENTON, ON o' I. E-- L ) E.7AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. SIGNED: _ y� ATTEST: .cam V NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT RENTON, WASHINGTON .10/1" 111 RESOLUTION NO. /=' ' WHEREAS a Petition has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Renton on or about October 18, 1967, petitioning for the vacation of a portion of a certain street as hereinafter more particularly described and said petition having been signed owners by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property/abutting upon said portion of street .sought to be vacated, same being described as follows, to-wit: That portion of 91st Avenue South lying south of vacated_, portion Of 91st-Avenue South and north of the intersection of 128th Avenue South all situated in Renton, King.County, Washington NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTCN, WASHINGTON, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: That the 4th day of December, 1967, at the hour of 8:00 P.M. at the City Council Chambers in the City Hall, Renton, Washington, be and is hereby fixed as the time and place when the aforesaid Petition for vacating the aforesaid portion of street shall be heard and determined. Section 2: The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give notice of said time and hearing as provided by law, and any and all persons interested therein or objecting to said vacation may then appear and be heard thereon, or they may file or their written objections thereto with the City Clerk prior to/at the time of the hearing on said vacation. The City Council shall determine, at or prior to any such public hearing, as to whether an appraiser shall be secured to determine the fair market value of the properties sought to be vacated as provided for in Ordinance No. 2349 and the City may likewise retain an easement for public utility and related purposes. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 13th day of November, 1967. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 13th day of Novemb , 1467. Don ld W. Custer, Mayor APPROVED AE TO FORM: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney RESOLUTION NO. /$ / WHEREAS a Petition has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Renton on or about October 18, 1967, petitioning for the vacation of a portion of a certain street as hereinafter more particularly described and said petition having been signed owners by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property/abutting upon said portion of street sought to be vacated, same being described as follows, to-wit: That portion of 91st Avenue South lying south of vacated.. portion bf 91st-Avenue South and north of the intersection of 128th Avenue South all situated in Renton, King'County, Washington NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: That the 4th day of December, 1967, at the hour of 8:00 P.M. at the City Council Chambers in the City Hall, Renton, Washington, be and is hereby fixed as the time and place when the aforesaid Petition for vacating the aforesaid portion of street shall be heard and determined. Section 2: The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give notice of said time and hearing as provided by law, and any and all persons interested therein or objecting to said vacation may then appear and be heard thereon, or they may file or their written objections thereto with the City Clerk prior to/at the time of the hearing on said vacation. The City Council shall determine, at or prior to any such public hearing, as to whether an appraiser shall be secured to determine the fair market value of the properties sought to be vacated as provided for in Ordinance No. 2349 and the City may likewise retain an easement for public utility and related purposes. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 13th day of November, 1967. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 13th day of Novembe,i,/ 1967. "4,4 Do ald W. Custer, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney U %fi ' 7 CITY ENGINEER'S OFFICE • RENTON, WASHINGTON hall • JACK WILSON CITY HALL, CEDAR RIVER PARK, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 • ALPINE 5-3464 °qT CAPITP\-Os October 24, 1967 Honorable ionald Custer, ;a,yor i iombers of the City Council Re: Vacation Petition-91st Avenue South :gentlemen: The vacation petition for that portion of 91st Avenue South north of South 128th Street submitted October 18, 1967 is signed by owners representing 100% of the frontage abutting said street. Very truly yours, Jo c Jac . Wilson Engineer J,r:me , (4.41 )P / Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 10-23-67 COMMUNICATIONS : (Cont.) Letter from City Clerk Nelson was read requesting appropriation of $1,200.00 from excess revenues into Account 1400/402, Office Supplies, the purchase of data processing equipment having depleted funds from this account. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur in the request with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Letter from City Clerk Nelson advised that the additional allowance for clothing for ' Fire and Police Officers in sum of $2,450.00 was inadvertently omitted from the final budget and it was suggested that said sum be provided from Account 1190/610, Repayment of Loan, Fire Department, and transferred into Uniformed Personnel Accounts as follows: Police Administrative, 1181/401, $ 75.00; Police Records, 1182/401, $ 50.00; Police Detective, 1183/401, $100.00; Police Traffic, 1184/401, $200.00; Police Patrol, 1185/401, $900.00; Police Jail, 1186/401, $ 25.00 and Fire Department 1190/401, $1,100.00. Concurrence and referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee was requested. Moved by Perry, seconded by Morris, to concur in the recommendations and referral. Carried. Letter from the International Conference of Building Officials expressed appreciation to the Council for permitting attendance of Building Director, Sven Johnson,at the 45th Annual Business Meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer,requested that since the insurance costs for Water Maintenance Account 7120/311 have exceeded the budgeted amount for 1967, $2,000.00 appropriation be authorized from excess revenues within Water Utility into Account 7120/311, Insurance. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommenda- tion, with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Letter from J. L. Jones, Library Director, requested transfer of $247.62 from Cumulative Reserve Fund #1975 unto 5000/606, Capital Outlay for additional furniture needed for the library. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. c/Petition was read requesting vacation of portion of 91st Avenue South lying South of 1 vacated portion and North of intersection with 128th Avenue South. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, that the request be referred to the Committee of the Whole and the City Engineer. Carried.The $100.00 fee was paid when. the Petition. Was filed. Letter from Mayor Custer submitted a• list of Fund Transfers within budget classifications which report is required per Resolution 1232,which. coveys January through September, 1967: From: Waterworks Administration 7100/402, $ 30.00; To 7100/313; From Legal Account 1600/200, to 1600/204, $81.00; from Building Maintenance 1800/309 to 1800/315, $500.00; From Waterworks Administration, 7100/314, To 7100/504, $300.00; From Bldg. Maintenance, 1800/417 To 1800/308, $250.00; From Non-Departmental 1920/417 to 1920/201, $ 37.73; From City Clerk 1400/402 to 1400/313, $ 10.00; From Bldg. Maintenance 1800/404 to 1800/402, $250.00; From City Clerk 1400/402 to 1400/315, $ 65.00; From Firemen's Pension 9010/501 to 9010/314, $750.00; From Arterial Street A.S.P. #8 to A.S .P. #9, $ 65.00; From Planning 1700/308 to 1700/305, $125.00; From City Treasurer 1500/313 to 1500/402, $ 10.00; From Parks & Recreation, Swimming Pool 6140/417 to 6140/503, $151.38; From Street Maintenance 3240/306 to 3240/504, $350.00; From Waterworks Maintenance 7120/120 to 7120/130, $1,000.00 and from 7120/412 to 7120/504, $100.00; From Police Traffic 2120/326 to Police Patrol 2130/502, $350.00; From Fire 2200/404 to 2200/313, $ 5.00, 2200/402, $100.00 and 2200/409, $100.00; From Street Maintenance 3340/606 to 3340/605, $500.00 and From Non-Departmental 1920/507 to 1920/203, $ 65.23. This report is for information and does not require Council concurrence. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Councilman Hulse reported attendance at the meeting of the Planning Association of Washington at Pullman,October 13-14th which was as usual a very interesting meeting . Items of special interest included Communication between the taxing districts such as School Districts, Cities, and Hospital Districts and any other Districts that "have their hand in the taxpayers pocket". Tenure of the discussion was that there are many duplicate functionsof services because of the lack of planning comprehensively for better use of facilities and that the community would have more money if efforts were cocrdinated. A second topic was making legal ads readable perhaps putting a notice in some other part of the paper referring to the legal. The third item was relating, to visible pollution and .conoems efforts toward underground wiring to im- prove the appearance of the City. Mr. Hulse thanked the Council for the opportunity to attend this meeting adding that the two Planning Commissioners and Assistant Planning Director who also attended,he was sure would benefit from the:meeting a. great deal. 0 -0- City oi !nton CLERK'S RECEIPT N? 4372 Renton, Wash., .. ... .. ..,. . ,:g--- ., Received of ... . .P. . ;/...- 44) et--4...//e-ti ... . Dollars 100 FOR: ---- Building Permit No. . j---- --c..—e-- -2-.), ,,i6g,)Pin Ball License No. i_V:k ' 6-d.t 7'3 / t Taxi Cab License No. Cii/ud,,. /- ,0:ix-,--0() Taxi Cab Driver's License No Dog License No. '1°,4 / Of/.41 ` i Business License No. err.) Misc. Items No. Wayy,cif)lt r ill "P 4g.4) er-0 I Cif er , Ago, ii&R Printery By -/cY- al 1 • August 31, 1967 I The Honorable D.W. Custer, Mayor, and, Members of Renton City Council Renton. Washington Dear Sirs: We, the undersigned, owners of property bordering 91st Avenue South north of the intersection of 128th Avenue South, respectfully request that said portion of 91st Avenue South lying south of vacated portion of 91st Avenue South and north of the intersection of 128th Avenue South be vacated. This portion of 91st South is not improved and from study of properties served it would appear that the overall neighborhood would benefit from the requested street vacation. Legal Description Recorded Owners Parcel- "A": Lots 6 to 11included �- 7` - c/e BLK. 20 Rob rt %�Rivily--- Latimer's Lake Park add , isabeth RiviYy Parcel"B": A.W. J son Lot 9 to 13 J Yili BLD. 19 // J(411 i-1,C (, i. --"t Latimer's Lake Park add Spouse i ./WQ.,vvysLtA Jw._ ..... Kenneth L. enson 1F:: I L S ous OCT: ,E 8 f�l ohn F. Berrid. •ter cu., ct 4`x.� �� Spouse Vic 2_ 4/(444 - 4110 August 31, 1967 The Fonorable D.W. Custer, Mayor, and, Members of Renton City Council Rentcn, Washington Dear Sirs: We, the undersigned, owners of property bordering 91st Avenue South north of the intersection of 128th Avenue South, respe':tfully request that said portion of 91st Avenue South lying south of vacated portion of 91st Avenue South and north of the intersection of 128th Avenue South be vacated. This portion of 91st South is not improved and from study of properties serve i it would appear that the overall neighborhood would benefit from the requested street vacation. Legal Description Recorded Owners Parcel-"A": lots 6 to 15- included 13LK. :'O Robert Rivily Latimer's Lake Park add (47j isabeth Rivily) Parcel "B": A.W. Jo on Lot .) to 1.3 f) BLD. 19 /l J�2- j't Yvil �, ✓/ Latimcr's Lake Park add / 1/��� -r'Z C Spouse Kenneth L. ohnsonOUS• hn F. Berridge 18 1% ‘.�. Spouse zr il ill • . , , , „...„:„. .... ..,.... . k * :is,.'SM`I 4 P' r f . ":Y: 1Li, Syr• •..r.,;14 i.:i ors• c1�1('. •a. 2' ..t , . . y f.,Y r 1 • `sy..{''. t' :,, .)Y .'t bi10I. „ t11.,. .' s'. t t•: . . t. L4 • - . . , < ,,.:. I , i Iris,, Y iF, .-t. 4« t.. ..4 ., r._ ,. : ..r ' 4•.a. _ F r'. :y is -1 % air �1. ,. .p a .'' ! I.• trhS.�. t.} F. I ' .1,4ii ,y i -I t .ram J• ���r -,n.- .sn..�...I.-.....w w.ar.,.w........,t„7.r . 7if t .- .,,,..*4„,w ' ''..i..'->. 4..•YS,..*..la. .. _ y _ 1'i,' i .:i., i ..t 1. 1' 1 'V. :1,,,V •,.. • . / tilibil ' • ,'' ' / ---.. i 4 s _..�. . aet .�C / � L 1 11/11 S August 31, 1967 The konorable D.W. Custer, Mayor, and, Members of Renton City Council Renton, Washington Dear Sirs: We, the undersigned, owners of property bordering 91st Avenua South north of the intersection of 128th Avenue South, respectfully request that said portion of 91st Avenue South lying sotth of vacated portion of 91st Avenue South and north of the intersection of 128th Avenue South be vacated. This portion of 91st South is not improved and from study of properties served it would appear that the overall neighborhood would benefit from the requested street vacation. Legal. Description Recorded Owners Parcel-"A": : ,�-^ Lots 6 to i6 included i. � � - %t;-‹/--c._- ...Z._ BLI{. 20 Robert J Rivily Latime>r's Lake Par'.. add (✓ ,_ _ "f� _ :',3 lsaabeetth Pivily Parcel"B": A.W. Jo. son Lot 9 to 13 , BLD. 19 ✓/f 1,��1,-yi,l( [.` > f` iVW-01/ Latimer's Lake Park add Spouse i iplitAt '(:�n-leth L. hnson ,, ... .....--**-----1 -Le 0 S ous ), . D �Ati; n F. Berridge 7.-) /3 j'll-l-V• '--P-A- -Le%"C . ," I-142.d� Spouse ,. 117 5T a . : . f i,r 1.1. 1 i,,, _ t ......... , I \ \-----\ \ \13 * • ._, // 'r , ,___ 1,'1% i„ , nniqT",',';11 ;.- --- - \ \ I \ \ , 4"/ i •".1--1'- ,,. ', ',....iL.:.....17-_li L_. ', , \ I \ \ "* ...>/ 1 1, a 33 54- \ , , V � r- 7-/, 4 2 .a, : \ ') ■ 1 NV 1 7‘) \ ..P. i. 2 T II jyy 44- 45 46 1 \ ti / s' i � t �- 11 ,115�Tl . ) , a. '\sl l ` n - ' SQL q• , . 4 j ` ` 'AY * o _-_.. I } C \ ` I 1, DIM NA ITT y I X [rr✓ I a1 scwACE I 4 JR.l II,H SC4 u,sPosw.', 4 IL r rn.'- `2 : \.., \ ; . __- \ \ t. T.{%'-e ♦♦♦ 11 1 +1 �J , i 1 7 • _ o #� ' Ir.--) \ 4 :.4� 4 \ � ` t 46 45 t L..,, 1,..,, - '', r At 3 . sT any,_. Li It) .� W' 1' 4 /'fir -,, 44 -.56 --45. 54 73 ' IL__ r --_ -.. Z 4 `... �' -18' !1 GO VI J I 62 - A VPOR r- WA/ -� n - 'Anima -.r..-c>yrssla IA 4r,''wt ...��,(:.�`� '; f�1;'yF 4-1 _ __ � �• .� Q z fir. T •TTl �a�,. �� y • � p ,, t,,VE. ____. 2r _ z r �,'- 1 ; ,`r ' _ p.. -5�, T- - •:x. _ c�Sa�+4'hi'x - -'-�---- I ,. n ti _ , % '4_..3 • n �� - �'I O. ij _.. -� • I-- , 5EN•0R jJ✓NfQq j . r 1 _ _ j: (1 �% ;•''r4/ w a 1 ewy >_CS ,- ^, - f ?� ..t L - 41,21471, Y+ ° _fir' rr CITY OF RENTON ;5 G-r,, - ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT . ,. 4,., STREET VACATION ` I V'1/SE BavG,.. . ST - ., ,E �? 1 AVE 5 0. \ ',:1/ , , - PORTION NORTH . So_ I? T. • ���� y°r `, f� DESIGNED BY DATE 23 OGT. 1967 FILE NO, • —_--__-__D' "/ ! r J,%+ DRAAN _Q..L. HoL!iL 4141„r4 -. / - _ . S :Al E I" = BOo'. FIrLD Ci JbK — -- 4 - CHECKED _ I — , , . ..... _ ..... , APPROVED . SHEET _ OF .-